task force three and the irish jewel

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The Men of Five-O #3

Task Force Three and the Irish Jewel

Forced to leave her home in Ireland after witnessing her father’s murder, Ava O’Brian discovers a family secret and
will do anything to avenge her father’s death. Escaping to the United
States, she begins a rigorous training and uses her computer hacking skills to stop her father’s killer from stealing her
money, her castle, and her father’s businesses. Little does she
know there is more at stake than meets the eye.
Learning that werewolves exist and that her family shares such a bloodline is mind-altering. Getting caught up in the
middle of a police investigation seems really bad. But once she
comes in close contact with five wolves in law enforcement, her body has a different reaction than fear. As Task Force
Three, the five Declan brothers are part of a secret order created to
protect were-law and the Circle of Elders. In the midst of an investigation they find their mate, but she is not so easy
to catch and will alter their destiny like no other mission has before.
Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.
Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves
Length: 82,924 words


The Men of Five-O #3

Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: LoveXtreme Forever

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Copyright © 2012 by Dixie Lynn Dwyer
E-book ISBN: 1-61926-754-3
First E-book Publication: April 2012
Cover design by Les Byerley
All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.


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living or dead is strictly coincidental.


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Task Force Three and the Irish Jewel

by Dixie Lynn

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To my loyal readers,
I hope that you enjoy the tale about Ava, a strong Irish woman determined to avenge
her father’s death. Oh…and of course the five, sexy,
Alpha wolves who realize rather quickly that Ava is a strong, independent woman
determined to achieve her goals, with or without their help.


The Men of Five-O #3

Copyright © 2012


County Clare, Ireland, 2009

Ava pressed her back against the side of the cement column. She could hear the
soldiers as their combat boots collided with the cement.

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They were coming for her. There was no way that Fenly would let her go after what she
witnessed. The nauseous feeling hit her stomach, but she
pressed onward in hopes of escaping this nightmare. As soon as he got his hands on
her she would truly be sorry. She swallowed hard and tried to
calm her breathing.

He’s dead. My father’s dead.

Just a short distance across the wooded area in the courtyard was a wrought iron fence.
She could run there, jump the fence, and head
down the property. She snorted, disgusted with herself for feeling incapable of handling
anything on her own. She knew how to ride, how to shoot
and sword fight and even run her father’s family enterprise if she had to. But now, face-
to-face with danger, she actually questioned her capabilities.
She instantly thought of her dad, Patrick. She had witnessed Fenly killing him and saw
the monster that Fenly truly was. Images of his flesh being
torn by some monster flashed in and out of her mind.
Ava placed her hand over her chest and tried to hold in the deep sob of sadness, then
she wiped the tears from her eyes and swallowed the
lump of emotion in her throat. Every swallow burned as she sniffled and submerged the
urge to surrender. Every breath she took ached with
exhaustion and despair. She couldn’t be weak now. She didn’t have time to comprehend
everything that had taken place in the last thirty minutes.
Her father was killed in front of her. Never mind the fact that one moment she saw Fenly
in human form and the next she watched as his bones and
flesh shifted before her eyes and changed him into a ferocious beast. She could cry
later, if she actually escaped.
She shoved her long chestnut locks out of her face. Perhaps it was just an illusion
brought on by the trauma of seeing her father killed. Even
as the thought crossed her mind she knew the truth.
Ava took a deep breath, glanced around the column to be sure no one was near, then
sprinted across the property. She could hear them in
the distance as she lost all sense of direction in the darkness. Her hair clung to her
cheeks, wet from emotion and perspiration. The cool air was a
sharp contrast to her heated skin. She pushed her hand over the tangled strands in
hopes that her vision would improve. The sounds echoed
around her, and she knew they were drawing near. How the hell could they see her or
even know precisely where she was?
Thoughts of the large, militant men invaded her thoughts, causing fear to clench her
stomach. She was average height at five feet seven
inches, and these men were over six and a half feet tall. They were monstrous and
callous. She ran faster, unaware of precisely how close the fence
was. Her body slammed against the solid metal, and she quickly began to climb. It was
an old wrought iron fence, and not the easiest to climb. She
inhaled, absorbing the rusted metallic scent as tiny chips of old metal cut her skin. She
was out of breath, shaking with fear, when out of nowhere
came a deep, ferocious growl. Ava grasped the metal bars and clung against the cold
bar, anticipating the attack. She turned to look over her
shoulder just as the claw made contact with her flesh.

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She screamed.
Falling backward, she slammed onto her back as the growling increased and the fear
clenched her gut.
She screamed again as multiple sets of glowing eyes surrounded her then paws pulled
at her clothing, ripping the material as well as her
skin in the process. They trampled her, and claws banged against her ribs, her stomach,
and back as she rolled into the fetal position and tried to
protect her head. She cried out for help until she heard the voice.
“Enough!” Fenly’s Irish brogue caused the large beasts to step away. Pain radiated
through her body as she slowly opened her eyes. She
had never been so scared in her entire life. She could feel the cuts that these oversized
dogs inflicted upon her skin, the bruising and aches she
would most definitely have if they didn’t eat her. Damn, the cuts burned and ached so
badly. The animals appeared to be the same type of beast
that Fenly had turned into earlier. Her heart pounded against her chest, and her body
shook with fear. She had never seen anything so fierce and
wild looking in her life until tonight.
“I said not to hurt her! Her skin better not scar. I will not have my gorgeous wife look like
damaged goods,” Fenly roared. He actually
sounded as if he growled the words, as each syllable felt as if it vibrated against her
body. Ava didn’t know what was going on. She was frightened
out of her mind. While she clutched her knees to her chest and refused to believe what
was actually surrounding her, they shifted.
Someone touched her face and began to push her hair from her cheeks.
“Get up off the ground, wife. We don’t have time for this.”
“Wife?” she questioned, not knowing what on Earth this lunatic was talking about. His
father had been her father’s business partner. Nothing
more. Fenly was a narcissistic man whore. Now he could add murder to his list of
He held her gaze as he kneeled down and touched his fingers to her chin. She tried to
pull back, but a shove to the middle of her back
forced her forward. She glared at the culprit and was shocked to see Miller, Pete, and a
few others she only knew as Fenly’s bodyguards, and they
were naked. Only moments ago she was surrounded by animals. She didn’t know what
other way to describe them. They had been with Fenly at all
times. Their eyes glowed with an odd sparkle that stirred awareness in her she didn’t
recognize at all. Then it hit her that they were beasts just like
She gasped and attempted to move away from Fenly again. She had never seen a
naked man before. Her upbringing kept her an innocent
virgin. She was to be perfect in every aspect of her father’s vision. Well rounded in
various areas, she wouldn’t need a man or an army to help her
achieve success or survive. Somehow his plan had backfired. It appeared she gained
the interest of a rogue solely out to claim her. Her father had
sheltered her as much as he could in order to protect her from men like Fenly. Had her
father thought of Fenly as a threat and kept her out of the

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loop? He wouldn’t have. She was aware of almost all aspects of the family businesses.
Fenly was obviously after the family fortune and she was just
a means to achieving that.
“My lovely Ava. See what you have done? You’ve made my men hurt you in order to
keep you safe,” he told her as he looked her over with
his dark, gray eyes, and instantly she felt the chills. His fingertips touched the material
of her blouse that was ripped, revealing her skin.
“Why did you refer to me as your wife, Fenly? You killed my father. I saw you!” she
yelled at him as her voice shook with trepidation.
Fenly gripped her chin so hard she felt his fingertips dig into her flesh and bruise against
the bone. She flinched as he forced her back down
into a lying position. Growls surfaced around her, but she dare not look at the man-
beasts, for they might think she was challenging them, whatever
they were. Fenly’s weight held her down. He was very large in comparison to her
smaller frame. Fenly released her chin and slowly pressed his
fingers to her neck then trailed them along her chest.
“You see, Ava, I cannot let you go because you belong to me now,” he told her, not
looking up into her eyes but instead focusing on the
buttons of her blouse as his nimble fingers released each button. She inhaled as fear
gripped her insides. Why was he touching her? What did he
plan on doing with her?
She didn’t need to look around her to see that the others watched. She felt their gazes
upon her and heard their heavy breathing. The air
around her suddenly became too thick for her to take an easy breath.
“Please, Fenly, stop this. I don’t know what you’re talking about. My father…” she began
to say, and then her voiced cracked with emotion
as the tears stung her eyes. Fenly held her gaze, widened his eyes a quick second
before staring back at her blank-faced. He knew she had seen
him kill her father. What kind of game was he playing with her?
She felt his hand caress her skin then move along the material of her blouse.
“You belong to me now, my sweet, innocent Ava.” He cupped her breast, and she
grabbed his wrist. Deep, feral growls echoed beside her
ears. Hot, wet breath penetrated the sensitive skin along her neck. The beasts were
close enough to lick her, never mind eat her.

How the hell did

they do that? Shift from man to beast and back again in a flash?

“Please, Fenly,” she whispered as the tears rolled down her cheeks. She felt the hard,
pebbled ground beneath her back. Fenly looked up
toward the men and smirked. She looked at the beasts, their eyes glowing yellow and
black not like anything she had ever seen on any dog. They
weren’t normal. She knew they were something powerful and lethal.
“Mine,” Fenly whispered, and when she looked up, his eyes glowed just like the beasts
next to her.
She gasped for air and closed her eyes as she cried out in fear.
They growled at her and bumped their snouts against her head, taunting her, daring her
to challenge them.
“Oh please, Fenly. What are they? What are you?” she asked as she sobbed.

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She felt Fenly’s fingers glide down her body from her breast to the waist of her jeans.
His fingers felt rough as he snapped the button open
and pushed further.
“No, Fenly, please!” She begged for him to stop. His fingers froze in place.
“You will be my wife by this time tomorrow night. This body will be all mine and no one
else will ever touch you. My men will kill anyone who
even looks at you or tries to take a sniff.”
“No, Fenly. I’m not yours. I won’t marry you,” she told him, suddenly feeling the fight
within her and not willing to give in to this outrageous
situation. He killed her father and left her with nothing but the land, and the money from
her father’s estate.
“You will be my wife, my mate. Your father is no longer here to protect you, Ava. There is
a new leader. One that will bring the O’Brian
bloodline together with the O’Leary bloodline and we will rule all of Ireland and beyond. I
will be your protector now and protector of all that belongs
to the O’Brian name.”
Fenly killed her in order to get his hands on the thousands of acres of property the
O’Brian family owned for centuries? He wanted to merge
their families? Well, that wasn’t going to happen. Not if she had anything to do with it.
She attempted to get up. “Never! I will never do that!” she hollered.
In an instant Fenly’s other hand grabbed her throat, and she felt the claws like that of a
fierce animal against her skin. Her body shook in
revelation of this half man, half beast nearly on top of her. The glowing eyes, and the
long, sharp incisors warned her to not resist his command.
“You are already mine, Ava. I’ve waited three years for you to come of the right age and
for your father to die. We’re going to rule Ireland
“No.” She shook her head side to side, and he gripped her throat tighter. She tilted her
head back, gasping for air and causing her chest to
push out. She couldn’t move an inch more. Left, right, up, or down, his claws still
pinched against her skin.
“We’ll see, Ava. We’ll see,” he whispered, and then she felt his fingers push further
down her pants, over her panties before they delved
between her sacred folds.
She cried out as he roughly pressed fingers in and out of her. The tears rolled down her
cheeks as he leaned over her face. Fenly slowly
released her neck and lowered his mouth down to kiss her mouth. It was brutal and
invasive, but she dared not challenge this freak. She just didn’t
want him to rape her.
When he released her lips and his disgusting scent filled her nostrils and made her
stomach quiver with disgust, he smiled at her.
“My sweet little virgin. It will be an honor to have such a treasure and know that no other
will ever possess any part of you.”
He pulled his fingers roughly from her and brought them to his mouth. He sniffed them
as the animals around him growled low and deep.
He smiled as he licked the wet digits and held her gaze.

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“Delicious and all mine.”
Briskly he rose to his feet, grabbing her by the waist of her jeans and tossing her over
his shoulder like a rag doll. The button from her jeans
pressed hard against her belly. She felt violated and completely out of control. There
was no way to physically fight him. Fenly was a large man. He
weighed at least two hundred and fifty pounds and stood at about six feet five inches.
He was handsome but mean as could be. She never liked
him or the way he watched her father. Fenly’s father had died years ago in some sort of
freak accident. She was only eighteen at the time and didn’t
understand her father’s business relationship with Fenly or the family heritage. It was
obvious that Fenly had planned all of this. He had waited for
her father to die, but Patrick O’Brian was strong and stubborn. When he hadn’t died of
natural causes Fenly decided to rush things along and kill
How could she have not seen this coming? If he could force her into a marriage she
wanted nothing to do with and legally claim her as his
wife then he would share in the wealth. Then he more than likely would kill Ava to get
the entire estate himself. She had seen Fenly’s lavish lifestyle.
He enjoyed the company of women and the danger of the drug cartel. He tried to
persuade her father to become partners with him. But her father
had come from a long line of wealthy landowners in Ireland. There was no way he
would resort to illegal drugs.
An all-consuming feeling of defeat traveled through her body as she bounced atop
Fenly’s shoulder while he carried her to the estate. The
tears rolled down her cheeks, and fear gripped her insides. The beasts walked around
her and Fenly, like guards in some wild fantasy story where
monsters existed and ruled the world. They growled at her, and she shook,
subconsciously gripping Fenly out of fear of the danger. Fenly’s deep
chuckle rumbled along her belly.
“Don’t worry, love, they’ll only hurt you on my command or if you try to escape. There’s
nothing out there for you, Ava, only an evil world
waiting to corrupt your innocence and take everything you have to give. You need me
and I’ll protect you, Ava, and so will my wolves,” he stated as
he approached the staircase leading to the side entrance to her father’s estate. She felt
defeated. He was right. She hadn’t a clue about what was
beyond the gates of their estate or outside of Ireland. There was nothing she could do.
She wanted to scream in frustration. This wasn’t fair. Fenly didn’t love her, and she
hated him with all her heart. He was a murderer and a
thief, never mind some sort of freak animal. She shook again as the fear of the
transformation she witnessed flashed through her mind. There was
no one to turn to and no one she could trust to help her. Now that Fenly killed her father,
he would be a feared man, and no one would dare
challenge his authority, especially not the authorities themselves. What about Brennan
and the other helpers in the estate? Oh God! She wondered
if he killed them, too.
Corruption ran rampant around these parts.

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Her thoughts were interrupted as Fenly set her feet down onto the rug. He looked her
over, and she crossed her arms in front of her chest to
cover her breasts the best she could. Her clothing was torn, and the scratches across
her back and side continued to burn. Fenly and his dark, gray
eyes held her gaze.
“You shouldn’t have run, Ava. Never run from a wolf. We are superior beasts in both
were and human form. You’ll learn quickly and not by
challenging me or my men.” He reprimanded her as if she were at fault for his men’s
actions as they chased her down and tackled her to the
The tears burned her eyes as she responded in challenge.
“You dare blame me for what those animals did? You killed my father, Fenly. I will never
be yours and I will never forgive you!” She screamed
the last words with such vengeance and hatred for the man that her voice cracked and
her body vibrated with the same emotion. She never saw the
hit coming, and never expected Fenly to strike her as the back of his hand made contact
with her cheek and jaw. It was fierce and knocked her off
balance, causing her to fall to the floor. She cried as she held her cheek while Fenly
“Do not provoke me, Ava. Never speak of your father again or I will be forced to
eliminate you. Now get up. It’s late and I have work to do if
we are to be married by this time tomorrow.” Fenly pulled her up from the floor. She
slapped his hand away from her and attempted to get up on her
own. She didn’t even care that her blouse was ripped open and her breasts nearly
poured from her black lace bra. She was angry and scared. Her
entire world as she knew it was over.
Fenly pulled her against his hip, kept his arm wrapped around her waist as he
personally escorted her to her bedroom. Once inside he
pointed at her in warning.
“Do not try to escape again or I will take what’s mine then throw you to my men for them
to play with.” He pulled her against his chest,
grabbed ahold of her hair, and kissed her hard on the mouth. She pulled away, used the
sleeve of her shirt to wipe away the stench of his saliva
while crying in fear and disgust as Fenly closed the door and locked her inside all alone.
“Bastard!” she grunted then ran to her bed and cried.
* * * *
“Remain nearby. I don’t want anything to happen to her,” Fenly told Pete.
“She means that much to you, boss?” Pete asked, and Fenly held his guard’s gaze.
“She will make the perfect Alpha female to our pack. She is young, only twenty, and
classy, sophisticated, and pure like no other. There is
an image to uphold if we are to maintain control over the O’Brian estate and all business
associates. The power I will have in her name alone once
we mate will open up doors to success. Never mind that my wolf has smelled her scent
and craves it.”
“She is quite beautiful, Fenly, and you deserve the best,” Pete responded.
“The windows are secured?” Fenly asked.

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“She has no means of escape except this door to her bedroom.”
“Good. I will see you in the morning.”
“Yes, sir.”
Fenly walked down the hallway and to the guest bedroom. The master suite would be
renovated starting tomorrow. The staff had been
notified that he was the new master and Patrick O’Brian’s body was removed. Of course
they would have to have a funeral of some sort to save
face. These humans could be so ridiculous. He smiled as he thought about Ava. She
would be sad tomorrow, and he would remain by her side for
all to see the support and commitment he had to offer her. Then the legal documents
would be signed by Ava and they would be married and mated
all in one night. He entered the bedroom and yawned. Tomorrow he could start making
some business plans with his connections in the States. He
could expand his drug cartel and gun smuggling into the US all while sitting comfortably
on an estate worth millions in Ireland. He could pay off his
debt with Porter and get that crazy IRA bastard off his ass. Once he had full control over
both Ava and the estate, he could find out more about the
Irish Jewel and the secret location. If the tale was true, then once he had the Jewel in
his possession, he would be King and organizations like the
Circle of Elders and the Secret Order, and every government of every country would be
his to control and rule. Yeah, things were definitely
beginning to look better already.
He smiled to himself as he thought about the day’s events. Ava was stronger than he
anticipated. She didn’t appear as timid as he had
thought. In fact, she seemed like she would fight him the entire way. Perhaps when he
waved Brennan or some of the other servants in her face and
threatened their lives, then she would accept her fate. He thought about it. Ava trusted
Brennan and was very close to the butler. He could use that
emotion if necessary.
* * * *
Ava dried her eyes as she sat up on the edge of the bed. She touched her cheek,
enraged at the fact that Fenly struck her. She had seen
men strike women in the movies, but damn, did it really hurt. She could have sworn that
her brain shook from the impact. And how the hell did men
know to hit a woman across her cheek and jaw? Was that some kind of special code
men had to follow?

The bastard!

She was finished crying and

feeling sorry for herself. She had to do something. She had to try to escape before
morning. Quickly she changed her clothes, threw on another pair
of jeans, a shirt, and a sweater. She was tying up her boots when she heard a noise
coming from inside of her walk-in closet. Her heart pounded
against her chest as she imagined one of Fenly’s beasts waiting inside for her to go to
bed so he could pounce on her. She clenched her thighs
together. Fenly had forced his hands between her legs, had touched her intimately
without her consent while his men looked on. They would think
they had every right to touch her. She felt her chest tighten from the thought.

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Looking around the room for some sort of weapon, she rolled toward the side of the bed
and grabbed the brass urn. Lifting it above her
head, she slowly walked toward the closet when the door creaked open. Just as she
prepared to attack, she saw that it was Brennan, the butler and
her father’s closest friend. Ava loved Brennan like a second father. She dropped the urn
onto the bed and ran into Brennan’s open arms.
“Are you okay, dear? I was so worried about you,” he whispered as he squeezed her to
“I was so scared, Brennan. What are we going to do?” she asked as the tears rolled
down her cheeks.
Brennan pulled a little bit away from her but held her hands.
“Your father would want you to be strong.”
Ava cried as she squeezed her eyes closed. She couldn’t believe that he was dead.
Brennan shook her. “Listen to me. Enough tears, Ava, this is important. Fenly cannot
marry you and get his hands on this estate. He cannot
mate with you and cross the bloodlines. There is more at stake here than I can get into
with you right now.”
“What can I do? I’m being held prisoner in my own home. He secured the widows with
bars. He said that we are to be married by morning.
How did you get in here? Were you hiding in my closet?” She rambled on, asking
questions, hearing the hysteria in her own voice.
“I will show you. As we walk I will explain a few things to you. It is very important that
you follow my orders and do precisely like I tell you to do.
If you are caught then Fenly will use you for what he needs then kill you. You are too
important to the Order of—”
“Of what? What order? What are you talking about, Brennan?” she asked, feeling
“Follow me. We are wasting too much time.”
“Wait, Brennan.” She stopped him by grabbing his arm. “They are not human. Fenly,
Pete, and the other men can change into ferociouslooking
beasts,” she whispered and the fear filled her body again.
“I know, Ava, and you must understand that there are many just like him out there
hunting and hoping to get their hands on the Jewel of
Ireland. You must fear them all. None of them can be trusted. Now let’s go.”
“Jewel of Ireland?” She had heard about the Jewel since she was a young child. She
was beginning to think it was just a fable, a story made
up to compete with American fairy tales about lost treasures and royalty.
“Now is not the time. Follow me.”
Ava glanced one last time at her beautiful bedroom. Decorated with ornate heirlooms
from her ancestors, all her clothing and memories of
childhood long gone were left to never be seen again. Her stunning solid-wood canopy
bed, a family heirloom passed down from her great-greatgrandparents.
She swallowed hard and squeezed Brennan’s hand tighter as he unlocked a secret
panel in the back of the closet. She never knew
of its existence as Brennan began to explain about his plan for her escape and a world
of werewolves, government agents, and secret orders, and

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of the Circle of Elders. By the time they reached the hidden tunnel deep underground
and within the security of their estate, Ava felt numb and
uncertain of her own capabilities of survival. With forged documents in hand, passports,
clothing, and US bank accounts under an alias, Ava
accepted one more hug from Brennan.
“I will miss you. Follow the instructions I gave you and put Ireland behind you. It is the
only way I can keep you safe,” Brennan said as he
helped her into the limo located a good distance from the castle and hidden by a large
wooded area.
“Will I ever see you again?” she asked as the tears rolled down her cheeks and her
vision blurred. Brennan was a handsome man and had
been a loving second father whenever her own father was away on business.
“Only fate will tell, Ava. Be strong as all the O’Brians before you.”
Tears rolled down her cheeks as the limo pulled away from the darkness, and Brennan’s
eyes glowed like that of a wolf.
* * * *
Fenly awoke early, ready to begin his new life with Ava and the O’Brian riches. It had
been said that the estate was worth billions. He had
personally interrogated the lawyer to the estate to find out an approximate value. It was
more than he had anticipated or could have hoped for. With
money and power anything could be accomplished. He had forged Patrick’s signature
on numerous accounts already. They contained nearly a
million alone that now belonged to him. Once he married Ava, the rest would be his as
Fenly walked down the hallway to Ava’s bedroom door. He took in the fine draperies, the
custom woodwork and trim molding, as well as the
assortment of fine art that decorated the hallway walls. Ava painted some of the
paintings, and others were collector’s pieces. She was very
talented, and he could recall the numerous times he would watch her painting down by
the water or somewhere else on the property. She was quite
special and precisely the type of woman he wanted to be his mate.
Pete stood outside of Ava’s bedroom door just as Fenly had left him last night. Pete was
a young but experienced wolf. All his men were
very large and completely loyal to his authority.
“How did it go?” Fenly asked.
“Not a sound, sir. There is only one way in and one way out of that bedroom. She didn’t
make a sound all night.”
“Good job. I think I’ll personally wake my bride-to-be,” Fenly stated then unlocked the
bedroom door. As soon as he opened the heavy
mahogany door, his stomach clenched and his nostrils flared. The bed was still made,
the curtains still wide open, and Ava was nowhere in sight.
“No!” His roar could be heard throughout the estate as his men began a search for Ava.

Chapter 1

Two years later, New York City

Investigator William Declan scooted down lower in the driver’s side seat of the
unmarked police van. Without taking his eyes off of the

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suspect he whispered to his brother, Mick, who remained hidden in the back of the van.
“Simon is headed this way. I think we’re sitting in front of the fucking meet-up spot,
Mick chuckled in the back.
“That’s a great informant you had, Sean. He fucked up the building numbers,” Mick
whispered even though it wasn’t necessary. William’s
other brothers Sean, Pat, and Kyle were hiding out in different locations around the
area, ready to charge at a moment’s notice. The fact that they
were all werewolves and could speak to one another telepathically worked to their
advantage. Seeing clearly through the darkness was a plus as
“Well it doesn’t matter now. Lay low and wait for my signal,” William stated softly as he
kept an eye on Simon. Being the lead investigator for
Task Force Three, which was basically William and his four brothers, he had to keep
them in line and remind them that they had to maintain their
human persona. They had been working for the antidrug task force for ten years now,
while also working as government operatives, also known as
Warriors of the Brothers of Were. This current arms dealer, Simon, was just a stepping
stone to the larger cartel they were after. Recently, over the
past sixteen months, there was a significant increase in automatic weapons reaching
the streets of New York and the surrounding area. Kids and
crooks were popping up dead, and the regular undercover human detectives needed
some assistance.

Holy shit, look who just showed up

,” Pat stated through their link.

“Duggy Doolin, that piece of shit. Why would he be here? ” Mick asked.
William growled low.
“Okay, big brother, let’s try to remain calm here,” Mick stated as he leaned forward and
tapped his brother’s shoulder. William released an
angry breath. Duggy Doolin was a rogue wolf who was part of some Irish mob that had
existed for a hundred years. No one knew his entire family
history, and despite all Doolin’s illegal activity, the government and Circle of Elders didn’t
give the order for his removal. It had been William who
brought Doolin in after the piece of crap issued an order and did a drive-by shooting that
killed two innocent kids and their grandmother after he
entered the US on a temporary visa. The Irish gangster was nothing but trouble, and if
he was involved with Simon, then this meant Simon was
dealing in imports.
“I don’t like this one bit. With Doolin here, we can’t move in for a bust.”
“If that asshole is involved selling guns and drugs then I’ll lock him up in a flash. I don’t
give a shit about waiting on an order from the Circle of
Elders,” William exclaimed. His brothers laughed but agreed that they wouldn’t let
Doolin get away if he was caught during the raid.
“Seeing Doolin reminds me of our stint in County Clare and the province of Munster.
Man, was that a wild time,” Sean said, and the others

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“How do you even remember that trip, Sean? You were hooking up with every wolf you
could sink your teeth into,” William stated, and the
others laughed, especially Mick.
“What about Mick? He was wasted most of the time and we had to put up with all those
Irish tunes for months after we returned to the
States,” Pat added. William chuckled.
“That was insane. If I ever hear another rendition of ‘When Irish Eyes are Smiling,’ I’m
going to strangle the singer,” Kyle remarked, and then
Mick began to sing while trying to pull off an Irish brogue.
Just then, they saw some action on the street in front of them.
* * * *
Ava stood against the building and watched. She was trying not to be seen and wasn’t
exactly dressed for undercover work. She snorted
when she thought about leaving Kenny at the pub. She had prayed that he would ask
her out soon. After all, he flirted with her relentlessly at the local
coffee shop every Tuesday morning. When he finally asked her to hang out three days
ago, she was so excited. But when she saw Duggy Doolin
enter Lannigan’s Irish Pub and overheard him talking about meeting Simon, she had to
dump the date and pursue him. Knowing Kenny, it would
probably make him more interested in her. Plus, now she knew where to find Kenny.
The fact that his family had owned the pub for three
generations was interesting and kind of charming. His great-grandparents came from
Ireland and started the business.
She watched Duggy as he exited the limo and began speaking with Simon. Duggy was
one of Fenly’s associates. If he was here in the
States then Fenly might be as well. Ava swallowed that slight feeling of anxiety she got
whenever she thought about Fenly. But she wouldn’t be
weak. She had been on the run now for two years, always looking over her shoulder,
constantly wondering who was human and who was wolf.
Friend or foe, she was suspicious of everyone. All Ava needed to do was get the
information she needed to bring them down, or simply kill Fenly
herself. That son of a bitch was sneaky and took major precautions to not be caught
alone or off guard. He would screw up soon, and when he did,
she would be there to get him. In the meantime she would do whatever she could to
screw up his illegal activities. The O’Brian name was not going
to be destroyed by Fenly’s obsession with money and power. Not if she had anything to
say about it. Brennan would be upset with her if he knew
what she was up to, but what choice did she have? She wanted to be free. She wanted
to be back in Ireland in her castle with all her belongings.
Ireland was her home.
She remained close to the wall, wondering why Doolin set up the explosives near the
building. What was his plan? Why was Simon here,
and who were the group of lowlives in the lowrider? She waited and watched.
* * * *
“What is that?” Sean asked Kyle as they leaned against the building adjacent to the set
of Tudor-style houses along the avenue.

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Sean inhaled, closing his eyes until Kyle softly growled.
“I’ve never smelled anything like it before. It calls to my wolf,” Kyle added, taking a step
nearly out of the darkness. Sean grabbed his
“Wait. We don’t want to be seen.”
But before they could begin to explore, a situation broke out between Duggy, Simon,
and some other guys they were conversing with. The
two groups of men made their way toward the small building. Sean spoke into his
mouthpiece and contacted the others.
“Willy, we’ve got movement toward the adjacent building. What should we do?”
“Remain in position. Pat, Mick, and I will make our way around the opposite side.”
Sean looked at his brother, and he felt his eyes change and his wolf begin to push him
to shift.
“What the fuck?” Sean exclaimed as Kyle grabbed his arm.
“Are you all right?”
“No. That scent is stronger. I don’t believe this. Why now? Why in the middle of a
“Hey. Look. Do you see that?” Kyle asked Sean as he pointed toward an area of
darkness and what appeared to be movement away from
the building that Simon and the others were headed to.
“Let’s go,” Sean replied.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
Sean nodded then raised his weapon and prepared to move as Kyle led the way.
The closer they got to the shadow, the more intense the scent became. His whole body
was aware solely of the shadow and who it might

I’ll go this way. You head straight for it,

” Kyle stated through their link. Sean nodded his

head then took a deep breath. He felt his body
temperature rise, and his groin tightened in anticipation. Whatever it was, his wolf
wanted it and wanted it badly.
* * * *
Ava was watching, waiting to see if her luck had changed and at least some of these
pieces of crap would die in the explosion. Why was
Doolin leading Simon and his men there? He had to have been the one to set up the
trap. Maybe it was for the other group of men wearing their
colors and trying to act like big shots. They were just a group of street dealers. They
probably were one of many that worked for Doolin.
She glanced around, debating about moving in closer to see what happened when she
noticed a person in black moving through the
darkness. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight. The one guy was heavily armed
and not like some street dealer. Oh no, he was definitely
military trained. Then she saw him make a signal with his hand, and she looked around,
noticing the two other men in black. They were more heavily
armed then Duggy and his men with AK-47s. The other spoke into his sleeve, and she
realized just what they were.

Cops! This is gonna be good.

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The instant she heard the noise she realized that someone was coming her way. She

Maybe this isn’t going to be good after all.

* * * *

Where the hell are Sean and Kyle

?” William nearly growled through their link.

“Fuck!” Sean stated just as gunfire was exchanged between Duggy’s men and a carload
of other men who’d just pulled onto the scene. It
appeared as if some other group had planned an attack on this meet up. Simon’s men
were running back toward their cars along with Duggy.
Something was happening near the building.
“Move in now!” William ordered, and they moved in to intervene.
* * * *
Ava gasped at the sight. The moment she saw Simon’s men shift into wolves she felt
her chest tighten and a panic attack begin. Slamming
her hand over her mouth, she tried to silence her raspy breaths. The men headed into
the building to safety, but not Simon or Duggy Doolin.
But then her nostrils flared, and she just couldn’t seem to take in air. She turned and hit
the wall, colliding against the concrete. With her
hands splayed against the rough surface, she began to run in the opposite direction of
the chaos. Growls echoed around her until there was one
very loud, distinctive growl that seemed to cause an eerie silence.
She swung her head around despite her inability to take normal breaths and saw two
men standing around numerous bodies. Tires
skidding down the roadway echoed through the avenue, and she knew that Duggy had
more than likely escaped.
She walked backward, her eyes glued on the two massive men in black standing under
the street lights, when suddenly, they looked up and
caught her gaze. Their eyes glowed yellow, and she clutched her throat then turned and

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!

She ran, stumbling over her own two feet and trying to maintain balance in the three-
inch heels she wore. She hadn’t planned on this, and
she wasn’t dressed for a quick escape.

Maybe this was a really bad idea.

As soon as she turned the corner to where she had parked her Jeep and the feeling of
relief began to hit her chest, she slammed into a
brick wall.
* * * *
Sean smelled the scent grow stronger, and nothing would stand in the way of getting
closer to it. He heard the growl and knew that his
brothers had things under control, but he and Kyle were glued in their position. They
heard her coming. They stood side by side as the scent grew
stronger, and suddenly a woman in high heels and long, sexy legs slammed into his
chest. He lifted her into the air in order to catch her from falling.
She kneed him in the groin, nearly hitting his family jewels, but luckily his wolf reflexes
were quicker than her strike. He was about to restrain her
further when he heard the choking sounds coming from her. She was gasping for air,
and he was immediately concerned for her well-being. Well,

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that and her scent was so damn intoxicating that he needed to touch her and just
breathe her in.
“Whoa, honey, slow down. Where are you running to?” he asked as Kyle took position
behind her.
She looked so scared that the whites of her eyes nearly grasped his attention more than
the emerald green. Frantically she tried to push
against him as she turned her head back and forth between him and Kyle.
“It’s okay. We won’t hurt you. What are you doing out here?” Kyle asked then looked her
over from head to toe as Sean held her.
“You’re dressed kind of classy to be a hooker,” Kyle stated, and even Sean was
shocked at his brother’s insult.
“Go to hell! Do I look like a damn hooker?” she asked as she wiggled in Sean’s arms.
“Put me down,” she demanded as Kyle raised his eyebrows, giving her that look that his
brother thought made criminals fear him.
“You can tell us, sweetheart. We’re cops,” Kyle added sarcastically.
Sean chuckled when the brunette stuck her tongue out at him and crossed her arms in
front of her chest.
The move caused her breasts to push upward, revealing her deep cleavage. Sean felt
his cock harden and his hold tighten under the
cheeks of her ass as he tried to rein his attraction in. His beast wanted nothing more
than to roll her to the ground and sink his cock inside her wet

What the fuck? I’ve never felt like this before.

He sniffed the air. Despite her verbal resistance it seemed that she was turned on by
Kyle’s demanding demeanor.
“We’ll let you go when we’re sure you’re okay. What are you doing out here?” Kyle
asked as he folded his arms across his chest. Sean was
even taken aback by his brother’s authoritative tone.
“None of your business,” she stated, but then she began to hyperventilate. He was
concerned, but his brother looked untrusting.
Sean eased her down onto her feet and began to speak softly to her, asking if he could
do anything to help her when they heard sirens in
the distance and some commotion going on down the street where their brothers
remained. “Shit, Sean, we gotta go,” Kyle yelled as he took one
last look at the woman.
She looked across the street to where Willy and Pat began to walk toward the building
with weapons drawn.
“They’re going in. We need to go,” Kyle stated frantically.
“You have to stop them,” the woman demanded as she grabbed Kyle’s arm. He locked
gazes with her, and Sean leaned in closer.
“Who are you, and what are you doing here?” Sean demanded to know with teeth
clenched. His wolf was beginning to surface. He wanted
this woman. He didn’t want to let her go. He was utterly confused by the strong need to
keep her in his sights, especially since his brothers, his
team, needed him and they came first.
“Hurry or they’ll die. There’s a bomb in there,” she yelled then shoved him away.
Sean growled low then released the brunette with the amazing green eyes.

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“Stay right here! Don’t move!” Sean ordered then took off after Kyle.
* * * *
Ava watched them leave then bolted toward her Jeep. She had been keenly aware of
each man. She could still feel the one man’s touch
against her skin and the way his solid body felt wedged against her own.

Talk about sex


. Both men were exploding with it. As she climbed

into the driver side and started the ignition, she looked into the rearview mirror. She was
shocked at the feeling of guilt she felt.

Why the hell should

I feel guilty for not staying? Why did I warn him about the bomb?

She shook the thoughts from her head as she stepped on the gas pedal. She wasn’t a
cop killer, and those two cops looked quite
intimidating. One more glance in the rearview mirror at the darkness behind her and
again she felt guilty. As she drove farther and farther away from
the two men, she began to think about them. They were both quite handsome, at least
six feet four, and both had gorgeous blue eyes. But they were
cops and perhaps wolves just like Simon, Fenly, and the others. She swallowed the
lump of fear and gripped the steering wheel tighter as she
headed for home. Then she heard and felt the explosion as a ball of flames instantly
filled her rearview mirror.

I hoped they listened to me.

She began to slow down then reminded herself that no one

could be trusted. She screwed up. She never
should have warned them. She never should have run despite her fear of the wolves.
Slamming her hand on the steering wheel, she prayed that she
didn’t just jeopardize her identity.

Chapter 2

“Okay, so let me get this straight. You two decide to leave your post, to not come to aid
your team in a battle with the bad guys, but instead
flirt with some chick standing on a street corner? Willy is gonna tear you both new
assholes,” Mick reprimanded as he leaned back in the chair at
headquarters. They were all in the debriefing room waiting on Willy to return from
speaking with the commander. Some civilians had heard fierce
animal growls and called the police, who nearly stumbled upon all of them in were form.
Despite Sean and Kyle’s odd behavior, they did get to the
team in time to assist and get things under control before the humans arrived on scene,
and before the bomb that exploded could have killed good
guys, not just bad guys.
“Well, you didn’t see her,” Sean replied with an attitude, and Mick raised his eyebrows in
“When are you gonna stop letting your dick make decisions for you? This gig could have
gone all wrong,” Pat added to the conversation,
and Sean stood up, ready to challenge his brother. Just then the door opened then
slammed closed as their brother Willy entered.
“What the fuck is this? I leave you in charge for ten minutes, Mick, and these two are
about to brawl?” William reprimanded Mick then
pointed at Sean.
“You sit your ass down. I’ve got an update on Simon and Duggy Doolin.”

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Mick listened in as his brother Willy explained about a new arms cartel and imports
coming in through various sources. He shot a quick
glance toward his brother Sean, and Sean stuck up his middle finger at Mick.
“Cut the shit out now!” Willy yelled, and everyone looked at their commander and head
* * * *
William wasn’t sure what was going on with his brothers, but today’s near-tragic error
could have caused their removal as government
operatives, never mind some serious problems with the leaders of the Warriors of the
Brothers of Were. Being part of three individually intense and
two secret organizations was an honor and involved being discreet. Tonight’s near
screwup bothered him. Never mind the fact that they could have
been killed in the explosion.
William crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned his rear against the table.
“So, would you two care to explain your behavior?”
“Nothing to explain, Willy. They both let their dicks rule their minds,” Pat stated, and
Mick started laughing, but Kyle and Sean began cursing
and charging toward Pat. Mick stopped them, and Willy raised his voice.
“Cut the shit! There are consequences to your actions and I’m going to be initiating a
punishment once I allow you both the opportunity to
explain. Now sit your asses down and speak.”
William stared at his brothers, studying them individually and how much they resembled
one another as brothers as he waited for their
response. All four of them had fierce tempers on them and similar facial features. It
wasn’t difficult to figure out that they were brothers despite their
personality differences. William, Pat, and Mick had hazel eyes with dark, black hair
while Sean had brown hair and blue eyes and Kyle’s hair was a
very dark blond. They were all very large and muscular. They were all loyal to the Order
and to their pack.
Kyle looked at Sean, and Sean shrugged his shoulders. “We fucked up. Neither of us
knows why her scent enticed us in such a way that we
lost complete focus,” Kyle admitted then released a heavy sigh.
“It was like nothing I’ve ever felt before. One minute we’re ready to do battle, and the
next, we see this gorgeous brunette hiding in the
darkness suddenly come running toward us. She slammed right into me,” Sean added.
William felt some odd sensation run through his veins. His brothers were a wild bunch.
They’d had their share of women over the years, but
none ever made them lose focus while on a job.
“She was probably some hooker. Didn’t you smell sex on her and other cocks? Man,
you two need to reevaluate your priorities,” Mick said,
sounding disgusted.
“She wasn’t a hooker,” Sean stated firmly then clenched his teeth.
“He’s right, Mick. She was definitely not a hooker. She was all dressed up, too, like she
was at a dinner party,” Kyle added.
“Or maybe some hot date as an escort, huh?” Pat asked then chuckled as he leaned
back in his chair and chewed on a straw.

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“Yeah, did you feel any panty lines while your hand was plastered to her ass?” Mick
teased as he and Pat winked at one another and
chuckled. They knew they were getting Sean and Kyle riled up.
“She saved your ass though. She knew we were cops and she told us about the bomb.
If we didn’t get to you guys then…”
Sean’s voice trailed off, and the others looked shocked.
“This chick knew there was a bomb in the building?” Pat asked, and Sean nodded.
“You dipshit! She probably set the fucking bomb,” Mick stated, and Sean stood up.
“Fuck you, she saved your lives.”
“Enough!” William yelled. He needed to clear the air and move on with this investigation.
“What are you two saying? Are you telling me that some gorgeous, classy woman just
appeared out of thin air and somehow managed to
snag both of your attention so much that Duggy Doolin and Simon escaped from our
grasp? Then on top of that, she knows about the bomb and
you let her go?”
His brothers looked at one another and nodded. “If we didn’t then you would have been
caught in the explosion,” Kyle replied.
“You let her go and now we have to figure out who this chick is,” Willy stated.
“Maybe she’s working for the one we’re searching for,” Mick said.
“We’ve kept the woman out of the picture. As far as command knows, it was just us
there tracking Simon and Doolin’s crew. We’ll let the
arson and the bomb squads figure out more in regards to the type of bomb and
expertise. This will give us an idea about who we may be dealing
with,” William stated.
“What about us?” Sean asked as he glanced at Kyle.
“Well then, if you don’t have any more to say in your defense, then after this meeting
come see me,” William told them then cleared his
throat. He’d never seen either of his brothers act like this before. There was definitely
something odd going on. “So it looks like Duggy and Simon
are working together. Marcus, our customs agent, has been monitoring some extra
barge deliveries being shipped from overseas. He hasn’t
figured out where and that’s our next job. I want to split up on this one. I think we can
cover more area and question our snitches in twos. The
Organized Crime Task Force has some information on Duggy. Mick and myself will head
there. Pat, I want you to go speak with Marcus and see if
you can confirm where those shipments came in from. Then we’ll meet up here and see
what we gathered.”
“I should get the seaport. I love messing with Marcus,” Sean stated.
“No, you won’t. You and Kyle are on probation. Plus, while you two are sitting around
doing some chores I feel might sharpen your
perspectives about your responsibilities, you can prepare for the art gala.”
“Art gala?” Sean questioned.
“Chores?” Kyle asked, sounding bummed out.
“You two will be attending an art gala on our behalf for Commander Ben Franco’s wife.”
“What?” Kyle sounded aggravated.

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William stood up to his full six feet five inches. “Your punishments begin now. So go get
your fancy tuxes because it’s a black-tie affair. You
need to be there Friday night by seven o’clock.”
“Fuckin’ A, man! I can’t fit in no damn tux and you know it,” Kyle stated.
“You both look really good in a tux, and mind your manners. There are going to be a lot
of important people there because of the
commander’s wife,” Willie replied, and chuckles went through the room.
He turned to look at his two brothers, knowing how pissed he would be in Kyle and
Sean’s position.
“Just so you know, keep a lookout for any interesting guests,” Willy stated as he caught
their attention. Both Sean and Kyle stopped
“There’s word that some people of interest may be snooping around that gala. If anyone
connected to our case arrives, you contact one of
us immediately for backup. Remember that the commander and his wife are human.”

Chapter 3

Ava circled the punching bag in the small home gym she created inside her apartment,
delivering a series of quick right jabs to the bag and
then a left hook. She worked out, determined to stay in shape and defend herself if
necessary. She had made some serious changes in her lifestyle
and her personality. Although her father treated her like a princess, both Patrick O’Brian
and Brennan made certain that she knew how to fire a
weapon, ride a horse, and change a tire amongst other things. After being forced to
leave her home, her country, and what belonged to her, Ava
decided to pursue her business degree and put her computer-hacking skills to good use
in reattaining some of her family’s money. She was tired
of living on the run. She was fed up with being scared all of the time and worrying that
Fenly or his thugs would find her. She was stronger now and
prepared for his shifting tricks.
Fenly had not given up on finding her. Her sources in Ireland kept her abreast of his
activities, and she was getting closer to putting him
behind bars where he belonged. He would pay for killing her father and for taking
everything that was dear to her away. She wasn’t stupid, though.
She knew that Fenly and the others were not human. Even Brennan was of the wolf, as
she preferred to describe it, and he explained to her briefly
about the animals’ existence. Apparently many people in her family were able to shift
from human form to wolf form. But there were also many that
couldn’t. Ava punched the bag a few more times then gave it a side kick before she bent
over to catch her breath. She had been at it for over an
hour. If she had been lucky enough to be able to shift, then she would go back to
Ireland, find Fenly, and rip his fucking throat out.
The sound of her cell phone ringing snagged her attention as she guzzled down some
water before looking at the caller ID.
“Hi, Martin,” she answered, wondering what tactic her professor would use now to get
her to release her artwork to the public. Six months

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ago, she decided she was done living in fear. If she didn’t do something constructive
with her time she would surely go insane. While achieving her
business degree she took an art elective. She loved painting and had done that often
back in Ireland. Her art professor was very impressed with
her natural abilities and was always trying to get her to go public.
“You are not going to believe this, Ava, but not just one, but all seven of your paintings
were chosen for the New York art gala taking place
this Friday at Venzuella’s. Do you have any idea how amazing this is, Ava? People will
pay thousands of dollars for art displayed at that venue.”
Martin carried on, and Ava couldn’t help feeling both scared and excited. Was she going
to fully live the life of an alias while trying to pursue her
dreams of being an artist? It seemed so unfair that after two years of being on the run
she still had no control over her life.
“But I don’t want anyone to know I’m the artist. I don’t need the attention it may grab.”
“That’s not a problem. I promised you from the beginning that you could remain
anonymous. Although I don’t understand why you feel this
way. If I had your talent I would be shouting from the rooftops and want the world to
“That’s you, Martin, but that’s not me. I like my privacy and prefer to not stand out. I
paint because it gives me peace and it calms me. How
did my paintings get noticed if they were only on display in the classroom at the art
school anyway?”
Martin was silent, and she released an annoyed sigh. “Martin?”
“Some big shots came through the gallery. The director wanted fresh paintings from new
artists. I was desperate for new material and knew
that your work would be a hit. It was just one, Ava. Your one painting of the lone woman
sitting on the bench in Central Park really grabbed this
collector’s attention. Listen, you don’t have to come if you don’t want to. But I’ve already
spoken to Venzuella about Ava Walters being added to the
guest list. No one will know that you’re the artist. So go out shopping and pick out
something glamorous. This is an opportunity and a half. Besides,
there will be a lot of eligible, rich men around, too. Who knows, perhaps Mr. Right will
come walking through the gala and sweep you off your feet.”
Ava heard the beep as another call was coming through.
“I doubt it. Listen, I have to take this call, Martin. I guess I’ll think about Friday.”
“I know you’ll make the right decision. Do this for you, babe. See you then.”
She clicked off one call and answered the other one.
“It’s me,” the voice stated, and she knew it was Brennan’s cousin Walt. He was Special
Forces and worked doing some jobs for the
government. She didn’t ask him any questions except when he first made his presence
known and she confirmed it with Brennan. Whether Brennan
liked it or not, she was determined to bring Fenly down.
“What’s going on?”
“Well, first off, your man is in the US. He passed through customs about an hour ago.”
“Fenly? Oh my god!” Ava panicked as she fell onto the couch and covered her mouth.
He was in the same damn country as her.

