Caitlin Ricci Serving Simon

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Simon has an offer for his stressed out roommate,
but is this stubborn sub already too far gone for
Simon’s methods?

Max’s high pressure job as a surgeon is getting to
him and he’s starting to suffer for it. His
roommate Simon has a solution for him, but is
Max ready to give up control or will this Dom
have to work for it?

Simon’s not used to dealing with such stubborn

subs, but he can’t sit back and let Max’s health and
sanity continue to decline in the name of his work.
Enough is enough already and if Max doesn’t
accept what he’s offering, then Simon might just
have to come up with something even more

But when a night of passion between these two

strong willed men exposes Simon’s secrets, it
might be he who has to learn to trust and let go of
the control he so desperately seeks.

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Serving Simon

Copyright © 2013 Caitlin Ricci

ISBN: 978-1-77111-608-4

Cover art by Scott Carpenter

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the
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Published by eXtasy Books

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Serving Simon


Caitlin Ricci

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Chapter One

ax Peterson stumbled up to the front steps of
his second story condo. The welcome mat

below his muddy sneakers read The Doctor Is In.
When he’d found it, the green lettering on the tan
background had made him smile. Today though,
getting off a two-day rotation and too exhausted
to remember the last thing he’d forced himself to
eat, he could have done without the cheeriness of
it all.

He forced his hands to move, his fingers to find

and then twist his key into the lock. His feet came
next as the door opened wide. They were reluctant
to move and felt too heavy to lift. Still, being
inside was better than standing out on the landing
between his condo and the one across from it. The
elderly couple across from him might begin to
wonder about him if they happened to see him
like this.

If they didn’t already.
He stepped inside and closed the door behind

him. Leaning back against the cool wood, he


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allowed his eyes to close. Just one moment, just a

No, no, he wasn’t going there. A little girl’s face

washed in front of his eyes and his vision blurred
as bile shot back up into his throat. He sucked in
deep gulps of air, desperate to get this thing under
control. He’d lost people on the table before this.
Hell, he was the head of surgery at a major
metropolitan hospital in the area. No one got that
position without thousands of surgeries under
their belt. And statistics showed that once in
awhile people were going to die.

But statistics weren’t seven year old girls with

bright blue eyes and a body broken from years of
abuse. At least, they weren’t supposed to be.

“Sit down.”
Max looked around, startled, until his

roommate, Simon Baker, stepped out of the
kitchen and sat down in their small living room.
Max swallowed thickly, the sight of Simon in little
more than a pair of shorts doing strange things to
his stomach. He shook his head and moved
toward his bedroom. He couldn’t deal with this
right now. Simon was hot, powerful. He reminded
Max of a thunderstorm. What Max needed was a
cup of hot jasmine tea or, if he couldn’t get that, at
least a few good hours of sleep in his bed. He
didn’t have to be at the hospital tomorrow, a rare

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Serving Simon


occurrence when he worked at least fifty hours a

“I’ll see you in the morning, Simon,” he called,

giving his roommate a little wave and kicking off
his shoes near the door. They had a mat for their
boots and such, Simon’s idea. Max would deal
with it in the morning. When it was light out. Or
when he could string together a coherent thought
that didn’t feel more like suffocating under a
pillow than actual words.

“I believe I told you to sit, Maxwell,” Simon’s

voice, darkly pleasurable, rumbled through the
apartment. Max shivered, knowing the reaction to
Simon’s voice was involuntary but still wishing it
didn’t happen anyway.

He shook his head, trying to force himself to

move toward his bedroom. To open the door that
stood between him and the comfortable bed he’d
just treated himself with. He could almost feel the
down comforter wrapping around him, hugging
his body as he slipped into what would hopefully
be a dreamless night’s sleep. He didn’t need to be
reminded of things best left forgotten when he
closed his eyes as well. It was bad enough seeing
their faces when he was awake.

But part of him was curious. Simon wasn’t one

to speak to him often. He was a good roommate,
quiet and clean. Much more so than Max was.
And he wasn’t rude, he didn’t have parties and

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he’d never even brought a friend over in the year
and a half that they’d been living together. But
still, there was so much more to Simon that Max
wished he knew. He was a question that Max’s
insatiable curiosity hadn’t been able to figure out.
And that had never sat all that well with him.

Max found himself walking toward the sound

of Simon’s voice. Knowing where he’d be sitting
even before he found him in the big leather chair
he’d brought with him from his last apartment.
That was another thing that had bothered Max at
first. Simon had expensive taste. And not knock-
off expensive. Everything in his life was high
quality and brand name. While they’d never
talked about money more than the basics of who
would pay what and this was how much the rent
was, Max knew Simon could afford far more than
what he paid. Even in a city as expensive as
Denver was, Simon could have probably afforded
his own apartment. But instead he’d answered
Max’s online ad, seeking a roommate after his last
had decided to move out. She’d started dating a
guy and wanted to move in with him. He’d been
sad to see her go. Having a girl around made life
more interesting and meant that he wouldn’t be
attracted to the person sharing the space.

Too bad that hadn’t been the case with Simon.

Max sat down across from him, the heavy cherry
wood coffee table between them. Knowing Simon

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Serving Simon


was sleeping in the room next to his, seeing the
man come out of the single bathroom they shared
with little more than a dark green towel around
his slim hips, had done things to Max since day
one. He should have never agreed to let a guy
move in with him. Especially not one as beautiful
as Simon. But after two months of searching and
finding no one that fit with him, or, failing that,
one that could prove their income, he’d become
desperate. He had savings but he wasn’t going to
keep paying for the expensive apartment on his
own. That wasn’t what he’d sacrificed nights out
with friends and trips to exotic locations to be able
to do.

“You look tired,” Simon began, handing him a


“Uh huh.” Max took it, eagerly drinking

whatever Simon had decided to give him.
Knowing the other man, it was probably whiskey.
Or something equally dark and strong. But when
warm tea met his tongue, the sweet taste of orange
and spice coating his throat, he moaned. “It’s
good,” he said, putting the cup down.

Simon nodded, his brown hair falling in front of

his eyes. “We need to talk,” he said, his voice
naturally quiet. Simon didn’t yell and Max had
never even heard him raise his voice. Even when
he sang in the mornings while making eggs on
those rare moments when Max caught him

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completely relaxed and he thought no one was
watching him, Simon was still quiet. He didn’t
need to be loud. Most people did, but Simon
didn’t. He was powerful just by existing. He
commanded attention like a bullmastiff did. Like a
great sports car. Like a beautiful woman. He was
grace and size and beauty, all put together.

And being near him made Max nearly lose his


“Can’t it wait until morning?” Max asked,

knowing there was a whine in there somewhere
and not caring. He was damn tired. Simon knew
that. He’d even commented on it. He could have
the decency to let him just go to bed. “I’ll be much
better in the morning.”

Simon shook his head. “No, Max. You need to

sit and listen now. This has gone on long enough.”

Max blinked nervously, quickly perking up at

hearing his roommate sounding so unhappy.
“What had? I didn’t know we were having
trouble. You didn’t say anything. I thought when
you moved in that we promised to always tell
each other if something was bothering us. Did
something happen that you aren’t happy with?”

“Max, hush,” Simon said, seemingly scolding

him. Max frowned. “Listen to me for a few
minutes. I’ll make it fast. If you want to know
more, then you can. If you want to go to bed after I
tell you what I’m about to, then that’s fine, too.”

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Serving Simon


Simon had grabbed Max’s attention with his

simple statement. He found himself nodding
although he had no idea what he was agreeing to.

“Wait… What?” Max asked, coming back to


Simon’s full mouth turned up into a smile. It

was pleasant, but Max knew something was off
about it. There was too much predator to his prey
for Max to feel completely comfortable with where
this evening was going.

“I’m just going to go… I need to sleep,” Max

said, finishing lamely as he started to lift himself
off the couch.

“I’m a Dom,” Simon said, his words filling the

silence in the room.

Max froze halfway out of the chair. “A what?”
“A Dom. You’ve heard of Dominant and

Submissive right?” Simon asked.

He nodded. The idea of role-playing wasn’t

completely foreign to him. He’d once bought an
old military outfit at a surplus store because an ex-
boyfriend had asked him to dress up. The game
had been fun. But that’s all it had been. Somehow
he didn’t think Simon meant what he was
thinking. “Sure, like the sex games,” Max said
quickly, shrugging as he stood up. “So you like to
wear leather and collars and such and play with
other people?” It was strange to think of Simon
dressed like that, but then again most of this

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conversation was strange. And the idea of his
roommate dressed from head to toe in leather and
wielding a riding crop, like he’d seen on a poster
once, was kind of kinky.

Simon shook his head. “No, not like a game.

Come here, Max.”

“I am right here,” Max said, not understanding.
Simon’s right hand lifted and his long fingers

moved to point at the floor next to him. “No, come

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Serving Simon


Chapter Two

ax shook his head. “Uh no, fuck you very
much, Simon. But I’m not sitting at your feet

like some goddamn pet dog.”

Simon’s grin turned far less serious and

surprisingly, he laughed. “I knew you and I were
going to get along, Max.”

Max frowned, clearly confused. “But I just said

no to you. Isn’t that like the opposite of what
Doms are supposed to say when someone tells
them no. Are you sure you’re a Dom?”

Simon nodded and stood with him. “I am quite

sure and have been for many years. But you
telling me no means that you won’t just bend and
break when I demand it of you. It was a test, Max.
And you did very well.”

“I had enough tests in all my years of college.

But thanks for that. Now, I’m going to bed. If you
want to tell me more about being a Dom
tomorrow, feel free. As for me, I’m going to climb
into bed and go to sleep. I’m tired, Simon. I don’t


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want to do this anymore. Let me go get some
rest,” Max said, definitely whining now.

Simon nodded and went to Max’s bedroom

door. He opened it for him and stepped aside.
“Absolutely. I’m not going to force you to listen. If
you’d rather not hear what I was going to say
that’s up to you. I don’t mind.”

Max frowned and crossed his arms. “That’s not

fair. I do want to know. I just don’t—”

“Don’t what?”
He shrugged, unsure of what he really wanted

to do right now. Listening to Simon sounded like a
good idea. Maybe he had something to say that
Max really did want to hear. But then again,
maybe he was full of shit and speaking nonsense.
Still, this was Simon. He’d lived with the man for
over a year. And he’d never come across as a crazy
psychopath. Strange sometimes, absolutely. But
not crazy.

“I’m waiting,” Simon said, bringing Max’s

attention back to him.

“And I’m still thinking,” Max said, snapping at


Simon’s deep chuckle rumbled through Max’s

chest, warming him to the core. He loved the
sound of Simon’s laugh and even the little chuckle
he had just made was enough to make Max’s cock
swell in his pants. He so didn’t need this right
now. On top of everything else that had happened

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Serving Simon


today, he didn’t need Simon knowing how turned
on his roommate made him. The man didn’t even
know he was gay for fuck’s sake. At the very least
they had another few months of living together.
He couldn’t screw that all up now by freaking
Simon out.

“Come on, Max,” Simon said, walking toward

him. “You know that pretty little head of yours
can think faster than that.”

Max’s mouth fell open. “You think my head is

pretty?” He scowled. That wasn’t something guys
usually said to each other. At least not the ones
he’d ever known.

Simon nodded and reached out to touch him.

His hand landed on Max’s shoulder, the warmth
bleeding through his shirt. “Yes, Max. You have a
pretty head. But that’s not what you want to

“It’s not?” Max said, frowning.
Simon smiled and shook his head. “No, you

want to know why I’m telling you now, after
we’ve been living together for so long, that I’m a

Max hoped his face didn’t give away too much

of what he was thinking because yes, Simon was
right. He did want to know that. Among other
things. Like what he looked like in the leather
pants Max pictured him wearing. And if he owned
leather pants. And what size he was because if he

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didn’t, Max was going to make sure he did now.
Just so that he could see him walking around the
apartment in his leather pants, barefoot without a
shirt on. Simon had lovely feet. Long bones and
neatly trimmed nails. Max hadn’t thought he’d
been a foot man until he’d seen Simon walk
around in a pair of faded blue jeans one morning
while drinking a glass of milk. His feet had been
as bare as his chest was. Max hadn’t been able to
stop staring, and luckily Simon hadn’t noticed. Or
maybe he had. Maybe he’d always known when
Max was watching him. Like some kind of freaky
stalker. But he wasn’t. It wasn’t stalking if the man
lived with you. Was it? He didn’t think so. That
was just called being aware. He was supposed to
know what his roommate was up to. Wasn’t he?
That was just being smart. Yes, he was just—

“Max, enough,” Simon said, interrupting his

wayward thoughts. “Do you want to know why I
want to tell you about being a Dom?”

“Yes,” Max answered automatically, still

picturing him wearing a pair of tight leather pants
that would perfectly fit Simon’s muscular ass. “I

“Go lay down on your bed. Get comfortable,”

Simon said, his voice soft though the words were
clipped. Max didn’t know if his roommate was
angry with him, had become frustrated, or was
simply giving a command.

