A Catherine Noon & Rachel Wilder Taking A Chance

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Taking a Chance

by A. Catherine Noon and Rachel Wilder

To the new Writer Zen Garden.

You guys make it all worthwhile. We love you. Write on!

Chapter One: First Impressions

“Scott, what are you mad about?” Dr. Jacob Davison

rubbed his stomach and fought off the queasiness. “I texted

you that things were running late. And I apologized for

making you wait for me.”

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Scott grimaced, flexing his hands on the wheel of the

Mercedes. “It’s hot out. I almost ran out of gas running my

AC continually. You said it would be done at four.”

“They put out an open call. Anyone could come to get

their photos taken for NOH8. The more support for this

cause, the better.”

Scott waved his hand, causing the car to swerve. “But

why didn’t you just leave?”

Jay swallowed, trying to contain his upset stomach.

Scott’s attitude didn’t help him any. “I signed up to

volunteer. I wasn’t going to leave.” He paused. “You

could’ve come in.”

Scott snorted. “And do what?”

“Socialize, have a snow cone, get your photo taken.”

“I’m not a flag waver, like you.”

“I didn’t suggest walking in a parade. Michelle was there

helping out, as well. You could have met her; she’s heard

all about you.”

“What do you mean?”

“She’s my friend. Of course she knows about you.”

“So, you’ve told a lot of people about us?” Scott’s gaze

slid sideways at him.

Jay frowned. “Well, yeah. It’s not like I keep that you’re

my boyfriend a secret.”

“Everyone at the hospital, too?”

“I’m out there, why?” Jay’s stomach churned, telling him

that having those three snow cones on an empty stomach

with only coffee first had been a bad idea. Another reason

caused his physical distress, though -- Scott’s odd reactions

during their conversation. He turned in his seat to watch

Scott’s face. “Your friends and coworkers know about us,

too, right?”

Scott stared at the road, but the car swerved again.

Jay’s acid stomach soured as suspicions started to pile

up. “Are you still in the closet?”


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“It’s just for my work. I deal with a lot of ‘good old

boys’ and am expected to flirt with female clients.”

“I’m not going to be your dirty secret or your booty

call.” Jay’s stomach flipped. “Damn it, pull over, I’m going

to be sick.”

“Not on my leather upholstery!”

The car lurched to the side of the road, not helping

Jay keep control of his queasiness. Jay staggered from

the car and emptied his stomach in the grass. When he

straightened, Jay stared around in shock.

Only empty road filled his vision. Scott and his gleaming

Mercedes were nowhere in sight. What a fucking prick.

Damn, what to do now? Granted, he felt better now that he

and the snow cones had parted company, but a long walk

home stretched in front of him. He could call a taxi, but

didn’t really want to have to wait around for one to find


He searched his battered backpack for a wet wipe.

Finding one, he cleaned his face and found some mints as

well. The backpack, a leftover from his intern days, had

been looped over his elbow when he’d left the car. He

shrugged it on and started walking, thankful for the old

habit that meant he had his stuff now.

A low rumbling filled the air. He glanced over his

shoulder as a huge motorcycle slowed. The helmeted head

turned toward him as the bike idled.

“You okay?”

Jay stopped and nodded. “Yeah, I’m good.”

He kept a good distance between them. This guy could

be an axe murderer rather than a Good Samaritan. He eyed

the biker as gloved hands pulled off the helmet.

Tousled, sweat-darkened blond hair appeared, as well as

intense blue eyes.

“What happened to your ride, the Mercedes?”

Jay frowned and looked down the road. How had the

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biker seen that, had he’d been lurking around, watching?

“You saw that?”

“Saw what? I was at the NOH8 event.”

Jay’s gaze swept over the leather-clad body, lean and

muscled, spread legs braced to keep the heavy bike

balanced. At the photo shoot, Jay had applied the silver

tape to people’s mouths before Michelle applied the NOH8

logo. He would have remembered those lips.

“You were there? Where?”

“I’d had my pic taken earlier but forgot to sign the

release form. They contacted me and I dropped by. Saw

you there, licking on a snow cone.”

Jay flushed. Something in the other man’s tone made that

simple statement sound naughty and sexy.

“I’m Chance. Chance Renton. You want a ride?”

