The Billionaire's Bet 2 A Hot Call Clarissa Wild

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The Billionaire’s Bet: A Hot Call

Copyright 2013 Clarissa Wild

After a steamy night with hot billionaire Dominic Fury, author Julie Valentine wants more from

him. The sexy experience has left a mark on her she cannot ignore. She can finally write some heavy

romance again and agrees to a contract with Dominic.

What she doesn’t know, is that Dominic has some dark secrets of his own and he’s not eager to

spill. Soon she discovers his dominant side might be more than just a playful show and she has to

decide whether she wants to stay with him or not. Both of them have a past that controls their growing

relationship, forcing them to choose. Is their will to be loved stronger than their will to survive?

This is part 2 of The Billionaire’s Bet and contains about 17.000 words.

This story contains hot, explicit sex and BDSM play, M/F. For 18+ adults only.

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The Billionaire’s Bet #1: A Seductive Deal

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Enflamed (Boxed Set)

Which includes:

Raveled By You (Enflamed, #1)


Hooked By You (Enflamed, #2)

Cling To You (Enflamed, #3)

Cherished By You (Enflamed, #4)

~ ~ ~

Doing It (Boxed Set)

Which includes:

Doing It Wild (Doing It, #1)

Doing It Risqué (Doing It, #2)

Doing It Free (Doing It, #3)

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~ ~ ~

Short Stories:

First Dance With You

Visit Clarissa Wild on Amazon

for current titles.

Kindle Edition, License Notes

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given

away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an

additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not

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you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

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Chapter 1

“Are you sure you want to do this? It’ll mean giving up your home and your freedom. Not to

mention the fact that you’ll have to endure the things I’ll do to you,” Dominic said and he took my

hand and squeezed it.

“Yes, I’m sure. I like the things you do to me. I never knew there was something so … powerful I

could experience. Besides, I didn’t exactly have a home anymore?”

“You didn’t?”

“No, I left my ex and I was definitely never going back there. Besides, I hated the town anyway.

That’s why I decided to take a little trip to your casino, get my head straight, drink and enjoy a little.

Tried to get my career going again, but that wasn’t really working out.” I chuckled.

“Well, you can write about our little adventures if you like, as long as you keep my identity

secret,” Dominic said with a wink.

We laughed and then were quiet for some time. He brought my hand to his lips and kissed the

back. “We have to celebrate our new contract. Join me for dinner tonight,” he said. He stood up and

got the contract from the table next to the bed. “Now, I hope you’ve read this two times as I said?”

I nodded and he sat back down on the bed again.

“I have very specific rules if you’re going to be my sub. First rule is that you only leave the

house if you have my permission. The permissions are on case-by-case basis. The second rule is that

you have to do everything I say, which can include cleaning the house, wearing whatever I choose and

giving me whatever I demand. That includes pleasure.”

The word pleasure made heat pool in my belly again. His gruff voice and demanding bright, blue

eyes only added to that desire.

“The rest of it is pretty self-explanatory as stated in the contract, which you signed. Should you

disrespect these rules, there will be punishment and it can be whatever I want, provided that I will

not put you in danger.”

I nodded along with his statements, but I couldn’t help think about one of the things put into the

contract. I’d read he could put a mark on me, like a branding or an item, but he didn’t mention this

right now. Why not? Did he forget about it or did he simply not want to do that right now?

“Because you’ll be giving your life to me, I’ll be supporting you in every need. I’ll make funds

available for you for when you need it and also to make sure you can continue your life should our

contract be cancelled. The funds are now in my hands, but if the contract is cancelled, it’ll be yours.”

“What? You’re still going to pay me?” I said, frowning. I didn’t want to be paid for love.

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“No, this is just to make sure you can survive and start anew if we stop being dom and sub. The

funds itself will be mostly untouched, unless it’s something important.”

“Oh,” I said, flushing.

“Since you agreed to the contract, our dom and sub relationship will begin now. Do you


“Yes,” I said.

He grabbed my wrist harshly. “Yes what?”

“Yes, master.” I’d remembered he wanted me to call him that.

“Now that we’re in this full-time you will always call me by that name unless I say otherwise.”

“Yes, master.”

“Good.” He released my wrist again and stood up from the bed.

“I’ve put your clothes here. Put them on. I’ll have my assistants pack up your belongings in the

hotel and bring them here. I’ll also need your measurements so I can get you some new clothes, so

you’ll need to put them down on paper this afternoon. You can do that when I’m at work.”

I looked around and saw my clothes lying on a cabinet just beside the red bed. The toys and

spanking devices that were lying right next to it got my heart jumping again. I’d fallen asleep in the

playroom and hadn’t even left this room since Dominic had ruled over me with his floggers.

Dominic grabbed the blanket and pulled it away, exposing my naked body. I held my breath as he

gazed at me from top to bottom. It was rather embarrassing, but I knew I couldn’t protest. That part

actually excited me.

He pointed at the clothes. I carefully stepped out of bed and held my hands across my body as I

walked toward the cabinet. I put on the clothes that smelled like fresh flowers, making me think he’d

had them washed during the night.

“I will show you around the house now. Come,” Dominic said and he held out his hand


I took it and he held on tight as he practically dragged me out of the dark playroom. The light

coming from the windows in the hallway almost blinded me, so I held my hand in front of my eyes as

we walked further into the loft.

He opened a door to the left. “This is the bathroom,” he said, and flicked on the light. It had

yellowish walls and dimmed lighting, making it look old, but I could see from the material it was

brand new. Nothing seemed touched. Everything was placed neatly on a stack or in line with each

other. The towels rolled up into buns, gels and creams aligned from small to large and there wasn’t a

speck visible. There was a big, wooden bath in the middle and a shower that looked more like a

steam cabin was to the right. Two giant mirrors lined the walls facing the bathtub and in front were

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two deep sinks with stools in front of them. On the walls next to the mirrors hung a list of commands.

“You’ll wash every morning and every evening before I come home. Don’t make a mess, I don’t

like it,” he said. “And if you do, clean up afterwards.”

Dominic never struck me as a neat-freak, but this surprises me!

“Can we do it together sometimes?” I blurted out.

He had a stern look in his eyes as he eyed me from the side.

“Maybe. Depends on how you behave, but consider this another lesson, Julie. Always address

me as master, even if it’s a question.”

“Okay, sorry, master.”

He smiled and placed his warm, strong hand on my shoulder, squeezing it softly. “Great. You

learn quickly. See, I told you, you’d make a fantastic sub.”

I smiled back and felt my cheeks heat up.

We walked back through the hallway and he showed me the bedroom again with the floating bed

that suspended from the ceiling.

“You’ll sleep with me here every night from now on. You’ll go to bed at the same time as me or

earlier, but never later. One thing I demand is that you always sleep naked.”

“Naked?” The words had already slipped out before I realized it. I slapped my hand in front of

my mouth.

“Yes, Julie, naked.” He let my shoulder go, but instead fiercely grabbed my chin and forced me

to face him. “You’re mine now and I want to be able to do anything I desire. You’ll be available 24/7

and I’ll expect as much. I also hate sleeping next to someone who’s clothed.”

“But master, I thought only the playroom was for that purpose?”

He chortled and his lips curled up into a devious smile. “I never said that it was. You are mine

to play with whenever and wherever I desire. I’ll keep your boundaries in mind, but I will push you

to your limits. Being my sub means doing whatever I want whenever and wherever I want when I

demand it.”

I swallowed and gasped in some air as the realization hit me. He could very well ask me to strip


“Don’t worry, Julie. I won’t ask anything that’s revolting, against the contract or puts you in

danger. If you want to stop, you know the stop word. You do remember it, right?”

“Yes, master.”

Still, I didn’t know what he had planned for me. It was thrilling, but scary as well.

We walked down the stairs and he showed me the kitchen, which was huge. The brick walls

were lined with perfect black and white counter tops, a fridge, a stove, all from the same supplier.

The view was marvelous as well, with windows in the back. In the middle was a large cooking

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island and at the end stood a tiny table just big enough for two people. There was nothing out of

place, everything was in order.

“Amazing …” I muttered to myself.

Dominic muffled a laugh. “I’m glad you like it. You’ll be spending a lot of your time here in my

home from now on. Since you haven’t had any breakfast yet, you can go make some, but I have to get

to work.”

I turned around to face him. “I assume the casino then.”

“Yes, Julie. It has to be run by someone, you know. I’ll schedule a time at the restaurant for

tonight. I also have a special request for you. Wait here.” He walked out of the kitchen and I heard

him run up the stairs. A few seconds later he came jolting back down again with something in his


“I want you to wear this today. Put it in after you’ve had your meal and don’t take it out unless I

say so.” My eyes widened. He held up an egg shaped toy that looked like a vibrator. In his other hand

he had a remote control.

I gaped and wanted to say something, but he squinted and the look in his eyes told me he’d punish

me if I refused.

“Yes, master, I will,” I said, and he placed the vibrator into the palm of my hand.

He smirked. “Good. I’ll be going then.”

“Wait,” I said when he turned around, ready to walk downstairs.

His eyebrows furrowed and he scrunched his lips. “Turn around and bend over,” he said, jaws


I didn’t know what was going on, but did what he asked anyway. The smack that followed made

me jolt straight up. “Ouch!” I yelped as the stinging pain sizzled on my butt.

“I told you to call me master. You didn’t, so I had to punish you.”

I kept my eyes on the floor, feeling embarrassed for my mistake. I should’ve remembered it,

though he was kind of harsh. I guess that’s what punishment really means.

“I’m sorry, master,” I said. “I just wanted to ask for a goodbye kiss.” I didn’t dare face him when

I said this.

His fingers were suddenly slithering around my arms and my breath faltered. It felt dangerous,

not knowing what he’d do next, but I wanted his touch more than anything. He turned me around and

lifted my chin.

