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Spirit Walkers 6

Our Silent Spirit

Liam Kenyon doesn’t occupy a silent world. He is just silent within
in it. He has his bothers and a job and feels incredibly alone. But

everything changes the day he finds the falcon shifter.

Alden Kranski’s life is slowly disintegrating, and what makes it
even worse is he is sure he came close to finding his spirit walker.

The scent was overwhelming. It had to be him. Unfortunately no
one believes him as he was unconscious at the time.

Joe Chambers is going to find Matt. It is a daunting prospect as
many years have passed. What he hadn’t expected was to cross

paths with his spirit walker while getting there.

Liam’s life is getting complicated. He shot a man and is making

deals with a necromancer. Does he dare risk his future and that of
his brothers with the two gorgeous men who say he is their

Note: This book contains double anal penetration.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Shape-
Length: 52,719 words

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Spirit Walkers 6

Ellen Quinn



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Ménage and More ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Ellen Quinn
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-660-7

First E-book Publication: March 2013

Cover design by Harris Channing
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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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For my best friend and partner in crime, Karren,

Your friendship means the world to me.

Thank you for your love and support

And for standing beside me and screaming

At all those rock concerts!

May it long continue.

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Spirit Walkers 6


Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

1681, Cadiz

Alden gritted his teeth. Pain was a necessary evil, but to have to

go through it twice…Stop whining, Gregor’s going through the same.
The last of his slave cuffs had been taken off two days ago, and the
bones were now regrowing. This was the most painful part. His left
hand had been done first two weeks ago. Gregor had done the same
only with the opposite hands. It seemed decades ago when they had
first been soldered on. Alden snorted. It had been decades ago, two to
be exact. That was a different time and a different place. He was no
longer a clan chief’s eldest son nor welcome in his homeland. Not that
Alden wanted to go back, nor did his brother. They were different
men now, not broken but more humble and much more aware of those
around them. Especially of those two men who had boldly clambered
on to the Rogue Lady and simply taken over.

Matt, the very small but amazing Duke of Kashmerle, had wanted

them to remove the cuffs as soon as they had become part of his crew,
which sounded strange as they had been on the ship for twenty years
and Matt only eight months. They’d waited this long simply for trust
reasons, not wanting to be vulnerable with folk they were not sure of.

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Matt and Craig were more than trustworthy. They would protect their
own with their lives, and as far as the pair was concerned, Alden and
Gregor were part of their team.

He looked out of the villa the duke had rented for the summer.

He’d picked Cadiz, as the Barcelona Company was transporting all
sorts of goodies, as Matt called them, through the port. Ripe pickings
for the local pirates, which was where they came in, or they would
when both Alden and Gregor were back up to speed. The cuffs were
made with silver melted into the metal, as it nullified a shifter’s
power, which was what Alden’s younger brothers knew when they
had forced him and his twin into them.

That seemed like only yesterday, but it was over twenty years ago

now. His father had sent his brothers out to deal with him and Gregor
for their traitorous behaviour. Both he and Gregor had refused to
marry their cousin or produce any heirs. His father was no fan of
sodomites, and as both he and Gregor preferred the male physique
and were active sodomites, it didn’t go down well. It hadn’t gone
down well for anyone.

Tomas, their brother, had died at the hands of Captain Ralf Petrov,

the captain who Tomas and his brother, Mica, had sold them to
twenty years ago. It had been a revenge attack for their father, who
before their escape had imprisoned them for not fulfilling their duty as
his heirs. First, Alden had refused to his marry his cousin due to his
preference for men, and then second, Gregor had followed suit.
Shifters were notoriously hard to kill if a man didn’t know their
weaknesses. Captain Petrov knew them just fine, and a silver dagger
through Tomas’s eye had worked perfectly. It even caught Mica out,
as the idiot had pulled the dagger out so was taken in as the killer. In
the space of a few days his father had effectively rid himself of all
four sons.

The captain had come out of it the best, as he’d found his spirit

walker that day, Phillip, an ex-lover of Gregor’s no less. How Alden
had envied Phillip his walker. He had only seen it happen twice in his

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forty-six years, but he doubted it happened very often, and for one to
be an all-male coupling was unheard off. That would be his dream.

Shit. He was in trouble. There probably was a walker out there for

him, but at this moment in time his heart belonged to another. And
this man, this strong, virile, dark, and moody individual who starred
in every one of Alden’s fantasies, was his dream walker. But he
wasn’t his spirit walker. That didn’t matter. What bothered him was
he was the partner of the lovely duke, and the duke was so in love
with the small, delicate man he could see no other. Craig Kashmerle.
Hell, he’d even taken Matt’s name.

Why did he have to obsess over a man who was so out of reach?
“Christ, I’ve wanted this for so bloody long, but growing bones

back is no bloody fun!” Gregor stated, barely keeping the growl out of
his voice. Alden turned and watched his brother enter the room. They
were identical, and most folk could not tell them apart. Tall, dark,
with brown hair—actually that was the only noticeable difference.
Gregor’s hair was a shade or two lighter and had a hint of ginger in it,
a great teasing point for a brother.

“We’ve nearly regrown all the bones now. That’s the worst part.

Once they are in place the buildup of flesh feels quite pleasant,”
Alden tried to downplay the problem.

“Ha, pleasant, I’ll tell you what’s pleasant—”
“No thank you, you keep your pleasures, and I’ll keep mine,”

Alden interrupted before he got another one of his brother’s stories.
Alden smiled. By the way Gregor told them it sounded as though he’d
had more men than all the girls in the local whorehouse, but it wasn’t
true. Neither of them messed around and for very different reasons.
Gregor just scratched an itch occasionally. His belief in his spirit
walker was all twisted inside his head on his need to be free. His
walker would set him free, was his fundamental philosophy. A little
bit over the top for Alden, but if that was how his twin coped with the
cuffs, he was not going to knock it. Maybe once they were fully
healed he’d go back to the fun-loving joker he always had been.

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Alden could never go back. He’d had to grow up the hard way

learning that trusting people just wasn’t worth it. He had his family to
thank for his belief. Gaining his trust was damn near impossible. He
wasn’t bitter about the time he’d lost due to the cuffs, but he knew he
would never let anyone abuse him like that again.

* * * *

1745, the Sound of Arisaig

Tears rolled down Alden’s cheeks, and there was no way in this

life or any other that he’d wipe them away. Matt had been his friend
and confidant for so long he’d even forgiven Alden for his love of
Craig, or Kash now, as the man’s need demanded. It hadn’t taken
Matt long to work out Alden’s feelings and even less time to forgive

“He’s a rogue, but he’s easy to love,” he’d told Alden, knowing

with confidence that Alden would never lay a claim on his man. It
would have been pointless anyway. The love they shared was
unbreakable, or it had been until two days ago when Matt had finally
passed away. He’d spoken to Alden when Craig had gone for fresh
water and a cloth to wash his lover down.

“He’s yours to look after now, Alden. I know how much he means

to you. I can’t say I want you with him, as my love will never die for
that man, but I can’t be selfish, either. Look after him for me. This
world would be a far emptier place without Craig MacCarrick
Kashmerle in it.” He laughed, but it soon turned into a cough as his
breathing was laboured. But the man was a hundred and four and
Alden thought he was a miracle.

“You know I’ll always be at his side, we both will, and no one is

ever going to fill your place in his heart,” Alden murmured quietly.

“I’m selfish enough to want that,” Matt said, smiling. Craig came

back in and took his place beside his fading lover.

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“Everything is in your name now. I know you’ll look after our

home,” Matt had said to Craig as Alden left. He had not seen his
friend again.

Matt had been right, too. Kash was a broken man, as though

someone had ripped his heart right from his body. Matt and Craig
should have been spirit walkers, hell they basically were, just without
the bond. And if the Fates were that miserable, he wanted no part of
any spirit-walker myth or bond. He’d stay beside Kash for the rest of
their days. Kash may not love him, and probably never would, but to
suffer in the same way Kash had was just not worth it. His heart was
going to no one, and his spirit walker could go hang!

* * * *

1811, Eastern side of the Caribbean

Alden stood at the helm. They’d just set sail and were headed for

home. Alden had no idea what was going to happen now. He’d spent
the last few days in a maelstrom of emotions, euphoria over Kash’s
decision to let him into his bed and desolation as the emotions would
always be one-sided. Was he a fool? Yes, probably, but what else did
he have?

Guilt coursed through his veins. He had a lot to be thankful for.

They had more contraband than they could ever spend. In fact it was
almost just a game they played. Eventually Alden, along with his
brother and Kash, were going to have to work out what on earth they
were going to do with Matt and Kash’s collection.

Matt was still with them. He didn’t think the man had ever left.

The only changes had been in how Kash had dealt with it. He never
used their cabin anymore or their rooms in the castle. Kash had pulled
a cot into his study and slept in there. After what they had just shared,
he hoped he’d sleep in his bed, but he got the feeling Kash would
never stay.

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You’re a fool, Alden Kranski, a lovesick fool.
He heard footsteps and watched as his brother walked up on deck.

He wasn’t in the mood for a conversation, especially as his brother
could read him like an open book.

“So how goes it with you, brother mine?” Gregor asked, sounding

as though he was just passing the time. Alden knew different. Gregor
may have been the joker of the two of them, but that didn’t make him

“What concern is it of yours?” Alden asked, a question for a

question. It wouldn’t get him out of the conversation, but perhaps he
could delay it awhile.

“Well, the concern is always there for my brother, so you’re stuck

with that, but at this precise moment it’s more concerned with your
heart,” Gregor answered, going straight to the point.

“My heart is fine, thank you, Gregor. Now go get some rest.

You’re on the helm after me.” He’d used to be able to pull the older-
brother role years ago, and very occasionally Gregor would defer to
him but not tonight.

“Rest, yes, that would seem a good idea, though it’s a little hard

when the cabins reek of sex.” Gregor smiled, but it didn’t quite reach
his eyes.

Shit! How am I going to explain that? Sure, Alden was certain all

three of them had serviced themselves within their own cabins
multiple times. Hell, he had more than he’d ever want to admit, but
sex had a different tang. The odour of hot, sweaty men in the throes of
passion, yeah, that was a very different scent. Looking away, he
remained silent. Alden couldn’t explain it, and he wasn’t going to.

“Humm, you see, brother dear, there are only the three of us on

this wonderful lady at present, and unfortunately I know I’m not
getting any. So as I said earlier, how goes it with you, brother mine?”
Gregor moved round so he was in Alden’s line of sight. His brother
had him, and like any good fisherman he was not about to let him go.

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Alden sighed. What could he say? Gregor had watched Alden for

over a century, caring for a man who never looked twice at him in a
sexual way. He’d have had something to say to Gregor if he’d
suddenly started having sex with a man he’d known that long. And
that wasn’t including what Kash had been through.

“I like Kash, brother, don’t get me wrong,” Gregor began, lifting

up Alden’s face gently with his hand. “But I love you, and he will
never get over Matt.”

“I know, I know I’m just a warm embrace to keep away the cold,

but I wanted this for so long.” Now he’d started to talk the floodgates
seemed to have opened. “I need the contact with another man. I need
to be held at times. I know there will never be the affection between
us that he shared with Matt but…” Alden swallowed down a sob. He
couldn’t say anymore.

Gregor moved in and wrapped his arms around him. “God, Alden,

don’t you think I don’t know? Don’t you think I crave the exact same
thing? I would give away every last piece of our blessed collection to
have the love Matt and Kash shared.” He squeezed Alden tight, and
he returned it just as hard.

“I don’t believe it’s out there for me, Gregor. It’s just too much of

a chance. At least with Kash I know where I stand,” Alden tried to

“Yeah, with a broken heart,” Gregor grumbled.
“No, my heart won’t break. It may not be whole, but it is filled

with love and it is still mine.” Alden smiled for the first time in a
while. He would be fine. Kash and he would work out some sort of
arrangement. It wouldn’t be what he really wanted, but he could live
with that, as at the end of the day all the three of them had was each
other. And none of them would let each other down.

“Okay, brother, I’ll step back, but please keep your heart safe.

One day there is going to be somebody who will want to cherish it, as
it should be, and I believe that for all of us.” Gregor stepped back and
kissed Alden on the cheek before he began to walk away.

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“I love you, too, brother mine,” Alden called after him.

* * * *

2011, Kashmerle

Alden stared up at the sky. Somewhere out there was a falcon, a

peregrine falcon shifter. And deep down in the depths of his soul he
knew it was Matt. Sure his name was spelt slightly differently, but it
was basically the same. He had no explanation for his belief, but it
was true.

Alden went back into his bedroom, leaving the curtains wide

open, so he had the fullest view possible of the sky. It was going to be
the first in what he knew would be a long line of empty nights. Kash
had not taken his news of the existence of this peregrine shifter well.
Nor his belief that the falcon was Matt. He’d called him all the names
under the sun for stirring up old memories which still to this day tore
Kash up emotionally. They tore Alden up, too, which was the reason
why Alden had closed the door on a two-hundred-year, one-sided love

Alden snorted to himself. Be real, lad, it was never a love affair.

Just mutual copulation between friends. What did they say these days,
“friends with benefits?” Yeah, that was it. Shame it still felt like
someone had ripped out his heart and stamped on it. And the idiot
who had done that was him.

Hell, whilst he was wallowing he might as well remind himself

he’d lost his brother as well. And not just to a man, his spirit walker.
No, Gregor, had to go and bloody get two. Shit! He really was being a
bastard. His brother had been even more alone than he had. At least
Alden had had someone to share a bed with and some gratuitous sex.
Gregor had been left on his own. Added to that fact Jonah and Darian
were great men. He’d not known either of them long, but they were
perfect for his gently hearted brother. But that meant his brother no

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longer needed him and, ironically enough, that hurt a hell of a lot
more than losing his bedmate.

He smiled remembering Gregor’s walkers wanting to know his

age. Until then he hadn’t really considered it, but he and his brother
had started this adventure when they were twenty-six. Shit, they’d
been by each other’s side for three hundred and fifty years, more
really as they were never too far from each other when they lived with
their family.

Stop it! Gregor deserved every bit of his happiness. He’d gone

through enough to get it. He was free. Well, that’s how he expressed
it, and Alden was happy.

It was just a shame he didn’t feel it. He would be fine, he told

himself, as the only one who could ever read him would now be too
busy to look, which left him free to wallow in his own self-pity.

It was just so fucking lonely.

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Chapter Two

1981, La Princesa Negra, Bay of Gibraltar

Joe shivered. The cold, damp hull of the Black Princess was not a

place you wanted to spend time in, if you had a choice. Not only that,
his concept of time was completely distorted as he had no idea of day
or night. After their capture and abduction from their Maltese home
Matt had been sold almost immediately, but he was a peregrine,
whereas Joe was only a lanner falcon. He’d stayed in his bird form as
his cage was too small, and at least his feathers were some protection
from the cold. He shivered again. He wondered when or if he’d see
his friend and lover again. He’d remember his promise. If he got out
of this mess, he would go back. He paused, maybe it would be better
if he left it for a while. Why was he thinking like this? Deep down he
knew why. For all he and Matt loved each other, it wasn’t all
consuming. Matt was his friend far more than his lover, and there was
always that other with Matt whoever he was. Joe wanted the same
thing, someone to mean the world to him and for him to be the same
in return. He’d not had that with Matt and never would. So he may be
in a very bad place having been captured by those deranged vultures,
but maybe with a bit of luck it was time to move on and find the love
he so desperately craved.

“Will someone feed that bloody bird?” a voice yelled from above.

“We’ve got that woman coming. If we can flog it to her then we can
get back. I’m fucking tired of fish!”

Moments later a pile of fish heads and tails was thrown at him.

Thank God. They barely fed him anything, and this was better than

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nothing. Tossing the food down with his beak, he waited to see if
anything was going to come of the conversation he’d heard.

Silence…Joe had thought, rather stupidly, that they were going to

sell him. After which he could hopefully find a way to escape. He
banged his head on the side of the metal bars of the cage. He had been
so complacent in the last couple of decades. Matt and he had built up
the business and had gotten lazy. They’d stopped worrying about
threats posed to shifters, especially ones like him and Matt. They’d
been secluded on Valetta, and look what had happened. Stupid, stupid
Joe straightened up. He could hear footsteps heading down
below deck. Was this his chance? God, he hoped so.

“God, you’re a scrawny piece of shit,” a barrel of a man said as he

grabbed the cage. He stumbled as he tried to lift it completely,
underestimating the weight. Joe tucked his wings in as the cage
crashed to the ground from where the foul-smelling man had dragged
him off the table. He’d lost a lot of weight, but he was still a shifter,
and when shifted he was a good deal heavier than his natural

“Vince, you idiot, be bloody careful,” a second voice rained

down. Joe just hunched down and prayed to the Fates that he could
escape this hell he’d ended up in.

* * * *

2008, Crieff, Scotland

Liam nervously slid into his tight, distressed low risers. They had

been his first purchase with that first paycheck from his new job,
nearly twelve months ago when he’d been barely eighteen.

How ironic was it that it was now coming up to his nineteenth

birthday and he was finally wearing them for the first time.
Admittedly they fit him a lot better now, as since he’d started work
he’d lost about ten pounds and now had a nice set of firm abs, lean

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but defined shoulders, and strong, muscular legs on his six-foot frame.
He’d never be bulky, but at least he wasn’t that slightly tubby, gay
boy from school.

Not one of his better ideas, coming out to what he thought was his

best friend right after finishing his GCSEs. He ended up with a split
lip, two black eyes, and a broken collarbone. He’d had to go to a
special school which catered to children who suffered from severe
hearing loss. This had not been Liam’s disability. He’d been born
with damaged vocal cords, or rather, they just hadn’t developed
correctly from his time as a foetus. Nothing could be done, so his
parents had developed other strategies of dealing with a silent son.
When he’d come home after his final exam battered and bloodied they
spent their time with him in the hospital getting his bones X-rayed
and a sling to hold his arm in place and he explained to his parents
what had happened. His mother had just cried and never said a word.
Liam just watched the tears roll down her cheeks. His father was
pretty stoic, also keeping his own council on the revelations that had
been spilt that day.

He’d been grateful in a way, for although his parents weren’t

comfortable with the way things had turned out, they didn’t kick him
out. They just ignored the subject of his sexuality completely. He
understood why. His brothers had only been five at the time, and
they’d asked for his discretion when he was at home and around them.
So he was discreet. Completely.

Liam had gone to agricultural college after that, where he’d met

Mick, a friendly rugby player who was on his course. After his last
coming-out fiasco Liam had kept his mouth shut at college, deciding
he needed friends more than a boyfriend. Mick liked to talk, about
anything rugby, food, holidays. Whatever crossed his mind eventually
spilt out of his mouth. That was just peachy with Liam, as there were
never any awkward silences. He was just with his mate Mick who
never shut up.

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Everything had been great until Liam had come over to visit after

Mick had finished a rugby practice. Mick’s mum knew Liam, as they
were always round each other either catching up on homework or
killing each other on the next game that was out on the Xbox. Mick
had the most up-to-date stuff. So Liam headed in just as she was

“He’s in his room, love, go on up. I’ll be back in half an hour. I’m

just getting the meat for tea. Are you stopping, love?” she’d asked.

He nodded with a genuine smile.
“Such a polite, lad,” she’d answered, disappearing down the path.

Liam didn’t understand that, as he had never said a word.

Liam had gone inside and headed upstairs not thinking about

anything in particular, just what Mrs. Sutton might be getting for tea.
He had even knocked on his friend’s door, so when he opened it to
find his friend lying naked on his bed, a towel discarded beneath him
while he stroked his engorged shaft, had Liam stopping dead in his
tracks. Mick was close, and Liam could not take his eyes from the
amazing sight. His friend slid his hand up and gave his shaft a twist
right at the end. He hadn’t seen Liam yet as his eyes were still closed.

“Yes, ah yes,” Mick gasped as he shot his seed all over his hand

and groin. That was glorious, but what was even better was the name
he yelled out as he came. “Liam!”

Liam gasped and Mick’s eyes shot open, “Shit! Shit! Shit!” Mick

yelled as he grabbed the towel to cover his quickly softening cock.
“Oh God, it’s not what you think. Ah, Christ, Liam.” Mick swung his
legs over the side of the bed but didn’t look up. He looked defeated
and absolutely dejected. Liam wasn’t going to let that continue. He
had no idea Mick was gay, but now he did he wasn’t going to let his
friend squirm.

Walking to the side of the bed, Liam sat down looking at his

friend. Feeling the bed move, his friend’s face shot up. Fear,
confusion, and just a tiny bit of what Liam thought was hope lingered

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in his eyes. That was all Liam needed to take the plunge. Liam looked
at his friend and smiled, his hand going up to gently touch his face.

“You, er, sorry, shit, you’re not upset. You’re not running for the

door screaming. Well, you wouldn’t scream but…” Mick said,
leaving his lips parted and a shocked look on his face.

Liam shook his head, his smile still plastered on his face.
“B–but I’m gay,” he spluttered.
Liam nodded again. He pointed his finger at Mick and then

himself, nodding again at Mick. Then, taking a deep breath, he leaned
in and kissed Mick right on the lips.

“Oh wow!” Mick said when Liam pulled back. Mick’s cheeks

blushed a lovely pink, but his smile, now that lit up his entire face.

“Can I touch you?” he asked shyly, and Liam’s heart began to

speed up.

Liam looked down as embarrassment coursed through his veins. It

must have shown because Mick was quick to answer his own

“Oh, man, don’t be embarrassed. I’ve just shot my load right in

front of you while calling your name, now that’s embarrassing.” Liam
shook his head as Mick said the words.

Liam gave his friend a hesitant smile.
“I’ve not done anything, but I dream about the things I’d like to

do to you. I just never thought you’d be into guys, like me.”

On hearing that, Liam’s smile turned into what he knew was an

out-and-out grin.

“Guess we’ve been having similar dreams,” Mick said as he

pushed Liam back on the bed. Liam nodded as Mick’s hands grabbed
on to the hem of his T-shirt and tugged it over his head before Mick
sank back down into a kiss. Liam lost himself in the kiss. He had no
experience whatsoever, but if Mick didn’t either, they’d never know if
they were doing it wrong, and hell, this did not feel like wrong.

Suddenly Mick jumped up off Liam and ran to his bedroom door,

pulling the chair from his desk with him.

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Liam silently whimpered, and Mick turned, hearing Liam’s rushed

breath. “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere, but I didn’t want my
mam popping in on us,” he said as he finished pushing the chair under
the door handle. He walked back to the bed without an ounce of
embarrassment showing on his face, yet he had no clothes on and his
cock was once again erect. “Can I look at you?” he asked, kneeling on
the end of the bed.

Liam had never been naked in front of someone before. The

special school he’d gone to had individual showers, and he was not in
any sports at college. Looking into Mick’s eyes, he slowly nodded.
Mick pulled the button on his jeans then slid his zipper down before
he tugged at the denim. Liam’s cock jerked as it was released from its
confines, standing proud in its nest of curls. “Wow,” Mick said as his
hand reached out and stroked Liam’s swollen cock.

Liam had no idea how it would feel to have another man’s hands

on his cock. It was electrifying. Mick leaned down and pressed his
lips on Liam’s tight, brown nipple, and that was it. The sensations
exploded all around his body, and he had the most amazing orgasm of
his life. Well, apart from his own hand jobs he didn’t have much to
compare it to, but even so, he put it at the top as one of his best. But
then he realised how quick he’d been. Mick had barely touched him,
and he’d literally just let loose. Mick must have seen something in his
face as he quickly jumped in.

“No you don’t. We’ve both done nothing to be embarrassed about.

Hell, my ego is about to go into orbit the way you came at my touch.”
Liam buried his head in Mick’s chest and heard Mick chuckle.
Grabbing some tissues out of a box on the side of his bed, he began to
clean Liam up. Mick licked one of his sticky fingers in the process,
and Liam’s body shuddered at the erotic sight.

Mick tossed the tissues in the bin before grabbing the quilt and

pulling it up. “Come on, please say you like cuddling?” Mick asked as
he held up the quilt for Liam to slide in beside him. Liam looked at
him with a raised eyebrow as he crawled in next to what he now

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wanted to call his boyfriend. Mick must have understood as he
grinned. “You’re like my own personal Gromit. You say it all with a
raise of the eyebrow. I know you can’t say you like cuddling, but
seeing as you’ve just snuggled up beside me, I’m going to take that as
a yes.” Mick then wrapped his arms around Liam and kissed him.

They’d spent the next forty minutes making out in Mick’s bed

before they’d heard his mam come home. By the time she knocked on
the bedroom door they were both rapidly killing zombies as though
nothing had changed.

Liam smiled at the memories they’d shared. He and Mick had

spent the next year making out whenever they got the chance. The
only thing they hadn’t done was actual penetration. He was pleased
they’d taken their time. Hell, it had been frustrating at times, but he
was now secure in his relationship with Mick and wanted to take the
next step, and he knew Mick felt the same way. Mick was still at
college choosing the degree course over Liam’s diploma. So he often
came and stayed with Liam on the weekends. Liz and Travis, Liam’s
housemates, were cool with him and Mick, and this weekend they
were away at Liz’s parents.

His hand trembled as he checked his bedside drawer, the new

bottle of lube and pack of condoms still set exactly where he’d left
them. Picking up the packet, he fumbled opening it before he took a
foil-wrapped square out. Smiling, he slipped the package into his
pocket and picked up his shirt. It was a black button-down, but the
fabric was so sheer you could see his nipples clearly through the
fabric. He pinched them, making them hard and tingly. Liam had
never been vain, but looking at the image in the mirror, he knew he
looked good. Straightening his shoulders, he headed out of his room
to celebrate his birthday with dancing, a little alcohol, and finally
some hot, hard sex. A shiver ran through him as he closed the door.

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Chapter Three

Mick’s eyes followed Liam around the club they were in. His

heart hadn’t stopped beating like a set of tom-tom drums since he’d
watched his boyfriend come out of his room. Did Liam have any idea
how hot he looked? Mick remembered his friend of twelve months
ago, the rounder face and a little puppy fat. He loved cuddling the
man, running his hands over that soft, smooth skin. Don’t get him
wrong, he looked awesome now and very damn fuck-able, but a small
part of Mick missed the old Liam. Maybe he liked men with a little
more meat on their bones than others. He’d only ever been with Liam,
and although he knew he loved the guy, he did sometimes wonder
what might be around the corner. He pushed his hands into the front
pockets of his jeans, and his fingers brushed alongside the small foil
packet that lay there. He knew it was going to happen tonight, but he
felt guilty about his wayward thoughts. Mick had felt him and Liam
were heading in different directions and had a feeling things would
change sooner rather than later. But he wanted Liam to be his first. He
wanted to be inside his best friend and boyfriend, and he wanted it

* * * *

Liam watched Mick stride across the club and wrap his arm

around his waist. He looked up into those clear-blue eyes dimmed by
the lights in the club.

“Dance with me?” Mick asked, whisking Liam away from his

drink and their friends. The music was loud and the rhythm upbeat.

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The pulse radiated through the floor. Liam had lost his shirt some
time ago when one of his friends had decided he was overdressed, so
Mick’s hands were sliding over his sweat-slicked skin.

Liam’s body trembled with arousal. He rubbed his body up

against Mick, feeling the man’s erection through the fabric of his
jeans. His hands had a mind of their own wandering over the tight
muscle T-shirt Mick wore. He’d much rather feel skin, but he could

“I’m right here, and I want you,” was the reply that passed Liam’s


He smiled and nodded, knowing that this time it would happen.
“Let’s go,” Mick said abruptly as he tightened his arm around

Liam’s waist and pulled him toward their friends. “We’re heading
back now, see you lot later.” He had to yell so they could hear him.

“Hey, man, it’s only midnight. You two a couple of Cinderellas?”

Pete shouted, grinning at the pair of them. Liam grabbed his shirt,
slipping it over his shoulders.

“No, Pete. We’re on a promise,” Mick answered and winked at

their friend. The rest cheered, and Pete had the decency to look
embarrassed. Liam waved as Mick led him out of the club.

It was cold outside, and the pair ran to the taxi rank. Luckily it

was early and they didn’t have to wait. In no time at all they had
arrived at Liam’s home. Liam hadn’t been drinking much and neither
had Mick, just enough to ease any inhibitions, which was silly seeing
as how much time they’d spent together. Shutting the door behind
them, Liam barely had time to drop his keys in the plate by the door
before Mick had crushed his lips down on Liam’s and slammed him
into the back of the door. Liam grabbed on to Mick and totally
surrendered to his kiss. Mick demanded entrance and Liam complied,
opening his mouth to let Mick in. He tasted of beer, but underneath it
was pure Mick. The man had his hand holding Liam’s head while his
other wrapped around his body. His lover had protected his head and
body even as he devoured him.

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Mick groaned deep in his chest, “I want you so damn much, Liam.

I need to feel you around me. God, you feel so hot.” Liam didn’t need
words to answer a declaration like that. He gently pushed Mick back
and grabbed his hand. Mick let himself be pulled as Liam led him
upstairs. In his room there was only a three-quarter bed, but that was
all they’d need as Liam turned and smiled up at Mick. Mick pulled
Liam toward him, and Liam slid his arms round his waist. This kiss
was not as frenzied, but it still sent Liam’s pulse racing. His hands
gripped the T-shirt on Mick’s back and pulled it free of his pants.
Mick pulled it over his head and discarded it on the floor. Liam’s
shirt, which he had failed to do up, was the next item to fall on the

Liam revelled in the feel of Mick’s chest. As he’d gotten older,

small sprinkles of dark-blond hair had spring up on Mick’s chest, and
Liam had had hours of fun teasing him about it. He wasn’t teasing
now. Liam rubbed his fingers through the soft, fine hair to Mick’s
small, brown nubs, squeezing them gently between his fingers. He
listened to the groan that left Mick’s lips, feeling the sound vibrate
against his own.

Liam wanted more skin. He needed to feel Mick’s hard, lean,

naked body pressed up against his own. His hands ran back down the
soft fur until he reached Mick’s waistband. The worn leather belt felt
soft in his hands and came free quickly. The buttons popped open,
and Mick’s cock sprang for freedom. Another groan left Mick’s lips
and sent tingling sensations right to Liam’s already hard cock. Mick
seemed to sense his need as his hands slipped from around Liam’s
body to the low risers. Releasing the button and opening the zip, Mick
slid his hands round and gripped Liam’s butt. Hoisting him up, Mick
walked to the bed, carefully laying him down. Liam moaned, though
no sound came out as he released Mick’s cock and watched it slap his
abdomen and smear copious amounts of pre-cum on his skin. Mick
looked like some debauched god as he stood back to remove Liam’s
shoes and pants. Dirty-blond hair fell over his face, his strong jaw

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making him look fearless and impressive. His shoulders had always
been broad, but now they contained a strength that had come with
maturity. Liam could not take his eyes off the man. The soft fur led
his eyes down to his navel then lower to where his cock stood proud
in its nest of curls. Liam licked his lips as he rose up when he was free
of his clothes and ran his tongue over the glistening tip of Mick’s

“Oh, Liam, man, that feels so good.” Mick moaned as he pushed

his hips forward. Liam grabbed hold of the tops of the man’s jeans,
and, as he slowly swallowed Mick down, he pushed his jeans from his
hips and let them crumple to the floor. “Stop please, shit, Liam, if you
keep that up this is going to be over before it’s even started. Your
mouth, ah yeah!” Mick moaned and shuddered as Liam pulled his
mouth back, releasing Mick’s prick with a pop.

