Center Tear Magazine 1 3

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Would you believe it we've made it to Issue 3!!!

The last couple of months have been pretty hectic for me. March was spent sorting out my Bizarre Act
for a local competition, which I won - that was nice. April started with a gig in Amsterdam and ended
with a gig in Brussels. Add to that me celebrating my birthday, preparing for a couple of lectures, trying
finish my damn book, sorting out Center Tear and a Paul Hallas lecture...there's just no rest for the

I'm hoping to bring on board a few 'choice' names, some 'biggies' have promised to submit - but I'd
better not hold my breath!! And I'll not name and shame, lets just wait and see.

This issue, special thanks go to Stephen Tucker for giving us permission to publish EZ'WAVE. A gem
of an effect, I'm sure many of you will play with.

One of the select few that gets to read Center Tear before the rest of the world, was surprised I was
including Opportunity Knocks. He reckons it's a nugget that I should have kept for myself!! I'm just happy
to share - have a read and make up your own mind. After all it’s staring you in the face...

With u all in mind...



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Straight down the middle by Alex Crow

A Thought: Is it Magic or Mentalism? by Kenton Knepper

Zenner-do by Arcane

Being There by Christopher Taylor

Opportunity Knocks by Arcane

EZ’Wave by Stephen Tucker

EZ’WAVE Additional Handling by James Pell & Arcane


Issue 3

May 2002

Center Tear

the thinking persons journal

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Straight down the middle

by Alex Crow

I use the Baker/Earle centre tear and for those that use it this might prove useful... This centre
tear is very clean and can be used in all conditions, the only problem is that to facilitate the
tearing, the paper has to be re-folded the way the mentalist presents it to the participant.
Unfortunately, Muggles do not always read the same books as us, and I used to find that the
paper was often folded the wrong way. Often I wouldn't know until I came to read the centre
and find that it was upside down or on its side! So..... two ideas which I've used to make sure
the paper is folded the right way.

1. I created, with the aid of my computer some little restaurant menus. On the inside was a
large empty square surrounded by sample starters, main courses and desserts. Above the large
square was written the words "Special of The Day". When the paper was folded the right way
the name of the restaurant was on the front, with the contact details on the back.

The presentation was along the lines of the participant imagining they go into the restaurant but instead of being
handed a regular menu, they just receive one of these little menus. But on opening it up, there in the middle of
the large square was written their favourite dish! The participant writes down his dish in the square, folds the
paper and returns it to you. You then go into the tear, giving out information about the dish as you do so -
ingredients, country of origin etc until you finally name the dish.

2. Much simpler... I draw a TV on the inside of the paper for the participant to write down the name of a famous
TV personality and on the front and back of the folded square draw a pentagram. I pay no attention to these
pentagrams and I've found that the spectators pay them little heed also. Now I can tell immediately I get the
paper back from the spectator if they've folded it the right way.

If I can't see a pentagram on both sides I ask them to fold it so the two stars are on the outside "just a focusing
device". Even then, once they done this I'll often not mention them again, but occasionally I will ask them to focus
on the star and think about five different things they know about the TV personality and mentally hang one on
each point of the star and then bring them into the middle of it - making a
complete picture of that person.

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A Thought: Is it Magic or Mentalism?

by Kenton Knepper

In "Kentonism" I speak a great deal about apparently implanting thoughts into the minds of others.
I have a transition piece I often use. It is to do a simple but extremely effective coin vanish. I
may use a pull for the vanish. That's not what is important.

The important thing is that I do this vanish and then "explain" how I did it. The secret I "share" is
that I IMPLANTED the THOUGHT of the coin into their MINDS. The reason the coin appeared
to vanish was simply that I did not have one in the first place. I now repeat all the same motions
by pretending to take a coin from a stack of coins, but openly take nothing. By repeating the
same motions as the first coin vanish, it appears that I am now doing what I first did, except that
I do not have a coin this time that they can see at all. "See? It is obvious once you know that I

am implanting a thought into your mind, isn't it? Then you can override the thought, and you don't see anything.
But this way you also fail to enjoy playing along and being part of the show... So understand tonight that I will
do this solely for our amusement, and play along as entertainment for our minds and our friends gathered here
tonight..." Or some such.

