Soda Bottle Combat Robot

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Soda Bottle Combat Robot

by Team_Panic

While eating some fast food I started absent mindedly
staring at the soft drink bottle I got with my meal. The
longer I stared at it, the more I realised that the shape
of the top and the colour would make awesome
looking body armour for a combat robot so I took it
home with me.

On my way home, I realised that this type of recycling
is what the maker community is all about, take
something ordinary and make it extraordinary so I
decided to film and record my process to hopefully

inspire others to give this a go

Even at a small scale combat robot building/fighting
can be dangerous, undertake at your own risk


Soda Bottle Combat Robot: Page 1

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Step 1: Tools and Materials


1x Soda/soft drink bottle
1x Arduino robot controller (from my last instructable:
2x Micro metal gear motors
2x wheels
1x 9g servo motor
1x 5v regulator board
1X lipo battery
1x weapon head (I used scalpel blades but a screw driver bit for a drill would work too)
small miscellaneous screws
tape and or velcro
(optional cutting board)


pen and paper
ruler or callipers
3d printer
side cutters
wire strippers
soldering iron

Soda Bottle Combat Robot: Page 2

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Step 2: Prep the Bottle

To get started, remove the label then wash and dry
the bottle.

I find it's best to wash the bottle in warm soapy water
then rinse 2-3 times before leaving it upside down in
a drying rack for a few hours


Next, decide which section of the bottle you want to
use in the robot and poke a hole a few cm back with a
knife. Push a pair of scissors into the new hole and
cut out your section.

It's best to cut the shape in a few passes, doing a
large rough cut first then going back in and cleaning

Picture of Prep the Bottle

Step 3: Digitise the Shape

Now you have a section of the bottle cut out its time
to work out how it will attach to the robot.

The bottle will be the outer armour for the robot, so
your section of the bottle will have an "inside" and an

With the "inside" facing down, trace any openings in
the bottle you want to cover with 3d printing onto a
piece of paper.

In my case, I traced holes in both the "Bottom" and

the "back" to give the shapes I need to make the
base and rear wall of my robot.

Scan the tracings into a computer and open them in a
graphics software such as Inkscape

Go over each of your tracings individually with a
digital pen, making the digital lines as close to the
scanned image as possible. Save each of the digital
tracings as an SVG so they can be imported to a
CAD software.


Soda Bottle Combat Robot: Page 3

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Step 4: 3d Design and Print

The process of scanning the bottle shape, re-tracing it
and importing it to your CAD software is likely to have
changed the scale of the lines. To fix this, simply
measure the original tracing and use the CAD tools to
rescale the imported lines.

Once the lines are the correct scale, extrude them 2-
3mm, this will produce the thickness of the base plate
and back wall. then simply join them together by
rotating the back wall up 90 degrees and aligning it
with the back of the base plate

With the basic shape laid out, its time to mount up the
motors. I have attached an stl of a rough servo motor
shape and an stl for the motor mounts I use. Import
both of these Stl's and lay them out on the basic
shape or design your own improved versions

The final step for the chassis design is to create a lip
for the bottle to rest on and a few mounting holes.
You can do this by simply copying your base pieces,
moving the copies in towards the middle of the bot by

1mm and shrinking the edges by 1mm, this will
produce a 1mm*1mm lip for the bottle to rest in.
Mounting holes are as simple as small cubes
(4mm*4mm*4mm) scattered around the edge of the
lip, with 1mm holes pointing away from the lip.

Design the arm for the weapon, by mocking up your
weapon head, this can be quite rough as long as bolt
holes, length and width are accurate. Place the mock
up in front of your chassis touching the floor, and fill
the gap between the servo output and the mock up
with a solid block. Cut the block down to a nice arm
either using drawings or other basic shapes

With the design finished its time to print! I recommend
at least 3 top/bottom layers and 3 walls.
If you don't have a printer at home check your local
library, makerspace or hackerspace. These types of
places can sometimes have public use 3d printers

Soda Bottle Combat Robot: Page 4

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View in 3D


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View in 3D


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View in 3D


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View in 3D

Soda Bottle Combat Robot: Page 5

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Step 5: Electronics

This step requires two other Instructables.

For the receiver in the robot, wire it up similar to the receiver in my last instructable:

But also wire in the servo and 5v regulator


Yellow/white wire -> Arduino pin 6
Red wire -> +ive output of the 5v regulator
Black/brown wire -> -ive output of the 5v regulator

5v regulator:

+ive intput -> Vin
-ive intput -> Gnd

For the controller:

Wire up an Arduino and an NRF module as in the above instructable.
Then wire in an wii nunchuck following this instructable:

Soda Bottle Combat Robot: Page 6

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Step 6: Code

Download the code attached and upload
"receiveServo" to the receiver and
"NunChuckTXWithMixNEW" to the controller.

To get these codes working you will need to make
sure, both are communicating on the same pipe. Find
the line shown in the image and make sure both
codes are using the same highlighted characters.

These two characters set the pipe in hexadecimal,
they can be anything you like from 00 to FF as long
as they are the same in both codes.

You may need to change some of the stick limits in
"NunChuckTXWithMixNEW" but the values set in the
attached code should work relatively well

Soda Bottle Combat Robot: Page 7

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Download (


Download (

Soda Bottle Combat Robot: Page 8

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Step 7: Assembly

Before assembly, power up both your controller and
your receiver wiring.

Pressing the c/z buttons on the NunChuck should
cause the servo to move (if not see the previous step
and check the transmission pipe used by both codes).

Press the c button on the NunChuck to bring the
servo into the "down" position and while holding the c
button power off the receiver, this will ensure that the
servo remains in the "down" position.

Attach the axe head to the 3d printed axe arm.

Attach the servo to the robot body.

Position the axe arm so that the axe head is touching
the ground in front of the robot body and attach the
arm to the servo horn. This is the easiest way to
make sure the "down" position of the servo forces the
axe head to touch the floor. You can adjust this high
to your liking but I suggest keeping it as close to the
ground as possible.

Install the drive motors and attach wheels

Plug in all electronics and secure in place using either
tape or Velcro making sure that the axe arm can still
articulate up and down

Now everything is in place, lightly place the bottle
down over top and mark all places the bottle will need
to be cut. In my case, this was above the axe arm
and near the wheels.

Cut out the marks and reapply the bottle to the robot.

Now mark the positions of the mounting holes, make
small holes on the bottle in these positions and insert
small screws.

Making sure that all wires and components are out of
the way, attach the bottle by screwing the screws into
the mounting holes

Congratulations!!! the bot is now complete!

Soda Bottle Combat Robot: Page 9

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Step 8: A Word About Robot Combat

Even at a small scale combat robot building/fighting can be dangerous, once this robot is built and the weapon
system is attached, it should not ever be powered up outside of an arena built to contain combat robots.

Never assume a combat robot is turned off, never assume a combat robot is safe and always handle with care

Step 9: Future Upgrades

The robot I've built looks awesome and might even survive its first fight but in the future, I'll be looking to apply a
few upgrades:

A front wedge to protect the battery wiring
A heavier axe weapon
A slightly larger frame to allow more axe movement
A faster weapon motor

Soda Bottle Combat Robot: Page 10

Document Outline


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