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A Taste of Chocolate

Nine years ago, his parents' deaths turned Tanner Clemens into a
single parent, bringing his social life to a halt and leaving him

pining for a man he couldn’t have. During that time, he’s become
a lonely yet successful man who‘s more than able to provide for

his three siblings.

Now he’s almost thirty and ready to live again, but not looking

until his sexy new neighbor Sinclair comes over to use the phone.
Sinclair Thomas has been hurt and isn’t looking for just another

fling. He’s reluctant to get involved with a younger man who’s
been out of the dating scene for so long. However, he’s drawn to
Tanner and finds himself falling hard and fast.

But as Tanner falls for Sinclair, he fears that it’s Sinclair who’s not
ready to commit to a real relationship with him.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Interracial
Length: 46,180 words

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E.A. Reynolds



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by E.A. Reynolds
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-602-7

First E-book Publication: March 2013

Cover design by Christine Kirchoff
All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Copyright © 2013


Tanner Clemens couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The rage

in his father’s blue eyes was like a sharp blade across his heart and his
words—cool words from a man who had always been a loving
father—were like acid on his skin.

Tanner turned away from him, wiping a hand through his thick,

blond hair. His gaze traveled out the window to the well-landscaped
backyard beyond. He’d helped his father with the yard as well as the
additions to the house. He’d been a good and dutiful son all his life,
and now the ole man was actually fixing his mouth to say those words
to him.

“I mean it, Tanner,” George Clemens said in a tone so cold

Tanner shivered inside. “I want you out, now.”

Tanner turned around and met those cold eyes again, propping a

hand on his hip. He shook his head. “Dad—”

“I don’t want to hear it, Tanner,” George cut in. “I don’t want a

queer under my roof. Get your things and get out. I don’t want to hear
from you ever again.”

“Don’t be crazy, Dad,” Tanner said as desperation swelled in him.

He had nowhere to go. Well, that wasn’t true. He was headed to
college, but he didn’t want to leave like this. This was his home and
his family. How could his father just turn his back on him?

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“Crazy?” George snarled. He pushed away from the spot in his

study he was rooted to. He came to a stop right in front of Tanner.
“Crazy is me having a goddamned queer for a son! I did everything
right with you, and yet I—” He broke off, and disgust filled his blue
gaze. “Just go.” Tanner fought back the tears that stung the back of
his eyes. He couldn’t believe his father was kicking him out. He
backed toward the door and then stopped. “I want to say good-bye to

“She doesn’t want to talk to you,” he snapped. “She’s sickened by

you, and she doesn’t want you here either.”

Tanner fled the room and ran straight to the kitchen where he

knew his mother was. She was in her pink apron standing at the stove
making cookies for his younger twin sisters and his brother. He was
so fond of his siblings he’d never leave without saying good-bye to

“Please, go, Tanner,” Liza Clemens said in a cool tone.
Tanner almost cried right then. His mother was always the soul of

warmth and affection. Her love was the most unconditional thing he’d
ever known. Hell, when his first boyfriend dumped him, he’d run
straight to her, and she’d picked him up and dusted him off. Course,
she’d thought it was a girl that had broken his heart. He’d been
thinking he could tell her anything and was on the verge of telling her
he was gay when she’d walked in on him with his project partner. The
boy had kissed him and as he went to push him away, his mom
walked and caught them.

That had only been a few days ago. He’d thought she loved him

enough not to allow her faith to force her to turn her back on her son.

“Mom, listen—”
“You can’t take it back, Tanner,” she said as she faced him with

hard eyes. “You’re on your way to hell for—” She waved her
delicate, soft hand. “For being a pervert. I can’t have you in this
house. I can’t have you around me and especially your brother with

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your sickness.”

That was a stab in the heart. Did she think his gayness would rub

off on his very macho brother? Damn her for even suggesting he’d try
to turn his brother into this. Being gay could be hard for guys who
weren’t in the closet as he was. He would never want his brother to
face the ridicule or the danger that he himself might face one day.

“I’m not sick,” he insisted. “I just like guys. It’s natural to me.”
“Stop it!” she screamed at him. “Don’t you say that.” Her lips

twisted in a cruel line. “I don’t want to hear it.” Her voice broke, and
her face crumpled. “Don’t touch me.” She held up a hand when he
went to go to her. “Get out, Tanner, and don’t bother going to say
good-bye to the girls. Just leave. The sooner you get out the better.”

* * * *

Three years later…

Tanner stepped into the bright kitchen that had been his family

home since before he was born. The lack of furniture was just another
reminder that this had ceased to be his home. He drew in a ragged
breath and fought back the tears that he’d been holding in since the
day he’d gotten the call from Kyle. His parents had been killed in a
car accident. His brother had been at friends while the girls had been
home with a sitter.

He had big plans for his future, the future he’d mapped out so

carefully once his parents had turned their backs on him. The art they
had insisted he forget as a lost cause. The talent that wouldn’t earn
him a living
was the talent he had built his dreams around.

He was just twenty. He had no business being stuck with twin

girls and a teenaged brother. He wouldn’t know the first thing about
raising them, and his parents hadn’t wanted him around them. His
uncle and aunt might take the kids. He’d come home and help out
with them. He only had a year of college left. He could finish that

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here, so he could be close to his siblings.

“Tanner.” The voice of his Uncle Nelson jerked him out of the

panic he was working himself into.

Tanner turned to meet the cool blue gaze that reminded him so

much of his father’s. “Uncle Nelson.”

The older man gave him a nod. “What are you going to do about

the kids?”

“I thought you’d take them,” he said, but his uncle was already

shaking his head.

“I’m already snowed under with my own family,” he said.

“You’ve got to move back here and take care of them.”

“I can’t,” Tanner said, the panic rising in him again. “I don’t have

any means of supporting them. I can barely support myse—”

“It’s time you be a man, Tanner,” he said, cutting in coldly. “Stop

being so damned selfish. You wouldn’t even come home when your
mother got sick. They could have used your help around here.”

He hadn’t known his mother had been sick. His father hadn’t

called or even returned his calls. On top of that all of the letters he’d
sent still came back return to sender. He’d been succinctly cut out of
his family. How could his uncle not know that?

“I didn’t know,” he said.
“If you’d stopped trying to find yourself and been a real man

instead of acting like a freaking woman—dating men and such, you
would have known,” Nelson snapped. “Now, you have to do what you
have to do or the kids will go into foster care. Your father had
insurance. He left trusts for the kids, but you’re the co-beneficiary on
both your parents’ policies. You’ll have money to raise the kids and
live on while you finish school and get yourself a job.”

Tanner rubbed his arms against an invisible chill. His father had

hated him, yet he’d been as practical as always. He’d left provisions
for the children to be cared for.

“Who’s the other beneficiary?”
“I am.”

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He nodded. His father and his uncle had been close, but his father

must have known his brother might not be able to or willing to care
for two or three more children.

“Right,” Tanner said. “I’ll get moved back right away.”

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Chapter One

Nine years later Tanner sat on his front porch swing rocking baby

Kaylee as he waited for her father to come pick her up. He didn’t
envy Kyle his life with Kay one bit. In fact, he felt sorry for his ex.
Kyle had finished college and gone to work for a local accountant and
married his daughter in order to escape the rumors that he was gay.
He didn’t look happy and neither did Kay most of the time.

He felt bad for Kay and had lost nearly all respect for Kyle for

playing at something he wasn’t. Kyle talked a good game, and one
could almost believe he was unhappy in his marriage merely because
he and Kay had married to give little Kaylee a name. But he saw the
way Kyle looked at men. That kind of hunger didn’t fade, and it damn
sure wasn’t easy to hide for as long as Kyle had been trying to hide it.

“Excuse me.”
Tanner snapped out of his thoughts and turned his head to stare

into the prettiest brown eyes he’d ever seen. The man standing on his
lawn was over six feet of delicious milk chocolate, and his little
heartbeat sped up. His palms got a little damp, and his tongue was
suddenly tied into knots.

Milk chocolate strode up to the railing of his porch and gave

Tanner a smile. “I’m Sinclair Thomas, I’m moving in next door, and I
was wondering if I could use your phone. My cell went and died on

“Uh…” He didn’t go for black men. No reason except he’d never

been interested. However, this long, tall stud got his motor buzzing on
all cylinders. “I-uh—”

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“Cute little girl you got there,” Sinclair said with smile. “What’s

her name?”

“She’s not mine.” The words came out in a rush as if he thought

Sin, as in hot as sin, wouldn’t give him the time of day if he had a kid.
“She’s my friend’s. He’s on his way to pick her up.”

Sinclair nodded. “She’s cute,” he said. “About that phone?”
Tanner got up, being careful not to jostle Kaylee too much.

“Yeah, come on in.” He motioned toward the front door.

Sinclair walked around to the stairs and climbed up.
Tanner found his cordless in his living room and turned to find

Sinclair standing almost directly behind him, checking out the room
that seriously needed a makeover. He’d moved in two years after
college and decorated the entire house in a way that was kid friendly
which meant sofas and chairs, pictures, and a warm, inviting color.

He held the black handset out to Sinclair and noted the man was

careful not to touch him. Tanner supposed Sinclair had caught him
looking and decided to treat him with care. Well, damn. He hadn’t
had a good lay in years, thanks to the kids, and his life was still full of
them. He hadn’t dated seriously because he’d wanted to keep that part
of his life away from them. He didn’t want them to hate him and end
up disrespecting him at every turn.

Now that they were older, he just hadn’t found anyone he wanted

to build a life with or anyone worth just getting back out there with,
so he was pretty much celibate.

Sinclair made his call and gave Tanner a smile. “Thanks, man. I

appreciate it. Bye, little cutie.” He reached out to lightly rub Kaylee’s
chubby little leg then. “Thanks again, man.” He found his way out,
leaving Tanner to watch his tight gluts as he walked away.

“Yeah, no problem.” Tanner hurried after him. Sinclair had just

gotten back into his own yard when a moving truck pulled up. Tanner
took his seat on the swing and watched the big, muscular men move
his new neighbor’s things in.

He was drooling, and he knew it. He was just glad Kaylee wasn’t

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about to tell what her godfather had been doing while he was out on
the porch with her. Thirty minutes into the move in, Kyle pulled into
his driveway.

“Thanks for keeping Kaylee today, Tanner,” he said. “I really

appreciated this. Her sitter’s back from her trip, so she’ll take her

“You know it’s not a problem.” He nodded. Kyle was still one of

the hottest men he’d ever met. He was a redhead with pale skin and
pretty blue eyes that were always full of humor until the last seven
months. He was sporting a beard now which made him even hotter,
and he’d put on some muscle in the last three years which added to
the sex appeal.

He admitted he’d been hoping Kyle would leave Kay, and they’d

get back together. However, he’d accepted long ago that wouldn’t
happen, and neither did he want to hurt Kay just because he thought
she had a hot-ass husband. He’d been glad his siblings had kept him
too busy to be anything but tired. Being tired kept him from feeling
lonely and needy more than a few minutes before he dropped off to

“I heard little Nelson and Brooke were having a baby.” Kyle

shifted Kaylee to his other hip.

“Yeah.” He laughed. “That baby’s going to be a real knockout and

give Nels and Brooke nightmares.”

Kyle laughed. “They’ll have to beat the boys off with a stick.”
“Crowbar,” Tanner corrected with a grin.
“Well, it’s gonna be more like being a grandpa for you than an

uncle, right?” Kyle said, his expression growing serious.

Tanner shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe,” he said. “So, you’ve

been looking a little down lately,” he said, finally broaching the
subject he’d been loath to bring up. He didn’t know what to tell Kyle.
After all, Kyle was still in denial. Then again, maybe Tanner was the
one that hadn’t accepted things.

Maybe Kyle had just been experimenting with him. Kyle had

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grown up and found his footing, and it wasn’t anywhere near men,
romantically speaking. Kyle had never given him any indication he
wanted him back or was interested in him or any other man. Looking
wasn’t a crime or a clear indication of lusting.

Yeah, right. Who was he fooling?
Kyle sighed. “Stress at work,” he said. “You know how that is.”
“Yeah, I just—it seems like a little more,” he said with a shrug.
Kyle’s gaze hardened. “I better get going.”
“Kyle.” He put a hand on Kyle’s arm to stay him. “Listen—”
“No you listen.” Kyle stopped him as he got in his face. “I’m not a

fucking queer, okay. Don’t even breathe it in my presence or in
Kay’s. Or my family’s.”

“I wasn’t,” Tanner said defensively. “I’m just concerned.”
“Don’t be.” Kyle turned away from him to put Kaylee in her car

seat. He gave her a toy, and then straightened. “Maybe if you got
yourself a woman and a life, you’d understand where I was coming

“What’s a woman going to do for me, Kyle?” he asked softly.

“Turn me straight?”

“Yeah,” Kyle snapped. His face was turning red. “I think if you

had a woman you’d realize what you are is a choice and nothing

He’d heard that before from his Uncle Nelson. That dog still

didn’t hunt. “Anyway, man, if you need to talk we can grab some
beers sometime.”

Kyle swallowed tightly. “Yeah. I’ll see you, okay?”
“Yeah.” Tanner stepped back from the car as Kyle opened his

door. “See you, Kyle.” Tanner waited until Kyle had driven away to
go back inside. He strolled into his home office to check his e-mails,
answer them, and check in with some clients.

He was a freelance designer. Not wealthy by any means, but

Tanner had kept food on the table, shoes and clothes on the kids, and
a roof over their heads. He’d given them all they needed and damn

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near all they’d wanted. He’d put his brother through college and was
now doing the same for the twins. Their trusts had come in handy but
simply hadn’t been enough.

He spent a few hours at his design table then headed into the

kitchen to make some dinner. After putting together a pizza, he
checked to see if his new neighbor was still moving in. The truck was
gone, but the pickup was still in the driveway. On a stroke of
inspiration, he hurried back into is kitchen and put together a small
basket of goodies, and then threw together a second basket of
tonight’s dinner. He grabbed his house key, stuck it in his jeans
pocket and tripped across the yard, hoping the guy didn’t slam the
door in his face.

He wasn’t about hitting on guys who obviously had no interest in

him. He’d just drop off the food if the guy didn’t want to share and if
he did, then he’d find out what the guy did and who he was.

* * * *

Sinclair wiped a hand over his low-cut black hair and stared at the

box of canned goods and wished he had something more than Ramen
noodles and water for dinner. He was too tired to go shopping, and he
still had to put his office together before he went to bed. He’d go
shopping sometime tomorrow.

He started digging for a pot when a knock at the door interrupted

his quest through a box marked “Kitchen aids.” His silly cousin,
Calvin. He smiled. Calvin was one of the few members of his family
that didn’t still ridicule him for being gay, but then he suspected that
was because big, strong, sexy Calvin had a secret of his own.

Sinclair pulled open the door, and his lips pulled into a slow smile

at the sight of his neighbor. The sexy little thing with his pretty gray
eyes. He wasn’t much taller than five seven, but he was nicely put
together with long wheat-blond hair still braided back off his face.
“Hey man, what’s up?” Sinclair asked.

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“Hi, I was thinking you might not have much in the way of food,”

Tanner said and held up one basket then the other.

Sinclair grinned then. “Aww man, you’re a lifesaver,” he said.

“Come in.”

Tanner stepped inside. “Breakfast and dinner.”
“Great, I can appreciate both, I tell ya,” he admitted. “I got

nothing worth eating over here.”

Tanner grinned. “Well, I brought pizza and beer. That okay?”
“Hell yeah.” Sinclair grinned back. “Let’s go into the dining

room. Safest place to put down.”

Tanner followed him into the dining room. He set the basket on a

chair, and Sinclair laughed and Tanner turned with a curious
expression on his face.

“What’s funny?”
“You.” Sinclair motioned to the baskets set on the chair. “Afraid

you’re going to scar up my beat-up old table?”

Tanner frowned. “I just didn’t want to—I mean you got to eat on

the table.”

Sinclair laughed again. “You sound like my grandmother.”
Tanner stiffened. “I just—”
“What’s in the breakfast basket?” Sinclair cut him off. He could

see how uncomfortable he’d made the other man. He moved closer to
Tanner for a peek in the basket.

“Just some blueberry bread and jam. And some coffee and cocoa.

I brought cream and sugar, too.”

Sinclair laughed. “Thanks, man, that’s really thoughtful, and I

could use it,” he said.

Tanner smiled. “You’re welcome.”’
“Have a seat.” Sinclair motioned to the table.
Tanner unpacked the pizza and beer then sat down.
“You never did tell me your name,” Sinclair said.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Tanner,” he said and took the napkin

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Tanner handed him. Tanner really was cute, he mused, drinking in his
face which was all soft curves and planes. He was a pretty boy with
that wheat hair and darkly tanned skin.

“What do you do for a living, Tanner?”
“I’m a designer,” he said. “I design scrapbooking paper and

albums as well as stationary, stickers, and decals.”

Sinclair nodded. “Cool.” He liked a creative mind.
“What do you do?” Tanner asked.
“I’m a writer,” he said with a shrug. He knew Tanner was

thinking that he was just another wannabe just barely getting by, but
Tanner would be surprised if they became more than casual

Tanner gave him a curious stare then asked, “What do you write?”
“Mystery and suspense.”
Tanner took a bite of his pizza. He chewed and swallowed. “Name

one of your books,” Tanner said.

Sinclair laughed, deciding to ignore the challenge for now. “This

is good. Where’d you buy it?”

“I made it,” he answered.
“Your kids must love it,” Sinclair said. “And your wife.”
“No kids and no wife, but I raised three siblings,” he said with a

proud smile. “My brother is twenty-four, so I kind of didn’t have to
do much with him. The twins on the other hand are twelve years
younger than me.”

Sinclair leaned back in the chair and got Tanner talking about his

family. He listened to his tone and watched his expression which told
him Tanner loved his family. That he was close to someone was a
good thing. Not all gay men had family they could count on.

“Well, I better get going,” Tanner said after they’d finished off the

beer and pizza. “I don’t want to be in your way.”

“You’re not in the way,” Sinclair said. “But I suspect you’re just

being kind. I’ll see you around though.”


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Chapter Two

Three days later, Tanner stood in his kitchen with his brother,

Nelson. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Nelson’s girlfriend
was pregnant, and they were supposed to be getting married. He’d
rather Nelson had grown up a little more first. He was assistant coach
at a local high school, and still just a kid at twenty-four. He was still a
little selfish. He wasn’t ready to be anyone’s husband let alone a dad.

“I don’t know how it happened,” Nelson said, giving his older

brother a blank look.

“You don’t?” Tanner asked carefully.
“I mean I know how she got pregnant, I just don’t know how,” he

said. “I was careful.”

“Nels, why in the world would you cheat on Brooke?”
“I just—I was drunk, and Shelia was there and—she came on to

me.” He looked away.

“That’s a lame-ass excuse for stupidity,” Tanner said. “What are

you going to do?”

He shrugged like a little boy, and Tanner wanted to slap the back

of his head. That was just typical Nelson behavior. He’d tried to instill
in him the importance of doing the right thing since the moment he
took over his care and rearing, but Nelson had already been a
teenager. His father had probably indulged Nelson in ways he
shouldn’t have in the name of promoting masculinity in the boy to
make up for having one gay son.

Knowing his father, he’d wanted to correct whatever he’d thought

he’d done wrong. His father probably never got it through his head
that Tanner being gay had not been a result of anything his parents

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had or had not done.

“She doesn’t have any family, and she’s threatening to tell Brooke

about us,” he said belligerently. “It only happened once. I never even
saw her again. She’s just some girl looking for a meal ticket.”

Tanner crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at his

younger brother coldly. “Didn’t I teach you better than that, Nels?” he
demanded. “Didn’t Dad?”

“Dad had no problems with me,” he said, bristling up. “He didn’t

ride my ass like you did trying to change me.”

Tanner gave his brother a cold stare. He’d been hard on him

because Nelson tended to be a son of a bitch. He had little respect for
girls and considered them his personal toys for the most part.

“I know Mom didn’t go along with your attitude,” Tanner said in

a hard tone. “Your lack of respect for poor women and women in
general is going to cost you Brooke if you indeed truly care about

“I don’t need your advice on Brooke,” Nelson told him coldly.
“This girl deserved as much respect as Brooke.” Brooke was an

upper middle-class girl who’d gone to a good private school.

“She’s a whore.”
“And what does that make you?” Tanner demanded softly as he

fought back his anger. They had had this conversation too many times
over the last few years. Nelson really was a good kid, but he was a
little misguided as some star athletes tended to be. With his high
school career as a top athlete, he’d had the mentality that he was
entitled to anything and everything he wanted.

He’d ruined his shoulder in an accident in college which had

wrecked all his chances of a pro career in baseball. “She didn’t get
herself pregnant, Nels, and she damn sure didn’t rape you.”

Nelson looked away. “I came over here to borrow some money,

not get my ass chewed.”

Tanner sighed in pure exasperation. Nelson had been such a kind

and thoughtful kid until he became a star pitcher in high school, but

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this man he was growing into didn’t show all the goodness the boy
had once possessed. “What do you need the money for?”

“Shelia,” he admitted. “Baby stuff.”
He shook his head. “You can’t keep trying to hide Shelia and a

child much longer.”

Nelson sighed roughly. “I know that, but right now I just need to

get through the moment,” he said. “I can’t lose Brooke. I love her.”

Tanner didn’t know if his brother loved Brooke so much as he

loved what her family seemed to represent. Money and a little power.
Something his father, as a top defense attorney in the nation, had had.
Something Brooke’s father, as a top attorney in the state, had. Their
father’s death had taken everything away from Nelson in a heartbeat
and left him with a brother who didn’t have anything to keep him
seated in the world Nelson had so loved.

Their father had left the three younger kids with a small

inheritance which they couldn’t get until they turned twenty-five. In
the meantime, they could draw a small stipend a month for their living
expenses. Nelson always exceeded his limit.

Tanner saw his brother out after giving him money. He had no

idea what he was going to do with the kid. Sometimes his treatment of
women was more questionable than it should be. He was gay, but
he’d tried to instill a respect of women in his younger brother that his
mother had instilled in him.

“Hey, Tanner.”
Tanner turned to see Sinclair striding toward his porch after his

brother drove away. His heart beat faster, and he got this little giddy
feeling he hadn’t experienced since his first boyfriend. It had been too
long since he’d allowed himself to admire a man let alone just be
attracted to one.

“Hey, Sinclair.” He hoped he wasn’t panting. The man was truly a

beautiful piece of manhood. All good looks and firm, delicious
muscle. “Just keep your eyes on his,” he told himself. “Do not check
out all that sexy hard maleness once he’s in front of you.”

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“What are you doing for dinner tonight?” Sinclair asked after

stepping up onto the porch with masculine grace.

Tanner looked down Sinclair’s body against his own order. He

was clad in snug jeans that emphasized his hard lower body. His
stance was the epitome of confidence, which just made him weak in
the knees. He forced his gaze back up to Sinclair’s chocolate brown
one. He could spend hours getting lost in those beautiful eyes.

“Nothing special.” He shrugged and decided to rein his raging

libido in before the man kicked his ass. With a body like that, and that
hint of masculine arrogance, Sinclair couldn’t be gay. “Why?”

“I’ve got my place in some kind of order,” Sinclair said. “Why

don’t you come over and have dinner with me?” He gave him an easy

That smile was sex appeal personified, and Tanner knew he was

getting hard.

Damn, down boy, he warned his thickening erection. The man

was just paying him back for his kindness last night. “Sure. Okay,” he
said and was surprised his voice came out normal. He was feeling
anything but that. He was hot and aroused and ready to make some
moves, but he’d rather not get beat up. Besides, it wasn’t like the man
was giving him any overt signals. “What time?”

“Now.” He smiled.
Tanner laughed. Yeah, he was all arrogant man. He thought the

world rose and set on his wishes. “Okay just let me lock up, and I’ll
be right over.”

“Great. Let yourself in.”
Tanner strolled back inside, not wanting to seem too eager.

However, he was eager to spend a little time alone with the very
delicious Sinclair. He was likely to spend the evening pining over the
man, and he likely had a black book of women’s names ten miles
thick. Damn was he a glutton for punishment or what? Since Kyle, his
taste in men just plain sucked.

Tanner took a comb to his hair and gathered his hair back in a

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braid before looking at his face in the mirror. His dry skin was under
control, and his lips weren’t chapped. He changed into a pair of low-
rise chinos that emphasized his ass better than his jeans did. Then he
opened the collar of his shirt. The wax was still holding. He’d get
another in a week.

He grabbed a beaded necklace, brown to compliment the pink

shirt. The necklace sported a silver heart in the center. He nodded,
liking what he saw and cursing his foolishness at the same time before
putting on a pair of shoes and grabbing his house key. He headed
downstairs. It was already after five, and while he thought that was
early for dinner, Tanner had no objections to it since it got him in
Sinclair’s company. He could get back home in an hour and do some
work on a few projects on his desk.

Tanner found Sinclair in his kitchen standing at the stove, and his

eyes immediately skated down Sinclair’s lean back to his ass. It was
perfect. Well shaped and tight. He’d love to just walk over and palm
Sinclair’s ass while he nibbled the man’s neck. It was just as graceful
as the rest of him.

It had been too long since he’d been with anyone and even longer

since he’d just necked and made out. He’d missed that closeness and
had pushed those needs aside rather than shirking his responsibilities
to his family. But the need to touch and be touched rushed him as he
stood there caught in a moment of longing for simple male contact.

“Tanner, you mind giving me hand?” Sinclair turned to look at

him over his shoulder, and Tanner blushed.

How had he known he was standing there drooling over him like a


The man was going to kick his ass all over the house then drop-

kick him out the front door, Tanner thought with a hint of self-disgust.
He wasn’t a schoolboy. He could keep his eyes off the man’s fine
chocolate body for an hour. When he got home, he’d just jerk off and
fantasize it was Sinclair doing him. After all, he had plenty of practice
with fantasizing.

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“Yeah.” He stepped up to Sinclair’s side, and the stone-washed

mountain scent of Sinclair’s soap hit him. It was light, pleasant, and
very male. He couldn’t help but lean in a little closer and draw the
man’s scent in.

God, he couldn’t believe he was losing his hard-won composure

so easily after all these years. No. He was losing that control he’d
exercised with such rigidity where men was concerned.

How could this one man be blowing his control apart so easily?
Sinclair chuckled. “Grab some paper towels?”
He grabbed the role and tore off a couple and held them out.

Sinclair grabbed them, and their fingers touched, and Tanner’s breath
caught. Shivers of pleasure coursed through him, heating his blood
and making him even more aware of the man in front of him.

“Thanks,” Sinclair said with a wink and turned to put the paper

towels on the platter he held.

Had Sinclair felt that rush too? Course not, he chastised himself


“So what are you cooking?” His voice came out husky, and

Tanner could just kick himself. Even worse, he thought as he moved,
he was hard. Now, that was going to be hard to explain if Sinclair
caught sight of it. He couldn’t just say, “Hey you’re so chocolaty hot
you make me hard.”

Yeah, that’d get him his ass handed to him real fast. Anyway, a

straight man wasn’t likely to be looking down at his Johnson.

“Catfish and buffalo. You do eat one or the other right?”
“Yeah, I love a good piece of fried catfish,” he said with a grin,

and then, “I mean—I—damn.” He was blushing. He could feel his
face getting hot. He thought he’d outgrown that years ago, but the
man had him a little flustered. No, his strong attraction to the man had
him a little flustered. “I didn’t mean to imply you weren’t a good

Sinclair threw him an amused look. “Relax, Tanner, this isn’t the

Inquisition,” he said. “Will you take this to the table?”

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“Great. You want a beer or some wine? I’ve got some sodas and

juice, too.”

“Beer’s good,” Tanner said and then moved into the dining room.

He was glad to be away from Sinclair for a moment. He needed to
catch his breath and regain his control. He’d gone years without
showing any hint of an attraction to another man. Certainly he could
control himself for an hour or less. He exhaled roughly and ran a hand
over his hair, more a focal point for calming himself than any concern
with his appearance.

“Here ya go.” Sinclair handed him a bottle of beer with the cap


“Thanks.” Tanner was hesitant to drink. Not that the man was

interested in slipping him a date rape drug. He could have his pick of
women and men, too, if he wanted them. He didn’t need to rape one.

Sinclair laughed and switched bottles with him. “Go ahead and a

have seat. I’ll bring the slaw and fries.” He took a swig and set his
bottle on the table.

Tanner sat down, feeling like an idiot. That’s when he noticed

Sinclair had set the table with white plates and cloth napkins.
Condiments had been placed on a Lazy Susan in the middle of the

“I’m going to grab a couple of more beers and some water,”

Sinclair said as he put the bowl and platter of fries on the table.

Tanner followed the gesture and couldn’t help noticing how big

the man’s hands were. He looked away quickly as his mind went
immediately to an old saying he’d heard about a man with big hands.
Damn he bet Sinclair was packing some nice beef, and he’d love to
get a taste of it.

He grunted as he shifted to reach for the fries. His cock was hard

as stone, and it pressed so tight against his zipper he was afraid the
zipper might leave a permanent imprint. Maybe he should just make
up some lame-ass excuse and head on home before he really made a

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fool of himself or got his ass beat.

“Okay. We’re all set.” Sinclair set the bottles of beer and water on

the table. He said a quick blessing then reached for the slaw. “Design
anything interesting today?”

Work. That was a nice, safe topic. “I’ve started work on a few

things,” he said. “A project for a client’s daughter for her birthday. A
memory book to commemorate the ballerina’s party and a journal
complete with stickers of all kinds.”

“Especially tutus and toe shoes.”
Tanner laughed. “Especially those.” He filled his plate and then

said, “What about you? Working on anything I might get a peek at?”
He gave Sinclair a look from beneath his lashes that was pure flirt,
and he almost kicked himself for it as Sinclair gave him an enigmatic

“I’m working on something,” he admitted. “It’s part of a series.”
Tanner smiled, controlling himself better this time. “When do I

get to read it?”

Sinclair gave him a smile. “We’ll see,” he said. “Was that your

brother?” Sinclair asked. “He looked kind of like you except he’s a
brunette. Good-looking kid.”

“That was Nelson,” he said coolly. Sinclair had checked out his

brother? Bastard. He’d be so disappointed there. Nelson was all man.

