162 SPEI RMK 073

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Crystal controlled audio transmitter

- Super compact (9 x 18 x 3 mm);
- High quality audio;
- Low power consumption;
- Wide range of power supply voltages;
- Variable output power;
- Crystal frequency control.

The product designed, as an unpacked PCB sealed with protective compound is a universal module
rated for hidden installation. Up-to date components base and miniature crystal resonators made it
possible to create the transmitter module twice smaller then its previous version.
Any D.C. 3 - 6 V, 50 mA power supply is useful for the product including 3 V, 1,5 A/h. 90 × 60 × 3

mm. slim flexible lithium cells.

Unpackaged Sputnik equipped with remote microphone, flexible antenna, power supply connection
leads is rated for it's further camouflaging (hidden installation) in various objects.

Available camouflage solutions:
- Pieces of clothing and footwear;
- Jewelry and accessories;
- Pieces of interior and furniture;
- Room finishing materials;
- Home electric appliances and electronics;
- Items of packaging;
- Communications means.

Time of continuous operation of the product powered from one lithium cell is 5 days. In
combination with lithium cell the product suits installation in articles of clothing. Application of
different power supply voltages provides variable output power of the product within 10 - 30 mW
Application of SET-1 KDK 003 RC
Receiver turns the transmitter into a
complete RC transmission system.

Directions for use:
It is recommended to integrate the product inside dielectric camouflage substances with low RF
absorption ratio. Allocation of the product above metal surfaces can decrease radiation efficiency of
the product. While selecting a power supply source please take into account the data-sheet current
value of the power source, which should be not less than the consumption current of the product.

The product is not protected against reversed polarity.

- black

+ pink

Antenna black

background image



416.5 - 423.5 MHz

Frequency control


Relative frequency instability (@ 0° up to + 40° С)

≤ 0.01 %



Maximum deviation of frequency @ non-linear distortion factor ≤ 7 %

≥ ± 50 kHz

Attenuation of harmonic and sub-harmonic components

≥ 20 dB

Audio response

0.3 - 6 kHz

Output power:

- @ U3 V

≥ 7 mW

- @ U6 V

≥ 30 mW

Current consumption:

- @ U=3 V

≤ 10 mA

- @ U=6 V

≤ 20 mA

Range of operation @ signal/noise ratio ≥ 30 dB (@ U=3 V):

- Icom-R10 scanning receiver

≥ 100 m

- PRK 040 special receiver

≥ 100 m

Power supply

2.4 – 6 V

Recommended power supply

3 V, 1.5 Ah (flat lithium


Time of continuous operation

5 days




Flexible, 180 mm

Length of power supply cable

100 mm

Operating temperature

0° up to + 40° C


9 × 18 × 2.8 mm


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