The Rebaldis 1 Tempted by Her Boss

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To all the readers: Thank you for your continued support. It means the world to me!

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“Paige, wait.”
“No. This was a mistake. It should’ve never happened.” She paused, glancing over her shoulder

to look at him.

Matteo stood there, tension radiating off his big body in obvious waves, his expression grim and

full of frustration. The unmistakable bulge of his erection flared the front of his trousers, and she
wished for a moment of weakness. To go back to him and beg him to make love to her, at least

But that would ruin everything. Bad enough they’d engaged in this…illicit activity.
God, she was so, so stupid.
Turning, she ran away from him. Scurried down the hall and escaped into her bedroom,

slamming the door and turning the lock with an audible click. She flung herself on her bed, the
robe falling away, leaving her naked and exposed as she clutched the pillow to her face and
sobbed her eyes out.

She was a fool. If he kept her as Matty’s nanny, it would be a miracle. She needed to prove she

wasn’t a slut who gave in so easily to her desires. She could withstand this attraction she had
toward her boss.

There was no other choice. She had to.

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Chapter One

“I’m pregnant.”
Oh. Joy threatening to overwhelm her, Paige Stewart clutched her hands together to keep from

reaching out toward her new friend Stasia Renaldi Westmore and pulling her into a hug. Despite the
two of them becoming close since Paige had started working for Stasia’s brother, she still didn’t feel
right in making overt displays of affection.

After all, she was merely the lowly employee.
But today Stasia had come over to Matteo’s home nearly bursting with the news and Paige couldn’t

be happier.

Stasia’s beautiful smile was so big it probably hurt her cheeks. “Well, aren’t you going to say


“It’s…wonderful. I’m happy for you and Gavin.” A baby. Paige couldn’t help but feel the teeniest,

tiniest pang of jealousy. Stasia was so much in love with her husband, so happy and fulfilled with her
career. A baby was the logical, most perfect addition to what Paige was sure was Stasia’s already
perfect life.

“I’m so excited. And sick all the time, though at the moment I feel all right.” Stasia’s smile

wobbled and she pressed a quick hand to her still very flat stomach. “Now come here and give me a
hug. I know you’re dying to.”

Paige relaxed her clenched hands and went to Stasia, embracing her quickly. “This is such amazing

news and I know how much you’ve wished for it. Congratulations,” Paige said.

“Thank you.” Stasia gave her an extra squeeze before she withdrew. “Where’s my brother? I

rushed right over to tell him the good news.”

“What good news?”
Paige stiffened at first sound of that deep, lightly accented voice as it came from behind her. The

same voice that haunted her dreams late at night, when she remembered what he’d whispered in her
ear that one, illicit moment which happened between them months ago.

I want you…will you let me take you, bella? Let me have that sweet little body of yours?
A shudder moved through her and she breathed deep, glancing quickly over her shoulder to watch

as Matteo Renaldi strode toward them. “There he is,” she said weakly, feeling infinitely stupid for
stating the obvious.

But that’s what her boss did to her. Rendered her into a complete and total idiot most of the time.
“Matt, I rushed right over to tell you.” Stasia schooled her expression, going completely serious in

ten seconds flat. “I have important news.”

He stood next to Paige, crossing his arms in front of his massive chest. She caught a whiff of his

scent, clean like soap, but no cologne. He’d come home early, less than an hour ago, and must’ve
taken a shower, since he wasn’t wearing his usual suit and tie. Still outrageously gorgeous in dark
jeans and a charcoal gray sweater, Matteo exuded a quiet strength that literally made Paige dizzy.

She did her best to not look at him for fear the sight of him alone would render her legs to jelly and

she’d fall to the floor.

“With that look on your face, I’m almost afraid to ask what it might be.” He rasped a hand over his

cheek, his gaze shrewd as he studied his sister. “You said it was good?”

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Stasia nodded, the smile she was trying to withhold breaking free once more. “Oh, very good.

You’re going to be an uncle.”

“Ah, that is such good, good news.” He went to his baby sister and pulled her into his arms,

holding her close for long, quiet seconds. After kissing Stasia on the forehead, he pulled away, still
holding her as he studied her, his gaze settling on her midsection. “Not fat yet.”

“You’re such a jerk.” Stasia wrenched out of his hold and swatted at him, but he dodged her just in

time. “Though I’m afraid my belly will probably pop out at any minute.”

“How far along are you?” Paige asked.
“Twelve weeks. I wanted to wait, and the doctor said it was safe to announce.” Shadows darkened

Stasia’s gaze for a quick moment, then flickered away. “After everything that has…happened in the
past. Both Gavin and I thought it best to make sure everything was okay.”

“One miscarriage, cara. Lucia had one too, you know.” Matteo hugged his sister again. “They’re

very common.”

Paige frowned. She didn’t like it when her boss referred to his poor, pitiful wife, though she knew

deep in her heart it was wrong of her to be jealous of a dead woman. Lucia Renaldi had been so
greatly loved by this beautiful, thoughtful man and threw it away as if he were nothing…

She would’ve given anything to have a bond, a love that special, that strong.
“Yes, well, I didn’t want that same crushing feeling again, having to explain to everyone that there

wasn’t a baby after all.” Stasia frowned, surely remembering what must’ve been a painful time. Paige
hadn’t started working for Matteo yet, but Stasia had confessed everything to her not even a month

Paige now realized Stasia had most likely been scared since she was pregnant again and needed to

talk about the experience. Yet she’d never really revealed exactly why.

As Paige watched Matteo and Stasia, she shifted uncomfortably on her feet. She felt as if she were

interfering in a private family moment. Maybe she should leave them be. After all, she was just the
nanny. Matty would be waking up from his late nap soon and would most likely be cranky. She should
go check on him, wake him up…

“Excuse me,” she said as she turned away and started across the living room.
“I’ll take you to dinner tonight to celebrate,” Matteo said behind her. “Where’s Gavin?”
“Still at work. But I can call and tell him to meet us somewhere.” Stasia paused and Paige turned,

noticing the warm smile on Stasia’s face. “You’ll come with us, won’t you, Paige?”

“Oh, I…” Turning, she looked at Matteo for help, not quite sure how to answer. She wanted to go,

but she had no business doing so.

“I’m sorry, I can’t,” she said.
“She needs to stay home for Matty, Stasia,” Matteo said quietly, by explanation, but his gaze was

strangely locked with Paige’s. He didn’t look away, just studied her with those fathomless dark
brown eyes and she swallowed hard, not knowing what to say when Stasia spoke.

“But I want Matty to go. And I want you to go too, Paige. Please say yes. You’ll need to come if

Matty’s coming, probably.” Stasia put on a pleading look that surely not one of her brothers could
ever refuse. “We’ve become such good friends these last few months and I feel like you’re a part of
the family now. Don’t you agree, Matt?”

No one else really called him Matt. Just Stasia. Paige wouldn’t dare call him Matt. Half the time

she still called him Mr. Renaldi, and she knew it irritated him to no end. Could only imagine what he

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thought when she said it.

He had his mouth fused with yours and his fingers inside your body, making you come, only a

few months ago. Of course he finds it ridiculous when you call him Mr. Renaldi.

But they never spoke of that night. Didn’t acknowledge it whatsoever, so it became the wondrous

moment between them that never happened. Not that Paige forgot. Oh no, more like it was all she
could ever think about.

Which meant she was reduced to a pitiful mess of a woman who clutched at memories of one stolen

night of complete and utter pleasure, doused by the fact that she’d fallen into a terribly cliché situation
—the handsome, stoic boss that’s messing around with the young, impressionable nanny on the side.

She became embarrassed just thinking about it.
Shaking her head, she smiled at Stasia. “It’s probably best I don’t go. Perhaps I should stay home

tonight with Matty. He fell asleep late for his nap and he’ll be grumpy when he wakes up.”

“Come with us,” Matteo urged, his voice deathly quiet, his gaze hot. “We want you there with us


A shiver slid down Paige’s spine. She refused to let his words sweep her off her feet. He said them

to appease his sister. He didn’t really want her there with them tonight. “Whatever Mr. Renaldi wants
to do is fine with me. If he wants to take Matty on his own, I’ll rearrange his toys again. Or—”

He interrupted her. “I already said I wanted you there. You’re going with us, and that’s final.”
His voice had taken on a commanding edge that sent a flood of arousal washing over her. She was

so incredibly weak when it came to this man.

“Please, Paige. I would love it if you were there. Otherwise, it’s me, Matt and Gavin. I need

another female who’ll sympathize with me,” Stasia said.

“All right.” Paige smiled tremulously, trying her best to keep her emotions in check. “Let me go

wake up Matty now and get him ready so he’ll hopefully be less of a bear when we leave.”

Stasia laughed and nudged Matteo. “Sounds like your son is taking after you, big brother. I

remember you as surly as anything in the morning, growing up.”

“I was not,” he said, sounding one hundred percent surly.
And he sounded incredibly sexy, as reluctant as Paige was to admit it.
She had it bad for her boss, and she believed he had a thing for her as well. But how could she

make him confess her suspicions? Then again, she still hadn’t recovered since the day she’d let him
put his hands all over her. She secretly wished he wanted her more than anyone else in the world. But
her wishes were futile. She clutched nothing but air.

How she wished she could get over him, once and for all.

Matteo watched Paige walk away, his gaze fixated on the swing of her hips, the delectable curve of

her backside. She wore jeans that fit her so closely, they showed off her every curve. He loved it
when she wore jeans, though it wasn’t very often.

Ah, and then there were the yoga pants she wore, black and clingy and simple enough to drive him

absolutely wild with lust. Whenever he was around her, he felt wild with lust. Swirling, hot emotions
urging him on to just…take her.

But he couldn’t. They’d crossed the line once and it had ended in an absolute disaster. He refused

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to push himself upon her again. No matter how badly he wanted her, Matty needed her—and his son’s
needs came before everything. Even the lusty needs of the man.

“Why are you always so rude toward her?” Stasia asked the second Paige was out of earshot.
“What? Who?” He glanced at his sister, studying her radiant face. Now that he knew the cause for

all that radiance, it didn’t surprise him in the least. Her cheeks were a little round, her skin glowing.
She had the look of a young woman about her, fertile and ready to grow plump with child.

Stasia rolled her eyes. “Your nanny. Paige. You know, the pretty redhead who takes care of your

only son all day long?”

“I’m never rude to Paige.” Maybe a bit short, but damn it, he had to be. Otherwise, he might say

something ridiculous like, “Come to bed with me now,” and then he’d have her naked and pinned
beneath him within minutes. And who would take care of Matty?

He’d have to hire another nanny if that happened.
“You’re sort of cold toward her,” his sister pointed out.
Matteo shot her an icy glare. “I’m cold to everyone,” he stressed because it was the truth.
“You’re not cold to me,” Stasia said in her too chipper voice.
“That’s because you’re my sister. You get a free pass,” he answered, his voice droll, making her

laugh. Just the reaction he was looking for.

A change of subject. The last thing he wanted to talk about with Stasia was Paige.
“I’m going to call Gavin. Shall we meet in an hour or so?”
When he nodded, she rattled off the name of a favorite restaurant where they could go.
“That sounds perfect.” He grabbed hold of his sister’s arm and pulled her in close, offering her

another hug. “I’m very happy for you and your husband, Anastasia. I know you both want a baby so
very badly.”

A little sniff escaped her as she tightened her arms around him and he felt like an ass. He hadn’t

meant to make her cry. “Thank you, Matteo. It means the world to me, your approval.”

“And have you told Mama yet?” he asked once they withdrew from each other.
Stasia laughed, her eyes still watery. “She screamed so loud in my ear I think I might be

permanently deaf.”

Matteo chuckled in amusement. After everything she’d endured the last few years, finding out the

father she’d always known wasn’t her birth father at all and the fight for her legacies afterward, she’d
persevered, determination leading her the entire way. “She’ll want to come out here and be with you
when the baby arrives.”

“She’s already looking into flight arrangements. It will be good, though, having her with me. I’ll

want her there. I haven’t a clue what to do with a baby.” Stasia shook her head, her expression full of

“You’ll figure it out,” Matteo said quietly. “You’ll be a wonderful mother. You’ve always been a

nurturing soul. And you’re strong. We all know that.”

The smile his baby sister shot in his direction had been worth those few carefully chosen words.

“Thank you, Matt. I’m going to call Gavin and then we should probably go soon. I’m sure traffic is a
nightmare out there.”

Matteo watched her walk away, her phone glued to her ear, her voice going soft when her husband

answered. He remained in the foyer of his apartment alone, hands shoved deep in his jeans’ pockets,
lost in thought.

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And of course, his thoughts were filled with Paige.
They always were. He’d become consumed with her, especially after the night they shared. Which

in all reality hadn’t amounted to much. Somehow, some way, his little redheaded nanny had left a
mark so deep in him, it was as if she’d scratched his very soul.

He wanted her to gouge it deeper. Wanted her to curl herself up within him and become a part of

him. Ridiculous. Foolishness.

Yet here he stood, thinking of her. Could imagine Paige quietly creeping into Matty’s room, sitting

on the edge of his bed, reaching out with those tiny, soft hands of hers and touching his son on his
shoulder, gently waking him up.

The smile Matty would offer her when he first cracked open his eyes, so full of joy as he beamed

like the brightest sun. Indeed, his son was just as enamored of Paige as he was. She’d twisted both
men in the Renaldi household around her slender finger and she hadn’t a clue how she simply
wrecked them both with a glance. A smile. A touch.

Neither of them wanted to make her escape either.
Loud stomping alerted him that his son was awake and Matteo glanced up, watching as Matty

strode toward him, a scowl on his face, his thick, dark hair mussed. A crease wrinkled his cheek from
sleeping so hard and Paige followed behind him, her expression completely neutral though he saw the
irritation in her pretty blue-green gaze.

So much for his son’s usual good mood—he looked the grumpiest Matteo had ever seen him.
Yet Paige tolerated his son’s sometimes volatile behavior with the patience of a saint, but every

once in a while, he saw a hint of determination and fire creep through that cool, calm exterior she kept
in place.

Like now.
“Someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” Matteo tried his best to keep the amusement out

of his voice, but he earned an irritated glare from his son anyway.

“I don’t wanna go to dinner,” Matty protested, flinging his arms around Matteo’s legs in an

aggressive hug that nearly toppled Matteo over. “I wanna stay home with Paige.”

“Ah, Matty, it will mean so much to your zia if you’re there tonight. You know she would want you

to go.” He smoothed a hand over his son’s head.

Matty buried his face in Matteo’s kneecaps. “Don’t make me go, Daddy. I want to stay home.”
Paige shot Matteo a helpless look, one that made him feel like a momentary hero. She wanted his

help, which he would gladly offer. He always tried his best to be there for his child, to have a hands-
on approach and be present in his son’s life. Especially after Lucia’s death, when he realized he was
all Matty had in his life.

More than anything, Matteo refused to be like Lucia. Shut off from the world, so wrapped up in her

own warped sense of reality, she couldn’t see her own damn child in front of her face, constantly
begging for her attention.

Matty had adored his mother. The more she’d ignored him, the more he’d loved her.
Straightening his son’s tousled hair with his fingers, Matteo looked down at him. “Son, you’ll want

to be present at this dinner tonight. It’s a special evening. Your Zia Stasia is going to have a baby and
she wants everyone in our family with her while we celebrate.”

Matty lifted his head, his wide, dark eyes meeting Matteo’s. “She’s having a baby?”
“I am.” Stasia appeared out of nowhere, a giant smile on her face as she swooped in, captured

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Matty in her arms and started twirling him around. “You’re going to be a cousin, my friend.”

Matty squealed with laughter. “I hope it’s a boy!”
“You’ll take what you can get,” Stasia teased.
“Should you be doing such a thing? Swinging Matty all around?” Matteo asked, full of concern.

After all, this was his pregnant sister and his son. It would probably be best if she took it easy and
rested. Matty may be young, but he was solid. And getting heavier by the day, what with the way the
child grew. “And did you get a hold of your husband? Is he going to meet us at the restaurant?”

“Yes. My goodness, you’re like a doddering old man. Stop worrying. You sound just like Gavin.

Come on, let’s get your shoes on,” Stasia told Matty as she dropped him to his feet and took his hand.

“Oh, I can do that—”
“I’ve got it,” Stasia interrupted Paige. “You want to change before we leave? Here’s your chance.”
Paige glanced down at herself, then lifted her head, her gaze meeting Matteo’s once more. He’d

been looking at her like a starved dog and only until she caught his gaze did he realize that he was.
“Do I look bad?” she asked, and he could tell she thought he hadn’t liked what he saw. But he had.

You can never look bad, bella. Your beauty is far more breathtaking than anything or anyone

I’ve ever seen.

“You look…” Amazing. Gorgeous. Perfect. “Casual.” He winced the moment the words slipped

from his lips. Never had he had such a problem talking with women. Flirting. Flattering them,
charming them into his bed—or whatever bed he could find at a discreet hotel so that he wouldn’t
have to bring her to his home.

He spent time with Paige and he said something ridiculous, or worse, insulted her. Because he

couldn’t go around flattering his son’s nanny, could he? It was unheard of. And awkward, especially
in front of his son and his sister.

Paige flushed in obvious embarrassment, a slight frown on her forehead. “I’ll go change, then.”
Yet again feeling like shit, he watched her walk away, his gaze zeroed in on her pert backside, his

mind filled with all sorts of perverted thoughts. He was wasting his time, lusting for Paige. She
wasn’t interested. Hell, he was too damn old for her. Boring. Consumed with work, a father to a
young child, taking care of a family business that needed him at its helm. While she was young and
vibrant and so achingly beautiful she made his chest hurt every time he looked at her.

Paige Stewart made his entire body hurt with wanting.
Frustration ripping through him, he strode down the hall, walked into his bedroom and slammed the

door behind him. If he couldn’t have her, then at least he could jack off to visions of her in his head


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Chapter Two

The restaurant was small, elegant, crowded. Expensive. The menu was simple, not a price to be

seen, and Paige knew if she had to ask she couldn’t afford anything listed. So she did her best to order
what she could only assume was the most reasonable dish.

Earning a scowl sent in her direction by Matteo with her choice too. As if he knew what she were

about but was too polite to call her out on it in front of his sister and her husband.

Matty was quiet and well-mannered, scribbling pictures with crayons all over the paper the waiter

brought to their table to keep him occupied. Stasia positively glowed and her enthusiasm couldn’t be
contained. She exuded such joy and warmth Paige found it downright contagious. Soon she was
laughing, sipping a glass of wine, enjoying the stories Stasia told of her family’s growing up years,
when she was constantly bossed around by three older and very demanding brothers.

And she had three more—the Worth brothers were also her half-brothers. Poor Stasia was

surrounded by men in her family life, not that she seemed to mind.

No, she was quite in her element, if truth be told. And Paige envied her that.
Matteo sat next to Paige, quiet and brooding, intimidating the hell out of her every time he so much

as looked in her direction. For whatever reason, he set her on edge even more than usual tonight. He
seemed…surlier than normal. That it was just the four of them plus Matty accompanying them out to
dinner, Paige could almost believe they looked like a couple accompanying Stasia and Gavin. Out on
a double date.

Paige hung her head, staring at the pale cream tablecloth. Her thoughts were foolish. She’d fought

them for months and was growing weary of going round and round in circles. Wanting him. Denying
herself. Confronting him, running away. Pushing herself on him, having him push her away.

Knowing after everything that happened between them, that he still wasn’t interested hurt most of

all. Perhaps…

Perhaps it would be smart to find a job somewhere else.
“Are you all right?”
Shivers cascaded all over her skin at first sound of Matteo’s deep, sexy voice near her ear. He

sounded concerned, which was worse because then she could believe for a fleeting moment he might
actually care about her, when she knew it was the furthest from the truth.

He cared about her like an employer cared about his employee. Nothing more and nothing less.
Glancing in his direction, she found him sitting close. Intimately close. She drank in the details of

his beautiful, masculine face, the sharp cheekbones, the hard jaw, the soft mouth. His dark gaze was
directed solely on her, his brows lowered in concern. Her breath stalled in her throat as she struggled
to find an answer.

“Paige.” His voice deepened, if that was possible, and he reached out to touch her forearm with a

gentle press of his fingers. Her skin sizzled at the contact and she wanted to pull away. Wanted to
reach out, grab hold of him and never let go. “Are you not feeling well? Would you like me to take
you home?”

“I—I’m fine.” She shook her head, offered him a faint smile. She could feel the heated flush creep

over her cheeks and silently cursed her fair skin. It tended to reveal all her emotions at the worst
possible times. “I’m just tired. And hungry,” she admitted. She’d hardly eaten all day and the scents

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coming from the restaurant’s kitchen reminded her that she was starving.

“Matty run you ragged today?” He smiled faintly and her heart fluttered.
Stupid, silly heart.
“Matty runs me ragged every day.” She sent a fond smile in the little boy’s direction. “I don’t mind,

though. He’s a true joy to take care of.” He was. A bit rambunctious, but what almost four-year-old
wasn’t? The boy had a small wild streak in him. Absolutely no fear, which both filled her with terror
and reluctant admiration. But that was part of his appeal, what made him so unique and special and so
much fun.

Smart. Inquisitive. Adventurous and loving. Matty had many fine qualities that would take him far

when he grew up. He was much like his father, everyone said. Claudia, Matteo’s mother, Stasia…
they’d all told Paige that Matty was the spitting image, in both looks and personality, of his father.

Yet Paige saw no hint of the adventure in Matteo, not really. He was the calm anchor in the midst

of a swirling storm. Quiet, determined, steadfast, sometimes calculating. Some might even say
ruthless, not that Paige had ever seen him do anything unethical or underhanded to get ahead.

He was simply a man who knew exactly how to get what he wanted. And for one brief, shining

moment, she’d felt all that intensity focused solely on her. The way he’d looked at her that night when
she came out of his bathroom wearing only a robe, her skin and hair still damp. His gaze heated,
searching, as if he could imagine doing things to her that no man had ever dared before. How he’d
kissed her as if she meant everything to him. The touch of his hands on her body, his fingers inside
her, and the overwhelming, drive-her-out-of-her-mind pleasure he brought her with those skilled

“If you wish to leave, I can take you home,” Matteo offered quietly.
Snapping out of her lurid thoughts, she met his gaze, outright studying him for long, quiet seconds.

She could almost forget they were in a restaurant, surrounded by people, family, friends. The way he
looked at her at this very moment, she felt as if they were the only two people in the world. “I don’t
want to interfere with what is clearly a night of family celebration.”

“If you’re too tired, I’ll take care of you,” he murmured, his voice, his eyes full of heat. “I don’t


Her heart lurched hard in her chest and she parted her lips, ready to protest. No, ready to agree, to

beg him to, yes, please take her out of here so maybe they could steal a few hours alone and she could
unleash all of the pent up passion and emotion on him that she’d held within her for months…

The waiter suddenly appeared with their meals, his loud voice shattering the intense moment. Paige

shifted her chair away from Matteo, desperate for the distance, more desperate to catch her breath and
calm her racing heart.

A few carefully chosen words and she was melting in her chair. He probably didn’t mean anything

behind those words beyond a kind boss wishing to take care of his employee. His son’s nanny.

Paige stiffened her spine. It was best she remember this. Her place amongst the Renaldis was

minimal at best. She was disposable. Her previous employer proved that to her quite well, thank you
very much.

With the arrival of their dinners, talk of Matteo taking her home was forgotten. Which was fine.

Considering how intently he’d looked at her, as if he could see to the very heart of her and knew how
she felt about him, it made her uncomfortable. Instead, she quietly ate, made sure Matty did the same
thing and generally tried to stay out of the conversation as they all lingered over their meals, everyone

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so happy over Stasia’s good news.

For whatever reason, Paige felt small now. Useless. Most definitely put in her place. While the

three other vibrant adults sat at the table discussing the economy and how it affected their business,
recent mergers and, of course, the new baby and how happy the family was, she curled into herself
and spoke only to Matty. Ignoring the potent heat of the man who sat beside her, trying her best to stay
out of his gravitational pull. He was dangerous. The worst kind of torture for her already tattered
heart and mind.

Tomorrow, she would start looking for another job. Discreetly. She knew he might protest when

she gave notice, but he wouldn’t hold a grudge. He would give her a stellar recommendation and
never step in her way. Unlike the other couple she’d worked for previously. Both of them had been
hell-bent on destroying her, threatening her. Screaming she would never work as a nanny in Manhattan

Paige frowned. Why was she thinking of Paul and Carolyn Leonard tonight of all nights? She’d

pushed them from her thoughts the day she met Claudia Renaldi in a coffee shop and was offered this
job. Matteo’s mother had saved her life that dreary, rainy day. She’d been this close to leaving the
city for good, going back home, to the small Midwest town where she lived her entire life, with her
tail tucked between her legs. Enduring the “I told you so’s” her parents would’ve no doubt handed out
to her on a daily basis until she finally found another job and solid ground.

And even then, her mother and father would’ve probably never let her live this mistake down.
It frightened her, thinking of leaving the Renaldi home, starting somewhere new. But she was

starting to realize she didn’t have much of a choice. Her feelings for her boss grew stronger and
stronger as each day passed.

And they were useless. Harmful.
“So Mama told me you’re looking into putting Matty in an all-day school soon,” Stasia said after

their dinners had been consumed and they were all too lazy to get up from their chairs.

Paige turned to look at Stasia, trying her best to appear as if Stasia’s words didn’t affect her.

Beside her, Matteo stiffened, his entire body gone still. “That would be incorrect,” he said, his voice
dark and edged with steel. As if he didn’t want to discuss the matter any longer.

Most likely he didn’t want to discuss it in front of her.
Stasia frowned, stealing a glance in Paige’s direction before returning her inquisitive gaze to her

brother. “But she told me that was your plan. That it was high time for Matty to get into the proper
preschool he needs to prepare for…”

“It’s not true,” Matteo interrupted. “Though I have made some inquiries for a preschool where he

would attend half the day, two days a week, nothing’s final yet. And he certainly isn’t ready to go to
an all-day school five days a week. He’s too young.”

Worry flooded Paige and she tried her best to keep it together. It wouldn’t do, falling apart in front

of her boss and his family. Bad enough she was on the verge of tears.

And was he trying to tell her she was unneeded? Or worse, that she would go to part-time wages?

She was saving every dime she made, paying whatever small bills she had and stashing the rest in a
savings account. This job wouldn’t last forever and she knew eventually she would need to move and
find her own place.

She just hadn’t expected it to happen so soon.
“When will Matty start his new school, then?” Paige asked, her voice soft. If she acted

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confrontational, her behavior would get her nowhere.

He turned to look at her, his expression unreadable. No surprise. The man was a mystery she was

desperate to solve. “I don’t know. Like I mentioned, nothing’s been confirmed.”

“But I’m assuming it will be soon. After all, Matty isn’t quite four yet. Preschool is the next logical

step.” She kept her voice calm, neutral, but deep within, she was reeling. Coming undone.

“You’re worrying over nothing, Paige,” he said quietly, as if he sensed she was about to break

apart. “You’ll still be under my employ fulltime.”

“Of course.” She nodded once and even managed to smile. But it felt fake. The way he looked at

her, she knew he knew it was fake.

“Are you all right? You don’t seem yourself this evening.” His direct gaze met hers, assessing,

seeing everything. She thought she’d been so discreet.

Wrong. He could read her better than she realized.
That he was aware of her discomfort bothered her even more. She was a terrible liar and had never

been good at holding back her emotions. The weakness got her into trouble more often than not.
Offering him another brief, fake smile, she said, “I’m fine. Really.”

“Maybe we should talk later. I’ve been meaning to, just haven’t found the time. There are a few

things I’d like to ask you, Paige.” Reaching out, he settled his hand over hers on the table, giving it a
brief squeeze before his hand dropped away.

She felt the flex of his fingers as if he’d literally squeezed her heart and never let it go.
And she was being so melodramatic she should probably chastise her mere thoughts for

overreacting. “What do you want to talk about?”

“Your future. With me,” he said simply, his warm gaze searching her face as if he liked what he

saw. And wanted more.

Her heart dropped to her toes and without thought she pushed back her chair. “Well, I can’t wait to

hear what you have to say.” She glanced at Matty as she stood. “Let’s go to the bathroom and wash
our hands.”

“Paige…” Matteo started but clamped his lips shut when she looked at him. Did he see the turmoil

in her gaze? Did he know what she wrestled with day in and day out? Her feelings for him threatened
to burst out of her chest like that horrible little alien from the scary movie she watched as a child. She
still had the occasional nightmare about it.

She could not endure this torture any longer. He spoke of a future and she saw love and marriage

and babies when he most likely saw her accompanying Matty to school and maybe finding her a
uniform so she looked more like an official employee and less like a member of the family. Did they
even do that sort of thing? She hadn’t a clue.

God, she was so stupid.
“Matty, let’s go,” she whispered, drawing the little boy’s attention. He stared at her with those big,

velvety brown eyes, his gaze troubled. Lord help her, he was far too perceptive for his own good.
The complete opposite of his blind-as-a-bat father.

“Okay.” Matty stood and took her hand, walking beside her as she led him to the bathroom. The

restaurant was full, the space small so the tables were crowded within the room. Most of them
occupied by couples involved in intimate conversations and as she passed by one table in particular,
she nearly tripped over her own feet.

The man sitting there was her former boss, Paul Leonard, his arms stretched across the small table,

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clutching the hands of the woman who sat across from him.

Revulsion filled her, making her recoil in fear as she remembered what he did to her as if it were

yesterday. She’d been in the laundry room, folding the children’s clean clothes when he’d accosted
her out of nowhere, his hands all over her body, trying to slip beneath the hem of her T-shirt, the
waistband of her jeans.

That’s how his wife had found them, Paige plastered against the wall and pushing him off. Paul’s

mouth latching on to hers, his hands busy while she screamed against his disgusting lips. He’d let
Paige take the blame for everything, never saying a word when his wife accused her of being a
shameless slut messing around with her husband. He didn’t protest when Carolyn Leonard fired her

He was the worst sort of scum.
And the woman whose hands Paul Leonard held now was most definitely not his wife. Not that she

was surprised he was out with another woman. She was shocked that she actually saw him after all
these months. So odd. It was as if she’d conjured him from the very thoughts she had only a few
moments ago.

“Hurry, Matty,” Paige whispered, jerking on his hand as they scurried toward the bathroom on the

other side of the building. She hoped like crazy Paul didn’t notice them.

Paul glanced up at the precise moment she sped past his table, recognition dawning in his narrowed

eyes. She looked away, embarrassed that he would see her, and nearly sagged against the door in
relief when she found the bathroom.

She helped Matty wash his hands, noted that her own were shaking and she willed them to stop.

Just seeing him had her heart beating like crazy and her entire body trembling in fear.

The man had the heart of a monster. Slick, charming, always smiling, always friendly on the

outside, yet dark, foreboding and so incredibly cruel within. Those few moments of stark terror she’d
experienced when he yanked her into his arms and tried his best to maul her still lingered in the back
of her mind.

Would she ever be able to completely banish what Paul Leonard did to her from her memories?

God, she hoped so.

“Are you okay, Paige?” Worry was written all over Matty’s face as he dried his little hands with a

bunched up paper towel and her heart went out to him. He was so sensitive to other people’s feelings
and at such a young age too. She always believed it had something to do with his relationship with his
mother. He’d known even as a very small child—a mere baby—that something was wrong with the
woman. Stasia had told her more than once Matty had worked extra hard to earn the approval and
love of his mother but she’d always pushed him away. Ignored him.