“How old is he?”
“He’s twenty-four and engaged to a beautiful girl.” Why had he

said that? Oh, knew why, and he hated himself for being so jealous.
He’d never been jealous of Nelson in his life and now wasn’t really
the time to start. After all, Nelson was no competition to him. He was
his baby brother, and he loved him.

Sinclair nodded. “I can imagine. Good-looking guys usually have

someone,” he commented. “What about you? Got girls all over
town?” he teased, and Tanner frowned.

“No, I’m not seeing anyone right now, but I bet being a writer

you’ve got plenty of women throwing their panties at you.”

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Sinclair laughed. “Boy, only singers get panties thrown at them.”
Tanner shrugged. “Just saying.”
“Seriously, though,” Sinclair said. “Have you always wanted to be

an artist?”

Tanner shrugged. “I was always good at it for sure, but I actually

studied business in college,” he admitted. “Comes in handy now.”

“I know what you mean,” Sinclair said. “I got an MBA myself.”
“Smart since you have to keep your own books,” Tanner said.
“Exactly.” He smiled. “I dreamed of being a writer like Stephen

King, but I never wanted to write horror.”

“Ever write any romance?”
“When I first started, I wrote a few pieces under the name Lily


Tanner laughed. “You’re kidding!”
“Naw, man,” he said humor lighting his eyes. “I thought writing

freakin’ romance was a woman’s thing, but it paid the bills.”

“I bet,” Tanner said with a grin. “How long did you write that?”
“Three years,” he admitted with a laugh. “God I miss those days,

but I won’t lie and say I miss the low pay or the freaking out every
time I got a bad review.”

“You get them often?”
“Naw.” He shrugged. “I cut my teeth on romance, refined my

talents, and now I’m ranking high on the New York Times bestseller
list. When I want a change of pace, I write a romance.”

“Really? Tell me one thing you wrote in the last five years.” He

was more than curious about the man’s career. The fact that he wasn’t
bragging about his books made him all the more eager to find out how
good he was. And who he was. He’d Googled him last night and all
he found was the man was a stinking rich writer. There had been
nothing on his works or who published them.

“I’ll do you one better,” he said with a wink. “I’ve got a few

copies of my last book. The Detective Tate series.”

“Are you serious?” Tanner demanded. No wonder the man didn’t

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brag. Who’d believe him? He wouldn’t have. Under the name Carter
Walters, he was just about as famous as Stephen King. “I love that
series. When’s the next book coming out?”

“I’m working on it now.”
“I’d love an autographed copy,” he said, giving Sinclair a flirty

look. Damn it, he muttered to himself. He’d promised himself he
wouldn’t do that.

“Not a problem,” Sinclair said with a smile.
They finished the meal amidst conversation about Sinclair’s latest

novel. Once they were done, Tanner helped clear the table and load
the dishwasher.

“The meal was great,” Tanner said, looking up at Sinclair.
“You’re a good cook.” He gave him a smile that he knew was a

little shy of being a come-on. He just couldn’t help himself. He was
really trying, but there was something about Sinclair that held him,
drew him like a moth to a flame.

Sinclair pushed away from the counter on the opposite side of the

room, and Tanner knew he was in trouble. He’d pushed the man too

Sinclair put one hand on either side of Tanner on the counter and

brought his body nearly flush with his and Tanner’s heartbeat double-
timed even in the face of possible trouble.

“Are you looking for a casual fuck or someone to be your man,

Tanner?” Sinclair asked and leaned a little closer to Tanner.

“What?” Shock permeated his voice.
“I’m not the kind of man you want to play with, Tanner,” he went

on. “I like to fuck often and vigorously. I like to take tight asses in as
many ways as I can think of to try. Sometimes I even like a little
bondage or S&M.”

“I see.” The man was gay. Thank you, God.
“So don’t keep flirting with me, like you want in my bed.”
“You’re gay?”

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“And I’m not looking for a casual fling right now,” he said. “I’m

really tired of all the bullshit games. I just want a guy who wants to
stick around for a while because he wants to get to know me.”

“I guess you get all kinds of guys wanting you for your money,


He shrugged. “I don’t tell most men what I do for a living because

I don’t want a gold digger trying to lead me around by my dick.”

“Well, maybe it’s just all this luscious chocolate they want to

taste,” Tanner murmured and reached out to glide his hand down
Sinclair’s muscled arm. What was he doing? The man was so out of
his league. “Or maybe they think you’re hot in jeans and want to see
if you’re as hot out of them.” He stroked a tentative hand over
Sinclair’s hard thigh and moved it carefully between them to brush
the bulge in Sinclair’s pants. “Fuck.”

Sinclair’s brows lifted. “Keep groping me, Tanner, and I’m going

to start thinking you want to taste my chocolate candy.”

Tanner swallowed convulsively. “Maybe I do.”
Sinclair gave him a mocking smile and backed off.
Tanner frowned. “I call your bluff, you run?” He should be the

one running. He was used to living a solitary life and keeping the fact
that he was gay quiet. People knew he was gay but he hadn’t dated in
years. He didn’t if he could stand the prying eyes of nosy people now,
but he wanted to give it a try.

“Run?” Sinclair asked. “I merely took a step back for both our


“I’m not a twink,” Tanner told him, stalking Sinclair as he

retreated to the other side of the room. Yeah, he was crazy, but he’d
never wanted a man this bad. Not even Kyle. “And yeah, you’re
running from me. Is it because you know I want you?” Or is it
because you’re straight and thought you could mess with my head for
flirting with you?” He came to a stop in front of Sinclair and gasped
when Sinclair reached out and jerked him against his hard body.

“Think about what you’re inviting, Tanner,” Sinclair warned him

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quietly. “I meant what I said. I know what I like, and I don’t go easy
on little boys playing at being men.”

“I’m not playing at anything. I’m two months shy of thirty years

old,” he threw back. And he was ready to feel a man’s caresses and
taste his kisses again.

“Good, I don’t like little boys still making up their minds and

running when things start getting too hot.”

“You’re the one who’s running,” Tanner muttered. There things

he might not be able to face like showing his man off all around town,
but he wasn’t going to let that stop him. That was a bridge he could
cross when he came to it.

Sinclair kissed him. Caught off guard, Tanner gasped into the kiss

but recovered quickly. He slid his arm Sinclair’s neck and leaned into
the kiss.

And oh it was delicious. Tanner leaned in closer, eager to savor

and sample the full impact of Sinclair’s full lips and questing tongue.
It had been so long since he’d had a man’s kisses let alone had a man.
He moaned when Sinclair’s arm crushed him closer and damn if it
didn’t feel good.

Tongues dueling, teeth nipping, and hands stroking over hard

planes and masculine curves. It was just too good. Tanner thought
he’d go insane from overload of intimate contact. He hadn’t had that
much touch from anyone in so long he’d forgotten how delicious it
could be just pressing up against a man.

“God.” Tanner panted as Sinclair broke the kiss to kiss his neck.

“Oh, God.”

Sinclair nipped his neck and sucked, and Tanner groaned. He

stroked his hand over Sinclair’s head. He felt so good, Tanner didn’t
want to stop. He could go on like this for hours. Then Sinclair lifted
his head to look at him.

“Damn, I didn’t mean to just attack you that way,” Sinclair said as

he took a single step back.

Tanner panted. “Wow, you’re a good kisser.”

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Sinclair gave him a smile. “So are you.”
Tanner laughed a nervous laugh. “It’s been a long time for me.”
“Raising the kids,” Sinclair said rather than asked.
“Yeah,” he admitted then sighed. “I kind of put my needs on the

back burner.”

“And now?”
“Now, I’m ready to live again,” he murmured. “This is a fine

place to start.”

“I’m not looking for a casual boyfriend, Tanner,” he reminded

him. “Coming off your long hiatus you need less.”

Tanner shrugged. “Well, look at it like this, Sin,” he said. “You’re

not looking to put a ring on a man’s finger, so what’s the harm in
going out with me?” The only way he backed off now was if Sinclair
told him no. He shaking inside, but he was tired of letting what he
wanted go because he was too afraid to go for it.

Sinclair gave him an amused stare. “I could do that,” he admitted,

stroking his hands up Tanner’s arms and back down to his hips. “You
do make a hell of a pizza.”

Tanner grinned. “You could have that and me, too.”
Sinclair chuckled then sobered. “I just need to make a few other

things very clear to you, Tanner,” he said, putting some distance
between them.

Tanner frowned. “Are you one of those control freaks who have to

control everything?”

Sinclair gave him an amused look and then said, “I’m clean, I test

every three months, I am not in the closet, and my work is important
to me.”

Tanner considered Sinclair’s words then said, “I’m clean, too,

good, and my work is important to me, too. So, we’ll work with your
inability to have fun.”

Sinclair laughed. “Where’d you get that from?” he demanded.
“Umm, you’re a workaholic, but I’ll fix that,” he said. “I’ve had a

long dry spell. I want attention.”

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Sinclair cocked his brows. “High-maintenance and demanding

little thing, aren’t you?” he teased. “There is one other thing you need
to know.”

“You’re a list maker?” Tanner teased.
“I think you’re cute, but I won’t bottom for you,” he informed


“Not that big of a deal as long as you keep me satisfied.” Tanner

shrugged. “Let me cook for you tomorrow.” Tanner smiled. “Then,
we can go out for dessert.”

It was Sinclair’s turn to shrug. “That’s cool. You want to do it at

your place?”

Tanner smiled. “Course.”

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Chapter Three

Tanner finished up the designs for his new project the next

afternoon and then headed down to his store which was a small
building along a main strip that got plenty of traffic. He only had six
employees working in the store because most of his business came
from online transactions now. However, the store still brought in nice

His business had initially been a home-based one which had

allowed him to be home for the twins, but the demand had forced him
to invest in a store. It had been the best move he’d made until he set
up a website.

“Hey, Tanner,” his manager greeted.
“Hello, Pete.” He greeted the tall male with a smile.
Pete gave him a curious look. “You seem happy,” the blond male

said. “You get laid last night?”

Tanner laughed. He hadn’t gotten laid, but he may as well have.

He’d had the best kisses of his life. “I’m going to check the inventory
and get some things ready for shipping,” he told Pete. He and Pete
were friends, but Pete, like everyone else who worked here, had no
idea he was gay. He’d kept it under wraps while the twins were
growing up because he hadn’t wanted them to go through hell because
of him.

They had lost their parents, and the way of life they’d known. His

flaunting his gayness wouldn’t have made their transition easier.

“Okay,” Pete said with a grin. “Oh, yeah, Townsend called about


“I’ll take care of it, and then get this stuff ready for shipping,” he

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said and strutted off to his office, which was on the second floor of
the two-story brick building.

Tanner made his calls then got to the prep work for the items he

needed to ship. He was hard at work when the knock at the storeroom
door interrupted him. “Come in,” he called.

“Hi, Tanner,” Kay said in a sad tone.
Tanner looked up to find the teary-eyed Kay standing in the

doorway. His heart sank, and he wanted to be someplace else right
now. “Hi, Kay,” he greeted with a forced smile. “How are you?”

She shrugged. “I’ve been better.” She tucked a strand of sun-

blonde hair behind her ear. “How about you?”

He shrugged. “Fantastic actually,” he said in an upbeat tone and

felt like an ass for letting his own happiness show. He didn’t know
Sinclair well enough, but the man already had him smiling. He’d been
thinking about the places they could go for dessert while he packed
the orders. He was just like a schoolboy preparing for his first date.

And he had been like this back then, thinking and planning, never

wanting anything to go wrong. He would spend an hour picking out
his outfit and selecting cologne. He’d had to be so careful back then.
No public displays of affection, flirting, or staring too long for fear
someone would realize and tell his parents. Worse, he’d be attacked
by some gay basher who was afraid he’d turn gay just from being in a
restaurant with two gay teenagers.

So much had changed and still so much was the same. He still

dreaded gay bashers and such possible encounters. On the other hand,
he wasn’t inclined to hide even though he wouldn’t be flaunting the
fact that he was gay.

“Come in.” He motioned her in. “What’s up?”
Kay looked around the storeroom then back to the door. “Can we

talk in a more private place, Tanner?” she asked as she brushed a tear
from her eye.

“Yeah.” He moved to the door and Kay. “My office is just down

the hall.” He motioned for her to step out into the narrow hallway.

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“Just down to that first door.”

Kay followed his directions, and at his office door, she opened the

door and went inside.

“Can I get you something, Kay?”
Kay shook her head. “Listen, I’m sorry to just drop by, Tanner,

and I know you never really liked me. However, I need some answers
that only you can give me.”

He frowned. “I don’t understand, Kay,” he said calmly.
“Kyle’s been lying to me about where’s he’s been after work, and

he gets these calls at the same time every evening,” she confided. “He
goes to his car or his study and closes up for hours. Sometimes he
even gets on the computer. Who is he seeing? Is she younger than

To say he was floored was an understatement, but Tanner kept his

jaw clamped tight. Kyle hadn’t shown any signs of being anything
other than faithful to Kay since the day they got engaged. Unless you
counted looking, but looking and lusting wasn’t touching or doing.

He’d spent a lot of years hoping to get back with Kyle. He had

been his first love and Tanner would have done anything for Kyle
including having threesomes that Kyle had reveled in. Kyle had been
a good friend and in the beginning he’d been a good boyfriend.
Somewhere along the line, he’d become selfish and more concerned
with his own needs than Tanner’s. Despite that, he’d had charisma
and charm that kept Tanner turning a blind eye to his faults. When he
moved back, Tanner hadn’t cared that Kyle was with Kay. He’d
wanted him back and the fact that he’d grown out of his selfishness,
was responsible and caring had been an even bigger attraction.
However, Kyle had made it clear he didn’t do gay anymore. So, his
hopes had died a slow death as he watched Kyle with Kay, and he and
Kyle had become friends. He did feel a bit ashamed of his own
selfishness then and now. That he’d been alone and desperate for a
connection with someone, needing someone to lean on hadn’t been a
good excuse. In retrospect, he was glad he hadn’t had the confidence

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to do anything more than pine.

He would have ended up hating himself for ruining all their lives.

Being alone and lost hadn’t killed him, it had made him grow up, and
things had turned out pretty well in spite of the emotional pain he’d
been in then.

Lately their relationship had seemed a bit strange, and Kyle’s

reaction to him a couple of days ago was proof things weren’t quite
right. However, he had no idea who Kyle was seeing or if he was
seeing anyone.

“I know he talks to you,” Kay cut in gently and touched his arm.

“I want to save my marriage, Tanner, but if it can’t be saved, I’d
rather know that, too.”

“He doesn’t confide in me the way he used to,” he admitted. Kyle

had stopped confiding in him months ago, but he had assumed Kyle
was talking to his wife more which is what husbands did, right?

“He said you wanted him to come over the other night,” Kay told

him. “The day you kept Kaylee.”

He nodded, a little angry Kyle had brought him into this. “I didn’t

see him again after he picked up Kaylee,” he admitted, deciding not to
lie to her.

Kay nodded, her expression growing bleak. Tanner closed the

space between them to give her a quick, comforting hug before
pulling back from her.

“I know I shouldn’t have put my career ahead of my family, but I

didn’t want to be one of those women who regretted not having a

“Kay, this isn’t your fault.” Whatever this was, Kyle was to blame

for being an ass.

“Then whose?” she demanded.
“Kay.” Tanner put a hand on her arm. “I think you should talk to

Kyle before you assume it’s an affair. There could be a reasonable
explanation for his behavior.”

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“You’re right,” she agreed. “I just wanted—I hoped you’d be able

to shed some light on the situation.”

“I’m sorry I can’t,” Tanner said, genuinely sorry. Sorry and pissed

with Kyle for getting him involved. He wasn’t helping him cover up
now. He’d been willing to do it once, but that was when he thought
Kyle was what he needed. .

That had been a long time ago. He’d been a boy then, lost and

floundering as he struggled to gain purchase in a life filled with
turmoil and loss. He’d had no support then and hadn’t known how to
deal without someone to lean on. He’d hoped Kyle would be that
someone. As he gained his footing and grew up, he learned how to
stand alone.

“Would you tell me if you knew he was cheating on me?” Kay

demanded in a brittle tone.

Hell, he had no idea what he’d do, and Tanner found himself

being glad he didn’t know what Kyle was up to. He’d be tearing
himself apart trying not to hurt one of them right now.

“I don’t know what Kyle is up to, Kay,” he said carefully. “He

hasn’t said anything to me that indicates he’s cheating on you.”

She studied him a long time before nodding. “Thanks.”
He had no intentions of getting involved in their marital issues.

That could put him in the hot seat.

“I’ll walk you out,” he offered. “How’s Kaylee?”
The tense lines of Kay’s pretty face smoothed as she smiled at the

mention of her daughter’s name. “Lee’s fine. She’s getting bigger
every day.”

“And prettier,” he added, smiling, too.
“Yeah,” she agreed with a laugh.
“You’ll have to beat the boys back with a baseball bat soon,” he


Kay grinned. “God, bite your tongue,” she said and looked

momentarily horrified at the prospect of her daughter dating. “They
grow up so fast, don’t they?” she asked as they stepped out into the

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parking lot. “The twins aren’t your children, but still you know what I

“I know,” he agreed. And he did. Sometimes it still seemed like

yesterday that they ran to him for advice and help. Now, they had
their own lives, and they only called when they needed money or a
shoulder. “And yes they do.”

“Are you the one Kyle’s fooling around with?” she asked then, so

casually that Tanner almost missed the light of anger already sparking
in her eyes.

He held up both hands. “Whoa, Kay,” he said calmly. “Obviously

you’ve heard I’m gay, but”—he shook his head—“I’m not seeing
Kyle.” Damn, that ship had sailed too many moons ago to even
qualify as a guilty-pleasure thought.

“Would you admit it if you were?” she demanded, putting her

hands on her hips and glaring up at him with feminine indignation.

He shrugged. “I care about Kyle, and if we were lovers I’d want

him to be free to be with me,” he admitted. “On the other hand, I’m
not selfish enough to want that at all costs, Kay, so no.”

“Tell me the truth,” she growled. “Are you sleeping with him?”
“Have you ever?”
Tanner frowned and wondered where she’d gotten that idea. He

and Kyle had been so careful that not even their parents had picked up
on the fact they were seeing each other.

“Has Kyle ever given you any indication to believe he and I were

anything more than friends?” Tanner asked. He didn’t want to rat
Kyle out any more than he wanted to out and out lie, but he had a
feeling he’d have to decide which to do in a few seconds.

“No!” she exclaimed. “I’m just trying to find out—I know you

know. You’ve been friends for a long time.”

Tanner nodded. “Yeah.” He averted his gaze and brushed his hair

out of his eyes as the wind blew through it. “I’m not involved with
Kyle, Kay,” he told her, meeting her gaze again. “I wouldn’t hurt you

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that way.” That was a choice he wouldn’t have made even two years
ago. “I wouldn’t do it to Kaylee either.”

She raked her fingers through her hair and pursed her lips before

saying. “I’m sorry I came at you like that, but I just feel like he’s
slipping away from me. I want a chance to fix it.”

Tanner hugged her spontaneously. “This is going to be okay,

Kay,” he promised, and he knew it was an empty promise. But what
else could he say?

She hugged him back then pulled away from him. “Will you talk

to him?”

“I really don’t want to get in the—”
“It’d be better if you talked to him, told him your concerns,” he


“You’re right.” Kay patted his arms. “I’ll see you around. Thanks

for listening.”

Tanner didn’t breathe easy until Kay had pulled out of the parking

lot. He shook his head. “Kyle, what are you up to?” he asked softly
then headed back inside.

* * * *

Sinclair knocked on Tanner’s door that evening a second time and

wondered if Tanner was a dress-up queen playing in front of the
mirror trying on different shirts until he found one that was right or if
he’d just changed his mind. He hadn’t been this excited about a date
in a long time and was looking forward to getting to know even more
about Tanner. He was a cute guy, but even more than that, he seemed
like a genuinely nice one. So, he didn’t want to push too hard.

Although he was looking for something serious, there was no need

to rush this or put pressure on either of them to make this something it
might not be meant to be.

He shifted the bottle of wine behind his back and brought the rose

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up in front of him at the faint sounds of movement inside. If Tanner
had changed his mind, he’d be gracious, he decided. He wouldn’t let
him know how disappointed he was.

“Hi.” Tanner pulled open the door wearing a smile with his low-

slung khaki pants and pink shirt. His hair was brushed neatly back
from his handsome boyish face and hung down his back. He was the
picture of cute with his shirt open at the throat revealing a silver chain
with a single star with a diamond in its center. He didn’t actually look
a day over twenty-five.

“Hi.” Sinclair held the single yellow rose out to him, and Tanner

grinned as he accepted it. Their hands brushed, and Sinclair felt his
heart skip a beat. Tanner held his gaze, and Sinclair saw the flash of
heat and awareness that made him even more aware of the spark
between them.

“Thanks.” Tanner brought the rose to his nose to inhale its

delicate scent. “Mmm, that’s nice.”

“You’re welcome.”
“Come in.” Tanner motioned him in.
Sinclair held up a bottle of wine that brought a grin to Tanner’s

face as he took it.

“That’ll go good with dinner,” Tanner said as Sinclair stepped

inside. “Speaking of which, I need to check it.”

Sinclair followed Tanner to his spacious blue-and-white kitchen

where Tanner checked on dinner before looking beneath the sink for a
vase and finding one. “I was just talking to my sister about her
boyfriend.” He glanced out the window over the sink as the long,
narrow vase filled with water. When it was filled he dropped the rose
in it and set it on the counter before turning to Sinclair.

“Did you tell her you had one, too?” he teased.
“No.” He allowed his gaze stroke down the man’s body. “Love

that color on you.” Sinclair was clad in a burgundy shirt and black


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“It’s not that,” he said quickly. He didn’t want Sinclair to think he

was ashamed, but things were just starting between them. There was
no real reason to bring Sinclair up yet. “I just don’t want them
involved until I see how this goes.”

“This as in the date or this as in me and you turning into an “us”?”
“The ‘us’ part,” he said with a smile. “It might happen, and it

might not. I’ve always been careful about involving them in my sex
life.” He closed the distance between them. “I’m not talking about
hiding, just not flaunting.”

Sinclair gave him an understanding look. “I’m not pushing this to

be more than it might be, Tanner,” he informed him. “I want more,
but I want to enjoy this, you.”

Tanner leaned toward him and kissed him chastely. “Thanks for

understanding and thanks for the rose.” He kissed him again, this time
a deeper, more sensual kiss that had Sinclair gathering him against

Tanner curled his arms around Sinclair’s neck and pressed a little

closer against him. As his body came into contact with Sinclair’s,
Tanner noticed how hard the man was and he loved it. He wanted to
be a turn-on to Sinclair. He wanted to make him get so hot he lost all
control and was too hot to care.

However, the kiss was making his head spin and the contact had

him catching fire with his heart pounding hard in his chest.

This attraction seemed like a simple thing, but Tanner sensed the

complication just waiting to develop. He was unsure if that was a
good thing or bad one. Tanner broke the kiss and looked into
Sinclair’s eyes. The brown gaze was dark with lust, and the big hands
holding him were clenched tight in his slacks at his hips. Sin was
gorgeous, and he could just eat him up alive.

Sinclair pressed a last kiss to Tanner’s kiss-swollen lips then

released him slowly. “You taste good, Tanner, like vanilla ice cream
made just right.”

Tanner grinned. “You’re a poet and a romantic,” he said in a

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teasing tone. “I never would have guessed.”

Sinclair captured a strand of Tanner’s hair. “I’m glad you wore it

loose,” he murmured. “That braid’s cute, but I like this. It’s sexy. I’d
love to see you in nothing but a pair of booty shorts with your hair
like this.”

Tanner got hotter. Damn, he was in his own private desert.
He tamped his rising hormones down and stroked the back of

Sinclair’s neck. “I only wear briefs,” he admitted. But he was so
going shopping for a pair of the aforementioned booty shorts.

“Maybe I’ll buy you a pair of the kind I’d like to see you in,”

Sinclair murmured and slid his hand down to rest on Tanner’s ass.

“Looking forward to it,” he said in a breathless tone.
Sinclair squeezed Tanner’s butt. “Me, too.” Sinclair kissed him

again briefly then released Tanner’s hair. “Smells good in here.” He
stepped back from Tanner a single step. “Is there anything I can do?”

Tanner shook his head. “You want some wine? No excuses about

drinking and driving,” he said with a teasing glint in his eyes.

“Yeah.” Sinclair nodded. “How was your day?”
“I went to my store and ran into the wife of a friend of mine,” he

said as he retrieved a corkscrew for the wine and held it out to
Sinclair before getting flutes for the wine. “She asked me if I was
sleeping with him.”

“Are you?” Sinclair removed the cork from the wine and set it


“No, but she doesn’t believe that.”
“Have you ever been with him?”
“There was a time when I wanted him, but I’ve gotten past that.”

He shrugged and then held out the glasses. “He’s not my type

“What is your type, Tanner?” Sinclair poured some wine into each


“Single guys who aren’t afraid of being gay,” he answered

quietly. “And currently you.”

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“Acceptable answer for now,” Sinclair replied and set the bottle

aside before taking the glass held out to him. “I don’t want to hear
about your exes and their wives anymore tonight, Tanner. I want to
spend an evening with you.”

Tanner shrugged. “That’s why I invited you over,” he said and

took a sip of his wine. “Other than that, my day was fine. How was

“Well enough,” he answered. “Finished up some research for my

book and sat around thinking about this hot guy I met way more than
I should have.” He smiled. “Kept thinking about how good a kisser he
is and how much I wanted to get to know him better.”

“You kept thinking about getting in my pants,” he contradicted

with a teasing grin.

“I’m not all about sex, Tanner,” he rebutted with a shrug.
Tanner set his glass down and moved to the stove. He checked on

the meal and turned off the stove.

“So what did you make for dinner?”
“Steak with a little mushroom-and-pepper gravy and twice baked

potatoes with asparagus.” He smiled. He’d debated about the meal not
wanting to make something Sinclair might not like. In the end, he
decided a good steak was something most men liked.

“Sounds good.”
“I hope you like it,” he said with a nervous catch in his voice. He

knew he could cook, but the issue was more whether Sinclair liked his

“Do you need me to set the table?” Sinclair asked.
“No.” Tanner smiled and blushed, and Sinclair cocked his brows

curiously. “Don’t.” He shook his head. “Just go on in, I’ll bring

“Let me help,” Sinclair insisted.
“No, I got it.” Tanner cleared his throat. “Take the wine.”

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Chapter Four

Sinclair took the bottle of wine and their glasses and headed to the

dining room which, like his own, was just off the kitchen. The kitchen
itself flowed into the living room in an open-concept style. He
stepped into the dining room to find a simple blue-and-gold room that
complemented the kitchen. The table for six was set for two with
overhead lights set on dim. His centerpiece was a small bowl of

“I didn’t know if you’d think I—I didn’t want to make it too

romantic or frilly.”

Sinclair turned to see Tanner standing in the door with two plates.

He set the wine and glasses down. “It’s fine. The flowers are nice.”

“You hate flowers and frills,” he said barely managing to keep the

dejection from his tone. “Glad I followed my instincts.”

Sinclair frowned as Tanner set the plates down. “I consider myself

quintessentially male, Tanner,” he said as their eyes met. “I like all
the things any normal guy likes, and putting together a frilly table
isn’t something you’ll see me do, I admit. However, if this lasts, I’ll
do it for you on occasion if you like that kind of thing.”

“Because that’s what alphas do?” Tanner teased with an uncertain

look in his gray eyes.

“I do consider myself a dominant kind of guy, and yeah that’s

what we do.” He grinned. “We also do this—” He rounded the table
and pulled Tanner’s chair out for him.

Tanner laughed and reached to caress his jaw. “I think I might like

that alpha male a little.”

Sinclair smiled. “It is clear we need to talk a little more about

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what you like,” he said as Tanner sat down.

“Maybe I guess,” Tanner agreed. He’d learned to submerge his

needs no matter how it made him feel, so his natural inclination was
to do it even now. However, that would be the quickest way to
bitterness and a bad break-up and if Kyle was any example
unhappiness. And this might not go anywhere, but he did want this to
be happy no matter how long it lasted.

Sinclair sat down across from him. “Grace or not?”
“If you don’t mind,” he said with another uncertain look.
Sinclair snorted and said the blessing, and they dug in. “Mmm,”

Sinclair said after a few bites. “Crisp, perfect asparagus, tender steak,
and the potatoes are good, too.”

Tanner smiled. “Thanks.” He dug in, realizing then he’d been

waiting to see what Sinclair thought.

“You like flowers,” Sinclair said rather than asking. “And frilly

tables that would include pretty cloths and perfectly placed

“Stop making fun of me,” Tanner admonished with a glare then he

smiled. “Yeah, and a well-kept house.”

“With kids that can’t have been easy,” Sinclair said.
“It wasn’t,” he admitted.
“Couldn’t have been easy pretending not to be gay in front of

them,” Sinclair added.

“I never let them see that side of me, but I think they all know

though,” he said. “They just don’t want to admit it.”

“They’ve probably guessed, but if you’ve kept it low-key, then

they’ve just accepted certain things as part of who you are.”

“Like the perfect table for the holidays, decorating, and my hair.”
“The hair’s sexy,” Sinclair said. “I dreamed of you straddling me

with it falling down around us. Damn you were so tight and pretty on
top of me.”

Tanner blushed at the erotic picture Sinclair painted with his

words. “Damn, you’re just forward as hell,” he said and reached for

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his wineglass.

“Why beat around the bush?” Sinclair asked. “I want you, and you

want me, and a tight boy like you probably needs a butt plug.”

“Shut up,” Tanner said and then laughed shyly. “I have a nice-size

dildo I use a few times a week.”

“Umm-hmmm,” Sinclair teased. “But nothing will feel as good as

the real thing.”

Tanner smiled and reached across the table to stroke Sinclair’s

hand resting on the table next to his plate. “I’m thinking your real
thing will feel pretty good.”

“I think we’ll both be satisfied,” Sinclair murmured in a low tone

thrumming with sex.

“Me, too,” Tanner agreed and withdrew his hand. He cleared his

throat. “You want to watch a movie after dinner or go for that

“Go for a drive and make out,” Sinclair said.
Tanner smiled. “I haven’t done that in way too long. Sounds


“We can still get some dessert.”
“Ice cream at the drive-in.”
They finished dinner, and Sinclair helped Tanner clear the table

and load the dishwasher. Sinclair took Tanner’s hand. “You ready to
go for that drive?”

