BIBLIOGRAPHY #2 Benedict & Medieval Monasticism

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BIBLIOGRAPHY #2: Benedict & Medieval Monasticism


Douglas Burton-Christie, The Word in the Desert: Scripture and the Quest for Holiness in Early Christian

Monasticism (New York: Oxford, 1993) paperback, $25. A detailed study of the biblical spirituality that
shaped the Egyptian monastic outlook. It provides a good treatment of matters far beyond its specific focus:
asceticism, work, abbas and disciples, etc.

Peter Brown, The Body and Society: Men, Women, and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity (New York:

Columbia University Press, 1988) paperback, $16. An amazing book on a much misunderstood topic.
Brown enters into the minds and hearts of the ancients with enormous sympathy and brings alive their
world. Who could imagine that the history of celibacy could be so interesting?

Bernard McGinn, The Foundations of Mysticism: Origins to the Fifth Century (New York: Crossroad, 1991)

paperback, $20. This is the first volume of what is to be a 4- or 5-volume history of Christian mysticism.
This volume on the patristic era is excellent, especially good on Origen, Gregory of Nyssa, Evagrius
Ponticus, and Augustine. Also he offers some fine general principles on how to read and interpret mystics
and their theological endeavors.

James E. Goehring, Ascetics, Society, and the Desert: Studies in Early Egyptian Monasticism (Harrisburg, PA:

Trinity Press International, 1999) paperback, $25. NEW. Goehring has, for the last 15 years, done
pioneering work on the origins of Christian monasticism. He has finally gathered his path-breaking and
sometimes hard-to-find essays in this collection. One does need to know the basics of the history to
appreciate how dramatically and skillfully revises the old picture of the beginning of monasticism.

John Binns, Ascetics and Ambassadors of Christ: the Monasteries of Palestine, 314-631, Oxford Early Christian

Studies (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994) NEW in paperback, $25.

David Brakke, Athanasius and Asceticism (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1998) paperback, $18. NEW.
Peter Brown, Society and the Holy in Late Antiquity (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982) paperback,

$14. See especially the classic essay, “The Rise and Function of the Holy Man in Late Antiquity.”

Gabriel Bunge, Geistliche Vatershaft. Christliche Gnosis bei Evagrios Pontikos, Studia Patristica et Liturgica 23

(Regensburg, 1988). Also available in French: Paternité Spirituelle: La gnose chrétienne chez Évagre le
, Spiritualité Orientale 61 (Bégrolles-en-Mauge: Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1994).

Gabriel Bunge, “Evagre le Pontique et les deux Macaires,” Irénikon 56 (1983) 215-227 & 323-360.
Elizabeth A. Clark, The Origenist Controversy: The Cultural Construction of an Early Christian Debate (Princeton:

Princeton University Press, 1992) hardcover, $40. Excellent.

Henry Chadwick, “Pachomios and the Idea of Sanctity,” reprinted in History and Thought of the Early Church

(London: Variorum Reprints, 1982).

Derwas Chitty, The Desert A City (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1966) paperback, $10. The

classic survey.

Vincent Desprez, “Saint Anthony and the Beginnings of Anchoritism,” American Benedictine Review 43 (1992) 61-81

and 141-172.

Jeremy Driscoll and Mark Sheridan, ed., Spiritual Progress: Studies in the Spirituality of Late Antiquity and Early

Monasticism (Rome: Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo, 1994).

Jeremy Driscoll, “Exegetical Procedures in the Desert Monk Poemen,” in Mysterium Christi: Symbolgegenwort und

theologische Bedeutung: Festschrift für Basil Studer, Studia Anselmiana 116, ed. M. Löhrer (Rome: Pontificio
Ateneo S. Anselmo, 1995) 155-178.

H. Evelyn-White, The Monasteries of Wadi ‘n Natrûn, Part Two: The History of the Monasteries of Nitria and of

Scetis (New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art Egyptian Expedition, 1932). Dated, but the brilliant
starting point for all major studies in this century.

