Worth It 3 Worth The Challenge

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To all of you who’ve waited patiently for Rhett’s book—I hope you love him as much

as I do.

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Chapter One

“It’s been two months since we last heard any details on the project. Tell us what’s

going on.”

Rhett Worth swallowed hard, kept his gaze trained on the report before him. The

bogus, full-of-filler-words report he’d had his assistant type up for him so he’d at least
look semi-prepared for this meeting.

The truth? He didn’t have anything to update them on. He was, in plain terms, an epic


Blinking slowly, he tried to focus on the words before him, but they blurred, his vision

swimming. Panic rose swiftly, threatening to choke him. How the hell could he admit
he’d somehow screwed up the one and only project his brothers had ever given him?

“Everything’s in place,” he finally said. The lie fell easily from his lips and he hated


The quiet that stretched on for what felt like forever was damning. Rhett refused to

elaborate, afraid he might screw it up even more.

“That’s exactly what you said two months ago.” Hunter’s voice was cold as ice. Rhett

didn’t need to glance up to know Hunter’s current expression. He could see his older
brother’s face in his rather vivid imagination.

Eyes dark, jaw hard, lips firm, disgust written all over his familiar features. A look

Hunter had worn countless, endless times before, all while looking straight at Rhett.

His older brother thought—no, knew—he was a fuckup.
“Are you having a difficult time with the project?” Alex asked, full of the usual

brotherly concern. As the oldest, Alex felt the need to take care of Rhett, had a sense of
responsibility toward his baby brother as a sort of father figure. Whereas Hunter’s
greatest wish was to see him hung out to dry.

Looked like Rhett was about to make all of Hunter’s wishes come true.
“Listen.” Rhett finally dared to lift his head, saw his brothers watching him carefully.

He needed to tell the truth. Thank God it was a private meeting, no other employees
involved. His utter humiliation and ultimate failure as an executive at Worth Luxury was
about to go down, but at least it was happening on a relatively small scale. “I can’t get a
hold of the perfumer.”

“What do you mean?” Alex asked with a frown.
“I mean that despite my numerous inquiries, I haven’t spoken to him since we

originally brokered the deal.” Rhett released a shuddering breath, frustration coursing
through his veins, turning his blood ice cold. How he hated admitting defeat, especially
when he’d promised he could deliver.

“You had legal send him a contract, right? He hasn’t sent it back? You haven’t even

talked to Durand? The project was supposed to be out of the planning stages three weeks
ago.” Fury edged Hunter’s voice. “So what you’re telling us is that it’s at a complete

He met Hunter’s gaze, saw the censure there. The disappointment mixed with anger.

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“I’m afraid so.”

Hunter pounded the edge of the boardroom table so hard it shook. “I knew you’d do

something like this!” He turned to Alex. “I told you he’d fuck it up.”

“I didn’t fuck it up,” Rhett retorted. “It’s not my fault the perfumer is an eccentric old

man who hides away in a little shack and doesn’t believe in modern technological

“You’re just talking out your ass,” Hunter started, but Alex held up a hand to silence


“Stop berating him, Hunter. It’s useless. And Rhett has a point.”
Shock washed over Rhett. He had a point? He’d been fully prepared to admit he was a

Grade A screwup. “I do?”

Alex smiled patiently, ignoring the fuming Hunter. “Michel Durand is a known

recluse. He hasn’t created a scent for anyone in the last five years. That’s why I was so
shocked you were able to talk to him and convince him to work with us. Apparently, he’s
reverted to his usual habits.” Alex shrugged. “Find someone new.”

“Oh, it’s as easy as that? ‘Find someone new’,” Hunter mimicked, then shook his head.

“I can’t believe you’re letting him get away with this.”

Rhett flipped over the single sheet of paper of his bogus report and scribbled a few

names, his mind awhirl with the list of perfumers he’d come up with when they’d
originally discussed the project. “I’ll get on the phone right away.”

“Why didn’t you do this sooner? Maybe, say, two weeks ago, when you realized

Durand wasn’t responding to you?” Hunter asked snidely.

“It doesn’t matter,” Alex interrupted. “He knows how much I wanted Durand working

for us. What a coup it could’ve been. We would’ve had the entire fashion industry green
with envy by snagging him. Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be.”

Hunter glanced between the two of them as if they were alien subjects recently

beamed down from their spaceship. “I’ll never get you two,” he finally said. “If I
would’ve screwed up like this, you would’ve had my heart on a platter.”

“That is not true and you know it,” Alex retorted.
Rhett would never get Hunter either. He thought falling in love would unwind his

brother a bit, make him softer. Love and marriage had certainly done that for Alex. He
looked like a lovesick puppy every time he talked about his wife, Tessa, or their daughter,

Yeah, Hunter was crazy for Gracie, that was plain as day. And he indulged his new

baby boy like any pleased parent would, but he still acted like a major asshole.

Well, Hunter acted like a major asshole toward Rhett.
A soft knock sounded on the door before it cracked open, Alex’s assistant, Margo,

poking her head inside. “I’m so sorry to interrupt, but there’s a woman here who’s
insistent she see Mr. Worth right away.”

“Which one?” Hunter asked with a wry smile.
Margo blushed, shaking her head when Alex started to stand. “I’m so sorry, not you,

Alex. She’s asking for Rhett.”

His brothers’ heads swiveled in his direction. “What, you got a mysterious baby mama

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coming around here looking for money or what?” Hunter asked under his breath.

“Shut the hell up,” Rhett whispered harshly. “Like you have any room to talk.” He

would never, ever live his party days down, no matter how hard he tried to forget them.
They’d be ninety, living in a nursing home together, and Hunter would probably still
bring up his old, notorious ways.

He hated how he wore his past like a cloak of shame.
“Hunter, please.” Alex’s voice was full of irritation. “Did she leave a name?” His big

brother was the only professional one out of the three. Considering he was the CEO, it
made sense, but still.

They were reverting to old hurts and sibling rivalries like it was yesterday.
“Yes. Her name is Gabriella Durand.”
“Durand?” Rhett frowned. The name sounded familiar… Of course it did, she was

Michel Durand’s daughter.

Margo nodded. “What would you like for me to tell her?”
“Tell her I’ll be right out.”
“Michel’s daughter,” Alex said the moment his assistant shut the door. “She’s a

perfumer as well.”

“Really?” Hunter asked. “Huh, so we can get the daughter to respond but not her

father? How much experience does she have?”

“Five years professionally, but she’s worked at her father’s side pretty much all her

life,” Rhett explained.

Hunter’s brows rose. “Interesting. If she’s anything like her old man…”
“Why is she here?” Alex asked. “Did you contact her? She might be the perfect


“Yeah.” He cleared his throat. “Yes, I contacted her.” The lie came easily, smoothly

falling from Rhett’s lips yet again. Whereas only minutes before, he was ready to confess
he was a complete failure, now he had an out. A chance to look good, like he knew what
the hell he was doing and could save this project instead of handing it over to Hunter.
“That’s why she’s here. We’re going to meet and discuss the new perfume project. I
figured it was logical to go for the next best thing, you know? Keep it in the family.”

“Smart thinking,” Alex murmured, clearly pleased. “Well, we don’t want to keep you.

You should go.”

“If you made an appointment to talk with her, why didn’t you realize she’d be here at

this time?” Hunter asked. A shrewd gleam shone in his eyes.

“Uh, I spoke to her but we weren’t able to confirm any sort of meeting just yet. Though

she had mentioned she’d be in New York soon,” Rhett answered, both impressed and
disgusted at his ability to make stuff up out of nothing.

“Maybe we should sit in on this meeting,” Hunter suggested when Rhett stood.
Dread slithered down his spine. He’d be found out in an instant. And wouldn’t that

give Hunter major satisfaction?

“Let him take care of it on his own,” Alex said. “He’s clearly got it handled.”
“Yeah, right.” Rhett heard Hunter snort as he left the conference room.
Rhett had the distinct feeling that Hunter was closer to the truth than he cared to

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She couldn’t sit, too nervous, too fidgety to keep still. Instead, Ella paced the plush

lobby, admiring the giant photos that hung on the wall. They were from the latest Worth
Luxury campaign, taken in stark black and white. The models’ simple poses against a
white backdrop were elegant in their simplicity, showcasing the luxurious leather bags,
the awe-inspiring boots, the cashmere scarves wrapped in casual elegance around their
long, aristocratic necks.

Mid-summer and she was looking at a fall/winter scene. Fashion never made much

sense to her.

But fragrance? Scents? Formulas and synthetics, natural oils and the precise

mathematical calculations that brought them all together into a cohesive juice? Ah, they
all made absolute, perfect sense—at least in her mind.

The secretary caught her eye yet again, offering her a sympathetic smile which Ella

returned, feeling pathetic. Leave it to her father to place her in a horribly uncomfortable
position. He squandered the chance of a lifetime, could’ve created an iconic women’s
fragrance for Worth Luxury. When she’d realized exactly what he’d done, she’d been

And she’d promptly booked a trip to New York via train to see if the opportunity was

still available. She hadn’t called, hadn’t even thought to write a simple email to confirm
they’d see her or listen to what she might propose. She hadn’t considered what she might
say to Rhett Worth once she met with him face-to-face either.

Oh, she’d heard all about him in the tabloids. He was a bad boy. A rogue, wicked with

the ladies, the youngest of the Worth brothers and therefore the one who didn’t take on
much responsibility. Though she had to admit, he appeared less in the tabloids and gossip
blogs than he used to. When she’d found her father’s notes and Rhett’s name listed as the
project manager and contact, she’d been surprised.

Maybe he had finally taken on some responsibility within the family business.
Not that it was any of her concern or business. She didn’t know him and certainly

couldn’t judge. She was just a simple girl who’d rather work in a lab or out amongst
nature, breaking down components in natural scents and recreating them in little vials.
Her father was brilliant, an acclaimed perfumer who people in the fashion and beauty
industry still clamored for. He’d taught her well, she’d worked at his elbow from the
time she was a little girl, but she was still learning.

She would most likely be forever learning and the thought of that made her a little

giddy inside.

“Miss Durand?”
The velvety deep voice had her whirling around, stopping short when she realized

who stood directly in front of her.

Rhett Worth, in the flesh.
Oh, and what glorious flesh he was made of. Immaculately turned out in a charcoal-

gray suit that emphasized the broadness of his shoulders, the width of his chest, his dark
brown hair pushed off his forehead, he looked as if he had walked straight off the Worth

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Luxury billboard she’d seen in Times Square on her taxi ride over.

“I—I’m Gabriella Durand,” she stuttered, silently cursing herself. She couldn’t lose it

now, not in front of this man. He held all the power to her future and he didn’t even
know it.

He smiled, the sight of it making her knees wobble. “Rhett Worth. A pleasure to meet

you,” he said, thrusting his hand toward her.

She took it, noticed how his large hand completely engulfed hers as he gave it a polite

shake. The buzz from his touch was like an electric jolt to her system and she tilted her
head, inhaling discreetly. Her head immediately swam.

Goodness, he smelled positively divine. A subtle mixture of ingredients, possibly

leather, faint cologne, his own uniquely masculine scent…

Stay focused!
“It’s nice to meet you, too,” she murmured, gasping softly when he released his hold of

her hand. “I’m sorry for dropping in so unexpectedly, it’s just that—”

“Your timing is perfect,” he interrupted, glancing about the lobby quickly before he

faced her once more. “It couldn’t have been better, actually. Do you have time to talk?

She nodded, a little dazed at how easily it was all unfolding. “Yes, I do. That’s why I’m


The smile grew even more dazzling, and her senses went on immediate overload.

They’d only just met but he needed to stop being so…recklessly charming. “Perfect,” he
repeated in a low murmur.

A shiver rippled down her spine. Amazing how he made the word sound downright


“There’s a small conference room down the hall.” He placed his hand at the small of

her back, gently guiding her toward the doorway which led to the hall he spoke of.
“Would you care for anything to drink?”

“No, thank you. I’m fine.” His good manners, combined with his extreme good looks,

made for a heady package. His fingers seemed to burn through the fabric of her dress,
even with such a light touch. She was hyper aware of his nearness, the heat of his skin,
the size of him since he towered over her.

Ella frowned. She needed to get her head out of the clouds and focus on the most

important meeting of her life. She needed to convince Rhett Worth she could take her
father’s place and become the in-house perfumer for Worth Luxury.

But would he take her seriously? No one else seemed to. They all wanted her father

instead of her and merely seemed to tolerate her. The jobs she’d acquired weren’t nearly
as prestigious as she wished for. Hence the reason for wanting this particular job with

It would establish her firmly as a respected player in the perfumer industry.
“Here we are.” He stopped, his hand dropping away from her back as he reached for

the handle and held the door open for her. She entered the room, admiring the vintage
Worth Luxury magazine advertisements framed on the wall, the plush leather seats that
surrounded the sleek black table. “Why don’t you take a seat?”

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She did as he asked, setting her purse on the floor by her feet before she rested her

hands on the cool tabletop. He sat directly across from her, his movements smooth,
efficient, and he mirrored her position. The sleeve of his jacket rose, revealing the large
stainless-steel watch he wore around his wrist.

It was by Worth—she recognized the iconic design immediately. And she knew it cost

more than she could imagine making.

“How is your father?” His words, his face were one of complete and utter concern.
“I want to apologize for his lack of communication. It was very rude of him and I’m

sorry.” He’d gotten right to the point, hadn’t he? She’d hoped to dance around the
subject of her father for at least a few minutes. “As he gets older, he becomes more…
eccentric.” Why did it feel like she’d spent her entire life apologizing for her father and
his odd ways?

He nodded as if he understood. “He’s somewhat of a mythical legend amongst the

designers and luxury houses in the industry.”

She smiled. It was true. Her father had quite the reputation for being an utter recluse.

“He prefers anonymity when he works, doesn’t like others to disturb him.”

“That’s why it was such a surprise when he agreed to work for Worth.”
“I agree.” She couldn’t begin to explain the downward spiral Michel Durand had taken

upon making that verbal agreement with Worth. He’d gone into complete shutdown
mode, squirreling himself away in the small laboratory he’d built on the property near
his house years ago. Muttering to himself, talking of elements and scents and scribbling
copious notes that meant nothing to anyone else who tried to read them.

All of it had been for naught. He’d never spoken to anyone from Worth Luxury again.

Despite the calls, the certified letters and packages full of thick contracts, the voicemail
messages, he ignored them all, bringing forth humiliation and censure upon the Durand
name yet again.

Ella was the closest person to her father and yet she didn’t understand him. She never

really had.

“I’m not going to ask what happened. It’s none of my business,” he said briskly,

sweeping the uncomfortable topic right under the virtual rug. “Just know that we at
Worth Luxury are sorry we couldn’t come to a formal agreement with your father. We
would’ve loved to have worked with him.”

She nodded slowly, recognizing a rejection when she received one. He was merely

being kind. Patting her on the head, telling her how sorry he was that it didn’t work out,
and then he’d escort her right out of the iconic Worth building. Leave her standing on the
sidewalk like the worthless perfumer’s apprentice she really was. “I’m sure he feels the
same. Thank you for your time,” she said weakly, pushing back her chair so she could

“Where do you think you’re going?” he demanded when she gripped the arms of the

chair, her body halfway out of it.

“I—I thought we were done.” Her cheeks hot with embarrassment, she plopped back

down into the chair, the incredulous expression on his face shocking her silent. He
wanted to talk more?

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And what was with the bossy way he just spoke to her? If she was being truthful, the

firm tone of his voice aroused her.

Just the slightest bit, though she pushed that odd realization aside.
“Oh, no. We’re not done.” His lips curved into a slow, breathtaking smile and she

squeezed the chair arms so tight, her fingers ached.

“We’re not?” she asked stupidly, closing her eyes briefly when she realized what a

ninny she sounded like. But what could he want?

“We’re definitely not. I have a proposition for you, Miss Durand.” Rhett Worth leaned

across the table, his gaze locking with hers. “And I’m hoping you’ll say yes.”

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Chapter Two

She was pretty, Gabriella Durand. Not his usual type, but attractive nonetheless. She

had a much more natural vibe going on, what with the honey-colored hair pulled back
into a casual ponytail, minimal—if any—makeup on her face and the simple black dress
she wore. No jewelry adorned her ears or neck, no flashy rings on her fingers, and she
wore flat black sandals that looked more suited to the beach than an office.

Clearly, Gabriella didn’t live in the city.
She was also nervous, had appeared disappointed once he started talking. The little

line that formed between her delicate dark blonde brows gave her away. He had a feeling
she thought he was going to send her packing once he offered his regrets that her father
wouldn’t work for them.

He’d be an absolute fool to let her go. If he couldn’t get Michel Durand, he’d get the

next best thing: the prodigal daughter.

“What sort of proposition are you talking about, Mr. Worth?” she asked softly. He liked

her voice. It was sweetly husky, if there was such a thing. A little dark, a lot sexy, what
with that subtle French accent he detected.

Smiling, he shook his head. “There’s no need for such formality. Please, call me Rhett.”
“All right.” She nodded, rested her clutched hands on the edge of the table. “Explain to

me what kind of proposition you refer to then. If you want me to speak with my father in
regards to him coming to work for Worth, I’m afraid I’ve already tried to do so. And I
failed miserably.”

Good to know she tried to encourage her father to work here. At least she saw the

merit in the merger. It would’ve been the talk of the fashion industry. Hell, there’d
already been a few low-key murmurs buzzing amongst their competitors. Mentions of a
new perfume and Michel Durand being the one who would create it. The PR reps at
Worth—led by Hunter—had never discouraged the rumors.

Announcing Gabriella Durand as their new perfumer would really turn the industry

on its ear. She was a relative unknown most big players in the industry wouldn’t give a
chance, which had to discourage her. He knew he could certainly relate since his brothers
were reluctant to give him a chance, though he gave them reason to be.

Underdogs should stick together. Now if he could get her to agree…
“I understand. And honestly, I don’t want your father any longer.” Rhett paused,

letting his words sink in before he delivered what would surely be shocking news. “I
want you.”

Her eyes went wide and her lips parted before she pressed them together again, as if

she searched for something to say and couldn’t quite muster the words. “Are you sure?”

He couldn’t help it—he began to laugh. She looked so damn surprised, sounded so

incredulous that he wondered if anyone had ever made such a declaration to her before.
Perhaps he was the first.

And why did that give him such a possessive streak?
“You’re laughing,” she pointed out after he still hadn’t answered her. “If this is some

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sort of joke, I don’t think it’s funny.” She started to stand and he shook his head, holding
his hands out in front of him.

“No, no. This isn’t a joke. I’m dead serious.” He composed himself, feeling every bit an

ass for making her so defensive. Women were sensitive creatures. No wonder he wasn’t
any good at keeping one around longer than a day. “Worth Luxury is very interested in
having you take the helm and lead us into the women’s perfume industry.”

“B-but I don’t have a lot of experience, you know,” she started and he cut her off by

holding up a single finger, silencing her.

“Don’t ever admit your faults. Your lack of experience, your uncertainness, none of it

should ever be revealed.” He studied her, the too-expressive face, how it revealed
everything. She’d make a terrible negotiator. “Don’t give me a reason to agree with you
and withdraw my offer.”

Gabriella clamped her lips shut and nodded, those pretty sky-blue eyes still wide as she

stared at him. She didn’t say a word, which pleased him to no end.

“I believe you have more than enough experience to create a fragrance for Worth that

is unlike any other out on the market today. Something unique yet universal, fresh yet
exotic, familiar yet different. You’ve studied with your father, worked close with him
your entire life. You have a perfumer’s nose and that is something that cannot be learned.
You were born with it.”

Her cheeks colored becomingly. She had an air of innocence about her that he found

thrillingly refreshing. And dare he think it—infinitely arousing. “Thank you,” she
murmured. “Not many will take a chance on me. They declare I don’t have enough
experience. Or they’re afraid I might be as flaky as my father.”

“Your father is old and tired. He’s been an eccentric for years.” He leaned forward,

ready to drive his point home. “Don’t let him control your life. Don’t let your father’s
reputation hold you back. You’re on the cusp of breaking out and becoming a star. And I
want to help you do that.”

“You do?” she whispered, disbelief lacing her voice.
He nodded in agreement. “I do. We do, all of us here at Worth. If you agree to join us as

our in-house perfumer, though, we need you to start right away. As in yesterday,
Gabriella. Can you do that?”

“Oh yes, I can.” She nodded emphatically, her ponytail sliding along the front of her

dress. His gaze zeroed in on that spot, her exposed collarbone, the delicate lines of it, the
creamy smoothness of her skin.

His skin prickled, arousal washing over him in a luxurious, slow wave, riveting him in

place. He wanted her.

Scratch that, he was merely attracted to her. There was a distinct difference. The air of

innocence, the wide-eyed wonder she had going for her, it was unusual. Normally he
wanted to drag a woman into his bed, spend the night with her until the both of them
were spent, before he went on his merry way by the early morning light.

Gabriella Durand, though, intrigued him. He wanted to know more, coax it out of her,

learn what she wanted out of life, what she believed in, what she’d experienced in her
past. Spend time with her, seduce her slowly, until the both of them could resist no

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longer and fell into bed together. She would be naked and willing, and he fierce and
ready to take what she so generously offered.

Rhett frowned. Ah hell, he was attracted to a woman he wanted—hell, needed to work

with. This couldn’t be good.

Panic replaced arousal swiftly, making him break out in a damp sweat. Look at what

happened to his brothers. They became involved with women they worked with and
now they were settled down, supposedly happy in their domestic roles.

The very last thing Rhett needed was a wife or a fiancée or a freaking baby. Just because

Gabriella Durand was pretty and sweet and had lips ripe for kissing, it meant absolutely
nothing. He was working with her, which made her off-limits. Untouchable.


Excitement flooded her, made her want to leap up and scream with joy. But she held it

together, just barely, sitting in the plush leather chair that was far more comfortable than
any piece of furniture they owned at home. Listening to Rhett Worth spell out in no
uncertain terms just how much he wanted her to work for him and for Worth Luxury.

That he really wanted her and not her father felt like a dream come true. Doubt had

filtered in at first, it couldn’t be helped. Was he settling because he couldn’t get her
infamous father?

Maybe…but she wasn’t going to let that fact get her down or start second-guessing

herself. He was right. Talking down her accomplishments—or lack of them—wasn’t
going to get her anywhere. She needed to be strong, positive and believe in herself.

That Rhett wanted her to work for Worth Luxury was the boost of confidence she’d

been looking for.

“…I’ll talk to our legal department, have them draw up the contract and then forward

it to you. Where are you staying?”

She shook her head slightly, still a little dazed. Did he just say he wanted to send her a

contract agreement today? “Pardon me?”

He smiled patiently, the sight of it making her heart flutter just the slightest bit. “I

asked where you’re staying so I can have legal send over the contract to your hotel. You
are staying at a hotel, correct?”

“Yes, I’m not from here.” That was probably obvious but oh, well.
She gave him the name of the hotel she’d checked in to late last night and he frowned.

“Pardon my language, but that place is a shit hole.”

Shrugging, she bit back the laugh that wanted to escape. He didn’t mince words, did

he? “It’s all I can afford.” Her father may be one of the most celebrated perfumers of all
time, but the last job he worked, really worked, was years ago. And while she had picked
up jobs here and there, the income hadn’t amounted to much. She’d spent it all to keep
them afloat.

She desperately needed this job for financial reasons alone.
“No.” He shook his head and pulled his cell phone out from the inside pocket of his

jacket, tapping away at the screen until he brought it up to his ear. “I can’t let you stay
there. Let me make some arrangements.”

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“But I couldn’t ask you to do that. I’m perfectly fine where I’m at.” She started to get

out of her chair, but he held up that finger again, silencing her, stopping her in her tracks.

“We have a hotel where we keep rooms on hold for matters such as this.” He paused,

and she could tell whoever he’d been calling answered. “Yes, this is Rhett Worth. We’re
in need of one of the rooms you hold for Worth Luxury.” He paused again, listening to
whatever the person on the other end had to say and Ella blatantly studied him.

Oh, he was smooth. Easy on the eyes, very pleasant to listen to, with a voice like butter

and a commanding yet devilish air about him she found vastly appealing. It wasn’t smart,
thinking like this, but she’d never been one of those women who everyone said was so
intelligent, so strong.

She was more on the whimsical side. Creative and usually quiet, but so full of

exuberance when she found something she was passionate about.

Like scent.
And she knew it would be extremely easy to become passionate about Rhett Worth…
“Perfect. You can expect Miss Durand there within the hour.” He ended the call and

slipped his cell back into his pocket. “I’ll send you to the hotel with a car and driver. I
assume your luggage is where you’re currently staying at?”

She nodded mutely.
“I’ll have someone pick it up and send it over to the Warwick. I reserved a suite for


Her mouth dropped open. “A suite? I can’t afford it. Even with the pay you’re offering,

which I’m sure is more than generous…”

“You won’t be paying for it,” he interrupted, clearly irritated. Maybe even a tad

insulted. “Worth will comp you for your stay. It’s the least we can do, considering how
quickly we must get to work on this project.”

Well. Didn’t he have a way of taking over her life completely and arranging it to suit

his needs? Not that she was complaining, oh no. But she’d never had a man take such
total charge of her before. Her father was definitely more the spontaneous type, which
unfortunately, was a kind way to say he was a bit of a pushover. Her past few boyfriends,
not that there had been many, were all the suffering artist-types who never had enough
money to pay for lunch, let alone try to tell her what to do and how to do it.

This man commanded her as if he had every right to do so. Once she signed the

contract, linking them together, perhaps then he would hold that right. But for now…

For now, he was a very attractive man with alpha-male tendencies she couldn’t help

but find appealing.

“I’m sure you’d like some time to relax, maybe freshen up a bit. I’ll call for a car to take

you over to the Warwick right now. Watch for the contract soon after you arrive. We can
meet for dinner and discuss the terms. I’ll try my best to answer any questions you might
have. How does that sound?”

“Um, it sounds…” Crazy? Too fast? Unbelievable? “Fine. That’s all fine.”
He smiled again, looking every inch the dazzling young prince of Manhattan, which he

was. And she was about to become his bedraggled little servant. “I’ll pick you up at
seven. Meet me in the lobby of the hotel?”

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“A-all right.” She nodded, overwhelmed by the entire process. He spoke so fast,

expected no argument and when he flashed that smile of his, her brain seemed to switch
off completely.

Rather disconcerting, all of it.
He stood and she followed his lead, watching in disbelief as he rounded the table so he

stood directly in front of her, his hand thrust out. She took his proffered hand, shaking it,
all the while in a semi-daze at the whirlwind that had just swept her up and changed her
life completely.

“I look forward to doing business with you, Gabriella.” The words were offered

warmly, as was the smile. His dark blue gaze locked on her face, his too-large, too-warm
hand still wrapped around hers.

“It’s Ella,” she said faintly, clearing her throat when his dark brows drew together.

“My friends, my father call me Ella.”

“Well, then, I would be honored to call you Ella.” The smile grew and only then did he

finally release her hand. “I’ll see you later this evening.”

“Rhett,” she said to his broad back after he turned and started toward the door.
Stopping in his tracks, he glanced over his shoulder, his gaze meeting hers

questioningly. “Yes?”

“Thank you so much. You don’t know how much this means to me,” she said softly,

giddiness making her heart light, her stomach tingle with nerves. “You’ve changed my
life all in a few short minutes.”

“I should thank you. You happened to save mine.”
And with that, he walked out of the room without another word.

Rhett strode down the hall, his steps determined, his mind awhirl with what he

needed to do before close of business today. He almost had Gabriella Durand where he
wanted her. Now all she needed to do was sign the contract and she belonged to him—
well, Worth Luxury, for the next year.

He’d just left legal after going over the initial twelve-month contract, making sure the

terms were firm but not too firm. Light but not too light that she could take advantage of
him. And he certainly didn’t want to take advantage of her.

She was too damn sweet to play games with.
If the relationship worked, they would extend the contract at least another year,

possibly three total. It was something he’d dreamed of having since he’d initially been
given this project. Hire an in-house perfumer that worked for no one else, an absolute
rarity these days in lieu of the ease of licensing agreements.

But Worth Luxury didn’t want to just slap their name on a bottle and call it done. They

wanted artistic input. Everything produced by Worth had a similar aesthetic. They didn’t
want to change their approach just because they were venturing into new territory. They
had a brand to protect, after all.

He stopped when he heard his name softly called, saw his brother lurking in a short

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corridor just to the right of him. Frowning, Rhett stepped forward. “Are you all right?”

“I’d like to talk to you.” Alex went to a closed door and opened it, indicating he

wanted Rhett to follow him inside with a wave of his hand. “It won’t be but a few

It was a small room, with only a tiny round table and three chairs around it. Alex

didn’t bother sitting and so neither did Rhett. He watched warily as his brother closed
the door.

“What’s up?” Rhett asked when Alex faced him.
“You can back out of it now if you want.”
“Back out of what?”
“The perfume deal. You don’t have to take it on if you don’t have a firm-enough

handle on it. I know how hard it is, trying to make this sort of thing work. I get it.”

“What…what the hell are you saying?” Emotions surged through him, dark and ugly

and he tried to quell the swift rise. Did his brother have no faith in him whatsoever? He
expected it from Hunter. Their relationship had been based on that lack of trust for years.
But Alex?

It hurt more than he cared to admit, what Alex was doing.
“Durand dumped Worth without a word and I’m not blaming you for that. I’ve been

doing a lot of thinking. Maybe we should go the licensing route after all. It would be a
hell of a lot easier and they would still allow us some sort of creative control, I know this
for a fact,” Alex explained. “It would take this mess out of your hands and you could
pursue the licenser instead. Hell, they’d pursue you. I can name at least four companies
off the top of my head that have been dying to get their hands on a fragrance with our
name on it for years.”

“I don’t want to give over the Worth perfume to a licensing company,” Rhett said

firmly. “I already hired Gabriella Durand.”

Alex frowned. “You hired Durand’s daughter?”
“You gave me creative control over this project, yes?”
“Well, yes, but I didn’t think you were serious in your pursuit of her. I didn’t even

believe you’d made the appointment with her. I had a feeling she just showed up.”

“When it was clear her father wasn’t going to respond to my endless inquiries, I went

in pursuit of her. It just so happens she showed up on the very day we were discussing
the project.” He was such an excellent liar, he amazed himself sometimes. He felt like a
shit, saying such things to Alex but he had to save his ass.

Had to look like he knew what the hell he was doing.
“Does she have enough experience? Does she understand our vision? Have you

smelled anything she’s created? How did you seal the deal so quickly? Don’t you think
you should’ve consulted with Hunter and me, at least?” Alex fired off the questions at a
rapid pace.

“She has the experience.” Did she? He needed to Google her more properly. “She has

the know-how. I mean, for Christ’s sake, she apprenticed under her father for years. How
can she not know what she’s doing?”

“She’s only twenty-five,” Alex said softly, his expression imploring. “She went to

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Givaudan when she was nineteen, though.”

Rhett whistled low. “You know how hard it is to get into that school?” Only the most

prestigious perfumer school in the world, they admitted a handful of students each year.

“You know how easy it would be if your father was the Michel Durand? Think about it,

Rhett.” Alex shook his head. “She has no real experience under her belt, only a handful of
jobs with mediocre brands. I’m not sure if this is the right move.”

Anger tightened Rhett’s gut and he steeled his spine, stared straight into his brother’s

eyes. “Do you trust me?”

“Of course I do,” Alex said without hesitation.
“When it comes to making a decision, have you ever gone with your gut?”
“Well, yes. Rarely when it comes to Worth, but I’ve done so,” Alex admitted,

seemingly reluctant.

“I feel it with my gut that Gabriella Durand is the answer. She’s going to deliver what

we want and put Worth Luxury on the map in regards to women’s fragrances. I believe it
with everything inside of me, Alex. Please let me do this.”

They stared at each other in silence for what felt like a long stretch of time, assessing

each other. Rhett refused to break, refused to back down, and finally Alex tore his gaze
from Rhett’s with a little shake of his head. “I want the contract terms to be for three

Rhett scoffed. “Three months? That’s insulting.”
“She’s untried as a perfumer of this caliber. You’re putting our reputation on the line

for an untried girl.” Alex stared at him hard. “You don’t want to sleep with her, do you?”

“What? No,” Rhett said vehemently. Maybe he was lying again, but he knew he

needed to stand by this. He couldn’t fool around with her, not when so much was at

“Six months, that’s all I’m giving her initially,” Alex relented. “If she’s working out

and proves herself, we can renegotiate terms then but no longer than six months as of

“Fine,” Rhett said through clenched teeth. Damn it, he’d need to call back the legal

department and have them change the contract.

“Don’t let this get out of hand. I expect travel expenses and the like. I read the report

you compiled when you first took on the project, I know what you want to do and I
approve. But nothing outrageous, Rhett, I mean it.”

Rhett nodded once and offered Alex a quick salute. “Yes, sir.”
Alex smiled ruefully. “Cut with the bullshit. You know what I’m referring to, right?

No excessive parties, none of that crap.”

“Are you really going to hang that over my head for the rest of my life?” Rhett was

hurt. He knew Alex had much more faith in him than Hunter, but that his brother was
still full of doubt in regards to his abilities cut like a knife. “I’m not a kid anymore, Alex.
I’m not hell bent on screwing everything up like I used to be.”

“I know.” Alex turned solemn. “I believe you. I believe in you.” He slapped Rhett on

the back. “Prove me right and someday I’ll make you president of Worth Luxury

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Rhett grinned as his brother left the room.
That was just the carrot that needed to be dangled in front of him.

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Chapter Three

The room was plush, sleek and elegant with an art deco vibe. Subtle colors, bedside

tables with mirrored fronts and crisp white-and-gray bedding that was somehow inviting
even in its utter perfection. She couldn’t believe Rhett Worth had put her up in this hotel
and didn’t expect her to pay a thing. Surely it was one of the nicest hotels Ella had ever
stayed in and that said a lot. She’d traveled with her father ever since she could
remember, though that had been a long time ago.

She’d changed into jeans and a T-shirt the moment she arrived, lounging on the bed,

flicking through the TV channels, all of the afternoon options boring. Deciding she’d
rather have a nap, she turned off the TV and rolled over on her side, staring out the
window at the New York City landscape before her.

Just before she drifted off, there was a knock at her door. A courier stood there with a

thick envelope that had her name on it, and she tore into the package the moment the
man left, pulling out the contract with Worth Luxury.

She needed a lawyer. At the very least, she should call her father. But what would he

say? It might even make him angry, knowing she’d taken the job originally offered to
him. She never could tell, what with his strange moods and reclusive ways. As the years
passed, she’d needed to handle him carefully for fear he might erupt.

Sighing, she glanced at each page, her gaze snagging on particular paragraphs. Her

eyes crossed at all the legal terms that meant nothing to her. She’d signed contracts
before with the few companies she’d worked for, but none had been so detailed, so long.

It was almost as if she were signing her life away.
Deciding she needed to do something before she met Rhett for dinner, she grabbed her

cell phone and dialed her father’s number, shocked when he answered on the second
ring and promptly asked where she was.

“I’m in New York, remember?” Ella paused, then went for it. “I met with Rhett Worth

earlier today.”

“You went all the way to the city by yourself?” They lived in Vermont. It had been a

simple train ride, yet he spoke to her as if she were a little girl embarking on a worldwide

She wanted to yell at him. Wanted to remind him that yes, indeed, she’d told him

exactly where she was going last night before he went to bed. She’d woken up so early to
catch the train and hadn’t wanted to disturb him. He probably hadn’t noticed she was
well and truly gone. “I told you about it last night. Remember?”

“I seem to recall.” He remained silent for a while before he finally decided to ask her a

question. “So what did Rhett Worth have to say? That he wishes I would come work for
him and his brothers, eh? He has hounded me for months. I tell him I’m interested, but I
don’t want to go to New York and everywhere else he claims he wants to take me.”
Michel Durand chuckled, sounding infinitely pleased with himself. “Tell him I am too
busy with my garden to bother going there. He should come to me. I could show him my
gardens, my flowers. They smell far better than anything that can be put into a bottle.”

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He spent most of his time in his garden now, tending to his flowers, coaxing the rarer,

exotic ones into bloom in the greenhouse he’d built a few years ago. He claimed to have
given up on synthetic scents, wanting only natural fragrances to surround him, to fill his
aging nose.

“I have something to tell you, Father.” Her voice grew small and nerves jumped in her

stomach, making it hard for her to get the words out. How would he react? What might
he say? Would he be pleased or angry?

“Well, go on and tell me then. I assume it is much good news, no?”
“It is, at least to me.” She took a deep breath before blurting, “Worth Luxury has

offered me a position.”

“A position as what? What do they want you to do?” He was, as usual, completely


Or completely self-absorbed. She could take her pick.
“They want me to work as their in-house perfumer. It’s temporary, you see. They want

to ensure I have what it takes to create their new fragrance, and I don’t blame them for
the trial basis. But isn’t it wonderful, the opportunity they’re giving me? I’ll start right
away. Rhett Worth seemed most eager to have me.” She was babbling, she sounded like a
fool, but she couldn’t help it. The opportunity was exciting. The best she’d ever had.

Silence greeted her, went on for so long she thought they’d been disconnected. But

then she heard the song of a bird in the background, faint and sweet. She could imagine
her father standing in the midst of his garden, the sun warming his balding head, the
bees swarming around him in search of pollen.

“They can’t have me so they take you instead, eh?” he finally asked, his voice gruff. He

didn’t sound pleased.

And his words hurt. Disappointment washed over her. No matter how much she’d

told herself his opinion didn’t matter…

It did. Tremendously.
“Like I mentioned, Rhett Worth seemed excited to hire me.” She hadn’t spoken with

any of the other Worth brothers and now that she thought of it, it did seem odd.
Shouldn’t they all come together when making such an important decision?

“Rhett Worth has something to prove. I am not as unobservant as I appear, you know. I

understand the machinations of Worth Luxury somewhat. I keep up on news in the
industry and I remember their father. That youngest Worth brother will do whatever it
takes to look as responsible as his big brothers. This opportunity has been handed to him,
much like yours has been handed to you.”

Her heart sunk into her stomach. Were Rhett’s motives pure desperation? Was she

fooling herself into thinking this could really happen? The terms for employment were
only for a measly six months. She could sink her everything into this project only to have
them reject her after one hundred and eighty days.

But it was a chance she was more than willing to take.
“I will prove to him I am more than capable of the job,” she said firmly, not about to let

her father bring her down. He didn’t mean to, after all. He’d always encouraged her,
pushed her into the career that had made him a well-known and respected name in the

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fashion and beauty industry.

He was the one who brought on his own fall from grace. If he would only work again,

earn back the respect and a little money, then maybe she wouldn’t feel so desperate, so
worried all the time…

“And I am sure you will impress him.” She heard the smile in his voice, the song of the

birds again in the background. His moods turned and twisted with the breeze. She could
never be sure how he might feel or react from one moment to the next.

It was a delicate balance, talking to her father, spending time with him, even after all

these years. She hadn’t moved out of his home for fear of disappointing him. Plus, he
could be scatterbrained. He rarely locked the doors to the house and tended to wander
off, only to reappear a few hours later, always seemingly happy, always smiling.

While she paced the house, worried out of her mind thinking something awful had

happened to him.

Guilt assuaged her. She shouldn’t leave him. He needed her. What if something

happened? She’d never forgive herself.

But she wasn’t a child anymore. She needed to live her own life, branch out and pursue

her career. She couldn’t take care of her father forever…

“I will impress him. I’ll impress everyone at Worth, I promise,” she said firmly.
He chuckled. “I have no doubt that you will do just that.”
They spoke of general banalities before they finally hung up, Ella promising she’d call

him first thing tomorrow. She carefully set her cell phone on the bedside table, staring at
it unseeingly as worry gnawed at her.

She had no one else to turn to, no one else to count on but her father, which meant he

had no one but her. Her mother had died in childbirth and she’d never known her,
though she knew she looked like her. She had no siblings, no cousins, nothing. Her father
had been the baby in his family and now at the age of seventy-two, his older brother and
sister were long dead. He hadn’t stayed close to his nieces or nephews and they were all
still in France.

Her childhood had been isolating. But she’d never minded then. Had simply thought it

normal and besides, she’d had her vivid imagination to keep her company. All of the
people who’d come in and out of her father’s life had seemed to adore her, including her
in their social events. Of course, they hadn’t had a choice. When a company hired Michel
Durand, he was a package deal. And Gabriella Durand had always been a part of that

Only in the last few years had she realized just how abnormal her childhood was.

Isolated and lonely, she’d never really gone to school, having been tutored during her
father’s travels.

For once, she wanted to do something on her own. Something that belonged only to


Frowning, she tore her gaze from the phone, taking in the stack of papers that sat

beside it. Just looking at that contract gave her a headache. And okay, maybe it hurt to
think that she didn’t necessarily get this job at Worth on her own merits but by gosh, she
was going to prove to them she was capable of being a master perfumer. Perhaps almost

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as good as her father once was even.

She lay back down on the comfortable bed, her head cradled by the plush pillow. The

sheets were soft, the comforter thick, and she closed her eyes, willing herself to drift off
into sleep. A little nap would definitely help and she had time. After traveling and all the
excitement the day brought forth, she was exhausted. A little overwhelmed.

And a lot excited.

Rhett had gone home and changed before he went to the Warwick Hotel to pick up

Gabriella. At first he’d thought it best if he stayed in his suit, wanting to convey that he
meant business, even if they were discussing it over dinner.

