blake ashley the billionaires desire

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Sarah Vaughn put her life on hold to raise her brothers after their parents died, and now it was
her turn to live her life. After graduating from college at 32, she landed a dream internship with
an international investment firm. Sarah wants to make partner there one day and she is willing to
do whatever it takes.

She commutes in to downtown on the train every morning and her special treat is seeing him every
day. He fuels her fantasies and for a few minutes each day she allows herself to dream.

Sarah’s life changes the day he seduces her on the train. His sensual power over her is like none
she has ever experienced. But that morning on the train is just the beginning of a chain of events
that will change Sarah’s life forever. She doesn’t know that the gorgeous stranger is Joshua
Hunter, billionaire CEO of Hunter International, and he has a voracious appetite for smart, sexy

When she discovers who he is, he gives her an offer she is not sure she can refuse…

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The Billionaire’s Desire

Submitting to the Billionaire Series - Book 1 of 3


Ashley Blake

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Published by Lovely Day. Copyright, 2012 by Ashley Blake.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and

incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictionally. Any resemblance to
actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental. No portion of this work may
be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the

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Chapter 1

It was 6:30 A.M. and I was running late for work. I had recently graduated from college at the
age of 32 and I was determined to be a huge success. I had landed a coveted summer internship
(although it was unpaid) with Hunter International, a

global investment banking and securities firm,

and this was

only my third week. They usually only accepted students going into their senior year of college for
the intern program, but they made an exception for me because of my non-traditional background and
my academic record. There were three interns in the program and we were all vying for the same
permanent position in the investment banking unit of the firm. The other two interns were young
college students. I was hoping my age and life experience would give me an advantage over the
younger students. I was extremely focused and prided myself on my attention to detail. I really
wanted to make a good impression so that my boss would hire me on full time at the end of the
internship. I busted my butt at the office doing whatever anyone asked of me and helping out in any
way possible.

I felt so proud to have landed an internship with Hunter International because the CEO, Joshua
Hunter, had a stellar reputation. He wanted to be seen as a regular person and did not flaunt his
wealth. I had heard that he rode the train to work every day with his security detail so that he could
experience what the average citizen experienced riding to work on a daily basis.

I had also heard from people around the office that he was an extremely conservative, serious
and driven person. He was fair but very strict. He was an eternal bachelor, never married, no kids
and apparently no girlfriend. In my experience, people like that always had another side; they had a
different edge that they didn’t want anyone to know about. Maybe I was wrong this time. It didn’t
matter. My goal was to be offered a permanent position, and not to speculate about the private life of
a billionaire.

Mine wasn’t the typical story where you go to high school, go straight to college, graduate in
four years, and then try to find a job as a fresh faced 21 year old. I had been out of high school for
several years now and I had spent the last few years raising my two younger brothers. Our parents
were hit by a drunk driver on their way home one night, the summer after my senior year of high
school. I didn’t want to get out of bed after our parents died but I knew I had to take care of my
brothers. We didn’t have any other family, it was just us. I immediately put college, and the rest of
my life, on hold and took care of them. They both graduated from college, found great jobs and were
living on their own. After I knew they were going to be okay, it was time to focus on myself.

My love life was on the back burner for the time being as I focused on my career goals.
That’s not to say I wasn’t interested in finding someone special. I’d had boyfriends along the way,
but no one serious. I was an extremely sexual person and I did miss sex. My battery powered friend
was the only thing giving me that special satisfaction between my legs and it was time I found the real
thing. I would have to figure that out soon but for now I was focused on making a great impression at
work. I wanted to be a partner with Hunter International one day and landing a permanent position
with them would be my first step to the top. I planned to soak up as much knowledge as possible
during this internship and then somehow I was going to get them to hire me on full time.

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I had an apartment in the suburbs, because it’s cheaper to live there, and I commuted in to
downtown for work. I liked to get into the office early before most other people so I took the 7:05
train every day. I had overslept that morning and was rushing to make the train. I grabbed my purse
and my keys and ran out the door. The train was just pulling up to the station when I got there and I
ran to the third car, my heels clicking on the pavement. The commuter trains were so much nicer than
the city trains. I liked to sit in that train car because it had the largest bathroom and I occasionally
used it to finish getting ready if I was running late.

The train had two levels and I preferred to sit on the second level which was almost always
empty…except for him. I saw him on the train every day for the last three weeks and he literally took
my breath away. He was so gorgeous. Men that gorgeous usually had several women in their
rolodex, and if he was rich too? There was no way I could get a man like that, he was way out of my
league and I knew it. Don’t get me wrong, I was no slouch. I was fairly attractive and relatively fit,
although I had a penchant for butter pecan ice cream which left a few extra pounds on my backside.
But I knew I wasn’t his type so I just enjoyed my own little fantasy life with him for 30 minutes each
morning and lately, at night too.

