The Billionaire's Bet 1 A Seductive Deal Clarissa Wild

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The billionaire’s bet: A Seductive Deal

Clarissa Wild

Julie Valentine’s soul searching turned out to be a bad case of the author blues. Having just

broken up with her boyfriend, she goes to a casino in the hopes of relaxing and getting her mind

straight, while rekindling her passion for books, but not even a nice glass of wine seems to work.

Writing steamy romances requires more than just leisure time.

When she meets the billionaire Dominic Fury, a handsome blue-eyed kind ladies’ man, his charms

win her over. Maybe spending a night with him will give her plenty of inspiration. It turns out

Dominic has a seductive request for her, one she cannot refuse.

This is part 1 of the Billionaire’s Bet and contains about 11.500 words.

This story contains hot, explicit sex and BDSM play, M/F. For 18+ adults only.

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Published by Clarissa Wild at Smashwords

Copyright 2013 Clarissa Wild

Smashwords Edition, License Notes

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given

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Chapter 1

“He took her hand and gave it a small peck, before asking her if she wanted to be his girl,” I

muttered, typing the letters. The string of words just flowed out of my brain and into the laptop, but it

wasn’t anything to be even remotely happy with.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. “Delete!” I firmly pressed the button on my keyboard and erased

about a couple of hundred words. I just stared at the letters, wondering how on earth I could make this

interesting again. My writings had sucked the last couple of days.

No scrap that, the last couple of months was more like it.

Ever since I broke up with my boyfriend a few months ago, things had gone downhill, and I didn’t

mean with me. I just couldn’t put out anything worth reading. My entire entrepreneurship of writing,

publishing and selling my own books had come to an abrupt halt and hadn’t picked up since. It wasn’t

because I was sad or depressed; I just lacked the inspiration to come up with something that was


Some idiotic voice in my head told me it was because of the sex, or lack of thereof. I hadn’t had

any good sex since a long time, and even my ex couldn’t satisfy my needs. It was like my smutty side

had completely dried up and all that remained was a sappy, laughable version of me, which of course,

was reflected in my erotic novels.

I heaved a sigh again and took the last sip of wine from my now empty glass, before saving the

small bit of work I’d written. It was a waste of time. I just couldn’t do it right now.

I got up and put on some high heels, and then grabbed the keys and went out. It was quiet in the

hallway. Most guests were probably already downstairs, blowing away their money on cheap slot

machines that would never yield them anything but regret, which was exactly what I was planning to

do as well.

Shame, I know, but what else am I supposed to do?

My life was not something I was thinking about right now. I was only twenty three, but I was

living it, that was all I knew and cared for. Trying out the cards at the poker table, enjoying the music

and liquor, while writing away in my little hotel room above the casino. It wasn’t much, but it beat the

heck out of staying in some lousy, one-shop town where everybody knew my name, even though I was

anything but famous. I enjoyed my privacy and needed a shot of the wild life, so that’s why I came


I walked to the elevator and pressed the button to go down, but when the doors started closing, a

man held his hand in between.

“Wait,” he said, and wriggled his way in until the doors opened again and he passed through.

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Eyeing him, I noticed he was wearing a fancy suit. He had a strong physique, I could tell that much

from his broad appearance and the nicely fitted fabric. He was probably somewhere around twenty

six. His square, stubbly jaw moved up and down as he chewed on a toothpick.

“Excuse me,” he muttered. He briefly looked at me with his big, blue eyes. He stepped beside me

and our arms grazed each other, sending tiny shocks through my body. We were both facing the door,

waiting for it to close again, but time felt like it had stopped. This stranger, whoever it was, had a

weird effect on me I couldn’t ignore.

While the elevator went down, I glanced sideways at him. He had short, wavy hair, a bit honey

colored, and I couldn’t help but think about running my fingers through it. My eyes drifted down

toward his big hands, imagining they were all over me. Of course my lusty brain told me to look at his

package, which was abundant, to say the least.

Julie, what in the world are you thinking? Stop it!

My eyes shot back up to his face again and only then did I notice he was staring right back at me.

My cheeks flushed, my body shivering from the heat. I cleared my throat and turned my head


Dear God, I hope he didn’t see that. I know he did though.

I heard a muffling sound and from the corner of my eyes I saw him flash a smile.

The intercom told us we’d arrived and the door opened. The guy stepped outside, took the

toothpick out of his mouth and threw it in a nearby trashcan, before hurrying off though the lobby. It

took me a while to get my composure back.

I straightened my cut out dress and patted my hair down before stepping out into the casino lobby.

It was packed with people playing poker at the tables, rolling the dices, taking their chance at roulette

and there were hundreds of people sitting behind the slot machines.

I went to the cashiers and exchanged some money for chips. Deciding I’d squander my time

playing a game I’d never win, I settled for roulette and enjoyed my time betting on red, because it was

my favorite color. I never won anything, of course.

When more than a half an hour had passed, I exchanged my last chips for coins and used them on

the slot machines, drinking one glass of wine after the other. I was a sucker for the drink that heated

my throat and eased my senses. It wasn’t like I was supposed to be somewhere anyway and my

writing wasn’t going anywhere either.

I pressed the buttons and let the machine do its thing, when I noticed that same guy from the

elevator was sauntering through the aisles. I immediately turned my head, afraid he might’ve seen me


After a few seconds I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. His warm breath was in my neck. “Are

you enjoying yourself, Miss?” His husky voice was coaxing me to close my eyes and liquefy under his

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Am I enjoying myself? With your hand on me, definitely yes.

“Of course,” I said. I caught a whiff of his cologne, the scent arousing my senses.

He smiled and chuckled softly. “Good. You know, you’ll have more luck if you press them within

a specific amount of time.”

He took his hand off my shoulder and leaned on the machine. “May I show you?”

His smile was cheeky and too tempting to say no. I wanted to keep him here for as long as

possible. “Sure.”

He nodded and then placed his hand on top of mine, the mere sensation making my heart jump

through hoops. My fingers were on each of the buttons to make the machine stop, but I couldn’t move

them anymore, too focused on his touch.

He pulled the lever and waited. “Right at the exact time they…” he muttered. Then his fingers

gently pushed down on mine.

Each of the rows stopped on the same icon.

“Voila!” he said. The coins came spilling out of the machine.

“How did you …” I began.

“Ah, secret of the trade,” he said, and he winked at me. “Have a great time.”

Then he walked off. My eyes still followed his every move. He stopped when an old lady

dropped her chips and picked it up for her. A few feet away there was a boy sitting at the floor,

running his finger in circles across the carpet, just beside the seat of a much older man who looked

just like him.

Must be his father.

The guy walked over to the boy and sank through his knees. When the boy looked up at him, the

guy fished a few chips from his pockets and placed them in the boy’s hand whose face lit up

immediately. Then he ran off and the smirk on the guy’s face was the cutest thing I’d ever seen.