“Alright. If you wish, but only because I assume you’ve learned your lesson.”

“I have master.”

His lip curled up. “Good.” And then he pressed his lips firmly on top of mine. It was fiery and

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full of passion, as if he told me I was his just by kissing me.

When he took his mouth off mine again, he brushed my lips with his thumb. “I’ll pick you up

tonight. And remember to put that in.” He pointed at the vibrator and immediately my cheeks flushed.

He said goodbye and went out, leaving me in the bathroom with a toy in my hands. I had trouble

not bursting into a nervous laughter. What a strange yet hot way to say goodbye. Dominic was so

demanding and, to my surprise, it aroused me.

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Chapter 2

It didn’t take long for his assistants to come in with by stuff and help me unpack it. They were

very kind, albeit quiet. I guess Dominic didn’t like people speaking up to him unless he asked them

something, even if they had a different contract with him.

I sat down at a table with my laptop to write and boy, did I. Words came pouring out as if they’d

been longing to be pressed out for a century. I was overflowing with inspiration and creativity I’d not

experienced in months and I knew it was because of Dominic and the night I’d spent with him. It made

me see that someone could be a partner in so many different ways. Love was versatile. It wasn’t just a

one sided deal or mutual understanding. Maybe I didn’t know him well enough yet to love his

character, but I did love the way we made love. And maybe that was all I needed to love him. The

rest would come.

Suddenly a phone rang and I jolted up from my seat. I looked around and found a cell phone

buzzing about on a cabinet in the living room. It’s only two buzzes, so it can’t be a phone call.

I looked at the cell phone and figured it must’ve been Dominic’s, since none of the assistants was

carrying one at the time. He must’ve forgotten it. I knew I wasn’t supposed to touch it and I was

certain he’d be angry if he found out, but my curiosity overwhelmed me and I took a peek. There was

a message.

‘Hi Dom, you’ve definitely peeked my interest with what you showed me today. I’ll think

about it and let you know what I’ll do. Sharon.’

My hands started to shake. I put the phone back down and made an effort to put it back exactly

where and how I found it. My heart was racing. I hoped Dominic wouldn’t find out I was snooping in

his cell phone, but what I saw unnerved me. Who is Sharon? What does she want with him? What did

he show her? Questions that were raging through my mind caused me to shiver. I didn’t want to think

about all the possible things it could mean. Like maybe the fact that he was showing her his dominant

side as well. That he was seducing more women than just me. Could it be?

No, it can’t. Stop thinking like that, Julie. Stop thinking every man will cheat on you like your

ex did.

I took a deep breath and went upstairs to the bathroom to take a breather. I needed to get my mind

straight again. So much worrying over a man who I wasn’t even in a normal relationship with. Well,

we did have a contract and we’d live together from now on, but it didn’t feel like a relationship at all.

This was new and I wanted to try it out, but still, something gnawed on the inside. I still wanted more

from him.

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Looking in the mirror I saw a reflection of the egg shaped vibrator. It was lying on a cabinet just

across the room. I picked it up and looked at it. Dominic had said I needed to put it in today. I wasn’t

sure what it would do or what he was planning, but I wanted to do what he asked. I wanted to show

him that I was all he would ever need and I needed to make up for the fact that I looked into his cell

phone. If he found out, maybe he’d forgive me if I did what he asked.

I lowered my pants and panties and started rubbing my clit in order to get the heat going. When I

was moist enough, I dipped the cold vibrator into my pussy. It became warm soon after and I put my

panties and pants back on. It felt weird, like there was something between my legs, but I kept walking.

The moment I was downstairs, the thing went on. It hummed between my legs, sending tiny

shocks through my pussy. My entire loin was being massaged with delicious vibrations. Short moans

came out of me and I grabbed the banister to keep myself from falling over. I cringed and squeezed

my legs together, feeling the hotness build up deep down in my core.

Oh, dear lord. So this is what he’d planned.

And then it stopped.

I panted and released my muscles. Everything was sensitive and my legs shook quite a bit.

Would this be happening the entire day? I hope I won’t be surprised on the stairs, who knows what’ll

happen. Then again, being tormented like this got me into the mood and I couldn’t wait until tonight.

When Dominic came home in the evening he scowled at me as soon as I said hi. I immediately

followed with a ‘master’, but he still looked quite pissed. I didn’t know what was wrong, but I was

afraid it was because of me. What if he found out about the cell phone?

He pecked me on the cheek. “Bad day at work.”

“Do you want to talk to me about it, master?” I said.

“No. I’d rather just forget about it.” He walked over to the cabinet and inspected his telephone

with narrow eyes. Then he sighed and put the phone in his pocket.

“Are you sure? You don’t seem fine,” I said, my chest tightening when I saw him barge at me.

“Don’t question my answers, Julie,” he said with an insistent tone.

I swallowed. “Yes, master, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to …”

His warm hand brushed along my neck and cupped around my face. “I just want to enjoy a nice

meal with you right now.” His hand slipped from my face down my shoulder and around my back.

Goose bumps formed all over my body as he slipped his hand down my back and grabbed my butt

tight. He kept his other hand in his pocket.

The buzzing began again. I gasped and squeezed my legs together, little moans escaping my


He chuckled. “I love feeling you writhe against me.”

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The humming stopped again and I could breathe. He took his hand from his pocket and showed

me the remote control. “I like being in control of your pleasure. I’ll take this with me for tonight.”

My eyes widened. “You want to do that at the restaurant?”

“Ah, ah, Julie, I don’t tolerate protests. You’ll keep the vibrator inside you and I’ll use this

remote as I see fit. I grant you permission to enjoy.”

A sly smile appeared on his face as soon as he saw me gaping. “Now, let’s go.”

He took my arm and together we walked into the corridor of the building. I was already sweating

heavily when he pressed the button of the elevator. I couldn’t imagine what tonight would look like,

with me being pleasured under the table during a dinner where there were other guests who could see

my every move. I had to keep quiet and that was the hardest thing to do.

As soon as the doors closed, Dominic surprised me. He pressed his body against me in a blazing

attempt to corner me. I was jammed against the walls. His breathing was heavy and full of raging

hormones. He looked down upon me like I was his captive.

“I will have you tonight. I don’t know if I can withhold myself from attacking you right now.”

Within a second his lips were on mine. He ravished my mouth, licking my tongue, forcing himself

onto me. He pinned me against the wall, seizing my breasts with eager and harsh hands. He ripped

open my button down shirt and slipped his hand inside to circle around my areolas and pinch my

nipples. I moaned, but he silenced me with his mouth.

When the doors of the elevator opened again, we both looked up. There was a fifty-year-old lady

dressed in a leopard print outfit combined with a pink bag gawking us.

“Excuse me for breaking up your party, but I gotta get up,” she said and stepped inside.

Dominic immediately pushed himself off me and straightened his jacket, while I fumbled to hook my

buttons back into place. The lady eyed Dominic’s full-blown erection.

Dominic cleared his throat and took my hand to escort me outside. My cheeks were flushed with

heat from embarrassment as well as arousal. He obviously didn’t care to be caught, but the way he

just put his hands on my there was sexy as hell.

“Since we’re in public now, you may address me as Dominic or Dom. Whichever you prefer.”

“Okay, Dom,” I said. It was the same name the woman had used to address him in the text


Oh, why am I thinking about this now?

We walked out of the lobby and a white limo just came to a stop right in front of us. Dominic

opened the door and held up his hand. “Hop in.”

I got in and waited for him to walk to the other side to sit next to me. When the door closed,

Dominic snapped his fingers and the chauffeur started to drive. He closed the blinds between us as

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Dominic’s hand dove into his pocket and he took out the remote control. I didn’t even see him

press the button. The moment I felt the buzzing between my legs I clenched the seat. I giggled from the

sudden delicious jolts shooting up into my sex.

“I’m going to make you so horny, you can’t even resist me,” Dominic said. He moved closer and

moved his hand up my leg, while I shivered with pleasure. I felt his warm breath near my ear and he

nibbled my earlobe, flicking his tongue along it. I shuddered and held in my breath as he groaned in

my ear, his fingers tightening in my flesh.

“Do you like it, Julie?” he whispered.

I nodded and closed my eyes as his fingers trailed their way up my thighs. Every inch he got

closer, my heart beat faster, but then he stopped right before reaching my private parts. He took my

hand and brought it to his pants, placing my fingers right on top of his bulge.

“Do you feel that? That’s what controlling your pleasure does to me. Oh, I just love to see you

squirm because of me.”

Moaning, I squeezed my legs together. The jolts became fiercer, as if he had turned up the speed.

He grunted like a predator and used my hand as a gear handle, guiding me over his member.

When the car to a halt, so did the humming. Dominic released my hand and pocketed the remote

again. I was still gasping, trying to catch my breath. My head felt hot and I knew I was red all over.

A sly smile appeared on his face, and then he stepped out of the car and closed the door.

I only had a few more seconds to calm myself, and my pussy, down before Dominic was at my

side. He held up his hand as he escorted me out, smiling with a cheap grin as if nothing ever


This amount of agonizing pleasure might even kill me.

When we went inside, a waiter approached us, but he didn’t get the chance to finish his line.

Dominic had already spoken up. “I had a reservation for two at table five. Bring the best wine you’ve

got. I’ll order once you return,” he said, and he took off his and my jacket and threw them on the

waiter’s arms. He was fazed for a second, but then hung the coats on a stand, nodded and rushed off.

The poor guy. Seems like he wasn’t expecting that.

Dominic led me to our table and he even scooted back my chair for me. He was such a gentleman

and yet so controlling. It was quite unusual.

The waiter came back with a pricy bottle and poured in our glasses. He wanted to hand over the

menus, but Dominic held up his hands.

“No, thank you. We’ll have the poached salmon.”

The waiter was gone before I could protest.

