Without Protection (Taking the Kyra Keeley Copy

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Taking the Brat


Kyra Keeley

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This is a work of fiction that

contains adult situations. All semblances
to persons or places, living or dead, are
entirely coincidental.

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I feel like I had a good reason to

skip school today, I rationalize, crawling
back under my covers. If that lousy
boyfriend had not dumped me like I was
nothing, you can bet I would be sitting in
first period right now, waiting for the
bell to ring, so I could give him a quick
kiss in the hallway before English.

But, he did ditch me, and for my

best friend I might add. The whole
fucked up situation hurts me worse than
when I broke my arm on the swing set in
third grade.

Even worse, is that I know that

bitch used all my secrets as ammunition
to steal my boyfriend from me. I’m sure

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she told him that I wasn’t ready to go all
the way, but she was. That I didn’t trust
him, but she did. Then the topper, that I
had a crush on an older man that I
wouldn’t tell her anything about, and that
we were probably having sex behind his

The last one was probably the

real kicker and it was also the most
innocent. What I was too embarrassed to
tell her was that that older man was my
stepfather, Noah. Like that would ever
happen, even if deep down I wanted it
to. If that had gotten out, I probably
wouldn’t be able to go the entire last
week of school and have had to go to
school halfway across the country.

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All of this is why there is no way

I’m showing my face in that lousy school
today, it will be hard enough to go

I feel so dejected; I don’t even

want to see the sun. I throw the covers
over my head and cry myself back to

I wake back up just as the

afternoon begins, deciding to give fully
in to my post break-up meltdown.
Having cried all the tears that I have in
me, I decide that I just want to do
everything bad that a person can do
home alone in the matter of one day.
Yeah, I’m still mad, but I imagine I might
be a little less angry if I drink some of

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my parents booze, smoke some of their
pot, eat ice cream, and watch soap
operas. After this day of indulgence, it
will be back on my feet and onward, I
tell myself.

As I stretch, I wonder why I

don’t skip school more often. My mom is
always out of town on business, and my
stepfather works late. All it takes is one
call to the school using my ultra mature
adult voice.

I get out of bed and tiptoe

towards my parent’s bedroom. I don’t
know why I’m being so quiet, I guess it’s
because I’m doing something I’m not
supposed to. I open then drawer where
they keep their pot, gently easing out the

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smallest amount. Being the petite newbie
—I’ve only smoked once—I don’t need
much. I grab their funny little pipe, as I
know not the first thing about rolling a

I continue to creep around

slowly, making my way towards the
staircase leading downstairs. I take the
steps one by one, taking the time to
marvel at the slow unveiling of the
kitchen, lit by a time of day that I never
get to see through the week. Once in the
kitchen, I head for the freezer to get the
ice cream I know was in there. I open it,
but lo and behold it’s gone.

“Shit,” I say just above a

whisper, breaking my quiet as a mouse

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In disbelief, I start to root

through the freezer thinking it has to have
been put behind something. Not able to
find it, I slam the door.

Turning around, I nearly jump

into space when I see my stepfather,
Noah, standing in the doorway in
between the kitchen and the living room.
He leans against the doorframe assuming
the cocksure stance of a cop who has
caught a thief red-handed.

“Well, well, Rebecca,” he says

with a disappointed shake of his head.

I involuntarily dive for the

damning evidence on the counter.

“Noah, I didn’t . . . expect . . .”

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I’m at a loss. I’ve got no answers.

“School just not suit you today?”
“I just couldn’t go . . . not today,”

I say looking down, unable to make eye
contact. Looking straight at the ground,
I’m reminded that I’m wearing no pants,
just pink lacy panties that happen to be
nearly transparent. My face reddens and
heats ups like I’m inches from a fire.

This reminds me of the time

Noah saw me in my bathing suit at my
eighteenth birthday pool party. I guess
I’ve never been one to walk around in
skimpy clothes, so that day when he saw
my developed chest and the bottom of
my round ass, I guess he became well
aware of my womanhood. I think he was

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ashamed of the urges I stirred in him,
because since then, he has kind of stayed
clear of me. He always knocks twice
and announces himself whenever he
enters a bathroom, or my bedroom.

I lower my hand to cover my

almost visible pussy, but it only serves
to emphasize my braless breast.