A voice called out through the speakers, saying it was time for the charity event. The guy looked

at the watch around his wrist and walked away again, toward a large room filled with people.

I got off my seat and drifted toward the same room, interested in what was going on, attracted by

his presence. His scent and allure was pulling me in like a bee to a flower’s honey. And oh boy, did I

want his.

When I peeked around the corner, I noticed there was a stage in the back. A woman stood there

with a microphone, a handsome man standing next to her, and she called out prices. Female guests

held up their hands and the prices shot up, while the man made some funny poses.

They’re auctioning off guys?

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“Two thousand, two thousand, anyone wants to bid higher? This piece of man-meat is well worth

it, ladies,” the woman called out. When the last hand went up, it was a war between two women, with

one eventually giving in after hitting three thousand.

“Alright, going once, going twice … sold!” the woman behind the microphone called.

The woman in the crowd shrieked. The guy stepped off the stage and went to greet her, while she

smothered him with kisses.

“Wonderful, people, wonderful. And remember, all proceeds will go to the cancer funds. Please

help our cause. Thank you for your support,” the woman continued. “Welcome our next bachelor!”

And then my jaw dropped. The man that had just left his imprint on me was stepping up the stage

in his hot suit. He straightened his collar, whilst all the women were shouting and screaming like fan

girls. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who appreciated him.

He rubbed his stubbly jaw and the squeals in the crowd increased. Snatching the microphone from

the lady’s hand, he said, “Now, now, ladies. Settle down. Pour your hearts into bidding, because as

you all know, only one may win the grand prize.” He ended his little speech with a wink and gave the

microphone back to the woman in charge.

“Okay … remember ladies, you can only have him for one night. Now, let the bidding begin.”

Instantly, half the room was filled with hands, pointing up at the ceiling, waving about.

He laughed and soon I could barely hear anything else but prices rising to the limit. Three

thousand. Four thousand. Six thousand. Ten thousand. Money was almost flung into the air.

When the last bid came, it was an old lady who shouted the words ‘fifteen thousand’ and who’d

won a night with the handsome guy. The same old lady for who he’d picked up the chips she’d

dropped. I chuckled when I saw her gloat, walking off with him on his arms, the rest of the women

pouting behind her.

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Chapter 2

“A tequila Sunrise and a margarita, please,” I said.

“Are you on a roll tonight?” the bartender asked me while pouring the liquor.

“No, I just really need something to drink.” I sat down on a stool at the bar and rested my head on

the palm of my hand.

He snorted and gave me the two glasses. I took the tequila first and sipped out the delicious tart

citrus and sweet grenadine. I was ignoring that stupid voice in my head that said I was pathetic,

drinking alone at a casino bar, with nothing but an old laptop and a case full of all my belongings.

I took another sip and looked the other way, toward the poker table. I saw Mister Hunkalicious

(yes, he needed a name) flipping cards. He was letting the old lady win and I’d seen her glow all

night long as he entertained her. They got up and she whispered into his ear. He held up his hand and

she turned around, but just before he walked away, she grabbed his butt.

I almost blew bubbles into my drink from laughing, so I quickly set it down.

The old lady went to the elevator while the guy I wanted sat down again to finish his poker game.

I drank up what was left in my glass and reached for the other one. I was feeling tipsy already, but

I couldn’t care less. I needed to feel at ease in order to write again. Actually, I was a much better

writer when I was drunk, which was one of the things I was least proud of, but on which I was

dependant for money to flow, which was of course needed to actually live.

Ah, the wondrous horrible circle of life.

“Cheers,” I said to the bartender, who raised an empty glass with me. I took another gulp from the

glass and closed my eyes to wash away the guilt.

“Such an early evening for a lady like you to be drinking like that, don’t you think?”

My eyes shot open. Looking to my left, I saw Him sitting there. Mister Hot was sitting right next to

me, on a stool, flexing his wrist to look at the time.

I promptly put down the glass and took my head off the palm of my hand.

Clearing my throat, I said, “I don’t know, you tell me.”

He smiled. “There are many more ways to have a good time.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Like what? Making a young boy’s day? Entertaining an old lady? Enticing

lusty women?”

He chuckled with a low grunt that made my insides quiver. “I prefer the latter.”

I muffled a laugh and took another sip.

The guy beckoned the bartender and said, “I’ll have a Dirty Martini, please.”

He faced me again and held out his hand. “Dominic Fury.”

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Dominic Fury? Sexy guy has a name now and it’s a hot one too. Oh geez.

“Julie Valentine.”

“Valentine? What a charming surname.”

I chuckled. “I wish I could say the same about yours, but it would just set me on fire.”

God, I’m awful with slapstick jokes.

He laughed. “I usually do more than just set girls on fire.” His wink did exactly that.

The bartender arrived with his drink and Dominic raised it. “To a wonderful evening.”

I toasted with him and we both took a sip from our glasses. It was quiet for some time, so I

thought I’d break the ice. “It was very nice of you to give that oldie a great time.”

“You think so? Well, I guess, but she did pay for it.”

“Yeah, but it all goes to a charity, right? Plus, you could’ve ditched her after a while and you

didn’t. I know plenty of men who’d rather rid themselves of grannies like her, grabbing your butt and

stuff like that.”

Dominic chortled. “Hehe, yeah, she packed quite a pinch, if you know what I mean. Luckily she

ditched me after a while. She said she was tired, but that she had a lovely time with me. Guess a little

butt-grabbing is worth it.”

“You mean making people happy?”

“You could call it that. It’s what I do, anyway.” He drank some more and loosened his collar.

“So, what’s your life’s calling?”

I snorted. “More like a crazy whim, I’d call it.”

He raised his eyebrows and waited for me to speak.

“I’m a writer,” I admitted, reluctantly. I shuddered from the thought of what usually comes next.

People would either ask me if I’d ever make enough money, if I’d even sell anything, if it was just a

hobby …

“Oh, really? Guess that must mean I’m drinking with a famous person then. I’ll drink to that.”

He took another sip while I laughed.

“Eh, not so much,” I said. “I wish, though.” I took my last gulp and signaled the bartender to get

me another.

“Hmm, so business isn’t going so well? What do you write?”

I stirred my straw around in my empty glass. “Steamy romances. I’d be selling more if I knew

what to write, but inspiration doesn’t come easy nowadays.”

The bartender brought my new drink and took away the empty glass, leaving me with a new

tequila to play around with.

The left corner of Dominic’s lip curled up. “If inspiration is another word for ‘having a good

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fuck’ then I know what you mean.”

My eyes widened when I heard that and I almost choked on my drink. I put my glass down again

and felt a little queasy from the alcohol. “My, my, aren’t you the seducer.”

He chuckled. “I’d hardly call that seducing.”