What the

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“Calm down and don’t panic. I don’t know where he’s headed yet, but I’ll give you the
heads-up as soon as my men figure it out.”
“Not panicking is easy for you to say. You’ve got a secret weapon. I don’t.”
“What secret weapon?”
“The ability to go all hairy and rip bones and body parts to shreds.”
He chuckled.
“You’ve got some weapons of your own, honey. Wolf or not, you’ve turned into one
badass woman who shouldn’t be underestimated. As a
matter of fact, I bet you were just kicking the shit out of that punching bag you have. Get
rid of any of that bottled-up anger you hold inside?”
She blew off his comments. She didn’t feel so confident. In fact she wished her past
would just go away so she could live like a normal
person instead of looking over her shoulder at every turn. Her silence initiated Walt’s
meaningful response.
“I won’t let anything happen to you, Ava. I promised Brennan. Now tell me what you’ve
been up to on the computer. Got any more information
for me?”
Ava began to explain about the imports coming in through the seaport and how she
linked them to Ireland. Then she explained about their
location and about the two men from last night.
“How are Duggy and this Simon guy involved?” Walt asked.
“I think Fenly has Duggy running whatever items he’s bringing in from Ireland. Simon
has connections to local drug dealers as well as the
Irish mob here in New York. You know as well as I do what those people are involved
with. I also came across some thugs associated with the IRA.
I’m close to getting names now but just need to do a bit more research. The fact that
they use computers and place information so brazenly on them
will hopefully be their downfall. The negative is that they have some advanced
technology I’m not completely familiar with. I don’t want to tip anyone
off unnecessarily. Especially since I have a wireless network that could be tracked.”
“You’ve been busy. This is above and beyond our agreement, Ava. You said you were
hacking into Fenly’s accounts to gain back your
family’s funds. I allowed it, but now you’re getting into something you’re not trained for
or prepared to handle. I think you’ve done enough for now.
Brennan would wring my neck if he knew what I’ve been allowing you to do.”
“Allowing me? Ha! Like you have that much control over what I do.”
“I think you’ve done enough. I’ll take it from here. You focus on staying hidden and out
of trouble,” Walt stated firmly.
“No! I want Fenly behind bars or dead for what he’s done. I’m still in on this, Walt. I can
get enough concrete information for you to bring to
the government or whatever classified connections you have so that we can bring Fenly
“I think you should stick to the computer hacking. You got Fenly paying left and right for
bullshit errors you’re creating on that computer of
yours,” Walt replied.

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“It’s not enough. I want to make him miserable and I don’t want him feeling comfortable
with my family’s money. I’ll get something heavier
and then we can take him down for good. With the possibility of the IRA involved, local
drug dealers, and the illegal importation of drugs and guns
into the US, I am certain the authorities, whether human or wolf, would find the
information useful. Wouldn’t it be great if Fenly had to remain behind
bars for life, never able to shift or be free again? That might be better punishment than
killing him and letting him off easily.”
“Man, you’re obsessed with this. How did that date go last night?” Walt asked.
She released a sigh, knowing that he was trying to change the subject and calm her
down, and Walt chuckled.
“That great, huh?” he asked, and she knew she couldn’t tell him about last night or what
had happened on the street. She never should have
followed Simon. Then again, she did get to bump into those two hot detectives that had
filled her dreams since. She had to tell them about the
bomb or they could have been killed. She swallowed hard, hoping it hadn’t been a
“I guess I was wrong about him. I think I was making him into something he’s not.”
“Well don’t rush it, Ava. You’re so young and have plenty of time to find the right man.”
“Yeah, right, Walt. Any relationship I start will start with nothing but lies. I can’t even give
my real name. My college degree is under a false
name. Everything is. I feel so paranoid all the time that I prefer to be alone. Anyone
around me would think I was nuts, always looking over my
shoulder and being suspicious all the time.”
“Give yourself some credit, honey. You’ve had no choice. When this is all over I’ll help
fix all that for you,” Walt stated.
She released an uneasy sigh.
“Thanks, Walt, but until Fenly and his goons are dead I won’t be able to relax.”
“No problem. Now try to stay out of trouble and keep your cell on you at all times.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
Ava leaned back into the couch and closed her eyes. Sleep didn’t come easy for her
despite overdoing it when she worked out. She would
always wake up in a cold sweat or grabbing for a weapon as her nightmares ruled her
sleep. But right now when she leaned back and closed her
eyes, she instantly saw the two detectives from last night. Damn, were they good
looking, and their thick, solid muscles were sexy. But how would
she choose between them? They were both too hot, and they were both cops. Although
she wasn’t to blame for the way she had to live in hiding,
dating a cop or even just sleeping with one probably wasn’t too smart.
Maybe she was just obsessed lately with losing her virginity and getting the whole sex
thing over with. Everything else that was hers,
including her name, had been taken from her in a violent and corrupting manner. At
least this was one last thing she solely owned and possessed
that she could give away. In the back of her mind there was that fear that Fenly nearly
took that from her, too. He would probably kill her if he caught

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her here in New York. He would kill any man she was with.

Looks like I have another

negative against me that will most definitely hinder the
possibility of having a boyfriend one day.
But why is Fenly in the US and New York of all places?

She had tracked some of his

business dealings to Chicago and Los Angeles, and
Simon and Duggy were in New York. She shouldn’t be surprised. She was just scared.
She got up off the couch and headed toward her computer.
She had to find out where he was headed and how long he planned on sticking around.
First step was to hack into the airline’s system. She would
go through each carrier one by one until she found that piece of shit.

Chapter 4

“Does the name Fenly O’Leary ring any bells, Willy?” Pat asked as he entered the
kitchen in their house.
“Fenly? No, I don’t recall anyone by that name,” William replied as he leaned back
against the counter.
“Well, it appears he is the owner of a company in County Clare, Ireland. It’s a large
importing and exporting business both on land and sea,”
Pat replied then tossed a manila folder onto the island in the kitchen toward Willy.
“What else can you tell me?” Willy asked as he opened up the file.
Willy whistled as he looked over the documents.
“These O’Brians are worth millions. But this guy Fenly is an O’Leary.”
“Yeah, apparently his father did business with the late Patrick O’Brian. O’Leary’s dad
died suddenly and the same thing happened to
Patrick O’Brian. Fenly lives at their castle in County Clare Ireland.”
“Castle, huh? Sounds suspicious. There were no other living relatives?”
“One daughter that disappeared two years ago. No one knows what happened to her.”
“So this Fenly inherited everything?” William asked.
“No. Sounds to me like he took it over. I spoke with Mick and updated him on our info.
He was doing some research on the missing
daughter and the O’Brian family.”
They heard the garage door open and knew Mick had arrived. A few seconds later, he
entered the kitchen.
“What did you find out?”
“The O’Brian family has were blood,” Mick stated.
“What?” Pat asked, sounding surprised.
“Yeah, and get this, when I tried calling in a few favors to find out more information on
O’Brian, I got a call from Perkins.”
“Perkins from the Order?” Willy asked, and Mick nodded.
“What the fuck?” Pat asked.
“Yeah, I was asked why I was looking into the O’Brian family of County Clare, Ireland,
and what that had to do with the drug bust the other
night,” Mick replied as he looked at Willy.
Willy crossed his arms in front of his chest and squinted his eyes. He felt concerned but
also suspicious. He wasn’t going to let Duggy
Doolin, Simon, or this new piece of shit Fenly O’Leary get away with selling and
importing illegal guns and drugs.

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“Did he suggest staying away from investigating Fenly?” Willy asked.
“No,” Mick replied with a smirk and an expression that said he knew what Willy was
“I say we continue this investigation and see where it leads us. We’ll do what we can to
investigate on the down low through the department.
I have a feeling this is going to turn into something bigger than just drugs and guns
being imported from Ireland. After all, our first allegiance is to
pack law. O’Leary, Doolin, and Simon are breaking pack laws in many ways. We may
have to put our law-enforcement work on hold and take care
of were business,” Will stated.
“I think you’re right. I also think that O’Brian’s missing daughter is key,” Mick stated then
tossed another folder onto the counter.
Willy looked at him sideways. “You found a picture of her?”
“It suddenly appeared in the front seat of the SUV while I happened to be at the
department getting info on Fenly,” Mick replied.
Willy glanced at Sean, who looked just as shocked and equally concerned. They didn’t
like being watched. William picked up the picture,
immediately noting the mask she wore over her eyes. From the scene behind her, she
was at some sort of masquerade, but despite the mask he
was mesmerized by the beauty of her eyes.
“Wow. How old is she in this shot?” William asked, half listening as his brother Mick
stated she was eighteen. All Willy could do was stare at
the gorgeous young woman with big shamrock-green eyes. Her long brown hair sat in
waves upon her shoulders. She stood wearing some sort of
ballroom evening gown that accentuated her large breasts. Despite the mask, he could
tell that the woman was gorgeous.
“So she would be how old now?” Sean asked, looking over Willy’s shoulder.
“Hey, she looks kind of familiar,” Sean stated as he stared at the picture. Willy gave his
younger brother a light smack to the back of his
“Yeah, sure, you know her.”
“Hey, I didn’t say that I know her. I said she looks familiar.”
“There’s no way you ever met her. She lives in Ireland, right, Mick?” Willy asked.
“No one knows where she disappeared to. Maybe we’ll get another surprise envelope
with her new address here in the US. Wouldn’t that
be something else?” Mick stated sarcastically as he pulled the picture from Sean’s
“Let’s get moving on this. A quick trip to Ireland may be in order,” Willy replied as he
walked out of the kitchen.
* * * *
Ava looked around the gala at all the impressive artwork. She felt jittery and intimidated
by all the professional artists. She was an amateur
and self-taught. In the months after her escape from Ireland, she had submerged
herself initially in emotional turmoil and unrest of her predicament.
Then she got angry, and revenge became her focus. While pursuing her computer-
hacking skills, she took an art class with the local college and

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found therapy in painting. She had painted all the time at home in Ireland, but it had
reminded her so much of her father she had stopped. When
revenge became her focus, she decided to paint again. While taking the class, her so-
called natural abilities were discovered by her art teacher.
He insisted she do a show or two, which she fought tooth and nail. However, she had
the feeling that her art instructor wanted others to know about
her work which, obviously, led her to being showcased this evening. Of course she had
him sign a contract for her to remain anonymous. She
simply signed her work with the initials AO.
“Ava, you look simply stunning as usual this evening. Have you noticed all the attention
your pieces are receiving?” Martin, her teacher,
asked in between kissing both of her cheeks and then holding her shoulders. His smile
shined and took away some of her anxiety. She thought he
was just being nice. After all, she wore a bit of a disguise to make her feel less
conspicuous. Thick black frames covered her eyes, and she tied a
large shawl around her shoulders.
“There are so many talented artists here,” she told him.
“Don’t fret. I just heard that your piece overlooking Central Park has been purchased.”
She grabbed Martin’s arm and whispered, “What? You can’t be serious?”
“Eight thousand, I believe, was the selling price,” he told her and smiled. She felt her
mouth drop, and she was stunned.
“Remember, no one knows who the artist is. I think the mystery adds to the sale price. If
they knew it was you I am certain they would be just
as impressed. You look stunning this evening,” he stated, winked, then walked away.
Ava calmed her breathing and smiled wide inside. It had been so long since she felt
alive and appreciated for something she
accomplished. She would have never imagined making eight thousand dollars from one
of her paintings. Not that money was a worry, but it felt
good to make it herself. She ran her palms over the slim-fitting satin dress, feeling both
nervous and proud. She wished she had family to share it
with, or at minimum someone who cared about her. The thoughts took away her
moment of happiness.

I miss you, Daddy.

Ava took a glass of champagne and continued to walk around the gala. She was getting
used to the way men checked her out and winked
at her. Ava was coming out of her shyness shell and flirting with the idea of having a
fling or two. She couldn’t remain a virgin forever.
There had to be nearly a hundred people there. She noticed the politicians and some
big Wall Street guys, too. She would have to make a
point of chatting with them a bit. She found men in tuxedos to be quite appealing to the
eyes. However as soon as many of those appealing men
spoke, their arrogance came out and she was turned off. She didn’t need a man in her
life, she just wanted a companion and perhaps, someday,
someone who loved her. As she strolled, her focus was on the fine art around her.
* * * *
“I kind of like this punishment. Look at all the hot, classy women,” Sean stated to Kyle,
who actually looked really good in a tuxedo.

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“Yeah, yeah, well that’s what got us into this to begin with,” Kyle replied then stopped
talking as he stared straight ahead.
“What? Who do you see?” Sean asked as he followed his brother’s line of sight.
He nearly choked on the hors d’oeuvre he popped into his mouth.
“I don’t believe it. It’s her. Come on,” Kyle blurted out, and Sean grabbed his arm.
“Wait, bro. This is a classy gathering and we need to keep cool. If we surround her, she
might scream for help and cause a scene. Let’s just
watch her, and when she’s alone, we’ll go find out precisely who she is,” Sean
suggested, and Kyle agreed.
Sean continued to watch the attractive woman from a short distance away. He felt his
insides burn with desire, and he knew she was
special. His wolf was at complete attention. The sway of her hips, the way the black
satin cascaded over her every curve was mouthwatering. He
had to clench his fists at his side when he saw how other men took notice of her and
even pretended to bump into her to get her attention. Alpha
males did not need to pretend. They could take what they wanted and what was
rightfully theirs to have. This goddess before him was most
definitely going to belong to him and perhaps Kyle as well. He wondered what was with
the glasses. She wasn’t wearing them the other night. Not
that they did anything to take away from her beauty. In fact, he found the glasses kind of
sexy and sophisticated, totally unlike any woman he’d ever
found attractive. This was different. She was special.
The soft glow of golden light collided with her firm-looking, toned arms and shoulders,
making them appear as if they glistened with
sparkles. Her skin was creamy and supple looking from a distance. Sean could only
imagine how it would feel to touch her skin, her neck, her
everything. That shawl she clasped to her body was a sign of her fragility and
delicateness. His wolf found that appealing and also a weakness it
wanted to guard and eliminate. Clutching her shawl made her look as if she needed
protection and she was on guard from danger. His wolf
recognized it and wanted to protect her from whatever it was she feared. It was so
strong of a sensation he knew that he would kill for her, to protect
her and keep her safe. That realization struck him with a force that nearly took the
breath out of him. Sean snapped out of his spell as Kyle gave him
a nudge toward the direction the young woman had taken away from the crowd.
Perhaps this was their chance.
* * * *
Ava walked down the long corridor to the more abstract artwork and rather creepy
displays. There weren’t many people down the hallway,
but she was curious.
As she walked between the burgundy curtains, a couple came out looking unimpressed.
“I wouldn’t bother unless you like the wilderness,” the woman stated, and they
Curious, Ava parted the curtain and entered what appeared to be a makeshift forest.
They had a complete display with water running along

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a stream and small creatures climbing trees and sound effects. Apparently there was
some kind of sensor because suddenly the sun disappeared
and moonlight illuminated the once-well-lit forest display. All she could see were eyes
glowing from the animals, and instinctively she stepped back.
The sound of growling made her jump, and suddenly, right before her eyes, two wolves
appeared and attacked one another. The ferocious
growls echoed around her, and she panicked as she covered her mouth and stopped
the scream. In her mind she recalled the wolves back in
Ireland and Fenly. She looked around, unable to see where she was in the darkness.
Her instincts warned her that perhaps this was some kind of
inside joke by wolves living secretly among humans. It scared her almost as much as
finding that she was no longer alone.
“How lame is this?” a voice stated behind her, and she gasped then quickly turned. The
curtain opened, revealing two large men in tuxedos
illuminated by the hallway lights.
“What do you want?” she asked, stepping back toward the display, but the one man
gently clasped her elbow. From the feel of it, his hand
was significantly larger.
“Let’s get out of here,” he whispered, and she thought she recognized the voice. As they
headed out into the hallway, the sounds of roars
and cries from the display continued behind the curtain. She wondered what kind of sick
artist came up with that.
As she looked at the two men, she realized who they were and pulled away from them.
Both men held her gaze, and they appeared as if they were sniffing her. She
instinctively clutched her purse to her stomach, causing her
shawl to fall off her shoulders. She knew that she had two syringes filled with sedative in
her purse. She always tried to be prepared for the
unexpected. It was precaution if she were ever attacked by wolves.
“Who are you?” the one big guy with shoulder-length brown hair asked. He was
breathtakingly handsome, especially with the ocean-blue
“Yeah, we need to know who you are,” the other one asked, and when she looked at
him she saw he had the same blue eyes, similar
features, but short, wavy hair.
She swallowed hard.
“I’m sorry but I need to get back.”
She began to move, but the one man blocked her way.
* * * *
Kyle and Sean were communicating telepathically as they realized at the exact same
time that this woman was their mate. They were
shocked nearly speechless until she attempted to leave. That was not going to happen.
“You left a crime scene last night when we told you to stay put,” Kyle stated, and she
flinched. She was gorgeous, with long, wavy brown hair
and spectacular green eyes. With the three-inch heels she stood nearly to his chest.
Kyle figured her to be about five foot seven, if that, without the

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heels. The slim-fitting black dress she wore accentuated every curve. She was a
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t even know you,” she replied with attitude
but turned away so she wouldn’t have to look him in
the eye. Why was she lying? He hoped that she wasn’t involved criminally with their
“Don’t even try it, sweetheart. We’re investigators and we know it was you last night,”
Sean added.
“Listen, I don’t want any trouble. I didn’t see anything really. All I heard were the
gunshots and some growling sounds from some dogs
nearby. I was leaving a friend’s apartment down the block.”
“What’s your friend’s address and name?” Kyle asked.
Her cheeks turned a shade of pink, and she lowered her eyes, causing her eyeglasses
to fall forward. She removed them as she fidgeted
with her bag. Her nonthreatening demeanor made Kyle ease his attitude and the way he
treated her. As much as he wanted to find out who she was
and keep her in his sight, he didn’t want to scare her. Talking to his brother, they both
felt that she was timid.
“I’d rather not say. I left his place abruptly,” she stated, putting emphasis on the word
“his.” Instantly Kyle felt jealous.
“Tell us your name.”
“Ava! Ava, I’ve been looking for you.” Kyle and Sean turned to see some tall, thin man
hurrying down the hallway looking rather concerned.
He brushed right by Sean and Kyle and took Ava’s hand.
“You’re needed upstairs. I have so much to tell you. Please excuse us, gentlemen,” the
man stated as he pulled her along. The young
woman they now knew as Ava shrugged her shoulders and followed the tall, skinny
man. Sean and Kyle followed as well.
“What do you think?” Kyle asked Sean as they located Ava and kept her in their sights.
It seemed they had intimidated her to the point at
which she remained in the most crowded part of the gala.
“There’s something about her eyes that seems so familiar to me.”
Kyle gave him a shove. “You’re an idiot. Of course she looks familiar, we saw her the
other night. Her scent drew us to her from an alleyway
away. She’s our mate, Sean, and we need to find out everything we can about her.
She’s not going to stick around long. You can tell by the way
she’s fidgeting with her purse,” Kyle stated then walked over to Ava.
* * * *
Ava tried not to stare. The two men introduced themselves as Kyle and Sean. Even
when they spoke, she focused on their lips and
absorbed their incredible features as if they were some form of fine art. They remained
by Ava most of the evening, basically flirting with her and
scaring off any other man that may have shown an interest in her. She should have
been frightened or at minimum uncomfortable and annoyed at
their constant attention. They were very charming, and for some odd reason, she was
attracted to both of them. They were also rather large, which

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intimidated her a bit, but the sexual attraction overpowered the urge for concern. Her
nipples felt so hard, she hoped that they weren’t noticeable
through her dress. She’d lost the damn shawl she had, and she could have sworn that
even her breasts seemed swollen. Was her cleavage even
more noticeable than before? She sensed her cheeks warm with embarrassment.
Damn, she felt claustrophobic and at her wits’ end. She stole a
quick glance toward the two hunks, and of course they were staring, and her body
tingled in response.
She should be afraid of their profession and how it might cause her some unnecessary
problems. Considering her lack of experience with
men and young twenty-two years of age, her body spoke volumes to her. Ava watched
as many women took notice of both Sean and Kyle. What
woman in her right mind wouldn’t notice such handsome, extra-large men? She
wondered why they were so interested in her and how she could
give them the slip.
They tempted her like no other but also made her suspicious. What could they possibly
be after? She knew they were investigators in the
local city police department, and she knew they were doing surveillance on Simon and
Duggy. Could they possibly know who she really was? They
never asked her last name. Would they fall for her alias? Or could they be involved with
Simon and Duggy and ultimately Fenly himself? Suddenly
she began to panic. With a gentle caress to her lower back, Sean whispered into her
“You suddenly seem upset. Want to share what’s on your mind, beautiful?” he asked.
His big blue eyes sparkled with mischief as he looked
down toward her lips as if debating about kissing her. He was dangerous, and she was
certain that his kiss would be lethal. The warmth of his touch
traveled through her body, making her feel weak. She felt the urge to lean back against
him and feel more of his masculine touch. Despite her
reservations, she found herself licking her lower lip before holding his gaze. She had
fought hard to remain safe, and a couple of good-looking men
were not going to be her downfall. She straightened her spine and stared right back up
at him.
“Sean, you’re such a flirt. I don’t know why I’m still standing here next to you and your
Sean raised his eyebrow at her in the most adorable way, but somehow she knew he
was trying to be serious, not adorable. Kyle leaned
against her. Although he was wearing the tux, she could feel his solid chest against the
material and it felt warm over her skin.
Kyle took her hand and raised it up to his lips. He kissed her fingertips, and she nearly
moaned. “How do you know we’re brothers?” he
asked. Then he kissed her fingertips again and placed his other hand against her lower
She realized that they had both maneuvered her away from the crowd and their
massive bodies now blocked the view of onlookers.
“Your blue eyes and facial expressions are nearly identical.”

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“And?” Sean pushed for more details as he took her other hand and began to press
small kisses to her palm. Damn, these guys were good
at seduction. She suddenly had the urge to lose her virginity with either brother willing,
or both. Her face instantly felt warm as she shyly bowed her
“Look at me,” Sean stated with a touch of his fingertips to her chin.
“What gave our little secret away?” he asked.
The way he said “secret” brought reality back to haunt her. She could never really have
a true life or a true relationship with a man. Not until
her father’s killer was brought to justice. Planning a vendetta would not be smart while
fooling around with the local law. She pulled away and took a
step forward only to be stopped by Kyle.
“What’s wrong? What are you afraid of?” he asked her.
“I need you, Ava, now!” Martin pushed between Sean and Kyle, taking Ava’s hand and
leading her away from the two sexy cops.
“Are you okay?” Martin asked.
“Fine, why?”
“Because those two monstrosities looked like they were about to eat you alive. They’re
the talk of this party, Ava. Their boss or someone
just arrived with two other men. Look,” Martin stated then pointed toward the doorway
There stood all five men like some special operation team in tuxes instead of battle
gear, and they were all staring at her. Their stern and
intense expressions instantly reminded her of Fenly’s guards.

Oh shit! They’re wolves,


Ava turned abruptly.
“Help me get out of here, Martin. Now!”
Martin grabbed her hand and hurried through the gala. He knew some back exit to the
high-rise building.
“Go down that hallway and through the exit doors. Take the alleyway across to the red
side door of the next building. That door is always
open because it leads to the kitchen. You’ll be inside Deville’s Italian restaurant. Then
you know what to do.”
She kissed Martin on the cheek and hurried down the hallway.
“Just don’t open any other doors, sweetie,” he yelled after her, but she was in a hurry.
* * * *
“Where is she?” William asked Sean and Kyle as he looked around the room.
“She took off that way. What do you mean, where is she? You know that we found our
mate?” Sean asked. William looked shocked as he
glanced toward Pat and Mick.
“We’ll talk as we find her,” William stated and the five of them hurried across the room
and in between people.
William took an unsteady breath and immediately felt the dire need to find Ava. Her life
was in serious danger. If what Sean and Kyle said
was true and she in fact was their mate, then the quicker they had her secured and safe
the better. Then they could find out exactly how big Duggy

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Doolin’s operation was.
* * * *
Ava moved as quickly as her high heels would let her. Just as she shoved through the
metal exit door she looked over her shoulder and saw
one of the five men following her. She slammed the door shut and booked across the
alleyway, the sound of her high heels hitting the concrete
echoing between the buildings. Locating the door that led into the kitchen of the Italian
restaurant, she pulled it open and quickly slammed it shut.
Taking a few uneasy breaths, she felt that odd guilty feeling again. It was so strange.
She had just met Sean and Kyle and hadn’t met the rest of
their crew, yet she felt guilty for running off.

What the hell?

“Are you okay, Miss?” someone asked her as she turned toward the inquisitive facial
expressions from a kitchen filled with cooks and
waiters. The sweet smell of Italian sauce with fresh herbs filled her nostrils. Clattering
pots and pans continued to bang around her as she gathered
“Oh, yes. I’m fine now. I’ll get out of your way. Sorry,” she added then hurried through
the kitchen. The enticing aroma seemed to follow her
as she vacated the area. She took a moment to look around the restaurant and bar to
make sure the men hadn’t shown up ahead of her. Taking a
quick glance around her she noticed no one of interest until her eyes met with Simon’s.

Oh crap!

She abruptly turned away, trying to hide her face

from him. Raising her fingers to her hair, she pushed the thick strands over her
shoulders and against her cheeks to hide. He would surely know
what she looked like. A panic attack was looming near. She felt her breathing grow rapid
and her palms begin to sweat. She was suddenly too
warm, the restaurant too crowded for her to breathe. Was Fenly here? The thought sent
her into a frenzy. He couldn’t find her. She couldn’t let him
catch her. Not now. Quickly she turned and headed toward the back bar area. It had a
great view of the only two exits besides the kitchen. She
knew she couldn’t escape through the kitchen. She would have to pass Simon and
perhaps one of the sexy cops was going through the kitchen
right now. As soon as she had the opportunity to run, she would take it.
Then suddenly the front door opened, and there stood two of the five men. Her eyes
widened in shock. Her chest heaved up and down at
the sight of the most handsome men she had seen in tuxedos all night. They looked
intimidating and focused and maybe even hungry. The thought
had her swallowing hard and trying to figure out why her pussy felt swollen and her
panties damp. Was she losing her mind? In the middle of being
chased by strange men, she was sexually attracted to two of them so far. A quick glance
toward Simon and then at the men, and she knew Simon
had noticed her. Quickly Ava headed toward the side exit door. She shoved it open,
initiating the alarm as she headed toward the next alleyway.

Damn it! So much for living in hiding.

* * * *

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She ran as quickly as she could as she looked over her shoulder to make certain that
they weren’t catching up.
“Are we going to do this all night?”
She screamed as she heard the voice and practically ran into Kyle. His arms were
crossed in front of his chest until she began to do an
about-face and run away from him. Her senses were in overdrive. She was scared, her
heart was pounding inside of her chest, yet when she felt his
arms clamp around her waist, she felt as if she stood before a blazing fire.
His thick, solid arm wrapped around her midsection, forcing her to collide against him.
Her legs flailed, and she fought his restraint until he
applied a little pressure. The man was huge, and his arm felt muscular and solid, and
she knew she was trapped. There was no way she could fight
his strength.
A warm breath caressed her neck and shoulder, momentarily stunning her.
“Don’t run. I would never hurt you,” he told her, and her damn insides went haywire. A
deep, seductive voice laced with heat crashed against
her neck, causing tiny sparks of awareness to envelop her body inch by inch. Was that
moisture dripping between her legs? Again? She read
about sensations like this in her sexy novels, but she thought it was a load of bullshit.
Instinctively she struggled to get free, only for him to lift her up and move her toward the
brick wall. He turned her around so she was forced
to face him. Well, more like face his ribs. The coolness of the brick against her bare
back couldn’t make the heat subside. She was on fire as her
chest rose and fell and her eyes absorbed her captor. The man was a giant and built
like a damn tank. She swallowed hard.
“Please don’t hurt me. I don’t know what you want,” she whispered, her voice cracking
as she tilted her head up toward him, trying to lock
gazes with him. He was breathing deeply, more deeply than what would be perceived
as normal, and it gave her a funny feeling. Despite his
caveman tactics and now the fact that he was sniffing her, she found herself softening in
his embrace.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered then stared into her eyes. It was an intense moment.
He looked so sincere and sexy that her heart pounded
inside of her chest and her palms became sweaty with anticipation.

Kiss me.

Then came the burst of activity around them.
“Release her now!” someone yelled.
They both turned to see a man standing in the darkness. He was just as tall as Kyle but
not as muscular. His face was hidden. Was it
“I don’t think so.” Another deep voice followed, and it came from the entranceway to the
alley. She turned to see other men. She swallowed
hard, they were a sight to see, and she was relieved that Kyle exclaimed he didn’t want
to hurt her. Looking up, she noticed the smirk on Kyle’s
face, and then his eyes began to glow.
Panicking, she pulled away from him, but he grabbed her by her thigh and pressed her
against the wall with his back toward her. She shook

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with aftereffects of his touch to her thigh. An imaginary line of heat and arousal
penetrated her skin and somehow wound up against her pussy lips.
She attempted to reposition herself but there was no room to move. His body was armor
and as solid as steel.
She grabbed at his body, his shoulders then waist, under the jacket of his tux, trying to
push away from him, but it was useless. He was thick
and totally in control of her movements.
“Let me go!” she demanded.
“Not a chance. Stay put. We’re here to protect you,” Sean stated, taking position next to
her. She was now encaged by large, muscular
backs covered in black tuxedos.
What did they mean by protecting her? Who were these men? She fidgeted with the
purse to open it, then reached inside and grabbed one
of the syringes. She couldn’t hit them both unless she took both syringes out and
dropped her purse. She waited a moment as concern for their
safety again filtered through her brain.

What the fuck?

She opted to wait this little scene out to see if they would handle Simon. With Simon off
her back, at least she had a chance to escape.
* * * *
Willy instantly knew that Ava was their mate. He smelled her scent the moment he hit
the hallway she escaped through. His wolf was in
protective mode as he and his brothers surrounded her. He would deal with who she
really was later. Right now he wanted to know why Simon
wanted her so badly.
“She’s with me,” Simon stated, and Willy smirked as a light snort escaped from him.
“I don’t think so,” Willy replied.
“Absolutely not!” Ava’s voice, barely audible from behind his brothers, emerged, but he
ignored her.

“Keep her quiet,”

Willy stated to his

brothers through their link.
“We’ve been looking for you, Simon. It was nice of you to turn yourself in right now,”
Mick stated, taking position a few feet behind Willy.
Their brother Pat was moving in behind Simon as they conversed.
Simon chuckled. “You got nothing on me, Declan. I’m not looking for any trouble. I’m just
claiming what’s mine,” Simon said, glancing toward
where Ava remained hidden.
The fact that Simon said “claim” pissed off Willy’s wolf and his brothers’.
“She’s with us and doesn’t seem to want to go with you,” Mick countered.
“She does. She’s just scared right now,” Simon replied.
“She’s not going anywhere with you. She’s coming with us,” Sean stated angrily. Willy
gave his brother a look, but then he inhaled the other
scents coming from Pat’s direction.

“Watch your backs. We’ve got company,”

Pat stated through their link just as numerous

growls filled the alleyway. In an instant they were
surrounded and a full-fledged fight began. When Simon shifted, so did the others except
for Kyle.
* * * *

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Ava pushed away from Sean and Kyle just as the other men turned into wolves before
her eyes. Her first inclination was to sink into the fetal
position and pray that no one ate her, but then she saw the numerous men attack Sean,
and thank goodness that Kyle remained next to her to
protect her. One guy hit Kyle with something metallic, and he roared. She released her
hands on the syringes and closed up her purse. She looked
around her, shocked at what she was seeing. Some of the men remained in human
form, fist fighting, while others fought as large, ferocious wolves.
It was crazy.
“Stay back, Ava. We’ll protect you,” Kyle told her in a semidistorted voice, and she
noticed his elongated teeth despite his human form. He
was a wolf just like Fenly. They were all wolves. What the hell did they want with her?
“Come with me now!” Some guy grabbed her arm, trying to pull her toward the back
entrance to the restaurant. She slammed her elbow into
his side then punched him in the nose. The man was obviously surprised by her ability
to fight. She didn’t take a second to celebrate, but instead
pulled out the syringe and stuck the guy with it. He fell to the ground immediately.
The second she had a chance, Ava ran to escape only to be hit by one of Simon’s men.
At least she thought that was who they were. More
roars filled the alleyway, and a large black wolf appeared, striking the wolf that hit her
out of the way. The black wolf looked at her, and she covered
her mouth to stifle the scream and waited for its attack. It never came. The wolf just
watched her closely. She crab walked backward as some brown
wolf jumped on the black wolf’s back.
Rolling to her knees, she pushed herself up and began to run from the alleyway. She
stopped a moment at the corner, turning back to the
outrageous scene, more surreal than anything she could have ever conjured up or read
about in any fantasy book.
It appeared that the Declan crew, as Simon had called them, was in control as
numerous bodies lay still on the ground and wolves began to
shift back into naked men. Turning abruptly, she ran into a brick wall. The man grabbed
her by the arms and held her firmly.
“Ava, are you all right?”
She was shocked to see Walt, dressed in a tuxedo and looking concerned.
“Walt! Oh my god, what are you doing here? Wait, don’t answer me. We need to hurry,”
she told him, and he looked over her shoulder.
“Declan? Let’s go!” he exclaimed, sounding like he knew who the Declan brothers were
while pulling her toward the sidewalk and an
awaiting limo.
They turned toward the voice just as Walt closed the door. She could see through the
tinted windows that it was Kyle, Sean, and the others.
“Step on it,” Walt told the driver and off they went.
* * * *
“What in the world is going on?” Sean asked Willy as he stood by the sidewalk watching
the limo pull away with their mate inside. Mick, Pat,

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and Kyle began to clean up the mess in the alley and arrest Simon and his men.
“Fuck if I know, but I recognize that guy she just left with. He’s a government operative,”
Willy told Sean.
“I’m not liking this one bit, Willy,” Sean replied.
“We’ll get to our mate, Sean. Even if we have to die trying,” Willy stated then turned
around and headed back toward the alley.

Chapter 5

“No! Absolutely not, Walt. I don’t believe this!” Ava yelled as she paced back and forth
across Walt’s living room. This could not be
happening to her. When was she going to wake up from this nightmare? She explained
about the police chasing her and about Pat and Kyle from
the other night. This new information was not anything she expected, never mind trying
to comprehend it. She was stuck in a nightmare that just kept
getting worse.
Walt kept his lips firmly together. She wasn’t certain if he was trying to stifle a laugh or
was truly feeling her pain. She halted in front of him
and placed her hands on her hips.
“Are you laughing about this? You, of all people. You’ve lived your life exactly the way
you’ve wanted to. Mine has been dictated for me since
birth for crying out loud! I am not the mate to a bunch of oversized fur balls.”
“Now now, Ava, there’s no need for insults. The Declan brothers are quite a sought-after
bunch of Alpha males. Many women would find
them irresistibly attractive.”
She felt her nostrils flare and her blood pressure rise as she fisted her hands by her
“I am not accepting this, Walt. Call whomever you have to in that Circle of Elders and
tell them I said no!” Ava crossed her arms in front of
her chest and glared at Walt. His eyebrows scrunched up as he rose from his sitting
position. Now that he stood in front of her at over six feet three
inches tall, she swallowed the intimidation the best she could.
“It makes sense that the gods have chosen such strong and superior wolves for you to
mate with.”
“Why is that? I am not of the wolf, as you and Brennan call it. Others in my family would
be more suitable than I. For god’s sake, Walt, did
you get a load of the size of them and all those muscles? They would crush me if they
even hugged me, never mind…”
“Never mind what, Ava?” he asked as he held her gaze.
She ignored his question, but he wasn’t going to allow that. Walt knew her almost as
well as his cousin Brennan. God, she wished Brennan
was here. She wished her father was.
“You’re worried about the sex aren’t you?” he asked, and she turned toward him,
shocked at his question. She felt herself blush, and then
she thought about the men. Each of them was a sight. All five men sinfully good looking,
but still. They weren’t human. Those men were animals, and
she hadn’t chosen them herself. If she wanted to accept a fate like that then she would
have stayed in Ireland with Fenly. She wasn’t stupid. She

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learned a lot about wolves and what they expected from their women or mates. That
was why she carried the syringes.
“Your silence tells me I’m right on the money.”
She looked at him, giving the evil eye best she could.
“My sex life is none of your business, Walt.”
“What sex life? You’re a virgin and that is exactly what a woman of your age and
bloodline should be.”
She gasped then gave him a shove to his chest. She was fuming.
“What I should be? What kind of old-fashioned bullshit is that? And bloodline? That’s
your damn wolf speaking. I am not going to be some
breeding machine destined to give birth to more hair balls while chauvinistic males drag
me around by my hair as they growl and drool on me.”
Ava stared at Walt. She couldn’t believe what was coming from his mouth. She
remembered when she first met him. How handsome and
sophisticated he appeared with his slicked-back black hair and deep-brown eyes. Even
the small scar by his neck made him appear sexy and
mysterious. She took a deep breath and tried to focus on how angry she was getting
with Walt instead of how most wolves appeared to be eye
“Watch your tongue, Ava. Brennan didn’t send me to keep an eye on you for the past
two years to allow you to ruin yourself.”
“Oh, you just better stop talking right now, Walt, or I swear I’m going to lose it.”
“Sit down, Ava, and let’s talk about this. I can answer any questions you have about the
mating process and about…the other stuff,” he
added shyly.
Ava threw her hands up in the air and headed toward the door.
“Ava, don’t be so quick to dismiss your fate. They could be exactly what you need now.”
“Five animals to do as they please with me and toss me to the side when they’re done?
No thanks, Walt. If I wanted that life then I would
have stayed with Fenly.”
“The Declan brothers can protect you. They are not like Fenly. Plus, they are special.”
She held the doorknob and took a deep breath before she replied.
“I am finished allowing other people to make choices for me.


in control of my fate.

I’m tired of hearing about all these special wolves and
forces yet no specifics. I’m tired of running and hiding. I want to go home. I want my life
back. I want Fenly to pay for what he has done. I don’t care
who these Declan brothers are.” She stated the last syllable broken halfway with
Walt was immediately by her side as Ava laid her forehead against the door.
“I won’t lie to you, Ava. I won’t make promises of happy ever after or even for your hope
of returning to your homeland. What I can tell you
with great certainty is that when a wolf, or in this case wolves, finds their mate, they will
do anything in their power to protect, to possess, and keep
her in close proximity to them at all times. They will be your personal bodyguards. They
will care for you and provide for you and fulfill your every

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Ava looked up at Walt with tears in her eyes and uncertainty in her heart. Everything he
said sounded farfetched and like such a load of
bullshit, yet she found herself asking one question, with her entire heart and soul, with
every word she stated.
“And what about love?”
The tear escaped from her eye and rolled down her cheek. Walt began to console her
by placing his finger underneath her chin to turn her
face toward him, but as he tried she blocked him by wiping the tear away before she
reached for the doorknob.
“I’ve got a job to do. Nothing else matters right now.”
* * * *
Duggy Doolin tried to maintain his composure as he stood in front of the painting while
the police commander and his wife spoke. He knew
the castle in the painting. He had visited it just recently when in Ireland on business with
Fenly. It was the O’Brian castle. The estate was currently
being taken over by Fenly with hopes to gain control over the entire country of Ireland.
“What seems to have your utter and complete attention, Duggy?”
Duggy turned around, looking way up to see Fenly himself staring over his shoulder. He
didn’t need to answer the monstrosity of a man, for
as Fenly caught sight of the painting his eyes grew wide and began to glow.
“Who created this painting? Was it the same person who painted the one of Central
Park I purchased?” Fenly asked, sounding desperate
for the answer.
Duggy looked toward the right corner of the painting and noticed the letters AO.
“Whoever has the initials AO painted this one, too,” Duggy offered.
“Ava,” Fenly whispered as he brushed by Duggy and took a closer look at the portrait.
* * * *
Fenly felt a surge of emotions as he stared at the painting of the O’Brian estate. It could
have been a photograph, considering how accurate
and identical it was to the real thing. He stared at the strokes of color and the castle
situated on a hill of grassy green, gently rising from a lake of
thirty acres in the middle of the woods. He could practically smell the outdoors, the
scents of County Clare and surrounding wildlife.
His Ava was here in the United States. She was in New York and perhaps here in this
gallery tonight. He looked around him frantically, and
immediately Miller and Pete were by his side.
“What is it, boss?” Pete asked.
“My Ava is here. Find her and I want this painting in my possession immediately.” Pete
and Miller took off in opposite directions as Fenly
searched the crowded gallery. His heart pounded inside of his chest, and his beast
roared with hunger. He would have his Ava back again, and he
would take her home to Ireland where she belonged.
“What can I do to help?” Duggy asked Fenly.
“Get your men on this. Find out where she is and anyone who knows anything should
be thoroughly questioned.”
“I’m on it,” Duggy stated then walked away.

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Fenly began to look at some of the other paintings Ava had surely painted. He had
known that painting was a hobby for her back in Ireland.
He had witnessed her beauty and focus as she painted on the back patio to the castle.
But it wasn’t until she escaped and was out of his life that he
truly missed her presence. She was more than just a valuable commodity. She was his
destiny and the key to a family mystery decades old. She
had to be the key to finding the Irish Jewel. Her father had had possession of it. But
where did Patrick hide it? Ava had to know the answer.
* * * *
Willy and his brothers gathered into the two SUVs and headed toward Walt’s high-rise
apartment. As Mick drove the vehicle, Willy’s cell
phone rang.
“Hello?” He answered it, half caring about whoever was on the line. He wanted to get to
his mate.
“Don’t sound so thrilled to hear from me, Willy. I remember the days of you and your
brothers flirting like crazy with me just to get my men
“Samantha? Holy shit, how are you, honey?” he asked, feeling instantly happy about
her call. He hadn’t heard from her in months or from her
mates. The Valdamars were busy these days keeping the Circle of Elders in order and
dealing with aspects of the government.
“That’s so much better. You sound tense. Is everything all right?” she asked. He
released a sigh.
“It seems we have found our mate.”
He pulled the phone away from his ear as Samantha screamed with joy. She was
calling to Dustin and Trey.
“Well, tell me about her and then we’ll deal with some business,” Samantha replied.
“What business?” he asked.
“First things first. Who is she and when are you going to bring her out here to meet us?”
“As soon as we convince her that she’s our mate and figure out exactly who she is.”
“Ahhh, sounds interesting, which brings me to the business reason for my call.”
“What’s going on?” Willy asked.
“It has been brought to my attention during a council meeting that two businessmen by
the names of Duggy Doolin, Fidelis’s cousin, and
Simon Font have been getting involved with some things that they shouldn’t be.”
“Doolin is Fidelis’s cousin?” Willy asked even though Samantha didn’t like to talk about
the old dead wolf. He had taken so much from her
and tried to separate her from her mates and mate her himself so he could gain council
position. That was an intense time.
“Yes, it’s true, and both of these men have been sneaking around trying to find out more
information on a matter that the Circle is
“What does this have to do with us?”
“I believe my sources stated that you and your brothers had a confrontation with Doolin
and Simon and in fact arrested Simon this evening.”
“We did. He is also after our mate.”

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“Interesting. And who is this mate of yours?”
“We just found out about her by accident really. We were investigating Simon and
Doolin when we came across illegal smuggling of guns
from Ireland. We found out about Fenly O’Leary and him taking over a huge import and
export business in Ireland. We believe that Simon and
Doolin are working for Fenly as his main connection here in the States. As you know,
Doolin is involved heavily with the Irish mob. The woman is of
great interest to these men and we need to know why.”
“You aren’t talking about the O’Brian family?” she asked.
“Yes. Apparently Patrick O’Brian had a daughter who went missing two years ago a day
after her father’s death. Anyway, we found her and
she’s our mate.”
Willy heard a gasp and then the silence on the other end of the phone.
“Samantha? Are you still there?”
“Yes. Listen to me, Willy. Do whatever you have to to protect your mate. Fenly cannot
get his hands on her. If they mate then Fenly will gain
the power, money, and control over all of Ireland and its were packs plus hundreds of
other packs here in the United States. He has been
organizing, building a dynasty, and attempting to take out the Circle of Elders and any
other organization that stands in his way. He will also
become privy to a certain secret organization that helps maintain justice and pack laws
around the world.”
He immediately knew that Samantha was talking about the Secret Warriors of the
Brothers of Were.
“She is our mate, Samantha. No other wolf will touch her,” he stated firmly.
“You must find her. Simon and Doolin are working for Fenly and they are in search of
the Irish Jewel. If they find it and Fenly possesses it
then the destruction of all our forces begins. I mean every organization both known and
unknown in our culture’s history.”
“Damn, Samantha, this just keeps getting better and better. What does this have to do
with the Irish Jewel, and how could Fenly take control
of the Secret Order if the identity of the King is secret?”
“It won’t remain a secret for long, and ultimately, if he gains the funds, the following, and
the power he is after then it may take an equal effort
of all the organizations and packs to work together to fight him. But my sources believe
that this is only the beginning and there is still enough time
to stop Fenly. This is important. I just can’t believe that you are her mates. She has
been through a lot, Willy. Fenly killed her father in front of her. He
tried to force her to marry him. His men hunted her down, attacked her, and brought her
back when she tried to escape. I’ve had men working on
finding her since her disappearance two years ago. She may have information we could
use to bring Fenly down. He wants her and he will stop at
nothing to possess her.”
Willy felt his hackles rise and his temper flare.
“I’ll take care of it, Samantha. Thank you for the information.”
“Keep me posted.”

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Willy closed up his cell phone, disconnecting the call. Through the telepathic link with
his brothers, he shared the info. He could feel the
intensity of his brothers’ need to find their mate and protect her.
“Forget about going to Walt first. She’s ours and we have a right to claim what belongs
to us,” Mick stated firmly as he pressed on the

Chapter 6

Ava made certain that she hadn’t been followed as she entered the elevator en route to
her fourth-floor apartment. The place was decent.
Not upscale and not a dump either. It lay somewhere in between what was modest and
what was respectable. She felt she fit in fine until more
thoughts of her father and her life back in Ireland invaded her mind. Her head ached
with confusion and information overload as she exited the
elevator. Could this whole mating thing be genetic after all? Could her destiny lie in the
paws of wolves? She chuckled at the thought of her own
words. The lack of sleep was getting to her. Taking her key out of her bag, she unlocked
the door and entered the darkness. A sudden sense of
loneliness and fear gripped her insides. She was getting tired of being alone and
coming home to no one and nothing but silence or her own
somber thoughts. She tossed her purse onto the couch and heard the grunt.
“What the hell?” she yelled, taking a step back toward the door and raising her fists in
front of her, prepared to fight.
“Don’t be afraid,” someone stated, and on instinct she turned to run. The lights came on,
illuminating her apartment and all its occupants.
She was angry but also relieved to see all five men she recognized instead of Fenly’s
“How did you get in here? What do you want from me?” she demanded to know. But the
sight of such large men in her small apartment
caused fear to run through her veins. She hated feeling threatened, and these men
reeked of intimidation. The men taking up most of the space in
the living room and dressed up in tuxedos made for an odd display. Masculinity
overwhelmed her senses, and whether she liked to admit it or not,
these men were hot. She felt her cheeks warm and her heart begin to pound in her
chest as she retreated back a few steps. Her damn nipples
hardened, and she had the urge to cover herself up so these men couldn’t see the
effect they were having on her. She shook the thoughts from her
head and ignored her libido.
“Never mind, just get out!” she yelled as she absorbed each man’s expression as her
eyes traveled through the room. She zoned in on one
pompous man sitting at her desk looking calm and smug. Sean and Kyle glanced in his
direction while the other two looked just as calm.



