Billionaire Bachelors 5 Blackmailing the Billionaire

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Family comes first in this continuing series

Of Billionaire Bachelors

Join the Anderson Family

In Book 5

Blackmailing the Billionaire

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Blackmailing the Billionaire

Billionaire Bachelors – Book 5

By Melody Anne

Copyright © 2012 Melody Anne

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in
whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter
invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or
retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent,
resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the prior consent of the author in any form of binding
or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this
condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

Printed and published in the United States of America.

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Cover art done by Nicole Sanders Photography

Picture taken by BL Photography


Model for picture Cassandra Light

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From the Author

This book has special meaning to me. I was working on this story when I saw the tragic news of the

storm in Cordova Alaska, which buried all those homes and businesses under so much snow. I spent a

few summers there with My Uncle George (Who I named George Anderson after) and Aunt Carol. I

got to enjoy time with my four cousins and traverse the beautiful area of Alaska. I always wanted to

go back, but my Uncle had to move, and I never had the opportunity. He took me on a flight over the

glacier, and when I looked out the window I saw a black bear running on the ground. He also took me

Halibut fishing in the bay. What a thrill it was to sit in that small boat on the Ocean. I was so proud

when I caught what I deemed a huge fish. My uncle tied it to the boat, and somehow the rope broke

and my fish floated away. I don’t think I spoke to him the rest of the day. Now, I was only 12 at the

time, so I forgave soon enough. To this day the only fish I actually enjoy is Alaskan Halibut. I grew up

on the coast too, so you’d think I’d be a seafood fanatic. I even worked at the local day care center in

Cordova for a few months. I was about 17 at the time and in love with Aladdin. I always put that

cartoon on at quiet time, and finally the kids begged for another movie. To this day I don’t like Barney

because of how many times I heard the “I love you,” song. When I heard about the storm I had to do

some re-writes and add in a trip there, because this town meant so much to me, and it made me

slightly home sick. If anyone from Cordova reads this, I hope you are well, and thank you for all the

fond memories.

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This book is dedicated to my cousin Cassandra, who I named my heroine after. I love you, and will

never forget all those fun summers with you and Aunt Janet. It is such a blessing to have family I love

so much.

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Books by Melody Anne

*The Billionaire Wins the Game

*The Billionaire’s Dance

*The Billionaire Falls

*The Billionaire’s Marriage Proposal

*Blackmailing the Billionaire

+The Tycoon’s Revenge

+The Tycoon’s Vacation

+The Tycoon’s Proposal

-Midnight Fire – Rise of the Dark Angel

See Melody on Facebook at

Melody’s Web Site:

Coming Soon:

Midnight Moon – Rise of the Dark Angel – Book Two

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“It’s been a good couple of years,” Joseph said to his brother as they shared a glass of bourbon while

sitting next to a warm fire.

“I agree with you there, Brother. I adore my grandkids and can’t believe how much closer the kids

have become since we moved back to Seattle,” George said as he relaxed in the comfortable lounge


“I can’t believe how sneaky your boy, Max is. He’s been able to avoid every match we’ve sent his

way. I haven’t wanted to give up before, but I don’t see what else we can do,” Joseph said grumpily.

“Ah, it’s nice to hear you admitting defeat, Joseph, but I have a few tricks up my own sleeve,” George

said with a twinkle in his eye.

“What do you have planned?”

Before George could say anything further Max stepped into the room and looked at both men

suspiciously. They looked at him and then back down with guilty expressions.

“Did I hear the two of you scheming, again?” Max asked.

“We’re just enjoying a good glass of bourbon, would you care to join us?” George asked his son,

recovering quickly.

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“I don’t have time, there’s a problem at the research facility and I have to head out tonight,” Max told

his father and uncle.

“I heard there were some bad storms up that way; don’t you think you should wait?” George

questioned his son.

“You know that I can’t wait, Dad,” Max said. He was always the first one to rush in, even at the risk

of his own life.

“I know, but you also know that I can’t help but worry about you.”

“I’ll call as soon as we land. I should be home in time for Christmas,” Max said. Max was glad

they’d made the move to Seattle. It was good to spend time with his cousins, and he hadn’t been with

his siblings so much in years. He wouldn’t admit to his father that he’d made the right decision in

forcing them all to relocate, but he was glad it had happened. Joseph and George watched as Max left

the room, both of them worried about him.

“Well, I guess I’ll have to think of something else because he won’t be here to ‘accidentally’ bump

into the newest match I’d planned for him to meet tonight,” George said with disappointment.

“I think that boy has built in radar for our meddling,” Joseph said with a laugh. “But we’re stubborn

and have nothing but time on our hands.” George agreed. They enjoyed the rest of their evening,

leaving the scheming for another day.

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Chapter One

Cassandra, or Cassie as everyone called her, hung up the phone and had to fight not to curse out loud.

As it was, if her mother could hear the words in her head she’d threaten to wash her mouth out with

soap. She’d been trying to get ahold of Max Anderson for two weeks straight and the infuriating man

refused to answer a call from her, or give her the courtesy of a return phone call.

She narrowed her eyes as she glared at the magazine picture of him she had in her locker as

motivation. If he thought she was some whimpering girl who so easily took ‘no’ for an answer, he

certainly had another thing coming.

Cassie was trying desperately to get a job with The Seattle Times, and if she could land this

interview with the infamous Max Anderson, she’d be a shoe-in for the position. She was aware he

hated doing interviews, and she couldn’t remember the last time he’d been an active participant in a


Articles were written on him and his family all the time, but he never sat down with reporters and

answered questions. If she could convince him to spend one day with her, just letting her tag along

with him, then she’d be able to land a job for the paper easily. He was turning out to be as allusive as

she’d heard.

“Is anyone back there? I’ve been standing here for several minutes now,” Cassie heard a customer

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calling. She let out another sigh and walked to the front of the coffee house, where she worked. She

hated her job.

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting. How can I help you?” Cassie asked the lady. She was excellent at

customer service but that didn’t mean she wanted to do it her entire life. She went to college for a

reason, and it wasn’t to serve overpriced coffee to strangers all day long.

“I’m in a bit of hurry and don’t appreciate the wait. I’ll take a non-fat mocha latté, extra hot,” the

woman said while she dug in her purse for money. Cassie started the woman’s drink as the door

chimed her next customer’s arrival.

She supposed it was better to be busy for a while. Hopefully, she’d get some good tips so she

wouldn’t end up homeless before she landed her dream job. The rest of the afternoon kept her plenty

busy, preventing her from dwelling on her wanted interview.

“Do I have any messages?” Max asked as he walked into his office. He was rarely home, causing

built up piles of work when he stepped inside the doors. His job consisted of mostly travel, keeping

an eye on the company’s vast holdings throughout the world. He preferred travel to sitting behind a

desk like his siblings and cousins. He didn’t understand how they handled the staleness of an office

eight to twelve hours a day.

“Of course you have messages, Max,” Cynthia said with a smile. Cynthia was like a mother to him.

He’d lost his mom several years ago, but Cynthia had been around since he was a boy, first working

in a different division of the company. When executive assistant had come open for him, he’d sought

her out, and she’d been working for him for ten years. He knew he couldn’t do his job without her. He

also knew she’d continue to give him grief until the day he died. She was one of the few people he’d

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take it from.

“Well, am I going to get the messages?”

“Not if you’re going to talk to me in that tone of voice,” she huffed. He had to fight back the laughter

from spilling out. She was truly one in a million.

“I’m sorry, Cynthia. You know I get a bit moody when I’m stuck in one place for too long. I’ve been

in town for about a month now and am starting to feel restless. I think Dad has something up his

sleeve because he’s been finding a lot of reasons to keep me nearby. He should know by now

whatever he has planned isn’t going to work.”

“You’re just being paranoid, Max. I’ll forgive you this time. Here are your messages. I took care of

the items you don’t need to bother with. You have a couple of company functions next week, and Mr.

Cadwell wants a meeting this afternoon if you can fit it in.”

Max was barely able to stop the groan from escaping. He hated company functions. That meant he’d

have to dress up in a tux and pretend to like a bunch of people he could care less about. He was

pleased about Cadwell, though. He liked the old guy. They were in the process of partnering with him

on a business deal. Normally, his brother, Trenton, would handle a new business partnership, but

Cadwell owned a research facility in Cordova Alaska, a special place to Max, and he’d wanted to

handle the transaction.

“Of course I’m free for Cadwell. Clear a couple hours this afternoon if you need to,” Max said as he

started toward his office. The room was huge, but he still felt closed in when he stepped through the

doors. He needed to take the boat out for a day of fishing and get some fresh air.

“I almost forgot to mention, Cassandra McIntyre called several more times and would like to speak

with you,” Cynthia said as she trailed behind him.

Max looked at her quizzically for a moment and then placed the name. The woman had been trying to

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call him for the past couple of weeks. She was some reporter trying to dig up new information on him

or his family. He had zero desire to be interviewed. He knew media could be helpful in his world but

there were plenty of other members in his family more than willing to smile prettily for the cameras

and play nice with the reporters.

“She’ll eventually get the hint that I don’t do interviews. Hopefully, sooner rather than later,” Max

said, forgetting about the woman as soon as he was done with the conversation. He didn’t have time

to deal with aggressive reporters.

He walked into his office and went through some much needed paperwork. He was done sitting at his

desk after about an hour. He could feel the restlessness start to kick in, and decided it was a good

time to go for a run. He quickly changed into his sweats and walked past Cynthia, who just smiled.

She knew him well and would’ve been surprised if he stayed there much longer.

He made his way to his vehicle and headed toward his favorite park in Seattle. He pulled around a

corner and looked down for only a second to adjust the volume on his news station. Suddenly, there

was a loud thump, causing him to slam on his brakes. He didn’t move for a moment, too horrified of

what the sound meant. He threw the car in park and jumped out the door.

“Cassandra, can you hear me? Can you open your eyes? Come on, Cassandra, that’s good, just a little

bit more.”

Cassie could hear a softly spoken voice calling to her but she didn’t want to open her eyes. There was

pounding in her temples and she was just so tired. If felt like weights were holding her eyelids down,

but with great effort she was able to finally crack them a bit.

“She’s starting to wake up but she’s not fully alert. It’s not an easy process. She may not remember

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anything about the accident, which is normal in these circumstances. She may not even know who she

is. Our minds tend to retreat, to protect us, when something traumatic happens.”

Cassie couldn’t understand what the woman was talking about. Why would she not know who she

was? She tried to get past the fog in her head, tried to fully wake up. She lay there, wondering why

she was in bed in the middle of the afternoon. The last thing she could remember was walking, and

then things got a bit fuzzy. She was just so fatigued - it was hard to focus.

“Have you had any luck notifying her family?” This was a new voice, an incredibly deep, masculine

voice, which seemed to purr. She was becoming more motivated to open her eyes, curious to see if

the face matched the voice. She felt her head shake slightly as she tried to clear out the cobwebs.

“We’ve notified the authorities and they’ve assured us their working on it. Unfortunately, at this time,

they haven’t found any information. They’re overworked and understaffed and I don’t think this is at

the top of their priority list. It would be far less frightening for her if there was a familiar face when

she finally comes to, though. One of the problems is that she didn’t have a lot of information on her,

and with the bruising, it’s hard to see if she is indeed Cassandra McIntyre.”

“Her identification says her name. Isn’t that good enough?”

He sounded unhappy, like he was scolding the woman. She didn’t seem to get upset when she spoke

again, though.

“We’ll get it all worked out. The police will give a proper id if she is unable to remember who she


“You’re more optimistic than I am. I have a lot to get done and the sooner this is taken care of, the

faster I can wash my hands of the entire mess.” Whoever the man was, he didn’t sound happy about

being in the room with her. She wished she could figure out where she was. She almost smiled at his

frustrated tone, then feeling relieved, unconsciousness slowly overtook her.

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Cassie woke again, pulling herself out of the deep slumber. She lay there for several minutes, afraid

to move, keeping her eyes closed. She was fearful to come fully awake in the alien environment. She

first moved her legs and realized her entire body was aching. What could have happened to her? It

hurt to even breathe in and out. She didn’t understand why she was in so much pain.

Slowly opening her eyes, she saw a dim light shining in the room, and even that small amount felt like

laser beams pushing into her retinas. Her head was throbbing, and her body felt as if a two-ton truck

had run her over.

She glanced around the small area. It looked like a hospital room, but how could she have gotten

there? She looked over to find an older woman checking some papers. She was unsure if she should

close her eyes and pretend to be asleep longer, but she’d never been a person to run away when she

was scared. She noticed a needle in her arm, dripping some clear fluid into her bloodstream. She had

to fight the panic that wanted to surface.

She turned her head to look around more, and it caused instant nausea, which made her groan out

loud. The nurse looked up, quickly setting down the paperwork she’d been holding.

“You’re awake. I’m relieved to see that. How are you feeling, Cassandra? Do you know if that’s your

name?” the woman asked. It was the same voice she’d heard when she’d woken up earlier. She didn’t

know why, but it seemed to sooth some of the panic, helping her to calm down.

“Yes,” she simply answered. She was only addressing the name question, because as for how she

was feeling, she couldn’t say. She’d never felt so uncomfortable in her life.

“Would you like something to drink? Your voice sounds a little dry.”

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“Yes, please,” Cassie answered. She greedily took the cup the woman offered, and as the cool liquid

touched her lips and slid down her parched throat, she sighed. Water never tasted so good. She could

imagine how those people who got lost in the desert felt wandering with nothing to drink for as far as

the eye could see. She would gladly give up food, so long as she didn’t have to give up liquid.

She gulped down the entire glass, then looked at the woman pleadingly for more. The woman’s kind

face smiled at her. “I don’t want to overdo it, just yet. Let’s make sure you keep this down. If you

don’t feel sick in twenty minutes then we’ll get more.” Cassie had to withhold the protest that wanted

to instantly fly from her lips. She was thirsty and she wanted more. She didn’t want to be told no. She

barely managed to keep it in.

“Do you remember anything that’s happened recently?” The woman, who Cassie figured was a nurse,

asked. Cassie’s eyes squinted as she concentrated on remembering the last few days. They were a

total blank.

“The last thing I remember is getting off work and then going for a walk. I don’t understand why my

mind’s so fuzzy. What’s going on?” Cassie asked, trying to push down the panic wanting to erupt

inside her. The longer she laid in the bed, the more afraid she became. To top that off, the loud jazz

band rehearsing in her head didn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. The pain was so intense it felt

as if the skin was actually pushing away from her temples.

“I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you’ve been in an auto accident. “I know it doesn’t seem

like it right now, but you’re actually very lucky. Your entire body probably hurts at the moment, but

you could’ve been killed. You have a fractured rib, a few scrapes and bruises, and a concussion, but

there are no life-threatening injuries.” She took Cassie’s hand as she said the last part.

Cassie wasn’t thinking she was too lucky at that moment. Her body hurt badly and she found herself

wanting to fall back asleep. If she could pass out then maybe it would all turn out to be nothing but a

bad nightmare.

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“Where am I? How long have I been here? How much longer will I have to stay?” Cassie fired

question after question at the nurse. She was fighting the panic, but maybe if she got some answers her

fears would recede.

“You’ve been with us for eight days. Do you have any recollection of what happened?” the woman

asked. She was moving around the room, tidying things up as she spoke in a nonchalant manner.

Cassie felt like she’d been hit by lightning. How did someone tell you you’d lost a week as if it was

no big deal?

She concentrated hard, trying to push her mind to open up and explain why she’d been unconscious

for so long, why her body hurt so much. The harder she fought with her mind, the more it seemed to

shut down. She couldn’t even manage to say anything.

“Do you have family we can contact?”

“No, there’s no one left except for me. I have a best friend, but she’s a nurse doing some work in

Brazil right now,” Cassie sadly replied. “I just moved to Seattle from back East and I haven’t had

time to make any other friends,” she finished. Another thought hit her as she lay there. “Oh my gosh,

my job. I’m sure they’ve fired me by now. They must think that I walked out on them,” she moaned as

she laid her head back and fought the nausea. She was beyond frustrated.

“I’m sorry, Cassie, for all of this. You aren’t going to be able to leave the hospital for at least another

few days, and there will be no way for you to work for at least a month. You’ve had some bad

injuries. In order to heal, you have to take care of yourself. You must think only of your health right

now. Don’t worry about any of the medical expenses. They’re being covered by the Anderson


“What expenses? And why would the Anderson Family cover them?”

“You’re in a private hospital, the best one in the City of Seattle, if not the country,” the nurse said

proudly, while seeming to stand up a bit straighter. She ignored the other question, entirely.

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Cassie looked around the room with more awareness. She should have figured out she wasn’t in a

regular hospital. For one thing, it was a large room with only one bed. There was a big flat-screen

television, fresh flowers in a nice vase, curtains instead of blinds, and the same nurse didn’t seem to

be in a hurry to leave. In a public hospital, the nurses had such a large list of clients they wouldn’t

have time to visit for so long.

“Why are the Anderson’s paying for me? And, are we talking about the Andersons?”

“The Andersons are paying for your stay because I was the one who hit you with my car,” a man’s

voice said, startling both her and the nurse. They turned in unison to see none other than Max

Anderson filling out the doorway.

Cassie gawked wide-eyed at the man she’d been chasing for an interview for the last several weeks.

She’d wanted to get his attention, but hadn’t wanted him to run her over in order to do it. She

suddenly had to fight the giggle that wanted to escape.

“I’ve had many women fall at my feet, but never jump out in front of my moving vehicle,” he said with

a cocky raise of his brows. The mixture of arrogance and horror in his expression was too much for

her, and she couldn’t help the laughter from escaping. Both he and the nurse looked at her as if she

needed to be transferred to the mental hospital. Heck, she thought, she may need to be.

“I’m so sorry,” she said between breaths of air. “I really don’t know why I’m laughing. This isn’t

funny in the least. I…I just don’t know what else to do,” she gasped. The laughter started to die down

as the pain in her body seemed to throb in pulsing rhythms from the shaking. She felt as if she may

pass out.

She took a moment to really look at Max. She’d never actually met him in person. He was tall, much

taller than she’d originally thought. He had to be at least six foot three, maybe four. His hair was dark,

shining in the pale room, and expertly cut, not too short, nor too long. There was an endearing

cowlick that caused his otherwise perfect hairstyle to seem a bit ruffled.

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Her eyes traveled over his face, noticing the five o’clock shadow that only added to his rugged good

looks. He was disturbingly attractive in a way that would easily make women throw themselves at

him, or possibly his moving vehicle. She knew she wouldn’t have done it on purpose, though. An

interview wasn’t that important to her. She continued her unabashed perusal of him, noting his strong

cheekbones, pursed lips, and then lower, to his broad shoulders, contained in his midnight blue suit

that was tailor made for him. If she had to come up with one word to describe him, it would be,


He started to cross the room as if he owned the place. For all she knew, he could own it. The

Anderson Family owned half the city, and then some. They were an incredibly powerful family, but

they were known for the good things they did in their community and around the world. He came up to

her bed, his midnight blue eyes connecting with her own startled blue ones. His lips turned up in a

lazy smile, as if he could see into her mind and knew exactly what she was thinking. It must be nice

to be so confident, she thought.

“Max Anderson, but I’m assuming you already know that from your expression,” he said as he stuck

out his hand for her to shake. She took it automatically and gasped as his strong fingers tightened

around hers. She could practically feel a live pulse traveling from his hand, up her arm, and straight

to her stomach. She had to fight the shiver as he held on far too long to be appropriate. He was

playing with her, which she was more than aware of. She shook her head to clear it and lifted her

head, as much as the bed would allow. She wasn’t a weakling and wouldn’t cower to him.

“Cassie McIntyre, but I’m sure you’re already aware of that,” she said with a confident smile

plastered on her face. She tugged her hand, letting him know it was time to release her. His smile

grew at her tone.

“Why does that name sound familiar?” he asked, as the smile started to fade. She could see that he

was trying to figure out exactly who she was. She’d left at least a dozen messages with his secretary,

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and she was a bit offended he hadn’t picked up on her name right away. She guessed she had her

answer as to how he felt about the interview she wanted to do with him.

“Probably because I’ve been trying to get an interview with you for a couple of weeks,” she said. She

watched as he put it together, and then his smile disappeared as he looked at her with suspicion. She

didn’t cower to him, but looked right back. She wasn’t going to say anything, but she knew he was

thinking the accident wasn’t an accident after all.

“When did Ms. McIntyre come out of the coma?” Max suddenly turned his full attention to the nurse,

who seemed apprehensive at the sudden change of mood in the room. She didn’t know exactly what

was going on between the two of them, but she knew something had changed.

“Not too long ago, Mr. Anderson,” she said. She turned and fled the room. Traitor, thought Cassie.

“I’m going to let you get some rest, then we’ll discuss this matter further,” Max said. He’d managed to

compose himself and gazed at her with a blank expression.

“Wait,” she said, stopping him before he reached the door. She waited until he reluctantly turned

around. He didn’t say a word. “I don’t remember what happened. Can you please tell me?” she asked.

She hoped if he told her it would jog her memory. He paused long enough that she was beginning to

think he was going to ignore her question and simply walk from the room. Finally, he sighed and took

a step closer.

“I was driving near the park and suddenly you were just there. I looked away for a moment and then

felt a thump. Apparently you flew through the air. You hit your head on the pavement and blacked out.

I’ve never been so terrified. I thought you were dead.”

He said the entire story with zero emotion in his voice, as if he were discussing the weather. She

didn’t know if he was doing it like that so not to upset her, or if he was just a cold-hearted jerk. How

could anyone talk about hitting another human being so emotionlessly?

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She tried to figure out what she would’ve been doing in the road. She wasn’t a careless person, and

she didn’t jump out in front of oncoming traffic.

“I didn’t do this on purpose, if that’s what you’re thinking,” she finally snapped as he continued to

look at her with the same expression, the one that she was really starting to hate.

“I don’t know if it was intentional, or not, but the accident has caused a lot of unnecessary stress for

you and my family, so we need to get things straightened out as quickly as possible. Look, I can see

how badly you’re hurting right now. We’ll finish this discussion after you’ve gotten some rest.”

Cassie gaped at him in a bit of awe. He was so used to having his own way that he spoke as if she’d

be happy to agree with anything he said. What irritated her the most was that he was right. She was

exhausted and finding it difficult to keep her eyes open, let alone concentrate on the conversation.

She had a feeling she’d need her brain functioning at full speed if she had any chance of matching him

in a verbal battle. On top of everything else, her body was starting to ache beyond what she could

handle and she really needed some more pain medication but she didn’t want to admit her discomfort

in front of him.

“That will be fine,” she said, dismissing him. She adjusted herself and felt red-hot pain shoot down

her legs at the slight movement. She couldn’t prevent the wince that overtook her features.

“You need some more pain medicine,” he said and strode to the door, calling to her nurse, who

immediately showed up and went over to a table to get some medicine ready.

“I’m fine,” she said through clenched teeth. If she opened her mouth any wider, she knew her teeth

would chatter together, giving her away.

Max couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her. She was the most stubborn, frustrating, irritating

woman he’d ever had the displeasure of having to deal with. She didn’t want to admit her pain,

though it was obvious she was ready to pass out. She had backbone - that was for sure.

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His gut clenched when he thought about the moment his car slammed into her. When she lifted into the

air, it was like time paused and everything moved in slow motion. He felt the bile rise in his throat,

even thinking about the moment her delicate body fell to the ground and he’d spotted the blood oozing

out of her in several places.

He wouldn’t leave her alone until he was assured she’d be okay. He didn’t know if she’d purposely

jumped in front of his car or not, but he would get to the bottom of it. No matter what, though, he had

hit her, and he was responsible for making sure she walked out of the hospital much more intact than

how she’d come in.

He watched the nurse administer the pain meds through her I.V. and then smiled, watching her eyes

droop as the medicine did its job.

“I’ll see you soon,” he said before he stepped through the door. He paused once he was out of sight.

He wanted to turn around and go right back in, but forced himself to start moving forward. He wasn’t

going to form any emotional bonds with the woman. Once he knew she’d be okay he’d never have to

see her again.

He walked down the hallway, pushing her firmly from his mind and forcing himself to focus on

business. He had time to figure out the mess later.

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Chapter Two

Cassie would wake up throughout the day but only for minutes at a time. She would guzzle some

water and try to eat what the nurse put before her, but she still was in a lot of pain and would quickly

fall back to sleep into blessed oblivion, only to wake up too quickly. She finally fell into a deep sleep

about ten that evening and didn’t wake until morning.

As she opened her eyes, she moved around experimentally and realized she felt better. The achiness

throughout her body was still there but her head wasn’t pounding and she found that she had her

appetite back. She was starving, in fact. She pushed the button on her bed, raising herself into a sitting

position and waited patiently for the nurse to arrive.

“Are you going to stay awake for a while longer this morning?” the nurse asked as she stepped into

the room. She was carrying a tray that had the most delicious aroma’s coming from it. Cassie was

more than happy to see her.

“That smells so good,” Cassie said with a large grin. She turned her body too quickly and realized

she wasn’t as well as she’d first thought. It wasn’t quite as bad but enough that she knew she’d better

take it easy. She was hopeful she could eat a good meal and then talk the nurse into letting her shower.

She could imagine what she looked like, and she was sure she’d frighten small children. “I just

realized I’ve never asked your name,” Cassie said with some embarrassment. She wasn’t normally so

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“You’ve been quite pre-occupied, dear. My name is Sally,” she said in her usual kind voice. She took

Cassie’s stats while she gulped down her meal of oatmeal, toast, and fresh fruit. It was the best thing

she could ever remember tasting. She was disappointed when she wasn’t able to finish it.

“You haven’t been able to eat solids in over a week, so don’t be worried about it. You’ve done well.

I’ll bring you a snack in a couple of hours. You’re going to want smaller meals more often to get your

body used to eating again,” Sally told her before removing the tray.

Cassie didn’t want to sleep any longer. She wanted to get out of bed. “Can I please take a shower?”

Cassie pled with Sally.

“Are you feeling any dizziness right now?”

“None at all,” Cassie told her. She wouldn’t admit it if she was.

“I think we could try it today but I want to take you to the bathroom in a wheelchair and I want you to

use the seat. It’s not going to do your body any good if you fall and hit your head,” Sally said. Cassie

didn’t even try to argue. She was too relieved to have gotten her wish. Sally helped her from the bed

and into the bathroom.

The hot water cascading down her sore muscles was the greatest feeling she could have ever

imagined. It was pure heaven and she groaned in disappointment when Sally told her she’d had

enough and helped her back to her room. She didn’t realize how much the excursion had worn her out

until she laid back down. She closed her eyes for a moment and didn’t wake until much later, when

the sun was starting to set in the sky.

As Cassie was finishing her supper, which was unlike any hospital food she’d ever heard of, there

was a knock on her door. She turned her head, expectantly. She was a bit upset with herself that she

was hoping it was Max. She didn’t need to start wishing for him to come see her.

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As if her imagination could conjure him up, in he stepped. She took a deep breath and scolded herself

as she felt her heartbeat speed up. Max looked at her while the treacherous machine hooked up to her

heart gave her reaction to him away. She turned from him and glared at the beeping machine, trying to

will her heart-beat to slow down.

“I…uh…just got back from the bathroom,” she said, trying to explain her rapidly beating heart. He

raised his brow but didn’t call her on the lie, which she was grateful for. She berated herself for the

stupid excuse. She didn’t know if she was more embarrassed he might think she was unnerved by him,

or exhausted from a small walk. Oh well, she thought, there was nothing she could do about it.

“How are you feeling?” he asked as he stepped up next to the bed. He was dressed in well-worn

jeans that hugged him in all the right places, and an old Stanford Sweatshirt. He looked good and she

felt even more frumpy in her paper-thin hospital gown.

“I’m feeling a bit better. You really don’t need to stop in and check on me,” she said. She then noticed

the bouquet of flowers in his hand. He handed them to her and she stared at them, a bit stunned. She’d

never received flowers before and the gesture made her tear up. She could smell the sweet scent

filling the air. She tried to snap out of her trance. She knew Max was a player and he gave flowers

without it meaning anything to him. She couldn’t let it affect her.

“Thank you, Mr. Anderson. They’re beautiful,” she told him in a shockingly composed voice. “You

really shouldn’t have.”

“It was my pleasure.” The way he spoke sent tingles through her body. No wonder women swooned

at his feet. He was certainly swoon-worthy. She wished he would just go away. She wasn’t at her

best. His voice was like warm honey, and his shining blue eyes seemed to see straight into her soul.

She could feel the heat infuse her cheeks. The dang monitor was beeping faster, the longer he stared at

her - and his lips turned up at the sound. He knew his effect on her and he was thoroughly enjoying


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She’d been starting to feel better but the longer he stood next to her bed the higher her blood pressure

shot up. She was starting to hope for unconsciousness once again.

“Well, thanks again for the flowers, but I’m really quite tired so…” she started.

“The staff said you don’t have any family or friends in the city. They said you recently moved here?”

he interrupted, his expression never changing. “They’ve also informed me you will be unable to care

for yourself for at least a few weeks once you’re released,” he finished, never breaking his stare. It

was almost as if he was daring her to argue with him. She was in no way afraid to go head to head

with the gorgeous billionaire.

Cassie thought back over her conversation with the nurse and how much she’d revealed about her

circumstances. She should’ve known the staff would report all she said back to Max and his family. It

wasn’t like she was the one footing the bill. She didn’t like to feel vulnerable and didn’t like him

knowing she was anything less than a strong and independent woman.

“I’m perfectly fine on my own. I will leave here in a few days and I have a comfortable apartment,

where I can take care of myself,” she said a bit huffily. She was cringing when she thought about

climbing up and down the stairs to her apartment. They still hadn’t fixed the elevator. Of course, her

place may not be a problem much longer since she didn’t have a job. It wasn’t like a barista position

was hard to fill on a moment’s notice.

“You’re obviously not okay to take care of yourself. You don’t even know how to cross a street

without getting hit by a car,” he said, some of his cool demeanor slipping. “For someone who is very

lucky to still be alive you’re quite ungrateful.”

As Max finished speaking, Cassie felt her temper rising. He hit her with his car and then had the nerve

to lecture her about being careless. She counted to ten in her head, realized it wasn’t enough, and kept

counting. When she hit a hundred and still felt like tearing into him, she thought it would be better if

she sat there and glared instead of speaking. Getting in a verbal battle with him wasn’t going to do

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either of them any good.

He stared at her, neither of them willing to back down. He thought he was in the right, and she knew

she was. Finally, she was able to once again speak, though she knew her words would come out

between clinched teeth.

“I don’t know where you come off thinking I should be grateful for you setting me up in this hospital,

and I don’t know exactly what happened, but you hit me with your car, not the other way around. You

don’t get to come in here and be a jerk!”

“I’m trying to do the right thing. You don’t have anyone to take care of you, so I want to make sure you

get proper care. You don’t have to be so ungrateful about it,” he said, still sounding as if nothing

could possibly penetrate his cool exterior.

“Well, I’m telling you that I don’t need taken care of…” she snapped. She wanted to add more when

he rudely interrupted her again.

“You will not leave here by yourself, and that’s final!”

Cassie took a few minutes to compose her features, trying to get control of her temper. She could feel

the headache starting to pound in her temples once again, and was frustrated with him for that, too. He

seemed unhappy unless he was causing her some kind of distress.

“We aren’t getting anywhere. I think we should both cool off and then have this discussion when I’m

feeling better.” She figured if she played the sick girl card he’d leave her alone and give her time to

get her thoughts together.

Max didn’t say anything - he just stood up and walked from the room. Cassie didn’t know whether to

feel happy or disappointed she’d gotten her way. She told herself she was glad he’d left, but she

didn’t feel elated to have him gone. She blamed her erratic emotions to the knock on her head. That’s

all it could be. She lay back against the pillow and closed her eyes, letting out a sigh.

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“Okay, we haven’t started this out the way I wanted to. I’m sorry if I came across a bit strongly but I

need to make sure you’re going to be okay,” she heard Max say. She opened her eyes, turned her head

and found him standing in the doorway. He was leaning against the frame, his cocky expression in

place, arms crossed, looking as if he was swallowing sour lemons while attempting an apology.

He spoke in a way that was meant to instill confidence in the other person, but she didn’t trust him

further than she could throw him, and that wasn’t any distance at all. He’d placed her in a private

room, took care of all the bills, made sure she was fed well, and now wanted to make sure she was

taken care of when she left. He had an agenda. She knew she was vulnerable and he was no better

than the big bad wolf but she couldn’t figure out his game plan.

As she laid there and they once again had a staring contest, it suddenly hit her. He was worried about

getting sued. The mega-rich billionaire had plowed his car into her, causing a concussion, and a

banged up body, and he was using his full arsenal of charm so she would be all happy to sign

whatever papers he put before her.