I gaped at Dominic. “What? But I—”

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“Don’t you like salmon?”

“Well, yeah …”

“Then what is the problem?”

I paused for a moment, looking into his eyes I could tell he was genuinely confused as to why I

had spoken up. “Do you really have to decide everything?”

Dominic cleared his throat. “If you hadn’t noticed, I like to have things my way. I like being in


I snorted. Control freak. I wondered why though.

“But I don’t dictate your life to torment you. My pleasure emanates from your enjoyment. I chose

this because I believe you’d enjoy this. Just like I chose you to become my next sub.”

I lifted an eyebrow. “Oh, really? Speaking of which, what happened to your last sub, Dom?”

His eyes lowered to the table, avoiding mine. He frowned, sucking his bottom lip. I could feel

the tension growing. Why, I wasn’t sure. Did I ask the wrong question?

“I’d rather not discuss that right now,” he said.

The waiter arrived with our food and now the conversation was halted. Dominic ignored my

lingering gaze and started cutting his fish in tiny little squares. It seemed as though he was suffering

from an obsessive compulsive disorder or something, I’d read about it in a book some time. Someone

with that condition had to do things in a very specific way. Well, he sure had very specific ways.

Especially in the playroom.

I swallowed a piece of salmon and the flavors soothed my throat, diminishing my urge to talk.

“So, how was your day? Did you receive all your belongings from my assistants?” he asked.

Shifting the topic. Great tactic. Oh well, guess I won’t be getting an answer any time soon.

“Awesome. I unpacked my clothes and put them in your closet, if you don’t mind.”

He looked up and smiled. “So long as you put everything neatly in place and don’t leave anything

out, it’s fine.”

I gave him a fake smile back, in the hopes of teasing him to give me more to talk about, but he

wasn’t taking the bait.

“Did you get some writing done?” he asked.

I took another casual bite from my salmon. “Yeah, my creative juices are back, I guess. Thanks to

your lovely work.” I flashed a wink.

He chuckled and placed his fork and knife down to take a sip from his wine. “You should try the

wine, it’s delicious.”

I picked up my glass and saw his hand dive into his pocket. Just after I’d taken a taste and put the

glass back down, I felt the vibrator being turned on inside me.

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My eyes widened and I cringed. “Dom!” I whispered.

He placed his finger on his lips and winked. I flush from the heat pooling in my belly.

What is he doing? Why now?

“Just enjoy your dinner, Julie,” he said with an insistent, but gentle voice. “Go on.” He pointed at

my fork, and then continued eating.

I huffed. Picking up my fork, I noticed my hands were trembling. My loin was getting sensitive

and I moved around on my seat, trying to make it go away. But it only got worse.

He reached for his pocket again and the buzzing became much, much worse. I let out a tiny moan

as the vibrations between my legs made me moist.

I pressed my lips together and looked around the room, seeing curious people gawk at me.

“Better keep it quiet, Julie,” Dominic said, and he muffled a laugh.

I held my legs tight, feeling the pressure build up.

“Dom, please, stop. There are people here,” I muttered.

“I know, but I won’t stop. Like I said, wherever and whenever I want. Just enjoy.”

And then the vibrations were upped to a whole new level.

I shut my eyes and my lips parted as gasps escaped my mouth. I clutched the table in agony,

trying to keep myself from falling over. The sensations were mind-blowing. Too much, actually.

My exhaling was rapid as I came apart at the table. I knew people were looking at me, but at that

moment, I didn’t care. This feeling of utter domination by him and pure ecstasy given to me was

overpowering. The thing inside me was squeezed together by my muscles and more vibrations came

from it. Oh, it was so delicious and I yearned for more when the waves had subsided.

I took a spoon and looked at my own reflection. My cheeks were red and I was sweating. Then I

gazed at Dominic who had this cheesy, unbreakable smile on his face, which I’d loved to smack off if

we weren’t in a public place.

He fumbled around in his pocket again and soon the buzzing stopped. I was left with a strange

numbness, as if my legs and groin had fallen asleep.

Slumping back into my chair, I took my glass of wine and downed the whole thing in one go.

We finished up our dinner in total silence, exchanging thoughtful looks every now and then. After

dinner, Dominic was the same gentleman as before, scooting my chair back, putting on my coat for

me, and opening the doors. As we sat down in the car again I took a large breath, still feeling

overwhelmed by what just happened. Not just that, but I could still feel the egg inside me as I moved

and the mere thought of the buzzing aroused me.

“You did great, Julie. I never thought you could hold your composure like that, not after having

such a heavy orgasm in a restaurant,” Dominic said after the blinds between us and the chauffeur had

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He smirked at me in a way that was so goddamn sexy, I’d almost forget about the fact that he just

made me come in public.

“But you didn’t ask me if I wanted to, Dom …”

He sat closer and took my chin between his fingers. “Hmm, but I can tell you liked it. Isn’t that

more important? You don’t know those people. What does it matter?”

I flushed and tried to turn my head away, but his fingers kept me in place. “Look at me, Julie.”

His demanding voice was like a spell, commanding me to gaze into his bright blue eyes. They

were filled with hunger, lust and I could almost feel him skim my body.

“You give me so much pleasure by fulfilling my needs. You do that. It’s all you. Don’t shy away

from that,” he said.

He planted his lips on mine and scoured my mouth for my tongue, entwining it with his. The

kisses became fierier as he licked my bottom lip. His mouth smashed onto mine, like he wanted to

merge with me.

“God, Julie, I want you,” he murmured.

Dominic’s free hand trailed its way up my leg, closing in on my privates. I moaned in his mouth

and his kisses became even more fervent. The hand that he had on my chin shifted to the back of my

head and he grasped my hair. When his fingers brushed my sensitive skin I gasped and he looked me

straight in the eye.

“I can’t wait ‘till we get home.” Then he moved back a little.

Gaping at him, I was dumbfounded by his sudden retreat. Frowning, I said, “What? Why did you


He chortled and looked at his tenting pants. “I know I’m horny, Julie, but I can wait.”

I slid closer to him and came into his comfort zone, making him withdraw a little. “I want more,

Dom. Don’t leave me like this. Not after what you put me through at the restaurant.”

He squinted and pursed his lips. “Why? Can’t you wait? Julie, we’ll be home in a few minutes.”

“Please, Dom,” I said and I pecked him softly on the lips. “I need this.”

“Alright. But only because you’re begging me,” he quipped.

He unbuttoned my pants and slipped his hand down my sex, making me shudder with delight. I

closed my eyes for a second, enjoying his skilled fingers working my wet panties. He jerked my pants

down as I unbuttoned his. We moved awkwardly through the car, trying to get our pants off. When he

was finally half-naked, he took a condom from the pocket in his jacket.

“You carry those with you?” I said, in between kissing his neck.

“I like to play it safe. Besides, you never know when I decide to take you.” Dominic put on his

condom as I gazed at how large he was.

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“Take out the egg. We’ll clean it once we get home.” He held up a napkin that he took out of his

pocket. I swallowed and held my hand under my sex. Putting a bit of pressure on it was all it needed

to plop out. I handed it over to him and he folded it into the napkin and pocketed it.

Without warning, he grabbed me by my waist and lowered me onto his lap. I gasped as the head

brushed along my entrance, coaxing me to give in. He slipped inside and hissed when he’d fully

entered me. I put my head back and moaned, but Dominic placed a hand on my mouth.

“Be quiet,” he whispered. “We don’t want the driver to hear you.”

I nodded and he took his hand off my mouth again. He unbuttoned my shirt and took my breasts

out of their holders, cupping them. Nuzzling one, he pinched the other until I bit my lip.

“Good girl,” he said, “ride that cock.” It made me even more frantic. Up and down, up and

down, I pushed him deep inside of me. He placed his hand on my butt and jerked me up and down in

rhythm with my movements. After releasing me, he slapped me.

I hissed from the stinging pain, but he smacked me again.

“Keep going,” he whispered. “Don’t stop until you come.” I entangled my fingers through his

hair, sliding up and down his member as he continued to slap my ass. The pain mixed with desire was

quickly burning up the heat. I could feel my body aching to come again.

I felt it come like a wave building up to crash into me. I held my breath and opened my mouth to

let the pleasure seep in. Then he bit down on my nipple.

The harsh pain made me yelp. “Ouch!”

I came on his lap while he had my nipples in his mouth. It was a strange sensation of pain and

arousal coming together in an exhilarating peak of pleasure I’d never experienced before.

Panting, I continued to steadily bounce up and down on his lap. His face contorted and he

squeezed his legs together. A gasp and then a groan, and he, too, came undone. I felt the warmth flow

into me as he thrust further into me, slower each time, until his head fell backward onto the seat and

his member became flaccid inside me.

I rested my head on his shoulder, breathing heavily. He put his hand on my butt and stroked my

burning skin, then moved up to caress my back.

“That hurt,” I mumbled.

“I know,” he said. “But I also know it increased your pleasure.”

Well, I couldn’t deny that. It was true. Even though the pain was bad, it actually heightened my

senses, making me feel more of my orgasm.

I lifted my legs to get off him, but he nudged me down again. “No, please … stay,” he said.

Did he just say please?

His hands were warm and pulled me into an embrace so loving it took me completely by

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surprise. His hug became fiercer as he squeezed me tighter into his chest. He soothed my skin by

gently rubbing back and forth, his breathing slowly getting normal again. When his nose brushed my

hair, I heard him sniff.

Is he smelling me?

These things he did felt much more like someone who wanted to feel their partner close. To

smell and taste them, like he couldn’t get enough. Like he wanted more from me.

Did he? No, that couldn’t be possible. Dominic was a man who just wanted to control everything

around him, even his pleasure. He didn’t seem like the type to be in love. I’d never see him have a

normal relationship.

And yet something about the way he touched me, smelled me, put his lips on my neck, felt just

like it. Awkwardly close.

