Worth It 1 Worth the Scandal

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To Bethany, for giving me the idea for this book. I still have the notes scribbled on a

few pieces of paper stuffed in my desk drawer.

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Chapter One

He watched her.
The way she walked by his office toward her desk, her hips swaying seductively with

every step. She dressed impeccably, if a tad too conservative for his personal tastes. The
black skirt she wore hit just at the knee, perfectly respectable in all manner and in
accordance with the rather strict dress code they upheld at Worth Luxury.

Yet it was downright sinful, how the sleek fabric clung to her every curve, especially

her ass. Alexander Worth had never considered himself much of an ass man—until she

And preceded to tempt him every single day with those damn skirts she wore.

was the reason for his newly discovered distraction. He couldn’t hold it together in

meetings or during the endless conference calls he found himself involved in lately. His
thoughts always drifted, as did his gaze. Unerringly it would land upon her pretty face,
usually scrunched in concentration, tendrils of dark brown hair tickling her cheeks. Her
fingers flew over the keyboard of her computer as she typed with a speed that both
shocked and impressed him.

When he kept the door to his office open, he had a direct view. And more often than

not, that door remained open, much to the curiosity of the other employees at Worth
who’d worked for him for years. Who knew his habits and how much he cherished his

But the view was too damn sweet to ignore.
Without a doubt, she was the best assistant he’d ever hired. Efficient, professional,

almost as much of a perfectionist as he was, too bad Tessa Crawford aroused him like no

Which meant he really needed to fire her.
“She’s a hot little number, isn’t she?”
Snarling, Alex lifted his head at his younger brother’s words, ready to lash out. He

immediately schooled his expression, thankful Hunter stood with his back to him. “What
did you say?”

“Your secretary.” Hunter turned and faced him, a wolfish grin on his face. He shut the

office door, Tessa disappearing from their view, and then settled in the chair that sat
across from Alex’s desk. “Even with the uptight way she dresses, there’s no hiding that
curvy body of hers.”

Alex pressed his lips together, anger coiling tight in his gut. His younger brother by

two years was both an innovative businessman and a known charmer of the ladies. The
very last thing he needed was his brother setting his sights on Tessa. “She’s not for you.”

“Says who?” Hunter cocked a brow. He couldn’t resist a challenge.
And Alex should’ve known better than issuing one, even inadvertently. “Says me.” He

relaxed his hands, which unbeknownst to him had curled into fists. “Leave her be,

“I never said I wanted her.” Hunter stared at him. Hard. He was rather perceptive,

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damn his hide, which gave him the upper hand in negotiations. Thank God, Hunter was
on his side. Most of the time. “Why do you care?”

“She’s young. Naïve.” Alex grabbed his cell phone, pretending he was occupied with

the list of text messages he scrolled through. “A shark like you would eat her alive.”

Hunter chuckled. “Isn’t that the point?”
Irritation flashed through Alex at the callous way Hunter thought of Tessa. He’d use

her up and spit her out. Charm her, bed her, make her fall in love with him and then
leave her alone and hurting, just like he did to every other woman he met.

Alex couldn’t have it. “For once in your life, keep your dick in your pants and ignore

her. Like I said, she’s not for you.”

“Who the hell is she for then? You?” Hunter sounded infinitely amused at the


Alex dropped the phone onto his desk where it landed with a loud clatter. “Absolutely

not. I have no interest in her whatsoever beyond her stellar organizational skills.” That
the lie could fall so easily from his lips stunned him.

“She can organize my files anytime.” Hunter chuckled, not so subtly looking over his

shoulder and in Tessa’s direction. A narrow, uncovered window was next to the door,
offering a perfect view of her sitting behind her desk.

Alex’s gaze followed Hunter’s. She wore her hair up, the elegant, pale curve of her

neck exposed and fueling his imagination. What she would do if he touched his lips to
the spot just below her ear. Could only imagine her eyes sliding closed, a soft little
murmur of pleasure escaping past her parted lips…

He shook off his fanciful imagination. “Why are you here again?” It was early Friday

afternoon, and Hunter rarely made appearances in the office so close to the weekend. He
was a man who not only worked hard, but he played hard as well.

Not Alex. As the oldest Worth brother and CEO of Worth Luxury, it was up to him to

keep the business progressing. He put in long hours to ensure the empire built by his
great-grandfather continued to thrive.

It was his obsession.
“I need your help.” Hunter’s expression became serious. “You won’t like it, but I have

no other choice.”

Unease slithered down Alex’s spine. “What’s wrong?”
“I need you to step in for me and take my place for the relaunch tour.” Hunter held up

a hand, stopping Alex’s protests. “I know it’s last minute and I know it’s the very last
thing you want to do, but I have no other choice. My hands are tied.”

“What do you mean, your hands are tied? You’re the face of Worth. You have to go.

We’ve planned this tour for months. Why bow out now?”

“There’s a major shake-up within the marketing division. I think we have a spy.”
Alex frowned. “A spy? What do you mean?”
“Information is being leaked to the media. Hermes recently announced they’re

launching a new, exclusive clothing line for women as an experiment. This came days
before our planned announcement. Some of the items featured are almost identical to
what we’d planned to offer. No way can it be a coincidence.” Hunter’s expression turned

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grim. “It’s not good, Alex. I need to get a handle on my team and figure out who’s the
rat. We can’t have this.”

“Of course, we can’t have this.” Alex clenched his jaw, his teeth grinding together. “I’ll

work on it. I’ll find the rat and fire them myself.” Fury burned inside him. If anything
offended him more, it was a traitor. He’d been deceived before, both in the boardroom
and the bedroom.

Never again would he allow it to happen.
“I can’t let you do that.” Hunter shook his head. “As head of Brand Marketing, it’s my

duty to fix this. Besides, they’ll trust me more and work with me over you. No offense
bro, but you scare the shit out of just about every employee in this building.”

“That’s exactly what they need.” After the last ten years, Worth Luxury had risen

above its stodgy reputation and mini financial crisis and was one of the leading providers
of luxury goods all over the world.

Their father had died when Alex was twenty-seven, and he’d taken over the reins at

Worth. Many in the industry scoffed, deeming him too young to handle such a large
company. They had no idea their negativity had fueled his ambition.

“No. Trust me on this.” Hunter shook his head. “I need you to go in my place. I left all

the travel details with Tessa, including the itinerary. She’s making your arrangements

Alex rubbed his hand along his jaw, his mind searching for any sort of excuse. “What

about Rhett? Send him out as the Worth family representative.”

Hunter snorted. “I can’t trust Rhett to remember to come to a board meeting, let alone

allow him to go on a tour of this magnitude. He would probably become too distracted
and not even show up to the openings.” Their baby brother had no work ethic

“Send him with a babysitter,” Alex suggested. “One who’ll keep him on track.”
“Who could we find to keep him on track?” Hunter laughed. “Your ultra-organized

secretary? He’d have her in his bed by the first night.”

The very image nearly blinded him. Breathing deep, Alex fought to keep his irritation

under control. “I can’t afford to leave now either, Hunter. I’m in the middle of
negotiations on the new London location, and we’re near closing on them. It’s imperative
I stay in New York until everything is secure.”

“You can handle the London negotiations from anywhere in the world, Alex. What I

need to handle is here, and I can’t leave it.” Hunter sighed. “I feel bad, bro. I really do.
But I can’t risk leaving right now. I need you to do this—for Worth.”

Tessa Crawford scanned the email Hunter Worth’s assistant had forwarded her earlier

this morning, ticking each item she’d completed off her mental list. Arrangements for the
private jet had already been made by changing the passenger name from Hunter to
Alexander Worth. She was still working on the hotel reservations, having already called
two of the four hotels named in the email and making the necessary adjustments.

He would be gone for ten days, taking his brother’s place on a whirlwind tour

relaunching four of the newly remodeled flagship Worth Luxury stores. Ten long days

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without seeing his handsome face, hearing his deliciously deep voice, admiring his tall,
broad form clad in his elegant suits.

A little sigh escaped her. She would miss him terribly, which was foolish. Her childish

crush on her boss could never go farther than her mind, of course. If anyone knew the
depth of her feelings for Alexander Worth, she would be the laughingstock of the entire

As if he paid any attention to her. He didn’t know she existed beyond keeping him on

task and answering his phone calls.

So she silently suffered. From the moment she first locked eyes on him, her entire body

had reacted. Physically he was perfection. As she’d continued to work for him, she
discovered he was driven, intelligent and excellent at what he did. Nothing stopped him
from getting what he wanted.

Too bad he didn’t want her.
This was her ideal job. Since she was in her early teens she’d loved fashion. Poring over

fashion magazines, she’d dreamed of becoming a designer. But after doodling on the
sketchpad she’d saved up for all those years ago, she realized her talent didn’t lie in

She’d taken some fashion retail and design courses in college but eventually dropped

out before receiving her degree due to lack of funds. Found a job at one retail store in
Times Square, then another, then another, until eventually she ended up applying for an
assistant manager position at a Worth Luxury Goods store.

She got the job. Within two years she found herself working as Alexander Worth’s

personal assistant.

Tessa still couldn’t quite believe it.
The office door swung open and out strode Hunter Worth, handsome as ever, a giant

smile curving his lips. “Did my assistant email you the list for the tour, Tessa?”

“She did, Mister Worth, thank you. I’ve already started making the necessary

arrangements.” She offered him a brief smile. All three of the Worth brothers were
handsome though the other two couldn’t hold a candle to Alex—at least in her eyes.

“Perfect, considering I got Alex to agree to go only a few minutes ago.” Hunter winked

at her and with a chuckle strode toward the elevator. “Have a nice weekend,” he called
over his shoulder.

Tessa swallowed hard. Hunter made her nervous. He was almost too smooth, too

flirtatious and she often wondered if he had ulterior motives.

And then there was Rhett Worth, who didn’t have a serious bone in his body. He

rarely made an appearance at Worth, didn’t even bother pretending he actually worked
for his family’s business.

But Alex…he was so compelling, so powerful. He entered a room and everyone

immediately knew he was in command of it. He ran the company with a ruthless yet fair
hand, was so incredibly serious and smart and handsome…

She blinked and turned in her chair to find Alex standing in front of her desk, a frown

marring his face, his dark brows lowered in seeming concern. His stormy blue-gray eyes

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contemplated her, watched her with an intensity she found unnerving and she
swallowed hard. “Yes, sir?”

His eyes flickered with thinly veiled annoyance. He hated that she called him sir, had

asked her not to do so before but she always forgot. Since when was it a sin to have good
manners? He was, after all, her boss. “You’re aware of my having to take Hunter’s place
and attend to the relaunch tour, correct?”

She nodded. “I’m making the necessary changes and arrangements for your travel

now. Everything should be in place before the day is through.”

“Perfect.” He didn’t look pleased. He suffered through most public appearances for

Worth so she assumed this tour was the last thing he wanted to do. “I’d like you to
prepare an itinerary as soon as you can. I need to know where I’ll be at all times for the
duration of the trip.”

“Yes, sir.” She returned her attention to her computer monitor, painfully aware that

Alex stood there, silently watching. A tingle started at the top of her spine, slowly
working its way down the length of her back, and she barely contained the shiver that
wanted to move through her. She could feel his gaze upon her much like a physical
caress and she held her breath. Wished she knew what he was thinking.

Did he approve of what he saw? Did she displease him in any way? She worked so

hard, harder than she ever had before for fear she would disappoint him.

The very last thing she wanted to do.
“Tessa?” His voice had lowered, roughly sexy, murmuring along her nerve endings.
If he only knew the affect he had on her…
“Yes?” She looked up at him, marveling yet again at his height, the very breadth of

him. His shoulders were impossibly broad, emphasized by the exquisite cut of his dark
suit jacket. He wore a Worth tie, made of the finest silk, a lovely shade of blue that
reminded her of the ocean.

The blue almost matched the turbulent color of his eyes. His face was clean-shaven, not

a hair out of place. He was so completely, utterly perfect she sometimes wondered if he
was real.

“I have a request.” He paused, letting the words hang in the air and anticipation ran

through her, sharp and potent.

“Yes?” she urged when he still hadn’t said anything.
Propping his hands on the edge of her desk, he bent down, setting his face just above

hers. She pressed her feet into the ground, pushing her chair back the slightest bit but
that only made him loom in closer. “I want you—”

A tremble moved through her and she released a shuddering breath. Those three

words filled her with edgy suspense. So many possibilities to consider…

“—to stop calling me sir.”
Disappointment replaced the suspense. She certainly hadn’t expected that request. “It’s

merely a sign of respect.” Her voice came out a breathless squeak.

He smiled but it really wasn’t a smile. It never was. More like a baring of teeth. “You

make me feel like an old man.”

She blinked. How could she answer that? He certainly wasn’t an old man. A vital, sexy,

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gorgeous man, most definitely, and he was only thirty-five—in the absolute prime of his
life. “I don’t mean to insult you, si—”

“Don’t say it,” he interrupted. There was the faintest sparkle in his eyes, something

she’d never seen before. Of course, this conversation they were having was unlike any
they’d ever had before either. He always kept everything serious, no-nonsense and above
all else, business only between them.

At the moment, he chatted with her. Seemed almost to be…flirting with her.
No way could that be true. It had to be misunderstanding on her part.
“Call me Alex.” He tilted his head to the side. “Say it.”
Her lips parted. He really didn’t just say that, did he? “Excuse me?”
“I want to hear you say my name,” he said, his voice soft but edged with steel. She’d

heard that voice before, mostly in meetings, many times over the phone. It was the voice
of a man who brooked no argument. “Don’t stumble over it, don’t stutter. And you damn
well better not call me sir.”

Her throat went dry. Who was this man who stood before her?
“I promise I won’t call you sir ever again.” The words rushed out of her on a single

breath and she pressed her lips together briefly. Gathering courage, which was silly. She
had no reason to fear him. His request wasn’t a hardship. It just felt odd to be so informal
with him. “Alex.”

“Thank you, Tessa.” Pushing away from her desk, he went back into his office and shut

the door with a quiet click.

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Chapter Two

The building was deathly silent, the sound of Tessa’s heels clicking on the marble floor

echoing throughout as she entered the headquarters for Worth Luxury Goods. She waved
at the weekend security guard sitting behind the sleek counter. He offered a brief good
morning in return before he resumed his focus on the wall of security cameras that he

She went to the bank of elevators, momentarily startled when the doors swooshed

open as if they sensed her approach. Walking inside, she turned to face the doors as they
closed shut. She breathed a sigh of relief after taking a sip of the coffee she’d picked up
just before her arrival at the Worth building, savoring the nutty, crisp taste.

It was a common occurrence for her to work the occasional weekend when she wanted

to get a few extra duties done. She was paid a decent salary, and Alex had told her more
than once to let him know if she ever worked any overtime, wanting to compensate her.

Not that she had anything else better to do but sit in her cramped apartment in

Brooklyn and stare at the walls of her teeny bedroom. Her roommate had a boyfriend
who’d taken over the place, must to Tessa’s disgust. And the loser didn’t even offer to
contribute toward the rent or utilities despite the fact he basically lived there.

So she escaped to work. Besides, with the sudden change of plans of the flagship stores

tour taking up most of her afternoon yesterday, she had quite a few things to finish.

Exiting the elevator, she strode toward Alex’s office, noticing the door was shut, the

lights within off. Not a sign of life throughout the entire floor, which thrilled her to her
little heart’s content.

It was so much easier to complete her tasks without the constant interruption from the

phone, from her inbox, from her fellow employees, from the very man who employed
her. Not that she minded when Alex asked her to do something, oh no…

Settling at her desk, which sat just outside Alex’s office, she turned on her computer

and printer, then picked up the phone and listened to her voicemails. Not a one of them
urgent though she did make a note to return a call first thing Monday morning. She
turned her attention to her emails and discovered there was a change in time for the
relaunch of the Paris store, and she immediately opened the itinerary document she
created yesterday. Correcting the time, she scanned it over then hit print.

She hoped Alex wouldn’t be displeased by her need to give him another itinerary. He

was leaving first thing Tuesday, in four days’ time and he preferred to have everything in
check well in advance of his departure. Of course, it wasn’t her fault the time had been
changed so why would he be angry at her…

Irritated over her unnecessary worry, she plucked the itinerary off the printer tray then

went to Alex’s office, ready to slip it beneath the door. Grabbing the door handle for
leverage before she bent down, she was surprised to find it unlocked.

Tessa frowned. He would never leave the door unlocked, and he definitely wasn’t one

to forget. Had the cleaning crew left it open? Perhaps Alex had been here earlier. Maybe
he was still in the building and would return to lock it before he left.

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But he never came in on the weekend. At least, he was never there when she was. He

had an active social life, if the gossip blogs and magazines were any indication. She’d
seen many a photo of Alex with an overly made up blonde on his arm clad in a beautiful

The complete and total opposite of what she was.
Slowly she opened the door and stepped inside, the quiet calm of the room soothing

her wayward thoughts. The blinds were half cracked, allowing a bit of light within. His
scent lingered in the air, subtle pine and masculine spice and she breathed deep.

Oh, she could become drunk on his scent alone…
Moving deeper inside the office, she set the itinerary on top of his desk. It was clean,

no stack of haphazard papers residing in the corners, not a leftover coffee cup or
discarded pen in sight. The man not only demanded perfection from everyone who
worked for him but also from himself.

She wondered what he might look like when he first woke up, rumpled and hazy from

sleep. His face covered with dark stubble, his hair mussed and not a stitch of clothing

Shivering, she went to the window and peered through the cracked blinds. The streets

below were busy as always, the sidewalk filled with more of the touristy-types since it
was a Saturday. Watching them walk leisurely, dressed in casual clothes, she felt a pang
touch her heart. It was terribly lonely, watching people enjoy themselves on a warm and
lovely Saturday while she was stuck in a sterile, empty office.

Tessa turned, resting her hands on the back of Alex’s chair. The black leather was soft,

supple to the touch and she ran her hand across the top of it slowly. Without thought she
sat in the chair, bracing her forearms on the armrests, staring unseeingly at his desk. His
scent was even stronger here, as if the leather had absorbed the very essence of him and
she leaned her head back, closing her eyes.

Being in his office reminded her of a recent dream. He’d commanded her to get on her

knees in front of him while he sat in his chair, a scowl on his face though his eyes were lit
with fire. Desire for her. She’d knelt in front of him without protest, bowing her head,
trembling when she felt his long fingers threading through her hair. Bit back a sob of
pleasure when he curved his large, warm hand about her chin and brought her face up so
their gazes met.

She’d known in her dream what he wanted though he hadn’t said a word. Reaching

out, she settled her hands on his belt buckle, her fingers fumbling with the cool metal
before he took over, pushing her hands out of the way and undid it himself.

He discarded the belt on the floor, his gaze never leaving her. Her breath came in little

pants and her nipples beaded into hard, aching points. The sound of his zipper as he
slowly slid it open, she’d waited in breathless anticipation for what was about to

“What the hell are you doing in my office?”
His angry voice jerked her from her fantasy and she looked up, saw Alex standing in

the doorway. His expression was fierce, his eyes blazing. He wore a charcoal gray sweater

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that stretched across his broad chest and dark jeans that emphasized the length of his
long legs. She’d never seen him out of a suit before.

He looked amazing.
And furious.
“I—I’m sorry, sir.” Wincing the moment the forbidden word left her lips, she started to

stand but his command stopped her.

“Don’t move.”
Tessa remained frozen in the chair, watching as he strode toward her. Nerves clamored

deep within, her stomach pitching and diving like a violent ocean during a storm. She
gripped the armrests so tight her fingers hurt, and she relaxed her hold as best she could.

Was he upset to catch her in his office? Did he think maybe she’d somehow broken in?

Oh, God, would he be angry enough to—fire her?

“How did you get in my office, Tessa?” He settled himself on the corner of his desk,

directly in front of her. So close she could easily reach out and touch him. “And why are
you here?”

His calm, measured tone eased her fear somewhat and she took a deep breath before

she spoke. “I—I decided to come in this morning to catch up on a few things. What with
the change in plans and arranging your travel taking up most of my afternoon yesterday I
wasn’t able to finish everything I wanted to.”

He nodded once. “Go on.”
He listened, and that was a start. He was also more than fair. She was thinking

completely irrationally, believing he might fire her over something such as this.

“There was a change in the time for the Paris opening so I updated your itinerary and

planned on slipping it beneath your door, but I discovered it wasn’t locked.” She kept her
gaze focused on his knee, too afraid to look him in the eye. “So I went inside and set it on
your desk. It’s right there.”

She pointed with a shaky finger, then immediately dropped her hand into her lap.

Wrenching around, he grabbed the paper from the desk and scanned it, his gaze zeroing
in on her when he finished.

Tessa kept her head bowed, her hands clutched together in her lap. She caught him

watching her from beneath her lashes. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, unsure of what to say.

“No need for apologies,” he said crisply, dropping the itinerary on his desk. He stood

and went to the window, his back to her. “Don’t get out of that chair. You look…good in

She’d been poised and ready to leap out of it as soon as possible but she fell back

against the soft leather, startled by what he said. How had he even known she was
moving? The man must have eyes in the back of his head.

“May I ask you a question?” He didn’t so much as move a muscle while he waited for

her answer.

“Of course, si—” She cleared her throat, cursing silently at herself. Why couldn’t she

break the sir habit?” “Yes, you may.”

“You almost called me sir.”

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“I did,” she confessed weakly.
“Your formality is completely unnecessary you know. Especially because we’re going

to be working very closely together in the upcoming weeks,” he said cryptically.

She frowned. He was leaving in a matter of days. What in the world was he talking


“How long have you worked for me?” Alex stared out the window at the bustling

cityscape below. Cars whizzed by, mostly yellow cabs or buses, all of them in a hurry to
get nowhere. He felt akin to the city that never stopped because really, he never stopped

He’d come into the office on a Saturday, something he rarely did, because he’d been

too restless, too keyed up to do much of anything else. An idea had come over him in the
middle of the night, an idea so tantalizing, so damned crazy yet logical he hadn’t been
able to think of anything else.

It had surprised him, to find the very woman who’d haunted his thoughts half the

night sitting in his chair behind his desk in his office, which was supposed to be locked.
Anger had filled him at first, and his immediate thoughts had turned to Hunter and what
he’d told him about the spy.

Could sweet little Tessa Crawford be the Worth spy Hunter spoke of?
But then he’d seen the expression on her face just before she realized he was there. Her

gaze dreamy, staring off into the distance, her lush lips curved in a secretive little smile. If
he wasn’t mistaken that particular look was one of…

He’d lost all thoughts of spies and snitches and startled her right out of that hazy,

pleasured look by barking at her, much to his disappointment.

“I’ve been working as your assistant a little over six months.”
He closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the sound of her sweet and sultry voice.

How many times had he fantasized about hearing that voice whisper wicked words in his

Too many times to count.
“Six months and nineteen days if we’re going to be specific.” He’d reconfirmed her

hire date with the HR manager late Friday. Not that he needed to, not really.

He remembered the first day she’d entered his office, like a little mouse, a tentative,

scared smile barely curving her ruby red lips. Big brown eyes had drunk him in as she
stared and he’d realized he’d never seen anyone so innocently beautiful in all his life.

He’d been sucker punched from the first moment he laid eyes her.
She cleared her throat delicately. “That sounds about accurate.” There was a trace of

amusement lacing her words.

Whirling around, he faced her, his gaze dropping ever so briefly to her breasts. They

strained against the front of her black turtleneck sweater, setting fire to his imagination.
“Do you realize that in the last six months and nineteen days, you’ve yet to call me
anything but Mister Worth or sir?”

Her lids lowered and she pursed her lips. They wore not a hint of lipstick, not even any

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gloss. But they were just as full, just as tempting. “As I’ve said before, it’s merely a sign of
respect, Mister Worth.”

She was such an intriguing mixture of obedient and defiant. It aroused him beyond

measure. “I would think that after working so closely together, Tessa—” she lifted her
gaze at his mention of her name, “—that you could let go of the formality once and for all
and call me Alex.”

“All right.” Again, she cleared her throat. “Alex.”

Hearing that smoky, sexy voice utter his name sent lust spiraling through him.

And that wasn’t what he was after, hell no. He was trying to get them on a more familiar
level, for what he was about to request was extremely last minute and downright life

He didn’t know anything about her private life, her obligations. What she did during

non-business hours, what interests she might have. She definitely wasn’t wealthy, and
she wasn’t married, he knew that for a fact. She lived in Brooklyn and from what he
gleaned by eavesdropping—heaven help him, yes he’d eavesdropped like a foolish
teenage girl—she didn’t have a boyfriend.

Well, he didn’t believe she did. He hoped like hell she didn’t.
“Do you like to travel?”
The abrupt change of topic startled her for she gave a little jump. “I’ve never been one

to travel much, Alex.”

He smiled, pleased she’d said his name. “Due to circumstance, perhaps? Have you ever

wanted to travel? See the world?”

“I’ve worked steadily since I was in high school and college. I haven’t had much time.”
Or money, he was sure. Most young women of her age and financial situation had

never left the tri-state area, let alone traveled the world. “And how old are you again?”

She fidgeted. Just the thought of her wiggling her lush bottom in his leather chair

made his cock twitch. “Twenty-five.”

“Ah, you’re young.” He was thirty-five, a solid ten years older than she. Yet in the

corporate world, he was considered young as well. Would she consider him too old? He
had a touch of gray at the temples, a fact Rhett loved to remind him about almost every
time they spoke. Their father had turned gray early, and Alex really didn’t mind. It made
him look more distinguished in business dealings, and he needed every advantage he
could gather to conquer.

To win.
But would Tessa dismiss him because of their age difference?
Alex frowned. He was being foolish, worrying about her dismissal, her interest in him.

She had none, and he shouldn’t have any in her. She was his assistant, nothing more.

“I’m not too young, if that’s what you’re implying.” She visibly bristled, and he

couldn’t help but find her ire attractive. The emotion added a pretty pink flush to her
cheeks. “Do you have a problem with my job performance? Because I can assure you, if
you ever take issue with anything I do, you can certainly tell me. I pride myself on my job
above all else, and I have no problem taking constructive criticism and applying it where

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She was a feisty little thing. He knew this, had enjoyed gently baiting her in the past

because of it too. Today though, he hadn’t meant to light such an indignant fire within
her. He needed her calm. Rational. “I have no problems with you or your job
performance, Tessa. None whatsoever.”

“Oh.” She slumped in the chair and exhaled through her nose, as if she’d been holding

her breath. “I apologize for my outburst. I don’t know what—”

He held up a hand, silencing her. “I need to ask you a question about the relaunch tour.

I leave on Tuesday.”

“Yes, you do and everything’s in order.” She nodded. “Do you need me to make any

adjustments before you go?”

“As a matter of fact, I do. I want you to come with me.”

Tessa stared at Alex, her mouth hanging open rather inelegantly. She snapped her jaw

shut and sat straighter, struggling to find her voice so she could answer him.

“I know it’s rather last minute, but I need your assistance during the trip. We’re in

negotiations for new store space in London and honestly, the timing is awful.” He rubbed
a hand along his firm jaw, and her gaze followed the movement of his fingers.

Such lovely fingers, long and topped with blunt nails. Large, capable looking hands

with wide palms, hands she’d fantasized about more than once touching her gently—or
perhaps not so gently. Guiding her where he wanted her to go next…

The room was quiet, and she realized he waited for her answer. “It shouldn’t be a

problem, Mister—” Crap, she’d forgotten again. It was hard to break the habit and it just
felt so intimate, calling him Alex. “I will make the arrangements right away.” Excitement
bubbled up within her.

He wanted her to go with him. The opportunity to see the world—London, Paris—

made her very nearly giddy with anticipation.

“You do have a passport, don’t you?”
“It was a requirement upon my hiring.” Considering she hadn’t even traveled out of

the area, let alone the country, she’d never had a need for one. Thank goodness the
company had paid for it, preparation for moments such as this.

He nodded once, his expression serious, his eyes steely blue as he watched her. He

always watched her, as if ready to catch her in a stolen moment, waiting for her to
stumble or make a mistake. At least, that’s what it felt like. “Make sure our hotel rooms
are close to each other’s. I want access to you at all times.”

I want access to you at all times.

Her cheeks flushed. Well, didn’t that take on new

meaning when she applied her rather illicit thoughts to the statement?

“You’re staying in the best suites in five star hotels. I don’t think I merit a suite,” she

murmured. This was so strange, talking to him while he stood by the window, she sitting
in his chair. It should be the other way around.

His dark brows rose at her words. “You don’t merit? You don’t think you’re worth a


“I’m merely your assistant.” She crossed her ankles, uncrossed them. He made her

uncomfortable when he asked her such questions. As if he could see right through her, all

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of the little insecurities that made her up, that barely held her together.

“I’m the CEO of this company, Tessa, one of the oldest and most successful luxury

goods providers in the United States and the world. And you’re my assistant. If I believe
you merit a suite, then you do.” His words were final and he turned away, resuming his
position at the window once more. He seemed to like staring out at the cityscape,
watching the world buzz by.

She enjoyed admiring his backside, and she’d never seen it in jeans before. He’d

shoved up the sleeves of his charcoal sweater to reveal tanned forearms sprinkled with
dark hair, strong and masculine and filling her with an achy need. He was a sight to be
seen when he offered her such a view and well, she wasn’t a fool.

She looked.
“I’ll make the arrangements right away,” Tessa said to his back as she stood.
“Give me all details when you’re finished. I want the updated itinerary including your

travel details as soon as everything’s been confirmed.” He kept his back to her.

“All right.” She started for the door, her mind awhirl as to where she’d call first.
“And, Tessa?”
Stopping in her tracks, she turned and found he’d done the same. “Yes?”
“Please don’t forget.” One corner of his sensual mouth lifted, the closest thing she’d

seen to a smile since she started working for him six months and nineteen days ago. “To
call me Alex.”

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Chapter Three

Tessa had never flown before. Growing up one of four in a tiny fourth floor walkup

apartment in Jersey with a dad who ditched them early on and a mom who worked two
jobs just to keep food on the table, there wasn’t much opportunity for travel beyond the
bus or subway.

So boarding the Worth private jet was like entering a fantasy land. One she’d only seen

on TV or the movies, or in the magazines she still devoured. The interior was sleek with
warm wood tones, gold accents and cream colored overstuffed leather chairs.

Alex was nowhere to be found so she settled into the butter-soft chair the flight

attendant waved her toward. She glanced about, the rich scent of coffee tempting her
despite her nerves. Her palms were clammy, and her forehead was damp with sweat. The
plane was terribly small. The whine of the engine sounded, low and rumbling and the
cockpit door still remained open. Two uniform-clad gentlemen sat within, adjusting dials
and jovially talking to one another.

If the pilots were so cheerful, surely nothing bad would happen, right? They seemed

perfectly capable, perfectly competent in their job. After all, if Alexander Worth hired
them, they were probably the best pilots in the entire airport.

The flight attendant suddenly bustled past her, clad in a short navy blue skirt and fitted

jacket. “Good morning, Mister Worth,” she said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

“Good morning.” Alex nodded at her absently, his gaze immediately finding Tessa in

her seat. Tessa smiled and ducked her head, not before catching the death glare the flight
attendant sent her way.

He strode down the short aisle, briefcase in hand, elegant winter coat draped over his

arm. As usual he wore a gorgeous suit, this one the darkest charcoal gray, with a standard
white shirt and pale, silvery silk tie. The two pilots exited the cockpit, offering him a
greeting and he nodded in return.

“May I take your items for you, Mister Worth?” The smile on the flight attendant’s face

was downright suggestive. She thrust her ample chest out and cocked her head, her pale
blonde bangs falling over her eyes prettily.

Tessa ran a self-conscious hand over her hair. It had been particularly out of control

this morning and she’d tied it back into a low ponytail after wasting too many precious
minutes despairing over it. She wore only a bit of mascara, face powder and lip balm
whereas the flight attendant’s makeup was utter perfection.

She felt plain, as if she blended into the walls and she plucked at an imaginary thread

on her second-hand black wool pants. Her sister had discovered a lovely little thrift shop
in Brooklyn that they both frequented often. It allowed Tessa a broader wardrobe, and
she stuck to classic shapes and basic items. Anything trendy she couldn’t afford. Despite
her more than adequate salary, designer clothing and shoes were mostly out of reach.

Luckily enough, Worth comped many items from their lines, wanting their employees

to be seeing wearing the brand. She wore a Worth scarf and belt, and her black leather

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boots were Worth as well though from the winter line two years ago.

Alex handed his coat to the flight attendant with nary a word, keeping his briefcase

with him. He settled in the seat directly across from Tessa, much to her shocked delight,
his knee brushing against hers in the cramped space.

That accidental touch spiraled throughout her body like hundreds of fluttering birds

brushing their wings all over her skin. She glanced up, caught Alex staring at her, his
gaze hard, probing. Licking suddenly dry lips, she offered a tentative smile and his eyes
softened though he didn’t smile in return.

“Have you ever flown before, Tessa?” His voice was low, almost intimate, as if he

spoke only for her ears.

Slowly she shook her head, mesmerized by the way he stroked the armrest with the

tips of his fingers. Could only imagine those fingers touching her. “I’ve never had the
opportunity, no.”

“You’re nervous.”
His statement surprised her. “How can you tell?”
“You’re clutching your hands together so tight, your knuckles are white.”
Glancing down, she saw her hands resting in her lap, fingers curled around each other,

knuckles white just as he said. She relaxed her grip, disentangling her hands so she could
rest them on the plush, padded armrests. “I am a bit—apprehensive.”

He smiled. It was small, just a bare curve of his sensuous lips, not even flash of teeth

but it was so beautiful, so unexpected, the sight of it took her breath away. “There’s
nothing to be nervous about. You’re perfectly safe.”

“But the plane is so small.” She glanced around, saw the flight attendant glaring at her

from where she stood preparing coffee. Only one cup, most likely for Alex and she’d
probably made none for her.

“The pilots in charge of the plane are excellent. If I put my trust in their hands, then

surely you can too.” He took the cup of coffee offered to him by the flight attendant.
“Thank you, Lora. Do you have a cup prepared for Miss Crawford?”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Her apology didn’t sound particularly sincere. “I’ll get a cup for you

right away.”

Lora started to leave, but Alex stopped her. “Aren’t you going to ask Miss Crawford

how she takes her coffee?”

The flight attendant turned and faced Tessa, her expression like a brittle mask. “How

would you like your coffee, miss?”

“Cream but no sugar, please.” Lora offered a stiff nod before turning on her heel and

walking away.

“You didn’t have to do that,” Tessa murmured to Alex when Lora was out of earshot.
He scowled. “She ignored you. It was rude.”
A thrill moved through Tessa at his defending her. Not that it meant anything, not

really. He was just being polite. Taking care of his employee, nothing more nothing less.

The flight attendant returned in moments with Tessa’s coffee and offered it without a

word. Tessa took it with a whispered thanks, clutching the warm cup as Alex asked for
Lora’s assistance with setting up the thin tabletop that pulled out between the two chairs.

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Lora was full of flirtatious banter and irritating giggles, practically batting her eyelashes
every time Alex looked in her direction. Tessa thought the woman was making a fool of

Alex didn’t seem particularly interested, either, despite the fact the woman was

certainly his type. Tessa had seen enough photos of him in the tabloids and fashion
magazines, usually with a gorgeous, extremely thin but big-breasted blonde model on his
arm wearing the most stylish gowns money could buy and the biggest smile on her face.
Not that Tessa could blame one of them for the smiles.

Oh, she would give anything to be one of those coveted women, her arm curled

through his or perhaps his arm around her waist, his fingers burning into her side. Her
smile would light up all of Manhattan if that were ever to happen…

The plane moved, starting forward with a jolt that caused Tessa to jerk in her seat,

spilling coffee all over the front of her blouse. “Oh, no.”

Tugging the front of the drenched, suddenly hot shirt away from her, she gazed down

at the stain, embarrassment making her cheeks heat. She’d packed well, of course, but she
had no idea where her suitcase was or if it was easily accessible, especially now that the
plane was in motion and most likely preparing for takeoff.

“My God, are you all right?” Alex shoved the table back into its slot and reached for

her, plucking the mostly empty cup of coffee out of her hand and handing it to Lora.
“Why didn’t you help her?”

Lora wiped the smirk off her face and took the cup with a solemn nod. “I’ll get some


Tessa pulled the shirt away from her as best she could, tried to keep the coffee from

seeping into her bra or onto her skin. She felt a sticky mess, completely embarrassed Alex
would see her like this. A man so impeccable, who demanded perfection everywhere he
turned. What would he think of her with her stained shirt and klutzy ways?

He stood, taking the proffered bunch of napkins from Lora, not remotely affected by

the moving plane’s increasing speed across the tarmac. “Get a wet washcloth,” he
demanded. She hurried away to do his bidding, and Tessa watched with complete
amazement as he knelt before her and started to wipe at the front of her shirt.

“I’ll take care of it.” She tried to jerk away from his ministrations but he reached out,

his fingers locking around her shoulder, strong as steel and completely immobilizing her.

“Let me help you.” His eyes were a potent mix of blue sky and gray smoke, his fingers

gentling about her shoulder. “You didn’t burn yourself did you?”

She shook her head. That he was concerned touched her deeply. “I don’t think so.”
With his free hand, he rubbed the bunched napkins across her stomach, her belly

fluttering at his impersonal touch. He never, ever touched her, minus the first time they
met when he had shaken her hand and earlier when his knee had brushed against hers.

She wasn’t sure she’d be able to take it much longer. It was completely impersonal,

meant absolutely nothing besides offering his help. Yet she’d never reacted so strongly,
had never wanted a man to touch her as much as she wanted him.

It was the most ridiculous, most futile thing she’d ever wished for in her life.
“The coffee was hot,” he murmured, his gaze dropping to where his hand rested on the

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bottom of her shirt, his index finger flicking at a button. “You should check for burns.”

If he unbuttoned her shirt, she didn’t know what she would do. “I’m fine, really.”
His gaze met hers once more, smoldering with an intensity she’d never noticed before.

“You brought a change of clothes.” It was a statement, not a question.

“Um, I don’t know where my suitcase is.” She shrugged, held her breath when she felt

his fingers again messing with the last button on her shirt.

