Tab1 Writing 2 SLGproposal

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© 2005 by Brendon Burchard

1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪


“In twenty years I have never read a more remarkable student work than Brendon

The Student Leadership Guide

. His writing, use of metaphor, logical development,

ability to synthesize complex literature, and understanding and commitment to the
underlying theory – it’s all beyond belief, certainly better than I could do.”

—Jon Tompkins, Ph.D., author,

Human Resource Management in Government

“Brendon Burchard’s

The Student Leadership Guide

is a terrific resource. The Greenleaf

Center makes it available to people around the world and it is the best single source on the
issue of student leadership. I certainly recommend it.”

—Larry Spears, CEO, The Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership

“Burchard’s book is a good tool for anyone who is serious about trying to make a difference
in themselves as well as the lives of others.”

—The Association of College Unions International




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The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪



SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................................. 02

OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................................. 03

PRAISE FOR BOOK ..................................................................................................................................... 05

AUTHOR...................................................................................................................................................... 06

PRAISE FOR AUTHOR & HIS SEMINARS ..................................................................................................... 07

PREVIOUS & UPCOMING WORKS BY THE AUTHOR.................................................................................... 10

PREVIOUS PRESS ...................................................................................................................................... 13

AUDIENCE & PROMOTIONS........................................................................................................................ 14

COMPETITIVE TITLES ................................................................................................................................. 16

CHAPTER SUMMARIES ............................................................................................................................... 19

APPENDIX: CHAPTER FROM INSTRUCTOR GUIDE ...................................................................................... 22-38

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The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪



“All too often, students are encouraged to become leaders, without an adequate framework that describes
the practice and purpose of leadership . . .

The Student Leadership Guide

helps fill that void. Drawing on his

own experience as a student and a professional, the author guides readers through the six "E"s of
leadership – envision, enlist, embody, empower, evaluate, and encourage. With numerous questions for
discussion and reflection included, this title would be appropriate as the text for a seminar on leadership,
the guide for a leadership retreat, or as suggested reading for any emerging student leader on campus.”

—University Business Magazine

Originally published as a booklet by The University of Montana in 2001, The Student Leadership Guide by
Brendon Burchard has gone on to become a grassroots phenomenon in the student development market. Without
a single dollar ever spent on marketing or distribution, the book, now in its third paperback edition, has sold over
15,000 copies and become the foundational text for leadership programs at over two dozen universities and in
some of the most prominent youth leadership programs in the world, including those at Accenture, Kiwanis
International, DePaul University, and The United States Naval Academy.

In the meantime, the book’s author, Brendon Burchard, has become one of the nation’s leading experts on
college student success, development and retention. He has been interviewed on ABC World News, CBS News-
NY This Morning

and over 55 radio stations nationwide, including NPR. He was recently named the education

advisor for, where his bi-monthly newsletters reach over two million military students and their

Brendon is also the founder of The College Success Bootcamp LIVE at Walt Disney World® Resort, the first
comprehensive college success seminar open to students nationwide. Featuring over 19 of the most recognized
and awarded collegiate speakers in the country, the innovative Tony Robbins-styled seminar drew over 400
attendees and substantial press coverage.

Driven by the ideals of collaboration and contribution, the author has won praise and partnerships from the world’s
largest student and parent organizations, including Kiwanis International, Junior Achievement and College
Parents of America. His sponsors and promotional partners have included Accenture, Wachovia bank and Sony

Brendon is also the author of Life’s Golden Ticket, an inspirational novel that will be released by
HarperSanFrancisco, a division of HarperCollinsPublishers, in May 2007. Harper has said the book is “poised to
become an international bestseller” and it has already set record advances in twelve foreign markets to date.

All rights to The Student Leadership Guide are owned by the author, and he is currently seeking a major
publisher. The book has never been distributed, though it has been sold on and other online
booksellers through arrangements with its print-on-demand provider, Booksurge (an company).

In addition to the book, the author has created a 125-page instructor guide, which contains detailed chapter
overviews and objectives, classroom activities, optional readings, video/internet resources, biographical sketches,
homework assignments, test questions, worksheets, supporting case studies, and special supplement for
conference activities. Brendon has sold the instructor guide to organizations for as much as $1,297 and is making
the Instructor Guide available as part of the deal with the new publisher.

Brendon is committed to purchasing 1,000 books a year from his new publisher. He will also continue to leverage
his platform, partnerships and sponsorships to spread the word about the book. In the weeks before and after the
launch of The Student Leadership Guide by his new publisher, Brendon will be able to directly reach over
3,000,000 people. Further, Brendon is now in conversations with Dynatech, the company that scaled Carleton
Sheets and Robert Allen real estate seminars, to take The College Success Bootcamp to a national audience

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The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪


through infomercials, print ads, free min-seminars across the country, and two-thousand-plus main events – all of
which serve as additional venues to promote The Student Leadership Guide.

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The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪



In Perspectives on Leadership, G.W. Fairholm said, “Understanding the role and function of leadership

is the single most important intellectual task of this generation, and leading is the most needed skill.” This

understanding and skill, however, often goes untaught in our high schools and universities. Students and

educators at all levels are yearning for insightful, service-oriented leadership materials that help them make a

difference in their classrooms, communities, and careers.

Surprisingly, though, there has never been a leadership book written expressly for students that

proposed a real-world service-oriented framework for leading. Most leadership texts prescribed to students

were written for managers in large corporate environments, missing the realities and needs of our youth and the

context they live in today. Further, most “student-oriented” leadership books and programs often only teach a

mixed bag of theories and skills related to teamwork, motivation, persuasive speaking, conflict management,

personal development, and organizational theory, thus failing to ever present a unified leadership framework.

Students often walk away from these texts and programs and say, “What now?” Many ask, “What do I actually

need to do to lead others?” Certainly the answer requires more than a hodgepodge of theories on running

meetings and motivating people. Leadership is indeed a process, and students want and need to understand

what goes into that process.

