SHSpec 62 6505C25 The Five Conditions

6505C25 SHSpec-62 The Five Conditions

"If it isn't written, it isn't true" is laid down, so that rumors and
verbal orders don't foul things up.

"A condition is an operating state." Each condition has a formula that
must be applied, in order to change the state [for the better]. Don't
mis-apply formulas. If you know the conditions and their formulas, you blow a
lot of the mystery that the rest of the world is sitting in.


Emergency is the most common state on this planet. It is the condition
of stats going the wrong way (usually down) over some significant period. For
instance, it is declared by a down stat for four consecutive weeks. If a stat
that should go up goes down, or vice versa, you've got Emergency. The
condition has to be declared by Secretarial Executive Directive, which is a
causative order. Certain steps then have to be done. The first action is:
promote, if an organization, or produce, if an individual. When this has been
done, but not before, economize. Don't economize on promoting. If you do,
you "inhibit getting out anything, in order to produce enough money to raise
the stat." If this happens, you will find yourself smaller and weaker after
recovering from the crisis.

(Taxation is a page out of Das Kapital: "From each according to his
ability to pay; to each according to his need.")

Don't economize until after you have promoted or produced. If an artist
in need of money economized first on materials, he would have little or
nothing to draw with; therefore he would have little to sell, so he would have
trouble getting out of the financial hole. After promotion is well in hand,
economize and prepare to deliver. If you apply the Affluence formula and
economize, when you are in Emergency you will either stay in Emergency or, if
you recover, the organization will be smaller and of less scope. Also, part
of the Emergency formula is to change your operating basis, or you will head
back into another condition of emergency. You've got to stiffen discipline.
You have to stop going down to the pub every night. Do your homework. Be a
little more regular on the job. Work a little harder. Don't goof quite so
much. If the activity does not come out of the condition of emergency after
that state has been assigned, then you have to use discipline, because life
itself is going to discipline the individual very cruelly.

[Cog: That is why protecting a person from the consequences of his
actions is out-ethics. You should give the person a consequence beforehand,
that parallels life but anticipates it.] If the steps of Emergency are not
taken successfully (even if they are taken), and the condition of Emergency is prolonged, it has to walk forward into an ethics matter, because someone must be sitting on most of the comm lines, goofing like crazy. There must be some ethical problem involved, for the condition to be continuing.


This is the next condition up from Emergency. It isn't a stable,
unchanging state, because everything in the MEST universe either expands or
contracts. Nothing stays really unchanging. There are "laws" against it. So
in order for Normal Operation to be a stable state, it must be a continual
small increase. There must be a "gradual, routine increase". The way you
maintain a small increase is to just let everything continue. Don't change
anything. Don't put in any harsh discipline. Ethics and justice is mild and
reasonable. Carefully observe every slightest rise of a statistic to see what
bettered it and do that. For every slight worsening, find out why. Usually
it is something non-standard. Remedy it. Jockey, change, and repair, back
and forth. Keep an OIC board. This keeps your improving statistics going

A statistic that stays level isn't Normal Operation. It's Emergency,
because one should be expanding, if only to keep up with inflation. The stat
must keep pace with the world around it. For instance, a salary that doesn't
rise over two to three years is a "stable" (really a down) statistic and will
tend to crash. What looks level is really declining. If one then economizes,
which is the Affluence formula, then you will really be in an Emergency:
Continuing this practice will result in collapse, sooner or later. Matter,
and everything else in this universe, obeys these laws or conditions. The
Roman Empire went into Affluence brought about bv Julius Caesar, but it
violated the


They didn't deliver, and they didn't economize. Instead, they squandered
the wealth of the Empire on so-called conquest. They treated the condition as
Normal. Julius Caesar violated the commercial Pax Romana Normal Op, which was
stable, by going off conquering tribes, etc. Britain was trading with Rome
very happily. Then Caesar came over and fought, added Britain to the Empire,
gave them slavery, not civilization, and the Empire collapsed.

In the year 0 A.D. or 1 A.D., the Chinese conquered Russia in Siberia,
driving people West. A wave of displacement took place, with the Russians
driving Eastern European peoples into Western Europe. Rome didn't handle
them; it didn't resettle them, or whatever, They had boundaries to defend, so
they resisted the barbarian invasions and got overwhelmed. It was all a
matter of the wrong condition being applied. The Russians, who were in
Emergency, didn't apply that condition either.

