Marcus Mine Madison Mia

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Fresh Start




Ice Cream


Deer In Headlights




Girl Talk


Starry Night


Cherry Pop


Party Mix


Saint’s Cross

About the Author

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Copyright © 2016 by Mia Madison

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including
information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of
brief quotations in a book review.

This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the
author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead,
actual events or locales is purely coincidental.

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stood on the curbside, watching the mad rush of cars as they picked up the

passengers pouring out of the terminal. The flight into LAX was full, the

demographics composed almost equally of businessmen in suits and college-bound

kids in jeans and tees. Kids like me, although everyone else seemed very much at


They must be locals, I thought.

Although I also wore jeans and a t-shirt, unlike them I was a wreck inside. I had

never been outside of my small hometown in Colorado, never even been on a plane

before. College life was already a scary proposition, but having to go away for it,

without the comfort of old friends and family, was downright terrifying.

Dad said I already knew the family I would be staying with, but I could barely

remember them since they only visited us once. They go way back, dad and this

friend, and the fact that they live only a few blocks away from the university made

it a no-brainer for him to ask the guy if I could stay for a semester or two.

Coincidentally the man also has a daughter who was also nineteen years old, like

me, and she was also starting college in the same school.

Secretly I think dad was afraid of those wildly rumored dorm parties and wanted

to protect his precious daughter as much as possible from any bad influence.

Yeah, right, as if he didn’t already know me by now. If I had survived high school

without as much as getting a single ‘B’ or sipping a single drop of alcohol, I was

pretty sure I’d be safe in a college dorm. Plus I heard if you lived off campus during

your first year you pretty much alienate yourself and you won’t have any friends.

Just a rumor, of course.

My phone buzzed. It was dad’s friend, Marcus. Dad had given him my number,

along with a recent photo of me.

Almost there, he texted. Watch for a black Range Rover.

K, I’m right outside Delta terminal, I replied, then shoved my phone in my back

pocket and sighed heavily.

Here we go.

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A minute later a sleek, black SUV pulled up in front of me. I tried to peer in but

the car was completely tinted and I couldn’t see a thing. The driver got out and

approached me. “Alice?”

I didn’t know what I was expecting, but I certainly did not expect this tall, well-

built hunk of a man. He was dressed in a simple black shirt and jeans. His face was

tan and chiseled, his jaws square, and when his deep blue eyes scanned across my

body I felt a strange tingling sensation, almost as if those eyes had the power to

caress me with its stare.

“Alice, right?”

“Ah, yes!” I said, snapping out of the hypnotic trance I seemed to have fallen

under. “Yes, that’s me, Alice,” I blundered, feeling myself blush.

Why the fuck am I blushing?

“Hi Alice, I’m Marcus Mansfield.” He extended a large hand and when I shook it

a transfer of electric pulse shot through me. He blinked, the surprise registering on

his handsome face. He held on to my hand for a few extra beats before letting go,

but the contact lingered with me for some time after, adding to my puzzlement.

The passenger door opened and a tall young woman stepped out. “Alice, so nice

to finally meet you! I’m Candace.” She gave me a friendly hug. “How was the


“It was good, actually.”

“My dad said we met a long time ago, but I don’t remember a thing!”

“Yeah, I don’t really remember it either.”

“We’ve got a lot to catch up on, then! Let’s get in the back. Dad, is that okay

with you?”

“Sure,” he said, grabbing my suitcase and carry-on while Candace took my hand

and pulled me in with her. Marcus placed my stuff in the rear, got in, and we pulled

away from the curb.

The drive from the airport gridlock to their home took about forty minutes, and I

got my first taste of LA traffic. Candace had her questions on rapid fire, and I tried

to answer them as best and as fast as I could. This California girl talked so fast it

was dizzying, and combined with the stop and go traffic and the sheer number of

cars on the road, before long I was feeling lightheaded. I was glad when we finally

got off the freeway and onto the suburban surface roads.

“First time in California?” Marcus asked, eyeing me through the rearview


“Yes,” I said, glancing at him before quickly looking away. There was something

about Marcus, something about how he made me feel which I didn’t quite

understand, and what I don’t understand scares me.

“Well I hope our accommodations will make you feel at home away from home.”

“I’m sure it will,” I said, giving him a brief smile.

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to feel like home away from home. Not in a hundred years.

Make that not in a thousand years.

I’m serious.

I stood in the driveway and gawked. This wasn’t a house. It was an ultra-modern

billionaire mansion, the kind you only saw in movies and reality TV shows. It took

up an entire block, its multi-level, tinted glass square structure looking more like

some art museum from the future.

“Fuck me,” I said, noting the perfectly pruned plants, the cobbled walkway, and

an ancient-looking wooden double door leading into the main house. “You live


Candace, standing next to me, smiled. “Yeah, cool huh? Come on!”

I followed her inside, and it felt like I had stepped into the pages of Architectural

Digest or something. The interior was nothing short of stunning. Modern,

expensive-looking furniture mixed with rustic beams and earthy tones gave it a

cozy, livable feel. The walkway opened up into a large living area, and beyond it, a

garden and the most beautiful pool I had ever seen.

I didn’t even own a bathtub in my home.

Candace gave me the grand tour before showing me my room.

“Well?” She said, bouncing animated on the huge bed. “Do you like it?”

“It’s amazing. Beyond amazing. Where’s your room?”

“I’m right next to you. Dad has the penthouse upstairs.”

I noticed she didn’t say ‘mom and dad,’ making me wonder where the mom was,

but it wasn’t my business to pry. Candace, however, had no problem getting


“So, do you have a boyfriend?”

It was the dreaded question. I knew sooner or later it would pop up, and I had

actually rehearsed an acceptable answer but for some reason I didn’t want to lie to

her. Besides, I was absolutely terrible at lying. It was one of the life skills I never

learned to pick up.

“No,” I said, sitting next to her. “No, I don’t have a boyfriend. How about you?”

“I’ve had five, but I’m single right now. This is going to be perfect!”

“What do you mean?”

“Hello? New school? College life? You and I are going to go hunting when school


Oh no, I thought. Not good.

“I don’t know, Candace. I’ve never been good around guys.”

“What’s there to be good at? You’re nice, pretty, and you’ve got that hot petite

body. You don’t have to lift a finger. I bet you’ve left a trail of boys begging for you

back home.”

“Uh, not exactly,” I said, biting my lip. I always bit my lip whenever I got

nervous, and I’m in scary territory right now.

Candace squinted at me. “But you’ve had boyfriends before, right?”

“Uh, not exactly.”

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Candace leaned forward. I’ve definitely got her attention now.

“No boyfriends?”

I shook my head.

“But you’ve been with guys before?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you’ve done guys before, right?”

I blushed. “Are you asking me if I’ve had sex?”

Candace threw her hands in the air. “Yes, Alice! That’s exactly what I’m asking.

Have you?”

My blush deepened as I looked away. “Um, not exactly.”

Candace gaped. “Holy fuck, you’re still a virgin.”

“So what?” I snapped, suddenly irritated. I was very aware of my virgin status. I

had often wondered if I was the only girl in our entire high school graduating class

who hasn’t gotten her cherry popped. I came close a few times, but the guys I was

with were such huge turnoffs for me. They were just boys fumbling around, and I

had always wanted my first time to be with a real man, someone who knew what

the fuck he was doing.

“I’m sorry, Alice,” Candace said. “I didn’t mean to be nosy. I’m just shocked,

that’s all. I mean, you’ve got the looks and a killer body and all, so I’m just


“It’s okay,” I said, already regretting I lashed out at her. “I did have a couple of

chances. The first one was with a football jock, Drake, who was so full of himself he

forgot my name twice while we were smooching in the back of his Camaro. Twice,


Candace smiled. “I’ve actually had a few of those myself. You’d be surprised how

jumbled up the names get in their cloudy, beer-filled tiny brains sometimes. And

what about the second time?”

“His name was Darren. He was actually a nice guy, and a bit on the nerdy side. I

liked him a lot, but in the end he seemed almost afraid of girls, so it didn’t work


“Don’t worry,” Candace said, winking. “I’m good at this sort of thing. I’ll get

you hooked up in no time.”

Just then Marcus walked into the room. My breath hitched in my throat. The

man had a powerful aura about him that was almost palpable.

“You girls doing okay?” He asked, glancing at Candace before his gorgeous blue

eyes settled on me. My stomach knotted up and I suddenly felt hot and flushed.

“Yeah, dad. We’re just having girl talk, so shoo!” Candace waved him away.

“Alright. I’ll be barbecuing some steak. Dinner in two hours.”

Marcus turned and walked away. Candace kept yapping on about how we were

going to snag some guys but I barely heard her. I kept staring at the space, now a

void, where Marcus stood only seconds ago. There was something about the way he

moved that was unlike anyone else I’ve ever met, and it took me a couple of

seconds to realize what it was. He made no sound as he walked, and his movements

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were fluid and graceful despite his muscled frame and over six-foot height.

He moves like a mountain lion, I thought. Quiet, dangerous, and completely in

charge of his domain.

And then another thought came on its heels, unbidden. I wonder how it would

feel like to have someone like him inside me?

I blushed wildly and turned away from Candace, ashamed and furious at myself.

What the hell is wrong with me?


What the fuck is wrong with me?

I shook my head in disbelief as I shut the door to my office. I couldn’t believe the

amount of dirty thoughts racing through my mind from the moment I first saw


Crazy, rabid, dirty thoughts.

None of this made any sense at all. She was half my age, Candace’s friend, and a

guest in our house. Most importantly, she’s Barry’s daughter, a man I’ve known for

a long time. We served together, and we always had each other’s back.

He had trusted his only girl to me. Me!

But when I saw her standing by the curb outside the terminal, her tight jeans

hugging that perfectly curved ass, her young face looking so innocent, her lips full

and delicious, I got an instant boner. I wanted to get her alone in the car, drive to

some dark, isolated spot, and ravish her sweet little body.

And I’ve still got a hard-on like some teenager with wildly spiking hormones.


I unbuttoned my jeans, unzipped, and breathed a sigh of relief as my dick broke

out of my pants.

I couldn’t understand it. Candace had brought many of her friends over -

smoking hot, sexy beyond belief girls, but they didn’t even register a blip on my

radar. Certainly not before the divorce, and not after.

I sat down, roused my iMac from its sleep, and tried to focus on my work. In

some ways I had to thank my ex-wife. When she left me for another man I was

crushed. I couldn’t eat, couldn’t think, and I drank and smoked way too much. I

started showing up at work drunk and my employer wouldn’t have any of it. He

called me into his office, said he was sorry about what happened to me, and to let

him know if there was anything he could do for me. Then he fired my ass.


I sulked around for a couple of months until my savings dwindled to almost

nothing. Candace and I were about to be evicted from the dilapidated rental we

were living in at the time, and I knew I had to turn things around. Fast.

I still remembered my military training days, and I put myself into boot camp

mode, waking up at five in the morning, running for one, two, then five miles a day,

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followed by two hours of intensive weight training. Within two weeks I had quit
smoking, quit drinking, and the fog had lifted from my brain.

I could think again, and I knew what I had to do.

I created my own paramilitary company catering to yuppies and rich generation

X people who wanted a taste of the military life without the benefit of being shot at.

I built my own boot camp facility, hired some of my ex-Ranger buddies and

together we trained them, showed them how to fire various weapons, and ran mock

capture the flag and infiltration games.

Not only did it work, but it succeeded beyond anything I could have imagined.

Rich folks signed up for the camps, bought the fatigues from me, rented my guns,

bought my ammo, and even purchased first responder and military gear from my

website. I poured my life into my business, and the money poured in by the


Within two years I had completely turned our lifestyle around. Candace and I got

out of the shit hole we were in and I built this super modern house that not only

looked good, but it was also the equivalent of a military stronghold.

The downside of this was I never really cultivated a new relationship. Barbara

leaving had cut a good wound in me, and it took a damn long time for it to heal.

Well done, my sarcastic self intervened. You’ve had no women in your life since

the divorce, and along comes this teenager that’s completely taboo for you, and all

you can think of are ways to undress her and get down and nasty with her.

I shook my head. It was impossible to focus on work. A swim should douse my

libido quickly enough. I got up, changed into my swim trunks, and made my way to

the pool.

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stared at the two-piece black bikini on my bed. It wasn’t mine. I didn’t own

one and didn’t think I’d need one. However, Candace insisted I try out the

pool, so she lent me one of hers.

I really did not want to parade my almost naked body inside a stranger’s house.

Maybe if it was just me and Candace at home, but with Marcus around? Definitely

not a good idea. However, I could not find a good excuse to not go. What was I

supposed to do, tell her I was super conscious of my body with her dad around?

Just wrap yourself with a large towel, I told myself as I stripped off my clothes.

Then when you get to the pool, stay there. I slipped the bottom on, secured the top,

and stared at myself in the full-length mirror.

