Freshcoffeeshop Coffee Recipes

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100+ Coffee Recipes

Hot & Cold

With & Without Alcohol


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Coffee Recipes




Table of Contents



Espresso Ristretto


Espresso Lungo


Espresso Macchiato


Espresso Con Panna


Espresso Romano


Espresso Corretto




Long Black - Americano


Mocha (hot) 4 servings




Greek-Turkish Coffee


Greek Coffee with "Ouzo"


Greek Coffee with "Koniak"


Greek Coffee with Honey


Greek Coffee with Cardamon


Cafe Borgia (hot) 4 servings


Caribbean (hot) 8 servings


European (hot) 2 servings


Grog (hot) 6 servings


Irish (hot) 2 servings


Mediterranean (hot) 8 servings


Mexican (hot) 2 servings


Mexican Mocha (hot) 4 servings


Nogged Coffee (hot) 2 servings


Orange Coffee (hot) 2 servings


Spice Coffee (hot) 8 servings 10

Turkish (hot) 4 servings


Viennese (hot) 4 servings 10

Cappuccino Fiorentino... 10

Macchiato Fiordilatte


Mexican: Cafe de Olla (serves four) 11

Mexican: Chocolate Mexicano (serves four) 11

Borgia Coffee (serves 2) 11

Coffee Float (cold) 4 servings 11

Iced espresso shake


Caffe' Frappe'


Café Freddo (Chilled Espresso) 12

Iced Café Americano


Regular Iced Coffee


Iced “Latte”


Coffee Cola Float (Serves 4) 12

Choca Mocha Shake (Serves 2) 12

Thai Iced Coffee


Coffee Frost


Frosty Miss


Cafe Speciale


Ice Cream Parlor Mocha Sodas 13

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Mit Schlag (With Whipped Cream) 14

Coffee Glace


Mocha Frosteds


Almond Coffee Cream


Cafe Canadian (hot) 4 servings 15

Mexicano Cafe (hot)


Mexican Coffee


Calypso Coffee (hot) 6 servings 16

Irish Coffee (hot)


Jamaican (hot) 2 servings 16

Mocha (hot) 2 servings


Noggin Coffee (warm) 6 servings 17

Caffe' al Grand Marnier


Caffe' al Cointreau


Moka calda al cognac


Caffe' Bahamas


Hot Kahlua Mocha (Serves 2) 18

Coffee Jamaica (Serves 6) 18

Cafe Brulot (serves 2)


Cafe Brulot (hot) #2


Cafe Brulot #3


Kioki Coffee


Bailey's Irish Cream Coffee 19

Cafe Royal


Frangelico Coffee


Chocolate-Hazelnut Coffee 20

Amaretto Coffee


Cafe Diablo


White Russian Coffee


Around the Campfire (cold) 4 servings 21

Brandy Frost (cold) 2 servings 22

Brandy Punch (cold) 6 servings 22

Cafe Au Vin (cold)


Chocolate Grasshopper (cold) 4 servings 22

Coffee Liqueur 16 oz.


Iced Creme De Cacao (cold) 2 servings 23

Irish Mocha Frost (cold) 2 servings 23

Spiced Coffee (cold) 2 servings 23

Southern Coffee (cold) 2 servings 24

Mocha Mint


Sassy Sodas


Coffee Frappe


Coffee ala Choccolata


Coffee Syrup


Blackberry Summer Dream by Audrey Crothers 25

Coffee Cookies by Mari Laura Skjelvik 25

Coffee Ice Cream by Rick Bartosh 26

Tarratoga Torte


Coffee Fudge (Makes 18) 28

Kahlua Prunes


Great Infusions Barista CoffeeCup Cookie (by Sebastian Little) 29

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Coffee Recipes




Here you can find a lot of coffee recipes to satisfy any taste!

Go to:


Greek Coffee

Hot Coffee

Cold Coffee

Coffee with Alcohol Hot

Coffee with Alcohol Cold

Coffee Deserts




A genuine espresso consists of about 30ml of brew made from darkly
roasted beans, finely ground, with very hot water pumped through the
grinds. The result: an intense coffee reflecting the true flavour of both the
beans and style. Espresso Solo stands for one 30ml shot, and doppio for a
double 60ml shot (or two solos).

Espresso Ristretto

(or short shot) Meaning restricted, this is a shot that is stopped at ¾ of an
ounce. This restricted extraction ensures that only the best qualities of the
coffee are extracted and not the bitter elements. This is the preferred
straight shot in Europe.

Espresso Lungo

(or long shot) a shot extracted to 1.5 ounces.

Espresso Macchiato

Macchiato means “marked” in Italian. Therefore this drink is a shot of
espresso marked with a small amount of foamed milk dabbed on top with a
spoon and served in a demitasse.

Espresso Con Panna

Con Panna means “with cream” so basically this drink is the same as a
Macchiato except using a dab of whipped cream instead of foamed milk.

Espresso Romano

Garnish espresso with lemon peel.

Espresso Corretto

Means espresso corrected. It is an espresso combined with a liqueur or
spirit. Traditionally combined with grappa, but it can also be corrected with
cognac, whisky, bitters or sambuca. One rule to be observed: do not drown

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the espresso flavour with too much liqueur.


Classic Italian cappuccino is made of 2 30ml shots of espresso, 60 ml of
steamed milk, 60 ml of foamed milk. The best way to make it is by free
pouring which means that immediately after you steam and expand the
milk, you pour it on the espresso. Perfectly steamed milk for cappuccino is
50% milk, 50% foam. Delicious only if the espresso is strong and well

Long Black -

A longer version of the espresso, and not so strong as the original espresso
is more diluted with the extra hot water. A crema, the coffee foam, should
be present on the surface, which shows both the freshness of the grind and
the presence of suitable beans. This method is a good way to assess the
flavour of the coffee.

Mocha (hot) 4

2 cups coffee
1/3 cup cocoa
2 cups milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup whipping cream
(dash cinnamon )

Mix cocoa, sugar, coffee and milk in a sauce pan
Heat, over medium heat constantly stirring, until simmering
Remove from heat and stir in vanilla
Pour into cups, top with whipped cream and cinnamon


1-2 shots of espresso and a lot of steamed milk. Optionally a little foam
milk on top. For information about creating latte art visit


coffee section.


Greek Coffee


First fill the ibrik "briki" with 3oz of water. Add sugar to taste (if you like your
Turkish coffee sweet) and top it with a heaping teaspoon of finely ground
coffee. Stir the coffee a bit. The coffee seals the narrow top creating an oven

Put on low fire (you can also use your stove). As the water begins to boil it will
foam up through the coffee. As soon as the crema-foam increases and fills the
top layer turn off the fire and lift the ibrik*. Pour slowly into a small demitasse
cup and it's ready for savoring . Pay attention to the foaming. It is the skill part
of the process. If you don't, your ibrik will become volcanic and deposit your
Turkish coffee on your stove...

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Serve along with a glass of fresh water and a small desert for your friends.

*There is an advanced method of lifting and lowering the ibrik continuously
while it starts boiling, to increase the amount of crema/foam. Just don't overdo
it or you'll get bitter over-extracted coffee.

(If you want more cups just multiply dosage ie for 2 cups 6oz water 2
teaspoonfuls coffee)

Greek Coffee
with "Ouzo"

This is a traditional coffee recipe of the Greek monks in the sacred "Agio
Oros". You will need:

2 teaspoonfuls of greek coffee
2 teaspoons of sugar
1 teaspoon of "ouzo" (traditional Greek alcohol drink)
2*3oz cups water

After you prepare your coffee add the Ouzo inside, and serve.

Greek Coffee
with "Koniak"

This is a traditional coffee recipes of Greek seamen. It's the same as the
previous recipe with the only difference that you use Koniak instead of Ouzo.

Greek Coffee
with Honey

This is an old recipe from Smirni. Prepare your Greek-Turkish coffee, and then
add one teaspoon of honey. It's delicious!

Greek Coffee
with Cardamon

This is sort of Arabic version for Turkish coffee. Use a dark coffee blend
ground for Turkish. Get some cardamon, and grind it. Cardamon is used to
spice up and give aroma to the coffee. You will need:

2 teaspoonfuls of coffee
1-2 teaspoons of sugar

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as much cardamon as you want
2*3oz cups water

Prepare coffee as usual. You will get a delicious exotic coffee, which is very
different from anything you've tasted before!


Without Alcohol

Hot Coffee

Cafe Borgia (hot) 4

2 cups strong Italian coffee
2 cups hot chocolate
whipped cream
grated orange peel (garnish)

1. Mix coffee and hot chocolate
2. Pour into mugs
3. Top with whipped cream and orange peel

Caribbean (hot) 8

1 coconut
2 cups milk
4 cups strong coffee
1 tablespoon sugar

Punch two holes in to coconut, pour liquid into saucepan

Bake coconut for 30 minutes at 300 F degrees

Break open coconut, remove meat, and grate.

Mix coconut meat, coconut liquid, and milk in a sauce pan

Heat over low heat until creamy.


Toast grated coconut under broiler

Mix milk mixture, coffee, and sugar

Pour into mugs, garnish with toasted coconut.

European (hot) 2

1 cup strong coffee
1 egg white

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1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons half and half

• Beat egg white until forms soft peaks
• Gently add vanilla, and continue to beat to stiff peaks are formed
• Place into 2 coffee mugs
• Pour coffee over egg white
• top with half and half

Grog (hot) 6

3 cups coffee
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons softened butter
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
Peel of one large orange, broken into 6 pieces
Peel of one large lemon, broken into 6 pieces

• Place one piece of each peel into cups
• Mix butter, sugar, cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon
• Mix coffee and cream
• Pour both mixtures into cups and stir.

Irish (hot) 2

2 cups strong coffee
2 tablespoons orange juice
2 teaspoons lemon juice
whipped cream

• Mix coffee, orange juice and lemon juice
• Pour into Irish whiskey glass
• Top with whipped cream

(hot) 8 servings

8 cups strong coffee
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup chocolate syrup
1/2 teaspoon aniseed (tied in cheesecloth)
20 cloves
4 cinnamon sticks
whipped cream
orange and lemon twists

• Place coffee, sugar, chocolate syrup, aniseed, cloves and cinnamon into
a sauce pan
• Heat to 200 F degrees over medium heat
• Strain into mugs
• Top with whipped cream and twists

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Mexican (hot) 2

2 cups water
1/4 cup coffee grounds (ground coarsely)
1 table spoon brown sugar
1 cinnamon stick

Place all ingredients into a sauce pan

Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes

Strain into mugs

Mexican Mocha
(hot) 4 servings

1 1/2 cups strong coffee
4 teaspoons chocolate syrup
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 cup whipping cream

• Put 1 teaspoon of chocolate syrup into each cup
• Mix Whipping cream, 1/4 teaspoon of the cinnamon, nutmeg, and sugar.
• Whip until you have soft peaks
• Place the last 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon into coffee, and stir
• Pour coffee into cups, stir to mix in chocolate syrup
• Top with whipped cream mixture.