I was hoping he wouldn’t be there today because I had zero makeup on and I’m sure I looked a
mess. I wanted to get to the bathroom so I could finish putting on my makeup and look presentable for
the day. I casually walked up the steps trying to look nonchalant and not the hurried mess that I felt
inside just in case he was there. I hit the top of the landing…and there he was. My stomach jumped
into my throat when I saw him. He always sat in the last row. He was so gorgeous and so
masculine. He had thick dark hair, and broad shoulders. I quickly noted his expensive suit. He
reeked of money. His cufflinks gleamed in the ray of sunlight peeking through the window. Those
were probably platinum and cost more than I made in a week. He glanced up at me with piercing
dark eyes and I felt my cheeks flush and mouth go dry as I quickly looked away and rushed past him to
the bathroom.

As weird as this may sound, I loved this bathroom because it was pristine and it wasn’t a
matchbox. There was actually room for me to change and a hook to hang my clothes if I needed it. I
had just finished applying my makeup and was brushing my hair when just as quickly as the door
opened, it shut and the gorgeous stranger was looking back at me in the mirror. I tried to turn around
but he leaned in and whispered for me not to. He was so close I could feel his body heat against my

He looked at me in the mirror as he spoke to me. “For the past three weeks I’ve noticed you
watching me.” His warm breath on my ear made me weak in the knees. I was stunned into silence
and didn’t know what to say. The cool porcelain of the sink felt smooth beneath my hands as I held
on to keep my balance. “I can sense your need.” His hard body pressed against mine as he brushed
my hair away from my neck. He leaned down to plant a soft kiss on my neck and his lips felt like
butter. I must be dreaming. “Tell me your name beautiful.” Beautiful? Maybe I was dreaming.

“Sarah.” I could barely get it out. My short ragged breaths made it difficult to focus.

“Sexy Sarah.” His deep seductive voice sent chills down my spine. “I want to touch you
Sarah. I want to make you feel good.” It certainly wasn’t a question and he didn’t wait for an

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I made no objection as his lips gently kissed my earlobe and his hands roamed down my hips
to the hem of my skirt and slowly made their way back up under my skirt. I could feel his hard
member pressed between my butt cheeks. I closed my eyes, my head turned to the side, still holding
onto the sink as he grazed the outside of my panties with his fingers. I sucked in a quick breath as he
slid a finger inside my drenched panties. His lips created a trail of kisses down the soft skin behind
my ear as he found my clit. I moaned as I leaned back into his muscular build. He pressed his
hardened length against my backside as he wrapped his free muscular arm around my waist pulling
me even closer to him. His hips moved against me as he massaged my nub in small circles. I let out a
loud moan as he slipped a finger inside my warm opening. He hips gyrated against me as his fingers
increased their pressure on my nub. My body responded by pressing back into his hard length in
between my cheeks. Our clothes created a barrier but I could feel every inch of him. He pressed his
finger deep inside of me, stroking my walls and reached up with the hand wrapped around me to
pinch my nipple through my blouse. He ran his tongue along my exposed neck and I couldn’t hold
back any longer. I came hard and let out a moan that I was sure the whole train could hear. I leaned
back against him as I shuddered, unable to move.

A few seconds later as I was still catching my breath, he leaned down over my shoulder to
whisper in my ear. “You were everything I had hoped and more.” He then pulled himself together,
gave my cheek a light kiss and exited as quickly as he had entered.

I stood there dumbfounded at what had just happened. He awakened feelings in me that I
hadn’t experienced in a long time. I couldn’t wear my wet panties so I took them off. I was cleaning
myself up when I had a panicked thought. What if the whole train heard me? Please let me be able
to go back to my seat unnoticed.
I didn’t know what I would say to him when I walked out. I felt
extremely embarrassed because I had never done anything like that before. It just wasn’t who I was.
I straightened my jacket, took a deep breath and opened the door. He was nowhere to be seen. I
breathed a sigh of relief. It was just as well. I wouldn’t have known what to say. No one seemed to
look up as I returned to my seat so I was happy about that.

A little while later, I was engrossed in a mergers and acquisition report for a big meeting that
day when I heard a deep voice directly behind me.

“You’re going to miss your stop.”

The voice startled me and I turned to see the handsome stranger waiting for me to stand up. I
glanced out the window and saw that we were just pulling up to the downtown stop. Where did he
come from?
Flustered, I quickly put the report away and fumbled as I gathered my things. I felt him
watching me and it threw me off. My cheeks were burning and my hands were a little shaky.

As I stood up and proceeded down the steps I could feel him behind me. My heart was
pounding. We had to wait for the crowd from the first level to exit before we could get out. It
suddenly occurred to me that he knew my stop. Had he been watching me also? As we exited the
train car, I turned to say I don’t know what to him about what had happened in the bathroom but he
disappeared into the crowd. I felt a twinge of disappointment as I stood on tiptoe trying to spot him in
the crowd ahead of me. Oh well, at least this would give me time to figure out what I would say to
him when I saw him again.

