Blade Ashley The Pleasure Club The Dom

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The Pleasure Club

The Dom


Ashley Blade

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are
products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to
be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,
organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

The Dom
Copyright© 2012 Ashley Blade
ISBN: 978-1-60088-766-6

Cover Artist: Sable Grey
Editor: Jeff Curry

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced
electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in reviews.

Cobblestone Press, LLC

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Welcome to The Pleasure Club

Dear Mr. Jesse,

We're pleased to welcome you to The Pleasure Club. As

you have already signed and returned the contract and filled out
all the necessary forms to ensure you receive your every wish, we
will be in touch with you shortly with the details of your first
Pleasure Night.

Your Wish List and Pleasure Forms have been turned over

to our staff of highly trained Pleasure Guardians, and they are
hard at work finding your perfect match. We will endeavor to meet
your personal fantasy.

When you are contacted again, you will be given a location

where your Pleasure Night will begin, and you will also be given a
safe word to use should you at any time become uncomfortable.
There is no shame in changing your mind. We're here for your
pleasure, and should your safe word be used, your match for the
evening will cease all activity, and the game will be put on hold
until a mutual agreement between you and your Pleasure Master
can be reached.

Once again, welcome to The Pleasure Club. Please feel free

to contact the office at any time should you have any questions.

Yours truly,
The Pleasure Club Management

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* * * * *

Mr. Jesse,

Your Pleasure Night will begin Saturday the 22nd at 10:00

PM in the Montebello Castle Winery, located at 1800 Mangrove
Lane. When you arrive, please make your way to the front entrance
of the castle and follow the directions posted.

Your safe word is Helpless.

The Pleasure Guardians

* * * * *

Jesse stared at the letter a few more times before dropping it on his

kitchen counter and scrubbing his face. What the hell have I gotten myself

The answer was obvious.
Two weeks ago, Jesse was strung up in the middle of Great

Expectations. He faced the club audience as one of their Master’s went to
town on his ass. Well not literally. If Jesse remembered correctly, he’d only
felt the bite of pain mixed with pleasure once. He safe worded after the
first snap of the whip’s tail came across his ass cheek.

Jesse didn’t say red because he was in pain. Quite the opposite,

really. He liked it.

When the initial shock of being whipped was over, his dick got

hard and he groaned. It was instantaneous. Never had he gotten an
instant boner. That was what caused him to safe word out of the scene.
He’d barely made it home from the club, before yanking the zipper of his
pants down and jerking himself off to completion. That was what scared
him—his visceral reaction to the stimulation.

Opening the fridge, he pulled out a beer and twisted off the cap. If

it hadn’t been for his friend, Isabel, he’d never have applied to TPC. She’d

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been at the club with him that night, tried to explain what would happen.
Jesse didn’t listen. How hard can it be, Bels? It’s not like I’ll lose myself in the
moment. I’m a big boy. I can handle this.

“God, I was so wrong.”
The words, “I’ll call you later,” floated over his shoulder as he

raced past her without a backward glance.

“Hey, Jesse?” Isabel called out.
Lost in thought, he never heard her come in the front door. “Hey,

Bels. I’m in the kitchen.”

Isabel walked into the kitchen and threw herself onto one of the bar

stools stationed around the granite-counter-topped island. Jesse watched
as she picked up the letter he carelessly threw down. “So you went and
signed up, huh?”

Jesse nodded.
“Well good. I was afraid after the incident at Great Expectations,

you wouldn’t give them a shot.”

“Trust me, I almost didn’t.” He took another swig of beer. “But, I

could hear you in the back of my mind the whole damn time.”

The next day after his ”little problem,” Isabel told him about The

Pleasure Club. She explained her own experiences there and how they
respected everyone’s privacy. He could even use a fake name if he
wanted. He didn’t want that.

What if I want my Master to know my name?
It doesn’t matter, Jesse. You can’t pursue anything outside of the club. No

matter what.

That tanks.
The tradeoff is worth it. You can have a different Master any night you

need one, or a threesome, or whatever you want.

