Playing With Fire 2 Tangled

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The girl can’t help herself…until she helps herself to a triple-hot fantasy.

Playing With Fire, Book 2

Always wanting what she can’t have. Scarlett learned this the hard way, and this time is no different.

Drake, the one guy she’s hot for, isn’t hot for her. Nope, he’s hot for Trevor, the gorgeous, arrogant

she works with. Maybe it’s time she let loose and let the right man capture her, for a change.

Trevor wonders why she can’t see that the right man is right under her nose. He’s crushing big time

on the quirky, sexually confident Scarlett—a huge turn-on for a guy who’s not your standard looking-
forvanilla-sex kind of guy.

When an argument with Trevor explodes into the hottest sex of her life, Scarlett thinks nothing has

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ever felt so right—until Drake joins in and kicks it into white-hot gear. Trevor is astounded that she

him enough to make her three-way happen for her. But suddenly he’s not so sure he wants to share…

Warning: Contains m/m sex, m/f/m sex, naughty, delicious punishments and naughty, delicious

everything. It’s filthy good.

eBooks are not transferable.

They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the
writer’s imagination or

have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or
dead, actual

events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

Macon GA 31201


Copyright © 2010 by Karen Erickson

ISBN: 978-1-60504-876-5

Edited by Bethany Morgan

Cover by Scott Carpenter

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written

permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd. e

lectronic publication: January 2010


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Karen Erickson


This one is for the readers—the people who buy my books and make this job so rewarding. Thank


Chapter One

She shouldn’t be here. She had told herself not to come and yet she had. And already she’d been


Scarlett Goldsmith glanced toward the large double doors that led to the exit, tempted to walk right

through them and never look back. If she left now, no one would be the wiser. Yes, Austin and

had seen her, but Austin would keep his mouth shut and Michaela didn’t really know anyone from

inner circle so she wouldn’t be a problem.

But deep down inside, she didn’t want to leave. She wanted to stay. She wanted to find Drake. The

man she’d been chasing for the last three months. The handsome yet elusive Drake who she had found

by accident would be here tonight.

One last time, she told herself. If he ignores me again tonight, I’m done with him.

If she even found him. Tom’s was busy. She couldn’t believe her bad luck that Austin had spotted her

and from behind no less. She wasn’t dressed in her normal attire. Deciding to pull out all the stops,

gone through the theatre’s closet, going for the stern schoolmarm look. She’d hoped it would arouse

if he took one look at her.

She was getting downright desperate, considering the normal Scarlett didn’t seem to do much for him.

She decided to change it, explore another facet, another side to her already many-sided self. She had

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many sides. She’d explored too many avenues.

That’s my problem. I don’t know who I am anymore. I don’t know what I am either.

Depression wrapped around her like a wet blanket, too heavy a burden to carry. It made that exit door

all the more enticing. With a sigh, she turned and headed for it as fast as her painful four-inch heels

take her. She wobbled on her feet, cursed tonight’s choice of shoes then nearly screamed out loud
when she

felt someone’s strong fingers wrap around her upper arm, almost sending her off balance.

Said strong fingers whirled her around and she found herself face to face with…ugh…her nemesis,

the man she couldn’t stand more than anyone, Trevor Braxton.

She withdrew from his grasp, her brows lifting in disbelief at the sight of him. He smiled, cocksure,

arrogant and downright smug.

She wanted to slap that smug look right off his freaking gorgeous face.


“What are you doing here?” She crossed her arms in front of her and tapped her foot, the pain

shooting around her foot from the tight shoes. But she chose to ignore it, focused instead on taking the

part of her costume to the fullest.

Trevor’s stormy gray gaze assessed her from head to toe in a slow, lingering perusal that made her

skin pebble with gooseflesh. As if he could see right through her clothing, through her entire façade
and to

the very core of her. All of her insecurities, her problems, her fears.

She didn’t like it.

