The Billionaire's Bet 4 A Fin Clarissa Wild

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The Billionaire’s Bet: A Final Game

Copyright 2013 Clarissa Wild

Julie Valentine has barely escaped from the hands of death, and billionaire Dominic Fury

confessed his dark secrets to her. She finally understands the magnitude of his problems, and doesn’t

know what to do. She takes some time off to be on her own, but she can’t get Dominic off her mind.

Trying to make things work with him is harder than she could’ve imagined, but their connection is too

strong to ignore.

But the past haunting Dominic isn’t going to let him go easily. This time, it’s his life that’s on the

line. Determined to save Dominic, Julie sets out to destroy what’s hurting him, risking her own life in

the process. Pain is around every corner, but she’ll fight until the very end. The game has only just

begun …

This is part 4 of The Billionaire’s Bet and contains about 18.000 words.

This story contains hot, explicit sex and BDSM play, M/F. For 18+ adults only.

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Links to Clarissa Wild’s books

The Billionaire’s Bet Series


The Billionaire’s Bet #1: A Seductive Deal

The Billionaire’s Bet #2: A Hot Call

The Billionaire’s Bet #3: A Risky Raise

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Enflamed (Boxed Set)

Which includes:


Raveled By You (Enflamed, #1)

Hooked By You (Enflamed, #2)

Cling To You (Enflamed, #3)

Cherished By You (Enflamed, #4)

~ ~ ~

Doing It (Boxed Set)

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Which includes:

Doing It Wild (Doing It, #1)

Doing It Risqué (Doing It, #2)

Doing It Free (Doing It, #3)

~ ~ ~

Short Stories:

First Dance With You

Visit Clarissa Wild on Amazon

for current titles.

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Kindle Edition, License Notes

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given

away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an

additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not

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you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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Table Of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

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Chapter 1

His lips were on mine, but I still didn’t feel safe. I was trembling in the couch, unable to

comprehend that I’d just been kidnapped and saved by Dominic. All because of some stupid drug

deal. I couldn’t believe I got sucked into this.

I took my lips off his and looked him straight in the eye. He seemed scared when I was about to


“Dominic I …”

“Please, don’t. I can’t …”

“I’m sorry,” I said. “But I just can’t handle this right now.”

He swallowed and looked down at the couch, avoiding my gaze.

“It’s too much. Someone died right in front of me. I need time to process this, and I can’t do it

here. I need some time alone.”

I knew I said I loved him and I did. I still did. I just couldn’t say what was wrong. My heart

didn’t want to admit anything was wrong. I held onto the desperation, but I knew it’d be better to let

go, if only for a while.

“But I thought you wanted to stay with me?” he said.

I could see the tears welling up in his eyes.

“I did. I do. It’s just that … you play such a big part in this misery I’m feeling now, it just doesn’t

feel right.”

He nodded, slowly. “Okay …”

I placed my hand on his cheek and brushed it softly, feeling his prickly skin. I knew it wasn’t

going to make anything better, but staying here wasn’t either. Someone had broken in and entered this

place, even with all the security Dominic has. I just don’t feel safe.

“I understand,” he said.

“Thank you.” I pulled him closer and wrapped my arms around him.

He squeezed me tight, smelled my hair and then kissed my forehead. “If you’re really going to do

this, could you please take a room at the casino? I can protect you there.”

“Dominic …” I said, sighing.

“Please? I won’t bother you. I promise I’ll keep my distance. I just want you to be safe, and with

all those guards around, you will be.”

He had a point. “All right. If I can get my old room back.”

He smiled, his eyes still glazing with tears. “Good.” He stood up, pulled his phone from his

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pocket and called his assistants.

They arrived in no time and started picking up and packing my stuff like buzzing bees. They

swarmed the house and stacked up my things neatly, then used a cart to ride it out of the house. It

almost felt as if I was being thrown out, albeit that I knew it was on my own request.

Still, it felt strange to leave him like this.

The tension between us was sharp as a knife during the drive to the casino. He sat on the other

end of the car, not moving an inch, barely blinking. If it weren’t for his loud breathing, I swear he

could’ve been made of stone.

When we were in the elevator, I was struck with the sudden memory of us meeting here for the

first time. It made my cheeks glow. Especially when I thought of how I ogled him and wanted to get

my hands on him.

Oh, and would I!

If I had only known back then.

We’d arrived at my hotel room, and it felt like it was such a long time ago since I was last here.

The entire trip here was so excruciatingly painful, I was practically swimming in sweat, so nervous.

I used the key to unlock the door and opened it. The musty smell inside and the sight of that king

size bed I would sleep in all alone made me cringe. Was I really doing this?

Yes, Julie, you have to. You need some time to think.

“Hey, um …” he began.

I turned around. Dominic had his hand in his hair and pulled a strange face, like he didn’t know

what to say.

“I’m here, if you need me. I’ll always be here, you know.”

I chuckled. “I know.”

“If you need anything, give me a call, all right? I’ll do anything for you.” He placed his loose

hand on the wall between my room and the door.

I smiled. “Thank you, Dom. I appreciate it.”

He pursed his lips and leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. “I meant it when I said I love you. I

really do. I don’t want to be apart from you, but if that’s what you want-what you need-then I won’t

stop you. I might be dominant, but I’m not keeping you in my house against you will.”

He came close, even closer, so close our lips were almost touching. It was longing I felt,

wanting to be together with him. I needed him by my side, but at the same time I was terrified of what

could happen. I could feel the spark between us, but my mind pulled me into reality again. The reality

where he was the reason I was kidnapped.

I pulled back and took a deep breath. “Goodnight, Dom.” I closed my eyes and shut the door,

closing the space between us.

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I stared at the wood. The intricate lines carved into it. I knew he was still there, watching,

hoping I’d open the door again. In my mind I could see him breathe like a bull, snorting and pissed,

probably at himself. I heard a thump and knew he banged his head against the door.

I turned around and leaned against it, trying to feel him through it, but knowing I couldn’t. I

forbade myself to tear away the door between us. My heart screamed out for him, but my mind told

me this was what I needed. I needed to be safe and clear my head for a few days. Being with him

made that impossible.

Dominic roared like a beast. The sound made the tears burst out of my eyes. It was the howl of a

man who was separated from the one he cared about most.

I sank to my knees, my back sliding against the wood.

“Please, leave,” I whispered.

I knew he couldn’t hear it. It was a faint wish into nothingness.

I heard a bang and looked up, but the door was still intact. It was the wall that had shook. Did he

just punch the wall?

Dominic bellowed again, and I heard him stomp. The sound of his feet slowly disappeared into

the distance, leaving me alone in the dark.


I spent days not thinking about anything. I didn’t want to be reminded of the cruel thing that was

done to me. Whoever it had been behind that mask was after Dom’s money, and used me to get to him.

I’d been in the midst of a war game and had chosen to flee the battlefield. My safety was more

important, but it came at a price.

I could no longer write. For days I stared at my laptop, unable to type out even the slightest

words. I was almost at the end of my latest book, and yet I couldn’t muster up the will to finish it.

My mind tried to ignore the voices in my head that told me it was because I missed Dominic.

Oh and how I missed him, even when I tried not thinking about him, he still popped into my head.

Under the shower, during dinner, before I went to sleep, and in my dreams, he visited me everywhere.

I hadn’t seen him for over a week. It was the most straining week I’d had in years.

I wanted to be with someone I loved, but at the same time I was terrified. I wanted to write and

be an independent author, and yet I couldn’t do it without the inspiration Dominic gave me.

My enthusiasm and fun had completely dried up, putting a shriveled smile on my face.

I gulped down the last bit of my wine as I usually did whenever I felt miserable.

Each time I looked around the room, I caught a glimpse of the masked face of the man who’d

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kidnapped me. Of course it wasn’t real, but his presence still haunted me. Sometimes I’d have a

nightmare and wake up in tears, soaked in sweat. I’d cuddle up against a second pillow, my surrogate


Being alone in this hotel room was supposed to make me feel safe, away from all the threats, but

in reality it made me feel more insecure. Anyone could storm in at any moment, and catch me by

surprise. There was no alarm installed, no personal guards to protect me, no Dominic to save me.

Hell, this room might’ve even made me claustrophobic, just thinking about being holed up in


Goddammit, Julie. Get yourself together.

I snorted and stood up. My book was going nowhere, and wallowing in self-pity wasn’t going to

do anything for me either. I needed to get out and do something.

I got out of my room and went downstairs with the elevator that always reminded me of the first

time we met. I quickly told myself that I should move on, and stepped out of the elevator. I got some

chips and sat down at a roulette table, enjoying the company I had around me. It was fun being with

people who were laughing. Much better than sulking by myself, and it provided me with safety in


After a few times rolling and losing, I quit and got a tequila at the bar. It was then that I noticed

music played in the ballroom up ahead. I looked up and peeked through the narrow gap, seeing people

dance elegantly in long dresses.

My curiosity overtook control of my body and guided me to the room. The music was soft and

slow, there were tables and chairs to the side accompanied by buffets, couples danced in the centre,

people were watching from the side. It was beautiful to see such romance at this casino.

I sighed and just stood there, amazed at the sweetness.

Suddenly, a hand touched my shoulder.

I cocked my head and stared straight into Dominic’s bright blue eyes. Those shimmering,

beautiful eyes, so full of love, which captured my attention instantly.

He walked around me, wearing a sleek black suit. His finger gently trailed my arm, down to my

hand as he stopped in front of me. “Hi, Julie.”

“Dominic?” I stammered. I couldn’t believe he was here. Not seeing him for a week almost

made me believe he wasn’t real anymore, as if he’d only been a figment of my imagination. But he

was actually here.

“Care for a dance?” He lifted my hand and left a tingling peck.

“I … uh … What are you doing here?”

“Shh,” he said, placing his index finger on his lips. “No questions. Just a dance. Nothing more.”

He grabbed the tequila from my hand and placed it on a table. He gently tugged my hand, coaxing

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me to come with him. My feet let go of the floor and my legs started walking on their own. He walked

backward, keeping his eyes on me, as he guided me across the dance floor.

When we were in the middle, he placed my hand on top of his shoulder and grabbed my other


“Dominic, I can’t,” I muttered.

My face was already getting red, just from seeing him. Being so close to him after a week of not

seeing him at all made me extremely sensitive to his touch.

“It’s only a dance … Please?” He raised his eyebrows, and the look in his eyes lured me in. It

was so enchanting, the way he just swooped me off my feet, I couldn’t resist.

He took my silence as a yes.

Carefully, he started moving across the floor, his feet making the perfect slow dance steps. He

was alluring to look at in his neat suit, with his hair swished back, his predatory eyes on my face. His

warm hand squeezed mine as we swooshed across the floor, and he placed his other hand on my

lower back.