As I hurried to work, my heels clicking on the pavement and the cool, early morning summer

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breeze blowing through my hair, I tried to put the gorgeous stranger out of my mind but it was hard. I
replayed the bathroom scene in my head over and over. I felt like a giddy teenager and was
completely wrapped up in the fantasy of how we would have perfect children and a perfect life in our
perfect mansion when reality almost literally smacked me in the face.

“Ms. Vaughn, you’re here early.”

I didn’t even realize that I had made it to the elevator bank until I saw my boss standing in
front of me.

“Oh, good morning Ms. Statham. I like to get an early start.”

“We have a big meeting today.” The elevator doors opened and we stepped on.

“I’ll be ready,” I said as the doors closed.

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Chapter 2

Our meeting ran longer than expected and I was starving. All three interns attended the
meeting and we were asked to present an advisory report on the spot. I was the only one who was
able to do so. I overheard my boss tell her boss that she was really impressed with how I was doing
in the program so far. They also mentioned that I was the only intern that brushed up on the current
financial topic and was prepared on the spot. That made me feel pretty good. I hadn’t eaten lunch
before the meeting and it was almost 3:30 and I decided to go to the lounge to eat my lunch and relax
for an hour.

The building I worked in was super high-tech and absolutely gorgeous. The company was a
multi-billion dollar corporation and they were big on making employees feel comfortable because so
many people worked long and odd hours. The employees were really spoiled. They had a full
service cafeteria, massage parlor, juice bar, business center, rec room with pool tables and dart
boards, nap rooms with beds where you literally take naps, and a lounge that had big plush couches
with blankets and a big screen television. I’d heard from other people that the lounge area was the
most under-used room because people preferred to go to the nap rooms for peace and quiet, and the
lounge didn’t have any windows. It was very cozy and quiet. I liked to go the lounge late in the day
when no one else was around. I liked to pretend that it was my living room since my place was so
tiny and there was no way I could afford a huge TV. The lounge was one floor below the executive
floor. I had never been on the executive floor but I had heard it was like a huge high end condo. I
wanted an office on that floor one day and I was going to work my butt off to make it happen.

After I finished eating my lunch I took off my shoes, curled up on the couch, set the alarm on
my phone and closed my eyes. I started reliving the sexy events on the train that morning and reveled
in the way he touched me. I was jarred out of my bliss when a few minutes later I felt someone brush
the hair off of my neck. I woke with a start, put my feet on the floor and looked up into the eyes of the
gorgeous stranger from the train. At first I thought I was dreaming so I blinked a few times. I’m sure
I looked silly. But there he was, in all of his gorgeous splendor.

“I didn’t mean to wake you.”

Damn, his voice was so deep and sexy.

“Oh, that’s OK. I wasn’t sleeping. Um, what are you doing here?”

He gave me a wry smile and asked me what I was doing there.

“I work here. Well, I don’t actually work here, not yet anyway.” I saw him raise an
eyebrow. “I’m an intern in the investment banking unit. Just taking a late lunch.” My throat was
suddenly very dry. I took a sip of my water to quench my thirst but it didn’t help. This man had such
an effect on me. I could feel my cheeks burning as he just looked at me. His dark eyes roamed
slowly over my body stopping at the opening of my blouse. I was always careful not to dress
seductively at work. I never unbuttoned more than one button and I never wore a skirt above my knee.

He tore his gaze away from my blouse and looked into my eyes. “I haven’t been able to stop

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thinking about you since this morning. You smelled so good,” he murmured in his deep sexy voice.
He reached out to brush the hair out of my wide eyes that were blinking at him uncontrollably.

Am I dreaming here? There is no way this is really happening.

I was suddenly very aware of the thumping of my heart. I hope he can’t sense what he is
doing to me.
I felt light-headed as I tried to think of something to say in response to him.

He pulled up a chair and was sitting directly in front of me. He pulled out his cell phone and
made a call while holding my gaze the entire time. “I’m in the lounge and I don’t want to be disturbed
for the next hour.” Immediately after he hung up the phone I heard the door automatically lock.

He obviously worked in the building. Who was this man?

He reached out to move my hair out of my eye and his fingers entwined in my hair, grabbing a
fistful, and gently but forcefully pulled my head back. He leaned in to kiss me, his soft lips crushing
mine. Our tongues eagerly sought each other out, wanting and needing. He slowly pulled away
searching my eyes. His fingers slowly caressed my face and moved down my collar bone, down my
arm to my hand that was sitting on my thigh. Oh, the way he touches me. My breathing quickened as
I started to melt under his touch. Both hands then started a slow trail up my thighs and under my skirt
and caressed my legs in a circular motion and came back down my thighs. They slowly went back up
my thighs and under my skirt again only this time they went a little higher and I felt my hips inch
forward to give him better access. I’m not stopping him, this feels too good. I felt his fingers caress
my soft opening. Was that appreciation I saw when he felt I didn’t have on any panties? I felt like
I was in a trance. I was letting him do whatever he wanted.