The bikini fit quite well, surprisingly. I liked the full-bosomed, curvy image in

the reflection. Dare I say it? I actually looked sexy. Maybe too sexy. Just the thought

of standing next to Marcus with just these two small strips of clothing caused my

stomach to do barrel rolls.

Stop it! I scolded myself. Just get in the pool, you’ll be safe there. Marcus can’t

stare at your body while he’s barbecuing. Nothing to worry about.

I still couldn’t understand what had gotten into me, and why I felt so self-

conscious around Marcus. I had no reason to feel anything. I had just met him, he

was twice my age, and he’s dad’s good friend. It was completely, utterly illogical of

me to feel anything toward him.

Sighing, I walked to the bathroom, grabbed the largest towel I could find,

wrapped it around me tightly, and stepped out of the room. Candace was waiting

for me in the hallway, wearing a tiny hot pink, even more revealing bikini.

“Well, how does it fit?”

“Pretty good, I guess.”

“Lets see it!”

I took off the towel and held it beside me while I turned around for Candace’s


Candace squealed in delight. “Alice, you look smoking hot!”

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“Thanks,” I said.

“And you don’t need this,” she said, taking my towel and throwing it on the

floor before I could protest. “That’s a bathroom towel, silly goose. We’ve got beach

towels by the pool.”


“Come on,” Candace said, taking my hand and dragging me down the stairs. “I

can’t wait to see the expression on my dad’s face when he sees you. He’s going to

ogle all over you!”

“What?!” I said, stopping in my tracks.

“I’m just kidding. Let’s go!”







Marcus wasn’t next to his barbecue grill where he was supposed to be. He was in

the pool, at the far end, exactly where he wasn’t supposed to be, and when Candace

and I stepped outside he turned and stared at me. What was the word Candace

used? Ogle. He was ogling all over me, his eyes feasting on my body, and the worst

part was I could feel my body responding. My pulse jumped, my nipples hardened,

and I felt a sweet, tingling sensation between my legs.

Quick! In the pool! Now! My mind screamed in panic, and I obeyed without

further thought. I took three quick steps and jumped, a part of my brain registering

the shocked look on Candace’s face as I passed her. A second later I hit the water

and splashed all over her.

“Alice!” Candace screamed, backing up.

My head came up. I wiped water from my face and stole a glance at Marcus, only

to find him grinning from ear to ear.

Argh! I hate him!

“Alice, what the fuck?” Candace said although she was also smiling. “Never saw

a pool before?”

“Come on, Candace,” I said, splashing more water on her. “You’re the one who

wanted to get in.”

Candace laughed, shaking her head. “Fine, Alice. I’ll do the cannonball with


She backed up and propelled herself into the air, tucking her knees against her

chest and screaming. She made an even bigger splash as her balled up body hit the

water. When she emerged she was smiling. “That was awesome!”

Marcus clapped, laughing. “Candace, I haven’t seen you do that since you were


“Your turn!” Candace told him.

“Oh no,” Marcus said, shaking his head. “I’m way too old for that kind of


“Are you scared?” Candace pressed.

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“I’m not scared of anything,” he replied defensively.

“Yes you are.”

“I know what you’re trying to do, Candace.”

“Is it working?”

Marcus laughed. “Fine, but if I break anything you’re driving me to the


“Can I use your Ferrari to drive you there?”

“No way,” Marcus said, pulling himself out of the pool and walking to our side.

Holy fuck, I thought as I stared at what can only be the body of a Greek god, with

his tanned skin, broad shoulders, ripped chest and abs, and long, tattooed, muscled

arms, all rippling in perfect unison as he moved. My eyes inadvertently dropped to

his trunks, which were dripping and pressed tightly together, highlighting a very

generous bulge between his carved legs.

I bit my lip and held a gasp that threatened to escape. I had a sudden, mad urge

to touch myself right there, and a part of me didn’t care if someone saw me. Thank

goodness I was able to restrain myself.

“Alright, here we go!” With a powerful kick, he launched himself into the air,

grabbed his knees, and did a double somersault before crashing into the water three

feet away from me.

Candace and I screamed as we shielded our eyes. A thousand cold needles hit my

arms and chest as the water splashed around us.

“Woohoo! Way to go, dad!”

Marcus smiled, wiping his face, his deep blue eyes sparkling in the sun. “That

was fun,” he said.

Someone’s cell phone started ringing.

“That’s probably Lori,” Candace said, getting out. “I left her a message earlier

asking if she wanted to hang out with us. Be right back.”

She picked up her phone from one of the white leather lounge chairs and started

walking away.

Oh, no.

“Candace, towel off first,” Marcus called after her, but she kept going, yapping

animatedly on the phone as she disappeared inside, leaving a trail of puddles in her

wake. He shook his head and turned his full attention to me, his massive, naked

chest close enough that if I stretched out my arm I could actually touch it.


“So, Alice,” he said, staring at me, his expression indecipherable.

“Yes, Mr. Mansfield?”

“Enjoying yourself so far?”

“Very much, Mr. Mansfield,” I said stiffly. Candace, where the fuck are you?

“You must like pools, judging by the way you reacted to this one.”

I laughed. “I don’t even know how to swim.”

“Would you like to learn?”

“Sure, maybe someday.”

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“How about now?”

“What?” My already elevated heart rate went up another notch.

“I can teach you. It’s really easy.”

“Mr. Mansfield…” I started to protest, but Marcus had closed the gap between

us, his powerful aura enveloping me, his musky scent overpowering the smell of


“Put your arms straight out in front of you.”

Somewhere in my mind, the voice of reason was still protesting. This was my

dad’s friend and my new friend’s dad. I could stop this right now, tell him politely

but firmly to back away and step out of the pool, but that inner voice was no match

for the soft, yet commanding voice of the man that was making me weak at the

knees just by his presence.

I held my arms out.

“Good. Now shove off with your feet. I’m going to push on your belly button and

hold you in place while you work your legs. Think of them as your propellers and

keep kicking. Ready?”

I nodded, then gasped audibly when his hand came to rest on my stomach. A

tremor ran up and down my body.

Marcus didn’t move, his hand still firmly planted across my belly button, but his

breathing seemed to get heavier. I glanced at him and found him staring at me with

lust filled eyes.


It happened fast. One second I was looking up at him, and the next second his

lips were pressed against mine, his tongue sliding through the gap in my open

mouth, seeking, dancing, making contact.

Marcus stepped back, the reality of what he had just done hitting him full force.

He started to say something, probably to apologize, but I didn’t give him the

chance. I grabbed his neck, pressed myself against him, and pulled him back to my

hungry lips.

Everything around me spun, then faded away as my innocent little world was

turned upside down in an instant.

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he TV blared its continuous stream of football updates. It was my routine, at

the end of the day, to unwind and catch up on sports news. I hardly ever watch the

actual games anymore, just the highlights, but tonight none of the updates

registered in my brain, which had been busy replaying the event that transpired in

the pool.

It had been almost eight hours ago, but I could still feel the tremor in her lips

and body as we kissed, the fullness of her breasts when she pressed herself to me,

and the softness of her skin when I caressed her and squeezed her ass underwater.

Damn, but that was a sweet kiss.

Since the pool incident I kept getting hard the entire evening, so much so that I

had to change into my loose basketball shorts, minus any underwear, just to let the

damn thing breathe. I was so tempted to jerk off and give myself a much-needed

relief, but somehow I found the discipline to keep my hand from whacking my cock

vigorously and exploding all over the floor.

Damn you, Marcus, I scolded myself. Why the fuck did you have to kiss her?

She wanted me just as bad, though. I could tell from her body language that she

didn’t want to stop. It was almost as if she needed me. If Candace hadn’t returned

to the pool after her call something could have really gone down. Already I kept

imagining the stuff I could have done to her. I had her sweet, firm ass in my hands.

All I had to do was yank her bikini bottom down and stick my raging cock in her. I

could have fucked her right there, in the pool, my cock sliding in and out of her

tight little pussy while I pulled her top off and squeezed those lovely breasts.


I wondered if she was a virgin. Nowadays it seemed almost impossible to survive

high school with their cherry still intact, but what if she was? I’ve never tasted

virgin pussy before, and taking a young woman’s virginity, being the first person to

show her the joys of sex, was one of my deepest secret fantasies.

My dick lurched. I rubbed the shaft through my shorts and groaned. My work

had kept me so busy I hadn’t made time to cultivate any kind of relationship. The

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incident with Alice made me realize how long I had gone without having sex.

But to even think about doing your friend’s only daughter? Really, Marcus?

This was fucking crazy. I had to stop this before it went any further. Tomorrow I

would apologize to her, explain how it was all an accident and how it was extremely

wrong for me to do what I just did. I could even tell her the truth, that I hadn’t had a

woman since my ex-wife left me.

Then I would block out some serious time on my calendar to finding a suitable

fuck partner.

Relieved to have a plan in place, I got up, walked to the kitchen, and opened the

freezer door. I always had ice cream at night. It was one of the few pleasures I

allowed myself, a welcome treat after a hard day’s work.

Hmm, chocolate or vanilla?

I grabbed the half gallon of creamy vanilla, shut the door, and almost dropped

the damn thing as I jumped in surprise.

Alice was standing next to the fridge, wearing a long t-shirt with no bra, her

nipples visible through the fabric. Her shirt went down to her thighs, and I couldn’t

tell if she was wearing shorts, panties, or nothing underneath.

Oh, fuck me.

“Hey Alice,” I managed to say.

Alice looked down, and it took me a second to realize I had a raging hard-on, my

shorts sporting an impressive tent. Embarrassed, I turned and pressed myself

against the island as I placed the cold container on the surface.

“Want some ice cream?”

She looked up at me, her face reddening as she blushed. “Uh, sure, Mr.


I grabbed a couple of bowls and a scooper, dropped a scoop in each, and handed

her one, along with a spoon.

“Thanks,” she said. I noticed her hand trembling a bit as she held the spoon.

“Couldn’t sleep?”

She shook her head. “No, not really.”

I nodded. “I’m usually a night owl, so I don’t go to bed until around one or so.”

“What about Candace?”

“When she was young she would be knocked out by nine. Nowadays it’s hard to

tell. She’s usually in her room by ten, but who knows what time she actually


She took a bite. “Mmm, this is good,” she said, licking some vanilla from her


Lips I would love to taste again.

“Listen,” I said, clearing my throat. “About earlier, at the pool… I didn’t mean

for that to happen.”

She nodded. “I’m sorry too, Mr. Mansfield.”

“No, don’t be. It’s completely my fault. I was way out of line. It’s just that, well,

not that it’s an excuse for my behavior, but I haven’t had a woman in quite some

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time, so I kinda lost it there.” I breathed deeply. “I’m sorry. It won’t happen


“Sure,” she said, nodding.

“Good,” I said, directed more to myself than her.

We ate in silence for a few minutes, at a loss for words, each of us seemingly

deep in our own thoughts.

“Can I ask you something?” Alice finally said.

“Of course.”

“You said you haven’t been with a woman for some time. Is Candace’s mom

away somewhere?”

“Oh, you didn’t know? We’re divorced.”

“My mom and dad separated too.”

I was shocked. Barry and Linda had been together for a long time, and they

seemed like the perfect couple.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that. Barry never mentioned anything.”

Alice shrugged. “I think he’s still hurt. It was totally unexpected. She pretty

much just dropped the bomb on him one day.”

“Really? When was this?”

“About a year ago. He’ll probably give you all the details when he comes over.”

“Yeah, I’m supposed to pick him up at the airport Friday afternoon.”

“Did dad say how long he was staying?”

“Just for the weekend. He said he had to be back in the office on Monday.”

“Oh, okay.” Alice paused. “If you don’t mind my asking… How long have you

been divorced?”

“Over two years now,” I said, watching her, forcing myself to keep my eyes on

her though I was acutely aware of the nipple bumps on her shirt. I could have sworn

they were getting harder.

Alice bit her lower lip. “And you haven’t been with anyone since?”

I shook my head. Why is she asking me this?

“It must be hard,” she started to say, then she glanced at my shorts and blushed

an even deeper shade of red. “It must be hard for you, to be without anyone for

such a long period of time.”

“I kept myself busy,” I said.

“Still, it must be hard,” she rasped, taking a step closer.

“Yes,” I croaked, suddenly finding it difficult to breathe. At some level I felt

myself shift to a primal mode. My senses perked up, and blood was rushing through

my veins. I picked up on her scent - sweet, fresh, with a hint of vanilla. It was the

scent of innocence, and it was intoxicating.

She nodded, taking another step. She was visibly shaking and nervous as fuck,

but she placed a hand lightly on my chest. “I can understand.”

“Do you?”

“I haven’t been with anyone either,” she said as she traced a finger across my


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I gulped. “For how long?”

