Center Tear Magazine 1 5

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Just trying to catch up with myself after a week of enjoying the lovely Scottish weather.

So lets not beat about the bush here...

I’ll just say that as per usual there are some great effects in this issue of CENTER TEAR. So take your
time and read them all. We wouldn’t want you missing out - would we.

Thanks to all the contributors. Until the next time...


Issue 5

Sept 2002

Center Tear

the thinking persons journal

Mind on Fire by Scott Creasey

A message from beyond the grave by Max Gordon

Force of Rule by Chris Hare

Snippets - Paul Hallas

Mind over Body by Alex Crow

Review - Psychokinetic Silverware by Christopher Taylor

Review - Ahead of the Pack by Prof Peter Arcane



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Mind on Fire by Scott Creasey

Here is an effect that I have been using for walk around for many years. It is more mental magic than pure
mentalism but has served me well and could be slanted towards the bizarre.

Approaching a group of willing participants the mental marvel removes his wallet and holds it in his hand or drops
in on the table if one is available.

Addressing the whole group he begins. It is a fact that 18th century Alchemists believed that the universe and
everything in it, including us mere mortals, comprised of just four base elements. Those four elements are,

Turning to a suitable lady he asks madam would you please close your eyes and visualize one of those elements
make a bright picture of it in your mind. Have you got that picture clear and bright? Yes she answers. Please
tell me which element are you thinking of.

FIRE she states. Good in my wallet is a prediction I placed there as soon as I spotted you from across the room.
He adds did you know that the guru's of modern day positive thinking believe that if you can visualize something
it will become a reality. On opening his wallet the contents burst into flame.

The mentalist closes the wallet extinguishing the flame, raises a singed eyebrow and says 'fire good that signifies
a free spirit and passion someone with fierce intuition and heightened sensitivity', you will be perfect for an
experiment in visualization. He re-opens the wallet and removes the paraphernalia for his next brain-busting

Method and Background
Ok mental magic as opposed to pure mentalism, and you guessed it a fire wallet and a psychological force. I
think somewhere at sometime this must have been done before, I just haven't seen it written up or anybody else
doing it. The idea came to me out of the blue as I approached a table I was about to work some years ago.

You need one fire wallet loaded with sweet smelling lighter fluid the only other requirements are your psychological
force and an out (yeah there is one).

The Psychological force is straightforward I place the wallet down and keep my hands still while I say WATER,
EARTH, FIRE and AIR. I say water first in the hope they will forget it, earth follows quickly, FIRE is emphasized
verbally and by making a natural hand motion, air is then understated. Let this sink in for a moment then quickly
turn to the lady you are going to use ask her to close her eyes and visualize one of the elements as a bright
picture in her mind (you get the idea, if not see Psychological Subtleties or Pure Effect).

Ask her to open her eyes and tell you which element she is thinking of, FIRE great carry on as per effect and
open the wallet igniting it as you go.

Now in all the years I have been performing this nearly everyone says fire, It is the more interesting of the four
elements add the psychological persuaders and you will hit 8 - 9 times out of 10.

But what if you don't I hear you think, ok here is the out that I use.

First make sure the non-flame side of the wallet is loaded with another mental effect I always use my own version
of Ted Amburg's Psychic Vision but choose one you like. Zenner-do by Arcane would be ideal see issue three
of Center Tear.

This is how it goes, she says I am thinking of:

WATER - good this tells me that you are someone who likes to go with the flow and will take the route that offers
least resistance, it also tells me that although sometimes you find yourself in turmoil you also have periods of
calm stillness with hidden depths. You will be ideal for an experiment in visualization.

EARTH - good this literally tells me that you are down to earth and fairly level headed, but earth also indicates
fertility and is considered to be very female which signifies intuition and heightened sensitivity you will be ideal
for an experiment in visualization.

AIR - good this indicates a free spirit and open mind someone who believes in dreams and intuition it also
indicates heightened sensitivity you will be Ideal for an experiment in visualization.

