Smart Time 2 Tests KEY

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Smart Time 2



(Unit 1)

1 1 sociable

3 irresponsible

5 reliable

2 polite

4 impatient

2 1 fights

4 lead

7 chat

10 hangs

2 gain

5 catch

8 put

3 surf

6 feel

9 set

3 1 catches

6 is not/isn’t playing

2 is studying

7 Does Scott work

3 are listening

8 cries

4 eats

9 do not/don’t go

5 do not/don’t want

10 is Jenny leaving

4 1 They usually have lunch at 1:00.

2 Becky is never late for work.

3 Anna hardly ever goes out on Saturday


4 The boys often help others.

5 Agatha is always tired after going to the


5 1 in

2 on

3 at

4 at

5 on

6 1 A

2 B

3 C

7 1 B

2 D

3 A

4 E

8 1 B

2 D

3 A

4 E

9 Suggested Answer

To: ABC@


Subject: Hello!

Dear Paul,

I’m a 14 year old student in secondary school.

I live in London, England. I get up at 7:00 and
have breakfast. I catch a train to school at
8:00. My favourite school subjects are History
and Geography, but I don’t really like
Chemistry. In the afternoons, I play football
and meet my friends. In the evenings, I do my
homework and watch TV. I usually go to bed
at 11:30.

At the weekends, I often play tennis. I like

watching football games on TV, too.
Sometimes I listen to music.

What about you? Write soon,


(Unit 1)

1 1 reliable

3 irresponsible

5 sociable

2 impatient 4 polite

2 1 hangs

4 catch

7 surf

10 set

2 feel

5 gain

8 lead

3 fights

6 chat

9 put

3 1 do not/don’t want

6 cries

2 are listening

7 do not/don’t go

3 eats

8 is Jenny leaving

4 is studying

9 Does Scott work

5 is not/isn’t playing

10 catches

4 1 Agatha is always tired after going to the


2 Anna hardly ever goes out on Saturday


3 The boys often help others.

4 Becky is never late for work.

5 They usually have lunch at 1:00.

5 1 on

2 at

3 at

4 on

5 in

6 1 C

2 A

3 A

7 1 A

2 C

3 B

4 E

8 1 A

2 C

3 B

4 E

9 Suggested Answer

To: ABC@


Subject: Hello!

Dear Paul,

I’m a 14 year old student in secondary school.

I live in London, England. I get up at 7:00 and
have breakfast. I catch a train to school at
8:00. My favourite school subjects are History
and Geography, but I don’t really like
Chemistry. In the afternoons, I play football
and meet my friends. In the evenings, I do my
homework and watch TV. I usually go to bed
at 11:30.

At the weekends, I often play tennis. I like

watching football games on TV, too.
Sometimes I listen to music.

What about you? Write soon,

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Smart Time 2



(Unit 2)

1 1 grow

5 crowded

9 rented

2 tribe

6 delayed

10 trip

3 heavy

7 journey

4 dirty

8 missed

2 1 smooth

4 uncomfortable

2 tiring

5 safe

3 awesome

3 1 book

3 stay

5 get

2 step

4 rent

4 1 went

6 Did Lucy take

2 Did you buy

7 saw

3 tried

8 travelled

4 did not/didn’t visit

9 did not/didn’t stay

5 stopped

10 found

5 1 Katy has a nice, new, red scooter.

2 The children played on a long, sandy beach.

3 Irene bought an expensive, oval, silver


4 Anna drives a big, old, Italian car.

5 Steve uses a large, rectangular, brown


6 1 used to travel

4 used to spend

2 didn’t use to go

5 Did, use to stay

3 Did, use to live

7 1 C

2 B

3 A

8 1 C

2 A

3 B

4 C

9 1 C

2 A

3 B

4 C

5 B

10 Suggested Answer



Subject: School trip

Hi James,

How are you? I’m writing to tell you about my

school trip to France.

