Dakota Rebel Frienemies

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By Dakota Rebel

Resplendence Publishing, LLC


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Resplendence Publishing, LLC

2665 S Atlantic Avenue, #349

Daytona Beach, FL 32118


Copyright © 2011, Dakota Rebel

Edited by Michele Paulin

Cover art by Les Byerley,


Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-400-0

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted

work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain,

is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of


Electronic release: September 2011

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s

imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely


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For Bronwyn,

Ask and ye shall receive



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Chapter One

I hadn’t really been surprised to get the letter from the university’s headmaster the week

before term started. Since the last semester had ended with a spectacular fistfight between

Donnie Masters and me, it was pretty expected that we’d have to answer for our actions that day.

We’d hated each other since the first time we’d spoken to one another. Donnie came from

wealth and was a spoiled brat. When he found out I was at school on a grant that had nothing to

do with academic excellence and everything to do with being from a poor family, he’d made it

his mission to torture me about it.

I’d done my best to avoid Masters for weeks before term ended, but sometimes, it felt as

if he sought me out and tried to pick fights with me. There was only so much insulting any man

could take, and Donnie pushed me to my limit.

A few scathing comments thrown around about my mother while I was loading my

luggage into our van were all it took to send me swinging wildly in Donnie’s direction. It had

taken both of my parents and three of his friends to pull us apart. I’d been shoved into the car and

had the door slammed violently behind me in an attempt to keep the fight from starting all over


As the car had pulled away from the curb, I’d looked back to see Donnie glaring after me,

shouting something that fortunately I couldn’t hear. A bruise had already begun to blossom

around my left eye, and I’d known I’d be reminded of him for weeks as it healed. Not how I’d

looked forward to spending the beginning of my summer vacation, to be sure.

It had been silly to think that news of the brawl wouldn’t reach the school administrators

just because term was officially over. That was how I found myself sitting in Dean McTavish’s

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office on the first day of September, waiting for him to show up and dole out punishment three

months after my offense.

The door opened behind me, and the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. I didn’t

need to turn around to know that it was not the headmaster who had stalked into the office, but

Donnie Masters.

“James,” he said stiffly as he walked around to sit in the chair next to me. “Have a nice


I stared at him for a moment, not sure what to say. Of the millions of things I would have

expected him to say or ask, that was not even on the list.

“Uh, it was fine, yeah,” I said finally. “You?”

“It was nice, thanks. Glad to be back though. I was staying with my parents, and that got

tiresome rather quickly.” He sighed. “Listen, about last year—”

“Gentlemen,” Dean McTavish’s voice from behind us made us both jump. We stood and

waited for the man to walk around his desk and sit before we dropped back into our chairs. “I

think you both know why you’re here. The animosity between the two of you has always

concerned the staff, but last year’s violent outburst was alarming. After much discussion, we’ve

decided not to expel you, though you must both be aware that fighting is not tolerated here. You

especially James, need to watch yourself. If we had decided to take action against you, your

grant would have been voided and you would not be able to use it for another university.”

I nodded solemnly. My parents had said pretty much the same thing to me on our drive

home after the fight had happened. As much as Donnie irritated me, I couldn’t allow him to ruin

my only chance at college. He wasn’t worth that.

“Sir,” Donnie said, his tone less pompous than I’d ever heard it. “The fight was my fault.

I goaded James into it and I am sincerely sorry. I can assure you that this term will be different.”

“That’s good to hear, Mr. Masters.” Dean McTavish smiled cautiously. “Now, we must

talk about your… I hesitate to call it a punishment, perhaps your recompense would be a better

word. The point is we must find a way to ensure that the two of you learn to at least coexist while

you’re on campus.”

I glanced over at the bleach-blond sitting next to me. He looked different than the last

time I’d seen him. Older, stronger, the expression on his face was not that of total arrogance.

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With a start, I realized that Donnie Masters looked like a man. I wondered if he meant what he’d

said, that this term would be different. Had he matured along with his looks?

“Sir, I agree with Donnie. I don’t think this semester is going to be like the last few.”

Looking back at the Dean, I saw a genuine smile on his face.

