Brats in Training 2 Lynn Hagen Brian's Bounderies

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Tasty Teasers

Brats in Training 2: Brian’s

Jacob Lyndhurst has wanted Brian Jenkins as his sub since first
laying eyes on the man at Michelson's Inc. The only problem with
that plan was that Taylor McKinley fired the guy. When he and his
power circle of friends have dinner at a very high-end restaurant,
Jacob sees an opportunity to have his cake and eat it too when
Brian turns out to be his server.

Brian is shocked when he spots Jacob, the man of his dreams,
sitting at table three. Not only does the man have arresting good
looks, he oozes sexual tension. And that is exactly why Brian
should stay the hell away from him. Now, only if the powerful Dom
didn't intrigue him so much.

When Jacob is relentless in pursuing him, Brian's curiosity is
piqued. He gives one night to the man of his dreams and his world
is no longer his own. But someone is out to sabotage Brian and is
hell-bent on getting him fired from his new job.

When Brian runs away from the one man who pushes his
boundaries beyond their limits, Jacob must decide whether to
chase after him, or cut his losses and give up the one man that he
knows is his perfect sub.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), BDSM, Contemporary
Length: 20,366 words

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Tasty Teasers

Lynn Hagen



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Lynn Hagen
E-book ISBN: 978-1-61926-996-5

First E-book Publication: August 2012

Cover design by Les Byerley
All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Tasty Teasers


Copyright © 2012

Chapter 1

“Back off, Ralph,” Brian said as he took a step back. “You’re

invading my personal space.”

Ralph chuckled. “What, this space?” his coworker asked as he

tossed an arm over Brian’s shoulder. Brian winced. It wasn’t that he
had a phobia of people coming closer than three feet, per se. He just
believed that people should be invited in, not take it upon themselves
to invade his space.

“Knock it off,” Brian grumbled as he shrugged Ralph’s arm off of

his shoulders. “Don’t you have some tables to wait on?”

“Nope,” Ralph said as he took a seat on the stool in the back of

the kitchen.

Brian worked at a very high-end restaurant where only the

influential and elite frequented. The rules were very stringent, and
Ralph knew better than to lounge around. He was supposed to be out
on the dining floor, making sure all of his customers were well taken
care of.

Brian liked rules. There were reasons rules were put into place,

and it ticked him off that Ralph was so lax about them. “Well, if Mr.
Compton finds you sitting down, it’s your neck.”

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Brian smoothed his hand down his crisp white shirt, tugging at the

sleeves, and then glanced down to make sure his slacks still held their
perfectly pressed appearance. He wasn’t an uptight man, nor was he
arrogant. His boss was a complete jackass. If one thing was out of
place, the lectures would begin.

And Brian so hated a lecture from Mr. Compton.
The man could go on and on for hours. If truth be told, Brian was

a nervous wreck most of his shift. He was so afraid he was going to
screw up that half the time he did. The only reason he wasn’t fired
was because Mr. Compton was his uncle.

But that didn’t give him a free pass.
His uncle even insisted Brian call him Mr. Compton. His uncle

was a self-important man, thinking he fit in right along with the
clientele. Brian didn’t argue with Uncle Fred. There was no talking to
the man. The restaurant was a success, so who was he to argue?

So Brian just did his job the best he could.
He quickly forgot about Ralph and walked back out into the

dining area, where there were dimly lit tables, making the dining
experience more intimate, and crisp white tablecloths that hid what
most of the clientele were doing underneath.

The crème de la crème of society seemed to love to push public

boundaries and screw around under the table as if no one could see
them. And Brian had to pretend he didn’t see any of it. It wasn’t
always easy. Brian had seen some pretty bizarre stuff.

When Brian saw that table three had new occupants, he hurried

over to take their order. Mr. Compton would have a coronary if Brian
kept anyone waiting, even if they were just now being seated.

As he approached the table, Brian damn near made the other

waiter drop his tray of dishes as he bumped into him. Brian felt his
face heat up as he sputtered a quick apology to a glaring Ralph. Shit,
he needed to calm down.

Blowing out a long breath, Brian plastered a smile on his face,

draped the towel over his arm, and walked over to table three. Mr.

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Compton insisted every single table have a bottle of wine on ice,
waiting for the next customer. Without looking at the people seated
around the table, Brian grabbed the wine bottle and twisted the cork

He groaned.
How did he always manage to get small pieces of cork in the

wine? Mr. Compton had gone over how to properly remove a cork
with Brian a thousand times, but he never seemed to get it right. He
just prayed the tiny little pieces stayed inside the bottle.

Pouring the first glass of wine, Brian swallowed hard when a

large, firm hand touched the back of his. Someone was invading his
personal space uninvited, and he couldn’t tell them to piss off like he
could Ralph.

This was a customer.
He had to take it.
Brian began to gently pull away when he saw the small pieces of

cork floating in the man’s wineglass. Oh, hell! He became so nervous
that the wine bottle began to repeatedly tap against the wineglass,
making a loud and clanking sound in the quiet ambiance of the

But the more Brian tried to calm down, the more nervous he


The hand was back, resting across Brian’s knuckles. “Relax,


The bottle clanked even louder as Brian recognized the voice. For

the first time since walking over here, Brian looked at the men seated
around the table. They were the power circle at Michelson’s Inc.

A place Brian had worked at until Taylor McKinley had fired him

for setting his cubicle on fire.

It hadn’t been Brian’s fault.
But the man who had his hand resting on the back of Brian’s was

none other than Mr. Jacob Lyndhurst. Brian had lusted after this man

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for six months until he was fired. The man reeked of power and
confidence that Brian only wished he had.

Or that he wished mastered him.
And, good god, the man knew his damn name! Brian had thought

he had gone unnoticed by Jacob. Apparently the man had at least
known his name. That knowledge made Brian’s heart thunder in his
chest and his cock harden in an instant.

God, he hoped his slacks weren’t tenting.
That would be a week’s worth of lectures if Mr. Compton found


“I remember you,” Taylor McKinley said from across the table.

“Brian, right?”

Brian numbly nodded, but his eyes were locked with Mr.

Lyndhurst’s light-grey ones. He felt like he was trapped in those
compelling beauties. He had never seen eyes so light grey that they
almost looked crystal clear. God, what Brian wouldn’t give to be this
man’s submissive.

Too bad he never had the nerve to approach Jacob, and he

probably never would. The man was so far out of his league that
Brian practically lived in another galaxy.

“Leave him be, Taylor,” Jacob said as he removed his hand. “If I

remember correctly, you were the one who fired him.”

Taylor sat back, picking up his glass of water and taking a sip

before speaking. “That’s only because he set his cubicle on fire.”

Brian prayed a hole opened up and swallowed him. This was the

most embarrassing moment of his life. It trumped the fire at the office
and being dismissed from the company. This moment topped all that
because Jacob was sitting here listening to Taylor McKinley retell the

“Did you really?” Jacob asked, a sparkle of merriment in his eyes

and a slight tug at the corner of his lips.

“C–Can I start you gentlemen off with anything?” Brian

mumbled, watching Jacob watch him. The man had a hungry look in

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his eyes, and he was raking Brian from head to toe with them. He
shivered, although he fought not to.

“Scotch,” Mr. Alexander Sheffield said.
“Same,” Mr. Michael Grafton replied.
Brian glanced over at Taylor to see a teasing glint in the man’s

eye. God, he wished he could walk around the table and throttle the
man. Taylor was a force on his own, but sitting here with these other
men only made him seem more imposing.

“The water is fine,” Taylor finely replied.
Brian steeled his nerves before looking back at Jacob. The twinkle

in the man’s eyes had slid away, being replaced by something
unreadable. Brian felt his palms beginning to sweat as Jacob sat back,
crossing one leg over the other and then entwining his fingers to rest
on one damn good-looking thigh.

Or what looked to be a very promising muscular thigh. Brian was

more than willing to find out.

“You ask what you can start me off with?” Jacob asked, his voice

low and even.

Brian nodded, because that was all he could manage at the

moment. His brain had raced toward the airport and taken a flight, far,
far away from him.

Jacob crooked his finger toward Brian. He glanced around and

then leaned in toward the most handsome man he had ever met in his

“You can start me off with a spectacular blow job while your

hands are bound behind your back and you are blindfolded. Then after
I come down your throat, we can take it from there.”

Brian couldn’t move.
“Is there something wrong?” Mr. Compton asked as he neared the

table. Brian was fighting to stand, but feared his uncle would see how
fucking hard he was. Jacob had almost made Brian come in his pants.

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“No,” Jacob said with a relaxed tone. “I was just complimenting

the young man on a job well done, and I look forward to the full
treatment tonight.”

Brian stopped his jaw from hitting his chest. He heard Taylor

cough into his hand, but he also heard the underlying snicker.

“Yes, we pride ourselves here at De Monique on the quality of

service and food,” Uncle Fred sputtered. “Please, anything you need,
just ask Brian. He is at your disposal.”

Jacob raised a brow at Brian.
Brian was quite sure what Jacob wanted and what his uncle was

offering weren’t even in the same ballpark. When Uncle Fred bid his
farewell to the men sitting around the table, Jacob tapped Brian’s
hand to get his attention.

Brian nervously looked toward Jacob.
“Turn, and let me inspect you.”
Jacob’s light-grey eyes blazed as a smile tugged at his lips.

“Turn,” he repeated with such a strong command that all Brian could
do was obey. Halfway through his turn, Brian knocked over the stand
and bucket of ice. It went crashing to the carpet, the bottle of wine
splashing across the floor.

Brian dropped to his knees, trying desperately to stop the wine

from emptying as he pushed the ice back into the container. “I’ll
replace your wine, sir.”

“No need,” Jacob said. “Just bring me a decaf soy latte.”
Brian nodded as he grabbed the bucket and bottle and damn near

ran toward the kitchen. He pushed through the door, almost knocking
Ralph over as he dropped the bucket onto the counter and wiped a
shaky hand down his face.

“Dude, who are those men?” Ralph asked as he spied through the

small, round glass in the door.

“Trouble.” With a fucking capital T.

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Brian was cursing himself for acting like a total fool. Jacob didn’t

really want Brian as a sub. The man was just poking fun at him and
being crude. There was no way the man was serious about fulfilling a
fantasy that Brian harbored for so long that his damn heart hurt from
the almost possibility that Jacob dangled in front of him.

Damn, Jacob! If he only knew how much Brian wanted what the

man teasingly offered.

“I need a soy decaf latte, Phillip,” Brian called out as he tried to

steady his nerves. It was bad enough Jacob was toying with him, but
did he have to do it in front of his damn friends?

When Phillip handed him the small saucer, Brian took in a deep

and steadying breath before walking back out into the dining area. He
could do this.

And those bastards better leave Brian a huge tip for allowing them

to fluster him. Like I have a choice.

Brian sat the small saucer with the latte on the table.
“So, have you considered my offer?” Jacob asked as he picked the

coffee cup up and took a sip.

Gee, was that really an offer or just a cruel joke? Brian wasn’t

sure. “I’m sorry, Mr. Lyndhurst, but we are not allowed to date the
clientele.” That wasn’t entirely true, but Brian had to find a polite way
out of this.

Even if he wanted Jacob more than he wanted to breathe.
“Is that so?” Jacob asked as he set his cup down. “Funny, I asked

Mr. Compton if it was all right to take you out, and he said he had no
problem if I was interested.”

Brian felt his anger mounting. Was his uncle pimping him out? He

stood there seething, trying his best not to let it show. “Have you
gentlemen decided what you want for dinner?”

“You,” Jacob said, his tone lacking any teasing or humor.
The man was serious!
The other three men gave their orders, and then it was Jacob’s

turn. Brian wasn’t too sure he wanted to hear what the man wanted,

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and was dying to hear it at the same time. Jacob behaved and gave
Brian his order, but his eyes bore into Brian the whole time he stood
there. Once the orders were given, Brian hurried away.

What a fucking night.

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Chapter 2

“Why are you torturing that poor man?” Michael asked with a


Jacob was too busy watching Brian’s tight little ass as the man

walked away. He wasn’t the one torturing Brian. It was the other way
around. Jacob had used every ounce of control he possessed when
Brian worked for Michelson’s Inc. It was hard as hell not to fuck the
man into the watercooler most days.

When Taylor fired Brian, Jacob was both pissed off and relieved.

He was an experienced Dom. He shouldn’t have had to fight the
attraction he felt toward Brian. He should have had more control than

“Where’s Doby?” Alexander asked Taylor.
“Working to finish some reports,” Taylor answered.
Jacob sat back, not allowing the men to see how much Taylor

irked him sometimes. The man had found the perfect submissive,
something the other three were still on the lookout for. Taylor loved
to remind Alexander, Michael, and Jacob that he was living in bliss.

