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The oldest woman, the oldest singer and the oldest actress
DAVE HAWKSETT: The oldest woman ever is this person, Jeanne Louise Calment, and she was born in
France on the 21st February 1875 and she lived until the 4th of August 1997 when she died in a nursing
home in southern France.
She holds several records - obviously, the oldest woman ever that can be proven reliably. She was also the
oldest actress - [she] played herself in a film "Vincent and Me' in 1990 when she was only 114.
the oldest
- najstarszy
- kiedykolwiek
to be born
- urodzić się
to live until
- żyć do (np. roku 1997)
to die
- umrzeć
nursing home
- dom starców
- południowy
to hold a record
- mieć/osiągnąć/zdobyć rekord
- kilka
to prove reliably
- udowodnić w sposób wiarygodny/sprawdzalny
- aktorka
she played herself
- zagrała siebie
The first woman prime minister in the world
Priyath Liyanage: Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranaike was the first woman prime minister in the world and she also
went on to become the oldest prime minister. Mrs Bandaranaike was 84 years old when she died and she
was still the prime minister at that age.
In 1959 her husband was assassinated by a Buddhist monk. When her husband was assassinated the party
wanted to appoint a leader to become the prime minister. They had to face an election immediately after,
so for this election they somehow managed to persuade Mrs Bandaranaike to contest* as the leader of the
party. She was not a person who had any experience as a politician. She was a housewife who looked after
her three children. Then they won the elections in the early sixties and she became the first woman prime
minister in the world.
the first woman prime minister in the world - pierwsza na świecie kobieta premier
they somehow managed to persuade Mrs Bandaranaike - jakoś udało im się nakłonić panią
*to contest as the leader of the party - powinno być: to contest the elections as the leader of the party
and she went on to become ...
- a później została ...
to be assassinated
- zostać zabitym
- mnich
to appoint
- mianować
- przewodniczący, lider
to become
- zostać, stać się
to face
- stawić czoła
- wybory
- zaraz, natychmiast
to contest (an election)
- kandydować (w wyborach)
- doświadczenie
- polityk
- gospodyni domowa
to look after the children
- zajmować się dziećmi, wychowywać dzieci
to win
- wygrać, zwyciężyć
in the early sixties
- na początku lat sześćdziesiątych
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The oldest animal and the oldest vomit in the world!
VOICE: She's about 170 years old. Her name is Harriet and she now lives in Australia. She is said to be one
of the tortoises that Charles Darwin himself took from the Galapagos Islands in 1835. DAVE HAWKSETT:
Tortoises are part of the Chelonian Family and the greatest authentic age recorded so far is at least 188
years. And that was from a type of tortoise called a Madagascar radiated tortoise and it was actually
presented to the Tonga Royal Family by Captain Cook in the late seventeen hundreds, either 1773 or 1777.
And it remained in their care until it died in 1965.
DAVE HAWKSETT: The oldest vomit sounds a bit strange but it's actually a sample of 160 million year old
dinosaur vomit. Well, there's nothing older. It's quite incredible.
- zwierzę
- wymiociny
she is said to be...
- jest ona, o ile wiadomo...
- żółw
- autentyczny, wiarygodny, prawdziwy
to record
- zapisać, zanotować, zarejestrować
at least
- co najmniej
it was presented to
- został wręczony
in the late seventeen hundreds
- pod koniec osiemnastego wieku
it remained in their care
- pozostał pod ich opieką
(it) sounds a bit strange
- (to) brzmi nieco dziwnie
- próbka
- dinozaur
- niewiarygodny
The longest chain made out of chewing gum wrappers!
Gary Duschl: My name is Gary Duschl and I hold the world record for the longest chain made out of
chewing gum wrappers. I started making this gum wrapper chain in high school. I was quite intrigued by the
beauty and strength of the chain and decided to keep on adding to see how long I could get the gum
wrapper chain.
I chew some of the gum, but most of the wrappers that I receive are donated by friends, family and people
that send them to me in the mail.
I will continue to add wrappers for the rest of my life.
- łańcuch
made out of
- zrobiony z
chewing gum wrappers
- opakowania od gumy do żucia
to hold a world record for
- mieć/osiągnąć/ zdobyć rekord świata (w jakiejś dziedzinie)
gum wrapper chain
- łańuch z opakowań (sreberek) od gumy do żucia
high school
- (w USA) szkoła średnia
to be intrigued by
- być zaintrygowanym
- piękno
- siła, moc, tu: wytrzymałość (łańcucha)
to keep on adding
- wciąż dodawać (tu: ogniwa tego łańcucha)
to chew
- żuć
to receive
- otrzymywać
to donate
- dać, ofiarować
to send
- przesłać
in the mail
- w poczcie, pocztą
to continue
- kontynuować
for the rest of my life
- do końca mojego życia
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The longest lesson in the world
Zsofie Gyamati: I am Zsofie Gyamati. I am 19 years old and I attended the longest lesson. It was in
Hungarian grammar and literature. This lecture was the idea of one of my classmates, because on
Thursdays we used to have two Hungarian literature lessons after one another, which seemed to be very,
very long. So his idea was: 'If we can study two lessons after one another, why couldn't we study [for] 24
hours?' So he arranged the whole lesson in our high school.
The rules were that during the whole 24 hours there couldn't be any kind of break in talking. That was one
of the rules. The other was that, of course, nobody could sleep, so that was very important. If somebody
had to go to the toilet, I think, it couldn't be longer than two minutes. So it wasn't very strict.
