Smart Time 2 Tapes

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© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE Smart Time 2


TEST 1A & 1B

(Unit 1)

Jim: Hi, Gavin.
Gavin: Hi, Jim. Do you have a present for Will?
Jim: No, and his party is tomorrow at 6 pm!
Gavin, you know Will better than me. What sort of
things does he like? Does he like Arsenal?
Gavin: I don’t think so Jim. Football’s your hobby.
Jim: You’re right. How about a computer game
Gavin: Well, I think Will has a games console. But
he doesn’t really use it much.
Jim: So that’s a bad idea too?
Gavin: Yes, sorry. Let’s think of something else.
Jim: What about a book? There are lots of books
in Will’s house.
Gavin: I’m not so sure. Reading is his brother’s
favourite hobby. Most of those books are Victor’s.
Jim: This is so hard! You’re easy, Gavin, all you
like doing is fishing!
Gavin: That’s true, I love fishing! Hey! I have an
idea. Will always comes with me, and usually
paints when I fish. He really enjoys painting.
Jim: That’s great! I know what to get him now!
Thanks Gavin.
Gavin: No problem. See you at the party!

TEST 2A & 2B

(Unit 2)

1 Woman: Hi, Julie. Are you in London yet?

Girl: Hi, Mum! Yes, we arrived a few hours ago.

Woman: How was the flight?

Girl: Fine. It was much faster than coming by
coach like we did last year!

Woman: Do you like your hotel?

Girl: Yes, it’s lovely. It’s near the underground
so it was really easy to find and it only took 30
minutes to get here from the airport.

Woman: Great. So what are you doing this

Girl: Well, we’re thinking of hiring bicycles and
riding around the city. Our hotel actually has
bikes downstairs for the guests to rent.

Woman: That sounds fun. Enjoy yourselves!

Girl: Thanks, Mum. Bye!

2 Woman: Are you thinking of going on holiday

this summer? Come to The Sunshine Store!
This week we are offering a special deal on
beach holidays to Greece. Spend over £600
on your hotel booking and The Sunshine
Store can give you your flights at no extra
cost! As always with our holidays, all food is
included in the price of the hotel.

3 Boy 1: Hi, James! What was your holiday in

New Zealand like?

Boy 2: It was amazing! We climbed lots of
mountains – you know how I love mountain
climbing. They were so high that they had
snow on the tops!

Boy 1: Was it really cold then?

Boy 2: Only up in the mountains. In fact, I
actually visited a rainforest on the South
Island – it was beautiful! It was Martin’s
favourite place, but for me the best part was
seeing Lake Taupo, the largest lake in New

Boy 1: Wow. It sounds like the trip of a

4 Woman 1: I’m having a really great time


Woman 2: Yes, me too. I was annoyed that
our flight was delayed by 3 hours this
morning, but now that we’re here I’m really
enjoying myself.

Woman 1: Well, after we finish eating I think
we should go to the beach.

Woman 2: Great idea! Let’s ask for the bill,
then go back to the apartment to get our sun
cream and an umbrella.

5 Man: Hello Simon, it’s Adam. I’m sorry I

didn’t call earlier – it’s been really busy at
work. Anyway, I’m going up to my parents’
cabin in the mountains next weekend and I
wondered if you wanted to come. Remember
how much fun we used to have there when
we were kids? Call me when you get this and
we can discuss the details.

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TEST 3A & 3B

(Unit 3)

Woman: Welcome, shoppers, to the final day of
our Spring/Summer Sale. I would like to take this
opportunity to remind you that we have discounts
up to 50% on selected lines including sportswear
and formal evening wear. We also have a 2 for 1
offer on all children’s footwear. Make sure you
remember to use your store card at the pay point
to earn double reward points on every purchase.
Our doors are open until 8 pm tonight. Thank you
for listening and happy shopping!

TEST 4A & 4B

(Unit 4)

Man: Attention, everyone. I’d just like to make a
quick announcement about tomorrow’s trip to the
outdoor centre. The bus leaves at 8.30 am on the
dot so please be at the pick-up point by 8 o’clock
so that we can get everything loaded in plenty of
time. For those of you that want to try rowing or
sailing don’t forget to bring a towel and a change
of clothes with you. Finally, those of you that still
have to pay can give the money to either me or
one of the other teachers on the bus.


