Kontra's Menagerie 4 Dominating The Wolf

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When Eli escorts an injured shifter to Stone Ridge
territory for medical treatment, he arrives in town
suffering from motion sickness. The last thing he wants
is to meet his mate while praying to the porcelain god,
but that’s exactly what happens. To make matters
worse, being ill messes up Eli’s senses and he doesn’t
immediately recognize the cute sub as his mate, sending
the other man running. When Eli catches up with Sam,
it doesn’t take him long to realize the wolf shifter has
been burned badly in a past relationship. Can he figure
out a way to earn Sam’s trust? Or will his mate run a
second time?

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Dominating the Wolf

Copyright © 2012 Charlie Richards

ISBN: 978-1-77111-230-7

Cover art by Angela Waters

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Published by eXtasy Books

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Dominating the Wolf

Kontra’s Menagerie: Book Four


Charlie Richards

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To my self-proclaimed number one fan Kevin.

Thank you for the wonderful thoughts and


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Chapter One

li fought down his nausea. It was bad enough he
had to rely on vampires and their private jet to get

him and his wounded patient to Denver, but now he’d
managed to get airsick. When his alpha had told him he
was flying, Eli had known this would happen, but as a
Dom, he’d walk through the fires of hell before
admitting he suffered from severe motion sickness. He
would have taken something for it, but that would mean
downing a triple dose of what humans would use so it
wouldn’t burn through his system too fast. The problem
with that was, it would also mean he’d be drugged up
and couldn’t properly care for his patient, and that
wouldn’t work either.

At least constantly checking the wounded buffalo

shifter gave Eli something to concentrate on other than
his roiling stomach and spinning head. It had been an
hour-long drive to Sacramento where they’d met the
plane, and the flight was supposed to be less than two
hours. They were thirty minutes outside Denver, and he
couldn’t wait to land.

Eli pushed to his feet and moved carefully down the

aisle, keeping his face perfectly impassive. A couple of
steps brought him to the back of the plane where his
patient rested on a stretcher held still with straps.


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Leaning over, he checked the bandages, the IV, the
oxygen, anything to take his mind off his own troubles.
His patient, Darrell Angleford, was mostly unchanged.
A little paler, perhaps, due to blood-loss, but his pulse
was still steady. The buffalo shifter had been attacked
by his own alpha for mating with a human, poor
bastard. His mate and two cubs were currently curled
up near the front of the plane.

He appreciated Yuma’s willingness to come along.

Not only did the little penguin shifter have a way with
soothing hysterical next of kin, but he didn’t faint at the
sight of blood. He’d acted as Eli’s assistant more times
than he could count over the years. A quick check of
the front of the plane told Eli that Yuma, the cubs, and
Darrell’s mate, Lydia, were catching a much needed
nap. He envied them that ability, but Eli knew even if
he didn’t have Darrell to look after, he wouldn’t have
been able to sleep.

“How’s he doing?”
The soft voice of the vampire acting as flight

attendant, more or less, came from his left. He stood
next to Eli, staring down at the injured shifter. Eli
thought the guy had been introduced as Kyle. He
shrugged. “He’s hanging in there. I’m confident he’ll
pull through once we get him to safe, proper facilities.”

“And you think these wolves we’re going to are

safe?” Kyle cocked his head, his eyes narrowed with

Eli met the vampire’s brown-eyed gaze. “Yes,” he

replied. “Although I didn’t actually meet the wolf
alpha, Kontra believes Declan is a fair man, and I trust
my alpha’s judgment.”

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Kyle nodded. He glanced down at the sleeping man

and Eli followed the look. Relief filled him when he
saw the lines of pain had smoothed out, allowing the
shifter to enjoy some discomfort-free rest. “It looks like
you won’t be needed for a bit,” Kyle said, drawing Eli’s
attention back to the vampire. To his surprise, the man
smiled seductively and rested a hand on Eli’s bicep.
“You look like you could use a distraction.”

The lust burning in the dark-haired man’s eyes had

Eli’s cock twitching with interest. A quick fuck would
definitely give him some time away from trying to
control his body’s reaction to air travel, and Eli really
didn’t care that the man was a vampire. So, what was it
that had his snake coiling tightly in irritation? Never
one to ignore his snake’s warning, Eli replied, “I’m
flattered, but I’d best remain available in case
something changes with my patient. Perhaps if you’re
still in Denver when Darrell is stable, we can get

A flicker of disappointment darkened Kyle’s eyes,

but he took the refusal in good stride. “We’ll have to do
that. Here’s my number.”

Eli took the offered slip of paper, and Kyle leaned

closer and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “Something to
remember me by,” he whispered before moving on.

He watched the man retreat up the aisle for a second,

before Eli spotted Yuma watching him. The small
shifter raised his brows, his eyes dancing with
amusement. Eli smirked, lifted a shoulder in a shrug,
and turned back to his patient. To his relief, the captain
ordered everyone back to their seats fifteen minutes

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When the plane landed and bounced its way down

the runway, his stomach lurched. Eli closed his eyes
and concentrated on breathing slowly, just managing to
swallow back the bile when his stomach threatened to
expel his dinner. He couldn’t describe the relief he felt
when the plane pulled into a private hangar and came to
a stop.

His relief was short-lived though, because fifteen

minutes later, Eli found himself and his patient loaded
into a Life Flight helicopter. Eli looked longingly at the
rental car provided for Yuma, allowing him to drive the
patient’s family to Colin City. The helicopter pilot,
Manon Lemelle, who from his scent was a wolf shifter,
grinned at Eli. “Have no fear, mon ami. Doctor
Carmichael has cleared a room for you and Doctor
Trystan to work on your friend. We’ll have you there in
good time.”

The ride wasn’t long, but it was enough to finish the

job the plane ride had begun. Eli sure hoped Doctor
Trystan could care for Darrell on his own for a few
minutes, because by the time he arrived at the hospital,
all he managed to do was stumble out of the helicopter
and lose his stomach contents on the landing pad.

An arm slipped around his waist, a firm body

pressed against his side and someone led him away
from the helicopter. His senses reeled. The smell of bile
and stomach acid clung to his tongue and the insides of
his mouth.

Whoever held him

a male nurse from the feel of the

sturdy arm around him and the firm body pressed
against him

took him into a small bathroom. Eli went

straight to the toilet and emptied his stomach again.

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Hanging his head, he closed his eyes. Internally, he was
cursing a blue streak. He couldn’t remember the last
time he’d felt this bad.

A cool, wet cloth on the back of his neck drew him

out of his misery. He grunted his thanks. To his
surprise, the man didn’t just leave. The man placed a
hand on his back and rubbed gently between his
shoulder blades. It was soothing and nice, and pissed
him the hell off.

“Don’t you have something else you should be

doing?” he asked, the rawness of his throat and
thickness of his tongue making the words come out
gruffer than he intended.

The hand disappeared, but still he wasn’t left alone.

The stranger murmured, “I just wanted to make sure
you were okay.”

The soft tenor tones were like a caress to his dick,

bringing him to half-mast with just those few words.
Shit! Now is certainly not the time for this! He pried his
eyes open and flushed the toilet. “It’s just motion
sickness,” he snapped. “It’ll pass.”

Moving to the sink, he turned on the water and

rinsed out his mouth. He heard the man take several
steps toward the door, but he didn’t leave completely.
Instead, he commented, “I’ve never heard of a shifter
getting motion sickness.”

“Fuck off,” he snarled, finally turning his head and

glaring at the man. His face still dripping with water, he
took his first look at the guy, and mentally sighed. He
was definitely cute, a slender, African American with a
toned, twink-like build and an unmistakable air of
submission. The way the guy looked at Eli with his

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dark eyes under dark lashes had his cock hardening
further. If they’d met under any other circumstances, he
would have found a way to get the guy’s number.

A look of confusion crossed the man’s face. “But I-


“We, what?” Eli snapped, interrupting him.

Frustration at his inability to control his body’s reaction
to air travel had him straightening and leaning toward
the other man. With only a few inches between them,
and the taste of his own internal juices mostly cleared
from his tongue, the other man’s scent finally hit him.
A wolf shifter, to be sure, but the smell called to Eli on
a visceral level. It was sweet, tangy, and in his mind
Eli’s snake hissed with pleasure, wanting to coil around
the man

not to hurt him, but to hold him. Realization

hit Eli like a slap in the face. This man was his mate.

He gasped and jerked back. “No, shit, no,” he

whispered, unable to accept not only how he’d spoken
to the man, but how their first meeting had taken place.
His sub should never see him as anything but strong,
confident, and able to care for him. “Ah, fucking hell.”
Turning away, Eli ran a hand through his hair, trying to
get hold of not only the roiling still going on in his
stomach, but his desire to pull the smaller shifter close
and taste him. He would definitely need a toothbrush
before doing that.

“Look,” he started, spinning back around. Eli froze.

The door stood open. Save for himself, the washroom
was empty. Frowning, he stepped into the hall, but
didn’t see the man amidst the others hurrying up and
down the halls. Eli tried to figure out where the wolf
would go, then he thought back to his words and

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realized how his behavior probably looked. Groaning in
frustration, Eli leaned against the doorframe for
support. The man must have thought Eli didn’t want
him. His mate was gone.

Oh, hell no! Growling, Eli pushed upright and

inhaled. Now that he had some semblance of control
over his senses, he could easily differentiate amongst
the scents filling the air. Turning left, his queasy
stomach forgotten, Eli strode briskly down the hallway.

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Chapter Two

am rushed through the hospital, fighting back tears,
struggling to keep his composure. His mate didn’t

want him. Sure, it had been a shock to realize the sick
man he was helping from the helicopter was his mate.
He’d never been with a man before, had only been with
a handful of women, really. But after seeing the kind
and loving relationships between his friends

—and most

of those pairs were men

—the fact that his own mate

was a guy was something he could accept. Evidently,
the other shifter didn’t feel the same way.

“Whoa! Hey, Sam, where are you going?” The hand

on his arm drew Sam to a stop. He spun around to find
a frowning Doctor Ailean Carmichael looking at him.
The man’s dark brows creased even more as he took in
Sam’s obvious distress. “Is everything okay, Sam? Is
Eli all right?”

Eli. That was the name of his mate. Wrapping his

arms around his waist, he tried to choke out an
explanation. “Eli

Eli is—he—”

Ailean wrapped an arm around his shoulders and

drew him into an unused exam room. “Take a deep


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Sam obeyed.
“Now another one. Okay, tell me what has you so

worked up.”

“Eli is my mate,” he blurted out.
“Eli? Doctor Eli Raetz? The snake shifter who

brought the buffalo in? That Eli?”

Good grief. His mate was a snake shifter? Hearing

the clearly disbelieving tone in Ailean’s voice, Sam
shrugged. “Yeah.”

Ailean straightened. “Okay. Well, where is he? You

were supposed to bring him to the exam room once he
got over whatever bug bit him in the ass.”

“He had motion sickness,” Sam whispered. “And he

doesn’t want me,” he added forlornly.

The panther shifter leaped to his feet. “Doesn’t want

you!” he growled. “Why the hell not? He doesn’t even
know you!”

“That was a misunderstanding,” Eli stated, sounding

way too calm as he strode into the room.

Sam gasped, taking in the man’s determined

expression. His face was still pale under what was
probably normally tanned skin. The man’s deep brown
eyes stared right at him, too many emotions to discern
swirling in their depths. His tall, slender body remained
tense, as if poised to leap at Sam if he tried to get away.
Everything about this man screamed dominant, and
Sam’s wolf shivered, not in fear, but in anticipation.

“But you were cussing and you turned away,” Sam

said slowly, trying to piece together what the
misunderstanding was.

Eli grimaced for just a second, before schooling his

features. “I was cussing at the situation, mate, not at

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you.” Eli glanced pointedly at Ailean, then toward the
door. The order was clear.

“Bring him to the exam room once you’ve

straightened this out,” Ailean said. “Don’t take long.”

