Warhammer 40000 Codex Space Wolves 13th Company

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Space Wolves 13


Company - The Wulfen Company

All units listed below, unless stated otherwise, are as in Codex Space Wolves, however must take the 13th
Company rules at the additional cost listed below. Where any changes or additional rules are made to the unit
entry, this is listed below. As with Codex Space Wolves, each HQ slot allows you to take up to 2 HQ choices,
however no two characters may have the same combination of Wargear/Sagas.

All models Move Through Cover and Scout USRs (Stormclaw Bikers gain Skilled Riders and Behind Enemy Lines
instead; Codex Space Wolves, page 27). This costs an additional 5pts per model. In addition, Grey Slayers,
Storm Claws, Storm Claw Bikers and Long Fangs gain +1 Attack and +1 Leadership to their base profile.

Mark of The Wulfen when taken by a 13


Company character grants D3 attacks, allows the user to hit and be

hit on 3+ in combat, pass all Morale checks, the model cannot be pinned or fallback. Mark of The Wulfen costs
20pts for 13


Company characters, and may not be taken by Wolf Priests. If taken by the Wolf Lord, Wulfen

units may be taken as Troops, however Grey Slayers and Storm Claws become Elites.


Wolf Lord

Wolf Priest –

If a Wolf Priest accompanies a Wulfen unit, then it may choose to ignore the Rage rule.

If the unit decides to follow the Rage rule, the Wolf Priest will not be able to shoot in that Shooting Phase.

Rune Priest

– Replace Jaws of The World Wolf with The Gate psychic power. On a successful Psychic

Test, the Rune Priest can use the power at the start of the movement phase instead of moving normally. The
Rune Priest and up to one squad within 6” of them is removed from the tabletop and then immediately placed
anywhere on the table using the Deep Strike rules. The Gate may be used even if enemy models are in base
contact with the Rune Priest or any of the squad that move with him (the enemy models are left in place).


Thunderwolf Cavalry; Lone Wolf


Squad size 5-15; 25pts per model

WS 5 BS 0 S 5 T 4 W 1 I 5 A 2+1 Ld 10 Sv 3+

Combat Weapons (Rending), Rage, Scout



(As Grey Hunters with Bolt Pistols. For squads of 10 models, instead of taking a free

special weapon, Stormclaws may take either a second Power Weapon +5pts; Power Fist +15pts)

Grey Slayers

(As Grey Hunters but do not have Bolt Pistols)


Fenrisian Wolf Pack; Storm Claw Bikers

(as Swiftclaws)




Company Long Fangs


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