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Bibliography #2: Benedict


Graham E. Gould, The Desert Fathers on Monastic Community, Oxford Early Christian Studies (New York: Oxford

University Press, 1993) hardcover, $40. See especially the superb introductory chapter.

Graham E. Gould, “Pachomios of Tabennesi and the Foundation of an Independent Monastic Community,” in W.J.

Shields and D. Wood, eds., Voluntary Religion, Studies in Church History 23 (Oxford: 1986) pp. 15-24.

Antoine Guillaumont, Aux origenes du monachisme chrétien: Pour une phénoménologie du monachisme,

Spiritualité orientale 30 (Bégrolles-en-Mauges: Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1979). Brilliant essays.

Antoine Guillaumont, Études sur la spiritualité de l’Orient chrétien, Spiritualité Orientale 66 (Bégrolles en Mauges,

France: Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1996).

Antoine Guillaumont, “Le Problème des deux Macaires dans les Apophthegmata Patrum,” Irénikon 48 (1975) 41-59.

Few essays illustrate better the technical problems of recovering the history behind the Apophthegmata.

Irénée Hausherr, Penthos: the Doctrine of Compunction in the Christian East, trans. Anselm Hufstader, Cistercian

Studies 53 (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1982). A classic study from the 1950s.

Irénée Hausherr, Spiritual Direction in the Early Christian East, CS 116, trans. Anthony P. Gythiel (Kalamazoo, MI:

Cistercian Publications, 1990; original French edition, 1955).

Irénée Hausherr, Les Leçons d’un Contemplative: Le Traité de l’Oraison d’Evagre le Pontique (Paris: Beauchesne,

1960). A brilliant commentary on Evagrius’ On Prayer.

Terrence G. Kardong, “The Monastic Practices of Pachomius and the Pachomians,” Studia Monastica 32 (1990) 59-77
Andrew Louth, The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981) paperback, $20.

Brief, but masterful.

Harriet A. Luckman & Linda Kulzer, eds., Purity of Heart in Early Ascetic and Monastic Literature (Collegeville,

MN: The Liturgical Press, 1999) paperback, $22. NEW.

Michael O’Laughlin, “Elements of Fourth-Century Origenism: The Anthropology of Evagrius Ponticus and Its

Sources,” in C. Kannengeisser and W. Petersen, eds., Origen of Alexandria, His World and His Legacy
(Notre Dame: Notre Dame University, 1988) 355-373.

Joseph Patrich, Sabas, Leader of Palestinian Monasticism: A Comparative Study in Eastern Monasticism, Fourth to

Seventh Centuries (Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks, 1995).

Lucien Regnault, La vie quotidienne des Pères du Désert en Egypte au IV


siècle (Paris: Hachette, 1990).

Lucien Regnault, “Aux origines des collections d’Apophtegmes,” Studia Patristica 18.2 (1989) 61-74.
Lucien Regnault, “Les Apophtegmes des pères en Palestine aux V




siècles,” Irénikon 54 (1981) 320-330.

Philip Rousseau, “Christian Asceticism and the Early Monks,” in Early Christianity: Origins and Evolution to A.D.

600: In Honour of W.H.C. Frend, ed. Ian Hazlett (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1991) 112-122.

Philip Rousseau, Basil of Caesarea, Transformation of the Classical Heritage 20 (Berkeley: University of California

Press, 1994) NEW in paperback, $20.

Samuel Rubenson, The Letters of St. Antony: Monasticism and the Making of a Saint, Studies in Antiquity and

Christianity (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995) paperback, $19. A controversial revisionist view.

Tomas Spidlik, The Spirituality of the Christian East: A Systematic Handbook, Cistercian Studies 79 (Kalamazoo,

MI: Cistercian Publications, 1986) paperback, $25.

Marek Starowicyski, ed., The Spirituality of Ancient Monasticism: Acts of the International Colloquium held in

Cracow-Tyniec, 16-19


November 1994 (Cracow: Tyniec, 1995).

Columba Stewart, ‘Working the Earth of the Heart’: The Messalian Controversy in History, Texts, and Language to AD

431 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991).