The idea is that you are no longer doing a "trick" or a "coin vanish". Instead, you are showing the power of the
mind to fool our senses. "It's the Force, Luke". Consider how many "magic tricks" can be made to appear to be
amazing "powers" and examples of MENTAL abilities, and not mere sleight of hand.

If a simple coin vanish can be shown as "proof" that I implant ideas that seem real into the minds of others,
imagine how amazing everything else may be?!

As mentalists, you will likely hate the following notion, but it is true just the same. I have used the linking rings
in an early segment of a show in which I later do "metal bending". The rings are linked by apparent mind power.
I told you most of you would hate this idea. But it is wonderful suggestion and the ring effect is actually bolstered
by the later bending, and vice-versa. This is really as twisted psychologically as the metal is itself, and perhaps
that is why it works so well.

By such outlandish examples however, I hope to get you to reconsider what makes for "mentalism" and what
props must mean Magic trick". A little labelling and re-framing with mental intention may surprise you.

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by Arcane

5 ESP (Zenner) cards are removed from an envelope and placed face up on the table. The sitter is asked to take
a moment to focus on 5 symbols. They are now asked to close their eyes and name any 3 of the symbols – you
explain BEFORE they name the symbols that these will be the symbols used in the experiment. (Lets say they
name the CIRCLE, CROSS and STAR). The sitter is now asked to open their eyes.

The 3 symbols are left in the centre of the table. The Mage explains that these 3 symbols were chosen from the
sitters subconscious. Which might turn out to be a good or bad thing, but time will tell. They are asked to cover
2 of the cards with their left and right hands. This leaves one symbol visible, the CROSS.

The Mage explains that again this symbol was a completely free choice and the sitter must have been guided
by their subconscious or they may have picked up on the Mage’s thoughts. With this the Mage explains that
before beginning this experiment he made a prediction – he now reaches into the envelope and removes a folded
business card. The envelope is shown to be empty. The business card is unfolded and the message read – “I
have a funny feeling you will end up with the Cross!!”. A perfect prediction…

It was Charles W Cameron thru his many books, that first got me thinking about Multiple Outs (MO). I just fell
in love with them… Its one of those things that you just have to use to find out how powerful it is. I’ve talked to
quite a few people who pooh-pooh MO as silly and a waste of time. If only they knew just how many marketed
effects work on the MO principle!!!! If you want to find out more about MO try tracking down a book by Chuck
Leech called .

Anyway to the crunch – For a good few years I’d been using a very basic effect where 3 postcards are shown,
one chosen and then a prediction is shown. All very nice, self-contained and clean!! It wasn’t until I started using
ESP (Zenner) cards that I discovered a slightly different slant on the basic effect.

You’ll need :-
A small envelope, 5 ESP (Zenner/Rhine) cards and a business card.

This effect uses 3 MO and a little equivocate!!

On the address side of the envelope write “I have a funny feeling you will end up with the SQUARE!!”.
On the back of the business card write “I have a funny feeling you will end up with the CROSS!!” This is placed
into the envelope.
On the back of the star ESP (Zenner) card write “I have a funny feeling you will end up with the STAR!!”

Now for the working:
The cards are placed inside the envelope, faces up. The business card is behind al the cards. Remove the
envelope taking care not to flash the address side.
Open the envelope removing the cards, again taking care to keep the business card inside the envelope. The
envelope is closed and place to the side. You now layout the cards on the table (face-up). You ask the sitter to
focus, close their eyes and name any 3 of the symbols.

** The working of this effect means that it won’t matter which 3 cards are named, you will always be left with at
least 1 of the force cards.

Which ever 3 symbols are named, will determine exactly how you’re going to play it.

Lets run through a couple of examples:
- The 3 symbols named are STAR, WAVY LINES & CIRCLE. You need to force the Star.
- Sitter places left and right hand on STAR (left hand) and CIRCLE (right hand).
- WAVY LINES are removed.
- Sitter is asked to relax and raise one of their hands. They raise their left hand.
- You explain that this is the symbol they have revealed.
- You now explain about the prediction…..blah, blah, blah and reveal.
(If they raise their right hand – You explain that they still have one symbol covered by their left hand, this is the
symbol they have decided to choose. Remove the CIRCLE and you now explain about the prediction…..blah,
blah, blah and reveal.)