As if he wanted to undo it.
Lora appeared with a damp white washcloth and handed it to Alex, the look on her

face contrite. “We’re preparing to takeoff within the next ten minutes. I suggest you sit in
your seat and get your seatbelt on, Mister Worth.”

“As soon as we find Tessa’s suitcase,” he answered, removing his hands from Tessa so

he could turn and glare up at Lora. “Where is it?”

She visibly swallowed, her gaze cutting to Tessa briefly. “I’ll grab it.”
The plane slowed, rounding a bend that caused Tessa to sway in her seat. She still

wasn’t buckled and she fumbled for the seatbelt, clicking it into place. Alex reached and
undid the belt. “That won’t be necessary.”

She watched with disbelief as he stood and offered his hand. “Come with me.”
“Where are we going?”
“I’m taking you to the private bedroom.”
Her jaw dropped. “This plane has a private bedroom?”
“You can change in there.” He thrust his hand in front of her. “Come with me, Tessa.”
Come with me, Tessa.
She did as he asked without another word, settling her hand in his warm, firm grip,

letting him pull her to her feet. She forgot about the spilled coffee, the stained shirt, the
moving plane, the spiteful flight attendant. Allowed him to walk her to the back of the
plane where Lora waited, Tessa’s pitiful, cheap Wal Mart suitcase in hand.

“Here you go,” Lora said snidely, handing it over.
Tessa took it, saddened when Alex released her hand and opened the door to the small

yet cozy bedroom. “Change in here,” he commanded. “And hurry. We’re about to take

With her heart stuck in her throat, she darted into the bedroom and shut the door,

tossing her suitcase onto the bed, zipping it open quickly. The plane was picking up
speed, it would probably take off soon and she didn’t want to be stuck in the bedroom
when it happened.

Flipping open the top of the suitcase, she grabbed the first top she saw, a red sweater

made of thin yet warm, finely knit cashmere. With shaking fingers she undid the buttons,
yanked the ruined shirt off and let it fall to the floor. Her bra wasn’t stained thank
goodness, most of the coffee had spilled below her breasts and she glanced around,
wondering where she could put the still sopping wet shirt.

The plane accelerated, seeming to hurtle down the runway and she gripped the

mattress for balance, settling herself on the edge. Still clad in her bra, she bent forward,
glancing out the small window, watching the buildings whiz by at breakneck speed. Her
heart lurched and her fingers curled around the luxurious fabric of the bedspread. She

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glanced toward the closed door, paralyzed with fear when she realized the plane was
about to lift into the air.

And she was perched on the edge of a bed without a seatbelt.
Closing her eyes, she whispered a quick prayer, asking for forgiveness in her

foolishness. Who else would be stupid enough to fly for the first time ever in their life
without a seatbelt on?

Her lids snapped open and there he stood. Alexander Worth in all his glory, his jacket

shed, his tie askew and his shirt rumpled.

His intense gaze locked on her chest.

Alex’s fingers gripped the edge of the doorframe so hard the cool metal cut into his

skin. His mouth had gone dry, his heart thundered in his ears and his cock came to life at
the sight before him.

A fearful Tessa sat on the edge of the bed, clad in black pants and the sheerest, most

delicate bra he’d ever seen—and he’d witnessed more than his fair share of beautiful
lingerie over the years. Lacy cups of the palest cream barely contained her breasts, which
spilled over the top of the bra in voluptuous abandon. He caught a glimpse of rosy pink
nipples through the fragile lace just before she crossed her arms over her chest in shock at
his unexpected entry.

“The plane is taking off,” he said rather stupidly.
She blinked. Her dark brown eyes were so wide he felt as if he could drown in them.

Her hair was neatly pulled back, but a few wild wisps curved about her face. Her skin
was pale, her hair and eyes so dark the contrast was striking.

Tessa Crawford was his every sexual fantasy come to life.
She reached for a soft pile of red fabric sitting next to her on the bed as if in slow

motion, shaking it out before attempting to pull the sweater over her head. He let go of
the doorframe and shut the door behind him—entranced by the shape of her arms, the
dip of her waist, the way her breasts rose high, pert nipples revealed above the lace for
the quickest moment before she tugged the garment on, covering her beautiful body,
much to his disappointment.

At the same exact moment the plane lifted into the sky, Tessa stood, tumbling forward

as the plane tilted up as it gained air. She fell into his arms, a bundle of soft, warm,
fragrant woman, her hair brushing against his face when she tried to right herself.

“I’m so sorry. I’m such a klutz, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” Her voice was

jittery, her entire body shook and he wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her

Holding her close, just to say he had. She felt so good, her curves fit neatly against his

body almost like she was made for him and he breathed in deep the sweet scent of her
hair, closing his eyes.

“Calm down,” he whispered, wanting to soothe, needing to comfort. “The plane needs

to ascend. Once we reach the proper flying altitude everything will even out.”

“Y—you probably wanted to get some work done. And instead you’re stuck

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babysitting me.”

If she only knew how ridiculous that statement was, she would be shocked. The very

last thing he thought of Tessa was as her babysitter. “Don’t apologize. If you must know,
I’m not particularly fond of flying either.”

She pulled away from him slightly so she could meet his gaze. “You aren’t?”
“No.” He was used to it only because he’d been doing it for years and years. “I’m never

fully comfortable in the air. It sets me on edge.”

“It sets me on edge too.” She blew out a shuddering breath. “My stomach doesn’t feel


He tensed. “You’re not going to be sick are you?”
“Oh, no.” She shook her head, more tendrils of dark brown waves escaping and falling

around her face. “I’ll be fine.” Tessa offered a shaky smile in reassurance.

Without thought he reached out, brushed the hair away from her face. Her cheeks

flushed pink at his touch, her gaze dropping so she stared directly at his chest. He wished
he knew what she was thinking, what she wanted.

“We should go back to our seats,” she finally murmured, her gaze still fixed on his


“Of course.” Reaching behind him, he turned the handle and opened the door, then

stepped to the side so she could walk through. “After you.”

She glided past him, her steps light, her spine straight. She fumbled a bit when she

walked by him and he reached out, grasping her elbow so he could help her while she
found her footing.

Her entire face flushed, she whispered her thanks then scurried to the seat, collapsing

into it just before she strapped the seatbelt around her and clicked it into place.

Slowly he approached his seat, settling into it as if a man with all the time in the world.

Lora started to approach but he waved her away, thoroughly disgusted by her earlier

When they arrived at their first destination, he would make a phone call and deal with

Lora. He wouldn’t have her out and out fired, but she certainly wouldn’t work on their
personal private jet any longer. She’d dismissed Tessa as if she hadn’t mattered, had
flirted with him so overtly it had been downright uncomfortable.

Tessa deserved better than that. She mattered.
At least, she mattered to him.
Resting his elbows on the armrests, he pressed his palms together and steepled his

fingers. He observed her, his gaze roaming over her delicate dark brows, the thick sweep
of her lashes, her eyes downcast. The curve of her cheek still carried her flush of
embarrassment, and the lush swell of her dark pink lips drew him. Filled him with the
urge to kiss her. Lick and nip at her voluptuous mouth.

The red sweater lovingly clung to her curves, reminded him exactly how exquisite her

body was. Fresh memories flooded him, of her beautiful breasts overflowing the delicate
lace cups of her bra, the flat plane of her stomach.

The memory heated his skin, and he inhaled swiftly. What was it about her that made

him feel this way? For some inexplicable reason he wanted to protect her. Teach her

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everything he could, hold her close, kiss her senseless, give her so much pleasure she’d
never look at another.

Only want to be with him.
It was ridiculous, these foreign emotions swirling inside him. And also disconcerting.

He’d never been so aware of a woman, so—afraid to make a move, give a sign that he
was interested. He couldn’t make any sort of move on Tessa. She was his assistant. He
was her boss. What he wanted to do to her, what he wanted from her was wildly
inappropriate, considering their professional relationship.

Yet late at night, when his wicked dreams were filled with nothing but her, he thought

of nothing else but calling her into his office. Ask her to shut the door. Demand she stand
before him so he could bend her over the sleek, cold expanse of his desk and flip up the
staid skirt she always wore. Slip inside her, hear her gasp of pleasure, followed by his
moan of approval at the first sensation of her tight, wet heat…

“I’m sorry.”
Her sexy sweet voice pierced his thoughts and shifted in his seat, desperate to ignore

his burgeoning erection. Every hair was in place, sleeked back from her face once again.
Her eyes were wide, expression full of worry and those beautiful, lush lips that filled his
fantasies on a nightly basis literally trembled.

“For what?” He crinkled his brow, confused at her apology.
If she could read his mind, he should be the one apologizing profusely.
“For what happened earlier, when I spilled the coffee. It ended up putting us into a—

inappropriate position.” She pursed her lips together and blew out a loud breath, and she
darted her gaze to the window.


He envisioned her pursed mouth dropping a delicate kiss on the tip of his cock.

Then her lips would part, taking him into her mouth one excruciating inch at a time…

Alex cleared his throat and sat forward. “Inappropriate position?”
She nodded.” I hope you don’t think I was trying to make a move on you.” She bowed

her head, as if afraid to look at him.

“It was an accident, Tessa.” He kept his voice purposely even, not wishing to cause her

any more discomfort.

“You saw me partially undressed,” she said softly, her gaze still on her lap.
He certainly didn’t need the reminder. The image of her scantily clad in the delicate,

overtly feminine scrap of lingerie was burned upon his brain for all eternity. “I hardly
noticed,” he drawled, filled with regret the moment the words left him.

Damn. What was wrong with him? The wounded look she shot him before she hastily

turned her attention to the window once again said more than a million words could
ever express. He’d hurt her feelings, and he was an inconsiderate ass.

Desperate for a distraction, he pulled the table out between them once more, then

grabbed his briefcase and set it on top. Opening it, he pulled out the itinerary Tessa
created for him, along with the most recent report created in regards to the London
acquisition. He snapped the briefcase shut and leaned back in his chair, scanning the
itinerary for what felt like the thousandth time before he shoved it to the back of the pile
and looked over the first page of the report.

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“Do you need any help?”
“No.” He barely offered her a glance. “Thank you. Relax and enjoy your flight, Tessa.”

It was an issued command more than anything else, but he didn’t care.

He needed to focus. The trip—and the woman sitting across from him—were

sidetracking him from his most important goal. They’d been working on the negotiations
for months, and he was this close to locking in the London location for their new, lower-
priced store. It would be a store to appeal to the younger set, for those with not much
cash in their wallets but who wanted to wear something by Worth.

It was an experiment, just like the launching of the limited edition women’s line.

Worth planned on branching out even more in the next five years. Alex and his brothers
not only wanted everyone to know and recognize the Worth brand but he also wanted
everyone able to afford at least something by Worth.

He didn’t want to cheapen the brand but make it global—and there was a fine line that

the company needed to walk in order to achieve that goal. Hunter kept him on track. The
entire marketing department was on the ball, constantly researching, looking at ways to
both protect the brand and grow it.

He didn’t know what he’d do without Hunter. Rhett on the other hand…
Scowling, he stared unseeingly at the report. His baby brother was a royal pain in the

ass. Eight years divided them, and it felt like an eternity. At the age of twenty-seven,
Rhett behaved like an eighteen-year-old set loose on the city, wild and free. Drinking,
hanging out in clubs, fucking an endless array of women and spending as much money as
he could in a short period of time. Like he was in some sort of carnal marathon, indulging
in as many sinful activities as possible before the plug was pulled.

Alex was getting increasingly closer to pulling that particular plug. Rhett wouldn’t

know what to do with himself when it happened.

And it was definitely going to happen. Soon.
“We’ve reached flight altitude.” Lora appeared with a tray of fresh fruit and an array

of delectable pastries and set it on the table. “Would either of you care for something to

“More coffee.” His clipped tone made Lora’s overly made up eyes harden and Tessa

sent him a chastising look.

“I’ll take a glass of water, please,” she said to Lora.
“Right away.” Offering Tessa a strained smile, Lora buzzed toward the back of the


“There’s no need to be so rude,” Tessa murmured when the flight attendant was out of


“She treated you terribly. She’ll be lucky to have her job by the time we land.”
Tessa’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t fire her over what happened earlier, would

you?” She sounded aghast which in turn made him feel guilty.

Only a bit though. “Why not? I can’t have someone like that working for me.”
“Times are tough. You wouldn’t want to be the cause for her losing her job.”
Disbelief coursed through him. “You’d rather forget her horrible treatment of you?”
“Maybe she’s having a bad morning. We all have them sometimes.” Tessa shrugged.

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She was far too kind for her own good. Perhaps naïve would be the better description.

The only reason Lora had treated Tessa so abominably was jealousy. The flight attendant
flirted with him every time he flew and she was the staff on board. In the past, he’d
responded, albeit lightly and never with any serious intent. Looks-wise, she was his
typical preference. Blonde, blue eyed, fair skinned, thin. But he’d never been tempted to
take it any further, not like with Tessa…

“You’re too nice,” he muttered just as Lora approached, setting Alex’s new coffee in

front of him after she offered Tessa her glass of water. “Thank you,” he said to Lora.

She beamed. “A hint of cream and one lump of sugar, just the way you like it.”
“Indeed.” He sipped from the cup, surprisingly pleased with the results. “I’m

impressed you remember how I take my coffee.”

“Everything about you is hard to forget. At least to me.” Offering him a coquettish

smile, Lora turned on her heel and sauntered away, her hips swaying, head held high.

If she really believed she was in his good graces again, she was mistaken.
“She flirts with you,” Tessa observed when Lora was out of earshot.
“You don’t say.” Alex again sipped from his coffee, surprised by Tessa’s comment.
Her cheeks flushed a pretty pink. “It’s rather obvious.”
She is rather obvious.”
Tessa laughed and the sound of it vibrated through him. It was a lovely sound, a bright

tinkling of happiness. A sound he wanted to hear again, soon. “Have you two ever…”
Her cheeks grew pinker, and she waved a hand about.

“Ever what?” He knew what she meant. He just wanted to watch her squirm.
Funny how the word squirm caused his rather vivid imaginations to roar to life, filling

his head with illicit images all involving Tessa. And him. Naked. Together.

“You know.” Her voice dropped to a sultry whisper. “Dated?”
He chuckled and shook his head. “No, we’ve certainly never dated.”
She furrowed her delicate brows. “Something else then?”
Undoing his seatbelt, he leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees. “Are you

interested in my dating history, Tessa?”

“Oh, I’m really not, I swear.” She waved a careless hand, wiping her words away with

a flick of her fingers. “I was just trying to—make conversation.”

“Interesting conversation you’re trying to start.” He arched a brow.
Her face fell, her mouth curving into a frown. “I’m being inappropriate aren’t I? Gosh,

I’m such an idiot. I’m so sor—”

“Don’t say it,” he interrupted, his voice lethal. The very last thing he wanted to hear

was another damn apology from her. “You apologize too much.”

“Habit I guess.” She shrugged.
“You need to learn how to break it.”
Her gaze met hi,s but she didn’t say anything for a long moment and neither did he.

They merely watched each other, the gentle hum of the plane’s engine growing distant,
the interior of the jet growing narrower until all he could focus on was her. Her beautiful,
expressive face, the soulful, deep brown eyes...

“Perhaps you could teach me.” She spoke so softly he wasn’t sure he heard her

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But once he realized what she said and the assumed connotations beneath her words,

he very nearly launched himself out of his seat so he could grab her. Toss her over his
shoulder and carry her to the bedroom where he could teach her a thing or two.


Alex frowned. Spending nearly two weeks with her day in and day out was

going to kill him.

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Chapter Four

The hotel was amazing. Tessa got a crick in her neck from staring up at the ceiling for

too long, her breath lodged in her throat as she drank in the beauty of the intricately
painted murals, the chandeliers that shone and sparkled like diamonds. Floors made of
smooth white Italian marble, the surface so shiny she could see their reflection as they
walked, Alex striding forward, Tessa falling behind. They were greeted warmly by their
own personal concierge, the woman a tall, exotic beauty who spoke English with a light
Italian accent.

When Alex spoke fluent Italian answering the concierge’s inquiries, Tessa wanted to

swoon. The man had so many hidden talents. He reminded her of an onion—constructed
of infinite layers. With every intriguing layer she peeled back, she wanted to learn more.

She wanted to learn all of them.
The concierge checked them in personally and then whisked them over to an exclusive

elevator that led only to the penthouse. Tessa remained quiet as the gorgeous woman and
Alex spoke to each other in Italian, curious by what they said. Were they flirting? The
woman’s eyes sparkled with interest and she kept tossing her long, dark blonde hair over
her shoulder. She had the prettiest blue eyes Tessa had ever seen, and she was dressed
impeccably in a sleek black suit that accentuated her slender curves. It wouldn’t surprise
her in the least if Alex was interested.

Tessa wanted to smack herself. She was silly worrying over who Alex might be

interested in. It was futile. She couldn’t compete with any of the women he encountered
on a daily basis, not even the rude flight attendant. It didn’t help that she felt so klutzy
and foolish around him. Saying the dumbest things, tripping over her feet, spilling hot
coffee all over herself, he turned her into a jittery mess, especially when they were alone.

Heaving a big sigh, she cocked her head, waiting for the elevator to come to a stop.

Alex glanced in her direction, perhaps hearing her sigh and the corner of his mouth
kicked up in the slightest smile.

A smile that lightened her heart, made her stomach flutter.
The concierge led them out of the elevator once the doors slid open and revealed the

most beautiful hotel suite Tessa had ever seen in her life. Not that she’d stayed in many
hotels. It was large, bigger than her entire apartment and she walked around the living
area as if in a daze, drinking in her surroundings.

It was too much to take in. Arrangements of fresh flowers sat on every available table

space and glittery chandeliers on a smaller scale than the ones in the lobby hung from the
ceiling, casting a warm, golden glow in the room. The rug beneath her feet was plush, the
design intricate and fanciful. Everything about the suite screamed the best money could

“And your room is here, Miss Crawford,” the concierge said, indicating the door with

her hand.

Tessa glanced toward the room, then turned to look at Alex. “I thought I had my own

room.” Had he changed the arrangements?

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“You do.” He kept his expression schooled, not revealing even a hint of emotion. “The

suite has two bedrooms, Tessa, each with connecting bathrooms. It should be more than
enough privacy.”

Privacy yes, but she wouldn’t be able to get away from him at all. She would be in his

constant presence and knowing he was sleeping in the room next to her for two nights?
Absolute torture.

Would it be like this at every hotel they stayed in?
“Please, Miss Crawford.” The concierge smiled and tilted her head toward the

bedroom. “If the room isn’t up to your standards, perhaps we can find other
accommodations for you?”

“This will be fine, Bianca. Thank you,” Alex interjected, his voice smooth and gracious.
Tessa walked into her room, her eyes widening at what she saw. Whereas the living

area was designed with beautiful neutrality, her room was a feminine study in various
shades of cream. A sheer canopy draped over the grand bed which was covered in a
sumptuous cream and gold coverlet. Gorgeous lights hung from the ceiling on either side
of the bed, tassels dangling from them and a dainty white desk sat close to the bed. A
bright and cheery arrangement of cream-colored flowers sat atop a table in the center of
the room and Tessa went to it, bending close so she could breathe deep the heady scent.

“Do you like it?”
The sound of his deep voice made her whirl around. He stood just inside the room, the

concierge nowhere to be found.

They were completely alone. Nerves jittered within her, and she clasped her hands

behind her back. “It’s beautiful.”

“The entire hotel is like this. No surprise my brother chose it. He has expensive taste,”

Alex said wryly.

“It’s close to the Milan shopping district,” Tessa pointed out. The Milan Worth Luxury

flagship store was in the center of the Via della Spiga, Milan’s renowned fashion street.
“I’m sure your brother chose the hotel for its convenience.”

“I’m sure Hunter did.” Amusement laced his tone.
She went to the window, pulling back the heavy drapes so she could peer outside. It

was dark, well past nine o’clock and the city streets below were filled with traffic. “We
need to be at the store tomorrow by nine at the latest to prepare for the opening.”

“And the store opens at ten.”
“Correct.” Letting the drape fall back into place, she turned to face him. “It’s late. We

should probably—turn in.”

He studied her, his dark brows furrowing. Even after waking exceedingly early, hours

of travel and a drastic time difference, he appeared unfazed. His suit had nary a crease or
wrinkle and the stark white of his shirt against his tanned skin sped up her heart rate.

“Aren’t you hungry?”
“Not really.” Her stomach chose to growl at the precise moment she gave her bogus

answer. She was starved but after being around first the skinny flight attendant and then
the model thin Bianca, Tessa thought it best she retire without a meal for once in her life.

“You’re lying.”

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She shrugged, and her cheeks heated with embarrassment. Why did she always look

her worst in front of him? “I’m sure I can go one night without dinner. I’m tired.” That
was a lie too. She was wide-awake. It was only around three-thirty New York time and
she was too excited being in a foreign city for the first time to consider going to bed yet.

“So you’d deny yourself authentic Italian cuisine because you’re tired?” He literally

scoffed. “I don’t think so. Why don’t you freshen up and I’ll take you to dinner.”

She gaped at him. What in the world? “You don’t have to do that.”
“I want to do it. Be ready in twenty minutes.” He exited the room and shut the door

behind him, leaving Tessa still standing in the center of her room, irritated at the bossy
way he commanded her about.

Yes, she was his employee but he fairly demanded she do what he asked. Actually,

there was no asking where Alex was involved. What he said, went and he didn’t deal
with any sort of argument.

But what did freshen up mean? She’d love to take a shower, perhaps wash her hair but

she couldn’t do it all in twenty minutes. And what was she supposed to wear?

Precious minutes wasting, she hurried into the bathroom, pausing when she saw what

awaited her. A sunken in tub and a glass-enclosed shower with three shower heads that
could house a party of four, it was so large. The tub sat close to the floor to ceiling
expanse of window that nearly took up the entire wall, offering a glittering view of the
city that was positively breathtaking.

The bathroom she’d used growing up had been small, the only one in their apartment

and always a mess what with all her siblings. Her apartment bathroom was tiny, too,
though at least it had a shower and a tub, which she used quite often in the winter. The
tub tempted her but she didn’t have enough time so she started the water for the shower,
hurriedly changing out of her clothes.

She’d use the tub later tonight. Or maybe tomorrow. No matter, she was going to use it

before they left Milan. It was too dreamy to ignore.

Fifteen minutes later she was ready after a quick scrub down and a fresh change of

clothes. She went for simple, wearing a new pair of black pants, a white T-shirt with an
embellished, jeweled neck and a light gray cashmere cardigan. She wore her hair down.
The steam from the shower had coaxed the curl out and simple pearl stud earrings rested
in her ears, a gift from her grandmother for her eighteenth birthday.

Glancing at herself in the mirror, she sighed resignedly. She wasn’t supermodel caliber

but it would have to do. After all, Alex knew what he was dealing with. He’d seen her
every day for the last six months, and she was his employee. He probably wanted to
discuss what the plan was for tomorrow over dinner.

Boring but she could endure, what with the view that would be sitting across from her

at the table.

When she opened the door and caught sight of Alex waiting for her, he didn’t

disappoint. Lounging on one of the plush velvet couches, his arms sprawled on either
side of him, he looked every inch the impatient man waiting for his date to get ready so
they could get on with it.

Oh, how she wished.

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“Are you ready?” He drew himself to his full height and strode toward her, his gaze

intent, his steps quick. He’d showered and changed as well, wearing a simple black
pullover sweater and black trousers. His hair was still damp from the shower and it
curled at the ends. He hadn’t shaved either, the shadow of stubble across his jaw giving
him a dangerous air.

She trembled with desire when he took hold of her arm and started to lead her toward

the door. “I need my purse.”

“Are you going to pay tonight?” He glanced down at her.
“I—hadn’t planned on it.” Not that she could afford a meal where he was most likely

taking her.

“Then you don’t need it,” he said simply as he reached for the door handle.
“But my phone and my lipstick…”
He cut her off with a look. “You don’t need your phone, and you look beautiful. You

don’t need any lipstick.”

His statement stunned Tessa silent and she remained quiet for the entire elevator ride

down to the ground level, as did he. He thought she was beautiful? She found it
incredibly hard to believe. He was just being kind. She couldn’t come close to competing
with the beautiful women he encountered.

“Your mind is working overtime,” he murmured close to her ear as they exited the

elevator and headed toward the lobby. “I’m almost afraid to ask what you might be

As if she could ever confess her true thoughts. “I’m, um, overwhelmed by how

beautiful everything is.”

“As am I.” He sent her a meaningful look, and she swallowed hard. If she was being

hopeful she’d almost believe he was referring to her.

But that was ridiculous. He was only being kind.
“Alexander Worth.”
Alex turned at the sound of the heavily accented voice, a polite smile curving his lips

when he caught sight of the man who stood in the lobby next to a small, bubbling
fountain. A woman half his age draped over his arm, dripping with the largest jewels
Tessa had ever seen. “Giorgio Ricci, how are you?”

Placing his hand upon her lower back, Alex led Tessa to the couple. The man smiled

and reached for Alex, giving him a kiss on each cheek, causing Alex to chuckle. “I heard
you were in the city.”

“We’re relaunching one of the stores tomorrow,” Alex said.
“Ah, si, si.” The man nodded, beaming. “I shall be there. I cannot wait to see the store.”
“I’m glad to hear it. The store is beautiful.” Alex paused. “What brings you here to the


“Escorting my Giovanna for the evening.” Giorgio indicated the woman on his arm

who offered a brittle smile in greeting. “I keep her here when she comes to visit. Cannot
have the wife know, eh?”

Tessa’s skin chilled. This woman with the twinkling diamonds and dress cut so low her

breasts threatened to fall out was Giorgio’s mistress. How…sleazy.

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“No, I imagine you can’t.” Alex shifted, looking vaguely uncomfortable.
“Tomorrow evening, the wife, she is in charge of a very exclusive charity ball, and I’d

be pleased if you and your lady friend were to attend.” Giorgio sent her a leering look
and she recoiled slightly.

“Oh, I’m not his—” Tessa started but Alex cut her off with a smooth, “We’ll be there.

What time does it start?”

They discussed times and locations in rapid fire Italian. Giovanna the mistress

appeared bored though she shot Alex a hungry look, licking her lips when he glanced her

Tessa’s appetite vanished. Again she was reminded of her meager looks, her feeble

wardrobe and her lack of polish.

She was in way too far over her head.
“Why did you agree to escort me to the ball tomorrow night?” she asked after Alex

hustled her out of the lobby and into the bustling crowds walking along the sidewalk.

“You don’t want to go?” He glanced down at her, his hand still upon her back, guiding

her through the throng of people.

She wanted to go more than anything, especially with him. “I have nothing to wear.”
“I can remedy that,” he said easily.
“If you’re going to offer me a dress, please don’t do it.” She couldn’t take clothes from

him. She’d be no better than that mistress with the diamonds.

“How about I let you borrow a dress,” he suggested.
“The fashion houses do it all the time. Lend out their clothes for the exposure.”
Of course, she knew that. “No one will care what I’m wearing, let alone take a photo of


“If you’re going to this charity ball on my arm tomorrow, trust me, someone will take

your photograph.”

She didn’t get it. Why would he want to take her? She wasn’t paying attention as he

led her down the sidewalk, turning down a short, dark alley before they came to a quaint
wooden door that looked like it was once part of a castle. He opened the door for her, the
delicious scents wafting from within making her stomach growl all over again and she
eagerly went inside.

The restaurant was tiny, quaint and nearly every table filled despite the late hour. A

short, stout man with a thick black beard came to greet them, his familiarity with Alex
indicating he’d been at this restaurant before.

Tessa couldn’t help but wonder with who.
They were seated in the farthest corner of the restaurant by a small window. The

location intimate, the table so small she bumped into Alex’s knees when she sat down. A
fat, sputtering candle sat in a red glass votive, casting him in a fiery glow.

He’d never looked more handsome—and that was saying a lot considering she’d never

seen him look horrible. She was starting to believe it just wasn’t possible.

“So why do you want to take me tomorrow night?” she asked after Alex ordered for

the both of them.

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“You won’t let it go, will you?”
She shrugged. “I’m curious as to your reasons.”
“I need your help.” His expression solemn, he reached for the glass of wine recently

poured for them and took a sip.

“My help?” Now she was intrigued.
He nodded. “The barracudas will feast upon me if I go alone.”
She frowned. “What are you talking about?”
“Tomorrow night, you’re going to pretend to be my date,” his tone nonchalant, he

reached for a piece of bread from the basket. Steamy warmth rose when he flipped back
the black cloth and he tore off a piece, offering it to her. She shook her head, and he
shrugged, biting off a piece before he further explained. “Every time I go to one of these
events alone in Europe, it doesn’t matter what country, I’m propositioned all evening.”

“Having me on your arm is going to prevent that? I doubt it.” Her stomach grumbled

as she watched him eat the bread with relish. It looked so good but she couldn’t. Bread
was her weakness, and it would go straight to her thighs.

“I’m not going to let you out of my sight. They won’t be able to get me alone.”
A thrill shivered down her spine at his words. He sounded downright possessive.

“Considering the man we just met flaunts his mistress in such a public manner, I don’t
think I’ll be much of a deterrent.” She stared at his hands with longing as he reached into
the basket and tore off another hunk of fragrant bread.

“Stop depriving yourself and take some,” he growled, shoving his hand—and the

bread—under her nose.

Unable to resist she plucked it from his fingers and took a bite, nearly melting in her

chair when the buttery taste exploded on her tongue. “Won’t it cause unwarranted
gossip? Being seen with me?”

“I doubt it. And if anything, it’ll hit the Euro mags and that’s it.” Alex shrugged. “No

one cares that much what I do.”

He was being modest. He’d been the talk of tabloids for years. Young and successful,

handsome and straight, such a rarity in the fashion industry, he and his brothers all made
the tabloids and various gossip sites, especially Rhett.

“Someone will care,” Tessa said softly. “What about Hunter? He’s in charge of

marketing. What if this is a wrong move on your part? For the company vision and

“Tessa.” He reached across the table and took her hand, holding it loosely in his.

“Being seen with you is the absolute right image for the company. You look—respectable.
Wholesome. Trust me a sweetly beautiful woman on my arm at a charity event is a good
thing. Hunter will be pleased.”

“Are you using me for my wholesome and respectable image?” For whatever reason,

his words fired her up. He thought she was sweet. She’d show him sweet.

“I’m not using you.” He didn’t release his grip on her hand. In fact, he stroked his

thumb across her knuckles, sending a scattering of tingles across her skin. “I don’t use
people. I never do.”

Her mouth went dry at the seriousness she saw in his gaze, heard in his tone. He

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meant what he said. But why her? Because she was easy—and convenient?

“I don’t want to get hurt,” she murmured, expressing her biggest fear.
“I won’t hurt you. I promise,” he vowed.
She nodded once, her fingers curling about his. She trusted him. He would never do

her wrong. “Then I’ll do it. I’ll go to the charity event with you tomorrow.”

He smiled and squeezed her hand, dropping it when the waiter arrived with their

food. “I never had a doubt.”

Tessa bet he didn’t. Knowing Alex, he wouldn’t have let her say no. Would’ve

demanded she go with him despite her doubts.

And knowing her, she would’ve agreed despite all the worry.

He waited. Again. Fidgeting with the clasp on his watch, tightening his cufflinks,

tugging at the collar of his shirt for what felt like the millionth time. She wasn’t late. He
was early. He paced the length of the suite’s living area, turning on his heel before he
made the trek back the way he came.

The flagship store opening had gone off without a hitch, thanks to Tessa keeping him

on track. The media came out in droves, snapping his photo so much in front of the store
before it officially reopened he thought he might go blind from the flashes.

He’d sent Tessa back to the suite the moment the official launch duties had wrapped

up. She’d looked ragged, smudges under her eyes, her skin pale. He’d ordered her to take
a nap and she’d readily agreed, escaping the store so fast he wondered if there were
imaginary dogs nipping at her heels.

After the opening he’d asked the store manager if she would accompany him and

they’d shopped for a dress for Tessa for tonight’s ball. They’d found it in the third store
they entered, Alex spotting the dress in the window. He’d known upon first glance,
without a doubt it belonged to Tessa.

He’d paid for it too—and it had cost a substantial amount, not that it mattered. Not

that he would ever tell her. On loan, he’d say and she wouldn’t be the wiser.

It was best. She deserved the best.
While out, he’d also purchased shoes and accessories for Tessa’s outfit. The stores had

promised delivery of all the items to the hotel to Tessa and when he’d finally come back
to the suite, she wasn’t in sight though her door had been closed. Neither were the items
he had delivered. He figured they were in the room with her.

Alex ran a hand through his hair. He wished he was in the room with her too.
Last night’s dinner had been a study in torture. So beautiful, so sweet, once he’d

calmed Tessa down over the charity event, she’d relaxed. Full of laughter and stories—as
well as full of good wine—she’d enjoyed herself, devouring the plate of delicious food,
munching on the irresistible bread and asking for another basket. She’d even indulged in
dessert, sharing the plate with him and he’d been so damn tempted to feed her a bite.
Bad enough he’d watched her lick chocolate sauce from the corner of her mouth.

It had all been rather intimate. Like a date, though she hadn’t seemed aware of it.
He’d been. Extremely aware. Of the way her knees brushed against his throughout the

night, how they’d clasped hands for those few moments when he’d reassured her. How

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the candlelight had given her an ethereal glow, her dark hair tumbling over her
shoulders, fueling his imagination. He could envision her long hair spread out across his
pillow while he had her naked and pinned beneath him in bed. Her plump breasts
crushed against his chest, her legs spread, cradling his hips as he slowly entered her for
the first time…

“Sorry to keep you waiting.” The door to her room swung open, and she stepped out.

He heard her heels clicking on the bare floor. “Do I look okay?”

Turning in the direction of her voice, he stopped, his mouth gone dry at the vision

before him.

She was a goddess clad in virginal white, her hair up, sparkly earrings swinging from

her ears. The dress didn’t reveal much…was rather modest in appearance but that didn’t
matter. She was a vision covered in white tulle and sparkling stones. The skirt was a
frothy concoction that fell to the floor and sparkled with diamante accents.

“Turn around,” he commanded, his voice hoarse.
She did as he asked, revealing the sexy back of her gown. Constructed of sheer,

sparkling net and intricate lace, a row of satin buttons led down from the base of her neck
to the middle of her shoulder blades. He could see her skin, the bare curve of her neck an
utter temptation and he clenched his hands into fists. Afraid he might reach out and
touch her, tear the gown from her body and ravish her where she stood.

“Do you like it?” she asked once she faced him again.
He nodded, struggling to find his voice, let alone a sliver of control. To say he merely

liked it was a gross understatement. “You look—perfect.”

She smiled with relief, her cheeks rosy, her eyes so dark in contrast to her flushed skin.

She’d covered her lips with the trademark ruby red lipstick, drawing his attention to the
lush ripeness of her mouth. If he kissed her, would he wear her mark? He didn’t mind
the thought of smudged lipstick smeared across his lips.

Alex frowned. He’d lost all sensibility when it came to this woman. She had him

thinking like a fool. Even scarier? He didn’t seem to mind.

“Thank you for finding the dress for me. For all of it.” She grabbed hold of her skirt

with both hands and twirled from side to side like a little girl. “I feel like a fairy

“You look like one.” He went to her, curving his hand around her elbow so he could

steer her toward the door. “A car is waiting for us in front of the hotel. Are you ready?”

“Yes, I am.” She smiled nervously as he led her out of the room.
Within minutes they were in the car and pulling away from the hotel, the driver

maneuvering with practiced skill through the hectic traffic. Tessa sat next to him, her
fingers twisted in her tulle skirts, her delectable scent wrapping all around him, making
him drunk on her essence. Reaching out, he laid his hand over both of hers, stilling her
movements. “You’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”

“I’m afraid I’ll make a mistake,” she confessed.
“Just follow my lead.” He squeezed her hand, then reluctantly moved it off of hers.

“You did an excellent job today keeping us on task during the opening.”

“I think the launch turned out wonderful, don’t you?” She turned toward him, her face

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lighting up at the change of topic. “So many people there and lots of media came too.”

“Hunter and his team did a great job rounding them up.”
“You did a great job charming all of them.”
He grimaced. “The schmoozing part of this job, I hate it.”
“No one would ever guess. You’re rather skilled at it.”
“I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult.”
She stifled a giggle. “It’s a compliment, at least from me.”
“Thank you.” He stared at her a little too long and she glanced away, looking vaguely

uncomfortable. The very last emotion he wanted her to invoke.

Christ, could he do nothing right? The woman made him feel like a fumbling teenager

with his first girl, unsure of what to do, what to say next.

“Is the place far from the hotel?” she asked.
“We should be there in a few minutes.” Breathing deep, he worked at gaining control

of his urges. Having her so close, in such a small space, she played havoc with his senses,
his thoughts. He’d always believed she was beautiful, but no word came close to
describing her this evening.

She was stunning. Such a beauty it almost hurt to look at her.
Not that he stopped looking at her. More like he couldn’t resist.
With the traffic easing as they drew closer, they arrived at the plaza in minutes. The

front of the building was swarming with people, there was a red carpet area set up where
everyone could enter, pausing to take photos before they walked inside.

Tessa grabbed his hand, hers chilled to the bone as she clutched him tight. “We

probably shouldn’t be photographed together.”

“Why not? I told you it shouldn’t be a problem.”
“The media will get hold of it and run with a made up story. Trust me. I read the

tabloids, I know how they operate.” She sounded petrified.

“Rhett keeps them plenty occupied. No one is paying attention to me. We’re fair away

from all of the gossip so stop worrying.” He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and let
go just as the car pulled to a stop. “I’ll help you out.”

The driver opened the door moments later and Alex climbed out of the car, turning to

offer her his hand. She set her hand in his and let him pull her to her feet, her layers of
tulle and silk skirts falling to the ground as she stood.

The crowd went wild as they walked down the red carpet, their hands still clasped, all

of them shouting his name in various accents. She tried to duck her head. He knew she
probably wished she could melt into the floor, but he tugged on her hand, pulling her
closer. “Hold your head up high,” he urged.

She did as he demanded. She always did which pleased him to no end. Lifting her

chin, she offered the cameras a smile, her dramatically red lips parting to reveal straight
white teeth. The flashes popped like crazy, the photographers asking who his lady friend

“An old family friend,” he said mysteriously, slipping his arm around her slender waist

and holding her close, his hand resting on the curve of her hip.

