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Spirit Walkers 4

Flying with Spirit

Craig MacCarrick thought he’d seen it all. He’d collected a fortune
and lived well with his Pack. Yet he would give everything up for
one more day with the man he’d always love, Matthew James

Matthew has a bad habit. He dies a lot. And none of it is his fault.
The Fates, who never make mistakes, really messed it up.
Unfortunately Craig didn’t know this and Matt couldn’t explain.

Morta has had enough. Nona has made a mess, and now no one is
offering to clean it up. It is about time these men were put in their
rightful places so she can go back and watch her soaps.

With determination, a little luck, a dilapidated farmhouse, an evil
hunter, an interfering Fate, and a musty laundry room, these two
men may finally find each other.

It is a long shot, but they are both hoping.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Shape-shifter
Length: 39,872 words

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Spirit Walkers 4

Ellen Quinn



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Ellen Quinn
E-book ISBN: 978-1-61926-962-0

First E-book Publication: August 2012

Cover design by Harris Channing
All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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To my four bairns,

Squeaky, Fluffy, Spudley, and the Girly~Whirly,

Whose spirits are always flying

And who keep my sanity insane.

I love you guys!

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Spirit Walkers 4


Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

1641, Hades

“Oh, bugger!”
“Well, that’s bloody charming, and you say I’m the misery guts in

our family.” Morta grinned as she watched her sister swear up a blue

“What’s going on?” Decima asked as she walked into the room.
“Don’t blame me, I’m innocent,” Morta defended.
“The last thing you are, sister dear, is innocent. Why is Nona

swearing so much, and why do we have a loose spirit in the kitchen?”

“A loose bloody spirit. They aren’t staying. They’re a manky pain

in my ass,” Morta grumbled.

“I’m sorry, Decima. I forgot to spin it into Matthew James

Kashmerle’s thread when he was born about ten minutes ago,” Nona
said, looking down at her spindle.

“Oh, crap!”

* * * *

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Flying with Spirit


1745, Kashmerle Castle

Matt smiled, looking out at the sea. He loved the view from the

window of his and Craig’s bedchamber. They’d shared these rooms
for nearly all their eighty-one years together. He knew his unnaturally
long life was due to Craig being a shifter. But he couldn’t explain
how it had worked and wasn’t going to start worrying about it now.
He was just grateful.

Humans were not like were-folk. His body was not going to last

forever. He had a limited term, and his time was up. Craig was so still
lying beside him, his head resting on a pillow beside Matt’s chest as
he could no longer take the weight on his body. He ran his fingers
through his lover’s hair. For him there had only ever been Craig, and
in their time together there had only been him for Craig. He knew that
would have to change once the final sleep took him, and now that it
was here he was no longer jealous. He couldn’t bear the thought that
his lover, his heart, would be forever alone. For all Craig looked
fierce and frightening, Matt knew he had a gentle soul. The soul that
would take care of two brown bears forever if need be, who’d
lovingly restore an old galleon, an even older castle, and love a
young, inexperienced man who was desperate to make his way in the

His life had started when he’d walked up to his Craig outside of a

tavern to say thank you for saving him from a very unsavoury man
and his unwanted attentions. And so he had started on the adventure
of a lifetime. They’d swam naked off the small island of Lamu. Stolen
gems from pirates off the coast of Ceylon. They’d made love in the
shadow of the pyramids and crossed the Atlantic to drink rum in the
Caribbean. They’d always had good collections, as Craig called them,
when they’d hit the Caribbean. The pirates there were so stupid. Matt
and Craig would sit in the harbours and watch the bands of men come
in drinking and carousing. No one took any notice of him or his man,
too insignificant to be worthy of a second look. But while they

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watched the shenanigans on shore, Alden and Gregor would move in
and knock unconscious whoever was left on the ship. Once the pirates
in the harbour taverns had lost themselves either in the drink or some
trollop’s skirt, Matt and Craig would head back to help the boys. He
was the standing joke in that respect. Being all of five foot four, his
role was always lookout. He wasn’t really needed then either. With
the boys’ sense of smell and Craig’s phenomenal eyesight, no one had
ever sneaked up on them. But it made him feel useful. He did have
one other role. For all they called Craig Captain Feathers, when it
came down to it he was the captain of the Lady Jane. She was his lady
and had been since the day he’d spotted her off the coast of Russia.
He’d been quite prepared to buy her but missed his opportunity. But
Craig, being Craig, had known how much he’d wanted that ship and
had chased her down until all they’d needed to do was walk on board
and take her. Or should he say collect her, as that was how Craig
described the “work” they did. They collected Alden and Gregor that
day and had made them free men after being slaves for so long, one of
Matt’s better moments.

Matt’s mind crept back into the present. There were things he still

felt he had to do. Matt needed a word with Alden. It was a word he
didn’t want to have, but necessity required it to be said. “Craig, my
love, would you mind getting a warm cloth and water to bathe me?
I’m sure one of the boys will sit with me.”

“I’ll get Alden. Gregor’s finishing the unloading this time,” Craig

replied as he left the chamber to call their friend. Matt was glad he’d
timed it right. Craig and the boys usually unloaded the Lady Jane
together, but with him being so weak they’d split the work so there
was always someone with him, which tended to be Craig. Alden
walked in, his head slightly lowered. Matt knew all about Alden’s
feelings for his Craig, and in these last moments he knew he had to let

“He’s a rogue, but he’s easy to love,” Matt said, looking at his

friend. “He’s yours to look after now, Alden. I know how much he

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means to you. I can’t say I want you with him, as my love will never
die for that man, but I can’t be selfish either. Look after him for me.
This world would be a far emptier place without Craig Kashmerle in
it.” His breathing felt laboured, but he had to do this.

“You know I’ll always be at his side, we both will, and no one is

ever going to fill your place in his heart,” Alden argued, though he
looked more desolate with every word.

“I’m selfish enough to want that,” he said, smiling. Craig came

back in the room, and Alden moved back. Matt smiled as his good
friend left. Matt knew he wouldn’t see him again. Craig sat back
beside him and gently washed his body. The care he took was almost
too much to bear.

“There, my love, do you want some clean clothes or sheets?”

Craig asked.

“The sheets have not been on long, and my silk robe and you are

all I need to keep warm,” Matt murmured. “Let’s rest a while. Will
you hold me?”

“That’s something you never need to ask, my love, ever!” Craig

said quite forcefully.

“Oooh, I love it when you’re masterful,” Matt said, catching his

breath and wheezing somewhat.

His lover moved beside him on their bed, placing gentle kisses

down his chest. “I’m going with you,” Craig murmured before
burying his face in Matt’s side and letting a sob rip through his body.

“Oh no, sweetheart. No!” Matt cried, his voice barely more than a

whisper. “The boys need you, especially Gregor, he’s as soft hearted
as you are.”

Craig snorted, but Matt knew he understood. Oh, how he didn’t

want to leave his loving man, but his body was just too weak to
support him anymore. A tear slid down his face. He wasn’t even
strong enough to make love, and he missed that connection he’d had
with Craig. He was a physical man, and Matt knew there would be
another to fill his place. It made him feel sick just thinking about it,

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and a small, jealous part of him hoped it was someone so unlike him,
like Alden, and who could never fill his rather small boots in Craig’s

“I will always love you,” he whispered.

* * * *

Craig hung on to his emotions by a thread. He would not give way

to misery while Matt was still beside him. The misery could have him
later. Looking up, Matt’s eyes crinkled at the edges into the most
beautiful crow’s-feet he’d ever seen. He did not see an old man and
never would. Matt was as gorgeous today as he had been when Matt
had followed him to that stream so many years ago.

Living after Matt was gone held no purpose for him, but Matt was

right. He did have Matt’s boys, Gregor and Alden. They were part of
the crew, and they, unlike Matt, were immortal shifters. “I’ll make a
promise to you, my love,” he murmured gently into Matt’s ear. “I’ll
stay until both boys find their spirit walkers. After that, my life really
is done and I will join you.”

“Oh, sweetheart, I wish I had been yours, I wish I could have

bonded with you so we had forever, but you might meet your spirit
walker and be happy.” Matt’s regret was heartfelt, and Craig knew
he’d have no walker unless it was Matt.

“No, my love, if I was to have a walker it would have been you,

and only you.”

He leaned back down and gentle gathered Matt into his embrace.

“You are so warm, Craig. I want to watch the sunrise together.”

“That is sometime hence, my love. Get some rest, and I’ll wake as

it happens.”

“Thank you, Craig, my love.”

* * * *

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“Wake up, love.” Matt heard the whisper in his ear, but it sounded

so faint and far away.

“Craig, is that you?” he asked, feeling a little disjointed and

almost as though he wasn’t in his body anymore.

“Of course it’s me, my love. I’ve wrapped you up, as you felt so

cold. Are you ready for the sunrise?” he asked as he left the bed to
open the long, warm drapes Matt had picked for their room. Matt
didn’t feel cold at all, but if it kept his Craig happy, he’d stay wrapped
up. The darkness was still outside, but Matt knew the sun would be
rising soon. Craig knew this was his favourite time of day, the
darkness before dawn as the streams of light hit the horizon as the sun
said hello once again. Craig climbed back into the bed, pulling Matt
into the centre of his body. Matt felt so secure and loved. He watched
the sunrise. It was beautiful on this early March morning. At one
point he thought he was floating away with it but laughed at how silly
that was. He felt really tired, and the place where he was didn’t look
like home, but he was sure Craig would explain in the morning,
except it was morning, wasn’t it? He must have slept through the day,
that was it.

He closed his eyes, lying on this slightly lumpy bed. He sure as

hell hoped those lasses would shut up soon.

“What the hell have you done, Morta?”
“I ain’t cuttin’ his thread, so you two had best work out how ta fix

this bloody mess young Nona made!”

* * * *

1745, the Sound of Arisaig

Craig stood on the deck of the Lady Jane, his soul mate’s body

wrapped in beautiful blue silk beside him. His heart had broken two
days before, when his beloved Matt had passed away in his arms.
Now he was just filled with anger. Seething rage at the Fates for not

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making Matt his spirit walker so they could spend eternity together. If
they thought he would ever love another, they were so wrong.
Matthew had been it for him and should have been his walker. He
gritted his teeth to stop himself from screaming at the injustice of it
all. He was empty, dead inside, and would remain so, for as long as he
was granted his life. He prayed he never met whoever his spirit
walker was, as he vowed he would not complete their bond,
condemning them both to death.

Craig carefully picked up Matt’s cold body, taking him to the

plank they’d used to board so many vessels over the years. He kissed
the silk that covered Matt, and he placed him on the edge and walked
back to the Lady Jane.

Standing by the plank, he whispered, “I love you,” before he then

lifted it slowly, allowing the body to slip almost silently into the

Standing behind him on the open deck, two grown men openly

cried, Matt’s boys, wrapped in their own grief at the loss of their dear

* * * *

Two days later, Valletta

Matthew opened his eyes. His head was reeling. He’d just spent

two days in Hades, not a popular holiday destination in anyone’s

He’d died, he knew he had. At one hundred and four, he should

have died fifty years ago, but some force of nature had stopped him.
Even at his age, he’d only looked to be in his late fifties, going by the
few other men he’d seen of that age.

And he now understood why. The Fates had fucked up big style.

He had been Craig’s spirit walker. They had just forgotten to weave
his spirit into his thread.

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Morta had been the one who had saved him, as she insisted that he

be rethreaded. This had been the argument that had been going on for
the last two days. Do they start again or go with the old model? Well,
he was sitting here, and he was breathing, so he guessed he now knew
the answer. But where was here?

Looking around, Matthew could see only the end of the cot he was

lying on. It was a tiny space. The cot literally went from wall to wall,
completely hemmed in from three sides. The curtain that hung across
the fourth side was just rough hessian fabric hung over a pole.

“I know you’re awake, sunshine,” a voice called from the other

side of the fabric. A voice he recognised.

“Where are we, Morta?” he asked as he pulled the fabric back and

sat forward on the edge of the cot.

“Your new home, stupid.”
Matt smiled to himself. She’d gone from sunshine to stupid in two

sentences. Not bad for the old girl.

“Less of the old, thank you, now listen and listen well.” Morta

looked at him with those all-knowing eyes. “I’ve broken a few rules
here. I should have cut your thread, but mistakes were made. You
were supposed to live your life far longer with your beloved eagle.”

“I wasn’t his walker after all. Someone really messed up,”

Matthew said, his heart aching at this knowledge.

“Well, it wasn’t me!” she answered, looking decidedly huffed.

“And you were his walker. Why do you think you lasted so bloody
long? Your flaming spirit was a little shit, and I can’t tell you how
happy I am that the irritating sod has gone.”

“Where is it?” Matthew asked.
“For an intelligent man, you can be really thick sometimes. It’s

back where it belongs, inside you. Your spirit is an aura you have
with you and in you. It is not your soul. This aura needs to join with
its mate to be truly whole. Once your aura or spirit combines with its
other, they walk together for the rest of your lives. Completely
inseparable, even by death.”

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Ellen Quinn

“So that’s why they are called spirit walkers?” Matt asked,

beginning to understand the concept now.

“Well, it’s why we call ’em that, you lot come up with all sorts of

different reasons, take yer pick, I don’t really care.” Morta looked at
him. She was obviously getting bored. “Now all you have to do is
wait until Craig finds you.” Morta sat back in the chair, looking
closely at him.

“Well, I can go to him. I know where he is. I just don’t know

where I am.”

“That’s the cost,” Morta said quietly.
“The cost?” Matt stammered, his heart rate increasing. “What


Morta sighed. “You’ve been given a second life. The cost is you

cannot go and connect to your previous one. They—well, Craig—has
to find you. You can’t tell him anything, he must work it out for
himself. Once he has you, you can then open up, but he must work it
out on his own.”

Matthew was stunned. He was in limbo until his Craig found him.

How long will it take?

“You may have to wait a while. Your Craig is very angry at the

moment. He hasn’t taken your apparent death too well.”

“Of course he hasn’t. We love each other. He was, is, and always

will be my other half. I have no idea how I’m going to cope knowing
he’s out there and I can’t reach him. To be in the position of thinking
he’s totally alone with no hope of ever seeing me again that is…it’s
just…” Matthew sobbed. He couldn’t do this to Craig, his lover, his
wild, rugged man who had swept him off his feet all those years ago.
The timid, pathetic son of a duke who wanted love and adventure with
a man as strong as the oceans he wanted to explore.

“Craig will find you, give him time,” Morta said with real warmth

in her voice, which was something he had never heard before.

“And if he doesn’t?”

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“I’ll come back and kick his bloody ass for you!” With a quirk of

the lips and a wink, Morta was gone.

“Matthew James Cashmerlon, get your sorry backside out of bed.

We need to go hunting.” Matthew had no idea who was calling him,
and his name sounded wrong.

“We couldn’t give you exactly the same name, you nonce, you’ve

just died. Be grateful my bloody sisters allowed me this much.” The
voice rang in his head, Morta’s.

Matt really hoped Morta wasn’t going to do that a lot. It felt like

he had a second person in his mind. Though it did explain his softer-
sounding name. He went to the door, opened it, and nearly fell out of
a tree.

Matthew swallowed quickly. Where the hell was he?
“Shit, you’re a peregrine falcon shifter,” Morta whispered again

loudly in his mind without actually appearing. “You have no family,
but you live alongside these lanner falcons. Joe is real nice, you’ll like
him. Shift like Craig explained. You’ll be fine.”

The voice was gone, and so was Matthew’s time getting adjusted

to his new, er, life? A young lad bounded into his small space. “Come
on, what are you waiting for, let’s go get some grub.” Joe, who
Matthew assumed was responsible for the voice he had heard earlier,
grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the tree.

Thank God Craig had explained shifting, as he hadn’t expected his

first shift to be completed airborne.

* * * *

1811, eastern side of the Caribbean

Alden stared at Kash as they loaded the cargo they’d acquired

from a miserable pirate called Norris. His crew had taken the money
they’d offered on land to leave the man and his boat. Now Norris was
sleeping soundly in his barren, locked cabin on a far-lighter vessel.

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Alden’s brother, Gregor, was off collecting enough provisions to get
them home, and knowing Gregor, he wouldn’t be back before dawn.

When they’d finished, they headed to the galley of the Lady Jane.

They had some bread and cheese left as well as some of the salted
beef from their kind provider, Captain Norris. Sitting down, Alden
stared at the man opposite. He knew he could never take Matt’s place,
but over the last sixty-six years, his admiration and respect for the
desolate man in front of him had grown into real love. Gregor still
hoped for his spirit walker, but Alden was no longer sure about any of
it. If the Fates hadn’t deemed Matt the perfect partner for Kash, he
wanted none of it.

Their conversation had dried up, and Alden rose to clear away. It

was as he turned back that he found himself face-to-face with Kash.
The man ran his hand down Alden’s cheek, sliding it round his neck
and gently pulling him down for a kiss. Alden trembled with the
featherlight touch of their lips. His tongue slid along the seam of
Kash’s mouth, desperate to taste the man before Kash realised what
he was doing and broke away.

Kash didn’t pull away. He leaned in, nibbling on Alden’s lower

lip. Alden gasped, and Kash slid his tongue inside. Their tongues
played and twisted, tasting each other. The taste exploded in Alden’s
mouth, and then Kash was pulling away, and Alden bit back a moan
that was determined to escape.

Kash stared into Alden’s gaze. His eyes looked black as coal, but

Alden knew they were more a midnight brown, and if the light caught
them, it looked like there was fire sparkling inside them.

“I can never love you, Alden.” Kash’s voice was husky with

regret. “You are a good man and deserve the best. I’m forever

“No!” Alden cried.
“Shh, you know it’s true, and I won’t lie to you. But I’m a man,

and I miss the warmth of another in my bed. If you can accept that
and all my other faults, you know where my door is.” Kash’s hand

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cupped Alden’s face in a gentle caress before he turned and walked

Alden stood there, his body shaking. This was what he wanted,

wasn’t it? He had yearned for Kash. He wanted to ease his tortured
soul. Give him back some of the life he’d lost. From what the man
had said, that was not possible, but he could try.

Alden stopped. He was outside Kash’s cabin. Kash no longer slept

in the captain’s cabin, as he said the captain was no longer with them.
Alden knew it was the memories of the times he and Matt had spent
in their cabin. He reached out and gently pushed the door. It slowly
swung open. Kash was silhouetted by the light filtering through the
small window at the top of the cabin. He remembered fitting those
years ago when they found a glass tough enough to take the strain. He
was now glad they did. Kash was six feet of lean muscle, covered in a
soft down of hair. Again, it wasn’t black, just that dark, dark brown.
The contours of his muscles could be seen beneath, tempting a man to
go and explore.

Kash turned his head. “Last chance.” Alden stepped in and closed

the door.

* * * *

Kash looked at the handsome man before him. What the hell was

he doing? He loved Matt, but Matt was gone and never would return.
Did he have to spend the rest of his life in purgatory? Alden was so
different from his Matt. Tall, dark, strong—a true predator. Matt had
been the opposite—small, pale, gentle—a light in his life that should
never have gone out. He gave himself a shake and turned to face this
gorgeous man. He needed something to warm his body and soul. He
was using Alden in the worst way, but at least he hadn’t lied.

Kash pulled Alden toward, him sliding his hands down his chest

to pull out his shirt. The feel of Alden’s smooth skin sent sparks of
electricity through his fingers. Alden lifted his arms and pulled the

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shirt over his head, tossing it over the chair in the corner of the room.
His skin felt hot under his fingers. Kash had often watched the man as
he shaved his body hair on the deck in the sun. Now that was a sight
for sore eyes.

“Why do you shave?” he asked, running his hand down the warm,

soft skin to undo Alden’s britches.

Alden snorted. “It started when my father started to bring potential

breeders for me to view. The hairier the bear, the greater his supposed
prowess, so I shaved.”

“Did it work?” Kash asked as he slid his hands around to Alden’s

backside and squeezed the taut flesh before pushing the fabric down.

Alden kicked off his boots and stepped out of the fabric,

gloriously nude. “Yeah, it did, much to my father’s disgust.” Kash

Both men stepped closer as their hands began exploring each

other’s bodies. Kash’s cock, which had been slow to rise, now felt
rock hard and butted up against Alden’s thigh. He rubbed against the
man and groaned at the sensations running through him. He suddenly
felt his body rising as Alden lifted him. Kash wrapped his legs around
Alden’s taut, lean waist, pushing their cocks together. Alden bent his
head and kissed along Kash’s neckline, sucking the blood to the
surface. Kash didn’t care. He just needed to feel, to be alive if only for
the moment.

Alden knelt on the bed and laid him down, taking his kisses from

his neck down to his pecs. Alden’s hand slid up from Kash’s hips to
circle his nipple, the other supporting his weight as he leaned over
Kash’s prone body. Kash was beginning to lose all conscious thought
as Alden devoured his body. His nipples were tight, hard nubs that
were so sensitive he was afraid he’d come from just the attention they
were getting. He reached out his hand to pick up some of the guava
oil they’d collected that sat on the table by his bed. He handed the
small bottle to Alden before he raised his legs, gripping them under
his knees.

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Alden’s breath was ragged as Kash stared up into his hazel eyes.

Alden slicked up his fingers and ran them gently over Kash’s waiting
hole. The gentle teasing was driving Kash insane. It had been so long.
Since Matt’s death, he had relied more or less on himself, unless the
need became too much and a man crossed his path who just wanted
mindless gratification with no words or affection. This was different.
This had risk. Alden was someone he saw every day, and although he
said he could never love him, he knew he already did. But it was not
the love he knew Alden so desperately wanted, and it never would be.

“Ahh yes,” he cried as Alden’s finger slid inside him slowly,

letting his muscles get used to the invasion. The burn felt so good.
“More” was all Kash said. There was no need to elaborate. Alden
knew what they both wanted, and in many respects, both needed.
Fingers were added to the play, and Kash felt the stretch through his

“Now!” he demanded. Kash was tired of waiting. Alden used the

last of the oil on his fingers to slick up his cock as he lined it up with
Kash’s opening. Alden looked down at Kash, and he could see the
love and passion in Alden’s eyes. It threatened to undo Kash, but
intense pleasure from being filled took over, and Kash thrust up as
Alden pushed, impaling himself on Alden’s thick, hard cock.

Alden was no small man, and Kash felt every ridge and seam as

his cock thrust deep. “More,” Kash yelled out, wanting Alden to
hammer into his body to drive out the pain and regret that was there.
And that was exactly what he did.

* * * *

Alden closed his eyes as he began to pound into his lover. He

could see the uncertainty and shame in Kash’s eyes, and he could not
bear it. This was what he wanted, and he would give Kash his body
and all the pleasure and fulfilment he could manage, taking whatever
he gave in return. It would be enough.

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He felt the heat rise in his body the shocks shooting through his

system as the pleasure rose. He was close. Bringing his hand to
Kash’s cock, he began to stroke it to the same pounding rhythm as he

“Yesss!” Kash screamed as his cock swelled in his fist before

shooting streams of pearly white cum over Alden’s hand and his
chest. The distinct scent that was all Kash invaded Alden’s senses,
throwing Alden into the abyss. He pumped his cock hard and shot
deep inside his lover.

The feeling of euphoria Alden knew was misplaced, but he

couldn’t hold back. He slid from Kash’s wet heat, holding Kash tight
in his embrace. He didn’t know how long he’d have, but he was going
to grab every minute and enjoy it to the fullest. And maybe
somewhere along the line, he could pick up Kash and take him along,

* * * *

Kash heard Alden breathing slow, grateful to the man for keeping

silent. He knew there was so much left unsaid and that probably never
would be said between them, but he could not change. His heart
would always be Matt’s.

He stared into the darkness of his cabin, one he’d never shared

with Matt, and cursed his weakness. He felt the tear fall and this time
let it drop. He curled into his new lover, hiding the tears that ran down
his face, not realising they fell upon his lover’s chest.

Nor did he see the tears that fell elsewhere in the room, though he

knew they were there as he felt them on the cheek of his lover as they
lay there in the dark.