I had an amazing time and the weather was

perfect. It was sunny every day. We stayed in
a cosy hostel in the centre of Paris. In the

mornings we went sightseeing and visited
museums. I loved the Louvre!

In the evenings, we ate out and tried local

dishes. French food is very tasty!

On the last day I went shopping for souvenirs.

I bought a silver Eiffel Tower for my parents.

That’s all my news. Write back soon!


(Unit 2)

1 1 rented

5 missed

9 grow

2 trip

6 heavy

10 journey

3 delayed

7 dirty

4 tribe

8 crowded

2 1 awesome 3 uncomfortable 5 smooth

2 safe

4 tiring

3 1 step

3 get

5 rent

2 stay

4 book

4 1 Did Lucy take

6 tried

2 found

7 did not/didn’t visit

3 stopped

8 went

4 travelled

9 saw

5 Did you buy

10 did not/didn’t stay

5 1 Steve uses a large, rectangular, brown


2 Katy has a nice, new, red scooter.

3 Anna drives a big, old, Italian car.

4 The children played on a long, sandy beach.

5 Irene bought an expensive, oval, silver


6 1 Did, use to stay

4 used to travel

2 used to spend

5 Did, use to live

3 didn’t use to go

7 1 B

2 A

3 B

8 1 B

2 C

3 A

4 C

9 1 B

2 B

3 A

4 A

5 C

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Smart Time 2


10 Suggested Answer



Subject: School trip

Hi James,

How are you? I’m writing to tell you about my

school trip to France.

I had an amazing time and the weather was

perfect. It was sunny every day. We stayed in
a cosy hostel in the centre of Paris. In the
mornings we went sightseeing and visited
museums. I loved the Louvre!

In the evenings, we ate out and tried local

dishes. French food is very tasty!

On the last day I went shopping for souvenirs.

I bought a silver Eiffel Tower for my parents.

That’s all my news. Write back soon!


(Unit 3)

1 1 steal

5 discuss

9 grow

2 hide

6 offer

10 destroy

3 hang

7 weave

4 stretch

8 drop

2 1 clear

5 scared

9 pouring

2 scarf

6 showers

10 frost

3 bright

7 shirt

4 excited

8 fog

3 1 cooked

2 was not/wasn’t

3 were you doing, started

4 was sitting, went

5 was watching

6 did not/didn’t go

7 was not/wasn’t snowing

8 were doing, was raining

9 was shining, were singing

10 put, went

4 1 fast/quickly 4 loudly

2 happily 5 well

3 carefully

5 1 A

2 A

3 C

6 1 C

2 B

3 B

4 C

7 1 F

2 F

3 T

8 Suggested Answer

Last summer, I went to visit my grandparents

in the countryside. The weather was nice and
I decided to go for a walk.

After a while, I stopped in a field to have a

picnic. Suddenly dark clouds filled the sky and
it started raining very heavily. Soon, the fields
began to flood. The water rose to above my
knees and I climbed up a tree to escape.

After about half an hour, I saw a man in a

small boat. I called to him, he helped me down
and took me to safety. It was a terrifying
experience and I’m glad it’s over.


(Unit 3)

1 1 offer

5 drop

9 hide

2 destroy

6 hang

10 steal

3 weave

7 discuss

4 grow

8 stretch

2 1 pouring

5 frost

9 clear

2 shirt

6 bright

10 scared

3 showers

7 scarf

4 fog

8 excited

3 1 was not/wasn’t snowing

2 did not/didn’t go

3 were doing, was raining

4 put, went

5 was not/wasn’t

6 was shining, were singing

7 cooked

8 were you doing, started

9 was watching

10 was sitting, went

4 1 carefully 4 well

2 loudly 5 fast/quickly

3 happily

5 1 C

2 B

3 B

6 1 A

2 C

3 A

4 B

7 1 T

2 F

3 F

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Smart Time 2


8 Suggested Answer

Last summer, I went to visit my grandparents

in the countryside. The weather was nice and
I decided to go for a walk.