“What are you wearing tonight, miss?” one of the female reporters asked Tessa.

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“Valentino and Worth,” she said, her lilting voice carrying on the breeze.
The local media murmured their approval at her choice of an Italian designer.
“Let’s go inside.” He guided her down the walkway, offering a quick wave to the last

bunch of reporters before they entered the building. Inside music swelled, an orchestra
playing in the ballroom and the dull roar of endless conversation sounded, like a swarm
of bees coming closer and prepared to attack.

They approached the ballroom’s closed double doors, his hand at her back, her stature

stiff and shoulders tense. Her nerves were unsettling and he wished he could calm her
somehow, some way. Glancing about, he realized they were all alone so he did what he’d
been dying to do from the day he first saw her.

Turning into her, he cupped her cheek with his free hand, tilting her face up so her

gaze met his. Her dark eyes went wide, her lips parted and he swooped in, taking

He kissed her.

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Chapter Five

Tessa froze, shocked at the sensation of Alex’s lips pressed against hers. They were soft,

there and gone before they settled upon hers once again. Longer this time, his mouth
lingered on hers. His lips parted, and she felt his hot breath mingle with her own before
he finally pulled away.

“W—why did you do that?” Her voice shook. She sounded like a complete ninny, but

she couldn’t believe it.

Alex just kissed her.
“I need you to be calm,” he murmured, his fingers drifting down her cheek before his

hand fell away. “I need you to be confident. And more than anything, you need to
pretend you’re with me. Just for tonight.”

That wouldn’t be a hardship. But still. She didn’t understand. He could have anyone

and yet he chose her? “I don’t know how convincing we’ll be. I mean, you’re my boss. Up
until a few days ago I couldn’t bring myself to call you by your first name. And now you
want me to pretend that you’re my—boyfriend?”

She could not say the word lover. It was simply too intimate. Not that Alexander

Worth could be considered anyone’s boyfriend. That was far too simple a word for such a
complex man.

A couple swept by, the older man dashing in his tuxedo, the woman clad in royal blue

and with sapphires the size of eggs around her neck and on her fingers. Tessa couldn’t
help but stare as the man opened the ballroom door and allowed the woman to walk

It gave Alex the advantage. He pulled Tessa in even closer, if that was possible. Her full

skirts swirled around his legs, covering his feet and she braced herself, resting her hand
against his hard chest, her fingers immediately curling into the soft, rich fabric of his

The man was gorgeous no matter what he wore. Tuxedo, suit, jeans…and she had a

feeling he would be even more so in nothing at all.

“For one night I want you to pretend you belong to me, Tessa. No one else, just me.”

He placed his hand on her cheek again, his fingers curving about her jaw, cradling her as
if she were a delicate, fragile thing. “I don’t want you to look at another man, speak to
another man unless I say or indicate that you can. You’re mine tonight.” The look in his
gray-blue eyes was fierce, full of a fiery passion she’d never seen before.

She found she rather liked it.
“I can do that,” she whispered with a tiny nod, equally excited and perplexed by his


If she pondered it long enough, she could half believe him. That he wanted her, so

badly he’d do anything to have her, if just for one night.

He smiled. A real smile, it lit his eyes and offered a teasing glimpse of a dimple in his

left cheek. He kissed her, a quick brush of lips that sent a bolt of sensation straight
through her, settling in her core. She very nearly stumbled as he withdrew and guided

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her toward the door, opening it to allow her entry.

“Please don’t leave me alone,” she said as he stepped into place beside her. The place

buzzed with activity, so many people within the large room, it was an absolute crush.
The scent of cloying, expensive perfumes filled the air, and she wrinkled her nose.

“I wouldn’t dare think of it,” he assured, slipping his arm around her waist. Glancing

about, he studied everyone. Easy for him considering he was nearly a head taller than the
majority of the people in the room, and she was a shrimp despite the four-inch heels.

Gorgeous shoes they were too. Delicate and strappy, chiffon and bejeweled flowers

stitched across the top, she truly felt like Cinderella at the ball, her handsome prince by
her side.

She only hoped she didn’t turn into a frump—or even worse, a pumpkin—when the

clock struck midnight.

Remain by her side Alex did. He introduced her to an endless stream of people and she

had no recollection who they might be. The women eyed her with thinly veiled disdain,
especially the unattached ones. The men eyed her with unabashed interest. It didn’t
matter if they were married or not, some of them leered at her even with a woman on
their arms. She’d never been observed so overtly before.

Alex’s friend Giorgio Ricci was there, accompanied by his wife who was a rather

beautiful woman if a bit plump. Guilt assuaged Tessa as she was introduced to the lady,
and it took everything within her not to scream out in warning that her husband was a
philandering fool.

But she kept herself—and her urges—in check. Nodding politely and offering a few

words in congratulations that her charity event being such a success before they were on
their merry way.

All the while, Alex remained firmly at her side, a determined look on his face. He was

there to make an appearance, she kept reminding herself. He needed to look good to
those influential in the Milan fashion industry, and Tessa firmly believed the majority of
them were in this ballroom tonight.

It was good business sense, being at the event. Not only did Worth Luxury Goods make

a sizable donation but the chance to mingle amongst the glittering set of Milan’s wealthy
was an opportunity even Hunter couldn’t have conjured up with all of his connections.
Alex spoke with many of them, an endless stream of people seemed to swarm around
him, looking for their chance to speak with him.

Feeling decidedly like a fifth wheel, she excused herself, wishing to hide in the ladies’

room for a moment and get away from the crowds. He didn’t let her go, grabbing hold of
her hand before she escaped.

“They’ll be serving dinner soon,” he murmured close to her ear. “So don’t be gone too


“I’ll be back in five minutes.” She offered him a smile, wishing he’d kiss her again

though she knew he wouldn’t. Too many people were watching and he wasn’t one to
ever make a scene.

He released his grip on her hand, and she made her way through the crowds toward

the opposite side of the room. The rich scents of the impending dinner wafted

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throughout and the clink of glasses sounded as people drank from flutes of champagne.
A waiter approached her with a loaded tray and she plucked the glass of champagne off
the top, offering a murmur of thanks before she sipped.

It was delicious, shimmering and crisp as it slid down her throat. She downed all of it

quickly, licking her lips so as not to miss a drop before she set the empty glass on a nearby
table and started toward the restroom.

“You’re a brave woman.”
The heavily accented, slightly snide voice stopped Tessa in her tracks and she turned to

find Bianca standing there. Giorgio’s mistress. That she would make an appearance at
Giorgio’s wife’s charity event was brazen, to say the least.

“Um. Hello, Bianca,” Tessa greeted, not wanting to be impolite.
Bianca rolled her eyes. “Did you not hear a word I said?”
“Something about being brave?” Tessa had no idea what she was talking about.
“You leave your man for a few minutes, very stupid. If I were you, I’d never leave him

alone, especially with all the women in this place. Women far more beautiful than you,”
Bianca said just before she drained a flute of champagne.

Tessa flinched at the insults. “I don’t see how any of this is your business.”
“It’s not.” Bianca smiled, her heavily glossed lips stretched wide. She had so much

makeup on and the dress she wore barely covered her largest assets. Her breasts
appeared ready to tumble out at any given moment. “But I thought you could do with a
piece of advice. Considering you look like a naïve fool in your virgin dress, all wide-eyed
at the money being tossed about before you.”

Disappointment crashed over Tessa, ruining her mood, her excitement over the dress,

everything. Bianca was by far the rudest person she’d ever encountered in her life, and
she’d run into a lot of rude people, especially during her retail days. “You should watch
what you say. Your lover—or perhaps his wife—might hear you.”

“Ooh, the kitten has claws. I like that.” Bianca laughed and grabbed another glass of

champagne from a passing waiter’s tray. “I just offer you a word of warning, poco gattino.
You step away even for a few moments and the women surround him licking their lips
and rubbing against him. Why, look at him now.” She indicated with a wave of her hand.

Tessa turned to see Alex indeed surrounded by a bevy of women, all of them young

and gorgeous, not a man in sight. He smiled and laughed with one of them, looking so
carefree and devilishly handsome he took her breath away.

That he looked at another woman like that and not her…her heart panged painfully at

the realization.

“See how the woman touches him, looks at him?” Bianca asked.
The woman reached out and touched Alex’s forearm, her eyes sparkling as she stared

up at him. She wore a revealing dress, black and sleek, and she was rail thin. He nodded
at whatever she said and then they quickly embraced, much to Tessa’s shock, before the
woman walked away, a satisfied smile on her face.

“I see,” Tessa said sadly, turning to Bianca. “But I’m just his—”
“It doesn’t matter what you just are,” Bianca interrupted. “You go back to him and

show every woman in this room he belongs to you, gattino. Bare your fangs, show your

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claws. Let them know he’s yours and no one else’s.”

With that, Bianca patted her on the arm, offered a sad smile and walked away,

disappearing in the crowd within seconds.

Such a strange conversation, one minute Bianca insulted her, the next she offered

sound advice. Tessa had come so close to revealing the truth to her too. Thank goodness,
Bianca had interrupted her.

Was Bianca disappointed she couldn’t be with the man she wanted to declare as her

own? Tessa knew she wouldn’t be able to stand being in the same room with Alex while
another woman stood with him as his date. Not after tonight…

She sidled up to him quietly, not wishing to interrupt the conversation he was having

with yet another beautiful woman. When he caught sight of her he smiled, a look of relief
in his eyes. “Ah perfect, she’s back. Tessa, I’d like to introduce you to Helene Rousso.
Helene, this is Tessa Crawford.”

“How do you do?” The woman smiled and offered Tessa her hand, which she took,

slightly shell shocked.

Helene Rousso? Daughter and head of the Rousso fashion dynasty? Tessa’s knees

literally shook as she shook her hand. “It’s an honor to meet you, Ms. Rousso.”

“Please, call me Helene.” She sent a smile in Alex’s direction. “She’s a pretty little

thing, Alexander. And so respectful. Wherever did you find her?”

Tessa frowned. Was every woman in attendance this evening a catty witch?
“We’ve known each other for quite a while,” Alex said smoothly, slipping his arm

around Tessa’s waist and pulling her in so she was plastered to his side.

“Indeed?” Helene arched a perfectly plucked brow. “She’s not your usual type,

Alexander. You always seem to prefer a more—refined woman.”

Tessa wanted to die. Or just magically disappear. Bianca had been bad enough. This

woman was completely evil.

And totally insulting.
“I went against type, Helene.” Leaning in, he dropped a kiss on Tessa’s forehead. “And

I’ve never been happier.”

A few other words were spoken, trite and meaningless, before Helene slipped away

with a smirk. The call for dinner was announced and Alex took her hand, leading her to a
table where they were the first two to sit down.

“That was awful. I’ve always admired Helene Rousso,” Tessa said, full of remorse.
“Helene is a wretched cow who loves to tear people down more than anything in the

world.” Alex took a sip from the water glass in front of him before he turned to her.
“Don’t let her bother you.”

“She only said what everyone else is thinking.” Tessa shrugged. She’d known from the

beginning this was a bad idea, accompanying Alex to the ball. She’d told him so, too, but
he’d convinced her it would work.

Looks like she was right, much as she hated to admit it.
“Hey.” Reaching out, he tucked two fingers beneath her chin, lifting her face so her

gaze met his. “I don’t care what anyone else thinks. Remember what I told you earlier?”

She nodded, her skin heating from his touch. Such an innocuous touch, yet it affected

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her completely. “I don’t know why you’re doing this,” she whispered. “Pretending to be
with me, it makes no sense.”

His eyes darkened, to that familiar, turbulent swirl of gray and blue that she adored so.

“I agree. It makes no sense.”

Tessa gasped, tried to jerk out of his grip but he firmed his fingers around her face,

keeping her in place. “But it’s there between us,” he continued. “Can’t you feel it?”

She blinked up at him, struck dumb by his words. What did he mean? Was he attracted

to her too? Did he feel the same chemistry that seemed to buzz between them every time
they were together?

“You do feel it,” he whispered harshly. “I know you do. And as much as I want to deny

it, the more time I spend with you, the harder it is for me to do so.”

His fingers gentled on her face, stroking along the line of her jaw. Feather light and so

soft she released a shuddering breath and closed her eyes. “God, you’re beautiful,” he
said just before she felt the brush of his lips against hers.

He was an absolute fool, making such a public spectacle of himself but Alex couldn’t

resist. Not with the sadness filling Tessa’s eyes, hurt over Helene Rousso’s thoughtless
and catty insults.

That he would partially confess he wanted her. That he would kiss her while hundreds

of people milled about—it was completely unlike him. His brothers, hell, everyone he
knew and dealt with on a constant basis would wonder what was wrong with him.

Tessa. That’s what was wrong with him. Though it didn’t necessarily feel wrong.
Being with her felt inexplicably right.
That he felt such an overwhelming need to comfort her, to sweep the sadness from her

eyes and make her smile, well he couldn’t think about that now. Nor worry about the

Tonight, this entire trip, he just wanted to be with her.
“Why did you do that?” she asked once he drew away.
Ah, his straightforward Tessa. He appreciated her for it. Most of the time. “You look

like you needed it.”

She lowered her lids, her thick, dark lashes obscuring her eyes. “You’ve never kissed

me before. Now you do it twice in the span of a half hour.”

He’d do more than kiss her by the end of the night if she let him. “I’ll stop if you want

me to.”

She opened her eyes wide and slightly shook her head. “I don’t want you to stop.”

Immediately she bit her lower lip, looking as if she wanted to take back the words.

Chuckling, he stroked her cheek. She had such baby soft skin. He didn’t want to stop

touching her. “We probably shouldn’t keep doing this. I’m your boss.”

“I know.”
“Yet every time I think of you I…” He let the words trail off, distracted by the heat in

her eyes, how her skin warmed beneath his touch. She was responsive, not afraid to let
her feelings show. Other women he’d been with were so calculating, so cool, never
wanting to reveal what they might really feel for fear they’d give him the upper hand.

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Tessa exposed herself, allowing him a raw glimpse. Making him want more.
So much more.
“You what?”
“I shouldn’t say another word.” He dropped a kiss on the tip of her adorable nose and

released his hold on her, turning so he faced the table. Her disappointment palpable, she
did the same, scooting her chair in before she reached for her water glass and took a sip.

Others joined their table, a couple he’d met the last time he was in Europe and a

business associate of Giorgio’s. He didn’t know any of the rest though they were all
friendly and seemed to know of him. He introduced Tessa to everyone, never clarifying
who she might be to him and no one was rude enough to ask. She smiled politely and
greeted them in her soft, seductive voice.

The entire table conversed in Italian, and he knew Tessa didn’t know a word of it. She

sat quietly, pretending interest though he could see the distance in her gaze. Two waiters
came to their table and presented their first course, which she seemed grateful for and he
watched in silent amusement as she devoured her salad.

“Hungry?” he asked, leaning in close so she was the only one who could hear.
Her cheeks flushed a becoming pink and she nodded, setting her fork carefully upon

her now empty plate. “Starved.”

“And bored?”
“Oh, no.” She turned, their faces so close it would be incredibly easy to kiss her yet

again. “Never bored. Tonight has been an—enlightening experience.”

He held himself in check. Just barely. “I warned you it would be swarming with


She smiled. “You were right. I ran into Bianca earlier.”
“You know. The woman who was with your friend Giorgio that night at the hotel.”

She leaned in close and lowered her voice. “His mistress.”

“Ah.” He hadn’t seen her. Was surprised Giorgio would have his mistress in

attendance at his wife’s charity ball. “Was it awkward?”

“It was so odd. She was equal parts rude and kind.” Tessa sighed. “I think she’s a very

sad woman.”

“Really?” Tessa was so softhearted. He found it endearing—and also dangerous. If she

didn’t watch out, someone could take advantage of her.

Alex frowned. Like himself.
“Oh, yes. Can you imagine? Being here tonight, watching the man you love be with the

woman he’s married to? I mean, I know it’s not right, your friend indulging in an affair
and at first I felt so sorry for his wife when I met her. But now I feel sorry for Bianca too.
She looked so sad, so resigned.” Tessa shook her head. “I couldn’t stand by and watch the
man I want to be with more than any other spend time with his wife.

“I would hope you would never lower yourself so much that you’d be with a man

who’s already married.” His voice was stern and he took hold of her hand. “You’re worth
more than that, Tessa. You deserve happiness.”

She smiled but it was full of sadness. “Sometimes things don’t work out the way you

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expect them to. I find it best to be prepared to settle.”

“You should never settle. You should always go after what you want, declare it to the

world, work for it and make it happen.” He paused, the words sinking into his brain. He
could be talking about her, about the two of them together. “Never, ever settle. It’s a
word that shouldn’t even be in your vocabulary.”

“Ah, but I’m not you. The rich and successful Alexander Worth could have anything he

wants. You’re so determined, so powerful. What more could you ever ask for?”

“There are still things I haven’t obtained yet.” Like you.
“Really? Like what?”
She issued the question like a challenge. He glanced about, saw that no one paid them

any mind. Everyone was involved in his or her own conversations. Returning his gaze to
her, he saw the question in her eyes. The light from the glittering chandeliers above
shone down upon her, catching the sparkles in her gown and making her look like an
enchanted fairy.

His enchanted fairy. He never wanted to let her go.
“If I confess what I want to you, you cannot tell a soul.” He lowered his voice, his gaze

dropping to her succulent mouth. The urge to kiss her, drink from her right at the table
was so strong it took everything within him to fight it.

“I won’t tell anyone,” she murmured. “Your secrets are safe with me, Alex.”
Hearing the words, hearing Tessa say his name, did something to him. He wanted to

trust her, wanted to give everything he could to her but something was always holding
him back. He continually blamed it on their professional relationship but he’d never been
one to freely give himself to another. Always held himself in check, never broke control,
needing to stay above his emotions, his feelings, his worries.

For once, Alex wanted to give it up, give in. But it was so damned hard.
“Are they safe? I usually don’t share such intimacies with another.” Taking her hand,

he brought it up to his mouth, pressing his lips against her knuckles.

Her fingers trembled in his grip. “You can share them with me. I’m loyal to you. You

know I am.”

“You are,” he agreed. “As an employee and as my assistant, you’re extremely loyal. But

are you loyal to me as a man? Forget who I am to you. Forget my name. Forget all of it.
Are you still loyal then?”

She nodded and reached out with her free hand, touching his face. She gave him no

verbal answer but her soothing touch was enough.

“What I want more than anything is…” He took a deep breath.
“Is you.”

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Chapter Six

Tessa stared at him, shocked by his confession. Did he really mean it? Did he really

want her that much? She found it hard to believe but there he sat, his hand still clutching
hers, his eyes so dark and filled with what looked like worry.

Did he regret saying such a thing? It was a rather monumental confession, one she

would’ve been hard pressed to reveal if he’d asked yet here he was, saying such magical
words that her heart felt ready to take flight and leap straight out of her chest.

Alex squeezed her hand so tight it almost hurt. “Aren’t you going to say something?”
“I—I want you too.” She pressed her lips together, fear coursing through her veins as

cold as ice. “But we can’t…”

“We can’t what? Spend time together? Be together?”
“You said so yourself.” He had. He said it only a few moments ago. It was a difficult

situation considering he was her superior. And the fact that Alex wanted her was so
surreal she wondered if she might be dreaming. “I can’t be like Bianca. Getting involved
with you and then, when we return home and we’re back in the office, we resume our
positions as boss and assistant.”

He contemplated her, his mouth tightening into a firm line and slowly, sadly, he

released his hold on her hand. Withdrawing from her completely, both physically and
emotionally, until she felt so very cold and alone.

“You’re right,” he said, his voice low, his eyes dim. “We can’t do this. I can’t do it. I’m

sorry, Tessa.”

“Better you find out now, right? That we didn’t take it any further?” A sob rose in her

chest and she swallowed hard, trying her best to hold it in. She turned away from him
when the tears filled her eyes and she pushed back her chair, tossing the napkin onto the
table beside her plate. “I’ll be right back.”

“But what about your dinner?”
“I’ve lost my appetite.” She hurried away, gathering her skirts in her hands so she

could walk faster. She knew her abrupt departure drew stares but she couldn’t stop.
Didn’t want Alex or anyone else witness her complete breakdown.

She entered the bathroom just in time, the sob leaving her as tears flowed down her

cheeks. Locking herself into a stall, she leaned against the cold wall and pressed her
hands into her face.

Who was she fooling, thinking she could go on with this wretched tour, believing she

could return to New York and sit in front of Alex’s office at her desk day in and day out.
Pretending she felt nothing for him, pretending he hadn’t just confessed he wanted her.
She couldn’t forget any of this, especially his sweet kisses.

They would’ve turned to passionate kisses if they’d continued what they started. She’d

never know what it really felt like to be in Alex’s arms, to feel his desire and want for her,
to know what it would be like to spend the night with him in his bed, wrapped all
around him.

A fresh wave of tears started, and she mourned what she’d lost. Grabbing a wad of

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toilet paper, she wiped her tears away, then blew her nose. She probably looked a wreck.
All of the glamour and wonder of the evening, of her beautiful dress, it had all been lost.

She should leave. Take the car to the hotel and send it back so it could pick up Alex.

Pack her belongings while he was still out and somehow arrange a flight back to New
York. Where she could give her notice and find another job, preferably before Alex

It would be foolish to remain with him on this torturous tour. And she knew she

wouldn’t be able to deal if she stayed on as his assistant. It would be much too difficult.

Filled with resolve, she emerged from the toilet stall, ignoring the strange look the

woman standing at the sink gave her. Tessa splashed water on her face, afraid to look in
the mirror because she knew it was bad. Leaving the bathroom, she spotted the wall of
double doors in the distance. Hopefully the car would still be out there or at the very
least, she could call a car service. Perhaps the concierge at the hotel could help her.

Tessa wound her way through the tables and kept her head down, not wanting to

make eye contact with anyone. Perhaps she was making more of a spectacle of herself by
doing so but she didn’t care. She had to get out of here and quick—couldn’t stand the
thought of facing Alex again, of hearing his voice, of seeing the rejection written all over
his face.

Just as she walked outside she heard his unmistakable voice calling her name, but she

ignored him. She ran down the steps, her feet aching from the too-high heels when she
felt his fingers clasp around her upper arm like bands of steel.

“Where do you think you’re going?”
She whirled around, glaring up at him. “Let me go.”
“Were you just going to leave?” He sounded flabbergasted. She doubted anyone defied

the man. And certainly no woman would out and out leave him.

“I can’t stay here with you and pretend. Not after what you said.” She tried to jerk out

of his grip but he wouldn’t let her, his fingers tightening even further.

“What I said? What did you expect me to say?” His brows lowered and his expression

went from incredulity to fierce in less than five seconds. “I was trying to be a gentleman
and do the right thing. I won’t be responsible for hurting you.”

“Too late,” she flung at him, the venom in her words surprising him so she was able to

escape his grip. “You’ve already hurt me more than I care to admit.”

Turning on her heel, she fled, running down the rest of the stairs as quick as she could.

She heard Alex behind her, gaining on her with his every step and she glanced over her
shoulder, saw the determined look on his face.

He would catch her. She knew it. It was pointless to run. But she couldn’t stop. She had

to get away from him. “Leave me alone,” she tossed over her shoulder.

“Tessa, for Christ’s sake, stop running.” He was beyond frustrated, she could hear it in

his voice but she didn’t care.

She paused at the next intersection, glancing first to her left, then her right. The road

was clear and she darted across the street, Alex’s enraged voice trailing after her. She
made it across, saw he was stuck on the other side, glaring at her as the cars sped by
between them.

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Empty triumph filled her and she continued walking in the direction of the hotel. She

had no money, hadn’t thought to bring a purse, leaving herself solely dependent on Alex
for the evening. She was such a silly little fool, counting on him for everything. Where
had her independent spirit disappeared to? Why did she turn into such a helpless female
every time she was with him?

It was insane. He made her insane.
Her shoes pinched, the streets were still crowded with tourists and they kept staring at

her. Not every day a woman limped down the sidewalk in a formal white gown.

God. The man made her do the most ridiculous things.
She walked on and on, pushing past people who seemed to be taking a leisurely stroll,

the hotel nowhere in sight and she wished more than anything that she had her wallet.
She could’ve got a cab, wouldn’t have to be walking for what felt like twenty miles, her
toes pinched, her feet throbbing. Desperate, she yanked the shoes off, sighing in blissful
relief despite having to walk on the dirty sidewalk. It didn’t matter. At least the torture
devices were off her feet.

Limping along the sidewalk like a bedraggled urchin, she started to laugh, feeling

slightly hysterical. She’d turned into Cinderella. Escaping the ball and her fairytale
prince, disappointed and disgusted over the tragic parody her life had turned into. She’d
never felt dumber in all her life.

“Tessa.” A sleek black car pulled alongside the curb, the back window rolled down to

reveal Alex sitting there, glaring at her. “Get in the car.”

Oh, she was tempted. “No.” The car kept pace with her as she continued to walk. Or


“Tessa.” He sounded as if he was talking to a small child. “Stop acting ridiculous and

get in the damn car.”

She stopped and wagged her finger at him. “Don’t you dare curse at me, Alexander

Worth. You just can’t boss me around and expect me to do whatever you say.”

“So you prefer I let you wander the streets all alone and without any sort of

identification or money, not even a cell phone, while you walk in the wrong direction in
search of the hotel? What sort of jerk do you think I am?”

Her shoulders sagged and she hung her head. She’d been walking in the wrong

direction all this time? It was a wonder Alex even found her. “I thought the hotel was
this way,” she admitted feebly.

“It’s not.” He paused and she glanced up, saw that he watched her, his eyes filled with

exasperation. She was behaving like a complete idiot, and they both knew it. “Get in the

She stiffened at his command, about to turn and go in the opposite direction. She could

find the hotel. Eventually. She didn’t need him to get around this stupid city.

“Please, Tessa.” He opened the door and climbed out of the car, coming to stop before

her with just a few strides. The man had the longest legs she’d ever seen. She still
couldn’t believe he hadn’t caught up with her earlier. “Come with me. I’m worried about

It was the please that did it. His usual bossy ways had fled, leaving before her a man

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asking for her agreement. With a short nod she complied, following him to the car where
he held the door open for her so she could climb in.

He got in after her, slamming the door so hard she jumped. Wiggling her toes, she was

thankful for the ability to rest but she knew she was in for it. He was about to chastise, to
bluster, tell her how ridiculous her behavior was. Not that she needed to hear any of it.
She already knew she was a complete twit. No wonder he turned her away earlier.

“Are you all right?” he asked quietly.
She nodded, dropped the dreaded yet beautiful shoes on the floor and clasped her

hands together, resting them in her lap. “I’m fine.”

“Your feet?” When she glanced up at him, he shrugged. “You were limping.”
“It’s the shoes.” She pointed toward the floor where they lay. “They hurt.”
“Do you need someone to look at your feet? A doctor perhaps?”
Tessa scoffed and turned away from him. “No, thank you. Really, I’m fine.” She hated

that he was acting so concerned. She’d rather he still be angry with her. When he was
nice, she forgot her anger and frustration. Wished instead that she could throw herself
into his arms and forget everything, damn the consequences and give in to what she
really wanted.

“If you feel you should return to New York tomorrow, I understand,” he said softly.

Had he become a mind reader? “I can arrange for the jet to fly you back first thing.”

She remained quiet, her mind awhirl with too many thoughts. It was best she leave,

she knew this and so did Alex.

But did she really want to go?
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable over what happened tonight,” he

continued, his voice so low she barely heard him. “It was wrong, expecting you to go
along with such a far-fetched scheme. Hell, you could sue me for sexual harassment if
you wanted and I couldn’t deny it. What I did was deplorable.”

He was beating himself up and it pained her to witness it. Misery was etched all over

his handsome face and he wouldn’t look her in the eyes. “I’m not angry at you.”

Alex turned to face her. “You should be. You should be furious.”
“But I’m not. I played a part in this too.”
They stared at each other, the silence stretching between them, growing more distant

from each other. She didn’t know what else to say, wished it could’ve somehow ended
differently but what was done, was done.

“A willing part?” he finally asked, startling her.
“Did you play a willing part in this?”
Her entire body went warm at the smoldering look in his eyes. “Yes,” she whispered,

at the exact time he reached for her and hauled her into his arms.

He’d tugged her so close she landed in his lap, his hand resting on the outer curve of

her thigh. Even through the layers of her skirt his hand burned, hot and big and branding
her completely. She placed her hands on his chest, his heart like a thundering drum
beneath her palm. Slowly she lifted her head, her gaze meeting his, just before he closed

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in and settled his mouth on hers.

She gave in easily, one hand sliding around the back of his neck, her fingers stroking

his soft hair. Their lips clung, parted, clung again, longer and longer, his mouth urging
her lips apart until she opened completely for him and he slid his tongue inside.

Tingles spread all over her body at his gentle invasion, shocked by the sensations his

tongue tangling with hers brought forth. A little moan escaped her and she nudged
closer, excitement coursing through her veins when he slid his hand beneath the fabric of
her gown and touched her bare skin.

He caressed her thigh with the tips of his fingers, so gentle she could almost believe he

hadn’t touched her at all. Their kisses grew hotter, more carnal and she broke away from
him first, desperate to catch her breath.

“I told myself I shouldn’t do this and yet here I am. Mauling you in the back of a car,”

he murmured against her neck, kissing her there.

Tessa tilted her head back, closing her eyes when she felt his damp tongue teasing her

sensitive skin. “You think we should stop?” Oh, she didn’t want him to stop, not now,
not after experiencing just a hint of the passion that lay beneath Alex’s cool, controlled

“Perhaps.” He kissed her again, stealing her breath, his tongue doing a slow, wicked

search of her mouth before he pulled away from her. “Perhaps we can stop tomorrow.”

The sensual gleam in his eyes made her heart tumble over itself. No way could she

resist him and he knew it. She wouldn’t be lying so willingly in his arms if she could. It
was just so easy, giving in.

So she did.

Tessa’s fingers tightened in Alex’s hair at the back of his head and she pulled him

down, kissing him thoroughly. Her inexperienced showed—to him, at least. The tentative
flicks of her tongue against his, the excruciating way she wiggled and squirmed her body
in his arms that drove him mad made him wonder how many men she’d been with, if

Why did the idea of her being a virgin fill him with such excitement? He normally

preferred his women experienced, knowledgeable in the ways of seduction. He wanted
an equal in bed, not some meek and scared little mouse. And not some over the top, scary
sexual man-eater either.

Yet the sweet way Tessa capitulated in his arms, her innocent kisses, the way she

shivered and moved closer to him as if she couldn’t get enough, it did something to him
he couldn’t begin to explain.

Nor did he necessarily want to examine it closely, either.
The car came to a stop, and he realized they were in front of the hotel. Pulling away

from her, he smoothed a hand over her hair, smiling when she gazed up at him with
hazy eyes and a dreamy expression. “We’re at the hotel.”

She frowned. “Are we finished?”
Slowly he shook his head, his other hand sliding along the silken length of her thigh.

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“No.” Silly girl, they were far from finished.

They exited the car quickly and within minutes they were in their suite, the door

closing with a click of finality behind them. He followed behind her as she went to the
window and stared out at the beautiful view of the city spread out before them like a
blanket of twinkling lights. Her shoulders were completely straight, back stiff and her
breathing accelerated. He could hear her, the nervous puffs of breath she expelled and he
reached out, resting his hand upon her nape, wishing to calm her.

She quivered beneath his palm and he stroked his fingers down the length of her neck,

mesmerized with this part of her. How smooth the skin was, how soft and pale, little
tendrils of dark, carling hair lay against her flesh. The large earrings she wore swung to
and fro and carefully he pulled first one, then the other from her earlobes before setting
them down on a nearby table.

“Wh—what are you doing?”
Drawing his fingers down the length of her neck, he stepped closer and whispered in

her ear, “Undressing you.”

Another shuddering breath left her and slowly he worked the satin buttons that ran

down the back of her dress, his fingers shaking with anticipation as he undid each one.
She held herself still as slowly he revealed more and more creamy flesh, the delicate lace
of her bra appearing and fueling his imagination tenfold.

If the bra was this sheer in the back, he could only hope the front was the same.
He smoothed the dress from her shoulders, the sleeves falling to the crook of her

elbows. Her unique sweet fragrance filled his senses and he breathed deep, trying to
capture it. Sliding his fingers down her back, he played with the clasp of her bra, undoing
it in seconds and the delicate fabric sprang apart.

She glanced at him over her shoulder, lips parted and damp, eyes wide. So damned

tempting he swooped in and kissed her, earning a strangled moan from her for his
efforts. He could kiss her for hours, drowning in her taste, her scent.

A ringing started in the distance but he didn’t pause in his ministrations. The sound

seemed to fuel him and he turned her in his arms so she faced him, the dress falling
lower, the bra loose about her breasts. His gaze caught on the vision before him, the tops
of her full breasts tempting him, the lacy cups a tease, hiding her nipples. Carefully he
wrapped his hands around her breasts, stroking his thumbs over her flesh with reverence.

“You—your phone is ringing again,” she choked out on a shuddering breath.
“Ignore it.” He recognized the ring, knew it was the one he assigned to his brother

Hunter and he figured he was still at work. If it was urgent, he would leave him a

But the phone silenced only for a moment before it started to ring again. For the third


With a growl of impatience, Alex dropped his hands away from Tessa’s delicious

curves and pulled his cell out of his pocket. “What?”

“Are you alone?” Hunter’s voice was hushed and filled with urgency.
“No.” Alex sent a flickering glance toward Tessa, who shifted on her feet. She looked

uncomfortable and he leaned in, giving her a quick, reassuring kiss. He mouthed ‘I’ll be

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right back’ before he turned away and started toward his bedroom. “But I can be. What’s

“We have a problem. A major one.”
Impatience filled Alex and he ran a hand through his hair. “Well, spill.”
“After an internal investigation by our resident IT expert, we’ve figured out two of the

computers that were compromised and used in obtaining the information that was

Alex strode into his bedroom and quietly shut the door. “Which computers?”
Hunter breathed deep. “You’re not going to like this.”
“Just tell me.” His mood grew more somber the longer he talked to his brother.
The news couldn’t be good.
“Yours and Tessa’s.”
“What?” He collapsed onto the bed, sitting on the edge. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, we’re sure. Yours has been broken into only once but Tessa’s was numerous

times. No other computers were used, at least from what we’ve discovered so far.”

“How can you tell they were tampered with?”
“They’re always used during odd hours, usually during the weekend or late at night.

Everyone has a pattern, the programs they use, the websites they go to, their inboxes and
all that. It’s distinctly different when our snitch sneaks onto the computer, though. They
go to very specific places, as if they know exactly what they’re looking for and they use
minimum keystrokes. The IT man thinks it might be a professional,” Hunter explained.

“Huh.” Alex couldn’t believe it. Who could’ve gotten into his office? He always kept

the door locked and though he spent many a late night there, he was usually one of the
only ones remaining when he left besides the cleaning staff and security. Tessa
occasionally stayed late with him, and she also worked the occasional Saturday.

Alex frowned. It couldn’t be her.
“Tessa’s desk I understand. She doesn’t have an office and her computer is readily

available though someone would’ve had to figure out her password code to gain access.
Yours though, that’s the mystery. I know you’re diligent about locking your office every
night so I don’t know how anyone could’ve got in there besides the cleaning crew. We’re
investigating them now.”

Realization dawned. Tessa had been in his office last Saturday…
“I don’t know either,” Alex said grimly, not about to reveal where he had discovered

Tessa. Hunter would run with it, dig and dig for the truth until finally he found it.

And maybe…just maybe Alex didn’t want to know anything yet. Not that he suspected

her. It wasn’t possible. She wasn’t savvy enough, wasn’t sophisticated enough to pull
something like this off.

He would do his own investigation. Prove to himself before turning her over to his

brother that she could never be so disloyal to Worth.

Or to him.
“Looks like the relaunch went off without a hitch,” Hunter said.
“It did. We had an excellent turnout and the media was there in droves. Great


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“I know, I saw. Photos have already hit the web.” Hunter paused. “How’s Tessa?”
“Yeah, you know, your sexy little assistant? How’s she doing? Holding up while

dealing with you?”

“She’s working out—perfectly.” He gazed at the closed door, wishing he were with her

right now, not listening to his brother drone on. Revealing bits of information he didn’t
want to hear.

“Got her into your bed yet?”
“No.” Alex scowled when Hunter laughed.
“Answered too quick, bro. I have a feeling you’re making the moves as we speak.”
He hated that his brother was so close to the truth. “I’m not making moves on her,

Hunter. It wouldn’t be appropriate.”

Hunter chuckled. “No need to sound like such a stuffed shirt. If you want to fuck her, I

won’t hold it against you.”

Alex’s skin chilled to the very bone, hearing what he was about to do with Tessa put so

bluntly. Deep down, he knew it was the truth. He did want to—fuck Tessa. And she
deserved so much more. “I need to go. Call me as soon as you learn more.”

“Yeah, well if you remember anything, you do the same. Any bit of information you

can think of is appreciated. This IT expert we have is like a forensics investigator. He’s
putting everything together like pieces of an intricate puzzle.”

“I’ll call you.” Alex hung up and tossed the phone on his bed.
His mood was ruined. His erection long gone. There was no chance he’d spend the

night with Tessa.

He had too many things to consider. The first whether he could trust her.

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Chapter Seven

They’d traveled to Sweden and Norway, then on to Spain, Germany and finally they

were in Paris for the next two nights before they made their final stop in London. It had
been a whirlwind of a trip, constant traveling in the jet with Lora nowhere to be found,
their days filled with press junkets and store openings. Tessa worked long hours, fielding
phone calls, emails and inquiries for Alex throughout the day when she wasn’t helping
supervise the events at the stores. Organizing and assisting, making sure everything went
off without a hitch. Every single night she fell into bed exhausted.

And always alone.
After the night of the charity ball, when they’d been interrupted by a phone call, Alex

hadn’t touched her. Nor had he talked to her about what happened. He’d come out to
wish her a good night while she still stood where he left her, her dress falling down
around her waist, body still humming with arousal.

