My Boyfriend's Daddy (Humiliati Kyra Keeley

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Mary Keeley


This is a work of fiction that

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contains adult situations between

consenting adults. All semblances to

persons or places, living or dead, are

entirely coincidental.

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My boyfriend of three years

Dean, his step dad Mr. Warren, and

myself were all looking forward to

spending the summer together before we

all parted ways.

Dean and I just graduated from

high school and were going to different

parts of the country to embark on our

adult lives at college.

It’s weird that I want to spend

just as much time with Mr. Warren,

Dean’s dad, but he has been such a big

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part of our lives. He was always there to

help us out. He was also the laid back

parent, the one you could actually could

go to with your problems.

Another thing about Dean’s dad,

is that he looks really good for his age.

Ever since I laid eyes on him, I’ve had

kind of a secret crush on him. He is

pretty much like Dean, but just more

wise, mature, and even a little funnier.

Embarrassing to admit, but his wide

manly physique was also more

attractive. Also, from what I have been

able to tell, um, I don’t know how to say

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this—he is very hung. On many

occasions, I’ve had to pull my eyes

away from his midsection before getting


To kick off the summer, and fully

embrace our freedom, Dean and I

decided to go to a big music festival

eight hours away in Chicago. We bought

the tickets months ago in anticipation of

seeing our favorite bands, having a few

nights away from our boring old

hometown, and visiting a big city we had

never been too.

Then it turns out that some old

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school band that Dean’s Dad loved when

he was a kid was headlining the festival.

So, it was only natural to let him come

along. Like I said, he is so chill that you

don’t have to worry about him judging

you. Hell, he was the first person to buy

us alcohol and the first pot we smoked

came from his dresser.

While waiting, with graduation

and all, the time flew by and it was

finally the night before. We all

enthusiastically packed our bags. Dean

and I furiously texted each other back

and forth about how excited we were.

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We set out on a Friday morning.

We were going to spend three nights

listening to music, getting high, sleeping

in a tent, and basically just unabashedly

taking in life. And do this we did.

It was so hot, I was wearing a

bikini top the whole weekend

surrounded by thousands of people. I

danced half naked for hours in a sea of

people enjoying every second. The

music was good, and so loud, that I

probably won’t be able to hear until fall.

Dean and I slept in the same sleeping

bag every night, slowly and quietly

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fucking ourselves to sleep next to his

dad. Luckily, Mr. Warren did not seem to

notice, or if he did, he did not really

mind it.

All good things come to an end,

and after the headliner of the last night

we had to say so long to the good times.

Or did we?

Mr. Warren had to work the

Monday after the festival, absolutely no

way around it, so we had to come home

that night despite how tired we all were.

Dean and I were okay with that, because,

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we both really wanted him to go and this

was the exception we had to make. So,

Dean and I made the pledge to drive the

eight hours home while he slept for


We all had a great time and

we’re kind of delirious from the all the

heat and dancing earlier that day.

However, we stuck to our plan and piled

into the car with our game plan for

staying awake in mind. Dean had his

“driving music,” and several cans of an

energy drink called Electrocute ready to

go, and I had a book light and my

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crossword puzzles. Unfortunately, I

promised to keep Dean awake, so I have

to stay alert and make sure we all get

home safe and sound.

Even after the first can of

Electrocute, about a half hour away from

the festival grounds, Dean was looking

very sleepy while Dean’s Dad and I

were still running on post festival

adrenaline. I was yelling out my cross

word questions over Dean’s blaring

music and Mr. Warren racked his brain

to help.

I was getting so into figuring

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them out, that while sitting in the center

of the back seat, I pulled my legs up to

my chest, so I could better scribble in

the answers that Mr. Warren and I were

coming up with. After fifteen minutes, I

looked up and caught Dean’s dad

glancing at my private mound obscured

beneath the stretched fabric of my tiny

panties as I excitedly rocked back and

forth. When he stopped looking, I took

the chance to reach down adjusting the

elastic just to make sure I was all


All in all, this probably had

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something to with why he was so

enthusiastic about helping. Dean didn’t

seem to mind or notice, and lacking

sleep and apparently judgment neither

did I.

An hour later, Dean is totally

nodding out while doing everything he

can to stay awake. One minute he’s

talking a mile a minute, turning the music

up and down, opening and closing his

window, chugging an energy drink, and

telling us to tell him stories.