“Long,” she said, her hand sliding down, pausing when she got to the top of my

shorts. She looked at me as if to ask for permission, but I remained still as a statue.

Biting her lip again, her hands trembling against me, she lifted the garter of my

shorts and dug her hand in.

We both gasped simultaneously as she made contact with my cock.

“Oh my god,” Alice moaned, like she had never felt a cock in her life. She didn’t

even have to move her hand. It was trembling so bad my dick felt like it was pressed

against a vibrator.

“It’s okay,” I said, wrapping my hand around hers as she held on, her face

registering the fear she suddenly felt at what she had just done. Seeing her,

watching the terrified look on her face, made me realize the truth.

Alice was a virgin.

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h my god.”

I couldn’t believe I was holding an actual, physical cock.

Everything happened so fast, and I was still in a daze, still reeling from the turn

of events. A part of me kept thinking this was all a dream, that I was going to wake

up any time now and find myself safely in the comfort of my own home, in my own

bed. Because this couldn’t possibly be happening to me.

Except I knew it wasn’t a dream. It was real, as real as the twitching mass sitting

in the palm of my hand.

How the hell did it get to this?

I was so horny at the pool. When Marcus kissed me, it was as if he had unlocked

something in me, something that had been dying to break free.

Marcus had cooked a fabulous ribeye steak dinner, but I barely touched my plate.

All I could think of was that kiss, and that hand resting on my stomach, and how he

squeezed my ass and caressed me.

We were lucky Candace didn’t see us, or she would have flipped.

After dinner I excused myself, pretending I was tired. When I got to the room I

took off all my clothes, jumped on the bed, and fingered myself until I came hard

three times in quick succession. The bedsheets were soaked, and yet my extreme

horniness never went away. Throughout the entire evening I couldn’t do a thing.

Marcus consumed my every thought.

Finally I got out of bed, put on a shirt and a fresh pair of cotton panties, and

headed downstairs to grab a glass of water. It was almost midnight by then, so I

thought everyone would be asleep.

When I heard the TV there was a moment when I considered turning around and

going back to my room, but I thought I could sneak in, grab my water really quick,

and leave before anyone noticed.

Imagine my shock when I saw Marcus in the kitchen getting his ice cream.

Even then I could have walked away, but I stood there a little too long, and when

he saw me and I noticed the big bulge in his shorts I knew there was no turning

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And now I was holding his dick in my hand, a hand that for some reason refused

to stop shaking. It wasn’t just my hand that was shaking, though. My whole body

was trembling. I was now firmly in uncharted territory, and I was fucking terrified.

“It’s okay,” Marcus said, surprising me with his tender voice.

I nodded. Now that I had his cock in my hand I had no idea what to do with it.


I mean, sure, I’ve seen porn. I know what you’re supposed to do with them. But

as I stood with my hand inside the shorts of the hottest man I’ve ever met,

someone who I was sure had lots of experience with women, I felt like a deer caught

in the headlights. I froze, and as the seconds ticked by I became increasingly

embarrassed. Tears welled in my eyes and I was ready to bolt out of there, grab a cab

and fly back home, and never ever come back.

“It’s okay,” he said again, reassuring me. He leaned forward and started kissing

me, his own hand going inside his shorts and resting on top of mine. Gripping my

hand gently, he began moving it up and down slowly, groaning at the pleasure he,

or I, was giving.

“Oh yeah,” he said, kissing me some more, his cock growing even larger, to the

point where I could see a moist head sticking out of his shorts.

Without breaking away from our kiss, he pulled his shorts down to his knees.

His cock sprang free and immediately grew to a ridiculously long length.

“Fuck,” I said, stopping to stare at the monster between his legs. I could easily

put both of my hands side by side and it still wouldn’t cover all of him.

“Just keep doing what you’re doing,” Marcus whispered in my ear as he let go of

my hand.

I nodded, pumping his shaft with the same rhythm he had taught me.

“That’s perfect,” Marcus said, closing his eyes briefly before he reached under

my shirt and caressed my breasts.

I gasped, jumped, and orgasmed on the spot.

“Oh god,” I said as the convulsions hit me, my pelvis jerking, my stomach

knotting up repeatedly. “Oh god, oh god, oh god.”

My knees started buckling, and I would have crumbled to the floor had Marcus

not picked me up and placed me on the granite countertop. My shirt hitched up,

causing Marcus to look down at my panties.

“Fuck, girl, you’re soaked,” he said.

He was right. My entire crotch area was completely wet, my slit and mound

embossed on the thin fabric, in plain sight. Dual emotions battled it out in me, one

wanting to cover myself up, the other excited about the idea of showing my most

private areas to another man.

Without another word, Marcus pulled my shirt over my head, exposing my

breasts to another person for the first time in my life. He grabbed one of my tits,

leaned in, and latched on to my hard nipple.

“Oh, fuck!” I moaned as tingling sensations shot outwards, the hundreds of

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sensitive nerve endings from the tip of my nipple and around my bumpy areola

causing sweet pleasure bolts to run up and down my spine, my entire body


“Goddamn, you’re like a live wire,” Marcus said, pushing me down until my bare

back met the cold granite. He ran his hands over my breasts, squeezing them firmly

but not too hard, before moving down past my stomach, his fingers hitching into

the garter of my underwear, peeling my panties off and tossing them on the floor.

He pulled my legs up so that my feet were on the counter, my thighs spread apart.

“Fuck, I don’t believe it,” he said, his breath hitching in his throat.

“What?” I said, pushing my head up to look at him.

“You really are a virgin,” he whispered, a crazed look painted on his face.

“Uh, yeah.”

“Sweet mother of god.” He rubbed my inner thighs and brought his face

between my legs. When his tongue made contact with my pussy and licked the

entire length of my slit for the first time, my mind shattered into a billion jewels

and I experienced my first taste of heaven.

Despite all the steamy books I’ve read, which was a lot, and all the porn I’ve

watched, which wasn’t much, nothing could have prepared me for the sensation of

being eaten out.


Marcus used his tongue like a master conductor. He began with a grand

crescendo, like Beethoven’s Fifth, starting at the base of my dripping pussy, just

above my butthole, and made one long, deep swipe across my slit, ending on my

hard, sensitive clit. I orgasmed immediately, without warning, the waves of

pleasure crashing into me. My entire body jerked wildly, and if he hadn’t held my

legs in place with his strong arms I might have fallen right off the counter.

After that grand entrance, he backed off, using a combination of feather-like

touches and heavy licks as he explored every inch of me, avoiding my throbbing clit

except to take a few swipes at it every so often. I felt his tongue all over my vulva,

from the gentle swell of my mound to my outer lips, and, with his thumbs slowly

spreading me apart, down to my inner labia and pussy walls.

“Fuck,” I moaned, shaking my head from side to side. A buildup moved quickly

from within my core, rising with the speed and power of a freight train, and I

orgasmed again, writhing on the marble countertop. Another started while I was

still in the throes of the previous orgasm, and it hit me harder and longer.

“Wait,” I said, panting, trying to push another impending orgasm back down. I

didn’t think I could handle any more, but instead of backing down, Marcus moved

his mouth to my hooded area and sucked on my extended clit. I felt a finger sliding

into my cunt.

“Oh no,” I said, grabbing his arms, my nails digging deep into his skin, drawing

blood. My legs trembled so bad I kept hitting the sides of his face with my thighs,

but he kept the sucking and licking motions, kept attacking my clit while his long

finger curled upwards inside my pussy, finding my g-spot and rubbing it furiously.

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“Oh no, oh, oh fuck, fuck, FUCK!”

I screamed, buckled, and exploded, screamed and exploded again and again, the

orgasms hitting me relentlessly and without mercy. I lost track of time, lost count

of how many times I came, and for a moment I panicked, thinking I would never

stop coming. Through the orgasmic mist I was briefly aware of Marcus grabbing me,

lifting me off the island and hugging me tight as the orgasms wracked through my

convulsing body.

Eventually, mercifully, the orgasms subsided and my convulsions got

downgraded to mere tremors, but still Marcus held me tight. I was sweating like

crazy and rubbing my sweat all over him but he didn’t seem to mind.

At that moment, we heard a voice that sent chills straight through our bones.


Oh, shit!

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ad?” Candace’s voice echoed down from the top of the stairs.

I grabbed my shorts and pulled them up, helped Alice into her shirt, then

pressed my finger against her lips.

“Dad, you down there? I thought I heard screaming.”

“Yeah, Candace,” I called back. “It was the TV. I’ve lowered the volume. Sorry I

woke you.”

There was a pause, and for a brief moment I thought Candace was going to walk

downstairs, but when she spoke again it sounded like it came from the same place.

“You watching porn, dad? Cuz it sure sounded like it.”

“It’s Cinemax, honey. There’s always a sex scene in it.”

I heard a laugh. “That’s true. Good night, dad. Better keep that volume down or

Alice might think you’ve got a gang bang party going on.”

“Will do. Good night, Candace,” I said, relief washing all over me when I heard

her door close.

Fuck, that was close.

“A gang bang party?” Alice whispered, with a twinkle in her eyes. “Can I join?”

I grinned and smacked her across her perfectly curved ass cheeks. “You’re the

main event, actually. I’ve called five guys over from the retirement home, and

they’ll be taking turns fucking you silly.”

“Yum,” she said, snuggling against my chest.

“And when they’re done I’ll have my ex-Marine buddies tie you up and ravage


“Even better,” Alice said. “But do they have bigger dicks than you?”

“Hah. They wish.”

Alice giggled, looking down at my shorts. “It doesn’t look very impressive right


“That’s because my daughter scared the fuck out of me.”

“Are you still scared?” She asked, her hand sliding through the garter and

cupping me.

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I grew hard instantly.

“Hmm,” she said, mischief written on her face. “I guess not. You pleasured me

beyond words earlier. I’d like to return the favor.”


“When was the last time you had sex? Seriously?”

“Too long ago,” I said.

“Well, that settles it.” She nodded to the living room, where the TV was still

spewing its sports updates. “That looks like a pretty comfy couch you got. How

about we relocate there?”

I got the hint, my cock already lurching at the possibility. I stooped down and

grabbed her still soaked underwear. “Fine, but I’m keeping this,” I said, holding it

up, feeling her slippery essence on my finger. I had the urge to smell and lick her

panties, but I didn’t want to look like a total weirdo in her eyes, so I stuffed them in

my shorts.

Maybe I’ll do it later, I thought.

I took her hand and guided her to the large, cognac-colored couch.

“Nice and soft,” Alice said, sitting down and feeling the leather.

“Not really,” I said, sitting next to her, my hand immediately going under her

shirt and caressing her left breast. “Not nearly as nice and soft as this.”

Alice moaned softly, her hand going to my crotch and stroking me through my


Goddamn, she feels so good!

I leaned her back, lifted her shirt, and pressed my lips against her hard, dark

pink nipple.

“Oh god, Marcus,” Alice gasped, her body starting to tremble again. “Oh no,

don’t get me started again.”

“Why not?” I said, moving back and forth between her breasts, squeezing them

in my hands and lapping the bumps around her areola. I felt her shiver under me,

felt the tremors start up again.

“Seriously, you need to stop,” she said, pushing me away and forcing me to a

corner of the couch. “You don’t want me screaming again, do you? If you give

Candace a reason to come down, she’s going to see her dad screwing with her new

best friend, and we’re both gonna have some explaining to do.”

That gave me pause. My daughter and I have a good relationship right now. We

sort of bonded closer together after Barbara left us, and I didn’t want to jeopardize


“Fine,” I said.

“Good. Now relax and let me do my job.”

She pulled my shorts down and tossed it on the floor. My cock was at full


“And don’t be noisy,” she said, pointing a finger at me, her expression dead


I nodded. “I promise.”

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I watched in fascination as Alice grabbed my cock, spit on it like a pro, and

brought her head down until the entire shaft disappeared into her mouth.

Goddamn, she’s a quick learner, I thought, but when she started bobbing her

head up and down combined with a powerful sucking motion, even my thoughts

disappeared, and when I exploded in her mouth only a few minutes later, the

intensity was so great I almost broke my promise not to scream.





sun basked the room in soft, golden light when I woke up the next

day, a raging hard-on greeting me. It was the first time I overslept. Usually I was up

before dawn, no matter how late I went to bed, but last night I slept like a baby, and

this morning when I opened my eyes I felt completely refreshed and energized. The

normal worry about my business that I usually carried with me to bed and when I

wake up was gone. There was a lightness to my body that I hadn’t experienced in a

long time.

Dare I say it? I was actually happy.

And horny.

I could still taste her sweet essence, still feel those soft, fresh breasts. Being

next to her was addicting. I wished she was beside me in my California king bed,

where I could stare at her young, perfect, and naked body, spread those sexy ass

cheeks apart and penetrate her while she slept, and watch those nipples rise up and

harden as I fucked her nice, slow, and deep.


