A Little Piece of Heaven by Xondra Day

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Evernight Publishing


Copyright© 2012 Xondra Day



Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Editor: Marie Medina


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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Xondra Day

Copyright © 2012

Kansas, 1933

It was too hot for Calvin’s liking and with the fan on crank, he

wasn’t getting any relief whatsoever.

July had hit with a wallop and with it came a heat wave like

no other in years. Heading down to the creek for a swim sounded like
a good idea. He’d be able to cool down, relax, and do some much
needed thinking. This summer was to be his respite, his father had
said, but come the fall Calvin had to make a decision on his future.

“You’re smart, boy. You need to do something with your life.

This ain’t no way to scratch out a living. A farmer’s life is a hard one
and I have faith that you can do better.” His father’s words had truth
to them. Calvin wasn’t meant to be a farmer, but college had been
nothing but a disappointment for him and getting involved with
Professor Knoles hadn’t made things easier.

Professor Knoles spoke with a sweet city accent. He wore a

bowtie and had the cutest little mustache. He headed the English
department. From day one Calvin had been smitten with him and one
day when he was asked to stay after class, it was obvious that
Professor Knoles felt the same way about him.

“Are you enjoying my class?” Professor Knoles asked.
“It’s interesting. Everything’s new to me.” Calvin shifted in

his chair slightly as the professor’s eyes shifted over him.

“That’s good, Calvin.” Professor Knoles moved closer and

now stood behind him. “I’ve noticed you for a while.”

Calvin’s heart started to beat faster and a fine sweat broke out

on his brow as Professor Knoles caressed both his shoulders. “You’re
tense. Am I making you nervous?”

“No, not at all,” Calvin lied.

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“I like you, Calvin, and I think you like me.”
Calvin nodded and swallowed hard. Professor Knoles leaned

down and kissed his cheek.

That was the start of it all. It was a pity that Professor Knoles

was married with two children and when his wife found out about the
affair, she threatened to reveal their secret to everyone they knew.
That’s when Calvin made the decision to withdraw from college and
head back home to sort his feelings out.

Billy Holiday played on the radio and finally there was a

warm breeze blowing in across the parlor. Calvin got up from the
couch and laid his book aside as he walked to the window and looked
out across the garden. In the distance over near the barn, Calvin could
see his father’s hired hand, Josh, fiddling with something he couldn’t
make out. Josh was around his age and had been working on the farm
for round about a year, give or take a month.

Calvin eyed Josh and was glad that his mother and father were

out of the house for the weekend as he gripped his crotch. Josh was
shirtless and even from this vast distance, his body was a beautiful
sight to behold, all golden and glistening under the hot midafternoon

Josh was everything he wanted in a man. Josh was masculine,

gorgeous, and most importantly intelligent. They’d had many hired
hands come and go over the years, but Josh stood out from them all.
He wasn’t like the others. Before he’d left for college, they’d often
talked about current events and life in general. Josh was easy to talk
to and he never made Calvin feel uncomfortable like some of the
other men who came around the farm did.

Most guys in the area passed him off as a sissy. That’s how

they referred to someone like him. His father ignored their ignorant
remarks, but Calvin knew this was one reason why his father wanted
him to succeed so badly. Success would show them all. It would
prove to them that he was something and then his father could be
proud of him.

The temperature was much hotter outside than Calvin initially

expected. Straight off he looked for Josh as he strolled across the
garden towards the barn and the outfields. Beyond them lay the creek.

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All around Calvin bees buzzed and ahead a dragonfly flew

past, humming as it raced along a small breeze that happened to blow

“It’s a hot one.” Josh walked around the side of the barn and

wiped the fine beads of sweat from his brow. “How’re you making

“I’m doing well,” Calvin replied. Josh’s blue eyes always

intrigued him. They were definitely blue, but under certain lighting
they looked greyer. “How are you doing?”

“I’m working hard. It’s the same old same old around here.

Nothing much changes except the seasons and what needs to be done
to prepare for each one.” Josh leaned against the pitchfork he held.
“Where are you off to?”

