Jeanine Berry Ailunnean Shapeshifter 1 Destiny Earth(extasy)(lit)

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Destiny Earth
Copyrightã2003 Jeanine Berry and Judy Russell
ISBN: 1-55410-007-0
Cover art and design by Martine Jardin

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or
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Published by eXtasy Books, a division of Zumaya Publications, 2003
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To my husband, Pat, who taught me how crazy and wonderful love can be. ~
Jeanine Berry

To my darling Art: Thank you for all the joy you've brought into my life. ~
Judy Russell

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Chapter One

“Our race is doomed. We’re stagnating, and we’ll perish if we stay on Reatar.”
Norrath je Zakee fixed his companions with a steely gaze. The clear
silver-blue brilliance of idealistic passion pulsed through his aura. “Someone
must lead our people out of this hiding place and back into the galaxy.”
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Etaoine je S’henhess stared at the visionary and philosopher with mounting
excitement. Her own natural radiance brightened, casting a rich amber glow
over the images of the goddess Adoru sporting with her lover Inne painted on
the walls of Norrath’s home. She’d longed to escape Reverlore for many
starturns. She wanted to see the stars that shone far above her. Instead,
she’d spent her life trapped in the underground city where her people cowered
in fear of an enemy that might have perished eons ago.
Norrath’s strong features blazed with his zeal. Bare-chested, he wore a soft
sarong around his muscular hips. He stood with his feet spread and his arms
folded. “I believe I know the way for us to leave this world.”
Etaoine gasped. Norrath sounded like a man in the throes of the Final Madness,
the fatal paranoia that struck the residents of the underground cities without
warning. It was the result of living in a cage.
Entire cities had fallen when the madness swept through their populations,
leaving death and destruction in its wake.
“How?” she demanded. “We’re trapped in Reverlore. The exit tunnels are rigged
with bombs.”
Norrath shifted his attention to the strikingly beautiful woman who occupied
the chair to his right. A
flowing gossamer gown of pale yellow trimmed with silver clung to her slim
figure, emphasizing her full breasts and dark nipples. “Why don’t you explain,
With a lithe grace that befitted one of Reverlore’s greatest artists,
Quintannah je Mowbry rose to her feet and glided to Norrath’s side. To
Etaoine’s surprise, the older woman made no attempt to hide the deep rose of
love shining in her aura. Instead, her light golden skin flushed as she
studied Norrath with unconcealed longing. Then she turned her attention to
Etaoine and Teilar je Ruthmea, the final member of their small group. The four
of them, gathered in secret in Norrath’s apartment, were the only ones in the
city bold enough to seek a way to escape from their luxurious prison.
Quintannah twirled a lock of flaming red hair around her index finger and
looked from Etaoine to
Teilar with sorrow in her luminous silver gaze. “I am ashamed of our once
great race. We Ailunneans consider ourselves highly evolved because of our
ability to transform matter to energy and shapeshift, but we deserted our
heritage to run like cowards from our enemies—from those who wanted to enslave
us and exploit our ability. Now our race seems content to live life in a safe
burrow, abandoning our majestic destiny.”
Norrath nodded. “Quintannah and I are proud that at least two young people in
this city want to know freedom again.”
Quintannah’s face took on a faraway look. “Our ancestors fought a terrible war
with our enemies and suffered despair when our home world was destroyed. They
feared our whole race would be killed. I
can understand the terror that drove them to flee to this forsaken corner of
the galaxy and hide below the surface. But we cannot live hidden on Reatar
forever. As Norrath so truly said, our race is dying.”
Etaoine cast an excited glance at Teilar and saw his sharp-featured face
burned with exhilaration. Was it possible they could escape Reverlore? The

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city lay buried far beneath the icy surface of a desolate planet. Moreover,
the tunnels out of it were honeycombed with deadly traps. Any escape attempt
was fraught with dangers. She admired her fellow priestess for her
determination to find a way to freedom.
Quintannah shook off her reverie. Hope shimmered in her gaze as she fixed her
attention on Etaoine.
“A few years ago when I was the God’s Mate during the Mayavore Festival, I
sensed something in the mind of the high priest. I didn’t realize its
importance at the time, but now I believe it might help us.”
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Her words brought a hush to the group. To be the God’s Mate was a great honor.
The chosen priestess coupled with the High Priest Rith je Loirun on the
massive altar in front of the Temple. The people of Reverlore watched and
applauded as he took her in a variety of ways, his long shaft throbbing with
power, his being aflame with the healing energy shooting into her core. The
entire city, even those who no longer believed in the god and goddess, still
turned out for the annual ceremony. The crowd delighted in watching young
people coming of age shapeshift for the first time. Even more popular was the
group B’rath that followed.
“During the mating, the bond is so intense that our minds touch and we share a
vision from the goddess.” Quintannah’s eyes grew wide as she remembered that
mystical moment. “When I touched
Rith’s mind, I learned something he may not have wanted me to know.”
“I hope you’re not planning to tangle with the high priest.” Teilar leapt to
his feet. A stormy red brilliance shot from his golden skin. His yellow locks,
worn long in the current style, curled around his broad shoulders.“The
priesthood opposes any attempt to leave Reverlore. Rith must not learn of our
plans. He already pays us too much attention.” His lips pressed into a tight
line as he turned to Etaoine.
“I’ve seen the way he stares at you. He wants you.”
Etaoine lifted her head, flinging her long white hair over her shoulder. Her
sheer orange gown glittered with her angry movement and her aura changed to
tempestuous lavender. “I’m a priestess of the goddess. I come of age this
year, which makes me eligible to become the God’s Mate. It’s no surprise that
he might look at me with interest.”
Teilar’s face darkened. “Do you think it’s only because you are beautiful that
he’d pick you for God’s
Mate? The man’s no fool. He knows we’re trying to escape this damned place. If
he can touch your mind during the ceremony, he will confirm his suspicions.”
Norrath scowled and raked his fingers through his silver hair. “By the
goddess, we can’t just wait here and die. We must act, and soon.”
“With luck, we can.” Quintannah’s quiet statement reclaimed their attention.
“Rith is a proud man.
During our mating, he opened his mind to me so I could see his power—and I saw
more than he intended. He knows how to navigate past the explosives in the
tunnels. I didn’t realize the importance of this at the time, but now I do. If
Etaoine could mind link with him, we might learn how to bypass the traps and
reach the ocean. The city of Errock lies hidden beneath the ocean, and the
starship is somewhere in
Etaoine’s eyes widened. How could she possibly guarantee the high priest would
choose her to be the
God’s Mate?
“Is it possible to learn enough during the mind link to navigate these
tunnels?” Teilar arched his brows, his skepticism obvious.
“Yes.” Quintannah’s golden skin burned brighter. “But Etaoine must go deep
into his mind.”
A proud confidence stirred in Etaoine. Despite her youth, her skill in

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establishing a mind link with her partner during lovemaking was already well
known. She could read Rith’s thoughts, and learn the safe route through the
Teilar read her intention in her eyes. “No!” he shouted, balling his hands
into fists. “This is your first
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shapeshifting. Afterwards, you should lay with the one who will be your bonded
sexmate. Let someone else be the God’s Mate.”
Etaoine stiffened and glared at Teilar. ”I haven’t chosen my bonded sexmate
yet, as you well know.
And the choice of the God’s Mate is up to the goddess. We must hope I will be
given this chance, if
Adoru favors our plans to leave Reatar.”
“But—but—” Teilar flushed, his golden skin turning bronze with anger. “—you
must choose your bonded sexmate before the festival.”
Etaoine exchanged a glance with Quintannah. She often confided in the older
woman about her problems with Teilar. Etaoine looked forward to her first
shapeshifting at the Mayavore Festival, and even more to the B’rath, the
incredibly sexy ritual afterward that would restore the energy drained by the
shift. Teilar would make a great bonded sexmate—if only he would ease up on
his determination to win her love.
By tradition the sexmate relationship should be a pragmatic one—a congenial
sexual partner you could trust to be there when you needed to mate and restore
your energy. An emotional relationship, if it turned destructive, could block
the flow of the life-giving rema energy during the B’rath.
It was no secret that Teilar wanted to be her bonded sexmate, and more.
Although Ailunneans were free to enjoy sex wherever they chose, Teilar was a
jealous and possessive man. He was also passionate and creative. She shivered
with pleasure at the memory of their lovemaking. The B’rath would add a new
dimension to that pleasure. Teilar was a problem, but a problem she found hard
to give up.
Returning to the present with a shake of her head, Etaoine reached out to
touch Teilar’s shoulder.
Tender concern tugged at her heart. He cared about her more than anyone ever
had. Despite his unfashionable jealousy, his anxieties about their safety were
legitimate. Rith was a powerful man.
Guilt shot through her. It was not necessary to love one’s bonded sexmate, but
would it be that difficult to love Teilar? He was gorgeous, sexy, and a
marvelous lover. What a cruel irony it was that in a culture that no longer
believed in committed love, both of them were seeking a true lovemate, yet
could not find it in each other. Or, at least she couldn’t find it in him.
Despite his heart-stopping good looks, despite his skill in bed, despite his
loyalty to her, Etaoine did not love Teilar. Her heart never sang in his
She wished he would stop loving her. They never spoke of his strong emotion,
but she saw the yearning in his eyes, read it in his rose-hued aura when he
looked at her. She dreaded the day when he would ask for a lovevow, and she
must refuse.
She’d made a solemn oath before the altar of the goddess to make that most
sacred of bonds only with her true lovemate. A bonded sexmate was one thing,
requiring only a reliable partner for the necessary sexual rituals after
shapeshifting. But a true lovemate...that was something deeper, something,
some one she still hoped to find.
“We must learn how to get through the tunnels to Errock or we do not stand a
chance.” Norrath’s words shattered her thoughts. “If you aren’t chosen as the
God’s Mate for the ceremony, is there any chance Rith might perform the B’rath
with you after you shapeshift?”
”That’s the duty of the bonded sexmate,” Teilar said through stiff lips.

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“True, but we must make an exception for a higher cause.”
“I’m sure I could seduce him if necessary.” Etaoine shot an angry glance at
Teilar. He was becoming too temperamental.
Quintannah put a gentle hand on her arm. “It will be dangerous but
pleasurable. Rith is a fantastic lover.”
Etaoine squirmed in her chair as an image of the high priest’s muscular form
flashed though her mind.
Tall, broad-shouldered, his shaven head gleaming, he exuded raw masculine
passion that made her insides quiver with anticipation. “If Rith knows the
secret, I’ll find a way to lure him to my bed.”
Determination surged through her. They must find a way to reach the stars.
“In the meantime, we’ll continue to try and find our own way through the
tunnels,” Quintannah said.
“Perhaps I can recall more of Rith’s thoughts and if not…”
“I’ll find out during the festival next handweek,” Etaoine promised. Lifting
her chin, she gave Teilar a hard look, daring him to disagree. The longing she
saw in his eyes sparked her simmering temper. Why did he continue to want so
much more than she could give him?
Ignoring him, Etaoine drew Quintannah aside to question her about Rith. If she
were chosen as the
God’s Mate, the lovemaking would be intense, and it would take all her skill
to penetrate the high priest’s cunning mind.
Norrath rubbed his hands with pleasure as he surveyed the two women. “If you
can wrest the secret from Rith, we’ll owe you an eternal debt of gratitude.”
“In the meantime we must continue our efforts,” Teilar snapped. “I say we meet
in the tunnels tomorrow to search for a safe route.”
“Certainly. We will not give up.” Norrath’s expression hardened. “We were once
a great people. We will be again.”