She had zero desire to sue him. She didn’t know whose fault the accident was, but even if it had been

his fault she could never go head to head with one of the Andersons. It just wouldn’t be worth it. She

wasn’t that kind of girl, anyway. She despised ambulance chasing attorneys and people who made

their fortunes from frivolous law suits. But, he didn’t know she felt that way. He didn’t know what

kind of a girl she was. This entire accident could work to her advantage. She may just get her

interview after-all. She would’ve thought of it much sooner if she hadn’t been loaded up with so many


“I’m sorry too, Max. I guess my head has just been hurting so badly and I really do need to get more

rest,” she said in what she hoped was a pathetic voice. If she was going to play a power game with

the man then she needed to pull out all the guns. Ah, it would feel good to take down this high-handed,

arrogant guy. She could practically see her headlining articles in the newspaper now. Her dream was

so close.

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“I insist that you stay with my family until you’re fully functioning. Of course, I’ll pay all expenses,”

he stated. She looked at him, trying to figure out the best way to proceed. She was going to get her


“When are you going to whip out the papers for me to sign?” she asked, coming straight to the point.

Her direct approach took him off guard and he stared at her for a moment in shock. He wasn’t used to

women coming right out and stating the facts. She thought her time with him was going to be

enjoyable. He could use a strong woman to knock him down a peg or two from that throne he’d

placed himself on.

“Well, since you brought it up, my attorney has drafted some papers he’d like for you to sign. You’ll

be compensated for all medical expenses and receive a generous settlement. It’s really a win-win

situation for both of us,” he told her, quickly regaining his composure, and adding his trademark grin.

“I’d like to take a look at these papers,” she said. He quickly handed them over and she took her time

reading through the thick document. She had to give Max credit because he sat there, tapping his foot

impatiently, while she perused the document. He didn’t try to rush her. She couldn’t keep the

surprised look from her eyes when she took in the six figure sum he was offering as a settlement. Who

knew getting hit by a car could be so profitable? Heck, why work hard when you could just jump in

front of a high-priced sports car? she thought sarcastically. She set the papers down and looked up

where he stared back at her.

“Do you have a problem with the figures?” he finally asked when she remained silent.

“Now that you’ve asked, yes, I do have a problem. I’m not after your money, Mr. Anderson.” She

waited a few moments before she continued, after he raised his brows. “There is something I want

from you, though,” she finished with a wicked smile of her own.

She watched as the light dawned on his face. First, he looked surprised, then his eyes narrowed as he

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realized she was attempting to blackmail him. She supposed that had never happened to him before.

He blanked his expression after only a few seconds.

“What would that be?” he demanded, though he knew.

“Oh, I don’t think we need to play games. We both know I want an exclusive interview. I’ve upped

my original proposal, though, since fate has seemed to throw me a free one,” she said, not even trying

to hide the glee in her expression.

“What is that supposed to mean?” he practically spit at her. She had never felt as powerful as she did

in that moment. It was quite euphoric, she decided.

“Well, originally I just wanted a few hours of your time, but seeing as how we’ve already gotten so

acquainted, I was thinking I want to trail you for a month. I need to recover from my injuries, and as

you’ve so repeatedly pointed out, I can’t be on my own, so it’s a perfect time to spend a month in the

life of Max Anderson,” she said. She could practically see the steam rising from his head at her

request. She figured, why not?

“You seriously expect me to let you follow me like a puppy dog for a month?” he barked. He

glowered at her like she’d lost her mind. She may just have.


“That won’t happen,” he said with steel in his voice. She never broke eye contact. She knew the first

rule to journalism was to never let them see you sweat. She wasn’t going to blow her first shot at a

real career. She had him in a corner and she wasn’t letting him escape, no matter how much her knees

wanted to shake.

“I think so, because I won’t settle for anything less.”

“You have some real nerve!” he shouted as he jumped from the chair and started pacing the room.

“Fine, I’ll double the settlement, but no to the interview!”

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“I don’t want the settlement. I only want the interview,” she repeated stubbornly. He turned and

glared at her. She could see the murderous expression in his eyes.

“I’ve checked into your situation and you really can’t afford to turn down my offer,” he said smugly.

She was proud of being able to keep her composure, at least on the outside. On the inside she was

seething. How dare he snoop through her personal life!

She refused to bicker with him any further. She only wanted one thing from him and she would get it,

one way or the other. It wasn’t like she was pleased with being hit by his car.

“How’s our patient, today?” she heard a voice say from the door and looked up to see two elderly

men walk into the room. She was thinking they had really good timing because she didn’t know how

much further she could push Max before he strode to her bed and rung her already sore neck.

“I’m good,” she said, then realized who they were. It was Joseph and George Anderson. They were

the heads of different divisions of the all-powerful Anderson Corporations. She didn’t know why

they’d want to visit her. She was happy they were there, though. She didn’t think Max would attack

her in front of an audience.

“That’s great to hear,” George said as he walked over to her bed. “I’m George Anderson and this is

my brother, Joseph. You’ve apparently met my son, Max. We were so upset to hear about the accident

and wanted to make sure the hospital was treating you right.”

“They’ve been wonderful to me,” she said, unable to not instantly like the kind man before her. Max

seemed nothing at all like his father.

“Good, good. I’m happy to see Max is taking care of you,” he added and sent a wink to Joseph, who

didn’t try to hide his laugh. She looked back and forth between the two gentlemen and couldn’t figure

out what they were going on about.

“Max and I were just discussing a business proposition,” she said. Maybe they’d help her. They

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seemed kind enough, and she’d seen many articles written up on both of them. They knew the power

of a good news article.

“It’s private,” Max growled.

“What business proposition?” Joseph asked at the same time.

“Well…” she drawled. “I’ve been trying to get an interview with Max for a while now, but he’s been

so busy he hasn’t yet returned my phone calls, so this accident could turn out to be a positive event,

after all,” she said with an innocent smile directed at both Joseph and George. She didn’t dare look at

Max, who she was sure was steaming at that point.

“I think that’s the least he could do, considering the circumstances,” George immediately jumped in,

which made her smile turn immediately brighter.

“I think it’s none of your business,” Max snapped. “Cassie needs her rest so you should both leave.”

“Of course you need your rest, dear,” Joseph said, and immediately took her hand in his.

“If there’s anything you need, please don’t hesitate to call,” George added, while taking her other

hand. They left the room and she reluctantly looked back at Max. She knew the battle was far from

over, but she’d never been so determined to get what she wanted.

“I’m not a man you want to try and blackmail,” Max told her with an uncanny calm that sent a shiver

of fear down her spine. If she wasn’t so scared of being out on the streets she may have backed down.

He was incredibly intimidating.

“I’m not scared,” she said, though it was an obvious lie.

“Have you never heard the saying to be careful what you wish for?” he purred. His new demeanor

worried her but she could feel she was starting to win the battle. She couldn’t back down now.

“I know what I’m getting into, and I’m not afraid to chase what I want,” she said with emphasis.

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“You want your interview? Fine, you’ll get it. I’ll have my attorney draw up new paperwork. There

will be certain things that will be off limits. If you break any of the rules of the contract, I will sink

you so far you’ll never be able to dig yourself out of the hole. Do you understand?” he asked, his tone

betraying his words. His voice was scarily calm, while his words were terrifying.

She couldn’t imagine sitting in a board meeting with him. His entire attitude shouted power, beyond

anything she could imagine. She really may have taken on more than she could handle, but she knew

the journalism world was a tuff nut to crack, and she’d deal with harder cases than him. She could

handle it.

“I know you hate interviews, and having your privacy invaded. I’ll be tactful in what I write, but I’ll

also be truthful. If you’re trying to hide unethical business practices, I will figure it out, and I won’t

lie,” she said with her shoulders squared. It took everything in her not to shake.

He looked deeply into her eyes - she knew to see if he could intimidate her. Suddenly, his mouth

flashed up in what looked like a genuine smile. She looked at him in stunned silence. She didn’t

understand why he’d be smiling when she’d so obviously won. She was beginning to worry she may

not have really won anything after all.

“You’re very brave from your hospital bed. We’ll see how well you do when you’re not quite so frail

and using that unfair advantage at your disposal,” he said with the same smile in place. She didn’t

back down.

“I don’t break easily.”

“We’ll see. I always get what I want, too, Ms. McIntyre,” he said, reverting to her last name.

“What do you want?” she asked, though she wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer to that


“That will have to be a surprise,” he promised. It wasn’t a threat, or a question, it was a statement of

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This was a bad, bad idea. She was too stubborn to back down, but she was getting a really bad

feeling about the entire situation. She’d get her interview, but at what cost? If she were a smarter

woman, she’d sign his papers, take the money and run.

As if he could read her thoughts, he took said papers, and ripped them in half. She almost gasped at

the finality of it. She hoped her fear wasn’t showing. If he felt he had the upper hand she wouldn’t

stand a chance at going head-to-head with him.

“I’ll be back in a few days with the proper paperwork. Then, it looks like we’ll be inseparable for a

month,” he said before turning away. She wanted to call him back and tell him it had all been a

mistake. She knew she should forget about the whole thing, but she couldn’t seem to get the words

past her throat. She’d go through with it, and she’d write up the best article ever written on any of the

Andersons. She tossed and turned the entire night and knew the next couple of days were going to be

stressful. Every sound would have her head turning, waiting for Max to walk back through the door.

Max walked out of the room, proud that he’d managed to keep his composure intact at the end. He’d

let her see his anger for a short time, and he wanted to throttle his uncle and father, but overall he’d

done well.

He certainly had to give her credit for bravery. She truly believed she’d won a battle of sorts with

him. If he hadn’t wanted to allow the interview, then she wouldn’t have gotten him to back down.

He’d been completely against it at first, but the more she spoke, the more he realized he wanted to

spend time with her. She was stirring something in him, and he needed some time with her to figure

out exactly what that was.

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His attorney would draw up an iron-clad contract so she wouldn’t be able to speak about anything he

didn’t wish her to talk about, so he wasn’t worried about the actual article she wanted to do. He

wanted to see those determined eyes darken with passion while she writhed underneath him in

pleasure. He’d take pleasure in making her burn for him, and he’d do it with the utmost satisfaction.

He hadn’t looked forward to something so much in years. He couldn’t wait to start seducing Cassie


He would find out every secret Cassie worked so hard to hide, and he’d satisfy them both at the same

time. Max found himself whistling as he made his way down the hospital corridors.

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Chapter Three

Cassie stepped out of the car Joseph insisted she take to the offices. She’d refused to stay with Max,

telling him there was no way she was going to stay at his place. He’d shrugged as if it didn’t matter to

him one way or the other, so she’d been set up in Joseph Anderson’s guest cottage. She was being

well taken care of and felt a thousand times better. She’d been there for two weeks.

It was her first official day to start trailing Max and she could barely contain her excitement. She’d

gone over his contract with a fine tooth comb and she could live with the guidelines he’d set for her.

He absolutely wanted nothing personal about his family in the article but she was surprised he hadn’t

put up too many restrictions for her. She was going to be able to write a book about the man by the

time she was finished.

Upon approaching the large building, she found the exterior itself was intimidating, shooting high into

the sky and as she walked in she could see the Andersons spared no expense on decorations. The

foyer was stunning, without being over the top. She wrote a few notes on her iPad and made her way

toward the security desk.

She looked at the nametag on the guard, as he eyed her cautiously, which said Ben Stern. She had to

fight the giggle that wanted to pop out as she took in his expression. His name was certainly fitting.

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He appeared to be in his late fifties, with a slightly balding head, and his face had an impenetrable

look. She was sure he didn’t miss a thing.

“I’m Cassandra McIntyre, but everyone just calls me Cassie. I’m here to meet with Max Anderson,”

she said in a bit of a high voice. She knew she had a tendency to ramble when she was nervous so she

made sure to stop herself. He didn’t need to know her nickname since she wouldn’t be visiting with

him a whole lot. Of course, you could get a lot more personal inside information from the staff. She

made a side note to herself to look for people she thought would spill their guts.

“One moment, please,” Ben said as he quickly typed some information into his computer. He looked

up at her again without showing any expression and produced a badge. “You’ll head over to the

elevators, go to the twenty-fourth floor, where you’ll find Mr. Anderson’s secretary,” he said,

effectively dismissing her.

Cassie took the badge without another word and looked around at the crowded area. People were

rushing through the doors, all with a look of purpose on their faces. Most headed toward the

elevators. She made another note to find out the exact number of people who worked in the offices,

and in general for the corporation. She walked to the elevators and stood with a group of people, all

wearing various types of business attire. She felt a bit underdressed in her simple skirt and blouse.

She thought she may need to get some boring suits in blues and blacks, as that seemed to be

everyone’s favorite color.

She followed a crowd into one of the overflowing elevators and noticed no one pushed the button for

her needed floor, so she reached around and pressed it. A few of the suited droids looked at her

questioningly when she did that. She wiped her sweaty palm on the side of her skirt as

inconspicuously as she could manage. No one said a word to her and she was grateful for the moment

of silence to collect her thoughts and boost her confidence with a quick pep talk. She kept her head

down and avoided eye contact with the other occupants.

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She’d been in the top of her journalism class at college, always studied hard, and knew she was

meant to be a reporter. She’d been able to dig out facts from her interviews others could only dream

of finding. It was such a competitive market, she’d been unable to make her big break yet. This

interview would certainly do it for her, though.

The ride took a long time, with the elevator seeming to stop on every floor. She breathed a sigh of

relief when the last of the occupants stepped out on the twentieth floor. She was glad to get a few

floors alone to compose herself, but she arrived much too quickly.

The bell chimed, announcing her arrival to the twenty-fourth floor and she stepped out to utter silence.

She looked around the spacious area and felt her stomach tighten as her nerves overtook her even

more. Where was the hustle and bustle of people like she’d seen in the reception area? Where were

the hordes of people who should’ve been there? She looked at the empty reception desk where a

secretary should’ve been sitting.

Cassie glanced at her watch, noting that it was a quarter after eight. She’d been told Max was usually

there by seven in the morning, and the rest of the team was there no later than eight, so she couldn’t

figure out where everyone was. Perhaps there was a team meeting, or a conference.

She made her way past the reception desk and down a large, lighted hallway. Office after office

remained empty, causing her already nervous stomach to tighten more. She knew she was in the right

place. Joseph Anderson had told her exactly where she was supposed to go.

She felt like a spy and expected security to jump out at any moment, demanding to know who she was

and what she was doing in the offices. She made her way to the end of the hall and found Max’s door

to her right. It was slightly ajar so she pushed it open and took a step inside the dark room.

Cassie’s overactive imagination took over and she felt like she was in a horror flick for a moment,

about to be attacked by a robber. She got Goosebumps even thinking about it. She rubbed her arms as

she peaked around the dim room. The windows were tinted, allowing privacy.

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She knew Max was less than happy to have her shadow every move he made, but a deal was a deal

and he better not have left her behind. Of course, there wasn’t a whole lot she could do about it if he

had. Her first day wasn’t going according to plan so far.

Cassie scanned the room and jumped when she noticed a figure sleeping on a couch tucked away in a

corner. Her heart picked up speed as her fight or flight response kicked in. She couldn’t imagine

anyone being able to get to the offices who wasn’t allowed to be there, but even if the person were

allowed to be in the room, didn’t necessarily make them a good person. She heard of horrible things

happening in the corporate world. The stories were buried in a mountain of paperwork and the

victims never got to voice their troubles. The executives were just too powerful. She’d only heard

positive things about the Andersons, but that didn’t mean bad things couldn’t happen.

She took a closer look at the person, determining it had to be a man from the way he was dressed and

the size of him. He was lying on his back with his arm flung over his face. He was sleeping soundly,

wearing a dress shirt, half unbuttoned, and a pair of slacks. His bare feet were sticking out beneath a

thin blanket only partially covering his body.

Since it was Max’s office, she was assuming it was him, but why would he be asleep on the couch,

and all the other employees be gone. None of it made any sense. She knew many executives worked

so late into the night they often slept in their offices, but she didn’t take Max as the typical corporate

shark, which is why she’d wanted to interview him so badly. He was a mystery to most of the world.

“Time to wake up,” Cassie said loudly. She watched him struggle to wake, slightly groaning, then he

just flipped over so his back was to her and she listened as his breathing deepened and he started

softly snoring.

Cassie was tired of standing around on the empty floor, and found it very incredibly that Max wasn’t

waiting for her. He knew she was due in that morning, and he could’ve had the courtesy to call her if

something came up. Not that she would’ve listened had he called. She knew he didn’t want to do the

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interview and she would’ve thought he was making up an excuse.

She walked over, leaned down and placed her hands on his shoulders. She started shaking him, which

did nothing, so she pushed harder and watched as his body tensed. She tried to move back, since she

had seemed to accomplish what she’d set out to do, but he suddenly moved faster than a snake

striking, and his hand shot out, grabbing her, knocking her off balance.

She tumbled straight down onto his chest before she had a chance to recover. Before Cassie could so

much as breathe, she found herself flipped over and suddenly pinned to the couch cushions, which

were surprisingly plush, with Max’s body holding her captive.

His eyes were wide open now, and staring into hers. She stared back in wide-eyed surprise, too

stunned to protest her compromised position. Suddenly, a wicked glint came into his eyes and his

head started to lower toward hers. She felt the protest on her lips but never had a chance to say


Max’s lips came down on hers in an intoxicating kiss. She pushed against him for a moment, and then

forgot every reason why she shouldn’t be kissing the mysterious Max Anderson, and allowed him to

seduce her.

His lips went from almost punishing, to soft and seductive, in a matter of seconds, and she felt a

pressure unlike anything she’d ever felt before start to build in her stomach. His tongue slowly

caressed her bottom lip, demanding entrance into the soft folds of her mouth. A shudder rippled

through her as her mouth slowly opened.

He discovered every hidden recess of her mouth as his tongue tangled with hers. Her hands glided up

his neck, holding him close, afraid of him pulling away. He didn’t seem to have any desire to break

their contact, though.

His hands caressed her hip, and started sliding up her blouse, caressing the sensitive skin on her

stomach and side, causing more intensity to build inside her. When he reached the underside of her

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breast, she cried out. As his hand started to drift over the soft mound, she somehow gained some will-

power. She was shocked at how badly she wanted that hand to cup her breast and relieve the aching

of her tightened nipple. That shock helped her to start squirming beneath him. It took him a moment to

realize she was trying to get away, and not writhing in pleasure. He slowly lifted his head and the

passion glazed expression in his eyes was nearly her undoing. She wanted to say to hell with

responsibility and simply allow him to keep working his magic.

She pushed him again, just for good measure and he finally sat up, allowing her to scramble out from

beneath him. She scooted to the far edge of the couch, not trusting her legs to hold her up if she tried

to stand. She’d never had a man kiss her before without her permission. She was surprised by how

much she was turned on by his boldness.

“Well, Cassie, I must say that you can wake me up anytime, if it’s like that,” he said with a dangerous

smile on his lips.

“Who do you think you are?” she said, a bit breathlessly. She wanted to curse her traitorous body.

“Don’t go acting like a victim. You were enjoying that kiss as much as I was. I have to admit I’ve

wanted to do that from the first moment I walked in the hospital and saw you licking your lips.

They’re very tempting,” he said, his eyes looking down at her swollen mouth. Her stomach tightened

even more.

“You can’t just go around kissing people whenever you feel like it,” she huffed, but she knew he was

right. She hadn’t protested.

“Mmm, now that’s an appealing thought,” he said with an even bigger grin.

“Whatever. Where is everyone?”

“What time is it?” he asked, ignoring her question.

“It’s after eight in the morning. The rest of the building is full of people but this floor is completely

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“No wonder I’m so tired. I only got a couple of hours sleep,” he muttered as he ran his fingers through

his already mussed hair. He got up and made his way over to his desk, where he sat down in his

oversized chair. He scooted it back and propped his bare feet on the large top, scattering a few

papers in the process. She had to hold herself back from quickly going over and picking them up. If he

wanted to be a slob it wasn’t her problem. She was surprised by how alert he was, especially

considering he’d only slept a couple hours.

“You never answered my question. Where is the rest of the staff, or do they just take time off

whenever they feel like it?” she asked while pulling out her iPad and getting ready to take notes. His

eyes narrowed at her accusing tone. His staff worked incredibly hard and he didn’t want her writing

anything negative about them.

“Before you get any ideas to start making up gossip you should check your facts, Ms. McIntyre. My

staff and I were up all night working on some last minute changes for a new business venture. The

employees here are incredibly loyal, hard workers, and I won’t have you saying anything negative

about them. I gave them the day off. They’ll be back, hard at work, tomorrow morning.”

Cassie felt like she’d just been taken to the principal’s office and scolded for causing rumors. What

else was she supposed to think when no one was around, and the boss was sleeping on the couch? He

could give her the benefit of the doubt that she’d check into it before writing anything up. Just because

she took notes didn’t mean she wouldn’t verify facts. She could tell the next month was going to be a

long one.

She didn’t know what to say, so thought it better to sit quietly and gather her thoughts. She didn’t want

her first day in the life of Max Anderson to be fraught with tension. That wouldn’t do either of them

any good. If push really came to shove he could end the interview process all together and there

wasn’t anything she could do about it. Sure, the publicity from him hitting her would make a good

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story for other reporters, but it would die down in no time, and then she’d be out of her story and

worse off than she was before the accident.

“If this was such a bad day for the interview to start, we could’ve waited until tomorrow,” she told


“And you would’ve believed I was telling the truth?” he asked. He knew her better than she thought,

because no, she wouldn’t have.

Max was second guessing the entire interview process. It gave him an excuse to figure out why she

affected him, but he didn’t like having to explain himself, nor the invasion of his privacy. He thought

about the kiss a few moments ago and couldn’t keep the smile from his face. He could get used to

waking up like that each morning. He wasn’t a saint and had been with many beautiful women, but he

never spent the night with them. Once his needs were met he had no desire to cuddle and tell each

other their life story. He’d never actually woken up with a woman, and found it wasn’t an unpleasant

experience. Cassie McIntyre had him intrigued.

On the other hand, his father and uncle were all for the interview, saying it would be good for the

company. Anything those two men were happy about would end up causing him a huge headache.

They’d never met Cassie before the accident so he didn’t see how they could be involved with any of

this, but he was going to be weary anyway. He was especially nervous with her staying at his uncles,

but she’d be cleared to move back to her own place in a few more days. He didn’t like the idea of her

being on her own, but she’d recovered remarkably well and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

He shouldn’t care where she stayed, anyway.

“I need coffee and food. I haven’t had any of either since last night,” he said as he stood up. He went

to the couch and quickly put his socks and shoes on, then stood and straightened his clothes. He

stepped through a door she assumed was a bathroom and came out looking much better than when

he’d went in.

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“Do I need my jacket?” she asked, not sure if they were leaving the building.

“No, we’ll eat here. They have a café on the first floor.” He led her from the room and quickly

walked to the elevator. They were silent on the way down. She needed to get better control over

herself because she was never going to get a Pulitzer Prize from a silent interview. She shook her

head to clear it and as the doors opened into the busy lobby she felt better. Hustle and bustle she

could deal with. Silence, not so much.

“Do you eat here often?” she asked. She wanted to smack herself in the head. All the questions she

could ask and she started off with something that lame. He didn’t even bother to answer, he just

looked at her with a brow raised. “I actually wanted to know if you often spend the night here at the


“Curious about my love life, Cassie?” he asked suggestively. Cassie stared at him wide-eyed, too

shocked for a moment to say anything. She took a deep breath as she heard his chuckle. She wasn’t

going to let him intimidate her.

“Not in the least, though, I’m sure some of my readers will love to know just how eligible you are.

I’m simply trying to establish how hard you work,” she said a bit smugly, then stepped in front of him

to enter the large café. What he called a café actually resembled more of a hospital cafeteria. It was

huge. There was a buffet style serving area with a line of people, and employees serving food that

smelled delicious. She heard her stomach growl and decided she was hungry, herself.

She grabbed a tray and jumped in line, sure he’d follow her. She knew he didn’t like someone else

getting the last word in. He didn’t disappoint her.

“You know, it’s not going to work,” he said, making her jump. He was right behind her and had his

head bent forward so the words were whispered right behind her ear, his hot breath lightly running

across her bare skin. She couldn’t stop the shudder that trembled through her. He was really good at

causing her body to go haywire.

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“What won’t work?” she asked breathlessly.

“No matter how much distance you try to put between us, I’m going to get to know you just as much as

you think you’re going to get to know me,” he said. She moved forward too quickly and crashed into

the person in front of her, causing a laugh to escape Max’s lips. He knew what he was doing to her.

She quickly apologized to the person.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she bluffed. He didn’t say anything else but they both knew

she was lying.

They got their food and he found a table in the corner and sat down. She followed him and placed her

tray in front of her, diving into the delicious food. He started eating as if his life depended on it and

they were both silent for several moment.

“Who’s this beautiful woman?” a man said as he approached their table and sat down without being

invited. “I’m Trenton, Max’s older brother,” the man said. Cassie recognized him from some articles

she’d seen written up on him. He’d gotten married a while ago.

“This is Cassie McIntyre, Trenton. She’s going to be following me around like a lost puppy dog for a

while, doing an interview,” Max said. Cassie sent him a glare. He couldn’t have been more rude if

he’d tried.

“Nice to meet you, Cassie. If you’re looking for some real dirt on this guy then you’ll have to come

see me,” he said with a wink. Cassie instantly liked Max’s brother.

“I will certainly take you up on that, Trenton,” she said, feeling better even after the dog comment.

“That’s not part of the deal,” Max growled, clearly not liking her interacting with more of his family


“There’s nothing that states I can’t talk to your family members about you. It just says I can’t invade

their privacy,” she said smugly. She would’ve never signed something saying she couldn’t talk to his

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family or employees. She wasn’t stupid. Max glared at her and pushed his food away. She had a

feeling he’d make the rest of her day unpleasant if he could get away with it.

“Don’t be so grouchy, Max, I won’t spill too many secrets,” Trenton said with a laugh and wink,

which earned him a glare. Cassie found their interaction amusing. She pulled out her iPad and took

some notes, which made Max glower even more. Heck, if she could get under his skin that easily she

would take the thing out more often. She enjoyed riling him up.

“So, Cassie, you’re a reporter?” Trenton asked.

“I’m hoping to be. I graduated at the top of my class in journalism, but sadly have been working as a

barista for a small coffee shop. I’ve tried getting a job with different papers and magazines, but the

market’s so competitive that I haven’t had any luck so far. I know this exclusive interview with Max

will get me a job with no problem, though,” she said, beaming. She was so excited to work in a busy

news room. She soon would be back on track for her ten year plan she’d made for herself before she


“Yep, Max is definitely cagey when it comes to interviews. The rest of us usually just get them over

with so we’re not hounded all the time,” he said. He seemed to realize he may have offended her, but

she had much thicker skin than that.

“I know reporters can be annoying, don’t worry about it. When you’re in the public eye like your

family, though, the public wants to know all about you. I promise to be tasteful and won’t hound any

of you after I’m done,” she responded.

Cassie picked up her cup and took a long swallow of coffee. She needed the pause in conversation

and she needed the caffeine to wake her up. Max was oddly silent as she and Trenton talked for

several more moments. His silence worried her more than his sarcastic remarks. He was good at

thinking of new ways to intimidate her.

Max leaned back in his chair, drinking his coffee and looking back and forth between the two of them.

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She didn’t trust the look in his eyes one bit. She knew he had something else up his sleeve.

“How long is the interview for? It sounds like more than just an afternoon,” Trenton finally asked.

“For a month,” Cassie told him. Trenton coughed in surprise, spilling a bit of his coffee. Cassie


“How did you manage that?” Trenton finally asked, looking from her to Max and back again.

“Well, first your brother had to slam into me with his car, leaving me in a coma in the hospital for a

week, then have the nerve to throw papers at me, promising I wouldn’t sue the pants off him. I chose

an interview, instead,” she said with a huge smile. Trenton stared at her for a moment, with his mouth

open. Then, his eyes lit up and he let out a loud laugh, causing several heads to turn in their direction.

“That is priceless, seriously. I can’t wait to call up Bree and Austin. They’re going to crack up,”

Trenton said between fits of laughter.

“This is none of any of your business, Trenton,” Max said sending a glare toward his brother.

“There is no possible way you’re going to keep this away from the family. You know things like this

spread like wildfire around our family. The unstoppable Max getting blackmailed, and by a tiny

woman, to boot. Thank you so much for making my day, Ms. Cassie McIntyre,” he said as he stood up.

“You’re very welcome, Trenton. I look forward to speaking with you more,” she said with a bright

smile. Trenton left, his laughter carrying back to them as he walked from the cafeteria.

“Don’t look so smug, Cassie, the day is young,” Max threatened. His words took a little of the joy

from her. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her, but the man caused unspeakable things to happen in her body

with just a glance, or a slight breath on her skin. She couldn’t imagine what he could do if he put in a

hundred percent effort. She turned away and looked out the window.

“What’s the plan for the rest of the day?” she finally asked, trying to get back on a topic of business.

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“Today will be quite boring, I’m afraid. I have a business trip up to Alaska at the end of this week,

and have to catch up on paperwork. You don’t have to stick around if you don’t want to,” he offered,

almost hopefully.

“I have nowhere else to be,” she said, thinking to herself there was no way he was chasing her off.

The second she left, something amazing would be uncovered, and she wasn’t taking a chance on

missing it.

“Suit yourself,” he said with a shrug as if it didn’t matter to him either way. He then reached across

the table and brushed a piece of her escaped hair from her face. He slowly tucked the strand behind

her ear, his fingers brushing her cheek as he pulled back. He was the most touchy-feely person she’d

ever been around, and had no thought of a person’s personal bubble.

She firmed her shoulders and pointedly brought her iPad into focus. She wanted to get back on track

with the interview, and let him know she didn’t appreciate being man-handled.

“What kind of people do you like working for you?” she asked, proud of her professional sounding

tone. He looked at her for a moment as if he were in deep thought.

“They must first and foremost be attractive. I have to deal with suits all day, so I want some eye

candy around the office to lighten things up,” he said in a serious tone. She looked at him, trying to

deem whether he was joking. She couldn’t believe he’d possibly mean that. If he was speaking the

truth, he’d have half the country ready to rip out his throat. Maybe he was that shallow. She decided

to go with it and furiously began typing notes.

“So, in other words you prefer to be surrounded by bimbos?” she questioned.

“Are you saying that attractive people have to be stupid?” he asked right back. She stopped for a

moment, trying to come up with a proper response. It didn’t matter what she said, as she wasn’t the

one up for an interview.

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“You didn’t say anything about intelligence - you simply said they had to be attractive. Do you have a

special dress code for these attractive people?” she fired right back.

“My philosophy has always been that the human body is beautiful and therefore there’s no shame in

highlighting the assets.” He then looked at her own clothing like she was definitely lacking. It took

everything in her not to squirm while he was dissecting her as if she were under a microscope. Cassie

was steaming mad, but hoped it didn’t show on her face.

“You realize you sound like an ass, right?” she said in her most professional tone.

“Just because I like pretty things? Now, who’s being the prejudiced one, Cassie? I’ve found that

Bimbos suit me quite well,” he added. She was ready for the interview to be over. She had a feeling

that was exactly what he was shooting for. He stood up, indicating breakfast was over. She mutely

followed him back to the elevators, where she refused to break her silence.

When the doors opened, there were a few people in the office, but it certainly wasn’t full. She

glanced up and saw an older woman sitting behind the receptionist desk, and knew in that moment

everything he’d said in the cafeteria was a pack of lies. He’d been trying to get under her skin and it

had worked perfectly. She may not make the entire month, after all.

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Chapter Four

“Does anyone around here know how to do their jobs right?” Max thundered into the silent room.

Several faces turned in his direction, well aware he was in a foul mood, and not willing to poke the

bear. Cassie typed some notes, which had his head whipping around, the full force of his frustration

now focused on her.

Cassie had been at the offices, observing Max for two weeks. She was getting a general idea about

the man, but not really finding the story she so desperately wanted. She wanted to find a more

personal twist, unlike anything anyone had ever written on one of the Andersons, but he was

incredibly good at blocking her out.

At the moment he was beyond frustrated because his Alaska trip had been pushed back due to some

corporate issue she knew nothing about, and with the weather getting worse, he was anxious to get

there before it was too late.

She’d been back in her apartment for a week and after being at Joseph luxurious guest house, it didn’t

hold the same appeal. She was somewhat grateful for the long hours Max put in because by the time

she got home she was ready for a shower and bed. She didn’t have to look around much at the lonely

place she’d called home with zero complaints up until meeting him.

Max stormed over to her desk , circling around her like a shark getting ready to attack. A lesser

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person would’ve shaken in fear with the mood he was in. She simply held her head high and looked

him in the eye. She was actually exhilarated by his temper. It was much better to see some real

emotion flashing in him, other than the persona he seemed determined to show her. He wasn’t giving

an inch for her to have an interesting article. She was learning she had to drag everything from him

and was considering different torture methods to achieve her goal.

