Nicole Jacquelyn An Aces Christmas

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An Aces Christmas

By Nicole Jacquelyn

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An Aces Christmas

By Nicole Jacquelyn

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An Aces Christmas

Copyright ©2020 by Nicole Jacquelyn

EPUB Edition

All Rights Reserved

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For my readers

I hope you have a wonderful holiday season.

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For my readers

I hope you have a wonderful holiday season.

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Table of Contents


Title Page

Copyright Page


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10


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Table of Contents


Title Page

Copyright Page


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10


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Chapter 1






,” I muttered, glaring at my husband

as I tore off another shirt and threw it on the bed.
“Why the hell am I nervous to see my own son?
I’ve seen him every fucking week for the last three
years and nine months.”

“You’re not nervous to see him,” Cam replied,

shaking his head. I paused to watch him pull a
flannel over his undershirt, his fingers moving to
each button unerringly, even though his eyes were
on me.

His hands weren’t shaking the way mine were.
“You’re nervous that we’re gonna get there and

they’re gonna say there was some sort of mistake
and not let him out.”

I dropped to the edge of the bed as the truth of

his comment sunk deep. He was right, as usual, but
it didn’t irritate me the way it normally did. I was
too busy being stunned that he’d actually said the
words out loud. It seemed like it would jinx things

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muttered, glaring at my husband

as I tore off another shirt and threw it on the bed.
“Why the hell am I nervous to see my own son?
I’ve seen him every fucking week for the last three

“You’re not nervous to see him,” Cam replied,

shaking his head. I paused to watch him pull a
flannel over his undershirt, his fingers moving to
each button unerringly, even though his eyes were

“You’re nervous that we’re gonna get there and

they’re gonna say there was some sort of mistake

I dropped to the edge of the bed as the truth of

his comment sunk deep. He was right, as usual, but
it didn’t irritate me the way it normally did. I was
too busy being stunned that he’d actually said the
words out loud. It seemed like it would jinx things

somehow. Now that the words were out there,
floating in the universe, my fear tripled.

“It’s gonna be fine,” he assured me, coming

over to run his fingers through my hair. “It’s all
gonna go off without a hitch, and your dad’s gonna
bitch at me for weeks for havin’ you on the back of
my bike.”

I scoffed as I stood back up. “He can fuck right

off if he thinks I won’t be there when my son
breathes fresh air for the first time in years.”

“I’ll let him know you said that,” Cam replied,

grinning. He gestured to the bed covered in
discarded shirts. “Wear the green one. It makes
your tits look great.”

I stared at him in disbelief and shoved him

toward the doorway. As soon as he was in the hall,
laughing, I shut the door in his face.

“I don’t care how my tits look today!” I yelled.
“I always care how your tits look!” he yelled

back, before I heard him stomping down the

Facing the bed, I sighed and randomly picked

up a sweater and pulled it on. It wasn’t the green
one. I wouldn’t give that lecher the satisfaction.
Looking down at myself, I smiled. I didn’t believe
in holding onto clothes that didn’t fit or were no
longer flattering. My tits looked good in anything I
owned, thank you very much.

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somehow. Now that the words were out there,

“It’s gonna be fine,” he assured me, coming

over to run his fingers through my hair. “It’s all
gonna go off without a hitch, and your dad’s gonna
bitch at me for weeks for havin’ you on the back of

I scoffed as I stood back up. “He can fuck right

off if he thinks I won’t be there when my son

“I’ll let him know you said that,” Cam replied,

grinning. He gestured to the bed covered in
discarded shirts. “Wear the green one. It makes

I stared at him in disbelief and shoved him

toward the doorway. As soon as he was in the hall,

“I always care how your tits look!” he yelled

back, before I heard him stomping down the

Facing the bed, I sighed and randomly picked

up a sweater and pulled it on. It wasn’t the green
one. I wouldn’t give that lecher the satisfaction.
Looking down at myself, I smiled. I didn’t believe
in holding onto clothes that didn’t fit or were no
longer flattering. My tits looked good in anything I

I curled my toes into the carpet as I made my

way toward the master bath. The feeling centered
me, but my hands still shook.

I was scared that somehow, some way, they

would tell us tough luck, that my baby boy
wouldn’t be coming home with us. And that wasn’t
my only fear, not by a long shot. I worried that he’d
be different. That the short visits we’d had every
Sunday for far too long hadn’t been enough to
really know my own son. That he wouldn’t be the
same thoughtful, caring, pain in the ass he’d always
been. That he would have a hard time adjusting to
life on the outside, and I’d find myself watching
him go back inside. I was terrified that if he did go
back inside, I wouldn’t be able to stop his other half
from following him there and next time, I’d lose
both my sons. Alternately, I was afraid that the
bond between my twin sons would never be the
same, like their connection had changed the same
way their looks had with the time apart.

My boys were identical and they’d looked it.

Sometimes, they had different haircuts, and Draco’s
acne had been worse than Curtis’s their entire
eighth grade year, but if you didn’t know them,
they were impossible to tell apart.

It wasn’t like that anymore.
I shook my hands out and reached for a brush,

smoothing my hair back to the nape of my neck so I
could braid it. After we got home that afternoon,

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I curled my toes into the carpet as I made my

way toward the master bath. The feeling centered

I was scared that somehow, some way, they

would tell us tough luck, that my baby boy
wouldn’t be coming home with us. And that wasn’t
my only fear, not by a long shot. I worried that he’d
be different. That the short visits we’d had every
Sunday for far too long hadn’t been enough to
really know my own son. That he wouldn’t be the
same thoughtful, caring, pain in the ass he’d always
been. That he would have a hard time adjusting to
life on the outside, and I’d find myself watching
him go back inside. I was terrified that if he did go
back inside, I wouldn’t be able to stop his other half
from following him there and next time, I’d lose
both my sons. Alternately, I was afraid that the
bond between my twin sons would never be the
same, like their connection had changed the same

My boys were identical and they’d looked it.

Sometimes, they had different haircuts, and Draco’s
acne had been worse than Curtis’s their entire
eighth grade year, but if you didn’t know them,

I shook my hands out and reached for a brush,

smoothing my hair back to the nape of my neck so I
could braid it. After we got home that afternoon,

I’d let it hang loose, but I was too anxious to deal
with it flying around my head when we were on the
bike. A quick glance out the window told me the
sun was still out—an unexpected bonus on
December 23 in Oregon. At least we wouldn’t have
to ride in the rain. That was one less thing I had to
worry about.

“Let’s go,” Cam said a few minutes later,

swinging open the bedroom door as I pulled on my

“We don’t have to leave for fifteen more

minutes,” I argued, checking the clock.

“Baby, it takes you exactly fifteen minutes to

leave the house.”

“It does not,” I said, glaring at him. The

argument was almost as old as our relationship.

“It does,” he said in exasperation. “No shit,

fifteen minutes on the fuckin’ dot. Started when the
boys were born—and I got it then. Gettin’ two
babies outta the house is a nightmare. But once
they started standin’ at the door waitin’ on your ass,
it got a little old.”

“Whatever,” I mumbled, walking past him to

get my jacket out of the closet.

“Jesus,” he said as I came back out wearing the

beat up leather. “You needed to condition that
about five years ago.”

“You worry about your leather, I’ll worry about

mine,” I huffed.

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I’d let it hang loose, but I was too anxious to deal
with it flying around my head when we were on the
bike. A quick glance out the window told me the
sun was still out—an unexpected bonus on
December 23 in Oregon. At least we wouldn’t have
to ride in the rain. That was one less thing I had to

“Let’s go,” Cam said a few minutes later,

swinging open the bedroom door as I pulled on my

“We don’t have to leave for fifteen more

“Baby, it takes you exactly fifteen minutes to

“It does not,” I said, glaring at him. The

“It does,” he said in exasperation. “No shit,

fifteen minutes on the fuckin’ dot. Started when the

then. Gettin’ two

babies outta the house is a nightmare. But once
they started standin’ at the door waitin’ on your ass,

“Whatever,” I mumbled, walking past him to

“Jesus,” he said as I came back out wearing the

beat up leather. “You needed to condition that

“You worry about your leather, I’ll worry about

It hadn’t actually been five years. We both

knew the leather had been conditioned in the
spring, and we both knew he was the one who’d
pulled it out of the closet and spent hours rubbing
oil into the leather. I hadn’t ever had to take care of
my jacket or my boots. When he was in the mood
to baby his leathers, mine got the royal treatment,
too. It was like he couldn’t stand to leave them in
the shape they were in.

I followed him to the garage and pulled on a

pair of gloves while he opened the door, flooding
the space with light.

“I’m glad we don’t have to go to the club

tonight,” I said as he rolled his bike outside.

“You got lucky with that one,” Cam replied.

“You know they only agreed to that because
tomorrow is Christmas Eve and we’ll be there

“I didn’t get lucky, I put my damn foot down.

He wasn’t even a prospect when he went inside—
he still belongs to me.”

“Keep telling yourself that,” he said with a

laugh. “Our boys were born belonging to the club.
Only a matter of time before he’s wearin’ a cut.”

“Well, it hasn’t happened yet,” I said

stubbornly. “Plus, I’m my dad’s favorite and
everyone knows it. If I want to have a small family
dinner for our son, without fifty people getting in
my space, he’d never say no.”

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It hadn’t actually been five years. We both

knew the leather had been conditioned in the
spring, and we both knew he was the one who’d
pulled it out of the closet and spent hours rubbing
oil into the leather. I hadn’t ever had to take care of
my jacket or my boots. When he was in the mood
to baby his leathers, mine got the royal treatment,
too. It was like he couldn’t stand to leave them in

I followed him to the garage and pulled on a

pair of gloves while he opened the door, flooding

“I’m glad we don’t have to go to the club

“You got lucky with that one,” Cam replied.

“You know they only agreed to that because
tomorrow is Christmas Eve and we’ll be there

“I didn’t get lucky, I put my damn foot down.

He wasn’t even a prospect when he went inside—

“Keep telling yourself that,” he said with a

laugh. “Our boys were born belonging to the club.

“Well, it hasn’t happened yet,” I said

stubbornly. “Plus, I’m my dad’s favorite and
everyone knows it. If I want to have a small family
dinner for our son, without fifty people getting in

“You keep sayin’ you’re the favorite and Leo is

gonna get a complex,” Cam said, pointing at me as
he grabbed our helmets off a shelf.

“My brother knows how the wind blows.”
“It’s all good,” Cam said, gently pulling my

helmet onto my head. His eyes met mine. “Because
he’s definitely your mom’s favorite.”

I laughed. “You’re right,” I replied. “I don’t

know why. I’m clearly the better child.”

“You good?” he asked softly, resting his hands

on my shoulders. “You didn’t forget anything
inside? Got your ID?”

“It’s in my pocket.”
“Jacket or jeans?” he asked dryly.
“Jacket, smartass,” I replied.
Once, years before, I’d idiotically put my ID

and bank card in the ass pocket of my jeans, and by
the time we’d gotten where we were going,
Sacramento maybe? I couldn’t remember. Anyway,
I’d lost both cards somewhere on the highway.
Back then, I was still getting carded and with no
ID, it wasn’t a very fun road trip.

I climbed on the back of my man’s bike while

he shut the garage door, and flexed my fingers
against the cold. It may have been sunny, but it sure
as hell wasn’t warm.

My heart raced in anticipation as I thought

about summer. Barbeques and bonfires and
swimming at the river and a thousand other things

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“You keep sayin’ you’re the favorite and Leo is

gonna get a complex,” Cam said, pointing at me as

“It’s all good,” Cam said, gently pulling my

helmet onto my head. His eyes met mine. “Because

I laughed. “You’re right,” I replied. “I don’t

“You good?” he asked softly, resting his hands

on my shoulders. “You didn’t forget anything

Once, years before, I’d idiotically put my ID

and bank card in the ass pocket of my jeans, and by
the time we’d gotten where we were going,
Sacramento maybe? I couldn’t remember. Anyway,
I’d lost both cards somewhere on the highway.
Back then, I was still getting carded and with no

I climbed on the back of my man’s bike while

he shut the garage door, and flexed my fingers
against the cold. It may have been sunny, but it sure

My heart raced in anticipation as I thought

about summer. Barbeques and bonfires and
swimming at the river and a thousand other things

my baby had missed out on. We were going to
make up for every missed opportunity if it killed

As soon as Cam was seated in front of me, I

wrapped my arms around his waist and gently
tapped the front of my helmet against his broad
back—my version of a kiss when I couldn’t
actually reach him with my lips. Then, with little
fanfare, we headed toward the club.

I could see the clubhouse from our front porch,

but because of the way the land was situated, we
had to drive down our driveway and fifty feet down
the road before we reached the gates to the club.
On days like today, when I was anxious to get
going, it drove me crazy—but most of the time, I
liked that there was a little separation between our
home and the common area for all of our friends
and family. It gave us a little privacy, which we
needed, especially since everyone knew everyone
else’s business ninety-nine percent of the time.

Inhaling a long breath, I forced myself not to

snap at Cam when he parked and shut off the bike
instead of letting it idle. I didn’t want to stop. Not
now. I wanted to go.

“I told you we had time,” I mumbled under my


As my brother strode out of the clubhouse, I

flipped up the face shield on my helmet and glared,

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my baby had missed out on. We were going to
make up for every missed opportunity if it killed

As soon as Cam was seated in front of me, I

wrapped my arms around his waist and gently
tapped the front of my helmet against his broad
back—my version of a kiss when I couldn’t
actually reach him with my lips. Then, with little

I could see the clubhouse from our front porch,

but because of the way the land was situated, we
had to drive down our driveway and fifty feet down
the road before we reached the gates to the club.
On days like today, when I was anxious to get
going, it drove me crazy—but most of the time, I
liked that there was a little separation between our
home and the common area for all of our friends
and family. It gave us a little privacy, which we
needed, especially since everyone knew everyone

Inhaling a long breath, I forced myself not to

snap at Cam when he parked and shut off the bike
instead of letting it idle. I didn’t want to stop. Not

“I told you we had time,” I mumbled under my

As my brother strode out of the clubhouse, I

flipped up the face shield on my helmet and glared,

gesturing with the universal motion of hurry the hell

He flipped me off as he sauntered even slower

toward his bike, making me grit my teeth. I wasn’t
going to start shit. Not today. It was a happy day.
An exciting one.

I watched as the rest of our family poured out

of the clubhouse, clocking a familiar set of
shoulders before I saw my son’s bright eyes and
grim mouth striding toward his bike. God, I was
thankful that all of us would be under the same roof
tonight, even if it was only temporary. I needed my
boys, all of them. It felt like I was a balloon that
had been filling up slowly with panic and sadness
and rage—and if things hadn’t changed, I would
have popped, spilling those emotions everywhere.

“You need me to pick up anything at the store?”

my mom called out, waving her arms as she hurried
toward us. “Let me know if you forgot something
and I can pop by while you guys are gone.”

“I don’t think so,” I replied loudly so she could

hear me through the helmet. “We’re having
spaghetti. Pretty easy and I already had most of the
ingredients in the cupboard.”

“Did you remember some garlic bread?”
“I got some fresh this morning.”
“Mom, who do you think you’re talking to?” I

asked jokingly as she reached out to grab my braid,

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gesturing with the universal motion of hurry the hell

He flipped me off as he sauntered even slower

toward his bike, making me grit my teeth. I wasn’t
going to start shit. Not today. It was a happy day.

I watched as the rest of our family poured out

of the clubhouse, clocking a familiar set of
shoulders before I saw my son’s bright eyes and
grim mouth striding toward his bike. God, I was
thankful that all of us would be under the same roof
tonight, even if it was only temporary. I needed my
boys, all of them. It felt like I was a balloon that
had been filling up slowly with panic and sadness
and rage—and if things hadn’t changed, I would

“You need me to pick up anything at the store?”

my mom called out, waving her arms as she hurried
toward us. “Let me know if you forgot something

“I don’t think so,” I replied loudly so she could

hear me through the helmet. “We’re having
spaghetti. Pretty easy and I already had most of the

“Mom, who do you think you’re talking to?” I

asked jokingly as she reached out to grab my braid,

running her fist down the length of it.

“It’s a good day,” she said, her eyes shining.

“Soak it all in and enjoy it.”

“I’m trying.” I looked around at the men

climbing onto their motorcycles. “If everyone
would hurry up and we could actually get going.”

Mom laughed and gave my braid a tug. “Love


“Love you, too,” I replied, reaching out to hold

her hand for a moment.

“Now go get our boy,” she said, her words

drowned out by the sound of a dozen bikes firing
up around us.

She strode back toward the clubhouse and I

raised my eyebrows in surprise as she was almost
plowed down by someone racing out the doorway.
Mack’s daughter Kara was pale and wide eyed and
barely stopped to apologize to my mom before she
turned, her eyes on the columns of bikes as we
started toward the road. She seemed paralyzed for a
long moment, then as if the hounds of hell were on
her heels, she sprinted for the old Jeep that Rose
had given her years ago.

Leaning my head against Cam’s back, I forced

myself not to worry about the poor girl. We all had
our demons, and I couldn’t change the fact that
soon she was going to have to face one of hers.

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running her fist down the length of it.

“It’s a good day,” she said, her eyes shining.

“Soak it all in and enjoy it.”

“I’m trying.” I looked around at the men

climbing onto their motorcycles. “If everyone
would hurry up and we could actually get going.”

Mom laughed and gave my braid a tug. “Love


“Love you, too,” I replied, reaching out to hold

her hand for a moment.

“Now go get our boy,” she said, her words

drowned out by the sound of a dozen bikes firing
up around us.

She strode back toward the clubhouse and I

raised my eyebrows in surprise as she was almost
plowed down by someone racing out the doorway.
Mack’s daughter Kara was pale and wide eyed and
barely stopped to apologize to my mom before she
turned, her eyes on the columns of bikes as we
started toward the road. She seemed paralyzed for a
long moment, then as if the hounds of hell were on
her heels, she sprinted for the old Jeep that Rose
had given her years ago.

Leaning my head against Cam’s back, I forced

myself not to worry about the poor girl. We all had
our demons, and I couldn’t change the fact that
soon she was going to have to face one of hers.

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Chapter 2


4 ½ years ago






prom as sophomores,” I sang,

throwing my arm over my best friend Charlie’s
shoulder. “And you are wearing a dress. Don’t
even try to get out of it.”

“Seems like you’d be a little less enthusiastic

about our pity invites,” Charlie said dryly,
shrugging off my arm so she could hitch her
backpack higher on her shoulders. “I’m technically
going with my nephew.”

“They’re not pity invites,” I argued, hurrying to

catch up as she lengthened her stride. “They’re our
best friends and they want us to go with them.”

“What they want is to console all the poor girls

going solo, but they don’t actually want to go solo
themselves,” Charlie said with a laugh, looking at
me like I was a poor, naïve little waif. “They know
if they bring us, we won’t care when they take off
without us.”

“Obviously,” I said with a snort, hiding the

twinge in my stomach at her description. “But by

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prom as sophomores,” I sang,

throwing my arm over my best friend Charlie’s

wearing a dress. Don’t

“Seems like you’d be a little less enthusiastic

about our pity invites,” Charlie said dryly,
shrugging off my arm so she could hitch her
backpack higher on her shoulders. “I’m technically

“They’re not pity invites,” I argued, hurrying to

catch up as she lengthened her stride. “They’re our

“What they want is to console all the poor girls

going solo, but they don’t actually want to go solo
themselves,” Charlie said with a laugh, looking at
me like I was a poor, naïve little waif. “They know
if they bring us, we won’t care when they take off

“Obviously,” I said with a snort, hiding the

twinge in my stomach at her description. “But by

then, we’ll already be at the prom, shaking our

“You can shake yours,” she said, pointing at

me. “I shake mine and we’ll get kicked out for
indecency or something.”

I rolled my eyes in commiseration. She was

probably right about that. For whatever reason,
Charlie couldn’t even cough in class without being
suspended. It was the strangest thing, because she
was far from the wildest kid in the sophomore class.
Hell, I participated in her shenanigans and I’d never
been in trouble.

“How are we getting home?” I asked, the

realization that we hadn’t planned ahead coming to
me as we hit the sidewalk in front of the school.

“Walking,” Charlie replied. “It’s not that far.”
“It’s over a mile,” I practically shouted.
“I need to get the exercise in somehow, since

they cancelled softball practice,” she said over her
shoulder, her steps never slowing as I planted
myself in the middle of the sidewalk. “Come on, or
you’re going to have to run to catch up. I’m not
slowing down!”

“You’re such an ass,” I yelled as I jogged to

catch her. “I didn’t agree to this.”

“Stop bitching. You need the exercise, too.”
“Hey!” I yelped, making her laugh.
“What?” she said innocently. “You know by

tonight you’re going to have some ridiculous

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then, we’ll already be at the prom, shaking our

“You can shake yours,” she said, pointing at

me. “I shake mine and we’ll get kicked out for

I rolled my eyes in commiseration. She was

probably right about that. For whatever reason,
Charlie couldn’t even cough in class without being
suspended. It was the strangest thing, because she
was far from the wildest kid in the sophomore class.
Hell, I participated in her shenanigans and I’d never

“How are we getting home?” I asked, the

realization that we hadn’t planned ahead coming to

“I need to get the exercise in somehow, since

they cancelled softball practice,” she said over her
shoulder, her steps never slowing as I planted
myself in the middle of the sidewalk. “Come on, or
you’re going to have to run to catch up. I’m not

“You’re such an ass,” I yelled as I jogged to

“What?” she said innocently. “You know by

tonight you’re going to have some ridiculous

workout plan to get ready for the stupid prom. I’m
just giving you a head start.”

“I’m happy with how I look,” I replied

superiorly. “You don’t know me as well as you

“Yeah, okay,” she scoffed. “I bet you’re

already planning your dress and how you’re gonna
get your dad to pay for it.”

“Ha!” I yelled, startling a dog in the yard we

were passing. “I’m just going to ask Rose. See, you
don’t know everything,” I said over the dog’s
panicked barking.

“Good call,” Charlie said, looking at me.

“She’ll let you get whatever you want.”

“Probably,” I said, my confidence waning a

little. “She’s gotten kind of… matronly since Brody
was born.”

“Matronly,” Charlie said with a snicker. “You

get some new vocabulary words in Mrs. Schulfer’s

“You know what I mean,” I said. “Boring. Old.


“What the fuck are you even talking about?”

Charlie asked me in disbelief. “She wore a bandana
to the Memorial Day barbeque. As a shirt.”

I giggled. “That was just to piss off my dad.”
“Well, it worked,” Charlie said with a tilt of her

head. I nodded. It had definitely worked. I’d been
able to hear their argument that night, even though

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workout plan to get ready for the stupid prom. I’m

“I’m happy with how I look,” I replied

superiorly. “You don’t know me as well as you

“Yeah, okay,” she scoffed. “I bet you’re

already planning your dress and how you’re gonna

“Ha!” I yelled, startling a dog in the yard we

were passing. “I’m just going to ask Rose. See, you
don’t know everything,” I said over the dog’s

“Good call,” Charlie said, looking at me.

“Probably,” I said, my confidence waning a

little. “She’s gotten kind of… matronly since Brody

“Matronly,” Charlie said with a snicker. “You

get some new vocabulary words in Mrs. Schulfer’s

“You know what I mean,” I said. “Boring. Old.

“What the fuck are you even talking about?”

Charlie asked me in disbelief. “She wore a bandana

“Well, it worked,” Charlie said with a tilt of her

head. I nodded. It had definitely worked. I’d been
able to hear their argument that night, even though

I’d closed my bedroom door and covered my ears
with headphones. I couldn’t even remember what it
was about anymore—by the next day they’d made
up. They always did.

“She’s just more, you know, mom-ish now. I

don’t know how to explain it.”

“Just don’t try to wear a G-string to prom and

I’m sure she’ll get you whatever,” Charlie said.
“Jesus, why are we still talking about this? Who
gives a flying fuck about prom?”

“Uh, I do?”
“I don’t,” she replied. “I’m bored with this


“Fine,” I huffed.
“Did you see Ali Monroe today?” Charlie asked

with a sigh.

“It’s Ali now?” I asked in surprise. “I thought

you were into the new kid. What’s his name?”

“Liam,” Charlie said. “Yeah. He’s yum.”
I laughed.
“But Ali was wearing this white lacy shirt

today,” Charlie said, a dreamy smile playing around
her lips. “Set off that gorgeous tan she has.”

“Man,” I said with a groan. “I’m kind of jealous

that your pool of prospects is twice the size of
mine. I saw Ali today and all I noticed was the zit
on her neck.”

“Oh, come on,” Charlie complained, pushing

me off the edge of the sidewalk. “Why you have to

background image

I’d closed my bedroom door and covered my ears
with headphones. I couldn’t even remember what it
was about anymore—by the next day they’d made

“She’s just more, you know, mom-ish now. I

“Just don’t try to wear a G-string to prom and

I’m sure she’ll get you whatever,” Charlie said.
“Jesus, why are we still talking about this? Who

“I don’t,” she replied. “I’m bored with this

“Did you see Ali Monroe today?” Charlie asked

“It’s Ali now?” I asked in surprise. “I thought

“But Ali was wearing this white lacy shirt

today,” Charlie said, a dreamy smile playing around

“Man,” I said with a groan. “I’m kind of jealous

that your pool of prospects is twice the size of
mine. I saw Ali today and all I noticed was the zit

“Oh, come on,” Charlie complained, pushing

me off the edge of the sidewalk. “Why you have to

ruin my daydream like that?”

I laughed, stepping back on the curb. “I just like

penises,” I said cheerfully, throwing up my hands.
“Through no fault of my own.”

“You don’t like penises,” Charlie said with a

snort. “You enjoy the idea of penis, but you’ve
never had an actual experience with one.”

“I have, too!”
“Fumbling in the dark over a pair of jeans on

the back of a bus doesn’t count,” she said, raising
an eyebrow.

“Why are we even friends?” I asked jokingly.

“And why do I tell you anything?”

“Because I get you,” she said, sliding her arm

around my waist.

Grumbling, I threw my arm over her shoulder

so we could synchronize our steps. Charlie was the
tougher of the two of us, the cynic and the first one
to speak up if she saw something she didn’t agree
with, which was kind of funny since she was so
much smaller than me. Where Charlie was a tiny
bundle of athletic energy and efficient movement, I
was tall-ish and curvy and I’d rather laze around
watching movies or reading a book. She didn’t let
anything bother her and every little slight hurt my
feelings. Somehow, though, we fit.

“If we’re doing this thing,” Charlie said, giving

me a squeeze, “then I have some demands.”

“Of course you do.”

background image

I laughed, stepping back on the curb. “I just like

penises,” I said cheerfully, throwing up my hands.

“You don’t like penises,” Charlie said with a

snort. “You enjoy the idea of penis, but you’ve

“Fumbling in the dark over a pair of jeans on

the back of a bus doesn’t count,” she said, raising

“Why are we even friends?” I asked jokingly.

“Because I get you,” she said, sliding her arm

Grumbling, I threw my arm over her shoulder

so we could synchronize our steps. Charlie was the
tougher of the two of us, the cynic and the first one
to speak up if she saw something she didn’t agree
with, which was kind of funny since she was so
much smaller than me. Where Charlie was a tiny
bundle of athletic energy and efficient movement, I
was tall-ish and curvy and I’d rather laze around
watching movies or reading a book. She didn’t let
anything bother her and every little slight hurt my

“If we’re doing this thing,” Charlie said, giving

“First, you don’t complain about the dress I


“No deal,” I replied instantly.
“Fine, you have veto power but that’s it. If it

looks okay but it’s not your style, I still get to wear

“Second,” she said, drawing the word out, “I’m

not going to a salon to get my hair done.”

“Why don’t we just ask the oldies?” I asked.

“You can have your mom and I’ll take Rose.”

“Acceptable,” she mumbled. “As long as my

mom doesn’t give me shit. If she does, I’m out.”

“And lastly—”
“Is lastly a word?”
“You tell me, bookworm,” she replied dryly.

Lastly, since prom’s on Saturday, you have to
promise that Friday night, we watch Carrie. With
popcorn and candy and the whole thing.”

“That’s morbid,” I said with a laugh. “Deal.”
“Oh, and we’re going riding on Sunday,” she

said quickly. “If I’m getting all fancy on Saturday, I
wanna get dirty on Sunday.”

“Fine with me,” I said. Instantly, I started

rounding up my gear in my head. I was pretty sure
that most of it was in an old green duffel in the
garage, but I wasn’t sure. I had a tendency of
leaving my shit everywhere and then I ended up

background image

“First, you don’t complain about the dress I

“Fine, you have veto power but that’s it. If it

looks okay but it’s not your style, I still get to wear

“Second,” she said, drawing the word out, “I’m

“Why don’t we just ask the oldies?” I asked.

“Acceptable,” she mumbled. “As long as my

“You tell me, bookworm,” she replied dryly.

, since prom’s on Saturday, you have to

promise that Friday night, we watch Carrie. With

“Oh, and we’re going riding on Sunday,” she

said quickly. “If I’m getting all fancy on Saturday, I

“Fine with me,” I said. Instantly, I started

rounding up my gear in my head. I was pretty sure
that most of it was in an old green duffel in the
garage, but I wasn’t sure. I had a tendency of
leaving my shit everywhere and then I ended up

scrambling to find it when I needed it. “Are my
goggles still at your house?”

“Yep,” Charlie replied knowingly. “So are your


“Perfect.” Reaching up to push my sweaty hair

back from my face, I growled. “I hate walking

“Stop complaining,” she said, letting go of me

and bumping me with her hip. “We’re almost

“Should we invite Reb to watch movies with us

on Friday? She’s going to be bummed that we’re all
going to prom without her.”

“Definitely,” Charlie said with a nod. Then she

shrugged. “You know she’d hate it. Too loud.”

“Too many people.”
“Too many moving people,” Charlie agreed.
My cousin Rebel was our age, but she had

Down syndrome and went to a different school
than we did. And while we usually brought her with
us whenever we were doing something fun, Charlie
was right. She’d definitely hate the prom. Loud
noises really bothered her, and she hated crowds
unless she knew everyone.

We were at the end of my block when a truck

pulled up beside us and startled the shit out of me.

“Hey, little girl. Want some candy?” a familiar

voice called out, instantly calming my racing heart.

background image

scrambling to find it when I needed it. “Are my

“Yep,” Charlie replied knowingly. “So are your

“Perfect.” Reaching up to push my sweaty hair

back from my face, I growled. “I hate walking

“Stop complaining,” she said, letting go of me

and bumping me with her hip. “We’re almost

“Should we invite Reb to watch movies with us

on Friday? She’s going to be bummed that we’re all

“Definitely,” Charlie said with a nod. Then she

My cousin Rebel was our age, but she had

Down syndrome and went to a different school
than we did. And while we usually brought her with
us whenever we were doing something fun, Charlie
was right. She’d definitely hate the prom. Loud
noises really bothered her, and she hated crowds

We were at the end of my block when a truck

“Hey, little girl. Want some candy?” a familiar

“What the hell?” I called out, spinning to look.

Draco and Curtis, Charlie’s nephews, were the
male counterparts to the Charlie-Kara-Rebel trio.
“You just made me pee my pants, and where the
hell were you when we needed a ride after school?”

“Charlie said you guys wanted to walk,” Draco

replied, hanging out the passenger window.

“Demon,” I hissed at Charlie, making her


She shrugged. “I told you I wanted the


“Next time,” I said, spinning back to the boys,

“assume I do not want to walk.”

