Vampire Huntress 00 Background

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The Vampire Huntress Legend


L. A. Banks

After the Fall

After the fall of the dark angel, after man and woman were deceived and ousted from Paradise, the

legions of evil beset humanity with all manner of strife and hardship to sway their choice. Earth became
The Gray Zone of choice, where free will could manifest for good or evil, and a soul could be
compromised in this fragile environment that cast shadows of darkness amid the light.

The angels on High wept as they watched the fate of humankind struggle against demonic forces,

mere flesh and bones and the hope of earthbound spirits crushed by plagues, pestilence, famines,
disasters, violence… no mercy. The cry for help that went up to Heaven from the peoples of the earth
was heard.

From the twelve scattered tribes, twelve Guardian Councils were mission-anointed and made up of

honorable, courageous men and women of all positive faiths and all races, working as a united front,
quietly moving behind the scenes, each battling evil in their own corner of the globe. The balance could
not be easily tipped; their fight was vigilant. But just as the forces of evil had human helpers to reinforce
the negative spheres of soul-killing influence, the forces of good had The Guardians… those that held
the line no matter what challenges befell them. They would not allow The Light to be extinguished.

And from those twelve armies came The Covenant—one from each Guardian Council, twelve

members in all, the bravest of the brave, the wisest of the wise, the keepers of the faith and the
knowledge between worlds.

Only The Covenant could foretell the coming of The Neteru, although they would never know

whether this super-being mortal would come as male or female. All they could do was to prepare a
special Neteru Guardian Team as they searched for the prophesied infant. Such an assignment is the
highest honor bestowed upon a Guardian Council, whose mighty task was to ensure that the once every
thousand year visitation of a Balance Swaying Force of Light, a Neteru, would be secreted away from
evil until old enough to fight… but first, before they could protect this mortal, they would have to find
the baby—before evil could destroy it.

The Covenant

Twelve Holy, seasoned, individuals from the original twelve tribes of the land, from every corner of

the earth, representing the widespread positive faiths, are called within a human lifetime to take up the
torch, to hold the light, to stand watch and keep vigil in wait for the coming of The Neteru—the huntress
or hunter.

They have been standing watch from the beginning of time, and in this era, a Neteru has come, a

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young woman, who spans two millennia… and her womb can host either good or evil, but the choice is
ultimately hers.

As her ripening to faith and flesh dawns, she must be guided, protected, and then must learn to stand

on her own.

Free Will, The Choice, is mission critical to all The Warriors of Light.


Father Patrick


Monk Lin

Father Lopez

The Neteru Guardians

Anointed with the Divine mission to protect The Neteru, this elite category of spiritual warriors were

chosen to surround their charge with heightened extrasensory awareness, superior physical and inner
strength, unmatched courage, keen battle strategy, and unparalleled skill. These strengths not only
protect, but also reinforce, The Neteru’s learning curve and developmental life preparation for his/her
own perilous mission.

Each Guardian’s mastery was a lone, hard-won trial by fire and a baptism of struggles until their faith

was made impervious to doubt. They come from the ranks of the unwashed, huddled masses, the tired,
the poor, the down-trodden, the nameless, the faceless, the obscure—but they are mighty… for in the
last days, “…the first shall be last and the last shall be first.”

These warriors uphold a code of honor; at their hands no innocent may be killed—only those entities

from The Dark Realms may be annihilated, as the Highest Court in The Universe, the real Supreme Court
beyond the courts of man, has already passed sentence on the legions of enemies. The Guardians walk a
delicate line, where the end is not enough to justify the means. The way they go about their course must
be that of the straight and narrow, so they must be prudent and be sure that they have not violated any
spiritual laws of light in their quest to protect The Neteru.

As such, each member of a Warriors of Light squad has a special capacity in the five sensory areas,

plus the sixth sense:

Tactical Guardian Sensors: feel the onset of spiritual danger, and are particularly sensitive to Levels

One and Two of The Dark Realms— where ether-based manifestations dwell.


Nafes Shabazz, a.k.a. Shabazz

Joseph Leung, a.k.a. J. L.

Daniel Weinstein, a.k.a. Dan

Olfactory Guardian Sensors: smell and taste the onset of danger, and are especially sensitive to sulfur

trailing entities that are more prevalent in Levels Three, Four and Five of The Dark Realms. These are
they most coveted Tracker Guardians.