His judgment, clouded by a lack

sleep, becomes askew as he steers the

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conversation in inappropriate directions.

He wants to hear all the bad stuff, like

when we first masturbated, when we lost

our virginity, and who we thought was

really hot at the festival.

Then like a flash of lightening, he

asks if I remember that night we drove

back from his cousin’s house and tells

his Dad, “that it is a pretty good story.”

“Of course I do. You don’t want

me to tell THAT story do you?”

“We are all so tired we will not

even remember tomorrow,” Dean

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encourages me.

“I don’t know . . . in front of your


“Okay, now I’m interested,”

Dean’s Dad chimes in.

“It will make me stay awake, so

we won’t crash and die.”

Just the mention of it seems to

perk him up, so I go ahead and tell the


“This trip home kind of me

reminds of the time Dean and I went to

visit his cousin, your nephew, when they

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lived a few hours away. We left late at

night and he was so tired, but we

decided to drive home because my

parents told us we had to be back before

midnight. Do you want me to go on?”

“Yeah, yeah . . . you have to,”

Dean pleads.

“Anyways, as soon as Dean

started to dose off, I reached inside of

his pants and pulled out his you know

what. I kept him right on the verge . . . of

. . . uh . . . coming for nearly two hours. I

would stop right when he told me to, so

that he could keep the blood rushing

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making him wide awake. He told me it

was better than a whole cooler of energy

drinks from the gas station.”

“Fuck yeah. Too bad they can’t

bottle that feeling—that person would be

a millionaire,” Dean confirms my


I chuckle at Dean’s joke and

glance around at the guys in the front seat

who were probably wishing that story

was a lot longer, or a little more in depth

at least. I pay special attention to Dean’s

dad’s reaction.

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Applied to the present scenario,

with Mr. Warren in tow, a repeat of this

story seemed pretty unlikely.

However, following the story,

after a couple of minutes of silence,

Dean tells me he has an idea.

“Okay. Here’s the deal guys, I’m

going to come clean. Having been

around so many people this weekend,

I’m horny as fuck from watching Mary

walk around in that tiny skirt and bikini

top in public. I’ve had a thousand

unrequited boners this weekend. Just to

get me through the night, and give

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something to look forward too, you have

to show me something Mary. I’ll take

anything,” Dean pleads.

“Dad has to look away,” I say

feigning modesty. I’ve known that both

of them, among others, have been

stealing glances at me all weekend.

“Shucks,” Dean’s dad says to

himself glancing at Dean to see his


“Just make sense. We don’t want

daddy sitting on a stiffy the whole way

home, the old boy needs his rest,” Dean

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assuredly says.

“Dean, the voice of reason, but

seriously you know I think she’s fucking

beautiful,” Dean’s dad says testing the

boundaries of the trios’ familiar bond.

“You don’t have to tell me,”

Dean says glancing back ready to catch a

glimpse of my body. “You got more than

an eyeful this weekend for sure.”

During this exchange, I sit in the

back seat with my cheeks turning bright

red, feeling like I’m literally melting

from embarrassment. To think that a man

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of Mr. Warren’s knowledge and

handsomeness finds me beautiful, not

even just cute, is good news.

Dean’s dad reluctantly leans his

head to the side and places his hand

haphazardly over top of his eyes.

Dean’s rapt attention fluctuates

between the backseat and the highway,

that he is sharing with just a few semi


I lean back building suspense.

Spreading my legs, I let my short skirt

fall around my hips revealing my pink

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thong that hugs my young pussy before

cascading into in a thin line that reveals

my round ass pushed against the fabric

of the seat. I make eye contact with Dean

in the mirror, letting him know to keep

his eyes on me. When I do this, he

reaches down and charts the course of

his erection. I reach a hand down my

shirt. I grasps my more than a handful C

cup and lift upwards while I pull my top

down with the other hand. I massage my

breast upward, ending by pulling my

pink nipple. Closing my eyes, I do this a

few more times and resist the urge to

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reach my hand down my panties and rub

my dampening slit.

This is the first time I’ve ever

had my breast out in a public place, and

it’s really a thrill. I would love to take

my exposure a little further and let some

of the weary passerby’s glimpse my

young body.

“Fuuuccckkk,” Dean’s dad says,

unable to resist, turning around and

glancing at my exposed tit. “I’m so sorry.

I thought it was over.”