“We can drive you the rest of the way,” Curtis

called, leaning around his twin to grin at me.

“I can see my house,” I replied flatly, making

him laugh.

It was impossible to ignore the way my stomach

flip-flopped when he did that. The guys were
identical, and you’d think that Draco’s laugh would
illicit the same response, but it didn’t. It had always
been Curt that made me blush and stammer and act
like a complete idiot no matter how I tried to hide
it. It was probably because Draco chased anything
female and Curtis, well, he’d always held his cards
close to the chest. I knew he dated—if you wanted
to call it that—but I never actually saw him do it.
There was something mysterious about him, which

background image

“What the hell?” I called out, spinning to look.

Draco and Curtis, Charlie’s nephews, were the
male counterparts to the Charlie-Kara-Rebel trio.
“You just made me pee my pants, and where the
hell were you when we needed a ride after school?”

“Charlie said you guys wanted to walk,” Draco

“Demon,” I hissed at Charlie, making her

She shrugged. “I told you I wanted the

“Next time,” I said, spinning back to the boys,

“We can drive you the rest of the way,” Curtis

“I can see my house,” I replied flatly, making

It was impossible to ignore the way my stomach

flip-flopped when he did that. The guys were
identical, and you’d think that Draco’s laugh would
illicit the same response, but it didn’t. It had always
been Curt that made me blush and stammer and act
like a complete idiot no matter how I tried to hide
it. It was probably because Draco chased anything
female and Curtis, well, he’d always held his cards
close to the chest. I knew he dated—if you wanted
to call it that—but I never actually saw him do it.
There was something mysterious about him, which

was pretty impressive since I’d hung out with him
nearly every day for years.

“Just meet us at the house,” Charlie said as she

started walking again.

“Wait!” I yelled. I jogged over to the truck as

Draco laughed and opened the door to let me in.
“Just take my bag,” I said, dropping it onto his lap.

Draco let out a startled oomph. “Jesus, what do

you have in here?”

“Books,” I said happily as I jogged toward

Charlie at least twenty pounds lighter. “Thank

“You’re so lazy,” Charlie said, laughing as she

shook her head.

Five minutes later, the four of us were stomping

into my house like a herd of elephants.

“I’m home,” I called, walking through the living

room to check the kitchen.

“Where’s Rose?” Charlie asked, dropping her

stuff inside the front door.

“No idea,” I muttered with a shrug. “But she’s

not here. If Brody was napping, there would’ve
been a sock on the door.”

“She puts a sock on the door?” Draco asked

with a laugh.

“That’s the signal to be quiet,” I said dryly.

“She said she’s preparing me for college.”

“Bet your dad loved that,” Curt said, setting my

backpack down gently on the couch.

background image

was pretty impressive since I’d hung out with him

“Just meet us at the house,” Charlie said as she

“Wait!” I yelled. I jogged over to the truck as

Draco laughed and opened the door to let me in.

Draco let out a startled oomph. “Jesus, what do

“Books,” I said happily as I jogged toward

Charlie at least twenty pounds lighter. “Thank

“You’re so lazy,” Charlie said, laughing as she

Five minutes later, the four of us were stomping

“I’m home,” I called, walking through the living

“Where’s Rose?” Charlie asked, dropping her

“No idea,” I muttered with a shrug. “But she’s

not here. If Brody was napping, there would’ve

“She puts a sock on the door?” Draco asked

“That’s the signal to be quiet,” I said dryly.

“Bet your dad loved that,” Curt said, setting my

“He laughed,” I replied. “Then he said if he

ever finds a sock on my dorm room door, I better
be ready for a bloodbath.”

“Sounds about right,” Curt agreed with a


We all dropped onto various seats in the living

room and got comfortable.

“Hey, we’re watching Carrie the night before

prom,” Charlie announced. “And then Sunday
we’re riding.”

“Are those the terms for her to agree to going?”

Draco asked me.

“Some of them,” I replied, rolling my eyes.
“Sounds good to me,” Curt said, stretching his

arms above his head.

I deliberately kept my eyes on his face instead

of the sliver of skin I knew would be showing at his

“You wanna use the track or go out in the

woods?” Curt asked Charlie.

“Probably the track, don’t you think?” she

asked, kicking off her shoes and stretching out on
the couch so that her feet rested in my lap. “It’ll
probably rain next week, so we won’t be eating
fistfuls of dust.”

“Plus, if Kara gets hurt, we’ll be closer to the

hospital,” Draco joked.

He laughed as I threw a throw pillow at his

head. “It isn’t always me that gets hurt.”

background image

“He laughed,” I replied. “Then he said if he

ever finds a sock on my dorm room door, I better

“Sounds about right,” Curt agreed with a

We all dropped onto various seats in the living

“Hey, we’re watching Carrie the night before

prom,” Charlie announced. “And then Sunday

“Are those the terms for her to agree to going?”

“Sounds good to me,” Curt said, stretching his

I deliberately kept my eyes on his face instead

of the sliver of skin I knew would be showing at his

“You wanna use the track or go out in the

“Probably the track, don’t you think?” she

asked, kicking off her shoes and stretching out on
the couch so that her feet rested in my lap. “It’ll
probably rain next week, so we won’t be eating

“Plus, if Kara gets hurt, we’ll be closer to the

He laughed as I threw a throw pillow at his

“Yes, it is,” three of my best friends replied in


“And Reb can come to the track,” Curtis said


“If she even wants to,” I replied. “I swear, she

worries more than my parents when we’re riding. I
have no idea why she likes to watch us.”

“Because she likes riding with me and Curt,”

Draco said, grinning.

“I thought she was going to shit herself last

time,” Charlie replied. “Don’t go so fast.”

“She loved it!”
“She told you she loved it,” Charlie said,

shaking her head. “You didn’t see her face. She was
fucking terrified.”

“Oh, shit,” Draco mumbled. “Whoops.”
“Maybe Will can bring her bike out so she can

ride,” Curtis said.

It was a good idea. Reb loved to ride and she

loved to watch us ride—but her parents, my uncle
Will and Aunt Molly, didn’t allow her to ride on her
own when they weren’t there. I understood it—it
got pretty sketchy sometimes and honestly, I didn’t
want to be responsible for making sure she didn’t
get hurt.

“Let’s ride for a couple hours before they get

there,” Charlie said, her eyes closed. “That way,
Will isn’t up our asses the whole time.”

“Good call,” Draco agreed.

background image

“Yes, it is,” three of my best friends replied in

“And Reb can come to the track,” Curtis said

“If she even wants to,” I replied. “I swear, she

worries more than my parents when we’re riding. I

“Because she likes riding with me and Curt,”

“I thought she was going to shit herself last

she loved it,” Charlie said,

shaking her head. “You didn’t see her face. She was

“Maybe Will can bring her bike out so she can

It was a good idea. Reb loved to ride and she

loved to watch us ride—but her parents, my uncle
Will and Aunt Molly, didn’t allow her to ride on her
own when they weren’t there. I understood it—it
got pretty sketchy sometimes and honestly, I didn’t
want to be responsible for making sure she didn’t

“Let’s ride for a couple hours before they get

there,” Charlie said, her eyes closed. “That way,

“So, when are you guys buying the tickets for

prom?” I asked after it had been quiet for a minute.
“Do you want to go halves, or—”

“I’m not paying for half!” Charlie griped,

poking me in the stomach with her toes. “Why
would you even offer, you lunatic? We’re doing
them a damn favor.”

“I’m impressed you made it this long without

bringing up the dance,” Curtis said at the same
time. He was grinning.

“We’ll buy the tickets,” Draco said, looking at

me like I’d lost my mind.

“What? It’s not like it’s a date!”
“We’re still paying,” he replied firmly.
“Fine,” I huffed.
“And we’re paying for dinner, too,” Curt said,

crossing his arms over his chest.

Charlie groaned, but I lit up. “We’re going to

dinner?” I asked, trying and failing to seem
nonchalant about the whole thing.

“Of course we’re going to dinner,” Draco said

dubiously. “It’s prom.”

“We’re going to dinner,” I said to Charlie,

squeezing her feet in my hands.

“Yippee,” she said unenthusiastically.
“Stop it,” I ordered, pulling hard on one of her

toes until she yelped and yanked her feet from my

background image

“So, when are you guys buying the tickets for

prom?” I asked after it had been quiet for a minute.

“I’m not paying for half!” Charlie griped,

poking me in the stomach with her toes. “Why
would you even offer, you lunatic? We’re doing

“I’m impressed you made it this long without

bringing up the dance,” Curtis said at the same

“We’ll buy the tickets,” Draco said, looking at

“And we’re paying for dinner, too,” Curt said,

Charlie groaned, but I lit up. “We’re going to

dinner?” I asked, trying and failing to seem

“Of course we’re going to dinner,” Draco said

“We’re going to dinner,” I said to Charlie,

“Stop it,” I ordered, pulling hard on one of her

toes until she yelped and yanked her feet from my

“Fine, it’ll be fun,” she said in exasperation as

she sat up. “But we do need to figure out one
important detail.”

“What’s that?” Draco asked in amusement.
Charlie’s lips twitched. “Which one of you is

taking your aunt to prom, and which one of you is
taking the stacked underclassman with hair down to
her waist?”

My eyes bulged out of my head when both boys

yelled, “Dibs!”

As the three of them laughed, I stared at them.
“Wait, dibs for who?” I said in confusion,

making them laugh even harder. “Dibs for who? Me
or Charlie?”

background image

“Fine, it’ll be fun,” she said in exasperation as

she sat up. “But we do need to figure out one
important detail.”

“What’s that?” Draco asked in amusement.
Charlie’s lips twitched. “Which one of you is

taking your aunt to prom, and which one of you is
taking the stacked underclassman with hair down to
her waist?”

My eyes bulged out of my head when both boys

yelled, “Dibs!”

As the three of them laughed, I stared at them.
“Wait, dibs for who?” I said in confusion,

making them laugh even harder. “Dibs for who? Me
or Charlie?”

background image

Chapter 3






, I try not to overstep,” I said as I

poured chocolate pudding into a pie tin.

“Uh, huh,” my best friend Callie muttered

mockingly across the kitchen.

“But I really wish I’d gone with them today,” I

finished, ignoring her.

“You did the right thing staying home,” she told

me, pulling a pie out of the industrial oven and
putting a different one in. “They need some space.”

“If I wasn’t going over to Cam’s tonight, I

probably would have gone.”

“No, you wouldn’t have,” she said, rubbing my

back lightly as she moved around me. “You might
be a huge pain in the neck, but you know when to
take a step back.”

I nodded.
“I mean, your radar is a little off, so you don’t

always take a step back when other people would

“Shut it,” I shot back, making her chuckle.

background image

try not to overstep,” I said as I

“Uh, huh,” my best friend Callie muttered

“But I really wish I’d gone with them today,” I

“You did the right thing staying home,” she told

me, pulling a pie out of the industrial oven and
putting a different one in. “They need some space.”

“If I wasn’t going over to Cam’s tonight, I

“No, you wouldn’t have,” she said, rubbing my

back lightly as she moved around me. “You might
be a huge pain in the neck, but you know when to

“I mean, your radar is a little off, so you don’t

always take a step back when other people would

“How’s Charlie doing? She excited?” Callie

asked, a little out of breath as she kneaded dough
on the island beside me.

“Yeah,” I said with a sigh. Honestly, it was kind

of hard to read my youngest daughter. She was a
mix of me and her dad and both of her sisters put
together. She was wild like Cecilia and
tenderhearted like Lily—even if she refused to
show it, like me—and she was street smart, just like
her dad. A mix of contradictions, that one.

“I can’t believe it’s been almost four years,”

Callie said. “It feels like just yesterday.”

“And also a hundred years ago,” I replied

quietly. “It’s hard to wrap my head around the fact
that three of them kept growing and learning and
changing, and one just—I don’t know—was frozen
in time or something.”

“You know he’s been growing and changing,

too,” Callie reminded me.

“His entire life was just put on pause,” I


“Hey,” Callie said, her head jerking back in

surprise. “I know that. What, do you think it’s easy
for any of us?”

“Sorry,” I mumbled, shaking my head. “Guess

I’m on edge.”

“With good reason,” she replied, forgiving me

easily like always. “I remember when Asa got out.”

“Me, too,” I said with a scoff. “Loser.”

background image

“How’s Charlie doing? She excited?” Callie

asked, a little out of breath as she kneaded dough

“Yeah,” I said with a sigh. Honestly, it was kind

of hard to read my youngest daughter. She was a
mix of me and her dad and both of her sisters put
together. She was wild like Cecilia and
tenderhearted like Lily—even if she refused to
show it, like me—and she was street smart, just like

“I can’t believe it’s been almost four years,”

“And also a hundred years ago,” I replied

quietly. “It’s hard to wrap my head around the fact
that three of them kept growing and learning and
changing, and one just—I don’t know—was frozen

“You know he’s been growing and changing,

“His entire life was just put on pause,” I

“Hey,” Callie said, her head jerking back in

surprise. “I know that. What, do you think it’s easy

“Sorry,” I mumbled, shaking my head. “Guess

“With good reason,” she replied, forgiving me

easily like always. “I remember when Asa got out.”

“Now that was a hundred years ago,” she

joked. “Think you could let it go yet? I forgave him
a long ass time ago.”

“That’s because you’re nicer than me,” I said

stubbornly. “He stayed up here and partied while
you waited for him at the old apartment like a
lovesick puppy.”

“Jesus, you’re on a roll today,” she complained.
I laughed. “Sorry, that didn’t come out quite

how I intended.”

“Sure, it didn’t.”
“I just mean, I remember how excited you were

and what an ass he was.”

“Yeah, me, too,” she said with a soft smile.

“Hey, you wanna hear some news that you can’t
tell anyone?”

“No,” I replied firmly. I hated keeping secrets.

Inevitably, I slipped up and made some comment
about it and then I spent five minutes trying to
backtrack, making it worse. I knew some things
that I’d take to my grave—but the small secrets? I
could never keep track of who knew what and I
always ended up spilling the beans.

Callie ignored my reply and whispered,

“Heather’s pregnant again.”

“Dammit, Callie,” I said in exasperation.
“What?” she replied innocently. “They’re going

to tell everyone soon anyway. Plus, Heather’s like

background image

was a hundred years ago,” she

joked. “Think you could let it go yet? I forgave him

“That’s because you’re nicer than me,” I said

stubbornly. “He stayed up here and partied while
you waited for him at the old apartment like a

“Jesus, you’re on a roll today,” she complained.
I laughed. “Sorry, that didn’t come out quite

“I just mean, I remember how excited you were

“Yeah, me, too,” she said with a soft smile.

“Hey, you wanna hear some news that you can’t

“No,” I replied firmly. I hated keeping secrets.

Inevitably, I slipped up and made some comment
about it and then I spent five minutes trying to
backtrack, making it worse. I knew some things
that I’d take to my grave—but the small secrets? I
could never keep track of who knew what and I

Callie ignored my reply and whispered,

“What?” she replied innocently. “They’re going

to tell everyone soon anyway. Plus, Heather’s like

me—she can never hide it because she’s always
throwing up.”

“Five kids is a lot of damn kids,” I said with a

laugh, meeting Callie’s eyes. “You should probably
have a talk with your son about how to prevent

“I thought she was going to make Tommy get

snipped the last time,” she said, laughing with me.
“But he obviously avoided it somehow.”

“If I was her, I’d make him do it before this one

is even born,” I replied. “Take care of business
before they get to the danger zone again.”

Callie started humming the Kenny Loggins song

and I choked. Wheezing, I tried to catch my breath
as she started dancing to the beat.

“Yeah, it’s all fun and games until you have to

move into a shoe with all those grandkids,” I
gasped, making her flick flour at me. “There was an
old woman who lived in a shoe—”

“Hey, I’m not an old woman!”
“We’re both old women,” I said as I got my

breathing under control. “I think my ass is starting
to sag. My ass! What the hell is that about?”

“Well, something had to sag eventually,” she

said reasonably. “And you’ve got no boobs.”

I opened my mouth, shut it, and opened it

again. “Okay, that’s fair,” I conceded.

“God, did you ever imagine we’d be the old

ladies hanging out in the kitchen making pies for

background image

me—she can never hide it because she’s always

“Five kids is a lot of damn kids,” I said with a

laugh, meeting Callie’s eyes. “You should probably
have a talk with your son about how to prevent

“I thought she was going to make Tommy get

snipped the last time,” she said, laughing with me.

“If I was her, I’d make him do it before this one

is even born,” I replied. “Take care of business

Callie started humming the Kenny Loggins song

and I choked. Wheezing, I tried to catch my breath

“Yeah, it’s all fun and games until you have to

move into a shoe with all those grandkids,” I
gasped, making her flick flour at me. “There was an

“We’re both old women,” I said as I got my

breathing under control. “I think my ass is starting

“Well, something had to sag eventually,” she

I opened my mouth, shut it, and opened it

“God, did you ever imagine we’d be the old

ladies hanging out in the kitchen making pies for

fifteen zillion people?” she asked with a sigh.

“I didn’t imagine I’d live to see twenty-five,” I

replied honestly. I paused. “I didn’t think I’d end
up an Old Lady, either.”

She smiled at my pun. “I felt a lot better about

that distinction when I wasn’t actually an old lady,”
she said, tilting her head to the side as she flattened
the dough she was working on with a rolling pin.

“Amen, sister,” I replied. “But hey, at least our

men can still get it up.”

“You’re talking about my brother and that’s

disgusting,” she said easily.

“You have three nieces,” I replied, just as

easily. “You know me and your brother do the

“Oh, come on,” she muttered in disgust.
“He takes me to Pound Town,” I said, enjoying

the look on her face. I leaned closer. “Regularly.”

“I’m going to brain you with this rolling pin,

you sicko,” she said, snickering.

I grinned and reached for another pre-made

graham cracker crust. While Callie kneaded and
rolled and sliced and put the pretty little edges on
her pies before she baked them, I mixed up a few
different flavors of pudding and filled my store
bought crusts and threw them in the fridge.
Sometimes, if I was feeling fancy, I even added
whipped cream to the top. The two of us made a
pretty good team, I thought. Plus, I was always

background image

“I didn’t imagine I’d live to see twenty-five,” I

replied honestly. I paused. “I didn’t think I’d end

She smiled at my pun. “I felt a lot better about


she said, tilting her head to the side as she flattened

“Amen, sister,” I replied. “But hey, at least our

“You’re talking about my brother and that’s

“You have three nieces,” I replied, just as

easily. “You know me and your brother do the

“He takes me to Pound Town,” I said, enjoying

“I’m going to brain you with this rolling pin,

I grinned and reached for another pre-made

graham cracker crust. While Callie kneaded and
rolled and sliced and put the pretty little edges on
her pies before she baked them, I mixed up a few
different flavors of pudding and filled my store
bought crusts and threw them in the fridge.
Sometimes, if I was feeling fancy, I even added
whipped cream to the top. The two of us made a
pretty good team, I thought. Plus, I was always

done way before she was, and it gave me time to sit
around while she worked, which I thought was

“I’m glad you’re my friend,” I said, grinning at


“That’s good,” she replied. “It’s been over fifty

years, I’d hate to think you’d been miserable all
this time.”

“Nah, you’d love that,” I argued. “That would

make your day.”

“What would make my day is if you’d finish

those shitty ass pies and get out of my workspace,”
she bitched, her lips twitching with amusement.

“I’m going to put bananas in my banana cream

pie this year,” I replied importantly. “So it’s going
to take me even longer than usual.”

“Of course you are,” she said in exasperation.

“Where are the bananas?”

I looked around the kitchen. “Shit, did I forget


“Probably,” she said as I strode toward the bags

we’d brought with us. “Those bags are empty.”

“They can’t be,” I said, lifting them from the

floor. “Fuck.”

“Did you leave them in the car?” she asked.
“I thought you said you grabbed the rest of the

bags,” I said, swinging the empty bags from my

“Maybe I missed one?”

background image

done way before she was, and it gave me time to sit
around while she worked, which I thought was

“I’m glad you’re my friend,” I said, grinning at

“That’s good,” she replied. “It’s been over fifty

years, I’d hate to think you’d been miserable all

“Nah, you’d love that,” I argued. “That would

“What would make my day is if you’d finish

those shitty ass pies and get out of my workspace,”

“I’m going to put bananas in my banana cream

pie this year,” I replied importantly. “So it’s going

“Of course you are,” she said in exasperation.

I looked around the kitchen. “Shit, did I forget

“Probably,” she said as I strode toward the bags

“They can’t be,” I said, lifting them from the

“I thought you said you grabbed the rest of the

bags,” I said, swinging the empty bags from my

“So, now I have to go look for it?” I whined,

stomping my foot.

Callie laughed at my imitation of every kid

we’d raised. “Go check,” she said. “You’ve been
dragging your feet all day and I’m almost done.”

“You still have to bake at least one more,” I


“And you still have to cut the fucking bananas

and mix your pudding,” she shot back. “Which,
knowing how slow you move, means I’ll probably
beat you.”

“The hell you will,” I said, spinning on my heel.
“Grab my coffee out of the cup holder while

you’re out there!” Callie called as I walked away.

“You left one of my bags so I’d have to grab

your coffee, didn’t you?” I accused over my
shoulder. She chuckled but didn’t answer me.

“This is bullshit,” I said to Brenna as I passed

her in the main room of the clubhouse. “Callie’s
made me her bitch.”

Brenna laughed. “Wanna trade?”
“Oh, hell no,” I joked, grinning. “I don’t do


“Bullshit,” she said as I kept walking. “I’ve

seen your house! There’s Christmas lights
everywhere. You can see it from a mile away.”

“First of all,” I said, backing toward the door.

“Outside lights are Cody’s domain. Take that up
with him. And second of all, you’re the only one

background image

“So, now I have to go look for it?” I whined,

Callie laughed at my imitation of every kid

we’d raised. “Go check,” she said. “You’ve been

“You still have to bake at least one more,” I

“And you still have to cut the fucking bananas

and mix your pudding,” she shot back. “Which,
knowing how slow you move, means I’ll probably

“The hell you will,” I said, spinning on my heel.
“Grab my coffee out of the cup holder while

“You left one of my bags so I’d have to grab

your coffee, didn’t you?” I accused over my

“This is bullshit,” I said to Brenna as I passed

her in the main room of the clubhouse. “Callie’s

“Oh, hell no,” I joked, grinning. “I don’t do

“Bullshit,” she said as I kept walking. “I’ve

seen your house! There’s Christmas lights

“First of all,” I said, backing toward the door.

“Outside lights are Cody’s domain. Take that up
with him. And second of all, you’re the only one

around here that can successfully make the
clubhouse look festive.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere,” she yelled as I

pushed the door open with my back and stepped

I grimaced as cold air hit my face and neck and

hurried over to Callie’s car.

“Coffee,” I reminded myself, reaching into the

front seat for her to-go cup. It had gone cold,
probably hours ago, but she wouldn’t care. Hell,
she probably wouldn’t even heat it up. Setting it on
the roof, I looked in the back window for another
grocery bag. I knew I’d grabbed the bananas from
my house, because I’d been so damn proud that I’d
bought them early and hid them long enough that
they were ripe and soft.

Just as I spotted them halfway under the

passenger seat and opened the door with a sigh of
relief, I heard the sound of a car coming up the
driveway behind me.

“Hey, Ma,” Charlie called after I’d grabbed the

missing bananas and shut the door. “You need

“Where were you a few hours ago?” I joked.

“We had like fifteen bags to unload then.”

“I was working,” Charlie replied happily. “But

now I’m off until next week.”

“Nice,” I said, smiling as I looked her over. I

couldn’t believe my baby was all grown up. I’d had

background image

around here that can successfully make the

“Flattery will get you nowhere,” she yelled as I

pushed the door open with my back and stepped

I grimaced as cold air hit my face and neck and

“Coffee,” I reminded myself, reaching into the

front seat for her to-go cup. It had gone cold,
probably hours ago, but she wouldn’t care. Hell,
she probably wouldn’t even heat it up. Setting it on
the roof, I looked in the back window for another
grocery bag. I knew I’d grabbed the bananas from
my house, because I’d been so damn proud that I’d
bought them early and hid them long enough that

Just as I spotted them halfway under the

passenger seat and opened the door with a sigh of
relief, I heard the sound of a car coming up the

“Hey, Ma,” Charlie called after I’d grabbed the

missing bananas and shut the door. “You need

“Where were you a few hours ago?” I joked.

“I was working,” Charlie replied happily. “But

“Nice,” I said, smiling as I looked her over. I

couldn’t believe my baby was all grown up. I’d had

the kids so far apart that I’d spent over thirty years
raising them and the house seemed too quiet now.
“Are you coming to dinner tonight?”

“Nah,” she shook her head. “It’s gonna be a lot

for them already, you know?”

“Yeah,” I said as we walked side by side back

toward the clubhouse.

“You and Dad are going, though, right?”
“We’ll be there,” I confirmed. “This is the

longest day in the history of days.”

Charlie laughed. “I hear ya. I figure the boys

will come find me after the festivities are over

I was sure they would, too. Charlie and my

oldest grandsons were only a couple months apart
and they’d grown up in each others’ pockets.
Almost every memory I had of my youngest
included the boys, too. As pre-teens, they’d added
Callie’s granddaughter Kara to the mix, and the trio
had become a quartet—sometimes a quintet when
her other granddaughter Rebel was around. Rebel
was probably bouncing off the walls with nerves
and excitement, I thought. I needed to remember to
check on her later.

“Have you seen Kara today?” I asked quietly.
Charlie shook her head. “She was asleep when I

left for work and she was gone when I stopped by
the apartment to change.”

background image

the kids so far apart that I’d spent over thirty years
raising them and the house seemed too quiet now.

“Nah,” she shook her head. “It’s gonna be a lot

“Yeah,” I said as we walked side by side back

“We’ll be there,” I confirmed. “This is the

Charlie laughed. “I hear ya. I figure the boys

will come find me after the festivities are over

I was sure they would, too. Charlie and my

oldest grandsons were only a couple months apart
and they’d grown up in each others’ pockets.
Almost every memory I had of my youngest
included the boys, too. As pre-teens, they’d added
Callie’s granddaughter Kara to the mix, and the trio
had become a quartet—sometimes a quintet when
her other granddaughter Rebel was around. Rebel
was probably bouncing off the walls with nerves
and excitement, I thought. I needed to remember to

Charlie shook her head. “She was asleep when I

left for work and she was gone when I stopped by

“She showed up earlier looking for Mack,” I

said as Charlie opened the door and let me walk
through. “She looked like shit.”

Charlie sighed. “Yeah, I know,” she said,

reaching up to run her fingers through her hair. “I
wish I could just stay out of it, but that’s pretty
much impossible. She doesn’t listen to a word I say,
though, so I’m not sure I’ll do much good.”

“Just be there,” I said, remembering every time

Callie ignored my advice and every time I’d
ignored hers. “That’s all they need.”

“Well, that’s easy,” Charlie replied, grinning. “I

know shit is going to hit the fan soon, but I’m so
fucking excited.”

“Me, too, baby,” I said as we entered the


“I thought you were just getting the bananas,”

Callie said, her face lighting up as she caught sight
of Charlie. “This is way better.”

“Hey, Aunt Callie,” Charlie replied, walking

over to give my best friend a hug.

“I also brought coffee,” I sang snarkily to

myself, setting it on the counter.

“What are you up to today?” Callie asked.

“Trying to waste time?”

“Pretty much,” Charlie said with a laugh. “I

figured I’d see if Reb wants to go with me to finish
Christmas shopping.”

background image

“She showed up earlier looking for Mack,” I

said as Charlie opened the door and let me walk

Charlie sighed. “Yeah, I know,” she said,

reaching up to run her fingers through her hair. “I
wish I could just stay out of it, but that’s pretty
much impossible. She doesn’t listen to a word I say,

“Just be there,” I said, remembering every time

Callie ignored my advice and every time I’d

“Well, that’s easy,” Charlie replied, grinning. “I

know shit is going to hit the fan soon, but I’m so

“Me, too, baby,” I said as we entered the

“I thought you were just getting the bananas,”

Callie said, her face lighting up as she caught sight

“Hey, Aunt Callie,” Charlie replied, walking

“I also brought coffee,” I sang snarkily to

“What are you up to today?” Callie asked.

“Pretty much,” Charlie said with a laugh. “I

figured I’d see if Reb wants to go with me to finish

“You know she will,” Callie replied. “I’ve never

met anyone who loved shopping for other people as
much as that one.”

“She’s the best of us,” Charlie said lightly,

hopping up to sit on the counter.

I rolled my eyes and smiled when Callie didn’t

immediately bitch at her for taking up precious

“Have you seen Kara?” Callie asked.
My baby girl laughed and glanced at me. “Mom

just asked me the same thing.”

“And?” Callie prodded.
“I haven’t seen her today,” Charlie said. “But I

live with her and watched her drink herself stupid
last night.”

“Did you guys go out?” I asked as I grabbed a

knife out of the cupboard.

“Of course not,” Charlie replied with a scoff.

“Kara doesn’t go out. Ever. She drank herself
stupid watching TV and passed out on the couch.”

“Maybe things will be different now,” Callie

said softly, reaching over to pat Charlie’s knee.
“Give it a little time.”

“If you say so.”
“People deal with shit in the way that makes

sense to them,” I reminded Charlie for the
thousandth time in the past four years.

“She hasn’t dealt with it,” Charlie argued.

background image

“You know she will,” Callie replied. “I’ve never

met anyone who loved shopping for other people as

“She’s the best of us,” Charlie said lightly,

I rolled my eyes and smiled when Callie didn’t

immediately bitch at her for taking up precious

My baby girl laughed and glanced at me. “Mom

“I haven’t seen her today,” Charlie said. “But I

live with her and watched her drink herself stupid

“Did you guys go out?” I asked as I grabbed a

“Of course not,” Charlie replied with a scoff.

“Kara doesn’t go out. Ever. She drank herself

“Maybe things will be different now,” Callie

said softly, reaching over to pat Charlie’s knee.

“People deal with shit in the way that makes

sense to them,” I reminded Charlie for the

I knew that. It was why all of us worried.

Nodding, I got to work on my last pie. I sure as hell
wasn’t going to let Callie finish before I did.

background image

I knew that. It was why all of us worried.

Nodding, I got to work on my last pie. I sure as hell
wasn’t going to let Callie finish before I did.

background image

Chapter 4







they flipped a coin for me,” I

said, rolling my eyes at Charlie to try and hide how
nervous I was. I’d amped myself up so badly that
my stomach rolled with nausea as we waited for the
boys to pick us up.

“They’re assholes,” Charlie said easily. “It’s not

like the four of us won’t stay together the whole
time anyway, unless they find some poor,
unsuspecting dateless girl to woo.”