Paige didn’t know how she could’ve stood it. Matty was like a shining little happy light wherever

he went. She’d fallen in love with him.

Just as easily as she’d fallen for his father.
“I’m fine, Matty. Just…I saw someone I don’t like very much out there.” She dried her own hands,

tossing the crumpled towel in the trashcan. Matty followed suit.

“Who? And why don’t you like him? Is he mean?”
“Well, it’s not nice to talk bad about other people but…yes. He was very mean to me once and I

can never forgive him.” Shaking her head, she offered a reassuring smile. “But he’s no one you know
or should worry about, trust me. Now, are you ready to go?”

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“Yeah!” He beamed at her, his little wiggly body looking ready to sprint forward. She grabbed

hold of his hand before he ran off, led him out of the bathroom and walked straight into the chest of the
waiting Paul Leonard.

“Paige.” His voice was warm and inviting as he curled his hands around her forearms, pulling her

to him for a hug. “So good to see you again.” The overt friendliness that was so clearly an act
disgusted her.

She stiffened within his arms, everything within her trying to recoil from his touch. She had no

choice but to let go of Matty’s hand so she could forcibly remove herself from Paul’s embrace.

“Let go of me,” she whispered, the temptation to knee him in the balls so strong it took everything

within her to fight it off.

“You never protested before.” He withdrew from her, slowly dropping his hands away from her

arms. He was a handsome man. Tall with light brown hair and sparkling hazel eyes, his expression at
the moment deceptively easygoing, though she noted the shrewdness in his gaze.

He wasn’t pleased that she spotted him with another woman. She knew it, felt his worry and

irritation vibrating off of him in palpable waves, and she stepped back, taking Matty’s hand in hers
once again. “Goodbye, Paul,” she started to say, but he stopped her, his hand resting on her shoulder,
fingers digging into her flesh.

“Wait a minute.” His voice was low and he stepped close, his mouth near her ear. “You best keep

this to yourself, do you understand? I will destroy you if you leak one word of this to my wife.”

Like she would. The very last person she wanted to talk to was Carolyn Leonard. Paul may have

intimidated her physically, but his wife flat out abused her verbally. The woman could cut with a
single word, slice with a look and utterly devastate with a few precisely chosen sentences.

“You don’t have to worry. I won’t tell.” She jerked away from Paul’s touch and fled down the little

hall with Matty in tow, bursting into the main dining area. She saw that everyone at her table was
getting up, looking ready to leave, and she rushed over, thankful that they would be making their

Hopefully Paul wouldn’t interfere again. She didn’t know if she could endure a confrontation with

Matteo as a witness. Bad enough he knew mere hints of what happened between her and her former
employer by the small bits she’d fed Claudia when she was first hired. For him to discover exactly
what happened and how guilty she felt in the entire situation, even though she wasn’t? She knew she
hadn’t done anything wrong, but still.

She’d want to shrivel up and die of embarrassment if Matteo thought less of her.
“Are we all ready to go?” she asked brightly when she returned to the table.
Stasia offered her a wan smile. “I’m suddenly exhausted and Gavin refuses to let me sit here one

minute longer. Bossy man.”

“Your eyelids are drooping,” Gavin pointed out. “You’re about to fall asleep at the table. I think

that’s a clue you need to get some rest.” The love and concern on Stasia’s husband’s face was
unmistakable. How she wished for a man to love her like that…

Paige shoved the wistful yearning deep inside her. No time for that tonight.
She needed to get out of here.
“Thank you for including me in your celebration.” Paige went to Stasia and drew her into a quick


“Thank you so much for coming. You know you’re always welcome to spend time with us. You’ve

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become part of the family, Paige.” Stasia smiled, then looked at her brother. “Take her home, Matt.
She looks as tired as I feel. No offense,” she said quickly to Paige.

“None taken.” Tired and scared, more like it.
The faster they got out of this restaurant and away from Paul Leonard, the better.

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Chapter Three

Paige was quiet the entire ride home. Matteo had driven them all to the restaurant, meeting Gavin

there. Paige and Matty had sat in the backseat, his sister in the front, Stasia rambling on about baby
names and colors and how she was going to redo one of the bedrooms and make it into a baby heaven,
direct quote.

Matteo had half-listened to her, nodding, making all the right noises at the appropriate times. His

gaze had constantly gone to the rearview mirror, where he could watch Paige as she spoke with
Matty, ruffled his hair or laughed with him. She’d gone pensive as she stared out the window, her
profile so heartbreakingly beautiful he’d wanted to pull over the car, open the back door and pull her
into his arms. Whisper that he made a mistake, pushing her away after their one explosive night

But he didn’t. He couldn’t. Over ten years older than her, he’d lived his life whereas she was just

starting hers. He would be a burden. Too old, too responsible, too…everything. She deserved more
than what he could give her.

She looked much the same now as she had on the ride over to the restaurant, though she sat in the

passenger seat next to him. Her expression once again pensive, her gaze locked on the window as the
city passed them by. She’d said not a word since they’d piled into the car. Even Matty was quiet in
the backseat, talking softly to himself, his imagination fueling him on.

“What did you want to talk to me about?” she asked, her soft, seductive voice breaking the silence,

making him achingly aware of her nearness, her soft, floral scent.

“We should wait until we get home.” He flicked a glance at her, saw that she was studying him, her

lips tight. She looked angry, though over what he couldn’t be sure.

“No, I’d rather talk about it now. If you don’t mind,” she hastily added, her expression contrite.
“Paige.” His voice was overly stern and he knew he sounded like he was her father. But he

couldn’t help it. “Not now.” He flicked his head in Matty’s direction. Speaking of the upcoming trip
in front of his son would only lead to endless questions and nonstop anxiousness on Matty’s part. He
wouldn’t know they were leaving until the morning they got on the plane if Matteo had his way.

“Fine.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest, her lips formed in a little pout. Angry and sexy

as hell with it. He didn’t know what had set her off, but he’d never seen Paige so defiant.

Was he a pig if he admitted he liked that little show of defiance?
The moment they arrived home, Paige was ushering Matty to his room, helping him change into his

pajamas before urging him into the bathroom to brush his teeth. The hour was late, Matty was tired
and whiny about it too, but Paige kept on him. Her sweet, lilting voice never filled with anger, was
always encouraging and kind as she helped him along.

Matteo heard smacking noises come from within his son’s bedroom a few moments later and he

knew Paige was smothering Matty with kisses, the sound of his son giggling with joy touching
Matteo’s heart. He stopped in the doorway, watching as Paige tucked Matty into bed. The scene was
quaintly domestic. He could almost imagine Paige as the mother of his child. Sweet and loving,
indulging their son in his every whim, she would always be gracious, always with a smile on her

But Paige wasn’t his son’s mother. The greedy, never-happy bitch he’d married was forever

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Matty’s mother, though she’d hardly looked twice at their son when she’d been alive.

Thinking of Lucia made his chest hurt. Thinking of the way Lucia neglected their son filled him

with inconsolable rage. He wondered what she’d be like now, if she were still here. Would she have
finally come around? Or would she still be locked up in her room, doped up on prescription
medication? Or out shopping with her bitchy friends, spending all of his money on useless crap?

Guilt swamped him. She was dead. He thought of her as a cold, unfeeling bitch, and the poor

woman was dead. He was a complete ass for thinking of her this way.

“Do you want to say goodnight to Matty?”
He breathed deep, pulled himself from his thoughts. Paige stood by Matty’s bed, her expression

unreadable as she watched him. “Of course,” he answered as he slowly entered the room.

Approaching the bed, he bent over where Matty lay, dropping a soft kiss to his son’s forehead and

ruffling his hair. “Goodnight, son.”

“’Night, Daddy.” Matty reached up, looping his arms around Matteo’s neck and they embraced,

Paige standing to the side of the bed close by.

Again with the realization of how domestic this moment was. If Matteo didn’t know any better,

he’d think he actually wanted to be domesticated by Paige. After swearing he would never marry
again, the idea of coming home to this woman day in and day out held a certain—if not forbidden—

They left the room together, walking down the hall side by side toward the living area, both of them

silent. His thoughts were a jumble. He needed to figure out how to best approach her with his
suggestion. Would she think he was being too forward, asking her to accompany them on such a trip?
He had no lewd intentions behind wanting her there. Not really. Matty needed a nanny. He couldn’t do
it all alone considering this was a working vacation, and he didn’t expect his mother to step in
completely either, though she would be glad to.

Damn it, if he was being honest with himself, he needed to admit he wanted Paige there. Not to be a

nanny to his son, but because he liked having her around.

Paige exhaled loudly as she stopped in the living room, turning to face him dead on. “What is it that

you wish to tell me?”

He was surprised by her abrupt candor. Rather unlike the Paige he’d spent time with these last few

months. Her spine was stiff, her expression void of any emotion, and he realized she must be nervous.
After all the talk at the restaurant after dinner, she most likely thought he was demoting her or worse
—firing her.

Hell, he couldn’t bring himself to do such a thing, no matter how much he knew he should. Having

her in his home was a temptation he found harder to resist as each day went by. But Matty loved her…

And Matteo wasn’t ready to let her go.
“It’s not a bad thing,” he reassured, noting the subtle fall of her shoulders when he said that. “I

wanted to ask you to accompany us on a special trip.”

That got her attention. “A trip? Where to?”
“Sit down.” He indicated toward the couch. “I’ll tell you all about it.”
She slowly shook her head. “I’d rather stand, if you don’t mind.”
Huh. She was being…odd. “Very well then.” He clasped his hands behind his back. Best to stay in

that position so he wouldn’t do something rash, like reach out and grab her. Haul her in close and
mold that slender body to his. “I need to go back to Italy for business and I want you to accompany

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Matty and me for the trip.”

Her jaw dropped open, her eyes went wide. “Y-you want me to go to Italy with you? When?”
He winced. Here was the bad part. “Next week. I remember you telling me you had a current

passport. That’s still correct, right?”

“Well, yes, but next week? That’s so close.” She frowned, wrapped her arms around herself.
Unease crept up his spine. Would she refuse him? Hell, he hoped not. “I only confirmed that the

trip was necessary this morning. It’s why I came home early, so I could talk to you about it. But then
Stasia showed up and distracted us all and now…here we are.” He spread his arms out wide,
indicating the entire room, and let them slowly fall to his sides.

She sunk her teeth into her lower lip, letting it go when she started to talk. “How long would we be


“A week, maybe ten days, but no longer than that. We’ll stay at my family residence.” It was a

favorite place of his. He’d grown up there, and since he’d come to the States he hadn’t a chance to go
back and show his son where he’d lived and dreamed as a child. He couldn’t wait to share that with

And Paige.
“Isn’t that where your mother lives?”
“Well, yes…” What did that have to do with anything?
“So Claudia could take care of Matty, couldn’t she?” She nodded once, as if she just solved the


There was nothing to be solved, though. And he wasn’t going to let her get out of this so easily. For

this, he would get his way.

“But I want you there,” he said quietly. “And so does my son.”
She stood incredibly still, watching him. He noted the delicate movement of her throat as she

swallowed, the way her body seemed to quiver with her every breath. He made her nervous. Hell, she
made him nervous. The two of them together in a room, alone…the potent physical chemistry between
them arced and spun, bouncing off him straight to her. Again and again.

“Why do you want me there, Matteo?” she asked, her voice a thin whisper. “For Matty or for…


It was his turn to be shocked. What she asked, what she implied, it could never be. No matter how

much he wished for it. “Paige…”

She closed her eyes and shook her head, a false little smile curling her lips. “Don’t say it, please. I

don’t think I could bear it.”

“You don’t even know what I was about to say.”
Her eyes opened, pain glittering in their depths. “I’m sure it was going to be some sort of gentle let

down so you wouldn’t hurt my feelings, right?”

Paige was one hundred percent right, but he had a feeling agreeing with her at this moment would

be the wrong thing to do. “No.”

“Don’t lie, Matteo. I know what you’re going to say. What you’re always going to say. And maybe,

just maybe I’m overstepping the line here, but I can’t keep it inside me any longer.” She rushed him,
one moment standing across the room and the next she was upon him, raining her fists on his chest, her
upturned face full of anger. “It’s pointless to deny what we both feel. I know I’m your employee. I
know you’re my boss. But the attraction is there. I’m sick and tired of denying it. Are you?”

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Her outburst came as a complete surprise. Yes, he felt exactly that. All of what she said, he was

experiencing. But he certainly hadn’t expected her to call him on it. Grasping her slender wrists, he
stopped her from pummeling him, holding her hands close to his chest. “I must deny it, Paige. I have

Hope flared in her gaze—he would recognize that look anywhere. He wanted to dash it. He wanted

to light the flame and watch it flare higher.

“Why?” she asked. “Why must you deny it? Certainly you haven’t forgotten what happened between

us before?”

She brought up that one moment in their past and he wanted her. Just like that. He thought of that

one night constantly. The taste of her sweet lips, how responsive she’d been and how she’d clung to
him as if he were her lifeline. “It’s best we forget it ever happened once and for all, Paige. I—lost
control that night. I shouldn’t have done that with you.”

Her hands curled, pressing against his chest. “What if I told you I wanted to see you lose control


A ragged breath escaped him and he shook his head, his grip loosening on her wrists. She curved

her fingers into the front of his sweater, as if testing the fabric, and he wondered fleetingly if she was
really just testing him. “Losing control would be the last thing you’d want me to do. I couldn’t be held
accountable for my actions. I might do something…”

“Passionate?” she supplied for him. “Wonderful?”
“Risky,” he answered. “And I’m not one to take risks. At least in my personal life.”
“You took a risk on me. Hiring me when you didn’t know me.”
“That was my mother’s choice.”
“You could’ve vetoed her choice and you know it. You decided to keep me anyway.” She lifted her

chin, studying him with those intense eyes that seemed to see all. “Why?”

“Months after I hire you and you have to ask this question?” She brushed her fingers against his

chest and he felt it as if she touched the very tip of his cock. Lord, he had it so bad for this girl. “Matty
adored you. He still does.”

“I adore Matty.” She paused, her fingers tightening in his sweater, pulling him in, closer to her. “I

adore his father too.”

His eyes filled with emotion. “You shouldn’t talk like that,” he whispered harshly, surprised at her


Trembling against his frame, she stood on tiptoe, her mouth brushing against his when she spoke.

His entire body stiffened in reaction to the fleeting touch, her potent nearness. “Why not? It’s the

Their lips met. Clung. Broke apart to meet again. Her entire body trembled, he could feel her

vibrating against him, so tense he was afraid she’d shatter like glass. He touched her. Circled his hand
around her slender arm and drew her closer, positioning her body so it nestled close to his.

One more kiss, he told himself. One more little indulgence in the sweetness that is Paige Stewart

and then I’ll set her away from me. Tell her she deserves someone better for her, which is true. I’m
old, set in my ways and absolutely no good for her.

Paige slipped her hands up his chest, circled her arms around his neck. She parted her lips and he

took advantage, delving his tongue into the warm depths of her mouth. God, she tasted good. So good.
Better than anything he’d ever experienced in his life. He was heady with it. Drunk on Paige, her

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taste, the way she molded her body against his. She fit perfectly, so perfectly. As if she were made for
him, and he slid his hands down the length of her back, over her sexy backside, until he was gripping
her ass, pulling her into him. Wishing like hell she understood his need.

His all-consuming need for her.

Finally. She had him back in her arms, his hands all over her body, his mouth fused with hers.

Paige had dreamed of this moment for months, hoping like crazy they would both forget their stupid,
unspoken vow to leave each other alone and finally do something about this painful attraction they

Matteo tasted, felt, sounded like sin. The low moan reverberated from deep in his throat when she

circled his tongue with hers. His heady, spicy scent filled her senses, his hard, unyielding body felt
like heaven beneath her coasting, searching fingers. Everything about him, the entire package that
made up Matteo Renaldi, drove her insane. He made her want to do wicked things she’d never done
before. She wanted to be his only lover, the one he could depend on through the good days and bad.
She wanted all of that and more.

“Paige.” He tore his mouth from hers, his breathing heavy, his mouth still poised temptingly close.

Leaning up, she touched his bottom lip with the tip of her tongue, shocked at her behavior, thrilled at
his reaction when he dipped his head and hungrily captured her lips once more.

He crushed her to him, his hands sliding over her, molding her backside, caressing her curves. She

plunged her fingers into his thick, soft hair, clutching him close, never wanting him to leave. She
wanted this moment, this kiss to go on and on and never end.

But she was being foolish. All good things must come to an end, wasn’t that the saying? And this…

this kiss was too good to be true.

Breaking the kiss again, he stared at her, his mouth swollen, his eyes dark. She disentangled her

hand to touch his cheek, draw her fingers down the side of his face and he closed his eyes, swallowed

Released his hold on her.
She stepped back into him, but he opened his eyes and gently pushed her away. “No.”
The absolute nerve of the man. Deep within, her emotions were a tumultuous mess. Swirling,

confused, they were one part anger, one part arousal, another part absolute frustration. It didn’t help,
seeing Paul earlier. Memories of her recent past assailed her as well, leaving her close to falling
apart. “I’m not your pet that you can command around, you know.”

“I do know.” He rubbed his hand across his mouth, as if he wanted to wipe away her kiss and that

hurt far more than she cared to admit. “But you are under my employ, Paige. I can’t forget that.”

“I know. You’re right. I don’t know what to do. Everything that’s happened between us, it scares

me,” she said. He was trying to do the right thing, she knew this. So was she. But it still hurt

Slowly, he shook his head. “I shouldn’t put our professional relationship in jeopardy.”
“I think we’ve already moved beyond that.” Her entire body ached for him. Her mouth still tingled

from his possessive lips, her breasts were heavy and she was damp between her legs with wanting
him. Needing him.

“I seem to recall that the last time something like this happened between us, you were the one who

walked away first,” he said, his deep voice tinged with an edge of anger.

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His words were like a bucket of ice cold water dumped over her head. Shocking her into reality,

clearing her lust-clouded head. Her throat dry, she gaped at him, grasping for words but coming up

“You pushed me away,” he continued. “I’m only trying to adhere to your previous wishes.”
Oh. The man…would drive her insane if she let him. How he spoke to her formally, as if he was

indeed her boss.

Which he was, of course. He used that formality as a shield. It prevented her from seeing the real

Matteo Renaldi. The adventurous, brave man who now moved through life like some sort of robot.
Devoting himself to his work continuously, spending time with his son, he left little room in his life
for anything else. Including her.

He definitely wanted her. She knew this without a doubt. And she wanted him. Yet he would

continue to deny this chemistry, this passion that burned between them whenever they were in the
same room.

If he was going to give up, then she would too.
Lifting her chin, she backed away from him, trying her best for haughty and uncaring. Hoping like

crazy she didn’t crumple and start crying. She was walking away from the man of her dreams. “Fine. I
apologize for throwing myself at you.”

His expression softened and his gaze turned pained. “Paige…”
“No.” She shook her head. “Don’t say anything else. What’s done is done. Let me at least walk

away with my dignity.”

And with those last words, she turned on her heel and ran to her room, slamming the door behind

her. Not very dignified after all.

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Chapter Four

She dreamed of him. Again.
It started like all the others, his beautiful face descending toward her, his lips settling on hers so

softly, she could almost believe it hadn’t happened. His hand would cup her cheek, stroking her skin
with his fingertips.

This dream, though, was far worse than her previous ones. She was clad in a gorgeous wedding

gown, her face hurt from all the smiling, her eyes burned from the happy tears. The look on her new
husband’s handsome face stole her breath and when he leaned in to kiss her again with those perfectly
sculpted lips, her body swayed toward his.

The moment cut to nighttime, and she was naked in a giant bed. Her new husband poised above her,

his hard, muscular body brushing against hers. Making her gasp, making her moan when he finally
entered her, joining them completely. The joy that suffused her threatened to burst and she cried out
her love for him as he thoroughly brought her to climax.

But then it all changed. The utter disgust on his face when he realized who he shared his bed with

in the early morning light. The thunderous expression on his face while he demanded her to leave left
her devastated. Empty. Feeling so incredibly worthless she wanted to curl up in a ball and die…

You really thought I wanted you for my wife? You’re nothing to me. Nothing…
“Paige! Paige, wake up!”
The sweet little voice startled her awake and she opened her eyes, stared up at the ceiling as she

tried to ease her erratic breathing. That had felt so incredibly, terrifyingly real. How Matteo looked at
her when he realized he’d married her. Made love to her. As if her greatest wish had turned into his
most horrific nightmare…

“Are you awake yet, Paige?” A small, slightly sticky hand touched her cheek and then he was

climbing on top of her, shaking her shoulders, making her laugh. Matty’s angelic face was directly in
hers. His thick, wavy hair stuck out every which way and his big brown eyes drank her in with an
expectation she’d grown used to. “Good morning.”

“Good morning,” she murmured with a little smile aimed at her young charge. “Isn’t it awfully


He shrugged. “I don’t know.”
She glanced beyond Matty’s shoulder, saw the time on the digital clock that sat on the bedside

table. Not even seven o’clock yet.

“Matty, I told you to leave Paige alone.” Matty climbed off of her quickly, his eyes wide as he sat

beside her. Hurried footsteps accompanied the deep, rich voice that sounded from down the hall. And
then there he stood, filling the doorway with his broad shoulders and overwhelming presence. His
dark hair mussed, his face shadowed with stubble, clad in a black T-shirt and gray plaid pajama
pants. She’d never seen him dressed so casually before.

Even after everything that happened between them last night, how he’d refused her, reminding her

she’d been the one to run in the first place, Matteo Renaldi quite simply stole her breath away.

And oh, how she both loved and hated that.
Paige quickly sat up, tugging the covers with her so she covered her chest. Not that she was naked

or anything, but she wore a thin tank top he might be able to see through.

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Not that he hadn’t seen everything she had to offer him already…
“Sorry to disturb you,” he said apologetically, his gaze meeting hers for the briefest moment before

he looked away. He seemed embarrassed. Good. After last night’s fiasco, he should be. “I told Matty
not to bother you since it’s your day off.”

Oh. She’d forgotten. Foolish, really, but she spent so much time with Matty it felt as if she never

had a day off, which she didn’t mind. She really did love her job.

Even though her boss drove her absolutely crazy.
“Daddy’s taking me to the zoo today, Paige! Come with us, come with us!” Matty scrambled across

her bed and climbed onto her, making her groan. He started bouncing up and down, his little bottom
hitting her thighs with his every bounce and she grunted, wrapping her fingers around his hips to still
his movements.

“I can’t come with you, Matty. Not today,” she said quietly.
Matty frowned, his lower lip quivering. “Why not?”
“Well, this is an activity you need to do with your father.” She didn’t have a good enough excuse.

Why, she’d give anything to be able to go with Matty and his father to the zoo. Spend the day with her
two most favorite men in the entire world.

Even if she was still angry at Matteo for his harsh rejection.
“But I want you to come too. Please, Paige? Daddy won’t mind.”
Matteo chose that particular moment to clear his throat. Indicating he very much minded. Not that

she was surprised. They needed to keep their distance. It wouldn’t be smart, playing one big, happy
family when she nursed feelings for him that he so clearly wished to push away.

“Sometimes sons need to spend time alone with their fathers, don’t you think?” Smiling, she

squeezed Matty close. “This sounds like a perfect day to do something together, alone. The two of you
need to bond.”

Matty frowned. “What does that mean?”
He was only three. Of course he wouldn’t understand what bond meant. “Well…”
“Come with us, Paige.” Matteo’s voice interrupted her, rendering her completely still and she

glanced up, her eyes meeting Matteo’s dark, fathomless gaze once more. He studied her, his arms
crossed in front of his impossibly broad chest, his expression only slightly irritated.

“I don’t want to impose…”
“Yay! Thank you, Daddy!” Matty wrapped his arms around her neck and squeezed her tight,

delivering a smacking kiss on her cheek before he sprang from her lap, tumbled off her bed and went
careening down the hall toward his room.

Leaving Paige completely alone with Matteo.
“If you don’t want me to go, I completely understand,” she murmured, glancing down at her lap. “I

overstepped my line last night.”

“No, we overstepped that line months ago.” He paused, his gaze never leaving her. “Matty wants

you to go. Please.”

She blushed at the reminder. She could hardly look him in the eye without remembering just how

close she’d been to that face last night. How she’d kissed him. She was so mad with desire she was
starting to put her job at risk, when she really needed to see the obvious.

“I don’t know if I should…”
But he’d kissed her in return. He still wanted her. She knew it with every fiber in her being…

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“And disappoint Matty forever? I don’t think so. You must go.” Amusement tinged his voice.

“We’ll leave in an hour. Will that be enough time for you to get ready?”

“I suppose.” Would it be? She wasn’t one for glamming up or with an extensive preparation routine

but she wanted to look her best for Matteo.

Foolish, but true.
“We’ll go out for breakfast before we go to the zoo, so don’t worry about eating.” He cleared his

throat and pushed away from the doorframe. “Meet us in the foyer, then?”

“Of course.” She nodded, pleasure coursing through her veins as she watched him walk away. She

was going to spend the day with Matteo. The man she not-so-secretly wanted. And she was spending
time with him because he asked her to, when surely he would’ve avoided her like she was some
horrific disease if he was still uncomfortable over what happened between them last night.

Last night…the memories came crashing over her, of her throwing herself at him, saying the most

bold, most ridiculous things ever. He’d fallen under the same spell for a brief moment before ending
it all too soon.

She needed to get over him. Needed to get over herself and her ridiculous feelings for her boss.

They were ridiculous.

Hopelessness settled over her like a heavy, dark cloud. She would never know what it would be

like to have Matteo Renaldi in her bed. Having him as her lover was nothing but a futile dream. She
needed to cut herself off of him and now. Before she became completely addicted to him.

Matteo strode into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him so hard it shook the frame. Stopping

in the middle of the room, he glanced about, his gaze settling on the dresser. Where he’d had Paige
only a few months ago, sitting naked on top of it, her legs spread, revealing everything she had to
offer. So beautiful, gasping for breath between their drugging kisses, moaning his name while he
brought her infinite pleasure with only his fingers…

“Hell,” he growled, thrusting both hands in his hair and tugging so hard it stung. Last night’s kiss

had only whetted his appetite. Being near her was too much of a distraction. He was constantly
slipping. What made it worse? He wanted to slip.

But he would only hurt her. She wasn’t for him. He knew this. Her reputation could be damaged if

word got out she messed around with her boss. Not that he knew how it would get out…

He could not think of his nanny in such a manner. She worked for him. She’d been fired from her

previous job because the man—and his wife—thought she was too much of a distraction.

Paige Stewart was the best nanny he’d ever hired—and he wanted her. Desperately. Since that

night when he’d found her in his tub touching herself, she’d always lingered in the very dark corners
of his mind.

He burned for her. Tremendously. Had done his best to avoid her at all costs, for fear she might do

something like…report him for sexual harassment. Or squeal to the media that he was a sexist pig
who pushed himself on his innocent employee.

But she remained quiet. A faithful little worker, so good to his son, so good to him and so pleasant

to have around. He appreciated Paige, needed Paige.

Wanted Paige.
Taking her to Italy would prove difficult to his sanity. Being back in his homeland relaxed him. He

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knew having her nearby would be a torture he might not be able to resist. More like he might not want
to resist.

And once he let her in, once he had Paige in his bed, he knew it would be hard to let her go. He’d

been with women since his wife’s death. Not many, but enough to know his heart had hardened and it
didn’t take much for him to have sex with them and then leave with no regret. He hadn’t had a serious
relationship since Lucia. Hadn’t wanted one either.

There was something about Paige, though. She softened his heart, made him want to let her in so he

could reveal all of his secrets and troubles and dreams to her. She was so sweet, so loving toward his
son, so tempting to him…

A soft knock sounded at the door and he went to it, throwing it open to find the very woman herself

standing there, a thick white terrycloth robe thrown over her slender body. She shifted on her bare
feet and he glanced down, caught sight of those pretty pink-painted toenails and groaned inwardly.

That her toenails aroused him showed he had a serious problem.
“What is it, Paige?” he practically growled, feeling like an utter ass, but damn it, she was so under

his skin he thought he might never get her out of it.

“I’m afraid I can’t go to the zoo with you and Matty after all.” She wouldn’t meet his gaze, kept her

head bent.

“Why the hell not?”
She lifted her head at his gruff tone. “Something’s come up.” Her eyes cut away, as if she was

afraid to look at him. Which in turn told him she was lying.

“I understand,” he said softly. “I’m sorry you’re unable to go with us. Matty will be disappointed.”
The guilt and misery that crossed her face didn’t give him an ounce of satisfaction. “Please tell him

I’ll make it up to him somehow.”

“Oh, I’m sure you will.” But how would she make it up to him? Not that he really wanted her to.

Paige not being able to go with them after all was perfect. He needed to keep his distance from her.
This was a business relationship.

Nothing more, nothing less.
“I’m sorry, Matteo.” Her gaze met his once more, those beautiful bluish green eyes zeroed in

directly on him. “That I can’t go.”

“It’s all right.” She seemed unusually upset. The way her gaze kept skittering away from his, how

she nibbled on her lip. She looked downright guilty.

Made him wonder exactly what she might be up to. The strange sensation in his chest left him

wondering why in the hell he now felt disappointed when he hadn’t even wanted her to come. Had

Idiot. It’s because you like her company as much as Matty does…
“Please tell Matty I’m sorry.”
“I will.”
She stared at him for a moment, her lips parting as if she was about to say something, but then she

turned and went back to her bedroom, shutting the door behind her with a soft click.

Leaving him staring at the empty hallway for longer than necessary, his mind filled with questions

about the sweetly and suddenly mysterious Paige.

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Chapter Five

“The position calls for you to start in one week, provided you’re qualified for the job. Hopefully

the timeline won’t be a problem for you.” The woman paused, shuffling through some papers. Paige
clutched the phone tight and waited breathlessly, her heart pounding so loud it roared in her ears. She
swallowed hard to get past the lump in her throat. “And from what I’ve gleaned so far from this quick
interview, Miss Stewart, I think you’re definitely a strong candidate.”

Relief flooded her, followed by a swift wave of worry. Matteo would be furious if she gave a one-

week notice before his trip to Italy. But Claudia was there and surely she could take care of Matty…
In fact, Paige knew his grandmother loved spending time with him and would probably want him with
her twenty-four-seven. And Matteo had to understand that this was for the best. Despite his insistence
she go with them, he had to understand how it was for the best that she stay home. They needed to
learn how to not depend on her so much anymore. Soon he’d even be relieved to find a new nanny
who didn’t make living in his own home awkward.

And was not accosting him with kisses.
Embarrassment rushed through her again.
“You mentioned an in-person interview?” Paige asked.
“Yes, of course. We’ll need to have one before we make our final decision. Can you meet with me

tomorrow at nine a.m.?”

She had Matty tomorrow. Not like she could take him to the interview. That had disaster written all

over it. But maybe she could organize a play date. “Do you have anything later in the afternoon?” She
could always tell Matteo she had a dentist or doctor appointment. He’d come home early for that.
Being the CEO of the company gave him some perks, though he rarely took advantage of the leaving
early one.

“The earlier the better, Miss Stewart.” The woman’s voice was crisp. She was a representative

from the hiring agency Paige had contacted first thing this morning. She’d filled out a form on her
phone, hoping like crazy they’d call her with a list of prospective jobs, email her something, anything.
She certainly hadn’t expected a call within a few hours.

“Nine should work, then,” Paige said, her voice weak, her brain scrambling. She would have to

make it work. There were a few other nannies she’d become friendly with who lived in the building
and the neighborhood. She could possibly call one of them and arrange a play date for Matty. The
interview hopefully would take no more than an hour.