“That’s great. I feel much better about the arrangements I’ve made knowing that you’re

both willing to try for some civility.”

“Arrangements, sir?” I looked quizzically at Donnie then back at the Dean.

“Yes. The living arrangements,” he said. “You two will be sharing a dorm room this


I stared at McTavish in disbelief. It was a giant leap for Donnie and me to go from not

punching each other in the face anymore to living together. I felt Donnie’s cool gaze on me but

couldn’t turn away from the headmaster to meet it.

“Thank you, sir,” Donnie said after a moment. “I appreciate that you were able to keep us

both here, and we’ll do our best to live up to your expectations. Won’t we, James?”

“Yes,” I said quickly. “Of course. Yes. Thank you, sir.”

Donnie and I stood, each shook the Dean’s hand then turned and walked out of the office.

When we reached the hallway, I stopped and stared at the blond. He’d grown quite a bit over the

summer. He’d always been shorter than me, but now, we were eye to eye. His pale blue irises

shone with amusement as he looked back at me.

“Should be an interesting term,” he said after a minute. “Shall we go get settled?”

“I need to find my stuff,” I said with a shrug.

“It’s taken care of,” he said, smiling almost shyly. “Your parents were unloading your

boxes as I pulled up, and I had my butler take your things to the room. I hope that’s all right.”

“You already knew we were sharing a dorm?” I asked in surprise.

“Yes, my father told me. The Dean called him over the summer to make sure I wouldn’t

put up a fight about it.” Donnie started walking, glancing back to make sure I was following him.

“Really? He didn’t call my family.” I kept stride with him, letting him lead the way since

I didn’t even know which dorm we’d be living in, but Donnie apparently did.

“Well, he probably knew that you’d go with whatever he decided. After all, you have a

lot more to lose than I do.”

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“Of course, you can go to any school you want. If I fuck up here I’m just screwed.” I

tried to keep the anger out of my voice but knew I’d failed.

“Please don’t start,” Donnie said with a sigh. “I wasn’t trying to be rude. I was just

stating a fact. It’s not my fault that I come from money, James.”

“No, but it’s your fault you’re an asshole about it.” I glared at the back of his head.

“I suppose that’s true,” he agreed. “But I promise to try to keep that in check. I don’t

want a repeat of last year.” He stopped and turned to look at me. “I really am sorry, James.

About everything. I had no excuse to treat you the way I did.”

“Well, thanks. I’m sorry, too.” I laughed at the look of disbelief on his face. “I am.

You’re the only person on Earth who has ever gotten me fired up enough to throw a punch. But

the weird thing is I don’t hate you. Hell, I don’t even really dislike you. I just can’t stand the way

you talked to me and about my family.”

“I know it was only a few months ago, but I was a child then. I’ve grown up a lot this

summer. I’m glad I’m going to get the chance to prove that to you.” He turned and started

walking again.

My eyes drifted toward his ass of their own accord, and I couldn’t help but agree that

he’d grown up. His body was not just taller, but bigger. Muscles had developed in places I’d

never seen them on him. His shoulders were broader and the tight T-shirt he wore showcased

them well. I shook my head, trying to push away the thoughts. It wouldn’t be good for me to start

lusting after him again now that we were going to share a room.

The very first time I’d seen Donnie Masters, I’d wanted him more than I’d ever wanted

anyone. I think that was where all my anger stemmed from. He’d done nothing but insult me and

make fun of my family, but I’d just felt the need to throw him down and ravish every inch of his

body. When I’d realized he would never be interested in me, it had pissed me off.

Looking at him now, the boyish good looks I’d grown accustomed to replaced by

handsome lines and hard angles, I wondered how I would keep my hunger for him at bay.

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Chapter Two

The room was actually quite nice. I was sure Donnie’s father had had something to do

with that. There was a lot more space than I’d ever had in a dorm, and we even had our own

bathroom. It would be nice not to share a communal bath for a semester.

Donnie and I spent about an hour unpacking in silence. Now, that we were alone in a

room together, I was finding it hard to keep a civil tongue. My stuff barely took up my half of the

room, and he seemed to feel that since I wasn’t using all of the space he should be allowed to

spread out. Rather than start fighting over it, I kept my mouth shut and just let him have his way.

