Bale Ardith The Pleasure Club The Rent Boy

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The Pleasure Club

The Rent Boy


Ardith Bale

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are
products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to
be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,
organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

The Rent Boy
Copyright© 2012 Ardith Bale


Cover Artist: Sable Grey
Editor: Jeff Curry

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced
electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in reviews.

Cobblestone Press, LLC

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Welcome to The Pleasure Club

Dear Mr. Phillips,

We’re pleased to welcome you back to The Pleasure Club.
As you have already signed and returned the contract and

filled out all the necessary forms to ensure you receive your every
wish, we will be in touch with you shortly with the details of your
Pleasure Night. Your Wish List and Pleasure Forms have been
turned over to our staff of highly trained Pleasure Guardians, and
they are hard at work finding your perfect match.

We will endeavor to meet your personal fantasy.
When you are contacted again, you will be given a location

where your Pleasure Night will begin, and you will also be given a
safe word to use should you at any time become uncomfortable.
There is no shame in changing your mind. We’re here for your
pleasure, and should your safe word be used, your match for the
evening will cease all activity, and the game will be put on hold
until a mutual agreement between you and your Pleasure Master
can be reached.

Once again, welcome back to The Pleasure Club.
Please feel free to contact the office at any time should you

have any questions.

Yours truly,
The Pleasure Club Management

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* * * * *

Mr. Phillips,

Your Pleasure Night will begin Friday the 16th, 9:00 PM

at the corner of 5


Street and Lexington Avenue.

Your safe word is Nickelback.

The Pleasure Guardians

* * * * *

Ethan had been furious when he’d gotten the information from The

Pleasure Club concerning his Pleasure Night. The very idea of Marcus
standing on an actual corner in a less than savory side of town was a
nightmare. He’d been incensed enough to actually call their office, and
he’d been relieved to be told that his Pleasure Master would have security
even if Ethan couldn’t see them.

He still arrived ten minutes before he was due in a car he’d rented.

Ethan relaxed in the leather seat and glanced around the BMW. A luxury
car was well within his means, but it didn’t fit with his lifestyle or job. The
rental had been a practical concern since his business name was stenciled
on the doors of his truck. The last thing he needed was a current or
potential client seeing him in his work truck picking up what appeared to
be a hooker.

A cherry red Mustang pulled up the corner, and the passenger door

swung open. A dark-headed man in faded jeans and a black T-shirt slid
out of the car and up onto the curb, sliding a handful of cash into a front
pocket. The man turned and leaned casually against the crosswalk post
and turned his head to look up and down the street.

Ethan sucked in a deep breath at the first sight of Marcus’ face. He

hadn’t seen the man since that night four months ago. Part of him
sincerely regretted following The Pleasure Club rules. Though, he

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couldn’t be certain if it would’ve mattered. For all he knew, Marcus used
the sex club because it allowed him all the no-strings sex he could handle.

He’d submitted his fantasy within days of that first night with the

stipulation that he only wanted Marcus. It had been a disappointment
when he hadn’t been paired up immediately. In fact, he’d almost given up
hope of it even happening when notification had appeared in his email

Ethan started the car, checked the traffic, took a deep breath, and

eased out so he could pull up the curb on the opposite side of the
intersection. He’d given The Pleasure Club the description of the car, so he
wasn’t surprised when Marcus pushed away from the pole and strolled to
the car, all loose hipped and casual, as if he didn’t have a care in the

He leaned down as Ethan rolled down the window. “Hmm,”

Marcus began and smirked. “You wanna take me for a ride?”

Ethan grinned and relaxed back in the seat. “Maybe. How much for

a few hours?”

“Five hundred for three.”
Ethan quirked an eyebrow. “In this economy?”
Marcus laughed. “Well, if you want to be a cheap bastard, you can

go back two blocks and pick up a piece of ass for a hundred.”

“Get in,” Ethan said and reached over to unlock the door.
Marcus slid into the car, fastened his seat belt, and spread out in the

seat like a teenager. “Take a left at the light and go three blocks. I’ll need
forty up front for the room.”