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Serving Simon


Since going to bed was what he wanted to do

anyway, Max nodded and walked into his room.
He was messier than Simon and kicked a few
pieces of dirty laundry away. He’d do them
tomorrow. For now he stripped off his shirt,
tossed it aside and flopped onto the bed, the thick
comforter sighing under him as his weight
pressed out some of the air.

“I desire control,” Simon said, coming into the

room and standing next to his bed. Max looked up
at him, unused to having someone else in his

“What are you doing in here?” Max asked,

barely able to keep his eyes open as his head sunk
into his fluffy pillows.

His eyes shot open as Simon’s fingers grazed

Max’s chest, trailing over his sternum and down
his ribs. Max couldn’t move, couldn’t even
breathe, as Simon’s fingers tickled his stomach
and circled his navel.

“As I was saying,” Simon said, his voice soft in

the near darkness. “I want control.”

Max gulped, watching him in the moonlight

streaming in from his open curtains. “Of what?”

His mouth turned up into a smile and Max

froze, both dreading and needing the answer all at
once. “Why, Max, that’s simple.” He took a breath.
“I want to control…you.”

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Max shook his head. “Crazy, psychopathic,

lunatic—” His words became muffled as Simon
leaned down on and captured Max’s lips with his
own. His hands tightened in the sheets, afraid to
touch him, though he desperately wanted to know
how the thick muscles of Simon’s shoulders that
he’d been dreaming about would feel under his
hands. He bet Simon was warm, that his muscles
were hard, that he—

He frowned as Simon pulled back. “You

stopped,” he grumbled.

“Oh? Did you want me to continue?” he

replied, smirking.

Max bit his lip. He couldn’t admit that. Not out

loud. So he nodded. He wanted Simon to kiss him
again. To bring his beautiful mouth back down so
that Max could kiss him again. And then he
wanted so much more than that, too. Though the
kissing had been damn nice.

“There are rules, Max,” Simon said, trailing his

warm fingers over the band of Max’s pants. He
tucked his fingers inside for a second, making Max
jump, before he pulled them back out again. He
continued this game, teasing him as he touched
Max’s heated skin.

“What rules?” Max gasped out as Simon

lowered his hand and began stroking the
hardened ridge of his cock through his pants.

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Serving Simon


Simon squeezed him through his pants and

Max couldn’t stop his moan in time before it
slipped past his lips. “First of all, you have to tell
me when you like something, but much more
importantly, when you don’t. I’m not a mind
reader. I won’t assume that you enjoy something
without knowing for sure.”

Max nodded quickly. He could agree to this.

He’d agree to pretty much anything Simon
wanted, as long as he kept touching him.

“Secondly, I want to give you this release

because you need it. I’ve seen you over the past
few months. Head of the surgical unit was a big
move for you. It was a good promotion. But long
weeks and late hours have taken their toll. You’ve
stopped taking care of yourself. That ends tonight.
You have to be in control of everything all day, all
the time. You aren’t made for that.”

Max opened his mouth to argue but Simon

shook his head.

“Tell me, and be honest here, Max, tell me that

you honestly enjoy having to keep order at the
hospital? That you like having all those people
under you, that you don’t hate being responsible
for every little detail that happens in your wing?”
Simon pressed him.

Max would have loved to lie to him, would

have given anything to tell Simon that he didn’t
know what the hell he was talking about because

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Max loved his job and enjoyed every damn minute
of it. But he didn’t. He hung his head, ashamed
that he couldn’t be as strong as the hospital
needed him to be, even as his chin trembled with
unspent emotion.

Simon gently kissed his cheek. “Not enjoying it

isn’t a sign of weakness. Some people simply
cannot handle that environment.”

Max snorted. “I don’t really have a choice.

What do you expect me to do? Quit? That’s not
going to happen. This is a dream job. I’m not
walking out on it.”

With quick, sure movements Simon undid the

button on Max’s pants. “I never said that I
expected you to quit, now did I?”

Max shook his head, staring at Simon’s fingers

as they toyed with his zipper.

“I’m simply offering a solution. A distraction, if

you will. Where you can release all of this pent up
stress and hand control over to someone else.”

Max’s heart jumped. “Who?” he whispered, not

believing his ears even as he saw Simon form the

“Me, of course.”
Max nodded as if it all made sense. “Of course.

So your solution is what? Sex?” Please let it be sex,
he thought, his gaze travelling over Simon’s naked
chest and back.

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Serving Simon


Simon laughed. “Well it certainly isn’t ice

cream. So, do you agree to try my solution out?
Just once?”

“Yes,” Max said, eager to get started.
“Good,” Simon said, grinning. He reached into

his pocket and brought out two long pieces of
material. Before Max could protest, Simon had
already strapped one of his wrists to the slats in
his headboard. Max was too surprised to fight him
off as he secured the second.

“What the hell?” Max tried to struggle, shaking

his wrists and pulling his arm until he thought the
slats might break. But his efforts did nothing to
loosen the ties on his wrists.

Simon tsked at him. “I said that I would control

you. What did you think I meant?”

Max continued to struggle, despite the way his

muscles ached as he worked his already tired
arms. “I thought you’d spank me or something,”
he admitted, falling back against his pillows with
a sigh. He was held too tightly and he was much
too exhausted to keep fighting. As much as it
sucked, he’d just have to admit defeat. “When do
the ties come off?”

“When we’re done. You’ll be asleep within an

hour. I promise you this. You’ll have plenty of
time to catch up on your rest. I won’t let our
activities interfere with your time off any more
than necessary. A good Dom takes care of his

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submissive,” Simon said as he unzipped Max’s
pants and began sliding them over his hips.

“And are you?” Max asked, lifting himself off

the bed to help Simon undress him.

Simon tossed his pants aside and began

working on his socks. “Am I what?”

Max swallowed, realizing Simon had him

completely naked and exposed. He didn’t mind.
Not as much as he thought he would anyway. “A
good Dom?”

Simon chuckled and quickly took off his own

clothes. He placed a few items next to Max’s hip
and Max gulped loudly as he realized they were a
small bottle of lube and a condom. “I am an
excellent Dom. Though I can go get references for
you if you’d like.”

Max shook his head. “No. That’s not


“Sure you don’t want to see my resume?”

Simon teased as he knelt on the bed next to him.
He moved toward him and Max spread his legs,
opening himself up for Simon as he crawled on
top of his body.

“No, no I don’t.” Max frowned, hating the bit of

jealousy he heard creep into his voice. But it was
there all the same, and now that it was out his
overworked mind began picking at that emotion.
Sure, he found Simon attractive, and he was more
than willing to play guinea pig to his desires. But

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Serving Simon


he didn’t think he’d become jealous of the idea of
Simon having lovers before him. He was a rational
adult, fully capable of realizing that—

“Ow!” he yelped, shifting away from Simon’s

mouth as he raised his head from the red mark
he’d left on Max’s hip. “You bit me!”

Simon nodded. “Yes. I did. And do you know


Max glowered at him. “Because you’re a

fucking cannibal?”

Laughing, Simon shook his head. “No. I bit you

to keep your mind with me, grounded in the here
and now. Let’s try this again. You are?”

“Getting annoyed.”
“No, what’s your name?” Simon continued, not

missing a beat.

Max blew out an irritated breath. “You know

my damn name, Simon. If all you’re going to do is
play mind games with me for an hour I’d like to
just skip this and go to bed.”

Simon shook his head. “Nope, no games. Just

answer the question. It’s a grounding exercise. I
know you’ve done these before. You did take a
few psychology courses after all. So humor me.
What’s your name?”

With a sigh Max relented. If this would get

Simon off the stupid topic of what his name was
he’d play along. For now. “Maxwell Peterson.”

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“And what did you have to eat last?” Simon


Max pursed his lips. “You’re supposed to go

through the whole list including what I do for a
living and where I live. You don’t get to jump

Simon shrugged. “I know that you’re a surgeon

and since I’ve been living with you for a while
now, I know where you live. Those answers don’t
interest me. What I care about though is that I’ve
seen how poorly you take care of yourself when
you’re stressed. And it’s only getting worse. Now,
answer my question. What did you last eat?”

He couldn’t remember and that sucked. It

wasn’t that the meal had just been boring to the
point of not being memorable for him. He had that
kind of food all the time. No, this was the kind of
day where he had been so worked up in his own
stuff that he couldn’t remember the last thing he
ate because it had been that long.

“Food wasn’t really a priority for me today,”

Max replied quietly. He closed his eyes and tilted
his head away before he could see any sort of
disapproval in Simon’s clear gaze. He tried not to
care what his roommate would think about him
not eating, after all he was an adult and if he
wanted to go around skipping meals that was his
business. But for some reason it mattered to him.
Just a little though. He wasn’t going to go

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Serving Simon


overboard with this whole new desire to please

Max felt the bed shift as Simon moved and

frowned at the instant loss of contact. He’d liked
having the other man laying next to him, feeling
his bare chest and stomach pressed against his leg.
It’d been nice. Like they were connected

“I’ll be back in a minute. Call out if you need


Max opened his eyes quickly, shocked to see

Simon walking out of his bedroom. “Hey!” he
yelled, shaking his wrists in an effort to get them
free. “You can’t just leave me here!”

“I said I’d be right back,” Simon called, lifting

his hand to give Max a little wave that just served
to piss him off even more.

Grumbling, Max tilted his chin down to rest his

head on his bare chest. He glared at his hard cock
as it stood proudly against his stomach. Simon
had pretty much guaranteed him sex. Hadn’t he?
So why was he taking off now like Max wasn’t all
tied up and waiting for him? Literally.

After a minute of impatiently waiting, Max

yelled, “Simon!”

The microwave beeped and Max pressed his

lips together in annoyance. Surely Simon couldn’t
be getting something to eat. How rude could one
guy get?

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“Yes, Max?” Simon asked as he came back into

the bedroom. He sat down on the bed next to Max,
getting comfortable against his side.

“What’s that?” he asked, barely able to make

out the shape of a bowl in Simon’s long fingers.

Max frowned. “You hate oatmeal.”
Chuckling, Simon scooped some out and

brought it to his own lips. He blew on it loudly
before putting the spoon in front of Max’s mouth.
“You’re right. I can’t stand the gooey stuff. But
you seem to be fascinated by it. So open up.”

Max shook his head. Though the oatmeal

smelled amazing and he could feel his stomach
churning by the temptation that was his favorite
food, something inside of him refused to give up
that easily. He was competitive by nature and
letting Simon get his way felt a bit like losing to
Max. And he hated to lose.

“I’d rather have a burger,” Max said, turning

his mouth away from the oatmeal in case Simon
decided to try spoon feeding him like a baby. If he
did, that would be the end of this. Max could
handle being tied up. In fact, when he wasn’t
struggling it was kind of kinky. And his hard cock
was evidence enough that he was turned on by
Simon’s games. But he absolutely drew the line at
being treated like a child.

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Serving Simon


Simon pulled the spoon back and shook his

head. “You probably haven’t eaten all that much
today. And while I’d like to get some food into
you, I know what’s likely to happen if I make up
one of those rich bison burgers for you. It’ll taste
good going down but probably not so much
coming back up. So, to settle your stomach and
make sure that you have something in your
system, you’ve got your choice of oatmeal or, well,
more oatmeal. We’re out of grits.”

Max sighed and leaned his head back, staring at

his dark ceiling above him. He knew Simon was
right. Of course he did. He was a doctor. But
knowing something and admitting it were two
completely different things. Especially where Max
was concerned.

“I love that you’re not shy around me,” Simon

remarked. He dropped his hand and let it linger
against Max’s side.

He tried to hold still, to not let Simon know just

how much this simple touch affected him. But he
quickly realized that any effort was wasted as a
high-pitched giggle came out of his mouth. He
quickly cleared his throat, hoping that the added
noise would cancel out the first, but Simon was
already staring down at him.

“Did you just…giggle?” he asked, sounding


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Max glared at him. “No. I don’t giggle. Never

have and certainly never will.”

Of course Simon the bastard just had to wiggle

his fingers against Max’s side, tickling him again.
Max squirmed, trying his best not to let out
another sound, but the more he fought it the
worse the tickling got until he was wiggling on the
bed, trying to get away from Simon’s long fingers
as he laughed.

Mercifully Simon pulled his hand back a

moment later. “Alright, enough games for tonight,
Max. You’ve got to eat. This oatmeal will get cold
soon if you don’t.”

“Tell me about being a Dom first,” Max said.
Simon smiled and his dark eyes glittered in the

moonlight. “I’ll tell you one thing for each bite you
take. Deal?”