Nogged Coffee (hot)
2 servings

1 cup coffee
1 egg yolk
1/2 cup cream
dash nutmeg

Beat sugar and egg yolk together

Place cream into sauce pan, and heat over low setting

Whisk in egg mixture

Heat to 200 F degrees

Pour coffee into to cups, and top with cream mixture

garnish with nutmeg

Orange Coffee (hot)
2 servings

1 cup strong coffee
1 cup hot chocolate
2 orange slices
whipped cream
dash of cinnamon

• Mix coffee and hot chocolate

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• Place one orange slice into each cup
• Pour coffee mixture into cups
• Top with whipped cream, and garnish with cinnamon

Spice Coffee (hot) 8

8 tablespoons coffee grounds
8 cups water
Peel of one large orange
Peel of one large lemon
30 cloves
4 teaspoons sugar

• Place coffee and spices in coffeemaker's basket
• Add water and brew
• Add sugar to coffee and serve.

Turkish (hot) 4

1 1/2 cups cold water
4 teaspoons dark roast coffee (ground very fine)
4 teaspoons sugar

• Heat water in saucepan, add coffee and sugar when warm
• Bring to boil
• Pour half of the coffee into demitasse cups.
• Return remaining coffee to stove, and allow to return to boil.
• Spoon off foam, and gently place into each cup (don't stir)

Viennese (hot) 4

1/2 cup chocolate
2 1/2 cups strong coffee
4 tablespoons light cream
2/3 cup heavy cream
1 teaspoon sugar
dash of cinnamon
dash of cocoa

• Melt chocolate in sauce pan
• Stir in light cream
• Slowly add coffee, beating until frothy
• In a cold bowl whip heavy cream and sugar
• Pour coffee mixture into cups
• Top off with heavy cream
Garnish with sprinkle of cinnamon and cocoa


A traditional cappuccino is served in the characteristic white cup, similar
to tea cup, with a capacity of around 150 ml.
The correct proportions are: 1/3 of just made espresso coffee, 2/3 of froth.
The froth is prepared as follows:

Fill a small jug to 1/3 of its capacity with fresh milk.

Immerse the frothing arm found on all electric espresso machines
just below the surface of the milk.

Turn on the steam and gradually lower the jug, allowing the milk to
froth up while still keeping the froth arm just below the surface.

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Add a half of the froth into the espresso coffee.

Sprinkle a bit of unsweetened cocoa powder or grated chocolate

Add the rest of the froth into your beverage.

Topp off with a dash of cocoa or grated chocolate again.


... is preparing such as "caffe macchiato" described above. But instead of
hot milk you should use steamed heavy cream. Be careful not to use too
much steam, you could alter the structure of the cream.

Mexican: Cafe de
Olla (serves four)

6 T. ground coffee
6 to 8 small brown sugar cubes
3 cinnamon sticks
3 cloves
4 C. water

Heat all ingredients in a small pot to the boiling point. Reduce heat to low
and simmer for 15-20 minutes, or until the sugar cubes dissolve. Pour into
coffee mugs (using a strainer is best). The longer the coffee simmers, the
more the flavor will develop.

Mexican: Chocolate
Mexicano (serves

4 C. milk
4 oz. sweetened chocolate
4 cinnamon sticks

Heat the milk to the boiling point. Place the chocolate (break it into one-
oz. pieces) in a wide-mouthed pitcher, then pour the hot milk over it. Stir
the milk so that the chocolate will dissolve, then use an egg-beater to froth
the milk. Serve in individual cups, and place a cinnamon stick in each cup.
A light dusting of cinnamon powder is optional.

Borgia Coffee
(serves 2)

one cup of espresso coffee
one cup of hot cocoa
whipped cream
orange peel

Mix in equal proportions the espresso coffee and the cocoa (very hot).
Serve in coffee cups, and cover with whipped cream. Add grated orange


Cold Coffee

(cold) 4

2 1/2 cups strong coffee
2 teaspoons sugar
2/3 cup cream
4 scoops of coffee flavored ice cream
1 large bottle of Coke

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• Sweeten coffee with sugar, and chill
• Mix coffee and cream
• Fill 4 glasses half full
• Add one scoop of ice cream to each glass
• Top with coke


The key is to prepare it from regular (short) espresso coffee. Otherwise is over-extracted
and has an unpleasant taste.

Prepare a normal espresso.

Add sugar and some ice water or, even better, crushed ice.

Shake it up.

Serve in tumblers or champagne glasses.

Tips: you can add a bit of cold milk and 1tea spoon of liquor.


25 CL/ 250 ml of
lightly sugared cold

1 tsp. of sugar

2 drops of vanilla
essence and some
crushed ice

Using a shaker, combine the coffee, sugar, vanilla
essence and crushed ice

Pour the mixture into cocktail glasses

Served one.


Begin with a double shot of espresso. Pour your drink into a cocktail mixer with three ice
cubes. Shake well. Strain it into an empty glass. If you do it just so, you should be able to
obtain a long-lasting, foamy crema on top of the drink.

Iced Café

Begin with a double shot of espresso. Add an equal portion of water. Pour your drink into
a cocktail mixer with three ice cubes. Add milk or cream to taste. Shake well. Strain it
into a glass with fresh ice.


Make a glassful of regular coffee in your preferred method (drip or French press). Pour
your drink into a cocktail mixer with four ice cubes. Add milk or cream to taste. Shake
well. Strain it into a glass with fresh ice.


Begin with a double shot of espresso. Add an equal portion of milk. Pour your drink into
a cocktail mixer with three ice cubes. Shake well. Strain it into a glass with fresh ice.

Cola Float
(Serves 4)

Two and a half cups of chilled black, sweetened coffee
1Litre bottle of Coke
150ml light (unthickened) cream
4 scoops of vanilla (or coffee) ice cream
Mix the cream into the coffee and half fill 4 tall glasses with it. Add a scoop of ice cream
to each, and carefully top up with Coke.

(Serves 2)

150ml milk
two thirds cup chilled black, sweetened coffee
3 scoops coffee ice cream

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3 scoops chocolate ice cream
Combine all the Ingredients in a blender until creamy. Pour into 2 tall glasses and sip
through fat straws. (Chocaholics might like to add a chocolate flake to each.)

Thai Iced

6 tblsp Fine ground whole, rich coffee beans
1/4 tsp Coriander , ground
4-5 Cardamom , pods (whole green), ground Sugar
Whipping cream

Curshed Ice

Place the coffee and spices in the filter cone of your coffee maker. Brew coffee as usual,
let it cool. In a tall glass, dissolve 1 or 2 teaspoons of sugar in an ounce of the coffee (it's
easier to dissolve than if you put it right over ice). Add 5-6 ice cubes and pour coffee to
within about 1 inch of the top of the glass. Rest a spoon on top of the coffee and slowly
pour whipping cream into the spoon. This will make the cream float on top of the coffee
rather than dispersing into it right away.


1 cup freshly brewed coffee

1/3 cup sugar

1/3 cup brown sugar
Dissolve all sugar in the coffee and cool. Four into a metal tray or bowl and
freeze until almost hard. Beat well, and freeze again to sherbet consistency. Turn
into sherbet glasses, and top with whipped cream. Serves 4.


1cup freshly brewed coffee

1/4 cup sugar

1/4 cup brown sugar

1/2 teaspoon almond extract
Dissolve regular and brown sugar in the coffee while still hot. Let cool. Add
almond extract. and pour mixture into metal tray or bowl. Freeze until almost
hard. Beat well, and freeze again to sherbet consistency. Turn into sherbet
glasses; top with whipped cream and a cherry. Serves 4.


4 teaspoons chocolate syrup

1/2 cup heavy cream

3/4 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

1 tablespoon sugar

1-1/2 cups extra-strength hot coffee
Put 1 teaspoon chocolate syrup into each of 4 small cups. Combine cream. 1/4
teaspoon cinnamon, nut meg and sugar. whip. Stir remaining 1/2 teaspoon
cinnamon into hot coffee. Pour coffee into cups. Stir to blend with syrup. Top
with whipped cream. Serves 4.

Ice Cream

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1/2 cup hot water coffee

8 teaspoons finely ground

2 cups milk

4 scoops chocolate ice cream

1 quart club soda

Sweetened whipped cream or prepared whipped topping
Place hot water in a medium-sized pitcher. Stir in coffee. finely ground into a
powder texture, until dissolved. Stir in milk. Place 1 scoop or ice cream in each of
4 ice cream soda glasses. Pour coffee/milk mixture equally into each glass. Fill
glasses almost to brim with club soda. Top with sweetened whipping cream or
prepared whipped topping. Serves 4.

Mit Schlag

Brew a rich, strong cup of coffee. Top with a generous potion of whipped cream.
Garnish with chocolate shavings or cinnamon sticks. Serves 1.


1/2 cup extra-strength cold coffee

1 cup light cream

3 egg yolks

6 tablespoons granulated sugar

4 tablespoons whipped cream
Combine egg yolks and granulated sugar; beat until frothy. Combine coffee and
light cream. and whip the mixture until smooth. Add coffee mixture to the sugar
mixture, and pour into ice cube fray. Chill until thickened to sherbet consistency.
Serve in metal goblets. and garnish with whipped cream. Serves 4.


1 cup freshly brewed coffee

6 tablespoons chocolate syrup

1 pint vanilla ice cream, softened

1 cup prepared cold coffee
Place hot coffee and chocolate syrup in blender container. Blend until smooth.
Cool to room temperature. Pour into a medium howl. Add softened ice cream and
cold coffee. With rotary beater, beat until smooth. Spoon into tall glasses, and
serve immediately. Serves 4.


2 teaspoons finely ground coffee

1/4 cup skim milk

2 egg whites

1/2 teaspoon salt

Low-calorie sugar substitute
(equal to 1/4 cup sugar)

1/8 teaspoon almond extract

1/4 cup finely chopped almonds

4 ounces non dairy whipped topping, thawed

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Dissolve finely ground coffee in milk. Beat egg whites with salt until foamy.
Gradually beat in sugar substitute until mixture forms stiff. shiny peaks. Blend in
coffee/milk mixture, almond extract and chopped almonds. Fold in dietetic
whipped topping. Spoon into individual parfait glasses; garnish with additional
chopped almonds if desired. freeze until firm. Serves 6.