It was as if those few stolen minutes they’d shared never existed.
She couldn’t deny his rejection hurt. She’d fallen asleep that first night crying so many

tears her pillowcase had been damp. The next day she’d been befuddled, confused as to
why he behaved like nothing ever happened. That he wouldn’t even acknowledge it hurt
even more.

Sadness, confusion, frustration and finally, anger had settled in. The one emotion that

drove her on, made her determined to do a damn fine job on this blasted tour until they
got back to New York and she’d discreetly ask for a transfer to another division within
the company.

Maybe Hunter was in need of someone on his marketing team, not that she had much

experience in that area. Anywhere would be better than with Alex.

At least, that’s what she told herself, especially late at night as she was trying to fall

asleep, fighting her thoughts of him.

Unfortunately, he came to her in her dreams more often than not.
“Do you have the schedule, Tessa?”
She handed it over without comment, discreetly watching out of the corner of her eye

as he glanced it over. As usual he looked perfect in his black suit and crisp white shirt, a
blue and red patterned Worth tie knotted around his neck. He wore glasses as he was
wont to do, her every Clark Kent/Superman fantasy come to life and she tore her gaze
away from him, irritated.

They sat next to each other in the car on their way to the Paris location, the distance

between them as vast as the ocean, at least in her mind. In reality she could reach out and
rest her hand on his thigh and if he were so inclined he could certainly slide his hand up
her skirt...

Banishing her fantasies, she stifled a yawn and stared out the window at the city

passing by. It was relatively early and morning sunlight filtered through a drift of clouds
that lingered in the otherwise bright blue sky.

The Eiffel Tower suddenly appeared in the distance and it took everything for her not

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to press her face against the glass of the car window like a child and stare at the iconic
symbol of her youthful, romantic dreams. As a teen, she’d had a poster of the Eiffel
Tower on her wall, right next to her Audrey Hepburn, Breakfast at Tiffany’s poster.

To see it, even while driving by, made her heart yearn for those simpler days. When

the biggest hardship she endured was doing her homework and wondering if a certain
boy liked her.

“You can go see the Eiffel Tower later, after the opening.”
Tessa moved away from the window, settling into the plush seat and faced straight

ahead. “I might.” She refused to look at him.

“I can take you, if you’d like.”
She refrained from rolling her eyes. Please. Why the sudden interest in being with her

again? “Thank you, but no. I don’t want to put you out or anything.”

“Stop.” For once, she interrupted him, holding up her hand to halt his words.

“Whatever you’re going to say, please don’t.”

“I’m sorry.”
She closed her eyes, leaning her head against the seat. The very last thing she wanted

to hear out of him.

“I was an ass.”
Opening her eyes, she turned to look at him, startled by his declaration. “Excuse me?”
“I’ve behaved like a complete ass toward you.” He glanced down, staring at his hands

which were braced on his knees, the schedule she’d handed him on the floor and long
forgotten. “And I want to apologize.”

“You’re forgiven.” Not really but she didn’t want to hear him say another word, didn’t

want to get her hopes up.

All he had to do was look at her, offer her a bit of kindness and she was ready to

forgive him for everything and throw herself at him.

She was such a fool.
Alex chuckled. “You said that quickly.”
“I’m not one to hold a grudge.” She tilted her nose in the air, hoping he would stop


He watched her, she felt his gaze upon her, hot and brazen, evaluating her. She’d

dressed simply, pale blue fitted button-up and a black pencil skirt with black opaque
tights and a long rope of pearls twined around her neck. She’d gone for Parisian chic,
studying photos of French women on the web last night for inspiration.

Tessa frowned. It was official. Her life was as boring being a faux jetsetter as it was

when she sat at home alone in her room, hiding from her roommates and the rude
boyfriend, wishing for something—more.

“Let me take you, Tessa.”
“Take me where, Alex? To the Eiffel Tower? How about a walking tour of the most

romantic spots in Paris? I saw a brochure offering such a thing in the hotel lobby this
morning.” She snorted, not caring how unladylike she sounded. “I don’t think so.”
Crossing her arms in front of her chest, she resumed staring out the window, hoping he’d

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get the hint.

He didn’t. “I thought you weren’t one to hold a grudge.”
She turned on him again, infuriated he wouldn’t leave the subject alone. “You ignore

me for days, pretend what happened between us never really did and now you want to
make nice?”

“You’re angry.”
“Of course, I’m angry. What do you expect?” She threw her arms up in the air. “What’s

happened between us has been very—confusing.”

“I haven’t forgotten,” he murmured.
She narrowed her eyes. “You haven’t forgotten what?”
“What happened between us that night. I haven’t forgotten any of it, Tessa.” He held

her gaze, the color of his eyes a vibrant, bright blue flecked with speckles of gray beneath
the lenses of his glasses. “It’s all I’ve thought about.”

She parted her lips but the words stalled in her throat. God, the man was beyond

exasperating, sending mixed singles that sent her head constantly spinning. “What are
you saying?” she finally choked out, a gasp escaping her when he reached for her hand
and took it in his, entwining their fingers. “What are you doing?”

“I haven’t forgotten how you felt in my arms, the silk of your skin, or the taste of your

lips.” His voice had lowered to a husky murmur, and she strained closer despite her
misgivings. Wanting to hear what he said and dreading it just the same. “I can’t forget it
no matter how much I try.”

She shook her head, her entire body trembling. “I can’t do this.”
“I know.” He smiled ruefully. “I understand.”
The car pulled to a halt in front of the store and within moments the door was being

opened. Alex let go of her hand and Tessa stepped outside as if in a daze, the sun so
bright it hurt her eyes. She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry.

She wanted to wrap herself around Alexander Worth and never let go.
He came to her side, gazing up at the store front as he said, “Ready to go inside?”
Nodding, she followed him in, admiring how normal he acted, how composed he was

as the store manager greeted him by kissing both of his cheeks, leaving lipstick smudges
on his skin.

A rush of jealousy filled Tessa and she shook it off, smiling at the manager as she too

kissed each of her cheeks, though Tessa’s kisses were nothing but air.

The store was already a flurry of activity for it seemed every employee had been called

in to help set up. Though all of the remodeled stores were beautiful, this one was by far
Tessa’s favorite. Elegant and sleek, the walls were covered with old photos of the Paris
Worth location over the years, including a photo of the three young Worth brothers
standing in front of the store, both their father and grandfather behind them.

She went to the photo, studying the face of a very young, very handsome Alex. His

expression was somber, Hunter’s smile was sly and Rhett scowled, his father’s hand on
his shoulder as if he had to restrain him for fear he’d flee.

Tessa smiled. The three hadn’t changed much over the years.
“I was thirteen,” Alex said from behind her. “Hunter was eleven and Rhett almost six.”

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“Was the store at the same location?”
“It’s been the same location since my great-grandfather opened the store over seventy

years ago. It was the second Worth store built.” The pride in his voice was unmistakable.
He was proud of his heritage, as he should be. He’d grown it into something even more
special the last five years since he’d stepped in as CEO of Worth Luxury.

“It’s beautiful.” She turned and glanced up at him. “I think it’s my favorite store so


“It’s always been my favorite store,” he confided, his expression serious. The matching

red lipstick marks on either cheek ruined the look.

Rising on her tiptoes, she wiped off first one smudge, then the other with a slow sweep

of her thumb. This up close, she could stare into his beautiful eyes, savor the feeling of his
warm skin beneath her fingertips, watch his lips part in surprise at her gesture.

“You were wearing her mark,” she explained. At his blank look she continued. “When

Cecily kissed you.”

His eyes darkened and he rested his hand lightly on her waist, capturing her to him.

“I’d rather wear your mark.”

Slowly she pulled out of his touch, her heart fluttering wildly. “You don’t mean it.”
A muscle in his jaw ticked, and he pressed his lips together. “We need to talk.”
“No, I think it’s best if we don’t.” She glanced about, making sure no one else was

around. “I already told you I can’t do this,” she repeated, her voice low.

“I’m not about to push myself on you, force you to do something you don’t want.”
She would enjoy it far too much if he forced himself upon her and ravished her where

she stood. Not that he needed to know that. “I know you won’t. That’s why I’m asking
you to respect my wishes and leave it be.”

He pulled her in an inch closer, allowing her to feel his hard, warm body pressed so

intimately to hers. She inhaled sharply and bent her head down, her gaze locked where
his big hand rested on her hip, his long fingers splayed possessively.

She couldn’t look at him. Knew she’d be a goner if she stared into those brilliant blue

eyes for too long. “Let me go, Alex.”

“So you don’t feel anything for me.” It was spoken as a statement, not a question.
“I—can’t.” To do so would be dangerous, for both her head and her heart.
“You can’t or you won’t? There’s a distinct difference.” His fingers pressed into her

flesh and she closed her eyes for a brief moment, savoring his touch, the way she molded
to his body so easily, as if they fit.

She shouldn’t give him one ounce of hope, not after the way he treated her. It would

be idiotic on her part and yet…

“I can’t.” Still unable to look at him, she kept her head bowed.
He remained silent, analyzing her words, no doubt. He was terribly good at that.
Slowly, he released his hold on her and took a step back. “I can accept that.”
Of course he could. He hadn’t lost yet. Glancing up, she saw the look on his face, the

way he assessed her. She’d somehow become a challenge to Alex.

He was one to never give up without a fight. And he always won.

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Was she about to become his grand prize?

The Paris reopening went perfectly which Alex had predicted. Cecily had been the

manager of the location for what felt like forever, had worked for Worth for over twenty-
five years. She was both a valued and valuable employee who knew and understood
what the Worth label stood for. With her at the helm, leading her employees and chatting
easily with the media, Alex hardly had had to do a thing.

And then there was Tessa. She was at her best during stressful moments. Efficient,

professional, she always kept on task. He couldn’t take his eyes off her when she buzzed
around the store, her hips swaying with a feminine grace that nearly had him salivating
like a dog. She wore that skirt that fit her like a glove, the one his brother had noticed,
damn his hide. A fitted button up shirt that accentuated the voluptuous curve of her
breasts and a rope of pearls that was doubled and rested on her chest.

Drawing his gaze there again and again, wishing she would undo just one more button

and offer him a glimpse of forbidden cleavage…

She made him feel like a randy teenager and last week, hell, since the moment he met

her, he didn’t like it. Had constantly fought his urges, telling himself it was wrong, a
waste of time, the last thing he needed to be thinking about in regards to his employee.

After spending a week with her, most of it in absolute agony under his own doing, he

realized he wanted her more now than he ever did before.

Not just for her wicked body and that angelic face, but because she was truly sweet.

Interesting, efficient, curious and wise, she had a natural ability of reading people, seeing
to their needs, making sure everything was running smooth no matter how chaotic the

She was a balm to his hectic soul. A reminder that though there was nothing wrong

with hard work, a man needed to relax and enjoy life once in a while.

He wanted to relax with her. Spend more time with her and learn what made her tick.

Discover more of those unique traits she kept carefully hidden and her sweet personality.
He wanted to see her smile, hear her laugh, watch her writhe in pleasure as he brought
her to climax. Hear her whispery sighs after he kissed her, feel her body move beneath
his as he entered her.

There were a lot of things he wanted from Tessa. And she wasn’t willing to give any of

it to him. He’d blown it. Ruined his chances by running scared and ignoring her,
believing he did the right thing while secretly he’d watched her. Looking for a clue she
might be the one. The spy. The traitor.

But her loyalty never wavered. Hunter had called a few times with no new major

leads, perplexed as to who it might be after endless rounds of questioning his entire
marketing department. The sneak inquiries on both his computer and Tessa’s computer
had stopped. Hunter blamed it on everyone knowing there was an investigation, further
proving it was an inside job.

After that particular conversation, Alex had lain awake in bed for far too long, playing

Hunter’s words over and over again in his mind. Had the hacking activity stopped
because Tessa wasn’t in the office?

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He hated even thinking it. Couldn’t imagine her turning on him or on the company

like that.

So he pushed it from his mind.
They left the store together. They were always together, a form of torture he put

himself through. She’d been so angry with him at first and she’d had every right. Earlier,
in the car he’d almost had her convinced. Again, when they arrived at the store and
spoken privately, he’d gotten her to admit she can’t feel anything for him versus she

A significant difference between the two words, can’t gave him hope. At the moment,

he was running on hope and nothing else.

He’d given the driver instructions prior to their departure to take them to the Eiffel

Tower, unbeknownst to Tessa. She gazed out the window, her back to him, ramrod
straight and proud even though she had to be exhausted. He knew he was running on
empty, but he’d do anything to put a smile on her face. Give her a moment of pleasure,
even if it was standing on the Eiffel Tower with her and not bringing her pleasure in his

“Where are we going? This isn’t the way back to the hotel.” She turned to look at him,

her eyes narrowed and full of wariness.

“I’m taking you somewhere.”
“Tell me where.”
He shook his head. “It’s a surprise.”
“You don’t like surprises.”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t like surprises. I organized a surprise birthday celebration for you last year

and though you thanked us all, I could see it in your eyes. You weren’t pleased.”

She was right. He’d appreciated the gesture but hated being in the spotlight. “I don’t

like being caught unprepared.”

“That’s the whole point with a surprise.” She frowned. “And I don’t like being caught

unprepared either.”

They were more alike than he originally thought.
“Are you trying to coax me into telling you where we’re going?”
“Yes.” She smiled sweetly. Too sweetly.
He smiled in return and leaned across the seat, getting closer to her. “Well, I won’t.”
Recoiling, she scowled and he wondered if she might blast him with words. Instead

she turned away and gazed out the window quietly, giving him the cold shoulder, which
he found worse. He rather enjoyed an angry Tessa. She was such a passionate little thing
when worked up, which he found infinitely arousing.

When the Eifel Tower finally came into view, she sent him an accusatory look. “I told

you I didn’t want you to take me.”

“And I told you I would.”
She continued to glare. If she wanted to have a staring match, it was fine by him. He

was far more patient than she realized. “I’m not backing down, Tessa,” he finally said.
“Let me do this for you.”

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“This isn’t making up for all the other things you’ve done.”
Ouch. “I’ve already admitted I’ve been an ass.”
Her dark eyes lit with humor. “Indeed you have.”
“What else do you want from me?” He’d be willing to give her just about anything just

so he could spend some time with her. Worry-free and without the responsibilities of
work hanging over their heads.

“Hmm.” She tapped a slender, elegant finger against her pursed lips. Heat coiled in his

gut and he clenched his hands together to keep from reaching for her. She was so
naturally sexy and she didn’t even realize it. “I’ll have to think about it as we go along.”

“At least this is a start?”
“Oh, it’s definitely a start.” She smiled though it didn’t quite reach her eyes.
The car pulled to a stop, and Alex glanced out the window. They’d arrived, the driver

already hopping out of the car and rounding to the passenger side so he could open
Tessa’s door first. She stepped out of the car. Alex’s gaze locked on her long legs,
emphasized by the black tights she wore.

He’d had his hands on those legs that night of the ball. If all went as he hoped, he’d

have his hands on those legs again. Tonight.

She was sassy as they made their way up the tower, first by stairs, then in a crowded

elevator. Offering teasing remarks, giving him a hard time, completely unlike the Tessa
she normally was. Usually she was so quiet, so reserved, almost meek, though always
with an underlying strength ready to rise to the surface when needed.

Something happened to her to send her into this—mood. Flirtatious, sparkling, her

cheeks flushed by the cold wind that whipped about them as they made their way across
the observation deck, her hair blowing wild around her face. She’d donned a black
sweater while in the car, hiding her inspiring curves from his view though he could still
appreciate the lush bounty of her backside.

He lagged a few steps behind to appreciate that particular view when she stopped in

her tracks, glancing at him from over her shoulder. “What are you doing?”

“Enjoying the view?” It wasn’t a lie.
A wicked smile curved her dark red lips and she shook her head, making her way to

the edge of the observation deck. He followed, his heart jerking when he saw her lean
over the wrought iron fence, drinking in the awe-inspiring view much like a child would.

“It’s amazing,” she breathed when he stood next to her.
“You’re making me nervous.” Pulling gently on the back of her sweater, he tugged her

off the fence, earning an irritated sound for his efforts.

“I wasn’t going to fall.” She kept her gaze glued on the city spread out before them. “I

can’t believe I’m on the Eiffel Tower seeing this. Never in my wildest dreams did I think
I’d ever be here.”

He’d first visited the tower when he was six and had been here many times

throughout the years. So much so that the last time he went, he’d barely noticed the
view. Spent his time focused instead on the icy blonde he’d taken to the restaurant
nestled within the tower. That had been two years ago and he’d taken that woman to bed
that night.

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Funny, he couldn’t remember her name or if the sex had been any good.
He pushed the unpleasant memory aside. “You like the view then.”
“I love the view.” She turned to him, her entire face lit up. “Thank you for bringing


“Does that mean I’m absolved of all of my sins?” He cocked a brow.
She smirked. “No. But you’re close.”
A fierce wind blew up, causing her hair to fly across her face. Reaching out, he brushed

the wayward strands away, his fingers lingering on her warm, soft cheeks. His gaze
locked on hers, held for what seemed like forever until he leaned in close. The urge to
kiss her so overwhelming he couldn’t think of anything else.

Their lips met. Clung. Broke apart only to meet and cling again. He held her face with

his hands, lightly, gently, as if she were a precious, fragile thing and a wistful sigh
escaped her when they finally ended the kiss, his hands falling away from her face.

Staggering. Such a simple, innocent kiss yet it had been filled with more meaning than

any other kiss he’d ever experienced. From the looks of her stunned expression, Tessa felt
the same.

“You confuse me so much,” she whispered.
Alex pressed his forehead to hers. “You confuse me too.”
She drew her brows together. “How?”
“You’re like a different woman this afternoon. Bold. Determined.” Shifting, he

dropped a kiss on her temple before he moved away from her. “Sexy.”

Her cheeks reddened and she looked away from him, seemingly embarrassed. “I think

it’s all the excitement of being in Paris. I’ve always wanted to come here but I never

“That it could happen,” he finished for her.
“Yes.” Her eyes met his once more. “I owe it all to you. Everything, really. The tour of

Europe, staying in the best hotels, the entire experience is thanks to you.”

“You do a good job, Tessa. You deserve it,” he said gently. Though her job performance

only made up part of it. He wanted to give her this and more. He wanted to take her on a
European vacation, a real one, not a working one. Not as his assistant but as his lover.

Something flickered in her gaze, a dark emotion that was there and then gone in an

instant. “I appreciate the opportunity, Alex. More than you could ever know.”

And just like that, she shutdown, pulled away from him, both figuratively and literally.

She walked to the other end of the observation deck, staring out at the city, her
expression pensive. He watched as he quietly approached her, pissed when his cell
started to ring. Striding toward a more private corner, he answered, shocked to discover
it was Rhett on the other end.

With news that put a frigid damper on his good mood.

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Chapter Eight

Tessa’s head spun. It had been spinning from the moment they approached the Eiffel

Tower, when she first caught sight of the magnificent view and especially when Alex
kissed her so softly she thought her entire body would explode with need.

She’d been so overwhelmed by that deceptively simple kiss she’d needed a few

minutes alone to gather her bearings. Alex had let her go without question, which she
appreciated, and ended up taking a call.

Whoever had been on the other line had ruined his mood completely.
The ride back to the hotel was deathly quiet. Tessa afraid to utter one word in innocent

conversation for fear Alex would bite her head off. His face constructed into an angry
scowl, his gaze hard, his entire body tense. He vibrated with barely contained fury.

She wondered who in the world could’ve put him in such a terrible state.
Her hopeful plans were shattered. She’d wanted to suggest they go out to dinner, but

no way would she do so now. Not with the way he practically growled at the driver
when the poor man asked if they’d like to go anywhere else.

So she remained quiet sitting next to him, her hands in her lap, her gaze locked on the

window and the passing scenery. Her dreams dashed, her lips tingling from his potent
kiss. Her mind filled with romantic thoughts of the two of them in an embrace on the
Eiffel Tower, the city of Paris spread out before them like an intricate blanket.

Alexander Worth would be the absolute death of her. At the very least, he would drive

her stark raving mad and she’d end up in a loony bin somewhere, babbling incoherently
and rocking back and forth in a strait jacket.

“I have some calls to make,” Alex muttered upon their return to the hotel after they

climbed out of the car. “If you’ll excuse me.”

“Do you need my help?” she called to his already retreating back.
He stopped and turned, the expression on his face one of frustration and…was that

hurt? “I appreciate the offer but it’s—a personal matter.”

“Oh.” She pressed her lips together, feeling ten times the fool for offering. “I see.”
A rueful smile curled his lips and he shook his head. “No, you don’t see, but that’s all

right. I can’t—it’s private, Tessa. Family matters and I don’t want to involve you. I’m not
sure how long it’s going to take, and I had all of these plans for tonight. Plans that
included you.”

Her heart fluttered. “What sort of plans?”
He glanced around, people pushing past them in the busy, crowded lobby. “Plans I

can’t discuss in public for fear of embarrassing you.”

Her cheeks flushed hot. “They sound interesting.”
“Much more than interesting, trust me.”
“I can wait.” Hope rose within her as she waited for his reply.
“It’s late. Already close to dinnertime,” he reminded.
She shrugged. “I’m not hungry.” It was a lie. She was starving. But she’d wait for Alex,

especially after hearing about his mysterious plans.

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“I’ll call you when I’m finished.” His eyes were bleak. He looked stressed.
She wanted to take care of him, offer him comfort, anything to wipe the sadness from

his expression, his eyes. “Just come to my hotel room,” she suggested, her voice soft, her
intention clear.

His eyes darkened to steely gray and he breathed deep. “Are you sure?”
“Yes.” She paused, trying to communicate some sort of meaning to him even with the

distance between them, the strangers around them, the elegant music playing in the
background. “I am.”

“Good.” With a nod he turned on his heel and strode toward the bank of elevators, not

even waiting for her to accompany him. Which was just as well. She had a feeling he
needed some alone time.

To fix whatever serious problem had been thrown in his direction.
Deciding she couldn’t stay in her hotel room twiddling her thumbs and waiting for

him to make a reappearance she went back out, intent on perusing the stores that lined
the street near the hotel. They were quaint, exclusive little shops, appealing to the
wealthy since they were staying at one of the finest hotels in Paris. Most of them selling
useless yet beautiful trinkets worth thousands of dollars, though there was a shoe store
she browsed, salivating at the sleek, sexy designer heels she wished she could afford but
were worth one month’s rent or more.

She left the shoe store depressed. She was about to turn back and head toward the

hotel but something kept her going.

When she came upon the tiny lingerie shop she almost didn’t go in. But there was

something about the window display that lured her. She stood in front of the window,
drinking in the delicate lace and silk nightgowns, the gorgeous bra and panty sets. It was
expensive, she knew without even seeing a price tag yet it was as if someone else
controlled her body.

She entered the shop in a slight daze, overwhelmed by all it had to offer. So much to

look at her head couldn’t handle it all. She went to the rack directly in front of her and
picked up the satin hanger, eyeing the black negligee trimmed with jet beads that jangled
lightly when she shook them.

“That is too scandalous for you, no?”
Tessa turned to find an older woman standing before her, barely topping five feet and

dressed from head to toe in black. Her hair was cropped short and a lovely shade of gray.
Thick black frame glasses perched low on her nose. “It’s beautiful,” Tessa said when it
appeared the woman was waiting for an answer.

“Oui, it is beautiful but definitely not for you.” The woman took the hanger from

Tessa’s hand and put it back on the display rack. “Come, come. I show you what I believe
is perfect for a sweet woman like you.”

Tessa followed, looking around. One wall was constructed of a rough brick, large,

empty gilt frames hung haphazardly over the surface. Delicate bits of lingerie dangling
from hangers were displayed in the center of the frames. Such beautiful garments she
slowed her steps, admiring them.

“Lovely, no? You like pretty pastels?” The woman noticed Tessa staring.

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“I guess I do.”
The woman clapped, excitement lighting her scrunched face. “Perfect. That was my

intention. Now come over here.” She buzzed away, waving a hand as she did so.

Shaking her head, Tessa trailed after her until they were in the farthest corner of the

shop, close to two dressing room stalls, covered with deep blue velvet curtains. The
woman had two bra and panty sets clutched in her hand, where they’d came from Tessa
had no clue.

“Try these on,” the woman urged as she tore back one of the velvet curtains and

shoved Tessa inside.

When Tessa turned to protest, the woman handed her the lingerie. “But I can’t—”
“No, no. No say I can’t or I won’t. You will. To make your man happy, oui?” The

shopkeeper yanked the curtain shut, leaving Tessa standing there, blinking in surprise.

She had the sudden urge to laugh. It was all just so surreal.
Deciding to do as the woman said, she took off her sweater and unbuttoned her shirt,

then slipped off her bra. She wasn’t about to try on a pair of panties, no way could that be
sanitary. Grabbing the bra, she fingered the delicate material. It was a beautiful, pale blue
with white lacy, ruffle trim. A white silk ribbon bow sat in the center, a pale blue stone
dangling from the button center.

It was the prettiest bra she’d ever seen. She had such a weakness for beautiful lingerie.
Carefully she slipped the bra on, turning to the mirror to adjust the cups. Her breath

caught in her throat when she caught sight of herself. Somehow, the woman had known
and given her the correct size for the bra fit beautifully. The blue material was airy and
light, like chiffon, the straps constructed of the same material and trimmed with a bit of
lace. She turned to and fro, admiring herself, wondering what Alex might do if he saw
her wearing it.

“You like?” the woman asked from the other side of the curtain.
“Oh yes, I do.”
“You try the blue on first?”
How did she know? “Yes, I did.”
“Well, come out and show me.”
Reluctantly Tessa cracked open the curtain and the woman grabbed hold of the thick

fabric, pushing it back. “Ah, beautiful! Your man will appreciate you all the more.”

He’d never appreciated her sexually, but hopefully that was about to change.
Her stomach did a little nervous dance just thinking about it.
“The pink one, it is lovely too. You must try.” The woman waved at the other bra and

panty set that hung from the hook next to the mirror.

Tessa eyed it. It was the palest pink, almost cream with a silk rosette in the center made

of a darker pink. A simpler, not as frilly construction that was still absurdly beautiful. She
drew her index finger around the rosette as she said, “I probably can’t afford any of it.”

“For you, I make special discount.”
When Tessa whirled around in surprise at the woman’s offer, the shopkeeper beamed.

“I have your attention now, I see. Try on the pink bra. I have a gown that matches the
blue. I’ll go get it.”

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She spent the next thirty minutes trying on an endless stream of lingerie, the

shopkeeper bringing her so many options Tessa wasn’t sure which item to choose. She’d
finally looked at the price tags, wincing when she saw how much everything cost.

No matter how much she wanted to please Alex, she couldn’t spend her life’s savings

on a few pairs of underwear and a nightie. It would be ridiculous.

But the woman insisted and Tessa walked out of the store in a daze, clutching a

discreet pink and white striped bag with the words Mon Amour etched on the sides. Full
of the first two bra and panty sets she tried on along with an elegant, short kimono gown
made entirely of white Belgian lace. The discount had been helpful but she still spent too

Hopefully Alex’s face when he saw her wearing some of it would make the expense

worth it.

Outside it was dark, the sky cloudy and not a star in sight. Cars bustled by on the

street, honking their horns impatiently at nothing. Tessa headed back to the hotel, her
steps light, her heart buoyant.

She was going to have sex tonight—with Alexander Worth. From the moment she had

seen the wounded look in his eyes to finding the lingerie shop on a whim, she knew it
would happen. He needed her. He might not know it, but he needed her and she needed
him too. So what if she wasn’t experienced and had no idea how to seduce a man. She
was going on pure instinct.

And instinct told her there was no way she could screw it up. Especially with the

arsenal she was carrying inside her bag.

Alex didn’t have a chance.

His jaw ached from all the talking—and the tension. Alex had been on the phone for

the last two hours, calling lawyers, Hunter and finally the New York City Police

Rhett, his baby brother, had really gone and fucked it up. Landing himself in jail for a

drunk and disorderly charge and a pending assault charge.

Unable to locate Hunter, Rhett was able to use his one jail phone call again and tried

Alex’s cell. Considering it was eleven in the morning New York time when Rhett
phoned, Alex was confused as to when it all actually happened.

Rhett had been thrown in the drunk tank where he’d been advised to sleep it off. He’d

only awoken an hour ago and finally asked for his phone call. He’d been at a club, he
explained to Alex. With some girl he’d only just met. Turned out her boyfriend had
shown up and they’d gotten into a verbal argument.

Which had swiftly turned physical.
Exhausted and vastly disappointed in his brother, Alex had finally wrapped up the

various calls reassured that Hunter had gone to the precinct and picked Rhett up and
taken him home. Upon Alex’s return, they planned on having a brotherly meeting over
what they were going to do with Rhett.

And Rhett wasn’t going to have any say in it whatsoever.
He couldn’t understand why Rhett caused so much trouble. At the age of twenty-nine,

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almost thirty, the man was complete chaos. Couldn’t focus on any one thing, had an
endless array of women to chose from, traveled everywhere, spent money like he was
made of it and yet rarely worked an honest day in his life.

As the baby of the family, Rhett took advantage of his position constantly. He didn’t

have a serious bone in his body, was a constant disappointment to both of his brothers
but especially Alex.

His brother’s reckless behavior made Alex wonder where he went wrong. Their

mother had died when Rhett was so young, only thirteen and their father died over five
years ago. Alex had tried to take over and help guide Rhett as he grew up, but his brother
constantly rebelled against him.

Alex was ashamed of his relationship with his brother, ashamed of the way he

somehow screwed up in raising him. That’s why he didn’t want Tessa involved, didn’t
want her knowing just how awful Rhett was. Just how awful their relationship was, too.

It embarrassed him. It was humiliating. Tessa didn’t need to see that though she’d

already heard and knew plenty, what with how close they worked together.

After taking a long, hot shower he found himself striding down the hall toward Tessa’s

room, anticipation making his blood hum. Despite the utter exhaustion and irritation that
wanted to take over and knock him out, he was keyed up and not about to refuse her.
She’d offered, after all.

He desperately needed comfort. And no other woman would do.
They could order room service, he thought as he stopped in front of her room and

knocked on the door. He’d realized it was late, far after the normal dining hour. After
they ate, if things led them—elsewhere, he wasn’t going to protest. He’d been waiting for
this moment for days. Almost had it too, if he hadn’t been such a jackass and screwed it
all up.

Thank God she’d given him another chance.
The door cracked open and there she was, her head peeking around the edge of the

door, the rest of her hidden. A tremulous smile curved her lips, and he frowned. “Are
you all right?”

“You were faster than I thought you would be.” She bit her lower lip.
He waited, but she didn’t open the door any further. “Are you going to let me in?”
“Um, hold the door open but close your eyes.”
“Just do it.” She lowered her eyebrows, a little scowl on her face. “And don’t open

your eyes or come in until I say so.”

With a not so patient sigh he slapped his hand against the heavy door to keep it

partially open and closed his eyes. She took off, her bare feet slapping against the wood
floors of the mini-suite, and he heard a door slam. “You can come in now,” she called.

Opening his eyes he pushed the door the rest of the way open and entered her room,

figuring she’d gone into the bathroom since the door remained closed. He glanced about
the room, noting how neat it was. Everything was in place, not a single piece of clothing
strewn about. The only thing he noted out of sorts was a pink and white broad striped
shopping bag with the words Mon Amour etched in black script across the side.

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Intrigued, he peeked inside the bag but it was empty.
The door opened and he turned to find her standing there clad in a robe made entirely

of thin lace. He blinked once, shook his head but she was still there. An absolute vision
straight out of his sinful fantasies, she looked nervous. Unsure of herself.

She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on.
“Come here,” he said gruffly. She did as he asked, stopping mere inches before him.
Reaching out, he tested the front of her robe with two fingers, rubbing the delicate

lace. “I found this little shop earlier,” she explained, her voice shaky. “Full of beautiful
lingerie so I went inside.”

“You bought this tonight?” For his enjoyment? He was pleased, surprised.
Slowly she nodded, inhaling sharply when his fingers brushed against her collarbone.

“What I have on beneath I bought there too.”

He greedily drank her in, not sure what to look at first, there were so many wondrous

things happening. The robe stopped mid-thigh, giving him an uninhibited view of her
long, shapely legs. The lace was beautiful, sexy yet demure and he grabbed the ends of
the belt, wrapping the thin fabric around his hands once, twice. “You’re like a present.
One I can’t wait to unwrap.”

His anger, his frustration about his brother, all of it melted away. That she’d done this,

bought lingerie with him in mind, was incredibly arousing.

“You’re taking an awfully long time unwrapping your present,” she said breathlessly.
Smiling, he tugged on the lacy ends of the belt, pulling her in so close she nearly

stumbled and fell against him. He held her there, dropping his gaze to his hands covered
by the lace. He undid the belt, pulling it from her waist and letting it fall to the floor.

The front of the garment gaped, offering him a glimpse of skin. He caught a flash of

pale blue covering her breasts, the same sheer blue wrapped around her hips, and his
cock came to full attention at the bounty before him.

“Take off the robe, Tessa,” he murmured.
She shrugged out of the robe and let it fall off her. She was gorgeous. Her skin like

cream, dark hair tumbling over her shoulders, the delicate bra she wore barely containing
her full breasts. Lifting her chin, she watched him watch her. “I wanted to take your
mind off your troubles,” she admitted.

He smiled, lust coursing through him. “It worked.”
She smiled in return but the corners of her mouth trembled. “I’m glad.”
Unable to take it any longer, he yanked her into his arms, a needful shiver moving

throughout his entire body when it made contact with hers. Wrapping his hand around
the nape of her neck, he thrust his fingers into her hair, pulling lightly so her head tilted
back and her eyes met his. They were so dark, so full of secrets and he wanted to discover
each and every one of them.

Her lips parted, damp and inviting and he moved so his mouth hovered above hers. So

close he could feel her warm breath waft across his lips. “So sweet.” He traced the
delicate line of her jaw with his index finger, drew across her chin. “So innocent.”
Brushing his thumb against her lower lip, he dipped just the tip of it in her mouth, closed

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his eyes when she wrapped her lips around it and sucked him deep.

He started to laugh when she nipped at him with her sharp teeth, causing him to

withdraw from her. “My kitten has claws.”

Her eyes darkened even more, if that was possible. “Bianca said that.”
“Who?” The creamy texture of her skin was a distraction, as was the rest of her. He

found if he kept his gaze focused on her face, he could control himself. One more glimpse
of her luscious body and he’d probably throw her on the bed, rip the brand new and
probably very expensive bra and panties from her and screw her senseless.

He wouldn’t do that, not tonight. She deserved more. He wanted to take his time.

Learn her body. Learn what she liked. Savor every moment with her because he knew
deep down inside this wouldn’t last.

It couldn’t.
“Your friend Giorgio’s mistress.” She sounded completely exasperated. But how could

she blame him for not remembering? He couldn’t focus on anything else but her. “She
said those exact words to me the night of the ball, just after she thoroughly insulted me.”

“How dare she insult you.” He wrapped his other arm around her and splayed his

hand across her lower back, his fingers sliding beneath the waistband of her panties.

“She lashed out at me because she was really upset with Giorgio.” She bit her lip when

he slipped his hand further, cupping one plump buttock.

“A rather forgiving kitten too.” He brushed a brief kiss to her proffered lips. “And why

are we talking about Giorgio again?”

He didn’t let her explain, capturing her lush mouth in a longer, more thorough kiss

instead. Thrusting his tongue inside the velvet warmth of her mouth, he groaned when
her tongue tentatively touched his.

Her sweet innocence would be the absolute death of him.
It turned hot fast. She melted against him, her breasts pressed against his chest and she

wound her arms around him, her hands sliding up and down his back in a soothing

But her touch didn’t soothe. It burned him up, as if little sparks shot from the tips of

her fingers. His temperature rose with her every simple caress. She grasped hold of his
shoulders, her leg winding around his and he wondered if she was trying to climb on top
of him.

As if she couldn’t get enough of him.
Regret suddenly hit him, swift and deep. How stupid was he for denying the two of

them from being together? He’d had his chance and let her go. Thought he was doing
what was best for both of them.

Clearly, the attraction they felt for each other couldn’t be denied.
“I’m a damn fool, letting you almost slip out of my fingers,” he whispered against her

neck after he broke their kiss. He pressed his lips to the spot where her pulse beat rapidly.

“Well, you have me now.” She tilted her head back, offering him better access. He

kissed a path up her neck, licking at the edge of her ear and she shivered. “So what are
you going to do with me?”

Reaching around, he carefully undid the snap of her bra and the cups loosened. “I’m

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going to finish what I started.”

And then some.

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Chapter Nine

Alex had her undressed and sprawled across the bed in no time, his hands lightning

quick as he removed her bra, then pushed her panties off her hips and down her legs. A
flash of disappointment lanced through her for a brief moment, mourning the loss at the
chance to really flaunt her body in the sexy, expensive lingerie she bought just for him.

But the disappointment left Tessa in a rush when she felt Alex’s mouth on her breasts

for the first time. Soft and hot, he kissed her chest, the valley between her breasts, his
hands cupping her flesh, driving her wild. His velvety hot tongue circled one nipple and
she nearly shot off the bed. When he drew the nipple into his mouth a second later, she
cried out in agony, sliding her fingers into his hair to hold him there.

Never wanting to let him go.
She knew it would be good. Knew he would be a master at seduction but she wasn’t

prepared for the overwhelming emotions his touch brought forth. Tears gathered in the
corner of her eyes at the gentle way he touched her, kissed her, looked at her.

Almost as if he might really care.
Foolish thoughts, but she couldn’t help them.
When he withdrew from her she reached out, her hands grappling for him and he

chuckled. She opened her eyes to find him standing close to her, tugging the pullover
sweater over his head and tossing it on the floor. Her entire body tingled as she drank
him in. Bronzed skin stretched over tight muscle and sinew, impossibly broad shoulders
and a wide chest covered with a light dusting of black hair. Rippling abs that tapered to
narrow hips, standing there in only his jeans, he was absolute masculine perfection.

And for tonight, he was all hers.
She loved that he’d come to her dressed casually. His usual elegant and expensive suits

were gorgeous—but screamed untouchable. In a sweater and jeans, he was much more
approachable. Simply Alex versus Alexander Worth, CEO of Worth Luxury and her boss.