With both hands on my thighs he leaned in close to me and whispered in my ear with that deep
masculine voice. He was all man. “Sarah, you’re so fucking sexy.”

I looked at him, wanting to grab him and pull him to me. He gave me a sexy smirk and cupped
his hands around my ass cheeks. I lifted up slightly so that he could get a good feel and he gave my
cheeks a squeeze before sliding his fingers around to my moist opening. I felt the fingers of his left
hand graze my clit as his right hand moved up my stomach to my breasts and started caressing my
nipple in small circles through my shirt. My gasp was audible as waves of pleasure washed over
me. My nails dug into the soft fabric of the couch as soft moans escaped my lips. At that moment I
didn’t care that I didn’t know who this man was. All I cared about was how good this felt and that he
knew how to touch me. I spread my legs a little wider to give him better access. His fingers glided
over my clit again and then he started rubbing it faster while he leaned in to kiss my neck. I planted
my hands on his shoulders and threw my head back exposing the delicate skin to his unyielding lips.

“Lie down on the couch.”

I did what he said without hesitation. Before I knew it he was on the couch, spreading my
legs, hands under my ass. I saw his head dip between my legs and I felt his warm tongue lick
between the folds my most sensitive place. I raked my hands through his hair and moaned
uncontrollably. Then I felt his tongue probe inside my tender opening. I was writhing with pleasure
as he reached up to pinch my nipple through my blouse. I felt his tongue glide up to my clit repeatedly
assaulting it. I could feel my orgasm building and I was helpless to stop it.

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He let out a soft hum against my nub and the vibrations permeated through me and were the
catalyst for my body’s reckless abandon. My fingers dug into his head as I let out a loud cry and
started to shake. After a few seconds I finally stopped shuddering and fell limp against the couch.
After a few seconds I tried to pull him toward me because I desperately needed to be filled. He
gently pulled back.

“Soon.” It was a promise I hoped he would keep.

From my purse, my cell phone alarm startled me and I was suddenly aware of how exposed I
was. Shame began to wash over me as the realization of what had just happened hit me. What was
wrong with me?
I had let him do this again. He sat up looking at me with those smoldering eyes as
I fumbled around trying to muster up some decorum as I straightened my clothes and my hair.

“Um, I have to get back to work. My lunch hour is over.” My voice was small and slightly
shaky. I stood up and slung my purse over my shoulder. I could barely look him in the eye as I
walked toward the door. What now? I had no idea what I should say. And he was no help. He just
sat there looking at me with a satisfied smirk on his face and let me walk right out of the room.

I was mortified and went straight to the restroom to freshen up. Part of me wanted to go crawl
and hide but the other part of me enjoyed my encounters with the handsome stranger. I got lost in
what had just happened as I thought about his hands on me, his tongue and his probing fingers. I
snapped out of my reverie when I saw what time it was and headed back to my desk. I was a bit
paranoid that everyone on my floor would know what I had done because I was a little bit late going
back to my desk, but no one seemed to pay attention to me as I walked down the hall. I threw myself
into work to keep my lustful thoughts at bay, at least for a little while.

A few minutes later Ms. Statham came by to give me a new assignment. It required me to be
out of the office for the next two days and work over at the mid-town office rather than the downtown
office. I felt a sense of relief because I wouldn’t have to worry about running into the gorgeous
stranger for a couple of days. As quickly as the relief hit me, it vanished and I felt a pit in my
stomach. The train. I would probably see him on the train. I decided to change my train schedule to
an even earlier train so as not to risk running into him. I stayed at work for another couple of hours
and then I headed home.

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Chapter 3

The next morning I took a different train to the mid-town office. I was the only intern chosen
to work on the assignment at the mid-town office so I hoped that meant that they saw something
special in me. I planned to work my butt off. I pushed all thoughts of the gorgeous stranger out of my
mind and focused on work. But during my breaks I found myself imagining his hands on me again.
He knew just how to touch me, hold me, squeeze me, and I wondered when I would feel his hands on
me again. I was getting lost in my thoughts when an admin gave me a huge file folder to work on. I
had to prepare spreadsheets and a report giving analysis of one of the company’s biggest
investments. I think they wanted to see not only if understood what they did, but also if I could
explain it to other people. I was so excited. This was the most hands on assignment I’d had so far. I
really liked that this company was very hands on with the interns. I was getting a chance to see what
it would be like to have this position as a salaried employee. I didn’t have to do any grunt work and I
liked that.