Ethan put the car in gear and nodded. The motel was frankly

nothing like they’d met in for their first night, but that was to be expected.
He followed Marcus in and watched him negotiate the room so casually it
was unnerving. The guy behind the counter gave Ethan a knowing smirk
as he passed over a key.

Marcus caught three of Ethan’s fingers and gave him a quick, little

smile that was both innocent and worldly. He allowed himself to be
pulled down a narrow, dingy hall and into a creaky elevator. Three floors
up, they exited into another hallway that had seen better days. The room
was at the end of the hall and cleaner than he’d anticipated it would be.

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The air smelled fresh and the bed orderly with the kind of quality linen
that did not match with the motel.

It must have shown on his face, because Marcus laughed and

rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. Then he stepped into
Ethan’s space and curled his fingers into the front of his belt. “Tell me
what you want me to do.”

Ethan was at a complete loss for words. This Marcus was nothing

like the man he’d first encountered in the hotel—prim and buttoned up so
tight that he’d been challenged from minute one to get him utterly filthy.

“Is your name really Marcus?” Ethan asked and took a deep breath,

because he hadn’t meant to ask.

The other man nodded, serious and intent. “Yeah, I was too

nervous to lie about it.”

Ethan laughed, unsurprised. He rubbed Marcus’ bottom lip with

his thumb. “I want you to suck me.”

Marcus pushed him gently until he could lean back against the wall

near the door. “Do you want to come this way?”

“Yes, then I’m going to fuck you when I get hard again,” Ethan said

as Marcus slid to his knees.

He pushed his hand into the other man’s dark-brown hair and

exhaled sharply as Marcus deftly unbuckled his belt. Ethan’s fingers
tightened briefly as Marcus worked his cock free from his boxers.

“You’re gorgeous,” he murmured and watched Marcus’ cheeks

stain pink with a blush. “Lick me.”

Marcus met his demand immediately, his lips slipping around the

head of his cock while his tongue swirled around in a hot, slick circle. Any
idea he had about Marcus perhaps not being as experienced with men as
he was vanished as the other man sucked him in and deep-throated him
without any sign of difficulty. Ethan let his head fall back, and he closed
his eyes as he lost himself in the hot, wet pleasure of Marcus’ mouth.

“Fuck, yes,” he hissed and would have thrust forward if Marcus

hadn’t clamped one hand on his right hip to keep him against the wall.
“That’s so good.”

Marcus hummed around his dick and continued to bob up and

down on him like the professional he was pretending to be. Ethan

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shuddered and started to picture Sister Mary Catherine from third grade,
but even that horrifying mental image wasn’t enough to push back his
orgasm. He’d had nothing but his own hand for months, and Marcus’
mouth was hot and greedy around his cock.

His fingers curled into a fist in Marcus’ hair, and Marcus groaned,

low and needy, around Ethan’s cock. “Jesus. Fuck, I’m going to come.”

Marcus’ fingers tightened on his hip, and he sucked Ethan’s cock in

deep one last time, working his throat around the head as Ethan came. He
shuddered through his orgasm, shocked and pleased that Marcus had
swallowed for him. Locking his knees to keep from sliding down the wall,
Ethan trailed his fingers through Marcus’ hair as the other man pulled off.

He laughed, rueful and a little embarrassed. “I was hoping I’d last a

little longer than that.”

Marcus offered him a knowing smirk and stood. He pulled his

T-shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor, revealing a bellybutton
piercing that had definitely been missing the last time Ethan had seen
him. Ethan caught him by the waist and pulled him in, the fingers of his
free hand trailing down Marcus’ chest and over the ridges of his abs
before pausing at the little barbell piercing.

“Midlife crisis?” Ethan teased.
Marcus huffed. “I’m not even close to midlife.” He slid both hands

up Ethan’s arms and cupped his shoulders. “I lost a bet.” He grinned.
“Never ever make a bet with a bunch of women, Ethan; they’re
unspeakably cruel in packs of two or more.”

“I just bet,” Ethan said as he maneuvered them toward the bed.

“Did they watch? Maybe they just wanted to get your shirt off.”