That does sound appealing.
It sounds just like your style.
It was his style. He wouldn’t necessarily consider himself a serial

player, but he also couldn’t see himself in a full-time relationship either.
He’d watched his parents divorce, marry again, and divorce. He called his
parents perpetual love seekers. He wouldn’t follow in their footsteps. He

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After contemplating it and weighing the pros and cons of what he

was about to do, he filled out the online registration. A week later, his
packet arrived. Once the questionnaire was filled out, he mailed it back
with the club’s dues and waited.

“Hey, your date’s tonight. When did this letter come?” Isabel’s

question brought him out of his thoughts.

“Uh, three days ago, I believe,” he said nonchalantly with a shrug.
Isabel sighed in frustration. “Why aren’t you getting ready? It’s

after eight. You have to be there in less than two hours!”

“I am ready.” He ate dinner early and showered all before seven.

He wasn’t exactly sure what would be expected of him, so he chose to go
with casual. After picking out one of his name brand shirts and jeans, he
dressed, fixed his hair, and waited.

“You can’t go looking like that.” Isabel pointed at what he wore as

if it were beggar’s clothes.

“What are the chances when I walk through the door, I’ll keep my

clothes on?” he questioned, knowing in an instant he had her.

“Well, I guess… But still.” Isabel blew out a breath of frustration.

“You have a great button-down silk shirt in your closet. Oh,” she
exclaimed excitedly, “and that pair of charcoal dress pants that hug your
spectacular ass.” She moaned.

“Fine,” he grumbled. “I’ll go change.”
Isabel was probably right; he should dress better than he did, but

he was comfortable. He wore a monkey suit every day at work. It was part
of the dress code at the law firm he worked for. Causal Friday for them
was wearing a dress shirt and slacks. No one dared wear jeans or even a
polo shirt.

Fifteen minutes later, he emerged from his bedroom, dressed in

exactly what Isabel told him to wear. “Well?” He held his arms out and
spun around.

“Mmm, delicious.” Isabel smacked his ass. “You would’ve made a

perfect sub for me, Jesse.”

“Yeah, the whole being gay threw a kink in your little plan, huh?”

He winked.

Isabel laughed for a moment and nodded. “Yes, damn it. It did.”

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She picked up the letter and handed it to him. “All set, stud?”

“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good, go have fun.” She pushed him playfully toward the door. “I

want deets tomorrow, Jesse.”

He waved, climbed into his little sports car, and took off down the


* * * * *

Cian laid out a pair of leather shorts and a note, then headed down

to the dungeon to wait. It was his first night working for TPC, and he was
nervous. He didn’t doubt his skills. He was a professional Dom for Great
Expectations. He knew he could give pleasure to anyone who willingly
submitted to him. It was his partner for the evening. He knew the guy.

Well not really.
Jesse came to Cian’s club with who he thought was Jesse’s Mistress.

Isabel tried to explain to Charles, a full-time Master, like Cian, that Jesse
was new. Completely green. He scoffed at Isabel and trussed her friend
up without a second thought. He didn’t even take a moment to explain
anything to the man.

As Charles unfurled the whip he customarily used on the

”newbie’s,” Cian’s stomach turned in disgust. He wanted to stop the scene
right then and there, but couldn’t. Jesse hadn’t safe worded.

Charles warmed up his arm with a few practice shots. The whip

cracked against the floor and made Cian’s skin crawl. The whole scene
just seemed off. Wrong. Clenching his fist as Charles flicked his wrist and
the tail of the whip snapped against the floor one more time, he closed his
eyes and counted to ten. Give me the strength to stand here and not make an
ass out of myself.
The whip cracked again.

Cian opened his mouth to holler something at the bastard when

Charles raised his arm and snapped the whip. The end connected with the
man’s flesh, and Jesse moaned. As Charles rolled his shoulder again, the
man safe worded out. The scene was over.

Cian heaved a sigh of relief.
He watched the attendants unhook Jesse. The man didn’t say a

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word to anyone. Jesse ducked his head and moved quickly for the exit. As
an experienced Master, you look for little tells in a person’s demeanor.
Jesse obviously wasn’t in pain. He hadn’t screamed his safe word; he
spoke it as if he’d been talking the whole time.