My mind went crazy, thinking about his hands on me. I could feel every one of his fingers, and

my senses were making over hours just feeling his hand move from time to time. Oh, what I’d give for

him to touch my naked body again.

I swallowed. Don’t think about that Julie.

A smile crept onto his face as he watched me. My cheeks were probably glowing.

I tried to ignore his touch and focused on his eyes, but they were mesmerizing me. I looked at his

thin lips, those delicious lips that I wanted to kiss, which could drive me insane.

I quickly closed my eyes and breathed in and out a couple of times. Keep it together.

He chuckled. “You seem anxious, Julie.”

“Yeah, well, I’m rather stunned that you just happened to be here where I was. How exactly did

you know I was here? Have your men been spying on me?” My eyes narrowed.

Dominic frowned. “No, of course not. If I wanted to keep tabs on you, I’d hang a couple of video

cameras in your room.”

My eyes widened.

He laughed. “Relax, I’m joking. I would never invade your privacy … unless you want me to.”

The wink that followed made my insides broil.

I turned my head away, trying to keep my cool. I spotted a woman in the back, walking past the

entrance, gawking at us. Her silky brown hair was knotted in a bun on top of her head, and her stern

oval face was plastered with make-up.

I scrunched my nose and turned my head back to Dominic again. “That woman over there is

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staring at us,” I whispered, and I cocked my head a little to point him in the right direction.

He glanced at her and then sent her a quick nod.

I peeked and saw she’d left again. “Who was that?”


My mouth dropped open. “That was your private detective? The woman you’ve been so

secretive about?”

“Yes, and that was for your own good. She’s been keeping an eye out at the casino, in case they

come here looking for answers as to why the money was fake.”

“What do you mean, for my own good? I didn’t ask to be lied to.”

“No, but I did it because I wanted to avoid you being unhappy, but I obviously failed. I never

wanted this. Look at you. You’re frightened to death. I’ve been watching you from the sidelines and

all I see is your fear. It tears me apart.”

I frowned and looked at the floor. He was really upfront.

Dominic sighed and bit his lip. “Sorry, that was too harsh.”

“No, it’s the truth,” I said. “Just having a hard time facing it.”

“It’s killing me to see you like this, so hurt and vulnerable.” He pulled me close to his chest. “I’d

hoped being apart from me would do you good, then I’d be able to let you go so you could do what

you want, but you only seem sadder.”

I nodded a bit, taking in the intoxicating smell of his aftershave. My hands were around his neck,

and my fingers twirled around his soft blond hair.

“I can’t bear to see you like this, Julie.” He lifted my chin and looked at me with glazed eyes.

“To see the woman I love be in so much pain is killing me. I can’t stand to stay away from you. All I

want is to make you happy again, I don’t care what I have to do, but staying away from you obviously

isn’t going to make that happen either.”

He was right. I was miserable just from leaving him, not to mention what happened. There was

so much going on right now, and I had no one to share it with. No one to cry out with, to make me feel

safe, to make me feel loved.

Without realizing it, my face had already inched closer to his.

“Don’t,” he said, his voice suddenly hoarse, as if it was already painful just to speak the words.

“I can’t handle the temptation, Julie. I’m not going to force myself on you. I want this to be your own

choice, and since you’ve decided to move out for the time being, I’ll respect that. I just needed to get

this off my chest. Dancing with you was the opportunity I needed to do that.”

His heart beat at an incredible rate. I could feel the heat radiating through his suit. The Adam’s

apple in his neck slowly moved up and down as he had difficulty swallowing. My presence made him

just as nervous as I was. It felt like we were new lovers discovering each other again. At that moment

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I decided I wasn’t going to feel any safer being away from him, and that I’d rather feel loved than


I raised my head and pressed my lips on top of his. He seemed caught in surprise as I left my

peck. He looked confused for a moment. His mouth opened, and he glanced at my lips. That was all

the time he needed to make his choice.

Dominic smothered me with his lips, devouring my mouth. He stopped dancing and closed his

eyes, kissing me with fire. His hands clenched my back, his fingers digging into my skin. We were

standing still in the middle of the dance floor, but it didn’t matter. I could feel how we wanted to be

with each other so badly, just through this kiss. I never wanted it to end, and so I had made my

decision: I wasn’t going to leave his side tonight.

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Chapter 2

Dominic dragged me off the floor, kissing me as we walked into the elevator. He couldn’t keep

his hands off me, groping my butt, and pulling up my white dress. He groaned inside my mouth when I

entangled my fingers through his hair. I needed more. So much more. It was like I couldn’t get close

enough. Oh, how I’d missed this.

He barely managed to push the button and never took his eyes off mine. Our lips were stuck

together in an endless game of passion.

When the elevator arrived at my floor, Dominic’s strong hands guided me through the hallway.

Sometimes we’d linger halfway down the hall, while he pushed me against the wall, smothering me

with kisses all over my face and neck.

Fumbling with my key, I could only just open the door, before we stumbled inside. I laughed and

kissed him at the same time. I’d never wanted him more in my life.

Animal like groans escaped his mouth as he gorged himself on my lips. He slammed the door

behind us and pushed me farther inside, groping my butt. I could feel his cock tenting against his

pants, pricking into my legs. I shivered, knowing he would be inside me again soon.

“God, Julie, I can’t keep my hands off you,” he muttered.

“Me neither, master,” I said in between kisses.

Dominic smiled. “I’ve missed you calling me that.”

Then he zipped down my dress. In one go he ripped it down to the floor.

“You look amazing as ever,” he said, biting his lip. His hands were on me like he hadn’t touched

me in years, fondling with every part of my body he could reach. His index fingers hooked underneath

my bra and pulled it down, letting my breasts spill out. He cupped them, massaging them between his

hands, then circled around my areolas, making me moan.

He leaned forward and left kisses on my nipples, gently nipping and sucking them. My hands

went to his hair, I couldn’t help grasp for him.

“Oh …” I whispered as his tongue flicked back and forth over my stiffened nipples.

Suddenly he picked me up from the floor. I squealed from the surprise, and he put me down on

the bed. He took off my shoes one by one and nudged my legs apart. He dove between them and

nuzzled my sex. His warm breath was titillating and sent shocks through my body.

He left tiny pecks on my vulva, trailing up toward the rim of my panties. With his teeth he ripped

down the cotton.

“Hmm …” he said. “I can’t resist you at all. Your taste, your smell.”

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His head sank between my legs, and he kissed my exposed labia. He licked and gently sucked on

me like he enjoyed the taste. His hands rested on my knees, and I could feel him squeeze, his fingers

digging into my skin as his licks became more fervent. I moaned, and it only seemed to make him

more rabid.

Then he pushed himself up, and I could clearly see the bulge in his pants. He undid his tie, but let

it hang from his neck, while he zipped open his pants and let them drop to the floor. Then he removed

his boxers, letting his cock tip over the cotton rim. That bobbing made me want to lick him so badly.

“You want me, Julie. I can see it in your eyes. That same hunger that’s inside me. That carnal

need. I’ll make you scream my name.”

He moved to the side of the bed and crawled on like he was stalking me from behind. His chest

was against me, his member pricking my back.

Dear god, this is hot.

“Don’t move,” he said with a low voice that made me quiver. I could hear the sound of his tie

slipping off his shoulder. He grabbed my wrists with a fierce grip.

“Put your arms up in the air,” he commanded.

I did what he asked and raised my arms. He bound them together with his tie, making it

impossible for me to move. When he was done, his fingers slowly drifted away, slipping down my

arms toward my breasts. I moaned when he cupped them and then let them go right after.

“I know you want that …” he whispered close to my ear. “You want me to touch every part of

your body.”

I closed my eyes from the feeling of him near me. His hands went down to my butt and he

gripped me tight. “Move up.”

I pushed myself up and felt his knees and then his thighs. He wanted me to sit down on top of


“Put your legs back, behind me,” he demanded.

“But how?” I said.

His hand reached forward, and he slapped my nipple. The sudden pain made me jolt up and

down. I wasn’t used to this anymore, so my senses were alerted right away, but I couldn’t believe

how much I had missed this either.

“Sorry. I mean, how, master?” I said.

He chuckled. “Good. You learn quickly. Now, just move your legs back. I’ll guide you.”

He put his hand on my sides and lifted me up, so I could put my legs under my thighs. Then his

hands were on my ankles, and he pulled them back, drawing me closer to him. I could feel his cock

bouncing up and down against my butt.

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I wanted to go up and down to let him enter, but with his strong hands he kept me down.

“No,” he said. “I’ll decide.”

His hands slithered over my body, back and forth, left and right, as if he felt his way across my

skin. I could hear him sniff my hair as his fingers played with me. It was almost as if he was

rediscovering me.

“Lower your arms, so they’re around my neck. Don’t want you to fall over,” he whispered close

to my ear.

His warm breath created goose bumps all over my body. I let my hands fall down behind his

neck until I felt the tips of his hair tickling my fingers. Dominic’s hands steadied me as he kissed my

shoulder and neck. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the utter powerlessness.

His fingers trailed across my skin, down toward my sex. I was already getting damp, thinking

about his hands on me. My legs were spread and I wanted him there so badly. When he reached my

labia, a loud moan escaped my mouth.

I could hear him muffle a laugh as he slowly caressed my aching nub. “I love it when you make

some noise. I know you like what I do,” he said. “You’ve been yearning for it.”

His fingers started fondling with my sensitive clit. It ached with desire, wanting more from him. I

moved along with the rhythm of his fingers as he slipped up and down my sex. He dipped farther

down and slathered me in my own wetness.

“Gosh, you’re already this wet for me, Julie?”

“Yes, master. I want you,” I stammered.

He chuckled. “We’ll get to that … eventually.”

His fingers were agile. The way he flicked back and forth over my knob, sending shocks through

men. He left pecks all over my neck, my jaw line and my cheek, sometimes nibbling my earlobe in

between. Oh, this rough, carnal-like sex was all I needed right now. Dominic was who I always


Suddenly he stopped. His hand came down swiftly on my thigh.

I shrieked from the slap. I looked down and saw my skin was already getting a bit red.

“You know the safe word, right? Say it. I need to know if you remembered it,” he demanded.

“It’s red, master.”


He slapped me again on my other leg, and I almost jolted up from the sudden ache. It felt stingy

on my skin.

His hand drifted back toward my sex, and I readied myself for more pleasure again. Then he

plunged a finger into me and circled it around inside me.

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Dear, god, yes!

He pushed in and out, creating a feeling of utter need. It felt delicious, and I bit my lip in desire.

My core was on fire.

His free hand drifted toward my breast and started working on my nipple. He circled my areola

and pinched my nipple. I moaned when he tugged it. Him playing with me was too much to bear.

