mock-exam-chemia-B2-2013, uj chemia III, III rok




Czas: 120 min.

Imię i nazwisko: ______________________________________


  1. Reading comprehension


  1. Use of English


  1. Writing


Total score




Read the text and follow the instructions below.

  1. “Happiness is not having what you want but wanting what you have,” according to James Stewart. Although scientists now understand the roots of depression more clearly than they used to, happiness still remains a mystery. Recently, however, some interesting discoveries have been made.

  1. Those who say they are happy, for example, tend to be less self-centered, less hostile and abusive, and are less prone to disease and general ill health. Interestingly, the affluent are not notably happier than their less-well-off counterparts, and seemingly no particular time of life is significantly happier than any other. Even though some people see life as a tragedy, when questioned, most people said they were generally happy - painting a much rosier picture regarding people's general moods and dispositions.

  1. Research has shown that people have two basic reward centers in their brains that are stimulated by two different chemicals which cause happiness. The first, dopamine, is triggered by activities like exercise, relaxation and the quieter pleasures. The second comprises a set of adrenaline-type chemicals which are triggered by exciting or frightening activities. Dopamine provokes a response of passive happiness, while the second set of chemicals provokes a high-energy state of happiness, the feeling one might get from public speaking or mountain climbing.

  1. While understanding the chemical process behind happiness is important, it does not explain why only some people are consistently happy. The answer may lie in people's perceptions of happiness.

  1. One of the reasons we have such a problem with happiness is that many confuse it with a life untouched by anxiety, rage, doubt and sadness. The belief that happiness means that nothing ever gets wrong is naive; in order to be happy, we must know not how to avoid disturbing events, but how to deal with them.

  1. The key to coping with life's unpleasant aspects, while remaining content, comes from an everyday practice which Mihaly Csikszentimihalyi calls “the flow”. He describes “the flow” as the state one is in when doing something completely absorbing. It comes when one is pushed right up to the limit of one's ability, but not beyond it. “People can get a feeling of flow from dangerous sports like mountain climbing or driving fast,” he says but it can also come from something relaxing like painting or reading a good book.” The point is that it's an activity you do for the pleasure of doing it. You are not looking for praise or reward. What is important, is to keep your brain busy if you want to be happy. The professor explains, “If you leave someone on their own with nothing specific to do, most of their thoughts will be worries.” People tend to think about all the things they want and haven't got rather than how good their life is. It seems the key to happiness lies in having an active and challenging lifestyle.

  1. The scientific study of happiness will help us understand how to build a world that improves human well-being and self-esteem, and how to get the most satisfaction from their goals and circumstances.

  1. Circle ONE correct answer to each question.

1. Studies have shown that happiness

a) is positively influenced by wealth.

b) is not influenced by wealth.

c) is negatively influenced by wealth.

d) does not influence wealth.

2. Dopamine is produced by

a) recreational activity.

b) fright.

c) high-energy activity.

d) pleasure.

3. A common misconception about happiness is that

a) rich people are happier.

b) happy people perceive things differently.

c) happiness implies never having problems.

d) happiness stems from being naive.

4. In reality, consistent happiness lies in

a) not feeling anxious.

b) being able to handle problems.

c) not having problems.

d) not confusing our feelings.

5. What does “it” in paragraph 6, line 5 refer to?

a) people

b) a dangerous sport

c) “the flow”

d) research

6. According to Csikszentimihalyi, “the flow” is triggered by

a) external reward.

b) doing nothing.

c) challenging others.

d) activities done for personal pleasure.

7. When we are inactive

a) we don't get what we want.

b) we try to challenge ourselves.

c) we experience more anxiety.

d) we think everything is fine.


II. Read the article again. Mark the statements true (T) or falser (F).

1. The causes of depression are still not well understood. T / F

2. Unhappy people develop health problems more often than the happy ones. T / F

3. Each stage of human life can be equally happy/unhappy. T / F

4. Research proves that our happiness depends on two chemical substances of similar T / F


5. Science can help uncover the secrets of happiness. T / F


III. Find words and expressions in the text that match the following definitions.

1. unfriendly (adjective, par 2) .............................

2. wealthy (adjective, , par 2) ..............................

3. set off, stimulated (verb, par 3) ...............................

4. always behaving in the same way (adverb, par 4) ................................

5. objectives ( noun, par 7 ) ................................



  1. You are going to read a text about hemoglobin. Six clauses have been removed from the text. Choose from A-G the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra clause which you do not need to use.