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Chapter Three

ax nodded, eager to learn more about his
roommate now that the man had seemed to

want to open up to him. When Simon lifted the
spoon to his mouth, Max obediently ate. He
frowned though as the familiar taste coated his
tongue. It was rich and creamy with just a bit of
spice. The oatmeal was very nearly perfect. “How
did you know how I like my oatmeal?” he asked,
suddenly suspicious of him.

Simon rolled his eyes. “You think you’re the

only one watching his roommate in this place?
You’re precise with everything you do. Most
people wouldn’t bother measuring the milk for
their oatmeal, let alone the spices they use. After a
while of wondering why you had so many
measuring spoons I started to realize that you
used them every morning you ate oatmeal.
Having multiples meant you don’t have to wait to
eat oatmeal while the set was being washed.
Everything is neatly organized. It didn’t take me


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long to figure out why you have that little bundle
of spices next to the oatmeal box on the counter.”

He put the bowl aside and leaned down, gently

kissing Max’s full lips. He leaned forward, lifting
his head up to meet Simon’s as much as he could
before the other man pulled away. “You fascinate
me,” Simon whispered, his mouth mere inches
from Max’s. “Everything about you. From the
lavender soap you use in the shower, to the way
you make a mess of your clothes in the drawers.
Outside of your home you’re organized beyond
belief, but here, in your room you’re a mess. Does
it hurt you to have to play so many different

Max closed his eyes, refusing to look at him.

“You’re guessing,” he said, hoping his voice was
strong enough to make the truth of what Simon
was saying go away. “And you’re wrong. I enjoy
being neat and organized.” A lie. He hated it.
“And it doesn’t bother me it at all.”

After a moment of silence he opened his eyes,

surprised to see Simon still looking down at him.

“You can lie to me all you want, Max. But try

not to do it to yourself so much.” He sat back,
picked up the bowl of oatmeal and brought
another spoonful to Max’s lips.

Max ate quickly, wanting to know more.

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“I don’t enjoy giving people pain,” Simon said,

filling the spoon again. “I don’t own toys and I
won’t be spanking you. What I do like is—”

“Control, I know, you told me,” Max quickly

interrupted. “But what does that even mean?”

Knowing that Simon was going to give him

another bite he opened his mouth, ready for more
oatmeal. He ate it as Simon answered him.

“These past few months, I’ve seen you

struggling. Last week when you came home hours
after you should have, you were pale, and your
hands were shaking. You didn’t tell me about it.
You might not have even known that I was getting
a glass of water from the kitchen as you stumbled
into your bedroom. But you were a mess. When
you didn’t look any better the next morning I
decided that I had to intervene. You can call this
night the start of your intervention. If you want

Max snorted and shook his head. “Tying me up

and making sure that I eat something isn’t really
going to change anything, Simon. There will still
be people on my operating table. Children…little
girls that…”

“Is that what happened tonight?” Simon asked.
“Yes. She was…” he shook his head and pursed

his lips. “I don’t want to go over it with you. You
weren’t a part of her healthcare team. Telling you
about her surgery would be wrong.”

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Simon nodded, though Max had the suspicion

that he didn’t believe his excuse for not telling him
what had happened. He took the bite that Simon
gave him. His spoon scraped the bottom of the
bowl and Max knew there wasn’t much left. He
wondered what would happen when there was no
more oatmeal. Would Simon untie him and go to
his own bedroom, leaving him alone for the night?
Or would he pay attention to the fact that Max
was naked under him?

“My thought, as I started planning this little

ambush for tonight, was that you could see what it
was like to give control to someone else. This is a
small task of letting me feed you, but it’s a start,”
Simon said quietly.

“So then why am I naked?” Max asked.
Smiling, Simon brought the spoon to Max’s lips.

“Because I wanted you to be vulnerable. I had to
see if you trusted me enough not to hurt you while
you were helpless.” His smile spread into a grin.
“And because I got tired of trying to catch
glimpses of you when you got out of the shower.
It took me nearly two months to figure out that
you left the bathroom door open when you
showered so that you didn’t have a buildup of
steam to deal with when you were trying to get

Max should have felt something with the news

that Simon had been spying on him. He did, a

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little, but it wasn’t as if he felt violated or upset by
it. But more like it made his heart speed up and
his breath catch to know that Simon had been
watching him as much as Max had looked at him.

“I want more than oatmeal tonight,” Max

quietly admitted. Simon nodded, though he didn’t
say anything more as he brought the last of the
oatmeal to his lips. Max ate quickly, his mind
swirling with all the possibilities of what Simon
might want to do to him now that he’d eaten.

“I’ll be right back,” Simon said, standing up.
Max frowned. “Where are you going?”
He shook the bowl, showing Max it was empty

with the sound of the metal spoon clanging
against the sides. “This has to go into the

“No it doesn’t. Leave it on my dresser and then

come do something to me,” Max demanded.

Laughing, Simon shook his head and walked

away. A moment later he was back and sitting
down on the bed next to Max’s side.

“You didn’t have to clean up.” Max knew he

was being impatient but he was eager to find out
just what Simon planned to do to him.

“Yes I did.” Simon shifted on the bed, moving

between Max’s thighs. He put a hand on either
side of his chest, balancing himself as he leaned
down to kiss him.

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Max eagerly sucked on his lips, opening his

mouth up for Simon. He squirmed against him as
Simon dipped his hips, running the rough fabric
of his jeans against Max’s thighs. His hands shook
in his binds as he tried to reach for him, wanting
to touch him, to run his hands over Simon’s long
arms and smooth back. But he was bound, and the
restriction to his movements was starting to piss
him off.

Simon slipped his tongue between his lips,

demanding the entrance Max was more than
willing to give him. He dipped his hips again and
Max nearly shot off the bed as he felt the thick
length of Simon’s cock press against his own
through his jeans. He broke the kiss, turning his
head to the side as he brought his hips up to meet
Simon’s. Even if he couldn’t touch him with his
hands he was damn well going to show him
exactly what he wanted from Simon as he pressed
himself against him.

“You’re wearing too much,” he groaned,

wrapping his legs around Simon’s thighs.

Simon laughed. “No I’m not.”
Max frowned and looked up at him as Simon

pulled back. He brought his hands to Max’s chest,
stroking over his ribs and stomach. “But then how
are we going to fuck?”

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Simon smiled at him. “That’s for tomorrow

night. Right now I just want you to enjoy

“I don’t understand,” Max grumbled. He

sighed loudly and rested his head back against the
pillows below him.

“How are your hands?” Simon asked.
“Wanting to touch you.” Shaking his head,

Simon dipped his mouth to nip at Max’s nipples,
making him jump. “When did you first know that
you wanted me?” Max asked him.

Simon lifted his head, and his brow furrowed

as if he was thinking about his answer. “Sometime
last year. No, I remember when it was. When you
came back from that trip you took with your co-
worker. The one you said you weren’t dating but
made you cry a few weeks later when he-”

“I remember,” Max replied sourly. “I lied. We

were dating. Sort of.”

“I got that part. It was a complicated mess. But

he made you upset and I stood outside your door,
listening to you on the phone with him, hearing
you cry but knowing you wouldn’t have wanted
my comfort right then.” Simon shook his head. “I
want to go find him and punch his face in for
hurting you.”

Max laughed. “I bet you could.” He took a

breath. “And I wish that you’d have come in that
night. I wouldn’t have turned you away.”

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Simon kissed his collarbone, then his sternum

and down his ribs. “I’ll have to remember that the
next time some asshole makes you cry.”

“I don’t plan on there being a next time,” Max

replied, rolling his eyes. Simon flicked his tongue
out and Max laughed as it tickled his belly.

“What do you think of being tied up?” Simon

asked him. He moved his mouth further down,
leaving a wet trail over Max’s stomach and hips
with his tongue.

“I wish I could touch you,” he answered

honestly. “I’ve always wanted to run my hands
through your hair, to touch your face.”

Simon nodded. “You will.”
“Really?” Max was ready to get his hands free.

The position wasn’t uncomfortable or anything
like that, but he wanted to touch Simon. An open
invitation to do whatever he wanted to him would
be a nice treat.

“Yep.” Simon winked. “Tomorrow.”
Max groaned and scowled down at him. His

expression didn’t stay like that for long though as
Simon opened his mouth and swallowed his cock
deeply. Max gasped as he felt Simon’s nose press
against his lower stomach. No one had taken all of
him before. He stared down, not believing his own
eyes as he watched the thin line of Simon’s lips lift
a few inches before coming back down again.

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He worked Max with his tongue, the wet

warmth sliding over the hard ridges of Max’s
cock. Frustrated, Max shook his hands in the ties,
desperately wanting to touch Simon.

“Easy, Max,” Simon said, lifting his head.

“Relax and enjoy this. You can touch me after. I
promise I won’t go anywhere. Just try to trust me

Max pouted. “I want to touch you though.”
Simon nodded. “And you will. But right now I

need you to relax and just simply let yourself feel.
Can you do that for me?”

Slowly he nodded. He could. He didn’t

understand Simon’s game, and he could trust him
long enough to believe that if he didn’t struggle
then Simon would let him go after they were
done. He’d let him go anyway, though. Max
didn’t believe for a moment that Simon would
leave him tied up. But if he relaxed, then maybe
Simon would keep going.

After a moment Max got his wish and Simon

lowered his mouth back onto to his cock. Max
relaxed against the pillow and focused on the
sensations Simon was causing in his body. He
could do this. He didn’t have to control
everything. At least in here. He smiled, thinking
that maybe Simon could be right about a few
things at least. He’d give the idea a chance to start

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off with. No reason to jump in right away. It was
just a game after all.

His hips lifted off the bed when he suddenly

felt Simon’s hands cupping his balls. He looked
down to see Simon swirling his tongue around the
head of his cock, a big grin on his face.

“I like your mouth on me,” Max admitted.
Simon laughed. “I thought you might.”
Max rolled his eyes. “Ego much?” Simon

shrugged and took Max’s cock back into his
mouth. Gasping, he watched Simon rise up on his
elbows and quickly move his mouth around Max’s
head. He laid back, moaning loudly as Simon
worked his mouth over his thick shaft. He added
his hands too, stroking him as his tongue swirled
over the slit in Max’s cock.

He sat back and lifted Max’s legs over his

thighs. “What’re you doing now?” Max asked a
moment before the answer became clear to him as
Simon licked his finger and brought the digit to
Max’s puckered entrance.

He held his breath, anticipating the sudden

pain of being stretched but relaxed after a moment
when it didn’t come. Instead, there was only the
slow slide of Simon’s finger as he moved inside of
Max’s ass. Simon took him deeply, his nose
touching the soft curls at the base of Max’s cock.

With a jolt Max felt Simon touch something

inside of him. Of course he knew what it was, the

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Serving Simon


soft spot that made him groan and bite his lip as
his head fell back. But outside of sex he’d never
felt anyone else touch it. And now Simon was
curling the tip of his finger around it and Max
could barely think past the humming waves of
pleasure going through his heated body.

Simon pressed his tongue flat against the

underside of Max’s cock, making him jerk off the
bed. Simon lifted his head and replaced his mouth
with his tightened fist, quickly sliding his hand
over Max’s shaft.

Max squirmed, fighting the pleasure as much as

he could, even as Simon chuckled above him.
“You can’t control an orgasm, Max. Not really,” he

“I can try though,” Max said, desperately

closing his eyes.

Then Simon did something that took the fight

away from him. He didn’t know what it was, since
he wasn’t watching him, but Max felt the faint
scrape of teeth against his head and then the
pressure in his groin released.

When he opened his eyes again Simon was

kneeling above him and long lines of cum were
sprayed over his chest and neck.

“Kiss me,” Max demanded, his voice a breathy


Laughing, Simon obliged him. “I usually give

the orders,” he said, trailing light kisses over

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Max’s lips and cheek. “But I think I can give you
this one.”

He untied Max’s wrists and Max gratefully

brought them to Simon’s shoulders. Max squeezed
his arms, ran his hands over his back, and touched
his hair.

“I’m going to go get cleaned up,” Simon said,

pulling away and getting off the bed. Max was
instantly sorry for the loss of contact. “Do you
want to sleep alone tonight or would you like the

Max smiled. “My choice?”
Simon nodded. “Of course.”
“It’s a big bed,” Max pointed out.
Laughing, Simon turned away. Max rolled over

and sighed happily. He wanted more, practically
needed it. But this little experiment had helped
him relax. He could already feel some of the day’s
stresses leaving him. Maybe, in time, Simon would
be right. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

He was nearly asleep when he felt the bed dip

behind him. Freshly showered, Simon smelled like
cinnamon and cloves. Spicy and sweet. Like the
perfect cup of chai tea. There was no hesitation as
he wrapped his arms around Max’s sated body.
As if he belonged there, Max relaxed into his hold,
believing that he’d stay the night. That he’d wake
up next to Simon in the morning. It had been a

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long time since someone had stayed that long.
Max didn’t let them.

