Sydney Lain Vampire Clans 1 Between Love and Duty

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Vampire Clans 1

Between Love and Duty

Brett Underwood is a low-level vampire that hates fellow vice president Eric Turner. They are as
opposite as night and day. He starts to dream of another person that looks just like him, a person
that is in love with Eric. Now, every time he gets close to Eric, he can’t keep his hands to himself.

Eric has watched and protected Brett for most of the vampire’s life. He’s given him a new name
and identity, trying to keep his painful past from awakening.

After being forced to spend time together, the sparks fly. Not the normal fist-pounding ones. The
sexual attraction leaves them both wanting more. As Brett’s memories start to resurface, he
begins to realize the extent Eric has gone to protect him. He starts to question Eric’s feelings.
Does Eric really see him, or is he just an obligation that needs protecting?

Ge nre :

Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

Le ngth:

38,189 words

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Vampire Clans 1

Sydney Lain



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Sydney Lain

First E-book Publication: November 2013

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to
actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Table of Contents

Title Page
Copyright Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
About the Author

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Vampire Clans 1


Copyright © 2013

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Eric Turner muttered as he walked down the hall of the compound. “I

don’t have time for games.” He didn’t take the king’s summons seriously.
The man often called vampires from all over the world to play chess,
look at his latest painting, or some other mundane activity. Last time, the
king had ordered Eric to the compound to balance a checkbook. Just
thinking about the financial reports that needed approval or the checks
that needed signatures left him even more annoyed. Eric was vice
president of an international corporation, not a secretary. He didn’t have
time to balance a personal checkbook. Tens of thousands of jobs
depended on him.

He headed toward the main meeting room, aka throne room. Yes, the

king of vampires still sat on a golden throne covered in diamonds,
emeralds, and sapphires. Maybe he slept too long in a coffin and missed
the previous centuries’ revolutions. That would explain the tacky chair
Eric would soon kneel before.

It didn’t surprise him. Dead people didn’t change. That was true for

both humans and vampires. Maybe warm blood and a beating heart
equaled an open mind. Too many centuries had passed since his heart
thumped and warm blood flowed through his veins that he couldn’t be

As he moved deeper into the compound his senses started to tingle. It

felt like an itch he couldn’t scratch. The closer he got to the meeting
room the oddities became more noticeable. Since arriving he’d seen no
one. By now he’d made five turns and should’ve been asked by at least
five different vampire soldiers to state his purpose or some other asinine
statement spoken with enough authority to make the guard feel important.
Of course, Eric could snap their heads off or order them to dance with
the sound of his voice, but instead he usually behaved and nodded like he
gave a shit. Today, though, he felt like twisting off heads. His luck
sucked. The one day he wanted to play with the guards and that was
denied him.

He tried to ignore the questions, but they nagged at him. Where were

the guards? Did the constant complainers that moaned to the king about

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the littlest things finally grow a backbone? What about the ass kissers?
The vampire race had a lot of those.

He shook his head. Nothing made sense. The anger at the king’s

order prevented Eric from thinking straight. The first clue that something
was wrong started with the king’s follow-up command. As if appearing
wasn’t punishment enough, he had to decipher a cryptic message that
made him feel like a spy.

He’d been too ticked off to see it before. The abrupt order and

annoying command—come alone and tell no one. Normally, he avoided
such nonsense. After all, five-hundred-year-old vampires didn’t play
games, but apparently they still missed important clues.

He studied the abandoned halls. Paintings from the world’s most

famous painters hung in a row. It was a strange collection of abstracts,
portraits of kings, religious pieces, and modern art.

What am I doing here?
Unfortunately, he couldn’t refuse the king’s order. He could have

ignored it for awhile, locked himself in his office, and shut out the
world. He’d get away with it for weeks and if he was lucky years, but
the mysterious reason behind the king’s summons trapped him. If the king
wanted to discuss him, that changed everything. With that possibility
hanging over his head, Eric couldn’t refuse. All the normal excuses flew
out the window as he rushed to the compound.

The echo of his shoes clicked against the marble floor, filling the

space and breaking the silence. He turned the corner and spotted the
oversized double doors with solid steel hinges. Finally, he would get
answers. The reality started to sink in. He noticed but had ignored all the
warning signs. The empty reception area screamed danger.

He placed a hand on the door handle and stopped. Something was

wrong. Did he want to know? Running wasn’t an option. Not until he
saw him. Deep down he felt the strong bond and knew that he was okay.
It kept Eric moving.

Eric didn’t knock. Proper vampire etiquette required two guards and

a greeter outside the door. Since the king no longer adhered to the rules,
why should he? Eric pushed open the door.

A gray light seeped in from the window. The night darkness outside

didn’t matter. With vampire vision he saw everything as if the high noon

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sun shone down into the room. The normal bustling activity within the
vampire ruler’s throne room wasn’t there. The too-quiet room held an
eerie aura of impending danger.

The king stood facing the outside window. Golden-blond hair flowed

down his back. He watched the city below, not turning to acknowledge
that someone else had entered the room.

“It’s strange. We can’t fully live among humans, but we’re fascinated

by their lives. I spend hours each night just watching. Compared to us,
their time is limited and they live for each moment. It’s amazing. When
you have less of something, you appreciate it more.”

“Your Majesty,” Eric greeted, about to bend over and bow.
“Eric, we don’t have time for proper protocol.” The king shook his

head. “No, I don’t have time.”

It was strange to hear the vampire king say in such a sad tone that he

didn’t have time. Eric tried to interpret the king’s meaning. After all,
vampires were immortal, and they had nothing but time.

The king turned. Eric spotted the golden-blond wisps of hair. The

child slept nestled in the king’s embrace. Eric’s eyes studied the young
prince, looking for any injury. The prince’s calm sleeping face relieved
most of his tension. If he was okay, then all was right in Eric’s world.

“He is such a loving and beautiful child. Smiles and laughs at the

simplest things and when he’s upset everyone knows. The child is pure
and knows nothing of the greed and deceit that exist in the world. He just
turned two a few months ago.” The king looked at his son with such love
that it radiated within the dark room.

Eric could never forget the child’s birthday. “Did he receive my


“Yes, it is a beautiful pendant. The royal-blue sapphire matches his


The king held the sleeping child closer. Their golden-blond hair

could brighten the darkest room. Eric walked closer to the pair. He
stared at the king’s sad green eyes that reflected pain and despair. He
had never seen someone filled with that much mental anguish. It pulled at
his heart, but mostly it piqued his curiosity.

Maybe Jack was right. Had he lost the ability to feel? He looked at

the king. There was concern at the man’s anguish. He studied that feeling

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then stared at the child. The concern stemmed from him. If the king was
upset then he might upset the child.

“King, why did you call me?” Eric asked. The question brought the

other man back to the present. “I have done as you instructed. No one
knows I am here.” Better not mention that he almost didn’t come or found
such games childish. He might not be an emotional guy, but at least he
had common sense.

The king nodded. “My time is limited.” The words hung in the air. It

took a few seconds before he could continue. “A car is waiting in the
underground garage. It’s packed with everything he will need.” The king
placed a kiss on the child’s head. “I’ve instructed the Turner jet to
remain on standby. It will be ready when you get there.” The king
walked down the steps toward Eric. He hugged the child and gently
placed him into Eric’s arms. “I leave his safety and his life in your

“What’s going on?” Eric asked. He held the child close as a fierce

desire to protect the infant surged through him.

The king closed his eyes. “In a few hours, a morning fire will burn

this place down with me inside.”

Eric gasped. “If you know this, then why aren’t you leaving?” He

tightened his hold on the child. With the imminent threat hanging in the
air, he couldn’t calm down. He needed to get him away.

“The fire will come for me. I’ll wait for it. There will be no

running.” The king glowed with the certainty behind his decision. He
talked about his death like he was discussing a shoe sale.

“You’ve given up.” Eric rarely got angry, but for the king to not fight

to survive almost sent him in a rage. That was the king’s job—to live
and to rule, not give up or abandon his child.

The king looked at the child nestled in Eric’s arms. “Eric, I’m tired.

I’m centuries older than you. I’ve ruled since before your birth. But
nothing has felt longer than the last eighteen months.” The king turned and
moved back to the window. “Losing my mate brought an unbearable pain
that’s very difficult to live with. Knowing that he sacrificed his life to
save mine has left me dead inside.”

He didn’t care about the king’s inner demons. That was irrelevant.

Only one thing mattered. “What about the child? He has already lost his

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birth father. He needs you. You can’t leave him alone.”

The king shook his head. “I leave him with you. Eric, this is the

second attempt on my life. I won’t risk Bright’s life by staying with him.”

“Who is behind these attempts?” Eric asked. He wanted to find that

person, and when he did, heads would roll. If it kept Bright’s family
together, he’d sacrifice the time needed to bring the wannabe king killer
to death.

“That’s the problem. I don’t know the clan responsible.”
Damn, that would make it harder to find the person. There were ten

clans that ruled over all vampires. The king ruled over the clans. It was a
simple but old system that had worked since the first vampire walked the
earth. Even if he crossed off his own clan, that left nine possible

“So your plan is to die, leaving him behind.” He held Bright closer.
The king nodded. “I will die here, and as far as the rest of the

vampire community is concerned my son died with me.”

Die. That was out of the question. “I won’t let him die here or

anywhere.” He pulled the child into his chest. He looked at the king in a
new light. If the man tried to hurt Bright he’d kill him. It didn’t matter if
he was the child’s father. The only one that mattered in this room was

The king nodded. “That’s how it should be. No one else will guard

and watch over him like you. He will live the life that you arrange for
him. And as far as the vampire world is concerned, the child died in the
compound with me.”

The king was suicidal. The man looked desperate to die. “Bright

needs you to live. He is still a baby. I want him to have a family, not live
a lonely childhood as an orphan.”

“No, he needs me to die. I will make sure the rest of the world

believes that we died in this compound together. Only then will he be
safe. There will be no more attempts on his life. He will be a normal
vampire child.”

“Who will send the fire?” Eric needed to know Bright’s would-be


The king shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. Every clan is an enemy.

Whether they want Bright’s life or to manipulate his decisions. No one

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can be trusted.”

Eric didn’t know what to say. He never thought of the king as

paranoid. The king trusted no one.

He looked directly at Eric. “I trust you to watch over my son.” He

glanced at the clock. “It’s time. You must go. The compound is empty.
No one will see you leave and no one can ever know that you were

The child started to stir in his arms. Eric thought about trying again to

convince the king to leave with him, but the defeat in the king’s eyes
stopped him. It would take too long and he’d probably fail. He looked
down at the sleeping child. Bright came first. He turned away from his
ruler. “Good-bye, my king.” He walked down the hall as fast as he could
without waking Bright. Let him have one last peaceful slumber, not
knowing that life would never be the same.

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Chapter One

Twenty-five years later

Jack Turner turned on the television. The words live, just in, and

late-breaking news flashed across the screen. He rolled his eyes at the
exaggerated attempt to alert viewers to an unfolding news story.

He walked to the refrigerator and pulled out a packet of AB negative

blood. He bit into the plastic pack. The cold liquid slid down his throat.
Warm, fresh blood tasted better, but he no longer lived in the Middle
Ages, where a dead body with its throat ripped out had been a common
occurrence. Now there would be an investigation and forensic evidence
which eventually lead to stupid, pointless drama.

The age of science prevented the causal warm snack. He looked at

the screen and smirked, imagining a story about homeless people sucked
dry of every drop of blood with half their throats missing. The smirk
turned wicked. The imagined terror on the newscasters’ faces left him
hungry. He sipped the thick red liquid. Maybe he needed to give humans
something to be frightened about.

He spit up some blood. It dribbled down his chin. The reporter said

“Turner Tech.” He put down the late-night snack and focused on the
sixty-inch flat screen TV.

“This is Cherrie Fox live from Los Angeles. Thank you for joining

us. We are covering a late-breaking news story. A new development in
one of the county’s leading technology firms has just emerged. Late in the
afternoon, Turner Tech released a statement announcing that the division
dedicated to producing affordable energy in third-world countries will
be disbanded. In the statement released to the press by Vice President
Eric Turner, head of finance, he declared the project no longer

“Thank you for the report, Cherrie,” Marty Jackson, one of the top

news anchors on television said. “How will this affect the factories and
jobs in these emerging economies?” The veteran reporter attempted to
look deeply concerned, but a giddy excitement reflected in his eyes and
the slight squeak in his voice betrayed the truth. “One can only imagine

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the deep scar that pulling out of these impoverished countries would do
to this region of the world. A lot of people rely on Turner Tech for basic
needs and the countries’ economies have been built based on the
continued agreement between this corporation and these governments.”

“That is true, Marty. We can’t even imagine the poverty that will

follow in these already poor communities. Some in this country and
abroad feel hurt that the company plans to put profit before the greater
good. The image of Turner Tech has drastically changed.” Cherrie Fox
sighed. “It’s a sad day.”

“Let me go. I demand to see Jack,” an angry voice yelled from the

hallway outside the room.

Jack glanced at the window. For a brief second he contemplated

flying home, but if the man in the hall was forced to stew in his anger,
he’d only get louder. The thought made him wince, recalling the loud
screeching sound that tortured his extra-sensitive vampire hearing.

The door burst open.
“What can I do for you, Brett?” Jack asked.
Brett marched into the room like a scorned lover about to tell off a

cheating partner.

“Turner Tech is just another greedy corporation,” a person on the

street declared as Cherrie Fox held a microphone up to his lips.

Brett grabbed his dark-brown hair as he paced back and forth in front

of the television. Hands waved violently in the air as he mumbled harsh

Jack pressed the off button on the remote control before any more

negative opinions and comments upset the other man. He looked at Brett
and waited. Hopefully soon he’d find some composure and be able to
talk like an adult.

Brett halted in mid-step. His eyes shot over to Jack. “Did you know

that your asshole brother was going to completely cut one of our publicly
favorable ventures?” Brett Underwood asked.

Jack needed to proceed cautiously. Right now Brett was trying to

remain calm. He wasn’t afraid of the other man, but Brett could get
painfully loud. A sharp ringing haunted him for weeks the last time his
employee ranted.

In a voice used to soothe a wild animal, he carefully opened his

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mouth, never taking his eyes of the hot-headed man. “Brett, we discussed
it at the last meeting. Everyone agreed that the company needed to cut the
expansion into unstable countries.”

“The meeting you threw me out of,” Brett snapped. “I find it very

suspicious that this decision was made without my consent or help. I’m
vice president in charge of public relations. That demented brother of
yours made it sound like the world could go fuck itself because we don’t
care. After all, if it’s not profitable it has no value. I’ve never read
anything as cold hearted as the statement he released.” Brett’s voice
became louder as each word was said.

The ringing in his head started. Brett’s voice echoed throughout the

room. Maybe he could still make it to the window and fly away. This
conversation could take place over video chat. At least then there would
be volume control and a mute button. No, that wouldn’t work. It would
be one more thing for the young VP to harp on. He sighed, resigning to
his fate. He’d figure out a way to punish Eric later. Anytime Brett lost
control Eric was to blame. “First, Brett, you were thrown out of the
meeting for attacking the vice president of finance.”

“Your brother had it coming,” Brett said with a growl. “He called

me stupid. Just because he has no vision doesn’t mean those that have
awesome visions are beneath that arrogant prick.”

Jack Turner chuckled at Brett’s interpretation of the last executive

meeting. “He called your plan to create a technologically sophisticated
watch limited and your view on the market childish.” Eric might be
blunt, but he never called Brett stupid.

“Exactly, he called me stupid.” Brett nodded like Jack had just

agreed and supported his view of the meeting.

He rolled his eyes. The ongoing feud between Turner Tech’s two

vice presidents was exhausting. Two, maybe three years had passed
since Eric and Brett were able to be in the same room without physically
attacking each other. The last social function they attended left him
paying for thousands of dollars in damages after they ripped out the
walls and set fire to the banquet hall. Both Eric Turner and Brett
Underwood were two of the top vice presidents in the country, if they
would only stop fighting. “Did my brother email the statement to you
before releasing it? I would never cut you out of making this decision

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“First, the vice president of finance and I have an agreement. We do

not send email to each other. As a matter of fact, any letter he sends
electronically is immediately flagged as spam. He needs to send printed
out memos and letters by interoffice mail in order for me to respond.”

Jack’s eyes widened. “That’s ridiculous. Why won’t you

communicate electronically?” Since when had things escalated to the
point they couldn’t email? Damn, he’d have to keep the two on shorter
leashes. Maybe he needed to read every email they sent, contact their
personal assistants for frequent updates, or bug their offices. Jack
moaned. Who had time for that crap?

“Last time I received an email from your brother it contained a

vicious virus that corrupted my system. It took hours to fix. I made it very
clear to him that he needs to communicate using the interoffice mail

“Your system lacked security. I highlighted those flaws,” Eric Turner

said, entering the office. “You should thank me.”

“Thank you! For sending me a virus,” Brett screamed.
Jack’s head pounded.
“Unfortunately, you only understand actions. It is annoying that words

do not sink in. So to help you, I demonstrated the weakness by breaking
into your computer system and accessing your files.”

“Did it ever occur to you that I downloaded that attachment because

it was from you, a fellow vice president? It never crossed my mind that
you’d send me a virus.”

Eric shrugged.
Brett shook with anger.
“Never let your guard down,” Eric Turner said. “What if my system

had been compromised? The outcome would have been the same.”

Eric’s dark-brown eyes bore into Brett’s bright-blue eyes. Brett

stared back with equal ferocity.

Did Jack travel back to the Wild West? They looked like two

gunmen daring each other to pull out their pistols in a showdown. Brett’s
hands formed tight fists at his side as his weight shifted from foot to foot.
If Jack didn’t intervene now, then he’d be stopping another fight.

“Brett, the virus is an old matter. One that will be discussed later.”

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Jack paused, looked at both vice presidents with an expression that
dared either one of them to argue.

Eric remained calm.
Brett fought for control. He opened his mouth then closed it before

finally lowering his head.

Did he just kick a puppy? Brett went from heated anger to abused

animal in the span of a minute.

Jack walked over to the younger vice president. “Explain why

you’ve come here tonight.”

Brett lifted his head. Blue eyes glowed with passion and anger. He

fought the smirk that tugged at his lips. No matter what happened, he
could never stay angry at Brett. It was refreshing to see a vampire with
so much life and energy.

“What about the press release? All press releases need to come from

my office.” He lifted an arm and pointed a finger at Eric. “He doesn’t get
to release something until I sign off of it.”

“Not necessary,” Eric interrupted. “My honest words didn’t need a

feel-good spin placed on them.” Eric’s normally stoic smile held a hint
of mischief and playfulness as he continued to feed Brett’s exploding

“Honest? The reason you don’t speak to the public is because you

come off as an unfeeling asshole. Let me see if I can quote you, ‘a drain
on resources, not worth the time, more profitable ventures,’ and my
personal favorite ‘a feel-good project that is heading nowhere.’ What
were you thinking? Since when has helping people in need been
unprofitable? The company’s image is shot. It will take years to regain
the public’s trust.”

“A child’s opinion. I’m hundreds of years older than you. Sometimes

business decisions hurt others. Grow up.”

“If I’m going to turn into an unfeeling jerk like you, then stake me. I

don’t want to turn fifty, let alone a hundred.”

Eric flew through the room and pushed Brett into the wall. Brett

glared. Eric’s fingers gripped Brett’s shoulders, pinning him against the
hard surface. “Do not tempt me.” Eric leaned in. “Never ask another
vampire to stake you. That will be my job. Staking you.” Eric’s voice
held a hint of danger and a spark of desire.

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Jack rolled his eyes at the double meaning behind the words “staking

you.” Of course, Brett didn’t read between the lines and only recognized
the threat to his existence, not the threat to his ass.

Brett’s fangs pushed out. His deep-blue eyes turned red. He clawed

at Eric’s hand, but the other vampire was older and stronger. Brett
moved his leg up and kicked Eric between the legs. Eric dropped him to
the floor. His eyes turned dark red as his fangs emerged.

Jack moved in between the two. He wanted to lock them in a room

and wait until they either killed each other or fucked each other. The
sexual tensioned burned between them. “Enough, both of you. I founded
this company two hundred years ago. I won’t let bickering or fighting put
an end to it.”

“Brother, my decision was for the best. Brett could put a fluffy, feel-

good spin on it, but the reality would not change. And the truth must
never be known. We are cutting ties not based on profit margins, but to
keep peace between vampire clans. The real reason will remain hidden.
If we released a statement using prettier words like my fellow vice
president wanted, then the scrutiny would last. This needs to end as soon
as possible. Let the press hate Turner Tech for a week or two weeks, but
they will move on to another story.”

“Little brother, I agreed and supported the decision, but Brett would

have completed the tasks asked of him and maybe accomplished the
same thing without sounding as cold.”

“First, you are only a few minutes older. You did not obtain a wealth

of information to pull the big brother card.”

Jack smirked. “While you were playing with other vampire clans, I

created this company. Leaving the vampire politics behind shows vast
knowledge that surpasses you. I’ve earned the right to be called ‘Big

“So much for leaving the petty fighting behind, clan leader.” Eric’s

eyes burned with anger. “I represented us because someone needed to do
it. Now, you are wrapped up in vampire politics. That is why the clans
are restless. They see Turner Tech building all over the world and the
president and CEO of the company is the current Turner clan leader.
They believe we are trying to take over the world.”

Brett looked back and forth between the two brothers. “Who cares?

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What can the clans do?”

Jack wished for that naïve outlook. To be able to see rainbows,

unicorns dancing around, or whatever colorful fantasy Brett saw when he
looked at the world. Was it Brett’s young age? Maybe it was just his
disposition that made him not see the darkness. He looked at Eric. No, it
was Eric’s influence that preserved that innocence. “Since the vampire
king and his son were murdered, the clans have been on edge.”

“I don’t know much about vampire politics, but couldn’t we do

something else besides give up on these people. We were doing good
things by providing light to schools and villages,” Brett said.

Eric opened his mouth, but Jack silenced him with a look. “Brett,

what if different clans start to attack the factories? The Turner clan
would retaliate. Without a king, there’s no one to keep the peace.”

Brett shook his head. “I don’t get it. I’m not a direct descendant like

the two of you. My vampire blood isn’t pure compared to someone born
into a clan. But, I’ll tell you this, Jack. I don’t give a shit about clans. We
unpure vampires live in this world. Some of us want to help make the
planet a better place.”

“Yes, we can all hold hands singing campfire songs,” Eric


Brett narrowed his eyes but ignored the comment. “Humans, poor

and rich, live alongside us. Why must we back down because a few
clans are worried? The great Jack Turner caves to political pressure.
Since when? It’s not in your nature to give up without trying? That’s not
you. There has to be some way to get through to the different clans?”

Eric laughed. “Take off the tinted glasses and look at the world. It’s

rotting. You’re a vampire, not a human, so act like one.” He paused,
allowing the words to sink in. “Do you want a war? If so, I will
withdraw the press release and we will continue to produce in those
countries. But when the first village is massacred and a blood bath
ensues, what will you do?” Eric closed the distance. “Crawl into a hole
and blame yourself.”

“No, I’d talk it out. Gather the clans to discuss our different fears.

We are running away. Vampire bullshit is keeping us from continuing
something that did a lot of good.”

“How many humans will die while you are discussing it?” Eric

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asked. “Maybe you want to see the rivers turn red and the streets
covered in blood. Tell me, Brett. Is that it? Maybe all this talk about
peace is to hide what you really want—a blood bath.”