Chapter Two

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Holding Teilar’s hand, Etaoine walked through the deserted streets in the
lower section of Reverlore.
Once this part of the city had swarmed with busy people. Reverlore’s
population had dropped drastically over the eons. Now the stone buildings
stood empty and the automated machinery that had once built the city lay
covered in dust.
The system of tunnels that connected all the underground cities began at the
far end of the lower section. Etaoine tried not to let depression grip her as
they made their way through the ruins, but the light of her aura dimmed
Teilar glanced at her and squeezed her hand. “Don’t let this place get you
down. Our people will rise from these ashes on a new world.”
“If we can find a way to reach it.”
“The starship exists.” Teilar’s eyes flashed. “With the goddess’s help, we’ll
discover a safe route through the tunnels to the sea.”
Etaoine turned to Teilar, grateful for his confidence. “I pray every night for
our success!”

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“Success at what?”
Rith’s voice made them jump. Etaoine was the first to recover. She whirled
around to face the priest who had come up behind them. His intelligent eyes
glittered with suspicion, and she knew she must divert him. An explanation
sprang to her tongue. “Finding interesting artifacts. We’re exploring.”
He regarded her with skepticism. Curving her soft pink mouth in a devilish
smile, she countered with a flirtatious flutter of her eyelashes. She let her
hips sway as she moved closer to the priest. Her gaze wandered in frank
admiration over his muscled shoulders and broad chest. His head was shaved
bald in the style of the priesthood, and he wore a white robe edged with gold
in honor of his high station.
She pouted at him. “The lower city is an interesting place to walk while I get
in condition for the
Mayavore Festival. When I appear before the goddess, I want to honor her with
a beautiful body.”
The priest grinned as his gaze rested on her alluring curves. “You have no
cause to worry on that account.”
Etaoine smoothed the filmy fabric that covered her hips and breasts. The
almost transparent cloth clung to her golden skin and left little to the
imagination. Lust flared in the depths of Rith’s probing silver eyes, and for
the first time she dared to hope that he desired her.
“I intend to be in top physical condition, so I can enjoy the ritual to the
fullest.” Reaching out, she traced a long slim finger along his hard jaw line.
Her body emanated an alluring scent that made
Ailunnean males sniff and swell with attraction. “You haven’t forgotten I’m
coming of age, have you?”
A sheen of sweat appeared on Rith’s forehead. “I remember. I’ve been counting
the days.” He flashed a lazy grin full of sensual promise.
With an angry grunt, Teilar put a possessive hand on Etaoine’s arm. “Etaoine
and I were enjoying a solitary walk. We’re fascinated by ancient history.”
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“Are you? That’s strange in one so young.”
Teilar stiffened with anger. “I’m no youngling. I made my first shapeshift
five sunturns ago.”
“Then it is strange you haven’t taken a bonded sexmate yet.” Rith glanced from
Teilar to Etaoine, speculation plain on his face.
Etaoine scowled at her old friend and twisted free of his grip. She shot an
apologetic smile at the priest. Rith’s power seemed to roil up around them
like a menacing black cloud. His gaze hardened with scorn as Teilar’s face
Instantly, Etaoine felt sorry for Teilar. Possessive love was considered
uncouth. The tradition of taking a lovemate was almost forgotten. His
transparent affection for her had earned him Rith’s distain, yet she harbored
the same secret wish as Teilar—to have a lovemate.
Teilar met the priest’s contemptuous stare. “Who I select for a bonded
sexmate—and when—is my affair.”
Rith nodded, even as his mouth quirked in a derisive smile. “Certainly. I only
hope you are not waiting under some misguided notion of seeking a bonded
sexmate who rouses special feelings. A pragmatic arrangement is best. Emotions
can confuse a relationship, and the bonded sexmate may desert you when you
need her most. But then, you’re young and foolhardy. You must learn to control
your emotions before they destroy you.”
“Why you arrogant, slimy—”
“No, Teilar, you should heed the words of the priest.” Etaoine tugged at his
Teilar’s aura flared and a muscle in his cheek twitched. “I expect to have a
bonded sexmate for this year’s ceremony.”
Etaoine tried to hide her dismay. Teilar wanted her. She darted a glance

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between him and the priest.
Teilar’s jealousy grew with every passing handweek. Now it threatened to erupt
in front of the priest. In his anger, Teilar might give away too much.
Etaoine studied Rith. Almost sixty years old, he was in the prime of his
sexual power and renowned throughout Reverlore for his lovemaking skills.
She’d heard excited whispers about the length and breath of the instrument
concealed beneath his robe. As he spread his legs and braced to face Teilar,
she couldn’t help but notice the bulge pushing out the thin fabric of his
sarong. Her blood heated as she imagined lying spread open on the high altar
before festival crowd with Rith above her, thrusting between her legs.
She stifled a groan of anticipation and shook off the titillating fantasy. She
needed to intervene before
Teilar and Rith started fighting over her. With a smile, she touched a finger
to the priest’s chest. A spark of energy leapt from him to her, and she
shivered as her whole aura flooded with light. Heat blazed up her arm and her
loins stirred with passion. This man was dangerous. Perhaps she had
underestimated him.
“We’ve established what we’re doing here. Why are you in the lower section?”
She fluttered her lashes and gave him an innocent, questioning look.
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Rith grunted. As she’d suspected, he wanted to avoid that subject. He lifted
an eyebrow. “I come down here looking for bits of ancient technology. The
priesthood is responsible for maintaining the city.”
Etaoine glanced upward at the great energy dome below the roof of the giant
cavern that held
Reverlore. The glowing barrier prevented any trace of their presence from
broadcasting out into space, while the cavern hid the city from sight. “Then
we should let you get on with your responsibilities.”
“Godsbless.” Rith made the ritual salute of farewell.
“Godsbless.” Etaoine nodded as the priest strode off.
“Do you think he’s going to the tunnels or leaving them?” Teilar asked in a
low whisper.
“From the direction he chose, he’s headed back up to the city.”
Teilar released a sigh. “Then it’s safe to proceed.”
Staying alert lest the priest reappear, they headed for the tunnels. Once
inside, Etaoine surveyed her surroundings with a feeling of doom. The
transportation tunnels were composed of synthetic white rock that glowed with
a pleasant light. Long ago, they had hummed with hovercraft going back and
forth between the cities. Since the madness had come, taking city after city,
Reverlore had barricaded itself off.
Etaoine’s lips curled in distain. First they hid from their enemies in the
stars, and then from their own race. Were they sniveling cowards?
“Daygreet.” Norrath emerged from the shadow of a tunnel entrance, followed by
“Daygreet. We had a bit of excitement getting here,” Etaoine said. “We
encountered Rith.”
Alarm streaked across Norrath’s face. “Was he suspicious?”
“Probably. But we gave him a reasonable explanation. He’s gone back to the
Quintannah touched Norrath’s arm. “We must take risks to achieve our goal.”
Norrath lifted his chin. “I know.”
“The goddess is on our side, I’m sure of it.” Quintannah pointed to one of the
tunnels. “This is the path I saw inRith’s mind.” With a confident smile, she
glided ahead of them, radiating energy and anticipation as they pushed deeper
into the tunnel they hoped would lead to Errock.
Walking with care, her eyes open for any sign of the complex traps that
guarded Reverlore, Quintannah led the way. Her brow furrowed as she reached
deep for the memories she’d touched in her mind link with Rith.

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Etaoine followed, sensing her friend’s struggle to recall the few images she’d
pilfered from the high priest’s mind. Norrath and Teilar walked at her heels,
not speaking. The sound of their steps echoed through the empty space.
After a while, the passageway branched off in two directions. Quintannah
stumbled to a halt with a puzzled look. She shook her head, an apologetic
smile on her lips. “I’m not sure which way to go from
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here.” Her voice trembled with disappointment.
“No problem.” Norrath patted her shoulder. “It has to be one of these.
Whydon’t we split up? We can cover more ground that way.”
“A good plan.” Quintannah nodded.
Teilar stepped to Etaoine’s side, but she moved to the right, joining
Quintannah. “We girls will stick together today,” she said with a laugh.
“If you want.” Norrath was already striding toward the entrance he’d chosen.
Teilar bit his lip in frustration and hurried after the visionary.
“I’m so glad to get away from Teilar for a while,” Etaoine said as soon as she
and Quintannah were out of hearing range. They strode along the sidewalk that
ran on either side of the tunnel.
Quintannah chuckled. “Don’t be too angry with him. After all, he loves you.
That’s what we all want.
To love and be loved in return.”
“What about you and Norrath? Has he asked to become your lovemate?”
Her friend’s gaze slid away. “No, and he won’t. Norrath does not care for me
in the way I care for him, just as you don’t love Teilar. However, Norrath
believes love is waiting for us somewhere out in the galaxy. If we find the
starship, we’ll travel as bonded sexmates until we can find our own loves.”
“Yes, we’re all looking for love.”
Etaoine fell silent as they walked, lost in her yearning. She wanted a love as
full and passionate as the love the goddess Adoru bore for her other half, the
god Inne. She wanted a man who could both ravish her body and possess her
“Look.” Quintannah pointed to an open door at the side of the tunnel. “It’s
open. Most are locked down here.”
Hope flickered alive in Etaoine’s heart. “I wonder if Rith was here. Perhaps
he became careless and forgot to close it properly.”
“Yes…that’s possible.”
Laughing in triumph, they hurried through the door and into the smaller
tunnel. This tunnel had a barren look—a thick layer of dust covered the floor.
Recent footsteps marked the dust.
A chill of foreboding crawled across Etaoine’s skin. “I wonder why Rith came
in here. He’s charged with the city’s upkeep. Do you think there’s a problem
with this tunnel?”
Quintannah shrugged. “What we’re doing is dangerous. We’ll have to take our
chances. If he came this way, it may lead somewhere important.”
Nodding, Etaoine followed her friend further down the tunnel. The air was
thick and dank, as if the passageway had been sealed for hundreds of
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The small hairs rose on her arms as she felt a deep subterranean shudder.
“What was that?”
Even as she spoke, the rumble intensified, rattling the ground beneath their
feet. Terror clawed up her spine. Had they set off a trap and triggered an
She grabbed Quintannah’s arm as the shining white stone columns supporting the
tunnel’s roof began to crack and give way. The deep rumble of splitting stone
vibrated through her whole body, shaking her bones. Staring upward, she saw a

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crack appear in the ceiling and froze in horror. Her companion shouted a
warning and threw her to the ground as chunks of stone began to fall around
them. Suddenly, Quintannah’s warning yell turned into a scream.
A cloud of dust filled the tunnel. Her heart hammering, Etaoine stared at
Quintannah’s bloodied head through the churning layers of dust. A rock had
knocked her unconscious. In another moment the falling rubble would bury them
both,unless she shapeshifted to protect them. But she wasn’t of age yet. Was
her body mature enough to withstand the transformation?
Fear gripped Etaoine, but she knew she must try. If she didn’t, they would
both die. Her people had programmed the ability to shapeshift into their very
genetics, but it remained latent until full maturity.
Would she even be able to shift? As her teachers had taught her, she expanded
her consciousness to the cellular level of her body and triggered the latent
She screamed, choking on the dust, as fire ripped through her body. Her flesh
blazed and melted around her. Concentrating with all her strength, she held
fast to the image of a giant weldabeast. A true weldabeast never grew bigger
than a person’s palm. She’d had an entire colony of them when she was a child,
delighting for hours with playing with the creatures. She knew every line and
angle of their scaly, armored bodies. Now, she took the dragon shape and
increased it a hundredfold.
The fiery energies raging through her coalesced. With a bright flash, her body
transformed. She towered over Quintannah and blocked the falling stones with
the protective plates linked across her back. A groan came from between her
clawed feet. Quintannah opened her eyes and looked up.
“Etaoine! What have you done? You risk your life by shapeshifting before the
Mayavore Festival.”
Unable to speak in the weldabeast form, Etaoine shook her head. She felt
strong—magnificent. The ceremony was scarcely a handweek away anyway. The
shapeshifting had lacked the smooth precision of a fully mature Ailunnean, but
no permanent harm had been done. She spread her scaly wings over her friend
and rejoiced in the power flowing through her massive form.
Another boom sounded and then all grew silent. As the dust settled, the light
from Quintannah’s aura revealed that the rock fall had sealed them inside the
tunnel. How much time did she have before her energy was depleted and she
needed the B’rath to restore her strength? Without the power from the rite she
could die, and blood flowed from Quintannah’s head wound. They had to escape.
Nudging Quintannah out of the way, she used her clawed feet to move aside the
large stones blocking their path. One careless movement and the whole cave
might collapse, burying them in tons of rubble.
Even in the weldabeast form, it was grueling work. Thirst burned her throat
and her great head drooped.
Her life force drained away as she fought to maintain the mammoth shape. If
she didn’t free them soon, both of them might die.