The lights from the club had hit him just right for a moment, and

Cian could see the slight pink tinge on his cheeks. Jesse was aroused.

Taking one last look around the entrance of the castle, Cian smiled.

Tonight he would be able to teach Jesse all about pleasure, and this time
he couldn’t run.

* * * * *

Stepping out of his car, Jesse whistled. The castle was huge. After

taking one last look at his letter, he threw it on the seat of his car and
closed the door. He had five minutes to cross the parking lot and get

Now, or never, Jesse.
Closing the distance to the front door, he pushed it open upon

seeing the glowing of candles. Once inside, he chuckled softly. It was as if
he’d been transported in time. In the middle of the room was a small table.
On it was a pair of leather shorts and a note. After opening it, Jesse read
what it said.

Good evening, Jesse. It pleases me that you have decided to show up

tonight. Let’s see if you can continue to please me. Remove all of your clothes,
including underwear. Put on the leather shorts and then follow the hall to the
elevator. I’ll meet you in the dungeon.

Master C.
“Master C, hmm? I like that.” Pulling off his clothes, he could kill

Isabel. He knew deep down his Pleasure Master wouldn’t see what he
wore. Jesse then picked up the shorts and slipped them on.

The feel of the butter soft material made him groan. His dick was

already painfully hard, and any extra stimulus pushed him closer to the
edge. After taking a deep breath, Jesse let it out slowly and made his way
to the elevator.

The ride down was slow going. He could hear the car squeak and

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groan with each moment of descent. When the car finally came to a stop,
he closed his eyes and gave a small thank you to the powers that be.
Stepping out, he looked around the dungeon and whistled. It was every
Master and submissive’s wet dream. Equipment was scattered around the
room. Toys, or what Jesse thought could pass for toys, hung on the walls.
Then he locked gazes with the most beautiful man he’d ever met.

Green eyes stared back at him from behind a black mask. They

narrowed as Jesse continued to stare at his Master. Chiding himself, Jesse
focused on his well-defined chest and abs. He continued to stare at Master
C until his gaze settled on his narrowed hips and thick erection pressing
against the front of his leather pants. Jesse swallowed hard. His mouth
watered in anticipation.

“On your knees.” His voice was rough and deep.
Jesse complied readily. Kneeling before the gorgeous man in front

of him, he tilted his head down. He couldn’t believe he was actually doing
this. Submitting. The nerves he felt were gone and replaced by excitement.

“Very good, pet.” Jesse watched as his Master stopped in front of

him. “Do you remember what your safe word is?”

Jesse nodded.
“Speak, Jesse.”
“Yes, Sir. I remember what my safe word is.” Jesse licked his

parched lips.

“Good. What is it?” his Master asked.
“Helpless, Sir.”
His Master’s gruff laugh sent shards of pleasure racing through

Jesse’s body. “Perfect. Do you know why it’s perfect, Jesse?”

Jesse shook his head.
“Because that’s what you became when you stepped into my

dungeon. Helpless.”

Jesse sucked in a breath. His heart hammered against his chest.

Fuck! His palms were sweaty as his body filled with anticipation. Master C
circled him a few times and ran his fingers through his short crop of hair.
Jesse moaned as Master C’s hand tightened. His head snapped back, and
his gaze locked with the emerald green hue of his Master’s.

He swallowed roughly.

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Closing his eyes, Jesse tried to calm his body. Master C had barely

touched him, but he was ready to explode.

“Look at me, Jesse.” Jesse opened his eyes, complying with Master

C’s command. “Tell me what you’re feeling, pet.”

What I’m feeling? Is he for real? How do you even put that into words?

He opened his mouth and closed it, cleared his throat, and tried again.
“Hot. I feel like every part of my body is sensitized. Um”—he licked his
lips again—“I ache. I feel like I am about to explode, Sir.”

“Show me, pet.”
“Show you?”
Releasing the hold Master C had on his hair, he sighed. “You’re

new, Jesse. I’ll make allowances for that. But when I tell you to do
something, I expect you to do it. If you are uncomfortable with that, then
use your safe word and get out of my dungeon.”