“I’m heading down to the creek for a swim.” Calvin averted

his eyes from Josh’s bare chest and looked off to the horizon in the
direction of the creek. “It’s the only thing I can think of doing to get
relief from this heat.” Did he dare ask Josh to join him? The idea
certainly crossed his mind.

“It’s enough to wear a man out.” Josh smiled. “Enjoy yourself

when you’re down there.”

“Why don’t you come with me?” Calvin suggested.
“I can’t. I don’t think your father would be pleased with me

slacking off on his time.” Josh half smiled and then looked back at the
barn. “I have plenty to do here.”

“And Father’s away and what he doesn’t know won’t hurt

him. It would do you good to take a break.”

Josh squinted as he looked up at the bright summer sky.

“You’ve convinced me, lead the way.” He laid the pitchfork against
the barn and wiped his hands on his jeans. “If I get in trouble, I’m
going to blame you,” he added, playfully.

The creek was still high, much higher than Calvin expected

given the weather that had dropped upon the county during this

Josh stood at the edge of the creek and stepped out of his

jeans. Calvin nearly dropped seeing Josh’s butt. He averted his eyes
and tried to pretend it was no big deal seeing this man naked in front
of him, but already his cock stirred even though he fought to keep that
from happening.

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Josh glanced at Calvin. “Are you going to just stand there or

are you going to join me?” Josh had waded out into the creek and was
stretching his muscled arms high over his head. “The water’s great.
Come on in.”

Calvin nodded. It wasn’t like he hadn’t been naked in front of

another man before. Heck, he’d had relations with one … many times.

Calvin shifted out of his shirt and dropped it on the ground. He

hesitated nervously as he undid his pants. He then sucked in a deep
breath and stepped out of them. He made haste to the edge of the
creek and slipped into the cool water until he was waist deep.

For far too long Josh had wanted to be with Calvin alone like

this. His boss’s cute son hadn’t gone unnoticed and many times he’d
stolen glances at him when in each other’s company on the farm.
When Calvin returned home from school, he couldn’t help but feel
glad about it.

“See, the water’s perfect.” Josh moved through the water and

felt its coolness wash away the dryness and dirt from the farm. “This
is great. When you get right down into it, it’s much better.” He swam
to where Calvin was and with one big sweep of his hand, splashed

“Don’t do that,” Calvin said, half laughing.
“Stop me,” Josh dared, doing it again.
“Is that a dare?” Calvin moved deeper into the creek.
“Maybe,” Josh toyed, backing away. He turned slightly.

“Catch me if you can.”

Calvin did come after him and when he reached the other side

of the creek, he rested his back against the muddy bank where the
grass grew a little taller and the water was even cooler from the shade
of the large trees hanging overhead. Calvin stopped immediately in
the chest deep water and for a moment the two stared at each other,
the only sounds coming from the birds and the insects moving
through the air. Josh was the first to speak. “How was school?”

“It was okay.” Calvin rolled his eyes and furrowed his brow.

“It wasn’t what I expected.” He crouched down in the water and
looked up at the sky. “I’m glad to be home again.”

“It’s good to have you back and thank you for asking me to

come here with you. You were right, I needed to cool down.”

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Calvin’s eyes moved down to the water flowing past them.

“You work hard and you deserve it. Father isn’t here and there’s no
harm done.”

Josh’s cock stirred as Calvin spoke. It was hard not to reach

out and touch him. That’s what he wanted to do and it took everything
in him to resist doing so. Calvin was like him; they shared the same
feelings and hid the same desires. “You’re a good guy, Calvin.”

Calvin blushed and turned from Josh. “You’re pretty stellar

too, Josh. I’ve always thought so.” His voice was low and merely an
octave above a whisper. “Tell me about you.”

“Me? There isn’t much to tell.” It was the truth. Josh’s life

was pretty much all work and nothing more since he’d turned fourteen
and started out on his own after running away from home to escape
the backhand of his bastard father.

“You have a past, right? So you have a story.” Calvin had a

way with words.