Tessa frowned. She wanted to be with him in every sense of the word but would this

one night ruin everything? Would he treat her differently tomorrow? Or worse, would
her greatest fears come true and he would ignore her once they returned to New York?
Pretend what they’d shared never happened? He was capable of such a thing. What had
just happened between them this last week more than proved that.

How she hated that she doubted him. How she hated even more that she was so weak

when it came to him.

Because she was—terribly weak.
He kept his gaze locked on her as he undid the button fly of his jeans and shoved them

off his hips. Her mouth went dry when she saw his rather large and imposing erection
straining the front of his black boxer briefs.

Swallowing hard, she couldn’t stop staring at that telltale bulge. Even covered up, he

looked scary yet—intriguing. Maybe she needed to tell him the truth. That her lack of
experience might be something to consider before they carried on…

“You keep looking at me like that and I can’t be held responsible for what I’ll do to

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you.” He joined her on the bed, covering her completely with his big, hot body. The
tension slowly eased out of her as he kissed her, his damp lips blazing a trail of fire on her
skin. She writhed beneath him, wanting to get closer, wanting to feel his hard shaft brush
against her belly though she wished he would get rid of the underwear…

Curling her fingers around the waistband, she tugged the offending boxer briefs off,

tentatively stroking his hard buttocks. He groaned, low and guttural and wrenched away,
shucking his underwear quickly before he rejoined her.

Their mouths locked, limbs entwined, their soft, encouraging whispers and moans

filled the room. She absorbed it, trying to focus, desperate to memorize every inch of his
skin, the taste of his lips, the texture of his hair. But he kept distracting her, touching her
in places she never thought would arouse her, kissing her until she grew dizzy. Anxious
and needy.

He slipped his hand down the slope of her belly, his fingers tangling in her pubic hair

before he slipped lower, parting her with his index finger.

She gasped against his lips, and he smiled. “So wet,” he murmured, his finger sliding

in further. She was incredibly wet, embarrassingly so and her cheeks heated when he
slipped his finger lower, touching her intimately.

Alex rolled to his side so he could watch her as he continued to stroke between her

legs. She closed her eyes, losing herself to the blissful sensations his touch brought forth.
He searched her folds with his index finger, circled gently around her clitoris again and
again until wave after wave of pleasure rippled over her skin. She lifted her hips and
arched into his hand, her breath coming in frantic little puffs as he increased his speed,
slipping one thick finger deep inside her.

“Oh God,” she whispered brokenly, reaching for her climax, so achingly close she

could almost taste it.

“Come for me, Tessa,” he growled and it was as if his words were infused with magic.
She broke apart, crying out as the orgasm slammed into her. Tremors consumed her

entire body and she shook in his embrace, his fingers slowing until finally the climax
subsided and she lay there panting in his arms.

“Beautiful.” He kissed her, stealing her breath, her thoughts and then he was looming

over her once more, miraculously with a condom in hand. Sheathing himself quickly, he
rested his palms flat on the mattress on either side of her head, the broad head of his
erection nudging at her entry.

She tensed, fear making words lodge in her throat. She should warn him, let him know

she needed to take it slow but all the breath rushed out of her at feeling him slide into her
body for the first time. He thrust deep and she cried out in agony, pressing her hands
against his chest as if to push him off.

“Christ, did I hurt you?” His voice was rough, sweat covered his brow and he exhaled

loudly, regret etched over his face.

“I—I’m fine. Really.” She breathed deep and blew it out slow and even, willing herself

to relax. Even with the earlier orgasm loosening her muscles, she’d tensed quickly.

Such a burden, her virginity. At least she’d gotten rid of it once and for all. And with a

man she feared she was falling in love with…

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He remained still, watching her carefully, not moving so much as a muscle though she

felt the throb of his shaft deep inside her. “I hurt you.”

She winced at the tone of his voice. “Only a little.”
“Damn it, Tessa.” He began to withdraw and she clutched at his shoulders, desperation

filling her.

“Don’t leave me.” The moment had finally happened, she had him in her bed and he

wanted to be noble and leave her?

“Never.” He kissed her, his lips warm and coaxing, his tongue wicked and alluring as it

flicked against hers. “You should’ve told me,” he murmured against her lips.

“Told you what?” Funny how having his lips on hers wiped her mind clean of rational


Carefully, so slow he barely moved, he withdrew from her, inch by excruciating inch

before just as slowly he pushed inside her. “You should’ve told me you were a virgin.”

God, she really hadn’t wanted him to figure that out. Too late now. “Would it have

mattered if I did?”

“Absolutely. I wouldn’t have been so careless.”
“And you probably wouldn’t have made love to me,” she added.
The look in his eyes told her she was right. “You don’t deserve being manhandled,

especially your first time.”

“I happen to like being manhandled.” When his gaze darkened she giggled. Joy filled

her heart full to bursting. “Only by you though.”

He chuckled. “My naughty little kitten.”
She slipped her hands into his hair and tugged so that his face was level with hers.

“Make love to me, Alex. I want to know what it feels like to come when you’re inside

Alex had no answer for her delicious words beyond an agonized groan that vibrated

deep within his chest. She felt so good, so impossibly tight and hot clenched around his
cock. It took everything within him not to just slam inside her again and again until he
came with a wild burst.

He held it together, barely. His jaw ached from clenching his teeth, and the muscles in

his legs and arms quivered with his restraint. His cock was like a throbbing beast, dying
for the chance to ram inside her welcoming virginal body.

A virgin. He could scarcely believe it though Tessa always did have an innocent air

about her he found impossibly alluring. That he was the first man to enjoy her, push
inside her, become one with her, filled him with pride. Why had she chosen him to be
her first?

If he thought about it too much he might not want to know the answer.
Ignoring his newfound reluctance, he focused on giving her pleasure. He wanted the

glory of watching her fall apart in his arms again because the first time had been
beautiful, a sight not to be missed. The expression on her face, the way her body shook
against his, how her inner walls had clenched and throbbed around his invading finger.

Hot. Sexy. Sweet.

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He wanted more. He wanted her again and again and again.
With the patience of a saint he took his time, encouraged by her whispery moans, the

way she slipped her hands up and down his back. Her touch sent heat rocketing
throughout his body, electrifying him from the inside out.

That this little sprite of a woman could reduce him to a quivering mass of flesh with

just a simple touch overwhelmed him completely. Filled him with an emotion he didn’t
quite recognize, didn’t really want to acknowledge.

It was best to focus on her. The two of them together.
Easier that way. Emotions only made everything stickier, more complicated. The very

last thing he needed. His life was complicated enough.

Tessa ran her fingernails lightly over his buttocks, shocking him out of his thoughts.

“You don’t have to be so careful with me, Alex. I won’t break. I promise,” she murmured.

He gazed down at her lovely face. The sultry glow in her eyes, the flushed cheeks, her

lush mouth swollen from his kisses, she was a vision. His angelic seductress.

She reached out and touched him, her fingers feather light upon his cheek. Closing his

eyes, he turned into her palm, kissing her there. “Please, Alex.” Her voice trembled, and
the way she said his name completely undid him.

Her words and sweet gesture all the encouragement he needed, he increased his pace,

his orgasm already barreling down. She dropped her hand from his face and curled her
fingers into his shoulders as she anchored herself to him. Her long, sexy legs wrapped
around his hips, sending him deeper and he groaned her name.

He slid in and out of her, faster and faster, his grunts and groans met by her own high

breathless moans. His skin tightened, he knew it wouldn’t take much more for him to fall
over that particularly delicious edge and when she began to shudder and writhe beneath
him, he let go.

And came so hard he saw stars.

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Chapter Ten

“Have you talked to Tessa?”
Alex turned away from the thinning crowd of people that swarmed around him,

lowering his voice as he spoke into his cell. “No. I haven’t had a chance yet.”

Hunter snorted. “I have a hard time believing that.”
Irritation filled him. Since when did he have to answer to his brother? “I haven’t been

able to ask her about the computer usage but I will,” Alex said firmly, striding through
the London store. “I swear it.”

He felt on top of the world today. Not only had the relaunch gone off without a hitch

but he’d just gone over the initial paperwork for the new London acquisition. The
location was prime, the square footage ample and it enabled Worth to open a flagship
store solely focused on the younger generations by featuring their new accessories and
limited clothing line.

After months of constant back and forth negotiations that had almost fallen through

not once but twice, the relief, the absolute joy that filled him over the acquisition could
hardly be contained.

And then there was Tessa.
Pride filled his chest. He felt like he’d conquered the enemy’s castle and won the


Glancing over his shoulder, he caught her watching him. She dropped her gaze, a

secret smile curling her lips, her cheeks a pretty shade of pink. He loved that he made her
blush. Enjoyed it even more she acted the demure, professional woman by day and was a
wicked wildcat in his bed by night. All for him.

Three nights of nonstop sex and little sleep, he still felt on top of the world. Nothing

could bring him down.

Not even his nagging brother.
“You’ll be in the office Monday.” Hunter sighed, sounding resigned. “We’ll talk to her


Alex frowned. “Who’s this we?”
“Well, I thought it would be best if not only I questioned her, but have the human

resources manager in there as well.” Hunter paused. “Becky requested that I conduct all
questioning regarding this matter by the book.”

“Of course.” Alex paused and glanced about the room before lowering his voice. “I

want to be there.”

“That’s not a good idea.”
“Why the hell not?”
“You’re her direct boss. I don’t want you involved,” Hunter explained, sounding

impatient. “Trust me on this, Alex. I wouldn’t screw you over or upset your sweet little
piece about this.”

Alex ignored the rude comment. “You’re not going to question her too harshly are

you?” He knew Hunter could be a real ruthless bastard when he set his mind to it. It was

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a strong family trait. “It’s not necessary you know. I trust her implicitly.”

“You do?” Hunter sounded surprised. “I didn’t realize you—knew her that well.”
Alex wasn’t about to fall into that trap. He knew what his brother was doing. “She’s

been my assistant for almost seven months. I think I know her fairly well. Besides that,
she worked at a few Worth store locations prior to her coming to us. Why do you insist
she can’t be trusted?”

“I don’t. But just because you think you know someone doesn’t mean you can always

trust them. Look at Rhett.”

Alex signed. He hadn’t heard any recent updates in regards to his troublesome brother.

“How is he, by the way?”

“He went to court this morning. His lawyer got most of the charges dropped against

him. Lucky bastard,” Hunter muttered, sarcasm heavy in his tone.

Relief flooded Alex. Hunter believed a little time in jail and a hefty fine would do

wonders for Rhett’s reckless behavior, maybe even curing him instantly. Alex, on the
other hand, could hardly stand the idea of Rhett being locked up, even for a month, two
weeks, whatever. The guilt at letting his baby brother down would overwhelm him.

When it came to Rhett, he had an inexplicably soft heart.
“That’s good.” Alex watched a rush of people exit the store, Tessa lingering by the cash

wrap counter speaking with the store manager. She looked amazing, clad in all black,
ropes of silver chains dangling from her neck at intermittent lengths. Emphasizing the
curve of her breasts, of which he’d caressed intimately only a few hours before.

Morning sex. Another bonus of having Tessa in his bed, she’d ridden him hard, her

enthusiasm contagious. Invigorating. How many orgasms had he experienced since that
first amazing night with her?

He could hardly count fast enough to keep up with their numerous encounters.
“You’re not even listening to me.” Hunter chuckled though Alex caught a note of

frustration. “We’ll talk first thing Monday. And I plan on interviewing your secretary by
the end of the day but don’t tell her. I don’t want to give her an advantage so she can

“What the hell do you mean by that?”
“I mean that I don’t want her to prep her answers. This interview has to come as a

complete surprise, and I want her to answer straight from the gut, versus a bunch of rote
crap she memorized.”

His reasoning was sound but still Alex was protective of Tessa. “She’s done nothing

wrong, Hunter. You’re like a dog with a bone over this, but I’m telling you she’s not the

“Your faith is all well and good but it doesn’t mean shit to me, bro. She needs to be

questioned. Just think about this.” Hunter paused for effect before he launched back in
with it. “There has been no suspect inquiries on any computers within this building since
the two of you left. Not a single one.”

Dread slithered down Alex’s spine, and he fought to ignore it. “You could accuse me

just as much as you accuse her. I’m out of the office as well.”

“Like you’d destroy and sabotage your own family’s company after you worked so

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hard to build it. Think about it, Alex. Consider what I just said. Maybe you’ll change your
mind.” Hunter hung up, not even bothering to say goodbye.

Alex shoved his cell into his trouser pockets and slowly turned, watching Tessa

unabashedly. She was beautiful, her hair down and slightly wild, cascading past her
shoulders in loose waves. Giant silver hoop earrings hung from her ears, emphasizing her
striking features and he found himself speechless for a brief moment, just…staring at her.

Had he ever felt this way about another woman? Ever? He didn’t believe so. Yet it was

damn hard to think about wanting to be with her, really be with her, with the sabotage
bullshit hanging over their heads.

Well, more like just over his head. He hadn’t let her in on much of what was

happening. No need to worry her especially because she wasn’t involved.


He hoped she wasn’t involved. How he hated that he even had a sliver of doubt.

But there it was. The seed planted by his bastard brother, already taking root.

“Is everything all right?” The sound of her gentle voice coming from behind made him

turn around.

Tessa stood before him, big brown eyes wide, concern written all over her pretty face.

He smiled, wanted to reassure her, really wanting to yank her in his arms and kiss the
worry right out of her but he restrained himself.

“Business call,” he said vaguely, dismissing it. “Are we ready to go?”
She nodded eagerly, casting her gaze first to the left, then the right before she stepped

closer, a devilish smile curving her lips. “I’m ready to go back to the hotel room.”

“This is our last night in London. Wouldn’t you like to go out?” Not that he wanted to.

Not when he had the opportunity to keep her in his room, naked in his bed, for the rest
of the evening.

Yet he didn’t want her to miss the sights either.
“I’d rather be with you. Alone,” she confessed softly.
His cock stiffened and he tried to ignore it. “I should at least take you to dinner.”
She shrugged. “Room service works for me just as well.”
Christ, she was tempting. It would be easy to give in and agree, take her back to the

hotel and make love to her continuously for the rest of the night.

She made him feel like a feral beast, ready to take her any way he could get her. So

completely out of control he didn’t know if he was coming or going, she had him so tied
up in knots.

Knots he’d gladly stayed wrapped up in as long as he had Tessa by his side.
“We’ve ate nothing but room service for the last two nights. I’m taking you out,” he

said firmly, ignoring the flicker of disappointment in her gaze.

It didn’t matter. She wouldn’t be disappointed when he took her to one of the best

restaurants in all of London. She wouldn’t be disappointed either when he finally did
take her back to his suite and made excruciatingly slow love to her. He wanted to watch
her fall apart, wanted to taste her, take her, lose himself in her…

“Where are you taking me to dinner then?”
“Ah, now that’s a surprise.” He tapped the tip of her nose with his index finger. “All I

ask is that you dress nice.”

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“Like this?” She spread her arms wide and turned this way and that.
“A bit more formal,” he suggested, temptation making his throat run dry. He wanted

to take her now. Push her against the wall and push inside her. Kiss her, wind his arms
around her as he thrust his cock inside her tight yet welcoming body. She was always
welcoming, always up for anything he wanted to do to her sexually and so giving

She’d fallen on her knees before him last night, sucking his cock deep inside her eager

mouth, licking and stroking him into oblivion. Untried in her ministrations, she’d asked
him constantly if he liked what she was doing.

He’d lost all control at her innocent questions, contrasted with the wicked way her

eyes lit, as she circled the head of his erection with her tongue. He’d answered her with
an agonizing groan, coming down her throat like a thoughtless ass. She hadn’t minded,
licking up every last drop like it was her duty to do so.

She was damned refreshing, so unlike the other calculating women he’d taken into his


If he wasn’t too careful, it would be easy to fall in love with her.
“I don’t have anything ‘a bit more formal’.” She shook her head. “And I just can’t

wander off and go shopping for something more appropriate.”

He pulled her close, leaning in so his mouth was level with her ear. “Go into the back

stockroom. There are sample pieces from the exclusive new women’s line. Perhaps you
can find something to wear this evening.”

She reared her head back, resting her hand on his chest briefly. Her touch burned

through his suit jacket and shirt. “I couldn’t.”

“You will. I insist.” He reluctantly moved away from her, already missing her warmth,

the vitality that vibrated from deep within her.

“B—but, those clothes aren’t even available on the market yet.”
“Then you shall create quite the buzz if you wear items from the new women’s Worth

line while you’re out tonight, won’t you?”

Her eyes lit and she smiled giddily. “I’ll go look at everything. It’s been kept so under

wraps I have no idea what any of it looks like.” She practically bounced on her heels like
an eager child. “I hope I find something. I hope it will fit.”

His gaze ran over her curvy body, lingering on her breasts. That would be the only

problem she might run into. She was voluptuous, and he appreciated every one of those
delicious curves. ”It’ll fit, sweetheart. Now go. Find something beautiful.”

Tessa felt as if she were living in a fairy tale.
First there was London. The historic buildings when they first arrived, the sight of

them brought forth a flood of teenage dreams, traveling the world and settling in this
most majestic city. She’d held her breath and pressed her nose to the cold window of the
car when they passed Buckingham Palace, dazzled by its beauty, recalling her other even
more foolish childhood fantasies. Of meeting a handsome prince and having him whisk
her away on his gallant horse to a castle in the clouds.

She sat across from her fantasy prince now, mesmerized by the heat smoldering in his

gray-blue gaze, gorgeous as always in a beautifully cut suit. The restaurant he’d brought

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her to vast, every table filled with people dressed to absolute perfection. They sat close to
a wall of windows, which offered a glittering view of the city, their table rather intimate
despite the crush of people nearby.

The dress she wore was beautiful in its simplicity. Black with three-quarter length

sleeves and a straight neckline that covered her to her collarbone, it lay open in the back,
all the way to the base of her spine, exposing her so completely she couldn’t wear a bra.

She wore no panties either, not that Alex knew that. Yet.
Her appetite came and went, the smells coming from the kitchen enticing her taste

buds. Yet the man before her enticed her even more. He would reach beneath the table
and rest his hand on her thigh, his fingers slipping beneath the hem of her dress so he
could touch bare flesh. All thoughts of food would leave her in an instant, her mind filled
with images of what he might do to her later.

He had mastered her body completely. She was so utterly tuned into him, so willing to

give him whatever he wanted, do whatever he desired. He had no idea just how far gone
she was over him.

“That dress is driving me insane,” he murmured, the light from the candle on their

table giving his eyes a wicked gleam.

She glanced down at her front. “I’m completely covered up.”
“It’s positively sinful.” He paused, taking a sip from his wineglass before he

murmured, “You’re not wearing a bra.’

Her nipples tightened to hard little beads at his comment, and he chuckled though his

expression was pained. “And I can see your nipples,” he whispered hoarsely.

Tessa squirmed in her seat, his words enflaming her. Her appetite disappeared, just

like that, even with the server appearing beside the table, setting their plates before them
with a flourish. Tessa avoided eye contact, afraid the woman would be able to see just
how aroused she was. She admired Alex’s unflappable demeanor, the way he nodded
politely at the waitress and sent her away.

Why could no one else see just how sexy his commanding presence was? She was

surprised the women in the restaurant weren’t all lining up to admire him. Her every
fantasy had finally become a reality, and she wasn’t quite sure what to do.

“Aren’t you going to eat, Tessa?” he asked after a few quiet moments in which he’d

already started.

Slowly she shook her head. Watching him eat hypnotized her. His strong hands

wielding the utensils, the way his lips wrapped around the tines of the fork. “I’m not
very hungry.”

He set his fork on the side of his plate, his dark brows lowered. “Are you not feeling


If being sick with arousal was a true illness then yes indeed, she wasn’t feeling well. At

all. “I’ll be fine.”

“What is it?”
Now she just felt foolish. “It’s just that I—” She released a shuddering breath, shocked

she was about to confess such a thing. “I want you so much. It almost hurts.”

Alex gripped the edge of the table with one hand, his fingers curling into the white

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tablecloth. He stared at her, his breath increasing, his eyes darkening until there was
almost no blue in their depths. Just pure, turbulent gray. “You should eat.”

Slowly she shook her head and kicked off her shoe, stretching out her foot so it rested

on top of his. “I don’t think I can.”

He shrugged, his nonchalance strained. Triumph surged through her. She affected him,

more than he cared to admit. “It’s your loss. The food is excellent.”

“I’m sure it is.” Smiling, she grabbed her fork and stabbed it into the giant scallop on

her plate, cutting off a small piece before bringing it to her lips. All the while she slipped
her bare foot beneath the hem of his pant leg, touching his muscular calf and stroking
him with the tips of her toes.

His penetrating stare nearly made her wobble but she kept it together. Slowly she

chewed, the taste of the buttery fresh scallop bursting onto her tongue. Her big toe
streaked down his leg and he jolted beneath her touch.

She felt bold, uninhibited. It was completely unlike her past, almost timid behavior the

last few nights with Alex.

She wondered if he liked it.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish,” he warned, his voice dark and silky. “Not


“What are you talking about?” She blinked at him as she continued to rub her toes up

and down his warm calf, the hairs that grew there tickling her.

“I don’t like to be teased, Tessa.”
“Oh, what’s the fun in that?” She dropped her foot away from his leg, swore she saw a

flicker of disappointment in his gaze. But she resumed eating her meal, reluctantly
admitting that the cuisine was indeed most excellent.

As was the company she kept, the ambiance, the service. Everything about tonight was

completely, utterly perfect.

Tomorrow they returned to New York. Would they resume their old roles? Or would

their relationship take on a different level. It was far too nerve-wracking to contemplate
yet she couldn’t avoid it forever.

She was too scared to mention it to Alex, though. Didn’t want to know if he’d scoff, if

he’d tell her just how foolish she was. She couldn’t face that sort of reality. Not yet.

They didn’t linger over their meal, Alex indicating to the waitress he wanted the check

soon after Tessa took her last bite. Eagerness seemed to infuse him, making his
movements almost jerky, rather impatient and, after he signed the bill and shoved his
credit card back into his wallet, he stood.

“Ready to go?”
She nodded, standing when he pulled her chair out for her. He had such impeccable

manners, was such a gentleman.

Powerful, rather demanding, impatient, gorgeous, stubborn, all of his traits created a

most impressive man. Women stared as they walked through the restaurant toward the
entrance and Tessa filled with pride. He walked beside her, his hand resting low on the
bare skin of her back, his hot fingers branding her to the very depths of her soul. Marking
her as his property.

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It was such a base, rather old-fashioned way of thinking, and not particularly liberating

but Tessa didn’t care. She wanted to belong to him. Permanently.

They climbed into the back seat of the hired car. As soon as the driver shut the door

Alex was on her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. His hands
splayed across her bare back and his mouth fused with hers, tasting the wine they’d
drank with dinner.

She could do nothing but sink into the kiss, sliding her arms around his neck. She

thrust her fingers into his silky soft hair, twining her fingers around the short strands as
he stroked her tongue with his. His hands wandered, one slowly slipping beneath the
skirt of her dress and along her thigh, all the way up to her hip, pausing when he realized
her secret.

Breaking the kiss, he stared down at her, his breathing ragged, pupils dilated. “You’re

not wearing any panties.”

“I forgot?” She leaned in and pressed her mouth to his neck, darting out her tongue to

lick his warm flesh. She could taste him all night, nibble and kiss and suck.

“Mmm, such a wicked little kitten.” Her heart threatened to pound out of her body

when his fingers slid sensuously over her hip to glide down the slope of her stomach,
coming perilously close to her sex. She spread her legs the slightest bit, giving him the
advantage, waiting breathlessly for his assured touch.

His fingers stopped just at her mound, his hand going still, large and hot against her.

She squirmed, lifted her hips, trying to get his fingers to slide down further, but he
remained frozen. Taunting her.

Teasing her.
The car pulled away from the curb and into heavy traffic. The hotel was at least fifteen

minutes away, perhaps longer what with the busy streets and Alex had made sure the
glass partition between the front and back seats was already up, giving them complete

Thank goodness. She’d been so lost to his kisses she probably wouldn’t have noticed if

they gave the driver a raunchy backseat show.

“Alex.” She glared at him, trying to scowl but not having much success. “Stop teasing.”
He lifted his brows. “You’re the one who teased me in the restaurant.”
“Oh, it was only for a few seconds—and with my toes.” She rolled her eyes, her entire

body attuned to his hand resting on her lower body.

Slowly, he squeezed her, his fingers sliding down and cupping her sex. “Your toes

drive me wild,” he whispered. “Everything about you drives me wild.”

She went liquid in his arms, her bones dissolving to nothing. He hovered over her, his

face so close to hers their noses touched, his arm supporting her back, his other hand still
cupping her most intimate spot. Releasing a shuddering breath, she closed her eyes,
overwhelmed by how thoroughly he surrounded her.

He pressed one finger against her slit, applying pressure until it slipped between her

soaked folds. “Open your eyes. I want you to watch me when I make you come.”

Her lids fluttered open, and she met his heated gaze. Slowly he stroked her, his touch

light, driving her even wilder than if he’d been aggressive and purposeful. She lifted her

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hips against his touch, keeping rhythm with his patient strokes and when he brushed his
thumb across her clit she gasped.

“Does that feel good, kitten?”
She loved how he called her kitten. It made her feel sweet and feminine, yet wicked

and dangerous with the potential to bear her fangs and wield her claws. “So good,” she
confessed softly.

“Hmm, my girl prefers a gentle touch.” He stroked her, up and down, around and

around, thrusting first one, then two fingers deep inside her sheath. She moaned,
desperately trying to keep her eyes open but lost to the sensations his touch brought

He tightened his arm around her shoulders, his fingers pressing into her flesh. She

studied his face, the grim determination glittering in his eyes, the tension in his broad
jaw. He held himself in check, sweat dotted his forehead and she grasped at his tie,
tugging on it so she could bring his face in closer and capture his lips with her own.

She kissed him thoroughly, her tongue thrusting in time with his fingers, her hips

rubbing against his hand. She wanted to come so badly, was so desperate for it, that
when her climax finally washed over her she broke away from his mouth to offer a
keening cry.

“Open your eyes,” he demanded and she did, staring into his gaze as the tremors took

over her body. It was such an intimate moment, raw and primitive she was tempted to
declare her love for him right then and there.

Tessa couldn’t deny it any longer. She was in love with him. So completely in love

with him she would do anything, give anything to be with him forever. Not just as his
assistant but as his lover, friend, companion.

Big dreams for a silly little girl. She bit her lip, silently chastising herself for the near

slip. He didn’t want to hear declarations of love. He wanted to enjoy an illicit affair while
they were away from the office and nothing more.

“God, you’re beautiful.” He kissed her softly, a chaste kiss full of emotion she didn’t

want to overanalyze. His fingers were still in her body, still gently playing with her and
just like that her entire body tingled. “I bet I could make you come again.”

She laughed and closed her eyes. “You’re about to do so right now if you keep

touching me like that.”

“Would you like it if I did?”
Tessa opened her eyes and said the words, the closest she would come to revealing her

true feelings. “I would love it,” she whispered.

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Chapter Eleven

Tessa tossed and turned throughout the night, unable to sleep for longer than an hour

or two at a time. Too worried over how Alex might treat her upon their return to the
office in the morning.

He’d been quite the ardent lover their last night together in London, never letting her

sleep, doing things to her body that were probably illegal in many states and plenty of
countries. On their flight back to New York they utilized the private bedroom, lying in
the small, cozy bed beneath the thick velvet coverlet naked. Stroking each other, teasing
each other until he’d finally wrapped his big hands around her waist and hauled her on
top of him.

She proceeded to ride him for long, glorious minutes, sliding up and down his length

so slowly he’d growled in frustration and shown her exactly what he’d wanted her to do.

Two different times.
Alex had driven her to her Brooklyn apartment personally, kissing her for long,

delicious minutes before he’d finally urged her out of the car. She’d let herself into the
quiet apartment and collapsed into bed, where she’d slept twelve hours straight. When
she’d woken up, her luggage had already been delivered along with a note, slipped
inside one of her suitcases:

Rest this weekend, kitten. I’ll see you Monday morning.

No love, Alex, of course. But there’d been no indication of the possibility of seeing each

other the rest of the weekend either. Which was fine, really it was. She was so tired.
She’d spent the rest of her Saturday lounging around, fielding questions from her curious
roommate about her European trip. They’d even gone out to dinner that night, laughing
and talking and having a great time.

Sunday she’d spent the morning doing laundry then found herself trying on an endless

amount of clothes at a little boutique, trying to find something new to wear for Monday.

For Alex.
She found shoes. Black, peep toe, four-inch heels that elongated her legs and made her

feel sexy. She’d strode into the Worth building with confident steps Monday morning,
tossing back her hair while waving at the security guard, ever present behind his desk.
The office was quiet for she was early and when she arrived at her desk, she was
pleasantly surprised to find Alex already there. Within in his office and on the phone
with the door closed.

He’d caught sight of her through the window that faced her desk. Their gazes met and

he offered a quick closed mouth smile before he returned his attention to whomever he
spoke to on the phone.

Fighting disappointment, she settled at her desk, sighing when she saw the endless list

of unopened emails she needed to go through. She didn’t want to pick up the phone, the

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number of voicemails she knew were waiting for her too overwhelming to contemplate.

It was going to be an even busier Monday than usual. Really, what had she thought

would happen? That he would greet her at her desk with a tender embrace and a warm
kiss? Ask her to go to lunch with him with promises of a quickie during the noon hour?

She was completely ridiculous if she really believed something like that could happen.

Alexander Worth was above all else, pure business.

He never once came out of his office the entire morning, so wrapped up in various

phone calls he rarely moved from his desk. Didn’t even send her an email or a brief text
message to let her know he was thinking of her, much to her disappointment. He had to
be just as swamped as she. She knew this, but it felt like a sort of rejection.

It stung.
Her phone rang just before lunch, the human resources manager asking if she would

come see her right away. Perplexed, Tessa took the elevator down five floors to the
human resources offices and knocked on the manager’s open office door.

“Come in, Tessa,” Becky called.
Tessa entered the office, stopping short when she saw Hunter sitting in one of the

chairs. He was just as tall, almost as broad as Alex and his commanding presence filled
the tiny office. He offered her a smile in greeting but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“Sit down, Tessa.” His voice was firm, and not very friendly.
Unease slithered down her spine and she sat in the chair next to Hunter’s. When Becky

stood and shut the door with a quiet click, Tessa immediately sensed something was up.

She felt as if she’d done something terribly wrong. Had they found out about her affair

with Alex? Was she going to get in trouble for it? Alex was just as guilty, and why would
he allow her to get in trouble? Didn’t he care about her—at least a tiny bit?

“First off, you didn’t do anything wrong, Tessa.” Becky smiled reassuringly, her voice

soft and soothing.

Tessa clasped her hands in her lap, trying her best to remain composed. “What is this


“We had some—issues unfold while you were in Europe with my brother.” Hunter

leaned forward, his gaze locked on her face. “Now that you’re back, we need to talk to

“What happened?”
“Information is being leaked, private information regarding Worth and we believe it’s

an inside job.”

She stiffened. “I wouldn’t know anything about it.”
“We’re just wondering if you’ve seen any suspicious activity,” Becky added.
“Regarding anyone within the office? Not that I’m aware of.” Tessa glanced from

Hunter to Becky. They didn’t appear particularly impressed with her answer.

“Has there been any unusual activity on your computer?” Hunter asked. “Has anyone

ever asked to use your computer? Have you ever given your password to anyone?”

“No, never. Of course not.” It was against strict company policy to share login

information. She wasn’t about to break the rules. She valued her job too much.

“Have you seen someone enter Alex’s office without permission? Ever caught anyone

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lurking about? Even a stranger?” Hunter’s questions were rapid fire.

Tessa shook her head. “I’ve seen no strange behavior.”
“What about you?”
“Hunter,” Becky chastised, sending Tessa a sympathetic smile.
“I need to ask this, Becky.” He turned to Tessa, his gaze direct, his mouth a thin, tight

line. Looking so much like his older brother but not nearly as handsome—at least in
Tessa’s eyes. “We need to make sure we can trust you. You work extremely close with
Alex, and you’re privy to certain information that would—damage the company greatly
if it would ever get out.”

Tessa stood, indignation coursing through her so strong her entire body shook. “How

dare you accuse me of such a thing?”

He remained calm, gazing up at her with cool eyes. “I never accused you of anything,


“No, he didn’t,” Becky added quickly. To cover their butts, no doubt.
“I’ve worked for Worth Luxury for over three years, seven months of it here at the

corporate headquarters. I just came back from assisting Alexander Worth while he was in
Europe touring the remodeled stores. If you can’t trust me, if you have even an ounce of
doubt in my loyalty to Worth, then you may as well just fire me now.” She was so angry
she was fuming.

“We don’t want to fire you. We never said that. That is, unless you’ve been engaged in

—questionable activities?” Hunter goaded her. She knew it.

And it worked.
Infuriated, she turned on her heel and exited the office, ignoring Becky’s calls for her to

stop so they can explain. Hunter said nothing. He probably believed her reaction was too
over the top, proving that she must be at fault, hiding some sort of deep, dark secret.

The only secret she had to hide were her feelings for Alex. Which were silly

considering he probably put his brother up to this so he wouldn’t look like the bad guy.

Her entire body ached with pain at his betrayal, especially her heart. How could he do

this to her?

A sob caught in her throat and she fought it off, trying her best to remain composed

while in the elevator with five other people. The minute the doors slid open at her floor
she slipped out, walking briskly toward her desk.

Toward Alex’s closed office door.
Without knocking, without even a hint of warning she slammed the door open and

stalked into his office, her breath coming in irregular spurts, a hard knot of sorrow
lingering in her throat. She stopped just before his desk and swallowed hard. Couldn’t
miss the look of surprise mixed with irritation that crossed his handsome face.

“Let me call you back,” he said into the phone, his gaze narrowed as he studied her. “It

appears I have an urgent matter to attend to.”

He quietly hung up the phone and rested his clasped hands on top of his desk. The

consummate picture of cool, calm and collected, it irritated her further. “What’s the
problem, Tessa?”

“You think I’m a spy.” Her voice shook. She sounded on the verge of tears but she

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didn’t care. “You believe I’m disloyal enough to sell out Worth Luxury and all its secrets.
How dare you!”

“Sit down and calm yourself,” he ordered and she did so without thought,

immediately angry at her easy capitulation. “What are you talking about?”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” She breathed deep, trying to calm her

racing mind and heart. “I was just called into the human resources manager’s office. Your
brother was there. They questioned me. Hunter basically accused me of being some sort
of leak of Worth information. Why didn’t you tell me this was happening? Do you think
I’m some sort of traitor? Do you not know me that well?”

No, he really didn’t know her that well, but he wanted to. His desire for her grew

every minute that she wasn’t near him. The weekend had been a torturous act, one he’d
put upon himself. He’d wanted to prove he didn’t need her, was immune to her.

Those long two days without her had been some of the worst of his life. He’d been

eager to return to work. Had arrived early to get a lead on everything he knew would be
waiting for him. He hadn’t expected the overwhelming workload and regretfully had no
chance to really talk to her. Look at her.

Touch her.
Now she sat in his office practically vibrating with anger. Her cheeks were flushed,

and her eyes blazed. He couldn’t help but think just how glorious she was, even in her

“Well?” she asked when the silence stretched between them far too long.
Dread filled him. He’d asked Hunter to inform him when he was ready to talk to Tessa,

but he’d been distracted. On the phone all morning discussing the London location,
straightening out the final details for the paperwork.

Even spitting mad, she was gorgeous. Tessa looked ready to both chew him up and fall

onto her knees sobbing, all at the same time. He wanted to comfort her, tell her it was
just a routine procedure that Hunter insisted on carrying out. Maybe he could discreetly
pull her into his arms and kiss her. Hug her and hold her close, stroke her slender back
with his fingers, press a soft kiss to her forehead…

His phone rang and he picked it up, growling when he realized it was his brother on

the other end. “I told you to call me prior to your questioning Tessa.”

“I take it she’s already in your office?” Hunter chuckled though he sounded more

frustrated than anything.

“I don’t find this matter amusing.”
The chuckling stopped. “Trust me, I don’t either but your girlfriend is a little spitfire.

No wonder you’re fucking her. I imagine she’s quite the wildcat in bed.”

“That’s enough.” If he could reach through the receiver, wrap his hands around

Hunter’s neck and throttle him, he would do it, he was that pissed. “I’m not going to
tolerate your bullshit any longer.”

Tessa’s eyes widened at his choice words but he ignored her, focusing instead on

letting his brother know just how furious he was.

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“My apologies,” Hunter said curtly. “If you want to believe some random woman

you’re fooling around with over me, fine. Bring the demise of the company down upon
our heads. I don’t give a damn.” Before Alex could utter another angry word the line
went dead.

His bastard brother had hung up on him.
“I have never spilled a word of private information about Worth, Alex. You must know

this.” She paused and released a shuddering breath. “You trust me, don’t you?”

“Of course I trust you,” he murmured. He did.
But her reaction, how angry she was…did it have everything to do with

embarrassment and indignation over being accused of such a thing? Or was it fear at
potentially being caught?

His mind spun with the possibilities. He hated the doubt that lingered. Hated even

more that he couldn’t be rational about any of it, too distracted by the length of her legs,
the sexy shoes she wore. Her skirt was short, her legs bare and the urge to run his hands
up their silky length was so strong he clenched his hands into fists to control himself.

“I don’t know why Hunter had to say such things.” She shook her head, wiping at the

corner of her eye with the tips of her fingers. If she started to cry, he’d lose it. He didn’t
know how to deal with a crying woman. “He was just so—mean.”

“He’s notorious for being a killer in the boardroom.” Alex paused, his tone softening

when she looked at him with liquid brown eyes. “I think you might be overacting just a
bit. Don’t take it so personal.”

“It felt terribly personal.” Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly. “If you don’t trust

me enough to work for you, Alex, tell me now and I’ll leave.”

Panic filled him. He couldn’t imagine Worth without her. “I don’t want you to leave,


She lifted her chin, staring off into the distance. “You’ve ignored me all morning.”
The hurt in her voice was too much for him to withstand. He stood and went to her,

kneeling before her and gripping the arms of the chair. “I’ve never ignored you. It’s been
a busy morning. You’ve been swamped as well.”