Jay debated. Chance might still be a serial killer, but his

presence at the photo shoot made that less likely. Of course,

Chance being handsome and gay helped sway Jay. And that

the damn walk still loomed, waiting.

“Where do you live?”

Jay recited the address, a small apartment he’d chosen

for its closeness to the hospital rather than for any

amenities it offered. He enjoyed walking to work, and

during his residency all he’d needed was a bed, desk and


Chance pulled a helmet from a saddlebag and handed

it to Jay. It looked smaller than it should and had no face


He frowned at it. “Is this a D-O-T approved headgear?”


“A Department of Transportation--”

“I know what it means, kid. It’ll be fine. Now climb on if

you want a ride.”

Jay wanted to protest the kid comment. He’d grown up

constantly fighting the misconception of his age. With fine


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pale hair and a slender build, many mistook him for much

younger. And the helmet safety issue bothered him. At the

hospital he’d seen the result of motorcycle accidents far

too often. But this wasn’t the time for giving his rescuer a

lecture and it wasn’t like other options lurked about.

He pulled it on and stood next to Chase and the rumbling

beast, hesitating. Chance put his own helmet back on and

grinned. Jay swung a leg over and gripped the leather jacket

in front of him. The jacket, soft and worn, stretched across

broad shoulders. As the bike surged forward, Jay scooted

closer to Chance. His nose snuggled into the other man’s

back and he breathed in the scent of leather.

Without sunglasses, the wind made Jay’s eyes weep,

so he closed them. He pressed his face against Chance’s

back and trusted the other man to get him home in one

piece. It reassured him that Chance didn’t speed or take the

corners too fast. Soon Jay relaxed and leaned into the turns,

spooning Chance’s bulkier body.

The bike slowed and with a last growl, came to a halt.

His legs unsteady, Jay clung to Chance’s shoulder after

swinging off. Chance pulled off his helmet and studied Jay.

The helmet hung on a handlebar while the man’s sunglasses

dangled from his fingers. Jay unstrapped his helmet and

handed it back. Chance hung it off the other handlebar and

nodded at Jay’s building.

“Is this it?”

Jay chewed his lip. The question asked more than it

seemed. Was this it? Would Chance roar off into the sunset,

never to be seen again? The man didn’t appear to be in any

hurry. Jay didn’t want him to leave this soon.

“You wanna come up? I can feed you supper as a thank

you for getting me home.”

Chance grinned and looked years younger. “I’d like


Jay pointed. “You can park in my spot there. Since I

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don’t have a car, I usually let my neighbor use it.”

Chance stowed the helmets away in the bike’s saddle

bags and pushed the bike over. Squatting, he fastened a

cable around the front wheel. Jay eyed Chance’s ass in the

tight faded denim. His cock twitched and he thumped it

while Chance turned away.

Of all the times to sprout wood, out here in the open

parking lot where Chance could turn at any second and

see him reacting like a teenager made Jay wish for better

self-control. Chance might be a bit older than him, but Jay

couldn’t tell by the fit, muscled frame. When Chance turned

and stretched, Jay feared he’d have to thump his cock


Damn, he’d only been single for an hour but he reacted

to this stranger far stronger then he ever had to Scott.

And Chance’s rolling walk, now that turned Jay on.

Jay led the way upstairs and it might have been optimism

that had him feeling Chance’s gaze on his own ass. When

he fumbled at the door with his keys, Chance stood close

enough that Jay could smell clean male, mixed with a bit of

sweat and leather. It made him thankful that he’d chosen to

wear loose fitting jeans to the charity event.

They stepped inside and Jay gestured to his coat tree.

“You can hang your jacket up there.”

Putting his windbreaker there, Jay watched as Chance

peeled out of his brown leather bomber-style jacket. Under

it, Chance wore a snug forest green Henley that clung to

broad shoulders and a trim waist. On the high table next to

the coat tree, Jay tossed his keys in a glazed pottery dish

Michelle had made for him. Chance placed his own keys,

sunglasses and gloves there. Jay liked the look of their

things mingled together.

Jay waved. “Come on in and make yourself at home.”

Though small, Jay preferred to think of his home as

cozy and inviting. A huge, comfortable leather couch,


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with colorful pillows and a throw in jewel-toned burgundy

draped over the back, sat in front of a golden oak coffee

table and a decent-sized plasma flat-screen. Many evenings

Jay worked from the comfortable leather depths on his

laptop, later falling asleep there until his shift started.