“Yeah.” He nodded.
“Give me a few minutes?”
“I’ll be right out,” Tanner said.
Sinclair gave him a smile, and left to get his pickup truck. When

he backed out of his garage, Tanner was standing on his porch. His
lips curved into a smile as something like excitement flitted through
him. So far the evening had been going fine, and he hoped they did
find a nice spot and make out some. It had been too long since he’d
been the object of a man’s attentions.

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He climbed off the porch and headed across the grass to Sinclair’s

driveway where Sinclair was climbing out of his truck and coming
around to open the door for him. Tanner gave him a smile. “Thanks.”
He kind of liked that gentlemanly thing a little.

When he had been younger, his exploration of himself as a gay

male had been held in check out of necessity. He’d been so busy
hiding who he was he hadn’t had time to really learn what he liked
about being with a male. This time around he could take his time and
savor the moment. In so doing, he could discover what he liked and
what he could live without.

He reached for his seat belt as Sinclair climbed into the truck.
“Get rid of this,” Sinclair ordered, giving Tanner’s braid a tug.
Tanner smirked. “You always date white men with long hair?”
“You’re the first with hair this long and pretty,” he admitted.

“Nice and thick. Now, get rid of the braid. Save it for when you’re
alone or something.”

Tanner rolled his eyes. “Bossy, but I’ll do it this time because

you’re buying me ice cream.”

Sinclair clicked his own seat belt. “Who’s your daddy?”
Tanner laughed as he pulled his braid over his shoulder.
Sinclair backed out and headed for the only drive-in in the city.

Sonic. Tanner changed the radio station after asking then settled back
against his seat.

“When do I get to read your book?”
“I’ll give you an advance copy if you want an e-book.”
“I have a Kindle.”
“I’ll give you copy tomorrow,” Sinclair said.
“I thought you said you were working on it,” Tanner said with a


“The next one, but the latest one is already finished,” he said. “I

expect a good review.”

“I always give you good reviews,” he said with a smile. “Why

don’t you have a picture on your website or book jackets?”

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“Not something I feel comfortable with,” he answered.
“You’re hot,” Tanner exclaimed, reaching across the seat to stroke

Sinclair’s arm.

He grunted.
Tanner withdrew his hand to release the braid and then drew his

hair over one shoulder. “Tell me about your family.”

“Nothing to tell, really,” he said in a tight tone. “I have a cousin I

talk to frequently, and my mother and two brothers are back in Dallas.
I talk to them on occasion.”

“Problems because you’re gay?”
“My dad got past it, but my stepfather can’t,” he said. “My mom

and I talk sometimes. I haven’t been allowed in their home since I
was sixteen. She sent me to my Dad who’s in the military. He’s a
general now, and he’s thinking about retiring soon. He moved to
Japan when I eleven.”

“Wow, you speak any Japanese?”
“Yeah, but I’m not fond of the language, so I only speak it when

I’m with my dad and his wife and their son. She’s Japanese.”

“Do you ever go over there?”
“At Christmas,” he admitted. “But we always end up spending it

in Switzerland. My dad has a little place there. They’ve been talking
about moving there. I speak German and French, too.”

“A multicultural man,” Tanner said with open admiration. “Did

you spend time there as a teenager?”

“Lots. That’s how I learned the languages and developed a taste

for non-black men.” He turned into the Sonic and pulled into a
parking space. “You date only white men?” Tanner asked curiously.

“No,” he answered. “I like men. Some are sweet and some are


Tanner smiled. He’d never dated a black man, but he had black

friends. His parents hadn’t had any racial hang-ups and neither did he.

“So, what are you in the mood for?” Sinclair asked.
“A blast, anything but a Butterfinger.”

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Sinclair smiled and ordered two of the sweet treats then turned to

Tanner. He captured a strand of his hair. “I see I don’t have to spank

“Maybe you should spank me as reward,” he said quietly. His ass

tingled in anticipation, and his cock started to fill. He’d lived as
sexless a life as possible, but that hadn’t stopped him from reading
about what he wasn’t getting. He’d stumbled upon bondage and got
extremely aroused by some aspects of it. Spanking was one of them.

The arousal had led to vivid fantasies of being spanked and even

flogged that had left him hard and hot and craving for days. The truth
was, even when he’d been dating he wouldn’t have had the guts to
bring those desires up to a partner who never mentioned it. He
wouldn’t have wanted to shock him or scare him away.

Sinclair’s lips tilted in a slow smile. “Maybe I will sometime,” he

said as he pushed his fingers into Tanner’s hair and brought him
toward him. He brushed Tanner’s lips with his, and Tanner opened to
him. The kiss was a slow exploration, tongues stroking, gliding
together, and hands caressing.

“Hey,” a feminine voice said from behind Sinclair.
They broke apart, and Tanner blushed. Sinclair gave him a wicked

grin then turned to their waitress. “Hi.”

“Whoa!” she said then told him the cost.
Sinclair paid her. “I’m Mindy. If you need anything else just

buzz,” she said, giving Sinclair a look. She still wore a stunned
expression that made him grin at her.

“Thank you, Mindy.”
“Yeah,” she said then laughed and shook her head and skated


“Oh, God,” Tanner said. “If you weren’t such a good kisser, that

never would have happened.” His tone was sedate.

“Yea me,” Sinclair teased and grinned at Tanner as he handed him

his ice cream.

“You’re wicked, Sin,” he said then chuckled. “And hot.”

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Sinclair laughed. “We’re two hot guys.” He dug into his ice


Tanner chuckled and dug into his as well. “Mmm, good,” he said.
“Country music,” Sinclair commented in relation to the music on

the radio playing low in the background. He threw a questioning look
to Tanner.

“It’s my favorite,” Tanner replied with a smile. “What’s yours?
“R&B,” he answered then leaned over to steal a kiss that turned

into a trail of kisses along Tanner’s jaw to the side of his neck.
Sinclair set his ice cream down in a cup holder and reached out to
push Tanner’s hair aside.

Tangling his fingers in the thick locks, he held Tanner’s gaze a

long moment before stroking his tongue along Tanner’s bottom lip
then drawing it into his mouth. He sucked, released, and then drew
Tanner’s lip back into his mouth. He pushed his tongue tip into
Tanner’s mouth and stroked his tongue.

Tanner set his ice cream in the cup holder attached to the door and

leaned toward Sinclair with a soft moan. His hand glided up Sinclair’s
chest and back down to his abs as Sinclair kissed him slowly. He
caressed him, his hand traveling down to Sinclair’s thigh and stroking
him through the rough fabric of the denim.

Tanner knew he should pull back. They were in a public place.

Granted, Sinclair had parked so they weren’t facing the building, but
they were still in public. Someone in a passing vehicle might see
them, but the thought of it only turned him on more. And he was
turned on. His cock was full and thick. His skin was warm, his heart
was pounding hard, and he was ready to be a little bad after being so
good for so long.

God, Sinclair was a good kisser. He wanted him naked and hard.

He stroked his hand between Sinclair’s thighs and was surprised when
he widened them for his questing hand. Tanner stroked his hand over
the unashamedly hard bulge.

Sinclair leaned back, and Tanner followed, unwilling to give up

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the kiss just yet. Sinclair sighed against Tanner’s lips. Tanner shifted
and found Sinclair’s belt buckle and worked it free as Sinclair
deepened the kiss. He dragged the zipper of Sinclair’s jeans down and
pushed his hand inside his briefs.

Stop. He should stop. He was acting like a common slut, as his

uncle had called him so many times. But he pushed the voice to the
back of his mind as Sinclair’s hard and hot flesh filled his hand.
Tanner worked it lightly and stroked his thumb pad over the head
before gliding his hand down farther on the shaft. The man felt thick
and huge. What he really wanted was to taste, but he couldn’t. They
were in too public a place. Anyone could just walk over and find him
with his head in Sinclair’s lap.

And so what if they did? They were two consenting adults. Tanner

broke the kiss and looked at Sinclair. He had gorgeous, smooth brown
skin he wanted to just lick him up like chocolate ice cream. He pulled
Sinclair’s cock free of his pants, hoping the man would stop him. He
was certain Sinclair would put on the brakes even as he lowered his

“Suck my dick, sweet little Tanner,” he urged and stroked his

fingers through Tanner’s hair. “Just a little taste of the head.”

The sensual words were like a match to a gasoline. They were all

the encouragement Tanner needed to swirl his tongue around the head
then lick down the shaft and back up while holding Sinclair’s dark
chocolate gaze. Tanner drew the head into his mouth and sucked.
“Mmm.” God. The feel of the man’s cock in his mouth just set him on
fire. He’d always loved giving head. It gave him a sense of control
and power knowing his lover took pleasure from his mouth.

He lifted his head and shifted to get more comfortable before

sucking Sinclair back into his mouth. He lashed at the head with the
tip of his tongue then drew Sinclair deeper into his hot mouth.

Sinclair hissed. “Damn, that feels good.” He tightened his fingers

in Tanner’s hair. “Take a little more.”

That sense of power filled him as Sinclair’s features tightened

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with pleasure. With confidence, Tanner took him deeper, stroking the
length that wasn’t in his mouth with his fingers. “Mmm.” He lifted his
head and stroked the tip of his tongue over the bloated head then
straightened. He leaned back and grabbed his ice cream, spooned
some into his mouth, then bent back down. He swallowed and
enclosed the head of Sinclair’s shaft in the cool of his mouth.

“Oh fuck, boy,” Sinclair groaned. “Yeah, I like that.”
Tanner leaned back and grabbed his cup again. This time instead

of taking a bite, he dribbled a few drops onto Sinclair’s cock and
lowered his head to lick it up. He hummed his pleasure at the mingled
tastes of man and sweet cream before sucking him in earnest.

Sinclair groaned roughly and held Tanner’s head in place as he

fucked into his mouth with shallow strokes. Tanner held his shaft to
keep Sinclair from sinking too deep into his mouth before he was
ready for it. He lashed at the head then urged Sinclair to stay still with
a press on his thighs. He shifted again and began a steady rhythm of
sucking and licking. His head bobbed up and down as he wickedly
turned Sinclair into a groaning mass, fingers locked in his hair.

“Oh, God,” Sinclair cried, and Tanner took him to the back of his

throat. He drew his head back slowly then sank his mouth over the
silk-encased steel of Sinclair’s cock again. This time he took him
down his throat.

“Shit!” Sinclair hissed out.
Tanner swallowed, and Sinclair came. Tanner lifted his head just

enough to suck Sinclair’s seed from him. He hummed, enjoying the
salty, earthy taste of the man. Giving head was a part of sex he’d
always enjoyed. Being able to bring his boyfriend off had given him a
heady sense of power, but it was pure male pride that he felt now.
That he’d been able to please such a sexy man made him glow.

Tanner lifted his head, seeking Sinclair’s gaze. He hoped Sinclair

was as pleased with his performance as he was. Sinclair reached out
and flicked a drop of cum from the corner of Tanner’s mouth and
licked his finger. Tanner smiled.

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“That’s wicked sexy,” he said then kissed Sinclair as he let his

uncertainty fall away. Sinclair kissed him back, taking over the kiss
and taking his time to savor the flavor of the man mingled with his

Tanner broke the kiss and stroked Sinclair’s going-limp cock.

“You taste good,” he said. “And I can’t wait to get that big cock
inside me.” He gave Sinclair’s flesh a light pull.

Sinclair stroked Tanner’s jaw. “That was fantastic, Tanner,” he

said. “And damn hot.”

Tanner grinned. “You’re just saying that ’cause you came in my

mouth.” He was still a little uncertain and hearing the man praise him
wiped some of that fear of not being up to snuff away.

Sinclair frowned. “I’m saying it because you know how to suck

cock,” he said, then kissed him and captured Tanner’s lips. Tanner
lifted his head and sighed into the kiss.

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Chapter Five

“Where were you last night?”
Sinclair looked up to find his cousin standing in the doorway of

his living room. He’d given him a key, but he fully intended to take it
back. He didn’t need him slipping in while he was making out with
Tanner or having a romantic evening period.

“I had a date,” he answered. “What are you doing here? Aren’t

you supposed to be at work?”

His cousin lifted his brows in an amused query as he strode across

the room to stand in front of Sinclair’s desk. “Must have been some
piece of tail for you to be kicking me out,” he said. “Is he still here?
Thought you were through with jobless little boys.”

Sinclair looked up at his cousin Calvin. Calvin was a year older

and an inch taller with his thick black hair twisted into dreadlocks.
Cal was a good-looking man with the excellent bone structure of their
mothers’ family and his father’s eyes. Cal was self-employed, the
owner of a successful local accounting service.

He leaned back in his chair. The screen was filled with the

midmorning’s work. “Cal, did you have a reason for coming over?”
he asked. “I’m working.”

“Really?” Calvin asked, his eyes glinting with amusement.

“What’s his name?”

“You know I don’t talk about my work until it’s finished.”
Calvin laughed and rubbed his hands together as he dropped into

one of the chairs in front of the old pine desk. “You’re not fooling me,
SC. You’re always glad to see me even when you’re working your ass

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“I’m on a deadline thanks to all those glad-to-see-you coffee

breaks, lunches, and late-night beers,” he returned evenly and then
grinned. He loved his cousin. They had been close growing up, and
they still were. Cal grinned. “Just trying to keep you from becoming a
hermit,” he said and then, “Back to your new boy toy.”

“Shut up, Cal.” Cal laughed. “Oh yeah,” he said. “So, did you

fuck him?”

“Cal, stop being nosy,” he muttered wondering if Cal instigated

these conversations to live vicariously through him rather than
indulging his own hungers for men. He wasn’t certain Cal was
bisexual or even gay. He merely suspected. “And let me get back to

“Fine, keep your secrets—for now,” he said with a toothy grin.

“I’ll hear all about yo little toy eventually.”

Sinclair smiled. “What’d you want?”
“I was going to invite you to poker tonight,” he said. “An

afterhours game at the shop, so tell yo little toy you’ll see him
tomorrow night.”

“I’m working on a deadline,” he said seriously. “I don’t have time

to take another poker night off.” Course he could, but he had plans to
spend the evening with Tanner. He hadn’t been able to get him off his
mind since he saw him on his front porch holding that baby.

In that moment, he’d been struck so hard by the memory of what

his own dreams had once been that he’d known that cute man was
someone he wanted in his life. He’d only spent a few days with
Tanner, but he would do anything it took to nurture this relationship
into something special.

He lifted his brows. “You’re not coming to poker?” Cal

demanded. “Why? You always kick our asses. You love winning the
money of us common working folks.”

“As true as that is,” he said with a grin, “I do have a deadline. I’m

working on two books here, remember?” Being with Tanner was a
royal flush over a straight.

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“Right, Mr. Multitasker,” he said with false disdain. “I came over

to get my golf clubs. Your moving guy picked them up by mistake.”

Sinclair nodded and minimized his screen and got to his feet.

“Game of golf with Ryan?”

“Yep,” he said. “He probably wants me to do something creative

with his money. He’s getting a divorce.”

“Off-shore accounts and Swiss banks?”
“Or something,” he said with a rueful grin. “He’s got some

artworks he wants to hide for sure.”

“Be careful with that,” Sinclair warned. “I’ll be shelling out dough

to save your ass.”

“Naw, man,” he denied with a grim look. “I’m willing to go only

so far. I mean, I understand about not wanting to let that bitch take
him to the cleaners. He’s going to be paying alimony out the ass as it
is, but I don’t want to go to jail over his shit.”

Sinclair shook his head. “Cheaper to keep her.”
“What do you know about it?” he teased. “It’s not even legal in

most states for you to find out.”

“I’m not trying to right now,” he admitted. However, he didn’t

need a piece of paper to legally bind him to his true love. His heart
would do that for him, and he’d do anything to keep him. “Besides,
when I’m ready for that level of commitment a common-law
arrangement will be fine with me. I won’t have any problems setting
up a trust for him.”

Cal snorted. “That romantic crap is for women,” he said. “Not us


Sinclair chuckled. “I’m down with that, but when you love

someone, really love someone, Cal, there’s nothing wrong with
making sure they’re provided for.”

* * * *

Tanner finished putting out the new pages he’d just gotten in

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along with the new art supplies he’d decided to keep in stock, and
stepped back to survey the display. The display looked good if he did
say so himself, he thought with a smile.

“Hey, Tanner.”
“Kyle,” he said surprised. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m on lunch break,” he said. “I came by to see if you had

anything Jill might like.”

Jill was Kay’s little sister. She was turning twenty-three soon.

“What are you looking for?”

“Photo album,” he said. “Kay said she was into that scrapbooking


“Okay, yeah, I have some real cute ones,” he said.
“Tanner,” Lydia, the associate, called from the front of the store.
“Hang on.” He strode up to the front counter where Lydia was

ogling the UPS guy. The cute blond that always delivered his
packages. Today he didn’t have to work hard at not eating the man up
with his eyes. He paled next to the man who’d kissed him silly last
night. “Hey, Greg,” he greeted the other man. “What’ve you got for
us today?”

“Uh, this.” He held up a box.
“You have to sign for it,” he said.
“Oh, okay.” He took the e-pad and signed. “Thanks, Greg.”
“You’re welcome, man,” he said with his toothpaste smile. “Have

a good day.”

“You, too.” He smiled and headed back to Kyle who was already

making his way to the scrapbooks. “Got any ideas about what you’d

“Kay said to make sure it’s girly.”
“Girly,” Tanner said with a nod. “Okay, I did some cute ones last

month that women love. I have coordinating papers, stickers, ribbon,
and other stuff. Did Kay say what size?”

“Uh, no.”

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“Okay, let’s try the 12x12,” he said. “I got some really nice ones

with beautiful accessories.”

“I can’t believe you walk around here talking like that,” Kyle said

calmly, giving him a look.

He shrugged. “I’m not ashamed of my work, Kyle,” he told him.

“I put a brother through college on it, and I’m putting two girls
through school on it now. I make a good living even in this

“You sound almost like a fag.”
“I am,” he said coolly. And last night he’d reveled in it as he

rediscovered one of the reasons he loved a man’s body.

“You know, that can be fixed,” Kyle told him.
“Maybe you were just experimenting or confused when we went

out, but it didn’t seem like it to me,” Tanner replied. “You were the
one who came up with all the lies when we got caught together, and
you were the one who wanted a threesome remember? And not with a
girl. You couldn’t wait to try it out, but maybe you’re just bi.”

“Maybe you’re wrong about me and you,” he threw back coldly.
Tanner shrugged. “I don’t really give a damn about your

sexuality,” he retorted. “Your wife does. She came to see me
yesterday ’cause she thinks you’re cheating on her.” He looked at
Kyle and saw the guilt bright as a neon sign in his eyes. Tanner
sighed. “If you’re that happy being fixed, Kyle, I’ll stay broken.”

He helped Kyle pick out a scrapbook and accessories before

carefully wrapping the items in the small gift wrap center.

“You want to get a card?”
“Yeah, if you don’t mind,” Kyle said in an acidic tone.
“Don’t get pissy with me, Kyle,” he muttered. “I didn’t ask, and I

don’t want to know if you’re cheating on her. She wants to make your
marriage work. She even asked if you were sleeping with me. You
told her I was gay?”

“No,” he said in disgust. “Why would I?”
“Yeah,” he said with a smirk. That would raise some questions

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about his knowledge since Tanner was sure it wasn’t obvious he was
gay just by looking at him. “Afraid I might tell her how good a lay
you were?”

“Don’t ever say that out loud again,” he muttered. “I’m not gay.”
“Who gives a fat rat’s ass?” Tanner demanded coldly. He had no

problems with what he was, and Kyle’s attempted denigration wasn’t
going to change it. “Cards are over there, but it better not be with one
of her friends or her sister.”

“It’s none of your damn business, Tanner,” he gritted.
“I’m so glad,” he answered. “Being monogamous never really was

your strong point.” Kyle hadn’t been faithful to him the whole time
they’d dated, but he’d forgiven him because he’d been so crazy about

“How can you talk?” Kyle demanded.
“I fucked that guy because you asked me to,” he said.

“Remember? But I know you two hooked up lots of times without me.
He had no problems telling me how you liked it better with him than
with me.”

“Fuck you,” Kyle said. “You were so damned uptight, and you’re

a prick now.”

Tanner glared at him. “I’m not the one fucking over someone I

say I love though, am I?”

“Your sisters and brother have no idea you’re a fag, so sounds like

you’re in the closet to me,” Kyle retorted. “Why is that if you’re so
proud of what you are?”

“Kiss my ass, Kyle,” he returned. “Not that one.”
Kyle put the card back and chose another one.
“That’s fine,” he muttered. “What I do and with whom won’t

affect their lives anymore.”

Kyle read the card and brought it over and slapped it down. “You

just stay out of this.”

“I was never in it,” he retorted quietly. “But if you’re cheating on

her, I think you need to stop and reevaluate the situation. Think about

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Kaylee. Even if you don’t love Kay—”

“I told you to stay out of it,” he muttered.
“Even if you don’t love her,” Tanner continued. “Think about

handling it the right way.”

Kyle sighed harshly. “There is no right way,” he said. “Either way

someone is bound to get hurt.”

“Better a little hurt now than a whole hell of a lot of it later.” He

finished wrapping the gift. “I mean for you as well as for her.” He
held out the neatly wrapped box with the pretty bows then handed
over the card which he’d put in a bag. “You need any help with

“No.” He took the packages. “Keep your nose out of this.”
Tanner held up both hands in a placating gesture. “I’m out.” He

shrugged. “Later, Kyle.” He picked up his own package and headed to
his office with it.

Tanner shook his head once he closed his office door. He had no

idea whether Kyle was sleeping with another woman or a man, and he
really didn’t want to care. However, he did just a little. He cared
about Kyle and Kay, and he knew Kay’s family would destroy Kyle
for being gay. That was an unforgivable sin. He’d never see Kaylee
again, and that would break Kyle’s heart. He loved his daughter as
much as she loved him. He sighed harshly and hoped whatever Kyle
was doing didn’t cost him everything he cared about. He’d hate to see
him as well as his daughter hurt, he mused as he peeled the plain
brown paper away from the box. He opened it to find a smaller box
inside and frowned. He hadn’t ordered anything, so what in the world
was this?

He found a pair of scissors to cut away some tape on the blue box.

After a bit of struggling, he got the lid open, and his jaw dropped. “Oh
my God,” he said and then laughed. He reached inside and removed a
pair of underwear and surveyed them. His eyes bucked. The pants
were small and laced up at the back of what would have to be the
crack of his ass. He set them down and picked up a pair of navy ones

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that were crotchless with a silky pouch front and fishnet sides. He
selected the third pair to find they were simply tiny, and the fourth
pair was tiny as well.

“What—who?” He hadn’t had time to check out that gay men’s

sex toy store he’d seen online yet today. He’d meant to, but some
inventory had come in, and he’d abandoned his search for work. He
intended to get back to it later because he wanted to get something
like Sinclair had mentioned last night. He wanted to make the man
cum his pants just looking at him.

He plucked up one of the two tank T-shirts and shook it out. It

was a navy fishnet to match the fishnet side crotchless briefs. It
looked like it would conform to his shape rather than being loose. The
second was red to match the tiny red briefs with the lace-up back. He
picked up the red lace-up briefs and surveyed them again and realized
they had a snap at the back at the end of the laces. He pulled it free
and realized they would give easy access to his ass.

“Shit!” Tanner reached into the box, hoping to find some kind of

note, but he suspected this was Sinclair’s doing. He found a card.
“Text me when you get this if you want to know who sent it.”

He quickly removed his phone from the holster at his hip and

pulled up the text application. Something in the box caught his eye
and he stopped. Tanner reached into the box for the smaller box that
he hadn’t noticed because it had been beneath the T-shirts that were
like sexy little camisoles for men. He kind of liked them. The fishnet
was nice, but the red was downright sexy.

He opened the box and peered inside. His eyes flared yet again as

he feasted his gaze on a small item with red and black strands. Next to
the whip was a red heart-shaped paddle with a red heart in its center.
Tanner stroked a finger over the heart and realized it would leave a
heart on his ass if he was hit hard enough. His breathing hitched, and
he felt his cock filling and lengthening.

The whip and paddle would add an edge of pain to the play that

had his ass tingling and his mind reeling. Could he even indulge in a

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fantasy like this? Could he allow Sinclair to push his boundaries and
send him right out of his comfort zone?

He wanted it and looking at the paddle and whip made him crave

it as much as he craved the man he was sure had sent them.

He put the paddle down and spied the last piece of the kit. A set of

cock rings. One was heart shaped, and the heart had small raised
areas. He stroked the raised areas. They would create an interesting
sensation, he mused, if he wore the cock ring and straddled Sinclair
and rubbed against his cock. It would make them both hot, he thought
as he picked up the other ring. It was a vibrating ring. This would
make them both come.

This better be from Sinclair, he thought. Had to be. It was a little

soon for something like this, but what the hell, right? He had said he
was ready to live and what was life without a little risk?

Why put off trying out some of the things he’d discovered in gay

romance novels and porn sites? Spankings intrigued him as much as
the thought of being bound. He wasn’t sure he was ready to give
Sinclair that much trust, but a toy like this wasn’t a big risk any more
than the underwear.

Calling him would be taking a big step. Not calling him would be

akin to rebuking the gift as a perversion he had no intentions of
indulging in.

But he wanted to. He wanted to experience all the pleasure

Sinclair had to offer him. In return, he wanted to give as much
pleasure as he received. So, Tanner brought up his text app once
more. He punched in the number and sent a text and sat down at his
desk. He pulled out the paddle and got excited just looking at it. He
flipped it over. The black side didn’t have a heart. It was smooth. He
could choose.

His phone chirped, announcing a message. Tanner’s jaw dropped

as he saw the picture. It was Sinclair naked with a length of black
leather encasing his long cock. The head peaked through the top. In
his left hand was a paddle just like the one in Tanner’s possession,

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and in his right was the whip. His hands were crossed at the wrists
with his leather-clad cock resting over one wrist.

The man was beautiful with his smooth, waxed chest. All that

milk chocolate skin just made him harder, and he shifted in his chair
as his cock pressed painfully against the zipper of his pants. He had to
reach down to shift it, but it didn’t help.

“Damn you, Sin,” he said. Then typed in a message. “Sexy as Sin.

I’m more than tempted. Is this gift a request for a playdate?” He
finished typing the words he’d spoken out loud and jumped at the
knock on his office door. “A minute,” he called and immediately
began pushing the items into the box.

The door opened before he could get the paddle back into the box.

“Hey, big bro.”

Tanner felt his cheeks flame. “Nels.”
“Whoa,” his brother said with a laugh. “You gettin’ wicked after

all these years, big brother?”

“Shut up, Nels,” he muttered. Getting caught with this was more

than he wanted right now. He wasn’t ready to out himself, but he
would if things kept going with Sinclair.

“Umm-hmm,” his brother said with a grin then yanked the box

open, and Tanner felt his entire face go flame red. “Well, look at
this.” Nelson pulled the whip from the box. “This is hot. Where you’d
get it?”

“Nelson,” he admonished and reached for the whip.
Nelson held it out of his reach. “Your phone’s calling you.” He

flicked his wrist, making the ribbons of the whip dance.

Shit. He reached for his phone, not wanting to risk his brother

picking up his phone and finding a picture. He picked it up. No
picture. I’m leaving it up to u.

“What. The. Hell.” Nelson was holding up a pair of the tiny briefs.

“Damn, big brother.”

“Nelson,” he muttered, wishing he could fall into a hole. Then, he

sighed. Nelson was a man. He was old enough to make his own

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choices. He could walk out of his door and hate him, or he could just
hate him. Tanner swallowed tightly as Nelson continued to go through
the items. He hadn’t planned to tell him like this or right now, but
why put off until tomorrow what could be done today?

He typed in a message before putting his phone down.
“Yours or a misdirected package?” Nelson asked carefully. “I

mean this stuff’s hot and all, but it looks like it’s for a guy. A gay
guy.” He met Tanner’s gaze.

“It’s a gift.”
Nelson lifted his brows. “For who?” he demanded. “I’m damn

sure not gay.”

“Obviously,” he answered dryly. “Can you put that all back?”
“No, not until you—”
“Put it back,” he ordered, his eyes glittering coldly. “Now.”
His brother did as he was commanded, and then folded his arms

over his chest. “Now, talk,” Nelson ordered. “Who is this for?”

“I don’t owe you explanations, Nelson,” he said coldly.
“I heard Uncle Nelson going on about how it broke Dad’s heart

that you were a queer,” he began. “He also said how it was too bad I
had to be raised by a woman wannabe.”

“I’m sure he did,” he replied evenly and removed the box from his


“You’re not going to defend that or even explain what he meant?”

Nelson demanded.

Tanner shrugged. “You’re a smart guy, Nels.”
Nelson snorted. “Hell, I guess that long hair should have been a


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Chapter Six

He’d known this day was coming eventually. Hell, he’d known it

last night when Sin came over with that rose in his hand. He’d never
been one to let his hormones run roughshod over him. He didn’t
believe in strong like at first sight let alone love, but he was already in
strong like with Sin and wanted nothing more than to build a
relationship with him. On the other hand, he was trying to play it safe
and take his time. That meant not involving his family until he was
sure where this would lead.

He pushed said braid over his shoulder even as his phone chirped.

He picked it up with Nelson watching him suspiciously.

He smiled. Better not wear your hair in a tail or a braid. Can’t

wait to see you. Come over when you’re ready. Oh, send me your
Kindle e-mail.
Tanner grinned.

“Is that—”
“It’s about a book I wanted to read.” He didn’t know why he lied.

Tanner supposed it was because he knew what was coming and was
afraid Nelson would turn his back on him in disgust. He loved his
brother and didn’t want this to come between them, but he was
realistic enough to sadly accept the possibility.

“What book?” Nelson demanded in disbelief.
“The Tate series. It’s a new book.”
“The book’s not out yet,” he said.
“I know. This is an advance copy,” he said then typed in the e-

mail address. After that he typed in another message.

“Your boy toy stole a copy?” Nelson demanded, incredulous.
“No, Nels,” he said as he set down his phone. “To answer your

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questions, I like my hair long, but I in no way have dreams of being a

“I like men, and yeah, I’m gay,” he said. “That’s a gift from my

new boyfriend.”