* * * *



March, 1845, Bay of Gibraltar

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Matthew flew over his Lady Jane, sitting in the Bay of Gibraltar.

Every year on this date, he would find her. He always started at the
beginning of the year, searching the world until he’d spot her. Matt
never got too close to the galleon once he found her as their spirits
could not bond through him. Craig had to do that on his own. It was
part of the “price” Morta had made him pay to be here still. He’d left
the lanner falcons years ago. Joe had wanted more from him than he
could give. Knowing Craig was out in the world somewhere meant he
couldn’t give himself to any other. He found it best to live alone and
as a falcon. The irony of the Fates’ choice of peregrine was probably
not lost on them. He’d always loved the peregrine falcon when he’d
been merely human, and now he was living as one. He was much
larger than the full birds, as all shifters were, but there was no
mistaking his colouring or stature. The Fates had got this part right.
They must also have realised how much he had wanted to fly with his
fish eagle. It was up on the roof where Matt used to sit all those years
ago and admire the grace that was his man. And one day, God he
hoped so, one day he would he would fly alongside that beautiful

Looking down at the galleon, he got his glimpse of Craig. In a

strange way, it was like a joint ritual they did together every year,
even though only one knew it happened. Craig walked to the bow of
the Lady Jane with two glasses of fine malt. They’d shared many an
evening, lying naked in each other’s arms, sipping the smooth
whiskey, often sharing a glass before losing themselves in their

The ship had collected more crew over the years, and Kash’s

legendary collecting was probably filling the vaults at his beloved
castle. Except it wasn’t Matt’s anymore. He did visit, usually when he
knew Craig and the crew were on the other side of the world. They
could lock the place down tighter than a drum, but Matt could always
get in through the trap door on the roof of his and Craig’s apartments.

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He looked down again, hovering on the thermal so high up he’d

just be a dot in the sky. Alden was approaching Craig. He knew they
were close friends, and he’d asked the man to look after Craig for
him. But this was his moment with Craig, the one time every year on
the anniversary of his supposed passing that he knew his love was
thinking just about him. Alden should not be there.

Alden stood behind him and wrapped his arms around his Craig.

This wasn’t right. “Give him back, he’s mine,” he screamed. He heard
his falcon cry out into the sky, the sound lost on the warm, rising air.
His heart beat so hard in his chest he thought it was going to burst out.
And then they kissed, and his anguish turned to anger. How dare he?
The man he thought was a friend had moved in, stealing this special
moment and his life, his only reason for living, the reason he had
waited for his lover to come and find him.

He screeched and plummeted to the ground, wanting the anguish

and the wait to end. As he approached the surface of the water, he
opened his wings in the hope the impact would take what was left of
his miserable life.

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Chapter Two


“Hello again, Matthew,” said a voice that did not sound happy

with the world.

“Morta, please cut my thread. I can’t bear it. He no longer loves

me. He’s never searched for me. He doesn’t care.” Matthew fell to the
floor and sobbed. For that brief moment, he hated Craig.

Morta hastily looked round before he felt her hand rest gently on

his shoulders. “Get up, lad, there’s no need for this. Craig still loves
you, and when he finds you, he’s going to be so remorseful about his
Band-Aid on loneliness, you’ll be able to ask for anything.”

“I don’t want anything. I just want my Craig, not Alden’s Craig.”
“Matthew, listen. He believes you are dead and has given up on

his spirit walker. He’s a man, and they can be really stupid at times.
He has not realised that his spirit walker can only be you, as that is
where his heart lies.” Morta looked at Matthew with that same
warmth in her eyes that he’d seen many years ago. Not something she
let people see very often, thought Matthew.

“What’s a Band-Aid?” he asked, not understanding the term.
“Oh, they haven’t been thought of yet, but they come in pretty

handy when they do arrive.” Morta smiled. Matthew decided if it was
something that made loneliness okay then what it actually was didn’t

“Can I have a Band-Aid for my loneliness?”
“You don’t have to be lonely, Matthew. Go out and have some

fun, meet people, play the field, sow some wild oats, do things you’ve

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never done before. It’s going to take Craig a long time to wake up and
smell the bloody roses, but I promise you this—if the idiot man hasn’t
woken up the next time my path crosses with his, all the Fates will
give him a kick up his proverbial ass.”

“Thank you,” Matthew said, though he knew it didn’t really help.
“A word to the wise, my lad. Stop looking for the Lady Jane. It

will only leave you hurting for your loss.” Morta smiled. To Matt it
looked positively wicked. “This I think will help.”

Matthew’s mind seemed to shut down after that, and he felt sleep

take him over.

How long he’d slept, he did not know, but he was back in his tree

house in Valletta. His mind felt fudged. He knew who he was, but
things were missing. He was looking for somebody, but for the life of
him he couldn’t remember who. He knew how old he was, but not
where he’d been born. What he’d done in the last two hundred years
was hazy, too, as though some memories were hidden. He shook his
head. Maybe they’d come back. There was one thing he did
remember. It was a scent, the most amazing aroma. It surrounded him.
Whoever that scent belonged to belonged to him. He knew that
without a doubt, but what was gone was who it belonged to.

* * * *

“You have a soft spot for that man, Morta,” Nona said as she

skipped into the room. Morta didn’t move, staring into the huge
Seeing Eye that sat on a stand like a globe in the middle of the floor.
They watched as Matthew woke up in his home in Valletta.

“It wasn’t fair making him live with his memories,” Morta

replied, not taking her eyes off the small, beautiful man in the Seeing

“Since when have you been about fair?” Nona tossed out, dancing

round the room spinning her threads.

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“Since my idiot sister forgot his spirit and wrecked his life.”

Morta growled. She snapped her fingers, and the Seeing Eye Globe
went dark. Taking out her shears, she snipped the threads of four
fishermen who’d been stupid enough to go out in a storm and flew out
of the room.

* * * *

Nona stopped dancing and walked toward the Seeing Eye,

snapping her fingers. She watched Matthew fly out of his home to go
hunting for his lunch.

“I’m so sorry,” she said and touched the glass. Valletta suddenly

had a flurry of ducks in the area. “Enjoy your lunch.”

* * * *

“Matthew, are you in there?” The voice sounded familiar, but he

wasn’t sure.

“Joe?” Matthew asked. It had been years since he had heard from

or seen his old friend. He had left, and Joe had gone to find his spirit
walker. The door pushed open, and a tall, lean man walked in.

“Hey, Matty, how are you doing?” Joe asked, a shy smile on his

face. Matthew just jumped up and ran into Joe’s arms. He wrapped
his arms around his neck, and when Joe’s hands gripped his ass to
pull him up against him, Matthew wrapped his legs around his waist.

“I’ve missed you,” Matt said, looking into those deep brown eyes

with the flecks of gold.

Joe’s face had a strange look, adoration and confusion mixed

together with fear. “Matty,” he croaked, as his body trembled.

Matthew did the one thing he’d always wanted to do, but he

couldn’t remember why he hadn’t. He kissed him. The light caress on
Joe’s lips was intoxicating. He wanted more. He slipped his tongue
along Joe’s lips before he grazed them with his teeth. “Matty,” Joe

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groaned again as he walked toward the cot in the corner. Over the
years, Matt had extended it into the room so there was plenty of space
for two grown men. Joe lowered Matthew down, looking into his
eyes. “Are you sure?” he asked. Matthew could see he was waiting
for Matthew to wake up and say no. That’s not going to happen,
Matthew thought. They may not be each other’s spirit walkers, but
they had been and obviously still were best friends.

Thinking about spirit walkers, Matthew thought he’d better ask,

even though he knew the answer. “You didn’t find your spirit

Joe shook his head and made to move away, probably thinking it

was all over. Matthew grabbed his arms, pulling him back down so
Joe had to lie over him. He spread his legs, letting his erection rub
against Joe’s. They groaned at the feelings they were awakening.

“That’s good, as I didn’t find mine, either.” With that last

statement, Matthew pulled Joe down and kissed him again, only this
time it wasn’t a slow, chaste kiss of new lovers. It was a scorching
kiss promising so much more. Joe moaned and didn’t hold anything
back, devouring Matthew with his kiss, and Matthew accepted it all.

Gasping for breath, Matthew rasped out, “Too many clothes.”
“Hell yes,” Joe said as he leaned up and grabbed the back of his

shirt, pulling it over his head.

“Wow,” Matthew said as he looked at the lean, muscular build of

the boy he’d once known. Joe’s smile was predatory as he leaned
forward, grabbing the edge of Matthew’s shirt. Matthew lifted his
body as Joe slid the fabric from his skin. He swooped down as soon as
it was gone to plunder another kiss, this one trailing down Matthew’s
jaw to the sensitive area behind his ear. Matthew’s whole body
shuddered at the sensations running through him. He felt alive again.
He hadn’t felt this way in so long. He ran his hands down Joe’s taught
body, relishing the way he moaned when his fingers teased his
nipples. Joe lifted up his head and watched as Matthew ran his hands

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over his abs, loving the feel of Joe’s hard muscles and the fine hair
that ran down the centre.

Matt slid his hands around the waistband of Joe’s pants. Opening

the buttons when his hands found them, he pulled them down so he
could caress Joe’s hard buttocks, loving the feel of them under his
fingers. Joe leaned back and slipped the pants off. Matthew went
straight to his own pants and shucked them off in record time. Joe
gasped as he stared down at Matthew’s naked body. So Matthew ran
his hands over his chest then down to caress his abdomen, finally
gripping his cock, slowly stroking it.

The strangled cry from Joe was exactly what Matthew wanted, “I

so want to be inside you,” Joe cried as if he was in pain.

“I want to feel you fill me, Joe, feel your warm, hard shaft

pounding deep within my body,” Matthew answered, still stroking his
own body.

“God yesss,” hissed Joe, looking around for something, grinning

when he spotted the small bottle of oil on the table where Matthew
usually ate. He jumped up and was back, and Matthew didn’t think a
moment had passed. “Lift your knees, love,” Joe instructed. Matthew
heard the endearment, but friends could and did love each other, so he
wasn’t going to mention it. In fact, he may well use it himself. He
held his legs up, exposing his most intimate of places to Joe’s gaze.
The lust he saw burning there burnt away any inhibitions.

Matthew smiled at Joe and winked. “What are you waiting for, my

lover?” he asked seductively.

The lust in Joe’s eyes boiled over as he slicked his fingers with

very shaky hands. Placing the bottle down on the floor, Joe leaned
over and kissed him. As his lips caressed the seam of Matthew’s
mouth, he moaned and opened for Joe as he thrust both his tongue and
his finger inside him. The slight burn eased almost immediately as
Matthew lost himself to the passion of Joe’s kiss. Soon, Joe had three
fingers easing in and out of Matthew, gently grazing over those inner
nerves that sent Matthew wild.

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“I’m ready, love, let me slick up your cock,” Matthew almost

growled at Joe, which then made him laugh, as he was a peregrine, for
fuck’s sake.

Joe smiled and leaned back, picking up the oil to pour some into

Matthew’s waiting fingers. Joe knelt upright, his long cock hard and
ready. Matthew slid his slick hands around the waiting shaft, feeling
the deep vein that ran beneath it to the waiting purple head. He leaned
in and licked the pearls of pre-cum that gathered at the tip before
sliding his thumbs over the top. “Matthew, I want to be inside you,”
Joe panted again, his voice shaking with need.

“I’m here, love, take me,” Matthew responded with just as much

need as Joe. He lay back, and Joe pushed his thighs under Matthew,
lifting his legs over his shoulders. He placed his cock at Matthew’s
entrance before leaning forward and pushing the head through the
relaxed ring of muscles. Joe looked at Matthew, who smiled his
reassurance. It was all Joe needed, as he thrust in the rest of the way.
Joe paused, letting them both feel the intimacy, the hot fullness and
tight heat of their coupling. Matthew began rocking his hips, and soon
Joe got the message and began thrusting into Matthew. Grabbing
Matthew’s ass, Joe changed the angle slightly, which meant he hit
Matthew’s sweet spot every time. Matthew’s body exploded with
feelings, almost overwhelming him. Lights flashed before his eyes as
he drew close. Joe slowly built up the momentum, and Matthew knew
he wasn’t going to be long.

Joe suddenly yelled, “I’m going to come, Matty,” as he gripped

Matthew’s cock and pulled it, rubbing his thumb over the sensitive
slit. That was too much from Matthew.

“Aghhh!” he yelled as cum shot from his cock over his chest and

Joe’s hand.

One, two, three thrusts later and Joe’s back went ramrod straight.

His head fell back, and he screamed as he erupted deep inside
Matthew’s channel. The warmth spread through Matthew as his heart
rate slowly decreased.

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Joe fell forward, careful to lie beside Matthew, not directly on top.

Matthew put his arms around his new lover, gently running his hands
up and down Joe’s smooth skin.

Joe stirred. “Is this real, Matty, or am I going to wake up and find

you gone and realise I’ve just been dreaming about you again?”

Matthew heard the vulnerability in the younger man’s voice. Why

had he waited so long to love this amazing man?

“It was real, Joe. I was lost inside my own mind, but now I’m

back. Why are you here? I thought you’d given up on me.”

“I was lonely, and when you kept saying no I got upset and then

angry. So I went looking for love and my spirit walker. I found
neither.” Joe paused and lifted his body to rest on his side, placing his
elbow down, resting his head on his hand. “I came back here, as I
remembered the fun we’d had, and I wanted some of that back.”

“And you found me instead,” Matthew finished for him.
“Yes,” he said hesitantly.
“But,” Matthew said, “that ‘yes’ definitely had a ‘but’ attached to


“I don’t want this to be a one-off,” Joe said quickly, his cheeks

gaining a pale pink tinge.

Matthew smiled at the strong, handsome man that lay naked

beside him. “This can continue as long as we want it to, sweetheart.
Or until one of us comes across our spirit walker, then it’s sort of out
of our hands.”

“You really mean that?” Joe asked, awe in his eyes.
“Yes, love, I do.” Matthew pulled Joe close, kissing the man he

knew had come to mean a lot to him. Yes, he loved him, though not
like a true love, more like a friendship kind of love, but as he had
nothing else, he was going to enjoy it.

As the kiss deepened and cohesive thought was drifting out of the

door, Matt tried to remember, where the hell did I leave that oil?

* * * *

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1981, Valletta, Malta

Matt lay on their bed, watching the early morning sunlight dance

across the water in the bay. He and Joe had built a small cottage on
his land, as living in a tree house had become impractical. Indoor
plumbing was one of the best things to come from the industrial
revolution, and Matt was not going to live without it ever again. The
tree house was still there, hidden from the eyes of the human world
with its old enchantment. Joe and Matt still went down there to play
occasionally. And didn’t they play! Matt giggled to himself.

Joe was in Victoria with his parents but due home soon. They still

hadn’t worked out that Joe was gay. The reason they put down for
him being single and with Matt was that Joe was just shy. Yet Joe and
Matt had lived together for a hundred and thirty-six years, to them
Matt was an uncle, so that was just fine. Uncle, as if! Their little
bistro, Falcons, down in the bay, was their escape from the hectic
pace of the world. They served the tourists in the summer and the
locals in the winter, if the pair of them had decided to hang around for
the winter. As the majority of those in the village they lived in were
shifters, they’d never needed to change their identities or pass on the
property to themselves as their own descendants.

Life was good. Though Matt always sensed he was missing

something, but the feeling only passed through him fleetingly, so he
stopped worrying about it.

“Señor Kashmerle, Señor Chambers está aquí,” Maria, his friend

and, for want of a better word, their housekeeper, yelled. She was
Spanish but had fled Spain decades ago though never used any other

“Gracias, Maria, puedes ir ahora, Joe y voy a estar bien.” Matt’s

Spanish wasn’t bad, but he knew his accent sucked.

“Gracias, Señor Kashmerle,” Maria called before he heard her

murmuring to Joe on the way out.

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“You still in bed, you lazy bag of bones,” Joe said, entering their

bedroom. He had no baggage, as he had flown lanner-falcon-style.
They always left from the tree house so they could leave their clothes
there for the return journey. They’d shocked Maria enough over the
years and had found that the safest way to travel. Joe even had
another room he never used, just keeping up appearances for Maria.
As the years had gone on, attitudes of people toward gay couples were
changing, but they were slow and in many cases hard to beat.

Joe kissed him, but when Matt went to grab Joe, he moved back

quickly. “What’s wrong?” Matt asked as normally after time spent
with his mother Joe came home desperate for Matt’s touch.

“Mum and Dad have packed up, and they’re heading for our

cousins in north Wales. The barrage of hunters sailing through the
Med is pretty ruthless. My parents think it’s the same ones who
annihilated the eagles years ago,” Joe explained to Matt, whose heart
constricted for no real reason that he could fathom apart from the
wanton destruction he remembered.

“Those damn black vultures, why couldn’t they stay in the

garbage bins of South America,” Matt muttered.

“They’ve been like that for centuries. They’re nowhere near as

bad as they have been. They just go on the prowl every now and
then,” Joe dismissed. “Even so, I don’t fancy being in their line of fire
when they arrive.”

“So what do we do?” Matt asked, jumping from the bed, grabbing

whatever clothes were lying around.

“I’m fairly certain they’re only after birds, so Maria and her

family and friends should be safe, but we need to disappear.”

“What’s the plan? I know you have one, you’ll have been mulling

it over all the way back from Victoria,” Matt said as he headed for the
bathroom for a quick shower.

Minutes after stepping under the water, Joe joined him, sliding his

hands up Matt’s now-slick body. “God, I wish we had more time,” he
murmured, gently kissing Matt’s damp skin.

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“We’ll make up for lost time later,” Matt said, smiling up at his

lover. “You get finished, and I’ll meet you in the kitchen. We’ll lock
up together and get out of here. You can fill me in on the details
there.” Matt slipped out of the shower, quickly dressing and grabbing
his wallet and pouch. Maria would keep the place tidy and secure
while they were gone.

Joe joined him as he was pulling all the shutters in and securing

the locks. Finally, in the now-dimly-lit kitchen, they sat finishing off
the apple juice from the fridge.

“I’ve left a note for Maria. She’ll let her son Pedro run the bistro if

he so wishes, he knows what to do. That will cover us if we’re away
longer than we expect.” Joe explained, pointing to an envelope on the

“Okay, we’re all set. Are we leaving together or separately?” Matt

asked, feeling a little despondent at having to leave his peaceful life in

“Together to start with then separate if the need arises.” Joe

paused and looked at Matt, smiling though his eyes held such sorrow.
“Our pact still stands,” he said, looking straight in Matt’s eyes.

Matt snorted. “You really want to hold us to that again?” he

asked, remembering the last time they left in a hurry and Joe had
made them make a pact to return no matter what.

“Yes, if we are separated, no matter what the reason, we must

come back to the tree, leaving a note of our whereabouts, so the other
can find us.”

“I understand,” Matt said softly, rubbing his knuckles down Joe’s

cheek. “No matter what, Joe. Even if we find our spirit walkers?”
Matt raised an eyebrow as he asked this, knowing neither had really
thought about them for a long time. Joe just nodded. “Come on, let’s

* * * *

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Matt was gone, taken as soon as the nets had trapped them both.

Some Middle Eastern man had purchased him, and then Matt had just
disappeared, leaving Joe alone with his captors. The men had had Joe
for a while now. They weren’t black vultures, just opportunists taking
advantage of the vultures’ practices.

Shit, they may even have forgotten he was down here. He’d not

had any fish heads thrown to him in what seemed like days. He was in
the hull of the ship and had not seen daylight in heaven knew how
long. They’d been stationary for some time, but where was anyone’s
guess. The hatch opened, and one of the sailors crawled down. He
said nothing, just grabbed the cage Joe was in and dragged him up on

Joe would have gritted his teeth if he had any, saying to himself, I

will find you, Matt, and I’ll come and get you.

* * * *

2011, Glasgow Airport

Matt looked down at the man who’d taken him from Sheik Unbar,

otherwise known as Fred Lancaster, Mr. Kingdom’s plaything and
illegal gold and stone dealer.

He remembered everything from his past now, all three hundred

seventy years of it. The scent he sensed on that plane had plagued him
for years. But now he remembered Craig MacCarrick, also known as
Kashmerle, had been his soul mate. What had triggered the release of
his memories he did not know, but he knew it was linked to Craig and
the Kashmerle estate, his scent in the plane, and his lingering presence
in the people who’d rescued him. But it had pushed the cloud away
that had covered his mind for so long that he had forgotten it was

Matthew looked at the man below him and remembered Alden,

too, unfortunately. He didn’t feel the animosity he’d expected toward

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the man who’d taken his place. He remembered their last conversation
and his instructions. Alden continued to call up to him as he hovered
above him. He was talking about Matt’s lover and how he’d never
been in love with Alden. He remembered Morta’s words. “A Band-
Aid on loneliness.”

Matthew had had Joe, who had loved him and kept the loneliness

at bay for years. Well, until they’d been taken. He would stand by the
pact they’d made before they’d been forced apart. They’d promised
when they found themselves free again they’d go back to Valletta and
their hidden den in their tree and place a note, leaving an address
where they could find each other whenever they got out. It was a “no
matter what” promise, too. Matthew was going to go back and leave
that note telling his lost lover that he was free and near or in
Kashmerle. Whether he’d mention Craig or not he did not know. Hell,
he didn’t know if the man was his spirit walker this time, though he
hoped the Fates were not that cruel.

Matthew listened to Alden’s words. He was the man who had

stolen him from Sheik Unbar. Still he squawked with anger and pain
at the reminder before him. It was Craig who had to find him, not

“Don’t go, please don’t go,” Alden shouted up to the peregrine he

saw gliding above him. “There is someone you have to meet. He
needs you back. He has missed you every single day for the last two
hundred sixty-odd years.”

Two hundred and sixty-six, Matthew thought. Two hundred sixty-

seven on the fourth of March.

“Please, listen,” Alden said, and he turned in the air to look at

him. “Craig Kashmerle. If you are who I believe you to be, that will
mean something to you. He’s here at Kashmerle, and he still loves
you. Please go home. You know where it is. Go find him, he’s always
been yours.”

Matthew understood what Alden was saying, but he knew he

couldn’t just fly onto Craig’s roof and let himself in. Craig had to find

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him, and he had some things he wanted to find out about his beloved
Kashmerle and the company that a certain Irish wolf had started. Plus
a side trip to Valletta. He dipped his head at the man he had tried to
hate and headed off. If Craig wanted him, he could bloody well find

* * * *


Kash stood naked on the roof of his apartments. Matthew was

supposed to be out there. According to his ex-lover Alden, he was
now a peregrine shifter. That was kind of appropriate, he figured, as
he thought of the peregrine tattoo covering his back. He’d had it done
on the two-hundred-fiftieth anniversary of Matt’s passing, as he had
loved the small, graceful bird of prey. Kash had said at the time there
were no peregrine shifters, but apparently, there was one now.

He hadn’t believed what the men told him when they’d returned

from India, especially when they said he’d flown off when they’d
landed in Glasgow, but he couldn’t deny what the Fates had said.
Morta had never cut his thread. Nona said she’d respun the thread
with his spirit walker in it, and Decima had made sure Matt kept all
his memories. But the part which cut deep was the fact they said he
couldn’t come to him but Kash could go and find Matt.

Why hadn’t he known? He should have known. Doubts began to

flood back into his mind. Even if his Matthew was reincarnated, he
still may not be his spirit walker, or even worse, not really Matthew.
Though, either way, that would not matter, as this time Matt was a
shifter, so he’d last as long as Kash would.

What was he thinking? If—and this was a big if—if this was his

Matthew, he couldn’t treat him with so much condescension. His
Matthew had been honest and loyal and had never left his side in

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eighty-one years. But they’d been apart longer than they’d been

“And whose bloody fault was that?” Morta’s voice pierced his

ears. Looking around, he saw her perched on one of the towers’
pillars. He realised he was naked but didn’t flinch. She’d only laugh,
and he was in no mood for humour.

“What do you want?” he asked, wishing he’d already left for his


“Oh nothing, just enjoying the view.” Morta cackled, swinging

her legs in the cool evening air.