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Jacob Rider, a.k.a. Rider a.k.a. “The Nose”

Jose Cipointe, a.k.a. “Wizard”

Audio Guardian Sensors: hear the whispers of spirits, and are particularly tuned-in to the slightest

sound coming from the embodied manifestations of were-creatures from Level Five, and the nearly
soundless passage of Vampires on Level Six.


Michael Roberts, a.k.a. Big Mike

Seer Guardian Sensors: see between worlds with their third eye, and are invaluable to any Guardian

team. They are the vision of the group; they are able to utilize information from dream states, the
consciousness, and through honed telepathy. These are the most sensitive of all Guardians, and they are
also blessed with The Fruits of The Spirit… heightened discernment, wisdom, knowing.


Marlene Stone

The Neteru: is also a sensor… one blessed with all of the above-mentioned spiritual gifts, but yet

stronger, more naturally skilled, and thus considered omnivoyant (in possession of all extrasensory
capacities.) But this special being is also different physically than the other Guardians. Although mortal
like his/her Guardian brethren, The Neteru’s bone structure and muscle mass is denser, his/her skin is
more elastic, vital organs are more shielded by extra layers of ligament and tissue—to enable The Neteru
to sustain injuries during battles that might be life -threatening to the normal human… The Neteru’s
metabolism burns faster… and his/her antibodies along with an unbreakable spiritual will, are designed to
converge upon a demon or vampire bite and purge the system of the viral infection to ward off a
possession or vampiric turn. The Neteru has a natural immunity to a demonic or vampire bite.


Damali Richards, a.k.a. The Millennium Neteru, a.k.a. “The Vampire Huntress”

Neteru Council of Queens Symbology


Sankofa (return and fetch it). Se wo were fi na wosankofa a yenkyi. It is no taboo to return and fetch

it when you forget. You can always undo your mistakes.


Mmra krado (Seal of the law). Symbolizing supreme authority.


Nsoroma (A child of the heavens). Obu Nyankon soroma te Nyame na onte neho so. A child of the

Supreme Being I do not depend on myself. My illumination is only a reflection of his.


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Akoko nan tiaba na enkum ba (The foot of the hen). The hen treads upon its chicks, but it does not

kill them.


Ntesie matemasie (I have heard and kept it). Nyansa bun mu nne mate masie. A symbol of wisdom

and knowledge.


Nyame biribi wo soro na ma embeka mensa (God is in the heavens, let it reach me). A symbol of



Aya (the firn). Also means 'I am not afraid of you'. A symbol of defiance.


Nyame nwu na mawu. If Nyame -- God -- dies, then I may die. Perpetual existence.


Akoben (The war horn). The sound of Akoben is a battle cry, hence it symbolizes a call to arms.

With the dawn of a new male Neteru, so has this Akhan symbol been burned into Carlos Rivera's

skin--over the left jugular vein--in supernatural silver to annoint and seal off his previous vampiric bite


Nkyin kyin (ohema nkyinkyin). Changing one's self. Playing many roles.

The Dark Realms

Upon the death of the body, the soul can either ascend or descend… this soul weight is determined

by choice. Once all hope is lost and unspeakable evil has been done—those sins committed without
remorse, without a cry for redemption, The Dark Realms become its home.

As above, so below… six realms of darkness mirror the six realms of light, with the seventh depth

hosting the power source of all that is evil… just as the seventh level Above hosts the Ultimate Power
Source of The Universe—The Almighty.

Sins create soul weight, dragging it down the multiple caverns within The Pit. Hope, Faith, Love,

forgiveness, a fervent request for redemption, remove the weight, uplifts the spirit, and allows the soul to
soar to blend in with other spirits of The Light. This is why the choices made in The Gray Zone are so
critical. No angel in Heaven, not one Warrior of Light, or one spirit of lightness ever wants to lose a soul
to the weight of unredeemed sin. Thus, the battle that is waged, one soul at a time, is mighty.