But then he feared he might intimidate her and considering she seemed a tad skittish,

he decided it best to keep his approach as simple and friendly as possible.

Hence the jeans and simple button-up shirt, understated and casual. He’d made

reservations at a favorite restaurant that wasn’t too trendy or expensive. He wasn’t
necessarily trying to impress her and this definitely wasn’t a date.

It was strictly business. And that was exactly how he wanted to approach it.
Frowning, he stood in front of her hotel room door, unsure how to greet her. If this

really was a date, he’d lay on the charm and flirt his way into her panties by the end of
the night.

There would be no flirting and no getting into her panties this evening—or ever.
Rhett frowned. What a disappointing realization.
Knocking on the door, he shoved his hands into his front pockets, waiting patiently for

her to arrive. The door swung open in seconds and Gabriella stood there, wearing a
different dress, this one navy blue yet cut similarly to the one she’d worn earlier. Her
damp hair hung around her makeup-less face, the scent of fresh soap clinging to her skin,
and he wondered since when did the scent of a clean-smelling woman become such an
aphrodisiac to him.

“Hello.” She had the slightest French accent, one most people probably wouldn’t

notice if they weren’t aware of her background. It was sexy as hell. “You’re early. And
you said we would meet in the lobby.”

She sounded downright accusatory and he shuffled his feet. “Sorry. Want me to come

back in—” He checked his watch before meeting her gaze. “Ten minutes?”

Slowly she shook her head, leaning against the edge of the door. “I’m not quite ready,

but it seems foolish to send you away.”

“Then don’t.” He smiled and nodded toward her. “I could come in. Just for a minute

while you finish getting ready?” Wasn’t he presumptuous as hell?

“I suppose.” She warily opened the door wider, an invitation inside and he took it,

slipping through the doorway, watching as she headed toward the bathroom. “Sit and
wait, if you don’t mind. I’ll be right out.”

He sat at the round table that was close to the door, admiring the arrangement of fresh

white flowers that sat in a mercury vase in the center. A low humming sound came from
beyond the closed door and he realized she was drying her hair.

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All right, this was odd. He didn’t sit around and wait for women drying their hair in

the bathroom when he went out with them, not that he really went out with anyone. He
was as bad as his brothers used to be, even worse. Steady girlfriends weren’t his style. He
rarely saw the same woman twice. Any time they came even close to doing something as
simple and intimate as spend time together outside of a bar, restaurant or bed, he was
outta there.

So here he sat, waiting for a woman he didn’t know in her hotel room while she

prepped for their dinner meeting. Uncomfortable and awkward, sitting at a table and not
knowing exactly what to say once she exited the bathroom.

He felt like a damn fool. The woman set him on edge and he wasn’t even sure if it was

her or the circumstance. Easier to blame the circumstance and everything hinged upon it.
Like his career.

Did Gabriella Durand realize how much his future depended on her? Probably not.
And he doubted he should tell her either.
Within minutes, she was exiting the bathroom, her face flushed from the heat, her

silken hair spilling down her back in natural waves. She slipped a hoop earring into one
ear as she searched about the room, her gaze locked on the floor. “So sorry to keep you
waiting. I’m almost ready.”

He stood because he thought he should, clasping his hands behind his back as she

approached the table. “No need to apologize.”

“Good, because I am feeling a bit scattered at the moment. I guess I’m more like my

father than I—oh! There they are.” She extended her leg, offering him a glimpse of her
knee and slender calf as she slipped first one shoe on, then the other. The same simple
flat sandals she’d worn to the Worth offices. She must’ve kicked them off when she
arrived at the hotel and they’d landed under the table. “I’m ready to go,” she said primly
once she had the shoes on.

It was rather intimate, watching a woman get ready to go out. Padding around

barefoot, her skin flushed and damp, a little harried, a lot sexy.

A lot sexy…
“You have everything?” he asked.
She grabbed her purse, which was slung over one of the chairs. “I do.”
His gaze flickered to the contract that sat on the bedside table. “Were you able to spend

some time reading over the contract?”

Nibbling on her lower lip, she followed his gaze, a little frown marring her expression.

“I tried.”

“And did you find the terms satisfactory?”
“Can we not talk of it until we arrive at the restaurant?” She flashed him a brilliant


“All right.” She was avoiding talking about the contract and worry immediately

consumed him. What if she planned on backing out? She might be looking for a free
meal, a one-night stay at a luxurious hotel and then she was out the next morning.
Leaving him exactly where he started.

In the shit hole and looking like a failure.

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They left the hotel and Rhett escorted her to a taxi that sat just outside, allowing her

entry first before he followed her inside. He shut the door behind him with a loud slam,
the silence within seeming extra quiet, and he breathed deep, taking in her unique, fresh

“I stink of cheap soap,” she muttered disgustedly.
He burst out laughing. “Was I that obvious in smelling you?”
“Yes. The hotel is lovely, but the soap they carry is mediocre at best and stinks

terribly.” She wrinkled her nose, shook her head. “I apologize if it’s offensive.”

“It’s not offensive at all. I think you smell good,” he drawled, keeping his voice soft so

he wouldn’t make her think he was flirting.

Because he wasn’t. Not really. It was work talk. Right?
Her cheeks turned a rosy pink at his compliment. “I’m being rude, insulting the soap

from the hotel of your choice.”

“You’re the professional.” He shrugged. “I don’t normally pay attention to things like


She frowned. “You don’t care about scent?”
“Oh, I care. Why else do you think I’m heading the project?”
“Now I’m insulting you. I should keep my mouth shut.” She ducked her head.
“You’re not insulting me.” He knew an insult when he heard one. He’d had enough

experience with them, especially from Hunter. “You have a sensitive nose so that’s why
you notice such things. You’re trained to do so.”

“I do have a sensitive nose. And I’m highly trained.” She lifted her head, her blue gaze

meeting his. If she was trying to run down her resume to impress him, she didn’t need to.
He had faith. Maybe blind faith, but there it was.

“So let me ask you a question.” He leaned in a little closer, his eyes riveted to her face.

There didn’t appear to be a hint of makeup on her skin, maybe some shimmery gloss on
her lush mouth but nothing else. Her cheeks were flushed from her earlier
embarrassment, giving her an innocent air he found impossibly alluring. “Do you think I
smell like cheap soap?”

Her lips parted, the faintest gasp emitting from her and he knew he shocked her with

his blatant question. But hell, he wanted her opinion. He’d been told he smelled good in
the past. He wasn’t going to deny it. He wasn’t one to slather on a variety of scents,
either. And he knew he’d get an honest answer out of her. “No,” she whispered, her eyes

He cocked a brow. “That’s all I get? A simple no? No analysis, no breakdown of the

various products I use?”

She shook her head. “You don’t use much.”
“And how can you tell?” He was challenging her but he was truly curious.
“You don’t smell like a variety of products.” She sounded stiff, nervous, and he

instantly regretted making her feel that way.

They remained silent for a moment. Rhett glanced out the window, watching the city

lights pass by as the driver headed to the chosen restaurant. He looked at his watch, saw
that they had plenty of time and thankfully, traffic was light.

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But he couldn’t stop mulling over Gabriella’s assessment. How did she know that he

didn’t use much? What exactly did she mean by that? And did she think he smelled bad?
Odd? Good?

He was dying to know. Jesus, he was acting like a vain, arrogant ass.
“So what exactly do I smell like?”
Their gazes met yet again and she studied him for a moment before she answered.

“You’re not wearing cologne.”

“You’re right.” He’d run out of the last one he’d owned and never replaced it.
“Your deodorant is unscented.”
Right again. Though for whatever reason, he was embarrassed to confirm that

observation. No one he knew spoke of deodorant.

Rhett frowned. Now he was thinking like a prim little miss.
“The soap you use has a hint of pine. Musk.” She shook her head, her lips turning up at

the corners. “If you knew what the base of musk was, you’d stop using it.”

“That bad?”
“Awful.” She smiled and it was like an arrow pierced his heart. She was gorgeous in

her simplicity. Like a ray of sunshine. “I’ll spare you the details.”

“I’ll let it go for now. But eventually, I expect you tell to me.” He shook a finger at her.
She laughed. “I think your shampoo matches your body wash. You do use body wash,

right? Versus a bar of soap?”

“Right again, to both questions.” He was impressed. She was dissecting him by scent

and so far, she was dead-on accurate.

“Interesting. Most men lay it on thick. Too thick.” She wrinkled her nose again, a

gesture he found endearingly adorable.

“So do most women.”
“Agreed.” She tilted her head toward him with a delicate sniff. “Without all the false

layers, your true scent comes through much more clearly.”

“And do you find that offensive?” He had to ask. He knew she wasn’t made up of

layers of false scents either. Besides the soap, which was starting to wear off, he could
smell something else. Flowery, delicate, sweet and simple, she smelled much like he
thought of her.

Interesting observation.
“Of course not.” She reared back, as if shocked by his question. He sounded like a

wimp, asking such a thing but he couldn’t help it. Her opinion mattered. “Scent is a very
powerful thing you know, especially when it comes to attraction.”

“I know.” Hell yeah, he knew. Just spending the last few minutes with her, sitting so

close, he was becoming aroused by her nearness. Her scent.

“You have a very pleasant smell,” she stated primly.
He wanted to laugh but held it in. She sounded like a proper schoolteacher from the

nineteenth century. It made him wonder if she felt the same crazy attraction as he did.
He couldn’t act on it. It would be career suicide if he did. For once in his life, he was on
the straight and narrow and he found he liked it. He didn’t want to screw it up either,
since he was desperate for his brothers’ approval.

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If he could make this happen, if he and Gabriella could create the perfect women’s

scent that turned into a rousing success, then he could take it to the next level. A men’s
scent, an entire scent family, it was all possible. He would be president of the parfum
division and Hunter would finally have to agree Rhett knew what the hell he was doing.
He wasn’t the screwup, fuck-around baby brother any longer.

He’d grown up, damn it. And he wasn’t about to allow himself to become distracted

by the pretty perfumer who had him intrigued.

No matter how badly he wanted to be distracted.

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Chapter Four

“More wine, miss?”
Ella parted her lips, ready to decline, but the waiter proceeded to refill her glass, not

waiting for her reply. Worry whispered through her and she nibbled on her lower lip.

She was drinking too much and eating little—a lethal combination. Her third glass of

wine and it was all going straight to her head. Cold and crisp, with a delicate, fruity taste
and heady fragrance, it was by far the most delicious wine she’d ever consumed.

And consume it she did.
Besides the wine, the food was amazing, what little she ate of it. The restaurant was

beautiful, dark and intimate, and the service impeccable. She felt like a princess, her
every whim indulged.

“Want dessert?”
The deep, rich voice of Rhett Worth was another, albeit secret, indulgence. Gooseflesh

erupted all over her skin every time he spoke and she was acutely aware of the intimacy
of the situation. It didn’t feel like a dinner meeting between business associates, though
they’d certainly discussed the terms of the contract, Rhett putting any of her spoken
worries at ease.

But there were other deeper, unsaid worries. Sexy worries that screamed caution. She

was detrimentally attracted to him, everything about him. And she labeled it detrimental
because even having these feelings was dangerous to her well being. Her career, her
future, her…everything.

“No, thank you,” she finally said, grabbing her glass and gulping from it. Big mistake.

The moment she set the glass on the table, her head spun. She was definitely tipsy. She
needed to lay off before she progressed into full-blown drunk.

Had she ever been full-blown drunk? She didn’t think so.
“They have the best cheesecake in the world.” Oh, he was a devil, tempting her with

cheesecake, her absolute favorite dessert. His blue eyes twinkled and his smile was full of
mischief. He must’ve been a hellion as a boy, probably got away with anything and
everything, what with how he exuded so much natural charm.

Charm she was falling for, though she was a fool to even consider it.
“I hate cheesecake,” she lied.
His smile grew, a faint dimple appearing. Oh, he was cute. Handsome. Sexy. “I think

you’re lying. Who hates cheesecake?”

She sighed. “Fine, you twisted my arm.” He hadn’t twisted anything, she’d caved way

too easily and his wicked grin told her he knew this.

With her luck, he’d use it against her later. Maybe hold his body against her too…
Ella slapped her hand over her mouth, covering her unwanted gasp. Where did that

thought come from?

“You won’t regret it,” he said just before he stopped the waiter from passing by. “One

slice of cheesecake, please, and we’ll need two forks.”

“We’re going to share?” Oh, dear. That felt even more intimate. This bogus dinner

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meeting was more like a date. Not that she’d been on a lot of dates, considering the guys
she’d been with in the past had been friends that morphed into relationships. She’d been
younger then and terribly broke, as her past boyfriends had been too.

“It’s a huge piece,” he explained, sounding perfectly logical. “It’s smarter if we share.”
“Oh.” Well. She couldn’t protest that, could she? “Listen, I don’t know what’s

happening between us here.”

He arched a brow. Wow, he was good at that. “What do you mean?”
“This dinner meeting we’re having.”
“I thought it went well.” He paused and studied her, as if carefully gauging her mood.

“We’re still in agreement, aren’t we? You’re not going to back out.”

“No,” she said vehemently, shaking her head. “Of course not.”
“Then what’s the problem?” He sounded genuinely perplexed.
Which in turn, filled her with doubt. Was she overreacting? Maybe the wine had gone

to her head faster than she thought. “Never mind.” She waved her hand. “I’m being

“No, tell me. What’s bothering you?”
The waiter magically appeared, brandishing a plate with the most heavenly looking

slice of cheesecake she’d ever seen. “Enjoy,” he said once he set the plate between them,
resting each fork on either side.

“Wow.” Ella eagerly reached for her fork, thankful for the interruption. Crisis avoided,

thank goodness. The last thing she needed was to make an utter fool out of herself. “This
looks amazing.”

“Dig in,” he encouraged, and she did, though she noticed he held back. He watched

her, making her incredibly self-conscious, and she hoped he wouldn’t bring the
uncomfortable subject back up.

But the moment the bite of cheesecake hit her taste buds, all thoughts of embarrassing

admissions disappeared. “Oh, my God,” she groaned, trying her best to savor the bite
before she swallowed. The slight tartness of the cheesecake combined with a hint of
lemon, the sugary graham cracker crust and the homemade whipped cream…

“You like it?” His voice was tight, as was his expression.
“Yes,” she practically purred, forking up another bite. A bit of cream stuck to the

corner of her mouth and she darted out her tongue, licking it away. Caught sight of
Rhett’s heated gaze locked on her mouth.

The breath left her body when she saw that look. His lids were lowered, but they

didn’t disguise the desire she saw flaring in his eyes. Maybe this weird is-it-a-date/are-
we-attracted-to-each-other thing she was feeling wasn’t so off after all.

Reaching for her virtually untouched glass of water, she took a few swallows, then

waved her fork in Rhett’s direction. “Have some. There’s no way I can finish it.”

“Are you sure? You seem to be—enjoying it.” He practically choked out the last two

words, and her cheeks heated at the sexual undertones.

“I am enjoying it. But I’d rather we share,” she suggested softly. “I don’t want to be a

complete pig.”

“You couldn’t be a pig if you tried,” he drawled, stabbing his fork into the cheesecake

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and bringing a bite to his mouth.

His beautiful, finely sculpted mouth, she might add. She watched in breathless

fascination as he wrapped his lips around the tines of the fork, heard the little murmur of
approval when he tasted the creamy dessert. Her body responded instantly to that
discreet sound. Nipples hard, skin tingling, she swallowed against the sudden lump in
her throat.

“Good?” she asked, then cleared her throat.
“Delicious,” he murmured once he swallowed. He pointed his empty fork at her.

“Have another bite.”

It was seduction over shared cheesecake, that was all she could think. Their murmured

noises of pleasure, the way he would look at her, their knees bumping into each other
beneath the table. Talks of contracts and legal terms were long forgotten, and she found
herself staring at his too-handsome face, wondering what sort of kisser he was.

Probably a really exceptional one, she thought dreamily as she dragged her fork

through the bits of leftover cheesecake stuck to the plate. Probably the type who would
start out slow, cupping her face with gentle fingers, brushing his lips against hers before
he darted his tongue out for a teasing, tempting lick…

The waiter came and cleared the rest of their plates, offering the check to Rhett with a

subtle slide across the table. He pulled his black American Express card from the sleek
leather wallet—made by Worth—and handed it to the waiter, who took it with an eager
nod and promise to be right back.

She admired his ability to be so commanding with such little effort. Quite frankly, he

reeked of it. Everything about him was wealthy perfection, from the perfectly cut hair to
the very expensive clothes. Not to mention his exquisite good looks…

“We’d like for you to meet with us tomorrow at Worth. My brothers and I,” he added

when she frowned. “Alex wants to finalize everything before we move on to the next
step. Plus, we have the brief to give you.”

Oh. Talk about men who reeked of power and wealth. Meeting with all three of the

Worth brothers at once was going to be a lesson in learning how to move past
intimidation. “And what exactly is the next step?”

“I haven’t told you. My apologies.” He shook his head, looking thoroughly disgusted

with himself. “Well, my plans are to go to Hawaii—Maui specifically. Do a scent tour of
the island, if you will.”

Her father had done many scent tours as had she. “I’ve never been to the Hawaiian


“Really? That surprises me.”
It surprised her too. “I’ve been to many tropical locations. The Caribbean, Jamaica,

Turks and Caicos, but we never went to Hawaii. So you’re going for a tropical scent?”
She knew this, she’d looked over the brief they’d sent her father accompanied by the

“Tropical elegance, we hope. Alex came up with that description. So many island-

based scents are cheap versions of what we think it should smell like. Piña coladas,
coconut, pineapples. You know what I mean?”

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“I do.” She’d never been a fan of tropical scents and now she was being asked to create


A challenge if she ever heard it.
“I don’t want any of that shit. Pardon,” he added quickly, making her smile. “When

you get off the plane on any of the Hawaiian Islands, the first thing you notice is the
scent. It’s so heavy in the air, a mixture of the salty ocean breezes, the plumeria flowers
on the trees and I don’t know what else, but I want to capture that. I want you to capture

Her head already buzzed with ideas but she kept her composure. She didn’t want to

appear too excited. “Do you want the scent to be cool or hot?”

He frowned. “Excuse me?”
She waved a hand. “Scents have temperature. Most are balanced and I can control that.

Make it warm like the sun or cool like an ocean breeze.”

“Hmm.” He rubbed a hand along his firm jaw. “I like the idea of both.”
“I can mix both.”
“I’m sure you can.”
How did those words sound so…sexual when really it was a simple sentence? She

decided it best to change the subject. “I can’t wait to go to Maui. When do we leave?”

“Monday.” Rhett made a face, as if afraid of her reaction.
“But that’s in…” It was Thursday night. He was giving her virtually no time to get

anything together. Make arrangements for her dad.

“I know, and I’m sorry. But we have to get a move on with this project.” He smiled

apologetically. “Since it was delayed and all.”

The unspoken words hung heavy between them. Delayed by her father’s avoidance

tactics, though she knew Rhett would never say it, he was far too polite, but it was the
truth. And for whatever twisted reason, she couldn’t help but feel some responsibility for

“Monday won’t be a problem,” she said with a slight nod. “You can count on me to be

ready to leave first thing.”

The waiter reappeared with Rhett’s credit card and the sales slip. He signed it with a

flourish, handed over the pen to the waiter, who bobbed his head at the both of them
before he hurried away, swallowed up by the crowded restaurant.

“I appreciate your willingness,” he said once he’d shoved his wallet into the back

pocket of his jeans. “I hope you don’t mind spending a few days with me on Maui.”

Lord help her, she could never admit the idea of spending any amount of days with

Rhett Worth on a tropical island was vastly appealing.

“I don’t mind,” she murmured.
“Good.” He smiled that devilish smile, the one that lit his eyes and struck terror in her

heart, and stood. “I’ll escort you back to the hotel.”

“That’s not necessary,” she started but he cut her off.
“It’s the least I can do.”
Grabbing her glass of wine, she swallowed it down, wincing when she felt the alcohol

race through her veins. She stood on wobbly legs and followed him through the

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restaurant toward the entrance, caught sight of more than one woman shooting an
admiring glance in Rhett’s direction as he passed.

How she wished she could lay claim on him, but she had no right. And he didn’t think

of her that way, what with them about to work so closely together.

But then she remembered the heated looks, the seductive tones, the cheesecake…
Her cheeks flamed with embarrassment. Cheesecake! She’d really lost her mind if she

thought they could have a pretend moment over a dessert. She needed a good night’s
rest. Clearly she was crazy.

They emerged outside into the warm summer night, the cars whizzing by on the busy

street before them, the insistent honks and screeching brakes loud. It was late, they’d
been in the restaurant for hours, and nary a lingering taxi was in sight.

“Damn,” he muttered as they stood side by side on the curb, watching the cars pass.

The occasional taxi would speed by, service lights off and she swore she heard him utter
an even stronger curse. “This will take forever.”

“We can walk,” she suggested.
He sent her a measured look. “You must be kidding.”
“Not really. I’m not wearing heels.” She lifted her foot to show off the practical—and

very comfortable—sandal she wore. “How bad can it be? I can handle it.”

“We’re a few miles away from the hotel.”
“I can do it if you can.”
There went that smile again, the one that sent electric zings straight to her weak and

pitiful heart—and other, more intimate places. “Are you challenging me?” he asked.

“Maybe.” She lifted her chin, going for the defiant look.
“Well, game on then,” he said with relish. “And no complaints.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t complain,” she said cheerily.

Fifteen minutes later and Rhett knew Gabriella was dying to complain. She kept her

mouth shut though, and trudged on like a good little soldier. He’d warned her that the
walk would be long.

He’d done his part and he definitely hadn’t lied. It was taking forever to get there,

hindered by Gabriella’s limping and occasional whimper. He’d carry her if he could, but
she’d probably have slapped him if he attempted it.

And damn if he wasn’t tempted…
The walk was good. The distance gave him time to contemplate what the hell

happened over dinner.

Had she felt it? That undeniable, mysterious attraction simmering between them every

time they looked at each other? He certainly had, watched it intensify throughout the
night until dessert, when it really started ratcheting up.

He’d never thought eating a shared piece of cheesecake could be a prelude to foreplay,

but Gabriella more than proved him wrong.

“Doing all right?” he couldn’t resist asking. Was just waiting for her to finally give in

and confess the walk was killing her.

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But she surprised him yet again. “I’m fine.” The haughty princess voice held a

trembling edge of misery and he knew she was probably hurting.

She just refused to admit it.
“Feel like jogging?” Now he was being an ass, but he couldn’t help it.
“You must be kidding me,” she muttered, clearly irritated.
He laughed. “Just admit it. Your feet are killing you.”
“It’s not my feet, it’s my legs.” He glanced back at her, saw the way she bit her lip as if

she regretted the admission. Pausing, he waited for her to catch up to him. “I thought I
was in better shape. Clearly I’m not.”

She looked in fantastic shape to him he wanted to say, but held it in. The flirtation

needed to stop. He needed to set the following mantra on repeat in his head.

Just business. Just business. Just business.
Instead, he could only concentrate on the length of her legs, the dip of her waist, the

way the fabric of her dress clung to her breasts. Her hair was a little wild from the
humidity in the air and her skin positively glowed.

Just looking at her and he wanted to haul her into his arms and kiss her until she was

breathless—until the both of them were breathless. Completely inappropriate but there it

And he didn’t know how to handle it. He wasn’t the cool, calm Alex. And he wasn’t

the persuasive, determined Hunter, either. They’d know how to deal with this sort of
situation. They wouldn’t fuck it up and make a mess of it.

Dumbass. They met their wives at work. They both fooled around with them for months on the

sly. And they were both crazy enough to get their women pregnant, for the love of God.

He was beating himself up for nothing. How could they give him grief when they both

did the very thing he was trying to resist? Yet he still didn’t want to take it any further. It
was dangerous. It was crazy.

It was also incredibly tempting.
“I give up.” She threw her hands in the air in surrender. “You’re right. Can we get a

taxi now?”

“Wait a minute. What did you say?”
She rolled her eyes. He liked how good-natured she was when he teased her. Most

women told him to knock it off or got straight-up pissed at him. “You heard me. I said
you were right.

Ah, she knew just how to feed his ego. Good girl. “Let’s get that taxi you so desperately

need.” He went to the curb and waved his hand. Luckily, a cab pulled right over.

Ella hurried toward the taxi in obvious relief, her soft sigh of gratitude going straight to

his dick. Swallowing hard, he tried to keep his gaze off her glorious backside as she
climbed into the backseat of the cab.

But his eyes clearly had a mind of their own, zeroing in on the delectable curve with

expert precision. He followed behind her reluctantly, afraid of what might happen once
they got inside the close confines of the car. Again.

He was asking for trouble. And she was drunk, in pain and adorable.
In other words, she was terribly hard to resist.

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“Be strong,” he muttered under his breath as he climbed into the car.
“Did you say something?”
Rhett met her gaze. Her brows drawn, her mouth pursed, she looked perplexed. Cute.
“Wasn’t me.” He smiled grimly and yanked the door shut. “Warwick Hotel,” he told

the driver who nodded in reply and pulled out into traffic.

“Thank you for not giving me a bunch of grief,” she said, her voice solemn. “And for

getting the taxi so quickly.”

“You’re welcome.” He kept his response short, tried his best not to look in her

direction. He breathed in her sweet, delicate scent, unable to avoid it and he watched in
disbelief as she bent her legs toward him, her knee brushing against his.

Christ. She couldn’t touch him, even an innocent gesture like that was bad. He drank

too much wine and was feeling way too inclined to act on all of the impulsive urges that
were pinging inside of him.

He’d always done it before, giving in when he shouldn’t have. It was what got him

into so much trouble. Only in the last year had he tried his best to straighten up and fly

Gabriella Durand inspired him to give it all up, toss it aside and damn the


“What time did you want to meet tomorrow?”
“What?” Jerking his head up, he looked at her. Big mistake.
She smiled prettily and his heart tripped. “The meeting you mentioned earlier with

your brothers. What time would you like me to come?”

He’d like her to come anytime—again and again, if she was up for it. Could only

imagine what it might take to make her come too…

“I’ll have my assistant call you first thing in the morning with a time. Hope that works

for you,” he gritted out, pissed at himself. Last thing he needed to do was imagine
Gabriella in his arms, his mouth fused with hers, his fingers stroking between her legs,
making good on his imagined promise.

Clearly he was trying to give himself a heart attack.
“That’s fine.” She nodded, catching her plump lower lip with her teeth.
He swallowed a groan, growing weaker with each second that passed. The wine was

getting to him. It was the only explanation. “You gotta stop doing that,” he protested

She frowned, a little crease appearing between her brows. “Doing what?” Clearly she

was confused.

And clearly, he sounded like a damn fool. “Never mind.”
“Are you all right?” The concern in her voice was real. The way she reached out and

touched his knee was also real. Terrifyingly, exhilaratingly real. “You’re acting kind of

He wanted to burst. Had he ever been this tempted? Had he ever denied himself like

this before?

Nope. Didn’t think so.
“I’m fine.” He nodded, as if he could convince himself. “Really.”

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She squeezed his knee in…sympathy? Yeah, sympathy, that’s what it was. Surely it

couldn’t be anything else. “Maybe that walk wore you out after all.”

Oh no, she wore him out. Or more like, she riled him up. He couldn’t get over this all-

encompassing need that consumed him. That made him want to revert to his old ways
and do whatever the hell he wanted, damn the consequences.

“Though you look like you’re in good shape,” she murmured, her grip loosening on his

knee and—holy hell—she slid her hand up his thigh. “I don’t see how a little walk could
leave you looking so overexerted.”

Was she making a move on him? No freaking way. “It wasn’t the walk.”
Her hand paused mid-thigh. “It wasn’t?”
Damn. Her touch burned through the fabric of his jeans, searing his skin. She’d scooted

closer to him somehow, her leg pressed against his and he knew he was in big trouble.

Wrapping his fingers around her slender wrist, he stopped her from going any further.

“You’re venturing into dangerous territory,” he warned in his sternest, gruffest voice.

She parted her lips, darted out her tongue for a quick lick before she spoke. “Maybe I

want to live a little dangerously.”

“Is this the wine talking?” If she was crazy drunk, no way would he do anything.
He couldn’t believe he was contemplating doing something.
Slowly she shook her head, her thumb doing a slow glide across his thigh. His entire

body went rigid, one vicinity in particular. “We’ve been flirting all night.”

So she was aware of it. Thank God. “Flirting and business don’t mix.”
“I can be professional if you can.”
It was definitely the wine talking. He removed her hand from his thigh, setting it on

top of hers instead. Which was a mistake, considering he touched her, felt the firm length
of her flesh beneath the thin material of her dress. Reaction was automatic, smoothing his
hand down her thigh to settle at her knee, and he leaned in, breathing in her heady scent,
so close they shared the same breath. “We shouldn’t do this,” he whispered.

She bent her head back, her gaze meeting his, her mouth close enough that he could

taste her. “I agree.”

Well, at least they were on the same page. “So let’s not and say we did. Or say we

never did.”

“I—don’t know if I want to agree with that.”
Giving in, he pressed his mouth to hers. Once. For only a few tantalizing, agonizing

seconds and then he broke away from her. In time to see the myriad of emotions cross
her expressive face. Lust, confusion, want, hesitation, frustration.

He felt all of those things and more.
“That will have to be enough,” he said, full of regret as he moved away from her.
The cab screeched to a halt, its timing absolute perfection. “We’re at the hotel,” Rhett

murmured. Unable to resist, he reached out, trailed his finger down the length of her
creamy soft cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

She nodded mutely, reaching for the door handle. Sending him one long last look, she

turned her back on him and climbed out of the cab, slamming the door behind her so
hard he jumped in his seat.

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Rhett rattled off his address to the cab driver and settled against the seat, breathing a

sigh of relief. The car merged into traffic, pulling away from the Warwick Hotel, away
from the most tempting woman he’d ever met in his life.

Maybe she was mad at him, he had no clue. But it was better than sleeping with her.
Not that any sleeping would’ve been involved…
Chuckling to himself, he shook his head. Getting all riled up over such a seemingly

innocent woman. She was cute. She had a bangin’ bod she kept under wraps. But she was
their future employee and no way could he risk this project. He had everything to lose.

Resisting Gabriella Durand was building up to be the biggest challenge of his life.

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Chapter Five

“Miss Durand? They’re ready for you.”
The smooth, dulcet tones of the woman’s voice pulled Ella from her thoughts and she

glanced up, saw the secretary smiling down at her patiently. She’d been waiting in the
lobby of the executive floor at Worth Luxury, nerves eating at her at having to meet with
the Worth brothers all at once. Rhett was intimidating enough.

Depositing the magazine she’d been clutching onto the little table beside her, she

stood, smoothing the front of her pants with trembling hands before she fell into step
behind the woman who led her down a wide corridor toward a conference room.

Memories of last night’s dinner meeting still lingered in her mind. More specifically,

that moment in the cab when she’d touched him and he’d touched her, when their lips
had met far too briefly.

She’d been so angry when he rejected her, but upon reflection he’d done the right

thing. They were going to work together and a night of reckless sex after indulging in too
much drink had disaster written all over it.

Fun, mind-blowing disaster, but a disaster nevertheless.
Pushing the worrisome thoughts from her head, she studied the woman in front of her

who was dressed to absolute perfection. Crisp white shirt, fitted black skirt and the
highest heels Ella had ever set eyes on. She walked with ease in those intimidating shoes,
her long dark ponytail swinging as she turned her head this way and that, smiling and
waving at people they passed by.

Ella glanced down at her simple black flats, a step up from the sandals she’d worn

yesterday, but that wasn’t saying much. She wore plain khakis with a pale blue button-
up shirt and a thin black cardigan, looking like she walked straight out of the Gap, which
she had. If she was being truthful, she lacked polish, especially for an important meeting
at a luxury fashion house in the middle of Manhattan.

How could the Worth brothers take her seriously when she looked like this? Dowdy

and uninspired, completely untrendy, she’d probably look a mess to these men with
impeccable—and rather discerning—taste.

She really should’ve rethought her outfit choice this morning but she’d woken late, her

head pounding from last evening’s wine consumption. Regret over that stupid too-brief
kiss, her behavior, all of it.

What if Rhett backed out? What if he’d told his brothers she was a wanton—albeit

failed—seductress who was too much trouble to deal with? She’d be devastated to get so
far only to be sent packing.

“Here you go.” The secretary stopped in front of an open doorway and waved a hand,

indicating Ella should go inside. “Would you care for anything to drink? I can bring you
some water or coffee if you’d like. Maybe tea?”

“I’m fine, thank you.” Everyone was so solicitous, so kind. It almost made her


She walked inside the room, her steps faltering when the three men who sat at the

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table turned to look at her. Alex, Hunter and Rhett Worth watched as she approached,
power exuding from them in tangible waves. All three of them were clad in expensive
designer suits. Colorful silk ties by Worth Luxury circled their necks.

Alex sent his brothers a measured look before he stood, the other two following his

lead, and he came toward Ella with his hand extended, a polite smile curling his lips.
“Alexander Worth. So glad you could join us today, Miss Durand.”

“Thank you.” She took his hand, marveled that she didn’t feel a thing when he

touched her. “It’s nice to meet you.”

She turned to Hunter, who introduced himself with gracious charm, his blue eyes

twinkling when it was his turn to shake her hand. Again, she wondered why she felt
absolutely nothing when he touched her.

Then she found Rhett standing in front of her, that lazy smile of his in full effect,

making her knees weaken. He took her hand, gave it a more intimate squeeze versus the
formal pump of a firm handshake. “Good to see you again, Gabriella. I trust you slept

Heat sparked where their hands connected and his intimate question had her insides

quivering. Their brief kiss came to mind and she was thankful he didn’t act awkward or
try to ignore her. “I did, thank you.”

He released her hand, his fingers sliding over the top of hers and she barely restrained

the shiver that overtook her at his simple touch. The smile grew, his eyes darkened as if
perhaps his thoughts were the same as hers. Talk of sleeping well made her think of beds,
which made her think of Rhett in her bed. Keeping her awake long through the night
while he touched her, kissed her everywhere…

She wouldn’t be complaining of lack of sleep if that were the case.
“Have a seat.” He placed his hand at the small of her back and escorted her to a chair,

pulling it out for her before she sat. Settling in beside her, he rested his arm on top of the
table, his hand splayed, fingers rubbing against the shiny surface of the tabletop. His
large watch drew her attention to his wrist, the fine dark hairs that grew there.

That hand had touched her last night. It had slid along her thigh with smooth,

calculated precision, sending every nerve ending screaming with delight.

“Our human resources manager should be here any minute. Once she arrives, then we

can begin discussions,” he explained.

Ella nodded, her gaze locked on his hand. The tip of his fingers did a slow glide. Down,

then up, his fingers bent at the knuckles before they slid down again. Almost as if he was
caressing the table, she couldn’t help but imagine those long, elegant fingers traveling
along her bare skin, tracing a pattern around her nipple before they slipped down her
belly, to finally stroke between her legs...

“Sorry I’m late!”
The woman’s breathless apology jerked Ella from her ridiculous imaginings. Tearing

her gaze away from Rhett’s hand, she met the woman’s kind gaze as she sat across from
her. She smiled in greeting, a harried expression on her face.

“This is Becky. She’s our human resources manager,” Rhett leaned over to murmur in

her ear. The hairs at the back of her neck stood on end, her skin tingling at his nearness

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and she willed the strange reaction to him away.

But it didn’t go away. It only seemed to get worse the longer she sat there, so close to

him, his scent washing over her, his voice…all of it a lethal combination to her senses. All
three of the brothers sounded similar when they spoke but not a one of them sent shivers
down her spine like Rhett did.

She couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t focus on the important matter at hand i.e., her

future and career. That she would let a man she didn’t know distract her so completely
was so unlike her, she wondered if an alien had somehow invaded her body and took

Her thoughts were ridiculous. Yet being near him was secretly thrilling. Did he feel the

same way? Or had he merely humored her last night with the quick kiss before he
dumped her off at the hotel?

“You met with your lawyer this morning, is that correct?” Alex’s question broke

through her cloudy mind and she nodded in response. “Good. I’d hoped you would have
the contract vetted before agreeing to sign. What sort of advice were you given in regards
to the contract?”

The Worth family was nothing if not direct. They cut right to the point, every one of

them. “He found nothing glaringly wrong with it, though he did point out the six-month
term was a bit short.” She thought so too but believed six months would be more than
enough time to prove she was the right person for the job.

Rhett shot Alex a pointed stare before he turned his attention to Ella. “I’m hoping that

you’ll agree to the terms, then, Gabriella?”

He seemed to prefer calling her by her full name, though she’d permitted him to call

her by her nickname. But she didn’t protest, liking the way he said it. “I would be happy
to work for Worth Luxury.” Her father’s lawyer hadn’t advised against it. And it really
was like a dream come true.

“Wonderful.” The grin that broke out across Rhett’s face stunned her stupid. “I hope

you realize this means we’re going to be working very closely together.”

She nodded weakly, also realizing she didn’t find that a problem.
Though something deep within her said she probably should.

“Got her where you want her, don’t you?” Hunter stabbed his index finger directly

into Rhett’s chest. “Don’t screw this up by screwing her.”

Rhett backed away from his brother’s abnormally sharp finger. “I have no plans on

screwing her.” Rubbing his chest, he glared. Damn Hunter for somehow seeing into
Rhett’s mind.

Screwing her was exactly what he wanted to do to Gabriella, but knowing how his

brothers would act, he’d done the right thing last night. Set her away from him before
that kiss got too out of hand, no matter how much it pained him.

He’d been left with his racing thoughts the rest of the night. What might’ve happened

if he’d continued that kiss? It was ridiculous, dwelling so much on such a chaste kiss.

But her lips had been soft, damp and plush. The catch in her breath when he pulled

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away, as if she hadn’t wanted that kiss to end, as if she wanted more…

It got to him when, really, he shouldn’t give a damn.
Anticipation rode him hard all morning and now that he’d finally seen her, he couldn’t

help but think she looked a bit of a hot mess. Her long, wavy hair was unruly, as if not a
drop of product had ever touched it and again, not a lick of makeup on her face. No
jewelry, not even earrings dotted her ears, and her clothes were rumpled, a little faded,
like they’d seen the inside of a washer and dryer more times than he could count.

He felt like a conceited ass, mentally ruminating over her fashion faults, but damn. The

woman was the epitome of the pretty-but-naïve country girl come down to the big city.
Left alone in Manhattan, she’d be eaten alive in minutes.

He saw the pitying smile Becky had shot in Gabriella’s direction earlier. He could

practically read her mind as Becky drank her in.

Poor, pitiful thing.
He’d thought much the same. So he couldn’t blame Becky. Hell, they were all snobs at

Worth. They lived and breathed fashion. Glamorous, jet-setting lives, that was the
message Worth Luxury portrayed and all three of them tried to live as close to that
message as possible. His brothers were most likely the biggest snobs of the bunch, even
worse than him.

“Don’t worry, she doesn’t come close to Rhett’s usual type,” Alex said to Hunter in


Case in point.
Becky had escorted Gabriella out of the meeting the moment Alex gave her the signal.

They were most likely sitting quietly in Becky’s office at this very moment, someone from
legal with them as they went over the contract yet again and had Gabriella sign all the
paperwork that came along with working for Worth Luxury.

“He does like blondes,” Hunter said, shaking his head.
“Yeah, fake ones,” Alex added.
Rhett was starting to feel insulted. “You two talk like I’m not here standing in front of


They all seemed reluctant to leave the room. It was a Friday afternoon and they had

weekend fever. “We’re just giving you crap,” Alex said. “We know you won’t mess
around with her.”

Hunter snorted. “Yeah, right.”
Rhett shot Hunter a death glare before he turned his back on him. “I’m tired of

defending myself. Besides, the both of you met your wives at work. So the constant ‘don’t
screw around with the help’ message is pretty damn hypocritical.”

“He has a valid point.” Alex clapped him on the shoulder, sending a pointed look in

Hunter’s direction. “We need to lay off and let him do his thing.”

“I can’t help my concerns,” Hunter started, but Rhett cut him off, turning to face him

once more.

“Why are you so damn hard on me all the time? Do you really think I’m that big of a

jackass? Would you rather I leave so you wouldn’t have to see my face every single day?

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Push me out of the city like you did before?”

“I had nothing to do with you going to California. You brought that all on yourself,”

Hunter pointed out.

“Right. As usual, thanks for the reminder.” He was sick and fucking tired of Hunter’s

mouth, the constant turbulence that made up their relationship. Gracie had tried her best
to be the mediator between the two of them. It had even worked…for a while.

But just like that, Rhett showed any signs of weakness and Hunter was all over him.

Getting his digs in, he was never afraid to voice his concerns whatsoever. In fact, he took
great pleasure in pointing out what a giant screwup Rhett was.

“The way you handle yourself for the next six months while you work with Gabriella

will be telling,” Hunter said, his voice, his expression serious. There was no anger there,
just brutal, honest truth. “I want to believe in you, Rhett. I really do.”

“Then do it. Don’t stand there and insult me like you’ve always done. Support me.”

Rhett shook his head, trying his best to fight off the wave of disappointment that
threatened to crash over him. The battle had grown old and he was weary fighting it.
“Believe in me.”

Alex rested his hand on Rhett’s shoulder in a show of support. “Give Hunter time.

He’ll come around.”