After a while, I stopped in a field to have a

picnic. Suddenly dark clouds filled the sky and
it started raining very heavily. Soon, the fields
began to flood. The water rose to above my
knees and I climbed up a tree to escape.

After about half an hour, I saw a man in a

small boat. I called to him, he helped me
down and took me to safety. It was a terrifying
experience and I’m glad it’s over.


(Unit 4)

1 1 emergency 3 poultry

5 injury

2 break

4 fan

2 1 e

2 d

3 a

4 c

5 b

3 1 oil

3 ear

5 salt

2 sugar

4 sprain

4 1 ankle

3 finger

5 beat

2 got

4 dairy

5 1 mustn’t

6 Could you

2 should/ought to

7 must/has to

3 can

8 can’t

4 might/may

9 have to

5 don’t have to/needn’t 10 should/ought to

6 1 eating

6 stretch

2 jogging

7 to learn

3 get

8 join

4 going

9 to play

5 to visit

10 doing

7 1 b

2 a

3 b

4 b

5 a

8 1 E

2 A

3 D

4 C

9 1 F

2 T

3 F

10 Suggested Answer



Subject: Sports

Hi Nathan,

You asked me my opinion about which sport

you should choose, cycling or rugby. They are
both challenging sports.

Cycling is something you can do anywhere

and you can enjoy it on your own, but the
equipment is expensive and it takes time to

Rugby is a good way to make friends and the

game is simple to set up, but you can’t play
without a team and you need a pitch.

To me, both sports have good and bad points.

You should choose the one you like most. Let
me know how it goes.


(Unit 4)

1 1 poultry

3 break

5 fan

2 injury

4 emergency

2 1 d

2 c

3 b

4 e

5 a

3 1 sprain

3 salt

5 oil

2 ear

4 sugar

4 1 finger

3 ankle

5 dairy

2 beat

4 got

5 1 don’t have to/needn’t 6 must/has to

2 might/may

7 can

3 can’t

8 should/ought to

4 should/ought to

9 mustn’t

5 have to

10 Could you

6 1 jogging

6 to visit

2 get

7 eating

3 doing

8 stretch

4 join

9 going

5 to learn

10 to play

7 1 a

2 b

3 b

4 a

5 b

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8 1 B

2 E

3 C

4 A

9 1 T

2 F

3 F

10 Suggested Answer



Subject: Sports

Hi Nathan,

You asked me my opinion about which sport

you should choose, cycling or rugby. They are
both challenging sports.

Cycling is something you can do anywhere

and you can enjoy it on your own, but the
equipment is expensive and it takes time to

Rugby is a good way to make friends and the

game is simple to set up, but you can’t play
without a team and you need a pitch.

To me, both sports have good and bad points.

You should choose the one you like most. Let
me know how it goes.


(Modules 1-4)

1 1 B

3 A

5 A

7 D

9 B

2 C

4 D

6 B

8 C

10 B

2 1 bumpy

5 trips

9 responsible

2 delayed

6 going

10 practise

3 Strong

7 peel

4 beat

8 flood

3 1 when the rain

2 usually gets up at

3 used to live

4 you still studying

5 were playing football

4 1 driving me

4 mustn’t use

2 should take

5 to help

3 Jenny tidy

5 1 B

3 A

5 B

7 A

9 C

2 D

4 C

6 D

8 A

10 B

6 1 B

2 C

3 A

7 1 C

2 A

3 C

4 B

8 1 B

2 C

3 A

4 E

9 Suggested Answer



Subject: My best friend

Hi Mark,

You asked me to tell you about my best

friend. My best friend is Kevin, he’s from
Bristol in England.

He gets up at 7:30 and has breakfast. We

catch the bus together at 8:00, and always go
to school together.

Kevin’s favourite subject is Biology, but he

doesn’t like Art. In the afternoons, he does his
homework and plays on his computer. In the
evenings, he surfs the Net.