Sam watched him go, uncertain if the doctor’s

leaving was a good thing or a bad thing.

Stepping closer, Eli drew Sam’s attention back to

him. “Will you at least tell me your name?”

“Sam. Sam Bailey. I just started as an intern here.

I’m a wolf shifter, but you probably knew that.” His
nerves transferred into rambling. “I live close to Stone
Ridge. I don’t really have a rank in the pack, but I’m
pretty near the bottom,” he admitted.

Eli moved even closer and placed his hand gently

over Sam’s mouth. “Shush,” he ordered softly. “That’s
enough for now. I’ll have to remember you tend to talk
when you get nervous.” He stared into Sam’s eyes. He
drew his hand away, and Sam managed to keep his
questions to himself. “My name is Eli Raetz. I’m the
doctor of my pack. Your being an intern will be very
valuable to us.”

He cocked his head in puzzlement. “Your pack?”

Did Eli think he would just drop everything and go with
him to


wherever his pack was from?

“Yes,” Eli replied with a smile. “My pack. Now, as

much as I would love to do all kinds of wicked things to
you, Sam, I did bring in a patient, and from the
comments your doctor friend made, we should really
get in there to help. Come.”

Eli held out his hand. For a second, Sam stared at it

before he tentatively took it. Eli smiled, then led him
through the door. “After we’re done,” Eli added, “we’ll

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have a meal and get to know each other.”

It wasn’t a request, which just enforced Sam’s

feelings that the snake shifter was a Dom. Still, he
replied, “Okay.”

They got to work patching up the injured shifter.

Sam fought back a shiver when he learned the injuries
had been done by the man’s own alpha. He knew all too
well how that could happen, since his own first alpha
had tortured Sam near to death before dumping his
body in a forest. Sam shoved those thoughts away and
focused on Doctor Trystan’s directions.

The shifter’s leg had been broken in three places. If

he were human, Darrell would be stuck in a cast for
months, then struggle through physical therapy. As it
was, he’d probably heal just fine in a matter of weeks.
It was where a horn had stabbed him in the side that
would cause the most trouble. If the vampires who flew
the jet hadn’t had some medical facilities and made
them available to Eli, the shifter probably wouldn’t
have survived. Sam wondered just who his mate’s alpha
was that he’d have such connections.

He worked side by side with his mate and Doctor

Trystan while Doctor Carmichael ran interference and
made certain the human doctors working at Colin City
Hospital remained blissfully unaware of what was
going on. Following the other men’s instructions, Sam
carefully placed clamps, held hoses, and cleaned away
blood. It felt good to be part of the team, treated like an
equal. Plus, it gave Sam time to covertly study his mate.

The man was tall, six feet five inches, maybe. Sam

wondered what kind of snake Eli turned into. Whatever
it was, it must be big. The shifter kept his dark brown

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hair cut short. Eli’s tall frame rippled with lean muscle,
indicating hidden power. His brown eyes were intense,
focused on the task of aiding the injured shifter.

By the time they’d cleaned and closed the wounds,

Sam was exhausted. Technically, his shift had ended
ten minutes before Darrell arrived, but he’d never been
more grateful he’d agreed to help Lark when he’d
shown up and asked for assistance. In truth, he’d been
flattered by the alpha-mate’s request.

Sam followed Lark from the room as Ailean took

charge of finding a safe place for Darrell to rest. An
arm wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him
against a firm side. He unconsciously nuzzled against
his mate’s chest, liking how they fit together. Sam’s
rather short five-foot-ten-inch frame put him at the
perfect height to rest his head against his mate’s

“Let’s get cleaned up. Then we’ll get out of here,”

Eli murmured into his hair.

“Okay,” he replied.
He led the way to the staff area where they both

scrubbed down, then picked up his clothes before
guiding his mate out of the building. Once clear of the
hospital, he heard soft tapping. Sam looked over his
shoulder to find Eli lifting his phone to his ear. The man
smiled and held a finger to his lips.

“Yuma, this is Eli. Yeah, he’s stable right now.” He

smiled slightly. “Let her know he should be just fine.
The leg will heal up in less than a couple of weeks, and
the horn stab missed all internal organs.” He stopped
talking for a second, evidently listening to Yuma’s
response. “You’re at Declan and Lark’s, right?”

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Another pause. “Well, Lark should be home soon. Talk
to him about visitation. I’m sure he and Ailean will be
able to arrange something.”

After another few words of reassurance, Eli added,

“No, I won’t be back with him. I’m having dinner with
my mate.”

Sam could hear an excited shout through the phone,

and he turned to see an amused look on his mate’s face.
Eli winked at him and pulled him into a one armed hug
as they continued moving through the parking lot.

“I’ll call you later, Yuma.” He ended the call. Eli

turned to Sam and smirked. “My friend is excited to
meet you.”

“Really?” He stopped at his car and nibbled his lip

as a thought struck. “Are you going to be okay in

Eli’s lips tightened as understanding of Sam’s

concern dawned. “Yes,” he stated evenly. “As long as
I’m in the front seat, I’m fine.”

It was obvious Eli didn’t want to talk about his issue,

so Sam let it drop. Instead, he asked, “What did you
have in mind for breakfast? I can make omelets if you
want to go to my apartment, or we could go out to an
all-night diner,” he suggested.

“An omelet sounds perfect,” Eli replied, buckling his

seat belt. He turned and grimaced. “I could definitely
stand to brush my teeth and shower, too,” he added

Sam nodded. He started the car and headed home. “I

can offer the toothbrush and shower, but I don’t think I
have any clothes that would fit you,” he admitted.

When Eli didn’t respond right away, Sam glanced

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his way. Sam shivered under the heat filling the man’s
brown eyes. “I don’t think clothes will be required for
what I have in mind, Sam.”

A wave of arousal washed over him at the raw

sensuality oozing from his mate’s voice. After licking
his suddenly dry lips, Sam managed to whisper, “Oh.”

Uncertain what else to say, he kept his mouth shut.

Should he admit he didn’t know anything about sex
between men? Would that turn his mate off? How could
he please Eli if the man didn’t instruct him? After ten
minutes of internal debate, Sam decided to bite the
bullet and admit his inexperience, that is, right after

Leading Eli into his apartment, Sam watched him

surreptitiously. He wondered what his mate would think
of the place. It wasn’t new or fancy, but Sam kept it
clean and orderly. It was his place of solace, his own

Eli smiled at him and waved a hand down the short

hall. “I’ll go clean up and then help you in the kitchen,”
he said.

Sam nodded. “Clean towels are under the sink. Help

yourself to anything.”

“Thank you.” Eli leaned down and brushed a kiss to

Sam’s cheek. The brief contact sent tingles over Sam’s
skin and a flush working up his neck. Sam watched the
sexy man walk away, his ass flexing in his jeans. His
cock thickened at the alluring sight. When the water
turned on, he suppressed a groan and hurried to the
kitchen, if only to stop himself from running after the
man and trying to catch a peek at a wet, naked Eli.

Giving himself something else to focus on, Sam

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pulled out ingredients and started making the omelets
he’d promised Eli. He went all out, wanting to impress
his mate, dicing mushrooms, red and green peppers,
and shredding ample cheese. After a moment’s
hesitation, he pulled out his favorite spicy summer
sausage from the back of his refrigerator and chopped a
fair amount to add some kick to the food.

He pulled out several cinnamon rolls he’d bought

yesterday from his favorite new bakery and put them in
the stove to reheat slowly. By the time they’d be ready,
so would the omelets. Gods, nothing tasted better then
warm, sweet rolls combined with spicy, cheesy omelets.

Humming happily, Sam lost himself in the familiar

routine of cooking. He nearly hit the ceiling when
strong bare arms wrapped around him from behind,
locking him in a secure embrace.

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Chapter Three

li loosened his hold, but didn’t let go. “Easy, Sam,”
he crooned into his mate’s ear. “It’s just me.” It

didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize someone had
messed his boy up bad. Keeping his anger hidden
deeply away, he focused on the soft whimper that
escaped Sam’s lips as he sagged against Eli. Nibbling
Sam’s neck, he whispered against his ear, “That’s it. I’d
never hurt you, my mate.”

“Sorry,” Sam immediately whispered. “I



startled me,” he finished lamely.

Pressing a wet, sucking kiss on the sensitive flesh

behind Sam’s ear, Eli enjoyed the shiver working
through the small wolf’s body. He’d have to discover a
way to get Sam past his initial response to apologize,
but he figured that’d be a long process.

He pulled away slowly, giving Sam plenty of time to

regain his footing “Those smell delicious,” he praised.
Catching another smell, he asked, “Why do I scent
something sweet?”

“Oh, those are the cinnamon rolls,” Sam replied. He

swung around and handed Eli the two plates with the
large omelets on them. Eli took them without question


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and watched Sam use a potholder to pull a small pan
from the oven.

“You made cinnamon rolls?” he asked, heading to

what passed for the dining room, a little table pressed
up against the wall. He had to hand it to his mate. Sam
did a fantastic job of making the small place into a
comfortable home.

“No, these are from the new bakery in town,” Sam

admitted, setting the plate on the table.

“Ah,” Eli murmured. A suspicion of who made them

filled Eli and when he took a bite of one of the soft,
gooey confections, his suspicion was confirmed. He let
out a low, appreciative moan. “Gods, I’ve missed
Brad’s cooking.”

Sam cocked his head in a move very reminiscent of

a quizzical canine. “You know Brad?”

It hit Eli that he hadn’t actually told Sam anything

about his pack. He’d just assumed his mate knew,
which was pretty foolish on his part. Cutting into the
omelet, he took a bite and nodded. He moaned
approvingly at the spicy omelet’s taste. “Wonderful,
Sam.” At Sam’s pleased flush, he answered his mate’s
earlier question. “Yes. Brad used to travel with us.
When we came through this area two months ago, he
scented his mate in a club.” Smiling at the memory, Eli
added, “He stayed behind with Dagus when the gang
had to move on, but we remain in contact with him.”

“Oh, wow,” Sam whispered, his face paling. “Kontra

is your alpha?”

Eli nodded, taking in his mate’s reaction. Sure,

Kontra was a badass grizzly shifter, but why would
Sam be afraid of him? And from the scent his mate was

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giving off, it was definitely fear. “What’s wrong, my
sub? Did you meet him?”

A tremble worked through Sam’s body, telling Eli

just how affected Sam was by that news. “Yes. I was
one of the wolves who attacked Brad.”

The whispered admission barely carried to Eli’s

sensitive ears. “You what?” he snapped, unable to hide
his surprise. “Why would you do that?”

Sam’s shoulders hunched, and if he’d been in wolf

form, his tail would have been tucked firmly between
his legs. “I’m sorry,” he squeaked.

Getting his emotions back under control, Eli leaned

over and hauled his trembling mate into his lap. At first
Sam wriggled, trying to get away, but Eli refused to
release him. He crooned nonsense into his sub’s ear and
threaded his fingers through Sam’s curly, black hair.
The course strands scraped against the sensitive pads of
his skin and the thought of how it would feel against his
dick had the member in question jerking beneath the

“Calm down, my sub. I remember Brad telling us

what happened now. I didn’t realize you were involved
in the incident.” And even if he had, Eli should never
have snapped at the man. It was terrifyingly obvious
that Sam pretty much did whatever a more dominant
shifter told him. He’d have to find a way to change that,
too. Sam should only follow Eli’s or his alpha’s orders
from now on.

Sam wriggled against him, this time to work himself

into a more comfortable position. The movement had
him pressing against Eli’s thick erection, and he hissed
out a breath, freezing Sam in place.

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“I’m sorry.”
Closing his eyes, Eli rested his forehead against

Sam’s temple. “Don’t ever apologize for what you do to
me, Sam,” he admonished gently. “Just remain still and
let me hold you.”

“I’ve never done anything with a man before,” Sam

blurted. “I don’t know how to please you.”