“That’s not happening. We need to talk and you know it,” the arrogant, smug one stated.
His hair was cut short in a military style. It was jet
black, matching his tux and his demeanor. She didn’t like his authoritative attitude or the
way he made himself at home at her desk. Had he

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snooped through her things? Perhaps gone through her computer for information? She
panicked a moment but was confident that she was a way
better computer hacker than most pros out there. She didn’t like the guilty feeling she
felt. She hacked into Fenly’s computer to stop him from
stealing from her family name. Sure it was illegal but she was limited on what she could
do to stop him. Staying hidden was a priority.
Looking them over and how they stood around the room she assumed that they couldn’t
have been here long. The best thing to do was give
them the slip and get out of town.

Be strong, Ava.

“Get out,” she repeated with her arms crossed in front of her chest. Slowly the man rose
to full standing position, and her courage shrunk
with each inch of height revealed as he stood. Taking two steps backward, she stared in
awe. The man was even larger in such close proximity. A
warrior through and through, she was certain. He had to be six and a half feet tall,
maybe taller. He was built like a G.I. Joe, not pretty-boy looking
like Tom Cruise. He was more like Gerard Butler in the movie


. He had a wide chest

and rugged good looks. Muscles upon muscles, a warriorlike
caveman reeking of testosterone and sex. She could only imagine what he looked like
naked. She felt her cheeks warm and her pussy leak.
Her nipples hardened to tiny pebbles, and she adjusted her stance to accommodate the
change of body temperature and hide her apparent

I’m losing my mind. I could strangle Walt for putting such crazy ideas in my


The arrogant one raised his nose and sniffed. He glanced around the room, and so did
the others. Was it her or was it getting seriously hot
in here?
“I have nothing to say to you, so leave.” The words were barely audible to her own ears.
“No. We’re not leaving. You’re our mate and we need to talk,” he replied firmly and with
a tone of voice that hit her to her bones. Oh yeah, he
was definitely in charge and used to getting his way.
“I am not your mate. I’m not a wolf, so leave me alone,” she countered then began to
walk toward the kitchen. Before she made it three
steps, the intimidating one grabbed her around the waist and hoisted her up against
“Wolf or not, you are our mate,” he stated through clenched teeth, and she noticed his
eyes sparkled. They were hazel, but specks of
emerald green sparkled around them. It was odd and fascinating at the same time. That
combined with his firm hold on her body, his large, warm
hands splayed across her hips and ass cheeks, and his solid physique had her shaking
in her high heels. She swallowed hard as she pressed her
fingers down onto his forearms in an attempt to get him to release her. The smug
bastard smirked as he held her gaze, and the roughness of his
chin brushed the cleavage of her dress.
The seconds passed in silence, but she knew they weren’t alone. She sensed the
others but was transfixed on this one’s eyes. A strange

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sensation trickled over her skin like warm honey going down her throat and to every part
of her body. She found herself loosening her hold and
releasing a long breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. His chin, like sandpaper,
slid lightly across her oversensitive skin. Closing her eyes,
she fought the need to press harder against him.
“You feel the attraction. Listen to your body, Ava, and we will do the rest,” he whispered
and began to inch his head higher toward her face.
His breath tapped against her skin, tickling her and awakening a need that had
otherwise been dormant. Lips firm and masculine, a face chiseled
from stone, this man was some kind of superior being with powers to overtake her mind,
not to mention her body. She didn’t want to be controlled.
They were wolves and didn’t play by the same rules as humans.
“I don’t think so, beast. I don’t like wolves,” she stated, and his eyebrows rose.
“In fact I hate them,” she added.
He held her gaze, and she felt her own heart beating rapidly. She was in no position to
challenge him, yet she did it anyway.
He stared at her lips, causing her to lick them and making him squeeze her tighter.
“We’ll help you change your mind,” he whispered as he pressed his hand and fingers
under her hair, gripped the locks before he leaned
down and kissed her. She tried to resist, but he had such a good hold and his body felt
sensational against her own. She had never been kissed in
such a way. Her heart pounded inside of her chest, her body hummed with need she
never knew existed, and this man’s one kiss brought it all out.
She climbed higher against his waist, grateful that the silk of her dress aided in sliding
her body up and down his muscular frame. She felt the
rough, hard palm of his hand push her dress higher to her waist as she straddled him.
She felt him turn her around, and a moment later she was pressed against the living
room wall as his tongue delved deeper, exploring every
crevice of her mouth. He tasted so damn good, she nearly came undone in his arms.
When he finally released her lips in order for them to breathe,
he continued to lick and suck along her neck, and her shoulder, and then she opened
her eyes and saw the other four men watching. Their eyes
glowed, and she grabbed the one wolf’s head to stop him.
“Wait! Oh God, please wait. I don’t know what came over me. Please put me down,” she
begged, and the man softened his kisses trailing
up and along her shoulder, back to her neck and cheeks and finally her lips. She noted
the solidity of his cheeks, skin hard and dusted with
whiskers. He kissed her softly then held her gaze. She didn’t even know his name, yet
she allowed him to stick his tongue down her throat as she
rubbed her pussy up and down his body. What was going through their minds? Why
should she care?
“Don’t deny what you’re feeling. Your body doesn’t lie, Ava,” he told her then slowly
lowered her feet to the carpeting. He used the pad of his
thumb to touch her lips as he held her gaze.
“Let’s sit down and talk,” he stated as he slowly ran his hand down her arm to her hand
then led her to the couch, where Sean sat on the arm

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smirking. Her legs felt weird, and she actually felt kind of weak as she forced herself to
remain composed. The mysterious wolf had a kiss that
packed a punch.
When she passed Sean, her thigh touched his knee, and she felt the tingling sensation
immediately. She stepped to the side, shocked at
the power of such a small touch, but then she locked gazes with Sean, and she was
mortified at how easily he read her body language. He smirked
knowingly as he adjusted his position on the couch. Turning away from him, she took a
seat on the couch.
* * * *

“Now what?”

Mick asked his brother Willy through their link.

“Beats the shit out of me. All my wolf wants to do is take her to her bedroom and claim her.
I’m having difficulty fighting it,”

Willy replied.

“You’re doing great. Keep it up,”

Sean encouraged.

“I can’t be empathetic and mushy when my wolf is revved up like this. Her taste is

Willy added. Mick made a sound then joined

Ava by the couch. He sat on the opposite arm of the couch as Sean and took her hand
into his own.
“I’m Mick. That’s Willy, Pat, and you met Kyle and Sean already.” Willy ran his fingers
through his hair then sat down on the love seat
opposite the couch.
Ava looked at each of the men then swallowed hard.
“I’m certain this is difficult after everything that you’ve been through,” Mick stated, trying
to hold her gaze, but Ava tried to pull her hand away.
He held it firmly.
“What do you know about what I’ve gone through? You don’t know me and I don’t know
“We’re going to work on that immediately, Ava. Right now, I want you to understand
what’s happening here between the six of us and how
important it is that you trust us to protect you.”
Ava pulled her hand away and stood up.
She ran her hand through her hair then pushed it behind her shoulder.
She looked at each of them then took an unsteady breath. Mick could hear her rapid
“We understand that this is all new to you. We weren’t expecting to find our mate while
conducting an investigation.”
“I told you before that I don’t know anything about your investigation. As far as this mate
stuff is concerned, I’m not interested,” she stated as
she crossed her arms in front of her chest.
Sean grabbed her hand and pulled her toward him.
“We know about Fenly.”
Her eyes widened in shock as she tried to push Sean away. He wouldn’t budge though,
and finally she stopped struggling.
“We’re the good guys, Ava.”
She took a few steps back as she shook her head. “Leave. I do not need any of you.
Just go.” She swallowed hard as they stared at her.

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She wasn’t stupid. She had to see the hunger in their eyes and sense their power. It
didn’t take a wolf to know she was outnumbered. Mick wanted
to convince her to trust them, but he was getting the feeling that trust didn’t come easy
for Ava. She wasn’t intimidated by them, not that they wanted
to intimidate her, but if it got her to cooperate and comply sooner, then so be it.
“We’re not leaving here without you,” Kyle stated, looking directly at Ava.
She placed her hands on her hips.
“Suit yourself. I’m going to go change. Don’t even think of barging in and trying to
slobber all over me or claim me, whatever it is you do to a
mate,” she stated, sounding bitchy and appearing embarrassed about it. Quickly she hid
her flushed cheeks and headed away from them. They
watched her walk toward the bedroom with her perfect round ass swaying seductively.
“Whoowee, that woman is sassy,” Mick stated as he stood up and looked at his
“This is bullshit! She’s our mate. One of us should be in that bedroom with her right
now,” Sean stated, sounding furious.
“She’s not a wolf, Sean. We have to understand her reservations and her fear. Let’s be
grateful that at least she knows that wolves exist. We
can work on the protocol of our relationship with time,” Willy told him.
“Protocol of our relationship? This is not a mission, Willy. You sound like an elder,” Kyle
stated firmly as he showed his disgust before
walking closer toward Ava’s door.
Just then they heard a noise coming from the bedroom.
Pat ran by Kyle and opened the door.
“Fuck!” he yelled, and as Willy appeared in the doorway, he noticed the black dress
lying on the floor and the window to the fire escape
Pat was climbing through the window, already in pursuit. They looked down just as Ava
neared the bottom.
They heard the sound of screeching tires and could see the men emptying out of a
black SUV.
“Move it now!” Willy yelled, his wolf getting the best of him as concern for their mate
fired him into action.
* * * *
Just as Ava made it to the bottom of the fire escape she felt the arm go around her waist
and smelled the stinky breath of some goon.
A jab to his solar plexus, and a loud grunt filled the air as he released his grip. She
began to run as a second then third man attempted to
grab her. A shot to her left side had her gasping for air as the pain filtered through her
body. She fought hard, a jab to the right, a kick to the left, and
suddenly she wasn’t fighting on her own. As she looked above her, Sean dropped down
onto one of the guys as she continued to fight off her
attackers. A growl filled the air, and Kyle landed on two men, knocking them to the
ground. These other guys obviously weren’t wolves or they would
have shifted. As she caught sight of Willy, momentarily distracted by his angry
expression, she was struck to the cheek pretty hard by one of the

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goons, causing her to fall to the ground. Before she could recover, someone picked her
up and threw her over their shoulder.
In a matter of seconds she was tossed into a vehicle as doors slammed closed and the
driver took off.
* * * *
Ava struggled to get out from under the massive body on top of her. She wiggled and
shoved against what felt like heavy, solid steel as she
attempted to reach the syringe and stick the bastard. It all happened so quickly, and she
was fighting for her life. When she felt the thick, hard
erection against her groin, she panicked and freaked out, stabbing the individual with
the pointed edge and pressing the top of the syringe,
releasing a large amount of sedative into her attacker.
“What the hell, Ava!” her attacker yelled as he pushed up from on top of her, straddling
her waist as he held her arms above her head. As he
gripped her wrists tightly, the syringe fell from her fingers. As the vehicle passed a
series of bright lights her attacker’s face was illuminated at the
same time she heard the familiar voice.


She was shocked, and before she could reply he fell against her, his face landing
between the cleavage of her breasts.
* * * *
“Oh shit, Willy is going to be pissed when he wakes up,” Sean stated as Ava looked
toward him, and he snapped a picture with his cell
phone. He was smiling from ear to ear as Kyle drove the SUV.
Ava struggled for release under William, but Sean’s brother was a huge guy. He
wondered how the fuck he and Kyle would carry Willy from
the car. Oh well, first things first.
“What did you do to him?” Sean asked Ava. He shook his head as he watched her try to
get out from underneath Willy.
“I didn’t know it was him. I was fighting for my life and he could have said something
sooner,” she replied, losing her breath with every
centimeter she pushed.
“He was saving your ass and that’s the type of gratitude you give him? We’re trying to
protect you not hurt you.” Kyle added to the
conversation as he maneuvered a right turn too quickly. Ava pushed exactly at that
moment and sent Willy tumbling to the floor, causing a huge
“Oh, that’s real nice, Ava,” Sean said as he tried to hide a chuckle. It was funny right
now, but Willy would be one pissed-off Alpha wolf when
he finally awoke. He sure as hell didn’t want to be around for that. He focused on the
parts of Ava he could see in the darkness since her shirt was
lifted nearly to her chest, showing off her tight abs.
“I didn’t mean it. Well, he shouldn’t have grabbed me like that and I couldn’t breathe,”
she explained.
“We said we were here to protect you. Why did you run?” Kyle asked.
“I don’t need your protection.”

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“Oh really? Like you could have handled those five guys back there on your own?” Sean
“I was doing fine until I had to hit two guys simultaneously so that you and your brother
wouldn’t get hurt.”
“What? You’re crazy. Just sit back and relax. We have a long ride ahead of us,” Sean
“Just drop me off at the next corner. I don’t need you and I don’t want to be here.”
She grabbed for the door handle, but Kyle made sure she was locked in. They heard
her grunt as she tried to pull the handle over and over
again in an attempt to exit the vehicle.
“It’s no use, Ava, you’re coming with us now,” Sean yelled then folded his arms in front
of his chest.
It appeared that their mate had a temper and a bit of a wild side to her. Did she really
think that she could escape from her mates? How
were they going to make her see that they were her destiny and she was theirs? He
released a sigh as a numerous thoughts went through his head,
including how it would feel when Ava finally accepted them and his cock was buried
deep in her pussy.

“Thanks a lot, Sean. Like I need a fucking boner right now while driving for the next hour,”

Kyle stated through their link, and Sean cringed,
not realizing that he was projecting so much to his brothers. It appeared that their mate
already had his head screwed up.

Chapter 7

Ava felt really bad about drugging Willy. She had no idea it was him who threw her over
his shoulder then shoved her into the backseat of
the vehicle. She was scared and desperate to escape. As she looked down toward the
floor, she saw even in sleep that the man looked feral and
dangerous. His high cheekbones stood out as if he clenched his teeth. She absorbed
his features, including his military-type haircut, tan
complexion, and handsome face. To know that he was a wolf was crazy. Yet, for some
odd reason she didn’t fear that about Willy like she feared
Fenly and his other wolves. There were mixed emotions brewing in her mind. She had
been taught to trust no one and although these men claimed
to want to protect her, she was finding it too difficult to take a step and trust them. It was
like standing on the edge of a very high cliff overlooking a
body of water surrounded by jagged boulders. The uncertainty made her stomach
She took a deep breath, leaned back, and watched out the window as Kyle continued to
drive. Neither he nor Sean said a word. Sean
glanced back at her as if confirming she was still there, and Kyle did the same through
the rearview mirror above the dashboard. She couldn’t see
where they were headed but knew it was north because of the one parkway sign above
the exit they took. At least they were headed out of the city
and hopefully away from Fenly.
Her body shivered at the thought of him finding her. Sean took notice as he turned to
face her.

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“Are you cold?”
“I’m fine,” she snapped, and he turned away from her, obviously not wanting to engage
in a fight. She exhaled in annoyance until she began
to calm down and take in her surroundings. The scent of the men was overwhelming. It
was a clean, outdoorsy type of scent, and it was appealing to
her. Glancing up toward Sean, she absorbed his features. Sean was attractive and had
a bit of a wild look about him. Maybe it was his shoulderlength
hair or the light dusting of whiskers along his jawline. Something about him screamed
“sinful.” Well, at least Sean and Kyle looked that way.
Mick and William intimidated her the most. She supposed that it wasn’t the brightest
idea to knock him out with a tranquilizer.
The further they drove the more tired she became. She was hungry, too, and hadn’t
eaten in quite some time, but she wouldn’t say a word.
These guys would probably use food as leverage to get into her pants. That thought
even bothered her. Deep down she wondered if they would do
such a thing. Fenly would. Why did she keep comparing them to Fenly? She exhaled in
annoyance. She needed to get away from these men. They
confused her and brought about emotions and feelings she didn’t know how to handle.
She should get back to her apartment, grab some things,
including her computer, and get the heck out of New York. She began to formulate a
plan in her mind as she started to close her eyes, and then
forced them to remain open. She couldn’t let her guard down.
“You should close your eyes and rest. It may take a while and you look tired,” Sean
stated, causing her to jump at his sudden voice even
though he spoke softly.
“I’m fine,” she whispered back.
“You’ve been on the run for a while,” he added and sounded sympathetic. She sure had
been. That was the story of the last two years of her
“Isn’t that the truth,” she whispered then turned away from him to look out the window.
A while later, just as it seemed her exhaustion had won the fight to remain awake, she
felt the SUV begin to slow down as they exited the
highway then drove along some back roads. The lights from cars on the highway could
still be seen from a distance, but receded the further into
darkness they took her. They were traveling through heavily wooded areas, and her
confidence about getting to her apartment lessened. She
wasn’t sure she could handle an escape through wilderness, but she had to give it a
shot. She couldn’t stick around these men and wait for them to
claim her or do whatever it was wolves did. She instantly thought about the others and
where they might be. Hopefully they got away from her
attackers back in the city. She wanted to kick herself for even giving a shit. She wasn’t
going to just trust them because they were “special,” as Walt
had described. How could she, when it seemed that the only people she could trust
were herself, Brennan, and Walt. She had been on her own and
had survived on her own. It was time to take back control of her life.
* * * *

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Kyle parked the SUV in the garage all the while keeping an eye on Ava. She was jumpy
and kept looking around as if planning an escape.
He conveyed his suspicions to his brother Sean, who just shook his head.
The moment they got out of the truck, they thought Ava would book, but instead she
began to try and wake up Willy.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Just leave him asleep and we’ll carry him in,” Sean told
her. Then he leaned into the backseat and hoisted
Willy up and over his shoulder.
The second Ava emerged from the backseat, Kyle noticed her bruised and swollen
cheekbone. He felt his wolf stir in anger that his mate
was hurt.
“What’s wrong? What?” Ava asked, stepping back, causing her rear to hit the side of the
“You’re hurt. They hit you,” Kyle stated.
“Door please!” Sean yelled, and Kyle turned away to take a moment to open the door
from the garage to the house. The sound of sneakers
hitting the pavement was his first indication that their mate took off running again.
“Pat and Mick are out there,” Sean said just as they heard Ava scream.
Kyle shook his head and laughed as his brothers informed him through their link that
they had Ava and were headed back inside.
* * * *
Ava saw the others appear from the front of the house, so she did the only thing she
could think of and ran like hell. They were on her like
white on rice in a matter of seconds. Someone grabbed at her shirt to stop her. She
swung her arms and screamed while she threw right and left
fists into whatever part of them she could. As a strong, thick arm came around her waist
and hoisted her off the ground, she slammed her head
back into one of them. She panicked as flashbacks of when Fenly and his men chased
her down invaded her mind. She was so exhausted she
actually thought that she was running from Fenly’s men.
“You are going to hurt yourself, Ava. Stop fighting,” Pat yelled. She threw all her weight
to one side, causing the one that held her to lose his
balance. She saw Pat’s disapproving expression as she hit the ground.
“Release me, damn it! Let me go right now, you hooligan!” Ava screamed as Mick
straddled her waist and held her wrists above her head.
In her attempt to wiggle free her shirt raised higher and she could feel Mick’s hard, thick
erection against her mound.
Damn, these men were a horny bunch. They were much larger than her, and she had
the feeling that Mick was using little strength to restrain
Mick leaned down closer to her face, causing his erection to push firmer against the
zipper of her jeans. Her insides immediately warmed
up, and she found herself shifting ever so slightly to rub against him.
“Listen to your body, Ava. It knows where you belong,” Mick whispered then looked her
over, staring at her lips, her neck and breasts as if

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he wanted to kiss every part of her, and damn, did she want it, too. His dark eyes held
her gaze in a silent understanding that what he said was true
and she could not deny it.
He leaned a little closer, his lips inches from her own, then closed his eyes and inhaled
as if absorbing her scent. This action should have
made her feel disgusted or violated somehow, knowing what he really was. But instead
she closed her eyes, tilted her breasts out toward him, and
opened her legs.
* * * *
Mick was taken aback by the strong desire he felt. He thrust his cock against her
splayed thighs, rubbing up and down and hating that the
fabric barred any possibility of entrance. He wanted inside her. He wanted to feel the
heat and moisture of her pussy wrap around his cock and take
him deep. His wolf needed to claim her body and soul and make her belong to him and
his pack brothers.
“I’m going to kiss you, Ava. I can’t resist,” he whispered centimeters from her lips. She
closed her eyes and released a sigh of
understanding. At least that’s what he hoped it was.
The moment his lips touched hers, he knew he would never get enough of her taste, her
lips, her everything.
He plunged his tongue in deeply, exploring her mouth and letting his emotions, the
connections he felt, flow into her with every twirl of his
tongue. He used his right hand to explore her sexy body, starting at her jean-clad thigh,
then up and over the round cheek of her ass. She was
voluptuous and sexy, with an hourglass figure that would surely rock his world. She
wasn’t skin and bones. She was perfection. The moment he felt
her hands run through his hair and her delicate fingertips touch his neck, he desired
more of her. His tongue continued to explore her mouth while
he used his right hand to press against her skin, feel the slight ridges of her ribcage as
he caressed under her shirt and against her skin. When he
reached the underside of her bra, he felt her tense beneath his fingertips and her mouth
pulled away from his kisses. As much as his wolf wanted
and needed to continue, the man knew to wait.
He released her lips, trailing kisses along her cheeks when she flinched.
He was on his side holding one hand against her belly, under her T-shirt while his right
thigh remained wedged between her legs.
“What is it? Are you okay?” he asked.
She reached up and touched her lips before touching her cheek.
“Why did you do that? Why did you kiss me?” she asked, looking so shocked and
He gently rubbed a thumb along her bottom lip.
“Because you are irresistible and you are our mate,” Mick stated then smiled.
Ava threw her arm over her eyes and exclaimed, “Oh, brother,” causing both Mick and
Pat to chuckle.
“Give me your hand, gorgeous. It’s time to face the Alpha,” Pat stated, and Mick
chuckled as he helped to lift Ava up. Pat took her hand and

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lifted her off the ground and right into his arms. The second he had her close enough,
he kissed her until Mick told him it was time to get back to the
* * * *
Ava felt as if her head were spinning, and now her cheek throbbed something terrible.
Pat’s and Mick’s kisses were to die for, and she felt
all starry eyed and easy. She actually felt gullible and as if this could be some sort of
scam. There was no way that five outstandingly gorgeous and
mouthwatering men could want to share one woman and remain faithful to one woman.
And her? Why her of all people? Was this God’s big joke on
her and her entire life?
It just didn’t seem possible, real, or even fair. How in the world could one woman be with
five men, and wolves no less? She could kick
herself for forgetting about the fact they were wolves. What if they went crazy or got
rabies and tried to eat her? Then what? Could wolves get
rabies? Dogs got rabies. They looked experienced, and that in itself added to her fear.
Could they have some kind of sexually transmitted

Oh shit


She looked at them as they walked into the beautiful country-style home. They looked
so human and normal aside from their very
impressive heights and thick, muscular bodies. Anyone aware of their line of work
probably wouldn’t question their rather perfect physiques. She
felt her throat tighten as she swallowed and her nipples hardened beneath her bra. The
fabric was suddenly too tight and felt too rough against her
sensitive nipples. As she thought about their effect on her, she felt the liquid drip from
her pussy and her belly tighten with need.
“You’re hurt,” Pat exclaimed, bringing her back to reality and the fact that now four out of
the five men stood in front of her with concerned
scowls on their faces.

Chapter 8

“They got away, Fenly,” Doolin stated as he listened to Fenly roar. The man was a nasty
wolf, and only a fool would cross him.
“How could she have gotten away? She’s human and she is just a woman,” Fenly
wondered as he stood up from his desk and began
pacing in front of it.
“She had help.”
“Help? What kind of help?”
“Cops. Well, actually, from what my sources have gathered they are wolves. Declan
pack, to be specific,” Doolin told him.
“Declan? What would a US stronghold pack like Declan want with Ava?” Fenly asked as
he stopped and leaned against his desk.
“Perhaps they have heard about the Jewel of Ireland as well?” Duggy offered as a
Fenly’s eyes immediately began to glow.
“That Jewel, wherever it is, belongs to me! I have worked too hard and planned too long
for some pack like Declan to come along and take

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it from me.”
“You aren’t even certain that this Jewel exists, Fenly. How could a bunch of cop wolves
even know about it?” Duggy asked, and Fenly stared
at him, the eyes of his wolf glowing yellow.
“It is not some fantasy story handed down from one generation to the next. The O’Brian
family has it in their possession and Ava is the only
one who is key to finding it.”
Duggy wasn’t a believer, but his family in Ireland believed in the Jewel of Ireland.
“I will have the Jewel, and if it is worth as much as the stories and rumors claim then I
can rule far beyond the borders of Ireland. This is
important for our pack, for the O’Leary name.”
“If you’re aware of this Jewel and its worth, what makes you think that others aren’t
aware of it as well?” Duggy asked, still feeling skeptical
about such a Jewel existing.
Fenly’s lips pressed together as he puffed out his chest, looking as if ready to roar.
“Ava is mine. She is the key to finding the Jewel of Ireland and no one will stand in my
way of possessing both of them. Now find out
everything you can on the Declan pack. I want to know where they’re hiding out. Then I
want them to get comfortable before we strike. They’ll be
sorry they messed with O’Leary.”
“What I can tell you is that they are related to Valdamar pack and to Lord Crespin.”
Fenly roared at the information. They were responsible for the death of his cousin
“Then they die. All of them if necessary. The Circle of Elders is a waste. There are too
many rules and regulations. A wolf can’t even make a
decent living without having one of the old-timers on their backs. We need to get rid of
them and then any secret orders or groups they have around.
The Jewel will help me achieve this. Now go, and get me intel on the Declan and my
Duggy bowed his head then left the room. He wondered if he should just disappear and
separate himself from Fenly now. He had a pretty
decent business running some drugs and guns on the streets and working the system
here in the States. He missed his country. It had been months
since he returned to Ireland. But as much as he wanted to return, he couldn’t. The
authorities and some members of the IRA would have his ass
hung over the nearest tree limb and beaten to death old-style if he returned.
He thought about what Fenly had offered months ago. Becoming part of his
organization and making a shit load of money was exactly what
Duggy wanted. Maybe it won’t be so bad being one of Fenly’s cronies.

Chapter 9

Ava stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. She had convinced the men to give
her a few minutes to freshen up before they applied
ice to her swollen cheek. There were smudges of dirt on her cheek, and her ribs felt
sore to the touch. Realizing that she only had the clothes on her
back to wear for an unknown period of time, she carefully removed her shirt. There was
no need to get it wet as she cleaned up. The moment she

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lifted her arms and removed the top, she felt the achiness against her left side. Glancing
down, she noticed the red blotches beginning to turn black
and blue. The bastards that attacked her outside her apartment had roughed her up
good. She was glad she had gotten a few good shots in by
Whether she liked to admit it or not, she was lucky that the Declan pack were nearby
and assisting her. Right now the situation could be a
lot worse. She could be stuck with Simon and his sexist men trying to hit on her, or
worse, she could be with Fenly. The thought that either would
attempt to mate her, as they liked to call it, made her stomach queasy and her insides
clench with fear.
Then there were thoughts of the Declan men. None of them tried to force themselves on
her. They had each kissed her with passion and
heat she never knew could feel so good, and something told her she was safe with
them. However, now that she drugged their leader, Willy might
have other plans for her. She was used to being alone and handling things on her own.
These men couldn’t change her life for the better or help her.
She closed her eyes and gripped the sides of the sink as the achiness continued in her
“You didn’t say there were other injuries.”
Ava turned, startled at the sound of Kyle’s voice. She was tired and concerned that she
stood there in only her jeans and bra. She began to
reach for her shirt.
“Wait. Let me look those bruises over to be sure you’re okay.” His stern voice stopped
her as she quickly pulled her hand away from the
“I’m okay. I assure you that I’ll be fine,” she replied, but his touch to her wrist stopped
her from continuing. Her body felt overheated and
completely aware of the sexy man who now stood close behind her. She gripped the
sides of the sink tighter, holding her breath as his warm,
calloused hands explored her back and ribs. She turned her head slightly toward her left
upper arm, inhaling the scent of male, an enticing aroma
that was beginning to tempt her more and more.
* * * *
Kyle was shocked to find Ava half-naked in the bathroom when he returned to check on
her. His brother Mick was getting the ice pack while
the others began to explore their options for dinner.
Staring at her battle wounds, his wolf grew angry and concerned. His mate would never
be harmed again. He would protect her with his life
just as his pack brothers would.
The sight of her womanly figure, sexy and curvy from breasts to ass, told him that their
mate was a sexual fantasy come true.
“Does it hurt badly?” he asked her as he trailed a finger gently down her spine then over
toward the red markings, being careful not to apply
too much pressure.

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Ava shook her head then released a short, unsteady breath as she turned away from
“Don’t lie to me,” he whispered against her shoulder, his lips touching her skin in need of
having a small taste of the beauty in front of him.
Ava gasped then shifted back against his body.
He looked her over, almost certain that she was merely bruised and no further damage
was done to her ribs. He pressed his body against
her back as he slid his hands over her upper arms, down the curve of her elbows, and
to her wrists. He laid his chin gently on her shoulder then
looked at her through the reflection in the mirror. Her abundant breasts poured from her
black lace bra. She was exquisite, and he could tell her
nipples pebbled from his touch. When she raised her eyes to meet his, they shared a
moment and a realization that they were connected somehow.
“You’re so beautiful, Ava. It is hard to resist the urge to feel more of you,” he whispered
against her neck then kissed her skin softly.
“Please. I don’t want this,” she barely whispered, but her body swayed back against his
cock in contradiction.
He licked along her soft neck, letting his teeth gently follow the slightly raised vein. He
sensed her fear combined with her arousal. He had to
make her see that this was meant to be.
“Oh yes,” Ava moaned, and he took it as a sign to feel a little more of her perfect curves.
He softly caressed her arms from wrists to shoulders then moved his hands.
He was a demanding man and even more demanding wolf, yet he found himself taking
his time with Ava.
“Would it be so bad to have five men take care of you, protect you, and provide for
you?” he asked softly against her ear as he moved his
hands under her arms to cup both breasts. Ava moaned as she pressed back against
“You have lovely breasts, Ava.” He pressed them together, the lace lifting slightly as he
watched them in the mirror. “Look at them, Ava. Look
at how perfect they fit in my hands,” he teased then released one breast to press his
hand inside the material and against her skin.
Ava moaned then pressed back against him, adjusting both her hips and chest so he
could gain better access. He held in the chuckle of
celebration. She was enjoying this. She felt the attraction.
Pressing his other hand along the taut muscles of her flat belly, he reached her hip bone
and squeezed her to him.
Before he could go any further and explore her with his lips, he heard his brothers
beckon him to return to the kitchen with Ava.
“You feel so soft and smell very good to me, mate. I’m concerned about that cheek. We
really need to get some ice on it.”
She opened her eyes, appearing dazed a moment, then recovered and pulled away
from him. He stepped away from her and watched as
she grabbed her shirt and covered herself up.
“Come,” he told her as he held his hand out to her. She locked gazes with him a
moment, appearing flushed. She didn’t take his hand.

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Instead she brushed right by him and walked independently back to the kitchen.
It appeared that the interruption pissed off his mate.
* * * *
Ava watched the men as they helped one another prepare some food in the kitchen.
She held the bag of ice to her sore cheek but didn’t
dare look at her arm that throbbed. The way these men reacted to her bruised cheek
was enough to scare the crap out of her. Besides, the way that
Kyle checked over her injuries made her practically come in her jeans. Her nipples were
still hard, and her belly quivered with sexual need. She had
never thought about sex so much in such a short period of time. She wanted him to
shove those thick, long fingers down her pants and press them
against her pussy. The need was so overwhelming she nearly blurted out her desires.
But in a snap he switched right off and seemed to be right
back to business. It didn’t mean anything to him. She didn’t mean anything. She was
acting like a lovesick puppy or worse…a sap. She looked up
at each of them, realizing that she would have done the same thing if any of the Declan
men tried to touch her as Kyle had.

I need rest to clear my


They acted like their concern was so deep, and it made her feel like shit for running
from them despite the fact that it could all be an act. She
especially felt bad about Willy. God knew why. He was so obnoxious back at her
apartment even though his kiss nearly knocked her on her ass.
She caught Sean’s eye then quickly turned away as she held the ice pack to her cheek.
Sean explained that Willy was their Commander, their
leader, and head Alpha. She fucked up when she drugged him, but it wasn’t her fault.
These men had her so confused and filled with emotions she
didn’t know her ass from her elbow. She felt numb, exhausted, and that was when she
looked at the clock on the stainless-steel microwave and saw
it was nearly three o’clock in the morning.
She lowered the ice, feeling the fatigue outweigh her hunger for food.
“Keep that ice on there.” Mick’s deep voice startled her as she immediately replaced the
ice against her cheek a little too quickly. She felt
the pain, cringed, then closed her eyes. Mick seemed so critical and had such an ego
with his sexy dimples and jet-black hair. Her pussy clenched,
and her nipples felt swollen. Just thinking about their good looks made her horny.

I’m so damn tired. Don’t pass out. Don’t pass out.

She repeated the words, hoping her

body would listen. These men couldn’t be trusted.
Hell! She couldn’t trust herself around them. They were too appealing.
In an instant she felt the hand against her cheek and another on her waist. The hand
was warm yet firm against her hip bone. A tingling
sensation went down her thigh, and she swayed a little toward the person, realizing she
never even looked to see who it was. Her eyes popped
open as she faced Sean. She could get lost in the depths of his blue eyes. They held
her gaze, and she stared at his shoulder-length brown hair,
imagining running her fingers through it or holding fistfuls as he thrust his cock deep into
her pussy. Right now it seemed everything led to her pussy.

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She had never thought about the damn body part so much. It seemed she was
obsessing over it. She nearly chuckled out loud until he gently
squeezed her hip bone, clearing her fuzzy head a moment. His warm hand held her
good cheek, and she closed her eyes, craving his touch.
Despite her need to be strong and not give in to their seductive ways, she needed the
“You’re exhausted,” he whispered as he brushed his thumb over her bottom lip. She
pulled the ice pack away, feeling the heat of his stare
and caress warming her and breaking down the fight she so desperately needed to hold
on to.
He leaned a little closer, and she felt the rush of fire go over her skin. Then she
remembered Kyle in the bathroom and how he instantly
stopped all emotion as if their moment meant nothing. She couldn’t live with being
nothing to him. Only something real and concrete would make
her take a chance. Quickly she placed the ice pack back against her cheek, thankful for
the coldness. She just wished the frigid temperature would
freeze her libido so she wouldn’t make a mess of things.
“How’s the food coming along, Mick?” Sean asked with his eyes still holding Ava’s gaze.
She prayed he couldn’t read minds then racked
her brain, trying to remember every detail she knew about wolves. Did Brennan and
Walt really explain everything to her? Obviously not. They left
out the key important factor about mates and control. It seemed that she was at their
mercy. Or perhaps there were certain standards or type of
behavior a female needed to succumb to in the presence of Alpha males.
“All set,” Mick replied, standing on Sean’s other side.
Mick smiled softly. “Let me see how it looks.”
Ava removed the ice as Mick touched her chin and tilted it up with his thick, rough
fingertips. She hardly understood his words as she
absorbed his fine features. He appeared disgusted with the bruise. Not in a way that
made him less manly, more in a manner of wanting perfection
and expecting no less. It was just an assumption, a gut feeling she had that made her
feel a little less perfect even if she didn’t have the bruised
cheekbone. Thank goodness he hadn’t seen the slight redness on her waist as Kyle
had. He might not want to touch her. She felt the
disappointment as quickly as the thought reached her brain. He appeared more critical
and clean-cut. But what did she know? Obviously,
appearances could be deceiving. They were wolves hiding in human form. Was she
overthinking their every move and word or was she suddenly
feeling inferior and lacking in self-confidence? Was she contemplating an emotional
attachment to these men?
“We should ice it some more after you eat something. I don’t like the way that deep
bruising is spreading toward your eye. You might wind
up with a black eye by morning. Unacceptable,” he stated before he nodded for her to
place the ice back onto her cheek. His stern expression
added to the intensity of his final word.

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“It is morning,” Pat added to the conversation. She glanced at him and his intense gaze.
Standing at over six feet three inches, with an
expression of dominance and concern that made her swallow hard, he was just as good
looking as the others. But he seemed intense and perhaps
arrogant in a debonair type of manner. At least that was the impression she had thus far.
Ava remained silent. She was definitely losing her mind. She, with her lack of
experience with men, couldn’t be so bold as to believe she
pegged each of them so accurately. What did she really know about any of them except
the obvious that kept slipping her mind? How in the world
could she be a mate to five men? The thought alone set her internal thermometer
higher, making her feel out of control with Mick and Sean touching
her and standing so close to her. She might combust if the others surrounded her, too.
She felt panicky.

I need to get out of here.

* * * *
Mick watched Ava and knew she was exhausted and scared. Every time he looked her
way, she appeared either ready to bolt or about to
cry. He felt bad for her, and he wondered what she had gone through and about her life
back in Ireland. As he watched her and the way her long
brown locks cascaded over her shoulders and down her back, he imagined holding her
close to him, perhaps grabbing a handful of the brown silk
or running his fingers through it as he made love to her. He was shocked at all the wild,
erotic thoughts running through his head. She was their
mate, and it was all natural, but not to Ava. She was human, and she had been on the
run for a while. He and his brothers would have to tread
carefully. He took a bite of food just as he heard his brother Willy.

“What the fuck happened? Is Ava all right?”

Willy asked through their mind link, sounding

groggy and very pissed off.
“Excuse me,” Mick stated, grabbing everyone’s attention as he rose from his seat. His
brothers knew where he was going and that Willy
awoke, but not Ava. She was too tired to notice Mick’s abrupt departure.
* * * *
“Where is she?” Willy asked as he slowly sat up on the couch and ran his fingers
through his hair. He was trying to regain his focus, but his
body felt heavy and his mind groggy.
“She is in the kitchen with the others. They’re eating,” Mick stated.
“Is she all right?” Willy asked.
“She has some bruising along her cheekbone. She may have a shiner by morning.”
“Fuck! When I saw that piece of shit strike her I nearly shifted,” Willy stated as he
debated about standing.
“Do you want to see her?” Mick asked, sounding cautious and rightfully so, because
right now Willy’s wolf was furious and the man just as
“No. If I see her now in the state I am in I will throw her over my knee and paddle her
ass for what she has done. It’s better if the rest of you
monitor her. How does she seem otherwise?”
“Ready to bolt.”

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Willy widened his eyes before he shook his head. “She’s scared. We have to make her
see that we mean to protect her, not place her in
further danger. Obviously we underestimated her.”
“More easily said than done, Willy. She’s a tough one. She tried taking off after we
ensured her that you would be okay after the sedative
she gave you.”
“What? How far did she get?”
Mick chuckled. “Not far at all. She can feel the attraction. If we can just make her
understand and accept it, then we can find out more about
her and this Fenly character.”
“Tread carefully and restrain her if necessary. I’m not up for another excursion of
chasing her. I’m going to go take a shower then head to
bed. We’ll deal with this when I have a clearer head. Oh…and make sure she doesn’t
have any more tranquilizers on her.”
Mick chuckled as Willy headed upstairs.

Chapter 10

The house was totally quiet. Ava awoke, startled and unsure where she was for a
moment until the softness of the bed, warm and king-size,
encased her body. It must have been one of those special foam mattresses that
contoured to a person’s body. She hadn’t remembered even
getting into bed. She was so exhausted she hadn’t even awoken with one of her nightly
nightmares. She looked around. The light of the earlymorning
sun filtered through the shades on the large custom windows. Her body fought to
remain in place and rest a little longer. She wasn’t sore,
just worn out.
She thought of them. The Declan brothers and their claim to her. Damn Walt, and damn
the stupid Circle of Elders. She wasn’t going to let
these men control her life, nor would she let a group of were she never met or knew
existed. This wasn’t what she wanted. She had to kill Fenly and
gain back what was rightfully hers and her ancestors’. She was wasting time dwelling on
what could possibly happen between her and the men
when she should be focusing on getting out of here. She wasn’t going to get all soft and
cuddly with these men and forget her responsibilities. As
wonderful as it felt to be held in a man’s arms and kissed so deeply, revenge mattered
more. If she could get back to her apartment she could grab
more syringes and perhaps kill Fenly here in the States. Then she could just hop onto a
plane and reclaim the castle.

More easily said than done,


Carefully, as to not make any noise, she slowly rolled to her side and slid off of the bed.
Still in her jeans and T-shirt, she looked around the
floor and found her sneakers. She recalled Mick carrying her upstairs after she nearly
passed out in the kitchen. He must have tucked her into bed,
being sure to remove her sneakers. Considering that her clothes were still on, she was
confident that the Declan brothers were gentlemen. They
also seemed much older than her, despite their youthful appearances. Maybe it was
their professions or just the whole confident wolf mentality, but

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it kind of made her feel inferior. She should be used to having to prove herself. Hadn’t
she been doing that all her life? Even when it came to the
family business and her father, she had to prove her capabilities.
She swallowed hard, feeling the tears fill her eyes. In the last twenty-four hours she
hadn’t thought about him. The men had been a
distraction. She couldn’t think straight here. She couldn’t plan her revenge and destroy
Fenly from here and under the Declan pack’s perusal. She
felt her belly quiver with fear, and her hands began to shake. She had survived on her
own for the last two years, but she admitted to herself she did
have money, Walt, and Brennan. Maybe this was a battle she would lose. She
swallowed hard and shook the defeating thoughts from her tired
mind. She was an O’Brian, and O’Brians didn’t give up easily.
Ava debated about heading out of the window or walking through the house and
chancing an encounter with one of the men. She opted for
the window, but as she opened the blinds she caught sight of a wolf walking in the yard.
She had to do a double take and be sure that her eyes
weren’t playing tricks on her. It appeared as if it watched her or was guarding outside
the window waiting for her to appear. So much for feeling
unthreatened and trusted by the wolves. She felt a mix of emotions. She felt scared that
the wolf may attack her just as Fenly and his crew had, she
felt keenly aware of its high intelligence, as if she could understand him and know that
he was watching for her, and she felt guilty. That was the
oddest feeling she had. She didn’t owe these men anything. She didn’t owe these
wolves a damn thing, and she certainly hadn’t asked for the
danger and conflicts in her life. She felt angry and determined to fight being controlled.
She wanted to take charge. She wanted the final say, and
the faster she got these Declan men out of her life, the stronger and more independent
she would feel and be. She fought those feelings of guilt at
sneaking away from them. Hadn’t they proven they didn’t trust her? If they did trust her
or feel what she felt when they kissed, then they wouldn’t be
able to walk away like Kyle did from her. They wouldn’t be able to guard outside her
window untrustingly and waiting for her attempted escape. A
relationship starting with distrust and lies wasn’t going to last as a relationship at all.
Taking a deep breath, she made her decision to leave.
She slowly walked backward, away from the window and out of the wolf’s sight. She
was tired, her eye ached a little, but a quick glance into
the mirror revealed that she hadn’t gotten the black eye after all and Mick was right
about the ice pack. Thoughts of his orders to ice the bruise as
he caressed her cheek gave her a funny feeling inside. She was scared of what these
Declan men made her feel and scared to be susceptible to
their control and more especially their wrath. They were animals, and in anger or at her
defiance of their rules and demands they could turn on her.
With fear leading her way, she opened the bedroom door. Upon entering the hallway
she didn’t hear a sound, so she headed toward the staircase.
The house was gorgeous. It had an old-world charm that reminded her of a villa or
something located in a wooded area secluded from civilization to

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be one with nature. She didn’t want to be one with nature right now. She wanted
As she slowly walked down the staircase, she looked over the balcony that stood above
the large entryway and near the living room. No one
was in sight. She looked out the large window that sat above the front doorway and was
reminded of the wooded seclusion of the house location.
She panicked a moment, wondering what direction to go in. Hadn’t there been some
kind of road last night? She was at the front door when she
took a last breath, preparing herself to run. That’s when she smelled something familiar
and pleasant. Was it cologne? Did wolves wear cologne?
Her body tingled with an awareness and hunger for more of the scent. She fought the
urge to stay. The Declan men had saved her from danger.
They took her in and offered her safety, even if it was simply because they wanted to
have sex with her and fill her body with their seed. The
thoughts warmed her body instantly, but her mind fought for control as she leaned her
forehead against the door. She held the knob with clenched
fingers, trying to will away the guilt and just run, damn it. That was when she felt the
eyes upon her. She looked up to the right with her hand still
gripping the doorknob, and she saw Willy.
“Don’t run. We’re not here to cause you harm,” he whispered as he stood up from the
couch, holding a mug of something hot. She could see
the steam wafting up through the air. He looked so content and normal. His hair was
slicked back with mousse or gel to spike the edges, and the
black T-shirt he wore stretched across his massive muscles. His large upper body was
in great contrast to his slim waist and the tight fit of his
jeans. But she could tell by the way the thighs of his jeans stretched across thick trunks
of steel that he was pure muscle. He was also probably
ready to pounce on her for drugging him. She began to turn the knob.
“Don’t,” he whispered as he placed the mug onto the table and looked up at her as if
weighing whether she would run or not and if he had
enough time to catch her.
Her heart pounded inside of her chest. She was so confused and so needy suddenly.
She shook her head then pressed her forehead
against the door.
“Please let me go. I don’t belong here,” she stated, sounding so breathless to her own
ears that she cringed from the fragility she felt.
* * * *
William was trying so hard to control his wolf. Still licking his wounds from the fact that
his mate had gotten the upper hand on him last night,
it was difficult to act so calm. He couldn’t let her leave. She was in danger, and she
belonged to them. Their job, their lives now revolved around this
one tough, independent human who made him angry as damn hell then horny as a
young cub on the prowl for pussy.