Jack watched as Brett’s hand gripped his brother’s neck. Eric

smirked, twisted around, and pinned Brett to the floor.

“Brett, your temper will get you killed. Learn to think, not act. Stop

feeling your way through life and look at the facts.”

“Never. I’m not like you and I will never be like you. You talk about

a blood bath. Maybe that’s what you want, pretending it’s me that wants
to see the rivers turn red. You hate humans.” Brett squirmed underneath
Eric. “Now let me go, you bastard.”

Eric pressed into Brett’s body and whispered into his ear. “Brett, I

assure you that my fathers were mated when my brother and I were
born.” Eric kept Brett in that intimate position. “I have already witnessed
one blood bath. I will make sure you never see one. I am not a child with
wide, unsophisticated eyes. You have no idea what will happen if the
clans go to war. There is no king to stop them.”

“Enough, both of you. This fighting has gone on too long.” Jack

looked down at the two men on the floor. He stared at his brother and
smirked. Both of them couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Eric
looked up and glared at him. They were so close to expressing their true
feelings. They just needed a little push and all this bullshit would end.
Then it hit him, a truly wicked idea that would force the two to spend
time together. He had the perfect reason to send them off without either
of the two vice presidents suspecting the truth. Well, Eric would notice,
but he wouldn’t be able to stop it. “The decision on closing the factories
will stand. But everything I’ve heard today has left me disappointed.”

“Disappointed,” Eric repeated, rolling his eyes. He moved off of

Brett and the other man shot up, glaring at Eric the entire time.

Jack felt the evil smile forming. Both Brett and Eric froze. “Yes,


Eric swallowed.
Brett’s eyes widened. “Well, we wouldn’t want that. I’ll think long

and hard about what happened. We can’t have our leader disappointed.”
He let out a nervous laugh before continuing to ramble. “I’ll write an
apology letter. That should do it.” Brett turned to look at the clock.

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“Look at the time. You’ve worked hard. I should let you finish eating.
We can talk later.” The younger vampire started to back up. “Much
later.” His back pressed against the door.

“Freeze,” Jack Turner said. “You’re not leaving yet.”
Eric sighed. “Just tell us your cold, evil thoughts.”
Jack stared at his brother. His eyes met Eric’s cold glare. “The two

of you need to bond. Learn to get along and work together.”

“Agreed,” Brett said, shaking his head up and down. “I can feel us

connecting on a less hated level. Bringing it to our attention has solved
the problem. No further action is necessary.” Brett smiled.

Jack laughed. “Tomorrow you will fly to the Turner Tech island

retreat. After settling in, both of you will start telecommuting with the
office.” He paused, letting the words sink in—island retreat, together,
connecting. When Brett’s eyes opened wide and a shocked horror
reflected in his royal-blue irises, Jack added, “Also, staying at the
compound is Dr. White.”

“A couple’s therapist,” Eric snapped.
“A what? I’m not going to couple’s therapy with him,” Brett said,

pointing at Eric.

Jack so wanted to pull out his phone and snap a picture of the young

vampire’s horror.

Brett tried to reason with him. “It’s an island with lots of sun. We

won’t burst into flames if the sun hits our skin, but the heat still hurts.
Jack, do you want to hurt us?” Brett’s eyes watered.

Jack snorted. The puppy-dog look had no effect on him. “Brett, I

suspect both of you will be spending a lot of time indoors. At night
you’ll hunt together for exotic animals and fresh blood.” Jack couldn’t
stop the smile from forming on his lips. “Sounds like a wonderful
vacation.” Maybe by the end of it, there will be moonlit walks on the
beach. He shook his head. They were more likely to fuck in the sand than
take a stroll. Either was fine.

“How long,” Eric snarled.
“As long as it takes. Maybe a week. Perhaps two. It could be a year.

When I’m satisfied that the two of you can act like civilized adults.”

“Can I go now?” Brett asked, pouting.
“Of course. Go home and pack. The plane leaves an hour before

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sunrise. Don’t be late.” Jack smiled.

Brett was never on time. He’d have to think about different things to

do to the younger vampire if he missed the plane—act as Eric’s servant,
maybe wear a maid’s uniform around the island. He hadn’t had this much
fun in decades. Brett bowed his head and exited the room mumbling
under his breath. After the door clicked closed, Jack focused on his little
brother. “It’s time.”

“No, it is not.”
“I won’t let either of you back until it’s done.”
“You invited Dr. White. How long have you been planning this?”
“The doctor has been living on the island for ten years. He will help

Brett deal with the truth. It will take him awhile to get over what you’ve

“Everything has been done to keep him safe.”
“You manipulated his hate.”
“We need to hate each other. No one can suspect our relationship is

more. Besides, I did not hypnotize him. The anger is genuine.”

Jack stepped back. Eric didn’t force the dislike. He’d have to think

about that later. Right now getting the two alone for an extended period
of time took priority. “Brett must not suspect anything until he reaches the
island. If he has a breakdown here, it would be devastating and
dangerous. At least on the island, you will be there for him along with
Dr. White.” Jack walked over to his brother. “You heard him. He wants
to get involved with the clans. He has ideas. If the lies continue, you will
lose him.”

Eric glared at Jack.
Jack shook his head. When his brother thought he was right, nothing

got in his way. “Go home and pack. Starting tomorrow, you’ll be
spending a lot of time together.”

“Brother, I will do what is best for Brett. If he is not ready, I will not

let it happen. Do you understand? No one will not force my hand. He is
mine and I will decide when he can handle the truth.” Eric turned and
walked toward the door.

“Is it Brett that’s not ready or you? The next clan meeting is a few

weeks away. Brett needs to claim his place…” His brother slammed the
door, cutting off the rest of his words.

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Jack reached over for the discarded blood pack. He winced in

disgust. The blood was stale. He closed his eyes and pictured Eric. His
brother hadn’t always been cold. At one point he looked at the world
like Brett did now, but through the centuries he had lost that light. His
obsession to hide and protect Brett made him even colder. Something
Jack didn’t think was possible. Maybe after Brett learned the truth, Eric
could relax. Either way it was time for the younger vice president to
remember and take his place in the vampire world.

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Chapter Two

Brett drove from the city. A blue sedan merged onto the highway,

cutting him off. He hit the brake pedal. His little red car shook as it tried
to stop. “It’s okay,” he soothed. He looked up and glared at the car in
front of him. He pressed the horn button and held it down. A loud,
deafening beep emanated from the front of his tiny car.

“Learn how to drive. Do you think you own the world like a

Turner?” At that moment he froze. Okay, maybe he needed to calm down
a little. Yes, he worked for a sadistic asshole, and don’t even get him
started on Eric Turner. His fingers clenched the steering wheel. He heard
a faint crunch. “Oh, I’m sorry, Bug. Hold it together.” Bug might be a
few years old and spent more time in the repair shop then on the road,
but it was his first new car.

He had walked into the car lot and was drawn to Bug like a child to

a new toy. The car, small and fuel efficient with bright, cherry-red paint,
glowed in the evening lights. Bug wasn’t just a car, but a friend that
never let him down.

Brett loved to spoil his baby. He purchased custom floor mats and a

new stereo and created a bumper sticker that read “The Number 1 Bug”
with a fire ant holding a sword.

He glared at the vehicle in front of him. The large gas-guzzling car

that spat out a heavy fume of gray smoke as it rode like it owned the road
reminded him of a Turner.

“Ahhhh,” he moaned. “Don’t think about them,” he ordered himself.

Eric popped into his head. He pushed the cold grin and condescending
smirk from his mind. He forced a smile and nodded at the progress.
Normally it took hours before he could smile. Already the murderous
rage felt less ominous.

Brett switched lanes and zoomed alongside the blue sedan. He

waved at the elderly man driving, trying to show him that it was okay.
Brett was, after all, a forgiving person.

The man’s eyes widened. He clenched a hand in front of his chest.

He looked at Brett. Brett smiled again. The man suddenly turned the
steering wheel, trying to get off the highway, and hit the guardrail. Brett’s

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eyes widened at the chaos. He focused on the road ahead, determined not
to make eye contact with any other driver. Apparently he looked scary

Bug spattered to a stop in front of his dads’ house. He ran to the front

door and knocked.

Jerry Underwood opened the door. The panic in the other man’s eyes

made Brett feel worse.

Brett threw himself into his dad’s arms. “It’s horrible, Papa,” Brett


Jerry rubbed the back of Brett’s head. “What happened?” he asked in

a soothing voice. “Does this have anything to do with the news story? I
know how much you liked the project.”

Brett shook his head. “It’s worse. He’s sending me to hell.” Brett

pulled away and walked inside the house. “Mr. Asshole Vice President
is a dick. I called him on it and I didn’t get any thanks. No, I get sent
away. To an island. I’m a vampire.” Brett paced back and forth, his
hands waving frantically in the air as he spoke. “Telecommuting my

The front door swung open and Steve Underwood, Brett’s other

father, walked into the house. He took one look at his son’s sad face and
moved closer. “What happened?” he asked, rubbing the younger man’s

“I work for assholes, that’s what happened. Father, he’s sending me


His father looked at his papa. His papa shrugged. “Okay, backup.

Who is sending you away?” Steve asked.

“Jack Turner, my evil boss. He’s sending me to the Turner retreat

with Eric, I’m so perfect, Turner to talk through our problems. I like our
problems. They remind me that the VP of finance is a dick.”

“A retreat?” Both of his dads said at the same time.
“Yeah, doesn’t that suck?”
“Language,” his father reprimanded.
“What am I going to do?” Brett whined. He was acting like a little

kid, but he didn’t care. Jack Turner sentenced him to a fate worse than
death. Technically, he was already dead, but still, trapped in a house
with Eric Turner on a practically deserted island would kill anyone. He

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couldn’t imagine a worse nightmare.

He looked at his dads, desperate for support, a hug, and then for them

to fix it. His father glanced at his papa. They both nodded and then turned
to face him.

“Why now?” his Papa asked. “Does it have to do with Eric’s


Brett sank into the couch. “Apparently, some of the vampire clans are

fighting because they fear the Turners are trying to take over. Something
about the king’s death and no one in control. Blah blah blah. Just more
vampire bullshit.”

“Language,” his father warned.
“Sorry, Father.” Brett looked down. “My life is over. Jack arranged

for a couple’s therapist to help us connect. I don’t want to connect.” All
the angry energy seeped out as he slowly resigned to his fate. “I can’t
come back until we are on friendly terms.”

His papa sat next to him, rubbing his slightly extended stomach.
“Oh Papa, I’m sorry. The both of you are preparing for my brother’s

birth. You don’t need my problems. I’m a grown vampire that has
completed the conversion.”

“Nonsense.” His father grabbed both of Brett’s hands. “You’re still

our son. Yes, we’ll be welcoming a child into this house, but we still
want you to come to us with your problems. Do we have an

Brett smiled and nodded. “It’s extremely rare for a mated vampire

pair to bring more than one child into the world. Some mated pairs don’t
conceive once, let alone twice.” He looked at his dads. Their eyes
widened. What did he say? “It’s cool that such a rare event is happening
in my family. It shows that the almighty clans aren’t that special.”

His father smiled. “Yes, cool.”
His papa grabbed Brett’s hand. “We will always have time for you.

No matter what, you’re our son.” The older man’s eyes watered.

Brett nodded and smiled at his papa. Lately, his papa went from

opposite extremes. Well, most expectant vampires were hormonal.
During the last visit with his papa, he had asked if that’s what happened
with him. Instead of answering, the man burst into tears, crying that his
Brett was all grown up. He looked at his father, while holding his papa’s

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“What do I do? I don’t want to go.” There was desperation in his

voice, but he didn’t try to hide it.

“If Jack Turner tells you to go, then you must. He is your boss and the

current leader of the Turner clan. We can’t interfere.”

“Why does it matter? We might be a part of the clan, but we’re

nothing. I hate it. You must do it because the clan leader has spoken.”
Brett tightened his fist. He looked at his parents. “Papa, you were
originally part of the Everheart clan. Why are you loyal to the Turner

His papa sighed. He pulled away and walked next to his father. “I

served the King, but he is dead. If I hadn’t met Steve, then I’d belong to
no clan. I love your father and the clan that has accepted me.”

“Everything is so screwed up since the King died.” Brett leaned back

on the couch. “How could one person’s death destroy so much?”

His father touched his shoulder. “Because he was the King and our

light. Without him or his bloodline the light has disappeared. No clan
dares to step forward and seize the throne because no one knows who is
responsible for the king, his mate, and their son’s death. The last twenty-
five-year limbo has tested loyalties and pulled clans apart.”

“So I have to go.” Brett closed his eyes. Secretly he had hoped his

dads had the answer. They always did.

“You must.” His father rubbed the top of his head. “Why do you hate

Eric Turner so much?”

“I can’t explain it. The arrogant smirk turns my cold blood hot. When

he talks, I feel so alive and full of energy. He implies that I’m
overemotional just because I care about giving light to poor
communities. He hates donating technology to poor schools.” Brett tried
to think of the right words, but explaining Eric was hard. “When I
question him, he snorts and walks away without even answering. I go out
of my way to inform him that his cost saving plan is ridiculous, and he
doesn’t even respond. And when he finally talks, I want to attack. I can’t
keep my hands off of him.”

His father’s eyes widened.
His Papa looked at him. “Are you attracted to him?”
“What?” He flinched. “You didn’t just ask me that.” He looked from

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his father to his papa. “Why would you say something so unnatural? It’s
not like that, so stop thinking it. We are not attracted to each other.” As
Brett said it, he pictured Eric leaning down and kissing him. The kiss
wasn’t gentle, but demanded Brett’s complete surrender. He willingly
allowed and encouraged the older vampire. He felt sick. Not from the
fantasy of them being together, but from enjoying it. Did his parents
know? He shook his head. No one knew about the dreams where Eric
slid into his body, dominating him. He stared at his dads, but the other
two men only nodded and looked away. What the hell was that? Did they
believe him? He couldn’t tell. Usually he was good at reading people.
Regardless of what Eric implied.

“When are you going to pack?” his papa asked, changing the subject.
He bit down. He didn’t want to remember that this time tomorrow

he’d be abandoned and alone on an island. Technically, Eric would be
there, but he didn’t count. “Never,” he declared and started to pace.

“Maybe I can run away. Start a whole new life as a nurse or a

doctor. My nickname will be the heavenly healer. Everyone will
worship my magic hands and love my cheery disposition. I’ll go from
one hospital to the next spreading joy. Then I’ll work in a research
facility with Dr. Michaels. We’ll study viruses and other diseases,
developing cures. I will save the world. Take that, Eric.” He turned to
his dads and smiled. “See, I have options. I’ll have access to warm,
fresh blood. I don’t have to go.” Why didn’t he think about this before?

His papa stared at him with wide, disbelieving eyes. Even his papa

couldn’t understand why he didn’t think of this brilliant plan earlier.

His father laughed. “You’re not running away to become a heavenly

hand healer.”

“It’s the heavenly healer with magic hands.” Wasn’t his father


His papa slapped his father’s arm. His father cleared his throat. “Of

course you have options.” His father spoke slow like he was thinking of
each word carefully. “But Brett. Your boss and our clan leader has
ordered you to go to the island.”

“What about my plan? My new career.”
“You can become the magical hand healer later. After you return,”

his father argued.

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“Yes, that’s true,” his papa said. “You must follow Jack’s orders,

but the heavenly hands’ plan can be accomplished later.”

Brett glared. “It’s the heavenly healer with magic hands.”
“Of course.” His father’s face turned serious. “You have to go. The

clan leader has ordered it.”

“I know. If I was the leader of a clan, I wouldn’t force people that

didn’t like each other to be together.” Brett stood. “I better get home and
pack. What does someone take to hell? Is there an I survived a tropical
nightmare with an arrogant prick
memoir out there?” He sighed,
lowered his head and walked to the door. “We’ll have to spend most of
the day inside and the nights will be shorter. Why the hell does a
vampire even own an island? Jack’s sadistic. He probably bought it to
send vampires there to fry.”

His father wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “He probably bought

it because vampires don’t own islands. Jack likes to be unique, but also
others will stay away.”

“Great! Alone with Eric.” As he said the words, it didn’t produce the

normal disgust. He was becoming comfortable with the idea. “I’ll call
you,” he said, pushing his wandering thoughts back to the present.
“We’re supposed to work from this island prison, so there has to be
some type of connectivity.” Brett hugged his papa then his father. He
took one last look at his childhood home before leaving.

Brett navigated the quiet early morning streets. It was just after

midnight, so that gave him time to go home, pack, and get to the airport.
He traveled back the same way, deliberately passing the Turner Tech
Corporation headquarters as he drove to his small high-rise condo.
When he slowed to pass the impressive, sleek forty-five story building
he pulled off to the side to let the other cars pass him.

The headlights of the car behind him caught his attention. Instead of

passing him, the car slowed down and pulled behind him. He recognized
the car. It had followed him since turning onto the highway after leaving
his parents’ house. That was over twenty minutes ago.

Brett snorted. They didn’t know who they were dealing with. They’d

be running after he flashed a little fang. If not, he’d snack on their blood.
But first he’d test the car to make sure. He drove to the next corner,
pretending to go straight and at the last minute made an illegal turn,

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cutting off another car as he headed up a different street. Behind him cars
honked. He looked out the rearview mirror and the car was still there.

Damn this city with its petty crimes and carjackings. Well, they

weren’t getting Bug. Eric had called the car junk. The I’m-so-perfect
vice president was wrong and here was the proof. Someone wanted to
steal his precious little red car.

He could fly away and be done with it, but he couldn’t give up Bug.

Fighting was the only solution. Being a strong immortal had its perks.
His foot moved to the brake and just before he pressed it, he felt an eerie
cold. He stared into the mirror and looked back at the car. It appeared
the same, but there was something wrong. He felt an unexplainable
dread. His foot moved to the gas. He slammed on the pedal. Bug
sputtered before picking up speed. As the little car neared eighty it
started to shake. The car behind closed the distance.

He used his senses to locate people and other cars. He turned down a

narrow alley and went the wrong way up a one-way street, but the car
behind him still followed. “What the fuck?” he groaned.

Just his luck. He’d either been targeted or the assholes following him

wanted to race. Either way he needed to get away. Whatever was
chasing him, he knew he couldn’t get caught. His hand shook in fear.
Something was pushing him to escape.

His cell phone rang. He accepted the call and hit the speaker button.

“You’ve reached the answering service of Brett Underwood. I’m
otherwise occupied. Leave a message and I’ll get back to you.”

“Cut the shit,” Eric snapped. “Where are you?”
“What the hell does it matter? I have until sunrise until my life ends

and the torture begins. How I spend…”

“Shut up and tell me where you are,” Eric interrupted in a no-

nonsense, do-as-you’re-told voice.

The voice sent shivers down Brett’s spine. He’d never heard the

other VP as angry or irritated. Normally it was Brett that acted on
emotions. “I’m driving,” he finally said, looking out the rearview mirror
at the car trying to pull up alongside of him. He continued to move down
one way streets trying to deny the person behind him the pleasure of
riding next to him.

“You are in danger.”

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“Not really,” Brett lied, too embarrassed to admit he couldn’t handle

a carjacking. “A car is following me, but it’s no big deal.” His voice
shook with fear. “I didn’t know you cared.”

“Where are you?” Eric said in a low and dangerous tone.
Brett closed his eyes for a second. His pride wouldn’t let him ask for

help. He swallowed his fear and was about to tell the other man to shut
the fuck up and leave him alone, but instead he said, “Fifth Avenue
heading about eighty-five miles an hour toward the suburbs.” What?
That’s not what he wanted to say. “Don’t use that hypnotic voice on me.”

“Drive to the Turner Tech headquarters,” Eric ordered.
Brett’s body moved on its own. He cursed. Older, pure vampires

could control younger less powerful ones. No matter what his mind
thought, his body wanted to obey. No, it needed to obey Eric. When did
his life turn into a Twilight Zone episode? Nothing made sense.

“What’s going on?” Brett asked. This time there was no masking the


“I am sorry. I should not force you to follow my orders,” Eric said.

“I will explain later, but right now you are in danger.”

“Did you apologize?” Damn, Brett didn’t know the word sorry was

in Eric’s vocabulary. “How did you know?” The Twilight Zone music
played in his head. “Are you responsible for the assholes following me?
Who called you? Are you following me?” He rattled off each question as
it popped into his head. Eric always accused Brett of not thinking things
through. He just proved the other man was correct.

“Your fear called to me,” Eric said. “We will discuss it later.”
“No, I didn’t call to you and I’m not afraid.” It wasn’t a complete lie.

He wasn’t scared, but terrified. The closer he got to the Turner Tech
headquarters the more aggressive the car behind him became. The car
slammed into the back of his car. “What the hell?” He pressed harder on
the gas, trying to keep the car away.

“What’s going on?” Eric demanded.
“The asshole just hit my car.”
“Get to the building.”
Brett nodded. Right now that sounded like a good idea. “I can leave

the car and fly.”

“Do not stop the car,” Eric ordered. “Stay in the car and drive. It is

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“Why because they’ll see me? Oh that’s right. We can’t let the

humans see us, so I have to play cat and mouse while the other car tries
to run me off the road.”

“Don’t be stupid. If you fly, so will they. You are not being followed

by humans. Vampires are chasing you.”

“Shit.” He lost control of the car and it slid. He hit the brakes but the

driver side slammed into a pole. His head hit the steering wheel.

Everything started to go dark. He watched as three people exited

from the vehicle. They levitated and moved closer. Brett reached for his
seat belt. To hell with Eric, he needed to fly. He pushed at the door, but
the light pole prevented him from opening it. He reached for the
passenger side just as the three surrounded the car. He didn’t have time
to get out. Their sharp and unforgiving fangs promised pain. Brett
reached out and pressed down on the lock.

A hand broke through the glass.
“Shit,” Brett screamed as he moved away from the grasping fingers.
The vampires snarled. They continued to reach for him. Another hand

crashed through the driver side window like it was pushing through a
thin piece of paper. The vampire’s sharp nails grabbed for his jacket.
Fingers wrapped around the sleeve. Brett dove for the backseat, pulling
both arms out of the jacket sleeves.

The roof shook. A hand pushed through the top of the car. Brett

swallowed as the fingers wrapped around the metal and ripped it off like
the car was a soup can with the easy pull-off top.

He was exposed. All three vampires looked at him with hungry, feral

eyes. There was no humanity or consciousness. These vampires were
more like animals than men. He jumped as one launched for him. He
dove out of the way and soared upward, but another vampire grabbed his
leg and pulled Brett down. It bit into his side. Brett screamed and
slammed his fist down, hitting the vampire in the head. The vampire
crashed to the ground. Another vampire, the largest of the three, moved
behind him and bit into Brett’s neck. He screamed as it drank his blood.
The other two approached. Brett tried to break free, but he was weak
from the drinking and the other vampire was strong. The two approached
with fangs out and ready to bite. Brett closed his eyes. If he was going to

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die, then he didn’t want to see it happen. He heard the sound of
something hard hitting the ground.

He opened his eyes as a person in black flew in front of him. He

tried to lift his arms to fight and help the newcomer, but he was too
weak. His eyes felt heavy and started to drift down.

“Get off of him,” Eric said with a growl.
Brett’s eyes widened. He stared into the face of a very pissed-off

Eric Turner. Eric reached out and pulled the vampire sucking his blood
off Brett. With the strength of an older vampire, he threw the other
vampire toward the ground.