The Student Leadership Guide

has been written to fill that need. Written from both theoretical and

practical viewpoints, the book helps students conceptually understand leadership and confidently practice it.

Brendon Burchard, an award-winning speaker on student leadership and the founder of The College Success

Bootcamp LIVE at Walt Disney World® Resort, is the author.

Burchard describes principles that help readers understand that leadership is a collective endeavor,

different from management, and firmly rooted in service. The principles—most notably that leadership is based

on service to others—lay the groundwork for a leadership definition and approach that is nothing short of

intelligent, holistic, and empowering.

The book’s leadership framework, called E6, represents six practices required to enact leadership.

Each “E” is addressed in a different chapter—Envision, Enlist, Embody, Empower, Evaluate, and Encourage.

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The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪


Every chapter has theoretical lessons, actionable steps, and a vast array of questions that help readers define

and practice leadership on their own terms.

In the Envision chapter, readers learn how to create a compelling vision for themselves and those they

lead. Burchard offers penetrating questions that make the visioning process simple and effective. The next

chapter, Enlist, teaches leaders to engage potential collaborators and create a vision that reflects their mutual

purposes. (Burchard uses the term “collaborator” instead of “follower”). The chapter also teaches leaders how to

express their vision in clear, persuasive terms.

In Embody, Burchard guides readers to walk their talk and lead with a genuine focus on becoming a

role model for others. Burchard may be the perfect person to write such a chapter. As a former leadership

development consultant at Accenture, the world’s largest management consulting company, he proved his

leadership theories and practices at companies like JC Penney, eBay, Best Buy, Nordstrom, Levi’s, and

Walgreens. It doesn’t hurt, either, that he was a prominent leader on his campus and is founder of the nation’s

first comprehensive college success program, The College Success Bootcamp.

The challenge of motivating collaborators to lead and serve others is dealt with in Empower. Readers

learn a step-by-step process for working with their collaborators and proven methods for granting them

decision-making authority and trust. The next chapter, Evaluate, displays Burchard’s expertise in explaining

complex issues like ethics and performance-based feedback. Finally, Encourage is a beaming example of what

the best leadership texts do, helping students understand how to lift those around them, sustain hope, and keep

their own emotions in check as they seek higher states of motivation and morality.

If a book has ever been written which could inspire students to assume leadership roles and behaviors,

The Student Leadership Guide

is the book. Every reader walks away with a deep understanding of the often

murky term “leadership” and a clear process for enacting it. Written by one of the most inspiring collegiate

speakers and leaders of today—and one of the few prominent figures in leadership development who has

succeeded in both academia and the professional world—The Student Leadership Guide breaks through the

clutter and offers students an insightful, inspiring, and practical guide to making a difference.

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The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪



“The Student Leadership Guide

does a great job of putting the servant leadership

philosophy into everyday language and practice.

It is an important resource in

Kiwanis International's Key Leader program.”

—Lanton Lee, Director of Leadership Education & Development, Kiwanis International

This guide lays out paths toward leadership. It will assist you in understanding that
leaders are common people who, with focus and determination, work collectively.”

—Pat Williams, former U.S. Congressman and Chairman of

the Post-Secondary Education Committee

“Too often teachers of leadership make the concept too idealistic and, therefore, remote and inaccessible.
Burchard has done something very special with The Student Leadership Guide. He has made leadership
understandable, accessible, and thoroughly desirable. The six "Es" alone are worth the price of admission. It
should be required reading for all students. Cancel that. It should be required reading for all aspiring

—Bill Treasurer, executive leadership coach and author, Right Risk

The Student Leadership Guide is thoughtful, engaging, and full of practical suggestions. Brendon Burchard does
an excellent job of weaving together the best of the theoretical literature on leadership with a variety of popular
treatments of the subject. His analysis and recommendations revolve around a set of guidelines that are not only
useful but also inspiring.

Aspiring student leaders as well as experienced ones stand to gain a lot from reading

this book, reflecting on its lessons, and putting them into practice in a way that fits the situation and the people in
it. This is a guidebook to read, keep and revisit.”

—George Cheney, Ph.D. and author, Values at Work

The Student Leadership Guide is a terrific tool by which to empower students.

—Fr. Dennis Holtschneider, C.M., President, DePaul University

The Student Leadership Guide by Brendon Burchard is an interesting and compelling read from both practical
and academic standpoints. This guide does not take a “ten minute manager” approach to the subject; on
the contrary, it is well grounded in contemporary theories and philosophies of leadership. As importantly, it takes
an interesting and easy-to-read approach to leadership and applies it to situations that university students are
very likely to find themselves in.”

—Shiv Ganesh, Ph.D., The University of Montana

“Brendon Burchard’s The Student Leadership Guide is a terrific resource. The Greenleaf Center makes it
available to people around the world and it is the best single source on the issue of student leadership. I
certainly recommend it.”

—Larry Spears, CEO, The Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership

“All too often, students are encouraged to become leaders, without an adequate framework that describes the
practice and purpose of leadership . . . The Student Leadership Guide helps fill that void. Drawing on his own
experience as a student and a professional, the author guides readers through the six "E"s of leadership –
envision, enlist, embody, empower, evaluate, and encourage. With numerous questions for discussion and
reflection included, this title would be appropriate as the text for a seminar on leadership, the guide for a
leadership retreat, or as suggested reading for any emerging student leader on campus


University Business Magazine

“Burchard’s book is a good tool for anyone who is serious about trying to make a difference in themselves
as well as the lives of others.” —The Association of College Unions International

background image

The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪



“A formidable voice on leadership.”

—The Association of College Unions International

“Awesome and amazing!”

—Matt Kitchie, Office of Student Activities and Organizational Leadership, Miami University

“It was pure inspiration having Brendon Burchard as our keynote speaker for our leadership conference.

