The Coven by phoenixhunter47

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phoenixhunter47 - The Coven

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Table of Contents

1. Prologue.............................................................................................1

2. Distressed Beginnings.....................................................................5

3. Titania...............................................................................................21

4. Undertow..........................................................................................37

5. Debauchery and Promiscuity.........................................................55

6. Watched and Followed...................................................................64

7. The Journal......................................................................................79

8. Chez Cullen......................................................................................82

9. Struggling to Breathe....................................................................100

10. Neglectfully Numb.......................................................................121

11. Beyond Reach.............................................................................135

12. Veto..............................................................................................160

13. Darkness and Inhibitions............................................................196

14. Claustrophobic............................................................................226

15. Inexplicably Tied.........................................................................248

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1. Prologue

The Coven

Summary - Just staring out at Yale, Bella Swan is determined to shed
her normal cautious attitude and predictable ways to embrace
adventure and change. That is until she learns of an elite group hidden
within the walls of her new Ivy League home. Seduced by the unknown,
Bella finds herself caught up in the danger that is The Coven.


I tried to move but my hands were tied behind me. I peered through the
darkness looking for some indication of where I was. My legs felt stiff
and I tried to stretch them out but my ankles were bound to the chair I
was occupying. How long have I been here?

"Hello?" My voice echoed off the walls around me. The air was damp
and cold and I could make out the faint outline of the room I was in. It
was small and circular, the walls and floor were made of stone. I was
still in my sweats and t-shirt, my chestnut hair hung loose around my
face. I shivered as I struggled to remember how I'd got here.

It was Tuesday night and at ten o'clock I decided to go to bed. My
roommate was out for the night and the dorm was unusually quiet. I had
changed into my usual sleepwear - grey sweats and my faded blue
'Forks Police Dept.' t-shirt, and crawled under the sheets.

Charlie always said to me in situations like this it was important to
remember as much as you can. I would always laugh and tell him he
was being ridiculous - no one was going to attack or kidnap the Chief of
Police's daughter. If only I had paid more attention.

Is it still Tuesday?

1. Prologue


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I had no idea how I had got here, there were no distinctive smells and I
was surrounded by silence.

"What do you want?" I called out again. I heard a shuffle of light
footsteps behind me but I couldn't move. My body became rigid as I
tried to prepare myself for what was to come. Suddenly a hand reached
round in front of my mouth and nose and held a cloth to my face. I
instinctively held my breath but my attacker was persistent. My lungs
ached and despite my struggle, the grip over my face didn't falter. I had
to breathe and as I did, I could smell the chloroform on the cloth.

I started to feel dizzy. I didn't know if it was the effects of the drug or my
panic attack that caused everything to become completely black. Either
way, the room slowly ebbed from view and my body completely relaxed.

When I awoke I was colder and lying on something hard. I pushed
myself up, realizing that I was on the floor. My head ached and I felt
dizzy from trying to get up too quickly. My eyes adjusted to the dark
again and as I strained to focus I noticed the chair had been removed.
In its place sat a small table. The only thing sitting on it was a green
bottle. I hesitantly stepped forward, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"Isabella Swan." A deep voice filtered into the room and caused me to
jump back from the table. I dropped my outstretched hand to my side
and froze.

"Isabella, you are here by choice. You are here because you want this.
This is a test of your trust and loyalty. You are free to leave at anytime,
all you have to do is say you don't want it."

My head was buzzing from the effects of the chloroform. Who was this?
Don't want what? Like hell did I want to be snatched from my bed and
drugged in the middle of the night.

"We have been watching you. You show promise."

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1. Prologue


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Okay, who the fuck is behind the creepy voice? I wanted to yell but my
throat had almost closed.

"In order to gain acceptance Isabella, there must be sacrifice." What the
fuck? Sacrifice?

"Drink without question." It was an order. If I wanted to know more
about why I was here I had to drink. I cast my eyes back to the table,
the green bottle barely visible.

"Without hesitation, Isabella. Drink and you will be rewarded beyond
your imagination."

I stepped forward and picked up the bottle. I noticed on closer
inspection that the bottle was clear, the liquid inside was green. The
glass was smooth and cold as I clutched it in my palm.

Are you seriously considering swallowing this? It could be poison!

Trust. That was what the voice had said.

At parties I was too responsible to take recreational drugs and hardly
ever drank, usually ending up as the designated driver. But something
about the vial in my hand made my body clammy with anticipation.

I took off the stopper and held the glass up to my nose. It was odorless.
Get the fuck out of here! My brain was screaming at me, trying to make
me see sense. My hand wavered infinitesimally.

You wanted to be someone. You wanted adventure. You wanted to be
noticed. Take a chance.
The new Bella Swan, the risk taker urged me

Are you seriously trying to talk yourself into drinking this? The old Bella
was fading into the back of my head.

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1. Prologue


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As the bottle met my lips I tilted my head back and swallowed with one

Shit. Not again. As the darkness washed over me once more, I heard
the tinkle of glass against stone and whispers in the shadows.

A/N - Thanks to my fab beta, helliex88, for getting this back to me
so quickly. This is my first posted fanfic so please be gentle. I
hope to have the next chapter posted by the start of next week.

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1. Prologue


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2. Distressed Beginnings

A/N - Just wanted to say a huge thank you to the response I've had
for this story so far. I was super nervous about posting and was
overwhelmed with your reviews and interest. I am however a little
worried about Chapter 1. I hope you like it as much as you liked
the Prologue.

Thanks again to my fab beta - helliex88, who gives me nothing but
support and encouragement in my times of woe and writer's block.
If you haven't checked out her profile yet - you totally should. Her
stories are epic.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or anything by M. Cosmopoulos. I
do however own a shiny new iPhone.

The Coven

Summary - Just staring out at Yale, Bella Swan is determined to shed
her normally cautious attitude and predictable ways to embrace
adventure and change. That is until she learns of an elite group hidden
within the walls of her new Ivy League home. Seduced by the unknown,
Bella finds herself caught up in the danger that is The Coven.

4 weeks ago

I was finally here. I had been driving for the last week straight, stopping
only for food, motels and gas. Charlie had wanted me to take my time,
make a road trip of it. I laughed as I remembered our conversation.

"Bells, don't you think you should space it out over two weeks at least.
Three thousand miles is a lot to cover in a week in your truck." I gasped
in mock shock.

2. Distressed Beginnings


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"Dad! Do you doubt the ability of my truck?" In truth I was dreading the
journey. Ten hour days driving at 55mph, I was exhausted just thinking
about it, but I wanted my truck at Yale. I planned on making some big
changes this year but my truck would be my one constant.

"I just want to make sure you get there in one piece, Bella." Dad said
firmly. "Maybe Jake should drive with you."

"NO!" I cried, "I'm doing this by myself dad. Jake's been following me
around all summer, he's not following me across the damn country."

"Isabella Swan, watch your language."

"Charlie, I'm a big girl now, you have to start treating me like one. I'm
doing this by myself. I've got my cell - I'll call you." Dad hated it when I
called him Charlie but he knew that I wasn't going to back down.

I smiled up at my dorm building as I pulled the last box out of my truck.
My old Chevy looked out of place parked alongside the sports cars
belonging to Yale's elite. The parking lot was adorned with a variety of
shapes and colors - red, yellow, black, silver...

I never did get the obsession with big or powerful cars. My truck got me
from point A to point B. It maybe wasn't as fast as a Porsche or a BMW
or even that shiny black one on the end but it had character. I locked my
truck and headed back up to my dorm room - 3C. I had already made
several trips up to the third floor and my legs were burning as I walked
through the doorway and dropped down on to my bed.

I really was exhausted. I just wanted to unpack and sleep. My room was
untouched, the other room looked like Barbie had thrown up. Pink
covered every surface and something fluffy was draped across the
other bed. I groaned. This chick was going to be a nightmare.

The main room was spacious, maybe we could avoid each other without
incident. The front door opened to a living area which housed a small

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2. Distressed Beginnings


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couch, two arm chairs and a coffee table. There was one large window
in that area of the room, to the left of the window was the kitchen. If you
could call it that. A sink, a microwave a small stove and surface space
big enough for two plates. I shouldn't complain, I had expected less.

Each of our bedrooms opened up off the main living area through
archways, we both had large windows in our rooms providing ample
light. Everything was open plan, no doors or boundaries. No privacy.

With the exception of Barbie's room everything was decorated in neutral
earthy tones. For that I was thankful. Nothing would set off my
migraines faster than mismatched décor and a loud paint job.

I started to fish through my boxes and pulled out my sheets. On campus
housing provided the basics - pillow and a duvet. But you had to provide
your own sheets and towels. Of course I had no problem with that. The
very thought of sleeping in someone else's sheets made my skin crawl.
I found my dark blue sheets and made my bed. Just as I was
considering stripping off out of my jeans and hoodie, the front door
opened with a bang.

I spun around to see a girl with short light blonde hair waltz into the
room. The cut was edgy, the sort of thing you would expect to see on a
catwalk not in an Ivy League school. She wore too much make-up and
her perfume was overbearing and too sweet. I was right. Total

She was tall and slender with cat like features. There was something
about her eyes that seemed unfriendly and cold. As she walked over to
me a sickly sweet smile stretched across her face and she extended her
hand in greeting.

"Hi, I'm Lauren Mallory. You must be Isabella Swan." She was
confident, it wasn't a question.

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2. Distressed Beginnings


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I took her hand and shook it gently, smiling back at her. "Please, call me
Bella." She was dressed in a hot pink mini skirt, black patent fuck-me
heels and a black t-shirt that looked like it was two sizes too small. The
whole outfit looked like it had been painted on.

"I only have two rules Bella. Number one, if there is a hair band on the
door I'm busy. Don't come in, go and find something else to do." She
dropped my hand and went to sit gracefully on one of the armchairs.
What was she talking about? Hair bands on doors? Wasn't that just
something they did on television? "Number two, you'll need to let me
know 24 hours ahead of time if you want to impose the same hair band
rule. That'll give me time to find someone to do."

I was beyond horrified. Who did this girl think she was? She could kick
me out at any time but I was going to have to run my activities past her?
"Don't you mean something to do?" I asked, still in shock.

She giggled, "No, I mean someone to do." Suddenly her statement
became all too clear. I was rooming with a slut and she was trying to
walk all over me.

I was going to have to put my foot down, "Fine Lauren, I only have two
rules." My tone was firm. "Rule one, no pink shit in our living area," I
glared at her pointedly. "And rule two, no fucking on my bed. It's off

Her eyes widened in surprise at my attitude, but she nodded her head
once in acknowledgment. This girl had no shame, I could see that
already. It was as much for my own peace of mind as anything. The last
thing I wanted to know about was my bed getting more action than me.

Lauren continued to glare at me from the chair she was occupying, that
stupid smile still plastered across her face. My hand twitched at my
side, itching to smack it right off her face. Not a good start to the year,
.Sighing in frustration I grabbed my backpack. Leaving my boxes
on my side of the room, I headed out of the door. As I made my way

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2. Distressed Beginnings


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down the hall I heard Lauren's laughter filtering out of our room. This
was going to be a long year.

I needed some fresh air and I still had to register for classes. Walking
across the quad I wondered if I would be able to get a single room at
short notice. It would cut into my savings but the space might be worth
it. I had made it to Yale on a full scholarship, maintaining my perfect 4.0
average. I'd also used Charlie's connections at home to get involved in
community projects and volunteer work. Nothing says 'Yale Material'
like good grades and a moral conscience. Dad had hooked me up with
gigs at the hospital, the library and even the police station. I had also
given some of my time to local charities, fundraising and planting trees -
like there's a shortage in Forks.

The queue for classes was relatively short, so my registration was
quick. I was undecided on my major so I selected a range of classes in
the hope that I would find one I wanted to focus on. As it happened my
first classes were tomorrow, I was starting with Religion and Film
Studies. My English Lit and History of Art classes didn't start until next

I checked the map of the campus I'd been given and tried to locate the
bookstore. I still had a few books to get and Mrs. Cope in registration
had advised that the on campus bookstore should still have copies.
After nearly an hour of wandering through hallways I finally found what I
was looking for. I ran out through the doors in front of me and started to
dart across the street. I didn't see the silver car as it sped towards me
but I skidding to a stop when I heard the squeal of breaks.

The brunette behind the wheel glowered at me through the windscreen.
"Sorry," I shouted, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. She
rolled her eyes and waved her arms to motion me out the way. I was
safely on the sidewalk when I heard the engine rev and speed off down
the street. Impatient much?

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2. Distressed Beginnings


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I walked into the bookstore and headed for the main desk. "Hi, can I
help you with something?" The guy behind the counter smiled and I
noticed his badge said Tyler.

"Hi, I'm looking for these books," I said as I handed him my book list.

"Hey Eric, can you watch the desk for me? I'm going to help..." he
looked at me expectantly.

"Bella," I replied.

"I'm going to help Bella get her books." Tyler moved out from behind the
desk and pointed to the back of the store.

"No worries Ty," Eric called after us.

"So Bella, are you all moved in yet? I'm Tyler by the way, or Ty,

"My boxes are in my dorm but I haven't unpacked anything yet. My
roommate pushed my buttons this afternoon so I thought I would clear
my head, buy my books and give her some space." I internally groaned
at the thought of having to speak to Lauren again and contemplated the
potential trouble I would be in if I suffocated her in her sleep.

"Rooming with someone you don't like? That's tough," he glanced at me

"It's not that I don't like her, I guess I just don't know her. But from first
impressions, it could come down to her or me." I said, only half joking.

"I hear you." Tyler stopped in front of a table holding texts on religion.

"We've got the first two on your list for your Religion class but we'll need
to order the other one in for you." He picked up two books from the
display and moved back across the library. "It'll take about two weeks to

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come in but there should be copies in the library to get you started."

"Thanks Ty."

"If you leave your number we can call you when it arrives," he offered. I
nodded in agreement as we continued walking.

When we arrived in the media section of the store he gathered three
more books and walked me back over to ring up my purchases. He
placed the order for my missing book and I gave him my cell number
like he said.

Eric walked over from organizing a display under popular fiction, "Hey
Ty, there's a party happening on Friday night. You wanna go?"

"Sure, why not?" Tyler shrugged, "Hey Bella, what are you doing Friday
night? You should come."

Parties in the first week of school? Bella Swan doesn't do strange
parties, especially in the first week of school. "I don't know Ty, I don't
know anyone and..."

"All the more reason for you to come," he interrupted. "Beside you know
me and Eric, come on it'll be fun."

"Fine, where is it?" I sighed. It did make sense, I wasn't going to meet
any new friends in my room. And it would mean avoiding Lauren.

Eric smirked, "It's at Eclipse." He said it like it should mean something
to me. It didn't.

My face must have given me away because Tyler spoke, "It's a club off
campus. I'll be driving there, I can pick you up if you like."

"Sure, thanks. I'm over in Lawrence Hall. What time on Friday?" I'll just
go for a couple of hours then I'll come home.

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"I'll pick you up at nine. Oh and Bella, dress to impress. If you don't look
over 21 they'll card you." Tyler handed me a bag with my books, "See
you Friday at nine."

"See you later guys, nice to meet you both," I called over my shoulder
and waved.

As I walked out of the store my pocket started to vibrate. I reached in
and pulled out my iPhone. Checking the caller ID, I saw that it was
Charlie. "Shit," I'd forgotten to call when I arrived. I pushed the screen to
answer the call. "Hey dad."

"Don't you hey dad me, Isabella! I've been sitting here all day worried

I immediately felt bad. Charlie Swan was a man of few words and of
those words he seldom voiced his emotions. "Sorry dad, I was
exhausted and it slipped my mind."

"I agreed to you going to school on the east coast on the condition you
kept in touch, Bells. You know you're all I have." Christ, he was laying it
on thick.

"You've got Billy and Jake too dad. I'm sorry. I'm here, okay? I arrived in
one piece," I could tell I was starting to sound exasperated but I couldn't
help it. One of the reasons I had picked the east coast was because
Forks was suffocating me. Charlie was suffocating me. Expectations
and small towns, I was Bella Swan - daughter of the Chief of Police. I
just wanted to be Bella Swan. No one knew me here. I could be who I
wanted to be.

I softened my voice trying to placate my father, "I promise to call once a
week from now on."

"That's all I'm asking Bells," he sighed, "Jake's here, did you want to say

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"Dad, I just got here, can I breath for five minutes?" I was pissed. Can I
not get away from Jacob fucking Black?

"Bella, come on..."

"I have to go, I still have to sign up for classes and buy my books." I
looked down guiltily at the bag of books in my hand, "I'll speak to Jake
another time dad. Love you."

"You too, Bells." And with that he was gone.

Jacob and I had been friends since we were old enough to walk. Our
fathers were fishing buddies and we were both dragged out on fishing
trips at weekends every summer until we were fourteen. Simply put, I'd
had enough of fishing.

Jake was a good friend, most of the time. He lived on the La Push
reservation with his dad, Billy, and I got on with the rest of his buddies
too. Things were comfortable. Then we turned sixteen. That's when
things started to get awkward. Our dad's started to push us towards
dating and Jake loved it. It wasn't that Jake wasn't attractive. He was tall
and muscular with russet skin and dark cropped hair, but he was more
like a brother than a boyfriend.

After a while Jake understood and respected my feelings but he still
hoped things would change between us. I had thought moving across
country would make it abundantly clear to him that ship had sailed, but
there he was waiting at Charlie's for my call.

I screamed out in frustration, earning strange looks from some of the
people milling around me. I felt my cheeks flame as I turned to walk
down the sidewalk. I checked my watch and saw that it was already five
thirty. I hadn't realized how hungry I was, the changes in time zones
had thrown me off my usual eating and sleeping patterns.

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I headed to a nearby café and ordered a turkey and cheese sub with a
salad and an iced tea. I settled into one of the armchairs in the corner
and pulled out a worn copy of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. I had
read it often and found most of the conspiracy nonsense, but it was well
written and I couldn't fault the creativity. I knew that the concept of the
story stemmed from apparent truths and that was in part why I had
elected to take religion this semester. I was a nonbeliever. The idea of
cults, religious sects and secret societies seemed ludicrous.

Yale was famous for societies of its own, all denied of course, so I had
decided that it was going to be up to this institution to convince me
otherwise. I wasn't going to hold my breath. The fact was, I was
attending an Ivy League school and I was fortunate enough not to have
to pay for it. The only other condition of my scholarship was that I
compete on the swim team. That was something I was happy to comply
with. Practice took place on Friday's at 8am and Monday's at 4pm,
lasting two hours. I felt at home in the pool, it was my sanctuary.

I ate slowly, enjoying the college atmosphere, not really reading my
book. As I glanced up from my tea a familiar face walked through the
door. The impatient brunette from this afternoon. I tried to hide behind
my book as she walked over to the counter. She was wearing dark
skinny fit jeans and a tight fitting cashmere jumper in lemon yellow over
her frame. Knee high boots encased her slender calves as she walked.
Her light brown hair was thick and long, her lips were red and seemed
to form a natural pout. Her dark eyes looked through designer frames
as she scanned the café.

"Angela, you realize you've just abandoned that out there?" A laughing
blonde woman walked up to brunette.

The brunette, Angela, laughed back, "Like I give a fuck. I'll park
however I want to Rose. No one is going to tell me to move it." Rose
shook her head, her laughter dying out, as her wavy blond hair
shimmered across her back and her ice blue eyes sparkled.

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"Two Chai Tea Lattes," the one called Rose demanded. She slid a note
across the counter and turned to Angela. Rose was just as
immaculately dressed. She was wearing a black pencil skirt cut
gracefully to her knees, she had teamed it with a red blouse and black
ankle boots. Both she and Angela were a far cry from Lauren's
appearance this afternoon. They were both tall; Angela was trim but
curvy while Rose could easily have been a model and they were both
well dressed and sophisticated. This was exactly what I expected Ivy
League students to look like.

Conscious of the fact that I was staring, I glanced out of the window. I
was Ivy League too, did that mean I was going to have to change my
appearance? Was Bella Swan not good enough? Would I end up
suffocating here too? I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard a
crash from a few tables over. Two Chai Tea Lattes were now lying spilt
over the floor as the barista apologized profusely to Rose and Angela
who sat looking rather amused at the scene in front of them.

I glanced back out the window again and saw for the first time that it
was dark outside. I put my book back in my bag and cleared my table,
throwing away my trash. As I walked out the door I heard Angela speak,
"That's the one I was telling you about, the one that ran out in front of
me." I felt my cheeks flush as I hurried forward. I didn't hear Rose's

I hadn't intended on being out so late and I wasn't sure I would be able
to find my way back to my dorm in the dark. But after a brisk thirty
minute walk through campus I arrived back at Lawrence Hall. I couldn't
wait to crawl into my bed and sleep off a week's worth of traveling; I was
exhausted and didn't have class until 10am tomorrow. As I trudged up
the stairs to my dorm room I hoped Lauren would be out. I didn't have
the energy to deal with anymore of her shit tonight.

I got to the third floor and realized that it was relatively quiet for nine
thirty. I glanced along the hallway and that's when I saw it. A fucking hot
pink hair band tied to the door knob of 3C.

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It's my first fucking night here!

I didn't know where to scream in frustration or cry. I had two choices. I
could either march in there and suffer Lauren's wrath for the rest of the
year or I could suck it up and find somewhere else to go.

I sighed and kicked the wall before turning on my heel and heading
back down the stairs. I sat down on the steps outside my dorm building,
pulling my iPhone out of my pocket. I still had a book to locate for
tomorrows class and Yale had more than a dozen libraries on campus. I
pulled up the college directory and entered the text I was looking for,
Greek Mysteries: The Archaeology of Ancient Greek Secret Cults by M.

I was actually looking forward to my Religious Studies class. If nothing
else, a class on 'Ancient Mystery Cults' would definitely be interesting.
The question was, would it be interesting enough to keep me
entertained while Lauren was entertaining her guest in our dorm room. I
seriously doubted it. Having found the book in the directory, I made my
way across Old Campus and over to the Memorial Library. I was
pleased to discover that the bigger libraries were open twenty four
hours a day. I didn't want to sleep in my truck and if tonight was going to
become a regular occurrence then I would need somewhere to go.

I slowly walked up the steps of the biggest library on campus in
complete awe. Even in the dark I could see that it was impressive. The
outside of the building was covered in stained glass windows set in old
grey stone. The old building looked eerie against the inky black sky, its
outline taking on the shape of a gothic cathedral rather than a college
library. I felt a chill run down my spine as I swiped my matriculation card
to gain access. Was it due to the cold night air or the uneasy feeling I
got as I stepped into the nave? I didn't know, I couldn't explain it.

The library was quieter than usual and despite its fifteen floors I could
already tell it was almost empty. A glance at my watch told me it was
only ten fifteen - it was going to be a long night. I still had the books I

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had purchased earlier, if nothing else I would be able to get a head start
on the reading for class.

As I made my way over to the library counter to ask for the details of my
book, my eyes wandered over the elaborate carvings in the high
ceilings. Stone archways and figurines sat high in the architecture.
Some were peaceful, some intruding. My footsteps echoed noisily
against the polished floor as I walked carefully and I felt my face flush
with embarrassment.

As I approached the desk the girl standing behind it had her back to me.
She was dressed in all black and wore chunky knee high biker boots
adorned with buckles. Her dark hair was pulled up in to two small buns
on top of her head and a black leather choker sat snuggly around her
neck. She wore a black pleated skirt that came to her mid thighs and a
black t-shirt with silver lettering across her shoulder blades, 'Bite Me'.

She turned as she heard me stop at the counter and I saw that her
make-up was dark and heavy, almost out of place against her alabaster
skin. On the front of her shirt was a large faded red apple with a bite out
of one side; her name badge said Bree. Standing in front of me, she
reminded me of one of those freaky Little Apple Dolls.

"How can I help?" Bree asked, her voice flat.

"I'm looking for Greek Mysteries: The Archaeology of Ancient Greek
Secret Cults
by M. Cosmopoulos. Can you tell me where I can find it
please?" Goth chick was starting to freak me out. She turned and typed
on her computer for a couple of minutes.

"Yeah the text you're looking for is on the thirteenth floor and here is the
stack number and the reference code," Bree handed me a print out of
the information I needed to locate the book. Aesthetically she may not
be what you would expect to see in a library but at least she was

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In an effort to try and boost my energy I decided to take the stairs. I ran
up past floors, by the time I got to eight I was
starting to feel dead on my feet and was cursing Lauren to the nine
circles of Hell. I dragged my sorry ass up the last five flights and through
the doors to the stacks. My eyes searched for the reference numbers
that would reveal my required reading for tomorrow's class. After a ten
minute search I found the aisle and ran my fingers along the spines on
the shelves.

Halfway down the stack I eventually found M. Cosmopoulos and his
secret Greek cults then proceeded to collapse on the floor with
exhaustion, dropping the book next to me. This section of the library
was dimly lit and I moved my backpack so I could rest my head on it.
Perhaps I could sleep. Instead I found myself looking up at the ornately
decorated ceiling above me. I suddenly felt overwhelmed. Classes
hadn't started yet, I had been kicked out of my dorm room and I had
spent all day getting my books together.

I might have been getting smothered in Forks but I ran the risk of
drowning at Yale.

I rolled on to my side staring at the row of books in front of me. Had I
made a mistake? I didn't know anyone here. Get a grip Bella! Classes
start tomorrow, you only just got here for God sake. Stop being so
fucking melodramatic.

A book on the shelf in front of me caught my attention. It was smaller in
size than the books flanking it and it was pushed right to the back of the
shelf. All of the books had reference numbers stuck on their spines
cataloging their position in the library - floor and stack - followed by their
subject, topic or genre type. All of the books except this one. I reached
forward and pulled it from the shelf.

The book was the size of a journal, bound in black leather. It was old
and the leather was cracked in places. In the low lighting I saw there
were markings on the front of the book. I ran my fingers over the cover

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and tried to make out the detail on the front. It was as if the shape had
been branded or burned on to the book, it looked distressed and almost

An inverted pentagram in a circle was the focal point on the cover and
in the center of the pentagram were Roman numerals. I squinted, trying
to make them out.



There was no other text on its cover or spine and the book smelt musty
and old. I opened it to the first page and saw that there was no library
stamp. This book definitely did not belong here.

I heard footsteps a few stacks over and held my breath. When I was
happy there was no more movement I flicked to the next page. The text
was all hand written. If this was someone's journal I had no right to read

That's when I saw it. Just as I was about to shut the book the text at the
bottom of the page screamed for my attention. Only part of the text was
clear, some of the ink had faded.

...Yale. Beware the dangers of The Coven.

What was The Coven? And what did that have to do with Yale?

A/N - I know that this may not seem as exciting as the prologue,
but please hang in there. I needed to take you back to show you
how everything started. I'm not sure how quickly we will cover the
four weeks but I won't make it any longer than it needs to be.

The subject topics I am going to be using through The Coven are
all subjects covered within the Yale syllabus. The text books and

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assignments set however, are not.

I'm working off the Yale website for most of the info in this and
upcoming chapters. Of the dozen or so libraries on campus I'm not
sure which would have the books that Bella needs so I am trying to
make what I hope is a logical guess. I will also note that I know the
library is not open 24 hours a day, but it needs to be for my story.
Also, I don't know what local cafes or shops would be on campus
either so I'm invoking my right to use my artistic license. The same
goes for Bella's and Lauren's dorm room - I have no idea what this
would actually look like so I've just described how I pictured it in
my head.

Sorry for the long A/N. Oh and I think the Little Apple Dolls are a
little bit cute btw...

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3. Titania

A/N: Sorry this is late guys, I had job interviews this week and
everything was totally chaotic.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight; Go by Kelly Clarkson or anything
by M. Cosmopoulos.

The Coven

Summary - Just starting out at Yale, Bella Swan is determined to shed
her normally cautious attitude and predictable ways to embrace
adventure and change. That is until she learns of an elite group hidden
within the walls of her new Ivy League home. Seduced by the unknown,
Bella finds herself caught up in the danger that is The Coven.

That's when I saw it. Just as I was about to shut the book the text at the
bottom of the page screamed for my attention. Only part of the text was
clear, some of the ink had faded.

...Yale. Beware the dangers of The Coven.

What was The Coven? And what did that have to do with Yale?

Chapter 2

Although the outside of the journal appeared hard and rigid the pages
inside were soft and thick, smooth like velvet under my fingertips.
Scanning through the sheets I noticed sketches and diagrams, maps
and directions. Sections of the entries were faded and some were
completely gone. There were also parts of the text that appeared to be
scrawled in a foreign language. It wasn't French or Spanish, maybe

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My head started to spin at the necessity of writing in a different
language. The author was either totally eccentric or absurdly paranoid.
There was no immediate indication of who the author was and the style
of penmanship was so non-descript that it could be either male or
female. Some off the writing was elegant and flowed beautifully across
the page, while other parts were scratchy or blocky in appearance. A
sudden thought flitted through my mind - two authors?

Was that why the journal was hidden here? An exchange point between
two individuals? Would they come back for it? Excitement coursed
through my veins as I thought of the possibilities, though it did little to
relieve the fatigue that had already settled in my muscles.

Rolling on to my stomach, I tucked the journal into my bag. Resting my
head on my bag as a pillow, a layer of dust on the shelf caught my eye.
No, no one was coming back. No one had been here in quite some
time. This was one mystery I was going to have to solve on my own.

As my eyes drifted closed I considered what The Coven might
represent. Fraternities were always big on campuses, though usually
Greek in origin. Or it could be some sort of gaming network like
Dungeons and Dragons, secret books and coded languages would take
RPG to a different level.

As sleep washed over me it never occurred to me just how much
trouble might come of the journal in my bag or the curiosity in my head.


"Hey," a voice sounded over my head. I tried to open my eyes but they
were still too heavy with sleep. "Hey! You can't sleep in the library." The
voice was more forceful now. Opening my eyes I saw the buckles and
leather of biker boots - Bree.

"What time is it?" Sitting up, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and tried
to focus.

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"It's 8am. You can't sleep in the library!" Bree spoke with an angry hiss.
Tsk, tsk, no raised voices in the library.

Shit! My first class was in two hours, I hadn't done any of the reading
and I still needed to shower and change. Grabbing my bag and the
Greek Mysteries text I brushed past Bree and headed for the stairs.
Running down thirteen flights taking two at a time, made my legs start to
burn. My breathing kept an even pace as I crashed through the doors
back into the nave and ran to the front desk to check out my book.
Handing over my matriculation card to the older red haired woman
behind the counter I tapped my foot impatiently.

"First day dear?" she asked.

"Yeah and I'm already running late," smiling as she handed me my book
I glanced at her name badge, "Thanks Mrs. Cope." I turned on my heels
and ran through the nave heading for the main doors and down the
steps. Part of my training schedule for swimming was running and I was
thankful to be in shape. Within five minutes I was back at Lawrance Hall
hurrying up the steps to my dorm room.

Faltering for a moment on the steps and dreading what would be there
to greet me in my room, I groaned. Lauren better have her shit together.
Hair band or not, I was coming in. Rounding the stairwell and glancing
down the hall I noticed the door knob was empty. Quickly closing the
distance between me and our room my hand grasped last night's
co-conspirator and swung the door open.

No sign of Lauren. Thank fuck for that.

Flying into my room I dumped my back pack on the floor and rummaged
through my boxes looking for my toiletries. My unpacking would have to
keep until after classes. With my wash bag in one hand and two towels
in the other I headed back out of my room towards the showers.

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There were two shower rooms on our floor, each room had four
showers and the rooms were located on opposite ends of the hall.
Fraternization in the showers was frowned upon in Lawrance Hall. I
didn't want to know if that rule was adhered to or not. The room was
empty as I entered and my eager feet carried me forward quickly as my
hand reached out to turn on the water. My body was covered in a day's
sweat and grim and a night's worth of library dust.

Stripping out of my clothes, I arranged my body wash, shampoo and
razor on the shelf in the stall. As the water started to warm I brushed my
teeth standing over the sink and watched as the mirror in front of me
started to obscure my reflection.

Stepping into the shower the hot water felt good against my skin. I was
still tired and my muscles ached from a night on the library floor. I
resolved that once my classes were finished today I would come back
and unpack my stuff. If Lauren came back, she would be told that
entertaining was off limits tonight. I needed to fucking sleep.

My body started to relax as my fingers worked shampoo through my
long brown hair. When I was little I always envied the girls in my class
with blond hair or curly hair. Mine was so dull and straight. Charlie
would scold me and tell me that my hair was beautiful as he brushed it. I
remembered his failed attempts at braiding it and his refusal at my
request to have it cut when I was nine. Feeling tears spill down my
cheeks, I was glad to be in the shower. The water disguising the
simultaneous pride I felt for my father and the loss for everything else.

Making sure my hair was thoroughly rinsed I was silently thankful that
Charlie did stopped me from cutting it. I had an appreciation for it now.
It's silky texture, the autumn red fractions that shimmered in the sun.
Dad had been right, it was beautiful. Pity about the rest of me. It was a
sad fact that I was plain. My swimming kept me in good shape. My
muscle tone was good, though my short 5'4" frame meant that I would
have to work harder than the taller girls on the team. My eyes were
boring brown and my bottom lip was bigger than my top.

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Thinking back to yesterday I rolled my eyes. I was definitely no Angela
or Rose.

Conscious of the time I quickly shaved my legs and washed my body,
making sure to rinse off all the soap. The familiar scent filtered through
the air reminding me of home. Pulling myself out of my morning funk I
wrapped my hair in one of the towels and drew the other around my
body. I gathered my toiletries, dropping them back in my bag and
grabbing my clothes I left the showers making my way back to my room.
Still no Lauren. Maybe this semester wasn't going to be so bad after all.

There had been a light breeze this morning but the sun was out.
Opening my suitcase I contemplated what to wear. Pulling out my dark
wash skinny fit jeans and my underwear I started to quickly get dried. I
rummaged through the rest of my case and found one of my favorite
sweaters. A long sleeved, light knit, v-neck in pale grey. It fitted my
figure perfectly and clung to a finish around my ass and the tops of my
thighs. The knit was soft and it made me feel just the right amount of
sexy and confident. Perfect for my first day.

Finishing getting dressed I found my black ballet pumps in another box
as the towel fell from my head, releasing my hair.

There wasn't time to dry it and get to class. It was already a quarter past
nine and I still had to find my classroom. Resigned, I twisted my long
hair into eight small sections and began to weave them loosely at the
back of my head into a messy bun. It only took ten minutes and while it
didn't look like much when it was wet, once it was dry and released from
the pins, the resulting effect would almost be tousled sex hair with
minimal effort.

Seriously minimal effort, Swan. What the fuck would you know about
sex hair?

Making sure my books were in my bag for both my religion class and
my film studies class later this afternoon my eyes also fell on the black

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journal still in my bag. I debated for a moment and decided to leave it
where it was. It probably wasn't the sort of thing to leave lying around. I
didn't trust Lauren not to be nosy. It was safer in my bag. With that I
closed my door behind me, plugged my ear buds in and started my
iPod, all the while heading for the stairs.

Linsly-Chittendale Hall was on the opposite side of the quad from my
dorm. I'd been lucky with my classes, most of them were in close
proximity to Lawrance Hall. Glancing at my watch and realizing it was a
quarter to ten my feet picked up the pace and broke into a run. The
breeze felt good on my face and as the track changed to Kelly
Clarkson's Go on my iPod I couldn't help but feel exhilarated.

Full speed, turn up the overdrive

Makes me feel glad that I'm alive

It was my first day as a college student. I'd slept in the library last night
and already I was behind on my reading.

Let's go, let's jump right in

Scream into the wind

Feed the fire within

I can't ignore this burnin' in my soul

Come on baby let's go!

Jumping right in was exactly what I was doing. I was excited about the
coming year.

It only took five minutes to arrive outside LC Hall, all that was left was to
find lecture hall 101.

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I wandered through the hallway and pulled Greek Mysteries out of my
bag, thumbing through the pages to the chapter assigned for this
morning's class. Maybe if I could just manage to skim over some of it...

As I turned the corner I saw the door for LC 101. Good timing five
minutes to spare
. Walking into the room I felt my jaw drop.

Nine rows of seats ran the length of the lecture hall, each covered in
maroon fabric with a desk leaf attached to the right arm of each chair. A
raised stage stood at the front of the hall with a podium in the centre. A
microphone was attached to ensure the whole audience heard the

The room was clad in wood paneling to the sills of the windows, three of
which were made of stained glass depicting stories from The Bible. The
upper portions of the walls were decorated in cream and gold all the
way to the top of the domed ceiling. Tubular lights hung low enough to
provide a sufficient glow but succeeded in not being intrusive.

Slipping into a seat in the back and turning off my iPod, I took out a note
pad and pen while continuing to skim through today's chapter. The
room began to fill up with students and their chatter distracted me from
my task. My eyes began to roam the room checking to see who my
classmates where. I noticed that we were all much the same age, give
or take a year here or there. Half the guys were dressed in khaki pants
and crisp polo shirts while the others wore loose fitting jeans and
t-shirts. The girls...well girls are the same anywhere. There were some
definite fashionistas and some that just didn't give a shit.

Only one really caught my eye.

She gracefully danced in to the room looking like nothing less than
Shakespeare's Titania, Queen of the Faeries. She was short, less than
five feet, and her frame was tiny. Her skin was pale, a direct contrast to
her black hair which was long and mostly wavy, though some parts fell
in tighter curls. Her bottom lip was slightly fuller than her top and her

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nose was small finishing in a little point. But it was her eyes that caught
my attention the most.

She wore dark eye liner and mascara which emphasized her long, thick
lashes while the smoking grey eye shadow at the corners of her lids
accentuated the color of her eyes. She shifted her gaze and her eyes
met mine. Transfixed, neither of us looked away. I should have felt
embarrassed. I didn't. I was curious. Her eyes were neither green nor
blue but a bright shade of aquamarine.

She was wearing what looked like a modified oversized t-shirt. Due to
her height it was longer than a t-shirt should be and as such she wore it
like a dress. It was midnight blue and pinched at her tiny waist with a
thick silver belt. An opaque script flowed across her chest and read 'I
put a spell on you'
. I believed she probably could. She had completed
her outfit with a pair of knee high boots in dark grey. She was absolutely

Holding my gaze, she walked over to my seat and took the one next to
me. "Do I know you?" Her voice was enchanting and musical. Not shrill
or rushed but soft and almost mystical. I had never been so intrigued by
anyone before. I felt like I knew her, she had drawn my attention like a
moth to a flame.

I blinked, aware that my eyes were starting to sting from lack of
moisture. "I don't think so," I replied. Stupid! You would have
remembered her if you have met before.

"I'm Alice," she smiled, "Alice Cullen."

Smiling back, I introduced myself. "Bella Swan. Do you know anyone
else here?"

She shook her head, "Only you. What about you? Are you waiting for

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"I don't know anyone here," I laughed at my admittance to having no
friends. That didn't sound pathetic or needy.

Alice smiled again, her eyes softening. "Well now you do."

"Good morning class." My attention was pulled to the front of the room.
There behind the podium stood the most attractive man I have even
seen. He didn't look any older than thirty-five. Even as he stood half
hidden I could tell he was over six feet tall and despite his crisp white
Oxford, he was clearly toned. I was at a loss as to how I was supposed
to concentrate on class with him standing up there with his perfectly
styled blond hair and his bright blue eyes.

"My name is Dr. Carlisle Cullen, welcome to 'Ancient Mystery Cults'."
Sneaking a look at Alice, I raised an eyebrow. Cullen? Surely not a

Alice scribbled on her note pad in an elegant script.

My father.

And there it was. The solution to my lusty problem. If I was going to try
and be friends with this girl, thinking about fucking her dad was not
going to get me brownie points.

"I am sending round a registration sheet. Please add your name to the
list as evidence of your attendance. This will be done at the start of
each class with no exception." Dr Cullen's TA was busy handing out
packs and copies of documents.

"I do not tolerant tardiness," Dr. Cullen continued, "If you are not here
promptly by 10am then don't bother attending. I will not be interrupted
and it is not fair to your fellow students to make them wait for your

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Writing on my own pad, Alice turned her head to see what I was doing.
Angling the pad towards Alice so she could read it when I was done.

Is he usually such a hard ass?

"Miss. Cullen, do you have anything of value to add?" Dr. Cullen's voice
boomed across the hall. Jesus Christ!

Her head snapped back to the front, and she shook her head. "No, Dr.

"Then kindly pay attention when I am talking." His tone was anything but
kind. He continued with his introduction, "We will be looking at the
ancient Greek and Roman mystery cults. These cults were not
publicized or well known during their time. Yet, they were much like the
secret societies of today - The Freemasons, The Knights Templar, The
Illuminati and of course Yale's very own, Bones and Skulls."

Alice turned her pad to me.

He's setting the tone. No one is going to fuck with the Dr. if he's a prick
to his daughter.

I stifled a giggle behind my hand.

"We will be looking at the differences between the ancient cults and
comparing them to their contemporary counterparts." Dr Cullen
continued his lecture as notes were taken and information packs were
distributed for us to study though the year.

While I frantically tried to take down everything that was being said, I
noticed that Alice didn't seem to be taking any notes. Instead she was
sketching. Her pad was slightly angled making it hard to see what she
was drawing.

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"Of course many religious sects or cults would speak in code or in a
language only spoken by other members of their group," Dr. Cullen
continued, "Often these languages were dead languages so as not to
be understood by others."

Shit! What did I miss? Dead languages? That seems a little cliché for
secret groups.

"The packs you have been given hold additional texts and evidence that
support your existing study material. This is not optional reading people.
I expect you to come prepared to each class having done the reading
and completed any set assignments.

"As well as the assigned reading for next week's class, I also expect
you to hand in a short paper of exactly two thousand words. Your paper
will illustrate the lengths members went to in order to maintain their
secrets through code. You should explore the types of coding used and
the methods of delivery in addition to the benefits of clandestine

I couldn't help but think of the secret journal stashed away in my back
pack, itching to be read and explored. Thoughts of secret library
exchanges flickered through the forefront of my mind as I considered
how easy it would be to write about my findings for this assignment. I
shook my head. I wasn't ready to share the journal or The Coven with
anyone yet.

"If you have any questions, I will be keeping an open classroom hour on
Friday's at 11am next door. Have a good weekend and I'll see you next

Shuffling papers and chatter broke out across the hall as I packed my
things away. "Do you have another class to get to?" Alice was looking at
me intently.

"Not until three."

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"Great, have lunch with me." It sounded more like an instruction than an
invitation, but I found myself wanting to go.

We walked back across campus as I unpinned my bun, letting my hair
fall loosely down my back as I ran my fingers through it. Ending up in
Starbucks and sitting down with our lunch, Alice began to interrogate

"So where are you from Bella?"

"Forks, a little town in Washington State."

"You're a long way from home," she laughed.

"That was sort of the point."

"What did your parents say about that?" She took a long sip of her
lemon tea.

"It's just me and my dad. Charlie didn't have much to say. He knew I
wanted out of Forks."

Alice nodded her head and looked out of the window as if she were
contemplating what I had said.

"What about you? Tell be about your family. They're obviously close by
if your dad teaches here." Picking up my mocha and taking a gulp, my
mouth tingled as the liquid burned down my throat.

"You've obviously met Carlisle. He's a good teacher, fair but hard. His
class promises to be interesting. I'll get you the notes you missed
today." How did she know I had missed anything? Had Alice seen me
looking at her sketches? It certainly explained why she wasn't taking her
own notes.

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"My mom, Esme, is an interior designer. The housewives and socialites
of the north east coast keep her fairly busy." Alice rolled her eyes as if
she disapproved.

"Do you have any siblings?" I was an only child and often envied the
relationship siblings shared. It could be argued that Jake and I behaved
a lot like brother and sister as we grew up, but it wasn't the same.

"I have one brother, a twin actually." She was looking at me almost
expectantly, though I didn't quite understand the certainty in her eyes.
"And you Bella? Did you have to share your toys?"

I laughed at her playfulness, "No, I'm sure I was handful enough for
Charlie." A barista came to clear away our lunch plates and took an
order for another tea and mocha.

"So is it just you and your brother here or do you know anyone else?" I
had already confessed to my loner status. I wondered just how
connected Alice was.

She paused for a moment while our drinks arrived, glancing sideways at
the server. Once he left she scanned the café once before her eyes
settled back on me.

"We share a house off campus with my boyfriend, Jasper." For the next
two hours Alice told me about the classes she was taking and spoke of
her relationship with Jasper, occasionally asking me questions about
my previous boyfriends or if I was seeing anyone just now. There wasn't
much to tell.

I learned that Jasper was our age and was majoring in History. He and
Alice had been together since junior year in high school and she felt like
she had found her soulmate.

I wasn't sure I believed in the existence of soulmates. The very thought
that we destined to belong to only one person was depressing. With a

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world population of over six billion how the hell was I supposed to find
The One?

I didn't know whether or not to find Alice crazy or find her devotion and
commitment inspiring. She truly did believe that Jasper was her other

Two thirty arrived and Alice promised to bring the notes from today's
class with her next week. Thanking her we parted ways and I headed to
my film studies class up on Wall Street.

This was my easy ride class. It was basic level introduction material with
some reading to do but mostly involved visual assignments. The class
was being taken by Charlotte Peters a new TA on the department. Her
appearance may have been hard - long platinum blond hair, sharp
cheek bones and thin lips - but her mannerisms were soft and friendly
and her tone was light and inviting.

"Your assignment over the next four weeks will be to make your own
documentary. This can be on the subject of your choice and you will be
working in groups. I will assign these groups for you now, please listen
for your names and raise your hands so you can see who you are
working with."

Charlotte started through the list of names grouping us in twos and
threes. "Isabella Swan, Jessica Stanley and Victoria Garrett."