She was struggling with indecisiveness which could only mean that Mick was right. Ava
was feeling the attraction. If she were a wolf, then

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she would submit and they could move on to strategic plans of protection.
She began to twist the knob of the door, and he jumped into action as she pulled it open
and ran down the front porch.
He was immediately after her, and to the right of her across the front lawn he saw his
brother Kyle in wolf form heading straight toward her.
She apparently caught sight of him at the same time and screamed in fear then bolted
to the left. Willy grabbed her around the waist and hoisted
her up and over his shoulder. He carried her back up the steps and into the house,
closing the door behind him.
He heard her gasp as he grabbed ahold of her, turning her body to face him and pin her
against the front door. He used his stomach and
thigh to keep her body in one spot as he held her hands in front of her and against his
upper chest.
She was out of breath as she stared at him with her gorgeous green eyes wide with
surprise and fear.
“Where’s the wolf? Don’t let him hurt me,” she cried out, sounding terrified.
He caught sight of the bruised cheekbone, and his wolf wanted to roar in anger.
“Please don’t hurt me. You don’t need me. I’m nobody and nothing but trouble. Please
just let me go. I have things to do.”
He held her gaze, absorbed her scent and the feel of her feminine, curvy body against
him. She was scared of his brother in wolf form and
now scared of him, too. He inhaled her scent, letting it flow over his body like a blanket
of contentedness. She belonged to him. She was his mate.
“Hear me out, Ava. There’s nothing but danger beyond those trees. We can protect you
Her fingers trembled beneath his grip as he leaned down and kissed the tops of her
fingers. She gasped as if she expected him to harm
her, perhaps bite her, and it irked him. He squinted his eyes, his anger getting the better
of him. What had Fenly and his pack done to her? He held
her gaze as he softly kissed her fingers again. She watched him, and he could tell that
she was calming down as the green of her eyes softened.
But he wasn’t a fool. He knew that trust did not come easy for Ava. He would tread
carefully. He adjusted his stance. His cock protruding against his
pants was unavoidable. Her eyes widened, and he pressed deeper, holding her gaze
and emitting his desire as only wolves could do. As he
inhaled again, he caught her arousal then locked gazes with her.
“You’re wrong, Ava. You are more important that you think because you are our mate.
We are here to protect you, to provide for you and
make you feel safe and secure. Tell me that you don’t feel the attraction to each of us.
Deny me all you want, but I can smell your arousal,” he
whispered down to her as he held her gaze.
“The wolf? Where is it?” she asked, her body shaking again as her breaths sounded
short and raspy. Her concern over the wolf told him she
wouldn’t be comfortable with any of them in that form. His chest tightened, but he would
press further. After all, she was their mate, and she would
be theirs in both body and soul.

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“He won’t hurt you. It was Kyle. He was just watching over you and making sure that
you wouldn’t get hurt. He’s your protector now, just as I
am and the rest of my brothers are.”
She shook her head in denial, and the green of her eyes glistened with unshed tears.
“Protect me? By stalking the house, my bedroom and turning off emotions like a switch?
That’s not the kind of protection I want. I will not be
a possession.”
He was shocked at her words, at her belief that they couldn’t possibly feel the same
intense attraction she felt. What did she mean by
turning it off like a switch? What had one of his brothers done to her while he was
passed out? That thought angered him, but he had to push that
aside. He was determined to make Ava understand.
“Ava, don’t be scared.”
He released her hands and gently touched along her cheekbone opposite of the bruised
one. She struggled to be free as he used his body
to keep her in position, and his erection grew harder from the close proximity to his
He cupped her cheek and held her gaze. “You’re more beautiful than I ever could have
hoped for in a mate. You’re strong willed,
independent, and you need to face the facts. We are all your mates and you belong to
us, Ava, just as we belong to you.”
“Where is she?” Sean yelled as he came running down the staircase in only a towel.
Ava’s mouth gaped open before she shyly turned her head away.
Willy got a funny sensation in his gut. Her innocence shined through unintentionally, and
it seemed his brother’s near nakedness aroused
her, too. Willy took that moment to hoist her a little higher up his thigh.
* * * *
Ava closed her eyes and willed away the desire to stare. She didn’t want to feel the
sexual pull toward Willy or Sean. She didn’t want to feel
it toward any of them, and just as she made the decision to fight Willy for her release,
she felt his erection against the sensitive flesh between her
thighs. Sinful images filled her mind as Sean came out of nowhere half-naked. Just as
she tried to recover from his near nakedness, the side door
opened, and someone came running toward them. She gasped as Kyle appeared
completely naked with his hands on his hips and anger filling his
face. At least she thought that’s what she saw. Other parts of his body seemed way
more important to absorb than his blue eyes.
Her breathing grew rapid, and her pussy actually throbbed. Was this a normal reaction
to a naked man?
“I…I…” She was at a complete loss for words. Dips and curves of muscular flesh
dipping into more ridges of muscular flesh filled her vision.
Lean waist, solid, wide shoulders, and oh, lord, a cock that stood up straight, thick, and
very long. She swallowed hard and felt the tightness in her
chest. Kyle was just a wolf ready to attack her just moments ago.
She shook her head and haphazardly tried to push Willy away, but he wouldn’t have
that. His firm hold, the intensity of his eyes drew her in

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deeper. Her body hummed with awareness and need. She wanted him to kiss her, to
taste her, to do something before she lost it.
“Ava. It’s okay. We won’t hurt you. In fact, you might be quite pleased just how good we
can make you feel.” Before she could give any type
of verbal or facial retort, he kissed her. Willy licked the seam between her lips then
plunged in deep. He pressed her body against the wooden door
then pushed her hand over the erection between his legs. The hunger in his kiss fed her
own inner hunger she was trying so desperately to ignore.
He deepened the kiss and caressed her breast as her hand remained glued to the long,
thick cock. The jeans he wore prevented the skinto-
skin contact, but she could have sworn she felt the heat penetrate through the material
anyway. He touched her everywhere from breast to neck,
to shoulders, then back to her breast. When he slowly released her lips to trail kisses
along her neck, he made his demands while she battled to
remain upright.
“Touch me, Ava. My body is yours to do as you please with it. Feel my desire for you.
Accept the hunger you feel and let us satisfy that
“Oh God,” she moaned as she moved her fingers up and down the shaft, feeling how
hard he was, and scared out of her mind about
whether he could fit inside of her. How did she go from being kissed to wanting to give
up her virginity and seek the ultimate action of love? Love?
There wasn’t any mention of love or falling in love, just protection, possession, and
security. Could she accept those things and not love? She felt
like crying out in frustration. Were the need to be held and the need for a deeper
connection with another person so great that she could throw
aside her virtue, her independence? His strong, thick arms felt so good holding her. She
clenched her eyes tighter, relishing in the moment as her
mind argued to fight this thing, this wild, out-of-control attraction invading all her senses.
“Don’t overthink this. Just go with how you are feeling and we will take care of the rest,”
Kyle said, touching her cheek. Somehow she knew
it was Kyle despite the fact that Willy remained holding her and spreading kisses along
her neck and shoulder. As Kyle’s fingertips touched her
cheek, sparks of warmth and need filtered through her skin and across her entire body.
She opened her eyes, and while holding his gaze she saw
sincerity and something else she didn’t recognize.
“Get her to the bedroom,” Mick commanded as he and Pat called from upstairs.
She looked up toward the top of the staircase and could see their eyes sparkling, almost
glowing as they stood completely naked.
“Oh my God,” she whispered then grasped Willy’s shoulders. “Wait!” she exclaimed then
swallowed hard. Willy froze in place, his eyes
widened, and then he softened his expression in consideration for her obvious concern.
“We won’t hurt you. I promise, we will help you to understand that we are all meant to
be together.”
“But how? How do you know? How can you be sure that I’m it?” she asked, holding his

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He squeezed her a little firmer then smiled. “Wolves have a keen sense. In fact using
our senses and being in tune to the spirits helps us to
survive,” Willy whispered.
“But how do you know that your senses are accurate? I don’t know any of you at all, yet
even after my experience around wolves and their
violent, dominant behavior my body tells me otherwise.”
“That’s the mating musk, Ava. It’s the spirits’ way of keeping our wolves in tune to one
another as we complete the mating. Go with it. Don’t
fight your destiny and we promise that we will never leave you and you will never be
alone,” Kyle offered as he stood to the side of her.
Tears filled her eyes at his words. To never be alone again? Could it be possible, or
were these just promises to get her to submit to them?
She battled inside between her mind and her body. Her gut told her one thing, but her
fear of betrayal and distrust ruled her every move thus far. The
sight of them naked, all male and potentially all hers, both turned her on and frightened
the living daylights out of her. She shyly turned back to Willy.
“What about dating a bit? Ya know, to make sure we’re all feeling the same thing,” Ava
asked, hating how shaky her voice sounded. How
immature and inexperienced she was at all this. Even as the words left her lips, she
wanted to take them back. She should just follow her gut and
see where this led. She had nothing to lose except her sanity and of course her virginity.
Hadn’t that been her focus the last few weeks, besides a
“Wolves don’t date, sweet Ava,” Willy told her firmly with charisma and sex appeal that
nearly made her moan, and then he winked. The
deep, masculine tone of his voice and the way his eyes began to glow made her belly
quiver and her pussy throb to be touched.
“Oh,” was the lame response she gave.
Willy lifted her up, causing her to wrap her legs around his waist. He smiled at her, and
her heart filled with joy at the sweet expression. Her
gut and her heart felt safe with him, with all of them. This could be the biggest mistake
of her life, but if it was she would blame them for it tomorrow.
As he walked she clung to him, absorbing his strength and suddenly feeling sexy and
attractive. Only days and hours earlier, she was alone, trying
to survive while she sought her revenge and never thinking she could be in a
relationship with a man or even just have sex.
Now here she was being carried up to a bedroom by one man heading toward others,
and all of them wanted to have sex with her. Over
Willy’s shoulder she stared at the front door, the last opportunity for exit before taking a
giant leap into the unknown. Her body shook, and Willy must
have sensed her fear. He rubbed her back then across her rear while he used his one
arm to hold her securely. He was strong, sexy as sin, and the
closer they got to the top of the stairs and the others, the stronger her body burned with
Waves of desire and need like she never knew existed filled her to the core. Prickling
sensations of heat and attraction ran havoc through

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her veins with every step up the staircase that Willy took. Her pussy swelled, and she
rubbed herself against Willy, eliciting a moan from him and
soft growl.
“I can’t wait to be inside of you, to scratch that itch you’re feeling, Ava. It’s getting bad
isn’t it, baby?” he asked as she felt the sensations
grow stronger. Was it some kind of spell or something? Did he mention something
called mating musk? She should have asked more questions,
but a need so strong began to take control of her now. She wanted to rip off his clothing
and devour him with her mouth and her body.
“Oh, Willy, what is it? What are you all doing to me?” she begged to know as they
entered a bedroom and she felt the fingers against her Tshirt.
She instinctively lifted up, allowing someone to shed her of the material. She panted
and rubbed her mound against Willy’s waist. The rough
material of his jeans was a barrier she wanted gone right now.
Willy leaned forward and kissed her chest. He nibbled along the black lace of her bra
then licked the deep valley between them.
“You taste so good, Ava. I want to taste more. Will you let me taste more, Ava?”
“Yes! Oh yes, please, I need more.” She panted. Instantly Willy lowered her to her feet.
She felt multiple sets of hands touching her, peeling
her jeans off her body so she stood in only her black thong and matching bra. She
wasn’t self-conscious at all but instead needy. She felt so damn
needy she was practically begging to be fucked.
“Please,” she whispered as she watched Willy undress in a flash and felt someone
kneel down behind her and begin kissing her lower back
then spread her thighs. As soon as firm lips made contact with her bare skin, she
moaned and swayed on her feet. Those tiny prickling sensations
bubbled just under the surface of her skin. Images of her being touched in every
intimate part awoke a fire inside of her. She wanted to feel Mick,
Willy, Sean, Pat, and Kyle each touch her and explore her body. The thoughts flashed
through her mind. She felt her own body come to life as the
touches against her skin were too light and teasing. “Touch me,” she commanded to all
as the desire she felt became almost too much for her to
remain standing.
She glanced over her shoulder and she saw that it was Mick whose tongue and lips
licked and kissed her lower back. She reached back to
touch his cheek as his warm breath hit her sensitive skin. She was nervous a moment,
almost expecting him to be disappointed in her body and
what he saw. He was critical, and she wanted to please him.
“My beautiful Ava, you are so sexy. Your skin looks like buttermilk and feels like satin,”
he whispered then nibbled along her spine, causing
her to moan as fluid spilled from her pussy. Relieved, she gave in to the sensations and
clung to his words.
“Mine,” Willie exclaimed as Mick pulled her foot on top of his right thigh, opening her to
Willy and the others.
She felt the fingers softly disconnect the clasp of her bra then remove the garment.
Gasps of what she hoped were delight echoed around

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her right before she felt the tips of tongues against her nipples.
For a moment she feared whether she was sexy enough for such exquisite men. She
had too many freckles along her skin, her legs were
too long and her waist short. But immediately those thoughts disappeared as the
realization hit her that two men were devouring her breasts
She grabbed ahold of Sean’s and Pat’s heads as they took their fill, licking and pulling
on her sensitive nipples, causing her body to release
tiny spasms. The knowledge that five strong, masculine men touched her, licked her at
the same time made her wild for more.
A warm breath collided with her panties in the spot that covered her pussy lips. Her hips
had a mind of their own as they pushed forward
toward Willy’s mouth.
“Please touch me. Oh please, Willy,” she begged. Just then Kyle nipped along her
shoulder as Mick ran the palm of his hand over her ass
cheek. He began kneading her, crushing her flesh with his strong hands, causing her
pussy to leak a small amount of cream.
“More than a handful, just the way I like it. You’ve got a great ass, Ava,” Mick said before
he gave a little nip. Simultaneously Willy pulled her
thong from her body then tossed it to the side. Sean and Pat nibbled harder on her
nipples, and her pussy lips throbbed.
“Oh God!” she screamed, holding on to Pat’s and Sean’s heads as she thrust her hips
forward the second Willy’s palms spread her thighs
as Mick assisted. She felt her thighs shake as she attempted to pull them closed. She
had never been naked in front of any man before and never
this vulnerable.
“Easy, honey, remember that we are your mates. You belong with us. Don’t be scared,”
Willy whispered then kissed her belly softly as Mick
caressed her thighs wider. She shook with anticipation and stimulus overload. A lick to
her navel, then lower, sent her over the edge and she held
on to Pat and Sean, riding out each wave and tiny tremor. As she felt Willy’s fingers
touch her pussy lips then part her folds, she cried out and felt
the moisture seep from her pussy.
“Oh yeah! Keep it up, Ava, give us all you got,” Kyle demanded, licking up her spine,
causing her to push her pelvis forward.
“You look so fucking hot right now, mate,” Mick whispered as he cupped her face
between his hands and held her gaze. She panted, feeling
nearly out of her mind with pleasure from all five men touching her at once. How the hell
did they do that? How were they all able to have a piece of
her already? Had they had practice at sharing a woman? They must have. The thought
bothered her as she opened her eyes and locked gazes with
Mick. Mick’s hazel eyes looked wild right before he covered her mouth and kissed her.
Just then Willy plunged his tongue between her sopping-wet
folds, causing her to lose her mind and give in to these glorious five men.
Mick continued to kiss her mouth, exploring every inch as their tongues dueled for
control. She moaned as he held her head with one hand

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then laid his large palm over her throat and neck in a show of dominance that should
have caused fear. Instead she felt aroused as he caressed her
lightly with his fingertips. Her breasts tingled and throbbed. They felt fuller, rounder as
Pat and Sean lapped at each mound, pulling, tugging, then
trying to suck as much as they could into their hot, moist mouths. Their fingertips
brushed softly against her ribs and the underside of her breasts,
adding to all these wild sensations. Their long, thick cocks tapped against her hips. Willy
continued to taste, to lick and swirl his tongue along her
pussy lips then plunge inside of her, causing more fluid of pleasure to release from her
body. Kyle nipped and massaged her ass cheeks as the
others all helped to keep her upright.
“Beautiful,” Kyle whispered right before he nipped at the sensitive flesh below the fold of
her ass cheeks. Knowing that his brother Willy’s
mouth was against her pussy and every man had a part of her, she exploded, moaning
her release into Mick’s mouth and losing complete control of
her body.
She swayed then fell forward. All of her men caught her.
* * * *
Willy undressed as his brothers continued to arouse and explore their mate’s body. He
then lifted her up into the air and cuddled her close
to him. He turned, making his way to the bed, then placed her onto the thick brown
comforter. He couldn’t believe how intense his feelings for her
were. His wolf knew that she was his mate and his brothers’ mate even though the man
was concerned. Every swipe of cream he tasted made his
hunger grow stronger. Ava was scared and had been alone for what he believed to be
the better part of two years. She showed through action her
fearlessness and her need to maintain her independence. The man respected that, and
the wolf wanted to challenge that independence. He wanted
all of her. His instincts warned him to take things slowly with Ava. She wasn’t a wolf, and
he reminded his men of that through their mind link. They
didn’t want to overwhelm her. At least not the first time they made love to their woman.
As lead Alpha, it was Willy who would claim her first. Willy held Ava’s gaze as he
maneuvered his hips between her thighs. He watched her
take a deep breath and anticipated the fear that would cover her face, and he was
surprised when he saw compassion instead. Her delicate
fingers brushed against his cheeks, and he closed his eyes, relishing in her touch. She
was feminine and sweet, yet her hands felt firm and strong.
She wasn’t some breakable female. No way, not his Ava. She was toned and strong,
inside and out.
“We want you, Ava,” he whispered then slightly turned his cheek so he could kiss the
palm of her hand. He felt his brothers’ eyes upon them,
and when he looked up, Ava smiled then touched her chin to her chest.
“I want you, too. Crazy as all this is to me, I want all of you.”
“Then all of us, you shall have,” Willy replied then adjusted his hips and aligned his cock
to her entrance. He leaned over her to brush his lips

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softly across her tender ones. She tasted honeyed and he suddenly couldn’t get enough
of her. Slowly, as not to scare her, Willy began to push
between her sacred folds, eliciting a soft moan from Ava, and then the warm gush of
nectar eased his cock through.
“So tight, sweet Ava,” he whispered through clenched teeth. It took everything he had
not to shove forward and claim her as his wolf was
demanding to do. He focused on her soft skin, the light tickle of her breath as it collided
with his sensitive flesh.
“Oh, Willy, I never thought it would feel like this,” she stated then tilted her hips forward.
He took it as a sign that she was ready for more of
him as he inched his way deeper, spreading her thighs, penetrating the snug vaginal
The perspiration reached his brow, and his wolf cried out in agony to take what was
rightfully his. As he pulled back out slowly, the deep
sensations challenged his control. She felt so incredible and was a perfect fit.
“Fuck!” He rammed forward. Ava screamed then panted for air.
“Oh God, Willy, more, harder,” she told him, and that was it. He didn’t hold back. He
couldn’t resist the feel of her warmth, the scent of her
nectar as it wafted through the air and attacked every sense in his body. He pulled back
then rammed forward again, causing Ava to shake as he
felt tiny ripples of release escape from her body. In and out, he sought a rhythm that
would keep the man in control and more than satisfy his mate.
Thrust after thrust, he felt Ava dig into his skin, her fingertips press into his flesh, feeding
his hunger and bringing his wolf to near the surface. He
looked down at her, catching the hunger in her eyes. She was getting close. He could
feel her vaginal muscles grip his cock and swell.
He covered her mouth with his own, devouring her moans as he caressed her breasts,
pulled and pinched her nipples, eliciting more heavy
moans from Ava before she thrust up against his cock.
“It feels so good, Ava. I can’t hold back much longer. You’re just too perfect,” he stated
after releasing her lips and scattering kisses, sucks,
and nibbles along her collarbone.
Ava moaned again, and Willy sat up, repositioned Ava’s body so he could thrust deeper
and penetrate more. He ran his hands along her
thighs, thrusting his hips forward as he stared down at his woman. Her breasts bounced
and swayed with every thrust. He reached out to play with
her taut, pink nipples then trailed his finger down along her belly to her pussy lips. When
he touched a finger to her folds as he continued to thrust his
cock slowly in and out of her, she closed her eyes and moaned, thrusting her hips back
at him.
“So beautiful,” Sean whispered, causing Ava to open her eyes and look from Sean to
Willy. Willy held her hip bones, noticing the small
shamrock tattoo with the letters AO in the center of it that decorated her hip. He brushed
a thumb across it.
“Baby, I need to taste you, too,” Sean stated, and she held his gaze and gave a small,
unsteady smile, but it was still a consent. Sean

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brushed his lips across her mouth then kissed along her throat and her chest before
taking a nipple into his mouth. Willy thrust at the same time,
causing Ava to moan again.
“Just so damn beautiful, and all ours,” Mick added as he leaned over her other side and
kissed her. He, too, licked along her neck then
made his way to her other breast. A pinch and then a lick, the sight hardened Willy as
he thrust deeper. Ava’s big green eyes held his as her lips
“Such a soft, wet mouth you have, Ava. I can’t wait to slide my cock into that mouth and
feel you suck me,” Willy told her, and a gush of fluid
lubricated his cock, sending him into a series of thrusts.
“I can’t hold back. Come with me. Come!” Willy demanded, taking her hips and thrusting
forward. In and out, he pounded into her, trying to
scratch his own itch and release his seed into her womb. The thought that she would be
the mother of their cubs brought on immense feelings of
possessiveness, and he had to claim her now. Sean and Mick took that second to pull
her nipples as Willy shoved forward. Ava screamed her
release as Willy roared then shook as he filled her womb and kept going until there was
nothing left.
Willy leaned forward, his brothers moving to the side as he caressed Ava’s hair and
kissed her mouth. He held a handful of her chocolate
locks and squeezed her to him.
“Are you okay?” he whispered as they touched foreheads, and he saw her smile.
“If I knew that sex would be this good, I would have tried it sooner,” Ava whispered, and
Willy pulled back in shock.
* * * *
Ava was in heaven. She never would have thought that sex would feel like this. She
wanted more, and she wanted all of them, but now that
she just made that statement to Willy, she was feeling as if she might be in some kind of
trouble. Why were his eyes glowing anyway?
“Willy, what is it?” she asked as Sean and Mick lay by her sides while Willy pulled slowly
from her body. The sight of his thick, strong
muscles had her all revved up again. One glance at any of the men and she was a
walking pussy waiting for cock.
She giggled inside at the thought. She had never even said those words in her head
before, and now after one bout of sex with a wolf man,
she felt cocky.
Willy reached up and touched her cheek.
“You’re a virgin?” he asked her, and she swallowed hard as she glanced at the others
and their firm expressions. Were they angry because
she wasn’t experienced?
She started to feel angry, and whenever she got angry she got sarcastic.
“Not anymore thanks to you. Do you have a problem with that?” she asked, and he
raised his eyebrows. Willy leaned forward until his lips
were inches from hers. His thick thigh pressed against her very sensitive pussy, and she
had to close her eyes to maintain some dignity and

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“Watch your tone, Ava. I don’t have a problem with it. None of us do. It just makes this
relationship between us even more special. We all
need to make love to you tonight.” With that, he kissed her then rose from the bed.
Before she could decipher what was happening, Mick pulled her
to him and kissed her.
She immediately accepted his possessive kiss and explored his body with her hands.
Swiftly he rolled to his back, taking her with him. Now
she sat above him, straddling his hips. He smiled, showing off his dimples, and then
thrust upward, and his long, thick cock tapped against his tight
abs. She leaned forward, causing her thick hair to cover her breasts as Mick lifted her
up. She took his cock into her hands and held it for a
moment. It was smooth and long, thicker than she thought one would be, and she was
pleased with the moans he emitted at her touch.
“Don’t tease, Ava. Take me,” Mick told her then thrust upward.
Ava felt sexy and in control, and she realized that she liked feeling this way. Perhaps
wolves could be dominated sometimes, and if so, she
was definitely the one to do it.
She kneeled above him, and taking his cock into her hands, she rubbed it back and
forth across her wet folds. Closing her eyes, she felt
empowered and hungry. Suddenly she picked up on what she could only describe as
their energy. She looked up to find Sean holding his cock and
staring at her with blue eyes sparkling. Then she saw Pat sitting in a chair, naked and
hard as the cock she held in her hands. Then she felt the
hands on her shoulders and closed her eyes. Kyle. It had to be Kyle.
“Stop teasing, or else,” Mick stated, and she felt the tiny sensations encompass her
body. Her skin tingled with anticipation as she lowered
herself over Mick’s shaft and took him inside. Halfway down, she paused as the fullness
overwhelmed her.
She sat still, unsure how to move on top of him since she never did this before and she
couldn’t speak. His cock was long and thick and
took her breath away, and she had yet to take him completely inside of her.
Mick cupped her breasts, and she moaned from the feel of his large hands, warm and
“Nice and slow, Ava. Mick is big, and he doesn’t want to hurt you,” Kyle directed her as
he massaged her shoulders from behind and
whispered against her ear.
She closed her eyes and absorbed the feel of both men touching her.
“That’s it, honey. Up and down, you can take all of me. I know you can,” Mick whispered
as he pulled on her breasts, tweaking her nipples,
causing her to lean forward.
Kyle helped her down by rubbing her shoulders and spine all the way to the crack of her
ass. As she took Mick completely inside of her, she
held her breath, and Kyle pressed a finger to her forbidden hole. She jerked upward
only to be pressed back down on top of Mick. “Whoa, baby,

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relax. No one is going to hurt you. This ass is just so perfect. With five mates, we need
to get this ass ready for cock,” Kyle whispered soothingly
against her ear before twirling his tongue and nibbling on her earlobe. She moaned then
thrust her hips as a flood of moisture gushed from her
“Oh God, I don’t think I can. This is too much,” she blurted out as Mick thrust upward
and Kyle helped move her hips to get her into a rhythm.
They were going to teach her a lot. She just knew it.
“Up and down, Ava. Just lift and lower yourself. Feel his thick cock penetrate deeper.
Take him as deep as you can, baby, and claim what
belongs to you.” Kyle directed her as he rubbed his hands over her skin while Mick
pulled on her breasts.
It appeared that Kyle was a master at this and demanding of what he wanted from her.
The thought excited her, and instantly she imagined
trusting him coming more easily with each caress.
Soon she was lost in their lovemaking. With each thrust she could feel Mick’s cock grow
thicker and thicker. She increased her rhythm,
causing Mick to close his eyes and thrust upward toward her.
“I’m gonna come, Ava. So hot and so tight, I can’t hold back. Move faster,” he
commanded her as she grabbed his shoulders, pressed her
breasts to his face, and thrust up and down. Mick licked, nibbled, and pulled with teeth,
causing her to scream. Kyle took that second to press a
finger to her pussy lips from behind and then move over her forbidden hole. She
screamed her release just as Mick hollered his. She felt his hot
seed penetrate her womb, and her eyes popped open.
“Protection! I forgot about protection.”
Mick pulled her down and hugged her to him. He rolled her to her side and caressed her
“You don’t need any. You are our mate and we will take care of you.”
“But I’m not ready for this. I’m not ready for babies. I have things to do first. It’s not safe.
He’ll come for me. He’ll kill me, he’ll kill the baby.”
Ava panicked as the tears rolled down her cheeks. Mick’s eyes widened in shock, but
he pulled Ava to him and offered her comfort.
She absorbed the masculine embrace and tried to calm down. She suddenly became so
attached to these men. She’d only had sex with
two of them. What would happen after she had sex with all five? If all five men came
inside of her, the likelihood of pregnancy would be like what…a
trillion fucking percent?


Ava pulled from Mick’s embrace and rolled to the side. She hadn’t expected Sean to be
there, but he was as he pulled her into his arms
and rolled her to her back.
He covered her body and held her face between his hands.
Ava locked gazes with his blue eyes. He looked wild and untamable. She’d wanted to
run her fingers through his hair from the first moment
she saw him.

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“Ava, calm down and listen to me. Everything is going to be fine. We are your mates.
We’re your life partners. No one will ever hurt you
again, and no one will ever hurt our babies. We will protect you both with our lives,”
Sean stated firmly, and she sensed his sincerity, his truthfulness
and dedication to her. It didn’t take her being a wolf to see it in his eyes and hear it in his
voice. She began to calm down and put aside the concern
over Fenly for now. The feel of such a large, muscular man like Sean on top of her
naked aroused her overzealous sexual organs and made her
focus on the here and now.
“That’s it, honey. Close your eyes and feel,” Kyle told her as he joined them on the bed.
Mick and Willy were no longer in sight, but Kyle,
Sean, and Pat were. They now surrounded her on the bed.
* * * *
Sean rolled to his back, taking Ava along with him. She straddled his hips and pushed
aside her long, brown hair so they could lock gazes.
Sean smiled at her as he reached up under her hair and cupped her neck and ear.
“Kiss me, Ava. I want to taste you,” Sean stated, pulling her down to him.
Sean knew what Kyle was going to do and then Pat. They spoke through their mind link,
determined to claim their mate and make her feel
safe and secure with them.

She needs to get used to all of us. She’s so responsive. I’ll take the lead back here, relax

her before I prepare this ass to be taken.”


spoke to Sean


“My pleasure, brother. Just take it real slow with her. I don’t want to scare her. She’s special
and I have an overwhelming need to protect
her from feeling any pain.”

Sean offered as he held Ava’s gaze


Ava moaned as Kyle rubbed along her spine. Sean continued to kiss her fully then
released her lips and trailed kisses along her neck and
shoulder. He sensed Ava relaxing until Kyle made his move.
* * * *
Kyle ran his fingertips over Ava’s curves then between her thighs. He could see her
nectar dripping from her pussy, and his wolf wanted to
“So wet for us, Ava. Your body knows it belongs to us,” he teased then pressed a finger
to her cunt. He rubbed gently between the folds
before submerging a digit into her. He eased his finger in and out, focusing on her
moaning. Sean lifted his legs, spreading Ava wider so that Kyle
could add another digit and prepare her body.
In and out, he thrust his finger, adding a second digit then a third. He kept a palm to her
ass cheek, massaging and manipulating the tender
flesh below her ass and next to the oversensitive crevice.
Kyle lashed out his tongue, unable to resist taking a taste, and Ava moaned again. “Oh,
Kyle, that feels so good,” she told him, so he licked
her again then sucked her clitoris into his mouth. He nibbled it gently, and she moaned
then pressed her chest to Sean’s chest.
“Come here,” Sean stated then covered Ava’s mouth with his own, kissing her deeply.

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Behind her Kyle pulled his fingers from her pussy and replaced them with his cock. It
was dripping with pre-cum and hard as steel.
“I got something for this sweet, hot pussy, Ava. Get ready,” he whispered as Ava jerked
a little, moaned against Sean’s mouth, but
remained in place between Sean’s outstretched legs.
Kyle pressed the mushroom top to her folds and rubbed back and forth along the
cream. She dripped some more and moaned, giving him
silent permission to continue.
“Get ready, baby, because going slow is over.”
Kyle pressed forward, and once he was halfway through the tight vaginal muscles he
growled and shoved in deep until his balls hit her ass
cheeks. That damn ass was so fucking perfect, and he squeezed it as he pulled out
then thrust back hard. Ava moaned, and Sean released her lips
then lifted her up a little so he could lick and suck on her breasts.
“Take this or I’m going to fucking come right here,” Pat stated to Kyle, holding a tube of
Kyle thrust in and out of Ava as Sean continued to suck on her.
“You do it. I’m fucking my mate right now,” Kyle stated, and even he was shocked at the
seriousness and depth of his words. Ava’s body
reacted as well, and she shivered then released more fluid from her pussy, lubricating
Kyle’s cock. As he thrust in and out of her pussy from behind,
the sloshing sounds filled the bedroom.
“Oh yeah, Ava, that’s it. She’s so fucking wet, she may not need the lube,” Kyle said
through clenched teeth as he thrust in and out of her,
picking up speed. Pat reached across and pressed a finger with lube to her anus. Ava
screamed then shoved back against Kyle.
“Oh God, what is that?” Ava asked, meeting Kyle thrust for thrust as Pat pulled his finger
from her.
“You’re killing me, baby. Oh so good, that’s it.” Kyle yelled then thrust into her again and
again, feeling her tighten up and about to explode.
“She’s mine,” Kyle firmly announced then swiped a finger over the sensitive crevice
before Pat could touch her again.
Kyle pressed his finger to her tight rings and pushed gently inside.
Ava screamed her release, and Kyle rocked forward, exploding inside of her.
He calmed his breathing and kissed her shoulder, her neck, and then her spine as he
pulled his finger then his cock from her body.
Ava swayed a little, but Kyle caught her.
“Incredible, Ava. You’re so responsive,” Kyle whispered, wrapping an arm around her
waist from behind and caressing her breasts as he
kissed her. They could smell her arousal and Sean moaned.
“Our turn.”
Mick nibbled on her shoulder a moment, feeling the possessive growl rumble through
his chest. He caressed as much of her body as he
could as he reluctantly released her to Sean and got up from behind her.
* * * *
Sean lifted Ava to his chest, and she straddled him.

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“I want to be inside of you,” he told her, but he wouldn’t force her if she was too tired.
Mick and Kyle were intense lovers. They all were, and
considering Ava was real new at all this, he didn’t want to scare her.
“I want you, too. If we’re going to do this, I need to be with all of you tonight and now,”
she told him, and he smiled with pride. Ava was going
to make a great mate to Alphas.
* * * *
She lifted her hips then eased down on top of Sean. She took his cock slowly inside of
her, now understanding what she needed to do to
bring her men pleasure. Her men? That sounded so strange yet felt so right. Only a
short time ago, when Willy stated that they all needed to have
sex with her because she was a virgin, it had scared the living daylights out of her. She
felt like an object, a possession, something they owned.
That had been one of her fears when Walt explained that she was mate to a bunch of
werewolves. But she could see the sincerity in their eyes, feel
the intensity in their touch, and most importantly she felt a connection. She didn’t know
how she knew it, but she just did.
Staring at Sean with his wavy brown hair and blue eyes, she felt excited and desirable.
He was such a flirt as he thrust his hips upward and
winked at her as if saying, “let’s go, girl, ride me already.” Up and down, she tried to
ease his thick cock fully inside of her. He was extra thick
around the waist and was slightly bigger than his other brothers. She leaned forward to
run her hands through his shoulder-length brown hair as she
held his gaze. She moaned from the action.
She had dreamt about running her fingers through his hair for too long. The ocean-blue
color of his eyes looked welcoming and filled with
emotion. He was compassionate and in tune to feelings. She just knew it. So the wolf
had a soft spot. That was good to know. Ava leaned forward
to kiss his lips, and then she felt hands upon her hips and Pat move in behind her. Like
thunder rolling through the clouds, she felt the anticipation of
experiencing that bolt of electricity when Kyle had his finger in her most intimate hole as
his cock thrust into her pussy, and the desire to experiment
more was building up inside of her again.
Sean held her hips and thrust up and down against her. She tried to keep up and
paused as she felt the cool liquid and Pat’s thick finger
push against her forbidden hole.
“Relax, Ava, and let us make you feel good,” Pat whispered against her shoulder. She
felt the palm of his hand against her lower back then
his finger push through the tight rings. At first she paused from the burning sensation
filling her body. Then the need to move arose, and she began
riding Sean and pressing back against Pat’s finger. She felt him lick her spine then
gently bite into her skin.
“Oh God…can’t take it!” she blurted out then increased her speed as she thrust up and
down then back against Pat’s finger. He added a
second digit and scissored his fingers as a gush of fluid leaked from her pussy. She felt
as if she were on fire.

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“Fuck me, Ava. Milk my cock and take my seed. Make me come now!” Sean yelled at
her as he grabbed her hair and yanked her down so
he could cover her mouth with a kiss. He kissed her deeply, exploring with his tongue as
she continued to move along with his powerful upward
thrusts. It was insane, and she felt out of control as Sean released her lips and pushed
hard. She screamed as Pat thrust his finger in and out of her
anus then slapped her hard on the ass.
“Keep moving, Ava, ride him good.” Pat egged her on, and she felt her body tighten,
about to combust but just shy of the explosion. Sean
growled and exploded inside of her. As he emptied his seed into her, the warmth of his
essence filling her, she felt the imaginary string tighten and
almost snap. He pulled from her body as Pat wrapped an arm around her waist. His
finger was still in her ass, moving back and forth. Her pussy
throbbed and felt swollen and thick.
“Please. Oh please, do something,” she begged.
Pat pressed her to all fours and thrust his cock into her pussy from behind. There was
no preamble, no teasing. He just took what he wanted
and gave her what she needed.
She lost her breath for a second as the steel rod hit her womb and her thighs dripped
with satisfaction.
Her breasts bounced and swayed as she clenched the comforter between her fingers
and accepted Pat’s dominance. She wanted more.
She needed more as that imaginary string felt ready to snap.
She pushed back and wiggled her hips, wanting to feel more thick cock with his finger in
her ass at the same time. It was wild and naughty
and such a turn-on she thought she might get struck by lightning.


Pat slapped her ass then thrust inside of her pussy while pressing fingers to her anus
and she exploded, screaming his name.
The room spun and her vision clouded over as she fell to the mattress, eyes closed and
body humming with the aftermath of sex with five
Alpha males.

Chapter 11

Pat pulled Ava into his arms and hugged her to his chest. Her damp cheek lay flat
against his pectoral muscles as her scent attacked his
senses. He caressed her hair and held her to him as she snuggled against his side.
The bed dipped as Kyle leaned down to press a soft kiss against Ava’s temple.
“Rest now, Ava. Pat will watch over you,” he stated, and she merely moaned softly in
Pat continued to hold her and caress her skin as Sean placed a blanket over the two of
Once the room was vacated by his brothers, he adjusted his body so that Ava was fully
in his arms. He stared at her a moment. He
absorbed the soft glow to her creamy skin and the firmness of her jaw. When her
eyelids fluttered open, he locked gazes with sparkling emeralds.
She appeared slightly out of it as he smiled.

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“Feeling okay?” he asked, and she nodded her head then adjusted her body so that her
arms covered her breasts. He smiled at her
shyness.Placing his fingertips under her chin, he held her gaze.
“There is no need to hide from me or my brothers, Ava. You belong to us now and we
belong to you.”
She swallowed hard, the sound a sure sign of her reservations still. He didn’t want to
push. Willy had reminded him that she was human and
that she needed time and reassurance from all of them. Willy had just walked away and
gone back to business after claiming Ava while the rest of
them argued over who would spend time alone with her first. Willy was all business.
Being Alpha came before everything else, even his own
Pat smiled at Ava then leaned closer to kiss her. She accepted his kiss but felt tense
within his embrace.
“You must be tired. Can I get you anything?” he asked while he continued to caress her
cheek and absorb her beauty.
She shook her head and pulled the blanket tight against her. She looked worried, and
he hoped that she didn’t regret what they all just
“Do you want to close your eyes and rest?” he asked.
“No,” she whispered softly.
“Do you want to talk? I’m sure you have questions.”
She hesitated a moment, and then she adjusted her position, using her elbow to hold
herself upright. She stared into his eyes as if she
could read his mind. He hoped if she did have such capabilities that she would know
how gorgeous he thought she was and how aroused his wolf
was getting just from inhaling her scent.
“When you get angry, do you have control over your wolf?”
Her question surprised him as concern filled his body.
She swallowed hard then began to inch her body away from him. Pat wouldn’t allow it.
“Yes, I always have control over my wolf. Even if you angered me, Ava, I would never
harm you. You are my mate and I am yours. This isn’t
temporary but for a lifetime.”
She lowered her eyes and seemed to absorb what he was stating. However, he
wondered about her fear.
“Who attacked you in wolf form?”
The moment the words left his lips, Ava pulled away from him. She scrambled off the
bed, taking the blanket along with her.
* * * *
Ava looked around for her clothes as she held the blanket close to her body. This was
overwhelming. She still wasn’t over the fact that she’d
just had sex with five men she didn’t even know. She followed her heart and her gut and
needed time to recover. She feared sharing any information
with Pat or his brothers. If she admitted fear to wolves, then they could use it against
her. The thought made her feel guilty. Obviously she had trust

My life is such a mess.

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“Ava, what is it?” Pat asked, standing in front of her.
She closed her eyes, embarrassed by his nakedness and unsettled by his size and

God, he’s beautiful.

He reached for her, and as she felt his strong arms begin to wrap around her and the
blanket, she resisted. It felt right in his arms. It felt right
to be with each of the men, yet she felt the need to keep her distance.
Quickly she turned from his grasp, taking a side step.
“Where are my clothes, Pat? I want my clothes,” she asked as she clutched the blanket
to her body.
He stared at her with his hands on his hips, the curve of his muscles dipping against
bone and solid flesh. He was so defined that she could
reach out and trace each muscle and the outline of his belly to where it met his hips. His
cock stood up straight and long, and as she absorbed the
sight, it twitched as if it sensed her stare.
“Ava,” he whispered, and she slowly looked up toward Pat’s eyes and saw the intensity
they held.
“Don’t run away from me,” Pat stated firmly.
Ava held her ground. “I’m not running away from you,” she replied.
He reached for her, and she took a step back. He, in turn, took two steps closer.
“You’re running away from this conversation.”
“I want to get dressed.”
“Who hurt you? Who put that fear in your eyes?”
She was silent as she held his gaze. Damn, the man was charismatic and sexy. So
much that she found herself hesitating to ignore him and
pretend he wasn’t there asking her questions she didn’t want to answer.
“Wolves. Wolves just like you and your brothers.” She headed toward the bathroom
when Pat grabbed her arm to stop her. She had to use
her other hand to hold the blanket to her chest.
“What do you mean, wolves?”
“Forget it, Pat. I’m not ready for this. I don’t want to pretend that everything is fine and
that you are going to take care of me. I don’t want to
talk about this. I just want to be alone!” she yelled, and Pat pulled her into an embrace.
He held her tight, and she momentarily tried to resist him. But
he wouldn’t have it.
“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to push you to talk. It’s just that I want to know everything about
you, Ava. It’s natural for a man to want to know about
his woman,” he whispered, and his warm breath caressed against the top of her head.
She thought about that for a moment. He was confusing her and making her feel on
“Why don’t you go take a nice hot bath or a shower? Everything you need is in there,”
Pat suggested as Ava pulled away slowly. She locked
gazes with him as he reached up and touched a thumb to her lower lip. “I know you’re
strong and used to dealing with things on your own, but you’re
not alone anymore. Once you accept that, we can move on to more pleasurable things.”
She watched as he released her then headed toward the bed. His tight, muscular ass
was a sight that made her lick her lips and admire his

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excellent body. Then he turned around and caught her gawking.
“Keep looking at me like that and I’ll join you. Now get moving, the others are growing
impatient to see you.”

Chapter 12

William stared at the computer screen and the information Samantha had sent him on
Fenly and his operation.
“As you can see, Willy, Fenly is quite resourceful. He cannot be underestimated. After
all, he basically killed Ava’s father and took over the
estate,” Samantha stated over the phone.
“I can see that. Why hasn’t the Circle eliminated him?”
“Not enough votes. We are dealing with new leaders and controversies over old rules.
Those meetings are hell, Willy. I wish I didn’t even
have to attend, but without my vote or my grandfather’s vote many new laws cannot be
passed through. This leads to some jealousy among certain
leaders. Not that I’m easily intimidated. ”
William let out a soft laugh. Ava was tough as well. He was concerned over his mate
and her connection to the Jewel of Ireland.
“She needs to be moved to a safer location. Have you reconsidered my offer of bringing
her here to Texas on Valdamar and Crespin
territory?” Samantha asked.
“I won’t reconsider. She is safest with her mates, and there’s no need to bring the
danger so close to home. We can protect her.”
“Can I at least send more men for backup? Fagan pack and Dolberg pack are available
to assist and you know them well,” Samantha
They were part of the Secret Order of the Brothers of Were, too. She was really pushing
more help from the Secret Order. He wondered
what Samantha wasn’t telling him.
“I will let you know if their help is needed. Unless there’s more information you have for
Her silence was a sure giveaway.
“Your mate had been able to stay well hidden for two years. She had some help
escaping from Ireland and she maintained a nice apartment
on the West Side of Manhattan. She’s resourceful and gaining her trust may take more
time than you have.”
“She is our responsibility. Declan pack will ensure her safety. I’ll contact Fagan pack or
Dolberg if I feel it necessary.”
“As you wish, Willy. Good luck and please keep me posted.”
William hung up the phone and leaned back into his chair. He felt uneasy, and his wolf
was on edge. Something peculiar was happening
here. Something that had his gut filled with trepidation for the safety of his mate. He
stared at the picture of Fenly. He was a rogue wolf and showed
all the signs of corruption and evil power. Why hadn’t he been eliminated? What was his
value, if any? How could they figure it out without
questioning Fenly himself? It was bad enough the man was in the country and in New
York. They would have to move Ava elsewhere. Somewhere

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she would be surrounded by guards that could protect her.
Just then the lights flashed and the red sensors on the walls indicated that the outer
perimeter of the house had been infiltrated.
William jumped from his chair and called to his brothers through their link.

“Where is Ava?”

William asked as he headed toward the front of the house.

He heard Kyle and Sean leave through the back doors. They shifted.
Mick and William were about to join them.

Head to the SUV. Get Ava out of there now, Pat!”

William yelled through their link.

* * * *
“What’s going on? What’s happening?” Ava asked as Pat helped her get dressed.
“We got company, sweetheart. We need to move.”
“Fenly?” she asked in a panic, taking a few steps away from Pat as she clutched her
sweater to her chest.
“Don’t know. The others are taking care of it. Let’s move. Willy wants us downstairs in
the SUV in case we need to take off,” Pat told her
then grabbed her hand.
Ava kept her feet planted on the rug.
“Ava, come on!” he yelled.
“He’s here. He wants me and he’ll never give up. I told you that. I warned you but you
insisted…” She lowered her eyes and swallowed the
sob of emotion she felt.
Pat grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her.
“This is real, Ava. We are mates and we will protect you. Don’t be afraid. We never go
back on our word.”
Pat kissed her softly then swiftly grabbed her arm and pulled her along with him.
They ran down the back staircase and into a long hallway.
Ava remained close to Pat as they headed down the hallway. She could see an entry
door shortly ahead of them and could have sworn that
she heard fighting and gunshots.
“Oh my God, they’re shooting.”
Pat reached back and pressed the palm of his hand against her hip and thigh. Ava held
on to his waist.
She felt Pat move his other arm then turn to the right to make sure no one was in the
first doorway they passed. That was when she noticed
the gun. In her state of concern she never saw him grab a gun or even notice that Pat
had one but he did.
He froze in place as if he were listening to something when suddenly the glass on the
exit door shattered before them.
“Get down!” he yelled at her as he shot twice with his gun.
Ava looked through the gap between his legs just as a soldier dressed in dark-green
fatigues fell to the tile floor.
“Let’s move!” Pat yelled as he grabbed her hand and yanked her up off the floor.
They ran quickly toward the doorway on the left and entered the garage.
Just as they headed toward the SUV, three men in fatigues came out from behind the
vehicle and attacked.
Two jumped toward Pat, and they began to fist fight while the other grabbed for Ava.

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* * * *
Pat was fighting off the two men, but his focus was still on Ava and the guy who went
after her.

“Where are you guys? They’re going to get Ava. I can’t fight them on my own,”

Pat stated to

his brothers through their link.

We eliminated the other attackers and are on our way

,” Mick stated.