He finally stopped his circling, leaned down and planted his hands on her desk, pushing his face close

to hers. She felt her heart accelerate and was aware their lips were only inches apart. He hadn’t

attempted to touch her again since their steamy kiss on the couch, and much to her frustration she

wished he would. She didn’t even recognize herself, anymore.

As she sat through boring meetings and business lunches she found herself focusing more and more on

the actual man. He wasn’t the person she’d originally thought he was. He liked to portray himself as a

playboy corporate shark but he was an amazing employer, who loved the people he worked with and

gave his time and money away without a second thought. She was afraid she had a bit of a crush on

him. She wouldn’t admit it, not even to herself and banished the thought as soon as it popped into her


He’d forget she was around at times and act like she assumed he normally did around the offices,

joking with the staff, and full of good humor. He had a great relationship with his secretary, Cynthia,

who wasn’t afraid to scold him when he got too riled up. Unfortunately, she was out to lunch at the


“What the hell are you writing, now?” he finally snapped. She flushed, glad he couldn’t read minds.

“I’m right here, you know. There’s absolutely no need to yell in my face. Besides, I don’t like the

shower you’re providing me,” she said in a calm tone, lifting her hand to wipe her brow. He hadn’t

actually spit on her but she was trying to get him to back up so she could breathe again.

“Number one, I don’t shout, I speak to be heard. Number two, I don’t spit,” he snapped, though the

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corner of his mouth came up a fraction of an inch. He seemed to enjoy their banter as much as she did.

The amount of passion he exhibited in his everyday life had to make him a fantastic lover. She

couldn’t imagine he did anything in half measures. Her mind drifted again as she imagined him

stripping off her clothes and taking her right there against the solid desk. She could feel the heat

building inside of her. She shook her head, warmth flooding her cheeks even more. His own eyes

darkened at her reaction.

“I must be mistaken, then. Thank you for setting me straight,” she said in a mocking tone. His eyes

narrowed more. A growl escaped his throat and he stood back up and began pacing. She breathed a

sigh of relief, though it didn’t help being enveloped by his scent.

“You don’t need to be writing every little thing down. If your goal is to make me into a monster…” he

started raising his voice again, when she interrupted him.

“I’ve already told you I’m not a trash magazine reporter. I want an in depth look at the life of Max

Anderson. The more notes I take, the better the article will be,” she said as if talking to a child who

needed a time-out. He did appear to need one.

“We need to have a talk. Follow me,” he told her, before heading to his office. That didn’t sound

good. She should be more upset, even a bit scared, but all she could feel was excitement, that was

until his next words. “Go ahead and grab a couple cups of coffee, too, this may take a while.”

Cassie sat, staring at his back, with her mouth hanging open. She was aware of the snickers going on

around the office. She couldn’t believe the man had the nerve to demand she serve him. She stayed

where she was for a few moments, counting in her head. She knew he was trying to get a reaction

from her, and she shouldn’t take the bait, but he had a way of eliciting a rise out of her unlike anything

she’d ever experienced. She hated it when he acted like a demanding pig. She decided the best way to

get the upper hand was to act as if she didn’t care. The more bland and unaffected she reacted, the

more irritated she’d make him.

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She slowly rose to her feet, walked over to the coffee pot and poured him a cup of coffee. She smiled

to herself as she added several shakes of salt to the cup, anticipating his reaction at the first sip. She

knew he’d never believe it had been by accident, but she was also sure it would be the last time he’d

demand she bring him a cup of coffee. She took her time making up her own mug of the fragrant drink.

“Thanks,” he said as he took the cup. He took a large sip, then spit it out on his desk, covering some

paperwork. He looked at her in shock. She had to fight not to smile, keeping the same bland look on

her face.

“Is something wrong?” she asked innocently.

“What the…” he sputtered. She just looked at him like she had no idea what could be wrong, taking a

long sip of her own coffee. He glared at her before rising to grab some paper towels. He quickly

cleaned up the mess before resuming his seat. Then, to her amazement, he picked the cup back up and

took another drink, his expression not even flinching. Damn, he was good, she thought irritably.

The phone rang, and he quickly picked it up, not able to hide the relief from his face. After listening

for a moment, he turned to her.

“I need to take this. We’ll continue this conversation later,” he dismissed her. She walked from the

room and managed to make it to the bathroom before the laughter flew from her. She stayed there until

she was sure she had herself under control, then made her way back to the office. She decided to steer

clear of Max for the rest of the afternoon, and instead spoke with several employees about their boss.

Not one person had anything negative to say about him – it was quite irritating.

The next day, Cassie made her way up the elevator and was delighted to see both Joseph and George

talking with some of the staff. She hadn’t had a chance to talk to them in a while and hoped to get

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more information on Max.

“Good morning, Cassie. How’s the interview going?” George asked as she stepped toward them.

“It’s going great, but if you both have a few minutes, I’d love to pick your brains,” she said with a

genuine smile. They were so easy to speak with and made her feel welcome.

“We always have time for a beautiful lady,” Joseph joined in. She knew how much he loved his wife,

and his teasing always came across as comforting, verses creepy, like some older men. She knew men

Joseph’s age actually chased young women, thinking it made them look younger. It always gave her

the creeps.

“Why don’t we head down to the cafeteria so we can have something to eat while we talk?” George

asked. They made their way downstairs, taking longer than normal, since everyone seemed to want to

stop the two men and chat. They were friendly and willing to talk with everyone from the lowest to

the highest of positions. She took some notes as inconspicuously as possible. Max said she couldn’t

talk about the private lives of his family, but there was nothing wrong with pointing out how all the

Andersons seemed to go above and beyond in making everyone feel valued. He couldn’t complain

about that.

“Are you managing to keep that son of mine in order?” George asked her with a huge smile.

“I don’t think anyone is up for that task,” she teased back.

“You’ve got me there, young lady,” he said with a quick laugh. “But, I’m sure you’re managing to

keep him on the straight and narrow.”

“He thinks he’s tough but I’m not easily intimidated. I’m holding my own,” she said with a bit of

pride. He actually scared her a lot, but not because he growled and shouted once in a while, but

because he caused her body to go into overdrive every time he set those smoldering eyes on her.

“That’s refreshing to hear. I like a girl with a spine of steel,” George told her. Cassie relaxed and

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took out her iPad, getting ready to ask questions. She didn’t want to lose the opportunity of speaking

to the heads of the corporation.

“We’re an open book so go ahead and ask us anything you’d like,” Joseph said, giving her an open


They sat in the cafeteria for a couple hours, the time getting away from her. She enjoyed their

company so much she felt like she could sit there all day. When she finally realized the time, she

quickly excused herself and headed back to the top floor. She knew the Alaska trip was coming up

soon and Max still hadn’t confirmed she’d get to go with him. She was hoping to lock that in before

the day was over.

Max was sitting in his office when she walked in. He glanced at his clock and then to her face. He

knew she’d been with his father and uncle and wasn’t pleased with how long she’d been gone. He

wanted badly to rip her all-important iPad from her and read everything she’d been writing over the

last couple weeks. He couldn’t believe he’d allowed this ridiculous interview to go on.

Every time he even thought about ending the entire farce his stomach would tighten in protest, though.

The longer he was around her the more he wanted to know her every secret. He’d never been so

fascinated with any woman and he didn’t like the power she seemed to hold over him. He knew she

desired him as much as he wanted her. Maybe, he should just please both of them and take her to his

bed. He was trying to prove to himself that he alone had control over his suddenly raging hormones.

He was a stickler for perfection, even from himself, and his weakness around her was unacceptable.

He hadn’t touched her in weeks because he didn’t trust himself to stop. He didn’t trust her to stop him,

either. He was beginning to think he was a real idiot for torturing both of them. He either needed to

take her to bed or send her on her way. He just couldn’t figure out which way he was going to go.

Max leaned back in his chair, appearing casual, not allowing the turbulent emotions passing through

him to show through his face or body. He propped a foot on his desk and smiled at her.

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“Sit down, it looks like you want to chat,” he said. She walked further in and took the chair across

from him. “How was your long lunch?”

Cassie looked at him strangely for a moment. She wasn’t on his payroll. In fact, she was only there to

interview him, and the people who worked for him, so she didn’t see why he could possibly be upset

with her being gone for a few hours. Sometimes the man didn’t make any sense.

“Lunch was great. I spoke with your father and uncle. Don’t worry, I’m not writing a bunch of

personal family history in my article, but to be fair to you, I need to have as much of a clear picture as

possible,” she quickly added, cutting him off.

“Are you enjoying yourself, then?” he asked casually.

“Actually, yes. Thanks for asking,” she said just as nonchalantly.

“That’s good,” he replied. Their obnoxiously polite conversation was ridiculous and she was done

with it.

“Have you made a decision about the Alaska trip, yet? I think it would be great for me to go, to really

see you in action. You’ve been working on this deal for a long time, and to get a fully rounded picture

of you, I need to go,” she pleaded. She hated to beg, but she wanted to go. He’d be gone for several

days, cutting into her precious month.

Max stared at her for several moments, not giving away any hint of what he was thinking. She couldn’t

tell if he was going to allow her to go with him or not, and she felt like screaming. Enough with the

suspense, already.

“Alaska, at this time of year, can be dangerous. I’m going to a small town called, Cordova, as you

know. Did you research the area, like I suggested?” he asked.

“Yes, I did an online search. I know its main industry is fishing, and that at least one member of each

household is most likely involved in the fishing industry in one way or another. They took a hard hit

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when the Exxon Valdez oil tanker ran aground on the Blight Reef, causing one of the most devastating

environmental disasters ever in North America. With that and the restrictions put on logging, the town

has had some hard hits but their slowly coming back,” she said proudly.

“The town also gets hit by a lot of snowfall, dangerously low temperatures, and you have to be aware

of wild animals. You can’t just go wandering around wherever you feel like. You could end up dead

in a matter of minutes in those conditions,” he said firmly. She could feel he was beginning to cave.

She sat eagerly, not wanting him to change his mind.

“I understand all that, and I promise, you’ll barely even be able to tell I’m around,” she said quietly.

“That’s highly unlikely,” he said with a smirk. If she knew the thoughts racing through his mind, he

didn’t think she’d be so eager to join him in the secluded town. His body responded at just the thought

of her alone with him in a remote cabin. He was grateful to be sitting so she couldn’t see the evidence

of her effect on him. He squirmed in his seat for a moment, suddenly very uncomfortable.

“If you’re going to come with me, then you’ll have to make yourself more useful than just taking notes

and following me around. Cynthia had a family emergency and won’t be able to accompany me like

she normally does, so I’ll need you to fill in for her,” he said. She would be willing to do anything to

go, and taking some notes as his secretary didn’t seem like it could be that difficult.

“I can do that,” she said, hoping she didn’t sound too eager.

“Cynthia’s job isn’t as easy it looks. She’s just so good at what she does, she makes it seem

effortless. You have to know when to speak, and when not to. You have to take detailed notes, listen

to what I’m asking, and not offend the locals,” he preached. She wanted to give him a sarcastic reply

but managed to hold it in, barely.

“I know Cynthia is a true gem. I’ll be sure to pick her brain tomorrow and have her go over

everything I’ll need to know,” she said, instead.

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“As you well know by now, we’re very close in these offices. There are certain items of discussion

that I can’t have you writing about. I’ve been lenient about this interview, but on this trip you’ll need

to be careful with what you’re writing. I’m going to need to approve your final copy,” Max told her.

Her hackles immediately rose. She didn’t like him questioning her integrity. She also didn’t like him

getting the final say on her article. She didn’t know if she should argue, though, as she really wanted

to go. She was trying to figure out how she could agree without locking herself into something.

“I have to say I’m a bit offended by that statement. I’ve gotten along very well with the workers. I

also promised from the beginning to be honest. If you have nothing to hide, then I don’t see what the

problem is with my article,” she answered, avoiding making any promises. He folded his hands and

rested his chin on them. He stared her down, neither of them used to making any sort of compromise.

“Fine, I’ll let you look over the article but that doesn’t mean I’m willing to cut and slash my work so

it’s a typical fluff piece. I’ve never agreed to that,” she said with a frustrated sigh. The man was


“You can leave anytime you want if you don’t like the way I run things,” he said with a hopeful smile.

She glared at him, not allowing him to get his way.

“I’m fine right where I am.”

“Then, we’ll leave in two days. Pack for incredibly cold weather,” he said. She knew she’d need to

do some shopping. She was used to cold and rain but not freezing conditions. She mentally tallied her

pitiful bank account. It would all work out, though, because once she’d written this article she’d be

golden for getting a great reporting job.

“You get a reprieve from me for the rest of the afternoon. I have plans this evening,” she said. He

immediately sat up and looked at her suspiciously. Since she’d started trailing him, she’d never once

had to leave early. She was always the first one in the offices, sometimes beating him there, and never

left until he walked out the doors. He was surprised by the jealousy that flared in him.

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“Running late for a hot date?” he asked casually.

Cassie could feel her cheeks heat up at his words. She couldn’t actually remember the last time she’d

gone on a date. What irritated her further was how much she’d love to go out for a romantic evening.

She’d love a man to take her on a real date, with flowers, opening her door, and making her feel

special, without him expecting her to crawl into his bed at the end of the evening. She didn’t know if

there were still men out there like that.

“It’s really none of your business what my plans are this evening,” she finally managed to say.

“You expect every inch of my life to be dissected for your pleasure, yet I’m not allowed to ask you a

simple question?”

“I’m done with this conversation. There’s no need for you to know about my life,” she snapped.

“You aren’t denying a date. Is it someone from the offices?”

“I don’t need to defend myself. I’m here to interview you, not for you to analyze me or keep track of

my love life. You’re acting completely unprofessional at the moment and I don’t appreciate it. As I

said before this is none of your business,” she said in her haughtiest voice.

“You’re correct.” He suddenly got comfortable again and gave her a stunning smile, looking in

control. “How rude of me to want to pry into your life and dig into the smallest details. It’s a good

thing you’ve put me in my place.” His words came out sounding sincere but she knew he was really

talking about the way she was in his face at all times. “I tend to have a problem with butting my nose

into other people’s business, what was I thinking?”

“Well, I’m glad you realize that,” Cassie said, proud of her ability to sound just as serious as he had.

She managed to keep a straight face, as well. If he felt like playing a game, she was ready for him.

Batter up!

“Yes, me too.” His smile only grew wider, his dimple clearly showing in his perfectly chiseled

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cheeks. He could make both young and old fall at his feet. When he didn’t get his way the first time,

he simply changed direction and made sure to win another way. She was ready to spill her guts,

though there wasn’t much to say. She knew she needed to be on higher guard or it wouldn’t take him

any time to know every secret she’d ever wanted to keep hidden.

She was impressed she’d been able to hold her own as long as she had around him. He was a

compelling man, and she was doing well at keeping him at bay. At least, she felt she was doing well.

In reality, she was probably fooling herself.

Cassie glanced at the clock and realized she was running behind schedule. She needed to get out of

there. She was surprised she wanted to stay with him. He had a hold on her that scared her,

considering she’d only known him personally about a month. She’d researched him for months,

though, and found that what she’d assumed about him was not who he was turning out to be.

“I don’t want to discuss this any further,” she finally said. She was uncomfortable with where their

conversation had led and the myriad of emotions running through her.

“Fine, I’ll remember that when you’re asking me questions next time.” Cassie just stood up, gathered

her things, and walked out the door. She wouldn’t argue with him further.

Max sat at his desk as she walked away, his temper barely in check. He wanted to follow her, drag

her back, and make sure she had no other man on her mind other than him. He knew he was being

irrational, but he’d set his sights on her and he wanted to stake his territory. He found it quite

appealing to chase a woman. One of the things he liked about her most was the fact that she wasn’t

falling all over him. Amazingly, it got old after a while to have women chasing you all the time.

He wasn’t necessarily arrogant, but he knew he was considered a good looking man, and with the

name and money, he was the ultimate catch in greedy women’s eyes. He would prefer a woman to

look a bit deeper inside him. He didn’t know how his brother had gotten so lucky with his bride, let

alone his cousins. They’d all managed to find women who genuinely loved them for themselves, and

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not the power behind their name.

Of course, those matches hadn’t started out too well in the beginning. He chuckled when he thought

about the trouble his brother had gone through with his bride. She’d blown him off like he was

nothing. It had been a good thing for Trenton. Since his marriage, though, Trenton had turned

disgustingly mushy.

Max got back to work, trying to put Cassie out of his mind. He had a lot to accomplish before the trip.

After a few hours he finally gave up for the day and decided to head home. He had to fight every urge

not to drive by her apartment to see if she was there, or even worse, if someone was with her. He

gritted his teeth and headed home, prepared for a long night.

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Chapter Five

Cassie made her way downstairs. She wanted to grab a bite to eat before going shopping. She loved

eating in the cafeteria. The food was excellent and she met great people each time she was there. Max

was meeting with his cousin and brother, and she’d wanted to sit in, but there were privacy issues so

she hadn’t been allowed to. Someone bumped into her in the line as she waited her turn.

“Oh, excuse me, I’m sorry,” the woman said.

“Not a problem,” Cassie responded. “You’re Amy Anderson, right?” she continued. “Married to

Lucas Anderson?”

“Yes, I am, you’re making me feel like a celebrity,” Amy responded with a big grin. “Have we met


“No, I saw a picture of you in an article done on your husband several months ago. I’m doing an

exclusive interview on Max, and have learned a lot the past couple of weeks,” Cassie said with a

twinkle in her eye. Amy instantly laughed.

“Oh, you have to sit with me for lunch and tell me how you got Max to sit still for an interview. And

don’t leave a single detail out,” Amy insisted. They grabbed their food and found a table.

An hour flew by and the two women didn’t stop laughing throughout the story. Amy willingly

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volunteered information about Max, his siblings, and his cousins. Cassie knew she wouldn’t need to

go to the gym after having lunch with Amy. Her stomach hurt from laughing for so long.

“I would love to continue chatting with you. It’s truly been a pleasure but I have to go shopping or I’ll

be freezing in Alaska, and there’s no way I want Max to say I told you so,” Cassie said.

“Ooh, I love shopping. If you don’t mind, I’ll tag along with you,” Amy said.

“I’d love for you to join me. I’m going to Alaska, and was thinking I’d go to the mall for warm

clothes. You can help me find what I need,” Cassie said. She hadn’t had a day out with a friend in a

long time, and needed an afternoon of girl chat.

“We may as well make it a full day and get pedicures, too. I’ve been so busy lately I haven’t made it

to the salon in a while,” Amy said, quickly grabbing Cassie’s arm and leading her from the room.

Amy was nothing like Cassie would’ve expected. She was funny, kind, and full of energy. Even

though she was married to one of the wealthiest families in the world she felt no need to wear over-

priced clothing or jewelry. Her wedding ring could blind a person, but that was the only piece of

jewelry on her that had a huge stone. After rushing from store to store, they made it to the salon,

where they sat, grateful for the massaging chairs.

“This water is just what the doctor ordered. I haven’t shopped so long in forever. I think I have

everything I could possibly need for the trip. Max hopes for us to be out of there within a few days,

but he said in Cordova’s harsh conditions it’s better to be prepared for the worst,” Cassie spoke

before a sigh escaped as the woman rubbed her foot and leg.

“I know, this is pure heaven,” Amy said in response to the sigh. “Max is absolutely correct. I

remember one trip I took with Lucas to Canada. We ended up getting snowed in for two weeks

straight when an unexpected blizzard hit. Luckily, we were at a remote resort that was fully stocked

and prepared for emergencies. There was only one other couple staying there, and they were just as

happy to hibernate in their room as we were. We met in the kitchen a few times to refuel, but it ended

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up turning out quite romantic,” Amy sighed.

The thought of getting snowed in with Max in a remote location should terrify her, but it only caused

excitement. She could think of many things she’d like to do with him in a remote cabin in the wilds of

Alaska. A shiver racked through her at the thought, so she shook her head to clear it. She’d never been

the kind of girl to fantasize day and night about a man, before meeting Max. She tuned back into her

conversation with Amy and realized she must have asked her something, because she was staring at

her expectantly.

“I’m sorry, Amy. What did you say?”

“I just wanted to know if you’d like to come over for dinner when you get back. I’ve enjoyed our day

together. I’d love for you to meet my family. When us girls get together the men head for the hills. We

feel like teenagers again. We have at least one day a month where our husbands babysit the children

and we get an entire night of girl time,” Amy invited. Cassie was touched, more than the woman could

possibly know. To be invited into such a close knit group felt unlike anything she could imagine.

Maybe, just maybe, she’d develop some friendships out of all this, and finally start to feel like she


“That sounds perfect,” Cassie said, hearing that her voice was choked. Amy couldn’t possibly know

how lonely she got sometimes. She really missed her family, and more than anything she missed her

best friend. They’d been together through thick and thin and she couldn’t wait for her to come back to

the states.

“I can hardly wait. I know you’re exhausted, but we have a bit more shopping to do,” Amy said with a

Cheshire cat smile. Cassie was on instant alert.

“I already have everything I need,” Cassie said with trepidation. She’d never seen anyone who could

shop the way Amy did.

“You got everything for your Alaska trip, but if you want to be a big city reporter, then you have to get

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some sleek business attire. I know the perfect place that doesn’t charge hideous prices, plus I get the

ultimate discount there,” Amy said, practically bouncing in her chair.

“I don’t know…” Cassie hesitated. She was already picturing her rapidly falling checking account

and didn’t think she could afford much more. She’d been out of work for a month and didn’t know

when she’d get a job next.

“Let’s at least look. I promise you’ll have fun,” Amy pled.

“Okay,” Cassie caved. Looking couldn’t hurt, she reasoned with herself. Besides, she wasn’t ready

to call it a day. She was enjoying herself too much.

They finished with their pedicures and Amy quickly hailed a cab, taking them to the huge Anderson

Storefront. Cassie had been in the corporate offices, but never to their department store. The two

women walked in and Amy was quickly greeted with many smiles. They got stopped several times on

their way to Lady’s apparel.

“You’re very popular here,” Cassie told her.

“That’s because I’m their number one customer,” Amy said with a smile. Amy was certainly on a

mission and soon Cassie found her arms loaded with outfits she would’ve never even thought about

picking out for herself. She found that she liked the colorful materials.

“Okay, I can’t hold anymore items. Lead me to the dressing room,” Cassie told her with a chuckle.

“Give me one minute. I just discovered a rack of new items, and I have to try on these dresses,” Amy

said, grabbing an armful for herself. “Now we can have a fashion show,” she added with delight.

The two women went to the changing rooms and modeled every outfit for each other, both of them

oohing and aahing at the other’s clothes.

“You absolutely have to get the green, blue, and silver outfits. Those were my favorites,” Amy said as

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they came back out.

“I don’t know…” Cassie hedged. She hadn’t dared look at the price tags. She really did love the feel

of the fabrics, but the skirts were a bit shorter than she normally wore and they were a lot more fitted.

She knew she could stand to lose five pounds, but she felt slim and attractive in the perfectly cut


“Oh, please, you look so incredible in them,” Amy told her.

“Alright, you’ve talked me into it,” Cassie caved. She hadn’t bought herself new clothes in a long

time and she deserved it. She’d charge them to her credit card and pray she got hired immediately

after the amazing article she was going to put her heart and soul into.

If she didn’t get a job at the paper right away, she could always find something else until she got

hired. It was better to have the right kind of clothes when she went for interviews, she justified to


They went to the register and Cassie was thrilled with the total cost. Amy hadn’t been kidding when

she said she got an amazing discount. She wanted to turn around and add about twenty more items to

her pile. As if Amy could read her mind, she giggled.

“I told you I get a great price. We’ll have to do more shopping after you land your dream job.

Seriously, all you have to do is call me and I’ll be there. As you can see I love to shop, and it’s even

better having someone to go with. I think this is the start of a wonderful friendship,” Amy said and

surprised Cassie by giving her a hug.

“I’m starving after all this walking. Why don’t we grab a bite to eat before we head back to the

offices? I think Lucas will be done by then. He’s taking me on a romantic drive to the coast tonight. I

can hardly wait,” Amy said, once again dragging Cassie away.

They passed by a mother who had her hands full. She had a crying baby and a toddler, who was trying

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with all his might, to escape her. She looked frazzled and Cassie wanted to stop and help. The sight of

the precious little one made her heart swell. She’d given up on the idea of having children a couple

years ago. You had to be in a secure relationship and she just didn’t see that happening anytime soon.

She didn’t have time to meet the right kind of guys, and she didn’t want to find her future husband in a

bar. Most men there only wanted a woman for the night. She felt doomed to eternal singleness.

The girls ate their meal and finally made it back to the offices. Amy promised to call, before rushing

off to Lucas’s floor. It was in the building beside Max’s. There was a skywalk connecting the

buildings, so the girls had ridden to the floor together before Amy walked across to meet Lucas.

Cassie wanted to see the spectacular view of the city sometime from the skywalk, with its floor to

ceiling windows all along it. She knew the view at night would be glorious.

Some people didn’t like the hustle and bustle of a large city, but the longer she was in Seattle, the

more she fell in love. There were quaint little coffee shops, beautiful scenery, plenty of shopping, and

parks, and if you did want some peace and quiet it wasn’t far away. She still hadn’t gone on a ferry

boat ride, which she promised herself she’d do soon. She couldn’t imagine ever getting bored in the

beautiful Northwest.

“You’ve been gone a long time,” was the first thing she heard as she stepped into Max’s office.

“I ran into your cousin’s wife, Amy, and we had lunch and did some shopping. We had a wonderful

time,” Cassie said, before she realized she didn’t need to explain herself to the man. He wasn’t her


“Well, you missed out on some valuable training Cynthia was going to provide you. You aren’t acting

like you want to go on this trip,” he stated.

“Of course I want to go on this trip. We were shopping for cold-weather clothes,” Cassie snapped. If

he was going to act this way in Alaska she may have to bury him in an avalanche of snow, she thought

with evil glee.

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There was a long pause as he looked from her to the bags dangling from her fingers, then to his desk.

She was getting tired of feeling like she was being called into the principal’s office.

“Did you and Amy have a nice afternoon?”

She felt like she was being interrogated. Was there something wrong with her going out with Amy?

Maybe, he was a snob and thought she wasn’t respectable enough to spend the afternoon with the

president of the company’s spouse. She wiped that thought from her mind the second she had it. She

knew the Andersons weren’t snobby people. She just couldn’t figure out why he’d care if she spent

time with Amy. It didn’t affect him in any way. Then, it hit her that he would figure she’d drilled Amy

the entire time about him.

Amy had shared some information, but nothing that would reflect on him in a negative way, she

actually liked Max. She said she hadn’t gotten to know him until his family moved back home to

Seattle, but since the move the cousins were closer than ever. Family meant everything in their large

group and they got together for any excuse they could find. Heck, they didn’t even need excuses. They

just dropped in on each other whenever they could.

“Amy is fantastic. We plan on going out again,” she stated stubbornly. Let him try and forbid her from

having a friend.

“Don’t get too cozy around my family, Cassie. You’re doing an interview about me, then you’ll be

gone,” he said lazily like he didn’t care, but Cassie heard the threat behind the words. She felt like

she was going to explode, she was so angry with him. After they got done with the Alaska trip she

was certainly going to tell him what she really thought about his arrogance. For now, he had her, and

he knew it.

“Don’t worry, Max. I’m not secretly trying to get close to your family, so that ultimately I can continue

to trail you. You may believe the world thinks you’re irresistible, but all I’ve ever wanted from you

was an interview. When I’m done with it we’ll part ways and you never have to look at my face

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again,” she reassured him. She hoped she’d been successful in keeping the anger from her tone. By the

narrowing of his eyes, she thought she may need to try a little harder.

“Just as long as you don’t forget that,” he said in an almost seductive tone. She fought the shudder his

voice invoked. He made her angry one moment, and burning with need the next.

Cassie took a deep breath, making sure her voice would be under control before she spoke again. She

didn’t need their argument to escalate any further.

“Believe me, Max, I won’t be forgetting my place around you,” she said in a sugary sweet voice that

made her sick. He looked at her suspiciously, but thankfully let the topic drop.

“I need you to fill out these forms. You’ll be acting as my secretary on this trip so you need to get

paid,” he said, pushing some paperwork toward her. She immediately began to protest. She in no way

wanted him to be her employer, but on the other hand she was grateful he was dropping the whole

scheming conversation.

“I don’t have time to argue with you, Cassie. We leave first thing in the morning and I have to leave

here in twenty minutes for a business dinner. Fill them out if you want to go, or leave them if you

don’t,” he said. He turned back to his computer and started typing as if he didn’t care what she did at

that point.

With a bit of a pout, Cassie placed her bags down, picked up the papers and walked out of his office.

Cynthia was gone for the day, as were most of the other employees, so she sat at her desk and began

filling out the huge stack of papers. She was only half finished when Max walked out of the room and

paused at her desk.

“Leave those in Cynthia’s out box. She’ll be in for a half day tomorrow and will make sure they get to

HR. Meet me here by six A.M. on the dot. We’ll be able to fly directly into Cordova with the

company jet but have to stop in Anchorage first and dump some fuel. The runway is small in Cordova

and the jet has weight restrictions.” He was speaking to her as if she knew what he was talking about.

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She nodded her head to let him know she understood. He looked at her for a moment longer before he

finally left.

Cassie finished her paperwork, left it for Cynthia, grabbed her bags and headed toward the elevators.

She was tired and wanted nothing more than to go home, get packed, have a hot shower, and try to

catch some sleep before they left.

Upon arriving at her apartment, she popped a dinner into her microwave and sat down in her favorite

chair. She was just beginning to drift off when her telephone rang. She almost let it go to voicemail,

but thought it may be Max with some last minute demands before their trip.

“I’m so glad I caught you at home. With this time difference, it’s almost impossible to reach you,” her

best friend’s voice came over the line.

“Kinsey, I’m so glad to hear from you! It’s been way too long. You’ve got to check in more often so I

know you’re still alive,” Cassie said, overcome with excitement to hear her voice.

“I know. I’m a terrible best friend. I’ve been so busy, and it’s really hard to get to a phone, but I

haven’t been able to get you off my mind so I took a trip into town to give you a call. Before you give

me a well-deserved lecture, be aware that this call is costing mega-bucks,” Kinsey said in her

naturally good humored voice.

“Okay, I suppose I won’t lecture you this time, but when you finally get back here, be prepared for an

earful,” Cassie warned.

“I have zero doubts about it. How are you doing?”

“I finally got Max Anderson to agree to my interview. I’m doing an in-depth, month long interview

and I know it’s going to give me my big break,” Cassie told her excitedly.

“Oh my gosh, Cassie, that’s amazing. I can’t wait for you to tell me all the details. I knew you

wouldn’t give up. You’re the most amazing person I know. You’re going to have to tell me about it

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when I get home next month,” Kinsey said. It took a few moments for her words to sink in.

“You’re coming home? For real? Please don’t be toying with me because I miss you too much for

that,” Cassie fired questions at her.

“I’m definitely coming home. This village is thriving now. There’s still so much more work to be

done, but thankfully many volunteers are coming over, now, and I’m missing you and my family too

much to be away any longer. I’m coming home and will be staying. I’m sure I’ll get the bug to come

back over, but it will be for much shorter visits. You’ll have to come with me since you’re going to

be a big city reporter. You can get Pulitzer Prize articles written in places like the village I’m in,”

Kinsey said.

Her words brought tears to Cassie’s eyes. They’d always believed in each other more than anyone

else ever had. She knew with her best friend back she’d have much more confidence in herself. She

knew it was going to be the longest month she’d ever had to endure. She didn’t want to tell her about

the accident and have her worrying, so they chatted for several more moments, before Kinsey had to

end the call. Both girls were crying as they hung up their phones.

Cassie tiredly got to her feet and decided not to eat her pathetic dinner. She climbed into her warm

bed instead and fell asleep within minutes. The next day was going to be her first ride on a jet and she

couldn’t wait.

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Chapter Six

The sound of her alarm clock dragged Cassie from a restless sleep. She blindly reached out in the

dark, taking several tries before she managed to hit the snooze button, shutting up the obnoxious

machine. She turned over and quickly fell back asleep, only to be rudely interrupted by the buzzing

again after only a few moments.

She gave up on snoozing any further, dragged herself from bed and made her way to her small

bathroom. She didn’t dare look in the mirror. She was sure the sight would frighten her worse than if

she saw a ghost.

A hot shower woke her up a little bit, but she was still grumpy. Cassie had never been a morning

person and getting up at four in the morning, when she hadn’t gotten to sleep until after midnight

wasn’t helping.