(Units 1-4)

Mum: Did you have a good time at the restaurant
last night?
Emily: Yes, it was great! The food was delicious.
Mum: What did everyone have?
Emily: Well, Jo had chicken, but her sister
Rosie’s a vegetarian so she had a pasta dish. I
almost got the pasta – it sounded really nice – but
in the end I chose fish.
Mum: Fish? I’m surprised!
Emily: I know, I’m not usually a fan of fish, but
Becky recommended it. She goes to that
restaurant all the time with her family and she
loves seafood. She said the prawns were really
nice, too, but she actually ordered beef.
Mum: And what about pudding?
Emily: That’s easy – we all had ice cream! That
restaurant is famous for making their own using a
traditional Italian recipe.

TEST 5A & 5B

(Unit 5)

Speaker 1 (man)
I live in London and last year I spent New Year’s
Eve by the River Thames. There was a fantastic
fireworks display with laser lights and great
music. I had an amazing time and I’m really glad
that I went, but it took us hours to get home and
I couldn’t wait to go to bed!

Speaker 2 (woman)
I went to my sister’s graduation last week. I felt
proud of her because she was getting her
degree in French and Arabic. There were a lot of
other students graduating, though, and the
ceremony was very long. At one point I almost
fell asleep! At least our parents took us out for a
nice meal afterwards.

Speaker 3 (man)
My mum is American and last year she decided
that we should celebrate Thanksgiving. We
invited all our friends – there was hardly room to
move! Mum made lots of delicious food, like
roast turkey and pumpkin pie, and we played
party games and sang songs. It was brilliant, but
one day I want to go to America to experience
Thanksgiving for real.

Speaker 4 (woman)
Last summer, my cousin got married in the
Caribbean. I was really excited about the
wedding and I bought lots of new clothes.
Unfortunately, two days before we were
supposed to fly out I got the flu. I was sad to
miss the wedding, but my cousin had a great
time and she sent me the photos to prove it!

TEST 6A & 6B

(Unit 6)

Recording 1
Excuse me, do you have a minute?
Female student: Sure, how can I help you?
Abigail: I’m Abigail from the Animal Trust and
I’d like to talk to you about the black rhino. Did
you know that there are less than 5,000 of them
left in the wild now?
Female student: Really? Why are there so few?

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Abigail: Partly because climate change is
causing them to lose their homes. But the biggest
problem is hunters. They kill the rhinos for their
horns and people use them to make medicine to
cure illnesses.
Female student: That’s terrible! What can I do to
Abigail: Well, you could donate three pounds a
month to our Save the Rhinos project. Or you
could donate twenty pounds a month and adopt a
rhino of your own.
Female student: I’d love to adopt a rhino, but I’m
still a student, so the cheaper option is best for
Abigail: That’s great! Anything you give is
appreciated. And if at any time you want to
increase your donation to, say, five pounds a
month, just give us a call. Now, if I could just have
your details ... .

Recording 2
Male speaker: Last summer, I went to the
Amazon Rainforest with a few other students from
my Zoology course. We wanted to study the
amazing creatures that live in the rainforest.
When we arrived, though, we were shocked to
find that large areas of the forest were gone. You
see, loggers are cutting the trees down and
selling the wood and, as a result, many animals
find it hard to survive.
My friends and I decided to take action. We set up
a charity called Green Trees and our aim is to
help save the Amazon Rainforest. We run
marathons and hold bake sales to raise money
and we also do presentations in schools and
youth clubs to tell people about the problems the
Amazon is facing. Next summer, we’ll be
travelling back there after our exams to plant
trees. One of my friends is even going to stay out
there for a year as a volunteer Forest Warden,
protecting the trees from loggers.

TEST 7A & 7B

(Unit 7)

Speaker 1 (girl)
I live in a pretty little village. Visitors love the
quaint cottages and surrounding countryside but
for me it’s too quiet. The people that live here are
very friendly and everyone gets along well with

their neighbours, but there’s nothing to do here
especially for teenagers. I mean, the nearest
cinema is 10 miles away.