“Dad, you are such a cheater. I

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would have told when the coast was


“Ah, I have to admit I’ve thought

about seeing Mary’s breast more than

once . . .okay . . . well every time she

bent over this weekend I was looking

down her top just waiting to see what

I’m seeing right now, but hell, my

imagination did not do them justice,”

Dean’s dad admits.

I don’t know why I don’t cover

myself up. I guess I really like having

Dean’s Dad staring at my chest. It feels

so wrong because I have his full

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attention, while Dean can only steal


“Dude, you’re not even supposed

to be looking. Those are fucking mine,”

Dean lightheartedly snaps.

With both of these guys looking, I

can feel my whole body flushing and


Something comes over me

forcing me to take things a little further. I

reach my hand down my panties and start

rubbing my moistening lips underneath

the thin cotton.

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Both men are enraptured. Dean’s

dad turns almost completely around in

his seat and Dean is trying to drive

while taking in the back seat sights. With

both of them looking at me, doing what I

have only done in private a few times is

a complete turn on.

Finally, I feel a little

embarrassed, I pull my hand up and

decide that we have a long way to go

and I need to pace myself. However, I

do decide keep my long term boyfriend

and his dad wide awake, so, I go ahead

and undo the latch of my swimsuit top

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holding in my beautiful natural breast. I

pull my top off exposing the mesmerizing

heft of my chest.

Torturing them both, again

pulling my knees up to my chest, but not

covering my breast I go back to

crossword puzzles topless in the back


“I’m fucking wide awake now

for sure,” Dean says.

“Err, I second that,” Mr. Warren


Dean, trying to remain part of the

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temporarily interrupted show, turns on

the overhead lights of the car letting the

light shimmer across my white skin that

shimmers with a golden hue from the

weekend spent in the sun.

Completely gushing at the thought

of having my eighteen year old breast

viewable to anyone that drives by, I pull

at my tight panties that are glued to my

wet pussy. Sitting in a mess of my inner

warmth, I know before long something is

going to have to be done about this.

A couple hours into the drive, we

are still cloaked in darkness of the

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middle of the night. Dean’s dad and I are

still wide awake, pretending to be

occupied, while we steal glances at each


Ever since Dean’s dare, when

my top came off, his Dad has been rock

hard. I’m absolutely mesmerized by the

hugeness of the outline of his dick

uncomfortably shoved half way down

his thigh. He might be older, but no need

for Viagra I guess.

Dean and I have a lot of sex and I

really enjoy it, but it has been three

years and has become pretty standard at

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this point. This makes sitting topless in

the back of his car, while being eye

fucked by his father, who looks to be

packing a 16 ounce beer can in his jeans,

exactly what I need. The cool night air

feels electrified like never before.

Dean is oblivious to the visual

foreplay taking place between me and

his dad. Dean has slipped into the

monotonous drive, looking straight

ahead with tired determination.

I take advantage of his singular

focus and put one leg down and aim the

darkening fabric of my panties in his

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dad’s direction. Mr. Warren takes notice,

glancing back at me trying not to draw

Dean’s attention. I then use one hand to

go back to rubbing my breasts, pushing

them upward while squeezing my

nipples all the while imagining Mr.

Warren’s rough grip and his suckling

mouth all over me while Dean watches.

Almost subconsciously, I slip my other

hand down my panties and start to

massage my clit in a circular motion.

With every fifth round, I plunge my

middle finger downward and pull my

wetness upward.

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Mr. Warren’s eyes keep darting

between my masturbating hand, my

young breast, and Dean’s eyes. Dean’s

dad is becoming more and more

agitated, pushing and pulling at the

monster in between his legs.

Mr. Warren assuredly realizes he

is never going to sleep, when the only

thing he can think about is shoving his

dick in his son’s girlfriend while

zooming down the highway at 80 miles

per hour. Getting brave, Mr. Warren

unfastens his pants button and slowly

unzips his jeans. Mr. Warren has

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obviously made up his mind about what

to do.

As though not to startle a wild

animal he slowly reaches in his jeans

pulls his mammoth dick out of his jeans.

My brain is screaming, “shit, shit, shit,

shit . . . .is this really happening.” I feel

like I’m trapped in some insane fever


Momentarily Mr. Warren leans

his head back and gently tugs himself to

a very large full erection. At this point,

my gaze is fixed and my brain short

circuits with a combination of

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excitement and fear. Despite this, my

hands still feverishly work my soft

breast and wet pussy—I’ve even pulled

my panties off to the side to reveal the

slick mounds of my labia. With one hand

steadying the base of his cock, and the

other slowly ascending up and down its

length, Mr. Warren turns around to take

in the real live porno happening on the

highway under the umbrella of night.