“Yeah, they watched,” Marcus admitted, a little breathless as Ethan

unbuckled his belt and it slid out of his jeans. He hummed when Ethan
pressed a soft, but fleeting kiss against this mouth. “I shouldn’t let you
kiss me. It’s bad business.”

Ethan grinned. “Did you watch Pretty Woman to prepare for this?”
“Richard Gere is damned fine,” Marcus admitted. “How does one

man get that pretty? It’s obscene really.” He laughed when Ethan pushed
him down on the bed. He toed off his shoes and obligingly lifted his hips
so Ethan could pull off his jeans. “Get the condoms out of my pocket.”

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“Commando.” Ethan shook his head in mock disapproval as he

fished out the condoms and dropped them on the bed. “You dirty boy.”
He pulled off Marcus’ socks and tossed them aside.

Marcus rubbed his stomach and lifted one eyebrow as he watched

Ethan shed his clothes. “I can be as dirty as you want.” He scooted on his
ass up into the middle of the bed and spread his legs, brazenly displaying
a shiny silver knob between the cheeks of his ass.

Ethan paused as he put one knee on the bed. “Christ, Marcus, is

that a plug?”

Marcus grinned and wrapped one hand around his erection. “In

my line of work, it pays to be prepared.”

His line of work. Ethan took a deep breath and released it as he

watched Marcus casually stroke his own cock. The motion was casual,
designed to gain his complete attention, and so practiced that Ethan
pushed back a little jab of paranoia. It was just a fantasy. A fantasy that
Marcus was playing to the hilt. He crawled completely onto the bed and
didn’t stop until he was between Marcus’ legs.

Ethan cupped the back of Marcus’ thighs and spread him

completely open. He’d been thinking about this for months and had
jerked off in the shower to the memory of having the man more times than
he was willing to admit. It was stupid and dangerous to get so invested in
someone who used a private sex club to get off with strangers. Ethan
himself had joined The Pleasure Club to fulfill sexual needs he didn’t have
time to romance out of someone. Ethan had met other men in the club,
some just as physically attractive as Marcus, but he’d never been
interested in meeting them for a second time.

He hooked two fingers around the small knob of the anal plug in

Marcus’ ass and twisted it just a little. Marcus groaned and rocked a little
as he stretched his arms over his head and grabbed the headboard. “Feels

Ethan pulled on the plug, drawing it a few inches out of Marcus’

hole before pushing it back in. “Do you prefer to bottom?” The other man
had actually made a point of requesting anal penetration in his own
fantasy, so Ethan was curious.

“Yeah,” Marcus admitted with a blush. He averted his gaze and

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took a deep breath as Ethan continued to fuck him slow and easy with the
plug. “But I can fuck you through this mattress if that’s what you want.”

Ethan grinned. “I just bet you could.”
“I don’t hate topping,” Marcus murmured as he lifted one leg and

ran his toes down the inside of Ethan’s thigh. “I just love being fucked.
What about you?”

Ethan pushed the plug back in hard and watched Marcus arch up

off the bed with a strangled moan. “I have to admit—I prefer to top. I’ve
rarely encountered a guy who could make me want to bend over for them,
but I don’t have any real aversions to being fucked. I can get off on it.” He
rubbed Marcus’ stomach with his left hand and thumbed the piercing
gently. “This still tender?”

“No, it’s a couple of months old,” Marcus murmured. His eyes

darkened as he looked Ethan over. “You’re so fucking hot that it borders
on ridiculous. You must practically live in a gym.”

Ethan shook his head and grinned. “Construction work.”
“Oh, that’s…” Marcus bit down on his lip. “Wow, I could work

with a tool belt. Do you wear one to work?”

“Sometimes,” Ethan admitted and grinned when Marcus shivered.

“I figured you’d be the kind to like a little bit of rough.”

“Yeah, I do,” Marcus murmured and sucked in a deep breath as

Ethan cupped his ass with both hands and easily manhandled him into his
lap. He hooked one leg around Ethan’s waist and let the other fall open

“Such a pretty boy,” Ethan said softly. He ran his fingers over the

soft, smooth skin around Marcus’ cock. “Did those cruel women make
you wax, too?”