I laughed, but the sound was hollow.
I was in a dress that made my boobs look

awesome and my waist look tiny. My normally
straight hair was a tangle of curls. I’d done my
makeup flawlessly and I’d replaced my normal
Chapstick with bright red lipstick. Bottom line, I’d
never looked prettier in my entire life. If the boys
ditched us—if Curtis ditched us—while I looked
like this? I would know for sure that nothing would
ever happen between us. Part of me thought that
might be kind of a relief because I could finally

background image

they flipped a coin for me,” I

said, rolling my eyes at Charlie to try and hide how
nervous I was. I’d amped myself up so badly that
my stomach rolled with nausea as we waited for the

“They’re assholes,” Charlie said easily. “It’s not

like the four of us won’t stay together the whole
time anyway, unless they find some poor,

I was in a dress that made my boobs look

awesome and my waist look tiny. My normally
straight hair was a tangle of curls. I’d done my
makeup flawlessly and I’d replaced my normal
Chapstick with bright red lipstick. Bottom line, I’d
never looked prettier in my entire life. If the boys
ditched us—if Curtis ditched us—while I looked
like this? I would know for sure that nothing would
ever happen between us. Part of me thought that
might be kind of a relief because I could finally

move on, but the rest of me was wound so tight at
the thought of it that I hadn’t been able to eat all

“Dipshits are here,” my dad said, striding into

the kitchen where we were sitting. He stopped me
as I got up to leave. “You know the rules. Stay with
the boys and Charlie. No ridin’ with anyone that’s
been drinkin’. Don’t ever take a drink or a smoke
from someone, not even if you know ’em. Men are
disgustin’ and boys that age are worse.”

“No Solo cups,” Charlie added helpfully as my

dad paused long enough to take a breath.

“That’s right,” dad said. “You didn’t open it,

you don’t drink it.”

“I don’t drink,” I replied, throwing my hands up

in exasperation. “And you do this every time.”

“Eventually, you will,” he said gruffly, looking

slightly green. “Don’t be stupid about it.”

“The boys are here,” my stepmom Rose called

from the living room. “Oh, they look good, too.

“You look especially gross saying that with your

huge belly,” Charlie pointed out as we hurried to
the living room.

“You never look gross, baby,” my dad said,

making me snort. “But it is kinda creepy.”

“They’re practically my nephews,” Rose said,

waving him off.

background image

move on, but the rest of me was wound so tight at
the thought of it that I hadn’t been able to eat all

“Dipshits are here,” my dad said, striding into

the kitchen where we were sitting. He stopped me
as I got up to leave. “You know the rules. Stay with
the boys and Charlie. No ridin’ with anyone that’s
been drinkin’. Don’t ever take a drink or a smoke
from someone, not even if you know ’em. Men are

“No Solo cups,” Charlie added helpfully as my

“That’s right,” dad said. “You didn’t open it,

“I don’t drink,” I replied, throwing my hands up

“Eventually, you will,” he said gruffly, looking

“The boys are here,” my stepmom Rose called

from the living room. “Oh, they look good, too.

“You look especially gross saying that with your

huge belly,” Charlie pointed out as we hurried to

“You never look gross, baby,” my dad said,

“They’re practically my nephews,” Rose said,

“We’re not related to them,” I argued,

occupying myself by grabbing my small purse off
the back of the couch.

“Fine,” Rose said, wrapping an arm around my

waist. “I’ve known them since they were babies,
and even if I didn’t, I don’t go for high school
boys.” She gave me a squeeze. “Better?”

“Can we just drop it?” I hissed.
“Consider it dropped—hey, guys,” she called

out as my dad answered the door and stood in it, his
arms crossed over his chest.

I resisted the urge to stomp my foot as he

continued standing there, staring them down, like I
hadn’t spent every weekend in their company since
I was eleven years old.

“I know where you sleep,” he said ominously

before taking a step to the side.

“Very well done,” Curtis said, nodding as he

stepped past my dad.

“Agreed,” Draco mumbled, patting my dad on

the shoulder. “Very scary. Intimidating, for sure.”

My dad laughed, but I was barely paying


I knew that none of the boys could get into the

dance without a coat and tie, but I hadn’t even
been able to imagine the boys I’d grown up with
fully decked out. Struggling to keep my mouth from
dropping open, I took them in. They were in tuxes,
and not the dorky kind that were all boxy and

background image

“We’re not related to them,” I argued,

occupying myself by grabbing my small purse off

“Fine,” Rose said, wrapping an arm around my

waist. “I’ve known them since they were babies,
and even if I didn’t, I don’t go for high school

“Consider it dropped—hey, guys,” she called

out as my dad answered the door and stood in it, his

I resisted the urge to stomp my foot as he

continued standing there, staring them down, like I
hadn’t spent every weekend in their company since

“I know where you sleep,” he said ominously

“Very well done,” Curtis said, nodding as he

“Agreed,” Draco mumbled, patting my dad on

My dad laughed, but I was barely paying

I knew that none of the boys could get into the

dance without a coat and tie, but I hadn’t even
been able to imagine the boys I’d grown up with
fully decked out. Struggling to keep my mouth from
dropping open, I took them in. They were in tuxes,
and not the dorky kind that were all boxy and

uncomfortable looking. These tuxes looked made
for them. Slim fit and dear God, were they wearing
cufflinks? Draco was wearing a black shirt and
black tie under his black suit, and I’d normally
think that it was a little overkill, but it wasn’t. It
definitely wasn’t.

Curtis was wearing a white shirt under his

matching black suit, but instead of a tie, he had an
untied bowtie dangling around his neck and the top
button of his shirt undone. I gulped.

“They said I had to wear a tie,” he said to me

when he caught me staring. “They didn’t say how I
had to wear it.”

He shot me a small grin and I cleared my throat,

trying to find a single thing to say.

“You guys clean up good,” Charlie said. Even

she was impressed. “Your mom shop for you?”

“Your mom did,” Draco shot back.
“That comeback would work if you weren’t

talking about your grandma, idiot,” Charlie said,
laughing at him.

“No, really,” Curtis said. “Gram took us. Mom

said she wouldn’t go in a tux shop because they all
smell like feet.”

“No curfew,” my dad said. “But you better

check in every couple of hours and if I text you and
don’t hear back within twenty minutes, I’m comin’
to find you and it won’t be pretty.”

“Got it,” I said.

background image

uncomfortable looking. These tuxes looked made
for them. Slim fit and dear God, were they wearing
cufflinks? Draco was wearing a black shirt and
black tie under his black suit, and I’d normally
think that it was a little overkill, but it wasn’t. It

Curtis was wearing a white shirt under his

matching black suit, but instead of a tie, he had an
untied bowtie dangling around his neck and the top

“They said I had to wear a tie,” he said to me


He shot me a small grin and I cleared my throat,

“You guys clean up good,” Charlie said. Even

“That comeback would work if you weren’t

, idiot,” Charlie said,

“No, really,” Curtis said. “Gram took us. Mom

said she wouldn’t go in a tux shop because they all

“No curfew,” my dad said. “But you better

check in every couple of hours and if I text you and
don’t hear back within twenty minutes, I’m comin’

“Ready, date?” Draco asked, bending his arm

so I could take his elbow.

“Wait, let me take a picture!” Rose said

hurriedly. “Where’d I put my phone?”

“Here, baby,” my dad said, handing her his


We posed for pictures in a line, with me and

Charlie in the middle. and by the time we were
finished, my cheeks hurt from all the smiling.

“Give Brody a kiss for me,” I said as we moved

toward the front door.

“I will,” Rose replied.
“He’s takin’ his nap so late, he’ll probably still

be awake when you get home,” my dad said dryly.
“Be careful.”

“Always.” I smiled at him over my shoulder as I

followed the group out of the house.

“Your chariot awaits,” Draco said dramatically

as we reached the sidewalk outside.

“What the fuck?” Charlie asked, stopping

abruptly as she caught sight of the souped-up
muscle car.

“Finally finished it,” Curtis said excitedly. “It

only took four years.”

“When?” I asked, pushing past Charlie so I

could get a good look at it. The last time I’d seen
the Chevelle in the boys’ garage, it had been in

background image

“Ready, date?” Draco asked, bending his arm

“Wait, let me take a picture!” Rose said

“Here, baby,” my dad said, handing her his

We posed for pictures in a line, with me and

Charlie in the middle. and by the time we were

“Give Brody a kiss for me,” I said as we moved

“He’s takin’ his nap so late, he’ll probably still

be awake when you get home,” my dad said dryly.

“Always.” I smiled at him over my shoulder as I

“Your chariot awaits,” Draco said dramatically

“What the fuck?” Charlie asked, stopping

abruptly as she caught sight of the souped-up

“Finally finished it,” Curtis said excitedly. “It

“When?” I asked, pushing past Charlie so I

could get a good look at it. The last time I’d seen
the Chevelle in the boys’ garage, it had been in

pieces. I had no idea how they’d kept it a secret
that they’d finally finished it.

“Last week,” Draco said, running his hand over

the hood. “Curt wanted to surprise you guys.”

“Nice surprise,” Charlie said, looking into the

back seat. “You even got the upholstery done?”

“Yep. Found a guy willing to do it on trade,”

Curtis answered, opening the passenger door.

“Shotgun,” I called first.
“Dammit,” Charlie griped. She huffed and

puffed with annoyance as she climbed into the back

“You know my legs are longer than yours,”

Draco said, staring at me.

“You’ll survive,” I replied dryly, waving him

toward the car.

Curtis continued holding the door open until I’d

climbed in the front seat, then shut the door gently.

“I bet you’re wishing you guys worked on your

bike first, huh?” Charlie joked to Draco.

“Nah,” he replied. “I don’t mind ridin’ around

in this. Curt’s not ridin’ bitch on the back of my

We laughed as Curtis rounded the hood and

climbed inside.

“What’s so funny?” he asked, glancing at me as

he started the car.

“I said we’re not ridin’ double on my bike,”

Draco said, leaning up to pat Curtis’s shoulder. “No

background image

pieces. I had no idea how they’d kept it a secret

“Last week,” Draco said, running his hand over

“Nice surprise,” Charlie said, looking into the

“Yep. Found a guy willing to do it on trade,”

“Dammit,” Charlie griped. She huffed and

puffed with annoyance as she climbed into the back

“You know my legs are longer than yours,”

“You’ll survive,” I replied dryly, waving him

Curtis continued holding the door open until I’d

“I bet you’re wishing you guys worked on your

“Nah,” he replied. “I don’t mind ridin’ around

in this. Curt’s not ridin’ bitch on the back of my

We laughed as Curtis rounded the hood and

“What’s so funny?” he asked, glancing at me as

“I said we’re not ridin’ double on my bike,”

Draco said, leaning up to pat Curtis’s shoulder. “No

matter how much I love ya.”

“I mean, if you got a sidecar, I’d be all over that

shit,” Curtis joked.

“The idea has some merit,” Draco said, leaning

back in his seat.

“If you put a sidecar on your bike, I’ll pay you

a hundred dollars,” Charlie said seriously. “No joke.
I’ll pay you.”

“Can you even find those anymore?” Curtis


The conversation flowed around me and I

sighed happily. We always had a good time when
we were together, but it felt different somehow all
dressed up in Curtis’ new car. Special or something.

“Where are we going for dinner?” Charlie

asked as we made our way through town.

“McDonalds,” Draco answered.
At the same time Curtis said, “Taco Bell.”
“You better be freaking joking,” Charlie replied,

leaning forward. “I’ll kill you.”

“We are,” Curtis said, glancing at her in the

mirror. “We’re goin’ to that Italian place Kara

“We are?” I asked, my eyes widening.


Curtis smiled at me. “Charlie’s a raccoon, she’ll

eat anything—”

“Hey,” Charlie complained.
“But we knew you love this place.”

background image

“I mean, if you got a sidecar, I’d be all over that

“The idea has some merit,” Draco said, leaning

“If you put a sidecar on your bike, I’ll pay you

a hundred dollars,” Charlie said seriously. “No joke.

“Can you even find those anymore?” Curtis

The conversation flowed around me and I

sighed happily. We always had a good time when
we were together, but it felt different somehow all
dressed up in Curtis’ new car. Special or something.

“Where are we going for dinner?” Charlie

“You better be freaking joking,” Charlie replied,

“We are,” Curtis said, glancing at her in the

mirror. “We’re goin’ to that Italian place Kara

“We are?” I asked, my eyes widening.

Curtis smiled at me. “Charlie’s a raccoon, she’ll

“Awesome,” I said, smiling happily. I turned to

Charlie. “You kind of are like a trash panda.”

“Just because I’m not picky doesn’t mean I’m a

damn raccoon,” she argued. “I work out a lot and I
need the calories.”

“Me and Curt work out just as much,” Draco

pointed out. “And we don’t eat like it’s our last

“That’s just a boldfaced lie,” Charlie gasped.

She swatted at him, making him grumble. “You two
eat twice as much as I do.”

“We’re twice your size,” Draco said, blocking

her swings. “Knock it off, you’re gonna mess up
your hair.”

Charlie laughed as she continued smacking at

him. “Wrong way to deter me, asshole!”

I laughed as I watched the two of them argue,

then looked over at Curt, whose eyes were still on
the road. He was grinning.

“Having a good time yet?” he asked me,

meeting my eyes briefly.

“The best.”
“You’re easy to please,” he joked.
“I’m not easy in any sense of the word,” I

replied primly. It was the closest I’d ever come to
flirting with him. I’d always let myself be treated
like one of the guys, like one of the group. Charlie
and I didn’t discuss boys or dating with Curt and

background image

“Awesome,” I said, smiling happily. I turned to

“Just because I’m not picky doesn’t mean I’m a

damn raccoon,” she argued. “I work out a lot and I

“Me and Curt work out just as much,” Draco

pointed out. “And we don’t eat like it’s our last

“That’s just a boldfaced lie,” Charlie gasped.

She swatted at him, making him grumble. “You two

“We’re twice your size,” Draco said, blocking

her swings. “Knock it off, you’re gonna mess up

Charlie laughed as she continued smacking at

I laughed as I watched the two of them argue,

then looked over at Curt, whose eyes were still on

“Having a good time yet?” he asked me,

“I’m not easy in any sense of the word,” I

replied primly. It was the closest I’d ever come to
flirting with him. I’d always let myself be treated
like one of the guys, like one of the group. Charlie
and I didn’t discuss boys or dating with Curt and

“Good to know,” Curtis said, looking at me


My stomach twisted. Was he flirting, too?
“Just for that raccoon comment,” Charlie said,

leaning toward the front seat. “I’m getting two
entrees and I’m going to eat them both.”

“Come on, now,” Curtis complained. “I just

spent all my money finishing up Roxanne so you
guys would have a sweet ride.”

“Roxanne?” Charlie asked.
Roxanne,” Draco sang loudly.
I choked on a laugh.
“She seems like a Roxanne,” Curtis said with a

nod, reaching forward to run his hand over the

“Wasn’t Roxanne a prostitute?” Charlie asked


“Don’t talk about her that way,” Curtis

admonished. “She can hear you.”

“All of you are weird,” I said. “Every single

one of you.”

“And you’re the weirdest of all of us,” Charlie

said, wrapping her arm around my neck from
behind. “The queen of weirdos.”

Roxanne,” Draco sang again.
“Is that the only part of the song you know?”

Charlie asked, letting go of my neck as we pulled
into the parking lot of the restaurant.

background image

“Good to know,” Curtis said, looking at me

“Just for that raccoon comment,” Charlie said,

leaning toward the front seat. “I’m getting two

“Come on, now,” Curtis complained. “I just

spent all my money finishing up Roxanne so you

“She seems like a Roxanne,” Curtis said with a

nod, reaching forward to run his hand over the

“Wasn’t Roxanne a prostitute?” Charlie asked

“Don’t talk about her that way,” Curtis

“All of you are weird,” I said. “Every single

“And you’re the weirdest of all of us,” Charlie

said, wrapping her arm around my neck from

“Is that the only part of the song you know?”

Charlie asked, letting go of my neck as we pulled

Something about a red light,” Draco sang

back at her.

I giggled as Curtis pulled into a parking spot.
“I’ll get your door,” he said, turning to smile at

me. “Wait just a second.”

“Well, isn’t he chivalrous?” Charlie said drolly

as Curtis climbed out of the car.

“He could’ve at least let me out on his side,”

Draco said in exasperation. “I’m bent like a pretzel
back here.”

I ignored them both, watching Curtis round the

hood and come over to open my door.

Then, with a deep breath, I got out of the car.

He hadn’t moved from where he was standing, so I
had to slide past him. I was pretty sure I heard him
suck in a sharp breath as I did so.

Straightening my shoulders, I waited for Charlie

and Draco to tumble out of the back seat. It was
hard being patient when they were being such
goofballs, and I had to remember that it wasn’t like
they were crashing my date or something. I’d built
everything up in my head. It wasn’t a date. It was
the same group I hung out with every day, just
dressed up and doing something fancy. If anything,
technically I was on a date with Draco.

Draco, who was still humming a song about a


After I got that straightened out in my head, the

night went a lot smoother. My nerves disappeared

background image

,” Draco sang

“I’ll get your door,” he said, turning to smile at

“Well, isn’t he chivalrous?” Charlie said drolly

“He could’ve at least let me out on his side,”

Draco said in exasperation. “I’m bent like a pretzel

I ignored them both, watching Curtis round the

Then, with a deep breath, I got out of the car.

He hadn’t moved from where he was standing, so I
had to slide past him. I was pretty sure I heard him

Straightening my shoulders, I waited for Charlie

and Draco to tumble out of the back seat. It was
hard being patient when they were being such
goofballs, and I had to remember that it wasn’t like
they were crashing my date or something. I’d built
everything up in my head. It wasn’t a date. It was
the same group I hung out with every day, just
dressed up and doing something fancy. If anything,

Draco, who was still humming a song about a

After I got that straightened out in my head, the

night went a lot smoother. My nerves disappeared

and I found myself laughing and joking with the
group like always. Dinner went by in a flash, even
though Charlie took forever to eat the two entrees
she’d ordered, and before long, we were on our
way to the hotel where the prom was being held.

“Someone’s getting pregnant tonight,” Charlie

said as we strode toward the entrance.

Looking up at the fancy hotel, I agreed. I knew

that more than a few of our classmates had gotten
rooms for the night, and it was inevitable that the
glamour of the place would fuel romance.

“Nose goes,” Draco said, putting his forefinger

to his nose.

Charlie and I instantly did the same.
“Looks like Curt’s getting pregnant,” I joked

when he was the last to touch his nose.

“Dammit,” he sighed. “I had so many plans!”
“We’ll stand by you,” Charlie said solemnly.
“We’d never let you face this alone,” Draco

agreed, reaching out to squeeze his brother’s

“What about you?” Curtis asked me, sending

me a sad look. “Will you support me?” He put his
hand on his belly. “Support… us?”

“You got yourself into this mess, you can get

yourself out,” I joked, raising one eyebrow.

“Oh,” Draco sang, laughing. “Burn.”
“Come on, lets get this over with,” Charlie said,

striding forward. Draco fell into step with her,

background image

and I found myself laughing and joking with the
group like always. Dinner went by in a flash, even
though Charlie took forever to eat the two entrees
she’d ordered, and before long, we were on our

“Someone’s getting pregnant tonight,” Charlie

Looking up at the fancy hotel, I agreed. I knew

that more than a few of our classmates had gotten
rooms for the night, and it was inevitable that the

“Nose goes,” Draco said, putting his forefinger

“Looks like Curt’s getting pregnant,” I joked

“We’d never let you face this alone,” Draco

agreed, reaching out to squeeze his brother’s

“What about you?” Curtis asked me, sending

me a sad look. “Will you support me?” He put his

“You got yourself into this mess, you can get

“Come on, lets get this over with,” Charlie said,

striding forward. Draco fell into step with her,

which left me and Curtis walking side by side.

“You look gorgeous tonight,” he said quietly,

bumping me with his elbow.

“Thanks,” I replied, trying to hide my giddy

smile. “So do you.”

“Yeah?” he asked, preening as he smoothed his

hand down the front of his shirt.

“It’s the tux,” I joked. “Usually you’re—” I


“I know, right?” he joked. “It changes the

whole picture.”

“You always look good,” I said, scoffing a little.

I swallowed hard.

“And you’re always gorgeous,” he said,

whispering like he was letting me in on a secret.

“You guys coming?” Charlie asked from the

check-in table. “I need my ticket, Curt.”

As I glanced up, Charlie was gesturing us

forward, but she wasn’t what caught my attention.
Draco was standing perfectly still and staring at us,
his eyes sharp and his face emotionless.

“All good, brother?” Curtis asked him.
“You tell me,” Draco said, his eyes on me.
“Of course,” Curtis replied, slapping Draco’s

chest. “Bring your date inside and show her your

“You’ve got moves?” I joked, trying to break

the tension. I wasn’t sure what was happening.

background image

“You look gorgeous tonight,” he said quietly,

“Thanks,” I replied, trying to hide my giddy

“Yeah?” he asked, preening as he smoothed his

“It’s the tux,” I joked. “Usually you’re—” I

“I know, right?” he joked. “It changes the

“You always look good,” I said, scoffing a little.

“And you’re always gorgeous,” he said,

“You guys coming?” Charlie asked from the

As I glanced up, Charlie was gesturing us

forward, but she wasn’t what caught my attention.
Draco was standing perfectly still and staring at us,

“Of course,” Curtis replied, slapping Draco’s

chest. “Bring your date inside and show her your

“You’ve got moves?” I joked, trying to break

Draco’s lips twitched. “Like you would not

believe,” he assured me.

We got sucked into the dance along with a

hundred other kids, and there wasn’t another
chance for me and Curt to talk about anything—but
I didn’t mind. Between the music and the dancing
and the hanging out with my friends, I was
practically vibrating with happiness. The fact that
Curtis had called me gorgeous, quietly so no one
else could hear, made things a thousand times

Every time I caught his eye, a little zing of

electricity shot up my spine. Like we had a secret
just between us. It was exhilarating and I wasn’t in
any rush to push things further. I’d see him the next
day and the next and the day after that. The world
seemed wide open and full of possibility.

A couple hours into the dance, after eating the

crappy food and drinking our weight in punch, me
and Charlie headed to the ladies’ room.

“Okay,” she said, laughing as we made our way

into the quiet hallway where the bathrooms were
located. “I’m glad you made me come.”

“I told you it would be fun,” I said, grinning. I

pulled at the high neck of my dress a little. It felt
like it was tighter than before and it was kind of
itchy, but I was having too much fun to care.

“You were right and I was wrong,” she said,

pushing open the bathroom door. “Remember this,

background image

Draco’s lips twitched. “Like you would not

We got sucked into the dance along with a

hundred other kids, and there wasn’t another
chance for me and Curt to talk about anything—but
I didn’t mind. Between the music and the dancing
and the hanging out with my friends, I was
practically vibrating with happiness. The fact that
Curtis had called me gorgeous, quietly so no one
else could hear, made things a thousand times

Every time I caught his eye, a little zing of

electricity shot up my spine. Like we had a secret
just between us. It was exhilarating and I wasn’t in
any rush to push things further. I’d see him the next
day and the next and the day after that. The world

A couple hours into the dance, after eating the

crappy food and drinking our weight in punch, me

“Okay,” she said, laughing as we made our way

into the quiet hallway where the bathrooms were

“I told you it would be fun,” I said, grinning. I

pulled at the high neck of my dress a little. It felt
like it was tighter than before and it was kind of

“You were right and I was wrong,” she said,

pushing open the bathroom door. “Remember this,

because it will never happen again.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I said, following her inside.
“So, there’s apparently a party up in a room

later,” she said through the stall while we peed.
“Did you want to go, or do you think the ’rents will
get pissed?”

“I don’t know,” I replied, pulling at my dress

again. Why did it feel so tight? I could feel it every
time I swallowed. “Do you know whose party it

“No idea,” she said.
As we stepped out to wash our hands, she

continued. “My parents don’t care because they
know I’m with the boys—but I know that won’t cut
it for Mack.” She laughed. “Your dad’s a bit more
strict than Farrah and Casper.”

Running my hands under the water, I nodded,

but didn’t reply. I was starting to really feel like
shit. What the hell was going on?

“Hey, are you okay?”
“I don’t feel good,” I rasped, staring at Charlie

as I tried to pull air into my lungs. “I don’t—”

“What the hell?” she asked in confusion. Her

voice was laced with worry. “Come on, lets go get
the guys. We can go.”

I followed her out of the bathroom, but we

didn’t make it three steps down the hallway before
I had to stop.

background image

“So, there’s apparently a party up in a room

later,” she said through the stall while we peed.
“Did you want to go, or do you think the ’rents will

“I don’t know,” I replied, pulling at my dress

again. Why did it feel so tight? I could feel it every
time I swallowed. “Do you know whose party it

As we stepped out to wash our hands, she

continued. “My parents don’t care because they
know I’m with the boys—but I know that won’t cut
it for Mack.” She laughed. “Your dad’s a bit more

Running my hands under the water, I nodded,

but didn’t reply. I was starting to really feel like

“I don’t feel good,” I rasped, staring at Charlie

“What the hell?” she asked in confusion. Her

voice was laced with worry. “Come on, lets go get

I followed her out of the bathroom, but we

didn’t make it three steps down the hallway before

“Can’t breathe,” I choked, pulling on her arm.


I pulled at the neck of my dress, scratching at it

with my nails as I started to panic.

“Oh God,” Charlie gasped. “Oh God. Okay. It’s

okay,” she said, reaching around me to unfasten the
two buttons at the base of my neck that held the
top of my dress up. “It’s okay.”

I started to sway, but I couldn’t seem to keep

my feet under me, even as I felt the fabric fall away
from my throat. I was suffocating. Holy crap, what
was wrong with me?

“Help!” Charlie screamed at someone—I

couldn’t see who she was talking to through the
black spots that danced across my vision. “Help!”

Then, there was nothing.

background image

“Can’t breathe,” I choked, pulling on her arm.


I pulled at the neck of my dress, scratching at it

with my nails as I started to panic.

“Oh God,” Charlie gasped. “Oh God. Okay. It’s

okay,” she said, reaching around me to unfasten the
two buttons at the base of my neck that held the
top of my dress up. “It’s okay.”

I started to sway, but I couldn’t seem to keep

my feet under me, even as I felt the fabric fall away
from my throat. I was suffocating. Holy crap, what
was wrong with me?

“Help!” Charlie screamed at someone—I

couldn’t see who she was talking to through the
black spots that danced across my vision. “Help!”

Then, there was nothing.

background image

Chapter 5







for you?” Callie asked,

kneeling on the bed behind me to drape her arms
over my shoulders.

“Nah,” I replied, shaking my head a little. “It

was a good day, sugar.”

“I know,” she said with a sigh, kissing the side

of my neck. “But it brought back a whole lot of
memories for me. I’d imagine it was worse for

“It did,” I agreed.
Sitting outside the prison, the memory of

walking out into the parking lot full of bikes had hit
me hard. I’d been so young back then. Young and
in love and dying to get home to the woman I’d left
behind and the kid I’d barely gotten to know. The





something that I’d always taken for granted until I
no longer had it.

“Did everything go okay?” Callie asked as I

twisted and pulled her into my lap.

background image

for you?” Callie asked,

kneeling on the bed behind me to drape her arms

“Nah,” I replied, shaking my head a little. “It

“I know,” she said with a sigh, kissing the side

of my neck. “But it brought back a whole lot of

. I’d imagine it was worse for

Sitting outside the prison, the memory of

walking out into the parking lot full of bikes had hit
me hard. I’d been so young back then. Young and
in love and dying to get home to the woman I’d left
behind and the kid I’d barely gotten to know. The





something that I’d always taken for granted until I

“Did everything go okay?” Callie asked as I

“It went fine,” I replied, running my mouth

along her jaw.

I didn’t want to think about being locked up. I

didn’t want to think about that part of our lives or
the shit that had come afterward. It had taken us a
long ass time to move past the things I’d put her
through. I’d spent the entire day fighting to keep
those memories in the back of my mind where they

“Farrah called me old today,” Callie said, tilting

her head back so I could reach her throat. “She said
I’m going to end up living in a shoe.”

“She what? A shoe?” I said in confusion, pulling

away. “No. Nope. Not discussing your crazy friend
while you’re naked in my lap.”

“Oh, don’t pretend like she’s not your friend,

too,” she said, reaching up to run her fingers
through my hair. “I swear, the two of you are

“You know what’s ridiculous?” I asked, flipping

her onto her back. “The fact that you’ve been
naked for at least ten minutes and I’m still not
inside you.”

“Well, if you hadn’t taken so long to get

undressed,” she joked, gasping as I ran my mouth
down the valley between her breasts.

“Maybe I’m gettin’ old, too,” I joked, squeezing

the flesh of her hips. “Takes me five minutes to get
my damn boots off.”

background image

“It went fine,” I replied, running my mouth

I didn’t want to think about being locked up. I

didn’t want to think about that part of our lives or
the shit that had come afterward. It had taken us a
long ass time to move past the things I’d put her
through. I’d spent the entire day fighting to keep
those memories in the back of my mind where they

“Farrah called me old today,” Callie said, tilting

her head back so I could reach her throat. “She said

“She what? A shoe?” I said in confusion, pulling

away. “No. Nope. Not discussing your crazy friend

“Oh, don’t pretend like she’s not your friend,

too,” she said, reaching up to run her fingers
through my hair. “I swear, the two of you are

“You know what’s ridiculous?” I asked, flipping

her onto her back. “The fact that you’ve been
naked for at least ten minutes and I’m still not

“Well, if you hadn’t taken so long to get

undressed,” she joked, gasping as I ran my mouth

“Maybe I’m gettin’ old, too,” I joked, squeezing

the flesh of her hips. “Takes me five minutes to get

“I don’t care how long it takes you to get your

boots off,” she replied, grinning. Reaching down,
she wrapped her fingers around my cock, making
me groan. “As long as this is still working.”

“I think so,” I said with a chuckle. “Might want

to make sure, though.”

She laughed and I let her flip me to my back so

she could crawl on top of me. As she slid her mouth
over me, I tilted my head back and sighed in
thankfulness. In the beginning, sex with Callie had
been so fun—new and exciting. The anticipation
and discovery every time we’d been together. But
there was something to be said about knowing your
partner’s body so well that you knew every move
to make to get them off.

Being with my woman was satisfying in a way I

hadn’t even been able to imagine or understand
way back when. It fed me. Kept me going.
Sometimes, it was the only way I was able to turn
my mind off enough to sleep.

“It’s working just fine,” Callie said huskily as

she slid up my body. With one hand on my chest,
she used the other to position my cock so she could
sink down on top of me.

“I love you, Calliope,” I said, brushing her hair

back from her face.

“Love you, too,” she replied as she began to

roll her hips.

background image

“I don’t care how long it takes you to get your

boots off,” she replied, grinning. Reaching down,
she wrapped her fingers around my cock, making

“I think so,” I said with a chuckle. “Might want

She laughed and I let her flip me to my back so

she could crawl on top of me. As she slid her mouth
over me, I tilted my head back and sighed in
thankfulness. In the beginning, sex with Callie had
been so fun—new and exciting. The anticipation
and discovery every time we’d been together. But
there was something to be said about knowing your
partner’s body so well that you knew every move

Being with my woman was satisfying in a way I

hadn’t even been able to imagine or understand
way back when. It fed me. Kept me going.
Sometimes, it was the only way I was able to turn

“It’s working just fine,” Callie said huskily as

she slid up my body. With one hand on my chest,
she used the other to position my cock so she could

“I love you, Calliope,” I said, brushing her hair

“Love you, too,” she replied as she began to

Sex, for better or worse, had gotten us through

a lot of shit. When the kids were little, it had
sometimes been the only time of day that we’d
been alone. It served as a way for us to reconnect if
we’d been apart for any length of time. And, when
we’d lost our son, it had been one of the only ways
I’d been able to feel anything but numb.

“Hey,” she said, pausing as she leaned down to

kiss me. “Where are you tonight?”

“I’m right here, sugar,” I said, lifting her a little

to urge her to move.