Open the wallet, without igniting it, remove what you need for your next effect and continue to bend their minds.

Not an earth shattering miracle I know but it is quick easy and grabs their attention.


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A Message from Beyond the Grave by Max Gordon

I will explain this effect as performed with one spectator. The method can be utilised in many ways and with as
few or as many spectators as you wish.

The spectator is asked if they can think of a relative or friend that is no longer of this earth (OK…. DEAD) They
are asked to write this name on a slip of paper, folded business card or whatever.

They are now asked to write the name of a relative or friend who is very much alive. Both slips are mixed until
the spectator cannot genuinely know which one is which. They are then asked to hold a slip in each hand, close
their fists palm down and to concentrate. To think of nothing but good thoughts and memories of their dearly

As you ask them to concentrate you explain that in order to identify the deceased they would need to look at
the names. This is obvious if you were to use sight. You explain that "second Sight" is the decades old name
attributed to those who had "the power". You explain that in your opinion, everyone has this quality it has simply
been "pushed" deep into our psyche. In order to prove your point you explain that if they concentrate hard
enough, they will actually feel the difference, a sign if you wish, as to which slip bears the dead name.

After a few seconds, (or minutes if you think you can bear the silence J) the spect announces that they felt
something touch them on the hand although everyone can clearly see that neither you nor anyone else came
near them. In fact they had their eyes open all the time but they will swear that they felt a "touch" The slip in
that hand is opened and shown to have the deceased persons name…….

The main strength of the effect lies in the fact that the performer does NOTHING. You don't touch the billets, the
spectator or identify the target slip…..THEY DO IT ALL THEMSELVES

Obviously the slips are marked discretely so you can identify the target billet. (Tip, mark the other one as no heat
will be on it after the effect). Once the spect has mixed both billets you can have them mixed again by a third
party, or do it yourself. No one else must know which is which.

The billets are then held in closed fists as they concentrate. Now for the touch. You simply use a "Loop" of
invisible thread stretched between your hands as you gesture for them to concentrate. They can see that you
don't touch them but they will feel the contact and swear that they felt a physical contact on one hand. If you
have others present, you can have the spect close their eyes during the toughing process. They will swear that
you touched them, the others will swear you did not come near them….

Comments: You can use an ITR reel to achieve the same effect, but I prefer the loops as they can be in plain
sight throughout and yet remain unseen.

Force of Rule by Chris Hare

A book is freely chosen. The book is opened at random. A spectator is requested to silently and secretly read a
few words. Mentalist secretly writes words on a large pad or board. Spectator announces his chosen words
aloud. Mentalist turns pad round to show that his words match!

Cost: (approx) £1000.50p. However, if you already own a PC and printer the cost is about 50p.

A transparent coloured rule (15cm/6inch) is used as a bookmarker. The force words are glued on the flatside
of the rule. There should only be a few words which will be hidden in the palm as the rule is held.

The rule is randomly placed into the book vertically. The book is promptly closed with part of the ruler jogged
out (the force words are out of sight inside the book). The rule is then turned to right angles. Sliding the rule up
and down the page a spectator is asked to shout "Stop!" Mentalist turns his head away whilst opening the book
and asks the spectator to read the words through the rule (mentalist covers the ungimmicked part of rule with

For the purpose of presentation the spectator is asked to imagine the words in reverse colour like a negative
photograph. (i.e imagine the rule being black and the words written in green/orange or whatever colour rule you
have). The spectator is asked to retain that image as the book and rule are dumped whilst picking up pad/board.
Simply write the force words and reveal after the spectator announces his/her sentence.

The beauty of this effect is that you can have any words of your choice that might marry-in nicely with another
routine. You can repeat the test by switching to another rule. Simply hand out two books to two spectators. As
you dump the first book pick up another prepared rule.

The ideal rule has one side with a raised edge. This fragments the light so the gimmick is not detectable.