We have members of Fagan pack with us. They just arrived

,” Kyle added, sounding as

frantic as Pat felt. He didn’t have time to think
about why Fagan pack was here.
Pat grabbed the one guy, twisted his neck, and snapped. It left an opportunity for the
second guy to take a few shots at his head, but he was
a wolf and these men were human. To the right, he watched as Ava fought off her own
attacker. His guy reached for the gun on the ground and
aimed to fire.
Two shots rang out just as his brothers broke through the side door and entered the
Ava stood there with a gun in her hand pointed toward where they stood. She shot the
two guys and saved Pat from getting killed.
* * * *
“Okay, Ava, you did a good job, honey. Give me the gun,” William requested in a calm
voice, and Ava just stared at them. Through the
doorway, five men slowly entered, all dressed in black fatigues and looking just as
intimidating and wolf as her mates did. Her mates? Was she
seriously losing her mind? She took a deep breath and lowered the gun with shaky
hands. It had been the first time she ever killed someone with a
gun. She was so fearful for Pat’s life, she had no choice.
Ava locked gazes with Willy as he ran his hands down her arms and softly removed the
gun from her hand.
“You’re okay, Ava.”
“I know,” she replied as Pat instantly appeared in front of them and swept her into his
arms. He was crushing her and taking deep breaths
against her neck. Her lip throbbed from being hit there as she softly moaned but held
him just as tight, feeling relieved that Pat was okay.
“You were amazing,” he told her then slowly pulled back to look at her.
He crunched his eyebrows together then reached toward her lip.
“You’re bleeding.”
She reached up to touch where he had and saw the blood on her fingertips.
“It’s okay. I’ll be fine.”
She glanced to the side of Pat and noticed the others staring at her as if they were
shocked or perhaps ready to arrest her for killing two
“I had no choice. I was afraid that he was going to kill Pat.”
Mick stomped toward her, his eyes looking almost as dark as his hair. He appeared
determined or about to dish out some sort of
punishment when Pat released her and she took a step back. She couldn’t retreat fast
enough as Mick grabbed her by her sweater, pulled her

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against him, and kissed her deeply on the lips. Despite the pain she felt from her bloody
lip, she returned his kiss. Obviously the adrenaline rush
was still steadily running through her veins.
Ava was lost in a pool of emotions. Her body shook from the aftereffects of the attack or
maybe the intensity of Mick’s kiss. Her pussy
throbbed, and instinctively she coiled herself around Mick as he lifted her into the air.
“Damn, that is one hell of a mate you Declans got yourselves,” someone stated, and
she pulled a little away from Mick, but he kept kissing
her a few seconds before releasing her lips.
“Let’s get this mess cleaned up then meet inside. We need to make a plan,” William
stated as some movement took place around them.
Ava shivered at the intensity of William’s tone.
Mick finally released her lips and held her gaze.
“You were incredible, Ava. So strong and protective of your mate. You belong with us.
We’re going to protect you and take care of you,”
Mick declared. His sincerity was so apparent in his eyes and in his embrace that she felt
tears reach her eyes. Instead of crying, she wrapped her
arms around his neck and hugged him tight. Mick held her effortlessly and carried her
back into the house.
After her men checked her over thoroughly for injuries and kissed her breathless, she
was finally able to focus on the conversation going on
in the living room between William and the five strangers they referred to as the Fagan
pack. Definitely wolves and definitely exceptionally
handsome warriors just like her own men. She felt giddy inside thinking such
possessive thoughts, but in all honesty she was growing fond of the
Declan brothers.
* * * *
“So did Samantha send you? I told her we were doing okay and making some plans to
relocate,” William asked Van Fagan, the lead Alpha
of his pack.
Van and his brothers were just as large and tall as the Declan pack. They, however,
possessed some magical powers. That was why they
were part of the Secret Brothers of Were. William knew this, and his investigative mind
was beginning to go into overdrive.
“We were notified through the Order that the missing daughter of Patrick O’Brian was
located. Some of our associates have been
searching far and wide for her. When we caught wind of IRA soldiers moving in to locate
her in the city we headed here immediately, knowing that
this was your safe house. We thought we would have time to give you the heads-up.”
William eyed Van, wondering why their mate was so sought after. Perhaps they just
wanted to use her as bait to capture Fenly.
“What’s your interest in Fenly O’Leary?” William asked, and he immediately sensed his
mate’s uneasiness in mentioning Fenly’s name. He
asked his brothers to comfort her through their mind link as he held Van’s gaze.
Van smiled then leaned back into the sofa, crossing his leg over his thigh.

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“Do you even know who Fenly is or his role in the destruction of the Order, never mind
the Circle?” Van asked.
William explained about their investigation and about his and his brothers’ belief that
Fenly was the mastermind behind the large amount of
drugs and guns getting into the US from cargo ships.
Van chuckled. “This goes way beyond some drugs and illegal guns, my friend. Those
are human issues. Fenly O’Leary killed his own father
to gain his land and business operations. He killed Patrick O’Brian so he could take over
the heritage and company plus all its assets, including
O’Brian’s daughter. If he catches Ava and mates with her, he will be so powerful of a
wolf, the Circle won’t be able to touch him. There’s no concrete
evidence right now on exactly what elders Fenly has under his command. They have
initiated that silent voting on certain rulings.”
“Ava is our mate. Fenly won’t get his paws on her,” Sean stated firmly.
Van exhaled.
“He is not to be underestimated. Fenly is here now in the States. He is searching for
your mate and knows that she is in New York. If the Irish
Republican Army found your home, then so can Fenly and his pack. They are a mean
group of fighters and Fenly has gained so much power in
Ireland and here in the States. Once he took over the O’Brian business affairs he pissed
off a lot of people,” Van stated.
“Is that why the IRA came here searching for Ava? Do they want to use her as ransom
or something?” Kyle asked and placed his hands on
Ava’s shoulders in a protective manner. William heard his brothers’ thoughts. They were
all concerned for Ava.
When Van looked to his brothers then to Ava and back to William, William got an uneasy
“I don’t want to speak too freely here, William. Fenly has enemies that are searching for
ways to get to him and gain some control back.
Perhaps we should talk in the other room?” Van asked, glancing toward Ava as he rose
from the couch.
William stood up and nodded in agreement.
“It’s me who is the outsider here. You don’t want to speak in front of me. Yet, I am the
reason for all this craziness. I’ll leave and you all stay,”
Ava stated, taking a step forward.
Pat grabbed her hand, and Kyle kept his hands on her shoulders.
“Stay, Ava. They can go in the other room and talk. Pat and I will remain here with you,”
Kyle told them, and William eyed Ava before he left
the room.
* * * *
Ava saw the intensity in William’s eyes but also some sort of wall. He was all business
right now, and there wasn’t that deep affection he
showed while he made love to her. No, he looked upset with her or perhaps as if he
didn’t trust her. She closed her eyes and crossed her arms in
front of her.

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“Ava, are you okay?” Pat asked, turning her toward him. She opened her eyes and
locked gazes with his hazel ones. The man was
perfection with lightly tanned skin, strong, firm lips, and superior facial structure. He
looked like some sculptured fine art, and so did his four
brothers. Each one of the Declan brothers had their own exquisite beauty and
personality. What did she have to offer them but a predestined fate
decided by some higher power she knew nothing about? Or perhaps danger and death
as they tried to keep her from Fenly’s grasp? This wasn’t
their battle. William was more than likely upset about the baggage she came with.
Kyle squeezed her shoulders. “Answer him,” he stated firmly. The feel of his large, hard
hands holding her shoulders warned her to be
cautious but also turned her on sexually. Was she some sort of glutton for punishment?
“I have nothing to say,” she retorted, looking away from Pat’s inquisitive eyes.
Pat placed his thumb and pointer under her chin, indicating for her to look at him.
“So many thoughts are going through your head right now, mate. Share them with us so
we may put your mind at ease.”
“I have nothing to say. I would just like to be alone.”
Kyle pulled her back against his chest. She instantly felt his erection despite the clothing
they both wore.
“You will never be alone again,” Kyle whispered atop her head.
Ava felt the wave of emotion hit her deeply. Could it be true? Did they see her more than
just a responsibility because she was their mate?
Before she could respond Pat cupped her cheeks between his hands and covered her
mouth in a deep kiss. He licked and explored her
mouth, initiating a series of moans escaping her throat. Behind her Kyle rubbed his
body up and down her body, wedging his long, hard cock
between her ass cheeks. Despite the jeans she wore, Ava felt every sensation.
Pat placed one hand against her throat, gently rubbing a thumb back and forth against
her pulse and the small dip between her throat and
her chest. Her body hummed with need for them. She wanted them to make love to her,
to fill her pussy with their cocks, and she wanted to feel as
close as humanly possible that she could to them. She had been alone for far too long,
and now she was desperately needy.
Pat released her lips just as he cupped her breast under her sweater before trailing
more kisses and nibbles along her neck.
Ava held on to him while leaning back against Kyle, thrusting her ass against his cock.
“We want you now,” Kyle demanded, and in a series of quick moves, Ava was stripped
of her clothing then carried down the hallway toward
another room.
She feared that the Fagan men might see her, and as if Kyle read her mind, he assured
her that she was safe.
“You belong to Declan, mate. No other man will ever see this sexy body.”
* * * *
Pat undressed swiftly as Kyle carried Ava to the long, armless green ottoman. Pat
quickly lay down on the ottoman. Kyle kissed Ava deeply
before he turned her around to face his brother.

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“Tend to Pat while I grab some lube,” he whispered, giving her a tap to her luscious ass.
The apprehension on her face tempered by the
glow to her cheeks stirred possessiveness inside of him. He hurriedly searched the
desk for what he needed.
Finding the tube, he turned to watch Ava’s long, toned thighs as she climbed atop Pat.
He noticed the curve of her ass, the crevice between
her cheeks, and the way her juices already coated her pussy. She was wet and ready
for her mates as she should be. Kyle took a moment to
undress before returning to his mate. He saw the intensity in her eyes and the
eagerness to be made love to.
“Don’t worry. We’ll go slow, mate. We want to make love to you together,” Pat whispered
as he cupped her neck, pulling her closer to his
lips for a kiss.
Kyle reached down and caressed Ava from ankles to her ass cheeks.
“Lift up, Ava, and take Pat inside. His cock is so hard for you, baby, just like mine,” Kyle
whispered as he continued to massage her body.
He reached under her arms and cupped her breasts, squeezing, pulling, and
manipulating them in his hands best he could. She was well endowed,
and her moans of approval were stirring his wolf to go faster.
Down her belly, he helped raise her hips as Pat released her lips. She panted with her
head back, leaning on Kyle’s shoulder as Pat now
explored her breasts.
“Are you ready?” Kyle asked as he pressed a finger to her cunt from behind her and
between her thighs. She shook as he wrapped an arm
around her waist to support her.
“Yes,” she whispered then lifted her hips up, took hold of Pat’s cock, and lined it up with
her pussy.
Kyle removed his finger and trailed a finger over her puckered hole. Ava stirred, but they
steadied her as Kyle whispered, “You are so sexy,
Ava. This body calls to the man in me and the wolf in me.” He squeezed her breast as
she slowly lowered herself onto Pat’s shaft.
“You feel so tight, sweet Ava. So tight and warm,” Pat stated then thrust upward,
causing Ava to take him deeper quickly.
Ava gasped as she lowered her body to Pat’s chest. Up and down, she thrust her hips,
trying to find her rhythm as Kyle and Pat held on to
Kyle took position behind Ava, watching her firm, round ass lift up and down. He leaned
down to kiss her shoulder and whisper his
intentions into her hair.
“How does it feel? Do you like Pat’s thick, hard cock fucking your pussy?”
Ava moaned then lifted higher before lowering onto Pat.
Kyle ran his finger down her spine as he kissed her neck and nibbled against her ear.
“I love this firm, round ass of yours, Ava.” He squeezed her cheeks, separated them
slightly as he ran his finger across the puckered hole.
“Oh!” Ava moaned louder.
“How would like my cock in your ass, Ava?”

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“Oh God!” She screamed, her voice cracking as Pat thrust upward, lifting her higher and
causing Kyle to press more firmly against the tight
“I want this ass, mate. I want it now.”
Kyle bit gently into Ava’s neck, eliciting a soft scream.
“Yes, oh God, I can’t believe I’m doing this. Yes!” she consented.
Kyle reached for the lube and squeezed some onto his finger.
“Nice and easy, baby. Just relax. I have to get you ready for my cock.”
He placed a hand on her left shoulder and she paused moving on top of Pat.
“It’s okay, baby, keep making love to Pat. Rock those hips, honey,” he ordered, and she
hesitated before she complied. She was
independent and a bit defiant, but he would teach her to trust him and his brothers. Kyle
knew he could be a bit demanding in bed, but he had
waited what felt like a lifetime to find his mate, and he wanted to claim every inch of her.
Slowly Ava rose and lowered herself onto Pat. Up and down, she thrust against him,
easing her way back into a rhythm but still felt tense to
He kissed her shoulder then pressed a finger through the tight rings as she thrust down
onto Pat’s cock.
“Oh,” she moaned softly but continued to thrust.
“That’s it, Ava, let Kyle get you nice and wet. It’s going to feel perfect,” Pat added, and
she pressed her ass back against Kyle’s finger. He
added a second and then a third, trying to stretch her and prepare her for his cock.
Looking at his brother Pat over her shoulder, he saw the distorted expression and heard
him plead for Kyle to get on with it. But watching
Ava’s sexy ass take his finger and grip it tight made him hard as steel, and he worried
that he might hurt her. Snapping out of it, he adjusted his
stance then slowly removed his finger and replaced it with his cock.
* * * *
Ava felt her body shake with anticipation and lust. She never would have imagined sex
being like this, but right now Pat and Kyle had her
body strung so tight she felt about ready to snap, and she was desperate for relief. As
Kyle pulled his finger from her anus, the burning subsided,
but her pussy felt so swollen and needy. She thrust onto Pat harder, trying to find her
release, needing to break this tight bow around her when she
felt Kyle push his cock through the tight rings.
“Oh!” she moaned as Pat pulled her to him, kissing her mouth and grabbing her hair as
leverage as Kyle pressed his cock inch by inch
through the tight rings. Her mind went blank and her vision darkened as the pleasure-
pain hit every inch of her and sent her gasping for air. With two
cocks deep inside her, she felt the sensation of tightness in her abdomen, but the need
for them to move was intense.
“Please. Oh please do something.” She whispered her plea as Kyle slowly pulled nearly
all the way out of her ass then shoved forward to the

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In and out, Kyle fucked her in the ass from behind, causing her to lose her focus and
solely remain in tune to the glorious sensations running
rampant through her body. Then her pussy felt needy despite Pat’s thick cock sitting still
inside of it. She thrust her hips down against Pat then back
up against Kyle. She felt such an intense need, like an itch that needed to be scratched
but was barely touched at the surface. She wanted more,
her body tightening up with a forceful need to seek relief.
They took turns, up and down, back and forth, filling her with their cocks and bringing
her to new heights. She thrust along with them, trying to
keep up as she found a new ability inside of her. Her breasts bounced and swayed as
Pat reached for them, pulled the nipples, and growled her
She was beginning to get used to the glorious sensations. Her body hummed with
desire to please both men, and she doted on their every
thrust and touch. Rising and falling, she moved between them as Pat nipped at her
sensitive nipples, causing her to arch forward only to have Kyle
thrust into her ass as his fingertips gripped her hips. They were so sexy and desirable
she felt the urge to nip back at them and give them some of
their own teasing back.
Feeling brazen, she brushed her breasts over Pat’s face in order to pull Kyle’s cock
slightly from her anus. It earned her a nip to the nipple
and a smack to her ass that caused her body to release more fluid from their tactics.
“It appears our mate wants more, Pat,” Kyle teased, and before she could fully register
Kyle’s words, the two men began a sequence of
intense thrusts in and out of her body. Kyle gripped her hips in position against Pat’s
cock, spreading her thighs and taking her ability to control the
thrusts away from her. She was like an object in motion between the two hard, muscular
bodies as they fucked her with deep, precision-bound
strokes. Just as she recovered a breath from one stroke, another came and then
another. Her pussy throbbed and swelled with such desire that all
she could do was hold on to what flesh her fingers could grip. When Kyle adjusted his
hips lower, causing his cock to feel ultra deep, Pat thrust up
and down, and she screamed.
“Ava!” Pat yelled, penetrating upward as he exploded inside of her. Kyle continued to
fuck her from behind as Pat kissed her lips and held
her against his chest.
She never heard the door open until she heard Mick’s voice.
“Fuck yeah, Ava! You look delicious,” he stated as he began to undress.
Her body hummed with new desire for more of her men.
Pat released his hold as Kyle wrapped his arm around her midsection and increased his
thrusts. In and out, he fucked her as Pat pinched
her nipples and rolled them along his fingertips. She could feel herself ready to explode.
She felt so tight, so needy as tears rolled down her cheeks.
“Please,” she begged, and Pat pulled her lower so he could lick her nipples and nibble
the delicate flesh between his teeth. Kyle released

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his hold, pulled back, then thrust deeply over and over again. She was almost there, just
one more thrust, when Kyle slapped her hard on the ass as
he shoved forward, slamming his balls against her ass.
Ava screamed as Kyle exploded inside of her.
His kisses cascaded over her shoulders and along her neck as he tried to calm his
“Amazing,” he whispered as they tried to catch their breath.

Chapter 13

Pat and Kyle kissed her numerous times before they released her to Mick.
She lay on the ottoman naked and totally his alone.
Mick knelt down and dove right in for a taste of his mate’s sweet cream. She squealed
as his mouth latched on to her swollen and sensitive
clit and began to lick and suck her flesh.
The feel of her silky, soft legs lying over his shoulders fed his desire to make love to her.
Ava moaned as Mick teased her relentlessly until she released her cream.
“You got me so hard, Ava, this is going to be fast. The sight of your wet, slick pussy, so
swollen and pink after fucking my brothers, is so hot.
Can’t go slow, Ava. I need too much,” he warned her as he rose up just enough to align
his cock with the entrance to her pussy then shoved forward.
She was soaked with desire, lubricating his pathway and sending Mick on a roller
coaster of emotions. The determined expression on her
face sent a bolt of possession through his body and straight to his cock. It was so
intense he nearly came inside of her. Reeling in his emotions, he
focused on their time together and the feel of how perfect his cock fit into her pussy.
Now deep inside of her, he leaned forward and kissed her with passion, allowing his
emotions and need to show.
The moment he had heard Pat’s and Kyle’s thoughts, concentrating on saying good-bye
to Fagan pack was lost. He hurried down the
hallway, undoing his zipper along the way. The closer he got to the room and the
sounds of Ava’s moans of pleasure, the harder his cock became.
When he entered the room and saw her thrusting on top of Pat with Kyle deep in her
ass, he lost it.
With every stroke of his cock he felt her vaginal walls cling tight and milk him for his
essence. Mick swept his tongue inside Ava’s mouth,
getting his fill as her hands and long fingernails explored his body. Her gentle yet firm
touch against his lower back then ass cheeks enflamed his
Releasing her lips, he lifted slightly to reach her breasts, swollen and flushed from the
round of sex she had already taken on with his
“Gorgeous,” he whispered before licking the tight, hard nipple with his tongue before
nibbling along the plump breast. He licked between
then lower until his eyes zeroed in on her cunt and his cock lost inside of her. At this
point he slowed his pace, focusing solely on Ava’s pleasure
and the sensations her vaginal walls pulled from his cock.

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In and out, slowly he held her gaze then thrust a little deeper. Those gorgeous emerald-
green eyes of hers were breathtaking. She was so
lovely as he touched her neck and held it gently, softly, possessively while thrusting into
“My mate,” he added then slid his hands along her breasts to her shoulders, taking her
arms and pulling them above her head.
“Please, Mick,” she panted, closing her eyes, pushing out her chest toward him, and
struggling for sexual release.
He lifted his thighs higher, causing her to spread wider as he rose above her.
He held her wrists above her head then pulled his cock almost all the way out before
shoving forward hard and fast into her pussy. In and
out, he thrust deeply into her channel, trying to reach his goal of claiming her, filling his
Ava with his seed and covering her in his scent.
He felt her vaginal muscles grip tighter and hold him hard as he increased his speed,
knowing that he was about to explode.
Thrust for thrust, she moaned and called his name until he reached down and pressed a
finger to her pussy lips.
Ava screamed her release as Mick thrust hard and fast then exploded inside of her.
* * * *
“Where is Ava now?” William asked as he walked into the kitchen. He found his brothers
Kyle, Pat, and Mick making sandwiches and
“Sean carried her upstairs to shower and rest a bit. I think we wore her out,” Kyle replied
as he took a bite of his sandwich.
William felt jealous and a bit annoyed. While his brothers fucked their mate, he and
Sean listened to Van Fagan and his brothers inform
them of Ava’s advisory and her father’s involvement with the Secret Order of Were. He
was very concerned about her safety and well-being now
and had discussed moving her to a secure location in upstate New York. They would
have the support and assistance of the Fagan and Dolberg
packs if necessary. Van, Randolph, Miele, Bently, and Baher Fagan were insistent that
Ava had some sort of information that Fenly was after. They
weren’t certain if it was financial information, access to secret vaults of money, or just
family secrets, but they were adamant about protecting her.
They even mentioned hearing from Perkins, the public ruler of the Secret Order of
Were, and his insistence that they should protect Ava at all costs.
To William, this meant far more than just illegal drugs and criminal activity.
“So what else did you learn from Van?” Kyle asked.
He explained about the reasoning behind the Secret Order’s interest in Ava and about
“So you think this has something to do with the Order? Does it seem that Perkins thinks
of her as a threat?” Kyle asked.
“I think a lot of people are interested in speaking with Ava and gaining insight into her
family. Perhaps they believe she has knowledge of
something crucial to were packs themselves. Perkins didn’t say that he wants her in his
custody yet, but I think it’s a possibility,” William offered.

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“She’s our mate and we will protect her at all costs. Perkins knows this and he can’t
force us to give her up to him. That isn’t an option. Was
her father part of the Order?” Pat asked.
William raised his eyebrows and nodded. It made sense. Why else would Fagan pack
and Perkins be so concerned?
“But what about Samantha’s interest? She did say that Ava’s safety was important and
that Fenly could not be allowed to get his hands on
her or it could destroy the Circle of Elders,” Mick added.
“It’s all so confusing. How did she get out of Ireland anyway and evade capture for so
long, even from the Circle?” Pat asked.
“She had help escaping. Apparently the family butler and close friend got her out of
there and set up here in New York.”
“But she took off in the car with Walt, and as if she trusted him with her life,” Pat stated.
“He’s part of the Secret Order. Perhaps she does know about the Order and her father’s
involvement,” Kyle suggested.
William shook his head as he ran his fingers through his hair.
“Walt is Brennan’s cousin. He’s been watching over Ava for the past year or so.
Apparently she’s been doing some investigative work to
locate Fenly and follow his business dealings. That information came from Walt, who
also wants to be involved in protecting Ava. Van had
contacted him first when they found out that Ava was under our protection,” William told
“This is a lot to take in, Willy. How come we were never told about Ava, her importance
or connection to the Secret Order, or need to be
found? We could have been sent to locate her. Plus it wasn’t that long ago that we were
in Ireland. How come we never heard anything about her?”
Pat asked.
“You know as well as I do how the Secret Order works. They usually send in one team
to do a job. In and out, no questions asked. All they
care about is the end result. Besides the new information from Van and Samantha
about the Council and the problems they have been having with
decisions being passed. Problem with this mission was that no one was able to find her.
Samantha even said the Circle of Elders had been
searching for Ava. They were beginning to believe that she was dead,” William stated,
and then he sighed as he held Pat’s gaze.
“To be honest with you, I don’t like this one bit. I want to know what Ava has been up to
these past two years. I want to know what she knows
about her father and everything about her life in Ireland. Right now I’m feeling pretty
strong about interrogating her,” William added as he stood up
abruptly, causing the stool to bang against the wall.
“She’s not the criminal here, Willy,” Mick strongly stated.
“Why was she at the scene where Duggy and Simon were? How come she knew about
the bomb, and why did she take off?” William
“He has a point, Mick. Ava hasn’t shared a damn thing about herself. The damn IRA is
after her besides this Fenly character and our own

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people, so what the hell?” Pat asked.
“I say we let her rest, we take a look at her laptop we confiscated from her apartment,
and then we question her,” Mick offered.
William looked at Pat, Mick, and Kyle. “Agreed?” he asked them.
“Agreed,” they each replied.
* * * *
Van Fagan sat in the SUV as his brothers helped the Declan brothers clean up the
mess of bodies around their estate. He took the call
from Samantha and her grandfather, Lord Crespin, both members of the Circle of
“Is she safe, Van?” Lord Crespin asked.
“She is safe and quite resourceful. She took out two men and fought off another,” Van
“We had heard that she is resourceful and very independent. Our concern is how and
why other organizations have gained interest in Ava,”
Lord Crespin replied.
“It could simply be how much she is worth. People will do anything for a substantial
amount of money including rogue wolves.”
“They have heard the stories about the Jewel of Ireland. They think she knows the
location,” Samantha stated.
“The Jewel of Ireland? Are we at that again, Samantha? If this Jewel actually exists,
how come no one in the Secret Order or the Circle
knows of its location?” Van asked.
“Only certain people are privy to that kind of information, but keep in mind that it is a
priceless jewel. The one who possesses it has the
power of a king over wolf packs worldwide. That is why its location is such a secret,”
Lord Crespin added.
“I always thought that was some sort of fairy tale created by wolves to keep up with
human tales to tell our children,” Van replied, and
Samantha laughed.
“It helps to keep the secret exactly that, a secret. Where are the Declan planning on
taking Ava?” Crespin asked.
“Not a clue, but we will remain close by.”
“Good. Please keep us posted. In the meantime we’re investigating why the IRA was
after Ava. It could be revenge on Fenly or something
more critical to our culture. See what you can find out from your friends in Ireland,”
Samantha stated.
“No problem, Samantha. I do believe that IRA members sent here were human, not
were. That in itself is a curiosity considering that much of
the IRA is of the wolf.”
“Surprising but not completely unbelievable. I am afraid that once word spreads that
Patrick O’Brian’s daughter, the only heir to the O’Brian
estate, is in fact alive and well, then many will be hunting her down.”
“Then the Declan pack will need us. Have you heard from Dolberg pack yet?”
“They are nearby.”
“Good enough. I will keep you posted.”

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Van stared out the window and thought about what Samantha told him. Could other
rogue groups come after Ava? If so, then he and his
brothers had some serious strategic planning to do along with Declan pack. This was
starting to turn into a bit of a nightmare. As soon as they got
to wherever Willy had in mind as a safe house, they were going to have to sit down and
discuss the plan. Moving her around might be better than
sitting in one place and being outnumbered.

Chapter 14

“Out of all the hunters we have in this pack, none have been able to sniff out Ava or this
Declan pack?” Fenly yelled, slamming his fist down
on the table. His own men, Miller, Pete, and Leo, stood there looking grim.
“No, sir. No one has been able to find them anywhere in the city. We have investigators
working in the same precinct that the Declan came
out of waiting to hear something,” Pete offered.
“We did catch wind of something else, sir, that may or may not be a good thing,” Leo
added then cleared his throat.
Fenly looked toward Leo, the largest of his Betas.
“Spit it out, Leo. I am at my wits’ end here trying to understand why my people are so
incapable of finding a small woman and five measly
“It appears that the Circle of Elders are trying to locate the O’Brian woman as well. They
called in Fagan pack, but we haven’t caught wind of
their arrival in the city as of yet.”
“Damn it! They want to get their hands on the Jewel. If the Circle of Elders possesses
that priceless jewel everything my family has fought to
achieve would be lost. Crespin and Valdamar killed Fidelis in order to keep him from
achieving power. They won’t be able to stop me,” Fenly
stated, and his cell phone began to ring.
Releasing a sigh and feeling his hackles rise, he answered the phone abruptly.
“It’s Duggy. I just caught wind of a location on Ava.”
“What? Where is she?”
“She’s about forty minutes north of the city in some small-town suburb. I have an
“Give it to me,” Fenly stated as Duggy read it to him.
“There’s more, Fenly. Apparently the IRA has an interest in Ava, too.”
“A group of over a dozen men stormed the Declan home. None of them survived. The
Declan fought them off and killed them. They also had
help from some other group of were called Fagan or something like that.”
“Shit! The IRA is filled with a bunch of mutts and humans. How the hell did they catch
wind of Ava’s existence?”
“You’ve been asking a lot of questions around Ireland, Fenly. There are secret agents of
the IRA just like the Irish mob here in New York.
They must have figured something was up,” Duggy replied, and Fenly was silent.
“See what else you can find out for me.”
Fenly hung up the phone and relayed the message to his men.

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“Form a team and be ready to leave in thirty minutes,” Fenly stated then dismissed the
He walked over to his desk and pulled out a picture of Ava. The frustration was building
again. Here he was two years after her escape still
trying to locate her. She was practically in his grasp and somehow got away. She wasn’t
going to get away this time. She wasn’t going to keep him
from his ultimate goal to be head ruler of all the were packs. One call to the IRA and
they would no longer interfere. He owned them. They would be
under his command starting now.
He looked at the picture one last time. Ava stood in a cream-colored wool sweater, her
hair shimmering with red highlights in the bright
sunshine. She was a stunning woman with a body made to please both wolf and man.
He yearned to be inside of her, filling her womb with his seed
and making her his prize possession. She would bear a son or two for him to secure the
O’Leary and O’Brian bloodline. She would be his soon
enough. He placed the picture in the drawer then prepared to join his men for the hunt.
The Declan pack would be history in a matter of hours.
* * * *
Samantha stared at the photograph of Alex standing in his uniform as he returned from
Iraq. Unbeknownst to her, after hours of lovemaking
he had somehow surgically placed a microchip in her body containing many centuries of
pack secrets. Although it took finding her true mates,
Dustin, Kyle, Adam, Trey, and Donny to help her to see her fate and find her true family,
she never expected this end result. Here she was, a
Princess and a main part of the Circle of Elders amongst other wolf organizations. She
sighed as she thought about all the secrets, the mysteries,
and the enigmas that surrounded the wolf culture’s existence. To think that she knew
such important information yet couldn’t intervene to save lives
and secure happy endings because of destiny and fate was frustrating. Especially now
when she held so many answers. She prayed to the gods
that Willy and the Declan brothers could protect Ava and secure her rightful place as
their Alpha mate. If she could just eliminate Fenly and the threat
from other rogue packs yearning for the O’Brian heritage then perhaps Ava would have
a chance.
“You cannot interfere, Sam. As much as you would like to rush along the love story and
make Ava and Declan pack free to enjoy their
bonding, you can’t,” Dustin stated to her as he joined her on the couch. He drew her
closer to him, and she immediately embraced her mate, loving
his strong hold and embrace.
“It feels so good in your arms, Dustin. I just want Ava and Declan pack to have what we
have. It just isn’t fair that Ava has had to go through
so much on her own and without her father. If I could just find out who keeps denying
the Order to eliminate Fenly…”
“That isn’t possible. Not without breaking the rules and not without jeopardizing your
own safety. That is not an option, Princess,” Dustin
whispered as he tapped her nose gently with his finger then smiled at her.

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She was annoyed, but he was right. She couldn’t risk destroying millions of other packs
to save one pack. Even though that one woman’s
fate could ensure the safety of millions of packs possibly forever.
“Fine. I will do my part but if I can be of assistance even though I may have to bend the
rules not break them then I will do so.”
She looked back down at Alex’s picture. Dustin and her mates were no longer jealous of
the bond she had shared with Alex. It had secured
her safety and brought them together.
“He was right to choose you, Sam. He knew that you would always do what was right
for all packs.”

Chapter 15

“Pack some of the food toward the doors in the back so we can get to them if
necessary,” William stated to Sean firmly.
“No shit really? Like I need you to tell me exactly where to put the food.” Sean replied,
sounding just as pissed off as William sounded. She
wasn’t sure what the attitudes were about nor why they were being short with one
Ava stood in the garage watching the men pack the last boxes of supplies into the two
SUVs. It appeared as if they packed for months, and
as she asked about clothing for her, she received two responses. One response from
William, stating bluntly that it was taken care of, and another
response from Mick, stating that she wouldn’t be wearing clothes very much anyway.
Mick made her blush, but William made her tense with fear.
She stood there waiting silently, going over the series of events that had taken place in
the last forty-eight hours. She had sex with five incredibly
sexy men who could shift into fierce wolves in a blink of an eye, yet she felt detached.
Sure, the sex was incredible and she felt every sensation and
looked forward to trying some naughty positions, but she still felt detached from them.
Was something wrong with her? Had the two years alone
without love and affection caused her to become coldhearted? They were perfect
specimens, and they continuously expressed their attraction and
affection toward her by either touching her as they passed her by or offering to open a
door, pull out a chair, or carry her to a different location in the
house. They were attentive and intense when they held her gaze, yet here she was
feeling like she was having some out-of-body experience.
She watched them move things around, working together and looking sexy in what
appeared to be black military fatigues. Her heart beat
faster, and damn it, her body tingled with lust for them. She wanted to feel their touch.
Any one of them could touch her right now and send her into
frenzy. Although the SUVs appeared to be packed for a camping trip, the amount of
ammunition and guns told her they would be hunting, or
perhaps they realized they were the hunted. The thought frightened her more than when
she was forced to leave Ireland and survive here in the
States on her own. Perhaps it had something to do with the Declan men. After all, she
liked them, was beginning to get attached to them. Oh hell,
she killed two men to save one’s life.

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A gentle caress to her lower back then a hand on her hip took her from her own
“We’re ready, Ava. Hop in,” Sean directed, and as she walked closer to the passenger
side on the second SUV, she noticed Sean holding
her laptop. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she swallowed hard, hoping and praying
that they weren’t as computer savvy as she.
They ignored her obvious discomfort and piled into both vehicles. Sean and William got
into the first vehicle alone while Mick got into the
driver’s side of her SUV with Pat in the passenger’s seat, and Kyle joined her in the
“Get comfortable, Ava, it’s going to be about five hours before we’re at our location,”
Kyle whispered as he held her gaze.
He sounded kind of upset with her, and once again she sensed that distant feeling
Perhaps she was just overtired from all the craziness that took place earlier. Their
silence continued, and finally she decided to close her
eyes and ignore the nagging need she felt to explain her life and admit to her computer-
hacking past. But the O’Brian family stubbornness kicked in
as she clamped her teeth tight and willed away the feelings.
* * * *
“So what have you got so far, Sean?” Willy asked as he continued driving along the tight
turns up the mountainside. He kept checking the
rearview mirror, ensuring that Mick and the others were close behind. Not too far behind
them was the Fagan pack. Van and his brothers had
promised to keep a distance and form an outside perimeter to the safe house.
“I don’t have shit,” Sean responded, sounding frustrated and edgy. His brother was
great with computers and had a knack for infiltrating
most software systems.
“What do you think?” William asked as they approached the long dirt driveway leading
up to a large cabin in the woods.
“There’s something here. I found remnants of websites and encoded data which usually
indicates that the person operating the computer
was covering their cyber tracks.”
“I guess we’ll be adding some questions to the interrogation.”
Sean was silent a moment, but he was blocking his thoughts from William.
“Yes, I still plan on questioning Ava.”
Sean began to speak as William placed the vehicle in park and looked at Sean with a
stern expression.
Sean was wise enough to remain silent.
They exited the vehicle and began to split up to look around the house. Once everything
was secured, they allowed Kyle to help Ava exit the
vehicle. She glanced around at each of them, and to William she appeared tired and
One by one, they entered the log home, impressed with its openness and modern
décor. No one spoke a word but instead worked in sync
to unpack the supplies and stock the cabinets with food.

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* * * *
Ava wasn’t sure what was happening as she assisted the men with unpacking. They all
seemed so distant, and none of them spoke a word
to her. It was as if they were having some quiet conversation with one another and left
her out of the loop. Was this what life with them would be like
because she wasn’t a wolf?
After an hour of the silent treatment, she gave in to her annoyance.
“Which room is my room? I’d like to go lie down,” she stated more firmly than she
All five men looked at her, then Mick, Kyle, Sean, and Pat looked at William.
“You don’t have your own room. You’ll be bunking with all of us. Go to the room down
the hall farthest to the right. I’ll be there momentarily,”
William stated with arrogance, causing Ava to feel prickly sensations run up and down
her spine. What was he so upset over? She was the one
whose life was ruined. A thousand thoughts went through her mind, and a thousand
more retorts, but she opted for the simplest.
“Whatever!” she stated then turned and hurried out of the kitchen.
All the way down the hallway, her body hummed with awareness. As if she had some
sort of innate ability, she knew that William was upset
with her but also wanted her. Flashes of his naked body infiltrated her rational thoughts,
winning over any possibility of being calm at all. She had
made love to the others twice, but not William. He was the commander, their head
Alpha, and he had a bone to pick with her, and it was obvious.
By the time she reached the bedroom as instructed, and even that didn’t piss her off as
being ordered what to do should be, she began to shake
with anticipation.
The smell of the cedarwood combined with remnants of burning firewood from the past
invaded her chaotic senses. Her eyes zeroed in on
the king-size bed and thick, soft-looking hunter-green comforter. Pillows upon pillows
crowded in front of and across the tall cherrywood headboard,
making her imagine laying her head atop of them and snuggling for hours. Then she
noticed the array of women’s clothing sitting on top of the high
wardrobe closet. Were they for her, and if so, how did they accomplish that?
She walked closer, examining the sizes and colors of the various sweaters, shirts, and
“I told you that we would take care of you, Ava.”
Ava gasped and quickly turned toward William, surprised at his sudden presence in the
room. Her heart pounded faster as she locked
gazes with him. The man stood at about six feet five inches, and although she wasn’t
very short at five feet seven inches, the man appeared
gigantic to her.
“Thank you,” she offered as her voice cracked. He moved closer, looking her body over,
making every inch that his hazel eyes took in begin
to tingle and heat up.
Instinctively she took a step back, colliding with the wardrobe closet. He didn’t hesitate
but moved swiftly and now stood inches in front of

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She took a deep breath, absorbing every sensation of dominance and strength that
emitted from his body. And what a body William had.
He was bulky yet trim with no fat, just pure muscle. She suddenly felt self-conscious.
Her hair was probably a mess from sleeping in the SUV. She
could use another shower, yet something carnal and animalistic burned in William’s
eyes and penetrated her soul. She felt incredibly hungry.
As his fingertips touched her torso where her snug-fitting T-shirt barely covered her
belly, she jumped, feeling a tiny shock of sexual
“The house is beautiful and this room is stunning,” she whispered, avoiding his gaze
and shaking with nervousness as she tried to ignore
his masculinity and appeal. The feel of his other hand, warm against her left hip, caused
a soft moan to escape her lips. His fingers moved under
her T-shirt as his thumb drew tiny circles against her skin.
“Have you seen the shower?” he asked, trailing calloused digits out from under her shirt
and against her skin, making her belly feel as if it
dropped with disappointment. But then he undid the button to her jeans, and she
gasped as she leaned back against the furniture. She shook her
head while holding his gaze as he pressed his body against hers.
“I think we should check it out together.”
He began to push her shirt up, caressing her skin along the way. She complied with his
nudge, raising her arms up higher so he could
remove the material. The look in his eyes darkened as he licked his lips and stared at
her breasts. He cupped them fully. “Beautiful,” he whispered
before leaning down to kiss the corner of her mouth.
She reached for him, feeling the need to touch him. He stopped her hands and swiftly
turned her around to face the wardrobe closet. Her
breath caught in her throat, and anticipation filled her senses. He massaged up her
arms, placing her hands above her to hold on to the top ledge of
the dresser. Her heart rate increased, and her pussy swelled with lust.
Large, thick hands caressed her from shoulder to spine. Soft, butterfly kisses cascaded
over where his hands and fingertips explored. In a
quick snap, he undid her bra and cupped her breasts from behind her.
“So soft and sexy. I love this body, Ava. I can’t wait to get inside of you.”
His words flowed like honey over her skin. Her throat tightened with a gasp, and he
surprised her as he pinched her oversensitive nipples
while thrusting his hips against her ass.
When his hands left her breasts, she wanted to reprimand him and demand they return,
but then he slowly began to push her jeans down her
legs, being sure to be gentle as he removed them.
She felt sexy and desirable standing there in only her white thong panties as her bra
hung against the bends in her elbows. William
caressed her spine all the way down to her hips before cupping her ass cheeks and
squeezing. He kneaded the flesh, causing more fluid to leak

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from her oversensitive pussy. She felt his tongue licked along her lower back then
against the thin material between her ass cheeks.
She heard his zipper go down and him shimmy from his pants.
“What about the shower?” she asked in a panic. She felt too much from his touch alone
and his dominance of her body. She was about to
combust, and she needed time to breathe, to be angry at his attitude.
“Fuck the shower.” He grunted as he wrapped an arm around her midsection, lifted her
in the air, and carried her to the bed. He placed her
on all fours, spreading her legs just shy of the edge of the bed. She felt the material
under her fingers as she clenched the comforter. She was
suddenly aware of every scent, sound, and movement around her, taking in the scent of
the fabric softener and cedar smell. She wanted him inside
her. She was just as hot and turned on as William was, but she was too shy to tell him.
He pressed his tongue to her pussy lips from behind and she moaned while clenching
the sheets, trying to hold back from losing complete
“Delicious!” he blurted out in between licks and nibbles to her clit, causing her to press
back against his mouth.
“You want my cock, Ava, don’t you? So hot and wet for me. This pussy is all mine for the

Oh fuck!

Ava tightened then held her breath as she felt the thick, bulbous head by her pussy.
There was no slow entry this time, and she was grateful
as her body became greedy and wanton for his flesh. She felt the need to the depths of
her core and with all her soul. She held her breath in
As soon as William shoved forward, causing his cock to penetrate through her sensitive
vaginal muscles, she screamed another small
release. It was an exquisite torture, a feeling of completion she only seemed to sense
when one of her men was deep inside of her. In and out, with
each stroke he brought her body to a higher level. She wasn’t sure how much more she
could take. All she knew was that she wanted him hard and
“Harder, Willy, please,” she begged, and he complied, wrapping an arm around her
midsection and pulling her up and back against his
rock-hard cock. The new position seemed to reach deeper. With each stroke of his
cock, along with the feel of his thick, solid thighs encasing her
body, she came closer to orgasm. She felt his arm tighten, and she sensed the urgency
as he thrust so deeply and hard she lost her breath, barely
able to cry out in satisfaction. Instead, moisture lubricated his strokes, her nipples
hardened and tingled, and her vision swirled in front of her.
She shoved back against him and he returned the thrust, and it was on. It was a game
of who was satisfying whom more. In and out, he
continued his strokes, causing her blood to feel as if it were boiling beneath her skin.
“Oh, Willy!” she screamed, and he growled, suddenly thrusting so hard and fast she
could hardly take it. She reached under them where

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their bodies met and cupped his balls, grabbing them hard. He jerked into her deeply,
thrusting speedily in a drastic attempt to reach his fill and
own her body and soul.
“Ava!” William roared as he bit into her shoulder, causing her to scream and orgasm.
She had no idea what the hell just happened, but her
body felt as if she floated on air while William continued to thrust then explode inside of
her. He let her fall forward to the bed, but her arms shook,
unable to bear her weight. She felt his tongue lick against her shoulder and his cock
twitch inside of her while his balls remained plastered to her
“I feel weak,” she whispered, and he immediately pulled from her body, pulled her into
his arms, and lay beside her on the bed.
* * * *
William was shocked at his possessive behavior. He bit her. He lost control of his
emotions and desire for Ava, and he marked her as his
mate. She cooed against his chest, snuggled closer, then fell immediately to sleep.
What the hell had happened to his plan? He had all intentions of
sitting her down and asking her some questions about her life, her family, and how she
remained hidden the last two years. The moment she gave
him lip then headed out of the room filled with attitude, his wolf demanded to have her.
When he saw her standing in the large bedroom looking
emotional, he meant to comfort her but continue with his plan. Then he touched her, and
that was it. She was irresistible, sexy, and just too damn
tempting to not have. The attraction and sex was combustible. As he caressed her hair
and listened to her calm breathing, he put off questioning
and instead allowed his wolf to relish in its satisfaction of claiming its mate.

Chapter 16

Mick slowly opened the door to the bedroom. He and his brothers knew that Willy had
marked Ava and that he was projecting
protectiveness. They wanted to be sure that their brother was in control of his wolf.
None of them had ever experienced anything like this before,
and now that their Alpha had initiated the final process of marking their mate during sex,
they would need to do the same.
He slowly entered and immediately heard the low, deep growl come from the bed. Ava
and Willy were coiled around one another, and
Willy’s large hand was plastered across Ava’s ass.
His brother growled again, and when Mick locked gazes with him he felt his own
hackles rise.
“How is it going, brother?” Mick cautiously asked, knowing that Willy would need the
time to gain control of his wolf. Willy’s eyes glowed a
deep yellow, and Mick stood his ground, returning the same expression and showing his
wolf in return. Willy growled again, causing Ava to stir in
her sleep.
“Willy, are you doing okay?” he calmly asked again, and Mick was beginning to get
concerned. If his brother went all Alpha on him and their

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pack, he could refuse sharing Ava with them and ultimately destroy their pack and kill
Ava. She would need to bond with all five of them. It was their
fate. He allowed his thoughts to flow freely, and in doing so Willy calmed his wolf and
regained his control.
“Sorry about that, brother. I don’t know what came over me,” Willy stated then snuggled
against Ava.
“I guess it was as amazing as it sounded,” Mick stated then smiled, and so did Willy.
“Oh God, you heard us?” Ava asked as she tried to cover herself with the comforter and
move away from Willy. Willy wouldn’t allow it as he
clamped his legs around her lower half and covered her body with his own. He held her
gaze and inhaled against her neck.
“Have a nice rest?’ he teased then kissed along the curve of her lips as she smiled
“Are you okay? I thought I heard growling.”
“Just fine, Ava. How about that shower?” he asked.
“My turn to care for our Ava, Willy. You need to call Van back. He has an update for
you,” Mick interrupted, and Willy growled low then thrust
his hips against Ava. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around his waist and hugged
him to her.
“I will leave you in good hands.”
Willy stood up, and Mick met him by the side of the bed. Willy pulled Ava up and placed
her hand into Mick’s open hand.
Willy trailed a finger along her chin then across her shoulder, down her arm, and over
her breast. “I’ll be back soon,” he said then turned
away and began to get dressed.
* * * *
“What happened?” Pat asked Willy as he entered the kitchen. He was tucking his shirt
into his jeans and headed toward the side door.
“Beats the fuck out of me, Pat. I fucking lost it,” William exclaimed. Pat began to speak,
but one intense look from William and he knew that
his brother needed to be alone.
“I’ll be back in a bit. Mick is with her. When I return we’ll have a talk with Ava. Together.”
Pat, Sean, and Kyle watched as William left through the back door.
“I’ve never seen him lose his cool before. He’s always so in charge and ornery, but right
now he looks lost,” Pat stated to his brothers.
“It’s been said that a mate can change a wolf no matter how set in his ways he is,” Kyle
Sean snorted. “If little ole Ava has Willy out of sorts then the rest of us are fucked,” Sean
Pat chuckled, but Kyle appeared serious.
“Remember who we are, Sean. Remember how important our jobs are. A woman, no
matter how important and special, cannot stand in the
way of progress for the packs. Ava could hold secrets our families have been searching
for. Perhaps even information that the Secret Order can
use to keep control over rogue wolves and the illegals. Don’t take this lightly,” Kyle
stated firmly.

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“I’m not taking anything lightly. All I can tell you is that I would do anything to protect
Ava. We left our jobs in the department to ensure her
safety as well as ensure the protection of the Circle and the Order. But I will not deny
what our woman does to me. My dick is so fucking hard right
now knowing that William fucked her and marked her and that Mick is in there alone
with her about to do the same thing. I crave her scent, the feel
of her soft skin, and the urge to run my fingers through her silky brown locks is
becoming unbearable. I could care less about anything but my mate
right now, Kyle, so excuse me if that makes me weak,” Sean stated then ran his fingers
through his hair. Pat stepped closer to him and placed his
hand on his brother’s shoulder.
“I second everything you just said, brother. Finding a mate is a gift that many wolves
spend their entire lives searching for and never find. I’m
not taking it lightly and I’ll enjoy every second of it. But we need to be patient. Ava is
human. It will take longer for her acceptance and for her to
come to terms with her place as our mate. The least we can do is be supportive and
guide her. We wait until William returns.”