The agency representative rambled off a spot to meet, somewhere relatively close, thank goodness.

Paige wrote the address down, listening as the woman offered a few more details as to what the
interview entailed, as well as the position.

“Do you have a resume, Miss Stewart?” she asked when she finished listing everything.
Paige’s head spun. This was all happening so fast. “I do.” A few leftover from when she’d had

some printed after losing her job with the Leonards, so she could attach them to applications. “It’s not
current, though.”

“Can you send me a current one, please? I know you filled out the application, but we always like

to have a resume on file.”

“Of course I can.” Could she? She had no access to a computer—she managed most of her online

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needs on her smartphone.

Well, she could always sneak into Matteo’s office and use his computer…
But that would be so wrong.
The woman gave Paige her email address before they ended the call. Paige cradled her cell in the

palm of her hand, contemplating the best way to go about this. She’d received exactly what she
wished for—an out. Leaving for another job would be a quick way to remove herself from the
Renaldi household for good. Though she knew Matteo would no doubt be incredibly angry with her,
she had no choice. She would miss Matty, Stasia, the apartment, everything here. The chance the
Renaldi family gave her, how welcome they’d made her feel. They were wonderful, good people,
every one of them.

Especially Matteo.
And Matty. Her heart would break when she told him goodbye.
But she had to leave. Her heart was cracking with every day that passed. She was near her

breaking point, and being close to the man she was falling in love with day in and day out wore on
both her emotions and her sanity.

Before she had a complete nervous breakdown, she needed to make her escape. It was for her own

good—and Matteo’s.

Slipping her phone into her front pocket, she walked through the apartment, her mind awhirl with

her plan. Matteo and Matty would be gone for at least an hour still, maybe a little longer. She’d heard
Matteo discuss his plans for the day with his son and their afternoon together was action packed.
Perfect, considering what she was about to do. She needed all the time she could get before they

Nerves eating at her insides, she stood at the threshold of Matteo’s office, peeking within. The

room was big, filled with dark, large furniture and a giant iMac computer sat on the desk, its sleek
silver and black lines beautiful in its simplicity. She slipped inside the room, the hushed quiet making
her uneasy as she settled into the rolling chair and scooted up to the desk.

The chair and the room smelled like Matteo. Closing her eyes, she breathed deep, inhaling his

clean, soapy scent. The chair was expensive and comfortable, molding to the contours of her body as
if it were made for her, and she opened her eyes, glanced about the room that her boss spent many an
hour in when he wasn’t at the office.

It suited him. The colors were rich and inviting, the furniture bold and dark. Everything was neatly

organized, not a mess or pile of papers in sight, and with a little sigh she reached out, grasped hold of
the mouse and slid it across the leather pad to turn on the computer.

The monitor flickered to life, revealing a small box where she needed to enter a password.
Paige frowned. Crap. She didn’t know what his password could be. And using his computer for her

personal use—personal use going against her boss in every way possible—was starting to feel more
and more like a total invasion of privacy…

Her fingers poised over the keyboard, she typed in Matty’s name. No go. Matty’s name with his

birthdate at the end. That didn’t work either. She tried a handful of variations as a password without
any success, getting more and more frustrated every time the computer denied her access. Until she
finally decided to be stupid and typed in Paige1 just for the hell of it.

The ridiculous password worked.
Stunned, she sat there for a moment, absorbing the tiny revelation as she gripped the mouse with

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tight fingers. He’d used her name as his password. She shouldn’t find any sort of meaning into it
whatsoever. But still…

There was no time to wonder over it now. She quickly opened up a Word document, staring at the

blank page on the monitor when she realized she didn’t have her old resume with her. Cursing her
idiocy, she ran to her room and snatched it up, settled back behind the desk and started putting
together her new resume as fast as she could.

Her fingers flying over the keyboard, her gaze kept straying to the clock, hoping against hope she

had enough time to finish the resume before they came home. She needed this opportunity, and she
needed to make it happen quick. No matter how angry Matteo would be at her leaving so abruptly, he
would understand. She knew it. He had to realize where she was coming from when it came to the
two of them and how no matter what they just didn’t work. Being near him was torture.

A torture she didn’t want to deal with any longer, no matter how much that hurt.
Resolve filling her, she entered the information regarding her working for the Renaldi family,

leaving Claudia as the reference. No way could she list Matteo as one and besides, it was Claudia
who hired her in the first place.

Paige frowned. Okay, maybe that was cheating, but she knew she’d receive more support from

Claudia than she ever would from Matteo, at least in this matter.

After opening the Internet browser, she went into her email account and started a new message,

addressing it to the woman at the hiring agency, typing in a quick letter confirming tomorrow’s
interview appointment. She went back to the resume and read it over, correcting all the mistakes she
could find, saving the document onto the desktop so she could go back and delete it after she was

Her heart hammering, she attached the resume to the email, icy dread creeping over her when she

heard the distinct sound of the front door opening and Matty’s little voice calling out for her.

Crap. She needed to get out of there quick!
Practically bouncing in the chair, she waited for the resume attachment to load to the email,

clicking send as fast as she could. Pushing away from the desk, she fled the office and started down
the hall, stopping short when Matty and his father appeared before her.

She didn’t dare remember the last time Matteo caught her using something of his…and what

happened afterward.

She’d been in the bathtub, and he’d seen her soaking in bubbles because Claudia had given her the

green light to use it. How embarrassing it had been when he caught her sneaking out of his bathroom.
And the way he’d kissed her, touched her…her most fond memory ever.

Now she was sneaking around again and she’d barely escaped unscathed.
“Hi,” she said breathlessly, brushing her hair away from her face. “You’re home earlier than I

thought you’d be.”

“The weather turned,” Matteo said, his voice low, his head inclined toward the wall of windows

in the living area.

Paige looked to her left, where indeed she could see the dark clouds, the rain falling heavily from

the sky. “Of course, it did.” That was such a close call. If they’d arrived a few minutes earlier…

“Matty’s tired. Though it’s probably too late for a nap.” Matteo’s velvety deep voice snapped her

from her thoughts.

“Early bedtime, then,” she said as she started for Matty.

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“No,” Matty wailed with a furious shake of his head, indicating that he was very much exhausted.

“I want to stay up longer.”

“It’s not bedtime yet, you silly goose.” She ruffled Matty’s hair. “Come on, let’s go fix you dinner.”
She took his hand and led him toward the kitchen, glancing over her shoulder to see if Matteo was


But he was already gone.

Matteo entered his office, stopping at the edge of his desk, his nose to the air. The unmistakable,

contradictory, erotically sweet scent of Paige lingered in the air. Subtle, but so very much there. As if
she’d been in the room recently.

Of which she had no reason to be.
He ran his gaze over his surroundings, the desk, glancing about the room. Everything was clean,

still in its place, just as he’d left it. The disturbance in the air was more from her scent than anything
else. Though he swore her presence still haunted the room, almost as if he could feel her eyes on him.

Such nonsense. He shook his head at his foolish thoughts.
The afternoon with Matty had been fun. He’d enjoyed seeing the zoo and all its wonders through his

son’s eyes. They’d gone to lunch, they’d talked, they’d spent far too much time at a giant toy store and
then the rain started, immediately dampening both of their moods.

On the drive home, Matty had declared, “I miss Paige,” rather loudly and Matteo couldn’t help but

silently agree.

He always missed Paige when she wasn’t around, as reluctant as he was to admit it.
Settling in behind his computer, he turned it on and typed in his password, wincing at his choice.

He’d changed it only a few days ago, a habit he’d formed from working at the office and needing to
change his password every few months. Paige had been on his mind—nothing new there—and he’d
decided if he couldn’t have her, he could at least have the thrill of typing her name in every time he
needed to use his Mac.

More foolish thoughts. The woman had turned him into a downright foolish man.
The browser was open to an unfamiliar email account and he studied it, realization dawning when

he saw Paige’s name in the upper left corner.

So she had been in his office. Using his computer. He’d told her before, when she first started

working for him, that if she needed to use the Internet for anything personal, she was more than
welcome to take his laptop. But he’d left it at the office lately, rarely bringing it home now that he had
the iMac to work on.

Matteo frowned. He couldn’t blame her if she had a deep need to use the computer, since the one

he was supposed to provide her was nowhere in sight. But why didn’t she ask? She asked before
doing just about anything. For the love of God, he’d had to break her of the habit of asking to take
Matty out to the park when she first started. He was surprised she didn’t ask if she could use the
bathroom those first few days she’d been in the apartment, she was so timid.

Knowing he shouldn’t, he glanced at her inbox, his gaze running over the subject lines, the names of

the senders. Mostly junk mail from a variety of stores, an email indicating her cell bill was due,
another email from someone with the last name Stewart. A relative, most likely.

He was invading her privacy and he wasn’t proud of that fact.

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Moving the mouse so the cursor hovered over the red button and exited out of the browser, he

paused, jerking the mouse with his hand just as a new email landed in her inbox.

An email sent by the Pavilion Nanny Agency with the subject line Resume Attached.
Anger did a slow burn in his stomach, easing into his veins, pounding a throbbing rhythm through

his blood. Christ, he knew it. She’d acted suspicious when he found her in the hallway. From the time
noted beside the email, she must’ve just sent it when they arrived home.

She was trying to find another job and leave him—and his son—without his knowledge.
The idea both terrified and infuriated him.

Paige avoided him all evening. Not a surprise, considering what he’d found, though she hadn’t a

clue that he knew her secrets. Had she planned on sabotaging him right before they were supposed to
leave the country? Abandon him and Matty so she could stay behind in New York and start her new

At first he’d been angry. So furious he could hardly see straight. But the emotion had slowly worn

off as the night went on, until it became a low, worrisome ball of sadness in his gut. That she would
walk away so easily, without hardly any notice, hurt him.

Devastated him.
But how could he approach her? Confront her pointblank with what he discovered on the

computer? It was her own neglectful fault, leaving the browser up for him to find. Yes, he knew he
shouldn’t have dug deeper into her email inbox but it was too late for regret now.

Memories of his past with Lucia crept in. How dramatic she’d always been, how volatile their

entire relationship had been from the very start. They’d loved passionately and fought just as
passionately those first few years they were a couple. He’d felt a sort of adrenaline-filled madness
every time he and Lucia were in a room together and she’d experienced much the same. While the
arguing had been dramatic and loud, so had the lovemaking. And in those early years, he’d reveled in
it. Thought she was what he wanted.

That desperate sort of madness had slowly ebbed once they were married, until they became so

completely dispassionate toward each other, it was difficult to believe they were the same couple.
She’d become so cold, distant. To get away from her, he’d thrown himself into his work, their son.
When Lucia died, they hadn’t had sex in nearly a year.

He’d become a shell of a man, unfeeling, not caring for his wife. She didn’t matter. So when she

was gone, the guilt that had settled over him had been enormous.

Paige was the first woman who made him want to feel again. And she was so wrong for him, it was

as if the fates had brought her into his life merely to test him. He’d almost failed many times.

Yet he could let her walk and pass the ultimate test. Let her slip away before he made the fatal

mistake of tossing her naked into his bed so he could have his way with her. All night.

Every night.
Running his hand over his head, he gazed unseeingly at the television. He didn’t want her to go. He

wanted to keep her. Possess her. Make her his.

It could never be. Not like that. But he’d be damned if he’d let her slip through his fingertips a few

days before he left the country. If she made her escape now, he’d never see her again.

He could hardly stand the thought.

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Quietly, he plotted. And waited for over an hour after Matty finally went to bed later than usual,

considering Matty’s renewed burst of barely contained energy. Finally, Paige had calmed Matty down
enough to get him into bed.

All the while, Matteo ran over and over what he would say to her.
Pretending to watch some horrendous movie in the living room, something he rarely—if ever—did,

he was extremely aware of Paige’s presence in his home. And he knew without a doubt she was also
equally aware of his presence, and it made her uneasy. She spent most of her time in the kitchen while
he waited, he could see her from where he sat on the couch. Packing up portable snacks for Matty for
the next few days, like she always did. She then sat at the kitchen table with a notepad, no doubt
plotting her desertion.

Matteo breathed deep and shook his head. Lord help him, his mother was right. She was prone to

the dramatics and so was he.

Finally he couldn’t stand it any longer. After flicking off the TV, he tossed the remote onto the

coffee table with a clatter and stood, striding straight into the kitchen toward the table.

She glanced up from her notepad, her eyes going wide when she saw him, her expression full of

apprehension. “Is everything all right?” Her voice shook, betraying her nerves.

“No,” he bit out. He thought he could be subtle but the truth was dying to burst out of him. “Tell me

why you sent your resume to an employment agency.”

Her lips parted and the pen slipped out of her hand, falling to the tiled floor and rolling under the

table. “Wh-what are you talking about?”

“Don’t lie to me, Paige.” Breathing deep, he rested his hands on his hips, glaring at her. “You used

my computer. You left the browser open and I saw your inbox. I know you sent Pavilion your

“Why don’t you want to stay with us?” he interrupted. God, he was an ass, but he couldn’t stop the

words from coming. He felt downright betrayed by her wanting to go. “We’re leaving for Italy in a
week. Matty needs you.” I need you.

“It’s best that I go.” Her voice was quiet, cool, void of any emotion. “Being here is hard on…all of


“What will be hard is how Matty reacts when you leave him. How can you desert him, Paige? He

adores you.” Matteo shook his head.

“Please don’t say that. I’m not deserting him.” Her eyes filled with tears and she blinked them

back. Damn it all to hell, his heart softened, and he refused to feel sorry for her. She wanted to leave
him. “You know I can’t stay here. It’ll be too hard.”

“Why?” he practically growled. “What will be too hard?”
“Being near you. Knowing I—I shouldn’t be with you.” She swiped at the corners of her eyes with

both hands, trying to stop the tears that slowly slid down her cheeks. “It’s too difficult, Matteo, and
such torture. I’m so afraid. What if we became a couple and then eventually we break up? What if you
find someone else and I have to watch you…watch you fall in love with her?”

Swallowing hard, Matteo shook his head. He didn’t want to hear this. He didn’t want to face the

harsh, cold realities. “You worry too much.”

“Someone needs to. What would our potential relationship do to Matty? He’d see us together and

then when we’d split and I would disappear…that might devastate him, especially after the loss of his

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He was floored. She was bravely laying it all on the line. Declaring her feelings for him while he’d

rather hide behind his gruff exterior and claim he didn’t want to touch her for fear of a sexual
harassment suit down the line. Or worse, that it was just flat out wrong, with she being his son’s
nanny and he being her boss.

But really, he was afraid. Afraid that what they shared could turn into so much more, and that

scared him more than he cared to admit.

“We could try,” he started, his voice soft, but she cut him off with a glare.
“We shouldn’t. It’s not what you really want. And I shouldn’t want it either.” She pushed away

from the table and stood, grabbing her notebook, bending over so she could snatch the pen from the
floor. When she stood, her gaze met his, the beautiful blue-green depths turbulent. Full of defiance.
He’d done this to her. Pushed her to the edge until she felt as if she had no choice but to leave. “I’m
going to bed. Since you already know my secret, I have a nine o’clock interview tomorrow morning. I
arranged it so Matty will go on a play date with his friend Nathan. His family lives in the building,
you’ve met the parents. I won’t be gone long.”

“Should I consider this you giving me notice, then?” he bit out, the words taking everything from

him just to say.

She stared at him for a long, quiet moment, her lips tight, her gaze narrowed before she nodded

once and offered a quiet, “Yes.”

And with that, she walked away, exiting the kitchen without looking back.
Disappointment settled low in his gut. He was losing Paige. And he wasn’t trying to stop her from


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Chapter Six

Paige sat on the floor of her room, methodically going through her clothes. Her suitcase lay open on

her bed, two drawers she’d pulled completely out of the dresser rested on either side of her. Even
though she didn’t have the new job yet and Matteo hadn’t told her otherwise, she knew deep in her
heart she was unwelcome in the Renaldi household.

She had exactly what she wished for. So why did she feel so empty inside? So lost?
Frowning, she stood and started shoving everything into her suitcase. It didn’t matter if it was

folded or not, all her clothes were going in there. Piled on top of each other, pairs of socks falling to
the floor. She bent over and grabbed them, tossing them one after the other.

There wouldn’t be a trace of her left in this place. She wouldn’t allow it. If he couldn’t so much as

say more than one stupid sentence to her when she told him she wanted him, then she couldn’t stay.
The man was in complete denial, stubborn beyond belief. He made her so angry she wanted to smack

And then kiss him.
Emitting a frustrated little growl, she went to the top drawer of the dresser and yanked it open,

pulling out a pile of underwear and her only other bra. She’d stay tonight, go to her interview
tomorrow morning and hopefully they would offer her the job on the spot. She had a good feeling
about it and believed that could definitely happen.

Then she’d hole up at a small hotel and stay until she started at her new position. She had enough

money saved so it wouldn’t be a hardship, paying for a motel. Matteo not only gave her a terrific
salary, but she got free room and board, which enabled her to save plenty of money over the months
she’d worked for him.

Sadness filled her and she shook her head. Only months she’d known Matteo, and look what he’d

done to her. Would she ever recover? Would she encounter another man who drew her as much as he

Probably not.
A rapid-fire knock sounded on the door just before it was pushed open, startling her. She shrieked,

her panties falling all over the floor, directly in front of her very sexy, very contrite-looking boss.

Cheeks burning, she knelt down to gather them up, mortification filling her when he did the same,

his big hands clutching at her lacy underwear as he grabbed them. “Give them to me,” she whispered,
holding her other—very empty—hand out.

If the floor could open up and swallow her whole, she wouldn’t protest. The day kept getting

worse and worse.

He dropped the lacy panties in her hand, his palm settling over hers, his fingers curling around her.

She tried to jerk her hand out of his, keeping her head down so she wouldn’t have to look at him. Her
underwear was crushed within their grip and she felt like the biggest fool.

“Paige.” His voice was so dark, so deep, she risked glancing up, caught his espresso brown eyes

scanning her face, as if memorizing it. Caressing her with his gaze. “I reject your resignation.”

Shock coursed through her and she shook her head, her hair sliding all over her shoulders, making

her aware that she wore only a tank top and thin cotton pajama bottoms, though he’d seen her in far
less. “You can’t reject my resignation.” She tried to pull her hand from his but he wouldn’t let go.

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“Well, I am. You signed an agreement. A contract that specifically states you have to give at least

two weeks resignation prior to your finding another job.”

Paige rolled her eyes. “Please, Matteo. Have some consideration. You know this is the right thing,

me leaving. It’s best that I go.”

“I don’t want you to go,” he said, his gaze sliding over her, drinking her in.
Her skin tightened at his blatant perusal. He seemed…different. Freer. “Then what do you want

from me?”

Matteo remained quiet, not giving her an answer and never loosening his grip. Slowly he tugged,

pulling her closer, pulling her into him, and she acquiesced. Oh God, she let him reel her in when she
knew she shouldn’t, but his force, his strength was an irresistible draw.

“That’s an excellent question. One that’s been burning through my mind all night, so tell me—what

exactly do you want from me?” he asked, his voice so low it seemed to rumble straight through her,
settling between her thighs.

“You know exactly what I want.” Her gaze dropped to his full lips. If she couldn’t have him, if he

forced her to leave, then fine. But she could at least make this one last desperate grasp. It didn’t
matter anymore if she humiliated herself. She’d be gone tomorrow. Never have to face him again.

That thought alone made her heart hurt, but she ignored the pain. Focused instead on the handsome,

virile man before her, his mouth so close to hers, she could lift up the slightest bit and they’d be

She really, really wished they were kissing.
“You want to leave me,” he murmured, his gaze fixated on her mouth, as if he too couldn’t think of

anything else but kissing her.

Perfect. The feeling was one hundred percent mutual.
“It’s for the best,” she reminded him, though deep down she knew it wasn’t true. She was trying to

do what was best.

“According to you.” He sounded amused, which was better than angry, so she wasn’t complaining.
“You’re right. According to me.” If he didn’t kiss her soon, she’d scream. Or make a fool of

herself, dive toward his delicious lips and attack him.

Matteo chuckled, loosening his grip on her hand. He plucked the two pairs of panties from her palm

and held them up for his inspection. “Pretty.”

Luckily enough, she hadn’t dropped pairs of her older granny panties. This was bad enough. “Give

me those.” She reached for them, but he held them above his head. And was that a smile on Matteo
Renaldi’s face?

Unbelievable. His behavior was so unusual, but she certainly didn’t want to question him or look

like she was complaining.

No, she wanted to go with it. Wanted to revel in his carefree behavior. In him.
“Matteo,” she whispered, shocked that he was acting this way. Gone was the stoic, serious boss.

This…stranger was smiling at her, laughing as he kept her underwear away from her.

“Come and get them, Paige,” he teased, the mysterious light in his eyes taunting her.
That did it. She lunged for him, sending them both tumbling to the floor. Matteo landed on his back,

Paige sprawled on top of him, and he grabbed hold of her waist, slinging his arm around her back,
keeping her in place. She squirmed against him, pressed her hands against the solid wall of his chest.
“I can’t believe you,” she muttered between harsh breaths, shocked at the surge of irritation that had

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taken over her and sent them both toppling.

“What? You’re the one who threw yourself at me.” He chuckled again when she fumed. “You’re

very beautiful when you’re angry, bella,” he said, his voice gone devastatingly serious. And
dangerously seductive.

Her anger evaporated at his words. They lay together on the floor, their legs tangled, their faces so

close she could feel his warm breath waft across her face. She licked her lips, trying to say
something, anything to ease the tension between them and he exhaled heavily, his hard-as-a-rock chest
pressing against her with the movement.

Making her achingly aware of just how close they were.
Her lacy panties were on the floor, flanking either side of Matteo’s head. A giggle escaped her at

first sight of them and she clamped her lips shut, but she couldn’t contain it. Another giggle burst forth
and she tilted her head down, her forehead pressed against his chest.

“What’s so funny?” He loosened his hold on her, his large hand smoothing up her back in the

gentlest of touches.

Everything inside her went loose and warm at his caress and she lifted her head, the giggles gone,

in their place nothing but hot, pulsating need flowing through her blood. “My underwear is circling
your head.”

“Forget your pretty underwear.” He reached for her with his other hand, curving his fingers around

her cheek. “I don’t want you to leave us, Paige. Matty needs you.”

Do you need me? “I don’t know if I can take this torture much longer,” she whispered. “What are

we doing, Matteo?”

He pushed his hand into her hair, his fingers tangling with the wavy strands, and she closed her

eyes, pleasure coursing through her at his tender touch. The position they were in was precarious at
best. Beyond intimate. But he made no move to leave so neither did she. Secretly, she reveled in it.
He was built beautifully, tall with broad shoulders and chest. Slim hips, muscular legs. Her entire
body sizzled as she pressed against him and she wondered what he looked like completely naked.

“We’re doing something we shouldn’t,” he finally said just before he lifted his head and captured

her lips with his own.

She fell into the kiss, parting her lips for his questing tongue, moaning when it made contact with

her own. He tightened his fingers in her hair, pulling her in closer, holding her firm so she had no
chance of escape.

Not that she’d run from this wondrous thing. Matteo Renaldi. Kissing her. Acting as if he wanted


They kissed for long, languid minutes, mouths searching, tongues seeking. His unmistakable

erection pressed against her and she undulated on top of him much like a cat, seeking what he so
boldly seemed to offer.

But she needed to show restraint. She couldn’t behave the wanton, as silly and old fashioned as that

sounded. She wasn’t even sure of her place in his life, his household. This kiss, this moment changed

He could still ultimately deny her by not taking this further. And she would still be devastated by

such a loss. Her plans could not deviate, despite this kiss, the sweet way he talked to her, treated her.
She would go to the interview tomorrow morning and she would leave him. Forever.

She had to.

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He could drown in her taste, in the silky feel of her tongue gliding against his. Christ, he could kiss

this woman for hours, until their jaws ached and their lips hurt, the sort of endless kissing that he
hadn’t experienced since he’d been a teenager. She tasted like perfection. Her slender body molded to
his as he mapped her curves with his wandering hands, wishing he could have her naked again.

Knowing against all hope it would be a mistake.
But that didn’t stop him from kissing her. Touching her, slipping his hands beneath her shirt to

caress warm, soft skin. She moaned against his mouth, a little needy sound, one that went straight to
his cock, and he was hard as steel in an instant, throbbing for her. Needing to get inside her so he
could lose himself in her soft, welcoming body at least once…

“Damn it.” He tore his mouth from hers and wrapped his hands around her waist, lifting her off him

so she had no choice but to slide off to the side and land on the floor. Pushing to a sitting position, he
ran his hands through his hair in pure frustration, almost afraid to look at her for fear of how angry she
might be.

Risking it, he turned to her and found her staring at him. Her eyes were wide and full of shock, her

hair a mess—from his fingers. Her cheeks were flushed a gorgeous pink shade and she thrust a
trembling hand in her hair, pushing it out of her eyes.

“I hate how you do this to me,” she whispered. “You want me, you kiss me, then you discard me as

if I were some sort of afterthought. I can’t take it anymore.”

He hated it too, didn’t know what the hell was wrong with him. Why she compelled him to risk it

all when he knew he shouldn’t. She was a baby. His employee. And he was a man set in his ways,
jaded as hell and in no way looking for a loving relationship. He’d gone through a hellish marriage.
Another one was not in the cards for him, and Paige had weddings, babies and happily-ever-after
written all over her.

“All I ask is for Italy, Paige,” he said, afraid he might beg if he had to. Anything to convince her.

“Come to Italy with us, help me with Matty while I work and spend time with my mother. I know you
two are so fond of each other. It’ll be like a vacation, I promise. You won’t have to take care of Matty
the entire time and you could go sightseeing if you wanted. Then when we return, you can go find
another job.”

Her eyes narrowed, shooting fire at him. She looked furious and gorgeous with it. “You make it all

sound so easy when really, it’s not. Though I’m sure you have no idea what it’s like, your life has
been perfect.” She cleared her throat and lifted her chin, beautifully regal despite her looking like a
ravished mess sitting on the floor in her pajamas. “I have an opportunity for a new job now. I can’t
just let it go. What if there’s not another one when I come back? Then what’ll I do?”

“I’ll help you find a job.” He stood, offered her his hand, which she took, albeit reluctantly. The

sulky expression on her face was adorable, though he knew he shouldn’t think like that. She was angry
and she had every right to be. Hell, he was angry at himself for doing this to her. Toying with her. He
was a sick, twisted bastard. “I know plenty of people. Someone should have use for a nanny. Or I
could always hire you at Renaldi.”

“No,” she said vehemently as he pulled her up. She shook her head, her expression determined, and

she stepped away from him, gaining distance. He missed her immediately. “Absolutely not. I won’t go
from your house to your business, Matteo. I can’t.”

That hurt. Why, he wasn’t sure, but he couldn’t examine it now. “Regardless, I can help you, Paige.

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Let me do that for you. All I ask is you give me a little bit more of your time.”

She backed away farther, nibbling on her lower lip. Lips that were swollen from his kisses, and the

urge to kiss her again was so strong, he had to fight it off with everything inside of him. “What you ask
for isn’t as easy as you make it out to be.”

He breathed deep, unsure how to approach her. He’d made a mess of it. Wanting her, pushing her

away. Needing her for Matty, because there was no doubt, Matty was madly in love with his nanny,
and his boy needed her sweet yet firm guidance. “I’ve not handled this—you—correctly. And I’m
sorry for that. But Matty needs you, Paige. I need you.”

She stood there, full of indecision. He could sense it, feel her emotions coming at him in strong,

pulsating waves. “I’m scared,” she admitted, her voice small.

Well. That wasn’t the answer he expected. “Scared of what?”
“Scared of you, scared of this, us. Scared of leaving you and Matty. Scared of staying. I’m so

confused.” Tears shone in her eyes and within seconds her face crumpled as she started to cry.

Making him feel like the biggest asshole in the world. All those tears, her shoulders shaking, her

chest heaving, all because of him. And how he toyed with her, led her to believe he wanted more from
her than he was willing to give.

How he wished he could give it all to her. Everything she could ever want. She was young and

vulnerable and a believer in fairytales and he absolutely was not.

At this very moment, he wished he were a believer. So he could give this beautiful, sweet woman

everything she ever dreamed of.

“Come here,” he said gruffly, reaching for her so he could pull her into his arms. She sobbed

against his chest, her tears dampening his shirt, and he let her cry. Running his hand over her silky-soft
hair, breathing in her intoxicating scent, he remained silent, offering her comfort, wishing again he
could give her more.

“You drive me crazy,” she mumbled against his chest. “I should hate you.”
“You should,” he agreed.
“I shouldn’t go with you.”
“No, that’s where you’re wrong, bella.” He slipped his finger beneath her chin and tilted her face

up, staring into her beautiful, shining with tears eyes. “You absolutely should go with me.”

“Why?” she breathed, closing her eyes, as if she couldn’t look at him any longer.
“Open your eyes,” he commanded. She did so quickly, pleasing him at how easily she obeyed.

“Because I want you, Paige. I want you there, at my side, with my son, with my family. Please.”

His chest ached. He shouldn’t have said that. His words would give her a false hope he had no

business offering her. But it was all true. Having her with him in Italy, in the country of his birth, at
his childhood home, perhaps something could happen. Perhaps he could relax and let her in.


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Chapter Seven

Exhaustion weighed heavily on Paige as she studied her closed suitcase. From where it sat on the

stand at the foot of the bed, it mocked her. Taunted her to unpack her belongings and settle in, but she
was too tired to worry about it.

Unpacking could wait for later.
The flight to Italy had been long and especially hard on Matty. He hadn’t slept well the night before

—quite frankly, neither had she—and she’d grown irritated with him more than once. It didn’t help,
how quiet Matteo had been the entire trip. He’d hardly said a word, offering only the occasional stern
reprimand to his son, which sent little Matty into a tizzy.

Only offering a few terse words to her, Matteo would return his attention to his laptop, scanning

over documents, financial reports, whatever it was that he needed to analyze while in Italy. Leaving
her to wallow in her own worry.

She needed his words of reassurance, of kindness—of anything, really—to keep her happy. He had

no idea just how much she needed him, and how that need grew every single day. Becoming
dependent on Matteo Renaldi was the last thing she should do.

Too late.
A shower and a few hours’ sleep would do her some good and leave her refreshed. Matty was

snuggled in his bed, fast asleep. He’d nearly collapsed upon their arrival at the Renaldi compound in
Amalfi, already out when Paige put him to bed.

She went to the cracked open door and stepped out onto the tiny balcony with the wrought-iron

railing. Her breath lodged in her throat at the view. There was so much natural beauty spread out
before her. The water was a deep, sparkling blue, the endless white buildings that dotted the
surrounding hills seemed to brim with history. A variety of boats dotted the water, swaying gently
with the waves, and a sudden breeze blew over her, bringing with it the salty tang of the sea. Amalfi
was simply breathtaking.

Despite the worry and turmoil over her feelings for Matteo and the fact that she desperately needed

another job, she was glad she came to Amalfi with him. The opportunity to see such beauty would’ve
never happened otherwise.

But knowing this was her last week with Matteo pressed heavy on her already cracking heart.
A soft knock sounded on the door and she turned, watched as it cracked open to reveal Claudia

peeking her head around it. “Do you like your room?” she asked.

“Oh, Claudia.” Paige’s shoulders sagged with relief. “It’s amazing. Beautiful. Thank you for having

me as your guest.”