Unable to control the desire to

feel such a mammoth cock in my tiny

hands, I say Dean be damned. Reaching

forward I replace Mr. Warren’s hand at

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the bottom of his cock with mine. I lean

in and take a closer look and every bit of

the thick eight and a half inches is


My leaning forward must have

interrupted Dean’s driving stupor, as he

slowly turn his head to take in what has

just started beside him between his

girlfriend and dad.

Who knows? Maybe this will

really keep him awake.

“What the fuck guys?” He says

with just a hint of rage.

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“It’s Mary’s fault son. Her tits

are hands down the most perfect I have I

ever seen,” Mr. Warren says while

brazenly reaching towards my chest and

grabbing my breasts. “And whenever I

would start even thinking about sleep,

this thing would start twitching,” Mr.

Warren says looking down at his cock

now being slowly pulled from the base

to the head by my hand.

“Dad, that’s not fucking cool,”

Dean says while gradually kind of

glazing over watching my hand stroke

his dad’s mammoth cock. “Your dick is a

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fucking cannon . . . Jesus Christ . . . man,

it’s bigger than Mary’s forearm,” Dean

says glancing between the yellow line,

Mr. Warren’s hard dick (now being

measured against my arm), and me as

I’m unknowingly licking my lips. “Mary,

there is no way you could take that in

any hole you have. Sorry about your luck

Dad—you might as well put that back in

your pants,” Dean says nervously, as

though he has unwittingly just offered us

a challenge.

I’m turned on enough right now

to take this bet.

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“Oh yeah,” I say leaning in for a

very close look. I glance up at Dean,

who is adjusting his growing cock. With

my face this close, I realize his dick is a

big as my entire head. I start small,

holding his dick steady with my hand

while I start licking from the base of his

cock upwards. Then eager to jump right

in, I put his swollen cock head into my

mouth, feeling it’s about as far I can go,

while rhythmically tugging upward with

my hand. Occasionally, gagging each

time, between my rhythmic sucking I’ll

test the limits of my mouth by shoving

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his length down my throat as far I can.

Trying to help, Dean’s dad has

unbuckled his seat belt so he can better

thrust into my face. Mr. Warren is now

slightly moaning with his eyes shut only

opening them off and on to check my

progress and glimpse my round breast

pushing against his thigh.

Feeling slightly bad for Dean, as

the slurping sounds coming from his

dad’s cock going into his girlfriend’s

mouth become more and more

pronounced. I decide to take sucking

breaks, in which I just pull at Mr.

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Warren’s length while making lascivious

eye contact with Dean as if to say, “I’m

doing this for you.” Even though, as I

grind my wet pussy against the center

console, I assuredly believe that I would

follow Mr. Warren’s hardon anywhere in

the world.

“Well fuck,” Dead says turning

bright red with embarrassment, but

unable to stay out of the action any

longer. Dean unzips his pants while

turning on the cruise control. Catching

his action out of the corner of my eye, I

use my free hand to assist him in pulling

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out his comparatively average stiff dick.

I continue to slobber, gasp, and gag on

Mr. Warren’s enormous rod while I

begin stroking Dean’s erection.

“You dad is huge Dean,” I let

slip out. Dean looks sad, but accepting

of the fact that he could never measure

up to his father.

Cruising along, all three of us are

now oblivious to our public display. We

drive on, somewhat erratically, at

seventy miles per hour zooming by

truckers and families getting early starts

on their vacations.

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After I feel my throat can take no

more of Mr. Warren’s mammoth pole,

that is stretching my mouth’s confines to

the very limits, I slip out of my skirt and

leap into the passenger seat onto Mr.

Warren’s lap. Now completely nude, eye

level with passerby’s, I start grinding my

pussy along the thick girth of Mr.

Warren’s dick. My expulsion of juices

is immense and I quickly coat Dean’s

dad hard cock in a slippery glaze.

For both Mr. Warren and I, there

is no going back regardless of the

proximity of Dean. We both are starting

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to sexually vibrate. I can feel Mr.

Warren’s pleasured momentum building

as he pushes his thick dick against my

slick entrance. As he does this, I feel

waves of warmth cascade through my

body up to my swelling breast, pouting

lips, and flushed face.