I showered quickly and dressed in casual shorts and a white v-neck, then made

my way downstairs. The house was quiet, so the girls were probably still asleep. I

made myself a double shot espresso and walked out to the pool area. Sitting down

in my favorite leather lounge chair, I glanced up at the cloudless sky. It looked like

it was going to be another perfect California day.

I took out my phone and went through my emails, deleting most of them and

responding to a couple of important ones, then flipped over to my task

management app and started planning my day. It was my morning ritual, and I slid

into it automatically. I was still halfway through my planning when a shadow

appeared beside me.

“Good morning,” Alice said.

“Good morning,” I said, turning. She was wearing black mesh yoga pants, a

fitted mesh shirt, and Brooks running shoes. Her hair was tied in a simple ponytail.

God, she looks fantastic.

“Sleep well?” I asked.

“Like a baby.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, me too. You going for a run?”

“Uh huh,” she said, shifting from foot to foot and glancing back at the house.

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“You okay?” I asked, noting her nervousness.

She nodded, then, after a final glance behind her, she bent low and gave me a

deep, long kiss.

“See you later,” she said, winking as she started walking back, her curvy ass

swaying in her tights, teasing me.

“Alice, wait,” I said, the beginnings of a lusty plan already forming in my mind.

“Did you know I have a full gym in the house?”

She turned and shook her head. “No, I didn’t.”

“Come on, I’ll show you.”

I led her inside, turned left to a narrow hallway, and walked to the single door at

the end of it.

“Right inside, ma’am,” I said, holding the door open for her.

“Wow,” she said, taking in the huge workout room with the large tinted glass

panes looking out at the pool. It was one of three rooms in the entire house I

designed myself and I was most proud of, the first being my office. The third room,

the one Candace knew nothing about, I only used once.

“This is insane,” she said, her hand touching the gleaming rows of free weights,

the mirror on the wall reflecting her awed expression. “It’s like having your own

personal Equinox.”

I laughed. “Not exactly, but it does the job.”

She looked at the three treadmills and two spin cycles lined up in a row, facing

the pool, unsure of which one to use. “I guess I’ll try this one,” she said, stepping

up to the middle treadmill.

“Excellent choice,” I said, coming up behind her and wrapping my arms around

her torso. Pushing her hair aside, I started kissing her neckline. Her scent was

intoxicating, and I felt myself go hard against the small of her back.

“I feel something,” she said, giggling. “I thought I already took care of that last


“That was eight hours ago,” I said, pushing her shirt up and cupping her breast

with one hand, while my other hand rubbed her pussy through her tights.

“Oh god,” Alice said, gasping.

“You like that?”

“Uh huh.”

I pulled Alice’s yoga pants down to her upper thigh. She wasn’t wearing any

underwear, the crotch part of her pants already accumulating some white


“Bend forward,” I said. “Show me that ass.”

Alice complied, her pale, round ass sticking out at me.

I took a deep breath. I didn’t know if what I was about to do next would scare her

or not, but I’d been dying to do it from the first time I held her ass in the pool.

“Don’t move,” I said.

“Why, what are you…”

The hard slap across her left cheek came as a total shock, and she jerked up,

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“Marcus, what the…?”

I spank her again in the exact same spot.

“Ouch!” Alice screamed, starting to turn around.

“Eyes straight!” I said in a commanding voice.


“Just do it,” I said in a kinder tone, rubbing her cheek gently, my fingernails

scraping lightly across the deep red mark my hand left on her skin.

I smacked her again three times in rapid succession on the same cheek. Alice

jerked as if she had been electrocuted, but she had stopped complaining. Was that a

good sign? I glanced at her pussy, witnessing a long string of cum slowly making its

way down.

“Does it hurt?”


“Do you like it?”

“No. Yes. I… don’t know.”

“Do you want me to stop?”

A pause. “No.”

Fuck, yeah! I thought, but remained emotionless on the outside.

Shifting my position to get a better angle, I spanked her right cheek

continuously for twelve straight slaps, the sound of skin striking skin echoing in

the gym, each hit causing Alice to jump, her knuckles going white as she gripped

the sides of the treadmill. By the tenth slap she was already convulsing and

shuddering, her orgasm taking a hold of her whole body. I got up and hugged her

from behind, acting as her support, her breasts trembling against my arms as she

came again and again.

When she finally calmed down I turned her around to face me. She had tears in

her eyes, but she was smiling.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” she said, wiping her cheeks. “What are you doing to


“Don’t you know? I’m giving you a master class in sex education.”

“That’s quite a lesson, professor.”

I chuckled. “We’re just getting started.”

“I think I may have enrolled in the advanced class by mistake. I’m still a virgin,

you know.”

“Virgins are especially welcome in my class.”

“It’s too intense. I might have to drop it.”

“Give it time and lots of practice. You’ll get used to it.”

“Yes, professor,” Alice said.

God, she’s so cute, I thought, my eyes roaming back and forth between her face

and her perfect, perky breasts. I leaned forward, took one of her boobs in my hand,

gave it a firm squeeze, and latched on to her hyper-extended nipple.

“Oh god,” Alice moaned, the tremors returning to her body.

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I yanked her pants all the way down, attempting to remove it, but it was too


“Shoes,” Alice gasped. I lifted one foot, removed her running shoe, and did the

same with her other foot, then peeled one legging completely off, leaving the other

to dangle around her ankle.

“Spread your legs.”

Alice obliged, placing a bare foot on either side of the treadmill belt, her young,

shaved pussy glistening and completely exposed.

“Goddammit, you’re so fucking unbelievably hot,” I said, kneeling on the belt.

Her cunt was inches from my face, the scent of her essence filling my nostrils and

sending huge doses of pure dopamine to my brain. With slightly trembling fingers,

I spread her labia as far back as I could and ran my tongue up and down her pink

inner lips, my nose brushing up against her hard clit.

“Oh jeez, oh shit, Marcus,” Alice gasped, trembling stronger now as she stared

down at my face grinding between her legs. “I can’t, wait, stop, I’m gonna… oh

god, oh fuck, oh shit, I’m COMING!”

She arched her back and orgasmed again, her shudders causing the treadmill to

shake violently, her cum squirting out and dripping along the sides of her legs.

“Goddammit, Alice,” I said, standing up and turning her around so she faced out

at the pool. “I can’t wait anymore. I need to fuck you, now!” I dropped my shorts,

spread her cheeks wide, and positioned my dick at the entrance.

Suddenly Alice stiffened.

“I’ll be gentle,” I said, reassuring her.

She shook her head, then pointed outside. “Candace,” she whispered.

I looked out, startled to see my daughter by the pool, looking at the coffee cup I

left behind.

“She’s gonna see us!” Alice said, panicking.

“No, she’s not,” I said. “It’s a one-way glass. We can see her but she can’t see


As if she heard us, Candace looked up and stared straight at us. Even though I

knew she wouldn’t be able to see through the thick, tinted glass, it was still

unnerving, seeing her look directly at us while Alice was bent over on the treadmill,

her breasts hanging, her legs apart, and I had my shorts down and my dick out,

ready to fuck her friend.

Candace turned around and headed back inside. I knew she was looking for us,

and I knew where she would go next.

Straight to the gym.

“She’s coming!” I said, pulling my shorts up.

“Oh, shit!” Alice said, pushing her shirt back over her breasts and struggling to

get into her pants. We had about five seconds before that door opened. No time for

her to put on her shoes. I grabbed them and hid them behind the treadmill,

straightening up just as the door swung inwards.

“There you guys are,” Candace said. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”

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“Alice wanted to work out,” I said, forcing my heart rate to slow down and trying

to keep my voice level. “So I showed her the gym.”

“Ugh,” Candace said. “I told you before, dad. What’s the point of a gym if there

aren’t any hot guys strolling around and flexing their beefy muscles at you?”

“It has its advantages, Candice,” I said, the image of Alice standing on the

treadmill with her legs apart and me lapping at her pussy coming to mind.

Candace shook her head, then, noticing Alice had no shoes on, she raised her

eyebrows. “You go running without shoes?”

“Uh, sometimes,” Alice said, blushing.

Oh, fuck.

Candace looked at her in a funny way, then shrugged. “Anyway, we’ve got

orientation today, remember? I thought maybe you want to go shopping first before

we head out to the school?”

“Uh, sure.”

“Awesome. Come on. We can check out the campus gym too if you want. I’m

sure the scenery there is much better than in here.”

Candace grabbed Alice’s hand and they left together.

“Fuck,” I said to myself, letting out a deep breath and slumping on the

treadmill. I felt like a teenager all over again, sneaking out with my old girlfriend

Betty from high school so we could go necking.

Except you’re sneaking around in your own home.

With a girl the same age as your daughter.

“Fuck,” I said again, shaking my head.

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andace and I ate a quick breakfast at the local Panera Bread then proceeded to

the mall, where we met up with some of her friends.

“Alice, this is Lori, Katy, and Brett. Everyone, Alice.”

After an exchange of hi’s we started strolling around. The mall had just opened,

and there was hardly anyone there.

“So Candace,” Lori said. “When is this party your dad is throwing?”

“Sunday at four.”

“Party?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Candace said. “He’s throwing a pool party to celebrate my going off to

college. Sorry, I mean our going off to college. He said your dad will be coming


“Yeah, he is,” I said.


I totally forgot about my dad. He’s flying in tomorrow, Friday. Between him and

Candace around the house, I expect the chances of being alone with Marcus would

drop to about zilch. I actually miss him already. In the span of a single day, I had

gone from dreading the move to California to having the best time of my life.

There was something about Marcus that ticked off all the right boxes for me. For

starters, he was a total, drop-dead gorgeous hunk of a package. Just looking at him

makes me wet between the legs. But it wasn’t just the sexual attraction. For

someone so good looking, and not to mention fucking loaded, he didn’t have any of

the usual stigmas most other men in his position carried. He wasn’t arrogant,

wasn’t so full of himself, and never looked down on anyone.

In short, he wasn’t a dick.

He had a commanding presence about him, a powerful male signature that was

hard to describe but easily felt, and yet he was always respectful, always kind. His

unique personality, combined with his panty-drenching good looks, made me

wonder what happened between him and his ex, and why hasn’t anyone else

snagged him yet.

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Perhaps it was the sad, haunted expression I saw in him the first time we met.

He was usually hard to read, but there was a moment, as I was staring at his

reflection in the rearview mirror while at the backseat of the SUV, when he let his

guard down. It was brief, a fraction of a second, when a sadness passed over his

face, and then it was gone. I never saw it again, but I knew I didn’t just imagine it.

It was a missing piece of the puzzle that was Marcus Mansfield, and I need to

solve it.

“Woohoo,” Brett said, pumping his arms animatedly in the air, confirming my

suspicion that he was gay. “Party at the Mansfield house. I get to see your hot dad

again, Candace. Please tell me he’ll be in his swim trunks without any shirt on.


“Stop it, Brett!” Candace said, punching him in the arm.

“Brett has had the hots for Candace’s dad for a while now,” Lori explained to

me. “He said Mr. Mansfield is the reason he turned gay in the first place.”

“It’s totally true,” Brett said, sidestepping around Candace to avoid another

punch. “I love him.”

“Shut up, Brett, that’s gross,” Candace said, giving him the finger.

“I love him, I love him, I love him!” Brett said, prancing around Candace.

“You’re so annoying. Come on, Alice, let’s go. Alice and I are going to go

shopping, then we have to do this orientation thing at the school. Later, Lori,


“Later, Candace,” Lori said. “Nice to meet you, Alice.”

Candace pulled me away from the group. “Ugh, that Brett is impossible.”

I smiled. “Looks like he really likes your dad.”

“Yeah, I don’t know why my dad even humors him when they come to the

house. He should just tell him to stay the fuck away.”

“Your dad’s a nice person.”

“Yeah, a fat lot of luck that did him,” she said sarcastically.

“What do you mean?” I said, my ears perking up.

“It’s just that people are stepping all over him and he doesn’t even know it. And

by people I mean my bitch of a mom.”


“Why, what happened? If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine.”

“No, it’s totally okay. It’s ancient history anyway, but it just irks me when I

think about it. Mom and dad had been married for what, eighteen years or

something? He really loved her, maybe that’s the problem, but I knew she wasn’t

being faithful to him. She’d be like all nice to him, con him into buying her a brand

new car, jewelry, giving her money to go shopping and stuff, and this was when we

didn’t have any money. We were living in a shitty apartment in a shitty

neighborhood, and dad drove a shitty Nissan that kept breaking, while my mom

had a shiny new red Beemer.”

Seeing the current lifestyle of Candace and Marcus, it was hard to imagine they

were once poor.

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“How do you know she was fooling around?”

“Because I caught her, several times in fact.”

“No way,” I said, staring at her.