“When’d you meet this guy?” he demanded.
Tanner was slightly perplexed by his brother’s question. He

expected outrage rather than a big brother routine. “A few days ago.”

“And already you’re calling him your boyfriend?” he exclaimed,

incredulous. “Don’t you think that’s taking it a bit far? I mean you
don’t even know this man. He could be just using you because you
have a little money.”

“I doubt it,” he said with a smirk. The man was loaded and at the

top of his profession. His “little money” as Nelson put it wasn’t even
pocket change next to what Sinclair had. “I think he might want to use
me for sex if that’s okay with you.”

Nelson gave him a skeptical stare. He held up his hands in a

“stop” gesture. “I can’t tell you what to do—hell.” He paced away
from the desk then turned back to face Tanner. “You do all that stuff
to guys women do to guys?”

“I said I was gay,” he said with an amused smile at his brother’s

obvious discombobulation. He hadn’t expected this. Disgust, hatred
even, but not confusion or uncertainty. It truly was a refreshing

“You let guys fuck you or you do them or both?”
“I’ve done both,” he admitted. “But we aren’t going to stand here

and discuss that.”

Nelson blinked at him. “I—you never brought guys around.”
“I had to raise you guys.”
“If you didn’t think there was anything wrong with blowing

another guy, why not bring them around? Let us meet them?”

“I didn’t bring guys around because I didn’t want to risk you

hating me or giving me more problems than normal kid shit. Having

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you disrespect me and try me more than normal wasn’t something I
needed. I was trying to finish school and build a comfortable life for

“That’s bullshit, Tanner,” he snapped. “You didn’t bring guys

around because you were ashamed and you were trying to hide it,” he

Tanner blew out a breath softly. Nelson’s words hit him hard and

he told himself they weren’t true. He’d done what he’d thought was
best at the time, but in the back of his mind, he questioned his motives
more than a little. The fear that his brother might be right wrestled
with the belief he’d held and his belief came away scratched and

“I didn’t want you guys going through hell because of me.” He

heard himself saying the words and thought they had an almost
hollow ring. But he spoke the truth, he argued with himself.

“Bullshit still.”
Tanner shrugged. “I love you guys. I didn’t want to make our

lives miserable as well as someone else’s.”

“Whatever,” he said with doubt in his eyes. “So, this guy, when

do I meet him?”

“You don’t,” he said. “Not until I think it’s time.”
Nelson gave him a hard stare. “Hiding still? You don’t have us in

the house anymore,” he said. “If you think this is right, bring it out
into the light.”

“You’re a fine one to give me advice.”
“Yes I am,” he said. “I came to tell you that I got Shelia to consent

to a paternity test, and I need money. It’s a DNA test, not just a blood

“Course,” Tanner said. “Nels, you are a piece of work. What then

if the child is yours?”

“I’ll figure out how to deal,” he said. “I’m not telling Brooke until

I know. There is no reason to.”

“When is the test?”

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“Tomorrow.” He shrugged. “She doesn’t even want the kid. She

says she wants to go out West or to New York to act. She wants to
leave in a few weeks, but she says she can’t pursue her dreams and
raise a kid.”

“Does she want you to just take custody for a while or—”
“I’m not doing it, damn it,” he growled. “That’s why we’re having

the paternity test.”

Tanner studied his brother patiently. “You’d allow your own child

to go into foster care?” he demanded. “I didn’t let you guys, and
Uncle Nelson refused to take you.”

Nels raked his fingers through his hair. “I can’t do it,” he said.

“I’m not you.”

“You can’t let your child go into the system,” he insisted.
“I can’t take it either,” he gritted. “What do you want me to do?”
“You made this mess, now grow up and be a man, Nels,” he


“If the kid is mine, then we’ll have this discussion again,” he said.

* * * *

Sinclair put the finishing touches on dinner. He wanted to keep

things simple from their dinner to sex. He didn’t want to put pressure
on either of them. He hadn’t been in a relationship in a while and
neither had Tanner. Unrealistic expectations would end this faster
than sex on a first date, and he wasn’t ready to end this. Tanner was
everything he’d never dated. Romantic, a little shy, a lot sexy, and he
was bold as hell.

He’d never met an adult male willing give him oral sex so

spontaneously in the middle of a parking lot where anyone could have
happened on them. That had blown him away. Right then he knew
this wasn’t going to be the normal “it was nice knowing you” kind of
thing because a guy like Tanner didn’t just go down on virtual
strangers. He had a feeling that in spite of being bold, the shyness and

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uncertainty would never allow Tanner to push boundaries this soon.

He grinned. Tanner knew how to use his tongue, and that mouth

should be certified illegal. He had no doubt that Tanner was going to
be good when he finally took it further. He seemed to be adventurous
enough to try a few things Sinclair liked. He also seemed like the kind
of guy he’d settle down with. And that’s what he was looking for.
However, Sinclair was under no illusions. He knew things took time.
They’d have to build up to what he dreamed of having.

The knock on his front door pulled him out of his reverie. He cast

one last look around the living room and hoped it was good enough.
His lips tilted in a grin, and he hurried to the door, not wanting to
make Tanner wait.

“Hi.” Tanner smiled and held up a box. “I brought dessert.”
“Great.” Sinclair took the box and stepped aside so Tanner could


“Smells good in here.”
“Yeah, I cooked a little something,” he said with a grin. “What’d

you make?” Tanner asked after Sinclair closed the door. Sinclair
smiled and stroked his fingers over Tanner’s smooth-shaven jaw. His
thumb brushed over his almost-full lips. They had the sexiest curve
that made him want to bite them. He closed his fingers over Tanner’s
chin and tilted his head up a little further to brush his lips lightly with
his own. Tanner made a soft sound of pleasure and Sinclair drew
back, not nearly satisfied. “Go ahead into the living room while I put
this in the kitchen.”

“Okay.” Tanner gave him a smile. “Don’t make me wait too


Sinclair held his gaze, feeling warm inside. Warm and something

else. He backed away a few steps, finding himself loath to leave
Tanner for even a minute, then he turned and strode toward the

* * * *

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Tanner stepped into the living room a few moments later and

laughed. Sinclair had candles littering the room and bathing it in a soft
glow. He’d tossed fluffy pillows on the floor, and a low wood table
was laden with the meal, he presumed from the paper-wrapped items
and Chinese take-out cartoon available in some cooking stores.

He grinned. The man had played it safe, with the candlelight being

the most risky element. Some music played softly in the background,
but he could discern the sexy sounds of R&B. He was a fan of some
of the artists. As much as he liked country, he also enjoyed R&B,
some pop, and jazz as well as classical. As an artist, he’d learned the
fine points of connecting with other creative media forms in order to
inspire his work.

“You want some wine or some tea?” Sinclair joined him.
“Yeah, I see tea on the table,” he said. “My grandmother was from

Atlanta, and she used to say iced tea was the house wine of the South.
Every family had a recipe.”

Sinclair smiled. “My nana said the same thing,” he admitted. “She

gave me a copy of her cookbook last time she was in town. She taught
me to cook.”

“Really?” Tanner moved to the table where Sinclair poured them

some tea. “My mother taught me.” A bit of bittersweet emotion flitted
through him. “My dad’s parents are still alive. They live in Florida,
and they only speak to me because of the kids. My grandmother on
my mother’s side was the one who taught me to bake,” he said and

Sinclair smiled at the joy that filled Tanner’s eyes.
“She knew I was gay long before I did. The last time I saw her

was five months ago. She lives in Italy. My mother was part Italian.
My grandmother said one day I’d make some man a good housewife-

Sinclair chuckled. “Bet that didn’t sit well with you.” He handed

him a tall glass.

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“Thanks.” Their fingers brushed, and Tanner had to catch his

breath. Butterflies fitted in his stomach. He would say it was because
he hadn’t been with a man in so long that he felt like this, but he knew
that wasn’t true. It was Sinclair. The man had an effect on him that
left him a little confused and a little excited.

“I uh—I don’t think I was offended,” he answered. No, he’d been

surprised and when he realized he was gay, he was astounded by her
early insight. “She and I are still close, and she knows how hard I
worked at making the house a home for the kids.”

“How much you gave up for them,” Sinclair added.
He nodded then took a sip of tea. “Mmm. I like it,” he said. “My

nona would, too.”

“Good, I hoped I’d impress with some aspect of my meal and

drink choices.”

“I’m impressed,” he said with a smile. He was simply impressed

by the man himself. He was so confident and it showed in the way he
moved as well as the way Sinclair looked at him like he didn’t expect
to be turned down. He on the other hand, wasn’t always confident
enough to go out there and get what he wanted. Romantically
speaking, of course.

“Your nona taught you to bake?”
He nodded. “I can make cakes, pies, cookies, and tarts. I brought a

chocolate crème cake.”

Sinclair smiled. “Sounds good. She sounds like a special woman.”
“I bet your nana is, too,” he said. “She teach you how to bake?”
“No, but she does bake,” he said with a grin. “I drew the line at


Tanner smiled and set his glass down. “Dance with me?”

* * * *

Sinclair set his own glass down and crossed the spacious room to

turn up the stereo. One of the few things he’d done was set up his

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entertainment system. He hadn’t painted yet, but he’d already hired a
decorator to turn the house into something more pleasing.

He turned to find Tanner close to him. He was watching him with

hungry eyes that stopped Sinclair in his tracks. The heat was almost
palpable and it made him catch his breath. The intensity of the
moment curled around him like a warm blanket and he held out his

Sinclair didn’t do much dancing. He hadn’t in years, but he hadn’t

done much that might be considered foreplay in years except dinner.
He’d only cooked for his last lover four times. The man preferred
expensive restaurants and swinger parties to an evening in with him.

He’d enjoyed that life as well, but it had taken a night at a

swinger’s party for him to realize how empty his life really was. The
man had been cheating on him with two other men who were
laughing about the big chunk of his money they’d spent on a weekend
trip to Vegas.

He’d spent that weekend writing and getting ready for a brief tour.

They had spent that time he was on the road screwing in his bed,
living in his home and eating his food. He’d stopped dating right after
that night, determined to find someone who’d be faithful to him,
someone who didn’t need other men to feel satisfied, sexually or
emotionally. He wanted—needed to be enough for his partner. He
also needed to be what his partner wanted rather than his money being
the object of his partner’s affections.

Sinclair wasn’t too much of a man to admit he wanted to be loved.

He was determined not to settle for anything less.

Tanner came to him placing his hand in Sinclair’s as he moved

into his arms. “Where’d you go just now?” he asked. “You seemed
distant, almost angry.”

“Thinking about the past,” he admitted.
“What about the past?” Tanner asked as they swayed to the slow


Sinclair pushed out a sigh then told Tanner about his last lover.

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“One night I realized I didn’t want that life anymore.”

Tanner stroked the back of Sinclair’s neck. “I don’t want to hurt

you, Sin,” he said. “I don’t want your money. I just want you.
Chocolate, delicious you.” He went on tiptoe, stroking his other hand
up Sinclair’s back. Their mouths met for a sweet, slow kiss.

Sinclair reveled in the sweetness of the kiss, the almost hesitancy

of it. Tanner took his time exploring his mouth. He brushed his
tongue against Sinclair’s while he stroked the back of Sinclair’s neck.
His soft fingers brushed over Sinclair’s coarse hair, and Sinclair felt
the building passion mingled with Tanner’s need to comfort him.

And he adored Tanner for that quiet compassion, that unspoken

comfort. His hand went to Tanner’s face to cup his jaw. His fingers
moved over his jaw to the thick braid at his back. His fingers closed
over the thick rope and tugged hard enough to break the kiss but not
cause more than a prickle of Tanner’s scalp.

Tanner looked up at him with passion-dazed eyes. “What?” he

asked in bedroom drawl.

“I told you not to wear this tonight,” Sinclair said in a low tone

rife with warning. “I made it clear I wanted your hair down.”

Tanner gave him a smile. “I didn’t feel like it.”
“Here I was thinking you deserved a reward for being a good boy

last night,” he drawled then nipped Tanner’s bottom lip. Sinclair
sighed softly, giving him a mock look of regret. “I think I should
punish you, Tanner, for being so disobedient.”

* * * *

Tanner’s heart pounded with excitement as he stared up at

Sinclair. Hope sprang inside him that this would lead to something
hot and sexy. “Please, Sin, don’t be ridiculous,” he said in a disdainful
tone that earned him a light slap across the face that startled him.
What the hell was that? Had he gotten himself into something he was
about to regret? The man didn’t seem like the violent type.

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“Sin, don’t be—”
“Shut up.” Sinclair cut him off harshly and kissed him hard before

releasing him. “I want you to go over to the couch, but first I want
you to take off your shoes and drop your pants. And open up that cute
little shirt you’re wearing,” he ordered.

Tanner had read about these kinds of scenes, but he wasn’t

prepared for the heart-pumping energy that flooded him, making his
cock rock hard. He was a little afraid of the unknown and lot aroused.
He was eager yet filled with trepidation.

“Don’t make me undress you, little twink,” he snapped.
Tanner glared at him. “I’m not a twink,” he shot back, and

Sinclair was grabbed his hair and slapped him a little harder. Then,
his fingers closed around Tanner’s jaw. “Don’t make me gag you and
treat you like a worthless slut who’s only good for fucking.”

Tanner wanted to be repulsed by the rebuff as well as the slap, but

God help him, he was even more turned on. It was a perversion, and
he knew it. The very kind his uncle often accused him of carrying on
in dark alleys and cheap motels.

Sinclair gave him a light shove back. “Now get those shoes and

pants off and that shirt open.”

Tanner took his time toeing his shoes off and stepping out of

them. He kicked them out of the way before opening his pants and
pushing them down his hips. Tanner let his pants fall, mind in a haze.
His head was spinning from the excitement and his body was starting
to catch fire with the heat of desire. Snapping out of the fog just a
little, he bent at the waist to pick his pants up knowing his shirt
would ride up and the pants he was wearing would be clearly visible.
A wicked smile played on his lips.

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Chapter Seven

Sinclair caught sight of the tiny panty and the way Tanner’s small

ass filled it out. His cheeks spilled out of the underwear which rode
up high on his ass and low on his hips. “Fuck,” he whispered.

The boy was going to give him a heart attack, he thought as

Tanner straightened and tossed his pants onto a chair. His cock was
engorged and hard enough to pound nails.

Sinclair swallowed tightly as Tanner turned to face him. He

watched as the younger male slowly unbuttoned his shirt to reveal the
matching tank. It was tapered to his body and barely came down to an
inch above the panty waistband. He groaned. Tanner was a vision
straight from a wet dream.

Tanner cast his shirt onto the floor and began undoing his braid.

He gave his head a little shake once the braid was undone then swept
his hair onto his left shoulder.

Son of a bitch, he was hotter than hell with his hair falling down

like that in that sexy tank and tiny briefs. Damn, he was going to
come just looking. He grimaced and stroked his aching cock. His balls
were tight and hurt like hell, too. Sinclair swore they’d fall off if he
didn’t come soon.

But he wasn’t going to lose his load like this with Tanner

watching him with those pretty gray eyes dark with arousal. The
hunger in Tanner’s eyes was so palpable he could reach out and touch

The boy had the body for the outfit. Arms barely well defined and

perfectly toned, chest not too broad or muscular, and flat abs. His
narrow little hips were exactly as he’d thought they’d be when he

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selected the size. The front of the underwear was filled out nicely. He
liked a well-endowed partner.

“Go put your hands on the couch, slut,” he ordered.
Tanner crossed the short distance and did as he was told. He

turned his head to find Sinclair moving up on his left.

“Eyes down,” Sinclair commanded in a rough tone, and Tanner

obeyed but gave him a covert look from beneath his lashes, and
Sinclair thought he’d come in his pants. The boy was sexy as
temptation and probably had no idea of his sexual power.

Sinclair set the leather bag he’d piled tonight’s goodies into down

on the floor next to him, and with his other hand, immediately stroked
over Tanner’s ass. “You’re going to learn to obey, Tanner,” he
murmured at Tanner’s ear. “Or I will punish your insolence.”

Tanner was tempted to look at him but didn’t. “I’m not a child,”

he protested, and that earned him a slap on the ass that made him

Sinclair pushed Tanner’s hair off his shoulder. “No,” he

whispered at his ear. “You’re a whore.” He nipped his earlobe. “A
sweet whore with a tight little ass.”

His breathing hitched. His ass clenched as Sinclair’s hand stroked

down the seam and over one globe.

Sinclair kissed the side of Tanner’s neck. “You smell good,

Tanner,” he said softly. “Are you ready to become my toy?”

“Yes,” he said in a breathy tone.
Sinclair smiled a tight smile as his cock pressed too tightly against

his zipper. He shifted it, not that that would help, then he pulled the
snap at the top of Tanner’s ass crack and peeled the panel down
slowly, revealing smooth golden skin. He brought his hand down
lightly. He wanted to make this good for Tanner. Hell, he knew it
would be good for him. It already was, and he hadn’t even gotten

He smoothed Tanner’s ass and delivered another light blow and

another. Tanner clenched his ass as he made a soft sound. Sinclair’s

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cock throbbed in his pants and he had to stop. “Keep your hands on
the couch,” he ordered. “If you want to stop, feel afraid, the safe word
is go.”

Sinclair reached into the bag for a couple of items. He tucked the

packet of lube into his pocket and stuck the condom in the other
before gripping the whip’s wrapped handle and pulling it from the
bag. The small whip was designed for close contact. The red and
black ribbons would sting. He drew back and brought the whip down
lightly, and Tanner hissed.

“Don’t stop,” he said on a ragged breath.
Sinclair smoothed his hand over Tanner’s ass then delivered

another blow. Tanner gasped. Sinclair brought the whip down again,
and Tanner groaned.

The boy was as into this as he was, Sinclair thought. Damn, they

were both going to come from this.

* * * *

Tanner closed his eyes the third time the whip landed on his ass.

The sting seemed to lick over hidden nerve endings in his ass and go
straight to his cock. He shivered as the next sting caused a ripple of
pleasure to course through him. The next blow was softer but still an
erotic pleasure that made him hot enough to whimper from the

“Damn, Sin, what the hell are you doing to me?” he demanded,

his voice breathy. He was on fire and swore he was going to combust
any second.

Sinclair didn’t answer. He stroked his hand over Tanner’s ass then

smacked him and Tanner cried out. The next tap from the whip made
him tremor.

“Sin,” he whimpered.

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Sinclair smoothed the sting with his hand then tapped out a tattoo

with that same hand, and Tanner made mewling noises from the
ricochet of pain that was utter pleasure as it flamed over his nerve

“Damn,” he said on a moan. “Sin, I can’t take anymore.”
Sinclair struck him with the whip. “You can handle a little more,”

he contradicted then smoothed his hand down the seam of Tanner’s
ass. His warm, slick fingers stroked over the rosette hidden by his

Tanner’s breathing increased, and he pushed his ass up in

anticipation of Sinclair’s fingertip sliding into him. He made a soft
sound. “Yes.”

Sinclair pushed his finger deeper, and Tanner pushed back against

it. Sinclair gave his ass a slap. “Wait for it, Tanner,” he warned.

“Son of a bitch, don’t tease me,” he growled and grunted when his

butt was slapped again.

Sinclair withdrew his finger, added more lube, and pushed it back.

He fucked gently into Tanner’s ass then withdrew his finger and
pushed it back with a partner. Tanner hissed. Sinclair squeezed one
cheek and kissed the side of Tanner’s neck.

“Yeah.” Tanner moaned. “Sin, please fuck me. I want you.”
“Not yet, Tanner,” he said, his voice a little rough. “I want you

open for me.”

“It’s not my first—” He broke off as Sinclair brought his hand

down in a warning tap.

“What’s that you were saying?” he murmured then nipped his

earlobe. Sinclair tucked the whip handle into his pocket and reached
around to grasp Tanner’s cock. He gave it a tug then pushed his
fingers into Tanner’s ass a little deeper.

“Yes.” Tanner breathed roughly. He pushed against Sinclair’s

fingers only to have him withdraw them and smack his ass. “Bastard.
I need to come so bad,” he whined, and his cock was slapped. “Fuck,”
he said on a gasp.

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Sinclair stroked his ass then slapped it again. “Quit whining or

I’m going to have to put a gag in your mouth.”

“Son of—” His complaint was cut short by a jerk of his cock.

“Oh, please, Master.”

“Please what?” Sinclair murmured. “Hmm, what do you want,


Sinclair’s voice was like silk as his breath brushed his ear.

However, the hand jerking him off was a fist of undeniable pleasure
that made Tanner shiver. He thrust into Sinclair’s big hand, and for
his insolence, his rear end was tapped.

“I just need to come,” Tanner said. He clenched his fists on the

couch and groaned. The fire of arousal was so intense it was a
conflagration whipping through him, tearing him apart inside out. He
wanted this to stop, but he thought he’d die if it did.

Sinclair’s grip tightened on his cock, and he worked him harder,

pushing him to the edge. Tanner closed his eyes as pleasure snaked
through him. He was coming. The next jerk and he’d explode, but it
didn’t come. Sinclair removed his hand, and Tanner growled in

“Not just yet,” Sinclair told him with a hint of amusement. He

kissed the base of Tanner’s neck and then struck him softly across the
backs of his thighs with the whip.

He was going to scream. His cock was throbbing, pulsing in

horrible need of release. He reached down to finish the job himself,
and Sinclair grasped his hand and jerked it up behind his back. He
pushed him forward on the couch, and the next thing Tanner knew,
both his hands were behind his back. He tugged to get free and

Tanner’s heart pounded harder. His skin got hotter. Fear. He

didn’t want to be tied. Sweat dampened his palms even as Sinclair
snapped the cuffs on his wrists. Being tied required so much trust.

On the other hand, Tanner didn’t know how many times he’d

jacked off to videos of guys being helpless, at the mercy of their

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partners. He’d come so hard watching porn of guys being flogged and
spanked and paddled. The thought of such loss of control turned him
on to the point that he could orgasm without touching himself.

And here he was, Sinclair spanking him with his hands now

secured behind his back.

“Sin,” he groaned from the strike to his ass that burned through

him. He closed his eyes. His cock was leaking and pulsing for

Sinclair lashed him with the whip again, and Tanner cried out.

The wicked carnality of being helpless and being hit pushed his
arousal through the roof. The hunger clawed at his balls and tore
through him until he couldn’t think for it. He wanted Sinclair inside
him, pumping into him. He wanted to feel his weight pressing against
him as he took him.

Sinclair struck him again and again before using his open hand to

tap Tanner’s rear end. Tanner came with a harsh shout. His body
trembled with the strength of his orgasm, and his knees got weak. He
panted out harsh breaths as the pleasure swamped him.

Behind him Sinclair was opening his jeans and removing his cock.

He quickly opened a condom and sheathed his thick and engorged
flesh. He worked the shaft as he lubed up then guided the bloated
head to the puckered hole of Tanner’s ass. He pushed past the tight
ring of muscle and forged in deeper, pulled back just a little then
pushed back, going a little deeper.

“That feels so good, Sin,” he murmured. He was still spinning

from the first orgasm and was barely ready for this level of pleasure.
“I swear you feel huge.”

Sinclair chuckled. “Baby, you’re tighter than I imagined.”
“You like that?” he asked with a smile. “I know I do.”
“Damn, I just want to take you so fast,” he answered with a tremor

in his voice.

“No one’s stopping you,” Tanner returned. “You got me all

handcuffed and at your wicked mercy. Do it.”

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Sinclair chuckled again. “Nuh-huh. I want to savor this moment.”

He pushed in a little deeper, another inch, until he was buried to his
hilt in the tight channel.

They were both breathing hard, sweat beading their brows. Tanner

squeezed his inner muscles tight around the thick intrusion.

“That feels so good,” Tanner said. “Move in me, babe. Fuck me.”
“One second, Tanner.” Sinclair released the cuffs. “Hands

together in front.”

Tanner did as he was asked and was surprised when Sinclair

snapped the cuffs back in place. Panic assailed him and he sank his
short nails into the top of the couch.

“Tanner,” Sinclair called his name softly. “Baby, do you want me

to take the cuffs off?”

He breathed in and then out. “No, it’s like the scene from your

book where Detective Tate takes his flavor of the moment. It was so
hot. I jerked off to it a lot,” he admitted and felt his cheeks redden.

“If you’re sure?”
“I want you like this, Sin,” he admitted, warmed by the concern in

Sinclair’s voice. He wanted to push his boundaries and move past the
fear. He wanted to this man to be the man he did that with. “Just fuck

Sinclair didn’t make him wait. He did just that. He began to move

in him. He set up a slow rhythm that gradually increased until he was
driving into Tanner, hard and deeper.

Tanner gripped the back of the couch as Sinclair pounded him, the

sounds of balls against flesh, breathing, harsh and loud, filled the air.
Tanner’s cries joined the symphony of sound as he began to chant
Sinclair’s name.

His body tightened, and he dug his nails into the couch as he

came. He shot his load onto the fabric of the back of the couch.
Sinclair pumped into him still until he came with a harsh groan.

A few moments later, Sinclair’s forehead rested against the back

of Tanner’s. He panted hard. His body was buzzing like never before.

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Had sex ever been this good? He never remembered his body being a
buzzing afterglow of sated pleasure.

He pulled Tanner’s hair back and nuzzled the side of his neck as

he used his other arm to pull Tanner against him in a light hug.
Tanner moaned and arched back into him.

Tanner panted. “That was so good. Best I’ve ever had.”
“Umm, I feel the same way.” Sinclair lifted his head and pulled

out of Tanner.

Tanner groaned then turned to face him. Sinclair fished the key

out of his jeans pocket and unlocked the cuffs. Tanner leaned against
him. “That was intense.” He laughed. He put a hand on Sinclair’s hip
and stroked it down to cup his ass. He caught his eye, and butterflies
fluttered in Tanner’s stomach. He pushed his hair over his shoulder
with his other hand. “I need a haircut.” He didn’t know exactly what
to say. In this moment he knew he wanted to rediscover everything
he’d liked about men, but he wanted to do it with this man.

Yeah, he was falling fast. A little too fast, but he’d be damned if

he knew how to stop it or even slow it down. Maybe he was just so
needy from the long hiatus, maybe he was just glad to have a man’s
attention, but he was falling. It was kind of like the first time only the
sensations were stronger and more intense.

Sinclair took Tanner’s hand and walked around the couch and

dropped down on it. He pulled Tanner to him, and Tanner straddled
him. “I sensed some reluctance with the cuffs, but you didn’t ask to
stop,” Sinclair commented.

Tanner shifted, and his hair fell over his shoulder and onto

Sinclair’s chest. “I was a little afraid.” He refused to look into
Sinclair’s eyes, sure he would see disappointment. He didn’t want this
man disappointed with him anymore than he wanted Sinclair to think
he didn’t trust him. That fear was about him not his lover.

“Binding does require trust, and I’m glad you trusted me to take

care of you,” Sinclair said. “I would never hurt you, but, Tanner, you
have to tell me when you aren’t comfortable with something we’re

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Tanner lifted his gaze slowly to Sinclair’s. “I didn’t want you to

be angry or disappointed in me if I couldn’t do it.”

“I will be angry if something frightens you and you don’t tell me,”

Sinclair retorted in a firm tone. “I already feel strongly about you
Tanner, and I never want to see you in distress over anything
especially not something that’s meant to be pleasurable.”

Tanner nodded seeing the sincerity and warmth in the man’s eyes

filled him with emotion that turned into a hard lump in his throat. This
beautiful man, how sweet and sensitive he was. “I could tell you
didn’t want to hurt me,” he said softly. “And that made a difference.
On the other hand, I wanted it as afraid as I was of it.”

Sinclair stroked Tanner’s face. “We don’t have to do it again.”
“No, I want to,” he insisted then let out a frustrated sound. “When

my parents kicked me out of the house and their lives, I felt powerless
and then my boyfriend told me he wasn’t going to the same college as
me. He’d changed his mind and I felt completely terrified at being on
my own. It only got worse.” He swallowed tightly. “Kyle told me he
was seeing a woman and didn’t want me anymore.

“I was scared and alone with no family, no real friends.” He shook

his head as the memories tore at him. “I adjusted and then I was stuck
with the kids. I thought I was going to suffocate at first. I felt unsure
and incapable and I had to go through hell on the job because I was

“I had some money for their care, but it wasn’t enough, so I had to

take whatever shit was thrown my way,” he said. “I know it’s not the
same to you, but it was a sense of powerlessness and helplessness that
beat me up for weeks.”

“But you didn’t let it destroy you,” Sinclair murmured.
“I had the kids,” he said. “I hated being stuck with them because I

couldn’t just leave my crappy job. But I woke up one day and realized
I wasn’t as alone as I thought I was. I had the kids, and my

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grandmother was always in touch. I had Kyle’s friendship although I
thought I wanted more than that.”

He heard the recrimination in Sinclair’s voice. “Kyle was my first

love. I was so wild about him. He was perfect the first year we dated,
but he went on vacation that summer before our senior year and came
back different,” he said. “For him lying came easy but I thought that
was because he was trying to keep anybody from knowing we were

“What convinced you differently?”
He sighed. “It wasn’t just one thing,” he began. “Kyle was very

charismatic. People loved him. He and I were both baseball players
but Kyle always got more attention. Not because he was better but
because he was Kyle.” He shook his head. “Girls threw themselves at
him, and guys wanted to be him.”

“Sounds like it was hard on your relationship.”
“No,” he said. “I didn’t mind, but one day he asked me to do a

threesome with one of our teammates and that’s where it seemed to
go wrong. Whenever I protested anything I was uncomfortable with
us doing—he was stronger emotionally. He just ran right over me.”

“He was emotionally abusive and made you feel inferior,” Sinclair

said anger crackling in his voice.

Tanner averted his gaze. “At the time I didn’t see it that way,” he

said. “But yeah. I thought he was the best thing I’d ever have. I
thought we were going to be together forever and that was a phase he
was going through. When I got back from school, it seemed like he’d
changed. I thought I couldn’t get through that without him, and he
said friends was all we could be.”

Sinclair hugged him and Tanner snuggled against him. “You’re a

fighter, baby. You’re a survivor and those kids are lucky to have had
you,” he murmured. “Kyle didn’t deserve you.”

“Thanks.” Tanner pulled back to look at him. Amazement filled

him. In a few minutes, with so few words, Sinclair had been more of a

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friend to him than Kyle had that whole year after he came home. Kyle
been so worried people would think he was gay if he spent too much
time with him.