I look at Dean, who is now

jerking himself off, glancing

intermittently over at us, and give a look

as if to say, “Please don’t hate me.”

Steadying Mr. Warren’s dick

with my one hand, and myself with my

palm against the window that is now

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cold with the night air, I raise up the nine

inches to put my boyfriend’s dad’s

swollen manhood inside of me. I let out

a slight moan, between pain and

pleasure, as I insert the head of Mr.

Warren’s dick inside me. I do not get

very far, even though he is covered in my

spit and cum, before I have to rise up

and try again. This time when pushing

into Mr. Warren, I get half way down his

length instantly more sexually fulfilled

than ever. Groaning, Mr. Warren reaches

out and pushes my soft tits upward

before burying them in his mouth. Mr.

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Warren sucking on my taunt pink nipples

sends a signal to my pussy to gush. After

that, I slide down on the entirety of Mr.

Warren’s length emitting a deep moan as

my lips stretch to their limits. At the end

of my descent, my clit grinds against Mr.

Warren while his solid dick inside me

feels as though it is going to erupt out of

my mouth.

Mr. Warren reaches around me,

pulls the lever underneath the seat giving

are increasingly faster paced thrusting

some space. Now with Mr. Warren

slightly reclined, I extend my arms back,

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placing my palms on the dashboard.

Grinding up and down, my chest is aloft,

bouncing up and down in time with the

in and out motion of Mr. Warren’s dick.

Completely lost in the thrill of fucking

someone new, I moan loudly overtop of

the gushing wind as we zoom down the

highway. With a dick so big, each I time

I push downward it feels like I’m being

split open for the very first time.

Enthralled by the feeling, I swivel my

round little hips back and forth sending

Mr. Warren’s penetrating member in

little 360’s around my insides hitting

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every conceivable pleasure point. When

Mr. Warren’s pounding from below

starts to increase, my head now leaning

backward feels dangerously close to

going straight through the front window.

To keep this from happening, I lean in on

him grasping around his neck resting the

rise and fall of my tits on his chest and

let him pound away.

I feel embarrassed for Dean,

because he never fucks me like this. His

method is all gentle and loving—never

really giving me the chance to have my

clit slammed and grinded. His dad’s

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vicious fucking is causing me to moan,

sweat, and scream.

Trying out a new position to

hammer my pussy, Mr. Warren swings

me upward positioning my ass up in the

air and his back to the passenger

window. The seat not being wide enough

for both us, I’m forced to lean my face

down close into Dean’s pumping fist.

Lowering his hand to the bottom half of

his cock, I slide my open mouth over

Dean’s dick letting the thrusting of Mr.

Warren’s pumping from behind propel

Dean’s dick deep into my mouth.

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Never have I ever even

considered fucking two guys at once. I

guess for a girl from a small

conservative community, these things

don’t even cross your mind. However, I

feel more sexually gratified than ever

with Mr. Warren’s throbbing member

relentlessly brutalizing me from behind

while my moans are absorbed by Dean’s

dick. Being impaled between dicks, I

bring my hand down to my engorged clit

and start rubbing in time.

The idea of being a cog in this

fuck machine sends every dirty thought

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I’ve never had coursing through my

brain; I want to go back to the festival

and have every boy in the park fuck me .

. . . I want to be covered in cum from top

to bottom . . . I want not only want to be

fucked by Mr. Warren’s long pipe in

front of Dean, but my whole graduating

class . . . I want to be spanked, choked,

and slapped while tied to a table and

humiliated . . . I want everyone on this

goddamned highway to see my delicate

young pussy stretched to its limits.

My whole body is tingling with

an excitement it has never known. I’m

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choking and moaning on Dean’s dick. I

feel so good. I’m whimpering and

begging to be fucked harder. Apparently,

my never before seen excitement has

gotten to Dean, and he starts bucking

wildly into my mouth as the car veers

erratically from left to right. I lift up my

head and jerk his cock hard instructing

him to “fucking cum” which comes out

all staccato with the force of Mr.

Warren’s momentum. While jerking

Dean, and being furiously pumped from

behind, a mammoth wave of an orgasm

surges through me. I scream “I’m

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cumming” as my climaxing pussy

contracts around Mr. Warren’s nine inch


Grabbing a hand full of my

strawberry blonde hair, Dean forces my

mouth over his erupting cock. A warm

flood fills my mouth, squirt after squirt,

before I pull upward and swallow hard.