She climbed from the shower, quickly dressed and headed to the kitchen, where thankfully her coffee

pot’s automatic start had actually worked. It decided on the days it would work and when it wouldn’t.

She poured herself a cup, then sat at the table, allowing herself a few moments to properly wake up.

She started feeling more human after the first cup. She quickly poured herself a second one and drank

it while gathering everything she’d need to take with her.

She always felt she was forgetting something when she left on a trip. It was frustrating because she

knew she’d triple checked already, but she feared she may have a bit of obsessive compulsiveness in


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She locked her apartment and made her way downstairs, where she had a cab waiting. She loaded her

bags and sat back while the driver breezed down the normally busy Seattle streets. She thought it was

nice to leave so early, before there were hoards of traffic. The only downfall was she arrived much

earlier than she needed to be there. Max told her to meet him in the lobby, so she didn’t want to head

to his office, which left her sitting in the nearly vacant security area.

She took out a magazine and made herself comfortable. She hoped he got there a bit early, as she was

anxious to leave. She’d never before been to Alaska and hoped she’d have a little time to explore the

area. She didn’t even care if the temperatures were below freezing. She didn’t get the chance to see

much snow and couldn’t imagine the hills covered with foot after foot of the beautiful white powder.

As she relaxed in the chair she found her thoughts turning to Max. She pictured his beautiful face, how

his eyes had permanent laugh lines around them and how when he was happy about something his

sexy dimple would pop out on his right cheek. She’d spent so much time looking at the man over the

last few weeks, she had everything about him memorized. The way his voice was like satin, sliding

against her skin, causing quivers through her. How his incredibly bright eyes could mesmerize her,

making her stomach tighten in need. She didn’t even want to think about the way his lean and muscular

body caused her sleepless nights. Everything about Max screamed sex.

Cassie shook her head, tossing the magazine aside in disgust. She jumped up and went to the vending

machine to purchase the biggest chocolate bar she could find. She’d heard chocolate set off the same

hormones in your body that sex did so she’d give it a whirl. She had a feeling she’d be munching a lot

of chocolate during her Alaska trip. She purchased a few extras and stashed them in her purse.

Max walked in the door as she was finishing the treat, and she frowned. The chocolate hadn’t done its

trick. One look at him in his casual wear of fitted black slacks, a polo shirt that seemed to be made

just for him, and a sweater slung over his shoulder, and her stomach clenched. She devoured him with

her eyes. Before she could turn away, his head swung around, catching her appraising look. His lips

turned up in a knowing smile and he slowly made his way toward her. Even the man’s walk was sexy,

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his thighs flexing under the tight material. She was almost in a trance.

“Ready to leave,” Max practically purred, as he stepped too close to her for appropriateness.

“Um…yeah…I…I have everything here,” she stuttered, wanting to kick herself. She blamed her lack

of sophistication on the early hour of the day. He reached his hand up, slowing brushing a piece of her

hair from her face, taking his time, tucking it behind her ear as he’d done before. His fingers traced

the back of her ear in a whisper soft movement, causing goosebumps to instantly appear on her skin.

His eyes were locked to hers and she forgot how to move. His smile slowly grew bigger and she

wanted nothing more than for him to lean the scant few inches separating them and connect his lips to


“I’ll get your bags,” he said, bending down and picking up her two suitcases. He walked a few feet

before she snapped out of her trance and watched his retreating back. Heck, his backside was just as

appealing as the front. She shook her head and then the self-lecture started as she followed him out the

front doors. You will not lust after Max. He’s off limits and you’re strictly here to interview him.

Don’t be an idiot. He goes through women faster than underwear, so back the heck off!

There was a car waiting and Max quickly placed her bags into the trunk, then stood by the back door

with it open, waiting for her to climb inside.

She quickly did and scooted as far to the window as she possibly could. Max slid in next to her. She

hoped the ride didn’t take too long. Max pulled out his PDA and started going through his email,

while she watched the darkened streets start coming to life.

“We’ll be there in about twenty minutes,” he said, almost absentmindedly. She nodded her head in

acknowledgement. She didn’t trust her voice, since his leg was pressed against hers and no matter

how she wiggled she couldn’t break the connection. She finally stopped moving around and sat

ramrod straight, never taking her eyes off the window, though there was nothing to see.

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They arrived at the bustling airport, bypassing the commercial terminal and heading to the private

section. The car pulled to a building, where a man immediately stepped out with a cart and loaded

their bags. He disappeared before she was fully out of the vehicle. Max took her arm in his and led

her through the doors. She wanted to pull away, but refused to be so obvious about his touch affecting

her. She walked with him through the small building and out a back door, where she saw the

corporate jet lit up and ready to go.

They climbed the stairs and she couldn’t stop the small gasp that escaped. The jet was beautiful and

certainly the only way to fly if you had the amount of money the Andersons had.

“Sit wherever you like,” Max directed. He went to the front of the jet while she chose her seat.

“Would you like something to drink before we lift off?” a woman asked.

“I’d love some coffee, extra strong and sweet,” Cassie replied. The woman nodded and was back

within a few moments with a large, steaming mug. She wrapped her hands around it and took small

sips as she looked around. She wasn’t a fan of flying but she wouldn’t show the weakness in front of

Max, so she took her alone time to take some deep breaths and calm her nerves.

“We’re ready to go. It’s only a couple hour flight so barely enough time to have breakfast and look

over papers,” Max said, startling her out of her self pep-talk.

“That’s great. What time do the meetings start?”

“Nine this morning,” he answered. He took the seat next to hers and quickly buckled up. The flight

attendant got him a drink and soon they were moving. The take-off was smooth, easing her nerves.

Once they reached cruising altitude the flight attendant brought them breakfast. They chatted about

business and before she knew it they were landing in Anchorage. After a short stop they were taxing

again and it seemed like they’d barely reached cruising altitude when the jet started descending.

Cassie watched the sky lighten over the beautiful snow, covering the land like a thick down blanket,

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thinking flying wasn’t so bad after-all.

“We’ve been informed there are some strong cross-winds so our landing will be a bit of a bumpy

ride. You have nothing to worry about, it’s nothing the jet can’t handle,” the pilot’s voice spoke over

the intercom. Cassie immediately tensed. She hated turbulence. She triple checked her seat belt and

grabbed the arms of the chair in a death grip. She knew they’d be fine if she thought about it logically,

but still…

“We’re fine, Cassie.” Max’s soft spoken voice did nothing to ease her fear. When he reached over

and started running his hand up and down her arm in a light caress, that was another matter. She

stopped focusing on her fear of crashing in a fiery explosion, and instead couldn’t think of anything

but his hand continuing all the way up her arm, across her shoulder, and down to her aching breasts.

Her nipples tightened at just the thought of those large hands cupping her. Before she knew it, the

wheels touched down and they were safely on the ground. Max took away his hand and she wanted to

cry out her disapproval.

Soon, she was on the outside of the jet and shivers racked her body. She’d never before felt anything

as cold. She was grateful she’d bought the snow gear. She wanted to get to their room and

immediately change. Max led her to another waiting car and soon they were slowly traveling along a

narrow road. She hadn’t before seen so much nothingness. She was beginning to wonder if there

really was a town beyond the miles and miles of snow.

Cassie was enthralled, looking out the window, and didn’t know how much time passed when they

arrived at a secluded cabin. She looked around, not another building seeming to be in site. She

wondered if that was where they were lodging. It didn’t seem the kind of place Max would stay.

Her door was opened and she stepped into the freezing wind, quickly following Max up the stairs,

breathing a sigh of relief when she felt the warmth pushing out the front door.

“Will you need anything else,” the man asked.

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“No, thank you,” Max replied. The man left and Cassie stared at him inquiringly. His phone rang,

breaking the silence. He quickly picked up and she went to explore. There wasn’t a lot to see. The

cabin had two small rooms, beautifully decorated in rustic log cabin style furniture, a small living

room, kitchen, and one bathroom. It was incredibly intimate for the two of them to be in together.

“That was my client. Some problems arose and we won’t be able to meet until tomorrow,” Max told

her as he ran his hand through his hair. It was something she’d discovered he did when he was

frustrated. “I wish we would’ve known sooner and we could have just flown in tomorrow. I need a

shower,” he finished before heading toward one of the rooms. At least she knew which room was

hers, now. She gathered her bags and made her way to the other room, taking her time to hang her

clothes and situate her toiletries.

She walked back out and found Max at the dining table. He’d showered and changed quickly. He was

looking over some papers so she headed for the kitchen, grateful to find it fully stocked. She’d be able

to prepare them a nice lunch. She set about making soup and hot sandwiches. Anything cold didn’t

sound appealing in the least.

“We have the entire day before us. Have you ever been to Alaska?” he asked.

“No. I’m pretty excited to be here,” she said with a smile. She set a bowl of soup and a sandwich in

front of him. He mumbled a thank you and dug in, making her feel good when he sighed his pleasure. It

wasn’t like it was a gourmet meal but she knew she made one mean sandwich.

“I’ll play tourist guide then. Let me make a few calls,” he told her. He finished his meal, then spent a

few minutes on the phone. “Dress extra warm, we’re going out.” She quickly ran to her room and

layered her clothes, throwing on the new coat she’d bought. She needed to step outside right away

because the clothes were not made for indoors, that was for sure. She could feel sweat building on

her brow.

They stepped onto the porch just as the same car that had dropped them, appeared. Max led her to the

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back and they were off once again. The driver dropped them by the lake and Max pointed out a small


“We’re taking a scenic tour of the area. This plane can get really low, showing you the top of the

glacier and some of the other great points of interest in this quaint town. You’ll soon find why I love

it here so much,” Max told her. She looked at him like he’d lost his mind. There was no way she

wanted to get in that deathtrap. She could barely stand to fly in his jet. “Are you too afraid to take a

nice ride?” he ribbed her.

That did it for Cassie. She wouldn’t give him the pleasure of seeing her chicken out. She’d get in the

dang plane, even if it killed her – and it very well may.

Max stood behind her as she tried to figure out how she was going to get inside the small space.

Suddenly, his hands gripped her waist and he boosted her up. Even through the layers of clothes his

hands on her were like searing irons.

Max followed her in, and if she thought the car was a tight space, it was nothing compared to the

aircraft. She soon forgot about her fear, though, as they flew over a glacier. She cried out in pleasure

when she saw a pack of wolves traversing through the rough country. Max turned out to be right

because she found the town and its surroundings enthralling. She was disappointed when the plane


“You should see it in the summertime. It’s really something else, then,” he told her. She was thinking

she’d definitely come back and stroll along the waterfront, maybe even take another scenic plane ride.

They drove out to the same glacier she’d seen from the air, and she stood by it, fascinated as the

water lapped against the mountainous ice. It was huge and every so often a piece would tumble off

and crash into the ocean below it.

Max’s next adventure for her was to take her through the country in a snowmobile. She actually had to

shed some clothes once they were inside, with the heater running. It was like some of the farm

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equipment she’d passed before in the Willamette Valley during harvest season, but with huge snow

tires on it. She was pressed up tightly against Max, but as the day wore on she was getting more used

to that. She felt secure in their glass enclosed cab, and she got to see things the average person didn’t

ever get to experience.

By the time they made it back to their cabin the sun was starting to set and Cassie was exhausted.

She’d managed not to think about the fact that they were going to be sleeping only a few feet apart.

Now that they were standing in the living room, dripping snow on the wood floors, she was all too

aware of it.

“You go ahead and shower, get the chill off. I’ll throw something together for dinner,” he offered. She

quickly ran to her room and hung her outer clothing up to dry, then dashed for the bathroom. It was

actually fairly large for the small cabin. There was a decent size tub she could relax in, a separate

shower, and two sinks. She decided on a quick shower to wash away the dirt, then she was sinking in

that tub for at least an hour.

An hour passed and Cassie snapped her head up when she realized she was falling asleep in the now

lukewarm tub. She quickly got out and dried off, then grabbed her robe. As she slipped it on she

realized it was inappropriately short and wished she’d brought in her flannel pajamas. Hopefully,

Max wouldn’t notice her as she made a dash for her room.

She peaked out the door, didn’t see him, so stepped out just as he turned the corner from the kitchen.

His eyes lit on her, slowly traveling down her body, from her hand clutching the lapels of her robe

together to the very short hem.

As his head came back up her body and their eyes connected, she stopped breathing. Please don’t

come near me, she silently begged. If he wrapped his incredible arms around her, she’d be lost. She

was completely aware they were alone in the middle of the woods, with zero chance of interruption.

“I’m going to change,” she muttered and slowly edged her way past him, bolting for her room. She

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shut the door with a sigh of relief, then leaned against it while she got her breathing under control.

He’s just a man, for goodness sake, she berated herself, as she layered on her pajamas. The cabin

was toasty warm with the fireplace blazing, but she had a chill and thought the more clothes the better.

If she wasn’t so hungry she’d stay in her room the rest of the night to avoid temptation.

Cassie stepped into the living room and followed her nose to the tiny kitchen, where Max was

washing potatoes.

“Do you often run around barely dressed?” he asked.

“I was perfectly covered. I just forgot to take my pajamas with me to the bathroom,” she defended

herself. It was none of his business what she did or didn’t wear, anyway, though she was burning with

embarrassment that he’d call her on coming from the bathroom in nothing but her robe.

“I didn’t say there was anything wrong with it,” he said, then his lips turned up in a mega-watt smile

that had her knees trembling. He was sexy all the time, but when he really tried, he was devastating.

Only a couple days, she chanted in her head.

She hadn’t wanted to take the time to blow dry her hair, so threw it up in a quick braid. She’d sit by

the fire and it would dry in no time. She wasn’t wearing any makeup and her pajamas were a few

sizes too large, since she didn’t like tight things on her when she slept. She knew she looked like a

teenager and there was zero reason for him to be looking at her like she was on the dessert menu.

“What have you prepared so far?” she asked, trying to distract him from staring a hole through her.

“I have a couple steaks in the oven and was just getting the potatoes ready,” he answered. She went to

the fridge and rifled around, trying to find something healthy to go with the meal. She found an

assortment of salad items and began pulling them out.

“They stocked the cabin well. I’m impressed,” she spoke again, uncomfortable with the silence.

“My client recommended this place. He said they take care of their guests,” he spoke in a knowing

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tone, as if he could read her mind. She really hoped he couldn’t because she thought about him naked,

in her bed, doing wonderful things with her, at least ten times a day.

She began chopping vegetables while her mind wandered. She realized, as she stood there, that she’d

never had a man at her house before. She’d never done something so simple as to prepare a meal with

the opposite sex. Max was humming a song she didn’t recognize, and the scents were drifting around

them. She found she liked the sensation of cooking with someone else. She had to remind herself this

was strictly business, not a date, before she got too comfortable in her little fantasy.

“You can go relax in the living room if you’d like. I can finish this,” she offered. She didn’t want him

to leave but she was getting too comfortable with their domestic roles.

“Nope, I’m known for my excellent steaks. I can’t leave them or they’ll get ruined,” he said with

another of his signature grins.

“Suit yourself,” she told him as if it didn’t matter one way or the other. As they prepared dinner in the

small kitchen he seemed to brush up against her no matter how she moved about. His hip would graze

hers one minute, then he’d reach into a cupboard above her, his chest sliding along her back. By the

time they finished making the meal she’d be reduced to a pile of ashes.

“You seem awfully nervous. Haven’t you ever cooked a meal with a date before?” he asked.

“This isn’t a date - we’re only here for work. Technically, on this trip you’re my boss, so saying

things like that doesn’t help me to feel more comfortable,” she scolded him. She needed to remind

both him and her of that fact.

Her little speech wiped the cocky grin from his face. He sent her a glare, seemingly not happy about

her pointing out the facts to him.

“Sorry, I didn’t need to snap like that, it’s just that we’re in this cabin, and I’m nervous,” she

admitted. She didn’t want to fight with him - she just wanted to create some distance, before she

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ended up jumping on the counter and demanding he take her. Why couldn’t she just be like Darcy

Undermost, back in high school, who would jump any guy that asked? She was thinking that at least

the girl got some pleasure, even if everyone called her a slut.

She could see he accepted her apology when his sexy smile overtook his features and he moved

forward, brushing her forever disobedient hair out of her face. His fingers lingered, as they often did

when he performed the task.

Max barely kept himself from taking her in his arms. He could see her relief that he accepted her

apology. He didn’t want to fight with her, either. He was sick of fighting with her and himself. He

decided he needed to end the torture for both of them. He knew she was interviewing him, and

technically for this trip he was her boss, but he couldn’t seem to think anymore when she was around.

He never had office affairs, never slept with an employee, but this was a special case and he was

losing the battle to resist her.

He found he enjoyed her company, he liked how she wasn’t afraid to stand up to him. Most of all, he

liked that she wasn’t pulling out all the stops to seduce him. As a matter of fact, she was doing just the

opposite, hiding her body beneath the unflattering pajamas, not wearing make-up, or even trying to

appear sexy.

She’d be disappointed to know none of it was working. She looked far sexier to him in her flannels

than she would’ve looked in lingerie. She just had a natural sex appeal that wouldn’t stop calling to

him, and in the remote cabin he had no desire to fight it. He felt the tightening in his pants, and turned

from her.

“Would you like a glass of wine?” he asked. She nodded her head, yes. He was sure she was thinking

the same as him - maybe a little drink would help calm the nerves. He sure hoped so, or he wouldn’t

make it past dinner.

They both went back to their tasks, but it wasn’t long when he felt the need to be close to her again.

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He gave up all pretenses of keeping away.

“Mmm, that looks good,” he softly spoke into her ear, leaning over her and peering into the bowl. It’s

just a salad, not a gourmet dish, she though, but he leaned the full length of his body into her

backside, and she tensed. His breath brushed against her neck, making her shiver.

“Thanks,” she muttered, wanting him to lower his lips to her neck and run his tongue along the skin his

breath had just moistened.

You need to calm down and relax. He’s just like any other guy, she silently commanded. She took a

few deep breaths and moved sideways, out of his grip. She set the table, and sat down, creating a

barrier between them.

Max brought the steaks and potatoes and their conversation stilled for a moment as they began to eat.

As hungry as she’d been earlier, her stomach was so tied in knots she barely managed to get anything

down. She moved her food around her plate, and then grinned. She was thinking Kinsey would get a

real kick out of the situation.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

“I was thinking about my best friend. She’ll be home in a month and I can hardly wait,” she told him


“You mentioned her in the hospital. Have you been close a long time?”

“Forever. I can’t remember my life without her in it. We went through school together, and then

college. She’s a nurse and out to save the world. I know what she does is important, but I’m selfish

and just want her with me,” she said.

“I can understand that. My siblings, cousins, and I used to be closer than just family. We did

everything together. Then, my mother died, and my siblings and I drifted apart. We all hurt so badly

and were trying to somehow outrun the pain. My father forced us into this move back to Seattle, and

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though we won’t admit it to him, it’s the best thing that could’ve happened. We’re all right back

where we used to be. It’s important to have people in your life that you care about,” he said.

Cassie stared at him in shock. She’d never heard him say something so personal about his life. It had

to be the wine and the intimate atmosphere. She was sure he’d regret being so open with her, come


“I’d love to have a family as large and loving as yours. Everyone I’ve met so far are wonderful,” she

said. He smiled his approval.

“We can be a tad overwhelming.” From what she’d heard, the Anderson’s as a group were quite the

sight. She’d love to see it, though she knew she wouldn’t get the opportunity.

“Overwhelming is much better than empty,” she said, fighting the sudden tears wanting to spring to

her eyes.

“Let’s leave this mess until morning. I want to enjoy the fire,” he told her as he stood and stuck out his

hand. She hesitated only a moment before taking it. He grabbed the wine bottle and led her to the

couch facing the fire.

She sat on the far end, sipping from her glass, letting the flames lull her into a sense of security. When

he spoke again, she jumped.

“How long have you wanted to be a reporter?”

“I think since I was twelve. We went to outdoor school, and when we got back one of our assignments

was to create a newspaper about our week at camp. I really got into the project. I went around and

interviewed the different teachers who had chaperoned, got my film developed from all the pictures

I’d taken, and even got quotes from the kids. The other students in my group were thrilled to be paired

with me because they didn’t have to do much on the project. I did the complete layout of the paper,

provided all the photos, and did most of the stories. I was really picky, even in sixth grade,” she said

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with excitement edging through her voice.

“Aah, you were that kid.” Her hackles immediately rose. There was absolutely nothing wrong with

being smart and caring about your grades. Not everyone was handed millions of dollars when they

reached adulthood.

“I worked hard,” she said in defense.

“Hey, I wasn’t putting you down. I was that kid, too,” he said, throwing his hands up. She looked at

him suspiciously. He was gorgeous, with his chiseled features, bright eyes, and a to die for body.

There was no way he was one of the smart kids. He was most likely the jock every girl wanted to

date and every guy wanted to be.

“Yeah right,” she said with a smirk.

“Seriously, I was only five-six until my junior year of high school and weighed about one-hundred

pounds. I was president of the chess club, and…” he paused for dramatic effect, “was a complete

klutz. My siblings all hit their prime long before me, making me a bit self-conscious at the time,” he


Cassie stared at him, not knowing whether she could believe him or not. She just couldn’t picture him

as some nerdy kid that would’ve sat with her at lunchtime. He had to have been the jock, no way

could someone who looked like he did now, ever be scrawny.

“I promise to show you a picture when we get back, I was voted most likely to trip and fall down a

manhole,” he said with a twinkle in his eye.

“If you’re lying to me right now, I swear you’ll pay for it in my article,” she threatened. Her words

made him laugh. She realized her glass was empty and set it down. It had been a long night, and

though she knew she wasn’t going to get any sleep, she decided to go to her room. She couldn’t

continue sitting with him in the dim light, sharing intimate moments of their lives. She stood and

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moved to walk around him, when her foot snagged on the corner of the couch and she lost her balance.

She tumbled straight into his lap. His laughter died instantly, as his eyes flared with awareness.

Cassie didn’t move an inch. She could feel his hard thighs beneath her, his chest pressed against her

aching breasts, and his breath on her face. His mouth was only a couple inches from her own. She

stared into his eyes before hers dropped and took in his very kissable mouth. He let out a grown

before wrapping his hand tightly around her waist, pulling her even closer. He used his other hand to

slip up her back and grip her neck, pulling her head the last two inches, and finally, their lips


She could taste the sweet wine on his lips mixed with his own intoxicating scent. She didn’t even try

to fight the kiss she wanted so desperately. She melted into him, bringing her hands up around his

strong shoulders, clinging to him.

He quickly slipped his tongue into the hollow of her mouth, retreating, before diving back in. After

ravishing her mouth, he pulled back slightly and nipped her bottom lip, before tracing her jaw with

tiny kisses. He moved down the smoothness of her neck, swiping his tongue along the sensitive skin

between her neck and shoulder, making her shudder with need.

His hands began exploring her back, softly moving up and down the small dent. He slipped his hand

underneath her pajama top, his fingers caressing her side, slowly moving upward, making her arch

into him. She could feel his arousal growing underneath her, and seductively moved her hips, pressing

tighter against him. He groaned into her neck at the new friction she was creating.

He brought his lips back to hers and devoured her mouth, dancing his tongue with hers, while his

hands continued their upward movement. She could barely breathe between the passionate kiss and

the feelings of arousal his hands were creating. Finally, his hands circled around her side, brushing

the underside of her braless breasts, making her cry out in need. She didn’t want him to play anymore.

She wanted his hands to move those last few inches and cup her sensitive skin.

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His fingers danced forward, finally giving her what she wanted, and brushing over her peaked nipple.

He rolled the nipple between his thumb and finger, applying the perfect amount of pressure to make

her cry out. He moved his hand away and she uttered a protest, before realizing he had the bottom of

her top in his hands and was quickly ripping it away.

With her shirt out of the way her breasts were there for him to freely explore. He laid her back on the

couch, devouring her with his eyes. She became nervous when he did nothing but look at her for a

moment. Then, he let out a low moan and brought his head down, swiping his tongue along the bottom

of her throat. She threw her neck back, allowing him easier access. He moved down, licking the top

of her breast, caressing her stomach with his fingers.

He kissed along the swollen mounds, but only circled her peaked nipple. She shifted her body, trying

to guide his mouth where she wanted it. “Please,” she cried out. She needed him to relieve the ache.

Finally, he took her hardened bud into his mouth, sucking the swollen peak deep inside the warm

recesses of his mouth while swirling his tongue against it. Her back arched off the couch in intense

pleasure. He gripped both breasts, lavishing equal attention on each one. She was in a complete haze,

and felt she’d die if he dared stop.

He pressed his hips into her opened legs, letting her feel how turned on he was. She wanted no

clothing between them. She wanted to feel his hard manhood filling her up. She jerked her hips again,

trying to relieve some of the aching.

He brought his lips back to hers, kissed her long and hard, before moving off her. She was ready to

cry out her protest when she saw him shedding his clothes. Yes! She inwardly cried. She couldn’t turn

away as the firelight reflected off his naked chest, even more defined than she could’ve ever

imagined. Her dreams had nothing on the reality of the man.

He pushed down his pants and she gasped at the sight of him fully erect, glistening in the firelight. He

was so beautiful, and she felt complete satisfaction knowing she’d brought him to the state he was in.

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Before she had any more time to think, he reached down, and quickly removed the rest of her clothes,

leaving her bare for his inspection. She immediately wanted to cover up, but he quickly grabbed her

arms and moved them above her head, trapping her.

“You had your turn, now it’s mine,” he whispered only seconds before he kneeled over her. She

wanted to protest, but the second his body slid along hers, she lost the words.

He slid his hand from her throat, over her breasts, taking time to tease her nipples, then down her

quivering stomach, until he reached her heat. He spread her legs with his, then dipped his finger over

her swollen womanhood, causing her to gasp. Inserting his finger inside her folds, his eyes dilated as

he found her hot and ready. She didn’t need any more seduction; she only needed him deep inside her.

She needed him to fill the void she didn’t even know she had until meeting him.

“Please, now,” she begged him. She’d never before begged for anything in her life, but she couldn’t

seem to stop begging.

He didn’t take any more convincing than that. He released her hands, which she quickly wrapped

around his neck. He moved his body over hers, the head of his erection sitting at her entrance, waiting

to plunge inside. She shifted upward, wanting him to close the gap and thrust inside her. He gripped

her hip, then finally moved forward, parting her folds inch by inch, until he had them fully connected.

“Oh, so good,” she cried, wrapping her legs tightly around his backside. He paused for a moment,

both of them enjoying the feeling of being so intimately entwined. Then, he started moving. He

gripped her hips tightly in his hands as he easily found a pleasurable rhythm for them. He thrust

slowly at first, then started moving faster as both their bodies built ever higher toward ecstasy.

He brought his head back down, capturing her lips, tangling his tongue with hers, while his body

thrust in and out of her moist recesses. She could feel her stomach tightening. She could feel the

tingling start in her core, and then radiating out through her limbs. She was close, so very close. Just a

few more thrusts and she’d be there…“aahhh,” she cried out as the orgasm ripped through her,

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causing her entire body to tighten in pleasure.

Her legs gripped him hard, while he picked up his pace even faster, his face contorting in pleasure.

He cried out, then she felt his body vibrating as he repeatedly pumped inside her. He slowed his

movement, pushing gently in and out of her now satisfied core, giving them both every second of

pleasure he could.

Finally, she felt the last of his shudders ripple through him, then he collapsed on top of her. She

rubbed up and down his back, loving his weight pushing her into the cushions. She loved the feel of

his chest brushing her still sensitive breasts, and how his skin glistened with a slight sheen of sweat.

She loved just about everything about the man who just gave her such intense pleasure.

He finally shifted, moving to a sitting position. She laid there, not knowing what she should do.

Should she run for her room? He wasn’t saying anything, and that scared her. She became very

conscious that she was lying completely naked. She jumped from the couch and made a beeline for the


As she cleaned herself up she started to get angry. How dare he make her feel self-conscious after

loving her like that. She’d been a willing participant; it wasn’t like she was going to be some

simpering girl, now. Was he worried she’d start chasing him all over the place? She stayed in the

bathroom for a long time, scared to face him when she didn’t know what was happening. Finally, she

was tired and cold, so she wrapped herself in a large towel and crept back out. He wasn’t in the

living room and his bedroom door was shut.

A tear escaped her eye before she could stop it. She wiped it away and quietly made her way to her

bedroom. She cried herself to sleep, wondering how she was going to get through the next couple of


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Chapter Seven

Max walked into the bedroom and sat on his bed. He was filled with a mixture of emotions. He’d

never felt anything like that before with any woman he’d been with. She was sensual, funny, and full

of life. The sex had been fantastic. Never had he left a woman’s bed without saying something first.

He wasn’t known for his after sex bedroom talk, but he still felt horrible for slinking away when she

went to the bathroom.

He laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to justify his actions to himself. After an hour passed

he had to fight not to go to her. He couldn’t turn it into something emotional. They were both

consenting adults. They’d had sex - it was nothing more than that. Finally, he managed to fall into a

restless sleep as dawn approached.

Max woke, surprised to see his clock read eleven. He’d never slept past seven. He figured he could

give himself a break, considering he hadn’t gotten to sleep until at least six. He stumbled to the

kitchen, immediately heading for the coffee pot. He prepared the coffee and watched the machine

drip. There was no sign of Cassie. He was getting ready to approach her door, when he heard the

familiar creek of the hinges. He breathed a sigh of relief. He tensed, waiting for her to step in the

kitchen. She went straight to the bathroom, and he heard the tale-tell latch of the lock.

He grabbed his coffee and waited, leaning on the counter. He heard the shower start and smiled. She

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took her time and he waited, though grew impatient as the shower seemed to never end. He had their

business meeting in a couple hours and he wanted to try to get some items straightened out before they


Finally, the door opened and she made her way toward the table, this time fully dressed in a silky

looking blouse and slacks. She was avoiding eye contact. He never took his eyes off her, enjoying the

sight and smell of her as she passed him and reached into the cupboard for her own cup. He noticed

the slight shake in her hand as she set the cup on the counter and lifted the coffee pot.

“We need to talk,” he finally said, causing her to jump.

“Really? What about?” she asked as casually as she could manage. Max felt like throwing something.

So, maybe it hadn’t been the best idea he’d ever had to walk away without saying a word.

“Look, Cassie, I’m sorry about last night. I didn’t know what to say. I don’t normally sleep with

employees. I just…” he trailed off.

“I’m not your employee, Max. Secondly, I’m a big girl and make my own decisions. You didn’t force

me into anything. It was fun, but it’s done with. Let’s not act like little girls and chat about our

feelings, okay?” she told him. He knew she was putting up a wall, but her cavalier attitude got under

his skin.

“Whatever the lady wants,” he sarcastically replied. He was going on a walk. He threw on his coat

and marched to the front door. He got a very unwanted surprise when he opened it. There was no

opening where it should be. In front of him was nothing but a solid wall of white. “What the hell?” he

muttered, shocked out of his anger.

He poked his finger at the snow and found it wouldn’t budge. Attempting to dig at it, he found it didn’t

even make a dent in the solid wall. When he figured out he was getting nowhere, he shut the door and

walked to the living room window and pushed the curtains aside. How had he not noticed there

wasn’t any natural light coming into the cabin? Probably because he was used to waking before dawn,

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so a dark room seemed like the beginning of his daily routine.

“What’s going on?” Cassie asked, staring at the white nothingness out the window. Max immediately

went to his phone, flipping it open. He then tossed it on the couch and spoke a few choice words.

“No service. I have no idea what’s going on, and it looks like we’re trapped, at least for the moment,”

Max said, running his hands through his hair.

“What do you mean we’re trapped?” she almost shrieked. Cassie was starting to panic as she realized

her situation. She was stuck in a cabin, behind a wall of snow, who knows how high, with a man

she’d just slept with, who regretted it. Just her luck, she thought as her lips twitched.

When she looked at Max’s incredulous expression, she lost it. Cassie doubled over as she began

laughing so hard she could barely breathe. She couldn’t stop, though her stomach and sides were

killing her. It was just such a typically awkward situation for her and she should’ve seen it coming the

moment they hopped on the jet for Alaska. Heck, she was surprised the dang thing didn’t land in the

middle of a snow covered mountain, leaving them stranded for weeks.

“What’s so damn funny?” Max demanded through gritted teeth. His hands on his hips and the tone of

his voice sent her into another round of giggles. She dropped to the floor, her sides hurting so bad she

couldn’t stand up any longer.

“Pl…please…d…don’t…say…anything…for…a…a…moment,” she managed to get out between fits

of laughter. He made some kind of grunting sound, before turning away and stomping into his room.

She managed to calm down after about ten minutes, and pulled herself together. She had tears

streaming down her cheeks.

She knew the situation was anything but funny, but there was nothing they could do about it, so why

not just let go and laugh? It could be worse. They could be stranded with zero food and no shelter.