Simon’s hands came up to cup Max’s wrists

where he’d been tied. They weren’t sore and
didn’t hurt. Within a few minutes Max silently fell
asleep, Simon’s warm breath tickling his shoulder.

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Chapter Four

ax’s hands shook as he fumbled with the
front door the next day, the key shaking in

the lock. He took a breath, forcing himself to calm
down. But the feeling didn’t last long as he nearly
dropped his keys and swore loudly. On the other
side of the door he heard footsteps coming toward
him and he backed up, putting the key back in the
pocket of his coat as he waited for his roommate to
open the door.

“You look like shit,” Simon said, pulling the

door wide and leaning against the frame.

Max’s mouth fell open at the sight of Simon in

just a towel, his black hair damp and sticking up
wildly. His cock automatically rose in response
and he dropped his hand to the growing tent in
his loose slacks. Simon’s bright blue eyes tracked
the movement and when Max lifted his gaze again
he saw a grin splayed across Simon’s face.

“How was work?” he asked casually.


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Max roughly pushed past him, unwilling to

continue talking to the man while they were in the
doorway in full view of their elderly neighbors
across the hall. He dropped his messenger bag, a
holdover from his days as an intern at the hospital
where he now worked, on the old oak bench
under the place he hung his keys and went to the

“Uh huh,” Simon said, coming up beside him

and blocking his path with a firm hand on Max’s
chest. He tried not to let that contact get to him.
He couldn’t let Simon know what he did to him,
or how much their brief night together meant to
him. Or for him. Shit, he really didn’t know how
to explain it. Only that he couldn’t. Not in words
anyway. He backed up, quickly getting out of
Simon’s reach. Sparing a look to his roommate, he
walked around him and headed in the direction of
the fridge. Simon’s hand on the back of his neck
stopped him instantly, though. Unable to easily
get away from that contact, Max stood still and
waited for Simon to say whatever it was that he
needed to before he’d let Max get the drink he so
desperately wanted.

“You didn’t take your shoes off,” Simon said,

his voice flat as he stepped closer to Max’s side.

Color rose to fill Max’s cheeks as he looked

down at his feet. “Yeah. Sorry,” he mumbled,
remembering Simon’s rules about cleanliness.

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“Forgot.” He turned to go back to the front hall, to
the small section Simon had dedicated to their
shoes, but Simon’s hand tightened on his neck,
stopping him before he could take another step.

“While I’m glad that you remembered, it’s a bit

too late for that. On your knees.”

Max couldn’t speak, could barely breathe as he

let Simon push him down to the warm stone tile of
their shared kitchen. Well, really, it was his
kitchen since he owned the condo and Simon was
simply a roommate, but at that moment as he
looked up into Simon’s expectant gaze, the
distinction really didn’t matter all that much.

“What do you want me to do?” Max asked,

expecting the answer to be obvious even if it
wasn’t. Not to him at least. They hadn’t done this
before. Their one time together, the night before
last, had been kinky and fun but Simon going
down on him after he’d tied him up had been the
end of it. Much to Max’s disappointment. They
hadn’t talked about it the next morning and Max
had gone to work as usual, thinking Simon had
changed his mind about starting anything with
him. But apparently, blessedly, he’d been wrong.
“I can suck you off if that’s what you want. I
mean, I know how and all.” He shut his mouth
tightly, sounding like an idiot and Simon’s gentle
smile didn’t really help. He could be laughing at
him behind those perfect blue eyes for all Max

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Serving Simon


knew. Actually, he didn’t know much about his
roommate at all, as sad as that was.

Simon dropped his towel and Max licked his

lips as the man’s hard cock came into view, its
purple head slick and needy only inches from
Max’s face. He leaned forward, his mouth open
and ready to please Simon but the other man’s
hand quickly dropped in front of his cock,
blocking him. “Uh huh. First we do this my way.”

Frowning, Max looked up at him. “I thought we

already did that. Don’t I get a turn?”

“No. Not without my say so,” Simon replied,

his answer sounding automatic as he cupped his
sack with one hand and braced himself against the
countertop behind him with the other. “Tell me
about your day.”

Max couldn’t even begin to tell Simon about the

shit day he’d had, not when the sight of the man
stroking himself, his long fingers moving slowly
over his length, filled Max’s vision. He licked his
lips and leaned forward, hoping Simon had
changed his mind.

Simon shook his head. “I’ll tie you up again if

you make me, Max. Not that I mind seeing you
restrained, mind you. But sometimes we won’t
have that luxury and I’ll need you to behave when
and where I tell you to. Now, tell me about your
day. If you’re good I’ll let you suck me off.”

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The absurdity of the words Simon had said

didn’t bother Max. He knew his roommate was a
Dom. They’d gone over it, briefly, before Simon
had tied him up in an effort to get him to relax. It
had worked for that night at least. Not much
longer than that, as his day had proven. But at
least he’d been able to sleep that night which was
damn near a miracle considering how he’d been
lately. “I had meetings,” Max began, his gaze
tracking Simon’s movements as his fingers moved
over the thick width of his solid cock.

Simon nodded, his eyes nearly closing as he

brought his hand up to the underside of his head.
“Right. Meetings. They’re not the reason you look
exhausted and stressed. Start talking.”

Max pursed his lips. “I’d rather just suck you.”
Chuckling, Simon opened his eyes and looked

down at him. Max smiled, hopeful that Simon
would forget all about whatever he’d looked like
and just let him do what he wanted.

“Nice try. And I bet you’d be good at it, too,

with your full bottom lip stroking against the
underside of my cock, your tongue darting into
the slit, your hands cupping my balls…”

His voice ended on a breathy whisper that had

Max squirming in his position on the floor. “Yes. I
can do that. I want to. Let me.” He reached for
Simon’s cock, sure that the other man would let
him this time.

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But Simon stepped back again and Max sighed

at the increased distance between them. “You
suck,” he grumbled.

Simon smiled at him. “Not right now, but if you

do as you’re told you might be able to.”

“And what if I don’t want to?” Max asked


“Don’t want to?” Simon echoed him.
Nodding, Max leaned back on his heels. He

could play this game, too. Simon wasn’t so special.
“Yeah. What if I don’t want to suck your cock?
Maybe I’ve lost interest. Maybe I just—”

“Don’t lie to me, Max. Not to me and not to

yourself,” Simon snapped at him. “Your eyes are
wide, your cheeks are filled with color and I can
see how hard you are from here. You want to play
games, get an Xbox. You want to be an adult and
admit your fucking desires, then stop messing
around and answer my question.”

Max slowly nodded, unable to do anything else

in light of Simon calling him out on his ploy.
“You’re a bastard. You know that right? Here I
am, offering to give you what will probably be a
pretty awesome blowjob and you can’t stop
denying me and asking me about my damn day.
Which, as you know because you seem to know so
damn much, was awful so let’s just move on from
that,” Max fumed as he stared up at Simon.

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One of Simon’s perfectly carved brows rose.

“Dear sweet, Max…You haven’t even begun to see
what a bastard I am.” He wiped a drop of fluid off
the tip of his cock and held it out for Max but he
refused to move closer, refused to give in to
Simon, to show him just how much he wanted the
other man. And so he stayed where he was and
after a moment Simon shrugged and wiped his
finger off on his muscular outer thigh. “And I
want to know what happened at your job. That
was the whole point of this. Remember? You
letting yourself deteriorate, me stepping in to help
you relieve some of that stress…That’s how this
little thing between us is going to work. So, you
can either tell me what happened or we can stop
this and go back to just being roommates. Your
call. But we aren’t doing these power play games
of yours anymore. When you come home looking
like you’ve gone through hell at that job of yours I
want to help you deal with it. I want to help you
get better, to thrive under the pressure you force
yourself to go through. But if you’re unwilling to
accept that help, then there’s nothing more for us
to do here. I won’t keep pushing a sub who
doesn’t want to be helped.”

Max frowned, unsure of what to make of

Simon’s words. He wanted to help? Since when?
“I already told you, I’m not leaving my job. I love

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being a surgeon. I’m a great doctor. People need

“They need you healthy, too,” Simon

countered. “And the added drinks to calm your
nerves, the late nights where you barely sleep, the
way your hands tremble when you drink your
coffee—none of that helps those people you’re so
desperate to fix. So at the end of the day are you
going to let me help you or do I need to leave?”

“What?” Max asked, nearly yelling in his shock.

“You can’t leave! You signed a lease. You can’t
just break it.”

Sighing loudly, Simon dropped his hand from

his cock and though he was still hard, the head of
his cock bobbing against his lean stomach, he
appeared no more bothered by the lack of
stimulation than he would have by a fly in the
room. Max on the other hand couldn’t look away
from Simon’s heavy length. “I wouldn’t break my
lease, Max. Wanting to take care of you doesn’t
just stop with me making you cum. But if you’re
hell bent on continuing this path of destruction
and too stubborn to see that you obviously need
help, especially when someone is offering to give
it to you, then I don’t want to be around to watch
you self implode. Because that’s what you will be
doing at the end of it and you’ll take down
everyone around you when you do. It may not be
soon. You may be able to hold out for another six

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months. Maybe even a year. But at the end of this I
guarantee you that you’ll crash and burn without
help. And I refuse to watch you do that to
yourself. So if you decide that you don’t want to
be helped, that you’re too damn stupid to accept
that you need it, then I’ll get my things together,
transfer enough rent to cover my remaining
months with you to your bank account and then
walk away. I’m done watching you slowly kill

Max could only stare at him, unsure if he’d

heard him correctly. If he’d actually understood.
“You have that much saved? That’s thousands of

Simon rolled his eyes and pushed away from

the counter. Without saying a word he picked up
his towel and walked into his bedroom. Max was
still on his knees when the bedroom door closed
behind him.

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Serving Simon


Chapter Five

eeling angry and uncomfortably out of
control, Simon went to his window and

pulled back the thick drapes. A woman walking
her dog on the sidewalk below waved to him. He
waved back, recognizing her from his morning
runs through the quiet neighborhood. He’d miss
this place with its tall trees and well groomed
parks, but he’d meant what he said. He hadn’t
known Max long, only a few months, but his self-
destruction had steadily been getting worse. He
waited until the woman and her dog had passed
by his window before dropping the curtain back
into place and going to his closet. It wouldn’t take
long to get packed and a few of the Doms he knew
would likely lend their subs if he asked for their
help. He wasn’t above asking for help, especially
not from the men he’d learned so much from. But
he didn’t want to have to make that call in the first


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“Simon?” Max called through the closed

bedroom door.

While he would have preferred a soft knock, at

least Max hadn’t barged into his private space.
“You can enter,” he called, his hand stilling on the
jeans he was thinking of putting on. The door
opened and he stepped back to better see Max as
he came in.

“Today was shit,” Max said, echoing his earlier


Simon nodded, realizing as much when he’d

seen the man at the front door. He waited
patiently for him to say more, letting Max decide if
he wanted to speak or not. He knew the
conditions of getting him to stay, Simon didn’t
need to go through them again.

“And I don’t want you to leave,” Max

continued, looking away from Simon’s gaze.

Simon stepped closer to him. “I’d rather not go

either,” he admitted. “Are you willing to try this

Max sank to his knees in the middle of Simon’s

sparse bedroom. “And I took my shoes off, too.
Just like you asked.”

Simon gave him a soft smile of approval and

moved closer. He was still mostly hard and seeing
Max on his knees, ready to pleasure him with his
mouth, easily made his thick cock grow. “You
have my attention,” he said, giving Max

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permission to say what he’d come in to. Simon
was sure Max understood what he wanted and he
wasn’t about to repeat it for him. It was up to him

“It started at eight this morning,” Max slowly

began. “With a staff meeting for the unit. Then
things just sort of went downhill from there.”

Simon nodded, letting him know that he’d

heard but not interrupting him.

“See, I yawned. Which isn’t a big deal normally.

But then I just couldn’t focus. What you did to me
that first night, tying me up and making me cum,
that helped me sleep, but this morning I kept
seeing their faces. All the patients I’ve lost on the
table. All the children, those tiny little kids. And I
can’t sleep through it. So I couldn’t focus in the
meeting, had to do rounds and screwed up twice
while connecting with patients and their families. I
looked like a complete moron. But then it was
three o’clock and I had surgery to get to and my
hands wouldn’t stop shaking. I couldn’t go
through with the surgery. They had to call
someone to come do it for me.” He took a breath
and Simon could see the tears pooling in his gray
eyes. “I’m a failure, Simon. A mess. What the hell
am I supposed to do now? I’m the head of the
surgical unit and I couldn’t even perform a basic
surgery today. They had to bring in some idiot to
do my job. And he did a fine one, too, despite

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barely passing his classes and not getting any
recommendations from his professors when he
graduated. But what does that say about me? That
he had to come and replace me because I couldn’t
do what I’m supposed to?”