I've never seen a speaker connect with so many students on such a personal level. Our students and staff

raved about how much they learned from him, how he inspired them to commit to making changes in their

lives, in their relationships, and in their leadership practice.”

—Jennifer Clark, Student Leadership Institute, The University of Houston Clear Lake


has been called "the student leader's leader" and is an award-winning speaker on student

life and leadership. As the founder and CEO of The College Success Bootcamp LIVE at Walt Disney World®
Resort, he has become one of the nation's leading experts on student retention, development and success,
having appeared on ABC World News, CBS Morning News and over 55 radio stations across the United States.

Brendon's book, The Student Leadership Guide, is now in its third edition and used at dozens of universities
across the country. It has been used or recommended by the prestigious Robert K. Greenleaf Center for Servant
Leadership, The National Leadership Institute, The International Leadership Association, The Association of
College Unions International, The United States Naval Academy, University Business Magazine, and Kiwanis
International’s new Key Leader program.

Brendon has an impressive track record of student and corporate leadership experience. In high school he was
managing editor for the nation’s #1 ranked student newspaper. In college he supervised the toughest dorms on
campus, conducted workshops on romantic relation-ships and communication, and chartered a peer mediation
program. In graduate school he taught public speaking courses, worked as a peer counselor, and served as a
commissioned facilitator and mediator for his university. He also maintained a 4.0 GPA. Brendon holds a BA in
political science and an MA in organizational communication.

Prior to launching The College Success Bootcamp, Brendon served as a leadership and human performance
consultant at Accenture, the world’s largest management consulting company. His clients included JCPenney,
eBay, Best Buy, Nordstrom, Levi Strauss & Company, Gateway, and Walgreens. Brendon has designed a
Fortune Global 500 company’s leadership and innovation program, co-created the University of Montana Center
for Leadership Development’s curriculum, developed a large retailer’s executive coaching training, moderated a
panel of Silicon Valley CEOs, and served on several nonprofit advisory boards.

Brendon speaks to thousands of students and professionals each year and reaches millions more as the
Education Advisor at His partners include some of the largest student and parent organizations in
the world, including Junior Achievement, Kiwanis International and College Parents of America.

You can meet him at

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The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪



“Students rarely have the opportunity to hear such words of inspiration and wisdom. Brendon Burchard radiates a
tremendous amount of positive energy

, which is contagious! He really amazed the students. Many students commented

on how great his sessions were and how they will apply what they learned to be a better leader and a better person.”

—Fatima Goines, Office of Student Life and Leadership, Georgia State University

“It has been a true pleasure to work with Brendon Burchard. The most solid support for the E6 framework in The Student
Leadership Guide

is Brendon himself. In just a few short discussions, his humility and selfless service became extremely

apparent. He is one of those people who engages others with sincere interest and by doing so reveals his truly genuine

— LT Brett St. George, Department of Leadership, Ethics & Law, The US Naval Academy

“Brendon was an energetic and inspiring leader to kick off Minnesota's Scholars of Distinction in Leadership Summit. We
had extraordinary feedback from the participants; students and their advisors as well as educational leaders were on their
feet and involved as active learners in this day-long event. The full-day format allowed Brendon to go deeper into his
message of servant-leadership. We all grew during the day and were challenged to go forth and make a difference in our

—Karen Newell, Project Leader, Minnesota Scholars of Distinction in Leadership

“Brendon brought an incredible enthusiasm and energy to our leadership development program. He truly connected with
students through his real life experiences and powerful metaphors. He engaged students in the leadership process and
inspired them to take the next step. He proved to them that life and leadership can be fun, passionate, exciting, and

—Cairn Lindloff, Student Activities and Leadership Development, The University of Montana

“Students said that Brendon was awesome and amazing! He boiled life and leadership down to the basics and engaged
students in the process of realizing their greatest potential as humans and leaders.”

—Matt Kitchie, Office of Student Activities and Organizational Leadership, Miami University

“The value of Brendon’s genuine personal sharing coupled with his obvious passion and commitment to his mission
provided a vivid and thought-provoking experience for our students.”

—Jean Harrison, Freedom & Responsibility faculty, Concordia University

“The feedback from your presentation has been glowing. I enjoyed the day immensely and cannot remember a presentation
that so thoroughly engaged a group of students, teachers, and administrators for an entire day!”

—Wendy A. Behrens, MN Department of Education, Gifted & Talented Education Specialist

“Thanks for impacting our students as we support their development and deeper understanding of leadership. Your great
work and passion supports all of our efforts


—Karl Brooks, Director, Student Leadership Institute, DePaul University

“Brendon relates very well to students and absolutely lives servant leadership. Kiwanis International is blessed to have
him on our Key Leader facilitator team.”

—Lanton L. Lee, Director of Leadership Education and Development, Kiwanis International

“Thank you again for such an exciting presentation at our leadership conference. It was an incredibly emotional

for me and many others and one I will never forget.”

—Vicki J. Horton, President, Alpha Rho Chi National Fraternity

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The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪




“There’s no shortage of resources and programs to help you get into
college. But, once you’re accepted, you’re left to swim with the sharks.
It’s great to see programs like The College Success Bootcamp taking
such an innovative, holistic approach to helping students hone the
skills they’re going to need to succeed throughout their college careers.”

—Robin Raskin, Director of Communications at The Princeton Review

and author of A Parent’s Guide to College Life

“This is a much needed event that addresses the challenges students face in transitioning between high school
and college, and between dependence and independence. Brendon Burchard is the perfect person to host
this seminar—he’s incredibly passionate about helping students succeed.”