We both laughed and I drank up my tequila, feeling tipsier by the second. I didn’t really care

about it though. I was having a good time with Dominic and talking to him was better than sitting

alone in my bedroom behind a laptop all night.

“Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, Dominic Fury, but it’s time to head back and get my creative

juices flowing.”

I got off my stool, but my legs were wobbly and I was very dizzy, so I almost fell over. Dominic

jumped off and caught me. Now I could really feel those strong arms around my waist and it was

sending heat strokes through my body.

“Wow, be careful there,” he said. “Maybe that was a little too much tequila.”

“Thanks, but I’ll manage.”

He took my arm and placed it around his neck. “No worries, let me help you. I’ll get you to your


We moved forward through the lobby with guests staring at us like we were goofing off. “Hey, are

you flirting with me?” I muttered, only half aware of what I was saying.

“Flirting? No, I would never,” he said, and he winked, making me chortle.

“You’re naughty, you know that? Wanting to go to a girl’s room the second you meet her.”

He laughed. “Oh, I’ve seen plenty of rooms in my life time, don’t worry about that.”

We stumbled into the elevator and Dominic managed to press the correct button. I hung on his

neck, almost unable to keep standing up. I was so tired and … well, my brain started to go into

inactive mode.

“What’s your room number?” he asked.

I think I managed to say it, but I’m not sure if it was the right one.

“Okay, here we are,” he said. So little time had passed between him asking and finding the door,

though I imagined it must’ve been a lot longer than my brain told me. He had to haul me all the way


I took out my keys, but was fumbling so much, Dominic snatched them from me and opened the

door himself. He helped me get inside and put me down on the bed.

“Well, goodnight, July,” he said. “It was wonderful to meet you too.”

I flopped down on my back, facing the ceiling and made snow-angels on the bed, without any

snow. I cracked myself up.

I heard him sigh and then I felt his warm fingers on my feet.

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“Oh, what are you doing, Dominic? Are you undressing me? You’re such a tease,” I said.

“No, I’m taking off your shoes, so you can get into your bed.”

He was speaking the truth. My feet suddenly felt cold and his hands had released them again.

I got back up from the bed and wriggled my way to the end where he was standing. He was

towering above me, his buff features appetizing and hard to resist, especially now that I wanted to be

loved and could care less who it was.

He turned around, but I grabbed his hand. “Don’t go yet.” I pulled him closer and planted a kiss

on his stubbly, muscular neck. I laced my arms around his neck, but he tried to unhook them again. I

was clinging on to him, while he was trying to leave.

“You’re not exactly sober, Julie. I can’t do that.”

I lowered the straps of my bra so my boobs became more exposed and fiddled with his tie. “Oh,

come on. It’s just a little bit of fun.” I kissed him on his shoulder and sternum, unbuttoning his shirt

slowly. He swallowed; I saw his Adam’s apple move up and down. I felt his pants tent against my

groin and it only made me hungry for more.

“No, Julie.” He grabbed my arms, his hands firm and demanding, and he pushed me away. “This

is not really my idea of fun and you certainly don’t want that, trust me.”

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. I could tell he was having trouble not giving in. Then

he ripped himself away from my clutch, turned around and walked out the door, slamming it behind


I frowned, sighed and rolled my eyes.


I dropped back onto the bed and closed my eyes. I didn’t remember what came next.


Someone knocked on the door. I heard a vague noise. My eyes were glued together, but I managed

to open them.

I woke up with a terrible headache and an overheated body. I was still in my dress, partially

under the blanket, my legs swaying off the side of the bed. Lipstick was smeared all over my pillow

and when I wiped my face, the red stain was on my fingers too.

I looked up and gaped at the alarm clock. My eyes shot open and I frowned. It wasn’t the time that

had startled me. The giant pink dildo on the nightstand did.

How the hell did that get there?

More importantly, whose was it? Not mine, that was for sure. I didn’t remember ever buying a

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dildo like that. Sure, I had a flesh colored one, but not a pink, cutesy one.

What the hell did I do last night?

Groaning, I managed to fall out of bed.

The knocking ensued and I could hear it was someone shouting at the door. “Miss Valentine?

Room service. Open up please,” a woman shouted.

I panicked and searched for a washcloth to get the smudges off my face. “In a minute!” I yelled


I ran around the room, trying to clean myself, pick up the dirty laundry and throw it under the bed,

rearrange my furniture that had landed all over the place and get out of this uncomfortable dress. I

threw the dildo into an empty drawer. I put on a clean shirt and some jeans and brushed my hair.

“Can I come in now?” the woman said.

“Yeah, coming,” I said and I ran to the door and unlocked it. I didn’t even know how it got locked

in the first place. I hardly remembered anything about last night.

She came in and stared at me for a second, before rolling in the trolley packed with scrumptious

food for breakfast. She did her routine, placing everything neatly where it belonged and then walked

over to the bed to take off my sheets.

“I’ve included a newspaper, as requested. Service will be back with clean sheets this afternoon.

They’ve got the key, so no need to stay in, and they’ll bring clean towels. If there’s anything else you

need, don’t hesitate to call. Enjoy your breakfast and have a nice day,” she said, and she quickly

closed the door behind her.

I sat down at the table and took some toast and butter off the plate, while I turned on my laptop.

Skimming through my notes, I noticed I hadn’t made any progress in a while. I sighed and ate some

strawberries, realizing I had to make some money soon before it would completely dry up. My

writing wasn’t going anywhere, that was for sure.

I picked up the newspaper and, scanning it, I noticed a peculiar ad.

Wanted. Female assistant for CEO of Casino. High maintenance job. Must be eighteen or

older and have plenty of experience with men. Not for the weak hearted or ill. Must be open-

minded and capable of reducing work-related stress. Must be available twenty-four/seven. Pay is

fifteen thousand a week.’

“Fifteen thousand a week?” I blurted out. “What the hell is this job?”

I tried to find more information, but there was nothing about it except that tiny ad. I bit my lip and

thought about it.

What if I’d do it? Who knows what could be in store, what would be asked, but it does make a

lot of money. And I need it.

I looked at my laptop again and stared at the letters on the screen. Those weren’t going to earn me

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half as much in half a year as this job would within a week.

I smirked and nodded, ripping out the ad from the newspaper. “New job, get ready for Julie.”

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Chapter 3

I rummaged through my suitcase until I found the perfect black outfit that would match with my

black heels. I had to make a good impression on the casino boss so I could snag this job for my own

and cash in. In my head I already had clear what I was going to say and how I would present myself.

Sit up straight, smile, don’t squint, keep your composure, tell about your best aspects and show

him why he needs to pick me.

I glanced at the mirror one last time before heading out. The ad in the paper had said it was on the

top floor of this casino, so I walked to the elevator and nervously pressed the button. The waiting

seemed to last indefinitely. I chewed my nails and anxiously tiptoed around until the doors opened

and I saw about ten chairs filled with women all staring at me.