“I’m going to come, master,” I said.

Smack, smack!

“Ouch!” I yelped.

He’d slapped both my boobs. The painful pang sizzled on my skin.

“No,” he said. “I didn’t give you permission.”

His fingers released my sex. I panted from his touch. I didn’t want him to leave, but I knew this

was punishment for almost coming. Shit, I needed him to feel me again. I’d do anything for it.

“Please, master,” I whispered.

“Please what?”

“Please, I need to feel you inside me, master.”

He chortled and put his hands in my sides, his fingers sinking into my skin. “All right then. Move


I let him lift me up and lower me onto him. I could feel the tip of his cock breaching my entry. It

pulsated against my sensitive skin, and I wanted him to dive in so badly. He just didn’t.

He carefully swiveled me back and forth over his tip, as if he wanted me to savor the feeling. It

was almost torture, the way he refused to enter me.

Each time he went a little farther, his member pushing slightly more in. I moaned with each

stroke as I could feel it so well. My body was aching for more. More of him. I needed to feel him

inside me. I wanted to become one with him.

With strong hands he held me in the air, lowering me ever so slightly. I could feel his full length

sliding inside, the mere feeling making me gasp. He pushed inside slowly, until he was fully in.

“Jesus, it feels good to fill you up,” he muttered against my shoulder.

I hummed in agreement, and he lifted me again, pulling his cock out slowly. He went back in and

out again, repeating the movement over and over again, but remaining concentrated and steady.

With one hand he supported my butt, the other he used to pleasure me. He swiveled back and

forth across my nub. I moaned and spread my legs to grant him more entry. He was voracious with his

kisses on my back and my shoulder as he pumped in and out. His fingers meticulously working my


Jesus, this is too much to take. He is so good!

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“Master, I can’t …” I muttered.

He gripped my pussy tight. “Yes. You. Can,” he growled. “Hold it.”

I panted heavily, trying to stop myself from releasing. This rocking was deliciously agonizing.

His finger rested atop of my clit.

“Now, come to the sound of my voice,” he whispered in my ear. “Come, Julie.”

I closed my eyes and listened, feeling his finger nudge my sensitive nub. Oh, yes, I was going to


“Oh, Dominic!”

The orgasm washed over me like a flood, waving through my body. I grasped his hair tight. I

moaned loudly, shocks gushing through me. My legs shook and my toes twitched. I buckled, but

Dominic kept me in place with his strong hands, steadying me against him.

“Hmmm … I told you you’d scream my name,” he said, and he began pumping into me again. Up

and down, faster and faster. His hands went back up to my nipples, and he pinched them firmly. I

squealed as he twisted them.

“Now, make me come,” he said.

My body was trembling, but I did what he asked anyway. I pushed myself up and let myself fall

down on his lap. Again and again. He held me by my nipples, moving with me like this was his only

connection to me. He groaned fiercely, while I rode him to a climax.

I could feel him explode inside me, his cum spouting deep. He bellowed, and his fingers

loosened on my nipples. His hands slipped down my waist, holding me in place. My head tilted back

and leaned on his shoulder.

We were both breathing heavily. I could feel his rapid heartbeat against my spine.

After a while he pushed me up, and his flaccid member slipped out. He let out a sigh and set me

down on the bed. Then he got off.

“Come,” he said, and he held his hand out. “We’re a total mess. Let’s take a shower.”

I took his hand and he helped me off the bed. He brought me to the shower and closed the door

behind him, while I opened the faucet. He stood behind me, his lips tracking my shoulder toward my


“Hmm … I really missed you,” he said.

I shuddered, feeling his warm mouth on my skin. “I missed you more.”

He laughed. “I’m not playing that game.”

He got inside the tiny cubicle and closed the curtains. I gulped when he stepped under and let the

water run down his toned muscles. His hot body was beautiful to look at, especially the way he flexed

his muscles when brushing his hands through his honey blond hair.

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“C’mon, what are you waiting for?” he said, and he winked. He opened his arms and beckoned

me to come closer.

I stepped forward and felt the water splash down on my head. He pulled me into his embrace and

squeezed me tight. My head leaned against his taut chest, hearing his heartbeat go faster. I loved

listening. It made me feel so alive.

“I love you, Julie. I don’t want to lose you ever again.”

I looked up and met his sparkling blue eyes. “I know … even if I’m afraid, I still love you, and I

can’t think about anything else than being with you. I can’t resist it any longer.”

He kissed me on my forehead. “Then don’t. Stay with me. I’ll never let anyone hurt you again.

You’re the only thing that matters to me right now. I’ll keep you safe. I promise.”

I took a deep breath and accepted my feelings. I wasn’t going to leave his side again. I couldn’t. I

needed him in my life, just as he needed me, and if that meant having to deal with drugs and other shit,

it was a price I was willing to pay. He was worth it.

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Chapter 3

When we were both dressed again, we sat down at my small table for a cup of coffee.

“What do we do now?” I asked.

He drank a sip before answering. “We can’t go back to my house. They know where we live. It’s

not safe there.”

“But what else? You can’t mean to stay here, in this room. I mean, it’s nice, but not nearly big

enough for one person, let alone two.”

“I know, but I’ve got a temporary solution for this whole situation.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Oh, really? What?”

His eyes narrowed. “You’ll see.”

I blew the steam off my coffee, thinking about what he meant with that.

“I just don’t understand how they could’ve known. I didn’t give them anything.”

I swallowed down the hot coffee, and as the liquid heated my throat, I realized the truth. I knew

why they’d found out where we lived. It was my fault. The only person who could’ve known was

Daisy. I told her where we lived and she came over. She was the only one who could’ve told them.

I gulped down more coffee and put my cup back down. I couldn’t look him in the eye, knowing

what I had done. I didn’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner. Maybe a part of me wanted to forget

about it. Deny it, for the sake of my sanity. But I couldn’t hide it any longer.

“Julie, what’s wrong?” He bent his head to look into my eyes, but I averted them. His hand

reached for mine, but I slipped out from under his touch.

“Tell me what’s wrong,” he said.

I pursed my lips and started biting them. Frowning, I fought back the tears. I thought I could trust

that woman, but in the end she was the one who betrayed me.

“Julie, if you don’t tell me I will punish you.” His voice sounded insisted and demanding.

I swallowed back the fear. I knew I’d given away the fact that I knew something. “I know how

they found out.”

Now he was the one frowning. “What? How? When?”

“Do you remember the woman who spoke to me in the club? At the play party? She said she

would help me with the submissive things, and I thought I could trust her.”

Dominic’s hand drew back from the table. I didn’t dare look at him, while I confessed.

“I invited her over …” I whispered.

A tear trickled down my face.

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Dominic’s mouth dropped open. His hand curled up into a fist, and he stomped on the table. I

jolted up in my seat from the sudden bang.

“You did what?” he snapped.

“I’m sorry,” I said, whimpering.

“You let someone into my house without my permission?” he said, his teeth grinding.

“Yes, and I’m sorry, Dominic. I really am. I was so afraid to tell you, but now I realize it’s part

of the problem.” I tried to look him in the eye, but the flame burning inside them scared me.

“Damn right it is.” He leaned back in his chair and folded his arm together. Snorting, he closed

his eyes to think.

After a while, Dominic opened his mouth again. “Are you sure that’s how they found out?”

I nodded.

“Ah, Jesus Christ …” he ran his fingers through his hair and blinked a couple of times,

processing the information. “If that’s true, then that means the play party is infiltrated.”

“It could be … I don’t know. I have no proof she is involved, only this very suspicious


“Shit! I was the one who brought you there,” he said. I could see his eyes starting to water. He

blamed himself even more now.

“We couldn’t have known,” I said, trying to calm him down.

“How did you two talk? I mean, if you invited her without me knowing, you must’ve had contact


Immediately realizing I might have more information, I took my phone from my purse. “She gave

me her number.”

I scrolled through the numbers, but Dominic snatched the phone from my hand. He pressed a

button and held the phone against his ear. He was calling her. My heart was racing, bile rising up in

my throat at the mere thought.

After a while, he put it back down and pressed the button again. “The line’s cut off.”

I snorted. “Of course, how convenient.”

“Got anything else?”

“No, not that I can think of. Her name was Daisy, she wore a mask during the play party and had

long, blonde, curly hair. Not much else I can remember. It’s not like I was actually friends with her,

although she insisted we were.”

“Doesn’t ring a bell …” Dominic muttered.

I sighed. “But what do we do now?”

“I’ll pass the information over to Sharon. Maybe she can do something with it. In the mean time

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we’re gonna have to move out of my house, starting today, just to be safe.”


As the assistants and movers packed everything Dominic owned, he stood there, watching the

whole ordeal. With slumped shoulders he gazed at his windows. I knew it wouldn’t be permanent, but

it was sad to see. Leaving this place felt like we were letting go of a piece of us.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and felt him shudder. I knew he was crying. He didn’t want me

to see.

When they were done, we said our final goodbye’s to the house, for now. Until we’d be certain it

was safe to live in again.

The drive to our new place was long and tedious. I didn’t know where we were going, but was

afraid to ask as well. I chose to stay quiet so he could think and process what was happening.

Dominic had been devastated by the fact that he had to leave his home, and that it turned out to be

partially my fault. I didn’t want him to suffer anymore.

The car stopped at the casino, and I wondered what we were doing here. I told him my room

wasn’t big enough for the both of us to live there; what was he thinking?

The driver let me out of the car, and the assistants were already running in with our bags. I gaped

at the entrance, trying to understand what his plan was. “What are we doing here?” I asked.

“You’ll see.” Dominic hooked his arm through mine and walked me through the corridor. People

stared at the escort we were getting, from both guards and movers. It must’ve looked pretty weird.

We went up the elevator, while the movers went with another. The wait seemed indefinite. When

the doors opened, I noticed we were on the top floor, the same place where his office was. There

were no other rooms in this corridor, only one, and it got me confused.

I frowned, but Dominic shushed me before I could speak up. “Ah, ah. Don’t ask, you’ll see soon


He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward his office. The door was wide open, and I still didn’t

understand what all this was about. All I could see was his office, with the usual wooden desk and

fancy leather seat, with the beautiful skyline visible through the window in the back. I rolled my eyes.

Dominic pressed a button right next to the door. A long square piece of wall came loose like a

convertible car and slid sideways. I gaped at the room appearing behind it.

“A boss has got to have a secret lair, am I right?” Dominic said, laughing out loud.

I snorted and walked forward into the hole that had appeared.

“Guess you’re fun meter is empty,” he said.

“Oh, ha ha, very funny.”