“And why could you not go


“I can’t talk about it.” Bringing

the memory of my boyfriend and best
friend’s recent betrayal makes my eye
swell with tears. I want to run into
Noah’s arms and have him hug my pain
away; I know now is not the time,
though. Now is the time for me to be in

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big trouble and no amount of reasoning
is going to make me not guilty.

“Skipping school. Drinking.

Stealing. Drugs. What were you
thinking? Is this who you are now?”

“Don’t be mad, please, Daddy.” I

pull the “daddy” card, something I only
do when I really need something from

“Don’t Daddy me. You are in

trouble. Your mother is going to hear
about this.”

“No, you know how she is.” I’m

not exaggerating. My mom can be a real
tough bitch. I was once grounded for 6
months straight, just for slipping up and
saying the word “shit” in front of her.

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The last thing I need is to go through this
breakup without being able to use the
Internet or something.

“You . . . you just can’t,” I plead.

I move forward closer to my dad. I’ve
ceased to even care about my state of
undress, but my stepdad hasn’t, he
flinches backwards looking me up and
down nervously. I catch him by the arm,
before letting my head fall to his
muscled chest.

“Stop it, Rebecca. You are

embarrassing yourself.”

“I don’t care. I don’t care. I don’t

care!” I beat my hands on his chest
before sliding down his body. I fall at
his feet on my knees. I bring my hands

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together, continuing to plead.

“Get up!” Noah grabs at my shirt,

trying to lift me upwards. I play dead
and he just ends up pulling my tank top
sideways, nearly exposing my pink
nipple and tight young breast. Through
my tears, I watch, as my stepdad has to
tear away his eyes from my exposed
writhing teenage flesh.

“I will do anything. I’ll do all of

your laundry while Mom’s away, cook
you dinner, and mow the grass. And, I
promise, I’ll never skip school again. I
should have never even thought about it
in the first place. I should have dealt
with my problems like an adult.”

With me clinging to him, my

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stepdad reacts like his brain is short-
circuiting. He reaches his arm back and
slaps me on the face. The sound of his
wide hand connecting with the wet flesh
of my face echoes throughout the house. I
let loose of Noah, and bring my hands to
my face, more in shock than in pain. I cry
out even louder.

“I’m sorry Rebecca. You just

need to stop right now.”

My mom has always been one to

administer a quick slap, but this is the
first time my stepfather has ever touched
me this way. Truthfully, in the eight years
I’ve known him, it’s almost the first time
I can recall him touching me.

After the initial surprise wears

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off, I start to feel a completely different
sensation. This feeling could only be one
of erotic origins.

Staring up from Noah’s waist, I

get an idea of just how I might be able to
get out of this.

I don’t stop crying. I latch back

on to him pushing my flush cheek against
his waist.

What comes over me, I’ll never

now, but I whisper, “I’ll . . . I’ll suck
you.” I finish my daring offer by looking
up with my bright tear filled eyes. I bite
my bottom lip at my own

“Wha . . . What did you just say

to me?” Noah cocks his head to the side

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like I just insulted him in a different

“I mean . . . I’ll do anything.”
“You are seriously going to add

slut to your list of indiscretions today,
little lady.”

“You want to watch me touch

myself?” I’m grasping at straws, trying
to figure out what will get me out of this,
and make Noah see me as the woman
I’ve become.

He laughs. “Is that supposed to

get me off, or something?”

“I know you like looking at me.

I’ve seen you.”

“You are very pretty, Rebecca,

but for fuck’s sake I’m your stepdad.

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Your mother is my wife.”

My ears perk up when he says,

“fuck,” the rest of his sentence doesn’t
even register. I move my head back and
loosen my grip around his waist. He
takes this as an opportunity to escape,
but I grab him by the waist of his khakis.
Before he can even register what’s
happening, I’ve undone his belt, button,
and gotten his zipper halfway down.

“Rebecca, what has gotten into

you?” Noah gasps, catching the top of
his pants before I’m able to wrench them

He stumbles backwards, falling

to the floor on his back. I don’t even
make sure he’s okay before I pounce on

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him. I straddle him, pushing my pussy
against his waist.

“I will . . . I will fuck you. Just

don’t be mad and don’t tell my Mom.
You know you want it.” In the heat of the
moment, all my secret desires go from
my brain and out of my mouth with no

I want him to want me.
I want him to take me.
I want for my lust to be fulfilled

by Noah.