I swallowed and stepped out into the hallway that almost looked like a holding pen for snarky

women. I sat down on the nearest seat and cleared my throat. The women turned their heads toward

the only door in the hallway.

When the door opened, all the heads shot up into the air. A lady came running out, wiping her

cheeks, sniveling in between. Her eyes were red. She ran across the hall and into the elevator,

pressing the button about twenty times until the doors closed.

We all switched places, forward one row. The next lady went in, but after five minutes, she came

out too, crying. Every woman that went in, came out with a few tears rolling down her face. I

wondered what was so extreme about this job that had confident women running away, bawling their

eyes out.

Still, I had to see for myself. It didn’t hurt to try and I really needed the money. Maybe they just

weren’t up to the task or maybe they just didn’t appeal to him.

When it was my turn, I was scared to death.

I swallowed a couple of times and straightened my clothes before walking into the room.

There were a couple of guys standing to my left with wires running to their ears. They were

probably guarding the place.

“Welcome. You can close the door behind you and sit down in front of me,” a man behind a desk

said. He was facing the window behind him and I couldn’t make out if he was young or old, or even

what he looked like. I did what he asked and then walked over to the desk to sit on the seat. I could

feel my nerves twitching in my shaking fingers.

The man turned around in his seat, his darkened glasses framing his bold face. I stared at him. His

lips curled up into a sly smile and then he took off his glasses. His big blue eyes and chiseled

cheekbones were all I needed to recognize him.

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“Dominic?” I said, my eyes widening.

“Well, hi there. Didn’t see that one coming,” he said.

“What are you … is this for real?” I said.

“As real as it gets.” A cheeky smile appeared on his face.

“So you’re the CEO. You’re telling me you own this casino? You’re the boss?”

“You’re looking right at him.”

“But you said you entertained people …” I muttered.

“Isn’t this entertainment then?”

For a moment I was dumbstruck, my mouth falling open.

“So, tell me why you came here. You obviously found my ad in the newspaper,” he said.

I regained my composure and took the ad out of my bag. “Uh … yeah, that’s right. I’m interested.”

Dominic chuckled. “I don’t think this is a very good idea.”

I frowned. “What? Why not?”

“As you can see most girls just run away from the job. I’d like to spare you the humiliation.”

“Sorry, but, I think I can decide that for myself.”

His fingertips rested against each other, his elbows on the table. “I’m looking for someone

special. I have very specific … needs.”

He stared at me as if he was waiting for me to leave or to speak up. Either way, I was getting this

job one way or another and I wasn’t easily scared away.

“Well, I can be special. Whatever is necessary to get the job done,” I said, putting up my faux


He squinted for a moment and then signaled the men around us to leave. When they were gone,

Dominic focused on me again.

“So … you’re telling me you’d do anything I’d ask?”

“Well, I guess … yeah.” My confidence was diminishing with every passing second.

He sighed. “Listen, Miss Valentine, or can I call you Julie?”

“Julie is fine.”

We smiled at each other, it was rather uncomfortable.

“I’m going to be very honest with you,” he said. “I think you can handle it.”

I waited, he closed his eyes and opened them again, probably taking his time to think it through,

whatever it was.

“This job is service based. Each time I use your service, you get paid. The service is quite

extraordinary, so the payment is higher than usual. I require utmost obedience and there is zero

tolerance for defiance.”

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I bit my lip, anxious for what came next.

“I’m going to be quite frank with you, Julie,” he said. “What I require is not something most

women will sign up for.”

“How so?” I said.

His lip curled up into a sly smile. “Because there is a certain line which most won’t cross.

Understandable of course, but their loss as well.”

I chuckled. “I think I can handle a little spice. There aren’t a lot of borders I haven’t already


He nodded softly, turning about in his chair as if he was gauging my reaction. “Even if it’d meant

that you might get hurt? Would you be willing to give up your free will? If I’d ask you to strip bare,

could you do it?”

My eyes widened and I swallowed. In my mind I went over every part of the conversation we just

had, I scanned the paper that had asked for an assistant. That she must be eighteen or older and have

plenty of experience with men. The pay. His flirts. The women crying, running down the hallway.

Now I see.

“You’re asking me to …” I stammered.

My cheeks flushed and my eyes deflected away from him. I stared at the ground, feeling utterly

naked right there and then. My heart was racing. I wasn’t sure if I was appalled or aroused by the

mere thought of this man seeking someone to use for his pleasures. I knew it must have something to

do with sex. All the signs pointed in that direction. It was an extraordinary request indeed. One that

heated up my core.

“I’m not asking you to do anything. You see, this is why I said I require a special kind of person.

Someone who is willing to give in to me.”

So it was true. He was looking for someone and wanted to spend money on it. But why not just

ask any girl? He was so handsome, he could get any girl he’d flirt with. He’d only have to touch her

and she’d swoon in his arms. Not exactly a hard thing to find. I didn’t get why he was going through

all this trouble.

“I know it might come as a shock, so I guess this is the part where you storm out,” he said.

I bit my lip. Maybe. I didn’t know if I wanted to leave. A part of me wanted to run away as fast as

I could, the other was longing for a man’s love. His loving. Last night he wouldn’t touch me. Now I

had the chance to fulfill my own needs, as well as his, and get some cash. Why did this feel like it

was too good to be true?

“I don’t understand, there must be a catch,” I blurted out.

“Excuse me?” Dominic seemed confused. Fazed, almost. As if he was expecting me to get up

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instead of ask questions.

“Why would you offer a girl money to do these things with you? You could get any girl you want.”

He laughed. “I could, yeah. If I wanted that. But what I need is something else entirely.”

“Oh, really? I was under the impression you just wanted to pay a girl to have sex with you.”

I looked him straight in the eye to show him my resolve. He gazed back and didn’t even flinch.

“It’s much, much more than that. But why are you asking? Are you interested?” He leaned


I swallowed and almost bit my tongue. I’d wanted to get my hands on him ever since I met him

and this opportunity was just too hard to resist. The problem was, how far was he going to take it?

All this talk about being obedient had got me thinking it was a lot more than I was used to.

“Tell me what you’re looking for,” I said, clearing my throat.

“As I said, I require utmost obedience. I am looking for a partner. A lover. Someone who will do

as I say. A submissive.”

A submissive? Does that mean he’s a Dom?

I’d read about this. There were men who took pleasure out of being overly dominant. Who loved

to exert their power and see their partners beg for pleasure. And the subs enjoyed pain. Pain inflicted

by the Dom.

“And you want me to be that?” I blurted out.

His lip curled up into a mischievous smile. “Perhaps. You’re the first girl who’s stayed. I admire

your tenacity. You know, I’ve been watching you, and I think you’d make an excellent sub.”