With Alcohol Hot

(hot) 4

1/4 cup plus 4 teaspoons real maple syrup
1/2 cup Rye whiskey
3 cups of double strength coffee
3/4 cup whipping cream

1. Whip cream, adding the 4 teaspoons of syrup, until makes soft peaks
2. Pour the 1/4 cup of syrup equally divided into 4 heated cups
3. Pour hot coffee in to cups, leaving room for topping
4. Spoon whip cream mixture on top

Cafe (hot)

8 cups water
1 cup coffee beans (ground regular)
1/3 cup dark brown sugar (packed)
1/2 oz. backing chocolate (chop fine)
1/2 cup coffee liquor
1/4 cup brandy
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cinnamon stick
2 cloves

1. Place water, sugar, chocolate, cinnamon and cloves into saucepan.
2. Simmer uncovered for 15 minutes
3. Remove from heat.
4. Stir in coffee, liquor and brandy, let stand for 5 minutes
5. Stir in vanilla
6. Strain (to remove coffee grounds)
7. Serve


This drink can also have the added punch of two tablespoons of your favorite tequila, but
be prepared for the results: the drink quickly "goes to your head."

1 large brandy snifter, preheated
10 ounces medium roast brewed coffee (a Mexican or Guatemalan works well)
1 1/2 jiggers Kahlua liqueur
1/4 cup lightly whipped coffee

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dash of each of ground cinnamon and cocoa powder

Pour hot coffee in the heated brandy snifter and stir in the liqueur. Top with whipped
cream, cinnamon and cocoa powder. Serves one.

(hot) 6

5 cups hot coffee
2 tablespoons light rum
4 tablespoons Tia Maria
whipped cream

1. Heat all ingredients together
2. Pour in to cups, top with whipped cream


#1 Thanks to John M. from Dublin, Ireland, who donated this "authentic version".
1 Measure of Irish Whiskey (3-5 cls)
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 heaped desertspoon of whipped cream
Hot strong coffee to fill the glass

1. Pre-warm a stemmed glass.
2. Add the whiskey.
3. Add the sugar and stir in the coffee.
4. Float the whipped cream on top.

Do not stir after adding the cream.
Drink the coffee through the cream

2/3 cup strong coffee, hot
2 tablespoons Irish Whiskey
1 teaspoon sugar (some people use brown sugar, other white sugar)
whipped cream

1. Mix coffee, whiskey, and sugar
2. Pour in to cup or glass
3. Top with whipped cream

1 Irish Coffee glass, preheated
3/4 cup full city roast brewed coffee
2 teaspoons sugar
1 jigger Irish whiskey (never use scotch)
1/4 cup lightly whipped cream

Pour hot coffee in the heated glass. Add sugar and stir to dissolve. Mix in the whiskey.
Top with whipped cream. Serves one.

(hot) 2

2 cups strong coffee (hot)
2 oz. Kahlua
2 oz. dark rum

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whipped cream
dash of nutmeg

1. Mix the Kahula and rum, and pour into cups
2. Fill the rest of the cup with coffee, and stir
3. Top with whipped cream and dash of nutmeg

(hot) 2

4 oz. chocolate
2 tablespoons Kahlua
1 cup strong coffee (hot)
whipped cream

Melt chocolate

Gradually add Kahlua and coffee

Pour in to cup, top with whipped cream

(warm) 6

2/3 cup milk
2/3 cup light cream
2/3 cup heavy cream
1 1/4 cups sweetened coffee
4 eggs, separated
4 teaspoons Creme de Cacao
grated nutmeg

1. In a saucepan over low heat, whisk together milk, light cream and coffee.
2. When mixture in hot, but not boiling, beat in egg yolks.
3. Cook until mixture thickens
4. Strain and let cool
5. Stir in Creme de Cacao
6. Beat egg whites until stiff, fold into mixture
7. Pour into cups or glasses, sprinkle with nutmeg.

Caffe' al

6 cl/60 ml of Grand

1 tsp. of sugar

20 CL/ 200 ml of hot coffee

Whipped cream

Fine grated orange peel

Place the Grand Marnier and sugar in a glass

Add the coffee and stir.

Carefully cover the surface with orange

Drink without stirring.

Serves one.

Caffe' al

6 Cloves

A small piece of
orange peel

15 cl/150 ml of

15 cl/150 ml of Rum

150 cl/1.5 liters of hot

Place the cloves, the orange peel, the Cointreau
and the Rum in a heat resistant container and
flambé for a few minutes

Add the coffee.

Serve into cups immediately.

Serves 6/8 people

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calda al

6 CL/ 60 ml of fine

1 tsp. of sugar

25 cl/250 ml of hot

25 cl/250 ml of hot

6 tbs. of cream

Grated chocolate.

Stir together the Cognac, sugar, hot coffee and

reheat gently, without boiling

Pour the mixture into two Cognac Glasses.

Whip the cream and spread over the surface

Sprinkle grated chocolate on top.


6 CL/ 60 ml of orange

1 tsp. of sugar

25 cl/250 ml of hot

Whipped cream

6 tbs. of cream

Grated chocolate.

Pour the orange liqueur and sugar into a heated
cocktail glass

Cover with whipped cream and grated chocolate

Serve without stirring.

(Serves 2)

30ml Kahlua liqueur
100gms plain chocolate
1 cup hot black coffee
90ml thickened, lightly whipped cream
A few chocolate coated coffee beans
Slowly melt chocolate in a not too hot saucepan being careful not to burn it, and
gradually add the coffee and liqueur as you gently heat. Pour the liquid into two warmed
brandy balloons and spoon the cream on top. Decorate with chocolate coated coffee

(Serves 6)

5 cups hot black coffee
60ml Tia Maria
30ml white rum
150ml thickened cream, lightly whipped
Put all Ingredients except cream into a saucepan and warm slowly, being careful not to
boil the liquid. Warm six brandy glasses and pour the warmed liquid into each. Now add
cream to each glass and serve.

(serves 2)

2 cl of Cognac (a little more than 1/4- cup)
2 cloves
1 stick of cinnamon
grated orange peel
grated lemon peel
2 spoonfuls of sugar
25 cl of strong coffee (2 cups full for 2/3)
whipped cream for decoration

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In a copper saucepan mix cognac, cloves, cinnamon, grated orange and lemon peels,
sugar. Heat it on the stove. Flambe and stir. Meanwhile, make the two cups of very
strong and hot coffee. Filter the cognac, pour it on the coffee and decorate all with
whipped cream, or, if preferred, the cream can be served separately.

(hot) #2

3 cups Louisiana coffee (with chicory)
1/2 cup orange flavored liquor
1/4 cup brandy
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 cinnamon stick
5 whole cloves
1 orange rind - slivered thinly
1 lemon rind - slivered thinly

1. Place sugar, cinnamon, cloves and rinds in a skillet, heat until sugar begins to


2. Add orange liquor and brandy, continue to heat
3. When hot, fill a metal ladle with liquid, and carefully ignite.
4. Carefully add back to skillet, to ignite liquid in skillet.
5. After Flame goes out, add coffee.
6. Continue to heat
7. When hot, serve.

Brulot #3

A warming and soothing drink.

1 large brandy snifter, preheated
1 1/2 jiggers cognac
1 teaspoon sugar
1 or 2 whole cloves
1 stick cinnamon
1 strip each of orange and lemon peel
10 ounces medium roast brewed coffee
1/2 jigger Grand Marnier

Put all ingredients except the coffee and the Grand Marnier in a small saucepan and
warm gently over low heat for two minutes, or until the mixture becomes aromatic. Stir
in the coffee. Strain into the warm brandy snifter. Stir in the Grand Marnier. Serves one.


A drink blending strong coffee with the combined kick of brandy and Kahlua.

1 12-ounce coffee mug, preheated
1 cup French Roast brewed coffee
1 jigger brandy
1 jigger Kahlua or other good quality coffee liqueur
1/4 cup lightly whipped cream

Pour hot coffee into the heated mug. Add the coffee, brandy, and Kahlua and stir well.
Top with whipped cream. Serves one.


This drink can sometimes have a jigger of creme de cacao and 1/4 teaspoon of Frangelico
added to the glass, depending on the bartender.

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1 12-ounce wine glass, preheated
10 ounces medium roast brewed coffee
1 1/2 jiggers Bailey's Original Irish Cream
1/4 cup heavy cream, whipped until stiff peaks form
Ground cinnamon (optional)

Pour hot coffee into the heated glass. Add the Bailey's and mix well. Top with a mound
of whipped cream and a few dashes of cinnamon if desired. Serves one.


This very intensely flavored drink is also known as Cafe Gloria. The presentation should
win "oohs" and "aahs."

1 12-ounce wine glass, preheated
10 ounces French Roast brewed coffee
1/2 teaspoon granulated sugar
1 cube sugar
1 1/2 jiggers brandy
Pour the hot coffee in the heated wine glass. Stir in the half teaspoon of sugar to dissolve.
Place the cube of sugar in a small, warmed bowl and add the brandy. Ignite the brandy
and immediately pour into the coffee, allowing the flames to burn off the alcohol. Stir
into the hot coffee. Serves one.


1 12-ounce wine glass, preheated
10 ounces full city roast brewed coffee
1 1/2 jiggers Frangelico liqueur
1/4 cup lightly whipped cream

Pour hot coffee in the heated wine glass and stir in the Frangelico. Top with the whipped
Serves one/


A creamy blend of rich chocolate and hazelnuts makes this drink addictive. If you want
to make it truly decadent, top with whipped cream and a dusting of cocoa powder.

1 12-ounce wine glass, preheated
10 ounces medium roast brewed coffee
1 jigger Godiva chocolate liqueur
1 jigger hazelnut liqueur

Pour hot coffee in the heated wine glass and stir in the two liqueurs. Serves one.


1 large brandy snifter, preheated
10 ounces medium roast brewed coffee
1 1/2 jiggers Amaretto liqueur
1/4 cup lightly whipped coffee
1/2 teaspoon toasted, sliced almonds (optional)

Pour hot coffee in the heated brandy snifter and stir in the liqueur. Top with whipped
cream and almonds, if desired. Serves one.


This showy drink combines spiced brandy, Grand Marnier, and a strong African roast

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such as Kenyan or Sumatran. Mason's Restaurant used to create this popular drink
tableside, using a saucepan and igniting the brandy before ladling the potent drink into a
demitasse cup. It is no longer available at the restaurant (for the obvious fire-hazard
reasons), but can certainly be recreated in your own home for special guests. The
proportions have been changed to accommodate a coffee mug.