Brett’s body started to fall toward the street. Eric wrapped an arm

around him, pulling Brett close. Brett leaned into Eric’s hard body. His
muscles relaxed. He felt tired and weak as he listened to the sound of
fighting below. He opened his eyes and looked down.

Two vampires surrounded Jack Turner. His boss smirked, and with

the speed only a vampire could see moved closer to Brett’s attackers. He
ripped the head off one and the vampire’s body disintegrated into ash
and blood. The second vampire backed up. But Jack was faster, his arm
cut into the other vampire’s neck, killing him instantly.

“Is he okay?” Jack demanded.
Brett moaned and leaned into Eric’s arms. He watched as the alley

filled with the Turner clan. They surrounded the vampire that had drunk
his blood.

“Kill it,” Eric ordered.
“This one can be saved,” Jack said. He looked at Eric. “Keep him


“Of course,” Eric snapped.
“Are you all right?” Eric asked. “Hang on. When the danger is over,

I will feed you.”

Brett nuzzled into Eric’s strong arms. He was only an inch shorter

than the other vampire, but his body lacked the hard muscle and strength
of the older vampire. Curled in the other man’s embrace, he basked in
the power.

“You were a lot lighter as a child, but you still need constant

protection.” Eric’s grip tightened.

“Eric,” Jack snapped.

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“As a child?” Brett asked, still dazed by the blood loss and now

confused by the warmth of Eric’s words.

“Don’t worry about it now,” Eric ordered.
Brett nodded. He couldn’t fight the other vampire’s orders.
“Good. Now drink.” Eric exposed his neck.
Brett looked at the white flesh in disbelief. Drinking from another

vampire was far too intimate. Only mates and lovers drank from each
other. The vampire that forced his blood violated that intimate

Brett’s fangs grew as the desire to drink outweighed the

implications. He bit into Eric’s neck and drank. His cock hardened as the
blood slid down his throat. A part of Eric was inside of him, but it
wasn’t enough. Soon he had Eric pushed down on the sidewalk. He
straddled the other man’s waist. He drank as his hard cock pressed
between them. He pulled away and arched his back. He was drunk on
blood and lust. He looked at Eric, who smiled.

“Not tonight. You will hate yourself in the morning. Now sleep. I

will keep you safe.”

Brett’s eyes closed. Damn Eric and his commands.

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Chapter Three

Eric pushed a strand of brown hair from Brett’s eyes. He studied the

other man’s sleeping face. He wanted to kiss the perk upturned nose,
ravage the pouty pink lips, and suck on the long, lean neck. The skin
around Brett’s eyes relaxed in sleep. Eric smiled. Brett felt things so
much stronger than anyone else. Vampires felt pain, especially young
ones, but for Brett it was worse. The other man was young. Twenty-
seven might be an adult for humans but in the vampire world he was still
a baby. Eric saw it every day with the wide happy smile and naïve

It had been only four years since Brett’s full conversion to vampire.

All vampires were born from men and were all males. At birth the child
had a faint heartbeat until he reached his prime. At that time, they turned
into a full vampire. They lost the warmth as their hearts stopped beating.
On the day of conversion the vampire stopped aging. The only time a
vampire’s body warmed was during sex. Their seed still had the ability
to create life.

Earlier someone had tried to end Brett’s vampire existence. Anger

surged through him. The thought of the one light in Eric’s dark life
disappearing left him unhinged.

The plane started to lift into the air. At least far away from the city,

Brett would be safe. Eric didn’t relish the idea of staying on an island.
Worse than that, being alone with Brett would test his control. He
clenched his fist, determined to keep his hands away from Brett’s
tempting body.

One hand reached out and rubbed softly down the sleeping man’s

cheek. It was one last touch he’d allow before hands were kept off.

Eric relived the feel of Brett’s body pressed against him as the

younger vampire drank his blood. The hard cock rubbing against him
was a sign that Brett also desired him. Eric shook his head. Those
forbidden feelings were not something that could be allowed.

* * * *

Brett’s head pounded as if someone had taken a jackhammer to his

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temple. It wasn’t fair. Vampires didn’t get headaches after the
conversion. Someone needed to tell Brett’s body that because his head

A dark haze clouded his mind. The sun burned outside. A vampire

always knew when the sun was out. Daylight was more effective than
warm milk in putting them to sleep. But something was tugging at him.
Memories tried to push through the dense fog covering his mind. A thick
transparent wall blocked a part of him. He could see through it, but
couldn’t push past it. Why didn’t he notice the wall before?

“Don’t worry about it now.”
Brett turned toward the voice. He blinked. He rubbed his eyes. Then

he blinked again. A mirror image of him with golden-blond hair stood
less than five feet away.

“Who are you?”
Brett’s blond self laughed. “I’m you.”
Oh no, he was losing his mind. Maybe the headache and

hallucination were a sign of a serious vampire disease. That was far
more believable than having a conversation with himself. He was
seriously fucked up?

The hallucination laughed again. “Don’t worry. I’m not real.” He

shook his head. “No, that’s not right. I’m real, but not real. Does that
make sense?”

The figment of his imagination stared at him with shining blue eyes.

Was he filled with that much hope? It was nauseating. He wasn’t going to
argue with himself. He nodded his head up and down and smiled. Let the
hallucination think he understood what real but not real meant.

“It’s rude to lie to me. Wait, if you are lying to me, that means you’re

lying to yourself.” Blond Brett shook his head like he knew everything
there was to know about the world. “That’s really wrong.”

“Listen…” He paused. It seemed wrong to call the man a

hallucination to his face. No, he wasn’t going to be rude. Maybe the
blond him didn’t realize he wasn’t real. Did Brett want to be the one to
tell him? “Brett—” It sounded funny, but he continued, “I appreciate that
you came to talk to me. But talking to myself is not normal.” There, he
said it in a nice way. One thing he knew was not to piss off the delusion.

Blond Brett laughed. “I’m Bright.”

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Brett nodded. “Of course you are.”
The figment closed his eyes. “We can’t talk now, but soon we’ll

have a long conversation. Now, wake up. Eric’s worried.”

Great, the other man planned on returning. Maybe he could schedule

the hallucination on his calendar. He’d call it his crazy day. No one
would suspect he meant it literally. He shook his head. Could it get
worse? Oh wait. The bright-blond hallucination was worried about Eric
Turner. Brett thought about the older vampire worried, and felt sick, too.
He didn’t want Eric to worry. Oh no, he really was losing his mind.

The figment moved closer and tapped Brett’s forehead. “Wake up,


Brett opened his eyes. White walls curved at unusual angles. The

lights on the ceiling were dim, and a thick shade covered the tiny
windows. He sat up. The white leather sofa squashed underneath him.
The pieces clicked together—curved ceiling, small windows, and
leather couch. The Turner jet, an island retreat, and Eric pushed through
the confusion. They were on the plane now. A moment ago, in his dream,
his head ached, but now it didn’t hurt.

“Awake?” Eric asked.
Brett turned and glared at the other vice president. “No, my eyes

open when I’m asleep. And I talk, too.”

“Just as irritating in the morning as you are at night. It must be your

special charm.” Eric leaned closer. His hand slid under Brett’s chin and
forced his head up.

The touch left him wanting more. He squirmed to get closer as his

cock stiffened. He longed for those long, thick fingers to move across his
body, exploring every inch of skin. His arousal pressed painfully into his
zipper. Eric squeezed his chin. He pulled his head away as the reality set

The need and lust shocked him. The truth rocked him off balance. He

needed to walk away from Eric before he started rubbing up against a
pant leg like a dog in heat. The sudden movement left him dizzy and
disoriented. Brett rubbed his forehead then moved his hand to his neck.
He felt like he’d been forced to fly around the world chasing after the
moon with one-hundred-pound weights attached to his limbs. He
searched for injuries. His hands moved up and down his body. The skin

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was so sensitive. He moaned at the feel of his fingers gliding across his

“If you are going to pull out your cock and stick your fingers up your

ass, then go into the bathroom.”

“W–What?” Brett sputtered. “Where the hell did that come from?”
Eric closed the distance. “You are hard. I smell the sexual need. The

want. The desire. The hands moving up and down caressing your body
has your cock whimpering for release. If you want to continue to feel
yourself up, then go into the bathroom.”

“I’m not feeling myself up,” he said with a growl. The humiliation

burned. Only Eric would bluntly tell him off. Anyone else would realize
he wasn’t about to masturbate in front of another person. He thought
about denying the hard cock pressing against his jeans, but he wouldn’t
put it past Eric to check. After all, Eric didn’t know how to be wrong.
“I’m looking for injuries. I don’t feel right,” he reluctantly admitted.

Eric’s hand rubbed down his arm. The coldness instantly changed to

concern. “Where does it hurt?”

Brett shivered. The touch felt good. He licked his lips. More, his

mind begged. Eric squeezed his arm and he snapped back to reality.
Don’t think that, he reprimanded. “My head feels off.”

“Anything else?”
Yes, his mind screamed. He had a hard cock and a body that wanted

sex. “No, nothing else.” He smiled.

Eric cocked his head to the side. Then his lips curved upward in a

knowing smirk.

That smirk left him horny. It took everything he had not to reach over

and pull out Eric’s cock and start sucking it. He clinched his fingers
tightly together.

If there was a god, the plane would blow up now. Knowing his luck,

he’d live through it and wash up with Eric on a different island that was
completely abandoned. Then they would be stranded together for

“What happened?” he demanded.
“Early this morning, you lost control of your car and hit a street light

outside of Turner Tech.” Eric looked directly into Brett’s eyes. “Do you
remember anything?”

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An accident. That was what Eric said. It didn’t make sense. He was

a vampire with fast reflexes. Vampires didn’t have car accidents. He
looked at Eric. “I visited my parents to tell them of the evil one’s plan to
force us into couple’s therapy.”

Eric rubbed Brett’s knee.
Brett swallowed and continued trying to ignore the touch. “Then I

drove back to the city. I needed to pack.” He froze. There was more, but
he hit a wall. He focused on the darkness. He touched his neck and felt
sick. “I don’t remember,” he finally admitted.

“Your head slammed into the steering wheel. I arrived before the

ambulance and took care of the mess. I called your parents to let them
know you were fine.”

It was like he was lost in the forest with his eyes covered by a thick

blindfold and then told he needed to find a penny buried somewhere in a
mile’s radius. Something happened, but he didn’t know what happened.

“How did you arrive before the ambulance?”
“I was heading home from headquarters when I saw the mess. I

picked you up and then ordered my driver to bring us to the airport. Jack
wouldn’t accept being unconscious as an excuse for missing the plane.
We took off on schedule about four hours ago.”

“What about Bug?”
“Bug? There was no bug.”
Brett sighed. “Not a bug. My car, you idiot. That’s Bug.”
Eric’s stared at him in disbelief. “You named that small piece of


Brett kicked at Eric but his reflexes were too slow. “When you insult

my car, you insult me.” Brett growled and threw his body at Eric. If Eric
dodged him, he’d hit the table hard, but if he didn’t, Brett would be close
enough to kick the man’s ass.

Eric didn’t try to jump out of the way. Instead, he grabbed both of

Brett’s arms and pinned him to the sofa. “I can’t take it anymore.” He
pressed their groins together.

Brett shivered at the feel of their hard shafts touching, separated by

only a few layers of clothes. Eric moved up and down, creating friction.
He bit down on his lower lip at the feel of their clothed bodies sliding
against each other. The fabric of his underwear pressed into him as the

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metal zipper pushed into his sensitive erection. He bent his knees and
then spread his legs to allow Eric to settle in between them. He hissed as
Eric slammed his pelvis down.

“What are you doing to me?” Brett asked.
“Isn’t it obvious?”
Eric rolled his hips then moved from side to side, creating a

delicious friction. Brett’s hands grabbed Eric’s hair. Eric’s eyes burned
with desire as he continued to grind their shafts together with vampire
speed. He liked the weight of Eric’s body on top of him. Only his pride
and the inability to form words kept him from begging the older vampire
to fuck him.

Eric slowed down and a hand moved down to his zipper and he

listened to the crunch and snap of the metal sliding down. It was all too
much. Every nerve cried out in anticipation. The sensual overload
pushed him to the limit. He arched his back up, and hot cum filled his

Brett’s eyes widened in embarrassment. Eric cocked his head in

amusement. The smirk of satisfaction stretched across his face. Brett
reached for Eric’s pants and freed the hard cock. It bounced in his hand
before his fingers wrapped around the impressive length. It was fat and
extra long. It throbbed and pulsed in his grip. He stroked Eric hard and
fast. Their eyes locked as he pushed Eric to completion.

The older vampire grunted as the hot, sticky liquid covered Brett’s

hand. His face relaxed into a sated expression as he placed a gentle kiss
on Brett’s forehead. The musky smell of sex filled the cabin. Brett pulled
out his hand. It was covered in Eric’s essence. He lifted the hand to his
lips and licked down his fingers, tasting Eric’s musky seed.

Eric growled, but pulled away. He zipped up his pants and stared

down at Brett with a look of longing mixed with pain. Brett reached for
his hand, but Eric’s cold stare was enough to push it away.

It took a minute to focus. His cock was no longer hard, but the

stickiness reminded him that he had nothing to change into. “Wait, I
didn’t get a chance to pack.”

Eric stood and hovered over him. “Sucks to be you.”
“Excuse me.”
“Next time, do not be so careless. We can live forever, but we can

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also be killed. The steering wheel could have sliced off your head or…”
He stopped in mid-sentence. “Pants full of dry cum will force you to
remember that lesson.”

He rolled his eyes at the abrupt change of subject. “Eric, you’re such

a romantic.”

“If you had ended up in the hospital, I cannot even imagine the

damage that would have done. Besides, humping on a plane is not
romantic. It is sex. Nothing more.”

Brett felt like he’d been slapped. He’d been with other men, but

nothing as out of control and good as what they had just done. He wanted
to rip off his clothes and submit to Eric. He shivered, imagining Eric
between his spread legs without the layer of clothes separating them.
“I’m missing something. How did we get here?” Brett closed his eyes.
“I’m talking about you practically fucking me through my clothes.”

“Looking for an excuse. Someone else to blame for what happened.”
“No, I’m not.” He cringed at the raw sincerity in his voice. “What’s

wrong with me?” His eyes widened in disbelief. Everything felt raw like
his body was an open wound and someone just ripped off the scab.

“Shh, there is nothing wrong with you.” Eric pushed him back onto

the leather sofa. “It is too soon and too fast. Rest, we will be on the
plane for three more hours, so sleep for now. It is daylight. You had a
difficult day and must be tired.”

“I’m sticky,” Brett complained.
“It is okay. After I called Steve, he drove to your condo and packed a

bag. It is on the plane.”

“Sounds good,” Brett said. He wanted to change, but he drifted off to

sleep before he had a chance to do it.

* * * *

After looking at Brett one more time, Eric walked to the opposite

part of the plane. He hit the two on his mobile device, speed-dialing his

“Jack Turner.” The tired response told Eric that he wasn’t the only

one that hadn’t slept.

“Brother, anything new?” Eric asked.

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“Eric, how’s Brett?”
“Confused. He doesn’t remember last night.”
You blocked his memories, Jack accused in a cold hard voice.
No. He did that on his own. Brett doesn’t want to remember.
Eric, this can’t go on. You have to tell him the truth.
“He is not ready. When he woke up, he still felt my blood coursing

through him. He needed and wanted me.” The other man had been so raw
and needy. His body had called out for someone to touch him.

Did you sleep with him?
“Of course not. I would never take advantage of him. I only touched

him.” While he hadn’t fucked Brett, he shouldn’t have touched him. Brett
still needed time.

“I’m glad that you have remarkable control. If Brett was still under

the effects of your blood, I’m surprise he didn’t beg you for sex.”

“You have a sick mind. Besides, Brett has pride. He is not ready to

submit to me.” The image of Brett’s tan skin and wide-open eyes as Eric
pushed their covered erections together was forever burned into his
mind. “Now, tell me about the vampires that we captured last night.”

“We killed two. The one that drank from Brett is in the Turner

holding cell.”

“You left him alive.”
“He was turned against his will by someone not strong enough to

create a vampire. Only a few vampires can turn someone without the
blood lust. Brett’s blood should change this man and gave him a chance.
He will regain his memories and his nature and now serve Brett until he
dies. He will protect and guard him.”

“That was not Brett’s choice.” The vampire violated Brett by taking

blood. It should have been an instant death sentence. What was Jack

“Yes, we were too late to stop it, but if you kill the newly turned

now, Brett will feel it. He helped create his first vampire. I’m sorry,
Eric, but you can’t change that.”

“Brett does not have to remember.” It was one more thing Brett

didn’t need to know. The guilt kept building with each lies. Anything that
hurt the other man, Eric wanted to take away.

“Eric, Brett needs to remember. You can’t keep blocking the things

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that might be painful for him.”

Eric closed his eyes. Jack didn’t understand. Brett was his world.

He’d give up everything to keep him safe. Pain didn’t belong in the
younger vampire’s life. “Does the new vampire remember anything?”

“No, he’s lucid. Before drinking Brett’s blood is a dark blur. In time,

he might remember.”

“The driver?” Eric asked. Someone had to have enough sense to

drive the car and to control the other vampires.

“He escaped. Without him we don’t know the clan responsible for

the attack or if they know the truth. It might have been a coincidence.
Brett’s blood draws other vampires.”

Eric snorted. “Not likely. Most of his power has been locked away.

It is possible if he was bleeding, but the only marks on him were the
vampire bites.” The reality set in. Eric punched the seat. “I almost lost

“You didn’t,” Jack said. “Almost is not losing him. Eric, Brett needs

to know the truth. It’s time. Without the truth he’s a helpless baby out

Eric closed his eyes. Brett would hate him after learning the truth. In

time he might forgive Eric. But even if the other vampire despised him,
Eric would never leave him. Brett was his life.

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Chapter Four

Brett felt like a jockey itching to ride in a new race. Nothing could

keep him still. As the island got closer, the more anxious he became.
Alone with Eric took on a whole new meaning and it was as welcomed
as the plague. He wasn’t ready and couldn’t be sure he’d ever be ready.
The awakening desire put a new spin on their relationship. Brett couldn’t
keep his hands off of Eric, a fact he wasn’t ready to explore.

Thankfully, he didn’t live during the Black Death or the flu epidemic,

but the other man had lived during those times. Eric’s life experiences
filled the plane, while his filled a shot glass. How could he make up for
that? They had nothing in common. Eric traveled the world. He traveled
the suburbs.

At times like this, he wanted a friend to talk to. He turned his back on

the few that he had after the conversion. The thought of eating human
food was as appealing as a mouth full of maggots. He just couldn’t
picture going to a bar asking for raw meat or a bloody drink. That would
have sent his friends running or worse trying to commit him for being

He winced. Mental health issues were a sore subject. Since his

double with bleached hair showed up, Brett started to question his own
sanity. After a nice long nap, he wondered if he’d dreamed the fake
Brett. That made sense. He could live with that. He could explain that,
but he couldn’t explain the feeling that the dream was real.

Eric tapped the armrest of the chair as his dark-brown eyes glared at

the wall. Brett shook his head. Only Eric would find offense with an
inanimate object.

With Eric preoccupied, he raked his eyes over the other vampire’s

strong hard body. The man might be ancient, but he looked so damn hot
and felt like sin under his fingertips. Brett let out a pitiful moan. He
shouldn’t know how fantastic Eric felt. Only yesterday, the thought left a
bitter taste in his throat. He would’ve volunteered to have his eyes
ripped out or his fangs extracted before agreeing to touch Eric. Now he
craved the feel of Eric’s weight on top of him, moving between his
spread legs as he pressed into Brett. It was a sensual nightmare.

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A flight attendant pushed through the door leading from the cockpit.

The top buttons of her uniform were undone and a part of her hair pulled
from a tight ponytail. Brett arched an eyebrow up as a lot of dirty images
filled his head—Eric pushing him against the wall before sliding into his
slick passage, Brett on his knees with a mouth stuffed full of cock. No, he
shook his head, willing the forming erection away. Don’t think about sex.

Eric snorted. “You have a dirty mind.”
He cringed. “How do you know what I’m thinking?” He bowed his

head like a guilty man ready to be hanged.

“Every thought, every feeling reflects on your face, in your movement

as you imagine her fucking the pilot in the cockpit. You turned away,
unable to look at her satisfied face, and then pressed your thighs

Brett bit his lip. Eric’s view was so close to the truth. But the flight

attendant’s sex life meant nothing to him. Thinking about someone having
sex led him to think about having sex, which meant sex with Eric. He
groaned. Eric mentioned the words “cockpit” and “fucking.” His
overactive imagination took over.

Eric sat naked in the captain’s chair. His hard cock jutted upward.

Brett climbed onto his lap and impaled his body on the thick shaft. Brett
flew the plane as he rode Eric. Hands pinched his nipples. Eric’s voice
ordered him to keep the plane steady. Every jerk of the plane led to a
hard pound as he fought to keep the aircraft straight. What was happening
to him? It was like he was becoming a sex fiend.

“The plane will be landing in one hour. A jeep will arrive after

sunset to drive you to the compound.” The flight attendant paused. “Do
you want a snack or something to eat?”

“That will be all,” Eric snapped.
The harsh voice pushed the remnants of the fantasy away. “Eric, stop

being an asshole. She’s trying to be nice. That means she is thinking of
someone besides herself.” Brett held up one hand when Eric opened his
mouth to speak. “I know it’s a foreign concept, but sometimes people
think of other people. They’re not self-centered.” Brett nodded in
approval. Eric needed to learn other people had feelings. Besides,
having something to pick apart steadied him.

Eric glared at Brett before turning to the flight attendant. “That will

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be all.”

The woman nodded before turning to run out of the plane cabin.
“You have a way with people.”
“Yes.” He nodded in agreement. “A way that commands respect.” He

looked at Brett. “You, on the other hand, want to be everyone’s friend.”

Brett laughed. “There’s a difference in being friendly and a person

desperate for friends. Maybe if you get out more and talk to people
without insulting them you’d understand the difference.”

Eric snorted. “Do you really believe that shit?”
“Why are you such a jerk? I give up. You don’t even want to be


“Brett, the world is full of bad people. Open your eyes.”
Brett threw his back into the sofa. “I give up.” He closed his eyes

and pictured the cold bleak days ahead. “Great, hell is about to begin. I
can hear the eerie music. My life has a cheesy soundtrack.”

Eric sighed. “Dr. White will help with the hallucinations.”
Brett froze. Then he turned to glare at Eric. “I’m not crazy.” Okay,

maybe he did see images of himself with blond hair. Those were dreams,
dreams that felt real, but dreams nevertheless. Calling him crazy hit too
close to home. “I don’t really hear music. It’s a figure of speech. Don’t
take everything so literally. That’s also annoying.” He was babbling.
Why didn’t he learn to control that nervous habit?

“It is a waste of time. Just say what you mean. Anything else is


Brett rolled his eyes. It was no use talking about literal and figurative

language or making friends with the other man. Eric just didn’t get it. The
last press release demonstrated that.

He squinted while studying Eric. “Don’t think about murdering me in

my sleep. A lot of people know I’m here with you. If I disappear, they
will come after you.”

Eric shook his head. “Vampires are already dead. We don’t breathe

or have a heartbeat. I cannot murder the dead.”

Brett laughed. “Already making excuses. Is that what you’ll tell them

after they find the ash remains of my body? I can hear the words now
—‘it wasn’t murder. He wasn’t alive’—in that cold calculating tone that
makes others piss their pants.” He pointed a finger at Eric. “If I cease to

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exist, they’ll come for you.” This time Brett folded his arms over his
stomach, refusing to look at Eric’s smug perfect face. Perfect face?
Where did that come from?