Candace shook her head. “Mom must have thought I was as stupid as she was. I

mean, the guys would come to our house when dad was slaving away at a job he

hated, and she’d introduce the douchebags to me as her cousin from Pasadena, or

cousin from San Diego. Yeah right, except one day I caught her with a guy’s dick

down her throat in the kitchen. In the fucking kitchen, Alice!”

I blushed, guilt slicing through me like a hot knife on butter, the images from

last night’s carnal debauchery flooding my mind.

Oh, shit.

“Sorry,” I said, meaning it in more ways than she could possibly know.

“Anyway, she finally up and left us after she had driven him completely broke

and he couldn’t support her shopping addiction anymore. And you know what the

worst thing was? She blamed him for not being man enough and smart enough to

get a job that pays more. The nerve of that bitch!” Candace shouted before forcing

herself to calm down.

“I’m sorry,” I repeated, taking her hand and patting it.

“Oh Alice,” Candace said, surprising me by turning and hugging me. “I didn’t

mean to dump all this on you.”

“It’s okay,” I said, returning the hug.

We held each other for a few seconds before Candace let go, wiping a few tears

away with the back of her hand.

“Anyway,” she said as we started walking again. “It worked out for the better. It

was tough, really tough for dad the first couple of months. He hardly ate, drank too

much, and got himself fired from his job, but he rose above it and put his life

together with a vengeance, and look at us now.”

“I’m glad it finally worked out for you.”

“How about your family? Any major drama there?”

I laughed. “No, I’m afraid my life has been a complete bore compared to yours. I

don’t think mom or dad cheated or anything like that. They just started drifting

apart slowly over the years. Finally mom said she wanted to move on with her life,

do something different.”

“Huh, yeah, that’s totally boring,” Candace said, sliding a glance at me before


We went into a few swimsuit places and she had me try out about a billion

bikinis. At last we settled on a simple but stunning white two piece from a store

called Everything But Water. I cringed at the $200 price tag but Candace insisted

she pay for it.

We walked for another half an hour or so, chatting about boys and shoes and

future plans and stuff, and bumped into Lori, Katy and Brett a couple of times. I

thoroughly enjoyed my time with Candace. She felt like a sister I never had, and we

seemed to have so much stuff in common, except for the sexual experience part,

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which, if what she was saying was true, she had a ton of.

Eventually my mind circled back to Marcus and my dilemma. I liked him a lot,

and if I were to be completely honest with myself, I think I’ve actually fallen for

him. But Candace and Marcus have already been through a lot, and I didn’t want to

be the source of yet another issue they have to deal with. What could I offer Marcus

other than more problems? What will people around him say if they found out

about us? What will Candace say? What will Candace think? I could only imagine the

stigma he would have to face when people found out he was having a relationship

with a teenager, someone who was half his age and his friend’s daughter?

No, I couldn’t let that happen.

As we left the mall and headed to the school for our orientation, my heart

suddenly felt extremely heavy with the knowledge that I knew what I had to do.

For his sake. And Candace.

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t seemed completely lonely to be in the house by myself.

I’ve never felt like this in the two years since Candace and I moved here. I

had my business to run, and I ran it as well and as best as I could. The fact that I

made it to where I am now is still a bit of a mystery to me, almost as if I didn’t

deserve this level of success.

Candace, being the completely social girl that she was, always hung out with her

friends so she usually wasn’t home either, but that didn’t bother me.

The new element in the equation was, of course, Alice.

From the moment Candace pulled her away from the gym this morning, I felt as

if Candace had taken a piece of me away as well. The last time I felt that was when

Barbara walked out on me. It took me a while to get over that, and a part of me still

remained afraid of it happening again. That was probably a big part of why I haven’t

really gone out with other women.

I was afraid of the hurt.

With Alice though, I was willing to go there, willing to be vulnerable again.

She was worth it.

I remembered her when Candace and I visited Barry in Colorado some ten years

ago. My office was sending me to a conference near where they lived, and I took

advantage of that so I could meet with him again. I had to take Candace with me

despite my complaint that the airfare was going to be expensive because Barbara

said she was going to visit her sister in Irvine and didn’t want her tagging along.

Alice stood out even back then. I knew she was going to turn out to be a beautiful

young woman one day, and she had that unique quiet, innocent yet strong

personality I admired.

I had no fucking idea at the time I would someday fall in love with her.

Yes, I recognized the signs. I’d been there once before, and even though I’ve

barely known Alice, it’s one of those things that’s undeniable. It hits you, you feel

it, and there isn’t a fucking thing you can do about it.

I mulled over my situation as I made my way to the office.

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What to do?

I had to admit I haven’t been this happy in a long time. Alice brought back the

spark in me, put back a bounce in my stride that had been missing, not to mention

an almost constant hard-on.

Fuck, she was smoking hot at the gym.

That spanking session was intense. I was glad she enjoyed it. That meant she

was open to some kinky stuff, and I had a lot of kinky stuff I could teach her. In the

early years when Barb and I were dating, we did a lot of experimentation and

exploring. It started with spanking sessions but quickly moved on to whips,

blindfolds, and full-on bondage games with all kinds of exotic toys.

Those times were among the most erotically stimulating experiences in my life,

so much so that when I had this house built I added a secret room underground and

stacked it with a bunch of high-end BDSM equipment, hoping to someday be able

to recapture the magic of those early years with the right person.

Would Alice enjoy those? Was she the right person?

I was getting a massive erection just thinking of the possibilities.

I sat down and tried to focus on my work. I had a lot of things to take care of

before the weekend. In a way it was good the girls were out of the house. I would

have been way too distracted with Alice around. I would get my stuff done, and later

tonight, when Candace goes to bed, I would have my fun with Alice.





seven in the evening when Candace and Alice got home. I had cooked

spaghetti with meatballs - Candace’s favorite - two hours ago thinking they would

be home by then.

“How did it go?” I asked as I heated up the sauce.

“Ugh. It took forever,” Candace replied, placing a few shopping bags on the


“Which took forever, the orientation or the shopping?”

“Both, but we snagged a nice bikini for Alice, right?” Candace said, winking at


“Uh, yeah,” Alice said, blushing a bit as she snuck a glance at me before turning


“She looks so fucking sexy in it, dad, I swear, you’re gonna drool!”

“Really?” I said, staring at Alice, already looking forward to her new bathing suit

and how quickly I would be removing them. Alice, however, refused to meet my


That’s strange.

“The spaghetti will be warm in a few minutes. I hope you like spaghetti, Alice.”

Alice shrugged, still refusing to look at me.

Okay, now that’s really strange. Seems like she’s avoiding me.

“Good, cuz I’m starving,” Candace said.

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“So everything went well with the orientation?” I asked, trying to fish for more


“Yeah, it was fine.”

“How about you, Alice? Are you two in the same classes?”

“We’ve got two classes together,” Alice said, her attention seemingly focused at

a point on the floor. “Uh, I’m gonna go to my room. I’m feeling kinda tired.”

She started moving toward the stairs.

“Don’t you want to eat dinner first, Alice?” I called after her.

“Uh, maybe later. Thanks.” She took the stairs two steps at a time as she

hurried up.

Candace walked into the living room, slumped down on the couch, and pointed

the remote at the TV.

“You sure everything’s okay?” I asked, looking at her through the steam rising

from the stove.

“Yeah, why?”

“I don’t know. Alice seemed… quiet. Detached.”

Candace glanced at me and shrugged. “She seems fine to me. Maybe the

orientation sapped all the brain cells in her. It certainly felt that way to me.”

“Yeah, maybe,” I said, stirring the sauce in the pot. That could be the reason,

though I had a nagging suspicion that wasn’t quite it.

I switched off the stove, swirled pasta onto two plates, scooped some sauce and

meatballs in, and brought them to the dining table.

“Chow time,” I said.

Candace killed the TV and sat in her usual spot on the dining table. I grabbed

some water for her and a glass of red wine for myself.

“Hey, slow down,” I said, watching Candace inhale the food.

“Sorry, dad. Starving.”

“You guys didn’t eat anything?”

“We had breakfast,” she said between mouthfuls. “But that was it. I thought the

orientation would be like thirty minutes and we would be able to grab lunch

afterward, but it lasted most of the day. So boring!”

“Hmm, Alice must be starving, then.”


“So what do you think of her?” I said, taking my time with my food and sipping

my wine. Ever since I left the military I learned the pleasure of eating slowly and

savoring my meal - something that the younger generation hasn’t quite picked up,

it seems.

“She’s totally cool,” Candace said, gulping down her glass of water noisily.

“She’s easy to talk to, easy to get along with. In a way she’s kinda like a sister I

never had.”

“Interesting,” I said. That could make the situation even weirder than it already

was. I could see the headlines now - Man fucks teenage girl his daughter considers

as her sister. I shook my head in frustration.

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“Why are you shaking your head?” Candace asked, eyeing me. “You don’t

approve of us being close?”

“No, no,” I replied quickly. “I was just, it’s just that…”

“You and mom had wanted another child, right?”

I breathed. “Yeah, that’s right.”

“Actually, I think it was more like you wanting another child so I could have a

brother or sister, but mom didn’t want to have any more kids. Am I right?”

“You sure are perceptive.”

Candace shrugged. “Mom told me one time.”


We continued eating in silence, Alice’s absence from the dining table echoing

loudly in my mind. I wanted to go up to her room, hold her, hug her, and help her

with whatever problem she was grappling with, but I couldn’t. I wanted to tell

Candace how I felt toward Alice, but I couldn’t do that either. I felt trapped and


As usual, Candace finished before me. She took her plate and glass to the sink

and washed them.

“Going up to my room,” she said.

“Check on Alice, would you?” I said. “I’m gonna leave the pasta and sauce in the

kitchen, in case she wants to eat later.”

“Sure thing, dad.”

I took a longer time eating, hoping Alice would come down and join me, but she

never showed up. I put away my plate, refilled my glass with more red wine, and

after a moment of contemplation, decided to take the bottle along with me.

The evening air was cool when I walked to my lounge chair next to the pool, the

place quiet except for a few cicadas and an occasional dog barking in the distance. I

placed the bottle on the small round table next to me, sat down and sipped my

wine, enjoying the silence of the evening while thinking of Alice.

Something was definitely bothering her, but I couldn’t figure out what had

changed between this morning at the gym and when they came home. However, I

had been married a long time, and from my experience, I knew stuff like this

happened. There were some things I never quite understood with women, major

mood swings being one of them. I had learned to be patient and let those occasions

wash over me like a passing storm.

I continued to sit still, enjoying my wine and feeling a light evening breeze swirl

around me. I was on my third refill when I heard the sliding door open and close

and sensed a presence walking toward me.

“Hey,” Alice said.

“Hey,” I said, turning to look at her. She had changed into a loose shorts and t-

shirt. She had taken off what little make-up she had earlier, and from the puffiness

around her eyes, I could tell she had been crying.

“Pull up a seat,” I said, motioning to my left. Alice hesitated, then pushed one of

the other lounge chairs next to me and sat down.

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“Want some wine?”

Alice looked at the glass in my hand, and without a word she took it and finished

the considerable amount that was still in it before returning the empty glass back. I

poured the last of the bottle and offered her some more but she shook her head.

Placing the glass down on the table, I glanced inside to make sure Candace

wasn’t around, then reached out and took Alice’s hand. We sat there in silence for

some time, holding each other and staring up at a cloudless, star-filled night sky. A

shooting star crossed from right to left, and seconds later another one followed.

I wanted to ask her a bunch of questions but I kept quiet, our hands clasped

together and resting on her thigh.

“Nice night,” Alice finally said.

“Yes, it is. I usually come out here after dinner, drink some wine, sometimes

smoke a cigar. Sometimes I take my Kindle with me and read here for an hour or


“What sort of books do you read?”

“Thrillers, mostly. Some sci-fi. Do you read?”

“I love reading fantasy books,” Alice said, her voice soft, soothing, blending

perfectly with the serene environment, the pool light highlighting her beautiful

face. “And some sci-fi. Orson Scott Card is one of my favorite authors.”

“Hey, me too. Loved the Ender’s Game series. Have you read Pathfinder?”

“Yes, that’s one of my favorites, actually.”

“Mine too. I think it’s got some fantasy elements in there, with the kind of

magical power the main character has.”


This is nice, I thought. Enjoying a slice of tranquility outside, with the pool and

the stars keeping you company while holding the hand of someone you love.

I wasn’t much of a romantic, but I’d have to say, this moment right here, this

was as romantic as it got for me. I could stay right here all night.

And that was when she dropped a bombshell on me.

“We have to stop this.”

I looked at her. Tears were rolling down her cheeks silently, and it broke my

heart to see her that way. I got up, knelt beside her, and wiped the tears away.


“Because I’m not good for you.”

“Oh babe, why would you think that?”

“It’s true. You’re going to find someone that’s right for you one day, someone

your own age that would love you and won’t give you problems.”