Sinclair tucked Tanner’s hair behind his ear. “Don’t cut it too

short. Makes me hot.”

Tanner smiled. How did the man know he needed that bit of

humor with the heaviness of old memories raking at him? “In that
case I might have to reconsider.”

“So, you’re okay?” Sinclair asked, stroking Tanner’s back.
“Yeah.” He stroked Sinclair’s jaw. “That was the past.”
“What about right now? The cuffs, the sex—?”
“I think my ass is going to be sore, but yeah.” He lowered his

head to kiss Sinclair.

Sinclair moaned and glided his hand down to squeeze Tanner’s

butt. Tanner angled his head and deepened the kiss. He began to rub
against Sinclair and make soft noises. He lifted his head, breaking the
kiss. His eyes slammed into Sinclair’s. The stark arousal caught him
by surprise. Tanner couldn’t say why. He was just as aroused and
ready for round two.

Tanner stroked Sinclair’s jaw. “Got another condom?”
Sinclair smiled. “Back pocket with another packet of lube.”
“Good.” He stroked Sinclair’s chest. “Take this off?”
Sinclair shifted and pulled the T-shirt over his head and Tanner

scraped his flesh with his short nails. As soon as the shirt cleared his
head, Tanner lowered his own head to bite Sinclair’s shoulder lightly
before trailing kisses over his collarbone and down to a nipple.

He swirled his tongue around a beaded masculine nipple then

scraped it with his teeth. “Mmm,” he sucked Sinclair into his mouth.

“Oh, yes,” Sinclair moaned, and Tanner’s busy hands stroked

down his chest and back up. Tanner sucked at his nipple a moment
longer before turning to the neglected disc and spearing the nipple
with his tongue. “Tanner.” Sinclair breathed roughly.

“You can put the condom on anytime now,” Tanner urged.

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Sinclair reached into his back pocket for the condom and lube.

Tanner bit his nipple, distracting him, and Sinclair dropped the
packet. He fumbled for it and found it just as Tanner kissed his way
back to Sinclair’s shoulder. Sinclair tore open the packet then rolled
the condom on before fishing out the packet of lube which Tanner

“Let me.” He opened the packet and squeezed some out and

worked it over Sinclair’s latex-covered rod. “That’s big.” He gave
Sinclair a grin. “I don’t know if I can take it all.”

Sinclair rolled his eyes. “I’m sure you’ll find a way,” he said, and

then he kissed Tanner.

Tanner leaned forward and lifted. He guided Sinclair’s thick

length to his anal opening and eased down on him a little ways then
lifted before sinking slowly down on him again. “Oh, yeah,” Tanner
said roughly. “That feels so good.” He braced his hands on Sinclair’s

Sinclair gripped Tanner’s hips and thrust up. Tanner groaned and

closed his eyes as pleasure rushed him.

“Sin.” He moaned Sinclair’s name then pressed down on him,

seating Sinclair fully inside him.

Sinclair groaned. “Tanner.” Tanner rocked on him and squeezed

his inner muscles. This time they both moaned. Tanner dipped his
head for a slow kiss, and then he began to ride Sinclair. He took his
time savoring the feeling of fullness from the thick intrusion. Tanner
stroked the back of Sinclair’s head. He loved the feel of his short hair.
Just stroking the coarse strands seemed like a sensual act.

He raised and lowered himself, and Sinclair met his thrust. His

hunger increased with each stroke. He couldn’t get enough. Tanner
couldn’t get Sinclair deep enough into him. He began to ride him

“Oh, fuck,” Sinclair said roughly. “Fuck, Tanner, yes.” He thrust

up, holding Tanner still on his lap, and Tanner cried out. His seed
pumped onto Sinclair’s belly.

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He arched into Sinclair and slammed down on him as his orgasm

tore through him.

Sinclair thrust up into Tanner’s tight clasp once again and came

with a harsh shout. Heart pounding hard, he held Tanner close to him
as Tanner collapsed against him.

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Chapter Eight

An hour later Tanner lay against Sinclair as they lounged on the

couch watching a movie. The remains of dinner were still scattered on
the low table. A sense of contentment washed over him and a
soothing balm calmed the loneliness he’d begun to accept years ago
as his constant companion.

He’d pushed his needs to the background, partially submerging

himself to become the perfect parent for the twins. He hadn’t wanted
any hint of what he was to mar the perfect lives their parents had built
for them. To keep their emotional world intact, he’d become celibate
and in so doing he’d turned himself off as a man. Lying here in
underwear Sinclair had given him with his ass still a little sore even
after that hot bath.

The light of a man’s attention’s shining on him made him feel

wanted again. “My brother came to my office today after I got your
gift,” Tanner said quietly as he stroked Sinclair’s stomach.

“Really?” Sinclair answered, eyes still on the flat screen on its


“He saw it,” Tanner told him, pinching his nipple.
Sinclair glanced at him with an amused look. “I’m not ignoring

you, Tanner,” he said in mild amusement. “What’d he say?”

“He was surprised.” He frowned. “He asked me if I had oral sex

with guys.”

Sinclair chuckled. “What’d you say?”
“I told him I did, and then I told him I was seeing someone.”
Sinclair gave him a curious look. “How’d he react?” he asked


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“He told me it was too soon, and you probably wanted me for my

meager money.”

Sinclair laughed and Tanner smiled as he shifted against him. He

liked the sound of his laugh. It was almost contagious.

“I think I like that kid,” Sinclair said. “He’s good-looking, smart,

and protective.”

Tanner smiled. “He’s not really that smart,” he contradicted.

“He’s screwing up bad.” He told Sinclair about his brother’s dilemma.

“Nasty sitch,” he said. “Hope he gets it together.”
“Me, too, but it has the potential of getting worse before it gets

better,” he mused. “I haven’t done this in way too long.”

“Watch a movie?” Sinclair teased.
“With a lover,” he said. “I’ve missed so much.”
“Yeah, you have,” Sinclair agreed quietly.
“I’m not using you,” he said. “I just haven’t had anyone to talk to

about the kids. I don’t tell my nona everything.”

Sinclair understood exactly where Tanner was coming from. He

didn’t tell his cousin everything either. “It’s not the same as having a
lover,” Sinclair agreed. “Someone who’s supposed to care enough to
listen and be on your side.”

“You haven’t had that?”
“I have,” he admitted. Not all of his lovers had been with him for

his money. Some had cared for him as he had cared for them, but they
hadn’t had the same goals. “I’ve had some great relationships.”

“I just wanted you to know that I do like you, and I want to have a

relationship with you, one that’s based on trust and respect, and

“I may not be a romantic, but I will listen to you even when I’m

watching TV.”

“Good.” He shifted against Sinclair. “Because I can be a bit

talkative and jealous of whatever is keeping you from paying
attention to me.”

“Hmm,” Sinclair said. “High maintenance.” He pulled Tanner

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across his lap and dipped his head to kiss him. “My work will come
first sometimes, Tanner.”

“So will mine,” he said, reaching up to stroke Sinclair’s jaw. “But

I will demand my share of your time.”

“And you’ll get it as long as I’m not on a deadline,” he promised.

* * * *

The next morning Sinclair got up early as usual. Tanner had left

by ten which had allowed him time to do a little work. He planned to
spend most of the day working. The painters were coming today, so
he would take off for lunch and do some work at the restaurant where
he dined unless he could get Tanner to meet him, he thought with a
grin as he took his coffee out onto his porch.

He’d bought this place rather than something in a wealthy

neighborhood because he’d wanted to change his life. He’d become a
little materialistic over the last few years. Being alone for a year had
helped him to rediscover himself. This place was going to become his
sanctuary, and his new life would be less party filled. He never really
liked those dinner parties with the wealthy anyway. He didn’t really
feel comfortable in that world. He was a simple guy who liked the
simple pleasures of life.

“Good morning,” Tanner said from the side of his porch.
Sinclair turned to give him a smile. “Morning, cute boy,” he said.

“Come on up here and have some coffee with me.”

Tanner grinned and rounded to the steps that led up to the wide

wraparound porch. “I brought muffins.”

“I’ll get you some coffee.”
“Thanks.” Tanner sat down on one of the porch chairs. “And


Sinclair rolled his eyes as he started to head inside then stopped.

“How do you like your coffee?”

“Cream or milk, one teaspoon sugar.”

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Sinclair went inside for the coffee and grabbed some napkins and

hurried back out. “Here you go.”

Tanner looked up and smiled at him. He took the cup, and their

fingers brushed slightly, and his smile widened. He just didn’t get
used to the feeling of spinning out off into infinity when they touched.
He liked it a little more each time.

Sinclair smiled, too. “Why are you up so early?” he asked, sitting

back down.

“I’m used to it,” he said.
“The years of getting up with your siblings?”
“Exactly, and working,” Tanner said. “I had to get up earlier to get

some work ready for a deadline sometimes.” He took one of the
napkins and a muffin. “Cranberry orange.”

Sinclair took one. He took a bite and chewed. “Mmm. Good,” he

announced around a mouthful of muffin.

Tanner smiled. “Thanks. I make scones, too.”
“You’ll have to make me some sometime,” Sinclair answered.

“You want to have lunch with me today?”

“Umm-hmm.” He smiled. “I know a little grill you’ll love.”
“Okay, I’ll come by your store or not if you want to just give me


“I’m not going in until after lunch, but you can drop me if you’ll

pick me up after work.”

“I can do that,” Sinclair agreed. “What time do you get off?”
“I need to work until closing tonight,” he said. “That’ll be seven.”
“I’ll be there.” He smiled.

* * * *

Tanner checked his look in the mirror again. He turned to the left

and then to the right and decided he didn’t like the pants he was
wearing, quickly took them off, and hung them back up. He grabbed a
pair of navy pants and tugged them on. He discarded the shirt he was

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wearing and pulled another. The red-orange shirt with its navy collar
went perfectly with the pants. He put on a belt and smoothed the
edges of the shirt down. The tail wasn’t long enough to tuck, so he
left it out. He grabbed a gold-and-navy bead necklace with a gold
Chinese peace charm and secured it in place then released the knot
he’d put his hair in while he dressed.

He really did need a haircut. His hair was a thick mass that fell

nearly to the middle of his back. It took forever to dry now. He
smoothed the waves and nodded. The look was casual enough for
work, yet good enough for a date.

He grabbed his laptop bag and backpack and headed downstairs

just as the knock sounded on the door. He smiled. Last night had been
the best night of life, and he had woken up wishing he’d just stayed
the night. However, he hadn’t wanted to rush it. This had the potential
to be something special and he didn’t want to wreck it.

It had been a while since he’d taken any extra time with his

appearance. He needed to go shopping for some new clothes if he was
going to be dating. New clothes and new accessories. He knew looks
weren’t everything, but he wanted to impress and arouse Sinclair even
when he was fully dressed. He hurried to the door, bag in hand, and
pulled it open.

“Hey,” Sinclair greeted then moved quickly inside to take the bag

Tanner had on his shoulder.

“Thanks,” Tanner said with a smile. “I have to take all this stuff to


“Okay,” Sinclair said and took his other bag.
Tanner grinned, putting a hand Sinclair’s arm. “Love a man with

muscle,” he teased as he squeezed Sinclair’s bicep.

“Sounds promising,” he responded with an answering grin.
“I should thank you.” He went on tiptoe and brushed Sinclair’s

soft lips with his own.

“You call that thank-you?” Sinclair teased.
Tanner grinned. “How about this?” He leaned into Sinclair and

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captured his mouth for a slow kiss of dueling tongues. He stroked his
hand up Sinclair’s side and back down his hip as they savored each

“Mmm, now that’s a thank-you,” Sinclair murmured. He looked

down at Tanner who was still standing close, his body pressed lightly
against Sinclair’s. “You look good enough to eat up.”

He grinned and his cheeks heated. He felt so warm inside Tanner

thought he might melt from the man’s simple attentions. “If we keep
this up I’m going to say let’s skip lunch and go upstairs.”

Sinclair gave him a wicked grin. “I was thinking we could do that


Tanner laughed. “I don’t know. I kind of hated leaving last night,

so maybe we should eat here.”

“Sounds like a plan.” He smiled.
Sinclair drove them to a restaurant close to Tanner’s work. The

bistro had a full house for lunch and they were seated next to a

“Nice place,” Sinclair commented after they were seated and had

ordered drinks.

Tanner nodded. “Yeah, I come in here sometimes,” he said. “I

hear it’s romantic at night. Candles, tablecloths.”

“Romantic,” Sinclair mocked with humor in his eyes. “We’ll have

to check that out sometimes.”

“Sounds like a good idea.” Tanner said with a smile. He cast a

glance around the room.

“Tanner, relax,” Sinclair urged gently. “If you’re uncomfortable

being out with me we can leave.”

Tanner met his gaze guiltily. “I’m sorry. I just haven’t—I’ve

never been on a date with a guy where we didn’t just pretend to be
two friends grabbing something to eat.”

“We can do that if—”
“No, I’m not asking you to hide,” Tanner jumped in quickly. “It’s

just a little scary. At Sonic it wasn’t like—it was different.”

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“It can be scary especially when you meet some closed-minded

homophobe who thinks you shouldn’t exist,” Sinclair said quietly.
“So, I understand if you need to leave. I respect that, and I won’t think
any less of you.”

Tanner drew in a slow breath. “I don’t want to leave. I’m a little

scared that’s all.”

“Afraid someone you know might see us?” Sinclair asked


“People know I’m gay,” he began, averting his gaze and feeling

like shit. He didn’t want to wreck this, but he was so nervous. He’d
lived anonymously for so long it was hard stepping out into the world
like this. He felt more exposed in the light than he had in the dark at
Sonic. “Get any work done?” He brought his gaze back Sinclair as he
wrestled that tiny shard of fear making him panic back down.

He wanted to be here with Sinclair. He was crazy enough about

him to want people to show him off, but he didn’t want to be the
object of ridicule for it.

“Some, but you can’t read it yet,” he said blandly. “How about


Sinclair was hurt, and he could feel it. However, he was hiding it

well enough that Tanner felt even shittier for being so fearful of
public opinion. “I got some things finished,” he admitted with a nod
then took up the menu.

Sinclair studied Tanner as he buried his head in the menu. He’d

been out with men like him. They were afraid of public opinion and
gay bashers but more afraid of themselves. No they were ashamed of
being with another man and being crazy about him. He’d been that
boy before he fully accepted what he was.

Now, he was a man who didn’t give a damn what the world

thought of him. He was gay. He loved men and didn’t hide it. He
didn’t allow the public to dictate how he lived or whether he showed
affection to his man in public or not. He’d earned the right in his
book. He’d taken his share of ass-whippings when he was younger

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and vowed to never take another after waking up with a broken jaw at
nineteen. After that, he’d learned to protect himself.

He would give Tanner time to fully come to terms with being

“out,” but if it took him too long, he’d have to leave him. A
relationship could never grow in the dark.

Their waiter brought their drinks a few moments later. “You two

ready to order?” he asked, a chill to his tone.

Sinclair looked across the table to Tanner. “You know what you


“Yeah.” He gave the waiter his order.
Sinclair gave the waiter a bland look as he ordered. He left them

and Tanner lifted a brow at him. “What?”

“Nothing,” he said with a shrug.
“He was being an ass,” Sinclair murmured. He took a sip of his

tea. “This is good.”

Tanner tried out his. “Yeah,” he agreed. “It’s okay.”
Sinclair smirked at him. “You can do it better,” he agreed.
During lunch, Tanner listened to Sinclair talk about his plans for

his house, and they discussed baseball and basketball as well as tennis
which they both followed.

“You want dessert?” Sinclair asked when they finished lunch.
“Yeah, if you split it with me.”
“Sure,” Sinclair agreed with a smile. “What would you like?”
“Apple pie or a sundae?”
Tanner smiled. “My thoughts exactly.”
The waiter cleared the table and they ordered dessert, which was

brought shortly. Tanner swept his hair over one shoulder then took up
his spoon. “I’m definitely getting a haircut,” he commented and
sneaked a peek at Sinclair over their ice cream.

“Leave it long enough for me to run my fingers through,” he said

in a low, sexy tone.

Tanner leaned closer to the table. “Like last night?” he asked with

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a smile. He felt a little more relaxed now even though they were still
garnering curious stares.

Sinclair grinned. “You liked that, did you?”
“I’m getting hard just talking about it,” he murmured, and Sinclair

chuckled and reached beneath the table to brush his hand over Tanner
crotch. “I could use a hand job.”

“I can tell,” he said as he withdrew his hand. “Bathroom?”
Tanner’s eyes lit up with mischief. He really was sorry he’d hurt

Sinclair, but he didn’t know how to tell him. Sin made him feel alive
and giddy with that life. “Give me a second?”

“Sure.” He watched Tanner get up from the table and stride away.

Sinclair gave him three minutes before he followed. When he stepped
into the neat and clean white bathroom, Tanner was in a stall.

Sinclair removed his wallet from his pants pocket and pulled free

two packets. One lube, the other a condom. He replaced his wallet and
shoved the other two items into the front pocket of his casual pants.
Then, he moved to the stall door and pushed it open.

Tanner was leaning against the wall with his prick in his hand, and

Sinclair almost swallowed his tongue. Tanner’s thick cock was clad in
a long strip of black that covered his cock to the tip, leaving the tip
free. To say he nearly had a panic attack about being seen with his
lover, the man was too damned bold.

“Shit,” Tanner said. “Can’t you see this stall’s taken?”
Sinclair sensed where he was going immediately, and his eyes

darkened even more with lust. He closed the stall door and leaned
against it. “Looks like you could use a little help,” he drawled.

“Did you hear me inviting you in?” he demanded coolly. “Now,

get the fuck out.”

Sinclair closed the scant distance and crowded Tanner against the

wall. He ran a finger down Tanner’s covered cock to the tip. “I could
have you arrested for indecent exposure.”

“Get off me,” Tanner muttered.
“Or what?” Sinclair demanded and closed his fingers around

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Tanner’s cock. “You’re going to start screaming like a little bitch for
someone to come rescue you, Snow White?” He squeezed Tanner’s

“Are you insane?” he demanded in a husky tone. “Get off me so I

can get out of here.”

“And if I don’t?” He gave Tanner’s cock a tug. “Damn that’s nice,

but you know what’d be nicer?”

“You getting your hands off me, perv,” he responded with a hint

of humor in his eyes.

“No,” he said and gave Tanner a light slap across the face before

fisting his hand in his hair. “Me fucking your tight little punk- ass
right here, that’s what’d be nice.”

“Bastard, don’t even—” He broke off with a groan as Sinclair

glided his hand down Tanner’s cock and let the palm stroke over the

“I bet I could have you right here, and you wouldn’t do anything

but take it,” Sinclair challenged, and Tanner bristled. Sinclair used his
free hand to work his belt open and drag his zipper down. He released
the button. “Get on your knees.” He took a step back and tugged
Tanner from against the wall.

Sinclair gave his hair a hard tug. “Now, little slut,” he ordered.

“Get on your goddamned knees, or I’ll throw you against the wall and
take you so hard you beg me to stop.”

Tanner did as he was told and looked up at Sinclair. His mouth

watered as Sinclair pulled his cock from his pants. The thick dong
was long and darkly chocolate. He almost licked his lips as he silently
panted for a taste.

“Suck it,” Sinclair ordered, stroking the tip over Tanner’s lips.
Tanner’s lips parted, and his little pink tongue darted out and

swirled around the tip before stroking down the heavy length. God, he
swore the man tasted like chocolate. With a groan, Tanner licked back
up and closed his lips over the tip and sank his mouth down slowly.

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He’d dreamed about doing this last night as he lay in bed wishing

he was with Sin rather than alone. He knew it was all moving too fast,
but he couldn’t stop it. His mind told him to slow it down yet
something deep inside him wouldn’t let him take so much as a step

“God,” Sinclair groaned as Tanner licked down the shaft to his


He bathed one orb then the other with his tongue before lifting the

sac and licking behind the balls then gliding his tongue back up over
the shaft. He blew over the tip and felt Sinclair pull his hair. Tanner
smiled before flicking his tongue over the crown then the slit. He
closed his mouth over the head again and took Sinclair into his mouth,
using his tongue on the hard underside.

Sinclair groaned and moved his hips in a slow, rhythmic motion

as he fucked Tanner’s mouth in shallow strokes. He threw his head
back, and his lips pulled back from his teeth in a silent growl. “Ah,

Tanner encouraged Sinclair to push in a little deeper. He loved the

feel of the thick shaft on his tongue. The earthy taste was getting him
harder as his mouth was assaulted in the sweetest of ways.

Sinclair pulled out of his mouth suddenly, and Tanner groaned.

“Put this on me,” Sinclair ordered as he thrust the condom into
Tanner’s hand. Tanner did, and Sinclair pulled him to his feet, and
Tanner fell off-balance into Sinclair. Sinclair crushed him back
against the stall wall and claimed his mouth in a hard kiss.

One of Tanner’s hands went to Sinclair’s waist while the other

stroked down his hip and pushed up beneath his shirt. Tanner raked
his back with his short nails as Sinclair plundered his mouth, his
tongue fucking in and out of the hot cavern. Tanner moaned and
pressed tighter against Sinclair.

Pressed against the wall, pants down, with Sinclair’s lips against

his devouring him, had him on fire. Tanner squirmed against the

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bigger, stronger body as his hunger took him over. This was wrong
and he knew it. Anyone could walk in, yet he couldn’t make himself
put the brakes on. He rubbed against Sinclair, feeling his cock throb
in greedy need for touch.

He tipped his head back and Sinclair trailed kisses along his throat

and Tanner groaned his pleasure. Common sense told him to stop this,
but there was something so carnally wicked about doing it here in a
public bathroom Tanner couldn’t make himself pull back. All he
could do was savor the taste of the male kissing him. Sinclair’s kisses
were rough and greedy. They reached inside him and unraveled the
rest of his good sense. Sinclair broke the kiss. Their gazes met and
held. Hunger came up against hunger. Their panting was loud as a
scream in the silence.

“Fuck me,” Tanner urged. He was afraid Sinclair wouldn’t take

him. His body was on fire. If Sin pulled back now, he’d scream.

Sinclair gave him a wicked smile that made Tanner’s knees weak

and Tanner smiled, too, as Sinclair pushed his big hand into his pants
pocket and brought out a packet. Sinclair tore the packet of lube open
and reached down to lube the condom. While he did, Tanner kissed
him, a wild, hungry kiss that left them both panting.

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Chapter Nine

Tanner panted. He was coming undone. “I need you right here,

Sin. Please, right here, right now.” If he didn’t get the man inside him
soon, he’d explode.

“You want it?” Sinclair teased, but his eyes were dark with desire.
Tanner stroked his hand up Sinclair’s arm to his shoulder. The

eyes staring at him were heated and heavy-lidded with desire. Tanner
knew how he felt. His own hunger was raging out of control. He was
feeling high, deliciously desirable. He licked Sinclair’s bottom lip. “I
want it,” he murmured. “I want you.”

Sinclair kissed him. At the same time, he pushed one hand down

Tanner’s pants and played his fingers down the seam of his ass before
stroking one slick finger over the puckered anal opening. He pushed
the tip of his finger inside, and Tanner gasped. He broke the kiss to
look into Sinclair’s eyes.

“Your finger feels good,” he groaned, and Sinclair pushed his

finger deeper, stroking into him. He drew his finger out and pushed
two up the tight channel. He fucked his fingers deeper, brought his
fingers nearly out, and thrust them back in.

Tanner groaned, and Sinclair pulled his fingers free.
“Turn, angel.” He turned Tanner around. Sinclair pushed Tanner’s

briefs down and smoothed his hand over his tight end. He gave his
cheeks a light slap.

“I want you so bad,” Tanner murmured. “I’ve been thinking about

how good you made me feel all day, baby. I had to jerk off before I
even got out of the shower.”

Sinclair kissed the side of Tanner’s neck. “Me, too.” Sinclair

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pumped his cock a few times before guiding the head to Tanner’s
anus. He pushed the head just inside. “Ready?”

“Yeah,” he said, breathless. He was so far beyond ready. He

groaned roughly. The big head was forging in, burning over tight
tissues as it parted them. He scraped the back of Sinclair’s neck. It
hurt a little, but it was so good.

“Oh, fuck, angel, you are divine.” He breathed heavily. Sinclair

lowered his head to take in Tanner’s scent. He already loved the
natural scent of his skin. It was kind of musky. He nipped the side of
his neck and sucked as he pushed deeper into the tight channel that
had his dick in a tight clasp that was stealing his will.

Sex had never been quite this good with other men, he thought as

he stroked his hand down the front of Tanner and pushed it beneath
the hem of his shirt. He caressed the hard plane of his flat stomach
before gliding his hand up to his chest. Sinclair pinched a nipple as he
sucked a little harder on Tanner’s neck.

Tanner tugged at Sinclair’s hair as he arched back into him. The

action combined with Sinclair’s thrust seated Sinclair fully in the tight
depths of Tanner’s ass.

Tanner’s inner muscles contracted around the thick muscle of

Sinclair’s prick.

“Oh, God, that feels good,” Tanner said. He moaned. “Sin.” He

placed both hands on the stall wall. He pushed his ass up, and Sinclair
clamped his hand at one of Tanner’s hips and leaned more firmly into

Sinclair grasped Tanner’s cock in his free hand and nipped his

earlobe. “Move on me,” he ordered in a tone rough from desire.

Tanner moved his pelvis, and grunted as he pushed back onto the

thick stalk.

Tanner loved it. Thick and big.
“Baby,” Tanner said roughly. He cried out from the touch of

Sinclair’s fingers on the head of his cock. His dick was so sensitive it
was almost painful, and he swore he could feel the air stroking it.

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“Yes,” Sinclair said on a groan. “Oh, yeah.”
Tanner mewled as the man pumped his cock harder. He was going

to go out of his mind. He dug his nails into the back of Sinclair’s hand
as his fought for release, thrusting back against him and pumping into
his hand. “Oh, Sinclair, Sinclair!”

“Coming for me, sweet boy?” he murmured in his ear. He pumped

him a little harder.

“Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!”
Sinclair gave Tanner’s cock one last pull, and a harsh cry escaped

him as his cum spurted onto Sinclair’s hand. Breathing hard, he barely
supported himself on the vanity as Sinclair gripped both his hips and
rode him harder. “God, feels good,” he said quickly.

Sinclair cried out a second later as his hot seed spurted into the

tight channel inside the condom.

Two minutes later Sinclair pulled out, and both men groaned.

“Damn, even that feels good,” Sinclair murmured, and Tanner
laughed, reaching back to stroke the back of his head.

“Everything about the sex with you is good,” he admitted. He

could hear Sinclair removing the condom. He turned to face him and
began tucking his cock back in. “There’s cum on the floor.”

“I’m not cleaning it up,” Sinclair told him, amusement in his eyes.

He reached out to stroke Tanner’s cheek.

“Let’s get out of here.”
They washed up and headed back to their table. “Awe, the ice

cream melted,” Tanner said then gave Sinclair a grin.

Sinclair chuckled and signaled for the waiter who came over a few

minutes later. He gave them a cold look and asked what they wanted.

“We’d like the ticket please,” Sinclair told him.
“I’ll get it,” he said, giving Sinclair a disdainful look before


“No tip for him,” Tanner said.
“I agree,” Sinclair said. “Mayb—”
“Hello, Tanner,” a feminine voice greeted him.

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Tanner looked up to find Brooke and Nelson. He smiled and got

to his feet quickly and hoped his surprise didn’t show.

“Hello, Brooke.” He hugged her. She was an attractive woman,

but a little on the thin side as far as Tanner was concerned. However,
she did have a warm personality. “Nelson.” He shook hands with his

“It’s good to see you,” Brooke said warmly and gave him a white

smile. “Nelson was supposed to invite you to dinner, but he says
you’re busy.”

“When was this?” he asked her with a curious look to Nelson.
“He was supposed to invite you over last night,” Brooke said and

then gave Nelson a chiding look.

“I had a date, but it’s nice to know you thought about me,” he

said, then turned to Sinclair. As hard as it was to put his business out
there, he wasn’t going to hurt his man again. “This is my boyfriend,
Sinclair.” Tanner made the introductions and watched his brother
calmly shake hands with Sinclair while his fiancée stared at him with
her mouth open and her gaze wide. He expected Nelson to say
something that would make him blush or feel bad, and Tanner prayed
he wouldn’t.

He might just go running from the restaurant like a pathetic kid,

and he didn’t want to disappoint Sinclair that way.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Sinclair said though she didn’t speak.

“She’s pretty, Nelson.” He shook hands with Nelson.

“She’s beautiful, actually,” Nelson countered, studying Sinclair

with interest.

“Yes,” Sinclair agreed with a faint smile. “It’s nice to meet you,

Nelson. Tanner’s talked about you.”

“Probably nothing good,” he said with a glare at his brother.
“We’d invite you to join us, but we’re on our way out,” Tanner


Sinclair paid for the meal while Tanner chatted with his brother a

few minutes. Then they headed out into the sunshine.

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“They’re a cute couple,” Sinclair commented as they headed to his


“They are,” he agreed with a frown.
“At least you prepared him for meeting me,” Sinclair said.
“I’m glad I did,” he said with a smile as he looked up at Sinclair.

It wasn’t as scary as he’d thought it would be now that it was over.

“Me, too,” he said. “He didn’t seem put out or anything.”
Tanner shrugged. Sinclair opened the door of his Jag for him and

rounded to the driver’s side.

“I’ve never done that before,” Tanner said looking down at his

shoe tops, suddenly self-conscious as he thought about last night and
this afternoon. Both acts had been spontaneous and so out of character
for him, but he’d been so high on the strange emotions rushing
through him. The compulsion to touch and be touched, to taste and
savor had overcome him.

He hadn’t wasted much time thinking and now he was having a

slight bit of…regret? No, it was fear slapping him around mercilessly.

“Someone could have walked in on us,” he said. Someone like his

uncle who still thought he was a freak.

Sinclair grinned over at him. “But you got off on that, didn’t


Tanner averted his gaze. He’d turned something as simple as a

hand job into something more risqué.

Sinclair reached out touch him. “Come on—”
“Yeah,” he admitted as his gaze darted up to meet Sinclair’s. “I

wouldn’t want to do things like that all the time or anything.”