Drink, my daughter
She stopped her digging. From nowhere and everywhere, the lovely voice sang in
her head. The
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goddess! Even as a child, she’d been blessed with the telepathic gifts that
set aside the priestly caste, but never before had she heard the voice of the
goddess. Yet she knew at once who it was. The voice was soft with mother-love,
warm as velvet, rich with wisdom.
Etaoine stumbled to her feet, weary and clumsy in her gigantic form, and
stared around her. A small crack appeared in the stone wall to her left and a
rivulet of water dribbled out. She pressed her mouth to the crack and drank in
the refreshing stream. It was a gift from the goddess. A rush of clean energy

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surged through her.
I am pleased. The goddess’s voice sang in her head again.
You were willing to sacrifice yourself to save your friend.
Weak from the constant expenditure of energy, Etaoine wobbled around, hoping
to catch a glimpse of the divine being, but all she saw was the shadowed
tunnel. The sense of a sacred presence vanished as she stared at smooth walls.
With a shrug of disappointment, she returned to her digging. Perhaps she’d
imagined the whole thing.
Teilar’s voice echoed to her from the other side of the rubble.

We’re in here.
Etaoine sent the thought through the rock wall with all her strength.
“I hear you!” Even through the stone between them, she could sense Teilar’s
relief. Thank goodness they shared a strong mind link, despite the constant
anger and jealousy that warred in his breast. She could feel his love and need
as he welcomed her thought.
“We’ll get you out,” Teilar shouted. “Hold on!”
His words lifted her spirits. She stopped digging and crouched down at
Quintannah’s side. Her friend lay with her eyes closed, breathing in shaky
gasps. It was time to shift back to her Ailunnean form and do what she could
to help the other woman until Teilar and Norrath broke through.
And then what? She would need the B’rath at once. She must choose a bonded
sexmate, and the obvious choice was Teilar. He loved her. Would it be so wrong
for her to try and return that emotion?
As the thoughts circled through her mind, she sank into an exhausted stupor
and flickered back into her
Ailunnean shape. As weak as a baby, she crawled to the trickle of water and
cupped her hands, then crept back to Quintannah’s side with the precious
liquid. She should never have tried such an abrupt change, but she’d had no
She halted beside Quintannah and dribbled the water over her friend’s lips.
Her hand shaking, she searched for the pulse in her throat. The beat
flickered, unsteady and faint.
“Hurry! Quintannah’s dying…” Her feeble cry seemed to bounce against the stone
barrier. She added a mental cry as well, expending the last of her energy.
As the alarm raced from her mind to Teilar’s, dark hands seized her and
dragged her down into the night
. No!
It wasn’t fair. She couldn’t be dying before she had even begun to live.

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Chapter Three

Teilar’s worried voice found her in the black void and she stirred awake.
“Tired. I must sleep.” She squeezed her heavy eyelids shut.
“No.” Strong arms surrounded her and picked her up. “If you want to live, we
must perform the
“Yes.” She frowned, recalling the tunnel’s collapse. “How’s Quintannah?”
“Shush, my darling, don’t worry. Norrath is caring for her.”
Darkness fell over her again and this time she welcomed the oblivion it
offered with a gentle sigh.
When she opened her eyes a second time, she was strapped in the seat of a
hovercraft. Teilar sat in the other seat. Glancing out the window, she saw
they were circling the building where his apartments were located.

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The hovercraft settled on the roof and Teilar helped her down the steps to his
apartment. Once inside, he led her to a couch. As she collapsed, fighting
exhaustion, he brushed back a lock of her tangled hair.
She struggled to hold energy in her body. She must perform the B’rath now—at
once—or she would die. She must make the bond with him.
“Etaoine, will you become my bonded sexmate?” His voice was low and tender.
“Yes.” She winced as pain shot through her ribs. A rock must have struck her.
As soon as the B’rath restored her, she would heal her form. She prayed
Quintannah was doing the same with Norrath. “My energy is almost gone. We must
Despite his obvious concern, Teilar shot a purely male grin at her. “At once?”
He loosened the belt that secured his robe. It fell open, revealing his
muscular chest, the pale golden skin marked with complex whorls of silver.
Etaoine knew he was proud of the sleek patterns that testified to his
prestigious ancestry, but even prouder of the thick phallus that jutted from
between his legs.
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Etaoine drew in a shaky breath as she noted the aroused state of that phallus.
They had forged a mind link already, and now he was more than prepared to
possess her body. His instant readiness was reassuring. She fought against
dizziness as she struggled to maintain her shape. He’d proven his value today.
Teilar was the kind of sexmate any woman would want. Reliable, efficient, and
incredibly sexy.
Teilar leaned over her, his voice a whisper. “You’re so beautiful. I want to
make perfect love to you.”
Etaoine frowned. Those were the words of a lovemate. She only wanted Teilar as
her bonded sexmate, yet now was not the moment for that debate. Her energy
waned and her body shook with weakness. She lifted a hand toward him. An
intense longing filled his smoky eyes. The silver whorls on his body glowed
with rema as strong emotions surged through him. With a loving smile, he
extended his hand as if to caress her breast. “May I touch, my mate?”
She lowered her lashes and let her mouth relax. “Touch at your pleasure, my
The ritual of consent complete, Teilar drew her to her feet and slid the edge
of his thumb down the curve of one breast.
“You made them bigger when you changed back.”
“I did not.” Her nipple stiffened as his thumb swirled around it. A little
river of fire shot from her breast down through her stomach and ignited an
ache in her loins.
She shifted her weight to open her legs, her stance an invitation. A thirst
far more powerful than the physical need for water or food possessed her. It
was time to mate. Teilar was ready. His hands brushed aside his robe and his
hips thrust forward to display his assets. Her gaze dropped from his eyes to
his muscled shoulders, to the slim taper of his hips and the huge erection
between his strong thighs.
“Time to raise the fire,” Teilar whispered. “And I have the instrument to
stroke it awake.”
He seized her and pulled her against his hard body, then lowered his head to
ravish her lips with his.
With a murmur of assent, she let his tongue into her mouth. He plunged inside,
tasting and probing, his demanding kisses proclaiming his determination to
possess her.
Her own blood flamed with passion. Consumed by hunger, she pressed against him
and drank in the sexual energy radiating from his body. When she shivered in
delight, he slid his hand up the curve of her breast and located the clasp
that held the band of cloth in place. He tugged it free and threw it to the
floor. His hands cupped her freed breasts and covered the hard nubs at each
crest. He played first with one nipple and then the other, stroking and

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squeezing, until she gasped and wiggled with small convulsions of desire.
“The B’rath, at once,” she ordered, pulling away from him. Her nipples ached
for more of his arousing touch, but there was no time for leisurely pleasures,
not yet. Lightheadedness whenever she moved warned her that her energy levels
continued to drop. When the B’rath was complete, she would let him partake of
the delights of her body for as long as he wished.
“All right.” Teilar scooped her up and carried her into his bedroom. To her
amazement, the room was ready for the B’rath. Had he been that confident she
would chose him?
Candles stood at the sacred points around the room, and a sheet woven of pure
white nadees fur covered the bed. An altar at the foot of the bed held one red
candle and the ceremonial bowl of scented
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oil. As Teilar set her on her feet again, she dipped a finger into the oil and
murmured the ritual prayer that asked the goddess to restore her energy.
Teilar dipped his own fingers into the bowl and smeared some of the oil on his
palm. Continuing the prayer with all the intensity in her soul, Etaoine
touched her forehead, smiling as the oil anointed her flesh.
She unclasped the bit of cloth that covered her hips and let it drop to the
floor. Then she stretched her body out on the waiting bed and spread her legs
wide for Teilar. He knelt between them, his stiff penis pointing up at a sharp
angle. He rubbed the oil between his palms and dipped his fingers into the
fragrant mound between her thighs. She moaned as he leaned forward to rub the
point of his hardness just above the juncture of her legs.
Etaoine hissed with pleasure and arched her back as his strong fingers circled
a mere handbreadth above her most sensitive flesh. A fire blazed up in her
loins as the steady, purposeful movements of his oil-slick fingers kindled the
last of the rema force in her base S’hata. The root energy center of her body
was almost drained by her transformation, yet this small spark was enough to
ignite her sexual fire. Her aura flared around her, testifying to the surge of
energy. The B’rath had begun.
Teilar caught her gaze with his, his eyes hot with passion. Sexual energy
glowed on his golden skin.
His radiance filled the room. He stroked his fingers up her abdomen, and she
felt the fire snake upward as he caressed the skin above her womb.
Her womb quenched in an orgasmic spasm, and she bucked as energy shot up her
torso. A warm glow suffused her body. The tension in her arms and legs
dissolved as muscles knotted from the fears of the day relaxed.
A sexy smile played over Teilar’s lips. He trailed his oily fingers along her
ribs to the next S’hata between her breasts. Etaoine heaved an unsteady breath
as his skilled caresses awakened that energy center as well. Subtle vibrations
of the rema force flowing from him to her tingled in her blood, stirring up
ancient lusts. She quivered with awakened power and bit her lip as desire
clawed through her. She wanted Teilar, wanted him inside her to complete the
surge of healing energy.
“Your rema was indeed low.” Teilar’s deep voice rumbled above her. “You are
fortunate I am talented at the B’rath.” As he spoke, he bent low and nipped
one nipple with his teeth.
Fire shot through her womanflesh. She hissed in a breath. “Show your talent
with speed.”
A confident gleam shone in Teilar’s eyes. He poured more oil into his hand and
massaged the delicate flesh of her throat. Etaoine closed her eyes. Her whole
body was aflame now, burning with an intensity that challenged her ability to
lie still. She stifled a groan and was surprised when she felt Teilar's lips
press against hers, his mouth warm, soft, and tender.
The kiss was not part of the ritual, but she was too far gone into the fire to
protest. Besides, his fingers were moving again, gently kneading the spot
between her eyes. His fingertips glowed as he poured rema into her, and her