The woman was evil, and he wanted nothing to do with her. He

shifted into his eagle and opened his wings. “Keep your eyes open,
boy, otherwise you’re going to miss it.” He heard the voice, not sure
whether it was in his mind or through his ears. He looked to Morta,
but the pillar was empty.

Keep your eyes open? Did he take that literally, or did it have a

deeper meaning? So much for flying and letting his mind wander
freely. He lifted off and headed out over the ocean, trying to find the
peace he’d missed for so, so long.

* * * *

March fourth, yet another anniversary. It felt almost wicked that

he sat in his small home in Valletta writing a letter to another lover.
Hell, in his entire life, he’d only had two. One man Matt would
forever love, and one was a friend he’d keep close to his heart until
his time was up.

He folded the letter and sealed it in an envelope. He knew the

nest, as they’d nicknamed this place, was magically sealed by the
Fates. You couldn’t have a tree house in Valletta these days that
nobody knew about, even if the land did belong to Matt and it was
private property.

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He laid the note on the bed, addressing it simply, “For my Joe,”

and walked to the entrance. He smiled as he remembered his first
foray into flying, pulled from a tree by a twelve-year-old Joe. He
never had gotten him to improve his teaching methods. He jumped
and shifted simultaneously. He’d fulfilled his promise to Joe, but now
he had to follow his heart and head home to Kashmerle in the hope
that those Fates led his Craig to him.

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Chapter Three

Alden sat in the main dining room where most of the pack ate. It

was late morning, and Kash still hadn’t come down for anything to eat
since his lunch on Saturday. Alden knew why. Yesterday had been
Sunday, March fourth, the anniversary of Matt’s death. He knew
where Kash would have been, on the Lady Jane. They’d anchored her
just off the coast after rescuing Sunan. This time, Kash had wanted
her left out. Alden knew he missed being out at sea. Kash had loved
that part of their infamous days as the pirates of pirates. It may have
been Enda’s enterprise and Jez’s business acumen that developed
Kashmerle into the huge business it was today. But as Kash used to
say, basically they were just pirates, collecting interesting, glittery

“You’re lost in thought, brother mine,” Gregor’s cheerful voice

invaded his thoughts.

“Yeah, and I’m not sure I want to be found, either,” he shot back

as Gregor and his walkers sat down around him with mountains of
toast and Marmite.

“Missed breakfast again?” Alden asked, watching the men devour

the toast.

Darian turned a delicate shade of pink as Jonah answered him.

“We made breakfast fine, we just got sidetracked and then got
hungry.” Jonah looked at Alden, the picture of innocence. He had to
laugh. How had his brother found a walker that was worse than he

“Shush, Jonah, please,” Darian said, the pink on his cheeks slowly


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“So why are you here?” Gregor asked, finishing his toast before

grabbing another slice, not the least bit bothered about who knew
what they’d been up to.

“Do you remember the date?” Alden asked, answering a question

with a question.

Gregor paused. “Oh crap!” He put his toast down. “Where is he,

do you know?”

Alden shook his head. “I’m hoping he’ll turn up here for some

food.” He looked back toward the main doors, which were closed. “I
have a feeling he’s been on the Lady Jane,” Alden muttered.

“Do you want me to swim out and check?” Jonah asked. Alden

thought about it but realised by the time anyone got out there, Kash
would have flown.

“No, but thanks, Jonah, Kash will turn up when he wants to.”
It was then the doors swung open and a bleary-eyed Kash walked

into the dining room. He looked like he’d been sleeping rough, and he
may well have been. He scowled toward the men before going to the
trays to see if he could find some food.

“Looks like he’s still out of sorts with the world, again,” Gregor


“Leave him be,” Alden quickly defended.
“How long is he going to go on like this? We need to do

something. If his walker is out there like the Fates told you, Alden,
why isn’t he getting a group together to start looking? The Fates don’t

“Yes, but apparently, they make mistakes. This one has cost him

two hundred sixty-seven years of hurt,” Alden added.

“And that’s for both of them,” Darian spoke up.
“What do you mean?” Alden asked.
“Matty was always looking for someone, though he didn’t really

know who he was looking for. He never called him his walker. He
just referred to him as Captain Feathers,” Darian answered.

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“I don’t think he really knew who he was after until he was in that

plane or possibly when he met you. He spoke about a scent on the
plane and faintly from you.”

“I think they’re right. If, going by what the Fates said, Morta

didn’t cut Matthew’s thread, they must have reincarnated him or
something similar,” Gregor surmised

“But without all of his memories,” Alden put in.
“No, not all, and I get the feeling that the memories are coming

back,” Darian said, his mind going through the situation.

They all quietened down as Kash came and sat down with them.

He looked at Alden, questions in his eyes. Alden knew he had to help
him. But he didn’t want to cause the man any more pain. He knew his
brother would do the same. He just hadn’t realised how soon.

“Kash, we have to go and find this fellow that Jonah and Darian

know. If the Fates are correct, and your walker is out there, and it is
your Matt, this guy is probably a good enough place to start,” Gregor
explained to Kash, and Alden knew he did it with the best intentions.
Now that he had his walkers, he had found this energy which wanted
everyone to find theirs. Unfortunately, not all of the pack had the
same belief, Alden being one of them.

“Look, I know you think my happily ever after is Matt and he’s

alive and well and living in Barnsley. But my life isn’t like that. For
some reason, the Fates have decided I’m their favourite chew toy.
They are having a laugh. My Matt died in my arms, and he’s gone.
There is no coming back from that. You all just met this lad with a
similar name and you are all fucking screwed. So get the fuck out of
my life and leave me and my memories the fuck alone.” With that,
Kash stood up threw his napkin into his food and walked off.

Alden knew how much Kash was hurting. He felt the same way,

but he had the benefit of belief. Morta said she hadn’t cut Matt’s
thread, so that meant Matthew was still out there and they should be
looking for him. He also believed Kash had thought about nothing
else since their time on the Lady Jane.

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Deep down, he knew Kash would leave and go look, but he would

do it on his own. No one was going to be allowed to help him.

* * * *

Kash had no idea why he had reacted like that in the dining room.

Gregor had loved Matt and so had Alden. They were the only ones
apart from Tobias who had known Matt. The rest of their weird pack
had turned up after he’d gone. He didn’t say “passed away” or “died”
any more, so he knew the idea they were all spreading had taken root
in his brain. He had to go and look, but here was the stinger, if Matt
had survived, where would he go? And what hurt was why he hadn’t
come straight back to find him. Kash would have opened his arms and
praised every Fate and God there was. But Matt hadn’t. Maybe there
was something wrong or something which meant he couldn’t. Alden
just didn’t understand. There was no reason he could see that would
stop Matt looking for his man. If it had been him, he’d have scoured
the globe looking for Matt.

Kash didn’t head back to his apartments. He dropped down to his

room in the company offices. He kept a bag there, a very small bag,
one that he could strap to the leg of an abnormally large fish eagle. He
attached it to his leg, and then he went to find Enda.

* * * *

Enda sat waiting for the pack to arrive. Even Maggie was here

holding one of the twins. Looking at the pink frills, he assumed it was
Oona, but he may be wrong. Apparently, Hamish liked pink. Go

Hamish arrived some moments later holding a bundle in blue

followed by a rather dishevelled Sunan. Enda laughed. It looked like
Hamish grabbed whatever he could whenever there was a moment

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available for it, and going by the goofy grin that was plastered across
Sunan’s face, that was fine with his spirit walker.

The Riley boys arrived, followed by the rest. Gregor, Jonah, and

Darian looked exactly like Sunan. He began to wonder, did any work
ever get done in this place anymore? Finally, Orin bounced in the
door, explaining breathlessly that Ezee and Gabe and the sorcerers
were coming down behind him.

“Thank you, gentlemen and ladies,” Enda said. The men who’d

come in curious but relaxed suddenly grew serious. Although Enda
tried to run pack meetings formally, he tended to be more relaxed
about protocol, but not today.

When he knew he had the pack’s full attention, he took a

steadying breath, stealing a glance at Daniel. He usually shared
everything with his lover, but this he had been unable to.

“Craig Kashmerle, Beta of Kashmerle Pack, has requested a leave

of absence from his post and pack for the unforeseeable future. The
reason is personal, and he requests people do not try to intervene in
his decision or plans in anyway.” As Enda finished, the whole room
broke out in an uproar. Enda smiled. For a group of mismatched,
mainly gay shifters, they were a strong pack. Not one of the men and
one woman in the room were upset by Kash’s decision, but by the fact
he had gone without them, not requesting their help or company. The
only men who were quiet were Jez, as he knew what was going on,
and Alden, who didn’t but obviously had made the correct

“We can’t let him go off on his own like this,” Gregor’s booming

voice called out.

“I’ve only known him for a short time, but he’s always so helpful.

I really think we should return the favour,” Orin added.

“We could have helped him with where to look,” Darian called.
“Look, men, we don’t even know if that is what Kash is doing. He

may just need a little respite,” Enda chipped in.

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“You don’t really believe that, do you?” Maggie asked. “That boy

has had a faraway look in his eyes since I first met him. A large part
of him is missing, and although I know he wants to be left in peace,
he needs his friends now more than ever.”

“We can’t force him to do anything, Maggie. He’s had a lot

thrown at him in the last couple of months with the information from
India and then the Fates’ intervention. He doesn’t know what the hell
to believe in anymore or what to hope for.” Enda tried to explain his
friend’s reasoning as he perceived it.

“We have to try and help him,” Bryant stated. “He’s always been

there for us. We can’t just leave him.” Bryant and Orin had become
fast friends, and they sat together nodding in agreement. Kash had
always looked out for the youngsters in the pack, and Enda was
touched by their concern and unconditional support. He wished Kash
had been here to see it.

“Look, people, there’s nothing we can do as a pack. Kash is

entitled to his request and privacy.” Enda emphasised the word pack,
and Gregor’s head snapped round. Bingo! Enda thought. He could
stop them as a pack but not as individuals. If they did decide to go off
on an expedition, as long as work was up to date, he didn’t have a
problem, and Kash would just have to lump it.

“Can we go now?” Gregor asked, as subtle as ever.
“No, we have one final decision to make.” The pack looked at him


“Due to the fact Kash has temporarily removed himself as Beta,

we need to appoint a temporary stand in.” Enda paused to check the
feelings of his pack. They were not happy, that was for sure. He knew
this could be a problem, especially for the one who took the post. “I
know this looks like we’re replacing Kash, but we are not. He will
always be a Beta for the Kashmerle Pack, always. But while he is
away we are vulnerable to other packs. Many would love to takeover
our territory, and they have far bigger, bigoted packs.” Enda stopped
and looked over the pack.

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“So we’re not replacing him. He is still a member and Beta of this

pack?” Bryant asked.

“Yes, son, he has only requested a leave of absence, not an

expulsion.” Bryant looked relieved at Enda’s reply, as if now
accepting of the fact another would be brought in.

Enda pulled a document out of his file and laid it down in front of

him. “Do I have any proposals for the post of Temporary Beta of
Kashmerle Pack?” Silence met him, which was what he knew would
happen. Luckily, so did Kash. “Okay then, here I have a proposal
from Craig Kashmerle. I’ve printed enough copies for one each,
though I am now going to read it to you.” Enda waited till everyone
had access to a copy before he began,

“My Dear Pack,
I will first thank you for your loyalty. It has been an honour to be

your Beta, but for my own reasons I must go, and I do not know when
I plan on returning. I will not leave my pack unprotected. You need a
Beta, and I know just the man.

He is strong yet understanding. He is aggressive yet empathetic.

He will put your needs before his own and will sacrifice all for your
well-being. He has been my solace and friend for so long I cannot
imagine life without him by my side, and I will miss him.

Please accept Alden Kranski as your Beta. You could not ask for a

better man, and I know he will uphold my values and beliefs while I’m

Yours sincerely,
Craig Kashmerle”

Enda looked at Alden. The man looked completely dumbfounded

and awash with emotions. Everyone knew of their relationship,
although it had always been very discreet.

“I’ll second that,” Gregor’s voice rang out. “I can’t think of a

better man for the position, either.”

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“Thank you, Gregor. I put it to the pack. Who are in favour of

Alden Kranski as Beta of Kashmerle Pack, please raise your hands.”
Enda smiled. Not a single hand was left down. “Through the
unanimous vote, Alden Kranski is now Beta of Kashmerle Pack.”

The entire pack stood and clapped. Alden was visibly shaking. He

had no comeback. If the pack put a member in that position, they had
no choice but to take it.

“Please remain standing, as we need to take the oath,” Enda said,

putting the authority into his voice. They all placed their hands on the
gold band around the table. “Alden, you must lead the oath.”

Alden looked at his Alpha with both pride and reluctance. He

turned and nodded at the man on his right.

The whole pack put in their names, even Enda and Jez, who was

last and sat on Alden’s right. They finished their part of the oath.

“We promise to uphold the laws of Kashmerle. All men and

women are equal no matter who they are or what they may be or
whom they choose to love. Our loyalty remains forever to our pack
and Alpha.”

Alden paused for just the smallest moment before he repeated

solemnly, “And I, Alden Kranski, Beta of Kashmerle Pack, promise
to uphold the laws, to serve, protect, and honour all those here present
and those away.” Raising his second hand, he slammed down on the
table. The rest followed all shouting loudly, “Kashmerle!”

Enda felt the Beta’s powers envelope Alden. Kash had been right,

Alden was the perfect choice. He had been the heir to a bear clan, so
taking on the responsibilities of a pack should come naturally. Enda
hoped so. Alden had been so despondent since India. He needed
something to focus his mind on. This would be good for the man and
may help in his nonexistent search for his own spirit walker.

* * * *

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The majority of the pack sat in the conference room, Maggie had

left with her grandchildren, and Alden had stayed behind to talk to Jez
and Enda.

“So,” Gregor began. “We’re not going to sit and do nothing, are


“No, but I’m not sure what our options are,” Bennett offered.
“Why don’t we work backward?” Jonah asked, completely losing

Gregor in the process.

“What are you talking about, sunshine?” Gregor asked, the

confusion clearly etched on his face.

“We start with Matty, not Kash,” Jonah said. “Although I haven’t

known him as long as you lot, I think Kash won’t go looking
straightaway. He’s got to play it out in his mind first to a point where
he has something he can believe in. While he’s doing that, we go and
find Matty. Both Darian and I have some ideas. Places Matty talked
about while in captivity, plus his friend.” Jonah paused he looked at
Darian, who shrugged

“He was more than a friend, wasn’t he?” Bryant asked.
“Yes, he was,” Darian answered. “But I don’t think we can blame

him. Alden has been Kash’s lover for years. I don’t think they would
have gone near anyone else if they’d known the other existed.”

“Which would explain why Matt never came looking for him,”

Gregor filled in.

“Matt had some memories, but the rest I think were hidden, and

he was slowly breaking through the block to get to them. Matt was
looking for his ‘Captain Feathers,’ whom he had no idea was Kash. It
was only on the Lady Jane when you, my lover, referred to Kash as
Captain Feathers that I made the connection,” Darian continued.

“So where would he go?” Syn asked. “And who of us are going

after him, my dears? As much as I like Kash, T’narr needs me at the
moment. He’s holding it together, but not by much, and if I were to go
away…” Syn paused and looked quite upset. Gregor had forgotten

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about T’narr and his unconscious spirit walker, realising T’narr hadn’t
been present for any of these meetings.

That was probably why Alden was Beta now instead of him. He

didn’t mind. The last thing he needed at the moment was that kind of
responsibility. Gregor had two walkers to watch over, and that was
more than enough for him, thank you very much. “Not to worry, Syn,
we can’t all go anyway. Someone needs to stay put, plus we’re due
those ingots back from the assay office, and they’ll need melting
down for Sunan and his specific stones cut.”

“Thank you, darling, I knew you’d understand.” Syn smiled sadly.

The position either way was not brilliant.

“Matty had a home on the island of Malta near Valletta. It’s not

very large place so someone may have seen him,” Darian explained.

“He also loved Scotland, but he said he’s never managed to go.

He might be right round the corner and we don’t know it. We brought
him back to Scotland. He may well have stayed in these parts,” Jonah

“Then we start moving out from home and into Malta. Who

fancies a trip to the Med?” Gregor asked lightheartedly to improve the
despondency that hung in the room. Orin’s and Bryant’s hands shot
up, and Gregor felt like he was in school. Now that had been an awful
long time ago. “That’s fine for Bryant. We can spare him from the
gold smelting, but how about Orin with his duties as a PC? He looked
at Orin then at Ezee and Gabe.

“We won’t be able to put together twenty-four-hour coverage,”

Ezee stated. “But it will still be more than you’ve had previously.”

“Great. If you need backup you can always call on the pack.”
“Do we have any pictures we can use?” Orin asked. “I don’t

actually know what he looks like.”

“I can draw you a likeness,” Syn piped up. “I’ll go do it now so

we can get copies for everyone.” Syn quickly left the room.

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“Darian and Jonah should really be in the party that goes round

Scotland,” Bennett said. “Matty will know them, and he may be easier
to approach if people he knows are in the group.”

Gregor was not letting them go on their own, so he knew he was

signed up. This worked perfectly, as he had wanted to be the one to
go anyway.

“I’m going with them, in that case. The rest of you keep a look out

here. If you see a large pigeon let us know.” Gregor grinned.

“I don’t think Matty is going to like that nickname, Gregor.

Peregrines eat pigeons. You’re basically calling him his dinner,”
Darian explained.

“No matter. This is Operation Pigeon and those that are going

need to get sorted. Make sure everyone has contact numbers, and
we’ll be in touch when we have news or our Matty.”

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Chapter Four

Gregor looked out over the ocean, well, the Sound of Arisaig, and

the Lady Jane anchored out in the bay. He didn’t know why Matt
chose this stretch of water, probably because it was so close to home,
but here they had laid his friend to rest and was possibly going to be
where they found him. He had no idea why he believed this, but he
couldn’t convince himself otherwise. He knew Matt would come
home to Scotland and his roots. He could never give up Kashmerle,
his castle, and the town. They had all been his dream. A dream that he
filled his friends with and even those he’d never met, as Enda had
picked up the dream and taken it even further, and he knew Matt
would have approved of all that Kash, Jez, and Enda had done.

“Why can’t you come home, Matt? What is holding you back?”
“We are, you stupid sod!”
“Hello, Morta,” Gregor said, not even needing to look at the


“Oooh, you’re good, and you’ve never even met me!”
“Let’s just say your reputation precedes you, Morta.” Gregor


“Well, at least I’ve got one.” She chuckled.
Gregor shook his head. His brother’s description had been spot

on. “Why are you spending so much time down here lately?”

“It’s more fun.” Morta sat down on a nearby rock and grinned.

Gregor looked at her. He realised how misgiving her description was.
She was the crone, the cutter of threads. Yet, she really didn’t look
that old. At first, you saw the hair turning white, the small crow’s feet
round the eyes, the frail body, but it was hiding a strong woman

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underneath. The hair and eyes were part of the attraction. They held
knowledge, a sign of wisdom, and hell, the woman was as old as time.
She was allowed a few crow’s feet, for Christ sake.

Morta giggled. “Oh, I like you!”
“Gregor!” someone yelled. He turned to see Darian rush up

toward the headland where he was standing.

“Who were you talking to?” Darian asked. Gregor looked over to

where Morta had been sitting just in time to see her shimmy away.

“Morta popped by with a message. Well, not a message, but she

answered a question.” Gregor knew he was rambling but he was
desperately trying to remember what the question was and how Morta
had answered.

“Right. I’m so glad I asked,” Darian mumbled.
“Boys, come over here,” Jonah demanded.
“‘Boys.’ How does he get away with calling us boys?” Gregor

asked, walking beside Darian toward their third walker.

“I think it’s an Aussie thing.”
“Oh, really.” Gregor frowned.

* * * *

Jonah stared down at what could only be described as a nest. He’d

climbed up the cliff face about fifty feet to what had first looked like a
ledge. But on scaling the ledge, he’d found the opening to a small
cave on the side of the cliff. Inside was a makeshift bed made from
dried earth and lined with moss. Placed on top was an old, worn tartan
blanket with three or four others neatly folded alongside. It looked
comfortable if whoever was using it were small, and with the entrance
to the cave off to the side, they’d be shielded from the intense cold
wind coming in from the sea. The only problem was it looked old,
like decades old, not weeks or months.

“Jonah, where have you gone?” Darian’s voice echoed through

the valley down from the cliff.

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“I’m up here. You have got to come and see this,” Jonah called

from the ledge.

Gregor yelled up, “I don’t like heights. I’m a loving-the-ground

type of bear or travelling-on-water kind of bear. I’m not a climbing
and jumping bear!”

Darian smiled to himself. “I’m getting a really strong sense of

déjà vu here. Would you like me to go up there? I am a climbing and
jumping tiger!”

“Grrrr!” was Gregor’s only reply as he set off up the small cliff.
Jonah had a good idea what was going on, and he did remember

Gregor’s amazing faint out of a window a while back when the pair of
them had come to rescue him. He chuckled. Brown bears did not like
to climb, especially the ones called Gregor.

“Why the hell did we have to come up here?” Gregor moaned as

he crawled onto the wide ledge. Darian sprang up beside him with a
huge grin on his face.

“This looks to me like someone’s nest and also someone’s

hideaway,” Jonah answered. He watched them and knew they had all
come to the same conclusion.

“It has to be Matt.” Gregor confirmed Jonah’s thoughts.
But he had to ask, “Why?”
“That’s the Kashmerle tartan, Matt had it designed for


“Why was Matty hiding?” Darian asked, frowning as he looked

around the sparse yet cosy nest. “And when was he hiding? This place
is practically disintegrating with age.”

“I don’t think he can come home,” Gregor answered his walker.

“Before I got here, I was looking over at the sound, and Morta made
another appearance.”

“She’s popping up all over the bloody place lately,” Darian


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“Yes, she is. I think she’s trying to right a wrong that was done

nearly four hundred years ago.” Gregor continued explaining, “She
said they were stopping Matt from coming home.”

“Why put the pair of them through that when they made the cock

up in the first place?” Jonah questioned. He hadn’t met these women
and didn’t think he ever wanted to. He wasn’t going to be that lucky.

“Because there’s always a price to be paid,” Morta’s voice drifted

across the ledge. She appeared sitting on the edge of the cliff, looking
out over the bay. “When Nona forgot to put the spirit into Matt’s life
thread, we paid the price of living with that bloody thing for a
hundred and four bloomin’ years. Then the price for Matthew was
that he was unable to go to Craig himself. He has to wait for Craig to
come and find him. We thought the idiot would realise that his spirit
walker would be Matthew and all he needed to do was find him. But
we forgot he’s a man, so instead he spends the next two hundred
sixty-seven years sulking. Bloody idiot, if you ask me. He knew his
spirit walker was Matt, so after Matt had gone, Matt would have to be
resurrected, as there is only one spirit walker for every shifter. We
bloody decided that, and we ain’t changed our minds.” Morta huffed
and folded her arms.

“Someone got out of bed on the wrong side this morning,” Jonah

said, trying to lighten the mood. Morta in a huff could be dangerous.

“Get down,” Morta suddenly rasped, and Jonah fell to his knees

along with his walkers.

“Ow,” Gregor moaned. “If you wanted us on our knees you could

have given us some warning.”

“Look over there, you idiots, in the old World War II bunker.”

Morta was suddenly gone, leaving Jonah a clear view to the bunker
across the cliffs toward the headland. The bunker would have a direct
view over Kashmerle Castle from there, as their own position gave
them the same line of sight, being directly behind but at a higher

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“She likes using the term idiots, doesn’t she?” Darian asked while

they watched the bunker as three men exited, locking the huge steel
door, and began walking up the steep path that lead to the small,
single-track headland road.

“It’s because she only ever talks in riddles,” Gregor answered. As

the men got to the top of the path, they pulled a canvas sheet off an
all-terrain vehicle. Shoving the canvas into the back, they all climbed
in and speed off.

“Who owns the land that bunker is placed on?” Jonah asked.
“Kashmerle does,” Gregor answered. “It’s all part of the Duke of

Kashmerle Estate.”