Marcus laughed and shook his head. “No, I did that

for…professional reasons.”

Ethan had to wonder how much rent boy porn Marcus had

watched building up to this or if The Pleasure Club had suggested it. He
wrapped one hand around Marcus’ dick and stroked him roughly a few
times. Marcus writhed in his lap, a soft groan falling from swollen lips.

He rubbed his half-hard cock against Marcus’, his dick sliding

easily against smooth, waxed skin. Their balls brushed together gently

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each time Ethan pushed forward. He kept his movements careful, his
hands roaming over Marcus’ body in no defined path. He’d thought about
being in bed with Marcus again—off and on in the months since he’d
played Pleasure Master for the man.

It wasn’t something he felt he could admit now as he watched

Marcus rock in his lap, his eyes dark and intent. The man was intense,
driven in a way that intrigued Ethan. He kept his body in shape, but he
was naturally on the slim side and wouldn’t be the kind to bulk up big
unless he did something unhealthy. Ethan couldn’t see him doing that.

“Who are you?” Ethan wondered aloud and flushed when Marcus

lifted an eyebrow. “No, not that exactly. I’m not asking for…” He trailed
off and exhaled sharply.

He slid down, putting Marcus back on the mattress with easy

strength, and licked the man’s cock from base to tip. Ethan paused there,
sucked on the fat, perfectly shaped head of Marcus’ cock. His hands
clamped down on Marcus’ hips as the other man started to shift
underneath him. Ethan held him still and almost laughed as Marcus
groaned in frustration.

He lifted away briefly as he settled down on his stomach. Ethan

nuzzled Marcus’ balls with a soft, little sigh, pleased with the soft, bare
skin. “Too bad you’re plugged and all slicked up. I really enjoyed eating
your ass the first time.”

Marcus groaned and threw one arm over his face. “Christ.”
Ethan laughed and pressed a kiss against Marcus’ thigh before

shifting forward to lick and suck at the balls on display in front of him. He
pulled them into his mouth by turns, letting his tongue slide over the
delicate skin gently. Fingers clenched against the back of his head, and for
a few seconds he wished he kept his hair long enough for Marcus to pull

Flexing his own hips against the sheets, he pushed his cock against

the soft sheets and groaned. It had been a while since anyone had turned
him on like Marcus did. If there was a less frustrating thought than that,
Ethan couldn’t think of it at the moment. He had no business getting
tangled up on that level with a man who used a private, basically
anonymous sex club to get off. In most respects, he knew that Marcus was

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no different than himself. It had been more than a year since Ethan had
allowed himself the time to even think about a relationship. The Pleasure
Club provided him all the sex he wanted. It was emotionally effortless
fucking. Very few men, straight or gay, turned that down.

Ethan shifted to his knees and slowly released Marcus’ left testicle

from his mouth. He gave the man’s cock one long, needy lick and sat back
on his heels between the man’s spread thighs.

Marcus licked his lips and stared pointedly at Ethan’s cock. “Want

me to suck you again?”

Ethan shook his head and wrapped one hand around his dick. He

jerked himself a few times before rubbing a thumb over the head to play
with the pre-cum gathering there. “The answer to that question is always
yes, but I’d rather fuck you.”

Marcus nodded and grinned. “How do you want me?”
Ethan hummed as he picked up a condom and tore open the

package. “How about in my lap?” He moved to the head of the bed,
arranged a few pillows, and positioned himself against the headboard
before he started rolling on the lubricated condom.

Marcus nodded, rolled to his knees, and swung one leg over

Ethan’s thighs. “I can handle that.”

“I’m sure,” Ethan murmured. He grabbed the other man by his

hips and pulled him. “Let me take care of that plug.”

Marcus sighed with pleasure as he settled against Ethan’s chest.

“I’d like that. I’ve had it in for so long.”

“Hasn’t made you too sensitive, has it?” Ethan asked softly and

groaned when Marcus’ cock slid against his as the other man relaxed on
top of him.