Two years ago, Jay changed the kitchen and dining

nook’s walls to pale yellow. He didn’t care he only rented.

With the manager’s blessing, Jay repainted the place. He

wanted cheerful colors to make his home more inviting

after a long shift. A cow cookie jar sat on his counter, a

birthday gift from his nurses. Every time he reached inside

and lifted the spotted head, it would moo.

Jay gathered the ingredients for a simple stir fry.

Chance leaned against the kitchen island. “Can I help?”

“How good are you at chopping things?”

“Like food?”

Jay suppressed a smile. He hadn’t meant firewood.

“That’s okay. Just keep me company.”

“What’s the deal with Mister Mercedes?”

Jay sighed. “Well, my soon to be ex-boyfriend and I met

a few weeks ago. I really thought it might work. But even if

he apologizes for leaving me on the side of the road, I can’t

get over him lying all this time. He went on and on about

how his work supported gays, but he never mentioned that

he chose not to be out. Scott works on commission and

thinks he’ll get more sales playing straight.”

Chase cocked an eyebrow. “So you think lying by

omission is still lying.”

“Yeah, I guess I do.”

“Do I need to reveal all my deep dark secrets right now?”

Jay laughed. “No, not before I feed you.”

Chase reached and grabbed a carrot from the cutting

board. “Did you enjoy the event?”

“I was really happy about how many people showed up

for the photo shoot.”

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“What got you involved with NOH8?”

“It’s simple. I want to get married. I want what my

parents have and to be able to introduce the man I love as

my husband.”

“I can relate to that. I take it that Scott didn’t attend?”

“No, he just came to pick me up. I guess in hindsight that

breaking the silence on the suppression of gay marriage

wouldn’t be his passion when he made sure we never dated

in public.” Jay scooped the chopped vegetables into the

bowl. “But enough of him. I’m sure you don’t want to

really talk about him.”

“No, the only thing I want to hear is that you guys are

officially not a couple any more. Why don’t you finish

getting dinner ready and I’ll stir or something while you

make a phone call? That way, later tonight when I fuck you

senseless, nobody is feeling guilty about anything.”

With his chopping blade safely resting on the

cutting board, Jay didn’t worry about his fingers. That

announcement proved to be quite the distraction. He wiped

his hands and turned to Chance.

“Kind of confident there.”

Chance grinned. “I had a few inner reservations about us

hooking up, like your age, but once I got past them I really

can’t be stopped. Thought it only fair to warn you.”

Before Jay could answer, a calloused hand wrapped

around the back of his neck and tugged him forward.

Chance captured his mouth. The scents of leather and the

outdoors clung to Chance and Jay breathed deeply. He

lifted his hands to bury his fingers in Chance’s tousled hair.

The dark blond strands slid through his fingers like silk,

thick to the touch. He fit perfectly against Chance’s slightly

larger frame.

Chance shifted, spreading his legs and Jay nestled in the

vee of Chance’s muscled thighs. He moaned when their

cocks rubbed together. Chance took that opportunity to


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sweep his tongue into Jay’s mouth. Jay tasted cherry snow

cone, mints, and the faint bite of nicotine.

Chance’s fingers tightened around Jay’s neck as the kiss

deepened. Chance’s other hand tugged Jay’s shirt from his

jeans and slid under the fabric. The warmth of Chance’s

palm burned like a brand on Jay’s skin. Jay moaned into

Chance’s mouth as Chance’s tongue explored. When

Chance pulled back, Jay almost whimpered.

“Finish up our food and go make that call.”

Jay nodded.

Yeah, he could do that.

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Chapter Two: First Time

Relief filled Jay after he finished the phone call. Scott

didn’t actually pick up the phone, of course. Jay left him

a voicemail, not willing to wait for Scott to call him back.

Now he could concentrate on Chance. Jay chased the last

bite around his plate and speared it on his fork. Sitting

across the table from Chance, the tension spun between

them, yet neither of them hurried. They talked over a wide

range of subjects and found that they shared many interests.

Intense blue eyes met his. “Is it time for dessert?”

Jay took mental inventory of his larder. He might have

some ice cream in the freezer. He considered his options as

he stacked the dirty dishes in the sink.

Strong arms wrapped around his waist. Chance nibbled

on Jay’s neck and he tilted his head to give the man easier


“Yummy,” Chance growled.