“I doubt that,” Rhett muttered, wishing like hell he didn’t doubt it.
“Hey, now you two are talking like I’m not here.” Hunter frowned.
Alex glanced at the clock on the wall. “It’s only three, but I need to leave. We have

plans to go to the country this weekend.” He’d bought a small farm an hour outside the
city, for the love of God, wanting to give his family a taste of sprawling green grass, trees
and cows mooing in the nearby pasture. Visiting there made Rhett realize what a city boy
he was.

And how much he preferred it that way.
“I should go too. Gracie’s getting restless being cooped up with Michael all day.”

Hunter smiled. That same goofy look he always got when he talked about his wife and
son crossed his face. “She wants to go out to dinner.”

“You should come out to our house,” Alex suggested. “Spend the weekend there.”
“I don’t want to impose…”
“You’re never imposing. Tessa would love it.” Alex turned to Rhett. “You can come

too, if you’d like.”

“No thanks. I have too much to do. I’m hoping we’ll leave first thing Monday.”
“Use the jet,” Hunter suggested.
“I don’t want to waste so much fuel. Carbon footprint and all.” That one woman he’d

dated for about a month late last year had gone on and on about carbon footprints. An
environmentalist who’d taken everything to the extreme, she’d harped on Rhett enough
to push him away.

But he’d never forgotten her impassioned speeches about protecting the environment.
“Check the schedule. If no one is using it, you can take it and leave it there,” Alex said.
“What about the crew?”
“You think they’ll protest spending a few days in Hawaii?” Hunter chuckled. “If I

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wasn’t so busy, I’d insist on accompanying you.”

Christ, the very last thing Rhett wanted, his irritating brother constantly looking over

his shoulder the entire trip. He had a vision, a plan for when they went to Maui and he
didn’t want to explain it to Hunter. He’d probably laugh at him.

That wouldn’t build his confidence. More like Hunter’s taunts would tear it down and

rip it to shreds.

“Use the jet,” Alex said. “You can leave and return when need be and it really won’t

cost that much extra. Just do it, Rhett.”

Just do it, Rhett.

The words could be applied to so many things, including exploring his

unusual interest in Gabriella Durand.

He didn’t get it. And there was no use in trying to get it either. He was attracted to her.

Her straightforwardness, the way she spoke, the sound of her voice. Beneath the
lackluster outfits was a stunning, lithe body. He could tell. He’d eyed enough women in
his lifetime to recognize a shapely figure when he saw one.

Well. She wasn’t what he would call curvy. Willowy, slender, small breasts, gently

flared hips and long legs, Ella was built like a fawn. Sweet and inquisitive, shy and
undeniably alluring, she called to him.

And he was taking her to one of the most romantic spots on earth. He’d never taken a

woman to Maui. Oh, he’d met plenty of them when he’d visited there in the past, but
taking one was a whole different level of commitment—one he never messed with.

Regardless that this trip was for work, it still felt…heavy, going to Hawaii with her.

Especially when he considered what was in store for them while they were on the island.

A sensual, intimate experience with the five senses is what he planned. Evoking the

various scents of the islands, he wanted to capture all of it. And he wanted Gabriella to
see that, smell it, experience it.

He would be right beside her, accompanying her every step of the way.

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Chapter Six

Sunday afternoon, and Ella was a bundle of nervous energy. The frenetic rush of the

city set her on edge, made her feel almost guilty for lounging around a hotel room, doing
absolutely nothing. But she had no choice—where would she go? She’d spent most of
Saturday on the phone, making arrangements for her father. He definitely needed
someone to check in on him, make sure he hadn’t set the house on fire or buried himself
under a pile of mulch while she was gone.

She’d ended up on the phone with him over an hour last night. He’d gone on and on,

claiming he was worried about her. Was she prepared for this job she’d so rashly taken
on? Did she understand what she was getting herself into?

His worries insulted her, cut her like a knife. That he had no faith in her hurt more

than she cared to admit. Not that she would ever tell him.

He also complained about being alone. That he needed her home as soon as possible.

He was old, but he wasn’t an invalid, she knew this. It was his absent-mindedness that
worried her so.

After wasting too much time placating him, reassuring him that yes, indeed, it would

all be just fine, he became inconsolable. Raving, insulting the Worths, the fragrance
industry in its entirety. His tirade was baffling. Only after she became firm with him did
he finally calm down.

The guilt that still clung to her hours later for taking this job was almost unbearable.
Turning off the TV she wasn’t watching anyway, she went to the window, staring at

the bustling city below. Things were happening. People were doing things, living their
lives, having fun, making experiences happen whether good or bad. She, on the other
hand, was stuck in a hotel room, watching life pass her by.

It made her sad. And she definitely didn’t want to feel sorry for herself.
Her cell phone rang, startling her from her thoughts, and she went to it, saw the

unknown number flash on the screen. Picking the phone up, she answered it, fully
prepared for a wrong number.

“Is this Gabriella Durand?” a friendly female voice asked.
“Yes,” Ella said cautiously. Great, it was a telemarketer call instead.
“Oh, I’m so glad I got a hold of you! This is Tessa Worth.”
Ella was stunned silent. Why in the world would the wife of the CEO of Worth Luxury

call her on a Sunday afternoon? “Um, hi.”

Tessa laughed, a pleasant, tinkling sound, and Ella couldn’t help but smile in response.

“I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m calling you on a Sunday afternoon.”

“The thought did cross my mind.” Literally.
“Listen, we just got back into the city. I talked to Rhett this morning and he expressed

some concerns.”

Worry gnawed at her. Was he putting up his sister-in-law to fire her?
Ella frowned. Well, that made absolutely no sense.
“Concerns about what?” She was almost afraid to hear the answer.

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“Oh, nothing to worry about. Though I must confess, I think it’s rather sweet, how

worried he is about you.” Tessa said this as if she were sharing a juicy confidentiality.

“Is he afraid I’m going to do a terrible job?” Ella couldn’t help it, the question slipped

out before she could even think.

“Of course not. He’s excited to start working with you.” Tessa paused. “You did receive

the itinerary yesterday, correct? It was supposed to be delivered by courier to the hotel.”

“I did, thank you for checking.” This was getting surreal.
“Sorry. I used to be Alex’s assistant. Sometimes I find myself slipping into that old

role.” Her voice became crisp. “I’m prattling on when really I’m wasting time. What are
you doing this afternoon?”

“Nothing much.” She wasn’t sure what the woman was getting at, but figured it was

best to be honest.

“I’d love to get together with you and take you shopping.”
Ella frowned. “Shopping?” she asked weakly. That sounded like her every nightmare

come to life. “I’m not really…equipped to do any shopping at the moment.”

“If you’re worried about money, don’t be,” Tessa said gently. “I completely

understand, I’ve been there, trust me. This little shopping excursion will be funded by the
Worth Luxury expense account.”

“Oh.” Shock coursed through Ella and she cleared her throat. Who was Tessa Worth,

some sort of fairy godmother? “I’m not sure I understand. What exactly are we supposed
to be shopping for?”

“Why, clothes for your trip to Maui. Considering how last minute this entire adventure

has turned into, Rhett knew you wouldn’t have a chance to return home and gather your
personal belongings. He thought it was the right gesture to help you acquire a proper

Humiliation washed through her and she was thankful Tessa couldn’t see her. Her

cheeks were hot. She knew she looked a flushed, red mess. “Thank you for offering, but I
should probably decline.”

“Oh please, don’t decline.” Tessa’s voice lowered, as if she didn’t want anyone to hear

her. “This is my chance to escape for a little while. I love my daughter, I love my
husband, but it’s been so long since I’ve done something fun just for me—like shop. Too
long. Please say you’ll come with me. We’ll have a great time, I promise.”

Ella figured the Worths had a fleet of nannies to take care of their precious daughter.

And fun? That was the last word she would associate with shopping. “But where will we

“I know of a few stores where we can find exactly what you need. And if you’d like,

we could grab some dinner after we’re finished.”

Shopping and dinner with the CEO’s wife? This was getting weirder by the minute. “I

don’t know…”

“I’ll have a car sent over to the hotel. It’ll be there to pick you up in thirty minutes,”

Tessa said firmly. “Don’t say no.”

Ella sighed and gave in. “Okay. I’ll go.”
“I promise, you won’t regret it,” Tessa said before she hung up.

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That was the problem. She knew she wouldn’t regret it. Tessa Worth sounded like a

nice woman. And though she was uncomfortable at the idea of spending so much one-
on-one time with Tessa, she couldn’t help but wonder what exactly her motives were.

Realizing she had approximately twenty-eight minutes before the car arrived, Ella

jumped in the shower and changed into the same black dress she’d worn when she first
met with the Worths. Twisting her damp, slightly unruly hair into a topknot, she
attempted to put on a bit of makeup, making a face at her reflection in the still-steamy
mirror when she saw the smudged mascara beneath her right eye.

She was hopeless. Rubbing at the black dots beneath her eye, she then tossed the tissue

into the trash and slicked on some lip balm. Smudged mascara and Chapstick, that was
her lackluster makeup regimen.

The surely impeccable Tessa Worth would take one look at her and declare she needed

a makeover. Ella could hear it now. Yes, she enjoyed the thought of new clothes, but she
didn’t know what was in style and probably couldn’t pull it off anyway. Plus, she didn’t
want anything flashy or expensive.

She was a simple girl with simple needs—and she’d become that way out of necessity,

nothing more.

The concierge called exactly twenty-eight minutes later, announcing the car was

waiting for her in front of the hotel. Nerves eating at her insides, she slipped on her black
flats and headed down to the lobby, feeling as if she were facing a firing squad, she was
so scared.

What if Tessa hated her? What if she saw her boring dress and shoes and started

laughing? Ella would die. Wouldn’t be surprised in the least if Tessa whipped out her cell
to call Rhett and ask why in the world did he hire this mouse of a girl.

God, she hadn’t felt this inadequate since…forever.
The driver greeted her when she stepped outside, the sticky warmth of the late-

afternoon air, the buzz of activity and noise of the bustling city streets making her head
swim. The friendly man led her over to the car, opening the door so she could slip inside.

A woman waited for her within the confines of the car.
Tessa Worth.
“Hi.” She smiled warmly and held out a slender hand once Ella settled herself in her

seat. “I’m Tessa.”

“Ella.” She took her hand, gave it a firm shake.
“Cute nickname.” Her dark brown eyes were friendly. “I take it you don’t like to


“I loathe it,” Ella said vehemently.
Tessa laughed and shook her head, the giant gold hoops in her ears swinging with the

movement. “I promise I won’t torture you. There’s one store in particular I want to take
you to. I think you’ll love it.”

“I hope it’s nothing too crazy. My style is fairly—basic.” Understatement of the year.

She was a drab nothing compared to the glamorous—and deceptively simple—outfit
Tessa wore. Chic blue-and-white-striped top and expensive-looking jeans, a variety of
gold bracelets dangling from her wrists and a giant diamond twinkling on her ring

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finger, she was the epitome of the young, rich society wife.

“I agree,” Tessa said, her gaze narrowed as she contemplated Ella. “Simple is a good

look on you. Too much would overwhelm your delicate features.”

Ella’s mouth popped open at the unexpected compliment. “Um, thank you?”
Tessa cocked her head, her gaze assessing but definitely not judgmental. “You’re not

used to this sort of scrutiny, are you?”

“Not at all.” Ella shook her head. “I still don’t understand why you’re taking me

shopping. I’m sure you have better things to do.”

“Trust me. I need this as much as you do.” Tessa leaned in close. “Do you want to know

why I’m doing this?”

“I think so. Maybe?” Dread swept down her spine as she waited for Tessa’s


“Rhett called me this morning asking for advice. He was worried about you. Afraid

you were lonely, cooped up in your hotel room all weekend. So he thought you might
enjoy going out for a bit.”

“W-why should Rhett Worth care if I’m lonely or not?” The realization startled her.

That he actually called his sister-in-law seeking advice, voicing his concerns about her?
When she was just a woman he hired, a woman who had minimal experience and a lot to

It stunned her.
Okay fine, there was also that kiss but it had been so brief, he probably forgot all about

it. Just like she had.

Or so she tried to convince herself.
“He can be very thoughtful when he puts his mind to it.” The secretive smile that

curled Tessa’s lips intrigued Ella, but she decided not to question it. “He knew if he called
you and made the same request as I did, you’d turn him down flat.”

“He’d be right,” Ella said without thought.
Tessa’s smile grew. “He seems to know you pretty well then.”
Ella shrugged. She didn’t want to elaborate. The dinner meeting was like a blur now,

her memory hindered by the over-consumption of wine. It was better that way. Helped
her forget the flirtatious banter, the looks, how she tried to throw herself at him in the
back of the cab…

Best if she forgot all about that.
“You’re leaving in the morning and I’m sure there are things you’re in need of.

Beachwear, a swimsuit, shorts and tank tops.” Tessa rattled off each item like a shopping
list. “Do you need some personal products as well?”

Ella’s cheeks heated. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, I meant stocking up on toiletries. I’m going to assume you packed for only a few

days, right?”

Ella nodded silently.
“I’ll take you to Duane Reade. You can pick up whatever you need there. They have it

all,” Tessa said, referring to the drugstore chain.

“Are you sure you don’t mind doing this for me?” Ella asked, her voice small, hating

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that she sounded so worried, so damn needy.

It was embarrassing.
“Listen.” Tessa rested her hand on Ella’s arm, giving it a light squeeze. “I used to be

you. Not so long ago either. They may be intimidating with that aura of power and
wealth that emanates from all three of them, but they’re truly the kindest, most
thoughtful men I know.”

A dreamy smile drifted across Tessa’s face. She spoke of her husband and his brothers

so sweetly but of course, they were her family. And she was madly in love with Alex.
Their story still fueled the media, what with how in love with each other they still

A stab of jealousy pierced her. To have someone love her so much, so unconditionally,

she had no idea what that was like. Not even her father was that devoted to her. He
preferred his garden to her though he would never admit it.

“Well, this is certainly very kind of him. Of all of them, but especially you,” Ella finally

said. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Tessa patted her arm. “I have a feeling I’ll be seeing more of you

anyway. Think of this as a way for us to get to know each other.”

Ella was left to ponder that mysterious statement for the rest of the car ride.

“You’re monopolizing my wife on a Sunday evening.” His big brother did not sound

pleased. “Her daughter misses her mommy.”

“More like her husband misses having Mommy around to take care of their daughter,”

Rhett muttered as he glanced out the window yet again. He’d been waiting at the
restaurant for the last twenty minutes, nursing his now watered-down drink. Where the
hell were they? “Come on down here, old man, and meet us for dinner. They haven’t
shown up yet. You still have time.”

“The nanny is off for the evening.” Rhett knew they rarely used a nanny at all, Tessa

preferring to take care of Charlotte’s every need. “And just so you know, they’re running
late.” Oh, now Alex sounded pleased that he knew something Rhett didn’t. “It took
longer than they originally planned.”

“Is Tessa enjoying herself?” Is Gabriella? He wished he could ask, but he was

uncomfortable with it so avoided the unspoken question altogether.

He didn’t want Alex to make any assumptions. It was bad enough he’d put this

shopping trip together. Tessa hadn’t missed a beat after he made his request earlier this
morning when he called her, agreeing to take Gabriella out despite her husband’s weak
protests in the background.

“She said she’s having fun, but feels bad for putting Ella through so much torture. I

guess she doesn’t enjoy shopping.” Alex snorted his disbelief.

“Huh.” That was unheard of amongst the women he knew. Any one of them would’ve

jumped at the chance to spend Worth money on whatever they desired.

Well, he told Tessa to phrase it so Ella would think the money came from Worth

Luxury. But he was funding everything himself.

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Why, he still wasn’t sure.
Because you like her, asshole.
“If Hunter catches wind of this, he’ll question you like a dogged detective with new

evidence on a cold case,” Alex said.

“Rather vivid imagination you have now, don’t you?” Rhett chuckled. He sat at a table

in the bar of a small trendy restaurant downtown. Tessa had a preference for the Asian
fusion place, though it really wasn’t his style. The décor was minimalist, the seating scant
and the menu was more on the experimental side.

Which translated to extremely small portions that cost way too much money. He

usually left restaurants like this still hungry. Considering his past habits, he’d probably
grab a slice of pizza before he headed home.

“Don’t keep my wife long,” Alex growled into the phone, making Rhett smile. He

enjoyed riling Alex up when it came to Tessa. He loved that woman with his heart and
soul and had no problem showing it. “You owe me.”

“I’ll ship you home a pineapple from Hawaii,” Rhett joked, earning a loud click for his

sarcastic offer.

His brother had hung up on him, though he knew not to take offense. Just some good

old-fashioned ribbing, he was thankful they could joke and feel easy with each other once

He wished he could get that back with Hunter. Not that he every really had it…
“There you are!”
Tessa’s familiar voice rang out and he turned to see her gliding toward him, a giant

smile lighting her face, her eyes sparkling with pleasure. She wrapped him up in a bear
hug the moment he stood and he had no choice but to embrace her briefly before she
settled in the seat across from him.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.” She took a sip from the glass of water that sat in front of

her on the table. “I’m starving.”

Good luck with that at this restaurant. “Where’s Gabriella?”
Tessa smiled mischievously. “In the bathroom. She said she wanted to wash up.” She

paused for a moment, her gaze direct. “I think she’s afraid to see you.”

Rhett frowned. “Why do you say that?”
“What’s really going on with you two?” Tessa cut right to the chase. “You don’t ask me

to take just anyone shopping. You’ve never made any sort of request like this, ever. Is she
special to you?”

“She works for us, Tessa. That’s it.” He said each word slowly, as if trying to convince

her there was nothing more to it.

More like trying to convince himself.
“Mmm-hmm, well. She seemed awfully worried about what you might think of her


Rhett frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that we bought her a ton of stuff, but don’t worry. We didn’t spend a lot of

money. I think she needed it though, the poor thing. I thought her father was some
famous, renowned perfumer.”

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“He is. But he hasn’t worked regularly in years.” Didn’t sound like Michel Durand

managed his money well either. “And she shouldn’t worry about how much anything

“Well, I don’t think she likes a lot of attention, so don’t make much of a fuss when you

see her, okay? It’ll make her uncomfortable. And she’s such a sweet thing, very shy,
though. I really like her, Rhett. Too bad you don’t feel anything for her beyond the work

He nearly choked on his drink. “What the hell are you talking about?” It was as if Tessa

was purposely trying to provoke him, shock him, whatever. Every single thing she said,
he couldn’t help but answer with a question.

Realization dawned. He was being defensive, like he had something to hide.
And he didn’t like it.
“I could see myself spending more time with her, like she could really be my friend. I

adore Gracie, but she’s so busy with work and the baby and Hunter. I never get to see
her.” Tessa mock pouted. “You need a girlfriend, Rhett. So I can have someone in the
family to hang out with. Gracie’s been complaining too.”

Jesus, now his sisters-in-law were going to gang up on him and get him to fall into the

same hopeless trap his brothers had? Maybe meeting the women for dinner hadn’t been
such a good idea after all.

But he couldn’t squash the curiosity that had consumed him since the moment he

knew Tessa and Gabriella were together shopping. He had to see Gabriella one more
time, before they left in the morning for Maui.

“Uh-oh. Don’t look now, but here she comes.” Tessa sent him a beseeching look.

“Don’t make a big deal about her, okay? She might freak.”

“You make her sound like some skittish wild animal that’ll bolt and run the first time

someone lays eyes on her.” He stood, following Tessa’s lead, watched as she moved away
from the table to greet Gabriella personally.

Turning, he saw Tessa stop in front of Gabriella and grasp her by the shoulders, giving

her a little shake. The two women laughed, the sound warming his insides, warming his
soul, and he waited expectantly to see her.

And when Tessa finally stepped away from Gabriella, giving him a clear view, he

nearly swallowed his tongue whole.

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Chapter Seven

Ella’s entire body trembled as she walked toward Rhett. Having Tessa by her side was

little reassurance, especially when she caught sight of Rhett’s face.

He looked like he was at a complete loss for words—and she doubted that had ever

happened. Mouth slightly agape, blue eyes wide, his big body still as stone, he didn’t so
much as blink as she moved closer.

“Well? What do you think? I meant to only take her shopping, but it turned into a mini

makeover instead.” Tessa snuck her arm through Ella’s and gave her a little squeeze.

She didn’t even feel it. Too enthralled with the look in Rhett’s eyes, the way he drank

her in as if there was no one else in the room.

Only her.
“You look, uh, different,” he finally said, his voice soft, his gaze drifting the length of

her discreetly. But not too discreet, considering she noticed. “Not that you didn’t look
good before…”

“Don’t put your foot in your mouth,” Tessa interrupted. “Be polite. And a compliment

wouldn’t hurt either.”

“You look pretty,” he said automatically, a sexy smile curling his lips. Her knees

wobbled and without another word she fell in behind Tessa, collapsing in a chair

If her knees would’ve kept up the noodle bit, she might’ve fallen to the floor.
She was ravenous. Not eating lunch and trying on lots of clothes did that to a girl.

Picking up the menu, she held her breath when Rhett slipped into the chair beside her,
his shoulder brushing against hers. She turned her head, met his gaze.

“I was already sitting here.” He nodded toward the near-empty glass on the table in

front of him.

“Oh.” For whatever reason, she assumed he’d sit next to Tessa.
“The food is good, but the servings are small. Just thought I’d warn you,” Tessa said,

glancing up from her menu.

Rhett groaned. “You warn her, but you never had the decency to tell me when you

took us here the first time.”

Ella frowned at her menu. Took us? Maybe a date? Oh God, maybe a girlfriend? Was

she so stupid that she made a move on a guy who was already attached?

She was panicking over nothing.
“I thought you liked this place,” Tessa said.
He slowly shook his head. “I only chose it tonight because I knew you liked it. And it’s

close to Gabriella’s hotel.”

Her skin warmed and she kept her eyes glued on the open menu before her. She really

liked how he said her full name. Could imagine him whispering it in her ear just before
he took her mouth in a heady kiss…

“Oh, by the way, I had the driver take everything over to the hotel and have it

delivered to your room,” Tessa told her. “Including the new suitcase.”

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It was embarrassing to remember everything Tessa insisted she get for this trip.

Deeming it all necessary when clearly so much of it was absolutely not, Ella had watched
helplessly while Tessa asked the various sales associates to gather up all sorts of things.
Some items Ella had never even thought of. Some of it, she’d never even heard of.

For traveling so much during her youth, she felt like a naïve twit compared to Tessa.

And though she certainly knew how to corral an entire team of sales associates at a
department store, drugstore…wherever she happened to be, Tessa was also so nice about
it. Everyone seemed to adore her.

Including Ella herself.
And when Tessa had spotted the salon in the department store, she’d dragged Ella

inside. One haircut and makeup lesson later, she was a new woman. Not an overly made-
up, unrecognizable woman, but different just the same.

She liked it. Most importantly, she believed she could duplicate the look, both the

hairstyle and the makeup application. She felt more professional, chic in the city, so to

Silly but true.
They ordered dinner, Ella letting them choose for her since she had no idea what was

good or not, and her mind was awhirl anyway. She couldn’t concentrate on food no
matter how hungry she was.

And it didn’t help, having the delicious-smelling Rhett Worth sitting next to her. The

deep, sexy rumble of his voice sent her nerves on high alert. His very nearness, the heat
that radiated from him made her hyper aware of every little shift and move he made. The
sound of his laughter, the gentle tone his voice took when he teased Tessa, there was
affection there. An ease between them she couldn’t help but be envious of.

No siblings, no family, just her father as the one constant person in her life, made for a

lonely childhood. And that loneliness had bled into adulthood as well.

The realization made her sad. She longed to change those past mistakes, no matter how

ridiculous the wish. So if she couldn’t rectify the past, she certainly could allow more
people into her life in the future. In the present.

Tessa seemed to genuinely like her. So did Rhett…but in a different way.
His gaze met hers now, warm and open, downright wicked even, if she allowed her

imagination to run wild. He nodded toward the dishes spread out before them, the
waiter having just dropped them off. “Take your pick.”

It all smelled divine but truthfully, she had no idea what she was looking at. “They’re

like little pieces of art.”

“Mmm, I can’t wait.” Tessa reached forward with a pair of chopsticks, snatching up a

roll of some sort with ease. She popped it in her mouth. “Delicious.”

“Ladies don’t speak with their mouths full,” Rhett chastised fondly, earning an eye roll

for his remark. “Try one before she eats them all,” he said to Gabriella.

“What is it?” The outer layer was almost translucent. She could see a variety of

vegetables within and the fragrant scent emanating from the plate was heavy with spice.

“Spring rolls with shrimp. You like seafood?”

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Ella nodded, picking up her chopsticks and mimicking what she’d seen them do.

Breaking the wooden chopsticks apart, she rubbed the sticks together, her gaze locked on
Rhett’s hand. He used the chopsticks with such ease, his fingers deft, his movements
precise as he plucked a spring roll from the plate.

She held the chopsticks in her right hand, her index finger poised just so. The sticks

clattered to the table.

Heat suffused her cheeks. She’d not tried much Asian food. Her father had never

enjoyed it and she’d allowed his preferences to influence her.

If she was being honest, she’d let him influence her far too much.
“There’s an art to it,” Rhett said, his voice gentle. “Want some pointers?”
Lifting her head, she met his gaze, her mouth going dry. He was so close, his head bent

toward her, his expression open, manner easy, more like what she remembered from a
few nights ago. Such a difference from the man she’d met with at the Worth building,
stiff, like he’d been afraid to make any sort of misstep and screw the whole thing up.

She could relate.
“I think if I want to eat, I definitely need pointers,” she finally said.
“Here.” Picking up the dropped stick, he pointed them at her and she took them.

“Hold them like this.” He demonstrated with his right hand.

Ella readjusted the sticks, fumbling with them, and she silently cursed. Could she look

more ridiculous? “Maybe they could bring me a fork,” she said weakly.

“Here.” He reached for her, his hand wrapping around hers, forcing her grip around

the chopsticks with his fingers. A zing moved through her at his touch, sharp and bright,
leaving her breathless. Dizzy. “Like this.”

She pressed the chopsticks with the tips of her fingers, watched in amazement when

they moved like they were supposed to. Rhett dropped his hand from hers and feeling
brave, she reached for one of the spring rolls.

And picked it up with ease, bringing it to her mouth triumphantly.
“See? I knew you could do it,” he said, his gaze dropping to her lips just as she shoved

the spring roll into her mouth.

Mortification rose up swiftly, making her feel like an idiot. Her appetite disappeared

with every chew. Rhett Worth didn’t spend time with women who thrust food down
their throats and didn’t know how to use chopsticks. And they certainly weren’t in need
of a radical makeover or a new wardrobe.

Surely his type of woman was a gorgeous, impeccable sophisticate who would make

Ella look like a gauche, untried girl.

Ugh. She swallowed and set her chopsticks on the edge of her plate. She wasn’t that

much of a failure. He did, after all, kiss her.

For about two seconds before he shoved her out of the cab.
“You didn’t like it,” Rhett said. A statement, not a question either.
“I—” She couldn’t remember how it tasted, too worried over what he might think of

her. “It was good,” she lied.

“Try something else,” he suggested, pointing at the variety of plates spread out before

them. “There’s plenty. Take your pick, whatever appeals to you.”

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Could she tell him he appealed to her?
Doubtful. Like she was brave enough to say such a thing.
Ella glanced across the table, saw that Tessa was furiously texting on her cell, not

paying them any mind. She spooned up a few items, most of them so pretty she was
almost afraid to eat them. They were beautiful and so little, the key word being little.

No wonder Rhett didn’t care for the restaurant. It was expensive and the servings were


Of course, maybe this sort of restaurant was perfect for her. Then she wouldn’t make a

fool of herself looking like a glutton, piling her plate with food. She was starving and
worn out. Even vaguely uncomfortable despite enjoying the time she’d spent with Tessa.

It was Rhett. Being so close to him, especially after what happened between them a

few nights ago, made her uneasy. The atmosphere was too casual, almost—again—like a
date, though with a third wheel, aka Tessa.

Eyeing Rhett as discreetly as she could, she wondered what he thought of her. Had he

thought of that night? Or was she already forgotten? They were going to spend a few
days together alone in Hawaii and she hoped like crazy it wouldn’t be awkward.

Despite his prior bad-boy reputation, he’d acted like a true gentleman that night when

he could’ve taken advantage of her. Lord knew she would’ve let him.

How much would it take to make him wild again? If only for just one night? Or a short

trip to Maui…

“I have to go,” Tessa said abruptly, knocking Ella from her thoughts. “Alex just texted

me. Charlotte’s not well.”

Rhett snorted. “You have to be kidding me. He can’t handle one night alone with his


“Shush.” Tessa stood, grabbing her purse and slinging it over her shoulder. “He says

she has a slight fever. I need to get home. My baby needs me.”

“Totally understandable.” Ella stood as well. “I hope she feels better soon.”
“I’m so glad we were able to spend time together.” Tessa went to Ella and embraced

her, giving her a quick hug. “I had fun.”

“So did I.” Ella released her tentative hold on Tessa, touched that she was so kind, that

she truly seemed to enjoy their spending time together.

She wished for the opportunity to hang out with Tessa again, though that was highly


They all said their goodbyes, Tessa got Rhett to promise he would send her a postcard

from Maui and then she left the restaurant in a hurry. The moment Tessa was gone, Rhett
looked at Ella expectantly. “Still want to finish this dinner?”

“We should.” She sat, realized that most of the food was gone already and she’d hardly

touched it. Who’d eaten it all?

“Yeah, but do you want to?” He settled in beside her once more and she realized they

must look like a couple, sitting next to each other instead of on either side of the table. As
if they couldn’t keep their hands off each other, which was so far from the truth, it wasn’t
even funny.

“Um…” This sort of food wasn’t her style. It was good, but the portions were small and

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when food that she couldn’t recognize was involved, that freaked her out a little bit.

“Let’s get out of here.” He smiled and shook his head. “I’ve never really liked this


She watched in astonishment as he pulled out his wallet and quickly threw down two

one-hundred-dollar bills onto the table, followed without hesitation as he led her out of
the restaurant and out into the bustling night. People swarmed the sidewalks, passing
them by with such speed she pressed herself against the front of the building, not
wanting to get trampled.

“Are you still hungry?” he asked.
Ella burst out laughing. “You want the polite answer or the honest answer?”
“Definitely the honest answer.”
She remained silent for a moment, though a faint smile still curled her lips. “I’m still


Rhett grinned. “Then let’s go. I know the perfect place.”

He liked her laugh. She didn’t hold back. Let it burst forth in all of its joyful glory.

He’d been stunned when he first saw her, her transformation was that dramatic. New
hairstyle, new clothing, she wore makeup…

Studying her a little more closely, he realized the cosmetics were lightly applied,

merely emphasizing her beauty rather than making it. The outfit flattered her slender
figure and the haircut was a mere trim, controlling what he’d once thought of as unruly.

Tessa had polished a diamond in the rough. And now she shone so bright, Rhett was

more than a little dazzled.

They’d gone to a pizza joint close by, each of them ordering a giant slice and a soda.

They sat side by side at the crowded counter, too busy eating to talk and besides, the
place was too loud, it was so packed with customers.

Plus it gave him time to think. Muddle over what he was doing, how risky his behavior

was. Buying new clothes for Gabriella, spending time with her that had nothing to do
with work, it wasn’t smart.

Yet he didn’t want to stop.
“I studied the brief,” she suddenly said.
Glancing in her direction, he watched as she wiped the corner of her mouth with a

napkin. Her slice of pizza was gone—she’d consumed it almost as fast as he’d eaten his.
“The brief?”

She nodded slowly, took a sip of her soda. “The one you gave me?”
Hell. He looked like an idiot. “So what did you think?” In the industry, “the brief” was

a sort of written concept, what they believed the perfume should be about. He’d included
notes, thoughts and even a few photos, not really knowing what he was doing.

He hoped she wouldn’t trash it. Tell him he was out of his mind.
“I liked your ideas. I’m excited to tour the island and get a sense of what you’re trying

to capture.” The serene smile she gave him was like a punch to the gut, stealing the very
breath from him.

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He turned toward her, his knees colliding with hers for the briefest moment. Lust

streaked through him, even with such an impersonal touch but he tried to ignore it. “I’m
glad you liked it. I have a lot of plans for when we get there.”

She arched a delicate brow. “A lot of plans? I can’t wait to get started.”
“I bet,” he murmured, double meaning behind his words.
They stared at each other silently, the buzz of conversation surrounding them muting

to a dull roar. All he could see, focus on, was her. The depths of her pretty blue eyes, the
slight upward curl of her lips, the scent of her, clean and sweet even in the crowded,
smelly restaurant. An undercurrent passed between them, thick with promise, heady
with pleasure, and he cleared his throat. She blinked at the sound, as if he had startled

“Let’s get out of here,” he murmured.
“All right.”
She hopped down from the stool and he followed, placing his hand low on her back,

guiding her out of the restaurant. They emerged into the stifling night air, the sounds of
the city extra loud, and he glanced down at her, catching her gaze.

“Do you mind walking to the hotel?”
“Is the walk as far as the last time we tried this?” The amusement in her tone was


He chuckled. “Much, much shorter, I promise. We’re two, maybe three blocks from the

hotel at the most.”

“That’s doable.”
They walked side by side in silence and for some inexplicable reason, he wanted to

reach out and grab her hand. Pull her with him down the street, into the hotel, the
elevator, her room.

Where he would push her against the wall and kiss her. A real kiss this time, with

tongues and heat and soft little moans. He would race his hands all over that slender
body, cup her breasts, caress her skin, grind against her until she was wet and panting
and begging for it.

Sweat misted his forehead and he tried his best to push the wicked imagery from his


But it was no use. The idea was there, front and center, and his fingers literally itched

to take hers. Lace them together, stroke the top of her hand with his thumb. He’d never
wanted to be so connected to a woman before in his life.

He recalled the night in the taxi, the way she’d touched his thigh. She’d wanted him

then and had let him know it, albeit shyly. She hadn’t made a move whatsoever tonight.

Disappointment threatened and he told himself to shove it deep. He was being an

idiot. This woman who wasn’t his usual sort was destroying his brain cells and common
sense, bit by bit.

“There’s the hotel.” Her soft voice broke through his lusty thoughts and he glanced up,

saw the Warwick Hotel in the near distance. “Thank you so much for walking me here.”

“Want me to walk you up to your room?”
She turned her head so sharply in his direction, he was afraid she’d give herself

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whiplash. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

Christ, yes

, he wanted to say. “I’m not going to push myself on you, Gabriella, if that’s

what you’re afraid of.”

“Of course, I’m not afraid of you.”
“Good.” He smiled. “I’ve never instilled fear in a woman before. I’m the nicer brother

of the three.”

“I heard you’re the bad brother.” She clamped her lips shut, her eyes going wide.
He stopped in front of the hotel and so did she. Great. So she knew about his past? But

then again, who didn’t? “My reputation always precedes me.”

She cocked her head to the side, contemplating him. “You’re actually quite the


If she was referring to the other night, she didn’t know how much it took for him to

use such restraint. Normally he would’ve jumped her. Hell, he would’ve had his hand up
her skirt and his fingers beneath the front of her panties by the time the cab stopped at
their destination.

“I’m trying to walk the straight and narrow,” he said, his voice tight, his jaw aching

from gritting his teeth.

“Really?” She tsked and shook her head. “Well, isn’t that a shame?”
Gabriella turned on her heel and entered the hotel, not once looking back.
And leaving Rhett in the dust.

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Chapter Eight

The moment Ella stepped off the plane and onto the tarmac, the fragrant, salty sea air

washed over her, lifting her dragging spirits. She’d slept hardly at all last night, spent the
long hours tossing and turning in her more-than-comfortable bed. A mixture of emotions
had run through her all the while—such as worry over messing up the most important
job of her life by having sex with her boss. Images of her tumbling into bed with said
boss, their naked bodies wrapped around each other, their mouths fused...

Needless to say, she’d kept herself awake with her overactive imagination.
Slacking when she should’ve been preparing to leave and apprehensive at seeing Rhett

after last night’s interlude, she’d boarded the private Worth jet full of nerves. Pointless
considering he’d hardly paid her any mind, spending the majority of the trip on his
laptop, tapping away at the keyboard. He’d barely glanced in her direction. She
should’ve been insulted.

More like grateful he didn’t notice her wretched state.
“It’s beautiful,” she murmured to herself, her gaze locked on the swaying palms in the

near distance. They were only at the airport and she was already enchanted. What might
happen when she saw the ocean, when they finally arrived at the hotel? Full sensory

“It is.” Rhett stood beside her, the sound of his deep voice warming her from the inside

out. As was his way, he placed his hand on the small of her back, gently guiding her
toward a woman standing a few feet away, a colorful lei clutched in each hand. “Our
carriage awaits.”

She loved it when he touched her, even so casually. His fingers were like a hot brand

that burned through the thin layer of her shirt. “You have a car waiting?”

He met her gaze, a faint smile curling his sensual lips. “Being wealthy has its perks,

Miss Durand. I try and take advantage of them as much as possible.” The smile grew.
“Besides, this is for business.”

They stopped just in front of the woman, who beamed brightly at them. “Aloha.”

Burnished skin, almond-shaped eyes and with her glossy black hair, the woman was
lovely. She held one of the leis out and Rhett automatically bent his head. The woman
draped the lei around his neck, then turned to Ella.

“Aloha, welcome to Maui,” the woman murmured as she slipped the fresh flower lei

over Ella’s head. “I trust your stay will be most pleasant.”

“Aloha. Thank you.” Ella bobbed her head inanely, feeling the fool. Everything her

father had taught her, all the things she’d picked up traveling as much as she had, most
of her life, and a few minutes in Rhett’s overwhelming presence on a tropical island
trashed it all.

“The car’s just over there.” He waved a hand toward a silver four-door car that was

unlike any sedan she’d ever seen before. “They’ll bring our luggage later.”

“Um…okay.” She glanced back toward the jet, saw that they were indeed unloading

their luggage. She may have traveled for years, but she’d never had such luxury

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treatment in her life.

They approached the car, Rhett opening the passenger door for her and she slipped

inside. The interior was sleek, the black leather seats butter-soft, the dashboard an
intricate modern work of art. Leaning forward, she smoothed her hand along the top of
the dash. She’d never cared much about cars, had an old beater at home, but she could
get used to this.

Rhett slipped inside, settling his big body into the driver’s seat. He started the car, the

engine roaring to life, and he shifted into gear, driving right off the tarmac. “It’ll take
about a half hour to get to the resort, so sit back and enjoy the view.”

She knew he meant the view of the island, but she couldn’t help but steal glances at

the man to her left. The innate power that radiated from him in palpable waves, the way
he gripped the steering wheel with his large hands, it drew her. Made her want things
she had no business wishing for.

Like him.
She rolled down the window all the way, allowing the varying island scents to hit her

with their full potency. Sweet floral blooms, misty salt air, the heady warmth of the sun,
a tantalizing combination of fragrances that made her thrust her face through the open
window. Closing her eyes, she inhaled sharply, capturing the breath in her chest for as
long as she could stand it before she exhaled long and slow.

“Are you conducting your own personal analysis over there?”
His voice, laced with amusement, startled her and she moved away from the window.

Pressing her back against the seat, she hit a button and the window rolled up, cutting off
the riot of scents assaulting her. “Don’t make fun,” she murmured, immediately wincing
the moment the words left her mouth.

From the time she was young, she’d known she was different. Scents affected her,

altered her mood, reached deep within her and never let go. In her early teens, her father
had realized her nose was as sensitive as his and so he began a rigorous routine of
training. Pulling her into his lab for long, laborious hours, teaching her of molecules and
how bringing sometimes-horrible smelling scents together created a perfume people
would spend far too much money on to dab on their skin.

Most people were visual, first and foremost. She noticed scents—couldn’t not notice

them. When she was younger, she believed it a curse.

Sometimes, secretly, she still did.
“I’m not making fun.” She turned at the sound of his voice, caught him studying her

even though he really should have his eyes on the road. “I find you rather…fascinating.”

Her skin warmed. Did he really? No man had ever called her fascinating before.
“You’re a true scientist,” he continued, returning his gaze to the road. “Analyzing each

and every scent that hits you, whether it’s good or bad.” He rolled his window down and
leaned his head out, nose pointed upward as he sniffed. “Now me? I smell nothing but
hot asphalt and car exhaust.”

“What a shame.” She smiled and shook her head. “The ocean is close. I can smell it.”
Rhett nodded. “We’ll drive over this pass and it’ll appear.”
“And all the flowers. The island is laden with them.” She cocked her head to the right.

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“That hillside is covered.”

He glanced toward the colorful tangle of blooming bushes that lined the hill. “This is

perfect.” Excitement filled his voice. “Exactly what I want. The various scents that
overrun the Hawaiian Islands, and not the common ones like we discussed either. I think
coconut and pineapple smell fine, just like the next person, but they aren’t the only
fragrance of the tropics.”

The car crested the hill and as Rhett promised, the Pacific Ocean appeared, spread out

before them like a never-ending blue blanket. Ella stared at it, transfixed. The rich green
of the rolling hills, the calm sea, the intense blue sky—it was a saturation of vibrant colors
that stole her breath.

“It’s lovely,” she murmured.
His quick, warm smile was his answer and they remained quiet for the duration of the

ride. Ella preferred it that way, wanting to drink in the sights and sounds and of course,
the smells. He soon turned off the main road, their vehicle the only one on what
appeared to be a newly asphalted drive. It twisted and turned, drawing closer and closer
to the ocean until finally a sprawling resort appeared in the distance.