“No,” Marcus answered with a shudder. He flexed his hips and

rubbed his dick against Ethan’s.

Ethan ran both of his hands down the length of Marcus’ back and

cupped his ass. Then he slid two fingers around the base of the plug and
started to slowly pull it out. Marcus shifted and groaned low and
breathless against Ethan’s neck.

“Oh, fuck,” Marcus whispered and arched his back as the plug left

his body. “Christ.”

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Ethan laughed and dropped the plug on the bed. “You need more


“No, God, stop fucking around and get your cock in me,” Marcus

snapped and braced himself by clenching his hands around Ethan’s

Ethan guided his dick into place and rubbed the head against

Marcus’ loosened asshole. The plug wasn’t as big as he’d thought, but it
had been enough to keep the other man open enough for penetration. He
braced his feet against the mattress and lifted his hips as Marcus sank
down on him at a slow, steady pace.

“Easy,” Ethan murmured as he cupped the other man’s ass and

spread his cheeks wide a little roughly. He grinned when Marcus groaned
and clenched down on him. “Yeah, feels good.”

“So good,” Marcus agreed as he started to slowly rock on Ethan’s


The sex had been great the first time they’d met; he’d been

surprised and pleased by how Marcus had given in so honestly to his own
pleasure. Granted, there had been a little hiccup at first, but Ethan had
figured out what the other man wanted. He’d always been good at the
details of sex—had found it easy to figure out what his lovers wanted and
needed. It hadn’t taken him long to figure out that those two things were
often at odds with each other when it came to other men.

He wrapped one hand around Marcus’ cock only to have the other

man gently slap it away.

“I’ll come too soon,” Marcus admonished, breathless. He leaned

forward and wrapped his hands around the headboard behind Ethan’s
head. “You feel so fucking amazing inside me.”

He hoped that meant the other man wouldn’t wait so long for

another night together. Ethan was prepared, stupidly, to meet Marcus as
often as possible. It was a foolish thought, but he couldn’t make himself
regret the decision—not with Marcus’ hot, tight ass clenching on his cock.

Ethan rocked his hips up into each of Marcus’ downward plunges

for a few minutes before wrapping his hand around the other man’s cock
again. “I don’t care if you come. I’m going to keep fucking you until I get

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Marcus’ pace faltered, and one hand dropped from the headboard

to clench almost painfully against Ethan’s chest. “Fuck.”

Ethan grinned, wrapped one hand around Marcus’ slim hip, and

continued to jerk the cock in his other hand roughly. “I’ll lay you out on
your stomach and slide my cock back into your ass and use you until I’m

“Oh.” Marcus shut his eyes and ground down on Ethan’s cock even

as he started to tremble. “You think I’ll let you?”

“Yeah, you’ll let me,” Ethan said low and hard. “You’ll let me ride

your ass any way I like.” He thrust up hard, and Marcus arched against
him. “Because I’m paying for it.”

Marcus’ eyes snapped open at that, and he came with a helpless,

little moan, his body clenching and shuddering through it. Ethan didn’t
give him any time to recover. With deft movements, he manhandled the
slighter man off his lap and put him flat on the mattress.

Marcus reached out and grabbed one of the thin pillows at the top

of the bed and wrapped his arms around it even as he spread his legs.
Ethan thought about rolling up another to put under the man’s hips, but
then discarded that thought as he settled on top of Marcus and pushed his
cock back into the man’s ass without any further discussion.

Ethan slid one arm around Marcus’ chest as he settled his weight

on him. “Good?”

“Fantastic,” Marcus admitted roughly.
He wondered about Marcus’ past lovers. He wasn’t jealous—Ethan

just wasn’t that kind of man, but he was curious about them. Had they
taken the time to learn what pleasured Marcus and what he didn’t like but
endured for their sakes? Had one of them convinced him not to get
emotionally attached to people? Had one of them broken his heart?