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final S’hata stirred to life. A surge of sexual energy pounded through her
brain. She opened her eyes and drank in the muscled male body above hers as
images of him ravishing her swirled through her mind. Her entire being blazed
as his fierce energy burned through her. But she needed the consummation of
orgasm to pull in the cosmic rema, an orgasm her bonded sexmate was duty-bound
to supply.
A feral hunger raged on Teilar’s features as he lowered his head to lick the
oil from between her
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breasts. She thrashed in impatient agony as his tongue wandered to circle her
nipples, before moving lower again, in a long, wet line down her abdomen to
the rosy flesh between her legs.
She raised her hips as his strong hands spread her legs wide, allowing him
access to her most intimate flesh. A hot pulse of energy shot through her as
his tongue dipped into her secret slit, licking and swirling around the slick
sheath. Waves of ecstasy shot through her, and moisture flooded her inner
channel, making it sleek and ready. Her heart hammered against her ribs. Rema
whirled and danced within her body, invisible to the eye but obvious to her
keen psychic senses. The aura of energy surrounding her physical form pulsed
and sparkled, as the desire that flowed between her and Teilar replenished her
rema. All that was needed now was the spike of energy he would release when he
climaxed, a spike that would open her aura to let the life-giving force of the
cosmos flow into her.
But first, something else must be pierced. She closed her eyes and bit her
lips as his talented tongue lapped at her labia. Her hand fumbled blindly,
searching for him.
“No, my mate.” Teilar lifted his head and brushed her hand aside. “All the
rema must flow into you.”
“Then start it flowing,” she gasped between clenched teeth.
She was teetering on the brink of explosion, but his long fingers still toyed
with her throbbing clit. She opened her eyes again and saw that he was smiling
at her, a slow, sensual smile. Why did he continue to linger, stoking her
flesh, teasing her nipples, tasting her juices? And the kiss on her mouth.
Just one kiss, but not part of the ritual at all.
His eyes darkened to a smoky taupe and she saw hunger there. Hunger for what?
For her? They were bonded sexmates. They owed each other their bodies in the
ritual that must follow a shapeshifting, nothing more.
Her heart turned cold with dread. What if he demanded her love? She could not
give it—not to him.
As much as he pleasured her body, her soul remained untouched.
But if she refused to love him, would she lose him?
“By the great god, you are a pleasure to take.” His gaze narrowed and locked
with hers as he settled his weight on top of her. She saw the triumph in his
eyes as he plunged into her. Did he think she could be possessed with some
mere physical act? But the bliss of his cock thrusting into her ended her
questions. She lifted her hips and wrapped her legs around him to deepen his
penetration. His swollen flesh pushed at her, and she tightened the contact as
he rammed himself home to her womb.
His body stiffened in orgasm. As the physical sexual act culminated, the
energy ritual reached its peak also. Rema flowed from his aura into her body.
It blazed up her S’hatas and sizzled into her aura, then broke through, a
blinding flash of light that erupted toward the cosmic energy beyond.
The air cracked with bolts of power and light flickered again, bright as
lightning. Rema surged into
Etaoine, filling her. His powerful shaft sent her into convulsions of ecstasy.
She fell back on the bed, gasping, as she welcomed her renewal.
With a moan, Teilar withdrew from her body and collapsed beside her. When he
looked at her, his half-closed eyes continued to smolder with hunger.

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Chapter Four

Etaoine shied away from her bonded sexmate’s demanding gaze. “I thank you for
life given.” She uttered the formal closing words of the ritual.
“All life is from the god and goddess.” Teilar made the customary reply, then
propped himself up on one elbow and traced her cheekbone with a long finger.
She smelled the scent of the sweet oil, mixed with the musk of her inner body.
His finger slid down the curve of her neck to the rising swell of her breasts.
“Teilar, what are you doing? The ritual is over.”
“I like the feel of your skin.” His smoky eyes gleamed with tenderness as he
stared at her. “So warm, so soft.”
She laughed. “Feel away, then, if it pleases you.”
He flicked a nipple with his thumb while his other hand slipped between her
legs. Two fingers sank into her sex-dampened slit.
She cried out in surprise. “Now what? Our mating is over.”
He gave her an intent look as his fingers stroked her slick inner flesh.
“Don’t you have any desire to mate with me for the pure joy of it, not just
because you need to?”
Etaoine frowned and wiggled, aware that a fire was kindling inside her again.
She tried to keep her voice calm, the voice of a bored, sophisticated lady. “I
have chosen you as my bonded sexmate. That’s an honor.”
His long hair swirled around his head, agitated by his emotion. “You were
forced into that by circumstances. Perhaps you favor Rith more.”
She laughed at his jealous nonsense. “Rith is the high priest. He would never
choose a mere acolyte like me for a sexmate. Besides, he opposes our dream of
finding the starship. Why would I want to mate with an enemy?”
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Teilar didn’t seem satisfied. “Didn’t you feel something special when we
Etaoine sat up and pulled free of his fingers. “I felt my energy restored. And
I feel pleasure. That is all one is supposed to feel with a sexmate.”
“There is more. Our people may have chosen to suppress our emotions to avoid
the Final Madness, but the price we pay is a terrible one. You know there is
more, Etaoine. The god and goddess love each other. Why do our people renounce
the very emotion their gods cherish?”
She swallowed, knowing she had no answer. She agreed with Teilar. Adoru and
Inne were lovemates. She worshiped them, and she wanted to experience the
divine rapture that shone on their carved faces in the great hall of the
Temple, only she did not love Teilar. Who she would love she did not know …
but another soul called to her somewhere.
“Love is dangerous.” She watched his hand caress her stomach as she spoke.
“That’s why it’s limited to the gods. We mortals cannot long bear its force.”
She looked away, not wanting him to see the pain on her face. As much as she
wanted love, as much as Teilar wanted love…he was not the one she sought.
His fingers dipped down again into the white curls between her legs. “What
nonsense! When our people fled to Reatar to hide, we lost all courage—even the
courage to love.”
Her heart ached at the pain in his voice. Was she torturing him by taking him
as her sexmate? She shook her head. “I like you, Teilar. I enjoyed our mating.
But we are bonded sexmates. Nothing more.”
His eyes darkened. “I despise this city. It stinks with fear. Fear of anything
that could shake this perfect prison we hide in. We need love again, Etaoine.”
His expression softened. ”Norrath thinks as I

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“Teilar.” She covered his hand with hers, touched by his fervor. “I am a
hereditary priestess of the
Temple. I wait for the goddess to lead me to my lovemate.” She glanced away as
she spoke, saddened by the hurt in his eyes.
“Maybe you need to look where the goddess has led you already.”
Etaoine sighed. Teilar was a man used to getting his way. She needed more time
to decide how to deal with his demands.
Smiling, she lifted her shoulders in a shrug. “I’ll have to think about that
one. In the meantime, why don’t we share a leisurely bath?”
Etaoine hated herself for the joy that crossed his face at her suggestion. The
simplest gesture from her gave him hope, but she knew it was a false hope.
During the next week, Etaoine was careful not to run into Rith, hoping her
absence would make his longing for her body grow sharper. The morning of the
ceremony, she took the special scented bath prescribed by the ancients. When
she emerged, she prepared herself for the ceremony with body dyes.
She painted her nipples a bright scarlet and outlined the cleft between her
legs in dark rose. To show off her handiwork, she donned the light,
transparent garments that were all that were needed in the benign
climate-controlled realm of Reverlore.
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Teilar looked displeased but said nothing. He was unhappy that she must
participate in the religious ceremony before she joined him for the B’rath.
There was also the chance that the goddess might choose her for the God’s Mate
… a remote chance, but still there. She shot a glance at his face and saw his
skin darken with jealousy. Etaoine felt a pang. She longed for such strong
emotion—where was the man who could kindle it in her?
Once she was ready, they summoned a hovercraft and departed for the Great
Temple. Those who still believed in the god and goddess were already gathering
for the festival to celebrate the consummation of the eternal union between
Inne and Adoru.
The Temple stood in the center of the city, in the middle of a great park.
Hovercraft landed and disgorged passengers on wooded paths that wound down a
hill planted with flowers rescued from their home world. The walkways crossed
a stream before curving to reveal the ancient gray stone building.
The spray of many fountains cooled the great square in front of the Temple.
The public altar stood at the top of the stairs that led up from the square.
Inside, inner courtyards held the granite altars where the daily rituals were
Etaoine left Teilar behind with the crowd gathered in the square. After she
shapeshifted into the image of the goddess, she would join him there for the
B’rath. Now, she hurried to an inner courtyard where the High Priest, and the
other priests and priestesses from each house of the city gathered for the
Rith stood on a platform before two statues joined in a sexual embrace. The
god sat on a throne with the goddess resting on his thighs, her body impaled
on his erect phallus. His carved fingers curled around her nipple and her open
mouth sought his.
“As you know,” Rith began as Etaoine hurried to her place, “the Mayavore
Festival honors the joining of the god and goddess, the union that releases
never-ending energy into our universe.”
Etaoine heard repressed giggles around her. A fiery glow surrounded the crowd
as sexual passions stirred at the thought of what was about to come. Even Rith
showed signs of obvious arousal. She could see his erect penis lifting the
thin fabric of the sarong that circled his hips.
Well, he would need his sexual strength. Custom required he make love to the
chosen God’s Mate in many ways, bringing her to climax again and again until
she experienced an ecstatic vision. Only when her female energies were

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completely satiated could he release his semen into her, signifying the
consummation of male and female into one.
Etaoine licked her lips as Rith’s cock twitched between his legs. The chosen
priestess would have a fulfilling experience. The promised visions—and Rith’s
massive organ.
Surprised by her sudden desire, Etaoine admired his muscular shoulders and the
gleam of his golden skin. The soft rose of a sexual flush covered the top of
his shaved skull. His hands were wide and strong and his legs were like two
massive pillars. She imagined his weight pressing her down and felt her
breasts swell with desire. Her gaze returned to the swollen member concealed
beneath his sarong.Her private flesh grew wet as she visualized writhing
beneath him.
She forced her mind to picture Teilar. She would shapeshift into the goddess
form as her formal initiation, while Rith possessed the God’s Mate on the high
altar. When that ceremony ended, she would return to her Ailunnean form and
find Teilar. They would join the happy crowds performing the B’rath in
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a mass orgy in the great central courtyard.
The clatter of the sacred sticks as they fell on the glazed tiles of the
courtyard startled her. It was time for the divination to name the God’s Mate.
Rith bent over the scattered sticks and read the pattern, then lifted his
“The goddess has chosen a new priestess to represent her this year. Etaoine je
For a moment, Etaoine stood numb with shock. Then suspicion coursed through
her. Rith suspected that she and Teilar were up to something. Did he want to
mate with her so he could read her mind?
She squared her shoulders. That would mean he had rigged the fall of the
sticks, an act of blasphemy.
If he wanted to test his mind linking skills against hers, he was in for a
surprise. But what if the choice truly was the will of the goddess? Adoru had
spoken to her in the tunnel. Maybe the goddess favored their plans to find a
starship and leave Reatar. In that case, surely Adoru would aid her in
searching Rith’s mind.
A thrill coursed through her and her nipples stiffened with excitement. Let
Rith think it was from lust for him. Representing the goddess in the Mayavore
Festival was the highest honor of the ritual year. She must indeed have earned
Adoru’s favor when she’d saved Quintannah.
She swallowed, knowing that a great test lay before her. She must practice her
subtle mind linking skills while at the same time experiencing the multiple
orgasms that the ritual demanded. She knew that within the niad she would be
screaming herself hoarse as orgasm after orgasm rocked her body.