A discreet wooden sign told her she looked upon the Bancroft Maui Luxury Resort.

She’d heard of the Bancroft hotel chain before, knew it as one of the most exclusive—and
expensive—hotels in the world.

And they were about to stay at one.
Rhett stopped the car in front of the entrance, where they were greeted by a team of

courteous employees. They were quickly escorted into the spacious lobby of the hotel,
Hawaiian music playing low in the background, accompanied by the wind rustling
through the palm trees swaying just outside.

“We’re sharing a suite,” Rhett informed her only moments later, clutching a key in his

hand. “We’ll drive to it. They’re delivering our luggage now.”

Ella frowned. “We’re sharing a suite?” Oh, that can’t be good. Staying in such close

quarters with Rhett, how would she be able to withstand him?

“Nothing nefarious in my intentions, I promise. And it’s not really a suite.” He

grinned. She was impressed he used the word nefarious—such an old-fashioned word.
“It’s pointless for me to stay in a four-thousand-square-foot villa all by myself. Trust me,
we won’t get in each other’s way.”

She didn’t answer, decided instead to concentrate on her opulent surroundings. The

view of the ocean was stunning, the resort grounds like a tropical paradise. If there were
guests here, she didn’t hear or see them. Everything was discreet, gorgeous and bought
and paid for with a tremendous amount of money.

Glancing down at herself, she was thankful yet again for Tessa taking her shopping.

She wore a long turquoise-colored sundress and strappy, pale gold wedge sandals, simple
gold hoops in her ears and a big pair of black sunglasses perched on her nose. All of it
picked out by Tessa, who’d texted her early in the morning asking what she planned to
wear on the flight.

If she could take away anything from this experience at Worth Luxury, she could at

least cherish these few moments she felt like Tessa Worth was her friend.

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Oh, and the experience. She needed the experience desperately if she wanted to get far

in the industry. That she allowed silly sentiment to take precedence over her career
aspirations was…foolish.

They took the car to the villa, which sat on the far end of the property, on a low cliff

close to the water’s edge. She followed Rhett to the door, murmuring thank you when he
held it open for her. Tried her best to act nonchalant, staying in such an extravagant
place, but it was hard considering it was over twice the size of the house she shared with
her father.

And cost ten times as much, she was sure.
“Which room do you prefer?” Rhett called as he wandered down the hall, peeking

inside each doorway, sizing everything up.

Ella remained in the living room, thankful she had dark glasses on so he couldn’t see

her wide-eyed wonder. “I don’t care.” She should probably ask for the room farthest
from his, but that would be rude.

Rhett reappeared in the living room, all easy, casual elegance in his jeans and subtle

Hawaiian-print shirt that emphasized the broadness of his shoulders. He was built to
perfection. If she saw him in swim trunks and nothing else, she wasn’t sure she’d be able
to handle it. “I picked a room for you. I’ll make sure your luggage is left there.”

She shrugged. “That’s fine.” The man had impeccable taste and gracious manners. She

wasn’t worried. “Listen, may I ask you a question?”

His brows furrowed, creases formed on his forehead, he frowned so hard. “Sure.

What’s up?” His easy tone didn’t hide the edge lurking just beneath the surface.

He didn’t like to be questioned. In fact, he seemed to be rather closed-off, which was a

shame, because she’d love to know more about him and his family, the business, the
dynamics between them all.

But it was none of her business.
Nibbling on her lower lip, she decided to make her request. The one she’d been

planning to make since last night. “I’d like to walk around the resort for a bit on my own.
Do you mind?” She offered him a smile, trying to ease any discomfort he might have. “I
want to get a sense of the place, maybe walk down to the beach and watch the waves for
a bit. It’ll help open up my mind and senses.”

“Sounds rather mystical.” He sounded amused, but there wasn’t any cruelty behind his


He wasn’t making fun, which she appreciated. “A perfumer is a true juxtaposition.

We’re chemists, dreamers, artists…” All of those things and more. She’d always felt so
odd, especially since she was so sensitive to stimuli. Sometimes things, situations, became
too overwhelming for her to deal with.

Such as being in close proximity of Rhett. Talk about being over-stimulated…
“You’ll have to share with me your process.” She met his gaze at that remark. Was he

serious? Most people didn’t care. And those who did ask usually grew bored real quick.
“I mean, I’ve done my research, I know what goes into creating a marketable scent.”

She waved a hand, slightly offended. Really, what did he know? A few marketing

meetings, a bit of research, conversations with a variety of perfumers, assessing, judging

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and now he knew? “You talk of the promotion part of it. The business part. There’s much
more to it than that.”

“Well.” He straightened, looking vaguely insulted. “Perhaps you’ll let me in on the

magical side one day.”

A little smile curled her lips. “If you’re lucky.”

She was unexpectedly sassy and hell if that little hint of attitude didn’t turn him on.

He’d tried his best to ignore her on the plane, diving headfirst into work, keeping his
eyes focused on the laptop screen and not her. Sitting across from him, her pretty legs
crossed and giving him a flash of ankle and shin, the teasing glimpse made him sweat.

Her shin and ankle, for the love of God. He was a boob man, an ass man. The sort of

man who used to ask women to flash him their tits and they would do so willingly. Flash
their chests, lift their skirts, it had all been so easy.

And now that he reflected on his past, it had been so empty.
He’d done a one-eighty because he knew it was the right thing to do. And he was still

tempted—even more so, since she was like the forbidden fruit. Either Gabriella Durand
had been sent by the devil himself to lure him back to the dark side or it was already too

Rhett was going straight to hell and there was no turning back.
Misery coursing through him, he watched as she walked down to the beach, her steps

careful, her hair billowing all around her with the breeze. The dress she wore exposed an
inordinate amount of skin compared to what she usually wore, and all of that pretty,
creamy skin was on flagrant display. Waiting for the intense sun to char it to a bright red
color, which he knew would be painful.

He was obsessed with her. Couldn’t get her out of his head, couldn’t stop wondering

what it might be like, to really kiss her. Take her hand and lead her to his room. Strip that
dress right off her and see her naked. What a sight that would be, those long legs,
rounded hips and her perfect breasts. He wondered what color her nipples were.

Damn. He was getting hard just thinking about it.
Going to the sliding glass door, he opened it and walked out onto the deck. He

would’ve called out a warning to her, ask if she was wearing any sunscreen, but she was
too far away and besides, the wind would probably carry it in the opposite direction.

So he waited. For a woman, something he never did. But Gabriella was making him do

lots of things he never did. And the more time he spent with her, the more closed up and
mysterious she seemed to be.

Which brought on the obsessive thoughts. He wanted to learn more, especially about

the perfumer process. Was it wrong that he wanted to walk beside her, listen to her talk,
have her explain things to him. He knew it was unusual, their approach to the product.
Hardly any luxury brand had an in-house perfumer anymore and the owners/executives
definitely didn’t shadow the perfumer while she was hard at work. A scent tour such as
the one they were going on was usually heralded by the marketing team.

Hunter had fought with Alex when the decision had been made. Not that Rhett was

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supposed to know about it, but he did. The marketing team should’ve been in charge of
the perfume creation, Hunter had pointed out. He wanted to send in his wife Gracie to
do the job.

Alex had refused Hunter’s suggestion. His mind had already been made up. That Alex

showed that much faith in Rhett, that much belief in him, made him reluctant to

But they were on an island for the next few days. Together, in close proximity, working

together, hell, practically living together. They were sharing a slice of island paradise and
he was supposed to pretend she didn’t interest him? That he had no intentions beyond a
working relationship?

What happened on Maui could stay on Maui. Yeah, yeah, he knew he was using the

term for the wrong location but it was apt. He knew she was attracted to him. Would she
be interested or would she refuse him?

There was only one way to find out.
Grim, he walked back into the house, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He opened

up his contacts and hit one of the first ones.

“Already calling me? Aren’t you supposed to be out touring the island?” Alex asked

the moment he answered.

“She, uh, wanted to be alone for a bit.”
Alex chuckled. “Don’t tell me you offended her already.”
“Of course not.” They automatically thought it was his fault, every single time. “This is

part of her process.”

“Her process, huh? Listen, we’ve contemplated adding a scent line for years but never

made the commitment. I’ve spoken with my fair share of perfumers, including her father.
Let me tell you, they can be an—odd bunch.”

“It’s both a creative and scientific process, you know.”
“Right. That’s what makes them so strange. They’re brilliant, yet their heads are buried

in the clouds. It’s all about art and heat and green and sillage.

Rhett frowned. “What’s sillage?”
“It’s the smell that lingers long after a person has left the room. That lasting bit of scent

that reminds you someone has been there.” It was Alex’s turn to chuckle. “That’s the one
thing I learned from Michel Durand. About six years ago we met, when we were
considering creating a perfume back then, and he gave me an extensive lesson on sillage.
It stuck.”

“Let her work through her process, her method, whatever she wants to call it, and let

yourself take it all in. Learn from her. Make sure she’s not stroking you and giving you a
line of B.S. though.”

Rhett winced. He wished his brother hadn’t used the word stroking. It evoked all sorts

of images. Most of them involved Ella’s slender, delicate fingers wrapped around his…

“And most importantly, express to her exactly what you want out of this fragrance,”

Alex continued. “How important it is to get it right. It’s a representation of Worth
Luxury. It has to not only appeal to the masses but it needs that certain hint of wealth

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and affluence. Glamour and elegance, sophistication and youth, experience and sexuality,
all of it needs to be in that scent.”

Trepidation slithered down his spine. “Your expectations are pretty high.”
“Yours should be as well. This can’t be a flop. I refuse for this project to fail. We need a

winner.” Alex’s voice firmed. “There’s a lot riding on this, Rhett. Everyone in the
industry is watching us. Just waiting for us to deliver a big stinking mess. No offense,
little brother, but with you at the helm of this project, they’re already predicting it a

Rhett remained silent, fury doing a slow burn through his system. “Let’s prove them


He swore he could hear Alex’s smile. “Exactly the answer I was looking for.”
Ella came through the sliding glass door just as Rhett hung up. Her skin was already

pink from the sun, her cheeks were shiny and a big smile curved her lush lips. “I’d like to
take a ride.”

Hmm, that statement brought up all sorts of interesting images, none of them she was

referring to. “Where to?” He slipped his phone into his front pocket.

“I was talking to someone, a man who’s on vacation and staying at one of the villas

nearby. Anyway, he said there’s a fabulous beach a few miles from here with lots of
beautiful native trees and bushes that are very close to the beach. I’d like to check it out.”

A flare of jealousy sparked, but he ignored it. She probably talked to some balding,

paunchy tourist on vacation with his young girlfriend. “Sounds good. Just let me change
and we can go.”

“You’ll go with me? To the beach?” She looked hopeful.
“Absolutely. We’re working on this together, right?” He peered at her, wishing he

could read her mind.

She nodded once, contemplating him. “Right, of course. I should probably put on my

swimsuit. I want to go into the ocean.”

“You like to swim?” He could break out into a cold sweat just thinking about her in a


“Oh, I’m not going into the ocean to swim. It’s an experiment.” When he frowned, she

continued. “I want to see what the ocean water smells like on my skin when it’s wet and
then when it’s dry. I’ll need your input as well.”

Rhett swallowed hard. Jesus. She really was trying to kill him. “My input?”
“Well, I’ll need you to smell my skin too.” Her cheeks colored. “I want to make this just

right, you know. Capture as many scents as I can until we find the exact one you’re
looking for. Well, what Worth Luxury is looking for.”

“Sure. Yeah.” He nodded, his tongue thick. This entire trip was going to be a study in

never-ending torture. “I appreciate your dedication.”

“I want to prove myself.” Her cheeks turned a deeper red and she looked away from

him. “You took a big risk, hiring me. I don’t want you to regret it.”

He didn’t think he could regret anything she might do.
Regret letting her slip out of his fingers, though? Yeah, he’d probably end up doing


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Big time.

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Chapter Nine

It was a small beach, not far from the resort, as the man Ella met had promised. But it

wasn’t full of any lush vegetation, which was a minor disappointment. The strip of sand
shimmered like gold and stretched on for what seemed like miles, black rocks jutting,
palm trees swaying. It was a beautiful spot.

Considering it was later in the afternoon, surprisingly the area was mostly deserted,

with the exception of a couple walking along the shore in the near distance and a family
of four sitting on their large, colorful towels, basking in the sun. Rhett led her away from
the family, his eyes shielded by sleek, expensive sunglasses, his dark hair ruffled by the
breeze. He wore a white T-shirt that emphasized his already tan skin and Hawaiian-print
board shorts.

He fit in so seamlessly, he looked like a local. Whereas she felt the fool with her already

sunburned skin, her pink nose and her windblown, unruly hair. And self-conscious, what
with the two-piece swimsuit she wore beneath her dress. How Tessa had convinced her
to deviate from her usual modest one-piece to two little scraps of fabric that exposed way
too much flesh, she wasn’t sure.

“Aren’t you hot?” He unfolded the beach towel he’d carried under his arm from the

car and set it on the ground, plopping himself on top of it with ease.

She was dying. Her skin literally felt scorched. “Sort of.” Pulling the beach towel the

hotel had provided from her oversized bag, she settled it next to Rhett’s and sat. His close
proximity tantalized her senses and she watched in silent fascination as he reached for
the beach bag and rifled through it, pulling out a bottle of sunscreen she’d found in the
bathroom at the villa.

“You should put this on immediately.” He handed her the bottle.
“Thanks.” Popping the cap, she squirted sunscreen into the palm of her hand and

slathered first one arm, then the other, making sure to rub it on her already-tender
shoulders. She smoothed some on her face, opening her eyes to find Rhett watching her.

“You going to take the dress off?” The low, velvety tone of his voice was like pure

seduction and a shiver went through her.

Deciding to get it over with, she stood and tugged the dress up and over her head,

folding it neatly before she sat back down and stuffed the dress into the bag by her feet.
She kicked off her flip-flops and grabbed the sunscreen, pouring it directly onto her legs
and smoothing it on.

Her skin prickled with awareness, but she kept her attention trained on her sunscreen-

soaked legs. He was watching her. She could feel his gaze on her, making her hotter than
the intense sun above them. Finally, he spoke and the question he asked sent a fluttering
of desire low in her belly.

“Want me to put some on your back?”
Afraid her voice would squeak when she spoke, she nodded her answer, handing him

the sunscreen. He scooted closer, his knee brushing against her backside, and she closed
her eyes when he settled his big, warm hands on her shoulders, resting them there for the

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briefest moment before he started to massage the sunscreen in.

Ella bit back the moan that wanted to escape. His hands felt so good on her skin. They

skimmed the length of her back, tripping over the strings of her bikini top that rested at
the center. Stopping just above the top of her swimsuit bottoms so close to her backside,
she nearly whimpered.

“There. You should be protected.” He removed his hands from her body and she felt

the loss keenly. Protected from the sun, most certainly, but protected from the effects of
his touch?

Not even close.
“I’m going in.” She stood again, her arms hanging awkwardly at her sides. She was

tempted to shield herself but knew she’d look like an idiot. And he still watched her,
which was making her nervous to the point she had to ask. “Is this suit okay? Or is it too
revealing? Tessa said I looked fine, but I don’t know.” The bikini was black, the top a
simple halter style and the bottoms not too skimpy, but she still felt incredibly exposed.

He smiled and removed his sunglasses, such a wicked glint in his eyes her heart

stuttered. “Tessa has impeccable taste,” he drawled, his gaze wandering lazily down the
length of her, lingering on her breasts, her hips, her…everything. “Besides, I’ve seen

Her heart threatened to lurch straight out of her chest. “Oh.” She didn’t know how to

respond to a remark like that.

“Shit,” he muttered and stood, towering over her, his glasses still clutched in his hand.

“I didn’t mean it the way it sounded. It’s just that, I’ve seen women wear nothing but
little triangles on their chest that barely covered their nipples and the bottoms consisted
of nothing but butt floss. You look great. Really.”

Huh. She was sure he had plenty of experience dealing with butt floss and tiny

triangles that could hardly contain nipples. Not that she wanted to think about that, oh,

“Thanks.” She offered him a polite smile. She probably looked downright puritan

compared to the floozies he was used to hanging out on the beach with. “I’m going in. I
don’t know if you want to join me, but you’re welcome to.”

“I probably should. I need to cool off.” His heated gaze made her think he wasn’t

necessarily referring to the temperature.

Ella offered him an inviting smile. “Then let’s go. I should probably smell your skin

when you come out of the ocean too.”

The look on his face was nothing short of pained. “If you say so,” he answered weakly.
Her smile growing, she started for the water, sensed him falling in right behind her.

Despite her sudden worry that she might not be pretty enough or skanky enough, she
knew he was affected by her just as much as she was by him. Like the cheesecake
incident, the moment in the car, last night, all of it was foreplay. Teasing each other,
ratcheting up the heat, the chemistry that had been simmering between them from the
moment they met.

She shouldn’t do this. She shouldn’t consider fooling around with Rhett Worth, let

alone actually do it. He was a total player. He looked at her and probably saw nothing

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else but the words “easy conquest” stamped across her forehead. It would be
meaningless, what they could end up sharing. It would mess with her head, potentially
ruin her career, ruin everything.

Pushing the worrisome thoughts from her mind, she ventured into the water, the

gentle waves lapping over her feet, swirling around her ankles as the surf surged in. It
was shockingly cold compared to the hot air and she gasped in surprise.

“The Pacific is notoriously colder, even in Hawaii,” Rhett said from behind.
She turned to find he’d slipped his sunglasses back on but shed the T-shirt. Her eyes

widened as they took a little trip across Rhett’s broad shoulders, his wide chest sprinkled
with dark hair, his abdomen that appeared to be carved from stone. She’d known he was
finely muscled just from the way he filled out his clothing—especially a suit—but seeing
him like this…

He was absolutely mouthwatering.
“It’s really cold,” she said lamely, unable to come up with anything better.
He came closer, wearing a lopsided, closed-mouth smile. His board shorts rode

treacherously low on his lean hips, giving her a view of the flat plane of his stomach
below his navel, the narrow trail of dark hair that sloped down beneath the waistband.
She jerked her gaze up, caught sight of the tribal tattoo that wound around his right
bicep and she parted her lips, her mouth going dry.

There was such a wickedly dangerous air to him. It was enticing, it called to her inner

bad girl which just itched to make an appearance.

He looked like a bad boy. She knew for a fact he used to be one, too. Yet he behaved

like a proper gentleman. The conflicting combination was beyond arousing.

“Ah, my tattoo.” He realized she noticed it, considering her gaze was still locked on his

muscular bicep, and he quickly glanced down with a shake of his head. “It was a mistake
from my misspent youth.”

“Uh, lots of people have tattoos,” she said once she untangled her tongue. She

shrugged. “It’s no big deal.”

“My brothers hate it, especially Alex. He thinks it makes me look like a hood. I was in

my early twenties when I got it and he still lectured me like I was a naughty little kid.
Sometimes he acts like an old man.” He stopped just beside her, the water frothing about
their knees, sending her swaying, the pull of the ocean’s tide so strong. At least she was
slowly growing used to the temperature. Her skin wasn’t so chilled, though she still had
goose bumps dotting her arms. “You’re still cold?” He skimmed his fingers down the
length of her upper arm.

“I’m fine.” The goose bumps were his fault and there he went, touching her again,

giving her a new set. “Didn’t your older brother practically raise you?” She’d read
enough articles about the Worths to know of their story. “I’m sure it’s more of a
protective, fatherly sort of attitude, you know? Parents have to complain about tattoos
and stuff like that.”

“You’re right. He’s pretty protective of me, which I can admit to you I appreciate. Not

that I’d ever tell him.” He kicked at the water and it splashed the both of them, his gaze
locked on the horizon. “I love the ocean.”

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“It’s beautiful here.”
“Wait until the sun goes down. There’s nothing better than a Maui sunset.” He drew

his index finger along the top of her shoulder. “You’re a little sunburned.”

“I know.” She trembled at his touch. “Hence my slathering on the sunscreen, which I

should say thank you for your help, by the way.”

“You’re welcome. It certainly wasn’t a hardship.” He remained silent for so long, she

finally turned her head to find him contemplating her.

“What?” She both feared and yearned to hear what he had to say.
“I can’t deny I’m attracted to you any longer.” He sounded serious, looked it, too. “So I

thought you should know.”

“Oh.” She swallowed hard, unsure how to answer. She turned away from him, kept

her gaze trained on the sea instead. “It’s probably not a good idea. Us. Together.”

“You already said something like that. Last night,” he reminded her. “I’m starting to

believe it’s an inevitable idea. You and me. Together.”

You and me. Together.

As foolish as it was, she liked the sound of that.

A lot.
“But I’m not going to push you. Or push myself on you. If you’re interested, you can

let me know. Give me a sign.” He touched her again, a gentle squeeze on her shoulder
that made her grimace despite enjoying his hands on her. It was her sunburned skin’s

“O—okay.” He’d given her all the power. Let her know the decision was purely on her

and she appreciated that.

Yet it scared her too.
He flashed her that disarming grin. “I’m gonna go dunk my head now. I need to cool


And then he slipped beneath the water without another word, not surfacing again

until he was several feet out. Leaving her alone, aching with want. Aching to follow him.

But she didn’t.

Rhett pushed his wet hair away from his forehead, the saltwater stinging his eyes. It

was stunningly cold, and the water helped clear his head, cool him down. He swam as far
as his body could take him, always conscious of his limits, not wanting to put himself in
any real danger.

He may be temporarily running away from temptation, but he wasn’t a complete idiot.
Treading water, he watched Gabriella as she wandered deeper into the ocean, until she

was nearly submerged. Just as quickly as she dunked her body, she emerged from the
water, her skin glistening, the thin black fabric of her bikini clinging to her like a second
skin. Her nipples were hard, he could make them out even from this distance and just
like that, he was hot for her. Hard for her.

Damn, he was pitiful.
He remained out in the water until he couldn’t take it anymore and finally, reluctantly,

he went back to shore. She stood waiting for him, an excited look on her pretty face, her

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soaked hair dripping on her shoulders, little beads of water glistening on her skin.

He wanted to lick every droplet, taste every bit of her damp flesh.
“I need your opinion,” she said as soon as he drew close. “Plus, I need to experiment on


“What do you mean?” he asked warily. This couldn’t be good.
Reaching out, she grabbed hold of his forearm, her slender fingers gripping him. She

stepped closer and lifted his arm, bringing it up to her face and she sniffed delicately.

He stood paralyzed, waiting for her to say something, anything, but she remained

silent. Continued to hold his arm so close to her face, he could feel her warm breath
wafting across his chilled skin. She pressed her thumb into his flesh, sniffed him again
before she carefully let go of his arm.

“A given,” he tossed back with a slight smile.
“Undoubtedly. But there’s more. A hint of green, of sun, of clear, cloudless air.” She

thrust her arm toward him. “Here, smell me.”

Glancing around the beach, he realized no one paid them any mind. Which was

probably best, considering they looked strange smelling each other like animals in the
jungle. He took hold of her wrist and lifted it to his face, sniffing so close, his nose
brushed against her skin.

The first scent he detected was the salt. Then floral, which made him think of her

natural fragrance. Beneath that the heat, the sun like she mentioned, and something else
he couldn’t quite place.

“I’ll smell different, of course. And the salt is drying on our skin, which will alter it

even further in the next few minutes.” She tried her best to sound diplomatic, but he
heard the slight tremble in her voice, felt the quiver run through her. Slowly he stroked
his thumb across the pulse point at her wrist. Back and forth, back and forth, keeping a
lazy rhythm, falling under the spell she somehow cast upon him with her sparkling eyes.

“You smell amazing,” he murmured, because she did. Good enough to eat. At the very

least, good enough to lick, nibble and suck…

She laughed nervously but didn’t try to pull from his grip. “I’m sure I smell like


“Mmm, if you do, then I like it.” He brought her wrist to his mouth, pressed the softest

kiss to the delicate skin. The throb of her pulse beat against his lips, a rapid tattoo that
revealed her nervousness.

He was nervous too, which was odd. His heart raced, his breath became short and he

wondered what the hell was wrong with him.

“Rhett…” Her voice drifted off, a little sigh escaping her when he licked delicately at

her skin. Salt lingered on his tongue, the taste of her, the mystery of her, and his cock
jerked against the front of his damp swim trunks.

“I’m tasting you,” he explained. “For the greater good of the future Worth perfume.”
“No one can taste anything in a perfume,” she protested weakly.
“I’m going to have to protest that statement. Taste and scent are closely related, don’t

you agree?”

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“Of course I agree, but what you’re doing is completely unnecessary.”
“Really, Gabriella? Do you mean that?” He stared into her eyes, bringing their linked

hands down between them though he continued to hold onto her. “Because I’ll stop. Say
the word and I’ll stop right now.”

He wasn’t referring to the simple kiss on the inside of her wrist and she knew it. He

saw it in the way her eyes widened, how her breath quickened. She wanted him, the
flash of arousal in her gaze unmistakable, yet he tamped down the surge of triumph that
wanted to overtake him.

Not yet, not yet. Don’t jump the gun and push her away.
“I—I don’t want you to stop.” She bit her lower lip, her teeth sinking into the succulent

pink flesh and the urge to kiss her was so overwhelming, it was all he could focus on.

But again, not yet. To push too hard was dangerous. She was still skittish. He didn’t

want to scare her.

No, he wanted her eager. Willing. More than anything, he wanted her beneath him.

Naked, her breasts pressed against his chest, her long legs wrapped about his hips. His
cock buried deep inside her, connected to her so fiercely, she would be all he could
concentrate on. Making her feel good, making her come, again and again and again…

“Think of it as making the perfume stronger,” he suggested, knowing he was offering a

line of bull, but hoping she’d take it anyway. “If this one is successful, we’ll work on the
men’s line next, and I want them closely related. Keep that in mind.”

“Fine.” She nodded, her wet hair sliding against her bared shoulders provocatively.

“But what does that have to do with us here? Now?”

“Well, I think we’re creating the story here, you and I. The story of the fragrances and

how they came to be.”

Her eyes lit. Now he was talking her language. It gave him a perverse thrill to see how

instantly excited she became. “Oh, I love that. Tell me more.”

“All right. It’s about a couple together on the island.” He drew her closer, so close her

body collided with his. A delicious tease of their bare limbs connecting, the sparks of
attraction that all-too-brief contact brought to life. When he got her into his bed—and he
would, he didn’t doubt it any longer—it was going to be so fucking good between them.

Unbelievably good.
“Go on,” she whispered as he laced their fingers together.
“A couple on their first romantic vacation together. They’re discovering each other’s

wants and needs, their likes and dislikes. Maybe they’re starting to fall for each other.”
Not him, he never fell for anyone. This was all a story, a fun little sexy story where he
could mess around with her for the next few days, eat delicious food, drink fine drinks
and have outrageous sex all night long. Maybe even all day long too.

Oh yes, and work hard on creating the new scent. He couldn’t forget that.
“I like that.” Her expression had gone dreamy, the faint smile curling her lips so pretty,

he wanted to kiss her. “It’s sweet yet sexy.”

“It’s going to be very sexy, that I can promise.” He meant every word he said. “And

sweet. Hot.” Reaching with his other hand, he touched her delicate jaw with tentative
fingers. Learning its shape, the softness of her skin, he brushed the delectable curve of her

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lower lip with his thumb.

“Let’s go back to the villa,” she suggested, her voice so low he could barely hear her.
He paused in his exploration of her. “Really?”
She nodded with a naughty smile. “I’m starved.”
He laughed, dropped his hand from her face. “So am I.”
If she wanted to postpone the inevitable with a meal, he wasn’t going to protest. A

meal could be part of the seduction. He knew all about seducing a woman.

But this night, this woman, was different. It wasn’t about a quick lay he could run

away from the next morning. He couldn’t escape her. They were going to work together.
They had a future, one he couldn’t deny.

The idea of that, for once in his life, didn’t scare the absolute shit out of him. He

wanted her. And if he was lucky, it was going to happen tonight.

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Chapter Ten

The entire ride back to the resort, all Ella could think about was Rhett and what

happened between them at the beach. The way he’d looked at her, the things he’d said,
how he’d touched her so gently, so reverently, as if he were afraid to push too hard for
fear she might break.

It was considerate of him, she could appreciate his manners, but she wanted more. She

wanted passion. She wanted rough hands all over her, a crushing, bruising kiss pressed to
her mouth with wet tongues and heated moans. Tearing clothes off of each other’s
bodies, so overwhelmed they couldn’t make it to the bedroom. He’d take her against a
wall, on the couch, on the floor, wherever they landed. And when she finally screamed
her release, it was because he encouraged her every step of the way with shockingly
wicked words whispered close to her ear.

A delicious shiver moved through her, heat settling in her core. Oh, yes. That was

exactly what she craved.

But glancing in his direction, she realized he probably wouldn’t give that to her. Not at

first. This was all on her. It was up to her to take the next step. And she wasn’t used to
being the pursuer. Besides, she’d never pursued anyone like him.

Rhett was so gorgeous, he hurt her eyes. Sitting in the driver’s seat at this very

moment, he looked delicious enough to eat. The T-shirt was back on, though it was
covered in bits of sand that glittered when the light struck them. His skin had taken on a
burnished hue with not a hint of sunburn showing, while she was red as a baby lobster
despite the heavy coating of sunscreen.

So unfair.
Stubble lined his jaw, giving him a rakish air and she imagined what his roughened

face might feel like against the sensitive skin of her inner thighs.

She shifted in her seat at the provocative image. Rhett kneeling between her legs, his

long fingers wound around the waistband of her still-damp swimsuit bottoms, tugging
them gently down her thighs, over her knees, along her calves….exposing her to his gaze.
The appreciative glow in his eyes as he drank her in before he bent closer, his lips
hovering above her wet, aching center…

“Do you want to eat at one of the restaurants on the resort? Or go somewhere else?”

Rhett asked, interrupting her thoughts.

“W-we can stay at the resort tonight. That’s fine with me.” She breathed deep,

thankful he couldn’t read her mind. She kept her gaze focused on the window and the
passing scenery. Refused to look in his direction for fear he’d take one look at her and
know what she was thinking.

She felt like a teenager with a raging hormonal crush on the cutest boy in school. Not

that she knew what that was really like, considering her father had homeschooled her.
She’d never stepped foot in a high school. But she’d seen enough movies filled with teen
angst to get a sense of it.

Ella frowned. Oh, she was being absolutely ridiculous. She should jump him the

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moment they walked into their villa. He’d given her permission, after all, to make the
next move…

“Are you tired? We could always call in room service.” His tone was suggestive—or

was that her overactive imagination coming into play?

“I—I don’t care.” She was stuttering like a fool but he was making her nervous.
More like she was making herself nervous.
“I’m up for anything.” Again with the suggestive tone and she swore it wasn’t her

imagination. He was teasing her.

“I’m sure you are,” she murmured, causing him to laugh.
Within moments they were at the villa, Rhett opening the car door for her, solicitously

taking her beach bag so she didn’t have to carry it. Her palms were clammy, her stomach
bouncing with nerves as she followed him inside, her gaze lingering on his backside.

He held the door open for her and she walked inside, the sound of the door clicking

shut downright ominous in the quiet stillness of the room. She heard him drop the bag
onto the tile floor with a plop and she remained where she stood. Waiting. Trying to
build up the nerve to go after what she so desperately wanted.

But he beat her to the punch, thank God. Suddenly he was there. Behind her, his big

arms wrapped around her middle as he pulled her against his hard, hot body. He nuzzled
his cheek against hers, his breath warm as he whispered, “Take the dress off.”

Tingles washed over her at the hoarse command and she shrugged the straps of her

sundress off her shoulders, the top of the dress dropping to her waist. He grabbed hold of
the bunched fabric and pushed it down impatiently, until it fell to a puddle around her
feet. All the while his mouth was pressed against her neck, his teeth lightly nipping, his
tongue soothing away the sting.

She stepped out of the dress, gasping when he whirled her around to face him. The

hungry gleam in his eyes was unmistakable. Tilting her head back, she met his gaze,
watched with eager anticipation as he descended upon her.

“Close your eyes, Gabriella,” he urged and she did as he ordered, loving how forceful

he was. No man had spoken to her in such a commanding manner before.

She found it incredibly arousing.
His big hands spanned across her bare back, his fingers toying with the thin ties of her

bikini that crossed at the center. Finally, he settled his mouth on hers, his lips soft, damp
and slightly parted. She sighed at first contact, winding her arms around his neck, tracing
patterns on his nape with the tips of her fingers. He hauled her closer, against the most
primal part of him and she ground against his erection unashamedly.

A possessive hand cupped her face, his touch gentle. He teased her parted lips with his

tongue, tracing her lips, offering a delicate thrust before he retreated. Butterflies danced
in her stomach, her blood ran hot as it rushed through her veins.

It was too much. It wasn’t enough. Pressing closer, she crushed her chest against his,

darting her tongue out for a lick, moaning when he trapped it with his lips and sucked.

Rhett broke the kiss first, pressing his forehead to hers, his breath coming in hurried

pants. “We’re moving way too fast.”

“But I want to move fast.” She reached for him, was about to kiss him into silence, but

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he pressed a single finger to her lips, stopping her.

“Shh.” He traced first her top lip, then her bottom, his touch feather-soft. She parted

her lips, captured his finger between them and wrapped her tongue around the very tip.

His lids lowered as he continued to watch her, a little groan escaping him when she

sucked him deeper. “Are you trying to drive me out of my ever-lovin’ mind?”

“Yes.” She nipped his finger with her teeth, smiling when he uttered a soft ow. “Now

quit talking and kiss me.”

“Feisty little thing, aren’t you?” He did kiss her, sweet and slow when she wanted hot

and fast. Again he yanked away from her when she tried to take it further. “Slow down,”
he murmured, his fingers drifting down her cheek, his gaze locked on hers. “I want to
make this good for you.”

Didn’t he realize it didn’t much matter what he did, it would automatically be good.

She wanted him that much? “If you’re trying to romance me, it’s really not necessary. I
can promise you, I’m a sure thing.”

He burst out laughing as he grasped her by the elbows and set her away from him.

“You’re not messing around, are you?”

“See, that’s the problem. I’m trying to mess around and you won’t let me.” She

couldn’t believe she was saying such things, but the anticipation, the heat that had been
brewing between them, had set her patience to nonexistent.

His laughter grew, which frustrated her all the more. Was she a complete failure at this

seduction thing? Had she made an absolute fool of herself for nothing? If he rejected her,
she didn’t know if her heart could take it.

“I don’t see anything funny about this,” she muttered when he still hadn’t said a word.
“I’m sorry.” He sobered, though there was still a hint of a grin curling the corners of

his mouth. “I’m not laughing at you, I swear. It’s just…I don’t do this.”

She rested her hands on her hips, her fingers pressing the side ties of her bikini

bottoms into her skin. “If that isn’t the biggest lie I’ve ever heard, I don’t know what is.”

His brows lowered, his mouth curved into a frown. “You’re calling me a liar?”
“You’re always with women. Always. And now you’re trying to tell me you never do


“Right. I never turn women away.” He threw his hands up into the air. “Yet here I am,

pushing you right out of my arms.”

“You must find me repulsive then, if you never do this sort of thing.” Turning on her

heel, she stalked out of the room and toward her bedroom, ready to slam the door good
and hard, maybe even turn the lock for extra measure.

The absolute gall of the man, she felt like such an idiot. To kiss her, tease her, make her

think something major was about to happen between them only to end up laughing and
telling her blatant lies?

It was beyond rude—and cruel, if she was being honest.
“Gabriella,” he called as he chased after her.
She increased her pace, breaking out into a run as she headed down the hall. He caught

up to her easily, curling his hand around the crook of her elbow and dragging her to a
halt. “Let me go,” she protested.

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“I’m sorry.” He firmed his grip when she struggled. “I didn’t mean to hurt your


“Well, you did.” She jerked out of his hold, glaring at him. “And I don’t accept your


He cursed, ran a hand through his hair. Messing it up completely which only made her

want to reach out and straighten it. Run her fingers through the silky dark strands,
testing its softness…


Her overactive imagination was going to be the absolute death of her.

“I’m a fuckup.” He let loose a long, weary sigh. “I can never say or do the right thing in

front of a woman. How many times have I offended you since we met?” He didn’t allow
her to answer. “Too many times to count, I’m sure.” He seemed to struggle, to have some
sort of internal argument warring within him. He parted his lips, as if he were about to
blurt out something but then he clamped them shut, frustration written all over his too-
handsome face.

“What are you trying to say?” she asked softly.
A strangled sound escaped him. “When I said I haven’t done this before, I meant I’ve

never told a woman to slow down. I’ve just gone with it, you know?”

“I really don’t want to stand around and listen to you describe your past sexual

conquests.” She reached for the door handle of her room, but he beat her, his big hand
curling around the knob, preventing her from turning it and making her escape.

“I’m not trying to brag about any sexual conquests. I’m trying to tell you that you’re

different,” he said softly. His eyes glowed with a warmth she’d never seen before. “That I
actually care about what this, this—encounter means to you versus me trying to get my
freak on.”

Her heart melted. It didn’t matter that he used silly terms like “get my freak on” or

that he had a difficult time expressing himself. Her feelings meant something to him. He
wanted to make it good for her, and his admission touched her more than she cared to

“I can’t believe I said that to you.” He sounded disgusted with himself.
Unable to contain her happiness, she threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around

his neck as if she never wanted to let go. “I’m so glad you did,” she murmured just before
she kissed him.

And this time, he didn’t try to push her away. He took the kiss deeper, his hands

roaming all over her bare skin, the murmurs of approval that sounded in the back of his
throat ratcheting the fever in her blood higher.

She never wanted him to let her go.

He’d very nearly screwed it up. All because he tried to do the right thing, tried to be a

respectable guy. Well, there was no trying involved this time. He wanted to be the
respectable guy when it came to Gabriella. The more time he spent with her, the more he
actually liked her. And not because she had a smokin’ hot body and the softest skin he’d
ever had the honor to touch…

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She was a deliciously soft bundle in his arms at this very moment. Her swollen lips

locked with his, their tongues dancing, his hands wandering. She was practically naked—
the swimsuit covered only the most important assets. It would be so easy to tug the
strings undone on her bikini top, slip the bottoms off with a push of his hands. Have her
naked and writhing against him in mere minutes…

Rhett reached for the handle and opened the door to her room, guiding her inside, all

the while their mouths were still fused together. She nearly tripped and he tightened his
hold around her waist, gripping her soft backside with his hands and hauling her up so
he could carry her the rest of the way.

To the giant king-sized bed that awaited them.
Ella wound her slender legs around his hips, rubbing her heated center against his hard

cock. It strained the front of his swim trunks, dying to escape, and he growled low in his
throat when she blatantly thrust against him, mimicking the act they would no doubt be
involved in very soon.

Extracting her from him, he settled her on the edge of the bed, watched with

satisfaction as she lay back on the snow-white comforter. “How’s your sunburn?”

She glanced at her shoulder. “It doesn’t hurt, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“I was worried.” He whipped his shirt off over his head, tossing it onto the floor before

he joined her. “Your skin is still pink.” He drifted his fingers down the length of her arm,
linking their fingers together so he could bring her hand up to his mouth and press an
open-mouth kiss to her knuckles.

“Rhett.” Her voice was low and smoky, sexy as hell.
“What?” He kissed the back of her hand, breathing deep her salty fragrance.
“Are you going to waste all your time talking or are you going to kiss me?”
He smiled. Her impatience was a tremendous turn-on. The women he’d been with in

the past had always been agreeable. Eager, even, though never too much. None of them
had blatantly asked for it like Gabriella. The previous women were too afraid to let their
cool, sophisticated masks slip.

He’d behaved much the same way. Sex had always been a big game, a mutual, sought-

out event of extreme satisfaction. Nothing more and nothing less.

The more he thought about it, the emptier and downright pitiful it sounded.
“You don’t like to talk during sex?” He grabbed her other hand and brought them both

above her head, leaving her in the most intriguing position. Her chest thrust forward, her
breasts straining against the thin fabric of her bikini top. “I’ll have you know I’m a huge

Her eyes widened when he settled his lower body between her spread legs. “Of d-dirty


“Whatever you have in mind, I’m up for it.” Dipping in close, he kissed the top of her

ear. “If you like sweet, romantic words, I can give you that.” He nibbled her earlobe. “If
you prefer the raunchier, wicked talk, I can make that happen too.”

He pressed his mouth to the base of her throat, felt her swallow hard. “What do you

prefer?” she asked breathlessly.

“Hmm, depends on my mood.” He licked her pulse, felt her hands struggle the

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slightest bit against his hold. “What do you like?”

“I’ve, um. I’ve never been much of a talker. During…you know.”
She sounded uncomfortable and he couldn’t have that. “Then maybe we should start

out slow. Ease you into it.” Rhett shifted so his face was near hers, their mouths aligned
almost perfectly.

“O-okay.” She released a shuddering breath. “You’re going first, right?”
Chuckling, he murmured, “Don’t be so scared.” He gave her a chaste kiss. “You have

the prettiest mouth.”

That pretty mouth curled into a sweet smile. “Thank you.”
“And your skin is so soft.” He nuzzled her again because he couldn’t help it, she felt so

damn good. “I want you naked,” he whispered in her ear.

She shivered beneath him. “I—I want that too.”
He lifted himself up on his elbows, his fingers still curled around her wrists, holding

her in place. With his other hand he skimmed his fingers from her collarbone down until
he stopped at the valley between her breasts. Her nipples poked against her top and he
brushed his thumb first across one, then the other.