As Mick kicked off his shoes and removed his jeans, Liam slid

back up the bed. Resting one arm behind his head, he slowly stroked
his cock using the pre-cum spilling from his slit as lubricant. Mick
rose up and groaned as he stared at Liam. It was the response he
wanted and couldn’t stop the goofy grin splitting his face.

Mick growled, which was impressive, as he knelt down at the

bottom of the bed. His eyes were fully dilated as he crawled up the
bed. “So you think this is funny, Liam Kenyon, driving a man wild
then lying their stroking that magnificent cock.”

If Liam could giggle he would have, and for a very rare moment

he was glad of his damaged cords. Men didn’t giggle. Liam’s silent
giggle turned into a very definite gasp as Mick slid his tongue from
the base to the head of Liam’s cock, slowly lapping the pre-cum from
the slit. Christ, Mick, what are you doing to me? Mick sucked in the
head and slid his tongue over the knot of nerves under the rim before
slowly taking him down. Liam shuddered. He so wanted to scream.
More, yes please, suck me, don’t ever stop. But all that came from his
mouth were desperate gasps as he tried to get more oxygen into his
frantic lungs.

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Just as Liam finally thought he was there and he could fly off the

edge, Mick lifted off his cock. No. Mick smiled up at him as he now
crawled toward him, his larger frame engulfing Liam’s. He loomed
over him, confusing Liam for a moment until he heard the drawer of
his bedside cabinet open. Mick reached in and pulled out the box of
condoms. Leaning back, he looked inside and Liam realised he was
counting. He scrambled quickly to get the one in his pocket, but Mick
grabbed him.

“Liam Kenyon, after all this time you have to know I trust you. I

was just checking how many goes we get!” Mick’s cheeky grin spread
across his face, and Liam punched him, first for the teasing and then
again for relaxing the both of them with his moment of humour.

“You ready for me, love?” Mick asked, his voice filled with

sincerity. Liam nodded. He wanted this, had wanted it for a while
now. Mick reached for the lube and then looked at Liam, his cheeks
pinking up. “I’ve read it’s easier the first time if you’re on your
knees.” When Mick finished, his eyes went down. Liam was having
none of that. He put his fingers under Mick’s chin and brought
himself up for a kiss. It was a chaste kiss, gentle and reassuring. Liam
poured all his feelings into it. Tenderly pulling back, he grinned at
Mick and turned. Mick moved back, and Liam rose to his hands and

“Holy fuck, that’s a beautiful sight,” Mick murmured as he ran his

hands over Liam’s firm backside. Shuffling behind Liam, there was a
moment’s pause. Liam anticipated the cool fingers down his crease,
but he still jumped when Mick’s hand landed on his ass, pushing his
cheeks apart before the cold gel covered his entrance. Mick fingers
gently swirled over his hole, gradually making the muscles relax.
Liam sighed, enjoying the tingling sparks that were shooting up his
body from the sensitive touch.

“That’s it, relax, baby,” Mick encouraged as he pushed a little

harder on his hole. Liam felt Mick’s digit slide in. There was no pain
and little discomfort, but the feeling of being penetrated was…Liam

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could not describe what was coursing through his body, the heat, the
need that cried out in his brain. He wanted more but could only push
back on his lover’s hand in the hope that Mick understood its
meaning. “Yeah, you want more? I’ll give you what you need, baby,
everything you need.” Mick started talking, and Liam knew he would
keep going, opposites attract. “Yeah, your ass is so hot and tight. Pull
me in. Let me feel you.” Mick twisted his fingers round and hit
Liam’s prostate, and Liam’s whole body shook with the lightning
shocks that ran through it.

Please, Mick, do that again.
“You like that, baby, I know you do.” Mick repeated the motion,

sending the shocks once more through Liam’s body. Listening to
Mick, he almost felt like the man was reading his mind. Not that he
had any complaints. Mick suddenly pushed a third finger in, and the
burn pulsed through his body.

“Hey, babe, easy there, I’ve got you,” Mick soothed as he added

more lube to Liam’s crease, the cool gel sliding in and easing the heat.

Oh, Christ, that is so good, but please, Mick, I want you inside me.

Liam hoped his thoughts would reach Mick and encourage him like
the others had. He knew he was being fanciful, but hell, it was
working. His penis had gotten so hard he could feel every pulse travel
down it. It throbbed with need, but he knew if he touched it that extra
stimulus would push him clear over the edge.

Mick slowly removed his finger, and a silent whimper left Liam’s

lips. “I know, baby. I’m here, just a moment now.”

Liam turned to look at his lover, seeing Mick with trembling

fingers struggle with the condom. Liam empathised with his friend as
his body trembled with anticipation. For a big man, Mick’s penis
wasn’t overly large, a stout seven inches with a blushing pink head.
Finally the condom slid down, and Mick rubbed some more lube over
the surface. Before looking up to notice Liam watching him, a lovely,

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pink blush crept up his cheeks, and Liam mouthed as clearly as
possible, I love you.

Mick’s eyes lit up, and he smiled though he did not return the

sentiment. “Are you ready for me, baby?” Mick asked as he rose up
behind Liam, rubbing the tip of his cock over Liam’s hole. Forcing
the lost sentiment to the back of his mind, Liam pushed back,
impaling himself on the end of Mick’s cock. Liam shut his eyes.
Absorbing the initial thrust of pain, he rocked back and forth on his

“Easy now, babe, I’ve got you,” Mick said as he held Liam’s hips

and slowly drove forward. It hurt, Liam couldn’t deny that, but it hurt
in a good way, and the whole time Mick slid forward with such
careful control. The heat grew, and the pain diminished. Liam did not
know where Mick had found his control, but now he desperately
wanted him to lose it. He wanted to feel that cock ramming itself
home deep inside him. Gritting his teeth, he pushed back and seated
himself on Mick’s engorged flesh.

“Oh fuck, baby, you are so frigging tight. Oh crap, I’ve got to

move, baby, I’ve got to,” Mick said, his whole body tensed and
waiting. Liam wriggled to encourage his lover, and Mick roared,
pulling back his cock so only the head remained before ramming it
back home again. Liam let him lead, as Mick’s rhythm was a little
erratic, but soon he had a steady pace, which began to build little by

Liam could feel his nerves explode inside him sending shards of

pleasure through his body. His cock was straining to release, his balls
pulled up tight.

“Liam, shit, I can’t hold on…agh!” Mick suddenly thrust, and

Liam could feel the shudders of Mick’s climax through his body.
Falling to Liam’s shoulders and pushing his face into the cushions,
Mick collapsed on top of him. He grabbed his cock, pulling roughly
to jerk himself off. One, two, three strokes and he came, covering the
sheets below with his warm, sticky cum.

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“Ah, babe, that was awesome. I wish like hell we’d started sooner,

just think of all the fun we could have had,” Mick said, excitement
flowing from his mouth as he pulled out and rolled over on the bed.
“I’m going to clean up, and you need to sort out the bed. You made a
mess,” Mick said laughing as he left the room.

Liam rolled over away from the wet patch and listened as he heard

the shower come on and then Mick as he whistled in there. He felt a
little deflated. The sex was okay. Mick sounded like he’d enjoyed it,
but Liam felt something was lacking. What had he missed? Liam
shook himself and sat up. Get a grip. It’s just sex. Don’t get so hung
up, you idiot.
Pushing himself from the bed, he wiped his belly with
some tissues and pulled off the duvet cover. Pushing the cover into his
washing basket, he quickly replaced it with a clean one. Just in time
for a fresh and clean Mick to walk into the room, a towel wrapped
low on his hips. Liam felt oddly uncomfortable and vulnerable with
Mick covered while he still had nothing on. He grabbed up his
clothes, quickly taking them to his side of the bed before he quickly
slid beneath the covers.

Mick grinned. “I never knew you to be shy, well, not with me at

least,” he said as he whipped away the towel and climbed back into
bed. They hadn’t closed the curtains, so the outside light illuminated
the room well enough to see Mick’s cock was ready for round two.

Liam felt Mick curl round him, thrusting his hard cock between

his butt cheeks as his lips pressed down against his neck. Maybe
round two was a good idea, as Liam’s flaccid cock began to perk back

* * * *

Liam blinked the sleep from his eyes. Something had woken him.

His room was at the back of the house, and he rarely heard anything
that went on in the front street. Mick groaned and rolled away from
him, not even bothering to wake up.

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Bang, bang, bang. There it was again, something or someone was

banging, and it was getting more insistent. He grabbed his pyjamas
that he’d not bothered with the night before for obvious reasons,
looking at his lover in the bed. He grabbed a T-shirt as well as he left
his room. He didn’t know why, but some sixth sense told him he’d
want it. The stairway came down in the middle of the house, and as he
reached the bottom the banging ceased. Walking to the front door he
slipped on his trainers and looked through the peephole. Distorted but
clearly recognisable were two police officers. One was still by the
door, the other heading down the path. What the hell have I done?
was the first thought that came to mind, but he’d never been in any
trouble. Well, not since he got caught throwing snowballs at the
staffroom window in primary school.

Taking a deep breath, Liam unlocked the door. As soon as he did

Liam heard the officer shout to his colleague, and they both
approached him together.

“We’re looking for a Mr. Liam Herbert Kenyon of this address.”

Liam cringed when he heard his middle name. He never ever
mentioned it, but at this point in time it probably wasn’t the place to
question it.

Liam nodded and pointed to himself, hoping the officers

understood. The feeling of dread was crawling over his skin and
churning his guts up. By this point he realised he didn’t really care if
they understood.

“I’m PC Jack Dorward, and this is my partner, Constable Pete

Hurst, from the Aberdeen constabulary. Would it be possible to come
in and have a word?” PC Dorward explained, holding out his ID card.
Liam looked at it but didn’t really register the details. It looked
genuine. He opened the door further and waved the two men into the
front room. Who do I know in Aberdeen? Aunt Lyn, Mum’s sister!

“I need to get dressed,” Liam signed abruptly, needing the

protection of clothes round him and the chance to wake Mick for
some support. Whether they understood his signs or not.

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“Do you have a friend or someone you can call to be with you,

Mr. Kenyon?” PC Dorward asked, concern in his eyes, though Liam
didn’t know if the man had understood him.

Liam pointed upstairs and nodded, mouthing the word boyfriend,

not caring about their reaction to that information. Something was
wrong, very wrong. His Aunt Lyn was not close to the family, but his
parents and brothers visited now and then. What the hell had

“Could my partner go and call for him to come down, Mr.


Liam shook his head and quickly flew out of the room to fetch his


Mick was not asleep as Liam thought when he got to his room.

“What on earth is going on, Liam?” Mick asked, a frown creasing his

“The police are here. They’ve asked me to bring you down for

some reason. I don’t think we’re in trouble as they are from
Aberdeen. But Aunt Lyn lives there, but as to what’s happened I don’t
know,” Liam signed rapidly. He then drummed his fingers nervously
on the side of the door, which he held partially open.

“Okay, I’m coming, but I hope they are not going to be long. It’s

five twenty in the morning, and I’d rather be asleep,” Mick mumbled
as he pulled on his jeans and followed out the door.

“Please sit down, gentlemen,” PC Hurst said this time. He looked

toward his partner as Liam and Mick sat down. Taking a deep breath,
he began the speech that Liam knew he didn’t want to hear. “I regret
to have to inform you there was a motor-vehicle accident late this
afternoon involving your parents’ Volvo, Mr. Kenyon. Your brothers
are at present in Aberdeen hospital. They are stable and should make
full recoveries. Unfortunately your parents did not survive.”

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Chapter Four

2012, Valletta, Malta

Joe looked out over the gardens from the tree house. People just

thought it was a kids’ play area. Little did they know. He looked at
the two papers in his hand, one a card from a man he’d met only
briefly and could not even remember his name. The other was the “no
matter what” letter from his old friend and lover, Matt, who’d kept the
promise he had let slide.

It looked like both men were heading for the same place,

Kashmerle. What was it about this place that drew these men to it? It
couldn’t just be the fact that it was the location of one of the few
openly gay packs in Europe. In fact the only other he could think of
was the one associated with the Despiritov Circus, based in Russia.
He’d heard of the Kashmerle Company dealing in gold and gems,
which must be lucrative, but there just had to be more. There were
packs and clans around the world, hardly any of which he could
name, yet the majority of shifters knew of, if not about, Kashmerle.

Joe knew he was going there for an answer to all his questions. He

had to go to find out how Matt was and if he’d really found his
Captain Feathers. Part of him hoped he had, but another darker side to
him wanted to be able to take him back. The other man had inspired
him to do this. He had spent barely an hour in his presence sat in his
bar on the Rock, as people often called Gibraltar. He was searching
for someone, someone he loved and had loved for so long it was
ingrained in his very being. Kash, that was his name. Joe wanted that
kind of love, and for all Matt had loved him it was nothing close to

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the intensity that shone in Kash’s eyes when he talked about his

Looking up at the house that was completely shut down and in

desperate need of repairs, he strapped his small pouch to his ankle,
making sure it would be stuck between his toes. He looked at the
letter one last time.

Dearest Joe,
I made it. I’m finally free. My memory is coming back, and I’m

going to head home to see my Kashmerle. My spirit walker is there,
and he is going to find me, hopefully.

I pray you find freedom fast, my friend, and can follow me. I miss

my best friend, and you may even find your walker here.

It’s time for me to move forward. I hope you will do the same.
My love to you.
Matthew James Kashmerle, Duke of Kashmerle!!

The letter was confusing. Why did his walker have to find him,

and how did he know? And why the slight change of name and the
move into the higher ranks of the royal family? His Matt was a
gentleman but a duke? Really?

Well, he’d had two invites. Everything here was closed up. His

family as far as he knew were still in Wales. Why not?

Joe let his falcon free, feeling the burn with the change before

launching himself from their tree and out across the island to another

* * * *

Liam stared out of his bedroom window. It hadn’t been a pleasant

day, but it never was on the anniversary of their parents’ death.
They’d gone through their ritual as they did every year. Liam bought

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the pizzas, and the boys chose a movie. And they’d talked about their
memories, good and bad, of the time with their parents

Liam was no therapist, but he reckoned they got to cope a lot

better knowing they had each other and that these shared memories
brought them closer and helped them know they were not alone.

Liam huffed. Not alone. Who was he kidding? He’d never felt so

alone, though he supposed that was different than being lonely. He’d
not been on a date or even out socialising since Mick had left. He
couldn’t blame the guy. He’d stood by him through the trials of
getting full custody of the boys. He was always in the background and
there if Liam needed him. It wasn’t until Ms. Bucket, the boy’s social
worker, and her frowning on Liam’s relationship having a detrimental
effect on the family, that Mick had finally walked away. Mick had
finished his degree and had an opportunity in North Wales to work on
a youth adventure program, which Liam knew was an opportunity that
would not come round again, so he’d encouraged Mick to take it and
he had, in the end, gone. Liam had started a new job not long after on
the Kingdom Estate, and here he was four years later, four years
older, and what—a twenty-three-year-old father to twelve-year-old

Liam rubbed his hands over his face. It wasn’t the boys’ fault.

They hadn’t wanted to lose their parents and have to live with their
brother without them. Liam had to admit they’d done well, probably
coping better than he had. He’d do anything for the pair of them, and
they knew it, yet they didn’t really take advantage of him. Sure they
got in some scraps, Paddy thinking them up and Finn masterminding
how to put them into action. They were a killer team. And it was that
teamwork that had saved his ass early this year when there’d been
trouble with the shifters Mr. Kingdom had captured. The shifters—
thank God—had managed to get away, but not without knocking
Liam unconscious in the process. Paddy and Finn had come to his
rescue even though they were supposed to stay in the car. They had
hauled him into the truck, and he’d carefully driven home. He hadn’t

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realised the guards had been tied up in the stables, so when questioned
by one very irate Lawrence Kingdom, his innocence had been

Mr. Kingdom had not been as accepting with the others. Malc, the

one Liam liked the least, was the only one to survive the cull, and he
was now head of King’s Own Security. Liam had no idea what went
on with Lawrence Kingdom and his various business enterprises, but
he had a feeling legally they were not sound. He wished he could get
out, but his prospects were limited with his qualifications and his lack
of speech. Equal opportunities may be out there, but most possible
employers could work round it and often did.

Shit, snap out of it, you self-pitying idiot. Liam turned from the

window and the view of the road. It looked damp and cold even if it
was the middle of summer. The boys would finish school and start
following him round at work. That put a smile on his face. Yeah, that
was something he could look forward to, as both of them loved to be
outside no matter what the weather decided to do. Crawling back into
his lonely bed, he grabbed one of the pillows and hugged it to his
chest. He finally felt sleep tug him under and hoped he’d be dreaming
of tall men with broad chests, strong arms to hold him, and hearts big
enough to take on two twelve-year-old boys and a silent man.

* * * *

Joe perched on a ledge and looked over the Kashmerle Estate.

Well, he hoped it was. The sign had said Kashmerle, and the road led
to the town on the other side of the peninsula that held a huge friggin’
castle. He didn’t want to believe this was Matt’s home or the place on
the card from the man in Gibraltar.

He could not walk up to the front door of a castle and say, “Hello,

is Matt in?” He shook his feathers out, reminding him of something
else he couldn’t do, and that was knock on the door in cycling shorts
and nothing else. He’d probably get shot for offending the queen.

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Clothes. That had to be his first priority. He’d noticed some old

blankets up here, hidden under a kind of overhang, and he’d imagined
some young lovers coming up here for a secret tryst when he’d found
the place last night. It had been sheltered enough that he had been
able to shift and sleep in human form for the first time in days. The
blankets gave him a soft bed and the necessary warmth he needed.

Taking off from the ledge, he headed inland wondering if he could

get away with walking into a shop in just shorts with a credit card.
Well, there is only one way to find out.

Joe had caught a thermal rising from the land over the Sound of

Arisaig, which took him far higher than he intended, and he drifted
quite a way inland. But riding the warm air was bliss as he let the air
lift his feathers. There were so few birds left these days. His family
and a few small casts of lanner falcons were still surviving, but they
were mostly male. In the Vulture Wars over the years—they didn’t
count them anymore, as there’d been so many—all the bird species
had been hit by the vultures’ need to be dominant.

Joe had a suspicion that maybe more had survived than shifters

thought. He knew Matt was a prime example of this, as peregrines
had been thought extinct, yet Matt was very alive and definitely a
peregrine. His mind wandered over these thoughts until jolted back to
the present when he heard gunshots. He was high enough that he
didn’t feel too vulnerable, but there was nowhere to hide up here, and
Joe automatically scanned the area for safety. The land below had
small wooded areas, open grass, and heath for the majority and very
little else. More shots were fired, but they sounded a long way off
toward the south. What the hell is going on?

Most of the fowl hunting seasons didn’t start till the first of

September. He was sure his parents had explained. It didn’t sound like
clay-pigeon shoot, either. Joe noticed down below what looked like a
large house with stables alongside. The whole building was in an
awful state of repair which Joe hoped meant it had been abandoned.
He decided to drop and check. There may be some old clothes, he

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hoped somewhat doubtfully, but it would get him out of the line of
fire. He pulled his wings back, checking quickly, and then he dived.

* * * *

2012, Scottish Grampians

Liam saw the bird dive. It was near the old Blackwell place again.
“Was that one, boy?” Lawrence Kingdom’s voice cut through the

air like a knife.

Liam looked at him and shook his head. There was no way he was

showing his boss any sign of recognition. The bird was a lanner
falcon and extremely large for the breed, which now, after spending
so long in Mr. Kingdom’s company, spelt shifter.

“Nah, probably just a buzzard,” Lawrence Kingdom mumbled to

himself. “The fowl doing all right for the coming season, boy?” the
man asked. Liam nodded quickly, knowing full well that Lawrence
Kingdom kept a close eye on all the season’s preparations. He held
his Pheasants Ball on the first of September, and everything would be
perfect. Even some of the local aristocracy turned up for that one
bedecked in Kingdom’s jewels.

Liam’s role was to provide the game for them to shoot. The chef

at Kingdom’s manor would then serve it for dinner. That didn’t
actually happen. The birds had to be hung for at least three days,
sometimes up to ten, if it was cold. So Liam would kill enough brace
for the table and hang them beforehand. No one ever mentioned the
fact that not one of the birds had a bullet hole through the flesh, but
by the time the meal arrived, Liam was fairly certain most couldn’t
remember their own name never mind what they were eating.

Mr. Kingdom’s attention had left the bird, and he stood waiting

for his cocker spaniels to flush out the rabbits and other wildlife for
shooting. What it was had never really been important to the man. If it

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was an animal it could be killed. And as it was his land, he liked to do
the killing.

Liam shivered, looking back to where the falcon had dived. He

and the boys would head back there tonight and see if the bird had
flown and all was quiet or if he had a damaged shifter to look after.

“Bloody vermin!” Mr. Kingdom yelled. “Why won’t the buggers

stay still so I can shoot them?” he muttered angrily. Liam ignored him
and gave a silent cheer for the creatures that had safely gotten away.

* * * *

Joe woke with a start. A vehicle of some sort was approaching. He

was in what he assumed had once been a tack room in the stable block
of an old manor house or large farm estate. He’d avoided sleeping in
the house, as it looked very rundown and unsafe, but was now
thinking that may have been the better option, as people were less
likely to search there. The vehicle had stopped, and he could hear two
voices. Though they were muffled he had a feeling they were
children. There must be another with them. He hoped an adult of
some shape or form.

Should he confront them, run away, or stay quiet and hide? The

entrance door to the stable swung open, and the voices became clearer
and killed his chance of running away. Though when the scent hit
him, vanilla and warm spices, he knew he wouldn’t have been able to
run anyway. His spirit walker had just entered the stables.

“So we’re lookin’ fer a big falcon or a naked man?” one of the

two boys asked.

“Aye, where would he have put his clothes though?” asked the

second young voice, sounding puzzled by the questions and probably
the whole situation, Joe thought.

There was no reply to these conversations, which seemed strange

to Joe. Was the person with them just ignoring them?

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“So these ’ere folk can change in t’animals but only if they’re


“Aye, Finn, that’s what he said, yer idiot,” the second voice


Okay, so the boy with the stronger accent was Finn, one down,

two to go. But now the question was who had told them the
information without seemingly saying a word, as he had to be Joe’s
walker. The boys were too young to give off the scent. It only
developed after puberty, sometimes longer, as a shifter wasn’t
considered mature until they were thirty. These, though, were not
shifters. It looked like his walker was human.

The two boys had progressed into a full-blown slanging match

using some very interesting and colourful names. Then he heard a
loud clap followed by silence. Joe waited.

“Me un Paddy is sorry, Liam, but he did call us ’n idiot,” Finn

said. This was followed by another loud clap. More silence and then
the slow movement of the three of them moving round the stables

So Finn and Paddy were the two boys and Liam was his walker.

Liam, he liked that. He hadn’t realised how close they were getting
until he felt it. Liam must be within fifteen feet. Their spirits were
combining. Joe needed to alert Liam about what was happening. If he
was human he might not understand. He clearly knew that shifters
existed, at least, which made that part at least a lot easier.

Unfortunately Joe jumped up and cracked his head on the bar,

which would have originally held saddles. “Ah, crap,” he gasped as
the pain rang through his head. So much for enjoying the moment.

Silence followed then Finn’s voice rang out. “’E’s in there, that

room up top, I betcha! And he swore.”

“That will be where they stored stuff fer ridin’ and such, wont it?”

Paddy asked.

“Yeah, yeah, we know,” Finn mumbled somewhat sarcastically.

“Wait ’ere while you go un look.”

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Joe rubbed his head, looking at the door. It was ajar, as the springs

had rusted and the wood had warped, so it barely moved. The fading
summer light was more or less obliterated by the muck on the
windows, so he knew his Liam would not be able to see much. He
smiled ruefully to himself, looking down at the clothes he wore. He
had found a pair of jogging pants and T-shirt in the basement of the
house when he’d searched earlier and was grateful he wouldn’t meet
Finn and Paddy in the state they seemed to expect.

A loud gasp broke his thoughts. Looking at the door he saw a pair

of steel-grey eyes.

“Hello,” Joe said tentatively.
“Agh!” Finn yelled, turned, and then ran into the open end of the

door. Ouch, thought Joe as the lad fell back onto the floor.

“Are you okay?” Joe asked as he slowly approached the lad on the


“Agh! There’s a man here, but he has clothes on,” Finn shouted at

the door.

“Bloody ’ell, Finn, we’re coming,” Paddy said from outside the

door. Joe looked up from his crouched position near Finn as a pair of
soft, cloudy-grey eyes looked down on him from the gap in the

“Wow,” Joe whispered. The man was beautiful, and he was going

to be his! Liam raised an eyebrow at Joe’s whispered comment. Joe
smiled and rose from the crouch.

“Who are you, mister, and what did yer do to m’ brother?” Paddy

asked, squeezing round the larger man.

“He walked into the door,” Joe explained, hoping his walker

wouldn’t take umbrage with his response.

“I told yer he was an idiot!” Paddy said with a grin on his face.
The man, Liam, frowned, his eyes wary as he stared at Joe. Crap,

try telling them you mean no harm, you just needed to rest, you idiot.

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“Sorry, I’m Joe Chambers. I don’t mean any harm. I just

needed…” Joe paused. What should he tell them? They obviously
knew he was a shifter, but how much did they know?

Finn groaned. “That door attacked us!” he shouted out to no one

in particular. Liam shook his head then pushed the back of one hand
into the other and pointed out of the room.

“We gotta go, mate,” Paddy said.
“Yer’ll be right with us,” Finn added, rubbing his face as he got

up from the floor. Joe was amazed at their simple acceptance of him.
But also the realisation that Liam was deaf. No not deaf, as he seemed
to hear the boys as they talked to him. Mute. Liam didn’t speak. Joe’s
heart went out to his walker living without such an important way to

Communicate, of course! Joe quickly followed Liam out of the

tack room after the boys, placing a hand on his shoulder. Liam was
about three inches shorter than his own six three, so his hand reached
comfortably. As soon as he made contact it felt like an electric current
was pulsing through his body. He shuddered as his mind conjured up
how it would feel when they were naked and wrapped in each other’s
heat. Looking at Liam and the confused and startled look on his face,
Joe knew he’d felt the connection even if he as yet didn’t understand

“Liam, listen, we’re each other’s spirit walkers. God, how do I

explain? Look, you know of shifters, right?” Joe exclaimed to a wide-
eyed Liam who looked at his hand still gripping his shoulder.

“What do you want, mister?” Paddy asked a little more carefully

than previously. “Liam don’t never talk. His vocal cord things are
damaged.” Paddy stood by Liam with all the courage a young lad
could muster.

“As I said before, I mean you no harm,” Joe began again.
“We know that. ’Ad you meant us ’arm we’d ’ave knocked yer

out,” Finn said with a grin.

“You’re”—Joe pointed to Liam—“Liam,” he continued.

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“’E’s our brother,” Finn interrupted again. “We’re all brothers, the

Kenyon lads.” Finn’s grin spread across his face, and Joe thought it
must be infectious because he smiled, too.

“Look, I need to talk with your brother, alone,” Joe said to Finn

while looking directly at the younger man he still held. Liam had not
brushed him off or moved away. Joe hoped that was a good sign.

“Liam doesn’t speak, mister,” Paddy said with an altogether

pained sign.

“Unless you know sign language, it’s gonna be a one-sided talk,”

Finn added, shaking his head.

Joe realised he was just going to have to act. He hadn’t wanted to

be so brazen in front of the boys, but if he picked his moment maybe
he could get away with his idea.

Before he could make any more decisions Liam grabbed his arm

and pulled him out of the stables. He looked at the lads for an
explanation, as he knew none would come from Liam.

“This is Kingdom’s land, and ’e’s rite fussy about who goes

where,” Paddy explained without Joe even voicing his thoughts,
strangely perceptive, but now was not the time to ask.

“Aye, he’s a right funny bugger,” Finn added, followed by a sharp

clap from Liam. “What? ’E is funny in a really strange way.” Joe
knew the clap was more about his turn of phrase than the possible
content. He smiled, showing Liam he had taken no offence. Liam just
raised his eyebrows and shook his head in response, a small grin
creeping across his lips. Joe felt a tingle flush through him. This was
the first direct communication Liam had passed his way.

“Am I coming with you?” Joe suddenly asked. “Or are you taking

me somewhere?” The sudden apprehension that crept over Joe made
him shiver, and he couldn’t figure out why.

“Aye, mate, we’re taking you ’ome.” Finn’s grin was sly. “Well,

we could na leave you out ’ere with all these bloody shifters roaming


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“Ah, Liam, what’ve a said now?” Finn moaned at his brother.
Liam just shook his head and kept on walking.
Joe raised an eyebrow at Finn who just grinned and then winked

at him!

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Chapter Five

2012, Kashmerle

Alden looked into the bottom of his glass. He’d started drinking

when he’d knocked off in the foundry. A huge casement of gold had
been requested, and they’d only just gotten them shipped in time, so
he’d been later than usual. Being a shifter, and a huge brown bear
shifter at that, it took forever to get drunk, but if nothing else he was

Yeah, if nothing else. What else have I got? Well, in his present

state he could easily get away with saying he had a bucket load of
self-pity. But shit, after three hundred and seventy-seven years and
not getting a whiff of his spirit walker he was allowed a dose of self-
pity. His ex-lover had found his twice, and Gregor, his twin, had
found two! So what was he doing wrong? Hell, he’d given up on the
idea for so long, but having nine of the pack bonded and T’narr
coming back with his walker, too, he knew there was truth in the myth
of a shifter’s spirit walker. Alden snorted to himself. He did have a
spirit walker. He had had a whiff of his scent, he was sure of it.

The smell of vanilla and warm, sensual spices had filled his mind.

He could remember quite distinctly. But something had been wrong.
He had to have been close to recognise the scent, well within the
fifteen-feet barrier. So why had they not bonded? He’d even spent
time with Bobby and Mace, the two American bobcats they’d rescued
in the hope it might be associated with them, but nothing had come
from it. He needed to find some answers, or he was going to lose his
mind. He had one last option, but again it was slim. The ‘other man,’

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the one the lads had left in the basement, unconscious. They should
have brought him with them as they only discovered later that he’d
been the one aiding shifters. Matt and Kash had said he fed and
helped them. The one thing about him they did remember was that he
never said a word. Ever.

Downing the last of his malt, he set the glass on the side of the

bar. “Cheers, Helen,” he called to the Slug’s barmaid who waved in
response. He strode out of the pub and headed back to the castle as an
idea drifted into his mind. Go back to where he’d first sensed his
walker, and maybe there he might find something, anything that he
could hold on to.

* * * *

Jez, Enda’s best friend and pack beta, watched Alden walk up to

the castle from his rooms, which looked over the front entrance. He
often watched the pack come and go, especially now so many had
bonded and were so giddy on life. He couldn’t wait for his turn.