Chapter Five

As Etaoine approached the altar, Rith greeted her with an appraising gleam in
his silvery eyes. His penis still protruded in front of him, and the bare skin
of his head had turned the intense rose of full sexual arousal.
She took a breath, measuring the length of his male organ with her gaze. The
man was huge. Was he shapeshifting to make his cock longer? Was that allowed?
She didn’t know, but her body trembled at the thought of him plunging into

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Rith lifted his hands and silence fell over the waiting priests, priestesses
and temple musicians. “It is time.”
The musicians took their places at the end of the procession and started
playing an ancient hymn on flutes and stringed instruments. Rith cast a
measuring look at Etaoine, humor glittering in his eyes. Did he think he was
about to ravish both her body and her mind? She shivered as he extended a
hand, but reached out to clasp it as ritual demanded. His strong fingers
curled around hers, and they started forward. Behind her, the others followed,
their voices raised in a soft chant.
They moved through the pillared walkway that led to the front entrance of the
Temple and then out into the bright light of the Great Square. They emerged on
the high platform in front of the square and walked to the front edge. Behind
them stood the massive altar and statues of the god and goddess.
Etaoine blinked and lifted her head at the roar of the crowd. She heard some
call her name as they recognized her in the place of honor at Rith’s side. As
the priests and priestesses took their places along the edge of the platform
and began to sing, Rith turned her to face the crowd. She gasped in surprise
as he released the clasps of her gown and pulled it from her, leaving her
A cheer went up from the crowd. With every eye upon her, she stood tall and
thrust her shoulders back to lift her breasts. Let them enjoy the sight of her
womanly curves. It was time for her to shapeshift into the image of Adoru.
Behind her the priestesses were doing the same as the priests changed to
resemble Inne. They would shift back after she mated with Rith and join their
bonded sexmates for the
B’rath, as she had planned to join Teilar. But now her destiny lay on the high
altar, where Rith would take her.
Rith seized her hand and paraded her down the length of the steps that led up
to the platform and through the crowd to the first fountain, then back again,
so all the people could see her as Adoru. As she passed, her head high and her
cheeks on fire, men and women laughed and commented on her body and made
wagers on how many orgasms it would take before she fell into a visionary
trance. It was all part of the sensual rowdiness that marked the Mayavore
As they climbed to the top of the stairs again, Rith moved her to face the
crowd once more.
Trembling, she shifted back to her own body. The high priest stood behind her,
and slipped his hands around her waist, caressing her sides, and then lifted
them to cup her breasts.
Another cheer went up from the celebrating crowd. People were always in good
spirits for the festival. Etaoine shivered as Rith’s hands covered her
breasts. His amorous attentions seemed surreal.
She could hardly believe this was happening to her. She could smell the crisp
odor of roasted chemquats, a favorite festival treat. Vendors were weaving
through the crowd, handing out food and blessed charms, wrapped in bright red
paper. Gold coins and jewels spun and sparkled through the air as celebrants
threw them into the fountains as a sacrifice to the goddess.
“It’s time, Etaoine.” Rith’s voice jerked her back to the present. His fingers
squeezed her nipples, sending waves of fire through her belly. “Are you ready
to merge with me in every way?”
She turned her head and saw his face was dark with passion. His eyes gleamed
as he stared down at her exposed breasts.
“I’m ready to do my duty."
And to read your mind, Rith.
His gaze did not flicker. Nothing suggested he’d picked up her challenging
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“Your duty is to open yourself to me, as the goddess gave herself completely
to the god to create this universe through their passion. You must open not
only your legs, but your heart and your soul also.”
Etaoine knew his words contained his own challenge. He intended to try to read
her thoughts, as she was about to try to read his. She must not let him
succeed, or her friends would face a terrible danger.
But could she keep the necessary control through orgasm after orgasm?
His face solemn, Rith strode to a throne at the top of the steps and discarded
the sarong around his hips. As drums pounded and the choir sang, he sat and
beckoned to her.
Etaoine walked up to him. She knew her duty, but her heart hammered against
her chest now that the moment was here. She reminded herself she symbolized
the goddess joining herself to her lovemate.
There was no place for hesitation. Thank the goddess that despite the tension
she felt Rith was a desirable man. His muscled thighs gleamed and his
instrument stood at ready. Her inner juices flowed in anticipation, making her
moist and slick.
She straddled him, as if about to sit on his lap. Taking a deep breath, she
spread her legs and lowered herself upon his pulsing shaft. A small gasp
escaped her as his thick circumference filled her. Her face flushed with
pleasure as she placed her hands on Rith’s shoulders and slid up and down on
his manhood.
The crowd began chanting in rhythm with her rising and falling, their voices
quickening the pace as they urged her on.
It seemed to Etaoine that she rode his huge cock forever. His compelling eyes
gazed into hers as she lifted and impaled herself upon him. She felt the first
touch of his mind reaching out to her, drawing her into his thoughts. She must
allow the merger, yet keep every thought about Norrath and Quintannah and
Teilar secret from him. Meanwhile, a fire burned and raged in her loins,
aching for release, but the promised vision eluded her. With a small smile,
Rith leaned forward and lowered his head to suck at her distended nipple. A
sharp jolt of heat sent her over the edge. She threw back her head and cried
aloud as her body shook with release, obliterating all thought. When the
spasms finally stilled, she returned slowly to conscious awareness, and felt
Rith’s mind touch searing her thoughts. Hissing softly, she lifted herself off
him. A frantic search of her mind revealed her secrets remained hidden. Rith
gave her an insolent smile. His cock, now slick with her juices, stood fully
Catching her breath, Etaoine narrowed her gaze. Not one drop of semen
glittered on the tip of that organ. The man had obviously mastered the B’rath
arts demanded of the high priest. For the first time, she allowed herself to
feel real excitement. She was the God’s Mate this year, destined to experience
an ecstatic vision while in the embrace of the god’s representative. What
would the goddess chose to reveal to her?
Rith rose from his chair and caught her hand. A sensual smile lit his face as
he drew her into his arms and kissed her. His seeking tongue opened her lips
and slid inside her mouth. Etaoine willed herself to relax. He was the god and
she was the goddess. She must believe and trust or the vision would not come.
Yet at the same time, she must search his mind and guard her own.
Her courage wavered. His powerful male energy burned like a magnet, drawing
her womanflesh, demanding she surrender body and soul to his desires. A strong
hand slid between her legs and she felt a finger enter her. She shuddered at
the intimate penetration, knowing the high priest was demonstrating his utter
power over her. Lust glowed on Rith’s face as he released her and paraded her
back and forth in front of the cheering people. Her breasts trembled with her
quick breathing and her nipples swelled with her exhilaration. The crowd
pushed forward for a better view, and offered up a full-throated yell when
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Rith laid her down on the altar piled high with pillows.
She squeezed her eyes shut as he rested his hands on her knees and parted her
legs. His breathing was audible as he feasted on the sight of her wet cunt for
the first time. Taking advantage of his distraction, she reached out in a
quick flash of thought and sent a probe deep into his mind. At the same time,
she bent her knees, spreading her legs as wide as they would go, and lowered
her fingers down to part her folds. Rith moaned in delight, all other thoughts
forgotten as her hooded clit came into view. She slid her own index finger
into her cunt. “Do this to me, please, Rith,” she whispered.
Inflamed by her wanton display, he jumped up on the altar and knelt over her
sprawled body. She gave him a sultry smile while her mind searched his. There!
Grasping the knowledge to her, she withdrew. Thank the goddess, he’d never
felt her touch. His thoughts were focused on the erotic paradise between her
Rith pushed her hand out of the way and positioned his body over hers.
Etaoine’s eyes widened as his massive cock sank into her for the second time.
She could see his muscles rippling as he slid in and out of her. Shuddering,
she raised her mental shields before she forgot everything in the rising tide
of passion engulfing her. His thrusts were setting her on fire. She threw out
her arms, her hands grasping the pillows around her, and writhed in passion.
She drummed her heels on the altar and lifted her hips. The high priest thrust
into her again and smiled as she convulsed under him.
Shudders rippled through Etaoine’s body as the crowd watched in hushed
delight. When at last they stopped, Rith slid out of her and rose from the
mat. Etaoine choked on her breath a second time and saw that his phallus
continued to pierce the air with stiff pride. She swallowed hard, knowing she
would be impaled on it until the vision came. Swallowing, she whispered a
quick prayer to the goddess for a vision.
Rith’s hand slid over her naked body, caressing it. She lay with her legs
still spread and his fingers dipped into her, then lifted as he breathed deep
of her musk. Feeling dazed with sensual pleasure, she let him stroke her clit
while the yells of the crowd rang in her ears. The cool air caressed her naked
skin. Her nipples throbbed, the tips growing even harder. The sound of the
crowd receded as Rith lowered himself over her to suck her breasts. She gasped
with sweet pleasure as his mouth settled over the sensitive flesh.
A flame flared inside her, setting all her S’hatas alight. Colored lights spun
around her, dazzling her vision.
The goddess was filling her with pure energy, opening her mind, preparing to
speak to her.
Etaoine’s heart thudded in her chest. She was certain Rith must hear it. But
no, he ignored the sound and lowered himself between her legs to suck and
nibble at her womanflesh. She squirmed as his tongue probed into her slit. The
colors that whirled before her vision coalesced into a blinding light. Her
mind seemed to split. A part of her knew that she lay on the altar as Rith
licked her juices. Another part melted into the radiance that surrounded her.

I am pleased with you, my child.
The goddess’s voice sang in her ears.
At the blessed sound, her spirit floated out of her body. Below her, she saw
Rith’s face harden with desire. He turned her physical form over so that she
lay on her stomach and raised her buttocks as he pushed her legs apart. She
gasped, momentarily jolted back into her body as he plunged into her. Then her
mind again soared up into the shining rainbow that hovered above her.
The goddess Adoru stood before her, naked and beautiful. A crown of glittering
jewels encircled her auburn hair and a necklace of pearls pulsed around her
throat. Her golden body gleamed with the radiance of a thousand suns. She
turned and walked across the stars, away from the center of the galaxy, toward
a distant spiral. Etaoine ran after her, her heart breaking. The goddess was

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breathtaking and her
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majestic presence healed an aching void in her heart that she had not known
existed until this moment.
Stars danced and swirled around them. Adoru stopped and smiled. She drifted in
space above a blue and green world, one hand turned palm down in a gesture of
benevolence. Somewhere, Etaoine knew, Rith was seeing this vision too. What
would he make of it?

A voice made of pure music spoke words that pulsed with power.
Your destiny. My people die on Reatar. Trust in the path that brings you to
the place of my blessing. Trust in the new beginning
Her mind teeming with questions, Etaoine strained her arms toward the goddess,
but as her fingers touched the radiant flesh, Adoru dissolved into pure fire.
Cold, clear flames danced toward Etaoine. A
great calm seized her and she looked into the fire without fear. As she stared
into the flames, an inner certainty told her that this part of the vision was
for her alone.
Deep in the flaming heart, an image began to take shape. She drew closer, a
strange enchantment surging through her. Bathed in the holy fire, a man stood
with his head high, staring out at her. He was all male, but he was not one of
her people. His skin was pale, even in the firelight, and his head was covered
with thick, dark hair. But it was his eyes that arrested her attention. They
were an unusual color, a rich and lustrous amber. She drew in a deep breath as
passion stirred within her, stronger than anything she’d ever felt. The male
stood with his feet spread, his hands on his hips, a proud look on his rugged
face. His sensual mouth was set in a hard line and she sensed his pain.
Something in his amber eyes called to her.
A word took shape in her brain.
With a cry of longing, she reached for his hand, but his image melted into the
image of the blue-green world, and both vanished. She cried out a second time
as the vision dissolved around her. The roar of the crowd thundered in her
ears again. Suddenly, she was back in her body with Rith behind her, his hands
gripping her hips, ramming into her as the crowd chanted and cheered. Her
channel convulsed and her buttocks lifted as she shook with orgasm. Rith
rammed into her one last time, groaned and collapsed, spilling his seed. As he
toppled off her, she saw his engorged penis start to shrink. The Mayavore
mating was complete for another year.
She heard moans of pleasure start to rise from the square as the people began
their own orgy. Hands tore at filmy garments. Naked flesh gleamed bright gold
under the light from the dome. Sitting up on her elbows, she looked out over
the square at the embracing bodies. Some were mating where they stood.
Others were spreading out, heading for the gardens that surrounded the Temple.
The frantic sex would go on for niads as the people sought to fill their
loveless lives with carnal delight.
Saddened by the spectable, Etaoine turned away from the crowd to stare up at
the statue of the god and goddess. Their eternal embrace promised that love
was possible, but she now knew she would have to travel to another world to
claim it. Surely, the goddess would bless her journey.