“Oh, God.” Ella closed her eyes. “You’re such a tease.”
He laughed, having never heard that accusation before. “It’s called taking it slow.”
“It’s called torture.”
“It’s only fair. You’ve been torturing me for days.” Reaching around her, he untied the

string at the center of her back, then moved up to untie the string wrapped around her
neck. The bikini top loosened but didn’t quite come off and he stared at her chest for a
moment, his self-prolonged agony over what he was about to reveal making him antsy.

He’d grown so used to the torture, he was doing it to himself.
“I have?” She sounded rather pleased with his revelation.
“Most definitely.” He carefully pulled her top off, her perfectly rounded breasts

topped with pale pink nipples appearing before him. Unable to resist, he bent his head
and licked one, causing her to yelp. “Want me to be honest?”

“Oh, please.” She squirmed when he swiped his tongue across her other nipple.
“I’ve wanted you from the first moment I saw you.”
She laughed, squirmed again when he pressed tiny kisses across her breasts. “I looked

like a wreck most of the time when I was in New York.”

“I saw past the wreckage.”
“I can’t believe you just agreed I was a wreck.” She wiggled against his grasp. “Let me


He did as she asked, worry flowing through him. “You’re not mad, are you?”
Slowly she shook her head, wrapping her hands around the back of his neck so he had

no choice but to come closer to her. “I already know you aren’t the best at expressing
yourself verbally.”

Rhett smiled against her parted lips. “Except when it comes to dirty talk.”
“I think you need to prove yourself more before I’ll agree with that statement.” She

kissed him before he could get another word out, her lips parting immediately and
allowing him entry.

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He took her up on the invitation, thrusting his tongue deep, his busy hands caressing

her breasts, lightly pinching her nipples. She panted against his mouth, moaning when
he cupped each one with both hands. “Are they sensitive?”

Nodding, she sighed when he slid down her body. “Yes,” she breathed, gasping when

he drew one nipple into his mouth and sucked. She grasped the back of his head, wound
her fingers in his hair and held him close while he continued to feast on her.

Christ, the uninhibited way she reacted to his every touch nearly shattered his control.

Closing his eyes, he pressed his forehead to her chest for the briefest moment, taking a
deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart and out-of-control libido. She pushed down
on top of his head, a not-so-subtle gesture as to what she wanted next.

Deciding to give it to her, he moved farther down and grasped hold of her slender

hips. “Should we take these off?” He toyed with the strings on either side of her hips,
wrapping them around his fingers.

Biting her lower lip, she nodded.
He slipped his fingers beneath the fabric, encountering heated skin. “Are you wet,


She whimpered, a sexy little sound that sent a zing of electricity straight to his cock.

“M-maybe you should check and see.”

Ah, she was a constant surprise. He slipped his fingers beneath her bottoms,

encountering her scant pubic hair. A memory came back to him from when he was at the
Beverly Hills Worth store, complaining to Hunter there were plenty of blondes in
Southern California, but not one of them was natural.

He had a sneaking suspicion Gabriella would be his first natural blonde.

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Chapter Eleven

Ella waited in breathless anticipation for Rhett’s fingers to go just a little farther down.

The man was an absolute devil, torturing her from the moment their lips first met.
Teasing her with words, wicked smiles and oh, how he touched her.

Slow and deliberate, as if he knew exactly how much she wanted him, yet taking

pleasure in the agony of anticipation. She lifted her hips, let loose a quivery moan when
he finally touched her where she wanted him.

“Hmm, you’re very wet.” He stroked her, gently tracing her folds, circling her clitoris

with the tip of his finger once, twice. Her stomach clenched, tingles washed over her skin
and she bit her lower lip as pleasure curled through her. “Feel good?”

She nodded, unable to find the words to describe just how good his hands on her felt.
“You’re holding your breath,” he pointed out, all the while tugging her bikini bottoms


Realizing he was right, she exhaled loudly, kicking off her bottoms when they tangled

around her knees. Thankfully, he went back to what he was doing. He stroked her, slid
his index finger inside her, in and out, in and out, driving her crazy.

He was going to make her come if he continued this. And she wasn’t ready yet, didn’t

want it to end before it really began. She was a one-orgasm woman, always had been. It
was usually easy to prolong. No man had ever worked her up so quickly before…

Without warning he placed his mouth directly on her, his lips sucking her clit, two

fingers thrusting inside her deep. He licked and sucked, working her into a frenzy, until
she had no choice but to let the waves of pleasure wash over her again and again, her
entire body shaking with her release as she cried out his name.

She lay motionless when the tremors finally subsided, her heart still racing a million

miles a minute, her eyes tightly closed. Rhett pulled away from her, she had no idea what
he was doing, and she was too wiped to crack open her eyes to check.

Disappointment crept in and she tried to push it away. Her chance at another orgasm

was practically nil. Not that she doubted Rhett’s skill—the man was amazing, she’d never
come so fast in her life—it was she who had the problem. The defect, if she wanted to get

Frowning, she opened her eyes in time to see him approach the bed completely naked.

Arousal swept over her, swift and hot, and she sat up, propping herself against the thick

He slipped onto the bed beside her and slung his arm around her waist, cupping her

side with his big hand. She turned her head, facing him, and stared into his dark blue

“Hey.” He smiled, looking rather pleased with himself. “Did you enjoy that?”
Her cheeks heated and she silently cursed her annoying ability to blush so easily.


Chuckling, he drew a finger across her chin. “Please, stop with all the gushing


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“But what about you?” She rested her hands on his chest, let them drift down. His abs

were rock-hard, his stomach muscles flinching beneath her touch. Oh, she could touch
him forever, he felt so good.

“Don’t think you’re off the hook. We’re not finished yet.” He tipped her chin up with

his fingers, brushing his mouth against hers in a soft, damp kiss. “I grabbed a condom.”

“Oh.” The word was small and hollow with disappointment.
Frowning, he studied her. “What’s wrong?”
She shrugged. “I’m a one-shot type of girl.”
His frown deepened. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh my God.” She blew out a harsh breath, deciding to just go for it. “I already came,

so I’m done for the night. I mean, of course I want to have sex with you, but don’t waste
your time trying to give me another orgasm. It’s over for me.”

He laughed and shook his head. “You have very little faith in me, don’t you?”
“What do you mean?”
“First of all, it sounds like you’ve been with the wrong men.” Sobering, he pulled her

beneath him, their bodies pressed against each other, his erection nudging against her
sex. He was large and thick, the feel of him sending pulses of excitement through her
veins. “What man wants to get his woman off once for the night and be done with it? I’ve
always been jealous of the multi-orgasmic ability females have anyway. It’s going to
become a challenge, you know, seeing how many times I can make you come.”

“I can’t believe we’re having this conversation. Has anyone ever told you that you talk

too much?”

“Mmm, nope.” He kissed her. Their tongues danced while he smoothed his hands all

over her, positioning her. “I’ve been accused of being a smooth talker and a bullshitter,
though,” he admitted once he broke the kiss.

She laughed, wrapping her arms around him so she could pull him close. “I’m sure

that’s a fairly accurate description.”

He pulled away so he could meet her gaze, his eyes dark, his expression serious, mouth

tight. “Not when it comes to you. I want you to know that, Gabriella. I’m not bullshitting
you or trying to smooth talk you into bed.”

“I’m already here,” she said with a smirk. She liked that she felt comfortable enough

with Rhett. That they could tease and laugh and she didn’t feel self-conscious the entire
time. It was…nice.

And unusual. She barely knew him. The first time they fooled around and already she

was thinking like this could turn into a thing. It so couldn’t. It had temporary island fling
written all over it.

“You know I’m not feeding you a line, don’t you? We hardly know each other, but I’m

being honest here. Laying it all out on the line.” He looked rather uncomfortable that he
just made that statement.

Reaching for him, she wound herself around his firm body, smoothed her hands down

his back. “I appreciate your honesty, Rhett. Really I do.”

He kissed her. “But?”
“But we need to stop talking and start doing.” She rested her lips against his ear,

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lowered her voice to a whisper. “I want you. Inside me.”

“Mmm, that’s a wicked request, Miss Durand. From what I understand, not your usual

style, either.”

“You make me think outside the box,” she said.
“I should be concentrating on getting inside your box.” He waggled his eyebrows, and

she couldn’t help but burst out laughing. She couldn’t remember ever laughing, smiling
or talking so much during sex.

He blazed a hot trail of kisses down her neck and her laughter slowly died. She felt his

erection, hard and hot, resting against her thigh and she reached for him, trailing her
fingers across the tip. It was damp, jerked against her touch, and a secret smile curved her

Moving up and over her, he swooped in, kissing her senseless. His tongue tangled with

hers, his hands cupping her breasts, thumbs brushing over her nipples. She could feel
him resting at the heart of her, the broad, thick head of his erection seeking entry, and
she pushed at his shoulders, not wanting him to get ahead of himself.

“Put a condom on,” she murmured. Her body burned with wanting him and she

realized that maybe, just maybe he was right.

She might earn a second orgasm out of this encounter after all.

Rhett reached for the bedside table where he’d dropped the condom earlier, searching

the tabletop until his fingers landed on the wrapper. Grabbing it, he lifted himself off her,
resting on his haunches between her spread thighs.

Pausing, he gazed down at her. What a vision. Hair a tangled mess and spread across

the pillow, her naked body open and willing, bared just for him. Her skin was tinged
with pink, her cheeks flushed and rosy, her nipples much the same. Hard little points
that begged for his mouth, he knew they tasted so sweet.

And he would sample them again in minutes.
Tearing open the wrapper, he slowly slipped the condom on, stroking himself, making

his body lurch. She watched beneath hooded lids, her lips parting in a pretty little “O”.
Licking her lips, she propped herself up on her elbows. “You have a beautiful body,” she

Pleasure rippled through him at her compliment. “And here you said you didn’t like to

talk much during sex.”

“I don’t. But watching you like this, I can’t help but say something.” He stroked his

cock again, putting on a show for her and she whimpered. “Wow.”

“‘Wow’? That’s all you’ve got?” He covered her once more, causing her to lie flat

against the mattress, his face in hers. “No, ‘oh, Rhett, you’re hung like a horse!’ You don’t
have anything like that for me?”

She giggled and the sound went straight to his soul. “I wouldn’t want you hung like a

horse. That’s gross.”

“Hmm, the bigger, the better is what they always say.” He knew his cock wasn’t a

monster, but he had nothing to be ashamed of.

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She wound her arms around his neck and brought him to her, their mouths

connecting. Lingering. She opened for him, his tongue searching, slipping and sliding
against hers. He adjusted himself, his cock at the very center of her and slowly, carefully,
he pushed inside.

Immediately he closed his eyes at the tight, velvety feel of her. Christ, he wouldn’t last

long, not with her like this. She ran her slender hands up and down his back, lower until
she was smoothing her fingers across his backside, pressing him closer, sending him

Oh, yeah. That was it. They moaned as he sunk inside her, moaned some more when

he withdrew almost all the way out then thrust back in. He could keep up this delicious
rhythm all night. The friction was almost unbearable, the heat of her clasping around
him, drawing him deep, her tissues dragging along him as he retreated from the
welcoming depths of her body.

“Rhett.” The way she whispered his name intoxicated him, drove him on. “Don’t stop.”
Hell no, he wasn’t going to stop. He increased his pace, almost frantic now, and he

breathed deep, telling himself to slow down. Determined to make that second orgasm
happen for her, no matter what.

Reaching between them, he touched the top of her slit, slid his finger down until it

brushed her engorged clit. He circled the little piece of flesh, again and again as he thrust
deep, again and again. Driving the both of them wild with it, until the mattress squeaked
with their every movement and their mingled cries and moans grew louder and louder.

She stiffened beneath him, her body bowing, holding there for a long, breathless

moment before she finally fell apart. Crying out his name, she clung to him as he
continued to slam inside her, harder this time. Faster. All the while, he played with her
clit, angling his cock just so, hitting the special spot deep within her that would make it
all even better.

“Can you come one more time?” he whispered close to her ear. “Can we make it


“Oh my God,” she gasped. “I—I don’t know.”
“Let’s try. Reach for it.” He slowed his movements, pulling completely out of her so he

could take the head of his cock and brush back and forth along her swollen folds,
lingering at her throbbing clit. “Doesn’t that feel good?” he crooned, knowing he was
driving her out of her mind.

Hell, he was driving himself out of his mind.
“Yes.” She sounded mindless with it, overwhelmed. Her eyes tightly closed, she

thrashed her head back and forth, her breasts swaying with the movement. “God, yes.”

“Open your eyes, baby. Look at me.” He stopped stroking her and she lifted her lids,

staring at him with dazed eyes. Slowly, he started stroking her again, playing with her,
pushing the both of them to the point of no return.

“Please,” she murmured, lifting her hips, trying to get him inside her. “I need you

inside me.”

“Begging for it, baby?” Ah, he was an ass. But it did a man’s ego good, having his

woman begging for him to satisfy her.

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“Yes.” She arched again and he fed her just the tip. “More,” she breathed.
She surprised the hell out of him. He hadn’t figured her to be such a tigress in bed, but

she proved him wrong. And because he found that so damn astonishing—in a good way
—he decided to give her what she wanted.

Thrusting deep, he pounded inside her, murmuring hot words in her ear all the while.

This was it, he wasn’t holding back now. Giving her everything he had, he went balls-
deep. Hard. Fast. His orgasm threatened, sitting on that peripheral edge, just out of reach,
and he strove toward it. Taking her mouth, he consumed her, ravaged her with his
tongue and teeth, all the while slamming his body into hers until they both stiffened and
groaned, their orgasms taking them completely over.

Rhett slumped over her for a long moment and then left the bed, disposing of the

condom quickly. He returned to the bed, pulling Gabriella to him without saying a word,
and she went willingly. She clung to his side, her breaths still coming fast, her body
trembling. He smoothed his hands down her side, trying to calm her down. Exhaling
slowly, he tried to ease his racing heart with deep, even breaths.

“That was—intense,” she finally whispered.
“Mmm.” He kissed her forehead, infinitely pleased with what just happened. Fuck, it

felt good. “You came three times.”

“And you sound rather proud of that,” she teased, glancing up at him. “I never

thought that could happen.”

“I told you.” He pressed another kiss to her temple. “You’ve been with the wrong


“I’ll say.” She ran her fingers back and forth across his chest, teasing his chest hair, and

he closed his eyes, enjoying it. He could fall asleep, he was so relaxed, so content. Take a
nap, wake up and do it all over again.

Smiling, he snuggled her closer, resting his chin on top of her head.
“This isn’t going to ruin our working relationship, is it?”
“I think it’s going to make it a lot more fun,” he joked.
“If we keep it temporary.” She paused and the moment suddenly felt heavy. “Right?”
“Right.” He didn’t want to talk about this now. Besides, he kept everything temporary.

This was going to be fun, just like he promised. A little bit of romance, a lot of exploring
in the sun and plenty of exploring each other’s bodies during the long, sultry nights. The
perfect inspiration she needed to create a sexy, island-based scent.

He hoped.

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Chapter Twelve

“How’s it coming?”
Rhett literally broke out in a sweat at the sound of his brother’s voice. He clutched the

phone tightly, his fingers cramping. If he was feeling like a dirty bastard, he’d tell Alex
he had Ella coming day and night, which was a rather arrogant—though honest—

But that wasn’t what Alex was referring to and he knew it.
“It’s going…well,” Rhett said, casting a glance toward Ella. She sat at a small table out

on the deck, scribbling inside her notebook, her shoulders hunched and a tiny frown on
her face.

“You’ve been there three days. You come back tomorrow, right?”
“Yes, tomorrow.” Rhett’s mouth went dry. He didn’t want to go back, didn’t want to

face reality. He wasn’t sure if Ella was ready to face it either.

They’d hardly come up for air, let alone with an idea for the scent, too consumed with

each other the last three days. Long, lazy mornings wrapped around each other, naked in
bed. Warm, sunny afternoons spent wandering the island, a lengthy dinner at one of the
resort restaurants followed by lots of naked playtime—again in bed. Or on the couch. The
floor, against the wall, out on the deck, in the shower…

Scrubbing a hand across his face, he banished the memories. He couldn’t get enough of


“Let’s set up a meeting for right after you arrive. I want to discuss with you what’s

happening with the perfume, what the next stages are. Hunter and Gracie want to go
over what the bottle and box is going to look like. They’ve had someone draw up some
ideas. I think you’ll be pleased.”

The back of Rhett’s neck grew damper with perspiration with every word Alex said.

“Aren’t we getting ahead of ourselves? Isn’t it a little soon to discuss such matters?”

“Not really. If you want this by next spring, then we need to get moving. It’s one of the

best times—women tend to want a change come the first sign of spring. Plus, we’ll be
available in time for Mother’s Day. In fact…” Rhett swore he heard the scratch of Alex’s
pen as he jotted down some notes. “I’ll mention we need to come up with gift sets.
Elegant boxes with the perfume’s name on it in simple font.” Alex paused. “What are we
calling the perfume, anyway? I don’t think you’ve told me.”

“Worth It.” The words just tumbled off his tongue without any thought.
“Hmm. Worth It for Women?”
Rhett swallowed hard. “I think it sounds great.”
“We’ll consider it. I know Hunter has a list already started.” Rhett heard the tap, tap,

tap of Alex’s pen. “When will Gabriella be ready to share the scent? Are you focusing on
one in particular or does she want to offer a few choices so we could narrow it down?”

Panic clawed at Rhett’s chest. He suddenly felt the need for a paper bag so he could

hyperventilate into it. “Probably a few choices. She isn’t stuck on one particular scent at
the moment.” Hell, he was making it up as he went along. Like usual.

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“And you two are getting along, right?” Alex’s voice lowered. “No funny business


The king of funny business had the nerve to ask him that? “Aren’t you the one who

messed around with your assistant while working in Europe?” Rhett pointed out not-so-
kindly. All the questions made him irritable. Real life had a rude way of butting its ugly
head in and ruining his good time.

“That was different.” Alex sniffed. “We were halfway in love by the time we got to

Paris. You, on the other hand, hardly know this woman.”

Rhett knew he didn’t like the thought of being away from her for too long. Even now,

with him inside the villa and her sitting outside nearby, he felt a loss. Like he needed to
go to her and touch her, hold her tight. Make everything better just by being connected to

“I have to go. I’ll call you when we arrive in New York.” Rhett ended the call before

Alex could say another word, guilt lingering within him. He hardly ever cut off his oldest
brother, usually saving that sort of behavior for Hunter, but he didn’t want to deal with
the questions. It all made him feel like a failure.

And he was going to fuck up this project, he knew it. He could feel it in his bones. It

was his fault Gabriella was distracted and could hardly work on the scent. He kept her
too busy in bed to think about much else.

Or maybe that was his problem. She was all he thought about. He thought his

obsession was bad before he slept with her…

He stepped out onto the deck, noticed that she stared off into space, a dreamy

expression on her face. Often he found her like that. Thinking, dreaming, over what, he
wasn’t sure.

“What are you doing?”
She startled, turning around to glare at him with a hand resting over her chest. “You

scared me to death.”

“Sorry.” He leaned in for a quick kiss before he settled in the chair next to her.
“Were you on the phone?”
He nodded grimly. “With Alex.”
“Oh.” She glanced down at her notebook, chewing on her lower lip. “Did he ask about

the scent?”

“He did.” He tried his best to keep his voice neutral but it was difficult. “He asked how

you were progressing.”

“And what did you tell him?”
A bunch of lies to keep him happy.

“I said everything was coming together.”

Her eyes filled with tears and she turned away from him, covering her eyes with her

hands. “Great, so you lied. Your brothers are going to hate my concept.”

“No, they won’t.” He reached for her, but she pulled away, dropping her hands to

glare at him. “They’ll love it.” How he wished he could ask what the hell it actually was.

She slammed her notebook shut, making the table rattle with the force of it. “I doubt

that. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.” Sighing, she stood and walked toward the
ledge of the deck, resting her arms on it so she could stare out at the ocean.

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Rhett followed her, suddenly afraid to get too close. She’d been edgy, almost

despondent for the last few hours, and he wasn’t sure what was bothering her or why. “Is
something wrong?” Christ, he wanted to roll his eyes at himself. He sounded like a chick.

“Nothing you could help me with.” She kept her gaze trained straight ahead and he

noticed her eyes were still watery with tears.

“Try me.” He leaned his arms on the wooden ledge close to hers.
Taking a deep breath, she turned to look at him. “My father called me this morning.”
Rhett frowned. “Is everything all right?” He knew somewhat of how guilty she felt,

leaving her father back home. How odd he’d become over the years, how obligated she
felt to take care of him. How he hadn’t necessarily encouraged her to take the job with
Worth, which had secretly devastated her though she wasn’t one to go into details about

“He called to let me know he accepted a job offer. He leaves next week for Italy.” She

slowly shook her head.

“With who?” Unease settled within him as he waited for her answer.
He clenched his jaw. The Renaldi brand was one of their biggest competitors. His

father had hated Giorgio Renaldi tremendously, had always accused him of being a dirty-
handed liar and cheat. “You’re kidding.”

“I wish I was.” She turned to face him, her cheeks streaked with tears. “Imagine them

wanting to all of a sudden launch a perfume when they’d never done so before? Sort of
strange, don’t you think?”

“An odd coincidence,” Rhett said carefully.
“This is no coincidence,” she said bitterly. “He told them. My father went to Renaldi

and told them about Worth and then offered his services for more money, I’m sure of it.”

His heart sank. Alex and Hunter would hit the roof when they heard this. “How do

you know? Did your father tell you this?”

“He didn’t have to. I just know.” She pushed away from the ledge and started for the

villa. “I don’t blame you if you hate me. My father double-crossed you, he double-crossed
me. He duped all of us.”

Rhett grabbed her before she slipped inside the house, forcing her to turn around and

face him. The tears were still there, accompanied by a look of such disgust, such absolute
misery, it nearly broke his heart. “You’re overreacting. I don’t hate you,” he said. “I could
never hate you. And you’re not your father’s keeper.”

“Yes, I am! I thought I could trust him. He betrayed me, Rhett. And in turn, he

betrayed you.”

“How? He’s a perfumer, you’re a perfumer. If you both want to maintain successful

careers, you’re going to each have to work at businesses that compete with each other.”
He was acting way more nonchalant about this than he felt. “It’s bound to happen.”

She sucked in a deep breath. “I feel like he ran with this information straight to


“Who’s to say someone from Renaldi didn’t contact him? You know, my father always

hated Giorgio Renaldi.”

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“Really?” She frowned.
“They were bitter rivals. I don’t remember much since I was so young, but according to

Alex, my father always had a soft spot for the wife. Claudia Renaldi is a very beautiful

“Hmm.” She’d met the Renaldis once, long ago at some industry social event. She

could hardly remember them, though she recalled the wife had worn plenty of jewelry,
which she’d greatly admired as a girl.

How her father had contacted them and ended up with a job in Italy, she wasn’t quite

sure. Could hardly wrap her head around it, really.

“What your father is doing and who he’s working for won’t interfere with our working

relationship. I won’t let it.” Rhett wrapped his arm around her slender shoulders and
pulled her close. “It’s easy for me to say, but don’t let it bother you. We need to
concentrate on our project, not worry about what your father might be doing.”

She sighed, buried her face against his chest. The sensation of her warm breath through

the thin fabric of his shirt made his body react like the horny bastard he was. “You’re
right. I’ve been gathering notes, coming up with some formulas. I’m not sure if they’re
what you’re looking for, but once we return to New York, I’ll send my formulas to the lab
and see what we can come up with.”

“Is it enough, you think?” He tried his best to keep the worry from his tone but it

proved difficult.

And this ultra-perceptive woman picked right up on it. “I don’t know.” She met his

gaze, hers unwavering, her expression daring him to protest.

Well. He appreciated her honesty.
It also scared the hell out of him.

After reassuring Rhett she most certainly had everything under control, Ella had

hidden away in her bedroom, telling him she needed to work. He’d tried to convince her
to at least go out to the beach with him, where she could sit under an umbrella and pour
over her newly created formulas.

But she wanted to do it alone. In private. She needed the quiet, the absolute stillness of

the empty, silent room. The only sound the fan whirling slowly overhead, the faint
murmuring buzz of the motor soothing her frazzled nerves.

Eventually she started to take notes, redoing formulas, trying to figure what fit best

where. The scratching of her pen on the thick paper within her notebook seemed extra
loud, as did the clicking of her fingers on the keyboard of her tiny laptop.

She hadn’t worked in such silence for so long, it felt odd.
When she wasn’t calculating formulas, she conducted research via the web. Even fired

off a few emails, one to her mentor, a lovely woman who’d once worked with her father
and now another to a former instructor at Givaudan. She offered them hints of her newly
created scents, asking might she be on the proper track if she wanted to create an unusual
but identifiable tropical scent.

Their lack of response scared her to death. What if she was completely wrong? What if

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she formulated all three juices, brought them as samples and the Worth executives hated
every single one? She had no time to go back and recreate something from scratch. Rhett
had already made that clear. She’d been under the gun from the moment she took the

And yet she’d fooled around during most of their time on the island. Too enamored

with Rhett, too captivated by the way he smiled at her, kissed her, made love to her…

Frowning, she shut her laptop, dismissing her empty inbox. They would eventually

reply. They always did. The time difference was tremendous and besides, she was being
foolish, willing the return emails to appear like she had magical powers.

If she had magical powers, she’d snap her fingers and have the perfect scent created.

The Worths would celebrate her. The entire industry would declare her brilliant. And

Rhett would wrap her in his arms and whisper that he never wanted to let her go.
Literally snorting, Ella stood and went to the window, staring out at the ocean. It was

yet another beautiful day on Maui, her last, and she spent it cooped away in the room
she’d hardly used since arriving. They’d slept in this bed their first night there, the first
time they had sex, then moved to Rhett’s room the next day.

She cracked open the window, allowing the scent to waft in on the gentle breeze. A

mixture of heat and sand, the salty, slightly algae smell of the ocean and a hint of
blooming native flowers, it was what she so desperately tried to capture.

It scared her, how unsure she felt. How risky this entire endeavor was. She was already

feeling on unstable ground when she received the phone call earlier. Her father, giddy
with his news, proudly proclaiming how he’d somehow come in contact with one of the
Renaldi brothers, letting them know he’d seriously considered taking on the Worth
perfumer contract but ultimately told them no.

What would it take to have you take on a perfume assignment again?

the Renaldi brother had

asked her father.

Too much for you to fathom

, he’d answered, laughing when he recounted the story for

Ella’s benefit.

She hadn’t wanted to hear it. The news had made her sick when he announced the

amount of money they were willing to offer him. An exclusive two-year contract, he’d
boasted. Near complete creative control, not only would he formulate the juice, he would
have a say in the final decision as well.

Practically unheard of in the industry, and her father had scored such a deal. She still

could hardly believe it.

You need to learn how to negotiate properly

, he’d chastised her, his voice gruffer than

usual. His disappointment had been palpable, even over the phone. You take the first deal
you’re offered and allow them the ability to cut you off as quickly as they hired you. You’re a fool.

She was a fool to believe her father would be proud of her. He was selfish. She’d

known this her entire life but had chosen to ignore it. No child wanted to admit their
parent didn’t care for them properly, was too wrapped up in their own lives to attend to
the needs of those who solely depended on them.

When she was small, she’d at first feigned interest in scent. As she grew older, she

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realized she had a true talent, a gift. A nose, her father had proclaimed to his friends and
colleagues. He’d told everyone his daughter had as good a nose as he and everyone knew
how refined his was.

She’d become a perfumer because she’d known nothing else. And for the first time in

her life, she resented it. Resented her father, the life he’d provided her, the lack of
choices. She’d had no choice. She was who she was because of him.

The burden to impress, to prove to all she was just as good and someday would most

likely be better than Michel Durand was exceptionally heavy. Her father believed she
would fail. Oh, he didn’t outright say so, but he didn’t need to. He believed she would
never amount to anything.

Or that she would never amount to the greatness that was Michel Durand. She lived in

his shadow her entire life. And it was so dark and so long, it nearly consumed her.

A knock sounded at the door and then it opened, Rhett peeking his head around it. His

eyes were gentle, as was the smile that curved his full mouth. He was devastatingly
handsome, sweet when he wanted to be, but bossy and stubborn too, sometimes a bit
more than she cared for.

Deep down, she liked the way he took charge. It aroused her and his behavior made

her feel cared for. Something she’d never really experienced before.

“Are you all right?”
She nodded, tried to offer him a reassuring smile but failed. She saw it in the

darkening of his eyes, the concern written all over his face. “I’m fine,” she lied.

He entered the room, closing the door behind him, why, she wasn’t sure. Slowly he

approached her, his steps light, his gaze locked directly on her. “We leave first thing
tomorrow morning,” he said when he stopped in front of her.

She nodded, afraid of what might happen if she tried to speak. She could fall apart,

start blubbering all over him and that was the last thing she wanted to do.

“I want to spend the rest of the evening with you,” he murmured, reaching out so he

could capture her hand in his.

“What time is it?” She hadn’t paid much attention, knew she’d spent most of the

afternoon locked away considering the placement of the sun, the shadows that it cast.

“Almost four.” He squeezed her hand before entwining his fingers with hers. “We only

have a few more hours together alone, Gabriella.”

A wave of sadness washed over her, so large it made the back of her knees dissolve. He

squeezed their linked hands, but it didn’t reassure her like usual. The unspoken words
rang through her head. What they shared was temporary. As soon as they returned to
New York, it was over. She knew this, was savvy enough to understand how it worked,
but she hadn’t anticipated finding herself halfway in love with him.

And she was. It wouldn’t take much to nudge her over the edge, either. It was foolish,

she’d known him for such a short amount of time, but there it was.

To Rhett, she was an island fling. She’d told herself this from the start. Her head knew

it, but her heart was a complete idiot.

That she allowed her heart to become involved in the first place was more than enough

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proof of her utter foolishness.

“I want to spend tonight with you. I don’t want to worry about work or the scent or

anything like that. Just me and you”

“Rhett…” She started to protest, to argue, but he pressed his fingers to her mouth,

silencing her.

“Just say yes, Gabriella.” He paused, his eyes full of some unnamed emotion she’d

never seen before. “I—I really want you to say yes.”

His hesitation, his words warmed her heart. And she so enjoyed the way he said her

full name. Not even her father called her that any longer. No one did.

Except Rhett.
“You know, we’ve spent every night together,” she reminded him when his hand

dropped away from her lips. “Really, we’ve wasted lots of precious time when we
should’ve been working. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but maybe we should
work tonight instead of going out.”

He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her in close. She fit perfectly against

him, their bodies attuned with each other yet still thrilling at first contact. Resting her
hands on his chest, she smoothed her fingers downward, savoring the hard, muscular feel
of him. Slowly, she tilted her head back, their gazes meeting, his so serious. “I have an
idea,” he murmured.

She arched a brow. “What sort of idea?” Most of his ideas usually ended up with them

naked in bed. Not that she usually complained…

But today—at the absolute last minute—she was trying to do the right thing. She

didn’t know if she’d finally come to her senses or was acting incredibly stupid.

“A good one, I promise.” The wickedness in his grin made her smile in return. “Trust


“I want to trust you. But…” Slowly, she withdrew from his embrace, momentarily at a

loss for words. “Maybe—maybe we’re going about this all wrong.” How could she tell
him she believed they’d essentially wasted their time while on Maui? She was just as
guilty as he, just as much of a screwup when the both of them had something to prove to
their families, to the industry, to the entire world.

So why did they squander their opportunity?
“What are you saying?” His voice was tight, his expression fierce. It was as if her words

flipped a switch within him. “That you don’t trust me? That you think I’m a fuckup like
everyone else does?”

“I never said that,” she started, but he cut her off with a look.
“You didn’t have to. It’s written all over your face.” Clenching his jaw, he glared at her.

“Fine, you’re right. I bring you to this island and all I want to do is fuck you. Forget the
job, forget the perfume, forget Worth. All I can think about is how fast can I get you

Ella’s jaw dropped, shocked at his harsh words, his even harsher expression. “I’m just

as guilty as you.”

“Not even close. I took advantage of you. I do that, you know. And you were ripe for

plucking.” He smiled, but it was more a grimace. “Hunter knew I would do this. Hell, so

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did Alex. They all think I’m a complete idiot who can only think with his dick. I’m just
proving them all right.”

She watched in stunned silence as he marched out of the room without another word,

slamming the door behind him. Her knees collapsing, she fell onto the edge of the bed,
staring at the floor.

Well. That conversation had gone nothing like she anticipated. She’d never seen him so

angry, so down on himself. He was usually so carefree, so easygoing. She knew his
brothers thought he was a bit of a screwup, but that was a part of his past. He’d worked
hard to prove he’d changed his ways.

Didn’t his family realize it?
Tears filled her eyes and she tried her best to blink them away. But they came anyway,

blurring her vision before they slid slowly down her cheeks. She didn’t want him to go
back to New York defeated, thinking he’d more than met his brothers’ low expectations.
She wanted him to prove them wrong. She wanted him to succeed.

Sniffing loudly and wiping the tears from her heated cheeks, she stood and grabbed

her notebook, flipping it open to yet again look over one of the handful of formulas she’d

If she had her way, Rhett would succeed. Nothing would stand in his way.
Not even her.

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Chapter Thirteen

He’d stormed out of the villa like a pouting baby. Went and sat at one of the resort bars

for almost two hours, nursing a beer and staring morosely at the majestic ocean view.
More than one beautiful woman had sidled up to him while he sat there. Clad in scant
bikinis that showcased perfectly toned bodies, trying to catch his attention with blatant
attempts at flirtation.

He ignored them all. None of them interested him. He only wanted Gabriella.
And she thought he was a grade-A screwup that she couldn’t trust.
Sighing, he grabbed the bottle in front of him, slinging back the last of the now-warm

beer. He slammed it down with a grimace, shaking his head no when the bartender asked
if he wanted another.

He needed to keep his wits about him. Didn’t want to get so drunk out of his mind

he’d stumble back to the villa and make an ass of himself. He’d done enough of that to
leave a more-than-lasting impression on Gabriella.

If she was smart, she’d keep him at arm’s distance for the rest of their short stay on the

island. If he was smart, he’d apologize and beg her forgiveness.

Never in his life had he been accused of being particularly smart.
“Is this seat taken?” a sweetly sultry voice suddenly asked from behind.
Turning, he was about to say he was leaving but the words stuck in his throat.

Gabriella stood in front of him, wearing a pale yellow strappy sundress that showed off
her sun-kissed skin, her eyes full of worry though her smile was bright.

He’d done that to her, put the unease in her gaze. And he hated that.
“Hey. I was, uh, just headed back,” he said lamely.
She settled onto the barstool next to his, ordering a drink when the bartender

approached. Rhett studied her, marveled for about the thousandth time over her beauty,
her serene composure, her ability to both calm his soul and send a riot of nerves racing
through his belly simultaneously.

The effect she had on him was like nothing he’d ever experienced before.
“I worried about you,” she murmured, settling her elbows on the edge of the counter

before she turned to face him. “You didn’t answer your phone.”

“I didn’t realize you called.” He’d turned down the volume on his phone, not wanting

to deal with any of his problems, like his life. Acting the coward and running away from
his troubles as he was prone to do.

Yet here she was, in his face and reminding him that he needed to do the right thing.
Like face his problems and apologize for being a jerk.
“Are you still angry?” she asked.
“You want the truth?” She deserved it.
“Of course I do.” Reaching out, she settled her hand over his, so small and fragile

compared to his. “I always want you to be honest with me, Rhett.”

Sighing, he turned his hand palm up, interlacing their fingers together for the briefest

moment before he let go. He needed that connection, had found himself growing more

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dependent on it as each day passed.

It was exhilarating, his need for her. And also terrifying.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you.” He kept his apology direct and to the point.
Ella shrugged. “You were mad,” she said simply.
“More at myself than you—and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”
“I’m still standing, right?” She offered him a quick smile.
The bartender reappeared, drink in hand. He set it in front of Ella with a little flourish

and a flirty smile. Rhett glared at him for a long, silent moment before the guy got the
hint and left.

“That was rude,” she chastised once the bartender was out of earshot.
“He was looking at you.”
“Is that such a crime?” She was oblivious.
“He was trying to flirt with you.” And it offended the hell out of Rhett, since clearly

they were sitting together and everyone should assume they were a couple.

Though they weren’t, not really. She could flirt with whoever she wanted. He didn’t

own her.

Jealousy set his skin on fire. The mere thought of her flirting with someone, of being

touched, kissed by another man…

Possessiveness overwhelmed him so completely he was near compelled to grab hold of

her and tell her she belonged to no other.

Just him.
She rolled her eyes before grabbing her drink and taking a sip. “He was so not flirting

with me.”

Hell yes, he was. She had no idea how much she’d blossomed since arriving on the

island. Her vibrancy, her beauty, her vivacious personality, all of it had been lying
dormant, waiting to burst out in all of its potent glory.

He liked to think he helped contribute to her blossoming. At least a little bit.
“I don’t like fighting with you,” he said, earning a surprised glance his way. “I’m sorry,


She smiled tentatively before she sipped from her drink again. “You’re forgiven.”
That easy. It was simply that easy for Gabriella to say all was well, to move on from the

petty argument they’d had only two hours prior. His brothers would’ve given him
endless shit. Any of the women he’d been with—and none of them had been serious so
they didn’t count—would’ve pouted and guilt-tripped him into doing something stupid.
Like buy an expensive gift to appease them.

Not Gabriella. She merely shrugged her shoulders and said she forgave him.
“I’m also starving,” he finally said, his stomach growling for emphasis.
Her smile grew. “Same.”
“And yet you’re drinking on an empty stomach,” he pointed out.
Ella shrugged. “I’m thirsty.”
Moving in closer, he set his mouth to her ear, earning a shiver for his efforts. “You

should be careful. There are men at this bar who might try and get you drunk so they can
take advantage of you.”

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Leaning into him, she emitted a soft little sigh when he kissed her ear. “Hopefully

you’re the only one who has that idea in mind.”

Probably not, but if she wanted to believe so, he’d go with it. “Finish your drink,

sweetheart. So we can go back to the villa and I can have my wicked way with you.”

“What if I want to have my wicked way with you instead?” The innocent expression

accompanied by the smoldering heat in her eyes set his blood to boiling.

“I won’t stop you.” He grinned and reached for her drink, taking a swig. It was strong,

the alcohol burning as it slid down his throat, and she giggled. “Drink up,” he

She downed half the drink with a few swallows, her gaze meeting his when she set the

glass onto the counter. “Rhett, I want you to know I’m not going to disappoint you.”

He jokingly leered. “Baby, you never disappoint me.”
“No.” Reaching out, she touched him, resting her hand on his forearm, her fingers

lightly caressing his skin. “I’m serious. It’s going to all come together. I know it.”

“Gabriella…” She was referring to the project, to the scent, he knew this. Yet he’d

already written it off, having gone over it in his head again and again. What he might say
to his brothers, how he might put them off.

There was no way they’d let him put them off. Yet he’d pondered it anyway.
“I’ve come up with an idea. But I need to take you to the villa and show you what it


Brows furrowed, he studied her. “What do you mean?”
A mysterious smile played at the corners of her lips. “Let’s head back and I’ll explain


Excitement bubbled up within her as she opened the door and entered the villa, Rhett

right behind her, so close she could feel his body heat, smell his deliciously masculine
scent. He reached for her the moment the door clicked shut behind him, one strong arm
wrapped around her middle as he pulled her close.

Ella melted into him, leaning her head against his firm chest. His skin was warm, his

arms strong, his heartbeat steady and true. He’d grabbed her much the same way that
first night. The first time they’d made love. He probably didn’t realize how much he
reassured her, how much she’d grown to need that reassurance in such a short time.

If only he would let her in, let her get closer. She could show him exactly how well

they complemented each other. They were well matched, yet he’d probably run and hide
if she attempted to show him just how good they could be together. He wasn’t one for
commitment. Wasn’t one to stick around and make something work. He’d so much as
told her that the first night they were together.

She was a fool to think she could convince him otherwise…
“What’s this grand idea you were talking about earlier?” He pressed his face against

her neck, kissing her there. His mouth was damp and full, lingering as he delivered
another, then another kiss along the column of her throat.

Closing her eyes, she savored the feel of his lips on her skin, his hand moving up to cup

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her breast, his burgeoning erection brushing against her backside. She was completely
surrounded by him and it felt like heaven. “It’s about the scent. I know exactly what I
want it to be.”

He paused in his ministrations, long fingers curled around one breast, his lips moving

against her neck as he spoke, tickling her sensitive skin. “Exactly?”

Ella nodded, resting her arms over his, caressing his forearms with her fingertips. “It

came to me while you were sulking in the bar.”

“Hey.” He bit the side of her neck, immediately soothing the sting with his tongue.
“I’m calling it like I saw it.” She bit back the gasp that threatened to escape when he

tugged on the elastic top of her dress. It came down with ease, exposing her bare breasts,
and he growled with satisfaction.

“Coming into that bar with no bra on, no wonder the bartender stared at you.”
Her cheeks heated and she arched her back, filling his seeking hands with her breasts.

“I was trying to get your attention.”

“You already have it.” His fingers stroked, ratcheting her pleasure higher and higher.

“Tell me about your epiphany.”