The surprising admission from his sexy mate had a

blast of need coursing through him. Gods, is my mate
completely untouched?
Reining in his desires, Eli
asked, “Have you had experience with women?”

Sam’s chocolate skin warmed under his touch. It

told Eli that if the man had fairer skin, he’d be blushing.
“A little. It’s pretty easy to see that I’m shy, and then
after Carol…” Sam shuddered. “I swore off

Keeping Sam’s face tucked under his chin to hide his

narrowing eyes, Eli speculated about Sam’s words. Was
Carol the one who’d hurt him? Hopefully, he’d feel
comfortable telling Eli about her at some point in the
future. After schooling his features, Eli cupped Sam’s
jaw and tilted his head back so he could look his mate
in the eye. “I will do everything in my power to only
bring you pleasure, my sub,” he vowed.

It pleased Eli that Sam held his gaze. Then the man

asked, “Why do you keep calling me that?”

“Calling you what?”
“A sub. What’s a sub?”
“A submissive, my mate.” Eli smiled while rubbing

the pad of his thumb up and down Sam’s jaw line. “You
like to follow orders, be dominated by a lover, be taken
care of by a more dominant person.”

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A crease appeared between Sam’s brows as he

nodded slightly. “Yeah, I see. I do,” he agreed. “And
you’re okay with that?”

Eli grinned. “Considering I am a dominant, yes, that

will work perfectly for us. Fate knows what she’s
doing.” He leaned down and settled his lips over Sam’s.
Fighting back his initial instinct to just take what he
wanted, Eli massaged his lips against Sam’s, coaxing
the man’s mouth to respond. Sam sank into Eli’s
embrace, giving up control so sweetly. Eli slid his
tongue into Sam’s mouth, tasting his mate fully. The
sweetness of the cinnamon roll mixed with the natural
male musk of Sam threatened to overwhelm Eli’s

Sucking gently on Sam’s bottom lip, Eli brought the

kiss to an end. He reluctantly released Sam’s lip and
smiled down at his mate’s dazed expression. “First, we
will finish this amazing breakfast you made us, then we
will go to your bedroom so I can explore your sexy
body.” He couldn’t stop the slight growl filling his
words as he expressed his intentions.

“O-okay,” Sam stuttered.
Tension again coiled through the muscles of the man

on his lap. That just wouldn’t do. Cutting a bite of the
omelet, he fed it to Sam as he whispered into his ear,
“No penetration this time, baby. You’ve never been
with a man, so we’ll just get used to each other, hmm?”
He might have made it sound like a question, but both
of them knew it wasn’t.

Still, Sam nodded, and Eli found he liked the fact

that his mate would, at least sometimes, express his
opinion on things. Before long the food was gone.

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“That was delicious, Sam,” he stated. “I don’t know
what all you put in that omelet, but you can make it for
me anytime!”

Pleasure lit up Sam’s eyes. “I enjoy cooking, but

sometimes it gets lonely only making food for one.”

“You won’t have to worry about that ever again,

Sam,” Eli assured. “Although, finding hotel rooms with
kitchens isn’t always as easy as one would think while
traveling on the road.”

His reference to his gang and their wandering ways

had some of the light in Sam’s eyes dimming. Not
liking that one bit, and not ready to have an argument
about it just yet, Eli let it go. Eli’s place was with his
gang, and Sam’s place was with Eli, even if his mate
wasn’t yet ready to accept it meant living the life of a
nomad. He set Sam on his feet and led the way down
the hall toward the bedroom, ready to show his mate
just how perfect they were together.

“What about the dishes?” Sam said, dragging his feet

as he looked over his shoulder.

“They’ll be there when we’re done,” Eli assured,

unwilling to wait another minute to touch his mate.
Once they reached the small bedroom, he glanced at the
bed’s wood frame, impressed with the sturdy design. It
would do nicely for what he had in mind. Dropping his
towel, he turned to Sam and ordered, “Strip.”

Eli pulled the comforter and sheet down, then turned

back to find Sam just standing there. A wide-eyed
expression on his face, Sam stared at Eli’s naked, very
erect cock in open-mouthed shock. Okay, Eli should
have known he’d have to take this part a little slower,
but after holding his mate and breathing in his scent

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while eating, Eli needed relief.

Letting his desire shine in his eyes, Eli prowled

toward Sam. “My mate,” he growled out. “Time for
pleasure, my mate.”

Sam moaned, and Eli couldn’t help but reach out and

palm his mate through his hospital scrubs. The thin
green pants really couldn’t begin to hide Sam’s
erection. A firm squeeze had a gasp escaping his wolf’s
lips and Eli smiled. “Now that I have your attention,”
he crooned, pumping once through the fabric, “take off
your clothes, Sam.”

Releasing Sam so the man could obey was one of the

hardest things Eli had ever had to do in his life. All he
really wanted to do was spin the man around, bend him
over the dresser, and pound into his tight ass. But he
couldn’t do that yet. He’d promised no penetration, and
Eli would be damned if he’d break that promise to his
sweet, inexperienced sub. A slow exhale went a long
way in settling Eli.

Once the last scrap of clothes fell from Sam’s body,

Eli nodded toward the bed. “Kneel on the bed and grab
the headboard with both hands,” he ordered, careful to
keep his tone soft while still commanding. He nearly bit
his tongue to hold back the groan as he watched Sam’s
sexy ass flex when he obeyed and crawled onto the bed
and into position.

A firm grip on the base of his dick helped ease Eli’s

desire to come. He eased onto the bed and moved up
behind the man. “Now,” he whispered close to Sam’s
ear, “you need to decide on a safe word.”

“What for? Are you going to hurt me?” Sam asked,

his voice taking on a tremulous quality.

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“Only in the best possible way, baby,” Eli crooned,

running a hand down Sam’s side. “But I don’t want to
cause more pain than what you’ll enjoy, and only you
know where that line is. If you don’t like what I do, you
say your safe word and everything stops. Make it
something you’ll remember, but something you
wouldn’t normally say during sex,” Eli instructed.

Looking over his shoulder at Eli, Sam licked his lips.

“Okay. Um, how about lemon drops?”

Eli held back a snort of laughter, but he couldn’t

stop his brows from lifting. “Lemon drops?”

“I really like them,” he admitted, “but I wouldn’t

think I’d ask for them during sex.”

“Gods, I sure hope not, or I’m not doing something

right,” Eli muttered. He leaned close, laying his chest
against Sam’s back. “Lemon drops it is,” he breathed
into Sam’s ear before nibbling the sensitive skin below
it. He relished the reward of Sam’s full body shiver. “I
think we’ll start with sixteen swats this time,” he said
softly, “just to gauge your tolerance.”

Before Sam could come up with a response, Eli gave

him a firm but gentle smack on his ass, then rubbed
away the sting with his palm. Sam gasped, but gave no
indication he planned to stop their interaction. He
smacked Sam’s other cheek, soothing it in the same
manner. Sam shuddered.

Eli took that as a good sign, and began a steady rain

of smacks. Alternating between cheeks, he worked the
skin from the top of Sam’s ass to his upper thighs.
While his hands worked, Eli laid a sensual assault with
his lips and tongue on the skin at the nape of Sam’s
neck, his collarbone, and upper spine.

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Once he hit sixteen, just as he’d said, he stopped.

Rubbing his hand over the reddened, heated flesh, Eli
admired his handiwork.

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Chapter Four

am moaned. It had been so long since he’d allowed
himself to give in to his need to be dominated by a

lover, but nothing in his past could have prepared him
for this level of expertise and care. Eli’s hands were
like gold, leaving heat and sensation and just the right
mixture of pleasure and pain zinging across his skin and
through his system.

His dick felt harder than he could ever remember

being, and after that first well-placed blow, Sam found
himself rocking into each subsequent slap as it landed
on his skin. He was struggling not to come when,
suddenly, the slaps stopped. A hand rubbed the abused
flesh, sending even more warm tingles through him. A
drop of pre-cum oozed from the slit of his dick and a
whine escaped him.

Instead of punishing him, Eli reached around and

palmed Sam’s dick. “Gods, you took that so well, baby.
Are you ready to come for me, Sam?” he crooned.

“Y-yes, please,” he hissed.
Eli pressed against him, and he felt his mate’s thick

erection press between his abused butt cheeks. The
bigger man rubbed his dick between the valleys of his


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ass, the strokes stimulating his heated flesh. Eli’s large
hand stroked his sensitive cock in time with his
movements. Sam struggled to hold on, his breath
coming in ragged pants. Beads of sweat trickled down
his temples. His testicles were pulled so tight he
thought they might have crawled up into his body.

A tongue lapped up the sweat right before Eli

growled, “Come for me, Sam.”

Sam shouted hoarsely as his cock pulsed, his body

jerking and twitching in Eli’s firm grasp. His semen
streaked in hard spurts from his dick as a wash of
pleasure coursed through him, sending him spiraling
into the realm of bliss. Eli continued to massage Sam’s
shaft, forcing more and more waves of endorphins
pinging through his bloodstream, and it felt like the
pleasure would never end.

The feel of Eli’s rough palms smoothing over his

chest helped Sam slowly settle back into his body. Eli
nuzzled the back of his neck, and Sam realized the
bigger man was holding him up, since his arms had
gone completely limp.

“Ho-how did you know?” he gasped out when he

could finally form a coherent thought.

“Mmm, how did I know what you needed?” Eli

asked, clarifying. Sam jerked a nod. “You were so
tense, my mate. You needed a release, to let yourself
come apart in someone else’s arms. Who better to take
care of you than your mate?” Eli pressed a kiss to the
nape of his neck. “Besides, I’ve seen the signs in others.
I wouldn’t be a very good Dom if I didn’t recognize
them in my own mate, would I?”

The reminder that his mate had far more experience

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than he could ever dream of having brought Sam down
from his natural high with a bump. “Oh, right,” he

“Hey,” Eli growled, somehow picking up on Sam’s

sudden mood swing. “Did it feel like I wasn’t enjoying
things?” he asked gruffly, rubbing his hips against
Sam’s ass.

It was then that Sam became aware of the cooling

semen dripping down his back, ass, and thighs. “You
got off, too?”

“Of course, I did,” Eli replied. “You were so hot in

your enjoyment. How could I not?”

“Oh,” he murmured, surprised yet pleased. “Wow.”
“Yes, wow.” He pressed a kiss to Sam’s temple and

lowered him to the bed. “I’m going to get a cloth to
clean us up, then we need some rest.”

Sam didn’t bother to reply. His eyes slipped closed

as he listened to Eli pad across the room. The faucet
turned on, and a moment later, a warm, wet cloth
moved over his skin. Sam moaned his pleasure at the
intimate gesture. Eli eased Sam onto his stomach, then
rubbed lotion onto his backside. Tingles erupted across
Sam’s skin and his cock stirred.

“Mmm, I do like the way you smell, my mate,” Eli

growled against his neck. He pulled Sam into his
embrace, tucking his back against Eli’s front. The
man’s arms around him made Sam feel protected and
cared for. “Sleep.”

That was the last order he heard and he happily


An unfamiliar sound intruded into Sam’s wonderful

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dream where he felt safe and cared for, pulling him
from sleep. The stirring of a warm body behind him had
the events of the previous night rushing back. It hadn’t
been a dream. He really had found his mate and the
man seemed to want him.

Eli’s sexy, sleep deepened voice rumbled across the

space between them, and Sam realized it was his mate’s
phone that had woken him. “Good to hear, Yuma.” A
pause. “No, I haven’t told him yet.” Eli chuckled softly.
“We both know he’ll be happy, just a little surprised.”
Eli paused again then sighed. “Okay. We’ll be there this

Sam worried his lip while watching Eli disconnect

the call and set the phone on the nightstand. He
wondered if he had a right to question his mate about
the call, or if he should wait to see if Eli would just tell
him. Eli rolled over and spotted Sam watching him. The
bronzed god in his bed smiled at him, then wrapped an
arm around his waist and pulled him tight against his

“We’re expected for dinner at Declan’s this

evening,” Eli told him.