Chapter 17

Ava felt the temptation become too strong to ignore. After a shower and drying her hair,
she found the house empty. The men had told her
that they were checking out the perimeter to the property and to stay put. She sat for a
short time staring at the numerous black bags lying in one
room that was adjacent to the main bedroom. The same bedroom that she shared with
the Declan brothers. She instantly felt the tingling sensation
hit her skin and filter through to her bones. Unconsciously she shook a little as a chill
went through her. Hugging herself, she contemplated about
searching through the bags. By looks alone they appeared mysterious, and her mind
went into overdrive just thinking of the possibilities.
Could there be communication devices in there? Perhaps a radio or some other device
she could use to get in touch with Walt or Brennan?
The men hadn’t even told her that they were in communication with Walt. Didn’t they
think that information would bring her comfort? She wondered if
Fagan pack or the Circle knew more and had possibly shared that information with
Declan pack. Why else would they be so reluctant to share their
progress in the case? She sighed. It seemed every expression or act of affection they
gave her was shortly replaced by untrusting acts instead.
She felt that uneasy tugging in her gut, except this time it was much stronger. What was
she thinking? Did she want to escape from the
safety of the Declan brothers’ arms? Did she feel the need to be alone again, or was
this just her obsession with wanting to know where Fenly was
and to keep harassing him with her highly resourceful computer-hacking skills? He was
out there living free and gaining more and more power with
each transfer of money from her family’s account. If she didn’t get on a computer soon,
he would dissolve every one of them. She needed to stop
him. First financially, and eventually by death.

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Unfolding her legs from underneath her, she listened for any sign that the men were
near. When it seemed all clear, she jumped up and
began to search each bag as her heart pounded inside of her chest and her mind raced
with possibilities of what Fenly had achieved in her
absence from the Internet. She came across a smaller bag and unzipped it, finding a
high-tech netbook computer.


A glance toward the doorway with no sign of the men catching her, she swallowed the
lump of guilt, not so easily, down her throat. She felt a
slight sting on her shoulder where Willy had bitten her. Man, was that intense, and the
orgasm she felt was like nothing thus far. It may be worth
having some battle wounds to continue feeling the connection and ecstasy that the one
bite emitted.
She powered up the device and began to search for what she needed. She was an
extremely fast typist and memorized codes and
numbers that just came naturally once her fingers hit the keys. In a matter of seconds
she was on a secure site, manipulating the password and
security to get to where she needed. Fenly had obviously caught on to something
suspicious as he had changed his password and added extra
security to the accounts. He wasn’t that smart, and she wondered if it was the bank’s
doing or if someone else was interfering in her agenda.
Absorbed in the screen and the details of each withdrawal, her heart felt as if it fell to
her stomach. The bastard had nearly withdrawn fifty
percent of her father’s money, of her money. She felt the tears reach her eyes. She
couldn’t be too late. There had to be a way to get that money
back, just like the rest of it. If she could just figure out where the back door was, she
could transfer the money to the secret account in Ireland.
Eventually she would get back home. The more she typed, the more she realized that
Fenly was getting help from some computer-savvy person.
As she read down each line of transfer, she realized that the individual was transferring
numerous small amounts of money to what
appeared to be bogus accounts. Some of the accounts had to be fraudulent. Fenly
didn’t give a shit about orphaned kids in Guam or any kids at all.
He was smuggling her money out of the O’Brian accounts while falsifying her signature
and consent. This was her money, not his! Now this she
could fix, but it would take some time. There was no way she would let Fenly get away
with this. She felt herself begin to freak out. She felt
desperate and angry as the tears filled her eyes. How could he do this? How could
someone like this remain alive on this earth? He was evil and
she swore to herself that one day she would be the one to kill him.
“Ava?” William’s voice penetrated her train of thought, and she lost her breath. Her eyes
widened in shock at his presence and now his
brothers’ as they all entered the room. They looked angry, and she knew she was
busted. Looking up at them from the floor below, she realized just
how manly and intense they appeared. This was going to go badly.
“What are you doing?” Sean asked with his eyes squinted and his arms crossed in front
of his large chest.

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She tried to calm her breathing, but it was useless. A thousand thoughts went through
her mind, including the fact that the longer she didn’t
take action, the more Fenly would gain. The tears filled her eyes, and she began to lose
her breath.
“Sean asked you a question!” Willy roared. He actually roared at her, which sent the
looming anxiety attack into fast forward.
“Give me the computer,” Sean stated, taking a step toward her.
She clutched the computer to her chest and shook her head. She didn’t dare speak.
She was trying to fight off the anxiety attack.
“Now, Ava!” Mick chimed in just as Sean began to walk toward her. She scurried
backward on the floor, holding the computer and thinking
how desperately she needed to stop Fenly.
She attempted to push the anxiety attack away by absorbing the way each man was
dressed. It seemed to match their personalities. Willy
wore a black T-shirt with black camo pants and boots. His muscular arms were snug
against the sleeves. Mick was dressed in dark designer jeans
and a dark-blue T-shirt. He, too, looked as if his arms would tear the sleeves. She
blinked her eyes, once, twice as they spoke to her, but she
couldn’t hear them. Their words were muffled by the increased flow of blood to her brain
and the inability to catch her breath. She blinked and saw
Sean then his blue shirt, and his blue eyes filled with concern for her. Pat caressed her
arm, urging her to release her grip on the computer, but if
she did then she would lose it. She could lose her chance at stopping Fenly for today,
and she would lose her fight against the attack.
Kyle caressed her cheek.
“Easy breaths now, Ava.”
He told her as she locked gazes with him and felt her chest tighten. She just couldn’t
catch her breath. It was too difficult to breathe.
“What is it?” Sean asked.
“She’s hyperventilating. Grab that small paper bag Walt sent along with the clothes,”
Kyle told Mick, and Mick moved out of her vision.
Ava clutched the computer to her chest as she gasped for air.
“Let go of the damn computer. Let us help you,” Mick stated.
She shook her head, and a moment later Mick was kneeling in front of her with the
brown paper bag.
“Take this,” he demanded as Sean lifted her head up, and she pulled away from him. He
was insistent that she breathe into the bag to clear
a pathway in her lungs. The tightness was still there. This was a bad one. She hadn’t
had an anxiety attack in over a year.
She lay on the floor, waiting out the aftereffects of the attack with the computer still
clutched to her chest.
“What were you doing, Ava?” Kyle whispered as he caressed her cheek.
She debated about what to say and how they would react. She didn’t care if they
thought less of her or hated her for her illegal activities.
They were cops, but would they turn her in?

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“Ava, you can’t continue to lie to us and keep us out. You’re our mate and we need to
know what you’ve gotten yourself into,” Pat stated from
above. She looked up at him then slowly began to sit up with Kyle’s assistance.
“What’s on the computer?” Kyle asked.
She stared at him a moment and then the others.
“I won’t let Fenly get away with this. I don’t care what you say or what you think about
me. I am going to save what is left of the O’Brian name
and I am going to kill Fenly,” she stated out loud as the tears rolled down her cheeks.
The men’s eyes widened in shock, and she felt discouraged
and alone. They would surely hate her for wanting to commit murder, but she didn’t
care. Fenly needed to die.
“You’re not going to kill him, mate. It’s not your job,” Kyle whispered as he caressed her
hair from her eyes. Ava was shocked. Not her job?
“You can’t tell me what I am and am not going to do, Kyle. He killed my father! He
continues to steal from my family and gain more and more
power. He’s stealing my money right now and I need to stop him!” she yelled as she sat
up and shook the computer at them.
“You’re the one hacking into his accounts and taking the money?” William stated from
across the room.
“What? How could she do that? I didn’t find any evidence of that on her laptop,” Sean
“’Fess up, Ava, or I swear I’ll throw you over my knee and spank your ass until I get all
the answers,” William stated firmly with his arms
crossed in front of his chest.
Ava felt her body warm at the thought but also felt her instincts tell her that this was not
a game. They needed to know everything so she
could get back onto the computer and stop Fenly. But they had shown her distrust by
tampering with her computer.
“How dare you tamper with my laptop? Why would you do that? Whose side are you on
anyway?” she demanded to know.
“Don’t even go there. We were trying to help you. You haven’t told us anything that you
She paused a moment as she absorbed his words. She couldn’t tell them that she was
ashamed, that she did what was needed to secure
her family’s money as best she could. She wouldn’t be able to make them understand
how alone she felt and her need to do things alone.
“Did you or did you not hack into Fenly’s accounts?” Mick asked firmly.
“Willy is right. I have been getting Fenly fined for various business dealings while also
taking back my money from his accounts. But that
money is mine, so I’m technically not stealing it,” she stated firmly and locked gazes
with William. He raised his eyebrows, and she stood up,
stomping her foot.
“Damn it, Willy, it is my money and that piece of shit has been falsifying accounts and
my signature to authorize these transfers. He has
taken everything from me, my family, and from generations of O’Brians. I can stop him,
and whether you like it or not I am going to stop him.”

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“I am not going to stand here and watch you illegally computer hack on a government-
issued computer,” William replied.
“Then turn around and go in the other room because I’m getting my money back,” she
stated firmly.
“This affects all of us, Willy. It affects the wolf packs and the Order. She can fill us in on
the information the packs don’t already know, and
she can at least hinder Fenly’s efforts to gain more money and power that he’s using to
fight our cause,” Mick added to the conversation.
“He’s got a point. Like we’ve never gotten our guy from going in the back door and not
following all the red tape? Come on, Willy,” Sean
Ava watched Willy glance around the room at his brothers, who seemed to be on her
side after all.
“I don’t believe this. She hasn’t told us anything, not about her life, what she’s been up
to the last two years, and what she knows about Fenly
and his operation.”
“I promise to tell you everything I know after I stop these money transfers. He’s taking
everything my family has left and he’s using it to fund
his agenda and to put guns and drugs on the streets. Aren’t you investigators, too? Isn’t
that what you’re after, the big bust?”
“We do want the drugs and guns to be eliminated from the streets. It is our agenda to
uphold the law for both humans and for wolves. Don’t
get all high and mighty because my brothers are willing to back you up so easily. I need
proof that you’re not scamming us. I need to know that you
understand the bond as our mate and that this is real between us and for life.”
She was silent a moment as she absorbed his words.
“Listen, Willy, I’ve been alone for a while now. I’ve been trained to trust no one and to
always look over my shoulder. I was a damn virgin
when we first met and was used to only connecting to humans. Despite all that, I had
sex with five men who can shift into wolves all because of the
emotions and gut feelings I had. You’ve treated me with respect and thus far have
protected me. I can’t say at this point that I get the whole matedfor-
life thing, but I do feel the connection. I pretty much felt sick to my stomach and filled
with betrayal as I rummaged through your things to find this
computer if that says anything to ya,” she stated then lowered her eyes.
“This conversation is not over, Ava. Get on the computer and stop that asshole the best
you can. Sean, watch over her as she does it,” Willy
stated then walked out of the room.
Ava immediately jumped on the bed, opened up the computer, and began typing.
“You’re going down, Fenly, and whoever you have working with you is not as good as I
am,” she stated out loud as Sean and Kyle joined her
on the bed.

Chapter 18

Fenly stood in the bedroom of the Declan home sniffing the air. He felt about ready to
shift, his hackles rose, and his eyes began to change.
He wanted to hit something, hurt someone. He wanted to hunt and kill.

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“Fenly,” Duggy whispered from the doorway, and Fenly turned toward him, ready to kill
the wolf. With fists at his side and his razor-sharp
teeth elongated in his human mouth, he must have been a sight.
“They couldn’t be too far ahead of us. A day, tops, and it looks like they headed north,”
Duggy stated with a hand on the doorframe, looking
prepared to make a run for it if the Alpha attacked.
Fenly tried to calm his breathing.
“They fucked her. Ava’s scent is mixed with the Declan wolves’. I smell five separate yet
similar scents and Ava’s. I want them found and
killed.” Fenly growled then used the back of his hand to wipe the drool from his lips.
“I understand, Fenly. I think they’ve had some help escaping.”
Fenly snapped his head up from looking at the bed and rumpled sheets. His mind
imagining what the Declan wolves did to his woman. Ava
was his, and no one would have her. Ava would pay for this as well.
“Spit it out, Duggy, we don’t have time to waste.”
“My men smell other packs here and humans.”
“The human smell is coming from the dead IRA soldiers that Declan killed. This house is
probably their personal home, so other wolf packs’
scents would be lingering if they entertained lately.”
“I doubt that the Declan invite over government operatives for Wednesday-night dinner,”
Duggy responded sarcastically.
“What are you saying?”
“I recognize the stench of government operatives and one pack in particular that I don’t
care to deal with.”
“Fagan pack.”
“Fagan pack? I haven’t heard the likes of them since Ava first went missing and they
began snooping around County Clare. Bastards are
still interested in finding her. The government knows about the Irish Jewel. We need to
get Ava and find out where her father hid it. I want you to get
me a direction, better than just north, of where they took her. I also think it’s time I call
some of my inside people in the Circle and in the CIA. If Ava
and Declan are getting help then I need to zero in on their location in the next twenty-
four hours before word spreads about the Jewel of Ireland.”
Just then Fenly’s phone rang. He flipped open the cell as soon as he saw it was his
associate and computer pro Taps. The man was
brilliant and finally able to stop some computer hacker from changing his passwords
and creating bogus charges on his accounts. Some major
amounts of money were being transferred today, and Taps was keeping an eye on
“What’s going on, Taps? Has all the money been transferred?”
Taps was quiet a moment, and Fenly got a bad feeling inside.
“Unfortunately we have a major problem, sir. Someone very high tech infiltrated all the
accounts and changed things around. They even went
as far as notifying the authorities of the bogus business accounts.”
“What?” Fenly roared. “Where is my damn money and who is this hacker?”

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“Not sure at the moment, sir. I was working against them for the past hour, but they are
quite incredible, whoever they are.”
“Obviously better than you, Taps. Where the fuck is my money now?”
Taps was hesitant, and Fenly roared.
“I have no idea where the money is, and all accounts have been closed out or frozen
until further investigation. We’re screwed here, sir. I’ve
never seen anything like this before in my life. It’s as if this person knew of all the
accounts in the O’Brian estate and had inside help from the
“How are you trying to resolve this, Taps? Are you even trying to locate this hacker?”
“I’ve got my inside people on it now. I’ll call you back as soon as I know something
concrete. Also, don’t use any of your credit cards or debit
cards. Everything has been cleared out.”
“Are you telling me that I’m broke?”
“Not broke yet, but if this computer hacker can get into these accounts and your debit
and credit accounts then they sure as hell can get into
your personal savings, business accounts in Ireland and overseas. I put a block on all
other accounts I could before this hacker could go that far.
Your verbal and written permission is needed to send, receive, transfer, or deposit any
monies in the accounts. The one account you had set up in
Ireland under the false orphaned children’s fund has been depleted.”
“That had over two million dollars in it.”
Fenly roared as he threw his phone then lifted the king-size bed and threw it up and
against the wall. He shifted completely and howled his
anger as his men ran for cover.
* * * *
“Where the hell did you learn how to do all that?” Sean asked Ava as they sat around
the kitchen island while Mick and Pat made some
steaks on the grill.
“I guess you can say I’m self-taught and that revenge is a serious motivator,” she replied
as she locked gazes with Sean.
He covered her hand with his own and squeezed gently.
“We’re in this together now. No more secrets and no more keeping your questions,
concerns, or emotions inside. How did you learn how to
do it?”
She swallowed then leaned back on the stool just as Pat and Mick entered with
steaming-hot steaks. Everything else was on the table, and
they all joined in to begin eating.
“Well? Tell me,” Sean pushed as Ava took the first bite of very rare steak.
“Back in Ireland, the O’Brian family owned many major businesses,” she began to
explain as William entered the kitchen. She felt her
cheeks blush and her belly warm as all five men watched her as they ate. She knew
that Willy was still angry with her and probably the fact that she
won over his brothers, his team, despite his command. That wasn’t her intention. She
just needed to stop Fenly, and she did.

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“So I grew up in an old Irish castle, with lots of family heirlooms and loads of family
history. I miss my home so much,” she stated as she
closed her eyes and thought about her belongings. It was becoming difficult to
remember her room, the paintings on the walls, and the smells of her
“We’ve got ourselves a real Irish princess here,” Mick teased as he eyed her and zeroed
in on her breasts. Her nipples immediately
hardened at his attention, and she lowered her eyes. The men chuckled.
“Go on, princess, and tell us more,” Pat said, and she looked up at him and smiled.
She explained about her father’s importing-and-exporting business, about her love of
painting, and about Brennan, her savior and family
butler in between taking bites of way-too-rare steak and focusing on the baked potato
“Next time cook Ava’s steak a little longer, Mick,” William grunted as he listened in on
her story.
“So my father wanted me to be well rounded yet still appear as a princess especially in
the public eye. Of course I had persuaded him some
by pulling some dangerous stunts, but eventually he caved in.” She smiled at
remembering her father and the crazy things she did as a child.
“What kind of crazy things did you do?” Kyle asked.
“I was told that I couldn’t learn to ride a horse because I could fall off and land on my
head or get seriously injured. One day I just jumped on
the horse and took off. They couldn’t find me for hours, and although I was punished,
once I returned home I taught myself how to ride. Only days
later did my father allow me to ride along with him and teach me the ‘proper’ ways to
ride. He told all his associates that it was his idea to raise his
daughter to be self-sufficient. That was of course after I took the car for a spin and
added heavy metal music to his business graphs and
PowerPoint presentation in front of his board members and CEOs. That was funny.” She
laughed as she thought about it.
“What did you do?” Sean asked, and she explained about going into his laptop and
changing his presentation.
“I asked him to allow me more insight into the family business. I was sixteen and quite
good with computers and numbers, but he wouldn’t
allow it. When his business partner, Fenly’s father, insulted me by saying I was a
woman and that I should keep myself looking pretty and in shape
so one day a handsome rich man would marry me, I lost it. I went in and changed the
entire presentation around and sat outside of the meeting
room. When the sounds of Metallica blared through the doorway I was laughing so hard
I nearly fell off the chair. My father came out yelling, and I
composed myself in time to offer assistance.
“The men of course refused me, but I made my way inside and told my father that he hit
the wrong file. I had spent days redoing his numbers
and showing better means of saving money, wasted spending at the docks and in the
factories that by the time the new presentation went up, my

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father’s CEOs were impressed. Once they all left the house he didn’t yell at me or even
reprimand me. Instead he sat me down in front of his
computer and explained about the family business and about all the accounts we had.
In the days to follow I was unofficially working with my dad. By
twenty I could run it if I had to.”
“Damn, Ava, that is impressive,” Kyle stated.
“Fucking hot is more like it. You gonna be that aggressive in bed, Ava?” Mick teased,
and Ava felt her cheeks warm and her stomach quiver
with desire. She took her napkin and threw it across the island at Mick. Everyone
laughed except for Willy. He looked serious.
The sound of a cell phone ringing gained Willy’s attention as he looked at the face then
walked out of the room.

Chapter 19

“So tell me about the O’Brian family and why Ava is so important,” Willy requested of
Samantha as he walked into the living room talking
into his cell phone.
“She is the only heir to the estate and the means to gaining access to all accounts and
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Sam. Our mate is a goddamn princess with computer
hacking skills and abilities we haven’t even touched on in
conversation yet. Why didn’t Fenly just kill her and take what he wanted? He’s basically
doing that anyway.”
“He can’t just take the family name and all its assets without Ava. Sure he can
confiscate accounts in certain banks, but most are loyal to the
O’Brian name. What did you mean by computer hacking?”
“She’s been fighting against Fenly these last two years through her computer. She
hacks into his accounts, takes back her family’s money,
and fines Fenly, causing his accounts to be closed down and making him pay legal
Samantha laughed. “That is awesome. Man, I wish I had abilities like that.”
“I’m glad you find this amusing. We are investigators working for the government, and
everything she’s done is illegal.”
“Don’t be so by the book, Willy. She’s your mate, and she’s fighting for your pack as well
as all other packs whether she realizes that or not.
Fenly is involved with the IRA and had agents in the government. That’s why I’m calling
you. Don’t let her stay on the computer too long or they can
track her down. Fenly’s computer guy reached out to one of his CIA agents. Needless to
say, that guy is out of a job and sitting in a cell right now,
but not before he was able to tell Fenly’s guy that a government-issued computer was
used to work the computer magic. Satellite images and shit I
guess. Anyway, they couldn’t track your location, but that’s only a matter of time. I really
think heading this way may be best for everyone.”
“I don’t think that is going to be an option right now, and Ava’s on a mission to save her
family name and to kill Fenly. I happen to think that
killing him is a great idea.”

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“You can’t kill him yet. Whether Ava realizes it or not she’s actually smoking out the bad
guys for us. Every time she hacks onto that
computer and messes with Fenly, he reaches out to his resources. Guard her with your
life, but you may have no choice but to head here to Texas.”
“What about this Irish Jewel? She knows a lot about her father’s business accounts and
everything else, but do you really think she knows
about the Jewel’s location? I mean, how important is this?”
“That’s something for you to find out, Willy. She’s special, and you need to bond with her
to ensure her safety and the safety of the Irish
Jewel. It is supposed to remain a secret, but now that Fenly is on the hunt for it, others
will think Ava can bring them to it, too. Be safe and keep me
Willy hung up the phone then walked back into the kitchen. At this point Ava was
explaining about her two years in the States and the joy of
her artwork.
* * * *
“Why did you run from us that night at the gala?” Sean asked as they finished cleaning
up from dinner.
“You were asking me a bunch of questions and I didn’t want to be involved in your
investigation,” Ava replied.
“Why did you warn them about the bomb before you took off that night when they first
saw you?” Mick asked Ava.
She took a deep breath and looked at both Sean and Kyle.
“I have no freaking idea. I mean, I didn’t even know you yet. When I ran and you caught
me and I knew that you were wolves and everything I
should be afraid of, I felt something. I had no idea what it was, but I couldn’t just let you
and your men walk into your death.”
“How did you know about the bomb?” Pat asked.
“I saw Simon and his men setting things up. I had no idea that you were there until
those local drug dealers showed up.”
“Z Crew from Harlem. They were running drugs and guns on the streets for the past few
years. Started a nice business until we were
transferred to the antidrug task force,” Pat replied.
“They’re all dead now. They died in that explosion instead of us,” Sean added then
placed his hands on Ava’s shoulders and squeezed her
“Why did you run from us at the gala? You were already feeling the connection to us.
Weren’t you even curious about us?” Kyle asked.
“Are you kidding me? The days to follow that night in the alley all I dreamt about was
Sean and Kyle. Then I started worrying about the fact
that they were investigators and I was engaging in some illegal activities with my
computer. Then came the fact that I would have to lie about who I
really was and I didn’t want to do it. Ultimately though, the reason I ran was fear.”
“You were afraid we would hurt you?” Sean asked.
She took a deep breath and shook her head.
“Then why?” Kyle asked.

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“I didn’t want to have to choose between you.”
They seemed to process that thought, and Willy cleared his throat, making his presence
“She’s human and not wolf. It’s part of what stands in the way of us completely bonding
to her,” Willy stated firmly.
“I’m sorry that I don’t get it. I’m sorry that I’ve been forced to live on my own and trust no
one. I feel the bond now. I mean, I shot two guys to
protect one of you and I confessed to my computer-hacking skills in the bedroom earlier.
What more do you want, Willy, to accept that I am willing to
believe in us?”
“Why don’t you start by telling us what you know about the Irish Jewel?”
Ava’s eyes widened in shock. She looked at each of the brothers then back to Willy.
“The Irish Jewel is a fairy tale, Willy. What are you talking about?” Ava asked.
“The Irish Jewel is not a fairy tale, Ava. It is the reason why Fenly seeks you out, why
the IRA tried to kill us to get to you, and why secret
rogue agents are currently seeking out our location so they can capture you,” Willy
stated firmly.
“Are you crazy? I don’t know anything more than what my father told me when I was a
child and growing up in our castle.”
“I don’t know if you’re telling the truth or not, Ava, but these groups are willing to kill to
get the information from you. If you know the secret
location then we need to know in order to protect you and keep you alive. We may need
to head toward pack territory which will provide further
protection than what we can offer you.”
Ava looked shocked as she sat on the stool and ran a hand through her hair.
“This is why Fenly and the others are after me? They think that I know where this Irish
Jewel actually is? I haven’t a clue where it is. I thought it
was just a fairy tale of sorts or a family story handed down from one generation to the
next. I wouldn’t even begin to know where to look. My father
never mentioned any secret locations or further concrete information on it.”
“Did he ever mention a secret vault or secret organization attached to the Jewel?” Mick
asked, and Ava shook her head.
“There has to be something more you know, Ava. Fenly and these men believe that you
are key to locating the Jewel.”
Ava stood up and slammed her hand on the counter.
“I don’t know anything about it. Why are you insisting that I do? Just because you don’t
trust me, Willy, and think that I’m lying to you because
I’m human, not were, doesn’t give you the right to interrogate me on this subject.”
Willy stepped forward and pointed at her across the granite island.
“I gained the right to interrogate you when my brothers’ lives were first threatened and
when we realized that you are our mate. You will
answer any questions we have or else,” he yelled. He was losing his cool. This woman
got under his skin like no other. His brothers remained silent,
but Ava looked about ready to combust.
“Or else what?” she countered.
“Um, Ava, that’s not a good idea,” Sean whispered, trying to intervene.

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“Quiet!” both Ava and Willy yelled at him, and Sean raised his hands and stepped back.
“Or else I’m going to throw you over my knee and slap that ass until you show the
respect that your Alpha deserves.” Willy was forgetting why
he was angry with his mate and instead was getting turned on by the smell of her anger
combined with her lust for him. Her nipples were pebbled
hard against her T-shirt and her face flushed from neck to cleavage. Oh yeah, he never
knew that bantering with a woman could be so sexually
“That may work for some female dog, but not a princess,” Ava replied then turned
around, flipping her hair back over her shoulder as she
exited the room.
William was on her like white on rice as he lifted her up over his shoulder and carried a
kicking and screaming Ava to the couch.
* * * *
Ava didn’t know when the conversation took a turn, but she was definitely feeling turned
on and feisty at the prospect of getting under the
big, bad Alpha’s skin. He was always so calm, collected, and separated from the
surrounding events and activities it almost made her think that he
didn’t have a heart. But that wasn’t the case.
In no time at all William had her pants down and her naked ass over his knee. Before
she could stifle a yell the first slap landed across both
cheeks, eliciting a yelp and a gush of cream seeping from her pussy.
“Oh god,” she stated as she tried to adjust her position. From her position over Willy’s
lap she was spread open for the brothers to see her
pussy and her ass as they joined them in the living room. Willy’s muscular thighs felt
hard and uncomfortable under her ribs, and her hair was in her
face as her head hung over the other side of him. She slapped at his calves, and Willy
spanked her a few more times. In between smacks, he
caressed her hot skin and eased the slight pain from his punishment. Crazy thing was
that she was totally turned on by his actions. She wanted to
tell him to smack her ass some more, but she was scared to admit how turned on she
actually was.
“Who is your Alpha?” he asked as he swatted her ass again.

Oh god, he didn’t just ask that.

“Who?” he demanded to know as he squeezed her ass cheeks.
“You are,” she replied, sucking in a deep breath and feeling the sting to her ass cheek.
Then she felt his fingers dip between her pussy lips and press inside of her.
“Oh!” she moaned.
“You’re so fucking wet, Ava. Our little princess is horny and likes a good spanking. Isn’t
that right, Ava?” he asked in a slightly raspy voice.
She could feel his erection under her breast and ribs. He was getting harder by the
second, and she wanted him inside of her.
He smacked her ass again.
“Answer me,” he yelled.
“Yes! Oh god, Willy, yes, it feels so good. It burns, but it turns me on.”

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“Oh fuck, I’m gonna come in my pants,” Mick stated as he fell to his knees in front of
Ava’s head. He brushed her hair from her face and
lifted her cheeks to face him. She felt hot and flushed just as Mick covered her mouth
and kissed her lips. He devoured her tongue and dueled with
her for possession of the kiss. She breathed through her nose and smelled the desire in
the room grow stronger. She tilted her upper body toward
Mick then heard his zipper go down as Willy thrust two fingers up into her pussy. The
sloshing sound filled the room as Mick released her lips.
“I got something for that sharp tongue of yours, mate,” Mick stated, and when she
looked down, she saw him holding his cock in his hands.
The bulbous head looked thick and dripped with pre-cum. Behind her Willy continued to
draw more juices from her pussy. She knew what Mick
wanted but was scared. She had never done this before.
“Nice and easy. I’ll talk you through it,” he stated then winked. Mick was a flirt and a
tease. But boy, was he good looking. She licked her lips
and he moaned. “Now, Ava, or I won’t take things slow your first time giving head.”
She was shocked at his tone and serious expression, and then he smirked. She felt the
relief then opened her mouth to take in her first
official taste of cock.
Slowly the men worked their way inside of her. Willy with fingers in her pussy as he
rubbed her ass cheeks and spread them, teasing her
anus, and Mick as he thrust slowly in and out of her mouth, giving her directions so she
wouldn’t gag. It seemed like mere minutes had passed when
she got the hang of it and Mick increased his thrusts. She thought she would truly choke
when he shoved nearly completely down her throat as Willy
pressed a finger through the puckered hole.
She screamed around Mick’s cock as he held her hair and thrust faster. The sound of
his deep growl as his cock somehow grew thicker
with each stroke told her he was about to combust. She couldn’t breathe, and he was so
big, but she wanted to satisfy him. She wanted to make
him proud.
“Ava!” he yelled then thrust again, exploding inside of her mouth, shooting his warm
essence down her throat. He pulled from her mouth and
lifted her up toward him as he shoved her hair to the side and bit into her shoulder next
to Willy’s mark.
She screamed, and Mick held her tight.
* * * *
The sight was too much for all of them. The men stripped and then stripped Ava the rest
of the way, yanking off her bra to bare her full
breasts to them.
Willy turned her around and kissed her mouth. He could taste his brothers on her which
brought his wolf into dire need to claim its mate.
Lifting her up to straddle his hips, he lay on the couch with his legs over the arm, and
Ava squealed. He pinched her nipples then pulled her
on top of him to taste each exquisite bud and mark her body with love bites. She
moaned and threw her head back, looking like a sex goddess as

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his pack mates watched on.
William played with her belly then touched a finger to her pussy lips as she kneeled
above him.
“Ride his cock, Ava, while I get this ass ready,” Kyle stated as he gripped her hair and
turned her head sideways so he could ravish her
She did as she was told then leisurely lowered her wet pussy over Willy’s cock, taking
him slowly inside of her.
* * * *
She moaned all the way, and Willy began to thrust upward.
Kyle released her lips and pressed her closer to Willy’s chest. He thrust up into her, and
Kyle spread her ass cheeks. He could smell her
arousal, and his cock wanted inside its mate. Her hips lifted, and her toned thighs
stretched to accommodate Willy’s thrusts. She was gorgeous
and had an athletic body made to satisfy five Alpha males.
“Here,” Sean stated, passing Kyle the tube of lube. He squeezed some onto his finger
then tossed the tube to Sean, who waited, eager to
fuck their mate and claim her with his bite next.
Kyle pressed a finger to Ava’s anus, and she moaned against Willy’s mouth.
“That’s it, baby, nice and easy. Kyle’s got a nice, hard dick for you, honey, and this ass is
calling for cock,” Kyle stated as he adjusted his
position. Willy and Kyle spoke through their link, and Willy adjusted his thighs and
moved further toward the edge of the arm on the couch to
accommodate Kyle.
“Here I come, baby,” Kyle whispered then clenched his teeth and began to press his
painfully hard cock through her tight, muscular rings. He
watched in pure fascination as her perfect ass sucked him in inch by excruciating inch
as she lifted her pelvis to get him in faster.
“Fuck, that’s hot, Ava!” he growled then slapped her ass, grabbed her hips, and began
to counterthrust against Willy’s movement.
The sight of her bare back, round ass, and the two marks from his brothers on her
shoulder was too much for Kyle. His wolf was desperate
to mark Ava as he increased his thrusts and slammed into her. Ava lifted up, pulling off
of Willy’s cock, allowing Kyle to fully mount her from behind.
His balls slammed against her ass, and her breasts bounced around. It was so sexy he
grabbed her around her midsection and cupped her breast
as he thrust three more times into her.
Ava moaned and counterthrust, and Kyle couldn’t hold back. He thrust again, exploded
inside of her, then bit into the shoulder opposite the
ones his brothers had.
Ava screamed then slumped forward against Willy, who wrapped his arms around her
as Kyle pressed his chest against her back.
He was out of breath and trying to calm his breathing as the aftereffects of their
lovemaking took over.
* * * *

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Ava lifted herself up and knew that Sean and Pat were waiting, but Willy was still in
control. He changed his position and sat in the middle of
the couch with his legs open wide and his cock thick and hard.
“Get up here now, baby,” he told her, and she straddled his waist then immediately took
him inside of her throbbing pussy. She felt a little
sore but not unwilling to continue. No way, and not with five sexy, hot men naked and
ready to make love to her again and again. She might die from
the sex, but she didn’t give a damn.
Ava stirred as she thrust up and down on top of Willy and felt the hands caress her
Looking over her shoulder she saw Pat and smiled. She continued to ride Willy, eliciting
some moans of approval before he grabbed her
face and kissed her mouth.
Pat moved in behind her as Willy spread his thighs and leaned back into the couch. She
felt Pat’s bulbous head at the entrance to her anus,
and she moaned against Willy’s mouth. Willy released her lips, and she adjusted her
body to take in Pat while she still rode Willy’s cock.
Her breasts hit Willy’s face, and he chuckled then licked and feasted on them.
Pat slowly pushed inside of her then caressed her arms from elbow to wrists, placing
them above her head and over Willy’s. The move
caused both men to penetrate deeper.
“Oh god, I feel so full.”
The men began their thrusts, alternating in and out of Ava’s body. Ava became insanely
aroused and began to move her body along with
the men. Suddenly there was a competition to satisfy and fuck harder and faster than
the others. She felt Pat’s fingertips dig into her hip bones as
he thrust harder and harder into her.
“Oh yeah, Ava, take it all, baby, take it all,” Pat yelled then roared as he thrust again,
exploded inside of her, then leaned down and bit into
her shoulder next to Kyle’s mark.
William growled then thrust upward, releasing his seed then biting into her shoulder
precisely where he first bit her.
Ava lay against Willy’s shoulder as Pat kissed her back then slowly pulled from her
* * * *
Sean lifted Ava up and carried her from the room. In no time at all he and Mick had the
shower running and Ava under the spray of warm
water as they bathed her.
It was Ava who surprised the hell out of both men when she fell to her knees, grabbed
Sean’s cock, and began to seduce him.
“That’s it, baby, just like I taught you,” Mick stated proudly as he leaned against the wall
and watched them.
Sean tried to remain calm, but he was so aroused and proud of his mate he couldn’t
resist teasing Mick.
“Fuck, baby, that feels real nice. Now caress my balls in your hand while you suck.
Yeah, just like that, Ava. Mick didn’t teach you

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everything,” Sean teased as he grew harder and harder. He had waited patiently for his
turn to mark their mate, but the way she gave head, he
could stand to wait longer.
Mick chuckled. “I’ve got a lot to teach our Ava.”
“So good, Ava, so good,” Sean stated, and Ava picked up her pace. At this rate he
would shoot his load in her mouth instead of her pussy.
No way.
He grabbed ahold of her to stop her.
“I have to be inside you, baby. I’m already there.”
He lifted Ava up with little strength and pressed her body against the wall. She opened
her legs to him, and he immediately pressed his
cock between her folds as he covered her mouth in a kiss. He was completely inside of
her, thrusting against her, trying to fight his wolf’s need to
release his seed and claim her. He wanted it to last, but watching his brothers fuck their
mate was too much.
“I can’t hold back, Ava. It was too much watching you in the living room.”
“Fuck me hard, Sean. I need for you to come inside of me,” Ava said.
That was it. Sean increased his speed and thrust into her four more times before
exploding inside of her. He growled and bit into her
shoulder then licked the wound and kissed her until his legs shook and felt like jelly.
“Fuck, you’re incredible, baby. I can hardly stand.”
“Allow me,” Mick stated as he took Ava from Sean and Sean fell to the bench in the
shower. The water flowed over him, and he watched as
Mick pressed Ava’s hands against the tile wall and he adjusted her hips to take her from
behind. Ava miraculously looked up for another round of
* * * *
Mick was so hard and turned on he couldn’t resist temptation. He only had oral sex with
Ava before, and despite the fact that he claimed
her, he wanted to be inside her just as his brothers had been.
Ava looked exhausted, but she was also up for the challenge as she thrust her hips
back against his cock and took him immediately inside
of her.
Always being the dominant during sex, Mick held her wrists tight and thrust his cock
against her pussy from behind. The tight, swollen
vaginal muscles gripped his cock and felt so damn good he was already ready to come.
He looked at the numerous bites on her shoulders and knew that they had fully mated
with Ava. Obviously from her show of desire with
Sean, she felt the bond, and things between all of them would definitely improve. He
slowed his pace, and Ava moaned.
“How’s that, baby? You must be feeling tired from all that cock you had after dinner,” he
teased, and she moaned. “You want it slow, baby?
Can’t handle the big cock no more?” he challenged, and she counterthrust hard.
“I thought you couldn’t take it, Mick. How about a little harder?” she teased in return,
and he realized he was in love. His mate was perfect
and exactly the kind of woman he wanted.

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“Fuck yeah, baby, hold on for the ride of the evening.”
Mick pounded into her from behind as Ava gave as good as she got. His cock felt so
hard it was nearly becoming numb. He had never felt
this hard before, and he knew it was because of Ava.
“Damn, baby, I’m there,” he yelled, and Ava laughed.
He realized she was challenging him, and he decided to give her a little tease back.
Ava gasped as Mick pressed a finger to her forbidden hole and began to thrust into both
holes at once. A finger in her ass, he added a
second then pumped his cock into her pussy, focusing on his dominant position and the
perfectly round ass his lover had.
He felt her vaginal muscles tighten, her body as well, when she screamed her release
as he thrust one final time, exploding inside of her. He
bit her shoulder where his first mark was and continued to thrust three more times. Ava
slumped against the wall, and he pulled from her body then
hugged her close.
“I’m gonna fall,” Ava whispered, and Mick chuckled.
“No you’re not. We need each other to make it to the bed.”
Ava laughed as Mick turned off the water. There were Willy and Kyle holding towels and
ready to help.

Chapter 20

Brennan received a message to meet a representative from the Secret Order at a public
location. Brennan knew that he could go without a
problem because Fenly and his men were in the United States looking for Ava. He took
all the necessary precautions and headed into town and the
local grocery market. But not before informing his cousin Walt about the meeting.
“You keep an eye on Ava and I will take care of what’s necessary here,” Brennan told
his cousin. Of course Walt was suspicious, but
Brennan was stubborn, and the Order had always been faithful and well run.
“You know as well as I do, Brennan, about the power and superiority one has as ruler of
the Secret Order. With Patrick dead those who
betray the Order shall reveal themselves. You just need to be looking to see.”
“I know, Walt. This is part of the process. It is my fate to be here in this position and to
know the risks, but Ava remains my priority.”
“And mine, cousin. Be safe and I will call you soon with an update.”
Walking through the outdoor produce market, he inhaled the various aromas, and his
wolf zoned in on one of the tasty and not-so-tasty
morsels. It was the scent of nervousness that had him staring toward a young fellow.
Gathering a few things he needed, Brennan waited for a signal. Just as he began to
think that perhaps this was a setup he saw the young
man with the Irish hat give the sign. Brennan met him over at the car, and they spoke a
few words.
Brennan got into the car, and they took off as Brennan realized that a main
representative sat across from him in the vehicle. A wolf who had
all intentions on one day becoming king ruler of the Secret Order. Desi Perkins was also
a member of the Circle.

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“Hello, Brennan. It’s nice to see you, old friend,” Perkins stated, and Brennan smiled.
Perkins was high up in the Order. Perkins believed
that he already had great power and importance, but he lacked self-control and
patience. An inpatient and power-hungry wolf would lead to disaster
and distrust among the packs. Brennan had a feeling the old wolf was up to no good,
but there wasn’t any proof of it. What was Perkins after?
“It’s been a while, Perkins. Why is it that you’ve contacted me?” Brennan asked.
He absorbed the older man’s facial expression and deep black eyes. He could tell that
Perkins was cocky, and it had more to do with selfcenteredness
than being of the wolf. His pack had been serving the Order since its inception hundreds
of years ago. His thick Irish brogue made
Perkins sound distinguished and superior, but Brennan was cautious, as he knew he
should be.
“I’m going to cut to the chase, Brennan. I understand that Ava O’Brian is alive and well
and hiding in the United States. It is important that
she come back to Ireland and is under the safety of the Order.”
Brennan was surprised and wondered why he would initiate such a request, and who
did he think he was to do so?
“I don’t understand why the Order would be interested in Ava. I have not heard from the
King or any of his seconds-in-command.”
Perkins appeared annoyed, but just as quickly as that expression showed, another,
calmer expression covered his face.
“She is important to the Order. She is the last heir to the O’Brian estate. We have
questions she may be able to answer. I, for one, have the
largest estate with the finest amenities and security system. She would be safest with
“What type of questions?”
“Questions that you are not privy to know since you are lower in the ranks than most,
Brennan. I am giving a courtesy call to you about
getting Ava to me. Her life depends on the Order’s protection.”
Brennan didn’t like his tone. His wolf smelled the lies, and he wondered exactly what
was going on. What Perkins didn’t know was that
Brennan was actually higher up than him in the ranks of the Order, thanks to Patrick
O’Brian. But now wasn’t the time to reveal his ranking. He
wanted to see what this wolf was up to.
“You know where she is, don’t you, Brennan?”
Brennan shook his head and held Perkins’s gaze.
“You were close to her, Brennan, like another father from my understanding of your
“No. I have no idea how she escaped or where she could be hiding. In fact, my sources
in the Unites States believe that she is dead.”
Brennan felt terrible for saying the words, and he spoke them before thinking, but he
was going with his gut here. Something was up.
Perkins leaned forward in his seat. His eyes began to glow, and it appeared as if he
were fighting his temper.
“We need her body if she is dead.”

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“Why?” Brennan asked too quickly as the vehicle came to a stop.
“The Order needs proof that the last living heir is dead.”
Before Brennan could respond, and as he realized that somehow Perkins knew who
Ava’s father really was, the side door opened and the
one young man appeared from the market, but behind him several wolves growled in
preparation for a fight.
“It’s time that you start telling the truth, Brennan, and stop protecting the O’Brian name.
Patrick is dead, and Ava is the last living heir. Once
she dies, then I can take over as king. Especially after she reveals where the Irish Jewel
is. That’s where you come in. You’re going to contact her
and bring her back to Ireland.”
“I don’t think so. Besides, the King is very much alive and well, Perkins,” Brennan stated
then shifted inside of the vehicle. He struck Perkins
then exited on the other side of the vehicle, taking off into the fields. Behind him he
heard the others following, howling and barking in anticipation of
killing him. Brennan needed to get away. Ava needed him as much as he needed her.

Chapter 21

Ava heard the sounds of Irish music in her dreams. The Irish banjo, the violin, the Celtic
sounds she grew up with surrounded her mind and
body. Taking a deep breath, she smelled the country air of County Clare. She was home
again and could see her family castle nestled among the
vibrant emerald greenery and climbing roses. It was at a distance, and from where she
knelt, she could see far and wide around the estate. The
wooded area hid her location as she sensed something coming from her right. As she
looked toward the sounds, the sun began to set and the night
took over the fields of rich, vibrant colors of daytime in Ireland. The music continued to
play havoc on her mind, both pleasant yet unnerving, when
suddenly she was drawn to the spot where shadows began to appear, lining up around
and near the chateau that Brennan resided in. Taking a
deep breath, she felt her heart begin to ache for him. She missed him so and hoped that
he was safe.
The moon began to shine, illuminating the twelve very large men standing in military-like
stances as if gathering for battle. She dared not
move or make her presence known, yet she felt the urge to see their faces and know
who they were. As if on cue, they revealed themselves, and
she gasped as she recognized her men. The Declan wolves were pure perfection and
warriors for something greater than a local law-enforcement
organization. Behind them were more wolves loyal to the Circle. Someone else joined
the circle of men, and when he did the others growled and
revealed their incisors. She could see behind the new arrival other men begin to shift
into wolves before her eyes. Still amazed at such magical
abilities, Ava watched in curiosity until the one newcomer began to speak.
“I’ve come for Ava,” he stated in a thick Irish brogue, and Ava covered her mouth to stifle
the gasp. She could sense that the man was evil,
and she practically felt her men’s protective shield around her. The marks upon her
shoulders tingled with anticipation. She belonged to Declan and

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no other.
“She’s not here. Leave now. You are not welcome here,” William stated firmly.
The stranger smiled, showing off his elongated incisors and mocking her mate.
He turned slowly in her direction, and she tried to squat down lower.
“She is right there waiting for me.”
“Get away from her!” Kyle screamed as he launched himself toward the stranger. Before
he could make contact, another wolf blocked his
path. The stranger moved closer, and as her mates tried to stop him more wolves
attacked. They were outnumbered.
“Take my hand, princess. Your destiny awaits,” he stated, appearing in both wolf and
human form.
“No!” she heard someone scream then saw Brennan tackle the stranger toward the
ground as they shifted completely into wolf form.
Echoes of fierce growls and screams of pain overtook the pleasant sounds of Celtic
music. The air reeked of death and blood with her castle as
the backdrop for a massacre.
“No, let him go. Please let him live,” she screamed just as the evil wolf ripped Brennan’s
heart from his chest. He held it in his paw, the
bloody beating heart of her closest friend and ally.
“Brennan!” she cried, feeling her whole world begin to shatter.
She glanced toward the others and they all lay dead, her men, her mates, and her last
dying hope of returning home.
* * * *
Ava awoke with a start. She clutched the comforter to her chest and attempted to calm
her breathing. Immediately William and Kyle were by
her side attempting to calm her.
“What is it, Ava?” William asked.
She turned to him, grateful that it had just been a nightmare and that her lovers were
still alive. She grabbed on to him and hugged him to
her, inhaling his scent and feeling safer by the second as the others joined them on the
bed. Each man kissed her, touched her, and showed her
that they in fact were real and present. However, deep inside her there was an ache, a
feeling of foreboding as if something terrible was wrong.
Brennan? She needed to contact Brennan to ensure that he was safe.
William caressed her cheeks and prompted her to look him in the eyes.
“It was just a bad dream, Ava. You haven’t had a good sleep in days.”
“It was a crazy dream. Oh God, it started off so nice, so beautiful. I was back home in
Ireland. I was at the castle.”
“It’s okay, baby. Calm down and catch your breath,” Sean told her.
“It sounds like it was a good one. You thought it was real?” Kyle asked.
She nodded. “You were all there. You were trying to protect me when someone attacked
you. There were a bunch of wolves and you were
all outnumbered. Brennan tried to stop the one wolf from taking me and he was killed.
Oh God, I hope Brennan is okay,” Ava stated, feeling as if the
dream was possibly real but had yet to happen.

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“It’s okay, Ava. Brennan is fine. Walt spoke to him early yesterday morning,” William
added as he caressed her chin.
She felt slightly better but not nearly as convinced that everything was okay.
William stared into her eyes. She locked gazes with his hazel eyes and held on to him.
“Would it make you feel better if we contact him and ensure that he is okay?”
“Yes! Oh yes, Willy, thank you!” she exclaimed as she hugged him then began to kiss
his neck, his cheeks, and finally his lips. The comforter
fell from her body as William and Kyle caressed her back and smiled at her.
“A proper good morning is in order before we start our day,” William stated then covered
her mouth with his lips as he lowered her back
down to the bed.