He gasped, cleared his throat and nudged me forward. In his eyes I saw a shimmer, almost as if

tears were forming. He pushed me off to the side and put his pants back on. Turning his head to the

window, he avoided my gaze.

After I put my pants back on I just sat there, gaping at him, wondering what his problem was. I

didn’t understand any of that. First he only wanted me as a sex toy, I was okay with that, but just now

it was like he tried to form a connection with me, which he abruptly ended. His watery eyes looked

like he was reminiscing something. I could see it was because of what he did to me. For an instant,

something changed about him, but I couldn’t tell what.

Is he actually contemplating to let me be more than just his sub? Or is he afraid?

Whatever it was, I needed to find out.

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Chapter 3

We hadn’t spoken the entire trip. When we came home, the night was still young, but Dominic

went straight off to bed after cleaning the toy. I was supposed to go with him. A rule was a rule and

breaking it meant getting punished and I wasn’t going to have that any time soon if it were up to me.

Oh, and he wants me naked.

With reddened cheeks, I took off my clothes, but he didn’t even look at me. He faced the ceiling,

eyes wide open, ignoring me completely. I got into the bed and pulled the covers closer, shivering

from the cold. I hesitated to crawl closer to him, but I did it anyway. He pulled away from me.

“Don’t,” was all that came out, but it was enough. It hurt though. It was harsh and felt cruel. I

needed his warmth and touch, to feel that someone wanted me, but he wouldn’t give it to me. I felt

tears sting my eyes, but blinked them away. What was I doing? This man only wanted to have sex with

me, not love me. Why did I ever think he might?

I rolled onto my side and moved as far away from him as I could. Our contract had only just

started, but I was already thinking about calling it quits. How could I be someone’s sub, be a

complete slave to someone, and do everything he desired, if he couldn’t give me what I wanted in


I brushed away a tear that had forced its way out and hugged my pillow. He sighed. It sounded

like a breath of agony that had to come out. Frustrating.

He moved around in the bed and then I felt his warm hand on my side. It slowly slithered across

my waist, toward my belly button until it reached the end. Dominic slid closer to me; I could feel the

bed shift in the air. He dragged me closer to him and let out a heavy sigh again, this time against my

shoulder blades.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

I sighed and closed my eyes, not knowing what to say. Not even knowing if I was allowed to say


“Say something,” he said, after a while.

“It’s hard,” I whispered, trying to hold back the tears.

“I told you from the beginning that being a sub is hard. If you don’t enjoy our contract, we can

end it.”

“No, that’s not it.”

“Then what?”

“I … I want more … from you.”

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“Like what? I give you pleasure. Isn’t that what you were after? At least, that’s what I thought our

mutual agreement was.”

“It is. But you know what I mean. What you did back there, in the car after we had sex, that’s

what I want. I know you felt it too. I could feel it by the way you touched me. Don’t deny it, please.”

Dominic was silent for a few seconds and just caressed my belly. “I’m not.”

I turned around in his arms to look him straight in the eye. “I need it, badly. I know I said I could

deal with just your lifestyle, but I need more than that.”

He kissed the nape of my neck. “I know and you deserve it. Especially considering the way I

treat you.” He let out an awkward chuckle sounding more like he wanted to ease the mood.

“Then why don’t you?” I said.

He shifted his gaze to the ceiling again and then closed his eyes. “I just can’t.”

“But why? What are you so afraid of?”

Dominic’s eyebrows drew together and he bit his lip. “I don’t want to talk about this now.”

“But I do.”

“Stop this. You are still my sub and you are to behave. We’ll have this discussion later. I need to


I rolled my eyes and moved back to my side again, moping. There was something about this that

just did not feel right. He wasn’t telling me everything. I knew he’d hide some parts about his life,

especially since I was new, but now that I was actually considering staying with him, I wanted to

know more about him. He just wouldn’t let me in.


When Dominic went to work then next day I felt so alone in his huge loft. I just wanted a breath

of fresh air, so I decided I’d go jog for a bit. He wasn’t home anyway so if I didn’t make a mess and

would clean myself afterward, he wouldn’t notice I was gone anyway.

I ran for an hour or two, I didn’t really keep track of time, but the freedom and exercise were an

amazing feeling. This was what I needed after such a tumultuous week. Some time on my own outside

the house, even though I knew it wasn’t allowed without his permission. Well, he didn’t give me the

chance to ask. He was gone before I was out of bed.

I was out of breath when I reached the lobby of his apartment building and the guy at the door

greeted me with a confused look on his face. Guess he wasn’t used to seeing Dominic’s girls outside

the house without him knowing of it. I wondered if he might tell.

I took the elevator up and went inside. My heart stopped. Dominic stood there with a note one

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hand and a lighter in the other. He flicked it on and let the piece of paper burn almost to his fingertips

before dropping it in the trash can. Then he turned around to look at me with furrowed brows and

narrowed eyes.

Oh, dear. This doesn’t look good.

“I … I …” I stammered. Why was he here? He shouldn’t have been. Work wasn’t over yet. Did

something happen?

Shit, I didn’t see this coming.

“I know you went outside, Julie. No excuses. You didn’t ask for my permission.”

“I’m sorry, Dom,” I said, walking closer to him, but he held up his hand, demanding me to stop.

“We’re in my house. These are my rules and you’re to abide by them. You didn’t, so you know

the consequences.”

With a menacing stride he stomped to me, his eyes blazing with anger. I stumbled back, but he

grabbed my wrist just before I could turn around. His grip was strong and harsh, burning into my skin,

while he dragged me across the floor. Stopping right before the couch, he pushed me forward so I fell

down over the arm rest.

“Dom, please, I didn’t mean to!” I yelped.

He jerked down my pants with fierceness, the buttons giving away. My butt was fully exposed

and when his hand came down it wasn’t like the times before. It was painful and agonizing. Shameful.

“You know the price for disobedience,” he lashed out. “You went outside without my


My face was buried into the leather. He held my arms down as he towered above me. I cried out

each time he smacked me. The slaps sizzled after on my aching skin. After his hand came down on me

ten times, I didn’t feel the pain anymore. All I could feel were the tears stinging in my eyes, the

sudden feeling of unfairness. Why was I punished so severely for craving something?

When he stopped slapping he released my arms. I just lay there, my hair gently falling over my

red, wet face. My eyes were swollen, so I closed them. I didn’t want to look at him. Didn’t want to

look at anything besides the hollow insides of my eyes. The blackness was the only comforting thing I


Block it out.

I heard him breathe heavily; taking in gasps as if he’d just run laps like me. I tried to ignore it,

but I couldn’t stop the sound from entering my ears. I heard his feel shuffle back. It was quiet for some

time, except for my snivels. Then he treaded closer.

I flinched and drew back when his hands reached for my face. I expected vicious punishment, but

instead he cupped my face gently. I leaned on my elbow meeting his gaze. It was tender and filled

with tears he wouldn’t let out.

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What? What was wrong with him? Why was he the one almost crying? He’d hurt me!

Dominic moved a strand of hair from my moist face and tucked it behind my ear. He looked

down at the carpet for a moment, biting his lip. He was mulling over something, I could see it.

“I’m sorry …” he whispered. He sniffed and brushed his hand through his hair, blowing out a

long sigh.

“Come,” he said, and he took my hand and pulled me up from the couch. I staggered to stand,

while he lifted my legs and took off my pants completely. I was shivering, not from the cold, not

because my lower half was naked, but from fear.

He guided me up the stairs in complete silence, his face smooth and unwavering when he looked

at me as he showed me into the bathroom. He closed the door behind us and I stood there, shaking.

His hand brushed along my shoulder, but it felt distant and I was afraid of his touch.

He hesitated when he reached my breasts as he moved down my shirt, then he carefully

unbuttoned it. Draping my clothes off me, he kept standing behind me, his touch lingering, just like I

knew his gaze was.

I swallowed back the tears. I didn’t want him to see my weakness. I couldn’t show it to someone

who was so rough and brutal.

Dominic walked past me and turned on the shower. He took off his own clothes until he was

completely naked, and then beckoned me to come to him. I could see his taut flesh, the muscular

pectorals, the veins pulsing under his skin. Normally I’d be turned-on seeing him like that, but now I

knew those muscles were dangerous, too.

He reached for my hand and pulled me into the shower with him. The hot water falling down on

my skin didn’t soothe the aching beneath my flesh. Even if the marks would fade, my pain would not.

His bright blue eyes were skimming my face, but I felt emotionless, sucked dry. He grabbed a

bottle of soap and squirted it onto his hands. He rubbed my back and smoothed across my painful butt,

being gentle on my sore skin. I could feel it was red from the burn.

He massaged the soap over my body, but it wasn’t sexual at all. It was almost as if he tried to

take care of me.

When he was done, he pulled the showerhead closer and rinsed it off. I just stood there, shaking,

frozen in place. I could cry all I want, he wouldn’t be able to see under the shower anyway.

He took his hands off me and I heard him plop down on something. It took me a while to turn

around and see what he was doing. He was slumped over on a stool, his head between his hands,

looking defeated.

“Dom?” I managed to say.

He brushed his hands through his hair again and wiped his eyes. They were red and swollen, just

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like mine.

Dominic looked up at me and held up his hands, his arms wide and open. He tugged me forward

and pulled me into an awkward embrace. His head rested on my belly, his arms around my back. I

didn’t know what to do.

Something deeply troubled him and I didn’t know if it was because of what he did to me or if it

was something else. He seemed broken. Lost.

“I’m sorry,” he said again and he rubbed his cheeks up and down against my skin. “I shouldn’t

have been so hard on you. Not so fast. Not like that.”

I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing when he said that.

“I was just doing what I loved. I wanted to go jog and you weren’t supposed to be home yet …” I

muttered, sniffing in between.

“I know. It’s okay.”