“Are you considering Brian?” Taylor asked.
“Maybe,” Jacob answered honestly.
“Just don’t allow him near any electrical work with coffee,”

Taylor warned.

“Is that how it started?” Jacob asked as he sat up straighter.


“Well,” Taylor drawled slowly, “more specifically, the coffeepot.

I’m still not exactly sure what happened except that there were coffee

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stains everywhere like the coffee carafe exploded, and then the damn
cubicle went up in smoke. We were just lucky no one was hurt.”

Jacob’s face darkened as he scowled. “Did you ever consider that

it might have been an accident or maybe the electric short-circuited?
Firing Brian was a bit extreme, don’t you think?”

“Seriously, it wasn’t my choice. The order came down from the


Jacob wanted to growl and throw something. The order came

down from the top. Upper management had no idea how the rest of
the world worked. They were seriously fucked in the head and living
in their own little dream worlds.

Taylor suddenly sat forward and cupped both of his hands around

his glass. “Mr. Creekside ordered it.”

Jacob’s eyebrows shot up when he heard a small snarl in Taylor’s

voice. The man was usually better at keeping his emotions reined in.
When it came to the CEO of Michelson’s Inc. however, Taylor
seemed to have very little control.

And Jacob knew exactly why.
Taylor hadn’t gone into too much detail, but he had explained to

their small circle of friends that they needed to be wary of Mr.
Creekside. The man was a menace and not above blackmailing people
under him to get what he wanted. And, apparently, he had wanted
Doby, Taylor’s submissive.

Jacob glanced toward the closed kitchen door, wondering if Brian

had suffered the same abuse from the older CEO. Had Mr. Creekside
tried to blackmail Brian into doing something against his will?

Jacob couldn’t stand the thought that someone had forced the

handsome man into anything. He grated on every last nerve that he
had. He felt a sudden protectiveness fill him, tensing his muscles as
he tried to resist the urge to storm into the kitchen and wrap Brian in
cotton wool.

Jacob didn’t start breathing normally again until he saw the door

swing up and Brian walk out carrying a tray of appetizers. As Brian

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approached their table, he saw the man’s soft hazel eyes peek up at
him through a fall of brown curls that hung over Brian’s forehead.

Jacob quickly gripped the edge of the table when Brian stumbled.

It took every last bit of his control not to jump up and ensure that the
man was okay. It wasn’t any better when Brian reached their table and
Jacob noticed the smaller man’s hands trembling.

He reached over and placed his hand gently on Brian’s hip and

leaned toward him. “Relax, Brian. You’re doing just fine.”

Brian’s eyes were rounded and huge when they snapped over to

meet Jacob’s. They grew even larger when Jacob just nodded at him.
Brian swallowed hard and then turned back to the table, carefully
setting the appetizers down on the table.

“Can I get you gentlemen anything else?” Brian asked with a

small quiver in his voice. “Another drink perhaps?”

“We’re good, Brian,” Jacob replied for the group of them. “Thank


“If you need anything, just ask one of the other waiters to get me,

and I’ll be right here.”

Jacob almost groaned as he watched Brian walk away from him

again. The man had the tightest ass in the universe. Jacob would give
almost anything to have access to that perfectly rounded, pert little

“Keep that up, Jacob, and I’m going to hose you down.”
Jacob flipped Alexander off. He could ogle Brian all he wanted.

He’d rather take the man home and tie him down to his bed, but if all
he could do at this point was drool over the man’s ass, he’d take it.

The light laughter that followed his gesture lasted until another

waiter came up to their table. Jacob leaned back in his seat, arching an
eyebrow at the newcomer. He didn’t say a word, and neither did
anyone else. His friends knew of his interest in Brian.

“Hello, my name is Ralph. I’ll be your waiter tonight,” the young

man said. “If there is anything I can get you”—he grinned widely as

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his gaze fell on each of the four men at the table—“and I do mean
anything, please do not hesitate to let me know.”

The message behind the waiter’s words was very clear.
“Where is Brian?” Jacob asked through clenched teeth.
“I’m afraid Brian has been assigned to another table, sir.” The

flutter of eyelashes that accompanied the word sir grated on Jacob’s
nerves almost as much as the knowledge that Brian would no longer
be his waiter.

Jacob wanted to know why.
He slid from his seat and tossed his cloth napkin down on the

table and then stormed across the restaurant toward the kitchen door
he had seen Brian pass through minutes earlier. The noise level from
the restaurant seating area and the kitchen was vastly different and
stopped Jacob just inside the door, stunning him a little at the sheer

It seemed very busy. People were running back and forth shouting

out food orders. Others were flipping food on large flat-top stoves or
in saucepans. Still others were chopping and stirring and arranging
food on plates.

And there was no sign of Brian anywhere.
“I’m looking for my waiter, Brian Jenkins,” Jacob said in a loud

no-nonsense voice. It was a voice that commanded attention, respect,
and instant obedience. It had served Jacob well in the business world.
He hoped it would serve him well now as almost every person in the
room came to a stop and turned to stare at him. “I believe I asked a
question. Where is my waiter?”

A dark-haired man ran forward from the far side of the kitchen.

The label on his white jacket said his name was Phillip. The man
looked a tad freaked out as he wrung his hands together.

“Well?” Jacob snapped. He was getting tired of not having an


“Sir, please, return to the restaurant. The kitchen is for employees


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“I’ll leave after someone brings Brian to me.”
And not a fucking second before then.
Phillip’s eyes slid to a door at the back of the kitchen, and then he

glanced at Jacob once more. “I’m sorry, sir, but Brian is with the
owner at the moment.”

Jacob walked past Phillip, past the other workers, and approached

what looked to be a small office. He could hear a man shouting as he
walked to the door, and Jacob had a sneaking suspicion who was
being yelled at.

“How many times have I told you to be careful while you are

serving our customers?”

It was Mr. Compton. Jacob recognized the burly man’s irritating

tone. Jacob cleared his throat as he took a step in the office.

Mr. Compton immediately straightened, pushing his hair back into

place as he nodded toward Jacob. “Is there a problem out in the dining

Jacob’s eyes slid over to Brian, who was standing on the other

side of the owner’s desk, looking as if he were near tears. Jacob could
feel his blood simmering as he snapped his eyes from Brian to Mr.

“Yes, there is a problem. Why is Brian no longer my server?”

Jacob made sure his tone sounded just as displeased as he felt. Brian
had done nothing wrong. Knocking over a bucket of ice did not
constitute being pulled into the boss’s office.

Mr. Compton stood behind his cluttered desk, staring at Jacob as

if he had spoken Japanese. “I’m sorry?”

The owner would be if he didn’t stop talking to Brian in that

manner. “I asked you why Brian was pulled from the floor.”

The man seemed to magically regain his composure as he waved a

hand at Brian, who was gaping at Jacob. “My employee needs a bit
more training.”

And Jacob planned on being the very person to give Brian all the

training the man required. “Send him back out to my table.”

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Jacob held up a hand. “How is he going to learn if he is pulled

away every time he makes a mistake? Someone like Brian should be
shown patience.” Jacob glanced over at Brian, seeing the raw need in
the man’s soft hazel eyes. “Someone like Brian should be allowed to

Jacob ignored the man as he turned his attention back to Brian.

“Gather our orders and bring them to our table.”

“Yes, sir,” Brian answered quickly as he looked from Jacob to Mr.


“Now,” Jacob commanded.
When Brian hurried from the office, Jacob turned toward the

owner of De Monique. “I would greatly appreciate you allowing
Brian to finish out his shift serving me.”

He held back the smile at his play on words. The man had no idea

just what Jacob had in mind for dear little Brian. The images played
through Jacob’s mind as they did when Brian worked for Michelson’s
Inc. He could just imagine Brian tied to his bed, whimpering as Jacob
tortured him with every toy he possessed. His cock began to thicken,
and Jacob did nothing to hide it. Let the man think whatever the hell
he wanted.

“Not a problem,” Mr. Compton sputtered as he nodded. “He’ll be

serving your table for the rest of the evening.”

Jacob dipped his head. “Thank you.” There was no need to piss

the man off. Pleasantries always worked a hell of a lot better. Jacob
found that in being polite, it was hard for the other person to be a

It worked most of the time. But he was used to dealing with men

like Mr. Compton. They thrived on bullying the smaller man. Jacob
wasn’t going to stand by and watch Brian being bullied when all he
wanted to do was keep the man safe from the world.

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Jacob returned to his seat, his friends smirking when Brian hurried

over with a tray filled with their main courses.

“I see someone put his foot down.” Michael grinned as Brian

placed their plates around the table. He was the last one to be served,
and it didn’t slip Jacob’s notice that Brian lingered near him.

He tapped Brian’s hip once more to gain the small man’s

attention. “Is there something you’re waiting for?”

Brian shook his head quickly. “No, is there anything else you

gentlemen need?”

Jacob heard the crack in Brian’s voice. He could tell the man was

a bundle of nerves. He wanted to soothe the man’s worries and
wished they were back at his penthouse where Jacob could do just

“You can agree to go out with me,” Jacob said as he leaned back,

appraising Brian once more with his eyes. The man really did have
great potential…and a great ass. It was as if Brian’s ass was molded
just perfectly for Jacob’s hands. He wanted to test that theory, but
kept his hands relaxed on his thighs.

When Brian said nothing, Jacob’s brow rose. “Well?”

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Chapter 3

Brian hadn’t a clue how to respond. From what Jacob had just

done for him back in the office, Brian was starting to suspect the man
was serious. “I—” He fidgeted around, tucking the tray under his arm
and then placing it in front of his ever-growing erection. The idea of
Jacob having him was more than Brian had ever dreamed, but now
that the possibility was presented to him, Brian was a blundering

“I tell you what,” Jacob said as he leaned closer, lowering his

voice for only Brian to hear. “Come by my place tonight, and we’ll
see what happens from there. If you are not comfortable, you can
leave, no questions asked.”

Brian’s breath caught in his lungs. He couldn’t speak. Jacob was

offering Brian what he wanted, what he dreamed of, and his damn
brain was stuttering. He nodded instead, taking a step back and nearly
crashing into Ralph. He would have if Jacob hadn’t reached out and
grabbed Brian’s arms, pulling him back toward the table.

“Relax, Brian.”
Brian felt Jacob’s fingers caress on his arm. For once, he wasn’t

going spastic when someone invaded his personal space. Jacob’s
fingers were hot on his arm, the heat seeping straight through his
work shirt and setting his skin on fire. He wanted to beg Jacob to
touch him again as the man pulled his hand away.

“Tonight,” Jacob said and then turned back toward the other men

seated at his table. Brian quickly walked away, trying not to run into
anyone and trying his best to remember how to breathe. Jacob

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Lyndhurst had invited Brian over. Jacob fucking Lyndhurst had asked
Brian to come over to his house.

Holy shit!
What had he just agreed to?
Brian pushed his way through the kitchen door and stepped to one

side when another waiter started toward him with a tray full of food.
He leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes. He just needed a
minute, one little minute to catch his breath and settle his nerves.

And come to grips with the idea that the man of his dreams

wanted to take him home for the night. Brian could feel his chest start
to tighten, and he knew he was on the verge of hyperventilating.

“Brian, did you see to table three?”
Brian opened his eyes to find his uncle standing right in front of

him. “Yes, sir.” Somehow, the words didn’t seem to hold as much
meaning as when he said them to Jacob. “They are eating now. I
planned to go back out in a few minutes and offer them dessert.”

Brian knew mentioning dessert would make his uncle perk up, and

he was right. The deep scowl on the man’s face slid away to be
replaced with a smile. Fred Compton was all about the bottom line. If
he could squeeze blood out of a penny, he would.

“Good, good,” Mr. Compton said. “Go see if they want an after-

dinner drink as well.”

Double damn!
“Yes, Mr. Compton.” Brian drew in a deep breath and pushed

through the swinging door again, heading back into the restaurant. He
could see Jacob’s eyes settle on him before he even took three steps
out of the kitchen, like the man had just been awaiting his appearance.

It was almost eerie the way that Jacob’s soft grey eyes followed

him across the room. They didn’t even glance away when Brian
reached the table.

“Um…” Brian swallowed hard and tried to look away from

Jacob’s penetrating eyes. It wasn’t easy. Brian felt like something

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compelled him to continue to look at Jacob. “Can I offer you
gentlemen some dessert and an after-dinner cocktail?”

Brian felt his face flush when the other men at the table chuckled,

and he realized that he had asked the question without looking away
from Jacob. Hell and damnation! He was sure to get fired over this.
Brian squeezed his eyes shut for a moment and then turned to face the
other men. Well, except for Taylor McKinley. The man still freaked
Brian out.