“I was teasing, Tanner,” he said. “I didn’t mean anything bad by


“Yeah, but you have to be thinking I’m some kind of sex-starved

pervert,” he said. “Right? That’s what you’re thinking.”

Sinclair’s brows lifted in bemusement as he put his hand on the

roof of his Jaguar.

He looked down at Tanner who looked as if he wanted to take off

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running. That fear was a big neon glare that had Sinclair cupping
Tanner’s face with one hand. He wanted to assure him he wasn’t
repulsed by his actions. He’d been turned on, and he thought the man
was bold as hell. “I was just thinking you were a dirty little boy,” he
teased then groaned at the look on Tanner’s face. Tanner clearly had
some serious issues going on. “Tan—”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” he cut in, and pushed Sinclair’s

hand from his face. “Please, let’s forget this.” He started to get into
the car until Sinclair grabbed his arm to stop him.

“Tanner, don’t shut me out,” Sinclair said in a pleading tone. “Tell

me what’s up all of a sudden. You go from bold to bitch.”

Tanner turned to look up at him, uncertainty shining in his eyes.

He hated being so twisted up inside, especially right now with this
man staring at him waiting for an answer. He’d come off more
confident than he really was that night in Sinclair’s kitchen. He’d
wanted Sinclair so bad he’d been able to see them on a date. Now, he
was freaking out over his own insecurities.

“Fags,” a masculine voice taunted as two younger males walked

past them. “Get a fucking room somewhere.”

Tanner jerked around startled. He tensed as the two men gave

them hard glares and one made an obscene gesture.

“Forget that,” Sinclair muttered. “Tanner, they have nothing to do

with us. They’re just ignorant sons of bitches.” He tugged at Tanner’s
hair to get his attention.

Tanner met his gaze and discomfort shone in his gray eyes.

Sinclair cursed and put a hand on Tanner’s arm, giving him a
comforting caress.

He struggled to compose his thoughts as he looked around the

parking lot. “You don’t think I’m a sex-starved slut?” Tanner asked as
he forced the tension from his body after seeing that no one else was
out there.

“No, is that why you got snappy?”
“Yeah, I kind of—” His gaze drifted over the roof of the car.

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“When I moved back to take care of the kids, I went on a few dates,
and my uncle saw me out one night,” he began in a quiet tone. “He
called me the next day and said I should consider the kids, not my
own perverted needs.”

“You were a young man, Tanner,” Sinclair said soothingly. “It

was only natural that you wanted to date and have personal life.”

“He didn’t understand that,” Tanner said sadly. “He said we

looked like we about to run off to some back alley like two whores
and carry out some perverted little tryst.”

“And you heard this crap from him often?”
“Even after I stopped dating, he made those kinds of comments

about me being a sexual deviant.” Brooke’s reaction had brought it all
back and made him feel ashamed even though he knew he hadn’t
been doing anything wrong.

“That was plain crazy,” Sinclair said. “Some straight men have

worse predilections than public sex.”

“I don’t want to talk about it anymore,” he mumbled and climbed

into the car. “Take me to my store.”

Sinclair sighed and closed the door and strode around to the

driver’s side. He climbed in, buckled up, and started the engine. The
last thing he’d wanted to do was hurt Tanner’s feelings or make him
doubt himself. He didn’t really care if Tanner had a dark and delicious
side that included a little risqué sex. Hell that was just some spice in
his boring life.

But he did hate that Tanner wasn’t confident enough, didn’t trust

himself enough to live his life on his terms. Hopefully, all Tanner
needed was a little introspection to realize he deserved to be happy
now. He’d done duty, taken care of his siblings. It was his turn now.

Sinclair took a turn that took them off the path to Tanner’s store.

His stroke of inspiration would get him a more pissed-off Tanner
or…he’d just have to find out.

“I need to make a quick stop,” Sinclair announced.
“Whatever.” Sinclair didn’t argue. He merely drove them to his

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destination. Once there, he parked in the parking lot in front of a
drugstore and got out, leaving a glaring Tanner behind. He walked
down from the drugstore to a little shop that was still a budding
business. A new place he’d come across in his research for his latest
book. He’d been in here yesterday.

“Hi,” the male behind the counter greeted. “Back again so soon?”

he asked with a grin. “Your boyfriend wasn’t happy with your

“I think he was happy, but I need a make-up gift.” He needed to

show Tanner how important he was to him already. He needed to let
him know there was nothing wrong in their being together. The little
boost to his self-esteem might help Tanner shirk off the emotional
battering he’d endured from his uncle.

“Ah, well, we do carry roses,” he said with a smile. “As well as

other types of flowers.”

“Yeah, I saw that online,” he said. “That’s why I’m here.

Something that says ‘forgive me.’”

The thin blond male smiled in amusement. “Well, nothing says

‘forgive me’ like pink especially, but red and white are okay. I’d go
for the pink and the white roses. Half dozen of each and one red?”

“No, just one of each,” he said.
“Better send the dozen,” he said with a grin.
“Maybe you’re right, but I think less is more,” he said. “And I

need some flavored condoms.”

“Great.” He smiled. “Any particular flavor? We just got in some

that taste like chocolate.”

“I want those then.” He grinned.
“The guy who got me to stock them swears they work, and they

actually taste like chocolate,” he said. “His company makes sex toys.”

“We’ll see,” Sinclair said. “I need a pair of those pouchless briefs

you showed me.”

“Okay, red? Black? Black screams sex, so does red if you ask


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“One of each. I want the tiny ones that unsnap in the back.”
The clerk gave him a sultry look. “A man after my own heart,” he

said. “Mmm, I’d love to have you as my man.”

Sinclair grinned. “Can you wrap them?”
“And add a card.”
Tanner looked at him when Sinclair pulled open the car door after

what seemed like forever. He was starting to get disgruntled as he sat
there beating himself up over his behavior at the restaurant and at the
drive-in. He hadn’t wanted to seem like a slut, but that’s exactly what
he’d come off as. The man had been making him lose control since
the first time he saw him. It was disconcerting to say the least.

“Sorry it took so long.” He bent into the car and held out the roses

that had been tied with a red ribbon.

Tanner blinked. “What?” he demanded, his voice coming out in a

croak. His gaze was locked on the flowers.

“I’m sorry,” Sinclair said.
Tanner took the flowers, his jaw dropping now. Sinclair climbed

in and closed the door. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, Tanner.
What I meant to say was it was hot and wild, and I loved it.” He held
out the box.

Tanner’s jaw dropped all over again, but his shock turned to

suspicion. “Sinclair—”

“Please forgive me,” he cut in gently. “And at least open it.”
He sighed. “Fine, but there better not be some gag gift in here like

a dildo.”

“You little freak,” Sinclair teased. Tanner glared at him but lifted

the lid on the pretty red box. He lifted one of the foil packets.
“Chocolate condoms?” he demanded. “Who’s the freak?” He threw
the condom at him but couldn’t resist a peek at the neatly folded scrap
of fabric. “Crotchless underwear?” He gave Sinclair a questioning
look before picking up the card.

Next time we try the park after dark or your office. Wear these for

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me so I can have easy access. I want to make you come for me. A taste
of chocolate with your vanilla.

Please forgive me. I really do like you.
Tanner swallowed over the lump of emotion in his throat.

“You’re no damn poet,” he muttered. “And you’re a dickhead.”

“Do you forgive me?”
“This time,” Tanner admitted, and Sinclair leaned across the seat

to kiss him. “I hear flavored condoms are a good idea for oral. You
better do me good.” His expression was shy.

Sinclair grinned. “I will.” He cupped Tanner’s face and placed a

kiss on his soft lips. “I better get you to work.”

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Chapter Ten

Tanner was all grins when he stepped into the store with Sinclair

carrying his bags for him. He greeted the associate as he headed for
his office.

“Is everything okay, Tanner?” the associate called.
“Fine, I’ll be back in a few, Lydia,” he informed her. Tanner

stepped into his office a few moments later. “Desk.”

Sinclair put the items on the desk. “I’ll let you get to work,” he

said. But he didn’t make a move to leave.

“I’ll be ready at seven thirty,” he said and captured Sinclair’s

hand. He laced his fingers through Sinclair’s.

“I’ll be here at seven,” he said. “So you don’t have to wait.”
Tanner gave him a slow smile. “You’re going to spoil me, Sin.”

He moved to lean into Sinclair’s body and looked up at him. “This
chivalry and stuff.”

Sinclair laughed and cupped his cheek with his free hand. “You

bring out that stuff in me with your cute boy-next-door looks and sexy
smile and tight little ass.”

“Hmm, so you’re just romancing me to get in my pants?” he

asked, his tone full of humor.

Sinclair’s eyes were enigmatic as he smiled back. “I want your

heart, Tanner, not just your body. I knew that the minute I saw you
sitting on your porch holding that baby,” he admitted quietly. “You
looked so cute and vulnerable, yet smart and sexy.”

Tanner swallowed over a lump of emotion. “Sin.”
“It’s true, and that’s saying a lot because I’m not one of those

romantic, love-at-first-sight kinds of men,” he said.

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“So you still want to get to know and respect my mind, too,” he

teased, but Tanner was truly floored. He wasn’t sure he believed this
man could really want him. He was still so uncertain of himself that
he felt like a kid around this man at times.

Sinclair nodded. “I want to know you inside out, Tanner,” Sinclair

told him. “I already like everything you’ve shown me, and I’m eager
to know more about you.” He dropped a kiss on his forehead. “I’ll see
you tonight.”

Tanner released Sinclair’s hand and watched him go. God, this

man wants to know me? What is wrong with him to want to be with

His own heart fluttered with amazement and something else. He

was falling in love.

* * * *

Sinclair headed out to his car with a smile on his face. Tanner

made him so happy it was hard to believe he’d ever thought he’d
never fall in love again. He wasn’t talking about marriage. He was too
soured on the idea after his last lover. He wasn’t even thinking about
moving in together anytime soon, but he was thinking about a future
with Tanner.

He thought they should date for at least the next nine months

before even considering such a move. Living together was a kind of
intimacy that could breed contempt. He didn’t want to make the
mistake with Tanner. When they did take that step, Sinclair wanted to
be sure they were both ready, and Tanner wasn’t any more ready than
he was.

The soft ring of his cell phone cut into his reverie as he started to

consider the number Tanner’s uncle had done on his head. He didn’t
think the issue was so much what his uncle had said as it was
Tanner’s own fears about being openly gay. That was a problem he
didn’t see ruining their relationship because the more they went out

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together the more comfortable Tanner was likely to become.

He pulled it from the case at his belt loop and glanced at the

display. He smiled, wondering what his cousin was calling for.
Whatever it was, he was busy. He had plans for dinner to make, and
he also had to figure out how to make Tanner understand he deserved
to have a man who cared for him in his life. He wasn’t a pervert, and
so what if he was. He liked that about him.

“Cal, what’s up?”
“What are you doing tonight?” Cal asked.
“I have dinner and a movie planned,” he answered. “Why?”
“Well I thought you might like to come to the club with us,” he

said. “Some drinks and some no-strings sex,” he said. “When I was
there last week I saw some new blood.”

“I’m not interested,” he said as he leaned against his Jag.
“Well, we can go play some pool,” he said. “You can bring your


“Not tonight,” he denied with a grin. “Besides, I have to get to the

house. I have some furniture coming in an hour.”

“You’re actually moving into that ordinary house?”
“Yeah,” he said with a smile. “I like the place, especially the

wraparound porch.” The porch had definite possibilities but given
Tanner’s proclivities for public sex, he would be making plans for
that hidden alcove on the right side of the house. He could already see
Tanner on his lap riding him with the moonlight on his naked chest.

Yeah, he’d get someone out to make that place a real romantic


Cal grunted. “Well, I’ll catch you later then,” he said. “Once you

get bored with your toy.”

“Bye, Cal.” He disconnected, shaking his head. His cousin meant

well but tended to be a bit of a player. Cal had no intentions of
settling down or slowing down. Sinclair had nothing against it, but he
wasn’t interested in the constant boys’-night-out life his cousin led.
He wanted something a little more solid. The moment he saw Tanner

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he’d known he was ready to take a step away from his self-imposed
celibacy and isolation. The male just made him want to be in his
company with his sexy grin and warm personality. Tanner drew him,
enthralled him. There was no way he was going to look at another
man, let alone have sex with one.

Sinclair headed home and checked out the job the painters had

begun, making sure his bedroom was finished so the new bed could
be brought in. He’d had his bedroom painted purple and bought a new
bed. A Shaker-inspired bed with four posters, a matching dresser, and
a chest at the end of the bed that would double as a bench if he needed
to sit down while taking off his shoes or putting them on.

The paint job was done, and when the furniture was delivered, he

showed them in. The bed for the guest room was also assembled. He
had the new couches brought in, and the old one was taken away by
Goodwill. His new one was wider, a custom-made piece that two men
could lie on, and the low stone coffee table was perfect for the laid-
back room he’d decided to create.

The new shutters were put up to the windows so there would be

no need for curtains. He’d finish the room off once he decided which
of his artworks to hang.

Once he’d paid the painters, Sinclair settled down to work for the

rest of the afternoon.

* * * *

Tanner wasn’t surprised both of the associates were still hanging

around at closing time. The pretty strawberry blonde, Lydia, was a
college girl who worked here part-time. She stood behind the sales
counter with the golden-skinned Patty, the high school girl who
worked after school. The two were only a few years apart and had
gotten to be good friends.

“You girls still here?” he commented as he moved to the sales

counter. “No hot date, Lydia?”

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“Not tonight,” she said with a shrug. “What about you?”
“In fact, I do have date,” he admitted and smiled at the suspicion

in Lydia’s eyes. “You two better get going,” he suggested, then
smiled at the knock on the glass door. He went to unlock it and turn
off the alarm before pulling open the door.

“Hey,” Sinclair greeted. “I told you I’d be here early.”
“Thanks,” he said with a smile. “You want to wait in my office

while I finish up?”

“Mind if I just take a look around?” Sinclair asked.
“No.” He shook his head. “Come meet two of my sales clerks

first.” Tanner took his hand feeling a little self-conscious, but he
figured since his brother already knew he may as well be “out” all the
way. The more often he introduced Sinclair as his man, the less self-
conscious he’d be in public.

He led Sinclair to the counter where he made the introductions.

“Sinclair is my boyfriend,” Tanner said, and both girls’ jaws dropped.

“Nice to meet you two ladies,” Sinclair said with a smile.
Lydia shot Tanner a look, and then her gaze darted back to

Sinclair. She gave him a cool smile. “Nice to meet you, too,” she said
blandly. “Tanner, I have to get going.”

Patty smirked at Tanner. “He’s hot. I figured you had to be gay

since you never hit on any of the women that come in here.” She
shrugged. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Tanner. It was nice meeting you,
Sinclair.” She made a face and headed out of the door.

“I can’t believe you did that,” Sinclair said with a shake of his


“Yeah, I was shaking inside,” Tanner admitted. “I guess I’m

officially out, huh?”

Sinclair chuckled. “Guess so. How’s it feel?”
He shrugged. “Scary.”
“Maybe it always was,” Sinclair said. “And you were more

worried about being out than you were about what your siblings
would think.”

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Tanner frowned and considered the statement. “Be back,” he said

and went to lock up. Maybe Sin was right, he mused as he headed
back to his office to finish up a few things. Maybe he’d just been
afraid of what people in general would think about him. He was
comfortable being with men, being seen with them, but allowing
people to know he had a relationship with one had never come easy.

So, maybe he’d abstained from dating all these years because of

that fear of being attacked or ridiculed for his sexual preference. He
wasn’t sure which or whether it was both. All he knew was that since
he’d met Sinclair, he’d been ready and willing to take chances he’d
never been willing to take before just to be with him.

He finished up his bookkeeping and headed back out to meet

Sinclair who was looking at some journals.

“Ready?” Tanner asked, moving up beside him.
“You have a nice place here,” he said. “You do good business?”
“Pretty good,” he admitted. “Why?”
“Show me your designs sometimes,” Sinclair invited. “I’d like to

have you design something for my stepmother as well as my mother.
They both keep journals. Something in leather.”

“Sure. I’d love to,” he said with a smile.
“I had the painters in today,” Sinclair told him. “Mind if we have

dinner and a movie at your place?”

“No,” Tanner said, reaching out to stroke his hand up Sinclair’s

arm. “Why don’t you stay with me tonight?” he asked. “I know it’s a
little soon, but you can take a guestroom if you don’t want to sleep
with me.” He gave him a shy look.

Sinclair gave him a soft smile and reached out to stroke his

knuckles over Tanner’s cheek. “I’d love to sleep with you,” he
murmured. “Hold you close.”

Tanner’s heart skipped a beat. There went those butterflies in his

stomach again. He glided his hand down Sinclair’s arm to the wrist of
the hand stroking his cheek. “Just holding me,” he said. “I’d like that.
Just lying in your arms and enjoying being with you will be nice. That

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sounds like a plan to me.”

“So let’s go get that started.”
“Oh, uh, you didn’t mind me introducing you as my boyfriend,

right?” Tanner asked.

Sinclair shrugged. “Am I?” he asked. “You’re the one that didn’t

want to label this too soon.”

Tanner rolled his eyes as he moved closer to Sinclair. “It’s

happening so fast,” he admitted as he put his hand on Sinclair’s chest.
“I didn’t expect to enjoy you this much. I thought I’d just be learning
to be in a relationship again. Nothing complicated or too serious. I
didn’t think I’d want to get closer.”

“To me?”
“Yeah,” he admitted, averting his gaze. “I was attracted to you

like I’ve never been attracted to anyone before, but I didn’t think it
meant I’d want more.” He met his gaze again.

Sinclair nodded. “So, are we moving a little beyond two guys

having fun to something else?”

“I hope so,” Tanner admitted. “I want to have a serious

relationship with you, and hiding that isn’t on my agenda. I want to
live my life for me now.”

Sinclair lowered his head and brushed Tanner’s lips with his. “In

that case, I’m glad you introduced me as your boyfriend.” He kissed
him softly.

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Chapter Eleven

Two weeks later Sinclair lounged on Tanner’s couch studying the

design Tanner had come up with for Sinclair’s kitchen. Tanner had
taken over the decoration process of Sinclair’s bedroom for him as he
delved into the creation of his next book. He’d given him free rein
which was a big step for him. He admitted he was a bit of a control
freak and had to control most processes to prevent disaster. With
Tanner he was already learning that some things couldn’t be
controlled or even planned for.

Tanner had done a great job. The room was full of warmth, and

the natural light brought in an added element of beauty. The room was
masculine with that country feel he wanted to achieve and not excess

“I like it,” he said. “But it looks like it calls for some renovation.”
“Just a little bit, and you said yourself you were having the

cabinets redone.”

“I am,” he agreed.
“I’ve just added a few things to that.”
“Yeah, and I like it,” he admitted. “I just hadn’t thought of having

the island redone.”

“A fridge in the island for wine will be great, and that glass-door

fridge you wanted can be incorporated here instead. Your fridge is a
mess, baby. Do you really want everyone who come over to see that?”

“Tanner, you’re such a girl,” he commented with a smirk.
“Yeah, I hate mess display,” he admitted with a frown. “It was

just an idea.”

“It’s good,” he said. “Especially if you plan to spend some time

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baking me cakes there.”

Tanner’s lips pulled back in a slow grin, and he got up from the

chair next to the couch and straddled Sinclair. He took the pad and
tossed it onto the coffee table. “Are you going to fuck me on the

Sinclair laughed and gripped his hips. “Each and every one I can

find room to sit your narrow ass on.”

Tanner kissed him. “Mmm, sounds like a delicious plan to me,”

he said. “Then, I’ll bake for you once a week.”

“I’ll buy you some sexy underwear to wear for the occasion,”

Sinclair said with a smile. “I want you to bake for me in just those
with your hair down.”

Tanner rolled his eyes, but he laughed. “You have a fetish with

my hair still?” He’d gotten it cut a week ago, so it only rested between
his shoulders now rather than midway down his back.

Sinclair pushed his fingers through the thick tresses. “Because

you’re sexy with long hair.”

“I might be able to comply with your fantasies once or twice,” he

said with a grin.

Sinclair knew he would. Tanner was more adventurous than he’d

expected, and he loved it. “I’ll make it worth your while,” he said,
bringing Tanner’s head closer to his for a kiss.

“Mmm.” Tanner settled more firmly against him, so their fast-

growing erections were pressed together. He cupped the back of
Sinclair’s head and ground lightly against him as Sinclair deepened
the kiss.

* * * *

Nelson came to an abrupt halt in the living room door. His

frustration slammed to a stop at the sight of his older brother grinding
into Sinclair. He cocked his head a little to one side as he studied the
scene. Sinclair’s big dark hands were on his brother’s ass encouraging

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Tanner to dry hump the man as he ground against his brother as well.

His jaw dropped as the big hand on his brother’s ass shifted so one

hand pushed into the back of his brother’s pants. Tanner’s head
dropped back, and Nelson assumed the man was kissing his throat.

“Oh, God,” Tanner moaned. “Baby, that feels good.”
Sinclair shifted and pushed his finger deeper up Tanner’s ass, and

Tanner pushed back against it.

Nelson started to back out of the room, stunned that his brother

was actually enjoying the intimate caresses of another man. Stunned
but not surprised. He’d just hoped he was bisexual. That was an easier
pill to swallow. Not that he was sure he really gave much of a damn
that his big brother was gay. It was no direct reflection on him, and he
still loved him.

* * * *

Sinclair caught a glimpse of Nelson as he began to back away and

immediately felt horror-stricken for Tanner.

“Tanner,” Sinclair murmured as Tanner ground harder against

him. “Oh fuck.” He groaned. “Stop, Tanner.”

“I want you now,” he demanded then bit Sinclair’s jaw gently.
“I want you, too, but your brother’s watching,” he informed him


Tanner groaned. “Nels, give us a minute?”
“Yeah, I’ll be in the kitchen standing where I can’t see you,” he

said then cleared his throat.

Tanner tensed and blushed. “Damn, how much did he see? Can

you tell?”

There was an anxious look in his eyes that Sinclair wanted to

soothe, but there was no other way to deal with this except head-on.
Tanner said he wanted to be with him, so he had to get more
comfortable with situations like this. And he had to let him.

“Enough,” Sinclair said with a snicker. He kissed Tanner then

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urged him up. “I’ll give you some privacy.”

“No, I want him to get used to you being around,” he said,

refusing to get off his lover’s lap. His gray eyes were imploring.

But Sinclair saw something else in those eyes as well. A hint of

fear. He felt it in the tension still tightening Tanner’s body. “Relax,
baby,” Sinclair urged. “You’ve already told him you were seeing me
so now’s just one of those little moments that you have to deal with.
I’ll give you two a minute,” he said. “Now up.”

“Not until you promise not to leave.” He cupped Sinclair’s jaw. “I

want him to know you’re important to me. If you leave, he can’t get

No, Tanner needed his support. He could feel it in his bones. “I

won’t leave,” he promised. “I’m just going to go wash my hands. As
much as I love you all over me—”

“Go.” Tanner climbed off his lap and headed to the kitchen where

he found his brother with a beer.

“No drinking and driving,” he said firmly. “Get rid of it.”
Nelson poured the beer down the drain while Tanner grabbed two

sodas and a juice from the fridge. “What’s on your mind?”

Nelson studied him for a moment. He wiped a hand through his

hair. “Uh—” He shrugged. “I—it’s crazy seeing you get finger

“Nels,” he admonished calmly. “You didn’t come over here to

discuss that.”

“I didn’t expect to find you on the verge of fucking either,” he

said and then laughed shortly. “Damn, big bro. You had to go get
yourself a black boyfriend.”

“I know you might have issues with that, but it’s nothing to do

with you anymore than my sexual orientation,” he said evenly. That
his toned wasn’t as shaky as he felt was a surprise.

He was nervous about this as much as he didn’t want to be, but he

had known this day would come. He hoped he’d be more prepared
emotionally than he was.

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“You like him?”
“Yeah,” he said. “We’re getting serious.”
“So, if I like, told everybody I knew my brother had a boyfriend

you wouldn’t get all freaked and start blushing like crazy?” he asked.

“It’s not everybody’s business, but your friends are bound to see

me out with Sin some time.” He shrugged. “I’m not hiding the fact
that I’m gay.”

“That’s easy to say in the confines of your office or kitchen, but

out there it’s a whole different world. Guys are getting their asses
kicked to death for being gay,” he said, and fear flitted in his eyes. “I
don’t want that for you. I’d worry every time you stepped out of the
house. Can this guy kick ass ’cause I know you can’t.”

“The guy’s more than capable,” Sinclair said, coming into the

kitchen. “Becoming a martial artist was the best way to keep other
guys from kicking his ass. He’s also an expert marksman.”

Tanner lifted a brow. “Really? Karate? Judo?”
“I’ll show you some of my competition trophies sometimes,” he

said, amusement in his voice. “Hi.” He stuck his hand out to Nelson
who regarded it a moment before shaking.

“You washed your hands, right?” he asked, making a face.
“Course not,” Sinclair returned calmly.
Tanner laughed and held out the juice to Sinclair. “Baby, don’t

tease him.” He went to stand next to Sinclair.

Nelson sized Sinclair up openly. “You sure you can protect my

brother from gay bashers?”

“As sure as I can be all things considered,” he admitted. “Some

things just aren’t in our control, Nelson.” He shrugged. “I hope
though I never have to confront a violent situation because we’re gay.
I’d nearly kill the son of a bitch who touched your brother, and I
wouldn’t think twice.”

Nelson considered that a moment. “Good. I love him. I don’t want

to lose him because he’s seeing a guy.”

“How are things with Shelia?” Tanner asked. He was glad Sinclair

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already had feelings strong enough that he’d protect him if need be
with due diligence. He’d do the same for him as best he could. He
wasn’t a fighter, but he could shoot, too.

“The child isn’t mine,” he said. “But my name’s on her birth

certificate, and the lawyer said I’m liable for child support until the
baby’s adopted.”

“It’s not a lie,” he said and thrust the results at his brother. “I love

Brooke, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, but she could
wreck everything.”

“You made your bed hard,” Tanner muttered then took a swallow

of soda, enduring his brother’s hard stare. “This girl has feelings, too.
And dreams.”

“That’s why she decided to put it up for adoption, but she’s just

asking me for child support, so she’ll have the money to leave town
with,” he said with panic in his voice. “She said if I didn’t give her the
money, she would tell Brooke.”

“How did you come to get into this sitch?” Sinclair asked. “If you

love Brooke?”

“We broke up for like a day, and I got drunk and hooked up with

someone else,” he snapped. “Not that it’s your business.”

“Your Brooke will likely be pissed because of the health concerns

to start,” Sinclair said. “But even if that doesn’t cross her mind first,
there is the issue of you jumping into bed with the first decent-looking
woman you saw after only a day. Trust issues—”

“I know all this,” he cut in. “That is why she can’t know. I was

faithful to her until that day. I’m clean. Are you?”

“Yes,” Sinclair answered patiently. “How about the girl?”
“She doesn’t have HIV or anything, but she’s a bit—”
“Nels,” Tanner cut in. “No.”
“She’s a cow,” he muttered. “She wants to wreck my life and

make me suffer just because I don’t want her.”

“If she’s determined, you’re not getting out of this unscathed,”

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Sinclair offered. “Best defense is a good offense. Tell Brooke. The
fact that the baby’s not yours might carry some weight with her.”

“I don’t want her to hate me,” he muttered. “Wouldn’t you hate

him if you found out he’d gone out and gotten some chick pregnant?”
Nelson demanded of his brother.

“Are you bi?” Tanner looked up at Sinclair.
“No, and I’m not a kid controlled by my hormones,” he returned.
“She wants two hundred now, but she wants me to pay for a ticket

out of town and first month’s rent wherever she goes,” Nelson said.

“I can’t give you any more money,” Tanner told him. Not until

next month.”

“No,” Nelson snapped. “I can’t wait that long.”
“You’re going to have to,” Tanner told him coolly.
“Tanner, you’re being a bastard,” he snapped. “Just give me the


Tanner glared at him. “No.”
“Damn you, Tanner,” he growled. “Don’t get all holier than thou

on me all of a sudden. Just support me like you’ve always done,” he
demanded. His youthful face was full of hope and plea for
understanding and help. “You can’t shove your ideals down my throat
and expect me to just swallow. I’m a grown man about to be married
with a child on the way.”

“Then you figure out how to make this work on your own,” he

snapped back. “That’s what grown men do, Nelson.”

Sinclair watched him storm out of the kitchen then turned his gaze

on Nelson with an intention to calm the kid down.

“Tanner!” Nelson shouted at his retreating back. “You son of a

bitch!” Nelson glared at Sinclair then stalked out of the house.

Sinclair sighed. He understood both points of view, but he was

firmly on Tanner’s side in this. He set his unopened drink down and
went to Tanner. He knew he was hurting. The man had a love for his
family that was pure and true. It had to have taken everything in him
not to agree to give in to his brother.

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He found Tanner in the living room staring out the window. It was

still too early in their relationship to decide anything, but it was time
they had this talk.

“You okay?”
“Not really,” Tanner admitted. “I taught him better.”
“He is a man, Tanner,” Sinclair told him. “He has ideas and hopes

and wishes of his own.”

“I know that,” he said, frustration in his tone.
Sinclair went to him and wrapped his arms around Tanner’s waist

and pulled him back against him. He kissed the top of his head. “He’s
afraid, Tanner,” he said. “He knows he messed up, and he doesn’t
want this to be a big fuckup all the way around.”

“I know that.” He sighed. “How do you?”
“The look on his face, plus I know you a little,” he said. “I know

if you raised him even a little, he’s a better man than he seems to be.
He’s struggling to be the man he’s going to be just the way we did,
and I think he does understand that this could come back to bite him
hard in the ass. That’s what scares him the most, losing this girl over
something so stupid.”

Tanner sighed harshly. “I love him, and I know you’re right. Still,

I can’t support him in this. He keeps screwing up and expects me pick
up the pieces. He has to stand on his own two feet this time.”

“I know you love him,” Sinclair agreed. “All you can do is be

there for him when or if he needs you.”

Tanner pulled out of Sinclair’s arms and turned to face him.

“You’re right.” Tanner nodded. “Thanks, Sin.”