“How about I show you instead?” She turned in his embrace, extracting herself only to

arm’s length so she could grab his hands and lead him to the bedroom.

The smile on his face told her how pleased he was with her answer. He let her walk

him into his bedroom, his gaze locked on her bared breasts. Typical lust-filled man. She
stopped when they were at the foot of the bed and let go of him, gathering the skirt of
her dress in her hands so she could yank it over her head and toss it onto the floor.

Revealing she wore nothing at all beneath the sunny-colored dress.
His eyes widened as he drank her in, his lips parting on a faint sigh. Slowly he shook

his head, his gaze gleaming with approval. “Is this what you wanted to show me?”

The sound of his hoarse voice sent a flash of satisfaction through her. She loved that

she could affect him so. “I’m only part of the equation.”

“I’m really hoping I’m the other part,” he said eagerly.
She laughed and approached him, wrapping her body around his, clinging as if she’d

never let him go. He grabbed hold of her hips, his fingers pressing into her skin, holding
her flush to him. “You’re definitely the other part,” she whispered against his mouth
before she kissed him.

The kiss turned instantly deep, hot. Wet and wild within seconds. She whimpered

when his grip tightened on her hips, exhaled in relief when he tossed her onto the bed as
if she didn’t weigh a thing. He took complete and total control, tearing his clothes off
with ruthless efficiency before joining her on the bed. Covering her completely with his
body, his erection nudged against her stomach, the tip of it damp, leaving sticky residue
on her belly.

She reached for him, wrapped her fingers around his length and stroked the flared

head with her thumb. He groaned and took her mouth again, the kiss brutal. Beautiful.

“I want to wait,” he panted in her ear when they broke apart. “I want to make it good

for you. But I never can.”

His eagerness, his loss of complete control thrilled her. She’d rather have him in the

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throes of passion, unable to hold back versus calm and calculated. The out-of-control
Rhett seemed more real, rawer.

“You always make it good,” she whispered. “I need you inside me, Rhett. Please.”
Groaning, he reared up on his knees, reached toward the bedside table where a lone

condom lay in wait. She’d not seen it, watched in silent fascination as he tore open the
wrapper. Slipping the condom on over his engorged cock, he stroked himself. Once.
Twice, as he was prone to do.

It drove her wild. What would it be like, watching him bring himself to climax? It

might teach her a lesson or two. Show her exactly how he liked to be handled…

“God, the way you’re looking at me.” He sprawled on top of her, propping himself on

his elbows so he could stare into her eyes. “I’m almost afraid to ask what you were

Smiling, she slipped her arms around his neck and clasped the back of his head,

bringing him closer. “Don’t be afraid. I’m thinking all good things.” She kissed him,
briefly. Sweetly. “Wicked, naughty things.”

“Hmm, sounds promising.” His kisses were definitely promising. So full of passion,

caring, tenderness, yet edged with scorching heat. He cupped her breasts, tore away from
her mouth so he could press kisses to her flesh, draw his tongue around her nipples. She
held him close, wanting more, wanting all of him.

“Rhett.” She whimpered his name when he bit her nipple, just hard enough to send

pleasurable pain shooting through her. He continued his attention on her breasts and she
soon grew restless, bucking her hips, sliding her legs against his. She wanted him inside
her. Wanted him to fill her completely, pound deep, wanted to hear his murmur of
pleasure just before he came…

Grabbing her by the back of the knee, he pulled her leg up, hooking it around his hip.

Opening her to him, she could feel how wet she was, how much she was ready for him.
His cock brushed against her entry and she strained her hips, wanting him inside her.
Filling her…

“Jesus, you drive me insane,” he whispered as he moved up so they were facing each

other, chest to chest. He wound her hair around his fist, tugging gently so her head tilted
back. She parted her lips, sighing when he traced first her bottom lip, then the top with
his tongue. All the while his other hand pulled her hair tighter, and she exhaled in a hiss
when he took her mouth, took her very breath.

Letting go of her, he reared up on his knees, grabbing her by the hips and pulling her

in. Slowly, he entered her, inch by hard inch, his gaze locked with hers, his hands
pressing into her tender flesh. She closed her eyes against the pleasure, moaning when he
withdrew and thrust back inside. Again and again, he pumped within her, his pace
increasing with every stroke, his hands holding her firm.

She wound her legs around him, sending him deeper. He groaned her name, moving

faster and she reveled in it. Reveled in the way he held her possessively, used her so

“Open your eyes,” he urged and she did, found him watching her. The primal

expression on his face, the smoldering heat in his gaze set her skin aflame, made her belly

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clench. “God, you’re so beautiful.”

His voice was hoarse, his grip tight, his words said with such sincerity. She arched into

him, lifting her lower body, and he held her closer, pummeling inside her body, the both
of them breathing so hard she swore they steamed up the room.

She was close. Tingles swept over her skin, scattered within her, and she clamped her

legs tighter around his hips. “Oh God.”

“You’re close, aren’t you?” He was so perceptive. Reaching between them, his thumb

played with her clit. “Come with me, Ella.”

The orgasm washed over her and she cried out, her entire body trembling from the

force of it. She closed her eyes, heard his raspy shout as he spilled within her. He
collapsed on top of her seconds later, his body heavy and hot, damp with sweat. She
wound her arms around him, skimmed her fingers down the smooth length of his back,
stroked over his firm buttocks.

“I’m crushing you,” he murmured into her hair.
She tightened her hold on him when he tried to move. “Stay.”
Chuckling, he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You make me sound like a dog.”
“Mmm, never.” She squeezed him close, savoring the feel of him surrounding her. He

felt so good, so…right.

And that didn’t scare her. If only she could convince him to feel the same…
“You smell good,” he whispered, his lips lingering on her temple.
“Oh!” Her eyes flew open and she pushed at his shoulders so he would look at her.

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. The scent.”

He frowned, his dark brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
Smiling, she reached for his face, cupping his stubble-roughened cheek. “I think the

perfume should smell like…this.”

“Like what?”
“Like us.” Lifting up, she pressed a kiss to his plush mouth. “Together, after we’ve

made love. The perfume should smell like sex.”

Rhett looked at her like she was crazy. “Are you serious?”
Nodding, she nibbled on her lip. “I think so.” Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.
He studied her for a long, silent moment, his gaze assessing, his lips pressed against

each other. She let her hand drop, disappointment crashing over her. He hated the idea.
Thought it was awful. She’d come up with a few options, but this one was her favorite,
her number-one choice.

Maybe she was crazy, but perfume, scent, was sexy. So why not try and capture these

moments in a bottle? It might be all she’d have once they returned to New York.
Memories and the scent of his skin pressed next to hers.

If he agreed to it, that is…

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Chapter Fourteen

Gabriella’s idea wasn’t that farfetched. The perfume industry had been trying to bottle

and sell sex for years. Still, Rhett wasn’t quite sure what part of the act Gabriella was
referring to. And if he was being honest, he couldn’t quite believe his sweet little
perfumer had made such a suggestion.

“You think it’s awful.” She tried to shift away from him, but he pinned her in place.

“Let me go.”

“I don’t think it’s awful.” He gentled his grip on her though he refused to move. “I’m

just trying to figure out what exactly you want it to smell like.”

Her cheeks colored with embarrassment. Even after all they shared, wrapped around

each other completely naked, his cock still inside her for the love of Christ, she still
blushed. He found it adorable. “Well…” Her voice trailed off and she clamped her lips

Kissing those tight lips, he rolled off her and went into the bathroom, disposing of the

condom. He was damn careful each and every time they had sex. Wasn’t about to become
his brothers with an unexpected baby on the way. Not that his niece and nephew weren’t
blessings, but…he was a selfish bastard who could barely figure out how to fit a woman
into his life, let alone a child.

Rhett walked back into the room to find Ella sitting up in bed, the snow-white sheet

bunched around her waist, her breasts on blatant display. Her still-pale skin had a golden
glow to it thanks to the constant time they spent in the sun, and despite her heavy use of
sunscreen. Her hair was a tumbled mess, her cheeks still flushed, and she had that just-
fucked look about her.

His body tightened. She wore it very well.
“So.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorjamb, blatantly enjoying the

view. “Are you going to explain? Or are you still too embarrassed?”

“Rhett,” she chastised, but she wouldn’t meet his gaze.
“The very last person you should be embarrassed with is me.” He sniffed the air, the

lingering scent of sex unmistakable. “I just made you scream my name when you came,
Gabriella. Come on.”

She waved a hand at him, her head still averted. “I can’t have a serious discussion with

you while you’re standing there naked.”

“You’re not even looking at me. Besides, you think I can remain serious when you’re

sitting there naked?” He waved a hand at her in return. “Just because you’re partially
covered up doesn’t mean I don’t know what you look like under that sheet.”

“Oh my God.” She tilted her head back, gazed up at the ceiling. “Open the window,

would you, please?”

Frowning at her odd request, he went to the window and pushed back the plantation

shutters, then slid open the window. Immediately a breeze blew through, bringing with
it the scent of the ocean and smoke from the nearby torches that were lit every evening at

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“Now, come over here and sit by me.” He turned to see her pat the empty spot next to

her on the bed.

Like a dutiful child, he went to her, slipping beneath the sheet beside her, leaning back

against the pillows. He rested his hand gently on her lower back, caressing her soft skin,
and she trembled beneath his touch. The low roar of the ocean sounded in the distance
and shadows danced about the darkening room. Peaceful. Sensual. Velvety quiet…

“What do you smell now?” She glanced over her shoulder, a wavy lock of dark blonde

hair falling across her eye.

“You,” he answered simply. He drew his fingers back and forth between the two

dimples that rested just above her pert ass.

She rolled her eyes. “Besides me.”
“Hmm, the usual. I can smell the ocean, the smoke from the torches that are burning

outside.” He sat up, pressed his mouth to her slender shoulder. “With your skin, there’s
more to it. You smell like me.”

Ella remained silent for a moment. “That’s what I’m referring to, the combination of

both our scents, accompanied by the smells of the island.” Her voice hitched when he
kissed a path along her shoulder. “I’ve been contemplating a formula that hopefully
captures all of it. I’ve made some notes, come up with a few ideas since we’ve been here
though I haven’t really discussed it with you. As soon as we return to New York, I’m
going to the lab. I’m hopeful it’s exactly what you’re looking for.”

“Mmm, it sounds amazing.” He pressed a hot, open-mouth kiss to the spot behind her

ear, the one he knew she liked. “Will it smell like you here?”

“Maybe it will.” There was a quiver underlining her words, one he knew he put there,

and he wrapped his arms around her from behind, reaching up to cup both of her breasts.
They fit his palms perfectly, her hard nipples rubbing against his fingers, and he
squeezed her. “Rhett, we’re trying to have a serious conversation.”

“Oh, I agree.” He sounded perfectly innocent, though his thoughts were far from that.

It amazed him, how fast she aroused him. How quickly he wanted her. “But I need to
figure out exactly what you’re talking about in regards to the scent. I am in charge, after

“Of course you’re in charge.” Her voice was weak and she sighed when he glided his

hands down her belly. “But you’re distracting me.”

“You always distract me.” He pressed his cheek to hers and cupped her sex with his

hand, felt the wetness coating his fingers, the heat of her searing his skin. “And I like
how easily you say I’m in charge.” He wasn’t talking about being her boss, either.
“You’re always so wet, Gabriella.”

She said nothing, her increased breathing the only indication she was affected by his

words, his touch.

Sliding his fingers along her delicate folds, he smiled when she spread her legs wider,

giving him better access. He removed his hand and brought it to her face, settling his
fingers close to her nose. “Will it smell like this?”

Ella melted into him but didn’t reply.
“You smell amazing, hot and feminine.” Where the words came from, he wasn’t sure.

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But he spoke the truth. He enjoyed nothing more than burying his face between her legs.
Tasting her wet, warm flesh, breathing her in. Until he became completely absorbed in
the very essence of her, the most intimate part of her she shielded from all.

And shared only with him.
Knowing he gave her that gift, made her come so easily, so beautifully, always filled

him with pride. He was the one who did that to her. Who made her writhe, who made
her cry out, who made her fall apart. He’d never realized what a powerful aphrodisiac it
was, to be the one who gave another such pleasure.

His heart racing, his cock rising, he tightened his hold on her, his fingers biting into her

flesh. He felt like a beast tonight. Primal, mindless with the urge to take. He wanted to
shock her. He wanted to get inside her head, make her squirm, make her beg.

“Say something.” He whispered the command, his voice light as air yet underscored

with an edge of steel. Damn it, he wanted a response. He wanted to know what she was
feeling, what she was thinking.

He needed to know if she was experiencing the same chaotic jumble of thoughts, the

overwhelming emotions that were trying to seize hold of his heart.

Ella shifted, her lush ass brushing his engorged cock. He bit back the groan that wanted

to escape. “You can’t want to do this again.”

“You look at me wrong and I want to do this again. And I know you want it, too. Your

body doesn’t lie.” He nudged her shoulders. “Get on your hands and knees, babe.”

“W-what?” The quiver in her voice was unmistakable. She sounded nervous.
And hopelessly aroused.
“You heard me.” Something possessed him, turned him into some sort of demon hell-

bent on breaking her. On making her completely and totally his.

She would have no doubt of it after tonight. The pretense grew wearisome. He might

not be able to say it in flowery, romantic words, but he could show her.

And he would.

His mood had completely changed, had become dark, almost menacing. Not that she

was scared, not precisely. Rhett was as tender and gentle a lover as any she’d ever
experienced, maybe even more so. Skilled and precise, though never too precise,
considering how out of control he usually became within moments of touching her.

A secret badge she wore with pride, that she could make the charming bad-boy Rhett

Worth lose it. How she enjoyed that glimmer of imperfection. Of seeing the man fall
completely apart, his expression one of agonized ecstasy, his head tossed back, his
muscles in stark relief as he strained above her. Below her.

Always inside her.
He’d completely released her, pushing her into position, and she went on her hands

and knees, embarrassed to be on such blatant display for him, what with her butt and
everything else in his face. She’d never had a man take her from behind before.

There were many things she’d never done before Rhett.
He climbed off the bed. She watched in anticipation as he went to the dresser across

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the room and opened the top drawer, pulling out a fresh box of condoms. “We ran out,”
he said, tearing into the box and pouring a handful of colorful wrapped squares into the
palm of his hand.

Her heart racing, she released a trembling breath when he approached the bed. He

tossed the condoms onto the bedside table, stopping so he stood before her, his erection
directly in front of her face.

Poised and ready before her mouth.
She glanced up at him, her hair tumbling over her eyes, blurring her vision. He studied

her, his lids heavy, his expression slumberous, belying the awareness that made his body
taut. She saw it, the subtle tightening of his muscles, the way his hands were suddenly
clenched into fists.

Knowing what he wanted, she sat up, kneeling on the mattress. She remained silent,

reaching for him, curling her fingers around his thick length.

His sharp intake of breath the only indication he approved of her actions.
He was a talker, an endless spinner of words, but for now he remained quiet and there

was something even more alluring, more exciting about that. She became attuned to the
sound of the palm trees rattling outside. A breeze blew through the window and it
washed over her, cooling her flesh. Arousing her senses. The scent of his skin, the scent of
his cock, musky and pungent, remnants of their earlier lovemaking lingering there.

It was the smell of his semen and her moisture combined that she embarrassingly

enough wanted to capture. A most unconventional quest it was, trying to create the true
and distinct scent of sex. Not that she wanted the perfume to be solely based on that, oh

But making it an important factor of the scent, oh yes, indeed.
“Take me in your mouth,” he urged in that deceptively soft voice. Her easygoing,

devil-may-care Rhett was gone tonight. Before her stood a man in absolute command,
who wasn’t above demanding his satisfaction.

She thrilled at the potential.
Doing as he bid, she scooted closer, her gaze staying with his as she bent and slowly

parted her lips, pressed them to the very tip of his cock. She delivered a kiss, sticky clear
liquid clinging to her lips and she licked them, savoring the taste of him.

He didn’t so much as make a sound, though she detected a faint grimace marring his

features. She played because he allowed her to. Sweet butterfly kisses all over the flared
head, her tongue darting intermittently but never enough to completely satisfy. He
gloried in teasing her, driving her crazy with it, and usually she was too rushed, too eager
to return the favor.

His mood had affected her wicked mood as well, she realized as she reached for him.

Wrapping her hand around the base of his cock, she drew him in deeper. Her lips tight,
her tongue busy, her mouth so very, very wet…

“Jesus,” he gritted from between clenched teeth. He grasped either side of her head,

his fingers tangling in the snarl of her hair. “You’re killing me.”

She let him take the lead. He moved, pushing in and out of her mouth, his expression

ferocious, his hands tight in her hair. She welcomed the pain, had never found it arousing

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before but this act they were sharing between them made her feel.

It made the confusing emotions swirling within her terrifyingly real.
“I could come,” he practically growled. “Just like this. Right now if I let myself go.”
She withdrew from him, her fingers still wrapped tight, sliding up and down the

length of him. “Will you?”

“Do you want me to?”
He asked her permission in a way and she appreciated that. He could be the macho ass

all he wanted, she found it surprisingly thrilling, but she didn’t want to simply be his
fuck toy. He respected her.

Wanted to ravish her and come down her throat, but he did respect her, she knew this

without a doubt.

Nodding, she dipped her head, drew him back in. He was thick and hot on her tongue,

so very heavy and pulsing with life. Increasing her pace, she let him guide her. Let him
tenderly cup the back of her head so she had no choice but to take him deeper.

“Yes, fuck. Just like that.” The guttural groan that ripped from his throat sent a

sensation of pleasure rippling over her skin. She was wet, dripping with her desire for
him, her breasts swaying with every bob on his cock, her nipples hard and aching for his
lips and tongue.

She craved him like a drug. Wanted to please him, wanted to hear his shout when he

finally came, wanted to feel his fingers tighten in her hair. Wanted to taste his come
when he finally spilled down her throat. Wanted to feel hot tears stream down her
cheeks when they were finished.

Because she would cry. She was close to crying now.
And she really had no idea why.

“Holy hell, what was that?” He collapsed onto the bed, uncontrollable shivers still

shooting throughout his body. He’d wanted to take her from behind, had done so after
she’d so thoroughly sucked him off. He was still raring to go despite the mammoth
orgasm she’d handed him on a wet-tongued, hot-mouthed silver platter.

“I’m not really sure.” She sounded as exhausted as he felt, her limp body lying next to

his. She was coated in sweat, her hair was damp, and she smelled absolutely fucking
delicious with it.

And that was it. She couldn’t be more spot-on in regards to what he wanted from this


It was this—the air heavy with the smell of sex, the salty tang of the ocean, the

inexplicably gorgeous fragrance that was Maui. He wished he could pinpoint the exact
elements that made up this scent he loved so much but he couldn’t, no matter how hard
he tried.

He’d leave that up to the professional—the very sated, rather exhausted woman lying

at his side.

“It was amazing, I’ll say that.” He pulled her in close, her head resting on his shoulder,

her hand spread across his chest. The erratic beating of his heart thumped against her

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palm, her damp hair tickled his nose.

Rhett had never felt more content.
“It was all you.” She reared up, her forearm resting on his chest as she studied him.

“You changed.”

He arched a brow at her, not making a sound.
“I liked it, though.” She ducked her head, his silly, embarrassed girl. “You were

downright animalistic.”

“Aren’t I usually?” The casual tone almost hid the very real question he asked.
What did she think of him, sexually? Oh, he knew he did it for her. They did it for each

other. But what did she really think?

And when had he ever cared what a woman thought?
“Not like that.” She drew light circles on his chest, her fingers tangling with the hair

that grew there. “Never like that.”

“Never say never.” He kissed her forehead. “We’ve only been with each other for a

few days. You’ve barely scratched the surface of my depths.”

She smiled. “Then I can’t wait to plumb for more.”
It would’ve been so easy, yet not, to agree. He didn’t smile in return, he didn’t answer.

Merely watched her, saw the darkness shutter her gaze, saw the faint downturn of her
mouth. She’d gone too far perhaps, but there was no backpeddling now.

If this was any other woman, he’d have bailed at this very moment. Given some sort of

bogus excuse and hightailed his ass outta there. Offering a woman even a glimmer of
hope was not his style. It never had been. The minute they grasped hold of hope, they
never wanted to let it go. Soon they became a nagging, ferocious beast. Wondering where
you were, who you were with, why you hadn’t called.

Funny how the idea of Gabriella nagging, wanting to know where he was, didn’t

bother him. More like amused him—why would he have any reason to leave her side?
They were compatible, agreeable, sexually attracted to each other. They could make
something of this if they wanted to.

He knew she wanted to. Did he?
Frowning, he pulled her in closer when she settled her head on his shoulder once

more. Again, confusion swamped him. He didn’t like this. He had a path to follow and
she was diverting the steps. He hadn’t expected to fall for a woman, not this early in the

He closed his eyes. He wasn’t falling for her, not really. She was sweet and beautiful,

amazing in bed. They were caught up in some sort of island voodoo magic that had them
screwing like rabbits. As if they couldn’t get enough of each other.

It was the heat in the air and the coolness of the water, the vibrant colors and the

welcoming softness of her skin. He could blame his erratic behavior on all of those things.

It was easier that way.
Much, much easier.

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Chapter Fifteen

Two weeks later…

Gabriella had cloistered herself away in the lab that Worth had arranged for her

personal use. It was filled with two talented lab technicians who did as she requested, no
questions asked, plenty of supplies, and an endless array of raw materials and synthetics
gathered according to her needs.

She worked long days. Calculating formulas only to scrap them, recalculate them again

and again until she was finally somewhat satisfied.

Again, somewhat.
Talking to Rhett had been sporadic. The plane ride back to New York, he’d been quiet,

pensive. She wondered at his behavior. Was he embarrassed over how much they’d
shared while in Maui? That final night together, when he’d been so fierce, so primal, had
she gotten too close to the real Rhett? So close that he shut himself completely off from

Only a few times had they spoken since their return, always by phone. He’d been

polite. Charming. The usual reckless, devil-may-care Rhett he displayed for all to see. Not
the sweet, thoughtful man she’d spent long, blissful nights with. Not the raw, sexual
beast who’d made love to her so thoroughly that final night…

Ella frowned. Made love was far too formal and flowery of a term for what they’d

shared that evening. Fucking was the only proper description for it. Powerful, animalistic
fucking at its most primal level, she’d relived those moments countless times in her
memory. Perhaps she masturbated to those very same memories, though it always ended
with a bitterly disappointing climax, her fingers never enough.

So she threw herself into her work. Creating the elusively perfect scent, using synthetic

elements she knew most would consider odd, so she kept them to herself. The executives
at Worth wouldn’t understand the use of synthetics, of bits of musk from wild animals
that reproduced the scent of sex, the smell of a human body after it was so perfectly
spent. That a particular element in algae smelled like the sea, how another synthetic
created heat and warmth that enhanced the juice like the brightest sun.

It made no sense…yet made perfect sense to her logical, analytical mind. It was all

calculations and formulas, mathematical problems and chemistry experiments. Yet it was
also plenty of doodling in her notebook, staring at nothing and dreaming of salty breezes
and warm, spicy skin.

Basing the scent on her idyllic time with Rhett didn’t help ease her worries. She’d tried

her best to prepare herself for this…letdown. The island fling, how easily he forgot about
her. How he moved on like she didn’t matter.

That hurt the most. The realization that she didn’t seem to matter much to any man in

her life. Was she such a doormat they believed they could walk all over her without a
care? They could always count on her being there, to take what they reluctantly delivered
despite her always accepting, always willing to give, give, give.

She was tired of it. Her father had treated her in such a manner her entire life.

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Alarmingly enough, Rhett displayed many of the same traits. Men were selfish, the entire
lot of them. And she was an idiot to believe she could change any of them.

Upon her return stateside, her father announced he was leaving for Italy. Good

riddance, she’d privately thought, still hurt by his seeming betrayal. She hated how much
she missed him, how alone she felt. Worth had settled her into a temporary living
arrangement, one they provided for employees such as her, who received the apartment
as part of their salary

She knew she was lucky. She had the job, the opportunity of a lifetime. But she was

lonely and—scared. What if they hated the three juices she created for Worth? What if
they released her from her contract early and sent her packing? Rumors would swirl. She
wasn’t good enough. She couldn’t hack it. She was a disappointment, nothing like her
brilliant father. She’d return to Vermont, her tail tucked firmly between her legs, her
father shaking his head at her absolute failure.

His I told you so would be devastating to hear.
Thank goodness for Tessa Worth. They’d become closer, having lunch a few times in

the two weeks she’d been in the city. Tessa had also invited her to dinner one night and
she’d accepted, enjoying the time spent with Tessa and Alex and their sweet toddler,
Charlotte. Tessa had confessed she was pregnant with another, that she’d only told Alex
the night before and he was beside himself with happiness.

Studying the formidable, intimidating Alexander Worth at the dinner table that

evening, Ella couldn’t imagine him “beside himself with happiness”. He was always kind
toward her, offering her polite smiles, chatting with her about a variety of subjects. She
appreciated his efforts in getting to know her. He was nothing like his brother, though.
Easy to talk to, easy to smile, easy to laugh, that was Rhett. Alex was much more guarded
with his emotions.

But spending time with Alex made her miss Rhett terribly. They looked so much alike,

yet were so very different. The family connection was enough to make her wistful. Make
her yearn for what she could no longer have.

Her rational brain told her she should’ve never become involved with him and had

only herself to blame.

The phone in the lab rang, the sound jarring in the utter, clinical silence of the room.

Ella grabbed it, surprise coursing through her as she answered with a tentative hello. The
sterile white lab phone never, ever rang.

“Gabriella.” The low timbre of Rhett’s voice was unmistakable. “We meet tomorrow at

one o’clock.” He’d emailed her two days ago, letting her know everyone at Worth—
including himself—was growing anxious. They wanted to sample what she’d come up
with this week and no later. “Are you ready?”

Taking a deep breath, she smiled, knowing he couldn’t see her but hoping somehow

that smile came through in her voice, her attitude. “I’m ready. Shall I come to the Worth
building then?”

“We’ll send a car for you. Let Kara know your schedule, send her an email and I’ll

ensure the car will pick you up wherever you are.”

“I can already confirm I’ll be at the lab all day tomorrow.” This was the tone of their

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discussions now. Pleasant. Businesslike. Formal yet friendly, though never too friendly.
He crossed no lines. He was the epitome of the professional businessman. Her superior.
Her boss.

That she happened to see naked too many times to count. She knew what his face

looked like when he came, knew the taste of him when he erupted in her mouth…

“Then the car will be waiting for you. Is twelve-fifteen too early?”
“Sounds perfect,” she said crisply, clutching the phone receiver so tight, her fingers


“Gabriella.” His voice pitched lower, a velvety rumble aimed directly at her frantically

beating heart. “How did they turn out?”

She remained silent, unsure as how to answer. Offering him the employee reply was

the best route to take, she knew this. Simple, succinct. So she went with it. “They’re all
similar, featuring the theme you expressed in the brief, yet varied enough that I believe
you’ll be pleased with the results.” Ah, that was quite the proper answer. She sounded
downright professional.

He snorted, the bastard, seeing right through her. “Be honest. Did you—capture the

scent you wanted?”

Rhett referred to sex. Though he was being professional as well and not blatantly

throwing the word out there. The air between them was heavy with the unspoken,
though. They both knew it.

And chose to ignore it.
“I believe I did, to the best of my ability.”
She swore she heard him mutter a curse, but she couldn’t be sure. “I want to see you.”

His abrupt request sent her head reeling and she inhaled sharply.

Her heart panged and she wondered at the sincerity of his words. “No, you don’t.” Her

reply came in a heated rush, an automatic defense. “You just think you do. The feeling
will pass.”

“No.” He sounded pained now. “No, I don’t think it’ll pass. It hasn’t passed since we

exited the goddamned plane and went our separate ways. I want to see you. Tonight.”

Closing her eyes, she rested her forehead against the nearby wall, the cool, sleek feel of

it calming her bouncing nerves. “Don’t ask me to do this,” she whispered. “I can’t do it.”

“I miss you.” He paused, the words sinking in like sharp, jabbing stabs to her

vulnerable heart. “I told myself I wouldn’t. I told myself I didn’t need you.”

Harder stabs now, they penetrated deep, almost to her very soul. “How sweet of you to

confess such romantic sentiments.”

“Jesus, Gabriella. Don’t act like this.”
“How do you expect me to act? Do you want me to beg you to come see me? Do you

want me to be waiting for you, naked and willing in my bed, ready for you to use me,
charm me, satisfy me with a quick orgasm before you’re on your merry way, as per your
usual mode of operation? I don’t think so.”

“It’s different with you,” he started, but she cut him off.
“It’s different only because you spent a few days with me versus one night. You were

trapped with me on an island, remember? You had nowhere to run. Otherwise, you

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would’ve been out of there before dawn broke.” She knew it was true, he’d admitted as
much. She hadn’t believed him at the time, thought she was different. That she could
change him.

Foolish, stupid girl she was.
“You don’t want me.” He sounded like a petulant child. Well, truly he was. The man

had never fully grown up, didn’t know how to handle a mature woman and her wants
and needs. Playthings, he knew all about. One-night stands, pretty trophy bimbos
hanging on his arm, he was a professional at dealing with those types.

A real woman, one with faults and problems, who knew how to love and give and

expected the same in return, he hadn’t a clue what to do.

The thought of that, the knowledge of what he was missing, made her sad.
“I want you too much.” The agony in her voice, the sadness, was so palpable. It hurt

her throat to say the words, let alone the emotions swirling within her, threatening to
break her down. “But I can’t do this to myself. I can’t see you again, only to watch you
walk away so easily. It can’t happen, Rhett. No matter how much I want it to.”

The silence stretched, fraught with tension. Finally, he sighed, the sound ragged.

Painful. “I fucked it up. As usual.”

“Yes, you did,” she agreed cheerily. “You’ll be fine. You always are. Eventually, you’ll

forget me.”

“I doubt that,” he murmured, hanging up.

He couldn’t eat. He couldn’t sleep. He hadn’t been able to do much of anything

normal upon his return from Maui but work. So he did what most people do when
they’re having trouble with their personal life and they wanted to forget.

Rhett threw himself completely into his job.
Filling his days with meetings was first on the agenda. Endless, lengthy meetings, they

consumed his every thought and action during the daylight hours. From approximately
seven in the morning to seven at night, he lived and breathed his work. Too busy to eat,
too busy to think of much else, but the upcoming fragrance launch and all the
preparation that came with it.

Until the night came, enveloping him in darkness, reminding him of what he couldn’t


His large, empty apartment was nothing but a reminder of how utterly lonely his

existence had become, had always been. Where was the joy? The laughter and the love
and the light Gabriella brought into his life? Oh, the times he spent alone during the
long, lonely nights were where his thoughts became most dramatic. Hunter had always
accused him of being as such, from the time they were little kids, and now Rhett had
more than proved him right. Not that he’d ever confessed his melancholy thoughts, the
woe-is-me pity parties he held on a daily basis, to anyone.

No one knew of those dark, desperate moments but him.
Tonight though, was the worst of them all. He’d spoken to her, heard her sweet, sultry

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voice murmur in his ear, saying the words he’d longed to hear.

I want you too much.

The confession had sounded pained, as if she never wanted to

admit such a thing to him and that hurt. He wanted her too. They wanted each other. So
why weren’t they together?

Because she was right. He was scared. And when he was scared, he ran. He didn’t stick

around, he’d never stuck around in his entire life. No one ever had for him. Not his
parents, only Alex, though he’d done so because he was obligated. Rhett had been
nothing but a burden, growing into the biggest pain in the ass to both of his brothers for

His past habits had ruined his potential future with Gabriella.
He was a damn fool.
It didn’t help, Alex flaunting his stories of how much time Ella spent with Tessa. They

were becoming close friends, Alex had shared recently one early morning over coffee,
before yet another scheduled meeting. Why, Ella had come over for dinner last evening,
Alex had said, stirring cream into his coffee with a pensive smile on his face. The women
had much in common and she seemed to enjoy playing with Charlotte, and Alex hinted
more than once that he and Tessa believed Rhett and Gabriella would make a great
couple, despite his initial warnings when they first hired Ella.

Rhett had no reply for his brother. What could he say? Oh, I fucked her senseless for four

days running until we returned to real life. Then I ditched her. Because that’s what I do.

Yeah. Alex would think he was a complete asshole. Tessa would have a different

opinion of him and would eventually tell Gracie, who was his biggest supporter in the
family. The only one who believed his intentions were always good.

He’d abruptly changed the subject, a special talent of his. Alex had said nothing, but

Rhett had noted the shrewd gleam in his brother’s gaze. He’d known he was being
purposely diverted.

It was easier that way. Yet she’d somehow seeped into his life, deeper and deeper,

until she pulsed in his very blood and he had no way to stop it. No way to prevent it.

He soon realized he didn’t want to prevent it. Wanted to revel in it, love it…love her.
But she refused him. The fact hurt more than he cared to admit.
Careless, hopeless, he grabbed his cell phone and scanned through his contacts. He had

her number, of course he did. He had everyone’s number. An endless list of feminine
names filled his contacts, filled him with anger. Ruthlessly he stabbed at the delete
button, eliminating them one by one. Skipping past the women he worked closely with.
His assistant Kara; Alex’s assistant; his brothers’ wives; Becky, the human resources
manager who thought he was a world-class fuckup.

He kept them, only them along with Gabriella. The rest of them were gone.
The virtual black book had been burned. And he didn’t regret it.
Deciding for once in his life to be brave, he scrolled back to her name and hit the dial

button. The phone rang for what felt like an infinite number of times. Nerves ate at his
gut, turned his blood ice cold. She wasn’t going to answer.

Her voice sounded, clear and sweet, declaring herself unavailable right now but please

leave a message and she’d get back to him as soon as she could.

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Ha. Fat chance of that ever happening.
The beep sounded, prompting him into action. “You don’t answer, which most likely

means you don’t want to talk to me. But I’m not hanging up.

“I’m tired of running away, Gabriella. I’m tired of being that guy. The only reason I

want to change is because of you. I know you don’t believe me. You probably think I’m
full of shit, but I’m not. You’ve changed me. I want to be a better man for you. Only you.”

His phone beeped, indicating he had another call and with a frustrated growl he

switched over. “What?”

“Did you call me?” Her voice was soft, sleep-roughened, and he wondered if he woke

her up. “Rhett?”

His heart flipped over itself. Jesus, he hadn’t expected this. “Yeah. It’s me. I did call

you. I woke you, though, huh?”

“I, uh, fell asleep.” She cleared her throat, he heard a rustling sound and he wondered

if she was already in bed.

The image of her soft and sleepy weakened his knees.
“It’s late,” she continued when he hadn’t said anything. “The phone rings in the

middle of the night and it scares me. Are you okay?”

Should he be honest? Did she want to hear it? “Not really.”
“Oh.” More rustling, a soft sigh. She was trying to kill him. “You should try and get

some sleep.”

“I haven’t had a full night’s sleep in days.”
“You must be exhausted.”
“I am.” She talked to him and he took that as a good sign. He might be clinging to

anything, the mundane, the foolish, but he didn’t care.

He needed something to cling to, after all.
“I…haven’t slept very well either.” She said it like a reluctant confession had been

dragged out of her. “I’ve been so busy in the lab.”

“I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with.” He meant it. He was excited to smell

her creations, see her in action. His chest threatened to burst with pride and the moment
hadn’t even happened yet.

She would be a star and Worth would be the company that made her. She’d shine so

brilliantly, everyone would eventually want a piece of her, but she would only give to
those who deserved it. Figured, he would be the damn fool who let her get away.

“I’m scared you’ll all hate it,” she whispered. “The self-doubt that plagues me is awful.

I’m afraid you won’t extend my contract and I’ll return home a failure.”

“You shouldn’t give me a reason to refuse you,” he reminded her. Memories of their

first conversation flooded his consciousness. How captivated he’d been then. How utterly
enthralled he was now.

“I already have.”
Closing his eyes, he breathed deep, fell back against the pillow. He glanced toward the

wall of windows, staring at the city skyline. He’d taken to leaving the windows bare, the
city his only company. “Tell me how I can make this right.”

“It’s too late, don’t you think? You’d grow bored with me, Rhett. You know this.”

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“I don’t think so.” Opening his eyes, he stared at the ceiling, scratched absently at his

chest. “You’re the only woman I’ve ever wanted like this. My body literally aches to see
you. Touch you. Kiss you.”

Her lack of reply didn’t discourage him.
“I miss being with you. Smelling your skin, tasting you…my thoughts are consumed by


“You want what you can’t have.”
“I want what I…” His voice trailed off, fear seizing his vocal cords. He couldn’t say it,

couldn’t say those words every woman longed to hear. Did he love her? He wasn’t sure.
He’d never said he loved anyone beyond his brothers and he rarely made that
declaration. Certainly no woman had ever heard him utter those three words. A handful
of days and he was over the moon for her. Who did this? Who felt this way? Was it

Would Gabriella be the first woman he loved—the only woman, if she allowed him

such a privilege? That’s what it would be, a privilege to love her. She was special, unique.
Beautiful and strong and so goddamned amazing he wondered what the hell was wrong
with him, letting her go so easy.

It just went to show he was an idiot.
“You’re proving my point, Rhett. It’s probably best if you stop talking. Good night. See

you tomorrow.”

“Wait, Ella. Don’t go, don’t—” The loud click indicating she’d hung up greeted him

and he threw his phone onto the bed with disgust. She hated him. Wouldn’t let him have
another chance, not that he could blame her.

He’d used up all his chances with her. Now he had to face the consequences.
Tomorrow, he had to face her.
Rhett could only hope he had the strength to do so.

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Chapter Sixteen

Gabriella wore her new dress like a suit of armor. It was a structured piece of art, made

by the Worthwhile line and given to her most graciously by Tessa. By far the most
expensive piece of clothing she’d ever worn in her life, she’d stood in front of her mirror
before she left for the lab for the morning, pleased with the results. Donned the typical
white lab coat over it once she arrived, covering her armor, still comfortable in her

Giving herself a much-needed pep talk during the drive over to the Worth building,

she smoothed her hands over the black braided cotton dress, her fingers skimming the
satin that trimmed the hem. Her shoes were new as well, high for her but mere child’s
play for the other women who worked at Worth.

She wanted to appear powerful, but she didn’t want to risk falling flat on her face.
The moment she entered the Worth building, all of her self-doubts kicked in. Her

stomach tossed like the most turbulent sea, her palms going clammy with nerves. She’d
eaten a meager breakfast, had skipped lunch and was thankful for it. The nausea set in,
threatening to overwhelm, and she entered the elevator alone, breathing deep as soon as
the doors slid shut.

Her phone sounded, indicating a text message and she pulled it out of her purse,

smiled when she saw it was from Tessa.

Good luck! I know they’ll love them all.
Dread consumed her. What if they hated them all? Her father had called this morning

as well, full of bluster and advice, though she hadn’t told him today was her day of
reckoning. The final moment of proof of whether she had what it took.

The elevator finally stopped, the doors sliding open to reveal the executive floor.

Straightening her spine, she headed toward the conference room, her heels clicking
loudly on the polished marble floor, sweat gathering at the base of her neck. Thankfully
she’d worn her hair up, sleek and smooth, not a strand out of place.

More armor to protect her from the unknown.
The conference room’s doors were propped open. She could hear the low murmurings

of men’s voices from the distance. They waited for her, every Worth brother was in that
room and she stopped walking, extending her arm out so she could press her hand
against the wall.

You can do this. Prove to them you’re worthy. Prove to them you can deliver.
Taking a deep breath, she pushed off the wall and strode toward those beckoning open

doors, walking right into the room as if she hadn’t a care.

They sat at the table, all three of them and a smattering of others, including Hunter’s

wife, Gracie. Her gaze met Gabriella’s and she smiled, understanding lighting her eyes.

She knew, Ella thought. She knew what it was like, facing these formidable men, all

alone and scared while pretending to be brave. A kindred spirit in her midst, she felt
somewhat reassured.


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“Ella, it’s good to see you.” The sound of Alex’s voice had her jerking her head, her

gaze meeting his as he walked toward her with a warm smile. Another ally, she realized.
Most likely encouraged by Tessa, though she’d never complain; Ella needed as much
support as she could find.

“Hello, Alex.” She offered her cheek for him to kiss and he took it. Swore she heard a

muttered curse in the near distance. She’d recognize that voice anywhere.

But she chose to ignore it.
“We’re almost ready, waiting for a few more people from our marketing department

to arrive,” Alex explained.

Nodding, she glanced toward the corner of the room, saw the predetermined display

she’d worked on most of yesterday afternoon and evening. She’d put it all together with
her lab team, a simple presentation for an as-yet-unnamed fragrance. The three samples
were waiting in plain glass vials, the white touches—smelling tabs—fanned out in silver
cups, all of it sitting on a small black table that was used expressly for display in the
Worth stores.

“Gabriella, I have someone here who’d like to meet you.” She turned at the sound of

another Worth’s voice—this one Hunter’s—to find him standing before her with his wife
by his side. “This is my wife, Gracie.” He glanced at the woman and smiled, a warm light
in his eyes Ella found rather sweet. “Gracie, this is Gabriella Durand.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Gracie reached out and they shook hands. “I’ve heard so

much about you.”

Worry stalled Ella’s heart. “All pleasant things, I hope.”
“Oh yes, Tessa adores you.” Gracie beamed. “We should all get together for lunch

sometime. I’ve been so busy with work, but once the fragrance campaign is put to bed,
I’ll have more free time.”