“You hurt me, Dom. It. hurts.”

“I know, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been so harsh on you.”

“What is wrong with you?” I cried out.

He was silent for a moment. His finger brushed away a tear that rolled down his cheeks. I had

trouble not to feel. He’d hurt me, but now he was crying and I couldn’t take seeing him like this, even

after what he’d done.

“I’m a monster …”

“Why? Why do you have to be like that? Why can’t it just be love? I know you like spanking and

I like it too, but that … that was totally different. That was crude and I feared for my life.” I clenched

my hands into fists. Anger boiled up inside.

“Don’t …” Dominic took my hand and brushed his own skin with it, pecking it softly in between.

“Don’t be afraid of me, please. I never wanted that.”

“Then what do you want? What do you want from me? Why do you ask me to come here, to be in

some sort of relationship in you, if you know I want more than that? I need love. I need commitment. I

thought I could get both from you. I thought you were looking for that too, eventually. You said you

needed a partner. Instead I feel like a whore who’s just here for your entertainment.”

He pushed me forward and looked me straight in the eye. “You are not! Don’t ever say that about

yourself!” His voice was coarse and heavy with emotion.

“Then what am I to you? You are barely here, I can’t get to know you, yet you think you can

control my every move. Why do you want to do that?”

“It’s part of the Dom and sub relationship, you know that,” he snapped. “You read and signed the

agreement yourself. We had a deal. You’d get money, I’d get you. You wanted more and didn’t take

the money. Not my fault it’s not turning out the way you wanted …” The moment the words had spat

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out he was already looking at the floor again. His eyes rolled back as he let out an annoyed sigh and

then closed his eyes, slapping himself across the forehead.

I took a step back. “How can you say that? How can you be so cruel?”

“I know. I’m sorry. I’m stupid, okay?” Dominic palmed his face hard a couple of times, like he

wanted to smash his own skull. “Jesus Christ what a fucking shitty day!” His fist came down on the

wall so hard it created cracks. My heart jumped and I closed my eyes and turned around to stand

under the shower again. Maybe the warm beads would make it go away. Of course they wouldn’t, I

just imagined they did.

“Fucking hate myself …” he said, his voice turning into a whisper halfway through.

After a while he started to alternate sniffs and sighs. Then they turned into sobs. Louder and

louder. Until I could no longer ignore it.

I sighed and turned around. His face was buried in his hands, his elbows leaning on his knees.

He let out a sad moan and rubbed his eyes with his fingers until they were really red and swollen.

I sank to my knees and took his hands. “What’s bothering you so much?”

He gazed at me with those bright blue eyes, half opened mouth, defeated look on his face. “That I

can’t give you what you want, okay?”

He stood up and walked to the shower, leaning his head against the wall, bathing in the water

coming down.

“Why? What’s stopping you? Is it so hard to fall in love with a girl like me? Do you ever want

more than just a relationship based on sex?”

He snorted and turned his face around. “Yes! It’s not hard, but I have so much to deal with right

now, that I can’t. That’s the problem.”

Suddenly it hit me. He didn’t just give me a spanking because he was angry at me for having

broken the rules. He’d smacked me because he was angry at something else. Something had happened

to him, whether it was at work or something else in the past, but I could sense it influenced him, even

now. He was taking his rage out on me.

The realization was frightening, but at the same time I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. What

drives a man to do such a thing? He was even crying, just now, and it seemed like he was totally

drained. It was like he was tortured by his own mind.

I walked over to him and stood still right in front of him, spats from the shower falling down on

my face. He held his hand firmly on the wall beside us, his features robust and menacing, but his

stance and slumped head made him look beaten.

“Look, I’m sorry … please don’t ask me why,” he said. “I can’t explain it. I don’t want to. This

is something I have to deal with by myself.”

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I swallowed, feeling crippled by his words in my attempt to understand him. “I want to get to

know you, Dom, but you have to trust me, too.”

“I know,” he said. His arms dropped and with one tug he pulled me into his embrace. He buried

his face in my neck and nuzzled my wet hair, pushing my body into his chest. “I’ll tell you when I’m


He sighed and delved his fingertips deeper into my skin as he hugged me tight. “Goddamn, it’s

been a long time since I held a woman like this.”

I chuckled and it felt like my fear of him had suddenly vanished. Somehow the idea that I could

make this work wormed its way into my head. My arms moved out of their own when they entwined

behind his neck.

“You make me weak, you know that?” he whispered close to my ear.

I couldn’t withhold the smile from popping onto my face. “I can see that, but is it so bad?”

“It’s not something I’m particularly fond of, no.”

“You’re more into authority and power. Yes, I know.”

He chortled and planted a kiss on my shoulder. “Well, I want one thing clear though. I don’t

intend to change that. I’ll love and keep on being dominant for the rest of my life, so if you can’t

handle it then …”

“I know. I don’t want you to change,” I said. “I just want more. More love. More trust. More like

this.” I pressed my head further into his pectorals to hug him more.

“Maybe. I could work on that,” he said.

We both laughed and kept holding each other, gently swaying under the hot shower, until we’d

both rinsed away our pain.

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Chapter 4

As the days went by we grew closer to each other. We spent some time together at the park,

strolling around like an old couple. We ate lunch at a few different restaurants, trying out different

things like tiny pieces of stuffed duck and a spicy pumpkin soup. We even watched a movie together,

as if we were just a normal couple. It was almost funny.

Dominic always went to work at the same time, I spent my day working on my manuscripts. I had

much more to write about now, especially with this turbulent relationship I was in. Whatever kind it


But he hadn’t put his hands on me ever since. Not even to make love.

However, Dominic decided to get us tested for STD’s, because he said he wanted to have sex

freely. Odd, considering our sex-free days. Nonetheless, I was happy with it. It meant we were

pushing toward a more steady relationship. Also, because we were both clean, which was a relief.

When Dominic came home he had this provocative smile on his face that made me laugh.


“I want to take you somewhere tonight,” Dominic said. He came to the table where I sat and

placed his strong hands on my shoulders. “You must come.”

I chuckled. “I assume I have no say in this?”

“No. None at all.” He bent over and I felt his warm breath in my neck, creating goose bumps all

over my skin. “I want to take it a step further, you see, our relationship. I want to show you more of

what I love to do. To increase your submissive experience.”

“Oh? And are you going to tell me something about what it is?”

“No, but I’m sure you’ll find it very interesting. Come.” He held out his hand in front of me and I

took it.

Dominic led me up the stairs toward the playroom. What was he up to now?

“Do you see that suit over there?” he said.

I nodded. On the wall hung a black and red latex corset with a detachable piece for the boobs.

Below it hung a tiny black thong with stockings. On the floor were two black sky high heels.

“I want you to put it on.”

I swallowed back the lump in my throat and got goose bumps all over when I touched the


“Don’t worry, I’ve had it custom made especially for you.”

My eyes and fingers skidded across the material and I took it off the hook. I sized it up and

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indeed it would fit. But what was it for?

Dominic went ahead and grabbed some leather pants and thick boots. He looked at me when I

peeked his way.

“Well, go on. Put it on. I’m not telling you twice, Julie.”

I did what he asked and took off all my clothes, then struggled to get into the outfit, but I managed

eventually. I had particular trouble with the patch meant to go over the boobs, trying to lace it up to

the rest of the latex. It was something capable of being ripped off. I could see why he found it a sexy


When I was done, I turned around and saw Dominic’s bare chest and tight fitting leather pants

wrapped around his yummy package.

I fought the urge to rip it off him.

“Here, put this on too,” he said, after picking up something from the cabinet. It was a laced,

golden mask with nice frills that would hide only my eyes. He grabbed a much bigger one for himself

that would cover everything but his mouth. It was white with nifty black lines all across, making him

look kind of scary.

He walked out the room and I followed him. My sky high heels were a trouble to get down the

stairs with. By the time I was in the living room, Dominic had already grabbed our coats.

“Put this on too.”

“We’re going outside? Like this?” I yelped.

He frowned. “Yes. No complaining.”

Before I could answer he’d already hooked his arm around me and pulled me out of the door. I

squeezed my legs together and grabbed my coat tight as we waited for the elevator to come down. I

knew the guard there would be looking at us. We were all dressed up, though it was hidden behind a

coat, but nobody would miss my red face.

Dominic guided us to the car and quickly shut the door behind me before hopping in himself. He

ordered the driver to go and close the blinds.

“Where are we going, Dom?”

“It’s master, not Dom. This time, you can keep calling me master. We’re going to a place that’s

very special to me. I’m showing you more of my world.”

“More … bondage stuff, master?”

He nodded. “You said I needed to trust you more, so now I’m showing you what I love to do on

free days.”

Okay. Guess I’ll just have to trust him too.

I couldn’t help shiver in my seat.

“Is it too cold?” he asked.

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I nodded and Dominic immediately pressed a button next to his seat. “Turn the heat up,” he said

to the driver. It wasn’t long before the radiator was blasting. As if I wasn’t sweaty enough. Sweaty

from stress and angst, yeah.

When we arrived Dominic helped me get out of the car, because I wasn’t used to the latex being

strapped around me yet, I could barely move. We were at what seemed an abandoned warehouse.

There wasn’t a soul around and the streets were littered with junk. Windows of the building were

smashed and I couldn’t see a light anywhere.

I shuddered looking around, feeling vulnerable and naked.

“Come,” Dominic said and he pulled me inside.

“It’s in here?”

“Yes. Looks are often deceiving, you know.” It was cold and dark inside. We walked through the

empty warehouse until we reached a door somewhere at the end. There was a staircase leading down

and a broad door at the end of the hallway below.

He stopped right before the door. “Now … I have two simple rules you must obey in here. One

is that you always listen to me, no matter what. Two is that you do not speak to strangers unless you

have permission. You can only talk to me, do you understand?”

“Yes, master.”