Jesse shook his head. His trembling hands worked to undo his

shorts and release the heavy length of his cock. “How…? What…?” Jesse
took a deep, steadying breath and let it out slowly. “How may I please
you, Master C?” He felt as if he were having an out-of-body experience.
Jesse’s words came from his secret need to please. He’d been that way his
whole life. He liked doing for others.

“Very good, pet.” Master C stepped into Jesse’s line of vision. “I

want you to stroke your cock until I tell you to stop.”

“Yes, Sir.” Jesse gripped his hard dick and began to pump the stiff


It felt so good.
Jesse moaned.
Without a second thought, he picked up the pace. Jesse could feel

his release begin to boil in his sac and race for the tip of his shaft. He
needed to come. He wanted to come.

Master’s voice cut through the pleasurable haze surrounding Jesse.

He was so close he almost didn’t want to stop, but he couldn’t let down
his Master. My Master? I don’t have a Master; this is only temporary. “Master,

“Do not come, Jesse. We’re nowhere near done yet.” Jesse heard

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what sounded like a cabinet close and Master C’s measured steps coming
back toward him. “Stand and strip off your shorts, then walk over to the
cross and kneel.”

Jesse stood up, his legs rubbery. After pulling off his shorts, he

folded them and left them where he’d just been kneeling. Jesse walked
over to the cross, then knelt before it and waited.

* * * * *

Cian couldn’t believe it. Jesse submitted to him as if it was second

nature. Had Charles just taken a moment to work with the man, he would
have submitted to Charles too. Cian’s stomach clenched. He didn’t like the
idea of Jesse submitting to anyone else but him. Get it together, buddy. You
can’t keep him. Jesse’s not yours. You signed a contract to that fact. No matter
how much you want that sweet, submissive man.

Rolling his shoulders, Cian picked up the whip, lube, and condoms.

After making Jesse wait a few more moments, Cian made his way over to
him. He could see the fine tremble skirt across Jesse’s body. A thin sheen
of sweat covered his back. “Stand, pet.” In an instant, he wished he could
hear Jesse’s thoughts.

Once Jesse was on his feet, Cian led him over to the cross. After

shackling his ankles first, then his wrists, Cian stepped in front of Jesse.
His amber eyes were glazed with pleasure. His full lips were parted
slightly, and a pink tinge of arousal colored his cheeks. Perfect. Without a
second thought, Cian captured Jesse’s lips with his own.

Swallowing Jesse’s roughened moan, Cian’s fingers gripped Jesse’s

short-cropped black hair. His dick leapt behind the confines of his leather
pants. Their tongues touched each other tentatively at first, then twined as
Cian took control of it. With a nip to Jesse’s bottom lip, Cian stepped back
and took a shaky breath. Never had he kissed or been kissed so
passionately before.

“Yes, Master C.”
“Good, pet. Remember to use your safe word if things get too

intense.” Cian ran his finger down the center of Jesse’s chest before

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tweaking each nipple. The man hissed and arched toward Cian. “That’s it,
pet. Give over to your Master.”

Glancing down, he could see pre-cum beading at the tip of Jesse’s

cock. Running his thumb through Jesse’s essence, Cian teased his tip, and
then he moved behind his submissive. “So responsive, pet.” He set the
lube and condoms down, then unfurled the whip, testing it a few times.
He could see Jesse tense up and stopped. “Jesse, talk to me. What are you
feeling right now?”

“I’m nervous, Sir, and worried.”
“How I will react. How it will feel. I-I was able to just leave when I

was overwhelmed the last time at this club I tried out. But here with you,
Master, I don’t want to leave. And that scares me more.”

Cian understood completely what Jesse was feeling. “My job, Jesse,

is to push you to your limit and then some. I will never hurt you. I will
never ask you to do anything that you don’t feel safe doing.”

“I know, Sir.”
“Then let’s continue.”
Cian took his position again. After raising his arm, Cian let loose

with a series of strikes against Jesse’s flesh. Pretty, pink welts formed
across his back and butt. Nothing major, just enough to sting. Again he
flicked his wrist and zigzagged across his submissive’s skin. Jesse’s moans
filled the room. Cian could see his knees weaken as he continued to work
Jesse’s body.