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I looked around. This place was huge. The laminated floor was shiny and looked so clean you

could eat from it. White couches stood in the middle with an expensive coffee table in between. There

were barely any walls, only windows through which I could see the entire city. There was even a

staircase probably leading up to his bedroom. This was all behind a tiny office, hiding on the same

floor, like it didn’t even exist.

I swallowed. How did I not know about this?

“You mean to tell me you’ve been hiding this all the time?” I said.

“Well, I needed to have something to fall back on. Besides, nothing beats a little bit of privacy

now and then. Being able to pull back into my own little world for a while does wonders for my

blood pressure.” On his face appeared a cheesy smile.

He pressed a button on the wall inside the home again, and the wall piece promptly closed,

trapping us inside.

“So, do you like it?” he asked.

I was still a bit flabbergasted. “I uh … I guess.”

He walked up beside me and took my hand. “I’ll show you around. Get you used to your new


Home. The word sounded so arbitrary. Especially considering the amount of times I’d moved

over the last couple of months.

He showed me the kitchen which was around the corner. No doors anywhere. Nice wooden

counters though and the light that came in through the windows made the place so bright.

We went upstairs, and to the right was the bathroom, which had a see-through glass cubicle and a

bathtub that was built into the floor. To our left was hollow wall, which I think had a king size

mattress in it.

“Is that the bed?” I said, gaping.

Dominic nodded, and then laughed when he saw my face.

“But it’s a wall!”

“A wall … with a bed.” He patted my back. “And it’s quite soft, too, actually.”

“We’re going to sleep in here? In the wall? You call this a bedroom?”

“Yes, this is our bed, unless you’d like to sleep on the couch, but that’s not really an option, now

is it?”

I rolled my eyes. “You think of some crazy shit, Dom.”

“I like designer stuff. Can’t help it,” he mused. “Come, I want to show you something.”

He grabbed my hand and dragged me farther down the hall. We stopped right in front of an open

room. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was an exact replica of the playroom in his old house.

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My mouth dropped open.

“Impressive isn’t it? I just had to have this built. Can’t do without it, I’m afraid.”

“Jesus. When you said we were moving, I didn’t think you’d actually rebuild your fantasy house.

You’re prepared for everything, aren’t you?”

He chuckled. “I’m a dominator, Julie. I live for it.” He put his arm around my waist and reeled

me in. “There is nothing better in the world than having a kinky session with my girlfriend. Me and the

toys are one. Where I go, they come.” He winked at me and kissed me on the lips. It was short but

sweet, not overly racy. I could feel his passion seeping through.

It didn’t last long though. He moved forward and grabbed something leathery hanging from the

wall. My collar. He held it in front of my eyes.

“You kept it?”

“I gave it to you. It belongs to you, even if you left it with me, it will always remind me of you.”

He unlocked the collar. “I was hoping I could make you mine again.” Dominic looked at me with

those bright blue eyes, so sincerely and full of hope. He was really opening up here, showing me that

he needed me, even after I’d left him.

I needed him, too.

I took a deep breath and nodded. Dominic smiled and gently nudged aside my hair to make room

for the collar. His fingers tickled my skin as he put the collar around my neck again. When he

withdrew, his hand lingered on my cheek and he brushed his fingers across. The genuinely happy

smile on his face melted my insides.

I’d made my decision. I was his. I was going to stay with him. No matter the cost.

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Chapter 4

After dinner, I was preparing our dessert, because I wanted to cook something special for him.

Chocolate soufflé with whipped cream. I arranged the plates, when Dominic appeared behind me and

snatched the canned whip cream from the counter.

“Hey!” I yelled, turning around.

He opened the lid, then his mouth and squirted it inside. A stupid smile appeared on his face

when he swallowed it all. “Hmm …”

I rolled my eyes and held out my hand. “C’mon, I need that.”

“Yeah, you’re right, you do.” He pressed his thumb down on my chin and forced my mouth to

open. Then he held the can above my mouth and filled it up with whip cream.

He laughed when I could barely swallow the lump. Half my face was slathered with the cream.

“Dom!” I said, licking my lips.

“Hey, nothing wrong with having a little fun.” He held up his hands. “Aw, you have something on

your face. Here, let me,” he said, and he wiped his finger along my cheek. Then he put that same

finger into my mouth. “Never waste the good stuff.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m trying to get our dessert finished.” I pried the canned whip cream from his

hand and turned around toward the kitchen counter again.

“I know,” he said.

His warm hands slithered around my waist and wrapped around me. Dominic left a small peck

on my shoulder. He nuzzled my neck, sniffing, smelling the leather that bound me to him. His fingers

squeezed me, as he hummed against my ear.

“I love the smell of leather. And food. Hmm … Leather and food, now that’s a good


I gasped when his lips left subtle marks on my skin. So feathery, so gentle, it made blood rush to

my cheeks. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensations.

His lips disappeared. I heard a rattling sound, and he pulled on my collar. Something clicked.

“What are you doing, Dom?”

“Demanding your attention.”

My hand drifted to the back of my neck. I could feel a chain.

“Nothing to be afraid of,” he murmured close to my ear.

When he tugged the chain, my head tilted backward, and he used the opportunity to kiss me on my

jaw. He let go of me and picked up a fork from the counter. He pricked it into one of the soufflés and

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brought a piece to my mouth, coaxing me to open up. He slid the piece inside.

“Is it good?” he asked.

I swallowed the delicious piece of fluffy chocolate down and nodded.

“Better with the cream,” he said.

He picked up the can again and topped the entire soufflé with a huge amount of cream. It dripped

off. Dominic took another piece with the fork and put it in my mouth again. I chortled. The cream and

chocolate were all over the place.

“Dom,” I muttered, but I could barely speak from all the food in my mouth.

Why is he tormenting me so?

Suddenly he spun me around, the collar turning around my neck, and he pressed his lips on top of

mine. The chocolate was good. His taste was even better. Mix the two and it was an explosion of


He licked up what was left on my lips and started sucking the chocolate and cream off my face.

The chain was now on the front of my neck and he used it to keep me close. He was voracious and it

felt like he tried to eat me up. It made me giggle. I bit my lip, realizing he was playing a game with

me. A game of seduction.

When he was done, I only wanted more. I looked at him and he narrowed his eyes. I knew he’d

seen the bashful look in mine.

I snatched the whipped cream away from his hand and spouted some onto my finger. A coy smile

came onto his face. I held my finger up in the air for him to see, tempting him to do something about

the mess I’d made.

He chuckled and gently took my finger and brought it to his lips. He opened his mouth and sucked

on my finger, reminding me of what he could do with those lips somewhere else. Somewhere way

more sensitive.

I shivered when he let me go again.

“There’s one thing I love more than whipped cream,” he said.

“What’s that?”

Dominic snagged the can from my hands. “Whipped cream on you.”

He ripped my shirt down and my boobs came spilling out. He squirted the can onto my nipples

and all over my breasts. I squealed from the sudden invasion and coldness. He threw the can away

and set his carnal eyes on me.

He lunged forward, grasped my breasts and started licking them furiously. He sucked and licked

my nipples until they were hard and kissed every part of me that was slathered. I moaned and leaned

against the counter, feeling his tongue flick back and forth. He licked everything off me until I was


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He groaned when he was done, and after he came back up, I could see the protruding bulge in his

pants. He cocked his head and bit his lip.

“Better get you cleaned up,” he said.

He picked me up, and I squealed. He hauled me upstairs, into the bathroom, and started peeling

off my clothes one by one.

“But we weren’t done eating yet!” I yelped in between being stripped naked.

“Don’t care. It won’t go anywhere. On the other hand, you will,” he growled.

He pushed me into the cubicle and turned on the faucet. Then he secured the chain to a rail inside

the cubicle. He was getting dominant again, his voice all low and gruff. I liked it.

Dominic took off all his clothes in a hurry. He came into the cubicle and closed it behind him,

standing right in front of me. It was small in here, and his legs and arms touched mine. They were

warm and damp, and I wanted to attack him right then and there. As I leaned forward, he held his

finger against my lips.

“No, Julie.”

“I just want to kiss you.”

He raised his eyebrows. “I’m your master, you’ll do as I say.”

He picked up a bottle of shower gel, which he squirted all over his hands. He started washing

me from top to bottom, rinsing it off as he went along. He turned me around and lingered on my butt a

little, leaving a slap along the way. He spun me around a few times, coating my entire body in soap.

My face went under water a couple of times as well, until I was squeaky clean.

I looked down to avoid the water splashing in my eyes and noticed his cock was rigid. It was

almost beckoning me to do something with it.

“Master …” I said with my softest voice. “Let me pleasure you.”

He stopped and his hands dropped to his side. “You know how long I’ve been waiting for you to

say that to me?” He pulled the chain and made me look at him. “To have you offer yourself to me like


I blushed from his words.

“It’s the ultimate form of domination. That you’re willing to give me anything, just to please me.”

His fingers slid across my face and he lingered on my lips, pulling them down as he went as if he was

savoring them.

“I love you, Julie,” he said, and he leaned over and gave me a kiss. It wasn’t soft this time. He

kissed me with a hunger I hadn’t felt before. He grasped me tight, his eyes raging. When he took his

lips off me again, he looked at me for a second.

“I’ll let you pleasure me, and you know what? I’m in the mood to do the same to you.” He

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reached for the shower head behind me and pulled it off the wall. He placed it between my feet and

untied the chain from the rail. He put his hands on my shoulders and nudged me down. I knew what he

wanted me to do.

First I went slow, teasing him with my lips and fingers. He hissed and bit his lip each time I went

a little farther. My mouth circled over his tip and the taste of him got me all riled up.

The water from the shower gushed against my sex, and my senses were on high alert. I could feel

every trickle and water spout as it set me ablaze. It made me want to go down on him hard.

I sucked his tip and moved farther down his member. He moaned as I worked his erect shaft that

pulsated in my mouth. He clutched the chain tight as I licked faster and faster. He pulled me closer to

him, almost demanding that I’d take him whole.

Dominic started moving along with my tongue, unable to withhold himself from thrusting. I knew

he wanted it, and so did I. I hungered for him like he was my chocolate and whip cream.

I kissed, sucked and licked as hard as I could, feeling the water jet against my pussy. It was

turning me on so much that I had the feeling I was about to burst. I recognized this. It was an

impending orgasm.

“My god, you’re so good,” Dominic muttered.

In between strokes I tried to focus on him instead of my own pleasure, but it was a growing

feeling in my core I couldn’t ignore. I tried making him come faster so we could stop, because I knew

I wasn’t supposed to just come. I needed his permission.

He drew sharp breaths and his body rocked back and forth along with my mouth. The chain was

tightened once more and now I was almost at his base. With his free hand he grasped my hair and

helped me suck him. His back arched and a groan escaped his mouth.

I could feel his cum shoot into me and swallowed it, but when he came, so did I.