Dominic held my hand and I squeezed it tight as we walked down and he opened the door.

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

There was music and color, lights and people everywhere. And they were in suits. Dressed up

for play. Toys lying around the room. Cages and bars and chains hanging from the ceiling. People

dancing, naked. Some were in a spanking session. Others were just having plain sex.

My eyes widened and I gasped, wondering what the hell I’d landed into.

“This is the play party. I regularly attended it.”

“These people …” I muttered. “They’re all here to …?”

“Play. With each other as well as others. Mostly for show and for fun.”

He took me through the room and positioned me against a wall. “Look around, Julie. Take in

what you see and enjoy. I won’t force you to go anywhere nor will I ask you to do anything. Just see.

Keep your eyes open. And if you’re ready, we can go see a show.”

He took off his coat and hung it on the stand. Now he was only dressed in tight leather pants, his

package clearly showing. It didn’t matter to me.

I was still dazed from what I saw. All of the women here were subs, just like me. They wore

kinky clothes, latex, leather, or just straps, as they strode around, being commanded by their Doms.

Some were having sex with multiple men. One danced in a cage, sticking out her tongue, being

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spanked while bent over. One got a beating to her nipples with a whip, quite harsh actually. Another

was slathered in hot wax, screaming her lungs out.

“Are they okay, master?” I said, stuttering.

“Yes. They are here of their own will. Doms will never force their subs to do something they

don’t want. Other Doms must always ask permission of the Dom as well, before they perform

something on a sub that isn’t theirs. We may be beasts in the bedroom, but we value principles and


I nodded and took in a large breath before looking around again. My muscles felt strained and

when I looked down, I saw I clenched Dominic’s hand so hard, it had turned pale. I was crushing his

hand and he didn’t even flinch.

I looked up to see him smile cheekily. “I can handle a bit of pain,” he said.

It was so hot in here I felt the sweat drip down my back. I still had a coat on, but was afraid to

take it off. Underneath, I barely wore any clothes.

I released his hand and blew some air into my heated face.

“Are you okay, Julie? Do you want to take your coat off? I know it’s rather sweaty in here,” Dom


His hand was already reaching for my shoulder. I sucked in some air and closed my eyes. I was

dying in here, with this thick coat in the middle of a hot room packed with people. I wanted to get it

off, but at the same time I was afraid people might look. How they might react to what I was wearing.

I shuddered when Dominic towered above me, keeping me against the wall, while he slowly

slipped his hand inside my coat to make the buttons pop.

“Don’t be afraid. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone here is wearing these things,

even raunchier than what I gave you. This is pretty obscure.”

I looked into his bright blue eyes and I could see he was honest with me, gauging my reaction to

what he did.

“Plus, you’re way too beautiful to hide under there,” he added.

A flush rose to my cheeks as he winked at me. Dominic pushed the coat further open and slid his

hands down my waist. He moved closer and pressed his chest against me. My heartbeat rose as he

pushed me into the wall, his eyes locked onto mine. His lips moved closer and soon they were right

on top of mine. He left gentle, feather like kisses on my lips, and then my chin, my jaw, and my neck,

trailing all the way down to my shoulder. With slow, caressing fingers he dropped the coat off my

arms, exposing me to the public.

But I didn’t care anymore. He touched me again and in such a loving way, I couldn’t resist. It

was so tender and passionate, the way he draped his arms around me, tickling my skin with tiny pecks

of his moist lips.

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When he withdrew I looked down and could clearly see the big bulge in his pants. I swallowed,

his smoldering eyes gazing deep into mine. “You see? It’s nothing to be afraid of. You look gorgeous.

Nobody thinks it’s weird. Not here.” He stepped aside and let me ogle the room. Not a soul turned

around to look at me in this kinky outfit. They were all busy watching the spectacle or playing a part

in it.

It was actually very freeing. As if I didn’t matter whether I was in clothes or completely naked.

Nobody would treat you differently. I was the same as them, part of the group, a sub, belonging to

Dominic. We were all here with the same goal; to enjoy the night doing crazy, sexy stuff.

I shrugged. “Okay, I’m ready.”

Dominic’s lips curled up into a devious smile and he took my hand. Escorting me through the

crowd, he brought me to a cage where a lady danced. She got poked from the side by her hungry Dom,

while she made sultry moves to please her master.

We walked further to the other woman who had candle wax dripped all over her. It must’ve been

painful, but at the same time it looked like a piece of art, the way the red wax covered her body with

tiny droplets, like a rose petal showering.

“Beautiful,” Dominic whispered. “Don’t you think?”

I nodded and silently watched. Although I didn’t want to admit it, I enjoyed it. It seemed like a

sexual fantasy come true. Only the Doms could touch their own subs, unless they gave permission to

someone else. The couples put so much trust in one another and in the people that came to the party. I

admired the fact that these people had so much respect they could keep their hands off the subs.

For an hour or so we watched each of the shows. The spanking and whipping, the clamps and

pain, the hot and coldness of the items being used on the subs. Time flew by, but I enjoyed every

second of it.

Dom brought me to a table and sat me down for a drink, when someone approached him.

“Dominic Fury, is that you?” the man said quietly.

Dominic nodded and placed his hand on the shoulder of the man. Apparently they knew each


“Julie, have yourself a drink. I’ll be right back,” Dom said, and he winked at me. Then he

walked off with the man, talking to him as if he was a long lost friend or something.

I shrugged and took a glass of strong liquor from the bar before sitting back down. Suddenly a

masked woman came up to my table and sat down across from me.

She had a drink in her hand and slowly raised it to her lips, keeping her gaze on me. After she’d

taken a sip, she put it back down on the table. “Hello,” she said.

Oh, shit. I wasn’t supposed to talk to anyone and she was a stranger to me. Dominic wouldn’t

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like it if I did and I didn’t want to get punished again. I just kept looking at her like some crazy

woman, trying to get her to go away just with my eyes. What else was I supposed to do?

“You can say ‘hi’, you know,” the woman continued.

She smiled when I didn’t answer. It was the loveliest smile I’d ever seen, even though I couldn’t

see half of her face, which was hidden behind a pink mask. With her long, tin fingers she pulled out a

knot in her wavy blonde hair that curled down perfectly. She tucked the pin away in her clutch and

then held out her hand to me.

“I’m Daisy,” she said. I took her hand which was soft and smooth and shook it quickly, before

retreating again.

She looked at me then tilted her head. I followed her gaze and noticed she was checking out

Dominic. I almost spurted out my drink.

“You know … it’s okay to talk, as long as they don’t find out,” Daisy had her eyes back on me

and flashed me a cheeky smile. “Your Dom is quite the handsome one. You’re lucky.”

“Yeah … he is,” I said, flushing.

Shit, I’m talking to her. This isn’t supposed to happen, but what else should I do? Ignore her?

That’s rude.

She chuckled. “Gotta love the dominant ones. They just come in, swoop you off your feet and

before you know it, you’re in deep. We got that in common.”

Her comment made me smile. “Oh, really?”

“I’m a sub too. My partner’s on the other side of the club right now, asking for permission to join

with me.”

“So you’re going to join another couple? Does that mean the other Dom can do stuff to you too?”

She chortled. “Of course, darling. The Dom can do whatever he wants, as long as they give each

other permission. Depends on the contract though. You didn’t know?”

I shook my head.

“You must be new here then.” She took out a paper and a pen from her clutch and wrote

something down. “I can teach you the ropes if you’d like. I could use a friend as well. Here, call me. I

can tell show how to be a proper sub. Your Dom could be so pleased with you if you knew how to

entice him.”

Daisy handed me the paper with a telephone number on it. I quickly stashed it away into the

crevice between my boobs. She glanced at Dominic and when I followed her eyes again, I saw him

stare back at me. I quickly jerked my hand out of hers and shoved my seat back. “Excuse me, I have to


She muffled a laugh and drank up the rest of her drink, while I stood up. I walked to the exit,

grabbed my coat and tucked the paper deep inside the pocket of my coat. Rushing out the door, a hand

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caught my shoulder.

“Hold your horses, Julie.” It was Dominic.

He turned me around and closed the door behind him. The sudden disappearing of the music

made me feel deaf. His tightening grip on my shoulder was frightening.

“Where are you going?” he asked. His eyes narrowed and the frowning look on his face made me


“I … I’d like to go home now, master.”

“I thought you enjoyed this? You seemed to.”

“I do … I did, but I’m tired,” I lied. I wasn’t tired. I was just scared he’d seen me and Daisy


He sighed. “Alright, we’ll go home then. Wait here and I’ll grab my coat.”

He turned around and walked back inside, leaving me alone for a second. It was the scariest

second I’d experienced since days. I didn’t know if he knew or not. I couldn’t see it in his eyes, nor

could I hear it by the way he talked. I’d broken the rules and he could punish me wherever and

whenever he wanted. Guess I would find out home.

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Chapter 5

When the front door was closed, Dominic’s arms brushed past me and he leaned his head on my

shoulder. I heard him sniff my hair and I was entranced by the kisses on my neck that followed. He

growled in my ear as he took off my coat by slipping his hand down my chest.

“Seeing you there at the party, in that outfit, surrounded by sex … Oh, Julie, I want you,” he

murmured. “I know what I did to you on the couch was wrong, so … Will you give me permission to

play with you?” he asked.

I gasped when he kissed my jaw. “Yes.” The words stumbled out like I was giving in to


Dominic swooped me up from the floor from behind and put me over his shoulder.

I shrieked from being turned upside down. “What are you doing?”

“Call me master, Julie.” His fingers slid over the back of my leg and then suddenly came down

hard on my butt. I yelped from the stinging pain on my skin. “If you don’t call me master, you’ll get

another slap.”

“Yes, master,” I stammered.