1 12-ounce coffee mug, preheated
2 cubes sugar
1 1/2 jiggers brandy
1/2 jigger Grand Marnier
5-8 whole cloves
1 strip orange peel
1 strip lemon peel
8 ounces Kenyan or Sumatran brewed coffee

Gently heat all of the ingredients except the coffee in a chafing dish or, if one is not
available, a saucepan. Pour the hot coffee into coffee mug. The brandy should begin to
release its aroma after a few minutes. At this point, ignite the brandy and allow the
flames to burn for 15-20 seconds, then ladle the brandy mixture over the hot coffee. Mix
the coffee and brandy together. Serves one.


One brewed pot of French Vanilla or Crème Brulee coffee, 1 cup heavy cream, 1½ cups coffee
flavored liqueur, Garnish: chocolate shavings, ground chocolate, or cocoa mixed with powdered

Brew coffee, then stir into it heavy cream and liqueur. Top with garnish of ground chocolate or
cocoa, or chocolate shavings.
Makes 12 5-ounce servings.


With Alcohol Cold

Around the
Campfire (cold) 4

6 tablespoons Louisiana coffee grounds (with chicory)
3 cups cold water
4 teaspoons sugar
1 orange
1 lemon
couple dozen cloves
four cinnamon sticks broken in half
8 oz. brandy

1. Pour 2 cups of the water into a pan, and place over fire
2. Peel orange and lemon, trying to keep the peeling in large pieces.
3. Stick cloves into peelings
4. When water is boiling, add coffee and allow to boil for 5 minutes.
5. Remove from fire, and add last cup of water
6. In a second pan place peelings and sugar, heat until sugar is melted.
7. Remove from fire, strain coffee into second pot

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8. Add brandy, stir and serve

Brandy Frost (cold)
2 servings

1 cup strong coffee, cold
2 tablespoons sugar
1 cup half and half
2 oz brandy
4 ice cubes
whipped cream

1. Place all ingredients into blender. Mix until smooth
2. Pour into tall glasses

Top with whipped cream

Brandy Punch
(cold) 6 servings

3 cups strong coffee, cold
1/2 cup sugar
6 eggs
1 lemon peel grated
2/3 cups brandy

1. Beat eggs and lemon peel until light and fluffy.
2. Gradually add sugar, continue beating until thick
3. Gently stir in coffee
4. Gently stir in brandy
5. Serve in chilled glasses, or clear cups

Cafe Au Vin (cold)

1 cup strong coffee, cold
2 oz. Tawny Port wine
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon orange peel
dash of cinnamon

1. Place all ingredients into blender. Mix at high speed
2. Pour into wine glasses

Grasshopper (cold)
4 servings

1 cup strong coffee, cold
1 cup chocolate ice cream
2 ounces creme de menthe
4 mint sprigs (to garnish)

1. Mix coffee, ice cream and creme de menth in blender.
2. Pour in to wine glasses, and garnish.

Coffee Liqueur 16

1 large vanilla bean
1 cup cold water
1 cup dark roast coffee
1 cup vodka
3/4 cup brown sugar

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1/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons dark molasses

1. Place vanilla bean in your carafe. (coffee pot)
2. Brew coffee using the dark roast, let cool.
3. Pour coffee, back into coffee maker and re-brew through the same


4. Mix coffee, vodka, sugar and molasses.
5. Pour into clean bottle, close tightly.
6. Let sit for two days.
7. CLEAN out your coffee pot NOW!!

Iced Creme De
Cacao (cold) 2

1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
2 cups strong coffee, cold
2 oz. Creme de cacao
1/2 teaspoon cocoa powder
2 tablespoons whipped cream
1/2 teaspoon grated orange peel

1. Simmer sugar and water until sugar is dissolved.
2. Let cool, and set aside.
3. Mix coffee, Creme de cacao and 2 teaspoons of sugar mixture.

(save remaining sugar mixture for next batch)

4. Pour in to stemmed glasses.
5. Top with whipped cream, cocoa, and orange peel.

Irish Mocha Frost
(cold) 2 servings

1/2 cup freshly brewed coffee (strong)
1 cup milk
1 cup Baileys
4 teaspoons cocoa powder

1. In a small saucepan, combine coffee, milk and cocoa.
2. Heat the mixture over moderate heat, whisking, until the cocoa is

dissolved, and let it cool.

3. Stir in 1/2 cup of the Baileys.
4. Pour the mixture into ice cube tray, and freeze.
5. Place frozen mixture in blender with remaining Baileys.
6. Blend until smooth, but still frozen
7. Serve

Spiced Coffee (cold)
2 servings

2 cups of strong coffee, cold
2 oz. light rum
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons light cream
2 cinnamon sticks
dash of powdered cloves
dash of allspice

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1. Mix everything expect for cinnamon sticks
2. Pour over ice, and garnish with cinnamon sticks

Southern Coffee
(cold) 2 servings

1 cup coffee, cold
4 tablespoons Southern Comfort
4 tablespoons apricot brandy
1/4 cup heavy cream

1. Dump everything into a blender, mix well

Pour into chilled glass

Mocha Mint

1 cup cold coffee
1 pint chocolate ice cream
1/4 cup creme de menthe
Very thin chocolate-mint wafers

Combine coffee, ice cream, and creme de menthe in blender container.
Blend on low speed. Spoon into sherbet or wine glasses, and garnish each
serving with a chocolate mint wafer. Serves 4.

Sassy Sodas

1 pint coffee ice cream
2 tablespoons finely ground coffee
1/2 cup light rum
4 to 6 scoops vanilla ice cream
Instant coffee powder

Spoon coffee ice cream into blender container. Add rum and coffee that
has been finely ground to a powdery texture. Blend on high speed until
creamy smooth. Pour into tall glasses, adding a scoop of vanilla ice cream
to each glass. Sprinkle lightly with instant coffee powder. Serve with long-
handled spoons and soda straws. Serves 4-6.

Coffee Frappe

1/2 cup extra-strength cold coffee
1 cup light rum
3 egg yolks
6 tablespoons granulated sugar
4 tablespoons whipped cream

Combine egg yolks and granulated sugar. Beat until frothy. Combine
coffee and rum and add to sugar mixture, blending well, Pour into ice cube
tray and allow to set. Serve in metal goblets, and garnish with whipped
cream. Serves 4.

Coffee ala

To one cup freshly brewed coffee add 1 ounce Chocolate Mint Liqueur.
Top with whipped cream and shaved chocolate. Serves 1.


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Coffee Deserts


Ingredients for Coffee Syrup

1 cup ground coffee

1 cup sugar

3 cups water


1. Boil the sugar and water together for about 5 minutes.
2. Pour over the ground coffee.
3. Let stand until cool and strain.
4. This syrup can be used in making milk shake, milk nog and other milk

beverages where coffee flavor is desired.

by Audrey

1 package frozen blackberries (10 oz)

1/2 cup extra fine granulated sugar

1/2 cup Water (spring water is best)

9 cups cold coffee (darker roast brewed drip style)

1 pint Half-and-half

1 cup sweetened whipped cream (or CoolWhip)

9 whole blackberries

Put frozen blackberries in a blender with the sugar and water and puree. Strain
mixture into a large mixing bowl. Add the 9 cups of coffee and the pint of half-and-
half. Blend well. Pour or spoon into 12-ounce glasses partially filled with crushed
ice. Top with whipped cream and whole blackberries.

This one is delicious!



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by Mari

5 1/2 oz butter

5 oz sugar

2oz chopped hazelnuts

1 egg

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 1/4 cup flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 cup coffee or espresso

1 square bar or 2 oz of plain dark chocolate


Preheat your oven to 350 degrees farenheit.

Mix suger and butter until smooth in a food processor.
Add additional dry ingedients and mix thoroughly.
Add the egg, flour, vanilla extract and baking soda.
Then add the coffee, nuts, and chocolate.

Drop or put the dough with a spoon onto baking paper or greesed cooking sheet.
Be sure to leave enough room on the cookie sheet, as they tend to spread out .

Cool on a cooling rack

Coffee Ice
by Rick


3 cups light cream

1 3/4 cups sugar

3 beaten eggs

1/2 tsp. salt

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1 1/2 tsp. vanilla

1/4 cup rum or Kahluá

1/2 cup cold strong coffee

1 cup heavy whipping cream

Heat and Beat, then Chill

Scald light cream while blending in sugar. Add slowly over beaten eggs and blend
thoroughly. Cook while stirring on top of a double boiler until thickened, and chill.

Add coffee

Next add the cooled coffee, salt, and whipping cream.

Ice Cream Machine

With either electric or hand-operated ice cream freezer, use churning instruction with
the freezer. Begin churning in the freezer. When almost frozen, add vanilla and
Kahluá. The finished ice cream will be of a soft-serve consistency until hardened in a

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You may omit the Kahluá and try a flavored coffee in this recipe.


3 egg whites
1 cup of castor sugar
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1 cup of finely chopped pecans or walnuts
2-3 teaspoons of very finely ground coffee (pulverised)
14 Sao biscuits finely crushed
Topping & Filling:
1.5 cups of thick (double) cream
1-2 teaspoons of castor sugar to taste
2-3 tablespoons maple syrup (optional)

1 small block of dark chocolate


Beat the egg whites until stiff and gradually add the sugar and other ingredients. Preheat
oven to 190ÅC and line and grease 20cm cake tin. Spoon the mixture evenly into the tin and
cook in the oven for approximately 40 minutes. Cool!
Beat the cream until stiff, adding the sugar gradually. If the mixture is not sweet enough for
you 3-4 teaspoons of maple syrup may be added.
Place the base on a plate and cover with the cream mixture. Grate dark chocolate
generously over the cream and chill for 2 hours before serving. Delish!ƒƒespecially when
served with hot coffee!

Layered Coffee Mousse (Serves 8)

1 cup strong black coffee (cold)
300g/10oz smooth creamed cottage cheese
Half cup of vanilla sugar
1 cup thickened cream, whipped
3 tbspns choc bits or grated chocolate
2 egg whites
8 - 10 savoiardi (sponge finger) biscuits


Blend about one third of the coffee with the creamed cottage cheese and vanilla sugar. Fold
in whipped cream and about two thirds of the chocolate. Beat the egg whites until stiff and
fold in the coffee/cream/cheese mixture to make a mousse. Pour the remaining coffee into a
deep plate and dip each biscuit briefly into the coffee. Spoon about one quarter of the
mousse into a glass serving bowl and cover with about half of the biscuits, add the remaining
mousse and top with the rest of the biscuits. Sprinkle the top with the remaining chocolate,
and serve at once.