I was working on preparing my spreadsheets when a first year associate in the financing group
stopped by my cubicle.

“Hi, I’m Stacy. Sarah, right?” Stacy had been assigned to check my work and help me if

“Right, hi.”

“So how is everything going? Do you have any questions about anything?”

“Not yet. I think I’m OK so far.”

“Just to let you know, the spreadsheets and report you’re preparing are going to be shown to
Mr. Hunter. So make sure you triple check all of your numbers.”

I really appreciated her telling me this. “Mr. Hunter, as in the CEO of the company?

“Yes, apparently he wants to wrap up the internship program early this year. The other two
interns were sent to two of our other offices and given special assignments as well. This is only my
first year so I remember how grueling the internship program was. I can tell that you have an
incredible work ethic which is one of the many qualities they are looking for. I love this job and if
they hire you I think you will love it too. Good luck and let me know if you need any help.”

“Thanks Stacy, I appreciate it.”

Mr. Hunter was going to see this and he wanted to end the program early this year!

Suddenly I was nervous. I wanted this job more than anything so I poured myself into the project. I
worked until 11:00 pm and I was exhausted. By the time I got home I just collapsed on my bed and
went to sleep.

I arrived early the next day and jumped right into working on my project. I had to turn in a
rough draft to Stacy by 11:00 a.m., and I was done by 9:30 a.m. I went to her office and she checked
over my numbers and analysis.

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“Sarah, I am really impressed with your work. Hang here for a sec while I go show this to my

She had a beautiful office and she was just a first year associate! I wanted this so badly I
could taste it. I looked around at her pictures as I sat and waited and imagined, just for a minute, that
this was my office. I was going to have the same thing but better. I could feel it. Stacy came back
with her boss’s boss, Jim Parker, who was a partner, and he asked me if I would present my findings
and analysis at the partner’s meeting the next day at the downtown office.

“Did you say partner’s meeting?” I was a bit nervous and confused.

“I did. We have been really impressed with your work these past few weeks and I think you
hit the nail on the head with your findings. It takes most people weeks to figure out what you were
able to figure out in less than two days. Your supervisor will be notified and she will attend with

“I would be happy to sir.”

“Oh, sir is not necessary. Just Jim is fine.”

“OK, Jim. I would be happy to attend the meeting.” I loved how laid back and yet buttoned
up this company was. Partners made millions of dollars a year and he wanted me to call him by his
first name. I loved it.

When I got back to my cubicle I had to restrain myself because I wanted to jump up and down
and scream. I was going to present in front of the partners! There was no way I was going to screw
this up. As I sat at my desk my mind wandered to the gorgeous stranger again. I was so busy the past
several hours that I didn’t have time to think about him very much. I was actually happy about that
because it showed me that I was able to focus when necessary and nothing was going to keep me from
getting this position. I decided that, until this big meeting was over, whenever he would pop into my
mind I would just push him out. My ultimate goal was to be hired at the end of the internship so I had
to stay focused.

When I got home that night I practiced my presentation in front of the mirror eight times. I felt
good about it by the time I went to bed. I went to bed early so that I would be well rested and alert
the next day.

The next morning I felt really good about my presentation. I’d gotten up early, I wore a new
suit and didn’t have a hair out of place. I wanted to look like a picture perfect professional in front of
the partners. I wanted them to see that I fit with the look of the company. I took the early train again
and I wasn’t even thinking about the gorgeous stranger when I walked up the stairs to the second level
and I stopped dead in my tracks. What was he doing here? This isn’t the time that he takes the
I felt weak in the knees just looking at him. I was suddenly acutely aware that I looked silly
standing at the top of the landing just staring at him. He just sat there with a sexy smirk on his face. I
instantly felt embarrassed about our previous two encounters and looked down at the ground. Not
today. Today is too important. I have a huge meeting to think about.
I glanced up at him and he
was watching me with amused interest as I stood there like an idiot. I quickly snapped out of it and
sat down. I pulled out my report to go over it again. Please, please leave me alone today. I don’t

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think I have the strength to resist you and I have to do well at this meeting.

The entire ride I expected him to come over to me so I was focusing half of my attention on my
report and was half on guard in case he approached me. Thankfully, when we got to our stop he
walked past me without saying a word. I was relieved at first, and then annoyance set in. What an
arrogant jerk!
Maybe he felt he got what he wanted and now he was done with me. I couldn’t get all
worked up about that right then. I would give him a piece of my mind when I saw him the next
morning on the train. Until then I had to put him out of my mind and focus on my big meeting that

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Chapter 4

The executive floor was everything I had imagined and more. It was absolutely gorgeous.
The walls had deep mahogany trim, there were floor to ceiling glass doors everywhere, and the
receptionist desk looked like an executive desk in the middle of an enormous waiting room. The
waiting room was lined with plush chairs and there was a coffee and tea station set up in the corner of
the room. I'm definitely going to have an office up here one day. The meeting started at 10:00 a.m.
and we were 20 minutes early. While my boss and I sat waiting to be called into the meeting, she
gave me a few words of encouragement. I could tell that she was proud of me and that meant a lot.
We were called to the meeting a few minutes later and when we walked into the room there were
already 20 people sitting around a large table. My boss told me that she would introduce me when it
was my turn to present. I was nervous and excited about this opportunity. Interns never got this kind
of exposure. Two minutes later everyone was there and ready to begin. We were just waiting for
Joshua Hunter, the CEO.