Chance meant dessert.

Jay’s heart started pounding like he’d taken a shot of

adrenalin. His throat throbbed with his pulse, like his heart

somehow moved of its own volition and wanted to jump

out of his body and molest Chance. Since that pretty much

mirrored what Jay wanted to do, a laugh escaped him.

Chance pulled back and eyed him, a crease between his

brows. “Something amuse you?”

Jay laughed out loud, letting it burble up like water. “Just

having thoughts about you that make me…” He trailed off.

Let’s try that again. “I want to molest you, is all.”

Chance snorted a laugh and nodded once, as if to say,

‘Okay then.’ “You got a bathroom in this apartment of


“Nope. They make me use the hose out back.”

Chance rolled his eyes and pulled away. “Then maybe I

won’t let you wash my back.”


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“I might have to let you wash mine, then.” Jay pointed

the way to his bathroom, glad that he’d cleaned it that last

weekend. Besides. Chance had a nice ass.

The water started up with a hiss and they both pawed at

each other while they washed, playing with the soap and

shampoo. Before Chance could really get started on his

cock, Jay pulled away. “Come on. This is more comfortable

on the bed, you know.”

Chance smirked. “That’s ‘cause you’ve been doing it


Jay snorted and stepped out. He got Chance in the face

with the fluffy towel and Chance made a snuffling noise,

laughing. Jay dried off and hung the towel over the edge

of the door. Chance draped his towel on top of Jay’s before

following Jay across the hall to the bedroom.

Jay sat down on the bed, intending to have the “condom

talk,” but Chance had other ideas. He walked into Jay’s

body and stood between Jay’s legs. Then Chance straddled

him, nudging with a powerful move of his hips to make

Jay end up on his back. Chance dropped down, their chests

pressed against each other, and kissed Jay with hungry lips.

Jay moaned into his mouth, arousal making it hard to think.

He did pull away enough to mumble, “Condoms are in

the drawer by the head of the bed.” He gasped as Chance’s

mouth closed on his throat and sucked, and his arm ended

up flat on the bed, hand spasming in the sheets.

Jay heard fumbling and laughter.

“What’s so funny?”

“I’m finding a shitload of toys, you naughty boy, but no


Jay’s mind raced. He and Scott hadn’t fooled around

much here. Jay’s ex preferred his own almost lakeside

condo. Did Jay actually have any here?

“You look. I did grab the lube.” Chance came up and

swatted Jay’s side. “Up.”

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Jay’s lips turned up and he found he liked the

commanding tone in Chance’s voice. He scooted up on

the bed and, before Chance could settle again, rolled onto

his side to fumble for the condoms. Plug, dildo, mints, and

another plug. Embarrassment flooded him as he searched.

A sharp slap on his ass made Jay drop the tin of mints and

they scattered on the carpet.

He turned to see Chance over one shoulder. “What was


Chance smirked at him. “Something we can explore


Jay grinned and rummaged in the drawer. He found the

condom box with his fingers and got it out. They slithered

out the opposite end of the box to land on the bed and

Chance chuckled, a wicked sound to it.

“Not very coordinated today, eh?”

Jay pinched the nipple he could reach with his left hand

and Chance gasped. He let the pinch turn into a caress and

played with the warming skin, teasing it to hardness.

Chance leaned back and rolled, and Jay followed Chance

so he ended up on top. Their cocks rubbed together as they

moved and Chance’s erection wept fluid against Jay’s skin.

Using one hand, Jay smeared the pre-come against his

stomach, trapping Chance’s cock as he did it, rubbing it

between his body and his hand. Chance bucked underneath

him, moaning.

Jay came up onto his knees, stroking Chance’s stomach.

“Do you have any preferences?”

Chance watched him. “What do you like?”

“Top or bottom, I’m not picky.” As soon as he said it,

it occurred to him he’d prefer to be on top this time. Scott

never allowed it, saying they could do that another time,

though that time never came. Jay missed the sensations of

bringing his partner pleasure, of filling him totally. “I’ll

take top this time, how’s that?”


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Chance arched his back and pressed their groins together.

“The first time, sure.” He lay flat, watching Jay with half-

lidded eyes. “The second time, we’ll see.”