“That—that sounds lovely.” The Worth women readily embraced her. Even Rhett’s

brothers included her easily in their fold.

But Rhett? Well, he could have her every which way he wanted her, but when a

glimmer of seriousness appeared in the picture, he ran.

“Perfect.” Gracie turned when three more people entered the room. “Oh good,

everyone’s here. I think we’re ready.”

Nerves jumped into Ella’s throat, choking her. As if sensing her sudden mood change,

Gracie reached out, gave her a reassuring squeeze on the arm. “You’ll be terrific. I have
no doubt.”

Ella nodded, still unable to speak, her gaze scanning the room, until it landed on the

man she’d been avoiding since the moment she walked in.


sat at the table, stunningly gorgeous in his navy suit, crisp white shirt and pale

green tie. Lazily leaning back in his chair, looking as if he hadn’t a care in the world,
though she knew it was a lie. She saw it in his eyes. The wariness, combined with fear.

She felt much the same.
Without thought, she stepped closer to him, irritated he wouldn’t stand to greet her.

Irritated more that she wished he would.

“Gabriella.” His rich, deep voice reached across the room and touched her, sending a

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scattering of gooseflesh all over her skin. She nodded her greeting in return, afraid her
own voice would give away her nerves.

He didn’t even have the nerve to come over and greet her. The coward.
“If we could all be seated.” Alex waved a hand toward the table before he turned to

smile at Ella. “Then we’ll begin. Are you ready, Miss Durand?”

Rhett draped his hand over his front, his palm resting in front of his groin as he subtly

adjusted himself. Having her in front of him, painfully beautiful in a Worthwhile-brand
dress, for the love of God, set his entire body aflame. She was magnificent, standing tall,
her chin lifted, downright defiant.

Absolutely gorgeous.
Gabriella took subtle charge of the meeting, passing around the first scent,

accompanied by the touches, the slender white strips of paper that were used to spray the
perfume on. She offered no description of her creation, merely called it sample AG3 and
then remained quiet. Letting the scent speak for itself.

He carefully watched everyone’s reactions, muscles tense as they sprayed the touches,

then brought them to their noses. How Gabriella remained so calm, he hadn’t a clue. He
felt ready to burst out of his chair.

Why didn’t they say anything?
The last to receive sample AG3—he wondered if somehow Gabriella planned that—

Rhett sprayed it onto the paper strip and waved it gently back and forth, the scent
already wafting toward him. It was fresh, green and clean with a hint of the ocean to it.

Inhaling, he held his breath for a long moment, knowing immediately that while

pleasant, this was not the one. He glanced up, caught Gabriella watching him, and he
shook his head once.

She smiled in answer and pleasure flashed through him.
“This is AG5, a variation of the first sample, with some additional layers.” She passed

the second vial around, taking AG3 from Rhett, their fingers glancing across each other’s
in the transaction. His skin tingled at the too-brief touch and he knew it affected her as
well, if her almost tripping over her feet when she walked away from him was any

The group’s reception toward the second sample was much more positive. He could

feel the energy in the room, could tell by the smiles on their faces as they sampled the

“I like this one better,” Hunter announced, spraying it on Gracie’s wrist before he bent

and sniffed. “It seems much more…complex.”

Rhett wanted to roll his eyes but restrained himself. Was his brother trying to look like

he was a perfume expert?

“As I said, there are many more layers to this one. So in a sense, it is definitely more

complex.” Gabriella put her arms behind her back, her hands clasped. Such a difference
from the woman Rhett first met only a month ago. Whereas he’d known from the second
he saw her that first time she wasn’t from the city, now she looked like the quintessential
New Yorker. Perfectly coiffed, the dress fit her like a glove and the shoes she wore were

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the highest he’d ever seen her in.

He had the sudden urge to muss her up completely. Pull the band from her hair and

watch the wavy dark blonde strands cascade down her back. Press his mouth to hers and
smudge the carefully applied lipstick. Run his hands up and down her curvy body, undo
the row of buttons that ran along the front of her dress. Revealing bits of creamy flesh
inch by glorious inch…

“Rhett.” Alex nudged him. “Here.”
Startled from his wayward thoughts, Rhett grabbed the bottle and touche and sprayed

it, holding the paper beneath his nose. This scent held a hint of floral accompanied by the
sea, plus a dash of heat, warm like the tropical sun. He looked up at her once more,
pleased that she watched, waited for his reaction. That it seemed important to her.

Ella’s delicate brows rose, a silent what do you think? He inclined his head toward her,

keeping his expression neutral. He liked this one better, but he still had hopes for the
third one. Had a feeling she was playing all of them, leading with the one she liked the
least, building up the anticipation until she finally dazzled them with the final scent.

She wasn’t a fool, having learned from the best. She knew how to create a captive


“The first one is out,” Alex announced with finality. “It doesn’t have…enough to it.”
“I agree,” Ella said, taking the second vial from Rhett without looking at him, her eager

gaze locked on his older brother.

Jealousy flared, completely irrational. She’d spent more time with Alex and Tessa the

last two weeks than she’d spent with Rhett their entire time on the island. Hell, he
watched Hunter introduce Gracie to Ella like they were welcoming her as another
member of the family.

It made no sense. Yet it did. Something he really didn’t want to ponder too long over.
“I like the second one,” Alex continued, sniffing the paper he held with the tips of his

fingers yet again. “It’s definitely richer, but is this the direction we want to go?”

Ella remained perfectly composed. “What do you mean?”
Alex slid a glance toward Rhett. “You wanted something unique, right? Yet elegant,

sophisticated, and I wouldn’t call this scent, AG5, elegant. It’s pleasant. It’s very clean,
but I don’t know.”

“Don’t pin all your hopes on this one,” Rhett reminded Alex quietly. “There’s still one


“There is,” Gabriella agreed, grabbing vial number three. “This is B26. And it is nothing

whatsoever like the other two.”

“Hmm. Sounds promising,” Alex murmured, watching with interest as the perfume

was passed around.

Rhett studied everyone, his gaze riveted on Hunter at first, who sniffed his touche and

immediately reared his head back as if startled. Then inhaled again, longer this time, his
gaze narrowed, his head cocked. Seemingly absorbed as he studied the scent.

Damn if he could tell whether Hunter liked it or not. And his middle brother’s opinion

was important, though he was loath to admit it.

Anticipation curled through Rhett and he waited impatiently as the vial was passed to

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each person. Gabriella remained quiet. Standing so close to him, he could reach out and
touch her skirt. But he didn’t so much as look at her, too anxious to sample the next
perfume. Too worried if she did look at him, she’d see the anxiety written all over his

The reaction toward the third scent wasn’t as vocal as the second one. Everyone

seemed stunned silent—and Rhett wasn’t sure if that was a bad or good thing. But when
he finally had the vial in his hand and sprayed the scent onto the touche, he brought the
thin paper to his nose, sniffing delicately, almost afraid of what he might discover.

It hit him like a punch to the gut. Heat, so much heat. Golden sand and dark night, lit

torches accompanied by the low murmur of drums. A blazing bright sky tempered by a
cool breeze. Plumeria blossoms and salt, the scent of her skin, the scent of his, the two of
them combined, their limbs tangled in the sheets.

Evocative, haunting, he could visualize as well as smell the scent.
“It’s very sexy,” Gracie suddenly said, waving her fingers. “Can I see it again, Rhett?”
He handed it to her from across the table and she took it eagerly, spraying the perfume

liberally on the inside of one wrist. Hunter watched her, an incredulous expression on his
face when she held her wrist in front of his nose.

“I love it,” Gracie declared, a giant smile on her face. “It’s different yet familiar. It

reminds me of something, but I can’t quite place it.”

Hunter snorted but didn’t offer a reply.
Gabriella remained quiet, as did Rhett. He looked at her from the corner of his eye, saw

the relief written all over her face, how her shoulders sagged the slightest bit. Her gaze
flickered to his, a secretive smile curling her lips and he marveled at her talents.

How had she captured their time together on Maui in a bottle? Those shared, intimate

moments between them could potentially be worn by millions of consumers on a daily
basis. Nights filled with endless sex on a fragrant island, now forever contained in a

“I agree,” Alex said. “This is definitely more along the lines of what I was looking for.

What about you, Rhett?”

Everyone swiveled their head in his direction, even Gabriella, waiting for his

assessment. He wanted to take in all the glory, declare that yes indeed, he and Gabriella
had worked side by side and come up with this marvelous scent. This perfume that
would take them to the next step, would set every other scent on its ear.

But he couldn’t take any credit behind offering her a bit of inspiration. He wasn’t

about to confess exactly how he did that either. It probably wouldn’t go over well,
despite how excited they were by its possibilities.

“I like it,” he said carefully, searching his brain for the right words to describe it. “It’s

sexy and dirty and full of heat. Yet it has a hint of floral, of sweetness tinged with—with
a vulnerable sense. Like a first-time vacation on the island, all wide-eyed wonder and
secret nights full of wickedness.”

Gabriella’s jaw dropped, but she still said nothing.
“It’s shocking,” Hunter said frankly. “It smells like sex, if you want me to be honest.”

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“Sex?” Alex chuckled and shook his head. “Are you referring to the actual act or the


Everyone chuckled, thankful for Alex’s question breaking the sudden tension.
“All of it,” Hunter answered, grabbing his wife’s wrist and smelling her yet again. “It

changes too. It smells even…dirtier, the longer it’s on her skin.”

“Scents change with a person’s natural chemistry and body heat,” Gabriella suddenly

piped up, her voice scratchy. She cleared her throat before she continued. “I would
recommend you all spray it directly onto your skin and see how you like it.”

They all scrambled for the scent, Rhett finally getting his hands on it once more. He

sprayed the inside of his wrists and brought them to his nose. Sniffing first one, then the
other, the pungent, familiar scent of her filled his head.

Fuck all, the scent smelled exactly like Gabriella, sated and limp after he’d made her

come. He couldn’t believe it—yet couldn’t deny it, either.

“What does it smell like to you, Rhett?” she asked softly, the temptress. She knew

exactly what it smelled like.

He wasn’t about to confess in front of everyone.
“What inspired you for this particular scent, Ella?” Hunter asked, his voice filled with

curiosity. “It’s so completely different compared to the first two.”

“I knew Worth wanted the scent to smell like the modern woman. A confident woman

who knows what she wants and how to get it, who enjoys pampering herself, who fully
lives her life but has a hard time allowing herself to relax and be free.” Gabriella paused,
letting everything sink in. She weaved a story with only a few words and everyone at
that table was enthralled by it. “I wanted this scent to take her away. Remind her that life
is not only about your every success and career but also hope and love and—and sex. That
such an indulgence is good for the soul, good for the blood. Every woman needs that
reminder. This scent tries its best to capture that and hopefully becomes the reminder she
needs to stay in tune with every aspect of her life.”

The room remained quiet for a long moment
“Rhett told me that was what you were all looking for,” she finished lamely, a

complete and utter lie, a way for her to give him some credit for this amazing creation of

“Here, here,” Gracie cheered.
Gabriella ducked her head, seemingly embarrassed.
“I think it’s brilliant.” Alex’s voice was pitched low, his hands resting on the tabletop,

fingers laced, posture stiff. “It’s edgy but not over the top. Unique but not strange and
off-putting. I agree with everyone else’s evaluation. It’s very sexy, dark yet light. Do you
like it, Rhett?”

“I love it,” he said simply. How could he not? It smelled like the woman he wanted

like no other.

“I believe we’re all in agreement then?” When everyone at the table nodded, Alex

scanned everyone who sat at the table. “It’s unanimous. That was the damned easiest
decision we’ve ever come to in the history of Worth, I swear.” He glanced up at Ella.
“Excellent job, Miss Durand. I think we have a future hit on our hands.”

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Chapter Seventeen

The accolades came rapidly as everyone exited the cavernous conference room. Heavy

doses of kind words were offered, murmured congratulations and plenty of handshakes.
Half of the Worth marketing team was in attendance and praised her efforts, letting her
know how excited they were to be working on the perfume launch.

Ella nodded her thanks with a few stuttered words in return, too overwhelmed by the

flurry of activity surrounding her to truly process what they said, what it all meant. She
would have time to contemplate everything later, back at her tiny apartment, all alone in
her bed in the dark. Mull over the smiles and whispered approvals, Alex’s firm
affirmation that they would go with the third scent, the stunned expression on Hunter’s
face when he’d first smelled sample B26.

A secret smile played upon her lips as she bent and grabbed the box from beneath the

table. Carefully, she placed her samples inside, winding the thick layers of tissue paper
around the glass vials to protect them from knocking against each other, still musing over
Hunter’s reaction. It was exactly what she’d been looking for. She wanted to shock,
wanted to rivet them into place as they breathed in her scent.

Her thoughts drifted to Rhett. He hadn’t been surprised. From the knowing looks he’d

shot in her direction, she knew he understood. Knew he recognized what she’d done,
what she created. She hoped he wasn’t displeased, hoped she hadn’t gone too far…

“Quite an impressive meeting, wasn’t it?”
She whirled around on a gasp, surprised to see Rhett standing before her with a smirk

on his face, his hands sunk into his pockets. Glancing about the room, she realized they
were completely alone.

Not necessarily a good thing…
Steeling her spine, she contemplated him. “Were you impressed?”
“You know I was. Your scent was a hit.”
“But did you like it?”
Cocking his head to the side, he studied her. His eyes narrowed, his lips pursed the

slightest bit, and she grew impatient. Clamped her lips shut to restrain the anxious words
that wanted to burst forth.

“It…surprised me,” he finally said, his voice a sexy drawl.
“In a positive way or a negative way?” She crossed her arms in front of her chest,

trying her best to remember her suit of armor, her supposed aura of power that she
needed to fuel her. It had worked only a few moments ago. She’d had everyone eating
out of her hand by the time she finally passed around the final scent.

Unbeknownst to her, she had actually picked up a few pointers from her father after

all those years working with him. He was brilliant at captivating an audience, explaining
his scents in vivid, sensory detail.

Perhaps she could be just as good someday. Perhaps better.
“Are you fishing for compliments, Gabriella?” The smirk grew, bursting into a full-

blown grin and she had the sudden urge to slap it from his face.

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“Absolutely not.” Turning her back to him, she finished packing the vials and the small

stack of leftover touches, folding the top of the box back over itself to seal everything.
Gripping the sides of the box, she breathed deep, ready to offer him a polite goodbye
before she would push past him and leave.

It was easier that way. He was toying with her and she wasn’t in the mood.
“The scent was amazing,” he murmured, his voice so low she almost didn’t hear him.

“I don’t quite understand how you did it.”

She exhaled slowly, relief flooding her veins, rendering her limbs languid. “Simple

chemistry is all.”

He chuckled, the sound sending a ripple of fire along her nerve endings. “It’s not

simple and you know it. Are you a witch, Gabriella? Concocting your little scents,
sprinkling pixie dust and enchanting them so I’ll fall under your spell?”

“You’re not under my spell.” She glanced over her shoulder, her gaze meeting his. He

may have laughed, he may have mocked her only seconds before, but the expression on
Rhett’s face at this very moment was one of complete and utter seriousness.

The sort of seriousness that struck fear in her heart and turned her speechless.
“Ah, you have no idea the power you’re capable of.” He started to approach, his steps

measured, methodical. She turned to face him, her body trembling as he drew closer, and
she sidestepped the table, walking backwards to avoid him. “Are you trying to avoid
me?” He sounded incredulous.

But he didn’t stop coming.
“O-of course not,” she stuttered.
“Then stop running away from me.” The dark command in his voice was


“I’m not running away.” She was being pursued by an intent man across a conference

room, all the while walking backwards and nearly tripping on her heels.

She was most definitely running away from him.
“Do you realize how magnificent you were, passing around your little vials, setting

them up for the final and most impressive scent of all?” The admiration in his voice was
clear. “You had them leaning forward in their seats, breathless with anticipation.”

His praise meant more to her than anyone else’s could, even her father’s. “I didn’t set

anyone up.”

He waved a negligent hand. “Figure of speech. You must admit, it was a carefully

orchestrated presentation meant to impress. Meant to tantalize and shock.”

Ella’s backside made connection with the wall, startling her. She could go no further.

Which meant he could keep coming at her and she had nowhere else to go. “It was rather
spontaneous, actually.”

Rhett arched a brow, his expression one of disbelief. “Really?”
“Well, I went over what I wanted to say but, yes. I pretty much winged it.”
“Impressive,” he murmured, stopping just before her. She glanced down, saw the tips

of his shoes nearly touched the front of her shoes, he stood so close. “What other secrets
are you hiding from me?”

“I should be asking you that,” she retorted, irritated he would accuse her of such a

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Dipping his head, his gaze met hers. She pressed back against the wall, palms flat,

shrinking away from him as best she could, but it was no use.

She was stuck.
“There are no secrets between us, Gabriella. I can promise you that.”
White-hot anger rose within her and she clutched her hands into fists. “Stop lying.”
He frowned. “What do you think I’m hiding from you?”
“Everything!” The word burst forth before she could stop it. “You’re nothing but a

coward. Running away from me, pretending what happened between us on Maui didn’t
mean anything.”

His frown turned into a hard, furious scowl. “You’re the one who’s pushing me away.”
“Only because I’m afraid you’ll run again. You don’t know how to stick, Rhett. You

want everything in your life to be easy, no troubles, no problems. You don’t want to work
for anything.” She was on a roll now, and it didn’t matter if she hurt his feelings or not.
She was mad. And it felt good to give him a piece of her mind. “Heaven forbid you come
up against a challenge or have to, you know, do something.”

“You’re angry.” His fingers curved, he reached out, drew his knuckles, whisper light,

down the length of her neck. Making her shiver, making her lose her train of thought,
damn him. “I didn’t know you cared so much.”

“I care too much.” She knocked his hand away. “Don’t make this another one of your

funny little games, because it’s not.”

His lips tightened. “You’re not a game to me.”
She tilted her chin, glaring up at him. “Then prove it.”
Without a word, without a murmur of sound he reached for her, his hand at the back

of her head, long fingers tangled in her hair, completely tearing apart her carefully
constructed ponytail. His other hand spanned the side of her waist, pinning her to the
wall, holding her in place.

For him.
It all happened so fast, seemingly in the blink of an eye. One moment she was looking

at him, the next he was in her face, his lips on hers, his tongue sweeping her mouth. He
broke the kiss as quickly as he initiated it, his mouth at her ear. “Do you know how
exquisite you are? Vibrating with your righteous anger, your eyes blazing, your pretty
little body so stiff with fury?”

His words were designed to melt her and she refused to let them. “Stop,” she

murmured. She rested her hands on his chest, smoothing them down the fine material of
his suit jacket. It was as if she had no control over them. “Don’t try and charm me. I
won’t fall for it.”

He ignored her protests, pressed his mouth against the side of her throat, his lips hot,

his tongue wet as he licked her skin. “I’ve missed you,” he murmured. His fingers
tightened in her hair, making her gasp. “You don’t know how much.”

“I—I don’t believe you.” She closed her eyes, as if she could shut him out. But he was

everywhere, possessing her completely, and her body gave in to him even as her mind
protested and her heart cried out.

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Did he know how much power he held over her? How easily he owned her?
“You don’t believe this?” He pressed his body against hers, his thick erection rubbing

against her belly. He was huge and hard, all for her, and she realized dizzily she held a
certain amount of power over him as well. “You’re all I think about, all I want. What can
I do to prove how much I need you? How fucking sorry I am that I messed this up?”

The sorrow in his voice filled her with an odd triumph. She wanted his regret, wanted

his apologies. But was it enough? Was he sincere? That she doubted him hurt.

His hand moved upward, his fingers nimbly undoing a button on the front of her

dress, and she jerked in his grip. “Rhett, no, we can’t do that here.”

She wanted it. She wanted him. But not here, not like this. All crazed, confused desire

and tangled emotions. It was too messy, too…much.

“Why not?” Another button came undone. And then another. “I can’t wait. I need you.

It’s been too long.”

“As if you haven’t found someone else to drown your sorrows in.” She winced the

moment she said it, expressing all of her secret fears in that one single sentence. The
thought of him carrying on, finding another woman, a handful of women in the two-plus
weeks since they’d been together cut her like a knife.

He reared his head back, his expression incredulous. That beautifully handsome face,

the earnestness in his gaze, filled her with wistful longing. Oh, she’d missed him so
much. “I haven’t been with another woman since you, Gabriella.”

If she didn’t believe him, if she refused him, he…he couldn’t think about it. This was

going to happen, they were going to happen. Rhett was bound and determined to make
that wish a reality.

Gabriella could fight it all she wanted, but they belonged together. The realization had

come to him early this morning, after a long night of constant tossing and turning
accompanied by little sleep. He’d called Alex first thing and woke his ass up, getting an
earful of grumpy complaining before Rhett asked the question that had been haunting
him for days.

When did you realize you’d fallen in love with her?
That question made Alex pause for a full thirty seconds, if not longer. Fear had

wrapped a stranglehold around Rhett’s throat, worried that his brother would offer a
smartass remark or worse, laugh at him.

But he’d done neither, much to Rhett’s relief. Alex had finally offered the words that

had echoed through Rhett since he’d last seen Gabriella.

I knew when my every thought, every single thing that consumed my life, always came back to


Alex had given him the confirmation he needed. Offering a murmured thanks, Rhett

had hung up the phone, resolve rippling through him. He knew what he needed to do.

Make Gabriella his—permanently.
Considering he’d never done such a thing in his life, had never so much as pursued a

woman for the sole purpose of a relationship, he figured he had a lot of learning to do. So
like an idiot, he’d gone online and did a little research.

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Colossally stupid and a complete waste of his time. The moment he caught sight of

Gabriella striding into the conference room, gorgeously put together and with the most
determined expression on her face, he’d been a goner. His brain had fried. He couldn’t
get over all that steely determination, the woman who’d stood before them brimming
with confidence as she handed out her own creations. Waiting for their opinions, which
could’ve ended in disaster, she hadn’t a clue.

But she’d handled it all with style and grace. If he hadn’t known then he was a

complete sucker for her, it surely would’ve hit him in that triumphant moment when
they’d all known the third sample was a winner.

He still couldn’t get over her now, at this very moment. Pressed against the wall, her

expression a mixture of desire and distrust, her lips puffed from his too-brief kiss, her
eyes full of wariness. He couldn’t blame her. He hadn’t proved dick to her yet.

But he was determined to change that, if he could get his damn cock under control and

not maul her where she stood.

Her hands were still resting on his chest, her fingers curling absently around the lapels

of his jacket. He undid the final button on the front of her dress, unable to stop himself,
needing a glimpse of her sweet, curvy body, if only for a moment. He caught sight of the
black lace bra she wore and uttered a muffled curse.

She would drive him insane before the day was done. He knew this without a doubt.
“I believe you,” she finally said and for a moment, he forgot what they were talking

about. “We can’t fix this with a quickie against the wall, though. You know this, right?”

He smiled, he couldn’t help himself. “It sounds like the perfect fix to me.” Leaning in,

he kissed her. A soft, sweet kiss, once, twice, his tongue darting out for the barest of licks.
He heard her murmur of surprise, the sharp inhalation of breath. He touched her, drew
his knuckles down all that exposed skin, between her breasts, along her trembling

She exhaled a quivering breath, her mouth opening for his, and he took advantage.

Stepping closer, he cupped the back of her head, holding her for his kiss while he
searched her mouth with his tongue.

The taste of her sent a blast of heat exploding through his veins, pounding through his

cock. The feel of her soft skin beneath his fingertips, the way her body curved and
molded into his, was like the sweetest shock to his system.

Did she feel it? Did she realize it too? They were perfect together. Made for each


“Rhett.” She tore her mouth from his, breathing heavily, her eyes dilated. “The door…”
“Is locked.” Like a cocky bastard, he’d made sure of that once everyone had exited the

room. Not that he’d planned to take her like this, had only been seeking a moment with
her alone. Privately, with no interference from the tons of people who were still in the
building. So he could tell her how he felt.

“You planned this.” Her eyes blazed.
“No. I just wanted to talk.” He kissed her cheek. “Tell you how proud I am of you.” He

kissed her other cheek. “Confess how much I need you in my life.” He pressed his mouth
to her temple.

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“It’s so…so hard for me to believe you.” Her admission sliced through him, leaving

him raw. “You don’t do serious. Everything for you happens on a whim.”

“Not this. Not us. You have to believe me.” He stared into her eyes, leaving himself

completely unguarded, laid bare for her perusal. “I want you, Gabriella. I want to take
this further and see where it leads us.”

She nibbled on her lower lip, the fear, the worry written all over her expressive face.

“But what if…”

“No what-ifs.” He rested his finger against her lush mouth to silence her. “We can’t

predict the future.”

He’d known her for only a short time, but he was certain she was the only one for him.

Yet he didn’t want to freak her out with such talk. She might run. And wouldn’t that be
ironic, the runner making a woman run from him?

Gabriella remained quiet which scared the hell out of him. She studied him, eyes

narrowed, nibbling on her lower lip. “Say something. Anything,” he whispered, his voice
raw with emotion.

Curling her fingers tight into his jacket, she pulled him in, lifting up on tiptoe so she

could meet him halfway. Their lips touched, ignited, mouths opening, tongues dancing.
He reached for her, wound his arms around her, his hands gripping her ass as he lifted
her up. She went with him, anchoring her long legs about his hips as he pressed her hard
against the wall.

There were no more words spoken. None were necessary. He let his free hand wander,

absorbing the delicious sensation of her skin beneath his palm, smoothing the loosened
dress from each of her shoulders so it fell to the crook of her arms. She lifted her arms out
of the sleeves, he heard the rustle of fabric fall from her hips to puddle at her feet, and
she stepped out of it. Her knees brushed against his groin with the action and he

His cock was a greedy bastard, wanting in, wanting her, but he breathed deep,

searching for control. Desperate to take his time, yet unable to. They only had a few
stolen moments. Soon someone would be looking for him, searching for the both of them,
and he couldn’t have anyone find them like this. A select few had a master key to the
entire building, two of them being his brothers. The very last thing he wanted them to
discover was a naked Ella in his arms.

“Hurry,” she whispered as if she could read his mind. Her hands went for his belt,

nimble fingers undoing the buckle, then tugging the leather strip from the loops before it
fell to the floor with a loud thud. The erotic whisper of his zipper being undone was next
and then she undid the snap of his trousers. Reaching in with eager fingers, she slipped
beneath his boxer briefs, grasping him in a firm grip.

“Jesus,” he choked out. “Let me get a condom.”
“You have one?” She sounded incredulous.
“When I know I’m going to be near you, hell yes, I always carry one.”
She laughed, the sound doing something odd to his stomach, making it pitch and float,

causing his heart to lurch hard against his ribs. “Well, grab it then.” Her voice was sultry,
full of promise.

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He reached behind him, pulling out his wallet, plucking the wrapper nestled within.

With shaking fingers he tore into it and she took the circle from him, tugging his
underwear down to his thighs. His cock sprang out, heavy and hard, a drop of pre-come
glistening in the tip. She touched him there, with the very tip of her finger, smothering it
all over the head.

“Fuck,” Rhett whispered. “You’re torturing me.”
She laughed again, slipped the condom on, and he wasted no time. Shifting, he held

her in place against the wall and pushed the crotch of her panties out of the way. He
impaled her, earning a ragged moan for his efforts. Pumping slowly, in and out, knocking
her harder and harder against the wall with his every thrust.

Ella encouraged him with small moans and murmured words, begging him to go

faster, harder. More, more, more. He fell under her spell, giving her what she wanted.
Faster, harder and more, until he gave her everything he had. Reaching between them,
he brushed his finger against her swollen clit, the action causing her inner walls to clench
around his cock extra tight.

“I’m going—to—come,” she panted raggedly against his mouth.
“Come for me, baby,” he encouraged, his own orgasm barreling down on him. A tingle

started at the base of his spine and his balls drew up tight against his body. He wasn’t
going to last, it had been too long since he’d been inside her and it felt too damn good to
hold back now.

With a low groan, he erupted, his cock pulsating, his entire body shuddering with his

orgasm. His chest heaved, his heart thumped in time with the rhythmic clenches of her
sex around his cock. She came just after him, moaning his name, her limbs trembling as
she clutched him close.

He held her, her face pressed against the crook of his neck, her arms slack around him.

They stayed that way for long, quivery minutes, until their breaths evened out and their
bodies calmed.

“Come home with me,” he whispered in her ear before dropping a kiss on it. “Please.”
She nodded, the movement so subtle he hardly noticed it.
Triumph slipped through him, filled him to bursting. She was his. She belonged to


And he couldn’t wait to declare it to the world.

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Chapter Eighteen

Ella nestled close to Rhett in the backseat of the hired car, her head resting on his chest,

the steady beat of his heart soothing her still-frayed nerves. What had started as an
almost impossible day to face was ending up being the absolute best day of her life.

And she still had a few hours to go. All of them spent with Rhett, in his arms, in his

apartment, in his life.

She could hardly believe her good fortune.
He had his arm slung around her shoulder, his fingers drifting up and down her upper

arm absently. Holding on to her as if he owned her, as if she belonged so close to him,
and she couldn’t protest. Couldn’t begin to find the words to complain.

It felt too delicious, being so close to him. Her every silly dream come true.
“I’ll send someone to your apartment to gather your belongings,” Rhett said, his voice

a sexy rumble beneath her ear. “Move all your stuff into my place.”

Lifting her head, she met his gaze. “Isn’t that going a little too fast?”
“I don’t think so.” He reached out, settled his hand against her cheek. She nuzzled his

palm, a shiver moving through her at the gentle way he caressed her. “I don’t want to
waste any more time without you, Gabriella.”

His words a balm to her slightly frazzled soul, she turned her head so she could press a

kiss to his palm. A low growl sounded from him and he bent, brushing his mouth with
hers, his hand still cradling her face. She melted into the kiss, opening to him, never
wanting it to end…

A phone rang and Rhett gently nudged her away. “It’s yours,” he whispered. “You

should get it.”

She plucked the irritating phone from her purse and saw that it was her father.

Anxiously she answered it. “How are you? How’s Italy?”

Her earlier feelings of betrayal evaporated with her happiness. She couldn’t wait to tell

her father the excitement over the positive reception of her scent.

“Bah. That place, it’s abysmal. I’m already home,” her father griped.
“What do you mean? Why didn’t you tell me?” She took a deep breath. “What

happened?” She glanced at Rhett, saw that he watched her with a troubled expression on
his face.

“The Renaldis are nothing but a bunch of arrogant Italians who cannot make up their

minds. They want this. No, they want that. They fight with their father who has final
word and he can hardly conjure up any words, he is so sick.” Michel Durand grunted in
disgust. “I could take it no longer. I asked to be bought out of my contract and left

“Father. You barely worked for them. How could you ask to be bought out of the

contract?” Talk about arrogant. He had some nerve.

“My time is valuable, non? I think you could learn something valuable by all the things

I do.”

“Oh, trust me. I’ve learned plenty.” Both things she should and shouldn’t do, but she

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didn’t feel like getting into that at the moment. “I met with the Worth executives today.
They loved my scent.”

“Really, my darling? Well, that’s odd considering Rhett Worth called me and asked for

a meeting.” The tone of his voice was unmistakably triumphant. “I think he wants to beg
me to come back.”

Shock swept over her, rendering her blood ice-cold. Carefully she extracted herself

from Rhett’s grip, scooting clear across the bench seat so she could press against the door.
“Are you serious?”

“Would I lie to you, my daughter? I am meeting with him. I am reconsidering my

letting such an opportunity go. Now, I’m sure they played along nicely and enjoyed the
little scent you created, but how many ingredients did it take, hmm? And how many
other scents does it smell like? It is so hard to be an original with such little experience on
your side, don’t you know?”

His words sliced her open like a thousand knives cutting across her skin. “How could

you do this to me?” She kept her voice pitched low, waved her hand at Rhett when he
made to slide across the seat and join her.

“You did this to yourself, with your high expectations and eagerness to please. This is a

cutthroat business. You should well be warned of it.”

“You’re jealous.” Realization dawned the moments the words came to her. “You hate

that I’m finding success when you’ve had such trouble obtaining it for so long.”

“Crazy talk. You have no idea what I feel. I am a perfume master. I have taught the

best, I have created the best. I am unheralded in the industry.”

“You are an old man who lives in the past. You haven’t created a successful perfume in

years.” She spoke the blunt truth, had held her tongue for far too many years to count.

Well, no longer. He may have been a master, but he was a faded one at best.
“Ungrateful brat. I taught you everything you know,” he spat.
She hung up on him before he could get another angry word in. She was already upset

enough, didn’t need to hear any more of his hateful words, discover more of his

“What happened with your father?” Rhett asked.
She jerked her head, glaring at him. “Why did you call him?”
He frowned. “I never called him.”
“Really? So you don’t have an appointment with him this week sometime? To discuss

his coming back to Worth and taking over my position?”

He pressed his lips together, his expression resigned. “He called me, Gabriella. I swear


“When?” She bit back a sob, pressed her fingers to her lips. She didn’t know who to


Closing his eyes briefly, he thumped his head against the back of the seat. “A few days

ago. I thought he wanted to discuss you, but all he did was go on about how he let the
opportunity to work for us get away from him. Trust me, I didn’t say a word to
encourage him. Then he asked to meet with me. Questioning if we could somehow come
to an agreement and have him work for us, alongside you.”

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“And what did you tell him?” She almost didn’t want to know the answer.
“He was so upset, I wasn’t about to deny him over the phone. So I…humored him.

Told him we could meet when he returned to the States and talk it over.” This time he
did lean toward her, reaching for her hands so he could clutch them in his. “I have no
plans of replacing you. None of us do. Are you already forgetting what happened in that
meeting? They love you.”

Supposedly, so did her father, yet he was undercutting her without a care to her

position, her feelings. “I want to believe you.”

Rhett released his hold on her. “But you can’t. Is that what you’re saying?”
“I don’t know what I’m saying!” She threw her hands up in the air, completely

overcome. “He is my father yet he wants to take my position without a care as to how I
might feel. You should’ve heard the things he said, the way he spoke to me. And the
things I said to him.” The sob came now. It felt good to let it out.

Tears streaming down her cheeks, she shook her head. “He has always put himself

first, even when I was a child. I was just too blinded by love to see it. Or admit it.”

“Gabriella…” Rhett reached for her again and she jerked away.
“No. Don’t touch me. Take me back to my apartment.” She drew away from him as far

as she could, her arms crossed in front of her, her chest tight.

“What? I thought you were coming home with me.”
“I need to be alone. I need to think this through.” She sent him an imploring look.

“Please, Rhett. I can’t—I can’t deal with everything tonight. I need some time by myself.”

He looked ready to argue, his entire body taut, his lips parted. Finally, he leaned back

against the seat with an exasperated sigh. “I can give you that. But know this—I would
never lie to you. I would never go behind your back or double-cross you. I will always
put you first, no matter what.”

Turning away from him, she stared out the window, at the busy city streets that

passed. She desperately wanted to believe him. But if her own father couldn’t be trusted,
then how could she trust Rhett, whom she’d really only just met?

It hurt too much to question.

Rhett sat behind his desk, quietly raging inside. The emotion was the only thing

fueling him, prepping him for his confrontation with Michel Durand.

The man was an unmitigated bastard who didn’t have an ounce of caring toward his

daughter. That he could be so callous, so dismissive of her feelings and accomplishments,
rendered Rhett speechless.

It also made him madder than hell.
The man would arrive in mere moments and he’d spent the last half hour working in

preparation. Remembering one last thing, he called his assistant Kara.

“Gabriella Durand will arrive in approximately…” He checked his watch. “Fifteen

minutes. I want you to tell her the moment she arrives she may come directly into my
office. Don’t escort her in, don’t ask her to wait. Just let her come right in.”

“Of course. I’m assuming Mr. Durand will arrive soon?”

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“I believe so. Miss Durand’s arrival won’t disrupt us. I can assure you of that.”
“Not a problem,” Kara said crisply. “I will do exactly as you ask.”
“Thank you.” He hung up, pleased. She was the best damn assistant he’d ever had. The

only assistant, for that matter.

He bided his time, watching the minutes tick past while doing a bit of last-minute

research via Google. Looking up the Renaldi family and digging up their situation. Three
brothers and a sister who ran various branches under a brand much like Worth, he
already knew. Launching a new perfume—not a word about it. But there was plenty of
information regarding Giorgio Renaldi’s health failing.

Within minutes, Michel Durand entered his office, all smiles and jovial greetings. Rhett

was coolly polite, not wanting to reveal his true feelings yet. The man had no idea of his
involvement with his daughter. That Rhett knew from their conversation yesterday
Durand was a liar.

Rhett had no place in his life for liars.
“So, you want me back, eh?” Michel asked cockily after settling in his seat across from

Rhett’s desk.

Rhett smiled thinly. “Aren’t you the one who wanted to meet with me?”
Durand’s expression slipped a bit. “Well yes, I did. But I’m assuming you were so

agreeable because you’re displeased with the work Gabriella is doing.”

Pressing his lips together, Rhett rested his clasped hands on top of his desk. The man’s

very presence boiled his blood, let alone the horrible things he said. “Whatever gave you
that assumption? I’m merely curious to see what you might say.”

“You would like to know what I have to say? Fine, I shall tell you.” Durand leaned

forward in his seat. “I want the in-house perfumer job. I can do it much better than my
daughter and you know it. I have twice as much experience as she. Three times, even. I
have seen many things and done more. My creativity, my scents are legend. You would
be a fool to turn away this offer of my expertise.”

Rhett arched a brow. The gall of the man was unbelievable. “You certainly don’t think

little of yourself, do you?”

“Of course not! I have too much experience not to be proud of my accomplishments. I

have taken a break, too long of one, and now I am ready to get back to work. Get back to
creating. And I want to create for Worth.”

“So what happened with Renaldi?”
Durand appeared taken aback. “Renaldi? What do you mean?”
“You worked for them, albeit briefly. What happened?”
“How do you know of Renaldi and my association with them?”
Rhett leaned back in his chair. “I have my ways.” As if he would reveal anything to

Durand, especially the fact that he was half in love with his daughter. Not yet, anyway.

“It didn’t work. A brief distraction, nothing more.” Durand waved his hand,

dismissing his association with Renaldi with a flick of his fingers.

“So you think you can come back in here and take over Gabriella’s job because it didn’t

work out for you with Renaldi. Interesting.” Rhett shook his head. “You realize you

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haven’t asked how she’s doing?”

Durand frowned. “How who’s doing?”
“Your daughter.” You bastard. Rhett sat up straight. “Gabriella.”
“Ah.” Again, another wave of his hand, another dismissal. “She is a simpleton. Raw

talent, to be sure, but she needs years more experience to hone it.”

“Here is where we’ll disagree.” Ah, the satisfaction would come now, he was sure of it.

“She’s a brilliant perfumer who captured exactly what we were looking for.”

Durand reminded silent for a long, still moment before finally clamping his lips

together. “Then what you look for is most likely too simple.”

“First you insult your daughter, and now you insult me. Have you no shame?” Rhett

smiled, but it was more like a grimace, he could feel it. “Walking into my office as if you
own it, demanding a job you carelessly ignored, trying to take it from your very
accomplished and soon to be very successful daughter. You have tremendous nerve.”
Rhett paused. “Or perhaps you’re tremendously stupid.”

Ah, that did it. Michel Durand leapt to his feet, his face beet red, his hands clutched

into fists at his sides. “How dare you speak to me in such a manner?”

Rhett stood as well, towering over the man. Thank Christ the desk was in between

them, or he would’ve grabbed Durand by the scruff of his neck and given him a good
shake. “I could ask you much the same.”

This was happening far too quickly. Durand could be out of his office within minutes

and usually Gabriella was punctual—early even.

“Turning me away would be a mistake, Worth. One you would be extremely foolish to

make. I have access to every single element out there in the world. I could make any
scent you desire, exactly to your specifications. Unique and special enough that no one
could duplicate it in all the world. And yet you waste your opportunity on a young,
untried girl who probably flashed you a pretty smile and a glimpse of her long legs and
you fell for it.” Durand laughed when he saw the murderous expression on Rhett’s face.
“Ah, I know you. You are nothing but a dog who wants to mess around with the ladies.
Your reputation will always be for public record, you know. My poor, pretty daughter
wouldn’t know how to turn you away. She isn’t smart or strong enough to withstand

“You truly believe that?”
The soft, despondent-sounding voice came from the doorway. Both men turned to see

Gabriella standing in the office, the door closing softly behind her. She clutched her purse
in both hands, the leather Worth bag dragging on the floor, her knuckles white with

“Ella, my darling.” Her father went to her, his tone docile, his arms out as if he wanted

to embrace her.

She sidestepped him, looking from Durand to Rhett. “What’s going on here?”
“He wanted your position,” Rhett said, earning a glare from Durand. “And I told him


“Lies, all lies.” Durand smiled at her, trying to win her over.
Good luck with that. The wary expression on Gabriella’s face said it all.

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“You think Rhett wants to keep me only because I’m a woman. Because he thinks I’m

pretty and nothing else.”

“You use your beauty to your advantage, it could help you, you know. Always use

what you have in your arsenal,” Durand said.

She shook her head. “I can’t believe you. Most parents would be proud of their child’s

accomplishments. Pleased that their daughter followed in their footsteps and worked in
the same field. Not you. Never you. All you can think of is how I’m stealing something
from you.”