Columba Stewart, “Radical Honesty about the Self: Practice of the Desert Fathers,” Sobornost 12 (1990) 25-39.
Arthur Voobus, A History of Asceticism in the Syrian Orient, 3 volumes, CSCO 184, 197, & 500 (Louvain: 1958,


Benedicta Ward, “Traditions of Spiritual Guidance: Spiritual Direction in the Desert Fathers,” Signs and Wonders:

Saints, Miracles, and Prayers from the 4


Century to the 14


(London: Variorum Reprints, 1992).

Benedicta Ward, “Apophthegmata Matrum,” Studia Patristica 16, ed. Elizabeth A. Livingston (Berlin: TU, 1985):

63-66; ; reprint in Signs and Wonders (London: Variorum Reprints, 1992).

Kallistos Ware, “The Origins of the Jesus Prayer: Diadochus, Gaza, Sinai,” in C. Jones, G. Wainwright, E. Yarnold,

eds., The Study of Spirituality (New York: Oxford University Press, 1986), 175-184.

Vincent L. Wimbush and Richard Valantasis, ed., Asceticism (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995), hardback,



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Bibliography #2: Benedict


Athanasius, The Life of Anthony, Classics of Western Spirituality 16, trans. Robert C. Gregg (New York: Paulist

Press, 1980) paperback, $15. This was one of the great religious best-sellers of ancient world and was
responsible for popularizing the desert ideal throughout the ancient world. This work would shape all later
lives of the saints. A new translation by Tim Vivian and Apostolos N. Athanassakis based on the critical
edition by G.J.M Bartelink is forthcoming from Cistercian Publications in 1999.

The Sayings of the Desert Fathers: the Alphabetical Collection [=Apophthegmata Patrum] trans. Benedicta Ward,

Cistercian Studies 59 (Kalamazoo, WI: Cistercian Publications, 1984) paperback, $13. Fascinating
anecdotes about and one-liners from the simple, unlearned, and often eccentric leaders of the early desert

Armand Veilleux, ed., Pachomian Koinoinia: the Lives, Rules, and Other Writings of Saint Pachomius, Cistercian

Studies 45-47 (Kalamazoo, WI: Cistercian Publications, 1980-1982) paperback, $15 per volume.
Pachomius was in many respects the “inventor” of the monastery. This edition includes translations of both
the Greek and Coptic Life of Pachomius, as well as documents from Pachomius himself and his early
successors, Theodore and Horiesius.

Antoine Guillaumont & Claire Guillaumont, Évagre le Pontique, Traité Pratique ou le Moine, Sources chrétiennes

170-171 (Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1971). Evagrius was a friend of the Cappadocians Fathers and would
become the first great theoretician of the spiritual life. He stressed the centrality of wordless, imageless
prayer, and his writings display a fondness for brief, oracular sayings. Within a year of his death, his
friends and disciples—Palladius, Cassian, Rufinus—would be persecuted as “Origenists” and run out of
Egypt. Evagrius was condemned 150 years later, and his works circulated anonymously. This has a critical
edition of his most famous work, the Praktikos, together with a French translation and opens with a superb
100-page overview of Evagrius’ life and teaching.

John Eudes Bamberger, Evagrius Ponticus: Praktikos and Chapters on Prayer, Cistercian Studies 4 (Kalamazoo,

WI: Cistercian Publications, 1981) paperback, $7.

G.J.M. Bartelink, ed., Athanasius: Vie d’Antoine, Sources chrétiennes 400 (Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1994). A new

critical edition of the Greek text, with a French translation and valuable introduction and notes.

Hervé de Broc, trans., Isaie de Scété: Recueil ascétique, 3rd ed., Spiritualité orientale no.7bis, introduction par

Lucien Regnault (Begrolles-en-Mauges: Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1985).

Jeremy Driscoll, ed., Evagrius Ponticus: The Mind’s Long Journey to the Holy Trinity (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical

Press, 1993) paperback, $10.