Speaker 2 (man)
I have a place in the city. Actually, I live in the
city centre and it’s great. I love the buzz and
activity of city life and I don’t have to go very far
to get anything I need. If I had one complaint
about life in a busy city, it’s that it can be a bit
lonely at times because you don’t really get to
know the people around you.

Speaker 3 (boy)
My parents and I live on a farm in the country.
Our nearest neighbour is 6 miles away so we
don’t have to worry about being disturbed. It’s so
peaceful here that I can’t imagine living
anywhere else and I don’t think I could ever live
in a city. The only inconvenience is that my
parents have to drive me to school every day.

Speaker 4 (girl)
The town where I live is a very friendly place,
sometimes too friendly. There never seem to be
any secrets here. Because of the town gossip
there is no chance of privacy and everybody
knows everybody else’s business. What I
wouldn’t give to live in a place where nobody
knew what I did last weekend, or cared.

TEST 8A & 8B

(Unit 8)

Recording 1
Did you book the tickets for the show,
Anna: Yes, but they were sold out for Friday
Bella: Did you get seats for Saturday evening,
Anna: Well, they had a few left but they were
right at the back, so I found us some better seats
at the afternoon performance.
Bella: OK, great. We can eat before we go. I
think Benny’s Burgers has 50% off at the
Anna: That’s a great deal, but I’m trying to lose
weight, remember?

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Bella: Oh, yes. I suppose that means Pizza
Palace is out, too.
Anna: I’m afraid so. We could come back here,
though. The food here is really good.
Bella: Sounds great. I’ll meet you here around
Anna: OK. Oh, I almost forgot! Here’s you ticket
and the receipt.
Bella: Thanks, I’ll give you the money tomorrow.

Recording 2
Male speaker:
Last weekend I went to a music
festival with some of my friends. We had a great
time! We stayed in a tent and we saw loads of our
favourite bands. We all like different music but it
didn’t matter because there was one stage for
rock music, one for hip hop and one for reggae,
so we took turns choosing. In fact, even though
I’m a rock fan myself, I really enjoyed the other
bands. I won’t be rushing out to buy any hip hop,
but I might get a few reggae albums!
I would definitely recommend the festival to other
music fans, but only if you enjoy camping. And if
you do go, get there early – we had trouble finding
a space for our tent because it’s such a popular
festival. I also advise everyone to buy some
decent boots before they go – it was pretty


(Units 1-8)

Text 1

Girl 1: What shall we watch tonight?

Girl 2: Well, I know you like horror films, but I’d

prefer to watch something a little less frightening.

Girl 1: Like an animated film? I heard Despicable

Me 2

is quite good.

Girl 2: Yes, but I was thinking of something with

real people in it.

Girl 1: How about a comedy then? Kevin saw The

Incredible Burt Wonderstone

last weekend and he

said it was hilarious.

Girl 2: Sounds good. Do they have it?

Girl 1: Let’s see ... yes, right here. I’ll get the film

and you can buy the popcorn. There’s a stand

with snacks by the counter.

Girl 2: I’m not really that keen on popcorn. Is

there anything else?

Girl 1: Just some sweets and I’d prefer

something a bit more filling.

Girl 2: What about pizza? I’ve got some

takeaway menus in the kitchen drawer. We can

call and have it delivered to the house.

Girl 1: Great idea!

Text 2

Boy: Hi Daniel, it’s Kevin. I’m sorry I haven’t

been in touch for a while. I had my school exams

and ever since then I’ve been helping my dad in

his shop. I don’t really enjoy working there –

some of the customers can be impolite at times!

But at least I’m earning a bit of money and I get

to spend more time with Dad. Anyway, I’m

celebrating my 17


birthday next weekend and I

was wondering if you wanted to come. We’re

going to watch a football match at Wembley

Stadium and then we’re going out for a meal. It’s

next Saturday, but let me know if you’re coming

by Wednesday evening because I’m going to

book the tickets for the match on Thursday.

Speak to you soon – bye!


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