(Makes 18)

half a cup black coffee
225gms butter
900gms sugar
one cup condensed milk
50gms sultanas chopped


Put all Ingredients except sultanas into a large saucepan and stir gently over low heat until
sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil and stir occasionally, until a teaspoon of fudge dropped into
a cup of cold water will form a soft ball. Remove from heat and dip base of pan into cold

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water for a few minutes to cool contents, then beat with a wooden spoon until the mixture
thickens but will just pour from the pan. Quickly mix in the sultanas and pour into a greased
pan to a depth of 3 to 5cms. Allow to set and then cut into squares.


450gms Demerara sugar
half to one cup cold black coffee
450gms pitted prunes
400mls Kahlua
100mls Vodka


Place coffee and Demerara sugar into a saucepan and bring to the boil whilst constantly
stirring. Reduce heat and simmer for a further 5 minutes. Add prunes and simmer for about
40 minutes. Remove prunes from liquid and put them into small sterilized jars. In another
container add the vodka to the Kahlua, and pour over the prunes, half filling the jars, then top
up each jar with the prune syrup and seal the jars. The Kahlua Prunes can be served in a
day or two as a delicious dessert, especially with cream or ice cream, or they will keep for
some months in the jars.



Sebastian Little)

These are adult cookies - not too sweet and with a mellow coffee flavor. The
chocolate chip cookie forms a crispy cup for a moist coffee filling.


1.5 cups all purpose flour

.5 teaspoon baking soda

.25 teaspoon salt

2/3 cup softened unsalted butter

2/3 cup sugar

1 egg

1.5 teaspoon vanilla

1 shot of strong 'ristretto' espresso

1 cup semi sweet chocolate chunks

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1. Pre-heat 350f oven and butter cookie pan.
2. Sift flour, salt and baking soda.
3. Mix sugar and butter to a fluffy paste, add egg & vanilla, mix well.
4. Combine with flour mix.
5. Seperate out about 1/5 of the dough and pour a fresh ristretto espresso shot

into the smaller portion (mix well - make sure it does not get too liquidy). In
the larger bowl - add broken up semi-sweet dark chocolate and mix.

6. Form cups with the chocolate chip cookie dough and fill with the coffee

filling. Leave room around the cookies as they do tend to expand.

7. Bake till done - about 10 to 15 minutes. 'Cup' should be crisp but not hard,

filling will be moist. Sprinkle fine coffee grounds and unsweetened coco
powder over top.

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Alexander Espresso - 1 cup cold water, tbsp. ground espresso coffee, 1/2 ea Cinnamon stick (3" long), 4
tsp. Crème de Cacao, 2 tsp. Brandy, 2 tbsp. chilled whipping cream, 1 ea. grated semisweet chocolate.
Make espresso with water and coffee. Break cinnamon stick into small pieces and add to hot espresso.
Allow to cool slightly. Add Crème de Cacao and brandy, and stir gently. Pour into demitasse cups. Whip
the cream, and float a dollop on top of each cup. Garnish with grated chocolate or chocolate curls. Multiply
proportions by six and it's perfect for a party. Serves 2.

Almond Coffee Cream - 2 tsp. finely ground coffee, 1/4 cup skim milk, 2 egg whites, 1/2 tsp. salt, low-
calorie sugar substitute (equal to 1/4 cup sugar), 1/8 tsp. almond extract 1/4 cup finely chopped
almonds, 4 ounces non dairy whipped topping, thawed. Dissolve finely ground coffee in milk. Beat egg
whites with salt until foamy. Gradually beat in sugar substitute until mixture forms stiff. shiny peaks. Blend
in coffee/milk mixture, almond extract and chopped almonds. Fold in dietetic whipped topping. Spoon into
individual parfait glasses; garnish with additional chopped almonds if desired. freeze until firm. Serves 6.

Amaretto Coffee - 1 large preheated brandy snifter, 10 ounces brewed coffee, 1 ½ jiggers Amaretto
liqueur, ¼ cup lightly whipped coffee, ½ tsp. toasted, sliced almonds (optional). Pour hot coffee in the
heated brandy snifter. Add Amaretto and stir well to blend. Top with whipped cream. Sprinkle with
almonds, if desired.

Arabian Coffee - ½ liter (about 1 pint) water, 3 tablespoons coffee, 3 tablespoons (or more) sugar, ¼ tsp.
cinnamon, ¼ tsp. cardamom, 1 tsp. vanilla or vanilla sugar. Mix all ingredients in a saucepan and heat until
foam gathers on top. Do not pass through a filter. Stir it up before you serve it.



Bailey's Irish Cream Coffee - 1 12-ounce preheated wine glass, 10 ounces brewed coffee, 1 ½ jiggers
Bailey's Original Irish Cream, ¼ cup heavy cream whipped until stiff peaks form, Ground cinnamon
(optional). Pour hot coffee into the heated glass. Add the Bailey's and stir well to blend. Top with a mound
of whipped cream. Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired.

Black Forest Coffee - 6 oz Fresh brewed coffee, 2 tbsp. Chocolate syrup, 1 tbsp. Maraschino cherry
juice, Whipped cream, Shaved chocolate/chips, Maraschino cherries. Combine coffee, chocolate syrup,
and cherry juice in a cup; mix well. Top with whipped cream, chocolate shavings and a cherry.

Black Gold - 4 oz. Hot Coffee, ¼ oz. Triple Sec, ¼ oz. Amaretto, ¼ oz. Irish Cream Liqueur, ¼ oz.
Hazelnut Liqueur, 1 dash Cinnamon Schnapps. Pour all ingredients except coffee and cinnamon schnapps
into Irish coffee glass. Add coffee and schnapps and stir. Top with whipped cream and shaved chocolate.
Serve with a cinnamon stick as stirrer.

Boston Caribbean Coffee - 1 oz. Crème de Cacao (Brown), 1 oz. Dark Rum, rest Hot Coffee. Dip rim of
Irish coffee glass in lime juice, then in sugar. Pour liqueur and rum into the glass. Fill with freshly brewed
coffee. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with cinnamon. Garnish with a cinnamon stick as a stirrer.

Brown Velvet – 1 oz. Triple Sec, 1 oz. Crème de Cacao, rest Hot Coffee. Pour liqueurs into a cup. Fill the
rest of the cup (about 6 oz.) with coffee. Top with whipped cream and add brown sugar to your taste.

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Buttered Rum Coffee - 1/3 cup Ground coffee, ¼ tsp. Freshly ground nutmeg, 1 ¼ tsp. Rum extract, 1/8
tsp. Liquid butter flavoring. Place coffee and nutmeg in a blender or food processor fitted with a steel
blade. In a cup, combine remaining ingredients. With processor running, add flavorings. Stop processor
and scrape sides of container with a spatula. Process 10 seconds longer. Store in refrigerator. Yields: Mix
for eight 6-ounce servings.


Café Au Lait - 1/3 cup Steamed Milk, 2/3 cup Hot Coffee, Ground Cinnamon. Pour the coffee into a cup.
Steam the milk and add it to the coffee, leaving the milk foam on top. Sprinkle some cinnamon on top. One
of the most commonly-known and most popular coffee drinks!

Cafe Au Lait Luzianne - 2 cup Milk, ½ cup Heavy cream, 6 cup Louisiana coffee w/chicory. Combine milk
and cream in saucepan; bring just to a boil (bubbles will form around edge of pan), then remove from heat.
Pour small amount of coffee in each coffee cup. Pour remaining coffee and hot milk mixture together until
cups are ¾ full. (Skim milk can be substituted for milk and cream for those who are counting calories.)

Cafe Au Vin - 1 cup Cold strong French roast coffee, 2 tbsp. Granulated sugar, dash Cinnamon, 2 oz
Tawny port, ½ tsp. Grated orange peel. Combine ingredients and mix in a blender cup at high speed. Pour
into chilled wine glasses.

Café Brûlot – 4 cloves, ½ cinnamon stick, 1 Tablespoon light-brown sugar, ¼ cup brandy, 2 cups hot
freshly made coffee, Strip of Lemon Peel, Strip of orange peel. In a bowl, put cloves, lemon and orange
peel, cinnamon and sugar. In a ladle, warm brandy; light it and pour into bowl. Stir until sugar has
dissolved. Slowly pour in hot coffee, stirring constantly. Ladle into warmed cups and serve. Serves 4.

Cafe Con Miel - 2 cup Prepared coffee, ½ cup Milk, 4 tbsp. honey (more or less to taste), 1/8 tsp.
Cinnamon, Dash nutmeg or allspice, Dash vanilla. Heat ingredients in a saucepan, but do not boil. Stir well
to combine. Serve as a light dessert.

Cafe De Olla - 8 cup Water, 2 small Cinnamon sticks, 3 Whole cloves, 4 oz Dark brown sugar, 1 Square
semisweet chocolate or Mexican chocolate, 4 oz Ground coffee. Bring the water to a boil, the add the
cinnamon, cloves, sugar, and chocolate. When the liquid comes to a boil again, skim off any foam. Reduce
the heat to low and make sure the liquid does not boil. Add the coffee, and let it steep for 5 minutes. Serve
the coffee in an earthenware pot with a ladle.

Café d'Orange – 4 oz. Hot Coffee, 1 oz. Mandarine Napoléon, ½ oz. Cointreau, ½ oz. Cognac. Pour
cognac and liqueurs into Irish coffee glass. Add coffee. Top with whipped cream and garnish with finely
chopped orange rind.

Cafe Latte Slush - 1/2 to 3/4 cup sugar, 2 cups strong brewed Espresso coffee, 2 cups milk or half-and-
half divided, Garnish: whipped cream and chocolate syrup. COMBINE sugar and hot coffee in a large
mixing bowl, stirring until sugar dissolves; stir in 1 cup milk. Cover and freeze 8 hours. LET thaw slightly in
refrigerator; add remaining 1 cup milk. Beat at medium speed with an electric mixer until smooth. Garnish,
if desired. Serve immediately. Substitute fat-free milk or fat-free half-and-half for regular milk or half-and-
half if desired.

Cafe Mocha (non-alcoholic) - 1 oz. chocolate syrup, 1 shot espresso, milk, whipped cream, chocolate
sprinkles. Mix syrup and espresso, then fill the remainder of the cup with foamed milk and top with
whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles.