With me dangling from his shoulder, he marched up the stairs and put me down inside the

playroom. He grabbed my wrists harshly and took something from the cabinet beside us. I couldn’t

see what it was, but I felt the snap as it locked around my wrists. My arms were stuck behind my back

now. I had no way to free them.

“I know what you did, Julie,” he whispered into my ear.

My eyes widened and my heart beat like crazy. I panicked, hearing those words.

Dominic snatched a whip off the wall and flicked it between his hands. He circled around me,

keeping his narrow, blazing eyes on me with each step. “You defied me today.”

I pressed my lips together and looked at the floor, feeling ashamed of my betrayal to him. I’d

broken yet another one of his rules. Was he going to be harsh on me this time too?

“Look at me,” he said with a demanding voice.

I looked up, shivering, barely able to keep my footing.

“You talked to someone, did you not?”

“Yes, master.”

“Did you think you’d get away with it? Did you think I wouldn’t notice?” He flicked the whip on

the floor, making my heart jump. I closed my eyes from the scare.

“No, master, I didn’t. She just came up to me and started talking. I didn’t know what to do …” I

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“No excuses.” The whip came down on the floor and my muscles tensed hearing the snapping

sound it made. If that thing hit me, I knew it would hurt. A lot.

“I’m sorry master,” I said, my lips quivering. “I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.”

He smirked. “I’ll make you feel sorry.” He towered above me and then suddenly ripped off the

piece that covered my boobs, making them spill out. He hummed and then slapped my boobs. I let out

a painful moan each time his hand came down, but it wasn’t as hard as last time, when he put me over

the couch. This was more playful.

Dominic put down the whip on a table and grasped my arm. He dragged me to a bench in the

middle of the room. It was the bench with the guillotine without the blade. He placed me behind it.

“Bend over.”

I did what he asked. “Master, please be gentle …”

He chuckled. “Oh … I have a whole different thing for you in store tonight.” His tone was low,

carnal-like, almost ending in a grunt. “Do you remember the stop word?”

“Yes, master.”

“What is it?”


“Good.” He circled around the bench again, his fingers lingering on my body, making me squirm.

“Damn, you look nice in that outfit,” he muttered, clasping my legs to the bench. Now I had no way


He walked to the front and opened the wooden guillotine. “Put your head in there.”

I hesitated and looked at the thing. Would my head fit in there? What would happen after? Was

he going to hurt me?

“Don’t be so fearful. It’s not going to hurt you. It’s just something to hold you still.”

I stretched my neck and the wooden thing came down. The metal locks on either side were

pushed down and now I surely couldn’t escape.

“Hmm, hmm.” Dominic licked his lips at the sight of me. “Whatever shall I do with you …?”

He walked to my left and out of sight. I didn’t know where he was now. I couldn’t feel him and

my head was unable to turn as he did.

When his hand came down on my butt I squealed.

“That’s for not doing what I said,” he muttered.

His hand gently went over my burned skin. He rubbed it softly, up and down, up and down. Then

another smack followed and I bit my lip from the sting.

“I’m punishing you for talking to someone when I clearly told you not to. Do you understand?”

“Yes, master,” I stammered.

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“Good. Now, since you’ve yet to learn how to behave, I think I’m going to make you pay


His fingers slid from my ass down to my pussy and rubbed the black thong between. I moaned

when he kept stroking me, making me moist.

“You can tell me all you want, but I know you like it when I do this.”

“Yes, master …” I muttered.

He muffled a laugh. “I’ll make you come at least three times.”

My eyes shot open when he said that. I licked my lips as he ripped off my thong, pulling it apart

on my legs. He grabbed my wrists and I clenched my hands into his. His finger dove into my slit.

I moaned loudly. Dominic drove his finger inside time and time again. It was fast, hard and

merciless, the way he thrust his finger into me. I could feel my skin burn with desire, my chest heaving

with breaths.

Oh, the delicious agony. His fingers and the way he pounded into me was so good. It was almost

shameful the way I wanted it so badly. And then he pushed another finger inside.

“Yes, Julie, come!” he yelled.

I let out a guttural sound when he pushed into me. Delving with his fingers, I was sure he reached

my G-spot, as I immediately felt the urge to cry and laugh at the same time, being overwhelmed with

the massive feeling deep down in my belly.

The explosion came and burst me into flames. I thrashed around on the bench, my legs jerking on

the straps, my hands squeezing each other. His fingers were still deep inside me, feeling my orgasm.

“God, I love feeling you come,” he said. His fingers slipped out of me and I felt empty all of the


I could hear him walk away, but I didn’t know where he was. I heard some faint buzzing sound,

something like a vibrator, but I couldn’t tell what it was.

“Next one,” he said.

Giving me no time to get some rest, he pushed something deep inside me. A loud moan escaped

my mouth as I felt the thick, massive thing, whatever it was, twirl around in my pussy. It buzzed and

circled, moving against my aching walls.

“Oh, master, what is that?” I said.

“A special dildo I keep for occasions such as these.”

He slipped it in and out, teasing the tender, sensitive skin of my entrance. I still shook from my

last orgasm and yet he continued to caress my skin with the toy. He let it slip along my wet labia and

circled it over my throbbing clit.

“Oh, my God,” I muttered.

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“Hmm hmm, I know,” Dominic said. He plunged the toy back inside me like it was his own cock

he pushed inside. “I’m not going to stop until you come again … and then again … and hopefully one


He pulled it in and out, in and out, rubbing it up against my nub until I could hold it no longer.

A squeal came from my mouth as I came again, this time even heavier than last time as he thrust

the dildo inside and brushed it past all my sensitive spots.

Dear lord, this is too much.

I was trying to catch my breath, when he walked over to me and stood right in front of me, his

pants practically breaking apart from the bulge. “You see this? You see how badly I want you?” He

sank to his knees and looked me straight in the eye. He leaned forward and kissed me like rabidly on

the mouth, forcing his tongue inside. Quick and fast. He left my lips with a lick and went away again.

Damn, why can’t I see anything? I want to know what he’s doing.

“You taste so damn nice, Julie. I wonder if you taste the same down there.”

I opened my eyes wide.

What, did he just actually say that? Is he going to do what I think he’s going to do?

Before I knew it, his tongue was inside my pussy. I yelped from the warmth that pushed into my

soft flesh. He licked my skin, pushed his tongue inside and stroked my knob with his finger.

Alternating his tongue with his fingers, he worked my pussy like he knew all the places to go to make

me come again.

“Lovely,” he muttered into my flesh. I could feel the vibrations of his voice against my skin, it

felt so wonderful. The way he licked and sucked on me was delicious and I craved more.

When he stopped, I was ready to beg him for more. “Oh, please … don’t stop,” I said.

His hand came down hard on my pussy and I jolted up and down against the bench.

“I am your master, Julie. Remember it.”

“Yes, master.”

He gave me another slap on my butt and I squeezed my legs together from the sizzling pain it left.

“Hmm … I can’t wait any longer,” he said. Then he was gone again. He was at the table, that

much I could see, but I couldn’t see what he was doing. I heard a zipper open and he fumbled with


He came back and spread my butt cheeks apart, making me flush, because I knew he stared right

at my privates.

“I’m going to claim you now,” was all he said before he plunged inside with his hard cock. I

gasped and moaned as he pushed inside, feeling a strange sensation whenever he reached the end of

his member. There was something there, something hard and spiky.

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“Oh, ouch,” I said. Each time I made a noise he pounded harder into me.

“It’s a cock ring, Julie. This’ll give you an orgasm that’ll blow your mind.” He grabbed me by

my waist and pulled me closer, pumping further into me. I squealed with each push, his rigid shaft

teasing my G-spot together with the cock ring. I’d never experienced this before, but it was


“Come on Julie, do it. I’m not going to stop unless you do,” he commanded.

Smack, smack! Two times he came down on my butt, making me yelp. The hot, sizzling pain

aroused me. He thrust so violently, the whole bench shook. His fingers grasping me, delving into my


“I can’t … I can’t,” I muttered.

“Yes. You. Can. Do it, now.”

But I couldn’t. My nub was spent and my G-spot too sensitive. I couldn’t build it up, no matter

how hard I tried.

He jerked his cock out with a grunt and stomped over to me. “Alright then. Guess I’ll have to let

you do the work.”

Dominic stood right above my head, his cock twitching close to my face. He took off the cock

ring, which had tiny silver knobs on the outside, and threw it aside. Then he stepped forward and

nudged his member against my face.

“Open your mouth.”

I did what he asked and he pushed inside. I could taste my own sweetness dripping off him.

“Lick it,” he commanded with a low voice.

My tongue was already working on it, sucking him off from top to bottom. He was thick and

twitching in my mouth each time I reached the tip. I circled it and went down on him again. If I could

use my hands, it would’ve been so much better, but they were still chained up behind my back.

I looked up and saw his eyes looming down upon me, hungry, lustful, like an animal.

Dominic moved with the rhythm of my tongue, gently swaying back and forth into my mouth. His

pace increased as my sucking did. He pushed himself further into me, helping me lick him. And I let

him do it.

“Oh, god, I love this. I’m fucking your mouth, Julie. Don’t you mind?” he said.

I shook my head with his cock still inside. I was bound and trapped, being used for his pleasure,

but it was the most erotic thing ever.

He laughed and moaned at the same time when I teased his tip.

“I can’t control myself if you do that,” he said. His thrusts became more frequent and fierce. He

grabbed my hair and kept me in place as he pulled his cock in and out.

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“Oh, Jesus, I’m going to come,” he muttered.

“Yes, master,” I muttered. I was so horny from what he’d done to me, I didn’t care for anything

other than wanting him. Didn’t care that he was practically riding my face. I wanted to feel him come,

to taste him.

He moaned a couple of times, each louder and louder, and I felt his member swell inside my

mouth. It pulsated and he let out a groan, arching his back forward, so his glory was pushed further

into my mouth.