Antoine Guillaumont, ed., Évagre Le Pontique: Le Gnostique ou a celui qui est devenu digne de la science, Sources

Chrétiennes 356 (Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1989).

Jean-Claude Guy, ed., Les Apophtegmes des Pères, I-IX, Sources Chrétiennes 387 (Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1993). A

critical edition of the Greek text with a French translation. Guy’s introduction is must reading.

Robert T. Meyer, ed., Palladius: The Lausiac History, Ancient Christian Writers 34 (New York: Paulist Press,

1965), hardcover.

Martin Parmentier, “Evagrius of Pontus and the ‘Letter to Melania’” Bijdragen, tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie

46 (1985) 2-38.

R.M. Price, trans., Theodoret of Cyrrhus: A History of the Monks of Syria, Cistercian Studies 88 (Kalamazoo, WI:

Cistercian Publications, 1985) paperback, $14.

R.M. Price, trans., Cyril of Scythopolis: The Lives of the Monks of Palestine, Cistercian Studies 114 (Kalamazoo,

WI: Cistercian Publications, 1991) paperback, $18.

Lucien Regnault, trans., Les Sentences des Pères du Désert, 5 volumes (Solesmes: Éditions de Solesmes). These

include Recueil de Pélage et Jean (1966); Nouveau Recueil (1970); Troisième Recueil et Tables (1976);
Collection alphabétique (1981); Série des anonymes (1985). The only complete translation of the sayings of
the desert fathers from Greek, Latin, Coptic, Ethiopic, Syriac, and Armenian. A must for researchers.

Lucien Regnault, trans., Les Chemins de Dieu au Désert: Collection Systematique des Apophtegmes des Pères

(Solesmes: Éditions de Solesmes, 1992).

Norman Russell, trans., Lives of the Desert Fathers [Historia Monachorum in Aegypto], Cistercian Studies 34

(Kalamazoo, WI: Cistercian Publications, 1981) paperback, $10.

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Bibliography #2: Benedict


Columba Stewart, trans., The World of the Desert Fathers: Stories and Sayings from the Anonymous Series of the

Apophthegmata Patrum, SLG 95 (Cistercian Publications, 1986) paperback, $8.

Tim Vivian, trans., Journeying Into God: Seven Early Monastic Lives (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995)

paperback, $14.

Benedicta Ward, trans., The Wisdom of the Desert Fathers: Systematic Sayings from the Anonymous Series of the

Apophthegmata Patrum, SLG 48 (Cistercian Publications, 1986) paperback, $10.

Eric P. Wheeler, trans., Dorotheus of Gaza, Discourses and Sayings, Cistercian Studies 33 (Kalamazoo, MI:

Cistercian Publications, 1987), paperback, $12.

Vincent L. Wimbush, ed., Ascetic Behavior in Greco-Roman Antiquity: A Sourcebook (Minneapolis: Fortress Press,

1990), hardcover, $50. Translations of valuable, but hard-to-find sources.

John Wortley, trans., John Mochus: The Spiritual Meadow, Cistercian Studies (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian

Publications, 1992), paperback, $18.


Columba Stewart, Cassian the Monk (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998) hardcover, $60. NEW. Cassian

probably did more than anyone else to translate the desert experience for the West. Following his teacher,
Evagrius Ponticus, he stressed wordless prayer and the mystical journey of the soul. St. Benedict, in his
Rule, would make Cassian’s memoirs required reading in all his monasteries. This is a superb in-depth of
Cassian’s spirituality.

John Cassian, The Conferences, trans. Boniface Ramsey, Ancient Christian Writers 57 (New York: Paulist Press,

1997) hardcover, $40. NEW. The first complete translation in a century. A good translation by Colm
Luibheid of about 1/3 of the Conferences is also available in the Classics of Western Spirituality.

Carolinne White, trans., Early Christian Lives, Penguin Classics (New York: Penguin Books, 1998) paperback, $13.

NEW. Contains a new translation of the Latin version of the Life of Antony as well as fresh translations of
Sulpicius Severus’ Life of Martin of Tours and the various lives by Jerome.