“You don’t mean the second time tonight, do you?” Jay

grinned at him. “Cocky sonofabitch, aren’tcha?”

Chance shrugged. “I know what I like.”

Jay lifted the lube from the sheets and held it several

inches above Chance’s cock, threatening to squirt it directly

on the heated skin. Chance’s stomach contracted, but he

didn’t protest. Jay winked and put some into his palm,

using that to coat the opening around Chance’s waiting

hole. Chance moaned and his head fell back, a smile on

his lips. Jay used his other hand to grab a condom and rip

it open with his teeth before smoothing it down his shaft.

He spread some lube on his length, shivering with arousal.

Shifting his weight, he brushed his tip along Chance’s body,

holding onto every shred of self control he possessed. God,

he wanted to bury himself to the hilt and go to town.

Chance’s hands came up to cup Jay’s forearms, his elbow

still on the bed. “What are you waiting for?”

“I don’t want to hurt you.” Jay shuddered again, forcing

himself to remain still.

“You’re not the only one who plays with toys.”

Chance pressed down as Jay’s cock came even with

his opening and they both inhaled. Jay waited, his tip just

breaching Chance’s body, and Chance relaxed against him.

He rocked a little deeper, stroking Chance’s chest as he did

it, while Chance lay back, his eyes closed and a grin on his


Jay pressed against Chance’s body, his arms cording

and his hands against the mattress, and Chance’s hands

tightened. As Jay slid into him, fully hilted, Chance arched

his back. Jay pulled back and drizzled some more lube

against his cock. Chance flinched as the cold stuff hit his


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“Sorry. I just don’t want to hurt you.” Jay’s voice came

out lower than usual.

Chance looked up at him, his eyes unreadable. “So


Jay didn’t want to talk anymore. He rocked his hips,

letting his body do what it wanted.

Chance shuddered and shouted, “Yes!”

Jay chuckled and kept moving, Chance’s hands starting

to sweat where they gripped Jay.

Then Jay got an idea. “Hand me a pillow.”

Chance’s eyes flew open. “What?” He sounded


Jay stilled his hips, holding himself with iron patience. “I

said, hand me a pillow.”

Frowning, Chance did as he asked. Jay pulled on

Chance’s back, getting the other man to arch up. As he slid

the pillow under Chance’s body, the angle shifted against

his cock and he moaned, the sensations sending pleasure all

the way down to his toes.

“Jesus.” Chance’s voice came out low and tight.

“That’s… perfect.”

Jay came up a bit, off his arms, and clamped his hands

around Chance’s hips. He drove himself into Chance’s

body, the sound of their skin slapping getting louder in

the room. Chance stretched his hands overhead and just

reached the wall with his fingertips. He held his body still

as Jay drove into him.

Jay tried to hold it until Chance came first, he really

did, but his body betrayed him. He came with a sudden

explosion that felt like it would take the paint off the walls.

Before the afterglow took him over, Jay closed the hand

coated with lube around Chance’s cock.

“Shit!” Chance blurted. He came with three pulls,

covering his stomach with pearly white ribbons.

Jay collapsed on his side, catching the condom as he


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slid out of Chance’s body. He found the trash can without

looking and let his arm fall, dangling off the side of the


Chance rolled against him, slinging a leg over Jay’s, and

nuzzled into his neck.

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Chapter Three: First Fight

Jay woke, snuggled against Chance’s muscled body, and

lay still a moment. He’d never asked the other man to stay,

it just kinda happened. Pleasure filled him; Jay found that

he liked having the hard planes of Chances body pressed

against him first thing in the morning.

How early was it?

Levered himself up, he caught a glimpse of the alarm

clock and groaned. Five freaking o’clock in the morning.

His body, still adapting to weird hospital shifts, woke

whenever it felt like it. He wondered if he could catch a

few more hours.

Chance chuckled and kissed his neck. “You’re not a

morning person?”

Jay blushed and hid his face against Chance’s side. “Not


“You gonna sleep some more?”

Jay sighed and stretched. “No. Once I’m awake, I’m


“Good.” Chance sat up. “I need a shower.”

“Me too.”

“Join me?”

Jay hid his smile of triumph. He loved to shower with a

lover. “Sure. I’ll be right there.” He rolled out of bed and

watched Chance take his time getting up, his body moving

with easy grace.