Café Mocha – 1 oz. Crème de Cacao (Brown), 1 oz. Kahlua, rest Hot Coffee. Pour liqueurs into a cup. Fill
the rest of the cup (about 6 oz.) with coffee. Top with whipped cream and add brown sugar to your taste.

Café Mocha (non-alcoholic) - 1/3 cup Milk, 2/3 cup Hot Coffee, 2 tbsp.

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Cafe Remy - Amaretto coffee beans, 1 tbsp. Vanilla extract, 1 tsp. Almond extract, 1 tsp. Cocoa powder, 1
tsp. Sugar. Brew coffee. Add flavorings, 1 tsp. chocolate and sugar per cup. Garnish with whipped cream,
chocolate and red candy sprinkles, and a chocolate-covered strawberry on top.

Cafe Royal - 1 demitasse strong hot coffee, 1 lump sugar, 1 ½ ounces brandy. Hold a teaspoon over the
coffee cup and place the sugar and brandy in the spoon. Light the brandy; when the flames begin to die
down, pour into coffee.

Cafe Speciale - 4 tsp. chocolate syrup, 1/2 cup heavy cream, 3/4 tsp. cinnamon, 1/4 tsp. nutmeg, 1
tablespoon sugar, 1-1/2 cups extra-strength hot coffee. Put 1 tsp. chocolate syrup into each of 4 small
cups. Combine cream. 1/4 tsp. cinnamon, nut meg and sugar. whip. Stir remaining 1/2 tsp. cinnamon into
hot coffee. Pour coffee into cups. Stir to blend with syrup. Top with whipped cream. Serves 4.

Café Vienna – 2 cups (Viennese/dark roast) coffee, ½ cup Whipped Cream, Ground Cinnamon. Pour
coffee in 2 cups. Top with whipped cream and some cinnamon or nutmeg. Serves 2 persons.

Caffè di Amaretto – 1 cup Hot Coffee, 1 oz. Amaretto. Put sugar in bottom of Irish coffee glass that has
had its rim moistened and dipped in cinnamon sugar. Add brandy and liqueurs. fill 3/4 full with freshly
brewed coffee. Top with whipped cream, toasted almond slices and a cherry.

Cajun Coffee - 3 cup Hot Strong Coffee, 6 tbsp. Molasses, 6 tbsp. Dark Rum (If Desired), Whipped
Cream, Nutmeg (Freshly Ground). Combine coffee and molasses in a saucepan. Heat, stirring, until
molasses is dissolved and coffee is very hot. Do not allow to boil. If desired place 1 tbsp. rum in each mug.
Add coffee. Top with whipped cream; sprinkle with nutmeg. Do not stir before drinking.

Canadian Coffee - ¼ cup pure Maple syrup, ½ cup Rye (or Canadian) whiskey, 3 cups of hot, black,
double strength coffee, (and for topping) ¾ cup whipping cream and 4 tsp. pure Maple syrup. To make
topping, whip cream with maple syrup just up until soft mounds form and set it aside. Divide maple syrup
and whiskey among 4 warmed heatproof glass mugs or goblets. Pour in coffee to 1 inch of top; spoon
topping over coffee. Makes 4 servings.

Canalua Coffee - 1 shot of Brazilian cachaça, 1 shot of Kalua liquor, 3 shots of hot coffee with sugar, milk
cream. Pre-heat an old fashion glass in hot water. Assemble the drink carefully. First put the cachaça, then
the liquor and the coffee at last. Put the cream on the top, decorate with a strawberry, a mint cookie and a
mint branch. Serve hot.

Cappuccino Royale - ½ cup Half-and-half, ½ cup Freshly brewed espresso, 2 tbsp. Brandy, 2 tbsp. White
rum, 2 tbsp. Dark Crème de Cacao, Sugar. Whisk half-and-half in heavy small saucepan over high heat
until frothy, about 3 minutes. Divide espresso coffee between 2 cups. Add half of brandy and Crème de
Cacao to each cup. Rewhisk half-and-half and pour into cups. Sweeten to taste with sugar.

Cappuccino Shake - ¼ peeled orange, ¼ cup cooled espresso, 1 ½ cups chocolate ice cream, 6 tbsp.
orange juice, ¼ cup whole milk. Coarsely chop the orange and combine it with the espresso, ice cream,
orange juice, and milk in the blender. Blend until just smooth.

Capriccio – 1 tbsp. Sugar, 1 oz. Amaretto, ½ oz. Brandy, ½ oz. Crème de Café, rest Hot Coffee. Pour
liqueurs and syrup into Irish coffee glass, and fill with coffee. Top with whipped cream and garnish with
shaved chocolate and a cherry.

Cardamom-spiced Coffee - ¾ cup Ground Coffee, 2 2/3 cup Water, Ground Cardamom, ½ cup
Sweetened Condensed Milk. Using amounts specified, brew coffee in a drip-style coffee maker or
percolator. Pour into 4 cups. To each serving, add a dash of ground cardamom and about 2 tablespoons
of the condensed milk; stir to blend.

Chocolate Almond Coffee - 1/3 cup Ground coffee, ¼ tsp. Freshly ground nutmeg, ½ tsp. Chocolate
extract, ½ tsp. Almond extract, ¼ cup Toasted almonds, chopped. Process nutmeg and coffee, add
extracts. Process 10 seconds longer. Place in bowl and stir in almonds. Store in refrigerator. Makes 8 six
ounce servings. To brew: Place mix in filter of an automatic drip coffee maker. Add 6 cups water and brew.

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Chocolate Coffee Kiss - 1 ½ oz. Chocolate Syrup, ¾ oz. Coffee Liqueur, ¾ oz.

Chocolate Mint Coffee - 1/3 cup Ground coffee, 1 tsp. Chocolate extract, ½ tsp. Mint extract, ¼ tsp. Vanilla
extract. Place coffee in a blender or food processor. In a cup, combine extracts. With processor running,
add extracts. Stop and scrape sides of container with spatula. Process 10 seconds longer. Store in
refrigerator. Yield: mix for eight 6-ounce servings

Chocolate Mint Coffee Float - ½ cup Hot coffee, 2 tbsp. Crème de Cacao liqueur, 1 Scoop Mint
chocolate chip ice cream. For each serving combine ½ cup coffee and 2 tablespoons liqueur. Top with
scoop of ice cream.

Chocolate Monkey - Blender, 2 scoops plain coffee ice cream, 3 tablespoons chocolate syrup, one
banana (or a shot of banana flavored syrup or liqueur), one shot espresso, one shot kahlua (optional).
Blend all ingredients together & enjoy!

Coconut Coffee - 2 cup Half-and-half, 15 oz Can cream of coconut, 4 cup Hot brewed coffee, whipped
cream. Bring half-and-half and cream of coconut to a boil in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring
constantly. Stir in coffee. Serve with sweetened whipped cream.

Coffee ala Choccolata - To one cup freshly brewed coffee add 1 ounce Chocolate Mint Liqueur. Top with
whipped cream and shaved chocolate. Serves 1.

Coffee Cola Float - 2 cups chilled extra strength coffee, 2 cups (1 pint) coffee ice cream, 2 cups (16 oz.)
cola. Fill each of 4 glasses with ½ cup of coffee. Scoop ½ cup of ice cream into each glass and top with ½
cup cola.

Coffee Frappe - 1/2 cup extra-strength cold coffee, 1 cup light rum, 3 egg yolks, 6 tablespoons granulated
sugar, 4 tablespoons whipped cream. Combine egg yolks and granulated sugar. Beat until frothy. Combine
coffee and rum and add to sugar mixture, blending well, Pour into ice cube tray and allow to set. Serve in
metal goblets, and garnish with whipped cream. Serves 4.

Coffee Frost - 1 cup freshly brewed coffee, 1/3 cup sugar, 1/3 cup brown sugar. Dissolve all sugar in the
coffee and cool. Four into a metal tray or bowl and freeze until almost hard. Beat well, and freeze again to
sherbet consistency. Turn into sherbet glasses, and top with whipped cream. Serves 4.

Coffee Glace - 1/2 cup extra-strength cold coffee, 1 cup light cream, 3 egg yolks, 6 tablespoons
granulated sugar, 4 tablespoons whipped cream. Combine egg yolks and granulated sugar; beat until
frothy. Combine coffee and light cream. and whip the mixture until smooth. Add coffee mixture to the sugar
mixture, and pour into ice cube fray. Chill until thickened to sherbet consistency. Serve in metal goblets.
and garnish with whipped cream. Serves 4.

Coffee Soda - ½ cup coffee, ice, ¼ carbonated water or cola, strip of lemon, lime, or orange peel. Pour
coffee over ice and add carbonated water. Garnish.

Creamy Iced Coffee - 1 cup Chilled brewed coffee, made double-strength, 2 tbsp. Confectioners' sugar
(rounded tablespoons), 3 cup Chopped ice. Combine the coffee, sugar, and ice, and blend until creamy.

Creamy Irish Coffee - 4 cup Strong fresh coffee, ¼ cup Sugar, ½ cup Irish whiskey, 1 cup Whipping
cream, 2 tbsp. Sugar, 2 tbsp. Irish whiskey. Place 4 cups of strong fresh coffee in a saucepan with ¼ cup
of sugar, or to taste. Add ½ cup Irish Whiskey and heat thoroughly but do not boil. (Scotch, Bourbon or
other whiskeys could be used.) Meanwhile whip 1 cup whipping cream until light. Beat in 2 tbsp. each of
sugar and Irish whiskey. Pour coffee into mugs or goblets and pipe or spoon flavored cream on top.

Curaçau Coffee - 1 shot of coffee liquor, 1 shot of curaçau, 1 orange skin. Put, in a small glass, the coffee
liquor and the curaçau. Add some ice and shake lightly. Serve with the orange skin.


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Danish Coffee - 8 cup Hot coffee, 1 cup Dark rum, ¾ cup Sugar, 2 Cinnamon sticks, 12 Cloves (whole). In
a very large heavy saucepan, combine all the ingredients, cover and keep on low heat for 2 hours. Serve
in coffee mugs.

Di Saronno Coffee - 1 oz Di Saronno Amaretto, 8 fl Coffee, Whipped cream. Blend Di Saronno Amaretto
with coffee, then top with whipped cream. Serve in Irish Coffee mug.

Dinner Party Coffee - 3 cup Very hot decaffeinated, coffee, 2 tbsp. Sugar, ¼ cup Rum -- light or dark.
Combine very hot coffee, sugar and rum in heated pot. Makes 4-6 demitasse.