But, The Dark Realms have claimed many…

Level One

Realm of Lost Souls

Ruling Body: Pain Gangs

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Confused, disembodied spirits filled with guilt and negative energy manifest as shades, ghosts, haints

of etheric nature, mists, that bring a cloud of sadness, despair, coldness to the places where they last
breathed life, and they cause minor disturbances to the natural world.

Level Two

Poltergeist Realm

Ruling Body: Splinter Cells

Level two is denser, where the disembodied spirits have more negative energy, more kinetic strength,

and where poltergeist activity can be found. Jealousy, rage, brutal lies, and avarice live here.

Level Three

Demon Realm

Ruling Body: Serpent Congress (reports to the Supreme Council)

Level Three is denser still, is where the ether -like spirits begin to take twisted, demonic forms,

compressed from evil ether by the weight of the deeper caverns, this is the outer region of the world of

Level Four

Realm of the Amanraths (revenge demons)

Ruling Body: Supreme Council

Solid forms of actual revenge demons dwell-hatred is their fuel, acts of violence and hideous acts of

revenge are their earthly manifestation. These forms have a shape, a body… made monstrosities of The

Level Five

Realm of the Were-Demons.

Ruling body: The Were-Senate

Level Five is a dangerous, insidious realm of the were-demons, where twisted human forms are fused

with primal, animal natures unchecked by the human spirit, devoid of remorse, impulse their single
catalyst-these are the creatures of the night that visit in human form only to shapeshift into things

Level Six

Realm of Vampiri

Ruling Body: The Vampire Council

Level Six is the source of all treachery, highly evolved, but twisted, intellect, possessing all the

capabilities and evil in the realms before it… this is the realm of vampiri. This, most dangerous of The
Dark Realms, is where evil politics shift world power amongst humans, money, levy nations to war, spoil
environments… where true predators exist, where this shrewd entity is so highly evolved of the evil
species that it can walk amongst men, conduct business, cut deals, and slither into the darkness without
a trace-feeding on the innocent, "turning" and seducing even the most faithful. The Vampire Council
rules this realm from the black, five-pointed pentagram of power table, one star point for every continent,
one Council Level master vampire for every landmass… where the CEO of all darkness-who will remain
nameless, crowns the center of their boardroom table. This is why The Neteru comes as a vampire
huntress or hunter.


Carlos Rivera


Fallon Nuit

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The Chairman

Level Seven

Realm of The Fallen Angel

Ruling Body: The Fallen Angel

Cannot be spoken of… it is the ruling province of one entity, The Fallen Angel.

The Vampire Huntress Legend Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does The Covenant know which Guardian Team will be the one to guard The Neteru?

A: The Covenant’s seer is led by faith visions to Guardian Teams throughout the world. Based upon

the planetary alignment that foretells the coming of The Neteru, they are guided to a specific region where
the obscure team is “sensed.” Upon passing the tests of faith, The Seer Guardian of the chosen group is
given The Neteru Temt Tchaas as a final test. If there has been an error made, that seer will not be able
to decipher the sacred text, and The Covenant will continue their search.

Q: If The Neteru is only created every thousand years, then several lifetimes of humans would have

occurred between Neteru visitations—so how does The Covenant even know if one of these special
beings will manifest during their watch?

A: They don’t. It is a question of faith. Their job is to hold the line, pass the wisdom, and keep watch

until the signs prevail. Each child that is born unto the world could potentially hold this gift of potential
within them. Therefore, each birth, each child, every baby born is considered sacred and of limitless
value to the Heavens. A child is the essence of innocence, so The Covenant keeps watch, tries to stem
the tide of reckless endangerment to all life, especially that of the young.

Q: What happens once a Neteru dies or is killed (or even a Guardian dies)?

A: That spirit essence, that life force ascends and conjoins with all the forces of The Light to serve

the Higher good from the unseen positive realms.

^ Back to Top

Q: But the Guardians come from “the dregs” of society—how can that be, and why would such an

unsavory crew be raised for such an important mission from that element?

A: The soul weight of one redeemed sinner is worth that of 100 holy men. One person who has lived

in the world, but then chooses a selfless path to “be not of the world”—after having tasted temptation—
is extremely valuable energy for The Light. This is also why The Dark Realms prey so heavily on the
seemingly least able to resist… their mission is to banish hope, increase and spread violence and despair,
to make raising a Guardian Team next to impossible. However, like in Judo, The Light uses the
destruction of The Dark to leverage against itself, to make even stronger warriors—people who have
seen The Valley of The Shadow of Death, but who fear no evil.