“I grew up dirt poor on a farm not all that far from here. I ran

away from home when I was fourteen and worked whenever I had the

“That must have been hard for you. I mean, being all on your

own at such a young age.”

“It was.” Josh didn’t want to talk about that any longer. “So,

what happened at school for you to return home so sudden?” It was
time to change the topic of conversation back to Calvin. After all, like
everyone else in the surrounding area, he’d heard the rumors too.

Calvin honestly didn’t know how to answer Josh’s unexpected

question. Had Josh heard what had happened to him at school?

“I found myself in some trouble and it was best for me to

leave and return home.” That was straight and to the point without
giving away too much information.

“I hope it was nothing serious.” There was genuine concern

tinting Josh’s voice.

“Nothing that I can’t overcome. I have an idea,” Calvin said,

mulling over what he was about to suggest and then coming out with
it. “Why don’t you come back to the house with me for a drink?”

“Sure,” Josh replied. “Sounds like a good idea.”
After they’d both emerged from the creek they hastily dressed

and made their way back to the farm. As they walked, Calvin couldn’t

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resist stealing small glimpses at Josh. He was one fine specimen of a
man and his heart ached at the thought of touching him, along with
other things.

“Sit down and make yourself comfortable,” Calvin said.
Josh sat down in the parlor and took in his new surroundings.

The house was nice and looked well lived in. This just wasn’t a
house: it was a home. It pleased him.

“We have bourbon, whiskey, rum, and there’s lemonade if

you’d prefer something lighter.”

“Lemonade sounds dandy to me.”
Calvin nodded and disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Josh

alone for a moment and when he returned, Josh was heartened when
Calvin sat next to him. Their thighs touched and as Josh sipped the
cool lemonade, his pulse sped up as he thought about making a move
on this cute man. “That’s good,” Josh said, holding his half empty
glass. “But I don’t think a drink is the only reason you asked me to
come back here with you.” He swallowed hard and drew in a deep

“I don’t know what you … mean,” Calvin stammered. He

nearly dropped his glass as he placed it on the small table to their side.
“I asked you back here for a drink and to perhaps chat more.”

“You look at me. I’ve seen you before and today even. And I

wanted to tell you that it’s okay.” He turned slightly and rested his
hands on Calvin’s shoulders. “We’re not alone. It may seem like it,
but we’re not. I know why you came back here. I know what
happened at school.”

“Word gets around fast.”
Calvin lowered his head, but Josh was quick. He placed his

hand under Calvin’s chin. “Look at me. The world outside might not
understand, but there’s no shame in wanting to be loved.”

Calvin shrugged and once again tried to look away from Josh.

“Then you know about me.”

“Yes,” Josh replied. “I’ve known since I’ve came here.”
“But you’ve never said anything.”
Josh half-smiled. “It’s not something you just start talking

about. People don’t understand. You know this already and I’m not
telling you anything new.”

“Then you’re like me?”

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In Calvin’s eyes Josh saw hope. “I am. I want nothing more at

this very moment than to kiss you.”

“I’m not going to stop you.”
Josh touched Calvin’s lips lightly at first. He’d wanted to do

this for some time and was relishing each moment as it passed. Their
kiss was sweet and it felt good to have this closeness with another
man. He’d had it once before, but that whole situation had led to
nothing and it had been over three years since he’d seen Nicholas.

Josh had worked on another farm with Nicholas. They’d

started the same time right before planting season started. They tilled
the fields and prepared the soil to be seeded. The work was extremely
hard and when they’d finished for the day it was near dark.

On that particular farm they were lucky to have their own

quarters. It was a small cabin located on the edge of the property not
far from the fields. It accommodated them both nicely and during the
first month, Josh got to know Nicholas well. They talked about their
backgrounds and interests. Nicholas, like Josh, had grown up dirt
poor. He came from a large family and moved out when he was
sixteen to forge his own way in the world. A bond had formed
between the two of them and when things moved to a higher level
between them one night after supper, both men were more than ready
for it.