Her gaze met his and held. “This is all too confusing. I don’t know how to act toward

you,” she whispered.

That made two of them. “I’ll take you to lunch. We can catch up.”
“You don’t have a luncheon meeting with anyone?”
“You tell me. You’re the one who keeps track of my schedule,” he chided gently.
Tessa smiled. “I’m behaving like a silly little girl, aren’t I?”
“No. You’re fine.” Leaning in he kissed her forehead. The moment his lips made

contact with her soft skin, he wanted more. So much more.

But they were in the middle of his office. Anyone could be lurking by his door.
Such as his brother Rhett, who stood in the doorway, watching everything unfold

between them.

His brother had always been too observant for his own good.
“Rhett.” Alex rose to his full height and stepped away from Tessa’s chair. “What are

you doing here?”

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“Am I interrupting anything?” Rhett looked at Tessa, who got up from the chair, her

head bent so she couldn’t make eye contact.

“No, nothing important.” Alex went to his brother and embraced him, sadness running

through him when he sensed how reluctant Rhett was by the show of affection. “How
are you?”

“I’m going to take my lunch break now,” Tessa murmured, her soft, sweet voice

drawing Alex’s attention.

She was already halfway to the door, her back to him, spine straight, shoulders stiff.

He’d upset her with his unintentional rejection, but he couldn’t turn away Rhett. He
needed to talk to him, make sure everything was okay. “We’ll talk later, Tessa?”

Pausing, she glanced over her shoulder, her big brown eyes wide and full of sadness.

He would make it up to her, he knew he would. “Of course, Mister Worth.” With a nod,
she fled the office.

“What was going on there?” Rhett asked the moment she was out of earshot.
“None of your concern.” Alex waved a negligent hand. “Care to go to lunch?”
“That’s why I swung by. I need to talk to you.” Rhett’s solemn voice and even more

solemn face spoke volumes.

“Then we’ll talk. Let me get my jacket.” Alex went to his desk and grabbed his jacket

he’d slung over the back of his chair, slipping it on. “Do you want anything in

“I don’t care. You pick.” Rhett watched him, his eyes, so similar to Alex’s, keeping

track of his every move. “Don’t just blow me off, Alex. Why were you kissing your

“I was not kissing her.” Jesus, Rhett had seen that? They’d have to be more careful.
But she was so hard to resist.
“You were. Don’t treat me like a dumbass.” Rhett sounded furious. “Hunter thinks I’m

a stupid shit. Don’t tell me you feel the same way.”

There was more going on here than Alex could even begin to know. Going to lunch

would be a start in finding out. “I don’t think you’re stupid, Rhett. I’ve never said that.
It’s just that what’s happening with Tessa—it’s private.”

Rhett smiled. “I get private. Well, she’s hot. I’ll give you that.”
Christ. He was as bad as Hunter. He hated how they spoke of Tessa as nothing but a

piece of ass. She was so much more than that.

So much more.
Not that he wanted to admit that to them. Or to anyone else.

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Chapter Twelve

Tessa was being foolish. She knew this. Yet it didn’t stop her heart from hurting, her

emotions spiraling out of control. She couldn’t handle this. Couldn’t handle being Alex’s
assistant, couldn’t handle seeing him and not being able to touch him. Not being able to
talk to him and kiss him and slip her hand in his.

It drove her crazy.
She’d known the moment they spotted Rhett that their lunch plans were cancelled. He

needed to see his brother. He’d finally confessed that Rhett had run into some legal
trouble while they’d been gone. She’d figured out long ago he had a soft spot for his
youngest brother and his behavior toward Rhett only confirmed her suspicions.

Though the words he’d said to his younger brother wounded, had cut her to her very


No, nothing important.
Just thinking about those three unassuming words made her head hurt.
Working furiously through the rest of the afternoon had taken her mind off her

troubles somewhat. He’d hardly looked at her upon his return from his two hour lunch.
Hunter had been with him, the both of them talking over each other and she huddled
behind her computer, not wanting to be noticed.

She was pitiful.
It was past five thirty and her plan to wait him out seemed hopelessly futile. He was

still on the phone, his jacket long ago shed, his shirtsleeves rolled up to his forearms and
his glasses on as he stared at the monitor of his laptop. He didn’t appear ready to leave
anytime soon.

Fighting off her silly tears, she gathered her purse and slipped her coat off the back of

her chair. She wasn’t going to bother telling him she was leaving. He probably didn’t
even notice.

Perhaps he didn’t even care.
She was halfway to the elevator when she heard footsteps coming toward her, felt his

fingers curl around her arm, halting her progress. “Tessa.” He didn’t even sound winded
which for whatever reason, infuriated her. “Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving?”

“You were busy.” She shrugged, trying to wrestle out of his grip but he tightened his

fingers around the crook of her elbow. “I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“That never stopped you before.” His voice was soft and beguiling. She glanced up, her

knees weakening when she caught sight of the familiar heat flickering in his gaze. When
he wore his glasses it secretly drove her wild, he looked so sexy.

“Things are different now.” She jerked out of his hold, his eyes widening when she did

so and he grabbed her again, hauling her close. So close, his hot body scalded her, even
through the layers of clothes they wore.

“You don’t have to be so standoffish, Tessa,” he murmured, his voice a low, sexy

rumble that twisted her insides and confused her brain.

“What, are you going to demote me if I don’t measure up?” The moment the words left

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her, she regretted it. His gaze darkened, his jaw went hard and his entire body stiffened
against hers.

“You really believe I would do that to you? Degrade you that way?” He lowered his

head so their gazes were level. “Do you think that low of me?”

“I don’t know what to think or how to feel.” Her heart beat wildly, her vision blurred

and tears gathered in the corner of her eyes. “What do you want from me, Alex?”

“I want you.” Sounding full of pure agony, he crushed his mouth to hers, kissing her

right there in the middle of the vast room, so close to the bank of elevators that anyone
could catch them if the doors suddenly decided to slide open. “God, I want you so much,
Tessa,” he whispered harshly after he broke the kiss.

She wrapped her arms around him and tilted her head back, sighing when he licked a

fiery path down her neck with his tongue. He whirled her around and walked her back
into his office, his hands wandering all over her body before sliding beneath her shirt to
streak his fingers across her trembling stomach.

Her knees wobbled and he swept her into his arms, carrying her with ease into his

office and kicking the door shut. He set her on her feet, shoving the coat from her
shoulders so it fell in a heap to the floor.

“I want you naked.” The look in his eyes was feral as he continued to undress her, his

movements methodical. He shoved off her skirt so that it fell around her feet, and she
stepped out of it. Unbuttoning her shirt and tugging it from her arms, unclasping her bra
and sending it to the floor, his gaze locked for long moments upon her breasts.

“I want to taste you.” As if he couldn’t resist he leaned down and swiped his tongue

first across one hard nipple, then the other. She cried out at the feel of his hot, wet
tongue, her eyes sliding closed when he slipped his hand inside the front of her panties
and touched her boldly.

“Wet,” he murmured with approval before he tore the lacy scrap completely off her

body. She gasped, shocked at his savagery, her entire body on fire with the need for him
to take her.

He lifted her, his big hands grasping her buttocks, his long, sure fingers pressing into

her flesh. Setting her on the edge of his desk, he spread her legs wide, putting her on
complete display. She braced herself, her hands splayed on the desk behind her, palms
flat, body arched. She didn’t care if he could see everything whereas normally she was
modest, a little shy.

Tonight, she was too overcome with wanting him. Needing him.
Alex stroked the inside of her thighs, pushing her wider as he knelt before her. She

inhaled sharply, a low moan escaping her when she felt the first swipe of his velvety hot
tongue. He devoured her, bringing her closer and closer to climax with every thrust of his
tongue and fingers. She gripped his hair with one hand, tugging him close, not caring
about her wanton behavior.

Her entire body shaking, her orgasm drawing near, he ducked his head out of her grip

and stood, his expression determined. Frustration filled her and she gripped the edge of
the desk, her sex throbbing and in need of release. “Please, Alex.”

His expression determined, he reached for his belt buckle and undid it, pulling the

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sleek leather belt from the loops of his trousers and tossing it to the ground. He undid the
snap of his trousers, slid down the zipper. Catching her watching him, he kissed her. His
tongue thrust deep at the same moment he thrust his erection deep inside her body.

Alex filled her completely, his rhythm quick and unrestrained. It was like an animal

had been unleashed upon her. His movements jerky, his hips bumped against hers, his
eyes wild and expression full of grim, passionate determination.

She loved it. She loved him.
This was no long, drawn out lovemaking session conceived to drive her out of her

,ever-loving mind. It was out of control, deliciously exciting sex. Like nothing she’d ever
experienced before. That she did this to him, made such a powerful, commanding man
lose all pretense and groan and shake uncontrollably as he took her so savagely, it was

And when he fell apart in her arms, when he came so deep inside her, he touched her

very soul. Filled her with so much warmth, it wound around her heart, urging the love
for him she’d guarded so closely to spill out in the form of tears.

They streaked down her cheeks, and she gazed up at the ceiling. That he’d lost every

semblance of order and control to take her on his desk was unbelievable.

A moment she never wanted to forget.

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Chapter Thirteen

The week flew by, Alex’s days occupied with work, endless meetings, numerous long

conference calls from England and pouring over reports. His desk was covered with
papers, two laptops, a stack of manila folders and memories of Tessa’s pert bottom
hanging on the edge as he pumped deep inside her.

This was his problem. He could be completely composed and focused on work and

then memories of Tessa naked in his arms would flood him, ruining his concentration.
Make him want her again and again.

More and more.
His focus was so blown he’d wasted far too much time daydreaming, staring off into

space and thinking about Tessa. What would happen if they were to take their
relationship to the next level? Did she want that? Or was she perfectly happy keeping
their situation as is?

He could go back and forth about the matter all through the day and night and still not

feel quite sure where he stood. Which was so unusual for him. He always took command
of his relationships. He called the shots and the women always agreed.

Not that he allowed Tessa to call the shots. She seemed perfectly happy leaving him in

charge. He’d almost describe her as beautifully submissive. But she also left him so tied
up in knots…

He’d gone out for a business dinner meeting earlier, his plan always to return to the

office and wrap up a few details before heading home. Sending Tessa home had been
difficult. Full of reluctance, she’d clung to him in the corner of his office, offering her lush
mouth to him for a long, wet kiss.

Of course, he’d taken it. He couldn’t get enough of her sweet taste, her sensuous ways.

She’d suggested she work late as well, perhaps even wait for him but he had a feeling the
meeting would run on and didn’t want her to stay there too long.

They’d spent every night this week together so he planned on making it up to her by

taking her somewhere special over the weekend. Maybe a bed and breakfast that was a
little over an hour out of the city, a quaint little place he’d read about in a magazine

A quiet, private spot where they could lie about in bed all weekend and make love,

that sounded perfect.

His cell rang as he exited the car and he answered, knowing it was Hunter. “What’s

going on?”

Their relationship had been strained the entire week over what happened with Tessa.

Alex hated it but he wasn’t about to apologize first. The ball rested in Hunter’s court this
time around.

“Where are you?” Hunter asked.
“Headed back into the office. I need to do a few things before I go home.”
“You need to head up there and quick then. Someone just accessed your computer,

Alex. The IT guy just called me. The search pattern is similar to our spy.”

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Fury filled Alex as he strode into the building toward the elevators. “I’m on it.”
“Be careful, bro,” Hunter warned and Alex laughed, stabbing his floor button multiple

times before the elevator door finally slid closed.

“I’m not afraid. Now the little traitor? That’s the one who should be scared shitless. I’ll

call you and let you know what I found.” He ended the call and shoved his phone in his

Adrenaline thrummed through his veins, and he bounced on his heels. Since when had

the elevator started moving so slow? The person who was stealing Worth secrets and
leaking them to the press and their business rivals could be long gone by now.

Alex hoped like hell that wasn’t so.
Finally, the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. He strode toward his office, saw

the lights were still on though he didn’t notice any movement within. Drawing closer, he
slowed his steps, kept himself angled so whoever might still be in there wouldn’t see him
approaching through the open doorway.

Noise sounded from within and he approached the door with quiet steps, holding his

breath as he peeked around the corner.

And saw who sat behind his computer staring intently at the screen.
She jerked her head up, brown eyes wide, skin pale and looking like she just got


He walked inside, his entire body stiff. Ice-cold shock rippled through him at seeing

her in his chair, her hands curled around the edge of the desk, knuckles white. Fuck, had
Hunter been right all along?

“What are you doing?” His voice was so calm. Too calm even to his own ears.
“I—I didn’t expect you back so soon.”
“I told you to go home tonight.” He paused, trying to compose himself. Rage wanted

to leap out of him and lash out at her. “Why are you here?”

She offered a trembling smile and pushed the chair away from his desk. “I didn’t want

to go home so I decided to stay and work late. I went to make some copies but the
machine wasn’t working right so I was in the copy room for twenty minutes at least
before I finally fixed it. When I came back, I saw your office light was on and thought
you’d already come back.”

“I just got back now.” Interesting how she had a complete alibi. Why did she feel the

need to say she’d been gone for twenty minutes? So he would believe she couldn’t
possibly be the one who’d just tampered with his computer?

Her cheeks flushed red. “I can see that.”
He rounded the desk and glared at his monitor, fear trickling through him. “How long

have you been on my computer?”

“I came in to drop off the report you’d asked for and noticed the monitor was still on. I

was just about to turn it off when I realized it was open on a page regarding the line
that’s going to be featured at the new London store.” She sunk her teeth into her plump
lower lip. “Did you leave it on there?”

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“No.” His tone was clipped, he saw her visibly flinch. “Were you looking for

something, Tessa?”

Her eyes went even wider and she stood. “Are you accusing me of pulling up the

information on your computer?”

“Are you confessing that you did?”
“No!” she gasped. “I would never do that.”
He watched her, crossing his arms in front of his chest. God, how he wanted to believe

her but it all fit too perfectly. She was here, in his office, with some lame alibi that
sounded too practiced. Looking at information she had no business seeing. She was
supposed to be someone he could trust. Not only as an employee but as a lover.

Not that he’d ever trusted any of his lovers…
Tessa’s betrayal cut like a knife, slicing clean through his heart.
“Get out,” he said quietly.
“Wh—what?” She blinked at him.
“You heard me.” He went to her, circled his fingers around her upper arm and jerked

her toward the door. “I want you out of the building.”

“But, Alex, I…”
“I’ve heard enough. Consider yourself terminated. I’ll have the personal items from

your desk delivered to your apartment tomorrow.”

He escorted her out of his office, past her desk and toward the elevators. Her entire

body trembled, her breath coming in jerky spurts and he wanted to scream. Wanted to
ask why, how could she do this to him? To the company? To his entire family?

Tears streamed down her face, her eyes bloodshot as she stared up at him. “Why are

you doing this? Why won’t you let me explain?”

Alex tugged her close, so close he could kiss her. He would never do that again.

“Explain what? How you lied to me? How you deceived me into believing you actually
care about your job and for—me?” He choked out the last word.

“How can you not believe me?” A sob escaped her, and she covered her lips with

trembling fingers.

“Hunter called me just before I arrived.” He watched her, wanting to see her reaction

but she still looked the same. Wretched, full of tears and so achingly beautiful it hurt.
“They knew someone was on my computer looking at confidential information.”

“It wasn’t me.” She jerked out of his hold. “I told you. I was stuck in the copy room. It

had to be someone else.”

“Convenient excuse, nothing else. You’ve been using me all this time. Trying to get

close to me, pretending that you wanted this—relationship. All along, you’ve sold me
out.” Reaching out, he pushed the button for the elevator. He had to get her out of here,
couldn’t stand hearing her excuses any longer.

“Check the cameras.” She pointed at the one that pointed directly at the elevators.

“You’ll see who got off the floor and went to your office. It wasn’t me, Alex. I swear it.
Please believe me.”

How he wanted to—but he couldn’t.

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Alex released his hold on her and pulled his cell out of his pants’ pocket, hitting a

button on the speed dial. His dangerously angry gaze remained locked on her, so cold, so
completely unapproachable. The person answered on the first ring and she realized
quickly he’d called down to security, asking about the cameras and if the guard could
review the tape in the last half hour.

Relief coursed through her and she slumped against the wall. He would realize his

mistake and take back her termination. She just knew it. He was furious, had acted too
rashly over her supposed betrayal but he would discover the truth and be contrite.

He had to. There was no other way around this.
Panic filled her when he turned away, murmuring into the phone. His shoulders were

so tense and she wished she could go to him, ease his discomfort with a stroke of her
hands. Hold him close and whisper that everything was going to be all right. They would
find whoever was stealing company secrets and leaking them all over the Internet soon.

His call finished, he turned to face her once more, his expression like a stone wall.

Disappointment flashed through her, her heart falling to her toes when she noted the
coldness filling his gaze.

“The camera was conveniently cut approximately an hour ago.” He exhaled loudly, his

nostrils flaring. She didn’t think she’d ever seen him so angry. “What did you do to it?”

“It wasn’t me.” Her voice was shrill, and she tried to get it together but it was so damn

hard with the way he looked at her, treated her. Why wouldn’t he listen? Did he think so
low of her? Had he always felt this way? “I swear to God, Alex. It wasn’t me.”

“None of this makes sense. None of it.” The elevator doors slid open, and he shoved

Tessa inside. She turned to face him, out and out crying now. It didn’t matter. She had no
reputation to save. “The security guard will escort you out of the building. I don’t ever
want to see you step foot into Worth Luxury again.”

“Please give me another chance.” She was begging. Begging for her job, her life, her

love and he brutally rejected her as if she didn’t matter. As if she never mattered.

How could he be so cruel?
“You’ve ruined any chance with me.” His voice was like steel, much like his eyes, firm

and impossible to penetrate. “Goodbye, Tessa.”

The doors slid closed and she slumped to the floor, her bottom hitting the ground so

hard she cried out. She sobbed the entire ride down, confused by his stern reaction. Why
didn’t he let her explain? Why did he look at her as if he hated her? What had she done
to him that was so awful?

That he wouldn’t listen to her made no sense. He might be stubborn, but he always

listened. Usually he gave up the more bulldog tendencies to Hunter.

Not tonight. He’d given her no leeway, hadn’t wanted to listen to anything she had to

say. She was guilty in his eyes. He’d needed no judge and jury, wouldn’t let her say a
word. She was wrong. She’d deceived him.

If only he knew the truth…
When the elevator stopped on the first floor, the doors opened and the security guard

waited for her on the other side. Seeing her on the floor a ragged mess, sympathy filled
his eyes and he stepped in, offering his hand so he could pull her to her feet.

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“You okay, Miss Crawford?”
No, she wasn’t okay. She’d never be okay again but she couldn’t admit all her troubles

to him. She gave him a false smile and let him tug her up. “Not really, but thank you for

He remained mum, escorting her out of the building just as Alex had promised. She

glanced around the expansive first floor lobby, the high ceilings, the billboard-sized
posters of attractive models wearing Worth on the walls. She didn’t belong anymore.

She never would.

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Chapter Fourteen

One year later…
“Have they found her?”
Hunter paused in the doorway of Alex’s office, his expression going blank. “I think you

need to face facts that we’re never going to find her. Ever.”

Alex tapped his pen against the edge of the desk and gazed out the window. It had

been a year since that fateful night in his office when he’d accused her of being a spy.
He’d believed it with every fiber of his being, had known it to be true. She’d betrayed
him. Deceived him in the worst way possible, not only by becoming a loyal and trusted
employee but also a woman he’d given his body to.

Given his heart to. He just hadn’t realized it at the time.
Unfortunately, he’d been wrong about the entire situation. Tessa had told him the

truth. The spy was the vice president of marketing, Hunter’s right hand man, Stephen.
He’d purposely tracked Tessa, had set her up so she would be the one to take the fall.
After working so many years for Worth and realizing he’d never go as high as the
position he currently held, Stephen had looked for a way to make a substantial amount of
money on the side.

So he’d sold secrets to their rivals and a few of the top fashion blogs who he

encouraged to spread the gossip. He’d chosen Tessa as his fall guy because she’d rejected
him when she first started working at Worth. He’d been interested, had tried to ask her
out and she’d refused his offer. He’d set her up out of spite.

Stephen was the worst sort of scum.
Hunter had been devastated, more determined than ever to throw up walls and never

let anyone penetrate him or his trust again. He went through women like they were
Kleenex, using them up and tossing them aside before they could get too close. Threw
himself into his work, filling the empty vice president position with someone from
within his team, a more than competent woman who knew what she was doing and
wasn’t afraid to offer her opinion.

Just what they needed at Worth.
Alex had withdrawn. He hadn’t been with a woman since his last night with Tessa.

Much like Hunter, he worked hard, harder than he ever had and that was saying much.
Ignoring all social obligations and friends, he personally saw to the construction and
renovation of the new London location, going there often. Staying for weeks, sometimes
months at a time, going over each and every detail until the store was finally ready to

He left for London tomorrow. The grand opening and launch of the new line was in

four days’ time. He was consumed with it, planning every little detail.

He had no idea what he would do once the store opened and everything fell into place.

It was the only project that kept him from obsessing over the one thing he couldn’t have
no matter how much he tried, no matter how much he wanted.


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“I’m not ready to give up,” Alex finally said, earning an eye roll from Hunter. “And

neither can you. You owe me.”

Hunter had turned him against Tessa. It was his damn fault she was gone. Easier that

way, blaming Hunter for everything rather than face his cruel words and actions toward

“I don’t owe you shit. You just insist I do.” Hunter paced Alex’s office. The overall vibe

at Worth had changed substantially, first with Tessa’s dismissal, then with Stephen’s
discovered betrayal. Employees knew to leave the Worth brothers alone, to give them a
wide berth for fear they would snap at any moment’s notice.

Their anger and frustration over the mistakes they’d made had taken over their entire

demeanor. Not ready to deal with the simmering anger his brothers were filled with,
Rhett had fled. Headed out to the west coast where he pretended to run the Worth
Luxury store location in Beverly Hills.

Everyone knew his store manager position was a front. He really spent all of his time

fooling around, spending money, screwing women and partying. Rhett Worth had no
plans in growing up any time soon, much to Alex’s eternal disappointment.

“You’re leaving for London tomorrow?” Hunter already knew he was leaving. He was

just making idle conversation.

Alex had no desire for small talk. Even a year later he was still pissed at his brother.

Completely irrational, he knew this but couldn’t help it. “I am, though I’m not sure when
I’ll be back.”

“You don’t know how long you’ll stay?”
“No. But everyone is in capable hands as long as you’re in charge, correct?”
“Of course. But I’m just the marketing guy. You run everything and make sure it’s all

going smooth.”

“You’re more than just the ‘marketing guy’ and you know it. I won’t be there longer

than a few weeks, a month at the absolute most.” Alex tore his gaze from the cityscape to
study his brother. “I can’t stand being here for too long. I get—antsy.”

“You never had a problem before.”
“That was before I fired her.” He would torture himself for the rest of his days if he

had to. He couldn’t let it go.

Didn’t want to let it go.
Hunter sighed. “It’s been a year, Alex. You need to stop beating yourself up.”
“I won’t stop until I find her. So I can tell her I’m sorry.” So he could tell her he was


“She’s not worth your agony. It was a business decision, and you took a loss. Simple as


Alex wasn’t quite sure how it happened but next thing he knew he was clear across the

room, holding Hunter against the wall, Alex’s hand wrapped around his brother’s throat.
“Take it back.”

“Jesus, Alex.” Hunter’s eyes were wide and full of fear. He was big, but Alex was

bigger. He’d kicked Hunter’s ass plenty of times throughout the years though they
hadn’t gone at each other in a long time. “Calm down.”

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“No.” Alex pressed against Hunter’s throat, fury making his vision red. “You might be

a cold heartless bastard, but I’m not. Not when it comes to her. Take it back.”

“Fine, fuck, I take it back.” Alex released his hold and Hunter shifted away from him,

rubbing the side of his neck. “What were you going to do? Fucking kill me?”

“Of course not.” Alex smoothed his hands down the front of his jacket, pissed that he’d

lost it like that. He hated hearing Hunter referring to Tessa in such a callous, careless

It came too close to how Alex had actually treated her that last night. Christ, would he

ever be able to forgive himself?

“Felt like you wanted to.” Hunter shook his head. “You act like you’ve got your shit

together but you’re spiraling out of control, Alex. If you keep this up, you’re going to
need help.”

“Your concern touches my heart but don’t worry, I’m fine.” Alex settled back into his

chair, wishing Hunter would leave already. He didn’t need to hear his false concern or
empty threats.

He’d already heard them what felt like a thousand times before.
“When was the last time you went out with a woman?”
“I don’t need women.”
Hunter snorted. “We all need women. At the very least to screw around with. Don’t

tell me you haven’t been with a woman since—her.”

He’d confessed everything to Hunter after he’d terminated Tessa, feeling like an

absolute fool for falling for her. Alex had needed someone to talk to and Hunter had
actually been supportive though not necessarily surprised. Alex always believed he’d
been discreet in his affair with Tessa. He was wrong.

“You already know the answer,” Alex said grimly.
“What the hell made her so special, huh? Was she that good in bed?” Hunter held his

hands up in front of him in a defensive gesture when he saw Alex’s snarl. “Seriously.
What is it about Tessa that has you still pining away for her like some sort of lovesick
teenage boy a year later?”

“I was in love with her. I just didn’t know it then, and I tossed it away. I tossed her

away like she didn’t matter because I was too stubborn to listen. I let her walk out of my
life like a complete asshole and now I would give anything to have her back.” Alex
leaned back in his chair and stared up at the ceiling. “I don’t think I’ll ever get her. Ever. I
blew it. She’s clearly hiding from me and doesn’t want to be found. I need to accept that
and move on.”

“You do, bro. You really do.”
Alex knew Hunter spoke the truth, no matter how much it hurt. His reality was a

nightmare, and he needed to resign himself it was going to be like this for the rest of his

He would go on hurting, mourning the loss, wishing she was still by his side. If he

could go back and do it all over again, he would’ve told her how he felt from the
beginning. That he’d been too scared to find love but it had come to him anyway in the
form of a sweet, thoughtful woman with the curves of a goddess, the innocent beauty of

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an angel and the voracious appetite of a vixen.

She was smart and kind, beautiful from the inside out. And he’d let her go because of

his stupid pride. Had hurt her beyond repair. Hurt her so badly she hid from him.

Alex couldn’t blame her. He’d fucked up big time.
He’d have the rest of his life to pay for it.

Tessa kept her head bent against the blustery wind that swirled around her, her scarf

wrapped high around her neck and nearly covering her ears to stave off the bitter chill. A
late winter storm, they called it on the weather report this morning.

Bloody miserable was more like it.
She wanted to laugh. She’d been in England for little less than a year, and she already

mimicked so much of their speech patterns and used their slang. It couldn’t be helped.
She was surrounded by people every day with her job, listening to their pleasant accents,
especially the upper crust ladies who wandered into the shop. They looked for little lacy
scraps of nothing to please their husbands or boyfriends—or sometimes their lovers.

Yes, many of them had scandalous lovers on the side, or they were mistresses

themselves. Tessa never judged. That’s what made her such an excellent salesperson at
Mon Amour

. She had her own secrets, her own shame to hide.

Like how she allowed her heart to be broken by a callous, cold man who’d turned his

back on her forever.

She picked up the pace, hurrying down the street, caught sight of her building looming

in the near distance. After that terrible night when she’d been kicked out of the Worth
building, after being so thoroughly rejected by the man she loved more than anything,
she’d gone home. As in she’d gone to New Jersey, where her older sister had a small
place of her own not far from where they’d grown up. Full of sympathy and rude, overly
graphic words for Alex that only a sister could offer, Tessa had moved out of her
Brooklyn apartment as soon as she could and into Gina’s place.

An unexpected and most generous severance check from Worth had arrived within

two weeks of her termination, and she’d been half tempted to tear it to pieces. She knew
it was some sort of gesture from Alex. No one else got a severance package when they
were fired for supposedly leaking corporate secrets for the love of God.

Luckily enough Gina had intervened, telling her she could do a lot with that check, it

was so substantial. They’d dreamed over that check for three nights running, planning
and plotting. Making lists and checking them twice until they finally decided to go for it.

They were going to pursue Tessa’s childhood dream. Gina’s secret dream too.
So Gina gave her notice at the prestigious accounting firm she worked at, they’d put

most of the furniture in storage and they’d moved to London. Their mother had been
horrified, believed they were acting too rash. Gina wanted a change. Tessa was running
away from her problems.

It worked for them.
Once Tessa learned of her condition, she’d told Gina there was no way she was

returning to New York, at least for a few years. Her sister had agreed she would stay by
her side no matter what and help. They’d found a cute flat for a reasonable price and set

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out to look for jobs immediately.

Luck and divine intervention had landed Tessa in the right place at the right time,

when she’d run into the woman who’d helped her that evening in Paris at the lingerie
shop. Turned out Simone DuBois was the owner of a chain of Mon Amour stores.
Surprisingly, she remembered Tessa, had been the one to approach her at a small coffee
shop one quiet Monday morning when Tessa had been full of despair over finding a job
and dealing with a horrendous case of nausea.

Just like that, Simone had offered her an assistant manager position at one of her

London locations. Tessa snapped it up, though she warned Simone of her condition
before she officially accepted the job.

Simone was also a single mother and understood. She’d become Tessa’s mom away

from home. She even pampered Gina, always inviting the two sisters over for dinner at
her cute little cottage. She also completely overindulged Charlotte.

Tessa smiled. Who didn’t overindulge Charlotte? She was the sweetest baby in the all

the universe.

Finally arriving at her building, the wind blew her inside and she rushed up the

stairwell to their third floor flat. Opening the door, the welcoming scents of dinner
greeted her and she offered a quick hello, shedding her scarf and coat and setting them
on the coat rack by the door.

“Dinner will be ready soon,” Gina called from the tiny kitchen.
“I’m starved.” They traded household duties. Gina worked four days a week at an

international finance firm and Tessa worked Friday and Saturday plus a few evenings at
Mon Amour.

“Good. I made a lot.”
Tessa dropped her purse and went to the gorgeous hand carved cradle Simone had

given her as a baby shower gift, smiling when a little fist suddenly shot into the air. Like
her daughter knew she’d arrived home and was greeting her.

Peeking in the cradle, there lay Charlotte, little tufts of dark hair shooting straight from

the top of her head, her eyes as blue as her father’s. Upon seeing her mother’s face she
smiled and squealed with delight, kicking out her feet just before Tessa plucked her from
her resting place.

“My baby,” Tessa murmured against Charlotte’s fragrant neck as she nuzzled her. “My

sweet, sweet baby, did you miss your mommy?”

Charlotte cooed and turned her face into her mother’s. Tessa closed her eyes, savoring

the delicious baby scent, the squirmy little warm bundle shifting her knees against
Tessa’s chest. She was a vibrant, intelligent, curious baby and she was so proud to call
herself Charlotte’s mommy.

She was going to make sure that Charlotte never felt like she lacked for a father. Knew

that someday she would have to face her daughter’s questions why her father wasn’t
around but for now, she could simply enjoy her. With no worries of Alex coming after
her and trying to take what he would surely believe was rightfully his.

It didn’t help that her soft heart had allowed her to name the baby after Alex’s

grandmother. She’d gone as far as to give her daughter the Worth name, which was

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foolish but it was a common surname. He’d never look for her and he certainly wouldn’t
have a clue about the baby.

Alex would never, ever know. Not that he would care, not really. He’d tossed Tessa

out like yesterday’s trash so why would he want their baby? And even if he did find out
—which was highly unlikely—he’d only view Charlotte as an object to be obtained and
added to his collection. He had no emotional stake in any of this. He was completely out
of her life, and Tessa preferred it that way.

Even in the middle of the night, when she was so exhausted by Charlotte keeping her

up and her silly thoughts were filled with memories of Alex. The two of them together,
laughing and talking, the hunger in his eyes when they were in a crowded room and he
thought no one else was looking. His beautiful body, the way he kissed her, touched her,
made love to her…

“Hey.” Gina wandered into the living room, a smile on her face when she spotted

Tessa holding Charlotte. “How was your day?”

“It was good. Busy.” So what if her nights were lonely and she missed New York and

her old job and more than anything, Alex. She was a glutton for punishment, how her
thoughts always returned to him but he was hard to forget when she had a daily
reminder squirming in her arms.

Charlotte was a perfect blend of the two of them. Dark hair that tended to curl like

Tessa’s and stormy dark blue eyes like her father, she looked more like a female version
of Alex with every day that passed.

Sometimes, she stared at her daughter for so long it hurt. Tears would fill her eyes at

thinking of what she’d lost. At how terrible Alex had been to her that night. The hurt
she’d seen in his eyes so briefly before becoming masked with that cold, calculating anger
he was so good at portraying.

She’d never been the brunt of it before that evening. His iciness had cut her like a


“Well, dinner’s ready if you are. I already fed her so she should be good,” Gina said,

indicating Charlotte.

Tessa squeezed her daughter close. “I’ll need to pump more milk for her after dinner, I

suppose.” She enjoyed breast feeding but sometimes disliked the pump. It made her feel
like a baby feeding machine.

Which, she mused, she supposed she was.
They sat down to dinner at the small round table in the corner of the kitchen, watching

the news from the TV in the connecting living room. It was their usual routine, Gina was
the far better cook of the two of them and if Tessa wasn’t working the evening shift at the
shop, they ate dinner together always.

Tessa didn’t know what she would’ve done if she didn’t have her sister. They hadn’t

been that close these last few years, the both of them too involved in their own lives and
careers but when the going got tough, Tessa had known she could count on Gina. And
Gina hadn’t let her down.

There was comfort in that, just as there was comfort in their routine. She’d always

believed she would love spontaneity and thrilling excitement but really, she was just as

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boring as every other average person in the world...

“…and the grand opening of the new Worth Luxury store on Bond Street is set for

tomorrow. Part of an offshoot of Worth Luxury Goods, the store, called Worthwhile, is
aimed at the younger set. With lower prices and more trendy items to appeal to those
who follow the trends,” the television announcer said. “Owner and CEO Alexander
Worth will be present at tomorrow’s opening after personally supervising the
construction of the new location for the past six months.”

Tessa’s fork clattered onto her plate, her mouth dropping open in shock. It was one

thing to think of Alex. It was quite another to Google him on occasion and stare longingly
at the most recent photos of him on her laptop in the middle of the night.

It was an entirely different and strange situation to be eating her dinner and hear his

name mentioned on the news as his picture briefly flashed on the television.

“You have to be kidding me,” Gina murmured, worry lacing her tone. “He’s going to

be in London?”

Tessa picked up her fork, stunned he’d been in London for the past six months. It was

as if he had some sort of sixth sense. Did he have any idea that she was here? Oh, she
doubted it but still. It was just so strange. “London is a large city. There is no way I’ll run
into him.”

Mon Amour is near Bond Street,” Gina reminded her.
“It’s on the far end of Oxford, not even close to Bond.” She tried her hardest to sound

dismissive but fear crept along her skin and settled cold and slick in her belly. She pushed
her plate away, her appetite gone. “I didn’t even know they were building the new
location so close to where I work,” she murmured.

She didn’t explore the exclusive shopping streets of London because she really couldn’t

afford it. It cost a lot of money to keep her baby clothed and diapered. She still had a gob
of clothes from her time at Worth, all of them elegant and simple, perfect for how
Simone wanted her to look at Mon Amour. She didn’t have the time or the money to shop
for herself.

“Well, like you said, London is a large city. There’s no possible way you’ll run into Alex

Worth,” Gina said. “You should finish your dinner.”

“I’m not hungry.” The thought of putting another bite of food in her mouth

immediately made her stomach roil.

“Tessa,” Gina chastised. “You should eat.”
She’d gotten terribly skinny after what happened between her and Alex, much to her

sister’s constant worry. It had become worse when she discovered she was pregnant and
couldn’t keep a thing down due to morning sickness. Only during the last four months of
her pregnancy had she gained weight. She still hadn’t shed the last of the baby weight
and her body had somehow shifted. She had far more curves than the last time she saw

“I’ll be fine. Really.” Tessa flashed her sister a smile. “I just—I think I’m going to relax

on the couch for a bit. I’ll clean up the dinner dishes when you’re done.”

“No, no, I’ll take care of it. You rest. You’ve had a bit of a shock.”
Indeed she had.

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Chapter Fifteen

Alex hadn’t felt this good since he didn’t know when. The reception toward the new

and risky Worthwhile Luxury store had been overwhelmingly positive, even from the
London news and fashion media, who were notorious for their picky taste and downright
rude editorial. The spacious store had been filled to the very brim with shoppers and
they’d sold out of their predicted popular accessory items within minutes. The newly
launched and exclusive women’s line also sold out.

It felt amazing, to create something completely new and visionary within the old and

established Worth line and have it launch with instant success. Hunter was thrilled. He’d
called him twice with congratulatory remarks. The London marketing team had literally
high fived him near the end of the day and he’d offered to take everyone, including the
hard working store crew, out to dinner as soon as the store closed which was within the
next hour.

He was exhausted but it was the good kind. His brain had been so busy it was hard to

focus on the negatives. On how much he missed Tessa. How much he still wanted her.

For whatever reason, she haunted his thoughts more so than usual. Memories of their

time in London together flashed through his mind, memories drenched in visions of
Tessa naked, their bodies entwined, their mouths fused. The breathy little sounds she
made when he pounded deep inside her, the way her body shook with her orgasm and
how she’d call his name…

Shaking himself from useless thoughts, he wandered about the store, noting the items

that needed to be replenished, unusually pleased at how empty the store displays were.
He’d put in an order for more inventory earlier this morning, within hours of the grand
opening. It had been clear that early on the day was going to end a rousing success. He’d
wanted to be prepared and requested more inventory so the store wouldn’t stand empty
for too many days and lose sales.

Outside the sunlight dimmed though the sidewalks were still crowded. The morning

air had been crisp and cool and the sun shone all day after a brisk storm had blown
through the city last night. Deciding he needed a bit of fresh air, he let the store manager
know he was taking a quick walk and he stepped outside, inhaling deeply. The cold air
felt good in his lungs. It didn’t even bother him that people ran into him, their shoulders
colliding with his as they passed by.