One magazine had proclaimed Eric as tall, dark, and handsome with

a mysterious allure that attracted both males and females. That magazine
ended up burning on top of Brett’s stove burner. At least he used the
appliance for something. It unnerved him to think anything about Eric
was perfect. No, it left him shaken. What the hell was going on?

Mind, listen, he commanded. Eric Turner’s chiseled chin, high, well-

defined cheekbones, and piercing, dark-brown eyes might attract others
but not Brett Underwood. Liar, his inner voice screamed as the memory
of Eric humping him flashed in his mind.

On second thought, Eric killing him was better than fucking him. If

the other man got inside of him with his thick, enormous cock, Brett
would never get him out of his system. “When you kill me, make it

Eric kneeled right in front of him. His hands touched Brett’s knee. “I

will never hurt you. If anyone tries to hurt you, I will kill them. Do you

The seriousness in the other man’s eyes left him speechless. Brett

blinked a few times before finally finding the words. “I…” But he
couldn’t admit that he felt safe, at least from physical harm with Eric.
The strange love-hate relationship was turning intimate and that terrified
him. He wasn’t ready to voice his thoughts. Instead he nodded and turned
his head away.

“Get some sleep,” Eric ordered and moved to the other seat.
“I’ve slept off and on all day,” he whined.
“You lost blood, and the daylight makes us tired. Rest. I’ll watch

over you.”

Brett nodded. A part of him wanted to obey every command Eric

uttered. He wasn’t tired, but it would give him time to think. Relieved to
have some way to hide, he didn’t mention that if anyone needed sleep it
was the uptight man flying with him. Well, maybe not. The older a
vampire, the less sleep he required. He looked at Eric. Did he even
sleep? He decided not to question it now. Instead, he leaned back and
closed his eyes, basking in the comfort of the other vampire’s presence.

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* * * *

A thick haze covered an unfamiliar room. Another dream, but this

one was foggy and unfocused. Eric stepped beside him and wrapped
both arms around his waist, pulling Brett back into his body. He leaned
into the embrace.

“We first met here.” Eric laughed. “You were a perfect angel.”
Brett looked around the strange room. He’d never been here before.

He turned to look at Eric. “We met the day I walked into your corner
office inside the Turner Tech headquarters right after sunset. I wanted to
introduce myself, but you rolled your eyes then told me that I was
slacking off and should be working. I got angry and punched you.”

Eric shook his head. “I did not realize that you act before you think.

But we met before that day. Here in this room many years ago.”

Brett pulled away. He walked around the large room. It was bigger

than his entire condo. The ceiling was decorated in metal that formed
elaborate markings, vampire markings. The markings formed words in
the ancient language. Damn, he never learned to read it. The gold-plated
script covered the ceiling, moving down one wall. He froze. It wasn’t
gold plated. The designs were made out of gold. He continued to move
around the room. Antiques and expensive furniture filled the space. The
tacky display of wealth from Oriental vases and paintings framed in gold
decorated with diamonds fit together, but nothing looked comfortable.
He turned to Eric. “Where are we?”

Eric laughed. His laugh filled the room and echoed off the high


Normally disgusted by the other man’s cold chuckle, he wasn’t now.

The laugh was warm and addicting. “Where are we?” he asked, a little
more demanding.

Eric moved from his side and walked over to another man with

golden-blond hair. Brett blinked. They were alone a few seconds ago.
Where did the other man come from? Eric wrapped his arms around the
other man just as he’d done with Brett. He fumed. Eric was his. Where
the hell did that thought come from? He was jealous. The realization
shocked him.

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Brett couldn’t see the other man’s face as they gazed up at the

portrait of the vampire king that hung on the wall. He’d seen the image
numerous times in every vampire history book. The king ruled for over
seven centuries before his death. Something about seeing the painting in
this room left him feeling sad.

He growled when Eric hugged the other man. Brett walked closer

and the blond-haired man turned to look at him. Brett flinched. It was
him. He was looking at himself. He’d seen this man in another dream.

“Who are you?” Brett asked. He tried to recall what he’d said


The blond-haired man smiled. “I’m you, but I’m not.” The kindness

and open honesty in the man’s blue eyes—no, his eyes—calmed him.

“Where are we?” Brett asked.
“Home,” the blond-haired man said. “Eric and I are home.”
“Home.” Brett shook his head. “I don’t live here. I live in a condo,

not in a mansion.”

The blond-haired man pulled away from Eric and walked closer. He

reached out his hand to touch Brett, who jumped back. If they touched in
a dream, he didn’t know what would happen. His blond self looked sad.

“Someday, you’ll understand. You will have to let me in. After all, I

am you.”

The room burst into flames. The fire danced around the floor and

then moved up the walls. The flames were black and sinister. Brett
backed up.

“You must go,” Eric ordered.
Brett looked around the room. Eric was already gone. “Where did he


“He had the sense to leave when the fire started. You need to leave,


The flames moved in. Then a face formed inside the fire. It was the

king. Brett held up his hand and blue flames wrapped around his arms.
He shot his flame at the black flame. The flames cried out in pain.

“Wake up,” Eric ordered.
His face burned as a slap echoed throughout the cabin. The fire

touched his arm, and he screamed in pain. He jumped. He was back on
the plane. Eric looked at him like he was crazy. Brett touched his face

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and still felt the sting of pain from being hit.

“You slapped me.” He already knew the answer.
“Yes, you were having a nightmare,” Eric said.
Brett looked at Eric. The dream had been so real. The heat still filled

him. He touched his arm and winced. Brett ripped the sleeve off his
shirt. A small burn covered the area the fire had touched. It was healing
fast, and soon not even a scar would remain. “I don’t understand.”

Eric’s eyes widened, but soon he erased all emotion and then

shrugged. “Get ready. We’ll be leaving the plane soon.”

Brett grabbed Eric’s arm. “I don’t understand,” he repeated. This

was important. A dream had burned him and Eric knew something.

Eric leaned closer and touched his cheek. “Calm down, Brett. It was

only a dream.” The voice pushed through the urgency. He wanted to
listen and obey. Brett nodded as the question left his mind. “Yes, it was
only a dream,” he repeated.

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Chapter Five

Brett turned to reenter the plane. This had to be the wrong place, the

stop before arriving at Jack’s island. Where was the shopping? He
wanted to see the tacky T-shirt shops and restaurants serving island
specialties. Those things meant people—tourists and island natives. This
island had neither. Did he call this trip hell? No, he’d prefer hell over

“Eric, when are we going to Jack’s island?” His voice cracked.

Deep down he knew this was it, but accepting it was a different story.

Eric tilted his head. He stood still, carefully watching Brett. “Our

stay will be quiet and peaceful.” There was a hint of amusement in his

“Quiet and peaceful,” Brett repeated. Oh no, he was right. This was

it. He looked one more time at the deserted island, wishing for some
activity. “I don’t think so.”

He backed up. How was he supposed to avoid Eric with nothing to

do? Not only that, he hated to be alone. That was why he spent extra
hours at work or at his parents’ house. Did Jack hate him? He refused to
stay here. This was too much.

Eric grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the plane.
“I can’t. It’s too quiet.”
Eric arched one eyebrow up. “Is that why you constantly talk? To

hear your own voice. That explains the lack of important information.
How do you explain the shrieking?”

“I don’t shriek.”
“At the last convention, you shrieked, jumped up, and hit the ceiling

after seeing a bug. I had to change the memories of lots of humans.”

“It was a roach. Those things are nasty.” He glared at Eric. Only

he’d bring up that incident.

Eric rubbed his head at the stupidity behind the explanation. “We

live in a world that has more bugs than humans and vampires combined.”

Brett nodded. “And some of those bugs are disgusting.” Still not

willing to let the last insult go, Brett continued to defend himself. “When
I speak, I say valuable and informative things. I do not talk because I like

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the sound of my voice.” Brett rubbed his chin. “It is nice sounding.” He
nodded. Then he locked eyes with Eric. “But I say important things. Like
being alone with you is a nightmare. See valuable information.”

Eric rolled his eyes. “Yes, your biased feelings are valuable. Now,

can you shut up for five minutes?”

“Hey, if you didn’t want to hear my voice, why strand us together on

a deserted island in the middle of nowhere? You like the sound of my
voice. Admit it.”

“We are not on a deserted island, and it was not my idea to have us

here together. That would have been Jack’s brilliant plan. I know the
events transpired yesterday, but try to remember what really happened.”

Brett sputtered. Eric called him stupid. He wanted to dig deeper and

push the vampire’s buttons. “Oh come on. Since when does the almighty
Eric Turner listen to his brother? If you didn’t want to be here then you
wouldn’t be here. To hell with Jack and his orders.” That was good.
Eric controls everything down to the very last strand of hair. Let him
stew in that.

Eric nodded. “True.” He turned to look at Brett. “Then you would be

here without me.”

Brett almost fell as he stumbled over a rock. Eric made the trip

bearable. He didn’t want to be here without him, but he didn’t want to be
here with only him.

“Besides, it is time that we learn to get along. Maybe get to know

each other. Discover each other’s deep dark secrets. Find out the
different things that make us tick. What do you say, Brett? What is your
deepest desire?”

Brett froze. He couldn’t move. Eric’s dark eyes trapped him. His

deepest desire was being stripped and held by the other man. He
swallowed. “Eric, what’s going on?”

Eric moved closer. He rested an arm over Brett’s shoulder, still

staring at him. “What do you mean?”

“There’s something going on. I can feel it.”
Eric leaned in. Their noses almost touched. “Do you think I’m

planning to hurt you?”

Brett thought about it. He felt protected and cherished. Eric argued

and insulted him, but still treasured him. “No, even if we don’t get along,

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I feel safe with you.”

“I will always protect you.” Eric pulled away. He grabbed Brett’s

hand and led him toward the house.

“I can find my own way.”
“Says the man that got lost in a shopping mall.”
“Hey, it was one of the largest malls in the country. I couldn’t find a


Eric laughed. “Maybe if you actually got lost in the mall, you would

have had better luck, but you got lost in a store.”

“The store was huge. There should have been a map.”
“Yes, of course.”
Brett’s blood started to boil at Eric’s tone. “You’re patronizing me.”
“Would you rather I remind you that you are a vampire? We have an

internal clock along with a compass that tells us where we are at all
times. You should never be lost.”

“It doesn’t work for me,” Brett reluctantly admitted. He wasn’t an

older, stronger vampire from a powerful clan. He was born from lower
vampires that served a clan.

“What do you mean?”
“I can’t close my eyes and know the time. It’s never the same. I can’t

focus. Where I am means nothing. It’s like I’m everywhere. There’s a
part of me all over in every time zone. It is night on the other side of the
world and I feel that.” Brett looked away. “It’s like I’m nowhere,” he
confessed. “It’s the same for direction.”

Eric pulled Brett closer. “Right now, you are here with me. Never

forget, you are always with me.”

“Am I that different. You know because I can’t do what you

described. Or is it because I wasn’t born higher in a clan?” Both of his
dads knew their longitude and latitude. They knew the exact time just by
feeling it. Brett only knew when the sun was out. Eric knew vampire
history. He could list every clan leader for the last two thousand years.
Maybe after his five-hundredth birthday he’d know something as useless.

Eric snorted. “Not at all. You are different. As for being nowhere,

you are with me on an island in the middle of the ocean. I will be your
compass.” The older vampire pulled Brett toward the house. “Let us
look at the place we will be living in.”

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Brett curled his fingers around Eric’s hand. The other vampire

infuriated him but at the same time helped him feel safe and normal.
“Fine, let’s look at the house since it’s an order from your evil brother.”

Brett stopped. Something smelt good. He looked to the tropical trees

off to his side. His fangs grew at the smell of the different animals. He
stared into the woods like a predator. Everything smelled so tasty. He
longed to sink his teeth into something warm blooded.

“Dinner later. First we settle in.”
“Why can’t we have dinner first?” he whined but followed Eric into

the house. The older vampire walked down a hallway, pointing out
paintings completed by European artists. The way Eric talked about
extraordinary human lives, Brett concluded they were famous artists.

“Eric, do you know a place with solid gold lettering in the ancient

language decorating the ceiling?”

Eric froze. “Have you seen such a place?”
Brett nodded. “In a dream. The place was filled with antique

furniture and paintings framed in gold with diamond accents.”

“A place like that does not exist.”
Eric avoided eye contact. He turned and continued up the main

staircase. Something was missing. He thought about the words. “A place
like that does not exist.”
Did it ever exist? The certainty behind Eric’s
voice told him one thing. Eric knew the room he saw in his dreams.

“We’re here.” Eric opened the French doors leading into a massive

suite. Over the windows hung heavy, room-darkening curtains, and two
large beds were propped up against the wall across from a large dresser
with an oversized desk next to it. Everything in the room was white—the
bedding, marble floor, bedspreads, lamps, and walls.

“It’s a nice room,” Brett said. He looked at the wall and gestured.

“Two beds?” he questioned.

Eric smirked. “One bed for you and one bed for me.”
Brett’s eyes widened. “Not going to happen. We’re not going to

share a room.”

“Now, now. Calm down. Jack’s orders. Following Jack’s request is

the easiest way back to civilization.”

“Fuck Jack. Your brother can take his orders and shove them up his

ass. And while he’s at it he can pry my foot that’s going to be lodged up

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there out of his rear.”

Eric shivered in disgust. “I do not think so.”
“I don’t mean literally.”
“Ah, yes. That is right, you cannot be precise. Always exaggerations

and saying things you do not mean. I am glad that you do not want to fuck
my brother with parts of your body.”

Brett rolled his eyes. This was one fight he wouldn’t win. Maybe

another vampire would charge out of the room and sleep in a cave or dig
a hole outside, but he liked comfort too much. He walked past Eric and
flopped down on one of the beds. Not willing to completely give up, he
had to ask one more time. “Is there any way around this?” He cringed at
the slight whine in his voice.

“Afraid not,” Eric responded in a bored tone like the conversation

held little or no value.

Brett turned and examined Eric. The other vampire leaned against the

wall looking like he’d rather be in a dentist chair having his fangs
extracted than be alone in the room with him. Still, something didn’t
make sense.

“Why are you being so agreeable? Since when did you start to care

about Jack’s orders? You respect your brother, but following his orders.
Last week, he ordered you to complete a financial perspective on the
possible sale of dog toys with GPS enabled tracking chips. You didn’t
rush to write the report, but passed it on to an underling. I don’t get it.
What’s really going on?”

Eric walked toward Brett. He leaned closer. “Maybe I want us to

share a room. We will sleep side by side during the day and hunt at

Brett laughed. “Says the person that called my constant talking

annoying. Besides, I doubt you sleep much.”

Eric nodded. “Constant talking is very annoying. There are other

things about you less annoying, and it will be quiet when you sleep.”

“Oh.” Brett couldn’t look away. He was trapped gazing into Eric’s

dark brown eyes. “Such as,” he prompted. “What are the less annoying

Eric cocked his head. “Your smile is nice.”
Brett’s eyes widened. That was it. He had a nice smile.

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“Now that you mention it, I don’t find your dull sense of humor too

repulsive. I no longer feel nauseous each time you speak. Progress,”
Brett proclaimed. “Should we call Jack?”

“Managing not to throw up every time you see my face isn’t enough

progress for Jack.”

“What would be enough progress for Jack?”
Eric looked away. “You do not want to know.”
Brett nodded in agreement. The less he knew about Jack and his

planning the better. “We’re stuck, trapped on an island.”

“For now.”
“What if I say fuck you and leave?”
“That is your choice. You can walk away from all this. Get another

job, but you cannot leave the clan. Jack and I will still have control over
your life.” Eric paused for a moment. “Staying is for the best, Brett.
Besides, Turner Tech’s vice president of marketing and public relations
is not a quitter.”

Rational Eric made sense. “I hate this place,” Brett said.
“Really, you have been here for an hour.”
“It’s quiet. Too quiet.” There was a slight shiver in Brett’s voice. “I

haven’t seen anyone but us.”

“There are a few caretakers, all vampires and the doctor that will

help us through our difficulties.”

“Difficulties.” Brett shook his head. “We hate each other.”
“No,” Eric interrupted. “I do not hate you. And you do not really hate

me. We disagree. We fight. But that is not hate.”

Brett didn’t know what he felt. The dream from earlier still pulled at

his nerves. In that dream, another part of him loved Eric. Then he woke
up with his skin burning. Something that wasn’t real left him in pain. He
looked at Eric. “What aren’t you telling me?”

Eric shook his head. “Right now is not the time, but someday you

will know everything.”

The words felt like a hard slap. The older vampire’s small

confession left Brett unsteady. There was something he needed to know.
Before he has assumed Eric was hiding something, but now he knew for

“It is early evening. Do you plan on sleeping the night away? Would

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you rather explore the island? We are surrounded by exotic tasty

Brett licked his lips. He was hungry. His fangs grew at the prospect

of sinking into fresh meat and drinking warm delicious blood. He jumped
up and ran to the closed window. Eric followed him. Brett licked his
lips, opened the window and then jumped to the ground.

He crunched down listening for his prey. Almost instantly, he jumped

up into a tree. He moved from branch to branch as he flew through the

As he leaped from one area to the next, he felt alive. In the city, he

couldn’t do this. He couldn’t run like this. Now, no one but Eric would
see him. He could hunt and fly. Brett laughed.

He stopped and sniffed the air. Fresh blood was close. It wasn’t

human blood, but it was warm. He crept along the branch, looking for his
prey. Then he saw it, a large tiger walking through the woods. The beast
owned the area. The commanding walk reminded him of Eric. He licked
his lips. The animal was full of delicious blood and the promise of

Brett jumped down and moved toward his prey. He flew in front of

the animal. The tiger hissed and Brett smiled. He wanted the animal to
attack. The tiger backed away, growling. Instant disappointment filled
him at the realization that the animal didn’t want to fight. The beast
sensed the stronger predator and wanted nothing to do with Brett.

Brett sped around and pinned the beast to the ground. He sunk his

teeth in and drank. The tiger tried to push him off, but he continued to
drink. He felt the life leave the animal, but before it ended, Brett pulled
away and jumped back.

Eric watched from a nearby branch. “What are you doing? The

animal is not dead.”

Brett nodded. “He’s tasty and he’ll be tasty tomorrow.”
Eric laughed and jumped to the ground. “Surprise, surprise, you can

think ahead.”

The blood dripped from Brett’s mouth. He felt high and wanted

something more. Eric stood a few feet away. He wasn’t thinking, only
feeling. Soon he was right up to the other vampire, kissing him and
sharing the blood that still lingered in his mouth. A voice inside

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screamed, what are you doing? Another voice laughed, it’s about time.
Eric tasted good. He pushed his tongue in and Eric opened his mouth.
The kiss deepened. Eric pulled away, the lust visible on the vampire’s
face. They both wanted more.

Eric laughed. The older, faster vampire dragged them both to the

ground. Brett’s back arched as Eric kissed up and down his neck. Their
positions completely reversed, the attacker now lay helpless as Eric’s
hand reached up his shirt to explore. Their mouths reconnected and their
tongues danced together. Eric pulled away and looked into his eyes.
Brett moaned. This was what he needed—to fuck and to be fucked. He
wanted to feel alive in the other vampire’s arms. He closed the distance
again, touching his lips to Eric’s. Tonight he would have it. He would
have it all.

Eric pulled away.
Brett growled and tried to reconnect their lips. Eric growled back

and Brett froze. The older vampire’s eyes bore directly into his eyes.
They looked at each other. Eric sized him up, trying to read in between
the lines. Brett didn’t want to wait. He wrapped both arms around Eric’s
neck. Brett’s fingers moved down to Eric’s back and he started to claw
at it.

“You are high,” Eric said.
Brett shook his head. “No, I want more. I want you.”
Eric continued to look at him. “Do you know what you are asking


Brett nodded. “I want you inside of me. I want you to pound into my

body. I want you.” He shivered just thinking about it. “I want it all,” he

Eric laughed. “I am not sure you will feel the same way tomorrow.”

He leaned down and pressed small kisses on Brett’s throat before
sucking on his earlobe. Eric moved down Brett’s neck, nibbling and
biting the sensitive flesh. Brett hissed as sharp fangs pinched his skin.

He bit his lip trying to suppress a moan. Eric was going to do it, his

mind screamed. Each kiss felt like soft silk against his skin.

Eric moved to meet Brett’s eyes. “If you regret it, it will not be on

me. I am going to give you what you are begging for.”

Brett arched his back up in anticipation.

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Eric unbuttoned Brett’s pants and slowly lowered the zipper. With

one hard yank, he pulled Brett’s jeans off his body. The cool night air
danced across his sensitive shaft. His cock, hard and stiff, wanted
immediate attention. Brett bit his lip, trying to regain some control. Eric
hovered above his shaft and then licked his lips. Their eyes locked and
Eric lowered his head down, sucking his cock.

The vampire’s tongue darted out and licked his sensitive tip. He

pressed the tongue into the slit opening. Eric moved his fingers down and
took Brett’s balls in the palm of his hand. He squeezed them and then
rolled them around before gently rubbing each one. The sensation never
ended. Just when he got used to it, Eric moved his hand away.

Brett moaned and begged, “Please, Eric. Please. More, give me

more. Suck me.”

Eric took pity on him and lowered his lips, taking in the entire cock.

As his mouth sucked, his hand moved back to Brett’s heavy balls.

Brett just laid there and felt every touch. Nothing had ever felt so

good. His hands moved to Eric’s hair. He wrapped his fingers around
the dark silk strands. It should be a crime to have such soft, luscious hair.
He spread his legs wider, inviting Eric in.

Eric’s fingers moved from his balls and rubbed the crease of his ass

before parting his rear. The older vampire moved in between his ass
cheeks. A finger rubbed his puckered entrance before slowly pushing in.
After resting all the way inside, the finger started moving in and out of
the tight ring. He’d never felt so alive with fresh blood in his belly, a
mouth wrapped around his cock, and a finger thrusting into his ass.
Nothing beat this night. A small part whispered, whoa stop it, and
another part screamed for him to get Eric to fuck him. The louder voice
overpowered all thoughts and pushed away the doubt threatening to

He touched and rubbed his sensitive nipples. Eric moved up to his

fingers. He lightly nipped at his hand, forcing it away. Soft lips attached
to his nipple. A tongue swirled around before licking and then biting
down. Never before had Brett been this sensitive. The tongue swirled
around the hard nubs and Brett moaned.

He writhed underneath. Eric was too slow. Using his body as

leverage, he pushed Eric off. He switched positions and now straddled

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Eric’s waist. His pants gone, he ripped his shirt completely open. His
naked cock rubbed against Eric’s pants. He wanted their cocks to touch.
He reached to unbutton the other man’s pants. He needed Eric’s shaft
free and inside of him. Eric teased too much. The vampire should be
fucking him by now.

Eric growled and used his strength to switch their positions. “You

are no longer in control,” Eric warned.

Brett nodded. He didn’t care if Eric was in control. He didn’t care if

he lost all control. He begged and moaned with his legs spread. He
arched his back up, trying to get Eric to take the invitation to join their

Eric shook his head. “Tonight I will not fuck you.”
Brett moaned. He cried out in protest, arching his hips upward.
“You are not thinking straight.” Eric slammed two fingers into him.

The fingers moved out then pushed back into him—hard and fast.

It wasn’t a hard cock, but it still felt good. The fingers kept moving.