Stefan Alexe, “Le discernement selon Saint Jean Cassien,” Studia Patristica 30 (1997) 129-135.
Owen Chadwick, John Cassian (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1950). A classic.
Steve Driver, “From Palestinian Ignorance to Egyptian Wisdom: Jerome and Cassian on the Monastic Life,” American

Benedictine Review 48 (1997) 293-315.

Terrence Kardong, “John Cassian’s Evaluation of Monastic Practices,” American Benedictine Review 43 (1992) 82-105.
Terrence Kardong, “Aiming at the Mark: Cassian’s Metaphor for the Monastic Quest,” Cistercian Studies Quarterly 22

(1987) 213-220.

Columba Stewart, “John Cassian on Unceasing Prayer,” Monastic Studies 15 (1984) 159-177.
Columba Stewart, “The Monastic Journey According to John Cassian,” Word and Spirit 19 (1993) 29-40.
Adalbert de Vogüé, “Understanding Cassian: A Survey of the Conferences,” Cistercian Studies Quarterly 19 (1984)


Aldabert de Vogüé, Histoire littéraire du mouvement monastique dans l’antiquité (Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1991-

1997), 4 vol. to date. Despite the title the focus is on Latin literature.

Adalbert de Vogüé, De saint Pachôme à Jean Cassien: Études littéraires et doctrinales sur la monachisme égyptien à

ses débuts, Studia Anselmiana 120 (Rome: 1996).

Rebecca Harden Weaver, Divine Grace and Human Agency: A Study of the Semi-Pelagian Controversy, Patristic

Monograph Series 15 (Macon GA: Mercer University Press, 1996) NEW in paperback, $18.

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Bibliography #2: Benedict



RB 1980: the Rule of Benedict (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1980) paperback, $20. Benedict’s Rule has

served as the basis for Western monasticism for 1500 years. A work of spiritual and practical genius,
notable for its humanity and its moderation (obvious when compared with its sources). This is the best and
most up-to-date translation—with the Latin text on facing pages. A version without the Latin text and
without the commentary is available for $5.

C.H. Lawrence, Medieval Monasticism: Forms of Religious Life Western Europe in the Middle Ages, 2



(New York: Longman, 1989) paperback, $22. A very good recent survey of the monastic movement from
the Desert Fathers to the end of the Middle Ages. It is broader than the title implies since he includes
chapters on the Franciscans and Dominicans. A vast area covered with clarity and precision.

Janet Burton, Monastic and Religious Orders in Britain, 1000-1300, Cambridge Medieval Textbooks (New York:

Cambridge University Press, 1994) paperback, $20.

Karl Suso Frank, With Greater Liberty: A Short History of Christian Monasticism and Religious Orders, CS 144,

(Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1993) paperback, $10.

Noreen Hunt, Cluny Under Saint Hugh, 1049-1109 (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1968).
Terrence G. Kardong, Benedict’s Rule: A Translation and Commentary (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1998)

hardcover, $50. NEW.

David Knowles, The Monastic Order in England: A History of its Development from the Time of St. Dunstan to the

Fourth Lateran Council, 940-1216 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1949). A classic, but dated.

Jean Leclerq, The Love of Learning and the Desire for God (New York: Fordham University Press, 1961)

paperback, $14. A classic. Differentiates monastic from scholastic theology.

Bernard McGinn and John Meyendorff, ed., Christian Spirituality I: Origins to the Twelfth Century, World

Spirituality Series (New York: Crossroad, 1985), paperback, $23.

Bernard McGinn, “St. Benedict as the Steward of Creation, “ American Benedictine Review 39 (1988) 161-176.
Columba Stewart, Prayer and Community: The Benedictine Tradition, Traditions of Christian Spirituality Series

(Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1998) paperback, $13. NEW.

André Vauchez, The Spirituality of the Medieval West: the Eighth to the Twelfth Century, Cistercian Studies 145

(Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications 1993) paperback $18.