What happened next, felt like an out of body experience. I was glancing over my notes in front
of me when I heard that familiar deep, sexy voice ring out.

"Sorry to keep everyone waiting. Are we ready to begin?"

My mouth fell open as I looked up to see the gorgeous stranger standing at the head of the
table. I quickly composed myself as a million thoughts began to run through mind. The fucking
CEO? Really?
I felt like I was going to lose it so I looked down at my notes and counted to 10. I
had been waiting for this kind of opportunity and I was not going to blow it.

I gave my presentation near the end of the meeting and it went flawlessly. I was able to
answer all questions that were asked of me and I felt really good about it. As I was leaving the room,
Joshua glanced at me and Jim Parker stopped me.

“Wonderful job Sarah.”

“Thank you Jim, and thank you for this opportunity."

I made it back to my desk on wobbly legs since my nerves were all a jumble. The reality of
what just happened started to sink in. I was so freaked out by what just happened. The stranger was
Joshua Hunter! Owner of the entire company, Joshua Hunter! Billionaire, Joshua Hunter! All kinds
of thoughts started running through my head. Could I be fired for what we did? And we did it in the
building in the lounge! I was certain it was grounds for termination and I was now scared that I was
going to lose my opportunity. I started to panic and then realized that he seduced me. I shouldn't get
in trouble at all. But no matter how many times I told myself that, I was terrified I'd screwed
everything up. Why did I let him do those things to me? Because it felt so damn good and I couldn't
remember the last time anyone touched me like that
. He was so sexy and mysterious I didn't want
to resist.

I decided to submerge myself in the next project I was working on. I was so worried after
learning who Joshua Hunter was that I lost my appetite and worked straight through lunch. Around

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3:30 PM, Ms. Statham came to my desk and said Mr. Hunter wanted to see all three interns in his

I felt sick to my stomach as I rode the elevator up to the executive floor. This was the end. I
had messed up. I was probably going to be lectured in front of the other two interns about what not to
do. I was mortified and terrified.

His secretary led me to his office and the other two interns were already there so I took a seat
next to them. A couple of minutes later Mr. Hunter came in. He didn't extend any niceties or
pleasantries and got right to the point. He told us that he did not make the final decision as to who the
company was going to hire. The partners all voted and decided who would be hired after the
internship program each year. He told us that he had decided to end the intern program early this year
because one person’s work stood out from day one. He told us that we all did exceptional work. The
company was looking for someone whose work was extremely accurate and who could quickly grasp
the concepts and principles of the company. He went on to say that unfortunately, they found flaws
with two interns work. The other intern did an outstanding job.

“Congratulations Ms. Vaughn. Welcome to Hunter International."

I wanted to cry because all my hard work and been validated. I also felt a sense of relief
because all the partners had to vote for me so I knew I didn't get this job because of what happened
between us. The other two interns thanked Mr. Hunter and left his office, closing the door behind
them, leaving us alone.

“So, Joshua Hunter. Why didn't you tell me who you are?” I gave him a cautious stare. I
was pissed but I had to be careful since he was now, in essence, my boss.

“You never asked me.”

He was right, but was it really that simple?

“The train. If you have all of this, why do you ride the train? And why don’t you ride with
some sort of security?”

“I don’t want to be given any sort of preferential treatment. I want to experience what the
average citizen is experiencing. It is important to me that those who work for me feel as they are
working with me. I think it has made for a much more positive and productive work environment.
But don’t get me wrong. I do have my little indulgences. And I do ride with security. They sit on the
first level. I like to have some privacy on the train.” He winked at me when he said that and I could
feel my cheeks getting flushed.

“You are going to be assigned to work on the executive floor. There is only one other person
who was an intern who got hired and came directly to this floor. He's now a partner and if you work
hard, which I know you will, you will have the same career path.”

“Mr. Hunter?” I had to interrupt him.

“Joshua, please.”

“Why did you seduce me? Why me?”

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“You didn’t like it?” He had an amused look on his face.

“You know I did.”

“I saw a sexy, somewhat innocent woman and once I found out how smart you are, I had to
have you.”

“What do you mean once you found out how smart I am? You didn’t know who I was until
today at the meeting. All you knew was my first name.”