He spread his legs wider to give Eric better access for deeper
penetration. He moved his hands to his cock, but Eric swatted his arm

“Keep your hands away. I will finish it for you.”
Brett nodded. He forced his arms to remain at his side as Eric’s

fingers danced across his stomach. The other hand continued to
relentlessly fuck him. Then the vampire sucked on his cock, licking
around the tip.

“Oh,” Brett moaned.
Fingers continued to move in and out, spreading him wide. A tongue

swirled around the head before Eric slid his mouth down the cock,
sucking in his entire length. Brett writhed beneath the sensations. His
hands moved to Eric’s hair. He wasn’t pushing or trying to control, but
touching. Only touching.

Soon the fluttering in his belly told him he was close. He wanted to

warn Eric, but Brett couldn’t think. He couldn’t form words. Eric
smirked and thrust harder and faster with his fingers. He spread his legs
wider. Eric accepted the invitation and slid a third finger inside.
Everything became too much. His back arched as he exploded. Hot seed
filled Eric’s mouth.

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Eric pulled away. His essence dripped down from the other

vampire’s mouth. The older vampire licked it away. “Tasty,” he said,
looking directly at Brett.

Brett looked at Eric’s glowing red eyes. He watched as Eric pulled

away and stood over him. He felt exposed, lying naked on the ground
with his spent cock cooling and the remains of cum dripping onto his leg.
His ass stung. He pulled his legs closer as he sat up. He grabbed his shirt
ends and pulled the material together. He looked for his discarded pants.

Eric laughed. “You would have regretted it more if I had pounded my

cock into your ass.”

“I don’t know about that.” He located his pants and moved over to

them. There was no discreet way to pull up the material, so he settled on
getting the job done fast.

“Next time you beg for something, make sure it is what you want.

Because I will not stop with only my fingers.”

Brett’s mood sank even lower. He looked at Eric. The other man

hadn’t released, and it made him feel even guiltier. “Do you want help?”

“You are too young to help me. I can control my desires.” He looked

at Brett. “The next time I come it will be deep in your ass and you will
be begging and crying for it.”

Brett shivered at the truth in Eric’s statement. He’d already been

begging for it.

“Come on. We need to get back. You have had too much excitement

for one night.” The other vampire left the area, never turning to see if
Brett followed.

Brett stood in the woods unable to move. The memories kept

replaying. Even the slight sting in his ass and his sensitive nipples forced
him to remember what had just happened. Had the fresh blood done
something to him? He had lost all control and acted on lust. Even now it
wasn’t enough. Still, he wanted to attack Eric and demand that the
vampire finish what he started, but he had the control to stop himself
from acting. He shivered and stood, slowly following after the other
vampire. It took him a minute to realize Eric had stopped and waited for
him. He watched Brett with a look of concern. It felt familiar like Eric
had always been watching him.

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Chapter Six

Eric drew the blinds. He only had to sleep once a month, but Brett

needed to rest. The lingering effects of the attack were almost gone, but a
rested mind would help the younger man accept the truth. The past had
remained hidden for too long. He just needed to make sure that Brett
could handle it.

He listened to Brett’s soft footsteps as he walked into the room. The

younger vampire moved closer. Eric shivered as the distance between
their bodies lessened. He wanted to ignore the other man, hoping he’d go
to sleep without having to talk about the incident in the woods, but Brett
always wanted to talk. He stopped a few feet from Eric and he hoped
that meant they would avoid the conversation.

“Damn,” Brett cursed as something hard hit the ground.
Eric turned just as Brett bent over to pick up the fallen brush. His

eyes widened at the other man’s choice of sleeping clothes. The tight,
low-rise, skintight trunks left nothing to the imagination. Brett’s cheeks
hung below the fabric. The material spread and Eric’s eyes traced the
outline of the split in the other man’s backside. His fingers rubbed
together, reminding him of the tightness that had wrapped around them.

“What are you doing?” Eric demanded.
“Getting ready for bed.”
Brett’s wide eyes attempted to look innocent, but just below the

surface was a burning lust. He slowly stood from his bent over position
and turned to face him. His naked chest and hard, strong body left Eric
longing to reach out and touch the smooth lightly tan skin. Brett’s sloppy,
tousled hair cried out for his fingers. The other man’s eyes darted around
the room as he bit his lower lip. Eric watched as teeth pushed into the
pink flesh, and then Brett’s tongue flickered over the surface.

Eric’s eyes were glued to the delicious eye candy. His gaze moved

up to Brett’s neck and lingered on the spot where he placed tiny bites
only a few hours earlier.

“I’m hot. I usually sleep in the nude. Would you mind?” Brett rubbed

his balls. The tight white material barely contained his stiffening cock.

“Yes, I would mind. We are sharing a room, so keep those panties

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Brett’s eyes widened. “I don’t wear panties. These are men’s


“I don’t believe that.” The teasing only made the desire stronger.
Brett’s smirk turned wicked. His hands slid under the sides. “I’ll just

take them off so you can read the label.”

Eric grabbed Brett’s hands. “Leave them on.”
Brett shivered. He opened his mouth as his eyes pleaded for a kiss.
Eric leaned closer. “Do you want to be fucked so bad that you throw

your body at me?”

“It’s going to happen. Why wait? I want you. And you want me.”
Eric turned the other man around and pushed him against the wall.

“Not tonight.” He squeezed Brett’s hard cock and smirked at the low
moan that escaped the other man’s lips. “I’m going to leave for a few
minutes. Take care of this,” he squeezed the cock again for emphasis.
“Or I’ll make sure the next time you are hard, you will go without
release. Remember I am older and stronger. I can fuck you for days
without giving you any satisfaction or I can bind up your cock while I do
everything to your body, but fuck it. Play this game again and you will
spend days moaning and begging. Do you understand?”

“Why don’t you want me?” Brett asked.
Eric pulled away. “Oh, I want you. On my terms. I will be back in

half an hour. Take care of that.” He pointed to the bulge in Brett’s
underwear. The tip peeked out from behind the material. Eric left the
room, not giving Brett a chance to respond.

He needed to clear his head if he hoped to stay in control. Inside they

were too close. Eric walked away from the house, but images of Brett
kept flashing in his mind. He couldn’t force the pictures of the other
man’s naked body and erotic moaning away. And then there was the
begging that still left his cock hard. He wanted release, but he had sworn
the next time would be deep inside of Brett. The way Brett’s body
begged for him, it was only a matter of time before he had the other man
bent over a desk. Today was too soon, but after that little display, maybe
he’d tie Brett up and play for a while.

Brett was never far from his thoughts. The desire started to push him

to move faster, but Brett’s awakening couldn’t be rushed. He closed his

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eyes, forcing the calm back into his mind. His normal, perfect in-control
composure was cracking. To hell with Jack. To hell with the world.
Only he would decide when Brett was ready. Tonight he had almost
taken it too far. Brett wasn’t capable of making that decision. Brett’s
body was like food to a starving man, but Eric wouldn’t bite until they
were both ready.

He looked back at the three-story mansion. The large windows

needed to be covered with thick, heavy shades to keep out the sun. It fit
Jack’s taste. His brother liked Southern mansions and wanted to create
something similar on the island. He’d succeeded with the large house
that stood out due to the massive size.

Jack called the island paradise. Brett called the island hell. Eric

didn’t see it as paradise or hell. It was just another place with an over-
the-top mansion that didn’t belong. Jack could sell a blind man a
painting, but he could never sell Eric on the Turner Island retreat. The
house looked too foreign. No wonder Brett wanted to leave the moment
he exited the plane.

Jack was crazy. The man built a house with floor-to-ceiling windows

on a tropical island. They were vampires. Granted, vampires didn’t
burst into flames when the sun hit their skin, but it made them feel sick. It
pushed their bodies beyond an acceptable comfort level. When the sun
hit Eric’s skin it felt like ants and fleas were crawling all over him,
chewing at his flesh. The disgusting feeling pushed his kind indoors
during the day.

He walked a little further into the woods. Everything was happening

too fast. He had watched and protected Brett, manipulating his memories
and insuring his happiness. He had arranged Brett’s job, making sure
they would work together. He forced the other man to hate him by
playing with his feelings. He didn’t need to manipulate Brett’s hate. Brett
would hate him when he found out the truth. Eric sighed. What had he

For twenty-five years, Eric put his life on hold to ensure Brett’s

happiness. He scrapped away and then buried all memories of what they
were to each other from the younger vampire. He needed to ensure
Brett’s safety. Tonight that had almost ended. Sex would connect them on
a different level, one that would force Brett to look deep inside. Eric

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stopped in a clearing. He listened for any sounds. It was quiet. Satisfied
that he was alone, he pulled out his phone and dialed.

“Jack Turner.”
“It’s me.” There was no reason to identify himself. His brother knew

before picking up the phone who was calling. After all, the other man
could read the caller id display and if he couldn’t see it, the bird
chirping ringtone assigned to Eric’s number would have given it away.

“What’s wrong, Eric?”
“Send the plane.” The curt and crisp order left no room for argument.
“No.” Jack didn’t hesitate. The refusal was curt and crisp like Eric’s

demand. “Not until it’s over. You’ve been there less than a day. You
will try.”

“You cannot force this,” Eric reminded. “Keeping us here will force

my hand.”

“Explain.” The tone was bored and uncaring.
Eric bit his lips to prevent him from commenting on the one word

response. “I can’t keep my hands off of him and…” He paused, trying to
think of the right words.

“And?” his brother asked impatiently.
“He’s trying to seduce me.” Eric closed his eyes when Jack’s

laughed echoed through the phone. “It’s not funny,” he snapped.

“Let me guess. He walks around naked, trying to rub against you. Or

does he lie on the bed with open legs stroking his hard cock. No, wait.
Knowing Brett’s straightforwardness, I can picture him pulling down his
pants before bending over a table and begging for it.”

“Do not picture him in any of those positions,” Eric said with a

growl. “He’s mine.”

Jack sighed. “That’s why you have to do it. It’s time. They are

coming for him. Some probably know everything. It can’t be hidden
anymore. He must learn the truth. He must know who and what he is. The
island is safe for Brett to explore and remember. He needs you.”

“What is there to remember?” Eric snapped. “He was a baby when

the fire happened. I helped save him. I made sure he lived. If he learns
the truth, he will hate me. Is that what you want, Jack? To break his
heart. To break his soul. Is that what you want?”

“Eric, he needs the truth. He is powerful. You can manipulate him

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because he allows it. When the truth comes out, he will know that he,
too, wanted to forget. Not even you can manipulate that power. Besides,
Brett isn’t the type of person that holds grudges.”

“Send the plane,” Eric ordered again, not moved by his brother’s


“Not until he remembers. He will come back knowing the truth. Until

Brett orders the plane, it will not be sent. On the day he calls me as a
leader and commands for me to send the plane, only then will you leave
that island. Until that day, stop whining. It’s unbecoming of a Turner
Tech vice president.”

Click. The phone went dead.
“Damn him,” he cursed. Only Jack would try to force his hand.
Eric walked back to the house and into the room. He stood over

Brett. The other man looked up at him as dark-brown hair fanned out
over the pillow. “Did you take care of it?”

Brett turned away. “Go away. If you don’t want me, then stop leading

me on.”

The pain in Brett’s voice hurt. He had never seen the other man so

dejected. “Someday you will know that’s not true.” Eric’s hand rubbed
Brett’s head before walking to his own bed.

“Yeah, right. Don’t expect me to play nice. It’s not for you decide

when I’m ready.”

Eric smirked. If the fire was still there, then Brett was fine.

* * * *

Brett stared at Dr. White. Doctors were supposed to look like a

cross between Einstein and Santa Claus. Dr. Michaels, Brett’s vampire
doctor, looked like that. This guy didn’t have the round glasses or white
wavy hair. He squinted studying the man. “Are you really a doctor?”
Brett asked.

Eric slapped the back of his head. “Of course he is a doctor. Do not

ask rude questions.”

Brett rubbed his sore head. “You hit me.”
A few days ago he would have expected it, but after touching and

being touched by Eric, their relationship had changed. He glared at the

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older vampire. “He doesn’t look like a doctor.”

Eric rolled his eyes.”What is a doctor supposed to look like?”
“Like a kind old grandpa. Not a runway model. He’s too good-


Dr. White laughed.
Eric grabbed Brett’s chin. “Only look at me. Your eyes should never

be on another man.”

Brett ached with desire. The fire burning in Eric’s eyes turned him

on. His mind screamed he’s touching you. He could see his inner self
doing a little happy dance. He bit his bottom lip. It didn’t make sense.
They went from mortal enemies to what? Friends with benefits?
Adversaries that intimately touched?

“Now, if Brett finds me attractive, he can’t help that.” The doctor


Nathan White leaned back. The sexy smirk on his face was a huge

turnoff. The confidence showed the other man had numerous lovers. He
basked in his own erotic appeal. Brett studied the doctor’s face. His skin
color wasn’t pale like Eric’s, but had a light tan that matched his own
coloring. Dr. White’s green eyes leered at him, undressing and stripping

Eric was better looking, as if Brett would ever admit that out loud.

The man he hoped would soon share his bed looked like a god. Dr.
White was sexy, but not godlike.

Eric smirked. His coworker was so confident. He knew that he

looked good, but Eric’s smirk was only for Brett. Dr. White’s was for
anyone he planned to screw. Well, he could take Brett off that list. He
moved closer to Eric. Something about Dr. White had him on edge. He
wanted no misunderstandings.

“Dr. White,” Brett said. “I hope you didn’t travel all the way for us.

We don’t need help or counseling.”

The doctor looked at him. No, looked through him with a cold glare

that penetrated deep inside of him. “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t miss being
here. But aren’t you precious to worry about me.”

The doctor moved closer and reached out to stroke his cheek, but

before his hand could touch him, Eric grabbed the doctor’s wrist.

“Do not touch him,” Eric said with a hiss. “Don’t even think about

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touching him.”

Brett leaned closer to Eric.
Dr. White laughed. “I’m here to help. Word is that the sexual tension

between the two of you is nauseating. I heard that you attack each other.
When your fights end, both of you are on the floor, panting at the physical
excretion. Each of you longs to touch the other man’s body. Sounds sexy.
How about demonstrating a little bit?”

Brett sputtered, trying to deny the statement.
“Who told you that?” Eric demanded.
Brett gasped. His papa had said something similar. He hadn’t thought

about it then, but now he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Not only did
Eric make him come, but he had walked up to the vampire practically
naked begging the man to fuck him. He wanted Eric to dominate him as
he moved inside his body.

“That’s a secret. My confidant would like to see the two of you fuck

it out. Isn’t that what you want, Brett?”

Brett shook in Eric’s arms. The sexual need tingled his senses. His

mouth wanted to open and scream yes. The humiliating response would
damage any hope he had of remaining on even ground with Eric.

Thankfully, Brett could still form coherent thoughts. Something was

off with the doctor. It felt like they knew each other. His mind lingered
on the inappropriate question that told him that the doctor had conferred
with people close to them. He wanted out of this room and away from
Dr. White.

“That is none of your business.” Eric’s tone was ice cold.
“Now, now. I’m trying to get the two of you to connect on a more

intimate level. Maybe I can help. I’m not just a couple’s counselor. I am
also a sex therapist.”

Brett blushed. “We don’t need help to connect on any level.” Brett

looked at the doctor. He refused to back down. “What exactly does a sex
therapist do?”

Eric sighed, clearly not happy with his question.
“Vampires hire me to watch them have sex. Sometimes, I see things

that they don’t. A vampire might want to be tied while fucked, or they
might be turned on while another person watches them connect. I help
them find their passion, and I help them express their inner desires. I can

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help you.”

Brett looked down. He didn’t have any secret desires. He wanted

Eric to fuck him. It’s not like Eric didn’t know that. He glanced back up
at the doctor, who smiled seemingly pleased with Brett’s response.

“I see. Brett, describe your relationship with Eric.”
“What relationship? We are coworkers working under the Lord of


“Funny and cute.” The doctor licked his lips staring at Brett’s mouth.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Brett demanded.
“Like what?” the doctor said in a fake innocent tone.
“Like I’m your next snack. And you plan to devour me.”
“Would you rather Eric eat you.” The doctor pulled out a notepad

and pencil. He stopped and waited for Brett’s response.

“Maybe I’d rather eat Eric.” Normally, he was a top. Actually, he’d

always been on top, but he’d yield to Eric. That didn’t mean he’d never
be the one on top.

The doctor laughed jotting down Brett’s answer. “Are you a fighter

in bed or completely submissive to your lover?”

“Enough.” Eric stood. He grabbed Brett’s arm. “We will not be

seeing you again.”

“Only Jack or I can decide if therapy is over. We made progress

today, so we can end it until tomorrow. Then we’ll explore different
positions. The most sexually satisfying one for your first time together.”
He eyed them both. “Brett on his back with his legs spread open. Or
maybe riding Eric in a chair. Either way, you need to look at each other.”

“Therapy is over.” Eric pulled Brett to the door.
“Maybe Brett still wants to see me.”
“No, I’m good, Doc. No need to explore any more of your perverted


“Really, no dreams or feelings you want to discuss.”
Brett froze. The doctor gave him a knowing smile. Did he know

about blond Brett?

“This is a safe place to explore those feelings.”
Eric pulled Brett from the room before he had a chance to answer the


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Chapter Seven

Brett groaned. He wasn’t hiding. No, he just didn’t want to be found.

That wasn’t the same thing as hiding.

It started with a few accidental touches. Okay, maybe some of the

touches weren’t accidental. Perhaps he did intentionally rub up against
Eric when trying to pass by him to get through the door. The guy was big
and in his way, and so what if he was hard at the time and rubbing
against Eric alerted the older vampire to his stiff state.

Lately, he was always hard, so that didn’t mean anything. Not that he

would have minded being pushed up against the door or bent over the
nearby sofa, but instead he received a glare and a reminder about
respecting personal space. Like that mattered before.

The stair incident was an accident. He wanted to respect Eric’s

personal space by keeping a few steps between them. Of course that
gave him a perfect view of the other man’s backside.

He had licked his lips and started at the thick neck and moved down

to the broad, commanding shoulders. Powerful biceps bulged under a
sinfully tight shirt. He moved his greedy eyes to a more scrumptious
sight. The tight rear perfectly encased in dark linen pants had his
complete attention. Walking wasn’t important. His foot missed one step,
causing him to lose his balance and tumble down the stairs falling into
Eric’s rock-hard body.

The other vampire grabbed the railing with one hand and wrapped

the other arm around Brett’s waist, keeping them both from tumbling
down to the floor. As if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, Eric accused
him of being all touchy-feely. Even after Eric reprimanded him, he
longed to touch and be touched. It didn’t make sense. His libido was out
of control.

He didn’t run because of that. Eric stood next to him, unaffected by

the hot sexual energy that fogged Brett’s brain, leaving him unable to
control his wandering hands. He had to bite down to keep from moaning
when his fingers rubbed up against strong muscular arms that could break
him in two. Eric’s burning glare at Brett’s wandering hands left him
unhinged, but he was still needy for more. He was a bundle of raw nerve

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endings aching for relief. He leaned forward to touch with his lips.

Eric hissed and pressed Brett’s back against the wall, pushing him

away. The rejection stung. Brett’s eyes started to water. Eric’s eyes
widened. He didn’t want the sympathy that he knew would follow, so
Brett shoved the other vampire away and ran like a guilty criminal,
which was almost as humiliating as falling down the stairs in the first

Brett was innocent to a point. Being around the other vampire was

frustrating. That wasn’t the worst part of it. Only he seemed to be
affected. It was hard not being wanted. While leaving him a pile of
needy goo, Eric remained collected and in control. He licked his lips
thinking about Eric taking control of him. “What are you thinking?” his
mind chastised.

He stood up and balanced his weight. “I’m not attracted to that cold-

hearted jerk,” he yelled from one hundred feet in the air on the branch
he’d spent the last few hour lounging in. He nodded in satisfaction. That
should be enough to convince the world. The nerve of that doctor trying
to insinuate they were like animals in heat unable to keep their paws off
each other. Brett could keep his paws or hands to himself. He had pride.
He didn’t need to rub up against Eric’s strong muscular body. The last
few days were hard. He moaned, thinking about just how hard it had

“Not attracted to Eric. That’s such a lie. You lust after him every

time he comes near you.”

The voice sounded like his, but Brett knew the difference between

his inner voice and a real voice. He snapped his head in the direction of
the speaker. He blinked a couple of times. Then he tried rubbing his
eyes. The person was still there. It wasn’t just a person, but blond Brett
standing above him in the tree. “I’m asleep.” He nodded. Finally, he was
making sense.

Blond Brett laughed. “No, this time you’re awake.”
He yanked hard on his earlobe and felt the pain. Still not convinced,

he pulled his hair. “Ouch,” he cried. “I’m hallucinating.”

He was going insane, talking to people not really there. Somehow he

knew that his lost grip on reality was Eric’s fault. Everything was Eric’s
fault from Brett’s insatiable lust to insanity.

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“Hallucinating. Well, yes and no. I’m real but I’m not really here.”

He laughed again. “I’m in your mind.”

Great, even his mind was calling him crazy. “I’m going to close my

eyes and count to ten, and when I open them you will be gone and I will
be a normal, sane vampire.” Brett closed his eyes. “One, two, three…”

“It’s not going to work,” blond Brett interpreted.
Brett ignored him and kept counting. “Four, five, six.”
“Don’t be disappointed when I’m still here.”
“Seven, eight, nine, ten.” Brett opened his eyes and blond Brett was

no longer standing on the branch. He smiled. He had fought against the
delusion and won.

“Boo,” a voice said from behind.
“Ahh,” he screamed. “What the hell did you do that for? Killing me

is like killing yourself. I’m not suicidal, so you can’t be me.” It made so
much sense. This was a joke, not the product of a mind losing its grip on
reality. He glared at blond Brett.

Blond Brett looked down. “Falling would’ve hurt, but killed you?

Please, you’re already dead so unless you had the misfortune of staking
your heart or slicing your head off on the way down, you would have
been fine in an hour or two.”

“Oh thanks for that perspective—agonizing pain for awhile, not

death. That makes it so much better.” He sighed, not believing he was
going to continue to have a conversation with the hallucination. “Blond

“Bright,” the hallucination interrupted.
Brett arched an eyebrow up. Was the hallucination calling him

bright? Did he mean smart?

“My name is Bright,” the hallucination clarified. “I’ve told you this


Brett nodded. Best not to mention that he thought the other man was

claiming to be bright, as in smart. Who named their kid Bright? Wait, if
Bright was him, did he name the other guy? This was so confusing. He
looked up into radiant blue eyes. Actually, they were his eyes. The only
thing different between them was Bright’s golden-blond hair.

“If you’re me, why do you have blond hair?” He cocked his head to

the side. “It looks good on…” He paused. Is it good on him or should I

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say good on me? “Us,” he finally decided.

“Our hair is blond. That hideous brown is fake.”
Sure it was. Like he’d forget someone coloring his hair. Brett

nodded, not wanting to argue about hair color with his fake self. Besides,
it was rare for a vampire to have blond hair. A few did. But brown and
black hair like Eric’s was the norm. Even red was uncommon, but blond
was almost nonexistent.

“Why are you here?” Brett asked. Hopefully the hallucination wasn’t

offended by his curt tone. He backed up. If he made the hallucination
angry would it haunt him? Oh that’s just what he needed. He’d be sitting
in the room he shared with Eric talking to himself. He cringed when he
thought about his explanation. I’m talking to my Bright self. He’d be

“Eric’s not going to commit us. Besides, I’m not here to hurt you, but

help you.” Bright moved closer and rolled his eyes when Brett backed
up, forming a cross with two fingers.