Everyone was in such a hurry. He was so full of relief, for once in his life he felt like

taking a leisurely stroll.

It was completely unlike him.
He strode down Bond Street, admiring the other storefronts, paying attention to their

window displays. This was by far one of the hippest shopping areas in all of London,
drawing both residents and tourists alike. The original Worth Luxury location was on
Regent Street and he’d checked in with them earlier in the day to check on sales.

Thanks to the grand opening, they’d had renewed interest and a surge in sales as well.
Wishing he’d worn a coat, he continued his walk, turning onto Oxford Street where

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the less expensive stores were. Their location was still prime, the window displays
perhaps even more creative than the ones on Bond and he stopped at a window filled
with a lavish display of lace and silk. Elegant and alluring, he studied the display. The
lingerie was exquisite, looked expensive yet touchable.

The awning that covered the window was a broad and bold pink and black stripe, with

the words Mon Amour streaked across the front in black script. Instantly he recognized
the stripe from the shopping bag Tessa had discarded in her room that night in Paris. The
gorgeous lingerie she had purchased with him in mind.

Without thought he walked into the store, the quiet warmth of the interior engulfing

him upon his entry. It was quiet within, classical music played low in the background
and the place smelled divine of sweet spices. A glass table was in the very front of the
store, the top of it covered in piles of colorful lacy concoctions and the pang in his heart
was suddenly so sharp it nearly stole his breath.

God, he missed her. What a damn fool he was for letting her go.
“Do you need any help, monsieur?”
The sound of a heavily accented English feminine voice caused him to glance to his

left. A woman stood before him, draped from head to toe in black, black framed glasses
perched low on her nose.

“I’m fine,” he reassured her, looking toward the front door. He should escape. He had

no plans on purchasing lingerie—and for who? He had no one.

“Are you looking for something beautiful for your special lady?”
He shook his head. “I have no special lady.”
The woman gasped, resting her hand on her chest. “Surely you’re jesting. A handsome,

successful man such as you has no special lady in his life?”

“I did. Once.” Why was he confessing this to a stranger? “But we’re not together any


“Ahh.” She shook her head, made a tsking noise. “You miss her terribly.”
“I do.” Saying it out loud made his misery that much keener.
“Then why don’t you beg her forgiveness?”
He frowned. “How do you know I did something wrong?”
She threw her head back and laughed. “Because you all eventually do something

wrong. It just depends on the level of wrongness. Let me find someone to help you pick
out an apology nightgown.”

His frown deepened. “A what?”
“Trust me.” She waved a hand. “You bring her a gorgeous piece of lace worth plenty of

money and she’ll forgive you of all your sins. Oh, Tessa. I have a gentleman who needs
assistance, please.”

He stiffened at the sound of the name Tessa, the hairs at the back of his neck standing

on end. He would’ve bailed. Would’ve bolted straight out of there but upon hearing the
name he planned on sticking around and at least seeing what was most likely a poor
excuse for the woman he’d once loved.

Still loved, if he was being honest with himself.
“How can I help you?” asked an unmistakable voice from behind.

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Alex closed his eyes, her familiar, intoxicating scent wrapping around him. His skin

tingled, his heart raced as shock flooded his veins.

It was her. She was in London selling lingerie she’d once bought for his pleasure? It

made absolutely no sense.

It made perfect sense.
He turned, noted the shocked expression when she realized it was him, the quick flash

of happiness in her gaze before it was replaced with panic. “Hello, Tessa.”

She gaped at him, backing up so quickly she ran into a rack, causing it to plow into one

of the glass tables. The colliding furniture clanged loudly, and he winced. Wished he
could reach out and help her but knew she wouldn’t let him. She righted the display
furniture, her movements shaky before she turned scared wide eyes upon him. “What are
you doing here?”

“I really should be asking you that, shouldn’t I?”
Her expression hardened and she turned on her heel, striding toward the back of the

store with determined steps. “Go away.”

He chased after her, his gaze dropping to the plump curve of her bottom. Had she

gained weight? Not that he was protesting, she looked more beautiful than ever, but her
curves seemed even more pronounced, her body more—womanly.

“I want to talk to you,” he said when she didn’t turn around.
“Well, I clearly do not want to talk to you. Please leave.” She slipped behind the

counter and rested her clasped hands on top of the glass counter, trying her hardest to be
the picture of serenity. Cool, calm, aloof.

He knew because he was a professional of that particular false front. He knew where to

look for the telltale signs of fracture. The lines around her pretty dark eyes, the creases in
her forehead, and the tightness of her lips when she realized he’d been staring at them,
thinking of all the things he could do with those pretty lush lips. All the things he had

“What are you doing in London?” He couldn’t believe she was here. Across a vast

ocean and in another country, he’d think the possibility of running into her was
practically nil.

“I could ask you the same question.” Her sultry voice was quite possibly the best thing

he’d heard in ages, despite the anger he noted in her tone.

He also noticed her deflection. She wasn’t about to give an inch. “For the grand

opening of our new store.”

She didn’t ask, didn’t so much as mention any sort of intimate detail about the store,

which she’d known plenty about before he’d fired her. “Congratulations. I wish you
much success.” The haughty tone, the disdainful tilt of her chin, she didn’t mean a word
of it.

Alex couldn’t be deterred.
“Tessa.” Reaching out, he touched her, placed his hand atop her forearm. His skin

sizzled upon contact and she hissed, jerking her arm away from him before he could curl
his fingers about her slender bones and keep her close. “I need to talk to you.”

“There’s absolutely nothing more we could say to each other. You made your opinions

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more than clear. Now if you could please leave, I would greatly appreciate it.”

“Always the polite one, aren’t you, kitten?” he murmured, unable to help himself,

unable to stop the endearment from dropping from his lips.

She slapped the glass countertop with both hands so hard he wondered if the sharp

edge left marks on her palms. “You have no right to call me that.”

The claws were out most definitely. God, it felt so good to be in her presence, to see

her, drink her in. Her hair was longer than the last time he saw her, glossy and thick with
waves. Her breasts were a sight to behold, their generous size emphasized by the clingy
knit of her elegant pale pink sweater set and he wondered if she’d somehow gotten

He frowned. She’d subtly changed, but he couldn’t put his finger on how.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured. “That’s all I wanted to say. I’m just—I’m sorry for how I

treated you. It was uncalled for.”

“Fine.” She crossed her arms in front of her, plumping her breasts up even more. “I

accept your apology.”

Pausing, he didn’t know what else to say, what else to do. Asking how she was seemed

too benign, too thoughtless. Of course, his previous interactions with her had been
completely thoughtless so what was the difference?

Never before had a woman left him feeling so damned unsure before. And such a little

slip of a woman too. He was ten years older than her and vastly more experienced. Yet
she had him shifting on his feet like a naughty little boy about to receive his punishment.

“Can we catch up maybe?”
Slowly she shook her head, her eyes full of sadness. So much sadness, it almost equaled

his own. “I don’t think that would be wise, Alex.”


Hearing her sweet voice say his name nearly unmanned him. Right there in the

middle of a store full of bras and panties and silk and lace, he wanted to fall to his knees
and beg for her forgiveness. Plead with her that she give him another chance.

But she was like a statue, unmoving, watching him with a sort of distance in her

expression he’d never seen before.

Fuck. He’d ruined it. All of his chances were gone and no begging on his part was ever

going to change that.

“I understand,” he said quietly though really he didn’t. He just knew it sounded good.

“I wish you well, Tessa.”

“Thank you.” Her voice broke, and she cleared her throat. “Goodbye, Alex.”
And just like that, she dismissed him. Much like he’d dismissed her a year ago.
It hurt. Cut like the sharpest knife down to the bone. With a curt nod he turned and

slowly walked out of the store, wondering where the French woman had gone.
Wondering more where Tessa might live.

What did she do in the evenings? Did she have friends or worse—did she have a man

in her life?

The idea of his Tessa in the arms of another man threatened to slay him dead where he


Pulling his cell from his front pocket, he dialed the store manager at Worthwhile.

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“Something’s come up. I can’t attend the dinner tonight after all so don’t wait for me.”
He paused and listened to her chatter on about statistics and sales numbers, but he didn’t
hear her. None of it registered. All he could think about was Tessa. “Go ahead and charge
it to the Worth account. Have everyone order whatever they want.” He rattled off the
name of the restaurant where he’d taken Tessa, knowing they’d be impressed with the
ambiance and menu. He already had an account with them, which made it easier.

Ending the call, he rounded the corner of the brick building and stood there in the

growing darkness. The store hours posted by the door said Mon Amour closed at seven.
He glanced at his watch and noted it was almost six-thirty.

He would wait. It could take no more than an hour for them to prep and close the shop

and then she would emerge, done for the night. He would follow her back to her home.
Perhaps he would corner her and demand that she talk to him, that she listen to him and
perhaps even given him another chance.

Though he didn’t deserve it, he would do whatever it took to get her to listen to him.

To let him explain his faults, his absolute stupidity in not believing in her, in not trusting
her. If she was receptive, he would even confess his love for her.

She might not want to listen but he had to do it. Had to get everything off his chest

once and for all.

If she didn’t at least give him that, he didn’t know what he would do.

Tessa called her sister as soon as Alex exited the store. Her hands shook, her heart

pounded so hard it was all she could hear and she took a deep, gulping breath when her
sister answered before she launched into the whole shocking story.

“I had a feeling something like this might happen.” Gina sounded stressed. “Want us

to come meet you when you get off work, and we can go home together?”

“God, no. I don’t want him to see Charlotte.” She cast a worried glance out the front

window, but he was nowhere to be found. Not that she could see much considering how
dark it was. “He wouldn’t leave it alone. He kept saying he wanted to talk to me. He
even said he was sorry.”

“You’re not falling for that, are you?”
“Of course not.” She wished she could. It would make life so much easier. But she had

to be strong. He would only end up hurting her again and she’d have no one to blame
but herself. “I find it hard to believe he’d walk out so easily. He always enjoyed a

“You’re going to have to be strong.” Gina paused, letting her words sink in. It was as if

she could read Tessa’s thoughts. “For Charlotte, you need to be.”

Tessa closed her eyes and breathed deep. She knew her sister was right. She had to do

this, had to protect her daughter. “What if he’s waiting out there? He might want to talk

“Let me grab a taxi and head over there. If he’s outside you can run straight into the

car and never have to deal with him.”

“Okay, fine. Call a taxi and be here no later than seven-fifteen. Call me when you get


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They hung up and Tessa went into the backroom, thankful business was slow. She

couldn’t handle dealing with people now, not with her jittery nerves and her racing
heart. Seeing him on the news last evening, she realized there was a very slim chance
she’d see him.

He’d somehow found her store and walked right in. As if he’d known she was inside.

Had he been looking for her? Had he hired some sort of private investigator and they’d
found her?

“Who was that man?” Simone asked as she entered the backroom.
Tessa pressed her lips together before she sighed. “The father of Charlotte.”
“He’s Alexander Worth, isn’t he?”
Tears formed in the corners of Tessa’s eyes, and she dashed them away. “Yes.”
“I thought I recognized him. I spoke to him before I called you over. I had no idea he

was Charlotte’s...”

“I used to work for him.” Tessa laughed and shook her head, feeling one hundred

thousand times the fool. “We had an affair and then he—he fired me. Accused me of
stealing company secrets and told me to get out. He never wanted to see him again.”

“Oh, such a fool.” Simone shook her head. “And you haven’t seen him until just now?”
“Yes.” She nodded, a sob welling up in her throat. She was the one who was a fool. “It

was quite the shock.”

“He seems very sad.”
Tessa frowned and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “What do you mean?”
“His demeanor, the way he spoke to me. I saw it in his eyes, heard it in his words. He is

a very sad man.”

“He’s a ruthless man who has no problem ruining someone if it gains him what he


“Oh, dear.” Simone tsked. “You are both hurting so much.”
“Of course, I’m hurting. I was in love with him.” The moment the words left her, she

knew she was still in love with him, however stupid that may be. She burst into tears,
unable to mask her overwrought emotions any longer.

Simone drew her into her arms and hugged her, smoothing her hands up and down

Tessa’s back. “There, there, darling. It will be just fine. Perhaps you should listen to what
he has to say, no?”

“No. I can’t Simone. I let him hurt me once. I’d be stupid to let it happen again.”
“He may be looking for your forgiveness.”
“I don’t think I can give it to him.”
“So you’d rather hold a grudge the rest of your days and deny him his daughter?”
Tessa stiffened. Put like that, Simone made her sound like a cruel, cold-hearted bitch.

“He doesn’t care about Charlotte.”

“He doesn’t know she exists. There’s a difference. How can he care about his child

when he doesn’t know he has one?” Simone gave her a gentle smile. “You have a
daughter together. You need to tell him about Charlotte. He deserves to know.”

Tessa withdrew from Simone’s embrace, her skin cold, her mind numb. “What if he

tries to take her from me?”

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“Do you believe him that cruel?”
“I don’t know what to think.” He would be angry that she’d hid Charlotte from him,

she knew this. Such a staunch believer in tradition and family, he would yank Charlotte
right from her arms at the first opportunity. He might declare her an unfit mother with
no funds and no expensive nanny to take care of their child since she had to work for a
living. “He was terribly cruel to me the last time I spoke to him. I doubt he’s changed.”

“He misses you,” Simone said softly.
Tessa waved a hand, dismissing the comment. “I don’t believe it.”
“He looked rather lost when he talked about you.”
A jolt moved through her. “He talked about me?”
“He spoke of the love he lost. I think he was referring to you.”
Before Tessa got a chance to ask her what she meant about that, the bell above the door

rang, indicating a customer walked in. Simone took care of it, allowing Tessa some time
alone so she could compose herself. She went into the tiny bathroom and splashed water
on her face, then stared at her reflection in the mirror.

Dark circles shadowed the fragile skin beneath her bloodshot eyes. Her lips were

swollen, her nose red from crying. She looked blotchy, horrible. She’d noticed the way
Alex’s gaze had run over her body, lingering on her breasts. They were much fuller since
she breast-fed Charlotte, and her body was curvier in general.

She’d changed, both outside and in. She wasn’t the silly, stupid girl anymore who fell

for all of his lies. She was stronger, braver. Moving to another country, finding a new job
and having a baby all in the span of a year did that to a woman.

And she was proud of herself. But a few moments alone in Alex’s presence and he’d

reduced her to a blubbering mess.

Straightening her spine, Tessa walked back out into the store and started straightening

up for the night. It was nearly closing time, and her sister would be here with the taxi
waiting. She could’ve called her own taxi but at least with Gina waiting for her, she had a
support system. Someone she could talk to, a shoulder to cry on as they headed back
home. And her sweet baby to cuddle too.

The unnecessary expense of the taxi would be worth the heartache of being

approached by Alex one more time. He was so determined—if he wanted to talk to her,
he would find a way. Not that he’d have any real reason to talk to her, at least in his
mind. They were finished.


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Chapter Sixteen

Tessa hurried out the front door of Mon Amour, the French woman holding the door

open for her as she came onto the sidewalk. The crowds had thinned to almost nothing,
giving Alex a perfect view of her looking this way and that just before she jabbed her
hands into the pockets of her black coat.

Alex wondered if she could feel his gaze upon her.
A taxi pulled up to the curb and stopped next to her and the back door popped open.

Casting one more quick glance around, she hopped into the car and slammed the door.

Moving away from the side of the building, he went to the sidewalk, saw the taxi pull

into the crowded street. Waving another taxi down, he jumped into the back seat,
offering a curt, “Follow that car,” in French and thrusting a one hundred dollar bill in the
driver’s face.

The man nodded and smiled, snatching the bill from Alex’s fingers. The taxi Tessa

occupied was easy to find since it hadn’t gained much distance what with the crowded
roads and he breathed an inward sigh of relief when the driver pulled in directly behind
Tessa’s taxi.

She wasn’t alone. He saw two dark heads from the back window of the taxi. Fear

swirled in his gut and a wave of nausea slid over him. What if she’d met another man?
What if she’d fallen in love with him and was living with him? It made sense, explained
her seemingly spontaneous move to England. The Tessa he remembered was calm and
quiet and didn’t seem to be one wont to spontaneous adventures.

Maybe he’d been wrong. Maybe he hadn’t known Tessa whatsoever. For all he knew,

she could be a completely different person than the woman he thought he’d fallen in
love with.

Frowning, Alex leaned against the seat and glanced out the window. They were

getting out of the shopping district now, heading deeper into a residential district and
realized the taxi was most likely taking her home.

He would know where she lived.
Damn it, he should call this off and end the chase. He was wasting his time, behaving

like an irrational stalker. What good would it do, knowing where she lived if she lived
with another? Had given her heart and body to another? If he wanted to torture himself
and end up feeling like shit, he was doing a bang up job of it so far.

About to ask the taxi driver to turn around and take him back to his hotel, the car in

front of them pulled over in front of a tall building. “Stay back,” Alex said instead, his
gaze zeroed in on the car, waiting breathlessly for Tessa to exit.

Anxious to see who vacated the car, he leaned forward, curling his hands along the

edge of the seat in front of him. Tessa stepped out first, quickly followed by another
woman of similar height, clutching a bundle of pink in her arms.

A baby.
Confusion swamped him and he gripped the edge of the seat tighter. Who was the

other woman? And where did the baby come from?

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“Wait here,” he commanded, opening the door and climbing out of the car. He strode

toward where Tessa stood. She held the baby now, the other woman paying the cab

Cuddling the baby close, her mouth rested at the side of the baby’s head, her eyes half

closed as she swung gently to and fro. She was crooning sweet words, he heard her lilting
voice murmur. She didn’t even notice his approach.

“My sweet baby girl. Did you miss your mommy today?” The words finally reached


Stunned him.
Devastated him.
Alex stilled. The baby belonged to Tessa.
“Is she mine?”
She jerked her head up, her gaze meeting his. Eyes wide and full of fear, she swung

away, clutching the baby close as she hurried toward the building’s entrance.

He followed after her, catching up with her easily. She was halfway in the building’s

tiny lobby and he was right behind her, grabbing hold of her by the coat and tugging her
to a halt.

“Is she, Tessa? Is that our baby?” He didn’t know what to think, how to act. Could it

even be possible? The baby didn’t look any older than six months. If he calculated the
time right then yes, indeed that baby could definitely belong to him.

So why wouldn’t she tell him?
“She’s my sister’s.” Her voice trembled and she kept her hand over the baby’s face like

she didn’t want him to see her. “Go away, Alex. You have no business being here.”

“If that baby is mine then hell yes, I have every reason to be here.” He curled his

fingers around her arm and pulled, trying to get her to drop her hand away from the
baby’s face. Something told him she was lying. She’d never been a good liar and instinct
told him the baby belonged to him.

Which meant he had a daughter. That he hadn’t been there from the first infuriated

him. Tessa had stolen those moments—and when the truth came out, he would make her

Fury gripped him tight. She didn’t say a word, just tried to jerk out of his touch as best

she could. The baby started to fuss, and she shushed her. “You’re lying.”

Wild eyes met his. She looked scared out of her mind—and she should. “Let go.”
The sister walked in at that precise moment, the expression of horror on her face vivid.

The similarities were there and Alex didn’t have a doubt she was Tessa’s sister. But he
didn’t believe for a second the baby belonged to her. “Leave her alone,” Tessa’s sister

He ignored her. “Let me see the baby, Tessa.”
She shook her head furiously and finally tugged out of his hold. “No.” She started up

the stairs, the movement jostling the baby in her arms and she started to cry. “Sssh,
Charlotte. It’s okay.”

Alex’s head reeled. Charlotte? His grandmother had been named Charlotte. Everyone

knew this. It was part of the Worth Luxury family history. “You named her after my

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The sister had followed her up the stairs and gave her a frantic push. “Go, Tessa. Don’t

listen to him.”

“Why did you do that?” It touched him, despite his anger. That she still thought of him

enough to name their child after the woman who had meant more to him beside his
mother. His grandmother had always been there for him and his brothers when they
were growing up. He’d adored her.

“Gina named her.” Tessa nodded toward her sister. Keeping the lie up. She went so far

as to hand the now-calm baby to Gina but she started to wail all over again. “It’s just a

He glared at the sister who juggled the baby uncomfortably. She kept her eyes

downcast, her cheeks were ruddy and still the baby continued to cry. The look of guilt
was unmistakable. “Tessa, tell me the goddamn truth. Is the baby mine?”

She took Charlotte from her sister’s arms and the baby immediately quieted. Soothed

by her mother no doubt. “Fine. You want the truth? Yes. The baby is—yours.” She choked
on the last word, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Alex leaned against the wall and stared up at the three females who had just rocked his

world completely. His body, his mind went numb, slowing down, shutting off. She’d
confirmed it. He’d heard the truth come from her lips but still it was difficult for him to

He was a father. He had a daughter. And he’d already missed out on so much.
Too much.

Tessa’s entire body shook. She clutched Charlotte close, winced when the baby

grabbed a hunk of her hair and tugged. She deserved it. The pain, the punishment and
this was only scratching the surface. What she did was wrong, she’d known this from the
start but at first she’d been too angry to think he’d care to know he was going to be a

Once realization had sunk in, she thought about contacting him. But he probably

would’ve believed her looking for money. He probably would’ve called her a liar and
demanded a paternity test. He might still.

But there was no mistaking it. She’d never been with any other man. Charlotte was his.
“Why don’t we take this upstairs where you two can talk?” Gina suggested, the only

voice of reason in the cramped entry of their apartment building.

“No.” Oh, his voice was so cold. “Tessa, I want you to come back with me to my hotel.

Bring the baby with you.”

“But—” She couldn’t do that. To step into his world, to do things on his terms would

be a sign of weakness. Once she let him take over, she’d be at a disadvantage and
probably never regain her footing.

“No arguments. We’re doing this on my terms.” He plucked the words right from her

brain. “I mean it, Tessa. I’m not in the mood to play nice. I wouldn’t go against my
wishes, if I were you.”

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“Don’t you dare threaten her, you no good bastard,” Gina muttered.
She could always count on her big sister defending her, and she loved Gina for it. “It’s

okay Gina. I’ll go with him.” She shouldn’t but she didn’t have a choice. “I need to gather
supplies for the baby first.”

“I have a taxi waiting outside. I’ll buy you new ones.” His impatience was clear.
“She has her favorite blanket and pacifier. Please, let me get her things.”
Reluctantly he nodded and they all went up the stairs, Alex right behind them, Gina in

the middle as a buffer. Nerves bounced in Tessa’s stomach, and she felt like she was
going to be sick. This was all her fault. She’d let this happen. But how could she have told

Maybe she should’ve run away farther. Australia. New Zealand. On the other side of

the world still probably wouldn’t have been far enough. They had Worth locations in
Australia. There were Worth Luxury stores everywhere.


was everywhere. She couldn’t escape him no matter how hard she tried. If he

wasn’t haunting her thoughts and dreams, wasn’t a constant reminder when she stared
at her daughter’s sweet little face every day, then he was striding into the store she
worked at like he owned the damn place. Now that he’d found her, she was afraid he
wasn’t going to leave until he had what he wanted.

They entered the flat and she went to her bedroom, taking Charlotte’s baby bag from

Gina as she did so. She gathered a few articles of clothing, a pile of diapers, all the while
Charlotte was lying in the middle of the bed and kicking up her heels. Completely
unaware of the change that had just occurred in their lives.

Dropping the bag on the floor, she went to the bed and stripped Charlotte of her

clothing and diaper. She held the sweet little bundle of naked flesh close to her, cooing in
her ear, smoothing her hand over her downy-soft head, down her back. She smelled
sweet, nuzzling at the spot where Tessa’s neck met her shoulder and tears formed in her

She couldn’t let this baby go no matter what. Charlotte belonged to her. She would

fight to the very death for her child.

And if she had to fight against Charlotte’s father, then so be it. She was strong. She was


She was ready to go into battle.

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Chapter Seventeen

“I want to know everything.”
Tessa swallowed hard. “Everything?” Her voice squeaked. Sitting so close to Alex in

the back of the taxi as they headed to his hotel, it reminded her of the past. When she
rode with him everywhere during the relaunch tour, the many things that had happened
in the back of the car…

Her skin warmed and she looked down at Charlotte, who slept contentedly in her

arms. He hadn’t asked to hold her, look at her, nothing. She was merely a commodity to
him and nothing else.

“Everything, Tessa.” She adored the way he said her name, even when he was

frustrated and angry with her. God, she was sick. “When did you move? When did you
discover you were pregnant? And why didn’t you tell me?”

Oh, the hard questions. No problem, she’d answer each and every one of them with

brutal honesty.

If only she could gather the courage.
Taking a deep breath, she started in. “After you fired me, I went to live with my

sister.” She saw him wince when she used the word fired, but she didn’t care. He needed
to be reminded of his brutal behavior toward her.

“I made sure you received a generous severance pay.” He sounded strained.
“Yes, you did. I took that money and moved to London with it.” She refused to thank

him, refused to grovel at his feet. What did he expect from her, complete submission?

She used to be that girl but not any longer.
“Your sister came with you.” He paused and turned his attention to the window,

watching the lights of the city pass by. “To help you care for the baby?”

“I didn’t know I was pregnant until we were already in London. Gina and I decided to

leave New York together, like taking an adventure. It had nothing to do with my

“So you left without a job, without any sort of plan. Just packed everything up and

moved on a whim.”

She could hear the judgment, knew he probably thought her completely stupid. “For

once in my life, I decided to be spontaneous.”

He slid a glance toward her. “So what happened between us—that wasn’t you being

spontaneous? Did you deliberately plan on getting pregnant?”

Her mouth hung open, so full of fury she could hardly find the words to speak. “I—I

cannot believe you would say such a thing.”

“I’ve been with plenty of women.” Arrow straight to her heart with that particular

statement, the bastard. “And I’ve never impregnated any of them.”

“That you know of.” She edged closer to the door, clutching Charlotte as tight as she

could without disturbing her. She’d told Alex she didn’t want to ride in a taxi without
Charlotte’s car seat but he’d shoved her in, not allowing her to argue.

She hated him. For his hurtful words and negligent attitude, she hated him with all her

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She also loved him…
“Trust me.” He cocked a brow and even through all the hate and anger she couldn’t

deny he was so handsome he made her entire body ache. “I would’ve known. They
would’ve demanded money. A piece of the Worth fortune.”

“I didn’t come after you for money,” she pointed out.
He studied her with his steely gaze. Assessing her, judging her, no doubt. “True.

You’re unlike any woman I’ve ever been with.”

She didn’t know if she should be insulted or flattered.
“Why are you working at that little lingerie shop? Surely, you could find something


Oh, that was definitely an insult. “I love working there. Simone has been nothing but

accommodating with me and my schedule.”

His jaw tightened. “I cannot believe you work at such a place. You’re worth so much

more. They must pay you a pittance.”

Again with the backhanded compliments. Why did he always have to confuse her so?

“She’s been very loyal to me. Simone adores Charlotte.”

He glanced at the baby in her arms quickly before he looked away. “You could’ve

worked at any fashion house in London. You have the experience.”

“But then they would’ve had to call for references and you would’ve known where I


He stiffened his shoulders, his broad back like a thick, endless wall. Unapproachable,

impossible to climb. “You hated me that much that you never wanted me to find you?”

The man was impossible. “You were the one who fired me. You kicked me out like I

was a traitorous, lying bitch. You wouldn’t even listen to me.”

Alex faced her once more, his eyes full of misery. “I was wrong.”
“I know you were.”
They stared at each other, the tension between them thickening. Confusion swamped

her, along with a heady dose of lust. Why did she feel this way about him, after
everything he’d done? She should hate him. She had enough reason to hate him ten
times over.

Yet he was the father of her child. The man she fell in love with so completely who

ruthlessly tore her heart out and stomped all over it. He looked at her now as if he
wanted to beg her forgiveness. His saying he was wrong was unheard of.

Alexander Worth was never, ever wrong.
“I—” She didn’t know what she wanted to say but something needed to be said. To

crack this buzzing sexual tension building between them. “I think we’re at the hotel,” she
finished lamely.

The taxi screeched to a halt in front of the grand hotel, jolting the baby and waking her

up. She immediately started to fuss and Tessa rocked her in her arms, trying to soothe
her. No doubt she was hungry. Tessa’s breasts ached at hearing her daughter’s whimpers
and she knew she needed to feed her soon.

Glancing out the window, she stared up at the gorgeous building. “Claridge’s?” It was

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one of the most iconic and luxurious hotels in all of London.

“Of course. Only the best for a Worth,” he said dryly as a hotel porter opened the door

for her.

She climbed out of the car as best she could what with the baby in her arms. Two hotel

employees rushed toward the car after her exit, gathering her meager belongings. Alex
exited the cab and rounded the car so he could stand beside her. “I called while you were
getting your things. They’ll deliver your belongings to the suite so you don’t have to
worry about it.”

“I need the diaper bag.” She ran after the porter who had it slung over his arm, jostling

a now crying Charlotte in her arms. She finally caught up with the man and tugged on
his arm. “Sir, could I please have the bag?”

“But of course, miss.” He handed it to her without question, his eyes wide as he looked

from her to Alex who somehow magically appeared at her side. Again. “My apologies,
Mister Worth.”

“No need. It was an honest mistake.” He nodded at the porter who then turned on his

heel and scurried away.

“You intimidate people just by looking at them.” She was in awe of his quiet power yet

it also disgusted her. It made her feel like every other poor little regular minion,
enraptured with the presence he so effortlessly yielded.

“Are you trying to find fault with everything I do?” He hurried to keep up with her as

she strode into the hotel lobby.

“Yes.” She glanced about, looking for the elevators. She needed to get Charlotte to a

room and quick so she could feed her. Her cries were growing louder, drawing the
attention of the guests milling about the lobby. “What floor are you staying on?”

“The penthouse.”
“Of course,” she muttered and shook her head. “Is there a separate elevator or do you

use the same one as the common people do?”

“No special elevator.” He paused, looked ready to say something else but she wouldn’t

give him the chance. “Tessa, wait.”

She’d already taken off toward the elevators, hating how everyone looked at her with

thinly veiled disgust. Had none of them ever seen a fussy baby before? Were none of
them parents? They looked at her and Charlotte like they were alien creatures who had
just landed in their midst.

Alex kept calling her name but she ignored him. Didn’t slow her pace until she finally

got to the elevators where she waited amongst a group of elegantly dressed couples. They
all appeared ready to attend a party, the women gorgeous and dripping in jewels and the
men in black tie.

“Alexander Worth, is that you?” one of the women screeched as he approached.
Tessa kept her head bent, trying her best to calm Charlotte. The woman draped herself

over Alex who looked very uncomfortable as he tried to escape her grip. She didn’t feel
sorry for him. No, more like she wanted to kick him in the shins and run for cover.

Why did he have to know everyone? And why was she always left feeling like an

awkward little fool? He probably didn’t want any of these people to see her standing

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next to him clutching a baby. They would talk, gossip would spread around London and
soon the rumors would fly all over the world.

Turning, she kept her back to them and her ears wide open.
There was much idle chitchat amongst the group and Alex as they waited for the

elevator. Luckily, Charlotte had quieted down. Alex never once acknowledged them, let
alone mentioned them. She couldn’t blame him but there was that teeny trickle of shame
coursing through her. That perhaps he was embarrassed to have them discovered.
Unmarried, young and clearly unsophisticated, his former employee who once worked
directly under him and she was the mother of his first child?

It was all so—sordid.
A ding sounded and the elevator doors slid open, a gob of people spilling out before

they all walked in. Tessa hurried in first and stood at the back of the car, Alex closer to
the front. The car quickly emptied, the group who knew Alex getting off on the third
floor where the banquet rooms were. One by one, the people stepped off until finally,
they were the only two in the elevator.

Well, three, counting Charlotte.
“You didn’t want to be seen with me,” he said the moment the last person stepped off

and the doors shut.

“I thought you didn’t want to be seen with me. We’re your dirty little secret, after all.”
“I don’t think that…”
“Give me a break. How would you explain us to your friends, hmm? ‘Oh, let me

introduce you to Tessa. She recently gave birth to my daughter who I only just learned
exists. You see, Tessa used to be my assistant and we had a torrid little affair until I fired
her for betraying me.’ Does that sound about right to you, Alex?” She glared at him.

“Everything is so black and white for you, isn’t it?”
She couldn’t believe he had the nerve to say that. “You’re the king of black and white.

There are no shades of gray when it comes to the way you conduct your life. It’s either
one thing or another. This side or that side. Talk to your brothers, talk to your business
associates and the board members. They’ll all agree with me.”

His skin turned pale. He looked shaken, and she couldn’t help the surge of satisfaction

that pulsed through her. He deserved to hear the truth.

The elevator stopped with a soft ding and he turned toward the wall, pushing his

keycard into the slot so the doors magically slid open. He stood back, allowing her to go
first and she did so, tucking Charlotte close, wishing like crazy he would acknowledge

“What if I told you I was trying to change my ways?” His velvety soft words curled

around her, and she slowly turned around. He stood in front of the now closed elevator
doors, his entire body tense. They were in a tiny entry, the door to the suite shut. The
space felt very tight, especially with Alex’s overwhelming presence taking over.

“I would say I have a hard time believing that.”
He took a step toward her. “What do I have to do to prove myself? To earn your

forgiveness? To regain your trust?”

She blinked. Charlotte’s hunger forgotten, her shoulders sagged at his overwhelming

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Did he mean it? Could he mean it? Did he really want to change?
“I know something you could do,” she finally said.
Alex hadn’t moved from where he stood. “What?”
“You could start by acknowledging your daughter.”

Fear coursed through Alex at Tessa’s suggestion. He…couldn’t do that. Babies made

him uncomfortable. He’d never been around them much. Hell, he didn’t think he’d ever
held one. Where would he have had the opportunity?

“She’s yours, Alex. There’s no mistaking it.” She sounded so sad, looked so lost. And he

felt like an utter ass for doing this to her. “She looks so much like you.”

“Why did you keep her from me?” He sounded raw, felt raw.
“You made it very clear that you never wanted to see me again.”
He had. He knew he had, and he’d mentally kicked himself for it every day since that

night he sent her away.

“Hold your daughter, Alex,” she said when he didn’t say anything. “I want you to hold


Slowly he approached Tessa. The diaper bag hung off her arm, swinging from the

crook of her elbow. She held the baby close, her little face nuzzled against Tessa’s neck.
Tessa’s familiar scent filled his senses, mixed with a sweeter, purer smell.

His baby. His child’s scent. Breathing deep, he held it, let it absorb through his skin,

flow through his blood.

Tentatively he rested his hand on the baby’s back. She was warm, so warm and the

little sleeper she wore was soft. She shifted beneath his palm, offered a little hiccup and
her head jerked against Tessa’s body. He dropped his hand, shocked by the movement.

“Look at her.” Tessa turned the baby in her arms and offered Charlotte to him, belly

up, legs kicking straight out. Her eyes…were just like his. Same color and shape. The dark
hair was negligible, could come from either of them and her lips were full and sweet, just
like her mother’s.

An ache formed in his chest and he couldn’t breathe. Not while staring at the face of

the child he and Tessa created. She was beautiful and so small. Innocent and lovely and
screwing up her face, ready to bawl her little eyes out.

“Oh.” Tessa pulled the baby close to her. “She’s hungry. I need to feed her.”
Alex went for the diaper bag still swinging from her arm. He was so rude. He hadn’t

even taken it for her. “Is there a bottle inside the bag?”

“I, um, breastfeed her.” Her cheeks were pink, and she let him take the bag.
Pausing, still holding the bag’s strap in his hand, he didn’t know quite what to say.

“That’s a—good thing right?”

“The very best thing.” She nodded.
A knock sounded on the door. “Your bags,” he murmured, turning toward the door.

Glad to be away from her and the baby for at least a few seconds.

He needed to collect his thoughts, set his head on straight. It was all too much for him

to take in. He wondered if he was somehow in a state of shock.

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The bellboy brought Tessa’s simple black overnight bag in and Alex tipped him

generously, not even paying attention to how much he gave him. The boy’s eyes went
wide and he nodded enthusiastically, offering a loud, “Have a most pleasant evening,
sir,” before he hustled out of the suite.

Alex took the bag and set it in the bedroom he wasn’t using. He’d stayed at Claridge’s

only because Hunter always did in the past and they were more than accommodating,
the rooms comfortable. He certainly hadn’t wanted to stay at the hotel where he’d last
been with Tessa.

Too many memories.
And now they made more memories here. Even crazier ones. Touching his daughter

for the first time had been—magical. It had only been for a few minutes but having his
hand on her had sent a jolt through him unlike anything he’d ever experienced before.

Charlotte was his child. Made from his flesh and blood, conceived…
He frowned. When had she been conceived anyway?
With determined steps he headed back to the living area, wanting to ask Tessa if she

knew when it had actually happened. He’d tried to be careful, had used a condom every
single time they’d been together or so he thought…

Alex stopped short at the vision before him. Tessa sat in a large overstuffed chair, her

cardigan gone, the shell she wore lifted up, their child at her full breast. Charlotte
squirmed her dark head, falling off her mother’s nipple and Tessa reached for her,
circling the baby’s lips with the tip of her index finger before she reattached Charlotte
onto her nipple.

“There, there,” she murmured, stroking the baby’s back as she stared down at her.
His skin tightened. She’d changed so much. Her body was fuller, definitely her breasts

were and her nipple—what he saw of it—was larger, a darker shade of rose. She looked
so content, a natural at the nurturing role and he’d never seen a more beautiful thing as
his child nursing from her mother.

Pride and some other foreign emotion squeezed his chest tight. He tried to inhale but it

was tough. He could hardly catch his breath. Felt like it had been stolen right out of his

As if she could sense him standing there watching her, she glanced up, her dark brown

eyes meeting his. Her cheeks flushed, she moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue.
Lust spiraled through him, straight to his groin and his cock twitched in recognition. He
hadn’t felt this strongly about any woman. Ever.

Despite the betrayal between them, the secrets and the lies, he had to make it right. He

had to make Tessa his.


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Chapter Eighteen

He’d ordered room service. It was far too late to dine out for all the best restaurants

would be full on a Saturday evening. Besides, the baby was sleeping peacefully in the
bassinet he’d had brought up earlier.

