S t r e e t D a t e : S e p t e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 0 6
L a b e l : E m p yr e a n R e c o r d s
C a t a l o g # : S K Y 0 1 7
C D B o x L o t Q t y : 2 5
L i s t P r i c e : $ 1 3 . 9 8
F o r m a t : C D
U P C : 8 03645 00172 8
Great Lakes formed around the songs of Dan Donahue and Ben
Crum in Athens, Georgia in 1996, but are currently based in
Brooklyn. Their history goes back to 1990 when Dan and Ben, high
school friends, started writing songs together, and soon after, met
Jamey Huggins, with whom they quickly bonded. The three eventually
moved to Athens, where they put a band together and began playing
With their third full-length album,
Diamond Times, the band’s
intention was to make an engaging, varied, and solid record; and to
capture the organic feel and sound of a band playing together. That
they’ve progressed and evolved as songwriters and musicians is
immediately evident, as it’s lyrically more direct and something of a
new sound for them. The songs range in style from the synth-heavy
and seemingly New Wave-influenced “Farther,” to the saxophone-
driven rock and roll of “Hot Cosmos,” and on to the fiddle and steel
guitar-oriented country sound of “Night Hearts” and “The Moon and
the Lunatics.” It all still sounds like Great Lakes, but they’re into new
territory here, and sounding better than ever.
track listing:
1. The Pinks and the Purples
2. Farther
3. Precious and Reckless
4. Hot Cosmos
5. The Moon and the Lunatics
6. Shaky Faith
7. Night Hearts
8. Diamond Times
9. Horses Wings
10. Eagle and Swan
selling points:
Great Lakes have toured with Apples in
Stereo, and Belle & Sebastian, among other
notable acts, and will tour extensively behind the
release of Diamond Times (touring members of
Great Lakes are also members of Ladybug
Transistor, Essex Green, and others)
Diamond Times will be backed up by full
publicity, radio, and retail marketing
campaigns. Past releases have been praised by
MOJO, UNCUT, MAGNET, among many
Posters and promos are available to all retail
* 5 % d i s c o u n t t h r o u g h tw o w e e k s a f t e r s t r e e t d a t e
* * N o t e x p o r t a b l e o u t s i d e N . Am e r i c a
diamond times
Great Lakes
press quotes:
“This band is pure goodness, emitting merriment like
someone opened up an industrial-sized can of carbonated
happiness and shook before opening.”
Ink 19
“Great Lakes is chock-full of faraway melodies that lurk in
the back of your mind like glimpses of former selves. Every
summer deserves an album like this.”
Austin Chronicle
“Great Lakes deserves a gold star or two for crafting the
most pleasant-sounding pop record…”