I looked around the small class and saw two girls sitting next to each
other. The first had wild red hair so vibrant it was almost orange in the
light. Her eyes looked grey and a smattering of freckles across her
cheeks made her look younger than I suspected she was. The second
had straight brown hair and light brown eyes, high cheek bones and her
chin came to a point. As they smiled over at me I noticed that both girls
were stylishly dressed. Maybe you should overhaul your wardrobe,

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Charlotte dismissed class confirming her office hours and reminding us
of next week's reading.

I hated working in groups. As I walked over to where the girls sat I
groaned internally. Group work meant that part or my grade was
dependant on these two. I just sure as hell hoped they weren't slackers.

"Hi, I'm Tori and this is Jess." The red head spoke first.

"Hi, I'm Bella." I confirmed with a small wave.

"So, any ideas Bella?" Jess obviously didn't have any ideas of her own.

"Umm, how about we exchange email and think about it over the
weekend," I ventured.

"Sound like a great idea," Tori grinned at me.

Having written down their email, I wearily made my way back to
Lawrance Hall and headed for my dorm room. I'd made it through my
first day. If I was honest I was relieved. I'd managed to meet some new
people and had a party to look forward to tomorrow night.

Our dorm room was quiet. Pleased that Lauren was still out I began to
unpack my boxes and suitcase. Checking the time I realized it was
already eight thirty.

Deciding I wasn't hungry, I changed into my sweats and a faded grey
'Forks Police Dept.' t-shirt. As Chief of Police, Charlie gave me one
every year. It was outright embarrassing but I couldn't deny that they
were comfortable so I compromised. Pajamas meant I was still wearing
them and Charlie didn't seem to mind.

I pulled out today's books and put them on my desk under the window
and then I remembered. The journal. My day had been so busy I hadn't
had another chance to look at it.

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Carrying it over to my bed, I snapped on my bedside light and climbed
in under my duvet.

As I opened the book I was immediately hit with that musty stale smell
that books get if they've not been read for a while. How long was this in
the library?

It appeared to be written in the first person exactly like a personal diary
or journal. There was no reference to who the author was, the subjects
they had been taking or why they were leaving secret notes in the
library. The first few pages detailed the Yale campus and made notes
on other students. None were specific, just casual observations.

I fought with my tired eyes so that my reading could continue. But as I
lost the battle and fell into a deep sleep I wondered when the journal
would start to reveal its secrets.

A/N - I'd like to point out that Bella thinks she is short at 5'4". I'm only
5'2" and I would love the extra 2 inches!

Only part of the Cult/Secret Society/Religious information through the
story will be correct. I am not trying to be historically or factually
accurate. I would also like to point out that the views depicted on
Religion are not my own.

Please review if you like it and even if you don't. Thanks to those of you
who have already reviewed. You keep me posting. The party is up

Thanks again to my beta, helliex88, she's just posted a new story - The
Boy in the Cafeteria - go give it a chance.

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3. Titania


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4. Undertow

A/N: I want to say a huge thank you to erinmiyu who recommended my
story and posted it on the 'Twilighted Forums AU-All Human Rec
. Thank you!

Thanks again to my beta, helliex88. I always send these at the last
minute and she still works her magic.

Disclaimer - I do not own:


Benedictus by Karl Jenkins

Woodbrook by Michael O'Suilleabhain

Anything by Debussy

Intoxication by Disturbed

The Coven

Summary - Just starting out at Yale, Bella Swan is determined to shed
her normally cautious attitude and predictable ways to embrace
adventure and change. That is until she learns of an elite group hidden
within the walls of her new Ivy League home. Seduced by the unknown,
Bella finds herself caught up in the danger that is The Coven.

As I opened the book I was immediately hit with that musty stale smell
that books get if they've not been read for a while. How long was this in
the library?

It appeared to be written in the first person exactly like a personal diary
or journal. There was no reference to who the author was, the subjects

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they had been taking or why they were leaving secret notes in the
library. The first few pages detailed the Yale campus and made notes
on other students. None were specific, just casual observations.

I fought with my tired eyes so that my reading could continue. But as I
lost the battle and fell into a deep sleep I wondered when the journal
would start to reveal its secrets.

Chapter 3

I woke up early and saw that Lauren was still asleep. Her duvet was
kicked off and she was wearing a tacky pink baby doll with matching
pink thong. Seriously? Who sleeps in that shit? Especially alone. At
least she was quiet when she came home last night.

It was just before six, swim practice wasn't due to start for another week
but I hadn't been on a proper run for a while. Remembering the burning
in my legs from the library stairs, I dressed in black yoga pants and a
red tank top. I definitely needed a work out. Once my hair was tied back
I slipped on my sneakers and fixed my iPod into my armband grip.
Plugging in my ear buds I headed for New Haven Green across the

The instrumental playlist I used for my warm up running began and as I
stretched my body out Karl Jenkins' Benedictus filtered though my ears
and soothed my breathing. Focusing on the music I was meticulous with
my strides, keeping pace and remaining steady.

New Haven Green was a poor substitute for the woods of home but it
would do in a pinch. I would need to look for somewhere else to run
later in the week. Real terrain was required to keep me in top shape.
Picking up my pace I noticed that as the sky pinked with the edge of
dawn there wasn't a cloud to be seen. Today would be a good day.

At that moment serendipity took control of my playlist as the light and
playful notes of Woodbrook by Michael O'Suilleabhain pushed me

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forward. A good day indeed.

I felt beads of sweat start to slide down my neck as my heart beat faster
and the adrenaline rushed thought my body. The sun was higher now,
pinky grey sky turning to a low purple-blue hue. I had never seen a
sunrise so beautiful. The west coast offered plenty of opportunities to
watch the setting sun but the contrast of this morning's sky and the
almost violent oranges and reds seen from First Beach was astounding.

I contemplated the possibilities for the rest of the day. The day ahead
was mine. Swimming? It's too nice to be indoors. Dr. Cullen's
assignment? Do it over the weekend.

You know what you want to do.

I laughed aloud between breaths. I did know.

After an hour spent running eight laps of the green, I altered my pace to
a slow jog for one last cool down lap. Debussy carried me home as my
jog took me back to Lawrance Hall for a shower, change of clothes and
to the journal.


The quad was busier than I expected. Nestled under a tree outside my
dorm building, I watched the scenes unfold in front of me.

I couldn't help but be reminded of the scene from Clueless where Cher
is taking Ty on a tour of the school campus and pointing out the jocks,
nerds and stoners.

At the far end of the quad, five thespians were deeply invested in 'Act 2,
scene 4' as I had heard one of the shout a few moments ago. They
were playing out to a small audience, maybe a dozen or so who
seemed totally captivated by the performance they were witnessing. A
little to their right two girls were tossing a Frisbee in shorts and tank

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tops, catching the attention of some practicing band members.

The middle of the quad was dominated by a group of jocks in Bulldogs
shirts tossing a football, while other students were spread across the
grass reading or studying.

I had been people watching for over an hour, the journal sitting heavily
in my lap. The tip of my index finger was numb from tracing the branded
symbol in the leather.

Pulling a highlighter out of my back pack I opened the journal and
started to read.

"Selection starts today. I was born for this. It's my birth right. I
wonder how they will approach me? I've been keeping a low
profile, trying not to draw attention to myself or them."

Selection for what? I tried to think of any academic or athletic clubs and
groups on campus but none of them suggested a birth right

"I wasn't approached today. I have until October's full moon. I
won't panic yet."

Who was going to approach them? And why was the moon relevant? I
ran my yellow highlighter across the October moon information. I would
come back to that later.

I continued through the next two pages of random comments.
Speculation of who might be One of Them or when They might be

As I turned the page I didn't understand what was written right at the

"Nonnullus es prognatus in quoque is, alius es electus."

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I remembered seeing another language throughout the book but wasn't
certain of its origin. I chewed on the end of my highlighter for a moment
before dragging it across the foreign script. As the journal sat in my
hands I felt the dips of the branding underneath my fingertips.

The number twelve was in Roman numerals, maybe there was a

I looked up across the quad as I pondered Ancient Rome and why it
had found its way to my little book. It's not your book Bella.

The air seemed to shift like the ion particles were colliding around me
and as I scanned the grass I noticed Alice was walking arm in arm
across the far end of the quad, wrapped up in conversation with a
beautiful tall man. Remembering some of our conversation from
Starbucks, I couldn't help but agree. Jasper was delicious. His dark hair
fell across his forehead in messy disarray and as the sun filtered
through the trees and hit the top of his head, the most fascinating deep
shades of bronze glinted out amongst the darker tones.

He walked gracefully, his long legs taking easy strides. His free hand
was gesticulating widely as he spoke and Alice wore a look of
determination that the Gods themselves wouldn't argue with.

They were too far away to call to them and in truth I wanted the rest of
the afternoon to myself. I'd already eaten my lunch and was savoring
my Good Berry Smoothie, the strawberries and blueberries harmonizing
nicely to refresh without being too bitter or sweet.


Dr. Cullen had spoken about dead languages in class yesterday. The
Roman numerals might suggest Latin - which could definitely be
considered dead. Maybe it wasn't so cliché. Was my mystery author
trying to get into a secret cult or group?

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Removing a Sharpie from my bag I made a note in the margin to try
translating it later.

Checking my watch I saw there was time for a quick bite to eat and a
shower before Tyler was picking me up at nine. Packing up my bag and
grabbing my smoothie I headed back to my room.


With one towel wrapped round my body and one holding my wet hair on
top of my head, I walked back down the hall to my dorm room. Lauren
was stood in front of the mirror applying an array of rainbow shaded
make-up wearing the nastiest fucking hot pink and black harlequin print
mini dress I had ever seen. Five year olds made a better job of dress up
than this skank. Her spray tan was patchy and looked orange against
the white knee highs she had zipped up her legs.

"Working tonight, Lauren?"

She looked confused. Of course she did. "I don't need a job Bella.
Daddy gives me an allowance." I knew my joke would be wasted.

"I happen to have a hot date." Lauren continued to prattle on but her
nasally whine made my teeth hurt so I tuned her out. Walking into my
room, I started to get ready.

" doing tonight?" Shit, what the fuck was she talking about?

"Sorry, I didn't catch that Lauren?" I was too busy losing the will to live
in here.

"I said, what are you doing tonight?"

"I'm going to a party with a couple of guys from the bookstore." That's
all you're getting bitch.

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Lauren stood in the archway of my bedroom. "Well don't wait up. He
doesn't know it yet but Jason Jenks will be taking me back to his place
tonight." She gave me a dirty smirk.

"Why don't you just try dinner and a movie?" Yeah, cause that's really
Lauren's style.

"Bella," she shook her head as if she was scolding me, "Quarterbacks
and jocks don't do dinner and a movie. They do parties, drinks and
fucking. That's what frat houses are for." With that she turned on her
heel, grabbed her purse and left.

She really was clueless. I had never dated a quarterback or a jock but
even I knew that most of them were deeper than a puddle and they
definitely had to eat - right?

I don't know what disturbed me the most. The fact that I really was
rooming with a slut or the fact that after only a few days I already
seemed to know her so well. I suddenly felt very sorry for Jason Jenks.

Focusing on my own evening, I reminded myself that Tyler was going to
be here at nine and it was already seven thirty. I slipped on a pair of
black lace boy shorts and kept my towel wrapped around my chest
while I dried my hair. Tyler had said dress to impress. I knew exactly
what I was going to wear, the trouble was it meant being out of my
comfort zone.

With my hair now dry I began to curl and twist it into loose waves.
Separating the strands with my fingers once I was finished. No clips or
pins tonight, just wild and free. I slicked on two coats of mascara and
swept some charcoal grey eye shadow across my eyelids, finally
coating my lips in a pale pink lip gloss.

Walking to my wardrobe I pulled out my attire for this evening. Suck it
up Swan, you're playing in the big leagues now.

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I looked at the green dress in my hand and whimpered slightly. It was
an emerald green mini dress. Halter neck in style and cut down the front
to just above my navel. The studded faux leather belt running from one
hip to the other was the only detail on the dress. Usually I would wear it
with leggings and a camisole, making it 'girl next door' cute rather than

Dropping my towel, I pulled the dress carefully over my head, self
conscious of the fact that I couldn't wear a bra. I slipped on a pair of four
inch black heels as I noticed it was a quarter to nine. No time to change
your mind now.
Checking my reflection in the mirror I gasped. Bella
Swan of Forks was not staring back at me. I didn't know who it was.

She was sexy and confident, her hair was tousled and her legs looked
long and lean. The dress stopped just below her ass and the front of the
dress skimmed smoothly over her breasts, showing creamy white skin
against the vivid green fabric.

Maybe Bella Swan couldn't wear this dress but the hot bitch in the
mirror definitely could.

I shrugged into my long black coat and put my lip gloss into my purse.
Sure that I had everything, I headed out the door and went to meet

Out on the street Tyler was leaning again an old black car. His long legs
stretched out in front of him as he looked down at the sidewalk. My eyes
took in the view before me. Ty really wasn't bad looking. He was tall,
about six feet and he was no stranger to the sun. His coffee colored
skin was accentuated by his dark hair and brown eyes, his build was
athletic and muscular.

"Bella, you made it." Ty said looking at me, his eyes dancing as he
looked me up and down.

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Opening my coat to show him my dress, "What do you think?
Impressive enough?"

"Jesus Christ, Bella!" His hand flew to the back of his neck as he rubbed
the muscles that he visibly tensed. I laughed, buttoning my coat.

"I assume I'll do then." He chuckled at my casual comment. "Where is
this club anyway?"

"Straight down the street, about two minutes." Ty pointed down the

I shook my head and chuckled under my breath, "You mean it's still on
College Street?" He nodded. "Why don't we walk then? That way you
can have a drink."

So we did.

"What type of club is Eclipse?" I ventured. Never having been to a club
before I didn't know what to expect.

"It's the local hang out for most of the students. There's a stage and live
bands play but the night gets broken up with DJ's too."

"What kind of acts?" I was intrigued by the idea of live music at a club. I
loved the atmosphere at concerts and music gigs and hoped it would be
the same.

"Some local groups play but they also house tours for the college
circuit, you know - bands who don't mind playing to a smaller crowd." Ty
kept his hands shoved in his pockets while we walked as my eyes
roamed the store fronts alone College Street.

"Is it a big place?" I was starting to feel a little apprehensive.

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"They market it as intimate and if you compare it to the larger club
scene then I suppose it is," Ty paused as if collecting his thoughts. "But
it's set across two floors and is all open plan. The upper floor is more
like a balcony to the dance floor and is mostly reserved as the VIP

At least I would be able to fade into the crowd. Eclipse was beginning to
sound like it might be okay after all.

As we continued our slow walk to Eclipse Ty told me that he was
majoring in Architecture and hoping to go into the family business. He
didn't ask any questions about me or my studies, in fact he seemed
quite self involved. Ditch him once you're inside.

"So are you drinking tonight Bella?" He looked at me suggestively.
Dream on!

"I don't really drink, Ty."

No. Bella Swan from Forks doesn't drink. As you have already pointed
out, Bella Swan is not wearing this dress. Have a drink damn it!

"Maybe I will have one or two," I confessed reluctantly.

"Hey, Yorkie!" Ty shouted towards the line at the doors of the club. Eric
from the bookstore was standing outside the club with a leggy blond on
each arm. Real classy.

"S'up, Crowley?" Eric lifted his head in a half nod of acknowledgement
and I couldn't help my internal eye roll. He looked ridiculous, trying to
act like a 'pimp' or a 'playa'. If he hadn't looked so pathetic I would have

We made it into the club with no problems, clearly I had made the right
choice with my dress.

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"We're going to go mingle, Bella." Ty waved his hand in front of me in a
circular motion and as I nodded he, Eric and the two leggy blonds
disappeared into the crowd.

After checking my coat, I made my way to the bar and caught the
bartender's attention. He reminded me of Jake in appearance, russet
skin with short dark hair. He wasn't as muscular but as his arms flexed
from mixing cocktails, it was clear that he worked out.

"Hey, I'm Paul. What can I get you?" He looked at me from behind the
bar and flashed a bright white smile.

"Bella," I pointed at my chest, "I'll have a beer, thanks." I shouted over
the music. Paul returned with my drink and I chugged it greedily as I
took in my surroundings. Ty was right, the club did see quite large. If
this was small time intimate then I wasn't sure I wanted to be part of the
'larger club scene' as Ty put it.

The act that was on stage tonight was a local group called Bitter Pill,
they were doing a poor job of regurgitating covers. I turned back to Paul
and asked for another beer.

"Can I interest you in anything else?" he was almost playful.

Leaning on the bar and licking my lips, "What do you suggest?"

He smirked and winked as he reached for a shot glass. He poured in
the liquid and presented me with the purple concoction. "What is it?"
Raising it to my nose I inhaled the fruity scent.

"It's called an Undertow."

Not as dangerous as a riptide, but can still sweep you out to sea if
you're inexperienced.

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I'd never been drunk before. Too many Undertows and I might just end
up in a riptide. "What's in it?" I squinted at the little glass.

Paul laughed, "Blue Curacao and Raspberry Schnapps. That one's on
me." He winked before he turned walking to the other end of the bar
and waiting customers.

I dipped the tip of my tongue into the shot glass and the tang of the
raspberries danced across my buds. It hardly tasted of alcohol as I
tipped my head back and downed the shot.

Three beers and two more Undertows later my body was buzzing. My
brain still felt sharp but my body was definitely loose. Even Bitter Pill
didn't sound so bad any more.

"I've been watching you all night." I turned to see a tall well-built guy
with an olive complexion.

I was beginning to wonder if the east coast stole all the hotties from the
west. Never before had I seen so many stunning people. All the men
were cut and chiseled or lean and toned, while the women seemed to
walk straight out of Vogue. Well...except maybe Lauren.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Creepy Tall Guy touched my elbow and grazed
his fingertips up my arm.

I turned back to the bar and motioned for Paul. He took one look at
Creepy Tall Guy and scowled, "Felix, you better behave tonight, she's
already had a lot to drink."

"I always do behave Paul. Can I get two Soul Takers?"

"What's in that?" I half slurred. I'd already had beer and shots, I
probably shouldn't mix my liquor.

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"Vodka, tequila and amaretto. Come on baby, let me take your soul..."
Felix trailed off.

I was going to need the alcohol if he was going to use lines like that. We
downed the shots and he took my hand, "Dance with me." It wasn't a
question. He tugged gently on my hand and I made to follow him.

"Bella?" Turning, I saw Paul leaning over the bar. I took a step back so I
could hear what he wanted to say. "Be careful, sweetheart. Felix moves
in a racy circle."

"Thanks for the warning," smiling, I turned and found Felix on the dance

Bitter Pill had closed their sets at half past eleven leaving the DJ to
wrap up the night. Ty and Eric hadn't been seen since we arrived and it
was more than possible they had already left with the blonds.

As I stood facing Felix he placed his hands on my hips and drew me
close to him, sliding his leg between my thighs. I knew that my dress
was riding up dangerously high but my body was so relaxed from the
alcohol that I couldn't find it in myself to care. It was a moment before I
realized that there were two more hands on my body as we swayed to
the music. One hand was sitting on my waist just above Felix's hand
and the other was ghosting up and down my side.

My body tingled at the sensation while my head told me I was being
groped simultaneously by two people I didn't really know. My head fell
back against a strong hard chest. More muscles, of course! I looked up
and saw honey brown eyes gazing lustfully back down at me. Felix
grasped my hip tighter and moved his head to whisper in my ear. "This
is Alec, we're going to make you feel so good baby."

As Disturbed's Intoxication filtered through the club, I laughed under my
breath at the irony.

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Intoxicated is right.

I felt myself being steered off the dance floor and the music started to
grow distant. I tried to take in my surroundings but my eyes wouldn't
focus properly. It looked like a dark corner of the club away from
everyone else.

Felix leaned in and kissed me hard on the mouth. Pushing against his
chest I took a step, trying to walk away and back into the crowd of the
club. Alec grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back to him, slamming
me into his chest.

"You can't wear a dress like this and not expect us to want a piece..."
He murmured in my ear.

Panic started to rise in my body as alarm bells went off in my head.

"I didn't...I don't..." I couldn't speak. I didn't want this. The club had been
a bad idea. Drinking had been a bad idea.

"Oh baby, just relax and let us make you feel good." Felix ran his hand
from my hip to the curve of my breast and my body gave an involuntary
shudder. It felt like my skin was crawling.

Alec was nuzzling into my hair and I struggled to remember if I had
even formally introduced myself to either of them. I remembered Paul at
the bar, the purple shot...

Be careful, sweetheart. Felix moves in a racy circle. Clear as a bell
Paul's warning about Felix came back to me. Had anyone seen them
bring me back here?

Their hands continued to move across my skin as if they were trying to
slowly devour me with their touch.

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My body was too drunk to fight back but my mind was sober enough to
know that I was in trouble.

I needed to try and get away but my legs wouldn't move.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" An angry voice shouted
behind Felix.

Felix growled as a hand grabbed his shoulder and yanked him around.
"Fuck off, Whitlock."

No, Whitlock stay! Don't leave me here.

Alec moved so that one arm slipped around my waist while the other
trapped me across my shoulders and chest. His breath was warm and
putrid as it fanned across my flesh. Felix blocked my view making it
impossible to see who the new voice belonged to.

"You don't want to start anything," Whitlock sneered, "You know I
wouldn't come alone." A flash of blond hair caught my eye as he got in
Felix's face and shoved against his chest. I whimpered as Alec ran his
tongue up my neck and moved his hand down to the exposed skin
between my breasts. I squeezed my eyes shut.

This isn't happening.

I couldn't find my voice. Sobs escaped my throat and tears spilled down
my cheeks.

"Get your fucking hands off her!" Whitlock sounded furious. My legs
buckled as I sagged against Alec. Opening my eyes, everything that
followed occurred in slow motion.

Felix drew his arm back and swung at Whitlock, catching him in the jaw
as his head snapped to the side sending him lurching off balance. He
staggered momentarily then lunged forward locking his shoulder into

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Felix's stomach and pushing him hard back into the wall next to me. I
screamed at the resounding crack, but was drowned out by the sound
of their violent grunts and the music pulsing from the dance floor.

I felt bile rise in my throat and started to choke.

Alec pushed me towards the emergency exit at the end of the hallway.
Shit! You can't go out there. Bella stop!

Until that moment I didn't know it was possible to feel more terrified. I
was drunk, defenseless and being lead outside by a predator. Did
Charlie teach you nothing?

Charlie taught me everything. But it was all useless if I couldn't control
my intoxicated limbs.

I tried to go limp in Alec's arms, tried to be a dead weight. Fight Bella!

I couldn't.

You weigh less than 115 pounds soaking wet!

Alec was built like a quarterback, I had no chance. He could probably
bench press me without breaking a sweat.

Without warning I fell backwards landing on my ass.

I looked up to see Alec pinned against the wall, his feet suspended ten
inches off the floor. I followed the arm around his throat. His bicep was
thick and rippled with every movement, his chest and shoulders were
broad and he towered above me as I cowered on the floor. If Alec was
the quarterback, this guy was definitely the fullback.

He looked down at me, his blue eyes piercing through me as he
searched my face for something. He turned to look back at Alec. "You're
a real piece of work." Alec tried to turn his head to look at me. "Don't

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look at her, or God help me I'll break your fucking neck."

I couldn't hold it back any longer. Pulling myself up on my hands and
knees the bile rose and I emptied my stomach. Light headed, my eyes
scanned the space in front of me. Whitlock had stood up and was
throwing jabs into Felix's ribs. Just when I thought he was going to stop
his fist changed course and as he grabbed him around the throat he
punched Felix hard in the face.

Felix sank to the ground. He was out.

My vision blurred and my body swayed as I heard a crunch like bone on
bone and saw Alec slid down the wall.

"Em, grab her...hits her head." I didn't hear everything before it went

A/N - Please review if you like it and even if you don't. Thanks to those
of you who have already reviewed, you make it feel like Christmas

Rec'd link: http:/twilighted (DOT) net/forum/viewtopic (DOT)
php?f=44&t=190&p=424607&hilit=the+coven#p424607 (Just remove
the spaces and replace the (DOT) with a period - you know the drill).

Thanks again to erinmiyu for the recommendation and also to my beta
helliex88 who commented on the thread and pimped my story further -
saying some deliciously nice things I might add.

Fics I'm recommending this week:

The Anti Pleasure Dissertation by erinmiyu

The Tortoise and the Hare by helliex88

The Training School saga by TheSpoiltOne

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5. Debauchery and Promiscuity

A/N - Something slightly different...

Thanks to my beta helliex88 for her encouragement with this chapter.

Thanks also to lambcullen who has 'pimped me out all over the damn
place'. =D Go check out her story Landscapes. Shemakes you want to
do all kinds of naughty things to Assward and her Alice is seriously epic.

Thanks also to JAustenlover and hmonster4 for pimping me on the
Deconstructing Dracula thread over on Twilighted. Also a fantastic
story - check out my recs below.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

The Coven

Summary - Just starting out at Yale, Bella Swan is determined to shed
her normally cautious attitude and predictable ways to embrace
adventure and change. That is until she learns of an elite group hidden
within the walls of her new Ivy League home. Seduced by the unknown,
Bella finds herself caught up in the danger that is The Coven.

Felix sank to the ground. He was out.

My vision blurred and my body swayed as I heard a crunch like bone on
bone and saw Alec slide down the wall.

"Em, grab her...hits her head." I didn't hear everything before it went

Chapter 4

To: Victoria Garrett, Jessica Stanley

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From: Isabella Swan

Subject: Film Studies Project

Hey Ladies,

Any ideas yet?


To: Isabella Swan, Victoria Garrett

From: Jessica Stanley

Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

Hey yourself!

Having a good weekend?

Nothing my end. Do we want to do something fun, edgy or hard core?


To: Jessica Stanley, Victoria Garrett

From: Isabella Swan

Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

Ugh - shitty weekend. Don't even ask. Thank fuck it's Sunday.


To: Isabella Swan, Jessica Stanley

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From: Victoria Garrett

Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

Not a chance, B. Pray tell - and don't miss out the good stuff ;-)


To: Victoria Garrett, Jessica Stanley

From: Isabella Swan

Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

It's not pretty.

Bella Swan, History 101 - I come from a small town and my dad is Chief
of Police, so to say I lead a quiet life is seriously understated.

Anyway I went to Eclipse on Friday night and ended up really drunk. I've
never really been drunk before - don't get me wrong, I've had drink
before but this time I drank too much too quick. Mixed shots and beer.

My memory is a little hazy - either from the drink or selective amnesia -
but before the end of the night I found myself cornered by two grab ass
perverts who were trying to haul me outside and make me 'feel good'.


To: Isabella Swan, Jessica Stanley

From: Victoria Garrett

Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

Holy shit! What the fuck happened? Are you okay?

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To: Victoria Garrett, Jessica Stanley

From: Isabella Swan

Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

I had a serious hang over on Saturday morning and spent most of the
day with my head in a porcelain bowl - if you know what I mean. But
other than that, yeah I'm good thanks.


To: Isabella Swan, Victoria Garrett

From: Jessica Stanley

Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

Are you sure? How did you get out of that mess?


To: Jessica Stanley, Victoria Garrett

From: Isabella Swan

Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

Funny you should ask. Last thing I remember is two other guys came
out of nowhere and beat my 'attackers' into a bloody pulp. I woke up
Saturday morning in my dorm room, in bed and still dressed. No idea
how I got there. I was just pleased that I was alone and I wasn't naked!


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To: Isabella Swan, Jessica Stanley

From: Victoria Garrett

Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

That's it! I have an idea for our project. I'm glad you're okay Bella, but
we may have to look at getting you drunk again...


To: Victoria Garrett, Jessica Stanley

From: Isabella Swan

Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

That's going to require some explaining and a damn good incentive.


To: Victoria Garrett, Isabella Swan

From: Jessica Stanley

Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

Do I get to drink too? Why should Bella have all the fun?


To: Jessica Stanley, Isabella Swan

From: Victoria Garrett

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Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

Chill out Jess, we'll all get to drink. As for incentive how about an 'A'
when we turn in our finished piece?


To: Victoria Garrett, Jessica Stanley

From: Isabella Swan

Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

Spill it - I'm interested.


To: Isabella Swan, Jessica Stanley

From: Victoria Garrett

Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

Coeds on an Ivy League campus. Everyone expects the utmost
behavior from Ivy Leaguer's. Good manners, good grades, proper

How about we expose the debauchery found at after hours parties. The
attempts to get girls drunk for lewd activities, drink and drugs, one night
stands and promiscuous behavior.

What do you think?


To: Victoria Garrett, Isabella Swan

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From: Jessica Stanley

Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

Sounds a little dangerous. Taking drugs, drinking to be taken advantage


To: Jessica Stanley, Victoria Garrett

From: Isabella Swan

Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

No, it's perfect. The three of us would go out together. We have four
weeks to work on the project - we can each take a week to do the
experiment while the other two serve as wingmen and gather any useful
data. Then we can use the last week to cut and edit our findings.

We can just stick to the drinking and I guess we could act it up a bit if
need be.


To: Isabella Swan, Victoria Garrett

From: Jessica Stanley

Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

Okay. Our next class is Tuesday - we'll get together after that and go
over some more of the details. I'm still not convinced but I guess it's the
best we've got.


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To: Jessica Stanley, Isabella Swan

From: Victoria Garrett

Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

Trust us Jess, we're gonna have a blast and pass at the same time.


To: Victoria Garrett, Isabella Swan

From: Jessica Stanley

Subject: FW: Film Studies Project

I hope so because the shit could just as easily hit the fan and this could
all backfire.


A/N - Will the girls get in trouble? Will Jess think of a better project?
Next up - What did happen at the club exactly and maybe a new POV...

I know it's a short one and the emailing is a little off the usual format,
but I have my reasons. Leave me some love if you liked it or tell me
what you want to see next... The green button is your friend.

My recs this week:

Landscapes - by lambcullen

Deconstrucing Dracula - by hmonster4

Holding Out For You - by ObsessingOverEdward

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6. Watched and Followed

A/N: Flashbacks are in bold italics. Huge hugs and kisses to
lambcullen, my personal PR rep. I heart you hard, thanks BB.

Thanks again to my beta, helliex88.

I had a huge response after the last chapter and I have tried to reply to
all your reviews - thanks so much guys. I may not be able to reply to
them all but please go check out the thread on Twilighted (link below).
I'll be checking it out and will try and answer your questions there.
There are flashing sigs for your amusement too.

I've posted pictures on my profile for the characters and their clothes;
links for songs and other items. For those of you who have already
looked - Lauren, Felix, Alec and Bree are all new additions. Go check
them out.

Disclaimer - I do not own Twilight.

The Coven

Summary - Just starting out at Yale, Bella Swan is determined to shed
her normally cautious attitude and predictable ways to embrace
adventure and change. That is until she learns of an elite group hidden
within the walls of her new Ivy League home. Seduced by the unknown,
Bella finds herself caught up in the danger that is The Coven.

Chapter 5


My hangover had left me feeling like shit all weekend. My only respite
was that Lauren hadn't been home - at all. Either Jason Jenks was
glutton for punishment or she had found another brother at the frat

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house to hook up with.

Sunday was spent getting my reading and assignment done for Dr.
Cullen. I had also managed to organize the outline of a crazy project for
Film Studies with Tori and Jess. I internally cringed at the thought of
being drunk again so quickly; drunk was not a good look for me. I
thought back to Friday night and shuddered. They had been so close...

Trying to rid myself of the images playing through my head, I focused
on organizing everything I would need for the day. I knew we would be
studying The Grimm Brothers in my Lit. class and I had received an
email to say that we would be provided with the course material for my
History of Art class. I had elected to take History of Photography and
was excited about learning more about it. Part of me did wonder if it
would be too easy a ride but I shook off the doubt and told myself that
the class would be fun regardless.

I packed a smaller book bag, opting to leave my back pack in my room.
It was another nice day and the large bag was uncomfortable to carry.
Packing my Grimm's book, the black journal, a notepad, and a few pens
and highlighters; I slung the bag over my shoulder and walked out the

My hair was still damp from this morning's shower, hanging loose in
gentle waves down my back. Little strands of hair twisted and danced in
the breeze as I walked over to Park Street. It would only take five
minutes to get to class but I had allowed fifteen minutes so I could walk
in the morning sun.

Listening to my iPod I took the long way round, choosing to go down
College Street and along Chapel Street before returning up York Street.
As I cut across to Park Street I saw that the annex of 215 Park was one
of the smaller buildings on campus. I wasn't worried about finding my
class this morning; there were only about two dozen classrooms in the
building. I still had a few minutes before class started so wandered
through the halls. I just sincerely hoped that today's classes would be

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full of strangers. I wasn't in the mood to make small talk.

Professor Stefan Vladamir's literature class went by quickly. He took
registration, handed out the syllabus for the semester and gave us the
reading for this week. He had a meeting this morning so dismissed us
early with no assignment due for the next time we met. I was beginning
to think that all of my classes were going to be a walk in the park.

I grabbed a quick chicken salad sub along with a fruit smoothie and with
my ear buds in place, started to head back across campus for my only
other class of the day.

The afternoon sun was warm on my face and despite the breeze I was
glad I had opted for a skirt and skinny fit t-shirt. Weir Hall was part of
Jonathan Edwards College; the building was huge and set over four
floors. Unlike this morning I was anxious about finding my class.

I finally located the correct room and pulled my ear buds out, opening
my bag to store my iPod. As I walked through the doorway the toe of my
Chucks scuffed the floor and I stumbled. Turning my head I checked to
see if I had tripped on anything other than my own feet. I laughed
internally at myself; nope, just my feet. It had been a while since I had
been so clumsy.


I was still reeling from the weekend. We had messed Felix and Alec up
pretty well but my cut lip and scraped knuckles were a harsh reminder
of what could have happened if we had been too late. I should have
been happy that this was my only class today but I didn't have it in me
to give a shit. No one had seen her since Friday night and when the
girls spoke to her over the weekend they weren't sure if she really was

"She was drunk that's all, Jasper." Jess was trying to be
reassuring but it wasn't working.

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"You don't get it! They had her cornered! They could have -" My
fist slammed against the counter top in our kitchen.

"But they didn't. You were on time and got her back just fine." As
she interrupted, Tori placed her hand on my shoulder trying to
calm me.

Victoria had been the voice of reason. I would have to trust that she was

I walked into class and took one of the empty seats along the bookshelf
wall. From the size of the classroom I was expecting a small group and
hoped that Randall wouldn't take that as an excuse to call on me in
class. I wasn't in the fucking mood today. I pulled a Sharpie from my
pocket and absent mindedly started chewing the cap.

Isabella Swan, only daughter of Charlie Swan, Police Chief in some
back water town in Washington. Spoons? Or Forks? Some shit like that.
No other family and at Yale on a scholarship, rooming with one Lauren
Mallory. Christ, what an eyesore. Swan would be nineteen years old in
four days - if she made it that far. With her luck at this point it was

What the fuck had she been thinking? Turning up at Eclipse with those
fucktards Crowley and Yorkie. Wearing practically nothing. Emmett had
just about shit his load when he saw her dressed in that green...I was
loath to call it a dress. My stomach turned as I recalled the events on
Friday. Thank fuck I'd skipped lunch.

One purple shot after the next and when she wasn't slamming
those back she was pulling on a beer. Either she was hardcore or
didn't know her limits. She was sexy in the green; a little shy to
start with but her confidence seemed to be building with each
measure of alcohol she consumed.

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She staggered to the ladies but managed to remain upright. Just
as well, she couldn't afford to fall over in that dress. Stumbling her
way back to the bar ten minutes later she asked for another beer.

"How's our girl doing?" Emmett grinned and nudged my shoulder.
Two days. I'd only know this joker for two days and here he was,
acting like we'd been friends for life.

"She's holding her own, so far." I smiled back at him. It was hard
not to like the man.

More students had started to arrive and idle chat of the weekend broke
the silence. I checked my watch, five minutes to go.

A noise by the doorway caught my attention. Looking up I saw a
brunette glancing over her shoulder down at the floor - had she tripped?
I couldn't see anything that might have caused her to stumble. She
turned then, explaining everything. She had likely tripped over her own
feet. Like I said; 50/50.

Isabella Swan was taking History of Art. This was too fucking perfect.

She continued forward, oblivious to everyone else for a moment. Her
head lifted and she started to scan the room checking out the other
students. I cocked an eyebrow waiting for signs of recognition. Her eyes
met mine for a moment and then continued their scan as she took
another step forward. Hmmm, nothing.

She suddenly stopped in the middle of the room and shifted her eyes
back to me. I felt the corner of my mouth twitch as I tried to hide a smile.
Her face was blank for a few seconds before her eyes went wide,
showing the whites around the irises. Her posture was that of a deer
caught in headlights and her face blushed a furious crimson red. She
shifted her eyes away and cast her head down, quickly taking a seat at
the other end of the table.

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So intent on watching Isabella, I had missed Alistair Randall walking in
behind her. He had a reputation for being a little off the wall but I was
looking forward to the injection of a little crazy into my week. He didn't
speak as he handed out the syllabus packs but when he returned to the
front of the room he began his lecture.

"Good afternoon. My name is Alistair Randall and I'll be taking History of
Art. This semester we will be studying the History of Photography. If you
are in the wrong place don't waste my time; just leave now."

I swear, all the professors, TAs and advisers spout this bullshit at the
start of class and sure as shit there are always at least two idiots that
get up to leave. How fucking hard is it to read a schedule? Randal
started droning on about photographs and sexy imagery from the
1960's and how it's changed today. No shit Sherlock! I just had to look
at Alice in one of those sexy lacy thingys and I was hard as a rock.
Thoughts of Alice drew me back to the events early Friday night.

"Jazz you have to go. You know how this works."

I slid my arms around her while she was pouring her drink, "Can't
you come too, baby?"

She huffed and turned to face me. "You know I can't. She knows
me. What if she saw me? How should I explain my being there

I was getting frustrated. Taking a step back from her, I lost it. "For
fuck sake Alice! It's Friday night and you can't think of a legit
reason to be at a club? You can do better than that," I challenged.

"Don't 'for fuck sake' me Jasper Whitlock." She narrowed her eyes
at me and raised her arm to point upstairs. "You know exactly why.
Someone has to stay here and make sure he doesn't sneak off to
the club himself."

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"...Swan and Whitlock, Barstow and Haines..." Randal's voice caught
my attention as he called my name. Swan? I looked over at Isabella
who was avoiding my eyes and blushing again. She threw her books in
her bag and ran out of class. Hell no! What the fuck was going on?
Everyone seemed to be leaving so I pushed out of my chair and bolted
after her. I had no idea what had gone on in class or why I was paired
with Isabella.


Mortified. I was absolutely mortified. Whitlock was sat five seats down
from me and I couldn't shake the look he gave me when I came in.
What had happened on Friday night? Why was he staring? As I peered
up through my eyelashes I noticed he shifted his gaze, choosing to
watch the front of the room instead. His eyes still looked fixed and
glazed like he was physically here but his mind was elsewhere. Crap. It
doesn't take a genius to figure out what's got him distracted.

Alistair Randall moved around the room as he continued his lecture. I
tried to busy myself by flicking through the syllabus material he had
distributed. I knew that everything we needed for class was in this pack.
There were no required texts but anything else we needed was
available in the library.

"Throughout the decades the art of photograph has changed and
moved with styles and the demand for products. The notion that 'Sex
Sells' rings true over the last forty years. Only the level of sex depicted
has changed, the principle message remains."

Sex? This is supposed to be a History of Art class!

"In the 1960's provocative or sexy photography showed women in
extravagant undergarments, corsets and bustiers. In advertising
attractive woman were hired to sell a product but with their pinched
waists and long legs was it the product that was being sold or the idea
of the sexy woman?" Alistair put the question out to the room.

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"Surely everyone's view of what constitutes sexy is different," I ventured
trying not to draw Whitlock's attention. "Tiny waists and exposed legs
don't equal sexy for everyone, right?"

A scoff came from next to me. I felt my face flush and dipped my head
so my head fell forward over my shoulder acting as a curtain between
us. At least Whitlock still seemed to be in his trance.

"Ms. Swan is correct. Sexy can be a state of mind just as easily as
something physical. For this week's assignment you will be exploring
what sexy is to you."

Fuck, I'm screwed. How would I know what sexy was?

"I'm going to be pairing you up and you will work together to produce an
image that 'Sells Sex'. The image must contain at least one of you and
can be as provocative as you are comfortable with. You will accompany
the still shot with a one thousand word essay explaining why you think
your photograph is sexy."

I moved my eyes across the room wondering who I would be paired
with. I only recognized one face and surely for this project we would be
partnered with someone of the same sex.

"Any questions?" Alistair paused to allow us to speak. No one did.

"Okay then. Once your name has been called you are free to leave.
Marshall and Green, Bowles and Dorward..." As chairs scrapped across
the floor, I noticed that the couples being called were not in fact same
sex pairings.

A quick scan of the remaining faces told me that we were equally
numbered for girls to guys. Fuck! Awkward much.

"...Swan and Whitlock, Barstow and Haines..."

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Whitlock? This can't be happening.

Gathering my back pack and note pad I made a beeline for the door.
Desperate for some fresh air I bolted down the hall only stopping when I
felt the cool air hit my face. I took deep breaths as I started to walk
quickly in the wrong direction. Flustered, my legs took me towards York
Street rather than my dorm room. My swimming schedule didn't start
until Friday so I couldn't even use that as an escape right now.

"Isabella?" I kept moving.

"Isabella, wait." I hurried my pace, not immediately recognizing the
voice but the knot in my stomach present none the less.

I heard running footsteps behind me. Whitlock! If I ran my avoidance
would be obvious. I quickened my pace again. At least that way I could
act like I hadn't heard him. I felt a large hand clamp down on my
shoulder, pulling me to an abrupt stop.

"I was calling, didn't you hear me?" The look on his face told me he was
being polite. He knew.

Keeping my eyes fixed on his shoulder I mumbled an apology.

"So what was all that about? Class I mean. What are we paired for?" He
released my shoulder but bent his knees and looked directly at me. I
had no choice but to look at him. As my eyes met his, my cheeks
flamed again. Christ this is embarrassing.

It was only then that I noticed his split lip. Instantly I felt guilt as I thought
about how he might have ended up with it. His hand reached up to
touch his mouth as he saw me staring. "It's a funny story. I'd love to tell
you about it over coffee. We can discuss class at the same time. What
do you say?" He cocked an eyebrow at me, waiting patiently.

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It was now or never. If I wanted to know about Friday then I couldn't say
no. But do you really want to know?

"Coffee? Sure." I signed, resigned to the fact that I was clearly a

"There's a little place on the corner of York and Elm. I'm Jasper by the
way. Jasper Whitlock."

Jasper? Why does that name sound so familiar?

Aware that I hadn't replied, I quickly spoke. "Bella Swan."

His hand clutched mine and he shook it gently, "Glad to meet you,
officially." He smirked at me as he dropped my hand and we moved off
up the street. I would sooner have bamboo pushed behind my nails
than have to endure the coming conversation but for the sake of our
project I was willing to put aside my other little issue.

We walked to the coffee shop in silence. Jasper opened the door for
me, led me to a table and as he pulled a chair out he gestured for me to
take a seat. He went to the counter and ordered and paid for both our
drinks. A black coffee for him and a mocha latte for me. By the time he
got back to the table my notes from class were in front of me along with
my pad and a pencil.

"So what did I miss?" Jasper took a sip of his coffee. His question
wasn't what I expected but I was glad he was avoiding the inevitable.

"What does sexy mean to you?"

"Excuse me?" His eyes widened momentarily as his arm hung in the air,
his cup stopping just short of his mouth.

"We have to come up with an image that 'Sells Sex'. At least one of us
needs to be in the shot and it can be as provocative as we like." I

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shifted uncomfortably in my seat. I didn't know Jasper and felt awkward
taking about sex and stimulating imagery. Add that fact to the
unexplained events of Friday and I felt like I was having an out of body

"How is that History of Art?" He really hadn't been paying attention. Still
unconvinced by the necessity of the assignment, I couldn't help but
agree with him. Never the less I explained what Randall had said in
class, giving him the cliff notes version but still covering enough of the

"So Bella Swan, what does sexy mean to you?"

"No way, I asked you first."

"Girls have sexy down better than guys. Most of you don't have to even

I scoffed at his comment, "I'm glad you think so. I haven't got the
faintest idea!"

"I doubt that." His tone was matter of fact, "After the dress you were
wearing on Friday I outright defy you to say that you are oblivious to all
things sexy."

"I didn't say oblivious to all things - just me." I pouted, shifting my eyes
to study the wood grain across the table top

"The project aside Bella, are going to talk about Friday?" As he spoke, I
peered at him through my eyelashes and saw his raised eyebrows over
his cup. His mouth held the trace of a smile as he took another sip.

And there is was, the pink elephant between us, mocking and laughing
at me. I took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves, only then did I see
the broken skin stretched across his knuckles. I winced and Jasper
gave me a warm smile as he put his cup back down on the table.

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"We don't have to talk about anything you don't want to. I just thought
that it might make our working together a little easier - more
comfortable." He was right of course. If we put all the cards on the table
then I would be able to focus on the assignment for class.

"All I remember is getting drunk, then there was Felix and Alec and then
you and that huge guy came out of nowhere. After that I am awash in a
sea of confusion. I woke up on Saturday wondering how the hell I'd
gotten back to my dorm room. Why don't you fill in the blanks."

"Emmett," he must have seen my confused expression as he continued,
"The big guy; that was Emmett McCarty."

"He looked a little menacing." I shuddered thinking back to the size of
his biceps and the look on his face as he spoke to Alec.

"He's harmless, assuming of course you are friend rather than foe."

"In that case I hope I fall under the former." I hadn't been at Yale long
enough to make any enemies but I wanted to make sure.