Kevin always goes to bed at 11:00 pm.

At the weekends, we usually go swimming


What about you? Who is your best friend?


(Module 5)

1 1 encourage

6 decorate

2 exchange

7 greet

3 fast

8 represent

4 commemorate

9 grab

5 fight

10 defeat

2 1 parade

6 last

2 birth

7 turned up

3 come

8 celebrate

4 dress up

9 graduation

5 spilled

10 stepped

3 1 have not/haven’t tried

2 Have you seen

3 has just broken

4 have been

5 Has Alex bought

4 1 for

3 ever

5 yet

2 just

4 since

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Smart Time 2


5 1 A: bought

B: have not/haven’t got

2 A: Have you ever visited

B: went

3 A: took part

B: ’ve/have never been

4 A: has just graduated

B: studied

5 A: has already chosen

B: showed

6 1 B

2 C

3 B

7 1 D

2 E

3 A

4 C

8 1 C

2 E

3 B

4 A

9 Suggested Answer



Subject: The celebration!

Hi Ben,

How are you doing? I’ve just been to Guy

Fawkes’ celebrations in my town and I wanted
to tell you all about it!

It’s an annual event that takes place every

November. It’s lots of fun. I went with my
parents and we saw amazing fireworks and a
huge bonfire! We also listened to live music in
the evening and saw laser shows.

The fireworks were brilliant and everyone had

a great time!

Looking forward to hearing your news.


(Module 5)

1 1 fight

6 exchange

2 represent

7 fast

3 greet

8 encourage

4 decorate

9 defeat

5 grab

10 commemorate

2 1 graduation

6 come

2 celebrate

7 birth

3 turned up

8 parade

4 last

9 dress up

5 stepped

10 spilled

3 1 Has Alex bought

2 have been

3 Have you seen

4 have not/haven’t tried

5 has just broken

4 1 since

3 for

5 just

2 yet

4 ever

5 1 A: has already chosen

B: showed

2 A: has just graduated

B: studied

3 A: Have you ever visited

B: went

4 A: bought

B: have not/haven’t got

5 A: took part

B: ’ve/have never been

6 1 A

2 C

3 B

7 1 B

2 D

3 C

4 E

8 1 E

2 B

3 C

4 D

9 Suggested Answer



Subject: The celebration!

Hi Ben,

How are you doing? I’ve just been to Guy

Fawkes’ celebrations in my town and I wanted
to tell you all about it!

It’s an annual event that takes place every

November. It’s lots of fun. I went with my
parents and we saw amazing fireworks and a
huge bonfire! We also listened to live music in
the evening and saw laser shows.

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Smart Time 2


The fireworks were brilliant and everyone had

a great time!

Looking forward to hearing your news.


(Module 6)

1 1 protect

5 drown

9 join

2 disappear

6 reduce

10 raise

3 save

7 melt

4 recycle

8 install

2 1 drought

3 jar

5 council

2 wastes

4 carton

3 1 c

2 e

3 d

4 a

5 b

4 1 are/’re going to drop 4 Are you going

2 isn’t going

to study

3 will/’ll close

5 will give

5 1 wouldn’t have

4 will lose

2 protect

5 cycled

3 becomes

6 1 B

2 C

3 C

7 1 C

2 D

3 A

8 1 B

2 A

3 C

4 B

5 C

6 A

9 Suggested Answer

What’s the problem?

People are wasting electricity and damaging

the environment. If we do not do something to
start saving power, pollution will increase.

Why should we save electricity?

The problem is that using electricity increases

air pollution which can destroy animals’
habitats and make people ill.

What can we do?

We need to act. We should only turn on lights

when we need them, and switch off electrical
equipment when we’re not using it. We can
also dry clothes outside, not in the tumble
dryer. If we act now, we can make a difference!