“Do you think I go around seducing random women? Of course I knew who you were. I
found it curious that you always like to sit on the second level. You were new on the train and when I
kept seeing you day after day you intrigued me. When you got off at my stop you intrigued me even
more. When I saw you going into my building each morning, I had to know more. So I had my
secretary do some digging. How do you think I found you in the lounge? My secretary contacted your
boss looking for you. You fascinate me. I left you alone this morning because I knew you had a
presentation today and I figured you were probably very nervous. I didn’t want to make things
worse. I haven’t been captivated by a smart, sexy woman in a long time.”

I was speechless and flattered, I didn't know what to say. This gorgeous, wealthy man was
intrigued by me? I had to stop second-guessing myself. I obviously had many redeeming qualities
that captivated his interest.

“Isn’t it extremely inappropriate for me to be working on your floor after what we’ve done?”
My voice was very small once again.

“What have we done?” He stood there looking at me, arms crossed, with a sexy, slightly
mocking, smoldering look. I wanted him to ravage me right there on the spot.

I stood there speechless, not knowing how to respond.

He must have noticed my embarrassment because he let me off the hook.

“It’s not inappropriate for you to be up here, at least not in my eyes.” He straightened his suit
jacket and walked toward me. “Now, I have a proposition for you. Whether you say yes or no, will
in no way affect your employment status with this company. You will still have a job here. I honestly
think you are extremely bright and talented and you will be a great asset to this company. I also think
you'll be a great asset for me. I want you to work for me and train under me. I will teach you
everything you need to know to excel in this company. I will teach you hard work, discipline, the
importance of attention to detail and everything you need to know to make the partner fast track. I can
tell you what you need to do to make partner in five years rather than 15. I don't have the power to
make you partner. The partners and investors decide who becomes partner. This keeps favors and
nepotism out of the selection process and this is one of the reasons we are so successful. You have to
earn a partner position.”

“Why would you be willing to do all of that for me, a new associate?”

“Well, there is a stipulation. I will teach you all of that so that you can be on the partner fast
track. I'm assuming you want to be a partner, yes?”

“Yes, I do.” I had no idea where this was going but I was open to listening.

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“I will do all of this for you if you agree to do everything I desire for 30 days.”

“I don’t understand. What do you mean everything you desire? Do you mean something like
fetch a drink for you or file documents?”

“I mean exactly what I said. Everything I desire. If you don’t agree to this you still have a job
here, of course. But it will take you 15 years to learn what you need to know to make partner. If you
agree, we will be working very closely together."

I thought about it briefly. Thirty days of what will probably be menial labor to make partner
in five years, versus 15 years of learning the hard way. This was a no-brainer. How bad could it
be? It would only be for 30 days and I would get to see this gorgeous man every day. I wasn't
worried about not being able to focus on work because I'd been able to do that while preparing for
my big meeting. Nothing was going to get in the way of my goals.

“Okay, I'll do it. And thank you for the opportunity.”

He gave me a mischievous smirk when I thanked him.

“Good. Your salary will be the same as all first-year associates. You'll be traveling with
me, all expenses paid. You won’t have to worry about paying for anything while we are away on
business. You will have an expense account that you can use freely for the 30 days. I expect you to
only wear designer clothes, shoes and handbags. You will be representing me when you are with me
and I expect you to look your best. When we travel, I will provide a personal makeup artist,
manicurist and hair stylist for you. Your office here is down the hall from mine. When my secretary
buzzes you I expect you to be in my office in less than one minute. Understood?”

“Yes.” A little rigid, I thought, but I would do whatever it took to learn all this incredible

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Chapter 5

“Stand up.”

“Excuse me?”

“When I tell you to do something, do it. No questions, no hesitations. We are going to have a
lesson on discipline right now.”

He picked up the phone and told his secretary that he did not want to be disturbed for the next

I looked at the door with uneasiness written all over my face. “Won’t someone hear us?” I
could feel the heat between my legs begin to rise as it dawned on me what this might be about.

“No one will hear us. Every office on the executive level is soundproof because we have
some very paranoid investors who don’t want to risk sensitive information being overheard.”

“Stand up.” The stern tone told me he was serious. I did as I was told.

“Take off your jacket and unbutton your blouse.”

I took off my jacket and my shaky fingers managed to unbutton every last button.

“Now take it off.” He was walking around me slowly looking over every inch of me. I took
off my blouse, my breathing becoming more shallow.

He ran a finger up my arm to my shoulder and leaned in to whisper in my ear. “Take off your

I did as he said, not because he promised to teach me so much about the company, but because
I wanted to. I was a bit shocked at myself that I enjoyed being told what to do, but it turned me
on. He turned me on.

I stood in his office wearing nothing but my bra, thong, and heels.