- The 3 symbols named are STAR, CROSS & SQUARE. With these choices you’re home free and can play it
any way you see fit.

This is a beautiful little effect with a big impact. Don’t play it as a quickie…that’s why its stretched a little by asking
them to name three symbols at the beginning. I’ve also played around with the above effect using Vernon’s five
card mental force and also using tarot cards instead of ESP (Zenner)/playing cards. There are lots and lots of
possibilities, have fun.

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Being There (Part 1)

by Christopher Taylor

I have been fascinated by the idea of shared dreams for quite some time now. I also
love the art of storytelling (which helps in my vocation as a teacher). This is what has
evolved over the past couple of years.

“I am about to ask you to close your eyes. Would you feel more comfortable sitting
facing towards the audience or to the side? Fine. You are about to experience a
very vivid and gentle daydream. And, in this little envelope, there is a short message
about the dream you are about to experience [the mentalist tips out a folded piece of
paper from the envelope, displays it and returns it to the envelope which he puts aside]
which will be very important shortly.”

“Please close your eyes now. Thank you. You are sitting on a stone bench in the
corner of a beautiful Chinese garden. It is bright and warm there. All the way around,
there is a high stone wall, except at a spot at the far end of the garden where there is
an archway. Can you see the archway? Relax and visualize the archway.”

“Beside your stone bench, in the corner of the garden, there is a black wooden post.
On the post hangs a brass bell, very old, about the size of a lampshade, with a short
white rope hanging from the striker. Can you see the bell? Good.”

“Now, look across the garden. Through the archway comes an old Chinese gentleman
. He is the bell ringer and he is walking slowly, very dignified, towards you and the
bell. Can you see him. Relax and see him, he is smiling - smile back.”

“Are his hands in front of him or behind him? That is him. In a moment, he will slowly ring the bell. As he does,
I want you to count each slow chime out loud. When he stops, the old bell ringer will look at you and I want you
then to open your eyes.”

[After a pause, the participant counts slowly out loud, One ...two ....three ...four.... and opens her eyes.]

“He looked at you and you opened your eyes! Thank you.”

[The mentalist picks up the envelope again.] “Watching you, it seemed as though you were really there, in the
garden with the high wall and the bell ringer who rang the bell four times. The participant nods in agreement.
The mentalist tips out the folded piece of paper again and passes it to the participant. Read this out loud please.”

[The participant opens the paper and reads]

“In your dream, the old man will ring the bell exactly four times.”

This is a very strong effect. Yes, the story does take some time to tell. If you are comfortable with storytelling,
the participant does not think about how long they are sitting there with their eyes closed and most of the audience
is casting their own version of the dream as you tell it.

The method is very simple. I had been using a band writer, but I have found that, because the participant is
counting the chimes made by a slow and dignified gentleman, they virtually never go past 10. I now use a pair
of simple billet indexes, one in each pocket, that cover me up to 14. I have the two billets with the most commonly
counted number of chimes (4 and 5) in separate compartments of the envelope.

For the times that the participant counts to a number other than four or five (about half of the time), it is easy to
reach into the appropriate pocket and finger palm the correct billet as you patter and reach for the envelope with
the other hand. Open the flap with the hand that is concealing the billet and then do a kind of shuttle pass,
pretending to tip out the billet into you palm. The mouth of the envelope and the billet on your palm are concealed
by the flap. The illusion is perfect as you slide the envelope away from your hand while tipping it. Try pouring
out a coin out of an envelope into your hand to get the feel for the movement. With this method, you do not need
to cut a window into the face of the envelope.

In the next issue, Christopher shares two more presentations for “Being there”.

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Opportunity Knocks

by Arcane

I’ve performed a couple of shows recently where I’ve came away kicking myself. Not because the effects I
performed have gone wrong, quite the opposite. The reason I’ve came away feeling a little miffed is because I
missed out on a ‘golden opportunity’, something I believe all Mentalists should look out for. But damn it I missed
out on it, big time - trust me I won’t let it happen again. I use every performance I do as a learning tool, so what
have I learnt...