His sweet agony created a flood of pleasure down below. I moaned loudly when we came

together. His warm seed spouted into me, while I sucked him, and I enjoyed the spraying of the water

against my nub at the same time. My body convulsed with my contracting muscles and I could no

longer support myself. My hands clenched his legs, and I gasped for air.

As he withdrew his deflating cock from my mouth his eyes lowered and he looked at me. I knew

he saw me breathing heavily, clamping onto him, my thighs squeezed together, and my body shivering.

His eyes narrowed. “You came, didn’t you?”

I scrunched my lips together. “Yes, master.”

Furrowing his brows, he said, “I never gave you permission.”

“I’m sorry, master. I couldn’t stop it.”

Dominic wiped his drizzle from my mouth and took the showerhead from under me. He was

silent, but his stone cold face told me he planned to punish me. I swallowed away the lump in my

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He quickly turned off the shower and gave me a towel. “Dry yourself.” His command was harsh


He must be pissed.

We dried ourselves, and he dragged me out of the bathroom and into the new playroom. We were

still butt naked, but he didn’t seem to care. He placed me near a cross standing against the wall and

started binding my ankles to it. Between my legs he placed a bar, spreading my legs even farther, and

strapped it tight. He pushed my arms apart and strapped them to the top parts of the cross, spreading

my body apart like the Vesuvius Man. He strode to the rack where all his floggers hang and I was

immediately struck by overpowering fear.

“You know I don’t tolerate disobedience,” Dominic said.

He snatched a whip from the rack. I took in a deep breath, seeing him walk back to me with that

cool flair as if he was looking forward to this. He always spoke about the rules and punishment as if

it was something to avoid, but to me it seemed like he was waiting for it. Like he wanted this to


He hit me softly a couple of times, easing my body into being spanked. He moved the whip up

and down my legs and my arms, sometimes slapping my boobs in between. I moaned, and he licked

his lips.

“Seems you’re already getting used to this,” he said.

He struck me fast and hard. I yelped from the sudden pain that burst through my body. He’d hit

my left thigh.

“You’ve been very naughty, Julie.”

He smacked me again, and I almost jolted up and down from the strike. It was hot and aching. I

closed my eyes to concentrate.

“Open your eyes, Julie. I want you to look at me when I punish you,” he commanded.

I forced my eyelids open and saw him with a sly smile on his face. The flogger came down on

my nipples a few times, but not as harsh as before. I bit my lip, the sensations making me dizzy.

Although I knew it was punishment, it didn’t feel like it. Somehow I wanted him to spank me. It sent

shocks through my body and my brain was giving off endorphins that made me eager for more. The

pain aroused me.

“You’re enjoying this a bit too much,” he said.

My eyes widened. He exchanged his whip for a paddle with holes in it.

“Time to stretch your limits,” he said.

He loosened the straps around my ankles and wrists and forced me to turn around. Now I was

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facing the wall and could no longer see what he was doing.

He spanked me with the paddle on my left butt cheek and I shrieked. His free hand rubbed up and

down the area he just hit and soothed my burning skin.

“How was that?” he whispered close to my ear. “You still like it?”

His fingers gently caressed my leg, carefully avoiding my sex.

I nodded.

He hit me again, this time on my other butt cheek. My body quivered, but I remained my

composure. It was the only thing I could do. Be patient and give him what he wants.

He paddled me again and again, caressing my aching skin in between. It was a surprise each

time, the way he waited until I wasn’t expecting it.

“Have you learned your lesson?” he said with a gruff voice.

“Yes, master, I have.”


He hung the paddle back on the rack and started rubbing my skin with a creamy or oily substance.

I didn’t know what it was, but he always smeared it over my red skin, probably to make it go away


He spanked my butt cheek after he was done, and then started rummaging through his toys. I could

hear it, I just couldn’t see it. I wondered what he was going to do. The mere thought of having him

touch me sent goose bumps up my spine.

“I want to try something new today,” he said. “Something you may or may not have tried before.”

I could hear something squirt and heard some squishing sounds, so I knew he was lubricating

something. The question was what.

“Tell me, Julie, have you ever done some anal play?”

My heart stopped. Anal play? Is he seriously planning on shoving something into my butt?

“Answer me.”

“No, master.”

He chuckled. “Well … I guess it’s your lucky day then.”

My body started shivering from the mere idea of having him go inside my other entrance. I didn’t

know what to expect or how it would feel and I was terrified I wouldn’t like it. Then again, a little

experimenting wouldn’t hurt me, and I could always say the stop word. Maybe I’d even like it.

He gently nudged his finger against my anus and pushed inside. The warmth and strange entry

made me dizzy at first, but soon after, I was comfortable with him exploring me. Another finger joined

the first, and the fullness of it overwhelmed me.

“How did that feel?” he said.

“Good, master.”

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Dominic pulled my hair back and took his fingers out of my ass. He kissed my jaw and cheek,

while he spread my butt cheeks. “This might hurt a little, but you’ll like it, eventually.”

I could feel something rubbery pushing against my butt. It pinched my skin and moved farther

inside. I yelped from the strangeness, this bloated feeling it created in my butt. Dominic pushed it

farther inside until it reached a point where it actually felt very good. I didn’t recognize this feeling,

but had I known it was this good, I might’ve tried sooner.

“How do you like being filled up?” he asked.

“It’s good, master.”

He muffled a laugh. “Of course it is. Everything I do is pleasurable. Now, do you know what it


I shook my head.

“A butt plug. Squeeze your butt cheeks together for me, Julie. Don’t let it slip out.”

He walked away and I was left with this thing inside me. I tried to keep it together, but it was so

damn hard. It almost slipped out. Luckily, I heard his footsteps come closer again.

“You wanted to come so badly … hmm,” he muttered. “Well you’re going to, but not without the

agonizing pain.”

His words made me nervous. I could hear something buzz. Then some clicks. Whatever it was, I

was sure it was going to be painful.

Dominic put his arms around me and pulled the butt plug in and out. I whimpered. He chuckled

next to my ear and his hands moved up to my breasts. He started working my nipples, caring to them

until they were stiff, and then he pinched them.

I gasped as he put a peg on each one of them.

“Yes, Julie, feel it in every fiber of your body. You’re mine and I can do with you whatever I

desire. Don’t you forget that.” He pulled on the pegs, making me shriek. There was a chain attached to

it, with a ring at the end. Dominic slipped a vibrator through the ring and pulled down on the chain,

putting immense pressure on my nipples.

“I’ll spare you the feeling of having both your holes filled up today. We’ll try that later. I just

wanted you to know how it feels to be taken in every way possible.”

Without warning he pulled the butt plug out in one go. I screamed and my legs almost gave away,

but the bounds on my wrists kept me from sinking to my knees.

He jerked on the chain, straining my nipples and instantly pulling me back to reality again. His

fingers dove between my legs and he explored my labia and pussy. He hummed and nibbled my

earlobe, while his dexterous fingers circled around my nub. He spread my wetness, feeling if I was


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He pulled the vibrator down and inserted it into my pussy. I yelped from the burning pain on my

nipples that were jerked down as the vibrator entered me. The more he went in, the more pain I

received. Now I understood what he meant when he said he was going to make me come and that it

would involve a lot of pain. Dear god, this was real punishment.

“You can pretend all you want, but I know you enjoy it,” Dominic muttered.

I could feel his cock poking my back, growing big again. He was already up for a second round.

Dominic slipped the vibrator in and out, making it slick and easy to go in, but at the same time

agonizing me. My nipples were red and burning hot, while my clit pulsated. The vibrator was teasing

me into an orgasm, alternating speed. Slow and fast, circling around on the inside. Dominic was

toying with me.

“Can you feel it yet? C’mon, Julie. Come for me. I demand it.”

My breath faltered when he shoved the vibrator in fully, my nipples pulled down to their limit. I

moaned when he reached my sweet spot. I wasn’t going to hold this any longer.

The ecstatic waves washed over me and I buckled over. My body jerked and so did Dominic, as

he leaned against me. His hands maneuvering the vibrator up and down, left and right, while he

groaned close to my ear.

“Yes, that’s it,” he whispered. He tugged on the chain with his free hand and made me moan.

“Beg me for more.”

“Please, master, please give me more.”

He chortled and licked his lips. The vibrator slipped out of me and he took it out of the ring,

giving my nipples some rest. I panted heavily, but he wasn’t finished yet.

He took off the restraints around my wrists and I almost fell into his arms. I could barely support

myself, especially with this spreader bar wedged between my legs, keeping them apart.

“Get on your knees,” he commanded.

I did what he asked, with great trouble though.

“Lower your arms and put them under your butt.” He helped me move into position, which was

awkward, because my butt faced upward and I was lying on my face now.

He fastened my wrists to the same spreader bar. Now I was trapped completely, lying on the

floor, ready to be taken.

He got up and started pacing around, watching me from all angles. I gulped and waited for him to

do something.

“I love to see you in this position. So willing … so exposed and opened for me.”

Dominic squirted some of the bottle’s content onto his cock and rubbed it in. He walked to my

backside and smacked my butt a few times. “I’m not going to fuck your pussy today, Julie. You don’t

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deserve that. You disobeyed me, so I’ve decided to take your other hole you so willingly offer to


“What?” I yelped.

His hand drifted down my waist and he spanked my sex. I shrieked and jerked inside my


“I’m your master, Julie. Remember that. Your body is mine to take however I want.”

He spread my butt cheeks apart and I could feel something warm nudge against it. It was slick

and pushed inside inch by inch. He was gentle and went in with ease. I moaned from the heavy


This penetration was unlike any others I had felt. Deep inside me, he moved around, and I could

feel it in my clit as well. The sensation spread throughout my body as he entered me from behind.

“I hope you’re happy with the fact that your master enjoys your tight ass,” Dominic said.

He spanked me a couple of times, and I moaned with each strike. His fingers were digging into

my thighs as he clenched my hips. He pumped farther into me, and I could feel my muscles tighten

around him.

If I had known it would be this kinky, I would’ve done it before, but I was always afraid of the

idea. The filth and dirt that I thought of, wasn’t actually there. I thought men would be disgusted by

being there, but Dominic took pleasure out of it. He was completely laid back about this whole thing,

like it was any other ordinary thing to do. It made me feel more comfortable with the idea of anal sex

and that it was okay to enjoy. He made me feel free.

His cock pulsated inside me, and Dominic started groaning louder and louder. He dove inside

with ferocity and smacked me a couple of times. Then I felt a jet of seed shooting out into my ass.

He moaned and thrust a few more times, and I could hear him gasp for air. He released my

thighs, the imprint of his fingers still lingering. His deflating cock spilled out of me. I was panting, but

he was quickly up already. He grabbed the keys to unlock my chains and set me free. I rolled around

to lie back down on the floor. Gosh, how I needed air after this.