Yet Alden worried him. He watched the man slowly creep into

what he could only describe as depression. He’d known the shifter a
long time, right back to when he and Enda had floated into the Lady
all those years ago. Alden had been the one who’d cared for him
as his severed hand was regrowing. His compassion and empathy
coaxed him through those dark days. He always seemed a little
straightlaced next to his twin who was the joker in the pack, but it
didn’t describe the man well. He was loyal and a defender of those he
loved, he just did it more quietly and usually in the background. The
way he had found his lover’s lost spirit walker and had immediately
stepped back, losing his lover and his heart all in one go, had been so
selfless and truly noble in Jez’s eyes.

Alden must have sensed something, as he looked up at Jez’s

windows, but Jez knew he couldn’t be seen, not in this half-light and
with the glare from the windows. Alden was not the same man he had

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been nine months ago. His hair was no longer trimmed in a short,
classic style. It now hung down, curling at his collar, and frequently
fell forward into his eyes. Jez remembered watching him shave his
chest on the deck of the Lady Jane, something to do with turning
away potential females, as a hairy bear was a virile bear. A smooth
one was not. Hairy or no hair, you couldn’t get more virile than Alden

Alden suddenly turned and headed round to the east side of the

castle where they kept most of their vehicles. No, Alden, don’t drive.
Jez flew from his rooms. He knew Alden would have been drinking,
and although alcohol barely affected shifters, Alden was not in the
right frame of mind to drive if he’d been at the booze.

Jez got the east car park before Alden and met him as he climbed

the steps to the parking bay.

“Where are you off to, mate?” Jez asked, trying as to be as open

and undemanding as possible.

“Just out, nowhere, you know,” Alden answered, not looking Jez

in the eye.

“So just a nowhere trip?” Jez continued.
“Yeah, nowhere.” Alden’s eyes looked across the bay at his four-

wheel-drive SUV. Jez knew he wanted to get going, but now he had a
way to travel with him.

“Well, if it’s a nowhere drive, I can come, too. In fact we can go

in my truck. That will not only get us nowhere, but it can manage
anywhere, too. It even has a full tank of diesel.” By the time Jez had
finished talking he’d managed to steer Alden to his truck. Opening the
passenger door, he was quite relieved when Alden just climbed in.
Quickly scooting round to the driver’s side, he climbed behind the
wheel. “Okay, mate, where’s nowhere?”

Alden looked down at his hands that were fisting on his lap. His

mouth was closed tight and held in a grim line. And suddenly Jez
knew exactly where Alden wanted to go. Where was it that everyone
had been telling Alden it would be a silly exercise to go through

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there? That he’d been drugged at the time and had obviously been
mistaken in what his senses were telling him? Jez wished Kash and
the wizards had been home. They would have the answers as to why
Alden’s spirit walker hadn’t bonded, but they were sailing back from
Alaska, so talks were short and slim. Jez was one of the few who
actually believed Alden. Most of the pack, with the obvious
exceptions, were convinced that all of the men present during their
rescue of Alden and Darian had been within fifteen feet of Alden. So
the bond should have taken place. Without the bond there was no
walker. But look at Matt and Sunan. Their bond had been tampered
with, so Jez could not dismiss Alden’s claim.

“Blackwell’s Farm it is then,” Jez murmured as he pushed the car

into gear. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his friend visibly relax,
letting out a small sigh. Yeah, mate, I’ll help you all I can.

* * * *

Enda, the pack alpha, stared at the crates in the middle chamber of

the gold caverns. They’d brought the crates to the underground vaults
when they’d come across them some weeks ago lining the sea steps in
an old World War II bunker. But due to pack business and the rushed
order they’d had, no one had really gotten round to investigating. He
now wished they had.

Sunan, who worked on remaking and designing jewellery with the

Kashmerle collection, was inspecting the jewellery contained using
surgical gloves. “These are genuine, Enda. Every piece so far has
been used in high-profile insurance claims for the previous owners.
Usually with work this specific and valuable it is difficult to fence
unless you do a full recut and dismantle the whole piece, which in
many cases will destroy the value as you are buying the history as
well as the jewellery in these crates.”

“This is part of a plan, Enda. It’s just too organised,” Jonah,

whose job within the pack was to legitimise the stones they used in

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their business dealings, muttered, a dark frown creasing his forehead.
He and his walkers were also helping with mystery crates as it had
been him and Gregor who’d found them. But none of them had any
concrete answers yet.

Enda was sure it was something illegal that someone wanted them

blamed for. He looked at his gorgeous walker. Dare he tell Daniel that
he believed it was linked to Lawrence Kingdom, the man Daniel had
thought to be his father for the majority of his life?

“I think it’s been used to blackmail people,” his lover said as he

stood up from the crate he and Sunan were exploring.

“It’s a possibility, but where’s your idea going, my love?” Enda

moved toward his walker as Daniel turned those glorious, sky-blue
eyes at him. Enda could lose himself in their depths every time they
turned on him.

“Well, all these pieces have been reported missing in the last

twelve months but never from their homes, or rather the homes where
the owners lived,” Daniel explained. Enda nodded. He remembered
the news coverage and the story about the hotel jewel thief. “What if
they weren’t stolen and there is no jewel thief?”

“What, they just gave them away?” Darian queried.
“No, the Rosco-Smythes have been struggling for cash to support

their estate. They originally made their money in cotton at the turn of
the nineteenth century and invested at the time in some pretty
impressive jewellery from the fall of the Russian royal family,” Sunan
filled in.

“Yes, I wouldn’t be surprised if we found a Fabergé egg in there,”

Daniel continued. “One was supposedly stolen.” Daniel’s last
sentence had come out very slowly, triggering Enda that there was
something amiss. He looked down to see Sunan very carefully remove
a heavily decorated box. Sunan unhooked the catch, lifting the lid
with amazingly steady fingers. Inside, lying on a bed of what looked
like pale-cream silk, was an egg.

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Daniel turned his face to Enda. “What if the Rosco-Smythes sold

these items and then claimed the insurance for them as well? Now
maybe the buyer is a little miffed?”

Gregor shook his head. “There’s more to it than that. The claim

the Roscos made was for an egg but not a Fabergé. It was one made
by one of the goldsmiths that worked under him or associated with
him like an apprentice.”

“That may be true, Gregor, but I think this one is genuine,” Sunan


“So the Roscos have jewellery that may be a little suspect, and

they need money. They sell the goods off at a much reduced rate on
the condition the buyer doesn’t let on. I know several
multimillionaires who would quite happily do that for a Fabergé egg.
Once the transaction goes through then good ole Rosco can claim the
theft on his insurance to make up the difference.”

“But where’s the blackmail?” Enda asked.
“Well, the buyer can probably ask for almost anything from the

family and whatever that was led to these crates and presumably
stolen goods,” Gregor finished.

Enda sighed. Gregor had a very good point, but it left him with

more questions and still no real answers.

“This reeks of my ex-father,” Daniel said, looking round the

crates. “At a guess he’s using this as a simple way to gain access to
Kashmerle and this castle. He wants to know how you do it, Enda,
where your supplies are coming from.” Daniel finished on a smile as
he gazed round the vast quantities of gold that lay in chests, crates,
sacks, and in some cases just huge piles.

“That’s a hell of a lot of trouble to go through just to have a look

around. Never mind the expense of the whole thing. We’re not talking
pennies here, we’re talking millions,” Gregor replied.

All five men stood and looked at Enda. He was the businessman

of the pack, and as alpha, his decision was law. Not that he’d ever
worked that way.

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“Okay, Gregor, you know what orders we’re processing right

now. Use only nuggets and raw ores. No jewels, either. It’s going to
be more work for you, Darian, until T’narr and Syn return, but I only
want to use mined stones. Tell Gregor what you need, and he’ll get it
for you.”

“Yeah, baby, anything you need anything at all, you just ask your

walker,” Gregor put in with a leer at Darian, their only remaining
skilled stone cutter, and a wink to Jonah.

“Oh, and I’ll help,” Jonah said suggestively, the grin on his face


Darian glowed in their banter. Enda had no idea how Darian

coped with those two clowns, but it seemed to work perfectly, and
they were so bloody happy it was almost embarrassing.

“Right, if we keep to raw products that will make your job

simpler, Jonah. We just have to fit in mining dates and age, nothing to
question or trace. If you get a respectable amount in the foundry safe
and through to the assay office, we can lock down the vaults till this,”
he said, pointing to the crates, “is resolved. Jez, Alden and I will start
looking more closely at the families these crates are linked to under
the guise of insuring Klassic Kingdom’s merchandise.”

Enda’s pack started to move. They’d been given their jobs, and he

knew they’d do them. They may have objected if they felt he was on
the wrong track, but they were a team and they all played a part,
which was exactly what he had dreamed of all those years ago.

* * * *

Alden stared out of the side window of Jez’s battered truck. He

was grateful the man had come with him, as he knew Jez believed
him when he had insisted that he’d caught his walker’s scent. The one
he’d hoped would believe him was his brother, but he’d been one of
the more forceful in trying to get him to forget about it. That had hurt,

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deeper than he’d imagined, and he had no idea why Gregor was so
opposed to the idea.

Mind, looking down at his unkempt appearance, which had

deteriorated since he and Darian had been captured by Lawrence
Kingdom’s men, that could be the reasoning behind it. He snorted to
himself. He knew he needed to drag himself out of his funk, but at the
moment he just didn’t care. He had no one to impress. Working in the
foundry was dirty work, so no reason to be smart for that. Why
bother? Crap, he sounded like a sulky teenager whose parents had just
grounded him. Get a fucking grip, man.

“You okay, Alden?” Jez asked. Alden could hear the genuine

concern in his friend’s voice and was sorely tempted to just dump all
his insecurities on the man, but Jez had been alone for a long time.
Alden had never seen him date, but as Jez travelled with his aspect of
the firm, he assumed he hooked up on his travels. He wasn’t about to
unburden himself on a man who was as alone as him.

“I’m fine,” Alden said after pausing longer than necessary.
“Yeah, that’s about right, ‘flipping incapable of normal

emotions!’” Jez retorted. “The last thing you are is fine, Alden
Kranski, and so far you haven’t let a soul help you.”

“No one can fucking help. No one fucking believes me!” Alden


“Two ‘fucking’s in one sentence, that’s good, it’s a start,” Jez said


“What?” Alden snapped in confusion.
“Emotion, you idiot, that’s the first sign of emotion I’ve seen from

you in weeks, hell, months. You’ve sunk down in this pit of
depression, and no, I don’t think it’s just about the abduction and your
spirit walker’s scent. You handed over the man you had loved for as
long as I’ve known you. You did it selflessly and in the process
ripped your goddamn heart out,” Jez answered, his voice dripping
with anger.

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“How the fuck would you know what I’m feeling?” Alden spat

back. But as soon as the words left his lips he wanted to take them
back. Of course Jez knew. He might not have handed his lover over to
his spirit walker, but he had let him go so he could find it. And Enda
had. Crap! “Sorry,” he murmured, knowing it wasn’t enough to
excuse his outburst.

“Don’t worry about it. My broken heart is pretty well healed now,

and so will yours. We just need to find your elusive walker.” Jez
spoke with no malice in his voice.

God, he was losing it. In the space of a year he felt like everything

he had had slipped through his fingers. Well, it wasn’t going to
continue. Alden had dismissed the idea of having a spirit walker, but
with all the proof around him and the memory of that scent, he was
going to turn things around.

* * * *

Jez looked out over the landscape. Wild heather littered the

ground. They’d left his truck half a mile down the track hidden in a
dip in the road. As they approached, Jez sensed activity. It was late in
the evening by now, so who was wandering around a derelict
farmhouse at eleven at night?

“Did you hear that?” Alden whispered.
“Yes,” Jez hissed, keeping low in the rough grass. “Someone in

the stables, I think. That was where the guards stayed when you were
held here.” Alden made no sound after Jez’s comment for a long

“If they’re back that could mean they’ve caught some more

shifters,” Alden finally spoke. He turned to face Jez, and Jez knew he
was reliving his capture. “If they have more we have to free them.”

“Agreed,” Jez answered. He could see something else on Alden’s

face, a look of horror that passed quickly through his eyes. Where
Alden’s mind had gone Jez didn’t know, nor was he going to ask, but

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he felt certain it had to do with the time spent in the basement of the
old manor.

“Come on, we need to check for prisoners. If we circle round and

come to the house from the south, we can check through the basement
windows,” Jez advised Alden. His friend nodded and moved quickly
toward the house.

They were just approaching the south wall of the house when a

loud rumble interrupted the quiet. Both of them crouched quickly, and
Jez turned to look to the front of the stables. An old, battered Land
Rover moved through the broken gate and headed off toward the
track. Jez couldn’t tell how many were in the vehicle, but it was more
than one as the shadows were heavy.

“Do you think those were guards?” Jez asked, looking to see a

confused frown on Alden’s face. Before Jez could blink, Alden was
moving away from the house in the direction of the stables.

“Hey, wait up,” Jez called out, as it seemed any semblance of

stealth was not being followed. He followed Alden’s stride toward the
stables. Suddenly he stopped and let out a great roar. He shifted into
his great bear and raced out of the yard following the vehicle.

“Holy shit!” Jez said as he watched his friend disappear.

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Chapter Six

Liam let his brothers leave the stables first, though his feelings at

the moment were not those of fear or trepidation. The man who they
had discovered in the stables was walking just behind him, and Liam
knew he would do none of them harm. The overriding feeling Liam
did have was one of safety. He could trust this man-shifter. There was
something else though, something he would not admit to as the man
drew closer to his side, his shoulder brushing against Liam’s and
sending an electric shiver through his body.

Heaven help me, Joe Chambers is hot!
Finn and Paddy scrambled into the back, and Liam opened the

door for Joe. The man looked at him and smiled, and Liam could not
look away. The warmest brown eyes looked down at him. Joe was a
few inches taller than him and broader, too, which again enhanced his
feeling of safety and something else, lust. Liam gave his mystery
guest a hesitant smile, hanging on to his nerve. He was not going
down any avenue that might jeopardise his position with his brothers.
Ms. Bucket held the reins on that one, and although the boys were
now of an age where they had a say in who they lived with, he knew
she’d fight tooth and nail to get him declared unfit if he was in an
openly gay relationship. Hell, slow up here, lad, he reminded himself.
You’re talking relationships, and all the man’s done is smile at you.

“Where are we heading?” Joe asked as he sat in the passenger

seat. Liam put his hands in the shape of a roof to indicate home and
was impressed to see Joe nod in understanding. His mind raced a little
as he walked to the driver’s side. Was he really going to take this man

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Pulling away, he felt his body trembling. He wished he could

blame it on nerves and his decision to take Joe home with him. But it
wasn’t. It was so much more profound than that, and for the life of
him he had no idea why.

“So where’ve yer come from, mate?” Finn asked, always the

inquisitive individual, Liam thought and for once was grateful.

“Malta originally, but I’ve spent a lot of time in Gibraltar,” Joe


“Our Liam thinks you’re a falcon,” Paddy blurted out.
“Yeah, he said we ’ad ter look fer a naked man or a big bird!”

Finn added, no doubt grinning at the image this gave, Liam reasoned.

“I realise you know the secrets of the shifter world,” Joe said

hesitantly. Liam realised the man was very unsure of himself and felt
a need to comfort him. He put out his hand and stroked Joe’s thigh,
hoping to reassure the man that he was with friends. What he didn’t
expect was Joe to place his hand over his and gently rub it up and
down his thigh. Liam risked a glance at the man beside him to stare
right into a heated gaze filled with lust and what seemed like hope.
Liam looked away quickly, pulling his hand back to the wheel. He
coughed to just fill the moment with some noise.

“Yeah, we know now. Our Liam freed the last lot from the farm a

while back,” Paddy filled in. Liam knew technically that wasn’t
correct. He’d been there when the shifters had been freed but hadn’t
really taken an active role. Hell, he was grateful those men had left
him alive. His mind wandered to the huge hulk of a man who
Kingdom had kept unconscious. He’d been stunning. What did he
change into? he wondered. It had to be something like a mammoth.

Liam looked around and realised the conversation had stopped

and his brothers and Joe were looking at him expectantly. He’d
missed something, but they could hardly expect him to verbally
answer a question. He concentrated and tried to work out what was
needed. Pizza! He snorted. He might have known one minute they
were being inquisitive, the next they were hungry. He was about to

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shake his head when he saw the longing on Joe’s face. Blimey, the
man really wanted some pizza.

Liam nodded and smiled. Both boys’ grins spread across the

mirror on the front window. He sighed. At least he was earning
enough now that he could give them little treats occasionally.

* * * *

Joe’s fingers curled into his hand. He was desperate to get Liam

alone so he could explain what was happening. Luckily the boys rang
through for the pizza and they arrived at what he assumed was their
home as the delivery guy turned up.

Organised chaos would be the best way to describe the next ten

minutes. With Liam’s silence the boys seemed to take over the
speaking role, and the delivery guy must have known them, as he
didn’t even blink when he was dealing with Liam, yet it was the boys
doing the vocals. In this short span of time Joe got the feeling there
was more going on than could be seen. The boys instinctively knew
where to be and what to say. They ran around like bees on honey, and
Liam coordinated, but how? He had no voice.

Sitting down in the main room with a huge pizza laid out, the boys

continued with their inquisition between mouthfuls.

“Why yer flyin’ over Kingdom’s land? Our Liam works fer ’im,

an’ he ain’t nice,” Finn began.

“Aye and he does na care who he shoots at, either,” Paddy put in

for good measure.

Joe decided just to spill out things so they had an honest idea

about him. “I’m on my way to visit a friend, Matthew, in a place
called Kashmerle.”

“That’s were Kingdom’s business rivals are,” Paddy interrupted.
“They do have an international gold bullion and gemstone

dealership,” Joe filled in. “But my friend has links with the dukedom
rather than the business.”

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“Wow, that’s royalty, that is,” Finn said, sounding rather


“Did you fly all the way ’ere?” Paddy asked, obviously more

interested in the shifter element of his story.

Joe looked at Liam, pausing before he told his story, hoping it

would be acceptable.

“Yer okay, mate, we knows all about you people. So there’s nah

secrets.” Finn grinned at Joe from the floor right beside the pizza.

“Yeah, I kind of got that idea.” Joe smiled at the boys’ faces. It

was late and neither of them looked like they were going to head up to
bed. “I’m a lanner falcon, and I flew here from Malta. I’m two
hundred and seventy-nine years old and have just found my spirit

“Now that’s a porky-pie, tha’ does na look two hundred and

seventy-nine. You’d haf’ta be all wrinkly an old and prune-ified,”
Finn said, pulling a delightfully disgusted face.

Joe just burst out laughing. Finn was a comic in the making. “I am

that old but once we reach our mid- to late twenties we just don’t age

“Wow!” Finn said, his eyes as big as saucers.
“What’s yer spirit walker?” Paddy asked, a frown forming on his

face, obviously trying to come to terms with this influx of

Joe looked to Liam. Well, here goes.
“He is someone who is destined by the Fates to be yours for all

time. He is someone who you will love unconditionally and care for
and protect with your life. Every shifter has one and only one, and it
will pass or walk from one being to another if the person passes on,
hence the term walker. Once you’ve bonded, though, that is it. It is a
forever commitment and highly sought after in the shifter world.” Joe
had spoken all of this with his eyes on Liam, praying the man realised
what Joe was saying. He was also hoping that the boys missed it

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“So yer walker’s always male then?” Paddy asked.
“No, sorry, I just know mine is male,” Joe answered.
“Oh,” Paddy murmured.
“’Es like our Liam, Paddy, he—” Finn began before a loud clap

hit the room and interrupted him. Liam pointed up the stairs and both
lads jumped up and ran, though not before they’d both grabbed
another piece of pizza.

“Don’t have too much fun without us,” Finn piped up from the top

of the stairs followed by what could only be described as two young
lads giggling!

* * * *

Liam swallowed as Joe finished his explanation, sending the boys

up to bed when they were getting a little near the knuckle. The idea of
being alone downstairs with this enigmatic man was sending his heart
rate into overdrive, but there was little else he could do.

Jumping up quickly, Liam headed for the airing cupboard and

grabbed blankets for Joe. The bed that pulled out of the sofa was more
comfortable than Liam’s own single bed upstairs, so he knew Joe
would be okay. The house was a little topsy-turvy, as there were only
the two bedrooms upstairs and a bathroom and kitchen which came
off the main room, but it was his and they were secure.

Liam entered the main room to find Joe was standing and staring

straight at him. He shivered. Deep down he knew what Joe was going
to say. He knew immediately when the man had started explaining.
Liam was Joe’s spirit walker. Just admitting it to himself eased the
tension in his shoulders, and a feeling that this was how it should be
pulsed through his body.

Liam lowered his eyes and held out the blankets for Joe, who

stepped forward to take them. Joe’s hands covered Liam’s, and the
sensations that had been flowing through him just got a whole lot
stronger. Joe squeezed his hand very gently, but it was enough to let

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Liam know the feeling was mutual. Liam lifted his eyes as Joe drew
him closer.

“You know, don’t you?” Joe asked as Liam stared into his eyes.

Their colour was amazing, like a rich dark chocolate with threads of
gold weaving through them. He nodded quickly as he realised Joe was
waiting for a response.

“I am two hundred and seventy-nine years old, and for nearly all

of those I’ve been hoping for you,” Joe finished and took the blankets
out of Liam’s hands. He placed them on the sofa and then stepped
back into Liam’s personal space. Liam hadn’t moved. He was rooted
to the spot. He had to raise his head a little to look at Joe, as he was so
close to him a bare inch separated their bodies. They only had to sway
toward each other and they’d connect. It frightened Liam how much
he wanted to do this. He felt as though they were bound together by
some invisible thread.

“Our spirit has already bonded, which is why you should feel the

pull toward me, but the bond is not complete.” Joe finally gripped his
T-shirt and pulled him the last of the distance. Their lips glazed over
each other’s, but Joe was waiting and Liam was past holding back. He
pushed their lips together, sliding his hands up Joe’s sculpted chest.
Suddenly his mind was full of images of the world from the air. He
was seeing vast areas of water then huge areas of green before he
seemed to be flying by mountains. Flying, I’m flying!

Suddenly he pushed from Joe. What was going through his head?

What had Joe done? As he looked into the man’s eyes, a myriad of
emotions crossed their depths, wonder, hope, excitement, and what
Liam didn’t expect was fear.

“Our minds are bonded now, Liam,” Joe said but not out loud.

The words just arrived in his mind. “You can talk back to me now,
just push your thoughts toward me, and I will hear you.”
Joe gripped
his biceps, as though he was desperate that Liam believed. He didn’t,
but if Joe wanted to he could try.

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Liam’s mind went blank. There was nothing in there to push into

Joe’s mind. So he said the only thing that came into his head. “I want
to kiss you again.”

“Yes please,” Joe replied as their lips melded together once more.

Liam lost himself in the soft yet firm lips. Joe slid his tongue across
the seam, causing a moan to rise from his chest. No sooner had the
moan escaped than Joe’s tongue swept inside his mouth. The taste of
the man burst inside of Liam, and he wrapped himself around the man
as their kiss got very heated.

A huge wolf whistle whipped across Liam’s senses, and he and

Joe jumped apart. Liam glared at his brothers as they calmly
approached in their pyjamas.

“We need to clean our teeth, Liam,” Paddy said in all innocence

as they got to the bottom of the stairs. Finn, on the other hand, had a
wicked grin spread right across his face which only got bigger as he
walked to the bathroom.

“Sometimes those two really—” Liam paused. “Yet they’re my

whole world,” Liam thought, wondering if this mind thing would
work again. As he now had a brain that could function, he might
understand it this time.

“I wasn’t any better at their age. I drove my sister nuts until I met

my best friend Matt,” Joe’s voice slipped into his mind. It suddenly
struck Liam at what he had gained here was a person he could
actually converse with. It may not seem much, but for a man of
twenty-three finally being able to have a proper conversation for far
beyond anything he had ever comprehended or dreamed of. He could
feel his body begin to tremble, and he just couldn’t stop it. He turned
from the boys’ disappearing backs and flung himself into Joe’s arms.

“You can hear me. I’m creating a sound to you I can tell you, tell

you everything!” His body was really shaking now, but Joe held him
tight and secure in an embrace Liam never wanted to leave. It was
truly “Awesome,” he voiced in his mind.

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Joe looked at him and smiled. “Everything about you is


Paddy and Finn came back into the main room mere minutes later

looking slightly disappointed. “Yeah, you’re not going to catch me
out again, buddies,”
he thought, though he still had his arms around

Joe started laughing, putting his hand over his lips to quiet the

sound, even though his eyes still sparkled.

“Eh, Paddy, what do ya reckon?” Finn began as he headed back

up to their room.

“Do ya think that’s the first bird our Liam’s ever kissed?” Finn’s

laughter just burst out of him, followed quickly by Paddy’s.

This was followed very quickly by Joe as well. Liam scowled at

the man, but there was no heat in it.

“So am I?” Joe asked with a sly smile.
“First bird? Yeah, and first damn kiss in a long time. But I

shouldn’t be doing this with the boys in the house,” Liam thought,
looking up the stairs to where the boys had fled.

“How does any family get round it? There’d be millions of homes

with just one child if everything stopped once they were born,” Joe
said with a smile.

Joe wasn’t helping. Liam had to get back on to an even keel, as

Joe was driving his libido insane. His cock had seen so little action for
so long he was amazed it even knew what to do, but it was making a
bid for freedom, pushing hard on his zipper, and Liam was sure he felt
light-headed due to the lack of blood to his brain. Think, lad, think!

“I need to get to bed, Joe. There’s so much in my head I need time

to process it all.” Joe’s face fell, but he didn’t say anything. Thinking
quickly, Liam changed his mind on the sleeping arrangements, still
glorying in the fact he could simply explain to Joe his reasoning. “I’m
going to give you the room upstairs, that way you’ll get some privacy.
The lads are usually quiet in the morning, so you shouldn’t be

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disturbed.” He quickly ran up the stairs before Joe could follow him.
Luckily the sheets were clean, so he grabbed some clean clothes for
him and some pants that were too long for him with a T-shirt for Joe.
As he came back he found Joe standing with a towel around his waist,
water dripping from his freshly washed hair.

“Sorry, I should have asked. I hope you don’t mind too much, but

I needed to clean up,” Joe explained his appearance.

How am I supposed to resist that? Liam swallowed hard. The man

was perfect. Strong, lean muscles covered his body. His skin had a
light-golden colour as though he spent a good deal of time out of
doors. He had whispers of fine body hair trailing down to the towel’s
edge. His hair was a rich brown with highlights of bronze and gold
running through. On his body it was a shade darker, and all Liam
wanted to do was rip away the towel and lick him all over.

Joe gave out a loud groan. “Please, Liam, I’m trying to be good

here. We’ve bonded our spirits and our minds. There’s only one left
and that’s our bodies.”

Liam shuddered. “Yeah, and I know just how that’s going to


“Yeah, I reckon you’ve got that one, and I will admit that I’ve

wanted you from the moment I laid eyes on you in the stable, but I
will not force you. The spirit bonding does not have to be completed
immediately, but we are on a deadline, and I sense you feel the same
way.” Joe looked at him with such need in his eyes that Liam was all
for throwing caution to the wind and jumping the guy.

Joe must have caught that thought as he took two steps and

grabbed Liam, pulling his T-shirt over his head. Liam gasped and put
a hand on that firm chest, the skin warm under his fingers.

“Wait,” Liam said, not wanting to stop but needing to set things

right. Quickly he pulled the cushions from the sofa, grabbing the
internal lever. The springs creaked, and the bed swung out.

“Now I get you. Oh, baby, you have no idea how much this means

to me.” Joe grabbed the blankets and helped finish the bed.

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Liam stopped and looked at his soon-to-be lover and apparently

spirit walker. If he was going to do this then he was going for it all-in.
He reached for the towel. He slipped it down, his hands trembling and
his heart racing. Joe smiled, and as the towel fell from Liam’s hand he
stepped into Liam’s personal space and demanded his attention. The
taller man’s hands encircled Liam’s waist, pulling their bodies
together. Wherever Joe put his hands he left a trail of fire in their

Liam lifted his eyes from where they’d been fixed on the curve of

Joe’s neck. He shivered as he recognised the look in Joe’s eyes. It was
not the look of a man who was out for what he could get. It was a
look that promised trust, tenderness, passion, and love, but what
scared Liam the most was it promised forever as clear as day.

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Chapter Seven

Joe looked down into Liam’s wide-eyed stare and hoped he saw

how much this meant to Joe. Matt had been important to him, but
Matt had always belonged to someone else. But Liam, Liam was his
and his alone, and he was going to love and protect this man and his
family with everything he had. A family, Joe now had his own family,
and his heart filled with such hope and love he didn’t care one bit that
Liam could see the radiance written all over his face.

Joe brushed his lips, barely touching Liam’s in the softest caress.

Liam gasped, opening his lips in the process, and Joe delved in,
tasting the sweet man, inhaling the hint of vanilla mixed with the
warm spices that enveloped him. His hands slid down Liam’s smooth
chest, gently rubbing against his dark nipples. Joe wanted to taste, but
he needed his walker naked first. Slipping his hands lower, he popped
the button on Liam’s jeans and slid the zip down all in one motion,
rubbing his hand against Liam’s hot flesh. Commando. Heaven help
him, his walker was a dream, sent to torment and fulfil his every
fantasy in all ways possible.

Joe sank down to his knees, and as he went he pushed Liam’s

jeans with him. He removed the man’s socks and pulled the clothes
away not caring where they ended up. Joe could feel Liam’s body
tremble as his hands glided up from Liam’s calves to his thighs.
Liam’s cock was fully erect and pointing high. Joe slipped out his
tongue and stroked it over the head. Pre-cum burst on his taste buds,
making him crave more. Opening his mouth, he enveloped the spongy
tip, moulding his lips around the ridge and sliding his tongue over the
bundle of nerves lying beneath.

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Liam’s head fell back as his hands grabbed hold of Joe’s hair,

flexing his fingers across Joe’s scalp. Joe took more of Liam in,
listening to Liam’s quiet groans. Pulling back, he let his mouth suck
tight around the length before pushing back and then swallowing
more. Joe began a steady rhythm, increasing the intensity as he felt
Liam’s cock swell in his mouth. As Liam drew closer to his release,
Joe slipped a finger in his mouth, letting his saliva coat his digit.

Taking his moist finger, Joe slipped it along Liam’s crease, his

other hand cupping Liam’s tight sac. Circling Liam’s entrance, he
pushed his finger past the relaxing muscles into his lover’s grasping
channel. Joe swallowed Liam down, his nose being tickled by Liam’s
soft, brown curls as Liam sailed over the edge.

“Joe!” Liam gasped in Joe’s mind as a shot of hot, bittersweet

cum coated the back of Joe’s throat. Before Joe could catch him,
Liam’s knees buckled and he fell back onto the bed, shooting cum
over Joe’s face and chest. “Oh God,” Liam murmured as he looked at
Joe lifting his fingers to wipe the cum on his chin. Joe didn’t care. He
felt triumphant at putting the look of absolute bliss on Liam’s face.