Chapter 22

Ava stood by the picture window in the living room looking out across the wooded area.
She knew that William was in the other room trying
to track down Brennan. There still wasn’t any word on him, even after she gave up other
telephone numbers and contacts to those she believed still
worked in the castle. William and his brothers tried to reassure her that everything was
fine, but she knew things weren’t fine. Kyle had come into
the living room a short time ago and told her that William was still trying to get in touch
with Walt. She had a bad feeling as she thought about what
could possibly be keeping them from contact.
Ava took a sip of tea and thought about the night her father had been killed and how
Brennan helped her to escape. The moment she
entered the secret passage her world had changed. She was no longer a princess living
in a castle with dreams of grandeur and hopes of proving
to her father that she indeed had what it took to eventually take over the company.
Instead she was shoved into a world of covert operations, secret
aliases, and criminal activity all for the sake of survival. Why had Brennan insisted that
she remain hidden even in the States? Did he believe that
Fenly had enough power and stronghold to take her from the States back to Ireland and
force her into a wedding she would eternally refuse?
Brennan was her last living connection to her home.
“Ava! Willy is on the phone with Walt. Come,” Sean told her as he held out his hand.
She immediately set the teacup down on the table, took
is hand, and hurriedly followed him into the study.
* * * *
“I understand completely. We will get packing and head out. We’ll meet you at the
rendezvous point in twelve hours. Yes, she is right here.”
William locked gazes with Ava. “Make it quick. He’s on the run and we need to get
moving, too.”
Ava was scared as she took the phone from William.
“Yes, honey, it’s me. I don’t want you to panic. Let the Declan pack take you to the
safety of their fellow pack’s territory. I’m going to meet
you there.”
“Where is Brennan? We can’t contact him?”

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Walt was silent a moment, and Ava felt the tears reach her eyes.
“His position has been compromised. My intel says he’s either being held prisoner or
“No! Oh God, no, Walt, he can’t be dead.” She cried out as William covered her
shoulder with his hand.
“Listen to me, Ava, there are others out there that can’t be trusted. Your only hope of
survival is to allow the Declan pack and their allies to
protect you and keep you in hiding. You need to leave now.”
“I want to know who has Brennan.”
“Leave it alone, Ava. This is not a battle for a princess.”
Ava became angry as she looked at her men and absorbed Walt’s words.
“I am not a princess, and this is my battle. If Brennan is in Ireland and being held
prisoner then that is where we will head.”
“No, Ava. Do not head back to Ireland. It isn’t safe.”
“This must end, Walt. Fenly and his associates will continue to kill and manipulate until
they are successful in taking over. This is beyond the
money, Walt. This is about principle and about the O’Brian name. My name. I will not
stand by and allow Fenly to take over. William will call you
when we’re on the road. I want details and I am not taking no for an answer.” She
closed the phone up and slammed it down on the desk. Her men
stared at her, looking angry and about to reprimand.
“What is it that you think you’re going to do, Ava?” Sean asked cautiously.
“I’m tired of being the hunted. Brennan is the only family that I have left. I won’t leave
him to die.”
“We need to get moving. We’re running out of time. I just got a text from Van and he
says fifteen minutes,” Mick said, interrupting them
“We’ll discuss this further in the SUV. Let’s move Ava now,” William said, taking her by
the elbow and ushering her out of the room. Twenty
minutes later they were on the road headed to another location.
* * * *
Ava sat on the large boulder talking with Walt as the others stood by.
“So what you’re saying is that whoever arranged the meeting with Brennan was
involved with this secret organization you’re all involved in?”
Ava asked.
“Yes. It’s the Secret Order of the Brothers of Were. It not only helps to protect the
sanctity of the Circle of Elders, it also enforces the laws
established by the Circle and all Alpha were packs around the world. There are
suborganizations, but the Secret Order is the largest,” Walt
“Not every Alpha male is asked to be part of this organization. There are only twenty
men who stand as actually warriors. There are several
hundred underneath those men, and of course the main leader is King.”
“What do you mean by King? Like royalty or something?” Ava asked.
“The King is unknown to most members of the Order. This is to ensure anonymity and
restrain other organizations or rogue packs from
engaging in a hostile takeover,” Walt stated.

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“Well apparently not everyone got that memo,” Ava replied sarcastically.
They were silent a moment.
“We have our suspicions of who may be behind Brennan’s disappearance or abduction.
My men are working on this as we speak. I should
have a definite by tonight,” Walt stated.
“I still don’t understand why they would want Brennan. He’s just a butler and good friend
of my family.”
“He’s more than that, Ava. Your father ensured that he had a position in the Order. As far
as I know, he’s higher than most of us. This was to
ensure your safety if anything ever happened to your father. We’ll have to ask Brennan
just what position he was appointed as soon as we find him,”
Walt stated.
“Well then, you all better work on making flight arrangements because we’re all going to
Ireland to find Brennan,” Ava replied, and all the
men stared at her, including Fagan pack.
* * * *
“Well, Walt, what’s the latest?” Samantha asked as she sat in the main office with her
mates and her grandparents.
“As you predicted, Ava has declared she will fight and head to Ireland.”
“My God, this isn’t good, Samantha. If Fenly or his associates capture her…” Lady
Marie began to say, but Samantha quieted her down.
“Grandmother, Ava must follow her destiny. She is as strong as Alex had hoped for and
as determined,” Samantha stated.
“Alex? What does Alex have to do with this?” Walt asked.
“I have said too much. I cannot interfere, but there is something I can offer,” Samantha
“What’s that?” Walt asked.
“Reinforcements. Contact Dustin the moment that you have the itinerary, flight schedule,
et cetera. Fagan Pack and Dolberg pack will meet
up with you in County Clare. Fennigan pack will be there to greet you all and provide
safe quarters as you conduct your intel.”
“Fennigan pack!” everyone exclaimed in shock. Samantha knew she would get such a
reaction. The men of Fennigan pack lived in Ireland
and were true warriors. Only problem was that there were six of them and they were a
wild bunch.
“Yes, Fennigan pack. Declan, you and the others will need them when the time comes.
Now get going and notify us immediately when your
plans are set,” Samantha stated before Walt hung up the phone.
Her men looked at her, and so did Lord Crespin and Lady Marie.
“I would love to share what I know, but be certain that I sent them forth with every
weapon I can think of without ‘technically’ interfering.”
“Should we go, too, Sam?” Adam asked. He was so kind to want to help.
“You should stay here on the estate. Lord, make the other Alphas aware of a potential
“Potential invasion? What are you talking about, Sam?” Lord Crespin asked.

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“I am afraid that if Ava and her mates fail, then Fenly and his associates will come at us
with all they have,” Samantha added.
They were silent a moment until Lady Marie spoke.
“As not to bend the rules, Sam, what if we made some inquiries into those individuals in
the Circle who voted down eliminating Fenly?
Perhaps this might assist the Declan wolves if they knew precisely who else was aiding
Samantha thought about it a moment.
“Call your cousin Sunny. I’m sure he’ll be able to take care of this,” Samantha told
The men laughed as Adam made the call.

Chapter 23

It was early evening when William and the others realized that they were being followed.
He spoke to his brothers through their mind links,
not wanting to frighten Ava. Then his cell phone rang.
“We’ve had company for a while now, Willy. Would you like to share your plan?” Van
asked. Willy chuckled then glanced into the rearview
mirror at Ava. Her eyes widened as she looked over her shoulder through the back
windshield then forward again.
“I was just deciding whether or not to face them or make a run for the airport. I’m
thinking that I’d rather have them believing that we’re here
in the US as long as possible.”
“But you’re concerned for your woman?” Van asked.
William glanced at Ava through the rearview mirror then replied to Van.
“Of course I am concerned for her safety. If our guests are of the wolf, our best bet will
be to shift. That will leave her wide open for an
“Not if we head a little out of the way and about twenty miles north. There’s a large
conservation forest on the map Randolph just pulled up.
We can park the vehicles, pretend like we’re camping out, then shift and take them out.”
“We don’t know how many there are, Van,” Willy replied.
“I’m going to pull ahead of you and let Bently and Baher out to see what numbers there
are. They’ll let me know and we can decide.”
“Sounds good. Let’s do it,” Willy stated then closed up the phone.
“Will Van’s brothers be okay?” Ava asked.
“They will contact their brothers if they get into trouble,” Sean told her.
“How? There was no cell signal. Do they have walkie-talkies or something?” she
“They will converse through their mind link, Ava,” Sean stated, and Ava looked very
“Mind link? You mean they can communicate through their…” She hadn’t finished her
sentence as she absorbed the reality of such
capability. She blushed then lowered her head.
Mick leaned into her and Willy smirked.
“That’s right, sexy. It’s just another perk to how wonderful we can make you feel in bed.”
He kissed her cheek then nuzzled her neck.

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“Oh God, you’re crazy, Mick,” she whispered, sounding breathless.
“Save that for later. Let’s figure out what we’re going to do with Ava while we take care
of the guests,” William interrupted. He wasn’t
purposely trying to be a downer. He was worried about his family. The thought startled
him. With Ava, his brothers, and eventually cubs, that was
exactly what was at stake here…his family.
“Why don’t you let me help? I could—”
“No!” all five men exclaimed, and Ava crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared
at William.
* * * *
“I don’t like this one bit,” William stated as they sat in the darkness deep within the
woods. Evening came upon them, and for two hours, like
sitting ducks they remained in their hidden position.
“I don’t like it either. Van and his men haven’t given a signal of any kind,” Mick
whispered as he held Ava between his legs. She was
shivering from the cool night air, and in their rush to evade their attackers they hadn’t
grabbed any supplies. What they thought would be a quick
battle soon turned into the unexpected.
“Why don’t you let me wander down the mountain a bit? My scent will surely bring out
the bad guys and then you can all do your thing,” Ava
whispered, adding to the conversation.
“No,” William stated loudly. “No,” he repeated in a firm whisper.
“What do you mean, ‘do our thing’?” Mick asked her, pulling her tighter against his
“Wreck them, tear them up, rip out their throats, and send a message loud and clear
that no one messes with Declan pack,” Ava replied,
teeth chattering with every syllable.
They chuckled, and Mick began to rub her arms, trying to infuse the warmth of his wolf
blood into her skin.
“Have you been telling Ava stories lately, Sean?” Kyle asked, and they all smiled.
“Seriously, why don’t you let me walk down a bit? I can get them out of their hiding
locations and you can attack along with Van and his
“We won’t put your life at risk, Ava. I don’t like the way these men show up out of
nowhere, how Van and his brothers can’t signal us, or the
fact that Fenly remains somewhere close by.”
“Well I’m cold and I’m determined to get to the plane so we can get to Ireland.” Ava
stood up, and the men growled low at her. She placed
her hands on her hips and stared at them.
“I can’t stand sitting around. Let’s do this already.”
Just then they heard the loud command signal from Van Fagan. Mick recognized the
unique sound, like some huge wild beast, and Ava
immediately jumped toward Mick and clung to him.
“Not so brave now, huh, Ava?” he teased, and Ava clutched his shirt.
“Spread out. Our enemies are moving in,” William whispered, and slowly the men
shifted to wolf form except for Mick.

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* * * *
Ava lost sight of the wolves immediately, and then came the howls and roars of battle.
“Stay close, Ava, and don’t make a sound,” Mick told her, pulling her against his chest
as he leaned his back against a large tree trunk. She
felt his warm lips kiss along her neck, trying to ease her fear. But it was no use. She
was scared and very concerned about the men.
“Will they be okay?” she asked as deep growls echoed through the forest, causing her
to clench her eyes closed and press her back harder
against Mick’s body. She felt his erection, hard and thick against her rear, and she
swallowed hard.
“How can you be hard at a time like this?” she teased. He squeezed her to him and
adjusted his stance to apply deeper pressure to her
“My mate is irresistible,” he stated against her earlobe then nibbled lightly.
She felt the moisture leak from her pussy as Mick cupped the crotch between her legs
before she could close them.
She gasped.
“My little princess getting wet and hot for me?” he asked as he rubbed his fingers back
and forth over the jeans where her pussy throbbed in
need. Closing her eyes, she covered her mouth to stifle her own moans of pleasure.
Suddenly numerous growls, fierce and loud, surrounded them, causing her to open her
eyes and scream as flying wolves collided in midair
feet from where she stood.
Mick continued to lick and nibble against her neck as if what she saw were not really
happening. In a flash numerous wolves lay dead, and
her men appeared, changing into human form before her eyes.
They looked so damn sexy and fierce she felt her body go weak, and a moan escaped
her lips.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Sean stated toward Ava and Mick.
Mick’s warm breath pressed against her sensitive skin as he chuckled.
“I thought you could use a little help in sniffing them out,” he replied, and it took Ava a
moment to understand his meaning.
Before she could speak, William was in front of her, grabbing her face between his
hands then kissing her deeply on the mouth. His hands
lifted her shirt as his nimble fingers attacked both breasts, kneading and massaging
them, causing her nipples to harden as she sank harder
against Mick’s cock.
William released her lips and held her gaze with golden-yellow eyes.
“Get her to the SUV now,” he told Mick.
“My pleasure,” he replied as William stepped aside, appearing flustered.
As they walked away from him, the others grabbed her one at a time, either nuzzling
against her neck, kissing her lips, or caressing her
body. By the time she made it to the SUV, she wanted cock and she wanted it now.
* * * *
“Using her scent as bait was a crazy fucking move, Mick,” Van whispered as he and his
brothers followed William and Mick out of the

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“It worked, didn’t it?”
Van chuckled. “It sure did.”
“That’s one tasty morsel you have. Keep her close by, my friend, she’s special,”
Randolph added then walked away.
Mick and Willy exchanged glances with one another then looked toward Van. Van’s
brother Randolph was a wolf of few words.
“Did he just speak to us?” Mick asked, sounding amazed.
“I guess her scent got to him, too. Oh well, we’ll follow you whenever you’re ready,” Van
stated then walked away.
* * * *
Ava felt the ache grow deeper and stronger the further they traveled toward the airport.
She was nearly ready to rip her clothes off and offer herself up for the taking if they
didn’t do something about this ache soon.
Mick caressed her hand and squeezed it tighter.
“Just a few more minutes. We’ve reached the airport, baby. Once we board the private
jet, I’ll take care of you,” he promised her, and Ava
closed her eyes, feeling the tears fill them.
There must be something seriously wrong with her to need sex so badly that she
contemplated touching herself to ease the ache and not
caring who saw her or where she was. She just wanted to end the agony because the
dire need for sex kept popping into her head. They arrived at
the airport and exited the vehicles.
As she was shaking and unable to walk, Mick carried her to a back room on the plane.
She found that she was unable to stop rubbing
herself against him. She inhaled his scent, held him tight around his neck when all she
wanted was for him to be deep inside of her. She forced
herself to look away from him and focused on what was around them. For a private jet it
was larger than what she expected.
“What’s wrong with me?” she whispered to Mick, feeling the tears sting her eyes. It was
torture and a hunger so deep, she just couldn’t take
it any longer.
“Not a damn thing, baby,” he replied as he set her down by the bed and began to strip
her of her clothing. The brush of his fingertips against
her oversensitive skin was like being touched by fire. She moaned and shook with need
deep within her core. He undressed next, and she watched
him with hungry eyes as each ridge of muscle revealed itself. His long, thick cock
tapped against his belly muscles, and she reached for it, falling to
her knees, taking a half a second to swallow nearly all of it. She was desperate, for his
taste and for his essence.
Mick moaned as he grasped a handful of hair and held her firmly while she sucked him
from tip to base. But it wasn’t enough. She reached
down and pressed her own finger to her wet pussy lips and moaned against Mick’s
“Fuck, Ava, I can’t take this.”

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He yanked her up and tossed her to the bed, landing on top of her and between her
She spread herself wide, and he lifted his hips to press his cock between her wet folds.
The moment she felt his shaft penetrate her vaginal muscles, she moaned long and
deep. The feelings of desire and need were
overpowering. As if Mick knew it, he began to move in and out of her, thrusting his cock
then pulling nearly all the way out to thrust forward hard and
fast again.
He kept his rhythm going, and Ava begged for more.
“Please, Mick, oh please, I need more,” she told him as he lifted her thighs and thrust
downward again and again. He pulled at her breasts,
held her face with his hand as they locked gazes. She nibbled his finger, and he moved
it closer to her mouth so she could suck the entire digit into
her mouth. She felt so damn sexy and aroused right now . It was exhilarating.
“Let me give her something better than a finger to suck,” Kyle chimed in as he joined
them on the bed.
Kyle was completely naked as he adjusted his hips and tilted her head up so she could
take his cock into her mouth.
* * * *
Mick continued to thrust into Ava, feeling her vaginal walls lubricate with each stroke.
The moment he watched Ava suck Kyle’s cock into her
luscious mouth, he increased his speed and shot his seed into her womb.
Panting for air, he leaned down and suckled her nipples as Kyle stroked her mouth with
his cock.
Slowly he pulled from her body, and Ava moaned against Kyle’s cock.
“No worries, baby, I’m coming in next,” Kyle teased as he caressed her cheek and
slowly pulled his cock from her lips.
Mick watched as Kyle hopped between Ava’s legs and shoved forward, entering her in
one long, fast stroke.
Ava gasped then pulled on Kyle’s nipples, eliciting a moan from Kyle and set of hard,
fast thrusts into her pussy.
“We’ve awoken a wild one, brother,” Mick stated as he pulled on his clothes.
“Don’t worry, I’ll tame her,” Kyle stated as he grabbed her wrists, held them above her
head, and leaned down to nibble and pull on Ava’s
nipples one at a time.
Ava arched upward and moaned as she clenched her teeth.
As Mick chuckled, Sean and Pat arrived and he exited the room.
* * * *
In an instant Kyle felt his brothers’ presence, knew they were hungry for their mate as
much as he and Mick were. He focused on her body
and the small vibrations that attacked his cock with every stroke. She was fucking
incredible, and he was about to lose control.
He watched as Pat caressed Ava’s cheek and motioned for her to look at his erection.
Ava hungrily opened wide and attacked Pat’s cock, devouring it between her wet, pink

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“Fuck, Ava, slow down and watch those teeth,” Pat exclaimed as Kyle thrust into her,
feeling his cock throb then explode inside of her.
Kyle pulled from her body, and Ava caressed his thigh with her hand before she rose to
her knees continuing to suck Pat’s cock.
In and out, she ate at him until Sean grabbed her hips and bit her ass cheek.
Kyle left the room chuckling.
* * * *
The sight of Ava’s ass waving in the air as she sucked Pat’s cock was just too much to
bear. When she pulled Pat’s cock from her mouth
and began to suck on his ball sac, he had to be inside of her. Pat clutched the pillows
and widened his legs as Ava took over.
Sean licked along her spine then over each ass cheek as he pressed a finger to her
pussy. The moment he began to thrust his fingers into
her pussy from behind, Ava began to thrust back.
The smell of her cream, the moans from her mouth as she continued to suck on Pat
were hot.
“You are so fucking hot, Ava. You like to suck cock, huh, baby?”
Ava moaned then widened her legs and thrust her ass back toward Sean.
“That’s it. This ass is mine,” Sean stated then replaced his fingers with his cock and
thrust into her pussy from behind.
* * * *
Ava moaned against Pat’s cock, feeling her hunger grow yet a bit more. It seemed she
had some sort of insatiable appetite. Sean thrust
into her from behind, causing her forbidden hole to tingle with need. It was so damn
“Release me, baby. I want to be inside you when I come,” Pat stated, and Sean eased
back, placing his arm around her midsection and
pulling her back against him.
He licked her neck and nibbled against her skin as Pat adjusted his position in front of
her. He reached for her breasts and played with her
nipples as Sean thrust a few more times into her from behind. She felt so full in this
position, yet she wanted more.
As if they read her mind, Sean pulled slowly from her pussy as he lowered her to Pat’s
chest and awaiting arms.
She moaned, feeling the need for both men to penetrate her at once.
Pat spread her legs, and she lowered her pussy over his cock, taking him inside of her.
She closed her eyes and moaned as she felt his thick, long shaft glide against every
vaginal muscle in its path.
“Oh yeah, you look like a goddess,” Pat exclaimed, and she smiled then froze as she
felt Sean’s hands spread her ass cheeks.
He pressed her chest down, and the anticipation of feeling his cock penetrate her anus
made her legs shake.
“Fucking beautiful,” Sean stated just as she felt the mushroom top press against the
tight rings.
Sean took that moment to kiss her as he held her face between his hands and remained
still inside of her.

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Sean pressed deeper until he was fully seated in her ass. She lost her breath and
actually felt the hunger ease a little more. With each
stroke, each penetration of cock from her mates, the ache decreased and her spirits
lifted. She was lost in the tranquility of their connection and the
scent of her mates.
They began to move in sync, thrusting their cocks in and out of her. She moaned and
thrust back, trying to give as good as she was getting,
but her body flopped around awkwardly. Instead she focused on their every stroke and
their touch. It was Pat who pulled her to him to cover her
mouth in a deep kiss as he exploded inside of her. Sean continued to thrust then
wrapped his arm around Ava’s waist, hoisting her back against
his front as he penetrated deeply. Sean growled then released his seed, thrusting his
hips and hugging her to him.
* * * *
The men began to dress once they covered Ava with the blankets. She fluttered her
eyes open and saw their smiles. She smiled back then
found herself thinking of William.
“Where’s William?” she asked.
“He’ll be in as soon as he can. He’s making some calls and making sure you’re safe,
Ava. He won’t come in here to be with you until he
ensures that all of us are out of danger for now,” Sean stated then smiled.
“Okay,” she whispered then closed her eyes.
* * * *
“So those three men are definitely helping Fenly and are after Ava?” William asked
Samantha as he spoke to her over the satellite phone.
“Yes. Perkins is believed to be the one who took Brennan. He’s still alive in Ireland, not
far from Ava’s home,” Samantha stated.
“I guess heading to Ireland is our only choice. We’ll have to take out Perkins and find
out what’s in it for him.”
“Perkins has wanted to be King of the Secret Order for years. Whoever the King is
obviously doesn’t trust him. Yet the King has not
revealed himself. Your best bet is to locate Brennan. He will have many answers,”
Samantha stated, and William released an uneasy breath.
“Any idea where Fenly is now?” William asked.
“Not a clue. But as soon as he finds out you’ve headed to Ireland he will be there in a
snap. Be careful, William, and keep Ava close by.”
“Definitely,” William replied then hung up the phone.
William sat a bit, trying to make a strategic plan as they arrived in County Clare. Fagan
would use their connections and contact Fennigan
Pack while they hid out someplace safe.
They were safe for now, but his wolf was still on edge after the attack in the woods. He
needed to feel his mate beside him as much as he
needed to be inside of her.
Quietly, he entered the small bedroom to find his mate sound asleep.
She looked lovely and more beautiful than anything he could ever remember being
awestruck by. She was his mate, his woman, and his life

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now. Her safety and well-being meant everything to him and his brothers.
He undressed quickly, pulled the covers down, and cuddled next to her, drawing her
body against his chest.
“William?” she whispered softly, her warm breath tickling the tiny hairs on his chest and
sending waves of contentedness through him. He
was amazed at how good it felt just to hold her in his arms.
“Yes, baby, go back to sleep. We won’t land until morning.”
Ava crawled up his body, rubbing her thigh along his inner thigh as she began to kiss his
pectoral muscles.
“Ahhh, Ava, that feels nice.”
“I can’t go to sleep. Not until I have you, Willy,” she whispered then rocked her pussy
against his hip, coating it with her cream.
He chuckled.
“Come up here,” he told her but lifted her as if she were light as a feather to straddle his
She sat atop him and held his gaze as she held her hands against his shoulders.
The sight of her lovely breasts, plump and perky, aroused by his stare, fed his desire to
be inside of her.
He locked gazes with her emerald-green eyes and held them as he reached up to brush
a stray hair from her face. He kept his palm against
her cheek and their eyes locked as she thrust her hip over him.
“Hungry, mate?” he asked.
She licked her lips then turned her face to lick the palm of his hand.
“Hungry for you, Alpha,” she replied then blushed.
He chuckled. She was feeling aroused and excited about sex with her mates, yet she
was so innocent and pure of heart.
“Then come have me,” he offered, thrusting upward. His cock felt hard as steel, and his
heart pounded in his chest. He loved her.

Holy shit, I

love her.

Ava lifted up then took his cock between her hands and pressed slowly down

upon the shaft. Each inch absorbed into her wet pussy had
him closing his eyes and clenching tight. She felt so tight and warm. He could get lost
inside of her.
“Are you okay, Willy?” she whispered as she closed her eyes and began to slowly move
back and forth then up and down upon his shaft.
“Now I am,” he replied then allowed her to ride him for a short while.
* * * *
Ava felt her heart soar and her mind think such possessive thoughts. She was in love
with all of the Declan brothers. She was in love with
She tilted her pelvis, bounced herself up and down, trying to assuage the need building
up inside of her. Releasing insecure reservations,
she allowed herself to show him how she felt and how wonderful he made her feel. She
felt her pussy clench and tighten and her inner core latch on
to his shaft, milking it for all he had to give. The deep penetration and emotions
combined made her feel as if she were about to explode when Willy
stopped her.

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He abruptly grabbed her hips and rolled her to her back then took lead in their
“Hey!” she exclaimed, catching his eyes, their glow, and an intensity she was sure only
a wolf lover could administer in response to her
retort. She felt her gut clench in response, and along with it came an understanding of
her position as lover and mate to an Alpha wolf.
He barely smirked, but in such a cat-that-caught-the-canary way that her belly filled with
butterflies and her pussy throbbed.
He lowered himself, adjusting his hips as he slowly pressed his cock between her needy
folds, eliciting a moan of pleasure. He froze in
place, and the feel of his thick, hard cock filling her to her womb made her lose her
“Oh, that feels so good,” she told him. He slowed down his pace, making it nearly
unbearable to take.
“Please, Willy, more, I need more,” she panted as he slowly yet deeply ground his hips
against her pelvis. He felt so good, so large and
muscular. She caressed his triceps and biceps, and she reached around his thick,
muscular waist and pinched his ass, trying to get him to move
faster and satisfy the itch that was building up inside of her.
“Please, Willy, I need more,” she begged repeatedly. He pressed her body deeper into
the mattress and covered her mouth in a voracious
kiss. She could hardly handle the emotions, the sensitivity to his control as it overtook
all her senses.
Her nipples felt unbearably hard even though they were pressed against his chiseled
chest. His hip bones collided with her own. She was
lost under his much larger frame, lost in his scent, his manliness, and his control of her
body. She wanted to resist his control, to show him she could
give as well as she was getting. It was her own defiant independence, but it was a
sexual turn-on to resist him only for him to conquer her desires.
It became a battle of who could get more of the other. Who could manipulate more
sounds of satisfaction and erotic purrs of pleasure.
He released her lips and sucked and nibbled along her neck until he reached her
hardened nipple and nipped her tender flesh.
She squealed then smacked his arm as he growled at her then nipped and tugged at
the other nipple.
“Willy!” she exclaimed, and he thrust deeper, lifting her thighs higher against his waist,
cupping her ass cheeks, penetrating her fully. He
knocked her breath away as his cock somehow enlarged, poking her womb. Feeling as
if she were about to explode, she tightened her core,
zeroed in on her pussy and the power it held to make him give in to the mutual
“Ava!” he roared.
“Oh God, Willy, that feels so good.” She held his gaze, and his eyes glowed magically.
“You do this to me. You make me feel alive,” he whispered then nibbled her bottom lip,
his warm breath tickling her sensitive skin.

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“I’m going to come, sweet Ava. I’m going to lose myself inside of you,” he told her as if
in warning of some foreseen tragedy.
“Would that be so bad, Willy?” she asked him, nearly breathless from each intense
stroke and the even more intense unsaid emotions
between them.
“No, not bad, amazing,” he stated then began to thrust faster, harder as he tilted his hips
in a deep motion that scratched inside her vaginal
walls where the aching began and eased now from his strokes.
“Oh!” she moaned as she felt wave upon wave of pleasure erupt to the surface.
“Mine,” Willy growled as Ava latched on to him, wrapping her arms around his neck as
she orgasmed and he exploded inside of her.
“I love you,” she whispered, out of breath, and she felt Willy squeeze her tighter, but he
didn’t respond verbally.

Chapter 24

“Ireland? They’re headed back to Ireland, are you sure?” Fenly asked as he surveyed
the damage in the woods with some of his men.
“Yes, Fenly. They took a flight out a few hours ago,” Duggy Doolin stated.
“What the hell is she thinking, that she can just show up at the castle with a pack of
weres and take over?”
“Perhaps. Or she knows where the Jewel is and is headed to retrieve it before you can
make her give up its location to you.”
“Could be, but her rash decision and those Declan wolves’ greed will be their demise. I’ll
make my arrangements to head back home to
Ireland. I will need to leave you in charge of a few things here,” Fenly stated as he
began to walk out of the woods and signal his men.
“Like what, Fenly?” Duggy asked.
“Part of my takeover requires administering a bit of pressure on certain packs
associated with the Circle. The Valdamar, Lord Crespin, and
his granddaughter must be eliminated. See to it that the Valdamar packs staying on the
property in Texas are notified that they are being removed
from power. Tell them a new wolf is leader. Tell them that I have possession of the Jewel
of Ireland.”
Doolin gasped in shock, and Fenly hung up the phone. Fenly got into his SUV and
ordered Pete and Miller to make arrangements for an
immediate flight back home to County Clare.
“My woman is headed home and the Jewel will soon be mine.”
* * * *
Ava showered, dressed, and exited the plane feeling overjoyed and sensationally sore.
Her men watched her knowingly as well as Fagan
pack, but she didn’t care. She was in love with five men, and she was back in Ireland.
The moment they began to travel down the country roads, she absorbed the scenery,
recalling just how beautiful County Clare, Ireland, truly
was. As their friend Samantha had arranged, a man from Fennigan pack accompanied
“This is breathtaking, Ava. I can see why you and your pack ancestors treasure it so
much. Look at all the land and water. This would be a

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wolf’s paradise,” Pat stated as he held her hand and squeezed it as the others made
numerous comments. It struck Ava suddenly, like a bolt of
lightning, the reality of her ancestors’ true identity. Just because she was unable to shift
into wolf form and had been raised knowing only of her
human family and only recently learned to understand the existence of people who
could turn into wolves, Pat’s statement hit home. She swallowed
the lump of emotion and held herself together as she thought about all the woodland
natural reserve had to offer to such a special species of both
creature and man. She realized that she would be seeing Ireland through different eyes
then the ones she had left with. Her wolves would need to
explain and expand on the wolf culture so she would not feel at such a loss.
“Ava, are you okay?” Kyle asked as he looked at her from across the seat. She smiled
then looked back out the window, deep in thought as
she spoke.
“It’s amazing how I was forced to leave here, my home, only having some memories to
take along with me and an understanding of who I
was or who I thought I was supposed to be. However, now I see my land, my family’s
home through the eyes of a mate to wolves,” she whispered,
and the tear rolled down her cheek.
Pat leaned against her, tilting her chin toward him so she could look into his eyes. “I love
you, sweet Ava, with all my heart. We will stand
beside you and we will protect you as we get back what is yours.”
Ava tilted her cheek against his hand and softly kissed the skin.
They were silent a few moments as they continued toward their destination. By the
looks of the direction they were headed, Ava knew they
were driving farther away from the direction she so desperately wanted to head.
“This may work well for you. The terrain, I mean,” Ava stated toward the others, and
they were holding her gaze. She looked out toward the
land again.
“Is it like this surrounding your home, Ava?” Mick asked as William peeked from the
rearview mirror, appearing stern and serious. She
turned away and began to tell them about her homeland.

It was over a thousand acres, owned by her family for generations.
“I guess I never really noticed any particular wild wolves, although I heard howling in the
distance, but so far away from the castle I thought I
was imagining it,” Ava stated.
“You wouldn’t have noticed if there were any. Look how easily we mix into society,” Kyle
stated very truthfully and with such pride it actually
made her feel inferior for a moment as she lowered her head.
“Ease up, bro, this is a lot to take in as is,” Sean added, and Ava smiled at him then
looked out the window again.
“Our castle was built by an O’Brian back in the seventeenth century and looks over the
only lake on the land. It’s absolutely stunning. I loved
to paint by that lake. It was so peaceful. I was there when I sensed something was
wrong inside of the castle. I walked up the hill and heard a

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commotion going on,” Ava began to explain as she fidgeted with her hands. She wanted
to explain to them. She wanted to tell them what happened
that dreadful evening as the sun began to set and her entire existence changed.
“I heard Fenly.” She stopped a moment as she cleared her throat, still unable to say his
name without feeling pain and anger.
“My father and Fenly were arguing. He was being so disrespectful, and I heard my
name and then my father yell ‘no’ firmly just as I entered
the living room.” The tears stung her eyes as she wiped them with the back of her hand.
She looked up to find all the men except for Willy, as he drove, staring at her.
“You don’t have to,” Pat whispered as he covered her knee with his hand and squeezed
gently. He was sweet to offer her support, but she
needed to tell them and to make them understand why she had her reservations about
wolves. And she wanted them to know that she could not
fight then but was more prepared to fight now.
“In a flash I saw Fenly change into a ferocious beast,” she began to tell them as more
tears rolled down her cheeks. She looked away from
the men and continued to explain what she saw.
“It was the single most frightening thing that I had ever witnessed. The fierce growls of
the wolf, the high-pitched screams from my father as
Fenly tore his clothing and then his flesh.” Ava was crying harder now as she pushed
herself to continue.
“I ran as fast as I could from the castle. I ran through the back gates and into the large
garden area, plush with overgrown greenery and
where I would hide as a child. It was purely a habitual move, but as my father’s screams
grew hoarse and a deeper growl echoed through the sky, I
knew I needed to run farther. I knew that my life depended on it. I ran through the gate
and along the sides of the rock walls. There was a wrought
iron gate I could climb over and then hide somewhere in the meadows. I really didn’t
know what I was doing, I just kept running, when suddenly they
were on me. Fenly’s men pulled me from the fence, knocked me to the ground, and
scratched at my body until Fenly stopped them.”
“Damn, Ava. What happened next?” Kyle asked as he caressed her hand.
She looked away a moment, remembering how Fenly touched her, declared his rights to
her, and insinuated their marriage-to-be.
“It doesn’t matter. Brennan got me out of the castle and I arrived in New York three days
“What did Fenly do when he captured you?” William asked from the front seat.
She swallowed hard. She should have figured that the Alpha in William wouldn’t let this
go. He made a point of knowing everything that was
going on with his brothers and with her. He hadn’t come to be with her last night until he
made certain that they were safe and were not being
followed. She was beginning to not only understand it but respect it as well.
She took a deep breath. He didn’t have to know all the details. He would get the picture.
“He called me his wife and told me that his men, the other wolves in his pack, would
protect me or they would hurt me if I tried to escape. I of

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course told him to go to hell, and he didn’t respond well to that, nor to me calling him a
killer, and I refused to marry him.”
“What did he do to you?” Mick asked this time, and she turned toward the others who
looked equally upset and demanding.
“What is it that you want me to tell you? Just leave it alone. It doesn’t matter now. He
does not scare me like he did that night. It could have
been much worse.”
“Did he force himself on you?” Sean asked, sounding angry, and when she looked at
him she could see his eyes slightly glowing and his
fists clenched on his thighs. He was trying his hardest to remain calm. They all were
very angry. She could sense it within the confines of the SUV.
She tilted her head and whispered to him. “None of that matters now, Sean. Not his
brutality, his forcefulness, or his demands. When I left
here, I was torn, alone, and frightened. There were times I just wanted to return to
Ireland, to my home, and give in to Fenly’s demands. I had no one
to talk to. Do you realize how difficult it was for me to leave my country, go to a foreign
one, and always look over my shoulder? So desperately I
wanted to be loved, to be cared for again and I nearly gave up the last piece of myself
that belonged to solely me and that was mine to give.
“But then the five of you show up and my life suddenly began to look promising. You’ve
given me hope, courage, and determination to see
this through and to destroy Fenly. I am going to get my home back. I am going to clear
the O’Brian name and regain power over my father’s
companies, and I am going to see to it that Fenly and his men are destroyed.”

Chapter 25

“The sick bastard deserves to die,” Sean muttered. He had difficulty hiding his anger at
what Fenly had done to his mate. Hearing the
vengeance in her voice as well as the strength and confidence made him proud. But he
was worried that her pride and determination might put her
at greater risk. Especially when they told her that she would be under guard and
protection of wolf packs Samantha had sent as he and his brothers
searched for Brennan. He looked at her, sitting there, so beautiful with her long, silky
hair cascading over one shoulder. It fell perfectly over part of
the cleavage to the tight white T-shirt she wore. She looked sexy and sophisticated. He
recalled catching his breath a moment when she exited the
back room on the plane wearing the brown blazer over the bright white T-shirt, tight blue
jeans, and brown leather boots that reached just below her
knees. She had class and sophistication, and he knew she was a princess. It made him
wonder if he and his brothers were good enough. By the
words expressed through their link, they shared similar concerns.
The SUV suddenly slowed down as they pulled into a long stone driveway. In the
distance Sean saw a large farm and a set of small cabins.
He also saw a few other vehicles and four men standing, fully armed, as they
“Stay in the vehicle, Ava. I will give Sean the signal to bring you inside when I know the
grounds are secure,” William stated firmly as he

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turned in his seat to look at her directly.
“Marcus Shay is one of your kind as well?” Ava asked, knowing the name of the owner
of the farm.
“Most of the area is wolf territory. Stay inside,” he stated then got out of the SUV along
with the others. Sean remained inside with her.
* * * *
“Ahhh, it’s been a long time, Declan,” Angus Fennigan stated as he shook William’s
hand then pulled him into a hug. William patted him on
the back as they exchanged pleasantries with Declan pack and some of Fennigan pack.
Angus’s thick Irish brogue and the scent of wildflowers and the smell of dampness
typical to the weather enhanced the feeling of being back
in Ireland.
“How is the security?” William asked as he looked around them and across the open
“You won’t be staying here long so it doesn’t matter. Fenly and his pack are on their
way. My sources say they’ll arrive before morning,”
Angus stated, and William turned toward him, feeling the anger reach his eyes. He
looked toward the SUV where Ava and Sean remained inside.
“How much time do we have to find Brennan and get back here to prepare?” William
“No worries there, Alpha. Eagan and Quinn got a location on Brennan. Walt will be
waiting on you and your brothers as planned in about
thirty minutes. We’ve got about a dozen men guarding the perimeter of this farm, and
my brothers Aidrian, Brady, and Delaney are prepared to
watch over your mate.”
“Congratulations, by the way, ya lucky bastard!” Aidrian blurted out as he approached
from the house. Dressed in a Scottish kilt, thick black
knit sweater, and black combat boots, he looked intimidating. Aidrian pulled Willy into an
embrace then Mick and Kyle. Pat stood by the SUV on
guard and waved.
“Let the princess out so we can have a gander. The perimeter’s clear,” Aidrian stated,
walking toward the SUV. Pat laughed, but William
knew the Fennigans’ reputation when it came to women.
Pat opened the door, and Sean exited first.
* * * *
Ava was trying to convince Sean that she could be of great help in finding Brennan and
getting into the castle. Of course he refused and
then began to kiss her just as Pat opened the door.
“We’re okay in here. Come back later,” Sean stated toward Pat as he began to kiss
Ava’s neck and nuzzle against it. She giggled as he
tickled her, but then she gave his arm a smack.
“Cool it, Sean, I want to see where we’re at,” Ava told him, and he reluctantly moved
away from her.
“Later,” he teased and winked then exited the vehicle. Ava felt her insides jiggle with
anticipation of what exactly later might bring. Damn,

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she had it bad. As she exited the vehicle, she locked gazes with two very attractive and
intimidating-looking men. One in particular grabbed her
attention because of the kilt he was wearing.
The whistles went through the air as the two men approached, eyeing her like starving
men in front of a buffet.
“Wow. Um, I’m Aidrian, and it’s a pleasure to meet you, princess,” the one with the kilt
stated as he bent on one knee before her, took her
hand into his, and kissed the top of it. He watched her with big ocean-blue eyes over the
skin from the back of her hand. She felt herself warm then
giggled as he turned her hand over and began to kiss her palm and her wrist.
“Lovely indeed,” he added.
“She won’t fall for your charms, Aidrian, she’s way too smart,” Sean stated as he placed
a hand on Aidrian’s shoulder, giving a little shove
and indicating for him to get up.
“And way too taken,” William interjected, and all eyes went to him and the harsh tone of
his voice. Oh yeah, William was lead Alpha and so
damn gorgeous her heart began to pound inside of her chest. Her pussy clenched, and
she felt the liquid slowly drip between her folds. She was
losing complete control of herself.
Aidrian sniffed the air as well as the others.
“Taken indeed and smitten with her Alpha. It’s a pleasure, Ava,” Aidrian stated then
stood up. He held her hand as he linked her arm through
his and accompanied her closer to the other man.
“This is my brother Angus. He’s lead Alpha in our pack and will have the honor of
guarding you while your men retrieve your friend.”
“What?” Ava asked as she abruptly turned from Aidrian and Angus and stared at
“Why don’t you take Ava inside, Willy, and show her to her room? Perhaps you need a
few minutes,” Angus suggested before smiling at
Ava and walking toward Sean.
Ava was pissed. It appeared that somehow her men had made arrangements to keep
her from fighting her own fight.
“Mick, take Ava inside and wait for me,” William stated firmly and turned away from her
to talk to another man who had joined the small
group outside of the farmhouse. He appeared to have similar features as Aidrian and
Angus, so she assumed that they were brothers.
She didn’t want to cause a scene in front of the others. She knew that as Alpha, William
had final say and she was to respect that, but giving
in easily to his so-called plans was not an option. Besides, she was angrier at the fact
that they made these plans without involving her. Didn’t they
trust her?
She felt her insides tighten as she clenched her fists and walked inside of the house
with Mick. Turning briefly to look over her shoulder, she
noticed the men immediately gathered around William and appeared as if they were
making a plan of attack. Could they already know where

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Brennan was? Brennan was alive? She prayed it was true as Mick placed his hands on
her waist and told her which way to go as they climbed the
large staircase.
“Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be back shortly,” Mick told her before he kissed her
deeply then headed back outside with the others.

Chapter 26

“So Perkins, that piece of shit, is a traitor?” Sean asked as he stood beside his brothers.
“Been working towards being king for a long time. I guess he thought by gaining
possession of the Irish Jewel along with Ava that he could
achieve this,” Mick stated.
“We believe that Perkins was the one that told Fenly about the Irish Jewel. Fenly didn’t
really care about the Order or its existence because
his plan is to annihilate both the Secret Order and the Circle of Elders and any other
were organizations that intend to maintain order. The O’Brians
have had power for centuries and money that has always funded the Order and the
Circle. Many Alpha warriors were of the O’Brian bloodline,”
Angus explained as the men listened.
“So we need to get to Brennan so he can tell us where the Jewel is and we can hide it
and keep it guarded until Fenly and Perkins are
caught,” William stated.
“You mean your mate doesn’t know where it is?” Aidrian asked, sounding surprised.
“No. Ava thought it was just a fairy-tale story as the rest of us had,” Mick said.
“This is interesting. Fenly assumed that Ava was aware of the Jewel’s location when he
took over the castle and demanded she marry him.
Perhaps only her father knew where it was hidden. He was part of the Secret Order, you
know,” Angus added.
The men were silent a moment.
“We had a feeling that her father may have been involved. Enough speculating. You
said you know where Brennan is. He’s alive I’m
presuming since your brothers Eagan and Quinn are doing surveillance?” William
“Yes, Brennan is alive. It won’t be too difficult for you to handle. Brady and Delaney will
lead you out and show you the plan they came up
with to initiate the attack,” Aidrian said.
William looked up toward the house and the one light that glowed from a single window.
“Give me five minutes and we will head out,” William said then walked toward the

Chapter 27

Ava slowly stepped away from the door, and when she reached the staircase she ran up
and headed to the bedroom. Sitting on the bed,
acting as if she remained there patiently waiting, she thought about what she had
So Brennan was alive. She wondered if he was also part of the Secret Order that her
mates were involved in. Interesting, and did he knew
the location of this Jewel? Her father was part of the Order as well and apparently high
up in rank. Why was it that her own father could shift and she

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could not? She was assuming that he could shift and was of the wolf or he couldn’t have
been part of the Secret Order. Or could he have been? She
felt even more confused. Why weren’t there other family members around if the
O’Brians were so powerful and well known in the wolf community?
Where were they when she was attacked? Why hadn’t they raided the castle and at
least tried to overtake Fenly? Her head was beginning to hurt
from all the insane thoughts. She was feeling less and less like an O’Brian and as if she
belonged than ever before.
“Ava,” William stated, interrupting Ava’s thoughts as he entered the room. He closed the
door and stared at her a moment as if he thought it
odd that she just stood there.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Waiting, as I was told to do. So can you explain to me why I am being shut out of this?”
William raised his eyebrows, and she stood up, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“You are not being shut out. On the contrary, we are trying to protect you best we can.”
“It is not fair that you never thought to at least share with me your plan, never mind
involve me with it. This is my life and my fight. I will not sit
here and do nothing while you go off and fight my enemies. You know where Brennan is
and I could help you.”
He was about to respond, and then he paused a moment. He took a few steps forward,
towering over her smaller frame but not yet touching
She could feel the heat of his body and wanted so desperately for him to hold her, but
she was upset.
“Eavesdropping, huh?”
She hadn’t expected that as she uncrossed her arms and stomped her foot.
“Damn it, William, what did you expect me to do? I will not be ushered around like some
breakable, weak female. That may be the type of
woman you are all used to but that is not me,” she stated loudly, and he immediately
wrapped his arm around her waist and hoisted her up against
his chest.
She clutched his shoulders as he held her gaze.
“Sweetheart, you are most definitely not weak or breakable. We need to protect you the
best we know how.”
“But I can help. Is Brennan being held at the castle? There’s a secret entrance, you
know. I could show you.”
William covered her mouth and began kissing her. His tongue poked between the seam
of her lips, and moments later he had her sprawled
on the bed. She wrapped her legs around his waist, dug her heels into his sides, and
ran her fingers through his hair as he pressed her deeper into
the comforter, his shoulders solid and muscular. She could hardly breathe from the
intensity of the kiss and the emotions running through her. When
he finally pulled slowly from her lips, he clutched her face between his hands and stared
into her eyes.
“I will not risk your life, Ava. Brennan is being held at a secret location a few miles from
here. It is going to be a swift attack. I need my mind

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to remain on my mission, and knowing that you are safe here with Angus, Aidrian, and
their pack will keep my mind on the job at hand. Trust me,
Ava, we won’t be long. I need you to cooperate.”
She felt his sincerity and his demand for her to obey his command. This was going to
take some getting used to, but perhaps he was right.
Perhaps, having wolves as mates, she would need to choose her battles wisely.
She inhaled then exhaled. “I suppose if this is what you need from me then I obey your
He shook his head as he thrust against her crotch.
“I see we are going to have to discuss what is expected of you as an Alpha’s mate.”
“As we are going to have to discuss what is expected of you and your brothers as you
join the O’Brian family.”
He chuckled then kissed her quickly on the lips.
“I need to go. The others are growing frantic. Remain here and I promise to be back
soon. Don’t give Angus or Aidrian a hard time,” he
warned her as he scooted off the bed and pulled her up and against him again.
“Oh, I won’t. They’re very likable,” she teased.
“Keep your distance, mate. I don’t want to smell either one of them on you when I
She laughed then swatted at his arm.
“Hurry up and get back quickly.”
Ava watched him turn and leave. She couldn’t help the immediate feeling of loss she
felt. She was beginning to feel as if she couldn’t live
without her mates even for a short time.
She hurried down the stairs and watched as they shifted into wolf form and headed into
the darkness.
“They will be fine, Ava. Declan pack are very well trained. They are considered one of
the best packs of warriors around. Not everyone
could be part of the Secret Order.”
She turned to look at Aidrian. “You are part of it as well?” she asked as he motioned
toward the other room.
“Yes. Why don’t you go sit and relax in the living room? There are some magazines and
books on the shelves in there,” Angus suggested.
She looked at both men, feeling a bit uncomfortable being around strangers. Obviously
William and his brothers trusted these men or they
would have never left her alone with them. They stared at her, and she turned around
and headed into the other room but still within their sights. They
hadn’t bothered to exchange pleasantries, and she was fine with that. She would be fine
as soon as Brennan and her men returned.