“Do we own the bunker, though?” Darian questioned.
“I’m not a hundred percent sure. It used to belong to the MoD,

which is the Ministry of Defence, but a lot of the bunkers have been
sold off. If it has been sold, Kashmerle would have had first rights to
it as it is placed on the estate,” Gregor answered.

“Boys, I know we are supposed to be looking for Matt, and I think

we’ve found one of his hiding places from way back when. I also
think if this Matt is the Duke of Kashmerle, he was sitting here for a
reason, and I think that reason needs looking into,” Jonah said with
determination and concern.

“The timing may be a little off, but he does have a point,” Darian


“He’s not bad for an underage Aussie.” Gregor grinned at Darian.

“But they don’t quite have our history.”

Jonah laughed and slapped Gregor on the back of the head.

“Listen to him,” he muttered back. “And we still have to get our no
climbing no jumping bear back down!” Jonah said with tears of mirth
forming in his eyes as he watched Gregor’s face pale.

“You’ll be fine, my lover, don’t listen to him,” Darian said,

leaning in and giving Gregor a scorching kiss.

Jonah shook his head. Their goofy bear would be able to climb

anything after that.

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“Let’s go. We’ve got some investigating to do,” Jonah said as he

jumped across to the next ledge to get down.

“Oh God, Gregor, he’s turned into Sherlock Holmes,” Darian said,


“Nah, Sherlock had a violin, not a didgeridoo.”

* * * *

Kash sat in the bar, looking out over Gibraltar Bay. This had been

the place he and Matt had sailed from on their last journey back to
Kashmerle. The British had settled there and the Spanish were not
particularly happy about it, but they’d slipped into port anyway.
Gregor and Alden were watching the Lady Jane to give him and Matt
some time. It was late September when they’d been there, and just six
months later Matt had passed.

He’d come here to talk to Matt. Well, not talk to him, but hell, he

didn’t rightly know. Connect with Matt somehow. The guy that ran
the bar had refilled his drink, seeming to understand he needed to be
left alone. It was getting late, so he knew his time was nearly up. He’d
finally talked himself into a knot and knew the only way to have his
questions answered would be to locate this Matthew James
Cashmerlon, otherwise known as “The Pigeon.” He smiled to himself.
Pigeon was a name Matt would have laughed over, Captain Feathers
and his Pigeon.

“You all right, sir? I’m afraid you’re my last customer, and I’m

going to start closing up,” the barman said. He had deep brown eyes
with sparks of gold in them. They seemed to offer solace and passion
at the same time.

“Sorry er…” Kash raised an eyebrow.
“Joe, I’m Joe.” He smiled. “That’s why it’s called Joe’s Bar. I

wasn’t feeling very imaginative when I named the place.”

“No, I think you got it just right.” Kash laughed.

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“Do you mind if I join you for a glass before we both call it a

day?” Joe asked him. Kash felt a little uneasy. Was this a come-on?
But he felt no tension, nor did he feel Joe was flirting with him as he
came over with two beers and sat across from Kash.

“How long have you been up here?” Kash asked, thinking it was a

straightforward question.

He watched Joe’s face fell as a sardonic laugh came from his

mouth. “You’re a shifter, right?” Joe raised an eyebrow at Kash with
his question. Kash sat up. Not many people could pick that up, not
even other shifters. Birds were always hard to detect due their scents
being easily mistaken for a human’s.

“Sorry, I’m a lanner falcon, and I recognised the difference in

your scent.” Joe looked sheepish.

Kash felt a lot better in a way. He’d been right. The guy wasn’t

hitting on him. He was probably just curious about another avian

“Fish eagle,” Kash responded with a smile.
“Right, that explains your size,” Joe said, taking another sip of his

beer. Kash realised Joe hadn’t answered his first question, but he
wasn’t going to push it. He’d admit the guy was gorgeous, but he’d
been down this road once before, and he wasn’t going there again.
Matt, if he was out there, was going to be found.

“I was sold to the woman who originally owned this place,” Joe

said. “That was about thirty years ago.”

“I’m sorry,” Kash said, knowing it was inadequate. But what else

could he say?

“Hey, it wasn’t your fault, don’t sweat it. I was careless, and me

and my mate were captured and sold off. This is where I ended up.”

“Were you a bird or man when you were captured?” Kash asked,

curious as to how he’d ended up running the place.

“I was a bird, and the old girl had a thing for falcons. She wasn’t

the sharpest tool in the shed, and I managed to get free from the pen

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out back she’d built to contain me. I was in a pretty poor state and
ended up collapsing out the front naked and emaciated.”

“Hadn’t she fed you?”
“Oh, she had, but the bastard who sold me hadn’t.”
Kash shook his head.
“It worked out in a way. She just needed something to hold on to.

Why she chose a bird of prey was a question even she couldn’t
answer, but she took me in, fed me up, and when I was well enough to
make my own choice I stayed with her. She reminded me of my Nan.”

“What about your mate?” Kash asked, remembering he hadn’t

been caught alone.

“I don’t know. He was sold first and disappeared soon after we

were taken. I have no idea who bought him or where he went.”

“That sucks. Were you close?” Kash asked, curious about the

relationship which Joe was talking about.

“Yes and no. We weren’t walkers, and I think he loved someone

else, but he didn’t really talk about it. So yes, we were together, but
no we weren’t, either. Now that sounds really dumb, huh?”

“No, Joe, it actually makes perfect sense.” Kash smiled. He felt

he’d found a kindred spirit, though maybe not for himself, more for
his mate Alden. It sounded similar to the way he and Alden had

“If ever you get over to Scotland, come look me up,” Kash said,

handing out the pack’s card and details.

“Wow, that’s the famous gay pack for everyone no matter what

shape or size.” Joe grinned at him. “That sounds like my sort of

“Well, you’d be very welcome. If I’m not there, tell ’em Kash sent

you and ask for a lad named Alden. He’ll see you right.” He didn’t
know why he thought Alden was the one to help, but he knew they’d
work well together.

“I might just do that, but I have to go somewhere first.” Joe

looked out over the bay.

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“Do you want me to ask where, or is it private?” Kash asked as

Joe dropped his eyes to Kash. The man smiled.

“It’s not really a secret. My mate and I made a pact when we were

caught that when we got free we’d leave a note in a tree where we
grew up stating our whereabouts so the other could come and find us.
It was one of those no-matter-what sort of things, and I’ve just
realised I’ve been free for nearly eighteen months now and I still
haven’t placed the note.”

“You should go. Your friend may need you,” Kash encouraged

the handsome man.

“Do you think there would be room for both of us at Kashmerle?”

Joe asked, the excitement coming off him in waves.

“If he’s a friend of yours then he’ll be welcome, I’m sure.” Kash

stood up and grabbed his jacket. “I hope I’ll see you soon,” he said as
he shook the man’s hand. To his surprise, he was pulled into a warm,
friendly embrace which he could do nothing but return.

“Thank you, you’ve really made my day.” And with that last

comment, Joe disappeared into the back of the bar.

Kash walked down the narrow street into the cramped housing,

heading toward the Bristol Hotel near the Anglican Cathedral. Joe
was going to find his mate, and that had given him more optimism
than any words of encouragement could have to go and find this, or
possibly his, peregrine falcon.

Hell, if he’d run into a lanner falcon, a peregrine was going to be a

piece of cake.

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Chapter Five

Matthew had taken his time coming back to Scotland. He knew

he’d end up back here now that he remembered his roots, and he’d
kept his “no matter what” promise to Joe. Now all he needed to do
was to wait for his thick-headed yet adorable spirit walker to look for
him. He felt so much better after calling his walker names. He knew if
a falcon could smile, that’s what he’d be doing.

* * * *

Kash glided over the Scottish border. There were so many places

in the world that Matt had loved, he could have been in any of them.
So Kash had decided to start from home. He’d first met Matt in The
Scythe and Sickle, a tavern on the road to Edinburgh. Matt had been
outcast by his father, who was sulking over the trade embargo with
the Dutch due to the plague being widespread in the country at the
time. Matt had not expected his father’s arrival, as he spent most of
his time at court in London sucking up to Charles II. Poor Matt had
been caught holding a manservant’s hand in the drawing room, where
such servants shouldn’t be. His father had said if Matthew wanted
physical relations now he could find a good healthy lass from court
who would provide the estate with plenty of heirs and a healthy
second income.

“No thank you, Father, I don’t like girls” hadn’t gone down too

well with the duke apparently, and Matthew had decided he wanted a
life of adventure, which at that point had led him to the tavern where,
completely oblivious, he was getting some very interesting looks from

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the clientele. Kash had walked in, wearing the clothes he’d stolen a
few towns back. He’d no shoes and hadn’t shaved for a good month.
But looking presentable as he walked in wasn’t his worry. He hadn’t
spotted Matt immediately, as he’d just walked straight to the bar he’d
thrown four brace of pheasant down and asked what was available for
the birds. The barman said he could have a room a meal and some ale.
He asked after a bath and was given a chunk of soap and told where
the stream was. The birds were taken, and Kash had headed to the
back door, walking toward Matt. A man had been trying to grope him
and was being very persistent about it. Kash had smashed his hand
down on the table and leaned in on the man.

“If you’d like to leave this tavern with all your limbs intact, take

your hands off my friend!” The man had moved away, leaving Matt
alone. He’d left the tavern after that and was stripping off by the
stream when he heard soft footsteps in the grass. “You all right, lad?”
he’d asked as he finished disrobing. Kash had waded into the cold
water and started soaping his body. The suds building up in his dark-
brown body hair slid over his skin, making him feel clean. Seeing
Matt, he became excited and aroused as well. Kash could see
Matthew on the bank staring at him like he was his last supper.

“I just wanted to say thank you,” Matt said, licking his lips and

not taking his eyes from Kash’s body.

Kash smiled and ran his hand down his chest, passing his navel

and finishing at his groin. He slid the hand round his sac and moaned
as his other hand came down to stroke his cock. He wasn’t sure what
it was about this man, but he felt they were connected, yet there was
no bond. He wasn’t his spirit walker, but God, he wished he could be.

“Oh my God,” Matt had whimpered.
“Could you wash my back?” he’d asked, turning so his buttocks

faced Matt.

“Oh yes, of course I can.” Matthew pulled off his boots and rolled

up his pants before wading into the stream. His hands had trembled as
he rubbed the soap over Kash’s back. But when they came down and

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tentatively glanced over Kash’s tight, firm buttocks, both of them had
moaned. Kash had turned to face his beautiful assistant, who was
trembling all over by that point. At least they were both reacting the
same way.

Kash had smiled and asked softly into his ear as his very erect

cock had rubbed on Matthew’s belly, “Would you care to help dry
me, sir?”

Matthew had swayed in front of him and said, “Please.”
Kash had rinsed in record time and grabbed his newly collected

pants, putting them on before picking up his shirt and Matt’s boots.
He grabbed Matthew’s hand and headed straight up to his room.
Although the room was small, it had a large bed which completely
filled half of the space. The mattress was filled with hay that did not
smell stale, and it was covered in soft woollen blankets. There was a
small table and chair to the side and a chest on the opposite wall.
There was only a small window over the bed, but it did have a piece
of linen over it.

Kash stopped at the threshold and turned to look at Matt. “Your

escape is that way,” he’d said, pointing down the hallway to the stairs.

“I don’t think so,” Matt had replied in a whisper, and he had

gently pushed him back into his room before carefully closing the
door behind them.

Kash hadn’t believed his luck. This beautiful man was in his room

and slowly running his hands up his body, trailing his fingers through
the damp curls springing up on his chest. Kash shuddered. Men like
this didn’t fall for men like him. This refined man should be with a
gentleman, not Craig MacCarrick, thief, scavenger, and eagle shifter.

“You should find someone better,” he mumbled, placing his palms

gently on Matthew’s hips.

“Better, like that gentleman downstairs who was all set to force

himself on me? I don’t think so,” he’d said. “I like a man who has
strong hands to hold me with, soft lips to kiss me with, a firm body to

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lean on, and a good heart to love me with.” Matt had smiled at him.
“You…” He’d paused, and Kash had filled in the blank.

“Craig MacCarrick.”
“You, Craig MacCarrick, I believe have all of that and much,

much more.” Matt had looked at him with his beautiful pale green
eyes. If you didn’t look closely you’d think they were gray. Kash
remembered thinking he’d never seen anything so beautiful. Matt’s
skin was so smooth and pale, his hair a sandy blond with gold
highlights. His nose was straight and not too long, and with those
delicate pink lips, Kash had been lost. He knew this man was going to
own him, and they hadn’t even kissed.

Matthew had slid his arms up Kash’s body and around his neck.

He was sliding his fingers through Kash’s wild, curly hair. Kash
smiled, as he thought Matt was trying to hide the way they were
trembling. Matt had gently pulled his face down and brushed his lips
against Kash’s very tentatively. Kash had taken pity on Matt and
pressed their lips together, taking control of the kiss. He’d started off
gentle, but the passion that exploded between them staggered him,
and soon their lips were crushed together and Kash’s hands were
pulling Matt’s clothes from his body.

Oh, Matt’s body had been a sight to behold. The pale, smooth skin

of his face covered his entire body, no scars, no imperfections, just
beautiful, pale creamy skin. Matt wasn’t sculpted with muscles, but he
was still lean and firm, but Kash loved that slight softness to his body.
He knew on a cold night this was the man he wanted to cuddle up
with. Kash had run his rough, calloused hand down Matt’s chest,
watching his soon-to-be lover shiver. Matt was only small, and Kash
had picked him up so easily, laying him down on the blankets. He’d
ripped off his pants and dropped them on the floor so quickly in his
need to feel Matt’s body against him.

It was heaven.
Matt had looked up at him and said, “Show me love, give me

tenderness but also passion, make me feel alive and necessary,

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someone you could learn to love.” And that’s exactly what Kash had

Kash had kissed his way down Matt’s body, sliding his tongue

along his collarbone and below, sucking gently on those small brown
nubs. Matt had whimpered when Kash had lifted his head up to see
the look on his face. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop,” Matt had cried

“Never!” was his only reply before he continued his exploration.
Matt had let out an insane giggle when he’d licked around his

navel. Kash repeated the motion and was given the same reaction.

“So have I found a sensitive spot, sir?”
Matt had giggled again.
“I think so, and please, Craig, call me Matt,” Matt whispered,

looking down at Kash with molten desire in his eyes.

That was the first time he had heard Matt’s name, and from that

moment, he’d known this was his Matt.

As Matt giggled, Kash rocked back and looked at Matt’s pulsing

cock. It was pale with a perfect pink head that was leaking pre-cum.
Kash had needed a taste, and he’d dipped his tongue into the small slit
on the top.

“Aghhhh!” Matt had yelled, sitting up to see Kash swallow the

head of his cock. “Oh, that is so, oh my, oh, Craig, oh…” Matt had
said as he fell back onto the bed. Kash had slid one hand up to play
with Matt’s nipples as his other had slipped between his legs to
massage his sac.

“I can’t…oh, Craig, I’m going to…” Kash had pulled off Matt. He

hadn’t wanted to, but he had no oil, and if he was going to show Matt
his passion he’d need lubricant.

Matt’s entire body had shuddered as ropes of pearly white cum

had shot from his cock. Splashing down his chest, Kash had quickly
coated his fingers and slipped a digit around Matt’s tight, puckered
hole. When Matt’s breathing had calmed somewhat, Kash had asked
if Matt had ever played with his hole.

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The shy smile that Matt had given him was all the answer he had

needed as he gently pushed his finger into Matt’s glorious entrance.

Matt had groaned, pushing down on his digit, rocking his hips as

Kash pushed in and out of his anus. Kash leaned over and kissed
Matt, putting more feeling into his response than he ever had before
as he slid another finger into this beautiful man. His third was quick
to follow. All the while, his Matt had moaned and rocked, fucking
himself on Kash’s fingers. By the time Kash’s fourth finger slipped
in, Matt was almost begging for him.

“Please, please, I want, I need, please, Craig,” It was only at this

last minute that Kash had come to his senses.

“You’ve not done this before, have you, my love?” Matt’s face

had pinked up and tugged at Kash’s heart. Kash knew he was in
trouble. “Please don’t worry. I’ll take it slow and easy this time,”
Kash had murmured gently, reassuring the young man beneath him.

The smile Kash got back was blinding. “What?” he’d asked.
Matt’s smile grew even more. “There’s going to be a next time.”

He beamed.

“Oh, my love, I’m not going to be able to let you go.” And with

that, he’d placed his turgid cock at Matt’s fluttering opening. He’d
leaned forward and slowly pushed himself home. That was what Matt
was, his home, his safe place, his heart, his soul, but not his spirit

He’d hoped as he had thrust into his lover that maybe he would be

that lucky, but it had not happened. Their spirits were not united.
Their minds were not linked, and their bodies did not beat in the same
rhythm. A small piece of his heart had broken that day, something he
had never once mentioned to his lover. Over the years, as they grew
together and the love they had for each other became the centre of
Kash’s world, he had shared everything with Matt apart from his grief
that they could not bond. He never looked at another. They just did
not compare. Even after Matt had gone, no man had come close. Not
even his friend and lover Alden.

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Alden just healed the loneliness, and he knew he had never given

the man what he deserved, but nothing could ever come close to
perfection, and that is what he’d had.

* * * *

Kash flew down to where The Scythe and Sickle had once stood.

It had been demolished many years ago, but Kash had managed to
buy the land. Admittedly, there was a dual carriageway over that
exact spot, but the stream still ran around, and Kash owned the parcel
of land around it. No one wanted it so near the main road, but Kash
didn’t care. He had plans drawn up to build a tavern there. Well, more
a service station, but he had kept the plans simple and had followed
the tavern idea. He had yet to act on it and had kept putting the plans
forward every three years to keep them current with the local council.
It wouldn’t involve work on the carriageway, and there was no
desperate need for it. But one day, he would rebuild The Scythe and
Sickle in Matt’s memory.

He hovered above the place and was going to land when a scent

hit him, honey and apple cider.

Kash nearly fell out of the sky. He’d not smelt that amazing

fragrance in centuries. His mind froze. Was all the talk and accounts
of the peregrine being Matt real? Because this was his scent. Quickly
gaining his equilibrium, he soared up into the cool spring air,
desperately trying to find the scent again. His eyes scanned the area,
and then he spotted him. A beautiful peregrine falcon, larger than
those in the wild but still perfectly formed. He was off in the distance,
but Kash’s powerful wings pushed him forward.

Was this the shifter that everyone claimed to be Matty, the man

who was his Matt in a different form? It couldn’t be, but that
scent…oh, his mind was in turmoil. The last few months since the trip
that some of the pack had taken to India had thrown his neat,
straightforward life into a maelstrom of emotions—hurt, rage, and

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grief warred with desperate hope and hopeless confusion. He cleared
it all out of his mind and filled his senses with Matt, the feel of him,
the sound of his soft, lilting Scottish accent, his wonderful aroma and
taste. But most of all his looks that beautiful face that smiled up at
him promising heaven.

Kash rose up above the flight path of the smaller bird, slowly

gaining on the beautiful creature. His eagle wanted to get close as
well, which with other birds was dangerous, as his eagle did not just
rely on fish for his supper. But this one had no need to fear. Kash
should have realised his eagle would not worry about “what ifs” and
“it couldn’t possibly be.” The eagle went with his heart.

And then he felt it, the pull. “Matt,” Kash screamed, but of course

it came out as a harsh squawk. Below him, the falcon dived into the
small forest they’d now begun to fly over. “No,” he squawked again
as the pull left him. He slowed in his flight. Did he want this? Was he
going to be bonding with his long-ago lover or a shifter he knew
nothing about? He lowered his flight path directly into line with the
falcon, and the scent hit him.

Kash lost all rhyme and reason at that point and followed the

smaller bird into the forest. After nearly colliding with two trees,
Kash realised he was not in the right frame of mind to negotiate trees
and headed up and out of the forest, taking himself high above the
area he knew the falcon must be.

Kash didn’t have to wait long before the falcon reemerged above

the canopy of trees. The bird began circling just as Kash had. He’s
looking for me, he knows, Kash thought as he slowly descended. He
was within fifteen feet when he felt it again, that pull, that
overwhelming desire to be bonded, to let his spirit combine with his
fated spirit walker.

About bloody time!” Kash heard in the back of his mind. He

laughed, which came out as a mangled squawk, but he didn’t care. He
believed Morta had not lied or played him for a fool. She had never
given up, either. “Not this time, but you never bloody know!”

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He soared, not caring as his spirit wrapped itself around the man

flying beside him. He was coming home with his heart intact for the
first time in two hundred sixty-seven years.

Kash was not watching the world around him. His eyes were

focused on his spirit walker. They were approaching the Grampians
and would soon be heading to the coast when shots rang out in the
sky. He didn’t think it was time for shooting pheasant or grouse but
thought it best to avoid the area. He guided his eagle away from the
fire when a second set of shots rang out…

And his world plummeted from the sky.

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Chapter Six

Liam shook his head violently as his boss raised his rifle.
“For God’s sake, you idiot, look at the size of it. Now tell me

that’s a true peregrine.”

Looking up, the gamekeeper stared long and hard at the peregrine,

seeing it dive into the trees.

“Damn it, man, the bloody bird’s gone.”
Liam shook his head again when he saw another beautiful bird on

the horizon.

“What the fuck is a bald eagle doing here? It has to be one of

those fucking shifters as well.”

It’s a fish eagle, Liam thought. It had white chest feathers and a

brown body. Not that his boss would even care.

“Christ, it’s gone in the trees as well.” Liam’s boss growled and

hoisted his weapon. “Well, the bastards have to come out sometime,
and one of them is going to be stuffed and mounted in my lodge.”

The gamekeeper remained silent, knowing his boss would have

his way.

“There they are, and they are heading this way. I’ll wait till I

know I’ve a sure thing. The peregrine first, as it’s smaller than that
bloody huge eagle.” His boss chuckled as he watched the birds soar
up into the sky, heading toward them.

The sickness inside the gamekeeper rose up. He hated his job, but

there wasn’t much call for mute gamekeepers anymore, and the
likelihood of finding another job like this one was scarce. He needed
the security, but watching this man maliciously taking down shifters
turned his gut. That was the other reason he stayed. He’d managed to

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free two of the captive shifters the man had in the basement of that
dilapidated farm house. So far they looked like genuine escapes, but
he rarely got an opportunity to get up there to try and release any
more. He knew his boss had grabbed another two, but there’d been no
way he could get to them. Still, he could hope.

A round of fire exploded in his ears, and he frantically looked up.

The two birds were still airborne. He’d missed. The birds must have
realised the danger, as they were now heading away.

“I’ll get one of you bastards,” his boss announced and fired again.
“No!” Liam silently cried as he saw the beautiful peregrine fall.

* * * *

“Gotcha!” He chuckled evilly. He hated these bloody shifters, and

he didn’t care what type. They all deserved to die. Who decided they
could live forever, yet men like him only got three-score years and
ten? He also knew this bag of bones he’d just shot down wouldn’t die.
He had come out today without his silver bullets, but his men would
round the bird up and the eagle as well, he thought as he watched the
large bird swoop down and pick up the falcon in his talons. Either that
or the eagle would eat the bloody bird. Either way, that was one less
shifter, and his men could still pick up the eagle. “Isn’t it a great day,
hey, Kenyon?” he asked his gamekeeper.

Liam nodded, though he looked a little shaken, but he had no idea

why, and he didn’t care. The lad was a mute, and for him, that was

“We need to get the men to pick up the bodies. I’ll get on to the

security we left at the gate. They can go pick them up.” He wandered
away from his gamekeeper. He never could remember the boy’s first
name, but it wasn’t important. He flicked his phone open and quickly
relayed his orders. He chuckled to himself. His men would know what
those birds were as soon as they saw them. They hated the bloody
freaks as much as he did, especially those fucking shifter puffs that

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they all suspected lived in the inaccessible castle in fucking

“I’ll leave you to clear up here,” he said as he laid his gun down.

“I want my rifle cleaned and ready for use at a moment’s notice.” He
began walking away, taking no notice of Kenyon behind him.