“You’re a million miles away,” she said softly.
“Just thinkin’ how thankful I am for this,” I

replied, sliding my hands up her sides and over her
shoulder blades. “Thankful for you.”

She smiled and at the sight of her dimple, my

entire chest felt like it was going to cave in. Jesus, I
guess the day had affected me more than I’d

“You gonna move?” I asked gruffly, clearing my


“Well,” she joked, drawing the word out with a


“Like that, is it?” I said, flipping her over.
“Asa,” she squealed as we damn near fell off

the edge of the bed.

“Have I ever let you fall off the bed?” I asked

with a scoff, moving her close to the center.

“Yes!” she said, with a gasp as I began to thrust.

background image

Sex, for better or worse, had gotten us through

a lot of shit. When the kids were little, it had
sometimes been the only time of day that we’d
been alone. It served as a way for us to reconnect if
we’d been apart for any length of time. And, when
we’d lost our son, it had been one of the only ways

“Hey,” she said, pausing as she leaned down to

“I’m right here, sugar,” I said, lifting her a little

“Just thinkin’ how thankful I am for this,” I

replied, sliding my hands up her sides and over her

She smiled and at the sight of her dimple, my

entire chest felt like it was going to cave in. Jesus, I
guess the day had affected me more than I’d

“You gonna move?” I asked gruffly, clearing my

“Well,” she joked, drawing the word out with a

“Asa,” she squealed as we damn near fell off

“Have I ever let you fall off the bed?” I asked

“Yes!” she said, with a gasp as I began to thrust.

“Once,” I said with a laugh, “and that was

years ago.”

After that, there wasn’t much talking. It also

didn’t last long. Like I said, there was something
nice about the fact that we both knew exactly how
to get each other off.

“I’m going to go clean up,” Callie said groggily

a little while later. “You want water or anything
while I’m up?”

“I’m good,” I said, smacking her ass lightly as

she crawled out of bed. “Why’re you putting that

“Because I’m cold,” she said, laughing as I tried

to pull the t-shirt out of her hands. “Maybe if you
let me set the thermostat higher, I wouldn’t have

“Can’t sleep when it’s like a sauna in here,” I


“Then you can deal with me wearing clothes to

bed,” she shot back.

“I know you turn that thing up when I’m gone,”

I said as I watched her walk away. “I’ve seen the
power bill.”

“I’m not apologizing for that,” she said with a

laugh. “I enjoy every minute of it.”

She left the bathroom door open as she did her

business, and I stuffed a pillow under my head so I
could watch her. The toilet was out of sight, which
was the only reason she left the door open—but I

background image

“Once,” I said with a laugh, “and that was

After that, there wasn’t much talking. It also

didn’t last long. Like I said, there was something
nice about the fact that we both knew exactly how

“I’m going to go clean up,” Callie said groggily

a little while later. “You want water or anything

“I’m good,” I said, smacking her ass lightly as

she crawled out of bed. “Why’re you putting that

“Because I’m cold,” she said, laughing as I tried

to pull the t-shirt out of her hands. “Maybe if you
let me set the thermostat higher, I wouldn’t have

“Can’t sleep when it’s like a sauna in here,” I

“Then you can deal with me wearing clothes to

“I know you turn that thing up when I’m gone,”

I said as I watched her walk away. “I’ve seen the

“I’m not apologizing for that,” she said with a

She left the bathroom door open as she did her

business, and I stuffed a pillow under my head so I
could watch her. The toilet was out of sight, which
was the only reason she left the door open—but I

got to see her from the moment she stepped in front
of the sink.

“We got all the pies done today,” she said as

she ran the water, waiting for it to heat up. “So all I
have to do tomorrow are the salads.”

“That’s good,” I replied. “Farrah actually help


Callie scoffed. “She made her own pies, yes.”
“You should have one of the girls help you,” I

said as she wet a washcloth and began to slide it
between her legs. “You know they would.”

“Yeah, I know,” she said, rinsing the washcloth.

“But I like doing it with Farrah. It’s a nice calm
before the holiday storm.”

“Like you don’t spend enough time with her

anyway,” I teased as she shut off the lights and
moved toward the bed.

“You’re lucky that I have a best friend I like to

spend time with,” Callie said, not for the first time.
She burrowed under the blankets. “I’m not calling
you fifteen times a day asking where you are and
what you’re doing.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I replied, pulling her against my


“Plus, tomorrow, it’ll be everyone together,”

she said with a happy sigh. “And then Christmas
morning, the kids are coming here after they do
presents at their houses.”

background image

got to see her from the moment she stepped in front

“We got all the pies done today,” she said as

she ran the water, waiting for it to heat up. “So all I

“That’s good,” I replied. “Farrah actually help

“You should have one of the girls help you,” I

said as she wet a washcloth and began to slide it

“Yeah, I know,” she said, rinsing the washcloth.

“But I like doing it with Farrah. It’s a nice calm

“Like you don’t spend enough time with her

anyway,” I teased as she shut off the lights and

“You’re lucky that I have a best friend I like to

spend time with,” Callie said, not for the first time.
She burrowed under the blankets. “I’m not calling
you fifteen times a day asking where you are and

“Yeah, yeah,” I replied, pulling her against my

“Plus, tomorrow, it’ll be everyone together,”

she said with a happy sigh. “And then Christmas
morning, the kids are coming here after they do

“You get little Mick’s dirt bikes?” I asked,

suddenly realizing that I hadn’t seen the toys come
in the mail.

“Yeah, they came two days ago,” Callie replied

with satisfaction. “Already wrapped and under the

“That’s good.”
“I’m all done shopping.”
“What did you get me?” I asked, giving her a


“You’re as bad as the kids,” she replied. “You

can find out on Christmas, just like everyone else.”

“Don’t act like you haven’t turned this house

and the garage upside down looking for your gifts,”
I said, my lips twitching.

“I have not.”
“Bullshit,” I replied.
“They’re not even here,” she said, leaning up to

look at me.

I laughed, my entire body shaking. “I knew you


“Where did you hide them?” she asked in


“They’ve been a couple different places,” I

replied. “Left them at the garage for a bit, but I
figured you’d make your way there eventually. Last
week, I moved them to Will’s, but I was afraid Reb
would see them and break if you interrogated her.”

“I wouldn’t!”

background image

“You get little Mick’s dirt bikes?” I asked,

suddenly realizing that I hadn’t seen the toys come

“Yeah, they came two days ago,” Callie replied

with satisfaction. “Already wrapped and under the

“What did you get me?” I asked, giving her a

“You’re as bad as the kids,” she replied. “You

“Don’t act like you haven’t turned this house

and the garage upside down looking for your gifts,”

“They’re not even here,” she said, leaning up to

I laughed, my entire body shaking. “I knew you

“Where did you hide them?” she asked in

“They’ve been a couple different places,” I

replied. “Left them at the garage for a bit, but I
figured you’d make your way there eventually. Last
week, I moved them to Will’s, but I was afraid Reb

“So,” I continued, ignoring her denial, “I locked

them in the tool box in the truck.”

“The big one in the back?” she asked, far less

nonchalant than she was trying to be.

“Locked it,” I said easily. “And you’ll never

find the keys.”

“You’re the worst!” she said with a laugh.
“I think you meant smart,” I replied, tapping

my temple with my finger.

Callie huffed and laid down with her head on

my shoulder.

“I’m excited to have all the kids here on

Christmas,” she said, wrapping her arm around my

“You’ll see ’em tomorrow, too,” I reminded her.
“I know,” she replied. “But Christmas morning

is just us. It’s wild, but it’s just—”

“Relaxing,” I said, finishing her thought.
“Exactly,” she replied. “It’s pure joy.”
“Won’t be for Heather,” I said dryly. “Not with

her pukin’ every thirty minutes.”

“Noticed that, did you?” Callie asked.
“I need to talk to Tommy,” I muttered.
Callie had been just as sick as Heather when

she’d been pregnant with our kids. And even
though I’d hated it with every fiber of my being, I’d
agreed when she wanted to add to our family. But
eventually, I’d put my foot down. I loved my kids
more than anything, but my woman had been worn

background image

“So,” I continued, ignoring her denial, “I locked

“The big one in the back?” she asked, far less

“Locked it,” I said easily. “And you’ll never

,” I replied, tapping

Callie huffed and laid down with her head on

“I’m excited to have all the kids here on

Christmas,” she said, wrapping her arm around my

“You’ll see ’em tomorrow, too,” I reminded her.
“I know,” she replied. “But Christmas morning

“Won’t be for Heather,” I said dryly. “Not with

Callie had been just as sick as Heather when

she’d been pregnant with our kids. And even
though I’d hated it with every fiber of my being, I’d
agreed when she wanted to add to our family. But
eventually, I’d put my foot down. I loved my kids
more than anything, but my woman had been worn

the fuck out and I wasn’t about to let that continue.
Tommy needed to get his head out of his ass, stop
being a little bitch, and get snipped before he
seriously fucked with Heather’s health.

“It’s just as much Heather,” Callie replied

reasonably. “She must want more kids.”

“Tommy needs to take care of it,” I replied

stubbornly. “Takin’ care of Heather is his damn

“There was this whole movement,” Callie said

sleepily. “It was called the Women’s Rights
Movement. It was pretty cool, actually, because—”

“Yeah, yeah,” I said, covering her mouth with

my hand. “I’m still gonna have a word with my

“The person you should have a word with is

your granddaughter,” Callie said with a sigh as soon
as I’d taken my hand away.

“Which one?” I asked, running down the list.

Rebel was fine, I’d just seen her the day before.
Tommy’s girls were still practically babies.

“Kara,” she replied, just as I’d realized that

must be who she was talking about.

“She alright?” I asked. I’d seen her the day

before, too. She’d been the one to drive Reb to
bring me lunch. Sweet girls.

“I saw her this morning,” Callie said, pausing

for a moment. “She looked terrible.”

“How so?”

background image

the fuck out and I wasn’t about to let that continue.
Tommy needed to get his head out of his ass, stop
being a little bitch, and get snipped before he

“It’s just as much Heather,” Callie replied

“Tommy needs to take care of it,” I replied

stubbornly. “Takin’ care of Heather is his damn

“There was this whole movement,” Callie said

sleepily. “It was called the Women’s Rights
Movement. It was pretty cool, actually, because—”

“Yeah, yeah,” I said, covering her mouth with

my hand. “I’m still gonna have a word with my

have a word with is

your granddaughter,” Callie said with a sigh as soon

“Which one?” I asked, running down the list.

Rebel was fine, I’d just seen her the day before.

“Kara,” she replied, just as I’d realized that

“She alright?” I asked. I’d seen her the day

before, too. She’d been the one to drive Reb to

“I saw her this morning,” Callie said, pausing

“Pale, frazzled, skinny.”
“She’s always been skinny.”
“No, she hasn’t,” Callie snapped. Before I

could even get mad at her tone, she soothed me
with a hand gently running down my chest in
apology. “She looks like shit, Asa.”

“You think it’s because—”
“Of course it is,” she replied. “She’s been stuck

for years, and this means she’s going to have to
start actually living her life.”

“Not sure what I could say to her,” I said.

Honest to God, I was at a loss.

I’d never understood the guilt Kara carried

around with her. It just didn’t make any sense to
me. Callie said that I couldn’t understand it,
because I wasn’t a woman.

“You talk to her,” I told Callie. “You’ll know

what to say.”

“Chicken,” Callie mumbled. She was finally

drifting off to sleep.

“You’re better at that shit than I am,” I said,

kissing the top of her head. “I’ll deal with the boys,
you deal with the girls.”

“Remember when Heather handed you your ass

when she and Tommy got together?” she asked in
amusement. “God, that was good. You were bent
out of shape for weeks.”

“Mmhmm.” Did I remember? Like it was

yesterday. That little bitty girl bitching me out was

background image

“No, she hasn’t,” Callie snapped. Before I

could even get mad at her tone, she soothed me
with a hand gently running down my chest in

“Of course it is,” she replied. “She’s been stuck

for years, and this means she’s going to have to

“Not sure what I could say to her,” I said.

I’d never understood the guilt Kara carried

around with her. It just didn’t make any sense to
me. Callie said that I couldn’t understand it,

“You talk to her,” I told Callie. “You’ll know

“Chicken,” Callie mumbled. She was finally

“You’re better at that shit than I am,” I said,

kissing the top of her head. “I’ll deal with the boys,

“Remember when Heather handed you your ass

when she and Tommy got together?” she asked in
amusement. “God, that was good. You were bent

“Mmhmm.” Did I remember? Like it was

yesterday. That little bitty girl bitching me out was

one of my fondest memories, even though I’d never
let her know it. Jesus, Tommy’s woman had bigger
balls than he did.

“Maybe I should be the one to talk to Kara,”

Callie said. Seconds later, her breathing evened out.

I waited another ten minutes just to be sure that

she was fully asleep before I slid away from her
and got out of bed. Throwing on a pair of jeans and
a sweatshirt, I quietly made my way downstairs.
Reaching into the light fixture above the kitchen
table, I pulled out the keys I’d hidden there and
palmed them. I was going to have to find a new
spot to hide Callie’s presents, or I’d catch her in the
garage with a crowbar trying to get into my damn

background image

one of my fondest memories, even though I’d never
let her know it. Jesus, Tommy’s woman had bigger
balls than he did.

“Maybe I should be the one to talk to Kara,”

Callie said. Seconds later, her breathing evened out.

I waited another ten minutes just to be sure that

she was fully asleep before I slid away from her
and got out of bed. Throwing on a pair of jeans and
a sweatshirt, I quietly made my way downstairs.
Reaching into the light fixture above the kitchen
table, I pulled out the keys I’d hidden there and
palmed them. I was going to have to find a new
spot to hide Callie’s presents, or I’d catch her in the
garage with a crowbar trying to get into my damn

background image

Chapter 6






under really bright lights, my head

pounding with every beat of my heart, and a throat
so sore I had a hard time swallowing my own spit.

“Hey,” my dad said softly, leaning over me as

he brushed my hair away from my face. “How you

“Terrible,” I rasped, barely making any sound.


“Yeah, just a sec.”
I rolled my head on the pillow to watch him

move toward the little table against the wall. My
eyes widened as I suddenly realized where we
were. Rose was asleep sitting up in a chair in the
corner and Charlie was asleep at her feet, her head
tilted back and her mouth hanging open.

I let my dad put another pillow behind my head

before taking a sip of the water he was holding.

“What happened?” I asked, trying to remember.

I knew we’d gone to the dance and I could vaguely
recall feeling like I couldn’t get enough air while

background image

under really bright lights, my head

pounding with every beat of my heart, and a throat

“Hey,” my dad said softly, leaning over me as

he brushed my hair away from my face. “How you

“Terrible,” I rasped, barely making any sound.

I rolled my head on the pillow to watch him

move toward the little table against the wall. My
eyes widened as I suddenly realized where we
were. Rose was asleep sitting up in a chair in the
corner and Charlie was asleep at her feet, her head

I let my dad put another pillow behind my head

“What happened?” I asked, trying to remember.

I knew we’d gone to the dance and I could vaguely
recall feeling like I couldn’t get enough air while

we were in the bathroom, but everything after that
was a blur.

“You had an allergic reaction,” my dad said,

sitting down on the edge of the bed.

“I don’t have any allergies,” I replied


“You do now,” he said matter-of-factly.

“They’re not sure what it was yet—we aren’t sure
what was in your dinner, and Charlie said you guys
tried pretty much all of the food at the dance.”

“Oh god,” I replied, the thought of food making

me slightly nauseous.

“Makes it kind of hard to narrow down,” Dad

continued. “But they’ll figure it out.”

“An allergic reaction?” I said, surprised. “It felt

like I couldn’t breathe.”

Dad dug his fingers into his eye sockets and

nodded. “Anaphylaxis. Thank God your PE teacher
knew what the hell he was doin’ and the
paramedics got there within a few minutes.”

“Jesus,” I groaned, imagining the complete

spectacle I’d made of myself. God, please don’t let
me have peed myself or something else equally

“So glad you’re okay, kiddo,” my dad said

reaching for my hand. “I was waitin’ up in case you
needed a ride home. I ’bout shit myself when
Charlie called hysterical, sayin’ they were takin’
you to the hospital.”

background image

we were in the bathroom, but everything after that

“You had an allergic reaction,” my dad said,

“I don’t have any allergies,” I replied

“You do now,” he said matter-of-factly.

“They’re not sure what it was yet—we aren’t sure
what was in your dinner, and Charlie said you guys

“Oh god,” I replied, the thought of food making

“Makes it kind of hard to narrow down,” Dad

“An allergic reaction?” I said, surprised. “It felt

Dad dug his fingers into his eye sockets and

nodded. “Anaphylaxis. Thank God your PE teacher
knew what the hell he was doin’ and the

“Jesus,” I groaned, imagining the complete

God, please don’t let

me have peed myself or something else equally

“So glad you’re okay, kiddo,” my dad said

reaching for my hand. “I was waitin’ up in case you
needed a ride home. I ’bout shit myself when
Charlie called hysterical, sayin’ they were takin’

“She must have been freaking out,” I said

quietly, glancing at my sleeping best friend.

“By the time I met you here, she was actually

pretty calm,” Dad said with a small smile. “She’s a
good one to have in an emergency. The boys were
the ones losin’ their minds.”

“Are they here?” I asked, looking toward the

open door.

“Sent ’em home about an hour ago,” my dad

replied. “Everyone showed up at first, but once we
knew you were gonna be okay, we told ’em to

“You should have sent Rose home,” I said with

a grimace. My stepmom’s belly was the size of a
small planet. It couldn’t be good for her to be stuck
in an uncomfortable chair all night.

“No way in hell could I make her leave,” he

replied with a chuckle. “I could have her removed
from the building and she’d stand outside the
window with a boombox.”

“True,” I said, leaning my head back.
“She probably won’t let you out of her sight

until you’re eighteen,” he mused, his eyes soft. “Be
prepared to have company while you poop.”

I laughed lightly and groaned. My entire body

was sore.

“You shoulda heard her tonight,” he said.

“Railin’ at me about how we’re normal parents and
we’re scared of pregnancy and drugs, not the

background image

“She must have been freaking out,” I said

“By the time I met you here, she was actually

pretty calm,” Dad said with a small smile. “She’s a
good one to have in an emergency. The boys were

“Are they here?” I asked, looking toward the

“Sent ’em home about an hour ago,” my dad

replied. “Everyone showed up at first, but once we
knew you were gonna be okay, we told ’em to

“You should have sent Rose home,” I said with

a grimace. My stepmom’s belly was the size of a
small planet. It couldn’t be good for her to be stuck

“No way in hell could I make her leave,” he

replied with a chuckle. “I could have her removed
from the building and she’d stand outside the

“She probably won’t let you out of her sight

until you’re eighteen,” he mused, his eyes soft. “Be

I laughed lightly and groaned. My entire body

“You shoulda heard her tonight,” he said.

“Railin’ at me about how we’re normal parents and
we’re scared of pregnancy and drugs, not the

chance that our teenager would have some brand-
new allergy that puts her in the hospital
. Yellin’ at
me like it was my fault.”

“Sorry I scared you,” I said drowsily. “It wasn’t

super fun for me, either.”

“I bet it wasn’t,” he said with a sigh. “Get some

sleep, sweetheart. We’ll figure this shit out in the

“You should take Rose home,” I said, squeezing

his hand.

“Not a chance in hell,” he replied as he kissed

my forehead.

* * *




later, I was arguing with Rose as I got

ready for school.

“I’m not bringing a jelly sandwich to school,” I

ground out between my teeth. “The doctors said I
was allergic to shellfish. You think my piece of shit
school serves shellfish in the cafeteria?”

“We’re not taking any chances,” she replied

mutinously, trying to shove the sandwich into my
hand. “Take it.”

“No,” I said, lifting my hands above my head to

avoid the sandwich. “You didn’t even put peanut
butter on it!”

“Peanut allergies are the worst,” she snapped.
“I don’t have a peanut allergy!”

background image

chance that our teenager would have some brand-

. Yellin’ at

“Sorry I scared you,” I said drowsily. “It wasn’t

“I bet it wasn’t,” he said with a sigh. “Get some

sleep, sweetheart. We’ll figure this shit out in the

“You should take Rose home,” I said, squeezing

“Not a chance in hell,” he replied as he kissed

later, I was arguing with Rose as I got

“I’m not bringing a jelly sandwich to school,” I

ground out between my teeth. “The doctors said I
was allergic to shellfish. You think my piece of shit

“We’re not taking any chances,” she replied

mutinously, trying to shove the sandwich into my

“No,” I said, lifting my hands above my head to

avoid the sandwich. “You didn’t even put peanut

“Well, you didn’t have a fucking shellfish

allergy a week ago, either!”

“Oh my God,” I replied, looking up toward the

ceiling in frustration. “This is fucking ridiculous.”

“You’re ridiculous,” Rose spat. She snapped her

mouth closed while we stared at each other.

We both began to laugh at the same time, but as

my laughter tapered off, hers turned into tears.

“Fine,” I said, reaching out. “I’ll take the stupid


“I just don’t want you to get hurt,” she sobbed,

lifting a hand to wave me off as I tried to hug her.
“I’m fine. It’s just the hormones.”

“You know they did all the tests,” I said

soothingly. “They figured it out. They’re sure it’s

“Why would you eat shitty crab puffs at the

dance anyway?” she cried. “That’s just asking for
food poisoning. Have I taught you nothing?”

“I’m sorry,” I said, trying not to laugh at her out

of control emotions. “I won’t ever do it again.”

“Well, fuck, I hope not,” she replied. “Unless

you want to die.”

“I have an EpiPen in my purse,” I reminded

her. “And Charlie knows how to use it if I can’t.”

“This is the worst,” Rose said, wiping at her

face. “Are you sure you don’t want to be
homeschooled? You could stay with me. Forever.”

background image

a fucking shellfish

“Oh my God,” I replied, looking up toward the

“You’re ridiculous,” Rose spat. She snapped her

We both began to laugh at the same time, but as

“Fine,” I said, reaching out. “I’ll take the stupid

“I just don’t want you to get hurt,” she sobbed,

lifting a hand to wave me off as I tried to hug her.

“You know they did all the tests,” I said

soothingly. “They figured it out. They’re sure it’s

“Why would you eat shitty crab puffs at the

dance anyway?” she cried. “That’s just asking for

“I’m sorry,” I said, trying not to laugh at her out

“Well, fuck, I hope not,” she replied. “Unless

“I have an EpiPen in my purse,” I reminded

“This is the worst,” Rose said, wiping at her

face. “Are you sure you don’t want to be

I stared at her in horror. “No, thank you,” I

replied as politely as I could. “I’ll be fine. I’ll text
you and check in, okay?”

Whatever argument she was going to make was

cut off by the sound of a car horn in front of the

“My ride’s here,” I said. “Gimme the


“Tonight, we’ll test the peanut butter,” she said

glumly as she handed it over. “And then tomorrow,
we can add it.”

“Sounds good,” I said, throwing the sandwich in

the top of my backpack. “I’ll see you later.”

I hurried out of the house before she could try

and stop me. When my dad said there was a good
chance Rose wouldn’t want to leave my side for a
while, I hadn’t realized how literally he’d meant it.
She’d been hovering all weekend and had already
kept me home from school Monday, just to make
sure I was feeling okay. I was going to have to talk
to him tonight so he would get her to back off.
Beyond the sore spot where they’d given me a shot
of epinephrine and the bruise on the inside of my
elbow from my IV, I felt completely fine.

“We’re gonna be late,” Draco called, doing a

drumroll on the top of Roxanne. “Hurry up.”

“Good to see you, too,” I shot back, hurrying

toward him. “I feel fine, thanks.”

background image

I stared at her in horror. “No, thank you,” I

replied as politely as I could. “I’ll be fine. I’ll text

Whatever argument she was going to make was

cut off by the sound of a car horn in front of the

“My ride’s here,” I said. “Gimme the

“Tonight, we’ll test the peanut butter,” she said

glumly as she handed it over. “And then tomorrow,

“Sounds good,” I said, throwing the sandwich in

I hurried out of the house before she could try

and stop me. When my dad said there was a good
chance Rose wouldn’t want to leave my side for a
while, I hadn’t realized how literally he’d meant it.
She’d been hovering all weekend and had already
kept me home from school Monday, just to make
sure I was feeling okay. I was going to have to talk
to him tonight so he would get her to back off.
Beyond the sore spot where they’d given me a shot
of epinephrine and the bruise on the inside of my

“We’re gonna be late,” Draco called, doing a

“Good to see you, too,” I shot back, hurrying

“Don’t be a whiner,” Draco joked. “Geez, you

spend one night in the hospital and suddenly you’re
a fragile flower.”

“She almost died, asshole,” Charlie said,

scowling as I sat down beside her.

“I’m fine, Charles,” I assured her, pulling my

backpack onto my lap. “Let’s go.”

“You sure you’re okay?” Curtis asked, turning

to look at me. “You scared the shit out of us.”

“Yeah,” I said, giving him a small smile. “Sorry

I ruined the prom.”

“Are you kidding?” Draco asked. “I’m

swimming in sympathetic tail.”

“You are so fucking disgusting,” Charlie

replied, over-pronouncing every word.

Draco and Charlie bickered for the rest of the

ride to school, but I barely noticed them. The only
thing I could focus on was the way Curtis glanced
at me in the rearview mirror every few minutes, as
if checking to make sure I was okay.

I wasn’t super excited that he was worried I

would keel over at any second… but I couldn’t
help but feel a little thrill at how concerned about
me he was.






shockingly normal after the weekend we’d had—
until the period after lunch. I don’t know if it was
the tone of the murmurs during class or the way

background image

“Don’t be a whiner,” Draco joked. “Geez, you

spend one night in the hospital and suddenly you’re

“She almost died, asshole,” Charlie said,

“I’m fine, Charles,” I assured her, pulling my

“You sure you’re okay?” Curtis asked, turning

“Yeah,” I said, giving him a small smile. “Sorry

“Are you kidding?” Draco asked. “I’m

“You are so fucking disgusting,” Charlie

Draco and Charlie bickered for the rest of the

ride to school, but I barely noticed them. The only
thing I could focus on was the way Curtis glanced
at me in the rearview mirror every few minutes, as

I wasn’t super excited that he was worried I

would keel over at any second… but I couldn’t
help but feel a little thrill at how concerned about






shockingly normal after the weekend we’d had—
until the period after lunch. I don’t know if it was
the tone of the murmurs during class or the way

people seemed to be watching me, but my stomach
twisted with anxiety. Something felt off.

By the time class ended, my skin was crawling.

As I stepped into the hallway, the sensation got
worse and instead of looking for Charlie like I
usually did, I kept my head down and raced to the
bathroom. A girl laughed as I pushed past her, but I
didn’t make eye contact as I hurried toward the

My hair was fine. There wasn’t anything on my

face. I turned and checked to make sure I hadn’t
sat in anything—but my jeans were fine, too.
Everything was as it should be, there wasn’t
anything to point and laugh about. Why the hell
were people staring at me like I was an animal at
the zoo?

The warning bell for my last class rang and I

seriously considered skipping and waiting out the
rest of the day in a bathroom stall. The thought of
leaving the safety of the small room made me begin
to sweat.

Just as I started shuffling toward the door, it

flew open and Charlie stood there like an avenging

“We’ve been looking for you everywhere,” she

said, glancing behind her to nod at someone.

She stepped inside the room and I jolted in

surprise as Curtis and Draco followed her inside.

background image

people seemed to be watching me, but my stomach

By the time class ended, my skin was crawling.

As I stepped into the hallway, the sensation got
worse and instead of looking for Charlie like I
usually did, I kept my head down and raced to the
bathroom. A girl laughed as I pushed past her, but I
didn’t make eye contact as I hurried toward the

My hair was fine. There wasn’t anything on my

face. I turned and checked to make sure I hadn’t
sat in anything—but my jeans were fine, too.
Everything was as it should be, there wasn’t
anything to point and laugh about. Why the hell
were people staring at me like I was an animal at

The warning bell for my last class rang and I

seriously considered skipping and waiting out the
rest of the day in a bathroom stall. The thought of
leaving the safety of the small room made me begin

Just as I started shuffling toward the door, it

flew open and Charlie stood there like an avenging

“We’ve been looking for you everywhere,” she

She stepped inside the room and I jolted in

surprise as Curtis and Draco followed her inside.

The latter shut the door behind him and leaned
against it.

“What’s going on?” I asked, looking at each of

their faces.

Charlie’s nose was flaring in a familiar way, her

anger palpable as she paced, Draco’s expression
was completely devoid of any emotion, and Curtis
was grim, the veins in his neck bulging as he stared
at the floor.

“What?” I asked again, worry making my voice

sharper than I’d intended.






motherfucker. I know it was him.”

“What?” I asked, looking at the boys. “What

did he do?”

I barely knew Travis. I honestly couldn’t think

of a single way anything he did would affect me,
but this little group huddle had to be about the way
people were staring at me.

“He took photos,” Draco said, his voice flat.

“Few seconds of video.”

“Of what?” I replied, still not understanding

what the hell was going on.

“Prom,” Charlie said, her shoulders drooping as

she came to a stop. “When you got sick.”

“Ew,” I said instantly. “Why would someone do

that? What a rubbernecker.”

“It’s worse than that,” Charlie said softly.

background image

The latter shut the door behind him and leaned

“What’s going on?” I asked, looking at each of

Charlie’s nose was flaring in a familiar way, her

anger palpable as she paced, Draco’s expression
was completely devoid of any emotion, and Curtis
was grim, the veins in his neck bulging as he stared

“What?” I asked again, worry making my voice






“What?” I asked, looking at the boys. “What

I barely knew Travis. I honestly couldn’t think

of a single way anything he did would affect me,

to be about the way

“He took photos,” Draco said, his voice flat.

“Of what?” I replied, still not understanding

“Prom,” Charlie said, her shoulders drooping as

“Ew,” I said instantly. “Why would someone do

“How can it be worse?” I asked, glancing at

Curtis. His eyes were on me, but he still hadn’t said
a word.

“Kara,” Charlie said softly. “Fuck, I’m so


“For what?” I asked, starting to panic. “What?

Someone tell me what the fuck is going on.”

“When—” Charlie paused, her voice wobbly.

The sound scared me more than anything, because
Charlie wasn’t a crier. When she was scared, it
came out as anger. When she was sad, it came out
snarky. When she was mad, it was like an atomic

She cleared her throat. “When you were

choking, I helped you unbutton the top of your
dress. Do you remember that?”

“Barely,” I replied, frozen in place.
“Right, um, right after that, you went down.

Like, you fell straight down and I caught you so
you didn’t just drop, but we both kind of tumbled
into the wall and then the floor.”

I stood silently, waiting for her to get to the

point, but I was beginning to imagine exactly what
she was going to say.

“Your dress fell to your waist,” she said

painfully. “And once we were down, I made sure
you were covered up. Of course I fucking did. But,
Travis, he must have been taking pictures the whole

background image

“How can it be worse?” I asked, glancing at

Curtis. His eyes were on me, but he still hadn’t said

“Kara,” Charlie said softly. “Fuck, I’m so

“For what?” I asked, starting to panic. “What?

“When—” Charlie paused, her voice wobbly.

The sound scared me more than anything, because
Charlie wasn’t a crier. When she was scared, it
came out as anger. When she was sad, it came out
snarky. When she was mad, it was like an atomic

She cleared her throat. “When you were

choking, I helped you unbutton the top of your

“Right, um, right after that, you went down.