“Please, Sir.” Jesse groaned. “I need…” His words were cut off as

Cian cracked the whip again, snapping at the sensitive tissue of his thigh.
“Oh fuck! Sir, please. I’m going to come. Fuck!”

“Sir, please,” Jesse pleaded. “I can’t…”
“Yes you can, Jesse. I know you can.” Cian curled the whip up and

tossed it on the table next to him. Opening his pants, he stroked his own
cock. The sounds emanating from Jesse were going to be his undoing.

After grabbing the foil packet off the table next to them, he ripped

it open and sheathed his dick. Cian closed the distance between the two of
them. He pressed his body against Jesse and ground his rock-hard cock

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against the cleft of his ass. “Tell me what you want, Jesse.”

“I need to come, Sir, please.”
“Do you?” Cian whispered against his ear as his tongue traced the

shell before nibbling on the lobe.

Jesse grunted and rubbed his ass against Cian. “Yes.”
“Mmm, I don’t know, pet.” He wrapped his hand around Jesse’s

dick and pumped his shaft. “I think you can go a little longer, don’t you?”
he said, squeezing Jesse’s cock.

“Yes, Sir.” Jesse pumped his hips, and Cian slapped his hip,

ripping a strangled cry from him. “Shit.”

“You will not get yourself off. I give and take your pleasure, Jesse.

That is my job.” Cian growled, stepping away from him.

* * * * *

Shit, shit, shit.
Jesse’s cock felt as if it were about to explode, and

now he just pissed off his Master. What the fuck is wrong with me? “I’m
sorry, Sir. I-I don’t know what happened. I just lost control and wanted
more. It won’t happen again, Sir.”

For a moment, Jesse thought Master C had left. He didn’t move and

hadn’t said anything either. He assumed someone would be down shortly
to release the bindings and send him on his way. He couldn’t blame
Master C for walking away, not once since the man told him what to do,
had he fully submitted. The only submitting he did was for his own needs.
The moment Master C touched him, he forgot about pleasing Master C
and became selfish.

Jesse felt Cian’s hands then. They were releasing the shackles

attached to his legs. His heart sank, and his stomach turned sour. He’d

“Spread your legs, Jesse,” Master C said, releasing the right cuff.
Feeling a glimmer of hope, Jesse did as he was asked. He felt the

press of Master C’s body against his. His warm breath caressed Jesse’s
neck, making him shiver.

“Usually your punishment for disobeying me would be harsh, but I

believe I know the best punishment for you.” Master C’s arm snaked

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around Jesse’s waist. His fingers teased the tip of Jesse’s cock. Lost to the
sensation, Jesse barely felt the hard rubber ring slide down his shaft.
“Now then, where was I?”

Jesse heard the cap of something flip open, then felt the cold press

of Master C’s finger against the tight bud of his ass. His finger pushed
past the tight ring of muscles and curled against Jesse’s prostate gland.
Dear God, I’m going to die. It was only a matter of time. He was convinced
of that, as Master C continued to work his body.

As a second finger joined the first, it took all of Jesse’s will power to

stand still. His body screamed to move. His cock pulsed and throbbed.
“So tight, Jesse. I can’t wait to shove my cock deep inside you.” Jesse’s
inner muscles clamped down on Master C’s fingers. “Oh, you like that
idea, huh?” His fingers massaged the walnut-sized gland. Cum leaked
from the head of his dick.

“Yes, Sir.” He groaned.
“Good, because now I’m going to fuck you.”
Master C’s fingers retreated from his ass, and instantly Jesse

wished they were back. The tip of Master C’s cock replaced them quickly
as he pushed forward, slowly allowing Jesse to feel every inch of his cock.
Jesse cried out. Master C was long and thick and stretched him to the max.

Once Master C was fully seated within him, he ground his hips

against Jesse, adding to the already building sensations. The cock ring
around his dick felt three sizes too small, and he had to wonder if he
might suffocate from how tight the ring was. Jesse sucked in a breath and
shook with need as Master C retreated slightly and filled him again.

“So good, Jesse. So tight.” Master C slapped his ass and turned him

to the left a little, changing the angle. His dick rubbed against Jesse’s
sweet spot over and over with the angle change.