Jasper laughed, "Definitely friend. He was worried about you...we all
were." A frown appeared across his forehead and he looked deep in
thought. It was only after he started to speak again that I realized he
had said 'we' not both.

"We were at the club and saw you drinking up a storm." He chuckled,
"Shit girl, you can really throw your drinks back."

I smirked across the table at him, "It was my first time." His eyebrow
rose as if to question my last comment. "I've never really been drunk

"Might I suggest that you don't drink by yourself in future then? Those
assholes you went with were too quick to drop your ass when you
arrived." He almost let out a growl, but I wasn't certain. Why would he

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be so angry?

"You saw me with Tyler and Eric?" I was a little surprised that he had
noticed; they both disappeared within five minutes of our arrival.

"You were hard to miss." His tone was wry as he cracked his knuckles.
"When we saw you talking with Felix we knew there would be trouble."
His face twisted into a scowl.

"Paul warned me about him but he seemed like an okay guy. Drinks
and a dance, what could be wrong with that, right? What's his deal

"When he knows what he wants he goes after it. He and his...friends
have a very different view of what is or isn't acceptable." His comment
reminded me of exactly what Paul had said. Felix moves in a racy circle.
But before I could press him and ask him to elaborate he spoke again.
"When we saw Alec join you we knew it wasn't going to end well. We
lost sight of you for a few minutes before Emmett saw the three of you
secluded in the corner. I'm so sorry Bella. If we had been any later..."

I reached over the table and placed my hand on top of his. "But you
weren't. You got there just in time. Thank you." Smiling across at him, I
gave his hand a gentle squeeze. The discomfort I had felt earlier was
starting to disappear.

"Emmett caught you just as you passed out," he laughed. "I had to stop
him from slinging you over his shoulder as we left. That dress was
practically indecent, Swan." He shook his head as he chuckled. "We got
you back to my car and drove you back to Lawrance Hall. Your
roommate was out so we both stayed till morning to make sure you
were okay. We left just as you started stirring."

I know I should have felt uncomfortable about having strange guys in
my room but I just couldn't seem to muster the effort. They had
protected me and seen to it that I was safe. It's not like they were

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perving through my window. Peeping toms and window watching was
just fucking creepy.

"How did you know which one was my room?"

He hesitated, "You told us..." It sounded more like a question.

"I don't think so, passed out remember." He shifted his eyes to stare at
something behind me. Turning my head, I saw nothing of significance.
"Have you been watching me?"

"Someone has to watch out for you Swan," he kept his tone light but he
squeezed my hand back sincerely.

"Does that mean you were following me too Whitlock?" I joked.

"Maybe I was." I should have found the way he looked me directly in the
eyes unnerving; like he was trying to tell me something. I just didn't
know what it was.


Jasper and I went our separate ways thirty minutes later. We decided
that each of us would think of sexy imagery and try to come up with
something suitable for our project. Our next class was on Wednesday
so we would talk more then.

Back in my dorm room I ate the slice of vegetable pizza I had picked up
on the way back to Lawrance hall and drank my hot chocolate. It didn't
taste as good without cream and those tiny marshmallows but I hadn't
done any real shopping yet so I was surviving on the essentials.

It had been a while since I last looked at the journal so I decided that
after a quick shower I would curl up in bed with the mysterious black
book. Once I was settled I opened it to the last page I had bookmarked.
As my eyes started to follow the text a chill ran straight down my spine.

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This entry was like none of the others and for the first time since starting
my reading I felt fear and apprehension.

A/N: Thanks for all your reviews, they make me write faster. Leave me
some love via the little green button if you liked it and take your
questions over to Twilighted. Watch out for a second chapter this week

http:/www (DOT) twilighted (DOT) net/forum/viewtopic (DOT)
- come share your thoughts
and theories over on the thread (just replace the (DOT) with a period or
go via the link on my profile).

My recommended fics this week:

The Reunion - by KeepersOfTheNaughtySparkle

I'll Be Your Lover Too - by EdwardsBloodType

Twice as Long as Yesterday - by hopeful wager

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6. Watched and Followed


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7. The Journal

A/N: Thanks again to my beta, helliex88.

Don't forget to stop by the thread (link on my profile) to chat about any
of your ideas or theories.

Disclaimer - I do not own Twilight.

The Coven

Summary - Just staring out at Yale, Bella Swan is determined to shed
her normally cautious attitude and predictable ways to embrace
adventure and change. That is until she learns of an elite group hidden
within the walls of her new Ivy League home. Seduced by the unknown,
Bella finds herself caught up in the danger that is The Coven.

It had been a while since I last looked at the journal so I decided that
after a quick shower I would curl up in bed with the mysterious black
book. Once I was settled I opened it to the last page I had bookmarked.
As my eyes started to follow the text a chill ran straight down my spine.

This entry was like none of the others and for the first time since starting
my reading I felt fear and apprehension.

Chapter 6: The Journal

I know. They try to hide from me, but I know. I follow them through
the shadows; they creep.

Always twelve.

Sneaky, sneaky.

7. The Journal


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At midnight they come in couples and twos, under The Tower they
gather. The moon is fat, eyes glistening from the sky.

Two hundred and sixty-nine steps to the north.

Two hundred and forty-seven to the west.

Three hundred and sixty-six to the north.

Stone steps under gargoyle wings. Headstones and carvings,
everything is dead. Down the steps they disappear, torch flames
and medieval ritual.

Billowing cloaks as darkness swirls.

I follow them. Rats scratching in the dark shadows, forbidding
entry to those who don't belong.

The Twelve, always so superior. So elusive and self righteous.

Worthless leeches, social parasites.


What gives them the right? Who decides?

I follow them. I know.

I know who they are.

I know where they go.

Socialite whores and corporate wannabes. Your children are the

These children are NOTHING!

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I'll see to that.

Down the steps. Open the crypt. Gargoyle on the left. Trigger the

Fifty-six steps forward. Damp and cold. Water running down the
walls, hastening footsteps. Narrow stone tunnels, a labyrinth
under those who eternally sleep. Eighty-seven steps to the right, a
chamber ahead.

Voices. Hushed whispers.

Satanic cult worshippers luring lambs for sacrifice.

I don't need them. We'll begin again, reborn.

The Volturi will rise.

A/N: Okay, so I know this was short but you should still get the next
update after the weekend. RL is weaving its hectic web though, so you
may have to wait just a couple of extra days...

Please review and let me know what you think.

My recs this week:

The Office - by tby789

Welcome to the Cullen's - by Ducati

Tropic of Virgo - by In..bathrobe

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7. The Journal


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8. Chez Cullen

A/N: Sorry guys, more highlighter pen this week. Bella insists...

Thanks again to my beta, helliex88 who, despite changes with RL right
now, has still managed to beta this chappie for us all. Her prompts
made this chapter better. I love you and good luck.

And thanks also to ilsuocantante who pimped me over on Twilight
- her story Answering Bell is great. If you're not reading it
already, go check it out (link in my favorites).

OMG! I thought there was going to be a riot after last chapter - thanks
so much guys. It was all relevant and will become clearer as the story
progresses. I've posted more links for pics on my profile and more
music too.

Disclaimer - I do not own:


Across the Universe by Fiona Apple

Coconut by Harry Nilsson - this song always makes me think of

The Coven

Summary - Just starting out at Yale, Bella Swan is determined to shed
her normally cautious attitude and predictable ways to embrace
adventure and change. That is until she learns of an elite group hidden
within the walls of her new Ivy League home. Seduced by the unknown,
Bella finds herself caught up in the danger that is The Coven.

Chapter 7

8. Chez Cullen


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"Lauren?" I could see her getting ready in her room.


"Is this some sort of joke?" I asked as I gestured to the black coffin
shaped box with my name on it. The offensive box was sitting on the
table in our sitting area. I wasn't in the mood for Lauren's fun and
games. It was stupid o'clock when I had woken up this morning covered
in sweat, it was still dark outside and the halls were eerily quiet. My
nightmares had been filled with images of statues, cults and The Volturi
- whoever they were.

Lauren appeared in the archway from her room with her hands on her
hips. She was wearing a black and yellow mini skirt with biohazard
symbols printed on the fabric. She had already matched it with black
knee high socks and the bra she had on was yellow lace which left little
to the imagination. Where the fuck does she buy this shit?

"What the fuck are you wearing and can't you put a top on?" It was far
too early in the morning to start bleaching my eyeballs.

"Do you like it?" Opening my mouth to speak, she cut me off as if her
question had been rhetorical. "It's a great skirt for going out! The red
explodes in black light and the stitching is UV thread..." I tuned her out.
Black light and UV thread? I didn't even want to know about the red
crap she was gushing about. She knew she was going to class, right?
My roommate had the fashion sense of a streetwalker and given the
number of guys she had slept with in the last few days, a reputation to

Interrupting her drivel, "Where did this come from?" I demanded, my
finger pointed at the box with renewed fervor. This conversation needed
to end and quickly.

"It was sitting in front of the door this morning when I got home. Are you
gonna open it or just stare at it all day?" She spoke in an exasperated

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tone with her hands locked firmly on her hips and her eyebrows raised
in anticipation.

I tentatively took a step towards the creepy box and reached to pull at
the thin red ribbon securing the package. "Wasn't there a card?"

"Do I look like your personal messenger? No card, just the tag." She
disappeared out of view with a huff, hopefully putting some clothes on in
the process.

The box lid was tight and took a little work to come loose. Inside the box
was a bed of red tissue paper and lying right on the top was a single
black rose. - Huh?

"Ohhh, flowers!" Biohazard Barbie had reappeared, now fully dressed. I
was convinced that she had to have better or more appropriate clothes
somewhere. Yellow patent heels encased her feet and her black fitted
tee bore the slogan 'I look better naked'. I couldn't help the snort that
escaped my throat. Naked had to be better than what she was wearing.

"See you later Bella." Grabbing a black leather jacket she left me with
my rose.


"A single black rose?" Alice and I were sitting waiting for Dr. Cullen to
arrive for class as I told her about my mysterious flower.

"Yeah. In a coffin box. I have no idea where or who it came from either;
there was no card." Alice held her pen between her lips. She looked
thoughtful for a couple of minutes but didn't speak.

"Did you hear me Alice?" I turned to look at her. I was exhausted. The
hot shower I had once Lauren had left did little to aid my sleep

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"Yes, sorry. Do you know what a black rose means, Bella?" Her eyes
burned into mine, catching me off guard. It was as if she was trying to
imprint the knowledge onto my forehead.

"I didn't even know you got black roses." I was totally confused. I didn't
really know anyone on campus yet, who would be sending me flowers?

"You can't. Not naturally anyway. The closest you can get is the
Baccara rose; it's really dark red in color. It can look almost black in the
right light." Her tone was lighter. She sounded almost blasé as she
waved her hand dismissively, like the exact shade of the rose wasn't

"I didn't really look at it properly. All I know is it freaked me the fuck out."
Shaking my head at the memory of the box I stifled a yawn behind my

"Black roses symbolize a couple of things," she continued. "The first is
fairly obvious."

Well explain it for the stupid people, because I don't have a clue.

Alice turned to face me when I didn't speak. Her eyes moved up and
down over my body as if she were appraising my appearance. I
suddenly felt self conscious wearing the simple jeans and hoodie I had
pulled on this morning.

Holding my gaze, she spoke deliberately. "Black roses mean death."
Her tone was somber and level and she continued to stare expectantly.
I made no attempt to speak as my head started to spin.

Someone had sent me a death rose.

"Of course," her tone sounded a little lighter, "It can also symbolize the
beginning of new things, a sort of rebirth if you will."

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"Good morning. I trust you all had an eventful weekend, don't forget to
hand in your completed assignments before you leave. Today we will be
moving on to chapter six..." And just like that Dr. Cullen started his class
and Alice and I were done with our chat.

Once we had been dismissed Alice asked me to wait while she spoke to
her father, "I'll be five minutes, then we can grab some lunch." Stepping
out into the hallway to give her some privacy I pulled the black journal
from my bag and opened it to the last marked page.

"I wasn't chosen. They'll be sorry; I belong just like them. I'm good

Chosen for what? Belonging like who?

I suddenly remembered the line I had read in the library the first night I
was here and flicked through the pages searching for it.

"...Yale. Beware the dangers of The Coven."

What was The Coven? Is that what the author was hoping to be chosen
for? Belonging just like who?

As I started to read down the text I noticed that it was the first page
where the handwriting changed. Previous entries had sounded a little
annoyed, maybe even a little angry but these entries were different.
They were written almost violently. I traced my fingers across the page
and felt the indentations of each word. Whoever had written this portion
of the journal had done so with brute force.

"Ab alio spectes alteri quod feceris."

I let out a frustrated huff. More Latin. I was going to have to find a
dictionary and start translating it soon. I just needed to know what was
going on. I pulled my highlighter from my bag and slid the pen across
the Latin text.

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More of the text was scratched into the sheet as I tried to understand
the ramblings across the page.

"Memory loss cleanses the soul. Domus habitum duodecim. "

My highlighter swept again, drawing attention to the odd little words
scored in front of me. I understood half of it, but it still didn't make any

"What's that?" I had been so caught up in my reading that I hadn't
noticed Alice come out of class. As I closed the book her eyes widened
as they landed on the cover.

I hurriedly pushed it back into my bag. "Oh, it's...nothing." I shook my
head to dismiss her question.

"From the look of concentration that was on your face I'd hardly say it
was nothing." Her eyes narrowed as she followed the journal until it was
out of sight.

She was pushing. Sorry Alice, but I'm not ready to share this yet. I need
more answers.

"It's a journal of sorts." We moved off down the hall.

"Is it yours?" What kind of question was that?

"It is now. Where to for lunch?" I was done talking about the black book
and I was hungry. With the combination of my coffin flower and Lauren's
disastrous ensemble, I had managed to skip breakfast. My meal plan for
training was already shot to shit; coach was going to have my ass.

"Blow off your afternoon class. Spend the rest of the day with me." Alice
kept her eyes forward as we walked. I couldn't help but notice she
hadn't asked me but rather stated her request.

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I laughed. "I can't just blow off class. What reason do I have for not

"Your little package would probably do it. Besides, I already mentioned
it to Carlisle and he said it shouldn't be a problem."

"Your dad's okay with you cutting classes?" I raised an eyebrow at her.
Dr. Cullen was still fairly ruthless in class, I somehow doubted he had
been suddenly hit with the overwhelming urge to try and make me feel
better. I bet he could make you feel better.

I groaned internally. Cullen lust was the last thing I should be thinking
about right now.

"It was his suggestion that we get off campus for a while." She led me to
her car and all I could do was gawk at it.

"This is yours?" I swept my arm in gesture towards the yellow sports car
sitting at the curb.

"Yes," she beamed at me. How the fuck does a college student own a
car like this?
"I've only had it a week and already I'm in love with it."

Her parents must have money. I didn't want to pry or seem nosy so I
just smiled and let out a small laugh. "I need to go to the bookstore
before we head off for lunch."

"Oh? What do you need?"

"I need to buy a Latin dictionary." My tone was decisive. If Alice couldn't
detour then lunch was out of the question. I needed that book.

"I didn't know you were taking Latin."

"I'm not. It's...recreational." It wasn't completely a lie, but I owed Alice
nothing and didn't know if I could trust her.

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"Save your money, Bella. Carlisle is bound to have one. Dead
languages are right up his alley, remember?" She smiled and winked at

I laughed back at her. She was persistent and it was too warm today to
argue. "Fine, I'll ask at our next class. Where are we going for lunch?"

"Let me organize lunch" Alice jumped into the driver's seat and lowered
the passenger side window. I spaced for a moment as I thought about
what Alice had said. Maybe Carlisle could help me understand the Latin
himself. My train of thought was interrupted by Alice's silky voice.

"Are you getting in Bella?" She was leaning across the seats and
smiling mischievously up at me. Sighing, I pushed thoughts of Carlisle
out of my head and slid into the leather seat just as Alice connected her
iPod to the stereo. One of my favorites filtered through the speakers
and as Alice moved to the music in her seat, I sang along with Fiona
Apple's cover of Across the Universe.

Alice twisted the car through campus until we reached Prospect Street.
Once we were on the straight she hit the gas and we sped forwards.
She cut across Canner Street so that we ended up on Saint Ronan
Street. In less than ten minutes we had pulled into a driveway in front of
an exceptionally large house. The drive ran under a large arch built into
the side of the house and disappeared around back.

"Where are we Alice?" The car ride had been silent with the exception
of us singing as the tracks changed. My voice sounded tiny as I spoke

"My house. Well...the house I share anyway." She laughed, "It's not just

Once out of her Porsche I stood transfixed, staring at the massive three
storey dwelling. "How do you afford this?" I knew it was rude to ask but
my internal filter was apparently dysfunctional when in shock. She

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laughed at my question and moved towards the house.

"I share it with eight other people just now but there is space for more.
The house is already paid for, it' the family."

"Eight people? How big is it?"

"Six bedrooms, four and half baths. The kitchen is pretty big and we
have a media centre in the basement. There's a music room and a den
of course, oh and the garden is great for summer parties. The whole
house sits on almost half an acre."

"Wow." I blew a long breath though my lips as I tried to digest what she
had just said. Just for a moment I contemplated begging her for a room
at Chez Cullen. This was definitely better than rooming with Bimbo
Barbie. Then something that she had said hit me. "Six bedrooms and
eight people? How does that work?"

"Couples." She grinned widely at me, as if she had explained everything
with that one word.

"So everyone here is part of a couple?" We arrived at the front door and
Alice let us inside.

"Not yet but there's still time. Come on, I'll give you a tour."

No moving for me then.

We stood in a large foyer. There was one glass paneled door at the end
of the foyer and three open framed doorways off the main space. The
stairway ascended off to the left of the room. We dropped our bags at
the foot of the stairs and Alice grabbed my hand and dragged me
through the downstairs.

We made our way to the den down the hallway. All the floors were dark
hardwood and beautifully kept. I bumped into Alice's back as she

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stopped abruptly in the doorway.

"Hey Mike. No classes today?"

"I slept in so decided to skip. I let Carlisle know so I should be good."

Alice smiled as she turned to face me, "Bella this is Mike, Mike meet

Mike looked up from the text he was cradling and acknowledged me
with a smile. His eyes were a washed out blue and his short blond hair
was styled into spikes. It looked like he spent too much time primping
and preening. Even from his position on the sofa, I could tell he was tall.
Maybe not six feet but fairly close.

I gave a small wave and smiled at him, "Hey." He nodded his head once
before looking at Alice.

"So this is Bella?" Alice gave Mike what looked like a warning glance. I
was puzzled by their exchange but didn't want to pry.

Taking a moment to look around the den, I noticed it was comfortable
and relaxed. The space was light and open with French doors and
bookcases set into the walls. The cream leather sofa was a corner set
with a chaise running off the side. A small coffee table sat in front of the
sofa and was currently covered with more of Mike's study material.

Mike cleared his throat and pulled me out of my exploration. The
amused look on his face told me everything I needed to know. "You
heard about my Friday night antics then?" I laughed. Clearly my
embarrassment was no longer a secret, and as such I knew it was
better to laugh at myself rather than have others laugh at my expense.

"Something like that." Mike returned his attention to his text, unwilling to
offer anything more to the conversation.

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"Come on Bella, let's finish the tour." We moved back across the foyer
and into another room. The dark wood flooring continued throughout the
lower floor of the house, but did not seem so domineering in this room.
Two cream sofas sat in the middle of the room and sunlight spilled in
from several large windows. One corner of the room was home to a
baby grand piano while a small bookcase sat on the opposite side of the
room, an ornate fireplace served as the room's center piece. The walls
were a neutral cream and met the dark wood paneling half way up the

The music room was simple but elegant.

"Do you play?" I walked over to the piano and ran my fingers along the
ivory keys.

"No." Alice spoke softly. "The piano is Edward's."

"Ah, yes. The twin." I smiled at her as I glanced up through my
eyelashes. Her expression changed as her mouth twitched into a half
smile and she nodded. Alice led me back to the foyer, pointing out the
sunroom on the way, and headed for one of the open doorways. I
noticed for the first time that there was art work hung on most of the
walls and I wondered if they were prints or originals.

"Where are we going?" My question was answered as we walked into
the kitchen. Large my ass, it was fucking massive.

The center island was white as were all the lower level cabinets; simple
wooden cabinets ran at eye level. A stainless steel range cooker sat
against the wall, perpendicular to the breakfast bar that protruded into
the middle of the kitchen. The wall at the far end was made entirely of
large windows and French doors sat in the middle of the space.

"I promised you lunch. What would you like?" Alice started pulling an
array food out of the refrigerator. How many did she think she was

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"Just whatever you're making is fine for me." Please God make it a
small lunch, not a banquet buffet.

We chatted about campus and the classes we were taking as Alice
made soup and toasted sandwiches. I offered to help but she declined
so I settled myself on a stool at the breakfast bar.

"So I hear you have a class with Jasper." Alice glanced over at me from
the stove. Suddenly it hit me. That's where I knew Jasper from. He was
Alice's soulmate. I felt utterly ridiculous; it wasn't like Jasper was a
common name. I must have been blind not to put the pieces together.

"Yes I do. We have a project to work on this week actually." While we
ate I filled Alice in on the details and she offered her help if we needed
it. I might just have to take her up on that. It didn't seem to matter what
Alice worn, she still managed to pull of sexy and classy at the same

Because of today's weather we both wore shorts. While mine were a
simple blue denim, Alice's were gray with white pinstripes. Her white
and gray strapless corset top hugged her figure, while my coral halter
neck hung a little loose across my body. My green hoodie kept my back
and shoulders covered and Alice's white jacket pinched her waist.

She was confident and comfortable; I didn't have a clue.

Although the house had central air it was still a little balmy. We had both
discarded our jackets and shoes to make ourselves more at home.
Once we had finished eating Alice moved to finish the tour, heading for
the stairs.

"The full tour includes the bedrooms too." She ascended the stairs
quicker than I would have thought possible. I chased after her, not
wanting to be left alone. The hallway at the top of the stairs was open
on two sides but was protected by the banister leading round from the

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"The half bath is downstairs and there is one bathroom on this level.
There is also a second bathroom on the floor above us." Alice pointed
to the ceiling as she spoke. "Edward's room has an en suite as does
mine and Jasper's."

Alice pointed out Rose and Emmett's room as we passed a white
doorway. "I didn't realize that Emmett lives here too."

"Yeah, he moved in last week with his girlfriend. Emmett's a bit of a
handful but Rose generally keeps him in line."

We moved to a second door and Alice opened it beaconing me inside.
"This is mine and Jasper's room." Alice walked to the window and
opened it wide. The breeze blew the gauzy fabric in front of the opening
and I caught the scent of lavender and freesia lingering on the wind.

The room was beautifully decorated; the walls painted in warm golden
tones with one exception. A mural was painted on the wall at the far end
of the room. The scene showed a tree set against a pinky gold and grey
sky with what looked like a river flowing near its base. The detail was
exceptional and breathtaking. A chaise and two bedside tables were the
only visible pieces of furniture besides the bed. Gold satin fabric graced
the bed with throw cushions and a simple comforter, while dark drapes
hung at the window.

"My mom decorated most of the house. She has exquisite taste and
knows just what we like."

Two doors led off the bedroom. I assumed the en suite was behind one
and in the absence of a free standing wardrobe, I again assumed it led
to a walk-in.

"My God, Alice.'s...beautiful." I couldn't find the words. Beautiful
didn't seem like it was enough.

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"Thanks, it's our sanctuary. Mine and Jasper's. It can get pretty crowded
around here." I nodded, understanding what she meant. I only had
Lauren to deal with and that was more than sufficient. "Come on I'll
show you the rest."

I followed her out of the room and closed the door behind me. "There's
more?" I already felt so overwhelmed.

She opened a third door and announced, "This is Edward's room."

I gasped as I saw the room in front of me. It was stunning. The room
was masculine with hints of femininity. The walls were dark blue; a stark
contrast to the deep pile cream carpet under my feet. A black leather
sofa ran the length of the wall to my right and a matching bench ran
along the foot of the bed. The bed itself was adorned in rich chocolate
browns with accented blue throw cushions. At the head of the bed, a
studded fabric headboard was mounted on the wall.

Just like Alice's room, Edward's had two additional doors. The walk-in
was open and I could see it was half empty, that left the en suite behind
door number two.

I shifted awkwardly. Despite the feeling of calm I felt standing in the
middle of the room, I couldn't help but think that I was intruding. This
was Edward's private space and I had no business being here.

"I don't feel right being in your brother's bedroom Alice. What would his
girlfriend say if she knew that we had been in here snooping?" I turned
to look at her and saw that she had a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.
She was hiding something, keeping secrets.

She smiled wickedly back at me. "Edward doesn't have a girlfriend. In
fact Edward's not looking for a girlfriend." I was immediately confused. I
remembered what Alice had said about the house being for couples,
and then it suddenly hit me.

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Edward was gay.

"Oh, I see. I didn't mean to presume..." I trailed off as a voice boomed
up the stairs.

"Hey, Alice you up there?"

"Oh for the love of God," Alice muttered under her breath before she
raised her voice. "We'll be right down, Emmett."

"Get your tiny ass down here. Tori's already making margaritas." His
laughter carried up the stairs as Alice squealed and clapped her hands.
Then in a flourish of movement I would have missed had I moistened
my eyeballs at that second, she grabbed my hand and yanked me back
down the stairs.

As we walked into the kitchen Tori had the blender going. A pitcher was
already sitting on the granite counter and Jess was carrying four

"Hey Bella. Mike said you were here. I suppose Alice is responsible for
you ditching class this afternoon..." She placed the glasses down next
to the blender and started rimming them with salt. "Are you staying for a

It was just after four in the afternoon on a Tuesday. I was not about to
start drinking cocktails. "I think I'll just head back to my dorm, thanks
anyway though."

"Not so fast." Tori fixed me with a steely glare. "We have to discuss our
project Bella. Missing class today just meant that Jess and I had to
come up with an idea for Friday night by ourselves. Just one drink?"
She pouted at me, "Pretty please." It was pathetic and the wink she
threw at me told me she knew it was.

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"Fine. It's five o'clock somewhere, right?" There was no use arguing; we
did have a project to work on.

Just as Tori passed me a glass I heard a noise behind me.

"Lil' B! You've got just as much on today as the first time I saw you."

As I turned around, cringing, my eyes fixed on to a beefy guy with the
biggest dimples I had ever seen. "We haven't officially met." He
extended his hand towards me, "I'm Emmett."

As I reached for his hand I smiled, "Hi, thanks for the other night."
Emmett laughed throwing his head back and then grabbed me, pulling
me up into a huge bone crushing bear hug. My breath left my lungs as
he squeezed me against his chest; my feet hanging in mid air.

"Put her down Emmett!" I didn't recognize the voice but as soon as my
feet hit the floor I saw the tall blond from the café, my first day on
campus. "I'm Rosalie, by the way."

"Ah, Emmett's girlfriend. It's nice to meet you." I tried to sound sincere
but in truth, she had been a little intimidating at the café.

"We'll see." She didn't look at me as she got her own glass and rimmed
it with salt dust. I took a mouthful from my own glass and coughed a
little as it burned my throat.

"Take it easy," Alice whispered. "Tori likes to make them twice as strong
as they should be." I nodded, making a mental note just to have one.

We all settled in the sun room enjoying the heat through the glass. We
talked about the classes we had been to and the projects we were
working on. Emmett found the idea of my 'Sell Sex' project funny and
asked if I had any ideas as he finished off his fourth beer.

I really didn't.

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Mike, who had joined us with his own beer, told me I was bound to think
of something if I kept drinking with these girls. Whatever that meant.
Sure these women were sexy, but I didn't know how that was going to
help me.

Three cocktails later, I decided it was time for me to go. Jess and Tori
gave me their cell numbers in case I needed to call them about the
project while Mike called a cab so I could get home. When the cab
pulled up outside I said my goodbyes. As I slipped my shoes back on it
occurred to me I didn't know what Friday night would involve.

"Tori, what did you and Jess decide for Friday night?"

She looked at me with slightly glazed eyes and her sixth cocktail in her

"Kappa Kappa Gamma are having a party, so we are going to that."

I knew that Kappa Kappa Gamma was one of the sorority houses on
campus so we should be fairly safe. "What's the dress code?"

Jess laughed and Tori grinned widely at me. "It's a pajama party."

For the love of all that is holy, I hoped I had misheard her. However,
Emmett's boisterous laughter told me that I'd heard her clear as a bell.

A/N: Journal entries are in "bold italics" and are in quotation marks.
This differentiates from Bella's internal monologue (italics) and from
flashbacks (bold italics). Don't forget to check out my profile for pics of
Chez Cullen and everything else in this chapter.

My recommended fics this week:

The Dominant - by tara sue me (EPOV of The Submissive)

The Perfect Wife - by rmcrms5

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Creature of Habit - by EZRocksAngel

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9. Struggling to Breathe

A/N: Flashbacks in italics.

Thanks again to my beta, helliex88, who worked her ass off to get this
back to me.

Also a huge thank you toStolenxSanity who put my name forward to be
interviewed for Project Team Beta'snewsletter.

More outfit pics on my profile guys. Go check them out. I'm now going
to hide and chew my nails while you read.

Disclaimer - I do not own:


Right Before Your Eyes - Hoobastank

Secret by Maroon 5

S.E.X. by Nickleback

The Coven

Summary - Just starting out at Yale, Bella Swan is determined to shed
her normally cautious attitude and predictable ways to embrace
adventure and change. That is until she learns of an elite group hidden
within the walls of her new Ivy League home. Seduced by the unknown,
Bella finds herself caught up in the danger that is The Coven.

Jess laughed and Tori grinned widely at me. "It's a pajama party."

For the love of all that is holy, I hoped I had misheard her. However,
Emmett's boisterous laughter told me that I'd heard her clear as a bell.

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Chapter 8

I parked on Broadway and headed north on Tower Place. The pool was
in the Payne Whitney Gymnasium and was state of the art. Changing
quickly I made my way out to the main pool area and looked for Coach
Dwyer. I noticed that the balcony above the pool was walled with
windows and clearly showed the well equipped gym.

Phil Dwyer was the best swim coach on the east coast. He had taken
the Yale team to the nationals and won for the last seven years. I was
the only freshman in the team and damn lucky to be on it.

"You must be new." A girl suited for swimming stood next to me. Her
body had no shape, though she was slim, and she was tucking short
pale brown hair into her swim cap. "I'm Jane Riley, sophomore and best
hope for nationals this year." Ego much?

"Bella Swan, freshman and I'm your best hope for nationals this year."
Only at the poolside, with my confidence peeked, could I be that
mouthy. I just hoped that I didn't bump into her on campus.

"We'll see." Scowling, Jane skipped off towards a man in a blue
tracksuit. The silver whistle between his lips sounded sharply as he
waved his arms, rounding the team together.

"Ladies, we have an exciting year ahead of us. New to the team is Bella
Swan," Coach Dwyer gestured towards me, "She comes to us from
Forks, highly recommended, and should be able to beat some of our

"Forks? Aren't you raised in water over there? Is it ever dry in the
Olympic Peninsula?" The girl's voice dripped with sarcasm. Fucking
cheeky bitch.

"Heidi, give it a rest." It sounded like Coach was used to her shit. She
was tall, with legs that didn't seem to stop. She threw me a nasty smirk

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as she finished twisting her long mahogany hair up under her swim cap.

Coach Dwyer really wasn't going to make things easier for me if he kept
singing my praises and jumping to my defense. I already have a father,
just get on with the training.
"Bella swims the butterfly and the front
crawl. I want to see what she can do. Everyone in the pool, we'll do
some warm up lengths then get started."

Still limber from my early morning run, I dove into the pool and sliced
through the surface. In my new venture of college, if my truck was my
constant then the pool was my home.

Swimming had been my life for as long as I could remember, well
thirteen years to be exact. I wore my first wings at age six, had
mastered the back stroke and front crawl by age eight closely followed
by the butterfly and breast stroke at age nine. Training took up four days
of my week and my studies took the rest.

I had learned to be graceful and smooth, ensuring my movements were
timed perfectly. A synchronized machine gliding though the water. I was
the best on the team at Forks High; I'd be the best at Yale too.

The whistle pierced sharply as I turned my head to breathe. Reaching
the end of the pool, I turned pushing my feet off the edge and swam the
return length.

"Riley, Swan, I want you two up and ready for the 200m butterfly." We
both swam to the ladder and climbed out of the pool. Coach Dwyer
turned to me, "Jane's the best we've got, let's see how you do kiddo."

Kiddo? Patronizing fuckwit.

I took lane seven, my lucky number. Jane took nine. We both positioned
ourselves on our diving blocks and waited for the whistle. On Coach
Dwyer's signal we both dove forward.

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My body quickly took over. Auto pilot taking effect as I initially began
gliding through the lane, keeping my body under the surface to reduce
drag. My body moved like a wave through the water as I kept my legs
together, bent at the knees, and moved my hips. Charlie had once said
that I looked like a dolphin as I swam and I never really let go of that
thought. My legs and hips were relaxed but I was in control of every

In a perfectly timed movement I broke the surface just before the 15m
mark; keeping to the rules and regulations. I wanted to demonstrate
why I was the best at home. I knew the rules and followed them

As I kicked through the water I extended my arms keeping them
relaxed. My actions were swift but perfectly timed to avoid resistance,
as my hands and arms sliced in and out of the water.

My breathing was natural. My head breaking the surface long enough
for air without hindering my recovery. Through my years of training I had
managed to reduce the number of times I needed to take a breath.
Raising my head above the water too frequently slowed me down.

It had been hard to start with but after years of practice my lungs were
in good shape.

Charlie and Jake had always supported my swimming, making sure
they came to all of my competitions. Until last year anyway. Since then
it had just been Charlie.

I pushed my body further as the anger coursed through my veins. Jake
was a pig. It had been the day of my last competition and as he hugged
me in congratulations he pulled my body flush with his. He had turned
his head so his lips brushed my ear while he whispered, 'The way your
hips move in the water Bells, you'd be a great lay. I'd let you ride me.'

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I had been so shocked and disgusted by his comment that I pulled back
and punched him squarely in the jaw. I would have been fine too, if his
jaw wasn't made of concrete. As it was, I spent a little over an hour in
the emergency room getting my hand braced. I had cracked one
knuckle and bruised the rest. But it was totally worth it.

As I reached the end of the pool I bent my elbows, both hands hitting
the wall. In one swift practiced movement my legs kicked off hard
against the side and I began my initial gliding process, repeating the
entire length.

On my fourth length at 20m, I took a deep breath and held it until both
hands hit the wall. Breaking the surface I looked for Jane and saw she
was seconds behind me. I had beaten her sorry ass.

The whistle blew and we were called out of the water. "Keep swimming
like that Swan and you might just break our record." Coach Dwyer's
voice was brimming with pride and encouragement. I rolled my eyes
and hoped he hadn't seen. As much as I didn't care for my teammates, I
didn't want to be known as teacher's pet.

After more warm up laps, Coach paired us off and told us to continue
trying to beat our best time. He finished practice with the news that we
would be increasing our practice schedule. As of the following week we
would be training for three hours on Mondays, three on Fridays and four
on Saturday mornings. I didn't mind, it's not like I had anything better to
do and at least it got me away from Lauren.

As we all headed for the changing rooms I felt a hard nudge in between
my shoulder blades. "Watch your back Swan." Heidi pushed past me.
Both she and Jane were sneering in my direction and the look on Jane's
face made my stomach clench and my skin crawl.

I showered and changed quickly, not wanting to spend more time than
necessary listening to their bitchy and snide comments. Jane and Heidi
were clearly not team players.

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After grabbing a bagel and an orange and mango smoothie from the
café at the gym I headed back to my truck. As I unlocked the driver's
door I thought about calling Charlie. It had been over a week since I had
spoken to him and the last thing I needed was the local police
department checking to see if I was okay. Settling into my truck I dialed
the number and hit the call button.

"Swan residence." Shit.

"Hey Jake." On second thought maybe the local PD wouldn't be so bad.

"Hey Bells, you don't call, you don't write. Are you trying to ditch me?"
He was trying to be playful but he wasn't successful in masking the
rejection in his voice. Are you getting the message yet?

"Not at all Jake." I kept my voice level, making sure to convey as little
emotion as possible. "I've just been busy with classes. How's things?" I
may have asked but I wasn't really interested. While Jake droned on
about life in La Push, I pulled out my journal and a scrap of paper.
Flicking back through the black book, I wrote down all of the Latin
phrases I had read over the last few days.

Today I was going to get some answers.

"You still there Bells?" Jake sounded unsure. It would be so easy to
disconnect our call but I hadn't spoken to Charlie yet.

"Yeah, sorry Jake. The reception is not that great. Is Charlie there?" I
heard Charlie's voice in the background and I assumed that he was
making his way to the phone.

"Hey Bells, about time you called. What took you so long?" I could tell
he was a little annoyed, but he was still pleased to hear from me.

"Sorry dad. Between classes and swimming I've been run ragged."
Swim practice had just been increased and I didn't need to tell Charlie

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that it had only started today. "In fact with everything I'm trying to get on
top of just now, I'm not sure I'll be able to call as often as once a week."
I knew Charlie wouldn't mind. He would be kept busy with the station
and fishing with Billy anyway.

"Oh, okay Bells, if you don't think you'll manage..." His voice trailed off
and he sounded...disappointed?

"I'll try dad." I hated hurting his feelings and I was starting to feel guilty.
Since mom...well, Charlie was all I had. There was no other family. I
would need to try and make a conscious effort.

"Well I'll call you on Saturday Bells. I can't miss your birthday." He
sounded too eager for my liking. Why can't he forget like everybody

"You don't have to dad; I'm not doing anything special." I was hoping to
deter him but knowing Charlie I was fighting a losing battle.

We spoke for about fifteen minutes while I told him about the classes I
was taking, the people I had met and the roommate from hell. He told
me he hoped I was being good and not sleeping my way around
campus now that he wasn't around to warn off any boys. I decided to
forgo the incident at Eclipse; what Charlie didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

We said our goodbyes after he reminded me he'd call at the weekend. I
quickly checked over what I had written and started my truck. As I drove
back to Old Campus I contemplated the best way to approach what I
was about to do. I got parked outside of my dorm easily and started to
walk across the quad. My journal and the Latin scribblings were both
secure in my bag as I made my way through the doors of LC Hall.

Checking my watch, I was relieved to see it was a little after eleven. The
hallway was quiet and my echoing footsteps made me feel nervous. It's
his job Swan! Suck it up and go in there and ask.

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As I approached Dr. Cullen's office I could hear voices coming from
inside. The door was slightly ajar but I couldn't see who was in the
room. I recognized one voice as Dr. Cullen's but the other was a male
voice I was unfamiliar with.

"She completes you, trust me." Dr. Cullen's deep voice filtered through
the gap in the door.

"I have no doubt." The stranger's voice was quieter and a little resigned.

"But there are still rules." Dr. Cullen's voice was firm and I wished I
could see who he was talking to.

The voices dropped and I couldn't make out what they were saying. I
shuffled closer to the door in the hope that I would be able to hear them
both. But as I moved my bag swung off my shoulder, hitting the wall
next to the door and sliding to the floor.


I tried to turn quickly and move away but as I grabbed for my bag, my
foot got stuck in the strap and I felt myself falling sideways. The air left
my lungs with a low hiss as I felt two strong arms catch me around my

I looked up into the greenest eyes I have ever seen. Deep and soulful.
They held my gaze as he righted me, making sure my feet were firmly
on the floor. His dark hair fell lazily across his forehead and I so
desperately wanted to push it back out of his eyes. My heart was
beating faster, my skin felt electric and I was starting to feel dizzy.

Keeping his arms around my body he moved his face closer to mine,
still looking intently into my eyes.

"Breathe." He whispered it so softly that if I hadn't felt his warm breath
on my face, I wouldn't have been sure he had really spoken.

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I gasped. Drawing in a much needed breath I could taste an unfamiliar
sweetness in the air.

"Ms. Swan, can I help you with something?" Dr. Cullen was standing in
the doorway to his office with a frown on his face. His eyes darted from
me to my savior as his expression changed to one I couldn't interpret.
The arms fixed around my waist moved immediately and I noticed that
the dizziness and electricity started to disperse. God, note to self. Must
keep oxygen supply functioning.

"Umm..." I quickly tried to remember why I was there. "Yes Dr. Cullen. I
was wondering if I could talk to you about class?"

"Of course, come in." He stepped aside and swept his arm in a
welcoming gesture. I cast a glance back at the stranger and saw he was
staring at me. A beautiful crooked smiled graced his features, nearly
knocking the wind out of me again. I had the strangest feeling of déjà
vu. Like I had seen him before.

"Ms. Swan?" Dr. Cullen stood expectantly waiting for me to enter.
Reluctantly I moved into his office and as he shut his door the beautiful
man disappeared.

He offered me a seat across from him at his desk, "How can I help you
Ms. Swan?" His voice seemed cautious and I took a moment to try and
compose my thoughts.

"Dr. Cullen, how would it be possible to tell the difference between a
cult and a secret society?" I shifted nervously in my seat. Between Dr.
Cullen and the stranger I was finding it hard to think straight.

Dr. Cullen looked at me with curious eyes, "Do you have an example for
me Ms. Swan?"

"Not specifically," I wasn't ready to have my journal and The Coven
dismissed yet. I was still too intrigued to have it cast aside as nonsense.

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"It's more of a general question."

"I'm afraid that the answer would be far too broad Ms. Swan, to be of
any help. Typically speaking of course secret societies are...secret,
while cults tend to have darker undertones."

"What if the information I have suggests the practice of both?" His eyes
were fixed on mine now, and I felt like I couldn't move.

"What information do you have?" His tone had changed. It seemed
almost urgent.

"Just a text I'm working on." It seemed that the lies were flowing easily
today. "There is some Latin text that I don't understand so maybe that
puts it in a better context." I hoped he would take the bait and help me
anyway without too many details.

"Do you have a note of the Latin? I could maybe take a look for you."
He was leaning forward with his elbows propped on the desk in front of
him, as an eager look crossed his face.

"Of course. If you're sure you don't mind." Trying to keep the excitement
out of my voice I fished in my bag and pulled out the piece of paper. He
reached across the desk, taking it from me and scanning it quickly.

"What text are you reading Ms. Swan? Is it from the reading list?" His
eyebrows were raised in question and his eyes were only just visible
over the sheet he held.

"It's from..." Shit. Think fast. I hadn't expected him to push so hard for
the exact source. "A reference book. Something I thought would help
support my studies." I hoped that he found my answer plausible.

"I see. Well the first on your list, Nonnullus es prognatus in quoque is,
alius es electus
, translates to - Some are born in to it, others are
. Does that help at all?" He was looking at me skeptically, almost

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as if he saw right through my façade. I shook my head and bit my lip.

My mind was working overtime to process what he had said. Some are
born in to it, others are chosen
. Were they talking about The Coven or
The Volturi? It all seemed so ambiguous.

Dr. Cullen continued his translation. "The second one, Ab alio spectes
alteri quod feceris
means - As you do to another, expect another to do to
you ;
the last is quite interesting. Domus habitum duodecim becomes -
The house holds twelve.
" Dr. Cullen kept his eyes on mine as he
translated the last sentence for me. They were a shade lighter than
Alice's and not as vibrant but they were intense as I felt them pin me to
my seat.

Neither of us spoke for a moment, choosing to just sit and stare at each
other. It gave me the opportunity to consider the knowledge I had just

The house holds twelve. That had to be The Coven. The journal
referenced 'the twelve' on more than one occasion most of it laced with
a venomous tone. I tried to think of all the Greek houses on campus but
caught like a deer in headlights I couldn't pull together a list.

I didn't like the suggestion of the second line. It sounded like a warped
version of that age old saying from The Bible - 'Do unto others as you
would have them do unto you'. It made my stomach uneasy and I
pushed the thoughts and suggestions to the back of my mind. I feared
only bad things would come of that one little line.

"I hear you have been spending some time with my daughter." His
fingers were tented together in front of his chest and he glanced down
at them for a moment. I was unsure as to where this conversation was
going. I wondered if there was motivation for his changing the subject.
He's trying to distract you. Don't fall for it.

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He caught my eyes again and I was careful with my reply. "Alice? Yes,
she's very...infectious."

He opened his mouth to speak and it occurred to me how my comment
must have sounded. "What I mean to say is - she has a very likable

Dr. Cullen's face relaxed into a smile and he placed his hands flat on
the desk in front of him. "And you have met some of her housemates
too." It was a simple statement but he looked at me as if he was
expecting confirmation.

"Yes. Those I've met have all been pleasant." I was starting to become

"I'm glad to hear that." His mouth opened as if he was going to say
something more but he abruptly changed his mind. We sat in silence for
a few minutes. There was an undercurrent to the stillness, as if he were
waiting for something.

"I've taken up enough of your time Dr. Cullen. Thank you for your help."
I got up to leave but he stopped me.

"Ms. Swan, I would be very interested in helping you further with
your...research. If you have any more text you need translated please
do not hesitate to stop by. If it is urgent you may contact me through
Alice outside of my office hours." He stood and walked to the door,
opening it so that I could exit unhindered.

Speculating about his eagerness for a moment, I thought about how
much easier it would be to have him help. "Thank you, I'll keep that in

He smiled as I walked out the door and I heard it click shut behind me.

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As I walked down the hall going over what Dr. Cullen had said,
something on the wall caught my eye. Looking at the poster tacked on
the notice board I couldn't help but feel drawn to it.

Volunteers Needed: New Haven Hospital. Call (203) 688-9907 for

I took out my iPhone and dialed the number. Having spoken to the
receptionist, she transferred me through to Dr. Mason and I made
arrangements to go to the hospital for an interview. The work would
involve administration duties and updating charts. Training would be
provided but it all sounded simple enough. My interview was Monday at
11:30am; I was advised to dress casually.