It started when they were both sitting on Josh’s bed with their

backs to the wall. Josh was reading a book about the First World War
and Nicholas was talking about the day’s events that had taken place
earlier. Josh wasn’t paying much attention to him, but when he felt
Nicholas’s hand on his thigh, he stopped reading and looked to his
friend sitting next to him. “What’s that for?” he asked, nonchalantly.

Nicholas went silent and he then kissed Josh lightly without

saying a word. And that’s all they needed. They went from friends to
lovers, but when autumn came around and the harvesting season had
ended, Nicholas was nowhere to be found. He disappeared in the
middle of the night without so much as a note left behind.

Calvin led Josh into his bedroom located in the back of the

small house. The heat was overwhelming and it wasn’t only coming
from the desire that burned between them. He turned on the fan at the
bedside and removed his shirt before sitting on the edge of the bed.
From the parlor, Calvin could hear the radio still playing. Some

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songstress sang about love gone awry and Calvin grinned as he
looked up at Josh who smiled back at him.

Josh came to him and ran his fingers through Calvin’s hair.

“You’re beautiful,” he said. This caused Calvin to blush, but he liked
hearing the words. Josh moved between his legs and together they fell
back on the bed, arms entwined around each other, their lips locked
together and sealed with passion.

“I could kiss you all day long,” Calvin said. Their noses still

touched and Josh repeated the sentiment. The cool air from the fan
blew across their bare skin as they shed their clothes and stripped
down. For a brief moment Professor Knoles came to Calvin’s mind as
he ran his hand across Josh’s chest, feeling the muscles underneath
his palm. The two men were nothing alike in any way and this pleased
him and added to his excitement. Josh was all man in every way

“What are you thinking?” Josh asked. Both men lay on their

sides facing each other and when Josh moved in closer, he held a
curious look in his eyes.

“I was thinking how nice it is to be here like this with you.”

Calvin’s hand moved lower across Josh’s torso until he felt Josh’s
thatch of pubic hair and then the man’s thick cock. He wrapped his
hand around it and squeezed. “And I’m thinking about how much I
want this inside of me.”

“You did that before?”
Calvin nodded. “A couple of times.” He jerked Josh’s cock up

and down and wondered how hard it would be to receive him. “Would
you like that?”

“I’ll do whatever you want. I want to make you feel good like

you’re making me right now. If you continue to do that I’m going to
explode,” Josh warned. “It’s been a long time since … you know.”

“Lie back,” whispered Calvin. “Let me take care of you.”
Josh closed his eyes and stifled a groan when he felt Calvin

sucking his cock for the first time. The boy definitely knew what he
was doing. In no time at all he had to fight not to come. It wasn’t easy
to maintain control. “That’s nice,” he said. “You learned a lot when
you were away at school.”

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Calvin stopped what he was doing and glanced up for a

moment. “I did, and only half of it came from books.” He winked and
a sly smile crept across his full lips. “How am I doing?”

“I’d say you’re doing quite well. I’ve no complaints.” He

stifled a moan as he felt his cock going deep inside Calvin’s mouth.
“Suck me,” he murmured, guiding Calvin’s head along. He caressed
the boy’s cheek. He’d lusted over Calvin since his arrival at the farm.
Never did he think they’d end up together like this, though he’d
wished it many times. Calvin was sweet and somewhat innocent in
many ways. He was soft to the touch and he smelled so damned good,
like fresh rain and clean soap intermingled together. He wanted
desperately to make love to Calvin and that need inside him grew as
Calvin sucked his cock. “That’s enough,” he said, pulling away.

Calvin look confused for a moment. “Did I do something


Josh laughed and shook his head. “Quite the contrary. It’s

your turn.” He sat up and motioned for Calvin to take his place. “I
want to suck you. You’ve got a wonderful cock.” He held it firmly in
his hand and stroked it, at first revelling in the velvety feel. He loved
the feeling of it throbbing and when he bent down to lick the tip, he
felt a rush of power wash through him as Calvin moaned and called
his name. “That’s … just … please, keep doing that, Josh,” Calvin
begged. He pushed up on his hips slightly to meet Josh’s lips. “I’ve
never had it like this before.” That made Josh wonder about Calvin’s
previous sexual experience. He guessed that it wasn’t very good.

