4 Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie Test A

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Oxford Excellence for matura Test 4 A




Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie Test A


Poziom podstawowy

Rozumienie tekstu czytanego


Przeczytaj tekst i zdecyduj, które zdania s

ą zgodne

z jego tre

ścią (T), a które nie (F).








1 According to the article, the stereotype of

a father is that he is usually useless at home. T / F

2 The recent survey shows that most modern

fathers don’t want to be involved in childcare. T / F

3 Enforcer Dad feels responsible for his

children’s everyday activities.

T / F

4 Entertainer Dad and Useful Dad have

only very specific roles at home.

T / F

5 Fully Involved Dad has the same role

at home as the mother.

T / F

6 Julie Meller says that men and women

should be treated equally at work.

T / F





Wybierz odpowiedni

ą formę czasownika.

1 Hi Allan! How did you spend / were you spending last


2 We had / were having a party in the garden when it

started to rain.

3 After the party, everybody was going / went to sleep in

the tent.

4 The party finished / was finishing at three in the


5 We cleaned / were cleaning the mess all day yesterday.

6 I’m not sure who she is. She must / might be the new

Geography teacher.

7 She can’t / may not be a teacher. She is much too


8 They might not / can’t be interested in going on the

trip. We have to ask them first.

9 You really must / may see us when you come to town.

There are so many things we want to show you.

10 Tell us which pub you are going to. We may not /

might join you there.





Uzupełnij zdania czasownikiem w odpowiedniej


do play take have get

1 We only have two tennis rackets for the four of us so

we’ll have to _____ turns.

2 It’s half past eight! Just _____ dressed quickly and run

to school.

3 Who’s going to _____ the washing up today?

4 John loves ________ computer games.

5 We ____ lunch in the school canteen yesterday.




Uzupełnij wyrazy.

1 Your wife’s father is your father-____________

2 They are e_________ to be married. He bought her a

beautiful diamond ring.

3 I’m looking f_________ to meeting my family at a

little get-together next month.

4 She is d_________ . Her ex-husband married again and

moved to Australia.

5 My dad d________ up as a Father Christmas and

brought in an enormous bag full of presents.




ź pisemna


Uzupełnij brakuj

ące wyrazy.

Hi Basia
How are you? Still busy with your exams?
Do you know that Fiona got married? She invited me to
her wedding in Manchester. The ceremony 1_______
place in a little church 2_______ June 18


. Fiona’s

husband, Mark, has a big family and they all came
3_______ the wedding. I think there were about a
hundred relatives and friends. After 4_______
wedding we went to a nice pub 5_______ we had
dinner, danced and played games. Fiona and Mark got
some useful presents: a microwave, toaster, cappuccino
maker and many other things. They got a beautiful
painting from their friends, 6_______ they loved.

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Oxford Excellence for matura Test 4 A



7_______ we were dancing, Fiona broke her heel and
had to take off her shoes and walk barefoot.
Everybody said it would bring them good luck for the
future. We all 8_______ lots of fun.
Well, bye for now.
Write to me soon.

Mark: /


Zwroty i wyra

żenia z całego rozdziału


Przetłumacz zdania.

1 Poka

żę ci moje miasto.



2 Zerwałam z nim.



3 Obud

ź się.



4 Poznałem moj

ą przyjaciółkę na wakacjach.



5 W tym roku sp

ędzamy Sylwestra w naszym klubie.



6 To osoba w

średnim wieku.







Poziom rozszerzony

Rozumienie ze słuchu



Exam Extender

Wybierz zako

ńczenia zdań,

które s

ą zgodne z treścią usłyszanych wypowiedzi.

Zaznacz liter

ę a, b, c lub d.

1 Speaker A is an only child

a but he would enjoy some competition in the family.
b and this helped him learn to be independent.
c and he would also like to have just one child.
d but he didn’t get enough attention from his parents.

2 Speaker B believes that her good relations with her

brother and sister result from the fact that
a they’ve always worked as a group.
b they have different skills and talents.
c their parents knew how to bring them up.
d their parents didn’t have siblings themselves.

3 Speaker C appreciates having sisters

a because it gives her better opportunities in life.
b although she doesn’t like to be compared with them.
c because she never argues with them.
d but she doesn’t like to be given advice from them.

4 Speaker D would prefer to be an only child rather than

have a sister because
a she doesn’t like feeling worse than her sister.
b her sister doesn’t share things with her.
c her parents give her sister more attention.
d having a sister stops her from developing her skills.





Uzupełnij wyrazy.

1 What do you call a mother and a father who are not

biological parents? f_________ p________

2 What do you call three children in one family born at

the same time? t________

3 What do you call the people who appear in a book?


4 What word means traditional activities, for example

celebrating holidays? c__________

5 What is the formal word for a husband or a wife?






śl błędy w zastosowanych wyrażeniach,

a nast

ępnie napisz te wyrażenia poprawnie.

1 To finish of, I’d like to say that men and women should

have the same chances of promotion. _________

2 A main reason is that people appreciate others’ work

when they are appreciated. _________

3 I want you to meet my husband-will-be. We are getting

married next year. _________

4 The born rate in China dropped to 1.4% in 2003.


5 The stereotype is that fathers support the family with

the money they earn and mothers run the house.

6 The story of the orphan boy is very moving and

beautiful told. _________






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