He nodded. “Okay.”
“A couple of members of my gang will be there, too.

I’ll introduce you to Kontra as my mate.”

“Will he—will he be okay with that?” Sam managed

to ask the question that concerned him most, then saw
Eli’s frown of confusion. “I mean, because of what
happened before?”

“Ah, I see what you’re asking, and I’ve never known

Kontra to hold a grudge.” Eli cupped Sam’s jaw and

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tilted his head to the side, then nibbled along his
collarbone. “Everything will be fine,” he crooned.

A shiver worked through Sam’s body and his

morning wood firmed further in excited expectation.
“Oh,” he gasped when Eli slipped his hand down and
wrapped his long fingers around his shaft.

“Now, my mate,” Eli growled out softly as he

continued to pump Sam’s dick, “I plan to bury my cock
in your ass.”

“Oh,” he whispered again. He didn’t know if it was

fear or excitement that made him shiver. When Eli gave
his dick another slow stroke, he groaned. Definitely
He didn’t offer any resistance when Eli
pushed him to his back, easily letting his mate take

Eli grabbed his wrists and pulled Sam’s hands above

his head. He wrapped Sam’s fingers around the spindles
of his headboard and ordered, “Keep them there.”

Leaning to the side, Eli pulled open Sam’s

nightstand drawer. He grunted his satisfaction and
pulled out the bottle of lube Sam used to occasionally
assist with jacking off.

Sam trembled as Eli pulled the covers off and

shoved them to the foot of the bed. Eli’s gaze roving
over his skin was almost like a physical caress.

“You’re stunning, Sam,” Eli purred, the sound

seeming to come from deep in his throat.

Finally, Eli reached up and skimmed the tips of two

fingers up the inside of Sam’s knee and thigh. The
touch stopped just shy of his groin and Sam’s shaft
jerked and flexed in the air, as if begging for attention.
Eli stared at him, a pleased smile curving his lips.

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Leaning down, Eli followed the same path with his
mouth. He placed soft, open-mouthed kisses on Sam’s

Sam’s flesh came alive at the contact, goose-bumps

breaking out on his skin. Eli’s nose bumped Sam’s balls
and nuzzled them gently, then the man nipped at the
sensitive skin of his sacks. Sam gasped then bleated out
a strangled moan. He grew lightheaded and had to
remind himself to breathe as Eli drew his balls into his
mouth and sucked.

He spread his legs wide, his body bowing, trying to

get closer to that talented mouth.

“Mmm, so responsive,” Eli murmured against his

skin as he rose higher and licked the head of Sam’s

“Eli,” he whimpered. His penis was so hard it hurt.

He needed like never before.

His mate must have understood what that one word

meant, for in the next instant, his shaft was engulfed in
warm, sucking heat. Sam let out a strangled cry, his
hips bucking convulsively. A lean-fingered hand
splayed over his stomach, holding him still. With his
other hand, Eli reached between Sam’s legs and pressed
a well-lubed digit into him.

Sam didn’t remember hearing or seeing Eli open the

slick, but with the way his body accepted the invasion,
he quickly stopped thinking about it. Then he could
think of nothing at all as Eli played his body with a
familiarity that had sensations pouring through Sam
that he’d never experienced before. Sparks of pleasure
shot through his ass from where Eli pegged his gland
again and again. He rocked between the twin points of

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ecstasy, the sucking on his dick and the fingers working
his ass. When the hand on Sam’s stomach slid up and
pinched Sam’s nipple, he couldn’t have stopped his
orgasm even if he’d tried.

Cum erupted from his cock, filling his mate’s mouth.

Eli drank it down, continuing to work Sam’s dick with
his tongue, heightening his pleasure, sending heady
endorphins pinging through his system. A soft whimper
escaped him when Eli pulled his fingers from his hole
and released his shaft.

With his eyes at half-mast, he watched Eli crawl up

his body to cover him. The head of the man’s dick
nudged his hole, and as Eli held his gaze steadily, he
pressed in. Sam instinctively tightened against the
pressure, and Eli growled.

“Push out, Sam,” he ordered. “Let me in.”
Sam obeyed, and immediately the sensations became

more comfortable. Eli’s slender erection slid the rest of
the way inside him. Eli’s balls brushed against his crack
as the man held his position over him, his dark eyes
boring into Sam’s. Eli lowered his head and captured
Sam’s mouth in a deep, carnal kiss, thrusting his tongue
in deep, nipping and nibbling his lower lip.

Eli’s hips began to move, drawing his shaft slowly

out then pushing back in. Sam found himself
whimpering and moaning into the kiss, his hips rocking
to meet each of Eli’s deep thrusts. Eli dragged his cock
over Sam’s gland, and his shaft filled again. His
sensitive head rubbed against Eli’s abs as the bigger
man moved above him. Eli stroked Sam’s body,
pinching and pulling his nipples, tickling his ribs,
gripping his ass and hips. His mate seemed determined

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to consume him, to imprint his very essence on Sam’s
soul. Then Eli snaked a hand between them and gripped
Sam’s erection.

He lifted his head, breaking the kiss, but the rhythm

of his hips never faltered. Eli matched the stroking of
Sam’s cock to the punishing thrusts in his ass. His dark
eyes roved over Sam’s face as he kept his weight on
one elbow. “I want to see you come apart for me, Sam,”
Eli crooned. “Come for me.”

Eli issued the command as he massaged the sensitive

flesh just under the head of his dick, and Sam was
helpless to do anything but obey. His balls contracted
and his penis exploded, painting both of their stomachs
and chests with his cum. His ass clenched on the shaft
nestled inside him and Eli groaned. The man’s body
jerked, his hips stuttered, then he roared his release as
he filled Sam’s ass with his essence.

Sam thought the tortured expression twisting Eli’s

face while in the throes of orgasm was the most
beautiful thing he’d ever seen. That was the last thought
Sam had before darkness swallowed his pleasure drunk
mind and he passed out.

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Chapter Five

he only way Eli could have been more pleased with
himself was if he’d claimed Sam, but fucking him

into unconsciousness was definitely a close second.
After cleaning them both up, he’d reclined on the bed
and held his sleeping Sam. He couldn’t remember a
time when he’d been so relaxed, so sated, and if he’d
had his way, Eli would spend the next week in bed with
his mate.

As it was, he could only let Sam sleep for another

hour or so before they needed to get ready to head to
Declan’s for dinner. He snagged his phone from the
nightstand and hit one on speed dial. He wasn’t
surprised when the call went to voicemail.

“Hey, Kontra. I met my mate. His name is Sam

Bailey. You’ve met him, since he was involved in that
incident with Brad. I’ll be bringing him to Declan’s
tonight. See you then.”

He hung up and slipped from the bed, pressing a kiss

to Sam’s forehead. He found a washer and dryer
stacked in a closet and took the liberty of borrowing it
to wash his clothes. Smiling at the memory of the tasty
meal his mate had made for him, Eli made quick work


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of cleaning the small kitchen.

“You didn’t have to do that.”
Sam’s soft voice sounded behind him just as Eli was

drying the last pan. He turned and smiled at his mate. “I
know, but you looked like you needed your sleep and I
needed something to do.” He crossed to Sam, sank his
fingers into the man’s wiry curls, and tilted his chin up.
Eli liked how Sam immediately opened to him when his
lips claimed him. He liked it even more when Sam
plastered his body against his and moaned into the kiss.
Oh, yeah. That’s good.

His naked cock firmed up quickly, pressing into

Sam’s stomach. A growl rumbled through his chest and
Sam whimpered so nicely. To his surprise and pleasure,
Sam broke the kiss and dropped to his knees. The man
stared up at him through his lashes as he reached out
and wrapped a hand around Eli’s dick. A soft growl of
pleasure escaped him when Sam leaned in and licked
the head.

He cupped the back of Sam’s head, offering support

and encouragement as the man sucked the cap into his
mouth. Warm, wet heat coupled with the innocent
brown eyes staring up at him, seeking reassurance, just
about had him shooting right then. His balls drew tight
against his body, but he ruthlessly squashed his need to

Sam rested one hand on Eli’s thigh for balance then

pulled more of Eli’s dick into the blissful cavern of his
hot mouth. Going too far, Sam choked slightly and had
to back off.

“Easy, baby. Just take what you can,” Eli murmured

when Sam went down on him again. “Wrap your fist

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around the base.”

His mate followed his instruction and began working

him with his mouth and hand. Sam traced the throbbing
vein running up the underside of his dick, delved his
tongue into the slit, and massaged the sensitive nerves
under the cap, all while jacking the base of Eli’s stalk.
Seeing his mate on his knees combined with the
pleasure Sam was giving him brought Eli back to the
edge in a matter of moments.

“I’m going to come, sweet sub,” he warned. Eli

loosened his grip, letting his mate decide if he wanted
to pull back.

Instead of pulling away, Sam seemed to double his

efforts. He sucked strongly while cupping Eli’s balls,
rolling the orbs in their sack. It was too much, and oh so
good, and Eli came with a long, low groan as his dick
shot out stream after stream of seed into Sam’s mouth.
To his pleasure, Eli watched Sam swallow every drop.
He even licked Eli’s softening shaft clean.

Grunting, Eli pulled away from Sam’s ministrations

and grabbed his mate under the arms. He hauled Sam
up and lifted him onto the kitchen counter before
inserting himself between the wolf shifter’s legs. He
gripped Sam’s hard shaft in a tight fist and stroked.

Sam’s mouth dropped open as he panted, his head

falling back on his shoulders.

“Come, Sam,” Eli ordered, nearly as desperate to see

the look of bliss cover his mate’s face as he had been to
enjoy his own release. Never had he needed to please
his lover as much as he needed to please Sam. It scared
him and excited him all at the same time. As he
watched Sam shoot, shouting his joy to the ceiling as

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pleasure contorted his features, it hit Eli with startling
clarity. He would do anything for this man. Anything!
Somehow, I already love him!

He held the panting man close, stroking his back,

letting Sam relax in his arms as the wolf came down
from his endorphin high. Eli nuzzled Sam’s neck,
nibbling the tendons there. The urge to claim the man
rode him hard, but he wanted Sam’s trust first, and he
knew he didn’t have that yet.

“I’m going to toss my clothes into the dryer, then

we’ll hop in the shower and get cleaned up,” Eli said.
“Then we need to head to Declan’s.”

Within two hours, they pulled up outside a large

stone and log style building tucked deep in the woods
near Stone Ridge. To Eli, it looked more like a lodge
than a home, but he recognized the rented SUV that had
been provided to Yuma, so he knew they were in the
right place.

Eli eased out of the car and the scents of various

shifters hit him. A quick scan of the trees showed him a
motorcycle tucked beneath the shade and he grinned.
The front door of the home slammed open and the
blond man who rode the large bike appeared, a large
smile revealing even white teeth. “Hey, Eli! Long time
no see, man!”

Striding forward, Eli grabbed the man and gave him

a big hug. “Brad! How have you been, old friend? I’ve
already sampled your cinnamon rolls, so your bakery
must be up and running.”

To his surprise, a low growl reverberated behind

him, and Eli looked over his shoulder. He released his

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friend when he saw the scowl marring his mate’s
slender features. Brad lifted his hands in a placating
gesture. “Hey, sorry, Sam. We’re just old friends.
Yuma told me you all were mates. Congratulations.”

Eli felt a rush of pleasure from Sam’s jealous

reaction. Not that he wanted to upset his mate, but he
liked the idea of Sam not wanting him to touch others.
It wasn’t practical, Eli knew, but it still felt good, just
the same. He figured he’d probably react the same way,
if not more strongly, if someone he didn’t know well
hugged his mate.