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Chapter Twelve

The restaurant Sinclair had chosen was nice, Tanner thought as he

looked around. The lighting was just right for a romantic evening, and
the tables were spaced far enough apart that other couples’ low
conversations didn’t intrude on theirs. The linen cloths on the tables
were cream, and the silverware was so perfectly placed as to be

“I thought you might like it, but I guess I was wrong,” Sinclair

commented, and Tanner brought his gaze back to him.

“It’s too expensive.”
Sinclair snorted. “This is nothing, really, Tanner,” he assured him.

“But I guess you wouldn’t like the country club.”

“For tennis, maybe,” he said, making a face. “How could you live

like this?”

“Wasn’t hard once I could afford it,” he admitted. “But I’ll save

places like this for anniversaries.”

“Thanks, but I’d rather you just made me dinner than bring me to

a place that makes me uncomfortable.”

“Not a problem,” he said as he picked up his wineglass.
Tanner craned his neck to see around Sinclair. Kyle? This place

would be setting Kyle back a pretty penny, but he was glad to see he
and Kay were trying things out.

“It’s going to be okay, sweetheart,” Sinclair said, and Tanner’s

gaze jerked back to him. “Things with your brother.”

Tanner smiled. “I just can’t help thinking of him as a kid making a

mistake, but he wasn’t a kid when our parents died. He was a
teenager.” He shrugged. “He was already set in his way of thinking

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and being.”

“He’s going to grow into a good man, Tanner,” Sinclair assured

him. “He’s had a good foundation. Your parents raised you, and you
turned out fine.”

Tanner snorted. “That’s not how they saw it.”
“Doesn’t matter what you think they saw,” Sinclair said gently.

“My parents hate that I’m gay, but they did a great job raising me.
The good things I have in my heart are partially because of them, just
as part of the man you are came from what they taught you.” He
reached across the table to take Tanner’s hand. “They raised Nelson
and gave him the same good start they gave you.”

Tanner’s heart melted. Sinclair wasn’t judging or actually offering

him advice. He’d merely stated truths Tanner himself should have
realized. Even more importantly, he wasn’t blaming him for the kind
of man his brother was as his uncle often had. Sin was on his side.

He needed that so bad. He’d worried he’d screw his siblings up,

but Sinclair was right. Their parents had given them a strong
foundation. He’d merely added to it, and he was proud of the job he’d
done for the most part. Nelson would find his footing with a little time
just as he had.

He squeezed Sinclair’s hand. “Thanks.”
Sinclair gave him a smile as he picked up his wineglass.
Tanner picked up his, too, and took a sip. “Let’s change the

subject,” he suggested. “I mean you brought me out for a nice meal at
a nice restaurant, and I’m here whining instead of appreciating your
effort to cheer me up.”

“I didn’t hear whining, I heard concern,” Sinclair said as he laced

their fingers on the table.

Tanner gave him a smile and looked at their joined hands. Sinclair

had a good heart and seemed to realize that even though his siblings
weren’t his children, they came as a package deal. That made him
love him more. Love?

Yeah, he guessed he was in love. He raised his gaze to Sinclair’s.

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“You’re a good man, Sin.” He squeezed his fingers and let himself

get lost in those beautiful brown eyes. They were the only two people
in world right now. Holding hands, and just gazing into the eyes of
the man that made him feel so deeply was a sensual moment. He felt
liquid heat pool in his body but it was so much more than sexual.
What he was feeling, what he was experiencing, was a deep emotional
reaction that touched his heart.

Tanner jumped startled out of the sensual haze. He looked up to

see his Uncle Nelson standing there with his wife on his arm and
disapproval starkly etched in his face, which was just beginning to
show the signs of age.

“Uncle Nelson,” he said and felt a hint of shock reverberate

through him. He tensed slightly and started to pull his hand free out of
shame. Instead, he took a slow breath to still the panic crushing him
and making it a little hard to breath. As he was exhaling, Sinclair
withdrew his hand and Tanner knew the panic he felt must be written
all over his face.

Sinclair’s expression was enigmatic and Tanner flinched. He’d

hurt him again.

“Hello, Tanner,” his aunt said stiffly. “Nelson didn’t tell us you

were seeing someone.”

Tanner forced himself to his feet to give his aunt a brief hug. “Hi,

yeah,” he said, feeling a little self-conscious. He drew in a breath and
then said, “This is Sinclair, my boyfriend.” The words came out
sounding so natural that Tanner relaxed instantly. The shame that had
been stabbing at him since he looked up into his uncle’s face
vanished. His aunt had always been kind even though she knew he
was gay, but the look on her face told him it was one thing to know
and another to see it with her own eyes. “Sin, this is my Aunt Daisy
and my Uncle Nelson.”

Sinclair stood and gave the woman a nod. “Nice to meet you


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“Just Daisy,” she said with a smile, and Tanner thought how

classy she was. He could tell by the stiff way she was holding herself
that she was nothing less than repulsed.

Sinclair smiled. “Nice to meet you, Miss Daisy.”
Daisy smiled back. “And you as well, Sinclair.”
“Nelson,” Daisy interrupted.
“Nice to meet you, too, sir,” he said to Nelson, who refused to

shake hands with him.

“Nelson,” Daisy admonished.
His uncle stuck his hand out immediately, and Tanner stifled a

laugh. That was his aunt. A Southern belle. The man could be a stone-
cold bastard, but the second his wife gave him a look or the right
word, he was all Southern manners.

“We don’t want to intrude, Tanner,” Daisy said with a smile.

“You two look like you were having a nice dinner, but you must bring
Sinclair over to our home for dinner sometime.”

His uncle gave Tanner a mutinous look, but he smiled at his aunt

and agreed with her. He knew it was never happening unless she
decided to invite them over herself some evening.

“Your uncle is going to kill you,” Sinclair said once they sat back


“Yep, he’s going to wring my ass out good.” He shook his head.
“Your aunt is a lady,” he said. “Like my mother. She’d never dare

make a scene in public.”

Tanner smiled. “Yeah, well, she’s okay in private, too. It’s like as

long as she doesn’t have to see me with a guy, we can pretend I’m not

“My mother is like that most times until my stepfather says

something,” he admitted with a small smile. “Well.” He reached for
his wine and so did Tanner. “To us,” Sinclair said.

“Oh yeah,” Tanner agreed with mirth in his stare. He took a sip of

his wine. “Let’s take a walk after dinner.”

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“Okay,” Sinclair agreed with a grin.
Tanner smiled back. “I know a park that would be perfect for a

little new moonlight walk.”

When they left the restaurant, Tanner didn’t see Kyle or Kay. He

hoped they hadn’t fought but were going to a motel for a night of hot,
sweaty sex. Kyle’s problems faded from his mind as they pulled out
of the parking lot. He had a few plans of his own that he hoped he
could carry off without fumbling so badly Sinclair would have no idea
what he wanted.

Sinclair had brought his Jag tonight, so part of his plan might be

out anyway. He should have planned better, he mused. He gave
Sinclair directions to the park, and they chatted about Tanner’s family
a little before lapsing into a comfortable silence.

Sinclair pulled into the park and found a space to park in the

nearly deserted lot. It was already eight-thirty, and this part of the
park was dedicated to the natural beauty of trees and flowers which
meant they likely wouldn’t see anyone. The walk and jog trail wove
through part of this section of the large park, but those trails were
practically an adventure unto themselves as was the skate and
skateboard sections of the park.

He turned off the engine and undid his seat belt before casting a

look at Tanner. “What?”

“Nothing,” Tanner said with shrug.
Sinclair climbed out and reached into the backseat for a leather

backpack, and Tanner gave him a curious look.

“Did you plan to do this anyway?” Tanner asked.
“Kind of,” he said with a mysterious smile.
Tanner smiled and climbed out of the car and walked to the front

where Sinclair joined him. “Not worried about your car being broken

“It’s just a car, Tanner,” he said in an amused tone. “I can replace

everything in it without batting an eyelash.”

“And the car, too?”

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“I have a Corvette in storage,” he said. “Plus I have my trusty old

Ram at the house.”

“Rich men,” Tanner said in amazement.
Sinclair shrugged. “Let’s just enjoy our walk,” he said with a

smile. Sinclair took Tanner’s hand and led him into the park filled
with towering trees and shrubs and the occasional flower garden.

The silver of a new moon shone above them, lighting the night-

darkened path.

“This is nice,” Tanner murmured. “Kind of romantic for a man

who’s not.” He slanted a look up at Sinclair who gave him a smile.

“For you, I’ll try,” he admitted.
“Hmm,” Tanner commented and then leaned into him. Sinclair

wrapped an arm around Tanner’s waist. “That is nicer.”

“The feel of your arm around me.”
Sinclair grinned down at him. “You are hopeless, Tanner.”
“Smell those pines,” Tanner said.
“They smell intriguing,” Sinclair said as he slowed their steps near

a towering oak and then released Tanner to set his pack on the ground
before leaning against the tree. He reached out and pulled Tanner to
him with a hand on Tanner’s waist. “Come here, cutie.”

Tanner chuckled. “So, we came here to make out?” he asked in a

lazy tone. “You’re a bad boy, Sinclair.”

“Yeah?” he murmured then brushed his lips over Tanner’s cheek.

“How bad?”

“I don’t know,” Tanner said breathless. “I want to find out.”
Sinclair captured his mouth for a slow kiss. Tongues tangled,

dueled, sucked, and stroked.

Tanner made a needy sound as he let his head roll back on his

shoulders. Sinclair’s lips nibbled a path down his throat and swirled in
the hollow at the base of Tanner’s throat. Tanner moaned as Sinclair
claimed his mouth again.

His arms curled around Sinclair’s neck. He pressed closer, his

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body already simmering with a slow burn. Sinclair pushed his thigh
between Tanner’s legs, and Tanner moved against the hard muscle.
His cock was full and pulsing with a needy life.

Sinclair stroked one hand down Tanner’s back while the other

played in the thick tresses cascading down his back. Tanner groaned
and ground harder against Sinclair’s thigh. He pulled the silk shirt
from Sinclair’s pants and pushed his hands beneath it. He found a T-
shirt and yanked it free as well, so his hands could play over the
expanse of masculine skin.

Sinclair turned them in a subtle move that put Tanner’s back to

the tree, and then he broke the kiss. He looked down into Tanner’s
dark eyes with hungry eyes of his own. “Damn, you’re cute,” he
murmured in a tone rough with desire. He stroked his hand down
Tanner’s chest to his erection. “And hard.”

“So hard it hurts.”
“Let me check that out for you,” Sinclair offered.
“Would you?” he asked. “Could be something you can fix.”
Sinclair stroked Tanner through his pants. “Let’s see then.” He

moved away from Tanner to grab his pack. He opened it and removed
a folded blanket which he dropped at Tanner’s feet before kneeling
before him. Sinclair looked up at Tanner with a little smile as he
reached out to unbutton Tanner’s pants before dragging the zipper

Tanner’s breathed harder as Sinclair held his gaze. The man’s

stare was hot as burning coals, matching the fire burning inside him.

Sinclair slid his hand into Tanner’s pants to the tune of nothing

but skin. Tanner’s lips pulled into a slow smile as Sinclair’s gaze lit
with disbelief. Sinclair tore his eyes from Tanner’s and looked down
to see pouchless briefs revealing Tanner’s thick cock.

He looked up at Tanner at the same time he reached to grasp

Tanner’s erection. “Tanner, you’re such a slut,” he teased. “I love it.”

Tanner laughed and stroked Sinclair’s hair. “Show me how much,

baby,” he murmured.

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Sinclair fisted Tanner’s cock and gave it a pull before stroking his

hand down it then back up then down again. “Tell me what you like
the most, Tanner,” he ordered softly. “Head or the entire shaft

“Just the head, but the rest feels good.”
Sinclair gave the head of Tanner’s cock a little slap, and Tanner

jumped. “Bad?”

“Weird,” he explained.
Sinclair did it again then blew over the head before swirling his

tongue around it. He leaned over and grabbed a condom and opened it
and stuck one end into his mouth before rolling it onto Tanner’s

“That’s hot,” Tanner said huskily.
Sinclair closed his mouth over the length and tightened his jaws

and slowly lifted his head from Tanner’s cock. Tanner gasped and
scraped the back of Sinclair’s head. He lowered his mouth again then
lifted it. “Condom makes you taste like vanilla, sweetheart,” he said,
looking up at Tanner.

“Your mouth is still so hot,” he said roughly.
“Thin material,” Sinclair informed him before wrapping the

fingers of one hand around the base of Tanner’s cock then lowering
his head to lick the shaft down to the sac. He stroked his tongue over
one testicle then the other.

God it felt so good, Tanner thought breathing hard. He closed his

eyes as Sinclair’s tongue swirled around the crown, teased the slit and
then licked along the hard ridge of the underside. Damn, he loved
that. He hissed out his pleasure as molten heat clawed at him.

Sinclair began to pump his cock as he sucked, and Tanner

undulated as he fucked into Sin’s mouth. The heat was becoming a
wildfire threatening to burn him alive, but he was glowing with it,
embracing its destructive power. A power that increased in magnitude
the second he felt a slick, cool tip at his anus.

“Relax, sweetheart,” Sinclair urged, looking up at him. “It’s just a

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little toy. Vibrating anal beads.”

Sin was insane. Toys in public? This went beyond a simple blow

job. They could so get caught by a cop no less.

It was wild and wicked and dangerously illegal. So, why was he

getting more aroused? Damn, the man was bolder than he was, and he
loved it. He grew a little giddy with anticipation.

“Don’t be scared baby,” he said and gave Tanner’s ass a slap.

“I’ve only given you two beads.” Sinclair licked over the head of
Tanner’s penis. “Relax and enjoy and if a cop comes around, we’ll let
him play with you, too.”

“Let’s just hope it doesn’t happen,” Tanner muttered. He so didn’t

want that. He only wanted one man. That was the one pushing another
bead up his ass. His inner muscles parted, and the sensations of the
bead slipping into him made him groan. It was bigger than the one
before it, but not by much.

He’d never played with one of these before but it was blowing his

mind how good it felt inside him.

“Damn, Sin.” He breathed as Sinclair’s head bobbed up and down

as he took him with his mouth. The suction was incredible. The heat
engulfed his shaft, making him crazy. The man knew how to flick his
tongue and suck him.

Tanner scraped his nails over the back of Sinclair’s neck as he

pushed the toy deeper. The bead was bigger, and a hint of pain burned
through. He breathed roughly. That edge of pain was delicious and he
wallowed in the pleasure of the carnal assault waged against his body.

“Oh, fuck,” he cried out as the beads began to vibrate up his ass.

The dual pleasure rocked him, had his abs pulled tight, and Sin took
him down his throat. He swallowed but held the base of his cock to
prevent ejaculation.

The pleasure tore him up. He wanted to scream, he needed to cum

so bad it hurt. He released a cry of frustration as Sinclair sucked the
head, and the vibrator up his rear buzzed him to unspeakable arousal.

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He was so high, so ready to erupt. He swore the cum was boiling in
his balls. Sinclair swallowed him again, and Tanner’s body tightened,
but he didn’t come. He cried out in frustration. “Patience,” Sinclair
said, looking up at him.

“Oh, God, I can’t take much more,” he said in a pleading tone. His

brow was damp with sweat, and he was on fire. The pleasure was a
conflagration threatening to devour him.

Sinclair gave the head of Tanner’s penis a tap then reached back

to pull a bead free, and Tanner let out a harsh cry. It was like he was
free falling as his orgasm swept over him. It shook him up and burned
him down. He’d never had an orgasm like this just from oral sex. He
clenched his fingers in the skin of Sinclair’s neck as he fought for
breath. Sinclair slid the beaded probe free throwing Tanner into
another orgasm. He clenched his fingers tight in the back of Sinclair’s
neck as it tore through him. “Oh, God,” he said weakly, having found
breath to breathe and speak again.

Tanner was still trembling moments later when Sinclair got to his

feet to catch him as his legs gave out.

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Chapter Thirteen

“You okay?” Sinclair asked as he held Tanner against him.
“Damn that was spectacular.”
Sinclair grinned. “We’ll do it again.”
Tanner laughed and kissed him. “Next time I do you.”
“Nope,” Sinclair denied then whispered in his ear, “Next time I

eat your ass.”

Tanner’s eyes widened.
After righting Tanner’s pants, they continued with their stroll,

holding hands. They were both quiet, just enjoying each other’s
company when Tanner heard a grunt that sounded so familiar he
froze. He turned to look around them and saw a shrub from behind
which peeked a naked ass. He pulled his hand from Sinclair’s and
headed stealthily over.

Everything in him told him not to go, not to look, but like a

passerby at a train wreck, he crept closer. He couldn’t make himself
stop, and once up on the shrub he rounded it. Even in the silver of
moonlight, he knew that body. Lying on his stomach, with one man
beneath him buried up his ass and the other kneeling also buried up
his ass, was Kyle.

“That’s it, Kyle,” one of the men said.
“You can take one more can’t you, sweet little Ky?” a voice

crooned, and Tanner turned his head to see a third man he hadn’t
noticed before.

The man knelt down, and Kyle turned his head to take the exposed

flesh of the man’s cock into his mouth. Tanner’s eyes widened, and
he gasped.

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“Damn it, man,” the man on his knees muttered. “Fuck off.”
Kyle turned, and their eyes met. Anger flashed in Kyle’s eyes, and

Tanner backed away, shock still vibrating through him.

“Tanner,” Kyle called.
“Forget him, baby,” one of the men ordered.
“Let’s go,” Tanner said to Sinclair.
“Tanner, you bastard,” Kyle snapped. A moment later Kyle

grabbed his arm and threw a punch that Sinclair caught inches from
Tanner’s face.

“Careful now,” Sinclair murmured in a deadly calm tone, rife with


“Let’s all just take it easy,” the man, who’d been on his knees

taking Kyle, said from behind Kyle. His gaze locked with Sinclair’s.
“Let him go.”

“Back off,” Sinclair ordered. “Take him with you.”
“Not a problem,” the other male said. “Come on, Ky, baby.”
“Tanner, you better not say a word,” he snapped. “It’s not your


“I know that,” he threw back. “How could you do this to her?”
“You don’t know anything about this,” he said.
“No, and I don’t want to, Kyle,” he said coldly. “You’re still the

same selfish son of a bitch you were when we were dating.”

Kyle hit him, and Tanner punched him back. “Just keep your

mouth closed.”

“I didn’t see anything I haven’t seen before,” he said and stalked

away with Sinclair following him closely. “That Son. Of. A. Bitch,”
Tanner muttered. “He’s married to a decent woman.”

“The friend whose wife asked if you were the one he’s sleeping


“Exactly,” he said, trembling with anger. “I told her I didn’t know,

but I do now. How can I look her in the face if she comes back and
asks me if I know?”

Sinclair stroked Tanner’s cheek. “Calm down,” he ordered. “What

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are the chances of that happening?”

“I don’t know,” he admitted. “She was pretty damn set on getting

some answers, and she was sure I had them.”

“Let’s just hope that doesn’t happen,” Sinclair said calmly. “In the

meantime, let’s get you home.”

* * * *

Sinclair pulled into his garage and cut the engine. He undid his

seat belt and climbed out. He was around to Tanner’s side before
Tanner opened his door. Sinclair extended his hand, and Tanner
smiled and took it. He climbed out of the Jag and found himself
practically in Sinclair’s arms as Sinclair went to push the door closed.

“Couldn’t wait to get in my arms?” Sinclair teased, and Tanner


“You’re my handsome prince,” he bantered and batted his


“Umm-hmm,” Sinclair said with mild humor. “Are you okay?”
Tanner shook his head. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “I just hate

Kyle had to do this to Kay. He’s going to lose his daughter if his in-
laws find out.” Sadness crossed his face but Sinclair waited patiently
for him to speak.

“Kyle loves that little girl, but this was bound to happen,” he said.

“He’s probably been straddling two worlds for years now and
pretending everything was okay.”

Sinclair touched his cheek. “It’s his life and he has to figure it out

for himself. If he gets himself a good lawyer then maybe he’ll still get
to see his kid.”

“Maybe,” Tanner agreed and moved all the way into Sinclair’s

arms. “Thanks.” He kissed his jaw. “For dinner and after. It was hot
as hell.”

Sinclair gave Tanner a gentle smile. “You’re welcome, lover


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He cupped his jaw then rose on tiptoe to kiss him.
Sinclair kissed him back, pulling Tanner closer against him. He

liked that he was caring about his friends and family, but Tanner
would have to learn to take an emotional step back now and then.

Tanner stroked Sinclair’s face. “Come over?”
“Course,” he agreed.

* * * *

Two days later Tanner sat in his office after a lunch meeting with

a woman who wanted to put some of his products on the shelves of
her craft store. Tanner thought the deal would be a good move since,
as of now, most of his designs were sold exclusively in his own store
and on his website. The deal was for his romance collection as well as
the everyday collection of papers and the albums and accessories.

He’d told her to send his lawyer the paperwork and they’d talk.

He hoped the terms were acceptable because he really could use the
extra exposure.

“Tanner?” The knock on his door snatched him out of his


“Yeah?” The door opened, and Pete stuck his head in. “What’s


“Kyle wants to see you.”
He snorted. Kyle? That was a big joke. He knew exactly what he

wanted, but there was no use putting him off. “Okay.”

Pete nodded and left leaving the door cracked. A moment later

Kyle was walking through the door, wearing a cool expression.

“What do you want, Kyle?” Tanner asked, getting to his feet.
“I want to talk to you,” he muttered. “And don’t pretend like you

don’t know about what.”

“Why would I?” he demanded. “But I don’t really want to do this

with you, Kyle. You told me to stay out of your business, and that’s
what I’m doing.”

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“You don’t understand,” Kyle said, glaring at him. “I care about

Kay, I love my daughter, and you know good and well I’ll never see
her again if Kay’s family finds out about the other night.”

“That’s your business.” He shrugged.
“Look,” Kyle said, closing the distance between them. “That was

the first time that happened. I know those guys, but that night was the
first time we all had sex.”

“You all as in the three?” Tanner demanded, already not even


“Yeah,” he said. “I never had—”
“Kyle, stop.” He held up his hand. “I don’t want to hear your lies.

You were riding and sucking like a pro, so don’t tell me the last time
you were with a man was when you were a kid.”

“Don’t do this to me,” Kyle growled. “I don’t—I can’t afford to

lose Kay. Her family will crucify me. It’ll wreck my career.”

“I’m not in it,” Tanner told him. “They make me feel alive, but

Kay—with her it’s just sex,” he said then shook his head. “I can’t live
in the gay world, Tanner, and they understand that. They’re perfectly
willing to accept what I’m offering.”

“Don’t judge me, you prick,” he snarled and slammed his fist

down on Tanner’s desk. “I don’t want to hurt anyone, but I can’t stop
wanting them.”

“All three of them?” Tanner asked.
“Yeah,” he said then shrugged. “It’s been going on for seven

months. I met Joey at a club, and he and I started going out. One night
I was fucking him, and next thing I know Tony’s fucking me and Jess
is getting sucked off by Joey. It was awesome, and before I knew it, I
was seeing them. Now, I just can’t stop.

“Getting out of this marriage without anyone finding out about

this isn’t going to be easy, but I know I can do it. Joey’s helping me.”

“And then what?” Tanner demanded. “You just prance around

town like nothing ever happened?”

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“No,” he said. “I live quietly just like they do.”
Tanner shook his head. He didn’t even want to try to get his head

around this. Those guys seemed protective of Kyle, so this wasn’t
going to be easy to hide for long.

“I just need you to keep your mouth closed. Joey’s a lawyer and

so is Tony,” he said. “This can work without Kay getting hurt worse.”

“Why’d you marry her knowing you weren’t straight?” Tanner


“I had to be.” He shook his head. “I—just do this,” he said in a

pleading tone.

Tanner pushed out a harsh sigh. “As long as Kay doesn’t ask me

the right questions, I’m not saying anything,” he said. “It’s not my
business, and I don’t want to be in the middle of it when it blows up
in your face.”

* * * *

When Sinclair picked him up from work that evening, Tanner was

surprised to hear him announce they were joining some friends of his
for dinner. That just wasn’t a good plan. Not yet. Not because Sin’s
friends were likely black but because he was scared.

What would they think of him? Would they hate him for being


“Relax, Tanner,” Sinclair cut in. “It is going to be fine. I couldn’t

turn him down tonight. He’s just in town for a few days.”

“You could have called me and asked me first.” He fought the

panic but it kept rising like flood waters.

“You’d have said no.”
“Yeah, I would have,” Tanner agreed. “It’s my right.”
“That’s why I didn’t call first,” he answered with a smile. “It’s

pool and beers after dinner.”

That was something at least.

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Sinclair drove them to a café where they parked and went inside.

The waitress was clad in blue jeans and a T-shirt and gave him an
annoyed look as she greeted them.

“I’ll give y’all a minute,” she said after seating them with menus.
“Thanks,” Sinclair said. He opened his menu and took a look


Tanner looked at his menu. “Kyle came to see me today,” he


“About the other night?” Sinclair asked, looking over his menu at


“Yeah,” he agreed. “He wants me to lie to Kay, but it’s not like

she’s going to ask me if I saw him—”

“Are y’all ready to order?” The waitress appeared with two tall

glasses of water.

“Tanner?” Sinclair asked.
“Yeah, just a burger and fries, and a Coke,” he said.
“I’ll have a cheeseburger, fries, and a lemonade,” Sinclair said.
She nodded and told them it wouldn’t be long and left.
“What are you going to do?” Sinclair asked in a concerned tone.

“This can turn out to be a nasty situation, Tanner.”

“I know, and I told him I wasn’t getting in it,” he said. “As much

as I feel for Kay, it’s not my place to go charging over to her place
and tell her what an asswipe her husband is.”

Tanner sighed. “Tell me about your friends.”
“One of them’s a writer’s like me, and he writes horror,” he said.

“He’s married.”

Tanner nodded. A straight couple. That was just great.
They had their dinner and left the café and headed to the sports

bar. Tanner was a little nervous as they made their way through the
crowd. Sinclair spoke to several people before they stepped into a
spacious game room with a pool table, flat screen mounted on the
wall, and a mini bar. Four males were already in the room lounging in

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the chairs around the table watching a basketball game.

“Hey, man,” a six-foot-four male said as he got to his feet. He

gave Sinclair a big smile as his long legs made quick strides across
the room.

“Dude,” Sinclair greeted with a grin.
Tanner watched as the men joined them. They exchanged hugs,

handshakes, and warm greeting. They all chatted, and Tanner took a
few steps back. It wasn’t panic that was cutting him as he watched
Sinclair with the other men. It was a hint of jealousy that nibbled at
him. He felt a little left out and out of the loop.

It seemed like they’d been joking forever when Sinclair turned

looking for Tanner. “Tanner and I just started dating.”

“That’s him?” Danny, an old friend and the horror writer’s

husband, asked. “He’s cute. I hope he’s sweeter than that last guy.
You deserve it.”

He felt kind of like a jerk for being jealous. These guys obviously

cared about Sinclair, and he cared about them. Sinclair must have
wanted him to meet them because they were important to him. Did
that mean he was important to Sinclair, too? He hoped so because the
man was fast becoming everything to him in spite of the fears that
kept creeping up on him.

Sinclair gave Tanner an annoyed look and strode back to where

Tanner was standing. “Come on, Tanner. Put on your big-boy pants
for a while.” He caught Tanner’s hand and brought it to his lips.

Tanner’s gaze flared with surprise. “Sin, I’m—”
“I know,” he cut in gently. “But I want you to meet my friends,

Tanner. Our lives take us in different directions. We hardly see each
other. Come say hello.” Sinclair tugged him against him, to Tanner’s
surprise. He looked up, and Sinclair dropped a kiss on his nose and
then led him back to where the others stood.

Sinclair put an arm around his waist. “Tanner, this is Ash, the

horror writer, and his husband Danny.”

The two men gave him a nod and a greeting.

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“Sam and Duke are the farmers,” Sinclair said. “Guys, this is my

lover, Tanner. A sexy little designer. He owns a scrapbooking and art

“Welcome to our party,” Sam said with a smile.
“Nice to meet you, Tanner,” Duke greeted warmly.
Tanner returned their greetings, surprised that the couple Sinclair

had told him so much about was gay. He’d been expecting a
heterosexual couple. The issue of gay marriage was widely debated,
but he didn’t expect to any of Sinclair’s gay friends to be married.

He wasn’t even sure where he stood on the issue himself.
“Let’s grab a few drinks,” Ash suggested with a grin. “Danny and

I have some news we’d like to share.”

Danny beamed, and Tanner found himself curiously wondering

what that news was. Long-neck bottles were passed around, and tops
twisted off. “You all know how much Danny and I love kids,” Ash
began. “We’ve spent a lot of time talking this over, and we decided to
adopt. We’re in Shreveport to pick up our first child. A boy.”

Congratulations rang out, and the guys all drank a toast to the new

parents before they gathered around the pool table. Tanner begged off
since he didn’t play and was surprised that Danny decided to sit it out
with him.

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Chapter Fourteen

“How long have you been dating Sinclair?” Danny asked as they

watched the other men play.

Tanner gave the man a look. He was about his age, he’d guess. He

was attractive with dark-brown hair and eyes. “Not long.”

He nodded. “Is he your first relationship?”
“My first in years,” Tanner admitted. He wasn’t sure whether to

be upset or curious by the man’s prying, but there was something
about his warm demeanor that made him drop his guard a little.

“I guess that’s why you seem a little uncomfortable,” he said.

“We’re all gay here so you can just be yourself.”

Tanner gave him a nervous smile and cast a glance to the pool

table. He found Sinclair bent over cue aimed at a ball.

“You haven’t been ‘out’ long have you?” Danny grabbed his

attention again.

Tanner looked at him and frowned. “People know I’m gay.”
“They know but do they know?” Danny asked. “There is a

difference between admitting what you are and living it.”

“You don’t deny you’re gay, but do you cringe every time

someone sees you with your man? Are you ashamed of liking men
and being out on a date with them? Not just out, but allowing Sin to
touch you without embarrassment or shame. Public affection—living
out loud.”

Tanner frowned and opened his mouth to deny that he was

ashamed of being gay, but clamped it shut. His uncle had verbally and
emotionally beaten him up pretty bad over the years until he had

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come to feel nothing but shame for being gay. He never denied it, but
he stopped dating. He’d come to the point where he wasn’t pretending
to be straight, but he didn’t own what he was.