—Doug Stone, Harvard educator and co-author of

Real College: The Essential Guide to Student Life

“Students accepted to college today have no better chance of graduating then students attending college twenty
years ago. College student retention and graduation rates have stayed static over time. The bootcamp is
designed to give college bound students the knowledge and skills necessary to graduate

within a

reasonable time. With the importance of a college education and escalating college costs, this is a welcome

—Dr. Alan Seidman, Executive Director at The Center for the Study of College Student Retention

and author of College Student Retention: Formula for Student Success

"New college parents are always surprised to hear how challenging it is for an incoming freshman student not only
to stay on a four-year plan, but also to ever even graduate from college. The College Success Bootcamp puts a
line in the sand and gives students and their parents a focused, achievable set of goals, along with best-of
information from an incredible group of experts. All at a very affordable price in a special place that can provide
some lasting family memories."

—James A. Boyle, President, College Parents of America

“Your College Success Bootcamp was amazing! The college where I am employed sent me to your conference to
see what efforts are being made to improve retention. My expectations were to attend yet another conference
where I had to sit, listen to boring presentations, and try to make it sound exciting when I returned back to work.
Little did I know that your bootcamp would impact me so much on both a personal and professional level.

I have taken the knowledge and motivation that you and the other speakers gave me and use it on a daily basis
now. It has made a huge impact on the way I interact with and motivate the students at the college.”

—Lauren Grinstead, Student Activities Director, Hillsborough Community College

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The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪




“As a parent, I am still on a high and will be for a long, long time to
come. I thank you personally for the difference you made in my son
Gregory's life. I feel that he is not only more prepared for college life
but also to be a better person and to make better choices in life

The College Success Boot Camp is a must attend for every

young person - it will change their lives forever.”

—Carol Monroe, parent

“There are no words I can use to explain how the College Success Bootcamp has changed my life. It was the
time of my life. I learned so many useful things that I will never forget, made new friends, and I feel that I broke
out of my comfort zone. When my friends and family asked my how my trip to Florida was, I say "Truly amazing
and life changing." They don’t understand the awesome impact this has had on my life. I feel like I have more
positive energy and like I can accomplish anything. It has really made me into a better person.”

—Carmen Milligan

“I had such an AMAZING time at the Bootcamp last weekend, learning how to live the lives we want for ourselves,
how to stay positive, about school and scholarships and healthy living. I wanted to thank you and the rest of the
speakers for making such a huge impact on my life. Since the bootcamp, I've seen immediate results in my life.
In fact, myself and about 10 other people from the bootcamp are interested in coming to the Bootcamp as a
reunion next year. We hope that we'll be able to share our success with everyone else :)”

—Sarah Ellesse Ramirez

“The whole weekend, the whole experience was absolutely amazing. I thank you for everything you did to directly
affect my state and help me prepare to be truly successful in college (not to mention life!!). I met so many people
and had such a great time with them that "regular life" seems dull. I now have friends all over the country
and it wouldn’t have been possible without the bootcamp.”

—Hugo Torres

“It was a great experience for me to have attended such an upbeat and enthusiastic event. I, without a doubt,
learned a great deal of positive information that I will not only be able to apply to school, but more importantly to
the rest of my life, and I am very grateful to you and your team of supporters for that. I look forward to attending
again next year.”

—Julio Negron

“I want to tell you that the College Success Bootcamp truly changed my life!!!! I really did leave feeling all sorts of
new feelings inside me I didn't know could exist. I felt I could really do anything I wanted. And that is truly a gift. It
was like everything was so powerful. Like something inside me was awakened that I didn't know was there. I
feel a lot happier now. Do you know how much that means to me? I've been a depressed person my whole life,
and it's not that I was just magically happy after the 4 days, but I mean something happened to me at the seminar.
Something clicked in my head. I was always searching for answers for life, I felt like I found what I needed.”

—Natasha Morales

“I really enjoyed bootcamp, I learned a lot. I am a senior in high school this year, and feel better prepared for my
college experience. I am going to tell a lot of my friends to go next year because I had so much fun. Thank you for
doing what you do to help students better prepare for life and all its challenges.”

—Carolyn Balfour

background image

The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪



The Leader’s Guide to Innovation:

An Internal Guide to Developing Innovative Leaders at Accenture
By Brendon Burchard. Accenture, 2004, Internal Handbook

“The Guide outlines why innovation is key to our strategy and provides
cutting-edge research and thought leadership on what it takes to make
innovation happen. Readers will learn the cultural habits of innovative
companies, what inhibits or activates innovation, which leadership
principles work best to accelerate it, how companies structure
themselves to achieve it, and how individuals and teams can think and
collaborate differently to produce it in their day-to-day working
approaches. The Guide is a quick read and full of clear concepts, real-
world examples, and actionable strategies aimed at helping deliver

—Jessica Alter, Accenture Innovation Champion

About the Guide

The Leader’s Guide to Innovation

was used as the basis for a global training of 85,000 Accenture employees. The

proprietary handbook was not distributed outside of the company, but because of its powerful impact on
Accenture’s employees, Brendon Burchard became known as one of its leading innovation and leadership
development experts. Readers of the Guide will be excited to hear about another title from Brendon, and
Accenture has offered to promote the release of his book to its employees via an article in our global newsletter
that now reaches over 110,000 people. Accenture previously featured Brendon in a global newsletter, which led to
the sale of over 2,500 copies of The Student Leadership Guide in three days.

Praise for The Leader’s Guide to Innovation

“You deserve special credit for pioneering and assembling the content—all in a very short time frame . . . this will
be an energizing one for our people . . . GOOD WORK!”

—Joe Forehand, former CEO and Chairman of Accenture

“You have made SUCH A DIFFERENCE in creating the awareness about our need to foster a culture of
innovation inside Accenture. I want to personally thank you for the intense efforts you have made to put all of your
creativity, talent, passion and time into making Accenture a better place . . . your concepts will now be shared with
85,000 people!

THANK YOU for all you have done to accelerate innovation at Accenture! We will be a great

company because of your impact.”