Taking three steps backward, Eli wrapped an arm

around Sam’s shoulders and pulled him against his side.
He leaned down and pressed a hard kiss to Sam’s
temple. “Relax, my mate. You’ll get used to how
touchy-feely my gang members are. In the meantime,
growl away. Just don’t attack anyone,” he added,

“Sam, is there something ye want to tell me?”
The Irish accented voice had the three men turning

toward the porch. Declan McIntire, the alpha wolf,
leaned casually against the railing, if there could be
anything casual about a six foot three, heavily muscled
African American predator staring intently at them.
Sam’s body vibrated slightly in his arms as a shiver
passed through his mate under Declan’s intense focus.

“Alpha, this is Eli Raetz. He’s my mate. I met him

yesterday at the hospital,” Sam rushed to say.

Eli gave the shoulder he held a squeeze, helping his

mate settle. “We’re getting to know each other,” he
stated calmly. “But at some point, I plan to talk him
into leaving your pack for me. My home is on the road

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with my gang.”

He felt the tension in Sam’s body intensify

immediately, but Eli didn’t turn to the man. He knew
Sam would be stressed about leaving his pack, but his
place really was on the road. His gang needed him and
his abilities, and Sam’s skills would come as a valuable
asset as well.

“I see,” Declan rumbled. “If that is what ye want,

Sam, I’ll support ye,” the alpha said, looking at the
wolf. “Ye’ll be missed, Sam. Ailean and Lark tell me
ye’re learning quickly.”

“I…” For a second, Eli thought Sam would out and

out refuse to leave his pack, but then the sweet sub
lowered his head and murmured, “We haven’t
discussed it, but mates should stay together, and it’d be
nice to be needed.”

Eli smiled, liking his mate’s logic. He pressed

another kiss to Sam’s temple. “You are needed, babe,”
he crooned. “I need you.”

Sam jerked his head up and looked at him, his eyes

wide. His mouth opened and closed in obvious surprise.

“Well, I for one will be very happy to bequeath the

job of doctor’s assistant to you,” Yuma said, drawing
everyone’s attention back to the porch. “No offense,
Eli,” he added with a grin, “but that wasn’t really my
first choice for a hobby.”

Eli smirked. “But you do it very well, Yuma.”
“Meh.” The man shrugged. He stepped forward and

gave Eli a hug. “I’m glad to see you looking so happy,”
he whispered into Eli’s ear. Then Yuma turned and
hugged Sam. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks,” Sam murmured.

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Lark appeared in the doorway and clapped his hands

to get everyone’s attention. “Food’s almost ready. Do
you know when your friends are supposed to get here,
Yuma? We have a pack meeting at nine this evening
and can’t be late.”

The small, dark-haired shifter shrugged. “Probably

within the next half hour.”

“We’ll be out of your hair long before then,” Eli

assured. “Anything interesting going on?” He didn’t
really expect an answer, since he wasn’t part of their
pack, so it surprised him when Declan answered.

“Nothing too serious,” the alpha stated. “We’re

giving half a dozen wolves the opportunity to earn a
position as one of two new enforcers for the pack.
We’ve grown quite a bit over the last year.”

“Ah, good luck to them,” Eli replied. While it was

never questioned that Kontra was the alpha of their
motorcycle gang, their group was small enough to not
really worry about betas or enforcers. Everyone else
was treated with equality, their opinions heard and
respected, but Kontra always had the final word. Eli
liked their system, feeling more freedom from the
reduced structure.

The group trouped into the house, where Sam led the

way to the kitchen. His mate handed him a beer, and Eli
gratefully took the cool beverage. He didn’t feel
comfortable in the house with so many members of
another pack. Eli knew it wasn’t rational, but he liked to
be in control of the situation. Here, he wasn’t, and his
snake knew it.

He settled on a couch in the living room, his mate

next to him. Holding the smaller man close settled

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something inside him. A subdued Lydia wandered
through the room, and Eli asked after her mate. She
responded with gratitude that he and his gang had been
able to act so quickly to aide her husband. Eli waved
her praise away.

The roar of several motorcycles outside caught

everyone’s attention. When several large men trooped
into the house, Yuma squealed with excitement,
throwing himself into Adam’s arms. The two men were
close. Although, even while watching the kisses the
small shifter peppered over the tiger shifter’s face, Eli
wasn’t certain if the men were actually intimate beyond
that. They weren’t mates, and Eli knew Adam
occasionally took others to his bed. He honestly
couldn’t remember a time when Yuma had gone home
with or brought someone to their hotel.

Eli distractedly pecked a kiss to Sam’s lips when his

mate offered to get drinks for the four men who’d
entered. He figured it was just a way to put off being
introduced to Kontra, and didn’t blame the sub for
wanting to escape the bear shifter’s intense stare.

“That him?” Kontra asked bluntly after Sam


Eli smiled and nodded. “Yeah. Sam’s my wolf.”

When Kontra just nodded back, Eli switched his
attention to Yuma and Adam. Yuma was at least on his
feet again, but the smaller shifter still had his hand
twisted into the front of Adam’s shirt. He couldn’t help
but tease, “I think Yuma may have missed you, Adam.
He sure didn’t greet me like that when I walked in.”

Yuma spun to face him, cocking out a hip as he

settled one small hand on it. “Well, I didn’t realize you

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felt so short-changed, Eli.” Yuma huffed as he flounced
toward Eli. Eli’s brows lifted, amusement making the
corner of his mouth lift into a smile. Before he could
react, Yuma rested a hand on his shoulder, leaned over,
and planted a firm kiss on his mouth.

A strangled gasp, followed by glass shattering, had

Yuma jerking away. Eli turned to find a pale and
shaken Sam staring at them. “Sam,” Eli started, rising
from the couch.

“No!” Sam stumbled back a step, his dark eyes wide.

His lifted a hand. “That’s why you didn’t claim me this
morning. You already have someone. You’re just like

“No, Sam, that’s—”
Before he could finish, Sam gave a violent shake of

his head, turned and fled. “Sam, what are ye—” Eli
heard Declan start to say from the other room, but he
was cut off by the sound of a door slamming.

“Oh, Eli. I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think…”

Yuma’s voice trailed off.

Eli turned and focused on the pale shifter. He

swallowed his anger and ran a hand through his short
hair. “Not your fault,” he growled. He glanced at his
alpha, but Kontra just lifted a brow and pointed the way
Sam had disappeared. “Right,” Eli snapped, striding out
of the room. “This is becoming a habit,” he muttered
irritably under his breath as he followed his fleeing
mate’s scent.

“What the hell happened?” Declan asked when Eli

stepped onto the back deck.

“A misunderstanding,” Eli replied, scanning the

large meadow behind the house. “Where’s Sam?”

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“Hell if I know. He shifted and took off.”
“Fuck,” Eli snarled. Taking a deep breath, he let his

snake out. His arms melted into his torso, his legs
realigned to form a solid column and his head slimmed
down to a blunt arrowhead. Seconds, later, Eli’s twenty
foot python slithered out of his clothes.

“Bloody hell.” Declan’s whispered words had Eli’s

head turning back to stare at the man for a second. The
man’s tension didn’t surprise Eli. He knew what the
alpha saw. Kontra had shown him a picture of himself
in shifted form once. He was a fucking huge snake.

Dismissing the alpha wolf, Eli flicked out his tongue

and picked up his mate’s scent. He found his sub’s trail
and slithered swiftly after him. Once he found Sam, Eli
vowed to paddle his ass, then claim him so the little
shifter never again doubted who he belonged to.

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Chapter Six

am ran and ran with no destination in mind. He just
let his wolf out and his human mind shut down. The

wolf didn’t understand why he was running from his
mate, but he loved the opportunity to get out and play.
He bounded across fields, splashed through streams,
and chased after rabbits.

Eventually, he ran out of steam. Sam stopped at a

brook and lapped up water for several minutes, then he
settled on his haunches and looked around the forest
with canine eyes. Finally, his human thoughts intruded
into his solitude. His mate had been kissing another
man. His unclaimed mate had been kissing another
man. A guy he’d probably known and traveled with for

Sam knew he’d probably overreacted, but that didn’t

stop the hurt of seeing his past replay in his present. At
least it wasn’t an alpha, this time, who could bust him
up and kick him out of the pack. As Sam’s thoughts
returned to his predicament, the hated image of the little
dark-haired man laying one on Eli flashed in front of
his eyes again. For a second, he fought it, but then
something stuck out in his mind. Eli wasn’t kissing him


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back. In fact, the snake shifter looked more shocked
than anything else.

His wolf whined as Sam realized that what had

happened years before with Carol had completely
clouded his current perceptions. He’d have some
explaining to do when he got back. He’d known he’d
need to explain his relationship hang-ups with his mate,
sooner or later. Sam just hadn’t realized how quickly it
would come back to haunt him.

He gazed up at the sky, surprised to see how low the

sun hung in the sky. He’d been running for a couple of
hours, at least. Needing just a little more time, Sam
decided to attend the pack fight-for-position. Sam
wasn’t too far from the circle where it was to take
place, so set off at a slow jog.

It didn’t take him long to get there. He watched from

the trees as two wolves he recognized as Phillip
Abernathy and Kyle Rainier went at it. The fights were
to submission, and within ten minutes, Kyle revealed he
was the tougher, more aggressive, wolf. Phillip was
flipped to his back and went limp under the gray wolf.

A large brown animal stepped into the ring next,

Kade McGraw. The big repair shop owner faced off
against a slightly larger tawny colored animal, Franklin
Drunger. Kade won easily, showing off agility and
swiftness not often seen with a wolf his size. The guy
had to be over two-fifty in wolf form. Both these
wolves were probably rivaled only by their alpha, who
was a solid three hundred pounds when in his chocolate
colored wolf form. Sam shivered, remembering when
he was taken down by Carson, because he’d followed
the wrong wolf’s instructions. He hoped never to be in

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that predicament again.

As the wolves continued to fight, Sam became aware

of a presence behind him. He spun and if he’d been in
human form, would have gulped audibly. Two men
stood behind him. One was Declan McIntire, the other
was Kontra Belikov. Both men looked upon him with
speculation and concern. Sam tucked his tail between
his legs and cowered.

Seeing his movements, the two alphas traded looks,

but in his agitated state, Sam couldn’t hope to
understand its significance. Declan spoke first. “Kontra
explained what happened. Eli is out looking for ye,
Sam. It’d probably be best if ye stayed still long enough
for him to catch up with ye,” the alpha wolf added. “Ye
have some things to discuss.” With that, his alpha
walked back toward the fighting circle, leaving him
with the bear shifter.

Kontra cocked his head, eying Sam for several

seconds with an inscrutable look. Or maybe he was just
waiting for Declan to be out of earshot before he yelled
at Sam for hurting a member of his gang. When Kontra
finally moved, it was to take a step forward and drop to
one knee. It might have put the man in a position that
looked vulnerable, but Sam knew better than to think
he’d ever be able to take the shifter.

“I can see something traumatized you in the past,

Sam. Declan’s been good to you, and I want you to
know, I take care of my own, too,” Kontra stated.
“Neither I, nor any of my gang members, will
purposefully hurt you. Yuma would like the chance to
apologize for his indiscretion.”

Shocked that an alpha would actually attempt to

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reassure him froze Sam for the span of almost a minute.
During that time, Kontra remained perfectly still,
waiting patiently for him to work through his words and
decide on an answer.

Sam knew what needed to be done, so he initiated

his shift. Looking up from where he sat naked on the
ground, Sam screwed up his courage and met Kontra’s
gaze. “I’d like to talk to Yuma,” he whispered.

Nodding once, Kontra rose. “He’s around here

somewhere. Stay here and I’ll get him.” With that, the
big man strode through the trees and disappeared.

His focus strayed back to the ring. Kade again

fought, this time a smaller wolf named Manon Lemelle.
The wiry animal was quick and agile, keeping just
ahead of Kade’s attempts to subdue him. Manon nearly
succeeded in getting Kade on his back, but the larger
wolf used his greater weight to roll them in a move
more reminiscent of a wrestling maneuver than
anything Sam had seen between fighting wolves in the
wild, and Kade won.