I think, everybody in the class, still now thinks that it was very good and it was worth to do. I think it was
very special, very funny.
we used to have - zwykliśmy mieć (used to wyraża czynność powtarzaną w przeszłości) during the whole 24
hours - podczas całych 24 godzin
after one another - powinno być: one after another - jedna po drugiej
it was worth to do - powinno być: it was worth doing - warto to było zrobić
to attend
- brać udział
- Węgier, węgierski
- wykład, tu: lekcja
- pomysł
- kolega/koleżanka z klasy
to seem
- wydawać się, zdawać się
to study
- uczyć się
to arrange
- załatwić, zaaranżować
high school
- tu: szkoła średnia
- reguła, zasada
- przerwa
- mówienie, rozmawianie
to sleep
- spać
to go to the toilet
- pójść do toalety
- surowy
The longest note, the longest place name and the longest number one hit
Dave Hawksett: The world record for the longest place name is for Krung-thep-maha-nakorn and it's the
official name for Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. The official name has 175 letters. Do not ask me to
pronounce it.
Sutharin Koonphol: (The official name for Bangkok) Krungthepmahanakornamornratanakosinma-
Stewart Newport: The longest number one in terms of weeks that it spent is 16 weeks, and it is Bryan
Adams and it is the song 'Everything I do, I do it for you', which was from the film 'Robin Hood Prince of
in terms of weeks that it spent... - jeśli chodzi o liczbę tygodni, przez jaką (piosenka) utrzymała się (na
pierwszym miejscu listy przebojów)
- tu: nuta
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place name
- nazwa geograficzna
number one
- numer jeden (na liście przebojów)
the world record
- rekord świata
- stolica
- Tajlandia
- tu: litera
to pronounce
- wymawiać
The fastest talker in the world
Sean Shannon: My name is Sean Shannon and I set a fast talking record. I recited Hamlet's soliloquy, which
is 262 words in just 23.8 seconds and that means I'm speaking at over ten words a second. It'll take about
23.8 seconds and it'll be hard to understand any of the words but here I go! [recites Hamlet's soliloquy]
That's it!
I'll do it slowly and speed it up a bit so you get the idea of how it changes. To be or not to be? That is the
question. And a little faster... To be or not to be? That is the question. And a little faster... To be or not to
be? That is the question. And now really fast... To be or not to be? That is the question.
I set a fast talking record - ustanowiłem rekord w dziedzinie szybkiego mówienia
I'm speaking at over ten words a second - wymawiam ponad 10 słów na sekundę
but here I go - ale oto zaczynam
that's it - (na zakończenie) to tyle
to be or not to be - być albo nie być, słynne słowa rozpoczynające monolog Hamleta
to set a record
- ustanowić rekord
to recite
- recytować
- solilokwium, monolog
to take
- tu: trwać, potrwać
- trudno, ciężko
to understand
- rozumieć
- powoli
to speed up
- przyspieszyć
to get the idea
- przekonać się, zobaczyć, że
to change
- zmieniać (się)
- pytanie
- szybciej
The world's fastest rapper
Seandale Price alias RXD: My name is Seandale Price and I'm known as Rebel XD, shortened to RXD for
short, and I'm the world's fastest rapper. I started rapping fast in about 1990. There were a few people
rapping like that at the time - rapping fast. So I thought, 'I'd try my hand at it' and it turned out that I was
really good at it.
It took a little polish and a little practice but it wasn't really hard at all. Actually, quite easy.
I'll give it a shot. 'I'm coming to rock and I'm taking a rapper. Breaking them up when I come and attack
It's talking about how I would never let another rapper try to outdo me, you know. I'll be the one to come
out on top if I was ever to go into competition with other rappers. That's what the rap's about. It's pretty
much got my foot in the door of the rap industry and I get to travel a lot, you know, and meet a lot of
different people.
It took a little polish and a little practice - trzeba było nad tym trochę popracować
I'll give it a shot - spróbuję
That's what the rap's about - o tym mówi ten rap
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I'll be the one to come out on top - to ja będę tym, który okaże się lepszy/który będzie górą
It's pretty much got my foot in the door of the rap industry - to w dużym stopniu pozwoliło mi wkręcić się
do tego biznesu
I get to travel a lot = I get a chance to travel a lot
the world's fastest rapper
- najszybszy rapper świata
I'm known as...
- znany jestem jako...
to shorten to...
- skrócić do...
to try one's hand at sth
- spróbować, popróbować (zrobić coś)
to turn out
- okazać się
I was good at it
- dobry w tym byłem, miałem do tego talent
to polish
- polerować, szlifować, pastować; tu: udoskonalić
- faktycznie, w rzeczywistości, de facto
to break up
- rozbić, rozpędzić, połamać, zniszczyć
to let
- pozwolić
to outdo
- przewyższyć, prześcignąć
to come out on top
- zwyciężyć, być górą
- rywalizacja
- stopa
- drzwi
- przemysł
to travel
- podróżować
to meet
- spotykać
The fastest goal ever scored and the slowest record to become number one hit in the British pop charts
When Ricardo Olivera of Uruguay heard the referee's whistle blow ... he kicked the ball and
...Goooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaal ! It took just 2.8 seconds!
It first entered the charts in November 1957 and got to number 6, but in 1986 it was used in a television
advert, was re-released and came roaring back into the charts to hit the number one spot 29 years and 6
weeks later. It's a song by Jackie Wilson and it's called 'Reet Petite'.
it came roaring back - wrócił (na listę przebojów), odnosząc oszałamiający sukces
to score a goal
- strzelić gola, wbić bramkę
- sędzia
- gwizdek
to blow
- tu: zabrzmieć, zagwizdać
to kick
- kopnąć
to take
- tu: trwać
to enter the charts
- wejść na listę przebojów
to use
- używać
- reklama
- ponownie wydany
- (o sukcesie) oszałamiający, spektakularny
to hit
- tu: trafić
- miejsce
The loudest scream in the world
Jill Drake: When we arrived there, before we got in the Dome, there was this screaming competition
because it was near Halloween. It was the 22nd of October. And there was a lady screaming and I just said
for a joke, 'I can do better than that' and they said, 'Go on Jill, have a go!'