Joshua came around behind me and started rubbing my exposed bottom. I heard him let out a
soft groan as he took his time rubbing and squeezing it. With one hand he unsnapped my bra and I
pulled it off and let it fall to the floor.

He came back around to face me and rubbed his hands over my breasts. He dipped
down to take one nipple in his mouth and then the other. While his warm tongue swirled around one
hardened nipple, he rolled the other between his fingers. I let out a moan and wanted to reach
between my legs to rub my aching core but I held back because he didn’t give me permission to do
that. He squeezed my breasts one last time before moving his hands down over my hips. I closed my
eyes and let out a soft moan as his hand moved between my legs feeling how wet I was for him. He
looked at me, lust in his eyes brimming over. He leaned in to kiss me with a kiss so deep and
powerful I thought we were going to devour each other right there. He then quickly pulled away and
whispered in a deep husky voice. “Down on your knees. I want those sexy lips wrapped around my

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“Wh…”, I caught myself and just did as he said. Resting on my heels, I unbuckled his pants
and pulled them down to his knees. He pulled his hard member from his shorts and I eagerly
wrapped a hand around it before licking it slowly from the base. Once I got to the tip, I dipped it in
my mouth once, then twice before pulling it out and licking the shaft. I gently rubbed him with one
hand while cupping his balls with my other hand. I took his whole length in my mouth, and my tongue
swirled around the tip and then dipped down around the base before making its way back to the tip.
He let out a loud groan and I felt his hands on my head demanding I take him deeper. I pulled him into
my mouth as far as I could and then opened my throat to take him even deeper. His body started to
shake and his balls were dancing as he came close to releasing.

He suddenly pulled away from me, leaving me shocked and vulnerable on my knees. He
grabbed me by the waist and pulled me up off the floor only to bend me over his desk. He yanked
down my panties and I felt his thick member press against my waiting opening. He pressed himself
inside and I let out a muffled cry as waves of pleasure washed over me. He pulled himself out and
back in, slowly at first. My breasts were crushed in his hands as he sped up and thrust into me once,
twice, three times. My hands on his desk supported me as my body responded to his hard thrusts. I
braced myself against his desk as each time he pounded into me I lurched forward a little farther. His
sped up his rhythm, slamming into me over and over, one hand across my chest the other reached
down and frantically rubbed the soft flesh between my legs. I was panting, struggling to catch my
breath when my orgasm flew to the surface and I let out a loud cry. I grasped the edge of the desk as
my body rode the waves of pleasure and I shuddered and leaned back against his hard body.

My reaction put him over the edge. He gave one last, big thrust before he gasped, then pulled
out, rubbing out his orgasm into his wastebasket. I collapsed onto his desk as he leaned against it
trying to catch his breath. As I lay bent over his desk, the hum of the central air conditioning soothing
me, I realized that I was completely naked. Instantly, I wanted to be covered up and I looked around
for anything to use. Joshua saw me looking around and grabbed a blanket out of his closet.

“Here. Use my bathroom to clean up.”

I covered myself in the blanket as I walked over to his bathroom. Thankfully his bathroom
was attached to his office. I grabbed my clothes and closed the door behind me. I saw what a
disheveled mess I looked as I stared at myself in the mirror. What was I doing? I cleaned myself up
and got dressed. When I opened the door Joshua looked immaculate as he sat at his desk.

“Go downstairs and pack your things. Your office is ready for you. I want you to start
reviewing the Jameson Industries file. Prepare a report similar to what you presented today. I need it
by next Friday’s meeting which I want you in on.”

OK, right back to work, I guess. At least I had over a week to prepare this report.

Just as I was getting ready to open the door to his office to go pack up my desk, Joshua
stopped me.

“Oh, Sarah?”

“Yes?” I half turned toward him, one hand on the door handle.

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“You can take tomorrow off since it’s Friday. You’ve had a grueling week.”

“Thank you.” I turned to leave.

“And Sarah?”


“You do have a passport don’t you?”

“Yes.” There was a hint of a question in my voice because I had no idea where he was going
with this.

“Good. Be sure to bring it with you on Sunday. A car will pick you up and drive you to the
airport at 9:00 p.m.”

“Sunday? The airport?” Everything he desired, I reminded myself.

“Yes. We have business in Dubai and we’ll be there for 30 days. We’ll take my private jet.
And go shopping this weekend. I want to see high end designer everything on you. But don’t buy too
much, just enough to get you through a couple of days. You can go shopping for everything else in
Dubai. My secretary will give you an unlimited corporate credit card.”

I almost fainted on the spot. I thought he was joking at first, but the serious look on his face
told me otherwise.

“Is there a problem?” He looked at me over the top of his glasses.

“Not at all.” I walked out of his office literally pinching myself and smiling. I finally had my
dream job.


Books by Ashley Blake

The Billionaire’s Desire

The Billionaire’s Desire 2: Dubai Confidential


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