Buzz, buzz, buzz.
“What the hell is wrong now?” he muttered. “Hello, Lawrence

Kingdom speaking.”

* * * *

Daniel sat in the room with the new hierarchy in the pack. It

seemed strange not having the resident pirate in the room. Kash
always reminded him of the captains in the old pirate movies. He was
definitely Blackbeard with his shaggy goatee and those eighteenth-
century shirts. He did now wear jeans, though Enda had told him that
was only because he couldn’t find those old-fashioned pants unless he
went into a fancy dress shop. Even Percy and William wouldn’t
supply him with those anymore, though Percy loved the shirts, so he
would always be able to get them. Top him off with those boots he
wore and the long, tailored jackets, and Kash turned many heads and
would forever be the pirate of the Kashmerle Pack. Daniel hoped and
prayed Kash found what he was so desperately looking for, and then
he could finally bring him home.

It was strange listening to Gregor talk about Matt, Kash’s long-

ago lover. There was only Gregor and his brother who had met him.
Well there was Tobias Indigo, a name Enda had mentioned. He was
nearly as old as Kash and lived almost permanently as an orca.

Tobias was, they thought, the last of his kind. He was apparently

about seven foot tall with deep-mocha-coloured skin, and the only
hair on his body was his eyelashes. He swam the North Atlantic Drift
very occasionally, and when he did, the locals used to say there was
the Kashmerle Orca in the bay.

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Alden rarely spoke about Matt, but Daniel had long since realised

the bond, though not the spirit bond, was so special to Kash and Matt,
Alden felt like the interloper. Even though Alden knew Matt had died,
Daniel knew Alden felt ashamed of his love for “Captain Feathers.”

The doors to Enda’s office were not closed, and they all heard the

pounding of feet as men raced down the corridor past the pack
conference room toward the Alpha’s office. Enda sat up, and they all
looked at the doorway, Daniel hoped they had some news. Any news,
he thought, would be good at the moment.

“Enda are you there?” Gregor bellowed down the passage.
Enda shook his head. Daniel knew he wasn’t going to yell back.

“Welcome, boys. Any news?” Enda quietly asked as the three barged
into his office. A frown crept over Enda’s face when he saw the
concerned looks on the men’s faces.

“We’re being watched,” Jonah blurted out.
“From the old World War II bunker on the headland,” Darian


“They were from some security firm called King’s Own,” Gregor


Daniel heart sank. King’s Own was part of his supposed father’s

conglomeration. “That’s my father’s security firm, gentlemen, and
I’m pretty sure they’re not there to do restoration.” Daniel’s heart
sank as the men in the room all looked toward him.

“What on earth does Kingdom want now?” Gregor asked, looking

straight at Daniel.

“Leave Daniel out of this,” Enda snarled, and Gregor physically

shrank back.

“It’s all right, my love, that man is probably watching for a chance

to extradite me into the lethal embrace of Olivia to advance his hold
on outside mines. He has no idea of the collection you have or even
how you’ve come about the gems. He may also be watching for the
shipments from India and now Kenya.” Daniel knew his father and
his hunger for power. He detested Kashmerle’s corner of the market,

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or should he say three corners of the market, and would love to bring
the giant company down. “Giant” was a misnomer, as there were only
eighteen in the pack and four in the coven with just a few other
connections within the world at large. Yet Daniel knew they shipped
out a considerable amount of gold and stones every month. What
Sunan and he used in their designs was the tip of an awfully big

“Well, Olivia’s boat has sailed,” Enda said with a grin.
“What do you mean?” Daniel asked, confused at Enda’s comment.
“She married an oil magnate’s son in the States not two weeks

ago.” Enda’s grin grew even bigger.

“Guess she really pined over losing you, eh, Daniel?” Jonah

grinned lightheartedly.

“Guess so,” was all Daniel could say.
“It takes that aspect out of why he has his goons watching us, so

he really must be after our gems and gold,” Enda continued though
his face looked troubled to Daniel.

“What is it, my love?” Daniel asked. “Your voice is saying one

thing, but your face is telling me another.”

“You’re getting to know me far too well.” Enda chuckled. “And

yes, you are right, there is something about Lawrence Charles
Kingdom that we are overlooking or haven’t comprehended yet. And
it’s something I feel is so obvious I know we should know.” Enda
laughed. “Now I’m talking in riddles.”

“No, I think you are right,” Alden said.
“I agree,” put in Jez. “That man is meticulous, and we’ve

interfered with his business twice now.”

“Twice?” Darian queried.
“Firstly, when Daniel came here. He lost his son and his marriage

deal with Olivia and her father. Secondly, when you lot destroyed
those offices in Mangalore before Christmas. I have a feeling that was
a tidy little part of his business empire for our Mr. Kingdom, and it all
went up in flames.”

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“So it could be a grudge sort of thing?” Jonah asked.
“No, Jonah,” Daniel had to answer. “My father doesn’t hold

grudges. If anyone crosses him, he usually wipes them off the face of
the planet.” Daniel watched Jonah’s shocked face at his answer and
decided it would be best if he clarified a little. “No, he doesn’t kill
them. He just destroys them financially, leaving them with nothing.”

“And you think this is his plan with Enda now?” Jez asked, fear

shining in his eyes for his best friend.

“I would say it’s a large chunk of his reasoning, but like Enda

said, there could be something else we’re missing that is adding to
this scenario,” Daniel answered his friend.

“Did you go inside the bunker?” Alden asked, pulling the

conversation back to the initial topic.

“No key, and it’s quite a substantial building. The door is solid

steel, too. We weren’t sure if we owned it,” Gregor explained.

“We do own it,” Jez answered, getting up from his seat and

heading to a large cabinet in Enda’s office. He tapped in the code, and
the door swung open to reveal row after row of keys. “These are the
keys to the bunker,” he said. “Though I have no idea now if they’ll
work. This firm may have changed the locks.”

“There is a second entrance, but it’s from sea level, and you climb

up a steep set of stairs. It opens into the lower basement area of the
bunker,” Enda said. “If Jonah fancies a cold swim, he could climb in
that way and let you two in if the key doesn’t fit.” Enda looked at
Gregor and Darian.

“I think two should go one way and two the other,” Alden added.

Enda nodded his agreement so Alden continued. “If you go with
Jonah,” he said, looking at his brother. “And Darian can go with me
over land to try the key, we’ll meet at the bunker either way.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Jonah said. “How well do you swim,


“Out now, before I make you swallow a clock.” Gregor growled.
“I’ll set Shere Khan on you!”

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“Promises, promises!”
Daniel smiled at the two jokers in the pack.
“Go on, lads, go! Let’s see what we can discover about our friend

Lawrence Charles Kingdom.” Enda grumbled as they headed out the

* * * *

Matt felt the searing pain explode out from his shoulder. Oh God,

why now? His Craig had finally found him. They could be together.
And he was now falling to the ground after having been shot. Morta,
you bitch, how could you do this to me?
These were the last thoughts
that passed through his head before the blackness swallowed him

* * * *

“Well that’s bloody charming, that is!” Morta mumbled, sitting

with her booted feet up on an ancient Chinese chest which was
probably worth millions. She didn’t care. Sipping her tea, she watched
her favourite spirit of the moment fall to the ground caught just in
time by Craig. “See, you ungrateful bag of feathers, he bloody caught

“Are you shouting at the Seeing Eye Globe again, Morta?”

Decima called from the kitchen.

“You finished making dinner yet, yer nosy cow?” Morta sighed.

Her connection to these men was strong, and after spending a hundred
and four years with Matt’s spirit she now thought of him as hers.
Decima may well be the mother of the three Fates, but Matt belonged
to Morta, and though she’d never admit to the connection, it was there
and always would be. The little bugger had wormed his way into her
heart and taken up residence, which was quite a feat, as she never
thought she had one.

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* * * *

Kash’s heart exploded in his chest as he saw the peregrine

plummet. His spirit walker, possibly his Matt. No way was he losing
this man, whoever he was, again.

Tilting his wings, his beast swooped down, and he grabbed the

peregrine out of the air before he hit the ground beneath them. The
feel of the bird he held so carefully in his claws was almost unreal. It
felt like Matt was home, that warm strength spread through Kash’s
old bones, empowering him to aid his long-lost love. How cliché was
that for a decrepit, disillusioned pirate? Scanning the scene, he knew
he needed a safe spot where he could help Matt to shift and remove
the bullet if it hadn’t gone right through. Thank God he knew this
land well, having flown over it many times before.

“Come on, Matt. Where’s going to be safe?” Kash thought

desperately. In the distance, he saw a small coppice of trees banked
against a rocky crag.

“Come on, Pigeon,” he squawked. “I’ve found some cover.”
It was a difficult landing with the width of Kash’s wings to

negotiate, but eventually, he lowered himself and the creature to the
ground. Shifting immediately, he checked the bird over. The bullet
had clipped the bird’s shoulder and was no longer in the body. The
area wasn’t discoloured or pungent from decay, which told Kash it
hadn’t been silver. Now all he needed was to get the bird to shift.

“Come on, Pigeon, wake up. Your heart is beating well. You need

to shift to kick-start your healing,” Kash spoke softly to the creature
in his hands. It was a beautiful bird twice the size of a wild peregrine,
but the feathers and colouring were amazing.

He gently rubbed the feathers and felt the bird’s consciousness

return. The spirit bond was literally growing stronger with each

“That’s it, Pigeon, I can feel you. Come back to me, please.”

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* * * *

Matt felt like he was being massaged by the largest set of hands

ever. They were surrounding him in the most amazing scent he had
ever known, and he knew this scent. It was a warm, rich, malty
flavour with a hint of the strong ale that it would eventually make. It
was all male, and it was all his Captain Feathers. Sorry, Morta, he

“Hummm! I’m going back to my bloody soaps,” Morta grumbled

as she faded from his mind.

Craig was with him, he could feel it. The bond was there. The one

that always should have been there was finally in place, and it was so
strong nobody was going to break it. He needed to shift back so he
could really feel those glorious hands on him again, reach the heights
of pleasure only this man could bring him. The burn in his shoulder
was nothing compared to being in the arms of his spirit walker. His
darling Craig, the charming, mischievous rogue he’d met at The
Scythe and Sickle, who saved him from a life in court and
overdressed, overpowdered women Matt felt green remembering.
That was the day his life had begun, and his only regret was not his
fault. He should have had forever with his Craig, not eighty-two

Matt pushed his mind forward, the heat searing his body, his

bones growing and reshaping incredibly quickly, sealing up ninety
percent of his wound. He felt his feathers being reabsorbed into his
body, and then he felt those hands on his skin. Matt opened his eyes
to see his Craig beside him once again after two hundred sixty-seven
years. A part of him wanted to bloody smack him one for taking so
fucking long, but the greater part wanted to hold onto the man he
loved and never wanted to let go. Opening his eyes, he saw his man
literally start to shake. Was it with fear or pain?

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“Now what is wrong with my Captain Feathers?” Matt asked, his

voice sounding reedy to him, not having used it for quite some time.
His Craig struggled with himself, and Matt swore he would hold
nothing back from this man now they were finally together after so
many years lost to his hurt and then confusion. Craig had had none of
that knowledge. He had been abandoned by all, and Matt had not been
allowed to reach out for him.

“Matt,” Kash whispered, his voice raspy with fear. “You came


Craig’s dark, dark brown eyes looked down upon him. He had lost

himself in those eyes so many times over their years together, and
now he could do so all over again.

“Oh, my darling, I never left you,” Matt answered just as the

emotion became too much and a sob broke from his chest as he
circled Craig’s body with his good arm.

They held each other, two men overcome with emotions. Matt had

waited so long for this man to be back in his arms. And he knew
Craig’s emotions came from an even darker place because he never
knew this could actually happen.

“Oh, my love, my dear, sweet Captain Feathers, my heart, my

soul, my Craig, you found me.” Matt wept.

Craig gulped great gasps of air, obviously trying to calm himself

down. He just could not speak, and Matt understood.

“We’re together now, love, everything is going to be fine.” Matt

placed a hand on Craig’s cheek, gently pulling him down for a kiss.
Their lips met, and Matt knew he was home. He gasped as Craig
pulled him in closer, and Craig slipped his tongue into Matt’s mouth,
tangling with his, arousing him with his taste. Matt sighed and melted
into his long-ago lover. They had finally got to where they were
meant to be.

Suddenly, a cry echoed in the area, making both men jump.

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“We’ve got the bastards, two naked men by the coppice. That has

to be them. Malc, make sure you check for gunshot wounds. Mr.
Kingdom said he got one of them.”

Matt looked up to see a group of men moving in on them, all of

whom were very heavily armed and looked decidedly unfriendly.

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Chapter Seven

A small craft sailed around the headland. The only sound was the

ripple of the water as it cut through the waves. Two very large,
muscular men stared in confusion at the concealed stone steps leading
up to the bunker. Every so often, they could see large, all-weather
storage boxes placed by a step.

“They’ve completely uncovered the steps,” Jonah said. “I thought

you said this entrance was hidden. That don’t look much hidden to
me, mate.”

“No, but this is how I think they got in,” Gregor surmised. “The

main building is concrete, but the entrance to the lower floor was
wooden, as was the escape hatch which led to the concealed steps.”

“Don’t check your properties much, do you?” Jonah quizzed. The

look on his face was none too impressed.

“I remember the damn thing being built and the MoD saying they

wanted two possible exits, that way if we were invaded they had an
option for escape. We’ll get a little closer, see if the old boat is still

“If this place was hidden to the point where even you lot forgot it

was here, that means those guys were possibly looking for something
else when they discovered it,” Jonah suggested.

“I think the idea was always to spy on us. They just happened to

get lucky when they found the steps to the bunker. What do think
they’ve stored in those boxes?” Gregor asked.

“I get the feeling it’s nothing pleasant,” Jonah grumbled. “It’s like

their personal storage yard. What I don’t understand is why leave the
stuff out in the open?”

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“Its location. Not many sail close enough to the shore, waters are

shallow, and there’s not much to see, just the cliff face. You may get
the odd bird watcher but they usually go out to the islands or farther
up the coast,” Gregor replied.

“Wow, if that’s from the time of the second World War it’s been

well looked after,” Jonah said as he pointed to a sleek motorboat
inside the covered, camouflaged jetty.

“Guess our guys wanted a second escape route, too.”
“We need to let the others know what we’ve found. At least we

can tell them there’s no one down here at present,” Jonah suggested

“Yeah, and let them know we’ll be doing a little collecting while

we’re here.” Gregor smiled.

“Alden will understand.”

* * * *

“Ah, Kenyon, I have those birds we saw yesterday. I want you to

look them over today. I’m almost certain that the one I got is Fred’s
peregrine. Shame he’s no longer with us to return it.”

Liam stared at his boss. Kingdom’s look was pure evil. There was

not an ounce of remorse for the loss of what Liam had thought was
the man’s friend. Even if he did like wearing those strange clothes,
the man had visited often, shooting and carousing with Mr. Kingdom.

The more he got to know his boss, the less he liked him. Liam had

worked as a gamekeeper since his parents had died, but at first he
never got anywhere near his boss. It was only when Mr. Kingdom had
discovered his great quality that he’d risen up the ranks to head
keeper and now only gamekeeper.

Mr. Kingdom didn’t like people who answered him in any

fashion, and as he knew Liam would never say anything to him or
anyone, he deemed Liam stupid and safe and a perfect employee. At
first, Liam hadn’t cared, but as he found out more about the man, the

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more he began to care for all the people and shifters whom he hadn’t
known existed until he started work for Mr. K. Still, it meant he kept
custody of his brothers, and that was all that counted at the moment.

“You’ll have to go to Blackwell’s farm on the northern side of the

estate. The men will show you the animals. If they’re not in the
correct form they will help you shift them, though from what the men
said they’ve stayed as birds the entire time. The eagle has a vicious
streak so you’ll probably lose a finger.” His boss laughed at his own
joke but again he didn’t care about Liam’s response. It was not
needed. Liam nodded his head and turned to leave.

“Stupid mindless grunt,” his boss muttered as Liam walked from

the room. Liam’s body trembled with the need to knock his boss’s
teeth in.

Liam made a promise to himself as he left the main estate house

that somehow all the captured shifters were going to escape. And the
“Stupid Mindless Grunt” wasn’t going to say a word.

* * * *

“We’re close, Alden,” Darian realised the man probably knew, but

he had an uneasy feeling about this, and keeping Alden alert helped
calm his nerves. “It’s about two miles down this track. Do you think
we should take the Ranger that far?”

“No, we don’t want to signal our arrival,” Alden answered before

he turned the Ranger into a field. Darian jumped out and opened the
gate, and Alden left the vehicle behind the high hedgerow. “They may
spot the tracks if they’re looking, but I don’t think it will be high on
their priority list.”

Darian had no idea what was on their priority list. He just wanted

to check the place out. He headed across toward the makeshift nest
they’d watched the bunker from before.

“Where the hell are you heading, Dar?” Alden sounded irritated.

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“We need to check the area first. We know where the car will be

hidden, so we can work out if it’s clear or occupied. We can’t go in
blind,” Darian replied, more than a little irritated as well.

“We don’t have time, Dar, plus we’re shifters. If all else fails, we

shift. They’re not going to last very long against a bear and a tiger.”
Alden’s arrogance irritated Darian further. And what the hell was with
calling him Dar?

Against his better judgement, he followed the bear toward the

bunker. They didn’t notice any car, which eased his mind a little. But
Darian was still apprehensive. It was too quiet. He could see the top
of the tower, so he knew they were close.

“Hello, honey, you okay?” Gregor’s voice interrupted his


“Yes, Baloo, we’re getting close to the bunker, though it seems

awfully quiet,” he replied to his walker.

“There’s nothing happening down here, sweetheart, though they

have done a little renovating. The speedboat is sweet, and there’re
packing crates littered up the steps. We’re going to check them out.”

“So you don’t see a soul?” Darian insisted, as he really was

feeling nervous now.

“No one, stop worrying, my love. We’ll contact you again when

we’ve worked our way up the stairs. We’ll meet you in the lower

“Okay, if you’re sure. I’ll be in touch. I love you,” Darian replied


“Love you, too, babe!” both his walkers bellowed through their


Darian smiled as he quickly relayed the information to Alden.
“See, everything will be fine. I never knew you were this

anxious,” Alden said as he stepped down to the main door of the
bunker and carefully placed his hand on the lever. Pressing down, the
door clicked and swung open. Nothing jumped out at them. And after

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peering inside the open room, Darian’s fears finally began to

“No one’s here. We can have a good look around. There seems to

be an awful lot of files on the walls. Christ, look at this stuff. They’ve
had this operation going—”

The outer door slammed shut.
“What the fuck!” Alden shouted as he ran to the door. Taking the

key, he attempted to use it, but someone had sealed the lock with
superglue or some kind of resin to stop the key being used. “Shit,”
Alden cursed. Darian could feel his anger growing by the second.
Darian had a feeling it was because he’d warned him, but the big,
arrogant bear thought he could beat everything. Darian stopped his
thoughts. This was his Gregor’s twin. Though Darian thought they
were nothing alike, he knew he couldn’t berate Alden constantly over
his oversight. He could make a suggestion, though.

“Jonah and Gregor are just by the water. We can leave through the

back door, so to speak.” Alden looked at him, and Darian felt like
sinking in his boots.

“I knew there was a reason I brought you along.” Alden smiled.

“I’m sorry I was getting far too big for my boots. I’ll be glad when
Kash gets back and the mantle of Beta can go back to him.” Darian
felt a little ashamed. He’d forgotten about the new pressure Alden had
been under. That was more than enough to push anyone over the edge
of common sense into the realms of arrogance.

Darian looked around the room again. “Alden, the room seems to

be going blurry,”

“What do you mean?” Alden asked but stumbled as he walked

toward Darian. “Shit, what’s wrong with my legs?” he mumbled as
they gave out beneath him.

Darian slumped to the floor. He looked into Alden’s eyes and

murmured, “Gaseous anaesthesia,” before his lights went out.

* * * *

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Liam drew up outside the old farmhouse. It had once been a

beautiful place, almost like a squire’s manor, the four-story brick
house with a large set of walled-off stables alongside to keep the
horses in their place and away from the Victorian gardens. It was well
past its best now. Part of the outer north wall was crumbling, and the
roof had more slates missing than intact. Ironically, the stables had
faired a lot better, and that was where he found the security men.

“Ooh you, get the fuck outta ’ere!” some guard yelled at him as he

walked menacingly toward his battered Land Rover. Liam shook his
head as he got out of the car. His knees were physically shaking, but
he could not back down.

“Can’t you speak, you idiot?” the man yelled again. Liam just

shook his head.

“Hold on, Malc, he’s that mute kid that the boss uses as a

gamekeeper. Mr. K said he was going to send him over to check on
those bloody birds.” The voice came from inside the stables.

“I’m not fucking going down there again. There’s rats.” The man

known as Malc growled.

“Ah, yer a big fucking pansy.” Laughter filtered out of the stables.

“It’s your fucking turn. Take the idiot down and stop arsing about.”

Liam didn’t move. He just waited. The man known as Malc swore

under his breath, walking past Liam and round the garden wall to the
back of the house.

Stairs at the back seemed to pass under the main house’s back

door, and Liam realised this was leading down to the kitchens and
laundry rooms of the old manor. The stone was worn but still sturdy
compared to the rest of the building.

When he’d come before, he had broken in through the basement

windows on the far south side of the house. That had been the only
source of light in the rooms under the building, and they had been so
dirty it made them almost useless in this function.

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As the man opened the door, he stepped back. “I ain’t going down

there. You’re on your fucking own.” He then walked back up the
steps and proceeded to light a fag. “Fucking get going, you tosser. I’m
not fucking waiting all day.”

Liam took a brief look back before he dashed down the stairs.
The place had not improved since his last exploration down here.

Only now, there was an armed guard. He entered what must have
been the kitchen, as the huge table that ran the full length of the room
was where they had placed the cages.

So Mr. Kingdom had captured four now. He was glad he’d

guessed right. It was the one time when Liam wished he could speak,
but being born with damaged vocal cords meant that was never going
to happen. Four pairs of eyes watched him closely, two as human, two
as birds of prey. He recognised Fred’s peregrine immediately. Mr.
Kingdom was right. Liam would recognise that creature anywhere.
He’d left it many a meal when Fred had been visiting. He was never
sure if Fred realised what he was in possession of, but the food had
always been gone when he slipped back to remove all evidence.

Liam opened his old Barbour coat, grateful for what it could

conceal. He pulled out bags of sandwiches he’d half-inched from the
kitchens of the main house on the south of the estate. The cook took
pity on him and his brothers, which helped when trying to keep his
brothers fully fed.

He also pulled out four pairs of old sweats he’d picked up cheap

from the local charity shop and some thin T-shirts. He couldn’t afford
anything else, but he hoped it was enough for them to get by. He
placed the items of clothing in the draws on the side of the table and
emptied a sandwich bag by each cage, making sure he took every
scrap of evidence back with him.

Liam smiled tentatively at each man or creature as he passed each

cage, hoping they realised his mission.

“You fucking finished yet?” Malc yelled from the doorway. How

was he supposed to answer? “Ah fuck, yer can’t fucking speak, yer

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stupid, Just get the fuck out now,” Malc finished. Obviously, he’d
smoked his fag.

Liam was just about to run back up the stairs when he

remembered his last little gift. He quickly placed a paperclip by each
cage. As long as they had opposable thumbs, they may get the
padlocks open. Liam could only hope as he ran out of the kitchen.

“About fucking time,” Malc moaned as he locked the door and

headed off back to the stables. “You know yer way out. Fuck off.”

Malc didn’t even bother to look back. Liam climbed into his Land

Rover and backed out of the stable courtyard. He’d done this on
purpose, as he had one more thing he needed to do. Liam stopped his
vehicle by the south side of the house well away from the stables and
left his engine running. Picking up the crowbar from his passenger
seat, he jumped out and ran over to one of the basement windows.
Most were rotten, and although the one he used last time had been
haphazardly patched up, forcing another open was a piece of cake.

Peering in, he looked at the now four men. Three sat eating

sandwiches, and one frantically trying to break the lock. They all
looked up when he released the window. Liam waved quickly before
heading back to the vehicle.

