mock exam sw

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Student’s Sheet


Macmillan Polska 2009 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Egzamin próbny wybrane zadania

Poziom: podstawowy
Rozumienie tekstu słuchanego

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedzi 5 osób na temat problemów związanych z ich miejscem zamieszkania. Przyporządkuj
każdej osobie 1-5 zdanie z listy a-f, które najlepiej streszcza główny sens wypowiedzi danej osoby. Jedno zdanie
zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

1.1. Speaker 1 _____
1.2. Speaker 2 _____
1.3. Speaker 3 _____
1.4. Speaker 4 _____
1.5. Speaker 5 _____


I've got rather noisy neighbours.


The neighbourhood is a quite dangerous area.


I feel I need a bigger flat.


There aren't any facilities in the area.


It's a very expensive place to live.


The house still needs renovating.

Rozumienie tekstu czytanego

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i określ, czy zdania 1-5 są zgodne z treścią tekstu. Zaznacz odpowiednio T/F

I suppose I had always looked around for a creative activity that I could call my hobby. When I was younger I had

tried drawing and painting but although I quite enjoyed these activities, I usually hated the final results. Some friends of
mine had even suggested I should learn to play a musical instrument but I knew at once how much hard work that would
involve and I never gave it a go. Anyway, as the years went by I slowly began to accept the fact that I would probably never
find a really exciting hobby of my own.

It all changed a few years ago when my son persuaded me to go to an exhibition of miniature trains. It was a

thrilling experience the small trains pulling their cars through tunnels, across bridges and in and out miniature stations.
We both got hooked immediately.
Soon afterwards we ordered a beginner's set, which included two engines, some passenger and cargo cars and several
metres of railway track and we started to build our own miniature railway model. Even though it was hard work at first and
we had to do things over and over again to make them look as we wanted them to, it was an extremely satisfying

The new hobby has certainly influenced my life in many ways. I now travel much more often, either to visit

exhibitions of model railway or to places with interesting railway architecture. My computer skills have improved as I had
to start using computer programs to design or control model railway layouts and I've also made lots of new friends. It does
not matter to me that it is an expensive and time-consuming hobby it is certainly worth all the time and money.

2.1. The writer had always been interested in doing artistic activities. T/F
2.2. The writer tried to learn to play a musical instrument. T/F
2.3. It was the writer's own idea to go to the exhibition of model trains. T/F
2.4. Building the first model of his own wasn't easy for the writer. T/F
2.5. The writer's lifestyle has changed because of the new hobby. T/F

Wypowiedź pisemna - krótka forma użytkowa

Wkrótce w Twojej szkole odbędą się występy uczniowskich zespołów muzycznych. Jako jeden z organizatorów imprezy
chciałbyś zaprosić na nie nauczyciela z Wielkiej Brytanii pracującego w Twojej szkole. Napisz zaproszenie, w którym:

Podasz, gdzie i kiedy odbędzie się koncert.

Podasz krótką informację na temat przewidzianego repertuaru.

Poinformujesz, jakie inne atrakcje zaplanowali organizatorzy.

Zachęcisz go/ją do przyjścia na imprezę.

Document Outline


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