Sam realized the fight-for-position was complete

when both wolves in the middle shifted to human form.
Declan strode forward, offering congratulations to both
men, stating that both men had earned their place as
enforcers, with Kade being the senior.

A strangled squeak came from Sam’s left. He took a

step that way and peered through the trees.

A dark-haired man in a dark-blue button-down dress

shirt and dark charcoal gray slacks stood on the
perimeter of the circle. His blue eyes were big as
saucers in his pale face. The man’s chest heaved as he
struggled to keep breathing. Sam didn’t need to be a

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genius to realize this guy was human and had just
inadvertently learned of shifters existence.

“Tom,” Kade’s deep voice sounded through the

clearing. “What are you doing here?” The amount of
concern in the big shop-owner’s tone showed the man’s
familiarity with the stranger, and Sam felt relief that at
least the human would have a friend to help him
through the shock.

“I-I needed to talk to you. I—What the hell is going

on?” From Tom’s whispered words, it was clear he
didn’t believe his eyes.

Another man appeared through the trees nearby. “I

told you to keep watching, didn’t I? Isn’t it obvious,
Tom? These men aren’t human. They’re abominations.
They all deserve to die.”

The soft growl erupting from Sam’s throat at the

stranger’s animosity was easily drowned out by the
angry noises made by the other shifters filling the
clearing. The guy’s right hand twitched, and Sam
spotted a glint of metal. Ah, shit, the man has a gun.

“Tom, baby, I need you to come here. Let me

explain,” Kade said softly, imploring the man with his
voice and an open lifted palm to move away from the
evil-speaking man.

Unfortunately, Tom took a step backward, toward

the other man. “I-I don’t understand what’s going on,”
he squeaked. From the way Tom’s eyes were dilated, it
probably wouldn’t be long before the stress overloaded
his system and he passed out.

From the way everyone seemed focused on the pair,

watching with more interest and concern than animosity
or aggression, Sam didn’t think the others had seen the

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gun. Knowing he needed to act, Sam shifted back to
wolf form and crept through the trees. He circled
behind the pair of humans.

“We are not abominations,” Declan growled

gutturally, even though he obviously tried to keep his
tone reasonably soothing. “That’s a bigoted attitude of
someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking

Tom swayed on his feet, shifting restlessly, as if

ready to flee any second. The unafraid human shrugged
negligently. “I’m not here to discuss that with you,” he
stated with a smirk. The man stepped forward and
placed a hand on Tom’s shoulder, holding the
distressed man in place. “My name is Raven, and I’m
looking for Miach. Our friends don’t like him here.”

Kade snarled and the big man lurched forward a

step. A hand held up by Declan stopped him in his
tracks. “Ye can’t think we’re gonna let ye out of here
with Tom, Raven,” he said, his tone turning cold. “Tom
has nothin’ to do with this.”

Raven shrugged again. “I don’t plan to harm Tom.

Have Miach meet me on Lake Renue. I’m staying on a
houseboat at the west end of the lake. I’ll hang a green
flag on both sides. Tell him to come in a canoe, and he
better be alone,” Raven ordered.

The kidnapper pressed the gun against Tom’s side,

urging him sideways. “Come along, Tom.”

Evidently, this was too much for the traumatized

human, for Tom suddenly went limp. Seeing his
chance, Sam leaped forward and latched onto Raven’s
arm. The man let out a roar of pain and anger. He
released Tom and Raven’s left fist slammed into Sam’s

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jaw. Sam knew he wasn’t strong for a shifter, but he’d
thought he could handle a human. But the power behind
the human’s blow surprised him, and it knocked him
loose. He dropped to the ground, dazed.

The butt of the gun slammed into Sam’s skull,

making black spots dance across his vision. He wasn’t
certain if he could trust the image of a massive brown
and gold snake weaving toward them at amazing speed.
Since Raven turned his gun on the creature and fired
three times, making the large snake recoil, it must have
really been there.

Then Sam felt a steel-toed boot slam into his ribs,

then his head, and unconsciousness silenced the shouts,
growls, and yells of those around him.

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Chapter Seven

li paused, scenting the air with his tongue. He’d
spent several hours tracking his lover through the

forest. It was as if the human half of Sam had shut
down for a while and the wolf had led him on a merry
chase romping through the trees. But finally, Eli knew
he was close. His mate’s scent was so much stronger,
fresher, and he picked up others nearby as well.

The sound of Declan and several strangers speaking

told him Sam had led Eli to the enforcer right-for-
position challenge. He paused, scenting again when he
realized he didn’t hear any wolves fighting. Instead, the
acrid scent of fear hit his tongue.

He slithered swiftly through the underbrush, his

massive body weaving between trees and eating up the
yards between him and his mate. When others came
into view and the glint of metal caught his attention, Eli
paused and assessed the situation.

A stranger with black hair was holding a gun on

another man who, from his scent, was near to
panicking. Eli spotted movement behind them and
wanted to shout a denial at what he witnessed. As the
fearful human collapsed, his mate, in wolf form, leaped


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at the gunman. It didn’t take the stranger long to knock
Sam loose, hitting him several times.

Anger unlike anything Eli had felt before surged

through him, and he put on a burst of speed. His one
desire was to wrap his coils around the human and
squeeze. He wanted to listen to the bones of the man
crunch, feel the internal organs rupture, and see the
light fade from the man’s eyes. No one hits my wolf!

As if sensing him, the gunman turned and fired. Pain

flared through him in more than one place, making Eli
recoil and shift sideways. He hissed, watching the man
pick up a now unconscious Sam and back through the
trees, the barrel of the gun planted firmly against Sam’s
temple. Pain radiated from several points on his long,
thick body, but Eli forced his coils to move so he could
follow the man and his mate.

It didn’t escape his notice the wolves, some in

human form, some in wolf form, followed but kept their
distance. From the speed the human had moved, and
from his scent, Eli knew there was something not quite
right about this man. He responded with almost shifter
speed and precision, making the cold-blooded human
incredibly dangerous.

A slow simmering rage boiled in Eli as he watched

the guy shove Sam into a car, then shout over the hood.
“Ten o’clock tomorrow morning. Follow my
instructions or the wolf dies.” Then the guy settled into
the driver’s seat. A second later, the vehicle peeled out
down a dirt road. It took everything still human in Eli
not to give in to his snake’s urge to head after the car.
Even as big as he was, Eli couldn’t follow fast enough.

He forced his snake to retreat and resumed his

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human form. Naked and bristling with rage, he stalked
toward the man who held the unconscious human Sam
had rescued. If anyone knew what the hell was going
on, that man must. Before he could reach him and
demand answers, Kontra and Declan intercepted him.

His alpha gripped his shoulder in one massive hand

and squeezed. The dull pain forced Eli to turn his
attention to the bear shifter. “Who was that? Why has
he taken my mate? What the hell is going on?”

Kontra didn’t even flinch at Eli’s snarled questions.

The grizzly inspected Eli’s flesh, probing a wound on
his shoulder, then another on his hip. “Just grazed you.
It’ll heal just fine once it’s cleaned.” Blood dripped
down Eli’s arm and thigh, but he didn’t care about the
wounds. He cared about his mate. No amount of pain
would stop him from hunting down that strange human
and killing him for taking his mate. Declan called Lark
over, and Eli stood still for the bandaging, but growled
a warning that Kontra understood.

Finally, the bear deigned to answer his questions. “It

seems we’ve stumbled in to the middle of the fight
between Declan’s pack and the scientists. That man,
Raven, wants us to trade someone named Miach for

Declan growled softly before replying, “Miach was

one of their men until he mated with one of me wolves.
The scientists must not like the fact that we now have
access to inside information.”

Eli hissed softly, not at all pleased his mate had been

drawn into this mess. “What’s supposed to happen at
ten o’clock tomorrow?”

“Raven’s staying on a houseboat on Lake Renue.

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Miach is supposed to paddle out to the boat, alone, in a
canoe. Sam can take the canoe back to shore,” Declan

“Smart man,” Kontra stated coldly. He crossed his

arms over his chest and frowned. “Out on a lake, he’ll
be able to see if someone is coming other than just

Eli fought back bile. Shit! Boats sometimes made

him just as queasy as planes.

He watched Declan’s eyes narrow in speculation as

both alphas thought of options to get around the open
water issue. Eli grunted. He knew what he had to do.
“I’m a Burmese python. I can hold my breath for a
good thirty minutes. I can get to the boat undetected.”

“There’s one other I know who could do that, as

well,” Declan stated. “There’s no way we’ll send Miach
alone. Besides the fact that information he’s provided is
too important, he’s mated to one of me wolves. While
ye save yer mate, the other two will capture Raven.”

Eli hissed at the alpha wolf’s words. “Raven’s life is

mine to take!”

“Easy, Eli. I think Declan wants the man alive,”

Kontra pointed out. Declan nodded and Eli snarled.
Both he and his snake wanted this man’s blood for
injuring and taking his mate. Kontra’s grin turned feral.
“Relax, Eli. Once Declan is done with Raven, I’m sure
he’ll let you seek retribution.”

Declan lifted one dark eyebrow and muttered, “And

I thought wolves could be blood-thirsty.”

Kontra chuckled. He wrapped an arm around Eli and

guided him away from the alpha, calling over his
shoulder, “We’ll meet you back at your lodge to plan.”

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They arrived at an open field filled with vehicles,

and Kontra led Eli to his bike. He tossed him a pair of
sweats from his saddlebags. “Get behind me,” he
ordered. “It’s a short ride to the lodge.”

Eli tried to hide his surprise at Kontra’s

announcement, but he didn’t think he succeeded. He’d
never seen anyone ride behind Kontra, ever. The bear
didn’t like others pressed against his back. An arm
around the shoulders or waist was about all he tolerated,
and was used mainly to reassure one of his pack. Out of
respect, Eli took great care to keep as much distance
between them as possible.

Eli didn’t sleep much that night, visions of what Sam

was going through keeping him awake and restless. His
fingers were desperate to feel his mate’s firm skin. He
wanted to hold his man and paddle his ass for running
from him in the first place. He’d thought they were
getting along well, and he knew he’d have to find out
what caused Sam’s relationship fears. What had she
done to cause such residual fear?

At six in the morning, he was introduced to a large

man named Doctor Gordon Digby, a psychiatrist as
opposed to a medical doctor. He knew the look on his
face made his confusion clear, not only as to what kind
of shifter the slightly heavy-set, steel-gray-haired man
was, but how he and his partner, Detective Grady
Stryker, fit into the rescue plan. Declan simply stated,
“His swimming abilities are almost as easy to hide in
deep water as ye will be.” And wasn’t that an odd thing
to say?

Miach was easily pegged as ex-military, and his odd

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lemongrass scent spoke of altered DNA. His mate,
Nick, remained silent, and rode with everyone in
Declan’s SUV.

They reached the specified lake at almost nine-thirty,

and Eli caught himself lifting his nose to the wind,
trying to catch a whiff of Sam’s scent. The smell of
fish, gulls, forest, and water overpowered everything,
making it nearly impossible to smell anything else. Eli
had to hand it to the guy, grudgingly. The scientist’s
henchman knew how to pick his hiding spots. They’d
never have been able to track him there.

“We’ve been looking for this fucker for nearly three

months,” Grady growled. “I can’t wait to get my hands
on him.”

“Relax,” Gordon soothed. “We’ll have him soon.”
“I wish I could go with you,” the big detective said,

pulling Gordon into his arms.

The psychiatrist went willingly, snuggling close to

the tiger shifter. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

To his surprise, Grady’s cool blue eyes locked on Eli

for just a second before fixing on Miach. “You two
better keep my mate safe,” he growled.

Eli’s eyes narrowed at the implied threat and he

looked toward Miach, wondering how the human was
taking the shifter’s words. Miach simply nodded, then
pulled his own mate even closer and nibbled Nick’s
neck, murmuring reassurances.