“We have a wonderful silk bowtie mousse that pairs well with

Irish coffee or a Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon.”

Please order something. If Brian could get them to at least order

dessert, he might be able to keep his boss off his back, and he was all
for not being chewed out by his boss.

“Have you tasted the silk bowtie mousse?” Jacob asked.
Brian turned in Jacob’s direction but made sure he looked just

beyond the man’s ear. He didn’t want to get caught in his hypnotic
gaze again. “Yes, sir, it is very smooth but also very rich, perfect if
you like chocolate.”

“Did you like it?”
“Yes, sir.”
“It’s impolite to not look at someone when you’re talking to


“Yes, sir.” Brian’s shoulders slumped as he brought his gaze over

a fraction of an inch, just far enough to see Jacob’s grey eyes. “Can I
offer you dessert, sir?”

The second the words left his mouth, Brian had an overwhelming

urge to sink into the floor. The amused smirk that came over Jacob’s
lips did not help one damn bit. The man was silently laughing at him
in amusement, and Brian knew it.


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“Yes, Brian, I do believe I will have dessert.” Jacob winked, the

corners of his lips quivering as if he was trying not to laugh. “I’ll have
Irish coffee, since you recommended it. I’ll also take some of your
silk bowtie mousse now and one to go. I’ll save it for later when I can
really enjoy it.”

Yep, Brian was going to sink into the floor.
“We’ll have the same,” the other three men said.
“I’ll bring it right out,” Brian said before turning and escaping as

fast as he could, taking the dirty dishes with him. He dropped them
off in the kitchen and made his way to the dessert bar, calling out his
coffee order to Phillip as he went.

Now, if only he could get through the rest of the night without

making a fool of himself. It wasn’t looking good. In fact, if he had to
go out there one more time, his prospects of not looking like a
complete goofball were nil to none.

Brian blew out a long breath, waiting for his tray to be filled with

the dessert and coffee. He prayed Phillip took all night and hoped he
hurried the hell up. Brian wanted to go to Jacob’s place, and his
nerves were a quivering mess as he thought about being alone with
the strong, confident, powerful man.

“Table three order up,” Phillip called, pulling Brian from his

agonizing thoughts. Again, Brian breathed in through his nose and let
it out slowly as he picked the tray up and headed toward the door.

Just as his hand went up to push the door open, Brian caught sight

of Ralph and hurriedly stepped out of the way. The door flew open,
barely missing Brian’s tray. God, that was close. He peeked out of the
small window and saw that it was clear.

Walking back out onto the floor, Brian saw not only Jacob gazing

his way, but the entire table. He could feel his knees shaking as he
placed the tray on the table. Why in the hell were all four men staring
at him?

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“Your desserts, gentlemen,” Brian announced, as if they couldn’t

see what he was passing around the table. “Enjoy.”

“Come here, Brian,” Jacob said as he curled his index finger

inward. “I want to have a word with you.”

Ah, shit. He had almost gotten away. Brian did not want Jacob

giving him this much attention at work. It was embarrassing, and the
other staff members were starting to look his way. Brian swallowed
and walked slowly around the table, placing the tray in front of his
body, using it as a shield.

Like that would stop Jacob.
“Tell me if this tastes good,” Jacob said as he dipped his fork into

the mousse and held it up for Brian to taste.

Brian glanced around, seeing Ralph staring at him, a disapproving

glower on his face. Brian looked away. Whether Ralph approved or
not, his uncle would raise the roof if Brian did anything to insult a

And refusing to eat from Jacob’s fork would be considered

insulting. His uncle was strange like that.

Brian slowly parted his lips, glancing down at the table, unwilling

to look at Jacob as the mousse passed his lips. Jacob took forever and
a day to pull the fork clear. “Now, tell me what you think.”

Brian swallowed, but tasted nothing. All his concentration was on

his dick and trying to will it to stay flaccid. But he knew he was
fighting a losing battle. “Creamy, smooth, and light,” he answered as
he licked his lips.

“Is it now?” Jacob’s voice had dropped to something close to

seductive as he dipped his fork once more. “How about now?”

Really? Was Jacob really going to sit there and feed Brian his

damn dessert? Brian wanted to growl, but instead opened obediently.
This time when Jacob pulled the fork free, he tilted it so a dab of
mousse was on Brian’s lip.

Oh, hell, he knew that look. There was no way Brian was going to

allow Jacob to lick his face in the middle of the restaurant. No fucking

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way. Jacob leaned forward, as if he were going to do just that when he
heard his name being roughly called.

Brian turned to see his uncle standing at the doors, a frown tilting

his lips downward.

“Tonight,” Jacob reminded him as Brian walked away.
Now what?
He followed his uncle into the kitchen, wondering how bad the

lecture was going to be this time. He saw Ralph glaring at him from
across the room and knew the bastard had told on him.

“Are you throwing yourself at table three?” his uncle asked as his

fists landed on his hips.

“Then why has some of the staff informed me that you are flirting

with every man at that table?”

Brian knew exactly who had told on him, and if Ralph was

watching him that closely, then the man knew that Jacob had been
flirting with Brian, not the other way around, and not all four men.
What in the hell was Ralph’s problem?

“One of the customers asked me to taste his dessert.”
His uncle’s hands slid from his waist as his face dropped. “Why,

is something wrong with it?” He turned, glaring at Phillip.

Phillip stilled, his eyes darting to Brian.
“No, it’s fine.”
“Good,” Mr. Compton said and waved his hand toward the door.

“Then go back out there and serve table three.”

Brian’s eyes slid over to Ralph to see the man’s scowl deepening.

Fuck him. Brian walked back out to see the men at table three
standing. He hurried across the dining room, pulling Jacob’s chair
back. “I hope your dining was a pleasure.”

Jacob grinned as he tucked his hand into his pocket and pulled out

a business card. “My address is written on the back. I’ll see you when
you get off.”

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The innuendo was quite clear as the other men with Jacob

snickered. Brian didn’t pay them any attention as he lifted his arm, his
hand shaking as he took the card. “When I get off,” he repeated as he
stared at the scribbled address.

“See you then,” Jacob whispered close to his ear before turning

and joining his friends near the front of the restaurant. Jacob turned
once and winked at Brian before walking out the door.

Brian looked back down at the card and then quickly shoved it

into his pocket. He glanced at his watch and saw that Jacob had taken
up most of Brian’s time. It was only thirty minutes until he got off.

Brian smiled at the thought of truly getting off and then frowned.
Would Jacob let him get off?

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Chapter 4

Jacob never thought he would find himself being nervous before a

scene. He hadn’t been since the very first time he took a submissive
under his hand. He knew he was always meant to be a Dom, and he
was very good at it. But the thought that Brian could show up at any
moment had him tied up in knots.

The man was just so damn perfect. Jacob had been watching Brian

since he went to work at Michelson’s Inc. After Brian had been fired,
Jacob had made it his mission to keep track of the man, hence, his
little impromptu dinner invitation to his friends so he could visit
where Brian worked.

And now, Brian would be coming to his home. Jacob almost

laughed with glee, which was very un-Dom-like. He had a perverse
urge to rub his hands together, laugh wickedly, and ask Brian to come
see his etchings.

He didn’t have etchings.
He did have lots of plans for Brian, though, and most of them

started with the man being on his knees with his hands tied behind his
back and ended with him ass up in the air. Jacob groaned as that
visual filled his head. He reached down and thumped his erection,
hoping his cock wouldn’t explode before Brian got there.

It was going to be close.
Jacob hadn’t been able to get Brian out of his mind since the first

day he saw the man. He overshadowed every other man Jacob had
ever been with. If Jacob had his way, once Brian arrived, he would
never leave again. Jacob knew it wasn’t practical, but it was what he
wanted, what he desired.

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Now, he just had to convince Brian that they belonged together.
Jacob wasn’t Taylor. He couldn’t sit by and watch the man he

wanted from afar and not do anything when he had an opening.
Taylor had watched Doby for months, not approaching the man until
Doby got into trouble. Jacob doubted Taylor would have approached
Doby at all if there hadn’t been a problem.

Jacob, on the other hand, saw an opening and had every intention

of taking it. Brian would be his—his lover, his submissive, and the
answer to every fantasy he had ever had. The man just had to stand
there and he would already fulfill a third of those requirements.

Jacob was so deep in his thoughts that he jumped when the

doorbell rang. Brian was here. Jacob felt like dancing a jig. Instead,
he smoothed down his hair and then drew in a deep breath through his
nose and blew it out through his mouth. Once he felt he had regained
some semblance of control, Jacob walked over and opened the door.

Brian gulped. “Sir.”
Well, they were off to a good start, but Jacob wanted more.
“Once you step through this door, you will address me as master.”
“Ye–yes, sir,” Brian stammered.
Jacob stood back and held the door open, not quite sure whether

Brian would step through the doorway or run for the hills. The man
looked hesitant, but wanting. Jacob just kept his mouth shut. This
needed to be Brian’s decision.

His knees almost buckled when Brian finally stepped over the

threshold. Jacob shut and locked the door and then turned to grab
Brian’s arm and lead him over to the living room couch. He sat down
across from him in a large chair, one he hoped to share with Brian one
day. It was designed for cuddling.

“Brian,” Jacob said as he folded his hands together and let them

rest on his lap, “before we go any further, we need to set down some
ground rules.”

Brian’s head snapped up. “Rules?”

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“Rules are very important, Brian. They give us boundaries.”
Jacob had no idea how Brian felt about rules or boundaries or safe

words, none of it. Jacob, on the other hand, lived by them. He had to.
He was a Dom. There had to be rules in any D/s relationship. It kept
everyone safe.

“What sort of rules?”
Jacob smiled. That was a perfect answer. “The first thing you need

to understand is that whatever happens between us is because we both
want it. I will never make you do anything that you are against. I may
try and stretch your boundaries, but I will never harm you.”

Brian swallowed hard. “Okay.”
“Do you know how a D/s relationship works, Brian?”
Brian shrugged. “I’ve played a bit.”
Jacob almost growled. He didn’t like the idea of Brian playing

with anyone else. “From this moment on, you will refrain from
playing with anyone except me. Is that understood? I do not share. If
you feel that is not something you can do, then this stops now.”

“Yes, sir.” Brian frowned. “I mean no, sir. I mean, I understand,

sir. No one else.”

“Good.” Jacob smiled to show Brian that he wasn’t upset, and he

saw some of the tension fade from Brian’s stiff posture. “Now, do you
have a safe word?”

Brian’s face flushed. “Creampuff.”
Jacob blinked. “Creampuff is your safe word?”
“Can I ask why?” Jacob wished he had kept his mouth shut when

Brian stiffed back up and his hazel eyes darted away. He leaned
forward and set his hand down on Brian’s thigh. “You don’t have to
tell me if you don’t want to.”

“It’s okay, I just—my brothers used to make fun of me when I

was younger. They always called me a creampuff. I hate that word, so
I know for a fact that I would never willingly say it and I certainly
won’t forget it. I kind of thought that was why I turned out gay.”

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“You know that’s not true, right?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good, good.” Jacob leaned back in his chair again, dropping his

hands to his lap and clasping them together. “Now, is there anything
that you absolutely won’t do?”

“I don’t like heavy pain, sir, and no bodily fluids.”
“Anything else?”
“No public displays.”
“Can you be more specific?”
Brian’s eyes met Jacob’s head-on for the first time since they sat

down. “I won’t be led around on a leash, and I won’t allow you to
humiliate me, especially not in front of your friends.”

“I would never humiliate you, Brian. That is not what this is

about. It’s about finding mutual pleasure in ways that we find
acceptable. It’s about one of us giving the orders and one of us taking
them. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Jacob noticed Brian tug at the sleeve of his shirt and then run his

hand down the crease of his pants. It was very obvious that the man
was nervous, and that was to be expected. “I think that’s about it,”
Brian stated, but kept his eyes on his work pants.

“Then our ground rules are set.”
Brian’s head snapped up then, his hazel eyes widening slightly.

“What about your rules, sir?”

“They are very simple,” Jacob replied as he stood, and then

walked around the couch, his fingers trailing over Brian’s shoulders,
feeling the man shudder under his touch. “You will follow
instructions to the letter. When I give an order, you will obey. You
will not try and predict what I want. You will only do as I ask,
nothing more.”

Jacob could hear the nervous swallow as Brian nodded. “Y–Yes,


Jacob smiled.

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“Now.” Jacob walked around the couch until he was standing in

front of Brian. “There is a towel laid out in the bathroom. I want you
to shower and then come to my bed.”

“Yes, master.”
Brian stood, and Jacob pointed to where his bathroom was

located, feeling his cock thicken at the way the word had rolled off of
Brian’s tongue so flawlessly. Brian was proving to be everything
Jacob had hoped the man would be, but then again, they were only
getting started.