Like, you fell straight down and I caught you so
you didn’t just drop, but we both kind of tumbled

I stood silently, waiting for her to get to the

point, but I was beginning to imagine exactly what

“Your dress fell to your waist,” she said

painfully. “And once we were down, I made sure
you were covered up. Of course I fucking did. But,
Travis, he must have been taking pictures the whole

Charlie’s hands went to her hair and she pulled

at it. “Fuck,” she yelled.

“I was dying,” I said in disbelief. “I literally

would have died if they hadn’t gotten to me in

“Looks like you were drunk,” Draco said, his

voice barely audible. “And hooking up with Charlie
in the hallway.”

“Oh, my God,” I whispered, looking back at


“I’m so sorry,” Charlie whispered. “I’m so

sorry, Kara.”

“Fuck that,” I snapped, making her jerk like I’d

slapped her. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

“I didn’t realize he was taking pictures,” she

ground out. “I thought he was calling 911.”

“You were trying to take care of me,” I replied

in disgust. “You didn’t do anything wrong. What an
absolute asshole.”

The room went silent as I tried to wrap my head

around the fact that he’d been taking photos while I
was suffocating.

“Have you guys seen the photos?” I asked


“You don’t wanna see them,” Draco replied


“You have them?” I asked, taking a step

forward. “Show me.”

“Not a good idea,” he argued.

background image

Charlie’s hands went to her hair and she pulled

“I was dying,” I said in disbelief. “I literally

would have died if they hadn’t gotten to me in

“Looks like you were drunk,” Draco said, his

voice barely audible. “And hooking up with Charlie

“Oh, my God,” I whispered, looking back at

“I’m so sorry,” Charlie whispered. “I’m so

“Fuck that,” I snapped, making her jerk like I’d

“I didn’t realize he was taking pictures,” she

“You were trying to take care of me,” I replied

in disgust. “You didn’t do anything wrong. What an

The room went silent as I tried to wrap my head

around the fact that he’d been taking photos while I

“Have you guys seen the photos?” I asked

“You don’t wanna see them,” Draco replied

“You have them?” I asked, taking a step

“Show me,” I repeated.
The late bell for our last class rang, but I didn’t

move. I held out my hand waiting for Draco to give
me his phone.

With a sigh, he reached into his pocket and

pulled it out. After a few seconds, he handed it to

Every cell in my body froze in place as I took in

the first photo. Standing with my back to the
camera, I look like I’m trying to help Charlie
undress me. My hands are at the neck of my dress
and hers are unbuttoning the back. Swallowing
hard, I scrolled through the photos.

The neck of my dress has fallen to my

collarbone, and I’m reaching for my best friend.

My dress falls enough that one of my boobs is

on display and Charlie’s in motion, wrapping her
arms around my waist.

We’re falling.
Charlie and I are chest to chest and my back is

against the wall.

We’re on the floor.
The five second video has no sound. I look

completely out of it and Charlie turns to the
camera. She looks like she’s screaming at them for
filming us.

“I was yelling for help,” Charlie says, sounding

completely defeated.

background image

The late bell for our last class rang, but I didn’t

move. I held out my hand waiting for Draco to give

With a sigh, he reached into his pocket and

pulled it out. After a few seconds, he handed it to

Every cell in my body froze in place as I took in

the first photo. Standing with my back to the
camera, I look like I’m trying to help Charlie
undress me. My hands are at the neck of my dress
and hers are unbuttoning the back. Swallowing

The neck of my dress has fallen to my

My dress falls enough that one of my boobs is

on display and Charlie’s in motion, wrapping her

Charlie and I are chest to chest and my back is

The five second video has no sound. I look

completely out of it and Charlie turns to the
camera. She looks like she’s screaming at them for

“I was yelling for help,” Charlie says, sounding

My ears were ringing as I stared at the video

playing over and over on a loop.

“Everyone has seen this?” I asked, my voice

barely above a whisper. My gaze shot to Curtis then
Draco. “You’ve both seen this?”

Draco’s eyes were soft on mine as he barely


“Oh, my God,” I breathed.
Nausea rose so fast that I barely got to the toilet

before I threw up the jelly sandwich Rose had
packed for me that morning.

Everyone in school had seen me. They’d passed

around the photos like it was some kind of joke.
Like I’d deserved to have topless photos of me on

I heaved again.
Curtis had seen me like that. He’d seen the

dazed look on my face as I’d passed out half naked
in a hotel hallway. Every boy in our school and who
knew how many creepy older siblings and parents
had seen it.

I had no idea how I could ever leave the safety

of that bathroom.

Tears and snot dripped down my face as I stood

up and flushed the toilet.

“I’ll take care of it,” Curtis said, speaking for

the first time since he’d entered the bathroom.

“You can’t,” I replied, staring into the toilet,

frozen in place. “Everyone’s already seen it.

background image

My ears were ringing as I stared at the video

“Everyone has seen this?” I asked, my voice

barely above a whisper. My gaze shot to Curtis then

Draco’s eyes were soft on mine as he barely

Nausea rose so fast that I barely got to the toilet

before I threw up the jelly sandwich Rose had

Everyone in school had seen me. They’d passed

around the photos like it was some kind of joke.
Like I’d deserved to have topless photos of me on

had seen me like that. He’d seen the

dazed look on my face as I’d passed out half naked
in a hotel hallway. Every boy in our school and who
knew how many creepy older siblings and parents

I had no idea how I could ever leave the safety

Tears and snot dripped down my face as I stood

“I’ll take care of it,” Curtis said, speaking for

“You can’t,” I replied, staring into the toilet,

frozen in place. “Everyone’s already seen it.

There’s nothing you can do.”

“Yes, there is,” he said, his voice coming from

close behind me.

I barely breathed as his hand rested on my

back, his thumb rubbing gently from side to side. I
waited for him to move away, but he didn’t.
Instead, his hand traveled up to the back of my
neck, and gently, so gently, slid around to the front.
With his thumb on my jaw and his fingers
underneath my chin, he tilted my head upward.

“I’ll take care of it,” he whispered, dropping his

hand as he kissed the back of my head. “And then
we need to talk.”

He was out of the stall before I could reply.
“Get them out of here,” Curtis ordered Draco.

“Take the car.”

“You think I’m leavin’ you here to deal with

this shit on your own?” Draco asked in disbelief.

“I think you need to get Charlie and Kara out of

here,” Curtis replied firmly. “Come find me after.”

As I stared at the wall in front of me, I could

hear the door to the bathroom open and close

“Come on, K,” Charlie said. “Let’s leave while

everyone is in class.”

It was the best idea I’d heard in my life. I lifted

my t-shirt to wipe the gunk off my face—who even
cared about tissues anymore—and left the stall.

background image

“Yes, there is,” he said, his voice coming from

I barely breathed as his hand rested on my

back, his thumb rubbing gently from side to side. I
waited for him to move away, but he didn’t.
Instead, his hand traveled up to the back of my
neck, and gently, so gently, slid around to the front.
With his thumb on my jaw and his fingers

“I’ll take care of it,” he whispered, dropping his

hand as he kissed the back of my head. “And then

“Get them out of here,” Curtis ordered Draco.

“You think I’m leavin’ you here to deal with

“I think you need to get Charlie and Kara out of

As I stared at the wall in front of me, I could

hear the door to the bathroom open and close

“Come on, K,” Charlie said. “Let’s leave while

It was the best idea I’d heard in my life. I lifted

my t-shirt to wipe the gunk off my face—who even

We didn’t bother hiding our escape because it

wouldn’t have mattered if a teacher tried to stop us.
Draco led the way through the halls with singular
purpose, and I watched the bottom half of his legs
just to make sure I wasn’t going to trip over him. If
I could’ve closed my eyes completely, I would’ve. I
didn’t want to see anyone. I didn’t want to know if
anyone could see me.

I felt naked and on display.
“Get in the car,” Draco said as we reached

Roxanne. “I’m gonna try and call Curt.”

“You can have the front if you want,” Charlie

said to me, her voice full of remorse.

“I’ll take the back,” I replied tiredly, scooting

past her to climb in. The protection of the car was a
welcome relief. If I laid down on the seat, no one
would be able to see me. I barely resisted the urge
to do it.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been more angry in my

entire life,” Charlie said tonelessly, turning in her
seat to look at me. “I’m so sorry, K.”

“Stop saying that,” I replied in exasperation.

“You were in those pictures, too. Why do you keep
saying you’re sorry? They did this to you, too”

“It’s different for me,” she said, shrugging. “I

wasn’t out of it. My dress wasn’t falling off.” She
paused. “And everyone already knows I like girls.”

“But I don’t.”

background image

We didn’t bother hiding our escape because it

wouldn’t have mattered if a teacher tried to stop us.
Draco led the way through the halls with singular
purpose, and I watched the bottom half of his legs
just to make sure I wasn’t going to trip over him. If
I could’ve closed my eyes completely, I would’ve. I
didn’t want to see anyone. I didn’t want to know if

“Get in the car,” Draco said as we reached

“You can have the front if you want,” Charlie

“I’ll take the back,” I replied tiredly, scooting

past her to climb in. The protection of the car was a
welcome relief. If I laid down on the seat, no one
would be able to see me. I barely resisted the urge

“I don’t think I’ve ever been more angry in my

entire life,” Charlie said tonelessly, turning in her

“Stop saying that,” I replied in exasperation.

“You were in those pictures, too. Why do you keep

“It’s different for me,” she said, shrugging. “I

wasn’t out of it. My dress wasn’t falling off.” She

“Exactly,” she said, shaking her head. “Travis is

an absolute dickbag.”

“I can’t believe people are just believing this

shit,” I said, leaning back against the seat. “They
know us. They know me. Why isn’t anyone
thinking to themselves, something isn’t right here.
Kara doesn’t even drink and she was taken away in
a freaking ambulance

“Because people like to believe the worst,”

Charlie replied. “Human nature.”

“I don’t care if they think I’m a lesbian or bi or

whatever,” I said, kicking the back of her seat.
“But hooking up in a hallway? That’s just trashy.”

Charlie laughed halfheartedly.
“He’s not answering,” Draco said as he opened

the driver side door. “I can just take you guys home
and come back for him.”

“Wait,” I said, feeling slightly calmer, knowing

that I was hidden in the back seat. “If you drive me
home now, Rose will know something’s up.”

“Same if we go to my house,” Charlie said.

“Farrah can sniff out drama from a mile away.”

“Alright,” Draco said, getting in the car. “Then

we can just hang here for a bit.”

I gave myself permission to lay down in the

back of the car and stared at the roof while Draco
and Charlie talked in the front seat. They discussed
different ways to get the photos deleted, but I know
it was a lost cause. There were too many copies and

background image

“Exactly,” she said, shaking her head. “Travis is

“I can’t believe people are just believing this

shit,” I said, leaning back against the seat. “They

. Why isn’t anyone


Kara doesn’t even drink and she was taken away in

“Because people like to believe the worst,”

“I don’t care if they think I’m a lesbian or bi or

whatever,” I said, kicking the back of her seat.

“He’s not answering,” Draco said as he opened

the driver side door. “I can just take you guys home

“Wait,” I said, feeling slightly calmer, knowing

that I was hidden in the back seat. “If you drive me

“Same if we go to my house,” Charlie said.

“Alright,” Draco said, getting in the car. “Then

I gave myself permission to lay down in the

back of the car and stared at the roof while Draco
and Charlie talked in the front seat. They discussed
different ways to get the photos deleted, but I know
it was a lost cause. There were too many copies and

too many people had them. They were out in the
world forever now.

“School’s almost out,” Charlie said, leaning

over the back seat. “We need to find Curt before he
does something stupid.”

The minute the words were out of her mouth, a

sense of foreboding hit me so hard that I felt it in
my chest.

“Isn’t Travis on the baseball team with you

guys?” I asked.

“Aw, fuck,” Draco said, throwing open his door.

“Practice starts in ten.”

I pushed my way out of the back seat, exiting

on Draco’s side. By the time I reached the trunk of
the car, Charlie was leaning inside it, grabbing a
baseball bat from one of the boys’ bags. My eyes
widened, but I kept my mouth shut as she jerked
her head toward the ball fields.

“Don’t go running,” Draco said to me as we

strode toward the back of the school. He walked
like he didn’t have a care in the world. “No need to
draw attention.”

“Everyone’s attention is on me already,” I

replied, looking around as the bell rang and kids
started trickling out of the school.

“Not for long,” Charlie said darkly. As we

walked, she flipped the bat, spinning it over her
hand and wrist to catch it again. I’d watched her
perfect that trick for years, but it hadn’t ever

background image

too many people had them. They were out in the

“School’s almost out,” Charlie said, leaning

over the back seat. “We need to find Curt before he

The minute the words were out of her mouth, a

sense of foreboding hit me so hard that I felt it in

“Isn’t Travis on the baseball team with you

“Aw, fuck,” Draco said, throwing open his door.

I pushed my way out of the back seat, exiting

on Draco’s side. By the time I reached the trunk of
the car, Charlie was leaning inside it, grabbing a
baseball bat from one of the boys’ bags. My eyes
widened, but I kept my mouth shut as she jerked

“Don’t go running,” Draco said to me as we

strode toward the back of the school. He walked
like he didn’t have a care in the world. “No need to

“Everyone’s attention is on me already,” I

replied, looking around as the bell rang and kids

“Not for long,” Charlie said darkly. As we

walked, she flipped the bat, spinning it over her
hand and wrist to catch it again. I’d watched her
perfect that trick for years, but it hadn’t ever

looked so menacing before. “When it starts,” she
said, looking at me, “you stay way the fuck back.”

“What?” I asked, tripping over my own feet.

“Wait, what the hell are you going to do?”

background image

looked so menacing before. “When it starts,” she
said, looking at me, “you stay way the fuck back.”

“What?” I asked, tripping over my own feet.

“Wait, what the hell are you going to do?”

background image

Chapter 7







,” I called over my shoulder as







“Everything okay?”

“All good, baby,” he replied, backing up to

stand in the doorway. “It all went smooth.”

“How’s he look?” I asked, setting down my

makeup brush.

“Pretty much the same as when you saw him

last month, I’d imagine,” Dragon replied, bracing
his arms against the frame. “Better dressed, now.”

“Funny,” I said flatly.
“He’s good,” Dragon said, giving me a small

smile. “Had that wide-eyed look that all of us have
when we get out. Like he’s waiting for them to
come chasin’ him, tellin’ him they made a mistake.”

“They made a mistake putting him in there in

the first place,” I muttered, scooping my makeup
and brushes off the counter and into the little
basket where I stored them.

background image

called over my shoulder as







“All good, baby,” he replied, backing up to

“How’s he look?” I asked, setting down my

“Pretty much the same as when you saw him

last month, I’d imagine,” Dragon replied, bracing

“He’s good,” Dragon said, giving me a small

smile. “Had that wide-eyed look that all of us have
when we get out. Like he’s waiting for them to
come chasin’ him, tellin’ him they made a mistake.”

“They made a mistake putting him in there in

the first place,” I muttered, scooping my makeup
and brushes off the counter and into the little

“Doesn’t matter now,” Dragon replied calmly.

“He went in, did his time, and now it’s over.”

I scoffed. I’d been in this life as long as he had

—longer, if we were technical about it—and we
both knew that for our grandson, it would never be
over. He could move past it, the strong ones did,
but he would always be missing the years of his life
that he spent behind bars. He’d always remember
what it was like in there. The loneliness. The fear
that he’d never admit to.

“What time are we supposed to be at Trix’s?”

Dragon asked.

“Seven,” I said, glancing at the watch on my

wrist. When the doctor had told me that my blood
pressure was too high and I needed to get more
exercise, the kids had bought me a fancy watch that
connected to my phone and measured my heart
rate. It was sweet of them, but I didn’t like the
bulky thing. I was only wearing it because we’d be
seeing the kids later.

“I better hop in the shower, then,” Dragon said,

starting to strip right there in the hallway. “You grab
me some clothes?”

“You realize I’m in here, right?” I asked in

exasperation, watching as he pulled his shirt over
his head.

“Looks like you already showered,” he replied,

jerking his chin toward the towel wrapped around
me as he unbuckled his belt. “Too bad.”

background image

“Doesn’t matter now,” Dragon replied calmly.

I scoffed. I’d been in this life as long as he had

—longer, if we were technical about it—and we
both knew that for our grandson, it would never be
over. He could move past it, the strong ones did,
but he would always be missing the years of his life
that he spent behind bars. He’d always remember
what it was like in there. The loneliness. The fear

“What time are we supposed to be at Trix’s?”

“Seven,” I said, glancing at the watch on my

wrist. When the doctor had told me that my blood
pressure was too high and I needed to get more
exercise, the kids had bought me a fancy watch that
connected to my phone and measured my heart
rate. It was sweet of them, but I didn’t like the
bulky thing. I was only wearing it because we’d be

“I better hop in the shower, then,” Dragon said,

starting to strip right there in the hallway. “You grab

“You realize I’m in here, right?” I asked in

exasperation, watching as he pulled his shirt over

“Looks like you already showered,” he replied,

jerking his chin toward the towel wrapped around

I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t hold back a grin

when he was naked.

“Should’ve been here about fifteen minutes

sooner,” I told him, moving past him into the

“Shoulda waited for me,” he countered,

reaching under the towel to pinch my ass.

“Then we’d be late,” I called as I went into our

room to grab him some clothes.

I was pretty sure the only reason he’d asked me

to pick them for him was because he was trying to
get me out of the bathroom. It wasn’t as if he had a
variety to choose from. For as long as I’d known
the man, he’d worn the same thing. Jeans in various
states of disrepair, white t-shirts that I bought in a
multipack wrapped in plastic, and in the colder
months, either a quilted flannel or a hoodie—dark
colors only. I’d once bought him a red flannel that
sat unworn in the closet for ten years before I’d
finally given it to charity. Even that had been too
flashy for his tastes.

After I’d gathered his clothes and stacked them

on the bed, I went to the closet to get my own
clothes. We were just having dinner with family,
nothing fancy, but it was almost Christmas, so I
wanted to be a little festive.

I’d already pulled on a pair of jeans and a

camisole when Dragon came into the room.

“You got dressed?” he asked, scowling.

background image

I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t hold back a grin

“Should’ve been here about fifteen minutes

sooner,” I told him, moving past him into the

“Shoulda waited for me,” he countered,

“Then we’d be late,” I called as I went into our

I was pretty sure the only reason he’d asked me

to pick them for him was because he was trying to
get me out of the bathroom. It wasn’t as if he had a
variety to choose from. For as long as I’d known
the man, he’d worn the same thing. Jeans in various
states of disrepair, white t-shirts that I bought in a
multipack wrapped in plastic, and in the colder
months, either a quilted flannel or a hoodie—dark
colors only. I’d once bought him a red flannel that
sat unworn in the closet for ten years before I’d
finally given it to charity. Even that had been too

After I’d gathered his clothes and stacked them

on the bed, I went to the closet to get my own
clothes. We were just having dinner with family,

almost Christmas, so I

I’d already pulled on a pair of jeans and a

“Well, I’m not going to our daughter’s house in

a towel,” I replied reasonably.

He shot me a look.
“We don’t have time for that,” I said with a


“There’s always time,” he replied mutinously.

“You were sleepin’ when I left this mornin’.”

“Sorry, baby,” I said, pulling a dark green

sweater over my head. “I don’t want to be late

“Not like anyone would notice,” he said as he

started to dress.

“I would notice,” I said in exasperation.

“You’ve already had your reunion. I spent all day
at the clubhouse getting ready for tomorrow. I’d
like to see my grandson, alright? If I wasn’t trying
to give Trix and Cam some space, I would’ve been
camped out at their house already.”

Dragon paused. “Shit,” he said, his eyes soft on

mine. “Sorry, baby. I wasn’t thinkin’.”

I smiled at him. “I don’t mind that you still

want to fuck me after all these years,” I said dryly.
“We just don’t have time right now.”

“Listenin’ to you say the word fuck will never

get old,” he said, his eyes crinkling in the corners as
he smiled at me.

I turned to grab some socks out of the dresser

and heard him hum in happiness behind me.

“You got me new socks,” he said quietly.

background image

“Well, I’m not going to our daughter’s house in

“We don’t have time for that,” I said with a

“There’s always time,” he replied mutinously.

“Sorry, baby,” I said, pulling a dark green

sweater over my head. “I don’t want to be late

“Not like anyone would notice,” he said as he

“I would notice,” I said in exasperation.

“You’ve already had your reunion. I spent all day
at the clubhouse getting ready for tomorrow. I’d
like to see my grandson, alright? If I wasn’t trying
to give Trix and Cam some space, I would’ve been

Dragon paused. “Shit,” he said, his eyes soft on

I smiled at him. “I don’t mind that you still

want to fuck me after all these years,” I said dryly.

will never

get old,” he said, his eyes crinkling in the corners as

I turned to grab some socks out of the dresser

“You’re welcome,” I replied, moving to sit next

to him as we both put on our socks.

As soon as both my feet were on the floor

again, I sat with my hands on my lap and took a
deep breath. “It’s finally over,” I said, staring at my
hands. “Jesus.”

I wasn’t surprised as Dragon’s hand burrowed

into the hair at the nape of my neck. “And we got
through it, just like I said we would,” he replied,
turning my face toward him. “Just like everything

“He was so young,” I whispered, my throat


“And he’s a man, now,” Dragon reminded me.

“One that doesn’t want his grandma cryin’ all over

“I know,” I said, swallowing hard.
“You gonna be able to keep it together?” he

asked, leaning forward to kiss me softly.

“I’ll try,” I replied, making him laugh.
“That ain’t good enough.”
“Yes, I’ll keep it together,” I said grudgingly. I

looked at my watch again.

“They’re five minutes away,” Dragon said. “We

ain’t gonna be late.”

“He was so sensitive as a kid—”
Dragon made a sound of amusement in his


“What?” I snapped. “He was.”

background image

“You’re welcome,” I replied, moving to sit next

As soon as both my feet were on the floor

again, I sat with my hands on my lap and took a
deep breath. “It’s finally over,” I said, staring at my

I wasn’t surprised as Dragon’s hand burrowed

into the hair at the nape of my neck. “And we got
through it, just like I said we would,” he replied,
turning my face toward him. “Just like everything

“He was so young,” I whispered, my throat

“And he’s a man, now,” Dragon reminded me.

“One that doesn’t want his grandma cryin’ all over

“You gonna be able to keep it together?” he

“Yes, I’ll keep it together,” I said grudgingly. I

“They’re five minutes away,” Dragon said. “We

Dragon made a sound of amusement in his

“Alright,” Dragon agreed unconvincingly,

fighting back a smile.

“You disagree?” I said, raising one eyebrow.
“I think he was in love with the same girl most

of his life,” Dragon replied. “And he had no idea
how to deal with that shit. Sensitive? No. Confused
as fuck and tryin’ to figure it out? Yeah. He had a
soft spot for her.”

I glared at him.
“You think anyone would call me sensitive?” he

asked, tightening his hand in my hair.

“No,” I scoffed.
“You think they’d say I was in love with my


I didn’t respond.
“Exactly,” he said in satisfaction. “I got one

soft spot and that’s you—and the kids are an
extension of it.”

“He was just a kid.”
My man just shrugged.
“I just—” I said, shaking my head as I got to

my feet. “It’s been four years. He had to be there
for four years, and god only knows what happened
or how he’s changed.”

“Hey,” Dragon said, pulling me toward him. He

didn’t stop tugging until I was in his lap, my legs
straddling his thighs. “You know he was protected
in there. We made sure of that.”

background image

“Alright,” Dragon agreed unconvincingly,

“I think he was in love with the same girl most

of his life,” Dragon replied. “And he had no idea
how to deal with that shit. Sensitive? No. Confused
as fuck and tryin’ to figure it out? Yeah. He had a

“You think anyone would call me sensitive?” he

“You think they’d say I was in love with my

“Exactly,” he said in satisfaction. “I got one

soft spot and that’s you—and the kids are an

“I just—” I said, shaking my head as I got to

my feet. “It’s been four years. He had to be there
for four years, and god only knows what happened

“Hey,” Dragon said, pulling me toward him. He

didn’t stop tugging until I was in his lap, my legs
straddling his thighs. “You know he was protected

“I know,” I said, running my fingers through the

hair at his temples. “Physically, he was protected.”

“Can’t protect the kids from everythin’,”

Dragon replied reasonably. “In there or out here.
But from what I’ve seen, he’s fine, baby.”

“But what if he’s different?” I asked quietly.
“He’d a been different no matter what,” he

reminded me. “He’s not a seventeen year old kid

“I know,” I replied, dropping my head to rest on

his shoulder.

He held me like that for a few minutes, his hand

rubbing my back with long, slow strokes.

“You better get your shoes on if you don’t

wanna be late,” he finally said, patting me on the

As we hustled to get out the door, I wondered if

my man was right—if our grandson had been in
love with Kara. He’d always been so hard to read.
Had I really never noticed it? Was he still in love
with her?

background image

“I know,” I said, running my fingers through the

hair at his temples. “Physically, he was protected.”

“Can’t protect the kids from everythin’,”

Dragon replied reasonably. “In there or out here.
But from what I’ve seen, he’s fine, baby.”

“But what if he’s different?” I asked quietly.
“He’d a been different no matter what,” he

reminded me. “He’s not a seventeen year old kid

“I know,” I replied, dropping my head to rest on

his shoulder.

He held me like that for a few minutes, his hand

rubbing my back with long, slow strokes.

“You better get your shoes on if you don’t

wanna be late,” he finally said, patting me on the

As we hustled to get out the door, I wondered if

my man was right—if our grandson had been in
love with Kara. He’d always been so hard to read.
Had I really never noticed it? Was he still in love
with her?

background image

Chapter 8







toward the baseball diamond, I

scanned the familiar faces for Curtis. A lot of the
team was already there, but the coach hadn’t
showed up yet, which made my stomach churn with

“Most of us have gym last period,” Draco said,

glancing at me. “Makes it easier to get here on
time.” I nodded and gave him a small smile. I
wasn’t sure if he thought I cared about why the
guys were there so soon, or if he was just trying to
distract me with a little small talk, but it worked.
Knowing he and Charlie had my back bolstered me
a little.

“There he is,” Charlie said under her breath.
I snapped my head to the side to see where she

was looking. As I followed her gaze, I realized she
wasn’t talking about Curtis. She was staring at

I tasted bile in the back of my throat. He looked

normal. He looked like the kid that I passed all the

background image

toward the baseball diamond, I

scanned the familiar faces for Curtis. A lot of the
team was already there, but the coach hadn’t
showed up yet, which made my stomach churn with

“Most of us have gym last period,” Draco said,

glancing at me. “Makes it easier to get here on
time.” I nodded and gave him a small smile. I
wasn’t sure if he thought I cared about why the
guys were there so soon, or if he was just trying to
distract me with a little small talk, but it worked.
Knowing he and Charlie had my back bolstered me

I snapped my head to the side to see where she

was looking. As I followed her gaze, I realized she
wasn’t talking about Curtis. She was staring at

I tasted bile in the back of my throat. He looked

normal. He looked like the kid that I passed all the

time in the hallways at school—just another boy
that talked tougher than he was and thought he had
more game than he actually did. He was immature
and sometimes mean, but he wasn’t a monster.

The monster in this scenario was the huge

number of kids that had seen photos of me topless
and out of control and laughed at me instead of
asking me what happened.

My steps slowed, but Charlie’s and Draco’s

didn’t. They moved forward with purpose.

Where was Curtis? I scanned the team again.
“He’s not here,” I said, hurrying to catch up to

them. “Let’s go. He’s not here.”

“No,” Draco said, not even bothering to look at


“That motherfucker,” Charlie said, disbelief

making her words come out breathy.

As I looked over her shoulder at the guy we

were moving toward, I felt my stomach drop. He
was laughing, showing someone his phone. I knew
exactly what they were looking at. Even after the
photos had spread like wildfire at school, he’d still
found the one person who hadn’t seen them and
needed to make sure he did.

We reached them before I was ready. I wanted

to sink into the grass and disappear as Travis
glanced up and sneered.

“Hey, Kara,” he said, smirking. “Nice shirt.

Liked the prom dress better, though.” He hummed

background image

time in the hallways at school—just another boy
that talked tougher than he was and thought he had
more game than he actually did. He was immature

The monster in this scenario was the huge

number of kids that had seen photos of me topless
and out of control and laughed at me instead of

My steps slowed, but Charlie’s and Draco’s

“He’s not here,” I said, hurrying to catch up to

“No,” Draco said, not even bothering to look at

“That motherfucker,” Charlie said, disbelief

As I looked over her shoulder at the guy we

were moving toward, I felt my stomach drop. He
was laughing, showing someone his phone. I knew
exactly what they were looking at. Even after the
photos had spread like wildfire at school, he’d still
found the one person who hadn’t seen them and

We reached them before I was ready. I wanted

to sink into the grass and disappear as Travis

“Hey, Kara,” he said, smirking. “Nice shirt.

Liked the prom dress better, though.” He hummed

deep in his throat.

I was completely stunned.
The next few seconds passed by so fast they

were almost a blur. Charlie stepped forward,
flipping the bat again, but before she could even get
close, Draco had shoved her back and snatched the
bat from her fingertips.

Later, I would wonder if Travis had a death

wish. If he’d even looked past me and realized that
Draco was there. If he had underestimated the boy
I’d grown up with, or just assumed that he’d get
away with what he’d done.

With one more step, Draco twisted and swung

the bat low, hitting the back of Travis’s knees with
a thunk that made me wince.

Travis dropped like a sack of potatoes, and

before he could get off his knees, Draco was on
him. I lost count of how many times Draco’s fists
made contact.

I was numb as I watched. Horror and fear

played somewhere in the back of my mind, but I
don’t think I was able to even fully comprehend
what was happening. I’d never seen anything so

“Fuck,” Charlie spat as she hurried toward the

boys on the ground, circling them.

“Hey!” someone yelled from behind me.

“Break it up. Harrison, what the hell are you

background image

The next few seconds passed by so fast they

were almost a blur. Charlie stepped forward,
flipping the bat again, but before she could even get
close, Draco had shoved her back and snatched the

Later, I would wonder if Travis had a death

wish. If he’d even looked past me and realized that
Draco was there. If he had underestimated the boy
I’d grown up with, or just assumed that he’d get

With one more step, Draco twisted and swung

the bat low, hitting the back of Travis’s knees with

Travis dropped like a sack of potatoes, and

before he could get off his knees, Draco was on
him. I lost count of how many times Draco’s fists

I was numb as I watched. Horror and fear

played somewhere in the back of my mind, but I
don’t think I was able to even fully comprehend
what was happening. I’d never seen anything so

“Fuck,” Charlie spat as she hurried toward the

“Hey!” someone yelled from behind me.

“Break it up. Harrison, what the hell are you

“We gotta go,” Charlie yelled, jumping onto

Draco’s back. The slight weight of her was enough
to shock him out of his fury, and he paused long
enough for her to whisper something in his ear.
With a nod, he rose to his feet as she slid off his

“Jesus Christ,” the baseball coach said, his

breath coming out in heaving gasps as he came to a
stop beside me. “The hell did you do, Harrison?”

“Ask Sholes,” Draco said, taking a step


The coach looked back and forth between

Draco and Travis, who was rolling around on the
ground, moaning. He sighed, pressing his fingers
against the bridge of his nose.

“Get home,” Coach quietly told Draco.