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So I went up there and I screamed and they said 'Goodness, you've broken the world record. Can you do it
again?' So I did it again and I broke the world record again. And it was just unbelievable! Well, we just
couldn't stop laughing!
It's 129 decibels and British Forces Radio told me it was louder than the Concorde jet engine. None of them
could believe it because I'm not a loud person normally. I'm quite a quiet person so, you know, they were
quite shocked.
Yes they're very proud of me. Embarrassed but proud. I don't think any of us can believe it. It's just one of
those things that happen out of the blue.
the (Millenium) Dome - wielka hala widowiskowa i wystawowa wybudowana w Londynie z okazji nowego
Halloween - wigilia Wszystkich Świętych, w krajach anglosaskich obchodzona jako noc czarownic i
I just said for a joke - powiedziałam żartem, zażartowałam I can do better than that - potrafię to lepiej
We just couldn't stop laughing - nie mogliśmy powstrzymać się od śmiechu to happen out of the blue -
zdarzać się nagle/niespodziewanie
the loudest
- najgłośniejszy
- krzyk, wrzask
to arrive
- przybyć
to scream
- wrzeszczeć, krzyczeć
- konkurs
go on, have a go!
- tu: (słowa zachęty), spróbuj!
- o mój Boże!
to break a record
- pobić rekord
- nie do wiary
jet engine
- silnik odrzutowy
- całkiem
- cichy, spokojny
- dumny
- zażenowany
to happen
- zdarzać się
The world's hottest curry and the longest title of any British pop single
Abdul Latiff: NB: Mr Latiff doesn't speak perfect English! I make the world's hottest curry. We call it 'Curry
Hell'. It's very very hot and I demand* it is the world's hottest curry. If you can eat it, it is free and if you
don't, then you pay for it. I tried it once... but no, thank you.
We are holding the world record for the longest takeaway in the world - about 11,000 miles around the
world, from Newcastle to Australia.
Abdul Latiff: She decided to e-mail for a takeaway, so I received an e-mail from her. She requested for me*
to send a few dishes to Sydney. We made the vegetable curry, vegetable pilau rice and a nan bread and a
papadom and a pickle for her. We started in Newcastle on Friday morning. And then they took a plane to
Heathrow, and from Heathrow to Australia. So, she received it Monday morning. It takes about 4 days. It
arrived in good condition, yes, but sadly, both meals were very, very cold. So she warmed it up and she
enjoyed the meal. Yes.
The longest title of any British pop single: It's called "You Can Make Me Dance Sing Or Anything (Even Take
The Dog For A Walk, Mend A Fuse, Fold Away The Ironing Board, Or Any Other Domestic Shortcomings)"
*and I demand = tu: and I tell you Newcastle - miasto w północnej Anglii
she requested for me to send - powinno być: she requested that I send her, albo she asked me to send her
pilau rice, nan bread, papadom - nazwy specjałów kuchni hinduskiej
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- tu: ostry, pikantny
- piekło
- tu: za darmo
to pay
- płacić
to try
- próbować
to hold a record - zdobyć rekord
- jedzenie na wynos
to e-mail
- wysłać e-maila
to receive
- otrzymać
to request
- poprosić, zażyczyć sobie
- potrawa
- jarzyna, jarzynowy
- ryż
- marynata
to arrive
- przybyć
- posiłek
to warm up
- podgrzać
to enjoy
- tu: zjeść ze smakiem
The biggest rubber band ball in the world
Tony Evans: My name is Tony Evans and I built the biggest rubber band ball in the world. There's
approximately 6,000,000 rubber bands on it. I started building it back in 1997. I just started building the ball
as opposed to doodling.
There's two reasons. One: it was for charity - that was the main reason, and the second reason was that I
started things throughout my life and I've never finished them and I thought, 'This is one I'm going to
finish'. And finish it I did!
The wife thinks I'm mad. The wife is glad to see the back of the ball because she's absolutely fed up with it.
When the ball is flown out to America, the wife and myself will be joining it and they're going to lift it up in
a helicopter and they're going to release it to see what'll happen - will it bounce or will it explode. When
the ball is dropped, I'm hoping and praying it will bounce. The wife is hoping and praying it'll explode.
porównaj zdania:
I finished it.
I did finish it. (większa emfaza)
And finish it I did! (jeszcze większa emfaza)
zamiast my wife można powiedzieć the wife, ale ma to nieco poufały ton i ironiczną wymowę
rubber band
- gumka (recepturka)
- mniej więcej, w przybliżeniu
as opposed to
- w przeciwieństwie do, w odróżnieniu od
to doodle
- gryzmolić, bazgrać
- powód
for charity
- na cele charytatywne
throughout my life
- przez całe (moje) życie
- szalony
- zadowolony
- tu: tył
to see the back of sb/sth - chętnie się z kimś/czymś rozstać; chętnie się kogoś/czegoś pozbyć
to be fed up with sth
- mieć czegoś dosyć
to be flown out
- być przewiezionym samolotem
to join
- dołączyć, przyłączyć się
to lift up
- podnieść
to release
- wypuścić
to bounce
- odbić się
to explode
- eksplodować; tu: rozerwać się na kawałki
to drop
- upuścić, spuścić
to hope
- mieć nadzieję
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to pray
- modlić się
The world record holder for head balancing
Hello, my name is John Evans and I am the Guiness world record holder for head balancing. I've got 29
Guinness world records for balancing huge items on the top of my head. And I do mean huge. I thought,
only if I could still balance bricks on my head. And I did it and I managed to do thirty six bricks at the first
I'll see how many milk crates I can balance on my head. I managed to balance 44. I kept persevering with
that and I did manage to get up to 83. 83 milk crates on my head all at the same time. On 8th Dec 1992 I
broke that record by balancing 84 milk crates on my head at twenty five past eight in the morning and that
was my first Guinness Book of Records record.