“That’s impossible. There isn’t a single relationship in the world that doesn’t

have problems.”

“Yeah but not the kind I bring you.”

I looked at her. “What kind is that?”

“The kind that puts a stigma on your name and your family. I mean, what will

everyone say? That you’re seeing a teenager? What will your daughter think of you?

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What will this do to your friendship with my dad? Don’t you understand? You

deserve better.”

“Shhh,” I said, hugging her. “I deserve you. You’re the one I love, and I don’t

care what anyone else thinks.”

“But I do!”

I kissed her on the forehead, on her cheeks, and finally, on her lips. She

responded to me immediately, her body arching up as she moaned softly.

“I know this is all happening very fast,” I said when we parted. “But I’ve never

felt like this with anyone else. Have you?”

Alice shook her head.

“See? This kind of thing doesn’t just happen to anyone. You and I, we’re meant

to be together. Who’s to judge us? We’re not doing anything wrong here. We’re

both adults. We love each other. Will the relationship last? Who knows? But that’s

the same for everyone. There are no guarantees, but we owe it to ourselves to try. I

have fears too. I’m afraid in a few short months you’ll meet someone at school,

someone who’s the same age as you and not an old fart like me. Someone who will

capture your heart and sweep you away. But you know what? I’m willing to take

that chance. I’m willing to take the hurt if it means I’ve at least given this a shot

and experienced even just a few months being with you.”

Alice stopped sobbing. She looked at me with a combination of hope and

despair. “But I don’t want to ruin what you have with your daughter. You two have

a good thing going now, and I don’t want to be the one to kill that connection.”

“Listen,” I said, caressing her face. “I know in time she will come to understand

and be there for us, but if you want we don’t need to let anyone know right now.

It’ll be our little secret. You focus on your school, and I’ll keep doing what I do. We

can do this behind everyone’s back. Play a game of hide and seek, kinda like some

undercover agent on a mission. We can have our very own secret lives, you and I.

How does that sound?”

She smiled for the first time since she got home. “Sounds like fun, actually.”

“Good,” I said, covering her lips with mine, our tongues dancing around in our

mouths, our worlds meshing together as one under a still, perfect Southern

California evening sky.

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addy!” I squealed when the door opened.

“Hey, pumpkin,” dad said as I bulldozed my way into his arms. I hugged

him tight while looking over his shoulder at Marcus and giving him a mischievous


Marcus rolled his eyes.

Dad held me at arm’s length and examined me. “Hmm, there’s something

different about you.”

I gulped, forcing myself to not look at Marcus. “Really?”

“Yes,” he said, rubbing his chin and squinting, as if he were lost in thought. “I

know what!”

“What?” I said nervously.

“You… seem happy. Remember when I drove you to the airport? You were sad

and frightened. I told you there was nothing to be scared of. My friend Marcus here

is a good man, and he’ll take good care of you. Was I right or what?”

Oh yeah, I thought. Marcus took care of me all right. You have no idea.

“Yes,” I said, trying to keep a straight face. “Mr. Mansfield has been very kind to


Dad walked inside, whistling as he took in the massive house.

“Damn, buddy, you sure turned your ass around. Sorry to say this, but it looks

like your divorce is the best thing that happened to you.”

Marcus laughed. “You know what, I think you’re right.” He put dad’s

overnighter bag down and gestured to Candace. “Barry, this is my daughter,


“Hi Barry,” Candace said, giving him a hug. “Nice to meet you.”

“My goodness, but you’ve grown up quite nicely. We met once before, do you

remember? When you and your dad came to visit us?”

“I remember a little bit,” she said. “I think the most memorable part of it was

getting on the plane for the first time in my life.”

“Wow, that must have been exciting.”

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“Yeah, it was.”

“So you and Alice got some classes together?”

“A couple.”

“Great. Marcus, she’s a hottie, you better keep your guard up.”

Marcus laughed. “Might be a bit too late for that, Barry.”

“What are you talking about?” Candace said, punching him on the arm, hard.

“Ooh, she’s got a good swing too. That might come in handy one day.”

“Come on, I’ll show you your room, then we can go have some beer.”

“Nice to meet you again, Candace,” dad said, then followed Marcus upstairs.

“Wow, your dad’s cute. And funny.”

“Cute? Hah, I don’t think he’s ever been called that in his life.”

“Well, he is,” Candace said, walking to the kitchen. “Want some ice cream?”


Candace and I got our ice cream bowls and sat on the dining table.

“Anyway as I was saying,” she said. “I really, really don’t want to invite Brett.

He’s such a pain. But Brett and Lori are now besties, and Lori is my good friend

from way back, so I have to invite her. Which means Brett will have to tag along.


“It’s okay,” I said. “Just don’t pay attention to him. You know he loves

attention, so don’t give it to him. Who else is coming?”

“Katy, whom you’ve met yesterday, and there’s Britney and Tess, and Andy and

Brandon, and Brandon said he’s bringing his new friend with him, David. Oh my

god, David’s a hunk. Maybe I can hook up with him and sneak out during the party.

If you see me suddenly disappear I’m probably making out with him somewhere in

the house.”


“Hey, just giving you a head’s up. You can have Brandon. I’ve done him already.

He’s got a big stick, but he doesn’t really know how to use it.”

Can’t be as big as your dad’s, I thought, then blushed.

“You’re blushing again. You blush easily, do you know that?”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Don’t worry, you hang around with me long enough you’ll get used to sex talk

in no time. And I’m going to make it my mission to get you to lose your virginity

before the the school year is done. Promise.”

“Uh, you… don’t need to do that.”

“But I want to. Alice, you’re missing out. Sex can be so much fun!”

I blushed again, remembering how Marcus had his tongue buried deep in my

pussy. I could still feel it in me, moving inside my walls, exploring, the mere

thought of that experience making me wet already.

Where are you, Marcus? I need to have you again. Soon.

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Marcus and was holding him prisoner, garrisoned on all sides

by empty beer bottles.

It was ridiculous how much the two of them could drink. They started out

innocently enough in the living room, with a beer bottle in each of their grimy

hands, “catching up” while the sports channel blasted away. Then they moved to

the bar area next to the pool, and it was all downhill from there. Candace and I were

starving, so finally she called in for a pizza delivery. Two large pizzas later, they

were still at it, laughing and arguing and reminiscing about times long gone and


I even tried flirting with Marcus when Candace went to her room, risking a bold

move by putting on my shortest shorts, minus my panties, and the thinnest shirt I

could find, minus the bra, and paraded myself in front of them. Either they were

too drunk to notice me or they weren’t drunk enough but didn’t care.

Finally, when midnight rolled around and there was no hint of these two old

timers slowing down, I gave up and went to bed, disgusted and angry at both of


It was around four in the morning when something awakened me. Through the

fog of sleep, I tried to piece together what had roused me, when I heard it again - a

creaking sound on my bed, followed by deep breathing, and right on its heels, the

unmistakable smell of liquor.

Marcus was next to me on the bed.

“Go away,” I mumbled.

Marcus kissed my neck.

“You’re drunk. Leave me alone.”

Marcus continued kissing my neck.

“Stop it, you big oaf.”

Marcus kept kissing my neckline, but this time I felt a hand reach inside my

shirt and cup my breast, and there was something hard pressing against the small

of my back.

That woke me up.

I turned around, my eyes going wide. Marcus was not only in my bed, but he was

completely stark naked. Not a single piece of clothing on him, and he sported the

biggest hard-on I’ve seen yet.

“What the…”

“Shhh,” Marcus said, pressing a finger to my lips. With a quickness that defied

his drunken state, he pulled my shirt over my head and peeled off my shorts.

Great, I thought. Now we’re both stark naked.

Marcus spread my legs and got on top of me, placing his arms on either side of

me for support while he pressed his body against mine. He resumed kissing my

neck, moving downward slowly, toward where the swell of my breast began.

I shivered in anticipation, feeling my nipples starting to rise. His lips explored

the skin under my breast, causing prickles of pleasure to run up and down my


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God, I had no idea the underside of my breast was so sensitive.

Only after he had thoroughly explored the curves of both breasts did he move

back to the center. He latched on to my nipple, his mouth sucking on it with a

powerful suction, and that was when the first tremors appeared, my body lighting

up, blanketing me in immense pleasure.

I bit my lip to keep myself from moaning out loud.

Marcus kept sucking and licking both nipples until they turned bright pink,

tender, and extremely sensitive. He moved downward, toward my belly button, past

it, making his way past my mound and coming to rest on my clit. A single swipe of

his wet tongue sent a powerful pleasure charge through me, causing my body to

shudder, my back arching as if I had been electrocuted.

Marcus slid his hands under my ass, grabbing my cheeks, his thumbs slowly

peeling open my pussy lips.

“Don’t,” I whispered, shaking my head. “I might scream! I might…”

Too late.

Marcus inserted his tongue all the way, as far in as he could take it, curved it up,

and lapped me from deep inside my cunt. I buckled, trembled, and convulsed as I

orgasmed, the feel of his tongue fucking me going way beyond any kind of pleasure

I had felt in my life. I grabbed a pillow, stuffed my face with it, and moaned into it.

Cum spurted out of my drenched pussy and trickled down to my butthole.

Marcus crawled back up, his eyes wild with lust.

“I’m going to fuck you now,” he rasped near my ear, then looked me in the eyes.

My heart thumped in my chest, the fear rising to the forefront of my mind, but I


“Don’t worry,” he said, caressing my inner thighs before slowly spreading my

legs wide. “I’ll be gentle.”

I nodded again, the fear escalating. In all my life, through all the decidedly

limited experiences I’ve been through, anytime someone says not to worry was

excellent grounds for me to absolutely worry. Also, one look at that massive thing

between Marcus’ legs and I just knew there was no way he was going to be able to fit

it in my tiny pussy. No fucking way.

Marcus kissed me, his chest pressing against my breasts, and I felt a slight

pressure as he rubbed his cock against my outer labia.

“It’s going to be okay,” he whispered, and then he entered me.

I’ve had fantasies of how it would feel like to lose my cherry, to have a real man

fuck me, but whatever I had imagined could not have prepared me for the reality of

being penetrated for the first time. The feeling of fullness was there from the

outset, but as he pushed deeper into me I felt myself stretch, felt his hard shaft

inching its way inside of me, pushing through the soft tissue of my virginity, and

still he kept sliding in me, the world around me disappearing except for the

immense sensation of being split open and filled.

“Fuck,” I moaned, grabbing Marcus’ shoulders, my nails digging in. I was at my

limit, knowing there was no way I could take anymore, and yet he kept going, more

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of him sliding in me.

Jesus Christ, how much more of that cock is there?

Finally, with my pussy on fire and my legs thrashing about uncontrollably, I felt

his balls brush up against my ass, his cock completely inside me up to the hilt. My

stomach rolled, the intense pressure surrounding every fiber of my being.

Marcus wiped the tears from my cheek, kissed me tenderly, and started moving,

sliding out of me slowly, leaving a great void where his cock was, then pushing back

in, filling me up again.

“Goddammit, Alice,” he whispered. “You’re so fucking tight!”

I could not speak. My pussy throbbed, pain and pleasure mixing, my mind

imagining his cock piercing through my entire body each time he shoved himself in


Marcus continued his slow, precise thrusts, his ripped body coiling and uncoiling

above me, a light sheen of sweat glistening around his large chest, his face twisting

in pleasure as my pussy held his cock in a vice-like grip.

The pain began to subside, the tingling sensations overpowering it. My cunt

began spasming on its own, my juices pouring out of me each time he pulled out. A

pressure materialized from deep in my core and shot upwards, outwards.

“Oh god, oh no, oh shit, ahhh!” The orgasm hit me hard, the waves relentless.

Deep shudders crisscrossed through my body, the shudders turning into

convulsions as more orgasms flowered out from my twitching pussy.

Marcus groaned, his own body starting to shake, his thrusts getting faster, more

erratic, his breathing getting heavier. The bed creaked under us with the power of

his thrusts.

“Oh god,” he said, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, his own body

starting to shake as he fucked me harder. “Oh god Alice, I’m near.”

“Give it to me!” I said, every cell in my body alive and firing bolts of pleasure. “I

want it. I want your cum in me, Marcus. I want it now!”

“Oh shit, oh fuck,” Marcus growled, slamming into me with all of his incredible

power, his veins hard and pulsing in his neck. “Gonna cum, Alice, gonna… AHHH


He exploded, thick spurts of hot semen shooting inside me with the power of a

fire hose and triggering new sets of fresh orgasms in me, our bodies shuddering as

we held each other tightly.

“Fuck,” Marcus said after a while, pulling out of me, globs of warm cum oozing

out of my still spasming pussy like molten lava.