(Module 6)


1 drown

5 join

9 disappear

2 install

6 save

10 recycle

3 melt

7 protect

4 reduce

8 raise

2 1 jar

3 carton

5 wastes

2 council

4 drought

3 1 e

2 a

3 b

4 c

5 d

4 1 will/’ll close

4 are/’re going to drop

2 will give

5 isn’t going

3 Are you going

to study

5 1 becomes

4 wouldn’t have

2 will lose

5 protect

3 cycled

6 1 A

2 A

3 B

7 1 D

2 B

3 C

8 1 A

2 B

3 B

4 C

5 B

6 B

9 Suggested Answer

What’s the problem?

People are wasting electricity and damaging

the environment. If we do not do something to
start saving power, pollution will increase.

Why is it happening?

The problem is that using electricity increases air

pollution which can destroy animals’ habitats and
make people ill.

What can we do?

We need to act. We should only turn on lights

when we need them, and switch off electrical
equipment when we’re not using it. We can
also dry clothes outside, not in the tumble
dryer. If we act now, we can make a difference!

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Smart Time 2



(Module 7)

1 1 wavy

3 plump

5 daughter

2 son

4 overweight

2 1 tourist

6 heavy

2 musical

7 Petrified

3 environmentally

8 traditional

4 amateur

9 towering

5 unique

10 long

3 1 lent

3 turn

5 plain

2 receipt

4 expensive

4 1 slimmer

6 better

2 big as

7 older

3 the most expensive

8 high as

4 easier

9 longer

5 the tallest

10 faster

5 1 too

3 really

5 enough

2 enough

4 very

6 1 who

3 who

5 which

2 whose

4 which

7 1 B

2 C

3 C

8 1 D

2 A

3 B

9 1 B

2 C

3 A

4 E

10 Suggested Answer



Subject: My neighbourhood

Hi Tom,

hope you’re OK. It was good to hear from you. I

just wanted to tell you about my neighbourhood.

It’s a nice area and the neighbourhood is very

peaceful. I live on a quiet street and opposite
there is a café and a small supermarket.

It has changed a bit since we first started

living here. Mum says there aren’t enough
shops now, but I think it’s alright.

I would like it though if we had a park near our

house, so I could play football!

Why don’t you come to visit me sometime?

Bye for now.


(Module 7)

1 1 son

3 daughter

5 overweight

2 plump

4 wavy

2 1 towering

6 musical

2 traditional

7 amateur

3 Petrified

8 tourist

4 long

9 unique

5 heavy

10 environmentally

3 1 expensive

3 receipt

5 turn

2 plain

4 lent

4 1 the tallest

6 big as

2 high as

7 the most expensive

3 older

8 easier

4 faster

9 slimmer

5 better

10 longer

5 1 really

3 enough

5 too

2 very

4 enough

6 1 which

3 which

5 whose

2 who

4 who

7 1 A

2 A

3 B

8 1 B

2 C

3 A

9 1 D

2 E

3 C

4 A

10 Suggested Answer



Subject: My neighbourhood

Hi Tom,

hope you’re OK. It was good to hear from you. I

just wanted to tell you about my neighbourhood.

It’s a nice area and the neighbourhood is very

peaceful. I live on a quiet street and opposite
there is a café and a small supermarket.

It has changed a bit since we first started

living here. Mum says there aren’t enough
shops now, but I think it’s alright.

I would like it though if we had a park near our

house, so I could play football!

Why don’t you come to visit me sometime?

Bye for now.

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Smart Time 2



(Module 8)

1 1 fierce

6 classic

2 soft

7 scary

3 dull

8 Advanced

4 realistic

9 remarkable

5 depressing

10 unexpected

2 1 composer

3 cast

5 sequels

2 directed

4 import

3 1 A lot of films are shot in 3D these days.

2 Match of the Day is presented by Gary


3 Anna Karenina was written by Leo Tolstoy.

4 Amazing special effects were used for The

Lord of the Rings.

5 A lot of documentaries are shown on

Channel 4.