I snorted. “Really?”

“Yes. You like to obey. I felt it the moment your body shuddered from the mere touch of my

fingers. You wanted to do anything to please me yesterday, even if it meant throwing caution to the

wind. I’d say you’d make a perfect sub.”

“Oh …” I was thinking about it myself now. It was true. I’d do anything for that feeling of him

touching me again. I melted in his arms. I’d never experienced anything like this, nor did I ever feel

what it was like to be under someone else’s control. To completely surrender. It was a tempting idea.

“Of course, you’d need to be initiated. You need to be taught how to listen, how to please, how to

live for it. I can teach you. I’ll make use of your services whenever I ask and you’ll provide. You’ll

receive payment of course, which you can use however you want.”

“You mean, I’d become your submissive, and in return you’d pay me?”

“That’s pretty much it, yes. I want to pay you for the troubles my wishes bring. That’s why I call it

a service. I don’t force myself upon anyone. I just want it to be some sort of give and take, you


I took in a deep breath and heaved a sigh. It was quiet for some time. I was taking in every piece

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of information that had just been discussed. That I desperately needed money, because my books were

going nowhere. That he’d provide for me. The absurdity of it all. The hunger I’d felt for months.

“Am I correct to assume you’re actually considering my offer?” He titled his head.

“Well … it depends. I have to think about it.”

He muffled a laugh. “That’s alright. I’ll also need to test you first.”

“Test me?”

“Just a second, Julie. First things first. There is an agreement you have to sign, before we can

make any arrangements.” He pulled an envelope out from his drawer and handed it over to me. “You

can only open it if you’ll accept my offer and after you’ve completed your test. Do it in your hotel

room, not here.”

I nodded and put the envelope in my bag.

“Now, about your test … did you get my gift this morning?”

I frowned. “Gift?”

“The one on the nightstand. Pink. Large. Pleasuring.”

My jaw dropped and my pupils dilated. “That was from you?”

Dominic chuckled. “After you practically wanted to rip my clothes off last night, I thought you

could use a little something to comfort you. I know it’s not a replacement, but it does the trick quite

nicely, don’t you think?”

“I haven’t used it,” I muttered.

“You haven’t? Such a shame, but actually, it was meant for your test, so that’s okay.”

“But I only read the newspaper this morning I didn’t yet … Wait; you knew I was going to come


He shrugged. “I had a feeling. Like I said, I knew you’d make an excellent sub. It was just a hunch.

Anyway, if you think you’re up to the job, you have to complete this test. It’s a way for me to gauge if

you can handle more.”

“Okay,” I stammered.

“Here’s the deal. Use the gift I gave you for at least twenty minutes today. More is always good,

but you cannot come.”

The word ‘come’ was repeated over and over in my mind like it was something to lure me into

his arms.

“Don’t cheat, I’ll know it if you have. If you can do exactly that, you can come by my house this

evening and we’ll begin. The address is in the envelope.”

He stood up from his chair and buttoned up his suit. I got up from my chair too. He walked over to

me and placed his hand softly on my arm. “If you’re ready, I’ll see you tonight. Oh … and wear that

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dress you wore yesterday. It looks quite nice on you.”

He escorted me to the door and when it opened, I saw all the women that were seated stare at me

like I was supposed to run in fear. Only I didn’t.

“The job is no longer vacant. Sorry ladies,” Dominic said.

Most of them sighed, others frowned or rolled their eyes, but they all went anyway. I followed

them into the elevator and looked one last time at Dominic, who stood there proud and statuesque,

simply waving at me until the doors closed.


When I closed the door to my room, that pink dildo was the only object of my attention. I put

down my bag and took a deep breath, before walking over to my nightstand and taking it into my hand.

It was thick and squishy, though not soft, but very large. I gazed at it and dirty thoughts crossed my

mind. Thoughts of what I could do with this, how long it would last, if I could do what he asked of

me, if I still wanted to go through with this. The idea of obeying him was somehow arousing me.

I breathed in and out a couple of times and figured I’d just do it. See if I could make it. There was

no harm in trying and his offer was titillating my thoughts. My curiosity overtook me.

I took off my shoes one by one, zipped down my pants and lowered them together with my panties.

Sitting down onto the bed, I placed the dildo on top of my sex and began rubbing it across. Back and

forth, back and forth. I circled it around and soon my folds began to moisten.

This feels really nice.

I rolled the dildo over my folds, making it slick from my own wetness. It was a rather sexy

thought to know that Dominic had given me this toy and that it had been in his hands. Now it was all

mine to play with.

Hissing, I pushed the dildo down onto my clit and circled it around. After it was slick enough, I

dipped the pink cock into my pussy and moaned loudly. It felt so fulfilling inside me. I looked at the

clock and noticed only five minutes had passed. I had to spend another fifteen minutes doing this and I

couldn’t come. I didn’t know if I had the strength to stop myself.

I pushed it in and out, slower and faster and moved along with my own rhythm. It was so

delicious and I couldn’t help but grab my boob and squeeze it. I took it out again and slithered it

across my labia, stroking my aching nub.

Oh, this is too hard. Oh my God, I can’t handle this, but I must. I have to.

The resolve to do as he asked was stronger than my lust. My will to please him, so I could please

myself, was all that mattered. This was new and so overpowering. I was at mercy of my own strength

to deny myself pleasure.

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After the twenty minutes had passed I stopped. The dildo dropped to the floor. My nub was aching

like never before. I wanted to come so badly, but knew I wasn’t allowed and I wanted what he

offered more than just an orgasm I gave myself, so I persisted.

Panting, I got up from the bed and grabbed a fresh pair of panties. My hands were stiff; one had

marks all over it from the edge of the bed. My legs were shaking, but I put on the black cut out dress

he wanted me to wear anyway. I took out the envelope from my bag and sat down on the bed again,

trying to avoid my pussy as it was overly sensitive.

It was a contract indeed. Dominic had already taken the liberty of signing it himself. I read

through it, noticing a lot of the requirements. He’d provide me with care, clothing, shelter, food and

whatnot. In return I’d obey the rules, care for myself and do whatever this contract said. The contract

had a date and legal agreement. Objectives were to reward me for good behavior, grant protection

and care, regular necessities and of course sexual favors if earned. I had to perform sexual actions

when asked to do so. I would take punishment in any form if I did not obey. Our safe word would be

red for stopping completely and yellow to slow down or do something else. And here was the part I

did not yet know. I was not allowed to leave the premises unless I had permission. Another strange

part was that I might be given a mark as to show that he owned me.

I know there is a contract, nonetheless it feels weird to read this.

I sighed and read the rest. Somehow the idea of doing this wasn’t scaring me. It was actually too

tempting to say no to. Suddenly it sank in what I was about to do. I picked up a pen and went over it

one last time, before signing the deal.