“You are never a guest. You’ve become one of the family.” Matteo’s mother entered the room and

came toward her, drawing her into a comforting hug. “What’s wrong, Paige?”

She stiffened within the woman’s kind embrace. “What do you mean?”
“You look so tired, so…defeated. Is Matty being hard on you?”
Paige shook her head, unable to find her voice. If she did, she might say too much. And this was

Matteo’s mother.

“Ah. Then it’s Matteo.”
Matteo’s all-knowing mother, more like. How could Paige deny what she said? Claudia had

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always been too perceptive.

“Are you in love with my son, cara?” Claudia asked softly.
Paige withdrew from the older woman’s embrace, shaking her head. Was she? She didn’t know.

But even if she was, she could never admit it. Not to Claudia, not to herself and certainly not to him.
“I—care for him.”

“I see.”
“But I’m leaving.” She went to the bed and sat down heavily on the edge, surprised when Claudia

joined her and slung her arm around Paige’s shoulders. It was nice, the comfort she offered. Paige had
missed her. From the moment Claudia had offered her the job when she was still living with Matteo in
New York, Paige had felt a special bond with her. Those few weeks they’d been together, taking care
of Matty while Matteo worked so hard, they’d grown especially close. Claudia was like her second
mother. “I just don’t think we can work together anymore.”

“I see the way he looks at you,” Claudia offered. “There’s much more than a business relationship

between you.”

“Which is why I need to leave.”
“Or stay.”
Paige’s forehead furrowed in confusion. Last time she heeded Claudia’s advice, she’d ended naked

in her boss’s tub, and then climaxing like crazy from his fingers. She didn’t really know if she should
listen to her now. But here she was, all ears. “What do you mean?” she asked.

Claudia laughed at her obviously curious tone. “I noticed he’s driving you crazy. Though know you

probably drive him crazy too.”

“I guess I do.” She glanced down at her lap, watching as she twisted her hands together nervously.

“He says he doesn’t want me.”

“And you think he does.” Claudia stated it as fact.
“I thought he did, but I don’t know anymore. The way he behaves, how he treats me. It’s so

frustrating. I don’t know what he wants from me anymore.” Paige took a heaving breath, the relief at
admitting that freeing.

“Perhaps he doesn’t know what he wants either. Men are confusing creatures. They are also

confused creatures. I’m sure part of his problem is that he struggles with the power position he holds
over you.”

Paige nodded. There was no need for an answer. This was most likely the biggest struggle Matteo

faced when it came to the two of them being together.

“He’s much older than you, you know. I believe that holds him up as well,” Claudia continued.
“Eleven years, that’s it. Big deal,” Paige retorted, clamping her lips shut. She sounded like a snotty


“Ah, but those eleven years can feel like a lifetime to some. You’re only twenty-three, fresh faced

and ready to conquer the world. Your entire life is spread out before you and you have so many
choices. So much freedom.” Claudia smiled. “Whereas Matteo is older. Established within his
career, a widower and a father to a young child. Saddled with much and weary with it too, though
he’d never admit it. He probably believes none of that appeals to you.”

“All of it does,” Paige said, frustration making her voice louder. “Everything that makes up Matteo

appeals to me. I love how successful he is in his career, how much he works and cares about the
family business. I love that he’s a father and is so good and tender with his son. He adores Matty. His

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eyes light up every time he sees him and that touches my heart so deep, I feel like it’s about to burst.”

Paige paused, noticing how Claudia remained quiet, that knowing little smile still curling her lips.

“I love how he treats me like an equal and asks my opinion on so many things. And how welcome he
makes me feel in his home, as if I rightfully belong there. He doesn’t treat me like an employee, he
treats me like a person.”

“Of course, he does. Matteo is, above all else, always fair. It comes from being the eldest,”

Claudia said, her voice full of authority. “He broke up many a battle between his brothers when they
were young. He was the one who they all went to for advice.”

She could imagine him, young and handsome, irritated with his brothers yet still patient enough to

help them. Supporting everyone in the family with that certain easy way he had. He’d probably
indulged Stasia too. She’d admitted that more than once. He was a good man.

So why would he think she didn’t want him? That he didn’t deserve her? It made no sense.
“He—he sometimes acts like he wants me, then pulls away. No, more like he pushes me away.”

Paige buried her face in her hands, mortified that she would say such a thing. “You’re his mother. I’m
sure you don’t want to hear this.”

“But do you have anyone else to talk about your feelings for Matteo with?” When Paige shook her

head, Claudia gave her shoulders a little squeeze. “Then let it all out, darling. Just don’t go into too
many details.”

Paige dropped her hands away from her cheeks, laughing softly. “There’s not much to tell. Really. I

just…I don’t understand why he denies what he feels for me. Because I know he feels something. He
struggles with it daily. I see it in his eyes, written all over his face. You know, I tried to leave and
take another job just before this trip. But he wouldn’t let me. Sometimes I wonder if I hadn’t been his
employee, he might have given me—us—a chance…”

Claudia remained quiet for so long, Paige grew nervous. “What are you thinking?” she asked the

older woman.

“I’m thinking maybe you need to be a little pushier when it comes to Matteo and how you feel about


Paige pulled away from her and stood, pacing back and forth. “I have been. Believe me, I’ve been

so forthcoming with what I want from him and how I feel, I may as well hang a sign from my neck.
Doesn’t do me any good, though, since he rejects me anyway.”

“Then maybe you should approach him in a different manner.” The smile on Claudia’s face was

nothing short of victorious. “And I think I have the perfect idea.”

Paige stopped in her pacing, worry creeping down her spine. “What’s your idea?”
“Let me do a little investigating first. Then I’ll tell you everything.”
“I appreciate your efforts, really I do, but maybe I shouldn’t risk it. What if something happens and

we don’t work out as a couple?” Paige pressed her lips together to keep from saying anything else.
She didn’t want to reveal all of her fears.

“Trust me, Paige. You would be good for my son. I firmly believe that. Now, let me work my

magic. I will say this, though. Go to him. Talk to him. Alone, without any other distractions. I think
you’ll be surprised at how he reacts.” Claudia smiled and Paige had no choice but to smile in return.
She wanted to believe she and Matteo could work out, but she still had so many doubts.

Perhaps his mother knew what was best for him. Perhaps she was what was best for him.
Paige could only hope.

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For the first time in months, Matteo felt like he could breathe again. Being back in Amalfi, in his

homeland, he felt his head clear as soon as he pulled the rental car through the gate of the Renaldi
villa. Nothing had changed, the house and the grounds looked exactly as he remembered, yet the
colors, the sounds, the light, all of it was more vibrant, even more beautiful.

It was good to be home.
Matty had been a nightmare during the flight, whining and crying, clinging to Paige, irritating her

more than once, which was unusual. Matteo interfered a few times, trying to lend a helping hand, but
his son would have none of it. So he buried himself in his work, studying the financial reports in
preparation for the big annual meeting they held for the executives of Renaldi Accessories.

The meeting was in two days and it would take the entire day to complete. He was both looking

forward to it and dreading it all at once. He took great pride in both the financial and creative
planning that went into his business. Usually he enjoyed working on plans for the future. He took great
pride in the family business and found it exciting, how far they’d come, even since his father died.

But for once in his life, he wasn’t necessarily excited to be a part of that meeting. He’d rather be

here, spending time with his family, his son. Spending time with Paige.

Ridiculous. He pushed her away. Played games with her and toyed with her heart. He also couldn’t

resist her, he preferred to be near her at all times and damn if he could do anything about it. He knew
that night he begged her to come with them to Italy that something would happen. Here.

He was tired, jet lagged and should probably go to bed, but he roamed the villa, eventually ending

up outside. The air was cool and crisp, the scent of the salty ocean lingered and he sat on the end of a
lounge chair, the overstuffed cushion comforting his weary bones. He stared out at the night sky, the
silvery half moon shining its gentle light on the glittering sea, and he sighed with happiness, for the
first time in however long feeling at complete peace with his thoughts. With his life.

Not since before Lucia’s death had he felt like this and he couldn’t say he’d been this content with

her. Their volatile relationship had worn on him. He craved sweetness in his life. He wanted a
beautiful, docile yet passionate woman to warm his bed and his heart. A kind, loving woman who
would care for his son as if he were her own. This woman would have no problem voicing her
feelings, sharing her thoughts with him. Would stand up to him when she believed it necessary, listen
to his thoughts, share his dreams.

He was starting to believe that woman could be Paige.
He’d been so busy preparing for this trip, his mind filled with thoughts of Paige and what she meant

to him. What he might mean to her. All his worry of being too old for her, how he might be a burden
on her as she stood on the cusp of her life, he could finally push those worries away. There was so
much of her he still didn’t know. She was a mystery he wanted to solve.

He couldn’t get that night out of his head. How she’d boldly declared her feelings for him, how

she’d laid everything on the line fearlessly, while he’d been the one who’d turned into a chicken and
backed away from her. Her boldness had seemed to set her free and he’d crushed her with his
cowardly ways. Letting them rule him, nearly letting her get away.

Well, no more. He was a grown man, for the love of God, and he could choose whoever he wanted

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to be with, as long as the woman was willing. And he knew without a doubt Paige was willing.

So he would go after her. Prove to her that he did want her. No more pushing her away. No more

speeches about him being her boss, of her being too young. She was a woman who went after what
she wanted. He needed to be a man who chased after what he wanted.

And he wanted her.
The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as he became aware that he was no longer alone.

Her scent reached him first. Erotic, alluring yet sweet and filled with innocence. He lifted his head to
the sky and sniffed, didn’t flinch in surprise when her hand settled gently on his shoulder.

“It’s late,” she murmured, her voice washing over him, setting his skin on fire. “Aren’t you tired?”
“Couldn’t sleep.” He shrugged, she didn’t remove her hand and he reveled in her simple touch.
“Your family home is beautiful.”
“I’m glad you like it.”
“Thank you for bringing me here,” she said, her voice so soft he could hardly hear her.
Glancing up, he found her standing beside him, the breeze blowing her vibrantly colored hair

across her face. She was as pretty as an angel, clad in a simple white sweater and black leggings, her
skin pale, her freckles standing out in stark relief. Even in the moonlight, he could see them.

“Thank you for coming with us.” He grabbed hold of her hand and brought it to his mouth, pressing

his lips to her knuckles. A spontaneous gesture, the only way he could handle this for fear he’d
overthink his feelings and never do anything about this undeniable attraction between them.

A shuddering breath left her as she tried to pull her hand from his grip. “Matteo…”
“Sshh.” He kissed her again, her fingers, turning her hand over so he could press his mouth to her

palm. “I’m tired of fighting it, Paige.”

“Fighting what?” Her voice trembled, she sounded frightened and he hated that he did that to her.
“Fighting my feelings for you.” He tugged on her hand, pulling down so she stumbled into his lap.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, he held her, his gaze meeting hers. “I want you.”

She frowned, her delicate brows furrowed. “If this is some sort of joke, I don’t think it’s very

funny. You’ve put me through enough, don’t you think?”

“I’ve put you through far too much, I agree. But this is no joke.” He slipped his hand around her

nape, massaging the tense muscles there. Her lids lowered, her lips parted and a little gust of breath
left her. “Does anyone ever touch you? Give you any sort of physical comfort?”

“N-no.” She sighed, her eyes completely closing when he dug his fingers deep into her neck.
“Me either. Besides Matty.” His son’s hugs were the best in the world, but he needed more. And he

wanted more—from Paige. “Being here in Italy relaxes me, bella. Makes me remember where I came
from and who I am. The bustle of the city turns me into a different man. A cold, unfeeling man.” He
blew out a harsh breath. “Losing my wife changed me too. I shut everyone out, thinking I needed no

She bent her head, reaching out to settle her hand on his chest. “I want to believe you so badly,


“I know. I’ve hurt you. Pushed you away too many times to count.” He squeezed the back of her

neck and she lifted her head, meeting his gaze once more. “No more, bella. The attraction between us
is too great to fight any longer, don’t you agree?”

Slowly she shook her head. “I don’t understand what made you change. I’m scared you’ll push me

away again and your continuous rejections slice a piece away from my heart every single time they

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“I promise I won’t push you away.” He pulled her close to him, their mouths brushing, a little

whimper escaping her at first contact. “You’ve made me change. Your bravery, the fearless way you
declared how you felt toward me. While I was running like a little boy with my tail tucked between
my legs, you stood strong and proud, pouring out your heart to me. I can’t forget that.”

Her fingers bunched the fabric of his shirt, brushing against his chest, and he shuddered at her

innocent touch. He’d give anything to gather her into his arms and take her back to his bed. Undress
her slowly, kiss every inch of her skin before finally taking her, filling her body over and over again
with his.

Not yet, though. He needed to approach her slowly. She didn’t trust him. He had to earn it back.
And he would. Of that, he hadn’t a doubt.
“Promise me.” She tugged on his shirt and he met her gaze straight on. “Promise you won’t run

away from me. Promise that you’ll face whatever happens between us head on.”

“I promise.” He kissed her again, keeping it purposefully simple and soft. Her lips were plump and

damp, her taste sweet, her accelerated breathing matching the rhythm pounding through his blood. She
wanted him. He wanted her.

But not yet. This would be a courtship, the ultimate proof of his sincerity for her.
Even if it killed him.

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Chapter Eight

“Mama told us something and we’re worried.”
Matteo frowned at his two brothers. Leave it to Rafe to blurt it out, no subtlety involved. “What did

she tell you?” he asked carefully.

His youngest brother, Vincenzo, crossed his arms in front of his chest. They’d come for the annual

meeting and had returned to the villa with him, the entire family—minus Stasia—would be in
attendance for dinner. Well. Not including Vince’s wife either, who was working back in the States.
The woman always worked. Matteo wondered more than once if their marriage was little more than a
sham. “She said you’ve fallen in love.”

Ah. Leave it to their dramatic mother to declare he’d gone and fallen for a woman. “She

exaggerates.” He wasn’t in love with Paige. They hadn’t even had sex yet. He was merely enjoying
her company.

And falling for her more and more as each minute passed, not that he would tell them that.
“We hear it’s your nanny.” Rafe shook his head, his eyes narrowed as he studied him. “Really,

Matteo. The nanny? How much of a cliché could you be?”

Anger pulsed through his veins and he clenched his hands into fists. “What does it matter who I

spend my time with?”

“Haven’t we had enough sordid stories about our family? First our father dies and disinherits

Stasia because of Mama’s affair. It’s not just a simple affair, but she goes and sleeps with one of our
father’s greatest enemies in the business. Then we must deal with your wife’s untimely death and the
doctor’s discovery that she was pumped full of meds. Now you’re screwing the nanny and don’t give
a shit who knows? You’ve lost your damn mind and you’re supposed to be the practical one,” Rafe
said, the irritation in his voice clear.

The anger turned to white-hot fury. “I’m not screwing the nanny.”
“Oh, so you’re just holding hands and reciting poems to each other? Please,” Vince sneered.

“We’re your brothers. You’re allowed to confess to us that you’re banging the help.”

That did it. Matteo lunged toward Vince without thought, grabbing hold of his shirtfront and jerking

him close. “Watch what you say about her or I’ll bash your face in,” he murmured, his face in his
brother’s, their gazes locked.

Vince had the nerve to laugh, the asshole. “Wow, you must really care about her if you’re ready to

beat me bloody.”

“Let him go, Matteo,” Rafe said, his voice full of irritation. “We don’t want to fight with you about

this. We just have some…concerns.”

Matteo let go of his baby brother, giving him a shove for good measure. His hands shook, he was

so agitated. He hated hearing them say anything detrimental about Paige. “What sort of concerns could
you have? I’m not an idiot. I didn’t sign over the company bank accounts to her, if that’s what you’re
worried about.”

“We know you’re not an idiot. It’s just…do you really know her? Mama said she’s young. She

might be interested in you only for your money,” Rafe explained.

“So she couldn’t be interested in me as a man, then? There are dollar signs in her eyes and she only

wants my money?” Christ, everything they said irritated him to no end. Thank God they were outside

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on the lower terrace that overlooked the ocean, far enough away from the house so no one could hear
them arguing. Such as their mother.

Or Paige.
“We’re not saying that exactly. It’s just—you shouldn’t mess with the help. That’s what we’re

trying to tell you.” Rafe shook his head. “It’s dangerous.”

Matteo glared at Rafe, who glared right back. They were his brothers. He could understand their

concern for him, couldn’t he? He’d express the same sort of worry for one of them if he felt the need
to. Hell, he had in the past. He hadn’t been supportive of Vincenzo’s marriage to that model who he
rarely spent time with. He wondered why they were married at all.

And he hadn’t understood Rafael going along with an arranged marriage that their father and the

girl’s father had set up years ago. It was downright archaic, yet Rafe seemed perfectly content with
the prospect of marrying the girl. Matteo had even tried to get him out of it once their father had died,
just so he wouldn’t feel forced to make such a major change in his life by marrying a girl already
chosen for him.

Rafe had outright refused the offer, which baffled Matteo to no end.
“Things happen,” Matteo bit out, pissed that he had to explain himself. “People have feelings for

each other they can’t always control. That I’ve developed feelings for Paige and she just so happens
to be Matty’s nanny, well, it couldn’t be helped. We’ve spent a lot of time together these last few
months.” Not enough for his tastes, he realized now.

“Playing happy household in the city is not the way to grow a relationship, Matteo,” Vince


“As if you can judge me. When was the last time you slept in the same bed as your wife, hmm?”

Matteo sneered, hating that they pushed him to this.

Vince’s cheeks turned ruddy. “Shut the fuck up.”
“Stop, both of you.” For once, Rafe was the voice of reason. Strange. “We just don’t want you to

end up with a woman who’s not good enough for you, Matteo. We watched it happen once. We don’t
want to see it happen again.”

No one would ever forgive him for marrying Lucia. Settling heavily on a bench that overlooked the

ocean, he studied the majestic view, the rays of the sun warming his tense shoulders. His thoughts
were jumbled, full of his brothers’ concern and worry.

Countered with images of Paige. The last few days had been wonderful with her. He’d taken her all

over the city, exploring the mountains, the historic buildings and secret alcoves that only natives knew
of. He took her and Matty to the beach, where they splashed on the shore, Matteo’s gaze unerringly
going to Paige’s slender body in the skimpy two-piece swimsuit she wore again and again. She stood
out with her pale, freckled skin amongst a crowd of olive-hued, sun-bronzed Italians, her fiery red
hair in stark contrast amongst the mostly dark heads that surrounded her.

She was beautiful. Sweet, and with lips that were ripe for kissing—which he did plenty of, never

in front of Matty, of course. They didn’t want to confuse him, not yet. But at night, after Matty went to
bed, they left him in Matteo’s mother’s care and Matteo would take her out for a late dinner, where
they would talk and eat and drink plenty of good wine. Her cheeks would turn rosy and she’d become
more open with him, reaching across the table to clasp his hand. Reaching beneath the table to run her
bare toes against his leg.

And when they would return to the villa he would kiss her in the car, in the front alcove of the

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house, outside her bedroom door. Long, drugging, deep kisses with plenty of tongue and whispered
words filled with promise. Wandering hands slipping beneath clothes, though he never took it too far.
He needed to gain her trust. Make her believe he wanted her and that he wasn’t going to push her

He needed to convince himself of this as well. Old habits died hard. He’d grown accustomed to

pushing all women out of his life after Lucia’s death, with the exception of his mother and sister. That
he was slowly letting Paige into his life and his heart was a monumental event.

“Paige isn’t Lucia,” Matteo finally said when he realized they were waiting for his reply. “She’s a

completely different type of woman. And we have a completely different type of relationship.”

“I should hope to hell so,” Vince retorted as he settled on the bench beside him. “I know my

marriage isn’t perfect, so I probably have no room to talk, but we worry about you. You weren’t the
same after Lucia’s death.”

No, he wasn’t. He’d withdrawn from the world almost completely, throwing himself into his work

even further, if that was possible. Only giving what little precious free time he had to his son and no
one else. He’d moved away from Italy, moved far away from his family and never looked back. He
saw Stasia on a frequent basis only because she wouldn’t let him get away with hiding. Thank God
for her stubbornness.

Now, he was full of regret. His brothers’ concern made him realize just how much he needed them

around, in his life. Matty needed his uncles and especially his grandmother, as well as his aunt. The
little boy needed his family.

But if Matteo were to move them to Italy permanently, they would be away from Stasia. And


Would she come and live in Italy with him? Hell, did he want her to come to Italy and live with

him? She would go as his nanny, but would she live with him as his…lover? That sounded so
ridiculous. Girlfriend? That sounded too juvenile.

He didn’t know what to call this…thing he shared with Paige. As of this very moment it felt like a

friendship that included plenty of kissing with the potential for more. It was far too soon to define it
any further.

“I’ve changed,” Matteo answered. “Despite how distant we had become, I was in mourning over

my wife’s death. Sorry that we lost her so soon and that Matty hardly remembers her. Our relationship
might’ve been tumultuous, but I never wished death on the woman.”

“Of course not,” Rafe said. “I understand. We both do. But you need to know where we’re coming

from as well. Let us investigate this girl. Look into her background.”

“Hell no.” That was a complete invasion of privacy. He was walking on shaky ground with her

still. He wasn’t about to tear apart the trust he was building with her.

“Why not? Afraid of what you might find?” Vince asked.
“She’s twenty-three. From the Midwest. Worked for a real asshole before she came to work for

me. That’s it,” Matteo explained. There wasn’t any need to investigate her. She was as innocent as
they came.

“She could be lying.” When Matteo glared at him, Rafe shrugged. “It’s true. Everyone lies. Anyone

can make up whatever they want about their past when they move to a new city. It’s easy.”

“Paige isn’t a liar.” He stood, sent them both a scathing stare. “Watch her at dinner tonight. Talk to

her. You’ll see.”

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“That’s our plan,” Vince called after him as Matteo strode back toward the house. “We’re going to

dig as deep as we can tonight, Matteo. Hope you don’t mind. And if she has nothing to hide, she won’t
mind either.”

He gave them the finger in answer.

The table was filled with a total of four Renaldi men, from Matty to Matteo along with Matteo’s

two younger brothers. They all looked so similar. The almost black hair, swarthy skin and dark-as-sin
eyes, those terribly handsome faces. Though of course, to her, Matteo was by far the most handsome
of all.

She sat across from Matteo, Matty to her left and Claudia to her right. The three Renaldi brothers

sat across from them, intimidating in their silence as they all waited for Renzo, the gentleman who
worked at the villa along with his wife, to bring the giant plates overflowing with food that would be
their dinner.

Tension seemed to come off each of the brothers in obvious waves, and she didn’t understand it.

Tried to ignore it, but it was no use. She caught them studying her. Their gazes hard, their mouths firm,
contemplating her as if they didn’t like what they saw.

Paige wanted to shrink into herself, pretend she didn’t exist. Maybe if she went away, they

wouldn’t think about her any longer. They’d forget all about her.

Foolish. She was a grown woman with nothing to hide. Maybe they were upset that she was—

seeing?—their brother. If that’s what she could call it.

She didn’t know what to call what was blossoming between her and Matteo. The last few days had

been romantic, exhilarating, passionate.

He hadn’t lied to her that first night they arrived, when he confessed being in Italy changed him. He

was much more relaxed, at ease with himself and his surroundings. As if all the worry and stress of
his job and life wore off and he could almost act carefree.

A carefree Matteo was rather intoxicating. She couldn’t resist him. The late evening dinners at

intimate restaurants were her favorite part of the day. Just the two of them at a tiny table in a crowded
bistro, how their knees brushed and the flickering candlelight cast them in a soft glow. The way he
would look at her, reach across the table to touch her, grasping her hand, caressing her fingers.

The kisses in the moonlight, in front of her bedroom, his hands roaming all over her body, his

heated breaths when he finally broke the kiss and pushed her into her room. She wanted more. Her
body would ache for his but she knew what he was doing.

He was trying to win her over. Slowly but surely. And it was working.
“What in the world is wrong with you three?” Claudia finally said, breaking the silence. “You all

look so blessedly angry.”

That was a mild way of putting it. The Renaldi brothers looked as if a thunderous storm had

crossed their faces all at the same time.

“We’re fine.” The middle brother, Rafael, smiled at his mother. And boy, was it a beautiful smile.

He was very good looking, with longish, dark hair that brushed his collar, intense brown eyes and an
almost pretty face. “The meeting was rather long, but productive. I know I’m exhausted.”

“Same,” Vincenzo agreed, sounding bored. His gaze zeroed in on Paige. He looked more like

Matteo than Rafael did, though he was shorter and stockier. “So. You’re Matty’s nanny, hmm?”

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“Um, yes.” She nodded, clutching her hands together in her lap. Fear slithered down her spine and

she told herself to grow the hell up. She could handle his questioning. “I’ve taken care of Matty for
almost six months.”

“Taking care of my brother now as well, I hear.” Vincenzo’s brows rose, as if defying her to deny


Paige’s mouth dropped open. She didn’t know how to answer. Luckily enough, she didn’t have to.
“Shut the hell up,” Matteo growled. “Leave her alone.”
“What?” Vince shrugged. “You said basically the same thing when we talked about her earlier.”
They talked about her? What did they say? What did Matteo say? Her cheeks burned with

embarrassment and she ducked her head, wishing she were anywhere else but here.

“You boys need to leave Paige alone, and I mean it,” Claudia chastised. It was almost amusing,

how she called her three grown sons “boys”. “This is the first time we’re all together in months and
you instantly start fighting, picking on this poor, innocent girl who does nothing but take good care of
my grandson and your nephew. You should be ashamed of yourselves.”

“We’re sorry, but we’re worried about Matteo, Mama,” Rafe said. Paige glanced up, confused by

the meaningful glance Rafe shot in her direction. “We discussed it earlier in the meeting, but I thought
it best if I bring it up in front of you. We want Matteo to come home, to live in Italy, where he
belongs. The business needs him here.”

Paige’s heart fell into her toes. She couldn’t imagine Matteo leaving her, though she’d been just as

eager to escape him not even two weeks ago. But she wasn’t planning to now, was she? No. Now that
they’d spent the last few romantic evenings together, she knew his heart—and his mind—was finally
in the right place. He acted as if he really wanted her. And she didn’t want to leave him—or Matty—
ever, if she could help it. In fact, she was now more convinced than ever to fight for what she wanted.
And she wanted them both.

But if he remained here in Italy, she certainly couldn’t assume he’d bring her with him. Did she?

That would be a major move. She had no real place here. She didn’t quite know what her place was
with Matteo’s family.

Or his heart.
She might want to fight, but how much ammunition was really at her disposal? If he didn’t really

care for her, nothing she did would ever hold weight with him or sway him in any way, shape or form.

“Well, I would love to have you back home again, but what do you want?” Claudia asked her

eldest son.

Matteo’s smoldering gaze never strayed from Paige. “I’m not quite sure what I want.”
“You’d be most welcome here,” Claudia continued. “Though we cannot ignore how you’ve

actually grown the business within the global market and made it bigger than ever. Your father would
be so proud, Matteo.”

“It was the prudent thing to do, me relocating to New York.” He jerked his gaze away from Paige

and she wanted to sigh with relief. All that intensity locked on her rendered her breathless. “And after
this meeting today, I realize just how smart of a move it really was. Profits are up by a considerable

“I am not surprised.” Claudia smiled. “You’ve always been an innovator.”
The pride in Matteo’s mother’s voice was unmistakable. How Paige wished her parents were

proud of her accomplishments, not that they were any match for Matteo’s, but still. She always felt as

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if she were a giant disappointment.

“I’m just not sure if I want to leave.” His gaze locked with hers again. “There are many things

keeping me in New York.”

“Give me a break,” Vince muttered under his breath.
“Yay, Renzo has food!” Matty suddenly exclaimed, breaking the tension. Everyone laughed as

Renzo swept in, delivered two platters filled with pasta.

“Dig in, dig in,” he encouraged as he exited the room. “I’m bringing plenty more.”
The table grew quiet, everyone eagerly digging in as they served themselves. The rich, fragrant

scent of spices lingered in the air, making Paige ravenous and she filled her plate with a variety of
dishes, excited to try them all. Her first bite was like a little piece of heaven and she hummed with
pleasure, catching sight of Matteo watching her yet again, his direct gaze upon her dark and sexy.

Her emotions crashed within her like a lost ship in a stormy sea. She didn’t understand what was

happening between them. What was happening between him and his family? Did he want to come
back to Italy? What about Matty? What would be best for him?

More than anything, what would be best for her and their relationship? Not that they really had one,

but still…

Her appetite slowly ebbed away and she set her fork on the edge of her plate. This was all so

confusing. She didn’t know what to do, what Matteo expected from her. One wrong move on her part
might send him running.

“You worry too much,” Claudia whispered, patting Paige’s hand. “I see the wheels turn in your

brain, cara. Matteo will do right by you. I know it.”

Paige smiled, but it was weak at best. She wished she had Claudia’s confidence.
She wished she had Matteo.

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Chapter Nine

Paige paced her bedroom nervously, much like she’d done the first day she arrived in Amalfi,

when she confessed her feelings for Matteo to Claudia. This time, she was alone, consumed with her
thoughts, worried she wouldn’t get a chance to speak with Matteo alone tonight.

Considering it was past eleven and she could still hear his brothers’ voices coming from outside

through the open door that faced the backyard, she knew any sort of secret rendezvous with Matteo
wasn’t going to happen.

Emitting a little growl of frustration, she went into the connecting bathroom and washed her face.

Brushed her teeth. Her usual nighttime ritual, though she threw her reflection a disgusted glance at
how hopeful she’d been.

She’d taken the time to put on a sexy little nightgown she’d bought in the city before they left for

Italy. Simple white cotton trimmed with lace, the bodice dipped low, as did the back, and was held
by thin, lacy straps. The hem hit her at mid-thigh. The lingerie was innocent yet sexy and she’d fallen
in love with it at first sight. Had packed the nightie with her in the hopes of somehow, someway, she
would be intimate with Matteo while they were here.

Well, that wasn’t going to happen tonight.
She turned off the bathroom light with a slap of her hand and stalked toward the bed, yanking back

the covers with a ferocity that surprised her. Sexual frustration did that to a woman, she thought
grimly as she climbed into bed and pulled the sheet and comforter over her, reaching over to turn off
the lamp. She lay in the darkness, heard the brothers laughing and talking in the distance, the
unmistakable low, velvety tone of Matteo joining them. Her entire body ached for him, but at least the
earlier tension between the brothers was gone.

Most likely since she was the cause of it. Push her out of the picture, and all was well with the

Renaldis once again. How she hated that. She wasn’t a troublemaker, she never had been. But ever
since she’d arrived in New York, she’d been involved in one mess after another.

Rolling over on her side, she stared out the open door, the screen pulled shut to allow in the cool

evening breeze. The scents of Italy were potent, intoxicating and she breathed deep, closing her eyes.

How she wished Matteo were in her bed. If it had been like the other nights, he would’ve walked

her to her bedroom door and kissed her stupid. Pressed her against the wall, caging her in with his
big, virile body, his mouth fused with hers, his hands ranging over her body, learning what drove her

She’d planned on inviting him inside her room tonight. Forget the wall and the kissing that left them

both frustrated. She would’ve seduced him, stripped him, done whatever he wanted her to do so she
could have him naked. In her bed. Forever.

Sighing, she switched to her other side, punching the pillow beneath her. They were in Italy for two

more days and then they would return to the reality of Manhattan. Earlier this morning she hadn’t been
worried, but now she had no clue where her place was in Matteo’s life. Or what he was thinking of
doing with his life. Clearly, his brothers wanted him home. Here.