I've increased the bricks record for example. And that's the heaviest weight of the records that I have. And
the amount of bricks is 101 bricks. I came on with, like, a chimneystack on my head. There's no one else in
the world that can do what I can do.
the world record holder - zdobywca rekordu świata
head balancing
- tu: utrzymywanie ciężarów na głowie
to balance
- tu: utrzymać
- ogromny
- rzecz, artykuł, sztuka
- cegła
to manage
- tu: udać się, powieść się
at the first attempt
- za pierwszym razem, przy pierwszej próbie
milk crate
- skrzynka na butelki od mleka
to persevere
- wytrwać, nie ustawać, trwać uparcie przy czymś
to break the record
- pobić rekord
to increase
- zwiększyć
the heaviest
- najcięższy
- ciężar
- ilość, liczba
- tu: wtręt w mowie potocznej
- komin
no one else
- nikt inny
The world record holder for head balancing
John Evans: I managed to do 92 people in one hour and it only took me an average of 39 seconds to do
each person. So that was a hard record to do.
The lightest record which I have is the Guinness Book of Records, which is only 217 lbs in weight, but it's 62
Guinness Book of Records one stacked on top of the other. They're almost falling over because it's one
single stack. And there's no glue, it's just their own weight that's holding them.
The 'Mini' - that goes up in the air to six feet, I pick it up, walk away and balance that on my head. I've had a
speedboat on my head. That's not a world record, but I have walked 50 feet with a speedboat on the top of
my head.
There's no one else in the world that can do what I do.
one stacked on top of the other - chodzi tu o stertę książek, ułożonych jedna na drugiej
the Mini - nazwa znanego samochodu
to go up in the air - unieść się w powietrze
the world record holder - zdobywca rekordu świata
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head balancing
- tu: utrzymywanie ciężarów na głowie
to balance
- tu: utrzymać
to manage
- tu: udać się, powieść się
- przeciętna
the lightest
- najlżejszy
lb (=pound)
- funt (wagi)
- ciężar
to fall over
- upaść, spaść
- sterta
- klej
to hold
- trzymać
feet (lp. foot)
- stopa (jednostka miary)
to pick up
- podnieść
to walk away
- odejść
- motorówka
no-one else
- nikt inny
The youngest DJ in the world
DJ Welly: Llewellyn Eli Owen. I'm known as Welly - DJ Welly. I'm the youngest DJ in the world and I'm 10
years old. I was four when I started playing on the decks. I was just messing about, basically, and that was
how I started. I first played on the decks at Glastonbury. I'm just having fun. I don't really, you know, get
nervous at all. Barry Owen (DJ Welly's father): He generally plays quite early or, if not, early in the morning,
so it's not as if he's playing in the middle of the night or anything like that. On the odd occasion when it has
been quite late, he modifies his sleep pattern around it so it all fits in together. Yeah, the audiences love
him. He goes down really well. D'you know what I mean?
DJ Welly: I suppose they like me a lot. Some people just open their mouths like they're sucking in air, like a
fish, basically.
it all fits in together - to wszystko razem dobrze gra, dobrze się składa
he modifies his sleep pattern around it - dostosowuje do tego swoje godziny spania
he goes down really well - tu: bardzo im się podoba
d'you know what I mean? - rozumiesz, o co mi chodzi?
some people just open their mouths like they're sucking in air, like fish, basically - niektórzy ludzie
rozdziawiają buzie jakby wciągali powietrze, zupełnie jak ryby
- (=disc jockey) didżej
to play on the decks
- grać na dekach (połączonych gramofonach z mikserem)
to mess about
- tu: bawić się, eksperymentować
- (dla emfazy) w zasadzie, właściwie
to have fun
- dobrze się bawić, mieć dobrą zabawę
to get nervous
- denerwować się
on the odd occasion
- rzadko, sporadycznie
to modify
- modyfikować, zmieniać
- sen
- wzór, typ
to fit in together
- pasować, dobrze się układać, nie przeszkadzać sobie wzajemnie
- publiczność, widownia, zebrani
to suppose
- sądzić
to suck in air
- wciągać powietrze
- ryba
The smallest nightclub in the world
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Kevin Wright: Hello. My name is Kevin Wright. I am one of the founders of the Miniscule of Sound, which is
the world's smallest nightclub. The club measures approximately 4 foot wide by 8 foot long. It's got a dance
floor which is 2 square metres and a DJ booth. It's got a flashing disco floor in a John Travolta, kind of,
seventies style, smoke machine, strobes, mirror ball and a red carpet. The capacity of the club is
approximately 10 people, relatively comfortably. Currently the record stands at 26 plus DJ.
Once we've set up an event, there's no time limit on how long anyone goes in, so some people just poke
their head in - it's very amusing, they go away and they don't come back or some people stay in there for
hours, literally. We don't throw them out. Occasionally the bouncers might decide to, kind of, make a
nightclub style policy decision and randomly eject someone.