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Snippets - Paul Hallas

Predilex 2

This is a thought for an effect, but this is totally untested/ used by myself. Actually it is an alternative solution
to an ancient Davenports ad (1956) for an effect called Predilex. No creator was mentioned and it is probably
not available, so the "effect" had been tested. Lets look at the original description before my alternative.
The advert describes it as follows.
Someone selects ANY name or word, he doesn't have to find it in a book or dictionary. It doesn't even have to
be English. He writes it on a card which is sealed in an envelope and placed to one side. A Lexicon pack is then
introduced and the performer deals cards onto the table until stopped by the chooser. The envelope is opened
and word revealed. When the faces of the dealt cards are shown they spell that word.

Sounds intriguing. Lets analyse this, it specifies he doesn't have to find a word in a book or dictionary. He could
pick a word or name from a list he is shown then.

- Could be in any language (performer would be buggered if he selected Chinese with a Lexicon pack) so maybe
there are a few foreign words on the list.
- The list could be of words based on the progressive anagram principle similar to Bagshaw's "Word Power" list
- The envelope could be a window envelope so magician has prior knowledge of word before the deal, though
not necessary.
- The faces of the dealt cards reveal the word. So he would stop you on the right number of letters in the word?
- Maybe he is told to mentally spell his word and then stop you dealing?

Anyway, the latter would meet the ad. description though could be a million miles off base. My thought is that a
word or name is selected. A Lexicon/alphabet deck is introduced and the spectator stops you dealing at ANY
point. The word is revealed, the dealt cards are shown to be a meaningless jumble of discards, but the cards
on top of the undealt talon, the point at which you were stopped, spell out the word.

Simply force the word or name, or simply switch one of many random possibilities for your force name. The cards
spelling this name are simply face up on the bottom of your Lexicon deck with a couple of other cards face up
above them. Once the spectator has stopped you dealing, you ask him to reveal the selected name and table
the deck reversing it in the process. You turn over the discard pile to show mixed letters and point out he could
have stopped you on any of these or picked any name. Ask how many letters in the word then pick up the deck
and deal that number onto his palm. Ask him to see if he can make a word from the letters.
Pick up the discard pile, add it to the cards in hand and put them away.

I reckon five letters for the word is about the right amount. For the bizarrist you could force a ridiculously spelled
Demon name, deal the cards into a face up row from the deck which seem meaningless until the name is revealed
to match.

Going back momentarily to the progressive anagram idea, you could create a whole deck of cards with various
words on (from a blank face deck), but just force the one card with the anagram words on for someone to make
a selection.

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Here's an idea you might like to record in the magazine, (though it is untried,) for forcing a name. I had to go
back and check it wasn't the same as something Bob Baker published years ago but it is different.

Several people in the audience write down names of people who influenced them when young, could be a family
member, teacher whatever. Someone else concentrates on one of these names as a target, you read his mind.

The names are written on a switch pad which is handed to people by your partner. It is switched before being
handed to the person that will be a "sender". On the other side you have four male names and one female. You
comment there are a number of names been written and you cannot know what they are, one will be picked at
random. Ask if the list contains a mix both male and female names (as if you didn't know). Say in the last
performance you used a male name so tonight you will go with the ladies, Ask the person to concentrate on a
female name from the list.

Thinking about it, it might be possible to have names for a progressive anagram pump, but why bother. This is
obviously not for close up. Bob Baker's fully audience tested routine with names can be found in his book Shared

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Mind over Body by Alex Crow

Spectator has three mind over body experiences, each one stronger than the previous one, ending up with a
"screamer"! I'll include all the patter as the words help create the illusion, but feel free to change as you see fit...

"Ok, we're going to do something really weird now. I'm going to place a thought in your mind - then I'm going
to make your body react to that thought. The thought I'm going to place in your mind is cold and in a minute I
want you to hold this piece of tin foil - don't squeeze it, just hold it loosely in your hand and I'm going to start

If this works, you should feel the hairs on the back of your head stand up. Then you will feel a slight breeze
around you. Then this piece of tin foil will start getting cold - it's only in your mind, but the deeper I can get in,
the colder it will feel. Sometimes it feels just slightly cold, other times it will be absolutely freezing. Just to re-
inforce the thought, I'll write cold on the paper. Here hold it and look at me. Feel anything? Getting slightly
colder? Just a bit?