Calvin felt as if he was about ready to jump straight out of his

skin. Josh sparked feelings in him that had previously been unknown
to him. He wanted more from Josh. He wanted this hot man to take
control and fuck him. The thought of having Josh’s cock inside of him
was overwhelming, but the more he thought about it the more his
desire grew for it. When Josh stopped sucking on him, he rolled onto
his stomach and looked back over his shoulder. One didn’t need to
say anything to the other to indicate what was going to happen next.

Calvin reached over to the small table located next to the bed.

He opened a small crock of skin cream and handed it back to Josh.
“It’ll help,” he explained. “It makes it easier.”

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He braced his hands against the bed when he felt Josh’s cock

nudge the entrance to his asshole. It was going to hurt at first without
a doubt.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Josh said, his voice soothing. “I’ll

stop at any time if you tell me to.”

“It’s fine. Push it in a little,” Calvin replied. “It takes a while

for me to adjust to the feeling.” He wanted this to happen. He needed

When Josh was all the way inside of him, he stopped and

didn’t move. “Hold it there for a minute.” He pushed back slightly
and bit down on his bottom lip as he breathed deeply. Calvin’s mind
shouted at his body to relax, but it was easier said than done. A sweet
breath of fresh air wafted through the window and caressed his face. It
was surprisingly much cooler than when they’d been outside before
coming into the house. “Okay, that’s good. Now you can fuck me,” he

The feeling of being balls deep inside Calvin was like no

other. Josh pushed in and out of him as he held Calvin’s hip firm.
Together they fell into a rhythm and it wasn’t long before he felt the
telltale signs of his forthcoming orgasm.

Josh reached around and gripped Calvin’s hard cock as he

pumped in and out of him. He jerked Calvin’s cock and when he felt
Calvin go rigid, he knew his newfound lover was about to come and
so was he.

“So, what now?” Calvin asked, after they’d cleaned up and

settled on the bed together. He draped one arm across Josh’s chest and
nestled his head into Josh’s neck. “Will I ever see you again?”

It was a silly question for him to ask and one that really didn’t

need answering, but he went ahead and did so anyway. “Of course
you’ll see me again. I work here and I’m not planning on going
anywhere anytime soon unless your father sends me away or there
isn’t any work. However, if your father ever finds out about us, I
suspect he’d shoot me dead.”

“He can’t find out about us. We have to keep this a secret

between us and I want to be with you again.” Calvin kissed Josh’s
cheek gently. “You’re like an oasis in the desert to me.”

Josh smiled at the sentiment. He liked to hear pretty words

like this. He was never much for learning or books himself, but if he’d

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ever had the chance he might be. He admired the fact that Calvin had
the smarts. He could easily escape this life if he wanted to try again.
Staying around here too long would only cause him to stagnate like
everyone and everything else in these parts. “You should try school
again,” he said, changing the direction of their conversation. “You’re
not a farmer like your father and you certainly ain’t a field hand.” He
smirked and pulled Calvin closer to him. Damn, he was so smooth to
the touch.

“I don’t think I have what it takes to make it out there,” Calvin

replied. “You know what happened to me when I left here.”

“But you can’t let that rule you forever. You made a mistake.

Stuff like that happens in life. You have to keep moving on or you’ll
never reach your goals. Do you really want to live out the rest of your
years here?”

“I guess I haven’t really thought about that.” Calvin paused

and then sat up. He stared at the wall ahead of them and shifted from
the bed to stand next to it. “It isn’t so bad being home. I mean, this is
home to me. It’s what I’m used to. Most of the others at school
thought I was just another dumb hick. I didn’t fit in.” He shrugged
and then sat on the edge of the bed. “You don’t want me to stay?”