Simon stepped forward and placed a gentle

hand on Max’s head. The man’s stress was a tight
line that ran through his body, bundling him up
too tightly and pushing out everything else. He
trembled under Simon’s fingertips. Simon reached
down, trailing his fingers over Max’s tear soaked
cheek to the line of his jaw. With light pressure he
forced Max to look up at him, to not hide his
emotions from him. “You did well telling me. And
while I don’t know the kind of frustration you felt
today, I can help you release it with very little
effort on your part. All you have to do is be
willing to let go and let me take control. Do you
think you can do this?”

Max nodded and wiped his eyes. “I wouldn’t

have come in here if I didn’t. I know what you
want from me, Simon. I know how this works. I’ve
seen the porn videos.”

Simon smirked. “Acting isn’t the same as what

we’re about to do. Though if you’re interested I’ll
take you somewhere to learn what this is actually
all about. Now, you may put your mouth on my
cock and suck me off. But be mindful of your

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A smile came quickly to Max’s full lips as he

rose up on his knees and reached for Simon’s cock.

“No,” he said, stopping Max instantly. “Put

your hands behind your back. You won’t touch
me or yourself until you’re given permission.”

Max made an impatient noise in his throat and

for a moment Simon though he’d rebel against his
orders but after a quick second of seeming
indecision Max did as he was told and Simon let
him come forward again. This time he didn’t stop
him as Max placed a soft kiss on the base of his

Simon leaned his head back and let his eyes fall

gently closed. Max’s mouth was gentle, almost
tentative, on his shaft. He appeared to be the
caring kind of lover that Simon respected the most
and had been seeking for a while now. He didn’t
like pain, giving it or receiving it, and so many of
the men he’d tried to enjoy at the club hadn’t
satisfied him. It wasn’t their fault, he just wasn’t
want they needed and yes, perhaps maybe he was
too particular about the kind of men he allowed to
get close to him in those dark corners. But it was
his choice just as much as it was theirs and if he
didn’t make that decision in regards to his sex life
he wasn’t left with much else to decide on.

Max’s warm breath tickled his sensitive skin

and Simon let his hands fall to the other man’s
shoulders. He was less muscular than himself, his

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body narrower in all the right places, but Simon
had expected that even before they’d met. In his
ad seeking a roommate, Max had stated his
profession in the details. He’d claimed it as a need
for order and a quiet roommate. Simon had only
seen a man under far too much pressure for his
young life. Simon brought his hands up to the
sides of Max’s head. He wouldn’t control him yet.
Not this time. But he did want to touch him, to feel
the curve of his cheeks, the line of his jaw, the soft
stubble that ran along his face. With his thumb
near the other man’s mouth he felt it when Max
opened his lips, but the feeling of the unfamiliar
mouth against the head of his cock still made his
breath catch in his throat. He held still, letting Max
learn him as much as Simon wanted him to learn
him as well. Once he knew how Max liked to give
pleasure, Simon could control that aspect of their
sex. But first he had to learn his new lover.

He didn’t make the mistake of calling Max any

more than that, not even in his own mind. They
didn’t have a relationship, not any that could
easily be defined outside of simply being
roommates. And one blowjob and the start of
another hardly made them a pair. But Max wasn’t
a stranger either, far from it actually. And Simon
wouldn’t put that kind of distance between them.
Not now that Max had agreed to willingly submit
to what Simon wanted to give him. The offer was

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neither traditional nor easy for the other man,
Simon knew that well enough. Max was stubborn
and could be a pain in the ass when he wanted to
be. But that he’d agreed to be this way with him
made Simon rethink his early assumptions about
his roommate’s character. Maybe he was smart
enough to realize he needed help as well.

The tip of Max’s tongue swirled around the

crowned head of Simon’s cock, causing him to hiss
as his hands tightened in Max’s brown hair. He
released his hair, not wanting to give into the urge
to control him before his time came. He’d take
what was his and get Max to submit to him, when
it was his turn. When he was a younger, far less
experienced Dom, he’d rushed more than one sub
in his eagerness to see the kind of results the other
Doms around him appeared to get so easily. Now
he knew better, though it had taken the stern
discipline of a Master to get him to learn. He now
knew that subs needed to be shown the way, not
forced into submission. It was for their own good.
Simon realized now, years after that incident, that
without that Master’s training he would not have
been able to help Max now. And he had helped,
despite Max’s day. His roommate had slept well
the first night after he’d come to him. Hopefully
he’d do the same tonight. They could figure out
the details later, right now it was all about helping
Max and getting him back to the place he’d been

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in when Simon had first come to live with him.
Back to when he did sleep and actually ate full
meals without looking like he was rushing
through it and barely tasting the food.

“Is this good?” Max asked, pulling his mouth

away from Simon’s cock.

Looking down at him, Simon gave the other

man a soft smile and ran his thumb across Max’s
wet lips. “Yes. It is. Are you enjoying yourself?”

“It would be better if I could touch myself,”

Max admitted.

Simon lowered his gaze to see the evidence of

Max’s desire in the form of a hard ridge in the
front of his pants. He nodded, knowing the man
must be straining not to pleasure himself. But he’d
been good about it so far and hadn’t removed his
hands from behind his back. “You have my
permission to remove your hands from your back
only long enough to take yourself out.”

Though Max appeared surprised, he quickly

did as he was told and unzipped his pants. He
pushed the slacks down his hips, giving himself
even more room as his heavy cock sprang
forward. Simon licked his lips as the sight of his
hard length, his mouth remembering the feel of
Max’s cock between his lips as he sucked him.

“You have a beautiful cock,” Simon said, still

looking at Max’s length.

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“Uh, thanks,” Max replied, sounding unsure of


Nodding, Simon turned his attention back to

Max’s face. “Hands behind your back again and
open your mouth.”

Max frowned. “I don’t get to jerk myself while I

suck you?”

“No. Not yet. Maybe tomorrow. Now, hands

behind your back.” Simon waited, his cock only
inches from Max’s very tempting mouth. Sighing,
Max did as he was told. Though it did take longer
than Simon would have liked for him to decide to
listen and obey him.

Max opened his mouth and took Simon back in,

causing him to moan softly as he leaned toward
him. The warmth of Max’s mouth spread through
Simon’s cock and into his hips, easing his stress as
he closed his eyes and settled his hands on Max’s
shoulders again. He smiled as Max swirled his
tongue against the head of his cock, appearing to
experiment with what he liked. Simon appreciated
the effort but he didn’t need to worry, Max had
been doing just fine so far and Simon had spent
the last six months unable to stop thinking about
the other man. He’d been a tempting sort of
problem, one Simon had wanted to figure out.
Eagerly in fact. But the timing had never seemed
right, though that might have just been an excuse.
In fact, now that he had Max on his knees in front

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of him, Simon was fairly sure that it was. He’d
needed far more than a simple, gentle shove shove
in the right direction to see that Max needing him
was more than just a passing phase. And Simon
had waited far too long to jump in and give him
an offer of help.

“I’m sorry for taking my time coming to you,”

he said. The apology was hard. Admitting that
he’d made a mistake was even more so.

Max leaned back, a frown marring his full

bottom lip. “What are you talking about?”

“You needed my help. This could have helped

you relax a lot sooner, before things started to get
really bad for you,” Simon explained as he
brought his hand to Max’s brown hair.

Smirking, Max shook his head. “I’m still not

sure about this whole thing and yet I know that
you were able to help the other night. Before now I
might not have even accepted your help. Which
would be kind of sad because I had fun before.”

“I did, too.” Simon stepped away and moved to

his bed. “Come here, undress yourself and fold
your clothes neatly on the floor.” He stretched out
on his comfortable mattress and waited for Max to
obey him. Which, Simon was glad to see, he did
after a long moment. He took his time, fumbling
with his clothes as he took them off, stripping
down until he was just in his boxers and a pair of
black trouser socks. When he hesitated to remove

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his boxers Simon lifted his eyebrow, silently
challenging Max. Pursing his lips, the other man
yanked them down his hips and, like the rest of
his clothes, they were folded and neatly put aside.

When he stepped toward him Simon shook his

head. “Socks, too.”

Max frowned and looked down at his feet. “But

your room is cold.”

“And I don’t like socks on my partners while

I’m fucking them. You’ll be under the blankets.
Get your socks off. I’ll make sure you’re warm
enough.” Simon scowled at him, unused to having
such a difficult man as a sub.

Max shucked them off and quickly came

toward him, his feet loud against the hardwood
floor of Simon’s bedroom. Simon got up as he
came closer and pulled the blankets aside. He let
Max get in and then he joined him, pulling the
thick comforter over them and sighing as warmth
surrounded him. “I’ve never had someone in this
bed,” Simon said, a smile teasing his lips.

Max looked surprised. “Really?”
Nodding, Simon reached from him, letting his

fingers explore Max’s chest and stomach. “Never.
I don’t bring men here.”

“So then where do you go?” Max asked, putting

his hands on Simon’s arms.

“There’s a club that I frequent. I’ll take you

there if you want.”

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Max shrugged and Simon let the idea drop. The

club wasn’t for the faint hearted and he didn’t
expect Max to enjoy every aspect of what it had to
offer, or even half of it. But for the open minded
men and women that went there, the club was a
great place to unwind and have some fun with
others that shared your kinks, whatever they
happened to be. The only rule, and it was a strict
one, was consent. Other than that anything was
allowed and people could stay as long as they
wanted. It was one of the reasons Simon went
there years ago after the leather clubs didn’t offer
him what he wanted and the heavy BDSM clubs
were sometimes too much for him.

He helped Max roll over onto his stomach and

surprisingly the other man didn’t protest until
Simon slid on top of him, his hands pressed on
either side of Max’s shoulders. He turned his head
to the side, looking up at Simon curiously. “

“Going to give me a massage to relax me?” he


Simon rolled his eyes and pushed his thighs

between Max’s legs, spreading him open. “Not
quite,” he answered, leaning down to place a kiss
on the back of Max’s head. “But I promise you’ll
like it anyway.”

Max looked a bit skeptical, maybe even a little

unsure of either himself or Simon, but he said
nothing more as Simon reached over his head to

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the little shelf he kept above his bed. The
comforter fell back and he pulled it over them
again as he brought the tube of lubricant close and
poured some of it onto his hand. Simon put the
tube aside and rubbed his hands together, getting
the clear sticky substance warmed up before he
dropped his hand to the slit of Max’s ass.

“It’s been awhile for me,” Max said. “Just didn’t

have time with work and then the stress…” His
voice trailed off and he shrugged.

Simon nodded, already realizing this from the

lack of times he’d seen Max bring someone home
with him. His past relationships didn’t really
matter. They weren’t dating, not in the traditional
way people often did. There was no candlelight,
no wine, no movies to go see. This was just about
sex between them and Simon wanting to help Max
cope with a job that was quickly wearing him out.
His pushed his finger lower, letting it move over
Max’s puckered anus and down to his balls. Max
lifted himself up, pushing against Simon’s hand
and seeking contact. Smiling, Simon moved his
hand down to briefly cup Max’s balls and gently
squeezed them before moving his hand away to
circle his anus with the tips of his fingers. Max
squirmed under him and Simon put his other
hand on the man’s hip, holding him in place as he
teased him.

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“You aren’t to cum until I let you,” Simon

reminded him, in case Max had forgotten. “If we
need to take extra measures to ensure this I will.
But they aren’t really my preference.”

Max nodded and looked back at him, his eyes

mostly closed as if he was thinking deeply about
something. Simon slipped a finger inside of him,
testing him. Max’s tight entrance closed around
him and Simon smiled, moving his hand from his
hip to cup Max’s round ass. He gave him a
squeeze and slid his finger in and out of Max’s
anus, teasing him until Max made an impatient
noise in his throat. Smiling, Simon slid his finger
out the whole way before pushing in another. This
time Max gasped and pressed back against his
hand, wanting more than Simon was willing to
give him.

“Do you want something?” Simon asked him,

his voice a warm breath against Max’s shoulder.

“Yeah. I want you in me,” he gasped as Simon

twisted his fingers, stroking his sensitive inner
walls with the tips of his fingers.

“What do you want me to do when I’m in

you?” he continued. Max gave him a blank stare
as if the words hadn’t made any sense to him so
Simon clarified. “I want to hear you say it. What
do you want?”

Max pursed his lips, looking irritated.

“Obviously I want to have sex with you.”

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Serving Simon


Simon nodded. “Right. Say it. Tell me.” He

removed his hand from Max’s ass and stroked
some lube over his own cock, preparing himself to
enter the other man’s tight passage.

“I want you to fuck me,” Max growled,

sounding annoyed.

“Good.” Simon pulled his fingers out of him

and replaced them with his cock in one hard
thrust that brought a loud gasp from them both.
He leaned back, looking down at the place where
their bodies met and smiling as he pulled back
and then sunk into him again, causing Max to
shiver beneath his hands. “You like that?”

Max nodded, though his bottom lip looked to

have been bitten.