“My god,” I whispered, running my hands over my breasts, tingling sensations

shooting up whenever my palms brushed against my nipples. I could still feel his

phantom cock moving in and out of me, and another orgasm threatened just below

the surface. “So this is what it feels like to get fucked.”

Marcus chuckled. “This is just the beginning. It will only get better.”

“I like it,” I giggled.

Marcus climbed on top of me. “Are you saying you want to go another round?”

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I looked down and saw he was still hard. “I thought I already drained you.”

“I will always have more to give you,” he said, his eyes swimming with lust.

I spread my legs, took his cock and guided it to my opening, and gasped as he

entered me once more.

This is going to be fun.

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andace’s pool party was set for four in the afternoon, but these kids didn’t seem

to have any concept of being on time. The first person showed up at five-thirty, and

the rest of Candace’s friends started trickling in thirty minutes apart, so the party

never really got started until seven-thirty.

I shook my head as I manned the grill, flipping burgers and warming up the buns

with one hand, a cold one in the other.

I should throw them all in military school, I thought. That’ll teach them to be


I wanted the event wrapped up by eight to give the girls a chance to wind down

and prepare for their first day of school the following day, but it was obvious that

wasn’t going to happen.

My grilling pit was positioned such that I was facing the pool. It was on a slightly

elevated platform, a high ground that allowed me to scope the entire field, which in

this case meant keeping an eye on my guests and making sure they all behaved.

Which also meant I was able to track every movement Alice made.

When she first came down the stairs sporting her new white bikini, my jaw

dropped. The two-piece she wore was clearly meant to titillate, the fabric

showcasing all the right angles of her body, from her firm butt, tight abs, and

gently swaying full breasts.

But it wasn’t just the bathing suit that got my heart racing and my dick to grow.

Alice herself seemed different. There was a certain glow to her skin that wasn’t

there before, and her walk took on a sensual, confident, almost feline-like


“Dad, you’re staring,” Candace said, giggling. “You can close your mouth now.”

“Sorry,” I said, turning around before either of them noticed my surf shorts

tenting up.

Fuck, I can’t wait to rip those two tiny strips of clothing off her.

Now, as I watched Alice laughing with Candace’s friends across the pool, I

started getting hard again. Another benefit of positioning the grill next to the wall

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on the far side was no one would notice my hard-on.

I shook my head, smiling. In some ways I felt like a teenager again myself. I’ve

had more frequent hard-ons and dirty thoughts in the last three days than I’ve had

in the last thirty months.

I spotted Barry and Candace coming out of the house. Candace, as usual, had her

phone stuck to her ear, talking animatedly. She knew so many people it looked like

she could run for office. Barry too had been on the phone almost the entire

afternoon due to some kind of crisis at his work. I still wasn’t quite sure how to feel

around him. On the one hand I enjoyed his company immensely but on the other

hand I enjoyed his daughter even more.

I’m going to fucking burn in hell for this, I thought.

“Hey Barry, everything okay?”

“Goddamn fucking imbeciles,” Barry said, grabbing a beer from the cooler I had

next to me. “I leave for one lousy weekend and the idiots at work have turned what

I did into a cluster fuck.”

“Fire them,” I said, only half kidding.

“And what? Replace them with other imbeciles?” He shook his head. “Better to

deal with imbeciles you know than imbeciles you don’t.”

“Is that your version of a Sun Tzu quote?”

Barry laughed. “Something like that.” He pointed to the teenage crowd. “Alice

seems like she’s fitting in already. Thanks for taking care of her.”

I nodded, guilt and lust clashing in me. “No problem.”

“I’ll set her up in a dorm for next semester. It’s just that, you know, my little girl

going off to college, being away from home for the first time… just her old man

being his usual insecure self, that’s all.”

“Hey, no worries,” I said, feeling every bit like the total scumbag that I was.

“Your daughter is in good hands, and she can stay here as long as she wants. I’ve

got seven rooms in this ridiculous house. Her being here just makes the place a

little less lonely.”

“Cool,” Barry said, clinking his bottle with mine. “Thanks, buddy. Now I have to

do a few more calls and make sure I still have a business when I get back.”

“Later, then,” I said, cutting off the grill and stacking the burgers on a platter.

My contribution to the party was done. Now I had to figure out the logistics of

getting Alice away so we can start our after-party celebration.


Come on, Barry, make your move, I thought, chatting with the gang while keeping

one eye out across the pool at Barry and dad. My pussy has been twitching since you

fingered me. You better fucking finish what you started.

Actually, that wasn’t quite true. It was I who started it. I had gotten a call from

Lori who was in a state of panic because her friend Brett was having a meltdown.

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His emotional roller coaster was at an all-time low and he was refusing to go to the
party in his condition. I walked inside the house, trying to calm her down so she

can calm Brett down so they can both come, when I noticed Barry pacing around

upstairs and cursing repeatedly on the phone, his face flushed with anger.

Looks like someone else is having a bad day.

I love flirting with guys, but I never really tried flirting with older men, because

they were like, old. Barry, though, looked like he could use something that would

lift up his spirits, so to speak.

With that singular thought in mind, I made my way up the stairs, catching

Barry’s attention immediately. I made sure I walked slowly as I listened on the

phone to Lori’s incessant bitching, giving him plenty of eye candy as he took in the

sight of my scant bikini-clad body.

Should have dipped myself in the pool first, I thought. That would definitely put

a lift in his, ahem, spirits.

When I passed Barry I made sure I made eye contact with him, giving him the

most seductive look I could muster.

It worked.

Barry’s eyes widened, and his jaws dropped, much like how dad’s jaws dropped

when he saw Alice. I could hear a voice shouting in his phone, but Barry’s attention

was no longer on his conversation.

I giggled, swaying my ass animatedly for his benefit, knowing his eyes would be

locked on to my firm butt cheeks.

Men. They’re so predictable, so easy to twist around my little finger.

I went into my room, laid in bed, and gently rubbed my pussy through my bikini

bottom with one hand, fantasies of what I could do with Barry floating around in

my mind while giving Lori the occasional “Uh-huh” to at least fake the impression

I was still listening to her.

I pushed my bikini aside, made a long swipe across my slit, and looked at my


Ugh. I’m soaked.

I brought my finger to my mouth, licked my juices, and got back up.

Barry was still on the phone, launching another string of curse words at the poor

fellow on the receiving end. I wouldn’t want to be that poor guy who was getting

reamed by him.

On second thought, maybe I want to be that person.

I walked my seductive walk and gave him another seductive look as I made my

way downstairs and into the kitchen. I bent down, looking for some decent chips in

the cabinet, and when I straightened up Barry was right next to me, his phone call

done, it seemed.

I smiled at him, my smile freezing in place when he spoke two words.

“Mute it,” he said.

It wasn’t a request. It was a command, one that left no other choice but be


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I obeyed, muting the call.

He took the phone from me, placed it on the counter, and with a quickness that

didn’t seem possible for a man his age and weight, he was suddenly next to me, his

chest pressing against my breast, one hand wrapping around my waist, his other

hand going inside my bikini bottom, two fingers sliding into my wet pussy. I gasped

in shock as he fingered me roughly, and within seconds I was coming hard, the

orgasm hitting me fast and swift, soaking his hand with my cum.

He brought his drenched fingers up, forced me to lick them, then turned and

walked away.

“Give me five minutes,” he said without looking at me. “Then meet me



I stole another look across the pool at Marcus, waiting impatiently as he chatted

with dad.

Come on, Marcus, make your move. I’m so fucking horny.

We made a promise to ourselves last night before Marcus left my room, to find

some time during the party so we could make out.

To fuck, I corrected myself. I suddenly found myself enjoying that word, FUCK.

Each time I repeated the word to myself I felt his phantom cock sliding in and out of

me, felt the unique sensation of having him explode his gigantic load of semen

inside my pussy.

I trembled slightly as the images from last night came tumbling through my

mind, and I hoped to God I won’t have an orgasm right on the spot, surrounded by

Candace and her friends.

I was that close.

Finally dad walked back inside, lifting his phone to his ear.

Marcus set the burgers on a big plate and placed the plate on the large wooden

picnic table.

“Food’s ready,” he called out. “Come and get it.”

The group started moving toward the table.

“I need to call Lori back,” Candace said, making her way inside the house. “I’ll

join you guys in a bit.”

“Sure,” I said, looking back at Marcus. He nodded at me, a phone in his hand.

Suddenly my phone buzzed on the side table.


“Start moving toward the garden,” Marcus said. “Keep your phone to your ear,

and pretend you’re talking to someone. There’s a long hedge bush at the end of the

garden. Go around it and wait for me there.”

I nodded and started walking, my heart hammering in my chest. I felt like a

character in a spy movie, except I didn’t think any of those characters would have a

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sopping wet pussy. It was a good thing my bikini’s waterproof.

The gang didn’t even pay any attention to me as I walked past them. Put food in

front of starving college teens and they become oblivious to everything else. I

spotted the high hedge and made my way there quickly. There was a narrow, open

area behind it, but it ended in a mossy wall. I quit the phone charade and looked

around, puzzled. I supposed it was possible to make out, ahem, fuck, out there, but

it wasn’t exactly private. Anyone could peek around the hedge and see us.

I was startled by a rough metal grating sound, and I watched in fascination as the

mossy wall opened outwards. Marcus was standing just inside.

I’ll be damned. A secret door.

“Come on,” Marcus said, stepping aside, the single yellow bulb on the wall

illuminating a concrete staircase spiraling down.

Down to where?

I stepped inside and followed the steps downward, not realizing I was entering

into a world of carnal practices so completely foreign from anything I had ever



Barry was waiting outside my room when I went upstairs.

“Don’t you want to go to your room?” I said, looking nervously behind me.

He shook his head, looking completely relaxed. “Your room is more fun.

Nothing like fucking a teenager in her own room.”

Jesus, I thought. This man is bold. I had never met anyone so damn bold and

confident in my life. My pussy twitched in delight.

We went inside, Barry locking the door behind us.

“Here we are,” I said, turning to face him. “How do you…”

I didn’t get to finish. Barry grabbed my shoulders, forced me to a kneeling

position, and pulled down his shorts. I stared in shock at the largest cock I’d ever

seen in my life.

“Suck it,” he said.

I grabbed his humongous balls in one hand, his cock in the other, and opened

my mouth wide.

Fuck, he’s huge.

I’ve done many blowjobs before, but in each case there was room to maneuver,

to play around with as I sucked on those cocks. With Barry I had zero

maneuverability. I couldn’t do anything much other than keep my mouth open and

take it in, letting Barry dictate the rhythm as he pushed my head back and forth,

and hope I didn’t choke to death in the process.

“That’s enough,” he said, pulling me back up while he took off his shirt and

stepped out of his shorts. “Now turn around.”

I turned around, jumping when I felt his hands make their way through my

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armpits and squeeze my breasts from inside my bikini top.

“You’ve got nice tits.”

“Thanks,” I said, already breathing hard.

Barry pushed down on my top until both breasts popped out. “Lovely tits,” he

said, spanking my nipples lightly with his hands until I squirmed and moaned.

“Now bend over. Let’s get a good look at that ass you kept teasing me with.”

I did what he said, bending over and placing my hands at the foot of my bed.

Barry slowly peeled off my bikini bottom and tossed it to me. “Check it out.”

I looked at it, surprised at the amount of slippery wetness that had pooled in the

crotch area. I could smell my own essence wafting up as I held the fabric.

“Go on, taste it.”

I dipped a finger in, pulling a long transparent string of love juice out when I

lifted my soaked finger to my mouth. “Mmm,” I said, getting even hornier as I

tasted myself.

“Good girl,” Barry said. “Damn, you do have a nice ass.” He caressed my cheeks

slowly, then, without warning, spanked me repeatedly, the sound echoing

throughout the room. I gasped, instinctively recoiling from him.

“Keep still,” he said, once again using that commanding voice that seemed to

leave me no choice but to obey. I kept still, gritting my teeth as he kept spanking

me until both cheeks stung, until my body started vibrating from the impact, and

suddenly, without warning, I orgasmed.

“Oh, god,” I gasped, jerking repeatedly as I gripped my bed.

I was still cumming when Barry turned me around and pushed me down on the

bed. He laid next to me and squeezed one breast tight until the pain meshed with

the pleasure waves hitting me before letting go and sucking on my rock-hard

nipple, his hand forcing my legs open and drilling one, two, then three fingers in

and out of my cunt.

“Fuck, fuck!” I screamed, layer upon layer of orgasms exploding in me. I felt

helpless, gasping for air, unable to stop the attacks of pleasure my body kept


Barry pushed my body sideways, spread my cheeks wide, and penetrated me


“Ahhh!” I screamed, not caring if anyone heard me, my pussy stretching to a

size it had never been stretched before, new orgasms hitting me even before he had

pushed himself all the way to the hilt.

Barry fucked me like a man possessed, slamming into me over and over. I came

four more times in quick succession before I felt him groan, shudder, and explode

in me, filling my entire pussy with his cum.