That thought pissed him off, so he pushed it all away and instead

focused on the roll of his own hips as he fucked Marcus’ pliant ass. The
man was relaxed underneath him, moaning breathlessly as his ass
clenched just enough to give them both the sweet friction they both

Their skin dampened with sweat as Ethan worked his cock in and

out of Marcus’ hole with deep, penetrating strokes. He rolled his hips on

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each withdrawal, dragging the head of his cock against Marcus’ prostate
in the process. Some men couldn’t handle direct stimulation after orgasm;
Ethan was really pleased that Marcus wasn’t one of them.

He lost track of the time—his attention focused on the push and

pull of their bodies as they fucked. The hot, slick sound of his cock sinking
into Marcus’ hole, skin slapping together smartly as his hips met with the
plump roundness of Marcus’ ass—all of it was dirty and overwhelming.

“Please, please,” Marcus demanded at a near shout, jarring Ethan

out of his daze. “God, just… Ethan.”

He gripped Marcus’ hip and pulled the other man with him as he

shifted to his knees. Marcus gamely braced himself and groaned loud,
unrestrained as Ethan started to pound into his ass with deep, hard
strokes. “Like this?”

“Hell yes, fuck me.” Marcus rocked back against him, meeting each

thrust with a strong push of his own body. “Don’t stop.”

He wrapped one hand around Marcus’ shoulder, settled another on

the man’s hip, and put his strength into riding the man as hard as he
could safely. His hands slipped on sweat-dampened skin, but he just dug
in, pressing against skin that would surely be bruised by morning.

Despite his earlier orgasm, he wasn’t going to last as long as he’d

expected or wanted to. Ethan slowed down, drawing out his cock and
sliding it back into Marcus while he tried to get a hold of himself. Marcus
ground back against him, moaning soft and desperate.

Ethan pulled him backward until Marcus was sitting on his lap,

slid one arm around his waist, and pulled so that they were back to chest.
He held him there, breathing raggedly against Marcus’ neck before
trailing his free hand around to rub the man’s belly in an effort to calm

“Ethan,” Marcus began and let his head fall back against Ethan’s


“Shh,” Ethan soothed and let his hand trail downward until he

could wrap it around Marcus’ cock. He thumbed over the leaking head
and hummed his approval. “You’re so hard and wet for me.”

“Yes.” Marcus shifted in his lap and clenched down on Ethan’s

cock like a vise.

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“I think I’d like to tie you up,” Ethan began, amusement tingeing

his voice as he slowly started to roll his hips against Marcus’ ass. “I could
spend hours—on you, in you. All you’d be able to do is take whatever I
had to give you.”

Marcus groaned and bounced a little in Ethan’s lap. “Maybe I’m

not as kinky as you think.”

“Oh, you are,” Ethan assured. “You crave giving up control. You

don’t want to make decisions in bed.” Marcus shivered in his arms and
started to move desperately, fucking himself down on Ethan’s cock. “I
don’t know a lot about it—but I’ll learn for you. I’ll be anything you want
me to be, Marcus.”

Ethan started to jerk the cock in his hand off earnestly as he moved

with Marcus, grinding their bodies together desperately until Marcus
groaned heavy and harsh in pleasure. His cum spilled over Ethan’s fingers
slick and felt so dirty that he came hard—his cock jerking in and filling the
condom as he screwed up in Marcus’ hole one final time.

“Fuck.” Marcus shifted and relaxed against Ethan as they stopped

moving. “It’s fucking improbable.”

“What is?” Ethan asked softly against Marcus’ sweat slick skin.
“How great of a fuck you are,” Marcus said dryly and laughed

when Ethan nipped his shoulder with his teeth.

Ethan checked the clock on the night stand. He still had over an

hour left for his fantasy—if they played by the time table he’d set when
he’d picked Marcus up. He pressed a kiss against Marcus’ shoulder and
prodded him forward a little. He caught the edge of the condom with sure
fingers and eased them apart, pausing only briefly at the hissing sound
Marcus made.

“Wait a sec,” he murmured when the other man started to move

away. He ran his fingers gently between his cheeks, prodding Marcus’
lube-slicked entrance. “Lean forward.”