She finally realized there was a humming noise, and that’s why they still had power. There must’ve

been a generator hooked up that automatically turned on when the power went out. It must be

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something that occurred regularly in the area. At least they had hot coffee. She didn’t know how long

it would last so she had no choice but to talk to Max.

She sat on the couch and waited for him to come out. What seemed like forever, in actuality, only took

a few minutes.

“Have you finished?” Max asked in a deadly serious tone, which almost made her lose it again. When

her lips twitched he glared, effectively cutting her off.

“I’m sorry, I know none of this is amusing, but I…this is just so…I don’t know what else to do,” she

finally finished.

“I have enough to deal with, without having to deal with a hysterical woman, too,” he said in his most

authoritative tone. His words angered her enough to stop any thought of laughter from erupting again.

“You have no right to speak to me like that, Max. I understand the situation is serious, so tell me, Mr.

have-it-all-together, what’s going on?” she said. He turned and paced the small room. He didn’t have

much space to do it.

“This must be some kind of freak storm. They know where we are, so it shouldn’t take them long to

dig us out,” he said optimistically.

“Sounds like a great plan,” she said in all innocence. She knew she was getting under his skin, but he

deserved it.

“Obviously, a generator is running. I’m going to try and figure out where it’s running from so we can

conserve energy. I also need to check the stack on the wood stove to see if it’s safe to use, not that we

have much wood in here. The good thing with the snow is that it works as insulation so the cabin

won’t get too cold, even if we lose power. Why don’t you do a full check of supplies. I don’t think

there’s a need to ration food, but we don’t want to be fools,” he said, immediately going into

commander mode.

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They both went to their tasks. He found the generator was stored in a cubby underneath a closet. It

was large, and full, thankfully. If they used it moderately, they’d be okay for about a week. Cassie

found at least a month’s supply of food in the house, and plenty of water. They would surely be

rescued within a few days. Most likely by the end of the day. They had nothing to worry about.

“We’ll be fine. Plenty of fuel and food. We can’t use the fireplace. I can’t verify if the stack is clear,”

Max said.

“I’m going to start some breakfast,” Cassie said to fill the silence. She wasn’t going to be so petty she

wouldn’t prepare him a meal at the same time as her. They had to limit the amount of resources they


“Fine, I’m going to take a quick shower,” Max replied. He left her alone and she put together eggs,

bacon and toast. She had to go through the fresh supplies before getting into too many of the canned

goods, just in case it took them longer than she assumed to get rescued.

Cassie took her few minutes alone to figure out how she was going to act for the day. It would be next

to impossible to avoid him in the small space. There were some good books she could read, but she

was sure she wouldn’t be able to concentrate with him so close. She could stay mad the entire time,

but that just made things miserable for her, and he most likely wouldn’t care. She decided to just

pretend the other night hadn’t happened and get on with her day, make the best of a bad situation.

She’d been with him almost non-stop for a couple weeks. She’d just pretend they were back in his

office. She could use the time to hopefully get some much wanted answers out of him and make real

headway on her article.

He stepped from the bathroom as she was finishing their lunch. He wore a pair of skin-tight jeans, and

an old sweatshirt, with the sleeves pushed to his elbows. He looked good, good enough she wouldn’t

mind him on the menu. She shook her head to clear the unwanted thoughts, which caused him to give

her another of his confused looks.

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“Thanks for the food, it looks good,” he said as he sat across from her at the small table.

“It’s not like you could complain if you didn’t like it. We don’t exactly have take-out,” she replied.

“Cassie, we’re stuck here for who knows how long, can’t we just make the best out of the situation,”

he said as if he were a parent scolding his child.

“You’re right. We may as well work on the interview. If I can get enough information, you’ll be rid of

me sooner,” she said with a smile.

“What if I don’t want to be rid of you sooner?” he asked, his eyes turning seductive. She blinked, then

looked at him again, trying to figure him out. No way was she sleeping with him again, it hadn’t

turned out well the first time.

“What you think doesn’t matter much to me,” she said sweetly.

“Ah, then we’re at an impasse. I’ll tell you what, Cassie,” he paused, as he spoke her name

seductively. “We’ll go back and forth with the questions. You ask one, then it’s my turn.”

Cassie didn’t like the turn in the situation. She didn’t know what he was playing at but if he thought

she’d back down, then he’d be sadly mistaken.

“Fine, I’m an open book, Max,” she said. If she wanted to be a reporter, she needed to know how to

act under pressure. Well, a situation didn’t get much more tense than it was at that moment.

“It must be nice there on your high horse. You detach yourself so well from the human race, so afraid

of being hurt, so distrusting of everyone around you,” he mocked. She wanted to defend herself, but he

was right. She’d been hurt so many times in her life that it was just easiest to assume the world was

bad, that everyone was going to hurt her eventually. He’d hurt her last night, but was she guilt free?

She hadn’t said anything to stop the love making. She’d ran for the bathroom afterward. She was

responsible, too.

“I’m not a robot. I do have feelings, but I’m just careful who I let in,” she finally said.

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“I’ll make a deal with you. We’re stuck here, in this cabin, for who knows how long. Let’s be honest

with each other. I won’t hold back on the interview, and in turn, you be honest with me,” he said.

“Let me make some coffee,” she stalled. She got up from the table and took her time, trying to gather

her thoughts. What she really wanted was for him to pull her into his arms again, take the choice away

from her. She knew it was the chicken’s way out, but she couldn’t help herself. He made her feel

things, he made her want what she shouldn’t want.

Max watched her nervous movements, unable to take his eyes from her. For some reason, he couldn’t

stop thinking about her. It felt like more than just desire, but he couldn’t think that way. He decided he

was going to have her, all of her, not just a piece. He’d figure the rest out later, but for the time being

she couldn’t escape him, and when he put his full effort into something, he got what he wanted.

Max slowly stood and walked up behind her. His hand lifted to her hair, pushing it aside. He smiled

as her body tensed. She didn’t say anything as his hand caressed the small of her nape. He leaned

down and brushed his lips against the smooth column of her neck, and he felt powerful when he

spotted the goosebumps popping up on her skin. She was so sensual, so responsive, it was a powerful

boost to his ego.

“You smell so good. I love this spot right her, the spot you dab just a hint of your sweet perfume,” he

whispered as he licked the small dent on the side of her neck. His lips moved over her shoulder as he

brushed aside her blouse. For him barely touching her, it was unbelievably erotic. She could feel the

dampness of arousal building within her body.

“I’m sorry about last night. I panicked. I don’t know why, I’ve just never felt such intense feelings

with a woman, before you,” he continued seducing her with his words. His hands reached around the

front of her, brushing over her over-sensitive breasts as he began unbuttoning her blouse slowly, each

button exposing more of her skin to him.

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His mouth traveled down her shoulder, then her arm as her shirt started sliding away. His hands

pushed the fabric away, gently brushing over her quivering stomach, then moving upward to caress

her lace covered breasts. Her nipples strained against the now rough fabric as his palms brushed the

peaks. She gripped the counter, trying to keep herself from falling. His body pressed into hers, his

arousal obvious, as he shifted his hips for a tighter fit against her. She knew she should protest, but

she didn’t want to. Why should she stop something she wanted so badly?

Finally, he turned her in his arms, and the passion glazed expression in his eyes ended her internal

protests. How could she resist the man when he so obviously wanted her? He lifted her in his arms,

and made his way toward his bedroom. All thoughts of talking were long forgotten as he took his time

loving her for the remainder of the afternoon.

Cassie woke up, surprised she’d fallen asleep. Of course, she normally didn’t spend an afternoon

making love. She stretched her sore muscles and couldn’t stop the satisfied smile that came to her

face. Max was a phenomenal lover. He’d touched her in places she didn’t even know were sensitive.

She could feel her body start to ache, just from the thought of what he’d done to her.

She moved to get up, and his eyes opened a crack. He lazily looked at her from underneath his lashes.

With just a look, the man could make her give him anything he ever wanted. How could he hold so

much power over her? It was a bit frustrating, when she’d always guarded herself so well.

“You look even more stunning after hours of love-making,” he said while running his hand down her

side, past the sensitive skin of her hip. She was fully conscious she was naked. He leaned in and

softly kissed her when her stomach rumbled loudly, making them both aware she was hungry.

“I suppose we should get up,” he said with reluctance. She laughed, filled with joy. She refused to

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think about what would happen once they got out of the cabin. She was sure he’d go right back to the

same standoffish man she knew so well. She just hoped she kept her heart intact in the meantime.

“That sounds perfect. I think it’s your turn to prepare dinner,” she said. She jumped from the bed,

quickly racing from the room. Even though he now knew every square inch of her body, she was still

self-conscious to stand before him in the nude. She didn’t know a single woman who didn’t have

some sort of body issue they dealt with.

Cassie took her time in the shower, letting the hot water ease her aches away. She knew she should

hurry, considering they were on a limited supply of power, but she couldn’t force herself to turn off

the faucet. Finally, she climbed out, not bothering with make-up. She opened the door and her stomach

growled loudly when she smelled whatever he was cooking.

“I figured we better go through as much of the fridge and freezer foods as possible, just in case we’re

here longer than we think. I suppose if it lasted too long we could always just dig a hole in the snow

outside our door and store it that way,” he said. She wouldn’t have thought about that, but it was a

really good idea.

“That smells great,” she said, peaking over his shoulder. He had something boiling in a pot.

“It’s my secret recipe,” he said with a wink. She didn’t care what it was as long as it was done soon.

He pulled fresh baked rolls out of the oven, and soon they sat down at the table. Neither of them

spoke for several minutes.

“Thank you for dinner. Are you ready for show and tell?” she asked. His smile grew huge. “Not that

kind of show and tell. You said you would sit still for my questions,” she elaborated.

“I like the ideas popping in my mind better,” he told her with a wiggle of his brows.

“What gives you your self-assured, arrogant attitude?” she asked. He looked at her almost

dumbfounded for a moment. She figured she’d start with the hard stuff, then move on.

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Max narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out if she was serious, or kidding with him. There was no

way she could make love all day, then call him arrogant.

“I’m certainly confident, but not arrogant,” he finally said.

“Hmm, I don’t know. You tend to make assumptions about people, expect things to always go your

way, and don’t stop until you have what you want. That sounds like arrogance to me,” she said with

the same expression on her face.

“Let’s just skip that question and move on to the next. At the end of your month with me, we’ll see if

you still think I’m arrogant,” he conceded. She gave him a huge smile, which allowed him to release

the breath he’d been holding. She was just seeing how tough his skin really was.

“Do you plan to follow in your brother’s footsteps, get married and have kids?” The question was

asked because her readers would want to know the answer, but she was surprised how much she

wanted to know as well.

She refused to start thinking of herself as that fictional wife. They’d have their fling, then she’d be

cast off as so many other women before her. She knew this going into the short affair and couldn’t

fault him on it. If she got too attached it was her own fault.

“I never pictured myself as the settle-down-with-wife-and-kids kind of guy, but watching not only my

brother, but my cousins as well, has me changing my mind on that. It’s becoming more appealing,” he

said evasively. He didn’t really say yes or no, but left it as a definite possibility. Her stomach

tightened. She had to change the subject to more non-personal issues, or she’d be a wreck by the end

of the day.

“Do you consider yourself active in the community?”

“I like to be the guy behind the scenes. I don’t see community service as something you do to flaunt

your name or money. I see it as a service that everyone should do because they have a passion for

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service. Now, off the record, I will show you a few projects that are dear to me, but only if you

promise not to print it,” he said.

“Max, you should be proud to let people who adore you know who you really are,” she said, not

wanting to commit to that.

“I won’t budge on this, Cassie. I know I can trust your word, so if you want to see some pretty cool

stuff, you have to promise it doesn’t get printed,” he said, his words firm.

“Fine,” she pouted. She wanted to know the real Max. She may not be able to print his actual

projects, but she could get a more rounded view of him, which would in turn make her article better.

“Now, it’s my turn. Tell me about your childhood,” he demanded. She was caught a bit off-guard.

“That’s a broad subject. What do you want to know?” she evaded.

“What happened to your parents?” he asked. Cassie didn’t want to talk about herself, but a deal was a


“I got to have my parents until I was technically an adult, at least. It’s the same old story you’ve heard

a million times, but it really sucks when it happens to you. They were coming home from a New

Year’s party at their friend’s house when a drunk driver slammed into them. The EMT’s said they

died instantly, at least, and didn’t suffer. It was the worst pain I’ve ever gone through in my life,” she

said. She couldn’t help the tears gathering in her eyes. She hated reliving that tragic moment in her


“I’m sorry, Cassie. I can’t imagine how I would make it through that. It was awful watching my

mother slowly die, but at least I got to say goodbye,” he sympathized with her.

“Yeah, I’ve had to grow tougher skin since then. I was an only child, and don’t have any other

relatives. I think I have some cousins somewhere, but I’ve never known them,” she said sadly.

“Your parents would be very proud of the daughter they raised. You’re a remarkable woman,” he told

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her. He wasn’t helping her get herself under control. She really wanted her parents to look down on

her and be proud. She wasn’t where she wanted to be in life, but she was getting there. She was

determined to make a success out of her life.

The evening flew by with them talking about their lives, both of them letting their guard down. Cassie

knew it was a temporary reprieve from the real world, but she was going to enjoy her time of being

locked inside a small cabin in Alaska. She hoped they weren’t rescued for at least a few days.

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Chapter Eight

They’d been in the cabin for three full days, without any word from the outside world. Cassie was in

a completely blissful state of mind. Her body ached all over, but in a good way.

“So, what shall we do today?” Max asked with a mischievous smile.

“I was thinking we should take a stroll through town,” she answered. They’d gotten used to being

trapped. They were also doing well at conserving the generator since they spent most of their time in


“Sounds great. I’ll find the shovel, you find the picnic basket,” he said while wrapping his arms

around her.


“I do have good news.” She waited for him to elaborate. She couldn’t imagine what the good news

would be.

“Are you going to tell me, or just lay here with a silly grin on your face,” she finally said.

“We can use the fireplace tonight. I can see some light peaking from the top. I think the storm may be

over. Now, in about a month this should all melt off, allowing us our freedom,” he said good

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humoredly. She was surprised still by how well he was taking their situation. It would be easy to

become frustrated and take out anger on each other.

“That’s great,” she said, inserting as much enthusiasm as she could muster into her voice. She was

enjoying their entrapment. Once the real world stepped back in she didn’t know what would happen

with their short romance, but she didn’t want it to end yet. She knew the end was inevitable, but she

wasn’t ready to let go, not just yet.

“We still need to conserve energy, so why don’t you share a shower with me,” he said while

caressing her.

“Well, we should conserve energy,” she agreed with a big smile. He led her toward the shower,

where he began to slowly take her clothes off, sending chills down her back.

“Your turn,” she said, placing her hands underneath his sweater and slowly drawing it up and over

his head, then moving her hands down the smooth muscles of his chest. She bent her head forward and

swirled her tongue along one of his hard pecks, smiling when he let out a rough groan.

He quickly stripped the rest of their clothing off and pulled her into the oversized shower with him.

Cassie was assaulted with sensations as the water cascaded down her body, and Max’s hands


He turned her around, letting the spray run down her back while he bent his head and took her lips in

a gentle kiss, his tongue teasing her lips, his teeth gently nipping them. She tried to move forward,

wanting them closer, but he placed his hands on her water slicked hips, holding them a scant few

inches apart as he loved her mouth. She groaned her frustration, needing to be closer.

“Patience,” he whispered as he brought his head to her neck, and licked along her collar bone. She

reached her hand down, grasping his engorged arousal, causing him to let out a gasp. She ran her hand

up and down his length, rubbing her thumb over his sensitive head.

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“This is going to end way too soon if you keep doing that,” he cried out in pleasure. She smiled again

at the power she held over him in those moments. She didn’t even care if it ended too soon.

His hand gripped hers and he brought it to his lips, gently kissing her knuckles, before he grasped her

other hand, incapacitating her, making her feel helpless. Then he brought his head down and swirled

his tongue over her hardened nipples, pulling her deep within his mouth. She shuddered in pleasure as

he continued to caress first one breast, then the other.

“Enough,” she pleaded. She wanted him deep within her. She was ready and didn’t want to wait any

further. “Please, Max.”

“Tempting,” he groaned as he released her hands. She immediately placed them around his neck,

pulling his body tightly against hers. He reached behind her and picked up the soap, then stroked her

back, his slick hands moving from her shoulders down her backside, and along her sensitive thighs.

He moved them around her front, rubbing the soap into her stomach, then up and over her breasts,

taking extra time to rub circles around her already over-sensitive nipples.

She was going to climax before he ever entered her, just from his sensual touch. She couldn’t keep her

eyes open, or even move her body. The only thing keeping her standing was her grip around his


He gripped her hips and slowly turned her around so his hard manhood was pressed into her

backside. His hands came around and continued to rub against her breasts. She placed her hands on

the shelf to keep from falling. Her knees were trembling as his hand roved over her body.

Max slipped his hand down her stomach, while his knee spread her legs apart. She felt exposed,

completely open to him, but instead of being embarrassed, she felt exotic, beautiful, and desirable. He

slipped his hand lower and her body tensed as his fingers rubbed over her most sensitive area. He

swirled his thumb over her nub, as he slowly pushed his finger inside her. She cried out as the

pleasure built higher.

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“I…I can’t…” she cried out as he moved faster in and out of her hot, wet body, his thumb keeping

rhythm. She yelled out as her body shook in pleasure, gripping him tightly as he slowed his

movements, making sure she was fully pleasured before stopping.

He pulled his hand back, gently running them up her stomach, over her sides and slowly toward her

breasts. With one hand he caressed her front, moving up and down her body, slowly building her

pleasure again. His other hand gripped her slick hip, and she felt him push closer toward her opening,

the head of his erection pressed close.

He slowly pushed forward, entering her from behind. When he was completely inside her, she felt

more full than ever before. She’d never had sex in that position before and found she loved it. He was

so deep inside her, his hips pressed into her backside, his hands roaming over her hips, stomach and

breasts. All the sensations were quickly building her toward another earth shattering orgasm.

He began to push in and out of her tight heat, both of them crying out in pleasure. The water continued

to cascade over them as he moved faster and faster with each thrust. Her body began tightening

around him as the pleasure built. He thrust deep within her heat and she exploded around him,

gripping him tightly, not wanting him to pull out. Needing him to stay deep inside.

He pulled out, making her cry her displeasure, only to thrust back inside of her and stay as he pumped

his own release deep within her folds. He gripped her hips almost bruisingly tight as he groaned in

pleasure. His body pumped endlessly, and she felt every single quiver of pleasure pass through him.

Her legs couldn’t hold her any longer, and her knees started to buckle.

Max quickly caught her up in his arms, turning her around as he pulled her head to his and kissed her

with so much tenderness she had to fight tears wanting to fall.

“Thank you,” he said in-between kisses, making her heart melt. She’d be thanking him if she could get

words past her throat. He quickly cleaned them both, then pulled her from the shower, wrapped her in

a towel and carried her to his bed. They laid there for several hours, touching, kissing, and talking as

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if they were long lost lovers. She hoped it would never end.

“Did you hear that?” Max asked. She looked at him, puzzled. She hadn’t heard anything, but then

again, her head was against his chest, listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat.

“No,” she replied.

“Get dressed, I think our chariot may be here,” he said as he quickly climbed from the bed. She took a

few moments to watch his muscled backside flex as he bent to grab his pants. She was disappointed

to see her view quickly covered. He slipped his shirt on, and that’s when she heard a sound. It was a

rumbling noise, and she had a bad feeling he was correct.

She slowly climbed from the bed and got dressed. If they were being rescued, being caught naked

would certainly be embarrassing. She walked to the living room, where Max was near the front door,

straining to hear. There was a loud scraping sound, and it was confirmed that someone was there,

digging them out.

“Let’s move to the center of the room just in case a window gets hit by mistake,” Max told her. They

sat on the couch, both of them not speaking. They realized the real world was coming for them, their

time in the cabin officially over.

Cassie knew when they reached the front door because there was a window next to it and for the first

time in days, light streamed through it. She felt like crying. A few seconds later there was a knock and

then the door opened.

A couple men in military uniforms walked in, looking around, then smiled as Max stood up.

“We’re glad you’re okay, Mr. Anderson. We apologize it took so long to get you out of here. Cordova

had a sudden and unexpected snowfall that buried the entire town. They called us in to free the

residents. It’s been a huge disaster,” the man said.

“We understand. We’re just glad you were able to find us,” Max replied. They walked to the front

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door and looked out, shocked at what they saw. There was a roadway carved with huge snow drifts,

higher than the house on either side of it, with several military vehicles dotting its carved surface.

“Mr. Anderson, we don’t want to rush you, but we’re afraid this storm is not completely over. If you

can gather your things as quickly as possible, we’ve got a runway cleared at the airport and you can

safely fly out. You only have a small window,” the soldier said.

Cassie wanted to tell the man no, that they’d take their chances. After all, Max had a business meeting

to attend still. Although, she supposed with the current situation the meeting was most likely

postponed. They had far more important things to take care of in the small town than a new merger.

“Yes, of course. Give us ten minutes and we’ll be ready to leave,” Max said, immediately stepping

back into the cabin and heading for his room. Cassie had no other choice but to follow his lead. She

went to her room and quickly packed. As they met in the living room to do one final check around, she

once again had to fight her tears from falling. It was time to get back to the real world.

They’d been back in Seattle for a week. Neither of them brought up their time in Alaska, but it was

obvious to Cassie they were done being lovers. He wasn’t cold, or distant, almost the opposite, in

fact. He had a tendency to touch her whenever he entered the same room, or passed her in the hall.

He’d been busy with work, and she spent most of her time away from his office, talking to personnel

and family members.

He no longer seemed to mind about the interview, which was great, but at the same time it was all

coming to an end and she wouldn’t have an excuse to see him on a daily basis. Maybe, that was a

good thing. If she got away from him, then her heart could start to heal.

“I was expecting you at the company party last night. Where did you disappear to?” Max asked her, as

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he cornered her in the break room. You didn’t have another engagement to get to, did you?” he asked

casually. Her heart broke a little more. He was speaking to her as if she was nothing more than a

friend he was curious about. She wished she did have a hot date, not that she thought he’d care,


“I’ve just been fighting a cold, so I went home to get some rest,” she lied. It was late and time for her

to go the grocery store, then home. Her house was almost completely out of groceries and she hated

shopping, but knew she needed to. She walked from the room, and gathered her coat and purse, with

him following right on her heels.

“You’re leaving early, again. I thought we’d go over a few things,” he said.

“I have to do some shopping before the weekend,” she trailed off. Normally, she jumped at the

opportunity to sit down one on one with him, but she needed the weekend to give herself some pep-

talks. She pretty much had all she needed to write an excellent article, she may have to give up her

last week, because she just didn’t know if she could take being around him without falling to pieces.

“I have some shopping to do, also. We can go together, and chat while we’re at it,” he said, as if he’d

come up with the perfect solution. She was trying to get away from him, not have him follow her. She

didn’t want ordinary, everyday things, like shopping, to be associated with him.

“I’m sure you have far more important things to do, other than shop,” she said with what she hoped

came out as a teasing smile, and not a pathetic one. When he used that smile on her, she wanted to fall

at his feet. It was really difficult to keep her distance when the man used his charm. She could

practically feel her toes curling, and her heartbeat was quickly accelerating. She’d never get over him

if she couldn’t get control of her traitorous body.

“Nothing’s more important than working on your prize winning article,” he said with a twinkle in his

eye. “Plus, it’s getting close to my Aunt’s birthday, so I need to look around for a present. If she’s not

treated like a queen on her birthday, my Uncle will have a coronary,” he added with a laugh.

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“You mustn’t bring down the wrath of your Uncle,” she said, not able to keep her own smile from


“I’m glad you understand.”

“I’m just going for groceries, so it wouldn’t be productive for you to come along,” she told him,

walking toward the elevators.

“We can make a couple stops. You’ve been invited to the party, so you’ll want to pick up something,

too. I can help you find the perfect item,” he told her, taking her arm in his. She had no choice but to

come, other than throwing a tantrum.

“I don’t think I can make the party.”

“You don’t even know when it is,” he said with a knowing look on his face. He had her there. Unless

she wanted to confess that it was killing her inside every moment they were together, she was

trapped, and they both knew it.

“It’s a family thing…” she trailed off.

“Many friends are also invited. If there’s some reason you’d be uncomfortable around the family…”

“You have a great family,” she told him, honestly.

“Good, then it’s settled. I’ll pick you up,” he told her, keeping in step with her. She was starting to get

irritated. He was always getting his way and it just wasn’t right. He needed people in his life who

weren’t afraid to tell him no, and stick with it. She needed to be that person.

“I really do need to leave, now. I’ll see you on Monday,” she said firmly as she stepped out into the

street. He stuck right with her. “Why are you still following me?” she finally huffed after several


“We aren’t finished talking.”

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“We can talk more on Monday,” she grumbled. He wasn’t easy to shake off.

“I suppose, but I was going to invite you to do something really great with me tomorrow,” he said

evasively, which stopped her in her tracks. He had her curiosity peaked.

“What sort of something?” she reluctantly asked.

“You’ll just have to agree to come with me, then you’ll find out,” he told her with a wicked smile. He

knew he had her curiosity peaked, but was it enough for her to once again cave into him. She was

tempted to say no, but then she’d wonder the entire weekend what she was missing out on. She didn’t

know what Max did on the weekends. He had many working weekends, but she knew this wasn’t one

of them.

“Fine, you win, I’m curious,” she grumbled.

“Ah, those words are music to my ears,” he practically sang, making her almost regret her decision.

“Then I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said firmly. She wasn’t going shopping with him. She had to put

her foot down at some point.

“Are you trying to avoid me, Cassie?” he asked as he crowded close to her. “Do I somehow scare


Cassie’s stomach instantly tightened at his close proximity. If he bent down and kissed her, she knew

she’d be lost, but at the same time, she couldn’t force herself to turn away from him.

“Not at all,” she finally got past her tight throat.

“Good to hear, I’ll see you tomorrow. Be ready by seven,” he said. He brushed her hair back,

lingering on her neck. By his satisfied smile, she was sure he’d felt her rapidly beating pulse. Damn

the man for his effect on her.

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Cassie wasn’t happy as she climbed out of bed. Due to Max turning her inside out, she hadn’t slept

more than a few hours, and her alarm went off much too early. She got up and ready by seven, with

her doorbell ringing on time. She opened it, surprised by the stranger standing there. She really should

check before opening her door. She’d just assumed it would be Max.

“Can I help you?” she asked a bit timidly.

“You’re Ms. McIntyre, right?” the man asked.

“Yes, and you are?”

“I’m a driver for Mr. Anderson. If you follow me, I’ll transport you,” he said, standing stiffly. She

looked him up and down, and decided there was no way some stranger would know she’d made plans

with Max the night before, so he had to be a real driver. She followed him down the stairs and

climbed into the luxurious car. She could really get used to being chauffeured around.

They drove for about a half hour, then came to one of the older neighborhoods in the area. It was well

maintained, but not a place she would’ve assumed Max would be hanging out in. She began to worry

a bit. Then, the car pulled up at a house that was clearly under construction. The driver stepped out

and held her door open. She climbed from the car, her brow puckered as she wondered why Max

would have her brought there. It didn’t make any sense.

She heard someone call for more supplies and her head whipped around. That had sounded a lot like

Max. Cassie’s mouth dropped open far enough she was sure bugs had a nice landing strip. There was

Max, wearing a skin tight t-shirt, painted on jeans, and a hard hat. He took a rag and wiped his sweaty

brow, and she about fell over.

The man was positively sexy in a suit and tie, but in construction gear he was breathtaking. She

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couldn’t take her eyes from him, as he lifted a water bottle and took a big sip, then bent down and

picked up a four-by-four. His arm muscles flexed under the weight of the wood, and she quickly

closed her mouth to keep from drooling.

Why was he at a construction site? She looked around and noticed the Habitat for Humanity sign, and

her last piece of ice melted around her heart. If she hadn’t been head-over-heels for the man before

that moment, she was now. She knew he was generous but she’d just assumed he signed his name to a

bunch of checks for charity, not that he actually came and used his own two hands, and what sexy

hands they were.

She walked closer, almost as if she was in a trance. Max looked up and their eyes connected. He

finished what he was doing, then jogged over to her.

“I’m glad you made it. Now, remember this isn’t for your article, but this is incredibly important to

me. My dad always made sure we did more than just sign checks, he wanted us to get out in the

community and really learn service,” Max told her. She didn’t know if she could talk. Thankfully she

was saved from having to.

“Wow, Max, this site has sure gotten a whole lot prettier,” a man said as he stepped toward them.

“Cassie, this is my younger brother, Austin. Austin, Cassie,” Max introduced them.

“Very nice to meet you, pretty lady,” Austin said, taking her hand and giving it a kiss. She felt like she

was in an old black and white film. She didn’t recognize Austin in his construction clothes, but then

again, she hadn’t looked at a whole lot of pictures of him. She’d been focused on Max.

“It’s nice to meet you, too. How long have the two of you been volunteering, here?” she asked.

“I couldn’t tell you when we started. We were kids,” Austin said. Max just shrugged as if it didn’t


“Do you want to help out today?” Max said, taking in her appearance. She was wearing slacks, and a

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blouse, and the completely wrong shoes. If he’d told her what they were doing, she would’ve dressed

more properly. “I purchased some clothes, just in case,” he finished. Of course he did, she thought,

but how could she be upset by something so amazing.

“In that case, I’d love to. Show me where I can get changed, then put me to work,” she told him. Max

got the clothes from the trunk of the car, he’d even thought of work boots for her, then led her to a

trailer where she got changed.

The day flew by for Cassie. She was put on grunt labor, picking up discarded materials, and bringing

the workers supplies as they ran out, but she didn’t mind. It was exciting to be a part of it all, to watch

a home be built for a deserving family. She decided she was definitely going to sign up for one of

their projects. She’d find one Max wasn’t working on, though, because seeing him in those tight jeans

was causing too much havoc with her body.

“Heads up,” she heard someone yell in a panic. She looked up, toward the roof, just in time to see a

large piece of wood flying through the air. She jumped, but it was too late. The heavy scrap landed

right on her foot, causing her to tumble over. Shooting pain shot up her leg, and she couldn’t stop the

cry from escaping her lips.

“Cassie, are you okay?” Max yelled as he raced from inside the house, and dropped to his knees in

front of her.

“I’m okay. It mainly just startled me,” she gasped. “It’ll stop hurting in just a moment,” she told him.

He immediately began untying her boot, and she cried out again as he pulled it off. Her foot was

already starting to swell, and there was a nasty looking bruise on it.

“I’m sorry, but we had to get the boot off before your foot swelled too much,” he said, hating to be

causing her any additional pain.

“I’m okay, really. I’ll just head home, prop it up, and slap some ice on it,” she told him through

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clenched teeth. She was trying to stop the chattering, but it really hurt, far more than she thought it

should. She was sure it was nothing more than a bad bruise.

“You’re not okay. We’re going to the hospital,” he said with authority. She glared at him.

“The car’s waiting, Brother,” Austin said. She sent him a glare for good measure.

“I told you I’m fine. I just need to go home,” she said, but she may as well have been speaking to the


Once they loaded her in the car, Max adjusted her so her leg was propped up on his lap. She wanted

to remove it, but being down made it throb too much, so she sat there, pouting, while they made their

way to the hospital. Logically, she knew she should probably have it looked at, but she was

uncomfortable being pampered, plus she didn’t like taking him from the house.

“How are you feeling?”

“It hurts,” she admitted. He rubbed along her exposed calf, which took her mind away from the

throbbing in her foot. Cassie stared out the window and waited for their arrival.

“You can just drop me at the hospital and get back to the house. I’m sure they still need you there. I’ll

be fine,” she said. He didn’t even bother responding, just looked at her like she had a screw loose.

They didn’t talk any further on the thirty minute drive.

By the time they arrived, Cassie was aching and miserable. Her foot hurt, her stomach was in knots

and she hoped they just gave her something to knock her out so she could sleep the rest of the day.

Max helped her from the car, placing her in a wheelchair, which she didn’t like at all, but it was

better than him carrying her around, since he was determined she not put any pressure on her foot. She

couldn’t lie in his arms, anymore, without it tearing her up inside.

He wheeled her up to the counter and explained the situation. They got her into a back room,

immediately. She knew if she’d come in on her own she would’ve sat in the waiting area forever. She

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felt a bit guilty that he was able to use his name to get her quicker service for such a minor injury,

when she was sure there were people there that needed help far worse than her, but her foot was

really throbbing so she didn’t complain about it.

He stayed by her side the entire time. The doctor walked in, shook Max’s hand, then had her x-rayed,

cleaned up, and wrapped in no time. It figured that Max knew the doctor on call. Who didn’t he or his

family know?