Tessa was in the shower, avoiding the inevitable. He let her go after she begged off a

serious conversation. Said she needed to relax and wanted to feel refreshed before they
embarked on this next step.

Not that he could blame her.
Alex went into Tessa’s room and stood over the bassinet, studying the sleeping bundle

within. She wore a pale green sleeper sprigged with little white daisies, her fist close to
her mouth, cheeks plump and pink. The hair on the back of her head stood straight up
and he smiled, reaching out to brush his fingers down the length of her bent legs.

Charlotte stirred and he yanked his hand back, not wanting to disturb her. He didn’t

have a clue what he was supposed to do if she started to cry. He hadn’t even held her yet.

If he was a complete ass, this was the perfect opportunity for him to snatch the baby

and leave. She’d almost deserve it, if he let himself get angry enough. He could see her
side of everything though. How scared she must’ve been, pregnant in a foreign city, a
foreign country. Thank God she’d had her sister with her. He’d have to thank the hostile
Gina tomorrow. If she’d let him.

Tessa accused him of only seeing things black or white. She hadn’t been with him in a

year, had no idea the changes he’d gone through. The old Alex would’ve tossed her
explanations aside and demanded she hand the baby over. No pleading, no begging
allowed. He would’ve taken Charlotte, hopped on the Worth jet and headed straight
back to New York. Never allowing Tessa to see the baby again.

But he wanted Tessa. So badly it hurt to look at her, to want her. Now that there was a

child in the mix, he could never let her go. Not again, not ever.

She emerged from the steamy bathroom fifteen minutes later, stopping short when she

found him standing next to the bassinet, still watching his sleeping daughter. Her hair
was wet, hanging past her shoulders, a towel still in her hand and she wore a thick, pale
cream robe provided by the hotel.

She was gorgeous.
“What are you doing in here?” she asked warily.
“Looking at Charlotte.” He tore his gaze from his daughter though it was proving

more and more difficult each time. “I ordered room service.”

“Thank you, but I’m not really hungry.” She toweled off the ends of her hair, such a

mundane, everyday activity but he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Her feet were bare,
her calves sleek and he wondered if she was naked beneath the robe.

He wished he had the right, the privilege to find out.
“You should eat, Tessa. You need to keep up your strength. For the baby.”
Her gaze snagged with his and she dropped her arms to her sides, the towel falling

neglected to the floor. “You’re staring,” she whispered.

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“You’re beautiful.”
She rolled her eyes and turned away from him, bending over her black bag which

rested on the bed and pawing through it. Giving him a perfect view of her pert bottom.

He closed his eyes. It simply wouldn’t do, having a raging erection while trying to

have a much needed serious conversation with her.

“I’m fat,” she finally said, her back still to him. “My body changed tremendously after I

had Charlotte.”

“You’re not fat.” Far from it. He’d always appreciated her curves but now they were

even more appealing. Her hips flared wide, her breasts were full and he bet her belly had
a more pronounced curve to it. How he wished he could map her skin with his lips and
tongue, stroke her to ecstasy with his fingers…

“I am.” The two words broke through his wicked thoughts. “I haven’t lost all the

weight I gained and it seems to have shifted around. I shouldn’t eat tonight.”

“You should and you will.” He approached her, his steps careful and he held his

breath. He didn’t want to startle her but Christ, the urge to touch her, however innocent,
was damn near all consuming.

Tentatively he reached out and settled his hands on her shoulders. They tensed up

beneath his palms, even tighter than they’d been before he touched her and she turned
her head to the side. “What are you doing, Alex?”

He closed his eyes and breathed deep her clean, sweet fragrance. “I hate that you hate


“I—don’t hate you.” She dropped her head and tucked in her chin. “I’m just confused.

You’re so…”

“Different?” He squeezed her shoulders, lightly, capturing nothing but thick terrycloth

when he wished he was touching her bare skin. “So are you.”

She remained quiet, the only sound their breathing, the tick of a clock somewhere in

the room. Slowly he slid his fingers to her neck and began to rub, kneading the tense
muscles until he felt them start to loosen beneath his touch. “Relax.” He took one step
closer to her so he could whisper in her ear. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

“Physically you might not.” But mentally, emotionally he might, her unspoken words

whispered through his mind.

God, he hated that she was scared of him. Afraid he might damage her. That was the

very last thing he wanted to do.

“I need your forgiveness.” He slipped his hands down, beneath the loose neck of her

robe so they wrapped around her slender shoulders. “Tell me what I can do to earn it.”

She sighed and hung her head. “I thought you hated me.”
“The moment I sent you away I knew I’d made a mistake.” The confession felt as if it

had been ripped from his soul. “I’ve wronged you in so many ways, Tessa. Let me bring
you and Charlotte back to New York. You can move into my place. I can have a nursery
made for Charlotte.”

“I’m moving too fast? Let me at least bring you back to New York and provide you

with an apartment. I can help you financially with Charlotte. You wouldn’t have to work.

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Or you could come back to Worth in another capacity. Not as my assistant, something
more challenging. Perhaps you could work with Hunter in marketing. You seemed to
have a knack for it when we were working on the store openings together.” He was
throwing everything at her too quickly, he knew it, could sense her unease by the rigidity
of her shoulders.

“I can’t just leave my sister and come back to New York. I can’t leave Simone.”
“I’ll bring Gina back too. She can live with you. And I think Simone would

understand.” He drew his fingers along the lines of her bare shoulders with the tips of his
fingers, felt her shiver beneath his touch. “Please, Tessa. I—” Need you.

Love you.
A knock sounded on the door, interrupting his confession. He didn’t know if he was

more frustrated or relieved.

Removing his hands from her shoulders, he breathed deep. “That’s room service.”
“Go get it then.” She sounded as if she choked back a sob.
“Tessa.” He gripped her by one shoulder and turned her to face him. Her eyes were

damp, tears clung to her lashes and the apples of her cheeks were rosy. “Don’t cry.”

“You confuse me so much.” She went to him, pressed her face against his chest and he

wrapped his arms around her, relief coursing through him at finally having her in his
arms where she belonged. “I’m afraid.”

“Of what?” He wanted to strip the robe away from her, touch her naked, soft skin.
“Of you.”
His heart cracked. He deserved her fear. But it still hurt.
“Room service,” called a heavily accented male voice, followed by several rapid fire


“I must go answer the door.” He withdrew her from him reluctantly. “We’ll talk more

after we eat.”

She sniffed and shook her head. “I don’t think there’s anything left to say.”
“Oh, there’s plenty to say.” He drank her in, his entire body tight with need. “Trust


Nerves danced in Tessa’s stomach, making it difficult to eat despite the stern look and

commands Alex gave her. The food smelled delicious but she had to force each and every
bite past her lips.

She still couldn’t believe he wanted her back. Did he merely see her as a possession he

lost and needed to reclaim? Was this all related to the revelation of Charlotte and was he
using her to get to their baby? Or did he truly have feelings for her?

Lord help her, she didn’t know.
He sat across from her, still in his button up shirt though the tie was long gone, the first

couple of buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up. Revealing those strong, tanned
forearms that felt so good when wrapped around her. She’d changed into a loose sweater
and soft pants, had felt too vulnerable in the robe with nothing on underneath. He’d
caught her off guard when she’d exited the bathroom, seeing him stand there looking

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down at Charlotte sleeping. The expression on his face had been so raw, so full of
confusing emotion.

It had touched her deep. Even when she didn’t want it to.
“Is she a good baby?”
His question startled her from her thoughts and she set her fork on the edge of her

plate. “She is, though she doesn’t sleep through the night yet. She’s still young so…”

“And she’s a—,” he cleared his throat, “—a good eater?”
“Definitely.” Charlotte was a greedy little thing but it felt too intimate, sharing that.

The way he looked at her when he discovered her breastfeeding the baby.

It still left her quivery and nervous. The heat in his gaze, the expression on his face,

he’d looked at her as if he still desired her.

Could it be true?
“Was the pregnancy easy?”
“It was fine.” She paused and took a deep breath. “Look, are you trying to make

yourself feel better for not being there? The pregnancy wasn’t traumatic. I had the usual
symptoms. The birth was long but normal. The baby is good though she’s not perfect. No
one is. You of all people should know this,” she snapped.

He blinked, rearing back and she immediately felt contrite. “I’m genuinely curious,

Tessa. That’s all.”

“I’m sorry.” She grabbed the glass of water near her plate and gulped it down, the ice

cold liquid a shock as it slid down her throat. “I can’t do this. I don’t know how to act
around you.”

She pushed away from the tiny table and stood, turning toward the bedroom that was

hers for the night. First thing in the morning she would leave and take Charlotte back to
her flat. She had to work, though at least the store didn’t open till eleven. After work she
would call Alex and discuss with him some sort of visitation schedule for Charlotte.

It wouldn’t work, pretending they could have some sort of false relationship for the

good of the child. Despite everything, she still loved him too much. It would be too hard
to pretend she didn’t care. Too difficult to carry on with her life acting like everything
was fine while she stood by Alex’s side, knowing he didn’t care, he didn’t love her.

When he made the offer to bring her and Charlotte back to New York, he never once

mentioned marriage. Which meant he didn’t want to marry her.

And probably never would.
Tears streaking down her face, she rushed toward the bedroom, saw the bassinet

rustling with movement. She went to it and peeked down at Charlotte who greeted her
with a kick and a faint but gummy smile. “Hello, sweetheart.” Picking her up, she held
her above her head, trying her hardest to smile when all she wanted to do was break
down and cry.

Alex was magically there by her side, one large hand resting on her shoulder. His

touch felt so good, she wanted nothing more but to turn into him and beg him to hold

“Let me take her.”

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“You’ve never held her.”
“I know.” His voice was low and full of regret. “Let me take her for you, Tessa. Let me

ease your burden.”

“She’s not a burden.” She clutched Charlotte close and the baby squirmed to be free.


“Then let me share your burden. Our burden.” She glanced up to find him watching

her, his eyes full of fire. “Please. I’d like the chance—the privilege to hold my daughter.”

Tessa couldn’t resist. She handed the baby over and he held her awkwardly, his big

hand wrapped around the back of Charlotte’s head, the length of her body supported by
his forearm. He held her like a football and gazed into her face, a faint smile curving his

“Hello, princess,” he murmured, his voice light, unlike anything she’d ever heard

before. “Did you have a good nap?”

Charlotte stared up at him, seemingly mesmerized by the sound of Alex’s voice, the

sight of his face. Not that Tessa couldn’t relate, they were both complete goners for the

She couldn’t deny it any longer, no matter how much she tried.
“You’re so pretty. Just like your mother.”
Tessa wiped the tears from her face, rubbed them out of her eyes with a discreet sniff.

It was lovely, watching this big, capable man looking as if he’d fall down to his knees for
her baby. His baby.

Their baby.
Charlotte cooed and shot out an arm, her little fist curled tight. Alex settled on the

edge of the bed and bent down so his lips brushed her flexing hand. “She’s gorgeous,
Tessa,” he whispered.

Her heart broke. Literally cracked open so that all the messy emotion she’d been

holding in spilled out all over the place. She collapsed on the bed, closer to the
abundance of pillows and buried her face into them sobbing.

“Hey, hey.” He came to her, rested his hand on her back briefly before he started to rub

it. “What’s wrong?”

“I can’t pretend. I can’t go back to New York and act like everything’s fine between


“It’s not?”
Men could be so dense. “Of course, it’s not.” She kept her face pressed against the

pillows, her tears saturating the fabric. “You want to go on living your life and doing
what you do while I sit in your giant penthouse apartment with our baby and act like
we’re something that we’re not. I won’t do it, Alex. I’ll allow you visitation, it’s your
right of course, but I’m staying here in London. I can’t do this to myself or to the baby.”

“What do you think I want from you?” he asked incredulously.
She lifted her head and turned on him, anger flowing freely through her veins,

vibrating just beneath her skin. “You want everything. You want me to be some sort of—
kept woman taking care of your baby while you go on with your life. Well, that doesn’t’
sound like much of a life for me.”

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“Tessa.” He gripped her shoulder with one hand, his other arm now holding Charlotte

tucked against his side. She looked perfectly content snuggled next to her daddy. “You
misunderstood. I never said that. I want you to come back to New York as my wife. We’ll
be married as soon as we get back. We’ll add my name to Charlotte’s birth certificate.
We’ll make it all legal.”

“Legal? Is that all you think this is? Some sort of formal proposal we make legitimate

for the sake of appearances?”

“No.” He shook his head, frustration written all over his handsome face. “I want to

make it legal because I want to declare to the world that you’re my wife and Charlotte is
my daughter. I want everyone to know just how much the two of you mean to me.”
Pausing, he looked down at Charlotte for a brief moment before he returned his gaze to
Tessa. “I want everyone to know how much I need the both of you in my life. How much
I love you.”

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Chapter Nineteen

Tessa’s entire body froze with shock at his words.
I want everyone to know how much I need the both of you in my life. How much I love you.
“You don’t mean it,” she finally blurted when she couldn’t think of anything else

better to say.

Standing, he went to the bassinet, setting Charlotte back inside. “I’ll be back in a

moment, princess. I need to talk to your stubborn mother first.”

Tessa waited as he approached where she sat. He knelt before her on both knees and

took hold of her hands, bringing them to his mouth where he pressed a soft kiss to her
knuckles. “I’m begging for your forgiveness, Tessa. What I did, what I said to you that
night, it was wrong. I should’ve listened to you. But I was so hurt, so angry, I couldn’t
think straight, let alone listen to reason.”

Her hands trembled in his grip and he squeezed them tighter, a faint smile curving his

lips. “Once you were gone, I felt like a piece of me was missing. Not because I missed
your organizational skills and how you kept me on task.” His smile grew and she offered
a shaky one in return. “I realized how much I needed you. I’d had feelings for you long
before the trip to Europe, Tessa.”

“You did?” she squeaked. She couldn’t believe it.
“I orchestrated the excuse that I needed you to come with me.” He kissed her knuckles

again, his lips lingering this time, wicked shivers cascading all over her skin. “I knew it
was wrong, taking it further with an employee but I couldn’t help it. I was half in love
with you by the time the plane landed in Italy.”

“That’s because you saw me in my bra,” she murmured, her cheeks burning at the

embarrassing memory.

His eyes smoldered as they studied her face. “That was a bonus.”
Charlotte started to kick and fuss in her bassinet. Tessa started to get up but Alex held

onto her hands, keeping her in place. “She can wait for a few minutes. I need to tell you
that I love you first.”

“Oh, Alex.” Tessa shook her head, the tears spilling freely again. “Are you sure?”
“I’ve never been surer of anything my entire life.” He leaned in close so their foreheads

were pressed together. “I love you. It’s not because of Charlotte either. She just makes me
love you more.”

Unable to take anymore she threw herself at him, circling her arms around his neck.

Her every dream was coming true. Only hours before she was ready to run because Alex
had discovered her and now he’d confessed the one thing she’d wanted to hear from him
more than anything else in the world.

He loved her. He wanted her to be his wife.
Alex wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her away from him so their gazes

met. “I need to hear how you feel, Tessa. I need to hear you say the words.”

She smiled though her lips trembled. “I love you, Alex. I’ve loved you for what felt like

forever. That’s why it hurt so much, your rejection of me. I wanted to curl up into a ball

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and die that night.”

He smoothed the still damp hair away from her face, his fingers drifting down her

temple, across her cheek. “I’ll spend a lifetime trying to earn your forgiveness, working
my hardest to drive that memory out of your thoughts forever.”

“We’ll create new memories.” He dragged his thumb across her lower lip and she

sucked in a harsh breath. “The three of us together.”

“The three of us.” The baby still fussed and they both turned at the same moment to

watch the little bassinet rock back and forth. “She’s hungry?”

“Yes, she’s always hungry.” Tessa smiled and shook her head. “She’s too big for that

thing. That’s why it’s rocking, you know.”

“She’s strong like her mama.” He kissed her cheek, shifted so his lips hovered above

hers for a tantalizing moment before he finally claimed her mouth for his own.

She moaned softly, resting her hands on his chest, her fingers curling into the fine

fabric of his shirt. She wanted him naked. She wanted to feel him skin on skin, his mouth
and hands bringing her absolute pleasure.

The baby wailed and they broke apart from each other, the smile on Alex’s face

irresistible. She’d never seem him look so happy before. “I should feed her.”

“I’ll bring her to you.”
“Alex.” She rested her hand on his cheek and he stilled, his serious gaze meeting hers.

“I love you.”

His eyes warmed to a mellow blue and he pressed a soft, lingering kiss to her lips. “I

love you too.”

He’d never felt more content.
Watching with fascination the woman he loved breastfeed their baby. After stripping

down to his boxer briefs and climbing into the bed, he’d made Tessa take off her sweater
and pants as well, surprised to see she hadn’t worn a bra beneath. A rare and unusual
occurrence, she’d warned him. Breastfeeding meant industrial-style bras to support her
abundant chest.

Alex didn’t mind. Now that he had her back in his life, none of the little stuff mattered.

She loved him. She agreed to be his wife.

He was a lucky son of a bitch.
Charlotte was a greedy little eater, sucking noisily at her mother’s breast. He sat next to

Tessa in the bed, his arm circled around her shoulders, his other hand resting on top of
his daughter’s head, stroking her downy soft hair. He stroked her pudgy cheek and she
broke away from Tessa’s nipple, gazing up at him with he swore a flare of irritation in
her smoky blue eyes.

“You’ve interrupted her,” Tessa chastised, amusement lacing her voice. “She doesn’t

like to be disturbed while she’s eating.”

“Maybe I’m jealous,” he murmured after Charlotte found her mother’s nipple and

started to nurse again. “I haven’t had you all to myself in far too long.”

Craning her head, Tessa kissed him. “She’s almost finished. This is normally her time

to sleep for at least four to five hours straight.”

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“Mmm, sounds promising.”
Finally, his daughter fell asleep at her mother’s breast, her rosebud lips parted and he

swore she snored. Tessa gathered her into her arms and settled her carefully in the
bassinet before heading back to the bed. Beautiful and uninhibited in her womanly body,
clad only in simple black panties, he pulled her close the moment she climbed under the
covers with him.

Her warmth, her vitality seeped into him, rejuvenating him, making him feel

complete. They kissed, he wound his tongue around hers as he skimmed his hand all over
her soft skin, his fingers sliding beneath her panties to grip her plump ass. She squirmed
against him, brushing her sex against his straining cock and he knew he wasn’t capable of
a long, drawn out lovemaking session.

It was going to be quick, dirty and satisfying.
Flipping her onto her back, he kissed his way down her lush body, lingering on her

breasts, down her stomach, easing his fingers into her tight, hot wetness. She writhed
beneath him, arching her body into his hand, her head thrown back, already lost in her
ecstasy as he brought her to climax.

It was easy, so easy between them. And beautiful—achingly beautiful. She touched

him everywhere and he thought his skin might catch on fire, he was so hot. She gripped
his cock with sure fingers, stroking him, driving him higher and higher until finally he
withdrew and grabbed the single condom he’d found in his travel bag earlier.

“I’m going too fast but I won’t last much longer,” he muttered as he slipped the

condom on and then positioned himself so he was poised at her entry. “I need you too

She smiled, the look of hazy satisfaction still in her eyes, all over her face. “We have the

rest of our lives together, Alex.”

With a groan he pushed inside her and stilled, savoring the wet velvety hot grip of her.

She felt amazing. Being inside her was like…being home.

So incredibly corny but true, he couldn’t deny it. Didn’t want to deny it.
He was too much in love with her to worry about thinking like a sap.
Tessa felt too good. With only a few thrusts he was coming, spilling everything inside

her. All the love, all the yearning, all the pent up emotions he’d kept locked up tight in
his heart all these years. His release left him depleted, exhausted and he fell to his side
beside her after he disposed of the condom, slipping his arm around her waist and
hauling her close, her back to his front.

She stroked his arm and shifted against him, her backside rubbing against his groin and

causing his cock to stir halfheartedly. He groaned close to her ear. “Give me a few
minutes before we start that again.”

Tessa giggled. “I’m too tired.”
“Hmm, I bet I could get you in the mood.” He trailed his fingers across her breasts, felt

her distended nipples and he chuckled.

“Too sleepy. We can do that later.” She snuggled closer.
“Tessa?” She felt so amazing in his arms. He couldn’t get over the fact that he had her

with him. That it wasn’t a dream.

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“Do you know?” He paused and cleared his throat. “Do you know what night it was

that we conceived Charlotte?”

“It was the night we, um, had sex on your desk.” She pressed her face against his arm,

her voice filled with embarrassment.

Realization dawned. He hadn’t used a condom, had taken her like some sort of

uncontrollable savage overcome with lust. “I’m an irresponsible ass.”

“I enjoyed it. The way you pushed me onto the desk…” A shiver moved through her.
He chuckled and she pinched his arm, causing him to yelp. “Why did you do that?”
“Never say you were irresponsible. That night brought us Charlotte.” She sighed. “It

was meant to be.”

Perhaps it was. “Hopefully we’ll have another night that’s meant to be and bring

Charlotte a little brother.”

“Please. Let me recover from having this one first.”
They laughed together. “As soon as we can, I’d like to add my name to Charlotte’s

birth certificate,” he said once their laughter died.

“That won’t be necessary.”
He stiffened. “Why not?”
She turned in his arms so she could face him. The room was dark but for a single light

burning dimly in the bathroom and he could just make out her features. “You’re already
listed as her father.”

“I am?” His heart thumped wildly in his chest. He couldn’t believe it.
She nodded, her expression solemn. “Gina tried to talk me out of it but I couldn’t do it.

You’re listed as her father and her name on the birth certificate is Charlotte Elizabeth

“That is a mouthful.”
“I thought it made her sound like royalty.” Tessa smiled. “She is royalty.”
“She’s my little princess.” He kissed her. “And you are my queen.”
And together they would rule the Worth empire and live happily ever after.

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About the Author

Karen Erickson has always loved the written word. From being one of the best readers

in her kindergarten class to penning romantic stories that never ended about her favorite
band members (Duran Duran) in high school, she always wanted to write. It just took her
a while to seriously pursue it.

With the birth of her third child came a realization – it’s one thing to talk about writing

a book, another thing entirely to actually do it. She’s been published since 2006.

Karen’s a native Californian who lives in the foothills below Yosemite with her

husband, three children, one dog, and too many cats.

To learn more about Karen, visit her online:




Group Blog:






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Look for these titles by Karen Erickson

Now Available:


Jesse’s Girl

Neon Chaos


Fortune’s Deception

Fortune’s Promise

Fortune’s Chance

Playing with Fire






Under My Umbrella

Baby, Don’t Lose My Number

Simple Twist of Fate

Tahoe Nights

My Favorite Mistake

Print Anthologies

Midsummer Night’s Steam: Hot Summer Nights

Luck of the Draw

Playing with Fire

Tahoe Nights

Coming Soon:

Worth It

Worth the Risk

Worth the Challenge

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Sometimes you run in to love. Sometimes it runs into you.

Simple Twist of Fate

© 2011 Karen Erickson

Fated, Book 3
Love at first sight? It’s so not happening for Morgan. Never mind that her two best

friends, who are both up to their eyeballs in happily ever after, are playing matchmaker.
She wants out of her worst blind date ever—and her “out” abruptly finds her when she’s
knocked out cold walking into a door.

One look into the eyes of the beautiful woman with the gash on her head, and

paramedic Evan Marshall is a goner. Professional ethics say hands off the patient. Once
her stitches are out, though, he can’t resist the impulse to ask her out. As their first date
flares into a white-hot affair, he feels it in his bones—she’s the one.

Evan’s everything Morgan could ever want in a man, but things are happening way

too fast. She made that mistake once before and, certain this relationship is careening
down the same road to heartbreak, she slams on the brakes.

To her surprise, Evan lets her go. And by the time she realizes she just let her one

chance at happily ever after slip away, it could be too late…

Product Warnings
Fated love strikes again. Featuring toe-curling sex, a sweet-talking man and a woman

who can’t help but give in to her secret desires. Will true love reign supreme? Most

Warning: Fated love strikes again. Featuring toe-curling sex, a sweet-talking man and a woman

who can’t help but give in to her secret desires. Will true love reign supreme? Most definitely…

Enjoy the following excerpt for

Simple Twist of Fate:

Evan carefully wound the gauze around her head nice and tight to stem the flow of

blood. It had slowed to a mere trickle by the time they got her into the back of the
ambulance, but he wasn’t going to take any chances. It was a deep gash but nothing
terribly serious. That door had caught her just right, and she’d need a few staples along
the edge of her hairline.

He didn’t dare mention staples again, though. The first time had nearly sent her into a

panic. And the last thing he wanted was a panicked patient.

She smiled at him when he finished wrapping her head, and a little zing zapped

through him. Her shoulder-length dark brown hair was a haphazard mess, sticking out in
odd waves because of the half-mummy look the gauze gave her. Bits of dried blood were
still on the side of her face, and she watched him silently with big, dark velvety brown

Eyes he could drown in if he didn’t watch out.
Shaking his head, he went about his tasks with measured efficiency, putting away

supplies then making sure she was comfortable. He’d been a paramedic for six years, and
he was damn good at his job. So good it tended to take over his life, but hell, the overtime

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pay was worth it. He had enough time for a social life later. Right now, he had a job to do
and plenty of money to make. He had big goals, wanting to save for a piece of land in the
country and eventually build a house on it.

“Thank you for helping me,” she said softly.
“Just doing my job.” He shrugged, trying to pretend her appreciation didn’t mean

anything beyond the usual.

“You’re very good at it.” He met her gaze and lifted his brows. “Your job. You have a

very…calming nature.”

“Until I mention the word staples.” Her eyes widened, and he felt like a complete ass.

“See? I did it again. Sorry.”

“It’s okay. It won’t hurt, right?”
Nah, the staples never hurt. It was the shot the patients got in the head to numb them

before the staples that usually had them freaking out. But he wasn’t about to mention
that. “You’ll be fine.”

“Of course, I will.” She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. She looked worried

more than anything, and he wanted to reassure her. Take her mind off what was going to
happen next. They were still a few minutes from the hospital and traffic was kind of
hectic, he could tell what with the crappy way his partner Wes was driving.

“So that guy you were with…”
She shook her head and winced. Her head was probably killing her. “My friend set me

up with him.”

“Does your friend hate you?”
She giggled. “No, she’s one of my best friends. She means well, but the outcome is

rarely successful. She just wants to see me happy.”

“Happy with a jerk?” It was none of his business. He was just making idle conversation

to pass the time.

Yeah, right.
“No, she wants me happy with a nice guy. But they’re never nice guys. They’re always

sort of…weird. I think it’s me.” She frowned. “I must repel normal men or something. I
attract weirdoes. Selfish guys who only care about the Lakers game they’re missing.”

Evan laughed. “He must be a diehard fan.”
“Totally. I only agreed to the date because I’ve never been to a professional basketball

game before. And Mia swore he was a good guy.”

“And you still didn’t get to go to that game.”
“No, I didn’t.” Her smile was rueful. “He made me quit eating my dinner so we could

get there in time for the beginning.”

“What a loser.” Evan shook his head. He wouldn’t rush her for anything. Well, maybe

for some hot and sweaty sex. There was nothing wrong with a quickie here and there…

Jesus. What was wrong with him? He never thought of patients like that.
“He was pretty awful. I think I’m going to ban myself from dating for a while.”
Disappointment filled him. Not that he’d act on his urges. He had a strict rule—no

dating patients. There were a few of his fellow paramedics who had no qualms asking
out their injured patients. They had quite the reputation among their coworkers, but

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Evan wouldn’t do it. It was unprofessional.

And more than anything, he was professional.
“One bad date and you’re done?”
“Oh, it’s been more than one bad date. More like an endless string of bad dates.” Her

cheeks turned pink. “I probably shouldn’t be confessing any of this to you.”

“Why not?”
“I’m making myself look worse. And you probably don’t even care to hear about my

dating endeavors and how awful they are.” Her entire face was flushed.

He smiled. “You’re cute when you’re all flustered.” There, he said it. He was flirting. If

Wes had been there, he would’ve been shocked. He never flirted on the job.

She tore her gaze from his, her teeth sinking into her lower lip—her very plump lower

lip. “I must look awful.”

She did look plenty awful but he still thought she was pretty. “I’ve seen worse.”
“Great.” She rolled her eyes but smiled. “That makes me feel so much better.”

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The heart takes no prisoners.

Secrets and Seduction

© 2011 Jane Beckenham

The only emotion Leah Grainger can muster when thinking of her dead husband is

relief. Until she learns his gambling debt threatens her beloved farm and the child she
wanted to protect from the rootless existence she grew up with.

The last straw? Her husband’s brother demands a meeting. When she charges into his

office to tell him she won’t let another Grainger screw up her life, the startlingly
handsome, former oil rig wildcatter goes for the jugular. He’s claimed legal guardianship
of her daughter, bought her mortgage…and he’s moving in.

The final email Mac received from his suicidal brother blamed Leah for everything. If

it’s the last thing he does, he plans to protect his niece. Even if it means using his millions
to gain the upper hand. And hardening his heart against the beautiful Leah’s protests of

Yet something seems off. Leah is nothing like the uncaring woman his brother

described. She’s warm, loving…and when a new threat to her child surfaces and she
reaches out to him in need, his body won’t let him say no. Even when her last secret
forces him to make a decision that exposes his most closely guarded possession. His heart.

Warning: Contains tug-your-heart love, raise-the-roof lust, a marriage of convenience and hot

sex that will give a whole new meaning to the word “wildcatter.”

Enjoy the following excerpt for

Secrets and Seduction:

Mac Grainger leant against the porch railing, arms folded across his broad chest. He

stared at her, full mouth curling at the corners.

Leah swallowed back the sudden lump in her throat.
He’d changed from the suit he’d worn at his office into a pair of jeans and Polo shirt,

making him appear deceptively approachable. Almost—because Leah knew Mac
Grainger wasn’t a man to toy with.

A few yards behind him, parked beneath the copse of cabbage trees, was a red Ferrari.

Expensive, classic, with a hint of the devil. She shouldn’t have expected anything

Leah backed up a step, hoping the shadow cast from the overhanging trees would hide

the shock she felt heating her cheeks. “What are you doing here?”

“Exactly what I said I would. I take my role as uncle seriously.”
The bush she’d been holding slid from her grip and landed at her feet. “You can’t just

walk in here any time you like. This is my property. I’ll…”

He stepped away from the porch and took a few steps toward her. “I’m not going

away, Leah. We need to talk.”

She glanced to the house. Charlee, please stay asleep. “Not now. Not here,” she


He came another step closer. “You can’t run away.”

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Could he read her mind?
“You don’t get a choice, Leah,” he reminded her.

That word highlighted their differences. Rich versus stone broke.

“We can talk here,” she prevaricated.
“We could, but we won’t.”
“Look, why make this harder than it has to be?”
“It’s already hard. I don’t want you here.”
“And I told you I’m not going away. So I guess we’re at an impasse.”
For the count of several heartbeats, his dark eyes held her captive. He wasn’t about to

budge. Somehow she had to get him on her side and appeal to his better nature.

Did he have one?
Of that, Leah wasn’t certain. He was, after all, Curtis’s brother.
Steadying her nerves, she exhaled a choppy breath and wiped her hands down her

jeans. She hooked her gaze with his, tilting her chin up a tad higher. “Five minutes.
That’s all. Then you go.”

She jumped off the back of the pickup and walked right past him, refusing to offer a

whiff of weakness, even though resignation soured in her stomach and desperation
constricted every breath. She took the front steps two at a time up to the wooden porch,
where she peeled off her gumboots, entered her house and switched the light on in the
entry hall.

A crackle of electricity exploded above her, a current shooting from her fingertips and

up her arm. “Ouch.” She yanked her hand back. The bulb above flickered momentarily,
then a loud popping sound bounced off the walls, and the bulb died, sending the hall into
darkness. “Damn.”

“Nothing I can’t handle,” she snapped. Darn it. How many more bulbs would blow? “I

might as well take out shares in the company that makes those blasted bulbs,” she
grumbled. “It’s an old house and dates back to the eighteen hundreds. There’s bound to
be…problems,” she said, unsure why she was trying to explain the shortcomings of her
dilapidated house.

“So get them fixed,” he countered.
If only it were that easy.
“Follow me.” She beckoned to Mac and led him down the hallway and into the

welcoming kitchen-cum-dining-and-lounge area, grateful no more bulbs exploded

Leah knew he followed. She felt him right behind her, just as she’d done when she’d

left his office. It was a sensation that was disconcerting and scarily exciting at the same
time. Mac Grainger didn’t exactly frighten her, though she was uncertain what he really
knew or didn’t know about Charlee. But she did, however, fear his power and what he
could take away.

A coffee, a chat, then she’d see him out. Easy.
Confident she could cope with at least that, she washed her hands at the sink, wiped

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them on the towel she kept close by and busied herself in the kitchen. She reached for
two mugs from a cupboard and, without asking him, tossed a spoonful of coffee into
each. “Sugar?” she queried, holding a sugar bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other.

He shook his head.
He stood at the entrance to her tiny kitchen, so close that heat burned off him. Her

mouth dried, and she slid her tongue across parted lips, only to catch him watching her
like a falcon focused on its prey.

“You don’t have to stand guard, Mr. Grainger. I’m not running.”
“Yet,” he answered smoothly.
Nerves spun taut, her fragile control tilted precariously. She directed her attention to

the steam rising from the kettle, though her awareness of him burgeoned as she tried
desperately to remember what, if anything, Curtis had said about him. Though in truth,
her husband’s brother had barely rated a mention during their marriage, and while
Curtis had been good-looking, charming her easily, Mac doubled the quota in the good-
looks department. She peered at him through the wispy steam rising from the kettle.

He was tall, imposing and sexy as hell, and even though it shouldn’t, her heart did a

flurry of flip-flops.

Don’t let him charm you, Leah!
The kettle’s reedy whistle echoed across the silence, breaking her thoughts, which was

just as well. Those sorts of thoughts weren’t a good idea, and she chastised herself for
even noticing him.

She filled both cups and handed one to him, holding hers with both hands so he

wouldn’t see them shaking. She walked right past him and back into her tiny lounge and
stood beside the rough-hewn table. “I’m not letting you walk in here on a whim, so you
can get that idea right out of your head, Mr. Grainger.”

He took a sip from his coffee, his expression unreadable. “Tough. Curtis asked me to

look out for her.”

Leah’s heart constricted. “Why?”
“Because I’m his brother and Charlee’s uncle.”
Focusing on keeping her voice calm and controlled, she put her cup down on the table.

“And I was his wife. As far as I’m aware, you’ve never been around, too busy for family.
Curtis died weeks ago. Where were you then?”

Instead of answering her, he scanned the room, and Leah found herself bristling,

knowing what he saw: the faded and peeled paintwork, a tired house in need of repair.

She challenged him with an upward flick of her chin. “It’s not much, but it’s mine.”
His gaze returned to her, his mouth severe. “Not quite.”
“Running this place must take a lot of time, energy and money.” He pointed toward

her mail scattered on the table. The mail she didn’t want to read. Bills she couldn’t pay.

“I’m not complaining.”
“Borrowing money, spending it when you know you can’t pay it back.” He wagged a

finger at her as if she were a spoilt child. “Tut, tut.”

A sting of heat curled across her skin. “That’s not true.”

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“I’m no fool. You’re Curtis’s wife.”
“His widow,” she corrected.
“He said you never had enough money.”
Leah met Mac’s gaze full on. Big mistake. He stepped closer. Not so close that he

touched her, but still too close, his expression unyielding and full of condemnation.

But it was her reaction to him that scared her the most. The awareness that fired up all

over again. She shook her head, willing away thoughts that had no right being there, and
backed up.

“I’ve seen the loan documents, Leah. Your signature is quite clear, and according to an

interesting conversation I had with Curtis’s solicitor, your big problem runs into five

Leah’s shoulders slumped, and Mac bit out a harsh laugh, his tone as arrogant and

brutal as the expression he wore. “Finally, I’ve got your attention.”

“You have no right to nose into something that doesn’t concern you.”
“You’re wrong. As Charlee’s uncle, I’ve made it my business. I promised Curtis to look

out for his daughter.”

“His… Curtis barely registered her existence.”
Mac frowned, but even her uttering the truth didn’t swerve him from his self-

proclaimed purpose. “I always keep my promises. Your husband insinuated certain…

Her heartbeat skidded to a standstill. “Rubbish.” But she had to ask. “About what?”
“That you’re not a fit mother.”
Leah threw her hands up, then shoved back the hair that had fallen across her eyes.

Her palms were sweaty, and a sticky sheen of nervous perspiration slicked across her
pores. “That’s ridiculous. Curtis was sick and not in his right mind.”

“That’s your story, but don’t worry, I intend to find out the truth.”

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Worth the Scandal

Karen Erickson

Strictly business? Try telling that to her heart…

Worth It, Book 1
Alexander Worth, President and CEO of Worth Luxury Goods, is a man never to be

crossed. His unwavering sense of responsibility to the family business requires him to
always be in complete and utter control. Until it comes to Tessa Crawford.

She’s quietly professional, shy, voluptuous…and she works for him. Which means she

is the one woman he must never touch, no matter how hard his gut twists with need for

After rising above her disadvantaged childhood, Tessa knows the last thing she should

do is risk throwing it all away by falling into bed with her sexy boss. But on an extended
European business trip, all self-imposed barriers burn away in the heat of their sizzling

Once back home, though, whispers of corporate espionage turn into full-blown scandal

—and Tessa finds out the hard way where Alex’s loyalties lie. Determined to soldier on,
she picks herself up and carries on with a secret, yet welcomed burden. Never guessing
that Alex will make a reappearance in her life, ready to show her once and for all that
family does, indeed, come first.

Warning: Contains a sweet-yet-strong woman, and a bossy alpha male brought to his

knees by the woman he desperately loves. Involves enough begging and groveling that
the reader may be tempted to “accidentally” leave it for her significant other to “find”.
For instructional purposes only, of course!

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eBooks are

not transferable.

They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or

have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events,

locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

Cincinnati OH 45249

Worth the Scandal

Copyright © 2012 by Karen Erickson

ISBN: 978-1-60928-774-0

Cover by Angela Waters

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written

permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

electronic publication: March 2012


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Document Outline


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