“I could ask the same of you.” His rich, honeyed voice made ladies swoon on a daily basis. Not that

she ever swooned. Not over Trevor Braxton, oh no. He was an actor. And she didn’t have very high

for most actors, having worked with them for so many years at the theatre.

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The fact that Trevor Braxton was one of the most conceited actors she’d ever met really didn’t help

her feelings toward the breed whatsoever.

“I come here on a semi-regular basis.” She lifted her chin, daring him to object or make fun. She

wasn’t ashamed. She refused to be, especially in front of him. “Everyone knows that. Didn’t you?”

“Actually I did.” He mimicked her position, crossing his arms in front of his broad chest. Biceps

bulged beneath his dark button-up shirt straining the fabric. His strong forearms, dusted with golden

hair, were revealed by the rolled-up sleeves. “I was hoping to run into you tonight.”

Her mind blanked at his words. Huh. Why in the world did he want to run into her? He didn’t like her.

Just as much as she didn’t like him.

And yes indeed, she hated every blessed, muscular, sexy, handsome, velvety smooth bit of him too.

“I hoped you could show me around. I’ve never been to one of these places before,” he continued.

She snorted. She really couldn’t help herself. He’d never been to a sex club? Well, Tom’s was

technically a voyeur’s club but hey close enough. All sorts of things were going on around them even

they spoke, every single one of them sexual in nature. The unmistakable scent of sex drifted on the air,

but present. A couple walked by them, headed toward the door with satisfied expressions on their

The woman’s skirt was hiked up almost to her hips. Scarlett even caught sight of her white panties
and the

man’s ruffled hair—as if hands had clutched at his hair, tugging and pulling maybe while he knelt in

of the woman and licked between her legs.

Damn. Yet again, her fertile imagination took over at the most inappropriate of times. She squeezed

her legs together, the position made more awkward by the high heeled shoes. Trevor still stared at her
as if

he might be…interested. In her.

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No way.

“You can’t be serious,” she finally said when she realized he was waiting for a reply.


Karen Erickson

“Why not?” He shrugged, bringing her attention to his wide shoulders. Very capable looking

shoulders. Shoulders a woman could anchor herself onto and never let go. All while she rode him, his

cock pounding swift and sure within her wet, welcoming body…


Scarlett’s skin flushed hot, and she brushed a few stray hairs away from her forehead with shaky

fingers. The position stretched her shirt tight across her bosom, and she forgot how many buttons

undone on the starchy white shirt. Enough buttons to show acres of naked skin, the black swirling lace

her skimpy bra.

His gaze locked right there, of course. Zoomed in on her cleavage, and she swore she saw a flash of

appreciation in their brilliant depths.

Damn him, he had beautiful eyes. Eyes that could make a woman melt, and a voice that could make a

woman come. At the very least shiver with awareness and bring her nipples to hard, aching life.

Yeah, she hated this guy. So very, very much.

She couldn’t answer him, couldn’t remember what he’d said. He smiled, a one-sided curve of sensual

lips that was loaded with all sorts of meaning.

Sexual I-know-just-how-to-make-you-lose-your mind meaning.

“Nice outfit,” he drawled, his gaze locked on her breasts. “Love the bra especially.”

“I’m sure.” She stood tall, though she wanted to cover herself. Or bare herself completely. Take your

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“Kind of different from your usual look,” he continued. She glanced at him sharply, surprised that

he’d even noticed. “Not that I don’t mind this particular outfit. You remind me of the librarian we had

when I was in grade school. She was pretty. Hot. Young. I’d go in there and pretend to study after

just so I could sneak looks at her, maybe even talk to her.”

Scarlett couldn’t imagine Trevor Braxton as a child. He’d probably been a handsome little devil full

of deviousness. Tricks and trouble and mischief—she could only surmise the torture he’d put his


“I’m sure you stood out. Someone like you hanging out in a library every day.”

Trevor’s dark brows drew together, his expression confused. “Someone like me? What do you mean

by that?”

