Tibialis Anterior KT method

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SLR test Functional Anatomy Testing Tape Specification KT Method Confirmation Testing
KT Method
Tibialis Anterior
Movie for broad-band (300kbps)
Patient position: supine or long sitting
Apply the base of the Kinesio Tex to
the plantar surface of the base of the
1st metatarsal.
Plantar flex and invert the ankle to
increase tissue tension.
Wind the tape to the dorsum of the
foot, passing anterior to the navicular
Stabilize the Kinesio Tex as it passes
over the dorsum of the foot by pulling
the skin distally and into further
plantar flexion and inversion to
increase tissue tension.
Apply the end of the Kinesio Tex to
the fibular head.
Completed Kinesio Tex application:
tibialis anterior
http://www.kinesiotex.com/portal/systems/KinesioWebsite/jsp/ktmethod_enGB_73.kin 2007-12-17
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0073-FO-XX Tibialis Anterior Go
Copyright © 2005-2007 Kinesio Taping Association. All Rights Reserved
http://www.kinesiotex.com/portal/systems/KinesioWebsite/jsp/ktmethod_enGB_73.kin 2007-12-17


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