“Straight home and give your parents a heads-up. I
have to report this.”

“Thanks, Coach.”
“Don’t thank me. Goddamnit, Draco. I hope it

was worth it,” Coach said somberly.

Draco looked at me. “He had it comin’,” he


Charlie picked up the bat as we left, hurrying

toward the car.

“He’s calling the cops, D,” she said, glancing

behind us. “Shit.”

“Come on,” Draco said emotionlessly. “We

need to find Curt and get the fuck out of here.”

background image

“We gotta go,” Charlie yelled, jumping onto

Draco’s back. The slight weight of her was enough
to shock him out of his fury, and he paused long
enough for her to whisper something in his ear.
With a nod, he rose to his feet as she slid off his

“Jesus Christ,” the baseball coach said, his

breath coming out in heaving gasps as he came to a

“Ask Sholes,” Draco said, taking a step

The coach looked back and forth between

Draco and Travis, who was rolling around on the
ground, moaning. He sighed, pressing his fingers

“Get home,” Coach quietly told Draco.

“Straight home and give your parents a heads-up. I

“Don’t thank me. Goddamnit, Draco. I hope it

Draco looked at me. “He had it comin’,” he

Charlie picked up the bat as we left, hurrying

“He’s calling the cops, D,” she said, glancing

“Come on,” Draco said emotionlessly. “We

“Why?” I said, my tongue finally coming

unstuck from the roof of my mouth. “He’s just an
asshole. Why would you—”

“It’s over,” Draco said, grabbing my hand as he

forced us to move faster.

“But it’s not,” I said, swallowing hard. “He’s

calling the police. He’s—”

“Where were you guys?” Curtis called out as

we got to the parking lot. He was sitting on the
trunk of Roxanne, his feet resting on the bumper. “I
thought you were takin’ the girls home.”

“Change of plans,” Draco said, tossing Curt his

keys. “Let’s go.”

“The fuck happened?” Curtis asked in


“Where the hell were you?” Draco snapped,

rounding the car. He threw open the passenger side
door and motioned for me and Charlie to climb in.

“I was waitin’ for Sholes,” Curtis said. “Let the

air out of his tires so he’d have to stay after.”

“Good plan,” Draco said as I scrambled into the

back seat.

“I saw that you guys hadn’t left, so I came over

to see what was up,” Curtis said as he and Draco
got into the car. “Someone want to tell me what the
hell happened?”

“I took care of it,” Draco said. “Go. Our


background image

“Why?” I said, my tongue finally coming

unstuck from the roof of my mouth. “He’s just an

“It’s over,” Draco said, grabbing my hand as he

“But it’s not,” I said, swallowing hard. “He’s

“Where were you guys?” Curtis called out as

we got to the parking lot. He was sitting on the
trunk of Roxanne, his feet resting on the bumper. “I

“Change of plans,” Draco said, tossing Curt his

“The fuck happened?” Curtis asked in

“Where the hell were you?” Draco snapped,

rounding the car. He threw open the passenger side

“I was waitin’ for Sholes,” Curtis said. “Let the

“Good plan,” Draco said as I scrambled into the

“I saw that you guys hadn’t left, so I came over

to see what was up,” Curtis said as he and Draco
got into the car. “Someone want to tell me what the

“I took care of it,” Draco said. “Go. Our

“You took care of it?” Curtis asked, his voice

dropping. He stared at his twin.

“Man, I’d like to make it home before the cops

get there, yeah?” Draco snapped. “Get fuckin’

“Oh, Jesus,” Curtis said, firing up the Chevelle.

“Did you kill him?”

“No,” Charlie said, crossing her arms over her

chest. “He was crying like a little bitch when we
left him.”

“The coach said he was going to report it,” I

said, staring at the back of Draco’s seat. How the
hell had things spun out of control so quickly?
“Maybe he just meant the principal,” I said
hopefully, looking up at the back of Draco’s head.
“Maybe it’ll just be a suspension.”

No one answered me, so I kept going.
“I mean, it was just a fight, right?” I said.

“Fights happen all the time. They don’t call the
police. It was just a fight.”

“That wasn’t a fight,” Charlie replied grimly,

running her hand lightly up and down the bat.
“Travis didn’t hit him back.”

“But he—”
“He hit him with a bat, Kara,” Charlie said, so

quietly that I barely heard her. “Just stop, okay?”

I could feel my heart beating at the base of my

throat as her words sunk in.

background image

“You took care of it?” Curtis asked, his voice

“Man, I’d like to make it home before the cops

get there, yeah?” Draco snapped. “Get fuckin’

“Oh, Jesus,” Curtis said, firing up the Chevelle.

“No,” Charlie said, crossing her arms over her

chest. “He was crying like a little bitch when we

“The coach said he was going to report it,” I

said, staring at the back of Draco’s seat. How the
hell had things spun out of control so quickly?
“Maybe he just meant the principal,” I said
hopefully, looking up at the back of Draco’s head.

“I mean, it was just a fight, right?” I said.

“Fights happen all the time. They don’t call the

“That wasn’t a fight,” Charlie replied grimly,

running her hand lightly up and down the bat.

“He hit him with a bat, Kara,” Charlie said, so

I could feel my heart beating at the base of my

“I told you to let me handle it,” Curtis said

angrily to Draco, his hands so tight on the steering
wheel that his knuckles were white. “I could have
fuckin’ handled it.”

Draco didn’t respond.
The rest of the short drive was silent and I

fought the urge to cry. By the time we got to the
boys’ house, my hands were shaking.

“Mom’s home,” Curtis announced, pulling to a


“Good,” Draco replied. “Let the girls out on

your side.” He was out of the car and striding for
the front door before Curtis had even parked the

“You guys okay?” Curtis asked as he pushed

the front seat forward so we could climb out.

“We’re fine,” Charlie said for both of us. “I

really could’ve used your help back there.”

“Well, if I’d known he was going to go after

Travis himself, I woulda been there,” Curtis replied
as we walked toward the house.

“You really thought he’d leave it to you?”

Charlie asked in disbelief. “Give me a break.”

“I thought he’d make sure that Kara was okay,”

Curtis replied, glancing at me. “I thought he was
bringin’ you guys home.”

“That was my fault,” I said quietly, regret

making my limbs feel heavy. “I didn’t want to go
home early and freak Rose out.”

background image

“I told you to let me handle it,” Curtis said

angrily to Draco, his hands so tight on the steering
wheel that his knuckles were white. “I could have

The rest of the short drive was silent and I

fought the urge to cry. By the time we got to the

“Mom’s home,” Curtis announced, pulling to a

“Good,” Draco replied. “Let the girls out on

your side.” He was out of the car and striding for
the front door before Curtis had even parked the

“You guys okay?” Curtis asked as he pushed

“We’re fine,” Charlie said for both of us. “I

“Well, if I’d known he was going to go after

Travis himself, I woulda been there,” Curtis replied

“You really thought he’d leave it to you?”

“I thought he’d make sure that Kara was okay,”

Curtis replied, glancing at me. “I thought he was

“That was my fault,” I said quietly, regret

making my limbs feel heavy. “I didn’t want to go

“It wasn’t your fault,” Charlie argued, shaking

her head. “Even if he’d drove us to your house, he
would’ve been back by the end of school anyway.”

“What do you mean the cops are on their

way?” the boys’ mom Trix was saying as we
entered the house. “Why the hell are the cops
coming here?”

“Call Dad,” Draco ordered Curtis when he saw

us. “Tell him to come home.”

Curtis nodded and pulled out his phone as Trix

looked at each one of us.

“Someone tell me what the hell is going on.”
My tongue felt swollen and stuck to the roof of

my mouth. I didn’t even have enough spit in my
mouth to swallow when her eyes met mine.

“Long story, Ma,” Draco said. “Let’s just wait

for Dad, alright?”

Trix grabbed Draco’s face, her hand wrapped

around the underside of his jaw as she turned it this
way and that.

“You’re okay?” she asked.
“I’m fine,” he replied. He reached up and

patted her shoulder, and I knew the exact moment
that she saw the torn and bloody knuckles on his

Her eyes closed in understanding and she let

out a long breath as her hand dropped away from
his face.

background image

“It wasn’t your fault,” Charlie argued, shaking

her head. “Even if he’d drove us to your house, he

“What do you mean the cops are on their

way?” the boys’ mom Trix was saying as we
entered the house. “Why the hell are the cops

“Call Dad,” Draco ordered Curtis when he saw

Curtis nodded and pulled out his phone as Trix

My tongue felt swollen and stuck to the roof of

my mouth. I didn’t even have enough spit in my

“Long story, Ma,” Draco said. “Let’s just wait

Trix grabbed Draco’s face, her hand wrapped

around the underside of his jaw as she turned it this

“I’m fine,” he replied. He reached up and

patted her shoulder, and I knew the exact moment
that she saw the torn and bloody knuckles on his

Her eyes closed in understanding and she let

out a long breath as her hand dropped away from

“He’s on his way,” Curtis said, walking back

toward the group. “He said he’s bringing the boys.”

“Great,” Draco said, walking over to drop into

a chair.

“You should call your parents,” Trix told me

and Charlie. “Casper’s probably on his way, but
Mack should come get you, Kara.”

“Okay,” I said, nodding. I looked at Draco.
I couldn’t imagine just leaving him. The whole

reason he was in this mess was because of me. I
was the catalyst. Shouldn’t I be there for the
eventual fallout? What if they needed to ask me
questions or something?

As I pulled my phone out of my pocket,

something else dawned on me and I froze.

Everyone was going to know about the photos.

Everyone would see them. My dad would see them.

Before I could work up the courage to call, we

heard the sound of motorcycles coming up the

“Jesus, who did he bring?” Trix asked, striding

toward the front door. She opened it and looked
out, then turned to meet my eyes. “Your pop’s

“I see you brought the cavalry,” Trix called out

as the men came stomping up the front porch stairs
and into the house.

background image

“He’s on his way,” Curtis said, walking back

“Great,” Draco said, walking over to drop into

“You should call your parents,” Trix told me

and Charlie. “Casper’s probably on his way, but

I couldn’t imagine just leaving him. The whole

reason he was in this mess was because of me. I
was the catalyst. Shouldn’t I be there for the
eventual fallout? What if they needed to ask me

As I pulled my phone out of my pocket,

Everyone was going to know about the photos.

would see them.

Before I could work up the courage to call, we

heard the sound of motorcycles coming up the

“Jesus, who did he bring?” Trix asked, striding

toward the front door. She opened it and looked
out, then turned to meet my eyes. “Your pop’s

“I see you brought the cavalry,” Trix called out

as the men came stomping up the front porch stairs

“You know how it is,” the boys’ dad Cam

replied, leaning down to give her a kiss. “You know
what’s goin’ on?”

“They wanted to wait for you,” she said.
Cam looked over at me and Charlie, who were

still standing awkwardly at the edge of the room.
“You couldn’t even get those two to talk?”

“I didn’t try,” Trix said dryly. “Charlie’s ready

to hulk out and Kara has been on the verge of tears
since they got here.”

“Hey, kiddo,” my dad said as he caught sight of

me. “Shoulda known you’d be mixed up in
whatever this is.”

“Hey, Dad,” I said, sagging against him as he

came to hug me.

“You feelin’ okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I only partially lied.
Charlie’s dad Casper threw his arm over her

shoulder and said something quietly into her ear,
but she didn’t respond. Cam sat down on the edge
of the couch, facing his sons in the chairs. Grease
stood, his back against the wall, quietly waiting.

“Okay, someone tell me what the fuck

happened,” Dragon ordered, crossing his arms over
his chest. At that moment, he didn’t look like the
boys’ grandpa. He was every inch the president of
the motorcycle club that our families belonged to.

Like someone had suddenly hit the play button,

Curtis, Draco, and Charlie all started speaking at

background image

“You know how it is,” the boys’ dad Cam

replied, leaning down to give her a kiss. “You know

Cam looked over at me and Charlie, who were

still standing awkwardly at the edge of the room.

“I didn’t try,” Trix said dryly. “Charlie’s ready

to hulk out and Kara has been on the verge of tears

“Hey, kiddo,” my dad said as he caught sight of

me. “Shoulda known you’d be mixed up in

“Hey, Dad,” I said, sagging against him as he

Charlie’s dad Casper threw his arm over her

shoulder and said something quietly into her ear,
but she didn’t respond. Cam sat down on the edge
of the couch, facing his sons in the chairs. Grease

“Okay, someone tell me what the fuck

happened,” Dragon ordered, crossing his arms over
his chest. At that moment, he didn’t look like the
boys’ grandpa. He was every inch the president of

Like someone had suddenly hit the play button,

Curtis, Draco, and Charlie all started speaking at

once. Charlie was defensive, her voice higher
pitched than normal and her hands gesturing wildly.
Curtis sounded angry; his voice was a little louder
than the others. Draco, though, was almost
monosyllabic. He didn’t rise from his seat, he
barely looked up. His voice was the one I focused
on, as he detailed how he’d beat up Travis and
gotten caught by the coach.

None of them, not a single one, mentioned the

photos of me.

“You dragged us over here because you got in a

fight?” Grease asked in disbelief. “Hell, Tommy did
that shit once a month his entire high school

“It wasn’t a fight,” Draco said, finally raising

his head to look at the group crowded into the
living room. Charlie and Curtis finally fell silent. “I
beat the shit out of him. He didn’t get in a single

“So the kid’s a pussy,” Grease said with a shrug.
“I also hit him with a baseball bat,” Draco said,

no emotion in his voice.

Grease’s mouth twitched, but he didn’t reply.
“So, we need to call the lawyer,” Dragon said.

He nodded to Casper who then let go of his
daughter and stepped out of the room. “You stand
by it?” Dragon asked Draco.

“Yeah,” Draco said firmly.
“Alright,” Dragon said.

background image

once. Charlie was defensive, her voice higher
pitched than normal and her hands gesturing wildly.
Curtis sounded angry; his voice was a little louder
than the others. Draco, though, was almost
monosyllabic. He didn’t rise from his seat, he
barely looked up. His voice was the one I focused
on, as he detailed how he’d beat up Travis and

None of them, not a single one, mentioned the

“You dragged us over here because you got in a

fight?” Grease asked in disbelief. “Hell, Tommy did
that shit once a month his entire high school

“It wasn’t a fight,” Draco said, finally raising

his head to look at the group crowded into the
living room. Charlie and Curtis finally fell silent. “I
beat the shit out of him. He didn’t get in a single

“So the kid’s a pussy,” Grease said with a shrug.
“I also hit him with a baseball bat,” Draco said,

“So, we need to call the lawyer,” Dragon said.

He nodded to Casper who then let go of his
daughter and stepped out of the room. “You stand

“No,” Trix argued, her voice loud with

disbelief. “No, not alright. What the hell were you

Draco didn’t respond.
“Do you think that rules just don’t apply to you

because you’re going to patch in eventually?” she
asked. “You’re not a member yet. You’re a fucking
kid! Your only responsibility is to stay out of
trouble long enough to reach adulthood.”

“Baby,” Cam said, reaching for her.
“No,” Trix said, shaking her head. “I want to

know what he was thinking. I want to know how he
thought he could get away with this.”

“He had it comin’,” Draco replied through his


“He had it coming?” Trix repeated, her voice so

low it was almost guttural. “Do you even hear

Charlie and Curtis both started back up again,

their voices joining in on the back and forth.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t listen to

Draco downplay the whole thing, or Trix yell at
him, or Charlie and Curtis pushing their own
version of the events that were close to the truth,
but not quite. The events of the last few hours were
getting distorted, turning Draco into some out of
control teenager that was stupid enough to get
himself into really big trouble.

background image

“No,” Trix argued, her voice loud with

disbelief. “No, not alright. What the hell were you

“Do you think that rules just don’t apply to you

because you’re going to patch in eventually?” she
asked. “You’re not a member yet. You’re a fucking
kid! Your only responsibility is to stay out of

“No,” Trix said, shaking her head. “I want to

know what he was thinking. I want to know how he

“He had it comin’,” Draco replied through his

“He had it coming?” Trix repeated, her voice so

low it was almost guttural. “Do you even hear

Charlie and Curtis both started back up again,

I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t listen to

Draco downplay the whole thing, or Trix yell at
him, or Charlie and Curtis pushing their own
version of the events that were close to the truth,
but not quite. The events of the last few hours were
getting distorted, turning Draco into some out of
control teenager that was stupid enough to get

“It’s my fault,” I said, raising my voice above

the noise. “It’s my fault, okay?”

The room went completely silent.
“Jesus,” Trix said, looking at me and then at her

son. “I should have fucking known.”

“Kara,” Draco barked, jerking his head once

from side to side.

I snapped my mouth shut, but the words I

wanted to say felt like the air inside a balloon, the
pressure growing every second that I didn’t speak.

“Cops are here,” Grease announced easily.

“You want me to let them in?”

Trix looked at Cam and something passed

between them, a sort of silent communication that
none of the rest of us understood.

“We’ll meet them outside,” Trix answered.
Draco stood as his dad moved toward him. As

they hugged, Cam said something quietly in his ear.
Then, with a kiss on the side of Draco’s head, Cam
was on the move toward the front door. He and
Dragon walked outside, closing the door behind

Trix went to Draco.
“Let’s give ’em a minute,” my dad said, pulling

me toward the kitchen.

Everything had felt kind of foggy and surreal

until that moment, the whole day had been like a
nightmare, but as the Aces moved into the kitchen
to give Trix and Draco a minute alone, it all came

background image

“It’s my fault,” I said, raising my voice above

“Jesus,” Trix said, looking at me and then at her

“Kara,” Draco barked, jerking his head once

I snapped my mouth shut, but the words I

wanted to say felt like the air inside a balloon, the

“Cops are here,” Grease announced easily.

Trix looked at Cam and something passed

between them, a sort of silent communication that

Draco stood as his dad moved toward him. As

they hugged, Cam said something quietly in his ear.
Then, with a kiss on the side of Draco’s head, Cam
was on the move toward the front door. He and
Dragon walked outside, closing the door behind

“Let’s give ’em a minute,” my dad said, pulling

Everything had felt kind of foggy and surreal

until that moment, the whole day had been like a
nightmare, but as the Aces moved into the kitchen
to give Trix and Draco a minute alone, it all came

into sharp focus. They weren’t going outside. They
weren’t showing a united front to the police at the
door. It was like they’d already given in to the

“You’re going to let them arrest him?” I asked,

pulling away from my dad. “What the fuck?”

“Quiet,” my dad ordered.
“This is bullshit.” I looked at Charlie, but she

wouldn’t meet my eyes.

“You’re all just going to let them take him?” I

asked, panic making my voice shrill.

“Enough, Kara,” Casper ordered.
“Fuck you,” I spat. The words weren’t fully out

of my mouth before my dad’s hand came down on
the back of my neck, squeezing in warning.

I jerked, trying to pull away, but it was no use.
Just then, Cam came back into the house.

“They wanna talk to you,” he said to Draco.
“You’re a minor, so I’ll be there with ya. Say
nothin’ until the lawyer shows up, you hear me?”

I couldn’t see Draco from my place in the

kitchen, but he must have answered somehow,
because Cam nodded.

Pulling a trick I’d learned before I could even

walk, I let my body fall like a limp noodle just far
enough so that my dad lost his grip on me. I was
practically running toward the living room before
he knew what I was doing.

background image

into sharp focus. They weren’t going outside. They
weren’t showing a united front to the police at the
door. It was like they’d already given in to the

“You’re going to let them arrest him?” I asked,

“This is bullshit.” I looked at Charlie, but she

“You’re all just going to let them take him?” I

“Fuck you,” I spat. The words weren’t fully out

of my mouth before my dad’s hand came down on

Just then, Cam came back into the house.

“They wanna talk to you,” he said to Draco.
“You’re a minor, so I’ll be there with ya. Say

I couldn’t see Draco from my place in the

kitchen, but he must have answered somehow,

Pulling a trick I’d learned before I could even

walk, I let my body fall like a limp noodle just far
enough so that my dad lost his grip on me. I was
practically running toward the living room before

“I’ll tell them what happened,” I told Draco,

jerking to a stop a few feet from them. “You have
your phone, right? I’ll just tell them what happened
and it’ll be fine.”

I was panicking. This couldn’t be happening.
“You’ll keep your mouth shut,” Draco said

softly. He squeezed his mom’s shoulder and came
to me. “You stay out of this completely.”

I shook my head. “No. That’s not fair.”
Draco’s hands came up to my cheeks and

gently wiped away the tears I hadn’t even realized
were falling.

“Since when did you start believin’ life is fair?”

he joked gently. His hands came to rest on my
cheeks as he looked at me. Leaning close, he held
my gaze. “I’d do it again,” he whispered, so quiet
there was barely any sound. “For you, I’d do it a
hundred times.”

“Idiot,” I whispered back.
He moved, then, jerking me against his chest in

a tight hug. “I’ll have a hearing tomorrow,” he said,
his cheek resting against the top of my head. “I’ll
be out on bail before you even notice I’m gone.”

“We could just say you’re not here,” I argued,

making him chuckle.

“And have them get a warrant?” he asked,

giving me a squeeze. “Not gonna happen.”

He started to pull away but I refused to let go,

my nails digging into the back of his shirt. If I just

background image

“I’ll tell them what happened,” I told Draco,

jerking to a stop a few feet from them. “You have
your phone, right? I’ll just tell them what happened

“You’ll keep your mouth shut,” Draco said

softly. He squeezed his mom’s shoulder and came

Draco’s hands came up to my cheeks and

gently wiped away the tears I hadn’t even realized

“Since when did you start believin’ life is fair?”

he joked gently. His hands came to rest on my
cheeks as he looked at me. Leaning close, he held
my gaze. “I’d do it again,” he whispered, so quiet
there was barely any sound. “For you, I’d do it a

He moved, then, jerking me against his chest in

a tight hug. “I’ll have a hearing tomorrow,” he said,
his cheek resting against the top of my head. “I’ll

“We could just say you’re not here,” I argued,

“And have them get a warrant?” he asked,

He started to pull away but I refused to let go,

my nails digging into the back of his shirt. If I just

closed my eyes and held on for dear life, maybe I
could change it. Maybe I could slow time down or
stop it somehow.

“Curt,” Draco said. I don’t know what passed

between them, but suddenly, there was an arm
around my waist, pulling me away.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Draco said, reaching

up to run his thumb down my cheek as he took a
step backward. He looked up at Curtis. “Hold her.”

Curtis’ arm tightened around my waist as Draco

strode away, his shoulders back and head straight.

“Stop it,” I hissed, pulling at Curtis’ arm.
Before I could move or call out or do anything

to stop him, Draco was stepping out of the front
door, his dad following closely behind him.

Looking back later, I would realize that it

wasn’t the topless photos of me or the fight
afterwards that changed everything. It was the
moment I watched Draco step outside, the light
filtering in around his broad shoulders that twisted
my life into something I no longer recognized.

background image

closed my eyes and held on for dear life, maybe I
could change it. Maybe I could slow time down or
stop it somehow.

“Curt,” Draco said. I don’t know what passed

between them, but suddenly, there was an arm
around my waist, pulling me away.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Draco said, reaching

up to run his thumb down my cheek as he took a
step backward. He looked up at Curtis. “Hold her.”

Curtis’ arm tightened around my waist as Draco

strode away, his shoulders back and head straight.

“Stop it,” I hissed, pulling at Curtis’ arm.
Before I could move or call out or do anything

to stop him, Draco was stepping out of the front
door, his dad following closely behind him.

Looking back later, I would realize that it

wasn’t the topless photos of me or the fight
afterwards that changed everything. It was the
moment I watched Draco step outside, the light
filtering in around his broad shoulders that twisted
my life into something I no longer recognized.

background image

Chapter 9








fucking kidding me,” I

mumbled, staring at Kara’s empty room. The bed
was made and everything was tidy like it usually
was, but the suitcase she used as extra storage was
gone and the purses she stored in it were neatly
stacked in the corner.

I should have expected her to act like a coward.

I’d been watching her like a hawk for days, waiting
to see how she was going to handle things, but
between work and holiday shit, I hadn’t been
around much.

Pulling out my phone, I found her contact and

hit send.

“Hey,” she answered on the first ring. She’d

probably been staring at her phone for hours—I
would’ve if I was her.

“Where are you?” I asked, walking back

toward our tiny kitchen. The apartment we’d found
was anything but big, but it was in our price range

background image

fucking kidding me,” I

mumbled, staring at Kara’s empty room. The bed
was made and everything was tidy like it usually
was, but the suitcase she used as extra storage was
gone and the purses she stored in it were neatly

I should have expected her to act like a coward.

I’d been watching her like a hawk for days, waiting
to see how she was going to handle things, but
between work and holiday shit, I hadn’t been

Pulling out my phone, I found her contact and

“Hey,” she answered on the first ring. She’d

probably been staring at her phone for hours—I

“Where are you?” I asked, walking back

toward our tiny kitchen. The apartment we’d found
was anything but big, but it was in our price range

and wasn’t a dump, so I considered it a freaking

“Staying with my parents tonight,” she said,

trying and failing to sound nonchalant. “I’m going
to help with the boys tomorrow while Rose cooks.”

“That’s your story, huh?” I asked dryly.
“Don’t start,” she replied instantly.
“You’re hiding,” I accused, dropping onto a

kitchen stool. “You know that’s not gonna last long,
right? You’ll have to face him at some point.”

“I’m not hiding,” she argued. “I told Rose I’d

stay tonight and tomorrow night for Christmas.”

“You’re so full of shit and your parents are just

playing into it.”

“Whatever,” she shot back. “I’m sure you can

fend for yourself for two nights.”

“Fend for myself,” I repeated, sitting forward.

“You’re joking, right?”

“Did you seriously call just to fight with me?”

Kara asked. “Because I could’ve done without it.”

“No, I called to see where the hell you’d gone

into hiding.”

“I’m not fucking hiding,” she replied,

enunciating each word. “I’m at my freaking
parents’ house.”

“Keep telling yourself that,” I muttered,

shaking my head. God, she was only going to make
this whole situation harder and we both knew it.
Instead of seeing Draco, giving him a welcome

background image

and wasn’t a dump, so I considered it a freaking

“Staying with my parents tonight,” she said,

trying and failing to sound nonchalant. “I’m going

“You’re hiding,” I accused, dropping onto a

kitchen stool. “You know that’s not gonna last long,

“I’m not hiding,” she argued. “I told Rose I’d

“You’re so full of shit and your parents are just

“Whatever,” she shot back. “I’m sure you can

“Fend for myself,” I repeated, sitting forward.

“Did you seriously call just to fight with me?”

“No, I called to see where the hell you’d gone

“I’m not fucking hiding,” she replied,

enunciating each word. “I’m at my freaking

“Keep telling yourself that,” I muttered,

shaking my head. God, she was only going to make
this whole situation harder and we both knew it.
Instead of seeing Draco, giving him a welcome

home hug, and leaving it at that—she was going to
dodge him. And if I knew my nephew, that was
only going to make him hunt her down and force
her to acknowledge him.

“I’ll see you at the club tomorrow,” she said

with a sigh. “Okay?”

“I’m not the only one you’ll see at the club,” I

reminded her.

I wasn’t even surprised when she hung up on


God, sometimes I wanted to shake her. Where

was the girl I’d grown up with—the one who took
charge and made things happen? Who was this
mousy person she’d turned into? It had been years,
but I was still searching for my best friend.

Grabbing a bag of chips and a soda, I made my

way to the couch and dropped onto it. Out of all the
furniture in our apartment, that couch was my
favorite place to be. Most of our stuff had come
from family and friends, hand-me-downs that we’d
accepted gladly because we didn’t have to pay for
them—but the couch had been our one luxury.
We’d sat on bean bags for six months while we’d
saved up for it. Plush, soft, green velvet with six
throw pillows and two throws hung over the back at
all times, it was a freaking oasis in the middle of our

I’d just gotten comfortable and was reaching for

the television remote when I heard someone

background image

home hug, and leaving it at that—she was going to
dodge him. And if I knew my nephew, that was
only going to make him hunt her down and force

“I’ll see you at the club tomorrow,” she said

“I’m not the only one you’ll see at the club,” I

I wasn’t even surprised when she hung up on

God, sometimes I wanted to shake her. Where

was the girl I’d grown up with—the one who took
charge and made things happen? Who was this
mousy person she’d turned into? It had been years,

Grabbing a bag of chips and a soda, I made my

way to the couch and dropped onto it. Out of all the
furniture in our apartment, that couch was my
favorite place to be. Most of our stuff had come
from family and friends, hand-me-downs that we’d
accepted gladly because we didn’t have to pay for
them—but the couch had been our one luxury.
We’d sat on bean bags for six months while we’d
saved up for it. Plush, soft, green velvet with six
throw pillows and two throws hung over the back at
all times, it was a freaking oasis in the middle of our

I’d just gotten comfortable and was reaching for

the television remote when I heard someone

knocking at my door.

Only one person could get me off that couch at

eleven o’clock at night. I knew exactly who was on
the other side of that door. It only took me seconds
before I was throwing it open.

“Nice place,” Draco said, grinning. “You buy

out a thrift store?”

“You’re here!” I screamed, jumping into his


“Course I am,” he said as he carried me inside.
“I’m here, too,” Curtis said dryly, following us

in and closing the door.

“How’d dinner with the parents go?” I asked as

Draco set me on my feet.

“About how you’d expect,” Curtis replied.

“They came, they saw, they cried, we ate, they

“Jealousy is a stinky cologne,” Draco told his

brother, his gaze scanning the apartment over my

“She’s not here,” I told him.
“Told you she wouldn’t be,” Curtis said,

hopping over the back of the couch to plant himself
in my spot.

“Scoot over,” I ordered. I looked at Draco.

“Want the tour?”

“Sure,” he said, hiding his disappointment with

a grin.

background image

Only one person could get me off that couch at

eleven o’clock at night. I knew exactly who was on
the other side of that door. It only took me seconds

“Nice place,” Draco said, grinning. “You buy

“You’re here!” I screamed, jumping into his

“I’m here, too,” Curtis said dryly, following us

“How’d dinner with the parents go?” I asked as

“About how you’d expect,” Curtis replied.

“They came, they saw, they cried, we ate, they

“Jealousy is a stinky cologne,” Draco told his

brother, his gaze scanning the apartment over my

“Told you she wouldn’t be,” Curtis said,

hopping over the back of the couch to plant himself

“Scoot over,” I ordered. I looked at Draco.

“Sure,” he said, hiding his disappointment with

I took two steps sideways and started pointing.

“Living room, kitchen, bathroom, my room, Kara’s
room.” I grinned. “There, tour over.”

He laughed.
“Why do you have a Christmas tree if you’re

not going to turn it on?” Curtis asked, getting off
the couch to plug the lights in.

“I just got home,” I said defensively.
“These ornaments are from the dollar store,

aren’t they?” he mused, flicking one.

“You know, you’ve got a lot to say for someone

that doesn’t even have a tree,” I pointed out. I
turned back to Draco. “You want something to
drink? Beer or soda or water? I think we have milk?
Or I have some frozen juice I can make—it’ll only
take me a second.”

“Since when do you wait on me?” he asked,

reaching out to ruffle my hair the way he used to
when we were kids. “I can grab something.”

He walked toward the kitchen, nodding when

Curtis called out for a beer.

“He didn’t ask, but I told him she wouldn’t be

here,” Curtis said quietly as I sat down on the

“She’s staying with Mack and Rose tonight,” I

replied, equally as quiet.