Dominic carefully took the pinching clips off my nipples and threw them aside. He lay down

beside me and seemed exhausted, like me. He brushed away the wet strands of hair and caressed my


“I love you so much, Julie. I love how you give your all to me. I just wanted to tell you that, and

I’ll keep telling you that every day.”

“I love you, too. I know I can trust you with my body and heart now.”

Dominic smiled and nuzzled me. He kissed me on my lips, massaging them softly. It was sweet

and gentle. This was bliss.

Then the phone rang.

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Dominic kept his lips and hands on me, pulling me closer as far as he could. Ignoring the sound

of the phone completely, we kept kissing. Neither of us wanted it to end.

Until the voicemail started.

“Dominic Fury. We need to talk.”

It was my kidnapper’s voice.

“Come down to the casino floor now, or people will die.”

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Chapter 5

The sound of her voice sent bile up my throat.

“Shit, shit, shit!” Dominic yelled.

He stood and helped me up, then ran out of the room. I went after him and saw him getting

dressed, so I did the same. I grabbed whatever was closest and easiest to wear and put it on. Dominic

barely buttoned up his shirt before he ran downstairs.

“I’m going. Stay here,” he commanded.

He opened the door, and I quickly followed him out. “No.”

“Julie!” he turned around. “Goddammit! This is dangerous. Fuck, I don’t have time for this.” He

wanted to slam the door shut so I couldn’t get out, but I wedged a foot in between and jerked the door


“I’m going with you, and you can’t stop me. I’m not going to let them hurt you. I need to know

you’re safe.”

He snorted, and his nostrils flared. “Fine, but stay out of the way!”

Dominic stormed out and in to the elevator. I could only just keep up and threw myself inside

before the doors shut.

Frantically, he pressed some buttons and off we went. His face was only inches away from the

doors, as if thought the distance would save him time walking. He was raging, like a bull ready to


My heart raced when the doors opened. The lobby was filled with people, and not anyone

looked up. Everything seemed normal. Nobody looked hurt. There was nothing out of the ordinary.

We walked inside, and Dominic’s head turned from side to side, scanning every part of the

lobby. My legs were shaking, and I tried to regulate my breathing, but it was out of control.

“Sit down in a corner and don’t be conspicuous. Pretend you’re one of the guests,” he


I nodded and sat down somewhere in between an old couple in the middle of the lobby, but not

too prominently visible. Dominic walked toward the open ground and started turning around,

watching people move. His eyes were like those of a hawk, scouting the area, noticing every move,

calculating if it was a dangerous one.

A man approached him. Dominic winced.

“Someone told me to give you this,” the man said. I could barely make it out.

Dominic read the note and crumpled it in his hands that were forming fists. He walked toward

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the roulette table and stood in between a man and a woman, watching the game. I couldn’t see clearly

enough what they looked like.

Shit! Why did I have to sit down here?

I didn’t know what they were doing or what they were saying, but something told me this was

bad. The lady whispered something into his ear. Then she walked sideways, still unrecognizable to


Suddenly the man next to him rummaged in his pocket and pointed his jacket in an awkward way

at Dominic.

I heard a bang and fell off my stool. My eyes were closed and my hearing was one big beep. The

sounds were muffled, but I could hear the high pitched voices of the people beside me. They were


I blinked and lifted myself off the floor. I looked around and tried to focus. At the roulette table

was a body. Blood stained the carpet below him.

It was Dominic.

I screamed, but I don’t know if any sound came from my mouth. My throat was dry, and I

couldn’t hear anything but my own unruly heartbeat. The people around me ran away, but they seemed

like blurry shadows to me. My body grew cold as I crawled toward him.

When I reached him I could only see red blotches on his clothes that grew bigger and bigger. His

hands were clenched tightly on the wound. He winced and closed his eyes, cursing and screaming at

the same time. Then he coughed up blood.

“Dominic!” I yelled, and I pried away his fingers to look at the wound.

An alarm finally went off. It seemed like hours before the casino staff had noticed someone was


I held his hand and brushed away the blood spatters on his face. My face was wet with tears. I

cried so much, but it didn’t help. The hands that were once firm, weakened their grip on mine.

“Dominic? Dominic, stay with me!” I said, and I shook him a bit, but to no avail.

His eyes closed shut, and his head dropped to the floor. Sharon came running up beside me.

“Code red, code red, this is an emergency. Get an ambulance, right now,” she yelled through a


“Where were you?” I screamed at her. “You were supposed to protect him!” I grabbed her coat

and shook her, but she pinched my hands and pushed me away.

“I’m sorry, Julie. I wasn’t there when it happened. I was patrolling the upper floor when this


“Did you catch them?” I yelled.

She shook her head and bit her lip. “I’m sorry, Julie. They managed to infiltrate the fleeing

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crowd and ran away.”

I frowned, angry at everything and everyone, and turned my attention back to Dominic. He wasn’t

conscious anymore, and I was desperate to know if he was still alive. When I lowered my head near

his lips and nose, I couldn’t hear him breathe.

My sobs became louder and louder, but the sound echoed into the void that ripped my heart to



The trip in the ambulance seemed to last forever. I held his hand during the ride toward the

hospital, but he wasn’t awake. I prayed for his wellbeing, hoping it might make a difference. Sharon

sat beside me with a blank stare on her pale face. I guessed she hadn’t seen this much action before.

Neither had I.

When we arrived at the hospital, Dominic was picked up by three men with a stretcher and he

was ushered into the emergency room. I wanted to go with him, but they told me I couldn’t. Waiting

hours in the hallway wasn’t helping. My anxiety took a hold of my body, shaking it rigorously. My

heart ached, the pain tearing my chest apart.

Sharon got me some snickers from a vending machine and bought me a coffee, but I couldn’t bite

or swallow through anything. It was like my body was completely shutting down, just like Dominic’s


My mind was going in circles, trying to think of things I still had to do. Anything to avoid having

to think about the things I might miss if he were to …

I thought about his voice, his touch, the way he looked at me, and all it did was bring more tears

to my eyes.

When the doctors came to tell me the news, the big news, I clenched my seat. They told me he

suffered some grave injuries and that he was extremely lucky because the bullet hadn’t penetrated any

of his vital organs. They’d taken it out and closed the wound. He needed to be held under observation

and was only allowed visits on specific times of the day.

I didn’t care if I could only see him five minutes. I needed to see him and was glad with each

minute I got. It was more time than I thought I would have. It had crossed my mind he could’ve died,

but now that I knew he was okay, I was relieved. My breathing became normal again, and I went

inside his room.

“Dom?” I said quietly.

He didn’t answer. He was lying in the bed with his eyes closed.

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I came closer and shivered from the ordeal we’d been through. It terrified me to see him like

this, but at the same time I knew things would be okay. They had to. He was still here. He survived.

I held his hand, and his eyelids started moving. I held my breath. When his bright blue eyes

appeared underneath, my heart came to a stop. I was so happy to see them open again, even if only for

a little while.

He groaned and winced.

“Hi, Dom.” I blinked away the happy tears in my eyes.

“Hey …” he muttered.

I squeezed his hand, and he coughed, and then winced again. His hand moved to his side, to the

bullet wound.

“What … what happened?” he said, his voice still hoarse.

“I don’t think you should touch that,” I said. “You were shot, Dom. They came to the casino.”

His eyes fluttered open again, and he looked at me with confusion as if he’d forgotten all about

it. “Seriously?”

I nodded.

He sighed. “Jesus Christ.”

He tried to move a bit, but the pain held him back. “Never thought they would go that far for

revenge. All because of that fucking money.” He snorted.

I placed my hand on his cheek and caressed him. It felt good to feel his warm skin, and it made

my eyes sting with tears again. He placed his hand on top of mine and smiled.

“I was so afraid,” I whispered.

“Don’t cry,” he said. His other hand reached for my cheek to wipe away the tear that rolled

down. “I’m still here. Alive and kicking.”

I laughed. He pulled my head closer, and I leaned forward to give him a kiss. It felt wonderful to

have his lips on me again, knowing he was still breathing and his heart was still beating.

Someone knocked on the door.

I quickly came up again and turned my head. Sharon cleared her throat and came inside.

“Hi, Dom,” she said. “Glad you’re feeling okay.”

Dom held up his hand for a quick wave and dropped his head back onto the pillow.

“You gave us quite the scare there,” she said. “They’re getting more aggressive each day. I think

it’s time we went for the offense. Did you see anything? Can you give me any descriptions?


Dominic sighed, but didn’t respond. I guessed he was still too tired to speak.

“Do you even remember anything about the shooting?” she asked.

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He shook his head.

She looked around the room to think for a moment. “Can I talk to you for a second?” Sharon said,

and she looked at me.

My brows furrowed. “What? Why?”

“I want to know what you saw.” She beckoned me to come with her to the hallway, and I

followed her.

“Did you see what they looked like? Were they male or female? How many were there?” She

rummaged in her clutch and fished out a notebook and a pen.

“There was a man who brought him a note. I think it told him where to go, because he went to the

roulette table. There were two people, a man and a woman. I only saw their backs. I don’t know what

they look like. I think the man shot him through his coat.”

She nodded and made humming sounds of approval as she furiously penned down everything I


I closed my eyes and concentrated on the scene, trying to remember every little detail. The

conversation with Dominic about Daisy somehow crossed my mind, and I remembered telling him

about her coming over. That I thought she’d abducted me. Her image was inside my mind, the way she

spoke to me resounded in my ears. How she told me about doms and their behavior. Her voice

sounded familiar.

And now I knew why. The realization came as a shock. My eyes widened. Her voice was the

same as the one from the woman who’d locked me up. The woman who’d had me kidnapped.

“What?” Sharon said. Her eyebrows were raised, and she grabbed my arm. “What are you

thinking about?”

“Daisy. It’s her.”

“Who? How do you know her? What’s she got to do with this?” Sharon started scribbling things

down again.

“Daisy. The woman from the club.” I swallowed and cleared my throat.

I didn’t know if I was supposed to tell this or if it was even allowed. According to Dominic, the

play party we’d attended was secretive and not something to be shared with common folks. If I was

going to tell Sharon about this, it would be a major violation of our contract. I also knew that if I

didn’t, I was obstructing this investigation, and that was against the law. I didn’t want them to go free

though, and maybe my confession was the last clue we needed to catch them. I wanted those criminals

to be locked away forever, so I made my decision.

“Dominic and I went to a play party. I met her there.”

“A play party?” she said, sounding confused.

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“It’s a place where people come together to share their … experience with kinky love.”

She pursed her lips and frowned, shaking her head. She still didn’t understand.