it's 4 foot wide by 8 foot long - ma 4 stopy szerokości i 8 stóp długości
in a John Travolta, kind of, seventies style - coś jakby w stylu Johna Travolty z lat siedemdziesiątych
the record stands at - rekord wynosi
there's no time limit on how long anyone goes in - (chodzi o to, że) każdy może być w klubie tak długo, jak
some people just poke their head in - niektórzy ludzie tylko wsadzają na chwilę głowę
some people stay in there for hours, literally - niektórzy przesiadują tam dosłownie godzinami to make a
nightclub style policy decision and randomly eject someone - (tu: ironicznie) podjąć decyzję na miarę
zasad nocnego klubu i wyrzucić jakiegoś przypadkowego gościa
- nocny klub, dyskoteka
- założyciel
- dźwięk
to measure
- mierzyć
- mniej więcej
- stopa (jednostka miary)
dance floor
- parkiet
square metre
- metr kwadratowy
DJ booth
- 'didżejka'
flashing disco floor
- podświetlana podłoga
the seventies
- lata siedemdziesiąte
smoke machine
- maszyna wypuszczająca dym
- światła stroboskopowe, stroboskopy
mirror ball
- lustrzana kula
- dywan
- pojemność
- stosunkowo
- wygodnie
- obecnie
to set up an event
- przygotować imprezę
time limit
- limit czasu
- zabawny
- dosłownie
to throw out
- wyrzucać
- sporadycznie
the bouncers
- bramkarze
- na oślep, na chybił trafił
to eject
- wyrzucić
The most of airline sick bags in the world
Aidan Straddling: My name is Aidan Straddling and I collect airline sick bags. When I was a boy, I lived next
to an airport. It was very easy for me to get interested in everything to do with aviation. I soon started to
collect all sorts of things, but after a while I decided to specialise. I've got about 1,200 different bags and
they come from nearly 500 different airlines. I'm not sure where I stand exactly, but I would imagine I'm
certainly in the top five in the world.
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For me, quality is more important than quantity. And for example, I've got a sick bag from 1936 which has
got some writing on it, telling me all about the aircraft it came from. And that, as a historical artefact, is
much more interesting than having lots of different ones.
everything to do with aviation - wszystko, co ma coś wspólnego z lotnictwem
to collect all sorts of things - zbierać najrozmaitsze rzeczy, wszystko co się da
I'm not sure where I stand exactly, but I would imagine... - nie wiem dokładnie, na którym jestem miejscu,
ale wydaje mi się...
airline sick bag
- torebka na wymioty dla pasażerów samolotu
to collect
- zbierać
to get interested in sth
- zainteresować się czymś
to specialise
- specjalizować się
- linie lotnicze
in the top five in the world
- w pierwszej światowej piątce
- jakość
- ilość
- napis
- samolot
historical artefact
- przedmiot o
The most lightning strikes received by one man
Who says lightning never strikes twice? Roy C. Sullivan of Virginia would disagree. For Roy it began in 1942.
He lost one toenail when he was hit by lightning for the first time. Then, twenty-seven years later, in 1969,
he was struck again and lost his eyebrows. In 1970, he was hit for the third time and he was struck again in
1972, 1973, 1976 and 1977. Sadly, he killed himself in 1983 but he had taken his place in the record books
for his seven lightning strikes - the most lightning strikes received by one man.
A Bulgarian woman's first husband was killed by lightning but she re-married. Her second husband too, was
struck by lightning and killed. She was very upset and depressed so she went to see her doctor. She fell in
love with the doctor and they got married. Unfortunately, he too, was killed by lightning.
lightning never strikes twice - (ang. przysłowie) piorun nie uderza w to samo miejsce dwa razy to take one's
place in the record books - zająć miejsce w księgach rekordów
lightning strikes
- uderzenia pioruna
to receive
- otrzymać
to disagree
- nie zgadzać się
to lose
- stracić
- paznokieć od palca u nogi
to hit
- uderzać
hit by lightning
- trafiony piorunem
to strike
- uderzać
struck by lightning
- uderzony piorunem
- brwi
- tu: niestety
he killed himself
- zabił się, popełnił samobójstwo
- mąż
to re-marry
- powtórnie wyjść za mąż
- zmartwiony, zasmucony
- w depresji
to fall in love
- zakochać się
to get married
- brać ślub, ożenić się, wyjść za mąż
- niestety
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The man with the most honeybees in his mouth
Norman Gary: I'm Dr Norman Gary and I hold a Guinness world record for training 109 honeybees to fly
into my mouth. I thought training bees to fly into my mouth would illustrate just how trainable bees are
and I thought it would be fun to do this for entertainment. When I developed this stunt I had in mind the
idea that it would become a world record, and it did.
I'm quite happy with this world record. I think it would be extremely difficult to improve this record
because my mouth was so full of bees that there was no room for additional bees.
People ask me from time to time if I get stung by the bees that I work with, and the answer is - yes.
Whenever I make a mistake I get stung, so the stings can be prevented if you're very careful.
- pszczoła miodna
- jama ustna, usta, buzia
to hold a world record
- mieć/zdobyć/osiągnąć rekord świata
to train
- trenować, szkolić
to fly
- latać
- dający się przeszkolić/wyszkolić
it would be fun
- tu: fajnie by było
- rozrywka
to develop
- rozwinąć, udoskonalić
- chwyt, wyczyn, 'numer'
to have sth in mind
- mieć coś na myśli
to become
- stać się
to improve
- ulepszyć, poprawić
- tu: (wolne) miejsce
- dodatkowy
to sting
- (o pszczole) użądlić, ugryźć
to get stung
- być użądlonym
to make a mistake
- zrobić błąd
- żądło
to prevent
- zapobiec
- ostrożny
The cleverest dog in the world
Sharon Robinson: Some examples of her tricks are knowing her numbers from one to a hundred, adding,
subtracting, multiplying. She knows the days of the week, the months of the year, the alphabet. Chanda can
do all of the above reading it from cue cards.
When we do a show, we put her on a spot, we tell her to stay there until she hears the answer. When she
hears the answer, she's to come and get a treat. We ask someone in the audience to do the counting for us,
and that way she's not getting any cues or any signals from me, she's just listening to somebody counting
off, and then she comes to me when she hears the right answer. She does all the regular dog tricks like lie
down, roll over, shake hands, bark. She picks up all her toys and puts them away in the toy box. In the event
of a hostage situation, and provided she's not a hostage herself, she can untie us. She can untie knots.