This ‘golden opportunity’ isn’t anything new, you probably used it all the time unconsciously. Hopefully by writing
this piece we might all start to consciously start to think more and more about it – after all its free and can make
some of your effects a complete ‘mind-fry’.

Lets get to the guts of the matter…this happened to me in performance.

Your performing a drawing test with 4 people. Your backs turned and their scribbling away. They finish and you
ask them to pass the cards to the far left and ask the person on the far left to mix them all face down. You turn
round and go into the first part of your act.

All sounds fine and dandy but there was a golden opportunity in there, which was missed. While your back was
turned how’s about throwing in a ‘pot-shot’, if it’s a hit you’ve got a miracle on your hands, if it’s a miss it can
be covered-up. What have you got to lose, they don’t know what your planning to do. Here’s my example:

“Have you all finished drawing? Can you pass all the cards along to the person on the far left and pass the pens
along as well. The pens put them behind you on the table, the cards mix them up face down. Let me know when
you’ve done this… Can I ask you to just take a quick look through the pictures and turn them so they are the
same way up. Now that was funny I just picked up on something there, are any of the pictures houses?……..”
[This is all done with your back turned.]

If it’s a hit – “I thought so – you were really concentrating really hard as you drew that house. So hard your
actually still thinking about it.” [Turn and ask to be handed the house picture(s). Now begin effect proper.]
If it’s a miss – “That’s good, this way it’ll be more fun. Everyone draws houses.” [Turn and continue effect]

Lets continue the above situation, I missed out on the house option. But with the luck of the Gods two people
had drawn houses. One house had no windows, the other had a sun in the sky. The house with no windows
came first. Let me explain the situation I was in – in the middle of the stage were three people, to the side the
fourth person holding the cards. The three people were a woman and two men, one of the men was Spanish.
Guess who had drawn the house with the sun?? Now you can see where a ‘golden opportunity’ can be put to
good use. Even the fact that one of the houses had no windows can be used to your advantage.

** Have a look at Kenton’s ‘Reading Is Fun - Duh - Mental’ in issue 2 of Center Tear to see how you could take
this simple ‘golden opportunity’ even further.

When I perform Mentalism I try to get all the audience involved. Ask THEM who they thought had drawn the
picture. All your supposedly explaining through the effect is that your picking up on signals. Get them involved
it takes the heat off what your really up to. Ok so this really applies to the above effect, but it can just as easily
be applied to any other effect you perform.

Its really is a case of ‘thinking on your feet’. I use this a lot when using the centre tear and even when using the
most basic effect of forcing a card. Look for opportunities to heighten what you are doing, don’t just storm in with
your size 9s. Remember your revelation is everything - waste it and you’ve wasted the effect.

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EZ’WAVE by Stephen Tucker

The following item is an offshoot of my marketed Omega. EZ'WAVE is basically an EaZier version of Phil
Goldstein's B'WAVE. B'WAVE, in turn, owes much to the immortal Brainwave Deck and the packeted version
owes, at least, a nod of appreciation in the direction of Parade of The Kings.

The additional ending where the cards the three cards not chosen, turn out to have blank face, is credited, by
Phil Goldstein, to Karl Fulves.

I know that B'WAVE is 100% self-working, but does not allow for all the cards to be examined! Omega and
EZ'WAVE do allow all the cards to be examined.

Required: -
You'll need three blank faced blue backed cards and one red backed Ace of Diamonds. Once you become au
fait with the workings, you'll realise that colours and suits could be juggled about if you can't lay your hands on
the above set.

Set-up: -
Slip the Ace face up amongst the other three face down cards. Slip the quartet into a small envelope.
You are about to employ the "Conjurer's Choice" principle but a little differently. There are only three possible
outcomes, two are excellent and even the third isn't bad.

Patter, presentation & effect: -
"Inside this envelope are 4 Aces. Would you hold onto it for a moment? Now, if someone asked me to name an
ace I'd probably name Spade."
You now turn to someone, other than the person holding the envelope, and ask, "If I were to ask me to name
an Ace, which would you name?"

Scenario 1
The ideal response would be Diamonds and if he does make this reply, "We've not set this up beforehand, have
we? Would you open the envelope and remove the cards? Spread them and you'll find the Ace of Diamonds is
facing the opposite way to the rest. Turn it over. It even has a different coloured back to the others. Turn the
others over and you'll see that I was so certain that you would say Diamonds that I didn't bother to bring the rest
with me!"