“Relax and give into the pleasure. Let your day

go away, just stay with me,” Simon said, running
his hands along Max’s back as he slowly slid in
and out of his ass.

“Alright.” Max sucked in a deep breath and

gripped the pillows on either side of his head.

Simon leaned over him, pushing himself deeper

inside of Max’s tight ass. He pressed his weight on
Max’s hips, pushing him into the thick mattress as
he kissed the back of the other man’s head. He
rolled his hips, seeking the deepest places in Max’s
body until he heard Max gasp and felt him shake
beneath him. “There?” Simon asked going back to
the spot that had made Max react.

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He nodded and his hands tightened on the

pillows as Simon pressed against it again,
deepening his angle. “Yeah. Right there. Oh fuck,

Grinning, Simon stroked into him, repeatedly

pressing against that point. “Stay with me. Focus
on this. On us. Let the rest of it go away.”

Max shut his eyes tightly and bit his lip, his

shoulders bunching around Simon’s hands.

“And don’t cum either,” Simon reminded him.
“I’m close,” Max groaned.
Simon felt him rub against the mattress and

shook his head. “No, not like that. You’ll cum. I
promise. But not until I tell you that you can and
absolutely not on my sheets. I don’t feel like doing
laundry tonight. Understand?” Frowning, Max
slowly nodded and Simon felt him go still beneath
his hips. “Good.”

He was close too, though not as much as Max

must have been to disobey him by rubbing himself
off the sheets so he sped up, surging into Max’s
ass and feeling his tight muscles stretch around
him with each hard thrust until his orgasm
crashed over him, taking his breath with it. He
shot into Max’s ass, moaning loudly as he gripped
the other man’s hips tightly against his own.
When his vision stopped spinning and he looked
down at Max he saw the man’s cheeks dark with
color as he looked up at him. Smiling Simon

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Serving Simon


moved back, his cock feeling suddenly exposed
without Max’s ass wrapped around it.

“Turn over. It’s your turn now.”
Max quickly complied, the bed squeaking as he

got onto his back and spread his thighs around
Simon’s knees. As soon as he looked comfortable
Simon put his hands on Max’s cock, stroking his
hard length between his fingers.

As Simon pulled on him, his long fingers

quickly bringing Max to completion, the other
man shook beneath him. Max moaned loudly as
his hips thrust off Simon’s sheet and up to meet
his hand. Moments later his moans ended on a
harsh cry as he came, the warmth of his cum
splashing over Simon’s hand and onto his

Simon released him, sitting back without a


“Th-thank you,” Max breathed, his words

coming out in shuddering syllables between his
labored breaths. Simon gave him a soft smile then
left the room. He hoped that Max would be able to
sleep now as he went to the bathroom to wash up.
When he came back to his room Max was no
longer there. It was as he expected, though it
might have been a change for the other man.
Simon was used to not having anyone else
around, to not seeing his lovers again after they’d
finished. But, logically, he knew that Max wasn’t

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like that. Still, maybe he was starting to see reason
since he hadn’t stayed.

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Serving Simon


Chapter Six

lthough he’d had a blissfully dreamless sleep
the night before, Max felt like he was going

through hell at work the next day. He was
shaking, though admittedly it was a bit less than
usual this late in the morning. But still, as he had
held even a clipboard between his fingers, the cold
metal had shook and the movement had drawn
the attention of the nurses around him. Sighing, he
put his head in his hands in the break room, a cup
of hot coffee warming the space in front of him,
though he’d felt none of it’s usual peace, in the
five minutes he’d been drinking it.

“What’s going on with you?” a man said, sitting

down beside him at the small table.

Max looked up, unsure if he actually wanted to

talk to anyone. But Brandon, a man he’d gone to
med-school with and stayed relative friends with,
wasn’t the last person he’d want to talk to. He
wasn’t the first choice either though. “Nothing,”


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Max said stiffly, sitting back and trying to look
casual. “Just not sleeping well.”

Brandon’s wrinkled face cracked into a wide

smile. “Yeah. I hear that. My mother-in-law is
staying with us right now. I haven’t had a decent
night in the three months she’s been with us. Her
house is being finished, though it was supposed to
be done last month. So what’s your excuse? Wife
driving you insane, too?”

Smirking, Max shook his head. “No. No wife.

Just…” He shrugged. He couldn’t very well tell
the other man that things were getting to him here
at the hospital, that his job, the one he’d lobbied
for and worked damn hard for, was becoming too
much stress for him to bear. No, that wouldn’t be
happening anytime soon. But Brandon was
looking at him expectantly and Max really didn’t
have a suitable answer for him. “What do you do
when something’s bothering you?” he asked,
hoping to get some mild insight. It probably
wouldn’t save his life but maybe it would help his
hands stop shaking. For today at least.

“Sex,” was Brandon’s seemingly automatic


Max hoped he wasn’t blushing as he slowly

nodded, hoping that he appeared to understand.
Really though he hadn’t been expecting that
answer at all.

“You?” Brandon asked.

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“Don’t know. But sex was my roommate’s

suggestion as well.” Max’s eyes widened, he really
hadn’t meant to let that slip. He pulled his coffee
close and stared down at it, hoping it would
swallow him up and take him away. Damn now
that was embarrassing.

Brandon smiled. “It’s good advice. Work out

some of that stress. It helps me.”

Breathing slowly, Max lifted his eyes from the

Styrofoam cup in front of him.

“But what if…” he swallowed thickly. “What if

the sex is different? What if it’s not what you
expected it to be? Then what?”

Brandon shifted in his chair, looking

uncomfortable. His gaze darted to the clock on the
wall in front of them before coming back to Max.
“Well, look at that. Time went fast. Looks like
break’s over. And—”

Max sighed and dropped his head. “Yeah.

Sorry about that. Never mind.” Great. He’d tried
opening up to someone and now it was probably
going to be all over the unit that he liked kinky sex
or some shit. As the chair behind him scraped
loudly against the floor, he groaned and dropped
his head. The break room door closed loudly
behind Brandon and Max continued to stare at his
coffee. Sadly the overpowered black liquid had no
answers for him. And it didn’t swallow him whole
and take him away either. Sadly.

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His phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled

it out, unsure if he wanted to talk to anyone or not
but knowing he should probably answer the text

Work better?
Getting a text from Simon wasn’t unusual. But

in the past, before he’d allowed Simon into his bed
earlier that week, texts from the other man
consisted of the usual grocery store talk of
whether or not they needed milk and if Max had a
preference for meats that week. He never pried or
asked personal questions.

Max typed quickly, not sure of what he wanted

to say but knowing at least he could tell the other
man that work was shitty and he didn’t want his
break to end because he didn’t want to have to
deal with it anymore. Wasn’t their little agreement
supposed to be helping him get through the day
and not confusing him more?

Work crap. No focus. Shaking. Isn’t sex meant to

make it better? He typed back. As soon as he hit
send he groaned, feeling badly about putting that
all on Simon. It wasn’t the other man’s fault he
was so screwed up. His right hand shook and Max
put his hands under the table, hiding them in case
anyone happened to see just as his phone vibrated

Will try something new tonight. How long until

you’re off?

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He glanced at the clock. Four hours if he stayed

for the entire shift. He was a mess though. Maybe
taking an early day off would be good for him.
And it’s not like he was doing any good there.

Are you home now?

I am. But you’re staying at work.
The familiar feeling of being a stubborn,

petulant child bubbled up inside of him as Max
stared at his phone. He wasn’t used to being told
no, especially not when he knew what would
probably be waiting for him when he got home.
Wasn’t Simon supposed to want him at home with
him? Isn’t that how he and Simon worked?

If I came home we could have sex.
The offer was obviously there, Simon had even

said they’d try something new tonight. Maybe
he’d tie him up again and do something else.
Whatever he had in mind, Max was game. He
hadn’t been disappointed by Simon yet, and it
sure as hell beat staying in the hospital when he
felt so miserable.

Part of caring about you is not placing my needs

above your own. You need to be at work and you need

to be focused.

And how the hell do you intend for me to do that?
Max pushed his phone away and released a

heavy sigh. Great, even his Dom didn’t want to
fuck him right then. What the hell was that about?
Simon seemed perpetually horny and demanding.

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Most guys would jump at the chance to have sex
with him. Or so Max thought. He knew,
objectively, he wasn’t at his best right then. But
damn it he’d had partners before and most of
them told him he was attractive. The one that
hadn’t, well, he was an asshole and didn’t warrant
thinking about again.

Think about me in your ass, the feeling you have of

being under me, of being controlled.

Color rushed into Max’s cheeks.

You want me turned on?
I want you focused.
He frowned down at his phone, unsure of what

Simon was getting at.

Being horny will make me focused? How?
He waited patiently for his phone to vibrate

again, well aware that his break was nearly over
and he had to get going. But if Simon’s ridiculous
idea actually worked he’d be all for it. It’s not like
he was actually doing any good being in the unit

Give it a try.

Max stared down at his phone, expecting a

reply but when none came he grumbled and
shoved the phone back into his pocket. Stupid
Simon and his damn cryptic messages. Wasn’t he
actually supposed to be helpful? Somehow Max
had thought that’s what this had all been about.

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Maybe he was wrong. He glanced at the clock. His
break was over and had been for a minute and a
half. But he needed to at least give Simon’s idea a
try. Maybe then his hands wouldn’t be shaking.

He closed his eyes and thought back to the

night before, to the feeling of having Simon
behind him, of his thick cock stretching Max’s ass,
of the other man’s hands pressing into his hips as
he fucked him. Aside from making him hard and
barely able to breathe, the memory did nothing to
improve his focus. So he thought harder, thinking
that he must be missing something though what it
was he had no idea. He pictured the scene more
fully, trying to remember every detail of Simon’s
neatly kept bedroom. Then he thought of how he
wasn’t allowed to cum, guessing that Simon
meant that when he mentioned being controlled
since Max certainly hadn’t been tied up last night.
That had been frustrating but his orgasm had
turned out to be stronger by having to wait.

“Doctor Peterson?”
Nearly holding back a groan, Max forced his

eyes open and looked at the nurse in the break
room’s open doorway. “Yes?” She wasn’t familiar
but that wasn’t strange since most of their nurses
worked on a rotation basis from their surrounding

“You’re needed in room one-fifteen,” she said,

stepping back.

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Max nodded and got to his feet, uncomfortably

aware of his erection. Thankfully it didn’t show
through his loose work pants. Trying to believe
Simon knew what the hell he was talking about,
he held onto the image of holding back his orgasm
and tried to focus on that feeling and nothing else
as he made his way through the familiar white
hallways to the room.

“How was it?” Simon asked that night when he

stepped inside the apartment.

Max set down his bag and kicked off his shoes

before joining his roommate in the kitchen. “Aside
from my hard on, it was better. They have a name
for what you put me through. No one is supposed
to have a four hour erection,” Max grumbled,
coming up beside Simon to see what he was

“Priapism?” Simon offered casually as he

stirred what looked like a marinara sauce but
smelled far spicier.

“I was thinking more like torture,” Max replied,

pressing up against the other man’s hip to let him
know that his cock was still just as hard.
“Whatever you’re cooking can wait. Though it
does smell pretty amazing. Let’s go do that thing
you were going to. The new thing.” He reached
for Simon’s hand but he took up the wooden
spoon instead. “Simon?”

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He shook his head. “Dinner first. Then we talk.

After that we’ll see about the new thing. I’m glad
the suggestion of focusing on something else
helped though. It helps me.”

Max frowned and stepped away. “Good for

you. But what am I supposed to do about this in
the meantime?” he reached down and gripped
himself through his pants, nearly groaning at the
feeling of contact that he’d been denying himself
all afternoon. He’d never been that hard for
someone before but the image of Simon on top of
him and the feeling of denying himself an orgasm
had kept him going. One doctor had even
remarked on how much better he’d seemed.
Maybe he had been, though honestly he hadn’t
been able to think of much more than relieving
himself in the nearest bathroom. Too bad he
hadn’t had a break long enough to actually get
that done.

Simon put the spoon down and turned to him,

his back resting against the countertop. “Take it

Max openly stared at him. “Huh?”
A slow smile spread over Simon’s face. “Take

out your cock. I want to see it.”

Shrugging, Max did as he was told and

unzipped his pants. They sagged on his hips as he
pushed them down just enough to take himself
out. He was still very hard and it felt good to be

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able to free himself from his pants at least. “See? I
told you I was hard.”

Simon nodded and came closer. Max hoped

he’d get on his knees and suck him, but
unfortunately he had no such luck. Simon
switched off the pot on his way over and pressed
one hand on either side of Max’s hips, forcing him
back against the countertop. Max stared at his
chin, unable to look up from the tight position he
had him in. His cock pressed between them and
Max rubbed against Simon’s crotch, hoping to feel
him hard as well through the lounge pants he
wore. Max lifted his head, hoping for a kiss as he
brought his hands around Simon’s waist and
pressed himself against the other man’s hips.
Simon denied him a kiss but he did slide his
fingers between them, taking Max’s head into his
hand and letting him rub against him.