After wiping my mouth with the

back of my arm, I reach back and rest my

hand on Mr. Warren’s side to let him

know not to stop.

Dean pants in the driver seat,

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looking ashamed that he came way

before his father. He seems even more

distraught that I now focus my full

attention on his dad.

Knowing we both just came, but

not even considering stopping, Mr.

Warren flips me over on my back.

Pulling my legs apart he places one of

my feet on the front window and the

other on the passenger window. Mr.

Warren then shoves his phenomenally

long dick back inside my gaping moist

pussy. My head has nowhere to go but

back in Dean’s lap. Still moaning in

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between rapid little breaths I’m left to

stare up at Dean’s face, which has the

familiar to me, post orgasm flush.

Meanwhile, Mr. Warren picks back up

his determined pace.

After several more minutes of

robotic thrusting, Dean announces, “We

have about two more hours and the suns

coming up guys. A lot of people are

staring. That guy in the truck has been

following us for a half hour. Maybe we

need to wrap this shit up.”

“No fucking way, Dean. I gotta

finish tonight cause this might not ever

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happen again,” Mr. Warren plaintively

pleads while not letting up for a second.

I don’t say anything, but completely

agree—a decision seconded by the post

orgasmic waves of sheer pleasure

undulating up from Mr. Warren’s thrust.

“Well, I’m about to fall asleep,

maybe one of you should drive,” Dean

says nervously proposing another reason

we should stop our relentless fucking.

“No Dean, shut the fuck up, and

just let us finish,” I say.

“Fuck it, whatever, I can’t be

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jealous—I let this happen. Just grab me

an Electrocute, do something interesting,

and don’t get cum on me,” Dean says

while starting to massage his flaccid

dick again.

I do love Dean so much—he’s so

laid back—not mention his short

recovery time.

While Mr. Warren continues to

fuck me wide, we decide to discuss the


“Hell yeah!” Mr. Warren says

accepting the challenge. “You ever

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fucked Mary in the ass?”

“Tried a few times, but no cigar.

I vote to see it.”

“No fucking way. Your dad is

fucking huge, in case you haven’t

noticed,” I say my voice coming out all

staccato from Dean’s dad’s relentless

jack hammering.

“Yeah. But, I’m driving and I’m

sooo tired.”

“Maybe just the tip,” I reason.

“I’ll probably blow my load that

far in anyway,” Mr. Warren inform us.

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“I’ve been about to cum for an hour now

. . . I just don’t want it to stop.”

“Fuck it, let’s go,” I say rubbing

my clit while positioning my ass in

between the two front seats.

Mr. Warren slides his dick deep

in my wet pussy, then pulls it out rubbing

my juices all over the tip and tellingly

all the way to the base. Then Mr. Warren

positions the tip of his dick at the

entrance of my pink asshole. He then

pushes in as my anus contracts over his

width pulling it inside me.

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“Shit,” I exclaim as I realize how

connected my two holes are. My pussy

oozes dollops of fluid that splash next to

Dean’s energy drink. Instantly, I reach

down and shove my fingers in my crampt

pussy feeling Mr. Warren’s dick pushing

into my asshole.

After Mr. Warren gets halfway

inside me, I’m exploding into the most

complete orgasm I’ve ever experienced.

My violently convulsing body sends Mr.

Warren to my depths, and whether he

wanted to last longer or not, he spasms

inside of me. His pent up orgasm sends a

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wash of hot fluid into me, prolonging my

orgasm even further.

“Fuck,” Dean’s dad moans into

the night, while emptying his seed deep

inside of my virgin ass.

After this, the air is still electric

over the night’s occurrences, but the

sexual tension for me is still there. I fall

back into the back seat and pull up one

of the sleeping bags over my naked and

abused body. I pull Dean’s dad into the

back seat with me, forcing him behind

me. I reach between my legs to place his

softening cock between my thighs. Right

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away, Mr. Warren curls up nestled

behind me and falls asleep.

I’m completely blown away by

what has just happened and where we

all will stand by this evening, but I’m

already thinking about giving Mr. Warren

the keys to wherever I live.

Ah, the things you’ll do to not

fall asleep.

Truthfully, I’m so exhausted I

can’t wait to get home to my bed in my

parents’ house and drift away recalling

the best night of my life.

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Published by Seductive Shivers

Copyright 2013


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