Scenario 2
Would see the spectator naming one of the other two Aces, say Hearts. If he does name Hearts simply act as
if you expected this and say, "That's why I didn't give you the envelope!"
Turn to the spectator holding the envelope and ask him which Ace he would name. We'll assume that he names
diamonds. If he does, you continue as in Scenario 1 to the various revelations!

Scenario 3
However, he may not name Diamonds but the other Ace, Clubs. This scenario is the weakest but not that bad.
"So, I would have named Spades, you would have named Hearts and you would have named Clubs. Let me see
if I can do some magic with just those three Aces. Inside the envelope are 4 face-up Aces. Firstly, I'll turn my
Ace of Spades, your Ace of Hearts and your Ace of Clubs face down. Not only that, I'll change the colour of their
back to blue!" Mime the actions then have the cards removed. A blue back will show on the packet, have the
cards spread to reveal that the only card that hasn't flipped face-down is the unnamed Ace of Diamonds!
"I see that you aren't convinced. I'll prove that only our 3 Aces have been affected. You see the Ace of Diamonds
was the only Ace to remain face up and stay red-backed!" Have the Ace of Diamonds flipped facedown to prove

"Finally, I shall cause our 3 Aces to vanish." Make a gesture then act confused as to why the three blue backed
cards are still there. Have them flipped face up to show the face of the chosen Aces have vanished!
All 4 cards, in all 3 scenarios, can now be examined! The only scenario that isn't covered is if you get some right
plonker who says, "Yes, I'd name the Ace of Spades, too!" The force of your own personality should avoid this
but it's best to be aware of it

There is a psychological reason for using the Ace of Diamonds and for first naming the Ace of Spades - you don't
want everyone at the end to say, "Oh yes, everyone names the Ace of Spades!" So, you eliminate this as your
choice. Having named Spades, the first spectator will more than likely opt for an Ace of a different colour and
veer away from Hearts, too soppy, which leaves Diamonds!

I have found that the third scenario crops up very rarely! As a matter of interest those of you who own and perform
Goldstein's B'WAVE can use the above presentation to arrive at one of the desired Heart or Diamond suits.
Simply name Spades yourself and if the second person doesn't name either Hearts or Diamonds - the person
holding the envelope has to! Due to the presence of the Fake card, you will have to take back the envelope and
reveal the various revelations.

A final thought…Using EZ'WAVE presentation, you could simply seal a single Ace of Diamonds in the envelope
then vanish the other three once the Ace has been named. Even in Scenario 3 this presentation is logical!

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EZ’WAVE Additional Handling by James Pell & Arcane

Message from Arcane: Many moons back after purchasing the original B'WAVE I played around with a version,
which used no fake cards. The method was good but did have a few weak spots. I dropped Mr Goldstein an
email enquiring about whether I was the first to play around with this 'no fake method' the reply I received went
something like - "You can't, because you aren't!"

It was much later I discovered Stephen Tucker's EZ'WAVE and after giving it a whiz round the block I discovered
that it just wasn't 100% perfect - FOR ME! Scenario 3 just didn't wash, and by the look of things I seemed to
be doing it for the most awkward audiences, they would always choose the Ace of Spades. So I was stumped…

I wasn't the type to give up and on a rainy Saturday afternoon fuelled by the usual nicotine and caffeine, James
Pell and myself sat down to do battle with the monster!!! What follows is a workable solution for the stage
mentalist. It has been tried and tested in both a magician and layperson environment and it works.

As I said this handling is a stage version, the setup is exactly as described in the previous effect but I would
advise you to use jumbo cards. You could give it a go for close-up but the introduction of a pad may seem a little

What we've added are a few psychological subtleties of our own!! Which make this a sure fire mental miracle…

Start by handing the envelope to someone (A) in the front row. You now start by saying:
"If I were to ask you all to name an Ace from a pack of cards right now. The majority of you would name the
Ace of Spades*. Its kind of like buying your knickers from Marks and Spencer."