“It’s isn’t about what I want.” Josh slid out of bed and sat next

to Calvin. “This is about you and what I want should be the last on
your list. I think you’re pretty darned incredible. I can’t begin to count
the times I’ve eyed you since I’ve come to work here. Hell, I was so
worried at times that your father would notice.”

“He knows what happened to me at school. I’m pretty sure

about that, though he’d never bring it up to me. He prefers to ignore
the rumors too. By ignoring them that makes it not real to him.”

Josh understood that. “This is something that people don’t talk

about. You need to understand that. We would never be able to be
open about what we did here today. Most people will never
understand what two men can share together.”

“It isn’t fair,” Calvin said. “Love is love and that should never

have to be hidden.”

Josh agreed.
Upon the return of his father, Calvin’s world fell back to

normal and once again, Josh kept his distance. But their affair, albeit
brief, had changed Calvin. He felt something for Josh and while he

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couldn’t exactly explain what his feelings were for the man, he knew
they were valid and real.

Almost a week had passed since he’d last seen Josh. Calvin

wondered if his father suspected anything between them. He did his
best to act what he considered normal, but the thought was always in
the back of his mind that his father suspected something out of place.

It was a light that beckoned to him from the barn late one

night. Calvin rose from his bed and went to the window. It had to be
Josh out there. They had spoken since their interlude and he was
desperate to be close to him again as he remembered what it was like
to be touched and kissed by him along with everything else they’d
shared together.

Getting out of the house without being noticed was easy since

his father slept like a log and wasn’t easily disturbed once he’d gone
to bed. He trotted fast across the distance from the house to the barn
and quietly let himself in through the door. Sure enough, Josh was
there shirtless and looking extremely handsome. “I saw the light,”
Calvin said.

“Shit,” Josh replied as he turned around to face him. “You

scared the hell out of me. I was expecting anyone to come in here.”
He ran his hand across his chest and then wiped it against his pants.

“Sorry, I should have said something before barging in here

like that. You’ll have to forgive my rudeness, but I had to see you
again.” Calvin’s heart beat hard inside his chest and his cock stirred
just staring at Josh’s fine form under the lamplight.

“You see me every day.”
“But we can’t talk or anything. I wanted to be near you again.”

He must have sounded pathetic. “What are you doing up so late?”

“I couldn’t sleep. I figured I’d be productive and clean up this

place. The horses like the company too.”

Calvin went to Josh and wrapped his arms around the man’s

waist. “I missed you,” he muttered. “I can’t stop thinking about you.”
His sudden rush of emotions surprised him. Surely Josh would reject
him for being so foolish and irrational.

Josh sucked in a breath and Calvin felt his strong arms holding

him. “I’ve thought about you too … too damned much to be honest.
This isn’t good. I wanted you and you know that. But I thought that it
would just be a one-time thing and I’d be able to let go of you and go
back to normal.”

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“You feel the same?” Calvin hoped he did.
“I feel something. Touching you like I am right now does

crazy things to me. I’ve never experience this before and I don’t know
what to do about it.”

Calvin knew exactly how Josh felt. He shared those same

feelings. “Kiss me,” he said. “Please.”

Josh’s kiss was sweet and his lips subtle and together they fell

into a pile of hay. Calvin let out a soft groan as Josh kissed his lips
again and then trailed down to his neck and across his bare chest until
he reached Calvin’s throbbing bulge. “I’ll make you feel good,” Josh
said, releasing Calvin’s cock.

Deep down, Josh knew what they were doing was risky and it

could possibly get them in a whole mess of trouble. He was messing
with his boss’s son and it put his job on the line. His practical side
screamed this at him while his heart said something else entirely

For the first time ever, he had feelings for another person of a

personal nature. This was new to him, but it felt pretty damned good
to have this closeness. He’d been on his own for so long that he’d
gotten used to not being touched or loved like this.

Neither of them could be sure about what the future would

hold for them, but that was life. Lying down with Calvin was special
and if there was any such thing as heaven, a little piece of it had found
the both of them and that’s all Josh would think about for now.

The End

Other Books by Xondra Day:


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Evernight Publishing



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