—Angie Seldon, Partner and Innovation Council Member, Accenture

“This handbook completely changed the way our company’s employees think and collaborate. It helped them
conceptualize innovation in an entirely new way: as a method to discover and execute pioneering ideas to create
new value and competitive advantage. Chalk full of insight and inspiration, it defines Brendon Burchard as our
most innovative leader and it will become the definitive resource for our executives for years to come.”

—Mary Bartlett, Accenture Senior Manager and Innovation Lead

background image

The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪



Coming May 2007 by HarperSanFrancisco

A story of life, loss, and redemption leading to the greatest of all gifts.

In this motivational masterpiece and instant classic, Brendon Burchard has
crafted a triumphant tale of personal growth and change that will have
readers returning to its pages time and time again throughout their lives.
Burchard, a prominent life coach and change expert, creates such a rich,
emotional and personal journey of transformation that, by its end, readers
feel like they can truly start their lives anew, as if they’ve received a “golden
ticket”—a second chance at life.

Life’s Golden Ticket

tells the parable of a man who is so trapped in the

prisons of his past that he cannot see the possibilities, the choices, and the
gifts he has right in front of him. His reality doesn’t change until a dramatic
event forces him onto a journey of personal transformation.

Advanced Praise

“Brendon Burchard has captured the heart and soul of life’s journey. Through this rich and inspiring fable, he
helps us pause, stand above our lives, and see the subtle signs of how our story is unfolding. Three cheers for
Life’s Golden Ticket for helping us heroically step forward and claim who we are meant to be.”

—James Redfield

, author of The Celestine Prophecy

“This is a powerful parable of loss, love and redemption that will stir the souls of its readers. Burchard has crafted
something eternal here -- a rare and authentic glimpse into how we can learn, change and grow.”

—Jack Canfield

, Co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series

and The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

“Life’s Golden Ticket

is a life-changing book: an open invitation to transform your heart and mind. Insightful and

profound, it’s an entertaining guide to self-realization. Reading Life’s Golden Ticket could spare you years of

—Lou Marinoff


author of Plato Not Prozac and Therapy for the Sane.

“Whatever you do, pay the price of admission for Life's Golden Ticket! This book is entertaining, provocative, and
loaded with wisdom. Honestly, this is the most original book I've read in years.”

—Bill Treasurer

, CEO, Giant Leap Consulting and author of

Right Risk: Ten Powerful Principles for

Taking Giant Leaps with Your Life

“Here is your "golden ticket" to a terrific life. Read, absorb and apply the wisdom in this story to rediscover and
reclaim the life you were destined to live.”

—Mark Victor Hansen

Co-creator, #1 New York Times best selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul ®

Co-author, Cracking the Millionaire Code and The One Minute Millionaire

background image

The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪



Work in Process. May be purchased with The Student Leadership Guide.

Leadership According to Larry:
Servant Leadership’s Most Surprising Hero
Coauthored with Academy Award Nominated Filmmaker Alice Elliott

Can one person really make a difference?
Does it take special gifts to be a leader, or can any one of us lead the way?

In this crazy world of ours, do people still care?
Are there any real communities left in America?

One man, one neighborhood change everything you thought you knew about
leadership and show that close, caring communities still exist. Welcome to the
story of how a simple, mentally challenged New Yorker brought his community
closer together and became servant leadership’s most surprising hero.

Larry and filmmaker Alice Elliott

About the Book

Leadership According to Larry

focuses on effective leadership principles and practices through the real-life

inspirational story of Larry Selman, a mentally challenged New York City resident who has raised hundreds of
thousands of dollars for charities and, in the process, brought his neighborhood closer together in the spirit of
service and friendship.

Selman’s story has been featured by NPR and The New York Times and was the subject of the 2002 Academy
Award nominated documentary The Collector of Bedford Street by Alice Elliott. The film, which has been to more
than 70 film festivals and won 19 awards, has been shown on HBO/Cinemax and is currently in educational
distribution through New Day Films. The film is also being used by Kiwanis International, a service organization of
over 600,000 members, to teach thousands of children around the globe about the power of servant leadership
and how one person, regardless of background or ability, can truly change the world. Dozens of other community-
based organizations are using the film and its study guides as tools for teaching tolerance, community
involvement and philanthropy.

This is the story of an unsung hero’s small, generous everyday actions and how they changed his life and the
lives of those in his community. Every day, Larry wakes and works the streets to raise funds for local and national
charities. To some, he’s a pest, a panhandler, and a nuisance. But he is also a genuine New York character, a
man who has become the “mayor” of his community and who has raised over $300,000 for charity. When Larry’s
lifestyle becomes threatened by the impending death of his caregiver, his community rallies together to care for
him and raise the funds needed to sustain his lifestyle and presence in their neighborhood.

This moving story of service, sacrifice and friendship provides a unique enough angle to cut through the clutter of
leadership books on the market today. The book masterfully weaves together a compelling narrative about
Selman’s story; the actions taken by his community; the filmmaker's journey to complete and market the
documentary; the grass-roots acceptance of Larry and the film by dozens of community service organizations;
and the time-tested, theory-backed leadership principles and practices that, from the authors’ perspective, made it
all happen. This will be one of the rare leadership books that speaks to both corporate and community leaders.

Alice Elliott has been producing award-winning documentaries for a decade. Before working in documentary film,
she was an actress for over twenty years. She appeared in two feature films, over 100 commercials and had a
recurring role on the ABC soap opera, Loving. She has written fictional plays for the stage, television and film, and
teaches as an adjunct professor at NYU's School of Continuing and Professional Studies.

background image

The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪



[Please see accompanying DVD to review previous media appearances by the author, past promotions for his
seminars, and a recent partnership with Sony Pictures.]