Chanda does not do anything for free, Chanda does everything because I give her a treat. OK, Chanda, I
want you to play the piano. Hit the red light!
she's to come - ma/musi przyjść
we ask someone in the audience to do the counting - prosimy kogoś z sali o odliczanie
and provided she's not a hostage herself - i pod warunkiem, że ona sama nie jest zakładnikiem (nie jest
the cleverest (or: the most clever) - najmądrzejszy
- dodawanie
- odejmowanie
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- mnożenie
days of the week
- dni tygodnia
months of the year
- miesiące roku
cue cards
- karteczki z hasłami/wskazówkami
- pokaz
- miejsce
to hear
- słyszeć
- odpowiedź
- tu: smakołyk, nagroda
- widownia, publiczność, audytorium
- wskazówka
to listen
- słuchać
to count off
- odliczać
the right answer
- prawidłowa odpowiedź
dog tricks
- psie sztuczki
to lie down
- leżeć
to roll over
- przekręcić się z boku na bok
to shake hands
- podać rękę; tu: podać łapkę
to bark
- szczekać
to pick up
- podnieść
- zabawka
toy box
- pudełko na zabawki
in the event of
- w razie
- zakładnik
to untie
- rozwiązać
- węzeł
for free
- za darmo, za nic
to play the piano
- grać na pianinie
to hit
- uderzyć
red light
- czerwone światło
The smallest newspaper in the world
Fernando Telles: 'Vossa Senhoria' is 2.5 cm wide by 3.5 cm tall. It has sixteen pages. It has a kids' section,
we have some columnists, it talks about political issues, poetry, all written very small. We can't write long
articles for it. We have to write only 4 or 5 lines for each article.
It has attracted many attentions from around the world - Spain, England, USA, some countries in Africa. It's
become very well known. It sells some 7,000 copies a month. We've got 5 workers working for the world's
smallest newspaper. Everything is all hand made. So, folding the newspaper requires three persons. We
have the journalist who is Delores Schwindt and we have me to translate the English section of the
newspaper, and that's it.
Maria Benevides: I thought it was really cute. I was amazed when I opened it, and they had two different
sections, and it was so small, and you still had a small English section, 4 pages, but very very cute.
all written very small - chodzi o to, że wszystkie artykuły są bardzo krótkie i pisane małym drukiem it has
attracted many attentions from around the world - powinno być: it has attracted a lot of attention from
around the world
it sells some 7,000 copies a month - sprzedaje się w miesięcznym nakładzie około 7000 egzemplarzy
- gazeta
- szeroki
- wysoki; tu chodzi o dłuższy bok strony
kids' section
- dział dla dzieci
- felietonista
- sprawy, kwestie
- poezja
to attract attention
- przyciągać uwagę
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from around the world - z całego świata
- wykonany/zrobiony ręcznie
to fold
- złożyć, składać
to require
- potrzebować
- dziennikarz
to translate
- tłumaczyć
- słodki, uroczy
- zdumiony, pełen zdumienia
The fastest time to type one million, and the world's most powerful pencil sharpener
Stewart Newport: We have a record for the fastest time to type 'one' to 'one million' in actual words on a
manual typewriter and that record is held by Les Stewart of Queensland in Australia, and he began in 1982
and successfully completed his task fifteen years later.
He had dedicated his life to setting this record and to verify it he, very kindly, every year, would tell us
where he was up to. So we have, within our files, I think it's approaching 20,000 sheets of paper with the
words 'one' to 'one million' typed on them. I believe, because he was injured during the Vietnam War, that
he was only able to type using one finger.
Dave Hawksett: The world's most powerful pencil sharpener... And there's this is a guy in Scandinavia who
has attached a normal antique pencil sharpener to an old tank engine. So that kind of thing is quite
in actual words - słowami, słownie; słowo actual zwraca uwagę na wyraz po nim występujący (nacisk
kładziemy na fakt, że napisał to słowami, słownie, a nie cyframi)
he dedicated his life to - poświęcił swoje życie na
every year he would tell us where he was up to - co roku nas informował, jakie poczynił postępy (użyto tu
would, ponieważ mowa o czynności powtarzającej się w przeszłości)
he was only able to type using one finger - mógł pisać na maszynie tylko jednym palcem
- czas
to type
- napisać na maszynie
manual typewriter
- ręczna maszyna do pisania
to hold a record
- mieć na swoim koncie rekord
- w sposób owocny, uwieńczony sukcesem
to complete
- zakończyć
- zadanie
to set a record
- ustanowić rekord
to verify
- sprawdzić, zweryfikować
- akta
- tu: prawie
- kartka papieru
- ranny
to be able
- być w stanie, móc
- mocny, silny, potężny
pencil sharpener
- temperówka
- facet
to attach
- przymocować, przytwierdzić
- tu: bardzo stary
tank engine
- silnik czołgu
The most versatile record breaker in the world
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Ashrita Furman: Hi. My name is Ashrita Furman and I have the most records in the Guinness Book of
Records in different categories and since 1979 I've broken 73 official Guinness records but I only currently
have, I believe, it's sixteen in the book.
[YODELLING] So that I did for 27 hours. It was very, very difficult. Actually, the hardest part was finding
somebody to listen to me for that long.
I saw the record for jumping jacks and the record was twenty thousand and I just started training for it and I
realised that I could probably do it. I did twenty seven thousand jumping jacks.
the hardest part was finding somebody to listen to me for that long - najtrudniejsze było znalezienie
kogoś, kto by mnie tak długo słuchał
- wszechstronny
record breaker
- zdobywca rekordów
the most
- najwięcej
to break a record
- pobić rekord
- obecnie
- jodłowanie
jumping jack
- podskok do rozkroku, 'pajac'
to realise
- zdać sobie sprawę
The most versatile record breaker in the world
Ashrita Furman: The funny thing was, that next to the jumping jack record there was the somersaulting,
and I said ' Well, that would be kinda neat to have two records one next to each other in the book'. So then
I started training for the somersault, but you get very, very dizzy and then I said, 'No, no, I can't do that,
that's crazy'.