Well let's try something else. Instead of cold let's try hot. Exactly the same, but this time I'll write hot. Ok, look
at me again. Feel anything? Yes, getting hotter? How hot? Really hot - well drop it!" (By this time the spectator
is really starting to freak out as the foil turns hot) "Now we'll try one more thing and I am just going to say one

Now without doing anything the woman screams, swearing that she felt spiders crawling across her hand!

Sorry for the blurb, but the wording is important. As to how it is done - very easy! The first two effects are down
to a hot pen (called Hypnotic Pen) which is available from a company called Magic Productions from France -
sorry, I've lost my receipt so can't give address or phone number!

Anyway - this pen does the same thing as the old hot foil trick, but without the danger. When I ordered my pen
I asked for a duplicate pen which didn't have the chemical in it. So, I can do the first, "cold sensation" with this
pen. Now some people will say they can't feel anything (as there is nothing to feel!), but many will admit to feeling
a little cold - just pure suggestion. It doesn't matter if they do or not as you know with the "hot" sensation you
will have a good result and as you've used the "same pen" for both tests, the heat is taken off of it (scuse the

Now for the last bit, the spiders.... it is our old friend the invisible elastic loops. Have it around the palm of your
hand and with the other middle finger hook it out so it is stretched between your hands and run it lightly across
the spectators hands - I guarantee they'll scream!

Look out for another great use for these loops in a further issue

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xxx by Kenton Knepper

"Telepathy" is an aspect of "connection", but an "invisible connection" is much broader. We may in magic do
something with ghosts, but that is another thing to me. The use of an "invisible connection" in magic just makes
sense. Simple stunts that cause natural body movement might be incorporated into this theme.

By way of example I will share something simple I have performed after my own shows. Many of you may well
know this wonderful dodge. It is the application though that makes it about the "invisible connection of all".

Have a spectator clasp their hands together, fingers interlaced. Next, ask them to keep their palms together,
but raise their pointer fingers so they touch each other. These fingers will point up to the sky and make an
inverted "V" figure. Tell the spectator to move these two fingers apart for a minute or two. What will naturally
happen of course is that the fingers get tired and they drift back together after a little while. It takes constant,
conscious effort to keep the fingers apart.

That is the basic principle. The spectator clasps

his hands and extends his forefingers straight up, but apart.

In a little bit, the fingers will feel as if they are

being "pulled" together by an invisible force. We will make

this the magical "connection". Have two

spectators face each other. The spectators hold their hands

in front of their bodies and do as just described.

Talk about the invisible connection we all share. Speak

about how even though "we seem apart, we

will eventually realize we are not separate at all in truth".

These words not only begin to set the stage

for enchantment, they also act as a subtle suggestion.

Have one spectator watch the other

spectator's fingers as you slowly, very slowly, begin

to move the fingers together. You might not

want to touch the fingers at all.

In the original versions, you made a winding

motion near the fingers, making another invisible

connection that seemed to cause the

fingers to be "wound" together. As you do this

either way, the fingers tire and one

spectator will "give in", allowing his fingers to drift

together. When one spectator sees this

happening, it tends to catch on. It will catch on

eventually, or at least the second will

admit they "feel something" even if their fingers

don't go together. Let the spectators

know that one should "somehow sense" the

feeling that the other person is

actually experiencing. Adding in rhythmic

breathing also helps this to happen

more quickly. When both fingers of both

spectators go together, they usually

look at you, look at each other, and if they

are romantic - kiss or hug.

Not bad for a natural body movement, when linked to a larger theme or "enchantment". Again, the point is not
the trick, but the enchantment through using shared concepts or universal ideas.