Curtis huffed.
“They’ll figure it out,” I said, turning as Draco

came back. “I would’ve guessed beer.”

background image

I took two steps sideways and started pointing.

“Living room, kitchen, bathroom, my room, Kara’s

“Why do you have a Christmas tree if you’re

not going to turn it on?” Curtis asked, getting off

“These ornaments are from the dollar store,

“You know, you’ve got a lot to say for someone

that doesn’t even have a tree,” I pointed out. I
turned back to Draco. “You want something to
drink? Beer or soda or water? I think we have milk?
Or I have some frozen juice I can make—it’ll only

“Since when do you wait on me?” he asked,

reaching out to ruffle my hair the way he used to

He walked toward the kitchen, nodding when

“He didn’t ask, but I told him she wouldn’t be

here,” Curtis said quietly as I sat down on the

“She’s staying with Mack and Rose tonight,” I

“They’ll figure it out,” I said, turning as Draco

“I haven’t had orange soda in a long ass time,”

he replied with a half grin as he tossed Curtis his
beer. “Sounded good.”

“Probably a good choice,” I said as he sat down

beside me. “There’s gonna be so many kids there
tomorrow—you don’t want to show up with a

“You need more seating,” Curtis grumbled as he

pulled a bean bag chair from against the wall.

“You don’t have enough beer in there to give a

mouse a hangover,” Draco replied.

“I don’t drink much,” I said with a shrug.

“Those are the kind Curt likes.”

“Kara doesn’t, either?” Draco asked.
And just like that, I was in the middle of a

minefield, unable to move.

“Kara doesn’t do anything,” Curtis replied for

me, his voice devoid of emotion.

“What does that mean?” Draco asked.
“She’s boring,” I said, shooting Curtis a look.
Draco looked back and forth between the two

of us.

“Why are the two of you actin’ so weird?”
“I’m just so glad you’re home,” I replied. I

wasn’t lying. I’d been waiting so long to have him
in our apartment. I wanted to show him everything.
The plates we’d found at a garage sale that had the
ugliest ducks I’d ever seen on them, the rug in the
bathroom that was in the shape of a guy in a

background image

“I haven’t had orange soda in a long ass time,”

he replied with a half grin as he tossed Curtis his

“Probably a good choice,” I said as he sat down

beside me. “There’s gonna be so many kids there
tomorrow—you don’t want to show up with a

“You need more seating,” Curtis grumbled as he

“You don’t have enough beer in there to give a

“I don’t drink much,” I said with a shrug.

And just like that, I was in the middle of a

“Kara doesn’t do anything,” Curtis replied for

Draco looked back and forth between the two

“I’m just so glad you’re home,” I replied. I

wasn’t lying. I’d been waiting so long to have him
in our apartment. I wanted to show him everything.
The plates we’d found at a garage sale that had the
ugliest ducks I’d ever seen on them, the rug in the
bathroom that was in the shape of a guy in a

speedo, the only anatomically correct thing about it
the darker colored nipples that Kara and I had
laughed about for weeks, the car I’d gotten for
graduation that had smelled like feet even after an
entire year of being detailed once a month.

On the other hand, it felt weird, having him

there. Showing him the things I’d been doing, the
crap I’d been accumulating while he was gone.

“What were you going to watch?” Draco said

after a moment, jerking his head toward the TV.

“What?” I asked in confusion.
“You’d built your nest,” he said, gesturing to

my spot on the couch. “That hasn’t changed. So,
what were you going to watch?”

“It’s a show about gangsters in the thirties,” I

said slowly.

“Turn it on.”
“You want to watch TV?” I asked dubiously.
“I wanna zone out,” he said tiredly, scooting

down so he could rest his head on the back of the
couch. “It’s been a long fuckin’ day.”

“Okay,” I said, glancing at Curt as I grabbed the


“We got time to catch up,” Draco said, reaching

out to pat my knee. “If I woulda stayed at my
parents’ house, Ma woulda been up my ass the
entire night. Here, we can just hang, yeah? I just
need a minute.”

background image

speedo, the only anatomically correct thing about it
the darker colored nipples that Kara and I had
laughed about for weeks, the car I’d gotten for
graduation that had smelled like feet even after an

On the other hand, it felt weird, having him

there. Showing him the things I’d been doing, the

“What were you going to watch?” Draco said

“You’d built your nest,” he said, gesturing to

my spot on the couch. “That hasn’t changed. So,

“It’s a show about gangsters in the thirties,” I

“I wanna zone out,” he said tiredly, scooting

down so he could rest his head on the back of the

“Okay,” I said, glancing at Curt as I grabbed the

“We got time to catch up,” Draco said, reaching

out to pat my knee. “If I woulda stayed at my
parents’ house, Ma woulda been up my ass the
entire night. Here, we can just hang, yeah? I just

“Sure,” I said, understanding making my voice

softer than normal. I cleared my throat as I turned
on the TV. “I’ll start it over from the beginning.”

“You don’t have to do that,” Draco said.
“It’s okay.” I shook my head. “I don’t mind

watching it again.”

Curtis got up from the floor and walked toward

the bedrooms then came back out carrying the
pillows from our beds. He tossed one to Draco and
laid down on the floor with the other, propping up
his head with it.

As the show started, I got comfortable, leaning

against my side of the couch. It was the happiest
I’d been in years, sitting there with my best friends,
zoning out in front of the TV. There was something
comforting about being around the people you
could be yourself with. You didn’t need to fill the
silence or try to keep them entertained. I’d known
that Draco would come see me as soon as he could,
but I should’ve known that he and Curtis would
plant themselves in our apartment with no intention
of leaving.

The five of us were the calm in the middle of

our family’s storm. Whenever something was
happening, Draco, Curtis, Kara, Rebel and I had
always been corralled into the same space.
Someone was hurt and all the adults were headed to
the hospital? We were sent as a group to whoever’s
parents agreed to keep us. The club had a run? The

background image

“Sure,” I said, understanding making my voice

softer than normal. I cleared my throat as I turned

“It’s okay.” I shook my head. “I don’t mind

Curtis got up from the floor and walked toward

the bedrooms then came back out carrying the
pillows from our beds. He tossed one to Draco and
laid down on the floor with the other, propping up

As the show started, I got comfortable, leaning

against my side of the couch. It was the happiest
I’d been in years, sitting there with my best friends,
zoning out in front of the TV. There was something
comforting about being around the people you
could be yourself with. You didn’t need to fill the
silence or try to keep them entertained. I’d known
that Draco would come see me as soon as he could,
but I should’ve known that he and Curtis would
plant themselves in our apartment with no intention

The five of us were the calm in the middle of

our family’s storm. Whenever something was
happening, Draco, Curtis, Kara, Rebel and I had
always been corralled into the same space.
Someone was hurt and all the adults were headed to
the hospital? We were sent as a group to whoever’s
parents agreed to keep us. The club had a run? The

five of us stayed as a group at someone’s house
while our parents were gone.

“Can’t wait to see Reb tomorrow,” Draco said

with a sigh, his eyes on the television. His thoughts
must have been running parallel to mine—that
didn’t surprise me, either. “Can’t believe it’s been
four years.”

“I think she would’ve been okay visiting you,” I

said for the thousandth time since Rebel’s parents
had decided it wasn’t a good idea.

“Nah,” Draco shook his head a little. “It

would’ve scared her.”

“She can deal with more than people think,” I

replied stubbornly.

“I had plenty of people comin’ to see me,”

Draco said. “It was nice havin’ a pen pal.”

“She read me every single one of your letters,”

I told him, smiling.

“Got one every week like clockwork,” he

replied, shooting me a grin. “I couldn’t leave her

“I should’ve had her over tonight,” I said,

curling my legs up on the couch. “She would’ve
been stoked.”

“She’s doin’ good?”
“She’s doing fucking great,” I replied. “She has

a job at an old folks home that she loves.”

“She mentioned that.”

background image

five of us stayed as a group at someone’s house

“Can’t wait to see Reb tomorrow,” Draco said

with a sigh, his eyes on the television. His thoughts
must have been running parallel to mine—that
didn’t surprise me, either. “Can’t believe it’s been

“I think she would’ve been okay visiting you,” I

said for the thousandth time since Rebel’s parents

“Nah,” Draco shook his head a little. “It

“She can deal with more than people think,” I

“I had plenty of people comin’ to see me,”

“She read me every single one of your letters,”

“Got one every week like clockwork,” he

replied, shooting me a grin. “I couldn’t leave her

“I should’ve had her over tonight,” I said,

curling my legs up on the couch. “She would’ve

“She’s doing fucking great,” I replied. “She has

“It’s perfect for her,” I said as Curtis began to

snore. “She helps out in the kitchen and plays like a
million card games a day with all the oldies. They
love her.”

“I’m glad,” he said.
After that, we were both quiet. Eventually,

Draco fell asleep and I got off the couch so he
could spread out. Reaching out, I gently shook his

I barely stopped a startled scream as his hand

instantly shot up and wrapped around my wrist.

“Sorry,” I said, trying not to show him how

badly he’d freaked me out. “Just letting you know I
was going to bed.”

“Alright,” he replied groggily, letting me go.
I moved toward the tree, stepping over Curtis as

Draco stretched out on the couch.

“Hey,” he called, making me pause to look at

him. “Leave it on, yeah?”

“Sure,” I said, keeping to myself how

dangerous it was to leave the Christmas tree lit all
night while we slept.

“Lock the door,” Draco reminded me. Within

seconds, he was asleep again.

I rolled my eyes, but double-checked the door

was locked as I made my way to my room. As I
passed Kara’s open doorway, I couldn’t stop the
smile that played around my lips as I looked at her
bed, perfectly made but missing her pillow. I

background image

“It’s perfect for her,” I said as Curtis began to

snore. “She helps out in the kitchen and plays like a
million card games a day with all the oldies. They

After that, we were both quiet. Eventually,

Draco fell asleep and I got off the couch so he
could spread out. Reaching out, I gently shook his

I barely stopped a startled scream as his hand

“Sorry,” I said, trying not to show him how

badly he’d freaked me out. “Just letting you know I

I moved toward the tree, stepping over Curtis as

“Hey,” he called, making me pause to look at

“Sure,” I said, keeping to myself how

dangerous it was to leave the Christmas tree lit all

“Lock the door,” Draco reminded me. Within

I rolled my eyes, but double-checked the door

was locked as I made my way to my room. As I
passed Kara’s open doorway, I couldn’t stop the
smile that played around my lips as I looked at her
bed, perfectly made but missing her pillow. I

wondered how she’d like coming home to a pillow
that smelled like Draco.

My smile vanished as I remembered that Curt

had stolen my pillow.

* * *



,” C



, knocking on my doorframe

as he peeked his head in. “I’m gonna run home and
grab a quick shower.”

“D still asleep?” I asked quietly.
“Snorin’,” Curt replied with a little smile. “I’ll

bring him some clothes back and he can just shower
here, if it’s cool?”

“Works for me,” I replied from under the towel

I was using to dry my hair. “I’m almost done in

Curtis lingered in the doorway.
“What?” I asked, pulling the towel off my head.
“Nothin’,” he replied. He made no move to


“Spit it out,” I said with a laugh.
“I don’t know,” he said, glancing over his

shoulder as he dropped his voice. “Just—he hasn’t
even wanted to see my place.”

“He hasn’t?” I replied, surprised as hell.
“He wanted to come straight here,” Curtis said.

“And I figured it was because of Kara, but—” He

background image

wondered how she’d like coming home to a pillow

My smile vanished as I remembered that Curt

knocking on my doorframe

as he peeked his head in. “I’m gonna run home and

“Snorin’,” Curt replied with a little smile. “I’ll

bring him some clothes back and he can just shower

“Works for me,” I replied from under the towel

I was using to dry my hair. “I’m almost done in

“What?” I asked, pulling the towel off my head.
“Nothin’,” he replied. He made no move to

“I don’t know,” he said, glancing over his

shoulder as he dropped his voice. “Just—he hasn’t

“He wanted to come straight here,” Curtis said.

“And I figured it was because of Kara, but—” He

“You’re overthinkin’ it,” I told him gently. I

knew all of his worries about his twin. The anxiety
and guilt he’d carried with him since that fateful
day in high school when our lives had changed.
“He’s got forever to check out your shithole
bachelor pad. He’s going to live with you, right?”

“Well then,” I said in satisfaction. “Give him a

minute, yeah? Things’ll settle down and you won’t
be able to get him out of your space.”

“You’re probably right,” he replied.
“Now go home and shower,” I said, pulling the

towel back to my hair. “You smell like a gerbil.”

“Asshole,” Curt replied with a huff.
“We have like forty-five minutes before we

have to leave,” I reminded him. “Get a move on.”

“I’m goin’,” he said. With a tap against the

doorframe, he spun and walked away.

As soon as he was gone, I hurried to finish

getting ready. Tiptoeing to the bathroom, I closed
the door behind me and got to work on my hair. It
was the longest I’d ever worn it, and while I liked it
that way, it was a pain in the ass to style. I was
sweating by the time I was finished blow drying it,
and I almost jumped out of my skin when I turned
off the hair dryer and heard someone knocking on
the bathroom door.

“Morning, lazy ass,” I greeted, opening the door

to Draco’s sleep-creased face. “How’d you like

background image

“You’re overthinkin’ it,” I told him gently. I

knew all of his worries about his twin. The anxiety
and guilt he’d carried with him since that fateful
day in high school when our lives had changed.
“He’s got forever to check out your shithole

“Well then,” I said in satisfaction. “Give him a

minute, yeah? Things’ll settle down and you won’t

“Now go home and shower,” I said, pulling the

“We have like forty-five minutes before we

“I’m goin’,” he said. With a tap against the

As soon as he was gone, I hurried to finish

getting ready. Tiptoeing to the bathroom, I closed
the door behind me and got to work on my hair. It
was the longest I’d ever worn it, and while I liked it
that way, it was a pain in the ass to style. I was
sweating by the time I was finished blow drying it,
and I almost jumped out of my skin when I turned
off the hair dryer and heard someone knocking on

“Morning, lazy ass,” I greeted, opening the door

to Draco’s sleep-creased face. “How’d you like

that couch? Nice, huh?”

“You look like you put your finger in a light

socket,” he replied groggily.

“I still have to curl it,” I said with a huff. “You

need in here?”

“Yeah,” he mumbled. “Where’s Curt?”
“He ran home to shower.”
“He could’ve woke me up,” he said as I

grabbed my makeup bag and the curling iron from
under the sink.

“He’s gonna bring you some clothes if you

wanna shower here,” I replied.

“Works for me,” he said. His eyes were on the

floor. “Are those nipples?” he said, his lips

I jerked in surprise then realized he’d seen our

bathmat. “Nice, right?” I asked, leaning to the side
so he’d get the full effect. “Nothing but the best for
this apartment.”

“Only you would find somethin’ like that,” he

said as I scooted around him in the doorway.

“It’s a gift,” I sang. “Give me a sec and I’ll grab

you a towel. We don’t have enough space to keep
’em in here.”

I hurried into my room and plugged in my

curling iron before grabbing him a towel. When I
got back to the bathroom, Draco was staring at
himself in the mirror, rubbing his hand over his

background image

“You look like you put your finger in a light

“I still have to curl it,” I said with a huff. “You

“He could’ve woke me up,” he said as I

grabbed my makeup bag and the curling iron from

“He’s gonna bring you some clothes if you

“Works for me,” he said. His eyes were on the

floor. “Are those nipples?” he said, his lips

I jerked in surprise then realized he’d seen our

bathmat. “Nice, right?” I asked, leaning to the side
so he’d get the full effect. “Nothing but the best for

“Only you would find somethin’ like that,” he

“It’s a gift,” I sang. “Give me a sec and I’ll grab

you a towel. We don’t have enough space to keep

I hurried into my room and plugged in my

curling iron before grabbing him a towel. When I
got back to the bathroom, Draco was staring at
himself in the mirror, rubbing his hand over his

“I’ve got a new razor somewhere if you want to

shave,” I said, coming to a stop in the doorway.

He shook his head. “Nah, think I’ll let it grow.”
“Oh, yeah?” I asked easily.
“The hair, too,” he said, running a hand over

the top of his head.

“Going for the mountain man look?” I asked. “I

approve. It’s very in right now.”

Draco laughed. “Give me that,” he ordered,

taking the towel from me.

“Curt will be back soon with clothes,” I replied.

“His apartment is just one building over.”

“Yeah, he pointed it out on the way in last

night,” he replied.

I opened my mouth to ask him about not

wanting to see Curt’s place, but shut it again
without saying anything. That was between the two
of them—they could figure it out without me

“Hey, Charlie,” Draco said, leaning out of the

bathroom as I walked away. “I’m gonna lock this.
Tell Curt to leave the clothes outside the door,

“No problem,” I said, my stomach twisting in

something that felt a little like sympathy and a little
like anger.

He’d spent the last four years showering in a

group, having zero privacy, watching his back every
second of every day. I imagined it probably felt like

background image

“I’ve got a new razor somewhere if you want to

“The hair, too,” he said, running a hand over

“Going for the mountain man look?” I asked. “I

Draco laughed. “Give me that,” he ordered,

“Curt will be back soon with clothes,” I replied.

“Yeah, he pointed it out on the way in last

I opened my mouth to ask him about not

wanting to see Curt’s place, but shut it again
without saying anything. That was between the two
of them—they could figure it out without me

“Hey, Charlie,” Draco said, leaning out of the

bathroom as I walked away. “I’m gonna lock this.
Tell Curt to leave the clothes outside the door,

“No problem,” I said, my stomach twisting in

something that felt a little like sympathy and a little

He’d spent the last four years showering in a

group, having zero privacy, watching his back every
second of every day. I imagined it probably felt like

a sweet luxury to be able to shower in privacy
behind a locked door.

Deliberately thinking of something else, the

only way I’d been able to get through Draco’s
imprisonment without losing my goddamn mind, I
sat down at my desk and pulled out the little
makeup mirror I kept for the days when Kara and I
had to get ready at the same time. It wasn’t ideal
for doing my hair, but I’d make it work.

I was pretty much done with my hair and

makeup by the time Curt came back.

“You didn’t lock the door behind me,” he

accused, stomping down the hallway.

“I figured you did when you left,” I argued,

rolling my eyes. “You have a key. Use it.”

“Draco showering?” he asked.
I cocked my head, listening. “Sounds like he’s

done. He said to leave the clothes outside the

Curtis raised one eyebrow. “Got it.” He turned

and took a couple steps to the bathroom door.
“Brought you clothes, bro,” he called through the
door. “Brought you some deodorant, too.”

“Don’t use it,” I yelled. “He’s got a fungus in

his pits!”

“I don’t have a fuckin’ fungus,” Curtis shot

back. “The fuck is wrong with you?”

“He’s just embarrassed,” I shouted so Draco

could hear me. “It’s nasty! Oozing!”

background image

a sweet luxury to be able to shower in privacy

Deliberately thinking of something else, the

only way I’d been able to get through Draco’s
imprisonment without losing my goddamn mind, I
sat down at my desk and pulled out the little
makeup mirror I kept for the days when Kara and I
had to get ready at the same time. It wasn’t ideal

I was pretty much done with my hair and

“You didn’t lock the door behind me,” he

“I figured you did when you left,” I argued,

I cocked my head, listening. “Sounds like he’s

done. He said to leave the clothes outside the

Curtis raised one eyebrow. “Got it.” He turned

and took a couple steps to the bathroom door.
“Brought you clothes, bro,” he called through the

“Don’t use it,” I yelled. “He’s got a fungus in

“I don’t have a fuckin’ fungus,” Curtis shot

“He’s just embarrassed,” I shouted so Draco

“There’s something seriously wrong with you,”

Curtis replied, staring at me in horror. “I don’t have
a fuckin’ fungus. Where the hell do you even come
up with this shit?”

“Sorry,” I yelled. “My bad. It’s on his balls, not

his armpits. The deodorant is probably safe!”

The bathroom door opened less than a foot.
“Bad deal, man,” Draco said, reaching for the

stack of clothes in Curtis’ arms. “You should
probably get that checked out.”

“I don’t have fungus on my balls, either,” Curtis

said stubbornly as the door closed in his face.
“You’re both assholes.”

“First step in solving a problem is admitting you

have one,” I told him, shaking my head sadly. I
screamed as he took a single menacing step toward

“I’ll be out wiping my fungus balls all over your

couch,” he said, flipping me off.

“You touch my couch with your nasty parts and

I’ll cut them off,” I yelled as he strode away.

Fifteen minutes later, I was in the backseat of

Curtis’ car Roxanne as we headed toward the
clubhouse. It was surreal. I’d been riding shotgun
for so long while Draco was gone. Grinning, I got
comfortable and stared at the back of his dark
head, enjoying the moment.

“Stop starin’ at me, freak,” Draco said,


background image

“There’s something seriously wrong with you,”

Curtis replied, staring at me in horror. “I don’t have
a fuckin’ fungus. Where the hell do you even come

, not

“Bad deal, man,” Draco said, reaching for the

stack of clothes in Curtis’ arms. “You should

“I don’t have fungus on my balls, either,” Curtis

said stubbornly as the door closed in his face.

“First step in solving a problem is admitting you

have one,” I told him, shaking my head sadly. I
screamed as he took a single menacing step toward

“I’ll be out wiping my fungus balls all over your

“You touch my couch with your nasty parts and

Fifteen minutes later, I was in the backseat of

Curtis’ car Roxanne as we headed toward the
clubhouse. It was surreal. I’d been riding shotgun
for so long while Draco was gone. Grinning, I got
comfortable and stared at the back of his dark

“Stop starin’ at me, freak,” Draco said,

“I’m not staring.”
“I can’ feel your eyes on the back of my head,”

he said, not even bothering to turn and verify it.

“I’m just happy,” I replied. “The old crew,

riding in Roxanne, headed to the club.”

“Missin’ a couple,” Curtis said, meeting my

eyes in the rearview mirror.

“Give it ten minutes and we won’t be.” If I

knew Reb, she was already at the club waiting for
us. Kara—well, she’d be there eventually.
Christmas Eve at the clubhouse wasn’t something
she could bail on.

“Can’t get over that cut,” Draco said,

backhanding Curtis on his chest, the sound of skin
hitting leather loud in the car.

“Give it a minute,” Curtis said, glancing at his

brother. “You’ll be wearin’ one, too.”

“That’s always been the plan, huh?” Draco


“Always been?” Curtis asked suspiciously.

“Still the plan, yeah?”

“’Course,” Draco said, looking straight ahead.
Curtis looked at Draco and my stomach twisted

with uncertainty. I’d heard the weirdness in Draco’s
tone, too, but I was really hoping Curtis wasn’t
going to try and get into it with him. We were
headed to the club to see a huge group of people
that D hadn’t seen in a long ass time—years, in

background image

“I can’ feel your eyes on the back of my head,”

“I’m just happy,” I replied. “The old crew,

“Missin’ a couple,” Curtis said, meeting my

“Give it ten minutes and we won’t be.” If I

knew Reb, she was already at the club waiting for
us. Kara—well, she’d be there eventually.
Christmas Eve at the clubhouse wasn’t something

“Can’t get over that cut,” Draco said,

backhanding Curtis on his chest, the sound of skin

“Give it a minute,” Curtis said, glancing at his

“That’s always been the plan, huh?” Draco

“Always been?” Curtis asked suspiciously.

Curtis looked at Draco and my stomach twisted

with uncertainty. I’d heard the weirdness in Draco’s
tone, too, but I was really hoping Curtis wasn’t
going to try and get into it with him. We were
headed to the club to see a huge group of people
that D hadn’t seen in a long ass time—years, in

some cases—he didn’t need to be more stressed out
than he already was.

I breathed a sigh of relief as Curtis let it go.
“Let me in,” Curtis ordered as we pulled up to

the gates. “I’ve got a VIP.”

“Jesus,” Draco complained as the prospects

opened the gate for us.

“Just be glad they didn’t stop us to check the

trunk,” I said, reaching up to pat Draco’s shoulder.
He jerked in surprise, but we both ignored it. I
faltered. “Uh, yeah, they’ve done that plenty of

“Swear they do it just to fuck with me when

I’m not on my bike,” Curtis grumbled as we made
our way up the driveway.

“Well, thank you for taking one for the team,” I

said. “I’m not sure how the three of us would’ve fit
on your bike.”

“I’m not ridin’ on the back of anyone’s bike,”

Draco said.

“She’s not ridin’ on the back of mine, either,”

Curtis said, scoffing.

“Ew,” I replied, flicking the back of his head.

“Like I’d ride with your dumbass anyway.”

Draco’s body was thrumming with tension by

the time Curtis parked the car. While me and Curt
climbed out of the driver’s side, he stayed in his
seat, staring out the front windshield.

background image

some cases—he didn’t need to be more stressed out

“Let me in,” Curtis ordered as we pulled up to

“Jesus,” Draco complained as the prospects

“Just be glad they didn’t stop us to check the

trunk,” I said, reaching up to pat Draco’s shoulder.
He jerked in surprise, but we both ignored it. I
faltered. “Uh, yeah, they’ve done that plenty of

“Swear they do it just to fuck with me when

I’m not on my bike,” Curtis grumbled as we made

“Well, thank you for taking one for the team,” I

said. “I’m not sure how the three of us would’ve fit

“I’m not ridin’ on the back of anyone’s bike,”

“She’s not ridin’ on the back of mine, either,”

“Ew,” I replied, flicking the back of his head.

Draco’s body was thrumming with tension by

the time Curtis parked the car. While me and Curt
climbed out of the driver’s side, he stayed in his

Curtis made a helpless gesture and widened his

eyes at me a little. Yeah, I wasn’t sure what to do,
either. So, I just did what I’d always done—plowed
straight ahead.

I rounded the hood and threw open Draco’s


“Let’s go,” I announced. “Your adoring crowd


“Just enjoying the silence for a second,” he

replied with a smile as he got out of the car.

The forecourt was so crowded with bikes and

cars that we had to weave our way around to get to
the front door. The outside of the door was
decorated with a single strand of twinkle lights and
a fake pine garland, and I stopped for a second to
appreciate it.

“Come on, I’m freezin’ my balls off,” Curtis

said, giving me a little shove.

“Fine.” I opened the door and a wave of sound

hit us instantly.

Music, voices, laughter, screaming kids, and the

sound of shuffling feet rushed over me. I smiled.

“Showtime,” I said to the boys before raising

my voice over the crowd. “We’re here,” I yelled

“Thanks for that,” Draco said dryly as the

crowd moved almost as one, turning toward us.

Rebel reached him first, smiling so wide that it

was impossible not to smile with her. As Draco

background image

Curtis made a helpless gesture and widened his

eyes at me a little. Yeah, I wasn’t sure what to do,
either. So, I just did what I’d always done—plowed

I rounded the hood and threw open Draco’s

“Let’s go,” I announced. “Your adoring crowd

“Just enjoying the silence for a second,” he

The forecourt was so crowded with bikes and

cars that we had to weave our way around to get to
the front door. The outside of the door was
decorated with a single strand of twinkle lights and
a fake pine garland, and I stopped for a second to

“Come on, I’m freezin’ my balls off,” Curtis

“Fine.” I opened the door and a wave of sound

Music, voices, laughter, screaming kids, and the

“Showtime,” I said to the boys before raising

my voice over the crowd. “We’re here,” I yelled

“Thanks for that,” Draco said dryly as the

Rebel reached him first, smiling so wide that it

was impossible not to smile with her. As Draco

wrapped her in a hug, I sniffled and widened my
eyes, refusing to cry. Turning away, I moved toward
the bar, keeping an eye out for Kara. It was past
time for her to face the damn music.

background image

wrapped her in a hug, I sniffled and widened my
eyes, refusing to cry. Turning away, I moved toward
the bar, keeping an eye out for Kara. It was past
time for her to face the damn music.

background image

Chapter 10







can’t go home again hadn’t

been born into a family of multigenerational
members of the Aces and Eights Motorcycle Club.

When I strode inside the clubhouse for the first

time in four years, it took me a minute to get my
bearings. It wasn’t because everything was
different than I remembered it—actually, just the
opposite. It was like stepping into a time warp
where nothing ever changed. Small things were
different, some of the tables were new and the bar
stools had been replaced, but for the most part,
everything was familiar—including the faces that
turned to greet me.

I met Grease’s eyes from down the bar and

greeted his nod with my own then watched as his
eyes crinkled at the corners just before a tornado
hit me in the midsection, knocking me back a step.

“I missed you,” Rebel said, leaning back to grin

at me.

background image

can’t go home again hadn’t

been born into a family of multigenerational

When I strode inside the clubhouse for the first

time in four years, it took me a minute to get my
bearings. It wasn’t because everything was
different than I remembered it—actually, just the
opposite. It was like stepping into a time warp
where nothing ever changed. Small things were
different, some of the tables were new and the bar
stools had been replaced, but for the most part,
everything was familiar—including the faces that

I met Grease’s eyes from down the bar and

greeted his nod with my own then watched as his
eyes crinkled at the corners just before a tornado

“I missed you,” Rebel said, leaning back to grin

“Same,” I said, squeezing her tight. “You get


“No,” she replied, scoffing. “I’m still five feet

two inches exactly.”

“Exactly?” I teased. “Are you sure? I think you

might be off at least half an inch.”

“I’m not,” she replied seriously. “I was just

measured last week and I didn’t wear shoes. Maybe
it’s my shoes?”

“You’re probably right,” I said, my throat tight.

“Still gorgeous as ever.”

“I’m wearing mascara,” she replied happily,

batting her eyelashes at me.

“Pfft,” I said, leaning down a little. “You don’t

need it.”

Reb’s smile, the joy or the relief or the

welcome, something about it, made my chest
tighten and for a moment, I felt myself getting
choked up.

“Okay, honey,” Molly said, reaching out to rub

Reb’s back. “Give everyone else a chance to say

“Fine,” Rebel replied, taking a step back.
“Hey,” I complained, winking at Reb. “Don’t I

get a say in this?”

“I’ll find you in a little bit,” she replied, still

smiling. “I have to help with the presents.”

“It’s good to see you, Draco,” Molly said, the

sincerity in her voice making it wobble a little. “I’m

background image

“Same,” I said, squeezing her tight. “You get

“No,” she replied, scoffing. “I’m still five feet

“Exactly?” I teased. “Are you sure? I think you

“I’m not,” she replied seriously. “I was just

measured last week and I didn’t wear shoes. Maybe

“You’re probably right,” I said, my throat tight.

“I’m wearing mascara,” she replied happily,

“Pfft,” I said, leaning down a little. “You don’t

Reb’s smile, the joy or the relief or the

welcome, something about it, made my chest
tighten and for a moment, I felt myself getting

“Okay, honey,” Molly said, reaching out to rub

Reb’s back. “Give everyone else a chance to say

“Hey,” I complained, winking at Reb. “Don’t I

“I’ll find you in a little bit,” she replied, still

“It’s good to see you, Draco,” Molly said, the

sincerity in her voice making it wobble a little. “I’m

glad you’re home.”

“Thanks,” I replied. As they moved away, I

walked further into the room. There were a lot of
people waiting to see me, but I knew who I had to
find first. Smiling and nodding at the back claps and
words of welcome, I moved toward the couches on
the far edge of the room. There, like a king and
queen on their thrones, sat my great gramps and
nan, waiting impatiently.

“Don’t get up,” I said as Gramps struggled to

his feet.