Adalbert de Vogué, The Rule of Saint Benedict: A Doctrinal and Spiritual Commentary, Cistercian Studies 54, trans.

John Baptist Hasbrouck (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1983).

Adalbert de Vogüé, Community and Abbot in the Rule of Saint Benedict, 2 vol. (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian

Publications, 1979, 1988).


Bernard McGinn, The Growth of Mysticism: 500 to 1200 A.D. (New York: Crossroad, 1994) NEW in paperback,

$25. McGinn is the leading contemporary historian of Christian spirituality, and this is the second of his
multi-volume history of mysticism. He devotes nearly 200 pages to Bernard of Clairvaux, William of St.
Thierry, and other key Cistercian mystics.

Étienne Gilson, The Mystical Theology of St. Bernard, Cistercian Studies 120 (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian

Publications, 1940) paperback, $11. Back in print after a long absence. While dated, this classic study
does a great job of illuminating the cornerstone of Bernard's mysticism: that the human person possesses an
inner nobility, a dignity that comes from being made in the image and likeness of God.

David N. Bell, The Image and Likeness: the Augustinian Spirituality of William of St. Thierry (Kalamazoo, MI:

Cistercian Publications, 1980).

Adriaan H. Bredero, Bernard of Clairvaux Between Cult and History (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1997)

hardcover, $30. NEW.

Caroline Walker Bynum, Jesus as Mother: Studies in the Spirituality of the High Middle Ages (Berkeley: University

of California, 1982) paperback, $16. Essays on Cistercian spirituality.

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Bibliography #2: Benedict


Michael Casey, Athirst for God: Spiritual Desire in Bernard of Clairvaux’s Sermons on the Song of Songs

(Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1988).

G.R. Evans, The Mind of St. Bernard (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983).
Jean Leclerq, Bernard of Clairvaux and the Cistercian Spirit, Cistercian Studies 16, trans. Claire Lavoie

(Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications, 1976) .

Louis J. Lekai, The Cistercians: Ideals and Reality (Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1977).
E. Ann Matter, The Voice of My Beloved: The Song of Songs in Western Medieval Christianity (Philadelphia:

University of Pennsylvania Press, 1990).

John R. Sommerfledt, The Spiritual Teachings of Bernard of Clairvaux, Cistercian Studies 125 (Kalamazoo:

Cistercian Publications, 1991) paperback, $10. Part-anthology, part-commentary.

John R. Sommerfledt, ed., Bernardus Magister: Papers Presented at the Nonacentenary Celebration of the Birth of

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1992).

Esther de Waal, The Way of Simplicity: The Cistercian Tradition, Traditions of Christian Spirituality Series

(Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1998) paperback, $13. NEW.


Bernard of Clairvaux, Selected Works, Classics of Western Spirituality 55, trans. G.R. Evans (New York: Paulist

Press, 1987) paperback, $13. The great leader of the reform of Citeaux (the Cistercians); one of the great
analysts of the degrees of mystical love; also the polemical opponent of Abelard and a respectful, but harsh
critic of papal overreaching. This is a good selection of his works.

Bernard of Clairvaux, Five Books of Consideration: Advice to a Pope, Cistercian Fathers 37, trans. John D.

Anderson & Elizabeth T. Keenan (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1976).

Bernard of Clairvaux, Homilies in Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Cistercian Fathers 18A, trans. Marie-Bernard

Said (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1979 / 1993).

Bernard of Clairvaux, Apologia to Abbot William: Cistercians and Cluniacs, Cistercian Fathers 1A, trans. Michael

Casey (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1970).

William of St. Thierry, The Golden Epistle: A Letter to the Brethren at Mont Dieu, Cistercian Fathers 12, Cistercian

(Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1973).

Dennis Martin, ed., Carthusian Spirituality: The Writings of Hugh of Balma and Guigo de Ponte, Classics of

Western Spirituality (New York: Paulist Press, 1997) paperback, $23.

Pauline Matarusso, ed., The Cistercian World: Monastic Writings of the 12th Century (New York: Penguin Books,

1993), paperback, $12.


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