He hadn’t laid out any toys. He wanted Brian anticipating the

unexpected. Jacob knew exactly what he wanted to do, but he wanted
Brian humming with suspense.

When Jacob heard the shower start, he walked into his bedroom,

opened the chest, which was hidden in his closet, and skimmed
through the wide variety of items until he found what he was looking

It was his favorite form of bondage, and he couldn’t wait to see

Brian so beautifully bound. Laying the white, solid nylon rope on the
end of the bed, Jacob went around the room and lit candles. It was
more to set the mood than to be romantic. He liked close, dark, and
intimate. There was something about the shadows, the flicker of
candles, and the light fragrance that drifted through the room that set
the scene up perfectly for him.

He just hoped Brian wasn’t allergic to jasmine.
That would totally suck.
When he heard the water being shut off, Jacob took his place and

waited. He didn’t have to wait long. Brian came out of the bathroom
with a towel wrapped around his waist looking so damn breathtaking
with water sheening in his brown curls that Jacob damn near ran
across the room and tossed the man on the floor. A few of the tendrils
slid to the front of Brian’s face, masking one of his eyes as Brian
stood there taking in the room.

“Drop the towel and come over here, Brian.”

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Brian’s hand twitched, and then his fingers slid into the royal-blue

towel as he flicked the fabric free. The towel drifted toward the floor,
revealing creamy, pale skin for Jacob’s eyes to feast on. He held back
the moan when he saw how hard Brian’s cock was. The shaft was
average size, but the girth was something Jacob planned to explore
intimately and in depth.

Lowering his eyes, Brian almost ran into the lounging chair sitting

in the middle of the room when he began to walk toward Jacob. It
hadn’t occurred to Jacob to move any objects out of Brian’s way, but
he should have known better from the accidents Brian was prone to

Brian caught himself before he fell, and Jacob stopped himself

from hurrying forward to make sure Brian wasn’t hurt. He would
have to remember to have a clear path the next time he ordered Brian
across any room.

It wouldn’t do to have his submissive all banged up.
“That’s close enough,” Jacob said, and Brian instantly stopped.

Very good.

“Turn around and place your hands at your sides.” When Brian

did as he was told, Jacob stepped forward, skimming his hands down
Brian’s still-wet back. The droplets of water were still warm on
Brian’s skin as he trailed his fingers from his submissive’s neck,
down to where the mounds of his ass began.

“Have you ever been tied up before, Brian?”
“No, master.”
Jacob’s cock jerked at the thought of being the first person to tie

Brian up. Again, the thought of doing a jig entered his mind, but
Jacob suppressed the urge. Instead, he grabbed the soft, nylon rope
from the bed and looped the rope, deciding to use the Dragonfly
Sleeve design on his unsuspecting sub. It would bind Brian’s arms at
his sides, slightly behind the man, and make it impossible to use his
arms or his hands.

Which was exactly what Jacob wanted.

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Once Jacob knotted the first set of loops, he slid them up Brian’s

arms until they rested on either shoulder, and watched as Brian

“Are you afraid of being tied up and helpless?” he asked as he

began to work on the second set of loops.

“I’ve never been tied up before, master.”
“That’s not what I asked,” Jacob said as he slid the loops up

Brian’s arms, securing them in place at the man’s biceps, and then
began on the third set of loops.

“Yes, what?”
“Yes, master. I’m afraid of being helpless.”
Jacob knew from what Brian had told him that the man didn’t like

being defenseless, so he knew not only was he going to show Brian
that being tied up had its pleasures, but help the man through what
seemed to be a phobia.

“You don’t like anyone to invade your personal space, do you,

Brian?” Jacob had surmised as much at the restaurant with the way
Brian had reacted when Jacob touched his hand.

“No, master.”
“Then I am going to push your boundaries, invade your personal

space, and teach you how to thoroughly enjoy having me so close,”
Jacob said as he tightened the knot on the third loop.

Brian tensed, his fingers curling and uncurling as Jacob began the

fourth loop, and he knew in that moment that he was going to have
one hell of a time undoing the damage Brian’s brothers had wrought.

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Chapter 5

He was going to hyperventilate and make a complete fool of

himself. Brian just knew it. He could already feel his chest tightening
up as each little bit of rope was stretched over his arms and secured in
the middle of his back.

He had never been tied up before.
How was he supposed to get free? What if he couldn’t get free?

What if Jacob tied him up and left him this way? He wouldn’t be able
to dress or anything. He’d be stuck buck ass naked with his arms tied
behind him. Brian’s breath stuttered as he inhaled deeply, trying to get
more air into his lungs.

Jacob was doing something with the rope down by his wrists,

preventing his wrists from coming together. It was disconcerting.
Brian flexed his hands, opening and closing them several times. His
circulation wasn’t cut off or anything, but being tied up was nerve

“Ma–master?” Brian stammered when he felt the rope being

pulled up between his legs. He wasn’t sure he was ready to have his
balls bound up in rope. He didn’t even want to think about his cock.

“Just a little more, Brian.”
Brian winced when Jacob adjusted the two ropes and they slid

between his ass cheeks. This was so not okay. The way that Jacob
arranged the ropes on either side of his balls pulled them up tight

Jacob pulled each end of the rope up and tied them off on the

ropes going around his upper arms. But he didn’t stop there. He drew

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the rope tied across Brian’s chest and tied them off, coming back to
lift the rope until it crossed directly over Brian’s nipples.

There was a deep satisfied grin on Jacob’s face when he stood

back and stared Brian up and down as if perusing his work. “You look
stunning, Brian.”

Brian swallowed so hard when Jacob finally met his eyes. He was

surprised the sound didn’t echo through the room. He had a lump the
size of Nebraska in his throat. Jacob looked way too happy with his

“Now, for the fun part,” Jacob said.
Brian’s legs were working just fine, even if they were shaking as

Jacob walked him backward toward the bed. A small squeak burst
from his lips when Jacob pushed him, and he fell back onto the bed.
Jacob grabbed him under the arms and pulled Brian to the middle of
the bed and then climbed on and knelt next to him.

“If your hands or arms start to hurt, let me know, okay?”
Brian nodded because he was way beyond speech at that point.

There was just enough give in the rope that his hands weren’t being
crushed but being bound up like a Christmas turkey wasn’t exactly

“Close your eyes, love, and just feel.”
Brian’s eyes widened for just a moment at Jacob’s endearment,

and then fluttered closed. The first touch of Jacob’s hands on his
calves made Brian jump. He knew, logically, that the man was going
to touch him. Actually feeling it was altogether different.

Jacob started at his calves and slowly moved his hands upward.

His touch was light but also just hard enough that Brian felt
everything—the calluses on the palms of his hands, the ridges of his
knuckles, even the occasional flick of a fingernail.

Brian felt the tug of the ropes when his thighs were spread apart.

He had no idea what he looked like, but Jacob’s swift inhale made
him open his eyes and look down at the man. Brian blinked several

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times, unsure if he was actually seeing the deep arousal on Jacob’s
face or imagining it.

“Beautiful,” Jacob whispered as he stroked his fingers along the

rope surrounding his balls. Brian shivered, the touch so erotic he
could feel drops of pre-cum gathering at the head of his cock and
threatening to trickle down the sides of his cock.

Maybe rope play wasn’t that bad.
Jacob grinned as his eyes flickered up to Brian’s. “You were made

to be bound, Brian.” His eyes dropped back down to Brian’s groin,
and he went back to trailing his finger along the edges where the rope
met Brian’s cock and balls. “Your skin is so pale that you mark

“I’m going to have marks?” Brian squeaked, horrified by the idea

that someone would see the marks on his body and guess that he had
been tied up. He would never hear the end of it from his coworkers.

“No, love,” Jacob said. “They will fade by morning, but for a

while, you will be marked by the ropes.”

Brian groaned when Jacob moved one of the ropes between his

ass cheeks and it rubbed over his aching hole. He hadn’t realized he
could be that sensitive. It felt like Jacob was caressing him every
damn time he tugged on the rope, and he tugged a lot.

“See, love, see how good the ropes feel?”
“Yesss,” Brian hissed, arching his body into the air as he dug the

heels of his feet into the mattress. He wanted more.

“These ropes are special, Brian. They are very strong but also very

soft. I want you bound and marked, not hurt.”

“Yes, master.”
Brian was wailing Jacob’s name a moment later when the man

bypassed Brian’s aching cock and moved up to his chest.

“All in good time, Brian.” Jacob grinned. It was a wicked grin that

sent a shiver of apprehension sliding down Brian’s smile. “Patience is

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a virtue, Brian, and you will learn to have lots of it with me. I like to

Oh gods. Brian was going to lose his mind before the evening was

over. Jacob seemed intent on torturing him, and Brian was helpless to
protest. He’d had a few lovers here and there over the years, but no
one seemed to enjoy his body the way Jacob was. It was like the man
had a need to touch every single inch of Brian’s body.

And Brian was all for that. He just wished Jacob would hurry the

hell up. If his cock got any harder, it could possibly snap right off or
shatter into a million pieces. The feeling of Jacob tugging on the rope
crossing his chest didn’t help.

Each small tug moved the rope over Brian’s nipples, making them

pebble into hard little nubs. Jacob’s soft chuckle told Brian the man
did it on purpose. Jacob did it so many times that Brian lost count. His
nipples ached.

When Jacob leaned up and stroked his tongue over one nipple,

Brian cried out and arched into the air, the desperate need to feel more
overwhelming him. His body started to shake. He couldn’t seem to be
able to pull enough air into his lungs.

“I’ve got you, love.”
Brian could only wish that Jacob had him. He needed…

something. And he needed it now. “Please.” He so wasn’t above
begging, not right now. He’d do whatever it took to get Jacob to fuck

“Sshhh, love,” Jacob crooned.
If Brian hadn’t been tied up, he would have thrown the world’s

biggest temper tantrum when Jacob pulled away from him and rolled
to the side of the bed. He suddenly had a fear that Jacob was going to
leave him there in the middle of the bed, tied up and wanting.

“Master?” Brian wished with everything in him that his voice

didn’t sound as shaky as he knew it did. He sounded like a wuss. He
could hear Jacob in the room and knew the man hadn’t left, but it was

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an uneasy feeling to be tied up and not know if he was going to be left
alone or not.

“I won’t leave you hanging, Brian. I promise.”
True to his word, Jacob was back a moment later, lube and

condom in hand. Brian was never so grateful to see a little foil
package in his life. He wanted Jacob. He might even need him. But he
refused to have unprotected sex with anyone, no matter how sexy they

“Thank you.” Brian just felt the need to say something because

Jacob hadn’t assumed.

Jacob’s eyebrow curved up. “For?”
Brian nodded toward the condom, feeling foolish for having said


“Ah, love,” Jacob said as he caressed the side of Brian’s face.

“You need to learn to have more faith in me, but I suppose that will
only come with time. I will never do anything to harm you. That’s not
what this is between us.”

Brian cocked his head to one side, curious. “Why do you call me

love? We barely know each other.”

“But we will.” Jacob grinned widely. “We are going to know each

as intimately as any two people can. And when you learn to accept
this thing between us, then you will be my love.”

“This thing?” Brian asked instead. “What thing?”
“This need, this attraction. You know it’s there, and I know it’s

there. We need each other. We need what each of us can provide for
the other.” Jacob moved the hand he held to Brian’s cheek and rubbed
his thumb over Brian’s lips. “I need to be able to dominate you, to tie
you up and do wicked, wicked things to you.”

“And me?”
“You need me to tie you up and do all of those wicked, wicked

things to you.”

“I do?”

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Jacob grinned. “You do.”
Again, Brian was curious. “How do you know…that I need these

things, I mean?”

“I know, love. That’s why I am the Dom.”
Brian didn’t think that was much of an answer, but he wasn’t

about to open his mouth and argue with Jacob, not when the man was
pouring lube over his fingers. And Brian had a pretty good idea where
those fingers were going to go. At least, he hoped he did.

“There’s something truly wonderful about ropes, love,” Jacob said

as he moved the ropes between Brian’s ass cheeks to his thighs, and
then he reached up and tightened the knots until Brian’s thighs were
being held up in the air by the ropes.

Brian was mortified when Jacob glanced down. He had no doubt

that his cock and balls were totally on display. He wanted nothing
more than to close his legs, but the ropes around his thighs prevented

Gods, this was so embarrassing.
“Aaahh!” Brian’s entire body clenched. He forgot all about being

embarrassed when Jacob’s slick finger penetrated his ass. He
willingly pushed his ass toward Jacob’s fingers as much as his bound
position allowed.