“Well, look at you.” She waved a hand at him, wondered if maybe she should’ve kept her mouth shut.

“I’m sure you’ve never studied a day in your life. You got by on your good looks alone.”

He laughed, the sound warm and…how could this be? Inviting?

She really wanted to hate this man. But he made it hard. And that drove her nuts.

“I was a big nerd in school,” he admitted once he quit laughing. “Dressed bad, funny looking, wore

glasses, had braces. The works.”



“I don’t believe you.”

He ran his hand over his jaw, and she swore she heard the rasping of his stubble against his palm.

true. I have proof. Old photos don’t lie.”

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She didn’t want to have this conversation. The little details, the way he looked at her, the intimacy of

it all, it humanized him. Made him more of a real person than the plastic handsome Ken doll she saw

stage five nights a week. He’d never paid her much attention. He’d rarely spoken to her let alone
looked at

her. She was surprised he knew her name.

But he had noticed her, and he knew her name. For whatever reason he had come to Tom’s to find

her. How he had gotten the code to get inside in the first place, she had no idea.

“How’d you get in here anyway?”

“Well, I came with someone.” He stuffed his hands in the front pockets of his jeans and shuffled his

feet. Looking very much like the little boy he used to be, she bet.

Well, minus the ugly bit. He was so far from ugly it wasn’t even funny.

As his words sank in though, her hackles went up. “Who are you here with? Don’t tell me you’re on a


“No, no date. I came with Drake.” His gaze met hers once more, direct and unwavering. “He had the

night off so he called and asked me to come here with him.”

“Oh.” She swallowed and dread filled her. Damn it, those rumors were probably true though she’d

chosen to ignore them. Plenty of women had approached Drake, trying to get his number, a date, a

any type of interest, yet he gave none. He was friendly and polite but never flirty. No one had ever
heard of

him dating a woman, let alone had seen him with one.

The rumor was he might be gay. And now that he was here with Trevor, she had a feeling that rumor

might be true.

Though she’d never heard that particular rumor about Trevor, plenty of employees at the theatre were

known for their experimentation.

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Including herself.

Trevor was friends with Austin, though. Austin was the lighting director at the theatre and one of her

closest friends. Another man she’d had a hopeless crush on years ago when they first met.

Yet another one of her personal faults. She always developed crushes on men she could never have.

She’d wanted Austin so bad all those years ago. Gorgeous, charismatic and kind, he’d sucked her
right in,

made her want more. But she had known back then he was gay, and he’d had a boyfriend, Brad. The

relationship had been tumultuous, had ultimately ended and she’d been there for him. Ready to

ready to take Brad’s place.

It had never happened. She’d eventually gotten over it and now had a great friend in Austin she could

count on. A great friend that had recently found his true love with another woman.


Karen Erickson

Oh well. Her attention was focused on Drake. She couldn’t let Austin’s change of preference bother

her. But the gay rumors about Drake were quietly swirling around, growing and growing. She couldn’t

deny the fact that he did tend to ignore her.

Maybe it’s because he likes men, you nimrod. You have the wrong parts, and he’s not interested.

She ignored her grumpy inner voice, flashing a fake smile in Trevor’s direction. She needed to get out

of here. Go home and sulk. She’d had enough for one evening.

“Well, you’d better go find him then, huh? You two have fun and tell Drake I said hi. I need to go.


“Wait a minute.” The man was lightning fast; she’d give him that. He had his hand wrapped around

her arm, stopping her once more. She glanced up at him over her shoulder, surprised to find him

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so close.

Close enough to smell him. And he smelled wonderful. Close enough to feel the heat of his body

emanating from him, reaching for her. Close enough she saw the flecks of color in his stormy eyes, a

of blue and gray and green.

Survival instinct told her to run. Jerk out of his hold and run as if the devil was chasing her. Fast and

furious and as far away as possible. This man reeked of trouble. She’d observed him enough to know

was confident to the point of irritation and a known player. Women threw themselves at him on a

basis. He was a macho conqueror of an endless stream of females.