Chance paused by the bed and stretched. He scratched

his stomach and smirked at Jay. Jay flushed at being caught

staring. He grabbed a pillow and made threatening motions,

like he would throw it at Chance.

Chance laughed and waggled his eyebrows. “Like the


“You know I do.”

“So, not bad for an old guy?”


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Jay snorted. “Please, stop fishing for complements this

early in the morning.” Jay gave Chance an exaggerated

mock leer. “I’d rather show you, than tell you.”

A loud knocking sounded from the living room and

Jay frowned. “I’ll join you. Let me get rid of whoever it

is. Sometimes interns need to crash.”

Chance cocked an eyebrow. “Oh?”

Jay shrugged. “I’m kind of den mother for them, I guess,

since I’m past that and doing my fellowship.”

Chance considered him but didn’t say anything, just took

the towel Jay handed him from the clean stack in the closet

and then disappeared into the bathroom.

Jay tugged on his jeans and padded barefoot across the

room. He grabbed a shirt off of the top of his hamper and

gave it a quick sniff. Not too bad. He paused at his dresser

to rummage in the top drawer. With a grin, Jay shoved a

couple of condoms and a small tube of lube in his back


He loved some shower sex.

The knocking grew louder, making him scowl. He

needed to remind his early caller that he let them grab the

occasional nap here as a favor to them, not because of any

desire to run a motel. He didn’t bother looking through

the peep-hole, just opened the door. The minute he did, he

wished he could shut it again.

“What the fuck is your problem?” Scott stood there,

the aroma of stale beer clinging to him and an angry but

unsteady look in his eye. “What do you mean by leaving

me a breakup voicemail?”

“Must not have bothered you that much. That was

last night and you’re only now getting back to me? Why


“I wanted you to cool off.”

“While you went and hit the bars. I know you didn’t go

home alone.”

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Scott flushed.

“I don’t care.” Jay held the door with his left hand and

cocked his right hip against the frame. “I made myself

pretty damn clear, Scott. It should be obvious why, given

you left me by the side of the road when I needed you.”

Scott flushed deeper and looked down, but only for a

moment. He glared at Jay with offended innocence. “I

thought you wanted to walk, since you were sick and all.”

Jay gaped at him. Of all the excuses his ex could come

up with, that was the best he could do? “Just beat it. I’m not

interested in your drama.”

“Whose motorcycle, anyway?”

“None of your business. Please leave.” Jay stepped back,

intending to close the door, so Scott’s shove caught him off

guard and he stumbled back.

“What is going on here?” Chance sounded ready to spit


Scott turned to Chance and stepped deeper into the room.

“Who the fuck are you?”

Jay stepped forward again, trying to regain control of the

situation. “Scott, you’re still drunk. You’re making a fool of

yourself. Just--”

Before he could finish, Scott lunged and shoved Jay

back. Jay, off balance, skidded onto his ass. As Chance

started to come forward, Jay came up off the floor and his

fist connected with Scott’s cheek with a jar that went all

the way down Jay’s arm. Satisfaction filled him when Scott

flew into the wall and clung to the doorframe, breathing

heavily. His shocked eyes found Jay’s.

Jay glared back. “I said, get out. And don’t ever touch

me again, Scott. No one gets to push me around. Not for

any reason. Not ever.”

He stood there, waiting to see what else Scott would do,

but Scott just inhaled deeply, glanced at Chance, and then

turned on his heel to walk out.


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Jay wanted to slam the door shut, but he’d already given

his neighbors enough gossip for one day. He closed the

door and locked it, flipping the deadbolt. He hesitated a

moment and then turned to lean ass-first against it. “Sorry

about that.”

Chance watched him, frozen in the middle of the floor, a

towel around his waist. His face split into a wide grin and

he started laughing. “Not ever, huh?”

Jay tried to hold it in, but the laugh that came out of him

bounced around his living room and joined Chance’s.

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Chapter Four: First Promise

Jay let out a long breath and slumped back onto the

couch. The supple leather welcomed him and Jay turned

his head to study Chance. The man leaned back against the

bedroom door jam, towel low on his hips.

Jay sighed. “Well, that could have gone better.”

Chance shrugged. “He left and I don’t think he’s gonna

come back. Can’t ask for better than that.”

Jay tried to hide the hopeful note in his voice. “Didn’t

scare you off?”