“You want to cum?” he asked, his voice rough

in Max’s ear.

Max eagerly nodded, wanting the release more

than he had words for. “Please,” he whispered. He
was unused to begging but in that instant it felt
right to ask for something like that from Simon.

“You didn’t relieve yourself at work. I’m glad.”
The warmth of his voice spread through Max

and he smiled, happy to have pleased him even in
this little way.

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“On your knees,” Simon said, stepping back

and giving him enough room to find a space on
the floor.

“What about me?” Max asked, even as he slid

down and got comfortable with his knees tucked
under him.

Simon smiled down at him and pulled down

his pants, releasing his own hard cock. Max licked
his lips and leaned forward, knowing what Simon
probably expected him to do and wanting to give
it to him as well. “You can stroke yourself as you
suck me, but only while your mouth is on my
cock. If you remove your mouth from me, then
you must remove your hand. Understand?”

Grinning, Max nodded and leaned forward

with his mouth open and ready to give the other
man pleasure while he gave himself some as well.
He followed Simon’s instructions, having no
doubt the man would keep his word if Max
happened to veer off the acceptable path. As his
mouth covered the swollen purple head of
Simon’s cock, Max brought his hand to his own.
He licked Simon’s cock as he stroked himself,
matching his mouth with the movements of his
hand until he slowly found a rhythm that worked
for him. He’d never done this before, not like this
at least. Sure, he’d pleasured himself while he’d
sucked on a guy’s dick before, but this was
different. He had a task and rules to keep in mind.

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The addition of those elements somehow
heightened the experience for him. He wondered
if it did for Simon as well, but the man’s quiet
grunts did little to tell him anything more than
that what he was doing with his mouth and
tongue were pleasurable to the other man.

Simon’s hands went to his hair and something

inside Max settled. He liked having a man’s hands
on his head when he was giving a blowjob. He
enjoyed the feeling of being guided. But Simon
took it a step further, controlling him with firm
pressure on the back of his head. Max closed his
eyes, breathing in the man’s musky scent as the
chill of the tile floor began to seep into his legs.
With Simon taking care of his head, Max diverted
some of his attention to his own needs. He stroked
his cock harder, the bit of pain sending shivers up
his spine.

“You’re close, aren’t you?” Simon asked him,

his words punctuated by harsh groans.

Max nodded, unable to do anything more as his

pleasure built up inside his groin, begging for
release. Simon pulled back on his hair, giving him
a light tug. Though he hated to hold off his
orgasm for even another moment, Max obediently
removed his hand from his cock as soon as
Simon’s left his lips.

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Serving Simon


“Good job,” Simon said. “Glad to see you can

follow instructions, even when you obviously
don’t want to.”

“Great. Can I come now?” Max asked, hating

that his voice sounded like he was whining.

Simon laughed. “Yes. You can come now. Jerk

yourself off until you come. I will as well and I
plan to come all over your face. So when I tell you
to open your mouth, have your tongue out.”

With heat covering his face, Max nodded and

brought his hand back to his cock, eagerly
stroking himself as he watched Simon take his
own cock in his right hand. With his left he
cupped his balls, playing with them. Max lifted his
gaze for a moment and saw Simon watching him
as well. His lips parted on a moan and Max
answered with his own. He could see the heat in
Simon’s gaze as he stood over him, a mighty
presence that covered Max from his position on
the floor. He didn’t mind it though, not as much
as he might have last week. Now he knew that
Simon would let him come, that this would be just
one of his orgasms for the week, and that he’d
experience something new with this one just as he
had the last few Simon had given him. He never
thought that he’d be orgasming in his own kitchen
but now here he was about to.

As Simon stroked himself, Max leaned up to

pressed his mouth to the underside of Simon’s

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cock, wanting to feel the other man’s shaft against
his mouth. Simon pressed against him and
moaned as he rubbed his shaft against Max’s lips.
Smiling, Max leaned back and let his orgasm take
him over, the force of his pleasure stealing his
breath as his head fell back and banged loudly on
the edge of the countertop behind him. His cum
splattered across the floor as he cried out.

“Open up,” Simon said, his voice rough as he

pushed Max’s head back.

Though he could barely keep his eyes open he

parted his lips and stuck his tongue out, reaching
for Simon’s cum. The first spray caught him across
the cheek and Max gasped at the warmth of it just
as the second landed on his tongue. A third hit the
bridge of his nose. When it seemed like Simon was
through, Max leaned forward and eagerly took
him into his mouth, cleaning the other man’s cock
with his tongue. The salty taste of his thick fluid
coated his mouth and Max moaned, enjoying the
taste of Simon’s pleasure. Before he was ready to
stop, Simon stepped back and out of Max’s reach.
He tossed him a kitchen towel then put himself

“Clean up the floor then wash up for dinner.

It’ll be ready in just a few minutes,” Simon said,
effectively dismissing him from the room.

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Serving Simon


With his mouth hanging open and the taste of

Simon’s cum on his tongue, Max could only stare
at the other man. “That was great,” he blurted.

Chuckling, Simon gave him a slight nod. “Yes.

You do give great head and I enjoy seeing you
cum. Now, do as I said.”

Max leaned forward and cleaned the floor of his

fluid. He rose shakily to his feet and tucked
himself back in his pants before making his way to
the bathroom. Once he was clean and the dirty
towel had been put in the hamper he came back
out to the kitchen to see Simon spooning the sauce
he’d been making over a bed of pasta. He handed
Max a plate as he came up then followed Simon to
the dining room table.

“Wine?” Simon offered him, going to the

chilled cabinet where Max knew he kept his

His head still fuzzy from his much needed

orgasm, Max shrugged and took a seat. “Sure. I
guess. Whatever you’re having.”

Moments later Simon returned with two glasses

with a rich red wine in them. Max sniffed the one
Simon set in front of him. He took a drink as
Simon sat down across from him. It was sweet and
dark but more than that Max couldn’t tell. He
wasn’t really a wine person. That was more of
Simon’s department.

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“Eat up,” Simon said, putting a napkin across

his lap and taking a bite of the pasta.

Max began eating as well, his sex addled mind

struggling to keep up with what his hands were
supposed to be doing. He dropped the fork more
than once and almost spilled the wine. When it
was clear he was getting nowhere fast he looked
across to Simon and glared at him.

“What?” Simon asked, a bite of pasta poised

inches from his mouth.

“How are you still completely fine after that?”
Frowning, Simon put his fork down. “After


“A great fucking orgasm,” Max reminded him.

He sighed and propped his chin upon his hand.
“That was amazing. Yet you’re just…I don’t know.
You’re completely fine. How is that possible?”

“Because I can control myself,” Simon replied,

taking the bite he’d denied himself. “I’ve learned

“Huh.” Max took another bite and drank some

of his wine. “How?”

Simon shrugged and wiped his mouth with his

napkin. Max wondered how he’d managed to eat
so fast but figured it was because he’d actually
been focused on it whereas Max had only been
focused on him.

“I just do,” Simon replied. “I can put things

away in my mind. Yes, I enjoyed what we shared

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just as I did last night and the time before that. But
it’s not the only thing I’ve been thinking about and
so it doesn’t take me as long to recover as it is
seeming to take you.”

Feeling a bit silly, Max nodded and tried to

focus on eating. “What did you want to talk about
tonight?” he asked, remembering their text
conversation from earlier. “You said you wanted
to try something new?”

Simon took a sip of his wine and slowly

nodded. “What is your experience with toys?”

Though he blushed, Max tried to think back to

the last time he’d actually used one. “Like what?”

“Have you ever used a dildo?” Simon asked

him. “A cock ring?”

Max shook his head. “I used a blindfold once.

And this thing that was shaped like a mouth. A
masturbation toy the shop called it.”

Simon nodded. “So you’ve never used a butt


“No, never. Don’t they hurt?” Max asked,

getting a bit wary.

“Not if used correctly. I want you to try

wearing one for a few hours tonight. I got you
one.” Simon rose from the table and Max tracked
his movements as he went into his bedroom and
came back out with a small blue box with bright
silver lettering. He put it in front of Max who
could only stare blankly at the oddly shaped item.

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“Why?” Max asked, taking another bite of his

quickly cooling pasta.

“Because it will keep you stretched and ready

for me,” Simon replied, grinning at him. “You’ll be
available for me whenever I want you to be. We
won’t have to worry about stretching you, I’ll
simply be able to enter you without any kind of
prep work.”

“What about what I want?”
Simon laughed. “Have you ever not wanted to

have sex since we’ve started this? And
furthermore, do you really think I’d force you to
fuck me against your will?”

Max slowly shook his head, feeling foolish and

like he’d crossed the line.

“No. It just seems like the plug is all about

getting me ready for you. What about me?”

Simon leaned toward him and pushed his plate

to the side. “It’ll stroke your prostate for hours,
keeping you hard and desperate just like you were
earlier today. There are plenty of men that wear
them all the time, keeping themselves ready for
whenever they get a moment to relieve

Max’s eyes widened and he pulled the box

toward himself. “All the time?” He couldn’t
imagine the small bulb shaped piece being inside
of him for more than a little while, but if Simon
said people did it then who was he to argue?

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Serving Simon


Simon nodded. “Yes. We’ll try it out a bit later.

After you’ve finished dinner. You’ll need your
energy for tonight.”

Flushing brightly, Max nodded and kept eating.

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Chapter Seven

fter dinner, Simon led Max to his bedroom
where he’d set things up for them for the


“You’ve been in my bedroom,” Max

commented as he went to his bed and stroked his
fingers along the leather ties Simon had secured to
his headboard.

“I have. Now strip.” Even before he finished

giving the command, Simon was already undoing
his shirt, the small buttons giving away easily in
his desire to be naked with the other man. Max
watched him for a moment, and though Simon
hardly minded having the other man’s attention
on him, it was the idea that he hadn’t jumped to
follow his command that bothered Simon. He
raised his head and lifted his brow, giving Max a
silent question. With an easy smile Max quickly
complied, his clothes following Simon’s in an
array of crumpled garments which Simon picked


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Serving Simon


up and folded, neatly placing them on top of
Max’s messy dresser.

With their clothing out of the way Simon took

Max into his arms, backing him up against the
wall and taking his mouth in a kiss forceful
enough to steal the other man’s breath. Max’s
hands grabbed at him, searching for a place to
hold as Simon pressed him back, molding their
bodies together. He broke the kiss a moment later
and pulled on Max’s short hair, tugging him down
to the ground. With a wide grin Max easily
complied, his mouth open and ready for Simon’s
cock before his knees even hit the floor. Simon slid
his length between Max’s lips, moaning as the
other man’s tongue spread over the underside of
his shaft, teasing him. He leaned forward, pressing
his forearms to the wall high above Max’s head as
Max sucked him. This wasn’t the end of their
games tonight and Simon had to remind himself
of that as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the
feeling of Max’s mouth massaging his shaft.
Before he could go much further Simon pulled
back, bringing a soft sigh from Max’s lips.

“On the bed,” Simon ordered, smiling at him.

Max scrambled to comply, an answering grin
playing on his full lips.

Simon moved on top of him, not waiting for

Max to get comfortable on his sheets before
kissing him again. He pinned him down and

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rubbed against him, their cocks pressing together
as Simon brought them closer together. Max
trembled under him as his hips moved up to meet
Simon’s in a desperate attempt to seek the
pleasure Simon denied him. With his mouth still
firmly pressed against Max’s, Simon pinned one of
the man’s hands above his head and expertly
secured his wrist in the strap. Max’s other wrist
was even easier and Simon leaned back, propping
himself up above Max’s chest so that he could look
into the other man’s eyes. They were wide, the
gray of his irises looking darker than he’d seen
them before as a bright flush covered his cheeks.
His thigh rubbed against Simon’s hip, teasing and
tempting him in a wordless invitation.

“I think you like being tied up,” Simon said,

sitting up and pressing his palms against Max’s

Max nodded. “I do. Though I think I’d like to

see you in these sometime.”

Chuckling, Simon rubbed his cock against

Max’s, stroking against him with deliberate
slowness as Max squirmed under him. “That’ll
never happen. I’m going to lube your ass then
slide the plug into you now.”

Max’s eyes widened and he slowly smiled.

“Sounds kinky. Then will you fuck me?”