“I thought you would like that.” Jacob grinned as he leaned over

Brian and looked down into his eyes. “I have you totally at my mercy,
love. I can do whatever I want to you. I can fuck your sweet little ass
with my fingers”—Brian’s breath hitched in his throat when Jacob
started thrusting his finger in and out of Brian’s ass—“or I can just
play around the edges.”

Brian cried out in protest when Jacob pulled his finger free. The

pressure hadn’t been much, but Brian had felt every last inch of
Jacob’s finger in his ass. He wanted to feel it again. With that thought
in mind, Brian tried to wiggle his ass down toward Jacob, turning his
body slightly, only to receive a swift swat to his ass cheek.


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Chapter 6

Jacob watched as Brian’s eyes rolled to the back of his head. It

was the prettiest sight he had ever witnessed, aside from the ropes
binding Brian in place. Brian may have protested the swat to his ass,
but the man’s expression said he enjoyed it very much.

And damn if his handprint didn’t look pretty on Brian’s ass.
“Such a beautiful handprint. So pink.” He wanted to see his marks

all over Brian’s pale skin. The man marked like a dream. Jacob tossed
the condom and lube on the bed, turned Brian over so he was on his
knees, ass high in the air, and then scooted from the bed.

Jacob shivered every time that word fell from Brian’s lips. The

man knew exactly how to tease Jacob. And it was teasing, for him

Moving around the flickering candles, Jacob reached into his

chest and pulled out a feather. He laid it on the end of the bed and
went back to his chest.

“Master, please.”
“I haven’t left you, Brian. I promise, while you are tied up and at

my mercy, I won’t leave the room.” He heard a satisfied sigh and
Jacob smiled. All Brian needed was reassurance. The man seemed
terrified of the unknown. Jacob had no problem letting his sub know
that he was safe.

“Are you comfortable, Brian?” Jacob asked as he dug once more

through the chest and pulled out an item that he had been dying to use
on Brian since first laying eyes on the man. Jacob had played with
many fantasies in his mind over the past few months of what he

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would do to Brian if he had the scrumptious little man in his bed, but
there was one in particular that dominated his thoughts.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jacob could see Brian pulling at the

ropes. “I’m comfortable, master.”

Jacob placed the second item on the bed and then picked the

feather up. “Close your eyes, Brian. No peeking.”

He waited until he saw Brian’s eyes slowly close, and then Jacob

glanced at Brian’s feet. Not many people were aware that the feet
were just as much an erogenous zone as the genital area.

But lucky for Brian, Jacob knew all the spots on a man that would

drive Brian to the edge. He placed the tip of the feather at Brian’s feet
and then slowly walked the side of the bed as the feather trailed up
Brian’s sinewy body. He watched in utter enthrallment as Brian
shivered the entire time, his breaths coming out in small, noisy pants.

Jacob loved sensation play. It was the second most erotic thing

next to ropes. The body never lied, and he loved the way Brian’s was
responding to his touch. It sang out with want as Jacob ran the feather
over Brian’s bound arms.

“Open your mouth, Brian.”
When Brian’s eyes cracked open, Jacob swatted Brian’s other ass

cheek. “No peeking.”

Brian whimpered, wiggled around, and then closed his eyes once

more, parting his lips obediently.

Standing next to the bed, Jacob let the feather trail over Brian’s

lips, watching Brian’s tongue snake out to lick at his bottom lip as
Jacob freed his cock. The feather moved over Brian’s cheek, making
the man part his lips a little wider as he moaned, and that was when
Jacob ran the tip of his cock over Brian’s upper lip.

Brian’s tongue didn’t disappoint. It appeared once more, licking at

the slit in the head of Jacob’s cock, lapping at the pre-cum, which was
leaking like a damn river. Jacob considered himself an experienced
Dom, but he was finding that with Brian, his control wasn’t so great.

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He would have to work on that.
“Suck the head into your mouth, Brian.” Jacob trailed the feather

down Brian’s back, playing at Brian’s small pink opening as his sub
took the head of Jacob’s cock in between his lips.

Jacob murmured his approval as his fingers curled into Brian’s

soft brown curls. For the first time since being a young Dom, Jacob
had to concentrate on not coming down the man’s throat as soon as
Brian’s tongue began to swirl around the mushroomed-shaped head.

Damn, the man was good.
Jacob tightened his fingers in Brian’s brown tendrils as he traced

the feather over Brian’s ass cheeks, not forgetting that he was trying
to bring his sub just as much pleasure. Brian’s hips swayed, as if they
were trying to follow the plumage.

Jacob had known Brian would be the perfect submissive, but he

had no clue how perfect. The man was living out Jacob’s every
fantasy. He wanted to shove his cock down Brian’s throat and roar his
release, but he didn’t want the play to come to an end so soon.

He loved to play, and he was going to show Brian just how much.
Brian moaned around Jacob’s cock and then tried to take more of

the hardened shaft down his throat. As much as Jacob wanted the
same thing, he had to show Brian patience and how to obey his rules
to the letter.

“Only the head, Brian,” he reminded the enthusiastic sub.
Brian backed off, suckling the head between his swollen lips.

Jacob released Brian’s hair and ran a knuckle down the side of
Brian’s cheek, feeling the muscles working as Brian swallowed
Jacob’s pre-cum, looking as if he were truly enjoying every second of
what he was doing.

Jacob sure as hell was enjoying Brian’s mouth.
“Scrape it with your teeth.”
Brian opened his mouth wider, letting the very edge of his teeth

gently glide over Jacob’s cock. It was Jacob’s turn to shiver. He

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pushed forward slightly, feeling the skin of his prick graze over
Brian’s teeth, and curled his fingers in to stave off his orgasm.

He gradually pulled back and then unhurriedly pushed forward,

until he felt his cock hit the back of Brian’s throat, all the while letting
the feather lazily trail over Brian’s exposed skin.

Brian whimpered, closed his mouth slightly, and then sucked

Jacob all the way down his throat. Jacob didn’t stop the man. Instead,
he grabbed Brian’s hair and thrust until his head fell back and he cried
out, his hot fluid pulsing down his sub’s throat.

Jacob blinked a few times and quickly released Brian’s hair when

he realized he had a stranglehold on the man’s scalp. He pulled his
cock free, watching as Brian chased the softening shaft with his lips,
as if desperately wanting to continue to taste Jacob’s cock in his

“You’re being a bad boy, love.” Jacob dropped the feather to the

floor and took a step back. “I did not give you permission to make me

Brian’s face fell as he turned toward Jacob. He could see the

doubt and fear creep into the man’s soft hazel eyes. Jacob couldn’t
have that. “So now you will wait to come until I think you have
learned your lesson.”

Brian’s eyes brightened slightly. Did the man think Jacob would

toss him aside just for making him come? He had to teach Brian that
while following orders was important, he wouldn’t dismiss the man so
easily because he became overly enthusiastic.

“And that just allows me to play with you even longer,” he

murmured at Brian’s ear. Jacob leaned back, placing his knuckle
under Brian’s chin and tilting his head back so that his sub could look
into his eyes. He knew that doing so wasn’t common practice, but he
needed to see the truth in Brian’s eyes. “Do you trust me?”

He could see the uncertainty in Brian’s eyes. His brows furrowed

slightly as his hazel eyes skipped over Jacob’s face, and then he gave
a slight nod of his head.

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“Remember, Brian. I would never do anything to harm you. And

if you feel at any time that you want me to stop, just use your safe

“Yes, master.”
Jacob dipped his head in a quick nod of approval as he reached for

the second item. It really was a simple item. There was nothing
spectacular about it, but Jacob loved sensory play just as much as skin
play. He held the item up for Brian to see. The sub’s eyes widened
slightly, and then he swallowed. “Okay, master.”

Jacob angled toward Brian’s head and tied the blindfold over

Brian’s eyes. He made sure his sub wouldn’t be able see what he was
doing or anticipate Jacob’s moves. “I won’t leave you,” he reassured
the small man. “Remember that, okay?”

Brian’s head moved back and forth, as if trying to follow Jacob’s

voice. “Yes, master.”

Once Jacob had the blindfold securely in place, he stripped his

clothes off and climbed back onto the bed, situating himself between
Brian’s legs. When he placed a hand on each cheek, Brian jumped.

“Relax, Brian.” Jacob smoothed his hands over Brian’s soft skin.
“I’m just nervous, master.”
“You’re supposed to be nervous. But you have to trust me or this

will never work. Do you trust me, Brian?” Jacob needed to hear those
words once more. He needed to know that his sub placed his safety in
Jacob’s hands willingly and completely. He knew that this was their
first time playing together, but Jacob knew in his heart that Brian was
the one. The one he could devote himself to, and vice versa.

“Yes, master. I trust you.”
“Good.” Jacob parted Brian’s cheeks and licked one long line up

the man’s crease, skipping around Brian’s quivering hole. Brian made
a caterwaul sound, voicing his complaint. That only made Jacob grin
as he continued to lap at the skin between Brian’s flared mounds.

“Please,” Brian begged as he tried to move his bottom around,

chasing after Jacob’s tongue. Jacob smacked Brian’s right ass cheek.

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“Hold still.”
Brian whimpered, but stilled.
Jacob tugged at the ropes between Brian’s legs, his eyes focusing

on the way the rope made Brian’s balls bind closer to his body. On the
next downward lick, Jacob kept going. He licked at Brian’s wrinkled
sac, flicking his tongue out to bathe each delicious orb. Brian mewled
and croaked out a few pleases and yeses, but didn’t move a muscle.

His sub was learning. Very good.
Jacob didn’t mind his sub being vocal. He wanted to hear what he

was doing to Brian in every cry and mewl, but he wanted Brian to
follow directions when it came to mobility. His sub needed to learn
that Jacob would not tolerate being defied.

Jacob knew Brian was new to this, so he gave Brian some leeway,

only spanking him when his sub disobeyed. He knew Brian would
soon learn what was acceptable and what wasn’t tolerated.

As Jacob bathed Brian’s balls with his saliva, he pushed one

finger into his sub’s tight entrance. And damn if it wasn’t tight. He
twisted his wrist, searching out Brian’s sweet spot as he continually
licked and mouthed at Brian’s sac.

“P–Please, master.”
Jacob reveled in Brian’s pleas as he slid a second finger into his

submissive’s hole and began to push and pull, fucking the man’s ass
as he moved further up the sac, licking at the base of Brian’s hard-as-
steel cock.

“Oh, gods,” Brian breathed out as he began to tremble.
“You are not allowed to come, Brian,” Jacob reminded him as he

scissored his fingers and then crooked them inside of the man’s tight
channel. “If you come, our night ends.”

“I–I won’t come, master.” The words were a tremble on Brian’s

lips, and Jacob knew that Brian was fighting tooth and nail not to let
the orgasm rip from his balls.

He slid a third finger into Brian’s ass as he nipped at Brian’s thigh

and then pulled his hand free and moved away.

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Brian’s head turned, searching blindly for Jacob as Jacob sheathed

his cock with the latex condom. Jacob didn’t say a word. He waited to
see if Brian would question where he might be. He knew Brian was
intelligent and would guess that Jacob hadn’t moved from the bed.

But when Brian’s body tensed, his arms pulling against the ropes,

Jacob laid a hand on the small of Brian’s back. “Are you looking for
me, love?”

Brian hesitated and then nodded.
“Are you looking for my voice?”
Again, the sub nodded.
“Does my voice bring you comfort, Brian?”
“Yes, master.”
That was exactly what Jacob wanted to hear. He wanted to know

that with just his voice, Brian would breathe easier and become calm.
At least with Jacob—and a small part of Jacob gloried in the idea that
it was only with him—he wanted Brian to let his guard down and trust
fully that Jacob was not going to humiliate or harm him.

Grabbing the base of his cock, Jacob eased forward and watched

as Brian’s body greedily sucked him in.

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Chapter 7

Brian couldn’t catch his breath. The ropes around his thighs were

holding them up to his chest and spread wide. Once again, he had the
feeling of being on display for Jacob, only this time, he didn’t care.
He’d spend the rest of his life naked if it meant he got to experience
more of the pleasure he had been experiencing at Jacob’s hands.

He had really thought that being restrained would freak him out,

and it did a little. But the longer he lay there bound on the bed, the
more freedom he began to feel. He was tied up, bound, restrained. He
could let everything go and just feel.

And, oh fucking hell, was he feeling. It seemed like every single

touch of Jacob’s hands on his body, each lick of his tongue or soft
brush of skin against skin, was magnified and more intense than
anything he had ever felt.

Being blindfolded just added to the experience. He couldn’t tell

where Jacob was going to touch him next, or how. The anticipation
was a pleasure in itself. And somehow, Brian knew that Jacob knew

“I think I may just keep you bound and impaled on my cock,

love,” Jacob said when he finally stopped moving. “You look perfect
this way.”