Luckily, her foot wasn’t broken, just had a nasty bruise, and a slight crack. It didn’t need a cast, thank

goodness, and she should be on her feet in no time. It was as she’d suspected. The doctor gave her a

few sample packets of pills so she wouldn’t have to stop at the pharmacy, then ordered her to keep off

her foot for the next few days. She knew that would be impossible. She lived on her own.

“Thank you, Max,” she practically choked out. He gave her a wide smile.

“I’m sure that thank you caused more pain than your injury,” he said with a wink.

“I do appreciate it, but you didn’t have to ruin your day by catering to me. It’s not even a bad injury,”

she pouted.

“So, in your opinion, I should’ve just left you twitching on the ground.” When he said it like that, he

made her sound ridiculous. Of course, he wouldn’t just leave her lying there, but his driver could’ve

easily taken her to the hospital. She was sure Max knew she would’ve made him take her home and

forgone the hospital.

He wheeled her back outside, where his driver was waiting. They loaded her back into the car, and

she leaned her head against the seat. The pain pills were kicking in and she couldn’t seem to keep her

eyes open. She decided to rest them for a moment. She was partially pulled from her sleep when she

felt Max’s arms come around her. She just couldn’t open her eyes, so she laid her head on his

shoulder, and quickly fell back asleep.

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Cassie woke up with her foot throbbing and turned over. She slowly opened her eyes as she realized

she wasn’t in her bed. She pushed her arm out, feeling the satin sheets, and the soft pillow. Yep,

definitely not her bed. She looked around just as Max walked in the room.

“Your foot is probably throbbing again. You’ve been asleep for several hours,” he said casually as he

helped her sit up and placed a tray on her lap.

“Where am I?” she asked, though she had a bad feeling she already knew.

“My house. The doctor said you couldn’t put any weight on your foot over the next few days so that

ruled out your place,” he said. She had to fight down the panic. She couldn’t stay with him, in his bed,

surrounded by his scent. She was trying to distance herself from the man. Him taking care of her

wouldn’t help her accomplish that goal.

“I…I can’t stay here,” she stuttered.

“Of course you can,” he said with steel running through his voice. It was the tone she was used to

when he wasn’t willing to compromise. She’d lost the battle before she uttered a single word. His

mind was made up, and short of a band of thieves coming in and kidnapping her, she wouldn’t be

leaving his house until she could walk.

“Do you often take women as prisoners into your home?” she asked.

“Only the really lucky ones,” he said with a wink. She was trying to irritate him into leaving her

alone, but apparently it wasn’t working.

The pain in her foot overruled her stubbornness, and she finally took the pill from the tray and drank it

down, then picked at the food so she wouldn’t get nauseous from the pill.

“Feel better?” he asked after they sat in silence for about ten minutes. She could feel some immediate

effects, and hated to admit it to him, but she was feeling a bit better already, but her eyes were

already starting to droop. She needed to use the restroom, but she didn’t want to ask for his help,

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she’d rather crawl in there. As if he could read her mind, he pulled back the covers. She noticed, for

the first time, she was wearing an oversized t-shirt, and nothing else. He must have changed her,

which brought a blush to her cheeks.

“I’m going to carry you to the bathroom. I’ll come back in ten minutes and pick you up again. There’s

a toothbrush in there. The doctor wants your foot to stay in this wrap all night, so you should wait to

bathe until tomorrow,” he said as he placed his arms under her waist and knees. She began to protest,

but he ignored her as he carried her into the luxurious bathroom, and gently sat her on the edge of the

tub. “I’ll be back in ten,” he said before shutting the door.

Cassie quickly took care of her needs, and even managed to wash her face. She was getting more and

more tired, though, and it was hard to hop around the bathroom. The jarring movement caused more

pain to shoot through her foot. She was going to try and hop back to the bed, but she didn’t know if

she could make it without falling on her face. She could’ve in her small apartment, but not his huge

master bedroom.

Right on time, there was a light tap on the door, then Max peeked in. When he saw her swaying by the

bathroom sink, he quickly stepped in and scooped her back up in his arms.

“Why are you so stubborn?” he admonished her. She was too worn out to argue with him, so she just

rested her head on his chest, and sighed when he placed her back into the soft bed. He covered her up,

and she fell asleep before he could even turn out the light.

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Chapter Nine

Something shifted on top of Cassie, startling her out of a deep sleep. She tried to sit up, and found she

was trapped. She started to panic, kicking with her leg, trying to escape.

“Cassie, it’s just me, calm down,” she heard Max say. She struggled for a moment longer, before the

words connected with her foggy mind.

“Wh…what, where..?” She couldn’t seem to get coherent words past her mouth. She looked up to find

Max leaning over her. She looked from his worried expression, then downward, noticing he wasn’t

wearing a shirt. The sight of him was both a relief and a worry.

“What are you doing here?” she finally remembered how to talk.

“I was sleeping until you nearly beat the crap out of me,” he said with a chuckle, leaning over her

with his head propped on his hand.

“That’s not what I meant. Why are you in bed with me?” she demanded.

“It’s my bed,” he said simply.

“I’m sure this house has other rooms, so why not just put me in one of those?” she asked.

“Cassie, it’s not like we haven’t slept together already. What’s with the panic?”

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“First of all, I felt trapped when I woke up and it scared me. Secondly, we’re not in a relationship

and should no longer be sharing a bed,” she said in her most prim tone. He actually had the nerve to

smile at her, which sent her temper flaring.

“Someday, you’re going to find out that you don’t always get your way,” she said in a huff. He

chuckled. She was close to hitting him, which surprised her, since she’d never been violent before.

“So, you’d be upset if I ran my hand along your stomach like this,” he said as he rubbed along her

belly, slowly making his way toward her breasts. She gaped at him, too shocked by his boldness to

think about stopping him.

“Or, you’d probably be real upset if I bent down and ran my tongue along your neck like this,” he

practically purred, before he bent down and smoothed his tongue along her throat, making her pulse

jump and her breathing become labored. It would be so easy to get lost in his embrace. She couldn’t

remember why it was such a bad idea for them to make love again, but she knew, somewhere in the

back of her mind, that she had to stop him. She’d figure out why later.

“My foot hurts,” she blurted out. In truth she hadn’t thought about her foot once since waking, but now

that she’d used it as an excuse, she realized it was throbbing. He immediately stopped and looked into

her eyes.

“Looks like a cold shower for me,” he said with another chuckle, before jumping from the bed,

wearing only a pair of loose sweats that did nothing to hide his aroused state from her. He went to the

bathroom and came out with a cup of water, then took a pill from the bottle on the nightstand and sat

next to her. Her eyes lowered to his pants, before she realized what she was doing, and she jerked her

head back to his face. He smiled at her knowingly, then gave her a wink.

“Later,” he promised. Not if she could help it, she thought. She took the pills, then sat with him,


“I’ll go grab you some toast and juice, then you can take a bath,” he said, before leaving the room.

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She took a few deep breaths, gave herself a pep-talk, and waited for his return. She was grateful

when the pills kicked in. Max returned with a tray and she quickly ate the toast. She figured the sooner

she finished, the quicker he’d leave her to bathe and dress.

“Ready?” he asked.

“For what?” She looked at him with confusion. She certainly wasn’t going to let him help her bathe.

She absolutely had to put her foot, even the hurt one, down at some point.

Max just rolled his eyes before flipping back the covers and lifting her in his arms. She was getting

tired of his cave-man tactics, but protests didn’t do her any good. He once again set her on the edge of

the tub, then turned on the faucet. She watched as he added some vanilla scented bubbles to the tub.

He carefully unwrapped her bandaged foot and looked it over.

“I’ll be back in ten,” he told her before slipping from the room. She stared at the door, wondering if

he thought she could finish bathing in ten minutes, or if he really did think he was going to help her.

She didn’t want to find out the answer.

She quickly placed her hair atop her head, brushed her teeth and stripped, then gingerly climbed into

the tub. She wouldn’t admit to him how hard it was to get into its luxurious depths. She broke out in a

sweat before she managed to sink below the bubbles. As she laid her head against the cushioned

back, a sigh escaped. The temperature was perfect, and a bath had never felt so good.

There was a tap on the door, then Max was walking in, heading straight for the tub. She sunk down a

bit deeper, even though the bubbles were covering her from the neck down.

“I’m fine, Max. I don’t need a babysitter,” she said, eyeing him warily.

“The pills you took have a sleeping aid in them. I don’t want you falling asleep in the tub. Plus, I’m

sure your neck and shoulders are a bit tense, since you’ve been sleeping so many hours,” he said.

He knelt next to the tub and brought his hands up to her neck, gently massaging the area, before he

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moved down to her slick shoulders. She let out a little moan as he applied pressure. She hated to

admit he was right, but she was tense. She didn’t know if it was from sleeping so many hours, or

because he was next to her as she lay naked in the tub, but his massaging fingers felt incredible,

especially with the hot water surrounding her body.

He smoothed his hands along her neck, putting her into almost a trance. She shut her eyes and let

herself enjoy being pampered. He was being so good to her, how could she possibly be angry about


“Cassie, wake up,” she heard Max say, but it was through a thick fog. She ignored him and let her

mind shut down.

Max continued to kneed her shoulders for a moment as she fell asleep in the hot water. He figured he

was going to deserve a medal for keeping his hands above the water line. She was so beautiful, and

knowing she was naked underneath the thin layer of bubbles was playing havoc with his painful


He stood up and pulled the plug on the tub, before grabbing a towel and laying it over his chest. He

reached down and easily lifter her into his arms, quickly wrapping the towel around her glistening

form. He was breathing as hard as if he’d just finished running a marathon. She was intoxicating in

her innocence. He laid her on top of the covers, quickly drying her, before covering her with another

of his oversized t-shirts.

Concealing her body from his view did nothing to lessen his raging body. He knew her every curve,

and he wanted to sink deep within her folds. He once again lifted her into his arms so he could move

the covers, then laid her gently in the bed. She made a sighing sound, before flipping on her side and

snuggling deep into the bed. He grabbed the extra wrap the doctor provided him, and made quick

work on her foot, then covered her. His next stop was an ice cold shower, which did nothing but turn

him blue, and have him curse his honor.

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A couple hours later Max stepped into the bedroom and found Cassie sitting up in bed, looking more

alert than she had in the past twenty-four hours. He was glad to see she didn’t seem to be in as much


“Are you ready to come downstairs for a while?” he asked.

“Yes, I think I’m going a bit crazy lying in bed for this long,” she eagerly answered.

Max bent down and picked her up, thinking he could get used to carrying her around. He loved the

feel of her in his arms. He was beginning to think he wasn’t going to let her go. Never had he thought

of happily ever after with one woman, but the more time he spent with Cassie, the more the thought

appealed to him. He couldn’t imagine letting her go.

“It looks as if you’ve been swept off your feet, Cassie,” Amy said, surprising them both as they

walked into the inviting den.

“Looking like a Knight in Shining Armor, Max,” Lucas said with a chuckle. Cassie felt her cheeks


“I hurt my foot,” Cassie said with embarrassment. She was sure the situation looked a lot worse than

what it was. Max had just carried her from upstairs, and she was wearing one of his old shirts and

way oversized sweat pants that were barely hanging on to her hips.

“Oh, darling, there’s no need to hide our love,” Max said with a wink, which had her face flaming

even more.

“Max, quit teasing her,” Amy came to her rescue. Max set her on the couch and immediately pulled up

a footstool and propped her foot.

“What are you out doing?” Max asked.

“We were stopping by to see if you wanted to join us for dinner, but it looks as if you’re a bit busy at

the moment,” Lucas answered.

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“Cassie came out to the Habitat site and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. A piece of wood

fell from the roof and landed on her foot. Luckily, it’s not broke, but she can’t put any pressure on it

for at least a few days,” Max told them.

“I’m sorry, Cassie. As soon as you get better, we’ll have to get pedicures,” Amy said, sitting next to

her and giving her a quick hug.

“Thanks, Amy. I would love that,” Cassie told her.

“Dad wanted us to stop by and make sure you’re coming to Mom’s party next weekend,” Lucas said.

“Of course, I wouldn’t miss my aunt’s birthday. I know Joseph would hunt me down for sure,” Max

said with laughter.

“Are you going to come, Cassie. You’ll love it, I promise. Before you start shaking your head, realize

the house is always over-crowded for these parties. My father-in-law doesn’t consider it a success

unless half of Seattle is there to worship his wife,” Amy said with enthusiasm. How could Cassie say

no to that?

“I suppose I could stop by, but I’d feel out of place,” Cassie hedged. She could take the opportunity to

speak with more of the Andersons about Max, though, and justify being there by having it be a

working thing. As if Max could read her mind, he poked at her.

“The house will be full of people who know all kinds of things about me. You’ll be able to write an

entire book by the time the evening is over,” he told her with his signature wink.

“Ah, you know just how to convince me,” she said with a smile. She had enough information to write

an article about him unlike anything else that had ever been written, but she couldn’t pass up the

opportunity. She was now getting in far deeper than she should, but she felt a bit trapped at the


“Good, that’s settled, so why don’t we change our plans, order pizza, and play Uno,” Amy said.

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Cassie was thrilled with the thought. Her heart couldn’t take any more alone time with Max, plus she

enjoyed Amy’s company.

“Sounds great to me. I’m going to make some calls and see who else can come over,” Lucas said,

walking from the room.

Within an hour the pizza was delivered, and several of Max’s cousins and siblings arrived. They

turned the den into game central, setting up a large table and pulling out several board games. After a

few rounds of Uno, Max pulled out Pictionary, and then laughter reigned as everyone fought to win.

Cassie had to smile as she looked around at the close family. She was in a room of very alpha males,

who jabbed one another, and tried their hardest to win, even if it was only a board game. The women

all laughed at their antics. It was all done in good humor, though, with a lot of ribbing, without anyone

getting upset.

“Time for Charades,” Max called out, which had the group of people groaning. If they’d been

competitive before, it would be nothing compared to how they’d be playing charades.

“Girls against guys,” Emily called, making the men groan.

“Okay, but no cheating,” Mark said as he quickly bent down and kissed his wife.

“We wouldn’t even think about it,” Jennifer defended with a wicked smile.

Soon, the real competition was on, and Cassie found herself laughing so hard, her stomach was in

pain. The women were ahead by three points and the men were huddled together as if it were a game

of football. They broke apart and the deep concentration on their faces caused the women to go off in

another round of laughter.

Max stood at the front of the room and looked at his card. Amy started the clock. He held up his hand

with one finger.

“One word,” Lucas shouted, as if he’d just solved a complex puzzle. Max nodded yes, then looked

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around in a bit of panic. Cassie could see he was having a hard time trying to act his card out. Finally

he dropped onto his hands and knees, which caused her to start laughing again. He started moving

around the floor slowly, taking huge, exaggerated steps.

“Cow, horse, rhino,” Mark shouted. Max turned his head and glared at his cousin. He moved his head

back and forth, and the girls couldn’t help but laugh even harder at the ridiculous picture he made on

the floor. Then, he stuck his arm in front of his face and started moving it up and down. Cassie figured

it out and quickly whispered it to her team, but had to wait for the timer to run out.

“You suck, Max,” Trenton called out, earning his brother a glare. The buzzer went off, and Cassie

called out.

“Elephant.” The girls cheered when Max glared at his partners, before nodding his head at the


“Great job, Cassie. We won!” Jessica shouted as she jumped from the couch and did a little dance.

Alex quickly grabbed her up in his arms and gave her a long kiss, which quickly became heated.

“Don’t mind us,” Max said with a laugh. The two of them broke apart, but it was obvious they were

done with the games and ready to be alone together.

“Thanks for putting this all together, Max. I haven’t had so much fun in a while,” Jessica told him

before first giving him a hug, then Cassie. Everyone went around the room, saying their goodbyes and

promising to make the game night a monthly thing.

“I love my kids more than anything, but having adult time is just too much fun. It makes me feel young,

again,” Amy said as she and Lucas also got ready to head out.

It took about ten minutes for everyone to say goodbye, then Cassie found herself alone with Max once

again. She couldn’t believe how exhausted she was, considering she’d slept on and off for about

twenty-four hours. Her foot was starting to hurt, too. It looked like it was time for another pill and

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then bed.

“I shouldn’t have kept you down here so long. The time tends to get away from me when we’re all

together like that,” Max apologized. He slipped his arms under her, and carried her up the stairs. She

was amazed he didn’t even breathe heavily after reaching the top of the stairs. She knew she wasn’t

huge, but it was a long set of stairs.

“That was the most fun I’ve had in a long time, thank you,” she said with a bright smile. His eyes

locked on hers, and his head slowly bent forward. Her arms were wrapped around his neck and it

seemed the most natural thing in the world for him to take her lips in a soft kiss. She didn’t even think

about protesting.

He started soft and sweet, then his grip tightened on her, and his mouth became more aggressive, as he

started demanding a response from her. She pulled his head even closer, and slid her tongue along his

lips, loving the taste of his slightly minty breath. She felt her body respond to his touch, and forgot all

about her foot hurting. She had nothing on her mind but Max’s kiss, and his arms wrapped around her.

He pulled back, and both their breaths were labored as they looked into each other’s eyes.

“I think you’re going to be the death of me, woman,” he said with a grin. He bent down and gave her

one more chaste kiss before taking her in the bathroom and setting her on the tub. He really was

considerate of her needs.

She quickly got ready for bed, anticipating the night to come. She needed to make love to him again,

she didn’t care if her heart would shatter when it was over. She refused to think about tomorrow, she

would only think about right now, and right now she needed him to relieve the ache in her body.

Max came back and she tried to show him with her expression how much she wanted him – how she

wanted their wonderful night to end. By the flair of passion that ignited in his eyes, he got the

message. He picked her up and carried her to the bed, where he laid her down, before stripping his

clothes and joining her.

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No words were spoken as they embraced, both of them staying up long into the night, not seeming to

ever be able to get enough of the other.

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Chapter Ten

Cassie’s time was almost up. Her month had flown by, and now it was time for the birthday party.

She’d get the rest of her information for her article, then there was no other reason to be with Max.

She was surprised by the rush of pain the thought caused. Her foot was much better. She could easily

walk on it, though it still caused a bit of pain. She wasn’t going to run a marathon anytime soon.

Cassie looked around Max’s room with a mixture of feelings. It was her last night in his house. She’d

tried to leave days ago, but he’d insisted on her staying. He blamed her injury on himself, since he

was the one who had her come to the construction site. She couldn’t complain about how well he’d

taken care of her.

He’d been so unlike the corporate shark she’d first met. He insisted on drawing her baths, preparing

her food, and making love to her nightly. No words were said about any kind of permanent

relationship or a relationship, period. They were just sort of taking advantage of being thrown

together in the unusual situation. She’d never had a casual affair before. She’d actually only been with

one other man sexually, back in college, and it had been a train wreck.

She’d dated the guy for several months, and he’d pushed her until she’d finally caved in. The

experience had been so awkward and miserable they’d broken up soon after. She’d been relieved to

see him go.

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Until making love with Max she hadn’t understood the whole appeal to sex. She didn’t know it was

possible to feel so many sensations all at once. She’d grown to appreciate her body, and what he

could draw out of it. She would miss the sex, but even more than that, she’d miss lying in his arms

afterward, talking late into the night.

Cassie firmed her shoulders and walked from the room. She couldn’t dwell on things she had no

control over. She wasn’t a naïve little girl. She was aware of the score in having sex with a man who

was a known playboy. The biggest mistake she’d seen several women make was going into a

relationship thinking she could change the man. It never worked.

“You’re stunning,” Max said as she slowly descended the stairs. Amy had dropped her off a dress,

knowing she wasn’t up to shopping at the moment. Cassie loved the silky material of the light blue

dress. It matched her eyes to perfection and clung to her in the bodice, then flared in a flirty skirt to

rest right above her knees. She felt beautiful, which was rare for her.

“Thank you,” she replied, her cheeks heating as he continued to stare. He was making her a bit

nervous as his eyes raked over her from head to toe. She finally reached him and he immediately

pulled her into his arms, running his hands over the silky material at her back, slipping them inside the

low cut material.

“We’re not going to get to the party on time if you keep doing that,” she said with an almost sad smile.

She’d like nothing more than to go back up the stairs and fall into bed with him.

“Birthdays are highly overrated,” he murmured as he nibbled on her neck. His words made her laugh.

Oh, her heart ached as she thought about the endless nights without him.

“I think your family would hunt you down if you didn’t show,” she warned him. He kissed her once

before pulling back.

“You’re right,” he conceded. He took her hand and they walked out the door, where a stretch limo

was waiting, with a man holding the back door open. She looked at Max in question. “It’s a special

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night, I thought we’d do it in style,” he said.

Max helped her in the car, and poured her a glass of champagne as they started moving. She’d never

liked the taste of champagne but it was so romantic to sit in the intimately lit car, and sip a glass with

the man she loved.

Cassie’s eyes widened at the thought. She loved him. She couldn’t believe she’d be so stupid as to

fall in love with a man who went through at least a dozen different women a year. She looked out the

window, taking a moment to come to terms with her feelings. She couldn’t let him see the pain shining

in her eyes.

She decided she’d enjoy her final night with him, definitely not let him see how she was feeling, and

walk away with her head held high and her pride still intact.

They arrived at the impressive Anderson Mansion, and she stepped from the car, looking at the huge

walls of stone. It looked as if it should be sitting on a hillside in Scotland, surrounded by a moat,

filled with man-eating piranhas, instead of a secluded piece of ground in Seattle.

Max led her up the stairs and they went inside, her eyes roaming the giant entranceway and the

chandelier hanging from the three story ceiling. She wouldn’t be surprised if the impressive light

came from an old medieval castle.

As they made the trek toward the back of the house, where she could hear the sounds of the party

reaching them, her stomach became more nervous. Her only thought was that she didn’t belong. She

was way out of her element in the luxurious home, with the billionaire family.

As they stepped into the room, she looked around in awe. Her nerves settled a bit. She’d thought the

women had exaggerated when they said the more people, the happier Joseph was. The room was

filled with guests in all forms of dress. She almost felt a bit overdressed, until she saw Amy rush

through the crowd in a floor length red gown. She looked stunning. If Cassie ever had children, she

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hoped she maintained as beautiful a figure as Amy.

“You’re late,” Amy said as she gave them both a hug. “Come with me. I have many people for you to

talk to. The boys will take care of Max,” she said as she grabbed Cassie’s hand and dragged her

through the crowd.

Over the next couple hours, Cassie was shuffled from one group to the next. It was humbling for her to

see how nice everyone was, when she would’ve thought she couldn’t possibly fit in. She felt like a

reverse snob, and it didn’t feel so great. She’d make up for her earlier thoughts, by letting the world

know who the Andersons truly were.

She finally managed to sneak away and went to the bar and got a Sprite. She was hot, her foot was

starting to ache, and she wanted to find a quiet corner to sit down and write her many notes. Max’s

family and friends had been more than happy to share every conceivable story they could think of

about him. She’d learned everything from his first word, to what age he was when he had his first

kiss. One of his siblings had even passed her a picture of him from his freshman year of high school,

looking incredibly skinny with way too much hair. She couldn’t help but smile. He’d been telling her

the truth, after all.

Cassie glanced at the crowd, and as if they were physically connected, she immediately found Max.

He was so handsome in his slacks and button up shirt. He’d loosened his tie and undone the top

buttons, showing a glimpse of his magnificent chest. She could easily undress him the rest of the way

with only her eyes. He gave her a smile, shooting awareness through her body, and she quickly turned

away. She was trying to get her hormones under control, not stay under his spell.

Cassie found a couch and sat down, a silent sigh escaping her. She wanted to put her foot up, but

thought that would be rude. It was good enough to get her weight off it. She smiled as she listened to

the conversations all around her. Everyone was so happy, laughter ran rampant throughout the room.

She was glad she’d come.

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“What is such a lovely lady doing here all by herself?” a man asked. She looked up, not recognizing

him. He was attractive, normally the kind of man she would’ve been drawn to. He wasn’t over the top

sexy, but comfortable, the kind of guy who seemed unlikely to cheat.

“I’m getting off my feet for the first time tonight,” she replied. He took her response as an invitation to

sit down.

“I’m Mike. I work for Joseph in the corporate offices,” he said.

“Nice to meet you, Mike. I’m Cassie. I’m interviewing Max,” she responded.

“Oh, you’re the one doing the interview. I’ve heard about that. Are the rumors true? Did you really

manage to blackmail Max into the interview?” he asked with glee. His pure joy at the thought made

her laugh. He was certainly easy to talk to, as everyone at the party was.

“Yes, all rumors are true. But, I do recommend trying to get the interview without being hit by a car,”

she said.

They chatted for several more moments and she found he was pleasant company. She wasn’t attracted

to him in the least, but how could she find anyone appealing with Max in the room. She feared he’d

set the bar so high she’d never be attracted to another man. That wasn’t a pleasant thought. Just as

Cassie was starting to relax, she felt a hand brush against her neck. There was only one man in that

room who could cause shivers to rush down her spine from just a simple brush of his fingers.

“You’re glass looked empty, dear,” he said, then bent down and gave her a long kiss that had her toes

curling. As he lifted up, he glanced at Mike.

“Hi Mike, I’m sorry, I didn’t see you sitting there,” he said as he sat down and put his arm around her.

She was feeling a little light headed until she realized what he said and what he was doing. He was

staking his claim. She wouldn’t cause a scene but she didn’t like being treated like a piece of

property. Besides that, they weren’t a couple. They were…well, she didn’t know how to define them.

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“Thank you,” she mumbled. Mike made some excuse and slinked away. Max had done what he


“I’m not some possession of yours,” she said with irritation once she knew Mike was out of earshot.

Max ignored her words and scooted over, then lifted her leg onto his lap and started gently rubbing

her foot. She wanted to yank it away, but it felt so good. She was embarrassed, but not enough to

demand he stop.

“Mike is a womanizer. He didn’t need to be talking to you,” Max growled.

“You don’t have the right to tell me who I can and can’t speak to. You wanted me to come to this

party and now you’re selecting who I can talk with?” she asked with a glare.

“You can talk to anyone you want…except Mike,” he said as if his words were perfectly reasonable.

She gave up arguing, neither of them were willing to concede they were wrong.

“I’ve gotten some great information on you, tonight,” she said with a wicked gleam in her eye. She

knew the change of subject was good enough to distract him. It worked. “I heard about your

sophomore year, and the tractor…” she trailed off. His eyes narrowed.

“As interesting a subject as that is, I’ll pass on hearing about it again,” he said through gritted teeth. It

seemed he wasn’t too thrilled about some of the stories she’d heard. He’d told her she could talk to

his family. He was most likely regretting that decision.

“Don’t you want to add anything else for me,” she goaded. She never listened in school when her

teachers talked about not poking the bear. But, of course that’s what would make her an excellent

reporter. She had to be fearless or she’d never get a good story.

“Just remember our deal about what is and isn’t acceptable to print,” he warned. She had to fight the

laughter that wanted to spill from her. He was quite easily riled.

“I need to go thank your Aunt and Uncle for the invitation. Joseph really knows how to throw a nice

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party,” she said, giving him a break. She was finding it hard to make conversation with him as his

hand caressed her foot, then slid up her calf and back down. It was playing havoc with her nerves.

But, he could do it forever and she’d be okay.

“This is typical for my family. We’ve been growing larger each year, with all my cousins getting

married, having kids, and now my brother joined their ranks. I think my father has the idea that my

other siblings and I will follow in our cousins footsteps. Austin, Bree, and I have all talked. We know

what our Dad and Uncle Joseph are up to and there’s no way we’re falling into their trap,” Max said.

“Why would your father and uncle have anything to do with you getting married?” she asked.

“I don’t know. I just know that my relatives are falling into marriage left and right, and I don’t know

how, but I think my Uncle and Dad are behind it,” Max said, shooting a suspicious glance at the two

men, who were currently looking at them.

“I don’t know how it would be possible. I’ve met your relatives and they aren’t forced marriages. It’s

obvious to anyone who spends a few minutes in their presence how much they love their wives,” she


“There’s no doubt that they’re all madly in love, as a matter-of-fact, it’s quite disgusting to be in a

room too long with them, but I know those old men are somehow involved,” Max said with


“Well…okay,” she said, clearly not believing him.

“We will just agree to disagree,” he said and she had to role her eyes at the over-used line. She was

once again getting too comfortable around him.

“I’m going to leave soon,” she told him. She didn’t feel like walking around anymore, and the party

was in full swing. She knew she wouldn’t last the entire evening.

“Is your foot still bothering you,” he asked with concern.

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“It’s not horribly bad, but I just need to get some sleep. My head’s starting to hurt,” she said.

“Let me say goodbye to my Aunt, then we can leave,” he told her, setting her foot down and starting to

rise. She reached out and grabbed his arm.

“There’s no need for that, Max. I’m going home to my apartment, tonight. You stay and enjoy your

family. I’ll take a cab,” she insisted.

“I brought you here, and I’ll escort you home,” he said with a glare. He certainly wasn’t used to a

woman refusing him.

“Max, can you help me with something,” his brother, Austin, called.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes. Don’t go anywhere,” he commanded. She nodded, but didn’t say

anything. Of course, she wasn’t going to listen.

As soon as Cassie saw him leave her view, she stood up, testing weight on her foot. It did feel much

better after him rubbing it. She made her way across the room, and slipped out the door, pulling her

cell phone from her purse as she went. She had to get away, because if he insisted on taking her home

she knew she’d easily cave in and spend another night with him.

She stepped out into the cool evening air, glad for the slight sprinkle. The fresh smell of rain helped

to clear her head. The cab arrived within ten minutes, which was good. She’d been anxiously

watching the door, afraid of Max stepping through at any moment. Hopefully, he would just let it go,

and she could get on with her life. She had an article to finish and a job to get. At least she had that to

look forward to.

She climbed in the cab and looked back at the impressive mansion as a tear fell. She knew her

adventure had to eventually come to an end, but she wasn’t expecting it to rip her heart out.

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Max walked into the room, frustrated it had taken so long to get back to Cassie. She was talking as if

their time was over, but he was determined to change her mind. There was something going on with

them and he wasn’t ready to call it quits. He didn’t care if their allotted time for her interview was


He wasn’t willing to put an emotion to how he felt about her, but the time they’d spent together had

been better than anything he could remember. He’d never enjoyed being with a woman like he’d

enjoyed their every moment. He found himself anxious to see her. He loved how she looked lying in

his bed, her chest softly rising and falling as she slept, with the morning light streaming through the

window, caressing her features.

She was beautiful, there was no doubt about that, but there was so much more to her than just beauty.

She had a way of drawing people toward her. She was full of life and laughter, and she made him feel

unbelievable. He could make love to her night and day, but beyond that he could lie next to her for

hours just listening to the sound of her voice.

He looked around the room and blew out a breath when he didn’t see her on the couch. He wasn’t too

concerned, yet. She’d probably went to find his aunt. He searched around and found his aunt, and

Cassie was still nowhere in sight. He grabbed his phone, dialing her number. It went straight to

voicemail. She was gone.

His first instinct was to chase her down. He’d told her to wait for him. It was rude to leave without

saying anything. She’d snuck out the second his back was turned. He could feel his anger level rising.

His cousin called to him, and he decided to let her have her night. They would talk. He wasn’t ready

for their relationship to end, and he didn’t easily let go of something he wanted.

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Chapter Eleven

Cassie was miserable. She hadn’t seen Max for a few days, no phone calls, no emails, no speaking. It

was what she wanted, she told herself throughout the lonely days, but she knew she was lying to

herself. She had a feeling it would take her a very long time to get over him. She had to see him that

afternoon to give him the preview of her article, and a few other items she’d borrowed. She’d keep

her head high and not let him see how much pain she was in.

All her misery, at least, was getting poured into what she thought was a great story. She was sure to

get her dream job. Just a few more days and she could start pounding the pavement. If the paper

wouldn’t hire her, then she’d try to get a job with one of the local magazines. She knew she was a

good writer, and she didn’t mind starting at the bottom, working her way to the top. She could do it,

she was meant to report.

She’d half expected Max to show up at her apartment the night of the party, or the next day, if for no

other reason than he didn’t like to be walked away from. She couldn’t believe how badly she’d

wanted him to do just that. She realized she wanted him to show up with roses and confess his

undying love for her, tell her she was the only woman he could ever love. She sounded like so many

others, thinking she could change a man. The reality was that their time together had meant a lot more

to her than him.

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As Cassie stepped from the cab and looked at the familiar building, her heart started pounding

uncontrollably. She took deep breaths to calm herself, but for once it wasn’t working. How could she

face him, looking as if all was right in the world, when inside her heart was shattering? You can do

this, she commanded herself.

As she stepped in the elevator, her feelings intensified. She was going to have a panic attack before

she ever made it to his office if she didn’t get herself under control. She ignored the people around

her, not able to make any kind of small talk. As soon as she stepped from the claustrophobic box, she

headed to the bathroom.