“I’m going to take a shower,” Donnie said as he grabbed a towel out of his dresser. “Do

you mind?”

“Not at all,” I said, smiling at his attempt to be polite.

I grabbed a book off my shelf and settled onto the bed to read. As the water started in the

bathroom, I found my mind wandering away from the page and toward thoughts of Donnie

standing naked twenty feet away. My eyes closed at an image of his hard body standing in the

shower, water sluicing over his skin. His soapy hands sliding over his broad chest, down his abs,

cupping his balls—

Shaking my head violently, I opened my eyes and forced myself to study the words in the

book in my hand. But it was no use, my cock was straining against my jeans, and I began

wondering if I’d have time to jack off before he came back out.

Realizing that I wouldn’t, I sighed in frustration and turned the page I hadn’t read. This

would be a long fucking term if I couldn’t keep it together just an hour after moving in with him.

He would probably shower every day. It would be pathetic if I had to leave the room every time

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to keep from getting an erection. And it would be horribly embarrassing for him to catch me

touching myself.

The water turned off, and I was relieved that I hadn’t tried to masturbate. He took quick

showers apparently. I would have been mortified if he’d come out of the bathroom to find me

with my hand down my pants.

I heard the door open and looked up to see Donnie standing naked in the doorway. My

book fell to the floor with a thump as I stared at him in shock.

“Jesus,” I whispered at the sight of him. Water ran down his neck in thin lines, his hair

was tousled as he’d obviously just run a towel through it and not bothered to comb it yet. The

muscles that had been hinted at by his clothes were clearly defined. Abs I was sure he hadn’t had

a year ago were sculpted to almost Photoshopped quality. His arms were thick and covered with

soft blond hair that held droplets of water he hadn’t bothered drying off.

“See something you like?” Donnie asked with a laugh. But the smile slid from his face at

the sight of my face. I had no idea what expression was there, but apparently, he didn’t find it

very funny. His eyes blazed with heat, and I wondered if he was angry.

My gaze slid down his body, and I inhaled sharply at the sight of his cock growing thick

and hard. It was too much to believe he wanted me as badly as I wanted him. Not after all this


“James?” His tone was husky, and the sound of it shot straight to my own cock, making it

twitch in response.

I rolled out of bed and walked toward him. He moved too, and we met in the middle of

the room. I searched his face until I was sure he was giving me permission then my mouth

crashed over his.

His hands tugged at my shirt, wrenching it up my torso until I raised my arms to allow

him to pull it off. I looked into his pale blue irises to find them full of passion. Passion for me.

He really wanted me. It was too good to be true.


He cut off my words with another kiss, his tongue urgently pressing between my lips

until I let him inside, his warm, wet muscle tangling with my own. He tasted like cinnamon


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I wasn’t sure what I’d been about to say anyway, and the feel of his skin against mine

was much more important than any thought that might have wormed its way into my head.

Donnie’s hands roamed up my back, his nails lightly scraping over my shoulders, his

chest warm and wet sliding against mine. Without breaking the kiss, he used his body to push me

backward until my legs bumped against his mattress. He shoved me down so I was lying on my

back then he straddled my hips, staring down at me with a smile on his face.

“I didn’t think this would happen so soon,” he said. “I thought it would take weeks to

seduce you.”

“You planned this?” I asked in surprise. “I thought you hated me.”

“I’ve never hated you,” he said with a smile. “And when I found out we’d be sharing a

room, I have to admit, I started thinking of the best way to get you to fuck me. I’ve wanted you

since the first time I saw you.”

“Then why have you been such an asshole to me?” I asked incredulously. It was hard

enough to believe that after everything he had said and done to me that I could still want him as

badly as I did. But to think he had liked me all the time and had acted that way was too much to


“To keep up appearances, I suppose. My friends and family expect me to keep high class

company. I couldn’t very well bring you home to my mother. So I thought, if I was a dick and

pushed you away, I’d get over it. But I think it just made it worse. As sick as it sounds, when you

punched me, I knew I was done. I had to have you. I’d never seen you look hotter.”