  1. this leaves two free bonding sites

  2. that only small molecules can get in to react with the iron atom

  3. a major role in the transport of carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs

  4. that they are not able to carry so much oxygen to the lungs

  5. the molecule to absorb light in the visible part of the spectrum

  6. modify the wavelength of the absorption

  7. for animals to convey oxygen from the lungs (or gills) to the muscles

Hemoglobin by Paul May, University of Bristol, UK

Myoglobin and Hemoglobin - the Oxygen Carriers

[1] Most living organisms perform respiration, the breakdown of food products to release energy in the presence of oxygen. However oxygen is not very soluble in water, and so in order 1___________ they needed to evolve an efficient oxygen-carrying molecule. In vertebrates, these molecules are the proteins myoglobin and hemoglobin.

[2] Hemoglobin (or haemoglobin, frequently abbreviated as Hb), which is contained in red blood cells, serves as the oxygen carrier in blood. The name hemoglobin comes from heme and globin, since each subunit of hemoglobin is a globular protein with an embedded heme (or haem) group. Each heme group contains an iron atom, and this is responsible for the binding of oxygen. The presence of hemoglobin in blood increases the oxygen carrying ability of a litre of blood from 5 to 250 ml. Hemoglobin also plays 2___________. Myoglobin, on the other hand, is located in muscle, and serves as a reserve supply of oxygen and also facilitates the movement of O2 within muscle.

The Heme Porphyrin

[3] Although the hemoglobin and myoglobin molecules are very large, complex proteins, the active site is actually a non-protein group called heme. The heme consists of a flat organic ring surrounding an iron atom. The organic part is a porphyrin ring based on porphin (a tetrapyrrole ring), and is the basis of a number of other important biological molecules, such as chlorophyll and cytochrome. The ring contains a large number of conjugated double bonds, which allows 3___________ . The iron atom and the attached protein chain 4___________ , giving hemoglobin its characteristic colour. Oxygenated hemoglobin (found in blood from arteries) is bright red, but without oxygen present (as in blood from veins), hemoglobin turns a darker red. Venous blood is often depicted as blue in colour in medical diagrams, and veins sometimes look blue when seen through the skin. The appearance of blood as dark blue is a wavelength phenomenon of light, having to do with the reflection of blue light away from the outside of venous tissue if the vein is ~0.02 inches deep or more.

Reversible Binding of Oxygen

[4] The iron atom in heme binds to the 4 nitrogen atoms in the centre of the porphyrin ring, but 5___________ for the iron, one on either side of the heme plane. The heme group is located in a crevice in the myoglobin molecule, surrounded by non-polar residues except for two polar histidines.

[5] One of the free bonding sites of iron is joined to one of these histidines, leaving the final bonding site on the other side of the ring available to bond with oxygen. The second histidine group is nearby, and serves several purposes. It modifies the shape of the crevice so 6___________, and it also helps to make the reaction reversible, such that the oxygen can be released when required by nearby tissues. It is amazing to realise that the whole complex 3-dimensional structure of the large myoglobin protein is designed purely to produce exactly the correct shaped crevice, with the correct two histidine groups in the right positions to facilitate this reversible oxygen uptake.


  1. In the article, find words which mean the following:

  1. breathing, moving the air into and out of the lungs -- ………………………….(noun, par 1)

  2. chemical decomposition of a substance into simpler components -- ……………………(noun, par 1)

  3. because -- ………………………………………………..(linker, par 2)

  4. being the cause of -- ………………………………………………(adjective and preposition, par 2)

  5. in fact, as a matter of fact -- ………………………………………………(adverb, par 3)

  6. caused by, related to -- ……………………………………..………….(phrase, par 3)

  7. shown, drawn -- ……………………………………………….(verb, par 3)

  8. a narrow opening in the surface -- …………………………………………..(noun, par 4)

  9. liberated -- ………………………………………………………….(verb, par 5)

  10. 9


    1. For sentences 1-7, choose the correct option A, B, C or D. Write the appropriate letter in the space.

    1. The Titanic sank on its maiden ______.

    1. trip B) voyage C) cruise D) travel

    1. Businesses are beginning to feel the full ______ of the recession.

    1. trouble B) result C) impact D) difficulty

    1. Blue ______ you. You should wear it more often.

    1. suits B)matches C) fits D) goes with

    1. Chilli powder is a common ingredient in Mexican ______

    1. menu B)cuisine C) eating D) consumption

    1. Before you type in your credit card details, make sure it's a ______ website.

    1. certain B) strong C) positive D) secure

    1. I'd like to ______ an appointment to see the dentist, please.

    1. take B) put C) give D)make

    1. All students get a 25% ______ on the stationery and books until the end of this month.

    A)discount B) bargain C) refund D)sale


    2. Complete each of the sentences with the appropriate word.


    The firefighter who saved the family's dog was awarded a medal for ___bravery____ (brave)

    1. Miyako Yoshida gave a brilliant ________________________ (perform) as the Sugar Plum Fairy and received a long round of _______________________ (applaud) at the end.