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Chapter Six

After the ceremony, a weary Etaoine joined Rith in the Temple for a cleansing
bath. Giggling priestesses swarmed around the High Priest as he entered the
pool. Nude themselves, they frolicked around him and splashed warm water over
his muscled chest.
A tired smile flittered across Etaoine’s lips. Already they were currying
favor, hoping to be chosen as the God’s Mate at the next festival. Well, let
them. She’d had her vision, a vision that would sustain her for the rest of
her life. She knew the goddess’s will for her, even if she had no idea how to
reach that blue-green world.
If only they could get to the ancient spaceship in Errock.
Adoru would show her the way. She must believe that. Alone in her section of
the pool, she washed the sweat from her body and cleansed her intimate parts.
Across from her, eager hands were cleaning
Rith’s phallus. Etaoine let herself relax and float in the warm water as she
listened to the women shriek with amazement at the length of his manhood.
She’d made the acquaintance of that tool already in a very intimate way. Her
insides still throbbed from his insistent demands.
Most of the celebrants were gone by the time she emerged from the Temple. The
Great Square was empty—except for one man who stood near the doorway, waiting
for her.
“Teilar!” Surprise took Etaoine’s breath away. “What are you doing here?”
She’d hoped he’d found someone to mate with at the ceremony, but it didn’t
look as if he had. His whole body was stiff with sexual tension.
Her bonded sexmate glared at her. He sniffed the air, his sensitive nostrils
flaring. “I don’t smell him on you. How can that be, when he was so deep
inside you, I thought he was going to come out the other side?”
Etaoine frowned. How dare he question her in this way? “I had a bath.”
“With him?” Teilar scowled.
“What if I did?” Etaoine tossed her head, but relented when she saw the hurt
in his eyes. “I was with about twenty other priestesses. I barely caught a
glimpse of him in the water. He was surrounded by women more than willing to
rehearse for next year’s festival.”
“Why should they bother? He’ll choose you again.”
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“Nonsense. The God’s Mate is chosen by a casting of the sticks. It’s the will
of the goddess.”
Teilar snorted. “Or the will of the high priest. Isn’t he the one who
interprets which priestess is indicated by their fall? Who would question him
if he picked whomever he desired.”
Etaoine laughed. “I doubt he’ll ever pick me again.”
“Why not? You are the most beautiful woman in the city.”
Frowning, Etaoine started across the square to the area where a hovercraft
waited. “You talk about my beauty as if there were something special about it.
All things the god and goddess create are beautiful.”
“Your beauty is special, even if you can’t see it.” Teilar hurried to catch up
with her. “Half the men in the city would willingly take my place as your
bonded sexmate.”
“Not necessary.” Etaoine smiled as she made the hand signal that would summon
the craft to them.
An image of amber eyes flashed through her mind. She pushed it aside. “I am
satisfied with you.”
Teilar grabbed her elbow and turned her to face him. “Are you? Will I satisfy
you for the long star voyage?”
The hovercraft settled to the ground near their feet. Teilar ignored it. His

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eyes searched her face for some reaction to his words.
“If we don’t get going, we’ll be late.” Etaoine tapped a sandaled foot against
the stone walkway.
Norrath would certainly want to meet with them and learn what the goddess had
shown her during the festival.
The blue-green world–was it to be their destination? Was the goddess leading
them to a new world?
And what of the strange man with the amber eyes? His gaze had probed into her
soul. Did he wait for her there?
Etaoine shook herself. It didn’t matter. They had to locate the spaceship.
Only then did she have a chance of finding the man she’d seen.
“Come, we must go.”
She strode toward the hovercraft, daring Teilar to stop her again. To her
relief, he followed and sat silently while the vehicle whisked them to
Quintannah and Norrath were waiting for them outside his door. Etaoine wasted
no time in ushering them back inside. Summoning up the knowledge she’d stolen
from Rith’s mind, she drew a map to show the way to Errock. Giddy with a wild
joy, she recounted her vision.
“Adoru is helping us. She wants us to go to this new world. We should leave as
soon as we can.”
The door to Norrath’s apartment slid open. Catching a startled breath, Etaoine
glanced toward the new arrival. Rith’s bronzed frame filled the threshold, his
hands on his hips and his legs spread wide.
“Etaoine je S’henhess, you have a destiny!” he announced.
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Springing to her feet, Etaoine watched Rith enter the room. His bare feet made
no sound as he approached. He wore a simple white robe, belted at the waist,
and a silver circlet set with pale moonstones around his neck. His skin glowed
beneath the shimmering radiance of his aura. She realized his body still
brimmed with energy from the rite.
“What do you know of my destiny?”
His hot gaze seared her flesh and she felt naked despite her robe. “I shared
your body today in the ceremony, but I also shared your mind. I was deep
inside you as the goddess revealed her vision to you.
How could I not see it too?”
“You saw the blue-green planet?”
“Yes. It could be a haven for our people.”
The four of them stared at him in disbelief.
“The Temple has always opposed any attempt to leave Reverlore,” Norrath said
at last.
“The priesthood has opposed any attempt, you mean.” Rith smiled, his eyes
dancing with amusement.
“I am but the goddess’s servant. If she says differently, who am I to question
her will?”
Etaoine’s heart quickened. Was it possible Rith would help them escape?
Rith’s gaze had not left her face. ”The goddess has commanded you to follow a
new path, one that will take you to this world.”
“Commanded me.” The words seemed heavy with meaning. Yet, she could not deny
the vision.
She glanced around the room. Teilar looked angry and Norrath seemed wary, but
as a priestess of the goddess Etaoine knew she could trust Rith to accept the
vision despite his previous beliefs. Squaring her shoulders, she revealed
their plan to find the ancient starship and escape Reatar.
When she concluded, he nodded. “I understand your reasons. For me, it’s enough
that the goddess has spoken. We will go.”
“But why do you suppose the goddess chose this one world among all the worlds
in the galaxy.” A

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puzzled frown drew Etaoine’s brows together.
Rith laughed. “I know the answer to that. Long ago, when our people fled our
destroyed home world, we seeded certain worlds as we journeyed here to
Etaoine shook her head, not understanding. “Seeded them?”
Norrath looked excited. “He must mean that we planted our DNA on those worlds.
If any intelligent race developed, there is a good chance they would share our
shapeshifting ability.”
“Just so.” Rith nodded. “Our ancestors thought if other shapeshifting races
evolved in the galaxy, our enemies would no longer concentrate on us.”
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Etaoine drew in a sharp breath as the proud amber-eyed male glowed before her
inner vision. “Then these people are in danger—because of us.”
“But how can we find this world?” Quintannah asked.
The High Priest smiled. “There is a record of the route our ancestors took
when they seeded the worlds.”
“It’s not in the city’s computer,” Norrath said. “I’ve searched the records.”
“No, this record is contained in the data banks of the starship itself.”
“Do you think we can reach the ship?” Etaoine tightened her hands into fists,
hardly daring to hope.
Rith’s eyes measured her. “I know the way, as you realized when you probed my
mind. I must warn you. Even with my knowledge, the journey will be difficult.
We must brave the tunnels, and dive down into the ocean, for our ancestors hid
their starship in the depths of the sea. But I will guide you for a price.”
“A price?” Teilar’s lips drew back in anger.
“I want to come with you.” Rith’s voice rang with command that would brook no
Teilar ignored the clear warning. He sprang to his feet. “No! We don’t need
your help.”
“Calm down, Teilar.” With a sigh of dismay, Norrath clapped a hand on Rith’s
shoulder. “The man has seen a vision.”
“A powerful vision.” Rith closed his eyes for an instant, a shudder of
pleasure passing over his muscled torso. When he peered at them again, his
polished silver gaze was even brighter with longing. “It is my duty as Adoru’s
servant to help bring her will into the physical realm.”
Teilar’s lips curled. “We shouldn’t trust him. He’s trying to trick us, to get
evidence against us—”
Etaoine caught her bonded sexmate’s arm and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I was
deep in Rith’s mind. I
know he is an honorable man…and we need his help.”
She looked to Quintannah and Norrath. Both nodded in agreement. Teilar groaned
and turned away, his shoulders slumping. Love seemed to be turning him inside
out. Etaoine sighed and sent a silent prayer to Adoru, begging her to help
Teilar come to his senses.
Norrath gave the high priest a final, measuring look. “I trust Etaoine. If she
says you’re trustworthy, you’re welcome to join us. Etaoine and Teilar have
become bonded sexmates, and I’ve agreed to bond with Quintannah. If you wish
to make such a long journey, you’ll need a sexmate of your own.”
The high priest grinned and looked from Etaoine to Teilar. Understanding
dawned in his eyes. “I
know a woman who will come with me and keep her silence until we leave. When
do you want to depart?”
“As soon as possible.” Etaoine smiled as Teilar’s head came up again in eager
anticipation. “What do you know about the starship?”
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“It was the greatest technological achievement of our people in their long

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history,” Rith answered.
“It’s fully automated, according to the ancient records.”
Norrath let out a relieved sigh. “I’d prayed as much.”
Rith laughed. “Don’t fancy yourself as a star pilot? Not necessary. All we
need to do is awaken the computer that controls the ship.”
“If it will fly after all these millennia.” Teilar frowned.
“The ancients knew how to build machines that would last forever. Look around
you at the machines that built this city. They still function if called upon.
The starship will be the same.” The high priest spoke with confidence.
“We’ll need food then?”
Rith shook his head. “The ship creates food for us from energy, the same as
the city does.”
“A miniature paradise.” Norrath looked pleased.
With desire flaring in his eyes, Rith eyed the two women. “It should be an
enjoyable trip.”
Etaoine licked her lips. Did Rith intend to try and seduce her on the long
voyage? There was no reason they shouldn’t be lovers. Yet even as the thought
passed through her mind, she felt Teilar’s arm go around her shoulders. No
reason except that Rith and Teilar might kill each other over her.
“I’ll see to my bonded sexmate’s pleasure on the voyage,” Teilar growled.
“As you wish.” Rith inclined his head in Teilar’s direction, but the look he
gave Etaoine promised something else.