The author has been quoted in or appeared on the following to promote The Student Leadership Guide or The
College Success Bootcamp:

ABC World News

2 million viewers


675 000 viewers

704,806 readers

599,628 readers

750,000 blog and print readers

556,465 readers

488,825 readers

152,344 readers

378,000 readers

60,000 hits

8,000,000 members

Over 60,000 hits

National Radio Highlights
(Multiple interviews each)
Take 5 National Radio Show
The Good Life Show on
Wisconsin Public Radio (NPR)
(Replayed Nationally)
Northeast Public Radio
(NPR/PRI) (Replayed
KALW-FM (NPR) California
(Replayed Nationally)
Health Moves on HEALTH
Viewpoints National Radio
(1.3 million listeners)

Regional Radio Highlights
KBUR-AM 1490 Iowa
KCMN-AM Colorado
KGVO-AM Montana
KIRX-AM Missouri
KOIT-AM California
KPQ-AM (ABC) Washington
KTOE-AM 1420 Minnesota
WBAL-AM (CBS) Maryland
WBAL-AM Maryland
WBZ-AM Massachusetts
WFRX-AM Illinois
WICC-AM Connecticut
WIST-AM Louisiana
WJTN-AM New York
WKYE-FM Pennsylvania
WOCA-AM Florida
WRVA-AM Virginia
WTBQ-AM (ABC) New York
WXCI-FM Connecticut

Extensive Local

Florida Coverage

344,509 readers

background image

The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪



The author is committed to leveraging his partnerships and sponsorships on a continuing basis to promote the
next release of The Student Leadership Guide.

The author will work with ach of the organizations below, all of whom are current partners, sponsors or “friends,”
to spread the word about the book through a combination of:

• Local and national press releases

• Newsletters

• Online


• Print


• Fund-raisers

• Speaking and meet-the-author events

• Sweepstakes

JA Worldwide™ (Junior Achievement)

is the world's largest organization dedicated to

educating young people about business, economics and entrepreneurship. Through a
dedicated volunteer network, JA Worldwide provides in-school and after-school programs
for students in grades K-12. JA Worldwide offers educational programs that focus on
seven key content areas: business, citizenship, economics, entrepreneurship,
ethics/character, financial literacy, and career development. Today, 139 offices reach
approximately four million students in the United States, with more than three million
students served by operations in 100 countries worldwide. Brendon will be a Board
Member for JA’s Bay Area in 2007 and is collaborating to promote Life’s Golden Ticket.

Kiwanis International Foundation

assists Kiwanis International in serving the children

of the world through grants, awards, and scholarships. Kiwanis is a worldwide
organization of service-and community-minded individuals who support children and
young adults through over 8,600 clubs in 94 countries. Kiwanis sponsored 147,000
service projects, raised and spent nearly $100 million, and contributed 6.2 million hours
of volunteer time last year alone. Brendon is a current contributor to KIF and is helping
design methods for the organization to raise greater funds and awareness for its
programs. KIF is a promotional partner for Brendon’s book Life’s Golden Ticket.


builds strong kids, strong families, and strong communities. Our mission is to

put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and
body for all. Together, the nation's 2,617 YMCAs are the largest not-for-profit community
service organization in America, working to meet the health and human service needs of
20.2 million men, women and children in 10,000 communities in the United States.
YMCAs are at the heart of community life across the country: 42 million families and 72
million households are located within three miles of a YMCA. Brendon is in current
negotiations with the Y to help launch his next book, Life’s Golden Ticket.

Best Buddies International

is a 50,000-member non-profit founded by Anthony

Kennedy-Shriver whose mission is to enhance the lives of people with intellectual
disabilities by providing opportunities for one-to-one friendships and integrated
employment. Brendon is on the Advisory Board of Best Buddies California.

background image

The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪


The University of Montana

has over 12,000 enrolled students, and its Center for

Leadership Development’s program was co-developed by Mr. Burchard. Because the
university is the previous publisher of The Student Leadership Guide, the author has
deep ties to its leaders, professors, students and alumni and they are excited to help
promote the next release of the book. Brendon is a member of UM’s President’s Circle.

College Parents of America

is the nation’s only advocacy, educational and benefits

organization for college parents. CPA serves over 100,000 parents and dozens of
institutions nationwide. Brendon has previously partnered with CPA to promote the
College Success Bootcamp, and will do so again for several promotions in the future.
CPA is one of his highly valued partners.

is the largest online military destination, offering free resources to serve,

connect, and inform the 30 million Americans with military affinity, including active duty,
reservists, guard members, retirees, veterans, family members, defense workers and
those considering military careers. The site has over 8 million registered and returning
users. Brendon is’s resident Education Advisor and his bi-monthly
newsletters reach over 2 million military students and families.

College Success Bootcamp Alumni, Newsletter Recipients, and Future Marketing

make up the base of Brendon’s personal platform. Over 10,000 students

receive our newsletters and we reach over 2.5 million students, parents and educators
each year in the marketing of The College Success Bootcamp. This student base, as well
as those from our partners, will be leveraged to promote the next release of The Student
Leadership Guide.


is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing

company, with net revenues of US$15.55 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2005.
Committed to delivering innovation, Accenture collaborates with its clients to help them
become high-performance businesses and governments. As the world’s largest
consulting company, Accenture has over 110,000 people in 48 countries. Accenture
previously featured Brendon in a global newsletter, which led to the sale of over 2,500
books in three days.