“I need to be inside of you. I need to make you mine,” Joe said.

His voice sounded like it had been dragged over gravel. He hesitated
when he realised what he had said, hoping that his claim would not
scare off his spirit walker. But Liam just smiled languidly and slid to
the middle of the bed. Joe growled in his throat, a sound he was sure
he hadn’t ever made before but knew he’d make again as long as he
had Liam in his possession. The man was exquisite. His lean, smooth
chest and neatly defined abs tapered down to a trim waist and a nest
of brown curls surrounding his thick, rigid cock. The head was shiny
and pink, still damp from the recent blow job. Even the man’s legs
were relatively smooth with just a dusting of fine hair covering them.
Joe wanted to taste every part he could see and all those he couldn’t,
but he didn’t want to spend the time worshipping Liam’s body now.
He’d have time enough for that later. Now his cock was so hard it was

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almost painful with the need to be inside his walker and to make the
final bond that would keep them together for however long they had.

* * * *

Liam couldn’t believe what was happening. Here he was lying on

the pullout bed with the most gorgeous man imaginable and he was
literally begging for the man to take him. They’d only met a couple of
hours ago, yet he was willing to throw caution to the wind and let this
“Joe” inside him. He may not believe all that Joe had said about being
a spirit walker, his spirit walker, no less. But he knew Joe believed it,
and somehow that made it okay. The draw he had toward Joe was like
nothing he had ever felt before, and he just couldn’t resist the pull.
Deep down, though, he knew he had felt it before just the once, but
his mind dismissed that as his senses took over his thought process.

Joe knelt on the side of the bed and began kissing his way up

Liam’s body. Liam trembled with the gentle caress his lips made on
his sensitive skin. The need inside Liam to touch and explore the
sensations Joe was eliciting from his body was becoming too much to

Liam, although smaller than Joe, knew he was strong, and he

grabbed Joe and, with swift, economic movements, had himself on
top looking down into those deep-brown eyes dilated with passion
and, Liam thought with a smile, a little surprise.

“My turn,” Liam purred, loving the sound of his nonexistent

voice that apparently Joe could hear as he licked along Joe’s jaw
before nibbling the sensitive area behind his ear. The moan this
elicited from Joe sent a pulse straight to Liam’s cock, which was fast
rising for the occasion.

“Let me help,” Joe whispered back into Liam’s ear just before he

heard a click. Pulling back, he looked at where Joe was pouring olive
oil over his fingers. Liam laughed silently. Joe raised an eyebrow at
him as he carefully closed the bottle.

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“Where did you get that?” Liam asked, the smile still on his face.
“Your kitchen,” came the succinct reply.
“Yes, but did you find the condoms,” Liam asked, “while you

were being such a good Boy Scout?”

Joe paused as he spread the oil over his fingers. “We don’t need

them, and shifters don’t get human diseases of any kind. I am and
always will be clean. And now there will only ever be you for me.”
Joe’s eyes held Liam motionless. The frightening thing was Liam
believed him. He’d always played safe, not that he’d had many
chances at playing anyway, but he had the boys to think of and the
risk was more than he should take.

* * * *

Joe saw the argument going on in Liam’s head through the play of

emotions on his face. Shit, I’ve got to convince him. With a condom
they wouldn’t share the final bond, and although Joe knew they had
plenty of time with at least a full moon cycle, what he couldn’t do was
prove he was clean. He needed his lover’s trust, and that would take

“Maybe not as much time as you think,” Liam said in his soft


“You heard me?” Joe asked. Liam gave what had to be a silent

chuckle and nodded. “What’s so funny?”

“Your eyes have gone as wide as saucers,” Liam answered.
“I guess I need to get used to the mind bond. No shifter has this

ability except when they find their walker. At least that’s what I’ve
been told. Magic users can have telepathic abilities, but again I don’t
know too many of them, so I’m not sure of their abilities.” Joe looked
into Liam’s eyes and laughed.

“What?” Liam asked as a frown creased his brow.
“Your eyes were as wide as saucers,” Joe said between his mirth.

Liam punched his arm.

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“Ouch!” Joe protested, rubbing his arm and getting olive oil all

over it.

Liam’s silent laugh was infectious as he looked down at the mess.

Joe couldn’t say when their laughter turned to groans, but the friction
their cocks had received during their moment of mirth probably had
something to do with it. Liam leaned down and took Joe’s lips with
his own. Joe’s cock that had lost some of its ardour came straight
back online, and using his still-slick fingers, he slipped down Liam’s
crease. He circled Liam’s entrance, slowly increasing the pressure as
the muscle relaxed. Liam pushed back against his finger, and it
slipped past the muscled ring.

“Yes,” Liam said, the voice dripping with an urgent need. Joe

couldn’t go slow any longer. As much as he wanted to make sure his
walker was ready, he needed to be a part of him, to complete the bond
every shifter secretly dreamed of having.

* * * *

Liam couldn’t believe the sensations that were invading his body.

Joe was doing all the work, and Liam wasn’t going to stop him. His
tongue duelled with Joe’s as the man’s fingers deftly slicked up his
hole. Sweat collected over his skin while his cock ached for
completion as he grinded against Joe’s equally hard erection.

Suddenly Joe’s fingers were gone, and Liam felt a sharp sting as

Joe slapped his ass cheek, making Liam’s cock weep even more pre-
cum. Just as swiftly as Liam had done, Joe tossed him over and was
poised above him. Joe slid his hand up and down Liam’s engorged
cock, making it glisten with the oil. If Liam had been able, he’d have

“Ready, baby?” Joe murmured as he lined up his cock. Liam felt

the blunt head press down and his muscles give way, accepting Joe
inside him without any reservation. It was as though his body knew
exactly what he needed. Joe slipped his cock past the relaxed muscle

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and in one smooth motion filled Liam like no other man ever had. His
muscles grasped around Joe’s invading length as though desperate to
keep him there. Joe’s face gleamed as sweat beaded on his brow.
Liam nodded, and Joe began to move.

“Ahhh, heaven help me, I’m not going to last, Joe,” Liam yelled,

revelling in the fact he could communicate with his lover even though
his senses were on overload!

“Me, too, baby, you are so hot and tight. Ah fuck, you’re perfect,”

Joe answered, his rhythm gaining momentum as he rocked back and
forth in Liam’s channel. Pulling his hips up, Joe changed the angle,
and wham, his prostate was suddenly in direct contact with each
thrust. Volleys of heat spread through his body, and he felt his balls
draw up. Gripping his cock in his hand, he tugged once, twice…

“Fuck yeah, baby,” Joe cried. “Can I claim you?” Joe’s face was

contorted as he staved off the inevitable climax.

“Yes,” Liam answered as suddenly he felt something red-hot sear

across his chest.

“Agh!” Joe screamed as he exploded in Liam’s ass,

simultaneously taking Liam with him over the edge into oblivion.

Liam could barely hold on as a myriad of sensations raced through

his nervous system. This must be it, he thought, the bond Joe had
talked about. He had felt the attraction instantly. Joe had called it the
pull to be together. Liam’s mind was being bombarded by too many
images and memories to decipher anything completely. The mind link
to him gave him a freedom he’d never known, to be able to
communicate without gestures or guesswork. Liam would have loved
Joe just for that alone. Shit, he couldn’t love him, that was too much,
but as this final bonding took place he felt as though his world now
swung on a far more even axis.

* * * *

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Joe’s cock slipped out of his walker as he watched Liam drift off

to sleep. He pulled away so as not to disturb him and went in search
of a cloth. As he cleaned them both up Liam stirred and Joe watched
his lips move as though he was speaking, yet he heard nothing in his
head. He looked down at his claiming mark, where his claws had
seared Liam’s chest. The light scratches were healing, though there
would always be a faint set of lines to prove to others Liam belonged
to him. Joe smiled, but this faded as he looked at Liam’s tender
features. Joe’s heart tightened in his chest. How had his walker
managed to bring up his two younger brothers alone? His life couldn’t
have been easy. He did look young, too, maybe early twenties, Joe
thought, which made Liam’s circumstances even more impressive.
“God, I hope I’m worthy of you,” Joe whispered to himself as he
crept up the stairs to check on the boys.

Slipping back into the bed up against Liam’s warm body, he heard

a quiet, “Thank you.” Looking down, he fell into those soft-grey eyes
that offered him so much more than just simply his walker. Tears
welled up in his eyes, and for once he let them fall. His emotions were
on the surface, and he wasn’t going to hide anything from the man in
his arms. “What’s wrong?” Liam asked, anxiety and fear in his tone.

“Nothing, nothing at all, my love,” Joe said, running his hands

down the tender skin of Liam’s neck. “I’m just a little overwhelmed at
the emotions running through me and the fact that I will never give
you up.” As Joe finished, he felt Liam’s body tense.

“I, oh Christ, Joe, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I have

to put my brothers first,” Liam said as he pulled back from Joe. “I
can’t be with anybody, well, with a man.”
Liam’s head dipped, and he
swung his legs out over the edge of the bed. “Social services have so
many hoops I have to jump through now just to get to keep them as a
single male relative. If I was to have an openly gay relationship with
the lads around, hell knows. Shit, I can’t lose them.”

Joe felt as if a solid lump of ice had just surrounded his heart. He

could understand Liam doing whatever he could to keep the boys safe

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and happy, and in the shifter world family meant everything, okay
maybe not same sexed pairings, but no one could disclaim the spirit
walker bond, and that was for always. Liam’s brothers were now his,
and come hell or high water Joe was going to keep all three of them.

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Chapter Eight

Alden watched the sun rise slowly over the hills. This was the

third time he’d watched the sun rise over these moors this week. He
looked across at the farmhouse that lay just across the rough, heather-
covered ground. He couldn’t keep away from it. The scent, so faint
now yet undeniably real, was ever present in his mind and senses. He
moved on, heading across the land toward the buildings, telling
himself there was always a chance the owner of the scent may come

As Alden approached the back wall of the stables, voices rang out

from within the building.

“Ya know Liam will ’ave a fit if he catches us ’ere, Paddy,” a

voice stated cautiously.

“So we make sure he doesn’t,” replied a far more confidant

Paddy, Alden assumed.

“Yous are always gettin’ us inta trouble,” the cautious one huffed,

but it sounded like he was going along with whatever scheme his
friend had come up with.

“I want ta find more of them animal people. This is where Liam’s

boss brings ’em,” Paddy explained. Alden’s blood chilled. Did they
mean shifters, and if they did, how did they know? And who was the
boss? Did they mean the malevolent Mr. Kingdom?

“Joe calls ’em shifters, not animal people, ya idiot.” Maybe the

cautious one wasn’t quite as circumspect as he thought. Going round
the stable he heard the boys scrambling around inside. He didn’t wish
to frighten them, but at six foot ten he knew he was intimidating.
Suddenly he was grateful he had made an effort to tidy himself up.

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After spending months languishing in an unhealthy disinterest of
anything, he was finally making an effort to do something about it.
His hair was still too long, and he still hadn’t bothered to shave
anywhere, but at least his clothes weren’t ragged and his body
unkempt. That really would have frightened the occupants of the
stable, especially as they sounded like young boys.

Alden made sure his boots echoed on the stone floor and opened

the rotting door, making sure it would be obvious to someone inside.

“Shit, Finn, someone’s coming, hide,” Paddy must have said, as

Alden was fairly certain there was only two of them and the other
apparently was named Finn.

“Now we’ve done it, if it’s old Kingdom he’ll bloody skin us,

Pads,” Finn responded with heavy resignation. Alden’s face lifted in a
smile. These two were a real set of characters.

“Shut up, will ya!” Paddy whispered, though it sounded more like

a stifled yell.

“I ain’t doing nought, it’s you who’s ranting on like!”
Alden couldn’t help it anymore as a laugh broke from his lungs.

“It’s all right, boys, I do not mean you any harm,” he called out. “I
was just looking around and heard you talking.”

“See, I told ya. If you’d a just kept quiet instead of going on at

me, he’d a never a known us were ’ere.” Alden thought that was Finn
as he looked into the stables to see two scruffy boys creep out from
one of the stalls.

“Who are you?” Paddy asked before adding, “I’m Paddy, and this

’ere is my brother Finn.”

“Ya don’t tell a stranger ya name, idiot. He could be a serial killer

or some’at,” Finn said giving his brother a hefty shove in the back.
“Now we’re in fer it!”

“You are alight, boys. Like I said, I’m just looking.”
“What cha lookin’ fer, mister?” Finn asked, obviously getting

over his initial concern about Alden’s intentions in the serial killer

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“My name is Alden, and I’m looking for a ‘someone’ who’s been

here before,” Alden replied, watching a frown appear on his young
inquisitor’s face.

“You one of them shifter people like Joe?” Paddy asked, looking

intently at Alden.

Alden hesitated before replying. They obviously already knew,

but it was a secret he had never told.

“Who is Joe?” he asked instead, hoping to distract them away

from the other line of enquiry.

“He’s a bird and a man. And he really likes our brother Liam,”

Finn filled in with a chuckle.

“Our brother’s gay, so he likes men,” Paddy explained, outing his

brother without a second thought.

“Joe keeps kissin’ him around the house when ’e thinks we ain’t

lookin’.” Finn chuckled. “And I know they’s sleepin together on the
pullout downstairs, as Liam’s bed ain’t been slept in fer days.”

Alden smiled. Poor Liam had no secrets with these two. As the

boys approached him, his heart froze. Their scent, it wasn’t the one he
craved—Thank God—but it was close enough to know they were
either related to it or had been in close proximity for a long time.
Alden went with related.

“So you have a lot of brothers then?” he asked, praying the scent

was from a brother who wasn’t involved with another man already. If
this Liam was Alden’s spirit walker he wasn’t sure how he would
control his very possessive bear.

“Nah, we’ve just one brother. ’Es old, though, so he doesn’t tend

to come out with us,” Paddy answered.

“Old?” Alden asked as a question.
“Yeah, ’es twenty-three. We’re going be thirteen next birthday,”

Finn answered, sounding excessively proud of approaching his
teenage years. Alden smiled. These two lads were terrific, touching a
part of his soul he’d kept locked down for years. Maybe one day he’d
have a family to call his own.

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“I guess you mam and dad have their hands full with you lot?”

Alden asked, wondering how the dynamics worked if big brother was
getting frisky in the house. Maybe it was a large house.

The boys suddenly dropped their eyes to the floor and headed out

of the barn. What the hell?

“Mam and Dad’s dead. We live with our Liam now,” Paddy


“Yeah,” Finn confirmed. “It were a car crash.”
Was, Alden thought, but he wasn’t going to correct the lad. “I’m

sorry, boys, I didn’t mean to upset you,” he said. Hoping a change of
subject might help the sad silence that had descended upon them, and
because he wanted to know more about his possible rival, Alden
continued with a different theme.

“So is Joe with you as well?” Subtle, Alden, real subtle.
“Nah,” Finn answered, sounding relieved, so Alden had achieved

his intention if not in a discreet manor. “We found ’im in ’ere a few
days ago, and ’es been stayin’ with us ever since.”

“He wants to go to this place called Kashmerle, where his mate

lives. He says he’s mates with a bloody duke. I think he’s just trying
to impress our Liam, mind, coz he fancies him,” Paddy filled in.
Alden was grateful they were both walking in front of him at the time
so they wouldn’t have seen the shock that Alden was certain was
written all over his face.

“So Joe knows the Duke of Kashmerle?” Alden asked, wanting to

find out as much as he could about this tale.

“Aye, says they were best mates fer a long time and ’e wants ta

get back in touch,” Finn explained.

“I don’t think they were best mates, as Joe’s scared about going

there,” Paddy said.

“Don’t be daft, ’e ain’t scared, ’e just has na seen ’im in a long

while,” Finn countered, standing up for the man. Alden remained
silent as the boys continued, letting them spill out information in their
own way.

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“I think that place is full of them animal-shifter things,” Paddy

said, a look of trepidation on his face as he studied Alden.

“I think there’s a lot more out there than folk know,” Finn

mumbled as he looked out toward the moors. “I mean, we already
know about the weird shifting people. I bet there’s vampires and
demons, too.”

The boy was far more perceptive than he realised. Alden just

hoped he knew to refer to a demon as an elemental if he ever met one.
They all hated the term demon.

“Yeah, and there’s witches running round with green skin and

wizards like that Harry Potter,” Paddy added, chuckling as he went.
The green skin was definitely a myth, but everything else they were
talking about was very much real in Alden’s world. They were going
to be shocked, as, if their brother was the owner of that incredible
scent, these boys were going to be a very large part of his world.

Alden stopped and looked at the boys. A part of my world.

Suddenly life was looking a whole lot brighter.

* * * *

Liam was so confused he felt he didn’t know his ass from his

elbow. Ever since their first night together Joe had backed away, and
it was his fault as he’d pushed him. So why now was he feeling like
the world’s worst hypocrite? Because the last thing he wanted Joe to
do was leave. For some reason, he was now at the point where he was
ready to believe the mumbo jumbo about spirit walkers, as he felt as
though he couldn’t live without the man sat on the end of his sofa.

They hadn’t been intimate since, but the pull to be with the man

was overwhelming, pushing all his reasons for staying apart right out
of the window. Even to the point he was ready to say the hell with
social services and have an openly gay relationship as a family of
four. Finn and Paddy knew how he felt, and it had never been an issue
with either of them. Unless you counted the jokes Finn cracked or

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Paddy’s responses to them which Liam knew was all said with love
and affection. Ms. Bucket just didn’t have a clue how families really
bonded, and maybe it was time for Liam to take a chance with his
own happiness and that of his brothers who were fast becoming Joe’s
best buddies. He looked at Joe. This man was definitely worth the

“I need to go and see Matt. He was my best friend, and I haven’t

seen him in over thirty years,” Joe explained. That was something else
Liam was having a hard time accepting. There was no way Joe was
two hundred and seventy-nine years old. Hell, he didn’t look like he’d
reached thirty yet. Mind, it gave a whole new meaning to the term boy
, and cradle snatching didn’t even come close.

“Will you be back?” he asked feeling pathetic and annoyed with

himself at the same time.

“I will never leave you. A spirit walker is for life, my love. I just

have to let my friend know I found his note and I’m okay,” Joe said,
turning on the sofa and picking up Liam’s hands, which he’d been
flexing into fists without thinking. Joe gave them a squeeze as if to
emphasize his point.

“He was more than a friend, wasn’t he?” Liam continued,

knowing he didn’t want the answer, but he couldn’t help himself from
asking. Joe looked down at their hands, unfolding Liam’s clenched

“Yes,” he answered quietly. “We were lovers for over a century,

but how can I explain? We weren’t each other’s spirit walker. The
pull for us was not there, and for Matt there was another, someone
he’d lost a long time back, and I mean lost, not left. So the connection
was one more of friendship and nothing like the bond that we now

“You loved him,” Liam stated, though the jealousy he’d felt

seemed to be subsiding.

“I did and in a way still do. I will not lie to you. But, and I know

for you it is too soon, it is nothing compared to my love for you, and I

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do love you. The Fates pick our spirit walkers for very good reasons
so that we can build a strong relationship together to surround us over
the centuries where our hopes and dreams can be realised.” Joe smiled
as if he knew how over-the-top he sounded.

“It sounds too good to be true,” Liam said but smiled with his

lover. Hell, it didn’t matter if only one of them believed it. As long as
it meant Joe would return, Liam was going to do his best to find a
way to keep his family and this man with him.

“Go then and I’ll be waiting. You have to return as you’re the

only person I know who I can actually talk to,” Liam joked to lighten
the mood.

“Hell yeah, and you do it without moving your lips!” Joe


“Well, I can think of far better things to do with my lips than

talk,” Liam said as he pulled on the hands holding his to bring their
bodies closer together.

“You know what, my lover? So can I,” Joe finished, using their

mind bond, as Liam’s lips were gratefully preventing any speech.

* * * *

Liam drove out toward Blackwell farm, and he wasn’t in the best

of moods. Joe had been gone barely an hour, and it felt like he been
gone weeks. If he didn’t get a grip on his emotions they’d be putting
him in the funny farm. Hell, maybe he should be there already after
watching his lover strip. Well, he’d already been stripped if he was
honest, as once they’d started kissing they just hadn’t stopped until
they were both naked, sated, and panting on the floor! But Joe had
literally changed right in front of him into the most beautiful falcon he
had ever seen. He made the vow again that he’d formed earlier in the
year. Kingdom wasn’t going to get his hands on any more of these
amazing shifters. They shouldn’t be hunted or persecuted, forced to

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keep their secret from the outside world. But with bastards like
Kingdom around, who could blame them?

Liam turned his thoughts to the other reason for his bad mood, the

phone call. He was going to ground his two brothers for life. They’d
gone out on their bikes. Don’t go too far, he’d told them, yet the pair
of them had headed out and ended up at Blackwell’s, but the more
disturbing worry was whose phone they had used. To go by their
description, he was a mountain of a man and had been fun.

Men who had fun with young boys were even more despicable

than old Kingdom in Liam’s book, and if he’d so much as touched
one of them he was going to shoot the bastard. He tried not to think
about this as he headed to the old farmhouse at dangerous speeds, as
his temper was going to get the better of him. The bloke probably saw
them and thought they needed help, but why the hell was he on
Kingdom’s estate in the first place?

Liam was getting closer as he noticed figures running round on

the heathland. The two smaller ones were obviously his brothers,
which left the giant as the man Paddy had called Alden. The boys
were running, and it looked like the bastard was chasing them. Well,
he wasn’t going to catch them. Finn fell and the giant swooped down
and grabbed him. Liam was out of the truck with his rifle in hand in
seconds as the man dumped his brother down. As soon as Finn began
to run, Liam aimed his rifle.

“No, Liam!” Paddy shouted as he ran toward Liam.
You’re all right now, boys, I’ve got him. Liam pulled the trigger.
The giant man—Alden, was it?—stumbled and fell to the ground.
Suddenly Liam’s sense seemed to return. Oh my God, what the

hell have I just done?

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Chapter Nine

Joe flew over the loch that bordered the eastern side of

Kashmerle. He was at a relatively high altitude, as this would not
garner any attention from unsuspecting humans, especially as he’d
been hovering for the last ten minutes. A huge convoy of police
vehicles were progressing slowly toward the coast. He’d been unsure
of their destination at first, but as they’d headed down the coastal road
that led to Kashmerle, his question had been answered.

What the hell is going on? Is Matt in trouble? Twitching his tail

feathers and pulling himself from the thermal he’d been hovering on,
he dived for the castle. His fear and insecurities from the previous
visit fled as he raced to warn his friend. As he approached the castle
he spotted a huge fish eagle in the sky. Why did that seem familiar?
The man in Gibraltar, the one whose conversation had set him on this
journey. It had to be him, there were so few, if any, other fish eagles

The bird must have seen him as he angled his flight path round,

coming up behind and slightly above him. Joe suddenly felt very
nervous in this vulnerable situation but maintained his position. The
eagle then surged ahead, looking as though he was going out to sea.
Until, at the last moment, he dived, swooping down and landing on a
huge galleon that was entering a hidden cove in the outcrop of rock
the castle was situated on. That was one impressive eagle, Joe thought
to himself as he swooped in behind. It was only when he landed on
the deck of the ship he realised he hadn’t been invited and a group of
men were all staring at him.

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Joe shifted, and yes, he was naked, but so was…Hell he couldn’t

remember his name. Suddenly his Matt ran up with some jogging
pants, giving a pair to the man Joe had followed. He then turned and
ran straight into Joe’s arms.

“Joe, you’re alive. You got my letter. How long have you been

free? When did you get here?” Matt volleyed the questions at him so
fast that Joe could do nothing but put the man down and gratefully
take the jogging pants his friend had brought for him.

“Come on now, love, give the man a minute to get dressed,” the

fish eagle shifter said as he put his arms possessively around the much
smaller Matt.

“Joe, this is Craig, my spirit walker. The one I was always looking

for,” Matt introduced.

“And Joe, this is my Matt, the man I told you about when we met

in Gibraltar,” Craig introduced.

“Kash,” Joe blurted out. “Sorry, I’m confused. I thought you were


“You know Joe?” Matt asked Kash, his eyes going wide in


“We met in Gibraltar when I was looking for you,” Kash said, and

Joe got the feeling he might as well not have been there the way these
two men were looking into each other’s eyes.

“Wow, oh sorry, Joe,” Matt said then suddenly he squealed “Joe!”

all over again while jumping up and down on his toes. “Oh, this so
great, you’re okay and alive.”

“And not the only one who’s found his spirit walker,” Joe

interrupted, as it was the only way he could break up Matt in full
flow. The little man gave a most unmasculine squeal, and Joe found
himself with his arms full of Matt once again.

“Sorry, Kash,” Joe said quickly, not wanting to anger the man

who obviously was very possessive about his walker. Joe had a
feeling he’d feel the same about Liam, so he could hardly blame the

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“You’re all right, Joe. You’re a big part of Matt’s past, and he’s

pleased to see you,” Kash answered, emphasizing the word “past.”

“Thank you,” he replied, more for the implication than the actual

meaning. And he meant it. He had Liam now, and nothing could
compare with that.

“You have your walker, too?” Matt asked.
“Yeah, I accidentally ran into him when I was squatting in a

dilapidated stable building on the moors,” Joe replied. “I was heading
here to find you.” He paused. “Well, both of you actually.”

At the mention of his walker, Kash visibly relaxed, though

looking at Matt, the man had nothing to worry about. Matt began
introducing the others on ship and explaining they’d been on a
mission to reunite a spirit with his walker. Kash disappeared up to the
helm where he was getting the anchor ready. And then Joe noticed all
the men on a large stone dock waving them in.

It was at this point Joe remembered the convoy of police vehicles.

Crap, they will be almost there by now.

“Matt, are you in any trouble?” Joe asked quietly, though he knew

with the majority of the ship being shifters he was probably

“No, why?” Matt asked, waving and blowing kisses to the men

below on the dock. Shit, this was not the best time to be doing this, he
thought as a tall, dark, good-looking man climbed aboard.

“Matt, there is a huge convoy of police vehicles heading for

Kashmerle. I flew past them on my way here,” Joe explained, giving
up on being quiet as the boat was now full of men hugging and
laughing and carrying on in general.

The man who’d climbed on first turned his head sharply and

walked straight over. Before Matt could say anything he held out his
hand and introduced himself. “I’m Enda McCaffry, Alpha of the
Kashmerle Pack. Would you mind just explaining your statement?”

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So this was the head of the Kashmerle foundation. He was a

similar height to Joe, maybe just a shade taller but far broader in the
chest than Joe, which made him seem far more intimidating.

“I’m Joe Chambers, an old friend of Matt’s,” he introduced

himself, shaking hands with Enda.

“Matt’s mentioned you, welcome, but please can you explain the

vehicles, as this sounds unusual and may need investigating.” As he
talked, another man came up to stand beside him but said nothing.

“There was about five or six large people carriers, two trucks and

two cars which were led by four motorbikes. All of them with police
insignia on their roofs, and they were heading this way. I flew over
them as I was traveling across country to get here,” Joe explained in
more detail.

“When you say ‘heading,’ do you know which road they may

have been on?” the man beside Enda asked.

“I’m sorry I don’t know the road, but it had only one place to go

and that was here,” Joe answered, hoping that would help.

Both men frowned as Kash came back over. “We’re secure and

can unload now…” he began saying when a man suddenly started
yelling Enda’s name. Out of the assembly of people on deck a rather
colourful man approached. His arms were flapping in the air, one of
which held a mobile phone.

“Percy, what’s up with you?” Enda asked, and Joe could hear the

trepidation in his voice.

“Ezee’s just phoned,” he said, before taking a deep breath. “The

Marquis of Ayling has been found dead in his study. His safe had
been blown apart, and only one thing that had been removed, the
police report said, was Morgana’s Fire.” Joe raised his eyebrows. He
had no idea what was happening here, but it did not sound good to an
outsider. He looked to Enda for an explanation to this turn of events,
remembering the patrol of police vehicles he’d seen.

“But he didn’t have it. We do,” Enda said. Wondering if Ezee,

part of the Kashmerle constabulary and apparently a leaky wizard,

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had managed to gain any more information. And where was Gabe, his
police partner and yet another wizard with apparent leaks?

“Yes, I know, but his wife has given a written statement with

supporting documentation that it was in his possession and somehow
you’ve been incriminated. Ezee said both he and Gabe have been
called out of the area on some shooting incident, but he thinks that’s
probably because those leading the investigation want them out of the

“Shit, so the patrol Joe’s seen is coming for us then,” Enda said.
“Where is Morgana’s Fire?” Percy asked.
“In the deep vaults, you know how volatile it is,” Enda replied.

“We’re on lockdown at the moment, but I need to get Jonah and
Darian to seal the stones and documents they’re working on at the
moment inside the vaults. Lady Ayling must have had certified copies
of our documents, as the Marquis returned his when we bought the
pendant from him. Something is not right here, but I can’t put my
finger on what.” With that comment Enda quickly walked away with
the other man following close behind.

“Now,” Percy said, rubbing his hands together. “Who is this

gorgeous, young fellow?” he asked Matt, as if nothing in the world
was happening around them.

* * * *

Liam stood frozen on the spot. What have I just done? Paddy and

Finn were running toward the prone man on the damp heathland,
screaming words that Liam just couldn’t comprehend.

“’Es breathing, Liam, you’ve gotta help ’em,” Finn’s voice rang

out, his accent strong because he was stressed.

These words broke Liam out of his debilitating haze, and he

rushed forward. The closer he got to the man on the ground the more
he felt the pull, the same overwhelming compulsion to be with him
which was exactly like when he had come in contact with Joe. What

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the hell is happening to me? he thought as he knelt down next to the
groaning man. His body felt like it had just tossed his emotions in a
tumble dryer to let the hot, dizzy feeling ooze through him in a
haphazard way. He’d always kept tight control on his feelings, never
allowing the façade to slip and give the social workers something to
use against him. But in the space of a week he’d thrown it all out of
the window having Joe in his bed every night and now seemingly
thinking of this one, too.

“Mine!” the man on the ground cried, his voice hoarse with the

strain it took.

Liam held out his hands and tried to calm the man as he knelt

beside him. Quickly signing to Paddy to ring for an ambulance, he
tossed his brother his mobile. Turning then to Finn he rapidly asked
for the lad to go and fetch some towels, his fingers signing so quickly
he worried the lad hadn’t grasped his meaning. Finn took off toward
the truck, and Liam knew Finn had understood him perfectly. Liam
always kept clean if old towels in his truck, as he never knew what he
may have to handle or deal with when he was with his boss.

The man pushed himself over so he could look into Liam’s face.

It’s him. Liam recognised the man as one of the shifters from the farm
raid a while back.

“I knew I’d find you,” the man said, trying to lift his hand but

wincing as the bullet had gone in on that side of his chest.

Liam shook his head as he pulled the man’s jacket round, pressing

it down to try and stem the flow of blood, wanting the man to stay
still so he did no further damage.

“It went straight through, it will heal, no silver,” the man said

before stuttering, “A–Alden, my…my name is Alden.”

He smiled in the hope of reassuring the man, Mr. Alden,

apparently, that everything would be okay.