Brett nodded in satisfaction when the hallucination stopped. That

rolling eye gesture was so annoying. Brett made a mental note never to
do that to another person. “I don’t need help. Actually, if you stick
around, I’ll find myself with more help than I ever wanted after they lock
me inside a mental institution.”

“I just love our sense of humor.” Bright cleared his throat. “Okay,

where were we? Oh, yes we were discussing my help.” Their eyes

What part of insane didn’t Bright understand?
“Eric won’t let anyone hurt us or lock us up.”
“Eric?” he questioned. Were they talking about the same vampire?

“Yeah, he’ll help me into the straight jacket as then lock my ass up in a
white padded room.”

Bright laughed. “I’m a funny guy.”
Brett lifted up and started to float down the tree.
“Wait,” Bright called after him. “You can’t run from me. I’m inside

of you. Part of your mind is trying to break free. That part is me.”

Brett froze, remembering the first dream. There was no escape from

Bright. Everything started the day Jack ordered him to the tropical hell.
That’s when Bright’s mind invasion started. The morning he woke up

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with an unexplained headache. “The car accident with Bug.”

Bright shook his head. “So close, but it has nothing to do with the car

accident. That night you drank Eric’s blood. That allowed me to talk to

“I knew it was his fault.” Just hearing that there was someone to

blame helped him feel less insane. Everything came back to the cold,
sexy vampire. Then the words hit him. Vampires sharing blood was the
ultimate connection. Almost as intimate as sex. “That’s why I’m
throwing myself at him.”

“No, you’re not in a blood lust. Only weak vampires spread their

legs after a little blood. You want to mate.”

“Eric’s not my mate.” He didn’t feel the pull that mates felt. Brett

wanted fast, hard sex, not to bind them together for all eternity. He
wouldn’t mind that. There was a connection, but not the mate connection.

“He’s our mate. When you drank his blood it weakened his influence,

allowing me to come to you. I’m that part of you that wants that
connection. The part that remembers he’s our mate.”

“Drinking Eric’s blood made me crazy.” He knew there was

something different about the other man.

Bright laughed. “Yeah, crazy for him.”
“I want him,” Brett conceded. “But if he’s my mate, then why won’t

he accept me? Does he know about us being mates?”

“Eric knew we were mates the day of our birth. Mating will break

down the walls he has helped build and let me in. The truth will hurt.
Eric has done everything he can to keep you from physical and mental
pain. He doesn’t believe you are ready, so he won’t cross the final line.
I’m the part that’s ready and willing. I want to be free.”

“He thinks I’m going to break.” The irony that he was sitting up in a

tree talking to a figment of his imagination didn’t escape Brett’s notice.
He looked at Bright. “If I don’t mate with Eric, what will happen?”

Bright shrugged. “The dreams will start to happen when you’re

awake. You won’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s
fake.” Bright paused. “If you really don’t want me, then tell Eric about
our conversations. He’ll try to put the wall back up.”

Brett didn’t want to live in a fantasy. He wanted reality. “What’s

going to hurt?”

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Bright leaned closer. “Jerry and Steve Underwood are not our

biological parents. The rest won’t hurt as badly, but there’s more.”

Something broke inside of Brett. He pictured his papa and father

with their dark-brown eyes. He didn’t look like them. He’d be lying if he
said he hadn’t noticed it before. Then he thought about the miracle baby.
Mated pairs only had one child. A second child happened once every
one-hundred years to a mated pair. Twins like Jack and Eric were more
common. A tear slid down his cheek at the loss of his family.

“Sshh, they are still our papa and father even if we were not born to


“Eric knows this.”
“Eric gave us to them knowing the Underwoods would provide a

happy, healthy family.”

What else had Eric done? How many lies were in place to protect

him? What were they protecting him from? If he wasn’t Brett
Underwood, then who was he?

“Bright, are we really one person?”
Bright nodded.
“When we join will I know everything?”
Bright smiled and nodded again.
“How do we join?”
Bright’s smile turned wicked. “Get Eric to mate with you.”

* * * *

Forgiveness was a tricky word. Something Eric didn’t deserve. He

resisted the mating partly out of fear. He was afraid of Brett’s hate.

He sat on the bench outside the beach house waiting for Brett to

return. The other man look disconnected and hurt when he’d stormed off.
Eric cringed remembering the desperate need in Brett’s blue eyes. The
hurt when he pushed him away ate away at his conscience. But it was for
Brett’s own good. If he crossed that line, he wouldn’t be able to keep
Brett’s nightmares away. That was his justification. Did he still believe

For centuries he’d waited to end the loneliness. Almost twenty-eight

years ago, he had seen the ending. The king had called him. As soon as

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he entered the royal chambers the baby cried out. The perfect, soft voice
would forever be burned into his memory. On that day he had met his

Then the king died, leaving Eric the task of insuring Brett’s safety. A

job he took very seriously. The hardest part was distancing himself from
his mate, but Brett needed to grow and mature without him. He gave
Brett a family and watched from far away. The yearly pictures and
reports didn’t hold much information, but enough for Eric to know that
Brett was happy. The family protected and loved him even more than
Eric imagined.

Was it enough? Did he hurt Brett more than help him? Those were

the questions he’d struggled with for twenty-five years.

“Waiting for me?” Brett asked as he walked out from the woods.
“Do you need someone to wait for you? I thought you could find your

own way out.” Eric waited for the angry response. If he was lucky, Brett
would launch at him. Maybe it would be a slap or punch. This time he’d
let it happen. It would be punishment.

Brett sat right next to him. Their thighs touched. He closed his eyes

trying to steal his awakening desire. Brett was killing him. The simple
touches, the rubbing up against him, the provocative clothes. Eric wanted

No, his mind reminded. If he crossed that line Brett would no longer

have a carefree existence. He’d be tied to obligation and responsibility
and maybe even danger.

“Eric, is there something you want to tell me?”
What a loaded question. There were a lot of things he wanted to tell

Brett. No, needed to tell him. He looked at the other man’s shining blue
eyes that glowed in the night. “There is nothing I need to say.” He
reached out to touch Brett’s check. As Brett leaned toward the caress,
Eric froze. “Brett, I would do anything to keep you safe and happy. We
cannot be anything more than coworkers.”

Brett laughed. He moved fast, the unexpectedness leaving Eric frozen

as Brett straddled his waist. Eric opened his mouth in protest, but Brett
seized the moment and pressed their lips together.

The kiss was rough and demanding. Brett’s tongue slid into his

mouth. It was uncertain and tentative as it reached inside. Eric tried to

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control the fire burning inside. Brett’s touches reminded him of the years
of abstinence. He reached behind Brett’s head and grabbed the other
man’s hair. Eric took over, ravaging Brett’s mouth. Brett didn’t fight it as
he took complete control.

Eric reached for Brett’s shirt. He yanked it over his head and off the

vampire’s body. His hands ran up and down, feeling the hard muscles.
He played with the tiny pink nubs and twisted. Brett hissed and ground
their hard cocks together. Eric could no longer think straight. He pulled
at Brett’s shorts.

“Oh, good. Exhibitionist,” Dr. White said.
Dr. White’s voice was more effective than an ice bath. Eric hissed at

what he’d almost done. Without thinking he pushed Brett off his lap. The
other man fell onto the ground.

“Ouch,” Brett cried out. He stood, rubbing his butt. “That hurt.”
“Hands to yourself,” Eric reminded. He looked down at the shirtless

man, with his shorts pushed down around his hips, and swollen mouth,
realizing that he, more than Brett, needed to learn control.

Brett slid his hand seductively up his chest and rubbed at his swollen

lips. He smirked. “It’s not my hands that need to be watched.”

Eric growled.
Dr. White stepped back. “Don’t mind me. I only came outside for a

walk. The beach is beautiful at this time of night. Just pretend I’m not
here and continue.” He looked at Eric. “You were about to let Brett ride
your cock. Do you need help figuring out what to do?”

Eric glared. It had been a while since he had sex, but he knew what

to do with a hard cock.

Brett patted Eric’s shoulder and then gave him an innocent smile

before turning toward Dr. White. “Doc, when can we resume therapy?”

“Whenever you want, Brett,” the doctor said before winking.
“You want to continue counseling?” Eric asked. The guy was a quack

that he didn’t trust alone with Brett.

Brett nodded. “He has centuries of knowledge about vampire

behavior and sex.”

Eric locked eyes with Brett. “You want to talk to him about sex.”
Brett nodded and smiled a little too innocently.
This was unexpected. Was Brett trying to make him jealous? He

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looked at Dr. White’s too-happy smile. Mind made up, he turned toward
the doctor. “Yes, when can we resume our counseling?

Dr. White looked a little disappointed that Eric would rejoin the

counseling sessions. He turned to Brett, and the other man beamed a too-
bright smile. He cringed. Brett was up to something.

“How about now? The beach walk can wait. Since you missed the

earlier appointment, we shouldn’t wait too long. Besides, the two of you
are finally committed to therapy.”

Brett shrugged. “I needed alone time that’s why we didn’t make it.”

He winced at the words.

Eric studied Brett closely, looking for the lie. Brett couldn’t lie if his

life depended on it.

“Were you alone in the woods?” Eric asked.
Brett froze than slowly nodded.
Eric turned away. Brett was hiding something.
“Well, sometimes being alone adds clarity. Especially when there’s

no one to talk to but yourself,” the doctor added.

Brett turned and glared at Dr. White.
Eric raised an eyebrow.
Brett quickly looked down.
Eric’s mind screamed. Where they were meeting in the woods? He

looked again at the doctor. If he laid one hand on Brett, he would rip the
man apart.

“Oh, someone’s angry.” The doctor looked happy at Eric’s response.

This only added fuel to his burning anger.

Brett grabbed Eric’s hand. “Let’s go. Dr. White is ready.”
Brett hummed a happy song as he led Eric down the hall into the

office Dr. White used for counseling. And he used the word counseling
very loosely.

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Chapter Eight

Inside his head, Brett’s body was doing a little happy dance. Eric

was jealous. He hummed a song.

Eric glared.
He cringed and then stopped humming, trying to be subtle. That

didn’t come naturally to him.

Brett bit his lip. He wanted to get Eric jealous. When he set his mind

to something, Brett made sure it happen, and right now his mind was set
on having sex by the end of the night. Seeing Eric lose control would just
add to the fun. Dr. White didn’t realize it yet, but he was going to play a
big part in getting them together. He started humming again.

He looked over at Eric as the older vampire continued to glare at

him. This time Brett shrugged. He was used to much colder behavior
from Eric. This was nothing.

They entered the office. Eric sat in the chair across from the sofa,

completely bypassing the only furniture that would allow them to sit
together. Like not being next to his target would get in the way. Brett
moved over to the sofa and sat down. Dr. White sat behind the desk
watching them closely.

“So where did we leave off yesterday?”
After a minute of silence, Brett spoke. “You were kind enough to

offer your service as a sex therapist.”

Eric’s head snapped to the side to look at him.
Brett pretended not to notice. The hard stare bore into him, but Eric

wouldn’t glare his way out of this. “How does that work?” While the
question would irritate Eric, he wanted to know. Vampires as sex
therapists never crossed his mind.

“I don’t see how that question will help us work together,” Eric

pointed out. “This therapy”—he cringed at the word therapy but quickly
regained control—“is so we can one day work together.”

“Well, Eric, I find being with you sexually frustrating. I can’t

concentrate because my hand itches to touch you. Your sinfully sexy
voice hardens my cock, leaving me in a very painful state. Then I end up
rubbing against you or doing something equally embarrassing.” He

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signed like he’d just confessed to seeing pink bunnies in the room. “If
you can’t help me with my insatiable lust, then I have to move on. Maybe
I need to fuck you out of my system.”

Eric stood. “Like hell you are going to fuck anyone else to get over


“But, Eric, I want sex. If you don’t find me attractive there are plenty

of people who do.” He turned to look at Dr. White. “Would you help me
learn better techniques?” He felt guilty leading Dr. White on, but he
wanted Eric to snap.

“He’s not helping you with any techniques.”
Eric’s fist balled at his side. His eyes burned with rage.
“Eric, I’m seeking help for the problems that led me into therapy.”

He turned back to the doctor. “Sorry about that.”

“Nothing led you into therapy. Jack ordered it,” Eric said in a cool,

crisp tone.

Brett shrugged. That was a minor detail.
“Brett, what do you need help with?” Dr. White asked.
Brett focused on Dr. White. “Recently, I discovered that I want to

bottom. I want to feel a thick, hot cock pushing into my ass, splitting me
into two. That’s new for me. I’ve always topped.”

Eric hissed.
The doctor pulled out a pad and pencil. “So you’ve never submitted

to another man?”

Brett shook his head. “Normally, I’m the one leading and fucking.

Since being pinned beneath Eric, I’ve fantasized about being bottom. I
want to be dominated and fucked hard. All my lovers were before the
conversation and all human.” He left out that there hadn’t been that many.
“Being with a vampire will also be a first.”

“Tell me about your fantasies.”
Brett peeked at Eric. “On the way here, I wanted Eric to fuck me

while I flew the plane.” Eric’s gaze bore into him. “He was teaching me
how to fly, and when I messed up, I felt it with a hard thrust. It was

“Do you want your lovers to discipline you?” The doctor scribbled

on the notepad.

Brett nodded. “Yes.” His voice cracked.

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“Why are you telling the doctor this?” Eric asked in a not so happy


“It’s all I think about. I’ve asked you…” He paused and then shook

his head. “No, I’ve thrown myself at you. But you won’t bite. I’m a guy
that wants sex. If you’re not interested, the doctor might be.”

Eric leaped from his seat. “That is unethical. He is your doctor.”
Brett glared. Eric wasn’t going to take the safe way out. “He’s an

attractive man with experience. Being a doctor is an added bonus. He’ll
know how far to push it.”

“Actually, I want to help Brett out. From what I’ve seen on the porch

and heard in this office, he wouldn’t mind if you watched. I like an
audience.” The doctor locked eyes with Eric. “When I dominate him,
he’ll do whatever I want to please me. That means spreading his legs
with you in the room.” The doctor turned his head slightly and winked at
Brett. He stood and started to unbutton his shirt. “Over the desk or on the
couch.” The doctor’s expression mirrored a man about to make a life-
altering decision. Dr. White laughed. “Let’s start on the couch and we’ll
move to the desk later.”

Brett nodded. He smiled as the plan fell into place. Dr. White knew

what he was trying to do. The wink was a clear sign between
conspirators. “Of course not, Doctor. Eric’s been upset with me for
being too horny. If he sees someone else taking care of me, he will know
I’m trying to respect his personal space and keep my hands to myself.”
He turned to Eric. “Do you want to watch as the doctor fucks my ass for
the first time?”

Eric’s eyes turned red as his fangs pushed out. He grabbed Brett’s

hand and pulled him from the room.

This was it. The rage in Eric’s stride told Brett he’d won.

* * * *

Only Eric was fucking his mate. Dr. White had the nerve to ask if he

wanted to watch, like Eric would stand there and do nothing while the
doctor crossed every ethical line. The only one that would get hurt in that
situation was Brett.

Then there was Brett. He had spent the last two days trying to seduce

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him. Now he decided the doctor could relieve his sexual frustration.
Brett didn’t know sexual frustration. Try giving up sex for twenty-seven
years and see what sexual frustration really felt like.

After his mate was born, Eric swore off sex. It was one thing to fuck

someone, not knowing if he would ever find his mate. It was another
thing to do it when his future mate had a name. That was cheating and he
would never cheat on Brett.

He pushed Brett into their bedroom. Brett’s lips slightly parted. Not

giving the younger vampire a chance to speak, Eric moved in and placed
their mouths together. Brett opened for him and Eric slid his tongue in.
He pushed into the moist cavern, probing gently. Their tongues met and a
spark ignited his passion, sizzling his brain and hardening his cock.

Brett pushed back and tongues played together in an erotic dance. He

deepened the kiss, demanding Brett’s complete surrender. Eric moaned
at the sweetness of his mate. He pulled away and pressed their foreheads

“Are you sure?” Eric asked. “This will change everything. You will

be mine. It will not be a one-time fuck.” If they did this, there was no
going back. Vampires only needed to have sex with their mates in order
for two souls to join together.

Brett kissed his way down Eric’s jaw before moving back to his

lips. “Please, that’s what I want. To be yours. Forever.”

A bright fire burned in Brett’s blue eyes. Through the lust and desire,

Eric recognized the raw need and desperate longing.

Eric’s cock tightened as Brett’s strong fingers grabbed his hair,

pulling Eric into a steamy kiss. The kiss spoke more than any words or
declarations. Brett’s need mirrored his need. He moved his head to
allow the kiss to deepen. He had kissed before, but nothing as erotic as
them synchronized to each other in a perfect union.

Satisfied that Brett wasn’t lost in lustful desire, he grabbed the end of

the smaller vampire’s shirt and yanked it off his body. The shirt fell to
the ground. Eric slid his hand down the unmarked skin, the healthy tan a
far cry from his pale skin. Even in the dark night the sun left its blessing
by adding just the right amount of coloring. Hard, lean muscles flexed
under his fingers.

“You’re moving too slow,” Brett complained as he threw his head

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back and bit down on his hand.

Eric ignored the complaint. Brett was like art that needed to be

savored. Instead he moved his fingers to Brett’s chest, circling each
nipple with his thumbs. He pushed and squeezed the hard nubs. Each
pink peak tightened under his fingertips. Every touch pushed Brett closer
to the edge. The other man shook with need and moaned at the onslaught
of caresses. Brett was fucking amazing and soon would belong to him.
He growled at the thought of completely possessing his mate.

The normally vocal Brett tried to hide the moans and grunts that were

desperate to escape. He kept his hands covering his lips, but it was no
use. A vampire could hear a heartbeat from fifty yards away.

“Let me hear you.” Eric grabbed Brett’s cock, trying to coax sounds

from him.

Brett’s head turned. Their eyes focused on each other, and with a

lust-filled gaze he silently pleaded with Eric for more. Eric growled. No
longer able to control the want and desperate need, he slammed Brett
into the wall and kissed up and down his throat. Brett’s arms wrapped
around his neck as his legs curled around Eric’s waist.

“More,” Brett moaned. “You’re too slow. I want you inside me.”
The demand reminded him of Brett’s earlier actions with Dr. White.

With vampire speed, he moved them to the bed, successfully pinning the
other man down. Eric grabbed both of Brett’s arms and held them above
his head. He bent his knee and then pushed up, pressing into Brett’s hard
cock. The other man arched his back and tried to pull his arms free, but
Eric wouldn’t have it.

“Do you want to be fucked so bad that you would let the doctor

pound into you?”

Brett bit down on his lip. He froze for a moment while trying to

regain control before turning to stare at Eric. He then smirked. “You
didn’t want to have sex with me.” He pushed up into Eric. “The doctor
would’ve had sex with me.” He licked his lips. “I wanted sex. Hard,
fast, breathless fucking.” Brett craned his neck forward and slid his
tongue over Eric’s chin. “So if you don’t want to get naked with me and
enjoy my virgin ass, then let go. I’ll find someone else to fuck me.”

Eric growled. The last bit of control snapped. “Mine,” he growled.

He pushed his body into Brett’s, claiming the other man’s lips. All

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reason was gone. With his free hand, he ripped at Brett’s shorts, tearing
them down and off his mate’s legs. He pulled away to study the naked
body, drinking in the firm, powerful muscles, and in between muscular
thighs a thick long cock stood, proud and hard.

Brett rubbed his leg along Eric’s side. He moved his thigh up to

Eric’s waist and then back down. “Are you going to give me an
awesome blow job and walk away?” Brett asked, a little hesitant. “Or
punish me for coming on to the doctor?” He bit his lip. “I’m hoping for a
thorough claiming. One that leaves no doubt that I belong to you.”

Eric pulled away and locked eyes with Brett panting beneath him.

Everything became clear. Brett wanted him to loss control. The scene
with the doctor was planned. Manipulative little mate. “You were not
going to let the doctor screw you. That performance was to get me to
fuck you.”

Brett turned away and Eric released his arms and moved his hands to

the side of Brett’s head, forcing their eyes to meet.

“I only want you, but I can only wait for so long. It hurts each time

that I’m rejected. Like I’m not good enough for you.”

The desperation shocked him. He realized that his actions had been

completely misinterpreted and he had hurt Brett, leaving him confused,
raw and insecure.

Brett’s hands shook as they reached for the end of Eric’s shirt. His

palms slid underneath, rubbing against his chest with light caresses. He
leaned closer and started to kiss up and down Eric’s neck. The tentative
touches held a bit of uncertainty.

Eric pulled away and stood from the bed. Slowly, he yanked off his

shirt before removing his pants. His full erection bounced off his belly.

Brett’s eyes drank him in like a starving man longing for his next

meal. He licked his lips, bent his knees, and wiggled his hips as his eyes
took in every inch of Eric’s flesh.

“Brett, if we do this, I will never let you go. You will be mine


The other man looked up and smiled. “That would be nice. Eric, I

know everything. I want us together, forever.”

Eric couldn’t resist any longer. He moved back to the bed to give

Brett what he was begging for.

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His hands moved up and down Brett’s body. The sensual touch left

Brett squealing with excitement. Eric wasn’t done playing with his
mate’s body. He rubbed gently down Brett’s stomach and moved to his
mate’s cock. He leaned closer and licked Brett’s belly before sliding
down toward his cock.

Brett whimpered and grabbed the sheet with his fists.
Eric licked at the twin sacs. He teased each one before parting

Brett’s cheeks to look at the sensitive hole twitching for him. He licked
at the asshole. He teased the opening with the tip of his tongue.

Brett hissed. “Fuck me,” he ordered.
Eric pulled away slightly to look at Brett’s face. The man bit his lip

as the fire burned in his eyes. He moved his finger to Brett’s mouth.

“Suck it,” Eric ordered.
Brett nodded. He opened his mouth and started licking the finger.

After playing with it, he took it into his mouth.

Eric groaned, imagining his cock substituting his finger.
Brett’s eyes never left Eric’s eyes as he played with the long finger.

Eric stuck out a second finger and Brett continued the erotic motion of
moistening the digits.

Eric pulled the hand away. He watched Brett as the fingers reached

the smaller man’s twitching hole. He pushed one finger in. Brett lifted
his hips up. He pushed the finger all the way in. Brett arched his back as
Eric moved the digit in and out of Brett’s ass. Then he thrust in the
second finger.

Brett moaned and started moving up and down trying to match the

speed of his hand.

“You like this. My fingers penetrating your ass, getting it ready for

my cock.”

Brett nodded. “I’d like it even more if it was your cock penetrating

my ass.”

“Will you be mine? I’m not asking for a night. I want you forever.”

Eric’s voice was deep with passion. He needed to give Brett one more
chance to back out.

Brett rolled his eyes. Before locking eyes with him.
Eric searched Brett eyes. Brett was lucid and wanted him. The

determination put his mind at ease.

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“I want to be yours. We’re mates.” Brett arched his back. “I know,

Eric. Now, don’t feel guilty and take what I’m offering.”

That simplified things. He’d worry about how Brett realized the truth

later, but since the man knew what he was asking for, Eric would give it
to him. Eric withdrew his fingers and looked around the room.

Brett reached under the pillow and pulled out a bottle of lube.
Eric stared at him. He cocked his head.
Brett smiled sheepishly.
Eric grabbed the lube and spread it over his hard cock. He lifted

Brett’s legs and placed them on his shoulders. He lined up against the
sensitive hole with his swollen cock and slowly pushed past the tight
ring of muscles. Eric sank all the way in until his balls hit the bottom of
Brett’s ass.