I want my first time to be with

someone who really knows me.

Noah continues to try to crawl

out from under me. His face is one of
horror at the situation. He almost looks

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as terrified as someone in a monster
movie. I would just let him go, but the
pressure of my pussy has made him half
hard. I’m delighted as I feel his cock
stiffen in response to my proposition.
His length extends directly in my center
and I feel a heavenly tingle.

Recouping his strength, he is

able to easily toss me off of him.

“You go up stairs, and put some

clothes on. We need to talk rationally,

‘I don’t wanna.” I kick my feet

and pout.

“Go!” Noah points upstairs with


I reach out one last time towards

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the protrusion jutting out of his pants. He
knocks my hand away and puts his hand
on his head as if he were having a

I reluctantly collet my crumpled

body off the ground. I head towards the
steps. At the foot, I turn around, again
catching Noah leering at me.

“You will talk to me. You’re not

going to leave, or call Mom are you?”

“No, Rebecca. We really do

need to talk.”

Back in my bedroom, I don’t do

as I’m told; instead, I just sit on the edge
of my bed in my panties waiting for

After five minutes that seem to

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take five years, I can hear my stepdad
slowly walk up the steps. He approaches
my door, not surprised that I’m still not
wearing any clothes. He enters without
knocking, or saying anything. This is
definitely a first.

“I’m sorry,” I say.
“Don’t be,” Noah, says, before

cutting me off with a gentle finger placed
upon my lips, not allowing me to say
anything else. “I think we want the same

“I’m just as curious as you are.

To me, your perfect teenage body is a
wonder of the world. The same desire
you have to see my stiff cock, I have to

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see your wet pussy.”

The crude words he uses cast a

spell on me.

“Yes, Daddy.” I don’t know what

else to say.

Noah reaches downward, grabs

me around the wrist and brings it to his
hardness that snakes down his thigh. He
guides my hand gently up and down. I
can feel his warmth through his pants.
Noah uses his other hand to lift my chin
upwards so I’m forced to see the
pleasure my touch causes.

“Now, crawl onto the bed.” I do.

“Stick you ass in the air. Pull your
panties down to your knees. Then put
your head and arms on the bed. Now,

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look at me.” Again, I do exactly as I’m

I’m on my bed with my gauzy

panties hanging loosely at my knees, my
naked ass in the air, looking at Noah. He
drinks me in, beginning to undo his
pants. I watch, mesmerized. Standing
there with the button of his pants undone
and his pants halfway unzipped, he
begins to unbutton his dress shirt. He
takes it off and throws it next to a pile of
my clothes, before he pulls off his tight
undershirt. With his shirt off, his body is
even more toned than I had imagined.

I close my eyes hard, then open

them, wondering if this is all some sort
of a dream. It’s not. Noah has moved

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closer to me, now wearing only a tight
pair of boxer briefs that clearly outline
his stiff cock.

“Look at what you do to me,

Rebecca.” Noah says motioning down to
his waist.

“I want to see it.”
“Want to see what? Say it,


“I want to see your hard cock.”
“Oh, you do?”
Noah reaches for my blonde

ponytail that sits high on my head. He
leads me firmly by my hair until I’m
kneeling in front of him.

“Take it out.” I eagerly grab the

elastic of his underwear. “Slow down.”

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“Yes, sir.”
With my new instructions, I start

to slowly unveil his package. My heart
nearly stops as I begin to reveal the first
real live cock I’ve ever seen in my life.
The base looks like it is as thick as my
forearm. From there, it just keeps going
and going, until I’ve gone all the way
past the head. His underwear falls to the
floor and he steps out of them.

I kneel mesmerized in front of his

engorged trunk that sways hypnotically
in front of my face. Staring at his big
fleshy cock make me feel something I’ve
never felt before. It is a dangerous
feeling, as though I were walking along a
perilous trail high off the ground, where

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if I made one wrong move I would
plummet to my death. In it’s presence, I
have to continually remind my self to

“What do you think?”
“It’s so big. Can I touch it?”
“I would be mad if you didn’t.”
I reach, with hesitation, for the

base of Noah’s cock. I lift it upwards.
The feeling is a unique combination of
heat, hardness, and weight. Holding it in
my hand, I study its intricacies.