“They’ve taken the GPS from the phone, Liam,” Paddy explained

as he handed back the phone. “The air ambulance is coming out as

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well as the police. They said they had to ’cause it’s a shooting,”
Paddy added in for Liam.

Finn dashed back carrying the towels, thrusting them at Liam. He

quickly unfolded them and ripped Alden’s shirt open. His eyes
blinked as he looked at the sight of the wound. You’re healing, he
thought as he literally was able to watch as the blood clotted and
ceased to flow. Taking the towel, he carefully wiped away the blood.
The wound was still nasty and would need looking at professionally,
but he no longer thought it would be life threatening.

Liam looked up as he heard the faint whoop-whoop of the

incoming helicopter. “Stay close, boys, that way we’re away from the
blades,” Liam signed. It didn’t take long for the helicopter to
approach and land on the barren moors.

“No,” moaned the man. “Mustn’t go with them.” His voice

sounded a lot stronger than before.

“You have to, it’s a gunshot wound, and you will probably need

surgery and medicines to ward off infections and stuff,” Paddy tried
to explain, but the man just seemed to be getting more agitated.

“No, I’ll be fine. I need to stay with you. You’re my spirit


Liam didn’t have time to respond in any way, as the paramedics

were now on the ground next to him.

Paddy quickly explained what had happened, and the men got to

work putting in IVs and all the other instruments they used in these
situations. The whole time the man, Mr. Alden, he’d said, struggled
with them, insisting it was just a scratch and he’d be fine at home. But
Liam knew it wasn’t. He was a good shot and had hit him just below
the collarbone toward his shoulder and not his heart.

Watching the men place a reluctant Mr. Alden on the stretcher and

remove him, he felt as though his guts were being wrenched out,
which they should be considering what he’d just done to the poor
man. Maybe these unsettling feelings had something to do with the
fact they were shifters. But he hadn’t felt like this with any of the

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others. Joe and Mr. Alden were the only two who had referred to him
as a spirit walker. Perhaps that had had something to do with it. But
what it meant and why it was him was not an easy concept to get his
head around. And why had Joe said they only got one? Did that mean
there was only one and he was it? For all of them?

Crap. This was not helping. He’d just shot a man who the

paramedics were trying to get into a helicopter, and police sirens were
ringing out in the distance which…

Liam suddenly jumped up as the full consequences of what he’d

done shattered around him. The police were going to have to arrest
him. He’d be locked up. He couldn’t go. This couldn’t happen,
couldn’t be happening. Liam was pretty certain that attempted murder
would not pass the powers that be as a minor incident on the care and
protection of minors, which would mean he’d lose his boys.

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Chapter Ten

“What the hell are they playing at sending us out here?” Ezee

moaned. Gabe had no idea why they were out on the Grampians, but
he had a damn good idea why they wanted them away from

“I think it’s just a conspiracy to get us out of Kashmerle while the

powers that be enforce the search warrant on the castle,” Gabe

“Well, I don’t think they’re performing an illegal operation. The

death of the Marquis is going be pretty high profile, and they’ve got
to look into all the possible leads. And as it was the gem that was
missing and the documents were of Kashmerle’s claim on the jewel, it
doesn’t show them in a good light,” Ezee explained, not really
answering his question but giving him the reasons this was happening.

“We could be suspects,” Ezee continued. “We have offices in the

castle, for Christ’s sake. They’ll have to search those as well if the
warrant is for the castle. That’s why they want us out of there.” Ezee
looked across at Gabe.

“Watch the road, if you can call it that,” Gabe stated. “We should

be almost there.” They drove up to see the air ambulance sitting in the
distance, and between them and it was a very old Land Rover and a
small group of two lads and a handsome young man.

“The guys should have waited for us if someone is firing off a

shotgun round here,” Ezee said, and Gabe recognised the unease in
his voice as the stepped from their vehicle.

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“I’ll go check on the victim, you question those witnesses. The

shooter is probably long gone by now,” Gabe instructed as he headed
toward the helicopter.

“Yeah, sure,” Ezee replied, heading to the small group.
“Hey, Benny, who do we have here,” Gabe said as he approached

the paramedics.

“Ah, great, you’re here. We need to get going. Though, for

someone who’s just been shot he’s remarkably stable,” Benny said,
looking at his patient.

Gabe looked at the man and gasped, “Alden.”
“Oh, you know Mr. Alden then,” Benny said. “Well, he has a

gunshot wound just beneath his collarbone with a clear exit wound
behind. The casing and bullet will be out on the moor.”

“It’s Alden Kranski, Benny,” Gabe said, staring at Alden. “Do

you think I could just have a few minutes with him as he’s so stable?”

“We really should get him back.”
“Just a minute, please,” Gabe pleaded.
“I’m feeling okay,” Alden’s voice came from the bay in the


Benny shrugged. “Okay, just a minute. I’ll ring through and get

his details corrected, but if there is any crap about this I’m blaming
you, PC Jones.” With that Benny got out his radio and began talking
through to dispatch.

“Can you wipe his mind?” Alden asked immediately.
“Yeah, I can manage that, but dispatch know, and there is now a

report of a shooting in the system that’s going to take a lot more than
mind wiping to clear up,” Gabe answered.

“We need to get Percy and William at the hospital quick, and

please don’t take in the man who shot me. He was trying to protect his
brothers and…” Alden paused, and a look of utter contentment and
love came over his face. “He’s my spirit walker, and our spirits have
bonded, so we’ll need to keep together. I know he’s called Liam but

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little else. You have to get his details and let him know where to find
me so we can reconnect quickly,” Alden rushed on.

“Okay, I’ll get the details and try and contact Percy and William,

but shit, when things go tits up they do it all over.” Alden frowned at
Gabe’s comment. “You don’t know about the police raid on the

“Shit, I’ve got to get Liam and the boys and get back to the castle,

help me out of here,” Alden said as he tried to pull himself up.

“I don’t think so, Mr. Kranski,” Benny said, pulling the door to

close up the helicopter. “We’ve got to go, PC Jones. You can continue
your interview after he’s settled in at St. Luke’s.” With that Benny
climbed inside and got ready for takeoff. Gabe barely had time to get
out of the way before the blades began to rotate.

“Shit, what’s got stuck up his ass?” Gabe muttered as he headed

back to see what Ezee had found out. It was only then that he noticed
another set of cars had pulled up. He should have realised they’d
bring in reinforcements for a shooting. But it looked like this was
going to be a paranormal issue, so the less involved the police and
social services got the better.

As Gabe approached he heard Ezee trying to placate the woman

from the second car. PC Dorward and Hurst were also there, which
pleased Gabe, as they were tolerant, decent men who were good at
their jobs.

“Ma’am, they have to go into police custody first. Once the

paperwork has been processed the boys will be released to social
services if necessary. You shouldn’t have been called out so early,”
Ezee patiently tried to explain to the somewhat rotund woman in front
of him.

“My husband works in dispatch and always informs me when

children are involved due to my job and the needs of the children,”
the woman replied as though this allowed her to run roughshod
through the police department.

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Shit, just what I need, Gabe thought as he approached the pair of

officers who stood to the side. “Hurst, Dorward, good to see you.”
Gabe nodded respectfully at the two men. “You were based on the
east side of the Grampians. What’s brought you here?” he asked as all
three approached Ezee and the irritating, irate woman.

“Single men are easier to persuade to up sticks and move,

Jonesy,” Jack Dorward said with a smile. “Hurst and I felt like a
change, though this is a little off the beaten track even for us.”

“Yeah, there’s a big raid on Kashmerle Castle as we speak. It’s

over some fancy, priceless jewel and a dead Marquis,” Gabe filled in.

“Shouldn’t you be there then?” Pete Hurst asked, a frown marring

his handsome face.

“We’re too close for the powers that be to be comfortable,

especially as we have our offices in the castle. Poor Orin will do his
nut if they mess up his paperwork. I swear that man has OCD.”

Jack and Pete laughed just as Ms. Huffy flounced off toward her

car. “Why don’t you two see if you can spot the casings and the
weapon? I’m not sure who the shooter is, but it looks like we might
have lost him, so things may not be straightforward in this one,” Gabe
put forward to the two men who both nodded and headed out to
search the area around where the paramedics had treated the victim.

“Who was she, Ezee?” Gabe asked as the woman climbed in her


“That’s Fill-up-a-Bucket, our social worker, sir, and I’m Paddy,”

one of the boys apparently named Paddy blurted out.

“Don’t mind her. She’s been on at our Liam fer months ter take us

away from him. It’s coz ’e’s gay, see. Un she does na like it,” the
other brother filled in. There was a groan from the back of the police
car where Ezee had put the older man, and Gabe had to smile.
Nothing like being outed by your younger brothers.

“’E’s called Finn, and he never thinks when he opens his mouth,”

Paddy said, giving Finn a hefty shove.

“Eh, watch it!”

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“Why’s their brother in the car?” Gabe asked.
“Well, he’s been arrested for shooting that guy,” Ezee said, his

voice faltering as he watched Gabe’s face. “Okay, what did I miss?”

“The guy he shot is our Alden Kranski,” Gabe said quietly,

pausing to let the ramifications sink in.

“Oh, crap.”
“Tell me about it. Alden said that man is his spirit walker,” Gabe

continued, “and wants us to keep him safe.”

“But he shot him,” Ezee interrupted, the confusion evident on his

face. “And I’ve already arrested him as he more or less confessed.”

“What do you mean ‘more or less,’ Ezee?” Gabe asked.
“Well, he said he didn’t mean to, he was just looking out for his

boys,” Ezee explained. “There’s going to be an awful lot of evidence
and paperwork that will need to just disappear, Gabe, including the
victim and perpetrator. This is all in the system.”

“We need Percy and William,” Gabe mumbled grudgingly.

They’d had a free couple of months without having to pound the texts
the two wizards had thrust at them as untrained and apparently leaky
wizards. Well, if he was honest it was William who did the books.
Percy was a much more hands-on kind of teacher, which was why
William always made them take those lessons in his and Percy’s
basement. It was magically sealed, and when things exploded, which
they invariable did with Percy, the whole building didn’t go up in

“Are they back yet?” Ezee asked.
“Jez said they were due back today or early tomorrow,” Gabe


“Well, we can take any evidence from Jack and Pete and clear

their minds, which should clean up a little of this mess,” Ezee said.
Gabe knew he was uneasy about doing anything like that, as he was
still uncertain about his abilities.

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“Sure that sounds like a start, but the hospital is going to be a

problem, especially as Alden will be fully healed from his gunshot
wound by tomorrow morning,” Gabe stated.

“We need to call Enda,” Ezee said, as if that would mean the end

of it.

“I don’t think now would be a good time with half the Scottish

police force running round their castle. Alden said contact his
brother,” Gabe remembered. “You see if you can get Gregor, and I’ll
try and catch Percy again, and then we’d best do the mind swipe on
Jack and Pete before we take Liam and the boys home.”

“You know we could just let it go and pretend it’s all real. That

way we don’t have to wipe out chunks of people’s minds,” Ezee said,
a frown crossing his face as he processed whatever was going through
his head.

“We can’t do that. The pack are kind of like our family now, and I

do not want to get on the wrong said of Alden Kranski when he finds
out we incarcerated his spirit walker,” Gabe replied.

“No, that’s understandable, but look at the work it will take to

cover it all up. If we let it unfold, and get Liam to say it was a misfire
and an accident and then Alden to collaborate his story and refuse to
press charges, yes it will have to go through due process, but people’s
minds can be left intact,” Ezee finished, and Gabe could see that his
mate wasn’t comfortable with all the “hocus-pocus” that would be
needed to wipe the whole incident from history.

“Okay, but we still need to get in touch with Percy and Gregor to

alert them to what is happening,” Gabe agreed. “Then we need to
make sure both Alden and his walker have their story straight so we
can close the case up real quick.”

Ezee smiled. “Phone calls, sort the lads, and then find Alden.”
“Leaving Pete and Jack alone.” Gabe smiled back.
“Sounds like a plan.”

* * * *

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“They’re going to take days going through the entire castle,”

Bryant said, another member of the pack, Joe surmised. Joe was
beginning to get a hang of everyone’s names. Apparently there were
other new guys here, as well as him, so he didn’t feel quite so isolated
as a group of the pack sat in the dining room eating a huge hog roast
that had just appeared out of nowhere along with enough veg and
spuds to feed an army. Nevertheless, looking at the men attacking the
spread before him, army seemed to fit as a description, though he’d
have to say they were the best-looking army ever created. Just his
luck he’d find an army of gay men, and he was not interested in any
of them.

Joe’s mind wandered back to Liam. It was getting late, and he

needed to get back to him. He could fly in the dark, his sight was fine,
but he didn’t want his walker worrying about him or thinking he
wasn’t going to return. He had tried to contact him, but his walker
was not receptive. The joy of the mental bond, you had to push your
thoughts out but unfortunately your walker also had to be receptive to

“They aren’t going to find anything, bro. I’m hoping once they’ve

gone through the offices and the furnace area they’ll give up,”
Bennett said looking at his brother Bryant before tucking into the food
as though he hadn’t eaten anything while he’d been away at sea.

“How big is this place?” Luka asked. Joe had worked out the quiet

one was Joel and the shy but curious one was Luka, both had just
arrived in Kashmerle from Alaska. With them asking questions Joe
had felt a lot more comfortable sitting there and taking it all in. But he
got the opinion that, although Luka and Joel looked nothing alike,
their names would be constantly muddled.

“It’s bigger than you think,” Mac said. Apparently his name was

Mace, but folk called him Mac due to his last name. Joe hadn’t
expected to be amongst so many shifters, and he hoped if he brought
Liam here he’d cope. The Kashmerle Pack was quite extensive.

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A door slammed at the back of the hall, and the colourful man, or

wizard, as he now knew, came flying in.

“Gregor, where’s Gregor?” Percy yelled to the men in the room.
“You bellowed, Perce?” a huge man called back.
I guess that’s Gregor.
“Have you checked your phone, young man?” Percy asked

waving his arms about looking really incensed. The man seemed to be
in a perpetual state of wound up emotion.

“Hell, Percy is riled. He never admits to being older than any of us

unless he’s rattled,” Bennett said, watching the scene play out with
the rest of them.

“Percy, we’ve been a tad busy, you know?” Gregor answered,

giving Percy a disbelieving stare.

“Gregor, Gregor, answer your bloody phone,” Matt screamed.

“Enda’s just had a call from Gabe. We’ve got trouble.”

Joe felt awful, but he needed to go, and as he knew there were

plenty of able-bodied shifters to help, he didn’t think he’d be missed.

Slipping out of his seat, he walked round to where Matt was

staring intently at Gregor.

“Matt,” Joe murmured.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, love, we haven’t sorted you a room or

anything. We weren’t expecting such a tumultuous welcome home,”
Matt exclaimed, wringing his hands nervously like he used to when
things seemed to go beyond his control.

“Don’t worry, Matt, I want to fly back to my spirit walker. I said

I’d return quickly,” Joe said as Matt’s attention kept passing from him
to the man across the room.

“Sorry, sorry, this is all so exasperating,” Matt muttered.
“Look, don’t worry. I’ll come back with Liam soon, and we can

get together properly,” Joe said, hoping to reassure his friend that
there was no problem as far as he was concerned.

“Thank you and please consider this your home. There’s more

than enough room, and you and your walker will always be

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welcome.” Just as Matt finished there was a roar from across the
room. What the hell had just happened in the last few seconds?

“I’ve got to go, Percy, we need you,” Gregor said, storming out of

the room with his walkers following.

“What’s happened?” Joe asked.
Matt looked toward the exit the shifters had just left from.

“Gregor’s brother has just been shot by his spirit walker.”

* * * *

Lawrence stared out of his study window. He felt his blood rage.

He knew Morgana’s Fire was somewhere in that bloody castle, yet
half the Scottish police force apparently couldn’t find it. Or, for that
matter, anything connecting the idiots who lived there to the
Marquis’s murder. He was getting royally fed up with his plans going
awry. First, all his blackmail boxes had been found by the men and
not the police. He then reconciled with himself that, along with the
pendant, the police would pull the blackmail boxes out of the hat as
well, but yet again they’d let him down. The entire police force was a
waste of time.

He paused in his thoughts, his eyes wandering to the fireplace, to

where a certain man had appeared before him out of what seemed like
fresh air. The Necromancer. Lawrence snorted. Talk about a man
loving himself. He’d said he was a man who could weave powerful
magic. Well, from what Lawrence had seen he seriously doubted that.
He said they both wanted the same thing but for different reasons.
They both wanted inside of Kashmerle Castle. And that was true.
Lawrence did want inside. He wanted to know where and how they
got their gold and gems. His reasons were entirely about money.
Wealth and power, they were his goals, and if he could intercept the
Kashmerle suppliers, his goals would be fulfilled. The Necromancer,
a short, slender man with mean eyes wanted to just get inside and find
this Morgana’s Fire. Lawrence had read up on this stone and had

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laughed at the myths that surrounded it. He was fairly certain it was
just a large, reddish stone, a pink diamond maybe, as this wizard, for
want of a better word, had said to the right people it was priceless.
Lawrence knew quite a few men in the Middle East who would pay
handsomely for a large, pink diamond, though maybe not for the
stories that it was created by the witch Morgana from King Arthur’s
time nor that it contained the sum total of her dark magic and could
grant the keeper power beyond imagining. Power he could relate to,
but the rest was just hogwash. Still the Necromancer had said if he
could get him a plan of the castle and a way to the vaults, he’d pay
Lawrence for his help and trouble. Lawrence had smiled and said
thank you very much when the man had promised him twenty-five
million up front and the same again when the information was passed
to him with confirmation that Morgana’s Fire was there. Lawrence
had thought him an idiot whom he could use. Now he was not so sure.
The information they wanted was a lot harder to come by than he’d
first thought, and his “friend,” the Necromancer, may not be as docile
and easily led as he had hoped. But he wanted information, and if this
man could help him, so be it.

Alas though Lawrence needed to get inside information on the

layout of that damn castle. They had to have a hidden floor or
outbuildings concealed on the grounds to store their stock and
documents relating to their stones and gold. He’d tracked their elusive
supplies across the globe with little to no insight as to what they’d
purchased if anything at all. And yet still they produced the largest
variety of gems and seemed to have limitless access to the highest
quality gold. They’d switched their production outlet through to
Kenya, so they no longer transported their gems from India. The need
to get them cut was now also done onsite. Did they have an army of
illegal workers inside that castle? Apparently not, according to the
superintendent’s verbal report, which he’d just passed directly to

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Then there was the other side to those men at Kashmerle. They

were shifters. He’d known of their existence for a while, but it was
only now he was appreciating their gifts. His first wife had bonded
with one. He’d seen that damn white dog of hers turn when he was
inside the summer house where his wife spent so much time. He
killed that dumb dog which had then led to the death of his wife. It
had worked out well. He’d gotten rid of the cheating bitch and had at
the time gained a son. Until the lad had grown and proven to be more
like that damn dog of hers than him. Even now, when Daniel was
ensconced in that den of inequity called Kashmerle where men fucked
men, Lawrence still could not get into the damn building. He
shivered, and he wished it was with revulsion, but he knew he was
lying to himself. Still those depraved thoughts were his to keep, and if
he needed to scratch his itch he’d head down to London and pick up
some submissive twink and go down to his favourite dungeon. He
chuckled. It wasn’t a pleasant sound, and he didn’t care.

Beep, beep, beep.
Damn, what now!
“Yes, Malcolm, what is it?” Lawrence asked,

trying to keep the disdain out of his voice. His head of security was an
idiot, but he was a true thug and extremely compliant. He never asked
questions or cared about what Lawrence asked him to do, he just did

“Mr. Kingdom, I think I’ve got some information about one of

them shifter things we had in Blackwell’s. My mate Benny said
someone called Liam shot him,” Malc replied to Lawrence’s less than
polite inquiry

Umm, interesting. “Would this Mr—” Lawrence paused. He

refused to use the man’s first name as though he might know him or
be acquainted with him.

“Stapleton, Mr. Kingdom, his name is Benny Stapleton,” Malc

filled in the blank.

“Good, thank you, Malcolm. Bring this Mr. Stapleton in for a

chat. He may be of some use to me,” Lawrence instructed. He wasn’t

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going to request the man’s presence. If he knew Malcolm then he was
probably just another grunt.

“He’s with me now, Mr. Kingdom. Shall I bring him in?”

Malcolm replied quickly.

Oh, even better. “Yes, but bring him to the side door and through

to my office.” Lawrence disconnected the intercom and moved back
to his desk. So a man named Liam shot him. It couldn’t be his silent
gamekeeper. Shit. He wasn’t even certain the man’s name was Liam.
But if it was the same man, maybe there was a way he could use this.

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Chapter Eleven

Joe landed on the roof of the dark, silent house he was certain was

Liam’s. Why was it so quiet? He’d left the castle at seven thirty,
maybe a little later, but it was now only just after nine. He didn’t have
a watch, but he didn’t think he was far off the mark, as the church
clock in the town had said nine. Had he come to the wrong house? Joe
knew he hadn’t. He could almost feel the aroma that was so enticing
that clung to the walls. His walker had lived here awhile.

He flew down and peered in through the windows. The place was

empty. He tried to reach his walker through their mind bond, but the
lad must have been asleep as no answer was coming back.

“Liam, where are you, my love? I came back. Why aren’t you


* * * *

Liam shivered as he heard the voice in his head again. Joe had

tried to contact him on and off for the last twenty-four hours. He’d
refused to answer any. Once Joe found out what he had done, he’d go,
and Liam wanted to hold on to the illusion that he had someone out
there who’d fight in his corner. That thought made him feel guilty, as
the boys had fought tooth and nail to be kept with their brother. They
couldn’t, of course. He’d had to go into a cell and police custody.

They’d charged him with aggravated assault with a deadly

weapon, and shit, he could hardly deny the charges. Gabe and Ezee
had told him what to say, but his written statement seemed to have
been ignored, and with no representation who could use sign

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language, the charge had been accepted. He’d been told to get
appropriate representation and that a person proficient in sign
language would be available. At least they had managed to work out
he was mute and not deaf. His bail had been determined, but he didn’t
have the money to cover it. Ironically the charge didn’t bother him.
What upset him was his stupid reaction to the man posting the charges
and giving Ms. Bucket exactly what she’d been after—to remove his
brothers from him. His body started to tremble. What a fucking mess.
His only hope was if he could get the shifter he’d shot on his side and
make him understand he was just trying to look out for the boys and
totally misinterpreting the situation. He wasn’t going to include the
fact that his emotions had exploded around him as the man got closer
and had scared the shit out of him.

Liam still felt the pull, only it now ran to two men instead of one.

Joe with his tall, sinewy body toned to perfection and covered with
that delicious, tanned skin, then the other guy, Alden, with his
mountain-man physique, his broad shoulders tapering down to those
lean hips, and what looked to be firm, muscular legs. The dark-
chestnut hair was just a little too long to be tidy, but it gave him that
wild, unkempt look that had Liam’s cock sitting up and saying, “Yes

An officer suddenly opened the cell door. Liam jumped, as he

been so distracted he had failed to hear the man approach. “Come
with me,” the man said, holding the cell door open.

“Mr. Kenyon, your bail has been posted. You will be required to

turn up on time at your court hearing. If you fail to do so, your bail
will be forfeit and you will be remanded into custody until and during
your trial,” the man at the release desk informed him as he collected
his personal items.

Liam looked around for whoever posted bail, hoping it was Joe.

The man didn’t seem to have much in the way of anything to pay for
it, but there was no one else.

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“Oy, kid, the boss wants you back at his place pronto.” Liam

looked over his shoulder to eye Malc, the head man of the King’s
Own. He couldn’t go with him. He needed to get the boys. He turned
back and waved at the officer to get his attention. He signed
frantically asking for his brothers, but the man just looked at him like
he was a raving moron.

“Look, kid, we’ve got no one to translate now. Go back with your

friend there and come back tomorrow if you still have a problem.”
With that the man slammed the release book and headed into a back
room. There was going be no help there. He needed to get to the boys.
He didn’t want to do it, but Joe was the only one he could speak to.

Malc grabbed his arm. “Come on, the boss don’t like to be kept

waiting.” Liam pulled his arm free but headed out with Malc. His
vehicle was still on the heathland for all he knew, and he had to get
home to try and sort out this mess. Remembering the problems that
faced him, he began to collect his thoughts. He knew Malc would say
nothing to him. As far as the man was concerned there was no point
talking to someone who never spoke back unless to shout out orders,
which suited Liam just fine at this time.

* * * *

Joe was heading back to Kashmerle when he heard what he

thought was Liam. It was faint as though the man was trying to

“Liam, you don’t need to whisper. No one but me can here you,”

Joe said then waited for a reply. He was getting tired, but he knew if
he stopped he’d have to find some place to rest, and as he would be
naked he’d rather get to the woods outside of Kashmerle where he’d
left the clothes Matt had given him.

“My boys are in care somewhere. I’ve been bailed. I need to find

them.” Liam’s thoughts were unsteady. The man was obviously badly
shaken. And why was he being bailed?

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“What’s happened, babe? I’ll find your brothers if you could give

me a hint as to where to look,”

“They’re in police custody. I shot a man.” Liam’s message

stopped, and Joe was fairly certain the man was trying to contain
himself. He waited, giving his walker the time he obviously needed.
“The police said to say it was accidental, but it really wasn’t. I did
shoot him, but I thought he was going for the boys. They said he was
just messin’ about, but grown men don’t do that, do they?”

Joe paused before he sent his answer, as he had a creepy feeling

this was connected to what had sent Gregor, his walkers, and William
and Percy off in such a hurry.

“I can’t answer your question really, but there are genuine people

out there. Did you find out the man’s name?” Joe asked, convinced he
knew the answer.

“Kranski, Alden Kranski, that’s what they called him in court,”

Liam replied. Joe gave a sigh of relief. He knew who the man was and
felt there was a way to sort everything. This was a mess, but he was
certain Matt would help him out with Liam, and although he had not
met Gregor’s brother, he was hopeful the man would listen to reason.

“Okay, listen to me, love. I know who the man is. He’s a member

of the Kashmerle Pack. In fact they are already off to the hospital to
spring him out.”

“But I shot him. He could be in surgery or, or…” Liam couldn’t

finish his interruption.

“He’s a shifter, Liam. Was your bullet silver?” Joe asked


“No,” Liam answered hesitantly.
“Then his body will expel the bullet and heal itself. Just like yours

will if it happens to you.” Joe slipped the last part in, as he needed to
inform his walker of the changes and knew the man would now need
to be careful.

“I’m not like them,” Liam protested.

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“No, love, but you’re my spirit walker, and when I scratched you

and bonded you to me, you took on some of my DNA. It will prolong
your life and give you the ability to heal yourself. Not quite as quickly
as a full shifter but close.”
Joe paused, letting this sink in.

“So the man will be okay?” Liam asked, still sounding tentative.
“Yes, love, and we should be able to clear up the charges. Now

where are your boys exactly?”

Liam gave him what little details he had before he told Joe they

were approaching Kingdom’s Estate and he wanted to get away

Joe felt the connection break and knew he had to get moving and

find Matt. At least he wasn’t far out now and hopefully things could
be straightened out real soon. He missed his walker and would make
things right somehow. His falcon screeched in agreement and seemed
to find the strength to fly even faster.

* * * *

Enda watched as the trucks and cars loaded up with the police

officers that had been sent on this wild-goose chase. The vaults were
impenetrable and that was before the magic had been added. They’d
gotten everything related to their long history of piracy and how they
integrated it into today’s society sealed in the huge caverns beneath
the castle. The regrettable thing was that the Marquis had been used
as a pawn and had paid with his life. Morgana’s Fire was a pendant
made by the witch Morgana so far back in time it was frightening and
should have been thrown back in the lake with Excalibur. It held too
much dark magic. It wasn’t black magic, but if used inappropriately it
could turn the manipulator into a black magic abuser. It could also
prolong the life of whoever wore it. Paranormals never needed that
aspect of it unless they wanted to prolong a human’s life for some
reason. But this was a secret of Morgana’s Fire that hadn’t been
unearthed in years. In fact the owner before the Marquis was the only

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other man who knew its secret. Hell, if it hadn’t been for all of
William’s scholarly activity he wouldn’t have known, and it had been
William’s unhappy task to work with the man. The man stupid
enough to lose the pendant in a bloody card game with the Marquis.

Enda shivered. “What’s the matter, my love?” Daniel spoke to

him as he entered the balcony outside the living area of the
apartments. Enda inhaled his walker’s scent and immediately felt
better. Reaching out, he pulled the slender man into his arms, burying
his face in the man’s neck. Daniel giggled and pushed back a little so
he could look at Enda. Enda smiled. Daniel was waiting for his

“Things are afoot, as one may have said years ago,” Enda replied.

Daniel frowned, though Enda knew it wasn’t confusion, more
apprehension at what may lie ahead.

“Lawrence has been quiet for quite a while now, both on the

shifter front and the business side,” Daniel stated, confirming Enda’s
interpretation of his thoughts.

“I think that this incident is actually the second wave of his

attack,” Enda revealed his inner thoughts.

Daniel gasped, his frown now deeply creasing the skin across his

brow. Enda lifted his fingers and smoothed the lines away.

“Do you remember when we found those crates while searching

for Matt and Kash?” Enda asked. Daniel nodded but said no more. “I
think that was his first attempt to get access to the castle. It failed
because we found them and not the coast guard or the Strathclyde
Marine Policing Unit. So wave two was the poor Marquis and now
that hasn’t worked.” Enda looked as the last of the vans as they
disappeared down Castle Road. They’d been in the castle for over
twenty-four hours, and Enda knew they’d found nothing illegal. In a
strange way, although their gold and gems were pilfered from pirates,
it was still treasure that had been lost centuries ago and was now
believed to be forever lost at sea. They’d even put certain artefacts
back in circulation, making them turn up in back gardens or rock

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pools on a beach. He supposed what they had done was wrong, but
they’d never collected their bounty from the good guys, as Kash
called them. Hell, he was not going to go through this now. He had
way too much to work out and organise, plus he still hadn’t heard
about Alden. He just prayed William and Percy could do their thing.
Those guys had pulled them out of so many tight spots over the years
they should be made betas as well as coven members.

“We know who’s behind this, love, and he’ll never stop,” Daniel

whispered into Enda’s chest.

“This may be partly to do with the man you called father, my love,

but this is going much deeper into paranormal territory than I think
even he knows and understands,” Enda tried to explain.

“What do you mean?”
“I have a feeling this could be linked to one of the fairy tales my

ma told me when I was a bairn. The story was about a black sorcerer
who raised the dead. He was called the Necromancer. He stole
Morgana’s Fire from the witch herself and, in doing so, syphoned her
magic,” Enda added, rubbing his hands down Daniel’s back trying to
distract himself from his disturbing musings.

“I’d rather not meet him,” Daniel said.
“I don’t think anyone would, especially poor William.” Enda

stared into his lover’s crystal-blue eyes as he sighed deeply.

“Why poor William?” Daniel asked as he pressed his lips to

Enda’s neck, obviously not understanding the connection between the

“William was his apprentice.”

* * * *

Alden growled as another nurse came in to do his vitals. His vitals

were fine and his wound healed through. Thank God no one had
asked to re-dress it yet.