Chapter Seven

When they reached the end of the tunnel to the ocean, they found a deserted
dock, crowded with ancient boats. After some discussion, they picked one and
headed out to sea.
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The wide-open space above their heads made Etaoine dizzy after a lifetime
spent inside the caverns.
The cloudy gray sky seemed like a high dome to her. It was still hard to
believe that stars shone above those clouds and that within a few niads she
might be flying among them.
They headed north, seeking the coordinates of the sunken city, knowledge long
guarded by the high priests of Reverlore. Arriving at the spot at last,
Etaoine shut off the engines of the boat and scanned the horizon, keeping her
ice-cold fingers tucked into the pockets of her thermal suit. Nothing but
water was visible wherever she looked. She consulted the coordinates on her
location device one last time and dropped anchor. This was the place. The
ancient domed city, now dead, lay beneath the waters of this frigid sea.
The journey had been long and cold, but Etaoine was too excited to feel
weariness. The age-old spaceship lay beneath these waves.
“We’re here.” She flashed a smile at Teilar. Her sexmate looked unhappy in his
bulky thermal suit. All of them were sickened by the constant rocking of the
Now she gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “We’ll be quite safe. The six
of us will shapeshift into a school of rocondars and swim straight down to
Errock. If the ship’s there, we’ll claim it.”
His eyes met hers, bright with worry. “Overconfidence can be dangerous. The
sea is tricky, and our people have spent the last millennia living under
domes. We don’t know what to expect.”
“I talked for niads with the city’s computer about marine biology. We all

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changed into the rocondar twice, using the ancient recordings as models. You
should know. We were kept busy performing the
Even the memory of two nights of lovemaking was not enough to bring a smile to
his face. Instead, he frowned. “What does a computer know of reality? This
ocean may swarm with dangers we know nothing about.”
Etaoine braced her legs against the pitching of the deck and pointed a finger
at Teilar’s chest. “Listen!
Do you want to stay on this world forever, or do you want to make a voyage to
the stars?”
His face relaxed a little. “You know the answer to that.”
“Then we must do what we planned.”
The other four joined them. Rith’s tall body dominated the group. Beside him,
his sexmate appeared petite, although she was of average height for a woman.
She was slim, and her aura radiated a calm blue light. Her name was Chakar je
Motet. Etaoine liked her.
“Ready?” Etaoine looked into their determined faces. Each seemed prepared to
risk their lives to find a way off Reatar.
She leaned over to give Teilar a final kiss. Working quickly, she stripped off
her thermal suit. It was easier to be naked for shapeshifting. Behind her, she
could hear the others groaning and tugging at their clothes as the raw cold
lashed at them. Hugging her chest, Etaoine gazed at the raised bumps on her
golden flesh. Never before had she felt so cold or so frightened.
Shivering, she climbed up on the railing of the boat and balanced herself on
the water-slick surface
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while she stared down into the waves. She’d given a lot of thought before
deciding to shapeshift into a rocondar. They needed a creature that could go
deep, that could squeeze through tight places and that possessed appendages
that could open the doors to the spacecraft, so they could gain access to the
ship before they shifted back into their natural states. Beyond that, they
needed to shift into a creature feared by other denizens of the deep. If they
were attacked, they must be able to defend themselves. After a long computer
search, she’d settled on the rocondar. The sea creature was small, but it was
feared by the other inhabitants of the ocean because of the poison it carried
in its tendrils. And those same tendrils could open a door.
Etaoine took a last look at the distant sunstar and drew in a long breath as
she released her form and began the shift. At the same instant, she leapt from
the boat. She began her fall as an Ailunnean and plunged into the water as a
rocondar. The others followed, splashing down around her.
As the sea engulfed her, she knew a moment of panic before the gills of the
rocondar started to function. She relaxed as oxygen flowed through her body.
Thick muscles and a layer of fat shielded her from the icy cold of the water.
She moved her long tail and glided through the sea, delighting in the
sensation of freedom. Finally, sure she had mastered the rocondar body, she
turned her attention to her waiting companions.

A monstrous shape floated near her, but its thoughts were those of Teilar.
Nodding her misshapen head, she dived down to the ocean floor far below. The
other five swam close behind her. As she went lower, the water grew darker,
the sunlight fading. Yet the eyes of the rocondar seemed to adjust. She could
see shapes swimming around her. More than that, she detected a multitude of
sounds—whines, whistles and long, low moans that pulsed through the water.
Some other sense, a sort of sonar, kicked in too and she found she knew what
other creatures swam around her.
Apparently all of them wanted to stay clear of the rocondars. The six of them
swam downward without incident, circling in a descending spiral so as not to

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stray from the coordinates of the lost city. If they managed to descend in a
straight line, they would be there.
Now she began to see a range of mountains rising out of the murk, an undersea
kingdom unexplored by her kind. Ailunneans seldom shapeshifted into the
creatures of the sea. Most of their cities lay concealed beneath mountains.
According to the ancient records, this mountain range had once stood in the
sunlight on a great continent that had sunk into the sea. Errock had lain
buried beneath that range. The Final Madness had swept through the city before
the cataclysm occurred. But they hoped the dome continued to protect it.
Seeing those mountains now, worn down by the constant currents of the sea,
Etaoine began to get a sense of how many millennia had passed since the
starship had landed on Reatar. In all that time, her people had never ventured
into space again. Anything could have happened out among the stars while they
stayed hidden on their world. Hundreds of bold new races might now stride
among the stars, the children of their DNA. The thought excited her. Surely,
the god and goddess wanted them to explore the universe they had created. The
holy books said it was created for their pleasure. Yet, her people had limited
themselves to Reatar. No wonder faith flickered so low. No wonder love and
hope were almost forgotten emotions.
Her tendrils stroked the water as she hovered, her sonar searching the
mountainside. The echo broke, suggesting a gap. She swam toward it, followed
by her companions. The sight of a huge chasm beckoned to her. She swam inside,
into total darkness. How would they find the ship in such inky blackness?
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To her surprise, light began to glow around her. At first, she thought it was
her aura, returned somehow despite her amphibious form. Then she realized that
her tendrils were glowing. The others began to glow as well. Her form made it
impossible to smile, but her spirit soared as she realized the goddess was
truly blessing their journey.
They continued downward into the chasm, staying close to the rocky sides so
they would not lose their sense of direction. As they passed a jagged edge, a
giant form sprang from hiding to block her route. Sonar pinged against the
creature, revealing its shape. A zenkaf. The computer had warned her that such
creatures swarmed in this area. Twice the size of the rondacar, it was long
and thin with a green shell protecting its body. Numerous tendrils protruded
from the shell. It had a square head with two antennae mounted at the front,
bulging eyes, and a gaping mouth lined with jagged teeth.
The group stopped to survey the creature that stood between them and their
goal. Its tendrils moved, pushing through the water toward them with
surprising speed. Startled, Etaoine opened her mouth and a bloodcurdling
shriek emerged. For the second time, she experienced a shock as the zenkaf
reared straight up, the antenna on its head quivering in alarm. Her surprise
increased as the whole body of the creature trembled, sending waves of water
beating against her. She crashed into the stone of the mountainside, her
companions thrashing about around her. As she fought to stay steady in the
sudden currents, the creature turned and launched itself past them, swimming
upward as fast as it could.
Some of her fear started to drain away as the currents died down. Evidently,
her scream had frightened the zenkaf. Thank the goddess, it must be afraid of
the rocondar. Grateful once again for the form she’d chosen, she checked on
her companions. They seemed unharmed. It was difficult to exchange thoughts in
this form, but she knew they would not want to retreat now. Launching herself
away from the rock, she resumed her journey, but with more care. Some other
creature might be brave enough to attack them.
At last, they touched the bottom and the chasm opened into the vast
underground cavern that held the ruined city. The light from their bodies
could not hope to illuminate it all, but relief swept over her as she saw that
the city’s dome still functioned, emitting light. The fragile shell of energy

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was pitted and dark in many places. Water had seeped through, spilling into
the cavern and drowning the already dead city. But at least they could see.
She slipped through one of the darkened holes in the insubstantial energy
barrier, followed by the others, and swam down among the crumbled buildings.
The city was laid out much like Reverlore. A cold premonition seized her heart
as she realized she was looking at the future of her own beloved city if
nothing changed. Reverlore too would be seized by the Final Madness and die.
They had to leave Reatar and face their enemies, no matter what the cost. They
might even find allies in the seeded races.
She pictured the strong face of the amber-eyed man. He had the look of a
warrior. Would he fight for her people?
She undulated through the water, lost in imaginings about his virile body.
Then she spotted the ancient starship on a huge platform near the edge of the
city. As she swam closer, the craft seemed to grow in size until it towered
above her. The ship was disk-shaped and outlined in a soft, radiant glow. The
ancients must have set an energy field around it to protect it.
With a pounding heart, she swam just above the nimbus of energy, circling the
outer edge of the disk until she found something that looked like a door.
Shifting her tendrils to match the vibration of the energy field, she reached
through it to activate the panel. The field vanished. In the next moment, the
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whined and slid open, revealing a small room in the interior of the ship. Her
heart exalted in triumph.
Together the six of them crowded into the airlock. The door slid shut again
and ancient machinery groaned to life. Etaoine heard a low pumping noise, and
the water began to drain from the airlock. As air flowed into the space, she
shifted back into her Ailunnean shape.
The damp atmosphere tasted of salt. Teilar took on his normal form beside her,
his eyes already glowing. Was he excited about the ship, or the B’rath they
must soon perform?
She shook off the thought. Her body felt drained, but the blessing of the
goddess flooded her being, bringing new strength.
“We made it. We actually made it!” Turning to Teilar, she kissed his mouth.
Teilar clasped her naked body close. “We did it!” His eyes shone with joy as
his mouth explored hers. She tasted the salt on her own lips as his tongue
slid over them and then into her mouth. She pulled away from the kiss and
glanced around the deck. The others were back in Ailunnean form, their auras
dancing with the rare rose light of love and the smiling blue of hope despite
their low energy levels.
“I feel weak.” Etaoine drew her arms across her breasts and shivered.
“Let’s get inside the ship.” Rith strode over to another set of controls and
punched them, opening the inner door of the airlock.
Eyes wide, the six explorers stepped into the interior of the starship. A long
corridor welcomed them, its walls and ceiling glowing with a bright, white
Norrath laughed with relief. “It seems to be functional.”
Etaoine touched the wall in wonder. It felt warm beneath her fingers. The
floor was warm, too, and made of some soft material that cushioned her bare
“This starship held thousands on the journey here,” Rith told them. “It will
be like having a world to ourselves.”
Gathering their courage, they ventured down the corridor. After a short walk,
it opened into a spacious room furnished with chairs and couches.
“Some kind of reception room, I believe.” Rith searched the wall with bright
eyes. “Ah, yes, here—”
His fingers touched a panel set into the wall. A soft chime sounded and a door
slid open. A frosted glass stood on a small shelf inside.