“A BDSM club.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Seriously?”

She didn’t know about this? And here I thought she had some sort of relationship with Dom. I

couldn’t have been more wrong.

“Yes, anyway, that’s not the point, and I ask you not to involve or link Dominic to any of that. I

just know that’s where we can find Daisy.”

“So you’re telling me that we can catch them by going to a BDSM party?”

I nodded. “I’m certain she’ll be there.”

Sharon sighed. “Well … I won’t question your practices in private. I don’t care what people do,

as long as it doesn’t involve me. I just want to catch this fucking gang and get them behind bars. I may

not be from the local police force, but I sure have connections, and I know just how to spur them into

action. If it involves drugs, which we know by now does, we can get the feds involved, and I guess

this is the perfect opportunity. The question is; how do we get in without causing too much ruckus to

alarm them?”

My eyes narrowed. “Oh … I know how.”

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Chapter 6

I’d put on an outfit that matched the club’s rules, but not so raunchy that it showed anything bare.

Sharon had wired me up and hid it completely underneath my outfit, making it impossible for someone

to notice. It was almost undistinguishable from a normal BDSM clubbing outfit. Nobody could even

see who I was; my face was hidden behind a beautiful golden laced mask.

“Now, remember, if you’re in some sort of danger, you hit that button,” she said, and pointed at

the box that hid in between my breasts. “If you can’t reach it, you can whisper in your microphone.

We’ll hear everything that’s going on, so if you get in trouble, just give us a shout. What’s the word


“Home,” I said.

“All right. We’re ready if you are.” She gave me an encouraging pat on the shoulder, while I took

a deep breath.

Dom’s going to kill me if he knew I’m doing this, but I’m doing it for him. For us.

I stepped out the van and peered at the street. It was dark outside, but I could still spot the

multiple obscure cars surrounding us. I knew they were only here to protect me, but it still freaked me

out. Lots of cops waiting to storm in and bust the place. I didn’t care if Dominic would lose the

ability to go to this place; I just wanted him to be safe.

Shivering, I closed my coat and started walking toward the building. It was a shabby old

warehouse that looked much like it was abandoned, but I knew better. Inside, deep down in the

basement, a kinky party was going on between lovers of BDSM.

Before I stepped inside the building, I heard a screech through my earplugs. I squinted and

pressed my fingers against my ears.

What the fuck, I’m going deaf, shitty noise.

“Testing,” Sharon whispered.

“You’re scrambling my hearing.”

“Sorry. At least we know you can hear me.”

“Yeah, but I’m going inside now, and I need to concentrate. I won’t be talking unless there’s



It was silent again, and I stepped inside the building. The musty smell still lingered, and I looked

around to find the door that led into the basement. When I found it, I quickly went through it and ran

downstairs. Just before opening the doors to the play party room, I took another deep breath.

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You can do this, Julie.

I chanted a couple of encouraging words to myself, just to pump myself up. In order to fool the

people inside that I was here just for the party, I needed to persuade myself as well. I needed to

believe my own act.

I zoned in on the fake idea that brought me here. Dominic, my master, had told me to go here

alone and find a partner. He wanted me to enjoy the night with a stranger, and sent me here to look for


Of course, that was all a charade. I was actually only looking for Daisy. I wanted to expose her

for who she really was. A criminal who’d kidnapped me in order to snatch away Dominic’s money.

All because his father made some kind of shady deal with her gang.

I opened the doors and went inside. The music was loud and it was busy. A lot of people were

dancing or looking at the acts. Some doms and subs were engaging in sex, others had a flogging

session or watched others. Without Dom to back me up, I felt awkwardly out of place here.

Act normal. Act normal.

I looked around, trying to see if I could find her face. With careful steps I treaded through the

crowd, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. If no one noticed I was here, surely I’d get away

with this.

Her blonde hair stood out like a homing beacon to me. I spotted her, standing next to a tall, dark

man. He was bald, but muscular, and looked like he could bench press two people easily. He wore

thick rimmed sunglasses, at this time of day, in a club. One thing was more striking though. The fact

that he squeezed Daisy’s butt.

My eyes narrowed.

That must be her dom. No one would be allowed to touch her ass but her dom. It has to be

him. Is he part of all this?

I swallowed away the lump in my throat and thought about what I was going to do. I needed to

have them talk about the act. They needed to confess at least a part of the drug deal, or the kidnapping,

or the money. Something so I could nail them. But how? They had to be alone for this to work,

because there was no way in hell they’d talk about it in the club. It had to be private. I just didn’t

know how to get them away from here.

Then I thought of something. What if I convinced them to include me in a private party? Go

somewhere else and use the plan I made up for dom to have me find a partner here? Seducing wasn’t

one of my biggest fortes, but being behind this mask gave me a feeling of invincibility. Like I could do

and be anything, and no one would find out it was me. This was the only thing that might actually


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I snorted and put my best foot forward. When I approached them, they were still oblivious to my

intrusion. I cleared my throat, and suddenly they turned around to face me as if I was this giant

mosquito annoying them. Daisy’s eyes scanned me from top to bottom, and I got this sudden urge to

hurl, looking at her. Those eyes of her were exactly the same as the one who’d talked to me in the

cell, when I was kidnapped. Now it only strengthened my resolve.

“Hi,” I said, trying to sound different than before. I didn’t want her to recognize me.

She squinted and watched me, and then her eyes flicked back and forth between me and the guy

next to her.

“Hello,” he said first.

She didn’t say anything. She wasn’t allowed to speak to a sub, unless her dom gave her

permission. She’d bent the rules once, but wasn’t about to do it standing right next to her own dom. So

now I knew for sure.

“My name’s Sharla, and I just love your outfits.”

She smiled.

“Thanks,” he said. “The name’s Tyrone. This here is Daisy, my sub. Daisy, say hi.”

“Hi,” she said, repeating his command.

“Hey, is there any reason your dom isn’t here?” he asked. “Did he allow you to talk to me?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, he told me to go find a couple who were in for some …


He lowered his glasses. “Oh? Do tell.”

“Well … he wants me to have a nice play session with another dom. I just saw you standing

there across the room, and I thought, ‘I’d love to try it with him.’ You just seemed so … alluring.” I


His eyes narrowed. “And is there anything your dom demanded in return?”

“Nope, nothing. He gets his pleasure knowing someone else had me.”

Tyrone grinned and bit his lip. “Well, well. Isn’t that nice.”

He put his glasses away, and Daisy curled her arm around his.

“I’m thinking that’s a mighty fine deal.”

“Oh, it is. I just want to be with another dom so badly, and you seem just my type,” I said

flirtatiously. It seemed to do the trick.

“All right, then. Come with me.” He held out his arm for me to lash onto, and I willingly went

along with them.

They walked out the play room and we went up the stairs again. I wondered where they were

taking me, and my nerves were killing me at the same time. I couldn’t believe I’d just made all that

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up, and that I’d actually succeeded in separating them from the crowd. My clothes were soaking wet

though. Either it was very hot in there, or I was trembling with fear. I just hoped this would all go like


“I like to have some privacy on special occasions,” Tyrone said.

We went to the other end of the storage hall, where there was a tiny office. He fiddled with the

door until it was unlocked and stepped inside, waiting for us to come too.

“This here is the room we use when we want some alone time,” he said. “Most guests don’t

know about it, but I’ve got special permission from the boss to use this.”

“Oh? You mean the boss of the play party?”

He nodded. “I have some business with a couple of customers here.”

“What kind of business?”

He smirked and shook his head a bit. “That’s none of your concern.”

Daisy’s lips were pursed, and she gawked at me. Sweat drops were rolling down my spine. Her

gaze freaked me out.

With slow steps she walked toward me. “Tell me … what was going on in your mind that you

thought of proposing this to us?” Her voice ended in a high pitch.

Suddenly she jerked the mask off my head.

Her pupils dilated. Her mouth dropped open, but quickly turned into a sneer. “I knew it. Julie

Valentine.” She grabbed my wrist and squeezed it hard, creating a red mark on my skin. “Who put you

up to this? Was it your sweet little Dominic? Huh? Did that useless motherfucker tell you to risk your

life?” She let me go and shoved me against the wall.

“Did you honestly believe you could sneak in here without me recognizing you? How fucking

stupid do you think I am?”

She smacked me across the face, and I winced.

“You kidnapped me,” I said.

“Damn right I did. And if Dom hadn’t fucked with us we’d be long gone out of your lives right

now, but no, he had to fake his way out of it. Did you think we’d let him get away with that?”

“You shot him!” I screamed.

She slapped me again, and Tyrone just stood there watching us with amusement. “We want our

money back,” she said.

“You made me believe you were my friend!” I yelled.

I tried to fight the tears swarming my eyes, because I didn’t want her to see my pain. I still

wasn’t done. I needed more confessions. Sharon and the cops needed to hear this. All of it.

Her lip curled up into an ugly smile. “You gullible little girl. Of course I made you believe that.

You were a pawn from the start, just like Dominic.”

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“Why? Why are you doing this to him? You had a vendetta with his father, not him! Why are you

trying to ruin our lives?”

Tyrone chortled and stepped in. “Dominic Fury’s rich. Casinos are dangerous. Comes with the

job. Besides, I wasn’t going to let his old man take my money to the grave. It was my money, and I

wanted it back.”

She sighed. “If I’d known the casino owed a lot of cash to my dom here, I would’ve never have

hooked up with Dominic.”

“Hooked up?” I gasped.

She laughed. “Why do you think I know so much about him? Dominic was my ex, you stupid



“Yes, that’s right. Dominic was my dom first. I was only in it for the fun, but he wanted more, so

I bailed. Turns out I found a better dom right here, at the club Dominic introduced me to.” Daisy put

her arm around Tyrone. “My man knows how to control everything. Unlike your pathetic excuse for a


“Shut up about Dominic!”

She slapped me across the face again.

“He’s a much better man than you’ll ever be,” I said to Tyrone, and I spit on the floor. “You’re

nothing but a drug gang.”

“A man’s gotta earn his money,” Tyrone said, and his fingers clenched around my jaw. “You’re

one heck of a bargaining chip.” He released me again.

I thought I heard enough. These confessions were all I needed. Time to use the safe word.

I snorted. “I’d like to go home now.”

Daisy burst out into laughter, and Tyrone just stood there with his eyebrows raised.

“Did you think it’d be that simple?” Daisy said. “With you here, we can make all the demands

we want. Heck, I might even be tempted to cut off one of your nipples and send it as a souvenir to

Dominic. I wonder if he’ll be sending me the real cash then.”

I ignored her taunts. I knew they had it coming for them. It was only a matter of minutes.