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“You do make the strangest noises, Mr. Kranski,” the busy, little

woman said before looking at the machines. Alden sniffed. Shifter!
“You know a relation of mine,” she continued. Alden hadn’t spoken
since he’d been left by Gabe in the ambulance, as he didn’t want to
alert anyone to his recovering condition, but something was up, as
he’d come in with a gunshot wound and hadn’t been whisked straight
into surgery and this shifter nurse knew.

“Who do you know?” Alden asked rather abruptly, but not caring

as he was supposed to be in pain.

“My son, Orin.” She placed her hands on her hips and turned to

look at him, as if to say, “And don’t you dare mess with me.”

“Shit, so you do know,” Alden sat up immediately and started to

pull on the tubes entering his body.

“Whoa there, lad, you canna be doing that. It will set the alarms

off, and then the world and his wife will be in here checking you out,”
the nurse warned in her own unusual way. It explained a lot about

“So what’s going on?” Alden asked, careful to leave whatever he

was plugged into attached.

“Well, Dr. Percy and Dr. Portrey have taken over your file, while

the cardio consultant Mr. Williams is overseeing their work.” The
nurse giggled as she finished before adding, “Isn’t that Dr. Portrey a

Alden groaned. Great-Uncle Cedric was now his doctor, which

was all he needed. What William’s great-uncle was up to filled him
with dread and, unfortunately, laughter as well. Still, the man often
got things done, just not necessarily in the way you expected. He also
had women falling all over him, and he was as gay as the rest of them,
but it didn’t seem to put the women off. Thinking of Cedric, he
smiled. If he hadn’t found his walker…

Crap!” he yelled across the room, making the nurse, whose name

he still didn’t know, jump.

“Mr. Kranski, please calm down! This is a hospital you know.”

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“No, you don’t understand. I need to get to my spirit walker. He’s

the one who shot me.” Alden finished and began to peel his tubes and
wires away again.

“Really, Mr. Kranski, spirit walkers are fairy tales we tell the

children, and if it was the man who shot you then I’d say the best
thing for you would be to avoid him.” The nurse huffed and went over
to the screens and began turning them off.

Suddenly the door swung open and three doctors, though Alden

would use the term very loosely in their cases, walked in.

“Oh, Dr. Portrey, how good of you to come so quickly,” the nurse

simpered. That was the only way Alden could describe it.

“Oh, my dear Nurse Reynolds, I always come—” Cedric never

got to finish his sentence as William jumped in.

“We need a moment with Mr. Kranski alone, Nurse Reynolds,

we’ll call if we need you.” William turned as though dismissing the
nurse, and the woman finally sniffed and left.

“Do you think she remembers?” Percy finally spoke, which was

most unlike him.

“Doubtful. We were only there moments,” William answered.
“What are you two talking about? And we need to get going. I’ve

got to find my walker,” Alden interrupted as he pulled on his jacket,
which was just hung on a chair.

“Oh, aren’t you in a rush. You should slow down. It will be so

much better for your blood pressure,” Cedric bemoaned.

“When did you turn into a doctor, Cedric?” Alden asked.
“Oh, about an hour ago, honey, it’s been great! Do you know how

many lovely male chests I’ve been able to explore with this thing?”
Cedric asked as he swung his stethoscope, grinning wildly.

“It did cause quite a stir in the doctors’ staff lounge,” Percy said,

smirking. “I wish we could play a little longer. This is the first time
I’ve had free range over so many men’s bodies in a century.” Percy
sighed wistfully.

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Alden just shook his head. Sometimes it was just better not


“Hummm,” William muttered. “Come on, we’ve got everything

covered here, and Gabe and Ezee should be able to close up the police
side. We just need to get the charges dropped, and dear ole Uncle
Cedric is going to help us with that.” William opened the door,
obviously wanting them to head outside.

“Only if I can still play doctors,” Cedric said with a pout as he

waltzed out of the room. Alden had thought Percy the Ever Colourful
could be bad, but Cedric could top that tenfold.

“All right, Cedric, and we need to collect Liam Kenyon and his

brothers Paddy and Finn,” William continued.

“Do you know where they are?” Alden asked, finally believing

things were on the right track and his walker was definitively within
his grasp.

“That’s the problem,” Percy said tentatively.
“We couldn’t find them in the system,” William muttered,


“They seem to have just disappeared.” Cedric finished for the

three men.

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Chapter Twelve

Joe was exhausted. Due to his lack of sleep he’d just followed the

air currents across Scotland and ended up way up country. He was
now heading over the Sound of Arisaig. It was an amazing stretch of
water to the northwest of the castle. He could see why Matt loved it
here. It may be a wild and feral landscape, but it had that natural
beauty that was all its own.

Joe swung round the castle to find a large group of men at the

entrance. He hoped like hell he could sort this out for his walker and
bring his family back together. He had no clothes, but if they were all
shifters, that shouldn’t cause any distress. Nudity was just an
occupational hazard. Joe located Matt near the door with his walker
right beside him. With his friend staring out over the crowd, it was
Kash who spotted him first. He followed the line of Kash’s arm and
landed before them. As soon as he hit the ground he shifted and felt
the bonding pull all over again.

“What the hell?” Joe asked as both Kash and Matt looked at him

with confusion. “How did Liam get here?” Joe turned round to look
over the crowd. Liam was nowhere to be seen.

A huge man with dark-mahogany-brown hair and red highlights

walked toward him. “What do you know about our Alden’s Liam?”
the man asked. He didn’t even blink at the fact that Joe was naked.
Matt pulled away quickly, pulling some sweats from one of the
vehicles in front of them.

“Here, Joe, pop these on before you get cold,” Matt said. Cold

was not Joe’s worry at that moment.

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“Ah, shame,” a voice murmured from the group of men that was

now converging at the front entrance. Joe didn’t have time to work
out who had spoken, as the big man was almost in front of him. His
scent was pleasant but not what was tied in with Joe’s spirit.

“Look, my spirit walker is Liam Kenyon. I’m sure the man you

are looking for is another Liam.” Joe stopped as the entire group of
men had gone silent. “What’s wrong?” he asked, becoming
increasingly uncertain about Matt’s friends. “Look, I think he’s close,
as I’ve just felt the spirit bond. I thought it had already taken, but
obviously he needed it reinforcing.” Joe stopped speaking as a man
almost identical to the one asking the original question stood in front
of him.

“No!” Joe gasped as he realised this man was who he had just

bonded with. “No, this is not right, Liam is my spirit walker. He’s in
trouble. I have to help him,” Joe raged, his brain slowly going into

“I’m getting a strong feeling of déjà vu here, brother,” the first

man said with a huge grin slowly spreading across his face. “Looks
like us Kranskis get a double whammy!” Alden snorted and shook his
head. Well, it had to be Alden unless the man had two brothers.

Joe just stared and grabbed Matt’s arm. “I don’t understand.”
“Some shifters get two walkers,” Kash said behind him. “Gregor

here has Jonah and Darian, and it looks like Alden has you and

Joe swallowed hard. Could this be true? He wasn’t that lucky. The

man was an absolute dream of muscle and charm as he gave Joe a
small smile. Oh crap, I’m a goner!

“I am Alden Kranski, and I believe both you and Liam are my

spirit walkers.” Then Alden stepped forward, grabbed his arms,
pulling him into the man’s broad, hard chest, and kissed him.

Holy fuck. If he’d thought the man’s earthy, sandalwood scent was

to die for, he was totally off the charts when they kissed.

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* * * *

Alden pulled away from the kiss and knew his face was giving Joe

a perfect picture of all the emotions he’d buried so deep for so many
years he’d stopped counting.

“Yeah!!” the men around him cheered, but he didn’t feel quite the

same euphoria.

“What is it, Joe? Joe’s right, isn’t it?” Alden asked through their

mind bond.

“Yes, no, I mean Liam. Liam is with his boss, but he needs to get

his brothers back. His brothers and the charges cleared,” Joe rushed
out. His body was trembling, and Alden felt ashamed that he was
there admiring Joe’s tall, lean frame and taut muscles when they had
another walker missing plus those young lads he’d met on the heath,
as he was now beginning to understand the reasoning behind Liam’s
actions. He’d shoot anyone who he thought was a threat to his family.

“William, have we cleared the charges yet?” Alden called out over

the gathered pack.

“Aye, lad, it took some doing, but Great-Uncle Cedric got the

chief prosecutor to drop the case due to lack of evidence,” William
answered with a smile.

“How was it lost?” Alden asked, worried it may turn up again.
“He left it in his car when he took Cedric out to dinner,” Percy

said with a huge grin on his face.

“It was just a little accident,” Cedric said with an innocent smile

that was so corrupt it was almost scandalous on its own. “I needed to
get rid of my cigarette. How was I to know it wasn’t an ashtray?”

Alden stared at the little man, remembering the run-ins they’d had

with good old Great-Uncle Cedric in the past and shivered. No one
ever believed so much mayhem and chaos could be achieved by just
one man. He looked at Percy, who shrugged back at him.

“He blew up the car, didn’t he?” Alden asked quietly. William


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“Okay, so it went bang, but did you know the man then refused to

buy me dinner!” Cedric announced full of bluster and indignation.
Alden had to laugh. His life was in complete flux, but he just couldn’t
help smiling when Cedric was around. And nobody was safe. He
pulled Joe in tighter to his side as this realisation came to him.

“Did you say Liam was with his boss, Joe?” Enda asked as he’d

moved toward the centre of the group of men, obviously realising the
same thing.

“Yes, he said he’d posted his bail,” Joe said. “I thought that was a

good thing,” he added, looking round at all the serious expressions
that faced him.

Alden took pity on his walker, as he obviously had no idea what

the contemptible Mr. Lawrence Kingdom was like.

“You didn’t know, love, but Mr. Kingdom is not a great fan of

shifters and of Kashmerle. He’s made it his life’s work to bring us and
our company down,” Alden explained to his quickly comprehending

“He wouldn’t hurt Liam, would he?” Joe asked, anxiety dripping

from his voice. “Liam can’t be a real threat to this man Kingdom.
He’s just the gamekeeper. He doesn’t have the wealth and notoriety
that Kashmerle has,” Joe protested.

“It’s not what he has that’s the problem, Joe, it’s what he can get

out of Liam to further his cause that Kingdom will be interested in,”
Enda explained.

Alden looked at the men around him before he said to Enda and

the pack at large, “We need to find my walker Liam and his brothers.
They call themselves Paddy and Finn. I request the assistance of the

“Their full names are Padraig and Finnian Kenyon,” Joe

interrupted. “They should be in the system somewhere.”

“There’s no need for a formal request, Alden, Joe. We always

watch out for our own,” Enda stated as the rest of the pack nodded.

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“I’m on it. I’ll go through the county records. There will be

something there on those lads,” Kash said as he looked straight into
Alden’s eyes.

“Thank you,” Alden murmured, realising that Kash would always

mean something to him, but it no longer cut like a serrated knife
through his flesh.

“Yeah, and it may be best to erase them as you find them. That

way we can accept them into the pack and integrate them into
Kashmerle society,” Enda added to Kash.

“If they’re in the system we’ll find them,” Kash said as he took

Matt’s hand and walked back into the castle. Alden knew there would
be nowhere within the system left untouched. He just hoped his
walker would understand why they had to swipe all record of the boys
from the system for the safety of the pack and the shifters and their
families that lived there. Liam would lose any benefits he received,
but money would be the least of his worries when he realised what
Kashmerle was worth.

“Can either of you get in touch with Liam?” Enda questioned

them as he began to walk into the castle. The pack followed as they
all headed to the huge dining room. Alden felt slightly more at ease as
he guided Joe in through the doors. Just being able to place his hand
in the small of the man’s back was sending shivers through his
already over-sensitised flesh. His bond wasn’t complete with either
man, and his bear was restless. He wanted to bond with his walkers.

“I can’t and won’t do anything without Liam,” Joe said, obviously

picking up on Alden’s thoughts. Alden understood his reluctance, but
it also made him feel like the third wheel. Could he fit into this
partnership, or would he always be on the outside looking in? He
couldn’t do that after so many years of being on the outside looking
in. Alden could not be just an extra to keep them warm when they felt
the need. He’d done that for centuries. He was not going back.

* * * *

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“Good evening, Liam, please sit down,” Lawrence Kingdom said

in a smooth, cold manner as Liam was led into a large drawing room.
“Brandy?” Kingdom asked. Liam shook his head. He was confused.
Lawrence Kingdom was a single-minded, narcissistic man who only
did for himself what would either improve his wealth and power or
rid the world of what he considered vile aberrations of humanity. The
latter motive Liam abhorred, but there was little he could do as a
gamekeeper in desperate need of an upstanding job, especially now,
when he would have to fight for both his freedom and his brothers.

Liam walked slowly up to one of the large sofas that sat opposite

each other in front of a grand Victorian fireplace. Kingdom leaned
against the mantle that surrounded the huge, open fire. It seemed
strange that there was a fire in the hearth this time of year, but it was
as though no heat came from it. He sat down warily. He knew he was
being watched. He could sense it. It didn’t surprise him Kingdom’s
security was pretty high-end stuff but not something he dealt with in
the gamekeeper’s remit.

“So you seem to have got yourself in a little bit of trouble, my

dear boy.” Kingdom lifted his brandy glass to his lips, hiding the
smirk Liam believed lurked there. “I wish I had known of your dislike
of these beasts that roam our land. They are a plague upon us humans
with their long lives and careless attitudes.”

Liam was grateful Kingdom wasn’t expecting an answer from

him, as he would never agree with him and his twisted ideas of
humanity, but he needed his job. The man was unpleasant. But Liam
had a feeling what lay underneath was much, much worse.

“I think we can be of benefit to each other, Liam,” Kingdom said,

walking to the sofa opposite and sitting down. The fire sparked
suddenly, and Liam jumped. Kingdom smiled, and a feeling of cold
dread passed through Liam’s veins. “You see, it’s like this. The man
you shot is one of those beasts, and I’ve met him now on a few
occasions. It’s a shame you did not have one of my custom-made

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bullets with you, and I shall rectify that mistake immediately.” Again
Kingdom paused, smiling at Liam like a lion just before he ripped into
his live meal.

“The beast you shot is referred to as Alden Kranski.” Liam only

just stopped himself from cringing. He remembered the man from
seeing him unconscious in the farm basement when Kingdom had
captured all those shifters months ago. He didn’t know if Kingdom
had found anymore, as he did not know where they were hidden nor
had he been asked to observe any of the animals they turned into. He
hoped Kingdom hadn’t, but he couldn’t be sure.

“What do you think?” Kingdom asked. Liam froze. He’d turned

off to what Kingdom had been saying, and now could give no
response either nodding or not. His face obviously gave the right
response, as Kingdom continued talking.

“I’ll have my lawyers go over your case. I’m sure we can get this

whole episode cleared, and as you were the one doing the crime,
going to apologise to the man is only what a good citizen would do.”
Kingdom looked at him and that sly, insincere smile returned.

“You must remember once inside to take as many pictures as you

can. Their security is good, but no system is infallible. I want you to
find out where their stockroom and vault is. It has to be large, so you
won’t miss it. My dear friend the Marquis of Ayling lost his life
because of these unscrupulous men, and they must be stopped.
Stealing from the deceased as well, it’s despicable what these
parasites upon our earth are capable of. The Marquis’s poor wife is
distraught and overcome with it all.”

Liam may have missed half the conversation, but he heard enough

to know that Kingdom wanted to use him as a spy. That he wasn’t
going to do, but he had every intension of apologising to the man he
had shot, but not in a covert operation for Lawrence Kingdom.

Liam stood up and shook his head. He wanted to head home and

see if he could get some sleep before he headed to the social service
offices in the morning to get some information on his brothers. At this

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time of night he’d get nowhere. At least within the system they should
be safe.

“I told you he wouldn’t play ball, young man,” said a voice

seemingly without a body.

Liam shivered. That feeling of being watched had just increased,

making his skin itch. He frantically looked around the room. Malc
stood at the far side by the door through which he’d entered earlier,
but there appeared to be no one else. Had the voice spoken to him?
And who was he referring to?

The fire crackled loudly again, and from within the flames

appeared an absolutely gorgeous man. Liam swallowed. Gorgeous
men appeared out of flames all the time. That was just fine. What
wasn’t just fine was the cold, malevolent look in the man’s eyes,
telling Liam that the beauty was only skin deep. The man was shorter
than his own six feet by a good four inches. His skin was so pale it
almost seemed translucent. He had a long, slender nose and high
cheekbones, an aristocratic forehead with an air of great age but not
wisdom. His eyes were as black as coal, framed with long, black
lashes that women and some men would die for. They gave his face
that look of uncompromising power that would take no mind about
committing any crime.

Black beauty described the man from the fire perfectly, and from

the look on Kingdom’s face, his interruption wasn’t welcome. Liam
wanted to get the hell out of there but had a really bad feeling that
wasn’t going to happen.

“Okay, child, we need information on the castle. The magic

surrounding it is old and entrenched in its crumbling walls. Hell, it’s
ancient in many respects due to it being the foundation of the Epidii
Coven in 23AD when they were expelled from the Isle of Arran.”
Liam had no idea what the man was going on about, but the man sure
did like the sound of his own voice. “You’re not listening to me,

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Liam felt his head snap round although he hadn’t moved it

himself. He was now looking into the fire with the black-eyed man
breathing into his ear.

“Look into the flames,” the man said with a cold, hard voice.

“What do you see?”

Liam had no idea what he was looking at or why he couldn’t

move away. His body was frozen, though his mind still functioned.
The flames flickered into what looked to be a clear-white room or
container. From the angle there seemed to be no door. The view
began to turn until a small, bare foot appeared in the bottom corner.
As the view turned, Liam’s heart stopped. Crouched in the corner
were Paddy and Finn. The boys were only wearing their boxers and
nothing else. Liam’s body started trembling.

The man with black eyes laughed, and if he could have Liam

would have grabbed him and smashed him into the fire. But his body
was trapped.

“Oh, you are a feisty, little sweetheart,” the man said as he slid his

hand down Liam’s chest. He laughed and walked away, turning to
Kingdom who was still sat on the sofa with a disgusted look on his

“Leave your perversions outside my house,” Kingdom said, his

voice strained and gravelly.

“Oh, you can shut up. You enjoy a man’s masculine passion as

much as I do.” The man sighed and turned back to Liam, who could
just see the pair of them in his peripheral vision. His body was flung
back down on the sofa, and the black-eyed man smirked down on

“Now you saw your brothers. They are alive at the moment, but

they are confined in a sealed container somewhere.” He waved his
hands around and smiled darkly. Liam could feel his blood boiling in
his veins, but he still couldn’t move.

“That means they have a limited amount of air, twenty-four hours

to be exact, which is more than enough time to wander about the

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castle and take photos. I don’t need much, just the cove and the lower
levels really. That’s where the old magic dwells. The higher levels are
just stone, dragged in from wherever.” Again he moved his hands
airily as he moved about between the two sofas.

“So we are going to send you on your way with this little gadget,

and it will directly download all your pictures to us. Don’t you just
love modern technology?” he said with a laugh. “When we have our
information I’ll let your brothers go. You’ll still have to find them,
but as you are a telepath you can just ask the boys” Liam had
forgotten about his link. Shit. His head was so full of all the crap that
had happened he’d forgotten to use his link, and how the hell did it
work with his brothers? They were not his spirit walker. He tried to
push out his thoughts to Joe, but his head seemed to be shutting down.

The man laughed as Liam suddenly felt really tired, his body too

heavy to hold up. “Oh yes, and just before you go, if you think I may
be joking ask your friends who the Necromancer is. When they’ve
finished you’ll know I’m not joking.”

Liam felt the darkness slip over him listening to the laughter of a

black-eyed man called the Necromancer.

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Chapter Thirteen

Joe’s eyes cracked open as the first rays of sun filtered through the

pale curtains. Where was he?

Oh crap. He remembered heading into the dining room and

discussing the plans for recovering the boys and Liam. He
remembered Percy saying, once they had been located and obtained,
they would wipe them from the system then they could start again in
the school in Glenuig. They could be legally adopted by Liam. Joe
and Alden and slipped back into the system where no one would
notice the file, as it would be invisible but present. Joe hadn’t
understood what they had meant by invisible, but Percy had
explained. Their file would still be there in the system in plain sight,
but the humans would not “see” it. So the fact that three men had
adopted the boys would not be noticed nor that the boys had just
sprung up again in the Kashmerle area. Percy had described it like
hiding a real diamond in a sack of cubic zirconias. No one would spot
them unless they were really looking, and as no one would know, no
one would be looking.

Joe had been worried that Liam was not going to be happy with

all this interference. He’d sacrificed everything for his brothers, and
Joe knew he would do so again if he had to, even if that meant leaving
Kashmerle. If he did leave, Joe was going with him, and he had a
feeling Alden Kranski would, too.

The bed creaked, and a large arm slid over his side and around his

waist. Now he remembered. His eyes had given up on the idea of
staying open as he finished his meal, and the arms that had circled
him had been so incredibly comfortable. He had leaned into the warm

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body they came with, and sleep had crept upon him, and nothing
could stop the exhaustion winning. Joe remembered someone
removing his borrowed clothes and slipping him into a nice, warm
bed. What he hadn’t remembered was that same someone sliding in
bedside him.

“Good morning,” Alden’s smooth, deep voice said. Joe stiffened,

and the warmth that covered his back pulled away.

“Noooo,” he cried out, his voice sounding plaintive even to him,

but he was driving on pure need at the moment. The warmth was
something he needed. He had always been the one to hold and had
never realised his craving to be held. “I’m sorry, Alden, I just feel
guilty that Liam isn’t here. I want your arms around me so much.” Joe
shivered at his confession. It was as though he knew his walker
needed to hear it.

“He will be soon. I don’t like the feeling of being incomplete,”

Alden said softly into Joe’s ear as his body’s warmth encompassed
Joe once more. It was only then that Joe realised they were both
naked and their bodies were completely aligned. The hard ridge that
pushed snug in his crease sent rivers of excitement through his veins.
His breath hitched, but he didn’t move away. He found himself
pushing back. Alden’s hands moved over his body. One slipped over
his shoulder and down his chest, grazing his nipple as it pulled his
chest back against Alden. Joe felt the fur that covered Alden’s chest
brush against his back, sending more excitement through his over-
sensitised skin.

“Does that tickle?” Alden asked, his voice so close to Joe’s ear he

could feel the warm breath that came with it.

“God, no, my skin just gets so excited when you brush against

me,” Joe replied, again kicking himself for just coming out with the
truth. Alden laughed before kissing slowly down his neck. Joe felt he
was on sensory overload but wanted more, not less.

“I love your honesty, Joe Chambers,” Alden said in between

gentle, caressing kisses. Joe shuddered at his words and Alden’s other

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hand gripped his hip, securing him against his body. Joe’s cock had
grown so hard so fast it felt like it wanted to break out from his body.
He slid his hand down and gripped the base, feeling the pressure of
his hand pull back on his impeding climax.

“Let me take care of you,” Alden said as his hand slipped from

Joe’s hip to his hot, willing cock.

“Oh, shit. Yes!” burst from Joe’s lips. His skin was on fire, and

everywhere Alden touched he craved more. Then the man began to
rub his cock in the crease of Joe’s ass, and Joe was lost to sensations.

“Go on, my love, feel me against you, feel the heat between us,”

Alden encouraged. How the man was able to talk was beyond Joe. It
just didn’t seem fair. Joe pushed his ass against Alden and squeezed
against the firm ridge he could feel. The friction was eased with the
liquid pre-cum that seemed to be flowing from Alden’s extremely
leaky cock, and it felt exquisite. Nothing should feel so right.

“Now think about the heat all of us will create,” Alden murmured

as he began thrusting against Joe’s back, stroking his cock at the same
time, and Joe just lost it. Fire shot down to his cock. His balls pulled
in and just let rip shards of hot, pearly cum from his engorged length,
like the devil was after them, and Joe just rode on the tide of euphoric

Joe was just sinking back to reality when the man whose arms he

was ensconced in roared. It was the only way he could describe it
before he felt the warm heat of Alden’s climax cover his back.

“Liam, to make this perfect we need Liam,” Joe thought.
“That we do,” Alden sent back before Joe realised his thoughts

had been transmitted to his now other lover. He twisted in Alden’s
arms, placing his hands gently on either side of this amazing man’s
face, and kissed him. For all Alden’s size and strength he seemed
strangely vulnerable. Joe would never leave either one of his spirit
walkers, but he got the feeling Alden thought he would be left on the
outside and not kept within.

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“We are a team of three, Alden Kranski,” he said as he pulled

away from the sensual kiss they’d just shared. “No, I’ve got that
wrong,” he corrected himself quickly, watching Alden’s eyes widen,
probably in trepidation. He kissed him again. “We are a family of

The smile Joe received from his lover was beautiful and one he

was determined to keep on his walker’s face for a long time.

“Joe! I need you!”

* * * *

Alden ran down the stairs to the lower levels of the castle. It was

chaos, and he had no idea why. He knew his reason for speed, but
what was with everyone else? He met Enda in the entrance hall
calling out orders as though they were about to invade England.

“What’s going on?” Alden asked Enda, but before the man could

answer Percy jumped in with a reply.

“Your Liam’s a telepath. He’s broadcast to the whole coven and

pack without realising it.” Percy stopped and looked so excited. Alden
didn’t have a clue what it meant but was immensely relieved the
chaos was in response to Liam’s call. A call he’d originally thought
only he and Joe had heard.

“Look, Alden, we’re getting a group to go and pick Liam up from

his house. We need some of his brothers’ clothes so the wolves can
get their scent, then we’re transporting them to known areas where
Kingdom’s hidden people before. Kash found out where the boys
were released from, so another group is going to see what they can
follow from there. We have no record of this Necromancer person
since he disappeared centuries ago, and Matt and Kash are on that at
the moment, but when we move out, which should be in about ten
minutes, they are going to do an air search.”

“As will I,” Joe interrupted from behind Alden.

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“That would be good, as we can liaise with you through Alden,

though with Liam’s newfound ability we are hoping he can link to the
boys directly, which may or may not help. He’s trying at the moment
with help from William through the open link.”

Alden’s head was swimming with the information, and he had no

time to assimilate any of it. “I want to go for Liam,” he said abruptly.
“I want to reassure him that I hold no resentment. He was only
looking after our family, and I would do the same.” He felt Joe’s hand
on his shoulder, and the warmth it spread through him was both
arousing and reassuring.

“Yes, you can, though again I think William has done a lot to ease

his mind, especially about the charges being dropped,” Enda agreed.

“Yes, but by our calculations the lads only have about fourteen

hours left,” Alden said, his voice edgy with the need to get on.

“True. We have given ourselves ten hours from departure, but

William is convinced, as soon as contact is made through Liam’s link,
he’ll be able to locate them.”

“And if need be, Will and I will just go there and get them,” Percy

interjected with a smile.

“That’s quite a gift Liam has,” Alden admitted.
“It’s a good talent for him to have, with his damaged vocal cords,”

Joe spoke out.

“Aye,” Percy said. “But that is how it’s always worked with these

sorts of gifts. The blind see the future in their mind, the deaf hear the
dead and forgotten or lost, and the mute are telepaths, as long as they
are within the paranormal world.”

“So he’s not human?” Alden asked, reevaluating his picture of


“No, he’s not. One of his parents must have been a witch or a

warlock at the very least for the magic to pass down,” Percy

“It’s not a problem, but I get the impression there are a lot more

magic users out there that have no idea of the gifts they potentially

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contain,” came a voice Alden recognised. It was the same man who’d
said “shame” the day before when Joe had covered up his very naked

“Hello, Great-Uncle Cedric,” Alden said, a wry smile on his face.
“Oh, my dear child, isn’t this just a dreadful time for us to meet

again? I just love a man who towers over me with more muscles than
a Mr. Universe contest,” the small, handsome man said with an
indulgent smile.

Joe growled beside him.
“Oh hush,” Cedric said. “I’m just looking and daydreaming. This

man is so far gone on the pair of you boys he’ll meet himself coming

Alden cringed and knew his cheeks were pinkening up. He


“Oh look, there you go, Joe dear. When a man blushes so

beautifully how can you not adore him?” Cedric squealed. Alden
wasn’t making that up, either. The man then giggled, blew him a kiss,
and waltzed off.

“He doesn’t get any better with age, does he?” Alden asked no

one in particular.

“I wish,” Percy said. “I’m just grateful he’s William’s uncle and

not mine. At least I have some hope of sanity.”

“How long do you think we’ll have him this time?” Enda asked

cautiously. Alden had to smile. Everyone was careful around the man
who was basically harmless as long as you discounted the
overwhelming amount of magic he could dispel.

“Same as always, I suppose,” Percy said with obvious sadness.

“He’ll be here until he’s gone.”

Alden looked toward the exit Cedric had disappeared through.

Cedric would be the light and soul of the party, driving everyone
crazy in the best possible way, and then he would literally disappear
and everything he’d brought would be gone, too, as though he had
never even been there. The man was a complete enigma.

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* * * *

Liam’s heart was racing. They were coming, and he was terrified

and excited all at the same time. He knew Joe wouldn’t abandon him,
but he seemed to have brought in an entire army, and for once he
wasn’t going to worry. He had no idea where that man and his boss
had put his brothers, but the man in his mind, William, he called
himself, said there was a way to locate them quickly and the pack
would do the rest. The pack. Apparently these were a group of shifters
who stayed as a group like a community and were usually of one
species, like wolf. William had explained it to him. But Kashmerle
was different, or rather the Kashmerle Pack and their town that
surrounded the castle were special both in human terms and the
paranormal. William said he would teach him, as although he hadn’t
realised it, he was apparently part of this paranormal world. His
parents had never said anything to him or his brothers as far as he
knew. That was one question he needed to ask as soon as he found
them. Find them! Liam jumped up from the couch. He couldn’t wait
any longer. He had to do something to find his brothers.

Liam remembered the last conversation he’d had with the

Necromancer and his lovely boss. Not! They were cruel men. He’d
known Kingdom was, but that Necromancer took it to a whole new
level. He was sure pure evil ran in his veins. He’d felt his
consciousness slipping away from him, and he couldn’t fight it. Then
he’d felt these hands dragging him down into sleep, and that had been
the frightening factor. The hands that had touched him looked like the
hands of the dead, bones broke through the decaying flesh, which was
slowly rotting off said bones. And the smell. Fuck, he had felt it was
invading his every pore, and he could do nothing about it. When the
hands which had held him fast finally released him and he ran, he’d
thought he’d never be able to breathe the sweet air of the countryside
ever again, but he’d kept on running and screaming, he reckoned, just

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in his own silent way. It wasn’t until the sun had filtered through on
his face that he’d finally come back to his own reality, and then the
panic had hit him. He’d called for Joe, and Joe and Alden had
answered and been with him in a most surreal way.

Spirit walkers, he was both of their spirit walkers. Liam laughed

nervously as he pulled on his jacket and grabbed the small bag of used
clothes that had been carelessly tossed about the boys’ room. He’d
spent the last five years hiding who he was to safeguard his brothers,
and yet in the blink of an eye he not only had a boyfriend, he was now
contemplating life with yet another man and living in a castle full of
gay men. Heaven help him, Philippa Bucket would end up having
kittens in her homophobic knickers.