My iPhone vibrated just as I was about to slip it into my pocket. I had
one new text message.

B, meet us at our house at 7pm, Tori

I fired a quick message back confirming that I would be there and then
headed back to my dorm room to settle in for an afternoon of studying.


"Bella, honey. You can't wear this to the party." Tori held up my Forks
PD shirt pinched between her fingers and thumbs as if it was offensive
to her delicate disposition. She grimaced. I threw back another tequila
shot as she bitched about my choice of attire for the evening.

"Why not?" I was totally confused. Though I wasn't sure if it was
because of her question, or because I had already had four shots
before my last one. "You said bring my pajamas, so I did. My dad gave
me that." I huffed and pouted. Was I slurring?

It was my turn to drink this week. It was a fair fight and we made the
decision like any other rational college student would. We went with

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rock, paper, and scissors. I thought that playing with two others would
give me a fighting chance. No such luck.

"I can tell. And just where did he get it?" Jess laughed as I snatched it
out of Tori's hands.

"He's the Chief of Police back home." I clutched on to the one piece of
Charlie I had with me. We may not always see eye to eye but he was
still my dad and I loved him.

Tori had decided that having something to drink before we left would
ensure absolute authenticity for our project. Jess had already organized
the camera, justifying that the Greek houses always filmed their parties
so she wouldn't be out of place.

"Bella, you can't seriously think that when he gave you that he wasn't
sending some kind of message or warning to potential boyfriends." Tori
raised an eyebrow at me.

Crossing my arms defiantly, I mimicked her expression. We had been
having this argument since my arrival a little over an hour ago.

"Are you really that naïve? It screams 'Hands off - police property'.
You're not telling me that your high school boyfriend was comfortable
groping you under that?" Tori extended her arm and waved her hand at
my shirt. The truth was, no boyfriend had ever seen it.

What boyfriend? You lived like a nun thanks to Charlie.

I sighed. Jake had been the only guy to seen me in my pajamas and
there was definitely no groping, but I wasn't going to tell Jess and Tori

"Fine." Pushing the shirt and sweats back into my bag, "What do you
suggest? It's not like I have anything else with me."

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Tori grinned wickedly at me. "We bought you some backups just in case
you didn't have anything...suitable." She rushed to her closet and pulled
out two shopping bags as I let out a groan. Out of the first one she
pulled a mass of red underwear. What the fuck is that!

"What the fuck is that!" I mentally slapped my forehead at my lack of

"This Bella, is what sexy girls wear to bed." I opened my mouth ready to
rebuff Tori's retort but she bulldozed right over me. "And make no
mistake, you are a sexy girl."

She had finished laying the pieces out over the bed and what I saw
horrified me. A red bra; tiny red panties; a garter belt with bows and red
stockings. My mouth hung open in shock, she couldn't be serious!

"I can't wear that!" The horror was clear in my voice.

"Sure you can." She brushed her fiery hair behind her shoulder. "But if
you are really uncomfortable then you get one veto..."

"I'll take it." My reply was anxious. "I'm not sure I could wear that under
my clothes, never mind to a party."

"Okay, but that means you have to wear Jess' choice. With no

As Jess reached into the second bag I suddenly felt terrified. What if her
choice was worse than Tori's? What if there was even less to wear? Not
sure that's even possible, Swan.


We arrived at the house just after nine o'clock. Emmett had dropped us
off telling us not to do anything he wouldn't but to have fun just the
same. I was feeling a definite buzz from my earlier drinking and was

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excited to be going out with some potential girlfriends; even if it was just
for a class project.

That is pathetic Swan.

We had been welcomed inside and disposed of our coats in the hallway
closet. Drinks were passed to us immediately and while I made quick
work of mine, Tori and Jess discreetly hid theirs. I may have been drunk
but my inhibitions had not lowered enough yet to stop fiddling with my

"Stop tugging at those!" Tori hissed in my ear.

"How can I not?" I asked incredulously. I was wearing a tiny black
camisole edged with white lace and matching boyshorts. With each step
I took, in the high heels I'd been coerced into wearing, the shorts rode
further up my ass cheeks. It might not have been so bad but Tori and
Jess had both neglected to tell me that it was not a slumber party but in
fact a mixed party with the frat brothers from Sigma Phi Epsilon.

"What did you expect Bella?" Jess tried to soften the news as we got
dressed, but it wasn't working.

Tori thrust another shot in my hand, "We wouldn't be able to work on
our project if it was a slumber party, would we! Don't worry, we'll have
your back."

I knew they had been right and in fairness they were wearing similar
ensembles. We had all left our hair down but tousled to mimic that 'just
got out of bed' look. Tori had decided on a black and champagne lace
set while Jess wore purple and black with a ribbon up the front and
rhinestone detailing.

After a couple more drinks I felt my body relaxing and I really started to
enjoy the party.

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A Nickleback song came over the sound system and Tori pushed me
into the crowd. Before she left my side she told me to find a man to rub
myself on and 'work it' for the camera. I had no idea what she meant by
'work it' but as soon as I heard the lyrics I figured it out.

S is for the simple need.

E is for the ecstasy.

X is just to mark the spot,

Because that's the one you really want.

(Yes!) Sex is always the answer, it's never a question...

I began to move to the beat, trying not to draw too much attention to the
fact that I couldn't dance for shit. Within seconds I felt two hands on my
hips and a warm body pressed into my back. I turned my head and saw
brilliant blue eyes staring down at my face. He smiled and leaned into
my ear. "I'm Jason." He didn't even wait to hear my name before he
started thrusting his groin into the small of my back.

You better be getting this shit Jess. Drunk or not, I will be fucking pissed
if you missed this asshole pawing me.

Jason started to sing the words in my ear as his wandering hands made
their way up to my ribs.

I'm loving what you wanna wear,

I wonder what's up under there?

Wonder if I'll ever have it under my tongue?

I'd love to try to set you free,

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All of you all over me.

Love hearin' the sound you make the second you're done.

He waved another Brother over in our direction and his friend stood in
front of me; I became sandwiched between the two of them while they
dry humped me in my underwear. My mind dragged up the encounter at
Eclipse from the previous weekend and I panicked. Pushing myself
away I stumbled out of the room. Looking for a bathroom I headed up
the stairs. I needed to splash some water on my face and drink some

I searched upstairs trying to find an empty bathroom. After five minutes I
was still looking when I unexpectedly felt a hand grab my elbow and
drag me into one of the bedrooms. My panic level escalated.

Where the fuck are Tori and Jess?

That's when I saw who it was. I realized quickly that I was in serious

"How did you even get in here? You're not in SipEp." I hadn't seen him
earlier in the evening; it was like he had just appeared out of thin air.

"Doesn't matter how, I'm not staying anyway. I've got my own party to
get back to." He continued to follow me across the room as I moved
backwards. I felt the cool wall against my shoulder blades and knew I
was cornered.

"We have things to discuss Isabella and we were interrupted last time."
He cast me a menacing look that sent a chill down my spine.

"I don't have anything to say to you Alec. My friends are here and they'll
be looking for me." I was trying to buy myself some time. I had no idea if
Jess or Tori had seen me come upstairs.

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"Don't think they are your friends Isabella. They will build your hopes
then destroy your dreams." He was still advancing towards me, closing
the gap between us.

He didn't touching me but I felt pinned to the wall under his stare. Just
as he opened his mouth to speak again the door flew open. A guy with
short blond hair stood in the doorway. He was the same build as Alec
and I immediately panicked. I was seriously starting to wonder how I
kept getting into shitty situations. I barely had a fighting chance against
the man in front of me if things got more intense; but two of them? I
didn't have a hope in hell.

It's for the project. It's for the project. As I repeated my mantra through
my mind it didn't provide me with any comfort.

This is most certainly not for the project!

I wasn't sure how much I had actually had to drink at that point but I
silently vowed to myself - no more intoxicating substances. Ever.

"Fuck off James. This is a private conversation."

"Yeah? Well try talk to her when she's got more fucking clothes on!" He
walked forward and I saw he was holding my coat. "Come on Bella. Tori
and Jess are waiting."

I moved away from Alec before James helped me into my coat. Putting
his arm around my shoulders he guided me out of the bedroom.

"Tori called and said you were in trouble." He gave my shoulders a
gentle squeeze.

"Thanks. How do you know Tori?"

"We're...together." His eyebrows knitted together as he spoke.

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"Oh, she never said." I mumbled.

"It's a new development." His answer was short and his tone told me
the discussion was closed.

We all drove back to my dorm in silence. James walked me to my door
as I staggered up the stairs, making sure I got back okay.

"Drink plenty of water, okay?" I nodded in response. "Lock your door
when you get in and tomorrow we'll arrange getting your truck back to
you." He gave me a small sympathetic smile and ushered me inside my

"Thanks James." I knew I slurred that time.

"Don't mention it. You have no idea the hell I would have gotten if you
hadn't made it back safely." He scratched the back of his head and a
worried look flitted across his face. It was gone so quickly that I might
have misread his expression. I was starting to feel sleepy and really
needed to lie down.

Having said our final good nights, I locked the door and climbed into
bed too exhausted to drink anything else.

I was going to feel like shit in the morning.

A/N: I've used a website for my translations, I hope it's accurate

My recommended fics this week:

The Ritual: La Louche - by araeo

Art After 5 - by sleepyvalentina

Hiding in Plain Sight - by limona

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10. Neglectfully Numb

A/N: Flash backs are in italics.

First of all I need to give a huge thanks to my beta extraordinaire,
helliex88, without which this POV would be fairly piss poor. I love you,
bb. Thanks for pushing me to write a better chapter and thank you for
your own fantastic rewrites.

Also thanks to juliebly for making me a new banner for this story. You
can totes see it in the thread - the code is there to if you wanna steal it

Don't forget to check out the links for pictures in my profile.

Disclaimer - I do not own:


White Horse - Taylor Swift

Harder to Breathe - Maroon 5

Out From Under - Britney Spears

The Coven

Summary - Just starting out at Yale, Bella Swan is determined to shed
her normally cautious attitude and predictable ways to embrace
adventure and change. That is until she learns of an elite group hidden
within the walls of her new Ivy League home. Seduced by the unknown,
Bella finds herself caught up in the danger that is The Coven.

Having said our final good nights, I locked the door and climbed into
bed too exhausted to drink anything else.

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I was going to feel like shit in the morning.

Chapter 9

Lauren's POV

I lifted the sheets and saw that I was naked, in a bed I didn't recognize
for the fourth time this week. I turned my head to see who was next to
me and saw one of the frat brothers from last night's party.

Another man in another bed, in a long line of many. My memories of last
night were dim, I felt the need for more and knew exactly how to
achieve that.

I could see his morning wood tenting in the sheet, so slid down the bed
until I was eye level with the prize. And oh God, what a prize. I licked
my lips took his head in my mouth and started flicking my tongue across
his slit. He stirred beneath me and I suddenly realized, I couldn't think of
the name that went with the man attached to the thick hard cock,
throbbing against my tongue.

I was blowing a man whose name I couldn't remember. I know I should
care, that I should be disgusted with myself. I realized I couldn't feel

He groaned and laced his fingers into the back of my hair, thrusting his
hips forward and pushing himself further down my throat. I remembered
Mr. Banner and his practice blow jobs in eleventh grade. An outsider
would say I had daddy issues, in reality I was just happy that someone
noticed me. Things had been difficult at home and Mr. B. had tried to
comfort me. And as head cheerleader - well it was expected of me.

Of course in hindsight I recognized it for what it was. The beginning of
my own downward spiral. But that spiral had turned into a pit, and I was
without a ladder.

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I continued swirling my tongue along his length and hollowing my
cheeks as I sucked him harder. His upward thrusts became more frantic
as he hit the back of my throat. I could hear his breathing change to
rapid pants as he struggled to stay composed. He hissed as my
fingernails scrapped against his balls, "Fuck! Yeah baby. Make me cum
in your hot little mouth." My movements were mechanical, deja vu was
a recurring problem for me.

I knew I needed to remember his name, that it would be normal
behavior. For the sake of pretence I racked my brains, silently cursing
the fact that I found myself in this same position too often. His body
went rigid for a moment and he held the back of my head hard as his
cum shot down my throat. "Swallow all of it baby. God that shit is good."
I continued moving my tongue cleaning him up just before I released his
cock from my mouth with a 'pop'. The motion so practiced that it was
automatic. Emotionless.

"You taste so fucking good baby. All salty and warm." I said in a low
seductive voice, just what he wanted to hear. Licking my lips
suggestively, I rubbed my legs together, desperately trying to cause
some much needed friction between my thighs; loathing the desire I felt.
I wished just once that there was more for me. More to me.

"Touch yourself. I wanna watch you play." Oh, but this man had the
voice of a God and he made me feel, as that tell-tale tingling began in
my thighs and moved up to my stomach. I decided right there and then,
that I would do anything he asked. I would deal with everything later. I
wanted to forget.

I knelt on the bed in front of him and he watched as I pushed two fingers
into my mouth and moaned. I started to drag them past my lips and
down to my tight nipple, giving myself a hard pinch as his eyes
darkened with want. I started to use the time before he was ready to
finally fuck me to remember his name. I reminded myself to scream it
later. Guys loved that shit. I let my hand trail down my stomach, heading
for my soaking wet pussy. I saw that he was hard again and just as I

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brushed my finger tips over my clit he grabbed me by my arms and
pulled me down on top of him.

"You're gonna ride me and I'm gonna watch." Thrills of pleasure and
promise ran through me and I swear I almost came right then and there.
Oblivion was so close I could almost taste it.

Straddling him, I positioned myself over his cock. As I pushed down
slowly on to him, he impatiently thrust up to meet me. We both groaned
at the same time and I immediately set a fast pace, relishing the feel of
him in me. My hips rocked against him as I tried to match him thrust for
thrust. What the fuck was his name?





OMG. Too fucking funny! I couldn't help myself. As I bounced up and
down on his cock, a giggle erupted from my throat. Hysterical and wild,
the fulfilment of my desire making me light headed.

"What's. So. Funny?" He punctuated each word with a thrust of his hips.

"I've just remembered, you're Laurent." I laughed, still bouncing up and
down. "And I'm Lauren... Lauren and Laurent, Laurent and Lauren.
That's funny as fuck." I snorted. No longer caring what flew out of my
mouth, relief was so close.

He caught me off guard as he flipped me over, "You think that's funny
bitch?" He pulled out of me, "Get on your hands and knees." I did as I
was told and as he grabbed my hips he pushed back into me like a
force to be reckoned with.

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I screamed at the depth he was getting. I'd never felt so full and that
was saying something. The warmth I felt spreading through my body
was like a drug and I needed it. More than anyone could hope to
understand. Chase Anderson wasn't this good, neither was Kevin
Mathews or Andrew... whatever his name was. I may have to hook up
with Laurent again, a ready source of this would do me nicely.

"Not so funny now is it?" Laurent growled in my ear as he pulled on my

"Fuck me big boy, spank my ass!" I recited huskily, men were so easy
to spur on.

A resounding SMACK filtered through the air as my ass cheek started to
sting. SMACK. "Fuck yeah, baby. That's it, you're my dirty little whore
aren't you?" SMACK. Warmth spread across my ass cheeks as I felt
them getting hot. Guys loved my ass. Touching it, licking it, fucking it
and apparently spanking it. I didn't care, as long as it reduced the
numbness I felt.

His thrusting continued at a faster pace, one hand gripping my hip, the
other back to pulling my hair. "I'm gonna come. Oh fuck, I'm gonna fill
you right up baby." Desperation filled me as I started bucking
vigorously, the fear that he would come before me shot through my
veins. I needed this, more than he could possibly know. But it was just
like a guy to get off before me. I struggled to remember if I had gotten
off with the assistance of a guy in the last week. Who was I kidding? I
already knew the answer. No guy had ever gotten me off.

Brock, had missed the mark. So had Brandon and Bryan. Brad had
been an almost. He had magic fingers but was damned inpatient.

Maybe if I found the right guy things would be different. But I hadn't.

With one final thrust Laurent let out a strangled groan and collapsed on
to my back, pushing me down on the bed. I sighed in disappointment.

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Maybe if I had met that perfect man I would get off first. I hoped Bella
would be out when I got home. My Rabbit always made sure I got off
first. Once his breathing had almost returned to normal, he rolled off me.

"So Lauren, how is your roommate?" he panted.

"Bella?" Why are we talking about Bella? How can he have the energy
to even talk?
I ran my nails across his muscled chest trying to distract

"Yeah, she's the brunette right?" He flickered a glance at me, before
returning it to the ceiling.

"What do you mean 'how is she'?" There was nothing wrong with Bella -
physically, though I knew she hadn't been with a guy since the
semester started. Frigid prude. In fact she hardly went out.

"She was at Eclipse last Friday and got drunk. Felix and Alec tried to
help her out but some other guys took her home." Laurent said pulling
me out of my Bella griping.

"Drunk? Are you sure it was Bella?" Maybe she does go out - oh wait,
Friday? What happened Friday?
Hot pink and black, I loved that dress.
So little was needed to say in that dress, it was clear what I wanted.
And I'd learnt that guys often had a boot fetish. Rex definitely liked me
in those boots.

"Yes," he snapped. "Bella Swan, only daughter of Charlie Swan, Police
Chief." Laurent reeled Bella's information off like some sort of report or
check list.

"You know more about her than me," I scoffed. He fixed his eyes on me
and raised his eyebrows expectantly. "Yes, she's fine as far as I know."
I felt momentarily guilty. I quickly pushed it to the back of my head.
Laurent didn't need to know that I hadn't been home that weekend and
Bella really did seem okay.

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"Does she go out much? Where does she hang out?" he said
insistently, starting to get pushy with his questions.

"I don't know. There's some girl in one of her classes that she's started
spending time with..." I trailed off as I started licking his chest, trying to
bring his focus back to me. Back to what I needed and wanted.

"Lauren, pay attention, this is important!" He pushed on my shoulders
and pinned me to the bed. Writhing underneath him and pushing my
hips into his. Catching his expression I saw he was glowering down at
me. Why couldn't he be interested in me? Why was it that I was never
enough for anyone?

"What's her name? Bella's new friend," he demanded.

"I don't know. I saw them walking through the quad together. She was
short, she had long black hair." I said earnesty, I was getting annoyed. I
was pinned to the mattress by a seriously hot fuckable man but there
was no fucking going on. Just a fuckload of questions.

"Shit. Cullen," Laurent muttered under his breath. He released my wrists
and rolled off me, flopping on to his back. His eyes were fixed to the
ceiling and almost looked glazed.

"Who?" He was making no sense and I was getting bored. If I had
wanted to be ignored I would have stayed in my dorm room. Bella never
seemed to want to give me the light of day.

"Alice Cullen. Her father teaches here, he has done for five years.
Fucking asshole," he said with venom.

"Whatever. If you're going to start getting pissy then I'm leaving." I got
out of bed, looking for my clothes. I longed for the day that a guy would
put me and my needs first. I knew I probably wasn't going to find him at
a kegger but it sure beat being lonely.

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"Don't forget to think about what Felix asked you last night. We want
you Lauren but remember you are sworn to secrecy."

Pulling on the last of my clothes, I cast a glance over to the bed. "I have
two weeks to get back to you right?"

Laurent propped himself up on his elbows and nodded. "It's conditional
though. Keep us updated on your roommate. What she's doing, where
she's going. Anything you can think of. Felix keyed his cell number into
yours last night - use it." I would willingly sacrifice a little more of my self
respect and spy on Bella. After all, in two weeks I would finally belong
somewhere. That's all I ever really wanted anyway.

I grabbed my purse and headed for the door. With one last look over my
shoulder I gave him a smirk. "I'll be in touch."

I spent twenty minutes looking for my car before I remembered that I
hadn't driven last night. Smacking my forehead with my palm, I made
my way back across campus trying to decide what to do with the rest of
my day.

I toyed with the idea of going to the spa for a pedicure but decided that I
didn't really want people touching my feet today. I thought back to the
spa trips back home with Stacey and Becca and wished that daddy had
agreed to college in Santa Cruz. We would all be rooming together now
if I had just gotten my way. I stumbled slightly and lost my footing as I
remembered the conversation I had with daddy just before I left.

"Lauren, Santa Cruz is a party school. You'll never be respected unless
you get a good education. Yale will be good for you." Daddy always had
such high hopes for me. They stopped at me finding the perfect
husband and becoming a trophy wife.

"Don't you mean Yale will be good for her?" I knew that my attending an
east coast school had more to do with mommy number five, than my
father's concern about my education. It seemed as I got older, his wives

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got younger. This one had never liked me. She had tried to push me out
of daddy's life ever since she'd waltzed into it. And honestly, if all I had
to hope for was becoming a society wife like her then I didn't see how
the college I went to was going to make a blind bit of difference.

"Hey! I cut a large check to get you in there, damn it. Don't you dare ruin
it!" That was just like my father. Buying affection and never bestowing it.

My growling stomach pulled me out of my thoughts and reminded me
that I hadn't eaten since breakfast yesterday. Wiping the tears from my
eyes, I decided I needed something to eat. The worst craving for a slice
of pepperoni pizza suddenly hit me. I sighed. I knew my personal
trainer, Jared, would kick my ass if I exceeded my nine hundred calorie
intake. I could think of better things for him to be doing to my ass but
Jared had rules. He didn't fuck clients - I knew, I had tried.

As I walked down the street a cool breeze across my chest reminded
me of what I was wearing. The dress was one of my favorites. It was
blue leopard print and cut in a deep v with some ruffles around the top
of my tits. I had paired it with my gold knee high stiletto boots. Another
favorite with guys, and another that clearly stated my intentions. I wasn't
messing around, this was serious.

At least I was outwardly confident. I found it exhausting most days,
putting on a mask and hiding behind the shallow character I had created
for myself. But I learned a long time ago that it dulled the pain of being
second best all the time.

Arriving back in my room I saw that Bella was laying on the couch. A
wash cloth pressed to her forehead. No Rabbit for me then.

"Rough night studying?" I knew my tone was sarcastic but what did she
except? It's not like she had a life.

"Fuck off Lauren." She was being a snippy bitch this morning. It's not
like you're any better.

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"Don't go getting your panties in a bunch; I was just trying to be
neighborly." I put on a syrupy sweet voice. Daddy always said 'Kill them
with kindness'. Bullshit! I was in a bad enough mood as it was with
Laurent being a big let down, Bella was making it worse.

Her voice mellowed and was quiet as she spoke, "I have a hangover if
you must know."

Come again? "I'm sorry a what? Did you go out last night?" I was in
shock. Bella never went anywhere, well except the club last weekend.

"We went to Kappa Kappa Gamma, they were having a pajama party
last night." She groaned in protest as she spoke.

Was she serious? Not only had she gone out but she did it in her
underwear! Maybe there was a fun side to Bella after all. Maybe I could
try being myself around her. Just a little.

"How come I didn't get an invite?" I pouted and she rolled her eyes at
me as she sat up and finished off her large bottle of water.

"Do you own an outfit that doesn't make it look like you charge by the
hour?" Bella raised one eyebrow in question and placed the wash cloth
on the table in front of her. Or maybe I'll just keep my mask on.

"Fuck you! Like a hooker could afford this outfit." I stormed off into my
bedroom and pulled on some Juicy lounge pants and a matching top. I
sulked in my room for a little while before I decided I was too desperate
to tell Bella about my night. I didn't usually share stories about my
conquests, I felt cheap enough, but I wasn't above bragging about
Felix's offer. Bella didn't need to know that spying on her was part of the

I marched back into our common area and flopped on to one of the arm
chairs. As I flicked through the latest Cosmo I casually crossed my legs
trying to think of how to start.

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"Did you need something Lauren?" Bella sounded like she might puke
any second, now was my chance.

Dropping my magazine to my lap I glanced up to look at her and smiled
sweetly. "I was at a party last night as well. Sigma Nu throw the best
parties on campus. Their host was delicious too." I spaced for a
moment as I remembered how sexy Felix had looked.

"Uh-huh." Bella's tone was level and she didn't sound interested. I
continued with my story anyway.

"He asked me to join their elite group you know. In two weeks I could be
one of them."

"One of who Lauren?" She was being short with me and I really didn't
appreciate her attitude.

"You know. One of the 'in crowd'? The richest, the most sophisticated,
popular..." Surely she got the general idea.

"And you're sure they invited you?" What was that supposed to mean?
Even Bella didn't think I was good enough.

"Of course I'm sure. You're just jealous that no one has asked you to
join their fancy group." I knew I was starting to sulk again but I was
excited about the possibilities and she was trying to ruin it for me.

"Yeah that's it exactly. I'm just dying to be pulled into some elitist group
who can dictate my comings and goings." Being hung over really didn't
improve Bella's personality.

"Don't worry Bella if it makes you feel any better, I'll share what I heard
this morning as I left." Truth was I was sharing it anyway. It was great
gossip and maybe I could use it to bridge the gap between us.

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"Okay Lauren, make my day." Bella's voice was flat and she rolled her
eyes again. Bitch I will cut you if you don't stop with that shit. I was
losing my temper.

"Well I heard Jane on the -"

"Jane who?" Her tone was getting perky now. I knew she was

"Jane Riley. Anyway, she was on the phone talking to Alec -"

"What? Alec who?" Her face almost looked panicked.

"Christ Bella, this will go a lot faster for both of us if you just let me
finish. Besides, I don't know his last name." Talk about whip lash. One
minute she's barely paying attention next she's almost sitting on my lap.
Make up your mind. "Where was I?"

"The phone call." Bella waved her hand as if to encourage my story.

"Yes. Jane was on the phone to Alec and started talking about some
group with a weird name...God what was it again? I only heard it this

"Maybe if you didn't have the attention span of a Chihuahua this
wouldn't be so hard for you."

"Ohhh, a Chihuahua." Maybe a pet would make me feel better.
Something that would depend on me and love me unconditionally.
"Maybe I'll ask daddy for one of those. I could carry it in my bag and -"

"Lauren! The group with the weird name. Come on." Impatient much.

"I'm trying, okay. Enough with the pressure!" She was seriously starting
to stress me out. After mommy and daddy's divorce I tried to avoid
confrontation at all costs. It had been ugly and the four years I had

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spent in therapy was enough to scar me for life. No one wanted to see a
shrink at the age of eight. Bella got up and started to pace in front of the

"Think back to when you heard it. What were you doing? Try and put
yourself back there for a second." Her voice was calmer now, almost

"The...Falcons? No that doesn't sound right. The...Vulcans..."

"I doubt Spock asked you to beam on up. Try again." Bella stood in front
of me with her hands on her hips. She looked a little intimidating.

"Who's Spock?" I was confused.

"Urgh! Forget Spock. Think about the fucking name already." She was
clearly annoyed.

"You're not helping here. It's not like I don't want to tell you." I paused
trying to think, my head was starting to hurt and I knew my voice was
starting to sound whiny. "The...Vultures, no hang on." I took a deep
cleansing breath and tried to remember Jane's conversation from this
morning. It suddenly hit me full force. Like finding out your credit card is
maxed when the Manolos you just have to have are on sale.

"Alec she's there, I know she is... We need to do right by the group, The
Volturi needs this... You wouldn't have been sent otherwise."

"The Volturi!" Ha! I finally got it.

"Fucking hell Lauren. Are you shitting me?" I grinned back at Bella and
shook my head. I knew she was jealous.

A/N: Seriously guys Lauren's POV hurt my head a little. The 'sort of'
lemon was in character for Lauren - future encounters of the citrus
variety will be...a little sweeter. As far as I know, juliebly was the only

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one over on the thread to speculate about Lauren...

Nominations have now begun for the Eddie and Bellie and the
Razzle Dazzle Award. So go nominate your favorite stories. Links
are on my profile page.

If you've not been over to the thread yet - why not? There is chat,
speculation and above all teasers are posted too. Leave me some
sugar; I'd love to know what you thought of Lauren and what she
knows. I read and love all your reviews and try to reply between writing
and RL.

My recommended fics this week:

Alphabet Weekends - by the-glory-days

The Screamers - by KiyaRaven

The Sacrificial Lamb - by Lalina

Inked - by ARenee363

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11. Beyond Reach

A/N: We've reached over 400 reviews - OMG! I totally love you

Thanks again to my beta, helliex88. Special thanks also to lambcullen
who held my hand and soothed my fears. I heart you BB.

I am fail for neglecting replies on reviews this week but in my defense I
thought you would rather have this chapter on time. Replying to all your
reviews leaves less time to write (I'm sorry) and I knew you were all
desperate for this chapter. I do read all your reviews though and I love
that you share your thoughts, theories and most of all your enthusiasm
and encouragement.

Without further ado, I give you what you've all been chanting for...

Things I don't own:


Break the Ice -Britney Spears

Phonography - Britney Spears

Love Magic Sex - Ciara Feat. Justin Timberlake

The Coven

Summary - Just starting out at Yale, Bella Swan is determined to shed
her normally cautious attitude and predictable ways to embrace
adventure and change. That is until she learns of an elite group hidden
within the walls of her new Ivy League home. Seduced by the unknown,
Bella finds herself caught up in the danger that is The Coven.

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"The Volturi!" Ha! I finally got it.

"Fucking hell Lauren. Are you shitting me?" I grinned back at Bella and
shook my head.
I knew she'd be jealous.

Chapter 10


I should have been listening properly but Lauren's dulcet tones were
just too much for me with the hangover from hell.

I had known that drinking was going to be involved for last night's
project and I had also known that we would likely find ourselves in
precarious situations. What I wasn't prepared for was the onslaught of
images and the panic that arose as soon as I was reminded of Felix and
Alec last weekend at Eclipse.

I had been stupid, wandering off at the party. I should have told Tori and
Jess where I was going but I had needed to get away. I had seen them
taking a sweep of the room for extra footage but I was too drunk to think
clearly. Of course they hadn't seen me wander off.

"You've heard of them then." Lauren's gloating pulled me out of my
reverie. Her smug smile stretched across her face. What had she gotten
herself into?

"Yes Lauren, I've heard of them. Do you know anything about them?"
My tone was acidic and her smirk wavered.

"I know enough. And really how bad can they be if Jane was talking
about them?" She nonchalantly started inspecting her manicure as I
seethed at her from the couch.

I didn't know much but from what I had read in my journal, I understood
that the writer's tone had become erratic and harsh. I was sure The

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Volturi were bad news. Are they? The author seems to think that The
Coven are the rogue element.
I tried to straighten things out in my mind
but the tequila had somehow killed off my cerebral cortex. The only
thing I could concentrate on was the blood pumping loudly through my

"Which party were you at?" I needed to know who she had partied with
and quickly. I could feel my IQ dropping at a rapid rate. This was the
most Lauren and I had ever spoken and I made a mental note to avoid it
again at all costs.

"Sigma Nu, they throw the best parties." It was like she was on repeat.

"You said that already. You mentioned a host." I held back a frustrated
sob. Get to the point already!

"Yes, Felix was the perfect gentleman all night. Making sure drinks were
stocked and everyone was having a good time." She walked to the little
fridge over by our kitchen and pulled out a bottle of water.

I wasn't sure I had heard her right for the roaring in my head. "Felix?"
Surely she couldn't mean the same one.

"Yes Felix. He and his girlfriend Jane were -" She was rambling at an
overly excited pace. I needed her to shut the fuck up and focus.

"What does he look like? Tall, dark hair -" I was trying to remember - the
problem was, I had tried to erase him from my head.

"Fantastic body..." Her dreamy voice tapered off and my body
shuddered in disgust.

"Stay away from him Lauren. He's dangerous." I kept my tone guarded.
Paul's voice echoed through my head again, "Felix moves in a racy

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She stopped dead in her tracks, half way between me and the kitchen. I
could hear the plastic in her hand popping under the increasing
pressure of her acrylic nails as she gripped the bottle. Lauren headed
towards the door but not before looking at me though narrowed eyes.
"You're not going to ruin this for me. I won't let you!" The door slammed
loudly behind her as she left. You're not her mother. Let her make her
own mistakes.

No sooner had Lauren left when my iPhone rang.

I looked at the display and was caught off guard. The caller was
unknown. Everyone I knew had my number. Who would be calling? I
cautiously answered, "Hello?" I could hear the trepidation clearly in my

"Hi Bella? It's Alice Cullen," she hesitated. It was almost as if she was
unsure of herself. I laughed internally. I was sure that Alice Cullen had
never been unsure of anything in her life.

"Hey Alice, what's up?" I pushed my fingers into my temple and
squeezed my eyes shut. Willing the throbbing in my head to end.

"Your truck is here and I was calling to arrange a time to pick you up."
Her tone was upbeat and friendly but she needed to start using her
inside voice or my head was going to explode.

Looking up at the clock on the wall I saw it was a little after noon. "Just
whenever is fine."

"Great! I'll see you in twenty minutes." Her words were rushed and
eager. I didn't get the chance to reply or protest as the line went dead.

I decided to have a quick shower in the hopes that it would clear my
head. Ten minutes later I was back in my dorm room contemplating
lunch. I needed to try and eat something despite my protesting

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My cell rang again and I saw it was Charlie calling. I groaned as I
remembered his promised birthday phone call. So much for lunch.

"Hey dad." I hoped this would be over quick. The last thing I needed
was for Alice to hear any of the conversation.

"Happy birthday Bells. How does it feel to be nineteen?" I could hear the
smile in his voice. Charlie had always loved my birthday. This was the
first one we had spent apart and it was bound to be difficult for him.
Truth was, I hated birthdays. Year after year it felt like I was trying to
avoid another major catastrophe but Charlie continued on oblivious.

"Just the same as it felt to be eighteen, dad." I knew my tone was flat
but I just couldn't bring myself to inject any enthusiasm. My shower
really hadn't helped that much. We talked for five minutes about my day
so far and what I was doing later. I told him I was going to Alice's but
didn't elaborate on the reason. I started to get dressed, pulling on dark
skinny jeans and a white blouse, as we said our goodbyes.

Just as she said, Alice arrived within twenty minutes with a small bag in
her hand.

She smiled hello at the doorway and brushed past me coming to a halt
in the middle of the common room. She handed me the bag and I
peered inside. Water, aspirin and Pepto. "God Alice. You're a lifesaver.
You must be psychic."

"Don't be silly Bella. James mentioned that you might be a little worse
for wear this morning." She rolled her eyes at me as if it was the most
obvious thing in the world.

I took two aspirin and drank all of the water, leaving the Pepto on my
desk. I grabbed my keys and followed Alice to the door. My head was
still swimming with everything that Lauren had said. I wondered about
The Volturi and tried to repress the idea that Lauren may be in danger
because of what she had heard. As Alice started to drive towards her

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house I couldn't help but notice that the car was moving slower than last

"Are you okay Bella?" She chanced a glance at me as we moved
through the traffic.

"I'm fine, Alice. Why wouldn't I be?" I turned to look out the window,
worried that my face would give me away.

"We could be great friends if you trusted me Bella." I turned my head
and saw she was being sincere. Could I take the chance and tell Alice
what I knew? I could always give her the cliff notes version.

"You can't tell anyone what I'm about to say. I don't know enough yet to
determine its truth." I was hesitant as I spoke.

"Go on." Alice prompted.

"When I got here I found a book in the library. A journal of sorts." I
noticed that she slowed the car further as she listened intently, nodding
her head. "It speaks of two groups here on campus and I just can't
figure out all of the details."

"Two groups?" I was surprised that Alice sounded so interested. Maybe
I wasn't crazy.

"The Coven and The Volturi." I wondered if it was time to talk to Dr.
Cullen again. If Lauren was in trouble it wouldn't hurt to have help.

"Are you sure the book is genuine? It's probably someone's idea of a
joke." Her tone was off, like she was trying to push me in a different
direction and she was shifting awkwardly in her seat. I wasn't going to
be deterred. I knew as soon as she spoke that I should have just kept
my mouth shut.

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"That's what I thought too at the start. But my roommate heard talk of
The Volturi at a party last night and now I'm not so sure." I continued to
stare out the window and I realized that we were pulling up at the

"Just be careful Bella. You know you can always talk to me." She patted
my arm in a friendly gesture and I turned to smile my thanks.

We both got out of the car and headed for the front door. As we walked
up the few steps, the door swung open and Emmett's large frame filled
the doorway. "Lil' B! What you doin' here?" He grinned at me and just
like last time, he pulled me into a bone crushing hug. This time I was
ready for him. I wrapped my arms around his upper torso and squeezed
with everything I had.

His laughter vibrated though my body and as he released me, "Nice
squeeze you've got there." He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I
couldn't help but laugh back at him. Rose walked past the back of him,
throwing a small smile my way. She was followed by a girl I recognized
and a guy I didn't. Emmett saw my curious look as my eyes followed
them to a car.

"Hey guys," his voice was loud in my ear and the trio stopped. "This is
Bella." He swung his arm over my shoulders and pulled me into his
side. "Bella, this is Angela and Ben. And you've already meet Rose."
That's when I realized that the girl had been with Rose at the café.

Ben looked taller than me but only by a few inches. His dark hair and
brown eyes were striking against his skin tone and I guessed he was of
Asian descent.

"Hi," I gave a small wave. "How many more of you live here?" I gave a
small laugh.

Emmett laughed with me and released his grip on my shoulders. "The
house is almost full. Just one place left, Lil' B." He cocked his eyebrows

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at me, his expression left me confused but I chalked it up to my
hangover. He strode over to the others and hollered, "Let's roll!"

"Come on. Jasper has lunch ready." I had momentarily forgotten that
Alice was at my side. Groaning at the thought of food, we walked into
the house.

"How does everyone fit?" I followed Alice through the foyer.

"Pardon me?" She glanced over her shoulder and I saw her eyebrows
were raised.

I blushed as I realized how vague and abrupt my question had been. "In
the house, I mean. You said there were six bedrooms, but there seems
to be more people than that."

Alice stopped and turned to face me. She started checking people off
on her fingers as she went though names. "There's me and Jasper,
Emmett and Rose, Tori and James, Angela and Ben and Mike and
Jess. That's five rooms; all couples remember?"

I mentally slapped myself as I realized that I should have just kept my
mouth shut. "And Edward makes six. All sorted. Sorry for being so nosy

She laughed and started moving towards the kitchen. "Edward will
make six soon enough." Her statement was cryptic, but before I could
ask her what she meant we walked into the kitchen.

Jasper was stood with an apron on, flipping pancakes. Bowls of freshly
whipped cream and fruit were already sitting on the breakfast bar along
with a carafe of orange juice.

"I've got some bacon and eggs in the warming oven too." Jasper turned
and grinned at me. "Rough morning Bella?"

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I tried to smile but it turned in to a grimace. The smell of food cooking
was making me feel nauseous. "I'm good thanks Jasper."

"I don't think so. What have you eaten today?" Alice's voice was soft but
firm as she reached up and pushed my hair behind my shoulder. My
silence answered her question and she moved to make up a plate for

I sat down at the breakfast bar and she slid the plate under my nose.
"Jazz makes the best pancakes." She smiled warmly and sat down next
to me.

Jasper joined us with his own plate piled high and we all sat in silence
as we ate.

Jasper was the first to speak, "So Bella have you hooked up with
anyone yet?" He eyes danced mischievously as he sat next to Alice and
it took me a moment to grasp what he was actually asking.

"Jasper! That's none of your business." Alice swatted his arm as she
scolded him.

I laughed at Alice's reaction. "It's fine." I twisted in my seat to look at
Jasper, "No I haven't 'hooked up' with anyone yet..." A flash of green
and a crooked smile flitted though my mind as I thought about the guy
outside of Carlisle's office yesterday. I felt my lips pull up into a smile
and quickly turned back to my pancakes.

"What was that look? I know that look!" I chanced a look out of the
corner of my eye and saw Jasper pointing at me in accusation with his

"There was no look." I answered defiantly.

"You've got your eyes on someone." He teased.

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"There will be no stopping him, Bella. You might as well telling him
now." Alice looked at me apologetically.

I sighed, cursing the fact that my face always gave me away. "Fine!
Yes, I've seen someone. No, I'm not going to do anything about it.
Why? Because he's totally out of my league. That should answer all and
any future questions." I popped a raspberry into my mouth. Squashing it
against the roof of mouth with my tongue, the sour juice causing my
taste buds to dance.

"What does he look like?" Alice's question caught me off guard.

"Are you ganging up on me now?" I asked incredulously. She only
smiled as Jasper leaned in and kissed her cheek. "I know nothing about
him. All I can tell you is that he is tall, has the greenest eyes I have even
seen and his hair..." I paused to think for a moment.

"Yes! And his hair?" Alice was practically vibrating as Jasper grinned
idiotically from over her shoulder.

"Is messy." I wrinkled my nose as I spoke, unsure why that was the
word that came to mind.

"Messy?" She sounded disappointed with my answer.

"Yes, it's messy but..." I paused a beat too long.

"But..? Come on Bella, you're killing us here. Don't do this to Alice..."
Jasper trailed off as he moved his hands to massage her shoulders
which were hunched and tense as she eagerly stared at me. Her body
instantly relaxed under his touch and she sank back into her chair. I
envied what they had. A little over a week ago I had ridiculed the notion
of soulmates, but maybe I was too quick to dismiss it. Alice and Jasper
seemed to balance each other out. Two halves of one whole. If I really
thought about it I could even apply the same principle a little closer to

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Charlie and Renee had been inseparable. When an old friend offered
mom a job in Phoenix, she had turned it down. She would never ask
Charlie to leave his position as Chief. He had pushed and said they
would move, stating he could work for the police force anywhere. But
Renee had held her ground and they stayed in Forks. She had
encouraged him though his career, his achievements were hers too.

Together they made a whole. Equal partners though everything. I often
wondered if mom would still be with Charlie if we had moved. If things
had turned out differently would she have made it to my graduation?
Charlie had never forgotten her. He'd never moved on.

"Bella! Are you even listening?" Alice was getting impatient.

"I'm sorry, what?" I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts.

"His hair! For the love of Christ, Bella. But - what?" She punctuated her
question by dropping her fork on her plate.

"Sorry, yes. His hair is messy but the most delicious shades of copper
and bronze run through it." Sighing, I placed my own fork down on my
plate. "I just want to touch it. It looks so soft." My head suddenly
snapped up as I realized what I had just said. I could feel my cheeks
getting hot and I hoped no one called my out on my obvious school girl

"I have an idea." Alice was grinned so widely that the muscles in her
face must have been screaming in protest. "Why don't you guys do your
project today?"

I was surprised at the change of topic but I was thankful nonetheless. I
shrugged and looked at Jasper, "I'm not doing anything else today." I
smiled to myself as I remembered that there would be no birthday
disasters this year.

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"Okay then. Did you come up with any ideas?" Jasper walked over to
the sink and started rinsing off the lunch plates.

"I really don't know where to start." My face flushed again as I realized
this was the first project I had even been giving that had left my totally

"When Jazz told me about the project I pulled together some ideas. You
don't mind do you?" Alice looked at me with uncertainty written all over
her face and I sighed in relief.

"I totally trust your judgment. I would welcome your help Alice,
honestly." She was a lifesaver. Maybe I would pass Art History after all.

"You remember where Edward's room is, don't you?" Alice paused to
look at me and I nodded slowly. "Meet me in there in five minutes." With
that she flew out of the kitchen.

I groaned. "I'm not sure about being in someone else's room Jazz."

"Don't worry about it. It's a twin thing. I'm sure Edward won't mind." He
grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the stairs.


"No way. Absolutely not." I shook my head fiercely as Alice stood in
front of me, her hands placed firmly on her hips. She was trying to talk
me through the set up for our project.

"You'll still be completely dressed!" She protested.

"Yes Alice. But I'll be soaking wet and I'm wearing white." I was
mortified at her suggestion.

"Jasper will be standing behind you the whole time. He won't see a
thing." She looked up at me pleading, her aqua eyes were huge and I

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felt like I was drowning. My resolve began to crumbling as she stuck out
her bottom lip in a pout.

I groaned, "I don't believe I'm going to do this." She let out a tiny squeal
and I rolled my eyes at her.

She turned on the sound system that was hooked up in the bathroom
and mumbled, "You'll need to take off your bra." My eyes went wide and
my mouth opened in protest, but she held up her hand to stop me. "You
can't have lines under your blouse Bella. It's supposed to be sexy not

Huffing, I reached up my shirt to unhook myself and with a snap and a
tug that was as old as time, I pulled my bra out of my sleeve.

Alice disappeared out the door and I heard her yell for Jasper. I slipped
my shoes and socks off and stood barefooted as Britney's Break the Ice
filtered through the speakers. Great choice Alice. Break the ice indeed.

For the first time, I took in my surroundings. The bathroom was large
with two tall white cupboards in each corner, set against the far wall. A
simple double vanity unit was set between them, while the shower was
positioned opposite the roll top bath that sat under the window. It was
simple and understated.

Alice walked back in with Jasper in tow and my jaw dropped to my feet.
He was stood in black jeans ridding so low on his hips that he must
have been naked underneath. That was all he was wearing. His chest
was toned and muscular. His shoulders were broad and his waist
tapered into a defined 'V', disappearing just above the top his jeans. His
skin was lightly sun kissed and God help me, I wanted to lick him.

Alice gave me a knowing look and as she cleared her throat I felt my
face get hot with my embarrassment.

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"Cute tattoo." She pointed to my foot, "What made you get it?" Alice
squatted on the floor so she could see my turtle tattoo a little closer.

"I don't know," I shrugged, "I swim, turtles swim. It just seemed fitting." I
knew exactly what made me get it the week before my road trip. I stared
down at the swirl of a shell and flippers and flexed my toes. Turtles
symbolized protection, healing, and inner knowledge.

Protection in my new venture as Bella Swan Ivy League student.

Healing from my life in Forks and the things I was trying to forget.

It was knowing what I wanted that took me out of that small town. I had
known I needed to leave to experience life. I had known for a while.