And clearly his brothers didn’t like or approve of their relationship. She could understand their

wariness and even appreciate how protective they were of their big brother. But it still hurt.


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Tears prickled the corner of her eyes and she blinked them away. She would not cry. She would

remain strong and not fall apart like a silly, weeping mess. In her not so distant past, she’d done that
time and again. What the Leonards had done to her, how much they’d scared her, had almost
devastated her completely. And the worst part? She’d let them.

Well, she was tired of being the helpless victim. For once, she needed to take charge of her life and

her destiny. If she couldn’t talk to him tonight, then she would do so first thing tomorrow. She needed
to express her feelings and get all of this anxiety out of her system once and for all.

Drifting off to sleep, she could still hear the soothing tones of Matteo’s voice carry on the ocean


And the sound made her smile despite her worry.

Another dream, this one so frighteningly real, she swore she could smell him. His big, strong arms

banded about her waist, pulling her in close to his hard, hot body. Her back to his front, she could feel
him as if he were really in the bed with her. His broad chest bare, his erection pressing insistently
against her backside. She moaned when he wrapped his fingers around her neck and tilted her head up
so their mouths met in a decadent, hungry kiss.

He tasted like pure, wicked sin and she undulated her body against his, earning a ragged groan for

her efforts. The kiss turned hungrier, tongues tangling, her neck straining from her awkward position,
but she didn’t care.

She was kissing Matteo Renaldi. The man she cared for. The man she knew she was falling in love


“Paige,” he whispered, dropping damp kisses along the length of her neck. “I shouldn’t take

advantage of you. Not like this. You’re half-asleep.”

Oh, his voice was so deep, it vibrated throughout her body, leaving her wet with wanting him. She

lifted her arms behind her and wound them around his neck, buried her fingers in his hair at the back
of his head as she rubbed against him. Grinding her backside to his erection, she cried out when he
grabbed her upper arms and whirled her around so she faced him.

She opened her eyes on a gasp, realizing that this was no dream. What was happening was one

hundred percent real and she had Matteo Renaldi in her bed.

“God, you’re beautiful. I missed you tonight.” He cupped her face with his big hands and kissed

her, his fingers stroking her skin, his tongue stroking the interior of her mouth. She shifted closer,
wishing she could crawl inside his skin, burrow inside his heart so he would never forget her.

“What are you wearing?” he asked after he broke the kiss, pulling away so he could study her. She

lay in the middle of the bed, Matteo poised above her, his smoldering gaze raking her from head to
toe. Her body trembled under his blatant perusal. She saw the gleam in his dark eyes as if he enjoyed
what he saw. Her nipples became hard beneath the thin cotton fabric and she shifted restlessly,

“It’s nothing special…” Her voice trailed off when she heard his muttered curse.
“Lies.” Reaching out, he trailed his fingers across her collarbone, slipping them beneath one lacy

strap so it fell off her shoulder. Gooseflesh rose at his touch. “Did you wear this just for me?”

Her cheeks heated with embarrassment. Silly, considering she absolutely wore this for him. “Do

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you like it?” A shuddering gust of breath escaped her when he slipped the other strap off her shoulder,
then bent his head and kissed where that little strap of lace had just lain.

“I love it,” he whispered, his breath hot against her skin. He trailed kisses across her shoulders and

chest, never touching her breasts, driving her absolutely wild with his teasing. She squirmed beneath
his touch, knowing he did it to push her into madness, and his plan worked. She felt his smile against
her upper arm as his mouth burned a damp path. Gasped when he slid his hand up to cup one breast,
his thumb brushing against her already distended nipple.

“I have waited for this moment for months,” he murmured against her neck, his thumb doing a slow

circle around her nipple. “Dreamed of it. Fantasized about it. The reality is far, far better though, and
I’ve hardly touched you yet.”

He was right. This was by far the sexiest encounter she’d ever had in her life and they’d only just

started. Waking up to him eager and greedy, attacking her, kissing her as if his very life depended on
the taste of her lips, the feel of her skin. She reveled in his touch, his mouth and she reached for him,
slid her hands down the smooth, muscular slope of his back, curving her hands over his firm buttocks.
He was completely naked, which shocked her.

The stern, quiet Matteo Renaldi had stripped and pounced while she lay peacefully sleeping in her

bed. Who knew he had such wicked spontaneity in him?

“That one stolen moment with you wasn’t enough, Paige,” he continued, his voice husky, his fingers

tugging the front of her nightgown down so that her breasts were revealed. “If I could go back and do
it all over again, I wouldn’t have let you escape. I would’ve had you in my bed just like this. And I
would’ve never let you leave it.”

Oh. His words made her heart soar—and her skin sizzle. She reached for him, her hands going for

his face to pull him up for a kiss, but he grabbed hold of her wrists, pinning her arms above her head.
“Matteo, what are you doing?”

He had her completely at his mercy and she both thrilled and worried over it. She struggled against

his hold, irritated that he made it look so easy, restraining her. His fingers were like steel locks
clamped around her wrists and the gleam in his eyes told her he had wicked plans for her.

Delicious, wonderfully wicked plans…
“You may rule my house, bella, but when we’re in the bedroom, I rule you.” He bent his head to

take her mouth in a lush, decadent kiss and she melted into the mattress. She felt helpless to his
passionate assault, having no choice but to give in to his demands.

“I—I didn’t realize I ruled your house,” she said breathlessly, swallowing hard when he burned a

trail between her breasts with his lips.

Matteo lifted his head, his searing gaze meeting hers. “You rule my son, you rule my house and you

rule me. I’m surprised you haven’t realized that by now.”

All the air left her lungs in a rush at his words, at the look in his eyes, at the reverent way he

touched her. This was what she’d been searching for, ever since she first met Matteo. Had known
without a doubt that he would become a significant part of her life.

She just hadn’t realized how significant.
“But like this, Paige, just the two of us, I will command you.” He dipped his head for another kiss.

“However I want you, I will have you.”

Her entire body trembled at his words, at the forceful way he said them. She’d been with men

before, most of them young, always her age or close enough to it. Not necessarily experienced but not

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awful either.

Matteo was a man used to getting exactly what he wanted. And at this very moment, what he

seemed to want most was…


Sitting with his brothers had been a special sort of torture he’d endured for hours. Despite how

much he enjoyed spending time with Rafe and Vince—and doing so made him realize just how much
he’d missed them since leaving Italy—all he could think about was Paige.

Where was she? What was she doing? As the hour grew later, he grew more restless. He kept his

gaze trained on her open door that led out onto the backyard, noticed when the light shut off. Knew
that she was snug in her bed, fast asleep.

And he was outside joking with his brothers when he could be in bed with a warm, soft, hopefully

willing woman.

Matteo had left them abruptly without any explanation, only a hastily tossed out “goodnight” as

he’d practically leapt from his chair and hurried to the house. His brothers had called after him, but he
hadn’t looked back. He was a man in hot pursuit. His only focus sneaking into Paige’s room and bed.

Without hesitation, he’d slipped in her room, taking off his clothes methodically as he watched her

sleep. The moon cast its silvery light across her bed, her pale skin glowing, her gorgeous deep red
hair spilled all across her pillow. The covers had been shoved down to her waist, revealing the
virginal white nightgown she wore that clung to her slight curves, the sight of her making his mouth

He’d known she wore that for him. And that made him even more eager to climb into her bed and

slowly wake her in the best possible way. With gentle touches and hot kisses, he let his hands skim
her slender body, his cock painfully hard at first touch—hell, at first sight of her. Her long legs
shifted, bumping into his, and she’d nestled her backside against his erection. The feel of her set his
heart racing, his blood heating. How long had he wanted her?

It felt like forever.
Now he had her pinned beneath him, his knees bracketing her hips, clutching her wrists above her

head, her breasts bared, pretty pink nipples tempting him beyond reason. He bent over her and licked
one, thrilling at the throaty moan she gave and he drew the nipple into his mouth, sucking it deep. Her
skin was so soft, so sweet. She struggled against his hold and that aroused him even more.

He’d forgotten how much he preferred being the one in control sexually. It had been far too long

since he’d been with a woman whom he truly wanted. Not that he ever took it too far, but he liked
being the one in charge.

And he had a feeling his sweet little Paige enjoyed being held down, that his words from only a

moment ago had excited her. He’d seen the flare in her gaze when he told her he ruled her in the
bedroom. Heard the slight catch in her breath when he said he’d have her any way he wanted her.

He’d meant every word too. Looking at her now, sprawled beneath him, her lips trembling, her

cheeks flushed, her eyes glittering, she was meant for him and him alone.

Gentling his grip on her wrists, he bent his head until they were face-to-face, breath-to-breath. She

exhaled softly, he felt the warmth drift over his lips and he placed the softest, simplest kiss to her
plump lips. “Once this happens, we can never go back.”

She nodded, her thick hair rustling against the pillowcase. “I know.”

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“I won’t run away from you. And you can’t run away from me.” He released his hold on her wrists

completely so he could touch her cheek, run the back of his fingers across her creamy skin. “Tonight
changes everything, Paige.”

Her eyes widened and she sunk her teeth into her bottom lip. Christ, she was sexy when she did

that. “What about your family wanting you to move back here? I just…I can’t…”

“Sshh.” He placed his finger over her lips, silencing her. “We’ll talk about the future tomorrow.

Tonight, I want to concentrate on this. The two of us, together.” He stroked her bottom lip with the tip
of his finger. Leaning in, he kissed her at the very spot, licking and sucking her lip into his mouth until
he heard her whimper, the needy sound going straight to his cock.

God. She wielded such a powerful stranglehold on him and she had no idea. She was a complete

contradiction. Innocence and sin. Shy yet bold. He loved it. Found her a mystery he wanted to
discover further.

Lifting away from her, he smiled. “Let’s remove this.”
He tugged at the cotton nightie that was bunched around her waist and pulled. She lifted her hips,

letting him pull the garment off her and he whisked it down her long legs, off her body so it fell to the
floor. A tiny scrap of white lace remained, barely concealing her sex and the fiery red hair beneath,
and he exhaled roughly.

“So beautiful,” he whispered as he repositioned himself so that he faced all that pretty, delicate

lace and the equally pretty, delicate flesh it covered. He touched her there. Drew his finger along the
flimsy leg band, sneaking beneath the lace to stroke bare, hot skin. She sucked in a harsh breath when
he dipped farther, tracing her slit, light as a butterfly’s wing, his hand working beneath the lace.

She murmured his name breathlessly and he glanced up, enraptured with the sight before him. Her

head was thrown back against the pillow, her eyes closed, her back arched. Tiny breasts quivering,
hard, deep pink nipples pointing to the sky, the slope of her belly beckoning him. He shifted up and
pressed his lips there, just below her navel and she shuddered beneath his mouth, as if she were
completely overcome by him.

He felt much the same.
With little grace, he removed the panties from her hips, almost ripping them in the process but not

caring in the least. He cupped her ass with his hands and brought her to him, pressing his mouth
directly on her mound, his tongue sneaking out for a lick. She thrust her hands into his hair, clutching
him, as if to pull him away or push him deeper, he wasn’t sure.

Her feminine fragrance filled his nostrils as he breathed her in deep, high on her unique scent. He

licked and sucked her pink folds, thoroughly searching her with his tongue until he stopped at the top
of her slit, flicking his tongue against her clitoris.

“Oh God,” Paige gasped, her breaths coming faster, her hips lifting in subtle thrusts against his

mouth. He continued his assault on her delicate flesh, watching her, enjoying how responsive she was,
how easily she gave in to him. There was no embarrassment, no worry, just the two of them together.
Man and woman deepening their relationship with deliberate caresses and long moans, sharing each
other’s secrets, revealing each other’s desires.

“Do you want to come?” he murmured against her flesh, his lips tickling her clit.
She jerked against him. “Please,” she breathed, crying out when he slid his hand up her body to

pinch her nipple. “It feels so good.”

He hummed against her flesh, smiling when she jerked beneath his mouth. Sucking her clit between

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his lips, he slipped two fingers deep inside her tight sheath, nearly coming undone at the exquisite
sensation of her velvety hot walls grasping his fingers.

She would feel extraordinary wrapped tight around his cock. Just the thought of her grasping him

close as he slipped inside her made him want to come.

But no, Paige was the one coming at the moment, her soft little cries filling the room as she

trembled beneath him. He gripped her ass and held her close, feasting on her, watching her the entire
time as she fell completely apart.

He’d never seen a more beautiful sight than this woman—his woman coming undone. His heart

tightened in his chest as he softened his licks, finally pulling away from her and setting her carefully
on the mattress.

His cock hard as steel, he studied her, momentarily dumbfounded by the swirl of emotions rising

within him. It was powerful, knowing that his touch, his mouth, his words did such beautiful damage
to Paige. She lay there in a weak heap, her chest rising and falling rapidly, trying to catch her breath.
Her arm slung over her eyes, her hair a riotous mess about her head, her legs were still spread,
offering him a delicious view, and he reached toward the bedside table where he’d dropped two
condoms before he’d slipped into bed with her.

Snatching one up, Matteo moved closer to her. “I’m not done with you yet,” he murmured, running

his fingers down the inside of her thigh, making her flinch. “Don’t pass out on me now.”

She smiled, dropped her arm away from her face, her gaze meeting his. “Sorry. Just needed to

catch my breath first.”

“I plan on keeping you perpetually out of breath for the rest of the night.” He returned her smile,

rearing up on his knees and tearing open the condom wrapper. “So be prepared.”

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Chapter Ten

Paige couldn’t take her eyes off of him. Matteo on his knees, between her spread legs, his erection

jutting out from his body as he held the condom wrapper, his other hand gripping the base. Her mouth
went dry and she swallowed hard, entranced with the hard, male form on display before her.

Thank goodness for the nearly full moon allowing her to see him so perfectly, even with the lights

off. He had such a beautiful body. Wide shoulders and chest, dusted light with dark curling hair. Flat,
defined stomach, slim hips, strong thighs, long, thick…

Her cheeks burned at her train of thought, but dear God, the man was near perfection. And he was

all hers to play with for the rest of the night.

Once this happens, we can never go back.
His earlier words came back to her, confusing her all over again. What did he mean? Of course,

their relationship would change, but did he want to make her a permanent part of his life? She
couldn’t even begin to count on it. The disappointment would be too great if it never happened.

And she didn’t think she could deal with having him and then…losing him. It was bad enough,

taking it this far. Indulging with Matteo when they both knew they were playing with fire. But she’d
wanted it—and went after him relentlessly, finally wearing him down.

Was that all tonight was? After endless chasing, Paige had worn him down and he gave in? She

hoped not.

“Your mind, it’s turning and working and coming up with all sorts of problems for you to worry

about,” he said as he came over her, his face hovering above hers.

The frown she didn’t even realize she wore on her face deepened, she could feel it. “How can you


“Right here.” He drew his finger down between her eyebrows, stopping at the bridge of her nose.

“You get this cute, tiny frown line right there. I can always tell your brain is on overload when that
little crease appears.”

She raised her brows, trying to straighten the line she didn’t know existed so he couldn’t call her

out on overthinking any longer. “How’s that?”

“Better.” He kissed her there, his lips soft, easing her tension and worry, and she closed her eyes,

falling under his gentle spell. “Turn your brain off, bella. And just feel.”

He moved over her body, his mouth, his hands everywhere. Ratcheting up the fever within her all

over again, pushing her to her very limits in minutes, until she thought she might burst. She could feel
his erection brush against her thigh, her belly, her hip, and she reached out, wrapped her fingers
around his thick girth and gave him a firm squeeze.

“Christ,” he choked out, sounding in absolute agony. “Watch out or I might come all over your

pretty little fingers.”

If that wasn’t the hottest thing she’d ever heard in her life, she didn’t know what was. “Maybe I

want you to,” she encouraged as she opened her eyes, stroking him again because yes, she wanted to
see this larger-than-life, intimidating man lose complete control.

All because of her.
“No, you don’t. I’m not about to let that happen.” He settled his hand over hers and carefully

removed her fingers, then reared up, grabbing the condom once again and slipping the condom over

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his shaft. He repositioned himself over her, his erection probing her entry, teasing her and she arched
up, trying to take him in. “I’m going to make you mine the proper way.”

His words sent a shiver through her. He had no idea just how much she wanted to be his. Forever.
Slowly he pushed inside her and she spread her legs, sending him deeper. They both moaned, and

she closed her eyes, lost to the sensation of Matteo entering her body for the first time. He was so
thick, filled her so completely, and he hadn’t even pushed all the way inside yet.

Her body buzzed in anticipation of the complete claiming.
“You feel amazing.”
She opened her eyes, surprised that he stopped moving. His hands were pressed on the mattress on

either side of her head, his head hanging over hers, his expression grim. Reaching out, she touched his
arm, her fingers caressing his hard-as-a-rock bicep, and he lifted his lids, allowing her to see all the
turmoil, the restraint it took for him not to completely lose it and screw her brains out.

Lord help her, but she desperately wanted him to screw her brains out.
“Don’t hold back,” she whispered, stroking her nails up and down his arm. “I won’t break. Please,


Her words seemed to urge him on. He pushed farther, filling her completely, and she sighed,

closing her eyes to let the sensations overtake her. Slowly they began to move together, a delicious
push and pull full of friction, full of passion. They rocked into each other, their hips meeting every
time he plunged deep inside her. Again and again he thrust, taking her higher, higher, until she thought
she might burst apart from the pleasure.

The wave threatened, she knew he was close too and she encouraged him, sliding her legs around

his hips and sending him deeper. His movements became faster, jerkier and she appreciated the tiny
loss of control. She didn’t want calm, calculated Matteo Renaldi in her bed. She wanted the
passionate, unrestrained man, the one who cried out her name as he gathered her close, his orgasm
taking him completely over as he shuddered over her. His thrusts never slowed and soon she was
coming too, an absolute first for her. For the second time in one evening, it was like a kind of miracle
and she pressed her face against his shoulder when he slumped against her, his breathing heavy,
everything about him heavy.

Her heart raced triple time as she wrapped her arms around him, playing with the slightly wavy

hair at his nape. He breathed hot against her neck, his chest pressing her into the mattress, their bodies
still connected. She wanted to both push him off and hold him close, afraid this moment might never
happen again, no matter what he told her earlier.

So she needed to make the most of it.
“I’m crushing you,” he whispered against her neck, his breath hot and she swore she felt the swipe

of his tongue. “Let me get up.”

“Let me hold you a little while longer,” she murmured as she continued to stroke his hair. Yes, he

was heavy. Yes, he was crushing her. But she didn’t care. She loved having him in her arms, their
skin damp with sweat clinging to each other, their bodies still fused together. She didn’t want to ever
forget this night, the first night she and Matteo made love.

Without a word, he eventually pulled away from her and she let her arms drop, watching helplessly

as he climbed off the bed and went into the bathroom. She grabbed the sheet and comforter, pulling
them over her naked body to ward off the sudden chill in the room as she heard him move about the
bathroom, disposing the condom, no doubt.

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She shivered, feeling awkward. How she wished they could talk and plan and…dream. But men

usually didn’t like that sort of thing and Matteo’s brothers had only just dropped the move-back-to-
Italy bomb on him today. He still needed time to process. Think everything through. It wasn’t her right
to ask him for all the details. Demand that he tell her his future plans so she could know exactly where
she fit in them.

No matter how badly she wanted to ask.
He shuffled out of the bathroom minutes later, still magnificent in his nakedness as she blatantly

inspected him. He slipped into the bed beside her, pulling up the covers, his arm sneaking out to wrap
around her and pull her close.

“Don’t pretend that what just happened between us was no big deal,” he warned, pressing a gentle

kiss to her forehead. “I know what you’re thinking.”

The man, at moments, was completely insufferable. “How do you know what I’m thinking?”
“I can read it all over your face, though I won’t bore you with the details.” Gathering her even

closer, as close as she could get, he held her to him. His mouth against her forehead, his arm wrapped
tight about her waist. She rested her head against his chest, could feel the steady thump of his
heartbeat, and she closed her eyes.

Despite her earlier concerns, she’d never felt so content.
“Stop worrying, bella,” he whispered, his fingers tangling in her hair, combing out the snarling

waves. “What’s happening between us is a good thing. Don’t mind my brothers.”

Ah, so her perception was right, not that she was really surprised. They didn’t like her.
“And my mother adores you, as does Matty,” he continued.
“What about you, Matteo? Do you—adore me?” She pressed her lips together, cursing her

boldness. Every time she got around him, he pushed her to her very limits, always making her say
things when she probably should use more restraint.

He slipped his fingers beneath her chin and tipped her face up so their gazes met. His was dark,

mysterious and she wished she knew what he was really feeling.

More than anything, she wished he would tell her what he really felt.
“I want you in my life, Paige. By my side. I can’t…we can’t predict the future, but know that I want

to pursue this. Us. Together.” Leaning down, he brushed her mouth with his, his lips lingering, his
tongue licking.

She opened to him on a sigh, overcome with emotion and a smidgeon of disappointment. It was all

she could ask for from him. Not a full commitment, but not an out and out rejection either. How she
hoped she could somehow submerse herself into his life he couldn’t go on without her in it.

“Your smile is so big, Matteo,” Claudia observed, a wry smile curving her lips as well. “Happy to

return to New York, I take it?”

His mother had always been perceptive of his moods. And she was no idiot. He and Paige had

spent the last two days at the villa mooning over each other like lovesick teenagers. She knew what
they were about, why he wore such a giant smile on his face. It had nothing to do with his leaving and
everything to do with the woman who still slept in his bed at this very moment.

“I need to get back,” he said noncommittally as he poured himself a cup of rich, dark espresso,

courtesy of Renzo. “The plane leaves in four hours and the flight is long. Plus, I have to be at work

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tomorrow so I’m not particularly looking forward to the next two, very long days.”

“You should’ve slept in more,” his mother said. “Though I must say, you’ve looked terribly…

refreshed these last few days.”

“Mama,” he said, his voice filled with warning. He wasn’t in the mood for his mother’s subtle digs

for information. Not that she disapproved of what was happening between him and Paige. She just
wanted to know what exactly was happening between the two of them.

Rather hard for him to come up with an answer, since he wasn’t quite sure himself.
“Where’s Matty?” he asked, trying to change the subject.
“Out in the garden with Renzo, cutting flowers for the house. He’s had such a wonderful time here

and he’s put so much joy in the home. Perhaps you could let him stay with me for a few weeks over
the summer. Just me and my grandson.” His mother smiled. She adored her only grandchild and was
thrilled Stasia was giving her another one, though she wanted plenty more.

So far, her sons were disappointing her in that aspect.
“I’m sure Matty would love it.” That could give him some time alone with Paige. Perhaps he could

take her on a vacation. Somewhere tropical and warm, where she would have no choice but to wear a
tiny little bikini that barely covered her slender curves, and he could have her naked in his bed every

His mother patted his arm, pulling him from his thoughts. “You’re very distracted this morning.”
“I have…much on my mind.” That was an understatement.
“Any of it has to do with a certain redhead who’s sleeping peacefully in your bed at this very

minute?” Matteo opened his mouth to protest, but she shot him a stern look. “Don’t bother giving me
excuses, my son. I’ve heard every single one in the book, so let’s get right to the point. Tell me, what
are you doing with Paige?”

“I—I’m dating her,” he said lamely. What else could he call it? He wasn’t about to be crude and

tell his mother he was flat-out fucking Paige. Because that’s what he was doing. The most glorious,
fulfilling fucking he’d ever experienced in his life. In fact, calling it by such a base term demeaned it
somehow. But saying that he was making love to Paige made it seem so much more…serious.

And they weren’t serious. Not yet.
“Well, that you are, taking her out to dinner every night after Matty goes to sleep, spending all of

your time with her while you’re here. I know you came for the meeting, but you haven’t returned to
Renaldi since then, and I thought you were going to put in more time there. But who am I to judge?
You have the business under control and now your life too. This is the happiest I’ve seen you in
years.” His mother smiled softly. “She’s in love with you, you know.”

His mother’s words made him stagger to a chair and plop himself into it heavily. Paige wasn’t in

love with him. No way could she be. “She is not,” he insisted.

Claudia nodded. “She absolutely is. Have you not seen the way she looks at you? How her eyes

follow you every time you enter the room? You do much the same to her when you see her. It’s cute.
The moment you two get close to one another, the magnetic pull between you becomes apparent.” She
paused. “Matty asked me about you two last night.”

“What?” Matteo asked incredulously. He hadn’t expected that. Not yet. “What did he ask?”
“He said it makes him happy how his daddy and Paige seem to spend more time together and that

they like each other. I told him I liked how you two spent time together too. Then he asked if maybe
someday Paige would become his mommy.” His mother stared at him, her expression serious, her

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eyes boring into him. “Don’t play with her heart, Matteo. And don’t play with your son’s either. If
you’re not serious about Paige, then you need to end this now. Before you return to New York. I don’t
want her or Matty to be hurt.”

A soft sound came from the open doorway of the kitchen and they both turned to find Paige standing

there clad in a thick pale blue terrycloth robe, her feet bare, her hair pulled back into a ponytail, her
expression sheepish. As if she might’ve heard the last few words his mother had spoken.

“Good morning,” she said as she padded into the kitchen.
“Good morning,” Matteo murmured, sending his mother a look. He didn’t want to talk about it.

Hell, he really hoped Paige hadn’t heard everything they said.

But the way she shuffled around the kitchen silently with her head bent, not looking at either of

them, when she’d become so forthcoming and chatty the last few days, told him that she had.

Damn it. He needed to do damage control and quick.
“I’ll go check on Matty and see how he’s doing with Renzo. Chatting his ear off, I’m sure.” Claudia

stood and offered them a smile. Clearly she got the hint and was leaving.

“He should come in soon,” Paige said, her responsibilities ever present. “I packed his suitcase for

him last night, but he’ll need to bathe and get dressed before we go.”

“Perfect. I’ll send him in a few.” His mother fled the kitchen, leaving the two of them alone, the

strained silence building between them so thick he could slice it with a knife.

“You heard what my mother said,” he said as Paige came around to sit across from him at the table.
She met his gaze direct, her hands clutching the coffee cup in front of her. “I did.”
“How much did you hear?”
“All of it, I’m afraid.”
“I see.” He breathed deep, propping his elbows on the table so he could steeple his fingers in front

of him. “She’s only watching out for you.”

“I know. And I love your mother for that. She’s always been so kind to me.” She averted her eyes,

staring out the wide window that overlooked the ocean. “She’s right, Matteo. We’ve not discussed
anything about the future and what you—expect of me once we return. I didn’t want to push. I was
afraid you’d reject me completely if I asked for too much, too soon so I’d rather live in the present.”

“I’d prefer that as well,” he agreed.
She jerked her gaze back to his. “Living in the present?”
He shrugged, acting far more nonchalant than he felt. His heart rate increased double time as he

studied her, trying his best to keep his expression an emotionless mask. He couldn’t declare his
undying love for her because he wasn’t exactly sure what he felt for Paige, but he knew he couldn’t let
her go. Not yet. He might eventually break her heart and hurt Matty, but he’d hurt more if he couldn’t
have her.

And he was too much of a selfish bastard at the moment to even consider letting her walk out of his


“Take it one day at a time, then,” she said carefully.
“Yes.” He nodded. “I don’t want to make any promises I can’t keep.”
“Of course. I wouldn’t expect you to.” She gripped the coffee cup so tight, he was afraid she’d

shatter the thick white ceramic. “You’re not…embarrassed to be seen with me, are you?”

He frowned. “Embarrassed? Why would I be embarrassed?”
“Because I’m the nanny. Like I’m sure your brothers said, I’m just the hired help. It might look bad,

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that we’re having an affair, all while I live under your roof and take care of your son. People might
think less of me.” Paige brought the coffee cup to her lips and he noted the unmistakable way her
hands shook.

Matteo leapt from his chair and rounded the table, going to where she sat. He knelt at her side,

gripping the table for balance while setting his other hand on her knee. She looked at him, her eyes
full of worry, her lips pressed together. “I’m not embarrassed to be seen with you. I’d be fucking
proud to have you on my arm, Paige. And if anyone dares to insult you or say something because of
how we met, I will personally beat the hell out of them.”

A reluctant smile tugged at her lips. “You won’t beat someone up for me.”
“The hell I won’t.” He squeezed her knee. “Don’t doubt me. And don’t doubt us, Paige. I believe in

us. Do you?”

She nodded, all the sadness gone from her eyes. Reaching out, she settled her tiny hand against his

cheek and he turned in to her, kissing her palm. “I believe in us,” she whispered.

“Good. That’s all I need to hear.” Rearing up, he kissed her soundly on the mouth. “Now go take a

shower. We’ll be leaving soon.”

Matteo stepped back and let her go, watching as she exited the kitchen, his gaze dropping to her

sashaying hips. She had a sexy walk and didn’t even realize it, which made it that much sexier.

He had it so bad for this woman and she had no clue. Though he couldn’t admit he was worried

about returning to New York. The industry he worked in, the people he knew… Paige was right. They
might look down on her.

And he couldn’t have it.

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Chapter Eleven

Paige was living in a dream world and no way did she want reality to intrude and burst her

precious little bubble.

Since their return from Italy almost three weeks ago, it had been work as usual. Taking care of

Matty throughout the day, doing their usual activities, teaching him what she could, going on play
dates, museum visits, to the movies, playing with him on the giant rug in his bedroom. He was such a
happy, inquisitive child and she enjoyed her time with him, loved him more and more every day.

But then there was his father. Ah, Matty’s father owned her nights. He came home from work every

evening, devastatingly sexy clad in his perfect, expensive suits, the hungry look he’d shoot her from
across the room as he was attacked by Matty hot enough to set her panties on fire.

They would eat together after Matty went to bed and talk about their day, Paige picking at her food,

her body in a constant state of arousal from his heated stares, his casual caresses from across the
table. He would take her hand and bring it to his mouth, slowly kissing her fingers. Dart out his tongue
for the occasional lick, making her entire body ache for his.

And then…he would take her back to his bedroom where they would remain for the rest of the

night, naked and entwined together in his giant bed, until she finally fell into an exhausted dreamless
sleep pressed against him.

She truly believed she’d died and gone to heaven.
He was late tonight, calling her just before five to let her know that he had a dinner meeting and

wouldn’t make it home ’til after eight. It was past nine and she’d put Matty to bed well over an hour
ago. Worry filled her when she hadn’t heard from Matteo, that he hadn’t come home yet. Where could
he be? She didn’t feel right in calling him. They may have some sort of insular relationship that
played out in the luxurious penthouse apartment he called home, but they rarely ventured outside the
walls together.

So really she had no right to call and ask when he might be coming home. He’d probably think she

was a nag, probably believe she was overstepping her boundaries. They weren’t in a real
relationship, just some sort of fantasy world where they didn’t allow reality to intrude.

How she hated it. There was no real definition to what was happening between them. Things hadn’t

changed much since before they left for Italy, beyond her essentially moving into his bedroom. She
didn’t protest the move, of course. She was in rapturous heaven every night, lying naked in the middle
of Matteo’s bed, having him do the most wondrous things to her body with his mouth, hands and
tongue before she so gladly returned the favor until they finally joined their bodies as one.

Again and again and again…
Paige had done things with Matteo she’d never done with another man. Shockingly intimate,

deliciously wicked things that made her blush just thinking about them. She gave her trust to him so
easily because he’d earned it.