As Liam climbed in he heard a distant voice. “Thank you.” He

smiled. He reckoned he’d done his job well.

* * * *

“Sir, we’ve got the men who were snooping round the bunker,”

one of Lawrence’s guards offered as he met the patrol before they got
to the main house. Lawrence was having guests, and this sort of thing
needed to be kept out of the way and quiet.

“Well done, men. Let me see them.” Lawrence peered at the men

lying unconscious in the back of one of his security vans. “Excellent,
this could be the last piece of proof I need. The huge oaf I recognise,

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the smaller one not, but that one is definitely part of Enda
Kashmerle’s cohort. Now all we need to do is prove he’s a shifter.”

“No problem, sir, we can do that,” the rather impudent man

replied. Lawrence had not wanted an answer. He had not been talking
to the man, he just expected him to do what was required. He stared at
the man, a look of disdain clearly written on his face.

The man began to fidget. This was really too much. “Take them

away. You’ll do your work at Blackwell’s.”

Lawrence turned and walked away, and thankfully, the man did

not utter another word. He hoped he learned fast as his time on this
earth may be getting shorter far quicker than he imagined. Now why
couldn’t all his employees be as slow and silent as Kenyon?

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Chapter Eight

Having pulled both vessels in line along the jetty, Jonah began up

the stone steps. “What do you think could be in these things?” he
asked his walker as he climbed up beside him.

“You’ve got me there, love. Kingdom has probably got enough

warehouses across the country to hide anything and everything,”
Gregor answered.

“This is going to sound ridiculous, but thinking about this man, he

doesn’t do anything without a reason. Remember I knew him as one
of my captors. This man is precise, thorough, and his attention to
detail is obsessive.”

“Okay, I’m with your reasoning, but how does it relate to these

boxes?” Gregor questioned.

“They’re not concealed, just left in the open. They’re on

Kashmerle property.” Jonah paused as he looked over a couple of the
boxes. “And they have important men within the gold and stone
dealerships on each box.”

“Really,” Gregor said as he jumped up the steps farther to

recognise more names. “I know some of these guys. We sell ingots to
them for resale.”

“There’s something really fishy going on here. We need to get

these boxes back to the castle,” Jonah stated, concern written all over
his face. “Don’t touch them,” he called up to Gregor, who had
continued up the steps, looking at the rest of the boxes. “We don’t
want to contaminate them. We need Ezee and Gabe to oversee this.”

“Fuck, you really do think this is bad.” Gregor groaned.

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“Our Mr. Kingdom left these boxes out in the open to be found. I

think we’re real lucky that it was by us.” Jonah flicked his phone

“Hey Jez, you and Enda together? Yeah, good, you both need to

hear this.” Jonah explained their find and the need for caution in
recovering the boxes. Jez agreed to come out with their larger
motorised yacht, though he would be unable to enter the small bay.
He’d bring gloves, and they could transfer the boxes to the yacht from
the smaller vessels here.

Jonah was relieved. The sooner they got these boxes out of sight,

the better. Even if they still didn’t know exactly what was in them.

* * * *

Jez slowed the yacht down, careful that the riptides didn’t rock the

men’s boats. They were out of the bay in deeper waters, so he could
bring them alongside. Jez smiled as he executed the manoeuvre

“Show off. I still reckon I handle the Lady Jane better than you,”

Gregor yelled over the dying engines.

“Never!” was all Jez said as Jonah climbed onboard laughing.
“Give it up, you two, we do have work to do,” Jonah admonished


“Which is why I brought reinforcements.” Jez smiled as Enda,

Daniel, Ben, and Angus appeared.

“Whoa, man, when did you get back?” Gregor asked, slapping the

red wolf on the back.

“About twenty minutes ago, I think,” Angus replied.
“Hey, it’s good to have you back, mate,” Jonah said.
“Unfortunately, it won’t be for long, but there is an end in sight.”

Angus smiled at his friends.

“God I hope so. We miss you.” Gregor slapped the man again,

nearly knocking him over.

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“You do get used to that after a while,” Jonah said to a slightly

unstable Angus.

“Come on now, boys, glove up and let’s get these boxes into our

labs,” Enda said, causing the men to refocus themselves on the task at
hand. As they left in the smaller boats to load the stuff, Jez swore he
saw movement up at the bunker, but no sooner had he seen it than it
was gone. He frowned. Something was up there.

Shaking himself, he realised Alden and Darian had gone to the

bunker over land. It must be them. He’d get Jonah and Gregor to
contact them when they got back.

* * * *

Kash managed to bend some of the small wires of his cage just

enough to get his hand through to Matt’s cage. The metal was hard,
though it did not contain silver, but it was not going to be easy to
escape from even for a shifter. The weakest part seemed to be the
padlock. Gripping hold of the wires, he pulled the cage with Matt that
extra foot so their cages were alongside. Poor Matt’s cage was a lot
smaller, and he was unable to move much. Matt curled up along the
side and slipped his fingers through the bar, entwining them with

“How can you be so calm, my dear, sweet man?” Kash asked.

Matt’s smile said it all. Their bond was nearly complete, and being
able to communicate through their mind bond was so special.

“There’s two reasons, my lover. One, I’ve been in cages like this

constantly over the last thirty years, and two, which is far more
important and so long waited for, is that I’m finally bonding with my
spirit walker, Craig MacCarrick, thief, scavenger, pirate, and the
most honourable man I know.”
Matt smiled so warmly at him Kash
had to turn away.

Kash had heard the love seeping into his mind. It really was his

Matt, and the feeling of remorse flooded his whole body. He had not

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been faithful to him, with the quick fucks in dark alleys, and then he’d
finally sought comfort in the arms of another. How could he have
done that?

“Stop those thoughts now, Craig MacCarrick,” Matt’s voice

thundered in his mind.

Shit, Craig thought, Matt can hear me.
“Yes, I can, my darling, and I’m having none of this shameful

crap, either. For the first hundred years, on the anniversary of my so-
called passing I would find the Lady Jane. I’d watch you stand and
drink your whiskey. I won’t deny when I first saw Alden embrace you
I wanted to swoop down and gouge his eyes out for encroaching on
our love.”

“Why didn’t you, Matt? I needed you so much. I’d died inside. I

was a walking corpse,” Kash said, tears running unashamedly down
his face.

“Don’t you think I would have done if I’d been allowed? The

Fates forbade me to go to you. I had to pay a price for my life not
ending that day on the fourth of March. That price was I could not
contact you. You had to find me.”

“Why did they not let me know?” Kash cried in Matt’s mind.
“That was your price to pay for keeping me. You had to work out

that I was your walker and therefore couldn’t die. So you would then
look for me for that purpose.”

“I’m so bloody stupid. I always thought you were my walker, that

a mistake had to have been made while we were together. When you
died, or apparently died, it just felt so final to me that I knew that
must be the end. I just stopped believing.”
Kash hiccupped. His throat
was becoming really dry from the strain as his tears continued to fall.

“Look, if it makes you feel better after a hundred years, Morta

intervened. She didn’t pay you any compliments. Not because of your
actions with Alden, but for not realising I was still around. Anyway,
she sent me back to where I started from after my supposed demise,
but without my memory of you. I only had the memory of a man in my

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past called Captain Feathers.” Matt looked down, pulling his hands
back into his cage and twisting them together.

Kash watched his walker, taking in his nervous reaction and the

way he couldn’t face him. A rage built up inside him that he couldn’t
let go. “Who was he?” Kash asked as he felt like his heart was
breaking all over again.

“My best friend, Joe. I’d always said no to his advances before in

those first hundred years, but after they removed me from watching
you and wiped those memories of my former life with you, I turned to
him for comfort, friendship, and companionship. I was left knowing
how long I’d been around and remembered the new people I’d met,
but not those from before my first death.”

“First death? How many have you had?” Kash questioned.
“Well, my first was with you. I count my second as the hundred-

year mark after that, and I had my third when you found me. Matthew
James Cashmerlon is no more, I’m your Matthew James Kashmerle,
hopefully still your husband and lover.”
Matt blushed so beautifully
at his last words. Kash wanted him in his arms. He wanted in his
body, and he wanted it all forever.

“Me, too, my love, forever,” Matthew whispered in his mind

before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

This Joe was a not going to interfere, especially as he had not

been a saint himself, but…he remembered the Joe he’d met in
Gibraltar, not that they were the same man, but putting a face to the
name wasn’t helping him keep a lid on his feelings concerning Matt.

* * * *

There was a rattle up the basement stairs, which informed them

that someone was coming, Matt jumped, breaking his contact with

“Shift,” Craig demanded, and Matt did exactly as his old lover


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“Shut the fuck up, Malc, and get the bodies down here,” a gruff,

impatient voice grunted.

“This one has to be seven foot and weighs four hundred pounds,

yer bastard. At least you got the skinny little shit.”

Matt watched as a man he dimly recognised was dragged into the

old kitchen. “That’s Darian. He’s a Bengal tiger and one of Gregor’s
the stunning fish eagle said beside him.

“One of…how many walkers does Gregor have? Has he been

collecting them?”

If Craig had been in his other form, Matt was sure he would have

chuckled. “Gregor has been blessed with two, the other being a
mountain of a lad called Jonah.”

“The crocodile. I know both of them, though not well,” Matt


“Yeah,” his lover answered, looking at Matt with his sharp eyes.
“I knew through my owner’s links with Mr. Lawrence Kingdom.

I’ve seen them as well when I’ve been flying over Kashmerle for a
while now. I saw Gregor, the bear, I might add, fighting with a
crocodile over a log. Beside them sat a glorious tiger who watched
with a disdainful look at the antics of the pair,”
Matt explained for

“Yeah, by the ponds out the back. Gregor’s not changed a bit.”
“Still our resident clown, I guess.”
“Christ, that’s what he meant by seven foot and four hundred

pounds.” Craig gasped.

“Alden,” Matt said, a feeling of dread filling his soul. He wasn’t

sure he was ready to meet up with that man just yet.

Both men were being dragged down the stairs, unconscious and


“I ain’t fucking lifting him off the ground to stuff in one of the

cages,” Malc muttered.

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“We don’t have enough cages, Malc. If we stuff the birds in the

big one, we can put the smaller bloke in that cage,” the nameless man
said, pointing at Matt’s cage.

“Fucking great, that gets one problem sorted.” Malc smiled as his

hand came in and grabbed Matt. Craig went wild. but the guy just
shoved him inside before slamming the catch. “These buggers are a
pain. Maybe they’ll eat each other.” Malc laughed at his own joke.

Together, they began shoving Darian into his cage, which,

considering what Darian was, looked pretty flimsy. Though, Matt was
sure they contained silver, just not enough to stop the shift. Probably
silver plate. Matt snorted, which as a peregrine falcon was kind of a
mess. Craig looked at him.

“Whoops, I don’t think peregrines can snort,” he said by way of

explanation only to watch Craig do the same and look just as silly.
Matt knew he must curb his jovial attitude. They were in a dangerous
situation, and now more people Craig knew were getting caught up in
the cross fire. Unfortunately, Matt just couldn’t raise any sense of
anxiety. He’d been captive for so long, well, only thirty years, but a
good span of time, that it was water off a duck’s back for him. Oooh,
to go hunting for some ducks
…He remembered a time in Valletta
when there’d almost seemed like a plague of ducks. God, he’d eaten
well for a while. There he went again. Maybe his ability to worry or
be afraid had left him completely. It sounded about right.

“What the fuck are we going to do with him?” Malc asked as they

shut Darian in. Both men stared down at Alden bound and
unconscious on the floor.

“We keep him bound and drugged, you idiots. His weight will be

about two hundred eighty pounds, plus he’s a shifter, which increases
their strength. So double the weight, to say, five hundred fifty pounds,
and then halve the time it will keep him under. It doesn’t have to be
exact science, just make a good guess,” Mr. Lawrence Kingdom
announced as he descended the stairs with a gleam in his eye. “Don’t
forget, when Dr. Pritchard mixes the drugs for you, get him to take

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the blood samples he needs. He can get a little involved in his work
and forgets things.”

Both men jumped. “Yes, sir,” they said in unison. Malc raced off

probably to get the doctor. The nameless guy stayed right by his boss.

Matt had decided years ago that he didn’t like Lawrence Charles

Kingdom, and his opinion wasn’t going to change anytime soon.

“At least with him here, I now have my proof.” Lawrence

chuckled. “Kashmerle is involved with shifters.”

“Yeah, but nobody will believe ever you, and I won’t be

demonstrating to prove a point.” Matt sent his cold, hard thought to

“You and me both, baby, and don’t you dare forget it,” Craig


“Yes, Captain Feathers, sir,” Matt replied. Craig stretched out a

wing and tried to knock him over. Matt screeched, breaking the calm
that had settled into the room.

“Move those bloody birds to the other room. I think I’m just going

to have them stuffed. They may look good, but they are incredibly
irritating. Lock the damn door, too. Keep them out of my way.”

Obeying his boss’s orders, the man picked up the cage and

staggered with his burden. Even though they were birds they were
still a fair size and awkward to carry. He dropped the large cage onto
the floor and began dragging it through the open door into the laundry
area. Once in the room, the man turned on his heel and left them

Matt heard the click of the lock and knew they were finally alone.

* * * *

Kash waited. They could hear the muffled voices outside. He

knew he could get out of the cage, but now they didn’t have access to
the clothes or the open window. Still, one step at a time. He wasn’t
going to do anything until he knew Kingdom and his goons had gone.

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“We can’t shift in here, my love. They have not left us enough

room,” Matt said quietly.

“Do you still have the paperclip?” Kash asked. Matt nodded,

obviously forgetting he was a falcon for a moment. “Great, I’ll have
another go at the lock,”
Kash muttered.

“With just your claws, darling? This I have got to see. I had no

idea you were that dextrous,” Matt said seductively.

Kash wanted to scream from the rooftops he had his Matthew

back. The little duke of Kashmerle with his fire and his intelligence
all wrapped up in one gorgeous package. A package he had believed
for so long was gone. Kash’s body started shaking, which could look
ridiculous on an oversized fish eagle, so he forced himself to calm

“Craig, my darling, I did not mean to upset you. I’m so sorry if I

have.” Matt’s beautiful tones filtered into his brain.

“Oh, Matt, at this moment, stuck in a cage God knows where with

goons checking on us and death as a very possible prospect, I don’t
think I’ve ever been happier. The only reason I’m shaking is that all
this emotion that has been buried deep inside me, so very deep for so
long, can now finally be let loose.”
Kash paused and looked at his
spirit walker. “And, my beautiful peregrine, you could never upset

“Get us out of this cage so I can love you,” Matt whimpered.
“Come up in front of me, I’m going to shift, and my body will just

have to squash itself down the bottom of the cage.” Kash instructed.
He was now a man on a mission.

“Okay,” was Matt’s quick reply as his peregrine hopped to the

space Kash had wanted him in.

Kash shifted almost frighteningly slowly as he fit his six-foot

frame into the cage. Pulling the paperclip out of Matthew’s claw,
Kash went to work on the lock. It didn’t help that Matt’s beautiful
feathers kept brushing against his arms and side. He never considered

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a bird affectionate, but the way Matt was preening against him, he
guessed he’d got that wrong.

Clunk. The bolt opened and fell to the floor.
“Yes,” Kash hissed as he slid out from the cage. Turning round,

he watched Matt’s creamy skin emerge and his soulful eyes looking
up into his face. “Come on, my lover,” he said in his old lilting
Cornish brogue. Matthew held out his arms, and he gently pulled his
walker into his arms.

“Craig.” Matt’s voice sent shivers down his spine, shivers that

Matt obviously felt. “Please believe it. I am real, and I love you still. I
always have since you washed your amazing body in that stream by
the tavern.”

“Yeah, but you still had another, though I’m glad you regret that

as I do.” Kash smiled down at his man.

“I don’t regret it, Craig, and neither should you. I love Joe. He is

my best friend, and I hope I will see him again. Truly it is not the
same as I feel for you, but I care about him, and he was my anchor
while waiting for you.”

Kash’s heart and mind felt like it was going to explode. He’d

never loved Alden, and he’d told the man that, and now he did regret
it. As for the others, they didn’t even have names.

“How can you do this to me?” As he asked Matt the question, his

voice sounded strange, even to his own ears.

“Do what, my love? We were both in a different place. You

thought I was dead, and I had mixed memories of you. The Fates let
us live our lives until we were ready to find each other.” Matt walked
forward, his gorgeous body right there for Kash to touch, but he felt
he couldn’t. This wasn’t his Matt any more. This was Joe’s Matt.

“You want to see him again?” Kash asked as he balled his hands

into fists.

“He was my friend and lover for a long time, a hundred thirty-

seven years. I will not let him go.”

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Kash’s couldn’t believe his ears. His anger was obscuring his

rational judgement. He knew he had used Alden, and he hadn’t lost
him, but it was different, it wasn’t the same. He had thought he was
alone. Matt to him had died. There was no future, only the past. Matt
had known in some small way he had a reason to believe he or at least
someone was out there for him. It was different

Matthew stepped away from Kash, removing himself from his

reach. He walked backward till he bumped into a huge line of old
linen chests. He opened one and pulled out a musty but surprisingly
clean sheet and wrapped it around his body, covering his nakedness.
He didn’t say a word, nor could Kash hear any words in his head.

Christ, what had just happened?

* * * *

Jez watched as the men loaded up the boxes. They all had their

suspicions about the contents and their purpose, but Enda had decided
he’d rather get them secure before they opened any.

Jonah, Angus, and Gregor returned first as they had the speedboat

much to Jez’s amusement, as all were laughing on the return.

“Glad you boys are having fun,” Jez said as he began helping

them unload their quarry.

“Can we keep it?” Jonah asked, grinning up at Jez.
“Well, it was left where our dilapidated and decaying vessel had

been,” Enda said as they pulled up with their boat.

“And possession is nine-tenths of the law,” Daniel finished for


“You’re being corrupted,” Enda grumbled.
“Only by you, dear,” Daniel replied with a smile as the rest of the

men were laughing.

“That reminds me,” Jez cut back in, “I saw movement up by the

bunker. Alden and Darian are up there, aren’t they?”

“Yeah, we spoke to them earlier,” Jonah said, looking at Gregor.

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“Yep, about an hour and a half ago,” Gregor confirmed.
“What the hell have they been doing all this time?” Enda asked.

Jez was genuinely curious as to the answer to this also. “I think we
need to go and see what they’ve found,” Enda concluded.

“I can’t reach him,” Jonah said, looking straight at Gregor.
“I can’t either. Shit!” Gregor growled, his claws elongating right

out of his fingers.

“Whoa, careful there, big guy. We’ll sort this out, I promise.”

Enda put a hand on Gregor’s shoulder and also one on Jonah’s. Jez
watched him carefully ease their tension.

“Jez, Daniel, you take this stuff back to the castle. Leave it locked

in the foundry room. We can check it out after we find Alden and
Darian. Bring one of the SUVs over to the bunker as soon as you have
that done. If we’re no longer there, I’ll let you know through Daniel.”
Jez nodded, as did Daniel. Daniel looked like he wanted to argue, but
the link would help, and there was no way either Jonah or Gregor was
heading back to the castle while Darian was out of their reach.

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Chapter Nine

“I don’t bloody believe this,” Morta grumbled at the Seeing Eye


“What are you on about this time?” Decima asked as she came

down the stairs. “I’m going to restrict your time on that thing if this
carries on.”

“You can’t do that!” Morta huffed indignantly.
“Yes I can, when there are a pile of threads that need cutting

before the world has a vast shortage of nursing homes.”

“Bugger,” Morta groaned as she pulled out her shears and cut

what looked to be thousands of threads. She guessed she had been a
little off her watch.

“How are humans going to explain that now?” Decima asked as

nursing homes around the world had people dropping like flies.

“I don’t bloody care. That’s your job. I just kill ’em off.”
“Oh, there’s no dealing with you sometimes.”
Morta grinned at her sister, totally unrepentant.
Nona walked in. Great, now the other one had turned up. Why

couldn’t they let her shout at the globe on her own?

“What can’t you believe, my dear sister?” Nona asked in what

Morta thought was her silly, soppy voice.

“That those men can get so bent out of shape about their lover’s

past…” Morta grinned wickedly and wriggled her eyebrows at her
sisters without finishing her sentence.

“Why did I ask that question?” Nona asked, looking at Decima for

an answer.

“I have no idea, but I think it’s getting a little…”

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Decima didn’t get to finish her sentence as Morta screamed out,

“Don’t back away, you plonker, just knock him down and ride him.
Once his dick’s up your ass all his worries will bloody float off.”

“She’s getting worse!” Nona stated.
“I couldn’t agree more.”

* * * *

Alden was coming round. He could feel his body coming back to

him in increments. Darian had been right. It had to have been some
sort of gaseous anaesthesia, as it was the only way to explain his
recovery. He heard shuffling around him. Someone was doing
something. He felt a cool, damp cloth on his skin. What the hell were
they using, chloroform now? The bastards. But it didn’t feel like he
was about to go to sleep again. Someone was wiping his face,
someone with an amazing smell. Then it was suddenly removed. No, I
want it back.
“Mine,” he said as he felt the injection slide in his arm,
and the world went black again.

* * * *

Jonah held onto Gregor with all his strength. The man was

immense, and there was probably only himself and possibly his
brother who could hold him. He felt Gregor’s heart rage, and he knew
his own was the same. Darian was missing, the bunker was empty,
and no signs of a struggle were present. No one could work out what
had happened. How had Kingdom’s lackeys taken a bear and a tiger,
for Christ’s sake, without a struggle? And more importantly, where
the fuck had they taken them?

“Enda, look,” Jez yelled as he was going through a pile of papers

that littered the table in the corner. Enda went over and stared at the

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“They were watching everything,” Jez said. “They have lists of all

the vessels that have come and gone from these waters. Hell, they
even have the Lady Jane listed when we went for Sunan, just after

“He wants to know where our supplies are coming from.” Enda

looked at Angus. “You’re going to have to go back to Mombasa and
build up Conrad’s network down there, as I’m sure Kingdom now
knows that’s where the ships are coming from and going to.”

“It’s not just that, they’ve been animal watching.” Jez held out

another sheet to Enda.

“Fuck! This is so not good, especially if they have sighted these

animals.” Enda muttered, “We are going to close this bunker down.
Its location is too close to the castle, and at this height, there is little
they can’t observe.”

Gregor let out a huge growl.
“It’s all right, my love, they are still looking,” Jonah murmured to

his struggling spirit walker. “Is there anything here that gives us an
indication where they could have taken them?” Jonah pleaded as he
still hung on to Gregor.

“I’ve not found anything yet, Jonah,” Daniel answered. “But I

could have a good guess.”

“Where?” Both Jonah and Gregor growled together.
“My father has an estate on the southern side of the Grampians.

It’s not that large. There’s a manor house which he refers to as the
hunting lodge. He brings his guests up here to go hunting and
shooting, legal or otherwise, I’m afraid.”

“Stop that,” Enda said. “Whatever your father gets up to, legal or

otherwise, is not your fault, my love, and no one will blame you for

“Sorry.” Daniel smiled at the Alpha with so much tenderness in

his eyes Jonah felt he should look away. Okay, the only other
property on the estate is the old squire’s farm house and stables. I
think it was called Blackwell’s, but I’m not certain.”

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Both Jez and Angus flicked onto their mobiles.
“What’s the name of your father’s lodge?” Jez asked.
Daniel looked ruefully at Jez. “He named it The King’s Lodge.”
“Doesn’t think much of himself, then,” Jonah replied.
“No, shy and retiring, that’s my father, all the way,” Daniel said

sarcastically, looking embarrassed, and Jonah felt guilty.

“That wasn’t a reflection on you,” Jonah blurted out before his

Alpha took him apart.

“I know, Jonah, but the man is so arrogant and pretentious and is

hurting a lot of people through what he does, both emotionally and

“I think they will be at this Blackwell farm,” Angus said. Jonah

felt Gregor tense once again at the idea that they had somewhere to
look for their Darian.