Alice looked up at me with understanding in her eyes. I was caught.
Holding my breath waiting for her questions, she just smiled at me and
let it go. She stood and left the bathroom, returning a moment later with
the camera and a tripod. She started to set it up and attached a remote
shutter cable for ease.

Jasper moved to the shower and turned on the water. As soon as the
spray started, a soft spot light turned on in the enclosure. "The light will
serve as good backlighting." He smiled at me gently, sensing my

"So how are we going to do this?" I had given up on trying to control my
blush and under the circumstances its presence was justified.

He smiled. "I guess we just get in to start with."

"Yes and make sure you get totally wet. Your hair and clothes need to
be totally wet, don't leave anything dry." Alice was adjusting the tripod to
get a better position.

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"It's okay Bells. I'll be gentle." Jasper chuckled as we both stepped
under the water. I laughed at the absurdity of it all. The things you'll do
for a decent grade, Swan.

It took five minutes for us to soak right through. The temperature of the
water was cooler than I would usually have it. Warm enough to avoid a
shiver but cold enough for goose bumps to break out across my arms
and neck.

"Come on Alice, I think we're ready." Jasper was leaning against the
wall with his arms across his chest as I stood hunched with my own
wrapped around my body.

"Fine!" She was dancing on the spot to Britney's Phonography. The
lyrics were provocative and naughty. My mind shifted to my green eyed
stranger as I thought of his velvet voice talking dirty to me on the phone.
Or whispering in your ear as you lie naked beneath him...

"Bella!" I whipped my head round to Alice who was stood with her lips
pierced and her hands on her hips.

"Sorry Alice. I zoned out for a second. What's with all the Britney
anyway?" I couldn't say I was a fan, but nor could I deny that the lyrics
were having an effect on my body.

"Sexy music puts you in a sexy mood. I'm trying to relax you." She
continued without waiting for my response. "I need you to face the wall
and tilt your head back. Jasper, come in and stand close behind her."

Jasper moved behind me and looked to Alice for further instructions. My
head fell back in exasperation and hit against Jasper's shoulder.

"Ohh, hold it right there Bella. Keep your head there and look at the
camera. Jasper, don't just stand there. Put your hands on her, for God's
sake." She continued to adjust the camera settings as Jasper got into

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"You ready?" His voice was a quiet in my ear as he tried to keep his
question from Alice. "It's not too late to do choose a different pose."

I was grateful for his offer, but honestly, we were already here. It's just a
project. Suck it up!

"Thanks Jazz but it's fine. Let's just have fun with it." I turned my head
and quickly winked at him and he chuckled under his breath. My
breathing hitched as his hands moved to my hips and he gave me a
reassuring squeeze. I moved my arms behind me and hooked my
thumbs into his front pockets.

The camera shutter started clicking softly and I turned my head focusing
my eyes above the tripod. The track changed again and Love Sex
started to pulse and echo around the room. A lazy grin spread
across my face as I listened to the words and wished that the hands on
my body belonged to the man with the mesmerizing eyes and hair that
begged for my touch. I sighed softly and leaned back into the body
behind me, losing myself to the moment.

"That's perfect Bella! You're totally getting into it." I could just make out
Alice's voice over the noise of the shower.

"Do I want to know what your inspiration is?" Jasper started drumming
his fingers lightly against my jeans. "You seemed awfully far away there
Bells. Care to share?"

I smiled and hummed shaking my head against his neck. I moved my
stiff arms and placed them on the wall in front of me. My back moved
away from Jasper's chest but the new position pushed my ass into his

"Hold it right there guys." Alice's voice was urgent. "That looks sexy as
hell from out here."

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Dropping my head between my arms, I felt the water running down my
neck and trickling down my back. Little caresses like gentle kisses on
my skin. I groaned quietly as I imagined his tongue darting out between
those lips and running over my body.

"You okay?" Jasper's voice was laced with concern and I realized I had
been louder than I thought.

"Just a little stiff that's all." I lied.

He started to move away from me, "We need a break Alice. Bella's
starting to ache." He was concerned and it felt strange for someone to
be worried about me. I had been the one to watch out for Charlie as I
grew up and as I twisted to look at Jasper I saw his anguish at my
discomfort. Despite the guilt I felt at my dishonestly, I also felt safe and
valued. My wellbeing was important to him.

"No. I'm fine, really. Let's just get this finished with." I knew if I got out
now there was no way I was getting back in.

Jasper moved back to where he had been and I rolled my shoulders
trying to shake off the lust coursing through my veins. That was when I
felt it. Not just lust but a current, like electricity was vibrating under my
skin. I had felt it only once before and put it down to being light headed.

My heart rate increased as I remembered the two strong arms that had
prevented my fall. I needed to try and control my thoughts. Clearly they
were having an effect on my body and I couldn't afford that right now.

"Jazz, slide your left hand up the front of her shirt. Keep your hand flat
and rest it just under her breast but make sure you push her top up and
show her stomach." I stiffened again slightly. She had to be joking.
She's really not. I had never been this intimate with a man before. I
knew it meant nothing but my head was swimming and I was starting to
feel awkward again.

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Jasper felt the change in my posture, "Alice, don't you think you are
getting a little carried away, it's supposed to be comfortable."

Laughter flew from my throat before I could stop it. Jasper's comment
calmed me completely. I knew right at that moment that I could do this.
"I think we're beyond worrying about being comfortable Jasper.
Besides, it's supposed to be sexy and sensual not comfortable." As
more laughter escaped my lips I grabbed Jasper's hand and positioned
it under my shirt.


What the fuck were they doing in my bathroom? I had told Alice and
Jasper about that shit before; they were getting as bad as McCarty and
Hale. Moving through my bedroom, I could hear some song about sex
coming through the sound system.

The sight through the crack in the door to the en-suite stopped me dead
in my tracks.

She was wet and he had his hands all over her. I bit back a growl. I
wanted to be in there touching her like that... Wait where the fuck is

As if on cue, "Jazz, slide your left hand up the front of her shirt. Keep
your hand flat and rest it just under her breast but make sure you push
her top up and show her stomach."

What the fuck?

"Alice, don't you think you are getting a little carried away, it's supposed
to be comfortable," Jasper called over the running water.

Alice was still out of my line of vision as the beautiful seductress
laughed. "I think we're beyond worrying about being comfortable
Jasper. Besides, it's supposed to be sexy and sensual not comfortable."

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Her voice carried over the sounds of the shower as she laughed again
and grabbed Jasper's hand, pulling it under her shirt.

Jesus, she was perfect.

Her skin was creamy against the dark wash of her jeans and the
beading water settling against her toned arms, glinted like diamonds
under the light. Delicious. Her white sleeveless shirt clung to her wet
body and showed off every curve. Whatever she was doing, she was
doing it braless. Her erect nipples were straining against the fabric
covering them.

Her legs were long and the fit of her jeans suggested she had been
poured into them. They were tight as they ran down her long legs, fitting
her like a second skin. Her feet were bare and I noticed a small tattoo
on the top of her left foot. It looked like a scribble. My breath caught in
my throat and as the steam from the shower billowed through the open
door I let my mind wander back to the week before college.

"You've already been matched Edward." His tone was almost wistful.
Was it because I had been matched or because I was trying to
fight it?

"Why can't it be like Alice and Jasper? Natural and honest." My voice
came out as a whisper. I held hope in my heart, but I knew he wouldn't

"You know how it works, son. She will complete you in every way. Don't
concern yourself with the details. Surely the how's and why's are not
important as long as the result is the same?" He was right of course.

"Can you tell me who she is?" I already knew he wouldn't.

"You know I can't tell you that. Please, don't push me on this." He voice
was firmer now. "You will know when you see her, despite the matching
process. I only brought her to Yale. You will seek each other out. It can't

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be forced." And with that he walked into his study and closed the door.

I had seen her on campus before of course, I had noticed her the first
morning I walked Alice to her class with dad. Her hair had been pinned
to the back of her head begging me to release it while the grey sweater
that grazed her hips looked soft enough to touch. When I had seen her
at Carlisle's office and held her against me, I knew I was a lost cause. I
had briefly wondered if she was the one I was waiting for. It's surely not
that easy?
I ached to talk to her, damn the rules. But Carlisle was right. I
wasn't better than the others, we were all equal and I would not be the

She'd been in every one of my waking thoughts since that day and now
she was starting to invade my dreams too.

"Bella, raise both your arms and bend your elbows. Now push your
fingers into the top of Jasper's hair."

A soft sigh passed over my lips. Bella. Could she be my Bella?

Pulled from my thoughts, Alice entered my peripheral vision. She was
stood by a camera mounted on a tripod with a remote shutter in her

Just what the hell kind of kinky game is she playing?

My attention momentarily returned back to Bella and it was my undoing.
She had lifted her arms so both her elbows were resting against the
glass enclosure of the shower, my attention was drawn straight to her
taut breasts. Jasper's head was dipped and his lips were brushing
against her shoulder. His hands rested on either side of her hips.

Cullen, if you can't handle it - stop fucking watching! Say something or
leave. The strain in your pants can't take much more of this shit!

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"That looks great guys. Just try one last thing. Bella, close your eyes,
push your hips into Jasper and arch your back."

I don't fucking think so Twin! Enough is enough.

"Alice, what have I said about using my bathr -," I pushed through the
door acting like I had just arrived.

"Edward! Get out!" Alice shrilled, her eyes wide at my unexpected

Jasper reached to shut off the water as Bella quickly crossed her arms
over her chest. He stepped out on to the bath mat and grabbed a towel,
passing one to Bella too.

"What is all this?" I asked gesturing to the camera and the shower

Jasper held his hand out for Bella making sure she didn't slip as she
stepped out. "Bella and I are doing a project for our History of Art class."

I scoffed, "This should be good," speaking almost to myself. Looking
pointedly at Jasper and raising a questioning eyebrow, I spoke louder,
"That required a shower in cold water did it?"

"The water was warm - ish." She wrapped the towel around herself and
crossed her arms over her chest again, mumbling the last part of her
sentence. I couldn't help but notice how sexy she looked, and God help
me, I wanted to kiss her. "And thank you very much, you shouldn't have
been looking!" Bella's outburst shifted my attention from Jasper.

Looking directly at her I smiled, "I was referring to the goose bumps
over Jasper's arms." I really wasn't but that didn't mean they weren't
there. She blushed. A delicate pink stain creeping from the dip in her
shirt, up her neck and into her cheeks. Where else do you blush, Bella?

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"As I was saying, it's a project. We had to come up with something
sexy..." Jasper ran his hand through his hair

"Erotic almost," Bella contributed as she nodded her head looking
flustered, shifting her gaze as if she were trying to explain to all of us.

"But classy," Jasper looked at Bella and smiled, trying to put her at

Alice laughed, put her hands on her hips and took in my appearance
head to toe. "I would say that they hit the nail right on the head, twin of

I opened my mouth to try and defend myself, although with what excuse
I had no fucking idea. In my rush to stop my torture, I had momentarily
forgotten my raging hard on.

Alice shook her head. "Out. Bella and Jasper have to shower properly
and get changed.

"Bella you stay in here and get ready. Come on Jazz," Alice grabbed
Jasper by the hand and pulled him towards the door, water droplets
falling from his still wet torso.

"I'll just dry off and go home Alice," Bella moved towards her discarded
bra. I hadn't noticed it when I entered but seeing it now I couldn't help
but think about how the lace would gently cup her perfectly rounded

"See what you've done?" Alice pulled me from my reverie and I saw she
was glowering at me. "Bella just spent the last hour in a shower with a
half naked man she doesn't know without issue -"

"Well..." Bella started to say something but Alice held up her hand and

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"You waltz in here for five minutes and she can't leave fast enough!"
She was pissed. I had to fix this and quickly or suffer the wrath of Alice.
She had plans for tonight and I didn't want to be responsible for ruining
them. You don't want her to leave anyway, you moron.

Sighing, I walked across the bathroom and took two fresh towels out of
the tall cupboard and turned to face Bella. "Please, I want you to stay."
You have no idea how badly. "Have a shower; there are some toiletries
in the drawer over there, help yourself."

She took the towels from me and as she did her fingers grazed my own.
A jolt shot through my entire system like I was being jump started. Her
chocolate brown eyes flew to mine and I could see she felt it too. It
wasn't the first time she had set my body ablaze. My blood had carried
her current through my body since yesterday; though it had grown
significantly weaker with every passing hour.

She's mine, she's meant for me.

But it was more than a physical need. She had branded herself onto my
soul and while it scared me shitless, I craved it. It had to be Bella. I'd
never felt like this with another women. Of course, I had dated but they
never lasted. I got bored too easily, going through the motions and
giving them what I knew they wanted. I had known of Carlisle's
intentions for Alice and me for some time now. I had resented the idea
of being paired off with someone I knew nothing about. His expectations
of me were so high; I pushed myself so I wouldn't disappoint him.

It had all been so easy for Alice. She had found Jasper in high school.
He had passed and they had been inseparable ever since. For all
intents and purposes he was my brother, we were family. Although the
devotion I felt for my sister never wavered, I couldn't help but loath the
fact that my time was fast approaching and by taking Jasper she was
condemning me to the same fate.

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I kept a small part of me open and had subconsciously searched for
her. My other half. Those other women had been like vampires, taking
what I offered but never giving anything in return. No emotions, no
understanding. Always controlling, never my equal.

I couldn't help the sudden possessive urge that washed over me. Any
guilt I should have felt was long since absent. I needed Bella. She gave
me everything without even knowing it.

You know it doesn't work like that Cullen. It's not that easy. There are
certain...issues that can't be avoided.

"Edward, you and I can make a start on dinner while Bella and Jasper
get ready. You will stay, won't you Bella?" Alice looked over at the
breathtaking woman in front of me. Bella's eyes were still piercing a
hole right into my soul and my own eyes never left hers. She made no
acknowledgement of Alice's invite, but I knew Alice.

"That's settled then. Let's give Bella some privacy." She grabbed my
hand and yanked me towards the door. The static hum in the air
reduced minutely as I moved away from Bella but it was still there. No
more fading, she would be my constant.

"I don't have anything to wear Alice. I should just go, I don't want to
intrude." Bella was pleading with her eyes. Alice was never one to give
up easily and today I was thankful for her persistent nature.

"I'll leave something for you on Edward's bed. See you in the kitchen in
thirty minutes. We can all have a chat over dinner." With one last smile
at Bella, she pulled me and Jasper through the door behind her.

A chat? Well this was going to be interesting.

A/N: So there it is; your first real glimpse of Edward and his POV too! I
hope you weren't disappointed.

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What will Bella make of him? Find out next chapter as we pick up where
we left off.

You know what to do - feed my addiction, REVIEW, REVIEW, REVIEW.
Seriously though, I love you guys and the support you've shown for my
story. I read all your reviews and try and respond between chapters
when I can. Don't forget to pop over to the thread (link on my profile) for

Just to give you a heads up, I will be posting The Coven fortnightly until
further notice. I've just started a new job and I'm in training etc, so my
free time is short. However, those of you who have been on the thread
do know that I am weak so I may be able to drop it to ten days - but no
promises. Love you all and thanks for your understanding.

If you love me hard - maybe I'll give you some fluff next time...

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12. Veto

A/N: OMG! Over 530 reviews, 88 for the last chapter alone! You
guys are fan-fucking-tastic. AND...The Coven is featured on "The
Fictionators" this week! I am so frickin excited! Link on my profile
guys - check out the other great stories rec'd too.

Thanks again to my beta, helliex88, who despite internet issues
managed to get this back by deadline, make my words pretty and cut
the shit.

Thanks also to Kassiah and xtothey who have both been pimping
my fic.

Last but not least, thanks to everyone who sent me luck and
congratulations for my new job. It's going well so far and I have met
some incredible people.

Things I don't own:


Unusual You by Britney Spears

Collide by Howie Day

Crashed by Chris Daughtry

The Coven

Summary - Just starting out at Yale, Bella Swan is determined to shed
her normally cautious attitude and predictable ways to embrace
adventure and change. That is until she learns of an elite group hidden
within the walls of her new Ivy League home. Seduced by the unknown,
Bella finds herself caught up in the danger that is The Coven.

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"I'll leave something for you on Edward's bed. See you in the kitchen in
thirty minutes. We can all have a chat over dinner." With one last smile
at Bella, she pulled me and Jasper through the door behind her.

A chat? Well this was going to be interesting.

Chapter 11


"Alice, what have I said about using my bathr -," a deep voice carried
over the sound of the shower and I opened my eyes to see who was


I was so turned on I was starting to hallucinate.

"Edward! Get out!" I heard Alice shout.

Edward? What? Her Edward, he couldn't be.

My head snapped up as Jasper turned off the water and I threw my
arms across my chest, aware of how exposed I was.

Shit. Shit. Shit. This is not happening to me.

I was stood in total shock, taking in the scene before me. Alice was
stood with her hands on her hips staring at the very reason my panties
had been wet for the last twenty-four hours.

Jasper passed me a towel as Edward cast her an accusatory glance
before his arm made a sweeping motion across the bathroom. "What is
all this?" He sounded annoyed.

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Clearly I had been the only one of us to suffer the shock of our
encounter yesterday.

Jasper offered me his hand and helped me out of the shower enclosure
as he explained to Edward what we were doing. Thank fuck for Jasper.
The last thing you need right now is to fall on your soaking wet ass.

Edward scoffed at Jasper's explanation and muttered something under
his breath as he glanced at the floor. With a conceited look on his face
and a cock of his eyebrow, Edward lifted his head and focused his
attention on Jasper. "That required a shower in cold water did it?"

Fuck you!

Edward Cullen was an ass.

Keep telling yourself that Swan.

"The water was warm - ish." My voice wasn't as defiant as I had
intended it to be and I avoided looking at anyone by playing with my

Then it hit me. He must know how awkward this would be for anyone.
He was being an ass on purpose. An unfamiliar fury began stirring
inside me and I stopped fiddling with my towel, instead roughly crossed
my arms back over my chest.

How dare he speak to me like that? I didn't have to explain anything to
him. I owed him nothing. He was the one who should be embarrassed.
He was the pervert staring at me!

"And thank you very much, you shouldn't have been looking!" I was
surprised at my abrupt tone, but I wasn't sorry. It felt good to finally let
that side of me free. I had kept my tenacious side hidden for so long, I
had worried that I would be agreeable forever.

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I liked shouting at Edward. It made me feel alive. He made me feel

Edward's eye met mine and as he smiled at me, I lost the ability to think

"I was referring to the goose bumps over Jasper's arms." His eyes held
a secret, like a joke I wasn't privy to.

I instantly felt stupid. Why would he be looking at me? I felt the
inevitable heat travel up my neck before it finally settled in my cheeks
and it worsened as I realized what I must look like. A drowned rat would
have been my first guess. My hair was stuck to the sides of my face and
I was dripping all over the place.

I fought the urge to laugh aloud as I thought back over the last week.
God, I was an idiot. Why would I think that Edward was interested in

Regardless of how I looked, I remembered that Alice had said Edward
wasn't looking for a girlfriend.

How vain was I? Gay men don't perv at women. They certainly don't lust
after them.

Jasper seemed to feel the need to explain the reason for us being wet
and almost naked. As he spoke I realized that the feelings Edward had
invoked in me were all irrelevant. He would never feel the same way
about me. Plain Bella Swan from Forks would have been lucky to catch
his attention in the first place. I had no chance of converting his sexual

Maybe he was eyeing up Jasper. Hadn't I fantasized about licking him

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Unexpectedly, I started feeling claustrophobic. I couldn't breathe and
my body was starting to overheat. Embarrassed by my behavior and the
way I had spoken to Edward, I knew I needed to leave. The sooner I got
out of the house and back to my dorm room the better.

"Bella you stay in here and get ready..." Alice broke through my train of
thought and I chastised myself for not paying more attention to what
was being said.

"I'll just dry off and go home Alice." The ivory lace of my bra caught my
attention and I hoped that Edward hadn't seen it. I tried to retrieve it
discreetly but I saw Edward out the corner of my eye and his eyes
seemed to darken.

As Alice tore through Edward, an aching shiver shifted though my chest
and I started to feel sick. I really couldn't stay there any longer. It hadn't
escaped my notice that I had confessed to my stupid Edward Cullen girl
crush over pancakes at lunch. Alice and Jasper must think I was a
complete moron.

Movement across the bathroom pulled me out of my pity party. Whether
people knew or not, my birthday was still turning into a disaster. Edward
stood in front of me with towels in his hand. I looked at them and then at
him, confused out of my mind.

"Please, I want you to stay." He sounded sad. "Have a shower; there
are some toiletries in the drawer over there, help yourself." I don't want
to stay!
My mind cried out desperately.

I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. Apparently my body had
other ideas as my hand moved to retrieve the towels. My breath caught
in my lungs and my heart stopped as my fingers brushed across his
skin. As quickly as it had stopped, it started again, beating in a violent
frenzy as my blood sang through my body.

I had never felt so awake or alive.

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My eyes darted to meet his and I was almost certain he felt something
too. Had I been wrong about Edward? The fact that he wasn't looking
for a girlfriend didn't make him gay. Maybe he was just trying to
concentrate on his studies.

"You will stay, won't you Bella?" Alice spoke, but I couldn't relinquish my
hold on Edward's deep green eyes. He was pulling me in like a
magnetic force and I had no control over it. "That's settled then. Let's
give Bella some privacy." Edward was quickly jerked away from me and
I rapidly blinked, trying to refocus.

What? Stay? Think fast Swan.

I tried to get out of staying but reminding her that I had nothing to wear.
She swiftly countered my argument and told me that she would leave
clothes on Edward's bed. Did I really want to leave? Probably not. I was
distracted by the fact that despite his distance, I could still feel Edward
all around me. Humming and glowing like a protective aura.

Maybe this year's celebrations will be different.


I left Jasper in our bedroom, reminding him to pick out something nice
for this evening. I was excited, it wouldn't be long now. I had ordered
everything I needed and it was all delivered this morning before I
collected Bella.

Edward followed me to the kitchen and I pulled two bottles of water out
of the refrigerator, handing one to him as I sat down. He took it from me
but his eyes were distant. I had never seen that look before but I knew
the cause of it.

"Edward? Are you still with me?" I cocked my head trying to get his
attention. The fog seemed to lift from his expression and he joined me
at the breakfast bar, a small smile played on his lips and his right leg

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started bouncing. I laughed softly. It was a nervous habit he had
developed when we were younger and he only seemed to do it when he
was deep in thought or worrying about something. It drove me crazy.
"Tell me Edward."

As we had grown up we found that few words were needed between us.
I saw through him and he understood me like no other. "I can't talk to
you about this Alice." The smile fell from his face and his expression
gave nothing away. For the first time in a long time, Edward had shut
me out.

"Please Edward, we don't hide things from each other." The irony wasn't
lost on me and a sense of dread washed over me.

His head snapped round to meet my eyes, "Don't we Alice? Then tell
me how long have you known?" His eyes were almost black with anger.
As soon as they met mine I knew I had made a mistake. I just didn't
know which one. He had spoken of Bella before but I had neglected to
tell him I knew her. She had been a nameless fantasy. I could have
introduced them at any time but Carlisle's warning had stopped me.

Edward was hurting and I had caused it. He had spent so long trying to
fight against the inevitable and without realizing it had landed right in his
lap. I knew he had feelings for Bella but did he suspect that she was his
match? Or was it simply that he knew his fate and considered Bella a
welcome distraction? An opportunity to rebel?

I smiled slightly at the thought. If that was the case, the joke would be
on him.

When I found out that Bella was his match, his perfect mate, I couldn't
help myself. Dad had told me to stay out of it, but I knew today would be

Using Edward's bathroom for the art project was a stroke of genius. I
knew he would be back from the library by mid afternoon and would

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likely catch us in the act. I also knew that he would be more affected if
Jasper was in the shower too. I could have thought of a pose that only
needed one of them, but I knew that using them both would send
Edward over the edge.

This morning I had decided to ignore my father's warning. It was for
Edward's benefit after all. I was breaking all the rules now but he
needed to stop fighting it. If I could help Edward feel even a tenth of
what Jasper and I had then I would go to hell and back to give him it.

Thinking back over my conversation with Carlisle I took comfort in the
fact that, technically I hadn't told Edward anything. I just gave him a
shove in the right direction.

"But she's perfect for him!" I argued.

"Don't meddle in things you have no control over Alice." My father
looked at me sternly for a moment, then shot his eyes away from my
glare to around the room.She isn't? She can't be!

"It's her isn't it? She's already been chosen. My God! Me being in your
class this semester wasn't a coincidence? You've drawn her to all of us.
Christ dad, we nearly all have classes with her. What is this going to do
to Edward?" I had spoken without taking a breath, not believing what I
was saying but knowing it was the truth nonetheless. The look on his
face spoke volumes. As soon as I saw Bella I knew that she would be
perfect for Edward. Maybe it would be his chance to break out from
under dad's control. Their control. I never dreamed she was actually
already his.

"Alice, you know the rules. You know how things work. Edward cannot
know. He must find her for himself. She will in turn seek him out. You
must not interfere." He was leaning over his desk with his palms placed
flat, shoulder width apart. Carlisle could be intimidating when he needed
to be.

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"I can help though. We should watch out for her. You know there are
others who may be interested..." I trailed off, fully aware of the
ramifications if they too were interested in Bella. I shuddered at the
thought of her being taken away from Edward.

The sound of Edward's hand hitting the counter brought my attention
back to him. "I've been speaking about her for two weeks! For fuck sake
Alice, you must have realized that Bella was the one I was telling you
about." Edward's tone was bitter, he was pissed I had deceived him. I
wanted to tell him it was necessary. That it was the rules that bound me.
But if I confessed, I might as well tell him everything.

"I wasn't certain. You described a girl with brown hair and fair skin.
That's quite a wide net to cast Edward." He must have recognized that I
was right, at least partially. His anger ebbed and he leaned into me
nudging my shoulder playfully. I smiled back at him knowing that we
were okay.

"So, do you have everything ready for this evening?" He was trying to
be casual. I knew better. He had been indifferent about my plan all
week, but now that he knew who Bella was, he was struggling to keep
his emotions in check.

"I thought you were going out tonight?" I teased.

Edward rolled his eyes in response and shook his head. "My plans fell
through." The hint of a smile flickered on his lips. "I hope you have
enough for four."

"You're always welcome Edward. You know that." I just hoped it
wouldn't be a disaster. We had already had two too many of those.

When dad had called me worried about Bella a week ago, I dreaded
things being awkward or difficult for her. She had barely been on
campus forty-eight hours and already there was cause for concern. He
had been in the bookstore on Bella's first day. Both he and Felix had

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overheard her arrangements for the club. As soon as he mentioned
Felix, I knew there would be trouble.

That whole night had been a total mess. Bella couldn't have picked
anything worse to wear. Yes, it was sexy but she was essentially alone.
A freshman at college dressed like that was bound to attract trouble. I
dreaded to think what would have happened if Jasper and Emmett
hadn't gone. I was all too aware what would have happened if Edward
had gone. I wasn't even sure that dad could have picked up those

"What are you thinking about?" Edward looked at my curiously, finally
stilling his leg.

"Can't you tell?" I winked back.

"Usually, but you're hiding something from me you little minx." His eyes
narrowed and he looked like he was trying to pull my thoughts from my

"I'm allowed to have secrets Edward." I stood up and walked to the
refrigerator. I needed to start dinner and would welcome the distraction.
Secrets were becoming far too common in this house. I had kept things
from Jasper too, but he knew me too well. I smiled at the thought.

When I had gone to him for help with the club situation, he had been
reluctant at first. Demanding my honesty. I hated lying to him but knew I
couldn't tell him everything. I needn't have worried; he figured things out
on his own. The hardest part was trying to convince him that Edward
going to Eclipse was a bad idea. Bella shouldn't feel obligated to
Edward, it had to be more than that. If he stepped in to protect or save
her then who knew what effect that would have on their relationship.

"But speaking of secrets, Bella knows about The Coven and The
Volturi." He needed to know, they all did. When Bella mentioned the
journal in the car I didn't know what to say. I wanted her to tell me

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everything but knew I shouldn't push her too far too soon. It had to have
something to do with the leather book I had seen her with outside class
earlier in the week. I knew the symbol from the front all too well.

"What do you mean she knows? I thought we were trying to keep her
away from -" Edward broke off as he clenched his fists and tightened
his jaw.

"She found a book in the library. I tried to defuse the situation but
Lauren is in the middle of everything now too." I didn't know if I should
feel bad for the girl or not. It seemed like she was willing enough to be
involved. The question was, at what cost?

"Lauren? What do you mean involved?" Edward's brow wrinkled in

"I don't know exactly, but from what I know of Bella, she's not going to
let this go easily." I shook my head regretfully. This was going to get
worse before it got better.

"Alice we -" Edward was cut off by squeal and the sound of Jasper's

"What are you doing hanging around out here Bells?" His voice was
louder that it needed to be, a warning to us that they were both out

"I didn't know if I should just walk in or not. Edward's pissed at me and I
don't know how to fix it or even if I should bother. I don't think he likes
me." Bella's voice was quieter and Edward and I both had to strain to
hear what she said. I gave Edward a pointed look and he ducked his
head. I rolled my eyes as his leg started shuddering again. He could be
a total ass when he wanted to be, but that wasn't who he really was.

I heard Jasper laugh, "Come on Bells, let's see if they need any help
with dinner. I'm sure everything will be just fine."

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I felt calmer after having my shower. Edward's scent swam around me
from the bathroom products I had used and it felt like every inch of my
skin was being kissed. With a towel wrapped around my chest, I
cautiously crept into Edward's bedroom. I immediately saw the clothes
on the bed and cringed at how fussy they were. A gold tank top was laid
out next to a short white ruffled skirt and a cashmere sweater with a
slight ruffle around the deep scoop of the neck. Ivory and gold lacy
boyshorts were also on the bed and there was a bra to match. Every
item I put on was soft under my fingers and felt soft on my skin. It didn't
escape my notice that every item still had the store tags on; the only
information missing was the prices.

I cringed at the thought of how much everything cost, but reasoned that
the clothes probably belonged to Jess as we were about the same size.
I would replace the underwear and make sure to return the clothes later.
I slipped on the pair of gold ballet pumps that had also been left and
twisted my damp hair into a messy knot, securing it with a pair of jade
hair sticks.

With one final glance in the bathroom mirror, I venture out into the
hallway and headed downstairs.

As I walked through the foyer, I could hear Alice and Edward in the

"She found a book in the library. I tried to defuse the situation but
Lauren is in the middle of everything now too." Book? Was Alice telling
Edward about my journal?
I wandered quietly over to the kitchen
doorway, trying to remain undiscovered. I was confused about her
concern for Lauren. When Lauren had told me about The Volturi she
had seemed excited. She clearly wanted to be involved. She could have
at it as far as I was concerned.

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"Lauren? What do you mean involved?" Edward sounded as confused
as I felt.

"I don't know exactly, but from what I know of Bella, she's not going to
let this go easily." Something about Alice's tone made the hair on the
back of my neck stand on end and a shiver ran down my spine. She
was right though. I had started this and I was going to see it through till
the end.

"Alice we -" I shrieked as a hand clapped on my shoulder.

"What you doing hanging around out here Bells?" Jasper's voice rang in
my ears and I felt embarrassed at being caught loitering in the hallway.

"I didn't know if I should just walk in or not. Edward's pissed at me and I
don't know how to fix it or even if I should bother. I don't think he likes
me." I sounded pathetic. I shouldn't care what Edward thought, I was
Alice's guest. But I did care.

Jasper laughed as my cheeks flushed, and his eyes flashed danced
playfully. "Come on Bells, let's see if they need any help with dinner. I'm
sure everything will be just fine."

I took a step backwards and shook my head. "I think I'm just going to go
home Jazz, I don't feel comfortable, I shouldn't be here." I don't belong.
I added silently.

Jasper's tilted his head to the side and sighed. "Here is exactly where
you should be. Alice would kill me if you left."

I looked down at my clothes and felt overdressed. Jasper was stood in
dark wash jeans and a slogan t-shirt. In fairness he looked smart and
tidy but I was wearing ruffles for God sake. "I'm overdressed Jasper. I
am going home and there is nothing you can do to stop me." I turned to
walk away but was quickly pulled backwards by a hand on my arm.

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"You're not going anywhere, you look perfect." The sound of Edward's
voice washed over me and I lost the ability to speak. He flashed a
crooked grin at me as his hand slide down my arm and grasped my
hand. My breath hitched and Jasper chuckled as he brushed past us.

Edward gave my hand a small tug as he pulled me into the kitchen, his
hand never releasing mine. He was still wearing the dark jeans and blue
checked button down from earlier. The sleeves were rolled back to his
elbows and showed off his strong forearms. I remembered the feel of
them around me and gave an involuntary shiver at the thought.

"Cold?" His question pulled my focus from his lean body and all I could
do was smile briefly and shake my head.

"Bella! Finally, what took you so long?" Alice was pulling together a
salad for dinner. She didn't wait for my reply as she quickly rinsed her
hands and pulled lasagna out of the refrigerator. "I made it this
morning." She said simply as she put it in the oven.

"Okay boys. I'm going to get dressed, play nice." Before darting out of
the kitchen she covered the large salad bowl and placed it back in the
refrigerator. With a timid smile I found myself alone with Jasper and
Edward, his hand still clutching mine.

"How about a drink?" Jasper was trying to put me at ease, but I was
fairly certain that drinking was a bad idea. For me anyway.

I shook my head, "No thanks Jazz, I still have to drive home
remember?" It was the reason I had come over after all. My being there
would seem unnecessary if I left without it.

"Nonsense, you can get your truck later. It could do with the rest. Poor
thing looks like it would struggle to go thirty miles, never mind the three
thousand it took you to drag it here." Jasper winked at me as he spoke.
I pouted and tried to look offended, but between Jasper's grin and
Edward squeezing my hand, I couldn't keep my composure.

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"I know it looks old but I had a great mechanic back home and I know
how to treat it right." I felt awkward standing holding hands with Edward.
I sensed he was trying to make up for earlier but I pulled my hand from
his anyway. Missing the heat his hand provided I clasped my fingers
together, but it was useless, the heat was gone.

Jasper grabbed three cold beers and headed down the hall towards the
den. "Alice could be a while," Edward placed his hand on the small of
my back and guided me in the same direction Jasper had taken
moments before.

Jasper was slumped in the corner of the couch as he took a pull from
his beer. I lifted one of the two he had left on the table and perched on
the end of the chaise. Edward picked up the last beer and sat with his
back into the arm of the couch and his feet on the table. His long legs
stretched out in front of me caused me to miss Jasper's question.

"Sorry Jazz, what was that?" I glanced sideways at him as I drink my

"I said, do you have any exciting plans for this evening?" He watched
me expectantly.

Aside from ignoring my birthday and avoiding phone calls? "No, nothing
planned." I managed to half choke out after taking another swig of beer.

"You okay Bells? You seem on edge." Jasper winked and Edward
chuckled under his breath. Their behavior seemed suspicious but I
hardly knew them well enough to pass that judgment. I stood up and
walked to the bookcase behind where I had been sitting. As I scanned
the shelf in front of me one book in particular caught my eye. Latin for
sat on the shelf bold as brass. Surely Alice would have
known it was there. I wondered why she hadn't mentioned it when I
spoke about getting a dictionary.

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"Who speaks Latin?" I spun around hoping to catch the expressions on
their faces. Edward looked cool and collected while Jasper scratched
the back of his neck and looked sheepishly in Edward's direction.

"They're just reference books Bella. They don't belong to anyone
specifically." Edward finished his beer and stood up. "Anyone want
another?" He waved his empty bottle in front of his chest as Jasper and
I both nodded in agreement. It didn't escape my notice that neither of
them had answered my question. Deciding to let it go, I sat back down,
opting to sit closer to Jasper so I could lean back against the cushions.

When Edward came back with our drinks we all engaged in small talk. I
learned that Edward was studying business and architecture along with
music, both composition and theory. He and Jasper had been best
friends for as long as either of them could remember and Alice and
Jasper's relationship never diminished that friendship. The conversation
turned to other freshman we had met and our opinions of the other Ivy

"No, seriously, Lauren is an absolute nightmare!" I was on my third beer
and a delicious buzz was already coursing through my body. Of course,
it could just as easily have been Edward's presence that made my skin
feel warm. The two of them were laughing at my insistence, clearly they
didn't understand. "First night I was here I ended up sleeping in the
library because of Lauren Mallory." I huffed as I finished my beer.

I wondered how much longer Alice would be. She had given me thirty
minutes to get ready but she had been gone a little over an hour and a
half now. Not that I minded a great deal. Jasper had encouraged me to
share things about my life in Forks, while Edward had asked me about
my swimming practice. I had filled them in on life with Charlie and Jake,
and I had spoken of the evil bitches, Jane and Heidi, from practice.

Jasper was laughing hard as he tried to speak. "How the hell did you
end up sleeping in there?" Even Edward was trying to hide the smirk
behind his hand.

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I tried to put on my best nasally whine and imitate Lauren. "I only have
two rules Bella. Number one, if there is a hair band on the door I'm
busy. Don't come in, go and find something else to do.
" As I tried to
breathe through my own hysterics, Jasper's laughter caused him to roll
on the couch and end up with his head on my knees. Edward's eyes
danced in amusement as he placed his empty bottle on the table.

"Two rules?" Edward raised an eyebrow in my direction.

"Number two, you'll need to let me know 24 hours ahead of time if you
want to impose the same hair band rule. That'll give me time to find
someone to do
." I cringed at the tackiness of the comment as I heard
my voice whine again. "Why would I even take a guy back to my dorm
room? That's just so sleazy. You know there are no doors in those
rooms, it's all open. I am dreading the day I miss the hair band and walk
in to find Lauren's ass bouncing in my face!"

"No more! Please." Jasper begged as he struggle for breath. "You win
Lauren sounds like a total nut case."

"Not so fast. What about Tanya?" Edward demanded.

"Who's Tanya?" I felt my forehead wrinkle in confusion.

"She's a girl from my architecture class. She's been stalking me since
my first week on campus. She's even started showing up at my other
classes, and she doesn't even take those." Edward ran his hand
through his hair and I found myself wondering how it smelled and if it
was soft or thick.

"That sounds pretty bad, especially if you aren't interested." Maybe now
was the time to find out Edward's sexual preference. I was certainly
feeling courageous enough to ask. Yes Bella, the beer in your system
coupled with last night's alcohol abuse definitely puts you in the perfect
state for
this conversation!

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"Fuck no! I'm not interested in the slightest." Edward's eyes widened
and his mouth fell open in shock. There was something about the way
he said fuck that made my panties damp in anticipation.

"Oh, that's right - no girlfriend." I tried to sound casual but he cocked a
curious eyebrow at me. I glanced at Jasper who looked like he was
trying to hide something. "Alice mentioned you weren't looking for a
girlfriend?" My eyes darted between the two of them as warning bells
went off in my head. "If not a girlfriend, what do you look for in a
partner?" There, I had put it out there and as I waited with baited breath
Jasper started howling at my side.

"I'm sorry a what? A partner?" Edward looked like he was about to go
into shock.

"It's none of my business, I shouldn't have pried." Stupid, stupid, stupid!
I had spent the afternoon trying to relax in their company and now I had
just made things ten times worse.

"What exactly did Alice say?" Edward leaned forward on the couch
resting his elbows on his knees.

Trying to backtrack quickly, " said you weren't looking
for a girlfriend. That's all. I'm sorry I misspoke, it's a personal choice. I
wasn't trying to judge..." I trailed off waiting for the ground to open up
and swallow me whole.

It was too late to think about going home. I was, for all intents and
purposes, drunk. None of us were able to drive except Alice and I was
sure she would make me stay.

"Wait, you thought I was gay?" Edward pinched the bridge of his nose
between his thumb and forefinger as Jasper spluttered and choked on
his beer.

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"Who's gay?" Thanks to the disaster that was unfolding in front of me, I
hadn't heard Alice coming down the stairs.

Jasper righted himself on the couch and took a few deep breaths. I was
a lost cause. My cheeks were bound to be crimson and I most definitely
wasn't going to be speaking again anytime soon.

"Bella thinks Edward is gay." Jasper wiped his teary eyes and gave one
last laugh. Alice joined him and her musical laughter did little to ease
the situation. Edward just stared at me in disbelief, his mouth opened
and closed twice before he decided not to say anything.

"I can assure you Bella, Edward is most definitely not gay." Alice went
and stood behind her brother and gave his shoulders a squeeze.

"Alice, can I have a word in the kitchen?" Edward spoke slowly through
gritted teeth. Great, I'm back to square one. When will I learn to keep
my mouth shut?

They both moved towards the door and it was only then that I really saw
what Alice was wearing. A simple short black dress with long sleeves
fitted gracefully to her body. She had teamed it with a gold sash belt
and a pair of fantastic patent green ankle boots. Her hair fell in loose
waves and was pinned at the sides to keep it off her face. I didn't know
if I should be scared or in awe of her apparently abundant wardrobe. I
felt sure that she had an outfit for any occasion.

Twenty minutes later Edward walked back into the den and announced
that dinner was ready. We all made our way back through to the kitchen
and I saw that Alice had everything under control. I asked if I could do
anything to help but she said told me that Edward had already set the
table and she just needed to carry the salad through. Everything else
was already done. I turned in a small circle thinking I had missed
something, but there was no table in sight.

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"Oh, you've not seen the dining room yet, have you?" Alice's eyes lit up
and I immediately felt a little scared. It was one of the few rooms that
she had missed on our previous tour. "It's fantastic! There's a wine
cellar in there and everything." She lifted the salad out of the refrigerator
as Jasper spoke against my ear. The shock of his proximity made me
jump and my heart race.

"She means that there is a large wine cabinet in the back." He rolled his
eyes at Alice's apparent exaggeration and I laughed.

"Jazz, cover her eyes." The laughter died in my throat as Jasper
followed Alice's instruction. Simultaneously, he covered my eyes as
Edward took both my hands and began to lead me forward.

"Guys, you're making me dizzy." A feeling of dread crept across my skin
as I spoke. Generally speaking it was my experience that covered eyes
and half shuffled steps did not end well. I bumped into Edward and
muttered an apology when I realized we had stopped.

"Ready?" Alice asked as she clinked the glass salad bowl down on the

"Um..." I was promptly interrupted by a chorus of 'Surprise' as Jasper
dropped his hands from my face and Edward gave me one final
squeeze before he let go.

This isn't happening. How did they find out?

It was a moment before I recognized that the voice chanting 'no' on
repeat was my own. Jasper's rested his hands on my shoulders and I
felt him move behind me.

"Bella? Are you okay?" The voice echoed through the foggy panic that
had taken up residence in my head. I couldn't even decipher who had

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Trying to offer a weak smile, I finally spoke. "How did you know?"

There were 'Happy Birthday' banners and helium balloons throughout
the room. Large windows drew in the last of the light and cast is across
the table, shining off the pristine china and silverware it was set with.

A huge birthday cake sat front and center on the crisp white table cloth.
The table was only set for four but would easily accommodate twelve.
My head started to swim as I saw presents sitting next to the cake and
the champagne chilling in an ice bucket.

A fine sweat broke out across the back of my neck and I tried to
concentrate on taking deep breaths.

"I saw it on your driver's license that afternoon at the coffee shop."
Jasper shrugged off my question. I cast my mind back to the first day I
had really met him. Then it occurred to me, he had paid. My license was
in the window of my wallet. There was no way he could have seen it.
Jasper was lying, but why? Alice's eyes were fixated on mine as I tried
to keep the panic off my face.

"I'm not celebrating this year, you shouldn't have." I cringed at how
ungrateful I sounded, but at least I had disguised my anxiety.

"I beg to differ." Despite his argumentative words, Edward's voice
washed over my skin like a seductive summer rain.

A humorless laugh burst through my lips as I turned and my eyes met
his. "You just don't get it. Almost every birthday I can remember has
ended in disaster. I need to go home." I turned to leave but Edward was
faster and had the door closed before I could even take a step.

"Isabella, my sister has spent all day cooking and organizing for this
evening. You don't want to offend her do you?" He winked at me and
my resolve weakened. It wasn't helped by the sound my name falling
from his lips. I had always hated Isabella, preferring Bella since I was

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little, but the way Edward said it sounded so erotic and made my skin
tingle in the most sensual way. I caught a hint of the smallest smirk on
his face and it was all I needed to know that he was aware of his effect
on me.

Cocky bastard. Fucking hot cocky bastard.

"Fine but don't say I didn't warn you." I huffed as I crossed my arms
over my chest.

Alice looked at me in disbelief. "It can't be that bad Bella. Let's eat shall

Jasper held Alice's chair while she sat and Edward did the same for me.
"Wanna bet?" I was still sulking.

"No one bets against Alice." Jasper chuckled lightly.

"Oh really?" My tone was defiant. "At six, I chipped a tooth while trying
out my new roller skates; at eight, I singed my eyebrow on my cake
candles when Charlie used the kind that don't blow out, by mistake."
Alice's snigger interrupted my flow momentarily and I cut her a death
stare. "At nine, I moon bounced my way to a broken arm. For my
twelfth, I got gum stuck in my hair and had to have it cut out. It was the
only time my hair has ever been short and I loathed that stupid bob!" My
voice was getting progressively louder as I recalled the birthday
mockeries from previous years.

"For my sixtee -" I was interrupted by Jasper's laugher and saw he was
clutching his sides, laughing at my expense.

Edward stared at me, shock written all over his face, "Surely there can't
be anymore?" He asked incredulously.

"For my sixteenth," my voice got louder still as I pushed on with the
memories. "I went to the beach with friends and almost drowned trying

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to cliff dive. None of that to be out done by last year's epic disaster."
Alice raised an eyebrow and propped her elbows on the edge of the
table, resting her head in her hands. I took a deep breath, "My
eighteenth saw me in hospital for a week after I got hit by a car as my
dad and I left the restaurant. My leg was broken and my arm got
slashed on the windscreen."