Chapter 28

They cautiously approached the estate, a large, well-secured home with surveillance
cameras and heavily armed guards. Inhaling the
scents carried with the slight breeze, William knew there were both humans and wolves
surrounding the estate. But there weren’t as many as
Eagan and Quinn Fennigan had suspected.
“What do you think?” Sean asked Delaney Fennigan.

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“We’ve been watching this place for days. There seems to be a general routine except
for the last several hours. We have two female pack
members inside from our pack. They know to hide the moment we move to attack,”
Delaney stated firmly.
“Let’s go over this plan one more time. You have the advantage of familiarity during the
daylight hours. Where are they holding Brennan?”
William asked.
“In the basement level. The house is not as large as the castle, so it should be easy to
clear in a matter of minutes,” Eagan added. William
knew him to be forceful and high spirited, his brother Quinn was highly intelligent, and
Delaney was a ferocious warrior. William was pleased to
have them on the good side.
“Let’s do this,” William whispered then shifted back into wolf form. The others followed
* * * *
Ava awoke with a start. The last thing she remembered was feeling very tired as her
eyes closed and she snuggled under the large, thick
blanket on the couch. She could hear male voices and the door in the kitchen bang
Immediately, she jumped up and could see William carrying someone into the house.
The others followed.
As soon as she saw Brennan she covered her mouth and moved out of the way as
William laid him on the couch. Brennan was beaten and
dirty but alive.
“Oh God, is he going to be okay?” Ava asked as she immediately knelt down beside him
and took his hand.
“He was lucky and we were just in time,” Mick stated as he joined the others in the
Ava watched Brennan as his eyes began to flutter open. She couldn’t hold back the
tears of joy from seeing him alive and being able to
touch him.
“Ava?” he whispered.
“Yes, oh yes, Brennan, it’s me.” She cried then laid her head on his chest.
* * * *
It was difficult to watch his mate give affection to another male even though it was a
platonic relationship. The man had fought hard to
survive, and William was definitely impressed with him.
“Ava, he needs some food and then some rest. We won’t be staying here long. They’ll
be coming for us as soon as they regroup. Fenly is
back in Ireland,” William told her, and she locked gazes with him a moment with tear-
stricken eyes then continued to care for Brennan. She
caressed his hair from his eyes and held his hand against her chest. She was overcome
with emotion.
“Ava?” William said again.
“I know. I just can’t believe that he is real and that we are together again. Thank you,
Willy. Thank you, all of you,” she stated then hugged

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Brennan again.
William nodded toward Mick to retrieve Ava as Sean and Kyle tended to his wounds.
* * * *
Pat pulled Ava into his arms and hugged her tightly. He inhaled against her neck,
needing to feel all consumed by her scent. It had been hell
to be away from her. He kissed her neck and squeezed her to him as Ava squeezed
“I missed you. I was so worried,” she stated.
“I missed you as well.”
He pulled from her to look into her eyes.
“It is hard to describe, Ava, what it feels like to be apart from you. There was such a
deep, empty feeling inside me. I don’t ever want to feel
that way again,” he exclaimed then kissed her before she could respond.
“Brennan will be better shortly. That piece of shit Perkins had him secured in a silver
cage,” William stated from behind her.
“That slimy bastard,” Angus stated in a thick brogue.
“It doesn’t matter now. He and his associates won’t be a threat to the Order or the
Council any longer,” William stated.
“They won’t be a help to Fenly either,” Delaney added.
“That’s the next plan. Let’s rest up and then plan the attack on the castle,” Eagan stated
before leaving the room.
“We already have men working on surveillance of the castle. Walt is also on his way,”
Quinn stated.
“Good. We’ll need all the reinforcements we can get. Fagan pack and Dolberg are in
position,” Mick stated as he joined the conversation.
William looked surprised, but Pat wasn’t the least bit.
The sound of Brennan’s voice interrupted the conversation. The Fennigan men left the
room, but Declan remained as Ava pulled from Pat’s
arms and hurried to Brennan’s side.
* * * *
“Ava, my God, what are you doing in Ireland?” Brennan asked as he slowly sat up with
help from Kyle.
“I had to come find you. When I heard what Fenly had done and that you were in grave
danger I couldn’t stay away. This has to end,
Brennan,” Ava stated, and Brennan heard the determination in her voice. He could see
the maturity, the class, and the sophistication in her
appearance and tone. She was ready.
“You are a sight to see, princess. I didn’t think I would ever see you again.”
Ava sat beside him and held his hand. He looked up toward the men in the room, her
men, and he could sense their uneasiness and
“These men are your mates, are they not?” Brennan asked, and Ava blushed, lowered
her eyes, and nodded her head. He glanced at the
lead Alpha, William Declan, and saw his eyes grow darker.
Brennan placed his finger under Ava’s chin so she would look at him.

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“Do not be embarrassed or shy about finding your mates, Ava. Your father knew that
this would happen one day. He knew that it was
important for you to choose the right men.” Ava looked up, appearing surprised at his
statement, and then she looked at William.
“The gods have chosen wisely, Ava. Declan pack, as you know, are members of the
Secret Order of the Brothers of Were. That in itself is
impressive, never mind their work as government operatives and of course their claim to
you.” Brennan patted Ava’s hand then looked toward
William, Mick, Kyle, Pat, and Sean. Angus, Aidrian, and Brady from Fennigan pack
returned but remained in the background.
“Angus, bring your brothers in here as well. As warriors of the Order and protectors of
the Circle this information pertains to you as well.
What I am about to explain to you must remain within this group, for now at least,”
Brennan said then gave a small smile to Ava.
“I take it that Walt will arrive shortly?” he asked.
“He should be here soon,” Angus answered just as they heard a vehicle pull up outside.
Fagan pack was patrolling the grounds while
Dolberg and others surrounded the castle. They were prepared for retaliation even
though they were almost certain there were no survivors. Fenly
and his follows would be their next battle.
Walt walked in, and Ava immediately jumped up from her seat.
“Walt!” she exclaimed and hugged him tight as he held her close and kissed the top of
her head.
“Oh, Ava, thank God you are okay. I was so worried.”
“I was worried about you, too. But look, Walt. Brennan is alive. He’s here and we’re all
together again,” Ava stated as the tears filled her
eyes. She and Walt walked closer to Brennan, and the two men hugged.
“Good to see you survived another battle, cousin,” Walt stated.
“Like you were really worried that I wouldn’t?” Brennan replied.
“Well, you are getting older and not as active as the rest of us have been,” Walt teased.
“Not as active, my ass. Sit down. We’re running out of time and I need to prepare Ava
and Declan pack for what’s to come.”
With those words Walt stepped back, shaking the other men’s hands as he took position
between William and Angus.
“Ava, I know that so much has been asked of you, and that much has been taken from
you over the last several years. I am certain that you
feel confused and unsure at times, yet know that you are exactly where you were meant
to be,” Brennan told her as he held her gaze and smiled.
“I am going to explain a little bit about the Secret Order, more so for your understanding.
All this talk about the Order, Circle of Elders,
mating, and wolf communities I am certain has been terrifying at times. Trust me when I
tell you that it is in your blood. It is who you are meant to be,
and being raised human was done for your protection.”
“For my protection?” Ava asked, looking perplexed.
“How have you been able to accept all these strange occurrences without losing your
mind?” he asked her.

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She looked toward her mates.
“I have always followed my gut instincts,” she replied.
“Not when her mates showed up out of thin air ready to claim her,” Walt teased, and Ava
blushed then lowered her head.
Brennan looked toward Walt. “She resisted? Big surprise there. Ava has always been a
bit on the stubborn side,” Brennan teased.
“She tranquilized William and escaped from our grasp three times before finally
submitting,” Sean stated, and they laughed, except for
“You did say something about explaining important issues to us, Brennan,” William
Brennan cleared his throat. “You’ll have to fill me in on that story sometime, Sean,”
Brennan said then smirked.
William gave Brennan a stern expression. The wolf was definitely superior in nature.
Brennan hadn’t asked for this position in the Order, but
he had seen his part through and would do so to the end.
“First let me begin by explaining the Order to Ava. You see, my dear, there are many
types of creatures and magical individuals living on
earth as well as in other realms.”
“Magical creatures, other realms? What are you talking about?” Ava asked.
“Brennan, are you certain?” Walt began to interrupt when Brennan raised his hand for
his cousin to go no further.
“Yes, I am certain. She needs to know. The knowledge will help her,” he stated, never
letting his eyes leave Ava’s. She appeared concerned
and immediately sought out her wolves. Brennan was relieved to see that she was
depending on them for support. If his wolf senses were correct,
she was bound to them and fully mated already.
“There are many mystical creatures that help to maintain justice and spiritual laws
created many centuries ago. These creatures live
amongst the humans without their knowledge, protecting them and keeping evil at bay.
There are many organizations with were and the magical
that help maintain justice and fight for their existence. The Secret Order of the Brothers
of Were was established to help maintain justice, help
protect the Circle of Elders, and also maintain power of the head packs internationally.
There are many groups throughout the United States, like
the Valdamar pack.”
“What does this have to do with me and the O’Brian family? Fenly is after this Jewel of
Ireland and thinks I know where it is. I know nothing of
the Jewel and I don’t understand what all the mystical creatures and the Secret Order
have to do with me aside from the fact that my mates are part
of it,” Ava said.
Brennan took a deep breath and continued.
“Your father was part of the Secret Order. His responsibility, the O’Brian responsibility,
was to maintain power over all were within Ireland.
The companies that he maintained provided not only cover positions for enforcers of the
laws and guards of the Circle members here in Ireland but

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also financial support in maintaining justice. Your father had control even over
organizations like the IRA.”
“The IRA tried to attack us at our home in New York. They attempted to abduct her,”
Mick stated.
“They were prepared to use Ava to locate the Jewel of Ireland and gain power over the
companies and the O’Brian estate just like Fenly,”
Walt added.
“Where is this Jewel, and is it that powerful and important to the sanctity of the were
packs as you say? I mean, I always thought it was just a
fairy-tale story,” Ava inquired.
“It is more than that, Ava. It is a small part of were history and acknowledgement of
royalty, yet it is one strength of power to our existence.
Fallen into the wrong hands, like Fenly’s, it would mean the destruction of all good
power and ultimately the annihilation of mankind. Humans would
be overtaken by rogue wolves, evil mystical creatures, and just downright murderous
scoundrels of various kinds. Don’t get me wrong, there are
many high-powered individuals around the world that help to protect our kind and those
who are good and just. Many packs across the nation have
been saved from such destruction simply by the mating of Alpha wolf packs to human or
mystical women,” Brennan explained.
“Mystical? I still don’t understand what this has to do with me,” Ava stated.
“The Jewel of Ireland is the most precious and important symbol of the royalty’s
existence. It represents all were packs in Ireland and
surrounding nations. There is a certain hierarchy of individuals that would have to be
destroyed in order for a rogue group of weres such as Fenly
and his gang of thugs to gain power and control, never mind authority. The Jewel is in
the possession of the King at all times. His job is ultimately to
protect that Jewel with his life and to maintain its secret location to death.”
“So if we find the King then we find the Jewel?” Sean asked.
“No one knows who precisely the King is,” Kyle added.
“There have been suspicions of who might be the King,” Sean replied.
“I know who the King is,” Brennan stated, and everyone became silent. This was big
Brennan took a deep breath and looked around the room at all the weres. They were
wolves he now trusted his life with and Ava’s.
“Before being murdered, Patrick O’Brian was the King of the Secret Order,” Brennan
stated, and everyone was shocked.
“My father held this title? He was in charge of all of this yet didn’t tell me?” Ava asked.
“He couldn’t tell you, Ava. Even if your mother was still alive he wouldn’t have been able
to share this with her, his own mate. The secrecy of
the position helps to maintain the anonymity so danger is never too close.”
“But he is dead, Brennan. Did he not share where this Jewel is so that we may find it,
protect it, and store it in a secret vault somewhere?”
Angus asked.
“But who was his second-in-command? Doesn’t the King appoint a second for matters
such as this? I recall something about a second-incommand

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in case the King dies unexpectedly before a new one can be appointed,” Quinn asked.
Suddenly, they heard a commotion going on outside as one of their pack members
rushed into the house.
“Fenly is at the castle. Word is that he’s formed an army and some of them are headed
this way.”
“Ava! We must protect Ava at all costs,” Brennan stated as he rose from the couch. He
felt way off balance but a hell of a lot better than he
was only an hour ago.
“We must get her out of here now,” Brennan yelled as he clutched Ava’s arm and began
to lead her toward the back of the house.
William grabbed Brennan by the shoulder to stop him.
Brennan growled as his eyes changed to that of a wolf, and Ava gasped in shock.
He felt his incisors elongate and his temper flare at being stopped by William, yet his
wolf senses kicked in and reminded him that Ava had
“I will protect her with my life.”
“I am not letting her out of my sight,” William exclaimed as he grabbed Ava’s hand and
led them out of the house and into the fields.

Chapter 29

It was chilly, and Ava was grateful for the thick wool sweater she had changed into
earlier. She clutched it tightly against her chest as they
escaped into the darkness.
The others remained behind them, ready to fight and protect Ava. Now Angus stood
beside Brennan and William. She could feel the
tension between the men. Brennan had been her protector, her friend for her entire life.
She loved him and respected him, but it seemed that he
was holding something back. He was acting strangely toward her, and she noticed. The
fact that William, Alpha wolf and one of her mates, was
showing even greater concern over her was nerve-wracking. William would eye
Brennan suspiciously, and Brennan remained close by Ava’s side.
It was awkward.
The sounds of fierce growls began to permeate the silence of the night. From where she
stood behind a set of trees, Ava could hear the
destruction taking place inside of the home. William gripped her hand tighter.
She had a sensation in her gut that there were so many wolves attacking at once. Her
concern grew for Pat, Kyle, Sean, and Mick. The fact
that she could see nothing through the darkness made her feel susceptible and open for
attack. She remembered that the wolves could see at
night, and by the glowing of eyes around here, she knew her protectors were on guard.
She clung to William’s arm. “Will the others be okay?” she asked, her teeth clattering as
she spoke. It was a combination of fear and the
chilling temperature. She was worried about Sean, Pat, Kyle, and Mick. She was
worried about the other men, too.
“There are too many,” William whispered as she watched his eyes glow as he stared
into the distance. It was as if he could see what was

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happening, and she wondered if he were connected to his brothers through their mind
“Willy?” She questioned him as she touched his cheek to make him look at her.
“I can feel them and hear their thoughts, Ava. The same goes for the intensity of our
love for you.”
Ava was shocked at the intensity she felt, and as she remained silent, trying to digest
the information, they pulled her farther away. The
sensation inside her gut grew stronger. Somehow she knew that they needed help.
Ava stopped Brennan, Angus, and William.
“You have to go help them. You need to be with them, William.”
“No. I will not leave you,” William insisted with a growl as he squeezed her hand tighter
and pulled her further ahead.
She planted her feet in one spot and forced him to stop moving.
“No, William. They need you. Don’t ask me how I know. I just know that they do.”
“I will go. You continue to walk further. Find a safe place to hide out until I send a
signal,” Angus exclaimed then took off, shifting into a wolf
and disappearing into the darkness.
Suddenly both William and Brennan grabbed Ava. William stood in front of her, and she
immediately placed her hands against his back as
Brennan stood behind her with their backs against one another. They moved in a circle
slowly, staring into the trees as if they saw something about
to attack.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Ava whispered.
“We’ve got company,” William stated.
Just as Ava clutched his shirt and gripped a fistful, two men jumped from the darkness
and attacked. Both Brennan and William began to
Ava wasn’t sure what to do as the men exchanged swings and hits and then shifted to
wolves. She tried to step out of the way but was
struck in the side by a stray claw as the wolves fought. She screamed then covered her
head and carefully planned her escape.
Ava looked on the ground for some kind of weapon. There were sticks and some rocks
but nothing that could possibly hurt a wolf or provide
protection against one. She continued to step away from the wolves when someone
grabbed her shoulder.
Immediately on the defensive, she screamed then swung at him, making contact with
his face. The man’s eyes glowed green as he lifted
her by her hair and pulled her onto his shoulder. She screamed, kicked, and yelled as
her scalp burned and her body bounced every time his feet
hit the ground. He was running and then sprinting across the darkness as she continued
to fight him. It was so dark she couldn’t even see the
ground below them.
“Let go of me!” she yelled as she continued to kick and scream. Her throat ached, and
her voice cracked the more she yelled. She was
frightened out of her mind the further she was taken away from her mates and Brennan.

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She hadn’t expected the direct hit to her body as the man slammed her onto the front
hood of a vehicle. The intense, hard impact caused
her to lose her breath and feel as if her spine had suffered injury. She gasped for air and
the tears streamed down her face as she gulped like a fish
trying to get air into her lungs.
The man pulled her by her hair and shoved her into the backseat as another got into the
driver’s side.
The man was on top of her on the floor of the car, holding her down with his knee in her
ribs and a handful of her hair tangled in his fingers.
“The bitch is tough, that’s for sure. Fucking witch nearly got me back there,” the one
attacker stated, and when she caught a glimpse of him
in the light she was shocked to see that it was Pete, Fenly’s guard, and she could see
that his lip was bleeding and his eye was beginning to swell.
“Let’s get her to Fenly and be done with this,” the other one stated, and she recognized
his voice. It was Miller. Her stomach sank, and her
body began to shake with anger and fear combined. They were bringing her back to
Fenly. He was going to demand to know where the Jewel was,
and then he was going to kill her. The tears stung her eyes as she thought about her
mates. This was it. She was never going to see them again
unless they got away. But even then it might be too late for her.
* * * *
Brennan, Angus, and Willy fought side by side, snapping necks like twigs as Ava’s cries
of fear echoed through the woods. They couldn’t
get to her. Each time William took out one of Fenly’s wolves, another took its place and
then another after that. It was crazy, and he was incredibly
angry and worried about Ava.
The battle seemed to go on for an unnatural period of time. He could feel himself losing
strength, feeling like he wouldn’t be able to hold out
much longer, when suddenly there were fewer and fewer wolves attacking, and
ultimately they won the battle.
As he killed the last wolf he fell to his knees and tried to catch his breath.
“Fuck!” William heard his brother Mick yell as he fell to his knees next to William.
William wanted to run to get to his mate, but he knew she
was gone, and he knew he couldn’t quite move yet. The others slowly joined them,
taking stock of all the bodies around them.
“The only ones that got away were the ones who took your mate,” Angus stated as
William slowly rose to his feet.
“We have to track them,” William responded.
“Ava? They got Ava?” Brennan asked as he emerged from the darkness, looking just as
tired and worn as the others.
“They grabbed her when we were attacked. I heard her screams,” William stated as he
looked off into the direction the wolves had taken
her. He knew they were Fenly’s men and that they were bringing her to the castle.
“We need to get to her. Fenly cannot have her,” Brennan yelled as he grabbed William
by the shoulder and shook him. William pulled away

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from Brennan and growled along with his brothers who now took position beside him.
Brennan looked shocked, but he stood his ground. “We have
to regroup. We must stop him,” Brennan added then began to pace.
“We have to make a plan. I’m not running in there blinded by my anger. We need a plan
to get the upper hand.”
“We do not have time to plan something strategic, Alpha. Ava will be killed.”
William ground his teeth and stared at Brennan.
“He’ll want her to tell him where the Jewel is. Ava’s smart, she can give us the time we
need. We could be ready to attack in less than an
hour,” Mick added to the conversation.
“You don’t have an hour. Once he knows that she doesn’t know where the Jewel is, he
will have his way with her then kill her. He knows that
the five of you are her mates. He wanted her for himself.”
“He wants the Jewel, the fortune, and the power,” Sean stated.
“He’ll have all of that and then some if he chooses to force Ava into a marriage.”
“She is mated to us!” Pat yelled at Brennan as he stepped toward him.
All eyes were on Brennan as he took a deep breath and stared at Ava’s mates as well
as the men of Fennigan pack.
“Before Patrick died he had chosen a second-in-command to take his place. I am the
King of the Secret Order,” Brennan stated, and they
were shocked as they stared at him. It was Angus and his brothers who bowed first and
then Declan pack.
“There is more. Ava is…the Jewel of Ireland,” Brennan revealed, and they all gasped.
They were silent as his words sunk in.
“We cannot wait. Gather the men, anyone who is loyal to the King, the Circle, and the
Secret Order. We leave in five minutes,” William
announced, and they began to gather their army in preparation to save their mate and
their leaders.

Chapter 30

The moment Miller opened the door, she scrambled out, falling to her knees then
quickly getting up, prepared to run. She never expected
the fist to her ribs or the strike to her gut by both men as she fell back down to the
ground. She tried to catch her breath, but they had knocked the
wind out of her and caused massive pain. It was Miller who threw her over his shoulder
and carried her into the castle.
She heard the shrieks of upset and surprise by staff she knew all her life as they saw
she was alive and back inside of the castle.
“Oh sweet Jesus. What have ya done ta her?” Mary, one of the maids and caregivers,
asked as she began to move toward Ava.
“Go back to work. I will deal with her.”
Ava turned to see Mary hurry away as Fenly appeared and a small smile of triumph
filled his face.
He walked closer to her, looked her body over with eyes that clearly stated his intentions
until he was inches from her body, staring down at
her as he inhaled.
“I can smell their stench on you. You dare insult me like this.”

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Ava did everything she could not to spit in his face or verbally attack him. She wasn’t
sure where her next move lay, but she was certain that
her men, Brennan, and Fennigan pack were on their way. She just needed time to stall.
He reached for her cheek, slowly, but she still flinched at his approach, which only
turned the Alpha wolf on more. He knew that he could
intimidate her and that he currently had the upper hand. She would not give in to his
demands. She would not allow him to have her. She would
rather die.
He clutched her cheek, and she closed her eyes, willed the disgust and anger away
best she could. But then he moved closer.
She felt his other hand glide along her hip bone then across her ribs before resting on
her breast.
She attempted to pull away, but with precision and speed, he held her neck beneath her
hair and maneuvered his thigh between her legs.
He was tall and large, a definite force to reckon with, and he appeared determined.
“Your breasts are perfect Ava, just like you are. So sweet, so innocent you were before
fleeing to New York. Before those lowlife wolves got
their paws on you. I searched for you. I’ve wanted you to share in this wealth and in the
new world I would be King of.” He nuzzled along her neck and
“You reek of them. You chose some lowly pieces of crap over someone like me?” he
stated then yanked her head back, revealing her neck
and her shoulder to his view. His eyes grew wide, and they changed color, revealing his
wolf before he spoke again.
“They marked you,” he stated as he abruptly released her, causing her to lose her
balance and land near the couch. Ava arose quickly,
prepared to defend herself best she could.
“They will die for that, and then you will belong to me. Now tell me where the Jewel is.
Tell me where your father hid it,” he demanded to
know as she slowly stepped farther away.
“I don’t know where it is. He never even mentioned the Jewel before.”
“Liar! I know he told you where it was. He confided in you with everything. You were
practically running his businesses.”
“I know nothing, Fenly.”
He took two steps toward her, striking her across the cheek. She took the hit but would
not fall. Instead the anger and hatred for this man
grew stronger.
He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her along with him toward the stairs.
“I have ways to make you talk, Ava. Ways to make you succumb to my total command.
You will be mine. All mine in every way. There is no
other life out there. What happened in New York and with those wolves is over now. You
are mine.” He growled as he dragged her up the staircase
despite her continued efforts to fight him.
She fell to the steps numerous times, trying to stop him from bringing her to the
bedroom, but she was no match for his strength.
When he reached her bedroom door, he threw her inside and onto the bed.

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“Take off your clothes or I will do it for you.”
She shook her head as she absorbed his glowing eyes, the feral look of hatred and
anger spewing from his tone and body language. This
was going to be painful.
“I hate you, Fenly. I will never be yours,” she screamed, and he launched himself toward
her. She rolled to the side as he reached out,
grabbed ahold of her, and tumbled to the bedroom carpeting with her. She began
swinging her arms, trying to fight him off. He struck her face,
stunning her a moment before grabbing her wrists and holding them above her head as
he straddled her waist.
“Stop fighting me, Ava. We are going to consummate this relationship whether you are
awake or unconscious.”
“I will always fight you. I’ll never stay here with you.”
He smirked as he leaned closer to her face.
“I’m going to fuck you, Ava, mark you my mate by biting into your neck and sealing your
fate, and then I’m going to break your leg. If you try
again to escape or I even think that you’re planning something, I’ll break your leg again
so you can’t move for months. I’m not playing around, Ava.
I’ve had two years to plan this.”
Ava was shocked at his words.
“You sick bastard. What in the world is wrong with you?” she asked, uncertain that Fenly
was sane.
He moved closer, his lips inches from hers.
“You are going to be all mine, Ava. Get ready,” he whispered then covered her mouth
with his own. She tried to stop him, but he clutched
both her wrists with one hand, restraining her as he used his other hand to explore her
body. There was no way to fight him. He was so big and
strong, and she knew that he could kill her with one twist from his hands. She felt the
sweater rip then his hand grope her breasts as he plunged his
tongue into her mouth. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t scream as his scent filled her
insides and made her feel like vomiting.

Oh God, please let them come. Please let them save me.

Ava felt his hand move away from her breasts a small sensation of relief filled her belly
until she felt his hand push under the waist of her
She wiggled her hips, trying to free herself from his control. Then she felt something
sharp, realizing that his nails turned to claws and cut
away the material from her thighs.
“Please stop! No, Fenly, please!” she screamed as she tossed side to side from
underneath him. She felt the pain radiate through her body
as she attempted to get free. Her hip pulled, the muscles in her neck and shoulder
strained for relief, but he was just too damn strong. She cried out
for him to stop, and she sobbed for help.
He released her lips and licked down her throat and over her neck.
“Mine,” he stated, using his torso to shove her legs apart as he held her hands above
her. She couldn’t fight him. He had massive strength,

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and now her legs were spread over his shoulders, her mound in front of his face.
He closed his eyes and inhaled as she cried.
“Let’s get you ready.” He stroked his tongue across her panties up then down before
she felt his teeth replace his tongue. She screamed
out in pain just as the door to the bedroom swung open.
“Fenly, they’re here. They’re invading the castle,” Pete stated, and Fenly quickly rose
up, dragging Ava up with him. The room spun, and Ava
tried to turn away from Fenly.
Her panties hung loosely against her body, and her bra and sweater were torn, barely
covering her breasts.
“You guard her, while I take care of the problem outside.”
“She got away the last time, Fenly. Should I bring her somewhere else?” Pete asked.
“Stay in here with her. If she tries to escape just tie her to the bed. She’ll be in that bed
most of the time anyway. She might as well get used
to it,” Fenly stated then grabbed her face and shook it.
“Don’t try anything, Ava. Remember what I told you earlier,” he said then walked out of
the room.
Ava felt the tears roll down her cheeks. She couldn’t fight Fenly alone. She couldn’t fight
this guy Pete either. What was she going to do?

Chapter 31

Brennan led Fennigan pack as well as Dolberg and Fagan pack through the hidden
tunnels beneath the castle. They spread out with
numerous men taking each section of the castle, prepared to simultaneously attack.
Outside the front gates, William and his brothers took position.
They were going to head through the front doors with the other men. As William had
predicted, Fenly stood pompously alongside numerous men.
“You are trespassing, Declan. That’s grounds for attack, never mind it’s against our
laws,” Fenly yelled.
“We do not share the same laws, Fenly. Release our woman and we will not kill you and
your men. We’ll let the Circle decide your fate,”
William countered.
“Ahh, the Circle is not my leader any longer. You see, I have possession of the Jewel
and of the O’Brian estate, never mind the last living
heir,” Fenly stated as William and his men slowly approached. There was no way that
Fenly knew that Ava was the Jewel of Ireland. He had to be
bluffing. Perhaps he figured since Fenly had Ava then she would tell him where the
Jewel was? Little did Fenly know that hundreds of wolves
surrounded the castle and that Fennigan pack were inside and were taking over control.
William caught Ava’s scent on Fenly. It was more than just her perfume, her body’s
natural fragrance. Fenly reeked of her.
“Ahh, yes, I had the pleasure of welcoming home my bride. She is quite tasty, but I am
sure you know that. Too bad for you that you’ll never
taste her again,” Fenly remarked as William, Mick, and Pat stepped forward to attack
only to be surrounded by guards with guns.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Those weapons are carrying silver bullets. I personally
would rather torture you to death, but be my guest and

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end it quickly,” Fenly stated, sounding cocky.
William stood his ground, knowing that Sean, Kyle, Quinn, and the others had their own
weapons set on Fenly and his men.
* * * *
Ava sat on the edge of the bed. Her face and mouth throbbed, her arms and wrists were
already bruising from Fenly’s restraining her, and
now Pete stood there watching her like a hawk. He kept looking over her body, and she
had nothing to cover it up with. She thought about making a
run for the closet, but he would be on her like white on rice. How could she get rid of
him so she could escape into the tunnel?
He took a seat a few feet away from her and stared.
That was when Ava saw what appeared to be glowing eyes between the slats of the
closet doors. She did a double take and knew that
someone was there. Was it Brennan or her mates? She could only hope. With Pete in
this position they couldn’t just shove open the door and come
through. She needed to distract him.
Ava took a deep breath and began to adjust her position on the bed. She sat on one leg
and began to rub her right inner thigh, revealing her
panties as well as her bare belly.
“Damn, I think I’m going to have bruises everywhere,” she whispered, and Pete stared
at the motion of her fingertips.
She lowered her head, pretending to see if she was red near her groin.
“It is so achy. I hope I don’t get all black and blue there. Is it red? Is it changing colors,
can you tell?” she asked him, spreading her thigh
wider, giving him a hell of a view.
Pete got up from the chair, turning his back toward the closet doors.
“Open wider and I’ll tell you,” he stated, and she batted her eyes as she adjusted her
legs on the bed. Pete reached for her thighs just as the
closet doors burst open and Angus and Aidrian attacked. Pete was dead in a half a
second, and Brennan was making sure that Ava was okay.
“He hurt you,” Brennan stated as he looked over her cheek and lip.
“I’m fine. Where are William and the others?” she asked.
“They’re taking care of Fenly on the outside. We’re taking over the inside,” Angus stated
from above her then looked over her body.
He shook his head.
“Lucky Declan bastards,” Angus remarked.
Ava scrunched her eyes, not understanding his remark as she got up off the bed.
“Go back down through the tunnel just in case, Ava,” Brennan stated.
She walked into the closet and pulled out a box on the top shelf. Pulling out her gun,
she opened another box. It was black velvet, and her
father had given it to her as a gift. He told her she would know if and when she had to
use it.
Brennan appeared beside her.
“What is that?”
“My father gave them to me. They’re silver bullets,” she stated then loaded the gun.
“Ava, I must insist that you stay right here where you’re safe.”

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“I need to help my mates. Isn’t this what being part of a pack is all about?”
“It’s more than that, Ava. I explained to the others. You are the Jewel of Ireland. If you
die, then the Circle dies, the Secret Order dies, and
our race will be destroyed.”
Ava was shocked by his words, but the fact was that she only cared about her men. She
felt that they were in danger, and until she knew
they were safe, she couldn’t deal with any other family secrets or royal positions. She
just didn’t care.
“If something happens to my mates, I won’t ever be the same and I will die. They need
me,” she stated then hurried out of the room. It wasn’t
until she was halfway down the stairs that she realized she was still only wearing
underwear and a ripped sweater. So much for looking prepared.
She ran toward the front door and saw that Fenly stood looking pompous and in control.
Little did he know that the castle was now under the good
guys’ control and he merely had power over the front.
She peeked through the side window and was shocked to see that William, Pat, and
Mick were being held at gunpoint by two men. Her
heart clamored inside of her chest as the fear of losing her mates entered her mind. She
loved them. They meant more to her than anything else in
this world. Without them she would have nothing. The anger toward Fenly built stronger
once again. He had taken away her father, her home, and
her life. He was not going to take her future and her men from her.
She was about to walked toward the side door to sneak up on them when she heard
Fenly’s words.
“Those are silver bullets, meant to burn as they invade your body. They will kill both man
and wolf. I was saving those for a special occasion.
I guess that occasion has arrived.”
“Go to hell, Fenly. You’ll never win. Others will see to your death. You will be a hunted
wolf,” Mick stated.
“I don’t have time for this. I have my woman tied up to her bed, spread wide for the
taking. Know before you die that she will be mine and
that you will never see her again.”
“Like hell!” Ava yelled, and as Fenly turned toward her voice, she pulled the trigger,
hitting him in the head. In an instant, the others moved to
get the guns away from Fenly’s men when they fired two shots. William and Mick went
down just as Ava shot the two men with the guns.
She looked toward her men as everyone came running from the house.
“Oh my God, are you okay?” Ava asked as she fell to the ground between William and
Mick who were now sitting up. She could see the
blood on them. William sustained a wound to his shoulder, and Mick sustained one to
his upper arm, but considering silver bullets hit them, they
weren’t looking too bad.
“Where are your fucking clothes?” William yelled as Ava realized that she was
practically naked in front of a lot of men.
“I had to get to you guys. I was so worried when he said silver bullets.”

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“He hurt you. Did he touch you, too?” Mick asked as he reached for Ava, touching her
neck below her head and against her shoulder. The
tears filled her eyes as she realized that they were fine.
“Ava, what the hell were you thinking? We were coming to rescue you,” Sean yelled as
he, Pat, and Kyle joined them.
She looked above her at all of them.
“I had to do something. Those were silver bullets. If Fenly’s men shot them, then they
would die. How come you two are okay?” she
“They weren’t silver bullets. He lied. You saved our lives, Ava,” William whispered as he
slowly ran his hand along her thigh and to her waist.
She felt the heat hit her skin and her body warm toward their touch.
She heard the growls of pain from the other two men Ava had shot. Turning toward
them, it was obvious by their injuries and pain that she
had used silver bullets. She was disgusted at the sight and began to shake as both Mick
and William held on to her.
“Get over here.” William pulled her to him and kissed her breathless as she straddled
his waist. He stood up as if she weighed nothing at all
as the others gathered around her so no one else could get a look at their mate’s body.
She clung to William and could feel the soft caresses and gentle kisses to her back and
shoulders as he headed into the castle.
William continued walking toward the staircase.
“Where’s your bedroom, woman?” he asked with such authority and charm it made her
heart melt. A quick look around her and she saw the
others looked just as hungry and needy as she felt inside.
“Um, I hate to interrupt, but we do have some important things to discuss.” Brennan had
cleared his throat and interrupted the moment.
Ava tapped William’s arm so he could lift her higher and she could see over his shoulder
yet not reveal any more skin.
“Um, Brennan, darling, I missed you terribly and all, but to be honest with you I don’t
really care about anything right now except my men and
being back home. We’ll see you in a few hours,” Ava stated then pointed in the direction
of her room.
William smirked, and Mick chuckled.
“Make that a few days, Brennan,” Sean added as Mick, Pat, and Kyle followed suit and
they all headed to Ava’s room.


Ava felt as if they had sedated her. Not with drugs or pills of any kind, but just pure sex
and pleasure. Her body was sensationally sore in all
the right places, and in some odd places, she was certain. Like behind her knee where
Kyle had initiated his special techniques, as he liked to call
them, where his lips and teeth did all the talking. She felt the tiny chill of excitement
travel through her bloodstream. Damn, these men of her were
amazing lovers. She had learned a few new positions the last few days. She blushed at
the thought yet felt content in the relationship they shared.

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Kyle was a demanding lover, with his deep-blue eyes and wavy dark-blond hair. He was
passionate yet always on a mission to satisfy his
lover. She adored him with all her heart. She exhaled just thinking about him. Then
came thoughts of Pat. Sweet, intense, fast, and furious Pat. That
man knew how to use his body to satisfy a woman. She could hardly keep up with his
fast pace. As they cuddled he shared his past with her and the
years he fought in war and the ghosts he held within his heart. She had such an urge to
help him heal, to make him forget about the past and focus
on their love. He was damn sexy.
She smiled as she snuggled deeper into the fluffy pillow, thinking of Sean, her flirty,
demanding tease. He revved her up, teased her until
she begged for release, then brought her to climax like a pro. She didn’t want to think
about all the lovers he’d had. She wanted to be his only lover.
Then she remembered something Mick had said after they made love to her, after she
saved their lives. “Don’t be getting any ideas about
trying to wear the pants in this relationship. You’re tough for a human, I’ll give ya that,
but you’re mated to five Alpha males, warriors of the Order,
and we tell you the way it is.” She nearly lost her cool at his statement. Mick and his
dimples, dark, black hair, and sarcastic personality. He had her
going. She’d nearly seen red as she bit back the slew of curse words. She had seen the
looks exchanged between Mick and his brothers, plus she
knew they shared the whole mind-reading thing, which she was beginning to pick up on
as well. They just didn’t know that she could hear their
thoughts. Ava figured before she told them, she would get a good idea about what they
thought of her. Being that she wasn’t one to back down to a
male egotistical challenge, she batted her eyes and gave him her response.
She’d lifted her skirt, tapped her panties, and said, “I’ve got the pussy, so I’m in charge.
If you want some then ya better be nice.” She’d
dropped her skirt, turned on her heels, and begun to head out the door as the others
howled with laughter. Before she’d made it out of the bedroom,
Mick had turned her around, lifted her up to straddle his waist, pressed her against the
wall, and attacked her mouth. He’d kissed her deeply,
tasting every inch of her mouth until they were both breathless and his finger was
pressed up her pussy from underneath.
“Nice is for pansies, sweetness. Wolves take what they want and I want you now.”
She’d actually moaned from his authoritative control and sunk her teeth into his
shoulder as he stripped her of her clothing. That incident had
led to another round of lovemaking and William.
She moaned as she thought about sexy, serious, authoritative Willy. The lead Alpha, the
head honcho, the pièce de résistance, the man that
held the group together and brought them to completion.
She felt the hand glide up and over her rear then to her spine. She had known that she
wasn’t alone but was hoping for some quiet time to
recoup from the week of pleasure. It appeared that William had other ideas.
* * * *

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William couldn’t stay away from Ava, nor could his brothers, but there was work to be
done, new arrangements to make, and meetings to be
had. Just a few more hours of pleasure with his mate and then they would have to get
down to business.
He caressed her rear, noticing the bruising along her ribs, her neck, and of course her
cheeks. His anger was beginning to ease, knowing
that Fenly, the culprit, was dead. He smirked, feeling proud that their mate was as tough
as she was. Of course they were a bit upset still that she
had been the one to save them from death, which was a first for all of them. However,
once they sat down and talked about it they realized it worked
out best for Ava. As they gathered around the bed this morning, watching her sleep,
looking so beautiful and peaceful, they discussed their plans for
the future. They realized that Ava had needed to eliminate Fenly and his threats in order
to have closure from her father’s death and everything that
Fenly had taken from her.
“Mmmm, that feels nice, but I’m too tired,” Ava whispered as she rolled her heard
toward him to face William.
He chuckled.
“That I find hard to believe coming from a woman who was chanting Kyle and Sean only
about thirty minutes ago.”
“Thirty minutes? That’s all it’s been? No wonder why I am still tired. I need sleep, Willy.”
She pouted, and his heart soared with love and
Leaning down next to her face, he kissed her cheek, being sure not to get too close to
the bruising.
“There is too much work to be done. We have plans to talk to you about and Brennan is
at his wits’ end trying to handle the business
dealings. He needs you just as we do.”
“Ah hell! I need a quick shower first.”
“I’ll join you if you need some help,” Mick stated as he entered the room. William
laughed then pulled the sheets from his woman’s body.
“Just five more minutes, I’m so achy,” she stated, and William instantly was concerned.
Had they been too rough with her after the attack?
Did they push too far last night?
“Ava, what hurts, sweetness?” Mick asked as he exchanged concerned looks with
“Is it the bruising on your cheek?” Mick asked, and she shook her head.
“Is it something we did last night?” William asked.
She shook her head.
“Then what is it? How can we make it feel better?” William questioned.
Ava slowly ran her hand down the front of her body from her neck, over her breasts,
down her flat belly to her pussy. She used her fingers to
spread her pussy lips then stared at William and Mick.
“I’m achy down there. Do you think you two can make it better?” she asked in a sweet,
teasing tone.

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William looked at Mick then they each grabbed for Ava, tickling her before William
picked her up and carried her to the shower. He and
Mick would take turns easing that ache she felt and preparing her for getting back to
* * * *
As Ava descended the staircase with Mick and William, Sean and Pat greeted her, each
kissing her deeply before escorting her to the
kitchen for breakfast.
Old staff greeted her and of course Brennan, who looked exhausted and utterly
“Oh thank God, you’ve finally decided to join the real world. I don’t know what to do,
Ava. I have the board members on my ass about leaving
the company. I’ve got calls coming in from around the country asking for assistance in
various matters. I just can’t handle this alone. I don’t know
what I’m doing,” he blurted out, and Ava smiled at him. She walked closer to Brennan,
wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and hugged him
from behind. Her wolves growled low, and she hushed them.
“Do not worry about a thing. Why don’t you tell the men to meet us at Shenanigan’s at
seven this evening?” she told him then walked over to
Mary, giving the older woman a hug before she took a slice of toast and began buttering
“Shenanigan’s? That’s the old pub in the center of town,” Brennan exclaimed.
“Exactly, Brennan. There’s work to be done in order to maintain the O’Brian reputation
and fix all the wrongdoings Fenly has been engaged
in for the last two years. It will be best to make a public appearance and begin to fix the
damage,” Ava stated.
“But why not in a more appropriate location and event setting. Like perhaps a larger
“Shenanigan’s is in the middle of town, a town my family owns, around people who
trusted and praised my father and the family for
generations. It is where some enemies may lie, such as IRA members uncertain of
whether to trust me or regroup and continue with Fenly’s plan. I
for one don’t give a crap,” Ava stated, then stood next to Sean and Kyle, placing her
hands on their shoulders as she cuddled next to them.
“I have my own personal bodyguards. They are wolves, like many of the townspeople
and followers I never knew existed yet protected and
surrounded the castle. I will be protected and I will begin to rebuild the O’Brian name
and fight for the continuation of were culture and law as my
men and I begin to raise our family and establish our commitment to both.”
“Raise our family?” Sean asked, eying her belly and sniffing next to her as if he could
sense her pregnancy. She wondered if it was at all
possible, figured it had to be, but she was certain she wasn’t pregnant yet.
“Don’t get all wolfy on me, mate. I’m not ready for children yet. There’s too much work to
be done.”
“Wolfy?” Sean asked, pulling her against him as he wrapped an arm around her waist
and kissed her neck. She giggled, and the others

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“We’ve awakened a sleeping lion,” Brennan stated.
“Don’t be so scared. My father taught me well,” Ava teased then took another bite of her
toast as her men remained nearby.
* * * *
Sean, Pat, Kyle, Mick, and William stood watching in awe as their mate won over every
individual on the board and in the pub Shenanigan’s
in a matter of an hour. The beer mugs were never empty, and the music was playing
loudly as a group of patrons pulled out their instruments and
began to jam right there at a table in the corner of the pub. William loved that about
Ireland and Irish bars. They were all going to enjoy their new life
in Ireland and of course their woman.
Ava cheered the crowd again and walked over toward them, smiling wide as she
greeted each of them with a long, sensual kiss that made
them hot and filled with desire.
“You look damn sexy, woman. I’m impressed with your business skills,” William stated
as she made her way to him next.
“I told you not to worry about anything, Willy. My father taught me the ropes years ago,
and now with my ideas and gut instincts we should be
able to build this empire back up,” Ava stated.
“You know that we have meetings to attend with the Circle and of course you are going
to have to pick a second to be in line of the throne
for the Order?” Mick added next to her and William.
She stared at all of them a moment then smiled.
“I have already chosen my second. All of you will be in line of power beside me. After all,
you know more about the Order, the
responsibilities, and function than I do.”
“I’m not certain you can do that,” Pat stated.
“Oh, I can. I spoke with Samantha and Lord Crespin today. They’ll be arriving in a few
days and we are going to be making some muchneeded
changes. I am going to be adding some responsibilities to Fagan pack, Fennigan pack,
and Dolberg as well. They are magnificent men
and not too hard on the eyes either, so I’d love to keep them around,” Ava teased.
“Oh really,” Pat stated as he pulled her from William’s side and lifted her up and against
“I think someone is getting way ahead of herself and forgetting that she is mate to five
Alpha wolves.”
“Oh, I’m not forgetting that. I love you all very much and look forward to working very
hard to maintain our bond.”
“How hard?” Mick teased as he caressed her ass while leaning against her and kissing
her neck. She warmed at their touch, closing her
eyes and moaning softly.
“I love the sound of the music playing. I love the sounds of laughter, the friendly and
close-knit atmosphere of the pub, don’t you?” Ava asked
as she looked around the pub.

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“It will take some getting used to, but we certainly love you, Ava, our Irish Jewel and our
mate forever,” Sean stated, and they all smiled.
“Hey, you guys, join in now and come over here. Save that loving for later!” Brennan
stated as another song began and the patrons started
to sing.
* * * *
Ava smiled wide as she looked around at all the faces, especially her men. People both
new and old in her life surrounded her as well as
other humans who might not even have a clue that wolves lived amongst them. But Ava
knew, and she no longer feared the intensity of their abilities
to shift, the power, magical and stronger than any human force she knew existed. She
was on a mission to make a difference in this world, to regain
her life back and to lead the O’Brian clan as they continued to battle against evil, both
human and inhuman. She felt capable of anything, especially
with her wolves by her side. She paused a moment and thought about her father,

I love you, daddy. I miss you dearly and I promise to make you proud.




People seem to be more interested in my name than where I get my ideas for my
stories from. So I might as well share the story behind my
name with all my readers.
My momma was born and raised in New Orleans. At the age of twenty, she met and fell
in love with an Irishman named Patrick Riley Dwyer.
Needless to say, the family was a bit taken aback by this as they hoped she would
marry a family friend. It was a modern day arranged marriage
kind of thing and my momma downright refused.
Being that my momma’s families were descendents of the original English speaking
Southerners, they wanted the family blood line to stay
pure. They were wealthy and my father’s family was poor.
Despite attempts by my grandpapa to make Patrick leave and destroy the love between
them, my parents married. They recently
celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary.
I am one of six children born to Patrick and Lynn Dwyer. I am a combination of both Irish
and a true Southern belle. With a name like Dixie
Lynn Dwyer it’s no wonder why people are curious about my name.
Just as my parents had a love story of their own, I grew up intrigued by the lifestyles of
others. My imagination as well as my need to stray
from the straight and narrow made me into the woman I am today.

Also by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Siren LoveXtreme Forever: The Men of Five-O #2:

SWAT Team Two and Miss Robin Hood

For all other titles, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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