“You misunderstand—”
“There is nothing to misunderstand. I heard what you said. And I believe Rhett. You

want my position. You don’t care how that will affect me or hurt my feelings. All you
care about is you. All you’ve ever cared about is you.”

The silence that stretched after Gabriella’s outburst was long. Uncomfortable. Rhett

remained standing behind his desk, pride running through him over how well she
handled her father.

Proving yet again how magnificent she was. Eloquent and strong. A woman he’d be

proud to have standing by his side.

“I will leave,” her father finally said, his voice laced with disgust. “I can see when I am

not wanted.”

“Oh, don’t play that game, Father. Please.” She went to him, pulling him into a quick

embrace. He remained stiff, didn’t put his arms around her in return, and she released
her hold on him. “I will call you later. We have some things to discuss.”

“I am sure,” Durand sniffed, sending one last look toward Rhett before he turned on

his heel and exited the office.

Gabriella approached Rhett’s desk, her steps careful, her expression wary. “You did

that on purpose.”

He sat, fear making his knees weak. If she rejected him now, he was afraid he’d yowl

and scream in pain, writhe on the floor from the loss of her. “I did,” he admitted. “I
wanted you to hear what your father had to say.”

“He had terrible things to say.” She sat in the chair her father just vacated.
“They were far more awful than I thought they would be, I agree.” He hated that she

heard any part of their argument, but it had to be done. And that she heard the absolute
worst statements, the ones that shed both her and him in the darkest light, well. He could
only hope she didn’t believe any of it.

“Is it true? What he said? That you’re only keeping me on because you—want me?”
He sent her a measured look. “That I want you in my personal life is a bonus. I can’t

help the way I feel about you, Gabriella. I’m already halfway in love with you and I
hardly know you. But that’s just the icing on the cake. The fact that you created the most
mind-boggling scent any of us here at Worth have ever smelled is the reason why you’re
here. Why you’re working for Worth.” He pointed at a thick stack of papers sitting on his
desk. “Alex left me the contract this morning. He wants to sign you exclusively for the
next two years.”

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Her lips parted, but no words came. Tears formed in her eyes and she shook her head,

sniffing loudly. “Really?”

“Really.” Unable to stand it any longer, he stood and went to her, kneeling in front of

her chair so he could look into her eyes. “I’m sorry about your father. I’m sorry about
everything he said and I hate that you heard it.”

“I needed to hear it. It confirmed what I’ve suspected for too long.” She bowed her

head. “He may love me, but he will always be in competition with me. And I can’t live
my life like that.”

“You shouldn’t have to.” He reached for her hands, clasping them in his. “You don’t

need to live in his shadow any longer. Revel in your successes. Worth It is going into
production. The perfume will launch sometime next spring.”

She smiled through her tears, entwining her fingers with his. “That’s wonderful.”
“I know.” He smiled in return. “We want your input on packaging. The bottle, the

advertising, all of it. Hunter and Gracie both are excited to work with you.”

“I—I’m excited to work with them.”
“And once we get that all taken care of, then we’ll start on the next project.”
“Which is?”
He grinned. “A men’s fragrance for Worth.”
She rolled her eyes. “Of course.”
“Gabriella.” His voice turned grave and she immediately sobered. “Do you believe me

now? That you will always come first in my life? No matter the hardships, no matter
what, I will always be there for you?”

The tears started again, and he hated seeing them. But these were different. She looked

happy, relieved. Releasing her hold on his hands, she threw her arms around him,
drawing him close. “Yes. Yes, I know. Did you mean what you said? That you’re already
—halfway in love with me?”

“What do you think?” He kissed her, long and hot, the taste of the salt from her tears

on his lips. “It’s going to be crazy, being with me,” he confessed in a whisper against her
plush mouth.

She smiled. “I’m up for the challenge.”
“Good.” He kissed her again. “So am I.”

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Chapter Nineteen

“So many people are here,” Gabriella whispered urgently in Rhett’s ear. She clung to

his side like a nervous little rabbit, intimidated by the crowd. No, more like intimidated
by who was in the crowd, she thought wryly.

Celebrities, including movie and television stars, were sprinkled among some of the

most important people in the fashion and perfume industry. Representatives from all
media sources were there as well, including the terrifying perfume reporter from the New
York Times

who’d kissed both of her cheeks upon first seeing her and declared her scent

absolutely divine.

She’d blushed like a schoolgirl at his gushing. Couldn’t admit she’d clipped his

glowing review of the Worth It fragrance yesterday when she saw it in the paper. She
still couldn’t believe she received glowing reviews.

The last few days since the perfume launched had been wildly, wonderfully surreal.
“They’re all here to see you,” Rhett murmured just before he kissed her behind her ear.

“You’re a star, baby.”

She gazed up at him, let all the love and devotion she felt for him shine in her eyes.

These last months of exceptionally hard work, paired with long nights spent with the
man she loved had been like a dream. She couldn’t remember if she’d ever been this

They’d already started on the new fragrance for men. The brief had been worked up—

with her input—and they’d recently gone on another island tour, this time to the big
island. They’d spent equal time burning up the sheets and actually touring the sites.
Worth wanted another sexually charged scent to accompany the first one. And after one
exceptional evening involving exquisitely slow sex with Rhett under a dark velvet sky
dotted with twinkling stars, she’d been struck with inspiration.

Lying in her man’s strong arms, her head on his muscular shoulder, their limbs

entwined. She’d never known such happiness.

Upon their return to New York, she’d diligently worked in her lab, trying her best to

create the scent that would capture that magical night.

“They’re here to see Worth. They’re here to see you,” she reminded him, pride filling

her. Just as she was being praised for her creation, Rhett was equally praised for
discovering her. For creating such a phenomenal perfume launch that was already being
described a runaway success. “The party is fabulous, Rhett.”

“It is, isn’t it? Our marketing team is incomparable.” He smiled at someone who

passed by, nodding his head in greeting. “Everyone’s come out to see this.”

“Hunter’s known for throwing the best parties in the city.”
Rhett turned to her, his eyebrows raised. “Who told you that? Hunter?”
She shrugged and smiled. “The next best thing.”
“Ah, Gracie.” He shook his head. “Of course she’d say that. He’s her husband.”
Ella clutched Rhett’s arm. She loved being a part of the Worth family, even if she

wasn’t officially a Worth—yet. Not that anyone discouraged her from becoming one, oh

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no. The entire family had rallied around her, the women taking her in, the brothers
trying their best to convince Rhett to do the honorable thing and ask her to marry him.

But they weren’t ones to rush into anything, especially Rhett. She was secure in the

knowledge that Rhett belonged to her and no other. He was a devoted and loving partner
in all aspects. Someday, he would make her the perfect husband—and further, a most
excellent father.

For now, he was her Rhett. Her best friend, her partner at work, her lover at home…it

was perfect.

Besides, it was best that he focus on reestablishing his relationship with Hunter. After

much convincing on her part, Rhett had finally gone to Hunter with a tentative peace
offering, which Hunter had gladly accepted. It helped that Gracie was such a sweetheart
and so fond of Rhett. She fully encouraged her husband to be more understanding of his
younger brother.

The family was healing, the rift between the brothers almost forgotten. Much of it was

thanks to the women in their lives. And they knew it, too.

“Mr. Worth, Miss Durand, can we have a few photos?” Photographers suddenly

appeared, their giant cameras at the ready, hopeful expressions on their faces.

Ella laced her arm through Rhett’s, cocking her head and offering a smile. “Of course.”
“Just a few, gentlemen,” Rhett cautioned, always protecting her. She loved that about

him. His watching out for her made her feel cherished.

They posed, Rhett gorgeous in his tux, Ella feeling like a princess in her daring red

dress. The party was formal, on the rooftop of the Worth Building, elegantly decorated
and filled to the very brim with a crush of people, an endless supply of alcohol and the
most delicious appetizers Ella had had the fortune to taste.

Everyone in attendance would leave with a gift bag featuring a sample of the Worth It

fragrance—they wanted everyone to have a chance to try it.

“Don’t you two look cozy?” came a teasing female voice after the paparazzi had left


Ella turned to find Tessa and Alex standing before them, smiles on their faces. Tessa

was ripe with their second child, her face rounded and glowing, Alex looking as proud
and dashing as ever.

“You’re beautiful,” Ella murmured, wrapping Tessa into a friendly hug. Reaching

between them, she rested her hand on Tessa’s belly. “Is he active this evening?”

Tessa beamed. “Active as ever. I’m in trouble, aren’t I, bringing another Worth boy into

the world.”

“The second of a new generation,” Alex offered. “Michael leading the way, and all.”

He referred to Hunter and Gracie’s son.

“Don’t you dare discount Charlotte,” Ella chastised. “That girl will take Worth places

and you know it.”

“If she’s as determined as her mother, I don’t doubt that for a second.” Alex gazed

down at his wife with love.

“Ugh, all this romance is going to make me sick,” Rhett said good-naturedly. “Let’s

cruise the party. See who we can mingle with.”

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“Rhett, that was rude,” Ella accused as soon as they were out of earshot. “Why didn’t

you want to stay and talk to your brother and Tessa?”

“Oh, they’re all moony at each other right now, blissed out over the baby. Not that I

can blame them, but next thing you know, they’re going to ask when we’re going to get
married and have fifteen babies. I don’t want to hear it.” He looked absolutely miserable.

Ella laughed. “Fifteen? I don’t plan on starting an army, you know.”
He sobered. “How many children do you want?”
“I thought you didn’t want to talk about such things,” she teased.
“Well, when it’s coming from everyone else, no, I don’t. But when it’s just me and you,

I like to dream about our future.” Reaching out, he drew his fingers down her cheek, his
touch whisper soft.

She shivered. “I’ve not given it much thought.”
“Liar,” he said softly. “How many babies do you want me to give you, Gabriella?”
Oh, she did like the way that sounded, especially when he phrased it like that. “Two?”
“That’s it?” He smiled, cupped her cheek. “I’m getting off easy.”
“Fine, I was being restrained. I want five.” She smiled when his eyes widened

incredulously. Stepping toward him, she lifted her face, ready for his kiss.

Which he delivered most passionately, even among the heavy throng of partygoers

surrounding them. “At least we’ll have lots of fun practicing, right?” he murmured
against her lips.

“Oh, yes.” It was the most thrilling night of her career but right now, all she wanted

was to go back home with Rhett. Fall into bed and make love for the rest of the night.

But duty called. So she would make the best of it.
“Excuse me, but are you Rhett Worth?” asked a lyrical, heavily accented voice.
They withdrew from each other to find a petite woman standing in front of them. She

was clad in a gorgeous, simple black sheath, her wavy dark hair tumbling past her
shoulders. She studied them both with unabashed curiosity.

Ella clung to Rhett, unease slipping down her spine. She didn’t recognize the woman.

What could she want?

“I’m Rhett Worth.” He frowned. “Do I know you?”
“We have met, at industry parties and the like.” She paused, her plump lips pursed.

She was striking, her black hair and blue eyes a mesmerizing contrast, paired with
creamy skin and fine cheekbones. “I am Anastasia Renaldi.”

“Oh. Of course.” Reluctantly, he offered his hand to shake, which she took most

eagerly. “It’s nice to see you again. This is Gabriella Durand.”

Gabriella shook the woman’s hand. “A pleasure to meet you, Miss Renaldi.”
“Yes, the pleasure is mine as well. And please, call me Stasia. We should keep it

informal since I think we’re going to be seeing plenty of each other in the near future.”

Ella frowned. What did she mean by that?

Rhett studied the woman who stood before him. He remembered her now, though

their previous encounters had always been brief. Anastasia Renaldi—his father had hated
her father, so in his eyes, she was somewhat the enemy. Though she seemed perfectly

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pleasant, if a little odd as she stared at him, as if she was trying to figure him out.

It made him uncomfortable.
“Well, I hate to be rude, but we must mingle, considering we’re the hosts of this party.

So nice to see you again, Anastasia,” he said, trying to get away from her.

“Stasia,” she corrected. “Before you go, might I have a word with you? In private?”

Her gaze skipped to Gabriella before returning to him.

He tightened his hold on Ella’s arm. “Whatever needs to be discussed, we can do it in

front of Gabriella. I hide nothing from her.”

“Very well, then.” Stasia crossed her arms in front of her chest, practically brimming

with fire. He could tell she was a feisty little thing. “I have some news you might be
interested in hearing.”

“Go on.” He inclined his head, clasping hold of Ella’s hand. She’d gone stiff at Stasia’s

comment and he wondered if Stasia Renaldi’s news had anything to do with Michel

Ella hadn’t spoken to her father in months, not since that fateful day in Rhett’s office.

Rhett hated that their relationship had deteriorated, felt he played a large part in it, but
she reassured him she needed time to heal before she would resume communication with
her father, which Rhett gave her. He understood family troubles.

And he’d give her everything she could ask for, he loved her so much.
“You really want to discuss this here? In the middle of a party?” Stasia’s voice lowered.

“It’s a very private matter.”

“Then let’s take it somewhere else.” Irritated, not wanting to deal with it, he led the

women to a more secluded corner where very few people mingled about. “Is this better?”

“It will do,” Stasia retorted, her gaze sparking with fire. “I don’t know quite how to tell

you this.”

“Just spit it out,” he suggested. “I’m sure it can’t be that bad.”
“Michael Worth is my real father, which means I am your half-sister,” she blurted.

“There. I spit it out.”

Shock washed over him, riveting him in place. He gaped, tried to find the right words

but nothing came out.

“We should find Alex and Hunter,” Ella murmured close to his ear. “Don’t you think?”
“Uh, yeah. But not right now.” He glanced at Ella, saw the worry and concern in her

eyes and he squeezed her hand. “I don’t want to bring this to them tonight. Not like

“I am so sorry. I didn’t know how to tell you. I only just discovered the news myself. I

am in a state of disbelief.” Stasia was rambling, her expression frantic, her hands
fluttering about.

Ella went to her, wrapping her arm around the woman’s—his sister’s?—shoulders.

“Why did you choose to tell Rhett? I’m surprised you didn’t go to Alex. Or even Hunter.”

“The other Worth brothers, they intimidate me. You have always been friendlier to me,

easier to approach.” Stasia pointed at him. “You don’t look so friendly now.”

“You’ve given me the shock of my life. How do you expect me to look?”
Ella glared at him before shooting a sympathetic look at Stasia. “Perhaps you can come

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to Rhett’s office first thing Monday and fill them in with the details of how you
discovered this—shocking news.”

“Yes, yes, that sounds good. Thank you so much for your understanding.” The woman

briefly clung to Gabriella, looking lost and…scared.

He was proud yet again of Gabriella in that moment. How she took over, took care of

this woman who burst in on his party and declared herself his long-lost half-sister. It
made no sense. Yet Ella acted as if this sort of thing was common, as if she knew exactly
how to handle it, which she did.

How had he become so lucky to call this woman his?
She told him to mingle while she found the obviously distraught Stasia a cab. He

walked about the party, greeting everyone, agreeing the perfume was a marvel, a
shocking scent worthy of endless praise. All the while, he missed Gabriella. He believed
he was in a state of shock himself. What the hell were they going to do about this new
revelation? What would his brothers say? What would this do to the family dynamic?
Would Anastasia Renaldi want a piece of the Worth fortune? Was she a complete liar
looking to cash in on a fortune? Try and discover their trade secrets? Nothing was sacred
in this business. Everyone was cutthroat and he couldn’t put it past her. He didn’t even
know her.

Whatever might happen, he knew everything would work out eventually, as long as he

had his woman by his side.

Finally, after at least forty-five minutes, Gabriella reappeared at his side, whispering

she’d taken care of everything. Hugging her close, he led her to the same private alcove
they’d gone to earlier with Stasia.

“What did she say?” he asked when they were alone.
“Nothing much. She rattled on and on and grew very upset and I had to calm her

down. She told me she discovered this yesterday, during the reading of her father’s will.
Giorgio Renaldi died only a week ago, you know.”

“I know.” The designer’s health had been bad for quite a while, so the news hadn’t

been very surprising. “But how the hell could she be my sister?”

“She doesn’t quite understand it either. Her mother is in seclusion somewhere in Italy

and won’t speak to her. Claudia Renaldi won’t speak to any of the family.” Ella reached
for him, stroking her hand down his chest. “It sounds like a complicated mess.”

“Hell.” Rhett ran a hand through his hair, blew out a frustrated breath. “I need to tell

Alex and Hunter.”

“Tomorrow. I think that’s best.” She smiled and drew him in close. “She gave me her

phone number. She mentioned she preferred meeting first thing, since she’s leaving for
Italy later in the morning.”

“She’s rather bossy,” he muttered.
“Well, that is a Worth trait…”
He sighed. “I can’t even joke about that right now.”
“I’m sorry.” She kissed him on the cheek, her hands pressed to his chest. Soothing him,

anchoring him as well. “It’s going to be all right.”

“It will be as long as I have you with me.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, lingering,

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tasting. Savoring her. “I love you, Gabriella,” he murmured, overwhelmed with his love
for her.

“I love you, too.” She wound her arms around his neck, nuzzled her cheek against his.

“Take me home, Rhett.”


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About the Author

Karen Erickson has always loved the written word. From being one of the best readers

in her kindergarten class to penning romantic stories that never ended about her favorite
band members (Duran Duran) in high school, she always wanted to write. It just took her
a while to seriously pursue it.

With the birth of her third child came a realization—it’s one thing to talk about writing

a book, another thing entirely to actually do it. She’s been published since 2006.

Karen’s a native Californian who lives in the foothills below Yosemite with her

husband, three children, one dog and too many cats.

To learn more about Karen, visit her online:




Group Blog:






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Look for these titles by Karen Erickson

Now Available:


Jesse’s Girl


Fortune’s Deception

Fortune’s Promise

Fortune’s Chance

Playing with Fire






Under My Umbrella

Baby, Don’t Lose My Number

Simple Twist of Fate

Tahoe Nights

My Favorite Mistake

End of Days

Neon Chaos

Worth It

Worth the Scandal

Worth the Risk

Worth the Challenge

Print Anthologies

Midsummer Night’s Steam: Hot Summer Nights

Luck of the Draw

Playing with Fire

Tahoe Nights

Coming Soon:

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Worth It

Worth Everything

The Renaldis

Temporary Arrangement

Tempted by Her Boss

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How to make a strong man fall hard? Refuse him.

Worth the Risk

© 2012 Karen Erickson

Worth It, Book 2
Hunter Worth lives life to the absolute fullest. As vice president and head of brand

marketing for Worth Luxury Goods, he’s brought his family’s business firmly into the
twenty-first century. Ruthless yet charming, he’s now set his sights on the sexiest
member of the marketing team. First thing on his agenda? Seduction.

Gracie Hayes needs her job at Worth—and she’s not about to let the gorgeous owner

and her direct boss distract her—again. Orphaned, and with a rough childhood behind
her, she’s worked too hard to compromise everything for a fling, no matter how
tempting. Independent, strong and resourceful, she will fight off Hunter. She has to.

Flirting, stolen kisses, a few nights of scorching hot sex…Hunter has all that in mind

and more with the delicious Gracie. He never figures he’d fall in love or that she’d deny
him. How will Hunter convince Gracie he’s the one for her?

Warning: Contains yet another one of those sexy, bossy Worth brothers, though this one is too

full of charm for his own good. Watch as he falls hard—and watch as she tries her hardest to dodge
his every attempt at seduction.

Enjoy the following excerpt for

Worth the Risk:

“You’re quite the dancer, Hayes.” Amusement filled his voice as usual. He almost

always called her by her last name, did so to the entire marketing team.

“Um, thank you.” His compliment surprised her, and she wondered if he was just

being nice. Feeling suddenly shy, she thought it best if she kept her gaze trained on his
chest. Bet if she tilted her head back and looked into his blue eyes, they would be
sparkling with humor.

He was always full of effortless charm, though it had dimmed some temporarily after

the events of last year, when he’d found out the vice president of marketing, the man he
trusted above all else with the exception of his brothers, had been selling business secrets
to Worth Luxury’s direct competitors.

Anyone would have a tough time recovering from that.
Lately though, and especially tonight, he was more like his old self. Smiling and

laughing and full of flirtatious banter, drop-dead gorgeous in the tuxedo he wore. He was
the perfect best man to stand beside his brother.

She’d never been to such an extravagant reception before. The wedding of the season,

the society pages called the marriage between Alex and his former assistant Tessa

The ceremony had been lovely. Simple and quiet with sweetly worded vows and the

couple shooting each other such heated looks of love, Gracie was surprised the altar
hadn’t burst into flame.

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They danced in each other’s arms now, Tessa and Alex. Swaying to the music, Tessa’s

head resting on her husband’s shoulder, her bare arms looped around his neck. Alex held
her just as possessively, his hands splayed across Tessa’s back, his fingers stroking her
exposed skin. They looked like they couldn’t get enough of each other.

A wistful thread of longing wound itself around Gracie’s heart yet again, and she

sighed. To be loved so completely was something she’d foolishly wished for when she
was a young girl. She’d never really had anyone close to her in her life and people always
wanted what they couldn’t have.

Now she was too scared to let anyone get close enough.
“Are you all right?” he asked.
She wondered if he’d heard her sigh. Great.
Nodding, she finally dared to look up at him. What she saw took her breath away.
It was bad enough working with Hunter day in and day out. That one moment in his

arms lingered in her mind, always popping up at the most inappropriate times. Being this
close to him again, seeing his cheeks faintly shadowed with stubble, the faded scar on his
chin, those firm yet sensuous lips that knew just how to stun her silent, it was too much.
His nearness immobilized her.

Which promptly caused him to step directly on her foot.
Wincing, she pressed her lips together and saw the realization dawn across his

handsome face. “Shit, I’m sorry, Gracie.”

“It’s all right. No big deal.” She smiled bravely, though it felt more like a gritting of

teeth. What else could she do? Curse out her boss for nearly breaking her toes? Her feet
were already killing her from the super-high stilettos she wore. From the new
Worthwhile line, they were a sparkly gold that her inner girly-princess couldn’t resist.
Employee discounts were the best.

Luckily enough, she had some restraint or she’d be flat broke but dressed in style.
Did she wear the shoes to impress him? He was, after all, a leg man. She knew this

because he’d confessed it during their brief interlude. One hand buried in her hair, the
other halfway up her skirt, his hot breath giving her the shivers as he murmured in her

Your legs drive me wild.
The memory popped up at the most inappropriate times.
He smiled, a flash of white teeth that dazzled her. “You’d never say anything bad to

me, would you, Hayes? I swear, I could tell you you’re fired and you’d take it with a
smile. Probably thank me for it when it was over too.”

Her heart sank. So he thought she was a pushover, huh? This is what happened when a

woman was stupid enough to let her boss kiss her. It didn’t matter that they were both
drunk and both at fault; he automatically thought she was the slut. “You’re so right. All
I’ve ever wanted was to please the boss. I’m sure you’ll ask for a blowjob next and think
I’ll magically give in. Heaven forbid I’d offend Hunter Worth, right? I mean, you already
had your way with me once.”

His smile faded. “I didn’t mean it like that…”
“Yeah, well, that’s how it sounded. I’m not that easy, despite what you think. I’ve

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worked hard to get where I’m at. I’m not about to let you believe I’m some sort of suck
up who’ll say whatever you want to hear.”

“I was just making a joke, Gracie.” His expression was solemn as he led her about the

dance floor with an effortless grace that made her insanely jealous, ridiculous as that was.
“I didn’t mean to offend you. I’m sorry.”

His immediate and sincere apology was a balm to her heated mood. Had she

overreacted? Probably. But damn it, she couldn’t help it. She was sensitive to this sort of
stuff. She’d been accused of one thing or another since she was a teen. No one in her
corner, no one to defend her, it had always been her against the world.

“Maybe we should forget we ever had this conversation.” She looked away, her gaze

locked on the table where she’d just been sitting. Becky still sat there, watching them
dance. Eyebrows raised, her lips pursed. As if she knew something was going down.

Great. Gracie loved Becky. She was one of Gracie’s closest friends, one of her only

friends. But Gracie knew she’d have some explaining to do later.

She didn’t want to talk about Hunter Worth with anyone, especially Becky. Her friend

was perceptive enough that she might finally figure out Gracie had a major crush on her

And she didn’t want anyone knowing that.
“Sounds good to me. I think you and I are pretty skilled at the avoiding thing, right?”

He paused, his hot gaze locked with hers. She forcibly looked away. If he kept looking at
her like that, there was no way they could avoid what had been brewing between them
since that one night when everything changed. “So how about I buy you a drink to make
up for all of my mistakes?”

She glanced back up at him in surprise. “The reception is open bar.”
There was that grin again. It made certain parts of her body way too happy every time

he flashed it. “Then I should have no problem getting you a drink, right? What’s your
poison?” His voice lowered. “Butterscotch martinis? Isn’t that what you were drinking—
last time?”


He was her poison. A gorgeous devil bent on seducing her. Looking at him, being

close to him was as heady as any alcohol. “I’m not a big drinker,” she said weakly. It was
the truth. It always went straight to her head.

He knew this from firsthand experience.
“Champagne, then. It’s my drink of choice tonight. I’m in a celebratory mood.”
“Happy for Alex?”
He leaned in close, his mouth just above her ear, his breath stirring her hair. “More like

happy to have you in my arms again.”

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Desire is a double-edged dance.


© 2012 Kimberly Dean

Triple X, Book 1
Lexie Underhill works her tail off in hopes of winning her adoptive father’s approval.

It’s never enough. The stinging proof? He’s brought in a reorganization expert. As if the
prospect of losing her job in the family business isn’t enough, Cameron Rowe’s sexy,
intimidating presence makes her palms sweat.

When Lexie’s face appears on a scandalous freeway billboard, her protestations of

innocence go unheard. With orders to save the family name—or else—she marches into
the bar the billboard was advertising and comes face-to-face with an identical twin sister.
Roxie is wild and free, everything Lexie isn’t. Before the night is out, she welcomes the
chance to explore her own sensuality.

As she dances wantonly on the bar, suddenly Cam is there, kissing her as if he has the

right. The sizzle between them breaks out in four-alarm desire, but Lexie has recalibrated
her life plan. And the equation doesn’t factor in Cam—until she’s sure where his loyalties
lie. With her…or her father’s company.

Warning: Not all business relationships are formal and stodgy. Suits and ties (actually, all

clothing) are optional.

Enjoy the following excerpt for


Uncertainty made her face fall, and she glanced back to the bar. “You said our eyes

were different.” The uncertainty turned into a frown. “Is she prettier than me? Was that

“No, that wasn’t it.” He cupped her chin and brought her attention back to him.
He sighed when he saw the glaze in her eyes. She wasn’t a sloppy drunk. She didn’t

slur her words, and she didn’t get belligerent. Well, not that belligerent. Alcohol just
seemed to break down the walls she constantly kept erected around herself. Let loose, her
emotions were fighting over which could show itself first. Hurt, joy and confusion were
all there for the world to see.

With her, alcohol brought out honesty.
Cam took a deep breath. He had to get her out of here. Sober her up and help her get

things straight in her head. The misunderstanding with the Underhills needed to be
cleared up as soon as possible—for her sake as well as the company’s. They’d hurt her
this morning and without cause. She deserved an apology, and he was going to make
sure she got one.

This newfound sister, though. He glanced over his shoulder to the bar. She was a

different issue entirely.

He watched as Roxie flirted with a particularly ugly biker, checking out the tattoo on

his shoulder. He didn’t like coincidences, and he didn’t like surprises. This woman was

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both, and he didn’t want Lexie around her until he had the opportunity to check her out.

And he had the resources to do a really close check.
He brushed his thumb against Lexie’s waist and pulled back. “Let’s go straighten

things out with Julian.”

Her breath caught audibly. Face paling, her gaze flew to the door. “Is he here?”
Cam sighed. Damn that man. “No. We’ll go find him after you’ve had some coffee.”
“Is anybody else coming?” She rubbed her bare arms. Without her jacket, she seemed

vulnerable. Ten minutes earlier, she’d been dancing around and having fun. At the
mention of her family, though, she needed her armor.

He stroked her waist, trying to get her to relax. “You got me. Just me.”
The emotions in her eyes tumbled again, and confusion won the battle this time. She

glanced around the bar almost forlornly. Cameron braced his hand against the jukebox,
wanting to punch it. She was so easy to read this way, but it was a painful read.

“Do you really dislike me that much, Lexie?”
“I don’t dislike you.”
Could have fooled him. “Then what is it? You’ve been avoiding me ever since I first

started working at Underhill. Are you afraid of me?”

She shifted uneasily. She’d ventured into a biker bar and had made it her own, yet

looking him in the eye seemed to be too much for her. “Kind of.”

Cam nearly winced. That honesty was a double-edged sword. “Why?”
“Why? You want to gut my family’s company.” Her brow furrowed. “I mean,

Underhill Associates.” She shook her head, the confusion too much. “I have good
workers. Smart people. They should know their jobs are secure. My job should be secure.”

“I’m not talking about work here,” he said bluntly. “And I think you know that.”
Her lips parted. “But work is all we…” Frustration colored her cheeks. She lifted her

hands and pressed her fingers against her temples. “Argg. You’re doing it again,
confusing me and twisting everything up. I couldn’t sleep last night after you did what
you…and firing me…and, and cleavage…”

He could look at her cleavage all he wanted right now, but things were suddenly

getting interesting. “You couldn’t sleep because you were thinking about me?”

She rocked her foot back onto its heel, and he instinctively positioned himself closer so

she couldn’t kick him. The move put his body a hairsbreadth away from hers. She was
warm from all that dancing. Her skin glistened with perspiration, leaving it damp and
kissable. Lickable.

She flattened her hands against his chest again, but this time he didn’t budge. It

flustered her. She shifted against the jukebox, but he wasn’t letting her get away now—
not when he finally had her talking to him.

Her lips pressed into a straight line. “I wasn’t thinking about you, I was thinking about

my proposition…purpose…my proposal.”

Interesting choice of words.
But the alcohol she’d consumed had her on a roll. “You made me late today. I kept

wondering what you were going to do. What were you going to think? How were you

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going to smell?”

“I smell?”
“Not you. It’s just…” Her cheeks went red. “Your aftershave smells nice.”
Her words died away, but all thoughts of taking her home to Daddy left Cam. Taking

her home, though, wasn’t such a bad idea. His body felt hard and hot. He’d been stressed
all day, but the tension gripping him now was another sort entirely. “What do you think
of me, Lexie? Really?”

Her gaze locked with his, and he saw something new in the dark depths. Something

that made his heart rate slow down, and the thick pumps sound loudly in his ears.

“You make me uncomfortable,” she said, her voice low.
“Uncomfortable, how?”
She bit into her bottom lip, and her gaze skittered away. “Just…uncomfortable.”
The awareness he’d felt on the elevator came back, heavy and deep. It was the first

indication he’d had that she saw him not as a threat, but as a man.

He wanted another.
But he didn’t know when he’d ever get it.
She was skittish around him. Guarded. The closest he could get to her was in meetings.

Stuffy, mind-numbing meetings. Right now, her defenses were down. He couldn’t. He

, but he wanted to know…

He reached for her.
Ever so gently, he ran his fingertips down her bare arm, all the way from shoulder to

elbow. As he watched, goose bumps popped up on the warm flesh. She shivered and her
breath caught. When she looked at him, her gaze was a little wild.

“You make me uncomfortable too,” he said gruffly.
They stared at each other, the music throbbing and the air hazy around them.
“Really uncomfortable,” he muttered.
Closing the distance, he sank into her. He watched her closely as their bodies pressed

from chest to knee. The heat was intimate, the contact electric. For a moment, she was
stunned still. Then all those emotions she’d kept tempered for so long rushed forward to
meet him. Her anger. Her heat. Her sweetness. He felt it in the way her body melted. He
heard it in the catch in the back of her throat.

“Lexie.” He kissed her. Firmly, fully, mouth locked on mouth. He sealed their lips

tight, and the sensation was so good, it damn near made him groan aloud.

Her lips were soft, velvety and they clung. The kiss deepened, their mouths opening

wider for more contact. For a woman who was as strapped in and lashed down as she
was, she knew how to kiss.

And then some.
That hard-on he’d gotten when he’d seen her dancing atop the bar came roaring back

to life. He kissed her harder, letting his tongue slide over hers. A sound left her throat,
and her fingers bit into his shoulders. He did it again, loving her heat, loving the way she
responded. She moved restlessly, her body grinding against his. Softness against
hardness. Heat against heat.

Cam wanted to pick her up and carry her right out to his car. He could feel her nipples

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poking him and her hips rolling sexily. Her arousal was like every other emotion the
alcohol had freed. Hot, immediate and right on the surface.

What had started as an exploratory kiss was quickly turning into a blistering-hot make-

out session. They were hidden together in the corner. Music pounded around them and
bodies shifted nearby. They were in public. Anyone could see them.

And he didn’t care.
He moved closer, rocking his hips into her. She let out a soft whimper as her hands

glided from his shoulders to lock around his neck. Their bodies fit together like yin and
yang. Her breasts pressed tighter against his chest, and he settled his growing erection
right where it wanted to be, in the warm nook at the top of her legs.

He tangled his fingers in her hair as he nuzzled the feminine curve of her jawline. God,

her hair…

He clenched his fist in the dark curls. If the rest of her was this silky, he’d never

last. Hungry for more, he sent his other hand down her side. His blood thundered hard
when he found the not-so-professional slit in her oh-so-professional skirt.

“You want the truth?” he whispered into her ear. “The billboard wasn’t pretty


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A new lover, an old flame, sultry moonlit nights. Why let inhibitions stand in the way?

Moonlight Mirage

© 2012 Sami Lee

Bandicoot Cove: The Wedding, Book 3
Two years ago, Hayley Bryant left Australia on a round-the-world odyssey that

changed her life, and her attitude. After that, coming face to face with the man whose
rejection sent her packing shouldn’t affect her at all, right?

Except there’s one thing that hasn’t changed—her former boss Mitchell Wood makes

her burn as hot as ever. The difference is, Hayley’s now a grown woman who knows how
to get what she wants, and she wants Mitch. Trouble is, she hasn’t come to her friend’s
wedding alone. Her very sexy friend with benefits, Ty Butler, might pose a problem.

Business was always Mitch’s first love…at least until he hired his little sister’s friend as

an intern. Pushing her away was the right thing to do, but now his sister’s wedding has
Hayley re-entering his life—and the empty place in his heart. Soon he’s acting less like
the consummate workaholic and more like a man crazy in love. But Hayley’s “plus one”
is an unexpected obstacle.

Fortunately, Mitch has never been one to shy away from a little competition…
Warning: Bilby Island’s sensual spell strikes again. Book contains hot lovin’ made in beautiful

tropical surrounds, some exhibitionism, voyeurism and bondage. Best read with a margarita in
hand and the fan switched to


Enjoy the following excerpt for

Moonlight Mirage:

“Are you calm?”
In a strange way, he was. Even with the force of his sexual needs coursing through

him, the sense of urgency had faded to the background. Not fighting the inevitable was
freeing. He wanted Hayley more than he’d ever wanted another woman, and admitting
the truth of it was more calming than he ever would have expected. “Yes.”

“Are you here, in this moment with me?”
His answer was the absolute truth. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
At last, Hayley took her hands away from his face. “Open your eyes.”
The brightness caused Mitch to flinch as he raised his eyelids. The muted colors of

predawn had disappeared. What replaced them were brilliant rays of light in every
conceivable hue from bright fuchsia to flaming orange to deepest magenta.

Mitch regularly rose at dawn. He’d seen sunrises before. But this explosion of color was

unlike anything he’d ever experienced. Was it because of the location or the woman
standing beside him?

Or was it simply that he had never really looked before?
“Isn’t it beautiful?”
Mitch stared at the view before him, not turning his head to look at Hayley. He was

afraid to. If the sky took his breath completely away, he was pretty sure his lungs would

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collapse if he saw Hayley bathed in all that glorious light. Unable to speak, he merely

“This is what I wanted you to see,” she said. “The start of a brand-new day when

everything is untouched until this amazing kaleidoscope of color washes over it, like
painting on a blank canvas. When you truly experience the sunrise, you have to believe
anything is possible.”

Was she right? Could anything happen? Could Hayley forgive him for being a blind

asshole, for not knowing what he was rejecting when he pushed her away? Could a
woman like Hayley Bryant ever really want a boring, stuffed-shirt workaholic like Mitch

Mitch took a deep breath, filling his lungs in case it was the last time he’d be able to do

it for a while, and turned to look at her. His chest seized, his heart stopped. The slightest
of breezes lifted the curled strands of her hair, causing them to float around her face. The
golden tresses were shot through with intense orange, making it look like a halo had
formed around her. But she was more beautiful than any angel heaven could produce.
She was a woman, and she was real, and she stood right before him with the look of
wonder and awe on her face reflecting everything that was going on inside him.

For a long time she held his gaze, saying nothing as the sky changed colors around

them. Then her gaze lowered, trailing over his face until finally landing on his lips. It was
all the invitation Mitch required. Without a word, he stepped toward her and brought his
hands up to cup her face. Then he dipped his head.

He wouldn’t have thought it possible for someone to taste like the sunrise, but Hayley

did. She was beautiful and golden, and she enveloped him in glorious warmth. He let
their lips meld in their own way, not trying to drive the kiss, using no technique
whatsoever. The kiss turned brighter and hotter and more vivid until Mitch felt infused
with the heat and life that was Hayley.

Utterly lost, Mitch wasn’t even aware of taking her down to the sand. One minute he

stood with his arms wrapped tight around her, the next they were horizontal. Writhing
beneath him, Hayley drove her fingers through his hair, holding him to her. His fingers
found their way beneath the hem of her top, trailing over the smooth flatness of her
stomach. It wasn’t enough, so he shoved the garment upward, exposing Hayley’s breast
to the gentle morning breeze. He cupped the soft mound and squeezed.

Into his mouth, Hayley gasped. Beneath him, her body arched, her back coming off the

sand as she sought a more complete touch. Mitch granted her wish, using his thumb to
graze her pebbled peak. It blossomed under his ministrations, growing ripe and plump
and all too tempting. Breaking free of Hayley’s ravishing mouth, Mitch trailed his lips
downward, over her collarbone and shoulder. He kissed around the puckered flesh,
narrowly avoiding the sensitive point that silently begged for his attention.

Hayley’s grip on his head started to pinch as she tightened her hold. “Mitch, please.”
Lust surged through his veins. Goddamn, that was what he wanted to hear. Hayley

desperate for his touch, begging him for it. “Ask again.”

“Oh, God. Just put me out of my misery.”

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Ask, damn it.”
She gasped at his rough delivery, but when Mitch stared into her eyes he saw no

discomfort or revulsion. All he saw was molten heat. Watching him, Hayley very
deliberately circled her lips with her tongue. Mitch almost burst the seams of his shorts.
Then she rasped, “Please,” and all Mitch could hear was that throaty request and the
roaring of his blood in his ears.

Not breaking eye contact, Mitch lowered his head and enclosed her nipple with his

mouth, taking it in one long, slow suck. Crying out, Hayley curved her spine, thrusting
her eager flesh deeper into him. Mitch rolled the distended peak against his tongue until
Hayley said his name over and over again, punctuating it with breathy little pleas that
drove him insane.

When he lifted his head, Hayley’s hoarse protest delighted him. Mitch gazed down at

her and was awed by the sight she presented. Her golden hair was tousled, the strands
splayed across the sand like sunrays. Her green eyes glittered as bright as gems as they
stared back at him. Her magnificent breasts trembled with the force of her ragged
breaths, and her skin was flushed pink with arousal.

She was exquisite. The very thought that another man had seen her like this sliced him

open, ruining the perfect beauty of the moment. Unprepared for the pain of it, Mitch
defended himself in the only way he knew how—attack, contain, control.

“How can you let him touch you when you respond this way to me?” he growled.

“You’re mine, Hayley. Promise me he’ll never lay a hand on you again, and I’ll make you
scream for me. Right here. Right now.”

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Worth the Challenge

Karen Erickson

Together, they’re magic. Now to capture it in a bottle…

Worth It, Book 3
For once in his errant life, Rhett Worth is ready to prove to his older brothers he’s more

than good looks and a woman-melting smile. Except he’s screwed up. And it’s about to
hit the fan as he prepares to tell them he’s failed to deliver the master perfumer, Michel
Durand, to create Worth Luxury’s signature scent.

Then salvation walks through the boardroom door, all wrapped up in a petite,

seductive package.

Gabriella Durand is prepared to beg the Worths to give her capricious father another

chance. Instead, she finds the devastatingly handsome Rhett Worth offering it to her as if
he’d planned it all along. And Gabriella, hungry to emerge from her father’s shadow,
jumps at it.

Soon they’re in Maui to hunt for the perfect scent…and find it in the tropical breeze

that washes across their entwined bodies. Now the pressure is on to capture that passion
in a bottle—before they let love complicate the delicate mix. Before a whiff of betrayal
threatens to destroy everything.

Warning: The last of the Worth brothers, he’s the wildest one of all. Expect lots of

challenges, much yearning, plenty of vulnerabilities revealed—and lots of macho Alpha
behavior on the hero’s part. Don’t worry, though. He’ll be begging for the heroine’s love
before the end, we guarantee it.

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eBooks are

not transferable.

They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or

have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events,

locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

Cincinnati OH 45249

Worth the Challenge

Copyright © 2012 by Karen Erickson

ISBN: 978-1-60928-858-7

Edited by Amy Sherwood

Cover by Angela Waters

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written

permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

electronic publication: October 2012


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Document Outline


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