I pointed to the jagged white scar that ran from my elbow to my wrist for
effect. It had taken forty-seven stitches to close me up and I swear I felt
every one of them. "Bella Swan does not do birthdays. Not anymore!" I
smacked my hands against the table in frustration.

Alice stared back at me, her eyes hardening. "Then think of it as a
dinner with cake and compulsory presents."

"Ladies," Jasper's tone was guarded as he tried to defuse the situation
unraveling in front of him. "Let's just eat shall we?"

For the next ten minutes we ate in silence, only interacting as we
passed the salad, bread or wine. I felt like a total bitch. Alice had tried to
do something nice for me and this was how I repaid her. The
atmosphere was tense and awkward; I had been raised better than this.

With a deep breath, I decided to break the silence "Thanks for dinner
Alice, it's really good."

She gave me a tentative smile across the table, "I'm sorry Bella, I didn't

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound so ungrateful. How bad can dinner
be, right?" I laughed nervously. She smiled again and it reached her
eyes. Conversation flowed easily after that. Jasper filled Alice in on
what she had missed in the den and she too was disgusted with
Lauren's behavior and attitude.

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"It's only going to get worse now that she's spending time with Felix." I
shuddered at the thought of him possibly being in my dorm room. "Paul
at Eclipse warned me he was dangerous but Lauren wasn't interested in
what I had to say. He mentioned something about his circle of friends
but it was a little ambiguous." I tapped my fork against my bottom lip as
I stared out the window in thought.

"The crew he runs around with call themselves V8." Jasper ate the last
of his lasagna and leaned back in his chair. He continued to tell us that
in addition to Felix, his 'crew' consisted of Alec, Laurent, Jane, Heidi
and Bree. The only two I wasn't acquainted with were Laurent and Bree,
although her name did sound familiar. "Their whole group is kinda
incestuous, although Jane and Alec are the only ones actually related.
They swap partners all the time. It's not unusual to see them at parties
in a different coupling. That said even Jane and Alec aren't so vile that
they'd hook up with each other."

I mulled over what he said for a few minutes and tried to see if it fitted
with anything I had discovered since the start of September. Lauren had
overheard talk of The Volturi when she had been at the frat house.

"What does the 'V' stand for? And why V8 if there is only six of them?"
My eyes didn't leave the window. Twilight had fallen and caused the
shadows to dance in the dim light. The silence that followed was
deafening. I had already mentioned the group to Alice, so I didn't see
the harm in bringing it up again. "The Volturi?" Was it a question or a
suggestion? I couldn't decide.

Edward spoke first. "What do you know of The Volturi, Bella?" He
placed his knife and fork on his plate and angled his chair towards me.

"Not a lot. I know that Jane knows something about them and I also
know that they are rivals or enemies of a second group known as The
Coven. But that's all I have." Jasper cleared his throat and stood up.

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"Edward, do you want to help me with the dishes?" They exchanged a
look that I didn't understand, but he got up and they both started to clear
the table.

"Hurry back guys. Bella needs to open her presents." Alice shouted out
after them as I groaned. I'd never liked gifts but this felt worse. I hardly
knew them and they were spending money on me.

Almost fifteen minutes passed before Alice got impatient. "We'll just
open them without the boys." She reached for them and placed them in
front of me. One small gift bag and two wrapped boxes in shiny gold
paper topped with bows in a lighter shade of gold.

"Not so fast Bells." Jasper and Edward walked into the room and took
their seats again. "I can't believe you Alice. You should know better."
Alice ducked her head but didn't hide her mischievous grin from me. I
looked at the three gifts stacked in front of me and tried to decide which
one to open first.

Picking up the smallest one was clearly the wrong choice as Alice
shrieked at me. "No! Not that one." She lunged across the table and
grabbed it out of my hands.

Jasper pulled her back on to his lap and she wriggled in his grasp.
Edward explained, "The big one is from Alice and Jasper. This one," he
pointed to the middle sized box, "is from me. And the little one is from
the three of us."

I opened the big one first, wanting to leave Edward's as close to last as
possible. I wasn't sure what to expect from any of them and my logic
told me that the big box might prepare me for what was to come. Lifting
the lid I revealed a gorgeous dark red hoodie from Abercrombie and
Fitch. I wouldn't normally recognize the label but it was stitched across
the front of the fabric. The lining was fleecy and looked warm.

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"This is too much guys, I can't accept this." I felt my cheeks flush and
realized it was either from being embarrassed or drunk. The two
glasses of wine with dinner and the beer before it really hadn't been a
good idea.

"Don't be ridiculous! You can't refuse a gift." There was no arguing with
Alice on the point. I certainly didn't want to upset her again.

"Mine next." Edward moved the bigger of the two gifts out of the way
and sat his in front of me. "I hope you like it." His green eyes sparkled
and I felt a little uneasy about the possibilities of what was in the box.

I cautiously pulled the ribbon from the top and lifted the lid. More of the
ivory tissue paper lay across the top and as I pulled it away I was
greeted with a black tank top and a pair of red and cream patchwork
shorts adorned with a wide cream ribbon. I looked from the clothes to
Edward and saw the smile on his face. "Pajamas." His smile grew as
did my embarrassment. No one had ever given me something so
intimate before.

"Tori said you didn't have anything comfortable so..." Edward trailed off
as Alice and Jasper just sat and watched our exchange. I should have
known that Tori would never let me live my police t-shirt down. It was
extremely comfortable but she obviously had other ideas about that.

"Thank you, but you really didn't have to..." My eyes wandered back to
the pajamas in the box. They really were pretty. I tried to imagine
Edward shopping for them, but I couldn't picture it. A smile tugged at my
lips and I replaced the lid.

Alice passed me the small gift bag, "Don't freak out, okay? We didn't
realize you were allergic to birthdays when we went shopping."

I peered into the top of it and shook my head gently. "I can't accept this
Alice." The little blue box was nestled at the bottom on some shredded
tissue paper.

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"You don't even know what it is yet. And it's from us all, remember?"
Her bottom lip pushed out into a pout. I might not know what was in the
box but I wasn't stupid either. That blue box only meant one thing.

Reaching into the bag I closed my fingers around the box in question.
Seeing what was inside caused me to suck in a breath. I muttered
something that sounded like 'you really shouldn't have', but it was
Edward's lips moving against my ear that pulled me out of my hazy

"Please don't be difficult Bella." He lifted the necklace out of the box and
proceeded to fasten it around my neck. As his fingertips brushed across
my skin, I felt my whole body respond to him, craving more. I fingered
the gold heart now resting against my chest and saw that it was
branded with the Tiffany's insignia.

Keeping my eyes on the necklace, I thanked everyone and in the brief
moment that I lifted my eyes I saw that Alice was smiling.

Trying to break the awkwardness that had descended in the room, Alice
giggled. "Ohhh, let's play a game!"

"What did you have in mind, Alice?" Edward's tone sounded cautious
but I couldn't be sure.

"Truth or dare with shots. Emmett brought cards with him so that's half
the work done already." She bounced on Jasper's lap and he let out a
soft groan.

"I really think I should be getting back Alice." I wasn't comfortable
drinking any more than I already had in front of them. Especially after
my last encounter with drink and Jasper. And after last night's antics,
and what I had already consumed, I wasn't sure my system needed
more alcohol.

She looked at me with wide sad eyes and pouted again.

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"Ah yes, the Cullen pout. Sweetheart, if Bella needs to go..." Alice's lip
began to quiver. "Oh Christ, Ally you know that's not playing fair. I give
up." Jasper turned to look at me, "Bella you have to stay. Think of me
and Edward; Alice can be mean." He implored as Alice playfully
punched his arm.

"Fine. One hour." I conceded.

Alice took hold of Jasper's hand and led him towards the music room,
leaving Edward and me alone in the dining room. The air felt static and
thick. I didn't know where to look so fixed my eyes on the cake at the
end of the table.

"After you." I looked up to see Edward smiling staring down at me; his
arm extended in a gesture showing I should go ahead of him.

I smiled back at him and as I got up I bumped my shoulder against his.
"The Cullen pout, huh? So tell me Edward, do you do the quivering lip
thing too?" What the fuck was that, Swan?

He laughed and shook his head. "No the quiver is all Alice. I haven't
pouted since I was little. Mom never could resist giving me an extra
cookie." He winked.

Edward Cullen winked. At me. He winked at me. Since when did you
become such a girl?

When we got to the music room Alice explained the rules. The cards
were split into two piles, Truth or Dare. Each card had one or the other
on the reverse and had to be completed. Some cards were for the
whole group to answer while others were individual tasks. We each had
the chance to veto our question but the price was a shot of tequila. I
squirmed on the couch. I couldn't afford to drink anymore than I had so I
was either going to have to be truthful or adventurous.

That's what you're here for Swan! Live a little!

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On the first turn, we all answered easy truth questions. I had never gone
commando and Alice was seventeen when she lost her virginity to
Jasper. The naughtiest thing Edward had done was steal the keys to his
father's Mercedes when he was fifteen and Jasper admitted that he had
kissed a guy once. It had been Edward, they were nine and Alice had
dared him.

It was my turn again. I didn't feel ready to take a dare so I picked
another truth. Jasper leaned forward and picked up the card. "Do you
have a secret talent? If so what is it?"

Smiling I answered immediately. "Salsa dancing."

"Salsa? That's a sexy dance Bells," Jasper winked as he spoke. "Care
to share a few moves?"

"Absolutely not! Who's turn is it now?" I shifted on the couch hoping I
had directed the attention elsewhere.

"You answered yours, so you ask me." Edward reached for the cards
and lifted a 'Truth' card. He handed it to me and settled back into the

As I read the card my heart started to beat violently in my chest and my
whole body seemed to flush. Just read it! I cleared my throat and asked,
"What's your sauciest fantasy about me?"

"No way does it say that!" Alice laughed.

"I'd hardly make it up myself!" My embarrassment grew at the
implication that I would put myself in that position. "You don't have to
answer, you can veto if you'd like."

Edward looked thoughtful for a moment as his eyes wandered over my
body. My excitement grew as his eyes darkened infinitesimally. "I would
have to say..." He ran his fingers through his hair and I held my breath

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waiting for his answer. "The shower scene from this afternoon. That
was pretty good."

Alice scoffed, "That was fucking hot and you know it!"

"Okay, fine. It's my turn to ask Jazz." Edward's leg started bouncing,
sending gentle vibrations along the couch.

"Dare." Jasper grinned as he gave Alice's knee a squeeze.

"Remove one article of clothing." Edward cringed as he read it aloud.
Jasper let out a cheer as he stripped off his t-shirt and my palms
immediately felt clammy. You've seen it before Swan! Cool your jets.

Alice chose truth and the card Jasper read was for everyone to answer.
"What's the furthest base you've ever reached?"


Alice spoke first, "Home run!" She threw her hands in the air for
dramatic effect.

Everyone looked at me and my gaze fell to the table. "First base." I
waited for the laughter but it never came.

Instead, Edward answered next, "Second base." I was surprised. He
was beautiful. How had he not been further?

Jasper made us all laugh as he answered, "I don't play baseball."

Cards were picked, truths were told and dares were completed. For
everyone except me and Edward.

"Your turn Eddie. Truth or dare?" Jasper threw back a shot and leaned
back into the couch.

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"Dare. And don't call me Eddie!" He scowled and glared at Jasper
through narrowed eyes.

I laughed at the exchange as Jasper rubbed his hands together almost
gleefully. He snatched a card off the table with a wicked smirk across
his face.

"I dare you to..." Jasper's eyes darted between me and Edward and I
got the feeling I wasn't going to like what was coming. His smirk
widened, "I dare you to kiss the person on your left."

The room was quiet as I replayed what he had said. I was on Edward's
left. I must have misheard him. He surely wouldn't do this to me after
what I told him over pancakes. "Excuse me?"

Edward glanced over at me before turning back to Jasper, "I'll veto."
Edward reached to pour his first shot of the evening, grasping the
tequila bottle in his hand.

"Oh." It didn't sound like my voice. It was breathy and low. Was the
thought of kissing me so bad? I hoped my murmur had gone unnoticed.

No such luck.

"You've hurt her feelings, Eddie." I noticed that Alice was saying
nothing. She just sat and watched the scene play out in front of her.

"It's fine. I understand, just take your shot Edward." Did I really sound

He put the bottle down on the table and turned to face me. "I don't have
to...if you don't mind," he said hesitantly, an uncertain expression
creasing his face.

I shook my head, "It's just a game." Keep telling yourself that Swan! I
felt a shiver down my back at the prospect of his lips on mine.

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He smiled and leaned towards me. As his lips met mine I felt a jolt rush
right through my body. The kiss was chaste and lasted mere seconds.
He pulled away and smiled at me again. I knew my cheeks were flushed
as I smiled back.

"Oh, come on man! That's how you'd kiss a girl in third grade! Kiss her
properly." Jasper I decided, who had continued drinking shots
regardless of the veto rule, was a fucking shit stirrer.

Edward looked back at me and reached his hand up to cup my cheek.
His eyes held a silent apology as he checked mine for permission. Hell

"Like you mean it Eddie!" A low growl rumbled in Edward's chest and oh
my God, it was the sexiest thing I had ever heard. Edward moved his
hand from my cheek and slid it down my neck. His thumb rubbed across
my collar bone and I bit my bottom lip as I tried to suppress a moan. My
skin was tingling and the electricity I had felt upstairs was even stronger
now. The skin under Edward's hand felt like it was on fire and as he
moved his hand again, the fire trailed across my flesh until his hand
settled on the back of my neck.

He inched forward and his eyes darted between my eyes and my lips. I
licked my lips in anticipation as he pushed his fingers into my hair.
Unable to help myself, I tilted my head back and closed my eyes with a
sigh. The whole moment was surreal and erotic. This was so different to
our first kiss. Every fiber of my being was vibrating, waiting for Edward's
lips to meet mine.

I gasped, and my eyes opened wide as I felt him run his nose up my
neck towards my ear, his lips ghosting across my skin. He kissed the
spot under my ear lightly, hardly applying any pressure. He moved his
head again and his lips brushed against my ear. "I'm sorry, it wasn't
meant to be like this," he whispered.

What? Wasn't meant to be like what?

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Frankly, I didn't care. In that moment only one thing mattered. Edward
completing his dare.

His hand tugged at my hair as he ran his nose along my jaw. We were
in our own little bubble. There was nothing and no one outside of that
bubble. His breath was warm across my skin and I wondered how his
breathing was so steady when my own was coming in short pants and
my heart was racing. He shifted slightly and I felt his hand grip my hip
against the sofa, his thumb tracing circles on the skin under my edge of
my top.

I wanted desperately to believe that this was a kiss reserved only for
me. That it wasn't only a game. That Edward didn't kiss other girls like
this...or other girls in general. That he really did mean it. But even as I
was caught up in what was transpiring, I knew I was kidding myself. I
didn't really know the man that had me breaking out in a sweat at the
mere suggestion of a kiss.

Your body knows him...

Closing my eyes, I fought the urge to speed things along. I needed to
taste him. But I wanted to savor every second he gave me.

I licked my lips and almost immediately felt his lips graze mine. A
whimper escaped my throat as his lips pressed more firmly onto my
mouth. The hand on my hip tightened as we connected and in that
exact moment I felt my everything fuse to his.

My heart; my body; my soul. It felt so intimate.

I was rapidly starting to think that Alice's declaration about soulmates
was nothing less than factual.

I felt Edward's tongue trace my bottom lip seeking entry. I couldn't deny
him. As my lips parted his tongue pushed tentatively into my mouth and
caressed my own. This had to be heaven. There was no other

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sensation on earth as good as kissing Edward. Feeling his tongue
dancing with mine, the taste of him in my mouth. Minty and warm with a
hint of cinnamon and something sweet.

His thumb continued to trace circles on the skin at my hip. Only then did
I realize that my hands had moved of their own volition and were
currently running along Edward's arms. His arms felt tense beneath my
fingertips as if he was fighting for control of himself. My heart skipped at
the thought of Edward not being as calm as he was outwardly
projecting. Maybe this was just as I had hoped. What if he was feeling
something too?

If's and maybe's. Don't delude yourself.

Edward's soft lips started to move roughly against mine as he pulled on
my hip. Was he trying to get closer to me? My hands had made their
way to his hair and my fingernails grazed lightly across the back of his
neck. I felt him shudder against me and I repeated the action. He
squeezed my hip and pulled me towards him across the couch. I tilted
my head to deepen the kiss; my own need as great as his. My fingers
twisted in his hair as I pulled against the roots.

He groaned into my mouth and at the same time I heard a noise in the
room. Just as I was trying to decipher where it came from, I heard it
again. A delicate cough followed by a throaty laugh. "Okay Cullen. I
would say you satisfied the dare about two minutes ago."

I released Edward before Jasper could finish his sentence. My face,
already flushed from the intensity of our kiss, got hotter as my
embarrassment rose in my cheeks. My lips were tingling in the most
delicious way as my fingertips ran across my bottom lip.

"Looks like you dazzled her Edward." Jasper chuckled as he drank
another shot.

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Edward kept his eyes fixed on Jasper as he reached to wipe his mouth.
My heart faltered and as he turned back to look at me I saw his eyes
were dark and cold.

He should have just taken his damn shot. I could tell he regretted the
kiss and I just couldn't bring myself to feel the same way. I needed to
leave. I felt awkward and the air was thick with tension. I quickly rose off
the sofa and ran to the front door slamming it shut behind me.

Tori had just pulled into the drive, the moonlight caused the green paint
to glisten. She didn't get the chance to shut off her engine before I
opened the door and threw myself in the passenger seat.

She laughed. "Hey to you too, Bella." She turned her head and must
have seen the anguish etched all over my face. "What happened?"

"I've been drinking. Can you please take me home?" Just as I spoke
Jasper opened the front door with Edward quickly at his back. I turned
to look at Tori, "Please?"

She must have heard the despair in my voice because she nodded and
had the car in reverse down the driveway before the guys could get to

We drove in silence and I was thankful that she didn't press for any
information. It was a leisurely drive. She kept an even speed,
periodically checking her mirrors for signs of other traffic. Late as it was
the roads were almost empty.

She pulled up outside Lawrance Hall and turned the car off. Shifting in
her seat Tori turned to look at me. "Do you want to talk about it?" I
shook my head. My mind was still reeling at what I had done. I mentally
chastised myself for my reckless behavior and for getting so caught up
in Edward's arms.

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I don't know what made me think of it, but Alice's words from earlier in
the week came crashing down around me. 'Edward's not looking for a
girlfriend'. What had I done? I was such a fool. He might not be gay but
he wasn't on the market either. I felt a tear slid down my cheek as I
thought about how they must be laughing now at my expense.

I felt numb. Turning my head to look at Tori I met her eyes. "Thanks for
the ride."

As I opened my door Tori reached over and grabbed my arm. "I'll see
you in class Bella. But you have my number if you need anything."
Smiling in response, I was surprised at the sincerity of her comment. I
got out of her car and walked into my building. Today was exactly why I
didn't like birthdays. My only hope now was that sleep would take me
far away from Edward Cullen and my own stupidity.

A/N: Jasper's comment about Bella's truck is a nod to a review I
had earlier. I'm so sorry, I can't remember who left it or on which

Please don't hate me, just remember I love you all. If you can't wait
another two weeks then drop by the thread for teasers. I posted five for
this chapter, one of which was a special treat for Kassiah who was
reviewer 500! She was good enough to share it on the thread with
all you fantabulous peeps.

Please leave me some love.

My rec's this week:

Shadowboxer - by nobloodnofoul

Place Your Bets - by vanillabeans

Help Wanted - by jaxon22

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13. Darkness and Inhibitions

A/N: OMG! OMG! and did I mention - O.M.G! A huge thank you to
juliebly, who nominated The Coven for The Sparkle Awards! You
can vote for me under the 'Kiss Award' and 'Underdog Award'
categories (link in my profile to check out the other nominations
too). Voting ends 28th July. I am so excited!

A huge Coven welcome to beate73, who is taking over as my beta
for this fic. Thanks for working on this chapter so quickly and
doing such an excellent job.

Other news - I discovered a rec for my fic on The Twilight Sisterhood.
Thank you so much for your lovely review! http:/twilightsisterhood (DOT)
blogspot (DOT) (link is also on my profile).

This chapter is for lost my mind forever, the 'thorn in my side'! I love
you, bb.

Thanks to Jon Adams at work for some musical inspiration. And
special thanks to the ladies in our WC session on Mon PM/Tues AM.
This chapter may never have been finished without you.

Things I don't own:
Grace by Kate Havnevik
The Unfeeling Kiss by Gabriel Yared
I Like the Way You Move by Body Rockers
The Flower Duet by Léo Delibes
After Midnight by Eric Clapton

The Coven

Summary - Just starting out at Yale, Bella Swan is determined to shed
her normally cautious attitude and predictable ways to embrace

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adventure and change. That is until she learns of an elite group hidden
within the walls of her new Ivy League home. Seduced by the unknown,
Bella finds herself caught up in the danger that is The Coven.

As I opened my door Tori reached over and grabbed my arm. "I'll see
you in class Bella. But you have my number if you need anything."
Smiling in response, I was surprised at the sincerity of her comment. I
got out of her car and walked into my building. Today was exactly why I
didn't like birthdays. My only hope now was that sleep would take me
far away from Edward Cullen and my own stupidity.

Chapter 12


I pushed my fingertips to my lips, moving them over my mouth, relishing
the feel of Bella's lips moving against mine. I had forgotten that anyone
else was in the room as I breathed in the smell of me on her skin; all
sex and spice as the scent lingered on her still damp hair.

As much as I wanted our first kiss to be more than a dare, I was
relieved that she didn't deny me. Was it possible that she wanted it as
much as I did? As her hands pushed through my hair my body reacted
in ways I never thought were possible. It wasn't just physical; every cell
called to her and pulled her closer to me.

I silently cursed the fact that Jasper's comment had caused her to pull
away, wanting nothing more than to hold her against my body and
ravage her mouth. I threw him a look that spoke volumes. Disgusted
that he had embarrassed Bella and broken our shared moment.

I turned to assess Bella's reaction to our kiss and Jasper's remark but
was caught off guard as her expression changed from embarrassed
contentment to one of anguish. Tears began to fill her eyes as she
bolted from the couch, mumbling goodbyes as she ran.

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"Bella wait!" I tried to get her attention but was met with the sound of the
front door slamming.

"What the fuck, Jasper?" I hissed at him. Despite his being drunk he
knew he had overstepped. He was off the couch before me and I ran at
his heels. Just as he swung the door open, Bella was launching herself
into Tori's Viper.

I pushed past Jasper and started down the driveway after them, "Bella!"
I shouted. But I was too late. She was gone.

I stood there at a loss, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Oh, Edward.
Why?" Alice's voice was soft and imploring.

"Why what Alice?" A glance over her shoulder told me that Jasper
hadn't moved from the doorway.

"I understand the look you gave Jasper, but why Bella?" Sadness
pooled in her crystal blue eyes and I tried to understand what she was

Had I really given Bella a look? I had tried to soften my expression
when I had turned to face her. Had she seen the residual abhorrence
intended only for Jasper? "What look?" I cringed as I spoke, afraid of
the truth.

"You looked like you hated it - like you hated her. Your eyes held
contempt and you looked appalled." I felt a lone tear slid down my
cheek as I thought about what I had done. Alice's own tears fell as she
reached and hugged me. I squeezed her back like my life depended on
it. "I love her too Edward. You have to fix this, please? For both of us."

Love? Is that what I felt? I barely knew her but already I felt empty and
lost. I wondered if I could stand up to Carlisle when the time came.
There was no point in fighting for Bella if I was only destined to walk
away from her. I could try and convince myself that she was meant for

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me, that Bella Swan was mine. But ultimately what if it was all a lie?
What if it was just pressure I was putting on myself at Carlisle's
insistence? He said I would know her when I saw her. What if I just
wanted it to be Bella?

My chest ached at the thought of hurting Bella in the long term. Could I
be that selfish? Maybe Jasper's disruption, however unwelcome, had
been a blessing in disguise. I could pursue Bella for my own personal
gratification but it was likely that in a few short weeks I would be forced
to discard her like the selfish bastard I was.

In order to protect her, and to protect Alice, I had no choice. I had to let
Bella Swan go.

We walked back into the house and as we passed Jasper, Alice
paused. "You are such an ass when you drink Jasper Whitlock. Don't
even think about coming to bed until you've sobered up. And you will
apologize to Bella." Her tone was harsh and Jasper flinched as she
headed upstairs. I had no sympathy for him.

I moved through the house, idly clearing up as I went. When I got to the
dining room I saw Bella's presents. Less than twelve hours ago I had no
real idea who Bella Swan was. When I saw that she was my mystery
brunette I couldn't have been more grateful to Alice for inviting her over
and organizing all of her gifts.

I lifted the pajamas out of their box and headed for my room. After
tucking Bella's night clothes into the top drawer of my dresser, I stripped
down to my boxers and slid in between the sheets.

As I contemplated how to repair the damage of today, I longed for a
sleep so deep that my dreams would take me to Bella Swan.


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When I woke up on Sunday my eyes were sore and my throat felt
hoarse from crying. Lying in bed, I tried to decide if I should stay where I
was and hide all day, or if I should try doing something more productive.

There was noise coming from the common area and I groaned as I
considered what Lauren would look like this morning. Giving up, I rolled
out of bed, stripped off and pulled on some underwear. I stood in front
of the mirror for a few minutes, taking in my appearance. I looked a
mess. My hair was knotted and resembled a haystack, I was paler than
normal and light purple shadows sat under my swollen eyes. Twisting in
the mirror, I noticed five finger shaped bruises on my hip. Edward's long
fingers had marked my skin; evidence that my birthday, and our stupid
game, hadn't been a figment of my imagination.

My iPhone buzzed for the fifth time since I had woken and I turned it off,
not ready to face whoever was calling.

I should have just let him drink the damned shot. The worst part was
that I couldn't get Edward out of my head. His green eyes had haunted
my dreams, and the feeling of his lips on mine still made them tingle.
His hand gripping my hip and my fingers in his hair had paralyzed my

To top it all off, Pep Rally Barbie was bouncing all over our common
area like a cheerleader on speed; wearing a neon tutu and a vivid green
tank top. Once she knew I was awake she cranked up her iPod and
started wailing along to I Like the Way You Move by Body Rockers.

Her shrill voice was grating on my last nerve. "Lauren! Shut the fuck

"Well aren't you a crabby bitch in the morning." She momentarily
stopped her jumping to stare at me, cocking her head. I bit back a snort.
She almost looked contemplative, and then - "You look like shit, Bella."
Her voice deadpanned. "What are you doing today?" She didn't sound
at all interested.

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I didn't reply or say anything else and her jumping continued, with her
arms flailing above her head. It was like watching a train wreck. You
know gawking is bad, but you really can't help it. Breaking out of my
daze, I changed into running shorts and a green sports top. Fixing my
iPod to my arm I left as Lauren shouted after me, "Going for a run

The rain started soon after I left my dorm but I pressed on, never
looking back. Hoping it would cleanse me of the previous night's events.
It didn't. I ran over five miles, all the way up to East Rock Park and
around the circuit. I lost count of the number of times I lapped, but my
legs burned and my back ached as I headed home.

The rest of the day passed by at an agonizingly slow pace. I read more
of my journal, but the only point that really caught my eye was some
more Latin phrasing.

"Medicus est unus of lemma."

I committed it to memory as I highlighted the section. But even that
couldn't hold my interest. I gave up and crawled under the covers and
waited for sleep. It was still early but exhausted from my run, it wasn't
long before Edward's eyes danced behind my lids and the dreams

Having slept fitfully, I felt no better Monday morning. I showered and
dressed quickly in a pair of dark jeans and a deep purple sleeveless
blouse. I secured my damp hair in a lose knot on top of my head,
grabbed my hoodie and bag and slipped on a pair of purple Chucks. I
felt nervous about my interview and was conscious of the fact that all I
had eaten the previous day, was an apple and a slice of pizza. I was
running too late to grab breakfast but knew if I ate, it would sit like
gravel in my stomach anyway.

My truck was still at the Cullens' so I would have to walk the eight
blocks to my interview. It meant missing my Lit. class but I wasn't up to

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it anyway. I knew I couldn't face any of them; Jasper, Alice or Tori. I
decided that classes for the next few days were a 'no go'. If I was
successful at the hospital I would split my time for the rest of the week
between the library, the pool and work.

Not long after my arrival, a tall middle aged woman with short red hair
came into the reception area and extended her arm in my direction.
"You must be Bella Swan. Pleased to meet you, I'm Dr. Masen.
Welcome to Yale's Psychiatric Ward." She smiled warmly and I shook
her hand as I returned a smile of my own. "You have no idea how
happy I am to see you."

"I'm sorry?" Her statement confused me.

"I would be lying if I said we weren't understaffed." She ducked her
head as if embarrassed. "Do you have experience?"

"My understanding is that you're looking for someone to undertake
administrative duties. Filing, faxing, updating charts - that sort of thing?"
I thought I should check before I wasted Dr. Masen's time.

She nodded enthusiastically and her eyes lit up, "Yes, exactly."

I laughed, "Then yes. I've worked in a hospital before and also a small
police department handling most of their paperwork."

Dr. Masen stopped dead in her tracks and spun to face me. "My dear
girl, you are a God send. How soon can you start?"

I had nowhere else I would rather be. "I can start right now if that helps."

And so I did.

After storing my things in a staff locker, I busied myself with the
mundane tasks of filing recent assessments, documenting new
dispensing orders and filing staff shift changes. Eager to hide away from

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the main campus, I agreed to work from noon till eight. I took thirty
minutes for dinner and picked my way through a salad. Most of my
afternoon kept me distracted enough to avoid thoughts of Edward, but
as I sat in the cafeteria my mind began to churn.

I knew it would be a good idea to transfer out of most of my classes; I
just didn't want to.

When I got back up to the ward I was asked by a nurse to check that
the charts had been updated. The task seemed simple enough. Charts
that had been checked in the last two hours received a blue sticker,
those that hadn't got a red one.

The corridor was long and white with doors to patient rooms on both
sides. Two thirds of the way down a light flickered overhead casting an
eerie bluish shadow against the walls. With my stickers in one hand, I
started to make my way down the narrow passageway.

As I got to the shadows, I heard talking from behind a door and peered
in through the small glass window.

The room was completely white and padded. A man with dark shoulder
length hair was pacing the small room, gripping his hair in his hands. He
suddenly stopped mid-stride and spun around and looked at me. His
eyes were onyx black; he looked possessed. He stalked towards the
door and the sound of metal being struck rang out through the hallway,
as he smacked his hands against the door. I was too transfixed to tear
my eyes away from his. It was like he was holding me there.

"Twelve, they come. I forget. Memory loss cleanses the soul. But mine
burns here in this white hell."

He repeated the same sentence over and over. Chanting as he hit the
door harder each time to punctuate his words. I flinched at the offending
noise as the door strained under his clenched fists.

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Suddenly his rage stopped as he whispered through the door. "Medicus
est unus of lemma."

Medicus est unus of lemma. You know this. You've seen it somewhere
else before.

Flashes of yellow highlight flooded my thoughts before I was torn from
my epiphany.

"Demetri, that's enough!" Dr. Masen was stood at my side. I hadn't
heard her approach and had no idea how long I had been standing
there with an audience.

The chanting continued from the padded prison. "Sorry, I was just
checking the charts..." I had no idea why I felt guilty at being caught
staring at a patient. I hadn't actually done anything wrong.

Dr. Masen smiled sympathetically at me and apologized for Demetri's
outburst. I finished the rest of my shift without incident.

As I was leaving, Gianna the receptionist, was talking in hushed
whispers on the telephone. She had her back to me as I rounded the
corner to leave, but her conversation made me stop and keep out of

"You asked me to call if there was an issue...No not a visitor...Yes that's
right. It's a new development..."

What was she talking about?

"He got anxious that's all...He started chanting again...A little
violent...No one was hurt...Of course. I'll keep you posted."

I didn't have the energy to spend too much time thinking about
questions I didn't have the answers to. Secret telephone calls, crazy
patients, Edward Cullen... Just forget about Edward Cullen. As I walked

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home, I tilted my head up to the dark sky and saw that the moon was
bright and full. After I had walked five blocks I pulled out my phone to
check my messages. I had ignored it for two days but was still a little
surprised to see nine missed calls and four voice-mails.

The first one was from Edward.

"Bella, please pick up. I need to talk to you. You don't...I need to
explain. Please call me."

I deleted it quickly, not wanting to give in to temptation and listen to it on
repeat later. The next message was from Charlie. He was just calling to
check in and to see how the rest of my birthday had gone Saturday. He
asked me to call him later in the week and I saved the message so I
would remember to do just that.

I took a deep breath and braced myself for the next one.

"Bella? It's Tori. Alice and Jasper said you weren't in their classes
today. Where are you? No one's heard from you, and Edward says you
haven't returned his call. We're worried. Please call one of us back."

Sighing, I again deleted the message. I dreaded to think what she had
been told about the way I had thrown myself at Edward. My heart
pinched as I recalled his lips brushing against my neck and as I
continued my walk home, my fingers trailed the path his lips had blazed
across my skin.

The last message was left this morning. My skin chilled as I listened to
his stern voice.

"Bella. It's Edward. If you don't call me back, then I'm coming to see
you. You have until noon tomorrow. We need to talk about what
happened. You can't ignore all of us. You'll need to go back to class
sooner or later and when you do -"

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The message cut off and I was left wondering what Edward was going
to say.

When I got back to my room the lights were off and Lauren was
nowhere in sight. Her behavior had been strange over the last couple of
days. Twice I had overheard her talking on her cell about schedules and
where we were both going to be. When I had asked her about it she had
told me she was trying to arrange a party in our room but so far nothing
had come of her planning.

As I was about to climb into bed a white square on the floor caught my
eye. I wasn't sure how I had missed it when I got home. Trudging
across the room, I bent to pick it up. My name was scrawled on the front
in black ink and the envelope was sealed with red wax. I sat on the
edge of the bed and pulled it open. A chill swept over my entire body as
my eyes took in the words.

You have something that doesn't belong to you. We will take it back.

As if the paper burned my skin, I dropped the note and it fluttered onto
the floor. I only had one thing that wasn't really mine. And no one was
getting it back. It was mine now. I had no intentions of giving it up.
Taking the leather bound book from my bag, I hid it at the bottom of my
closet in an old shoe box.

Trying to shake off my unease I settled back into my sheets and into a
restless slumber.

Tuesday morning brought gray skies, but there was no sign of rain.
Classes today were out of the question. Alice, Dr. Cullen, Tori and
Jess? I might as well kill myself right now. Dramatic much?
Acknowledging my inner drama queen, I opted for a warm-up run to the
pool and three hours of hard and grueling lengths. My arms burned and
my hips ached but I found a strange comfort in the masochistic torture.
Penance for my idiocy.

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Sadly, it didn't seem to matter how far I ran or how many lengths I
pushed through in the water, I couldn't escape the feeling I'd had since

My mind kept tormenting me with flashes of that night. The electricity
that had flowed through my veins was still there, though it had
significantly reduced to a gentle hum under my skin. It was mocking me,
reminding me that I had never felt anything like it and even if my head
was ignoring what had happened, my body certainly wasn't.

Traitorous body.

My gentle jog home loosened and relaxed some of my overworked
muscles. I showered quickly and toweled off back in my room. Religion
with Dr. Cullen had finished forty-five minutes ago, but I still had my
Film Studies class to avoid. I checked my emails and found one from
Dr. Cullen. He detailed this week's reading assignment and wished me
well - hoping that my migraine dissipated sufficiently to allow me to
attend my next class. Alice had evidently lied to her father; I just couldn't
fathom why she would bother.

Securing my wet hair in a messy knot on top of my head with the twist
of a pencil, I moved to the wardrobe to pick out my clothes.

I needed to go to the library to get books for research. Unsure of who I
might bump into on campus, I decided to pick out something sexy but
comfortable to wear. Matching underwear was followed by brown plaid
tailored shorts. I teamed them with a chocolate brown fitted slogan tee
that had become so faded with time that it looked retro. Finally I slipped
on some matching heels and my cream and gold Punky Fish hoodie.

I fingered the Tiffany's necklace that still hung around my neck and
considered taking it off. But just like the last two mornings, I left it where
it was, resigned to the fact that despite everything, it meant more to me
than it probably should.

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I put my iPhone into my pocket, along with my matriculation card and
headed for the library. I could use the computers there and would be
able to get a few sheets of blank paper if need be, to make some notes.

The musty books were comforting. No matter which library you were in,
they always smelled the same. Soft worn leather mixed with old paper,
and the air was always so dry. I found the books I needed and managed
to pilfer a few sheets of paper from one of the printers. After three hours
of scanning the text and making detailed notes, I stood up to stretch and
walk off my stiff legs.

"I saw that you know." A hushed voice came through the stacks behind
me. Startled, I spun around. I'd thought I was the only one up here. She
stepped out from behind the wall of books and laughed delicately. "I
didn't mean to frighten you."

I recognized her as the Little Apple Doll librarian - Bree, was it? I wasn't
sure. "You didn't frighten me, I was just surprised. That's all." I huffed
but sounded defiant. "Saw what, exactly?" I added as an afterthought.

"The paper you stole from the printer." She folded her arms over her
chest and raised an amused eyebrow. My cheeks flushed and I
internally cursed the fact that I couldn't even use a few sheets of paper
without getting caught, or giving myself up.

"You're Bree, right?" Maybe I could fix this. Unlike our first encounter,
she wasn't being aggressive. Maybe I could avoid getting in serious

"Yes, Bella. That's right." I didn't remember giving her my name,
although I had given her my matriculation card last time I was here.

Yeah. Good memory - that's allt. My ass!

She offered a friendly smile that seemed out of place given the goth
style outfit she was wearing. The same black buckle biker boots were

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strapped to her feet and fishnet tights ran up her legs. A short black and
white miniskirt barley covered her ass and her black fitted tee was
decorated with the words, 'Forget being a princess I want to be a

"Don't worry I won't tell." She strode over and sat in the chair I had
previously occupied.

"Why not?" I was skeptical as to what her silence would cost me.

"Because I want us to be friends." She toyed with the pencil on the table
but smiled at me. "You've been studying in here for hours. Why don't
you come with me and we'll have some fun?" She stood and started to
gather my things. I didn't have time to reply as she grabbed my hand in
a vice like grip and pulled me towards the stairs.

This is a bad idea. A very bad idea.

"What did you have in mind?" We flew down the stairs and within
minutes were stood next to a dark purple Chevy. It was long with weird
pointed fins on the back. The paint work was detailed with silver glitter
cobwebs. Arow of skulls sat neatly along the rear window.

Jasper had said that Bree was part of V8 and that meant she might
know something about The Volturi. Maybe I could find out who the
missing two members were and what it really was all about. I was
slightly annoyed by James' interruption the last time I saw Alec. He had
wanted to talk, I just didn't know what about. Maybe now would be my
only opportunity. I had to embrace it.

It wasn't like I was going to be alone. Bree would be there too. How bad
could it be?

So let me get this straight. Edward rejects you and you go off half
cocked and do something crazy? What happened to sensible Bella?

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I laughed under my breath at my own inner ramblings. I'd left sensible
Bella back in Forks. Now was not the time to become reacquainted.

"Where are we going?" I asked, as I slipped into the passenger seat.

"I'm taking you to the Sigma Nu frat house. This afternoon is all about
fun." Bree smiled as she started the car and drove the six short blocks
to the frat house.

We walked into the house and were immediately enveloped by the
sounds of opera. Bree called out, "You guys home?"

"In here." A deep voice filtered through the air.

"They're in the game room." Bree gave me a sly wink and led the way. I
was surprised by the sight in front of me as we walked through the
archway. Five members of V8 were all sat around a large poker table in
various states of undress. Felix had his feet resting on Jane's lap as he
lounged in his chair, one hand holding his cards while the other waved
in the air in time with the music, conducting a nonexistent orchestra.

"Ladies," he smiled brightly, flashing his teeth. Surprisingly, instead of
intimidating, I found him to be warm and pleasant. A complete change
from that night at Eclipse. Maybe this would be easier than I'd thought.
"Why don't you pull up a seat? We'll deal you in on the next round." His
eyebrow rose as he winked at me and I couldn't help the smile that
graced my lips. It occurred to me that perhaps V8 weren't that bad after
all. Jane and Heidi were bitchy at swim practice, but weren't we all a
little competitive? I resolved in that moment to wipe the slate clean. If I
wanted to know more about The Volturi, I would be better off
befriending them.

Felix was the only one still completely dressed. Dirty looking denim, with
a black wife-beater and open orange hoodie. His wife-beater was
stretched tightly across his defined chest and I had to admit he was
attractive. If not for Jane he would have proven a nice distraction little

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from Edward. She on the other hand, was sat in her bra and a short
skirt. Heidi was in much the same way and Alec was clad only in a pair
of jeans, his muscles flexed as he tossed betting chips into the center of
the table. The fifth player was sat in dark green sweats and a white
wife-beater. Could this be Laurent?

I offered him my hand as I sat in the vacant chair next to his, "Hi, I'm
Bella." He looked surprised by my ease.

"We all know who you are," he smirked and gave my hand one short
pump. "I'm Laurent," he mumbled, before turning his attention back to
his cards.

Before the next hand was dealt Bree stood and asked if anyone wanted
drinks. Offering my help, I followed her into the kitchen. As we silently
gathered bottles and glasses, a clearing throat from the doorway caught
my attention.

"Leave us." Felix spoke with authority but his voice wasn't aggressive or
hostile. I made to leave but he side stepped to block me. "Bree." His
eyes never left mine and my heartbeat quickened.

Alone? With Felix? Are you insane?

I took a step back trying to maintain my personal space. I could do this.
I had to do this if I wanted answers.

Silence lingered as Felix and I stood alone. I moved back to the bottles
and started to mix the drinks the others had asked for.

He faltered momentarily. "I should apologize for the way Alec and I
treated you at Eclipse last time we spoke. It was rude. We didn't mean
to come across so aggressively."

Trying to buy myself a few seconds of thought, I shuffled the bottles in
front of me. Did I want to accept his apology so easily? Did I want to irk

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him further? Maybe my preconceptions had been inaccurate. And
maybe not. Either way, if I hoped to discover more about The Volturi, I
would have to offer my forgiveness.

I waved my hand, "Don't worry about it. It's all forgotten." I gave what I
hoped was a genuine looking smile and he returned it with one of his

"Isabella, we've been trying to speak to you for quite some time now."
Felix walked to the freezer and pulled out some ice.

"We?" I questioned.

"Yes, we. I'm sure you've heard of us. Don't be coy Isabella." He started
dropping ice into glasses. His orange hoodie was nowhere to be seen,
and his wife-beater displayed his toned arms perfectly as his muscles

"If we're going to be friends you should call me Bella." I managed to
suppress a shudder. I wasn't sure if I wanted us to be friends just yet.
Going on past experience, the answer was I didn't. But being friends
would make it easier to find out all their secrets.

"Bella...I'd like that. Tell me, what have the Cullens told you of The
Volturi?" He raised his eyebrow, almost daring me to deny it.

"They didn't really say anything." I wasn't lying. But I knew I had to offer
something in order to gain his trust. "They said you share..." I let my
voice trail off, not sure how to word what I was trying to say.

He laughed under his breath. "Share what?"

"Each other," I blurted out before I could stop myself. My cheeks felt like
they were on fire.

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"I see." He paused for a moment before lifting a shot of Jack to his lips
and swallowing quickly.

I kept my eyes focused on the counter top. "Is it true?" My voice didn't
sound like my own. It was timid, but a hint of curiosity betrayed my
sense of self preservation.

"Don't you believe in simultaneous compatibility? There are things I can
get from Bree or Heidi that Jane can't provide. The same applies for the
others. We work well as - of sorts." It was clear with every
word he spoke that he truly believed in what he was saying.

Who was I to judge? This arrangement obviously worked for them. It
wasn't like they were hurting anyone. In an attempt to sound
nonchalant, I shrugged. "I hadn't really thought about it. I guess there
could be merits to a swinging lifestyle, so to speak. At least it keeps
things interesting." The idea actually freaked me out. Wasn't it just
condoned cheating? Or worse - avid promiscuity? The more I thought
about it, the more I realized it was exactly the sort of thing Tori, Jess
and I were trying to capture with our Film Studies Project. I lifted my
head to gauge his reaction.

Felix's face became serious. "It's not about 'swinging', Bella." He
emphasized the word with exaggerated air quotes and his face twisted
like something bitter had crossed his tongue. "It's about fulfillment of
self, taking pleasure in what others can give you."

It sounded a little selfish, parasitic even. Taking all the time and never
really giving back. Aside from my kiss with Edward, I had never
experienced any real level intimacy. Surely it should be equal parts give
and take. About giving yourself over to someone else. Wanting to
please them and give them all you had and all you were. Then and only
then taking what they offered in return.

"You don't seem convinced." His voice was low and seductive,
provoking my curiosity further. "Why don't you play with us tonight?"

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Felix moved behind me and placed his hands on the counter either side
of my hips. He kept a respectable distance and didn't touch me, but I
froze like a frightened lamb.

Edward didn't want me - that much was obvious. His disgust had been
etched all over his beautiful face. I considered Felix's offer. Wasn't
experimentation part of the college experience? Didn't I want

Insanity, Swan! That is what this is. Adventure is a road trip to the Cape,
or dying your hair purple. Strip poker with V8 - that's taking your life into
your hands!