“Why do you think that?” Enda asked.
“Well, it’s only got a farm road leading to it, so there’s less likely

to be any traffic. The buildings do look in very poor condition, which
will keep people away, and if I zoom out on the satellite picture, there
is very little in the area that we can conceal ourselves with when we
storm the place,” Angus finished.

“Plus,” Daniel added, “my father would not sully his beautiful

lodge with his dirty business. He’d want the men well away from any
possible visitors.”

“Blackwell farm it is, then,” Enda said with authority. He looked

at Gregor then Jonah, “I know you two will want to charge over there
and free your walker, but I’m telling you as Alpha we are going in as
a pack. Once inside, if anyone is harming Darian, then all bets are off,
and you have free reign, but until then, we work as a team and get
everyone in and out unharmed.”

Jonah nodded and felt Gregor do the same.
“We’ll get him back, Gregor. No one takes one of ours,” Jonah


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“Yes, I know, but this one of ours is also our bonded walker. No

one gets to take him and expect to live.” Gregor growled. And if he
were honest, Jonah would have to agree.

* * * *

Matthew had curled himself up in a pile of bedding he’d laid out

in the corner of the room. All the joy at finding Craig was draining
out of him. Why had his old lover reacted in such a way? For
heaven’s sake, he’d lain down with Alden years before Matt had been
with his Joe, and Joe was his best friend. He now realised after the
years with Craig and what had happened afterward, it wasn’t healthy
to just live for each other. It had nearly killed him all over again to
live in a world that contained his Craig but to be unable to stand
beside him. And Craig hadn’t really lived properly since his first
death. He’d just been on autopilot and not enjoyed the joys life had to

Matt was working himself into quite a frenzy and knew he would

have to do something. He just wasn’t sure what. He didn’t think it was
the fact that they’d both taken other lovers. For both it had been a way
to combat the loneliness, and Matt knew neither of them would have
done anything had they both known. But Joe was his friend, a friend
he had not seen in thirty years, and he knew he would not settle until
he knew Joe was safe and happy or as happy as he could be. Their
time together was over, but their friendship was important to him. Joe
and his Captain Feathers had been all he’d clung to whilst captured by
that wonderful bastard Fred.

Matt was going to get up and rattle Craig’s ass until that man

climbed off his high horse and realised Matt was still his and always
had been.

* * * *

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Shit, Craig growled to himself as he scraped his knuckles down

the sharp edge of the cage. If he could break off a wire, he could try
and use it to open the door lock. If that didn’t work, the windows
were rotten. He could try and break through. His paperclip had
disintegrated but had been far too small to turn the door lock.

Unfortunately, all of these ideas he kept trying to fill his mind

with were not getting his thoughts away from the man curled up on
the makeshift bed or the fact he wanted to go over there and make
sure Matt never remembered one intimate moment with Joe. He had
begun to realise he was being a little unfair to Matt. Alden would
remain a friend, so why couldn’t Joe? But Craig’s emotions were all
in knots about this, and instead of calming down he just seemed to be
getting more wound up.

Think about the men outside this room. No, don’t. Alden was one

of the men outside of this room, and up until November last year they
had still been lovers. Matt hadn’t seen his Joe in years. Crap, he was a
bastard. But the anger in him was real, and he couldn’t shake it.

“Okay, you bag of ungrateful crap,” Matt yelled at him. Oh shit,

he was angry, and when Matt got angry things got broken. Only this
time, it looked like he was what was going to end up broken.

“I’m not ungrateful, I’m hurt. You’ve had this other…” He

couldn’t say it. “And you want to keep on knowing him all jolly and
nice,” Kash shot back, unable to keep the anger down.

“Joe is my friend before and after everything else. I’m not asking

you to give up Alden,” Matt stated in his most sarcastic voice.

“That’s different. Alden was your friend as well,”
“My friend, my friend, yeah, he was so friendly he jumped into

your pants the first chance he got.”

“That’s not true!” Kash’s blood was beginning to boil. “He loved

you, too!”

“Well, he had a bloody great way of showing it.” Matt’s face was

glowing. Kash swore if he got anymore riled, steam would come out
of his ears. He couldn’t help the grin that slowly started to form on his

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lips. Unfortunately, Matt also saw it. “Why you…” And he launched
himself at Kash. It might have worked if they hadn’t both been naked
and incredibly aroused at the time.

Kash grabbed Matt’s body as he came at him. Matt was swinging

his arms and trying to punch him but was too close to hurt him. Kash
could feel Matt’s firm, lean body pressing against him and his hot,
rigid cock pressed against his hard stomach. It felt fucking awesome.
Matt growled as he realised he was getting nowhere, and Kash struck.

Matt moaned against Kash as he devoured his mouth. When the

moan turned into a gasp, Kash invaded his mouth with desperate
need. He felt Matt grab his head and entangle his fingers in his
shoulder-length black curls, making sure his lover didn’t leave his
lips. Kash wasn’t parting from Matt until he’d claimed him and
pushed any other lover out of Matt’s mind.

Kash walked with Matt in his arms over to the makeshift bed Matt

had pulled from the linen chests. It was not where he’d wanted his
first taste of Matt to be, but right this moment, he knew neither of
them cared. Two hundred sixty-seven years of missing his one small,
blond, beautiful man with eyes such a pale green they didn’t seem real
and skin so smooth…

Well, it was far too long for any man to wait.
Kash laid Matt on the linen, and Matt opened for him, the anger

replaced by red-hot lust. He placed his body between those open legs,
grinding their arousals together. His hectic anger was calming, and
they both melted into each other, kissing each other till only they
existed. This is what they needed, to reconnect on an elemental level,
combining their bodies in mindless passion. Kash kissed along Matt’s
jaw to the sensitive spot just behind his ear. Matt shivered at his touch
and began to slide his hands over as much of Kash’s body as he could
reach. Kash moaned. This was sweet, sweet torture, but the best part
was it was real, not another one of his endless, hopeless dreams.

“God, Matt, I need you, I need to fill that sweet ass until all you

know is me.”

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“Yes, Craig, fuck me, please. I want to be claimed by you, only

you. It’s only ever been you.”

Kash’s heart finally split wide open. His Matt wanted him and

only him, and he knew that was true. Licking down Matt’s neck, he
headed to those twin pink nubs. Sliding his tongue over one of the
sensitive tips, it immediately pebbled for him. He licked the tip before
nipping it sharply with his teeth.

“Yes,” Matt screamed, his breath now coming in gasps.
“Like a little pain with your pleasure, my love?” Kash grinned as

he wandered to Matt’s other nipple to lavish it with the same

“Yes, just like that. God, fuck yes,” Matt gasped through Kash’s

attention. Kash moved down the centre of Matt’s body tasting every
line of his abs and the dip at his navel. Matt’s skin tasted slightly salty
with sweat but with that gorgeous hint of honey and apple cider. It
made Kash think of those glorious nights spent on the Lady Jane,
slowly driving his man wild until he was screaming his pleasure.

“Craig, please, I need you please,” Matt begged, and Kash gave in

to his demands as he closed his mouth over Matt’s smooth, sleek
cock. He slipped his tongue into the slit and tasted the bitter salty
nectar that was all Matt. Relaxing the back of his throat, he swallowed
Matt’s seven inches down to the root, inhaling his gorgeous scent
stronger here than anywhere else.

“That feels so fucking amazing, my darling,” Matt gasped. Kash

chuckled and the vibrations went round Matt’s throbbing cock.
“Ahhh,” Matt moaned. Only Matt could use the terms fucking and
darling in the same sentence.

Kash brought his hand round Matt’s body to gently stroke over his

hole. His other held Matt down, stopping Matt from moving as he so
desperately wanted to. Matt’s body began to tremble as Kash’s head
bobbed up and down on Matt’s engorged shaft.

“Suck me harder,” Matt begged. Kash knew he was close, and he

also knew exactly what would bring him off. Sliding his tongue

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around the head off Matt’s cock, he added his hand to his shaft as he
bobbed up and down, sucking in his cheeks to create a tight seal. He
built up his momentum and then thrust two fingers in Matt’s tight ass.

“Ah!” Matt screamed as his talons extended into the old linen.

Kash pulled off his cock quickly. Much as he wanted to taste his
lover, he had no lube, and although Matt enjoyed little bouts of pain,
Kash knew a dry fuck was not something Matt really wanted to
experience. And Kash didn’t blame him.

Matt’s body shuddered as ropes of pearly white cum shot out of

his dick and coated his chest. Kash couldn’t resist leaning over his
panting lover to slide his tongue through the creaming seed for a taste.

Lifting his head, Kash looked down at his lover. Without realising

it, a tear formed in his eye and spilled over onto his cheek. Matt
carefully lifted his hand, letting the talons recede, and gently wiped
the tear from his face, licking the salty drop from his finger. “My
Craig,” he whispered.

* * * *

Licking the tear from his finger Matt felt completely boneless.

“My Craig,” he whispered as all the love he’d held inside burst from
his heart. He smiled up at his Craig. His mind was completely lost in
memories of their past together, so full he could hardly remember
what their argument had been about. But he knew what their next one
would be if this gorgeous sailor didn’t pound him into these sheets

He slid his finger through the rapidly cooling cum on his chest

and lifted up his hips and started to stretch himself. Craig groaned at
the sight and pushed his hand back. Matt was confused what was
Craig doing. Craig stretched over and grinned down at him.

“I want to taste all of you,” he said, crushing Matt’s mouth in a

savage kiss. Matt didn’t care—savage, gentle, wild, crazy, as long as

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it was Craig, he was there. He felt Craig collect the cooling cum and
shivered at where his thoughts were going.

Abruptly, Craig tore his mouth away. “No,” moaned Matt. He

wanted more. Craig hoisted up his legs and dived between them. He
inhaled Matt’s groin as his tongue licked the puckered skin
surrounding his sac. Matt decided then and there he was not going to
protest again.

Craig sucked one of his balls into his mouth. God, it felt divine.

Matt couldn’t stop the moan that left his lips. Craig’s mouth was all
over him, and he never wanted it to stop. Craig moved to his other
ball as his fingers pressed on his perineum. He slid his cum-soaked
fingers around Matt’s entrance, easily slipping his finger in. Matt was
so relaxed he doubted he’d feel any discomfort.

Lifting his head, Craig looked at Matt, desire hot in his eyes.

“God, I want to eat your ass, but it’s going to have to wait, I have to
be inside you,” Craig said, his voice harsh and strained.

“Yes,” Matt murmured. Though at this point, Craig could have

asked for whatever he wished for as long as his thick, eight-inch cock
was buried root deep in Matt’s ass very soon.

Craig added another finger, scissoring them as he stretched Matt’s

hole. Lifting his fingers, he ran them over Matt’s prostrate, and Matt
was convinced he was seeing stars, the nerves in his ass exploding,
sending sparks through his body.

“That good, my love? How about Captain Feathers does that

again?” Craig asked just before his slid his fingers over Matt’s sweet
spot once again.

“I’m ready,” Matt gasped, desperate to feel Craig inside him

again. “Fuck me, Craig, give me everything you have.”

Craig slipped a third finger in, fucking his hole with his fingers.

“I’m not going to do this until I’m sure you’re ready, I know you like
a little pain, my love, but without lube, you’re really going to feel it.”

“God, I hope so, darling.”

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Craig then pulled his fingers out and spat into his hand, spreading

his saliva around his cock. He brought himself up and lined up his
cock with Matt’s hole.

“I’m going to claim you, Matt. After three hundred forty-eight

years, I think it’s about time,” Craig said, suddenly getting serious,
remembering how long it had been since their first meeting in the
tavern by that stream.

Matt smiled. “Hell yes, my darling,” he said as he let his talons

extend and scraped them straight across Craig’s chest, claiming Craig
in the process.

“Oh, shit,” Craig yelled as he slammed his cock straight into

Matt’s waiting ass.

Matt hissed with the burn, clenching his ass muscles around

Craig’s cock. Craig paused, but it looked as though he was only
hanging on to his control by a thread.

“Move,” Matt whimpered. He needed his lover to take him. He’d

felt their spirits bond. He knew their minds had bonded. Now he
wanted their bodies combined for all eternity. Craig started pounding
his ass with hard, deep strokes that lit Matt up inside. Matt lifted up
his legs, giving Craig more access and changing the angle so with
each hard thrust Craig’s cock grazed over his sweet spot. Matt knew
he wasn’t going to last. “Claim me,” he shouted as he watched
Craig’s talons extend. His thrusts became more and more erratic and
he pounded Matt’s body into the thick layer of sheets.

Suddenly, he pulled his hand across Matt’s chest leaving three

deep scratches where they’d been.

“Yesss,” they both shouted together as the final bond snapped into

place and both men exploded into and on each other.

Matt couldn’t believe it. After all this time, panting, exhausted,

and completed sated on musty sheets in the laundry of a decrepit
farmhouse, he was finally complete. His life was on its correct axis.

He looked at Craig. “I love you.”

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Chapter Ten

Enda stopped their caravan of cars in a small village on the far

side of Blackwell farm. It was the closest he could get to the
farmhouse without raising too much suspicion. He did not want to go
anywhere near the single-track road that led to the farm buildings.

They parked the vehicles, and he looked at the men. He had to

rescue Alden and Darian. He’d had to send Angus back to Kenya.
After they’d gone through the paperwork they’d found in the bunker,
their Kenyan depot had to be a tight ship. Plus he wanted a small
second office in Tanzania and an offshoot on Zanzibar. That way they
could use a variety of customs to reintroduce Kash’s collection, two
from sea and one by international airmail.

Orin and Bryant hadn’t returned from Malta yet, though they

should be on their way soon. They’d had some sightings of a possible
Matt but nothing concrete. Heaven only knew where Kash had gotten
to, but Alden and Darian were his priority at this moment.

“Okay, who have we got?”
“Just the six of us,” Daniel said, clearly concerned at their lack of


“Seven,” Syn said from the far side of the trucks. “Sunan said he

keep an eye on T’narr and the unconscious man for me. So I’ve come
to help find my darling friends.”

Syn was no fighter to look at him, always flamboyantly dressed

with bright nail polish and black eyeliner, but looks could be
deceiving. When it came to the fight, he was one of the meanest Enda
had ever seen. There were hidden depths to their Syn, and he was
grateful to have him.

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“Right, we had the helicopter scope the area. The farmhouse is

exceptionally rundown, the stables a lot less so. That makes me
believe they are kept in the stables.”

“Don’t count on it, Enda. My father cares little about these

captives, so it wouldn’t cross his mind where they were kept. Also, if
there is a continuous watch over them, where are the guards going to
be? They are not going to sit in a dangerous, leaking house when
there is a stable block that is dry and a lot more secure.”

“Well, either way we’re going to hit the stables first. If the guards

are there, we take them down. If the captives are, we take them out
while keeping the guards at bay,” Enda explained. “Please remember
we can’t kill the guards, unless they are shifters, which I seriously
doubt.” He looked at Jonah and Gregor when he said this. “There are
no free-range brown bears in Scotland, and neither are there any giant
Indian gharial crocodiles.”

“My mum said I escaped from a zoo,” Jonah said, though he was

not laughing, and his mouth seemed to have an awful lot of what
looked like very sharp canines. Enda had to smile.

“No, we are not drawing any unwanted attention here. Kingdom

knows far too much anyway,” Enda said losing the smile as quickly as
it had come.

“So how are we going to do this?” Gregor demanded.
“Calmly and with stealth,” was Enda’s immediate answer.

“Gregor, Jonah, and Daniel, you head to the farmhouse make sure it is
empty before heading round to the stables.”

Jonah and Gregor let out huge growls, but Enda was not going to

be intimidated by them. “You will follow the Alpha’s order,” he
demanded in his deep, compelling voice.

“Yes, Alpha,” both Jonah and Gregor said, obeying the command

even though Enda could see their bodies were straining for vengeance
and the need to get to their spirit walker.

“The rest of us will hit the stables. Please, lads, knock out rather

than kill. We can tie them up and gag them before we leave and let

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Kingdom know anonymously that there’s trouble on the farm. Do not
shift unless absolutely necessary.”

Everyone gave him the nod as they headed out. It should take

them about an hour to get to the farm, and the sun was setting. This
made the time they would arrive twilight, which was excellent, as
they could see really well while humans could not always recognise
what exactly was around them, at least he hoped so.

* * * *

Liam was getting closer to the farm. He felt uneasy. There was

something in the air, but he couldn’t explain it.

“Where’s he taking us?” Padraig asked, looking at his twin

brother curiously.

“How am I supposed to know? He’s said as much to me as he did

to you,” Finnian replied, grinning at his joke.

Liam came to a halt outside of the stable forecourt near the south

side of the farm again. Turning to his younger siblings, he signed
quickly. “I need to check on something boys, but you have to stay—”

He stopped signing as both boys said, “Stay in the car.” They

knew him so well half the time he didn’t even need to sign. They just
looked at him and they knew. They joked, saying they heard him in
their heads all the time. He didn’t believe them, but he let them have
their fun. Paddy and Finn were his world, and he loved them. He was
still lonely, but who was going to take on a mute with two twelve-
year-old brothers to look after. Plus the courts would definitely
remove them from his custody if they knew it would be another man
he’d take to his bed, not a woman.

“Liam, bro, you okay?” Paddy asked.
Liam nodded, realising he’d drifted off again.
“He’s daydreaming again, Paddy. Yer’ know what he’s like? Bet

he’s met a gorgeous hunk and is off in playin’ in fairyland,” Finn

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added. Liam’s eyes nearly bugged right out of his head. A gorgeous
hunk, did they know?

“We’ve always known, Liam. You never date girls, and you only

watch action movies with gorgeous hunks in them,” Paddy said.

“Yeah and you drool!” Finn piped in.
“It’s okay, you’re our big brother we still love you.” Paddy smiled

at him.

“’Coz we don’t care.” Finn grinned at another one of his rather

lame jokes.

When the fuck had these two lads grown up? Well Paddy at least,

Finn was and always would be the Kenyon jester. Liam had no idea.
He just hoped they never said anything to the social worker. The
worry must have shown on his face as Finn and Paddy moved toward

“Fill’up’a Bucket can’t do anything now, Liam. We’re a family,

and they don’t break ’em up, not ’cause you’re gay any-road, thatad
be stupid,” Finn murmured.

Liam signed. “Philippa Bucket” was the lads’ assigned social

worker who popped up every six months to see how the lads were
progressing. And every time she came the boys played up. He swore
he was going to ask her to take them one of these days, but as he
always ended up laughing at their antics he had to forgive them. It
didn’t help that they always referred to the poor woman as Fill’up’a

Giving himself a mental shake, he brought himself back to the

present. He needed to check on the shifters. It was getting close to
dusk, and he knew the men had just had a delivery. More pizza,
knowing that lot. He had so many boxes he couldn’t compost it all.
Placing his fingers to his lips to indicate that the lads be quiet, he
slipped out of the Land Rover.

Slipping round the far side of the house, he went to open the

basement door. Mr. Kingdom had left his key in the gamekeeper’s
office and told Liam to keep an eye on the creatures. He had no

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trouble doing that, especially as he hoped they could all escape. He
just wanted to do it without the guards muscling in.

Liam headed down the steps and into the gloomy kitchen. Where

were the birds and why was a large man bound and gagged on the

He went over to the man on the floor. It was strange the way he

felt he had to. Carefully, he removed the gag and brushed back the
dark brown hair from his eyes. He’d never seen a man so stunningly
handsome. He was going to feature in his late-night fantasies for quite
some time. Making sure the unconscious man was comfortable,
carefully loosening then releasing his bonds, he reluctantly left him
and went to check on the others. He was going to try and release them

Liam hadn’t got the keys to the locks, but he did possess a mean

pair of bolt cutters. Of the three men in cages on the table, one looked
decidedly groggy. He must have come in with Mr. Gorgeous on the
floor. The other two eyed him warily but not maliciously. He pulled
out some of the food the cook had given him, and he placed it by their
bars. Both men took it quickly, and he heard a very quiet “Thank
you.” Liam smiled and nodded, holding the bolt cutters toward them.
Two smiles spread across two very dirty faces. He wished he could
reassure them, but he was obviously doing something right by the

He started to cut the wires, and the first man came to help him by

pulling as each wire was cut. “I’m Mace MacGillary,” he said quietly.
“You never say a word. You can’t use your voice, can you?”

Liam shook his head as he started to cut across the top of the cage.

Each cut opened a bigger section. Suddenly, there was a huge growl
from the dirty glass windows just before they shattered and a man
identical to the one on the floor came falling through. Shit, he
thought, who the hell are these guys? They must be more shifters. He
yanked back the wire of the cage, dropping the cutters inside for the

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man, Mace, to continue. He moved to step away when a hand grabbed
his back.

“You bastard!” the man shouted before throwing him across the

room. His head hit the wall, and he suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous.
He slumped down the wall to land beside the man on the floor.

“No,” shouted Mace, but the man who’d tossed him across the

room was not listening. He was completely enraged. Claws sprang
from his hands, and he ripped the cage of the man in the first cage.
More glass splintered from the windows as a second man, just as huge
as the first, jumped in through the window.

Liam shielded the man on the floor, not wanting the glass to hurt

him even though he was terrified for his own safety. He prayed the
lads stayed put. The car was round the side, so if someone was
smiling on him, they might have been missed. The man under him
was beginning to regain consciousness. His nose kept twitching.

“Mine,” the man whispered so faintly Liam couldn’t be sure he’d

heard it. More crashing echoed above him. He knew this was a third
man entering the basement. He looked down into the face of the
handsome man and began to stand just as the third man slammed into
the back of his head.

Shit, he screamed silently. Please let the lads be safe…

* * * *

“What the hell is all that noise?” Matt asked as he stretched in

Craig’s arms.

“Something is going on in the next room, I don’t know if it’s good

or dangerous,” Craig said anxiously.

“What about the others inside there? My friend, Darian, is in

there,” Matt worried. This was getting more dangerous by the minute.

“And Alden,” Craig said quietly.
“Of course, Alden,” Matt repeated. He was going to have to get

used to this with Craig, especially if he wanted acceptance over Joe.

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He swallowed his pride. They’d both done things neither would have
if circumstances had been different, but now they were together and a
bonded pair. Their spirits were one, and he’d best get on with it.

“Cover yourself with lots of sheets, I’m going to try and break the

windows, and I don’t want any of the falling glass to harm you.” Matt
grabbed the sheets and did as Craig asked. But he looked out from
under them to see what he was going to do. Matt thought there was
little to throw at the windows in this room. The chests were too big
and the sheets and bedding too soft to be of any effect. It wasn’t until
he saw his lover shift that he realised Craig’s intention.

“Noooo!” he shouted as Craig launched himself at the windows.

Craig’s wings beat down twice before his razor-sharp beak hit the
hard surface of the glass. The windows completely caved in, glass
smashing everywhere. Matt was frozen, crouching naked under the

Snapping himself out of it, he pushed the sheets off his back.

There was glass surrounding him, and no way could he move without
cutting his feet to ribbons.

“For Christ’s sake, Matt, you’re a bloody peregrine, fly out of

there,” Craig yelled from the broken window with a grin on his face.

“If you ever do anything that stupid again I swear I’ll…I’ll…do

something horrible to you,” Matt yelled before letting his falcon take
over his body. It was an awkward takeoff from his position, but as he
was a good deal smaller than Craig, he managed to lift himself out
through the windows.

He flew up and out before turning and shifting as he landed. He

knew he was showing off, but Craig had done it all the time when
he’d been with him before. And a little turnabout was in order.

Craig stood grinning as he watched him land. They stood on the

edge of a flowered, Victorian-styled garden, long since left to neglect.
They were still both naked, and Matt just couldn’t take his eyes off
that amazing body. Black shaggy hair that he loved running his

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fingers through. A strong, muscular body covered in tattoos, which
gave him an air of notoriety and menace. Dark hair shadowed his
body, dusting his pecks and abs, leading so temptingly down to the
nestling curls round that long, thick prick. His legs were also hairy,
and Matt remembered when he used to tickle Craig awake by running
his fingers though the hair on those firm thighs. God, he would never
tire of this man.