He pulled the front door open while grabbing his wallet and keys

from the table and then walked into a warm brick wall. Strong arms
surrounded him and he had never felt so safe in his entire life. What
the hell was going on? He looked up at the man lifting him up off the
ground. The man he now knew was Alden carried him into the front
room where he found himself ensconced in a second set of arms that
he recognised immediately.

“We’ll find them, they’re our boys, and no one gets away with

this,” Joe said with a little uncertainty. Liam suddenly realised these
men were both nervous and anxious, and it wasn’t just about the boys.
Liam just looked at Alden. He couldn’t do this right now. He had to
find his brothers. He tried to sign when he remembered his link, but
was he linked to Alden? He looked into Alden’s eyes and traced his
tongue along his lips as he started. “Go on, kiss him, he’s gorgeous,”
Joe whispered as he pressed his lips to Liam’s neck.

Liam gasped, and that was all Alden needed. Twisting his head for

both a better angle and to give Joe more room, Alden met his lips like
a starved man. The heat from their bodies surrounded Liam, and he
gave himself over to the sensations.

“Well, we don’t seem to have any problems here,” William’s

voice echoed around the room. All three of them jumped and groaned

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at the unsubtle interruption. Liam mentally slapped himself. His
emotions may be in turmoil, but he had to put that to one side and get
to his brothers.

“We need to search for my brothers. Please, they haven’t got

long.” Liam looked at his watch. It was nearly ten o’clock. They had
less than twelve hours left which scared him, but they had been stuck
in that box since at least nine o’clock last night, so heaven knew how
they were coping.

William walked toward Liam with his other half, as Liam called

him, close behind. Liam didn’t think anybody ever got one without
the other…Percy, yes, he remembered. The last man to enter he didn’t
recognise at all, and he frowned as the man went straight to his jacket
pocket and removed the camera device the Necromancer had given
him. “I wasn’t going to do it,” he yelled in his mind, hoping they
would all hear him.

“Oh, sweetie, we know that,” the man said calmly.
“This is my Great-Uncle Cedric, Liam. He’s going to hold on to

that until we can work out how to dismantle it,” William explained.

“It’s just a camera.” Or so Liam had thought.
“Aye, sweetie, and I’ll keep hold of it. You have far more

important things to do,” Great-Uncle Cedric said with a kind smile.

“Let me take your hand, sweetheart,” William said with a smile

stirring him away from Cedric, who just walked from the house,
Percy’s eyes following him but with a slight frown marring his face.
Liam wondered if he should ask, but the thought of his brothers pulled
him back to his main focus. Tentatively Liam held out his hand. Joe
and Alden were still standing on either side of him. They gave him
such a feeling of strength and courage he began to believe everything
was real.

“He’s not going to hurt you, love, William just wants to help you

focus your abilities into reaching the boys. You’re young. Your talent
is fresh and new. Let the old man help you find them,” Percy said, his
frown gone and his voice gentle and soothing.

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“I’m only a year older than him, but he gets so hung up on his

age,” William retorted back, grinning at Liam. Suddenly Liam felt a
surge of power flush through his body. No sooner had it arrived than
it sped through the gaps and disappeared.

“Okay, sweetheart, open your mind, just relax and let the feelings

and thoughts of those around you flow into your mind.” Percy’s voice
was so reassuring that Liam did just that and found himself swamped
with feelings of arousal, passion, and desire. “Okay, boys, back off!
There’s so much lust romping through his brain he’s never going to
see straight again, never mind contact his brothers.” Percy did not
sound happy, but Liam’s cock was so enjoying this that Liam was
sure he had a growing damp patch on the front of his pants.

“Come on, son, now reach out and call to your brothers. Your link

to them will be strong as your blood relatives,” William encouraged,
holding his hand once again. Liam felt the warmth in the man’s touch
and let it calm his body, and then he sent out a call.

“Finn, Paddy, hear me, please.”
Silence was all that was returned.
“Don’t give up so easy, lad, you’ll reach them,” Percy said. It was

as though he had the two men in stereo. He had a hard time
concentrating with all four men crowding round him. He paused and
thought of his brothers. They needed him to find them, and Joe had
promised the pack would help him. Pushing the sights and scents
from his mind he closed his eyes. If he was the amazing telepath that
William had gone on about, then he could do this.

“Paddy, I know you’re out there, please listen to me. We want to

help you. Can you let us know you’re out there?” Liam paused, the
silence in his mind seeming deafening, and then it hit him like an
eighteen-wheeler truck. He wasn’t opening his mind. He was closing
it in just trying to hear and reach the boys. When he’d tried before,
he’d been so desperate he’d just gone for it not thinking about what he
was doing at all.

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Taking a deep breath, he felt Alden’s and Joe’s hands on his

shoulders. They were here for him and his family!

“Boys, wake up. Where the hell are you? Do you know how much

trouble we’re in?” Liam knew it sounded harsh, but he knew his
brothers. Unless he sounded pissed off all things could be left for
another day. “Padraig, Finnian, get your sorry arses in gear now.”

“Liam, I can hear ya, but we’re in real trouble!”

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Chapter Fourteen

Alden could feel the relief pour off Liam as he heard his brothers’

voices. They’d spent the last ten minutes explaining they were in
some sort of plastic box with a concealed door that, according to Finn,
made a shurlurping noise like Liam kissing when it opened. How that
lad could crack jokes amazed Alden, but it also reassured them all that
fresh air was being allowed in. The worrying part was that they were
in some sort of vessel and Paddy had said he felt seasick with the way
the box kept swaying. They didn’t have time to get the Lady Jane out
of dock, so teams were heading out into the sound in their smaller
boats to cover the approximate location the wizards thought they were

Syn with Luka and Joel Douben, the newest pair to join the pack,

had stayed on land, Syn not wanting to go back on the ocean after the
long haul he’d had to Alaska and back. Matt had been convinced it
had something to do with the fact Tobias had swam with them and
was at present lurking round the North Atlantic like a bad smell, as
Matt had put it. Alden didn’t know what was going on, and at this
present moment in time it was their problem and not one he was going
to worry about. He was driving with a very silent and subdued spirit
walker. Joe had taken to the air and was somewhere over the Sound of
Arisaig looking for some sort of container ship.

“We’ll find them, Liam,” Alden spoke, wanting to break the ice

with his spirit walker. He knew the connection was there. Liam
couldn’t have given himself over in such a kiss if he was unsure about
the connection and didn’t feel the pull of the spirit bond.

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“I feel so useless. I can’t fly or track or annihilate like you lot

can. I’m a gamekeeper. I can breed pheasants and grouse and keep
Mr. Kingdom’s guns clean, but when it comes to something like this I
need half the shifter world to come and help.”
Liam stopped abruptly.
It was the most the man had ever said to him in one go, and Alden had
hoped when that happened it would be on as far less distressing topic.

Thinking of emotive topics, he knew he had to bring it up and

maybe it would shake Liam out of his melancholy disposition. It may
not put him in a better place, but it would take his mind off the guilt
that was eating away at him. Alden had no doubt the boys would be
found. Any other reasoning just wasn’t conceivable.

“We’ll be keeping you and the boys in Kashmerle after this, you

know. None of us can risk this happening again.” Alden paused but
got no reply or resistance. “The castle is a great place for the boys to
grow up and hang out. There’s even a good school close by that Enda
is hoping to enrol the boys in, with your approval of course. You’d all
be perfectly safe.” Again there was no response from Liam, so Alden
had a final go. “Joe is going to stay as well. Matt and Joe go back
almost as long as Kash and I do,” Alden said with a smile he now felt.
Still Liam said no more.

Alden knew there was personal stuff to be gone over, but he

refused to do it when they weren’t all together. He wondered how his
brother did it and decided to talk to Gregor before he spoke with his
walkers. Wow, my walkers. He had wondered if the same could
possibly happen to him, or perhaps it was a bear thing. But Knox was
complete with T’narr. There was no third there, so it must just be a
brother thing. His thoughts on spirit walkers over the years had swung
so violently from one extreme to the next he was surprised he’d been
so calm about it. Well, calm on the surface. His bear just wanted to
roar and complete the bonding, but he knew he had to have patience
and an understanding of his role within their bond. He felt their
connection and knew it was fated to fulfil their needs. His need for a
family, a family without stipulations, duty, constraints, and

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obligations, and a family he could love. A tear escaped from his eye.
He never cried and would have brushed it away in disgust, but he saw
the look in Liam’s eyes as he watched the tear fall, and suddenly tears
were no longer something to be ashamed of.

Alden gave a smile to his walker, which was shyly returned.

Maybe there was a way to truly connect with his walkers, both of
them, fully and equally.

* * * *

Syn padded across the coastal ridge. He couldn’t bear to go out on

the water again knowing that somewhere beneath the waves was a
shifter in the form of an orca, who he knew was his spirit walker. He
hadn’t told any of them, though he felt pretty sure Matt knew. Syn
was pretty sure Tobias Indigo knew as well, and that was the part that
ripped him two. Tobias was a Bestia vultus shifter, preferring to spend
most of his time in his animal form. Syn could have lived with that if
their animals had been compatible and could survive within the same
environment. But his tiger, although it had no fear of water or
swimming, couldn’t survive in Tobias’s environment, and he as an
orca couldn’t survive on land. Syn knew of the Fates, hell, Morta was
practically a permanent fixture at Kashmerle, but they clearly had had
no intension of letting him find the joy in his spirit walker.

“Syn, this way, look!” Luka shouted, standing on the outcrop of

rock that rose above the coastal path. Syn looked up at the beautifully
toned perfection that was Luka Douben. They’d been traveling in
animal form to have a better grasp of what their senses could tell
them, which meant Luka now stood there gloriously naked. And
although Syn still admired the view, the feeling of being ready to
pounce on any piece of available man flesh had gone. His mind and
his beast wanted Tobias. With a sigh he headed up the rocks. Was he
to be forever alone? That just sucked.

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As he got to the top of the cape he shifted and looked beyond. He

gasped. “What the fuck is that?” he asked as all three of them stared at
the swinging crate that was suspended between the cliffs.

“I hate to state the obvious, but it looks like a death trap,” Joel

said, his dry, black humour making one of its very rare appearances.
Syn flipped open his phone that was strapped to his arm and pressed
speed-dial one.

“Syn, what’s the problem? We can’t spare any more runners. We

have to comb the sound,” Enda stated before Syn had even opened his

“Alpha McCaffry, location of the Kenyon boys possibly

confirmed.” Syn did the formal response as it was the only way he
could think of to get his message across without letting the rage inside
of him scream its way out.

“Fuck, they’re on land?” Enda shouted out to the men who must

have been around him. Syn heard the cries coming from wherever
Enda was.

“Not exactly, Alpha.” Syn hesitated in his reply. “I’m going to

send you a video from my phone, Alpha, and then you’ll get the

Before Enda had time to answer, Syn began to film what was in

front of him. Across the narrow inlet, a wire cable had been strung,
well, several cables had been strung across the gap. On one side,
opposite them, was a huge crane embedded in the actual rock. On
Syn’s side the cables were anchored with huge steel pins. All this
wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t for the huge crate that hung suspended
from them over the inlet.

“They cannot be inside there, as the boys said they had had

visitors opening a door,” Luka murmured, shaking his head at the
same time.

“Look there,” Joel said in his economic way. Syn glanced across

at the inlet, taking the lens of his phone with him in the direction Joel
was pointing. On the opposite side was a retractable walkway-come-

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bridge type of thing, which explained how anyone approached the
crate. The worrying thing was it looked like it had been sabotaged as
the metal was now twisted and gnarled against the jagged racks it was
built into.

“Shit,” a voice from Syn’s phone called out. Yeah, that pretty

much sums the scene up well, Syn thought.

“I’m going to fetch our clothes,” Joel said before shifting back

into his huge bear and lumbering off. Syn didn’t say anything. It was
a good idea, and as he had none on what to do about the predicament
in front of him, at least clothed he had more options. Bengal tigers
weren’t common in the northwestern regions of Scotland.

“We’re coming in, Syn. Where are you, as I don’t think you’re on

Kashmerle land anymore?” Enda asked down the phone.

“The Devil’s Fingers, Alpha,” Syn said automatically as he shut

off the video and held the phone back to his ear.

“Well, that explains the jagged cliffs, and ironically it’s land

belonging to the Marquis of Ayling.” Syn shook his head before
realising Enda couldn’t see him.

“Everything seems to be linked somehow,” Syn finally said, not

wanting to say more, as the character who came to mind was the man
Daniel, Enda’s spirit walker, used to call father.

“Yeah,” Enda grumbled, but said no more.
“We’ll secure the area and see what we can do while you’re on

your way, Alpha,” Syn replied to an unspoken question just to break
the silence that had descended.

“Yes, right, that’s good. Alden, Joe, and Liam are on their way

already. They’ll confirm it is the boys from the scent when they get
there, so look out for them. I’ll relay to them it’s the Devil’s Fingers.
Which one?” Enda abruptly asked.

The Devil’s Fingers were what the locals called the capes of rock

that reached into the sea around them, each outcrop of rock being
called after a finger—Index, Middle, Ring, and Little. Syn smiled.

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The locals refused to use the American term of pinkie for the last

“We’re on Ring, and the crate is suspended between Ring and

Little,” he answered Enda’s question.

“I’ll relay that out to the lads, secure and contain, we’re on our

way,” Enda finished, leaving Syn holding his silent phone.

“What now?” Luka asked, turning to watch his brother approach

carrying a rucksack with his teeth.

“Secure and contain until the cavalry arrive,” Syn answered as he

pulled his clothes from the sack and shrugged into them. “I’m going
over to the crane see if we can winch the crate back over the cape and
not over the inlet. If one of you scouts the area for any personal items
and the other have a look at the bridge, see if we can use it in any way
to release the boys. At least we’re doing something.”

“How about trying to let the boys know we’re here?” Joel asked,

standing once again now he was dressed.

“Hell yes, shit I’m not thinking, the boys,” Syn blurted out, so

wrapped up in the rescue he failed in the most fundamental reasoning.
They needed to confirm the boys were actually in there and then
reassure them they would get them out.

“Can you do that, Joel? You’ll be nearest physically,” Syn

suggested. Joel nodded his head in agreement before he turned and
walked away toward the opposite cape.

“I’ll see if I can find any evidence of human activity around here,”

Luka said in a matter-of-fact way.

“I don’t think this was just humans, Luka,” Syn said quietly as he

walked the way Joel had gone as they set off about their tasks.

* * * *

Alden stared in disbelief at the sight before him. The crate was

still hanging over the cliff. The extendable walkway was now halfway
to the crate but could go no farther. William was tending to Percy,

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who had collapsed with the amount of energy he’d had to expel to
allow the pack access to the crane to enable it to be used. The
consequence of this, apart from Percy, was the whole area was now
alive with dark magic and it clung to their flesh, making everyone feel
dirty and sick. The only one who seemed unaffected by the magic was
Cedric. He was the only one who seemed to understand the magic
forces that were at work here, but he was saying nothing and hadn’t
since he’d disappeared with the camera Liam had had. Alden was
convinced it was that bloody witch Helga back to haunt them. But
they had been informed she was well and truly gone and her black
magic with her. William was adamant about this, and as he’d been
there at her demise Alden had taken his word on it. Plus this was very
much linked into all the disruption the pack had had recently with the
boxes of blackmail material, the death of the Marquis, the apparent
theft of Morgana’s Fire, and now the abduction of Liam’s brothers.
And they all had agreed it was to gain access to the castle. What
Alden didn’t figure was why. Yes they had a lot of treasure, which he
believed to be Kingdom’s interest, but this Necromancer guy was in it
for something else, but what he had no idea.

Alden had also noticed how Cedric had referred to this as dark

magic as opposed to black magic. He wasn’t sure of the difference,
but he intended to find out. As far as he was concerned magic was
either good or bad and dark magic was no different.

A sudden crack echoed round the inlet as the crate lurched in the

air and dropped a good ten feet. The crane which had been embedded
in the rock was being torn from its place. And that was what was
taking the majority of the weight from the crate.

“We only have one option, and we need to do it fast,” Jonah said,

looking at the cables anchoring the crate.

“No.” Alden roared so much so his walkers who stood beside him

jumped. Joe had been holding on to Liam not so much in support but
more to stop the distraught man from running and trying to jump from
the broken walkway. He’d managed to link into the boys now they

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were so close and had been letting everyone know the boys, though
tired, dirty, and apparently in need of a bathroom—only Finn would
think of his bladder—were okay and excited that the pack was there
to help them. The blind faith those boys had in them was what was
causing Alden to yell now.

“If we cut the cables both the crane and the crate will plunge

down the cliff,” Alden said, brooking no argument from anyone.

“If we cut them at the same time William and Cedric stall the

magic, we could swing the crate to that ledge over there and save the
lads. It would have to be done with split-second timing and whoever
was in the crane would have to jump once he released the crate from
the hook, but any shifter should have the speed,” Jonah said, his face
creased in concern.

Alden knew it was the only thing they could do. The cross cables

were what was preventing the crane from swinging the crate around.
William had said all of this construction was based on magic, this
dark magic, as he couldn’t see a way this could have been done
without it. But that also put another dimension on the problems they
may have.

“Do it,” a voice said from some distance away. “If this has been

set up the way I think it has, the designer will not have believed you’d
try and move it back and they won’t have tied any magic to that idea.”
Cedric turned to look at them all when he had finished, and Alden had
never seen those warm, intense eyes look so black and cold. What did
that man know about the designer of this contraption? Enda was
staring at Cedric, too, and Alden knew that was a question that was
going to be asked when this whole mess had been rectified. And
Alden was counting on when and not if this mess was rectified.

“They’re scared,” Liam said, looking up at Alden, clutching the

arms that were still wrapped around him. “And I think they’re getting
low on oxygen. I haven’t heard Finn for some time.”

“We have to do something, love,” Joe murmured, rubbing Liam’s


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“What about the helicopter? Why can’t we just attach that, cut the

cables, and lift it out?” Liam pleaded.

They’d discussed this earlier, and the weight, the elements, and its

awkward position had nixed that idea.

“We’ll follow Jonah’s idea. I’ll drive the crane,” Enda said.
“No!” Daniel cried, quickly turning to Alden and his walkers.

“I’m sorry I’m being selfish, but he’s my walker, and I don’t want to
risk—I mean I can’t, just no, Enda, please,” he finished, looking
desperately at his walker.

“No bonded pair should do this,” Jez said in a commanding tone.

And Alden knew he was going to offer. He opened his mouth, but Syn
jumped in first.

“I’ll do it. I know how to handle the crane, and I’m light and fast,

and no bond will ever hold me.”

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Chapter Fifteen

Syn stared every one of them down. He was going to drive that

crane and get the boys to safety. Why? Because he had nothing to
lose. He may know who his spirit walker was, but the bond was never
going to happen, whereas the other un-bonded men all had the hope of
finding it one day.

“I’ll go over there now and set up. Once I’m in I’ll give you the

nod.” Syn turned and started walking. He heard Matt shoot out but
ignored him. He hated doing that to the little duke, but he knew Kash
would understand and keep his walker calm and quiet.

Walking over to the cape, he looked out over the ocean, his—and

he was his—Tobias would be out there, and he felt both anger and
immense sadness, both of them. Why had the Fates dealt them both
such a crushing hand with a walker whose life neither could share?
The legends said if one died before bonding your spirit would walk to
another and live in them in the hope of being found. Maybe that was a
chance he should take…

* * * *

Liam watched Syn walk away just as Matt erupted beside him. He

knew there was something going on with the man, but it looked like
only he and Matt had noticed. It was almost as though the man was
pulling away from everybody, trying to distance his emotions from
the world. He didn’t know the man, but his gut told him to watch out
for him. Hell, he was helping save his brothers, and for that he would
forever back the man up.

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“He can’t do it. What about Tobias?” Matt’s voice rang out from

beside him. Liam watched Kash come up beside him and enfold the
small man into his arms. He was whispering something to his walker,
but Liam could not make it out. Whatever it was, it calmed Matt down

Liam felt Joe’s arms tighten around him as he leaned in and

whispered in his ear. “That’s what walkers do for each other, we
anchor our partners, hold them close, and never let them hurt or
crumble. Syn’s problems are his own, and much as Matt wants
everyone to be happy, he can’t always solve the turmoil inside

“Could you hear what Kash was saying?” Liam asked.
“No, love, and I wouldn’t want to.” Joe chuckled, and Liam

immediately felt contrite.

“Liam! Liam! Are you there?” Paddy yelled through their link.
“Yes, I’m here. What’s wrong? We are almost ready to move the

crate,” Liam said, noting the desperate note in Paddy’s voice.

“Finn’s unconscious, and his breathing is coming in small, faint

gasps. I’m really tired, too.” Paddy’s mental link was dwindling.
Liam could feel it getting weaker. He turned and looked at Alden, his
huge stoic and incredible gentle spirit walker, and let him know what
he had just heard. He could feel Joe there as well even though he
wasn’t looking at the man.

“We need to move now, Enda, we’re just about out of time. The

man wasn’t lying about the twenty-four hours,” Alden told their

Enda looked at them and just nodded, and as if one, the pack

moved into position as though they did this kind of thing every day of
the week. There were even a couple standing back holding two little
ones wrapped up from the evening chill. Liam began to doubt there
was anybody left in the town.

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“Tell the boys to lie low and together,” Enda called out and Liam

nodded. He knew he could speak to them all now with his newfound
skill but reverted back to type when his mind was occupied.

“Get on the floor and stay close, okay?” Liam told them.
“You think we’re stood up in this thing?” Paddy shot back, nerves

making him crabby, and Liam couldn’t blame him.

“Sorry. You just need to be down low and together. That way

you’ve less chance of falling and hurting yourselves,” Liam amended,
smiling to himself as he did not want to end up a sobbing mess. His
two little jokers had to pull through this, and then paranormal or not,
the man who put them there was going to pay!

A shoot of lightning suddenly flashed through the air as one of the

long, thick cables crashed down the inlet. He must have missed Syn’s
signal, and they’d started. He tried to pull forward, but Joe held him
fast. Alden had already started moving toward the ledge where they
were going to sling the crate. Liam wanted to join him so he was close
when they could get to the crate.

“I need to be close, please,” he begged his spirit walker.
“You do not play fair, my man, you know I cannot refuse you,”

Joe said with a strain in his voice Liam had not heard before. He made
to move when suddenly they were showered in what seemed to be
great shards of lightning. It wasn’t. It was magic, and it was magic
that came with a kick.

The crate in front of him lurched and swung directly for the ledge,

but it did not have the momentum it needed to reach.

“No,” Liam screamed and knew he’d telegraphed that to


* * * *

Syn swung the crate back out. Shit, he’d prayed the crate would

swing out first not back to him. He had heard poor Liam’s scream and
felt every ounce of his distress. This crate was defying the laws of

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physics, not that he knew many wizards who had ever studied the
subject. He knew he had only a couple of chances to land this thing
before the bedrock the crane was embedded in gave way. He looked
across the inlet. There was a chance he could wedge the crate on the
other side and be able to get the lads out quickly before the crag gave
way and the crate tumbled down the inlet. It was a chance, a half
chance, but the crate would not get enough momentum now to reach
the ledge, so he had to do something. As he twisted the angle of the
winch, the crate sailed over the crag, and as soon as it was above he
dropped down the winch and the crate crashed down upon the crag,
splitting in two. Half cascaded down the cliff, making an
earthshattering noise.

Syn was out of the cabin and racing along the winch over the inlet

before the noise had subsided. He could see the boys clinging to the
inside of the crate that remained. Every inch closer he got more rocks
and earth fell away from the crag. He swung down the cables that
held the crate in place until he was just above the crate’s edge.

Two sets of beautiful, grey eyes looked up at him. With the

destruction and the introduction of fresh air, Finn seemed to have
revived. He was no longer unconscious, although he did look dazed
and much disorientated.

“Boys, I’m going to pick you out and throw to the bank. It may

seem impossible, but I’m a four-hundred-pound Bengal tiger, so you
know I can do it.” He hoped his bravado worked, as he didn’t feel as
confident as he sounded.

“Syn, can you get them across?” Joe’s voiced echoed in his head

though he knew it was from outside.

“Yes,” Syn hissed as he grabbed the hands of Finn, his brother

supporting him from the inside of the crate. He pulled him up and
onto the perimeter of the crate. Bracing his leg around the cable, he
looked across at Joe. It was a drop of about fifteen feet and across the
width of the ten-foot crate. He knew he could get him out that far, but
the fall and how he broke it was going to be out of his hands.

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Suddenly there was the greatest roar filling the air and two huge

brown bears were facing him. Hell, he hoped he never had to face off
against the Kranski twins. They were formidable. They were also big
enough to catch a twelve-year-old boy flying through the air.

Not wasting any time, he gipped Finn in his arms and looked at

the bears. They nodded in unison as he hurled the lad over the crate.
Watching the terrified young man sail through the air to land in the
middle of the largest and probably softest bears in Europe if not
worldwide gave Syn the faith that they were going to do this. Second
time around and he had Paddy ready to go.

“Thank you, sir,” the young man said just as Syn was about to

fling him across.

“You’re welcome,” was all that Syn got to say as the crate lurched

and the cable pressed down on the leg that was braced against it. He
flung Paddy as best he could as he felt the cable rip into his leg as the
crag finally gave up its support of the crate.

Syn saw the bear catch the lad, somewhat awkwardly but catch

him nonetheless, as he felt himself slipping down with the crate,
slowly descending into the darkness.

* * * *

Liam ran to the bears. His brothers were safe. The bears had them.

As he got there, both bears shifted and stood gloriously naked holding
Liam’s brothers.

“Are they okay? They’re not hurt? Oh thank you, thank you, thank

you so much.” He knew he was rambling, but his boys were alive and
out of the horrible crate.

The Kranski twins walked away from the crag, ironically carrying

the Kenyon twins, and Liam trembled with the emotions running
through his body, He had heard the great crash as the crag crumbled
but was too interested in the boys to notice what had happened.

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They laid the boys in the back of the SUV and a doctor came over

with his white coat and stethoscope. “Sorry I wasn’t here
straightaway, but I was running late at the surgery,” the man said to
Liam and Alden. Gregor had rushed off quickly with apologies.

“My name is Dr. Banner, Raymond Banner, and it’s very nice to

meet you young gentlemen,” he directed at the boys.

“Hello, Dr. Banner,” Paddy said quietly with a small smile. “You

don’t turn green when you’re angry, do you?”

“No, young man, that would be my brother Bruce,” the doctor

said without a trace of humour showing on his face. Finn giggled and
that was all it took for the rather dashing Dr. Banner to crack a smile.

Liam prayed this trauma didn’t affect the boys. With the death of

their parents at such a young age and now this he was surprised they
could even smile. But from the look on Finn’s face he realised that his
first crush was just taking place, and knowing Paddy, he was going to
have some fun with it.

“Where’s Joe?” Liam asked as Dr Banner finished the boys’

examinations saying they needed rest for today but then to get them
out and sprinting around in the morning. This would get their bodies
back up to strength, but they should call him and make some
appointments so he could help them through any trauma that may be
residing inside.

Liam decided he liked the good doctor Banner. His hair was black

as midnight and his eyes were a vivid blue. If he hadn’t been given
two gorgeous men he’d have looked twice at the doctor.

“I think we all would have taken a look at the doctor,” Alden

said, smiling at both him and the boys who, after being given
something to calm them down, were slipping into a peaceful sleep.

Looking back he realised the light in Alden’s eyes was not there.

He was happy for Liam but not as ecstatic as Liam was over the
recovery of his brothers. And where was Joe? He’d literally
disappeared as the crag crumbled down the cliff.

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Alden looked away. What the fuck! Well, sod them all, he thought.

If they didn’t want to be with him and the boys, they could ride off on
their own. All the tension of the last week came crashing down on
him, and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. He wanted to take the boys
home and go back to normal.

“I’ll go look for Joe and then we can talk. A lot has happened in

the last week. I think we all need to just sit down and relax and get to
know each other and how we move forward with the family,” Alden
said in a grave, emotionless tone that left a shiver down Liam’s spine.
How could the man’s cold voice do that to him? It wasn’t fair. As he
watched Alden head toward the others who seemed to be running
round or shouting or looking plain distraught, he wondered what was
going on. Had one of the wizards collapsed again? Probably, the air
was charged with their so-called magic.

Liam was grateful to all of them, but at that moment all he wanted

to do was get the boys home. He closed the back of the large SUV
and went to the driver’s side. There, sitting on the passenger seat,
were the keys and his jacket.

It barely took him a minute to climb in, pull his jacket on, secure

the seatbelt, put the ignition in, and drive away.

Oh crap, where the fuck do I go!

* * * *

Joe flew back up the steep-sided inlet to the men on top. He had

been searching with Matt and Kash for the last hour to see if they
could find Syn. But there was no sight of him. He’d disappeared off
the crag on the back of the crate. Everyone had watched him fall, and
it was then that Joe realised it should have been a bird shifter that was
in the crane with the ability to shift and fly away from the danger, but
everyone had had their own agenda and only Matt seemed to have
seen the bigger picture. As well as the fact they all were bonded.

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Joe shifted as he landed. He knew the boys were safe. He’d

watched with pride as his walker caught them. Alden approached him
holding his clothes. Dressing quickly, he saw Enda approach looking
desperate and Joe had nothing to give the man. He shook his head.

“He can’t be gone,” Enda said in a strained voice.
“I didn’t see a body or a tiger either,” Joe said before turning to

Alden. “Where are the boys and Liam?”

“I left them in Sunan’s SUV, but I think he’s taken them back to

the castle. His mind was more on them than the current situation. You
can’t blame him. He’s been all over the place emotionally in the last
week,” Alden covered for their walker.

“Oh, I don’t blame Liam,” Enda was quick to say. “We did what

we did for those boys and nothing would have changed that.”

“Thank you,” Joe said just before Alden repeated the exact same

words. Joe watched as Enda looked out over the group around them.
The pack was quite a size. Admittedly not all the folk here were pack,
but there were about thirty people milling around.

Suddenly there was a huge crashing sound coming from below in

the inlet. The pack ran forward en masse, all probably hopeful to see
Syn. What greeted their eyes was the largest orca Joe had ever seen.
He was twisting and turning and crashing himself against the rocks.

“Syn must be gone,” Matt said quietly, yet Joe suspected everyone

had heard him. “I was fairly certain Tobias was his walker, though I
couldn’t be sure. They seemed connected on the Lady Jane.”

“They hadn’t bonded, love, and you know Tobias is a Bestia

vultus. They were incompatible. His spirit will walk on, and Tobias
has a chance at happiness still. I think that’s why Syn did it. He was
selfless when it came to the children, but he also knew his spirit
walker was never meant to be,” Kash tried to explain to Matt, though
Joe could see several flaws in his argument.

“Will he be all right?” Joe asked.
“Well, I’m not going down there to reason with him,” Alden said.

“If he shifts, he makes Lennox Lewis look fragile.”