I could feel the seed being shot out into my mouth. The warm, saltiness slipped down my throat

as he thrust into me.

“Oh, Julie!” he screamed.

It was hot and all I wanted was to please him. I was becoming what he wanted and I liked it.

I swallowed it all and when he took his half flaccid cock from my mouth he wiped my face with

the back of his hand. Then he just stood there, bent over, panting. His eyes gauged mine for a reaction,

but all I could do was take deep breaths, just like him.

“That … that was … Jesus,” he muttered, and he laughed. “God damn, Julie. I never knew you’d

be up to so much. I’d thought you’d ring the ‘red’ bell anytime, but you just kept going like a lusty


He unhooked the locks from the wooden guillotine and freed my head.

“I just … I liked it,” I said, as he unclasped my legs. I lifted myself from the bench, but felt so

woozy I lost my balance. Dominic caught me and helped me up. He sat me down on the bench and

freed my hands.

“You did?” he asked. He looked into my eyes and had this shimmer in his, like he was uncertain

that I was speaking the truth. “I want you to be honest with me,” he said. His fingers brushed along my

cheekbones and cupped my face. “I know I’m rough and assertive.”

I snorted, hearing the word assertive. Understatement of the year.

“What? It’s the truth. But anyway, even though I am, we’re still in this together and I want to treat

you right. I want to make sure you’re okay with everything, because I don’t want you to be afraid of

me ever again.”

I nodded and smiled feeling his fingers caress my skin ever so gently. He brushed aside a strand

of hair and I looked at the droplets of sweat running down his face. Gosh, our sex was amazing and so

out of this world. I couldn’t imagine going back to vanilla again.

“I’m more than fine, master.”

He smiled the cutest smile, like his raging libido had suddenly disappeared, and pecked me on

the nose. “You know, I think you can call me Dom now. I’d like it if you do. Dominic is fine too.”

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I gaped at him. “Really? You’re just throwing the whole ‘master’ thing overboard now?”

“No, not really,” he said, chuckling. “I just want to keep it only for the playroom. In here. Our

dirty little secret.” He winked at me. “I just like the way you call me by my name. Like the sound of


My lips curled up into a cheeky smile. “You like the way I say your name? Isn’t that cute. I never

thought you’d be the guy who said such sweet things. Cheese ball.”

We both laughed. Looking into his eyes, I couldn’t help but see this vulnerable man. He was so

visible, so naked, yet so closed in by this shell, this image he was putting up. There were some parts

of his life he wasn’t showing me yet, but I knew, I could see that there was more to him than just this

sexiness he portrayed.

He nuzzled me and placed both his hands just under my jaw line, cupping my face. He leaned

forward and put his lips on mine. He was gentle, soft, this time, full of passion and desire, but not raw

like before. This was sweet and tender. The kisses blazed their way into my heart.

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Chapter 6

We’d only just dressed ourselves when the phone rang. Dominic ran off to get it in time and I

came after him when I got my regular clothes back on. He paced up and down, his brows furrowed, a

stern, concerned look on his face.

“What? What do you want?” he said with a higher pitch.

His pacing became more like stomping. “No, Goddammit, I will not. Don’t call me again!” he

shouted, and then slammed the phone on the table.

“What’s wrong?” I said, leaning into him. He snorted loudly, his nostrils flaring. I tried to hug

him, but he pulled away.

“Who was that, Dom?”

“No one,” he said with clenched teeth. “Work-related.”

I couldn’t help but think it was the woman who’d sent a message to him a couple of nights ago.

Was he trying to get rid of her? Or was it someone else? My mind was spinning with questions I had

no answer to and Dominic wouldn’t give them either.

“I have to go,” he said, and he grabbed his coat and stormed out the door.

It only took me a few seconds to decide to go after him. Screw the rules. I needed to know what

he was doing and what was happening.

I grabbed my coat and followed him, staying far enough so he wouldn’t spot me. I hid behind

bushes, trees and houses whenever I couldn’t walk behind him. He walked down the street, muttering

swearwords, kicking trash bags and pebbles along the way. Then he went through a gate and into a


What the hell is he doing there?

I tiptoed after him and hid behind a tree when he stopped at a grave. He sank to his knees and

brushed away the dirt from the gravestone. His back was buckled and then it started to jerk up and

down. His hand went to his face and he wiped something away. I swallowed away the tears. My eyes

couldn’t cope seeing him in pain.

“Why did you have to leave me this mess, dad?” he screamed at the tablet.

My eyes widened hearing that.

“What am I supposed to do? I can’t deal with this.” Dominic’s voice was raspy and I could hear

him sniff in between.

I couldn’t bear seeing him like this anymore. I needed to do something about it. To be there for

him when he was obviously in pain, for whatever reason.

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I moved forward and when I came close enough he grew silent in an instant. I stopped.

“I know you’re there, Julie,” he said, after a while. “I’ve known since you left the house.”

“Oh …” I slumped, defeated.

We were both quiet for some time. I didn’t know if he’d be mad, but I knew I couldn’t just let

this be.

I bent over and put my arms around his shoulders. I kissed his tousled blonde hair and tried to

wish the tears away. I felt him sob underneath.

“I don’t like to see you in pain, Dom,” I whispered.

He turned around in my arms and looked me straight in the eye. His blue eyes were clouded, his

face red and contorted. He pushed his head into my chest and clenched his fingers around my coat.

The cry that came out sounded more like a howl.

I shushed him, forcing away my own tears, as he heavily weeped against me. I patted his back

and tried to calm him.

When he had enough air to breathe again, he raised his head. “I know how this must look. Strong,

confident man with a controlling edge breaks apart in front of you, I must look pathetic.”

“No, you’re not. Everyone has a weak side.”

“Well, my weak side was thrown upon me like a brick wall.”

“We could talk about it, if that’s what you want. I’m here.”

He sniffed again and wiped off the wetness on his face. “That casino isn’t mine, you know. It

was my father’s.”

“I’m sorry for your loss. I didn’t know.”

“I know. I hid it pretty well. He left it to me when he died. Along with some other nasty shit I

can’t even speak about.”

“Is it that bad?”

“Oh, yes … worse than you can imagine. You really don’t want to know. When they say it’s a

shady business, they’re speaking the truth.”

I nodded, listening intently.

“I’m afraid, Julie …” he whispered into my coat.

“Of what?”

“That you’ll leave me.”

I frowned, confused and cupped his face so I could look at him. “Why? I thought this was only

sex to you?”

“No, it’s not, but I’m always afraid … I don’t want to lose you, so I shut you out. If we go

further, you’ll end up hating me and wishing you’d never stayed.”

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“Don’t say those things! That’s not true. I’m not like that.”

“My previous girlfriend was.”

“Dom,” I said, hugging him tight. “What happened to you?”

He sighed and took in a few sharp breaths. “I never asked for any of this. My father died and he

left me with a huge mess and I’m left to clean up the shit. And then my girlfriend left me, after I’d

asked her to marry me. She only wanted the pleasure, not the commitment. It took me months to get

over it and when I was finally ready to move on, you show up.”

I chuckled. “I show up? So now it’s my fault that you seduced me?”

He muffled a laugh. “No, I don’t mean it like that. I mean, I couldn’t help myself and tried to keep

you from stealing my heart.”

He gazed up at me and I finally realized all along he was just fighting to fall in love. Fighting,

because he was so hurt by his ex that he couldn’t bear the pain anymore. Fighting because he had a

tremendous burden placed upon him when he wasn’t ready for any of it.

I had the sudden urge to smother him with love.

Dominic’s face was inches away from mine and I couldn’t resist. I brought my lips to his and

kissed him gently. He cupped my face as I laced my arms around his head. We kissed with passion,

the fire burning between us was inextinguishable.

“Oh, Julie … I’m sorry. Work has been so tough lately and I used you to ease the stress, in the

wrong way. I lashed out at you back then, on the couch. Don’t think I’m not ashamed of what I did.”

“I know, I could see it. Under the shower. I forgive you, Dom.”

“Thank you … I’m just … I’m so scared to lose the people I love. I don’t want to go through the

same thing again. Caring so much for someone you’d do anything for them and they just drop you like

a bag of flies.”

“I won’t, Dom. I don’t want anyone else. What you showed me was more than I could ever

dream of and I couldn’t ever think of going back to where I used to be. You’re finally giving me what

I want. I’m asking you to give in to me.”

He smiled, tears running down his cheeks. “When I fall in love with someone, it’s with all I

have. I can’t bear to give it away if I’m not certain you will stay.”

“I will … I just need your trust, too. Like you ask me to trust you, even though it’s hard


“I know it’s hard, but I’ll never hurt you, at least, not in a non-sexual way,” he said, chortling. “I

mean emotionally.”

“So you’re always faithful, no matter what? Because my ex cheated on me,” I said. I couldn’t

help question him. I always questioned men.

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“I’m a hundred percent truthful. I don’t need anyone else, Julie. You’re more than enough for me.

You’re everything I desire and that’s what scares me the most. If I had to lose it again …”

“You’re not going to lose me,” I said, and I smashed my lips into his.

His arms were around me, holding me ever closer to him, like he wanted to meld with me. I

could feel his pain, his suffering, his wish to have someone of his own who he could trust and I

wanted to be there for him. I wanted to give him what he needed, as I knew he’d give me what I

desired as well. Being faithful, loving and honest, that’s what we both wanted. We could no longer

fight it.

I wanted to love him, just as much as he wanted to love me. No more restraints, no more holding

back or trying to fight it. I’d give my all and he’d do the same. It was already happening. We were

already falling into each other.




Stay on the lookout for the sequel


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About the author:

Clarissa Wild is an avid reader and writer of sexy stories about hot men and feisty women. Her

other loves include her furry cat friend and learning about different cultures. In her free time she

enjoys watching all sorts of movies, reading tons of books and cooking her favorite meals.

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