I was rolling around and rolling over glass and dirt but I was so happy because I did a quarter of a mile. And
even though I was black and blue and covered in dirt and everything, I was thrilled that I had gone that
I have the fastest mile - 19 minutes11 seconds and also the longest distance - 12 and a quarter miles. That
was really hard. You have to go continuously but they allow you to stop to throw up, which you have to
do... often.
the funny thing was that - zadziwiające było to, że he got dizzy - w głowie mu się kręciło
I have the fastest mile = I have the record for the fastest mile
- wszechstronny
jumping jack
- podskok do rozkroku, 'pajac'
- przewrót, koziołek, fikołek
- koziołkowanie
kinda neat
- (=kind of neat) tu: fajnie by było
to train
- trenować
- mający zawroty głowy
- szalony
to roll around
- tarzać się, turlać się
to roll over
- obrócić się, przekoziołkować
- szkło
- brud, również: ziemia, błoto
- ćwierć
black and blue
- tu: posiniaczony
- pokryty
- zachwycony, podekscytowany, rozentuzjazmowany
to allow
- pozwalać
to throw up
- zwymiotować
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The most versatile record breaker in the world
Ashrita Furman: One of my absolute favourite records is pogo stick jumping and I've done that all over the
world. I went up Mount Fuji in Japan - that was one of the first distance records I set on a pogo stick. I've
also set the fastest mile on a pogo stick, which I did in Antarctica. It took me 17 minutes and 45 seconds to
go for a mile and the problem was, about three quarters of the way through, the spring on the pogo stick
broke. It froze, so I quickly had to change pogo stick. I ended up finishing the mile but it was difficult.
Another pogo sticking record that I have is pogo sticking under water and this is crazy, but I got this idea, I
jumped into a nearby pool with my pogo stick, I tied some weights around my waist and almost drowned
but I finally figured out how to do it.
And I did that in the Amazon River for three hours and 40 minutes and I almost got eaten by piranhas.
I went up Mount Fuji - wspiąłem się na Fudżi
I ended up finishing the mile - w końcu przebyłem tę milę
- wszechstronny
- ulubiony
pogo stick
- kij ze sprężyną, do skakania
to jump
- skakać
all over the world
- na całym świecie
to set a distance record - tu: przebyć najdłuższy dystans, ustanowić rekord w dziedzinie przebytego
to set the fastest mile
- ustanowić rekord czasu na milę
three quarters
- trzy czwarte
- sprężyna
to break
- złamać się
to freeze
- zamarznąć
to change
- zmienić, wymienić
to end up
- skończyć (się) na tym, że
to tie
- przywiązać
- tu: ciężarek
- pas, talia
to drown
- tonąć
to figure out
- pojąć, zrozumieć
- pirania
The longest running play, the highest earning Australian pop singer, the fastest growing plant
The longest running play in the world is 'The Mousetrap' by Agatha Christie. It's a 'whodunnit'. This
'whodunnit' has been running for over 50 years. It has been performed in 40 countries. It has been seen by
over 10 million people. And after each performance there is a special announcement:
"Ladies and gentlemen, in order to preserve the tradition of 'The Mousetrap', we ask you to keep the secret
of 'whodunnit' locked in your hearts."
Kylie Minogue is the highest earning Australian pop singer.
And the fastest growing plant in the world is a sort of bamboo. It grows so fast you can almost see it
growing. It grows almost one metre a day!
'whodunit' - (o sztuce, filmie, książce) kryminał, zagadka kryminalna; słowo to jest kolokwialnym skrótem
od: who has done it - kto to zrobił
this play has been running for over 50 years - ta sztuka wystawiana jest od 50 lat (w zdaniu pojawił się czas
The Present Perfect Continuous - czynność zaczęła się w przeszłości i nadal trwa)
it has been performed in 40 countries - wystawiono ją w 40 krajach (it has been performed - została
wystawiona; w zdaniu tym występuje strona bierna, podobnie w następnym w zdaniu it has been seen -
została obejrzana)
we ask you to keep the secret of 'whodunnit' locked in your hearts - prosimy was, abyście sekret 'Pułapki'
utrzymali w głębokiej tajemnicy (dosłownie: zamknięty w sercach)
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the longest running
- tu: najdłużej grany, wystawiany
the highest earning
- najlepiej zarabiający
the fastest growing
- najszybciej rosnący
- sztuka (teatralna), przedstawienie, spektakl
pop singer
- wykonawca muzyki pop
- roślina
mousetrap - pułapka na myszy 'whodunit' - zagadka kryminalna, kryminał
to run
- (o sztuce, spektaklu) być wystawianym
to perform
- wystawić, wykonać
- spektakl, przedstawienie, koncert, wykonanie
- ogłoszenie, obwieszczenie
to preserve the tradition
- zachować tradycję
- bambus
one metre a day
- metr na dzień
The best selling copyright book in the world, the fastest selling book in history and the highest
earning author
Dave Hawksett: The record that we hold ourselves is for the best-selling copyright book in the world and, I
think, the latest estimates are* that worldwide, since the book began in 1955, we've sold well over 90
million copies of the book.