4 1 wasn’t

3 isn’t

5 shall

2 hasn’t

4 did

5 1 yourself

3 themselves 5 ourselves

2 himself

4 herself

6 1 everyone

3 anywhere

5 some

2 no

4 any

7 1 B

2 A

3 C

8 1 D

2 A

3 C

9 1 B

2 C

3 A

4 C

5 C

6 A

10 Suggested Answer

The Hobbit is a fantasy film about the hobbit

Bilbo Baggins and his friend Gandalf the
wizard. The film was directed by Peter
Jackson and has a great cast. Martin
Freeman stars as Bilbo and Ian McKellen
plays Gandalf the Grey.

Bilbo is a shy and quiet hobbit, but Gandalf

convinces him to go on a dangerous quest to
help fight an evil dragon. He has lots of
adventures along the way and his life is never
the same again. The film is full of adventure
and action and the special effects are
amazing. I highly recommend it to anyone
who likes fantasy films.


(Module 8)

1 1 Advanced

6 fierce

2 remarkable

7 realistic

3 classic

8 soft

4 unexpected

9 depressing

5 scary

10 dull

2 1 cast

3 composer

5 import

2 sequels

4 directed

3 1 Amazing special effects were used for The

Lord of the Rings.

2 Anna Karenina was written by Leo Tolstoy.

3 A lot of documentaries are shown on

Channel 4.

4 A lot of films are shot in 3D these days.

5 Match of the Day is presented by Gary


4 1 did

3 shall

5 wasn’t

2 isn’t

4 hasn’t

5 1 ourselves

3 himself

5 themselves

2 herself

4 yourself

6 1 any

3 some

5 anywhere

2 everyone

4 no

7 1 A

2 B

3 B

8 1 C

2 D

3 B

9 1 A

2 A

3 C

4 A

5 B

6 B

10 Suggested Answer

The Hobbit is a fantasy film about the hobbit

Bilbo Baggins and his friend Gandalf the
wizard. The film was directed by Peter
Jackson and has a great cast. Martin
Freeman stars as Bilbo and Ian McKellen
plays Gandalf the Grey.

Bilbo is a shy and quiet hobbit, but Gandalf

convinces him to go on a dangerous quest to
help fight an evil dragon. He has lots of
adventures along the way and his life is never
the same again. The film is full of adventure
and action and the special effects are
amazing. I highly recommend it to anyone
who likes fantasy films.

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(Modules 1-8)

1 1 A

3 B

5 A

7 B

9 A

2 D

4 C

6 D

8 C

10 D

2 1 commemorates

6 dress up

2 celebrate

7 make

3 waste

8 branches

4 release

9 fit

5 defeated

10 form

3 1 filming when he broke

2 haven’t visited America

3 never uses

4 used to play

5 has never/hasn’t eaten seafood

4 1 will become extinct unless

2 going to/planning to

3 was shot

4 isn’t as big

5 that/which Sam brought

5 1 C

3 C

5 B

7 C

9 D

2 B

4 D

6 C

8 C

10 B

6 1 A

2 C

3 B

7 1 D

2 B

3 C

8 1 A

2 C

3 B

4 A

5 C

6 B

9 Suggested Answer

Let’s Save Energy!

The world population is growing rapidly and at

the same time, technology is advancing is
leaps and bounds. This means that more
people are consuming greater amounts of
electricity. Quality of life may be increasing
but there is a problem; energy waste is
increasing too.

Wasting energy has some serious effects. On

an individual level, it means that people have
high energy bills. On a global level, fossil fuels
are running out and the environment is being
polluted. None of these things are good for
any of us.

There are some solutions, however. If we all

turn off electrical equipment when we are not
using it, and turn down the heater in winter,
we can save electricity. We can also use the
more efficient fluorescent light bulbs. These
things are not very difficult.

In conclusion, if we all take action we can

save energy, save money, and most
importantly, save the environment. Clearly,
everyone must do their part to save energy.


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