There is no such thing as a no-condition state. A state of emergency
persists until it is handled. Even if one loses, one gets stuck in the
incident and goes on. Even after something has gone down to collapse, it
persists. The condition continues all the way down, even beyond death. "The
dwindling spiral is really just applying the wrong formula for the condition."


The condition of Affluence is one which is dangerous, surprisingly
enough. For instance, a gambler who hits it big is in danger of getting
himself in debt instantly. The first thing to do now is economize. You must
economize first. Then make very sure that you don't buy anything with any
future commitment to it [E.g. installment purchases]. Don't hire anybody
with any future commitments. That is all part of that economizing. Clamp it
down. Find every bill and debt you can pay and pay them. Now, invest the
remainder in service facilities. Make it more possible to deliver. Discover
what caused the condition of Affluence, and strengthen it. Conduct research
to discover what caused it. It is something you are doing, no doubt.


The condition above Affluence is power change. For instance, someone is
very successful and gets a promotion. The correct formula is usually
violated. The new man errs by changing things. The formula for Power Change
is, just because power has changed, "Don't change anything." "A new broom
sweeps clean," violates this formula. If the operation was successful as it
was running, the new exec would be silly to change things. But that is what
people usually do. It is easy to inherit successful hats. Just step in the
boots and don't walk. All the pressure points will come to you to make
changes. But the person before you must have resisted these successfully. If
your predecessor didn't sign it, don't sign it. Don't do anything. Keep your
eyes open. Learn the ropes. See how the place is running. Apply Normal
Operation to it, if it is in Normal Op.

There are only two circumstances that need replacement: success or
disaster. If it is successful, there is nothing to change. If someone can
keep an organization doing well, he is eventually promoted creditably and
moves up to a higher power position. He would be leaving his organization [or
his post] in a condition of Power. If you move into the position of someone
who left in disgrace, so the place is in Emergency, just apply the Emergency
formula: promote, for starters. Keep the promotion going until stats start to
rise. Then economize like mad.

A condition of Power is most interesting. It is peculiar, in that it
apparently belies what you would normally think or expect to do as an
operating thetan, because that is a condition of power. What you mustn't do
is disconnect. That will bring about catastrophe, for you and for anyone
else. "It's the violation of that condition alone that's brought about
implanting, trapping and an antagonism towards thetans." A guy who becomes
powerful on Wall Street and disconnects from his old home town friends
exemplifies this. They resent it. People are, in fact, so used to the Power
formula being violated that they don't expect celebrities that they used to
know to talk to them. They think you are going to disconnect. It is hard to
get people to continue talking to you, because they feel that you are
superior. You have to break down the communication barrier. When you come
back from Saint Hill, people may be in awe of you somewhat. Again, it is up
to you to break down the comm barrier. People will be sure that you don't
want to be in comm anymore. Beings in the universe fully expect you to
violate the Power formula. If an organization gets to the point where it is
fully self-sufficient, in no need of PCs, students, etc., and disconnects from
those around it, people in the community will start thinking about implants,
mistakes, and violating any freedom a thetan might have. They will get very
suppressive. They are being denied service, for one thing. One of the most
dangerous things we could do would be not to make what we know available.

When you move out of a position on a Power Change, the only way you can
disconnect is to "take ownership and responsibility for your connections."
The condition of Power Change is a fellow assuming a position that has been
held from Power. To disconnect, you have to make a record of all of your
lines. You show what is there, so that the replacement can then see what not
to change. Make a record of your whole post, or you will be stuck with a
piece of that post to the end of time. Also, you might check in once in
awhile, to see how your replacement is doing. A guy gets a time track by not
taking responsibility for something.

In this universe, it is a foul trick to permit death. People write a
Last Will and Testament, but they don't take responsibility for their former
positions by transferring their lines and writing up the post for their
successors. [Probably also have trouble checking in from time to time!] Do
all you can to make the post occupiable.

For fun, look at the condition of a government and the formula it is

(Keynes' economic law is "Increase want.")


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