“Oh…fuck…Master, I need…”
“Yes, pet. I know what you need and how you need it.” Master C

continued to pummel his body. Jesse panted with every thrust and
clenched his teeth.

“Please, Master,” he cried when Master C smacked him again.
“No, you don’t come until I tell you, you can come.” He rode Jesse

hard. He could feel the slap of Master C’s sac against his own. The sounds

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of his grunt spurring Jesse’s own pleasure.

“Yes, Sir,” he hissed as again he nudged against that deliriously

good spot. He closed his eyes and thought of everything else but what
Master C was doing to him. It didn’t work. His attention was fully on the
man behind him, fucking him into submission.

“That’s it, Jesse, give yourself over to me, give me your pleasure.”

Master C kissed his shoulder, his tongue laving the juncture of his neck.
His teeth nipped the soft flesh with every kiss.

Jesse whimpered. His legs weakened even more as Master C

continued to tease his body. He couldn’t take it anymore. His safe word
was on the tip of his tongue. How could Master C say he wouldn’t hurt
him, when his cock throbbed with a mixture of pleasure and pain? His
body was weak, and damn it, he wanted to be fucked hard and made to

Licking his parched lips, Jesse opened his mouth, and was cut off.

Master C’s hand wrapped around his cock and rolled the restrictive band
off of him. He then began to stroke his dick. Jesse cried out.

“Come, Jesse, now,” Master C commanded as he slammed his cock

into Jesse’s ass over and over.

Jesse didn’t have to be told twice. His body bowed, and then he

exploded. His hot cum shot from the crest of his cock in thick streams.
Behind him Master C stiffened and growled. Jesse could feel the rhythmic
pulse of Master C’s cock as he came.

Sagging against the cross, Jesse tried to catch his breath. Never had

he come so hard before. Master C was still seated inside him as he lifted
his hand and told Jesse to clean him up. Jesse readily complied. He could
feel Master C’s hip flex against him. His own cock twitched. Jesse made
sure Master C’s hand was cleaned before sucking on his finger.

“Naughty, pet.” Master C chuckled. “If you’re insisting on sucking

something, I have the perfect thing for you.” Master C pulled from his
body. Releasing the remaining restraints, he ordered Jesse over to the bed.
After removing the used condom and disposing it, Master C walked into
the bathroom and cleaned up.

“On your knees, legs spread,” he called out. Jesse did as he was

asked. “Turn toward the side of the bed. Excellent. Since you like sucking

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on my fingers so much, now you’ll suck my cock.” Master C walked out of
the bathroom, his dick semi-hard and a brilliant smile on his lips.

* * * * *

Several hours later, Jesse awoke, alone in the dungeon. His body

ached in all the right places. Stretching, he sat up and looked around.
Master C was gone. He hoped his Pleasure Master would have stayed
until he left, but that was just wishful thinking on his part. Even Isabel
told him they wouldn’t.

After pushing the covers back, he walked into the bathroom and

started the shower. Once inside, he let the cascade of water rush over him.
The night had been amazing. Between being taught the art of submission
and fucking until they passed out in bed, Jesse couldn’t help but feel like
the luckiest guy alive.

Master C praised him. Told him he’d make a fine submissive to a

Master one day. But what he really wanted he couldn’t have.

Master C.
Even though he walked into this little date thing with his eyes wide

open, he still fell for his Dominant.

After shutting off the water, Jesse stepped out and dried off. The

shorts that he wore the night before were folded neatly on the counter
next to him, and he slipped them back on. Taking one last look around the
dungeon, a mournful sigh passed his lips as he stepped into the elevator.

What was he going to do now? In the back of his mind he knew no

one would ever compare to Master C. The only thing working for him was
the fact that they could meet again at some point. Ah fuck, who the hell am I
kidding? I’ve got it bad for this guy, and I don’t even know what the C in Master
C stands for. For all I know, his name could be Earl.

The elevator came to a stop, and he stepped out. Walking back

down the hall, he took a moment to actually appreciate how it was
decorated. The marble floors gleamed in the mid-afternoon light as the
tapers were still lit, illuminating the room just a touch more. Near the
door he entered the night before was the table where he left his clothes.
On top of the clothes were the whip and a card. Jesse picked up the card

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and smirked.