I shook my head and chuckled. “All this time, we’ve been fighting this and we could

have been enjoying it. I would have hidden it. For you, I would have done almost anything.”

“I don’t want to hide it. I want you. I want to be with you.”

I placed my hands on his hips and held him tightly as I sat up to kiss him. His arms

wrapped around my neck, and he played with my hair as I licked and nibbled at his lips.

“What about your family?” I asked after a minute. “And your friends?”

“They’ll get over it, or they’ll go away.” He shrugged. “I don’t really care.”

Donnie shifted on my lap and the friction against my cock drew a moan from my lips. He

smiled at the sound and leaned in to kiss me again. I couldn’t remember ever being so hard.

Every time he moved, I thought I might explode from the sheer joy of it. Years of wanting and

repressing had me wound like a spring.

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“I can’t believe this is happening,” I said as I kissed my way across his jaw toward his


“I can’t believe you still have pants on,” Donnie replied, the smile evident in his voice.

He pushed off of my chest and dropped to the floor, on his knees between my legs. After

popping open the buttons on my fly, he tugged the jeans down my legs and tossed them across

the room. I stared down at him, watching his mouth move toward my cock but unable to believe

that he was really going to suck me. I’d had dreams about this, but I’d never thought I’d actually

see that perfect mouth stretched open around me.

Donnie gripped the base of my cock in his fist and licked a hot, wet line up my shaft. My

fists curled into the sheet under me, and I had to struggle to keep my eyes from closing in

pleasure. I wanted to watch him. I never wanted to stop looking at him if I could help it.

“I’ve wanted to taste you for so long,” he murmured before sucking my tip between his

lips. His mouth was hot around my sensitive flesh, and I wanted more. Fighting the urge to move

my hips forward, I tried to just concentrate on what he was already doing to me, not what my

body ached for him to do.

After he was finished suckling at my head, he finally slid his mouth down my shaft until

his lips met the fist still wrapped around my base then he pulled back up. Over and over,

torturously slow, up and down with very little pressure. Just warm, wet heat over my shaft and


“You’re killing me,” I whispered to him.

“What do you want me to do?” He gazed up at me, a thin line of saliva still connecting

his lower lip to my cock head. The sight was almost enough to make me come right there.

I didn’t know what I wanted him to do. Everything he was doing, just more of it. I

wanted him hard and fast and violent, but I wanted him slow and soft and sweet. There were too

many emotions flowing through my mind to pin down what I wanted from him.

Years of anger and tension and need were bottled up inside of me, and now, I had him

naked and wanting me back and didn’t know how to react to it.

“Hey,” he said softly. “We have all semester to figure out where to go from here. What

do you want right now? Right this second, what do you need from me?”

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It was easy for him to think that way. I still wasn’t completely sure this wasn’t all a

dream. Nothing that had transpired between Donnie and me in the last couple years would have

led me to believe we’d end up here.

“I just want you,” I said finally.

“You just want me? That’s all?” Donnie smirked at me, and my heart pounded in my

chest. That smirk had led to many arguments in the past. His arrogance was so enraging and so

fucking sexy.

I grabbed him around the waist and rolled our bodies so that I was on top of him.

Looking around frantically, I realized my lube was all the way across the room.

As if he knew what I wanted now, Donnie scooted up the mattress and reached into his

bedside table. He removed a small tube and handed it to me. I popped open the cap and poured a

generous amount on my hand. The sound of foil crinkling drew my attention back up. Donnie

was ripping open a foil packet with his teeth.

He sat up and kissed me while his hand rolled the condom over my cock. The feel of him

gripping my shaft in his palm drew a sharp hiss of pleasure. I couldn’t wait to feel his ass

clamped around me like that.

After he had settled back on the mattress, I slid two fingers down his crack, pressing them

firmly against his entrance but not inserting them yet. Donnie moaned as I applied light pressure

to his ass, rubbing firm circles around the muscle without penetrating him.

“Fuck, James,” he panted. “Please.”

“Please what?” My voice was hoarse with need, but I wanted him to tell me what he

wanted from me. It wasn’t fair that I couldn’t say what I desired from him but he needed to tell

me what I should do to him, but I didn’t care about fair.