Only during these moments alone was when the self-doubt would creep in, settling over like the

blackest of clouds. Where she would worry about her place in Matteo’s life, if he were ever going to
do anything to truly bring her into his public world. He didn’t seem eager to make any sort of
statement with her on his arm, so she tried her best to let it go. Let it be.

Deep inside, she worried. And she hated herself for it.

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They hadn’t told Stasia about their new…affection for each other either, though Paige had been

dying to. She wanted to confide in a friend, although she wouldn’t go into too much detail since
Matteo was Stasia’s brother, but still.

Matteo had never mentioned it, though Stasia and her husband Gavin had come for dinner twice

since their return from Italy, and Paige merely followed his lead. If he wasn’t ready to tell his sister,
then neither was she.

But yet again, his quietness drove her crazy. Why couldn’t they announce to the entire world they

were together? Or, at the very least, let his sister know? Why did they have to act like their being
together was some sort of dirty little secret? She didn’t understand.

He frustrated her. As much as she loved being with him, his reluctance, his quietness drove her

mad. She couldn’t even clearly say his behavior was a show of reluctance. Matteo kept his emotions
that close to his chest. So close, she couldn’t tell how he really felt.

The door finally opened just past ten and she shut off the television, rising to meet him in the foyer.

His suit was rumpled, his tie askew, and his face was darkened with five o’clock shadow.

Matteo looked absolutely delicious.
“Hi.” She stood at the tiled edge of the foyer, the distance between them feeling like hundreds of


He set his keys in the little dish that rested on the table by the front door. “You waited for me.”
“It’s not that late.” She shrugged, her oversized T-shirt sliding off her shoulder, revealing the lacy

strap of her black bra.

His gaze seemed to latch on to her shoulder. “You’re dressed for bed?”
She glanced down at herself, took in her obvious T-shirt and pink gingham-checked pajama pants.

“I am.”

“So why aren’t you in it?” He approached her, his movements predatory, the gleam in his eye

warning her he was about to pounce.

“Um, I wanted to wait up for you.” She backed away slowly, her heart picking up speed, her breath

lodged in her throat. He looked like he wanted to attack her.

God knew she’d let him.
“I should’ve texted you. Let you know where I wanted you when I arrived home.” He swooped in

and grabbed her, his strong arms wrapping around her waist and hauling her to him. She went easily,
her hands going to his chest, fingers playing with the end of his tie.

“Where did you want me?” Her breath hitched in her throat when he placed his mouth on the spot

where her bra strap was revealed, his tongue licking beneath the thin, lacy fabric.

“Naked. In my bed.” He turned her around so she faced the hallway and gave her a little push. “Go.

Now, Paige.”

She went, glancing over her shoulder to look at him. Arousal rose swiftly within her, though she

wasn’t quite sure what had started his dark mood. He’d done this before. Come home bleak and gruff,
commanding her about, becoming dominant in the bedroom until he had her begging for mercy. She
loved it, yet couldn’t help but worry over her appreciation for his overtly commanding demeanor.

Did it make her a complete and total submissive little woman, enjoying his bossy ways in the

bedroom? The intense orgasms he gave her when he behaved in such a way certainly made it all
worth it…

The moment she entered the room, he attacked her from behind, his mouth ravaging her neck, his

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hands pushing at her clothes. She arched her head back, leaning against his shoulder as she tried to
help him strip her of her clothing. He touched her everywhere, whipping off her bra so he could cup
her breasts, pinch her already hard nipples. Shoving her pajama pants past her hips to discover she
wore no panties, and he groaned raggedly in her ear as he thrust his fingers deep in her sex, making
her cry out.

He seemed fevered, caught up, and she turned in to him, their mouths clashing, she completely

naked, pressed up against his still fully dressed body.

Breaking the kiss first, he rested his hands on her shoulders and pushed her down so she sat on the

edge of the mattress. Without thought she reached out, stroked her hand down the length of his
erection, his body heat reaching toward her even through the layers of clothes he wore.

“Take me out,” he whispered harshly and she did as he asked, undoing his belt buckle, the button,

the zipper on his trousers, until his pants fell to a clanging heap around his ankles. His cock strained
against the front of his black boxer briefs.

She stroked him again, teasing him, curling her fingers around him. His breathing accelerated, his

hips jerked and she tugged his underwear from his hips, his cock springing free from its confines.

Only a few times had she taken him in her mouth, but she was beyond eager tonight. Her mouth was

practically salivating for a taste and she darted out her tongue for a tentative lick.

“More. Take me into your mouth,” he encouraged, his voice deliciously rough.
Paige gripped the base of his cock and wrapped her lips around the head, sucking lightly, savoring

the salty, musky taste of him. She drew him deeper, her tongue working along his length, her fingers
stroking as she reached with her other hand and cupped his balls.

“Yes, like that.” He thrust his hands into her hair, guiding her head, moving her mouth on his shaft.

She took him as deep as she could, drawing him all the way out so she could lick and suck the very tip
of him, and he shuddered at her close attention, the glazed look in his eyes telling her he was very
close to his climax.

“More?” she whispered, pursing her lips around his cock head, giving it a sweet kiss.
“Hell, yes.” He slid his fingers around her cheek, cradling her face. “My pretty little wicked angel,

with the face of an innocent and the lips of a wanton. Suck me deep, bella. I want to come in your

Oh. Well, he’d never said anything like that to her before. She focused all of her attention on

making him feel good, prolonging his pleasure as she licked and sucked his beautiful, thick cock. Her
body heated the longer she sucked him, between her legs she grew slick with want. God, she wanted
to touch herself, wanted to get off while she was getting him off and then…

“Ah, fuck,” he growled, pulling away from her. Clearly he’d changed his mind from his earlier

declaration. “Get on the bed, Paige.”

He’d been so close but then pulled out that always-present control and shut down the moment.

Disappointment crashed through her despite knowing that she was about to be thoroughly taken by this
very hard, hot male who was currently stripping off his clothes with a ferocity that aroused her
beyond words. She lay back on the bed, her head propped on the mountain of fluffy pillows, her body
vibrating with impossible need.

And then he was there, gathering her in his arms, his cock sliding deep inside her body, his hips

moving restlessly against hers. Within seconds they were both lost in the mindless rhythm, his fierce
taking of her pushing all thought and reason out of her mind until she could only feel…and fall

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completely apart.

She was at his complete and utter command, and she loved it.

Jesus. He’d attacked her like a complete savage. His day had been long, full of mind-numbing

bullshit and ended with more of the same. The dinner meeting with a new client had dragged on, one
he and his marketing team were trying to woo into allowing a new exclusive line of jewelry that
would be designed by Stasia into their small chain of select high-end stores all over the world.

He’d brought Stasia with him, who hadn’t been in the best of moods because of her nonstop

morning, noon and night sickness, and so Matteo had to take over. Throwing on the charm, trying his
best to win them over as the owners sat watching him like two expressionless sticks.

Leaving the restaurant with promises of calls and emails tomorrow, he had no idea if his ploy had

worked or not—and he hated that. Usually he knew where he stood at all times. These people were
noncommittal, unwilling to give an inch. Even Stasia had looked frustrated when she hopped into her
own cab.

His mood had simmered to a low boil the entire cab ride home. He literally itched to have Paige.

Pull her into his arms, stroke her pretty little body until he had her falling apart in his arms. The more
he thought about it, the more heated his skin had become until finally he’d arrived home, throwing a
careless hundred dollar bill at the driver before he strode into the building and climbed into the
elevator. Not speaking, not thinking of anything else but her.

Paige. Paige. Paige.
The moment he saw her standing in the foyer in her innocent, girlish pajamas, that sexy black bra

strap showing, he’d become instantly hard. His brain shut off and all he could think about was fucking

So he did. He nearly lost it when she put her talented mouth on him, sucking and licking his cock

until he felt as if he would burst. He’d grasped on to that last shred of control and didn’t let go,
pushing her away and demanding she get on the bed so he could take her properly.

Which she did, most agreeably, he might add. He’d climbed on top of her and fucked her like a

teenage boy seeking to get his rocks off and nothing else. No finesse, no foreplay, no gentle kisses or

Just straight, carnal fucking. And it had felt incredible.
By the way she lay by his side, a panting, sweaty mess, her arm slung across his chest, he figured

she agreed.

“What put you in such a mood?” she asked minutes later, as if it took her that long to find her voice.
“Bad day at work,” he said shortly, not in the mood to go into details. He didn’t want to spoil the

pleasant, mellow afterglow that had settled over him.

“Oh.” Her voice was small—she sounded almost disappointed, and he slipped his arm around her

shoulders, hauling her in close so her head nestled between his neck and his shoulder, strands of fiery
red hair clinging to his chin.

“I missed you,” he whispered, kissing her forehead. “I have a surprise for you.”
She stroked her fingers across his chest, playing with the hair that grew in the center. “What is it?”
“The annual fashion industry gala is this Friday. I want you to go with me.”
Paige lifted her head, her expression incredulous. “Are you serious?”
Nodding, he reached out, skimmed his index finger down her cheek. “Of course.”

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She frowned. “You’re willing to be seen in public with me?”
It was his turn to frown. “Why wouldn’t I want to be seen in public with you?”
“We haven’t left your apartment once since we returned from Italy.” She dropped her gaze, a little

sigh escaping her. “I thought you didn’t want us to be seen together.”

“Paige.” He slipped his fingers beneath her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Since we’ve come

back, I’ve been swamped with work. And when I’m not working, I’d rather be here. With you. In this

Her cheeks flushed and a little smile appeared. “It’s been nice, hasn’t it?”
Matteo snorted. “Better than nice.” More like unbelievable. Transcending. Earthshattering.
“Are you sure you want to take me?” she whispered, her expression suddenly unsure. “I mean, isn’t

that a big event? Even I’ve heard of it, and I don’t keep up much on fashion.”

“It’s a huge event,” he agreed, noting how her eyes widened. “And I want you with me. On my arm,

by my side. The world needs to know that we’re a couple.”

“We are?”
“Of course we are.” Rearing up, he kissed her. He needed to fill her with confidence, despite his

earlier worry. She had it in her, to be a strong, beautiful woman who commanded a room. She could
rule them with such ease, have them eating out of her hand if she so chose. He needed to give her self-
esteem a boost. He’d be damned if anyone made her feel less than what she was. If she exuded the
confidence he knew was deep within her, the judgmental people who moved in his social circles
would be less inclined to tear her down. “Your insecurities will be the death of me.”

“Well, excuse me, but look at you. You’re one of the most successful businessmen in the fashion

accessories industry, you’re gorgeous and you’re a billionaire,” she retorted. Ah, Feisty Paige had
made her reappearance. He liked it when she came out to play.

“And look at you.” He scooted up so he leaned against the headboard, drawing her with him.

Cupping her face with both hands, he pressed a soft kiss to her upturned lips. “Young. Beautiful.
Smart. The most giving, thoughtful woman I’ve ever known. A generous lover.”

“Matteo,” she chastised, and he kissed her again to shut her up.
“A generous lover, a beautiful woman who is like a mother to my son…” His voice trailed off at

the serious turn in their conversation. She had become…everything to him. In these past few weeks,
he’d found himself consumed with her. Wanting her day and night. Thinking of her always. All this
week at work they’d gone over the new fall lines, he’d seen endless samples of jewelry, specifically
from Stasia’s designs and all he could think was, Would Paige like it?

Tunneling his hands into her hair, he gripped the sides of her head, locking his gaze with hers. “I

want you there with me. It’s an important night. Renaldi is being recognized as an industry leader.
Stasia is going, as well as my brothers—they’re flying in from Italy. You’re going with me. I need you

“I—I have nothing to wear,” she protested and he silenced her yet again with his lips. “I wish you

would’ve given me more notice,” she whispered when he withdrew.

“I forgot.” He had. He’d been so damn busy. “But I’ve been thinking about you…going shopping

with my money. You could take Stasia with you. She can help you pick anything you like. But it must
be a long gown. Formal. Designer. We’re talking thousands of dollars.”

Her lips parted, a little gasp escaping her. “I can’t spend that much.”
Yet another kiss for her protest. “You can and you will. I insist. My woman isn’t going to show up

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at that gala wearing an off the rack dress from Macy’s.”

She pouted. “I love Macy’s.”
Laughing, he shook his head. “Not for this, my love. For this night, you must look your absolute


“While all you need to do is throw on a tuxedo and you’re ready to go. Life is so unfair


He smiled. “Not for me when I get to be the one who peels you out of that designer gown at the end

of the night.”

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Chapter Twelve

“Stop fussing. Now let me step back and look at you.” Stasia did just that, taking a few backward

steps so she could fully assess Paige in all her formal glory. “Oh, Paige. You look…amazing.”

“I feel ridiculous.” Paige threw her hands up in the air and turned, glancing at her reflection in the

mirror yet again, wondering who the stranger was that stared back at her. “I don’t even look like

“Yes, you do.” Stasia approached, standing just behind Paige, a little smile on her face. During

their shopping excursion for the dress, Paige had confessed everything that was going on between her
and Matteo. She figured if he was going to stride into this gala event with her on his arm, she may as
well warn her friend beforehand that she was seeing her brother. “Matt is going to die when he sees

“A good sort of dying or a bad one?” She was grumpy, nervous, quite frankly scared out of her

mind over this evening. What if she made a fool of herself? What if everyone hated her? What if—and
this scared her the most—everyone saw through her and figured out she was a complete fraud?

Because she felt like one. It didn’t matter that she wore a gown that cost more than she’d earned

last year or that her hair was sleek and smooth, with subtle waves like a glamorous Hollywood
starlet. That she wore cosmetics perfectly applied by one of the best makeup artists in the business, at
least according to Stasia, or that she would be soon escorting Matteo Renaldi to the premier fashion
industry event of the year.

Midwest bumpkin Paige Stewart was an absolute fraud.
“It will definitely be a good sort of dying,” Stasia said with a nod. “He won’t know what hit him

when he catches sight of you.”

Irritated with the praise—and irritated even more when she knew she should be grateful for it—

Paige shut off the bathroom light and they both headed out to the living room. Gavin waited for them,
already clad in his tuxedo, looking handsome as ever. Stasia wore a fiery red gown, sleek
everywhere but the front, where it gathered beneath her breasts and hung loosely, hiding her growing

Paige’s dress was black lace, floor length, sleeveless. Sexy but sophisticated, Stasia had reassured

her when she tried it on at the store. She felt as if she were playing dress up. The black Louboutin
heels she wore were both gorgeous and ridiculous and she prayed she wouldn’t end up flat on her
face before the night was over.

“Doesn’t she look beautiful, Gavin?” Stasia went to his side, curling her arm through his. He

leaned in, gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before offering a smile in Paige’s direction. “You look
fantastic, Paige.”

“Thank you.”
“And was Matty okay when you left him at the neighbor’s?” Stasia asked.
“He was fine.” Thrilled to be spending the evening with his little friend Nathan, he’d run off

without a backward glance when she’d dropped him off earlier, already such a big boy at the mere
age of three.

Paige glanced toward the door, chewing on her lower lip. God, if Matteo didn’t show up soon, she

was going to be an even worse nervous wreck than she already was.

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As if he heard her thoughts, the front door opened and Matteo strode inside, absently shutting the

door behind him as he studied his cell phone. He didn’t look up as he entered the living room and
Stasia cleared her throat, catching his attention.

“Oh. You’re all already here.” He glanced in Stasia’s and Gavin’s direction, offering them a smile.

“Guess I should get my monkey suit on and we can go.”

Stasia inclined her head toward Paige. “Look at your date first. Let her know just how beautiful she


Matteo looked to his right, his eyes widening when he took her in. Without a word, he went to her,

grabbing both of her hands and giving them a squeeze as he leaned in and kissed her square on the
lips. “God, Paige, you’re gorgeous.”

She smiled, all the trouble, heartache and bad moods over the last few days suddenly worth it.

“Thank you.”

“I have something for you.” He let go of one of her hands to reach inside his suit pocket and pulled

out a long, narrow box. “A gift to wear tonight.”

“You shouldn’t have.” With trembling fingers, she opened the box, gasping when she saw what was

nestled within.

A simple, delicate gold chain that was so thin, it almost looked as if it might disappear. And

hanging from the chain was a giant, round, brilliant diamond pendant. The piece was simple, elegant
—and an unmistakable Stasia Renaldi design.

“It’s beautiful,” Paige breathed. “But I can’t wear this.”
“Yes, you will. Turn around.” She did as he asked without question, offering her back to him. He

smoothed the heavy, straight strands away from her neck, leaning in close to whisper, “I love what
you’ve done with your hair.”

She shivered, didn’t answer him as she heard him pull the necklace from the box. With careful

hands he brought it around her neck, setting the clasp into place, his fingers brushing the sensitive skin
of her nape before he stepped away. “Now face me.”

When she did so, his gaze lit with pleasure as he slowly drank her in from head to toe. “It looks

perfect with her gown,” he told Stasia, never taking his gaze off Paige.

“I agree. I’m pleased to see that you gave her one of my designs, Matt.” Stasia went to her brother

and kissed his cheek. “I’m honored at the choice, big brother.”

“Your work is exquisite, as is Paige. They make the perfect pair.” He smiled fondly at his sister,

then turned his heated gaze to Paige. “Let me get changed, then we’ll be on our way?”

“Of course,” Paige said, nodding dumbly. Which was probably best else she open her mouth and

say something stupid.

She watched him leave the room, her gaze lingering on his backside when Stasia nudged her in the

ribs. “Ow, what was that for?”

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner that you and my brother are so hot for each other?” Stasia accused.
“We are not hot for each other…”
“Ha,” Stasia interrupted. “I saw the way he looked at you. He was envisioning you naked beneath

that lace dress. You two are so hot for each other I’m surprised you didn’t set each other on fire just a
minute ago.”

“Stasia,” Gavin started, but she threw him a look.
“It’s like I told you before, we’re just seeing each other,” Paige explained. “Nothing too serious.”

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“If you want my opinion, I’d say he was madly in love with you. But what do I know?” Stasia

shrugged, as if she knew her statement would throw Paige for a complete loop.

Which it did.
In fact, it was all she could think about as she waited for Matteo to get dressed, as they climbed

into the limo, as they took the ride over to the Met, where the gala was being held. Matteo sat next to
her, his thigh nudging against hers, their hands clasped. And still her mind replayed what Stasia said,
over and over and over again.

I’d say he was madly in love with you.
He couldn’t be. Could he? Lust didn’t equal love and she knew he lusted for her. Their nights were

filled with intense lovemaking. She’d never been with a man who was so…insatiable. So completely
focused on her pleasure that she became lost to it time and again.

But that didn’t mean he loved her. Love was so serious and she knew enough about his past to

understand he wasn’t ready for another commitment. Claudia had told her so months ago. Stasia had
pretty much confirmed it when they went shopping for dresses. His dead wife had done a number on
him. Whereas she believed he’d still mourned her and wasn’t interested in women, it turned out that
Lucia Renaldi had burned him, made him wary of any type of relationship.

The thought alone made Paige sad.
“You’re quiet.” Matteo squeezed her hand. “Nervous?”
She nodded, her stomach quivering. “A little.”
“You’ll be fine. But just a warning, they’ll want to take our picture.”
“Who?” She turned to look at him. She hadn’t thought of that.
“The media. They take photos of everyone as they arrive.” He squeezed her hand again, leaning in

so he could whisper in her ear, “You won’t have to say a thing. Just stand there and smile prettily.”

His deep, reassuring voice sent a ribbon of heat curling through her. “Do I really look all right? I

mean, I don’t want to be one of those insecure women who always needs to be reassured but I’ve
never worn a gown like this before and I’m afraid I look…”

“You look magnificent.” He kissed her, right there in front of Stasia and Gavin, who sat mere feet

away from them. Engrossed in their own conversation, but still. “You steal my breath away.” He
kissed her again, this time longer, hungrier, his tongue sliding against hers for the briefest moment
before he pulled away. “I’ll be proud to have you on my arm.”

Her cheeks flushed, she licked her lips, noting that Matteo watched her every move. It was so

exciting, how much he always seemed to want her. “Thank you. You look wonderful too.”

He was so elegantly gorgeous in his suit he looked as if he’d walked straight out of a magazine.

She was a lucky woman, to claim this man as her own. However fleeting it may be.

For tonight, he was hers and hers alone.

The entry at the Met was a mob scene, the crowded line of paparazzi yelling at everyone as they

arrived, trying to get their attention for the perfect photo op. Spectators stood on the other side of the
entrance, restrained by a long black velvet rope, holding their phones up and calling the names of the
more famous people in attendance this evening.

Matteo escorted a nervous Paige up the red carpet that covered the steps leading to the entrance,

Stasia and Gavin just behind them. He knew his brothers were already inside—he’d received a text

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from Rafe earlier in the limo. They were all sitting together for the evening and Matteo had already
warned his brothers he wanted no trouble where Paige was concerned.

Tonight was an evening of celebration. He wasn’t about to let his disapproving brothers hurt

Paige’s feelings with their careless words and unwanted protectiveness.

Clutching Paige’s arm closer, he offered her a reassuring smile when she looked at him. She was

so beautiful his entire body ached with wanting her. The black lace gown fit her to perfection, her hair
was smooth with subtle waves at the end, and he wanted to bury his hands in it, feel the silky strands
slide all over his fingers.

All over his naked body…
Banishing the distracting thought, he nodded toward several acquaintances as they passed by. The

building was crowded, filled to the brim with the top movers and shakers of all aspects in the fashion
industry. Clothing designers, jewelry designers, photographers, models, magazine editors, makeup
artists and a sprinkling of celebrities. The annual event was huge. One of the biggest nights for the

He was proud to have Paige on his arm, though he saw the curious looks, the whispered “Who is

that with Renaldi?” as they passed by. She was a mystery, making everyone curious, and he wondered
for the briefest moment if it had been smart, bringing her after all.

She was a private person, young and inexperienced with the jaded circles he moved within on a

daily basis. Given the opportunity, they would eat her alive, chew her up and spit her back out. He
refused to give them the satisfaction but he couldn’t always protect her.

Eventually, if she was going to become a permanent part of his life, she would have to learn how to

swim with the sharks.

The thought made him bristle with protectiveness. No wonder he didn’t like bringing Paige out into

his world. Not that he was embarrassed—on the contrary, he was proud to have her on his arm. But
she was so young, innocent and too kind. If she displayed even a hint of vulnerability, she would be

He would need to watch out for her at all times.
“There’s Rafe and Vince,” Stasia said and Matteo glanced around, spotting his brothers just inside

the ballroom. They approached, everyone eagerly greeting each other, though they were coolly polite
to Paige, the bastards.

“Where’s your wife?” Matteo asked, feeling like a jerk the moment the words fell from his lips

when he saw the irritation fill Vince’s eyes.

“She’s working,” he bit out, his jaw going tight.
Matteo frowned. “She’s a model. She should want to be here. It’s a huge night.”
Vince shrugged. “She’s in France on a photo shoot. I tried to convince her to come, but she couldn’t

make it.”

There was more going on between those two than Vince let on, not that it was any of Matteo’s

business. He certainly hadn’t shared much with them when he was having his troubles with Lucia.

They found their table and sat, Matteo making sure Paige was between him and Stasia. He didn’t

want his brothers to dig for information by bombarding her with questions. They were skeptical
enough and their stern demeanor would only intimidate her. He knew they were just like him in that

She remained quiet for most of the evening, her eyes wide, taking everything in. He’d come to the

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gala for years, had become almost bored with it but realized it was a rather dazzling event for
someone who’d never attended before. The clothes, the jewelry, the famous people who filled the
room, it was all heady stuff.

And Paige seemed completely enraptured, occasionally squeezing his arm and whispering in his

ear when she recognized someone.

He found it cute. Endearing. Appreciated seeing his life and surroundings through someone else’s

eyes. She made him feel young, excited again, incredibly lucky that his family’s business had become
so successful, thanks to plenty of hard work on his part, of course.

Looking at her, the sparkle in her pretty bluish green eyes, the wonder in her expression as she took

it all in, he realized she made him feel whole.

He was in love with her.
And he needed to tell her.
The awards ceremony started immediately after dinner, but he was distracted. By the way Paige

looked as she watched the stage, her rapt attention on every single word that was said. She glanced
around in the darkened room, as if hoping she would spot someone, and then she would look at him, a
secretive smile curling her lips when their eyes met.

God. He wanted to haul her out of here and take her back home. Pull her into his lap in the limo,

hike that long skirt up and fuck her right there. His blood buzzed with arousal, his skin felt as if it
were on fire, and he reached for her, taking her hand once again and bringing it up to his mouth. Softly
kissing her knuckles, the back of her hand, licking her sweet skin.

“Matteo.” Her voice was a low warning and he smiled, easing his other arm around her shoulders.

“You’re distracting me.”

“Perfect. You’ve been doing the same to me all evening.” Leaning in, he dropped a kiss to her bare

shoulder, felt her shiver beneath his lips. “I can’t wait to get you out of this dress.”

“I thought you preferred me in the dress,” she said jokingly, her gaze back on the stage, though he

knew she was aware of him.

Her slender hand on the inside of his thigh told him so.
“You’re beautiful in it, there’s no doubt about that, but I want you naked.” He nuzzled her cheek,

her intoxicating fragrance scrambling his brain. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Aren’t you being presented with an award?” she asked.
Damn it. He was. How could he forget? Was he that enraptured with the woman that he forgot

everything else?

“The second the presentation is over, we’re leaving,” he said firmly, moving away from her,

needing the space. Before he did something rash, like attack her where she sat.

“What about Stasia and Gavin?” She inclined her head in their direction.
“They can find their own ride home. I’m sure Rafe and Vince can take care of them. I want to get

you home and in my bed.” Breathing deep, he glanced around, her hand still cradled in his. People
were watching them, he could feel their curious gazes on their table, and when he cast his gaze about
the room, many of them looked away.

Gossips, most like, looking for an interesting story. He knew others would be curious about Paige,

but he didn’t think everyone would be this blatant. He almost didn’t want to leave her when they had
to go up on stage.

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But he did, albeit reluctantly, offering her a quick kiss on the cheek before he stood along with his

sister and brothers and went on stage to accept the award. He gave a quick thank-you speech, his gaze
roaming the room, finally settling on Paige, who sat straight up in her seat, her hands clasped together,
the smile on her face so big it could probably light up the entire room.

That bubbling excitement, the obvious happiness, was all for him and his accomplishments. Just

seeing her face made his chest puff up with pride.

He never wanted to let her go.

“I can’t believe you attacked me like that,” Paige said hours later as she lay naked and sprawled

across Matteo’s sweat-dampened body in the middle of his bed.

He smoothed the hair away from her face, smiling up at her. “It’s all you. I take one look at you and

all I can think about is how fast I can get you naked.”

She smiled and shook her head. “You’ve been…beyond insatiable these last few days. I’m

completely exhausted.”

“Do you need to rest?” he teased. Slowly he rolled over so they lay side by side, his arm slung

around her, holding her close. “Want me to leave you alone for a few days?”

“No, I love it when you act like this.” She kept her head bent, a little shy, which he adored.

“Tonight was a very special night for you and your family, Matteo. Thank you for taking me with you.
It was an honor.”

“You by my side, I wouldn’t have had it any other way.” He kissed her forehead, breathed in the

light floral scent of her hair. “Thank you for coming with me.”

“And thank you for letting me borrow the necklace.” She still wore it. He refused to let her take it

off when they came home, wanting to see the diamond slide across her naked skin.

“I didn’t let you borrow it, Paige. It’s a gift. The necklace belongs to you.” The woman was

ridiculous. Did no one ever give her anything?

She touched the pendant, her fingers sliding over the shiny stone. “I couldn’t keep it.”
“Why not?” He was incredulous. Was she refusing his gift?
“I’m sure it’s worth a tremendous amount of money. Wouldn’t you rather sell it? I know it’s a one-

of-a-kind piece, Stasia told me.” She looked nervous, his foolish, silly girl.

“You are worth more than all the gold and diamonds in this universe,” he told her with utter

sincerity, his gaze locked with hers. “I could afford to give you one hundred diamond pendants just
like that. So don’t worry about how much it’s worth. It belongs to you and only you.”

Tears sparkled in her eyes and she threw her arms around him, hugging him tight. “Thank you,

Matteo. Thank you so much for…everything.”

“You’re welcome.” He slipped his arms around her, resting his hands on her bottom, pulling her in

to him. Already he was hard and hurting for her again. “I need you to know how much you mean to
me, Paige,” he murmured, his heart in his throat.

She looked up at him. “You mean a lot to me too.”
He touched her cheek, ran his index finger across her lips. “You’ve captured my heart completely,

bella. I’ve fallen in love with you. I’m yours, if you’ll have me.”

Her lips parted, and a single tear slipped down her cheek. He stopped it with his lips, absorbing

the salty drop into his mouth. “Of course, I’ll have you. I—I love you too, Matteo.”

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Sweet pleasure rippled through him at hearing those words, filling him near to bursting. He pinned

her beneath him, ready yet again to show her exactly how much she meant to him with his body.

God, he loved her so much. More than he had loved any other woman in his life, including Lucia. If

all went as he planned, this woman would soon be his wife. Mother to Matty and their future children,
the woman who would be by his side for the rest of his life.

He needed to find a ring and do this right as soon as possible.
It was the least she deserved.

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Chapter Thirteen

Carolyn Leonard saw the first photo of the woman who ruined her marriage early on a Thursday

morning. Looking through the newspaper, she stopped at the article covering the annual fashion gala
that had been held at the Met last night. She scanned the photos of all the beautiful people in the
fashion industry who were in attendance as she sipped from her first cup of coffee, sitting at the
kitchen table. More than a few faces she recognized. Plenty of stars were there, though some of those
featured she didn’t recognize.

One face popped out at her. The face of her worst nightmares. The woman who lured her husband

into a quick but messy affair that resulted in said woman being fired as their nanny.

Paige fucking Stewart.
Rage boiled inside of Carolyn as she stared at the picture. The skinny, ugly redhead was on the arm

of Matteo Renaldi, CEO of Renaldi Accessories. The dress she wore was gorgeous, the necklace
with a fat diamond dangling from it looked expensive.

Carolyn wanted to tear her apart, rip every single stupid red hair from the girl’s head—she hated

her that much.

After wadding the newspaper into a ball, she tossed it, then grabbed her cell phone, Googling

Matteo Renaldi’s and Paige Stewart’s names together. A list of photos from the previous evening
popped up, every one of them enraging her further. The complete adoration on Paige’s face as she
gazed up at the handsome, rich-as-hell Matteo and how he looked at her as if he was madly in love.

Carolyn snorted. More like lust—just like her husband and what he felt for the stupid, simpering

bitch. Oh, fine, the kids had loved her, but she thought Paige Stewart was a wimp. A suck-up.

A whore.
Her husband had sniffed around their ugly nanny like a dog in heat for months. Carolyn had ignored

it at first—what man could resist a younger woman living under his roof? She laughed it off as some
sort of innocent crush, though deep down inside, she worried. And after a while, she started to
suspect there was more going on. Just like last time.

The man she married was an absolute pig, no matter how much she tried to ignore it.
When she confronted Paul, he denied everything, trying to convince Carolyn that she was crazy.

Why would he be so stupid as to have an affair with a woman who lived in their house, for the love of

His logic was sound, but he was a man who’d been led by his dick more than once, and she knew

it. So she’d spied on Paige, noticed how overly sweet she was to their children, working her best to
win them completely over, and figured the girl was trying to move in on her territory. Why, she
wanted to steal both her husband and her children, and Carolyn refused to let the bitch win.