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Q: Was there always a Vampire Council?

A: No. In the old days, there was only feudal law, thus anarchy. But this proved unwise for the

survival of the race, as it made human townsfolk nervous, and it encouraged them to cling to their
religious icons and to seek redemption and hallowed ground. People believed in vampires, then, so
hunters adept at the ways of vampire slaying were plentiful and skilled. What was required was to shift
the human perspective, to make humans think that demons and ghosts and goblins and werewolves and
vampires were all superstition, myth, legend… until few people would remain savvy to the intricacies of
how to eradicate the vampire race.

Therefore, The Vampire Council was formed to stem the tide of the hunts, to lull humans into a false

malaise and spiritual apathy so that the vampires could feed at will. And although they feed, they have
created policies that limit their growth within each territory, as to not deplete the natural, but limited, food
supply of human beings. Policy states that the human, generally, is to be killed before bled out (so they
won’t turn.)

Q: Vampires have a societal strata—explain?

A: At The Vampire Council Level are seated the oldest, wisest, most cunning of this evil species.

They are stronger in telepathy and intellect, and their powers are legendary. Only a Council Level
Vampire can make a Master Vampire. The members of The Vampire Council dwell subterranean, the
increasing age of their bodies makes them vulnerable “topside.” Only upon a brutal power takeover (a
violent coup), or the death of a Council Level Vampire at the hands of a slayer, or through a unanimous
Council Level vote (by way of swift assassination), do these thrones of power change hands.

However, the topside-dwelling Master Vampires are their arms and legs, the doers of their bidding on

earth above The Pit. Each Master Vampire has a feeding territory, segregated in the same manner that
wolf packs mark hunting grounds. Once The Vampire Council assigns these predators a territory, every
bite they deliver upon a human creates a “second generation” vampire—a sire beholden to the Master,
albeit with less strength and diluted skills. Every Master Vampire is given, and therefore knows, the
assigned number allowable for his/her territory—based upon population density.

These lieutenants are tracked in the black tomb held by The Vampire Council; each “birth” of a new

vampire is registered, just as each death runs black blood in the book. If a second-generation vampire
bites a human, they will create a weaker strain—a “third generation” and so forth, with vampiric powers
diminishing as the virus gets passed and further away from the original host source. But this sets up a
dangerous variable… many generations down the line, it is possible for there to be humans with strange,
inexplicable proclivities stemming from the first bite delivered to their lineage.

Q: But how is it possible for a human being to be, say, eight generations removed from a vampire

bite—if the person bitten dies in order to turn?

A: If a bite were delivered to a human being by a lower generation vampire —someone who either

carried the virus in their semen, or transferred it to an unborn baby before they died, this would create

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the outreaches of generations hidden within humanity. The only saving grace is choice—a human being
always has free will, and can decide to succumb to the dark side of their nature, or not, since they were
not directly bitten (just a carrier).

Q: Can vampires reproduce in any other way than through a bite?

A: Technically, no. Once they’ve died as a human being and “turn,” their sperm is dead, just like their

womb and eggs are dead. Their aging process slows to a crawl, and they remain relatively the same age
they had been upon their human death (prior to the unholy resurrection three nights later.) After
thousands of years, their age begins to tell on them—hence why members of The Vampire Council have
reduced physical stamina. But do not be fooled; what they lose in physical vitality is well made up for in
the increase in mental and telepathic capacity, with the ability to utilize seized host bodies down to the
cellular level.

It is this small caveat that makes them anxiously await the most coveted vessel… a female Neteru.

This is the only womb that can sustain a vampire fetus. When fully fertile (the ripening), The Neteru has
antibodies in her system that will protect their evil seed at all costs—even igniting life within it, but will
not harm the fetus despite its viral vampiric infection, allowing it to take root within her and grow… and
all the old vampires need is an infected (but not yet dead) male with a glimmer of a soul to be their host.
The outcome of this deadly combination is Daywalkers—vampires that are impervious to sunlight and
therefore stronger than The Council Level Vampires.