My breathing was ragged as I picked up my bag and walked to the door, ready to become his.

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Chapter 4

A taxi brought me to a luxurious apartment building on the address that was on a piece of paper

included in the envelope. I gave the driver some cash and got out. On the wall was a telecom and I

pressed the button next to Dominic’s name.

“Hello?” a voice said.

“Dominic? It’s me, Julie.”

“Ah. Please, come up.”

Something buzzed. I went inside and was greeted by a doorman. The hall was squeaky clean,

bright and looked expensive. I walked up to one of the two elevators present and pressed the button,

waiting for it to come down. My heart was racing when the doors opened and I stepped inside.

I pressed the button, number twenty nine, the highest level. The wait was long and tedious and I

was almost skipping about on my wobbly legs. When the doors opened I faced only one door, once

again, just like at the casino.

Walking up to it, I couldn’t help notice my hands shaking as I reached for the door. It opened

when I was about to knock. Dominic looked at me with a confident smile. He was wearing a tight,

black suit, accompanied by a red tie. When I looked at him all I saw was what I wanted.

“Welcome. Come on in,” he said and he made some room for me and pointed at his loft. I stepped

inside and looked around. It was a beautiful loft with on one side a natural stone wall and staircase

and on the other side a gigantic bookcase going from the floor all the way to the ceiling, with a

balcony somewhere midway and a few steps leading up to it. I marveled at expensive looking white

couches and seats, the magnificent view from the window, the golden chandeliers hanging above me.

Dominic closed the door behind me and the thump shook me out of my daydreams about this loft. I

turned around and gasped. He was right in front of me, only a few inches away. His lips were so

close to mine I could almost taste them.

“Since you’re here, I assume you’ve completed the test?” he asked.

Holy shit, that’s straightforward. I flushed and nodded.

He smiled. “Good. I hope you enjoyed yourself. Have you brought the agreement?”

I took the envelope from my bag and gave it to him.

“Great,” he said and he held out his hand. “Let’s sit down for a few minutes.”

He walked me to his seating area and I sat down on the comfy couch while he poured in some

water for me. “Thanks,” I said when he handed it to me. He sat down across from me and opened the

envelope to take out the papers.

“I see you’ve signed it. Good. Now, before we start anything, I do want to go over it with you

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again, just to make sure we both know what we’re getting into.”

“Okay,” I muttered, taking a sip from my water.

He listed all the things that were on the paper, everything I needed to agree to, and everything he

would do in return. He said that this night would be a test and that we’d see how it goes from there.

“Do you have any questions, Julie?”

“Ah … yes,” I said, still unsure if I would ask it or not. “Why did you try to find someone through

a newspaper ad? I mean, there must’ve been an easier way.”

He chuckled. “Well, if I’d known how these things work, then yes, I might’ve searched for

someone through a different channel.”

I almost choked on my drink. “What do you mean ‘if you’d known how these things work’? I

thought this was normal to you?”

“The lifestyle is. Searching for a new partner isn’t.” He looked down at the carpet and avoided

my eyes.

“Oh … I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked,” I said, noticing the uncomfortable silence.

“It’s okay. I shouldn’t linger on the past. I’ve found you now and I can’t wait to get started.”

He stood up and suddenly his demeanor had changed. His face had gone rigid and his posture was

more imposing. He walked over to me and held out his hand. “Come.”

I was mesmerized by his bright, blue eyes that were coaxing me to come with him. I took his

warm, strong hand and he guided me up the stairs. We passed his bedroom, which was quite different,

because the bed was suspended in the air, floating above the floor. He opened a door to the left. I was

shocked by what I saw.

There were benches with straps and something that looked like a guillotine without the blade.

There was a table with metal cuffs and a hammock with holes in it, suspended in the air. There was a

chair with clasps on it, a large, red sheeted bed with the same straps and cuffs on each end and a table

with all sorts of equipment. Wooden and leather paddles, some with spikes, some without. Whips,

chains, slappers, canes, riding crops, more cuffs, scarves, tape and other binding materials, nipple

clamps in all sorts with chains attached to them and mini vibrators. On another table there were some

candles, a bucket of ice and an assortment of vibrators and dildo’s. On the walls hung a lot of ropes,

some masks and outfits in all different kinds, but especially leather and latex.

I shuddered looking at it all. I didn’t know what to think of it. Some part of it was frightening, the

idea of pain, the idea of being trapped, but it was also exciting me. I wanted to try it, but I was afraid

at the same time.

I felt his body press against my back. “This is the playroom. I know it may look scary at first, but

trust me, you’ll learn to love it. I won’t go all out right away, so don’t be scared. I’ll take it easy on

you. We’ll start simple and soft, nothing with too much pain.”

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“I don’t know …” I muttered.

“You can trust me. I will always abide by the contract. I won’t push you further than your limits

and you can always say the stop word. Do you remember what it is?”

I nodded, feeling warmth pool in my belly from his hands that gently slithered around my sides.

“Say it,” he whispered into my ear. “What’s our stop word?”


“Good. Now what’s the word if you want me to slow down or stop the action and do something



“Good girl. Now, I have certain rules. We’re in the playroom now, so you must always call me

master. If you ask something, always say please. I might be a beast in the bedroom, but I appreciate


“Okay,” I said.

I felt a slight pinch in my waist and knew it were his fingers. He released me and gave me a short

slap on the butt. It wasn’t painful, but I jolted up.

“Okay, what?” Dominic said, his voice gruff.

“Okay … master.”

He chortled. “Well done. See, it’s not so hard to do as you’re told. Remember the rules, Julie. If

you don’t abide by them, I have to punish you, like I did just now. That was lesson number one.”

My body was trembling and my heart was racing. I didn’t dare turn around. I heard him sniff and I

felt a warm breath near my hair. “You smell so nice.” He moved aside my hair from my neck and I

felt his breath heat up my skin. I gasped when his moist lips brushed along my shoulder. I closed my

eyes as he started to give me tiny pecks from my shoulder to the top of my neck, stopping right below

my ear. My panties were getting damp and I shuffled around on my legs trying to move closer to him,

to feel him.

He nudged me forward and ripped open the zipper of my dress.

“I want this off,” he said.

Instinctive I clench my hands to my chest, trying to keep the dress from falling down. I’ve never

really undressed like this, so visible, so naked in front of a man.

“But I thought you wanted me to wear it?”

“I know I did and it’s nice, but now I want it off. There’s no discussion possible. Take it off or I

will,” he said, his voice more demanding than before.

I took in a deep breath and let the dress slide down to my feet.

“Take off the rest too. I want you completely naked.”

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“Do what I ask you, Julie. Take off your bra and panties or I will have to punish you.”

I swallowed. I’d never experienced a man being so dominant before. It was not usual for me to

accept it, but I knew it was part of the contract. Part of the reason why I was here. To feel what it was

like. It was part of the play.

