Dec 08 cable hat

background image


One size to fit an average sized



2 x 50gm of Rowan Classic Silk

Wool DK in Limewash 301

pair each size 3.25mm and

4mm knitting needles

cable needle

Cable hat

Featured in

Prima December 2008

Call 01484 681881 for stockists

of Rowan yarns and books.


26 sts and 30 rows to 10cm

measured over patt using 4mm



cm centimetres; cont continue;

C3F slip next 2 sts onto cable

needle and leave at front of work,

k1, then k2 from cable needle;

C3B slip next st onto cable needle

and leave at back of work, k2, then

k1 from cable needle; Cr3L slip

next 2 sts onto cable needle and

leave at front of work, p1, then k2

from cable needle; Cr3R slip next

st onto cable needle and leave at

back of work, k2, then p1 from ca-

ble needle; C4F slip next 2 sts onto

cable needle and leave at front of

work, k2, then k2 from cable nee-

dle; C5B slip next 3 sts onto cable

needle and leave at back of work,

k2, then k3 from cable needle;

dec decrease; k knit; p purl; patt

pattern; p2sso pass 2 slipped sts

over; rem remaining; RS right side;

skpo sl 1, k1, pass slipped st over;

sl2togk slip next 2 sts as though

to k2tog; sl slip; st(s) stitch(es);

tog together; yf yarn forward; yrn

yarn round needle.


With 3.25mm needles, cast on

122 sts. 1st row (RS) K2, [p2, k2]

to end. 2nd row P2, [k2, p2] to

end. These 2 rows form rib. Cont in

rib for 4cm, ending with RS fac-

ing for next row. Change to 4mm

needles. Cont in patt as follows:

1st row (RS) P2, [k2, yf, k2tog,

p3, C5B, p3] to end. 2nd row [K3,

p5, k3, p2, yrn, p2tog] to last 2

sts, k2. 3rd row P2, [k2, yf, k2tog,

p2, C3B, k1, C3F, p2] to end. 4th

row [K2, p7, k2, p2, yrn, p2tog]

to last 2 sts, k2. 5th row P2, [k2,

yf, k2tog, p2, k2, yf, sl2togk, k1,

p2sso, yf, k2, p2] to end. 6th row

As 4th row. 7th row P2, [C4F, p2,

k2, yf, sl2togk, k1, p2sso, yf, k2,

p2] to end. 8th to 11th rows Rep

4th and 5th rows twice more. 12th

row As 4th row. 13th row P2, [k2,

yf, k2tog, p2, k7, p2] to end. 14th

row As 4th row. 15th row P2,

[k2, yf, k2tog, p2, Cr3L, k1, Cr3R,

p2] to end. 16th row As 2nd row.

These 16 rows form the patt and

are repeated. Cont in patt for a

further 12 rows, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Shape crown

1st row (RS) P2tog, [k2, yf, k2tog,

p2tog, k7, p2tog] to end. 105

sts. 2nd row [K1, p7, k1, p2, yrn,

p2tog] to last st, k1. 3rd row P1,

[k2, yf, k2tog, p1, Cr3L, k1, Cr3R,

p1] to end. 4th row [K2, p5, k2,

p2, yrn, p2tog] to last st, k1. 5th

row P1, [k2, yf, k2tog, p2, C5B,

p2] to end. 6th row As 4th row.

7th row P1, [k2, yf, k2tog, p2tog,

k5, p2tog] to end. 89 sts. 8th row

[K1, p5, k1, p2, yrn, p2tog] to last

st, k1. 9th row P1, [k2, yf, k2tog,

p1, k2, k2tog, k1, p1] to end. 81

sts. 10th row [K1, p4, k1, p2, yrn,

p2tog] to last st, k1. 11th row P1,

[C4F, p1, skpo, k2tog, p1] to end.

65 sts. 12th row [K1, p2, k1, p4]

to last st, k1. 13th row P1, [k1,

k2tog, k1, p1, k2, p1] to end. 57

sts. 14th row [K1, p2, k1, p3] to

last st, k1. 15th row P1, [k2tog,

k1, p1, k2, p1] to end. 49 sts.

16th row [K1, p2] to last st, k1.

17th row [K2tog, k1] to last st,

k1. 33 sts. 18th row P1, [p2tog]

16 times. Break yarn and thread

through rem 17 sts. Pull up tight

and fasten off securely.


Join back seam.

Taken from Winter Gifts by Rowan


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