Sony Pictures

is currently partnering with Brendon to launch a youth-targeted

sweepstakes for the launch of their upcoming feature release, Marie Antoinette. The
movie was directed by Sophia Coppola and stars the youth-fave Kirsten Dunst. The
sweepstakes, Become a Legend in Your School, ties into the fact that Marie Antoinette
“became a legend by 20.” Sony Pictures is awarding prize winners with free tickets to The
College Success Bootcamp. Brendon and Sony are already in discussions for future

The Greenleaf Center

is an international, not-for-profit institution headquartered in

Indianapolis, Indiana. Their goal is to help people understand the principles and practices
of servant-leadership; to nurture colleagues and institutions by providing a focal point and
opportunities to share thoughts and ideas on servant-leadership; to produce and publish
new resources by others on servant-leadership; and to connect servant-leaders in a
network of learning. Brendon is a partner of the Greenleaf Center and the Center
purchases and sells thousands of copies of The Student Leadership Guide each year.

background image

The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪



Despite an enormous student leadership market—over 4,000 schools have a student activities coordinator,

program and budget for student development, and twice that have business courses on leadership—there is a

relatively small group of strong-selling, highly-regarded student leadership texts. This isn’t due to a lack of need;

it’s due to a lack of good writing that both students and professors enjoy and recommend, a failure to

appropriately promote to the student market, and the lack of a credible, inspiring spokesperson who can truly wow

student audiences and gain national media attention.

Before writing The Student Leadership Guide, Brendon reviewed over 1,000 leadership texts throughout

history, and in his 208 page book alone he cited over 220 works. As one of the most read and respected

authorities on leadership development, he notes that the majority of the books on the market targeted to youth

miss the mark by failing to address the needs or the realities of our emerging student leaders.

The Student Leadership Guide

is the first and only leadership book on the market that is

1. Intended for students
2. Written from both theoretical and popular viewpoints
3. Structured with a real-world, service-oriented framework that students can use to make a

difference in their classrooms, communities, and careers

4. Written by a proven expert in both student leadership development and corporate leadership


Below is a summary table of the differences between this book and others on the market. The following

page also profiles two titles that are representative of the general student market of complementary and

competitive titles The Student Leadership Guide will be positioned against.

Competitive Books

The Student Leadership Guide

Written for advisors, professors or



advisors, professors or businessmen

Written for students by a young,

dynamic and proven student and

corporate leadership expert

Aimed solely at high school or

university students

(exclusive approach)

Aimed at emerging leaders at any level

(inclusive approach)

Unbalanced approach – either filled

with too much theory and no practical

advice, or too many popular viewpoints

with no theoretical support

Balanced approach – filled with the best

of the theoretical and practical

viewpoints on leadership from

academia and the real world

Relevant in only one context (student

government, Greek affairs, educational

leadership programs, etc.)

Relevant across all contexts

transcends boundaries and is

applicable to any leadership situation,


aspiring leader

No clear definition or framework of

leadership – leaves students confused

about what to do and the “way forward”

Concise, compelling, memorable

framework that is immediately


Written to help readers succeed and

compete in corporate America

Written to help students serve and

contribute in classrooms and


background image

The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪



Exploring Leadership: For College Students Who Want to Make A Difference
By Komives, McMahon, and Lucas (Jossey-Bass, 1999)

Exploring Leadership, a mainstay on student development professional’s shelves, is the main “competitor”

to The Student Leadership Guide. The book offers an academic introduction to leadership theories; provides

insights into the student’s potential to lead; and discusses teams, complex organizations, coalitions, integrity, and

renewal. In other words, the book has a lot on its mind. Unfortunately, by seeking to take on so much the book

looses clarity and cohesiveness.

Like most comparative titles, the book takes an “everything under the sun” approach to leadership

development, suggesting the mastery of so many disparate skills (conflict management, motivation, persuasive

speaking, group dynamics, goal setting) that the meaning of leadership itself is lost. Such efforts have been

likened by Jay Conger, author of Building Leaders, to trying to make individuals “learn golf, basketball, tennis, and

racquetball all [at the same time].” Conger’s book ultimately shows us that a single framework is the most

effective training feature for enhancing learning experiences and improving leaders’ effectiveness. He also found:

“In order to improve one’s leadership ability, it is important first to have a clear understanding
of what leadership is and what effective leaders do. One of the biggest problems that many
development programs must overcome is a vague concept of what they are trying to
accomplish. In many cases, a lack of consensus about what leadership entails results in
program designers [and authors] incorporating as many leadership dimensions as they can …”
(p. 33)

Unfortunately, Exploring Leadership falls prey to this and fails to present a clear framework for leadership.

As a reader, it feels like the authors are describing everything but leadership itself—no specific definition of the

term is provided, no specific skills are developed, and no clarity about the purpose of leadership is suggested.

The book leaves students asking themselves, “What is leadership,” “What do I actually need to do to lead?” and

“How do I know if I’m progressing?”

A similar challenge is presented by a similar though more scholarly competitor, Peter Northouse’s

Leadership: Theory and Practice.

Northouse’s book has become a classic in explaining multiple leadership

theories, but it is light on practice and fails to present a leadership framework or theory of its own which is

accessible to students.

The differentiation and success of The Student Leadership Guide continues to be a result of its clear,

cohesive and memorable framework for leading others.

Student Leadership Practices Inventory, Student Workbook (The Leadership Practices Inventory or “LPI”)
by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner (Jossey-Bass 1998)

The Workbook, often called the “LPI,” brings to life for students the five practices of exemplary leadership

the authors proposed in their best-selling book The Leadership Challenge (Jossey-Bass, 1987, 2003). LPI is a

background image

The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪


360 degree evaluative tool that helps students understand themselves and the five practices: model the way,

inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, encourage the heart.

While the model of leadership is strong and proven, and the LPI a useful tool, it remains just that—a tool.

Though popular because of pricing ($10SRP), the workbook is too short to provide a detailed description of the

purposes, principles, and processes of student leadership (the book is just 36-pages in length). And, as is often

the case with such student-oriented tools, when a student wants to learn more about the model, they are simply

referred to the original text, in this case The Leadership Challenge, which is a corporate tome, not a student

leadership text.

Despite its well-deserved popularity, the ultimate challenge with the book is its brevity and simplicity, which

prevents professors from using it as a robust text in their course and students from learning in-depth theories and

practices needed to lead.