Chance’s grin spread across his face. “Take a lot more

than a yuppie throwing a temper tantrum to bother me.”

Jay patted the cushion next to him. “Join me?”

Chance pushed away from the doorway. “Now that’s an

invitation I’ll accept.”

After sitting, Chance pulled Jay into his lap. Jay went

willingly, scrambling onto muscled, terrycloth-covered

thighs. Their mouths met and Jay parted his lips to allow

Chance’s tongue to sweep in.

Nobody kissed quite like Chance.

Jay relaxed into Chance’s embrace, trusting the strong

arms to hold him steady as he arched closer. His fingers

inched into Chance’s shaggy hair; he already loved carding

through the thick silky strands. His hands didn’t linger

too long. The expanse of available skin bared by Chance’s

towel tempted him too much.

Running his hands over Chance’s shoulders, he enjoyed

the curved strength of them before exploring further. Hair-

dusted skin tickled Jay’s palms as he searched for Chance’s

nipples. Chance’s low growl let Jay know of his success.

His fingers played with the nipples until they hardened into

stiff peaks. Jay’s hands lost contact with Chance’s chest as

the man moved him away.

Their kiss ended and Jay groped after him. “Hey--”


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“Shirt off, more skin.”

Not waiting, Chance pulled Jay’s shirt off, muffling his

eager “’okay’” of agreement. Chance pushed him back onto

the couch, the leather cool against his bare torso. Chance

tugged at his pants and Jay lifted his hips. With a smooth,

efficient movement, Chance stripped him of his jeans. With

Scott’s surprise arrival, Jay had skipped underwear. His

erection bobbed free for a moment before Chance covered

him. His cock trapped between their bodies, Jay arched up

and rubbed, creating wonderful friction.

“Any lube around?”

Jay waved at the floor. “In my back pockets with some


“Wow, you are the Boy Scout.”

Jay snickered and punched Chance in the shoulder. “No,

and I’m not so horny I carry them around constantly, either.

I’d planned on joining you in the shower when I got rid of

my early morning caller.”

Chance leaned away for a moment and Jay mourned the

loss of his weight and heat.

Moving back, Chance dropped the lube and condom on

Jay’s chest. “Good boy.”

“Hey, remember, I’ve told you already I’m not that


Chance cocked an eyebrow. “Oh really. Let’s prove that.”

Chance reached again for Jay’s jeans and pulled out his

battered wallet. He flipped it open one-handed. Holding

it up, Chance peered at Jay’s drivers’ license through the

plastic window.

Chance blinked and tossed it aside. “Okay, damn. Thirty-

three, not my first, or my fifth, guess.”

Jay smirked. “It’s healthy living. But feel free to corrupt

me, anyway.”

He caught Chance’s grin before their lips met again.

He closed his eyes and wiggled deeper into the leather

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cushions. His hands roamed over Chance’s back and tugged

away the towel. It joined his jeans on the floor. Now they

lay skin to skin.

After long moments they parted, their panting loud in the

quiet of the apartment.

Chance sat back on his heels between Jay’s splayed

thighs. The heat in Chance’s gaze warmed him. Chance ran

calloused palms over Jay’s stomach and chest. Jay arched

his back when Chance stopped and played with his nipples.

His own hands busy, Jay caressed Chance’s thighs, his

fingers playing with Chance’s scrotum. Chance’s cock

curved up, flushed and full. Jay avoided it for now, carding

his fingers through the coarse curls at its base, instead.

With a last pinch to Jay’s nipples, Chance abandoned

them to trail his hands down. He skirted around Jay’s cock

and tugged lightly at Jay’s balls before stopping to play

with the sensitive spot right behind them. Jay moaned when

Chance brushed over his opening, making him want more.

“In me. Now.”

Chance grinned. “You’re a pushy bottom.”

“I’m an empty one.” Jay tossed him the lube and waved

the condom packet at him.

Chanced chuckled and popped the lid of the tube. Slick

fingers probed at Jay, making him hiss as one slipped


“Another.” At Chance’s frown, Jay urged him. “Come

on, don’t make me wait.”

A second finger joined the first, scissoring to stretch him.

Jay ripped open the condom with fumbling fingers and

smoothed it onto Chance. Chance batted his hands aside

to add lube before tossing the tube. He lifted Jay’s legs.