“Oh my god,” I moaned, trembling from head to toe. “Oh my fucking god.”

Barry withdrew his cock, a large stream of warm jizz following it out, soaking my

ass and bedsheets. He turned my head, gave me a big, wet kiss while squeezing my

breasts one final time. Then he calmly got up, put his shirt and shorts on, and

walked out of the room, leaving me writhing in ecstasy from the aftershocks.

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S A I N T ’ S C R O S S


hat is this place?”

“It’s my dungeon.”

I walked to the center of the room and turned around. It felt surreal, like I had

been transported to a medieval torture chamber but with a modern flair. One wall

was lined with whips and paddles of all shapes and sizes. The left corner was taken

up by a wooden, X-shaped cross with leather paddings in the middle and on each of

the arms. Beside it was a wooden bench of some sort, except there were leather

bondages attached to them. A large metal hook hung from a chain connected to a

pulley in the ceiling, swinging back and forth ominously, and on the right corner

was the only familiar piece of furniture I recognized - a bed.

I was pretty sure that wasn’t just a normal bed.

“Wow, Marcus, I had no idea you were into the Fifty Shades thing.”

“It’s called bondage, or BDSM,” Marcus said, standing beside me, his shirtless

chest gleaming in the weird, almost reddish lighting of the room. “My ex and I

experimented with these things when we were young, before we even got married. I

thought they were a lot of fun. When my architect sat with me to design the place

he asked me if I wanted to add anything special, and this dungeon came to mind.”

“Huh, interesting. And how many women have you brought down here?”

Marcus laughed. “Actually I’ve only used the room once, but the woman, let’s

just say she wasn’t the right fit for me.”

“And you think I am?”

“I know you are,” Marcus said, giving me a wink.

I giggled. “So, where do we start?”

“Are you sure you want to try this?”

“Fuck, yeah. Sounds like fun.”

“Well I’d like to use those cat o’nine tails - those are the whips with the long

leather strips - or perhaps one of the paddles - on you but,” he said, looking at me

and my white bikini, “I don’t think we’d be able to hide the effects of a whipping

session with what you’re wearing.”

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“Yeah, that might be an issue.”

“Hmm,” Marcus said, rubbing the stubby shadow on his chiseled face. “The St.

Andrew’s Cross is a standard equipment in any serious BDSM scene.”

“This super-sized X-Men logo thing here?” I said, walking toward the large

cross. “What a weird name for it.”

“Saint Andrew was a disciple of Jesus. The accounts of him are a bit sketchy but

rumor has it that he continued preaching after Jesus died and when he was finally

captured, he requested to be crucified on an X-shaped cross because he wasn’t

worthy to be nailed to the same type of cross that was used on Jesus. I guess the

name just stuck.”

“Huh, well it doesn’t look too intimidating. Sure, let’s do it!”


“How do you want to…” I said, turning, expecting Marcus to still be at the far

end of the room where I left him, but he was suddenly next to me. He had closed

the gap between us quickly and without any sound whatsoever that it startled me.

I shook my head. Him and my dad, I swear. These ex-military guys could move

anywhere without making a single noise.

Marcus pushed me back gently until I was up against the cross. He raised my

right hand and secured it to the cross with a leather belt that was attached to the

wooden arm. He did the same with my left hand, spread my legs apart, and secured

my ankles to the wooden frame.

“Comfy?” Marcus said, stepping back to admire me.

“Sure,” I said, wiggling my fingers and toes. “Now what?”

“Now that you’re helplessly bound, I can do anything I want with you.”

“Such as?”

Marcus smiled and walked to one of the shiny red cabinets. He opened a drawer

and took out a black blindfold and a strange looking red ball attached to a garter.

“What’s that?”

“It’s a blindfold.”

“No, silly, that!”

“This one?” he said, holding up the sinister looking object.

“Yes, that one!”

“This is a gag ball.”

“Wait,” I said, the first tinge of fear seeping under my skin. “You didn’t say

anything about gagging me. Or blindfolding me, for that matter.”

“I didn’t?”

“No, you didn’t, Mr. Mansfield.”

Marcus placed the gag ball over my head and let it rest around my neck. Then he

placed the blindfold on my head, but didn’t cover my eyes with it. He walked back

to the cabinets, opened another drawer and took out a device that looked like an

oversized massager.

Jesus, what the fuck does he have in those drawers?

“Marcus,” I said, biting my lip. This whole thing might not have been a good

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idea after all. “What is that?”

“This is a Hitachi Wand,” he said as if it were a common house appliance.

“And what is that for?”

“You’ll see,” he said, placing the wand on the floor and plugging the cord into

an outlet.

I cleared my throat. “Marcus? On second thought, maybe we can try the bed


“Shhh,” Marcus said, kissing me gently, his hand tracing my cleavage. “Just

trust me.”

His kiss felt good, reassuring. Our tongues danced around in our mouths, a faint,

now familiar stirring rising up from within me.

Suddenly the red ball was in my mouth, the garter being tightened behind my

neck, and just like that, I lost my ability to talk.

My eyes widened, the fear spreading. Marcus caressed my face, his smile the last

thing I saw before the blindfold came over my eyes and my sense of sight was taken

from me.

A feeling of dread and helplessness washed over me. Without the ability to see

what’s going on and to communicate, and with my arms and legs tightly bound to

the cross, I was suddenly gripped with a raw fear I had never experienced before.

Dozens of old scary movies where blonde bimbos were lured into basements of

mass murderers and chopped up into pieces invaded my mind. I struggled with the

binds, panic washing over me.

“Relax, Alice,” Marcus said softly, near my left ear. “I’m not going to hurt you, I


I felt his lips on my neck, soft, reassuring, felt him nibble lightly around my

earlobe, felt his hands moving across my arms to my shoulders and down to my

stomach, gentle hands, feather-like touches, and slowly my panic subsided and I

stopped struggling.

“There you go,” Marcus said in the same soft tone, his voice feeling strangely

hypnotic. “That’s it, just relax. I’m right here with you. I will never leave you, and

you know I can never hurt you. You can still communicate with me. You can nod

your head when you like something, or shake your head six times in a row if you

feel uncomfortable or want me to stop. Do you understand?”

I nodded my head.

“Good,” he said, and then he was quiet for some time.

“I’m just admiring your body,” Marcus finally said. “I know you can’t see me,

but I’ve just removed my shorts, and I’m now standing completely naked in front of

you. Here, I’ll let you feel me.”

I felt something hard and slightly slippery press against my inner thigh.

“There, that’s what you’re doing to me right now. You’ve gotten me hard again.

In the short time we’ve known each other you’ve given me more hard-ons than

anyone else. Nice bikini, by the way.”

Marcus pressed his hands against my breasts, squeezing them through my bikini

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top. He pulled one breast out of the cup, making me jerk when a wet tongue

brushed against the nipple. He licked it nice and slow, taking his time, his other

hand grabbing moving steadily down and coming to rest between my legs. He kept

licking and sucking my nipple while a finger pressed down, stuffing the crotch area

of my bikini bottom into my slit.

I moaned, the sensations he was causing in me amplified by my inability to see

what was going on.

“As much as I love this bikini on you,” he said, “I’m afraid they’re gonna have to


Fingers reached behind me, struggled with the knot there for a few seconds,

then I felt my top drop away. The fingers moved to the strings around my waist,

tugged on them, and my bikini bottom was gone, a cool, air-conditioned breeze

swirling around my private parts.

“Much better,” Marcus said.

I heard a bit of scuffling, and then the sound of a powerful vibration cut through

the stillness. Seconds later Marcus’ mouth latched back onto my breast, sucking on

it deeply, and simultaneously I felt the vibrating wand press against my clit.

“Mmmm!” I said into my gag as my sensitive clit buzzed, my body suddenly

tingling all over. My stomach tightened, my heart rate shot up, and I had my first

orgasm, thrashing helplessly on the cross as my pussy and body spasmed.

Marcus pulled the wand away and moved his mouth to my other breast, sucking

on it, licking it, and sending sweet pleasure bolt up and down my spine. The wand

came back down on my clit, and within seconds I was orgasming again, screaming

into the gag.

Marcus withdrew the wand just before the pleasure became unbearable, and I

heard it shut off.

“Damn, Alice,” Marcus whispered, his voice sounding hoarse. “You’re fucking


And who’s fault is that? I lashed out at him in my head. I could feel a wetness

trickling down the sides of my legs, confirming his observation, my clit and the

entire pussy area still vibrating even without the device.

“I just want to do one more quick thing, and I’ll let you go.”

Thank god, I thought. My legs had been shaking uncontrollably and I couldn’t do

anything about it. I felt a tongue slide up and down the entire length of my slit, and

I shuddered again.

Marcus said it was going to be quick.

He lied.

He kept eating me for what seemed like hours, I swore. After the first few

orgasms I lost count of how many I had. The pleasure waves just kept crashing into

me one after another. Sweat poured down my face, cum mixed with saliva poured

down my legs, and still he continued eating me, fingering me, sucking on my super

sensitive clit. When I felt a finger play around the rim of my asshole before sinking

all the way inside I completely lost it, my body spasming, buckling and shuddering

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on the wooden cross, the new set of orgasms feeling like they were exploding from

somewhere deep inside of me.

Faintly, as if from a distance, I remembered Marcus taking off the blindfold and

gag, untying me from the cross and carrying my writhing body to the bed on the

other side of the room. He placed me down, spread my legs, and got on top of me,

his arms wrapping around me, his kisses urgent.

With my body still on fire and trembling, and the orgasms hitting me nonstop,

Marcus entered me, his huge cock sliding all the way in without much effort due to

the amount of natural lubrication my drenched pussy had been producing. I

moaned and screamed and grabbed his ass and commanded him to fuck me harder.

His balls slapped into me over and over as he fucked me with everything he had,

and when he finally exploded in me I was in such an elevated state of pure, white-

hot lust I actually saw stars appear before me.

Marcus slumped beside me, his large frame convulsing from the effects of his

own orgasm, his chest heaving as if he had run a marathon. I grabbed his still

throbbing and sputtering cock, placed it in my mouth, and savored the sweet, fresh

jizz as I sucked and cleaned up every bit of cum off him.

Only when I was done did I lay back on the bed next to him, and we both stared

at the ceiling, listening to the sound of our own heavy breathing, my legs splayed

across him, quivering, his warm semen still pouring out of my twitching pussy.

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ye, daddy,” I said, hugging him. We were outside the door, giving our final

send-off to dad.

“Be good, pumpkin,” Barry said. “Don’t give Marcus here a hard time, okay?”

“A hard time? Me?” I said with my innocent expression and tone of voice. “I

never give him a hard time.”

“Good girl,” he said, messing with my hair before turning to Marcus.

“Well, buddy, I really wish I could stay longer, but I have a shit storm I have to

deal with back home.”

“No worries,” Marcus said, shaking his hand. “Come back anytime.”

“For sure,” Barry said, looking around. “So where’s my ride?”

“I’m right here,” Candace said, walking past us wearing a striped blouse and

short skirt. “Let’s go.” She held one hand up, showing us a key fob with the image

of a horse embossed on it. “Taking the Ferrari, dad.”

“Hey!” Marcus said. “Who said you could take that?”

“Don’t worry, Barry’s with me. He’ll make sure I don’t do anything crazy. Right,


“I’ll be watching her like a hawk,” Barry said, slinging his overnighter over his

shoulder and following Candace to the garage. “Bye now.”

“Bye!” I said, then followed Marcus inside. I shut the door and turned to see him

looking at me, a sly grin creeping up his handsome face.

“What?” I said, smiling.

“Hear that?”

I cocked my head. “I don’t hear anything.”

“Exactly. That’s the sound of an empty house.”

“And what do you suppose we should do about it?” I said, stepping into his arms

and giving him a big kiss.

“It’s too quiet. I think we should fill it with high-pitched moans and screams,”

he said, grabbing my ass.

“You think?”

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“And where do you suppose we should start? The gym? The kitchen? The pool?

Or perhaps that dirty little dungeon you’ve been hiding from everyone?”

“How about on the dining room table? I feel like eating something moist and


“Ooh, I’ve got just the thing for you,” I said, giggling.

“You do?”

“Yup. Follow me!” I grabbed his hand and swayed it back and forth as we made

our way to the dining area, my heart soaring, my loins pulsing in anticipation.

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In the mood for something decadent, delicious, and provocative? Meet Mia Madison, purveyor of Forbidden
Fantasies Romance. Come in, sit back, and relax. The candles are lit, and the dancing shadows on the wall
promise sexy, seductive tales of spine-tingling love, leading to a pleasure-drenched happy-ever-after.

You'll discover young women eager for experience, who have scorching encounters with older men who

know exactly what they're doing between the sheets. In Mia Madison's world, anything can -- and does --
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