So she lay in wait, ready to catch the two of them in a compromising position.
She hadn’t waited long.
Ever since that one time she caught her husband with his hands all over Paige, Carolyn had

suspected Paul of fooling around with an endless string of women. Not that she ever caught him. The
bastard was too sneaky for that. His phone was clean, his credit cards had no unusual activity, no
records of him chatting with anyone suspect, no spending money on another woman. Nothing.

But she knew. Deep down in her heart, she knew he was still doing her wrong, she just couldn’t

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prove it. It was all Paige’s fault. She pushed the downward spiral of her husband further. Taught him
that it was easy to fool around with another woman, and he’d become addicted.

She hated Paige Stewart with every fiber in her being. The girl had ruined her marriage. Ruined her

children for any other nanny. Why, they still said they missed Paige and wished she would come back.
It had been months, they’d been through three nannies since then, and her brats still weren’t satisfied
unless they had Paige fucking slut Stewart as their nanny once more.

Carolyn was going to make that bitch pay.
“Whatcha doing, sweetheart?” Her husband sauntered into the kitchen, a big smile on his face,

acting as if everything was right in his world. Asshole. She couldn’t remember the last time they’d
had sex, yet he looked like he’d just gotten freshly laid.

“Reading,” Carolyn mumbled, not in the mood to talk. She watched as he poured himself a cup of

coffee and grabbed a bagel, tearing it apart so he could slip it into the toaster. The kids were already
at school, he should be at work, yet he was still here. Up in her business, annoying the shit out of her.
“Why aren’t you at work?”

“Can’t a man stay home for the morning so he can spend time with his lovely wife?” He flashed her

a smile and she wanted to slap it off his face.

Suspicion rose within her. What did he want? What the hell was he up to now? “You never want to

spend time with me.”

“I’m trying to remedy that.” He leaned against the kitchen counter and she dropped her gaze back to

her phone, scrolling through the pictures with that redheaded skank in them. “What are you looking

“An article about the fashion gala last night.” She kept her voice perfectly nonchalant. “Looking at

all the photos. Saw a few that were very interesting.”

“Oh yeah?” He didn’t sound interested whatsoever as he turned away from her to tend to his bagel.
“Definitely. In fact, look at this.”
She went to him, thrusting the phone in front of his face, and he glanced down quickly, doing a

double take when he realized who was in the picture. He grabbed the phone from her, staring at the
screen. “Well, no shit.”

“Don’t you ‘no shit’ me!” She smacked him on the arm, earning a loud ow from her husband. “What

is that bitch doing with him?”

“How am I supposed to know?” Paul rubbed his arm, his bagel forgotten. “Though I did run into

her at a restaurant about a month ago and I think she was there, with that guy. Well, and with his kid.”

“What restaurant? When? Why didn’t you tell me you saw her?” Shit, the man was going to drive

her crazy with his secret-keeping.

And he did it on purpose, as if he wanted to make her crazy.
It was working.
“I was at a business dinner meeting, I can’t even remember with who.” He averted his gaze, as he

was wont to do when he lied. The bastard. “I know she was with a little kid because I saw her walk
him to the bathroom. And I’m almost positive she was with that guy in the picture, plus a few other
people.” Paul snapped his fingers, as he had a major realization. “I bet she’s his nanny.”

“What’s he doing taking his nanny to a gala? Is he that hard up for a date?” she sneered, snatching

the phone out of her husband’s hand so she could stare at the picture yet again.

If she could, she would toss her phone and watch it shatter into a million pieces on the costly

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Italian tiled floor. But she wasn’t about to destroy her very expensive phone over a stupid whore
bitch man-stealer.

“I guess she can’t help herself. Maybe she finds handsome fathers attractive. Maybe he seduced

her.” Paul shrugged.

“You son of a bitch.” Carolyn punched him in the arm again, disgusted by his observation. Leaving

the kitchen, ignoring Paul’s shouted complaints, she scrolled through the page of pictures again,
locating a contact number in the sidebar of the webpage.

Carolyn tapped it, waiting for her phone to process the call. “Hello? Yes, I just saw the pictures

you have on your site of Matteo Renaldi and his mystery date? Well, I might have some very
interesting information for you regarding the woman he took with him last night…”

“What is this?”
Paige glanced up from the magazine she was looking at to find Matteo standing over her, a trashy

tabloid newspaper clutched in his hand. She frowned. When had he come home? It was still late
afternoon, Matty was peacefully playing in his room while she sat on the couch and flipped through a
magazine for a bit. “What is what?”

“This…filth in this article.” He held it out to her and she took it from him, her eyes widening when

she saw the headline.

Renaldi’s Nanny Girlfriend’s Secret Past!
Her heart dropped to her toes and she glanced up at Matteo again, saw that his jaw was clenched,

his eyes dark and full of fury. “I—I don’t know what this is.”

He flicked his chin at the newspaper in her hands. “Read it.”
She did so, her eyes skimming the article. It went on about her being Matteo’s new love, a mystery

woman he refused to discuss when they’d been at the gala two nights ago.

Her frown deepened. So had the media asked about her and he refused to discuss her? That hurt

more than she cared to admit.

The article went on to talk about how a source had contacted them and let them in on her secret

past. That she had been involved in a heated affair with her previous employer and their involvement
was the reason she’d been fired. The last paragraph alluded to the fact that she appeared to be
repeating history.

God. She swallowed down the bile that rose in her throat. She thought she might throw up.
“Is it true?” Matteo’s growling voice broke through her thoughts.
Paige glanced up at him. His anger was more than apparent. He looked ready to tear someone

apart. And for one scary moment, she wondered if that might be her. “I can’t believe you have to ask.”
His doubt dumbfounded her.

Hurt her.
“Tell me, Paige. I have a lot on the line here. My family has been through enough scandal already. I

don’t need to add to it.” He ran a hand through his hair, a thoroughly frustrated gesture. “I can’t put my
son through this sort of thing again, you know. His own mother had been neglectful, careless. The
stories that surround her death to this day make her sound like a lousy excuse for a human being. It
hurts me to know that someday Matty will read those articles and discover the truth.”

He’d just implied he believed his poor dead wife was a lousy human being. Would he someday

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think the same of her? All because of a bunch of lies printed in a newspaper?

She knew he had to protect his son. She knew that he had to protect his family and the business too.

But what about her? Where did she fit into all this? He’d only declared his love for her a few nights
ago. Were his words nothing but a bunch of lies? “I didn’t have an affair with my former boss.”

He studied her and she noted the tick in his jaw, the irritation in his eyes not lessening in the

slightest. “There are a lot of details in this article. Intimate details about your involvement with—

“None of it’s true.” She knew this with absolute certainty because she’d lived it. After months of

making suggestive comments and inappropriate touching, Paul Leonard had finally lost it and attacked
her. He’d slipped his hand down her pants and the other hand up her shirt, his disgusting mouth
meshing against hers for the briefest second as she struggled and pushed him away with all the
strength she could muster.

At that very inopportune moment, his wife walked in, catching them in a seeming embrace. Paige

had denied the woman’s accusations. Paul had merely hung his head and took the verbal abuse, not
bothering to argue, which infuriated Paige to no end.

She hadn’t been a willing participant in his callous attack. And she certainly hadn’t asked for it.

There had been no flirting like Carolyn had accused and she definitely hadn’t carried on with the
disgusting man for months in a sordid affair, as it was implied in the article.

Devastation crashed through her and she pressed her lips together, desperate not to cry. She was

the innocent victim in all of this yet she was the one painted to look like a complete whore for all the
world to see.

The entire world. That realization stunned her breathless, but Matteo didn’t seem willing to


More like willing to accuse.
“There are other articles online that are filled with speculation, all in the same vein as this one. All

of them trying to paint you and me in a terrible light, as if our relationship is a fraud and you’re
nothing but a gold-digging bitch.” She flinched at his choice of words and he immediately looked
contrite. “I’m sorry. I’m not the one who said it—whoever the original source is did. This doesn’t
look good, Paige. The press is having a field day with this. Renaldi’s name is getting splashed through
the mud.”

Right, and forget about her name and reputation, since it didn’t matter? God, he was being so

callous, so cruel. “I don’t know what to say. Do you want my apology? Is that what you’re looking
for? Because I have nothing to apologize over—I didn’t do what they’re accusing me of,” she said
firmly. “I wouldn’t do that. Ever.”

“So it definitely isn’t true, then.” His voice was calm, the fire in his eyes anything but.
How dare you? she wanted to yell at him. How could he even think she would have an affair with

her former boss? She’d told him the circumstances. Rather vaguely, but still.

Of course, she was having an affair with her current boss, so…
“Is this because of what’s happening between us?” She tossed the tabloid off her lap onto the couch

and stood, glaring at him. “Do you believe I became involved with my old boss too, because of how
easily I fell for you? That this is some sort of pattern for me? Do you really think our relationship is
that meaningless?”


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“No, answer me,” she interrupted. “Do you really think that low of me, Matteo? That I’m some sort

of dumb slut who falls under the spell of her latest magnetic boss and spreads her legs for him at any
given notice?”

“Stop talking like that,” he snapped, his voice firm. “And don’t put words in my mouth.”
“You certainly seemed quick to believe the lies. Not that I can blame you, what with what’s

happened between us.” She tried her best to be tough, angry, but inside she was hurting. Falling apart
completely. She’d told this man she loved him a few nights ago and he said he loved her. She hadn’t
been lying. She did love him.

And then he walked into the living room and destroyed all that love with a few choice words and

unspoken implications.

“I have to be careful,” he said, his voice low, his gaze imploring. “After everything that my family

has endured these last few years, any hint of scandal hurts us tremendously, and it hurts the business.”

“I completely understand. I’m more trouble than I’m worth. Perhaps I should go.” She lifted her

chin and started to walk past him, but he grabbed her by her upper arm, stopping her.

“I don’t want you to go,” he whispered. “I want you to explain to me what happened between you

and that man. I want to know why they’re saying this all over the media and who could’ve spread such
lies about you.”

“That you make me explain myself is bad enough. Why can’t you just accept my word as the truth?”

She glared at him, felt the tears starting to form in her eyes, and she blinked them away. She refused to
cry. Refused. “It didn’t happen. My former boss pushed himself on me and I was struggling to get
away when his wife walked in and saw us. Rather than agree with me when I told her he attacked me,
he never said a word. Let her accuse me of being a slut and a whore who threw herself at her husband
and then she fired me.”

“Shit,” he muttered, loosening his grip on her. His expression softened. “I’m sorry, Paige.”
Paige jerked away from his touch. “There’s nothing to be sorry about. What’s done is done. I

thought I’d moved on and put it behind me, but apparently my scandalous past will follow me
wherever I go.”

“Perhaps we should do a press release denying the accusations…” he started, but she cut him off.
“No. I refuse to have to explain myself. I’d rather let the story die.” If they kept talking about it,

everything would become worse. She knew Carolyn Leonard was behind this. And she didn’t want to
give that woman the satisfaction of letting her know it bothered her.

“But what if the story doesn’t die? What if it grows and gets worse?”
His complete lack of faith in her was so disappointing, she didn’t know how to express herself.

Words failed her. She needed his support, not his doubt and his worry.

She could understand where he came from too. He had much to protect, an entire company and his

family’s image. Anything said detrimentally could destroy it, piece by piece. Lies hurt just as much as
truths. And Matteo, along with his family, had endured enough scandal these last few years to last two

Her story only added to the mess. It was best if she distanced herself. Now.
Without another word, she started for her bedroom, ignoring Matteo as he called her name,

increasing her steps until she came to her room and darted inside, slamming the door behind her.
Reaching behind her neck, she undid the clasp of the necklace she wore, the diamond pendant and
delicate gold chain spilling into her palm. She studied it for a moment, entranced with the stone’s

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brilliance. The necklace, the gesture, it had meant everything to her that night.

Now it meant nothing.
She went to her dresser and set the necklace on top. No way could she keep it. It didn’t belong to

her any longer. Just like she didn’t belong to Matteo any longer.

The tears started. An endless waterfall of them coming so fast she could hardly see. This was it.

She was done here, at the Renaldi home, in Manhattan, in all of New York City. She should go back
home, where it was safe and boring and nothing horrible or wondrous could ever happen to her again.

Frustration filled Matteo to his absolute boiling point. Paige had been locked away in her bedroom

for over an hour and refused to acknowledge him when he pounded on the door, bellowed her name,
demanded that she come out and talk to him.

He could just barge into her room. He’d done it before. But something told him he needed to

respect her boundaries this evening. She was upset, taken to her very limits, and he was afraid she
might break completely if pushed too far.

Seeing her so upset broke his heart, broke his soul. He didn’t know how to fix this problem he

created. It wasn’t that he hadn’t believed her, he just needed to get to the truth. The article had
devastated him and he’d immediately thought of Matty. His sister and his brothers and his mother, all
the hardship and heartache they’d all endured since the death of their father and the subsequent
scandal that followed when it was discovered that Stasia wasn’t a blood Renaldi after all, but a

He’d quite honestly freaked the hell out. And handled Paige all wrong. Clearly she’d been the

victim of a near sexual assault. Like an asshole, he’d implied she’d actually been involved with the
monster that had been her former boss.

Damn it. He was no better than that man who attacked her.
Sick to his stomach, he heard his cell ring yet again and he pulled the phone out of his pocket,

glaring when he realized it was his brother Rafe. “What?” he snarled as an answer.

“I saw the article about Paige,” he started, but Matteo cut him off.
“I don’t need to hear any ‘I told you so’s’ all right?”
“I wasn’t going to say that, because none of it is true,” Rafe said calmly.
“What do you mean, none of it is true?” He strode into Matty’s bedroom and shut the door, his son

looking at him oddly before he resumed playing with his building blocks.

Rafe heaved an irritated sigh. “You’re not going to like this, but it’s actually worked out in our

favor. Vince and I hired a private investigator to look into Paige’s background.”

“Damn it, Rafe, I told you two to leave her alone.” Matteo went to the window and looked outside,

noted the gloomy skies heavy with rain. Dark and dreary, much like his mood.

“Listen, our snooping was a good thing. The investigator found a former maid who used to work

for the Leonards. She was fired for supposedly having an affair with Paul Leonard too, but she told
the investigator that he threw himself at her and she could hardly fight him off. The man has a
reputation. Supposedly even the wife knows he’s a pervert who’s constantly chasing tail,” Rafe

“What?” Matteo breathed, his head spinning.
“Paige is innocent of the accusations. I did a little digging myself, asked for a couple of favors

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amongst my media contacts. Word on the street Carolyn Leonard herself is the one who sold the

The bitch. It made perfect sense. “I need to talk to Paige.”
“Tell her we’ll do some damage control. I already have a call into publicity.” Rafe chuckled

though he didn’t sound amused, more frustrated. “Thank God I haven’t left yet. I’ve been working on
this all afternoon since I saw the first story.”

“Thank you, Rafe. I appreciate your thoroughness more than you can ever know.”
“Anything for you, Matteo.” Rafe paused. “We just want you to be happy.”
“I know. I want the same for you. For everyone in our family.” Matteo slapped his hand against the

cold window, furious at the way he’d handled Paige, the entire situation.

“You’ve suffered much these last few years and carried the burden. You deserve happiness and we

now know Paige can bring that to you,” Rafe said quietly. “We’re sorry for our doubt. I know Vince
feels the same.”

“Thank you,” Matteo said. “For everything. Tell Vince thank you as well.”
He ended the call, saw that Matty was watching him curiously. “Is everything okay, Daddy?”
Matteo smiled, though it felt more like a grimace. God, he hoped everything was okay.

“Everything’s fine. Can you go knock on Paige’s door, Matty? And tell her that you need her?”

“Yeah.” He sprang to his feet, dusted his hands on his jeans. “I’m hungry. Maybe she’ll make me


Matty ran out of his room and Matteo lurked in the doorway, watching as Matty knocked on the

door. “Paige!” he yelled, his little voice booming. “I want dinner!”

Matteo would’ve chastised his son’s horrendous manners if he wasn’t so damn anxious. His little

boy was acting like a little dictator.

Wonder where he got that sort of behavior from?
“Paige!” Matty yelled again, knocking on the door so hard it swung open. He stepped over the

threshold and walked inside. “Paige?” His little voice had gone soft. He sounded almost frightened.

Matteo rushed toward the open door, his heart pounding, his head spinning. Just as he came into the

room, Matty whirled on him, confusion written all over his young face.

“Daddy, she took all her stuff. Paige is gone.”

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Chapter Fourteen

Paige had packed her bag and sneaked out of Matteo’s apartment like a thief, without him even

noticing. Not that he missed her. No, more like he was probably relieved that she left without saying
goodbye. She’d caused him nothing but trouble since the moment she arrived. Matty would miss her,
of that she didn’t have a doubt, but it was better in the long run that she left.

It hurt, though, that he hadn’t believed her side of the story. More than she could ever admit, even to


But his disbelief, his anger proved to her that what they had would’ve never worked. Not if he

didn’t trust her. She partially blamed his past marriage for making him throw those walls up. His wife
must’ve done a real number on him. She didn’t know all the facts, but she’d heard enough from
Claudia, Stasia and even Matteo himself that Lucia Renaldi was not the nicest person in the world.

She’d damaged Matteo. Worse? He allowed her to keep damaging him rather than push forward

and forget his past.

His anger and her fear helped her realize it was time to move on. She needed to forget about trying

to create something with Matteo and go home. Maybe she was running away. Maybe she was making
the wrong step toward her future, but at this very moment, it felt right.

There was nothing left for her here. Her career as a nanny was over. Her so-called relationship

with Matteo was over too. It was best that she leave.

Her phone rang as she made her escape on the bus, and she pulled it out of her sweater pocket, her

heart lodging in her throat when she saw it was Claudia calling her. She shouldn’t answer.

But she couldn’t resist.
“Paige! What is going on?” Claudia asked the moment Paige said hello. “I see pictures of you and

Matteo on some trashy gossip site and they’re saying such horrible things about you. Things I know
can’t be true.”

Paige bit her lip to keep it from trembling. Claudia’s conviction in her was reassuring. She could

always count on her—too bad she couldn’t count on Claudia’s son. “I know. I’ve seen them all and
it’s awful. They’re trying to destroy me.”

“Where are you? Where is Matteo? He won’t answer his phone. Let me talk to him.”
“I’m not with him,” she admitted, her voice small.
“Then where are you?” Claudia paused, and a siren blared annoyingly as a police car raced past.

“What is all that racket?”

“I’m leaving, Claudia. I’m going back home.” Paige sniffed, the tears flowing freely now. Again.

She swiped at them angrily with her fingers.

“What? You can’t leave. Matteo needs you and so does Matty.” Claudia sounded incredulous.
“He doesn’t believe me. He r-really thinks I had an affair with my f-former employer,” she

stuttered, afraid she might sob into the phone.

“Well, did you?” Paige had to give it to Claudia. She had no problem getting directly to the heart of

the matter.

“Of course not,” Paige practically wailed, not worried if anyone heard her. Not that anyone on the

bus was paying attention to her. “The man attacked me. His wife caught us right in the middle of it and
he acted like he was the innocent one.”

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“Paige.” Claudia’s voice was the sternest she’d ever heard it. “I’m very disappointed in my son—

and in you too. I saw you with Matteo and know that you have his respect and his love. Why are you
running away when you should be confronting him? I know my son—he’s stubborn, but he loves you. I
know he does. You can’t let it end like this.”

“I have to go. He doesn’t believe me, Claudia. If he doubts me already this early in our

relationship, then what sort of trust do we really have?” A quivering breath escaped her and she
briefly closed her eyes, praying for strength. She could get through this. She would.

“Tell me where you are, at the very least. Please, cara. So I know that you’re safe,” Claudia said.
Claudia’s concern touched Paige deeply. At least someone thought she mattered. “I’m going to take

a bus home. Today, tonight, whenever I can get out of here. I can’t afford a plane ticket.” Well, she
could, but she didn’t want to waste her money on one. She much preferred the thought of riding a
stinky bus for a few days, processing her thoughts before she arrived home. It would give her time to
prepare for the endless questions and speeches that were sure to come.

How she hated being such a disappointment to her parents. To everyone. She’d always been a good

girl, doing everything anyone asked of her. Wanting their approval, getting good grades, having nice
friends, working decent jobs. Yet for the last year, ever since she arrived in the city, she constantly
found herself immersed in trouble.

She didn’t understand it.
“Call me when you get on that bus. Call me when you arrive home. I mean it. I’ll worry about you

the entire time.” Claudia did sound terribly distressed, which Paige appreciated more than she cared
to admit.

“I will. I promise. Goodbye, Claudia,” she said softly.
“Goodbye, my darling. I—I hate to see you go like this.” She paused. “Are you sure you won’t try

and speak to Matteo one more time?”

“I can’t. He’s broken my heart too many times already. I refuse to give him the opportunity to do it

yet again. Goodbye.” She ended the call and grasped her phone tight in her hand, staring out the
window. Clutching the handle of her duffle bag close with her other hand, she scanned the people who
sat nearby, thankful that no one looked her way. She always got a little scared riding the city bus,
which was ridiculous. She was such a wimp.

But she couldn’t help it. Crowds made her nervous. Odd people rode the bus sometimes and at this

very moment, she felt extremely alone and vulnerable.

She should’ve taken a taxi.
As if you can afford one.
Scanning through her phone, she looked up Greyhound ticket prices and times, realizing that she’d

have a long wait at the terminal according to the few listings she saw that would work for her. It
would have to do. She didn’t have a choice. There was no way she could go back to Matteo’s
apartment and beg him to see her. Beg him to listen to what she had to say.

She shouldn’t have to explain herself. He should’ve accepted her word, no questions asked. It hurt,

to see the doubt in his gaze, hear the anger in his voice when he’d asked if what the article said was

How dare he doubt her? That was what hurt the most. What felt like a betrayal. That he believed a

stupid article filled with lies over the woman he supposedly loved. What sort of relationship could
they ever have if he couldn’t take her word? If he couldn’t trust her?

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A terrible relationship, that was what they’d have. And no way would she subject herself to that—

and him—any longer.

No matter how much she loved him. No matter how much she would miss him and Matty. The

entire family, even the grumpy brothers who were wary of her intentions. But she couldn’t do this to
herself any longer. Their love would be built on a weak foundation and the first flaw she displayed,
he’d reject her, making the entire thing collapse.

She couldn’t risk it. Couldn’t risk having herself beat up any longer, even though her heart was long

ago stomped into a bloody pulp, since eventually she would have to leave Matteo. She’d wanted so
desperately to believe that they could last. But her secret fears had been realized.

Paige would just have to learn how to deal.

Matteo knew most people who knew him would say he was a cold-hearted son of a bitch. And he

wouldn’t deny it. He was a businessman first and foremost. He’d learned long ago to keep his
emotions in check, strategize properly and not let his heart dictate what he needed to do next. Leading
with his brain, analyzing every situation—that was safe. Thinking with his emotions only led to

He’d thrown that to the wind when he met Lucia. She’d seized his body more than his heart and

he’d let his dick lead him straight to her time and again. She’d been like an addiction he couldn’t kick.
And once he realized he was in too deep to walk away, he stuck by her. He tried to create a family
with her and it fell apart. She fell apart.

And then she died.
He hadn’t cried at the funeral. He hadn’t cried when he first learned of her death. The terrible thing

was, he hadn’t been surprised. She’d been unwell right up to her death. The supposed love he felt for
her early on in their relationship had slowly died. He cared for her. She was the mother of his child—
but a horrible mother, as reluctant as he was to say that, let alone think it.

Once Lucia was gone, he’d felt almost…relieved.
A terrible, horrible feeling, the guilt haunted him over the immediate months after her death. But as

time went on, the guilt eased. He had Matty, his family, his business. He was satisfied. He didn’t need
anyone else.

And then he met Paige.
She’d won him over despite how much he tried to fight her. His attraction grew. And grew and

grew and grew until she was all he could see, want, need. At first, his reaction to her scared him.
Reminded him of the all-consuming passion he’d felt for Lucia. But their relationship had been based
purely on the physical.

With Paige, his heart swelled when he saw how she was with his son. Tender. Loving. Generous.

Her relationship with his mother, his sister…they adored Paige. She was kind and thoughtful. Shy and
hesitant one moment, bold and passionate the next, mysterious and open and sweet and wicked, she’d
slowly entered his heart until he couldn’t think, couldn’t function, couldn’t breathe unless he knew
where Paige was if she wasn’t with him.

Letting his jealousy get the best of him was stupid. Letting her escape without knowing where she

went was unforgivable. His heart literally hurt, felt as if it had been ripped in two and she’d somehow
taken the other piece with her. Sick to his stomach, his head spinning, his entire body aching, his eyes

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If he didn’t know any better, he’d think he was close to falling apart and shedding a few tears.
“What did you do to Paige?” Matty asked, his gaze shrewd, his mouth curved into a frown.
“It’ll be fine,” Matteo said, hoping like hell he wasn’t lying. “She had to go out for a bit. She’ll be


“I don’t believe you.” Matty crossed his arms in front of his narrow chest, reminding Matteo so

much of himself, he could almost smile.

Okay, not really.
“All right, then, I hope she’ll come back. But I have to find her first,” Matteo amended. Would he

find her? He had no clue where she might’ve gone. She could be anywhere.

“What did you do to her? Why did you make her leave?”
“I didn’t make her leave…” His voice trailed off when he saw Matty’s glare.
“Yes, you did! You got mad at her and made her leave. I heard you yelling. I heard her crying in her

room.” Matty started to cry as well. “I want Paige back. I want her!”

Matteo watched helplessly as his son fled the room, crying the entire way down the hall until he

entered his bedroom and slammed the door. The sound made Matteo flinch and he hung his head,
clutching his flexing hands in front of him.

He didn’t know what the fuck to do. Always, always he knew what to do, what the right choice

was. He was methodical to a fault.

But right now, this situation with Paige, he felt completely hopeless.
His cell rang and he grabbed it, devastated when he saw his mother’s number. This was the third

call from her in an hour and she was the last person he wanted to talk to.

How he wished the call came from Paige. As if she would call him. He’d tried calling her multiple

times, but it always went straight to voicemail and he hung up.

Like a coward.
The ringing stopped only to start again, and he cursed, then answered it with a curt hello.
“Thank God you answered. I spoke with Paige,” his mother said, her words coming in a rush.
“What? When?”
“An hour ago. I called you right after I got off the phone with her, but you wouldn’t answer.”
Matteo closed his eyes for a brief moment. Shit. Could he be more of an idiot? “What did she say?”
“She’s leaving town and going home. I tried to convince her to go back to you, but she refused.”

His mother paused. He could practically feel the fire coming from her, she was so angry. “You broke
her heart, Matteo. Why didn’t you believe her? Why did you accuse her of such ugly, hurtful things?”

“I didn’t accuse her of anything. I just…” He let his jealousy get the best of him. His general

distrust in women, he let it escalate until it was all he could see and feel and he damaged the fragile
relationship he was forming with Paige in the process.

“You implied that she had some sort of sordid affair with her old boss. Why can’t you trust her?

She’s not Lucia, Matteo. Paige has been nothing but wonderful to you and to Matty. To all of us.”

“I know,” he said brokenly, his voice cracking.
“She loved you. She still loves you. You can make this better, my son. You can right this wrong.

She’ll listen to you. And you love her.”

“I know, dammit, you don’t have to tell me the obvious. I don’t have time for this right now, I need

to find her so maybe we can talk later.” He pinched the bridge of his nose with two fingers, staving

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off the tears as best he could.

Yes, he wanted to fucking cry. And he couldn’t believe it. Could not believe it.
No crying, you little wimp.
Go get her. Go get your girl.
Brimming with determination, he said, “Goodbye, Moth—”
“Matteo! She’s going to take a bus home. A bus,” Claudia stressed. “Poor girl won’t even spend a

few extra dollars to fly. How many days would that take anyway, traveling by bus? What state is she
from again?”

“Where was she going, Mama? Tell me which bus station she’s headed to,” Matteo interrupted,

suddenly frustrated and anxious to get there. “Where did she say she was going? Did she give you any
clues? Any hints?”

“She said nothing as to where she was going, but since she’s taking a bus I’m sure you could

narrow down where she might be, hmm? But if you’re going after her, you should let her know you
can’t live without her. Tell her—”

“I don’t need you to tell me what to say to the woman I love, Mama.”
But he smiled fondly nevertheless. His mother would never stop being his mother. He knew that

everything his mother had planned to say, he felt. She was right. He couldn’t go on without her. He
loved Paige and he needed her in his life. So did Matty.

“Think Stasia will take care of Matty while I go look for Paige?” He headed toward Matty’s


“Of course, she will. I’ll call her right now for you so you don’t have to. But hurry, Matteo. I don’t

know how much time you’ll have,” Claudia urged.

His heart in his gut, he paused at Matty’s door and swallowed hard. “Thank you, Mama,” he

whispered. “I wish I would’ve taken your call sooner.”

“You’ll find her, Matteo. I know it.” Her voice was full of confidence. He wished he felt the same.

“Now go get her.”

Ending the call, he strode into Matty’s room, his heart breaking even more when he saw his son

curled up on his bed, clutching his favorite stuffed animal—a teddy bear Paige had given him—

Matteo went to his son’s bed and sat, reaching out to smooth his hand over Matty’s back. “Don’t


“I want her, Daddy,” he said, his voice muffled against the teddy bear.
“I do too. And I’m going to go get her. Right now, so you must hurry and come with me so you can

go stay with Aunt Stasia,” Matteo said.

Sniffing, Matty lifted his head, his puffed up face staring right at him. “You know where Paige is?”
Matteo nodded. “I think I do, but I need to go get her alone. So that means I’m going to take you to

Stasia’s house and you can stay there.”

Matty nodded, his expression solemn. “I love Paige. I want her to be my mommy, but I don’t want

her to leave like my real mommy did.”

Jesus. Matteo didn’t know if he could stand this any longer. “She’s not going to leave us, Matty.

I’ll bring her back. I promise.”

He hoped like hell he could keep his promise to his son.

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Chapter Fifteen

The New York Port Authority was huge. As in, Paige could get lost there very easily if she didn’t

pay attention to where she was going. There were so many people and the place was drafty, making
her wish she would’ve worn her winter coat. But like a fool she’d run out of Matteo’s place and left it
hanging in the hall closet.

No way would she ask for it either, not even from Stasia or Claudia, though they could probably

send it back to her. She would rather leave it there.

Like she left her heart.
Pressing her lips together, she studied the menu at one of the little cafés in the terminal, but nothing

sounded good. She should probably get something in her stomach, but the bus didn’t leave for another
two hours, so she still had plenty of time.

Too much time. To think, wander, worry and think some more. About Matty—how was he? Did he

realize she was gone yet? Did Matteo explain what happened or was he lying to his son and claiming
she only went out for a bit and would be back soon?

She hoped not. Prolonging the inevitable rarely worked and Matty didn’t deserve that. He’d dealt

with enough abandonment at such an early age. Knowing that she’d abandoned him as well made her
feel awful.

So she pushed the thought away. Compartmentalized it so she could deal later.
A muffled voice came over the intercom, announcing yet another bus departure, and she grimaced.