Eli longed for Sam. He wanted the closeness these

others had with their mates, to be able to hold Sam,
have his mate turn to him for comfort. He vowed, once
this was over, he’d figure out a way to earn his mate’s
trust, his devotion, his love. And he sure as hell would

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claim the shifter!

“It’s time,” Declan declared. Eli stripped down and

shifted, Gordon did the same, and the rest of the men
slid a canoe into the water. At first, upon seeing that
Gordon was a massive Asian elephant, Eli couldn’t
figure out how he’d fit into the plan. But Declan had
chosen a secluded lagoon and Eli watched with interest
as Gordon waded into the water, not stopping until it
was completely over his head. The animal used his
trunk as a snorkel. It occurred to Eli the elephant could
easily hide the tip of his trunk behind the canoe, so no
one would know he was there from the boat.

Quickly, he followed Miach into the water,

submerging almost immediately. He knew it would
only take maybe fifteen minutes for the man to pilot the
watercraft to the indicated boat. He and Gordon
followed steadily.

He heard voices, but since he was underwater, he

couldn’t make out what was actually being said. Miach
bumped the canoe against the boat, and that was the cue
Eli was waiting for. He slithered up the other side of the
craft, quickly moving until he was on the roof of the

Knowing his job was to locate and free his mate, Eli

ignored the heated conversation between Miach and
Raven. He searched for a way into the cabin and was
relieved to discover an open window. Eli maneuvered
along the edge of the roof before sliding his head and
body down the side and through the window, confident
the rest of him would follow as he moved into the

He flicked his tongue out, scenting as he moved

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around the room. Sam’s smell hung heavy in the air,
telling Eli his mate was close. Using his broad flat nose,
he pushed open a door, only to discover a tiny privy.
Moving through the kitchen and dining area, he looked
around and spotted another door. This one was closed.
He thought about shifting, so he could open it, when a
hard bump hit the side of the boat. The signal from
Gordon that Miach wasn’t doing too well.

Working through his options swiftly, Eli abandoned

his search and slithered up on the counter, heading back
to the open window. “Get moving.” Raven’s voice
carried through the window.

Eli paused, scenting. The door handle turned.

Flipping around, he wrapped his prehensile tail around
the track lighting bar, giving himself an anchor. The
door swung open, and Miach stumbled through. As
soon as Raven appeared, Eli struck. His massive jaws
gripped the arm holding the gun and yanked up as his
powerful body undulated and coiled, wrapping Raven
in a stranglehold.

Unreasonable pleasure shot through Eli. The man

who’d hurt his mate was within his grip.

“Eli, wait! Don’t squeeze, damn it,” Miach shouted,

although he couldn’t really do much since his arms
were locked behind his back with handcuffs. As it was,
the guy still swung a leg up in a crescent kick and
knocked the gun from Raven’s loosening grip.
“Gordon! Get in here!” Miach screamed.

Seconds later, a dripping Gordon burst through the

door. He skidded to a stop and stared up at Eli and
Raven, obviously taking in where he half hung from the
track lighting and half of his coils rested on the kitchen

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counter. His thick body was wrapped tightly around a
gasping Raven. Eli released the arm he held in his
mouth and turned to hiss at the two men. He and his
snake were in agreement. They didn’t want to give up
their prize.

“Find Sam,” Gordon ordered softly after unlocking

Miach’s handcuffs.

“Right,” Miach muttered, scrambling to obey.
Gordon lifted a hand as if trying to stay Eli’s slowly

tightening coils with that simple gesture. “Come on,
man. You know the plan. We need the bastard alive.”
Eli hissed again, showing off his huge mouth filled with
sharp teeth. The big elephant shifter actually shuddered.
“Yeah, I get it. You’re a freaky dude, Eli, but that
doesn’t change the fact that we need him alive. You
don’t have to release him, but let up a bit so you don’t
crush him, huh?”

Eli saw the wisdom in that. No reason to kill the

human right away. The best way to torture someone
was to give them hope then take it away. Loosening his
hold, Eli heard Raven suck in several life-giving
breaths of oxygen.

His name whispered by Sam was the sweetest music

to vibrate over Eli’s sensitive skin. He turned his head
and focused his eyes at the slender African American.
His coils loosened from around his victim, releasing
him to spill on the floor. The gasping, sputtering man
was immediately grabbed by Miach, but Eli paid them
no attention.

He uncoiled his tail from around the bar above him

and moved swiftly to Sam. To his pleasure, his mate

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didn’t back away from him, although Gordon did. Eli
weaved around Sam’s body, wrapping him protectively
within his folds, and his mate brushed soft caresses over
his skin.

Knowing his python was probably too cumbersome

for his little shifter mate to completely hold, Eli kept
half his weight resting firmly on the floor. Once his
face was level with Sam’s head, he flicked out his
tongue, scenting, pleased to discover nothing but
pleasure and contentment radiating from Sam. Eli
scraped his head against Sam’s cheek in a semblance of
a nuzzle. Sam sighed, his eyes closing.

“All right, that’s enough,” Gordon’s amused voice

interrupted. “We need to get out of here. Everyone is
waiting, and it would be a good idea to get Sam cleaned
up and checked out.”

Eli knew the man was right, but he needed just a few

minutes more of touching his mate to reassure himself.
He needed to glide his hands over Sam’s skin, check his
mate himself for injuries. To do that, he needed to shift.
The thought was enough, and Eli’s snake, already
having relinquished its need for vengeance in favor of
holding his mate, retreated.

The leather skin softened, the dark brown and green

diamond patterned scales evened out to a deep bronze,
his body shortened, legs split, and his arms emerged.
Seconds later, Eli wrapped those newly formed arms
around Sam and pulled the man close. Eli pressed his
now human nose against Sam’s neck and inhaled
deeply, drawing the man’s scent into his lungs.

“My mate,” he growled against Sam’s skin, nipping

and sucking lightly on the tight cords of his mate’s neck

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as his hands skimmed over Sam’s body. “You will not
leave me again.” The gruff words were an order, a

“I will not leave you,” Sam replied softly. “There are

things I need to explain.”

Eli nodded. He lifted his head and cupped Sam’s jaw

so he could stare into those beautiful dark eyes he’d
come to love so much in so short a time. The soft, warm
light shining from those orbs settled something in Eli’s

The boat’s engine roared to life, sending vibrations

through the craft. The blood drained from Eli’s face as
it started to move, sending a wave of nausea through
him. When the houseboat hadn’t been moving, he’d
been fine, but now, his stomach lurched violently. “I’ve
gotta get off this damn boat,” he moaned, dropping his
head back to Sam’s shoulder.

Sam petted his back, his touch meant to soothe, not

incite. “I’m definitely ready to go.”

Gripping Sam’s hand, Eli led the way from the

cabin. The wind across his face helped cool his clammy
skin and let him breathe a little easier. “How long will it
take to get to the dock?” Eli asked Gordon, who stood
next to a trussed up Raven.

Gordon remained focused on their captive as he

answered. “Ten minutes. The dock is near the middle of
the lake, and we’re on the west end,” he explained.

Knowing there was nothing else he could do but

suck it up and wait, because there was no way he was
leaving his mate to shift and swim to shore, Eli settled
onto a deck chair and pulled Sam into his lap.

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Chapter Eight

am helped his queasy mate debark the houseboat. It
still amazed him that Eli had such violent reactions

to planes and boats. His mate had explained that even
sitting in the backseat of a car often made him sick,
which was why he enjoyed the freedom of riding a
motorcycle with his pack so much.

“I fucking hate boats,” Eli growled, allowing Sam to

support him as he stumbled onto dry land.

For a second, Sam felt certain Eli was going to drop

to his knees and kiss the dirt, and he hid a smile. Then
Sam watched the Dom reassert itself in the slender
shifter, and he saw Eli school his features.

Once they reached the parking lot, Eli waved toward

several bikes parked in the back. Figures Sam
recognized as Kontra, Yuma, and Adam stood nearby.
Declan and the pack beta, Shane, and the enforcer,
Carson, had met Gordon and Miach at the boat with
their charge, and had hustled Raven away. Eli and Sam
made their way over to the biker’s gang, and Eli leaned
against a large black motorcycle Sam couldn’t hope to

“Thanks for bringing my Goldwing,” Eli muttered


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even as he rested his hands on his knees and took slow,
deep breaths.

“Didn’t handle the boat well, ay, boyo?” Adam


Yuma shushed the big shifter, slapping his arm. Eli

curled his lip and growled softly.

Kontra stepped close and gripped Sam’s shoulder,

spinning him to look at the bear shifter. He trembled
under the scrutiny, but all the man did was check him
over for marks. “Anything we need to take you to the
hospital for?” he asked gruffly.

Sam shook his head. “No, Alpha. He may have

bruised a rib, but it feels all right now. He left me
locked in the cabin alone all night with food and water,
so I healed just fine.” Gods knew, he’d had so many
worse injuries than a knock on the head and a kick to
the ribs.

The bear shifter grunted acknowledgement. Sam

watched Adam press a flask into Eli’s fist. “Drink, man.
It’ll settle ya, all right.”

Eli took a sniff, curled his lip at whatever scent hit

him, then took a deep swallow. “Shit, you and your
cheap-ass whiskey,” Eli hissed after swallowing.

Adam chuckled. “Gets the job done.”
“Glad to see you’re with us,” Kontra stated, arms

folded over his chest. “We need to ride out tomorrow
afternoon at the latest,” he said flatly. “Haben was
called by a friend who needed a favor. He’s already on
his way to Kansas with Terence.”

Eli nodded once and straightened. His gaze shifted to

Sam. He held out a hand, and Sam went to him eagerly,
fitting comfortably between his mate’s spread thighs.

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Cupping his cheek, Eli pressed a chaste kiss to Sam’s
lips. “We have some things to discuss, my sub,” Eli
murmured. “Are you ready?”

Sam nodded, turning his head and snuggling close,

enjoying the way Eli’s arms slid around him, holding
him tight. One arm left him, then something appeared
in his peripheral view. A helmet. Sam took it tentatively
and looked questioningly at his mate.

“Our talk should be done in private,” Eli said. “I’ll

take us to your apartment.”

Sam agreed a private talk would be best, so he pulled

on the helmet, let his mate help him with the buckle and
swung onto the bike. The closer he got to home, the
more the butterflies bounced around his gut.

Eli must have read the anxiety on his face, for he

didn’t say anything even after they entered. Instead, he
settled Sam on his small couch, then got them both a
drink of iced tea from the kitchen. He sat down next to
him and pulled him close.

He’d never have thought his big bad biker would be

a snuggler, but it sure felt nice.

Eli took a sip of his tea before setting the glass on a

coaster on the coffee table. “I’m sorry you walked in on
Yuma kissing me,” he stated bluntly. “He’s very free
with his affection, but it was done in jest, not because
there’s attraction between us. I’ve never had relations
of any kind with the shifter.”

Which didn’t mean Eli didn’t have relations with

someone else in his gang, but Sam couldn’t figure out
how to tactfully ask that one. It seemed he didn’t have
to. Eli gripped his chin between his thumb and
forefinger and turned his head toward him. Eli’s dark

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eyes bore into him as he stated, “I’ve not been a saint.
I’ve been with plenty of men. But know this now, I plan
to claim you this afternoon, then there will never be
anyone but you in my bed.” The man paused, maybe for
effect, before adding. “And I don’t share. Ever.”

Sam swallowed hard, and began to talk. “I was an

orphan at twelve. Members of the pack raised me. They
were nice, but it wasn’t like they were really my family.
I had a girlfriend or two, but since I had no position in
the pack, and I’m a submissive wolf, I really had
nothing to offer them,” he admitted.