“Please fuck me,” he begged. “I want to feel your cock inside of me. Please, stop

torturing me and just slam your cock in my ass.”

“You’re not ready,” I said softly, easing one of my fingers through his tight ring of

muscles. His body instinctively clenched around the intrusion, and I almost moaned at the

thought of how that would feel around my shaft.

“I’m ready,” he argued. “I’m very fucking ready.”

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I climbed further up the bed, using my hands on Donnie’s thighs to urge him to wrap his

legs around me. He raised his hips to meet mine, and I positioned the head of my cock against

his slick opening.

Tight, hot sensations gripped me as I slid slowly inside of him. He let out a low hiss at

the initial intrusion, but I felt his body relax under me as I pushed further into his body.

Watching his face, I couldn’t help but smile at the emotions flowing over it. His lower lip was

sucked into his mouth, his teeth biting it gently, his eyes were shut tightly as his neck strained

back in that dance of pleasure and pain I hadn’t felt in years. It made me sorry for a moment that

I had chosen to top for our first time. But then he clenched his ass muscles. I felt my balls tighten

against my body, and I knew I would never really regret this moment.

After a minute, he opened his eyes and looked up at me. He smiled as he slowly raised

his arms to wrap around my neck and raised himself to kiss me. It was awkward to bend down

toward his face and stay locked inside of him, but after some shifting, we managed to find a

position that would allow both.

His tongue swirled around my mouth, and I tried to mimic the movement of it with my

hips. Round and round, our tongues tangled and my body moved between his thighs. It didn’t

take long for me to lose the rhythm and start thrusting in and out of him. His nails dug into my

back as I pounded harder and harder, my balls slapping loudly against his ass until they tightened

so hard against my body I knew I wouldn’t last any longer.

With a strangled cry, I came so hard I lost visual focus. Donnie was a blond blur under

me, and I finally had to close my eyes against the world as my cock twitched and released inside

of his body.

His hands moved from my shoulders, and I felt him furiously pumping his own shaft

between us. Donnie grunted as his cum splashed on my chest, and I managed to open my eyes

again to watch him finish, his back bowed so far our bodies were almost touching.

We both groaned as I slid out of him. He shifted so I could lie down next to him on the

bed. Our hands found each other’s, and we laid there panting for a few minutes, both of us too

spent to talk.

When my heart had finally stopped racing, I finally looked over to see him staring at me,

a wide smile on his handsome face.

“What?” I asked, smiling back at him.

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“I don’t know if one semester of this is going to be enough,” he said, leaning over to

place a quick kiss on my mouth.

“Probably not,” I agreed. “But at least, it’s a good start.”

Eventually, we would have to deal with actual school and the reactions of our friends and

families. All of the people who were used to keeping us apart would have to get used to seeing us

together. But that was for another day.

As for the first of September, that day was just for us, just for old enemies who’d finally

become friends.

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About the Author

Dakota Rebel lives in Detroit, Michigan with her husband Mr. Rebel and two incorrigible

children, Jr. Rebel and Rebel Jr. 2.0.

Her friends are made up of the most amazing people on the planet. They not only accept her

faults but often encourage them.

Dakota smokes more than she should, drinks less than she’d like to, and is the life of any party

that ends by 9 p.m. She adores her fans like nobody’s business and encourages them all to email

her at Dakota.rebel@hotmail.com.

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Also Available from

Resplendence Publishing

Quarantine by Dakota Rebel

A cougar, a bartender, a vet and a college student get stuck in a bar...

What starts out sounding like a bad joke turns into a nightmare when Jo Champlain finds herself
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men. She tries to keep the truth about how she ended up there from the men but with the full
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The concept of Armageddon has been thrown at international arms dealer, Drake Brokk, his
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When Elijah Abrams, a fallen angel disguised as an FBI agent, tells him the ultimate battle is
threatening to explode Drake has a hard time accepting it. He certainly can't believe it's up to him
to stop it.

Armed with only an ancient sword, a kleptomaniac elf and his wits, Drake seriously doubts his
ability to win the battle between good and evil. And he knows for sure there is no weapon forged
that could keep him from falling for the fallen angel.


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