She looked in the mirror, hating the amount of make-up on her face. She’d had to layer on cover-up to

hide the shadows under her eyes, a dead giveaway to her sleepless nights. She re-applied her lip

gloss and stared back at her reflection until she was sure she had an indifferent look plastered on her


When she was satisfied she looked fine, she stepped from the bathroom, and walked to the coffee pot.

She’d need something in her hands to prevent them from shaking. In reality, she knew she was just

postponing the moment she had to speak to him. It was early in the morning and the offices only had a

few people moving about. It was unusually quiet, which was fine with her. She didn’t need witnesses

to her humiliation.

She stepped through his open door and firmly shut it behind her. There he was, leaning back in his

chair with his foot propped on his desk. He looked up from his computer, his keyboard resting in his

lap. He was clean shaven, and as usual, his tie was cast aside. He looked good, way too good. She

wanted to move the keyboard and curl into his lap.

“Good morning, Cassie. I’m glad you’re here. I was going to call and have you come in today. I

would’ve called sooner, but got called away to Montana for a couple days. It was a disaster, and for

once I’m actually glad to be back at the offices. We got the problem solved, though,” he said, as if

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there was nothing wrong. There wasn’t anything wrong in his world. Sleeping with a woman, then

moving on to the next was a regular thing for him, she thought bitterly.

Cassie couldn’t get into a long conversation with him. She only had so much strength, before she

couldn’t keep the mask on any longer. She reached into her briefcase and pulled out the papers.

“I wanted to give this to you. It’s not the finished version, but I’ve outlined everything going into the

article. I don’t think I’ve broken any of the rules of our agreement,” she said, sliding the papers across

his desk. Her tone finally registered that this wasn’t a happy meeting.

His eyes narrowed as he looked at the papers, then to her face. Please, don’t make this more difficult

than it needs to be, she inwardly pleaded. She waited as he glanced back at his desk.

“I’m going to refill my coffee, can I get you anything?” she asked, needing an excuse to get away from

him. She didn’t want to wait in his office. She took the other things she’d used from the office and set

them on his desk. The act seemed to irritate him even more.

“You’re cup is full. You can stay here until I look through this,” he commanded. His relaxed state was

over. He set his feet down and picked up the document, quickly scanning through it.

“I don’t have any complaints,” he said, after what seemed like forever. His voice startled her, as

she’d been looking out the window. He didn’t look as if he thought it was fine.

“If you have an issue, I need to know now,” she spoke in the same monotone voice.

“I don’t have an issue with the damn paper. What I have an issue with is your attitude this morning.

Why are you acting this way?” he demanded.

“I’m done with the article, Max. There’s no other reason for us to be around each other, any longer. I

just want to finish this last bit of business and get on my way,” she said. She was proud that her voice

didn’t crack. She was holding the tears at bay, but just barely.

“So, you’ve gotten what you want from me, and now you’re done. Everything that’s happened over the

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last month means nothing to you? I have to say, you’re not who I thought you were,” he snarled. If she

didn’t know better, she’d actually think he was hurt. There was no way he cared about her. If he did,

wouldn’t he say something?

“We agreed to a month, Max. I’m not going to make more out of our brief fling than what it was. I also

don’t plan on being your mistress until you get bored with me, and toss me aside for your next

supermodel,” she said, more emotion creeping into her voice.

Cassie hadn’t expected any protest from him about the process being over. She’d figured he’d be

relieved to have her gone from his life. A nice, clean break. He wouldn’t have her stalking his every

move, asking questions night and day, hearing stories from his family. He should be overjoyed they

were finished, not angry with her.

“You did well, Cassie. You blackmailed me, got what you wanted, and now you can walk away with

a bunch of secrets for the world to see. You must be feeling quite proud,” he mocked. His words

inflamed her temper, which she was grateful for. He was acting like a victim. She couldn’t believe

the irony of it all.

He’d been the one to hit her - he’d been the one insisting on taking care of her. Then, he’d had the gall

to try and pay her off. She hadn’t taken anything from him, so he had no right to act like she was some

money hungry bimbo, only out to get whatever she could from him. She held onto the anger, embraced

it, and looked him in the eyes, knowing her own blue ones were cold and angry.

“It looks like you’ve gotten me all figured out, Max. I did get what I wanted from you,” she said with


“I guess I do, Cassie. Was sleeping with me just another way to get more for your story? Do you plan

on describing my preferred positions, or why not go further, and talk about my favorite places. Do

you need some more pictures from my childhood? I’m sure my family members will gladly hand them

over, since you’ve done such an excellent job of snowballing them into believing you’re someone

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else,” he spit. Cassie cringed from the force of his words.

She knew she deserved his anger. She was leading him to believe she was just as cold as him. But,

the only reason he was angry in the first place was because she was the one walking away. He

probably had another week of sex planned. Now, he’d have to go find someone else, not like it would

be hard for him. She cringed as she thought of him in the arms of another woman. She couldn’t let her

mind go down that path or she’d break down. Just a few more minutes and she could walk from his

office. She wouldn’t break down until she was far from his building. Then, she promised herself,

she’d allow the tears to flow.

“The article’s fine, you’re dismissed,” he said, his eyes never looking so cold.

“What?” she questioned. He’d switched his anger off so suddenly, she was momentarily unsure what

he said.

“You can leave. We’re done here. In the agreement, I included at fifty thousand dollar settlement. My

attorney will drop it by your place this afternoon. Sign the papers and we’ll be out of each other’s

lives for good,” he said with no emotion to his tone. This was what I wanted, she told herself. She

wanted to be out of his life. The shattering of her heart betrayed that thought, but she pushed it to the

back of her mind.

“I told you I didn’t want any money,” she whispered.

“Quit playing the martyr, Cassie. I hit you with my car. I’m getting off cheap with that amount. Take

the damn check so we can be finished with each other,” he said with irritation. Her very presence in

his office seemed to be getting on his nerves. He’d effectively written her off. She was glad, she

repeated to herself.

Cassie finally managed to get her feet moving. She walked toward him with her hand out for a

professional final handshake. She had some honor, so she’d leave with her pride.

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“Not going to happen. Leave,” he said, refusing her offering. She felt as if he’d slapped her across the

face. She didn’t want to walk out as the cold strangers they were treating each other like. She wanted

there to be a piece of civility between them.

“Max…” she tried.

“Did you not hear me? This conversation is over. You know where the exit is,” he snarled. He gave

her one more cold stare, then looked back to his computer as if she was nothing more than a pesky fly

on the wall. He wanted her gone.

Cassie walked from his office, almost as if she were in a trance. She kept the tears back as she got on

the elevator. She held her head high as she started walking down the street. There was a slight mist of

rain in the air, but she didn’t even notice it.

She kept her focus on walking, placing one foot in front of the other, to the rhythm of her breaking

heart. Soon, she found herself running down the sidewalk. She didn’t know at what point she’d

started, but she was trying to outrun the pain, the trauma of leaving him. She ran until her lungs

burned, until her sides ached. She ran, liking the feeling of physical pain in her body. She needed

more, to take away the aching in her heart. She ran for several miles, her feet aching, her body a mess.

She didn’t care, she didn’t care about anything at that moment.

Max stood and paced his office. He was a fool. He’d fallen in love with a woman who was no better

than the man he used to be. He’d been perfectly happy with his life before meeting Cassandra

McIntyre. He’d enjoyed having a different woman on his arm every night. He’d enjoyed meaningless

sex. He’d been satisfied by it. Then, she’d sprung into his life, and he could think of no other.

He wanted to chase her down, demand she love him. He was used to women using him for what they

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wanted and nothing more. He could’ve married countless times over, but what was the point? He

wouldn’t marry a woman unless there was love, and he’d never thought he’d find it. He never thought

he’d ever be with a woman who he wanted to share his life with. The sex was great, it was important,

but it wasn’t the only thing. He couldn’t imagine going back to the way he was before Cassie.

He’d had a perfect evening planned for the two of them. He’d made reservations at the most romantic

spot in the city. He was shocked to find he had missed her the last few days. When he realized she’d

left the party without a word, he was furious, but after he calmed down, he thought her foot had just

been hurting and she wanted to get home without being a burden. He could accept that. He was wrong.

She’d only ever been out for the article and what it would do for her future. She hadn’t been falling in

love with him as he thought.

Max didn’t know how long he stood there, staring out at the sky as it lit with the morning sun, trying to

break through the ever present cloud cover, but long enough to give himself a mental shake. He

wouldn’t dwell on her. She was just a woman and he wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of knowing

she could’ve had so much more from him than one interview. She could have had him for the rest of

his life.

He picked up his bag, not in the mood to sit in his office all day. It was time for another business trip.

He’d find a reason to be out of town for a while because he’d only want to go to her if he stayed in

the states. He had to get away. Her making him run was just another reason he was infuriated. A

woman should never hold that kind of power over him.

Cassie made it to her apartment hours later. She headed right to the freezer and grabbed a large box of

chocolate ice-cream. She didn’t even bother with a bowl, just took the container to her couch, with a

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spoon, and started taking bites as the tears freely flowed down her cheeks. She didn’t want to be

alone, but she wasn’t fit company.

Besides, her best friend was a continent away, her family all gone, and she’d started making new

friends, but they were all related to Max. She couldn’t cry on their shoulder. It wouldn’t be fair. She

didn’t think any of them would want to be her friend after all this, anyway.

There was the slightest voice in her head, poking at her. What if she’d been wrong? What if she’d

been honest with him, and told him she wanted to see if there was anything real from the last month to

hold onto. She pushed the voice away. He hadn’t tried to stop her. He’d told her to leave. The only

thing he was upset about was she’d called him on who he truly was.

Cassie brushed her cheeks, wiping away the last remaining tears. She’d cried enough for one day. She

had a job to do, and she wouldn’t accomplish it by feeling sorry for herself. She couldn’t even hate

the man, if she could, then maybe her heart wouldn’t hurt so badly.

She quickly changed into her pajamas, not even caring it was the middle of the day. There was no

way she was going back out so she may as well be comfortable. She pulled out her laptop and

transferred all her data. She stared blankly at the screen. Did she really want to torture herself by

working on an article about the man she needed to forget? She thought it was like a Band-Aid. She

needed to just rip it off and get all the pain over with at once.

She started typing, and hours later was happy with what was before her. She was finished with her

article. It was good, really good. Maybe sorrow is good for the author’s soul, because she’d turned

her pain into something she felt certain would be accepted just about anywhere she took it.

She realized the sun was starting to set, and planned on taking a nice long bath, and then passing out

for about twelve hours. She just wanted the day to end. She’d start her life over the next morning. That

was soon enough. Just as she was getting ready to head to her bathroom, there was a knock on her


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Cassie’s heart swelled, hoping it was Max, there to tell her what a fool he was for letting her get

away. As soon as she had the thought, she brushed it aside. She couldn’t be foolish like that. She

couldn’t hope he’d come, or every time the phone or doorbell rang she be a nervous wreck. She

opened it and her jaw dropped. The only other person in the universe she wanted to see at that

moment was standing before her. Kinsey.

She didn’t say a word as her friend’s face blurred before her. The tears slipped from her eyes and

Kinsey stepped through the opening and grabbed her in a hug. It was just what she needed.

“I know you missed me but I wasn’t expecting tears of joy,” Kinsey joked.

“I’m so glad you’re here. I thought you had another two weeks before you made it,” Cassie said,

regaining control of herself.

“I couldn’t stay away any longer. I missed my best friend,” Kinsey said in explanation, shutting the

door and leading Cassie to her own couch. It was almost comical how Kinsey took over, knowing

exactly what her friend needed, even after being away for so long. “Tell me what has you so upset.”

“It’s a really long story, and not that interesting,” Cassie bluffed.

“There’s no way you’re getting away with that and you know it. We can either do this the hard way or

the easy way, but you will tell me,” Kinsey said in her no-nonsense tone. Cassie laughed, feeling

better just having her friend with her. There was no one who understood her like Kinsey.

“It’s been a really difficult month. Are you sure you want to hear the whole pathetic story?” Cassie

asked, already knowing the answer. Kinsey didn’t even bother with a reply, just raised her eyebrows

and waited for Cassie to get started. “You better get comfortable because this will take a while.”

Cassie started from the beginning, telling her about the wreck, blackmailing Max, and the month they

had together. She didn’t hold anything back. She cried as she talked of their lovemaking and the nights

in his arms. She finished with the ugly scene in his office. Kinsey looked at her with her mouth

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hanging open. She stuttered for a moment before she was able to get any words out.

“I…I…For once I don’t know what to say,” she finally gasped. Cassie again laughed. It was so great

to have her there.

“I told you it was a long story. I think the wreck caused a major concussion because there’s no other

reason I would’ve put myself in that kind of position. I love him,” she finished on a sad sigh.

“I guess I can’t leave for other countries, anymore. I’m sorry you went through all this alone. I’m

going to take you to my parents with me,” she immediately said. Cassie thought that sounded perfect.

She loved Kinsey’s family. They were disgustingly like the Leave It To Beaver family or any number

of other fifties shows. There was so much love in that household; Cassie didn’t even try to protest.

She should’ve thought of going there sooner. She knew they’d take her in with open arms. That’s the

kind of people they were.

“I need to talk to the paper tomorrow, and then I’m willing to leave whenever you are,” Cassie said.

“We’ll go there together and leave straight from there. Why don’t you pack a couple bags tonight,”

Kinsey told her. Cassie gave her a quick hug, then let Kinsey jump in the shower and clean up from

her long trip. She was grateful Kinsey had come straight to her. She needed to get out of town. She

knew if she got the paper job, it wouldn’t be right away. She’d enjoy a vacation with her friend,

thanks to the money she hadn’t wanted. It at least gave her time so she didn’t have to panic about

taking the first job she could.

The next morning, Cassie dressed in one of her new outfits that Amy had helped her choose. She took

extra time with her hair and make-up and as she looked in the mirror she felt confident. She’d

managed to cover up the dark circles, and she looked like a woman with a purpose. She deserved her

dream job and she was going to give it her all.

Just because things hadn’t worked out with Max on a personal level was no excuse to throw her life

away. She’d started with a goal and she was closer than ever to achieving it. There was no way she’d

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throw it away.

She came into the living room to find Kinsey dressed in designer jeans and a bright pink sweater.

Only she could get away with such bold colors. Kinsey was stunning with her long, dark hair, and

brown eyes, so dark, they almost looked black. She’d always been stunning, but never used her looks

to her advantage. She was comfortable with herself, and portrayed confidence to the world. It was

just one more thing Cassie loved about her.

“Are you ready to take the world by storm?” Kinsey asked.

“I am,” Cassie said, gaining strength from her friend’s confidence in her.

“Let’s get going then. I want to reach mom’s house by dinner. She promised me her famous meatloaf,”

Kinsey said, taking Cassie’s arm and practically dragging her from the apartment. They grabbed

Cassie’s luggage, and loaded it in Kinsey’s car.

Cassie gripped the handle as Kinsey weaved through traffic like she was on the Indie 500 track.

Cassie just hoped they made it to the newspaper office in one piece.

“Quit being so paranoid, I’m not going to kill you,” Kinsey told her with a laugh.

“That remains to be seen,” Cassie muttered. She wanted to get out and kiss the ground when they

arrived safely. She took a few deep breaths and walked to the receptionist desk. The editor was out,

so she left her article, name, and contact information, then quickly walked back to Kinsey’s car. They

had a long drive, but she could go knowing she’d done all she could.

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Chapter Twelve

Cassie dropped her bags on the couch and slumped into her favorite easy chair. She was tired after

her long trip, but she felt a little better. How could she not after the boisterous visit with Kinsey and

her family. They were loud, loving, and had managed to make her forget her troubles for a week.

Kinsey had wanted to come back and stay with her, to make sure she’d be okay, but she needed time

with her family. They’d missed her just as much as Cassie had, and Kinsey would be back in the city

soon enough.

The one good thing in the last week was the paper had called, and she had an interview Monday

morning. They loved her article, told her she had great writing skills, and they wanted to run the story.

She wasn’t giving it to them without a job, though.

She was trying to muster up the energy to move, when her doorbell rang. She glanced at the clock. It

was getting close to midnight. She couldn’t imagine who’d be showing up. She reluctantly pulled

herself from the easy chair and walked to the door.

She opened the door and was about to say hello, when she was left speechless. Max was filling out

her entranceway, and the expression on his face wasn’t kind. As a matter of fact he looked downright

furious. She couldn’t figure out what had happened to make him so angry. She hadn’t contacted him

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once. She’d walked away without bothering him or his family, so he had no reason to be angry with


Cassie felt her knees shake, and her stomach tighten at just the sight of him. Even though it had only

been a week since she’d seen him last, it may as well have been a year. She found herself wanting to

throw her arms around him, kiss those pursed lips, and beg him to love her. The power of her reaction

to him had her staggering back a few steps. Seems a week apart hadn’t yet cured her of wanting his


Max took advantage of her momentary shock and stepped through the door, slamming it shut behind

him. Her hall had never seemed so small. She took a few more steps backward, trying to gain some

much needed space between the two of them.

“Wh…what…why are you here?” she stuttered, furious with herself for allowing him to shake her

confidence so much without even uttering a single word. She’d lectured herself for a week that he

was all wrong for her. One sight of him and she was back to square one. She should be furious, not

trembling with need.

“I was in the neighborhood,” he said, making her eyes go wide. There was no way he was simply

passing through her neighborhood, and even if he was, there would be no need for him to drop by her


“Y…you should have called first,” she said, trying to find the strength to put her mask in place. She

didn’t want him to know how much he’d hurt her.

“Why? So, you’d have the chance to turn out all the lights and pretend not to be home? Where have

you been, anyway?” he practically growled as he took a step toward her. She knew she should stand

her ground, but she would fall apart if he made physical contact. His question finally registered and

she found a bit of her anger.

“It’s none of your business where I’ve been. Plus, if you think I’d try and ignore you, then isn’t that a

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red flag that maybe you shouldn’t just drop by, unannounced,” she said, proud when her voice came

out much stronger. If she stuttered one more time, she’d slap herself. She even managed to shoot him a

decent glare.

“You seem to have all the answers, don’t you, Cassie? You get to decide when we’re together, and

when we’re finished. You get to decide when it’s acceptable to see me, or not. You can just come in

and analyze me all you want, but I’m not allowed one simple visit, or the courtesy of a response to a

simple question?” he thundered at her.

“That’s not fair, Max. We had an agreement. I stuck to my end of it,” she said, retreating another step.

The fury in his features was both frightening and exhilarating. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her, but their

fights had led to some pretty intense moments before, and she couldn’t have that anymore. She

couldn’t sleep with him again, and have the strength to say goodbye. She’d be shattered.

Max watched the mixture of fear, pain, and desire in her eyes, and had a hard time controlling

himself. He didn’t know what he wanted more, to shake her, kiss her, or give her a good spanking. He

hadn’t gotten her out of his mind since she’d left his office. He’d tried to leave the country and

couldn’t force himself on the jet. The woman was consuming him. When he’d come to talk to her a

few days earlier and she’d been gone, his first instinct had been to panic. Had she left? Where would

she go? He’d drove by every night since, and had been close to hiring a private investigator if she

hadn’t returned soon.

Never had he felt so much relief as when he’d seen her lights on that evening. But, seeing her standing

before him, looking both tired and breathtaking was messing with his control. He wanted her in his

arms. He wanted her to admit to him that she cared about him, not just her damn story. He wouldn’t

beg her, though. He wanted to command the words from her.

His brother told him to quit being a fool, and just tell her how he felt. Trenton said he’d learned a lot

from his own stupidity and to not be such a stubborn idiot, but Max was in the right. He hadn’t been

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the one to use her like she’d used him for a story. He knew he had to get answers before he left her

apartment, though. As it was, his employees were avoiding him like he had the black plague. He knew

he deserved their wariness, considering he was barking at everyone for no reason at all.

They continued looking at each other, his eyes filled with frustration and anger, hers filled with

desire, fear, and uncertainty. The desire had his body hardening, and his hands clenching. He was

close to saying the hell with it, and pulling her tight against him. He knew it was what they both


Max changed tactics and started stalking toward her. Her eyes widened and she took several more

steps in retreat. His face changed from anger to a cocky smile, and he took his time, circling his prey.

“Maybe, I don’t want to stick to my end of the agreement. Maybe I wasn’t finished with what we had

together. You got your story, but I feel like I came out on the losing end. I want more,” he purred. He

was only a couple feet from her.

Cassie’s insides turned to lava as she looked into his smoldering eyes. She circled the couch. The

room was small and there weren’t a lot of places for her to go. She knew that look in his eyes, it was

hunger, pure and simple. She glanced down his body and saw the unreleased power rippling through

him. He wanted to take her to bed. She wanted it too, but when morning came, she’d hate herself. She

had to stay strong. She couldn’t stay with him just for sex, falling more and more in love with him

each day.

“We both got what we needed. There were no losers,” she reasoned with him. She had to stay calm.

Her only thought was don’t poke the bear. She almost started laughing hysterically. She was a

complete wreck.

“Trust me, Cassie, I’d know if I got what I wanted. I didn’t. I don’t think you got everything you

wanted, either. As a matter of fact, I think you still have a lot you want,” he said. He was right, so

very right. She wanted so much more from him. She wanted his hands all over her, his lips caressing

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her overheated skin. She wanted his love. She wanted all of him. The thoughts made her want to break

down and cry. She assured herself she’d do that as soon as he left.

She backed up until she felt her legs hit her chair and she fell into it in a very unladylike pose. She

straightened herself quickly, glad she wasn’t wearing a dress. Max stepped closer, his impressive

body looming over her. He leaned forward, placing his hands on the arms of her chair, effectively

caging her in. She was afraid to even breathe.

“I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, Max, but you need to stop. This is childish. Just say

what you need to say, then leave,” she said, wishing there was more force behind her words. The

slight squeak to her voice didn’t serve her cause like she wanted.

Max smiled at her. He was enjoying himself for the first time in a week. He loved her spunk, her fire.

He loved that she was unafraid to challenge him. He loved her and he decided he wasn’t leaving until

she admitted she loved him. There was no way she could’ve faked the look in her eyes when they

were making love. She may have a wall up, but no different than the one he’d had up until she

cleverly ripped it down.

She had her chin up, her eyes shooting sparks, and her body tense. She was gorgeous and he wouldn’t

let her go. He needed her in his life. She’d always keep him humble. The thought made him smile,

which caused her to glare. Oh, he felt alive. He could feel the arousal rushing through his body. It

took every ounce of control he’d ever owned in his life to not close those few inches and capture her

lips. He knew her anger would be turned to passion in seconds, and they could both be satisfied.

Soon, he promised himself.

He wanted her, yes, but it was so much more than that. He didn’t want to wake another single moment

without her by his side. He wanted their nights to be filled with passion and their days to be filled

with romance, challenges, and love. He wanted a happily ever after. That thought caused him to laugh.

It was a good thing his siblings couldn’t read his thoughts or he’d never live it down. Cassie looked

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like she was about to slap him.

“I’ve changed my mind, Cassie. You see, I was going to let you walk out of my life, and let us both be

on our merry way,” he started, never breaking eye contact. “But, I realized that’s not what I really

want. You don’t want that either. We belong together, and would be fools to let go of what we have. I

think you care about me and I think your hiding your feelings behind your notebook,” he said. He

knew he was putting it all out there, but he could read people, and what he read in her was more than

greed for a story. She cared, he’d bet his life on it.

“I…I…don’t know what you want me to say,” she whispered. She knew he wanted more sex, but she

needed more. She was losing her battle with the tears. Her eyes began to fill up. It was all his fault,

he wasn’t giving her any room to breathe. She needed space so she could guard herself, so she could

protect her heart.

“I want you to tell me the truth,” he demanded. He wanted to pull her in his arms, but if he touched

her, they’d end up in bed. Satisfied, yes, physically, but he needed more.

“Fine, I care, okay. I liked being with you,” she told him as her tears fell. Damn him for making her


“You care? How do you care, Cassie? Do you care like I’m your brother? A distant cousin? Your

lover?” he fired at her. He wasn’t going to stop until she bared her soul. She let the tears fall, let him

see the pain. If that’s what it took to make him leave, then fine, she’d give it to him, because she

couldn’t sit there with his face so close to her for much longer. She gripped the chair to keep her

hands from encircling his neck. She looked him deep in the eyes and got ready to die inside when she

watched the satisfaction form on his face, followed by him walking from her life forever.

“I love you, Max. Is that what you need to hear? Do you need to know you’re the most amazing lover

in the universe? Well, it’s true. I love you so much that when you walk out that door, I don’t know

how I’ll breathe again. I don’t know how or when it happened, but I started picturing every moment

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with you. I have dreamed about carrying your child. I love you so much that I don’t know how to face

tomorrow, much less the many years of loneliness loving you entails,” she said on a sob.

Max felt as if he was the one who couldn’t breathe. He let her words wash over him and he was filled

with a joy unlike anything he’d ever felt before. She loved him. She needed him. Everything was

going to be fine. He smiled at her, not the arrogant smile he let the world see, but a smile filled with

joy, longing, and so much more.

He lifted his hand, and tenderly wiped away her tears, only to have more continue to cascade down

her cheeks. He lifted her up, and moved backward to the couch, where he cradled her in his arms. Her

entire body shook with the force of her pain, pain he’d caused her. He ran his hands up her back, then

cradled her head.

“I love you, too, Cassie. I don’t know when it happened, either, but I can’t stop thinking about you.

The thought of waking up, even one more morning, without you is unbearable. I’m stubborn, irritating,

bossy, and an ass a lot of the time, but I’m hoping you’ll overlook all that and say you will never

leave me again,” he finally whispered, his mouth brushing along her slim neck. He couldn’t keep his

hands or mouth away from her any longer.

As his words registered, she slowly moved her head from his shoulder and looked into his eyes. Hers

were rounded in shock and the tears stopped flowing. He could see she was trying to figure out if he

was telling the truth.

“I want you to be my wife. I want to give you those children you’ve been dreaming about. I want a

miniature Cassie running around the house, tugging on my heartstrings. I want every single night to end

with you wrapped up tightly against my body. Put me out of my misery and tell me yes. I know it’s not

romantic and I should at least be down on one knee, but I don’t want to let you go. Please, marry me,

and make me the happiest man alive,” he pled with her.

Cassie stared into his eyes, so full of love for this man she’d battled with. There was no doubt she’d

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be his. Her heart filled once again as she got everything she could have ever hoped for. What fools

they both had been. She hated to even think of the many tears she’d shed, when all it would have taken

was a few spoken words, and she could’ve been in his arms so much sooner.

“Yes, a million times over, yes,” she whispered.

Finally, he brought his mouth to hers and kissed her so gently the tears almost started up once again.

Tenderness soon turned to passion as his breath heated her lips. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of

her hips, and he kissed her deeply, their tongues tangling. He groaned deep in his throat, which sent a

bolt of awareness through her body. She shifted her hips, rubbing against the growing arousal she felt

underneath her.

His tongue moved in and out of her mouth, slow and erotic, then quick and exciting. She pressed

herself even closer to him, loving the feel of his thick muscles beneath her hands. Her pulse was

racing as he moved his hands along her back, rubbing them against the sensitive skin of her lower


He rubbed his hand over her thigh, spreading her legs wider, his fingers rubbing along the waistband

of her pants. Soon, her clasp was undone, and she was wiggling to get out of the bothersome material.

She didn’t want anything separating them, there were far too many clothes in the way.

He slid the pants over her hips, tossing them out of the way, and the feel of his soft slacks on her

naked thighs was a new sensation, one she liked very much. He continued caressing her legs, his hand

sliding higher until he brushed against the satin of her already wet panties. She was aching for him,

more so than she could ever remember before.

“Please, Max,” she begged him, needing him to touch her. It had only been a little more than a week,

but she missed his touch. She craved what only he could bring her.

“Open your eyes,” he whispered as he swiped his tongue across her bottom lip. She barely managed

to slit them open. He looked deep into her eyes as his finger easily slid into her aching body. She

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clenched around him, the feel of his hand caressing her most intimate place almost sending her

cascading over a cliff.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said huskily as he moved his hand in and out of her body, his thumb swiping

against her swollen nub. “Yes, let go,” he continued seducing her with his hands and words. He

tugged on her neck, bringing her mouth back to his as he continued to caress her moist heat. She felt

bold and beautiful, and wanted more. He slipped his finger inside her again and she exploded in a

flash of color as he slowed his movements, drawing out her pleasure. She collapsed against him,

feeling sated for the moment.

He lifted her in his arms, his body shaking from his own aroused state. He quickly walked the short

distance to her room and laid her on top of the blankets. She felt her body quickly become aroused

again as she watched him shed his clothes in record time. His glorious body rippled in front of her in

the pale moonlight, shining in through the small window. She felt herself quivering, wanting him to

join their bodies together. She loved him, and making love with him, knowing he felt the same was

taking her to a place beyond ecstasy.

He bent over her, stripping her remaining clothes off, then bent his head to kiss her again, as he

rubbed his body over hers. She felt the press of his arousal against her core, and spread her legs

wider, wanting him to sink inside her.

He moved his mouth down her throat, scooting further down the bed. She shook her head no. She

wanted him pressed into her, now. He ran his hands over her aching breasts, rubbing her beaded

nipples between his fingers, causing new sensations to rush through her body. Then, he bent his head

and fastened his mouth around one aching bud, sucking it within his mouth, rubbing his tongue along

the rosy peak.

Her back arched off the bed. His hand came up and rubbed her other breast, squeezing the nipple,

causing her to cry out in pleasure. She couldn’t take anymore. There was too much sensation.

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“Please, Max. I need you so much,” she begged him. He moved quickly up her body, needing his own

fulfillment. He tested her heat, satisfied she was ready for his solid manhood. As he slipped his

tongue back into her mouth, he thrust deep inside her body. They groaned in unison at the exquisite

pleasure of being joined together.

He grabbed her hip, raising her higher so he could move deep within her folds, thrusting fast and

hard, giving them what they needed. Her body ached as the pressure built in every sensitive place

within her. The faster he moved, the more she wanted. She was greedy for everything he could ever

give her, and more.

She raked her hands down his back, pulling him tighter, not wanting even a scant centimeter between

them. Their bodies slid against each other as a fine sheen of sweat built up on them. She pushed her

hips toward him, meeting his every thrust, reaching toward release.

He pushed deep inside and she shattered. Flashes of light appeared beneath her eyelids, as she

exploded in a wave of pleasure. She couldn’t believe how she shook with release not long after he’d

already sated her body. He shook above her as her body gripped him tightly, pulling him even deeper

inside her.

He cried out as he pumped inside her, spilling his seed deep within her womb. After a few more, far

gentler thrusts, he collapsed on top of her, his head cradled between her breasts, his breath warming

her already hot skin.

They remained lying there for several moments, both of them trying to get their breathing under

control. Finally, she couldn’t breathe with his weight on top of her. She didn’t want to move, but she

certainly didn’t want to suffocate after so much pleasure. She laughed with joy and humor as she

pushed on his shoulder.

“I’d love to lie like this all night, but you’re a bit heavy,” she said.

“Oh, really,” he teased back, but turned so he was on his back and she was draped over his body. “I

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think I passed out there for a minute,” he told her as he gently brushed her hair from her face. “I love

you, Cassie McIntyre. More than I ever thought possible.”

“I love you, Max Anderson, and I will show you every day of our lives how much,” she said. He

pulled her head forward and kissed her again. Their bodies were spent, but they enjoyed many hours

that night, touching, caressing, and talking about their future.

Cassie fell asleep with a smile still on her face, no longer afraid to dream of her future. Nothing could

replace the happiness she felt. She had more than she ever thought possible to want. She would never

be lonely again, not with her fiancé, and the added bonus of a huge and loving family.

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“I know I shouldn’t complain, but I have to say I’m a bit disappointed I couldn’t take credit for Max

and Cassie,” George said as he looked at the two people in question. They were taking advantage of

the mistletoe still hanging from Christmas.

“Well, at least he’s married, and I can’t believe she’s pregnant, already. Must have been some

honeymoon,” Joseph said, patting his brother on the back.

“I can’t wait to hold my new grandbaby,” George said. He loved his newest daughter-in-law. She

was a breath of fresh air. His heart had nearly broken when he found out the poor girl had lost her

parents in a horrible car accident. At least she had all of them now. She’d never be without family


“Well, we still have two of your children to work on,” Joseph said, and George cheered up. His

family was right where they were supposed to be all along. The children were gathering often, and the

holidays were full of laughter and good-will. He was a happy man.

“Have you noticed the sparks between Cassie’s friend Kinsey, and Austin? They’ve been eyeballing

each other all night. I thought I noticed some sparks at the wedding last month, but tonight there seems

to be something going on. She’s been shooting him looks, and he’s tried to get her cornered several

times,” George said.