Marcus huffed but did as instructed. “I’m fine.”
Ethan agreed silently, but he slipped his thumb into Marcus’

asshole anyway. He played with the fucked open hole for a few seconds,
sliding his thumb in and out before he realized what he was doing. “Yeah,
you look a little red, but that’s all.” He pulled away, and his face heated

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up when Marcus shot him a questioning look as he sprawled out on the
bed. “God, you’re a mess.”

Marcus laughed and trailed fingers over his abs, playing in the cum

he found there casually. “So are you.”

“Shower?” Ethan asked as he left the bed to dispose of the condom.
“I’ll get the shower started,” Ethan said and walked into the

bathroom. He could see Marcus’ reflection in the mirror as he left the bed
and stretched casually. He tied the condom off and flicked it into the trash
can. Marcus disappeared briefly and returned with some fluffy white
towels that had no business being in a cheap, rent-by-the-hour hotel.

Ethan laughed. “The sheets are yours too, right?”
Marcus bit down on his lip and grinned. “I’m not going to fuck on

sheets that might not have been washed in a month.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Ethan said and leaned in to kiss him.

Marcus accepted the kiss with a little contented hum, moving into his
space and sliding one arm around Ethan’s waist as their tongues met

Ethan reached up to touch Marcus’ face and would have trailed his

fingers through the other man’s hair if a hand hadn’t wrapped suddenly
around his wrist. Marcus glared at him good-naturedly.

“What?” Ethan questioned.
“You jacked me off with that hand, twice. I’d rather not have cum in

my hair.”

“You prissy, little bastard,” Ethan said fondly and pressed a quick

kiss against his mouth. He shifted and turned on the water.

“I’m not prissy,” Marcus protested but allowed himself to be

prodded into the shower after grabbing a couple of thick, white wash
cloths off the pile of towels. “Not much of a bastard either, unfortunately.”

“Unfortunately?” Ethan questioned as he maneuvered them

around in the shower until they were both wet enough to soap down.

“Yeah, I didn’t notice until I was two years into law school that I

wasn’t mean enough to actually function as a member of my father’s law
firm. Him and my two older brothers are in the firm together now.”
Marcus flashed him an uneasy smile. “I ended up going back to school to

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get my PhD in English.”

“Did that cause problems?” Ethan asked. “With your dad?”
“No more than him walking in on me with a man when I was

twenty-six. He was…furious and hurt.”

“That you were gay?” Ethan asked with a frown.
“That I’d been lying to him for years,” Marcus corrected and

plucked up a tiny bottle of shampoo. He dumped half in Ethan’s hand and
the rest in his before flicking the empty bottle over the shower curtain. “I
knew I was gay when I was in junior high. I’ve never even tried to have
sex with a woman. I dated a girl in high school, but she wasn’t interested
in sex either. She jokes that I made her asexual and she made me gay.”

Ethan laughed. “Wow. Do you still talk?”
“She’s my best friend. Her name is Natalie,” Marcus explained.

“She thinks I’m crazy…” He trailed off. “You know, with doing this thing
with The Pleasure Club. Even after I explained how much effort goes into
making sure things are safe.”

“Friends are supposed to worry.” Ethan stepped back and made

quick work of rinsing the shampoo out of his hair as he watched Marcus
vigorously scrub his own hair. “It isn’t like I actually did get cum in your
hair, you know.”

“I think I might have,” Marcus admitted ruefully and grinned

when Ethan laughed. “I haven’t shot off that hard since I was a teenager
jacking off to a Justin Timberlake poster.”

“Justin Timberlake,” Ethan repeated and tried to frown.
“Don’t even,” Marcus said with a laugh. “You know you did, too.”
“He was and still is very attractive,” Ethan admitted and shook his

head as he shifted them around so Marcus could rinse his hair. He
grabbed one of the cloths and poured some of the shower gel into it. He
glanced at the small travel-size bottle of Dove and shook his head.

“What?” Marcus said with a laugh. “I have sensitive skin.”
He soaped the cloth up and ran it down Marcus’ forearm almost

hesitantly, then relaxed when Marcus shifted closer to allow more contact.
Ethan washed the other man carefully, with attention on the details he’d
missed both times they’d slept together. The smattering of hair on his
chest that trailed down into a perfect treasure trail. The small, faded scars

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on his side that indicated some kind of laparoscopic surgery. He touched
them with his fingers, slick with soap.