Doublemint – 1 oz. Spearmint Schnapps, 1 dash Crème de Menthe (green), rest Hot Coffee. Pour
schnapps into Irish coffee glass. Add coffee and stir. Top with whipped cream and add Crème de Menthe
for color.



Espresso Romano - ¼ cup Finely Ground Coffee, 1 ½ cup Cold Water, 2 Strips Lemon Peel. Fill filter
section of a steamed-pressure coffeepot with water. Place filter in base and screw on top portion of
coffeepot. Heat over medium heat until coffee begins to bubble into top portion. Reduce heat to low and
simmer until bubbling stops. Serve immediately. Garnish with lemon peel.



Frappa - ½ cup fresh espresso, 2 ½ cups low fat milk, ¼ cup granulated sugar, 1 tbsp. dry pectin (Certo).
Combine everything in a pitcher and stir until the sugar dissolves. Serve it cold. If desired, add cocoa
powder to make it a mocha.

Frosty Miss - 1cup freshly brewed coffee, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 1/2 tsp. almond extract.
Dissolve regular and brown sugar in the coffee while still hot. Let cool. Add almond extract. and pour
mixture into metal tray or bowl. Freeze until almost hard. Beat well, and freeze again to sherbet
consistency. Turn into sherbet glasses; top with whipped cream and a cherry. Serves 4.



Gaelic Coffee – Fresh black coffee, Scotch whiskey, Demerara (raw brown) sugar, Double (heavy) cream;
whipped until slightly thick. Pour the coffee into a warmed glass. Add the whisky and the sugar to taste.
Stir well. Pour some lightly whipped cream into the glass over the back of a teaspoon.

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German Coffee With Whipped Cream - 5 cup Hot Strong Coffee, Sugar (To Taste), Whipped Cream.
Pour coffee in stemmed glasses and sweeten with sugar. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Top with whipped

Godiva Irish Coffee - 1 ½ oz Godiva Liqueur, ¾ oz Irish Cream Liqueur, 4 oz Hot Coffee. Pour in mug.
Stir. Garnish with whipped cream.



Handicapper's Choice – 1 oz. Irish Whiskey, 1 oz. Amaretto, 5 oz. Hot Coffee. Pour whiskey and
amaretto into Irish coffee glass and fill with hot coffee. Top with whipped cream.

Hot Kiss - ½ oz. Crème de Menthe (white), ½ oz. Crème de Cacao (white), 1 oz. Whiskey, 6 oz. Hot
Coffee. Pour liqueurs and whiskey into Irish coffee glass. Add coffee and stir. Top with whipped cream and
garnish with a chocolate covered mint


Ice Cream Parlor Mocha Sodas - 1/2 cup hot water coffee, 8 tsp. finely ground, 2 cups milk 4 scoops
chocolate ice cream, 1 quart club soda, sweetened whipped cream or prepared, whipped topping. Place
hot water in a medium-sized pitcher. Stir in coffee. finely ground into a powder texture, until dissolved. Stir
in milk. Place 1 scoop or ice cream in each of 4 ice cream soda glasses. Pour coffee/milk mixture equally
into each glass. Fill glasses almost to brim with club soda. Top with sweetened whipping cream or
prepared whipped topping. Serves 4.

Iced Cinnamon Coffee - 4 cup Strong coffee, 1 3" stick cinnamon broken in pieces, ½ cup Heavy cream,
Coffee syrup. Pour hot coffee over cinnamon pieces; cover and let stand about 1 hour. Remove cinnamon
and stir in cream. Chill thoroughly. To serve, pour into ice-filled glasses. Stir in desired amount of Coffee
Syrup. If desired, top with sweetened whipped cream and sprinkle with ground cinnamon. Use cinnamon
sticks and stirrers.

Iced Mocha Cappuccino - 1 tbsp. Chocolate syrup, 1 cup Hot double espresso or very strong coffee, ¼
cup Half-and-half, 4 Ice cubes. Stir the chocolate syrup into the hot coffee until melted. In a blender,
combine the coffee with the half-and-half and the ice cubes. Blend at high speed for 2 to 3 minutes. Serve
immediately in a tall, cold glass. This recipe yields 1 serving.

Iced Mochacchino - ½ cup chilled Brewed espresso, 6 tbsp. Chocolate syrup, 1 tbsp. Sugar, ½ cup Milk,
1 cup Vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt, ¼ cup softly whipped Heavy cream, Cinnamon, chocolate curls or
cocoa powder for garnish. Place the espresso, chocolate syrup, sugar and milk in a blender, and blend to
combine. Add the ice cream or yogurt, and blend until smooth. Pour mixture into two chilled glasses, and
top each with whipped cream and chocolate curls or a dusting of the cinnamon or cocoa.

Iced Orange Truffle Mocha - One shot espresso, one scoop cocoa, one shot caramel syrup, one shot
orange juice, orange-flavored syrup or orange Liqueur, whole milk, tall glass filled with ice (cubed is best,
and you can use coffee cubes if you want to keep the coffee flavor of your drink). Pour the milk into the
glass with ice, filling it almost full. whisk the remaining ingredients together separate from the milk, then
pour the mixture in with the milk. stir to blend everything together.

Iced Thai Coffee - 12-16 oz. strongly brewed or French pressed coffee (no flavored), one tablespoon
sweetened condensed milk, one tablespoon brown sugar, dash each of cinnamon and ground cloves, half

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& half (optional), tall glass with ice. Mix into the hot coffee the sweetened condensed milk, brown sugar,
cinnamon & ground cloves. Pour into the tall glass with ice, stirring to blend. Add half & half if desired.

Irish Cappuccino - 3 oz Bailey's Irish Cream, 5 oz Hot coffee, Dessert topping, 1 dash Nutmeg. Pour
Bailey's Irish Cream into a coffee mug. Fill with hot black coffee. Top with a single spray of dessert
topping. Dust dessert topping with a dash of nutmeg.

Irish Coffee 1 – 1 ½ oz. Irish Whiskey, rest Hot Coffee. Pour whiskey into an Irish coffee glass, rimmed
with sugar. Fill the rest of the glass with freshly brewed, hot coffee. Top generously with whipped cream.

Irish Coffee 2 - 1 jigger of Irish Whiskey, 2 tsp. of white sugar, 2/3 cup of hot coffee, 1/4 cup of heavy
cream, lightly whipped. Preheat the glass with hot water. Dump the water and fill with hot coffee, add two
cubes of sugar, and stir. Add a jigger of whiskey, and top with a collar of lightly whipped whipping cream.

Italian Coffee 1 - ½ oz. Amaretto, 1 ½ tbsp. Coffee Ice Cream, rest Hot Coffee. Pour amaretto into an Irish
coffee glass. Fill the rest of the glass with coffee, but leave room in the glass to top your drink with the ice
cream, and to sprinkle it with ground coriander.

Italian Coffee 2 - 1 cup Black coffee, 1 oz Amaretto, Whipped topping, 1 Maraschino cherry. Fill coffee
mug or cup with hot coffee. Stir in amaretto. Top with pressurized dessert topping and cherry. Serve with

Italian Coffee With Chocolate - 2 cup Hot Strong Coffee, 2 cup Hot Traditional Cocoa, Whipped Cream,
Granted Orange Peel, Combine ½ cup coffee and ½ cup cocoa in each 4 mugs. Top with whipped cream;
sprinkle with orange peel.



Jamaica Coffee – 1 oz. Coffee-flavored Brandy, ¾ oz. Light Rum, rest Hot Coffee. Pour brandy and rum
into coffee mug. Fill with hot coffee. Add sugar to taste. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with nutmeg.



Kahlua Irish Coffee - 1 oz Kahlua, 1 oz Irish Whiskey, 1 cup Hot coffee, Whipped cream. Add Kahlua and
whiskey to coffee and garnish with whipped cream.

Kahlua Kioki Coffee - 1 oz Kahlua, ½ oz Brandy, 1 cup Hot coffee, Whipped cream. Add Kahlua and
brandy to coffee and garnish with whipped cream.

Kauai Nightcap – 1 oz. Tuaca, 1 oz. Grand Marnier, rest Hot Coffee. Pour liqueurs into a cup. Fill the rest
of the cup (about 6 oz.) with coffee. Top with whipped cream and add brown sugar to your taste.

Kioki Coffee - 1 12-ounce preheated coffee mug, 1 cup French Roast brewed coffee, 1 jigger brandy, 1
jigger Kahlua coffee liqueur, ¼ cup lightly whipped cream. Pour hot coffee into the heated mug. Add the
brandy, and Kahlua. Stir well to blend. Top with whipped cream.

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Koloa Coffee – 1 oz. Brandy, 1 oz. Macadamia Nut Liqueur, rest Hot Coffee. Pour liqueurs into a cup. Fill
the rest of the cup (about 6 oz.) with coffee. Top with whipped cream and add brown sugar to your taste.

Kona Nut – 1 oz. Kahlua, 1 oz. Frangelico, rest Hot Coffee. Pour liqueurs into a cup. Fill the rest of the
cup (about 6 oz.) with coffee. Top with whipped cream and add brown sugar to your taste.



Loco Cocoa Mocha - ¾ oz Kahlua, ½ cup Hot Hazelnut coffee, 1 tsp. Nestle Quick, 2 tbsp. Half and half -
- (optional). Combine all ingredients in your favorite cup and stir Garnish with a donut of your choice.



Maple Coffee - 1 cup Half-and-half, ¼ cup Maple syrup, 1 cup Hot brewed coffee, Sweetened whipped
cream. Cook half-and-half and maple syrup in a saucepan over medium heat, stiffing constantly, until
thoroughly heated (do not boil). Stir in coffee, and serve with sweetened whipped cream.

Melya – Espresso, Honey, unsweetened cocoa. Brew espresso; for this purpose, a Bialetti-style stovetop
will work. In a coffee mug, place 1 tsp. of unsweetened powdered cocoa; then cover a teaspoon with
honey and drizzle it into the cup. Stir while the coffee brews; this is the fun part. The cocoa seems to coat
the honey without mixing, so you get a dusty, sticky mass that looks as though it will never mix. Then all at
once, presto! It looks like dark chocolate sauce. Pour hot espresso over the honey, stirring to dissolve.
Serve with cream (optional). I have never served this cold but I imagine it would be interesting; I use it as a
great hot drink for cold days, though, so all my memories are of gray skies, heavy sweaters, damp feet and
big smiles

Mexican Coffee 1 - 1 large preheated brandy snifter, 10 ounces brewed coffee, 1 ½ jiggers Kahlua
liqueur, ¼ cup lightly whipped coffee, dash of each of ground cinnamon and cocoa powder. Pour hot
coffee in the heated brandy snifter. Add the liqueur and stir well. Top with whipped cream. Sprinkle with
cinnamon and cocoa powder.