She would be another one on his already long list if she succumbed to his charms.

Her feet wobbled and she winced, the shoes pinching her toes. He saw the wince, tugging her even

closer and—oh goodness—she was close enough to see the chest hair peeking from the open collar of


Her survival instinct fled in a rush. The temptation to stay, to touch, to taste swamped her, just like


Just like that. And that proved she was weak.

“Are you all right?” His voice lowered, velvety smooth and soft, enveloping her into a warm,


She shook her head, shifted on her feet. Concentrate on the pain not on the sexy man. “My shoes.

They hurt.”

He glanced at her feet, the black patent leather stiletto shoes, his gaze running up her fishnet-stocking

covered legs. “They’re sexy.”

“They’re painful.” She thrilled at his choice of words. Did he think her sexy? Or just the shoes?

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No, no, no. Not the way to think. She hated him. No not him, she hated men like him. That’s what she

needed to focus on. His type, they sucked. They were ruthless, heartless and charming. They gave you

pleasure, used your body and stomped all over your heart while wearing a big smile on their face.



It might be unbelievably good when it was actually happening, but the aftermath was always, always


“Let’s go sit down. Get you off your feet.” He smiled, this time full on, flashing teeth. It sent a zing to

her belly, then lower, and she swore her panties grew wet at the sight of it.

This is so not good.

“I’ll be fine.” She tried to withdraw from his touch, but he had a firm hold on her. As if he didn’t want

to let go. “Once I get in my car I’ll kick them off.”

“Come on.” He tugged on her arm, and she had no choice but to follow. Where he was taking her, she

had no clue. She had a suspicion he didn’t know either. But she went with him, his fingers sliding
down to

circle around her wrist, his touch gentle. It sent little shock waves of sensation spiraling throughout


“There you are.” Both of them halted at the sound of Drake’s voice, and she stopped short, bumping

into Trevor in the process.

He was solid, his back a hard wall of muscle and so warm. He felt…amazing.

Her gaze settled on Drake, and she smiled. Here was the man she needed to focus on, the sweetly

handsome doorman at that hot dance club downtown. Drake was beautiful. The light brown hair with

slight wave, the exotic, stark slant of cheekbones and jaw, warm olive skin and lean body, he was just

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And she had a bona fide raging crush on him.

“Hey, Scarlett.” He smiled, his pale green eyes sparkling. But they weren’t sparkling at her. They

were locked on Trevor. The expression of longing, of pure and utter want that crossed over his face
for the

briefest second was so clear, she almost lost her breath.

And in that moment, she knew her chasing had been futile. The man clearly didn’t want her. He

wanted Trevor.

Secretly, so did she.

Talk about awkward.

Trevor glanced from Scarlett to Drake and then back to Scarlett. He’d almost had her. Hell, he still

had a chance if he wanted to think positive. Drake was a distraction. A big one but just a distraction.

he could squash if he chose. He knew about her crush on Drake, he’d heard it from more than a few

sources, his friend Austin being one of them.

Scarlett didn’t know about his crush on her. How much he wanted her—any way he could get her. He

liked her quirky personality, the way she calmed everyone with a few simple words and tender

How she dressed, the flowing skirts and tinkling ankle bracelet and, yet, she was totally not his type.

But there was something about her. And he really liked the way she looked tonight.


Karen Erickson

She was dressed as some sort of sexy, yet mean, schoolteacher who looked as if she would rather

smack him than talk to him. It was smoking hot. Those ruby red lips, the hair twisted upon her head,

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revealing her slender neck, utterly kissable and tempting. And that shirt, unbuttoned so low he saw her

black lace bra and the creamy flesh of her breasts.

He’d give anything to touch her breasts. Test their weight in his palms, find out what color her nipples

were. Lick and suck and nibble on them until she cried out in pleasure.