My hands fumbled to undo the clasps of my bra. As it dropped to the floor, I shuddered and

dropped my hands beside me. My fingers hooked around the lace of my panties and I pulled it down

completely. I was naked, facing the wall of this make-shift dungeon, and I hungered for his love.

I heard his footsteps before I felt his arms around me. He pulled me into his embrace. His fingers

slithered up to my breasts and cupped them, gently massaging them. He groaned in my ear. I was

ready to slip away under his touch. A sudden pinch got me wide awake. My areolas were being

squeezed between his index fingers and thumbs until my nipples were stiff.

“Hmm, nice and puckered,” he murmured. “Alright. Go stand over there, between the chains on

the ceiling.”

He directed me toward a plateau in the middle of the room and hoisted down some chains hanging

from the ceiling. “Hold up your arms,” he said. I did what he asked and then he bound my wrists with

leather straps to the chains.

“Spread your legs, too.” Dominic lifted my feet and placed them where they should be, then put

straps on my ankles. I was completely nailed to the floor. Legs wide, arms high up in the air,

shackled, totally nude.

When he came back up from the floor he just gazed at me, his lips curling up into a devious smile.

“I like my girl chained up.” He ran his hands down my breasts and pinched my nipples again until I

squealed. He seemed to enjoy agonizing me, looking at his broad smile.

He stepped closer onto the plateau, moving his hand across my spine and now he was only a few

inches away from me. I could feel his breath on my face as he inhaled and exhaled. “Do you give me

permission to kiss you?” he asked.

I was a bit dumbfounded by his question. “Um … yes.”

A smack against my butt followed. The pain followed after. A cry escaped my mouth.

“Yes what?” he said.

“Yes, master,” I mumbled.

Dominic smacked me again, it wasn’t as painful as the previous one, but still made me shriek

from the abruptness of it. He enclosed my mouth with his, smothering me with his tongue to make me

silent. He explored my mouth with eagerness, while rubbing his hand over my aching skin. It was

soothing, but a gentle reminder of the force he’d use to make me do what he wanted. I was his and had

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no control. Giving it up was hard, but it was also the most erotic thing I’d ever done. Letting someone

be in complete control over your body was a new and titillating experience for me and I wanted more

of this. Of him.

When Dominic’s lips parted from mine again, he licked his lips and stepped off the plateau. He

took off his shirt, button by button, right in front of me, as if he was trying to kill me. Figuratively of

course, but I couldn’t wait to get my hands on those tight abs and smooth pectorals. If I ever got the


He walked to the table and grabbed a scarf which he then put over my eyes and knotted it behind

my head.

“Taking away your sight will heighten your pleasure, Julie,” Dominic said.

His footsteps were all I focused on. Moving around me, circling me. I didn’t know what he was

doing or what I should expect. Every sound was much louder to my ears now, as if they picked up

things I wouldn’t have when I could still see.

And then came the painful pang on my breasts. “Ah!” I shrieked. He’d slapped it with his bare

hand, I could feel his fingers linger on my hardened nipples as if they were his prize. And then came

another smack on my other breast. Each time my breath faltered. The pain was sharp, but the burning

skin that felt hot afterwards was arousing my senses.

His hands slipped across my body, over the painful skin and I hissed when he touched it. He

growled and put his lips on mine only for a few seconds. His hand suddenly came down with

fierceness on my pussy. I never expected this much pain, but it was exciting and something new


“Ouch!” I screamed. He groaned near my ear and sucked on my earlobe, then moved around to my


“Now this is my idea of fun,” he said.

Dominic’s hand came down on my butt again. After every smack he would caress my aching skin,

rubbing it in circling motions. He slapped me again and again with the back and front side of his hand,

back and forth from one cheek to the other. I squealed and my legs were shaking beneath me.

His hands cupped around my butt. He steadied me. “Settle down,” he said, his voice insistent. I

felt his fingers travel from my butt to my belly, each motion making me shudder, taking in breaths as if

I was preparing for the next blow. But it didn’t come. Instead, he massaged my boobs and caressed

my waist, until he reached my inner thighs. Up he went to my longing folds, nudging them aside,

stroking my sensitive nub. Oh, how I wanted more.

“Do you like what I’m doing?” he asked.

“Yes, master,” I replied, this time remembering his command.

He chuckled. “Good. Do you like the soft spanking as well?”

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“Soft?” I muttered, lingering on the word.

He laughed. “Oh, yes, this is definitely soft. There is so much more I can do. I’d like to try

something on you, if that’s okay.”

“Um … okay.”

One of his hands moved up to my nipple and he squeezed it boldly. “Okay, what?”

“Okay, master.”

“You’re starting out to be a wonderful sub, Julie, but I want you to beg me.”


“You heard me. Beg me to pleasure you.”

I flushed and felt the heat pool in my belly. “I … please pleasure me, master.”

He grunted and released my nipple from his grip. He walked away and I could only hear the

muffling sounds, but I knew he’d picked up something. Without a warning, he smacked me with

something hard and leathery.

“Ow!” I yelped. It was much more painful than his hand, but the sting that followed released

endorphins that turned me on so much I wanted more.

“Yes, Julie. It’s a soft, leather flogger. I want to increase the intensity a bit.”

He hit me again on my butt, the pain sizzling into a hot sting. Each time I gasped for air.

“Let me pleasure you more,” he said. The flogger came down on my nipples, and again, but I

could sense he was restraining himself. He stroked them afterwards, using the leather to caress my


I was hit with the flogger a couple more times and then he stopped to rub my aching skin with an

oily and creamy substance. It became hot and soothing to my skin.

Dominic removed the scarf and I shook my head from confusion. He was standing right in front of

me, smiling, wiping his oily hands on my breasts. “There.” He released my feet from the restraints

and next came my hands. I almost dropped, my legs unable to bear my trembling body, but he caught

me in his muscular arms.

“I’m sorry, master,” I said, shaken by the intensity of the whipping.

“That’s normal. For a first-timer you did great,” he said. “But I’m not done with you yet.”

Dominic picked me up and carried me to the hammock that had holes in it. I sank into it as he

placed me on top and used the shackles to detain my wrists again.

“Raise your legs,” he said. He cuffed my ankles to the chains holding the hammock in the air,

spreading my labia for him to see.

He looked around and flicked his finger, probably determining what to pick next. He grabbed two

clamps from the table that had a chain attached to it and a vibrator hanging on the chain. My eyes

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widened seeing it.

“You have to trust me,” he said. “Otherwise, I can never fully please you.” His fingers grazed my

areolas until they were hard enough for him to put the clamps on. I bit my lip in agony. The chain

slipped down my belly button until the vibrator was covering my clit.

“Perfect,” he muttered.