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“Just as the computer promised. You order different drinks and foods with
different codes tapped on this surface. These units should be everywhere
throughout the ship.”
“Light, warmth, food, and drink. So far it looks promising.” Quintannah beamed
her delight.
Leaving the reception area, they ventured deeper into the ship. Rith explained
that the disk was divided into rings, each dedicated to a purpose. The outer
ring, which they now entered, was a recreational area. Vast halls held
swimming pools and areas lush with grass where sports were once played. Beyond
that, they came to the living area. Corridors spread out everywhere there,
offering the
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choice of a host of bedrooms. Other rooms were designed for gatherings of
family and friends.
Rith stopped before one door and touched the control to open it. They peered
inside. The room contained a comfortable sitting area and a wide bed. Beyond
they could see a bathroom.
“All we need,” the high priest commented. His face looked strained. He glanced
down at his sexmate.
“In fact, it might be wise to use some of these beds before we explore
further. My energy is fading at an alarming rate.”
“So is mine,” Norrath agreed. “It’s time for each bonded couple to chose a
room and engage in the ritual. Afterward, we can explore.”
“The ship’s computer lies beyond this area. From there, we can plot our
course. But first, more important matters.” Rith leered down at his mate.
Teilar curled his fingers around Etaoine’s arm and turned her aside into the
nearest chamber. As the door slid shut behind them, warmth wrapped her body in
a welcoming wave. Turning her head, she saw a fireplace had leapt alight in
one wall. With a cry of delight, she walked over and held out her hands. It
seemed they wouldn’t want for any luxury on their long voyage. Teilar came up
behind her. Slipping his arms around her waist, he drew her up against him.
His flesh glowed in the light from the flames. She rested one cheek against
his chest and listened to the steady beat of his heart. He took care of her,
and he was a trustworthy mate. Was it possible she might grow to love him? Her
fingers curled in his wiry chest hair.
“It’s time for the B’rath.” Teilar’s hand stroked her back, dipping down over
her buttocks.
“Yes.” She could feel the energy draining from her, pooling at her feet like
the water that still dripped from her body. She looked over his shoulder at
the soft round bed that dominated the center of the sleeping chamber. A small
altar sat beside it. She wondered who had occupied this chamber on the long
voyage to Reatar. How many times had they lit that candle and performed the
He noticed her questioning glance. “I see we have a candle. I wonder if there
is any oil?”
Walking over to the altar, he searched a shelf beneath it and came up with a
bowl and clear glass bottle. Etaoine’s heart swelled with delight. The goddess
had provided again.
Teilar poured oil into the bowl and dipped his fingers. As she watched, his
organ swelled and stiffened. With a small smile, she walked over to the altar
and entwined her fingers in the hair that curled on his chest.
He pushed her hand away and, with a gentle shove, forced her into a sitting
position on the bed.
“You are impatient today.”
His penis swelled in front of her face. “Our need is great after our swim
through the depths.”
“We must raise each other’s energy.” She glanced up at him from under lowered
lashes. “I’m growing weaker by the moment, Teilar. I need you to save me.”

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With a grunt, he sat down beside her and patted his lap. Etaoine’s eyes
widened but his meaning was unmistakable. Wondering what inventive twist on
the ritual he had come up with now, she climbed onto
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his lap, facing him. His eyes burned into hers, his features hard with desire.
So he hadn’t yet forgotten the Mayavore Festival and the actions of the High
Priest. Realizing what he wanted, she readjusted her body on his thighs so
that she straddled him. His organ rose like a pillar between them.
“Close your eyes.”
She obeyed him, her nipples tightening with excitement. His oily hand caressed
the smooth skin of her belly, sending shivers of pleasure spiraling through
her. Her energy stirred as her S’hatas began to open, stimulated by his erotic
What was he doing? Always before, he had started raising the energy at her
root S’hata, beneath her pubic bone. Yet she trusted in Teilar’s ability.
His lips kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose, touched her mouth, soft as
the touch of the breeze, and slid down the smooth column of her throat. She
felt his hot breath on her breasts and gasped as his mouth engulfed one
nipple. He sucked her, hard, slow and steady until the fire blazed in the
S’hata between her breasts.
Her heart began to pound as his mouth moved to her other breast. One hand
caressed her back again, his palm flattening as it glided over the rounded
curve of her buttock. The hand moved on, up again and around her stomach, and
down, between her legs and his, until he curved two fingers up and entered
her. Her juices flowed as his fingers twisted inside her. Fire blazed through
her veins as her
S’hatas sprang to life. His hand moved, in and out, a slow, steady stroke,
while his mouth continued to suck her engorged nipple.
She arched her back and moaned as Teilar’s eyes darkened. His fingers jabbed
deeper into her flesh.
Energy was whirling through her body, gathering for the explosion that would
link her to the cosmic pulse.
But she needed something to strike the final spark, something more.
Teilar’s smoky eyes stared into hers, his fingers working magic inside her.
She twisted her body and reached for his phallus, determined to set his own
desires aflame. His eyes widened as she grasped it and ran her fingers up and
down its length, feeling it grow harder and longer at her touch. A wet dewdrop
of semen already moistened the head, preparing it to enter her. Her cunt
contracted around his fingers as she imagined lowering herself on that thick
As if he read her thought, Teilar withdrew his probing fingers and pressed
both hands against her thighs, lifting her upward. She grasped his shoulders
with her hands and positioned her moist slit over his penis. His eyes gleamed
as she lowered herself until she felt the head penetrate her body. He stopped
her there, his hands hard on her thighs, and thrust his own hips upward to
penetrate her. As he impaled her, he dropped down on the bunk again, bringing
her down with him. Her weight settling on his thighs drove him up into her.
Flames of desire licked her insides, and she cried aloud with pleasure.
“Don’t move.”
His command surprised her, but she obeyed, although her body ached for
release. He began a slight rocking on the bed that moved his erection ever so
slightly inside her. His hand, scented with her musky odor, lifted her chin so
that their gazes locked.
“Feel me. Think of nothing else.”
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Again, she strove to obey his command. It wasn’t hard. His eyes filled her

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vision, his look demanding her surrender to him. His penis jammed her inner
space and each time he rocked it moved just enough to make her exquisitely
aware of the pressure of the head as it bumped against her womb. Each wave of
pleasure grew sharper as her silky sheath contracted around his shaft. That
sensitive flesh seemed to take on a mind of its own, the muscles rippling as
if wanting to explore the fine instrument that had penetrated its depths. The
ripples increased in intensity and developed a rhythm in response to his
steady rocking.
The sensation was more than she could bear. She threw back her head and
whimpered with mingled passion and frustration, but his lips found hers,
smothering the sound. At last, Teilar laughed and grabbed her hips with his
hands, lifting her and plunging her down again. As his phallus struck her womb
for the second time, she exploded. Waves of light washed over her as the
energy of the universe cascaded into her body, restoring the balance.
When she emerged from the throes of her orgasm, she was still impaled on
Teilar’s cock. The dampness within her told her that he’d poured his semen
into her. He smiled at her and trailed one thumb around her stiff nipples.
“I believe we’ve restored our energy until our next shapeshifting, my sweet.”
She leaned forward and placed a playful kiss on the top of his head. “If every
B’rath were like this one, I might shapeshift more often.”
Laughter danced in his eyes. “You see. It’s a good thing to depart from
tradition once in a while.”
With a smile, he released his grip on her hips. Feeling a strange reluctance,
she rose to her feet, sliding free of him. Yet, as soon as their bodies
separated her thoughts returned to the ship. Was it still capable of soaring
through space, of taking her to the amber-eyed man who called out to her?
“What condition is the ship in? Can we explore?”
Teilar grinned. “I was hoping you’d say that.” He stood up and walked to one
of the wall panels. “If we knew the codes, we could get clothes from one of
these energy converters.”
Etaoine shrugged. She enjoyed parading around nude in the warm air of the
ship. “Rith or Norrath will know.”
When they joined the others in one of the gathering rooms, Norrath had already
created sarongs for them all. Laughing and joking, wrapping their arms around
each other, they made their way to the bridge.
Norrath easily found the controls to activate the ship’s engines. A low hum
moved through the ancient ship, then faded and died.
“No!” Etaoine cried, rushing to the nearest instrument. “The engines must work
or we will never leave
“Relax.” Rith stepped up to the control panel. “I’ve studied how these ships
worked for years. If there is a problem, the computer will know a way to fix
He turned and leered at her. “You seem very eager to reach space. Anyone would
think you had a lovemate waiting out there for you.”
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Etaoine’s cheeks blazed. Had he seen the last part of her vision after all?
She glared at him, but he was already concentrating on the panel under his
dancing fingers. Pray the goddess, he was only teasing her. She’d told no one
about the amber-eyed man. If Teilar knew, he would make the long voyage an
agony with his jealous brooding.
Rith and Norrath bent over the panels for almost a niad, but eventually the
low hum resumed. After checking the engines and navigational system, Rith
searched through the computer for any references to the blue-green world
they’d both seen in Etaoine’s vision. A picture of a spiral galaxy appeared on
the huge screen at the front of the bridge. Etaoine knew enough astronomy to
recognize it was their own. The picture zoomed in, focusing on Reatar as seen
from space, before moving outward into the dark depths.

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“This part must be a visual record of their trip.” Teilar’s eyes were wide
with wonder.
Etaoine watched as a ringed giant flashed onto the screen. In the distance,
she could see its hot blue sun. The dark of space returned, followed by a red
and green planet with five shining moons.
She blinked and the screen brightened with a blue-green world, swathed in
dazzling white clouds.
She sucked in her breath. “That’s it—the world of my vision!”
“Are you sure?” Teilar asked.
Etaoine nodded. She’d described her vision to him in detail, especially when
she noticed it seemed to lessen his anger at Rith.
“This is a sure sign,” she whispered. “There can be no more doubt. The goddess
wants us to journey to this planet.”
“I believe you must be right.” Teilar sounded as pleased as if he’d thought of
the idea himself.
Looking into his joyous eyes, she felt a moment of doubt. Should she tell
Teilar the whole truth? But she sensed he wouldn’t take kindly to any
description of that virile man with the dark hair and the sun-warm amber eyes
that glowed with passion.
Yet she couldn’t forget his image. He haunted her dreams.
This blue-green planet must be his. And if they followed the path of the
seeders, they would find it one day. Her nipples tightened with a strange
thrill of anticipation as she stared down at the planet on the screen. The
goddess was sending her to this man. Whatever the reason, she welcomed it. Her
lips curved in a glad smile.
Beside her, Teilar covered her hand with his. “We go?”
“We go.” She would test her vision and journey to this planet. She would meet
this man and learn what the goddess intended. For the first time in many
starturns, her heart sang again.

Coming soon... …
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The adventures of Etaoine, Teilar and her fellow Ailunneans continue on Earth
in the first book of the
Ailunnean Shapeshifter series, Alien Seduction
Shapeshifter Etaoine je S’henhess is a hunted creature. Her people are hiding
from the other advanced races of the galaxy. When Etaoine performs a sexual
ritual and sees a vision of a blue-green planet and a human male with dark
hair and amber eyes, she becomes certain they are lovemates, destined to be
Driven by her belief, she defies the law of her people and journeys to Earth,
a planet her race seeded with their DNA a millennia ago. The alien DNA has
taken root, and a few humans have latent shapeshifting ability.
Destiny unites with her desire when she meets Donal Brannan, a tough yet
sensual amber-eyed ex-Seal.
A strong, proud man, Donal refuses to trust any alien after being abducted by
a UFO and used for experiments. His distrust includes Etaoine, now Erinna
Burke, no matter how much he craves her body in his bed.
Erinna believes she is Donal’s lovemate as foretold by her vision, but will
destiny and desire ever ignite love in his suspicious heart?

Authors’ Bios

Words are a writer's passion, so is it any wonder if passionate books result?
Jeanine Berry is the co-author of two best-selling SF novels of a very sexy
near future, The Sex Gates and
Masters of the

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Sex Gates
. Her other published novels include
Dayspring Dawning and
Dayspring Destiny
; and an anthology, Twilight Crossings
. She's also written
The Secret Sky
, scheduled for publication in 2004.
A journalist by profession, Jeanine currently works for a magazine. She lives
in the Chicago area with her husband and two very spoiled Australian Silky

A born historian and adventurer, Judy Russell loves to explore the pages of
history and question modern views of past happenings. Then, she writes her own
stories about these events in the form of fantasy, SF, and
historical-paranormal romances.
She started writing romances at an early age. Her great love for horses drew
her first to western romances. Maybe someday those first novels of hers will
find their way to publication.
Meanwhile, she is devoting herself to writing her own special brand of love
and adventure in her romances.

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