Matt had always felt his own small, slender frame must be a

disappointment for Craig. He barely had any body hair, his skin was
pale, and he’d no tattoos to make it more interesting. But looking into
the burning lust and desire in Craig’s eyes, the overwhelming need he
knew they both felt for each other, and their love that had survived
centuries of separation, Matt no longer felt a disappointment. He felt
like a king.

Craig moved forward and pulled him against his body, crushing

his mouth to Matthew’s. Matt moaned and threw himself into the kiss.
It was over far too soon as Craig gently but firmly pulled himself

“We need to check on our friends, Matt, but I do not want them

looking at you naked,” Craig rumbled.

“Ditto, darling, and don’t you forget it,” Matt replied, winking at

his walker before he shifted back into his falcon. Craig grinned at him
as he did the same, flying up and closer to the south-side walls. With
his eyesight, Matt could see clearly into the basement kitchen. Darian
was being helped to his feet by Jonah and Gregor. He still looked a
little disoriented, but he was safe in his walker’s arms. Whoever had
got him out of that horrid cage had completely mangled the thing.

Enda and Jez, he thought, were dealing with Alden, bent over his

prone body still laid out on the floor. They did not look particularly
troubled, so he assumed they were happy with Alden’s condition.
Syn, he recognised, was with the two other men who’d been caged,
and two other men were trying to break open the laundry door.
Obviously, the ones who’d now been released from the cages must

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have mentioned they were in there. Craig had left the cage wedged
beside it so no one could get in. They needed to let them know they
were okay.

“What do we do, my darling? Shall we call out to let them know

they don’t need to break in?” Matt asked through his link with Craig.

“Yeah, I’ll call out. If they think we are in there they won’t stop

until they get in, and I don’t want this roof caving in on them.” Craig
moved toward the broken windows, his claws scraping on the glass.
Matt remained airborne behind him. Craig let out a terrifying screech,
and the men below turned to look—all but one. The mute, Matt
realised, lay slumped on the floor the far side of Alden, a swelling on
his cheek turning blue. The man looked completely out cold. He
hoped they didn’t hurt him. The man had helped them as best he

“Kash, you okay?” Gregor shouted, still carefully cradling Darian

in his arms, Jonah checking him for cuts and bruises. God, he was so
pleased Gregor had found his walker, well, walkers, no less. He’d
always been the clown and hiding that caring, tender side of his that
so desperately wanted love, passionate, carnal, forever manlove.

Craig called again and then turned and flew up to hover just above

Matt. Always the protector, now his protector, and Matt loved every
bit of it.

He went to circle the area. The stable was a shambles, and the

guards hadn’t stood a chance. They were all tied up in a circle around
a huge stable post. They weren’t going anywhere soon. At the far side
of the house was an old Land Rover, which must be the mute’s
vehicle. At least when he came round he would be able to get home.
Lifting higher, he turned to see his beautiful Captain Feathers behind

“Do you want to go home, my love?” Craig asked with strange

warmth in his voice.

“Home, God, yes, let’s fly home.” Matt instinctively knew which

way to turn as he headed straight for the western coast of Scotland

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and Kashmerle. The peregrine was followed behind by a large but
graceful fish eagle.

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Chapter Eleven

“What do we do with him?” Gregor grumbled. Enda and Daniel

had shifted and gone to run back for their vehicles. Kash and what
looked like the pigeon had buggered off on their own. The security
men who had turned out to be a joke as far as security went were tied
up round some bloody pole and then there was this fellow out cold on
the floor. The two shifters who they’d discovered here with Darian
and his brother said he worked for Kingdom, but they were not sure in
what capacity. That made him bad news in his book, but these men
had insisted that he’d tried to help them, bringing food and clothes,
which they were now wearing, and that he had also tried to help them
escape. He was trying to let them out of their cages and this basement
when they’d all turned up apparently. Why go so far but not get them
out in one go to keep returning and doing only a little bit more? And a
bloody paperclip, really? That was help?

“We need to go,” Ben said as he went to help pick Gregor’s

somewhat heavier brother up. “I can hear the vehicles. We’ll just
leave this man here. He’s just out of it for the moment. When he
comes round his truck is out back. He can head for home.”

Not really fair to the man, but as he didn’t trust him, he’d let the

Fates take command, Gregor thought to himself.

“Mine,” Alden groaned as Gregor bent to pick him up, leaving the

other man behind him.

“Who’s yours?” Gregor asked as they carefully carried him out of

the basement. Alden’s eyes opened, but they still looked glazed and
unfocused. He probably didn’t know what he was saying.

Alden looked at Gregor. “My brother,” he mumbled.

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“Yeah, he’s your brother, mate,” Jonah answered as he smiled at

Alden. “God, they drugged him up to the bloody eyeballs, the
bastards,” he said quietly but with far more anger as he looked into
Gregor’s eyes.

“Tell me about it. I’d have killed those sods if they hadn’t been

bloody humans,” Gregor moaned. They carefully placed Alden into
the SUV that Daniel had pulled up into the garden. Alden began to get
agitated. “Mine,” he said again, trying to sit up.

“I’m here, brother mine, don’t worry, I’ll get you home,” Gregor

said as he climbed in the back. Darian and Jonah climbed in the seats
in front and Jez rode shotgun. He watched the rest climb in the other
SUV when he heard some of the masonry collapse from the side of
the house.

“There’s no one left loose, is there, apart from that man in the

basement?” Gregor asked the men up front.

“No, we checked everywhere,” Jez answered. “There was no one

around, and the vehicle left by the house was empty.”

“Fair enough, let’s get home.” Staring out of the back of the

vehicle, Gregor watched the old farmhouse slowly disappear.
Something was wrong, well not wrong exactly, just left undone,
incomplete, and they were responsible for it. He was sure of it, but for
the life of him what had been left he did not know.

* * * *

“Shit, Finn, this place is falling to bits. Keep still or they’ll come

looking for us,” Paddy whispered in the gloom of the old farmhouse.
He’d nearly wet himself when these men had come running round the
house from the stables. He’d heard crashing glass, shouts, and grunts.
When it had calmed down, they’d both jumped ship and fled to the
house to find their brother. Liam would take care of things. He always

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The house had been a mess, but they’d found their way to a big

room and hidden under some rotten curtains that had fallen off the
wall. Terrified because they couldn’t find their brother, they stayed
put trying to listen for the men they’d seen go around the building.

Finn has sneezed and pushed his back against the wall, causing

the masonry to fall. Paddy prayed it didn’t get any worse.

“They’re going, listen,” Finn murmured. And sure enough, the

vehicles sounded like they were pulling away. “What if they’ve taken
our Liam?” Finn asked, fear evident in his eyes.

“No, Liam would never leave without us even if it meant we were

taken with him,” Paddy replied.

“Are you sure, bro?” Finn pushed, needing reassurance.
“Aye, Finn, he’d never leave us, not ever.” This seemed to calm

his brother down, for which he was grateful, as he wasn’t really sure
what his brother would do.

They both sat in silence. The cars had gone, and the house was

eerily quiet.

“I can’na stay here. I have ta go look for ’im,” Finn said, crawling

out from under the musty fabric.

“Shit, okay,” Paddy said and followed Finn back the way they


* * * *

“Paddy, he’s not in the house,” Finn cried. “Where did he go? He

would na’ wander off without us.” Finn was getting more and more
panicky as time went on.

“Let’s just walk round the house, maybe he’s hidden outside,” his

brother replied. Finn was glad he wasn’t on his own. Paddy always
seemed to have a level head and the right idea. Finn was just the
entertainment that came with him.

“Christ, look at all those basement windows. They’ve been

completely bashed in!” Paddy exclaimed.

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They crept toward the destroyed panes and peered down at the

room below. Lying on the floor below was Liam. Finn let out a small
cry and both of them raced round to find the door down to the stairs.

“Liam!” they both screamed as they flew down the steps to their


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Chapter Twelve

Craig felt nervous as they approached the castle. What would Matt

think when he entered their apartments? Things had changed,
modernisation had taken place. Gas, electricity, hot and cold running
water was all now part of his beloved’s castle. He’d kept the fires in
their rooms, though. He would always remember warming the water
on the fires to provide a bath for Matt. Not that the man ever had a
bath on his own. Hot water was for sharing. He wished he had been
with Matt as all these new inventions and ideas had come into place,
but he hadn’t, and now was not the time to be depressed and
melancholy. They would be together for whatever came next.

Matt landed perfectly on the roof of the northern tower. Kash

knew Matt loved the view over the forests that surrounded the castle
to the ocean beyond. In years gone by, he’d sit on the stone parapet
and watch Kash fly. Oh Christ, now he could join him. Maybe things
were better this time round. He’d never thought to look at it this way.

Kash landed behind his lover, both shifting as they touched down.

He looked at the curve of his slender back down to those firm pale
globes that held more delights than a man was entitled to. God, he
loved this beautiful man.

Matt bent over to lift the hatch on the roof door, and Kash nearly

keeled over in lust. He had to shake himself before he let himself

* * * *

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Matt walked down to the first floor of their apartments. He

remembered his old rooms clearly and was excited to see what Craig
had done over the years. He hadn’t expected it to be as dark as he
went down the stairs at the bottom he looked down the two same
corridors that had been there over two hundred fifty years age. Down
the left were more stairs and what used to be a room he called the
ballroom. They may not have had music unless it was live in those
days, but he had loved dancing and still did. They’d danced together
in that huge room silently in each other’s embrace. Matt sighed at the
memory. It was probably a gaming room now. The right corridor led
to their dressing room and bedchamber. He walked past the door to an
old storage cupboard that used to hold their cast-iron bathtub. It had
small wheels underneath, as it was so heavy.

“You don’t still have that old bathtub, do you?” Matt asked with

sparks of humour in his eyes.

“Yes, I do,” Craig said, a flush of embarrassment crossing his


Matt laughed and ran into Craig’s arms “Oh, my darling man, you

have no idea how much I love you.”

Craig’s embrace tightened, and Matt found breathing difficult, but

there was no way on this earth or the next he was letting Craig go.

“I’ve had the cupboard changed into a bathroom, well, Enda

insisted on it, saying I couldn’t keep using the old tub in the twentieth
century,” Craig mumbled.

“Oooh, let’s see.” Matt giggled and opened the door to the biggest

bathroom he had ever seen. “How dirty do you get, my darling?” he
asked as his eyes took in the huge whirlpool bath that looked like it
could hold a football team. In the opposite corner was a walk-in
shower with more jets than Luton airport. Bloody hell it was huge.

“You’re going to lose me in here, my love,” Matt said as he

walked over to the double sinks situated on the inside wall by the
shower. Giant mirrors shone above each basin. Matt stared at their
naked bodies. Neither had been the least bit shy about walking round

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with nothing on. Craig came up behind him and rubbed his chest
against Matt’s back. He could feel Craig’s cock pressed against his
lower back.

“Not going to lose you ever again, Matthew. I will not survive if

there is a next time.” Craig’s voice was muffled as he spoke the words
into Matt’s neck, his warm breath sliding down Matt’s shoulder. It
didn’t matter. Matt heard every word and turned in his lover’s arms.
Sliding his palms up Craig’s chest, he ran his fingers through the soft
black curls that covered his pecs before pulling Craig down for a kiss.

Matt started off gently, letting his tongue run over Craig’s lower

lip. His hands crept up into Craig’s hair, loving the feel of those silky
curls. He pushed his body into Craig’s, melting into his embrace.
Craig moaned and his lips parted. Matt delved in, glorying in the
taste. He knew Craig would take control soon, but while he had
control he was going to enjoy it.

Craig leaned down and picked Matt clean off the floor and headed

to the end of the room. Matt didn’t remember there being another way
out of the storage room, and he broke the kiss off to see where Craig
was leading him. Craig gripped his butt in one hand and opened the
door which led directly into their bedroom chamber just on the far
side. Their bed was directly in front of the door, and that was a shock.
To Matt, it looked no different than when he’d spent his last days in
this room many centuries ago. Their bed was a large four-poster
complete with the thick, heavy drapes. Looking carefully, he realised
the fabric was different, but for all intents and purposes, it was the
same. The tapestries that hung on the wall were still there, slightly
more faded, but still there. Some he could tell had had restoration
work done as their colour just seemed a little more vivid. But still, it
was like he had stepped back in time and he was in 1745 all over

“Craig,” Matt said, though he made it sound like a question.

* * * *

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Kash put Matt down on the end of the bed and carefully looked

around the room. He hadn’t meant it to be a shrine, but that was
obviously what Matt thought it was.

He looked back at Matt. “You were the decorator, and I didn’t

know what to do. The pack all wanted to help me renovate these
rooms, and yes, one of them was Alden, but it wouldn’t have been
ours anymore, and although I honestly thought you were gone, my
subconscious must have known different.” Craig looked down,
needing a moment. This was the most he had said in years, if ever.

“I could have had a gym or a swimming pool put in our ballroom,

but that was where we danced all those nights ago. I remember gently
swaying with you in my arms. I don’t care what anyone thinks. Those
memories were all I had to keep me going. I only had the one portrait
of you, and that I have in my room downstairs.”

“Room downstairs? What did he mean by that?” Matt thought.

Craig could hear him and looked at him, a sheepish smile on his face.

“I haven’t used this room since you left, well, died. The castle

staff kept it clean, and if drapes needed redoing, I had them made in
the same style and colours and then replaced.”

A tear dropped from his lover’s eye. “Don’t cry. Everything is

fine now. I’m not stuck anymore or lost or…alone.” Craig looked at
Matt. He could see all the love he never thought he’d experience
again shining in his eyes.

“Alden has never been in here with me or anywhere else in our

apartments for that matter. I couldn’t change things. Leaving it like
this, I felt a part of you was still here. This place was ours and always
will be ours and ours alone.”

Craig stopped. He wasn’t sure how Matt would take this next bit,

but he had to say it to make sure they were okay. “Joe’s not in here
either. I’m sorry for how I reacted, but I’m a possessive man, and I
value what’s mine. You are mine, Matthew James Kashmerle, and
have been since you walked down to that stream to say thank you. I’m

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the thief who landed a duke, and I can’t change that, but I think I can
be worthy of you and belong by your side.”

“Craig MacCarrick Kashmerle, you are the best of men, and we

are worthy of each other!” Matt almost growled at him. “Now get
your sorry ass over here and make love to me!”

“Yes, My Most Noble Duke of Kashmerle.” Craig smiled as he

watched his lover break down into fits of giggles.

Craig picked up the bundle of quivering duke and tossed him into

the centre of their high four-poster bed. Matt used to take a running
jump to get in, and it looked like he still would. Craig was glad he
hadn’t changed things.

As he loomed over his lover’s body, all thought of the past fled.

Matt was here in their bed and…

* * * *

Craig’s lips came crashing down on Matt’s, and he relished the

feel of those soft lips pressing hard against him. He opened his mouth
to let Craig invade. Matt tasted the salty sweat, the malt and honey
that were part of Craig’s essence. He twisted his head and kissed
down Craig’s throat, sucking gently on his Adam’s apple. He could
kiss this man all over and never get enough.

Craig nestled between his legs and rubbed Matt’s sensitive cock

with his own. Matt moaned. This was exquisite torture. He grabbed
Craig’s hips and ground his cock into Craig, leaving no doubt as to
what he wanted. What came next was a surprise, but nothing he
couldn’t handle.

“Matt, I need you to love me, I need to feel you inside me, I need

to reconnect as only you and I can,” Craig almost sobbed into Matt’s

“I will always love you. I can always feel you inside me, and we

are connected as never before,” Matt whispered as Craig leant over
and opened the bedside cabinet. He pulled out a small bottle of oil,

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much the same as they’d used before. Matt raised an eyebrow at

“It’s new,” Craig blurted out. Matt gave out a bark of laughter.
“I should hope so. Two-hundred-sixty-seven-year-old oil is not

going near either of our asses!”

* * * *

Matt moved between Craig’s legs, sliding his tongue along the

crease at the top of his thighs. Craig shuddered with the warm
sensation Matt’s tongue wove down below.

“Turn over, my darling, let me see your gorgeous ass,” Matt said,

his voice sounding husky with need.

Craig did as he was told, shuddering again when he felt the cold

oil slip down between his crease and over his sensitive hole. Matt’s
slender finger rubbed gently round his pulsing entrance. He pushed
back, desperate to feel Matt inside him. Matt didn’t let him succeed.
He just kept circling round in circles, putting slightly more pressure
on Craig with each swirl.

“More, Matt, please,” Craig begged, not ashamed for wanting

Matt to penetrate him. This was Matt. There was never any shame,
embarrassment, or confusion. They were equals, and now they were

Matt finally pushed his first digit in, followed quickly by the

second. Craig felt the intrusion and burn, but it was nothing compared
to the electric bolts that shot through his body as Matt gently rubbed
over his prostate. His cock may have been hard before, but it now felt
like a piece of iron reaching out from his body for release. Craig
reached down and stroked his swollen flesh, using the copious
amounts of pre-cum that had been leaking out as lubricant.

“Oh God, Matt, please,” Craig gasped as the tension in his body

grew. His skin felt like it was on fire, and when Matt ran his other
hand down his spine, it left a trail of sparks in its wake. Craig hadn’t

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even realised Matt had introduced a third finger until he felt them all
pull out. “More, Matt, I want you now!”

“You’re rather an aggressive submissive, my darling, but your

growl is my demand,” Matt replied as he slicked up his cock, which
looked just as needy as Craig’s. “Turn over. I have to look into your
eyes when we’re making love. I’ll fuck you later, okay?”

Craig snorted and tried not to laugh. Matt always brought fun into

the bedroom, and he’d missed it. Sex was fun, should be fun, and now
when he was flying with his spirit, it would always be fun.

Shuffling over, Matt lined up his engorged penis and, looking into

Craig’s eyes, pushed home.

* * * *

“Aghhh…” Matt cried as he filled his lover’s ass. God, it was

tight. Craig wrapped his legs around Matt’s hips and gasped for air.

“You okay, my darling? You feel amazing, hot, tight, and so,

so…” Matt didn’t have a word for what he was feeling. Combining
the intensity he felt with the emotions involved, he was lost in a
chasm of sensation.

“Move, now,” Craig gasped as he reached up and pulled Matt

down for an all-consuming kiss. Matt could thrust but was restricted
by Craig’s embrace, but he could care less about that. Breaking the
kiss, as air was becoming essential, Matt started pounding into
Craig’s tight, hot body, grunting with every thrust. Sweat began to
bead on his body as he felt his balls tighten. Craig ran his hands up
Matt’s smooth chest, tweaking his nipples as he moved up.

Matt lost his rhythm as the sting of pain followed immediately by

pleasure sent shock waves to his groin.

“Oh, Craig, I’m c-close,” Matt groaned. “Touch yourself, let me


Matt thrust with all he had as he watched Craig take his cock and

start to squeeze. Pre-cum oozed from the end, and Craig gathered it in

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his hand for lube. Craig thrust his cock through his tight grasp in the
same rhythm as Matt, and he felt Craig’s body tense with the burning
desire running through them.

“I love you,” Craig screamed as ribbons of white cream shot out

from his cock, painting his chest and abs.

Matt was lost in the sight of his lover’s release. He thrust deep

inside and screamed as he ejaculated inside his walker. Again and
again he shot as his body took over, coating Craig’s inner walls with
his seed. Matt gasped for breath, his heart racing, his mind clouded by

Finally, when his breath evened out he looked down and

whispered, “I love you, too.”

* * * *

“You need to meet the pack. A lot of shifters live in your castle

now. The deeds are still in your name. I never changed them,” Craig
said quietly as they lazed in each other’s arms.

“This castle belongs to the pack, which I hope to be a part of,”

Matt declared.

“You already are as my spirit walker,” Craig answered, his face

filling with pride that he could now use that term with his Matt.

Craig had shown him round the rest of the apartments, where Matt

had found out that he’d been living in the study downstairs. He’d had
a shower room put in the corner and tended to eat in the pack canteen.
The rest of the space was covered in white dust sheets. Matt had
promptly informed him, “Things are going to change, and you, Craig,
will be coming out of the study. Let’s have a party!” Matt jumped up
and grinned down at Craig.

“I know that look. What are you planning?” Craig smiled

indulgently at his lover.

“A party on the Lady Jane. There are lots of rooms so no one will

have to sail home at the end. You can reintroduce me to those I know

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and introduce me to those I don’t. We can get the kitchens to provide
food, and the boys can bring on the alcohol.” Matt was on a roll. He’d
referred to Alden and Gregor as the boys just as he did all those years

Matt was back, and before long, he’d have the entire pack eating

out of his hands.

* * * *

“They’d better send me a bloody invite!”
“Stop it, Morta.”

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Morta sat on the Lady Jane and smiled. This may not seem

unusual, but as Morta’s usual state was bloody grumpy, it did feel a
little odd. She watched her little man flutter about between all the
pack members. Craig had been right. He had successfully wrapped the
lot of them around his fingers.

Matt could charm the birds from the trees and was the ideal spirit

walker for the rough-edged diamond now known as Kash. They were
worlds apart and perfect for each other.

Now she had to sort the rest of this bloody menagerie out. She had

a confused bear who would have found his walker if either one of
them could remain conscious in each other’s company, two spirits that
were here but never together, and a mother that needed to come home
even if technically this wasn’t her home. Plus another bloody lost
spirit was roaming ’round waiting to be reunited with its body even as
she sat here. She was going to have words with their bloody cleaner.
That stupid cow had cocked so much up. Mind, those two little mites
on deck being handed round from man to man brought a bit of life to
this group. They still all turned green when they ended up with nappy
duty. Morta chuckled and suddenly there was an unsavoury pong
wafting out from both babies.

“Christ, what have you been feeding them, Hamish?” Jonah

growled, taking Shea to one of the back rooms.

“Whatever it was, Oona has eaten the same,” Orin said with tears

in his eyes as he followed.

“I love that rule.” Hamish grinned.
“What rule?” Matt asked.

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“Whenever a bomb is dropped, whoever is with them or holding

them has to change ’em,” Hamish said with a huge grin.

“Hamish Potterton-Lee, you are shameful. Those are your

children,” Maggie called out while Sunan giggled at her side. “And
you’re not much better, Sunan Potterton-Lee, so you can quit
giggling.” Maggie smiled. She loved using the name they’d taken
together after they’d bonded. She could just imagine the poor bairns
learning, oh, to say the mouthful. Heaven help them if they’d kept the
Pung as well!

“I don’t giggle,” Sunan said, sounding so indignant.
“Yes you do!” said most of the pack together.
Morta groaned. Yes things were good, and crap, now where was

that bloody rum?

* * * *

“You having fun?” Craig asked as he wrapped his arms around his

walker. This was where he felt closest to Matt. He still remembered
the day they collected the Lady Jane from Captain Lec what’s his
name. He snorted.

“Yeah, I remember that day, too.” Matt smiled up at him. The

little minx had gotten very good at hearing his thoughts, which he had
to admit made for a fantastic sex life.

Matt smiled and handed him a glass of fine malt he’d had sitting

on a small table beside him.

Craig took the glass and looked at him. “Shell we?” he asked his


“Most definitely, my darling.” They clinked their glasses, downed

the whiskey, and threw the glasses overboard.

“To us!” they said as the old tradition continued.
“So what are we going to do next?” Matt asked with such a look

of innocence in his eyes as he slyly pulled Kash toward the captain’s

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Kash felt a little nervous. Sometimes Matt’s plans could be rather

on the large side, like building castles using magic or sailing the
world to steal from pirates. “What were you thinking of, pigeon?” he
asked as Matt pulled him into their cabin.

“Oh, nothing too great or grand. Maybe just a little world

domination to get other shifter communities in line with our pack,”
Matt said in an offhand manner as he started undoing his own shirt

Craig closed the door and pulled his shirt over his head as Matt

revealed more and more of that gorgeous creamy skin.

“No problem, my love. I’ve got Thursday free,” was all Craig

managed to say before the temptation in front of him was too much to

Some things never change.



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Ellen Quinn loves writing when her family has finally all gone to

sleep. In the early hours she will be found creating stories about
amazing heroes and charming rogues.

For all titles by Ellen Quinn, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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