It was hard to understand and so loud. Her head hurt, her eyes felt gritty, and more than anything, she
wished she were in her bed. A warm blanket covering her, the air warm and still, an equally warm
yet not-so-still man pressed next to her…

Stop it!
How was she ever going to get over him? She really wasn’t sure. It was definitely going to take

time. She’d fallen in love with him, she couldn’t just shut off her feelings like a faucet or a light

Sighing, she found an empty bench and sat, setting her duffle bag next to her. In an hour she would

go force herself to eat. She needed to before she got on that bus. Maybe grab a latte or something to
warm her bones and wake her up. If she were anywhere else, she’d close her eyes and take a nap. She
was completely exhausted and the idea of riding a crappy bus for hours, days on end held little

Oh well. She’d done this to herself. Now she would have to live with her choices.
Why did that thought alone make her want to cry?
She watched as people walked by, hurrying to their destinations, all of them appearing as if they

had a purpose. Somewhere to go, something to do. Whereas she was alone, with no purpose, nothing
to call her own, and this time she did let the tears fall. One by one, they slid down her cheeks,
dropping onto her sweater, but she didn’t care. Didn’t bother wiping them away either. She left her
shame and her sadness and her utter devastation on display for all the Port Authority to see.

Closing her eyes, she shook her head, a little laugh escaping her. Now she’d gone and done it. She

was hearing his voice. As if he were really here with her. Great. She’d lost her freaking mind. Her

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parents would probably send her to extensive therapy or worse, lock her up in a mental institution the
minute she arrived home.

She’d completely cracked.
“Paige.” Someone touched her and a bolt of electricity shot through her. Firm, strong fingers

wrapped around her shoulder and gave her a little shake. “Open your eyes. Are you okay?”

She cracked open her lids to find him standing before her, gorgeous in a long black wool coat, still

wearing a suit though it was rumpled, and he looked a bit of a mess. And the usual impeccable tie was
long gone. The haggard expression on Matteo’s face should’ve made her feel better since she was
wearing a matching one, but instead she felt incredibly guilty. She was the one who put that look on
his face. His worry for her was obvious.

But he drove you away. Never forget that.
Paige shoved the nagging little voice inside her head firmly away.
“What are you doing here?” she croaked, moistening her lips with her tongue. Her mouth felt dry,

her head foggy, and her lids were so heavy she was almost afraid she might pass out.

“Looking for you. Ready to beg you for forgiveness.” Reaching out, he settled his hands on her

knees and knelt before her. “I can’t believe I found you.”

“I—I can’t believe you found me either.” She shook her head, trying to clear the fuzziness from her

brain. Blinking, she brought Matteo into somewhat clear focus, her entire body swaying toward his.
“Why did you come looking for me? I thought you hated me.”

“I can’t hate you.” He squeezed her knees. “I’m in love with you. You’re the one who ran away.”
“Because you’re the one who didn’t believe me.” An announcement came over the loudspeaker,

drawing her attention, and she frowned. “Was that my bus? No, I don’t leave for a few hours.”

“You’re not leaving, period. I won’t let you.” His voice was firm, his gaze dark and directed

solely on her.

“You can’t boss me around anymore, Matteo. I don’t work for you any longer.” She tilted her head

back and closed her eyes. Her head felt like it was spinning. “Go away. I don’t want you here. Leave
me alone.”

“Paige. Paige?” He shook her legs. “Are you all right?”
His voice grew distant, almost muffled and she preferred it. At least it wasn’t so loud anymore, or

so insistent. She almost felt like she floated on a cloud, light and fluffy, drifting in the air. As if she
weighed nothing at all…

Paige slumped into Matteo’s arms, her entire body falling forward, her head bobbling back in such

a sudden, horrible jerk he leapt up, cradling her neck in his hand. Tension radiated through him as he
studied her face. Her skin was pale, her breathing shallow, and her eyes were closed.

She’d fainted.
Gathering her into his arms, he stood, snatching her bag with his fingers so he could carry it

beneath her. He strode through the terminal, ignoring the odd looks people cast in his direction as he
passed, determined to get her the hell out of there and quick.

“Sir, sir, does the lady need medical attention?” A young man in a plain blue uniform approached

him, and Matteo shook his head, not bothering to answer. They needed to leave this wretched place so
he could take her home where she belonged.

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But what if she really was sick? Or something serious was wrong with her? God, what if she


He gave her a little shake in his arms, squeezing her, whispering her name before he raised his

voice. “Wake up.”

A sound escaped her, faint but there, and he squeezed her again, spoke a little louder. “Paige. Can

you hear me?”

“Stop,” she whispered. “Your voice is too loud.”
Relief flooding him, he hustled out of the terminal and headed for the parking structure where his

car waited. She would be fine. She had to be. He’d already lost one woman in his life, he wasn’t
about to lose another.

Juggling a slender woman, the purse that still hung off her shoulder, her duffle bag and his keys

wasn’t an easy feat, but he somehow managed to do it. After opening the passenger side door, he slid
her inside, settling her in the seat, thankful to see she was somewhat lucid and able to sit on her own.
He leaned over her, buckling the seatbelt, and he could feel her gaze on him the entire time.

“I’m going to miss my bus,” she said when he was finished.
“You’re not going on the bus,” he answered before he slammed the door.
What the hell was wrong with her? Her behavior was odd and her reluctance over seeing him was,

he had to confess, disheartening.

But damn it, he had to try and make it up to her. Beg her forgiveness. Whatever he could do to

rectify this wrong he’d done to her, he would. No way could he let her run out of his life ever again.

He drove them home in record time, thankful she could at least walk when he opened the door for

her. He escorted her the entire way, completely silent, his hand at her lower back as he guided her
through the building, into the elevator. She remained quiet as well, the color back in her cheeks,
though the look of exhaustion around her eyes told the truth.

She was so tired. And he felt as if he were to blame.
“Paige, we need to talk,” he said as soon as he shut the door to his apartment.
“Not now,” she called weakly over her shoulder as she walked into the living area. “Where’s


“At my sister’s.” He followed her, grabbing her by the arm so he could turn her around and face

him. “Do you want something to eat? To drink?”

“Water, please,” she asked primly.
He got her a glass of water, keeping his eye on her the entire time. She wandered about the living

room, looking a little lost until she finally sat on the couch. He went to her, handed her the glass
before he settled in beside her.

And she promptly scooted away from him. “Is Matty okay?” she asked.
“He will be now,” Matteo bit out, wishing he could reach out and touch her. But he held himself in

check. “He was worried about you.”

“What did you tell him?”
“He knew you left. He figured it out first when he went in your room and saw that you took all of

your belongings. I told him I was going to find you and bring you back. In fact…”

He pulled out his phone and punched a number.
She met his gaze, her eyes full of sadness as she realized he must be calling Matty. “You didn’t

leave him alone, did you?” she asked, and he loved how her maternal instincts roared.

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“No, bella. He’s with Stasia, remember? And he probably won’t sleep until he knows I brought

you home. Hello? Stasia, can I talk to Matty?”

He handed over the telephone, and Paige’s face softened when a familiar voice spoke. Matteo

could hear him too—he was sitting so close. “Ullo?”

“Are you being a good boy?”
“Yes, yes, are you with Daddy? He said he’ll bring you home, are you coming home?”
“Maybe. Yes. Yes. Go to sleep now. I’ll see you in the morning.” She hung up and glanced at

Matteo, her cute eyebrows scowling a little bit.

“I’m not an object you can keep in your house, Matteo,” she said, her voice low.
“I know that. Paige, I’m sorry.” He tossed the phone aside and scooted closer to her, wanting to

touch her but unsure if he would only worsen things or not. He clenched his hands at his sides. “I was
an idiot. I was so upset when I saw that article, I reacted without thought and in the process, I hurt
you.” He was probably already making a mess of this, but damn it, he needed to get his apology out in
the open.

“You did hurt me. All I wanted was your trust.” She set the water glass on the table, then turned to

face him once more.

He briefly closed his eyes and shook his head. “I wish I knew how to make this up to you. I wish I

knew how I could prove how much you mean to me. You never even gave me a chance to explain. My
brothers found a woman who used to work for Leonard. Said he did the same thing to her that he did
to you. I was about to come and tell you everything, but you’d already left.”

“Your brothers?” Her jaw dropped open.
“They, uh, investigated you. But found nothing wrong,” he added quickly.
She stood, glaring at him. “I can’t believe this. Did you put them up to the investigation? Was this

all your idea?”

“No, they did it on their own. You know how skeptical they were about us. I tried to tell them to

mind their own business, but they didn’t. And for once, I’m glad.” He stood and gripped her by her
arms, giving her a little shake. “Paige. You ran out before I could talk to you again. You wouldn’t
answer your phone. How come you talked to my mother and not to me? I may be the one who
overreacted and behaved like an ass, but you ran away. I need your trust too, you know.”

“You’re right.” She pressed her lips together. “I’m sorry I ran.”
“And I’m sorry I reacted the way I did. It’s hard for me to let my walls down, but for you, my love,

I have.” The anxiety coiled within him slowly unwound. He was this close to getting back into her
good graces again. “I love you, Paige. I never wanted to hurt you and I’m sorry. I could tell you a
thousand times, but it would never be enough.”

“I’m sorry too.” She gasped when he reached inside his pocket and pulled the diamond pendant she

left on her dresser. He’d been destroyed when he found it. Spotting the necklace sitting there, her
leaving had felt so final, their relationship so completely destroyed by a few choice, ugly words.

And he’d let them fill him with doubt. How he hated that. He hated even more how much he hurt


“You forgot this,” he said solemnly, holding it out to her.
She shook her head. “I didn’t think it belonged to me anymore.”

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“It’s yours. Just like my heart is yours.” He reached for her and slipped the necklace around her

neck, doing the clasp with ease.

Reaching up, she touched the stone, running her fingers over it, her gaze never leaving Matteo’s.

The tears started again, and he stopped them with a gentle brush of his thumb. He hated seeing her so
upset, knowing he was the cause of her distress. “I’m too much trouble.”

“What?” He slipped his fingers under her chin, his thumb caressing her along her jaw. “You’re not

any trouble. Why would you say that?”

“Everywhere I go, I seem to cause trouble. At the Leonards’, with you.” She sniffed. “Maybe it

would be best if I did return home.”

“No,” he said vehemently, shaking his head. His fingers trembled beneath her chin. “You’re mine,

Paige. I love you. You love me. We belong together.”

Her eyes went wide and she parted her lips, almost as if she couldn’t believe what he said. “I’m

yours?” she whispered.

“All mine.” Leaning in, he kissed her, wanting to convey all the love, all the hope and joy he felt

for her in that one brush of his lips. “I love you. Matty loves you. I want you to be a part of my life,
Paige. Forever.”

“Forever.” She slipped her arms around his neck, her fingers tangling in his hair. “I like the sound

of that.” Her lips moved against his as she spoke just before she kissed him.

“I do too,” he whispered just before he took the kiss deeper.
And then proceeded to show her just how much she meant to him.

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Eleven months later…

“I want to see the baby!” Matty cried, banging his fists on the kitchen table.
“Matty, stop,” Paige chastised, sending Matteo a look. That same look she always gave him when

she was overwhelmed by Matty’s antics. The one that made him feel like a hero, because only he
could help her.

“Matty, don’t be so rude. Your aunt and uncle will be here any minute with the baby. And they

won’t let you see her if you keep acting like this,” Matteo explained.

Matty pouted, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “I don’t want a baby cousin. I want a baby

sister. And a baby brother.”

Matteo agreed, but he wasn’t one to push. They’d been married three months. Paige was young. He

couldn’t force her to have a baby. Though the idea held such tremendous appeal he’d dreamed of it
just last night.

He blamed the dream on Stasia giving birth to a beautiful baby girl they named Nicola. It felt like

only yesterday that they’d gone to the hospital to see her briefly, leaving Matty with his grandmother.
Such a beautiful baby when she’d been born, with thick, dark hair and rosy skin. Matteo had never
seen Gavin look so proud or Stasia look so content.

Months later and the even more beautiful Nicola smiled and cooed, so chubby and happy,

especially when little Matty played with her. She lit up the entire Renaldi family with her sweet baby

The doorbell rang and Matty ran to go get it, throwing open the door and yelling with such

abandon, both Matteo and Paige winced.

“Your family’s here,” Paige murmured, a little smile curling her lips.
Matteo went to her, drew her into his arms and pressed a gentle kiss to her mouth. “Let’s go greet

them. Or we could run away and hide.”

She laughed, pressed her hands against his chest. “I’m dying to see the baby.”
“You’ve seen one baby, you’ve seen them all.” He shrugged, though he didn’t mean it. He’d never

been so happy.

When Paige had permanently come back home with him, he’d demanded she become his in every

way. And now she was. It pleased him to see his ring around her finger, and it made him proud to
wear hers. To know she belonged to him—that they belonged to each other. And she had formally
adopted Matty, which Matty delighted in—especially when he got to call her “Mama”.

They were a real family in every way.
As a wedding present, Matteo had revealed to Paige that her former boss and wife were being

investigated for money laundering. A nasty little tidbit the investigators his brothers recommended
were able to discover for Matteo. It gave him a big pleasure indeed when the information he’d
provided to the IRS had seemed to help. Those rats had been out for Paige’s blood and now Matteo
had both of theirs.

After that, everything—life, work, home—seemed so damned rosy both he and Paige sometimes

lay in bed at night, just staring at each other and not believing their good fortune.

Now, Paige’s cheeks were bright red in excitement. In fact, she looked so eager to see the baby he

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rather liked the idea of making one with her tonight. He imagined her swelled with his child and his
erection swelled in response at the thought of planting his seed inside the woman he loved.

“What about if we were to have a baby? Would you feel like that?” she asked him. Her eyes

glowed as she studied him, her fingers curling into the front of his shirt.

“I thought we weren’t ready for babies yet.” Hope rose within him, but he batted it down. She wore

the diamond around her neck, the pendant he’d given her the night of the fashion gala, and it filled him
with pride to see it lying against her skin.

He most preferred to see her wearing that necklace and nothing else…
“I thought I wasn’t either. But sometimes, life delivers you a little surprise.” She smiled and he

thought he might burst apart at her news. Wait. So…for real? She was pregnant?

“You’re serious?” He could hardly contain himself and felt too big inside his skin.
She nodded, her eyes shining with tears.
“You’re—pregnant.” He could hardly get the words out—he couldn’t believe what she was saying.
Paige nodded again, standing up on tiptoe so she could kiss him. “Are you happy?” she asked, her

mouth against his.

“Paige.” Matteo closed his eyes for a moment and held her to him, breathing into her and she

laughed. “I’m so happy I can hardly speak.” He slipped a hand down to her belly, caressing her still
flat stomach. “A baby.”

“Yes. A baby. It’s like a miracle.” She sighed as he caressed her middle. God, he was consumed

with so much love for her, he could hardly stand it.

“It’s our miracle,” he whispered as he pulled away from her, her hand grasped in his. “Let’s go see

the baby. And tell everyone there’s going to be another one joining her in…”

“Seven months, give or take.” Paige beamed at him. “I love you.”
“I love you too, bella. More than you’ll ever know.”

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About the Author

Karen Erickson has always loved the written word. From being one of the best readers in her

kindergarten class to penning romantic stories that never ended about her favorite band members
(Duran Duran) in high school, she always wanted to write. It just took her a while to seriously pursue

With the birth of her third child came a realization—it’s one thing to talk about writing a book,

another thing entirely to actually do it. She’s been published since 2006.

Karen’s a native Californian who lives in the foothills below Yosemite with her husband, three

children, one dog and too many cats.

To learn more about Karen, visit her online:




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Look for these titles by Karen Erickson

Now Available:


Jesse’s Girl


Fortune’s Deception

Fortune’s Promise

Fortune’s Chance

Playing with Fire






Under My Umbrella

Baby, Don’t Lose My Number

Simple Twist of Fate

Tahoe Nights

My Favorite Mistake

End of Days

Neon Chaos

Worth It

Worth the Scandal

Worth the Risk

Worth the Challenge

Worth Everything

The Renaldis

Temporary Arrangement

Print Anthologies

Midsummer Night’s Steam: Hot Summer Nights

Luck of the Draw
Playing with Fire

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Tahoe Nights

Coming Soon:

The Renaldis

Kidnapping His Bride

Print Anthologies

Playing With Fire 2

Twist of Fate

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Can two lost souls find their way to love?

Worth Everything

© 2013 Karen Erickson

Worth It, Book 4
Anastasia Renaldi’s life is a complete lie. Disinherited from the family fashion-accessory business

and informed she’s the illegitimate daughter of the famous—and long-dead—Michael Worth of Worth
Luxury, she has no one to turn to. No real family, no job, no identity to claim. Lost and confused, she
turns to the one man who can help her obtain what is rightfully hers.

Attorney Gavin Westmore is hired to discover the truth. Does Stasia Renaldi have a stake to claim

in the Worth empire? From the moment he meets her, Gavin knows what sort of woman Stasia is.
Calculating, devious—she won’t let anything or anyone get in the way of her pursuit of a fortune. As
long as he can collect his generous fee, he’s fine with it.

But Gavin soon discovers his perception of Stasia is wrong. She truly is confused, a sweet,

ambitious woman who wants what rightfully belongs to her. Soon they’re spending lots of time
together—and it goes beyond the attorney/client type meetings. The only question is, after untangling
the web of lies to get to the truth, whether there will be any room left for love.

Warning: A secret Worth sister? Yes, indeed. Not only will you catch a glimpse of all those

delicious Worth brothers one last time, you’ll get to know their sweet, feisty sister—and the man
who’ll tame her. All in the name of love.

Enjoy the following excerpt for Worth Everything:

Stasia watched him eat, afraid to say anything for fear he’d snarl and growl at her again like some

sort of feral beast. She’d had no idea the polished, handsome attorney could turn so coarse and rough
in such a short amount of time. It had surprised her.

Aroused her.
Frowning, she pushed her food around on her plate, her appetite having fled. She didn’t want to

fight with Gavin, but she didn’t want him to think so terribly of her either. This driving need to know
this other, lost part of her life had nothing to do with money and everything with her half-brothers.

She had six of them. It was crazy to imagine, let alone realize that it was indeed true. Six brothers,

every one of them older than her.

And not one of them wanted to be with her. Well, the three she’d been raised with were trapped by

the restrictions of their father’s will and their own very busy lives. The other three looked at her as if
she were some sort of interloper they wanted no part of.

It hurt, all of it. She’d never felt so exposed, scrubbed so raw. Gavin’s accusations were like salt

rubbed into her wounds, stinging and burning until she could hardly concentrate.

She knew Gavin wouldn’t give, though. No he wouldn’t apologize or offer any sort of sympathy,

not that she expected him to. This last month she’d learned to harden her heart, not to count on anyone
to help her. Everyone in her family had abandoned her, even her mother. She had absolutely no one.

More than anything, she needed to remember that.
“Stasia.” His deep, calm voice broke through her painful thoughts, rippling her nerve endings like a

rock skipping across an otherwise smooth pond. “I don’t want to argue with you.”

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“Well.” She met his gaze, found herself momentarily lost in that stark green gaze. So stupid. “You

must be a mind reader, because I don’t want to fight with you either.”

“Misunderstandings are futile.” He tried to smile, but it wasn’t sincere. It didn’t even reach his

eyes. “Perhaps we can start over and discuss the matter in a more…civilized manner.”

She remained quiet, contemplating him. He seemed like a man who preferred polite conversation.

Who did everything by the book, never diverting, never daring to break the rules or do something that
would damage an attorney/client relationship.

A few minutes in her presence and it was as if he was ready to throw away the veneer of perfection

and argue with her until they ran out of breath. She couldn’t wrap her head around it. His reaction to
her, their reaction to each other, made no sense.

“I agree,” she finally said, noting the relief softening his otherwise stern expression. “I think we’re

both on edge and we’re—taking it out on each other. We need to put that past us and focus on what
needs to be done.”

“And what is that exactly, Stasia? Tell me what you want from me, what you want from the


“I want a sense of family. I want…” She sighed, the sound so full of wistful longing it sent a pang

straight to her vulnerable heart. “I want to belong. To someone, somewhere. I need to.”

Now it was his turn to study her, not saying a word, though she saw the surprise in his gaze. He

believed her some sort of she-devil out to take the Worths for everything they had when that wasn’t
her intention. Money didn’t matter. A person could have all the wealth in the world, but it still didn’t
make them happy.

She’d been happy, once upon a time. Successful at her job, excited to start working on her own

jewelry line, and part of a family that had been in the fashion accessory industry for generations. With
three brothers who loved her, a father who doted on her and a mother who thought she was
completely spoiled.

That had been wiped from her life with her father’s shocking will.
“I think we need to go farther back.” He cleared his throat, his gaze, his face so utterly serious, she

leaned toward him, eager to hear what he had to say next. “I think we need to find your mother and
talk to her.”

Stasia reared back, emphatically shaking her head. “No. That’s impossible.”
“Why? Why won’t she talk to you? Have you tried?”
“Of course I’ve tried. She refuses to talk to anyone. She’s staying in Italy as if she were exiled.”
“We’ll go see her, then.” He cocked his head to the side. “Don’t you want to learn the truth? The

details as to how you…came to be?”

Her chest tightened. What if those revelations, those stories, were too painful for her to endure?

Then what? She’d have to live with them the rest of her life. She didn’t know if she was ready for that

Would she settle for the unknown, though? Perhaps it was better, knowing exactly how her mother

could betray her “father” so completely.

“Are you afraid, Stasia?” His voice lowered a notch, so husky-deep it seemed to reach inside her

and touch her quivery heart. “Is that it? Are you too scared to face the truth?”

“No.” She blew out a harsh breath, hating how her voice trembled. “I refuse to be afraid. Then I’ll

turn into my mother, all alone and refusing to talk to anyone.”

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“Exactly. You need to be stronger than that. And I know you have it in you.” Gavin then did

something so shocking she thought she might jump out of her skin. Reaching across the table, he rested
his hand atop hers in what seemed to be a comforting gesture.

He had no idea his touch seemed to reach something dark and forbidden deep within her. Desire

swirled, gathered low in her belly when she felt the gentle sweep of his thumb across her sensitive

“Let’s go to Italy and talk to her,” he murmured. “Find out everything she knows before we go to

the Worths. It might be smart, strategically. We could fill them in with the details as well. Don’t you
believe they’re just as curious?”

Were they? She hadn’t a clue, since they refused to look at her, let alone speak to her. Besides that

one moment with Rhett, which felt like a lifetime ago. “What if my mother tells us nothing?”

The smile that curved his generous mouth was a real one this time, and absolutely devastating in its

power. It sent a spark of heat whispering over her skin, along her nerve endings. “If we go all that
way to question her, I believe you’ll get her to talk.” He removed his hand from hers, leaving her a
little lost without his touch.

The relationship she’d shared with her mother prior to her father’s death had always been a little

troublesome. She’d always felt as if her mother were the teeniest bit jealous of the closeness Stasia
had with her father.

Maybe now she knew why. Did her mother secretly laugh at them, knowing they weren’t bound by

blood? Did she think it amusing, nursing such a powerful secret all these years? Had she hoped to get
away with it forever?

Stasia didn’t know. But she did know Gavin was right. She needed to find out. Everything.
Taking a deep breath, she exhaled loudly. “When do you want to leave?”
The smile grew, became even more devastating, if that was possible. The man wielded a power he

seemed unaware of, which was scary, especially for the well being of her extremely fragile heart. “I
can have my assistant make travel arrangements first thing tomorrow. Whenever you can get away,
we’ll leave.”

“My schedule is completely clear,” she said wryly. “I have no commitments.”
“Good to know. I have a few, but I can rearrange them. Fortunately, it’s a quiet period for me.”
“My luck, then.” She smiled wanly. “Yours as well, I’m assuming. So. Have you ever been to


He shook his head. “I’ve never been to Europe at all.”
That was surprising. He had a sophisticated air, urbane and immaculate in appearance, what with

the precisely tailored suits, elegant in cut and style, the perfectly cut dark hair, the expensive watch
that circled his wrist. She believed him the typical attorney who had too much money and spent it on
luxurious trips across the continent. She’d known quite a few of them. Had dated some as well. Yet
every last one of them had been too slick, too shallow for her to consider them long term.

Gavin, though, had that untamed air about him. As if it wouldn’t take much to reveal the real man

beneath the smooth mask.

“You have a passport?” she asked.
“Of course.” Ah, there was her irritated lawyer, though he seemed to realize his mistake quickly.

His expression smoothed, his voice returned to that calm, modulated tone. “I figure we can leave by
Wednesday at the latest.”

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“Sounds perfect.” She sipped from her glass of water, refusing to have any more wine. Too much

alcohol and this man would be a heady combination, one that might leave her open and vulnerable to
just about…anything.

A thought she shouldn’t be having. He was her attorney. She’d hired him to help her discover the

truth about her heritage. No way could she entertain thoughts of indulging in some personal time with
the deliciously handsome, secretly sexy Gavin Westmore.

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What happens in Vegas shouldn’t stay in Vegas.

Vegas Vacation

© 2013 Crystal Jordan

Destination: Desire, Book 1
It’s spring break, and a group of teachers from Half Moon Bay Middle School are planning to cut

loose. History teacher Meg Phillips hadn’t planned on being one of them—Vegas isn’t really a town
for a bookworm—but somehow she let her friend Anne talk her into it.

Though honestly, she’d rather indulge in some poolside reading than co-star in an R-rated edition

of Teachers Gone Wild.

It took some major arm twisting for Finn Walsh to convince his fellow gym teacher, Anne, to do

whatever it took to get Meg to Vegas. For over a year he’s been looking for the chance to get to know
her outside of work. He’s drawn to her quiet beauty and intelligence—and the hint of fire beneath her
understated exterior.

When he finally gets the opportunity to peel away those layers, the result is far more explosive than

he ever fantasized. Now to convince her that the week isn’t a wildly out-of-character mistake, but the
start of something amazing…

Warning: Two good teachers doing very naughty things to each other while on vacation in Sin

City. Hey, everyone deserves a chance to cut loose, right?

Enjoy the following excerpt for Vegas Vacation:

Frustrated tears stung in her eyes—or maybe it was the alcohol fumes rising from her shirt.
“What’s going on?” Finn appeared out of nowhere, ducking down so he could look at her face.


“I don’t want to be here.” Her voice actually wobbled when she spoke, and a flush scorched her

cheeks. Emotional meltdown in front of the hottest guy she’d ever met. Yep, it really was possible for
this trip to get worse. She blinked fast and glanced away. “They don’t have a room ready for us yet.
Looks like the rest of the group got to the ones they had.”

Anne stomped up, fire blazing in her eyes. “Well, they’ve given us a free dinner at one of the hotel

restaurants for the inconvenience, but there are apparently no rooms to be had right this second. At all.
They’re booked. What the hell? No rooms in Vegas?”

“It’s a fight weekend. Heavyweight boxing.” Finn shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets.

“Some of the guys got tickets.”

“I’m going too,” Anne said. “I just didn’t think it would suck up all the rooms in town.”
Meg spoke through clenched teeth. “Goody for you.”
“I’m not one of the people going. I have other ideas for my time here.” Finn’s tone was so virtuous

it made her snort. He looked her over and winced. “Sorry Ed got you with the whiskey, too. I was all
the way in the back of the van, so I couldn’t grab him in time. Why don’t you bring your stuff up to my
room, use my shower, and change clothes?”

Meg sighed. The promise of a clean outfit made it the most appealing offer she’d ever had. Naked

in Finn’s shower was weird, but she’d take what she could get. Beggars couldn’t be choosers.
“Sounds like a plan.”

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What might have been triumph flashed in his gaze, and his smile was dazzling. “Great.”
Anne stepped in front of her, her expression concerned. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
“Do you have a better option?” Meg held her arms out and gestured down at her ruined garments.

“Tracking anyone else down takes time, where I’m still gross.”

“True.” Anne ran her hands through her short hair. “Want me to come with you or let you do your

own thing?”

“I love you, honey, but as few people as possible would be awesome right now.” Meg waved her

off, wishing for nothing more than to be somewhere quiet. “Go have fun with Carla. Keep her from
drinking and gambling her next paycheck away.”

Anne grimaced. “Will do.”
It didn’t take long to get to Finn’s room, which worked for Meg. The sooner she could shower, the

better she’d feel. And she’d really love to get some lunch. “I’m starving.”

“Me, too.” He opened the door and motioned her into the room. After setting her suitcase on the

luggage rack for her, he shrugged out of his backpack and dumped it on the end of the bed. “Once
you’re showered, we can find the gang and get some food.”

She wrinkled her nose, unzipping her bag to root around for some clean clothes. “They’re probably

eating right now. After they hosed me down, the jerks. Remind me to never, ever go anywhere outside
of work with this bunch again. You all seemed so normal when we were at school, but now?”

“Hey.” He caught her shoulders in his strong hands, frowning at her. “Don’t go lumping me into this

bunch. I’m trying to help, not off partying.”

Tingles broke down her arms at his touch, and she swayed toward him just a little. She tried to

inject some teasing into her tone. “My hero. Thank you.”

His lips curved in a small grin, but he didn’t let her go. “You’re welcome. I just don’t want you to

think I turn into a jackass who ditches my friends the second the chance to drink and gamble comes

“I don’t imbibe much, which is probably why this makes me even crankier.” She made a face. “I

didn’t even get sloshed and I still got sloshed all over.”

Somehow, he was even closer, and she didn’t know if he had moved or if she had. His heat

wrapped around her, and it felt far too nice. A masculine scent filled her nose, the smell that was
uniquely Finn. He dropped his forehead to hers. “I’m sorry this has sucked for you so far. Maybe I can
make it up to you.”

“I don’t think anything could make this trip better. It was a mistake to let Anne talk me into this.

They ganged up on me, Anne and our two other best friends.” She shut her eyes, sudden exhaustion
hitting her, and she let herself lean into his solid strength. Just for a minute. He felt good, comforting,
even though it was foolish to acknowledge it.

She sighed when his lips brushed over hers. It was soft and sweet, a light caress. He sipped at her

mouth, and slow heat unfurled within her. She set her hands against his chest to push him away, as she
knew she should. But she couldn’t make herself do it. Not yet. Her fingers itched with the need to
stroke, to explore. The fabric of his T-shirt was soft, clinging to the hard planes of his muscles

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Tempted by Her Boss

Karen Erickson

Business? Meet pleasure…

The Renaldis, Book 1
Paige Stewart has committed the ultimate nanny sin—she’s fallen in love with her boss. She adores

Matteo Renaldi’s sweet, precocious son. Who wouldn’t? But it’s torture going about her day-to-day
tasks, catching fleeting glimpses of the boy’s enigmatic father. Chastising herself for fantasizing she’s
in the Renaldi master bed…

It’s ridiculous, pointless. After all, soon little Matty won’t need her anymore and she’ll move on.
Matteo has no interest in dating. He’s consumed by work, his son…and his son’s nanny. She’s

everything he’s not: young, carefree, trusting, maybe a little naïve. She deserves better than an
embittered widower. Yet when she accidentally falls into his arms, he can’t resist drawing her in for
a kiss that quickly spirals out of control.

As they travel to his family’s home in Italy and slowly fall in love, the whispers start. And when

one particularly ugly story blows up in their faces, their reputations might escape unscathed, but their
hearts may not…

Warning: The sexy, grumpy Italian hero is finally won over by his son’s sweetly beautiful nanny—

though it was quite the challenge for her to catch him. Watch for lots of high drama, passionate love
and malicious rumors before these two can find their HEA.

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e Books are not transfe rable .

The y cannot be sold, share d or give n away as it is an infringe me nt on the copyright of this work.

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used

fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is

entirely coincidental.

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

Cincinnati OH 45249

Tempted by Her Boss

Copyright © 2013 by Tempted by Her Boss

ISBN: 978-1-61921-341-8

Edited by Amy Sherwood

Cover by Angela Waters

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except

in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

electronic publication: July 2013

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Document Outline


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