    2. This instruction booklet is completely ____________________(use) - it won't help us at all! We need more __________________ (special) knowledge to fix it.

    3. Jake caught a flu virus and needed some ______________________(treat) before he was ______________ (full) recovered.

    4. Compounds containing lanthanum are used ______________________ (extensive) in carbon lighting ______________________ (apply), such as studio lighting and cinema projection.

    5. Though you're a gifted student, you won't be ______________________(success) unless you start paying more ___________________ (attend).

    6. Jenny was worried about the _______________________(destroy) of the rainforests where parrots live and felt they needed more ______________________(protect).

    7. The curtains for our kitchen window are not the right __________________(long), and we also need to buy a new ___________________(cook).

    8. 14

      3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word in bold. Do not change the word given. Use two to five words.

      1.It's three years since Nick started boxing.

      FOR Nick __________________________________________ three years.

      2.When I was 17, I rode my bike to college every day.

      USED I ____________________________________________ to college every day when I was 17.

      3.They are designing a new machine.

      IS A new machine ____________________________________ designed.

      4.They say the new computer program is very easy to use.

      SAID The new computer program _______________________________ very easy to use.

      5.Without his father's help, he wouldn't have got that job.

      HIM If his father ___________________________________ , he wouldn't have got that job.

      6. I'm sure she hasn't left because her coat is still here.

      HAVE She __________________________________________ because her coat is still here.

      7. “Have you finished the novel, Lucy?” Tony asked.

      SHE Tony asked ____________________________________________the novel.

      8. “Don't forget to take your packed lunches, children,” said the teacher.

      REMINDED The teacher ____________________________________their packed lunches.

      9. “I didn't hit your car deliberately!” Emily said to the man.

      DENIED Emily ___________________________________________ car deliberately.

      10. I think it was a very stupid thing for him to do.

      WHAT I think that _______________________________________ very stupid.

      11. I'm sorry I didn't go to the party last night.

      WISH I __________________________________________ to the party last night.

      12. A specialist is going to examine my knee next week.

      HAVE I'm going to ______________________________________ by a specialist next week.


      4. Choose the correct answer. Write the appropriate letter in the correct space.

      1. You'll have to explain _____ the teacher why you are late.

      A with B to C -

      2. She ___ three cups of tea since four o'clock.

      A has been drinking B has drunk C drank

      3. They accused the prisoner ___ stealing the jewellery.

      A on B - C of

      4. I hope I ___ a great deal by the end of this year.

      A learn B will have learned C would have learned

      5. If my brother were here, he ___ what to do.

      A knew B would know C knows

      6. She ___ on 21 October 1973.

      A born B was born C is born

      7. What's the name of the man ___ nose was broken in a fight?

      A who B whom C whose

      8. I'm ___ to checking words in an English-English dictionary.

      A used B didn't use C get used

      9. It's cotton but it ___ it's made of silk.

      A feels B feels as if C feels like

      10. Some selfish people say that ___ have only themselves to blame for their poverty.

      A the poor B poor C the poors

      11. You ___ drink any more coffee.

      A would better not B had better not C had better don't

      12. She had ___ voice that I couldn't hear her.

      A so quiet B such a quiet C such a



      Write an answer to ONE of the following questions:

      1. Most study-abroad programs should be renamed "party abroad": they are a waste of time and money as many students instead of taking this opportunity to study hard, spend most of their time having a good time. Write an essay in 150-180 words explaining why you support or oppose the idea of study-abroad programs.

      1. Your local tourist office has asked you to write a report on the sports facilities in your area to give out to English-speaking visitors. Write 150-180 words.

      Questions 1 and 2 will be assessed according to the following criteria:



      Task achievement and content

      / 4


      / 5

      Vocabulary and spelling

      / 5

      Text organisation and linking words

      / 4

      General impression

      / 2


      / 20





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