Brett hissed and grabbed Eric’s hair and pulled at the strands.
Eric hoped Brett didn’t leave him bald. He froze, remembering Brett

never took a cock in his ass before. He smiled at the idea. That part of
his mate would belong to him. Brett wiggled beneath him.

Eric held him down, wanting Brett to be ready. “Take it slow. I will

not hurt you.” The vice grip around his cock tried to force him to move.
But he didn’t give in to the sweet, tempting body beneath him until Brett
squeezed his cock, and then all bets were off.

Slowly he moved in and out.
Brett looked up at him. His eyes changed to red as his fangs pushed


Eric shook his head. His lover wouldn’t last long. He gradually

picked up speed—each thrust harder and faster, which only seemed to
unhinge the other man.

Brett clawed at his back before moving his hands up to his hair. He

pulled Eric down into a kiss, biting his lip with a fang. Eric’s blood
dripped into Brett’s mouth.

Eric picked up speed. He arched his head to the side, and Brett bit

into his flesh.

Brett let go and started moaning and begging. “Eric, fuck me harder.”
Using vampire speed, he rammed in and out of Brett. The bed

slammed into the wall as the slapping sound of flesh meeting flesh filled
the room.

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Brett completely surrendered. He reached down and stroked his cock

as his ass was fucked.

“Mine?” Eric said, more as a question than a statement.
Brett nodded and turned his head, exposing his neck. Eric wouldn’t

last much longer. His eyes turned red and his teeth pushed out. He sniffed
Brett’s neck before biting into the other man’s jugular. The sweet taste of
surrender and desire filled his mouth.

The bite sent Brett over the edge. He arched his back and warm seed

hit their stomachs.

Eric was so close. He thrust in and out, pounding hard into Brett.

Brett’s hole tightened around him, pushing him beyond his limit. Thick
white seed filled Brett. The heat burned. Only during sex did their
bodies warm, but nothing was warmer than their hot cum.

Eric pulled his mouth away and licked closed the opening. Brett’s

legs slid off his shoulder. The younger vampire hissed as Eric pulled out
of his body.

“Are you all right?” Eric asked.
Brett’s smile lit up the dark room. His blue eyes shimmered with joy.

He leaned up and kissed Eric’s nose.

* * * *

Eric collapsed on top of him. The normally confident vampire’s face

was marked with concern. Right now that didn’t matter to Brett. Only the
feel of the weight of his mate and the seed burning inside mattered.

Brett’s eyes drifted closed as he began to remember.
Brett was floating. He was nowhere, but everywhere.
Bright looked at him and smiled. “Are you ready?”
Brett nodded. The images flooded his mind. He was a baby held by a

man with golden-blond hair. “Someday you will be king,” the king

My father was king. The truth sank in, but it didn’t shock him.

Somehow Brett had already knew, a part deep inside never forgot. He
closed his eyes as images of the tall blond ruler filled him. The king
cherished him. He was given everything—toys, smiles and love.

Brett’s hands were on fire. A blue flame wrapped around his fingers.

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The color matched his eyes and glowed in the night.

Eric held him tight in his arms. He reached up and touched the man’s

cheeks. They boarded a plane, and down below a fire tore through the
city. Eric stopped and together they watched the flames.

The plane landed and Eric carried him inside a large apartment.

They stayed there for days. No one was allowed near him except Eric.
The other man attacked anyone that entered the area.

Brett felt the older vampire’s fear. He kept quiet when someone

came to see Eric. He was good, but he cried at night because he missed
his dad.

Then Jack came. He didn’t mean to cry, but they were shouting at

each other. It scared him. Jack pushed open the door and Eric moved
between them.

“Stay away from him,” Eric ordered.
Brett moved over to the edge of the bed, trying to get Eric to hold


Jack took one look at Eric and then looked at him. The relief on

Jack’s face helped calm his younger self. “He’s alive,” Jack whispered
before reaching out and touching his younger brother’s shoulder. “We
will find a way to keep him safe.”

A few days later, Eric looked at him. His eyes held so much sadness.

It hurt to see it. He touched Eric’s cheek with his tiny hand.

“I am so very sorry. Today, you will forget everything and be free.

Someday, maybe you will forgive me.” Eric’s eyes glowed. He didn’t
try to fight it. He opened his mind and let Eric remove what he needed.
Brett reached inside and helped Eric change him. He whimpered as his
dad’s face left his memory, and tears fell when Eric was removed. The
loss was too much. He wanted to change. With the memories, he
darkened his hair, no longer needing the brightness.

Brett sat up.
Eric’s eyes widened.
“What’s wrong?” Brett asked as he leaned closer.
“Your hair.”
Brett rubbed Eric’s cheek. “I remember lots of things. My real dad

and my birth name.” He hugged Eric. “You kept me safe.”

Eric rubbed his hand down Brett’s back. “I did it to keep you safe. I

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am sorry for lying to you.”

“Shh. Don’t ruin our moment.” Brett leaned into Eric’s body. “What


“We will worry about that later.” Eric wrapped his arms tightly

around Brett’s body like it was a lifeline to reality.

Brett knew Eric never waited. He charged ahead and demanded

results. For him to suggest that now showed that Eric wasn’t his steady
in-control self.

“Do I have to be King?” Brett asked.
Eric pulled him even closer. “That’s Jack’s plan, but not mine. You

will do and be what you want.”

He nodded, knowing that even Eric couldn’t oppose the clans or

deny Brett’s responsibility, but it was sweet of his mate to give him
hope. But for now, he’d rest in Eric’s strong arms.

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Chapter Nine

Brett felt complete. For the first time, he woke knowing his place in

the world. The dull, stratifying ache in his ass reminded him of Eric’s
hard, fast fucking. He pinched his nipples as the memory of the stiff shaft
penetrating deep inside of him made his cock swell. The sweet ache left
Brett a wanton pile of exposed nerves that wanted to feel full again. He
rubbed the sensitive opening, longing for another round of sex. He
reached over to awaken Eric’s lust. His hand touched an empty space.
He sat up and looked over. Then he searched the room for the brooding
vampire, but he was alone.

The strong mating bond helped him pinpoint Eric’s location. He

stood and dressed in a pair of shorts. The fabric rubbed against his cock,
reminding him of his aching need. When he reached the stairs, the soft
piano music pulled him down each step. The whimsical sound was slow
and sad. He followed the music to the main room and sat on a nearby
sofa and listened. The melody, a combination of despair and longing,
played at his heart. After a few minutes, Brett couldn’t listen any longer.

He stood and walked over to the piano, sliding into the seat.
Eric stiffened.
“Hey, I woke up alone. I came to find you.” He leaned into his mate

as the other man continued to play. He watched Eric’s strong fingers
pound the ivory keys. He played the instrument like it was alive and
longed for his touch. How he envied each key as it received Eric’s

Brett moved his hands to the piano and started to hit random keys,

hoping to take away some of the sadness. The song, now filled with a
loud, cheerful bang here and there, disrupted the melancholy melody. It
was as if the music was them and each piece came together perfectly,
balanced by their playing.

Eric stopped and moved his hand down to Brett’s cock. He

squeezed. “Hmm, did you just come to find me or were you hoping for
something more?” His deep voice teased at Brett’s senses as the
question hinted at a sensual promise of more to come.

Brett hissed as his fingers continued to pound the piano keys. Eric

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pushed his palm into his erection.

“Maybe I was hoping for a repeat performance.” Brett looked at his

mate and winked. “If you’re not up for it, I’ll understand. It’s hard to
keep up with someone as young and handsome as me.”

Eric laughed.
Brett smiled at his accomplishment. It was rare to see Eric at peace.

Before arriving on the island he never saw a happy smile, let alone a

“Modest and perfect.” Eric gently kissed the back of his neck as his

fingers danced across his chest.

It was hard to think. He continued to play the piano as his eyes

closed. “Someone is full of bullshit. Modest. Me? I don’t think so.
Perfect. That I agree with.” He whimpered as Eric teased one nipple.

Strong arms wrapped around Brett’s waist, pulling him from the

bench. His back pressed into the wall. Eric grabbed the waistband of his
shorts and pulled them from his body. Brett pushed his fist in his mouth
to muffle the sounds threatening to escape.

Eric moved down his stomach, nipping and kissing the sensitive

flesh. Brett thrust his hips forward hoping for some attention, but Eric
avoided touching his shaft as he continued down to his thighs. He lifted
one leg and placed it on his shoulder. Brett’s fingers grabbed Eric’s hair,
using the dark strands as a lifeline as the older vampire licked up and
down his inner thigh.

“You’re killing me,” Brett complained.
A soft breath teased his cock as Eric blew on it. Brett’s leg almost

gave out, but Eric held his leg on his shoulder before standing up.

Eric stood, never letting go of his leg. It slid off Eric’s shoulder. He

wrapped it around Eric’s waist and pulled the vampire closer. Eric
looked directly at him. “No vampire ever died from being denied
pleasure.” His other hand pressed into the tip of his aching cock.

“No, but I’m sure one has been murdered for denying another

vampire pleasure.” The challenge only increased the sexual tension.

“Well, since my life is on the line, I better make sure you are

satisfied.” Without warning, Eric’s fingers wrapped around Brett’s cock
and stroked it. The fingers moved up and down, squeezing tightly around
his erection. He pulled the cock down and let go. It bounced back, hitting

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his belly. Brett closed his eyes. He bit his lip at the sound of Eric pulling
down his zipper. He moaned as rustling fabric slid down to the floor.

He wanted to kill Eric when he stopped stroking him. Then Eric

lifted Brett’s leg from around his waist and turned him around and then
pressed him up against the wall. With one hard thrust, Eric was inside.
Thankfully, he was still stretched from last night. Eric waited a moment,
giving him time to adjust. Then he started to move in and out, but the
rhythm was too slow.

“Move faster,” Brett ordered.
Eric slapped his ass. “Don’t be greedy. My life depends on your

pleasure. Let’s take it slow.”

He turned to glare at Eric, but his mate pushed in fast and hard. The

breath left him. Eric’s hands explored the front of his body as he
continued to penetrate his ass. He clenched down on Eric’s cock and
was rewarded with a sharp hiss. Eric pulled his hands away and placed
them on Brett’s hips and picked up speed. The hard, fast fucking would
leave him even sorer. He couldn’t wait. He was almost there. He
reached to his cock and started to stroke it. Eric’s fingers gripped his
waist. He clenched down and exploded, taking Eric with him.

Eric kissed his neck, biting into his skin and then drinking his blood.

He pulled out and the thick, full feeling left his body. The remnants of
their sex trickled down his leg. Both knees gave out and Eric guided him
down to the floor.

Strong arms pulled him close. Eric’s lips gave him a gentle kiss.

“Are you okay?” Eric asked as his fingers slid through Brett’s hair. The
sound of worry in his voice didn’t belong on someone that just finished
having sex.

He turned to look at Eric. “I’m better than okay. I feel so alive.” He

swallowed. “Do you regret what happened?”

Fingers pushed back his hair. “I like the blond look.”
“I’ve always liked your blond hair. I hated taking it from you.

Actually, I never planned to, but when I sealed that part of you, it
automatically changed. Jack thought you did that to try to help me protect
you. Either way, I hated taking things from you.” Eric had a faraway look
like he was remembering something painful. He closed his eyes and

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when they reopened, Eric was back in the present with Brett. “What do
you remember?”

The question almost knocked him over. He expected it, but not right

away. Maybe later after they wiped the dried cum from their bodies and
he put on clothes and Eric pulled up his pants. But Eric looked
determined, and one thing he knew about the stoic man was that he
wouldn’t give up until he got an answer. Sighing, Brett gave up before
even trying to change the subject.

“I was born Bright Everheart, but that person doesn’t exist anymore.

I’m now Brett Underwood. Your mate.” The truth was simpler to put into
words than he’d anticipated. He turned to Eric and smiled.

Eric shook his head. “Brett, it’s not that simple. You’re the king. That

can’t be hidden much longer. The attacks have already started. Before
coming here your car was ambushed.”

The memory of being chased and the vampire biting into his neck

returned. “I just want to be with you and bask in the feeling of being
newly mated.” He bit his lip and then confessed the truth. “I can’t be
king. I’m not like Jack or you. My decisions are abrupt and never thought
out. How can I rule over all the clans?”

“Agreed. You are rash…”
“Hey,” Brett interrupted. “How about arguing with me? Say

something like—” He cleared his throat and did his best Eric
impersonation. “Brett, darling, you are wonderful and will make an
awesome ruler. I am in awe of your ability.”

Eric tapped the back of his head with the palm of his hand. “Brett,

darling,” he teased. “The word awesome does not exist in my
vocabulary.” He lifted Brett’s chin. “As I was saying before being
interrupted.” He kissed Brett’s forehead. “The decisions, while abrupt
and not well thought out, are made from the heart. You shine so bright
that people want to follow you.”

“I can’t do it. The last king…” He paused. “My father lived for

centuries before the previous king stepped down. How am I going to fit
into that world?”

Eric shook his head. “Don’t try to fit in. Be yourself. Besides you

won’t be alone. I will be with you every step of the way.”

Brett leaned closer and kissed Eric’s neck. “Enough talking.”

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* * * *

Eric rubbed his hand through Brett’s hair. It was as blond as he

remembered it. “We will stay here until you are ready. Jack will not
send the plane until you call for it.”

“What do you mean?”
“Jack knows the truth. He wanted us to mate on the island. They

won’t let us leave until that happens.”

Brett’s eyes widened and his mouth opened wide. “He’s interfering

with our sex life.”

Eric shook his head. “He is more concerned with our lack of a sex


Brett laughed. “So we stay here until I’m ready. What if I’m never


“Then we can leave and hide. We go about our lives. I have saved a

small fortune. It will keep us safe for a few decades.”

“You won’t make me go back.”
“Never. I only want what is best for you.”
“You’ve lived the last few decades only thinking of me.”
Every day Eric thought about Brett’s safety. “Of course. You needed

me. It is my duty and responsibility to protect you.”

Brett flinched. He looked away. It took the usually noisy man almost

half a minute to ask his next question. “What about my parents?” he
asked. Then he clarified. “The Underwoods. How did they become a
part of this?”

Eric kissed his forehead. “The Underwoods are as much your parents

as the two people who created you. Don’t let that confuse you.”

Brett nodded. “I should be angry that they lied to me my whole life,

but I can’t. They put their lives in danger to give me the best childhood.
They were great.”

“I knew that they would be. That’s why I asked them to raise you.”
Brett snorted. “You planned everything.” His voice held a hint of


“Does that bother you?” Eric asked. Something about the way Brett

sounded had him concerned.

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“No because I wanted that. I still want you to take care of everything.

I’m so tired. Mentally and emotionally.”

Eric nuzzled his neck. “Then rest.”
Dr. White cleared his throat.”I knew you wanted people to watch.”
Eric growled, pushing Brett behind him. No way was this pervert

going to see Brett’s naked body. That was for his eyes only. “Get out.”

The doctor rolled his eyes and turned away. “Hurry up and get


Eric handed Brett his clothes before quickly dressing. Satisfied they

were both decent, he glare at the doctor’s back. “We are done.”

“Still hostile.” Dr. White laughed. He watched Brett. “Are you


Brett nodded. “We don’t need any more counseling.”
“Do you forgive Eric for blocking your memories and manipulating


Eric cringed at the choice of words. He squeezed Brett’s hand.
“There’s nothing to forgive. Eric did everything in his power to

provide me with a safe and happy family. I don’t remember my birth
parents. No, I remember my dad. He looked like me, but he was so sad.
The family that raised me gave me love and protected me. Eric watched
from the sideline, allowing me to grow. I’m here because he saved me.
But now I know. There will be no more manipulation or lies. We will
walk side by side.”

The doctor smiled. “Good. I’ve contacted Jack, and the plane will be

here shortly. It’s time that you both return to your lives.”

“No, not yet. Brett is not ready.” Eric pushed his mate behind him.

His eyes glowed and his teeth extended.

The energy around the doctor changed. He was surrounded by a

bright-yellow light. He looked at Eric as his eyes glowed a golden
yellow. “Stand down.”

Eric couldn’t fight the command. It ripped through him. He shook his

head in defiance as his fangs pushed back in. No, he needed to protect
Brett. The doctor’s power overwhelmed him. A hand touched his back.
He turned and Brett’s red eyes helped him focus. He straightened and
glared at the doctor, now able to fight the command.

“Impressive, Brett.” The doctor smiled and nodded. “The plane will

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arrive shortly.”

“He’s not ready.” Eric glared.
The doctor nodded in agreement. “That will be discussed later. I do

agree he’s too young and naïve to be king. He has had no training. There
have been four kings, and each new king prepared for centuries before
taking the throne.”

“I will not let him be used. We can leave the vampire world behind

to give Brett time to prepare. He will not be forced to rule.”

The doctor laughed. “Sorry, running away isn’t an option. You will

go to the clan meeting. It is too selfish not to. You were born with the
blood of the king.”

“So you want me to walk into the room and be eaten alive by those

piranhas.” Brett’s body shivered next to him. The usually brave and
stubborn man looked lost.

“I won’t let you go alone. Maybe after training for a century you will

be ready to stand on your own. Right now, you’re not going to make it as

“What are you talking about?” Eric asked.
“I will personally teach Brett what it means to rule.”
Brett stared at Dr. White. “I don’t understand.”
“I’m Nathan Everheart, the third king and technically your


The doctor shook his head. “I hate repeating myself. In vampire

history, there have been four kings. The first and second kings now live
the life you want for yourself without earning it. Being king is tiring.
After awhile, it becomes too much, so we retire and our child takes over.
My son was murdered leaving you behind. I can’t allow you to fumble
through your rule so I’ll take your hand and help.”

“You expect us to believe you were the third king.”
Dr. White laughed. “Why do you think I live on an island away from

the world? I’ve waited for Brett for one decade. Now get ready to go.
I’m not asking.” The newly proclaimed third king turned and walked out
the door.

“What was that?” Brett asked.
“The king can order all vampires. It goes beyond normal vampire

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hypnosis. The royal family are direct descendants of the original
vampire. They obtained the power to rule. The purity of their blood
keeps the clans in line.”

“So I can do that, too?”
“Someday you will need to be able to do that.”
Brett looked down. “I don’t want to control others.”
Eric didn’t know how to tell Brett that he needed that ability. He

would use it to control the different families. He rubbed his hand down
Brett’s back. He didn’t need to tell him right now.

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Chapter Ten

Brett wrestled Eric for the armrest. Hands bumped against each

other. Skin touched skin. Each touch sent a sizzling flame shooting up his
arm. Like all their other fights, neither of them wanted to cave. Eric
grabbed his hand and pinned the arm down. Just when Brett turned to
glare, the wicked gleam in Eric’s eyes stopped him. He watched as Eric
gently caressed his wrist, moving up his hand before intertwining their
fingers together. A strong squeeze sent a shiver down his body right to
his throbbing cock.

Brett looked around the airplane cabin. He frowned at the doctor,

occupying the white leather seat across from them. Figures, they were
hundreds of miles up in the air, and he wanted to feel Eric deep inside of

He weighed the different options. The cockpit would require one of

them to fly the plane. Eric never mentioned that particular skill, but if it
got him bent over the pilot’s chair, he wasn’t against trying to fly it
himself. Common sense finally clicked in and he crossed that location off
the list. The bathroom was too small and not his idea of fun. This was the
only room that would work. He gave the doctor a murderous glare. A
newly mated vampire needed lots and lots of sex. Despite the doctor’s
assumption that they wanted others to watch their lovemaking, Brett
wasn’t into that. He growled. No one was looking at Eric’s flushed face
as he fucked Brett into oblivion. That particular eye candy was only for

Eric leaned closer. “Anticipation is the ultimate aphrodisiac,” he

whispered as his cool breath tickled Brett’s neck.

Brett smirked. Two could play this game. “I’m anticipating licking

and sucking your cock before it fills my ass.”

Eric hissed.
“Don’t mind me. Vampires have sex in front of each other all the

time. Continue. I won’t say a word.” The doctor’s wicked smile and the
lust in his eyes left Brett cringing in disgust. They were related. Having
sex in front of other people was wrong, but having sex in front of family
was sick.

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Eric squeezed his hand in support.
Brett studied the doctor. No, the former king his mind reminded.

Technically, he was staring at his grandfather. They both had the same
lightly tanned complexion, which was rare among vampires, but common
in the Everheart clan. The strong jaw was the only other similarity.

No matter what Dr. White said, Brett wasn’t about to take the man at

his word. A grandfather should look older, with billowing white hair
and a beard. He realized his expectations were unrealistic. He had a
better chance finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow than having
an old-looking grandfather.

Children born to vampires stopped aging around their mid-twenties

to early thirties. They reached their peak during the conversion. He
would never look a day older. The only exceptions were the turned
humans like Dr. Michaels, who agreed to become a vampire because of
his genetics research.

The vampire race consisted of only men, so only human males could

be turned. Dr. Michael’s discovered the anomaly on the Y chromosome
that existed in both vampires and human males. The change also gave
some of them the ability to carry children. In a mated vampire pair, only
one could carry a child, while the other one’s seed carried life. In this
relationship, Brett was the carrier.

He looked at Dr. White. He grasped for the positives of being related

to him. There was someone else to be king. That was a big plus. It
outweighed everything else. Even if Nathan White was a lecherous old
man that looked thirty.

Eric squeezed his hand. “Stop thinking so hard. Your brow scrunches

very unattractively. Are you trying to figure out the answer to world

He leaned closer to Eric. His mate tried to relieve the tension with a

small joke. Humor didn’t come naturally to Eric, but it warmed Brett’s
heart that he tried. Also wanting to lighten the mood, he added, “It
sounds like you only want me for my looks.”

Eric laughed. The rare sound filled the cabin. “No, it is not just your

looks. The way your body responds to my touch is very addicting.”

“So you’re addicted to me.” Brett liked that idea. He wanted

someone to be addicted to him. He was already addicted to Eric. Life

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would never go back to the way it was before they arrived at the Turner
island retreat. That was fine with him. He reached for Eric through their
bond to ask the question he couldn’t say aloud. “Do you think I’m
related to the doctor? He doesn’t look like me.”

Eric studied the doctor before he reluctantly nodded. “He looks just

like the previous king.”

The doctor peered at Eric and Brett. The commanding stare felt like

it read every bad thing he’d ever done. It scared him. He whimpered and
grabbed Eric’s sleeve.

Eric locked eyes with the doctor. The two engaged in a deadly

staring contest. “Stop freighting my mate.” Eric’s commanding tone often
left the workers at Turner Tech fighting to not pee their pants.

A week ago, Brett would’ve launched his body at Eric, trying to

remove the overconfident attitude and condescending smirk from the
vampire’s face. The anger was replaced with a burning lust. The hot
voice sent a shiver down his spine. He imagined a few commands
spoken in the bedroom that would leave him rushing to obey.

“Am I scaring you, Brett?” The doctor cocked his head to the side.

“Would you prefer to be called Bright?”

Brett snapped out of his fantasy. “Brett’s fine.” Under no

circumstance did he want to be called Bright. He thought about the other
question. “I wouldn’t say scared. More like intimated.”

The doctor nodded, seemingly pleased with his answer.
“It’s refreshing that you don’t deny the truth. What do you think of


The doctor’s question startled him. It was out of place and the same

as asking if he liked the taste of blood.

