SHSpec 20 6405C19 The PC and Getting Auditing to work

6405C19 SHSpec-20 The PC and Getting Auditing to work

Any auditor who is having a hard time making auditing work has a mystery
about how auditing can occur, whether he knows it or not. He has assigned
some value to auditing that is different from and extraneous to the actual
value of auditing. He looks for something more complicated than what is
there. If a student is having trouble, a third of the time it will resolve if
you ask him why auditing doesn't work and remove that barrier to his
understanding of why it does work. The session will be unmanageable to the
auditor if he has trouble with his comm cycle, doesn't understand why auditing
works, and the PC introduces normal or extreme amounts of randomity into the
session, with his own out-comm-cycle. As an instructor, you have to get as
much confusion out of this as possible. A person who can't get auditing to
work is likely to have hidden standards. You can ask:

"Why doesn't auditing work?"

and "Why does auditing work?"

and 2WC it. A person can't understand why it works because he understands why
it doesn't work, and he is caught in this. Discussing why auditing doesn't
work is not quite auditing, because you are taking TA blowdowns on what he has told you and getting him to relate these blowdowns to the question of why auditing doesn't work. You are steering him towards a cognition that will straighten out his auditing.

Another third of the time, you can fix the erring auditor by getting him
to discuss help. You do rot get him to discuss failed help, because you will
run into the line plot. He may spot some weird stable datum on help that
impedes his ability to help or be helped. Take up whatever BD's you get
independently, and clean them up, so he will start using the comm cycle. The
comm cycle is [almost] too easy to use, as long as the auditor's intention
towards the PC is good, and he is trying to assist the PC. The things that
make a person unable to use the comm cycle are those things that make a person
believe that he cannot or should not assist. PCs who get no TA action also
have one of these buttons awry, so this procedure works well on PCs, too.

The third category is more esoteric. It is very interesting. It could
be called, "Life Among the Lowly." (This was the subtitle of Uncle Tom's
Cabin.) People who are being hounded by life, who are under duress, tend to
offer up super-sympathy and grief at the same time that they are knocking
someone's head off. There is a mechanism here, by which the lowly hold the
lowly down, which is pretty vicious. It is the "Poor you!" mechanism, how
you, he, or they were wronged. It is the victim syndrome: "You are a victim."
This is the common denominator of sociology. It is why someone can never get
out of the slum; it is how people get trapped. We had this ourselves in the
early days of dianetics. LRH got away from it, seeing that if you can't take
responsibility for your own actions, if you can't recognize the cause of your
own difficulties, then you are in a trap and will continue in a trap
forevermore. For any "war against poverty" to be effective, it would have to
contain an understanding of why people in groups remain poor.

"An individual must accept his own responsibility and his own ability as
cause before he can run off his overts. You can't get off overts if you can't
recognize yourself as cause. You can't get out of a rat race unless you
recognize your overts." You keep someone in a rat race if you don't let him
recognize his overts, e.g. by saying, "Poor you! Look how you have been
wronged!" You are telling the person that he was incapable of cause. You are
directing his attention to moments when he was not at cause and pointing out
to him that he doesn't cause things. They just happen to him. You put him
into the dwindling spiral and hold him on the bottom of the heap forever, by
"convincing him that he has been wronged, and that he himself never wrong[ed]
anybody.... 'You never had a chance!'"

How does a person become obsessed with a problem? "Obsessed with a
problem" describes 90% of your PCs. They are stuck in some problem, via the
O/M sequence. They never recognize their own overt in the area, so they get
stuck in it. There are several systems that can be used to unpin them. Chief
among these is the O/W system. You can't get your hand cut off in a buzz-saw
without reaching for the buzz-saw and somehow putting yourself in the vicinity
of the buzz-saw. Invented overts, as in a guilt complex,

That is just another alter-is, so watch out for this and be sure that the
PC doesn't give you untruths. All dwellingness on a subject is associated
with overts against that subject. You cure it with one or another version of
O/W. This is something that is part and parcel of life, which is senior in its power even to GPM's. You could be free of GPM's and still be subject to the consequences of your overts. So it is always safe and indicated to audit O/W.

Auditors do this industriously but not always well. They can make a
complete mess of it, chopping comm cycles, buying trivia as overts, having
mutual out-ruds, etc. The reason tacit consent enters auditing, when it does,
is because of the victim syndrome mentioned above. It has entered the session
to some degree. When this happens, there is some thread of "Poor you: You've
been wronged!" in the session. If the auditor sits there and buys motivators,
he is not auditing the PC at cause. He is "auditing the PC at effect, and so
the PC will not get better." Nothing can hold onto a thetan. If he gets
caught, he must have grabbed hold and forgotten that he has grabbed hold, to
be trapped. What he grabbed hold with is overts. It is his own actual GPM's
that are holding him. If you don't get him to spot his overts, you are
dramatizing "Life Amongst the Lowly", the reason why people cannot get out of
slums, the victim syndrome. Slums operate on the basis of, "You can't do
anything about it. Luck is all that can help. How you have been wronged!",
etc. That is why you see numbers rackets and lucky charms in slums. "You
can't do anything," is the message of social welfare, labor relations, the
"war on poverty", etc. A thetan basically doesn't want to commit overt acts.
When he does commit them, he pulls himself back and withholds himself.

How does this affect the auditor who can't audit? It is not as simple
as, "They believe that they have been wronged, so you have to get their overts
off." It is that "this person has been so wronged that [he has] no longer any
concept of an overt." The Christian ran into this from another angle, with
the idea of repentance. He wanted people to admit guilt, which is an
inversion. People get off false overts in an effort to repent enough. This
doesn't free them. The "guilt complex" leads to an inversion, where the
person isn't getting off actual overts, but is really bragging about overts
that he would never have the guts to commit. Don't let the PC do this. Check
for untruths.

If a guy is in a victim valence, you get him to define an overt act and
then get him to tell you why it isn't an overt. You will get an
automaticity! There is no reality on it as an overt act. So you have to
follow the reality scale and find something, possibly quite mild, that he
knows and feels is a real overt act. Do this on a discussion basis, getting
why it wasn't an overt act, not as an auditing action. Once you get something
the person really considers to have been an overt act, you might run out his
justifications for having done it. [See HCOB 7Ju164 "Scientology III and IV:
Justifications" and HCOB 8Ju164 "Scientology III and IV: More Justifications"]
You then proceed on a gradient. Nobody in prison has ever committed a crime.


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