You could submit to me anytime. I am honored to be your first Master.
Master C.
Jesse picked up the whip and rubbed it between his fingers. He

closed his eyes. Jesse could still feel how the leather bit into his flesh and
gave him such immense pleasure and pain. At one point he wanted to cry
with how good it felt, but held back.

After dressing quickly, Jesse made his way out of the castle and

back to his car. The card tucked firmly into his shirt pocket, the whip
wrapped around his hand, Jesse unlocked the door and slid behind the
wheel. Starting up his little sports car, he pressed the button for his call
service, and when the computer beeped at him, he instructed it to call

After a few moments, Isabel answered the phone. “It’s about time

you called. Do you have any idea what time it is?” She sounded just like
his mom sometimes.

“Uh, well”—he glanced at the dash readout—“it’s two in the


“Yes, two in the afternoon. What the fuck happened?”
“Oh hell no.” He laughed. “You didn’t come home until later than

that, the last time you were with a Pleasure Master, so don’t even start.”

“Fine, whatever.” She sighed overdramatically. “So what

happened, stud?”

“I got fucked every which way but loose. But, I have a confession to

make, Bels. I think I found my Master, and I have no clue what the hell to

“Shit, Jesse. You know the rules. You can’t see him.”
“I know,” he whined. “I’m so screwed.”

* * * * *

Cian sat in his car and watched Jesse pull out. He was so screwed.

He wanted the man so damn bad he could taste it, but how? He picked up

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his phone and dialed his friend, Logan, an ex-Pleasure Master. While
waiting for his friend to answer, Cian pulled out of the parking lot and
headed for home.

“So, how did your first night go?” Logan asked before even saying


“Good afternoon to you too, Logan. I’m doing great, how are you?”

Cian responded, knowing he sounded like an ass.

“Jackass.” Logan laughed. “So how did your evening go?”
“Great, well better than that.” Cian took a deep breath and let it

out. “Logan, when you knew Mandy was yours, how did you manage
with the whole TPC contract?”

“Holy fuck!”
“Damn, man, are you sure he’s the one?” Logan asked.
“Fuck. Well, I happened to know where she lived since that’s

where our first scene was. Does he have any friends you might know?”
There was Isabel, but he wasn’t sure how well she knew Jesse.

“One that I can think of.”
“That’s a start. Get with them and see if you can find your

submissive. If you can, say to hell with the contract and collar his ass. You
only find your one true match. And if you’re willing to tank the contract,
then he’s the one. Don’t let him get away, Cian.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more, Logan. Thanks, man.” After a few

more moments, Cian hung up with Logan and dialed up Isabel, praying
she could help him.

“Cian? What are you doing calling me at home? I usually just see

you at the club.” Okay, so she was a little standoffish; he couldn’t blame
her. He’d never called her outside of work.

“Hey, Isabel, sorry to bother you at home, but I was wondering if

you could help me with something. Can you tell me how to get a hold of
the guy you were with a couple of weekends ago at Great Expectations?”

Isabel didn’t answer him quickly; she seemed to let him suffer.

“Jesse? I’m sorry, Cian. He’s already taken.”

Cian sucked in a breath. Great, just great. Now what the fuck do I do?

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“Uh, thanks, Isabel. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.” Hanging up before
she could say bye, he made his way home. Could he have been mistaken
by the signals Jesse was giving him? Was he there to get over his fears so
his true Master would take him? Too many questions swirled through
Cian’s head.

Well, sometimes you just have to grab life by the horns, and that’s

just what I plan on doing.

Flipping on the radio, Cian smiled. Soon he would make Jesse his.

He wasn’t going to back down from this challenge.

The End

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Author Bio

Ashley Blade, the alter ego for Amanda Boyd, came to be after

several months driving across the country in an eighteen-wheeler. Most
days she can be found at the computer pumping out some grand
adventure, but when it’s family night, you can find her on the soccer field
cheering her daughter on to certain victory, or snuggled up with her
better half and a good book.


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