“Eric’s my mate. I love being with him.” There was no hesitation in

his answer. Eric Turner made him whole. The pieces that were hidden
from him rejoined, but it was Eric’s strength that kept him from
collapsing under the heavy weight he now carried.

The doctor nodded. “That’s how it should be.” He turned to look at

Eric. “Someday he will rule over all vampires. Does that bother you?”

Eric growled. “Nothing about him bothers me. It is my duty to

support him.”

There was that word again—duty. How many times had Eric used it?

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Brett didn’t want it to be Eric’s duty to support him. Was he just an
attractive obligation?

The doctor laughed. “The two of you might make it.”
The comment angered Brett. “We don’t want your opinion. We won’t

just make it, but we’ll be awesome together.” He tried to respect the
other man, but if he continued to insult their mated bond, then he couldn’t
be held responsible for his actions.

Eric rolled his eyes at the use of the word awesome. He kissed

Eric’s cheek to make up for saying the offensive word. At least he had
the courage to address that. He pushed Eric’s frequent use of the word
duty from his mind.

The doctor seemed even more pleased. “My son, your father, lacked

the same spark. He never wanted to be king and didn’t take the
responsibility seriously.”

Brett stared at the doctor.
“The night he gave Brett to me, the king looked sad giving away his

child, but the thought of dying left him at peace.” Eric rubbed Brett’s
back. “After the king’s mate died, he no longer had the will to live.”

Brett never heard Eric discuss that night before. “What happened to

the king’s mate?”

“No, one knows,” the doctor answered. “Cary, the king’s mate,

showed up one day. He didn’t remember his past. When he was brought
before my son, it was discovered they were mates. They lived together
for decades before your birth. Both of them were very happy.” The walk
down memory lane left the doctor looking older and very tired. “As for
Cary’s death, no one knows what happened. They found his crown in a
pile of bloody ash. My son never got over it. Cary, your birth father died
on your first birthday.”

The stories speculated that the king’s mate committed suicide. Some

people believed that his birth father left the king to be with another man.
The worse story had the king killing Cary. Brett didn’t put much thought
into it. He didn’t have a reason to speculate or gossip about it, or at least
that’s what he thought.

“Do you know what happened to the king?” Brett asked.
“Nate was my namesake.” Thinking about his lost son only added to

the doctor’s sadness. “Our family consists of powerful vampires.” He

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looked at Brett. “You have the ability to change yourself. Hair, eyes,
whatever you need. I’m not sure if there’s more to it, but it makes you a
chameleon. For you to be able to do that before the conversion shows
that you are extremely powerful. I can’t wait to see what else you can
do.” Nathan sighed. “Your father was able to manipulate time. It was
like he could stop it for a brief moment. Sometimes, he looked into the
future or the past. He should have been able to leave, but he didn’t. The
king gave up his life and the throne.”

The bitterness in his grandfather’s voice was mixed with sadness.

The man had truly loved his son.

“Why did the king call me to save Brett instead of calling you?” Eric

looked directly at the doctor, ready to analyze all the words the man

Brett rolled his eyes. Eric overanalyzed everything.
“Two reasons. First, I wouldn’t have let him die. He was determined

to do so. Second, if he did die and the child was left with me, I would
have raised him to be the king. My son never wanted to be king.” The
doctor shook his head. “But that was his fate.”

Brett’s head hurt. It sounded like ruling over the clans was a prison

sentence. Eventually, he’d be trapped in the position until he could force
his future son to take over. The more he heard the more he wanted no
part of it. But he had already stepped into the cage, pulling Eric inside
with him. Soon someone would shut the door trapping him inside.

The loneliness ate away at him. He wanted to feel Eric next to him.
Eric must have sensed his need and the raging turmoil inside. He

reached for Brett’s arm and pulled him out of the seat, leading him to the
back of the plane. When they reached the end, Eric pulled the folding
door closed.

“There’s a door.” He’d been on the plane numerous times and never

noticed the door. “Was it always there?”

Eric laughed. “Yes, Jack sometimes flies with business associates

and he likes his privacy.”

Brett rolled his eyes. Jack didn’t just like his privacy. He was

neurotic about it. He never traveled during regular hours. He purchased
the building that he lived in. The CEO and owner of Turner Tech owned
devices that checked for bugs and other listening devices. He used his

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toys every day before work. Then a question hit him. “Why does Jack
check for surveillance devices every day?”

Eric grabbed the ends of Brett’s cotton shirt, pulling the smaller

vampire closer. “He is a clan leader.”

Brett arched an eyebrow up, silently questioning Eric’s answer.
“And it might give us warning that the clans have found you.”
His left eye twitched. “All this time, he’s been trying to protect me.”
“You are my mate. He is my brother. That makes him your brother. It

is our job to protect you.” Eric tugged at his shirt. “Arms up,” he

Brett lifted his arms and Eric pulled the cotton shirt off. He pushed

the word “job” from his mind. That word was worse than obligation and
duty combined.

“Do you want to continue to talk about Jack? I have other things in


Brett looked directly at Eric. He quickly masked the hurt. Live today

and don’t worry about the future, he thought. “Something tells me that you
have wicked things in mind. I like how your mind works, Mr. Turner.”

Brett grabbed Eric’s shirt, pulling the older vampire closer, and

slammed their lips together. Eric deepened the kiss, demanding his
complete surrender. Figures, the control freak wanted him to submit. Not
like he was complaining. He allowed Eric’s tongue to slide into his
moist cavern. Eric explored his mouth thoroughly, tasting every inch. But
it wasn’t enough. He deepened the kiss and greedily continued the
exploration. The pleasure became too much. He grabbed Eric’s shirt and
started to pull at it.

Eric pulled away. It gave Brett the chance to yank the shirt up and off

his mate’s body. He ran his hands up and down Eric’s muscular chest
before wrapping his arms around Eric’s neck and pulling him back into a
kiss. Their naked chest pressed against each other. He cried out when his
cock rubbed against Eric’s hard cock.

Brett pulled away. He slowly unbuttoned and then unzipped his

jeans. The pants fell around his feet. He stepped out and stroked his hard
cock. Eric’s eye feasted on him. He reached for Eric’s pants and
unbuttoned the material. He reached inside, freeing his mate’s thick cock.
His tongue rubbed across his lips in anticipation. Eric reached behind

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Brett’s head, pushing it forward. The erection bounced against his lips as
it bobbed up and down. Feeling wicked, Brett pulled an inch a way and
blew on the tip.

Eric hissed, tightening his fingers in Brett’s golden-blond hair.
Brett looked into Eric’s smoldering eyes, puckered his lips, and

blew again on the tip. Teasing was so much fun, but his rock-hard cock
reminded him that he wouldn’t last much longer.

Eric moved his hips forward, hitting Brett’s nose. A tangy, musky

smell flooded his senses. Desperate to taste, Brett darted his tongue out,
licking the tip. He sucked on the end before pulling back, running his
tongue down the thick shaft until he reached Eric’s balls. The cock
twitched under his sensual touch. He moved back toward the mushroom
tip, opened his mouth, and swallowed. It reached the back of his throat
as he bobbed up and down.

“You are killing me,” Eric moaned.
The grip on his hair was painful. Brett moved back to the tip and

pressed the slit opening with his tongue, licking the pre-cum. He lapped
at the tip, needing to taste more. It was his new favorite meal.

Eric groaned. He grabbed Brett’s arm and pulled him off his cock.

He whimpered at the loss but quickly recovered when Eric bent him
over the chair. Their eyes met as one finger slid into his ass. One finger
soon became two fingers. Brett’s fingers gripped the leather, trying to
find something to hold on to. Eric pushed deep inside. A light kiss
pressed against his neck as the fingers pierced him. He hissed when the
third finger entered him. After a minute, he pushed back trying to get Eric
to pound him harder. It had the opposite reaction. Eric pulled his hand
away. Brett tried to reach back and grab the other vampire.

He turned as Eric sat on the chair stroking his cock with one hand

and, in his other hand, a bottle of lube. “If you want it, come and get it.”
He handed the bottle to Brett.

Brett poured the liquid on Eric’s cock. It was too much, but he didn’t

care. He couldn’t wait any longer. He licked his lips and straddled the
vampire’s waist. He lowered his body on the hard cock, impaling
himself on the thick dick. He moaned as the cock slowly stuffed him. He
felt Eric’s balls press against his ass and knew he’d taken the whole
shaft. He needed to adjust, so he leaned down and whispered. “Now I’m

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in control. What should I do?”

Eric smirked. He lifted Brett’s hips up and thrust his hips up, pushing

deep inside of Brett. He moaned as Eric repeated the action. It looks like
his vampire lover wasn’t going to let him be completely in charge. He
rose up and down, meeting Eric thrust for thrust. He wrapped his arms
around Eric’s neck, bringing their lips together as he rode the other
man’s cock. He ground his hips and bounced on top of Eric’s body. The
slow pace wasn’t enough. He picked up speed, pounding Eric’s cock
into his ass.

He was on the verge of losing it all. “Rub your cock,” Eric ordered.
Brett groaned but obeyed. His fingers wrapped around his thick

arousal. He stroked his cock hard and fast. The thick hardness surprised
him. The slapping sounds of Eric pounding into his ass mixed with the
hard pumping. He threw his head back.

Eric grabbed his hips and lowered Brett to the floor. He spread

Brett’s muscular thighs and sunk deeper into his ass. “Keep stroking that

The order sent a shiver down his spine. He nodded. “Harder, Eric,”

he moaned.

Eric took pity on him and hammered into his body. He picked up

speed as Eric penetrated deep inside of him. He moaned and felt each
push. Soon he reached his limit. Thick white cum poured out of his cock.
Eric pounded a few more times and spit his seed deep inside of him.

He held Eric close while trying to get his brain working again.

“Thank you for the amazing afternoon.”

Eric snorted. “I should be thanking your for the amazing ass.”

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Chapter Eleven

Eric studied the occupants of the room. Steve and Jerry Underwood

sat on the opposite side of Brett. The three Underwoods wouldn’t look at
each other, let alone start a conversation. They spent the last twenty-five
years as a family and no one had the courage to make the first attempt to
bridge the gap.

Brett clenched his fist. Eric tried to gauge his mate’s feelings. In

vampire years, Brett was young. He reached for their bond. A heavy
weight rested on Brett’s shoulders. He felt weak under the pressure. The
fear surprised Eric. It was so rare he didn’t expect it.

Nothing scared Brett. The man charged into meetings with

impossible ideas and walked into rooms like he owned the place. He
spoke his mind, often without thinking through his thoughts. Brett told off
both him and Jack on numerous occasions. If that didn’t translate into
courage, nothing did. Well, it also demonstrated the other man’s
stupidity, but he’d let that slide. He was more concerned about the lack
of fearless energy that made Brett unique.

Now his mate was afraid to talk to his parents. He looked at Jerry

and Steve Underwood. They looked despondent and hurt. They took the
unusual silence to mean that Brett hated them or was too angry to speak
to them. Either way they both looked like their world collapsed into tiny

Enough was enough. It was time to break the silence. His mate just

needed a little push. “Brett, if you cannot forgive them for lying to you,
then there is no point in even trying to have a conversation.” It might be a
little on the evil side. After all, Eric knew that Brett not only forgave the
two but loved them for everything they had given up.

Brett’s parents cringed at his words. That small action pulled Brett

from the self-pity and fear that engulfed him.

“Shut up,” Brett screeched. “There’s nothing to forgive. They gave

up so much for me. Father left his job. Papa stayed home with me. I
should be apologizing for everything I’ve done.”

That pushed Jerry and Steve into action. Both moved across the room

to the couch. Steve sat on Brett’s left side and Jerry on his right.

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“No, don’t ever apologize. We loved raising you.” Jerry Underwood

touched Brett’s hand.

“Papa, I want to thank you. Did you ever want to live out here? In the

suburbs,” he clarified. Brett looked around the room. “I know you love
the city.”

Jerry Underwood laughed. “Being your Papa was more chaotic and

fulfilling than anything the city could offer. I wouldn’t trade one day of
that for anything.”

Steve laughed before joining the conversation. “That’s for sure. You

got into everything. Painting the walls, trying to climb up the chimney to
see how Santa did it.” He shook his head. “We won’t even talk about the
special surprises that you made for our birthdays or Fathers Day. You
know, the ones that exploded.”

Brett looked sheepish. “Was I that much trouble?”
“Of course not,” Steve said without any hesitation. “You were and

still are so full of life.”

Jerry nodded.
Eric smiled at the small family reunion. Everyone froze when his

phone spat out a recording in Brett’s voice. “It’s the devil. Run. Hide.

Eric rolled his eyes and stared at Brett.
Brett smiled, showing a little too much teeth. “It’s appropriate.”

Then he nodded, rewarding himself for a job well done.

They would discuss the unprofessional but accurate ringtone later.

Maybe he’d record another version of Brett moaning and begging for his
mate’s special ringtone. They would explore the options later with less
people and fewer clothes. He gave Brett a look that promised to continue
the discussion.

The other man didn’t try to hide, nor did he look guilty or apologetic.

He bit his lip and stared at Eric with burning blue eyes, signaling he
couldn’t wait until they had that conversation.

“Jack, it’s Eric,” he said, answering the phone.
“Eric, bring Brett to the Turner Tech headquarters. We are having a

meeting with Nathan Everheart.” The phone call ended with Jack’s
customary good-bye—a click then silence.

He pulled the phone away and shook his head.

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“He hung up again. That rude, evil, sadistic…”
“Language,” Steve warned, cutting Brett off before the profanity


Nothing annoyed Brett more than someone ending a phone

conversation without a simple good-bye. No, annoyed is not an accurate
description. It enraged him. Maybe someday, Eric would confess that
Jack learned the time-saving technique from him. He made a mental note
not to do that around Brett. He squeezed his legs together, imagining the
case of blue balls he’d receive as punishment if his mate learned the

“What did your brother want?” Brett asked in a steady but too-

controlled voice. He looked up his mate. Brett’s eye twitched at trying to
suppress his anger.

“He wants us in his office.”
“Okay. When?”
It was a simple question. Eric braced for the response. “Right now.”

He cringed when Brett stood up.

“I’m visiting my parents.” Brett’s voice was a little too calm.
“Brett, if Jack needs to see you we’ll understand,” Jerry Underwood


“He could wait a couple…” One look from Steve stopped Brett from

continuing. He swallowed and then said, “Friggin’ hours.”

Steve nodded in approval at the choice of words. “Brett, the clan

leader has summoned you. You must go.”

Before Brett could scream that he was in charge or something as

ridiculous, Eric said, “He’s with Nathan.”

That shut Brett up. He nodded at Eric to signal his acceptance of the

order. He hugged both of his dads before turning to Eric. He held out one
hand as they walked out to Eric’s custom-made Turner Tech automobile.

* * * *

Eric’s car was nice in a stuffy, professional way. It lacked Bug’s

character. Thankfully, Jack managed to salvage Bug and sent his little
red baby to the repair shop. Of course, neither of them told Eric about it.
Brett sighed. Eric had already started shopping for a new car. He made a

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couple of comments like that little red death trap or this car will be
reliable, implying that Bug wasn’t.

He dreaded the conversation that informed Eric that Bug would once

again travel the highway with Brett’s ass in the driver’s seat. Eric had a
new obsession, keeping him safe. Bug didn’t fit in with his plans. He
shrugged. Eric would just have to deal with it. He already agreed to
move in with his mate. That was his compromise. But there was one
thing that kept him from being completely happy. A part of him felt like
he was more of an obligation than Eric’s mate. It’s like Eric needed to
protect him because of duty. Did he even like Brett as a person?

The car slid into the vice president’s spot in front of Turner Tech.

The company was open twenty-four hours. Brett, Jack, and Eric, along
with their direct staff, worked at night. The day crew Jack controlled
through video conferencing and other techniques that Brett didn’t want to
know about.

He walked slowly behind Eric, not relishing the conversation that

was about to happen. For some reason, Jack and his grandfather wanted
to plan Brett’s life. Eric was a little better, but he, too, had ideas that he
expected Brett to follow. It was confusing and new. While thankful that
everyone listened to him, he felt smothered by the attention.

In the upcoming vampire clan meeting, they planned to introduce him

to the world. Something he dreaded more than another tropical vacation.

“Stop thinking and relax,” Eric coaxed.
He nodded, but not thinking about the future wasn’t his idea of fun.
He was riding to his doom. In the end, there was no other way to say

it. Next week, Nathan—AKA Dr. White, AKA his grandfather—would
step forward and run all the clans. That was fine with Brett, but he didn’t
like the second announcement. That Nathan would only remain in control
until Brett assumed the position. He was a nervous wreck. Other than
Jack, he’d never met any of the other clan leaders. Then there was the
attempt on his life. Someone in the clans already knew the truth.

“Eric, why haven’t I met the other leaders?”
Eric looked at him. “I could not take the chance. If someone

recognized you, then that would have lead to danger. So I eliminated that
threat by keeping you hidden.”

Brett nodded at another reminder of how Eric took his duty seriously.

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He’d suspected as much. He reached out and grabbed Eric’s hand. He
liked that Eric took control, but he didn’t like that if felt more like an

Eric looked at their hands clasped together and squeezed. He felt

safe and protected. He’d never been in love before, so he wasn’t sure,
but he thought it was there. He just wished he could be certain. There
was nothing Eric wouldn’t do to protect him. He, too, wanted to keep
Eric from danger. He closed his eyes. Eric left him feeling complete. As
long as Eric stayed with him, Brett could accomplish anything. He loved
the arrogant man. Did Eric feel the same way?

They walked into Jack’s office. Both his grandfather and Jack sat on

the sofa engaged in an intense staring match. The energy between the two
sizzled as if they were mortal enemies sizing each other up.

“What’s going on?” Brett asked.
“Jack doesn’t think you’re ready for the clan meeting,” Nathan said.
Brett looked at his grandfather. “He might be right.”
His grandfather’s head snapped to him. “What do you mean?”
Brett closed his eyes, trying to put into words what he was feeling.

“I’ve never meet any clan leader except Jack. To be honest, I’ve had
little contact with the vampire world.” He looked from Eric to Jack.

“You’ve never witnessed a meeting or attending any of the yearly

gatherings?” His grandfather looked horrified. He turned to Jack.
“Eventually, he’d have to take his place in the world. Did you teach him

“We wanted him to be normal. My duty is to protect him,” Eric


Brett cringed at the word duty. He was really starting to hate that


“Normal is one thing, isolated is another.” He turned to Brett. “Have

you studied the vampire laws? Can you read the ancient language?”

Brett’s eyes widened. “I…” There was no easy way to say it. “I

didn’t bother to learn the ancient language.”

“And if you don’t know the ancient language than you can’t read the

laws,” his grandfather added.

Brett nodded. He smiled a little sheepish at the truth behind the

statement. If he’d know that he’d have to be king, he wouldn’t have been

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such a slacker. But he was from a no-name family that didn’t even
register as important. That never bothered him, but it was too late to
change his earlier attitude.

Eric wrapped an arm around Brett. “He’s not going to the clan

meeting. I won’t let you sacrifice him.”

Nathan rolled his eyes. “I hate newly mated vampires. Not only do

they constantly want to touch, they’re so protective of each other.”

Jack laughed. “Eric has protected Brett since birth. Newly mated has

nothing to do with it.”

Brett cringed at another reminder of what Eric had given up for him.
“Brett, what do you want?” Nathan asked.
He closed his eyes. Images of Eric flashed in his mind—the play

fighting, working side by side, and then becoming one. Maybe if they
spent time together, he’d have a better understanding. He needed to know
if Eric only felt a sense of duty. “I want time with Eric.”

“Besides that. What about the vampire clans?”
Brett shook his head. “I have ideas, but I’m not ready to implement

them. I don’t have the experience or the background to know if my ideas
will work.”

Nathan looked up at Eric. “How long will it take you to get him

ready to meet the clan leaders?”

Eric looked at Brett. “At least ten years. He needs to meet the

members as Brett Underwood. They will be angry at the deceit, but they
will get over it.”

Nathan rolled his eyes. “You have ten years. The first two you can

bask in the light of being newly mated. Then you will work as my
assistant. On the meeting ten years from today, I will introduce you as my
grandson and future king.”

Brett’s eyes widened. “You’ll let me go.”
“Brett, I’m not a monster. You’ve only discovered the truth two days

ago. In time, the strength of the king will awaken inside. Then you’ll be
ready. Until then, I’ll train you.”

Eric looked at the king. “Thank you.”
Nathan dismissed them with the shake of a hand. Eric pulled Brett

from the office to the elevator, probably afraid any delay would give the
other man a chance his mind.

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As the elevator door closed, Eric placed a hand on Brett’s shoulder.

“I’ll help you learn the ancient language. In two years, you’ll be ready to
be the Nathan’s assistant.”

While Eric planned his future, Brett felt his heart break. They had

two years to get to know each other. During that time Brett wanted to
find out if Eric really loved him, but Eric didn’t want to connect. He
wanted Brett to learn and be a better leader. It hurt.

“What’s wrong?” Eric asked.
“Eric, why do you want me to learn the ancient language? We have

two years to learn about each other. The language can wait.”

A hand landed on his shoulder. “Now is not the time to slack off. I

will make it my number one priority to get you ready to lead.”

Brett’s eyes started to water. He pushed Eric’s hand off his shoulder.

Brett being king was Eric’s number one priority. “I thought maybe our
relationship could be the top priority.”

Eric studied him. “What are you saying, Brett?”
“I know,” he confessed. “That you see me as an obligation. It’s your

duty to mold me, but I was hoping we can spend time together and maybe
you could let that go and learn to love me.” He hated the slight whine and
cringed at the sound.

Eric hissed. “When you think on your own, you come up with stupid


Brett blinked. Did Eric curse?
“I have lived the last few decades ensuring that you lived a happy,

healthy, normal life. I loved you as a child, but I am in love with you.”

“What?” Did Eric really mean it? “You don’t want me because of an

obligation.” He voiced the thoughts he never wanted to admit.

Eric laughed. “Where do you come up with this crap? I want you

because you make everyday interesting. You speak your mind when you
should keep your mouth shut. The courage you have to challenge a
stronger vampire five times your age is amazing. I cannot imagine not
being with you.”

“What about learning the language? That’s your number one


“You are my life. I am terrified that someone will hurt you because I

love you.” He spoke the words slow. “The more you are prepared the

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safer you will be.” Eric’s eyes roamed up and down his body. “Don’t
worry. I have a special way of teaching.” He reached out and ran the
back of his hand down Brett’s neck. “A way that requires frequent and
numerous rounds of fucking. I plan to pound each word into your

Brett’s smile lit up the tiny elevator. “I love you, too. Even if you’re

stubborn, pigheaded, arrogant….”

Eric silenced him with a deep, searing kiss. “You talk too much.”
“Maybe less talking is good.” Brett moved in for another kiss. When

they broke apart, Brett asked, “We’ll do it together?”

Eric snorted. “Together. Even if you never become king, you will

always be mine.”

Brett wrapped his arms around Eric’s neck. Tomorrow or ten years

from now didn’t matter so much. They would face all the challenges
together. Their happily ever after was the only certain thing in Brett’s
life, and that’s all that mattered.




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Sydney was born and raised in the Northeast of the United States.

She loves to read fantasy, contemporary, and paranormal romance
novels. After years of devouring book after book, Sydney started writing
her own stories. She enjoys creating complex characters and throwing
them together and letting the story write itself. Sydney will often get up
hours before dawn to write another chapter or read the chapter written
the day before. She has a busy schedule, but gets creative when finding
time in the day to steal writing moments.

For all titles by Sydney Lain, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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