He’d been able to see Kyle’s lie so clearly because it was almost

like looking in a mirror. He had been lying to himself all these years
just as Kyle had. He told himself it was for the good of his siblings
that he didn’t date, but it had been his shame keeping him from
having a social life.

“Sinclair deserves to be happy,” Danny said. He threw a glance to

the pool table where the men were laughing about something.

Tanner glimpsed the sincere affection for Sinclair in the man’s

face and felt like an ass for being jealous. Danny brought his gaze
back to Tanner.

“I’ve known him for years,” he said. “He and Ash and my step-

brother, Duke, they were all military brats of a sort. They spent a lot
of summers together and kept in touch in between. Sinclair’s like a
brother to me and I want the best for him.”

“Meaning?” Tanner demanded coldly.
Danny shrugged. “He’s gone through enough shit with his bad

taste in men,” he said. “I just don’t want him to be hurt again because
you expect him to pretend you’re just a friend. It’s clear you’re not.”

* * * *

Sinclair stepped back from the table at Ash’s urging and followed

him to the bar at the other side of the room. “What’s up?” he asked.

Ash cast a look at Tanner before bringing his gaze to his friend’s

face. “Found yourself a cute white one this time.”

Sinclair shrugged. “So?”
“I can see he makes you smile,” Ash said. “I mean you haven’t

been this alive in a while, but is he ‘out?’ He doesn’t seem that

“He has a few issues, but he’s getting his feet under him good.”

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“Are you sure?” Ash pressed. “I remember you saying exactly the

same about a hot little fireman and a basketball player who both broke
your heart.”

Sinclair sighed. His taste in men was questionable, but Tanner

wasn’t them. He saw himself having a future with Tanner. He’d
hoped it was possible with those other men, but he was certain with
this one.

“Where’s his head?” Ash asked. “Does he want a future with you

or is he just looking for a few good months? I mean this guy looks
like one of those snooty little white suburban-raised preppies. On top
of that doesn’t look like he knows a damn thing about being in love.”

Sinclair threw a look at Tanner and Danny. They seemed to be

hitting it off well and there wasn’t the slightest hint of tension in
Tanner’s little body. He smiled faintly.

“He doesn’t know a lot, but so what?” His gaze drifted back to his

friend. “What the hell do we know about? It’s knocked us both on our
asses enough times to make us dumb as shit, but we keep going back
for more.”

An amused sound escaped Ash. “True, but man I don’t want to

see you get hurt again.”

“Neither do I.”
Ash nodded and clapped his shoulder. “Are you ready to open

your heart again?”

He was scared and until this moment he hadn’t realized it, but he

was holding back a little. He didn’t want to get hurt, but it wasn’t in
his nature to give up on love. He’d never held back either. He’d been
about loving with all he had. This time was no exception really. He
was only keeping a little something back in case Tanner did break his
heart. Then, he wouldn’t be as broken as he knew he’d be if Tanner
left him.

“I wasn’t looking for anything, but he kind of snuck up on me,” he

admitted. Sinclair shook his head. “It happened so fast, Ash. I’m
already in love with him.”

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Ash sighed. “Well, hope you got it right this time, and he’s as

good to you as Danny is to me and Sam is to Duke.”

Tanner found himself enjoying Tanner’s company as they chatted

and threw darts. He couldn’t help wonder though what Sin and Ash
were talking so seriously about. “You like to shop? I’ll be doing
plenty of it for the baby,” Danny said with a smile as they moved
back to the seating area. “I had hoped for a girl, so I could buy her
plenty of pretty little dresses, but a boy’s good. Ash said we can try
for a girl in a few years unless a four or five-year-old comes

Tanner couldn’t help but smile. He wanted kids, too, and Danny

talked about raising them the way he felt having partially raised his
twin sisters.

“Do you want kids?”
“Yep,” Tanner said. “I can’t wait to start putting together a

nursery, having a little person worrying the hell out of me when I
need to work.”

Danny laughed. “Sounds like you’ve been down that road a time

or two.”

“My twin sisters,” he said. “My parents passed away when the

girls were in junior high, so I got a little taste of how things can be. I
loved every minute of it, but I think it’ll be different when it’s my
own child.”

Danny shrugged. “Probably will be.” He nodded then smiled at

the two men approaching them. “Done with your game?” He smiled
up at Ash.

Tanner watched as Ash bent to him, and they kissed. The warmth

between them, the love in their eyes, had him hoping for something
even half as strong with Sinclair. Then, he looked up and saw Sinclair
watching him, and the same hope shone in his lover’s eyes. His heart
skipped a beat.

“Having a good time?” Sinclair asked him as he sat down next to


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“Yeah,” he said with a faint smile.
Sinclair reached out and captured a strand of Tanner’s hair and

twirled it around his finger. “Come here a minute, Tanner,” he

His expression had gone from longing to lust in a heartbeat.

Tanner got up, never thinking to question his obedience to a man
who’d already captivated him beyond reason. He moved onto his lap,
and Sinclair kissed him without preamble.

Tanner gave himself over to the slow, delicious kiss. Sinclair

tasted like beer and chips, and he devoured him. Sinclair’s fingers
pushed into his hair when Tanner would have drawn back and held
him in place for a longer kiss.

“Looks like someone need to get a room,” Duke teased.
Tanner broke the kiss, feeling a little self-conscious. He forced his

gaze out to the others in the room to find Duke with his arms around
Sam who stood with his back to Duke’s chest and Danny leaning back
against Ash who sat with him.

“I think he’s blushing,” Duke teased. “How cute.”
“He is hot when he blushes,” Sinclair teased and kissed Tanner’s


* * * *

They watched some of the game then headed back to Tanner’s

house. Tanner had enjoyed himself in spite of his earlier fears.

“It was a good evening,” Tanner said once they stepped into his

bedroom. “I like your friends. I can see us hanging with them.”

“I’m glad,” Sinclair said then helped Tanner remove his shirt.
“I need a shower before bed,” Tanner said. “Come in with me?”
Sinclair shrugged. “Are you sure?” he asked. “That’s another new

thing for us. Another step toward becoming a couple.”

Tanner stroked a hand up Sinclair’s chest. “I think we’re already

in that boat.” He shrugged one shoulder.

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Sinclair kissed the tip of his nose then led Tanner into the


Tanner finished undressing while Sinclair turned on the water in

the large shower. The dual showerheads had been his guilty pleasure
so he could have the water warming him front and back some
mornings. He would shower and fantasize about being taken against
the stone tiles while the water poured over him and his lover. Now,
that fantasy was about to come true.

Tanner kicked his pants aside, and his gaze drifted to Sinclair who

was tossing his own shirt aside. He went to the vanity and opened a
drawer and looked for a tie to put his hair up. He didn’t want it in the
way. The bit of warmth at his back had him lifting his head to look in
the mirror.

Before he could speak Sinclair’s big hand was coming down

heavy on his naked back side. He jumped.

“Take the hair out, and get your ass in the shower,” he


Tanner blinked, but his thoughts shifted from assault to sex at the

heated look in Sinclair’s eyes. He removed the band holding his hair,
then instead of moving for the shower, he slid his hands up Sinclair’s
chest and down to his hips. He lowered his head and nipped his chest.
Sinclair’s fingers tangled in his thick hair and drew Tanner’s head

Tanner almost panted at the dark beauty of Sinclair’s eyes. The

man just made him so hard he could stroke himself all day and still
not come enough.

Sinclair kissed him hard, and then said, “Shower, little slut. Now.”
Tanner gave him a sultry look and drew back. He moved to the

shower, hoping his man was about to give him a pleasant surprise. He
stepped into the shower, and Sinclair was stepping in behind him
moments later.

Tanner turned and stepped into Sinclair’s arms. “I want you, Sin,”

he murmured, and Sinclair pushed his fingers through his hair. He

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tipped his head back when Sinclair lowered his and trailed kisses
across Tanner’s throat. Tanner sighed and stroked his hands up
Sinclair’s back. “Baby.”

Sinclair brushed kisses over Tanner’s eyes then the slope of his

nose before placing a kiss on his lips. “Mmm,” Sinclair moaned as
Tanner’s tongue brushed his. “Not yet,” Sinclair said. He reached for
the sponge and a bottle of body gel. “Let’s get you all cleaned up.”

Tanner pouted up at him. “Play with me,” he ordered, and Sinclair


“I’ll play with you in a minute,” he said. “You’re tired. Let me

wash your back first.”

Tanner reached for the other sponge and added a bit of gel to it

and gave it a squeeze before rubbing Sinclair’s shoulder. He washed
Sinclair as he was being washed, then Sinclair turned him around to
wash his back.

“So sexy, little Tanner,” he murmured at Tanner’s ear. “I’m so

hard for you.” He washed Tanner’s back, letting his hand slid between
the crack of his ass. Tanner moaned, and Sinclair smiled. He gave
Tanner’s rear a light slap before pushing a fingertip into the tight

“Ooo,” Tanner moaned.
Sinclair worked his finger around then withdrew it. He stroked the

sponge down the backs of Tanner’s legs. He dropped to his knees and
rinsed the soap away before biting the curve of Tanner’s tight gluts.
His tongue followed the shape, moving dangerously close to the
seam. He stroked his hand between Tanner’s legs, fingers brushing
over his scrotum before gilding his fingers back and up between
Tanner’s cheeks.

His fingers stroked the tight rosette before one finger dipped back

inside. He pushed it deeper as he got to his feet, and Tanner groaned.

“Baby, don’t tease me tonight,” he pleaded, his soapy fingers

clenching in the sponge.

“No teasing,” Sinclair agreed and drew his finger back. He

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reached into the caddy for the tube of lube he’d spied when he
grabbed the soap. “You planned ahead, I see.”

Tanner smiled. “I thought it’d be a good idea.”
“Was.” Sinclair flipped he cap. He squeezed some of the scented

oil onto his fingers and rubbed it in a little then pushed his fingers into
Tanner’s bottom. “Just a little prep work so you don’t hurt.”

Tanner stroked Sinclair’s arm. “I want you so bad tonight.”
“It’s okay.” Sinclair withdrew his fingers and reached into the

caddy for a condom. Tanner took it and turned to face him. He kissed
him as he tore the package open and removed the thin barrier.

Sinclair crowded Tanner against the wall, and as they kissed

Tanner sheathed Sinclair’s thick cock and glided his hands up his
back to stroke him. His hands drifted down to cup Sinclair’s ass. His
fingers drifted over the seam as Sinclair bent his knees and rubbed his
erection against Tanner’s.

“God,” Tanner groaned. “It feels good.” He pushed a fingertip

into Sinclair’s ass and was surprised at the moan that issued forth.

Sinclair lowered his head to nuzzle Tanner’s neck, and Tanner

fucked his finger deeper into Sinclair’s unused anus.

“Oh, fuck,” Sinclair groaned. “Tanner,” he hissed.
Tanner felt a twinge of pride as his man began to undulate more

firmly against him, grinding their erections together. His own arousal
grew. His balls were tight and ready to explode.

“Damn it, Tanner.” Sinclair ground against him again. “You’re

going to make me lose it.” He reached back and pulled Tanner’s hand
away and groaned. “Damn you.”

Tanner kissed his jaw. “You’d love being fucked.”
Sinclair rubbed against him again. “What I’d love is being up your

tight ass, now,” he growled then stepped back and turned Tanner
around. He gave his ass a light slap then parted his cheeks and guided
the head of his cock to the entrance of his tight little place.

Sinclair gritted his teeth as he forged slowly forward.
“Oh, yeah,” Tanner said softly. “So big.” He groaned. “So thick.”

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Sinclair’s hips jerked at Tanner’s goading. He knew what he

wanted and gave it to him in a single thrust.

“Yeah.” He reached back to stroke Sinclair’s hip. “You fill me up

so good.”

“Tanner, I want to last a little longer,” he said roughly.
“Can’t take a compliment?” he teased. “Most men would be

bursting with pride if their lover told them how big and thick their
dicks were.” He groaned as the comment earned him a smack to the
butt. “Do that again. I bet I’ll come so hard for you.”

Sinclair nipped his shoulder then he began to move in Tanner.

They both groaned. Sinclair gripped one of Tanner’s hips as he
stroked deep into him. He kissed along the side of his neck, and
Tanner thrust back against him.

“That’s so good.” Tanner breathed roughly. “Baby.”
Sinclair groaned against Tanner’s ear. He scraped the nails of his

free hand over Tanner’s thigh and Tanner arched into him. Sinclair
thrust deeper, harder as the passion riding him burned him alive.

Tanner clawed at the slick tiles, cool against the heated water. He

closed his eyes as his lover rode him with an abandon that sent him
over the edge in seconds. He cried out loud and harsh as his orgasm
slammed into him. He felt Sinclair come with him, and a smile tugged
at his lips even as the passion still shook him.

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Chapter Fifteen

Sinclair lay back against the pillows piled against the headboard

fifteen minutes later, waiting for Tanner to join him. He was drying
his hair, and Sin had to admit as beautiful as Tanner’s hair was, he’d
rather have him lying next to him right now instead. He loved
stroking him, kissing him, just lying next to him. Tanner had this way
of curling up against him like a little cat that made him feel like the
big strong protector yet vulnerable at the same time.

Tanner was what he’d been looking for all his life. All the other

men he’d gone out with, taken care of, and shared his bed with were
just stepping stones to this one man. Everything he’d learned about
what he didn’t like about being in a relationship, about what he loved,
and couldn’t abide, and everything he’d learned about the kind of man
he wanted to be, had been preparing him for Tanner.

Sinclair sighed as the realization sank in. He’d been reaching for

something he couldn’t name for years, and now it had a name. True
love. Not just love, but true, soul-shattering love. Now that he had
found it, it was a little scary, and he’d have to make a choice.

Did he take things to the next level and ask Tanner to move in

with him? Or did he continue to get to know him before making that
decision? He was ready for this relationship but he wasn’t sure he was
ready to move in with Tanner. He still had a bitter taste in his mouth
left by the last live-in lover.

Tanner stepped into the dimly lit room clad in a pair of micro

briefs and a black tank that fit close, showing off the clean lines of his
body. He flipped his hair over his shoulder. “I’m getting another hair
cut, Sin,” he announced. “Shoulder length.”

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Sinclair took in that gleam of determination in Tanner’s eyes and

smiled. His little lover was something. He wasn’t quite feminine, but
he was just around the corner from being as much of a queen as
Danny, and he didn’t mind it a bit. He just didn’t know how he’d
hidden it so well all these years.

With him it came out more a little every day.
“What’s funny?” Tanner asked then turned to the dresser, giving

Sinclair a view of his ass in the shorts that bared the bottom of the
smooth, rounded globes.

Sinclair’s gaze devoured the view and his body reacted familiarly.
“They’re comfortable,” Tanner said and smirked at Sinclair in the


Sinclair smiled. “What?” He feigned innocence.
“I saw you checking out my ass.” He twisted a band onto the end

of one braid.

“So what?” he asked. “It’s mine to check out.”
Tanner smiled. “Sounds like you’re staking a real claim on my

ass.” He twisted a tie onto the other braid and headed for the bed. He
climbed up on his side and crawled to Sinclair, moving as gracefully
as a kitten.

“Maybe I am,” he answered in a quiet tone. “Got any


“Not at the moment.” He came over Sinclair on all fours.
Sinclair reached up and stroked a hand down Tanner’s side to his

hip then yanked him to him. Tanner collapsed onto him and Sinclair
claimed his mouth for a sweet kiss while his hands cupped Tanner’s
butt. “I love these.”

“Me too,” he admitted. “Makes me feel sexy and desirable.”
“You are sexy and desirable, baby,” he murmured. He kissed the

side of Tanner’s neck and pushed one hand down the back of his
pants. “What a perfect ass.”

Tanner shifted on Sinclair. “Perfect body you have,” he drawled

and stroked his arms. “Hard and sexy enough to lick up.”

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Sinclair gave him a slow grin showing hard white teeth. “And I do

love when you lick me up.”

Tanner moved, brushing against Sin’s groin. “Me, too. You’re like

chocolate, and I do love my chocolate.” He captured Sinclair’s mouth.
“Mmm, like chocolate.” He kissed him again.

Sinclair rolled them so Tanner was on his back. Tanner draped a

leg over Sinclair’s hip. “You’re cute, Tanner,” he said softly. “And
special. I want so much more with you.”

Tanner went still. He held the brown gaze staring down at him.

His heart beat double-time in his chest. It was part fear, part hope, and
a whole lot expectation. He was in love with this man, and he hoped
Sinclair was in love with him.

Tanner stroked Sinclair’s side. “I feel the same way about you,”

he answered. “But you could do so much better than me. I get all
panicked and—”

“Tanner,” Sinclair admonished, stroking his face. “I wanted you

the minute I saw you. That’s why I came over to use your phone.”

“What?” he frowned.
“My phone was fine,” he admitted. “I wanted an excuse to get

your name.”

Tanner’s eyes flared in surprise. “Oh, God, Sin, you’re such a

sneak,” he said and lightly slapped his chest.

“Well, it worked,” he said with a smile. “You brought me dinner

and opened the door for me to walk right into your life.” He kissed
him, and Tanner kissed him back.

* * * *

Tanner took a sip of his coffee the next morning as they sat in his

dining room. Sinclair was reading the paper, and he was checking his
messages. Tanner looked up and smiled. His man. Sin was such an
unexpected surprise that still took his breath away. He wanted to
spend the rest of his life with him. He was terrified and full of what-

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ifs, but the life he wanted was the one where he woke up with this
man every morning.

“Baby, when are you going to get our kitchen finished?”
“Contractor’s coming today,” Sinclair answered.
“Why don’t we move in together?” He asked the question, and his

heart stopped as he waited for Sinclair’s answer. He knew he’d been
hurt and was probably reluctant to move in with another man, but
everything inside him told him to take the chance.

It was a risky move for them both, but he thought the bigger risk

was continuing to live in fear of other people’s disapproval and
recrimination. He’d lived the way other people, his uncle, thought he
should, aside from getting married, and his life was passing him by.
That had gotten him nothing but alone, which made him think this
love was a risk worth taking.

“I know it’s too soon, but hell this whole thing has happened so

fast that everything except the sex is too soon.”

“Think it over,” Sinclair said blandly, not looking up from his


“No, you think it over,” Tanner said. Confusion flitted through

him. “You’re backing off me even after admitting you wanted to be
with me last night.”

“It’s a big step, Tanner,” he retorted as he folded the newspaper

and met Tanner’s gaze. “Wanting to be with someone and moving in
are two different things. You can want to be with them and spend
some nights at their place, but you can always go home if you change
your mind.”

“You are talking in circles, coward,” Tanner said, his voice rising

in anger. Fear was starting to tangle him in knots right now. He
wanted Sinclair and was ready to take the next the step in a life with
him. Yet, here he was pushing him back as if he was just a moment
until the next one came along. “Unless you’re telling me you want to
fuck me and that’s it.”

“That’s not what I’m saying,” Sinclair replied calmly. He drew in

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a breath and exhaled it. “I’m just saying moving in with someone
changes the game.”

“I know,” Tanner said gently. “But I’m not talking about selling

my place, Sin, just moving in with you. We can try it—” Tanner
broke off at the way Sinclair’s expression closed up even more. He
scraped the nails of one hand against his palm as hurt gnawed at him.

Sinclair averted his gaze for a long moment and then he said,

“Tanner, when you move in with someone, it makes that person think
you really want to commit, that you really want to be with them and
build a life with them. And when you change your mind, it hurts like
hell.” Sinclair met his gaze again. “I’m saying I don’t want my heart
broken again, Tanner, so as much as I want to move in with you, I
need you to be sure you’re saying what I’m saying and you mean it.”

The man was practically talking in circles, but Tanner was certain

he understood what he was saying. He was elated they were both
feeling the same thing, but he kind of needed to hear Sinclair tell him
how he felt.

“I’m not him, Sin,” Tanner said gently. “I care about you. I want

everything with you, kids, a family, a home. I’m not selling my place
because you might change your mind.”

They stared at each other, with their breathing coming in rapid


God, he was scared. He was taking such a chance, but he had

learned something from his brother. You had to go for what you
wanted even though your heart might get stomped on in the process.
“I’m in love with you, and I want to share my life with you,” Tanner
said when Sinclair said nothing. He could hear his heart pounding like
a sledgehammer in his chest. However, he was no longer flying into a
panic. He felt uncertain but not as if the world would cave in on him
if he put his foot wrong.

Sinclair started to speak, and the sound of the doorbell cut him

off. Tanner got up when Sinclair didn’t go on. He stepped into the
foyer and pulled open the door. “Kyle.” Tanner let out a cry as Kyle

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punched him so hard he staggered back. Before he could get his
balance, Kyle was punching him again.

“You son of a bitch,” Kyle snarled and was rearing back to punch

him again when his fist was caught. He was yanked away from
Tanner and backhanded. Kyle grunted and glared up at Sinclair.

“Do not try it,” Sinclair warned coldly. “I will bitch slap your ass

right out the front door, Kyle.”

Kyle gave him a mutinous glare, and Sinclair cocked a brow at

him before turning to help Tanner to his feet.

“Are you okay?”
Tanner caressed his jaw and nodded before turning his gaze on an

angry Kyle. “What the hell is your problem, Kyle?” Tanner

“You sent her those pictures.”
“What!” Tanner asked incredulously.
“What are you talking about?” Sinclair demanded. “What


“How the hell could you do that, Tanner?” he demanded on the

verge of tears. “I’m going to lose everything.”

Kyle launched himself at Tanner and slammed into Sinclair’s

bigger, harder body. Sinclair restrained him, holding both hands down
at his sides.

“I have no clue what you’re talking about,” Tanner assured him,

confusion all over his face.

“Pictures of me Joey, Jess, and Tony in the park.”
“Shit!” Tanner clamped a hand over his mouth as his eyes

widened in shock.

Sinclair frowned down at him. “Someone sent your wife pics of

you gettin’ buck wild in the park?”

“Don’t act like you are so innocent, Tanner,” Kyle snapped as if

Sinclair wasn’t the one who’d spoken. “I know it was you. Kay was
crying and threatening to leave me.”

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“Oh, sorry, man,” Tanner said. “But you’re planning to leave her


“Not like this!” he snapped. “Not yet.”
“Sounds like you’ve got a problem,” Sinclair said.
Kyle jerked in Sinclair’s hold as his phone rang. “Let go of me.”
Sinclair did and moved to Tanner’s side and caressed his back in a

soothing gesture. Tanner gave him a distracted look but was grateful
for his support.

Kyle took the call and turned white as a sheet. He disconnected

after a hasty, “I’ll call you back.”

“Was it Kay?” Tanner asked, but Kyle ignored him. “Kyle?”

Tanner asked when his friend turned even whiter and dropped his
phone as if it were a hot kernel.

Tanner moved to his side. “Kyle.”
Sinclair picked up the phone. “Whoa, Kyle, you’re a wicked hot

little toy,” he teased, but his teasing smile faded at the distress on
Kyle’s face.

Tanner gave Sinclair a cold glare before and focused on his

hyperventilating friend. “Kyle, breathe,” Tanner ordered. He put a
hand on his arm. “Breathe.”

Kyle jerked away from him with tears in his eyes. “I have to go.”
“Not like this,” Tanner argued. “You’re in no shape to drive.”
“I have to talk to Kay,” he said. He snatched his phone from

Sinclair and stalked from the house.

“I shouldn’t let him go,” Tanner said. “He’s not in any shape to

drive.” He headed for the door with Sinclair on his heels. Kyle
dropped his phone and climbed into his car. “Kyle.” Tanner went
trotting out to the driveway, but Kyle was speeding away when he got

Sinclair picked up the phone. “Tanner.”
Tanner turned to him. “We need to go after him. He’s not


“This didn’t help.” Sinclair held Kyle’s phone out so Tanner could

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have a look.

“What is it?”
“The pictures are going viral, and this text says now everybody

knows what a booty boy you are, Kyle, you faggot, Tex.”

Tanner took the phone and read the message and the name of the

sender. “Shit.”

“Who is it?” Sinclair asked.
“This guy Kyle was seeing when we were younger,” he said. “The

three of us had a threesome, but he and Kyle started hooking up
behind my back. I heard from a friend that they saw each other just
before Kyle started dating Kay.”

“I’m going to go after him,” Tanner said.
Sinclair went with him. They drove around, but they didn’t find

Kyle, so Sinclair drove them back to Tanner’s. Tanner called Kay, but
she wouldn’t take his calls. Tanner tried to work, but he couldn’t
focus, so he went to his store hoping Kay or Kyle would show up. He
didn’t know why he was so worried, he just was. Kyle wasn’t suicidal
as far as he knew.

He decided to go by Kyle’s job to see he’d gone in. When he

learned he hadn’t, Tanner headed to Kyle and Kay’s, but no one was

* * * *

“Hey, man,” Nelson said, stepping into the kitchen where Sinclair

was cooking a light dinner of soup and sandwiches.

“Hi, Nelson,” Sinclair said distractedly. “How are you?”
“I’m good,” he said. “Where’s my brother?”
“He’s on his way home.” Sinclair was worried about Tanner, and

on top of that they had unfinished business. He hated this thing with
Kyle had come up when it had. He hated even more having left things
as he had with Tanner because he knew how hurt Tanner had been.

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Tanner had to be thinking Sinclair didn’t want him, but nothing was
further from the truth.

He wanted to spend his life with Tanner. Tanner was everything

he wanted in a man, and he didn’t want to lose him out of stupid fear.

“What’s wrong?” Nelson asked. “I mean I know you haven’t

heard and even if you did I’m sure you could care less.”

“What are you talking about?” Sinclair asked calmly.
“You look—I don’t know upset? Vulnerable.”
“I was just thinking about a conversation Tanner and I were

having this morning,” he admitted. “What were you talking about?”

“You first,” he insisted.
“Tanner wants us to move in together.” This would be a telling

moment about the kid, he mused, watching Nelson carefully.

“And you said no?”
He was surprised. There was no recrimination in the boy’s face,

only curiosity. “I didn’t say anything,” he said. “I want to, I mean,
I’m already half in love with him, but—” He sighed. “Life, the past,
pain, just kicks the hell out of you sometimes before you find the one,
and you’re so afraid you don’t know if you can trust what you feel not
to lead you wrong again.”

“You’re in love with him?” Nelson asked carefully.
Sinclair laughed. But the kid had hit the truth right on the head.

Being in love with Tanner made it even harder to just walk away,
which he admitted his mind was telling him to do. His heart was so
dead set against it that it was tearing him apart.

“I know you hate hearing that, but yeah. I want to spend the rest

of my life with him, and I should have told him this morning. I’m
terrified, but if he’s patient with me, we can take this one step at a
time. Baby steps.”

“He kind of knew,” Tanner said from the kitchen doorway. “He

wasn’t letting you off the hook that easy, dumb ass.”

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Chapter Sixteen

Tanner walked into the room and straight into Sinclair’s arms.

They kissed, and Nelson groaned. “Come on,” he muttered.

“Shut up, Nelson,” they both said, and then kissed again.
A moment later Tanner pressed a kiss to Sinclair’s lips then

stepped back from him. “I’m in love with you, too, Sin.”

Sinclair smiled. “Tanner. I love you so much, it scares me.” He

pulled him back into his arms.

Nelson tasted the soup and then grabbed a half a sandwich. He

munched it. “Good.”

“What were you doing here?” Tanner asked.
“Oh, I came to tell you that they found Kyle,” he said. “Brooke

called me.”

“He’s okay?” he asked, hopeful.
He shook his head. “He’s dead. The cops aren’t saying if he took

his own life or if someone else did.”

Tanner turned his head into Sinclair’s shoulder as the pain shook


“Brooke said they found some really—some pictures of him with

three other guys on the net. They’ve gone viral. Did you know he was
cheating on her?” Nelson asked.

Tanner met his gaze. “How could I have, Nelson?” he asked. He

wiped away a tear. Brooke was Kyle’s cousin. She’d tell Kay
anything he told Nelson. He wasn’t going to hurt her now any more
than he’d been willing to hurt her when Kyle married her.

Nelson nodded. “I have to go,” he said. “Brooke’s waiting for


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“We’ll see you later,” Sinclair said. “Oh, how are things with you

and Brooke?”

He drew in a breath and let it out. “I told her about Shelia and how

we met and about the baby,” he began. “Then, I showed her the test
that proves the baby’s not mine, and she agreed to give me another
chance. That’s why I need to get on back. I don’t want her to have
reason to doubt me.”

Sinclair nodded. “We’ll see soon you.”

* * * *

Tanner stared out of his office window a week later. Kay was still

not speaking to him and was bitterly angry with him. He felt for her
and hated that she had to suffer like this. He prayed that when Kaylee
grew up no one told her about this mess. Kids could be cruel though,
so he suspected someone’s child would be all too willing to let her

The police still weren’t sure whether Kyle had killed himself or

not, but either way that didn’t diminish the fragility of life. The point
had been driven so painfully home to him once again. He’d lost his
parents before he could make up with them, and he’d lost Kyle before
he could work things out with him.

He regretted both things, but he was glad he wasn’t standing here

mourning the loss of his relationship with Sinclair as well. He still had
a few things to work through himself, but he was happy. He just
hoped the twins liked Sin as much as Nelson was getting to.

Shivers thrilled through him at the sound of his lover’s voice and

a smile tugged at his lips. He turned to face the man he loved. Damn.
He loved the way man walked.

“Hello, gorgeous.” Tanner smiled at him. “How are things coming

with the book?”


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“And the kitchen?” he asked with a grin. Sinclair hadn’t allowed

him to see the kitchen yet, so he had no idea whether his design was
being used or not.

Sinclair gave him a grin. “You’ll see it when it’s done.” He

dropped a kiss on Tanner’s lips.

“Are you using my design?” he demanded, wrapping his arms

around Sinclair’s waist.

Sinclair smiled. “It’s the first gift you ever gave me, and I love it.”
Tanner laughed, his eyes going a little misty. “You crazy man. I

love you.”

“I love you more.”



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E.A. Reynolds is a daydreamer who loves to read and write

romance that arouses. She can be found taking walks in the park to
flesh out characters and listening to music to make sexy scenes come
alive. She's an avid reader of both romance and paranormal novels.
E.A. is also fond of cooking and thinks the kitchen is a good place to
develop bondage and sex scenes because food she says can be as sexy
as music when it comes to sex and the sex drive.
Like all artists she can be a little temperamental when it comes to
people reading her work before it's finished.

For all titles by E.A. Reynolds, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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