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“Well, well, looks like the kids may have something started,” Joseph answered with a chuckle. They

were going to have to do some investigating. “Why don’t we go ahead and poke the bear a little,” he


George laughed and full-heartedly agreed. Nothing made him happier than watching his children fall

in love, get married, and start families of their own. He was a blessed man, indeed.

“Give me a moment, Brother,” George said as he stepped outside on the balcony, thankful to have

some time alone.

“I miss you my sweet Amelia, but I know you’re looking down on our children and smiling. They’re

good kids. I met someone, and you know you’ll always be the love of my life, but she makes me smile

again. Sometimes, it’s just so lonely without you. I know I’d want you to be happy if I’d been the first

to go, but I just needed a moment to say goodbye. I’ll keep protecting our kids, and I know you will

do the same. I’ll love you forever,” George whispered into the night.

He stepped back into the room and spotted Esther across the room. He smiled. Who knew five years

ago life could ever be good once again. He smiled as he rejoined his family and friends so they could

ring in the New Year together.

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See how it all began

The beginning of “The Billionaire Wins the Game”


“It’s just not right Katherine!” Joseph slammed his fist down on the table, making the dinnerware


“Those kids simply don’t listen to us, not one of them. Can’t they see we aren’t getting any younger? I

should’ve had grandbabies bouncing on my knees years ago.” Katherine smiled to herself as she

listened to her husband complain about his disobedient children.

She knew what he said was nothing but empty words. He adored their kids as much as she did. She

had to agree with him though that women holding babies would be an excellent addition to the house.

She’d always dreamed of rocking grandkids and chasing down toddlers.

“Now Joseph, you know if you go meddling again the boys are going to disown you,” Katherine

warned her husband.

“If they don’t do something about this grandbaby situation I’m going to disown them,” he growled,

though with zero conviction in his voice.

“Since you retired last year you’ve had way too much time on your hands Joseph Anderson. The boys

have all been tossed a lot of responsibility already. Are you sure you want to add more to their

plates?” she finished, knowing the answer already.

“The boys are ready for love and marriage. They just need a helping push.”

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The decision had been made. He would have at least one grandchild in his empty house before


Katherine suppressed her sigh, knowing there was nothing she could say that would change her

willful husband’s mind. Where did he think their sons’ acquired that particular trait? Even with their

flaws she couldn’t possibly love any of them, including her husband, more than she already did.

“Lucas will be first,” Joseph said in his booming voice startling Katherine out of her reverie. “I’ve

already found him the perfect bride.”

Joseph leaned back in his chair with a very pleased expression on his face. Finally he had a project to

keep himself occupied, with the prize of grandkids as a reward. Lucas was in for some wild

adventures come Monday morning.

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Chapter One

You can do this. Walk in there with complete confidence. Who cares if this family is worth more

than Bill Gates and Donald Trump combined. You were hired for this position and you need this

job.” Amy Harper continued to lecture herself on the elevator ride up to the twenty-fifth floor.

She brushed the few strands of escaped golden hair from her face, more out of nervousness than

necessity. She considered herself to be of average looks and actually tried to downplay the assets

she’d been given. She wanted to be respected, not lusted after like her mother. She had long hair that

she couldn’t find the will to cut off, although when out she always placed it in an unflattering bun.

She always hid her curves from the world. She’d been well endowed, in what an ex-boyfriend had

called all the right places. Her green eyes gave away every emotion that she was feeling and no

matter how hard she tried she couldn’t manage to eliminate, what she considered, a fatal flaw.

She still couldn’t believe she’d been hired as executive secretary for Lucas Anderson. Anyone who’d

lived within a thousand mile radius of Seattle Washington knew who the Andersons were. Their

company had many different divisions, which required a very large staff. They dealt in everything

from construction and farming, to high end corporate takeovers. Although their headquarters were in

the US, they did business all around the world and she was excited to be a part of it all.

As she made the long ride up in the elevator her mind flashed back to the previous week when she’d

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interviewed for the job.

Her interview with the head of the family had terrified her, but she’d found he was a really decent

guy. He was kind and if she’d met him at a café instead of his million dollar mansion she wouldn’t

have even known he was worth more than royalty.

She’d gone to his place expecting a very formal interview with a rigid man. She’d been pleasantly

surprised by the reality. He’d welcomed her into his home and seemed to care more about her as a

person than what was on her resume. That was a good thing considering she’d recently graduated

college and the only other jobs she’d held had been anything but corporate.

She’d originally met Joseph at a college fair towards the end of her senior year and he’d given her his

card and told her to call after graduation. She’d done so and he got her in for an interview faster than

she’d ever imagined possible. She assumed it was because she’d graduated in the top five percent of

her class.

Amy snapped back to the present as the elevator chimed her arrival. “Do not blow this job Amy. If it

all works out you could have that child you want so badly by Christmas time next year.” With her

final words of encouragement to herself she took a deep breath and waited for the doors to open.

When she stepped onto the twenty-fifth floor she was momentarily paralyzed with fear. It was the

most beautiful office she’d ever seen. The doors opened up to a massive lobby area with a round

cherry wood desk. Behind the desk was a stunning blonde who looked more efficient than Amy ever

hoped to be. She felt increasingly frumpy and inadequate as she stepped forward.

Behind the desk was a hallway to the right, where she assumed the offices were.

“Can I help you?” the woman asked Amy.

Amy snapped out of her temporary paralysis and walked forward. “Yes, I’m Amy Harper. I’m the

new executive secretary for Mr. Anderson. I start today,” she finished with as much confidence as she

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could rally.

The woman looked at her blankly for a moment before finally reaching for her phone. “Mr. Anderson,

I have Amy Harper here who says she’s your new executive secretary.” She paused for a few

moments, “okay…yes sir.”

She hung up the phone and turned back towards Amy, “Mr. Anderson says he already has an executive

secretary and has hired no one new. He also said if you’re a reporter, trying for another story on his

family, all his answers are no comment.” The woman looked dismissively at Amy and then said “have

a nice day Ms. Harper.”

She didn’t give Amy another glance. She just turned towards her computer and acted like Amy wasn’t

in the room. As far as she was concerned Amy was dismissed.

“Um, excuse me,” Amy looked at the secretary’s name plate. “Shelly, I was interviewed last week by

Mr. Anderson. He told me to be in the office at eight am sharp, so you may want to just check again,”

she said a little bit more powerfully. Shelly glanced up, as if shocked the disturbing woman was still


Just then the elevator chimed and in walked an older woman with smiling blue eyes. “You must be

Amy. I’m sorry that I’m late. I got stuck behind an auto accident,” the woman said as she approached.

“My name’s Esther and I will be working with you this week, getting you all trained to be on your

own. Joseph called me and let me know he found my perfect replacement,” she said with humor in her


Amy took a deep breath and felt some relief that the job really wasn’t just in her imagination. “It’s so

good to meet you Esther. I was a little nervous when Shelly said there was no job,” she finished, not

even glancing at the secretary.

Esther looked over at the woman in question with disapproval. “She answers the phones here

temporarily and didn’t know that I’m retiring. I’m sorry about any lack of communication,” she said. It

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was obvious there wasn’t any love lost between the two of them.

“Walk with me and I’ll show you your new office. You should love it but if you want to make any

changes please feel free to do so. You’ll be spending many hours in there, as I’m sure Joseph already

told you, so it needs to be comfortable for you.”

They walked down the hallway and through a large oak doorway into a massive office. Was

everything in the building done on a much grander scale than your average building? There were floor

to ceiling windows against the back wall, letting the early morning light shine through. She was

grateful for the natural light.

In the middle of the room was a huge three sided desk. On top of it sat a top of the line computer and

an overflowing in and out box.

“Come in, come in. Have a seat. I’ll show you what you need to get started and before you know it

you’ll be excellent on your own,” Esther said kindly.

The two women worked together the rest of the morning. Amy felt slightly overwhelmed, but she

really enjoyed the company of Esther and was starting to pick up on some of the tasks they were

doing. After lunch she felt comfortable enough to admit to Esther she really wasn’t qualified for the

position, but she was a very fast learner and would study day and night to learn the systems.

Esther reassured her that Joseph had obviously seen something in her and he only hired the best.

“Esther, I need those Niles reports please and can you cancel my appointments for the rest of the day.

My father needs me to come over to his place.” Amy glanced up as the most stunning man she’d ever

seen walked through the door. He was looking down at a paper in his hand, which gave her time to

secretly observe him from head to toe.

The first thing she noticed was his stature. He had to be at least six foot four with wide, strong

looking shoulders. Lithe muscles could be perfectly seen, even through the obviously tailored

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business suit, which was dark and worked to clearly accentuate his golden tan. The outfit was

complete with a loosened tie, making him look like he could’ve just stepped out of a photo shoot for

GQ magazine.

His hair was dark brown and looked as if he’d been running his hand through it all morning. In the

next moment he finally looked up and his deep azure blue eyes met her startled green ones.

“I’m sorry Esther, I didn’t know you had someone in here with you.”

“Hello, I’m Lucas Anderson,” he finished and held his hand out to her.

Lucas was known for his ability to read a person. It was how he was so successful in the corporate

world. The woman seemed to be going through a myriad of emotions, from nervousness to desire and

everything in between as she stared back at him. She was sparking his curiosity.

When she sat there in silence he raised his eyebrows at her questioningly. Her face turned a nice

shade of red and then she finally broke eye contact.

She snapped out of her trance realizing that he was waiting for her to introduce herself so she stood

up and gave him her hand, “Hello, I’m Amy Harper.”

The moment her fingers touched his Lucas felt like a bolt of lightning went racing through their joined

fingers, straight to his groin. She was beautiful, sure, but so were many other women he was in

contact with each day. None of them had the power to electrify him with the mere touch of hands.

Lucas turned toward Esther, while releasing Amy’s hand at the same time. “When your guest leaves

can you come into the office to take care of a few things,” he said and then turned away.

“Has your father not spoken with you yet Lucas?” Esther asked, stopping him.

“Talked to me about what?”

“I sent you my notice last month and told you your father would be hiring a new assistant for you,” she

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simply stated.

“I told you last month that I needed you to stay longer. I assumed the matter was settled,” he said a bit

too harshly.

“Lucas, don’t you dare use that tone of voice with me. Don’t forget I’ve seen you running around in

nothing but a diaper on. You knew that when your father retired I would be leaving as soon as you got

settled in. I stayed on to make sure you had a smooth transition but now it’s my turn for retirement. I

love this company but like your father sometimes it’s best to get on with things and bring in a new


“I’m sorry about the misunderstanding. Can you work one more month so I can find an appropriate

replacement to take your position? I will double your salary since I know it’s an inconvenience to

you,” he pleaded, trying to forget that Amy was even in the room.

“Your father already conducted the interviews and Amy’s your new assistant. I’ve been training her

all morning and she’s doing a remarkable job,” she finished and patted Amy on the back.

Suddenly Amy had his undivided attention once again. The minute he turned those eyes back on her

she felt her stomach drop. The man had enough heat packed in his eyes to be considered a fire hazard.

She’d never reacted so strongly to a man before and wasn’t happy about the unfamiliar feelings

flooding through her.

“I’ll speak to my father about this but I should’ve been informed about the interviews. Don’t get too

comfortable in your new position Ms. Harper,” he spoke with the upmost authority, then stormed back

through the doorway, shutting it a little bit harder than necessary.

“I thought he knew that I’d been hired. He didn’t even know you were leaving,” Amy said with

apprehension in her voice. She could be losing her dream job before it had even started.

“Now don’t you worry about anything Amy, everything will be just fine.” They got absorbed in their

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work and the incident was placed on the back burner, still there, but put away for the moment.

“Dad, how do you expect me to run this company when you’re stepping in and doing things without

letting me know?” Lucas was pacing in front of his father, back and forth across the parlor at his

parents’ home.

“Now son, I told you when I left Esther would be retiring once you got settled in. I also told you I

would take care of her replacement. It’s not my fault that you forgot about that. And it’s not Esther’s

fault you didn’t take her resignation seriously,” his father said.

“Dad, I know you’re up to something. I just can’t figure out what it is this time but I’m capable of

hiring my own staff,” he spoke with frustration. It was so much harder to argue with the man when he

was being reasonable. “It doesn’t exactly look good when the president of the company doesn’t know

what’s going on in his own offices,” he finished.

“Son, I interviewed about thirty people and Ms. Harper was, by far, the most qualified candidate.

Believe me, you’ll have no problems with her. I checked her out extensively before sending her to

you.” Little did his son know that he was actually checking her out as his future daughter-in-law and

could care less about her qualifications as an executive assistant, although she’d done very well in

school and would most likely do an extraordinary job at the office.

“Fine, I’ll see how she works out but if she doesn’t work soundly with me then I’ll fire her and the

next person will be someone that I find, not you,” he said.

“Of course Lucas,” his dad quickly agreed. “Now on to other business,” he prompted, before getting

back to work. By the time Lucas returned to the office everyone was gone. He could still smell Amy’s

scent in the room. He had a feeling her employment wasn’t going to work out. He had the feeling that

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his new employee was going to be nothing but trouble for him.

He had a lot of work to do so he walked through their connecting doors into his own office, which

made Amy’s new one seem small, if that were possible. He sat back on his couch and started reading

a file, falling asleep before he knew it. That wasn’t unusual. He slept at the office as much as he did

in his own home.

Lucas’s brothers would mock him growing up, saying he was a sixty year old man in a teenager’s

body. He didn’t care if they teased him. He had goals and responsibilities and if that meant he wasn’t

into the stuff most teenagers were into, then so be it. Look at where he was now. He was the head of a

company respected throughout the world and had more than most people could even dream of.

Amy stepped off of the elevator feeling pretty good. What a difference from her first ride up such a

short time ago. The month had flown by and she was doing well at her job, if she did think so herself.

“Amy, come on over and have some cake,” she heard Esther calling. “It’s my retirement party.” Amy

looked up to find hundreds of people crowded around the front office. Everyone was chattering and

eating cake.

“Amy dear, how are you doing?” This came from Joseph Anderson. He walked up and threw an arm

around her shoulders.

“It’s great Mr. Anderson. Thank you again for giving me this opportunity.” She added bashfully, not

knowing what else to say.

“Nonsense my girl, you earned this position. Esther said you are fitting right in and doing a fantastic

job.” He laughed heartily.

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“Now come with me. There’s someone I want you to meet.” He wrapped her arm in his and dragged

her across the room.

“Mike, I want you to meet Amy. She’s the new executive assistant for Lucas,” he said in an

excessively loud voice, which had several heads turning towards them. Amy could feel her face grow

warmer as she didn’t like to be the center of attention.

“Nice to meet you Amy,” Mike replied.

“I will just leave the two of you to chat for a while,” Joseph said with a chuckle while walking away.

Amy stayed and chatted with Mike, finding his company pleasant.

Mike was far more the kind of man who normally interested Amy. He was average looking, not

someone you would place on a calendar, but someone you would definitely give a second glance. He

had a sense of humor and kept up a witty conversation. He was safe.

Amy almost wished she was searching for a relationship, as Mike seemed the kind of man who would

be pleasant to date. He wasn’t arrogant and he didn’t seem to be demanding. Oh well, she sighed to

herself, letting the thought pass.

Across the room Lucas was glaring daggers at his new employee. She never smiled that way when he

talked to her. Of course, he was normally barking orders at her. He still didn’t like the attention she

was giving to another male and he really didn’t like the interest he saw in Mike’s eyes. As Lucas

slowly looked her up and down he could understand that interest.

What did his father think he was doing, introducing her to Mike? Everyone knew he went through

women faster than he changed clothing. Many women had been fooled by his act of affection but

Lucas knew the guy only had one goal in mind and Lucas was sure that Amy wasn’t ready for the

consequences of a failed office romance.

Lucas was even more irritated he cared. He consoled himself by thinking he was only concerned

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because if she got discarded her work performance would suffer, which would make him have to fire

her. He would then have to take time away from his busy schedule to hire a new employee.

He was just about ready to storm over there, grab her arm and drag her away when his father

approached him. “How you doing boy?” he asked far too slyly.

“Fine Father and you?” he automatically responded, not taking his eyes off of Amy.

Joseph was thinking that his plan was coming along just fine. His son was falling for Amy quickly and

he didn’t even realize it. Joseph may as well push things along a bit more and help speed things up. In

the game of love no one could lose.

“Don’t you think Amy and Mike look good together? She’s seemed a little lonely this past week,” he


“Mike’s a cad. I’m going to put a stop to this. You need to quit meddling in people’s lives Father,”

Lucas said angrily.

“I’m sorry Lucas. I didn’t know you were interested in her. You know a boss shouldn’t have a

romance with his employee,” he added. He knew his son well. There was nothing he enjoyed more

than a challenge.

“I’m not interested in her," Lucas said, not fooling his father in the least. “I just know what kind of a

man Mike is. He’ll break her heart and then her work will be affected. I’m only thinking of the work

environment.” With those parting words he started walking in her direction.

Joseph chuckled to himself feeling downright giddy. Oh yes, his son was falling hard. He’d picked

out the perfect match for him.

“Amy, we have some work to do," Lucas said as he approached her and Mike. He didn’t even

acknowledge Mike’s presence. Mike, not wanting to upset the boss, slunk away without another

word. Amy lost a bit of respect for him. She turned around, inwardly sighing.

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“Yes sir, I’m sorry. I’ll get right on it,” Amy replied with her head held high while heading towards

her office. She didn’t understand why he sounded so irritated. Everyone was at the party. It wasn’t

like she was the one who’d thrown it.

Lucas followed her into the office, then stood there looming over her as she sat down. “I don’t like

office romances, they cause nothing but trouble,” he informed her in his most stately tone of voice,

which caused the hair on the back of her neck to stand up. She had to silently count to ten before


“First of all, Mr. Anderson," she said through clenched teeth, “I was simply socializing with another

employee. And second of all, who I do choose to have a romance with is none of your business.”

Amy was surprised by the acid in her own voice

Suddenly he was only inches from her face. “When you work for me you will listen to what I say.

Mike’s a womanizer and I don’t want to deal with the repercussions when he throws you out like

stale bread and believe me, he will.”

Amy leaned back from him as her heart started beating hard. She was sure it was visible to him, even

through her shirt. She forgot all about her anger with the man as the urge to reach out and grab him

was so overwhelming. She wanted Lucas. Everything about him screamed sex and if he leaned in a

couple of more inches and claimed her mouth she would welcome it.

For what seemed like an eternity she couldn’t break contact with him. She felt liquid heat pooling

inside of her. Look away, look away, look away, she shouted at herself until she finally found the

will-power to turn her head, wondering how long they’d stood there face to face.

Realizing how close he was to her and also the intense desire he had to kiss her shocked Lucas

enough into standing up straight and retreating from her office. Before he could think about it he

slammed the door, causing the pictures on the wall to shake.

Lucas leaned against the door and willed his body to return to normal. He hadn’t felt so much desire

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for a woman since his college days. Even then he knew he’d possessed more control. If she hadn’t

broken their eye contact he may have ended up taking her right there on her desk, just a few short feet

away from hundreds of employees who could’ve walked in at any moment.

It was most definitely time to go work out and expend some of his pent up energy. He went down in

his private elevator, avoiding Amy the rest of the day, choosing to communicate through email only. It

seemed to be much safer that way for the both of them.

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Insert from Melody Anne’s Breakthrough Young Adult Book

Midnight Fire – Rise of the Dark Angel


There are worlds within worlds. There are galaxies beyond what we could ever imagine. How did it

all come to be? How is there order within the chaos? Is there one master for all the universes, or are

there many? We may never know the answers to these questions. All we will know is the story of our

own lives.

The gods of our universe are kind and giving, but where there is light, darkness isn’t far behind.

Where there is good, evil lurks around the corner. How long until the darkness extinguishes the light?

Can one choice ultimately be the end of all mankind? Could we survive the apocalypse? I know we

can because I lived through it. Or at least I’ve lived so far. I’ve learned more in the last few years

than any one person should know. I’ve seen real terror, but I’ve also seen pure light. I’m scared. I’m

so afraid for the people I love. I’m even more afraid for the world I’ve always known.

The darkness is so overwhelming. It pulses with an unbearable evil I wish I didn’t know existed.

How could something so horrible happen? How could mankind turn against each other? Are we that

susceptible to the whispering in our ears? Please, don’t forget me. Please, don’t forget we can

survive, but only if we ban together.

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Chapter One

“You say you have faith in them. You say they’re righteous, yet you don’t believe your own words,”

Vyco snarled. Josiah simply smiled at his enemy, even though the demon was affecting him with his

words. He wouldn’t give Vyco the satisfaction of knowing it, though.

“You won’t get me to fight you, Vyco. You wouldn’t win, anyway,” Josiah told him.

“I may have believed that ages ago, but you’re growing weaker the longer we exist. You aren’t so

strong in your convictions. If you were, you’d have more faith in your children,” Vyco said, taunting


“I have complete faith in my children, which is why I give them free will,” Josiah stated in the same

calm manner.

“You call it free will, but is it really that, indeed? You still protect them from me. You still won’t let

them make up their minds. Each time I’ve stepped in, you’re right there to block me. How is that free

will?” Vyco taunted.

Josiah thought about his enemies words. The demon was the epitome of evil but he hadn’t always

been that way. They were brothers and had once been closer than any other two beings. They’d

battled - neither of them backing down from their beliefs. That’s when they’d fallen on opposite

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sides. Josiah had chosen the light, while Vyco chose the darkness. Vyco liked having the freedom to

do whatever pleased him. Josiah chose to still be held accountable to a higher power than even him.

“I give my children free will, though it hurts me at times to do so,” Josiah said, feeling pain for those

he’d lost.

“To truly give them free will, you can’t interfere. You must let them choose their own path, even if

that path takes them from you,” Vyco drilled home his point. Josiah knew where the conversation was

leading. He could’ve stopped it, but he realized Vyco had a valid point. How much free will was he

really giving his children?

He’d created the planet Earth, giving it what it needed in order to thrive. Then, he’d plucked different

creatures from many worlds, placing them together on one planet. He’d needed to prove the universe

was inherently good and all the worlds could come together as one.

His children, as he considered them to be, had disappointed him many times over but he’d never once

given up on them. Or, had he? Was he giving up by not having faith they’d resist Vyco’s evil


Vyco looked at Josiah as he struggled within himself to find answers. He fought an internal battle.

Josiah knew he was giving Vyco exactly what he wanted, but he also knew his children could pull


“Why do you feel you need to be here, Vyco? There are so many other worlds and universes where

you could go. You could create your own galaxy where you’d have free reign,” Josiah said. He was

surprised he’d never asked the question before.

“Because, my dear brother, I can’t leave until I’ve proven you’re wrong,” Vyco stated with another

snarl. Josiah looked at the demon he’d once trusted beyond any other being.

“You sadden me, Vyco. You’ve turned into something unimaginable. Why not leave and let us both get

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on with our existences?” Josiah asked.

“I will make a deal with you, Josiah. I’ve grown quite fond of earth. Many of your children are quite

susceptible to my wishes, even though others have been saved by you, one too many times. If you

agree to this deal, the winner will get this precious planet,” Vyco stated.

“There’s no deal I’d ever wish to make with you,” Josiah said, sounding more like the true god he

was. Vyco cringed from Josiah’s wrath, but still, he didn’t give up.

“If you fully let your children have free will and don’t interfere with their decisions and they still

choose goodness, then I will leave, forever,” Vyco said temptingly. “But, if they fall because they

don’t have you whispering in their ear, they become mine and you will start over somewhere else,”

Vyco stated, salivating at the mouth from just the thought of such a thing.

“How would it be fair for you to have free reign, causing chaos without my Angels stepping in to

help?” Josiah questioned.

“I didn’t say your Angels couldn’t step in. I said you couldn’t,” Vyco said. Josiah sat back and

pondered what Vyco was asking of him.

“If I weren’t able to step in, then you couldn’t either,” Josiah stated. Vyco cringed once again. Josiah

could see the wheels turning in the demon’s head. He was thinking of a way around the stipulation.

“I could agree to that but to make this more fair, only one from each side will know what’s truly going

on. You may pick one of your most trusted Angels and I’ll pick one of my Dark Angels to consult

with. They won’t get to run interference with the others but they’ll keep an eye on things, making sure

you don’t cheat. My demons will whisper in one ear, while your Angels whisper in the other. I

guarantee if you aren’t there to guide your people, they’ll choose my way every time,” Vyco said with

evil glee.

“Vyco, you have such little faith. You think all humans will take the easy way out. You believe they’ll

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steal instead of pay, or hate instead of love. You’re wrong. If they have the choice to choose love or

hate, they’ll choose love,” Josiah said with confidence.

“I disagree, Josiah, but if you’re so confident bind this agreement and we’ll see what happens to your

planet,” Vyco said eagerly, while pulling out the golden rope. If they bound the agreement, it was

done and neither of them could break the bind or true death could follow and they’d cease to eternally

exist. They would be pulled before the higher council and whatever decision they made would be

final. There was no such thing as an appeal in that realm.

“I see you’re hesitating, my brother,” Vyco said once again with glee. Josiah did have faith in his

people but to not help when they called would kill him. To have Vyco out of their lives for good

would mean a whole new world, though.

“There needs to be a time frame, Vyco. If there’s still a draw in the end, then you depart,” Josiah said.

He wouldn’t bend from that condition. Vyco hesitated. He knew the stipulation could end up costing

him everything but then again he had nothing to lose. He’d seen what was in the human heart. There

was far more evil than good.

“Ten years, Josiah and you’ll watch the fall of your humans, though I’m sure it will take far less

time,” Vyco stated viciously. Josiah once again hesitated. He closed his eyes, praying for wisdom.

Would it be the right thing to do? Would he be damning his children, or setting them free? He felt

warmth spread through him and knew he had his answer.

When Josiah’s eyes opened, Vyco once again took a step back from the power and beauty shining

through him. Josiah knew Vyco was rethinking his plan in the face of Josiah’s power. He also knew

the demon would never back down, for fear of seeming cowardly in his own eyes.

Josiah extended his arm and waited. The decision was now up to Vyco. He could back down and

crawl away, or step up and bind their agreement. Josiah pulled his own binding rope out, shining

brighter than earth’s sun.

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Vyco finally stepped forward and grasped Josiah’s hand. He withered a bit from the pure light and

power shining from Josiah. He couldn’t pull free, though, as the binding had begun. They both

wrapped the cords around their joined hands.

“It is bound,” Josiah stated with all the power of the heavens. Vyco nodded his acknowledgement.

The ropes tightened, shooting off a ray of light before they loosened, once more. Vyco gave one more

vicious snarl before he disappeared in a ring of fire and smoke.

Josiah called in his most trusted Angel, explaining what was done. She immediately asked him how

he could possibly make an agreement like that.

“This planet has always been a test for me, Chastity. I needed to see if people from many worlds

could live together as one. I wanted to see if they’d be able to get along. It seems as if the test has

failed because there are brothers against brothers. Family means nothing to them. They watch as a

stranger dies on the street from cold or hunger, or a child starves. I’ve tested them in many ways and

yet they reject me so I’ll let them fight this out. I’ll see what becomes of this planet. I won’t step in

and stop it,” Josiah told her in his awe inspiring voice.

She knelt before him, tears falling from her eyes. She knew it was going to be a long and hard road

but she also believed it had to be done. She honored him by weeping at his feet. Josiah honored his

children when he wept with her.

“If you’re going to do this, I must stay on the planet and help them,” she pleaded with Josiah.

“If you make the choice to help them, you will be on your own. I vowed not to step in and I can’t send

other Angels with you,” he told her.

“I understand what you’re saying, and I know the choice I’m making,” she said. She in no way wanted

to leave her home, but she couldn’t stand by and watch people be slaughtered. She knew if Josiah

wasn’t stepping in, Vyco would cause a variety of chaos. “I will leave right away,” she finished

speaking. The decision to leave was even harder since she could see the pain in Josiah’s eyes. She

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knew how much he loved her and the people of Earth, even when they disappointed him.

“Go safely then, my child. Please don’t lose sight of what you’re doing. Please, return home to me,”

he pled. She nodded at him and turned to look back at her home. She fell to her knees as her body

fought her mind in the decision to leave home. She stumbled to her feet, then looked behind her one

last time, threw out her hands and fell. It would be a long while before she woke again.

Josiah watched his bravest and most loyal Angel fall to earth. He’d known Chastity wouldn’t observe

people getting tortured and killed. He’d known he could count on her to stand up for mankind. He

trusted her beyond any other angel.

He bowed his head and whispered the words Chastity would need. She would keep her powers and

he’d make sure she didn’t forget home. She just may be the savior of the world.

“Please don’t lose your way, my daughter. Please, return to me,” Josiah prayed and then sunk to his

knees and wept more.

There was a very real chance Chastity would get lost once she lived in the human world. Chastity

didn’t realize the power Vyco held within the fragile planet. His whisper could quickly become a

scream in your ear, urging you to adapt to the ways of the darkness. If there was any Angel up for the

task of defeating Vyco, it was Chastity.

While Josiah knelt, watching the fall, he felt a hand on his shoulder. No words were spoken but he

heard his angels weeping. As much as he controlled, even he didn’t know what would happen next.

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Chapter Two

One year later

I was eleven years old when it all started. I remember thinking the world would end in a huge

explosion from a meteor, or possibly the sun shooting its beams in a super nova. I’d been told in

church the Messiah was going to come and strike all the sinners down and only those who were good

wouldn’t die.

When I was younger, I stole a piece of bubblegum from the store and was terrified I’d be struck by

lightning or a ray from the sun? I must not have been too scared, though, because I stole it anyway and

then enjoyed the burst of flavor as I bit down on the soft piece of what I considered heaven.

My parents didn’t let us have candy, gum, or soda, as they said it would rot our teeth. Little did they

know, John and I snuck into it every chance we got. Our father is a doctor and our mom is a vet and

they’re all about the healthy crap.

I guess I’m getting off track a bit. Like I was saying, I always thought the world would end with a big

bang and it would come from the heavens. I was wrong, so very wrong, as were many other people.

The world didn’t end that way at all, it ended with a lot of small explosions. They were far deadlier

than any meteor could’ve ever been.

There was all this hype about the end of the world happening in the year twenty-twelve, which my

parents said was a joke, even though they are pretty religious. Many people said it was a joke but

what those people didn’t realize was where there’s a prophecy there are many fanatics determined to

make that prophesy come true.

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I remember back to those days and how my parents started leaving the house, often. At first they’d be

gone for a weekend and then a week. They hired a nanny for the first time in our lives, which was

absurd, considering I was eleven and my brother was sixteen. John had a real fit about it but my

parents said there were bad people in the world and they didn’t want us home alone.

The nanny pretty much just cooked for us and cleaned the house. She didn’t really tell us what to do.

We were good kids, well, as good as could be expected when we had the lay of the house. We went

to school, did our homework and always came straight home. We really didn’t even notice the nanny


John got in a huge fight with our dad one night. I was paralyzed, listening to them scream at each other

in dad’s office. I’d never heard my father raise his voice before but they were really going at it. John

told dad he was a terrible parent, always leaving us behind. I know I missed them, but would’ve

never confronted them about it.

Dad yelled back at John that he was doing important work and all would be revealed in time. John

ended up stomping out of the office, not noticing me as he slammed out of the house. My dad found me

crying in the hallway and scooped me into his arms.

He told me he was doing what had to be done to make sure we’d be safe. I trusted him, of course. He

was my dad and he’d never lied to me before so why should he start? I’d fallen asleep that night with

tears still wet on my cheeks.

Something I found odd in those years was my parents always being glued to the television when they

were home. It had rarely even been turned on when I was little. I hated what they’d watch. It was

always so depressing. There were buildings being destroyed and people lying dead on the streets.

Dad said it was the news, which I decided to never watch when I grew up. I thought there was no way

any of it could happen in real life.

My parents were always whispering together as men in suits would stand at podiums and talk about

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fixing problems and for the people not to panic. It all seemed so far away and my parents never said

anything to John or I, so we just went on with our days and never worried much about it.

I wish I could go back to those times of innocence, those times when the world revolved around me.

That was when the biggest thing I had to worry about was if I would get a new dress for church, or the

pretty back-pack I wanted for school. I wish I could go back to being that spoiled little girl. It would

make the endless days and nights of my life now, much easier to bear. Dreams seem the only escape

for me anymore.

I’m sure you’re a bit confused right now but I’m not a writer or anything so I apologize. My name’s

Phoenix Light and I’m writing all this down so if I die, maybe someday I’ll be remembered. I have an

amazing family and I’ve known so many people who should never be forgotten. Things have gotten

really bad here lately and I feel it’s all coming to an end.

The thought of simply disappearing is unacceptable, so whoever finds this, please know there was an

extraordinary group of people who survived for years, against all the odds.


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