Chance placed them on his shoulders and firm hands

grasped Jay’s hips. With a surge forward, Chance breeched

Jay’s body. The fat head of Chance’s cock stretched his

hole, making Jay gasp.


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Chance stilled. “You okay?”

“Better if you moved.”

Chance chuckled, low and deep. He pulled out, almost

all the way, and lifted Jay’s hips. With a powerful thrust,

Chance pushed in, making Jay groan. Chance started

a steady rhythm of smooth strokes that soon had Jay

writhing. Every pass brushed over his gland, shooting

sensation through him.

Jay’s hands drifted to his cock and began pulling on it.

Chance watched him with avid eyes. “Yes, make yourself

come. I want to see it.”

Encouraged, Jay climaxed and spilled over his stomach

and chest. His legs, wrapped around Chance’s waist,

flopped down, limp. Satisfaction flooded Jay, replacing the

shudders of his release. When Chase pulled out of him, Jay

propped himself up on his elbows.

His gaze swept down Chase’s body and spied the latex-

covered cock. Full and firm, it confused Jay.

“You didn’t come yet?”

“I trade a longer recovery time for a shitload of stamina.

Come on, let’s turn you over.”

Chase scooped up the fallen towel placing it over a few

throw pillows he piled up. He pushed and nudged Jay until

Jay lay over the small mountain of pillows. His ass in the

air, Jay shivered as Chance ran calloused palms over his


Jay let out a long breath as Chance re-entered him.

He relaxed, wallowing in the afterglow of his orgasm.

Chance’s smooth strokes rocked him into his mound of

pillows. Jay loved this, being able to enjoy the sensation of

being filled.

Chance’s breath warmed Jay’s ear as he spoke. “Are you


Jay glanced over his shoulder. “For what?”

“To rock and roll.”

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Chance chuckled. “I’ve just been keeping my cock happy

while you caught your second wind. Now comes the main


“What? Oh God, yes!”

With a slight shift of position, Chance began nailing

his gland. Not brushing like before, this full contact made

Jay’s eyes roll back in his head. His hands scrabbled on the

leather cushion, trying to find purchase. Chance’s hands

on his hips became Jay’s anchor. They held him steady for

each of the powerful thrusts. Each one hit directly on his

prostate, making Jay writhe and moan.

Jay began to babble, nonsense words filling the room,

joining with Chance’s low grunts and the sound of their

flesh slapping together. He hovered on the brink of release

until each hit on his gland became the center of Jay’s

universe. His cock, rubbing against the rough towel, echoed

the ache building inside him.

Chance pulled sharply back on his hips. The warm palm

wrapping around his cock shocked Jay. With a wild cry,

Jay’s release roared through him. Chance made a rough

growling sound and jerked against him before slumping

over Jay’s back. After a moment, Chance shifted and pulled


Chance moved the pillows, flipping him over and

cleaning them both with the towel. Chance’s hard body

snuggled next to him on the wide couch. Shifting to pull the

throw over them, Chance created a cozy nest.

Jay sighed, floating. “Damn. Incredible.”

Chance’s arms tightened. “I do like to top. Years of

drilling every summer improved my aim.”

“That’s for sure. Next time make sure you insist on

topping again.”

Chance chuckled, the low sound vibrating through Jay. “I

can do that.”


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“You want to grab some breakfast?”

“Sounds like a date to me.”

Jay cuddled deeper against Chance’s hard warmth.

Rolling over, he met empty space and sat up, blinking. He

rubbed his eyes, startled he’d fallen asleep; he had further

plans. He looked around. No Chance. He listened to the

quiet apartment and disappoint welled up inside of him.

Looked like Chance changed his mind.

He pulled the throw around himself again, chilled now

that he was alone. A note caught his eye and he reached for


‘Getting us grub. C.’

Jay’s gaze darted over to the coat rack. Chance’s battered

bomber jacket still hung from it and his leather gloves

waited on the foyer table. Relief flooded Jay and he flopped

back on the leather couch, the deep cushions welcoming

him back.

He’d catch a nap while he waited for his man to return.

Yeah, he could do that.

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Taking a Chance

Copyright © 2012 by A. Catherine Noon and Rachel


All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used

or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written

permission except in case of brief quotations embodied

in critical articles or reviews. For information address

Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680

Printed in the United States of America.

Torquere Press, Inc.: Sips electronic edition / November


Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press,

Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680



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