"Play?" I managed to squeak. Unsure if his offer was for cards or

"We'll be gentle, ease you in. Don't fear us Bella." He swept my hair off
my shoulder. "The Cullen's have their own secrets, you know." His
voice was a suggestive whisper.

I was sick of secrets. I wanted to know theirs. V8, The Volturi - whoever
they were - they were hiding something. And I would do whatever it took
to find out what. I downed my own shot of Jack. Liquid fire burned down
my throat and my eyes watered. I turned in the cage of his arms to face
him. With renewed determination, I smirked, "Let's play."

Back at the poker table we all sat with our drinks. "Rules of the game
are as follows," Alec spoke as he shuffled the deck. "Place bets with
chips or clothes. Fold and you're out - clothes stay on." The girls offered
a sad little whimper to the boys and I laughed. Alec rolled his eyes but
continued his explanation, dealing the cards as he spoke. "Call it on the
last hand. The winning player gets to pick which piece of clothing the
loser takes off. Questions?"

It wouldn't have mattered if I did. I had no idea how to play poker.
Deciding it didn't matter, I was suddenly excited by the prospect of

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'playing' with this intimate group.

With the cards dealt, chips were tossed down as bets were made.
Looking at my cards, I cringed. So much for your poker face. May as
well take your clothes off now.
Felix grinned and winked across the
table. We were playing V8 Hold 'Em, their own twist on Texas hold 'Em.
I assumed, regardless of which version we were playing, two low cards
weren't good.

I sipped on the Long Island Iced Tea Felix had made me. I had told him
I would only be having one drink. He said he'd make it a good one. And
it was, but I knew I would have to pace myself.

I felt my iPhone vibrate once in my pocket and I took it out to check the
new message.

B? You okay? You weren't in class today. Alice and Jasper said
they haven't seen you either.

Jasper said to tell you he handed in your project. I hope you're
okay... Tori x

I had forgotten about our project. I hadn't even finished my
accompanying essay. To be honest, I didn't really care. Thinking about
it led me to think about Edward catching us in his shower and that was
only followed by his breath on my skin, his hands in my hair...STOP! I
needed to focus on the game in front of me.

I'm fine, just been busy with work and swim practice, B.

I knew it was a lie. I was far from fine. They would shit a fit if they knew
where I was right now. But they would never know any different, though
I did feel a little guilty. I hadn't even called Tori to thank her for the ride
home that night, yet she was still checking up on me.

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"Bella? It's your bet." Jane nudged me from the chair next to mine and I
dropped my iPhone onto my thigh.

"Sorry. I'll see your $10 and raise you $20." I tried to sound confident.
The hand I'd been dealt was about as useful as a hedgehog in a
condom factory, but I was still wearing my hoodie - I could afford to lose
that. And we weren't playing for real money after all.

"Upping the stakes, huh? Your hand must be good." Laurent casually
tossed more chips onto the growing pile in the middle of the table. I said
nothing, but raised an eyebrow at him, hoping it was enough. As my
eyes swept the table, Felix's expression caught my attention. His mouth
was hidden by his cards but his eyes told me he was laughing quietly to

Vibration on my thigh alerted me to another message.

Alice told me what happened. Jazz is an ass. She assures me that
he's not usually like that.

Edward is mortified, Tori x

While I agreed that Jasper had indeed been an ass, that wasn't what
had been weighing on my mind for the three days. Edward's obvious
discomfort won out above all else. In hindsight he clearly hadn't wanted
to kiss me; he could have taken the tequila shot and saved himself the
regret. But instead we both ended up feeling uncomfortable.

Heidi's less than discreet cough pulled me back into the game.

"Sorry. I'm being stalked." I laughed to show I was joking. "I'll see you
and raise you another $10." I coolly tossed more chips into the middle
and tapped out a quick reply.

I bet he is. I have an early start tomorrow. Honestly, I'm fine. Night,
B x

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With the last text sent, I turned off the intrusive device and slipped it
back into my pocket. Only then did I realize that Felix, Laurent and I
were the only ones left playing. The others had folded. Felix matched
the bet but didn't raise it. Laurent passed comment that the pot was too
rich for his blood and dropped his cards on the table, sighing as he

I took a long swig of my cocktail and squared off with Felix as he sat
opposite. I had no idea what he had in his hands, but I was pretty sure
he knew my hand was worth jack shit.

"Last chance for you to fold. Not sure anyone wants to see you naked."
Okay, so provoking him probably wasn't a good idea - my fate was in
his hands after all - but I wasn't going down without a fight.

Felix gave me a lazy smirk and I gulped down more of my cocktail. So
much for pacing yourself!
I wasn't drunk yet, and to be honest, with the
amount of alcohol that had been through my system in the last few
days, I was probably becoming immune to its effects.

"I call it." Felix beckoned for my cards and I slumped down in my chair,
showing him my three of diamonds and my five of spades. They didn't
match each other and they didn't match any of the five cards sitting face
up on the table. Felix turned his cards over. Two kings. A pair.

Of. Fucking. Course.

The table erupted into laughter. It didn't escape my attention that not
one of them was laughing at me though. We were just a group of friends
playing cards.

No pretenses.

No discomfort.

Not yet anyway. Just wait until you are sitting here in your underwear.

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"So, Bella. What's it to be? Your top or your shorts?" Bree's eyes
twinkled as she spoke. And the mischief hidden there reminded me of

"I think her top is enough to ease her into the game, don't you?" Felix
gave me a warm smile, honoring his promise in the kitchen. I swiftly
took my hoodie off and hung it over the back on my chair.

Are you insane? Keep your clothes on you reckless bitch!

I tried to beat my good sense into submission. I was clearly crazy as
fuck, and even if I wasn't drunk, I needed them to believe I was. Even I
knew - drunk Bella wouldn't always fold. She would play the game and

I folded on the next game, while Jane had Felix strip off his wife beater.
Heidi lost her dress to Bree on the third hand and I folded again. I knew
it was time for me to get back into the game properly. Unfortunately my
two pair didn't beat Alec's flush. I lost my shirt - literally. I was never
more thankful to be wearing sexy underwear.

Almost everyone at the table appraised my newly revealed body and I
squirmed a little, feeling awkward in my seat. They were all looking at
me like I was something to eat. Their eyes had darkened and the room
had become unbearably still.

Jane broke the silence. "I'm bored. I want to play." She pouted at Felix
who chuckled under his breath. I was confused by her request. Weren't
we already playing?

"Alright, get what we need then." Felix playfully smacked her ass as she
darted into the kitchen, followed closely by Laurent.

"What are we playing?" Intrigue was evident in my tone.

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"Spin the bottle." Heidi whispered in my ear as her fingertips brushed
the exposed skin across my shoulder blades. A shiver of anticipation
shot up my spine as I realized that this is what Felix meant in the
kitchen when he asked me to play.

What started out as a way to forget about my weekend was fast
becoming a hole I couldn't get out of. Yes - I was having fun, but I was
totally out of my comfort zone. Driving across the country and coming to
Yale was supposed to provide me with freedom and make my decisions
easier. Yet it seemed with every step along the sticky web I took, I was
brought dangerously closer to the unknown risks in the center.

I had only been in New Haven for two weeks. Was I rushing myself?
Pushing myself too hard? Too fast? Nothing I had done in that time had
been typically characteristic of my previous behavior. But I had been
powerless to stop it.

The discovery of the journal seemed to be a catalyst for every irrational
choice I was making. Playing with V8 was evidence enough of that. Alec
had taken things at the club too far, but I had readily accepted the
apology Felix offered, all in a desperate attempt to uncover the truth
about The Volturi. I had that truth now, but was that enough?

I couldn't back out. Not now. I was in too deep.

I pulled my tee back on and we moved to the den. Jane and Laurent
had pushed the table and the couch back, in favor of large cushions,
arranged in a circle. I sat with trepidation on a cushion next to Jane
while the others followed, lowering themselves as they sat in couples. A
solitary bottle lay in the center of our circle and as I stared at it, my
stomach shifted and butterflies danced in its depths.

"It's just a game." Felix's tone was low and husky. "There are no
consequences and no repercussions. The game ends tonight. Any
continuation is done so, only with consent from both parties. Before the
bottle is spun the only decision to be made is should tongues be used

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or not? Two minutes is the time. No more. No less. There is only one
obvious exception to a coupling," he inclined his head toward Jane and
Alec, "In which case the bottle is spun again. No touching - mouths

"Now is the time to say if you don't want to play." He looked at everyone
individually, giving us all a choice before his eyes finally settled on me.

My legs tingled with pins and needles. I couldn't have moved if I had
wanted to. I was caught somewhere between intrigue and uncertainty. I
gave one firm nod, signaling my intent to stay.

He smirked, "Let's play." He repeated my words from earlier with a

As the bottle was spun a chorus of "No tongues" was shouted through
the room. I held my breath as the bottle landed on Bree. She leaned
forward and spun it for her match. The glass made a keening sound
against the hard wood floor which muted as the bottle slowed to a stop.

Pointing directly at me.


I had only kissed one person in my life.

I had never kissed a woman.

Glancing over at her, she cast a naughty little smile at me and leaned
across Alec, who sat between us. She crocked her finger and as Alec
fell backward onto his elbows, I leaned across him, stopping just in front
of Bree's face.

"I've never..." I started, as my blush crept up to my cheeks.

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"Just close your eyes. It's only two minutes and you'll never know the
difference," she whispered. Her breath was sweet like fruit and honey
from her cocktail. My eyes closed slowly and I felt her lips on mine. Alec
shifted beneath us and his thigh grazed my breasts. Bree's lips were
soft like silk, closed at first but opening mine gently as we moved. She
was right; it wasn't that different. The scent of raspberries and rum
drifted between us and just as Felix called time, I felt her tongue dip
against my lip and Alec groaned.

Surprised, I shifted back quickly. No sooner had I moved, when Alec
lunged forward and captured her mouth with his own. Possessive
posture and unyielding hands.

I sat in a daze as two more couples played: Heidi and Jane, followed by
Laurent and Jane. Both played without tongues. It was getting late, so I
resolved to sit and play for two more turns and then I would leave.

Alec leaned to spin the bottle and the gear of the game shifted.


The neck of the bottle pointed at me and I swallowed hard. I reached
out and spun for the first time. As it slowed, it passed
Laurent...Jane...Alec, then Heidi...before finally resting in front of Felix.
His words from the kitchen echoed through my head. "We'll be gentle,
ease you in."
I wasn't sure I could trust him, but I had little choice.

I had stayed. I had decided to play. They had given me opportunity to
leave, but I had declined.

Raising myself to my hands and knees, I wavered for a palpable

I crawled across the floor to meet him half way and he mimicked my
movements. His biceps rippled as his arms stretched forward, but he
was flawed. His eyes were brown, not green. His hair was dark, but

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short and lacked the depth of sun-brushed bronze. As our mouths met, I
closed my eyes, willing the green I'd seen all week to wash over me -
but I couldn't find it. Lost in the abyss of fractured memories - protecting
itself from the blasphemy of this moment.

Tongues pressing.

Lips moving.

Smooth caresses.


Only emptiness.

His breath was warm and he tasted of Jack and Coke.

No cinnamon.

No mint.

No Edward.

He was true to his word. He wasn't forceful or rough. Gentle and easy
was the mantra that swam through my head. Two minutes passed
quickly and I sat back on my cushion thinking only of Edward. I hated
that he had such a hold over me after so little time.

I wanted to get some air. My throat felt like it was starting to close over
and the blood rushed past my ears.

"I should be going." My voice was quiet and I stood up on shaky legs.
Felix and Bree followed me to the door and offered me a ride.

"You've been drinking, it's fine." I needed some air. The walk home
would help clear my head.

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"Laurent's our sober brother tonight. He's good." Felix made a gesture
with his hand to indicate that Laurent was in fact sober and fine to drive.

"I had a great time. Thanks for being so...welcoming," I laughed as he
chuckled under his breath. "But really, I'll enjoy the walk." Bree
disappeared back into the den and a series of squeals floated through
the house as their game continued.

I turned to leave but Felix's hand on my arm stopped me.

"Bella? Would you consider joining us, on a more permanent basis?"
Felix leaned in closer, as he rested his other arm against the door jam.

Shit. Join them? It was too soon for that. I needed more time. I still had
things to figure out in my head. "I can't help but notice that would make
me the odd one out," I pouted, hoping that would be enough to delay his

"That could be rectified with one simple telephone call, my beautiful
girl." His voice was inviting as he ran one finger lightly along my jaw. A
part of me craved the affection. It was nice to feel wanted. But a larger
part of me wanted that attention to come from elsewhere.

There was no spark here. No humming current. My blood wasn't
singing, and my body didn't feel alive.

The emptiness that had settled in my chest since the weekend, ached.
A reminder that my fun this evening was a short term fix.

"Can I let you know?" I whispered, as I fought not to lean into his touch.

"Of course, we would never rush you Bella. We will always be here if
you need us, okay?" He pushed a small piece of paper into my hand,
and I realized it was his cell number.

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I tucked it into my pocket, "Thank you." I met his eyes one last time and
slipped out the front door.

The light rain that had started to fall felt refreshing on my heated skin,
and I didn't mind that I had forgotten my hoodie. I knew the walk back to
Lawrance Hall would take less than ten minutes, so I didn't go back for
it. I kept my head clear, promising myself that I would process
everything tomorrow.

As I approached the doors to my building the rain became heavier,
obscuring my vision slightly in the downpour. Pushing open the big
door, I shook off most of the rain water. I didn't hear the footsteps
behind me. Nor the soft ruffle of clothes in movement.

I did, however, feel a pinch in the side of my neck as something pierced
my skin and the stairwell went black.

A/N: Please don't hate me...

Okay, so I know that it's Tuesday for Bella, but it's not that Tuesday. So
for those of you who are bound to ask - this is not the chapter before
the prologue. There are about five or six to go yet, maybe less. I'll let
you know...

Sorry this one took so long to churn out guys. Those of you who stop by
the thread or follow me on Twitter know I had some Mojo issues.
Hopefully that's behind me now (crosses fingers) and we're back to full
steam ahead. I am still going to try and work to a two week schedule
BUT if it's done before then - I'll post it.

Now I know that some of you will ask, so I managed to track Bella
down on her way home to see what she was playing at. I know I
should have made sure she got to her dorm, but what can I say?
Chapter 13 isn't going to write itself and I just didn't have the time.

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PH47: What the fuck Bella? Drinking, stripping and kissing more
strangers? Did you learn nothing over the weekend?

Bella: I learned plenty over the weekend. If you had any regard for
me at all, you would have had me in bed early with no parties. I just
go where the journal sends me.

PH47: You do know I'm trying to write around the mess you're
creating, right?

Bella: Blah, blah. Suck it up. I did what I had to do. And I know all
about The Volturi now.

PH47: Do you really think so? We'll just see about that.

Bella: Oh? And another thing? Just how often am I going to get

PH47: Only every second Tuesday. Stop whining.

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14. Claustrophobic

A/N: Epic thanks to my beta, beate73 who held my hand and whipped
me gently to encourage my writing.

Thanks to everyone who checked in on me while you were waiting for
this update. It meant the world to know I was missed, thanks guys.
Special thanks to all my WC muses - bellasunderstudy1,
, wearingwords, annabanana, britpacksuccubus,
stavanger1, dandyvamp, beate73
and anyone I've missed. I would
never have been able to post this chapter without these ladies. Check
out their stories - they are exception writers as well as friends.

Don't forget to check out the links for this chapter - outfits, cars and
music have been added to my profile.

Special note: I took part in the Support Stacie Auction -
congratulations to JAustenlover who bid and won. Thanks to everyone
else who also bid to Support Stacie.

Things I don't own: Twilight; Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata mvt. 3

The Coven

Summary - Just starting out at Yale, Bella Swan is determined to shed
her normally cautious attitude and predictable ways to embrace
adventure and change. That is until she learns of an elite group hidden
within the walls of her new Ivy League home. Seduced by the unknown,
Bella finds herself caught up in the danger that is The Coven.

As I approached the doors to my building the rain became heavier,
obscuring my vision slightly in the downpour. Pushing open the big
door, I shook off most of the rain water. I didn't hear the footsteps
behind me. Nor the soft ruffle of clothes in movement.

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I did, however, feel a pinch in the side of my neck as something pierced
my skin and the stairwell went black.

Chapter 13


It was dark, cold and damp and I was scared. I felt blindly in front of me
and my hands connected with something cold and wet. My eyes started
to slowly adjust and I could see the stars above me. I was outside.

Holding my hands up in front of my face I could see that they looked

Where the fuck was I?

With my hands stretched out I took a tentative step forward. My hands
hit the same cold moisture as before. I turned and tried walking in the
other direction but ended up with the same results. I started to feel
claustrophobic and my breathing became ragged. With my fists
clenched at my sides I tried to tell myself I was going to be okay.

Still panicked, I wiped my hands on my shorts and suddenly felt my
iPhone in my pocket. Whipping it out, I used the light from the screen to
try and take in my surroundings. I saw that the walls around me were
dark. On closer inspection they looked a lot like mud. I loaded up the
maps application on my iPhone to try and identify my location. What I
discovered flipped my hysterical switch as I dropped my cell and tried to
claw at the walls.

You're too short, you can't reach.

I scrambled for my iPhone but my fingers brushed against something
else on the floor at my feet. Finally finding my cell I picked up the piece
of paper resting against my toes. There in the centre, was a single
typed line. Tears started to run down my face as I read what it said, and

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the enormity of my situation hit home.

I started to choke as bile and snot clogged my windpipe. Swallowing
hard I struggled to regain my composure.

Think Swan! Keep a level head and you'll work this out. What would
Charlie have you do?

I scrolled though my phonebook and dialed the only number I knew I
could. I didn't need Felix. I wanted my real friends. I had been such a

After five agonizingly long rings my call was answered.

"Hello?" Her voice sounded sleepy. I hadn't even thought to check the
time. I didn't honestly care; I needed to get help.

"Tori?" Despite my attempts to keep my voice even, I failed miserably.
"Tori, I need help!"

"Bella, it's two in the morning." She sounded a little more awake now.
"Can't this wait?" She sounded annoyed that I was choosing now to
return her call.

"No, I'm sorry. I know I didn't call. I'm...I'm s-sorry." I was sobbing hard
into the mouth piece. Any composure I had before was completely lost

"Christ Bella, what's wrong?" She tone became worried.

Worried is good!

"Your texts...I wasn't at home...someone attacked dorm...the
stairway -"

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"Fuck! Bella, calm down. You're not making any sense. Why are you
only just calling now?" She was pissed and confused. I needed to focus
and start making more sense but I just couldn't form the words. I heard
a voice in the background as Tori told James to go back to sleep. See,
they don't care anymore.

"I think I was drugged." I rubbed my stiff neck, searching for a tell tale
bruise. "I just woke up. There's a note here Tori." I was sniffling and the
tears in my eyes were making it harder to see the note.

"What does it say?" She was prompting me, only half interested. I knew
it must have been frustrating for her, like trying to get blood out of a
stone but I really did need the prompts. My brain had shut down and I
was struggling to read the line on the paper in my hand.

"It says, 'Have you ever been buried alive?'" I could barely catch my
breath. I knew I was starting to hyperventilate but I couldn't control it.

My words seemed to catch her attention. "What? Where are you?" I
could hear things being banged softly and tiny muffled noises on her
end of the line.

"I'm on Grove Street. Tori, I think I'm standing in an open grave." My
voice pitched and I knew I was my tone was higher than it should be.

She was silent for a beat before she spoke. "Are you sure?" All I could
do was sob in response.

"Bella?" Tori didn't even try to hide the alarm in her voice. I tried to stifle
more sobbing.

"Bella, you need to calm down. Okay? If you hyperventilate you might
pass out." The calm façade she was trying to convey was quickly

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As she kept me on the phone, I could hear voices and organized
whispers. Nothing significant. I couldn't focus.

"Try not to panic - we'll be there in less than ten minutes." Her voice
was breathless, like she was rushing.

Too late, panic has already set in.

Just before the line went dead I heard the rumble of a car engine. Once
we were disconnected there was only the sound of my rapid breathing.
Tori's right, you have to calm down, before you -

Before I could even finish talking myself off the ledge I passed out.

I had no idea how long I was out for but when I came to it was raining
heavily and there was no sign of Tori. I sat up and clutched my knees to
my chest. My wet shorts cut sharply into my thighs as my fitted tee, now
soaked with the rain, clung to my skin. My hair stuck to the sides of my
face and I felt the cold rain water trickling down my neck. I began
rocking myself slowly, searching eagerly for some form of comfort.

My heels were sinking in the mud and as I slipped them off my feet the
cold, wet earth under the newly exposed skin made me shudder. Heavy
sobs wrecked my body as I thought about how ridiculously I had
behaved over the past seventy-two hours.

Edward had called twice to explain, and I had ignored him. I'd even
chosen to go running when he said he'd drop by. Could your avoidance
issues be any more obvious?
Tori had called to make sure I was okay,
and I had ignored her too. My decision to spend time with V8 had
nothing to do with me or Edward and everything to do with the journal. I
had wanted answers and my curiosity had gotten the better of me. I
may have found my answers but at what cost? Would they ever forgive

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Instead of spending time with the people who had gone out of their way
to befriend me and help me, I had turned my back on them, and naively
fallen head first into the very den of sin they were protecting me from.

She's not coming.

You're here all alone.

And you deserve no less.

I was vaguely aware of voices in the distance but I couldn't speak. I was
still frightened and the more I rocked the quicker my breathing became.
My head started to feel light and my vision blurred. My head was sore
from the drugs and my throat felt scratchy and tight.


My heart rate quickened. No one but Tori knew where I was; I wasn't
expecting the male voice that filtered through the night.

Whoever put you in this hole could still be out there. They know you're

I heard a noise closer this time, and it was a moment before I realized
that it was coming from me. Little whimpers and more sobs escaped my
throat and my body started to shake uncontrollably.

"Bella? Answer us sweetheart, it's James." James? What's he doing
here? Did he do this to me?
My mind was racing a mile a minute and I
still couldn't speak.

"Bella please. Say something!" Tori's desperate voice cut through the
night and I let out a relieved whimper.

"I think I heard something. Over there!" James' voice rose slightly and a
hopeful sob passed my lips. They were coming for me, they were really

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here. They hadn't given up on me. I knew in that moment that I would
have to confess everything, but I didn't care. I was just too thankful that
they came.

"I've got her, she's over here." My head snapped up and as I looked up
through watery eyes, the face that had been haunting my dreams,
stared back at me.

He jumped down into the grave with me and pulled me tight to his chest.
The scruff on his chin scratching at my forehead. "Bella," he soothed.
"You're okay, baby. You're going to be okay." I cried into his chest and
fisted my hands into his wet t-shirt, as he rubbing comforting circles on
my back.


Four ninety, four ninety-one, four ninety-two, four ninety-three... I tried to
keep my breathing steady as I tucked my head into my knees,
tightening my abs as I curled my body. My skin was sticky with sweat
and my hair was stuck to my forehead. My pace faltered for a moment
as my bedroom door swung open.

"For fuck sake Edward, put a shirt on. And crunches? Seriously? Get
your shit together and call Bella. Fix your mess. Where's your cell?" She
didn't wait for an answer as she grabbed my cell and keyed in the
number before tossing it onto the bed.

Alice breezed out as quickly as she had come in, leaving me flat on my
back breathing hard after five hundred reps. She was right of course.
After last night, I needed to call Bella and I needed to take a shower. I
stood up and stretched out my muscles before they started cramping,
then reached for my cell. Quickly pressing send, I waited for it to
connect. It rang four times before I heard Bella's voice.

"Hi, I'm either on the other line or ignoring your call. If you choose to
leave me a message, please know I will probably never listen to it. Have

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a great day!"

I hesitated, thrown by her greeting. Should I leave a message? I
couldn't hang up - could I? No, I needed to fix things.

"Bella, please pick up. I need to talk to you. You don't...I need to
explain. Please call me." It was far from perfect. I wished I could have
been more, but at least Alice would be satisfied. I walked into the
bathroom and started the shower; running my hand over my jaw I
decided to forego shaving. Pushing my shorts from my hips, I stepped
out of them and into the shower.

Standing under the spray, as the hot water relaxed my body, my mind
drifted back to Saturday when Bella had stood in this same spot, wet
and sexy as hell. The swell of her breasts as her wet shirt stuck to her
skin, the curve of her hips in dark denim. I reached forward and pressed
my hands against the tiles for support, dropping my head between my
shoulders. Bella had been here. Naked, wet, and soapy. Her hands
running over her soft skin - down her breasts and between her thighs.

I groaned and closed my eyes, as my hand dropped from the tiles to my
hard cock. My fingers wrapped around my length and I gripped tight
skin stretched over iron. With the water acting as a rough lubricant, I
started thrusting my hips slowly and pumping my fist. My heartbeat
raced as the friction increased and another image of Bella flashed
behind my eyes. My fingers tangled in her damp hair, the smell of her
skin and the feel of her lips on mine.

I palmed the head of my shaft before sliding my hand from base to tip.
My strokes grew more frantic as I was overcome with the thought of
Bella standing in the shower with me. Her hands running across my
shoulders and down my chest, pausing to tease my nipples. Her mouth
and tongue following the trail left by her fingertips. Her nails scratching
over my stomach before she reached for my hard-on. Both her hands
wrapping around my length, squeezing gently as she moved them up
and down me.

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My head fell back and the spray hit my chest as I imagined Bella on her
knees in front of me. Her soft warm mouth taking the place of her of her
hands as her tongue tasted and teased. Her deep hums of approval as I
laced my fingers into her hair were enough to send me over the edge.
With two more rough pumps, I released a salty stream against the tiles
as I panted for breath.

Once my breathing had returned to normal, I showered quickly and
toweled myself dry. As I dressed in jeans and a t-shirt I was hit with a
sudden wave of guilt. I had no right to picture Bella intimately in any way
after I had let her run out of here last night.

"Fuck!" I yelled, as I smacked my palms against the closet doors, my
shoulders tense and my breathing ragged. I could be such as asshole.

Ten minutes later, having calmed myself minutely, I ate a quick lunch by
myself, and decided that my piano would help me unwind enough ready
for tonight's 'house meeting'. It was our first one, and I needed to be

Sitting at my bench, I ran though some scales, checking that the
instrument had been tuned since its arrival. I felt a smile tug at my lips
as my fingers moved over the keys. It had. The notes resonated with
flawless clarity. It was perfect. I knew it would be - mom had organized
its arrival. I began with one of her favorites, a piece I had written years
ago. I felt the familiar calm wash through my entire body. Ridding me of
my momentary guilt and anxiety; allowing the music to flow from my
heart without hindrance.

My family may be my constant, but I could always find myself in my
music and at my piano. It was my home.

Bella is your home now...

I tried to ignore the voice in my head as I closed my eyes and shifted to
the angrier notes of Beethoven's third movement of Moonlight Sonata.

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My hands moved swiftly over the ivory but as images played, like video,
behind my eyelids, my fingers faltered.

My wildest fantasy about Bella disrupted my concentration. The true
answer to my 'truth' question during last night's game, not the lie I had
told to avoid suspicion and accusation. Bella spread before me across
the smooth polished surface of my baby grand. Her legs hanging over
perfectly, allowing her toes to touch the keys at my fingertips. My hands
gliding up the satin skin of her calves, hooking under her knees and
sliding her towards me. Fingers ghosting across milky thighs as she
arches her back with desire and want.

My name whispered and moaned from her lips as I ease her panties
down her legs, then slowly begin kissing my way back up from her
delicate ankles to the juncture between her thighs. Smooth and wet,
begging to be licked...

"What the fuck man? That shit sounds fuck awful!" Emmett's voice from
the doorway pulled me out of my Bella inducted lustful haze. I hadn't
even realized I was still playing. I closed the lid louder than necessary
and scraped the bench back across the hardwood floor.

"I wasn't concentrating." I mumbled.

"I'll say," he scoffed, as he threw himself down along the length of one
of the couches. "Wanna talk about it?"

I sat across from him and put my bare feet up on the coffee table. "Not
really." I crossed my arms over my chest, closed my eyes and leaned
my head back against the couch. After a few minutes of silence,
Emmett's voice cut through the quiet.

"You can't fight it Edward."

Without moving, I sighed. "Can't fight what?"

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He laughed under his breath. "Bella Swan."

I opened one eye and craned my neck to look at him. My voice was
resigned as I spoke, "You know better than anyone how this works." I
closed my eye, blew out a long breath and settled back into my position.
Before Yale, Emmett had left his high school sweetheart with the
promise of trying a long distance relationship. He was here three days
when he met Rose. One heartbroken sweetheart and one discovered
soulmate later, he moved in here.

"Did it ever occur to you that Bella is your match? She found you too,
after all." He posed the question aloud.

I lifted my head and opened my eyes to look at him. "What if she's not?"
I countered. Of course I had thought about it. I'd hardly slept last night
for thinking about it. Isabella Swan was all I could think about.

"Do you really believe that?" Emmett's voice pulled my attention. "Think
about how you feel when you're with her. How you feel when you're not.
Before Rose...I had no idea." He shifted, sitting upright with his elbows
on his knees facing me. "It's electric. I come alive when she's with me.
It's like I'm not whole if she's not there." He gave me a knowing smile.
"You're deluding yourself, Edward. I can see it in your eyes. She's it
man. Bella's the one. Your one. Keep pushing her away and you'll feel
nothing but that loss."

Emmett's words hung in the air as he got up and left me to my thoughts.

Last night I had resolved to stay away from Bella. If Emmett was right
that would be the biggest mistake of my life. Alice's words echoed
through my head, "I love her too Edward." Did she know something I
didn't? I had always trusted her intuition in the past, why was now so

It's not. You're being stubborn and trying to fight against your father. But
at what cost?

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I ran my hands over my face and pushed my fingers back through my
hair. It was no use. Trying to stay away from Bella was like denying
oxygen to my lungs. I needed her. Damn the consequences.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Tori brought me the cloak I would
need later but as I fingered the fabric with trepidation I wondered what
the others would expect of me. We were all equals here. No one
individual was held in higher regard than any of the others, but as the
son of Carlisle Cullen, and his eldest child - by only seven minutes -
they would look to me for guidance.

I pulled a sweater over my head before slipping the cloak over my
shoulders. The walk was short and I longed for more time, but taking it
with Alice and Jasper would make things easier. After we all gathered,
the eleven of us walked from Harkness Tower to our sanctuary. The
moon was high and full, but clouds distorted most of the light as we
continued on in silence though the dark.


It had been two days. Two fucking days since she had run out on us.
Run out on me. And she couldn't return a damn phone call!

I was climbing the walls.

The 'house meeting' had turned out to be informative and interesting but
fairly uneventful. And although the idea of future meetings once we
were Twelve was stimulating it was doing little to distract me from my
memories of Bella.

I snatched my cell from beside the bed and tried calling her again.
Bella's voicemail reinforced the fact that she was avoiding my calls.
Frustrated, my tone was harsher than it should have been. "Bella. It's
Edward. If you don't call me back, then I'm coming to see you. You have
until noon tomorrow." A quiet knock on my door alerted me to Ben's
presence and I held up one finger to indicate I needed a minute. "We

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need to talk about what happened. You can't ignore all of us. You'll
need to go back to class sooner or later and when you do -"

My cell was suddenly ripped from my hand and snapped shut. "That'll
have her running back here in no time." Ben's sarcasm only served to
irritate me further. I declined his offer to toss a football and sulked back
down into my sheets.

It was at that moment I decided classes could fuck themselves. Monday
or not, I wasn't getting out of bed.

I was awoken on Tuesday morning by the sound of Alice thumping on
my bedroom door.

"Edward? Get out of bed!" Alice had done nothing but bark orders at me
since the weekend. She wasn't doing it all week too.

"Fuck off, Alice," I called back through the only obstacle keeping my
sister at bay.

The door swung open and Alice walked towards the bed. "You can't
spend all week avoiding everyone Edward. You stayed in bed
yesterday. It's not happening again today."

I glanced at the clock next to the bed. Nine forty-seven. I sighed and
rolled onto my back, pushing my hands into my hair. "She didn't call
back Alice."

"Of course she didn't. She's still hurting. But you can't mope in here, you
have classes to get to. There are only so many absences that dad can
amend before the faculty start to get suspicious." Her tone was matter
of fact and I knew she was right.

I groaned, grabbed the sheet and yanked it up over my head. "Fine,
give me thirty minutes."

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"You can have fifteen or I'll send Jasper and Ben up to get you. Oh, and
Edward?" She paused on her way out the door, "For the love of fuck,
shave your face. You look like a hobo." The door clicked closed behind
her and I contemplated her threat for a few seconds.

Less than fifteen minutes later, wearing a long sleeved t-shirt and jeans,
I was stood in the kitchen drinking coffee so strong it was starting to
make my tongue numb. Alice obviously knew I hadn't been sleeping.
Three large spoonfuls of coffee in the cappuccino maker was fairly
excessive - even for Alice - but as I checked my cell for messages I
found myself suppressing a smile. At least I would be able to stay

"Morning handsome." Jess bounced into the kitchen and grabbed my
chin, scratching her fingernails over the scruff. "I thought Alice was
going to tell you to shave?" She frowned in confusion. As nice as Jess
was, her and Mike really were perfect for each other.

"She did," I grumbled. "We just won't tell her that I didn't." Pulling my
chin free from her grasp I rinsed my mug and set it in the dishwasher.

"Like she won't know." She shook her head laughing. "You need a ride
to class?" Jess asked as she emptied the remnants of coffee from the
pot into her travel mug.

"No thanks. I need my car today, I need to go and see...a friend." I
caught myself in time before announcing my intentions to see Bella. An
intervention was the last thing I needed right now.

My music class progressed at a slow pace and by the time we were
dismissed, my palms were clammy and the caffeine soaring though my
system was making me nervous and twitchy as hell. As I focused my
vision on the doors at the end of the hallway, I felt a small tug on my
arm. Managing to suppress a groan, I looked down only to find a
slender arm linked through my own.

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"Hey Lover." Her syrupy voice cooed up at me.

As I tried to extract myself from her grip a frustrated sigh blew past my
lips. "Tanya, I'm not in the mood for your games today." She pouted at
me. "Or any other day, for that matter." I muttered under my breath.
Checking my watch, I realized I only had fifteen minutes to get to Bella's
dorm if I wanted to make it there for noon.

"Oh Eddie, don't be shy. Won't you come and play with me?" She
stopped in front of me, pouting and blocking my escape as she ran her
talon like fingers down my chest. Mistaking my shudder of repulsion for
a shiver of desire, she leaned in close and blew hot air across my neck.
"I'm free till two..."

Placing my hands on her shoulders I pushed her away, being firm but
being careful not to hurt her. "Tanya. I am not now, nor will I ever be,
interested in 'playing' with you." Understanding finally dawned in her
eyes as my words fell like little atom bombs on her previously deaf ears.
Moving past her before she could respond, I ran to my car and drove
quickly to Lawrance Hall.

Knocking the door, I was thankful to see there was no hair band on the
handle. The door swung open and I braced myself for the roommate
that Bella had described. However, the girl before me either wasn't
Lauren or I had misunderstood Bella. Her blonde hair was clipped back
off her face and she wore a simple sleeveless grey dress with black
print butterflies over the front. My eyes moved down her slight frame
and I saw she had accompanied the dress with white leggings and
chunky grey Doc. Martin boots. Her face was fresh without signs of
make-up, it was only then I noticed she had been crying.

"Are you okay?" I felt awkward as she stared up at me.

"Like you care?" She mumbled and I was unsure if I was supposed to
hear what she had said. "What do you want?" The blonde walked away
from the door but left it open as she retrieve a white leather jacket from

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one of the chairs.

Leaning against the door jamb, I hedged, "You must be Lauren," before
asking, "Is Bella home?"

She let out a bitter laugh and stalked towards me. "Why is everyone so
damn interested in Bella? No she's not here. She went for a run and
she'll be out all day."

I moved aside as she stepped into the hallway, then closed and locked
her door. "Could you please tell her that Edward stopped by?"

Her shoulders dropped and she sighed, "Sure why not?" It was
rhetorical so I offered no response. "Edward who?"

"Edward Cullen?" I stated, though it sounded more like a question.

Her head snapped round to face me and her eyes pierced my own as
she spoke, "As in, related to Alice Cullen?" Her voice was harsh and

"Yes, she's my sister." The hallway began to feel narrower as I shifted
from one foot to the other. Things were starting to feel uncomfortable
and the urge to leave quickly overwhelmed me.

Lauren threw her hands up in the air in exasperation and tossed her
head back as she yelled at the ceiling, "Of course! Why the fuck not?"
With that she stomped down the hallway and left me standing in front of
her door, more than a little confused. Maybe Bella wasn't so far off the
mark after all.

I spent the rest of the afternoon lying on my bed agonizing over why
Bella was making having a conversation so God damned difficult. Had I
really left her with such a poor impression? It had felt like she was
enjoying the kiss as much as me. Was the expression on my face really
that unsettling? I had questions only Bella could answer. My only

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problem was, that she wouldn't give me the time of day.

Light shifted from my window and gave way to darkness and rain, as my
thoughts turned to a foggy haze behind my heavy eyelids. I hadn't slept
properly in three days and my exhaustion was catching up with me.


"Cullen?" James stormed in though my bedroom door and threw on the
light switch. "Get dressed. Right now!" I squinted against the offending
glare as I watched him pull clothes from my closet.

"What the fuck, James?" Groaning, I glanced at the clock - a little after
two. What was so important that I had to get up right now?

"Get dressed," he hissed as he threw the clothes at me. "Bella's in

That was motivation enough.

I hastily pulled on jeans over my boxers and yanked the t-shirt over my
head, sliding my feet into my running shoes before I fled from the room.
Tori met me outside my door, her phone held to her ear as she pushed
me towards the stairs.

"If you hyperventilate you might pass out." I could hear panic in her
voice and I was desperate to find out what the hell was going on. James
was waiting for us both in the foyer.

He clasped his hand on my bicep and started pulling me out of the
house. "Bella's on Grove Street. She thinks she was drugged." His
voice was low and strained as he spoke.

"Drugged?" What the fuck was going on? "How the fuck did she end up
drugged?" I hissed at him as we moved towards his Mustang. I slipped
in the back as Tori took shotgun and James slid into the driver's seat.

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"Try not to panic - we'll be there in less than ten minutes." Tori's
breathing was fast and shallow. Concern and worry was etched onto the
profile of her face as she spoke. She snapped her phone closed just as
James gunned the engine and spun us out of the driveway, and onto
the empty street.

I opened my mouth to speak but James beat me to it. "Sweets, what's

"Bella thinks she's standing in an open grave." A growl tore through my
chest as she spoke. "She says she's on Grove Street so it's possible
but if she's been drugged, she could be anywhere."

White noise filled my ears as she continued talking to James. Who had
done this? Was it one of us? How long had Bella been out in the rain?
What had she been drugged with? Was she injured? Too many
questions and not enough damn answers.

Parking at the cemetery, the three of us ran from the car. The rain was
falling hard and the moon was hidden by clouds. Moving through the
grave stones, I could hear Tori and James calling out for Bella in the

"Bella? Answer us sweetheart, it's James." His voice carried on the

I was suddenly struck with the cold realization that whoever brought
Bella here could be watching us. You don't have time for that Cullen.
Your priority is to find Bella.

"Bella please. Say something!" Tori sounded like she was struggling not
to break down. I knew that Bella keeping her distance had been hard on
us all but Tori had been particularly upset. She truly valued Bella's

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Maybe there was something to the matching process after all. I couldn't
deny that not only was each partner compatible in every way, but the
group as a whole leaned on each others' strengths and supported each
others' weaknesses. We were a family, and in their own ways they had
welcomed Bella into our group and they had never questioned how right
or wrong it felt. I was an idiot. I had been so quick to want to try and
push her away. I knew now without a doubt that I would hold onto her
as tightly as I could and prove to her that she was all that mattered.

"I think I heard something. Over there!" James' raised voice pulled me
from my decision.

It was only then that I heard a whimpering noise to my left. Seven long
strides were all that separated me from Bella. I covered the ground
quickly, "I've got her, she's over here." Hesitating for a moment as her
eyes met mine, I saw the relief wash over her face as tears spilled down
her cheeks, mixing with the rain.

I jumped down into the grave with her and wrapped my arms around
her, pulling her into my chest. If she didn't want me, I would deal with
that later, but at that moment there was nothing more important than
letting Bella know that she was protected and she was safe. "Bella," I
whispered into her ear. "You're okay, baby. You're going to be okay."
Loud sobs broke from her chest as she gasped for breath and her
hands twisted into my t-shirt, clawing at me in an attempt to get closer.
While I waited for James and Tori to reach us, I continued my calming
whispers and rubbed soothing circles on her back.

Getting Bella out of the grave and into the car was difficult at best. Her
grip on me was unrelenting as I tried to pass her up to James. We
eventually succeeded and before long, Bella and I were nestled in the
back of the Mustang heading back to the house. I carried Bella up to my
room with Tori hot on my heels and took her straight into the bathroom.

Bella was still soaked and covered in mud, shivering from the cold. "I'll
get her warmed up, Edward. You go and dry off." Tori spoke as she

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turned on the shower. Bella's arms tightened around my neck and I
perched on the edge of the bath, sitting her on my lap.

"Baby, you're safe now. No one here will hurt you. Tori's going to look
after you and I'll be right outside." Her expression was heartbreaking.
She looked so lost and almost childlike as tears started to roll down her
cheeks again.

"Please don't leave me," she choked out.

"Bella, please don't cry, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere, I
promise. If you need me just shout and I'll come running. I'll never leave
you," I whispered into her hair over and over, holding her tight against
me one last time before I slid her from my lap and stood her in front of
me. Keeping one hand on her hip, I lifted myself from my perch and
smoothed my other hand over her cheek, cupping her jaw.

Bella took a shaky breath and closed her eyes. Pressing my lips to her
forehead, I allowed myself to linger for a moment before I pulled away. I
ran my hand across her shoulder and down her arm, reaching for her
hand as I stepped away. She gave my hand one firm squeeze before
she let go and I finally disappeared out the door, my chest constricting
with her quite sobs.

I pulled Bella's pajamas from the drawer I had stored them in and left
them on the bed for Tori. Before leaving, I grabbed a wife beater and
some sleep pants for me and made my way to the communal bathroom
across the hall. I needed to dry off and calm down. When I got
downstairs to the den, the rest of the guys stood with James as he
explained what had happened to Bella.

Unable to help myself, rage took over. "Which one of you is responsible
for this?" I glared at each of them in turn.

Jasper and Emmett shock their heads fiercely as Ben held his hands up
in defense. Mike wore his usual look of confusion and James' features

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became angry.

"Don't you fucking dare! I was right there with you man. We pulled her
out of that hole together," James seethed at me.

Emmett turned next. "You know how we all feel about Bella. We would
never do anything to hurt her or put her in danger."

I slumped down onto the couch in defeat. Jasper sat next to me, placing
his hand on my shoulder in comfort. They were right, of course. I knew
they would never harm her. They all knew what she meant to me. It was
only me who had been oblivious. That only left one group on campus
with the resources and the audacity to even touch Bella. And I was
going to fucking kill them.

"Edward, go to her. She needs you," Jasper prompted. I could only nod.
"We'll be here for you both in the morning."

Moving back through the house, I hesitated outside my room. I had no
idea what to expect. No idea what Bella expected from me. I knocked
lightly on the door and was greeted by Tori. "She's ready, Edward." She
kissed my cheek and whispered goodnight, leaving me alone with Bella.

Bella was sitting on the edge of the bed in her tank top and shorts, her
eyes glazed as she stared at the wall with her hands twisting in her lap.
I walked to her and gently pulled her from the bed. Pulling the coverlet
back, I encouraged Bella to lie between the sheets.

"You're safe now Bella. I'll be right over here." I gestured to the couch
against the wall. I didn't want her waking up scared and disorientated.
Tucking the sheets around her neck, I reached for the light but was
stopped as her hand darted out and grabbed mine.

"Please, Edward?" She whispered. "Stay with me?" She pulled at the
sheets and moved over, making room for me to lie beside her. I was
torn. I wanted nothing more than to crawl in next to her and wrap my

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arms around her body, to keep her safe from nightmares and anything
else that wanted to hurt her. But I didn't want to take advantage of her

"Bella, I -"

"Please, I need you." That was all it took. Four little words. I turned off
the light and climbed in next to her. She moved closer and I slipped my
arm under her head as she draped her arm across my chest, her hand
resting over my heart. A soft sigh of contentment filtered through the
darkness, and as her breathing evened out, signaling sleep, I heard
what sounded like, "I'm sorry, Edward. For everything."

Sleep claimed me quickly as the smell of Bella comforted and relaxed
me. I didn't know what tomorrow would bring but Bella was here now
and although tonight's incident disgusted me, I couldn't deny that it felt
right to have her here in my arms again.

A/N: Thanks to il_suo_cantana (wearingwords) for Bella's
voicemail message - Loved it, bb. Edward would also like to thank
echoesattwilight for her help in the shower ;)

Also check out my one shot Green Eyes - I'm turning this into a multi
chapter story :-) And I am participating in The Twilight Twenty-Five as
well. All listed on my profile.

Sorry this chapter was a little shorter than planned, RL and writers block
have made it difficult. I'm not giving up on this story, I will finish it. I'll try
and post again soon. Don't forget to click the green button, I'd love to
hear what you think and I cherish every review.

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15. Inexplicably Tied

A/N: Epic thanks to my beta, beate73. Her patience, support,
corrections and suggestions helped make this chapter what it is.

Sorry for the long A/N's please read them, they're important.

Sorry this update took so long. I was also working on my Support
Stacy Author Auction
piece, which was generously won by
JAustenLover. She is graciously sharing this dedicated one shot and
allowing me to post it on my profile, so if you don't have me on author
alert, click the button at the bottom to receive the notice once it's up.