Q: If a female Neteru can be impregnated to carry a Daywalker fetus, then isn’t she weaker and more

vulnerable than a male Neteru? Why would The Light make a female version of this important warrior?

A: A female Neteru can only be compromised during a small window of opportunity every seven

years during a warrior ripening—when her entire metabolism lowers its defenses to purge the build-up of
toxins induced by adrenaline in an effort to save the human body for longevity. The Light makes this
being because the female Neteru can also host the most evolved Guardians. The human product of these
wombs have led empires and created dynasties.In addition, the potential progeny of a male Neteru is
actually more at risk, because he would have to guard and protect a normal human female through her
entire gestation period. One slip, one moment of lowered defense, and The Dark realms would eliminate
the potential infant threat. Conversely, the female Neteru’s body is designed to be a fighting machine,
and when impregnated, her body naturally reinforces its protective barriers against any and all harm that
might come to her unborn child.

Q: Ghosts, demons, were-creatures, and vampires… how does each Guardian Team, or The Neteru,

know what’s coming at them?

A: This is why The Guardians possess extrasensory perceptions that are aligned with each level of

The Dark Realms. Guardian teams are normally made up of twelve individuals, and only as few as seven,
in any configuration. On twelve member teams, there would be two Guardians with capacities to sense a
threat from each of the six levels. Seven member teams are at a slight disadvantage, but the numerology
of their configuration provides for providence. However, one should note that, each of the levels within
The Dark Realms function like separate, warring countries—alliances are rarely forged, and cooperation
is nearly non-existent.

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Therefore, once a team is being stalked by dark forces, that insidious level “marks” them for their

territory within The Dark realm. Any perceived poaching would create a violent struggle between the
uncooperative dark forces. Legions would be sent up to beset the “marked” human team to wrest it
away from any other encroaching demonic or vampiric force. But that struggle would also absorb the
dark side’s resources as they fought a war on both fronts (subduing their human targets and fending off
violators to the mark), which would have the consequence of opening them to direct attacks from The
Light. Thus, The Dark Realms (for their own self interests), tend to try to mitigate topside feuds before
too much collateral damage occurs.

Q: Vampires reside or have aegis over Level Six of The Dark Realms—but have the capabilities of all

levels above them (and are considered the most evolved.) Explain?

A: As a soul’s weight is driven further subterranean based on the “weight of sin” affixed to it, the

more form and shape it manifests. Ghosts have a mist or vapor quality; Poltergeists have more kinetic
charge; revenge demons become twisted, slithering things and grow more gruesome in the realm beneath
them. The were-creatures are human-appearing one moment, but then transform into hideous aberrations
upon the full phase of the moon… the longer the entity can hold the human form at will, the more
sophisticated and deadly it is. Vampires’ are truly snobs because of their hierarchy and evolutionary
status within the evil food chain.

They don’t “consort” with the likes of demons and other lesser entities, by in large. Vampires can

turn into a mist in the night, rivaling ghosts. They can possess a body, twist a mind, hypnotize, move
things with their minds, cast illusion, and erotically seduce a victim like a succubus. Vampires have the
cunning linguistic dexterity of the serpent—the green-eyed monster from the province of revenge. They
can become bat, or wolf, or panther, like the were-creatures, and yet this shapeshift is their decision, not
a fate decided by the moon. They have the freedom of night flight, projection to appear and disappear at
will, like a silent ghost.

But what makes them The Dark Realm’s envy, is that they are seductive, smooth, controlled, shrewd,

and rarely given to commit any action without a serious strategy behind it. They do not act on impulse
like the demons, the were-creatures, or have to remain contained to a location like the haints. They have
the freedom of motion, except for the time marker delineated by the sun. They are The Dark Realm’s
most deadly and hard to kill predator.

Q: Then, with all of these forces of darkness afoot… does humanity stand a chance?

A: Yes. The battle is not one fought with conventional weapons of the material world, it is a spiritual

battle to the last man and woman stands—one positive soul can sway the final outcome; we cannot
afford to lose even one individual. That’s why we must all be thankful and keep the faith. There are
twelve obscure teams of twelve Guardians, a battalion of Warrior Angels, positive ancestral spirits,
normal, fragile humans also joining in the ever-present fight to keep hope alive… and The Light just sent
us a Millennium Neteru.


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