Without asking, I part my lips,

and extend my pink tongue until it
touches his hard rod. I start tracing little
patterns up and down his length. I look
up to see Noah intently watching every

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flick of my tongue. When we lock eyes
he groans giving me the encouragement
to continue.

Noah reaches down pulling me

away, but only long enough to pull my
tight shirt up and over my head. The shirt
gives resistance as the fabric goes over
my tight breast.

“So perfect,” Noah says,

seemingly to himself.

With my shirt off, I go back to

playing with my newest toy. This time I
open my mouth wide enough to encircle
the fat head of his cock. I use a hand to
pull him deeper inside my mouth. I
recall the short Internet clips I used to
watch under the guise of sex research.

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Imitating those women, I start to use my
hand and mouth as a team to suck and
pull at Noah’s throbbing cock.

“Mhmm, you like sucking my


I don’t answer, but moan on to

his manhood that I slide in and out
between my lips. I start to move my hand
and head back and forth faster. I feel his
hips twitch alive with pleasure. Noah
begins to gently thrust in unison with me.
This sends his cock deeper into my
mouth. I keep up with his every push
until he reaches a depth that causes me to
gag, but the sensation feel completely
different than it ever has. It feels like a

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With my oxygen cut off, I see

stars that rapidly explode into little
bursts of pleasure. To my surprise, I feel
my own hot juices run down my inner
thigh. Instinctively, I bring my hand
down between my legs and rub my come
until it coats my lips. I let my fingers rest
on my engorged clit and apply pressure.

Just when I think that I’m going

to have an explosive orgasm, or
suffocate completely, Noah pulls his self
out from halfway down my throat. His
cock leaves my mouth with a sloppy
pop. I breathe deep, sucking in oxygen,
before wiping the thick saliva away
from my mouth.

Eager to please, I jump right

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back into rhythm. Noah’s manly hands
move to the back of my head daring me
to stop. We hit a furious pace filling my
bedroom with the wet suction sound of
my mouth sucking. Before long, Noah’s
movement’s become nearly mechanical.
His breath gets short and his groans
become deeper and deeper. I don’t let up
sucking, pushing him further into bliss.

All of sudden his furious

pumping careens off rhythm. He grabs
me by the hair pulling me off of him. He
holds my yearning mouth inches away
from his pulsating cock. He pants like he
had just escaped execution.

“Your mouth feels so good, I

almost came in.”

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“Well, why didn’t you? I

wouldn’t have minded.” I stare
enthralled at his body as he fights of the
beginning of his climax.

“Because I’m not going to be

satisfied until I’ve taken you

“Oh, yeah.”
I climb backward onto the bed. I

let my legs fall open giving my stepdad a
clear view of how excited he has made
me. I let my fingers find their way back
between my legs. I pull my moisture
upwards, leaving a shiny layer of come
over my labia. I bite my lip when I begin
to rub my anxious clit between two
fingers. I moan, almost bringing myself

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to orgasm immediately. I slow down
when my entire body starts to shiver
solely from my touch alone.

“Am I a good girl, daddy,” I coo.
“You’re a bad girl, Rebecca, but

you’re my bad girl.”

Noah lunges forward landing

between my legs. I grind my hips
upwards in wanton invitation. His stiff
cock collides with the soft wetness
between my legs. Noah sucks violently
at my neck. I lower my head and breathe
in his musky scent that has always
comforted me.

Noah grinds his hips against

mine. The hardness of his cock pushes
against my sensitive clit. My entire body

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starts to throb with Noah’s attention.
With each push against my sex, I feel my
wetness making his shaft slippery. I
sense every nuance of his prick against
my virgin lips.

It feels so good. I want to beg

him to put it inside. Right before I’m
able to, Noah slides down my body
smothering every inch of my body with
his mouth. He sucks hard on each of my
breast, almost fitting them completely in
his mouth. While sucking one, he
massages the other with his hand
twisting my nipple between two fingers
until they are hard and raw. Everywhere
his mouth goes feels like it leaves a
wildfire that spreads rapidly throughout

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my body.

I’ve heard girls talk about having

sex at school, but their descriptions did
not do this justice. Maybe they were all
just unlucky enough to not be with
someone as capable as my stepdad.