“What? Cat got your tongue?” She came closer and stood right in front of me, looking me straight

in the eye. “I bet you didn’t see it coming that I was his lover, did you? I had a lot of fun with you

Dominic, once. Back then I went by a different name, too. It was a long time ago. Shame he’s so

overly attached and has puke worthy self esteem.”

She grabbed my hand, and I tried to jerk loose, but to no avail.

“You know, I can’t even believe I ever like Dominic,” she said. “I mean, he’s goddamn stupid.

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He didn’t even recognize my voice when we came to exchange you for the money. Come to think of it,

I did put up a wonderful performance. Had him fooled the entire time.”

I spit in her face, and she flinched. Grabbing her arm with my free hand, I twisted hers, until she

screamed. She let go of my hand, and I made a run for it. Tyrone blocked the way out.

Grabbing a chair that was in the middle of the room, I slammed it into him. He stumbled

backward, giving me room to ram open the door and run out. They were right behind me.

I ran as fast as I could, but my heels were reducing my speed. I squealed when Tyrone tackled

me from behind.

He was lying on top of me, and I screamed as loud as I could. I wrestled him on the floor, but

was no match for him. He held me down and hissed. “You came here to expose us, offering a petty

deal. Guess I should make use of that.” He started unbuckling his pants, and I tried to crawl away but

he sat on top of me.

“Don’t you fucking touch me!” I yelled.

Daisy caught up and came to stand behind me. She grabbed my arms and pinned me down to the


“My master wants his pleasure now, just like you promised him. A good exchange for the money

we lost, don’t you think? At least, for now.”

I screamed and tried to scratch her, but I couldn’t reach her. Tyrone was ripping open my shirt.

Then suddenly, the giant doors of the warehouse opened and agents started swarming in.

“Freeze!” They yelled. Guns rose up in the air.

Tyrone stopped and looked up. Daisy’s eyes widened.

“Put your hands in the air!”

Tyrone did what they asked and dropped off me, his bare butt sticking out. Daisy made a run for


One of the agents fired and Daisy shrieked, dropping to the floor. He’d hit her in the leg.

Tyrone bellowed, and his hand reached toward his pants. There was something glimmering

underneath. A gun.

“Don’t move!” the agents said.

Tyrone still snatched his gun from of his pants, but before he could fire, the agents had shot him

in the chest.

I winced and closed my eyes as it hit him. I heard the pounce when he fell down on the floor,

head first. For a few seconds I just sat there, my hands on my ripped shirt, tears running down my

cheek. Tyrone lay on the hard concrete floor right in front of me, his lifeless body still scaring the shit

out of me.

A female stepped forward from the crowd of agents. Sharon. She grabbed my hand and helped

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me up.

“I’m so sorry it took us so long to get to you. Are you okay?” she said, hugging me.

I think I am. He didn’t do anything to me yet.

I was lucky I’d escaped in time. Sharon and the cops were here to rescue me. Unbelievable. Who

I thought was my enemy, turned out to be my friend, and the one who said she was my friend, turned

out to be evil. Life was incredible, cruel and laughable.

I looked to the side, seeing Daisy screech in agony from the bullet wound in her leg. I wasn’t

sorry for her. She looked pathetic and she got what she deserved.

With a smug face, I said, “Better than ever, now that this is all coming to an end.”

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Chapter 7

After I’d cleaned myself up and recovered from my ordeal, I went to the hospital the next day to

tell Dominic the good news and to see him again. When I stepped into his room, a nurse handed him

his drink, and he wobbled his eyebrows at her. “Thanks, doll.”

She laughed and walked out the room, passing me by. Dominic saw me, and a huge smile grew

on his face. “Julie!”

“I see you’re flirtatious as ever,” I said with a wink, and stepped inside.

“I’m just good with the ladies. Makes them bring me all sorts of comfortable extras. Luxurious

food. A comfy pillow.” He patted the cushion behind his back and wriggled himself into a position.

I laughed and came closer.

“Come here, love,” he said, and he beckoned me. I leaned forward, and he smothered me with

kisses, making me giggle.

“Oh, Dom, stop, you’re making me blush.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Oh, does that mean we can have some kink here in my hospital gown? I

gotta tell you, I’ve never done it in a hospital before. Might give us a little kick, if you know what I

mean.” He winked.

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the seat next to him. I looked at him without saying anything for

a few seconds, appreciating the fact that he was still alive and surprisingly cheerful. But I needed to

tell him what had happened. He needed to know we no longer had to run and hide. That we’d no

longer have to fear for our lives.

“I have to tell you something, Dom.”

He sat up straight. “Oh? What do you mean?”

“Well … I knew for certain Daisy, the woman I met at the club, was involved and …”

He nodded. I was sure he remembered me talking about her. I just didn’t know if I should even

mention it was his ex. I didn’t want to hurt him. So I decided this was going to be the secret I’d carry

to the grave.

“I decided to tempt them into telling us everything,” I said.

Dominic frowned and squinted. “What did you do?”

“Please, don’t be mad, but we made a plan. I went to the play party and got them to tell


His mouth dropped open. “You did what? Do you realize how dangerous that was?”

“Yes, I know, but it doesn’t matter what I did. They’re gone now. We caught them.”

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“Daisy is in jail and the one behind it all, Tyrone, he’s dead.”

Dominic’s eyes skittered across the floor and the ceiling, trying to comprehend everything I told


“It’s over, Dom. We have our lives back.”

“And Sharon made you do all of this?”

“No, it was my idea.” I placed my hand on his heated cheek. He snorted out of anger. “I did it

because I love you and I didn’t want to see you get hurt anymore. I needed to end it, and this was the

only way. Please understand.”

His eyes got glazy and he pulled me into his embrace. I leaned over the bed and put my arms

around him.

“I’m sorry, Dom. I didn’t mean to scare you, but it’s all over now. No more hunting us, no more

hunting them. We can live normally now.”

He shushed me and pushed me forward. “I get it. Stop talking.” He pressed his lips firmly onto

mine. The warmth that flowed through them stunned me and made me feel vulnerable. But this

vulnerability felt good. It was a lover’s surrender.

“I love you, Julie. I don’t ever want to lose you.” He placed his hands on the sides of my face

and let his forehead lean against mine.

“Me neither, Dom. It’s all in the past. Now it’s time for us.”

He smiled and kissed me again. Then he drew back and ripped the blanket off. He pushed his

legs off the side and winced when he got up. He started walking toward the door.

I frowned. “What are you doing?”

“Remember, before they came to the casino to, you know, shoot me, we were having sex.”

I flushed. “Yeah. What about it?”

He stumbled to a chair next to the door. His gown wasn’t fully strapped, and I could see his bare

ass sticking out. It made me giggle a bit.

“I had planned on giving you this afterward, but unfortunately, fate got in the way.” He rummaged

through his pants and took something out, but he hid it behind his back. He beckoned me.

I got off my chair and stood in front of him. People walking by saw his butt crack and muffled a

laugh. Some stopped to stare. He faced me, his back to the open door, and he got onto his knees, even

though he cringed from the pain.

My mouth dropped open when he pulled out a small little box.

“I wanted to give you this. I’ve always wanted to give you this.” He opened the box. Inside was

a shining diamond ring.

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I gasped and my eyes got all watery. I slapped my hand in front of my mouth and shook my head.

No, this isn’t happening. Is it?

“I don’t care that I’m hurt. That I’m in this hospital, that I’m in this bed, that I was hunted for my

money and that you endangered yourself. Well, okay, we’ve got to work on that last bit, but still, I just

want you to be mine.” He smiled and I chuckled from his comment. “I need you in my life, Julie.

You’re the only one for me, my perfect match.”

Dominic looked at me and saw me glance at the people behind me, stopping to gaze at his bare

behind. They were also cheering him on.

“I don’t give a damn if these people are staring at my asshole right now, let them look,” he said,

and I laughed. “Hell, I could be naked, for all I care. I want the world to see how much I love you.”

He grabbed my hand and held out the ring. “Will you marry me?”

I shook from tears and started nodding frantically. He pushed the ring around my finger, wincing from

the pain in his stomach as he tried his best to maintain his pose.

“Yes!” I cried and went down on my knees, too, so I could bury him in my arms.

We stayed on the floor, hugging each other for the world to see. I wanted to be his eternally. I

couldn’t imagine myself with anyone else anymore. This was what I needed and wished for all along.

Dominic and I were going to stick together, and nothing, not even death, could tear us apart.


The End

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Links to Clarissa Wild’s books

The Billionaire’s Bet Series


The Billionaire’s Bet #1: A Seductive Deal

The Billionaire’s Bet #2: A Hot Call

The Billionaire’s Bet #3: A Risky Raise

~ ~ ~

Enflamed (Boxed Set)

Which includes:


Raveled By You (Enflamed, #1)

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Hooked By You (Enflamed, #2)

Cling To You (Enflamed, #3)

Cherished By You (Enflamed, #4)

~ ~ ~

Doing It (Boxed Set)

Which includes:

Doing It Wild (Doing It, #1)

Doing It Risqué (Doing It, #2)

Doing It Free (Doing It, #3)

~ ~ ~

Short Stories:

First Dance With You

Visit Clarissa Wild on Amazon

for current titles.

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About the author:

Clarissa Wild is the erotic romance author of the Doing It Series, the Enflamed Series, and the

Billionaire’s Bet Series. She is an avid reader and writer of sexy stories about hot men and feisty

women. Her other loves include her furry cat friend and learning about different cultures. In her free

time she enjoys watching all sorts of movies, reading tons of books and cooking her favorite meals.

Connect with Me Online!






My blog:

Document Outline


Podobne podstrony:
The Billionaire s Bet 2 A Hot Call Clarissa Wild
The Billionaire s Bet 3 A Risky Raise Clarissa Wild
The Billionaire s Bet 1 A Seductive Deal Clarissa Wild
[FAMILY SECRETS] Bird,?verly The Billionaire Drifter
Kay Thorpe The Billion Dollar Bride
The Billionaire and the Con Artist – Leanne Brice
blake ashley the billionaires desire
Baby for the Billionaire series 5 The Lost Tycoon Melody Anne
Maid To The Billionaire 3 Forever His Holly Rayner
The Billionaire s Obsession 1 2 Mine for Now J S Scott
The Billionaire Jaguar s Curvy Zoe Chant
The Billionaire s Baby 1 3 Helen Cooper
The Billionaire s Baby 4 New Beginnings Helen Cooper
The Billionaire s Temptation 6 Passion and Surrender Cali MacKay
The Billionaire s Temptation 7 Obsession and Surrender Cali MacKay
Billionaire Bachelors 2 The Billionaire s Dance
The Billionaire s Temptation 3 Love and Surrender Cali MacKay
A Priceless Proposal 1 The Billionaire’s Gamble Holly Rayner
The Billionaire s Lust Ava Claire

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