Dominic pulled down on the vibrator, pushing it down on my nub, but jerking my nipples at the

same time. It was both stingy and arousing. I licked my lips from the ecstatic pleasure it was giving


I felt his finger brush my privates, circling my lips, while still holding the vibrator on top of my

clit. He nudged my labia aside and entered me. I gasped as he circled inside me, pushing his finger in

and out.

“Hmm … you’re slick already. Good,” he said. He took his finger out and released the vibrator,

letting my nipples rest a bit again, although the pain from the clamps was still there.

I looked at my body, the redness of my boobs, the soreness of my skin. Dominic zipped down his

pants and took off his boxers, setting his fully erect cock free.

Oh, dear lord, I want that inside me, now.

He grabbed a condom from a shelf above him, put it on and stepped right in between my legs.

“I’m going to fuck you now, Julie and you’re not going to stop me,” he said, with a grin on his


He thrust inside me with no warning and I moaned. It was deep and fast, giving me no time to ease

into it. He held my legs, pushing even deeper inside, and bit his lip. All I saw was carnal lust on his

face. The same hunger that had haunted me since I met him.

He reached forward, grasping the vibrator again. Nudging it against my throbbing clit, he forced

my nipples to face downward as far as they could go. I squealed and moaned at the same time, the

vibrator and the pain combined giving me the ultimate pleasure.

“Yes, come for me, Julie. Come! I demand it!”

His groans sent me over the edge. I shivered when my body convulsed, my pussy clamping around

his penis. He pumped even more, while I came hard, wave after wave. His face lifted upward to the

ceiling and I heard him bellow. A hot feeling filled my insides as he shoved his member forcefully

inside me a few more times, before he moved out of me again.

“Now that’s what I call a good fuck,” he said, chuckling.

His cock lay spent on the hammock as he reached out to my ankles to free them. He was breathing

rapidly, his chest going up and down as he walked to the other side to release my wrists too.

“You can rest now,” he said, removing the clamps from my breasts.

My legs dropped down on the hammock. It swayed from left to right, rocking me like a mother

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would with her baby. It was a comfort after this heavy sex. The sex I would remember for years to


Dominic left to clean the equipment we’d used. Tired, I closed my eyes and was lulled into a light


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Chapter 5

When I awoke, I was on a fluffy cushion and there was a soft, red sheet draped over me. Dominic

was sitting beside me, his legs outside of the bed, his back against me. In his hand was an envelope

and he was turning it around and around.

I sat up in the bed and he turned around to face me. “Morning, sleepy-head.”

“How long was I asleep?”

“Well the sun is shining bright, which says enough,” he said.

My eyes widened. “Oh, no … I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep. It just happened. I was so

tired and …”

He chuckled and placed his hand on my lap. “It’s no problem.” He smiled and brought my hand to

his lips to kiss it. “I had a lovely time last night.”

My cheeks became hot. “So did I …” I stammered.

“I guess you have plenty to write about now,” he said.

“Oh, I don’t think you’d like it if I write about you.”

“Why not? Just change the name. No one will find out it was me. I’m glad to be of service to you,


We both laughed and then grew silent, holding each other’s gaze. He was still holding my hand,

gently caressing the back with his thumb. I knew my service was completed and that he’d gotten

satisfaction. So did I. I never expected to enjoy the thrills of being his sub so much. It surprised me

and I didn’t know what to do right now. My mind was raging with thoughts about how I wanted to

stay, to experience more with him, to be with him. This was such a revelation to me, that a partner

could be both loving and painfully arousing, I didn’t want to say goodbye to it. Yet, I knew it was


He held out the envelope to me. “I have this for you, as promised. You did what I asked and I will

do as much in return.”

He nudged the envelope between my fingers. I pried it open and looked inside. There was a check

inside and I didn’t have to look very hard to see the amount of fifteen thousand dollars on it.

My stomach churned. I don’t want this.

I didn’t want to be paid. It felt wrong. I was just as much pleased by the sex we had as he was.

Why would he have to give me anything? I wanted to come here myself. Sure, the money was the

reason I initially thought of coming here, but it had become so much more than that. I wasn’t in it for

the money anymore.

I sighed and put it back into the envelope. “I can’t take this,” I said.

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“Why not? It’s yours. You’ve fulfilled our agreement and so will I.”

I leaned forward and put the envelope back in his hand. “Please … I want more. Not money, but

more … you. I don’t want this to end. I don’t want to be paid, I want this to be more than just


For the first time I saw him flush. His mouth dropped open and he frowned, almost as if he was

baffled. “What? You do understand that this is regular practice for me right? That I’m not some

regular vanilla guy?”

“Yes, I know, but I want this. I know I’m new and probably not even close to what you want.”

“Oh, trust me, you are,” he said, interrupting me.

I smiled and placed my hand on his face. “Then please, let me stay. I want to become yours. I

don’t want to go back to my hotel room, drink my way through the day while writing petty novels.

You’ve brought something out of me that I never imagined I’d discover and I’m curious for more. I

want more … of you.”

“Are you sure?” he said, raising his eyebrows. He seemed really concerned with me, as if he

couldn’t believe what I was saying.

“Yes!” I said and I took his face between my hands and pressed my lips onto his. He kissed me

back with a passionate flame I hoped would never extinguish.




Look out for the sequel


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About the author:

Clarissa Wild is an avid reader and writer of sexy stories about hot men and feisty women. Her

other loves include her furry cat friend and learning about different cultures. In her free time she

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enjoys watching all sorts of movies, reading tons of books and cooking her favorite meals.

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Document Outline


Podobne podstrony:
The Billionaire s Bet 2 A Hot Call Clarissa Wild
The Billionaire s Bet 3 A Risky Raise Clarissa Wild
The Billionaire s Bet 4 A Fin Clarissa Wild
The Billionaire s Temptation 1 Seduction and Surrender Cali MacKay
[FAMILY SECRETS] Bird,?verly The Billionaire Drifter
Kay Thorpe The Billion Dollar Bride
The Billionaire and the Con Artist – Leanne Brice
blake ashley the billionaires desire
Speed Seduction Kaiden Fox The Satanic Warlock Nlp And The Science Of Seduction
Baby for the Billionaire series 5 The Lost Tycoon Melody Anne
Maid To The Billionaire 3 Forever His Holly Rayner
The Billionaire s Obsession 1 2 Mine for Now J S Scott
The Billionaire Jaguar s Curvy Zoe Chant
The Billionaire s Baby 1 3 Helen Cooper
The Billionaire s Baby 4 New Beginnings Helen Cooper
The Billionaire s Temptation 6 Passion and Surrender Cali MacKay
The Billionaire s Temptation 7 Obsession and Surrender Cali MacKay
Billionaire Bachelors 2 The Billionaire s Dance
The Billionaire s Temptation 3 Love and Surrender Cali MacKay

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