Mexican Coffee 2 – 1 oz. Coffee Liqueur, ½ oz. Tequila, 5 oz. Hot Coffee. Stir coffee liqueur and tequila in
coffee cup, and add coffee. Top with whipped cream.

Mexican Spiced Coffee - ¾ cup firmly packed Brown sugar, 6 Cloves, 6 Julienne slices orange zest, 3
Cinnamon sticks, 6 tbsp. Coffee (NOT instant). In a large saucepan, heat 6 cups of water with the brown
sugar, cinnamon sticks, and cloves over moderately high heat until the mixture is hot, but do not let it boil.
Add the coffee, bring the mixture to a boil, and boil it, stirring occasionally, for 3 minutes. Strain the coffee
through a fine sieve and serve in coffee cups with the orange zest.

Mexitaly Coffee - ¾ oz. Coffee Liqueur, ¾ oz. Amaretto, rest Hot Coffee. Dip rim of Irish coffee glass in
cherry juice, then in cinnamon sugar. Pour liqueurs into glass and add coffee. Top with whipped cream
and shaved chocolate.

Mint Patty – 1 oz. Crème de Menthe, 1 oz. Crème de Cacao, rest Hot Coffee. Pour liqueurs into a cup. Fill
the rest of the cup (about 6 oz.) with coffee. Top with whipped cream and add brown sugar to your taste.

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Mit Schlag (With Whipped Cream) - Brew a rich, strong cup of coffee. Top with a generous potion of fresh
whipped cream. Optionally garnish with chocolate shavings or cinnamon sticks. Serves 1.

Mocha Frappe - 18 Ice cubes (up to 22), 7 oz chilled double strength coffee, ¼ cup Chocolate sauce (or
syrup), 2 T Vanilla Syrup, Whipped Cream (garnish). Place ice, coffee, chocolate sauce, and syrup in a
blender. Blend until smooth. Pour into a large, tall (chilled) glass. Garnish with dollop of whipped cream or
scoop of your favorite ice cream. Makes one 16 oz frappe.

Mocha Frosteds - 1 cup freshly brewed coffee, 6 tablespoons chocolate syrup, 1 pint softened vanilla ice
cream, 1 cup prepared cold coffee. Place hot coffee and chocolate syrup in blender container. Blend until
smooth. Cool to room temperature. Pour into a medium howl. Add softened ice cream and cold coffee.
With rotary beater, beat until smooth. Spoon into tall glasses, and serve immediately. Serves 4.

Mocha Mint - 1 cup cold coffee, 1 pint chocolate ice cream, 1/4 cup Crème de Menthe, very thin
chocolate-mint wafers. Combine coffee, ice cream, and Crème de Menthe in blender container. Blend on
low speed. Spoon into sherbet or wine glasses, and garnish each serving with a chocolate mint wafer.
Serves 4.



Nirvana Shake - 2 shots of espresso, 1/2 shot of amaretto syrup, 1 1/2 shots of chocolate syrup, 3 oz.
liquid yogurt, 2 cups crushed ice. Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth & serve in a 16 oz. glass
topped with chocolate whipped cream.



Orange Cinnamon Coffee - ¼ cup Ground coffee, 1 tbsp. Grated orange peel, ½ tsp. Vanilla extract, 1 ½
Cinnamon sticks. Place coffee and orange peel in blender or food processor fitted with steel blade. With
processor running, add vanilla. Stop and scrape sides of container with a spatula. Process 10 seconds
longer. Place mix in a small bowl and stir in cinnamon sticks. Store in refrigerator. Mix for eight 6 ounce



Pluto Coffee - 12 oz Fresh coffee, 2 oz Or more 151 Rum, 1 Large scoop whipped cream, 1 oz HagenDaz
Liqueur or Baileys Irish Cream, 2 tbsp. Chocolate syrup. In a large mug, put the 2+ oz of 151 rum in the
bottom (have a little to taste test if you wish!). Pour the hot coffee into the mug ¾ of the way up. Add the
HagenDaz or Bailey's Irish Cream. Stir. Top with the fresh whipped cream and drizzle chocolate syrup
over all.

Praline Coffee - 3 cup Hot brewed coffee, ¾ cup Half-and-half, ¾ cup Firmly packed light brown sugar, 2
tbsp. Butter or margarine, ¾ cup Praline liqueur, sweetened whipped cream. Cook first 4 ingredients in a
large saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thoroughly heated (do not boil). Stir in liqueur;
serve with sweetened whipped cream.

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Razzmatazz – 1 oz. Black Raspberry Liqueur, ½ oz. Crème de Cassis, ½ oz. Coffee Liqueur, rest Hot
Coffee. Pour liqueurs into Irish coffee glass. Add coffee. Top with whipped cream and garnish with berries
in season.

Ruedesheim Kaffe – 3 cubes Sugar, 1 ½ oz. Asbach Uralt (German) Brandy, rest Hot Coffee. Place
sugar cubes in heatproof coffee cup. Add brandy and set aflame. Allow to burn for a good minute, then fill
with coffee. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Russian Coffee – ½ oz. Coffee Liqueur, ½ oz. Hazelnut Liqueur, ¼ oz. Vodka, rest Hot Coffee. Pour
liqueurs and vodka into Irish coffee glass. Add coffee. Top with whipped cream.



Spanish Coffee – 1 oz. Spanish Brandy, rest Hot Coffee. Add coffee to brandy in mug and top with
whipped cream.

Spanish Eyes – 1 oz. Kahlua, 1 oz. Rum, rest Hot Coffee. Pour liqueurs into a cup. Fill the rest of the cup
(about 6 oz.) with coffee. Top with whipped cream and add brown sugar to your taste.

Spiced Hazelnut Cafe - One brewed pot of Hazelnut coffee, 1 tsp. cinnamon, ½ tsp. nutmeg, ½ tsp.
cloves, 1/3 cup packed brown sugar, 1½ cups heavy cream, 1 Tbsp. brown sugar. Brew Hazelnut coffee
with cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves. Stir in brown sugar. Top with heavy cream whipped with 1 Tbsp. brown
sugar. Makes 12 5-ounce servings.



Thai Iced Coffee - 6 tablespoons whole rich coffee beans (ground fine), 1/4 tsp. ground coriander powder
4 or 5 whole green cardamom pods (ground). Place the coffee and spices in the filter cone of your coffee
maker. Brew coffee as usual; let it cool. In a tall glass, dissolve 1 or 2 tsp. of sugar in an ounce of the
coffee (it's easier to dissolve than if you put it right over ice). Add 5-6 ice cubes and pour coffee to within
about 1" of the top of the glass. Rest a spoon on top of the coffee and slowly pour whipping cream into the
spoon. This will make the cream float on top of the coffee rather than dispersing into it right away. To be
totally cool, serve with Flexi-Straws and paper umbrellas... Alternatively, this version which comes from a
newspaper article of many years ago simply calls for grinding two or three fresh cardamom pods and
putting them in with the coffee grounds. Make a strong coffee with a fresh dark roast, chill it, sweeten and
add half-and-half to taste. Makes 1 8-cup pot of coffee

Turkish Coffee 1 - ¾ cup Water, 1 tbsp. Sugar, 1 tbsp. Pulverized Coffee, 1 Cardamom Pod. Combine
water and sugar in an ibrik or small saucepan. Bring to a boil; then remove from heat and add coffee and
cardamom. Stir well and return to heat. When coffee foams up, remove form heat and let grounds settle.
Repeat twice more. Pour into cups; let grounds settle before drinking.

Turkish Coffee 2 - one heaping teaspoon of very finely ground coffee (about 3oz of coffee), one heaping
teaspoon of sugar. Turkish coffee is prepared using a little copper pot called raqwa. The trick of it is to heat
it until it froths pour the froth into the coffee dup and heat it a second time. When it froths again, pour the
rest into the cup. Use a heaping teaspoon of very finely ground coffee and, optionally, one heaping
teaspoon of sugar (to taste). Add the sugar only just before boiling point. Turkish coffee without sugar is
called sade, with a little sugar is "orta s,ekerli" and with lots of sugar is "c,ok s,ekerli". The grounds will

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settle to the bottom of the cup as you drink the coffee and towards the end, it'll start to taste bitter and the
texture will be more like wet coffee grounds than a drink. As soon as this happens stop or your next sip will
taste really, really bitter. Instead, turn your cup upside down on the saucer, and let someone read your



Vanilla Almond Coffee - 1/3 cup Ground coffee, 1 tsp. Vanilla extract, ½ tsp. Almond extract, ¼ tsp.
Anise seeds. Place coffee in a blender or food processor fitted with a steel blade. In cup, combine
remaining ingredients. With processor running, add flavorings. Stop and scrape sides of container with
spatula. Process 10 seconds longer. Store in refrigerator. Makes eight 6 ounce servings.

Viennese Coffee - 4 oz Semisweet Chocolate, 1 tbsp. Sugar, ¼ cup Whipping Cream, 4 cup Hot Strong
Coffee, Whipped Cream, Grated Orange Peel. Melt chocolate in a heavy saucepan over low heat. Stir in
sugar and whipping cream. Beat in coffee with a whisk, ½ cup at a time; continue to beat until frothy. Top
with whipped cream and sprinkle with orange peel.

Vietnamese Iced Coffee - 2 to 4 tablespoons finely ground dark roast coffee (preferably with chicory), 2 to
4 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk (e.g., Borden Eagle Brand, not evaporated milk!), boiling water,
Vietnamese coffee press, ice cubes. Place ground coffee in Vietnamese coffee press and screw lid down
on the grounds. Put the sweetened condensed milk in the bottom of a coffee cup and set the coffee maker
on the rim. Pour boiling water over the screw lid of the press; adjust the tension on the screw lid just till
bubbles appear through the water, and the coffee drips slowly out the bottom of the press. When all water
has dripped through, stir the milk and coffee together. You can drink it warm, try it over ice. If you can't find
a Vietnamese coffee press, regular-strength espresso is an adequate substitute, particularly if made with
French-roast beans or with a dark coffee with chicory.



White Russian Coffee - One brewed pot of French Vanilla or Crème Brulee coffee, 1 cup heavy cream,
1½ cups coffee flavored liqueur, Garnish: chocolate shavings, ground chocolate, or cocoa mixed with
powdered sugar. Brew coffee, then stir into it heavy cream and liqueur. Top with garnish of ground
chocolate or cocoa, or chocolate shavings. Makes 12 5-ounce servings.


Additional Sources:

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