Psychokinetic Silverware by Christopher Taylor

Nothing is missing from this instructional tape. The techniques are unbelievably devious and simple and the
presentations are engaging and very highly polished. qually important, and why you should buy this tape over
any other tape or book on metal bending, are the straight forward principles of misdirection. In my opinion, this
is what was left out of Bavli’s metal bending material. Banachek is simply a much better teacher.

We get a demonstration of six effects, some of which take place in a participant’s own hand and then the
explanations of the effects one by one. I can not over emphasize how direct Banachek’s methods and presentations
are. I laughed out loud at the explanation of an incredible bend of a fork in the mentalist’s hand. The handle is
clearly moving and bending. So visual and devious! And so simple! hat is, of course, ideal as the mentalist can
focus on the real work, namely the timing, presentation and control of the audiences attention.

I am sure that we all have a number of video tapes in our collections from which we have acquired one or two
excellent effects, and perhaps some useful performance subtleties, and felt that our hard earned money has
been well spent. I would not count Gary & Banachek’s Psychokinetic Silverware in this category. That is because
ALL SIX effects on this tape are excellent.

Later in the 70 minute tape, alternate handlings are provided for some of the effects and there is a question and
answer session. The questions deal with issues such as where to get silverware and where to perform these
types of effects. There is also interesting information about the Alpha Project and even a bibliography of other
sources of information on metal bending. The tape ends with clips of Banachek in live close-up performances
where we get to see the reactions of real muggles.

Metal bending is powerful theatre. It, and other forms of physical mentalism (is that an oxymoron?), such as Hot
Foil and Pencil Pusher, provide concrete phenomenon for the audience rather the abstract experience that most
mentalism offers. When it comes to concrete effects, the material on this tape is as rock solid. My highest

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Ahead of the Pack by Prof Peter Arcane


So while the rest of the world rushed along to Ian Rowland's web site and purchased 'Sense of Touch'. I took a
stroll along and picked up a copy of 'Ahead of the Pack' by Jack Avis and Lewis Jones.

So I guess I'm being kind of selfish here - it's my mag <G>, so I'm going to review what I want to review <LOL>.
Most would look at it as being - A card book, by card men - but its not….

If you've read anything by Lewis Jones before you know that this man is a thinker. From the day I read Cardiogram,
I was hooked. And 'Ahead of the Pack' continues the tradition of Mr Jones's previous books.

But lets not forget that this is a double act. Jack Avis is also along for the ride. I have to apologise for never
having read any of Jack's books. Although I have read some of his effects in Pabular and Pentagram. And reading
'Ahead of the pack' has made me return to some of these.

Ok, so lets get to the meat of the book - what does this dynamic duo offer offer on the plate, to us the thinking

Tricks Of The Trade - utility moves and methods
Mental Detectors - choreography of cards and thoughts
On Location - a shimmering collection of 'impossible' locations
Play The Game - bets and gambling
90 per cent Reduction - classic effects streamlined and de-snagged
Call To The Colours - reds and blacks come out to play
Story Time - narrative tricks with a twist in the tale
Close Up and Personal - tricks themed around personal info
Cards Plus - cards and other items in magical harmony
The Final Reckoning - magical numbers without headaches
Cabbages And Kings - the final course

Some (of my) old favourites are re-visited and updated in one way or another. But don't worry if you haven't read
the originals, nothing is lost.

You can tell that these two men have put some thought into what they are putting down on paper. <G> You only
have to read their 12 handlings of the rollover force to know they are dedicated to the art.

The cream on the cake for me was Outs for Vernon. For years I thought it was just me that couldn't get this to
hit every time. Jack and Lewis offer some very strong outs for this classic from the Professor. Worth the price
of the book alone…

Ok, so far it seems like a 'card mentalists' dream and it is. But as an added extra there is a section on magic
squares, an off-center tear and some nice thoughts on mental effects by telephone.

Not everyone's cup of tea, but me - I loved it 110%. Money well spent…

Hardback, perfect-bound, with colour dust jacket. 288 pages (page size: 15.2 x 23.5 cm), 40 photographs. £26.50
plus postage. Approx 40 US dollars.

Available while stocks last -


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