Hijack Traffic Method

Traffic Method
Lucas Adamski
Hijack Traffic Method by Lucas Adamski. All Rights Reserved 2012. www.KillerMarketing.net 1
Don t get fooled by how simple this method is. It can
be extremely powerful if used right.
In the next 4 minutes you ll learn an undercover hijack
method that can bring you more free, laser targeted
traffic than you could handle...
Hope you ll enjoy it :)
Lucas Adamski
Hijack Traffic Method by Lucas Adamski. All Rights Reserved 2012. www.KillerMarketing.net 2
Hijack Traffic
Method Exposed
I ll keep it simple.
You must know that it s extremely powerful. And it will get you results.
Fast. Or even faster.
The method comes down to:
1. Find big ezine newsletters
2. Contact them with the request to publish your article
3. Send the article with your link
4. Enjoy an instant flood of hundreds of hungry visitors!
You see, many ezine owners have weekly/daily/bi-weekly newsletters
where they provide a lot of content. They are constantly looking for
quality articles, resources and tools to present to their subscribers.
What if you would come down and offer a fresh, quality article for
free, in exchange for a link? Imagine getting your article blasted to a
100,000 database.
It s 100% free, no risk on your part and it s the BEST traffic you can
get online!
Try buying a solo ad for a 100k list. It would cost you AT LEAST
So let s break it down.
Hijack Traffic Method by Lucas Adamski. All Rights Reserved 2012. www.KillerMarketing.net 3
1. Find big ezine newsletters
Go to google and search for  niche newsletter/ezine/ezine directory .
For example  weights loss newsletter .
In just few seconds I found a list of 75 weight loss newsletters:
Now what you can do is go through each one, check out their site
(some may have expired domains) and look for some contact
Here I found this listing:
Hijack Traffic Method by Lucas Adamski. All Rights Reserved 2012. www.KillerMarketing.net 4
I went through the site and I found a contact form:
2. Contact them with the request to
publish your article
Now, all you have to do is send them an email asking if they are
looking for some fresh, new articles for their next newsletter edition.
The email can go something like that:
title: small request
Hey Robyn, (find their name on the site)
Hijack Traffic Method by Lucas Adamski. All Rights Reserved 2012. www.KillerMarketing.net 5
I just found out your website quick-weight-loss-tips-for-women and I
really love the content on it. Very clean design and great information!
My name is Your Name and I m sending you this email in request if
you d be interested in publishing my new article about weight loss in
your ezine newsletter.
The title of the article is: 5 Ancient Secrets How To Trim Your Belly
Fat In 6 Days Or Less
It s 500 words of solid information that I believe your subscribers will
Let me know if you d be interested in it and I ll send the article right
Thank you!
Your Name
Yep, that would be it. Keep it short and simple and personalize as
much as you can. The less generic the email feels - better.
Now all you have to do is send 20, 30, 40 or more of such emails to
various ezine owners and wait for the response.
3. Send the article with your link
Once you get a YES, just send back an article with your link in it. You
link can be something like:
CLICK HERE For 2 More Simple Methods How To Trim Your Belly
Hijack Traffic Method by Lucas Adamski. All Rights Reserved 2012. www.KillerMarketing.net 6
Or something similar that connects with an article. That will give you
better click-thru-rate, more traffic and more sales :)
4.Enjoy an instant flood of hundreds of
hungry visitors!
Just rinse and repeat the process. You ll be amazed how many ezine
owners will say YES. As long as your article is relevant to their
newsletter and is well written, you re good.
Traffic from newsletters is the best one you can get. People clicking
your link are already pre-set that you re an expert. Plus, the trust of
the ezine owner goes to you, as you publish on their ezine. It means
much better conversions than for example PPC traffic.
I would recommend you to set up a separate capture page for each
ezine. Once they go to the site, ask for their email in exchange for
more information about the topic. You can even mention the ezine
owner name in it to increase trust.
So what are you waiting for??? Start hijacking NOW! :D
Hijack Traffic Method by Lucas Adamski. All Rights Reserved 2012. www.KillerMarketing.net 7
I know this method is simple. Too simple? Sometimes
that s what works the best. Don t hold yourself back,
use articles you ve already written and start finding
ezines in your niche starting NOW!
No more reading, it s action time! :)
Have fun and good luck,
Lucas Adamski
P.S. Find more free reports from me at:
Hijack Traffic Method by Lucas Adamski. All Rights Reserved 2012. www.KillerMarketing.net 8
If you re really serious about generating endless
stream of targeted traffic to your websites, I really
recommend you to check out these resources:
Directory Of Ezines
This is the best ezine directory with thousands of verified and tested
ezine newsletters neatly categorized. Check out the link for a free
ebook how to get even more traffic from your ezine marketing!
Click Here To Learn More >>
Hijack Traffic Method by Lucas Adamski. All Rights Reserved 2012. www.KillerMarketing.net 9
Bring The Fresh
(awesome course how to make money from tiny, little blogs)
Click Here To Learn More >>
Hijack Traffic Method by Lucas Adamski. All Rights Reserved 2012. www.KillerMarketing.net 10
Bookmarking Demon
(#1 software for totally automating your social bookmarks!)
Click Here To Learn More >>
Hijack Traffic Method by Lucas Adamski. All Rights Reserved 2012. www.KillerMarketing.net 11
Traffic Travis
(absolutely bad-ass SEO software & training platform!)
Click Here To Learn More >>
Hijack Traffic Method by Lucas Adamski. All Rights Reserved 2012. www.KillerMarketing.net 12


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