*While you are talking you hold up a large A3 drawing pad. On it you have drawn the 4 suits - a Spade, a Heart,
a Diamond and a Club in that order. As you mention the Spade you circle it on the pad emphasising it, then as
you ask the question "Which would you name?" you cross out the Spade. As soon as the spectator (B) has given
you their suit you lower the pad to your side.
If they have named the Diamonds, Scenario 1.
If they name Clubs or Hearts, Scenario 2.

The pad helps the spectator: -


Visualise all four suits


It also gets across that YOU named the Spades


By crossing it out your underhandedly taking it out of the equation


It comes into play again with the weak Scenario 3. If Clubs was mentioned by the first, and Hearts
by the second. You raise the pad again circling and crossing thru the first named suit (A) and then
the second named suit (B). This leaves you with one suit, which is not circled or crossed out,
Diamonds. You are visually showing that the three named suits are being crossed out/eliminated,
without saying it.

All that's left now is for you to carry out the relevant ending and you have a clean, subtle, stage version of B'WAVE.

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A review of Eddie Burke's Pseudo Psychometry and Graphology - by Christopher Taylor.

Pseudo Psychometry refers to the well known effect, first published by Anneman in 1935 in The Jinx, in which
personal objects are collected from anonymous audience members and sealed in envelopes. The mentalist then
provides a character reading of each object's owner, along with their identity. Graphology, in this manuscript,
refers to a similar effect which substitutes drawings produced by audience members for the personal item.

In this little manuscript, Burke provides a recapitulation of the various methods employed in these effects from
Anneman and Koran, through to Griffiths and Fogel, with a touch of Becker. Included are several pages of
excellent examples of how envelopes, cloth bags and drawing cards and can be secretly marked. Burke's own
routine continues the evolution of the effect by combining several of the nascent approaches with his own simple,
effective methodology and an 'adult comedy' flavour.

Burke's routine does not rely on blue language to get his laughs, but the patter is definitely aimed at adults and
may or may not suit your performing style. Can you picture yourself, standing with 5 male participants on stage,
each of them holding a swinging pendulum, while you deliver lines like, 'Now gentlemen, with your free hand,
steady your balls. ... Now please look at your balls. ... I shall come along and examine your balls?' If you can
do that with a straight face, you might have a hoot with the right audience.

Regardless of whether or not you think Burke brand of humour suits your own style, the manuscript is an excellent
technical reference which will provide instruction and inspiration for you to create your own Psychometric routine.
Highly recommended.

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A review of Peter Nardi’s Mind Spy Wallet - by Dylan W Timples

When Peter first told me about this over the telephone, I knew I had to have one!! And this was when the prototype
was all that had been produced.

I think you have to admire what Peter has produced. It’s a multi-purpose wallet and I’d say it was well-made,
and likely to find its way into many mental effects. The gaffing is not especially hi-tech or ground-breaking, but
this is a good thing. Hi-tech often leads to things going wrong and ground-breaking – well it’s a wallet what do
you want!!!? Although it uses many tried and tested principles, and a range of standard functions, what makes
the Mind Spy stand out is the combination of all these things and it’s is likely to be widely praised for this.

What do you get for your money? A beautifully made utility wallet in black leather or lambskin (I’ve now upgraded
to the lambskin, well worth the extra!!), with zippered compartment, and a pocket secretary. As a peek device,
it’s got to be one of the best. It’s well-made, reliable, and allows you to perform some very impressive and
deceptive peeks. Just try out the Busch Peek if you don’t believe me… The peeks can be made right under
spectators noses, its perfect for close-up or even surrounded.

There is nothing to go wrong or mess up, as a peek device I’m sure it will be praised as a classic. You can use
it as a Himber style wallet or as an Add-a-Number style switching pad. Its also perfectly set up to use for multiple
outs. But it’s the peek facility that makes this little beauty a g*d-send for me. It also has the facility for card-to-
wallet effects, but its not the most practical.

As I’ve said I have now upgraded my Mind Spy to the lambskin version and trust me if you’ve got the cash its
worth paying the extra. But whichever one you go for you won’t be disappointed. It’s was well-made, durable,
attractive little gem…

Oh and it also comes with several pages of instructions and suggested routines that are worth a skim. They are
well written, well presented and contain some nice ideas.

The end


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