Eli’s hand slipped up his jaw, then down his neck,

settling his fingers on the pulse point. The odd hold
offered strength and support and gave Sam the courage
to continue. “A she-wolf joined the pack and took an
interest in me. Carol. She was dominant, like you, but
less…” he struggled for a second as memories of how
she’d beat him and cut him, then soothed him with
touches while crooning her devotion flitted through his
mind. “She never asked about a safe word. She liked to
be in control, of everything,” he explained. “Even my
job. She wanted me to stay at home and cook and clean
for her.” He swallowed hard and admitted. “I was so
starved for attention, I didn’t even question when she
started going out at night. It never even occurred to me
that she was dating someone else,” he whispered.

Sam remembered that fateful day when Carol’s date

had caught a whiff of Sam’s scent on her. He’d stormed
into the house, beyond irate. The pain of that beating
transcended anything Carol had ever put him through.
The blood dripping down his back and ass, the
lacerations on his arms, Sam had never thought he’d

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Eli’s soft question drew Sam out of his memories,

and it was then Sam realized he was trembling in his
mate’s arms. “The alpha,” he admitted. “My old alpha
had taken a shine to Carol and decided he wanted her
for his mate. She’d told him I was hired help. One day,
she didn’t wash well enough, and he scented me on her.
Since I wasn’t allowed to wear anything but a jock-
strap while in the home, it didn’t take a genius for him
to realize exactly what was going on between us when
he barged in.” Sam’s tone took on a flat quality, almost
as if he spoke about someone else as he finished, “I
don’t know what he told the pack about me, if anything,
when I disappeared.”

“God damn it,” Eli growled, much to Sam’s surprise.

Refocusing on his mate, Sam was surprised to find the
rage simmering in Eli’s eyes. He reacted immediately,
pulling his legs up to his chest, folding in on himself.
But instead of a blow, Eli’s arms were gentle when he
pulled Sam close. Eli’s face nuzzled against the back of
his neck as he held him in his lap and settled Sam’s
back against his chest.

“Ah, baby, I’m not angry at you. I’m angry at your

old alpha. It’s obvious Carol was in the wrong, leading
him on that way, and yet he punished you.”

Sam sank into Eli’s embrace, and into the

knowledge that Eli still wanted him, even after his
confession. Proof of his mate’s desire pressed against
his ass. He remembered what it felt like to be filled by
Eli’s shaft, the pleasure it had brought them. He wanted
to feel that again. His hole clenched and he wriggled on

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Eli’s lap.

To his surprise, Sam felt his own cock fill, and he

realized he no longer felt fear. Not even a little. This
man would never hurt him, at least not in a bad way.
He’d give Sam pleasure, devotion, maybe someday
even love. His heart swelled at the idea that his mate
would love him in return. In return? When did I fall in
love with this man? Is love in less than forty-eight hours
even possible?
Yes, Sam decided, because he loved Eli.
Loved being held by him, loved being touched by him,
loved everything about him.

A soft growl rumbled through Eli’s chest, and it was

then Sam realized he’d been rubbing his cheek against
his lover’s neck, smoothing his hands down the man’s
chest, trying to touch his mate everywhere.

Eli stroked his chest, tweaking a very erect nipple

through his shirt. “Are you needing, my mate?” Eli

Sam whimpered. “Want to be close to you,” he

admitted, knowing his mate would never use his
admission against him.

Suddenly, Sam was moving. Eli had somehow

managed to stand while still holding him, and they were
headed for the bedroom. After dropping him on the bed,
Eli ordered gruffly, “Get undressed. I’ll be right back.”

Sam didn’t question the man. He stripped as quickly

as possible, folded his clothes, and set them on a chair.
He stood by the bed, suddenly uncertain. His mate
hadn’t told him how to stand, lie, or kneel. Falling back
on old instincts, he knelt on the floor and settled his
hands behind his back, one wrist holding the other, and

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Eli paused in the doorway. With his head down, Sam

watched his mate through his lashes as Eli’s gaze
slowly took in his chosen position. Approval shone on
Eli’s face, and his eyes glowed with heat. The naked
lust in his mate’s eyes made Sam’s erection jerk.
Stepping close, Eli gently touched the back of Sam’s
head, then he threaded his fingers through Sam’s hair
and used his grip to tilt his head back. “My sexy mate,”
Eli crooned, a pleased smile curving his lips. “You will
still be spanked for not letting me explain about that
kiss before running away from me.”

The flash of surprise must have shown in his eyes

before he could hide it, because Eli grinned. “Don’t
worry, my mate,” he said, leaning down to brush Sam’s
lips with his mouth. “We’ll both enjoy it.”

Stepping back, Eli waved toward the bed. “Get up

there and grip the headboard, same as before.”

Sam obeyed, his body shivering with excitement as

he remembered the pleasure being spanked had brought
to his body the last time. He watched Eli slowly
undress, revealing inches of toned, bronze skin Sam
longed to lick and taste. Eli growled as he caught Sam’s
attention, his gaze heating further in response to
whatever he saw in Sam.

He watched Eli turn to one of the saddlebags he’d

brought in from his bike and pull out a black, disk-like
object with silver gleaming on the side. Once he
realized what he was looking at, Sam choked out a
gasp. A paddle. A leather covered paddle with round,
silver studs embedded in it.

Eli smiled and headed over to him. He set the paddle

and a tube of lube on the pillow near Sam’s knee.

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Climbing onto the bed, he draped himself over Sam’s
back, his hard shaft nestling into the crevice of Sam’s
ass. “We’re going to do twenty paddles, I think. That
way when you’re riding my bike tomorrow, you’ll
remember the pleasure I’ve given you this evening.”

The soft, crooning sounds, combined with the warm

breath ghosting over Sam’s ear, plus the imagery
caused by Eli’s words, had Sam’s erection bobbing and
a soft moan escaping his throat.

“Oh, yes, you like the thought of that, don’t you,


He mewled.
A sharp smack connected with the fleshy part of

Sam’s ass, eliciting a hiss of pleasure from him as heat
and tingles radiated over his flesh.

“Answer me,” Eli demanded.
“Yes, Sir. I want my ass to burn so I can remember

our time together tonight.” Somehow, he managed to
get the words out.

“Good.” Without further preamble, Eli picked up the

paddle and swatted Sam’s ass. Sam clamped his jaw
shut, holding in his cries of excitement. After the third
smack, Eli whispered, “Open your mouth, baby. Let me
hear it. I want to know the pleasure I give you.”

Sam obeyed immediately and the next smack had

him shouting his joy to the rafters. He thrust his ass
back, anticipating the next scalding sting, needing to
feel the way the flash of pain followed by the soothing
burn made his cock twitch and weep. He didn’t know
how he did it, but somehow Sam managed to keep from
coming, even though his dick was harder than he could
remember it ever being.

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“You take that so well, my mate,” Eli growled,

rubbing his hands over Sam’s burning flesh. Suddenly,
Eli was gone from lying across his back. He spread
Sam’s tingling cheeks with his palms and a rough, wet
tongue slid across the sensitive tissues of his hole.
Nothing could have prepared him for the pleasure
swamping his system by the unexpected rim job. He’d
never felt anything like it. Tingles spread through his
body and goose-bumps erupted over his skin.

It reduced him to whimpering cries in less than a

minute. The slit of his cock leaked like a sieve, but
every time he drew close to coming, Eli would reach
between his legs and pull his tightening balls away
from his body, easing his need to come.

Finally, two slicked fingers were thrust into his

channel. “That’s right, Sam,” Eli rumbled, again lying
across his back, his toned thighs and hips rubbing
deliciously against his heated skin. “Beg for my cock,”
he demanded.

And Sam did, without reservation. Those two fingers

quickly became three. He moaned like a wanton,
spreading his legs as wide as possible when the head of
Eli’s dick finally bumped against his sphincter. One
hard thrust and his mate was balls deep inside Sam.
And this—this was perfect. His mate filling him, his ass
and thighs tingling, and Eli’s arms wrapped tight
around him as if he’d never let him go. Nothing had
ever felt so right.

Sam tilted his head, exposing his neck even more,

and whispered, “Please claim me.”

A hiss of what could only be called excitement

tickled his ear before twin fangs sank into the fleshy

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meat of Sam’s neck. He cried out in ecstasy and his
cock erupted without being touched. His mate pulled
his dick out and thrust back in, nailing Sam’s prostate
with each stroke, sending Sam higher and higher as his
shaft continued to paint the wall and headboard in front
of him.

Eli’s arms tightened around him just a little more as

his hips stuttered. Then his mate rammed his cock into
Sam one more time and erupted. Eli growled and
grunted against his neck, drowning out Sam’s pleased
sighs and moans. He rhythmically tightened his ass
muscles, enjoying how Eli shuddered in response. Yeah,
that’s perfect, too.

Finally, Eli pulled his fangs out of Sam’s neck and

licked the claiming mark, sealing it and sending shivers
through Sam’s body in the process. His mate slipped
from his body and settled him on the bed. Sam let out a
soft grunt as the sheets rubbed his sensitive skin. Eli
smiled knowingly and pressed a soft kiss to his lips
before slipping into the bathroom. A moment later, he
returned with a warm, wet cloth and cleaned Sam up.
Once done, he threw the soiled cloth in the direction of
the bathroom, climbed into bed, and curled his larger
body around Sam.

Sam snuggled with his python and let out a

contented sigh. “I love you, Eli.” He could no more
keep the words at bay than he could have stopped
himself from drawing his next breath.

A smile curved Eli’s lips where they were pressed

against his temple. “And I love you, Sam,” Eli replied.
Suddenly, he stilled, making Sam turn his head and
look into his dark eyes. “If anyone touches you but me,

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I will kill them,” he stated flatly.

Sam paused for several heartbeats, thinking about

those words. He couldn’t ever imagine looking or
feeling for another the way he did for Eli. “That goes
for you, too,” he whispered.

His mate’s grin was radiant. “I’d expect nothing

less,” Eli replied, leaning over to sweep his tongue into
Sam’s mouth in a searching kiss. They pulled apart
when breathing became necessary. “Baby, did you like
the way Carol treated you as a Dom?”

Sam frowned, confused by Eli’s question.
“I mean, she chose every aspect of your life. Is that

how you want to be treated as a sub?”

He thought about Eli’s question for a moment,

remembering how Carol had controlled everything,
from the time he got up to the time he went to bed.

“There is no wrong answer, baby,” Eli said softly,

interrupting his thoughts.

“No, I like you in control in the bedroom, and maybe

even making decisions about lodging or proper riding
clothes, but I didn’t like the way she decided what to
eat, when to get up, how to fold a t-shirt, stuff like that.
I’ve liked deciding things for myself,” he admitted.

“Very good,” Eli stated, pressing another kiss to his

temple. “We’ll figure out what mix will be right for us.”

Sam liked how sure Eli sounded, but had to ask.

“But how will we know?”

“Ah, my sweet submissive mate,” Eli crooned softly,

sleep making his voice slur slightly. “Patience, love and
time. We have all the time in the world to figure it out.”

Liking that thought, too, Sam let the exhaustion of

the day and the release of tension caused by a fantastic

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orgasm pull him steadily toward sleep. “Yeah,” he
murmured, feeling safe in the knowledge that his snake
would take care of his wolf.

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About the Author

Charlie lives on a mini ranchette in Utah with her
husband and furry, four-legged children. She started
writing fantasy when she was eight, and after stumbling
onto her first erotic romance at age nineteen, she
realized her true calling. She now focuses on writing
erotic romance, normally of the paranormal variety,
with heroes and heroines of all kinds. You can often
find her curled up with her laptop and a cup of tea or
glass of wine, creating her next adventure. Charlie
enjoys exploring the mountains on horseback, 4-
wheeler, or motorcycle. Her favorite exercise is
jumping lessons with her Arabian gelding Apache or
her Thoroughbred mare Repo. And she can’t get
enough of sexy highlanders with their kilts and swords.
Right now, she and her muse are working with
dedication on her Wolves of Stone Ridge series and
Kontra’s Menagerie series.

She can be reached at ch.richards2010@yahoo.com
Or visit her at www.charlie-richards.com


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