I've also stared beta'ing a new fic - No Place Like Home by
tellingmelies. Playboy Edward's on the road to self discovery, while a
feisty snarky Bella keeps him on his toes. This fic is packed full of funny
and sweet moments and the UST is off the chain. Show her some love
and tell her Covenward sent you.

Don't forget to check out the links for this chapter - outfits, cars and
music have been added to my profile.

Things I don't own: Twilight; Lay Lady Lay by Magnet, feat.
Gemma Hayes; Come on Closer by Jem

The Coven

Summary - Just starting out at Yale, Bella Swan is determined to shed
her normally cautious attitude and predictable ways to embrace
adventure and change. That is until she learns of an elite group hidden
within the walls of her new Ivy League home. Seduced by the unknown,
Bella finds herself caught up in the danger that is The Coven.

Sleep claimed me quickly as the smell of Bella comforted and relaxed
me. I didn't know what tomorrow would bring but Bella was here now

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and although tonight's incident disgusted me, I couldn't deny that it felt
right to have her here in my arms again.

Chapter 14: Inexplicably Tied


I woke with a start. Nightmare flashes of needle sticks, rain and walls of
mud flashing behind my eyelids. As my eyes opened, I was met with a
sea of rich blue and deep chocolate brown, finding myself in a room that
was not my own. Two strong arms held me tight and warm breath
ghosted over my bare shoulder.

Instinctively I froze and momentary panic set in before I remembered
where I was and who was lying behind me. Holding my breath, I
carefully lifted Edward's arm and slid out from under him. His fingertips
grazed my back as he reached for me in his sleep and it took all my
strength not to climb back into his bed and curl up beside him.

I found my iPhone on the leather bench at the end of the bed, along
with yesterday's clothes - cleaned and dried. Checking the time, I saw it
was a little after eleven. There was no way I was going to be able to
sneak past a house full of people, and although my truck was still
outside, I had no idea where my keys were.

I needed to leave. I couldn't be here when Edward woke up. He hadn't
seemed angry last night but in the harsh light of day, who knew what
might be different.

Picking up my clothes, I turned and headed for the en-suite.

"Bella?" Edward's confused and sleepy voice stopped me in my tracks.
What would come first? Our kiss? The grave last night? Me begging him
to stay? Turning slowly, I focused on the empty side of the bed,
avoiding his eyes.

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"Bella? Please look at me. Stop hiding from me." I winced slightly at the
hurt in his tone and shifted my eyes to his. He held my gaze and my
shoulders instantly relaxed. Encompassed by an aura of serenity, I
suddenly felt like I was finally home. Edward's face softened as he
pulled back the duvet in silent offering.

I hesitated for all of three seconds before dropping my clothes back on
the bench, realizing that there was nowhere else I would rather be. I
crawled back up the bed and into his waiting arms.

"I didn't mean to hide," I whispered into his chest. "I just didn't know
what to say." I tried in vain to relax my tense muscles as I lay next to
him. Being here felt right, but was it right? I hardly knew Edward, and
yet it felt like I had known him for centuries.

He pressed his lips to my forehead and his kiss lingered before I felt his
mouth move against my skin as he spoke. "You're here now, that's all
that matters," he sighed into me.

Edward kept one hand spread between my shoulder blades, holding me
close, while his other hand blazed a trail of fire down my spine. We lay
in silence for over an hour. I was comforted by the fact that his touch
still elicited that reaction from me. A reaction that had been absent
during my time with Felix and the rest of V8. No matter how much I had
tried to push Edward out of my thoughts he had still bled through into

I had even gone out of my way to avoid him, but he had in turn, gone
out of his way to find me. It was then that I knew I needed to be honest
and tell him about the last twenty-four hours. With one final deep breath
and my senses filled with the scent of Edward, I knew it was time to
explain my most recent mistakes.

Lying propped against the headboard in Edward's arms, with my back
to his chest, he listened to how I had avoided him at noon yesterday by
going running instead. His despondent sigh fell like a heavy weight

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crushing my chest, but as my tears threatened to fall he squeezed my
shoulders and I knew I had to get everything out and start a fresh. Tears
would not be helpful, but my honesty would be invaluable.

Continuing on, I covered my encounter with Bree at the library, and her
inclusion of me when she took me home. Edward's back stiffened, but
his voice was soft and calm as he prompted, "Bella? Is there something
more you want to tell me?"

If I was committed to telling the truth, I would have to tell him about the
poker game and spin the bottle. But I needed some answers myself

"Edward? If I ask you something, will you be honest with me?" I needed
to know that we were both on equal footing.

He hesitated a moment as if he were carefully choosing his words. "Of
course. I will always try and be honest with you."

"On Saturday you were going to veto your dare, why?" I ventured,
keeping my eyes focused on the crystal light fitting overhead. The
muscles in Edward's arms flexed as his grip tightened around me
momentarily before relaxing again.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, running his fingers up and
down my arm. Goose bumps broke out across my skin and I managed
to suppress the low hum building in my throat. "I didn't want you to be
uncomfortable and I didn't want you to have to do something you didn't
want to do."

I twisted to look up at him as he spoke his last words. With trepidation I
asked, "Did you?" My heart began to race as I dreaded hearing his
answer. His brow knitted together in slight confusion. "Did you want to
kiss me?" I clarified. My eyes were locked with his and I couldn't move
as I waited for him to speak.

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For the first time, I noticed Edward's green eyes were flecked and
dusted with the warmest gold. His body moved with mine and his hand
slid along my arm and shoulder to gently cup the side of my face and
neck. His thumb brushed across my cheek as he inched his face closer
to mine.

"Bella you have no idea. Wanted to. Needed to," he murmured almost
incoherently as his lips grazed my cheek. His breath was hot against my
skin and my own caught in my throat as I processed what Edward had
said. He wanted me. "Bella, it's always been you."

I closed my eyes, my emotions warring under the surface. Nothing felt
more right than Edward's arms around me, but at the same time I felt
like things were spinning out of my control. My breathing became more
labored as I struggled with the weight of his declarations. I knew I had
been trying to tell Edward something, but my thoughts were hazy and all
I could focus on was how close Edward was and how good he smelled.

V8! Illicit kisses, betrayal and irresponsible behavior.

Before I could even open my eyes, I felt the bed shift minutely and my
breath hitched as Edward's lips pressed softly against mine. With one
hand cradling the back of my head, his other arm maneuvered us both,
laying me flat on the bed as he pressed the warmth of his body against
my own.

Allowing myself a few minutes of the closeness that came from
Edward's embrace, I surrendered to him and the way his lips felt
massaging my own. My need for Edward was clawing at my chest and
although I had wrapped my arms tightly around him, I felt as though I
couldn't get close enough.

As our kiss intensified, I became light-headed with the taste of him on
my tongue. It was only then that I realized our legs had become
entangled beneath the duvet. My heart was racing and I knew I had to
stop this and continue explaining what had happened, but I didn't want

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to stop. I didn't know if I could stop.

Edward trailed kisses down my neck and along my collarbone,
skimming his fingertips across the same path on the other side. Our first
kiss had been electric, but it was nothing compared to the heat that was
flowing through my body as he touched my skin.

Reluctantly, I pulled away slowly. We needed to talk before things
became too heated between us. What I still had to tell him could change
everything. The fear of Edward pulling away over what I had to tell him
was unexpected. Irrational even. How could I be so attached to him
already? I had never felt so connected to or this safe with anyone
before. It was like he was the missing piece of me I'd never known I
needed. That was the thought that scared me more than anything else.

"Edward," I struggled to speak while he only made things more difficult.
His hand brushed down my side and rested on my hip, allowing him to
pull me closer again. "I need to tell you..." His tongue traced the shell of
my ear as I tried to finish my sentence.

"Whatever it is, it can wait Bella." His voice was strained and husky.

I needed this to stop. For now. I summoned the last of my resolve and
slid my hands down to his chest, pushing against him. "Edward, I have
to say this now." It was hard to pull away from Edward's arms, but I had
to do it. I had made such a mess of everything else so far; I wanted to
do this one thing right.

"You have to understand. I didn't think you wanted me." He opened his
mouth to speak but I cut him off. "I need to get this out without
interruptions, please?" He succumbed, nodding his head.

I pushed myself forward, confessing everything about the game of strip
poker followed by spin the bottle. The more I revealed, the darker his
eyes became. Taking my clothes off for strangers; drinking cocktails
made by untrustworthy foes, all the while hoping to obtain the answers I

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so desperately sought. While I spoke, I could see his jaw muscles
clench as he gritted his teeth, causing a light sweat to break out across
the back of my neck.

"I had questions I needed answers to, and foolishly I thought that would
be the easiest way to get them. I didn't know what I was walking into. It
just happened. You have to believe me," I pleaded. In hindsight I knew
my reasons were weak. This definitely wasn't going well.

"Could you have left at any time?" His voice was tense as he tried to
quell his anger.

And there it was - the question I had hoped to avoid. Felix hadn't held
me against my will; in fact he had been a gracious host. It was only my
own curiosity keeping me in the company of him and his friends.

I dropped my eyes from Edward's. "Yes. I could have left." The shame I
felt was clear as I whispered my response.

Edward unwrapped himself from me completely and I immediately felt
the loss. My body started to feel cold and my skin no longer hummed as
intensely with his current. He rolled on to his back and covered his eyes
with his arms. His chest heaved with anger and his breath fell heavily
from his mouth.

He said nothing.

He can't even look at you right now. What have you done?

I quickly wiped at my face, removing the silent tears coursing down my
cheeks. I had been right. I had changed everything. I had held him in
my arms for less than twelve hours, but my soul felt marked and I knew
I would be his eternally - whether he wanted me or not.

Not wanting to hear Edward ask me to leave, I quietly slipped from the
bed and began gathering my things.

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He didn't move.

A gurgled sob passed my lips before I could catch it in my throat. The
sound caused Edward to sit bolt upright, obviously not expecting a
noise from the foot of his bed.

"Where are you going?" His voice was razor sharp and I recoiled as if
his words had cut me. I could only shake my head at him as I took a
shaky step towards his bedroom door. "I'm not letting you run out again,
Bella." My step faltered, as movement across the floor drew my
attention, just before Edward pulled me into his arms.

"I didn't think you wanted me," I repeated from earlier. "It was different
with them. There was desire and want, but it was all take. It wasn't the
same." I rambled into his chest. "I didn't mean to hurt you or make you

Edward moved to put my things back on the leather bench, cradling my
jaw with both hands as he returned to face me. "I'm not angry Bella. A
little hurt - yes, but it's me who should be sorry," he whispered
remorsefully. "You ran from here and right into their waiting arms. I
should have been clearer with my intentions, I should have told you how
I felt." He pressed his forehead to mine, "Forgive me, Bella?"

There was nothing to forgive. Here I was, confessing my foolish
behavior, and he wanted my forgiveness. "You have nothing to
apologize for, Edward. It was a miscommunication, that's all. No more
looking back, okay? Just promise me we'll always be open and honest
with each other?"

His eyes flashed with momentary sorrow, that I didn't understand,
before he spoke. "Bella, I..." He swallowed thickly. "I will always be
honest about my feelings for you. Never forget that, okay?"

I nodded my head and my skin prickled at the intensity of his
expression, but I couldn't help but wonder at his choice of words. Why

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would he think I would question his feeling for me?

Before I could dwell on it any further, his lips claimed mine and he
moved us back into bed.

I spent the rest of the day laying against Edward, as his body heat
radiated through my back. His arm locked securely over my hip and his
fingers splayed out over the exposed skin of my stomach. With my head
buried in the pillow, Edward's scent swam around me, making me light
headed. I didn't know what was in store for us, or if this was even real.
But I did know that I would take what he offered, and give myself to him
in return. And if this was a dream, I never wanted to wake up.


Edward insisted that I stay with him and the others until they could
figure out who had drugged me. In all honestly I was relieved. I didn't
want to be by myself and the thought of going back into my dorm so
soon terrified me. James and Tori drove to Lawrance Hall and packed
up a few of my things - clothes, books, and my laptop. My only request
was an old shoe box at the bottom of my closet. Of course, I lied.
Personal family mementos and trinkets I couldn't live without were a far
cry from the true contents of the box, but I couldn't risk their curiosity.

I knew they wouldn't pry into something so personal as memories and
keepsakes. In truth, I possessed no such thing. And while honesty was
very important to me, my small fabrication was not harmful to anyone.

With my belongings stored in Edward's room, I was encouraged to treat
the house as if it were my own. Edward gave me free use of his space,
even arranging my toiletries on the vanity in the bathroom, rather than
hiding them away. It was almost as if he relished seeing them there.

Over the next three days I never left the house, calling in sick to class,
for swim practice and for my shifts at the hospital. But I never spent a
minute alone. When Edward had a class, one of the other housemates

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stayed with me. It was awkward at first as I knew some of them better
than I knew others, but as time went on, I became more and more

Rose wasn't as cold as she outwardly appeared. She was actually quite
friendly when she lowered her defenses. Alice explained that as an only
child, Rose was raised by her nanny and barely knew her parents.
Keeping people at a distance was her way of protecting her heart.
Emmett was good for her. He was warm and protective, but not just of

He and Jasper were the centurions of the house. Both equally
protective and caring of everyone around them. I couldn't help but feel
safe in Emmett's company and although he was seldom serious and
often playful, it was clear to me that he would put himself between me
and harm's way, should he have to.

Alice and Jasper kept me company together. I helped Alice prepare
dinner in the evenings while Jasper prompted me to talk about what had
happened at the cemetery. And although I was still uncomfortable
reliving the events, I always maintained an uncharacteristic sense of
tranquility, as I rehashed my memories of that night. Jasper was also
good enough to complete our photography project on my behalf,
including my essay, ensuring it was handed in on time.

Tori forgave my avoidance of her and seemed genuinely pleased that I
had called on her for help, rather than anyone else. Edward had briefly
informed the others of my indiscretions, although had neglected to
share the details. Suffice to say they knew I had spent the day with Felix
and his 'crew', and were all as equally relieved that I chose to call Tori
over Felix.

James kept his distance, letting me have my own personal space. We
had only been alone together for one hour and while I knew he was in
the house, he had stayed in his room. When I had asked Edward about
it, his only reply was, "It's not you Bella, it's me. I said something I

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shouldn't have. I'll talk to him." That was the last we had spoken about

Angela was sassy and her sharp wit really was comically affectionate.
She seemed closest to Rose out of all the housemates and I felt a little
pang of jealously at the fact that although I had made some fantastic
friends, I didn't really have a go-to girlfriend. Ben was quite and
reserved, but when he did speak, his words were often profound and
intense. It was easy to see that he worshipped Angela and although
they weren't openly affectionate, they still shared quiet intimate
moments that often made me feel like I was intruding.

Mike and Jess were crazy together. If I hadn't know Jess as well as I
did, I might consider her as asinine as Lauren. But she was sweet and
was just as academic as she was silly. Mike could easily be mistaken
for the stereotypical 'dumb jock', and while this wasn't completely
unfounded his loyalty to Jess and his friends made him a valuable
member of the group.

I discovered that while each couple in the house, with the exception of
Alice and Jasper, hadn't been together long - they were all perfect for
each other. They moved and lived in perfect harmonized
synchronization, countering each other in tasks and activities. The
whole essence of the house seemed surreal, as if a fluid aura of
devotion and respect worked its way through and around the couples.

It was entrancing to watch. The same captivating magnetic pull that
drew me to Edward was unmistakably present for the other couples too.

As I lived under their roof, the irony wasn't lost on me that we were a
group of twelve. Could this possibly be the group I so desperately
wanted to know more about? Stranger still, the more time I spent in their
company the less I cared to press the matter.

They welcomed me, without expectation and gave of themselves
willingly. Each one putting my needs before their own. Undeniably, my

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strongest connection was with Edward. But, I felt like I was linked to the
others too. Like they were family. I truly felt like I was becoming part of
something bigger.

I knew that given the choice, there was nowhere else I would rather be.
The next time I saw Felix, I would tell him my answer was no. I would
not be joining them.


"You don't have to do this Bella," Tori insisted.

"Yes I do. You guys will be there. How bad can it be?" I cringed
internally at my question. I had told Edward the exact same thing when
he insisted that I give tonight a miss. In reality, I had lived the last three
days in a bubble, protected and sheltered from normal college life. The
thought of venturing into another frat party made me feel sick, but it was
Friday night and we had a project to work on.

"Tori's right, Bella. We can get the footage without you being there."
Jess placed her hand on my shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.

I shook my head vehemently. They had all been there for me when I
had needed them. I was committed to this project and I wasn't about to
let them down. "We both need to be there to watch out for your drunken
ass Jess." I joked, trying to lighten the situation. "What is the party
theme? And where is my outfit?" The three of us were sat in Jess' room
and as Tori handed me a bag with my attire for the evening, I felt the
knots in my stomach tighten.

"It's 'Fantasy Night' at Sigma Phi Epsilon." Tori spoke as I started to pull
my outfit from the bag. "We got the clothes on Saturday morning Bella, know. Then we just assumed you wouldn't want to
come." Her tone was apologetic and soft as I looked at the tight pink
cropped sweater with coordinating dark green and pink plaid mini skirt.
Lacy boy shorts and a matching bra in dark green, along with black fish

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net lace tops sat at the bottom of the bag and despite the fact they
would cover most of my legs, I knew I was still going to feel partially
dressed. I noticed a pair of pink fuck-me heels with strawberry detailing
sitting next to the bed, and knew they were for me too. Slutty school girl
it is then.

My palms began to feel clammy but my skin chilled and I couldn't
suppress the shiver that rolling through my body. Swallowing hard and
exhaling slowly, I steeled myself for the night ahead. "Let's get ready
then shall we?" I forced a smile and took my clothes to Edward's room
to change.

Thirty minutes later we were on our way to the party. All of our outfits
were similar. Jess was in red and black, though her heels were higher
than mine and at least her stomach was covered. Tori was wearing a
punky little yellow and black skirt but kept her top and shoes simple in
plain black. We had all decided to avoid the stereotypical pigtails,
choosing instead to leave our hair down. The house was empty when
we left, which was probably just as well. I didn't want to think about what
the guys would have said if they had seen what we were wearing.

I knew Edward was at the library studying, though he had promised to
be home before I was this evening. Alice had mentioned that her and
Jazz were going out for dinner, but I didn't know where anyone else was

By the time we got to the party, it was already in full swing. Furniture
had been pushed against walls, and two kegs stood in the middle of the
busy sitting room. One of the frat Brothers was enjoying a funnel while
being suspended from his ankles as several sorority Sisters, dressed as
playmates in corsets and garter belts, stood cheering and clapping.

I tugged at the edge of my skirt, wishing for a few more inches of the
wretched fabric. "We're gonna do a lap. Are you coming?" Tori yelled
over the music.

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I shook my head and pointed in the direct of the quieter kitchen. Maybe
I could hide out in there. Moving carefully through the crowd, I reached
the kitchen and filled a clean glass with water. I took a long drink before
my shaking hands forced me to put the glass down. I wiped my clammy
hands on my skirt and took a deep focusing breath.

Two strong thick arms appeared at either side of me, caging me and
pinned me to the counter. My chest tightened and my muscles tensed.
My body completely froze.

"Hey Sweet Cheeks, gimme some sugar." His unfamiliar voice was
hoarse and slurred. The stale stench of beer assaulted my senses and I
started to shake violently as I saw his hand move from the counter top.
Almost immediately, I felt his fingers graze the exposed skin, on the
outside of my thigh, above my lace tops.

Bile rose in my throat and hit the surface of the counter before I could
stop it. The body behind me backed away, huffing in disgust, and I
wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. I swiftly fled from the
kitchen, locking myself in the pantry. Breathing hard, I leaned back
against the door and slowly sank to the floor.

"Hey, there's some chick losing her shit in there! She just started going
fucking crazy." Voices started carrying through the door and I pulled my
knees up to my chest, closing my eyes tightly.

"Hey, open the fucking door!" The loud voice was accompanied with a
pounding on the door as vibrations shot through my back.

"Please, leave me alone," I whimpered, hoping they would hear, and do
just that.

"Someone get the key to unlock this bitch." Another voice yelled.

Tears spilled over my cheeks as I sobbed quietly. I wanted Edward. He
would make it all go away. Everything would be okay, if only he were

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"Back the fuck off asshole!" Tori's voice rang loud and clear over the
deeper voices. "Bella?" Her voice was softer as she called to me
through the barricade.

"Tori?" I choked out.

"It's just me and Jess, honey. Everyone else had gone back to the
party. Can you come out for me?" she coaxed.

I knew I couldn't go out there. Not if it was just the three of us. "Edward.
I need Edward." My breathing was labored and I struggled to keep it
under control. A part of me knew I was overreacting, but irrational Bella
was in charge right now and she wasn't seeing sense.

"I'll call him." Jess' voice was low and I wasn't sure if I was meant to
have heard or not. A few minutes passed and a string of soft expletives
fell from Jess's mouth. "He's not picking up. It's going straight to

I dropped to my side and pressed my heated face to the cool floor tiles.
Deep breaths, Bella. He'll come for you.

The hiss of Tori's voice caught my ears. "Edward, we need you. Bella
needs you. She's having a panic attack and she's locked herself in the
pantry. We can't get to her - Christ! Where the fuck are you?" I heard
her phone snap violently shut.

My palms were pressed hard into the tiles on either side of my head, my
fingernails pressing against the smooth surface. My arms were flush to
the floor, my torso twisted at my hips as I lay in the darkness, my tears
running silently across my face. I stared through the obscurity of my
watery eyes - unfocused and unblinking. My mind was void of all
thoughts, bar one. I had to have faith that Edward would do anything in
his power to get to me.

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"He's on his way." Tori's voice broke through the haze and fog that had
settled in my head and I felt my body relax minutely. He was coming for
me. He would be here soon. Unaware of how long I had been laying
there, all I heard were Tori and Jess' soothing voices as they spoke to
me from behind the door.

I was startled suddenly by shuffling and scratching from their side of the
door, followed by a deep male voice.

"Lil' B? It's Emmett. Let me in honey." His voice was tender but urgent.

I felt a sense of calm sweep through me at the warmth in his voice.
"Where's Edward?" I managed to choke out.

"He's on his way back from the library, Bella. He's gonna meet us back
at the house." A hint of regret lingered in his tone and I immediately felt
guilty for not being more grateful for his arrival.

"He should have come himself," Tori huffed, and a teary giggle burst
softly past my lips.

"His cell had no service at the library, I called him on my way here - he
was already heading home. Cut him some slack, would ya?" Emmett's
voice was more muffled and I imagined him slightly hunched away from
the door as he explained Edward's absence.

I pushed myself up from the floor, curling my legs underneath me as I
sat upright. My throat was sore from being sick and burned with residual
acid each time I swallowed. Saliva caught in the back of my throat and
caused me to gag. Coughing into the back of my hand, I heard banging
start against the door once more.

"Bella. Unlock this door, or I'll break it down." Emmett's voice was hard
with concern. He was panicked, not angry.

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Raising myself to my knees I unlocked the door and sank back on to my
ankles. The door opened slowly and as Emmett's large frame filled the
space, I let out a relieved sob. "Oh, Emmett. I'm such an idiot." Fresh
tears started spilling down my cheeks as I realized how ridiculous I had
been. If we had just left, I could have been back at the house by now.

Emmett crouched down in front of me and squeezed my shoulder.
"Come on, let's get you home," he soothed.

I made to stand up but was swept up against Emmett's chest as he
lifted me from the floor. With one arm secured behind my knees and the
other tight across my back, he carried me through the house and out to
his Porsche, with Tori and Jess hot on his heels.

A gentle rain had started to fall while we had been inside the house and
as Emmett buckled me into the passenger seat next to him for the drive
home, I gave an involuntary shiver. Beads of water sat in my hair and
on my bare arms and while passing headlights danced over the
raindrops on the glass, I stared unfocused out of the side window. I felt
the car slow and turn off into the drive and it was only then that I
became more alert.

I unclipped my seatbelt as soon as the car stopped. Swinging the door
open, I took a moment to fill my lungs with the damp air. The other
doors slammed shut and I pivoted in my seat ready to jump down,
letting my legs hang out of the car. That was when I felt him. The
soothing hum that began vibrating under my skin causing my body to
become almost lethargic and still.

"Bella!" A slow intense burn started in my stomach and spread through
my body as I heard the relief in Edward's voice. He rounded the car
door and reached for me, sliding his hands from my knees up to the
exposed skin on my thighs. My head fell back and the air crackled and
popped around us, dispelling any unease I had previously felt during the
evening. A breathy moan passed my lips as I felt his fingertips brush
over my flesh.

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"Bella..." His voice was gravely and low and as I lowered my head to
lock my eyes with Edward, my breath caught in my throat. He gazed
into my eyes intently, like a hunter watching its pray. Edward's eyes had
narrowed and darkened, becoming almost black, while his lips curled up
at one side into a sexy smirk. The atmosphere sizzling between us was
starting to suffocate me and I struggled to draw a breath.

Movement out of the corner of my eye defused the effect Edward had
over me infitismally, as Emmett cleared his throat. "Are you guys
coming inside or what?"

"Yeah, we're coming," Edward replied, his eyes still fixed on mine. He
took a small step closer to me and wrapped one arm around my lower
back, trailing the other along my left leg and hooking it over his hip. He
lifted me gently from the car, holding me tightly against his body.

"I'm okay Edward. I can walk," I whispered against his ear. But even as
I spoke, my body betrayed my words. I hooked my right leg over his
other hip and locked my ankles together at his lower back. I felt him
adjust his arms so that one supported my weight, while the other ran up
my back to rub soothingly against my neck.

"Thanks for going for her, Emmett." Edward's words vibrated through
his chest and abdomen, hitting me right between my thighs. I gripped
the back of his shirt and tightened my legs around him, whimpering into
his neck. The insane attraction I felt for him was overriding everything
else. Logically, I knew that I should have been freaking out about what
had just happened at the party, but now that I was away from there and
safe in Edward's arms, my brain shut off the self preservation needed to
protect myself. I wanted nothing more than to be absorbed and
consumed by the man who was cradling me protectively against his

I had already tried to reason that my body knew Edward, but it was
deeper than that. I tried to remember how things with Charlie and
Renee had been, but four years was a long time to forget. Again, my

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thoughts were pulled back to Alice and what she had said about her
connection to Jasper. Maybe she could help me try and find some sort
of equilibrium when it came to Edward.

"Sure man, no problem. You'd have done the same for me." Edward
only nodded in response.

"We're going to bed, goodnight." Edward's body quivered against mine
as he spoke, and the slow burn in my stomach resurfaced as I closed
my eyes and pressed my face into his neck.

Within a few minutes he was striding thought the house and up the
stairs, carrying me as if I weighed nothing. I licked my dry lips and as I
did, my tongue ghosted across his skin.

"Bella..." It sounded like he meant it as a warning, but his tone was
needy and desperate. His stride faltered and the hand on my neck
moved to my lower back. A flash of fire coursed through my body at the
skin on skin contact and I let my teeth graze over his neck.

We entered his bedroom and he kicked the door closed behind us, the
click of the lock resounding in my ears. Turning quickly, he pinned me
against the door, his chest heaving causing the fabric on my sweater to
tease my already erect nipples. Lifting my head to meet his eyes, I
whimpered at the lust I saw there. Suddenly needing to touch him, I
twisted my fingers into the hair at the back of his neck. He hissed as I
tugged gently on the silky strands.

"Are you deliberately trying to provoke me?" Edward rasped, as he
moved his hands to slowly run up the outsides of my thighs. He abruptly
stopped as his fingers slipped under the hem of my skirt, a look of
fighting restraint flickering over his features.

Was he kidding me with this shit? Was I provoking him?

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Between the heat of his body on mine and the warmth of his breath on
my neck, I was about ready to combust. My back arched against the
wood as I tried to get closer to him. His presence both calmed and
excited me, while my mind and body warred against each other.

You're rushing things. Some semblance of rational thought was trying to
fight its way to the surface, but it was waging a losing battle.

His hands and mouth on your skin could not feel more right. My body
reacted to Edward of its own volition, like a magnet pulled due north,
there was no denying it.

"Maybe I am," I teased.

"Don't start something you can't finish Bella." Edward's breath was hot
on my skin as he dipped his head and ran his tongue along my

"Who said I couldn't finish it?" My whisper was seductive, and for a brief
moment I wondered where this new flirtatious side had sprung from.

Edward lay a trail of open mouthed kisses up my throat and along my
jaw, pausing briefly to try and get some answers. "What happened
tonight?" His voice never louder than a throaty whisper. I shook my
head not wanting to talk about it, only wanting to enjoy this moment.

"Not now," my frustration clear in my voice.

"Tell me Bella, I need to know," he insisted as his hands moved around
to the backs of my legs. His fingers pressed into the flesh at the top of
my thighs as his thumbs brushed across the lace covering my ass. I
unlocked my ankles and let my legs fall, trapping his hands between me
and the door. Slowly, I slid down him until my feet reached the floor,
relishing every inch of his toned body. A warning growl sounded in
Edward's chest as my exposed stomach brushed against his obvious

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"I overreacted." I scratched my nails down his chest before slipping
them under his shirt. Edward's abdominal muscles flexed as my fingers
ran over his stomach and moved towards his hips. "I panicked, it was

"What. Happened?" His voice was demanding and I shuddered at the
force of it. A flash of the party shimmered through my hazy mind and as
Edward's lips moved back across my jaw I smacked my hand over my
mouth. "What is it?" Edward pulled his head away, a mix of panic and
concern adorned his face.

"I'll be right back," I mumbled into my hand as I pushed against his
chest and escaped to the bathroom and my toothbrush.

After a thorough brush and a quick gargle of Edward's mouthwash, I
splashed some water on my face and removed my bra, elevating the
pinching on my skin. I slipped my heels off my feet and rolled my lace
tops down my legs, tucking everything under the vanity. With one final
satisfied nod in the mirror I turned and opened the door.


A resounding smack echoed through the room, snapping my out of my
lust induced Bella stupor. "What is it?"

Fuck! We were moving too fast. Bella wasn't ready.

I silently cursed myself for letting things get out of control when Bella
had been so distressed earlier.

Mumbling something behind her hand, Bella slipped away from me and
moved quickly to the bathroom. My heart was beating hard in my chest
and as the bathroom door clicked shut, I tried to regulate my heavy
breathing. I pushed my fingers through my hair as I tried to will my
entire body to calm down. I'd been hard as a rock since I'd seen Bella in
her party attire, and with her thighs clamped tightly around my hips, I

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was aching for some form of release.

You need to calm the fuck down, Cullen. Find out what the hell
happened first.

Quickly changing into a pair of sleep pants, I decided to forego the
customary wife beater I had taken to wearing the last two nights. With
Bella sharing my bed it was just too damn hot for that shit. As it was I
had already made a concession with the pants. I usually just slept in my

The water running in the bathroom alerted me to Bella's movements
and I strained my ears trying to decipher what she was doing. It
sounded like she was brushing her teeth.

I thought back over the last couple of nights we had spent together and
relaxed across the bed. Something about tonight felt different - more
intense. Fire was burning through my body and my senses were on high
alert as I waited anxiously for Bella to reemerge from behind the door.

The water shut off and the silence lingered. Rolling on to my side, I
propped my head on one hand and let my other arm rest along my
body. My eyes were trained on the bathroom door, waiting for it to open.
I didn't have to wait long before Bella walked out, hesitating in the
doorway. Her eyes met mine briefly before they dropped to the floor.

"Come here," my voice was low and rough and I suddenly wished I had
used the opportunity, while alone, to run to the kitchen for some water.
She walked across the floor, her bare feet soundless as she moved
over the carpet. Turning her back, Bella sank down onto the leather
bench. I could hear her breathing slow and deep, but her shoulders
were hunched and tense.

Sitting up I scooted to the end of the bed and sat directly behind her.
Keeping my feet on the bench either side of her hips, I gathered her soft
hair in my hands and trailed it over her left shoulder, letting it flow down

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her breast. Placing my hands on her shoulders I began to knead my
fingers across her stiff muscles. I felt her relax minutely under my touch
and she let out a slow, shaky breath. Leaning forward so my lips were
next to her ear, I whispered, "You can tell me, maybe I can help."

A soft moan sounded throughout the room and the noise traveled
straight to my dick. "You already are helping." Bella's body swayed
slightly with my movements as I slipped my fingers under the neckline
of her sweater and grazed the skin across her collarbones.

I barely managed to suppress my own groan as I realized that the
stockings weren't the only article of clothing Bella had removed in the
bathroom. I needed to focus on what my hands were doing, rather than
the sensation of touching her skin. Taking a deep breath, I tried to focus
on the way my thumbs were making small circles across the back of her

"Hmmm, Edward. That feels so good," Bella practically purred at me.
Jesus fuck, she was trying to kill me. I continued making small circular
patterns with my fingertips, varying the pressure as I moved down her
back. Yeah, definitely no bra, Cullen.

I swallowed loudly and Bella pushed back into my touch. I needed a
distraction. I needed Bella to talk to me. "Bella, please?" I almost

As she spoke, her voice was breathy, causing me to double my efforts
as I tried to hear the words and not the sounds coming from her sweet
mouth. "It was nothing. Some frat guy cornered me in the kitchen and I
panicked." There was no trace of panic in her voice now and as my
palms flattened against the skin of her lower back, Bella arched her
body and let out an erotic gasp. As her body moved and her shoulders
rolled back, my eyes caught sight of Bella's breasts and her erect
nipples below the thin fabric.

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As my brain caught up to the conversation, I considered what Bella had
said and my posture became rigid. "Cornered you?"

"Nothing happened Edward," she assured me quietly as she squirmed
on the bench. "He brushed my thigh but that was all before I got sick
and ran," she whispered and ducked her head. Her mad dash to the
bathroom was understandable, her justification of being touched, was

"He touched you?" My voice was low and angry and I knew it wasn't
Bella's fault but I couldn't help the rage that coursed through my body.
She was mine God damn it. No one else would fucking touch her. Is she
yours, Cullen? Have you decided?
I shook my head trying to dispel the
controversy warring inside of me.

"It was nothing. You've stopped." I could hear the pout in her voice and I
realized that my hands had come to rest on the exposed skin of her
waist, my fingers pressing against her flesh a little too harshly.

"Bella -"

"Edward, please just touch me," she begged and her arms crossed over
her stomach, allowing her hands to rest on top of mine.

Only then did I really allow myself to look at her. Bella's skin was lightly
flushed; that delicate blush creeping down her neck and across the top
of her breasts as they rose and fell in uneven breaths. I tilted my head
downwards to her slender neck and noticed the slight sheen of sweat
coating her skin. Running my tongue over the flesh just under her ear, I
felt her pulse beating rapidly beneath the surface and tasted a hint of
salt mixed with vanilla and honey. Bella whimpered and my grip on her
waist tightened infinitesimally.

"God Bella, what are you doing to me?" I murmured into the juncture
between her shoulder and neck and bit down lightly, careful not to mark
her skin. Her breath hitched in response and I closed my eyes, trying to

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calm my raging hormones. Her hands moved from mine and what
happened next sent my heart into a frenzy and made my lungs constrict
in my chest. She moved swiftly, causing me to lean back, as her fingers
slipped gracefully under the hem of her sweater. In one fluid motion,
Bella pulled the material over her head, sending her hair swinging
gracefully down her back.

As Bella's hair stirred the air, my senses were immediately filled with the
scent of oatmeal cookies. Without permission, my body inclined
forwards as I buried my face in her mahogany curls and inhaled deeply.
Only when my hands started to ghost up her sides did I remember she
was almost naked. I instinctively froze, my hands pressing against her
ribs and my breath coming hard against her shoulder blade.

"Edward?" Her voice was edged with trepidation, but I couldn't find the
words to ease her anxiety. She shifted awkwardly, trying to escape from
my hold on her tiny frame. "Edward, please? Say something?" But my
mouth was dry and my tongue felt like it didn't fit in my mouth. Here
Bella sat, offering herself to me and like a moron I couldn't even string a
few words together.

"God, I'm such an idiot," she mumbled, almost to herself. She struggled
to stand as she reached for she discarded top, but my hands snaked
around her body, my thumbs grazing the underside of her breasts,
holding her firmly and pulling her back flush against my bare chest.

"Wait," I ground out. The sensation of our skin touching was too much
and I placed an open mouthed kiss on her shoulder. "Bella, what...?" I
swallowed loudly, struggling with something, anything, to say.

"I'm sorry, I just..." She dipped her head and became quiet.

"You just...?" I tried to prompt, my voice not sounding like my own. Her
ribs expanded under my fingers as she took a deep breath, steeling
herself for what she was about to say.

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"I need to feel you touch me. I can't explain it, I'm not sure I want to try,
but being with you like this - everything seems...right." Bella tentatively
pushed her body back into mine and I wound my arms further around
her. I felt the weight of her breasts against my forearms as her back
pressed against my erection and her hands began running up and down
the backs of my calves. I didn't understand it myself. Everything was
moving so quickly. Over the last two nights, things had progressed, of
course. There had been kissing and wandering hands, but there had
always been clothes, a thin boundary preventing us from becoming
more. Things were definitely shifting.

My conversation with Emmett rang through my ears briefly - "Did it ever
occur to you that Bella
is your match?"

Now more than ever, I began to consider the possibilities. I had never
felt so drawn to anyone before, though I had always been close to Alice.
As twins we shared a connection that even our parents found difficult to
penetrate. We had seemed to be able to communicate without speech
for most of our lives, working from intuition alone. But it had always felt
logical to me. We had shared our mother's womb; we had grown and
aged together.

I had known Bella less than a month and yet I was inexplicably tied to
her. I had never held much faith in the matching process that my father
had boasted about, but it almost was as if I had sought Bella out, even if
only on a subconscious level.

I flexed my fingers cautiously, savoring her smooth silky skin. I inhaled
deeply with my face pressed into her neck and as I spoke, I felt my lips
vibrate along the curve of her throat. "I know, but maybe we should slow
down." If Bella wasn't mine then moving forward with her like this was

"Don't you want me?" Her voice trembled as she asked the most
ridiculous question I had ever heard. I pressed myself further into her
back and smiled slightly at her gasp.

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"Does it not feel like I want you?" I teased.

"Edward, close your eyes." Her hands stilled on my legs and I did as
she requested. She broke away from me and I reached forward for her,
desperate to feel her warmth. "Shhh..." With my eyes shut, I listened
intently to the sounds in the room. Our mingled breathing resonated
through the air, hanging heavy and palpable in the small distance
between us, sounding a little unsteady and sometimes accelerated. My
focus shifted to a gentle ruffling noise just before I felt warm hands on
my shoulders. My breath caught in my throat, overwhelmed again at the
sensation of this woman touching me, as if she was branding herself
into my soul.

That is what she's doing, Cullen. Stop fighting it. Stop overthinking it.
Just feel.

"Relax, Edward." Her voice was soft, a gentle timbre that continued to
stir my arousal. "Lie down," she instructed, sliding her hands over my
skin and pushing on my chest. I couldn't concentrate on anything else.
Bella and her melodic voice were all that existed to me now. I did as she
asked and pulled myself up the bed until my head reached the pillows.
The bed dipped between my legs and I knew then that she was crawling
her way up to me.

"God, Bella. You're killing me," I groaned. A sultry chuckle was her only

Bella ran her hands up the outside of my thighs and as she got to the
waistband of my sleep pants, she scratched her nails along the cut of
my hips. With my eyes still closed, I hissed at the contact and lightly
bucked off the bed, unable to control my body's involuntary reaction.

"What do we have here?" she whispered as her thumb grazed the skin
that was usually hidden just beneath my pants, and the ink that rested
there. Before I could speak, warm, moist air bathed my hip and I drew in
a sharp breath as her tongue traced over the same pattern her thumb

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had followed moments ago. "So fucking sexy," she murmured, "what
does it mean?"

On our eighteenth birthday, Alice and I had both been marked. Discreet
reminders that we were part of something bigger. The others had done
the same, we all bore the same symbol. "It's Greek," I gasped, as
Bella's tongue swirled again over the first and last letters of the
alphabet. "Alpha and Omega, it means the beginning and the end." My
life starts and stops with you

Bella hummed as she hooked her fingers into the elastic of my pants
and started to pull them over my hips and down my thighs, leaving me
in only my boxers. "I want to feel your body next to mine, Edward." The
air was thick with want and need and a shiver of desire seemed to
traverse between us as she spoke. Despite the quiet calm in her voice,
she was commanding and in control.

There was no fighting what was happening. Bella's skin against mine
was the sweetest torture, but one I would willingly endure if it meant
strengthening the connection that was rapidly growing between us. I felt
her thighs settle on either side of my hips and I silently begged her to
lower her body and finally provide the friction my own desperately
craved. I couldn't play her game anymore, I needed to see her.

"Bella, I'm going to open my eyes." My voice was tight and labored as I
struggled to speak.

"Wait." Her request was breathy and did nothing to appease the ache I
felt for her. Finally she lowered herself and I felt the fabric of her lace
panties against my upper thighs. She was close, but not close enough.
Bella's hands encircled my wrists and she began guiding my hands up
her thighs. A groan escaped my throat before I could stop it; Isabella
Swan would be the death of me. As I continued my way up her legs she
ran her hands up my body from my stomach to my chest. It was in that
moment that several things happened simultaneously and I feared
spontaneous combustion.

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Bella's erect nipples brushed over my skin, eliciting a wanton mewl from
her lips while sending a wild fire coursing across my flesh. My hands
reached her hips and it only took a second to register that the ruffling I
had heard earlier was the removal of her skirt. Unable to help myself,
my hands gripped her hips and dragged her up my legs until I could feel
her heat directly over my straining dick. Bella gasped at the sudden
contact and a moan vibrated through my chest as she rocked her hips

"Fuck, I need to look at you." Without waiting for a response, I opened
my eyes. Bella's skin, usually pale, was shaded in a deep pink with her
arousal from her cheeks down to her breasts. With parted lips, Bella's
breaths were coming erratically as her head tipped backwards exposing
her throat to me. Encouraging the movement of her hips grinding on my
erection, I lifted my head and kissed the column of her neck.

"More, please. I need more," she begged and the tiny whimper that
vibrated against my lips as she said it, was nearly too much for me to

Pulling Bella flush against me, I sat up as she continued to work herself
against me. From our new position, I was able to explore her body with
more reverence. The gentle curve of her spine arched and flexed under
my palms as the rhythm we had established steadily increased. Leaning
forward, I allowed my tongue to tease each of her nipples in turn, as
Bella's hands roamed over my shoulders and back before she anchored
them in my hair.

"So, close...don't stop," she rasped. Our bodies were synchronized,
keeping perfect time with each other. As Bella pushed, I pulled. When
her back bowed against my hands, my lips followed, lavishing her
breasts and conveying my desire for her. Just as she had taken control
of my senses, I needed Bella to lose herself to me. I needed her to
come undone in my arms. I wanted her to give me the climax that was
hanging so precariously on the edge of a precipitous, selfishly knowing
that we both might shatter if this turned out to be so very wrong.

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I felt my own impending orgasm start to build and my arms tightened
around Bella as my stomach coiled and my legs tingled with
anticipation. As if sensing my body's need, and her own, Bella's hips
began moving with renewed fervor. Tugging my head back, her eyes
locked with mine and what I saw in them nearly took my breath away. If
I was destined for another life, a life without Bella, nothing would ever
feel as passionate as the look we shared in the few second before her
mouth claimed mine.

I kissed her back, hungry for her taste and the feel of her tongue moving
with mine. Breaking away from our kiss, Bella gasped against my lips,
"I'm gonna come." I watched, mesmerized, as her tongue danced over
her bottom lip and with one final twist of her hips against my throbbing
erection, Bella let out the sexiest moan I had ever heard. Warm breath
washed over my face as she came hard and the increased warmth and
moisture radiating from her panties sent a primal urge coursing through
my system.

I dropped back to the bed, pulling Bella with me and as I felt the soft
comforter on my over-sensitized skin, my hands found their way back to
Bella's hips. I began a fast but steady rhythm as I thrust against her,
seeking my own release. Bella scratched her nails down my biceps and
her hair fell to my chest, teasing my nipples. Briefly closing my eyes,
trying to absorb all of the sensations as they shifted around me, I didn't
realize Bella had lowered her body to my own until her lips brushed my

"Come for me, Edward." Her voice was a mix of rapture and seduction.
It was too much. Her breasts grazing my scorching flesh with every
thrust, the sweet smell of oatmeal mixed with her heady scent, the
warmth of her breath. I was done for. "Stop fighting it."

My trusts became erratic and as my orgasm surged through my entire
body, I stilled, pushing my face into Bella's neck and slowly dragging my
teeth down her bare shoulder. Her breath hitched as I shuddered with
the force of my climax and I wound my arms around her back, anxious

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to feel grounded after feeling powerless to stop what had just happened
between us.

Holding Bella tight to my chest, we lay together in silence, our damp
skin cooling as our heart beats slowed. I knew I had overstepped. I had
responsibilities. My commitments may well lie elsewhere, but I didn't
regret any moment with Bella; I couldn't. I would fight for her. I would
make Bella mine. I just didn't know how I was going to convince the

A/N: Bella's shampoo is the Tigi Oatmeal and Honey for damaged
hair. It is totally delicious and absolutely smells like oatmeal and
raisin cookies.

I want to apologize for being complete fail when it comes to my review
replies. I've tried to prioritize writing my updates so you guys have
something to actually read. I do love, love, love hearing your thoughts
though, and your reviews are better than fooling around with Edward.

Please check the thread for important details about upcoming
chapters. I've posted it over there to avoid a longer A/N. http:/www
(DOT) twilighted (DOT) net/forum/viewtopic (DOT)

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15. Inexplicably Tied


Document Outline


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