As well as being the best-selling copyright book, we've also heard that it's the book that's most often stolen
from libraries, but of course, that would be very, very difficult to prove and, obviously, not to be
When the fourth Harry Potter book was released in 2001, it became the fastest selling book in history. It
sold more copies in one weekend than any other book before it. 350 thousand copies in one day alone in
the United Kingdom. The author of the Harry Potter books, J.K. Rowling, became the highest earning
* the latest estimates refer to the year 2002
the record that we hold ourselves is for... - rekord, którym my sami możemy się poszczycić, to...
the best-selling
- (o książce) najlepiej się sprzedający, bestsellerowy; (o autorze) najpopularniejszy
copyright book
- książka objęta prawami autorskimi
the fastest selling
- najszybciej się sprzedający
the highest earning
- najlepiej zarabiający
- autor książki, powieściopisarz
the latest estimates
- najnowsze dane (przybliżone, szacunkowe)
- na całym świecie, w skali globalnej
to sell
- sprzedawać
to steal
- kraść
- biblioteka
to prove
- udowodnić
to encourage
- zachęcać
to release
- tu: wydać, opublikować
in one day alone
- w ciągu jednego tylko dnia
The most intelligent parrot in the world.
The superlative.
Irene Pepperberg: Alex, look. Can you tell me, how many?...How many?... Two. That's right. Can you tell
me, what's different? Colour. You're right. And what colour is this? Yellow. That's right, it's yellow. That's
right . Good parrot. Oh, you're such a good boy!
We don't really know if parrots are more intelligent than other birds. Parrots are among the clearest talkers
of the birds. Mynah birds will also talk but they're a little bit more nasal and grey parrots are probably
amongst the clearest of the talkers, which is why I chose to work with greys.
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w naszych lekcjach używaliśmy często przymiotników w stopniu najwyższym (the superlatives). W
przypadku przymiotników jednosylabowych stopień ten tworzymy dodając -est do stopnia podstawowego i
nie zapominając oczywiście o przedimku określonym the na początku
Old. This dog is old. This dog is the oldest dog in the world.
Rich. This woman is rich. This woman is the richest woman in the world. Big. This house is big. This house
is the biggest house in the world.
jeśli dwie ostatnie litery przymiotnika to samogłoska i spółgłoska - tak jak w przypadku słów big, flat, czy
mad, to w stopniu wyższym i najwyższym ta spółgłoska zostanie podwojona
big - bigger - the biggest flat - flatter - the flattest mad - madder - the maddest
- papuga
the superlative
- stopień najwyższy przymiotnika
how many
- ile
what's different
- jaka jest różnica, co jest inne
you're such a good boy - słowa pochwały pod adresem papugi
clear talker
- ktoś, kto wyraźnie mówi
- majna (gatunek ptaka)
- nosowy, o nosowym brzmieniu
to chose
- wybierać
greys (=grey parrots)
- papugi szare
The most intelligent parrot in the world.
The superlative.
Irene Pepperberg: At this point, he can identify about 50 different objects, he knows seven colours, five
shapes, he knows quantities to six. Alex, what matter? Paper. That's right, it's paper. Can you tell me what
shape paper? What shape? Corner. How many corners? Four corners. That's right, four corners. Thank you.
Alex doesn't learn things parrot fashion. All of his labels are meaningful to him. If he requests a nut and you
give him a banana, you will be wearing the banana because he will pick it up and throw it at you.
Alex, what matter? (tu: Alex, what is it made of) - tu: z czego to jest? z czego to jest zrobione?
Stopień najwyższy (the superlative) przymiotników wielosylabowych tworzymy dodając the most przed
- the most beautiful sensational - the most sensational intelligent - the most intelligent
: This place is wonderful. This place is the most wonderful place in the world.
: This football club is profitable. This football club is the most profitable football club in the
: This girl is beautiful. This girl is the most beautiful girl in the world.
- papuga
the superlative - stopień najwyższy przymiotnika
at this point
- tu: obecnie
to identify
- zidentyfikować
- kształt
- ilość; tu: liczba
- materia, substancja, tworzywo
- róg
parrot fashion - tu: jak papuga, bezmyślnie
- tu: karteczki z napisami
- znaczący, mający znaczenie
to request
- poprosić, zażyczyć sobie
- orzech
to wear
- nosić
to pick up
- podnieść
to throw at
- rzucić
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The most intelligent parrot in the world.
The superlative.
Irene Pepperberg: Alex can produce almost all of the sounds of English speech. He has a little bit of trouble
with final 's' - so he'll say 'Alec' instead of 'Alex'. He will say things like: 'I wanna go', 'chair', 'I want banana',
'D'you want a nut?' Things like that. He will interrupt the younger bird's training sessions to tell him to talk
clearly or say better. It's never going to approach the level you or I have, but it certainly is about that of a
very young child.
Alex does practise his speech. He practises in the evening after we leave him and he sits there playing with
the sounds and he'll go: 'been green' and play with what he's learned during that day, to perfect it.
he has a little bit of trouble with - ma trochę kłopotów z to say better - tu: powiedzieć coś lepiej,
Stopień najwyższy (the superlative) przymiotników dwusylabowych tworzymy albo przez dodanie końcówki
-est, np.
pretty - the prettiest easy - the easiest simple -the simplest
albo przez dodanie
the most przed przymiotnikiem
famous - the most famous
nervous - the most nervous tragic - the most tragic
W niektórych przypadkach stopień najwyższy przymiotników dwusylabowych (zwłaszcza tych zakończonych
na '-y') można tworzyć na dwa sposoby, np.:
sunny - the sunniest - the most sunny funny - the funniest - the most funny clever - the cleverest - the
most clever
W większości przypadków stopień najwyższy przymiotników dwusylabowych tworzymy poprzez
dodanie the most:
So, when in doubt - use the most!
No i nie zapominajmy o przymiotnikach stopniowanych nieregularnie, takich jak:
good - better - the best
bad - worse - the worst
- papuga
the superlative
- stopień najwyższy przymiotnika
- dźwięk
speech - mowa wanna = want to nut
- orzech
to interrupt
- przerywać
- szkolenie, kształcenie
to talk clearly
- mówić wyraźnie
to approach the level
- zbliżać się, osiągać poziom
to practise
- ćwiczyć, praktykować
to leave
- zostawiać
to perfect sth
- udoskonalać, doskonalić coś