“Okay,” Brian whispered, not quite sure what he was agreeing to

but willing to say just about anything to keep the pleasure going.

Jacob chuckled. “It would make going to work a little harder, for

both of us.”

Brian didn’t understand how Jacob could possibly string two

words together let alone speak them. He felt like his brains were

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turning to mush along with his body. The feeling of Jacob’s cock
stretching the tight muscles of his ass was beyond anything he had
ever imagined.

If only the man would move.
Brian was desperate for Jacob to move, to breathe. Hell, Brian

was desperate for Jacob to do anything. If something didn’t happen
soon, Brian was going to explode. “Master, please!”

Brian’s entire body tensed when Jacob’s hips thrust forward,

driving the man’s large cock deeper into Brian’s ass.

“Is that what you want, love?”
“Yesss,” Brian hissed as Jacob pulled back and the thick rounded

head of his cock brushed over Brian’s sweet spot. “Oh gods, yes!”

His hands clenched, looking for something to hold on to, but they

were bound by the ropes. He was restrained and almost totally
surrounded by Jacob. And for once, the feeling of having his personal
space invaded felt wonderful.

Brian cried out when Jacob started moving. He pushed his

forehead into the mattress and used it as leverage to push his ass back
toward the man pounding into him. Each thrust was earth-shattering,
each withdrawal agonizing. Brian couldn’t tell which one he liked

Luckily, he was restrained so he didn’t have to choose. He just

had to lie there and let Jacob do whatever he wanted. Brian had never
felt so free in his life. The harder that Jacob’s cock rammed into his
tight aching little hole, the more Brian began to feel at peace with

It was an odd reaction to have. Brian knew that. He just didn’t

care. For once in his life, someone was taking the decisions out of his
hands and giving him orders that only brought him pleasure. Could
anything be any more perfect?

“I want to hear you, love,” Jacob said as he started a series of

quick, short thrusts.

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Brian opened his mouth and allowed every little ounce of pleasure

to spill from his lips. His loud groans filled the air until all Brian
could hear was the sound of his own moans and Jacob’s body
slapping against his.

“So beautiful,” Jacob murmured as he stroked his hand down

Brian’s rope-bound arms. “So perfect.”

“Master,” Brian groaned.
“I think I’m going to keep you like this, Brian.”
Brian didn’t know how that would be possible, but he was all for


“Every time you’re with me, you’ll be tied up in some manner,

bound for my pleasure.”

“Yes, master.”
“Do you like that idea, love?” Jacob asked as he continued to

stroke Brian’s skin. “Do you want to be bound for my pleasure, so I
can touch you whenever I want, however I want?”

Brian swallowed so hard his throat ached. “Yes, master, please.”
“Are you ready to come, love?”
Oh, gods, was he ready. Brian didn’t think he was going to last

long enough for his master to give the command. He was trying so
hard to not come, but the feeling of Jacob’s cock pushing into his ass
and stretching him, filling him—it was getting harder and harder to do
as Jacob said.

And he didn’t want to disappoint Jacob when the man had given

him so much pleasure. He wanted to come back and experience it
again and again. Hell, he never wanted to leave. If he had his way, he
would stay bound and impaled on Jacob’s cock.

“Please, master,” Brian whined.
“Since you asked so nicely…”
Brian cried out as Jacob’s hands gripped the ropes going down the

middle of his back. The phrase ridden hard suddenly came to mind as
Jacob started pounding into him like a man possessed. He was using

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the ropes knotted down Brian’s spine as leverage to pull Brian’s body
back against him.

Brian suddenly realized that he couldn’t reach his cock. How was

he supposed to come if he couldn’t reach his cock and stroke himself
off? “Ma–Master?”

The command was simple. One little word. And it was powerful

enough to rip Brian’s orgasm right out of him. His loud cry of release
echoed through the room as the pressure behind his balls exploded out
of the top of his cock.

But it didn’t end there. Jacob, apparently, wasn’t done with Brian.

He continued to pound into Brian at a rapid pace, filling Brian’s ass
over and over again with his thick cock. Brian’s cock never softened.

Just when he thought he couldn’t take it anymore, and even

opened his mouth to utter his safe word, Jacob froze over the top of
him. Jacob’s hands tightened around the ropes, pulling on them
almost to the point of pain.

“Come, love.”
Oh hell!
Brian cried out as his cock erupted on command again. The

pleasure sweeping through him was compounded by the spurts of
spunk shooting into the condom surrounding Jacob’s cock. Even with
that thin bit of latex between them, Brian could feel each hot spurt.

Brian lay there on the bed, panting heavily as his orgasm started to

fade. Spots of light sparkled in his vision when he opened his eyes.
He blinked rapidly until they disappeared. He angled his head and
tried to get a look at Jacob. The blindfold had slipped from his eyes,
and Brian could see Jacob perfectly now.

“Ssshh, love,” Jacob crooned softly as he stroked his hands over

Brian’s sensitive skin. “Just lay there for a moment and catch your
breath. I’ll release you in a minute.”

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Brian groaned, half in protest, half in relief, when Jacob pulled out

of him. He heard Jacob’s small moan and then a moment later, the
sound of a full condom being tossed into a trash can.

Brian tried to do as Jacob said and just lie there, but when the man

rolled off the bed and walked out of the room, he started to get
uncomfortable. Where in the hell was Jacob going? Was he just going
to leave him there, tied up, now that he had gotten what he wanted?

Jacob walked back out of the doorway he had left through, a wet

cloth in his hand. He arched an eyebrow at Brian as he approached the
bed and began wiping Brian down, cleaning him up from head to ass.

“Did you think I had left you, Brian?”
Brian felt his face flush as he shrugged his shoulders.
“I told you that I would never leave you bound, Brian.”
“But, you did,” Brian protested.
“I just went into the bathroom to get a washcloth. I was not

leaving.” Jacob tossed the washcloth back toward the bathroom door
and then sat down on the side of the bed. He started unwinding the
ropes, carefully rubbing Brian’s skin as he did so. “You need to learn
to trust me, Brian.”

Brian nodded. “I’ll try, master.”
“You’ll learn, love, I promise.”
The moment he was free, Brian pulled the blindfold from his head

and rolled over onto his back so he could see Jacob’s face as they
talked. He needed to know the man was telling the truth and not just
saying what he thought Brian wanted to hear.

“I know it takes time to build that kind of trust, and I’m willing to

be patient, Brian. But you have to try. I’m not willing to wait forever
for you to trust me.”

Brian nodded, too afraid that Jacob would get angry with him if he

voiced the fears growing inside of him. Now that he was no longer
tied up, he didn’t feel as confident as he had when Jacob was fucking

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This was different. This wasn’t some fantasy come to life. This

was real. Jacob could easily have any man he wanted. What he
wanted with some fucked-up freak who couldn’t stand his personal
space being invaded, Brian would never know.

“I’ll try, master, I promise.”
Jacob smiled, and it even reached his beautiful light-grey eyes, but

it was also somewhat rueful. “I know, love. I expect nothing less from
my sub. However—” Jacob turned and grabbed something out of the
nightstand. When he turned back, he held a length of grey braided
rope in his hand. “I believe this will help you.”

“A braided rope?”
“It’s sort of like a collar, but not. I want you to wear it whenever

we are not together. I think it will help remind you that you belong to
me, that I am always with you in some manner, and that I am the only
one allowed to enter your personal space and push your boundaries.”

Brian gulped as he watched Jacob tie the braided rope around his

wrist. It was grey, but three different shades of grey, from light to
dark grey. Brian could feel Jacob’s eyes on him as he stared down at
the rope bracelet, turning it around his wrist with his other hand.

Suddenly, Brian did feel better. He didn’t feel as bereft as he had

when Jacob had taken the ropes off. He felt calm, peaceful—and
tired. Tired and a little sore. He smiled up at Jacob, trying to suppress
the yawn threatening to spring free.

“Thank you, master.”
Jacob grinned. “You’re welcome, love. Now, get under the covers

so we can get to sleep. We both have to work tomorrow, and I want to
fuck that sweet ass of yours before we leave for work.”

“Yes, master.” Brian laughed as he scooted under the covers. He

instantly felt Jacob climb under the covers as well, and scoot up
behind him. Jacob’s arm came around him, the man’s hand resting on
Brian’s chest. Brian stared at the bracelet again, his heart beating a
little faster.

“Thank you, master.”

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Chapter 8

Jacob hid the smile when Alexander Sheffield stuck his head into

his office door. He knew the man was dying to ask how Jacob’s
evening went. Taylor had already come by earlier with a flimsy
excuse about needing to borrow a pen and then grilled Jacob on his
night with Brian.

Jacob had teased Taylor with the fact that he hadn’t told the man a

thing except that Brian was the world’s most perfect sub, and he
wasn’t about to indulge Alexander either. What he and his submissive
had done last night was nobody’s business but theirs.

“So,” Alexander began as he walked into the office, his hands

tucked behind his back, “do you have a new sub, or are you still

Jacob smirked as he placed the files in his briefcase that he would

need to go over later tonight. “Why, do you have a sub in your pocket
that you’re willing to share?” He knew he hit a chord when Alexander
scoffed. None of them liked to share. But Alexander was the most
stringent of them all. The man lived by rules like the Holy Grail. The
man was such a control freak and very rigid in his way of thinking.
Alexander had to have everything in its place to the point that Jacob
feared walking into the man’s office. The displaced air might freak
the man out.

Alexander gave Jacob a tight smile, the anger in the man’s eyes

quickly veiled by calmness and control. Jeez, and Jacob thought he
liked rules. Alexander had him beat hands down. But, the man was a
good friend to have.

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“Hardly,” Alexander replied. “Keep your little details, my friend.

You know you’ll be bursting to tell all when Taylor starts bragging
about Doby again.”

Oddly enough, Alexander was right. All of them had wanted to

find the perfect submissive, and Taylor had done just that. Jacob knew
for a fact that he wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to grind Brian into
Taylor’s smug little smile.

“Dinner?” Alexander asked, and Jacob knew exactly what the

man had in mind. He should say no, but was he really going to pass
up the opportunity to see Brian once again?

Hell, no.
“I’ll see you there,” Jacob said as he shook his head, wondering

why he even considered keeping his night with Brian from his friends.
Oh, he wasn’t giving any details out. That was for him and Brian
alone. But having bragging rights about the perfect sub was going to
be most entertaining.

As he drove to De Monique, all Jacob could think about was his

night with Brian. The man had given Jacob not only his trust, but a
night Jacob wouldn’t soon forget. Brian wore Jacob’s ropes as if he
were born with them. He couldn’t wait until Brian came back for
round two.

Unfortunately, after their bout of sex this morning, Jacob had

forgotten to instruct Brian to come back that night. They were both
running late, and Brian had practically run from Jacob’s so he could
beat the traffic.

But he wasn’t worried. He would see Brian in just a few short

minutes and their plans would be set. Fuck, he couldn’t wait. Jacob
wasn’t what he would consider a stringent Dom. He liked to play
around as well as play the scene.

There was nothing wrong with having a little fun with his sub.

Life was too damn short to have his panties in a bunch like
Alexander, or even Taylor when it came to his submissive. Brian had
done beautifully last night, and Jacob planned on keeping the man.

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He even was amped up about seeing the rope on Brian’s wrist. His

three friends would see it and know that Jacob was keeping the man.
A small bubble of laughter fell from his lips at the image of him
sticking his tongue out at the three men when they gaped at Brian’s

Yeah, he was being childish. Sue him.
Jacob pulled in front of the restaurant and slid from his car, letting

valet park his vehicle. He walked up the three steps and walked
inside, glancing around until he saw Taylor, Alexander, and Michael
seated at a table.

As Jacob crossed the room, his eyes wandered around, looking for

Brian. He was a bit disappointed when he didn’t see the man. Where
was Brian?

“You made it,” Michael teased as Jacob took a seat.
“You wish I didn’t show,” Jacob replied as he glanced around.
“I haven’t seen him,” Alexander said as another waiter

approached their table.

“Are you sure he worked tonight?” Taylor asked.
“Unless you fired him, yes.”
Taylor rolled his eyes and shook his head. “I’m not going to keep

explaining myself, Jacob. I told you it was upper management.”

Jacob waved Taylor off as he sat up straighter. The new waiter

smiled at each of them and then turned to Jacob. “Can I start you
gentlemen off with anything?”

Jacob nodded. “You can start me off with an explanation of where

Brian is.”

Taylor chuckled as Alexander smirked. Michael looked at Jacob

in bewilderment.

“I’m sorry, sir. Brian has been dismissed from his duties. But I

assure you, I can see to your every need.”

Jacob felt his stomach knot. Recognition dawned on him as he

stared at the waiter. It was the one giving Brian the evil eye last night.
“What do you mean he was dismissed from his duties?”