Simon snorted and shook his head. “We’re

going to do things and bit differently tonight.” He

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Serving Simon


pulled Max’s thighs onto his hips, lifting his butt
off the bed and giving him room to work on the
other man. He’d placed a plastic grocery bag at the
foot of Max’s bed earlier and now pulled it close,
taking the new bottle of lube out that he’d bought
at the store that morning. He squirted a bit onto
his fingers, warming up the thick substance before
sliding a finger into Max’s puckered entrance. His
other hand cupped Max’s balls, massaging them
as he slowly lubed up his anus. Max’s breath
started coming in short gasps as Simon moved his
hand up to the other man’s shaft and began to
gently stroke him, pulling on his cock. He slid a
second finger in to join the first and smiled at the
sound of Max’s harsh gasp as he lifted off the bed.
He thrust wildly toward Simon’s hand, seeking
more than Simon was willing to give him right

Max closed his eyes and tossed his head back,

his mouth falling open as Simon stroked his
swollen head. Simon used that moment of Max’s
pleasure to slide the plug he’d purchased for the
other man into his ass. Max’s eyes opened
instantly and he stared down at Simon as he made
sure the plug was in place. “That feels…different I

Nodding, Simon smiled at him. “Yeah, I’m sure

it does.”

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“What was the point of putting that in if you’re

just going to take it out when you go in me
anyway?” Max asked him.

Simon released his shaft and moved around on

the bed until he was on top of Max, a muscular
thigh on either side of the man’s narrow hips.
“Who said I was going in you tonight?”

Max looked shocked and Simon couldn’t really

blame him for his confusion. “I’m lost. You’re
going to let me fuck you? Are you sure you’re a

Simon rolled his eyes and reached for the lube

again. “If you want to be technical about it, I’m
going to be riding you so you’re still not in
control. And yes, again, I am a Dom. And
sometimes I’ll want to ride you. Problem?”

Max quickly shook his head and held still as

Simon leaned forward and slid a lubed finger
inside himself, stretching his opening for Max’s
cock. Max lifted his head, seeking the kiss that
Simon eagerly gave him as he pushed a second
finger inside himself. When he was stretched he
ran his hand over Max’s cock, putting a good
amount of lube on him as well before positioning
himself above the other man’s head.

He moaned loudly as he helped Max enter him.

Thankfully Max held still, letting Simon go as
slowly as he needed to. There was a hint of pain
but it quickly subsided. Simon had expected as

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Serving Simon


much, though. This wasn’t a common position for
him. But he’d been thinking about doing this with
Max for months, and when the opportunity had
presented itself in the form of the lovely butt plug
that had caught his attention that morning he’d
gone for it. He sank down on his hips, letting Max
slide deeper inside of him as a soft gasp fell from
his lips. Getting comfortable, he leaned back and
rested his hands on the hard planes on Max’s
chest. He wasn’t muscular, not in the sense that
Simon was, but he was lean and Simon
appreciated the definition that he did have. He
rolled his hips, smiling as Max’s cock stroked
against him.

“I want to touch you. Please Simon, let me

touch you,” Max begged as he squirmed under

His gaze went to the ties as he considered

letting him go free. The whole point of restraining
him was so that Max couldn’t touch himself. But
with his cock inside him, Max couldn’t do a whole
lot of that anyway. “I suppose I could allow that,”
he replied, quickly undoing the restraints as easily
as he’d put them on. “I’m keeping them on your
bed though. They’ll come in handy next time.”

Flushed and trembling, Max quickly nodded.

“Yeah. I can see how they would.”

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Simon let his fingers trail over Max’s arms,

delighting in his warmth and the feeling of the
other man’s muscles moving under his hands.

“I haven’t been inside anyone in a long time,”

Max said, his voice echoing with a bit of
something that sounded suspiciously like awe.

Simon smiled down at him. “How’s the plug


“I don’t feel much different,” Max admitted.
Nodding, Simon leaned forward. “Bring your

hips up to meet my ass, try thrusting inside me
and see how it feels then. I think you’ll notice a
difference then.”

Though Max looked a bit skeptical he did as he

was told and a moment later his eyes grew wide
and he groaned. He thrust again, his hips slapping
against Simon’s ass he moved inside of him.

“Yeah, I agree,” Simon said, rocking back to

meet Max’s thrusts. “Just try to hold off coming.
It’ll be harder with it.”

Max nodded and pressed his lips together as

his hands came up to grip Simon’s thighs. He
squeezed hard enough to bruise and Simon leaned
down to lick Max’s neck, tasting the saltiness of
his sweat on his tongue. There was a shift inside of
him, a momentary distraction that he eagerly
pushed aside. Max’s fingers pressed harder on his
skin, his short nails biting into Simon’s thighs as

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Serving Simon


he thrust into him. The pain, though brief, brought
the thing crawling inside of him closer to the
surface. Simon sped up, hoping to ignore the

“What the hell?” Max cried.
With a sigh Simon stopped moving and looked

down at the other man, easily guessing what he
saw. “What changed?” he asked.

“You’ve got black eyes. You don’t have black

eyes,” Max gasped, sounding frightened.

Simon nodded. “And I was so hoping to have

fun tonight without having to explain this part of
myself. Yet.”

Frowning, Max shook his head. “We can still

fuck. Sure we can. You wear contacts and they just
fell out right?”

Simon smirked and rolled his hips against

Max’s cock, teasing the other man and making
him gasp. If he kept him hard enough maybe this
wouldn’t be such a wasted night. It was wishful
thinking that Max might not mind the idea of
having sex with a freak but hey, he was never
considered all that realistic either.

“Do you really believe that I wear contacts?”

Simon replied, grinning at him. “It’s a nice
thought but this isn’t going to be nearly that

Max nodded. “Damn. Do we have to stop,

then? I mean, whatever’s going on, you’re not

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going to kill me or something, right? Because I’m
seriously enjoying this.”

Simon’s mouth fell open. “You’d rather finish

having sex than find out?”

Max shrugged. “Well, yeah. Don’t you? Or do

you want to do the whole explaining thing now?
Personally, and this is just me here, I’d rather have
sex. Never thought I’d get to cum in your ass. I
don’t exactly want to stop here.”

Simon couldn’t believe his luck, or Max’s nerve,

but he wasn’t about to argue with the other man
and quickly gave in to his desires. He lifted
himself off Max’s cock and quickly sank back
down again, feeling him press against the
sensitive spots inside himself. Max’s hands moved
from his thighs to Simon’s lower stomach and
quickly trailed up to his chest, leaving a path of
warmth over his smooth muscles. Simon brought
his mouth back to Max’s, kissing him deeply and
sliding his tongue between the other man’s lips as
his fingers explored his arms. He gasped as Max’s
hands found his nipples and pinched, sending a
wave of pleasure laced with pain through him.

His teeth sharpened at the sensation and he

rocked against Max’s cock, seeking pleasure and
forcing the other man to speed up to stay with
him. He lowered his forehead to Max’s collarbone
and gently sucked at his sensitive skin, causing
him to gasp.

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Serving Simon


“I’m close,” Max ground out.
Simon nodded, feeling his cock thicken inside

of him. He sat back up and wrapped his hands
around the base of his own cock, quickly stroking
himself to keep up with Max’s pleasure. Sweat
trickled down his neck to slide to his sternum and
he gasped as Max licked his fingertips and teased
the head of Simon’s cock with his wet fingers,
teasing him.

“Your ass feels amazing,” Max gasped, his

thrusts turning erratic under him.

Simon had no words, the pleasure of having the

other man filling him quickly taking away his
ability to speak.

He shook and nearly growled as his orgasm

spread through him, stealing his breath as he
splashed against Max’s chest. Max’s hands
tightened on his hips, pushing him down even as
he thrust up to meet him. Seconds later warmth
spread through Simon’s ass and he moaned softly
at the sensation of being filled with the other
man’s cum. He kissed Max’s lips then rolled off
him. Sweaty and breathing heavily, he tried to
stop trembling as Max turned over on his side
next to him.

“How long can I wear it?” he asked.
Chuckling, Simon smiled at him. “As long as

you want. I know people at the club that wear
theirs nearly all day. I wouldn’t do it when you’re

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out in public with tight pants on. But it’ll keep you
spread for me and it’ll make you hard nearly all
day. The point of it for you though is to help you
relax and focus on something else. Being
distracted by wanting to fuck all day isn’t exactly
a great way to work, but it beats having you
stressed out and suffering.”

Max nodded and moved his hips. A bright

flush covered his cheeks and Simon smiled,
knowing the other man was testing the plug out.
He’d been the same way when he’d started
wearing one. “I like them too.”

“I thought you didn’t let guys in your ass very

often,” Max said, frowning.

“True. But can you imagine being on top of

someone with that in you? Feeling it stroke your
prostate every time you thrust into the man?”
Simon asked him. Max’s mouth fell open and
Simon nodded. “It’s pretty incredible.”

They shared a minute of near silence with only

their breaths filling the room before Max asked the
question Simon had been avoiding for a full year
and a half since he’d moved in with the other man.

“So what was that?” he asked.
Simon sighed, not quite sure how he was going

to explain this to the other man. “Well, you know
what vampires are right?” he started, sounding
like an idiot.

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Serving Simon


Max’s mouth fell open. “You’re a-”
Shaking his head, Simon turned over onto his

side to face the other man as well. “No. I’m not.
Just, try to keep an open mind and forget all of the
Hollywood crap you’ve been fed, alright? Can you
do that?”

Max slowly nodded. “Sure. I can. Or I’ll try to

at least”

“Good. Vampires, as they really are, aren’t the

monsters you’ve been made to believe. They’re
more like anemic people that get horrible
sunburns. They might have been monsters at one
time, but now they’ve evolved. They eat their
meat nearly bloody but they don’t go around
biting people. There’s no covens, no telepathy, no
telekinesis, no super strength- none of it,” Simon

“Sounds boring,” Max said quickly. “So no

flight either?” Simon shook his head. “Or turning
into bats?” Again Simon shook his head. “Then
what the hell point is there to being a supernatural
being if you don’t get any of the perks?”

“I’m guessing it was an evolutionary way to

assimilate. But what I’m trying to say is that I’m
half vampire, on my father’s side. Not that it really
matters since it’s not like being a male vampire
actually changes anything,” Simon tried to
explain. He waited for Max’s reaction, dreading
the worst.

background image

Caitlin Ricci


“So what’s your other half?” Max asked. “Sex


Snorting, Simon shook his head. “You’re not

that far off though actually. My mother was a
succubus. She seduced my father, not realizing
what he was. When she gave birth to me a few
months later I don’t think she was all that happy
about it. I got dropped on my father’s front porch.
She rang the doorbell, and I’m told there was a
pretty big argument.” Simon shrugged. “As an
infant I don’t remember any of it. But the basics
are that I haven’t seen her since, my father’s
family raised me and the only thing that’s weird
about me, the only thing that gave me away
tonight, is that when I feel pain I switch over.”

Max stared at him, his mouth hanging open a


“C’mon Max, say something,” Simon softly

pleaded, hating how out of control he felt.

“You’re so weird,” Max replied, turning over

onto his back and laughing. “So you want to have
sex all the time because you’re half succubus?”

Simon laughed. “I want to have sex with you

because I’m a healthy adult guy and you’re damn

Max rolled his eyes. “I’m hardly all that.”
Simon moved on top of him, pinning him

down. “Yeah. You are.”

background image

Serving Simon


“So how old are you?” Max asked him, his arms

coming up to hold Simon against him as he sank
between the vee in Max’s thighs, pressing their
bodies together.

His mouth quirked up into a smile as Simon

replied, “Thirty-five. The age that I put on my
application. Plus I did have a birthday so there is
that, too.”

“No immortality either?” Max looked shocked

as Simon shook his head. “Damn. So there really
are no benefits to being a vampire-succubus

Simon snorted. “None. But at least I don’t get a

sunburn like my father’s family does. That would
seriously suck.”

Max nodded. “Yeah. So, uh, what do we do


Frowning, Simon looked down into his face.

“Do? Like what?”

“Well,” Max pushed his hips up to meet

Simon’s. “I’m starting to get hard again and this
plug feels pretty amazing. I wouldn’t mind some
more play.”

Simon dipped his head to kiss him. “You’re

crazy. You know that right? Someone tells you
that they’re a freak and you want to have sex
again. I’m starting to think you’re the one that’s
half sex demon and not me. No one is that

background image

Caitlin Ricci


Max shrugged. “I’ve been living with you for

over a year now. Aside from being pretty anal
about how damn clean everything has to be for
you, there’s nothing wrong with you. So yeah,
you’re mom’s a sexy beast and your dad gets a
sunburn. Not really seeing the problem here. Can
we have sex now. Please?”

“Sure.” Laughing and with warmth and

happiness filling his heart, Simon reached for the
lube again.

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About the Author

Caitlin was fortunate growing up to be
surrounded by family and teachers that
encouraged her love of reading. She has always
been a voracious reader and that love of the
written word easily morphed into a passion for
writing. If she isn't writing, she can usually be
found studying as she works toward her
counseling degree. She comes from a military
family and the men and women of the armed
forces are close to her heart. She also enjoys
gardening and horseback riding in the Colorado
Rockies where she calls home with her wonderful
fiancé, their dog and Blue Tongue Skink. Her
belief that there is no one true path to happily ever
after runs deeply through all of her stories.


Document Outline


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