The Student Leadership Guide

is at once short, just 208-pages, and in-depth, providing detailed

descriptions of the underlying principles and processes of each of its six practices. Best of all, the book integrates

the benefit of a “tool” by offering “Leadership Self-Check Questions” at the end of each chapter. Emerging leaders

can easily assess themselves and their collaborators by answering the questions and reflecting on the key

lessons of the book.

background image

The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪



Because the entire book accompanies this proposal, the chapter summaries below are offered only at a high-

level. However, included here are also the chapter outcomes as described in the 125-page supplemental

Instructor Guide created by the author.


The Introduction discusses why so many students don’t lead, why our society needs leaders now, and why

defining leadership is important. The author also outlines three principles of leadership, explaining that it is 1) a

collective process, 2) different from management, and 3) firmly rooted in service to others. After completing this

chapter students will be able to:

• Understand what may have held them back from assuming leadership positions in the past

• Articulate why defining leadership is important

• Explain the three principles of leadership


The purpose of this chapter is to define leadership and to provide an overview of the leadership process used in

the book. Leadership is defined as the process of leaders and collaborators coming together through an influence

relationship and seeking envisioned changes that reflect their mutual purposes. The leadership framework in the

book is called E6, which stands for the six “Es” of the leadership process: Envision, Enlist, Embody, Empower,

Evaluate, Encourage. Each chapter of the book explores one of these six “Es.” After completing this chapter

students will be able to:

• Define leadership for themselves

• Quote and explain the leadership definition of this book

• Quote and explain the leadership framework in this book

• Apply the leadership process to a situation in their lives


Envision is the first “E” in The Student Leadership Guide’s E6 framework. This chapter stresses the importance of

creating a vision that collaborators can truly rally around. Subsequent chapters teach leaders to recruit

collaborators in the creation of and commitment to that vision (enlist); role model the values and ideals needed to

lead (embody); grant collaborators the decision-making authority and trust they need in order to feel a sense of

personal ownership and responsibility for achieving the vision (empower); monitor and manage their progress,

background image

The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪


ethics, and collaborator’s performance (evaluate); and sustain hope, faith, and excitement throughout the journey


Note: From this chapter forward in the Instructor Guide, an “Application Appendix” is included at the end of

each chapter summary which details how this “E” in the framework could be applied to self-leadership and a

Harvard Business Review case study on Earnest Shackleton.

After completing this chapter students will be able to:

• Describe the importance and benefits of creating a clear vision

• Explain what types of questions leaders ask in forming a vision

• Formulate their own “rough draft” of a vision (which they’ll “finalize” in the following chapter)


Enlist is the second “E” in The Student Leadership Guide’s E6 framework. The first “E,” envision, taught students

to create a vision. This chapter teaches leaders to recruit collaborators in the creation of and commitment to that

vision. This chapter stresses the importance of leaders involving others in the finalization of the vision they drafted

in Envision and the necessity of passionately promoting that “final” vision to collaborators in order to gain their

true commitment for it. The chapter essentially answers the question, “How do I go about getting collaborators?”

After completing this chapter students will be able to:

• Describe the importance of involving collaborators in the creation of a vision that reflects both the leader’s

and the collaborators’ desires

• Explain how leaders can reshape their vision to reflect mutual purposes

• Formulate and discuss multiple methods for enlisting others

• Apply the enlist concept to a leadership situation they have been in the past or are in today


Embody is the third “E” in the E6 framework. The first “E,” envision, taught students to create a vision. The second

“E,” enlist, taught leaders to recruit collaborators in the creation of, and commitment to that vision. This chapter

stresses the importance of embodying the ideals and behaviors you seek to lead. After completing this chapter

and its course students will be able to:

• Describe the importance to leaders of role modeling the behaviors they seek others to live up to in

seeking the vision

• Explain several ways in which leaders can build credibility

• Formulate and discuss multiple methods for embodying their message

• Apply the embody concept to their own lives to see if they are “walking their talk” and “practicing what

they preach”

background image

The Student Leadership Guide

by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard ▪ 1 Toledo Way #11 San Francisco, CA 94123 ▪ 415.652.1144 ▪



Empower is the fourth “E” in the E6 framework. This chapter stresses the importance of empowering collaborators

with the decision-making authority and trust they need in order to feel a sense of personal ownership and

responsibility for achieving the vision. The author suggests four actions leaders can take to help collaborators feel

both competent and confident to lead on their own: inform and educate; champion participation; help shape the

environment; and recognize and reward participation. After completing this chapter students will be able to:

• Describe the importance and benefits of empowering those they lead

• Explain what collaborators need in order to feel empowered

• Formulate and discuss multiple methods for empowering those they lead

• Apply the empowerment concept to a leadership situation they have been in the past or are in today


Evaluate is the fifth “E” in E6 framework. This chapter emphasizes that leaders must continually evaluate their

vision, their ethics and performance, and their collaborators’ progress towards achieving the vision and reaching

their highest potential. After completing this chapter and its course students will be able to:

• Describe the importance of evaluating progress in the leadership process

• Explain the two types of ethics in leadership (human and purpose) as well as the “right-vs-right dilemma”

and several approaches to ethical decision-making

• Follow an approach to giving feedback that emphasizes unconditional positive regard, genuineness, and


• Evaluate a leadership situation they have been in the past or are in today


Encourage is the sixth and final “E” in E6 framework. Prior components of the framework have taught students to

create a vision (envision); recruit collaborators in the creation of and commitment to that vision (enlist); role model

the values and ideals needed to lead (embody); grant collaborators the decision-making authority and trust they

need in order to feel a sense of personal responsibility for achieving the vision (empower); and pay attention to

their vision, ethics, and collaborator’s progress (evaluate). This chapter emphasizes that leaders must continually

encourage their followers to achieve the vision and their highest potential. After completing this chapter and its

course students will be able to:

• Describe the importance of encouragement in the leadership process

• Conceptualize and communicate stories from their lives in which a leader encouraged them to be their



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