“Appendix,” Marcus explained. “I thought I had food poisoning.

Nearly killed myself trying to diagnose myself on WebMD. Luckily
Natalie took me to the emergency room because she didn’t agree with my

Ethan laughed softly. “I’m glad she was there to take care of you.”

He prodded him gently to get him to turn around and started in his back.
“So you get along with your family then? No grief for being gay?”

“My brothers don’t get it, but they don’t hate me,” Marcus

explained in a low tone. “Our mom died when we were all pretty young,
so we learned to stick together and not let anything stupid get in the way
of being there for each other. It’s hard work, and it’s not always perfect,
but it’s okay. What about you?”

Ethan sighed. “My parents were profoundly disappointed. I’m the

only son, and there were expectations. My sisters are both married with
children, so the pressure for grandchildren is off the table. But, my father
always looks at me like I’ve disappointed him on a level so deep that it’ll
never go away.”

“Yes, but we love each other, and that has to be enough. I wasn’t

disowned or anything. I can still show up at home at any time—day or
night—and my parents will be there for me. Not everyone in our situation
can say that.” Ethan leaned in and kissed the side of Marcus’ neck. “You

Marcus laughed softly. “I feel fucked out—I’m sure tomorrow I’ll

be sore.” He spread his legs slightly as Ethan trailed the cloth down his
back and between the cheeks of his ass. “I’m pretty sure this isn’t how a
john treats a rent boy.”

“You’d be surprised what men will pay another person for. Some

people have really uncomplicated or even domestic fantasies. It’s
attractive,” Ethan began. “The idea of taking a beautiful man like you to
bed and then taking care of him afterward. Washing his body, soothing
the aches and little pains caused by two energetic bodies coming together
for a good fuck.”

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“I’m not…” Marcus trailed off as Ethan turned him again and took

his mouth in a hard kiss. He moaned into the kiss and relaxed against the
tile as Ethan pressed against him. “Beautiful.”

Ethan laughed and nuzzled against Marcus’ throat as he tossed

aside the cloth he’d used. “You know you’re gorgeous.”

* * * * *

Ethan tried to relax behind the wheel of the car as he pulled up the

same corner he’d picked Marcus up on. He put a hand on the other man’s
knee when he started to open the door. “I…”

“They’ll pick me up, I’m safe,” Marcus assured for the fourth time.

He leaned over and pressed a firm kiss to his mouth. “Tonight was great.”

“Yeah,” Ethan agreed and trailed his fingers through Marcus’

damp hair. “Just…don’t let this be the last time.”

Marcus nodded, his eyes dark and serious. He grinned suddenly.

“You know—I’ve always wanted to pick up a hitchhiker and be seduced
into giving him a ride wherever he wanted to go.”

Ethan laughed. “Hustled is more like it.” He kissed him again. “I

want more of you. I don’t want promises or anything. I just… I want you
to know that I want more.”

“We can have more,” Marcus agreed. “Just ask for me.”
Ethan nodded and sat back as Marcus opened the door and left the

car. He put the car in gear and pulled away slowly, keeping the man in his
rearview mirror until he saw a familiar red Mustang pull up to the curb.
Marcus got in the car immediately, and it was over. The Mustang did a
U-turn and barreled down the street.

Ethan pulled over and parked his rented car. He was pleasantly

tired and sated in a way that was hard to come by in his life. He glanced
over at the passenger’s seat and sighed at the sight of The Pleasure Club
card. He picked it up hesitantly and flipped it over.


I’m sorry this night was so long in the making. I won’t

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make you wait again.


The End

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About the Author

Ardith Bale wishes she was ten years younger and probably watches

too much gay porn. She loves to write, read, and play games online. She
has two dogs, a crazy mother, and a husband with delusions that one day
she might be rich like JK Rowling. Ardith doesn’t have the heart to tell
him the odds on that happening. You can find out more about Ardith and
her work at her website.


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