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“Wasn’t me,” Taylor defended himself quickly.
Jacob ignored him, looking at the waiter for an answer.
“I’m not sure what happened, sir. Shall I get management?”
Jacob stood, tossing his napkin on the table. “No, I know exactly

where the office is.”

“Jacob,” Alexander called out, but Jacob wasn’t hearing it. He

wanted to know why Brian was fired. The man hadn’t done anything
wrong in his eyes and wasn’t here that damn long today to do
something worthy of getting fired.

He hoped.
It didn’t matter. Jacob wanted an explanation…and Brian’s home

address. He had completely forgotten to ask Brian for it.

Jacob strode through the kitchen as if he owned the place, glaring

at each employee along the way. They were quick to move aside as
Jacob made his way to Mr. Compton’s office. He wanted an
explanation, and it better be a damn good one. If Brian had fucked up
too badly, Jacob knew a few places that would hire Brian on Jacob’s
good word.

He wasn’t sure how much the man earned working in a place like

this, but he was sure it wasn’t enough to put up with this bullshit.

As he approached the office, Jacob could hear low murmuring and

something that vaguely sounded like a fist pounding. Hurrying his
steps up, Jacob rounded the corner to see that Mr. Compton had Brian
pinned up against the wall. He was pounding his fist on the side of
Brian’s head.

“I will not hire you back, you clumsy fool. You have embarrassed

me enough with your accidents. The clientele will think I run a
shabby restaurant if I allow you to continue screwing up. Clear your
fucking locker out and don’t come back. I’ll mail your last paycheck
to you.”

“I didn’t do it!” Brian shouted, but Jacob could see Brian cringing

back. He wasn’t sure if it was in fear of being struck or from the man

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being in Brian’s personal space, but either option set Jacob’s teeth to

“What in the hell is going on?” Jacob demanded as he stepped

further into the cramped little office. Brian’s face relaxed as soon as
he saw Jacob, but he was still as tense as ever, his hazel eyes
practically begging Jacob to get Mr. Compton away from him. “Come
here, Brian.” Jacob pointed to his side.

Brian eased from under his boss’s arm and hurried across the

small space, standing directly at Jacob’s side.

“This is none of your concern,” Mr. Compton huffed.
Jacob could tell the man was using all of his strength to keep his

anger in check. He didn’t give a rat’s ass. No one was going to talk to
Brian that way. Not even Jacob spoke to Brian in such a demeaning
manner, and he was Brian’s master.

“Someone tripped me,” Brian began.
“That’s none of his business.” Mr. Compton pointed at Jacob.

“This is employee business. He is clientele. You are not to discuss
this with him.”

Jacob held up his hand, a warning in his eyes for Mr. Compton to

shut his trap. Jacob turned to Brian and noticed that Brian wasn’t
wearing his bracelet. “Where is your bracelet?”

“I–I was told I couldn’t wear it on the floor, mas—sir.”
Jacob let a low growl escape his lips as he turned to the proprietor.
“Not that it’s any of your concern, but my workers are not allowed

to wear jewelry while on the clock.”

Jacob wouldn’t have argued with the man’s policy if he hadn’t

noticed a small gold necklace around the neck of the waiter who had
approached his table tonight. “Then I think your policy needs to be
enforced with all of your employees.”

Mr. Compton sputtered and then turned a healthy shade of red. “It


“Then why did my waiter have a necklace on?”

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Jacob could hear the swift intake of air next to him and knew that

Brian was just as surprised. “Ralph was told to take it off several
times, but never has. Why haven’t you fired him for that, uncle?” The
accusation was bitter as Brian asked his question.

This man was Brian’s uncle?
“That’s none of your damn business!”
The man was getting fired up over such an innocent question.

“Why were you let go, Brian?” Jacob asked as he turned to his sub.

“Because when I walked out on the floor, someone tripped me and

my tray went flying, landing on a woman’s dress and her husband’s

“I’ve warned you about your clumsiness,” Mr. Compton said, his

voice rising as he wiggled a finger at Brian. “Enough is enough. I’m
losing customers because of your ‘accidents.’” Mr. Compton had the
nerve to make air quotes. Who in the hell made air quotes anymore?

“Did you see who tripped you?” Jacob asked.
Jacob’s eyes widened when Brian threw his hands in the air, his

eyes narrowing at his uncle. “I know it was Ralph. The man has had it
in for me from day one. I have no fucking clue what I’ve done to
offend the man, but I know for a fact he has been the one sabotaging

Wow. Did Brian just curse?
For some strange reason, Jacob was turned the hell on, seeing

Brian’s aggressive side. Maybe he could get Brian angry whilst the
man was tied up. That should be interesting.

And maybe even fun.
He would be like Jacob’s little tornado as he tried to get free.
It had possibilities.
Of course he wouldn’t insult or hurt the little sub, but damn, his

cock was getting hard as he stared at the hard glint in Brian’s hazel

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“H–How dare you!” Mr. Compton stammered. “I won’t have you

talking about Ralph that way. He is an upstanding employee who goes
above and beyond.”

“Yeah, he strives to be the best at hanging out in the kitchen and

shucking his work,” Brian shot back.

Jacob wanted to raise his arm and root for Brian. The man was

sticking up for himself, and Jacob thought it was sexy as fuck.

“Take that back!”
“Why? It’s the truth!” Brian shouted. “You always have a ready

excuse for Ralph’s fuckups. Why is that, uncle?”

“I know,” Jacob said, tired of hearing the pompous jackass yell at

his sub. He was five seconds away from clocking the man in his jaw.
He turned from Brian and smirked at Mr. Compton. “How long have
you been boning your waiter?”

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Chapter 9

“Go get your things, Brian,” Jacob said. “You will not be working

here anymore.”

“But—” Brian needed this job, even if it sucked. It was the only

way he could pay his bills.

“Go, love.” Jacob sent Brian a little smile. “And don’t forget your

bracelet. I expect to find it back on your wrist the next time I see
you.” Jacob glanced at his watch. “And that should be in about five
minutes out in the restaurant. Go sit at my table and wait for me while
I deal with your uncle.”

Brian’s eyes grew so round that they hurt. Jacob was going to deal

with Brian’s uncle? He almost opened his mouth and asked Jacob to
take pictures so he could see his uncle having his ass handed to him,
but thought better of it when Jacob arched an eyebrow at him.

It would have been nice to get some video for YouTube.
He turned and hurried out of the office, making a beeline for the

employee lounge. He almost made it, too, until Ralph stepped in front
of him and blocked his way. When Brian took a quick step back,
Ralph took one forward, invading Brian’s space.

The man must have a kink about that. He was always invading

Brian’s space. And Brian didn’t understand why. He had never done
anything to offend Ralph or piss him off, but Ralph seemed to have it
out for him.

Brian cocked his head to one side as he regarded Ralph. He could

hear the entire kitchen staff working behind him, but the lack of
voices told him that they were all eavesdropping on his confrontation
with Ralph.

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“Is it true that my uncle is boning you?”
Brian didn’t even have time to dodge the fist that flew in his

direction. He felt it connect with his cheek, and a loud crack filled the
air. Pain exploded in Brian’s face, and his legs went out from under
him as he stumbled backward into a food cart. Brian hit the hard floor
with a loud crash, the dishes on the cart he fell into shattering all over
the floor.

By the time the room stopped spinning, Phillip was kneeling at

Brian’s side, trying the wipe away the trail of blood trickling down
Brian’s face. He kept shooting angry little glares at Ralph.

“That was totally uncalled for, Ralph.”
“Did you hear what he said about me?” Ralph shouted as he

pointed his finger at Brian.

“Oh please, we all know Mr. Compton is fucking you every

chance he gets. He says boo and you drop your pants and bend over
his desk like a street slut.”

“You’re lying!”
“Seriously, Ralph? Do you really think we haven’t heard you in

his office?” Phillip snorted. “You are not as quiet as you would like to
think you are. And Mr. Compton grunts like a pig.”

Brian chuckled. He couldn’t help it. He was suddenly getting a

mental image of his uncle fucking Ralph over his desk, squealing like
a pig. The image came complete with pig ears and a corkscrew tail.

“Shut your fucking mouth or I’ll tell Mr. Compton that you’ve

been seeing that busboy, Tony.” Ralph’s eyes narrowed down to tiny
little slits. “You know he doesn’t allow fraternization between

“Really? Then how are you going to explain fucking half the

kitchen staff? Hmmm?”

Brian’s eyes widened as he glanced between Ralph and Phillip.

He had never heard Phillip go off like this. He was shocked, but not
as shocked as he was to learn that Ralph was fucking just about
everyone except him. How had he missed that?

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Boy, when tempers flared, lips loosened.
How interesting.
“And if that isn’t enough,” Phillip said, “I can inform Mr.

Compton about all of those little discounts you’ve been giving to your
butt buddies. I’m sure Mr. Compton would be interested in just how
many free meals and bottles of wine you’ve given out to the guys
you’re fucking.”

“You wouldn’t!”
“The hell I won’t.” Phillip stepped over to stand in front of Brian.

“I and just about every damn last member of this restaurant have had
enough of your shit, Ralph. You’re an asshole, and we all know it.
Hitting Brian was the last straw. It stops now.”

“He got me fired,” Brian said softly, not sure if he should butt into

the conversation between the two angry men. He was positive he
should have kept his mouth shut when Phillip gaped down at him.

“He got you fired?”
Brian grimaced and nodded. “He tripped me when I had a tray of

food. It spilled all over the customers at table five.”

Brian wasn’t sure what he expected when he told Phillip what

Ralph had done, but he wasn’t prepared for the man to take his chef’s
hat off and then his apron, tossing both down on the floor.

Apparently sleeping with Ralph wasn’t enough for these men to

defend the man. Brian knew Ralph was a prick, but he had no clue
these men had come to the same conclusion. It seemed sleeping with
the entire kitchen staff hadn’t worked in Ralph’s favor.

A moment later, several more hats and aprons joined Phillip’s.

Brian glanced behind him to see the rest of the kitchen staff standing
there without their uniforms on. Oh man, his uncle was going to go

“Since you seem to be such good friends with Mr. Compton,

Ralph, then you can explain to him why his entire kitchen staff just

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“You can’t quit,” Ralph shouted, panic radiating from his beady

little eyes.

“Watch us.”
Phillip turned and held a hand out to Brian. “It just so happens

that I know of this little Italian restaurant, a mom-and-pop type of
place, that is currently looking for two new waiters and several new
kitchen staff. Interested?”

“I…uh…” Brian glanced toward Mr. Compton’s office, the last

place that he had seen Jacob. “I need to talk to someone before I make
any decisions.”

“Okay, I guess I can understand that.” Phillip grabbed a food

order form and wrote something on it before handing it to Brian.
“This is my number. If you’re interested in that job, give me a call.”

Brian smiled for the first time since coming to work. “Thanks,

Phillip. And thanks for sticking up for me. I’m really sorry you felt
you had to quit.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for, Brian. We’ve all seen what

Ralph does to you. And we should have stepped in a lot sooner, but
we were all kind of hesitant to interfere between family members.”

Brian snorted. “Didn’t seem to stop my uncle.”
Phillip patted Brian on the shoulder. “Well, if that sexy man from

the restaurant is anything to go by, you don’t need your uncle.”

Brian felt his face flush. “That’s Jacob.”
“Did I hear my name mentioned?”
Brian swung around to find Jacob standing behind him. He took a

step back when Jacob’s face darkened and the man walked toward
him. Jacob stopped in front of Brian and gripped his chin, tilting his
face one way and then the other.

“Brian, love, you did not have this bruise on your face or split lip

when I saw you five minutes ago. Would you care to explain how it

“Um…not really?”

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Jacob arched an eyebrow at him. “Very well, then finish getting

your stuff. I’d like to eat before we go home.”

I’m going home with Jacob?
Hot damn!
“Yeah, about that…” Brian frowned and glanced over at the

kitchen staff. “We might need to go to another restaurant.”

“You don’t say.” Jacob glanced around until his eyes settled on

Ralph, and then they grew dark and menacing. “And would Ralph
here have anything to do with that?”

This wasn’t going to end well. Brian could see that. He reached

over and grabbed Jacob’s arm and pulled, trying to get him away from
Ralph before he attacked the guy. “Can we go home now? Please,

Brian froze when Jacob swung around to look at him. Oh man. He

really should have kept his mouth shut. He really hadn’t meant for
that to slip out.

“Master?” Ralph started laughing hysterically. “You call him

master? Do you bend over and spread your legs whenever your master
orders it, Brian?”

Jacob was across the room before Brian even registered that he

had started moving. He grabbed Ralph around the throat and slammed
him into the wall, leaning in close until they were almost nose to nose.

“Do not ever speak to Brian like that again,” Jacob snarled. “Do

you understand me?”