Eventually, he makes his way

down to my waist, he breathes heavily
on my center. Then to my anguish, he
skips down to my inner thighs, before
working his way back up.

It was worth the wait, by the time

he gets back to my sex, I feel ready to
explode a thousand times over. He gently
grazes my outer lips with his tongue.
Then, with a firm lick he starts from the
bottom, slowly trailing his tongue all the

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way to my clit. I instantly ignite. My
brain releases a hot white flash. His
tongue continues lapping at my clit.

My orgasm build likes an

earthquake until it suddenly erupts. I
grab Noah’s head locking him in the
exact spot of absolute bliss. My mouth
opens wide and squeaks out baby

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I’m coming.”
Before the burst of ecstasy has

came even close to subsiding, Noah has
left my undulating pussy, but has leveled
his still rock hard cock at my entrance.
He pushes halfway in, prolonging my
orgasm. He positions himself so the head
of his cock throbs against my inner wall

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just underneath my clit. I reach around
him and drag my fingernails down his

His thick cock feels like it’s is

splitting me in to two pieces. The
pleasure of my orgasm begins to
comingle with the tearing pain from his
thick member making its way deep
inside of me.

“Shit,” he moans at the sensation

of catching the last spasms of my
orgasm. I feel my muscles clench tightly
around his member. I let my eyes close
while Noah works his full length inside
of my virgin slit. “You are so tight,”
Noah whispers in my ear as he reaches
fully inside of me.

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Through the haze of a dwindling

orgasm, I’m proud that I was able to take
Noah in both my mouth and my pussy. He
is so big, and I’m so small, I would have
imagined it was not even possible.

Now, the only thing left to do is

make him come for me.

When I think about this, a

realization brings me straight back to
reality: Noah is not wearing any

I want him to like fucking me

enough to come, but I don’t want to have
to explain to my Mom that I’m pregnant
with her husband’s child.

I momentarily panic. I want to

continue enjoying this as much as before,

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so I ask, “You’re not going to come
inside of me, are you?”

After I ask, Noah begins

pounding into me with a new level of
fierceness, as though he is punishing me
for asking.

“Don’t you want to feel it inside

of you?”

“I just . . .”
“I’m in charge here, not you.”
His assertiveness brings me right

back to the moment. I decide, if he
doesn’t care, then neither do I. “Oh.
Fuck me harder!” I moan loudly over my
squeaking bed. Noah does just that,
pushing his fat cock into my little pussy
like his life depended on it. As he does,

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I can only imagine something like a little
piece of rubber would detract from our
primal contact. How taboo? Having
daddy shoot his pent up load in his
stepdaughters wanton pussy. Just
thinking about reignites those little
quakes that flit from my fingers to toes.

Noah is nowhere close to letting

me come again. He spends the next two
hours putting my body to the test. The
whole time he pounds into me

Whenever I come close to

coming, he pulls out and switches
positions. I go from being fucked on my
back, to straddling him, to on my knees,
and even in mid air. Every position feels

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new as it hits different and exciting parts
inside of me.

When he is finally done torturing

me, he tosses me back on my back and
sinks his cock deep inside for the final
lap. He starts to jackhammer his way to
our collective climax.

“Ah, fuck, I’m going to come.”
I’m completely over any

hesitation, using my legs to pull him in
close. His body gets bolt stiff. I feel the
first shot shoot deep inside of me. He
grunts loudly. His load fills my body
with a warmth that rapidly turns into my

“Don’t stop,” I beg.
He comes through, pumping

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enough come into me, that my pent up
climax courses through my body. His
fluid splash my fertile insides, trapped
from exiting by his mammoth cock.

I feel like we are melting into

each other.

Noah and I become a single

person united in bliss.

Time stops.
Eventually we float back to

earth, and untangle our limbs. Noah
collapses beside me panting. I roll over
letting my hand fall across his wide
chest and sigh.

I look around the room.

Everything things looks different seen
through my post orgasm haze.

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With Noah’s eyes shut, and his

hot fluids leaking out of my sex, I take
the chance to study his grey stubble and
chiseled jaw. I think, if he did get me
pregnant, that it would be a beautiful
baby, and that he would take care of just
the way he has my Mom and I.


Published by

Seductive Shivers 2014

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