“The day I greet my great grandson on my ass

is the day they’ll put me in the ground,” he huffed,
reaching out to grab both my hands. His eyes
seemed cloudier than the last time I’d seen him, but
his gaze was still sharp and his hands just as strong
as they’d ever been. “Damn good to see ya, boyo.”

“Damn good to see you, too,” I replied, letting

him pull me into a backslapping hug. I ignored how
small he felt and focused on the familiar smell of
him instead. “You’re so white you look like Santa.”

“Father Christmas, eh?” he said, letting me go

with a grin. “I’ll take it.”

“Nan,” I said, turning to my face my great

grandmother. “How you doin’, sweetheart?”

“Better now that my boy’s home,” she said,

sniffling a little. She reached for my hand and I
helped her to her feet. As she raised both hands to

background image

“Thanks,” I replied. As they moved away, I

walked further into the room. There were a lot of
people waiting to see me, but I knew who I had to
find first. Smiling and nodding at the back claps and
words of welcome, I moved toward the couches on
the far edge of the room. There, like a king and
queen on their thrones, sat my great gramps and

“Don’t get up,” I said as Gramps struggled to

“The day I greet my great grandson on my ass

is the day they’ll put me in the ground,” he huffed,
reaching out to grab both my hands. His eyes
seemed cloudier than the last time I’d seen him, but
his gaze was still sharp and his hands just as strong

“Damn good to see you, too,” I replied, letting

him pull me into a backslapping hug. I ignored how
small he felt and focused on the familiar smell of

“Father Christmas, eh?” he said, letting me go

“Nan,” I said, turning to my face my great

“Better now that my boy’s home,” she said,

sniffling a little. She reached for my hand and I
helped her to her feet. As she raised both hands to

my face, I froze. “You’re still my boy?” she

“Always,” I whispered back.
“That’s what I thought,” she said, her eyes

twinkling. “And still handsome as the devil.”

“You’re biased,” I said with a laugh.
“Biased, maybe,” she said, wrinkling her nose.

“But I’m not blind yet.”

“How’re your eyes doing?” I asked, looking her


She waved me off. “Good as new,” she said.

“Doctors can do cataract surgery in their sleep
these days.”

“Shoulda heard her complainin’,” my gramps

scoffed teasingly. “Patrick, I need more tea.
Patrick, it’s too warm in here, did you turn the
furnace up again? Patrick, it’s too cold in here, did
you turn the furnace off?”

“He’s full of shit,” Nan said with a scoff as I

helped her sit back down. “Your mother came over
and helped. Patrick sat on his ass the whole time.”

“Woman, that’s an outright lie,” Gramps


“And when your mother wasn’t there, Nix

was,” she continued, ignoring him.

“How is Uncle Nix?” I asked, crouching down

to eye level.

“He’s doin’ well. I’m sure he’ll be comin’ down

to check on ya soon. He couldn’t get away for

background image

my face, I froze. “You’re still my boy?” she

“That’s what I thought,” she said, her eyes

“Biased, maybe,” she said, wrinkling her nose.

“How’re your eyes doing?” I asked, looking her

She waved me off. “Good as new,” she said.

“Doctors can do cataract surgery in their sleep

“Shoulda heard her complainin’,” my gramps

scoffed teasingly. “Patrick, I need more tea.
Patrick, it’s too warm in here, did you turn the
furnace up again? Patrick, it’s too cold in here, did

“He’s full of shit,” Nan said with a scoff as I

helped her sit back down. “Your mother came over

“Woman, that’s an outright lie,” Gramps

“And when your mother wasn’t there, Nix

“How is Uncle Nix?” I asked, crouching down

“He’s doin’ well. I’m sure he’ll be comin’ down

to check on ya soon. He couldn’t get away for


“Work?” I asked. My uncle was affectionately

known as a workaholic, but that was the polite way
of saying it.

“He’s workin’ a suicide hotline,” Gramps said,

reaching over to hold Nan’s hand. “Holidays can be
hard for some.”

“Then I won’t give him shit for not being here

to greet me,” I joked, even though we all knew that
was the last thing I’d ever do. Honestly, I would’ve
been a lot more comfortable greeting almost
everyone by phone and forgoing the whole
welcome home party. It was just my luck that I’d
gotten out right before the annual Christmas Eve

“You guys need anything to drink?” I asked,


“Oh, we’re fine,” Nan replied. “Go say hello.”
“Do I have to?” I asked.
Nan just raised her eyebrows and made a

shooing motion with her hand. “Come over for
dinner this week, sweetheart.”

“Will do,” I agreed.
I moved back through the room, saying hello to

the adults and stepping around the kids that were
running wild, but part of me was poised, looking for
the one person I’d missed more than all the others.
The only adult I knew that hadn’t visited me in
more than three years.

background image

“Work?” I asked. My uncle was affectionately

known as a workaholic, but that was the polite way

“He’s workin’ a suicide hotline,” Gramps said,

reaching over to hold Nan’s hand. “Holidays can be

“Then I won’t give him shit for not being here

to greet me,” I joked, even though we all knew that
was the last thing I’d ever do. Honestly, I would’ve
been a lot more comfortable greeting almost
everyone by phone and forgoing the whole
welcome home party. It was just my luck that I’d
gotten out right before the annual Christmas Eve

“You guys need anything to drink?” I asked,

Nan just raised her eyebrows and made a

shooing motion with her hand. “Come over for

I moved back through the room, saying hello to

the adults and stepping around the kids that were
running wild, but part of me was poised, looking for
the one person I’d missed more than all the others.
The only adult I knew that hadn’t visited me in

“You clearly had time to work out,” Tommy

said with a huff as he stepped in front of me.
“Jesus. You’re built like a house.”

“Good to see you, too,” I replied, laughing.
“See, this is just bullshit.” he joked. “You’ve

seen my pop. You’ve seen my brother. I should be
built like a house, too.”

“Poor thing,” I joked back. “I’m sure you make

up for it with attitude.”

Tommy burst out laughing. “Come here,

fucker.” He slapped the side of my head then pulled
me in for a hug. “Good as fuck to see you on this
side, brother.”

“Good to be on this side,” I replied. “Where’s

your better half?”

“Probably pukin’,” he said with a shrug.
“Shit, Tommy,” I said, shaking my head.


“What can I say?” he said with a shrug. “No,

seriously. I’ve got nothin’.”

“I’m buyin’ you condoms for Christmas,” I


“Cool. The kids can use them as water


“Jesus, Hawk must be fuckin’ exhausted.”
“We’re both exhausted,” he said seriously. “But

it’s a hell of a ride.”

“Better you than me,” I replied.
“Give it a year or two,” he said knowingly.

background image

“You clearly had time to work out,” Tommy

said with a huff as he stepped in front of me.

“See, this is just bullshit.” he joked. “You’ve

seen my pop. You’ve seen my brother. I should be

“Poor thing,” I joked back. “I’m sure you make

Tommy burst out laughing. “Come here,

fucker.” He slapped the side of my head then pulled
me in for a hug. “Good as fuck to see you on this

“Good to be on this side,” I replied. “Where’s

“Shit, Tommy,” I said, shaking my head.

“What can I say?” he said with a shrug. “No,

“I’m buyin’ you condoms for Christmas,” I

“Cool. The kids can use them as water

“We’re both exhausted,” he said seriously. “But

“Fuck that.”
“You seen her yet?”
“You lookin’ for her?”
“I’ll see her eventually.”
Tommy grinned. “It’s gonna be fun watching

the new generation act like fuckin’ morons. I’m
gonna start takin’ bets.”

He moved around me and I took a deep breath

before scanning the area again. Either Kara had
changed her appearance so much that I didn’t
recognize her or she wasn’t there. I was betting on
the latter. I’d had a sixth sense when it came to her
since I was a kid—if she was around, I knew it

“Come get a beer,” Curtis said, throwing his

arm over my shoulder.

I flinched, but neither of us mentioned it.
“There’s more kids,” I said as I almost tripped

over a little boy with a Mohawk. That one was
definitely one of Tommy’s.

“A few, yeah,” Curtis said with a laugh. “You

can mostly thank Tommy for that.”

“Yeah, he said Heather’s pregnant again.”
“’Course she is,” Curtis replied. “Like

clockwork. Let’s see,” he said, pausing to signal for
two beers at the prospect behind the bar. “Tommy’s
got little Mick, Rumi, Otto and Titus. Kara’s little
brothers, Brody and Jamison. Gray’s not really a

background image

Tommy grinned. “It’s gonna be fun watching

the new generation act like fuckin’ morons. I’m

He moved around me and I took a deep breath

before scanning the area again. Either Kara had
changed her appearance so much that I didn’t
recognize her or she wasn’t there. I was betting on
the latter. I’d had a sixth sense when it came to her
since I was a kid—if she was around, I knew it

“Come get a beer,” Curtis said, throwing his

“There’s more kids,” I said as I almost tripped

over a little boy with a Mohawk. That one was

“A few, yeah,” Curtis said with a laugh. “You

“’Course she is,” Curtis replied. “Like

clockwork. Let’s see,” he said, pausing to signal for
two beers at the prospect behind the bar. “Tommy’s
got little Mick, Rumi, Otto and Titus. Kara’s little
brothers, Brody and Jamison. Gray’s not really a

kid anymore, but Harper’s still pretty small. Who
am I missing?”

“Cecilia’s,” I said, nodding my thanks to the

prospect as he handed me a beer.

“Right,” Curtis said. “Olive, Meg and Forrest.

You met most of ’em before you went in.”

“Yeah,” I said with a sigh, turning to lean my

back against the bar. “None of ’em look the same
now, though.”

“You can always tell which ones are Tommy’s


“The Mohawks?”
“That and the fact that they’re complete

hellions that look exactly like their father,” Curtis
said dryly.

“Hey,” Heather said, coming toward us. “I take

exception to that. A couple of ’em look like me.”
She didn’t stop until she was in my space, wrapping
her arms around me in a tight hug. “Happy as hell
to see you, kid.”

“Hey, Hawk,” I said, squeezing her back. “How

you doin’?”

“Great,” she replied, her lips twitching as she

pulled away. She looked at me and then Curtis.
“Does everyone know?”

“We know the signs by now,” Curtis said with a


“Just once, I’d like to announce it,” she replied,

rolling her eyes.

background image

kid anymore, but Harper’s still pretty small. Who

“Cecilia’s,” I said, nodding my thanks to the

“Right,” Curtis said. “Olive, Meg and Forrest.

“Yeah,” I said with a sigh, turning to lean my

back against the bar. “None of ’em look the same

“You can always tell which ones are Tommy’s

“That and the fact that they’re complete

hellions that look exactly like their father,” Curtis

“Hey,” Heather said, coming toward us. “I take

exception to that. A couple of ’em look like me.”
She didn’t stop until she was in my space, wrapping
her arms around me in a tight hug. “Happy as hell

“Hey, Hawk,” I said, squeezing her back. “How

“Great,” she replied, her lips twitching as she

pulled away. She looked at me and then Curtis.

“We know the signs by now,” Curtis said with a

“Just once, I’d like to announce it,” she replied,

“Congratulations,” I said, smiling.
“Now see,” she said, raising her voice, “that’s

what you say to an expectant mother.” She pointed
at me. “You’re clearly the superior twin.”

I choked on the beer in my mouth as Curtis


“A congratulations would be nice,” she said,

raising her hands in the air as she spun in a circle.
“It’s joyous motherfucking news.”

“Congratulations!” a few people throughout the

room called.

“Too late,” she called back. She turned back

toward me. “I missed you,” she said, smiling as she
pinched my chin. “Glad to have you home.”

“I’m the superior twin,” I said to Curt as she

walked away.

“I made one comment about her having a

litter,” he muttered.

“And you’re still standing?” I asked in surprise.
“Tommy caught her before she could do any

damage,” he replied with a chuckle.

“How ya doin’, son?” my grandpa Casper asked

as he joined us at the bar. “Havin’ fun yet?”

“Can hardly contain myself,” I replied. He

huffed out a laugh.

“Give it some time. You’ll settle in and the

women will stop huggin’ ya.”

“It’s all good. I’m happy to see ’em.”

background image

“Now see,” she said, raising her voice, “that’s

what you say to an expectant mother.” She pointed

I choked on the beer in my mouth as Curtis

“A congratulations would be nice,” she said,

raising her hands in the air as she spun in a circle.

“Congratulations!” a few people throughout the

“Too late,” she called back. She turned back

toward me. “I missed you,” she said, smiling as she

“I’m the superior twin,” I said to Curt as she

“I made one comment about her having a

“Tommy caught her before she could do any

“How ya doin’, son?” my grandpa Casper asked

“Can hardly contain myself,” I replied. He

“Give it some time. You’ll settle in and the

“Just probably not all at once,” Grandpa said

dryly, glancing at me.

“It’s a lot.”
He nodded. “Well, day after Christmas, you

come see me, yeah? I got a bay in the garage with
your name on it.”

“He gets his name on a bay?” Curtis said in

mock jealousy. “What the fuck?”

“As long as it’s nowhere near his,” I said

jokingly, jerking my head toward Curt.

“Okay, everyone,” my Gran Brenna called out,

standing on a chair. “Time to do presents for the
kids! So get your drinks and settle in!”

The sound of children squealing with

excitement filled the room.

“Brody and Jamison aren’t here yet,” one of

the little boys yelled.

“I get their presents!” another one said


“No one’s getting Brody and Jay’s presents,”

my Gramps said. “Ya little shits.”

“I’m gonna hit the head,” I told Curtis.
“After the kids do their thing, the adults do a

white elephant,” Curtis replied. “You’ll wanna be
here for that.”

“I didn’t bring anything.”
“I’m sure Mom did,” Curt replied, waving me

off. “Seriously, if nothin’ else, you wanna watch. A
couple years ago, someone brought a cup and

background image

“Just probably not all at once,” Grandpa said

He nodded. “Well, day after Christmas, you

come see me, yeah? I got a bay in the garage with

“He gets his name on a bay?” Curtis said in

“As long as it’s nowhere near his,” I said

“Okay, everyone,” my Gran Brenna called out,

standing on a chair. “Time to do presents for the

The sound of children squealing with

“Brody and Jamison aren’t here yet,” one of

“I get their presents!” another one said

“No one’s getting Brody and Jay’s presents,”

“After the kids do their thing, the adults do a

white elephant,” Curtis replied. “You’ll wanna be

“I’m sure Mom did,” Curt replied, waving me

off. “Seriously, if nothin’ else, you wanna watch. A
couple years ago, someone brought a cup and

jockstrap. Used.” Curt laughed. “Tommy opened it
and he complained the entire damn night until he
got drunk enough to put it on.”

“Lookin’ forward to it,” I said, shaking my


As I headed to the bathroom I let out a long

breath. The day was going good. Everything was
simpler than I’d thought it would be. I should’ve
known that even though people here missed me,
they’d give me a bit of space. I was happy to be at
the club and glad to see the people I’d missed over
the years. All the kids were growing up and the
adults all had a few more wrinkles, but everyone
was familiar. Comfortable.

“Hey, handsome,” Callie said as I met her

outside the bathroom. “It’s nice to see your pretty

“That’s my line,” I replied, leaning down to

give her a hug. “How you been?”

“No complaints,” she said, rubbing my arm.

“Glad you’re finally home.”

“Yeah, me, too,” I said, nodding.
“I’m sure you’ve heard that a thousand times

today, huh?” she asked jokingly.

“Closer to a hundred,” I replied.
“Well, that’s just because it’s true. We’ve

missed you around here.”

“I’ve missed everyone, too.”

background image

jockstrap. Used.” Curt laughed. “Tommy opened it
and he complained the entire damn night until he

“Lookin’ forward to it,” I said, shaking my

As I headed to the bathroom I let out a long

breath. The day was going good. Everything was
simpler than I’d thought it would be. I should’ve
known that even though people here missed me,
they’d give me a bit of space. I was happy to be at
the club and glad to see the people I’d missed over
the years. All the kids were growing up and the
adults all had a few more wrinkles, but everyone

“Hey, handsome,” Callie said as I met her

outside the bathroom. “It’s nice to see your pretty

“That’s my line,” I replied, leaning down to

“No complaints,” she said, rubbing my arm.

“I’m sure you’ve heard that a thousand times

“Well, that’s just because it’s true. We’ve

“I bet,” she said, her smile fading a bit. “Listen


I braced for whatever she was about to say.

With Kara being her granddaughter, I was a little
nervous that I was going to have to ignore whatever
it was.

“Asa did time,” Callie said, taking the

conversation in an entirely different direction. “I
know most of the boys have,” she said, gesturing
toward the main room. “But Asa did real time. Like

“Yeah, I know,” I replied softly.
“Well, I just wanted to remind you,” she said

kindly. “Just in case—you know—you wanted to
talk to someone that gets it.” She shook her head
from side to side. “I know, I know, you’re men and
you don’t talk about things. But still. I know it’s an
adjustment and he’s there, we both are, even if you
just want to come bullshit and have a beer.”

“I appreciate it,” I said softly.
“I know we don’t talk about it,” she said just as

softly, tilting her head to the side. “Like it’s some
sort of taboo bullshit—but I remember why you
went in. And no matter if it was smart or dumb,
right or wrong, I know why you did it. That’s not
something our family will ever forget.”

I nodded, unsure what to say.
“Someone sticks up for one of my girls like

that, they’ve got my loyalty,” she said, patting my

background image

“I bet,” she said, her smile fading a bit. “Listen

I braced for whatever she was about to say.

With Kara being her granddaughter, I was a little
nervous that I was going to have to ignore whatever

“Asa did time,” Callie said, taking the

conversation in an entirely different direction. “I
know most of the boys have,” she said, gesturing
toward the main room. “But Asa did real time. Like

“Well, I just wanted to remind you,” she said

kindly. “Just in case—you know—you wanted to
talk to someone that gets it.” She shook her head
from side to side. “I know, I know, you’re men and

about things. But still. I know it’s an

adjustment and he’s there, we both are, even if you

“I know we don’t talk about it,” she said just as

softly, tilting her head to the side. “Like it’s some
sort of taboo bullshit—but I remember why you
went in. And no matter if it was smart or dumb,

you did it. That’s not

“Someone sticks up for one of my girls like

that, they’ve got my loyalty,” she said, patting my

arm. “I’ll let you pee.”

“Thanks,” I said as she moved away.
I went into the bathroom and locked the door

behind me, taking a moment to just breathe. I was
used to being around people. Hell, I’d been
surrounded by men every minute of my life since I
was just a kid—but that was so different it couldn’t
even be considered in the same category. I didn’t
have to watch my back in the clubhouse. I didn’t
have to have eyes in the back of my head or
continuously scan the room to be sure nothing was
about to go down. I could relax now that I was
home—though my body had other ideas. I was so
fucking tense my shoulders were practically
touching my ears. Tension was beginning to give me
a headache at the base of my skull.

“Give it a minute,” I mumbled to myself in the

mirror, repeating the words Grease had said to me
outside the prison when the boys had come to pick
me up. Callie was sweet as hell to let me know that
I could come to her or her man if I needed someone
to talk to, but Grease had already let me know that
far less eloquently.

After peeing and washing my hands, I splashed

some water on my face and took a deep breath. I
needed to get back out there before Curtis or
worse, Charlie, came looking for me.

As I stepped out of the bathroom, a familiar

voice was yelling over the noise.

background image

I went into the bathroom and locked the door

behind me, taking a moment to just breathe. I was
used to being around people. Hell, I’d been
surrounded by men every minute of my life since I
was just a kid—but that was so different it couldn’t
even be considered in the same category. I didn’t
have to watch my back in the clubhouse. I didn’t
have to have eyes in the back of my head or
continuously scan the room to be sure nothing was
about to go down. I could relax now that I was
home—though my body had other ideas. I was so
fucking tense my shoulders were practically
touching my ears. Tension was beginning to give me

“Give it a minute,” I mumbled to myself in the

mirror, repeating the words Grease had said to me
outside the prison when the boys had come to pick
me up. Callie was sweet as hell to let me know that
I could come to her or her man if I needed someone
to talk to, but Grease had already let me know that

After peeing and washing my hands, I splashed

some water on my face and took a deep breath. I
needed to get back out there before Curtis or

As I stepped out of the bathroom, a familiar

“I’m sorry! Jay stuffed a piece of candy cane

up his nose this morning and we had to detour on
our way here to get it out,” Rose called out. “All is
well and he now smells deliciously of peppermint.”

“It buwned,” a little voice called out in excited


Taking two steps toward the archway that led to

the main room, I straightened my shoulders and
lifted my chin. Damned if I’d slink back into the
room with everyone watching to see how my
reunion with Kara went. Not for the first time since
I’d fallen asleep the night before, I cursed the fact
that she’d forced us to do this with an audience.

All of it was for nothing, though, because

before I could turn from the hallway into the main
room, a slender form hurried around the corner and
plowed right into me.

“Shit,” she said, taking a step back as she tilted

her head back. “Shit,” she whispered again, her
eyes widening.

I had a feeling my eyes had widened, too. I

could barely believe what I was seeing. Kara, the
curvy, bouncy, gorgeous, animated girl I’d left
behind was standing right in front of me, but none
of those things—except maybe gorgeous—could
describe her any longer.

She was thin, real thin, and not in a way that

was natural to her body. She’d had some baby fat
when we were teenagers, but her curves had held

background image

“I’m sorry! Jay stuffed a piece of candy cane

up his nose this morning and we had to detour on
our way here to get it out,” Rose called out. “All is

“It buwned,” a little voice called out in excited

Taking two steps toward the archway that led to

the main room, I straightened my shoulders and
lifted my chin. Damned if I’d slink back into the
room with everyone watching to see how my
reunion with Kara went. Not for the first time since
I’d fallen asleep the night before, I cursed the fact

All of it was for nothing, though, because

before I could turn from the hallway into the main
room, a slender form hurried around the corner and

“Shit,” she said, taking a step back as she tilted

her head back. “Shit,” she whispered again, her

I had a feeling my eyes had widened, too. I

could barely believe what I was seeing. Kara, the
curvy, bouncy, gorgeous, animated girl I’d left
behind was standing right in front of me, but none
of those things—except maybe gorgeous—could

She was thin, real thin, and not in a way that

was natural to her body. She’d had some baby fat
when we were teenagers, but her curves had held

the promise of a fucking pin-up body. That wasn’t
what I was seeing. She looked dainty. Breakable.

The long hair she’d been so proud of and had

fiddled with and flipped over her shoulders like it
was her job was now short and pulled into a tight
ponytail at the base of her neck. She wore no
makeup. In fact, she hadn’t dressed up at all, even
though all of the other women had. She was
wearing a plain gray sweatshirt and a pair of jeans.

And more than anything else, it seemed like the

light inside her, the indefinable thing that had
drawn me to her since we were twelve years old—
had disappeared.

It took less than a second for me to notice all of

those things, but longer for my mind to catch up
with what I was seeing.

“What the fuck?” I breathed, unreasonably

angry at what I was seeing. “Kara?”

Without thinking, I reached out and yanked the

ponytail from her hair. The loose strands fell around
her face in small waves, and for a second it calmed
me. But it didn’t last.

“The hell happened to you?” I asked, staring at


“Hey, Draco,” she replied calmly, tilting her

chin up. The little gesture gave me a sliver of hope
that the girl I’d known wasn’t completely gone—
but that was dashed in an instant when she

background image

the promise of a fucking pin-up body. That wasn’t

The long hair she’d been so proud of and had

fiddled with and flipped over her shoulders like it
was her job was now short and pulled into a tight
ponytail at the base of her neck. She wore no
makeup. In fact, she hadn’t dressed up at all, even
though all of the other women had. She was

And more than anything else, it seemed like the

light inside her, the indefinable thing that had
drawn me to her since we were twelve years old—

It took less than a second for me to notice all of

those things, but longer for my mind to catch up

“What the fuck?” I breathed, unreasonably

Without thinking, I reached out and yanked the

ponytail from her hair. The loose strands fell around
her face in small waves, and for a second it calmed

“The hell happened to you?” I asked, staring at

“Hey, Draco,” she replied calmly, tilting her

chin up. The little gesture gave me a sliver of hope
that the girl I’d known wasn’t completely gone—
but that was dashed in an instant when she

continued. “It’s good to see you. I hope you’re

It was like a lit match in a pool of gasoline. I

couldn’t have stopped myself if I tried.

“You hope I’m well?” I asked, my voice rising

with every word. “Who the fuck are you?”

Kara stood her ground even though her eyes

darted to the side.

“Hey, now,” Charlie said, skidding to a stop as

she rounded the corner. “Gettin’ a little loud back

“You didn’t tell me,” I spat, looking from Kara

to Charlie and back again.

“This is something we should probably talk

about later,” Charlie said soothingly.

“She have a lobotomy?” I asked flatly, keeping

my eyes on Kara. Her nostrils flared.

“No,” she ground out. “I didn’t have a


“Then what the fuck is this?” I asked, tossing

the hair tie on the floor. “Why are you lookin’ at
me like you don’t know me?”

That was the part that hit the hardest. The

distance in her eyes. I knew three years before
when, without warning, she’d stopped coming to
see me that something was wrong. I’d asked
everyone how she was, if they’d talked to her, what
was going on—but no one had an answer for me.
I’d eventually come to my own conclusion that it

background image

continued. “It’s good to see you. I hope you’re

It was like a lit match in a pool of gasoline. I

“You hope I’m well?” I asked, my voice rising

Kara stood her ground even though her eyes

“Hey, now,” Charlie said, skidding to a stop as

she rounded the corner. “Gettin’ a little loud back

“You didn’t tell me,” I spat, looking from Kara

“This is something we should probably talk

“She have a lobotomy?” I asked flatly, keeping

“No,” she ground out. “I didn’t have a

“Then what the fuck is this?” I asked, tossing

the hair tie on the floor. “Why are you lookin’ at

That was the part that hit the hardest. The

distance in her eyes. I knew three years before
when, without warning, she’d stopped coming to
see me that something was wrong. I’d asked
everyone how she was, if they’d talked to her, what
was going on—but no one had an answer for me.
I’d eventually come to my own conclusion that it

was just too hard for her to deal with seeing me in
there. I fucking hated it, but I could understand it.
She was young. We were both young. It was a lot.

But this was something different. This wasn’t

someone who’d moved on. The person in front of
me had changed completely. She’d faded away.

“Of course I know you,” Kara said quietly,

reaching out to touch my arm. She dropped her
hand as soon as she made contact.

She looked up and met my eyes, and I held her

there, refusing to look away. I wanted to know
what the hell was going on. What had happened to
her to turn her into this shell. I wanted to see the
person I’d been missing for four goddamn years. If
I looked at her long enough, if I just waited, maybe
I’d catch a glimpse of the girl who’d wrapped
herself around me like a vine, refusing to let me
talk to the police.

The patience I’d learned after years of staring

at the same three cinderblock walls night after night
paid off.

“Draco,” she whispered, tears filling her eyes as

she tried to smile.

“Jesus Christ,” I said in relief, wrapping my

arms around her waist so fast that her forehead
knocked into my collarbone. I didn’t pause, pulling
her tight against me until her toes barely touched
the ground. “I missed you, baby,” I said against her
neck. “Fuck, I missed you.”

background image

was just too hard for her to deal with seeing me in
there. I fucking hated it, but I could understand it.

But this was something different. This wasn’t

someone who’d moved on. The person in front of

“Of course I know you,” Kara said quietly,

reaching out to touch my arm. She dropped her

She looked up and met my eyes, and I held her

there, refusing to look away. I wanted to know
what the hell was going on. What had happened to
her to turn her into this shell. I wanted to see the
person I’d been missing for four goddamn years. If
I looked at her long enough, if I just waited, maybe
I’d catch a glimpse of the girl who’d wrapped
herself around me like a vine, refusing to let me

The patience I’d learned after years of staring

at the same three cinderblock walls night after night

“Draco,” she whispered, tears filling her eyes as

“Jesus Christ,” I said in relief, wrapping my

arms around her waist so fast that her forehead
knocked into my collarbone. I didn’t pause, pulling
her tight against me until her toes barely touched
the ground. “I missed you, baby,” I said against her

Her hands moved slowly, but eventually, they

slid around my neck until she was holding me just
as tightly. She didn’t speak, but I could feel her
tears drop onto my ear and roll down my neck.

“Oh, thank God,” Charlie said. “Maybe you

can finally be the one that talks some sense into

I didn’t reply. I was too busy soaking up the feel

of Kara. My Kara. The girl that I’d never had the
chance to claim, but I’d never lost the spark for. I’d
craved her, the sight of her, the smell of her, the
sound of her voice and her laugh, the way she’d
complained, the way she’d gone full tilt when she
was into something, even the way she’d sat with
her nose in a book while the rest of us worked out
or played sports. Hell, when we were kids, she’d lit
me up.

She’d stopped coming to see me. She’d cut off

all communication. She’d gone on with her life like
I’d never been a part of it—and yeah, I was pissed
as hell about it—but we could figure all of that out
later. I had her there, in my arms, just like I’d been
planning on for years. Everything else could wait.

“Come on, you guys,” Curtis called peeking his

head around the corner. “Kids are done, it’s White
Elephant time!”

“Give them a minute,” Charlie said, still

watching us. “They’re having a moment.”

I met Curt’s eyes.

background image

Her hands moved slowly, but eventually, they

slid around my neck until she was holding me just
as tightly. She didn’t speak, but I could feel her

“Oh, thank God,” Charlie said. “Maybe you

can finally be the one that talks some sense into

I didn’t reply. I was too busy soaking up the feel

of Kara. My Kara. The girl that I’d never had the
chance to claim, but I’d never lost the spark for. I’d
craved her, the sight of her, the smell of her, the
sound of her voice and her laugh, the way she’d
complained, the way she’d gone full tilt when she
was into something, even the way she’d sat with
her nose in a book while the rest of us worked out
or played sports. Hell, when we were kids, she’d lit

She’d stopped coming to see me. She’d cut off

all communication. She’d gone on with her life like
I’d never been a part of it—and yeah, I was pissed
as hell about it—but we could figure all of that out
later. I had her there, in my arms, just like I’d been

“Come on, you guys,” Curtis called peeking his

head around the corner. “Kids are done, it’s White

“Give them a minute,” Charlie said, still

“Nope,” he said, sending me a half smile.

“They can canoodle later. They got all the time in
the world. White Elephant exchange waits for no

“How much have you had to drink?” Charlie

asked as she started shoving him away.

I held on to Kara for a few more moments

before finally letting her slide down my body. Curt
was right—we had time to figure things out without
an audience waiting for us on the other side of the

It wouldn’t be until much later that I’d

remember Charlie’s words and the relief in her
voice when she mentioned me talking sense into
our girl, but by then it would no longer serve as a
warning. By then, I’d already know the battle I was

I should’ve held her longer.

background image

“Nope,” he said, sending me a half smile.

“They can canoodle later. They got all the time in
the world. White Elephant exchange waits for no

“How much have you had to drink?” Charlie

asked as she started shoving him away.

I held on to Kara for a few more moments

before finally letting her slide down my body. Curt
was right—we had time to figure things out without
an audience waiting for us on the other side of the

It wouldn’t be until much later that I’d

remember Charlie’s words and the relief in her
voice when she mentioned me talking sense into
our girl, but by then it would no longer serve as a
warning. By then, I’d already know the battle I was

I should’ve held her longer.

background image


I’m going to make this short and sweet.

To my family, my friends, my team, and my


Thank you!

background image


I’m going to make this short and sweet.

To my family, my friends, my team, and my


Thank you!

Document Outline


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