“Y–Yes,” Ralph choked out.
“You’re not fit to lick his shoes.”
When Ralph’s face started to turn red, Brian knew he needed to go

for help. For a split second, he considered getting his uncle. After all,
the man did own the restaurant. Brian dismissed that thought almost
as soon as it entered his head.

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He spun around and raced out of the kitchen, running toward the

table where Jacob’s friends were sitting. “Please, please, you have to
help,” Brian panted out when he reached the table. “Ralph pissed
Jacob off, and now I’m afraid Jacob is going to kill him.”

The three men were up and out of their seats before Brian even

finished explaining what was going on. As they hurried toward the
kitchen, Brian ran after them, wringing his hands together. If his
careless words had gotten his master into trouble, he would never
forgive himself.

It had just slipped out. Brian realized that he thought of Jacob as

his master, so it was natural to call him that but not out in public. He
was positive that Jacob didn’t want anyone to know about the things
that went on between them when they were alone together.

Utter chaos met Brian when he ran into the kitchen. His uncle was

shouting at Jacob at the top of his lungs. Two of Jacob’s friends were
trying to peel Jacob’s hand off of Ralph’s throat. The third one was
shouting at Mr. Compton.

Phillip and the rest of the kitchen staff stood off to one side of the

kitchen. They were staring at the ensuing fight with looks of utter
horror on their faces, although a few of them seemed to like seeing
Ralph being handed his ass.

Brian heard someone shout something about the police being

called and charges of assault being pressed against Jacob for attacking
Ralph, and he knew that his master would never forgive him. In one
single day, Brian had lost his job, his lover, and alienated almost
everyone he knew.

Brian quietly scooted past everyone to the employee lounge. He

could feel tears start trickling down his cheeks as he grabbed his bag,
jacket, and the braided rope bracelet that Jacob had given him. If he
couldn’t have Jacob, he could hold on to the bracelet and dream a

Brian peeked out into the main kitchen area. When no one was

looking, he hurried out the back door that led to the alleyway. There

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really didn’t seem to be any reason to stay, not after what he had

His life sucked.

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Chapter 10

Jacob stood outside of Brian’s apartment door, his tweed overcoat

blowing in the late-September wind. He raised his hand to hit the
buzzer and let it fall short. It had taken him four weeks to track
Brian’s address down.

And it wasn’t easy.
But what hurt the most was that Brian could walk away from

Jacob so easily. Had he meant so little to Brian? Jacob had thought
that what they had between them was something spectacular, but from
what Brian had done, maybe his sub—no, not his sub…Brian didn’t
think so.

But here he stood on Brian’s threshold, wanting some closure.

Jacob had to know exactly why Brian had walked away from what
they had, but more specifically, walked away from Jacob. He needed
some sort of closure. Maybe it would help him stop dreaming about

He finally blew out a long breath and pressed the buzzer.
“Yes?” Brian’s voice sounded defeated as he answered the buzzer.
“Open up, love.”
Jacob stood out in the wind for so long that he began to think that

Brian wasn’t going to buzz him in.

And then the buzzer sounded loudly.
Jacob grabbed the handle and walked into the building, taking the

steps two at a time until he reached the third floor. He walked to
apartment 3C and stood in front of the door, feeling his heart breaking
in two as he knocked.

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Even though he was a Dom, it didn’t mean he had no feelings for

Brian. The man had come to mean so much to Jacob in such a short
amount of time that it had stunned him at first. He had tried to walk
away, to leave Brian alone, but the loneliness and need gnawed at
Jacob constantly until he felt as though he would lose his mind.

The door cracked open slightly.
Jacob pushed it the rest of the way open and walked inside,

closing the door behind him. He glanced around to see fast-food
containers sitting around the apartment, some half eaten, others barely
touched. There were small piles of dirty clothes lying about and
pieces of tissue wadded up and lying all over the place.

In short, the place was a mess.
It shocked Jacob that Brian lived like this. He would have thought

Brian had taken better care of himself and where he lived. He heard
sniffling and followed the sound to Brian’s bedroom.

The small man was curled up on the bed, wads of tissue littering

the bed and the floor. Brian wiped his eyes, and then tossed the tissue
aside, grabbing another from the box.

Well, that explained the tissue.
He also noticed that Brian’s already-slim frame had dwindled

down to nothing. The man couldn’t weigh any more than one hundred
pounds from the looks of him. “What have you done?” he asked as he
studied the dark circles under Brian’s eyes.

Brian opened his mouth and then closed it, big, fat tears rolling

down his cheeks. He wiped the moisture away with the tissue and
then curled further into himself. “Thrown my life away. Why, does it
look good on me?”

Jacob could hear the bitterness in Brian’s voice. All the anger,

hurt, and resentment he had felt toward Brian for walking away
melted at his feet as he watched Brian’s frail shoulders bounce as the
man lay on his bed and cried.

After walking to Brian’s bedside, Jacob knelt, removing his black

leather gloves and resting the pair on his thigh. He reached over to

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Brian and pushed away the brown curls from the man’s eyes. He
could see that not only was Brian not eating, the man needed a serious
haircut. “What do you mean, thrown your life away?”

Jacob was thoroughly puzzled.
“I–I lost my job.” He hiccupped and then dabbed at his eyes. “I

lost you, and I alienated everyone who I thought was my friend.”

“You didn’t lose me, love. You walked away.” Jacob couldn’t

keep the bitterness out of his voice. He had been hurting, right along
with Brian, for four long damn weeks. Although he knew for a fact he
didn’t look half as bad as Brian did.

Brian used the palms of his hands to wipe the tears from his face

as he shook his head. “You got arrested because of me. How could
you even look at me and not hate me for that?”

Jacob saw that Brian was still wearing the braided bracelet. It

looked like hell, fraying everywhere, and it also looked like Brian had
been chewing on the damn thing. “I did have to do community service
for choking the snot out of that asshole, but I would do it again in a
heartbeat to protect you, love.”

Brian’s brows pulled down into a confused frown as he glanced

up at Jacob. “Why would you do that?”

“Because,” Jacob said as he sat on the bed next to Brian, “you

mean that much to me. It drove me crazy when I saw the bruises on
your face and heard the way Ralph was talking to you. No one, and I
mean no one, will disrespect my sub.”

“You don’t hate me?”
Jacob could hear the tiny sliver of hope in Brian’s tone as he

wiped his face with another tissue. Jacob wanted to toss the box out of
the damn window. He didn’t like seeing Brian so distraught. It was a
look that he never wanted to see on Brian again. “No, now gather
your things.”

Brian pushed himself up, still looking puzzled. “Why?”
“Because you are coming home with me. Apparently you didn’t

take me seriously when I told you that we needed each other. I still

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want to provide for you, Brian. That hasn’t changed. But what has
changed is the fact that you walked away from me and now I feel as if
you will do it again.”

Brian shot from the bed, grabbing Jacob’s arm, pulling at it as if it

were his lifeline. “I won’t, master. I promise. I thought I had screwed
up so badly that you wouldn’t want me any longer.”

“That wasn’t a decision you should have made. It wasn’t your

fault that Ralph was a complete and utter jackass. It wasn’t your fault
that your uncle was boning his employees, and it most certainly
wasn’t your fault that I lost my temper.”

“So what is my fault?” Brian asked, his fingers curling tighter into

Jacob’s overcoat.

“That you didn’t stick around. That you didn’t trust that I

wouldn’t blame you for any of that.”

Brian’s face fell as he uncurled his fingers, his hazel eyes

watering once more. “I understand.”

“No, Brian, you don’t. Now pack your things so we can go


Jacob could see he still had a lot to teach his sub. The man just

couldn’t get it through his head that Jacob wasn’t going to hurt him.
“Home, love.” He softened his voice, running his knuckle down
Brian’s cheek. “Where I’m going to tie you up and never let you leave
our bed.”

Brian’s eyes widened, and then he grinned. “Yes, master.” He

quickly ran around the small apartment, shoving clothes and toiletries
into a gym bag. Jacob knew that as soon as they hit his door that bag
was being dumped into his washer.

Especially since Brian was plucking clothes from the piles on the


“I’m ready,” Brian announced as he slung the bag over his


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“Brian, maybe you should put on a coat. It is cold outside after


“A coat, right.”
Jacob grinned as Brian raced into another room and then was back

in seconds with a thick winter coat on. “Better, master?”

Jacob nodded. “Much.”
He opened the apartment door, waved Brian out, and prayed he

never had to come here again. Brian was his, and he didn’t plan on
letting the man go. He was going to push past Brian’s boundaries and
make the man see just how precious he truly was to Jacob.

They climbed into Jacob’s car, and then Jacob drove Brian home.

He walked inside and pointed to Brian’s gym bag. “Take that to the
laundry room and toss the clothes in.”

Brian pulled his coat off and then did as he was told. Jacob took

that time to ready the bedroom, and then went to the kitchen where he
fixed a large platter of freshly cut meats and cheeses. He didn’t like
the fact that Brian had lost so much weight. It wasn’t healthy.

Jacob was determined to take care of his sub, whether Brian

realized that fact or not. The man was a poster child for self-doubt and

He grabbed the tray and walked into his room, nearly dropping the

food when he spotted Brian standing by his bed, white rope in hand,
wearing nothing but a big smile on his face.

Jacob set the tray down and grabbed the rope from Brian’s hand.

“Don’t be bratty. You’ll be tied up when I decide to tie you up. Now

“Yes, master,” Brian answered, but damn if the man wasn’t trying

to fight a smile. Jacob swatted Brian’s naked ass and his sub yelped,
but hurried toward the tray.

As Brian ate, Jacob walked around the room and lit the candles,

climbing out of his clothes at the same time. He caught Brian giving
him furtive glances, but whenever Jacob looked his way, Brian
lowered his eyes, shoving another piece of meat into his mouth.

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When the tray was picked clean, Jacob pointed to the bed. “Do we

need to go back over the ground rules?”

Jacob quirked a brow. “Are you using your safe word, Brian?”
Brian’s head snapped back and forth so quickly that Jacob was

surprised the man didn’t give himself whiplash. “No, master. I’m only
telling you that I remember.” He said the words so quickly that Jacob
barely caught them.

“On the bed, brat.” He smiled when Brian jumped onto the bed

and knelt, placing his hands behind his back. The man was learning.

As Jacob began to tie his submissive up, he leaned forward,

making sure Brian heard every word. “What will you do the next time
you think I am angry with you, Brian?”

Brian swallowed, his arms slightly trembling. “Ask, master.”
“Very good.” Jacob knew they had a long way to go, and he also

knew what had happened was just a misunderstanding. But he was
seriously considering keeping the ropes on Brian and never letting his
sub out of his sight again.

He wasn’t sure he could take it if Brian left again. Those had been

the longest four weeks of his life, and Jacob was going to make damn
sure Brian never walked away again.

“Lie on your stomach, love.”
Brian lay down, and Jacob’s cock hardened at the sight. Only

Brian’s hands were bound this time, but damn if it still didn’t present
an evocative sight. His blood ran hot in his veins as Jacob crawled up
onto the bed. As badly as he wanted to sink his cock into Brian’s tight
little ass, he had to teach the man a lesson.

Jacob let his hand fly as he spanked Brian’s ass until both cheeks

glowed red, rubbing the stinging mounds every fourth swat.

“Master!” Brian shouted as he wiggled around. But instead of

trying to get away, he was pushing his ass toward Jacob’s hand. By
the time Jacob had doled out his punishment, Brian was a quivering

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“Never walk away from me again, understand, love?” Jacob asked

as he massaged both flared globes.

“Y–Yes, master.”
Jacob smiled as he sheathed his cock with a condom and then

poured lube over Brian’s hole. He crawled between Brian’s legs,
thrusting his cock deep and moaning at what had been denied to him
for too many weeks. Jacob grabbed Brian’s bound wrists, tugging at
the restraints as he hammered into Brian’s tight entrance.

He would play with the man later. Right now he wanted what only

Brian could give him. As his orgasm crawled down his spine and
wrapped around his cock, Jacob could hear every single cry coming
from Brian as the man wiggled his ass, thrusting back as Jacob
snapped his hips forward.

Brian arched his back, his arms flexing as he came. His hole

milked Jacob’s cock, making it almost impossible to move as his
release slammed into his groin and then ripped through his body.
Jacob slowly opened his eyes and then let go of the rope, untied
Brian, and then disposed of the condom. Once he had Brian cleaned
up, he pulled back the covers and waved for his sub to crawl between
the sheets.

Jacob spooned Brian, resting his chin on Brian’s head as he pulled

his sub close, invading the man’s personal space and enjoying every
second of it.



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Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but

lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to
find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a

cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

For all titles by Lynn Hagen, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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