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“There’s nothing we can do now. It’s getting dark,” Enda said as

Daniel came up and quietly wrapped his arms about his lover.

“Let’s get everyone back to the castle, and we can decide where to

go from there,” Daniel suggested, looking up to his walker, the same
sadness in his eyes as was in all the others’.

“Yeah, let’s go back, there’s nothing we can do now, and the tide

is turning, so the currents are going to do their worst. We can try to
search for him tomorrow, but I doubt now we’ll recover our Syn’s

Without another word everyone began to move out, but Enda

stopped them again. “Please remember that we saved two boys
tonight with the help from Syn. Syn would not want us to be
projecting any of our sorrow onto them.”

The pack nodded and murmured their agreement. Alden grasped

Joe’s hand and looked into his eyes with a strength Joe needed in his
life. “We need to go and find our men,” he said quietly.

“Men?” Joe asked, his mind a tumult of emotion, and he barely

knew the men of the pack.

“Our men, sweetheart, our family.” Alden smiled sadly, and Joe

felt a complete idiot as the penny dropped and he realised what Alden
was saying.

He snorted and shook his head as he watched the lights on the

vehicles brighten the sky. “I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he answered, using
the same endearment Alden had. “My mind has so much going on
inside it, it’s forgotten how to make sense,” Joe said as he let Alden
place his arms around him. Turning to head to their vehicle, they were
met by a bunch of men Joe recognised as Alden’s brother’s walker
and the man himself.

“Sunan borrowed you station wagon, bro, to get home, so you’re

going to have to travel back with us.” The usually jovial man was
subdued as they all were, but he still had a smile for his brother and
Joe. And for that, Joe was grateful. They had saved their family today
even if they had lost one in the process.

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Chapter Sixteen

As Alden entered the castle he realised he had no idea where the

boys and Liam would be. Joe walked in behind him, gently placing a
hand in the small of Alden’s back. His heart swelled at the simple
touch. Due to his size, that rarely ever happened. Kash had certainly
never done it, but then that relationship had been strange at best.

Everyone headed to the large dining hall where an open buffet had

been set up. Alden didn’t feel hungry. He felt completely torn. His
walkers were here, and his bear wanted to claim them, but they’d just
lost a pack member and everyone was subdued and quiet. Celebrating
his bonding was not an option.

“We’ll be okay, love,” Joe murmured behind him. As Joe rubbed

his hand up and down Alden’s back, the touch and the endearment
cracked the last of Alden’s walls. Joe must have picked up on his
thoughts. He’d have to remember that now. He smiled and looked into
Joe’s warm, chocolate eyes. He could lose himself in there and never
want to be found.

“We need to find Liam and the boys,” Alden spoke, still lost in his

walker’s eyes.

“Aye, we do. Where will they have been sent?” Joe asked.
“We can’t go now, not with what has happened. Liam will watch

over our boys—”

“Don’t be silly, Alden,” Jez said as he approached the pair of

them still at the entrance. “Alf took all of them up to your apartments.
They’ve put two beds in your dining room, as you never use that
room anyway.” Jez gave them a sad smile. “Go on, Syn would have
wanted you to be happy about your bonding. It meant so much to him,

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finding one’s walker.” Jez smiled more fully, looking at Alden. “Or in
your case, my dear friend, walkers.” Jez shooed them out of the
dining hall, turning back into the large room.

“Hang on,” said Joe as he headed straight for the buffet table and

spoke quickly to one of the cooks. Alden watched as his walker was
given a tray piled high with sandwiches, pasties, cakes, and a large
jug of juice. Joe turned and came back carrying the tray. Alden
smiled. His walker was thinking about his family, and Alden began to
feel secure in the knowledge he was a part of it.

“I know there’s not much here, but the cook said we can just ring

down and they’d send more up, especially for our bairns. That’s the
boys, isn’t it? Our bairns,” Joe said almost reverently.

“Aye, ‘bairns’ means young children, though if you are anything

like me it’s the our part that you like,” Alden responded, soaking in
the joy that was written across Joe’s face. Those warm, chocolate eyes
with the sparks of gold within them shone bright with unshed tears.

“I’ve always wanted a family,” Joe whispered, looking at Alden

as though he had just handed him the world.

“Me, too,” Alden said with the same feeling.
Joe suddenly grinned and nudged Alden’s shoulder. “Well, come

on then, we’ve two bairns to feed and a bonding that needs
completing!” He wriggled his eyebrows at Alden, who couldn’t stop
the laughter bursting out even in the subdued dining hall. “Come on,
lead the way before we’re frowned upon,” Joe finished, pushing
Alden out of the door using the large tray.

* * * *

Liam sat on a huge, soft, suede settee looking at the door to what

had once been Alden’s dining room. He knew the man never used it,
as the folk who worked here had complained that the room was a trial
to clean when all that they did was remove the dust. He hadn’t wanted
to come back here. He’d wanted to find somewhere the boys would be

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safe. And irony had come and hit him right between the eyes when he
realised this was the safest place for his brothers. A house full of
shape-shifting men who could turn into amazing beasts was enough to
frighten anybody off including the ominous Ms. Bucket and the
black-eyed man.

Liam shook his head. He had been losing sight of what really

mattered ever since he shot poor Alden, who instead of being some
monster after the boys was, okay, a massive bear, but also a loyal,
protective, patient man. And one who Liam was beginning to think
held his passion and love deep inside ready for his walkers to take it.
Well, it looked like he had two walkers, and Liam was pretty certain
he could love both Joe and Alden and his brothers if he could let
down his guard and let the men in.

A muffled knock came from the apartment’s main door. Liam’s

heart sunk in his chest. Was it them now, had they returned, and was
he ready to face the two most gorgeous yet enigmatic men he had ever
had the good fortune to meet?

The door quietly opened, and William and Percy walked in.

“Well, we are gorgeous, my love, but are we enigmatic, Perce?”
William asked as he sat down alongside Liam.

“There is nothing enigmatic about you, Wills, what you see is

what you get, and stop listening in to the man’s thoughts. That’s so
rude.” After which Percy plonked himself in William’s lap and smiled
at Liam.

Liam looked nervously at the pair. The little he knew about them

notched his anxiety up even more.

“Hello, gentlemen,” he said quietly, knowing they could hear him

quite easily.

“We need to have a chat, sweetheart. Well, more of an

explanation really, about this place and your home within it,” Percy

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“My home isn’t here,” Liam put in yet knowing what he said was

no longer true. His home was with the boys and his two walkers, but
how could that be combined and succeed?

“Oh, my dear boy, you are a spirit walker in this world of ours.

That is the ultimate goal. To be with the man, or rather men, the Fates
chose for you,” William explained with a grin.

“And you don’t go against the Fates, especially not that Morta,

she holds the bloody threads,” Percy interjected.

Liam had no idea what the Fates had to do with this, but after all

that had happened he didn’t doubt they existed.

“Listen, sweetheart, your walkers are on their way and we need to

let you know we’ve changed a few things,” William explained as
Liam’s heart rate started to increase.

“Yes, the delightful Ms. Bucket is up on a disciplinary charge for

prejudice against homosexuals. That woman has been discriminating
against families like yours for years,” Percy put in with a look of
righteous indignation on his face.

“Aye, that is true. She will nay be doing that anymore,” William


“Nah, we’re heading her into pest control when the hearing’s

over.” Percy giggled. Liam was just about keeping up with the
conversation as the two kept adding their own opinions to what they
were explaining.

“Anyway, you won’t get any hassle from her again and your case

has been transferred here to Kashmerle. I think Maggie will be
handling you and the boys now. She’s pack and Duncan and
Hamish’s mother. So you are sorted,” William continued. “The
woman has no problem with gay couples—”

“Or triples.” Percy giggled again.
“Hey, I’m more than enough for you, poppet,” William said

before giving Percy a rather hot kiss. Liam squirmed in his seat. He
wanted that, the intimacy that came with a soul mate, which these two
men obviously were. Would Joe or Alden be that for him?

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“They both will, Liam. They love you already, and that will never

get old or fade with time. The bond can only be strengthened with the
love you all share,” Percy said with a smile, obviously knowing he
had been caught listening in to Liam’s thoughts.

“As a telepath you are part of the magic users’ world. Your

parents should have explained this to you, but don’t panic, we will get
you trained. I have devised a programme for you to study—” William
stopped as Percy placed his hand over his mouth.

“I won’t let him go all professor on you, my sweets. We’ll sort

your ability out as we go. Mr. Bookworm here will not spoil it for
you,” Percy interrupted.

“Hummm,” William mumbled before continuing. “Your home is

here now. You are part of the Kashmerle Pack. The grounds are
extensive, so a gamekeeper will definitely be useful round here, and
the wolves love to hunt, so a good supply of game is always needed.”
William grinned at his statement, as if that meant everything, was
now okay. And Liam realised it probably did—a home and life for
him and the boys, the prospect of a job away from Mr. Kingdom, and
a safe haven with his walkers. It was too good to be true. Did he dare
believe? He still felt a little unsure about Alden, but at the same time,
when he was near the man he felt nothing but safe.

“Alden is just as unsure about you, Liam,” Percy said. “He found

you and Joe after you had already bonded. He’s always felt as though
he’s been on the outside looking in, and he’s terrified it will happen
with you and Joe.”

“No!” Liam called out, feeling like his whole world had just slid

on its axis. How could he have failed to think about the others
involved? He’d been so wrapped up in his own worries he had
completely overlooked Alden’s and Joe’s concerns.

“All your walkers need and want is your unconditional love. With

that they can and will conquer anything for you and your brothers. All
you need to do is believe.” Percy smiled and climbed off William’s
lap. “Come on, handsome. Alden and Joe will be here any minute and

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we have work to do, well, you do,” Percy said over his shoulder as he
walked toward the door.

“Thank you,” Liam said as William followed.
“You’re welcome, honey,” Percy said as he opened the door.
“What work do we have to do?” William asked as he walked out.
“Well, darling, we need to get some pudding!”

* * * *

Alden paused in the corridor as Percy raced past squealing like a

girl. He was followed by William muttering something about
pudding. He shook his head. Those two could drive a saint to drink.

“Are they always like that?” Joe asked as they watched the pair

disappear round the corridor.

“You have no idea,” Alden said as he then proceeded toward the

door to his apartments. His heart felt like it was racing, and he took a
deep breath. He could do this. His entire life was all around him, his
bear was clamouring to claim them, and his heart was desperate to
know it belonged to these men and that they belonged to him.

He entered the room followed quickly by Joe. Liam had stood up

and was watching the pair of them.

“Hi, babe, did you get the lads back okay?” Joe asked as if all was

normal and they weren’t about to—ahh. Alden couldn’t even go
there. His bear was too close to the surface. He just wanted to grab
these men and love on them.

“I wish like hell you would,” Liam’s voice ran clear in his mind.
“Oh hell yeah,” said Joe coming up behind Alden and sliding his

arms around his waist. Alden shivered. And Liam walked toward him.
Alden’s walkers surrounded him, and he knew he had to say
something before he lost his nerve and he let his bear take control.

“I can’t do this as an outsider, no that’s not what I mean. I just

can’t be the extra, the third, oh shit, I’m making a fucking mess of
this,” Alden stammered to a halt.

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“There is no third, Alden, we are each other’s walkers. I know

Liam and I got together first, but we had no idea there would be
another. Hell, most shifters fail to find one, never mind two,” Joe said,
talking softly but urgently behind him. The whole time Liam was
nodding in front of him.

“I don’t really know enough about the spirit walker bond, but I do

know my own feelings and they are strong but are combined for both
of you. My mind is questioning it, but my heart tells me this is right,
and I can’t and won’t choose between the two of you. I want you
Liam finished with a pink blush rising on his cheeks, and
Alden couldn’t help but smile. The smaller man was gorgeous. He
may have been the silent one, but his face spoke volumes.

“I think we’ve caught him, Liam, all we need to do now is get him

out of his clothes,” Joe whispered somewhat loudly around Alden’s
shoulder. “If we start do you think he’ll get the hint?” It would have
been good if Joe hadn’t laughed as he finished. This soon stopped
when Liam pulled his T-shirt over his head, revealing his lean, toned
body to the pair of them. Alden couldn’t resist. He had to have them,
to bond them together for all the time they had.

Grabbing Liam around the waist, he picked him up and tossed him

over his shoulder. He grabbed Joe’s arm and pulled him alongside
before he walked toward the stairs.

“Will the boys be okay?” Liam asked, though not making any

protest to their ascent up the stairs.

“Sure, I’ve left all food down there, and they know where the

bathroom and kitchen are, plus if they need us they’ll knock,” Joe said
as though this was a normal occurrence. “They know about us, and I
don’t think there’s any problem.”

“No, there’s not. They like you, both of you.” Alden smiled, the

feeling of belonging and family cementing itself in his mind. But at
that moment he was far more interested in getting his men naked and

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Alden walked into his bedroom and tossed Liam across the bed.

The man grinned up at him and began to unbutton his jeans. He
wriggled his ass and shimmied the pants down his legs. No
underwear. Alden groaned.

“Ah, fuck,” Joe said beside him and quickly started ripping the

clothes from his body. Alden’s cock swelled in his pants to the point
it was painful. He quickly locked the door and returned to the end of
the bed.

“Fuck.” He stood and stared at the two gorgeous men lying naked

on his bed. They separated at his expletive and leered at him.

“Someone’s way overdressed,” Joe said as he rose to his knees

and then crawled to the end of the bed.

Liam rolled out of the bed and walked round, his cock’s rigid

length bumping his abs as he moved. “I think our man needs a little
Liam purred in Alden’s mind. He was about to
shake his head when two sets of hands began roaming over his body.
Liam’s fingers pulled at his shirt, releasing it from his jeans before
sliding up over the skin on his back. Alden felt as though his skin was
on fire. Joe grinned up at him and began to undo his pants, slowly
releasing his zip and the pressure on his aching cock.

“Yes,” he hissed as Joe slipped his hands under the waistband and

pushed the pants down. Alden quickly kicked off his shoes and pulled
his socks and pants off. Liam pulled his shirt over his head and finally
he was naked with his walkers. He felt his bear roar with triumph.
Both men pressed in close, Liam tracing kisses down his spine while
Joe grabbed his neck and pulled him down for a kiss, plundering his
mouth like an avenging pirate. So much for being the big alpha male
when it came to his walkers. He was absolute putty in their very
capable hands.

“I want to have you both inside me, filling me, making me

complete,” Liam murmured in their minds.

“Oh, fuck yeah, babe, we can do that,” Joe said, having pulled

away from Alden. He grabbed Liam and crushed their lips together.

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Alden didn’t have time to be disappointed as he watched the two
plundering each other. It was so fucking hot Alden thought he was
going to shoot his load just from looking at them.

“We can’t have you losing it, babe,” Joe said, surprising Alden. It

was going to be interesting having two other men in his head at the
same time.

“Yeah, but so much better having two men in your body,” Liam

said with a wicked grin before pushing Alden to the bed. He barely
had time to bounce before his walkers were on him.

Alden gave up trying to think. This was right and where he should

be, neither on the outside nor in the centre, just part of their team. He
grabbed Liam and pulled him in for a crushing kiss. Inside, his bear
roared in triumph.

* * * *

“Lube drawer,” Alden sent out to Joe’s mind,
“God yes.” Joe moved to the drawer, though his eyes never left

his lovers plundering each other’s mouths. Shit, that had his cock

“Ah, baby, that’s a beautiful sight,” Joe purred, looking at Liam’s

pink, puckered hole. Smoothing the gel over his fingers, he warmed
the cool liquid before rubbing around that most intimate spot.

“Ahh,” Liam moaned inside his head.
“Oh, to hear your voice, babe. Let me know how you feel.”
“More, please more,” Liam begged. Alden must have heard, as

his hands came round and gripped Liam’s ass, parting the cheeks to
give Joe more access. Joe shivered. This three-man sex was hot!

“Damn right and I want our dicks in his ass now!” Alden

thundered through their link.

“Yes,” Liam hissed.
“Fuck, I’m on this.” Joe felt Liam’s muscles relax, and he slipped

his digit in to the knuckle before sliding it back out then in again but

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going deeper. Soon Liam was rocking with him and he’d increased to
three fingers. He curled his fingers round and grazed across the
bundle of nerves inside his lover.

“Agh,” Liam shuddered, and Joe repeated the process until Liam

was a quivering mass of sensation.

Joe moved Liam’s hips and slowly rubbed lube up Alden’s very

thick, pulsing cock. Alden’s grunt was enough to tell him the man
was ready, and Joe guided Liam down on Alden’s cock. Liam
shuddered as he enveloped Alden’s shaft, and Joe gloried in the sight
of his lovers’ intimate connection.

* * * *

Liam took a deep breath as a shudder racked through his body. He

had never felt so full. He could feel the throbbing pulse passing
through his lover’s cock, which was encased deep inside him. He
gloried in the feeling until he knew he needed to move. Had to move!

He lifted his hips and looked down at Alden, whose eyes were

glazed over. He rammed his ass down and Alden groaned. He did it
again, and this time Alden thrust with him. The sensations rocketing
through his body were explosive, and he knew he couldn’t keep this
up without coming all over Alden’s chest. Ah fuck, yes please. Liam
didn’t know if the voice in his head was his or one his lovers’ and at
this point he didn’t care. Sweat was dripping from his brow and
running down his body, and he was tense like a coiled spring just
waiting to be released. He needed more. He needed Joe inside him.
Joe’s fingers went around Alden’s shaft, and as he sank down on the
man’s hot, hard length, he felt Joe’s finger slide inside him. The burn
was painful yet exquisite, sending sparks of fire through his body to
settle in his aching groin. Joe was stretching him with every push, and
he loved it.

“Joe, please fill me,” Liam pleaded, desperate to feel these men

become a part of him. He’d had no idea what was contained within

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this world two weeks ago. Yet he had now found something so
profound and perfect he was willing to risk everything he had to make
it complete. And something told him deep inside he was not yet

Alden suddenly hoisted him up, drawing his mind away from his

thoughts and back to the dynamic sensations that were racing through
his nerve endings. He felt rather than saw Alden grab both his own
and Joe’s cock moments before the pressure began to build round his

“Relax, baby, let us in to love on you.” Alden’s words seemed so

calm, yet they were all in a heightened sense of arousal. The tip of
Joe’s cock pushed in alongside Alden’s, who hadn’t pulled out
completely. They entered him together, and he thought he was going
to split in two, but he wouldn’t have changed a thing. Let them all
worry about the rest later, now was what was important, his walkers
with him.

“Shit, Alden, I can feel you, fuck I can feel you both,” Joe yelled

out as he and Alden began a punishing rhythm that was driving Liam
wild. Stars began to swirl before his eyes, but still there was
something missing. “Mine!” Joe yelled out as his claws extended, and
he swiped them across Alden’s chest just as he had to Liam’s just
days ago. Something surged within Liam as hot cum painted his
channel. Alden roared, rose up, and sank his canines into Liam’s flesh
between his neck and collarbone and another feeling of immense
well-being settled within him. But still he needed more.

And abruptly he knew. He had no idea how or why, but he had to

have these men hold his soul. “Please keep my soul safe.”

“Yes,” both his walkers said in unison, and suddenly all that they

were clicked into place. Liam shuddered and erupted in the most
powerful orgasm he ever had as both Joe and Alden did the same a
second time. Liam lay in their arms. Neither one said a word as their
breathing slowly evened out. He didn’t understand fully what had
happened, but he sure felt it. They had called it the spirit bond, but it

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felt so much more as though they were now linked physically through
sharing their souls. He knew that was right. He knew they were right
and so help him he was right. Alden stirred as he slipped from Liam,
Joe having pulled out moments before.

“That was…” Alden’s voice trailed off.
“Awesome,” Joe finished.

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Cedric looked at what most folk believed was a camera. It was,

and a very high quality one, but it was also a portal. A way of
traveling somewhere you had never been and crossing through spells
and charms which may have stopped you. Cedric knew the
Necromancer very well, as did his great-nephew, William. The man
had held Morgana’s Fire for centuries, until Cedric had stolen it from
him years ago and had placed it in a pendant, which the Marquis’s
family had then claimed. The Necromancer didn’t know of Cedric’s
involvement in this little plot, though Cedric believed the man had his
suspicions. What Cedric was uncertain about though was why he
wanted it back now? He had never used the power when it had been
in his possession. Cedric also firmly believed, having spoken with
Daniel, that his father had no idea who he was dealing with or the
possible consequences of his attempts to discredit and undermine the
Kashmerle Company and destroy the shifters within it. Things were
afoot as one may say, and Cedric had a bad feeling about all of it.

Cedric crouched down and placed the camera within a small,

wooden box he had on the floor. This he then placed inside a lead
case, sealing both with magic. Carefully he pushed the case on a shelf
in what looked to be a very disorganised study. He smiled. Morta was
anything but disorganised, and it was the one place, if the
Necromancer broke through the magic seals and used the portal, he
would never get off.

He walked back into the middle of the room and turned and

grinned at a large mirror.

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“I know you can see me, and I know you know what that is,”

Cedric spoke directly to the mirror. And he was certain the mirror
grinned as he disappeared from the room.

* * * *

Alden looked up at the ceiling in his room. He had never felt so

content, replete, and sated. It had only been a month, but his walkers
and the boys were a family. They had tumbled into his life as though
they had always been there. The boys were always up to something,
but they’d settled in at school, and the school had accepted that they
had three male guardians. Alden knew this open acceptance had been
helped by a huge donation that was now funding a whole new, top-of-
the-range ICT unit with computers linked throughout the school. But
it didn’t matter. He’d give the school funds twice over if they kept his
boys happy and secure in their educational environment.

William had confirmed Liam was a telepath, and he could now

transmit to the pack and anyone else if he so wished. The boys,
although they didn’t know it yet, were warlocks. Their grip on magic
was quite weak, but William and Percy had reassured them that this
would grow. William had also explained the soul keeper myth
surrounding magic users and, how with Liam asking them to keep his
soul safe, they now shared each other’s souls. Alden had part of
Liam’s and Joe’s souls, and they shared his with each other.
Apparently this was how magic users bonded with their chosen one,
and they got to choose, sort of. He’d lost the plot by this time, so
amazed that Liam had offered to do this with them. Liam had said he
had not understood his need to do so to begin with, just that it was
imperative that he ask. Alden liked the way Liam looked at the world.
He’d shown Alden the meaning of being an integral part of a family
and, no matter what anyone was doing, that was there as his
foundation, solid and unbreakable, and strong enough that they would
be prepared to kill for them.

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Alden knew Liam still felt guilty for his shooting, but if Alden

thought someone was threatening his family—He let that thought go.
His bear was so protective he could feel him inside rumbling at these
thoughts. He looked back down at his new bed. Knox had made the
huge frame and carved the headboard with bears, falcons, and otters,
Liam’s favourite. It was beautiful, and they filled it. He snorted, and
both Joe and Liam snuggled in closer. His heart melted. Joe had his
head on his shoulder with his arm wrapped round his waist. Liam had
a thigh flung over Alden’s leg, pushing an impressive erection down
his hip and his arm holding Joe’s. Pinned by his walkers, Alden
couldn’t be happier.

They’d all come together feeling like outsiders, Liam due to his

silence and Joe and Alden for being a second choice for too many
years. In the last month they’d fallen all over themselves to prove they
were each other’s first and only choice. He chuckled. And hadn’t that
been fun?

Soft lips touched his neck as a hand moved down to the nest of

dark curls that surrounded his suddenly very awake cock. Alden
couldn’t stop the groan that slipped from his lips. Liam’s tongue
moved up his neck as he nibbled the soft, sensitive skin behind his
ear. Joe’s lips were heading south as they caressed his shoulder before
skimming down to his nipple. Alden felt the nub harden under the
attention it was getting. He wanted to see what his walkers were doing
to him, so he pulled the sheet from the bed, leaving them uncovered
for his view. Joe’s hand gripped his cock, now throbbing with pre-
cum slipping from the deep-purple head. Joe passed his thumb over
the slit, catching the pre-cum before holding it up for Liam to taste.

Alden groaned. This was just too good to be true and hell, was he

going to enjoy it.

“It’s true, babe, and don’t you forget it!” Joe’s thoughts came

crashing into his head as the man sank lower and ran the tip of his
tongue through his pre-cum, grinning up at Alden as he took in the
taste. Alden watched as Joe slowly took in his cock. It was way too

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thick for the poor man to take in much, but what he did swallow he
did with style. So much so Alden had to bite the inside of his mouth
to refrain from coming.

Liam was still back nibbling around his neck as he rubbed his

erection along his hip. Alden wanted to swallow his smooth length
down his throat and turned to look at his walker. The smile Liam
returned told Alden he’d heard his thought, but Liam swooped in for a
hungry kiss before Alden could say anything. Yes please. He would
take any amount of this. With Joe taking his cock and Liam
plundering his mouth, Alden thanked the Fates that they hadn’t given
up on him the way he had them.

Liam pulled away, and Alden whimpered, and he didn’t care that

it wasn’t manly due to the look of absolute adoration he got from
Liam. He’d whimper all day to know Liam thought so much of him.
The man moved to straddle him, his long, smooth cock hard and
ready for him. Joe at the same time moved directly between Alden’s
legs, slapping his butt to get him to lift his hips. Joe placed a couple of
pillows beneath him and then sank back down, licking from the base
of his cock to the tip.

Alden opened his mouth and licked the pink, weeping head of

Liam’s cock, letting the bittersweet saltiness burst on his tongue. His
senses were on overload, and he loved it.

Liam leaned his head back and gasped as Alden swallowed down

even more of his cock, using his tongue to massage the bundle of
nerves under the head.

“That is so fucking good,” Liam moaned. Alden had to agree as

Joe continued to lavish his attention on Alden’s throbbing shaft.
Alden heard Liam gasp again, and slid his hands around to his crease,
where he encountered Joe’s fingers sliding in and out of Liam’s ass.

Alden groaned around Liam’s slim shaft. He could take any

amount of this.

“Yeah, baby.”
“Hell, me, too.”

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Alden let Liam’s cock slide out and laughed. He couldn’t help

himself, and his walkers joined in.

“I’m ready. Will someone put their fucking cock in me?” Liam

demanded, not moments later having slid down Alden’s chest and
perched himself at his groin. The humour faded, making way for the
intense desire, love, passion, and good plain lust that was filling the

Joe guided Alden’s cock to their lover’s entrance and rubbed the

tip against it, spreading pre-cum around. As soon as Joe lined them up
Liam sank straight down.

“Agh!” Alden groaned as the hot, wet heat surrounded his very

sensitive cock. Liam gasped and stilled as his body relaxed and
accepted his Alden’s heat. His eyes closed as his head fell back on his

Joe was stretching Alden with fast, quick strokes, swiping over his

prostate as often as he could. Alden’s whole body was crying out in
need, desperate to feel his lovers both inside and out. He heard Joe
throw the lube on the bed as he watched Liam begin to rock on his
cock. His hands slid up from his hips to span his slim waist, his
fingers dusting over the creases that were part of the V that led to his
groin. His abs, although not prominent, were firm and clearly defined,
leading up to a broad chest. He was nowhere near Alden’s size, but to
Alden he was beautiful.

Liam opened his eyes and looked down on Alden. The smile that

crossed his face was serene, though desire burned in his eyes. “Thank
Liam said, the smile going from soft and warm to wicked and
lustful in moments. “Now are you going to fuck me?”

“Hell yes, lad!” Alden’s voice, although in their minds, was

rough with desire and need. He braced his feet and began to thrust
into Liam with swift, hard strokes. “So you want me to fuck you?” he
ground out with each thrust.

“Yes!” Liam hissed. His eyes closed again, but Alden was having

none of that. He paused, and Liam’s eyes flew open.

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“That’s it, babe, I want you to watch as I fuck you,” Alden

murmured low and deep.

“And I’ll watch you both as we fuck each other,” Joe continued

with a grin. Alden felt Joe’s fingers stretch him out. It didn’t take
long. He was already stretched from a tryst they’d had by the pond
earlier in the day. It hadn’t been that much of a secret, though, as his
brother and his walkers had caught them naked and sated down there.

“You ready, baby?” Joe asked, his eyes crinkled at the edges with

a smile that lit his whole face.

“Aye, lad, do your worst,” Alden answered with a grin as Joe

plunged deep into his ass. Alden winced at the burn, which then
rapidly turned into a groan of pleasure. Alden was complete. Slowly
he started thrusting into Liam’s warm channel. Joe quickly picked up
the rhythm and thrust in Alden as he pulled back.

“God, yeah, that’s good,” he managed to say before the sensations

took over his brain. The intensity built up, and sweat beaded on his
brow before falling across his cheek and into his hair.

Liam’s whole body gleamed with the fine sheen of sweat, making

him seem like an otherworldly being sent to bear witness to the lowly
men on earth. But behind him were the warm, chocolate-coloured
eyes tinted with gold that crinkled at the edges as Joe’s smile lit up his
whole face. Even in the throes of passion Joe couldn’t hide his smile.
Joe’s heart sang, and as a result so did Liam’s and his. Joe winked at
him over Liam’s shoulder and whispered to his lover.

“Let’s give the old man the ride of his life.”
Liam laughed, and although no sound was made, Alden knew

both he and Joe heard it.

The intensity increased, as Joe now began pushing a faster

rhythm, slamming Alden’s prostate with unerring accuracy. Liam
rode him like he was on a racehorse, giving no let up on Alden’s
senses. His cock was swollen to almost painful already, increasing
even more as his balls tightened. He knew he was close. Then Liam
leaned down and bared his neck for him.

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Alden growled and sank his canines into Liam’s neck, causing

both of them to explode in climax. Alden’s ass clamped down on Joe
and pulled him over the edge with them.

Yeah. Alden smiled. Questions still needed answering, but at this

point he really had stopped worrying. Life was just too damn good.

* * * *

Bang, bang, bang.
“Liam, Alden, Joe, come on ya gotta see this,” one of the twins

yelled through the door. It sounded more like Finn than Paddy.

“Aye, this man Saul’s here, and Uncle Cedders has gone loopy.”

The other twin spoke, Paddy by process of elimination. Cedders was
the boy’s name for Cedric, and it seemed to have stuck.

“Cedders on a good day is strange, but when he’s loopy, anything

could happen,” Alden said, sounding nervous.

Joe smiled, and Liam could hear the thoughts rushing through his

head, his family. They may not be related by blood, but the Kashmerle
Pack and Coven were a family, and as they quickly got dressed, Liam
knew they’d do what was needed.

“Aye, this Saul bloke is huge, and he’s Luka and Joel’s dad,” Finn

said with a giggle.

“What’s wrong with that?” Alden asked, raising his eyebrow.
“Oh, it’s not about being a dad, but he is huge and he arrived

naked.” Paddy smirked.

“Heaven help them,” Liam said as he and his family headed




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Ellen lives with her four children, her dog Angus (named after the

lead guitarist in one of her favourite rock bands), her three cats and
the rabbit—oh, and not to forget her husband—spending most of the
day running round after them.

But once the sun goes down you’ll find her running away on her

keyboard with those gorgeous heroes and lovable rogues, spinning
stories of love and romance!

Ellen loves hearing from her readers, who can contact her through

her website.

For all titles by Ellen Quinn, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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