Yeah, that was his goal. He had a lot of goals. Getting Scarlett Goldsmith naked and beneath him was

one of them.

“Where are you two going?” The pointed tone in Drake’s voice was clear. He didn’t approve of them

being together.

Drake wanted Trevor all to himself.

If Scarlett wasn’t around, Trevor might have taken Drake up on the unspoken offer. It was one of his

deepest secrets that he enjoyed partaking in sex with other men on occasion.

Not often, hell, he didn’t even consider himself bisexual, and he definitely didn’t think of himself as

gay. He just liked to get his dick sucked by a man sometimes. He liked to fuck them too. Sexual

was attraction after all, despite what gender a person was. He had no problem with it so why should


The brief affair he’d had with Austin long ago had been out of control. The two of them together had

combusted like wildfire. Two men who preferred to be in control fucking constantly, anywhere they

Blowjobs in bathrooms, hand jobs in cars, you name it they did it. Until Austin had found someone

and dumped him like yesterday’s trash.

Which had been fine with Trevor. He hadn’t been looking for a relationship then. He and Austin

remained friends, and he was happy for him. Happy that Austin had found Michaela. He’d shared a

details with Trevor, nothing too personal, but he got the sense that Austin and Michaela had a wild

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sex life.

That she was uninhibited and willing to experiment in almost anything.

Secretly Trevor wanted to find someone just like Michaela. And he thought Scarlett was the perfect


“Uh, we’ll be right back, okay?” Trevor smiled, reached out and gave Drake’s upper arm a quick

squeeze. “I just need to take care of Scarlett real quick.”

“I don’t need taking care of…” she started, but Trevor cut her off with a look.

Surprisingly, she shut up. Nibbled on her plush lower lip instead, her teeth stark white against the

deep red of her lipstick. The urge to kiss all that lipstick off was overwhelming, all encompassing and

breathed deep, trying to control himself.



He wasn’t one to lose control. He was always the one in control. Women threw themselves at him. He

knew this, appreciated it, thanked the good Lord above every day for his bounty. He preferred men he

could dominate as well. He liked to be in command though he wouldn’t consider himself a total

There was something about Scarlett tonight that made him feel possessive. Like he wanted to throw

her over his shoulder and cart her off to a quiet room, where he could explore and ravish her body for

rest of the night. She would fight him off at first with little shoves at his shoulders, protesting

low in her throat. Until finally she would give in to what she really wanted, which was him. And he

show her just how explosive it could be between them.

Yeah that sounded good. Too good.

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“Let me take care of Scarlett, she’s hurting. Just give us a few minutes,” Trevor said to Drake though

he hoped the last part wasn’t true. If he had his way, he’d cart Scarlett off and spend the rest of the

with her. Alone. Naked.

“Okay. See you later,” Drake said slowly, his expression wary. As if he didn’t believe him.

“Let’s go,” Trevor murmured close to Scarlett’s ear, catching a whiff of her delicious scent. The

woman smelled good, sweet, like vanilla and something else he couldn’t quite figure out.

But he wanted to find out. He wanted to take his time with this woman. Wanted to get to know her,

what made her tick, what she liked, what she disliked.

The problem was, he had a distinct feeling she disliked him. She seemed downright immune to him

though he swore he saw a flicker of interest in those fathomless dark brown eyes.

That minute show of interest kept him in pursuit.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked once they got out of hearing distance of Drake.

“I don’t know. There are private rooms around here aren’t there?” He slowed his pace for her,

he could haul her into his arms and carry her somewhere. Though he figured she’d balk at that.

call him a few filthy names and demand he put her down.

He was sorely tempted to do it to see her reaction.

“You can’t take me to a private room.” She sounded indignant. Also, a little intrigued.

“Why not? You need to get off your feet, get those shoes off.”

“Once I take them off, I’m never putting them back on.” She hobbled along, the wince that appeared

on her face driving him insane.

“Why do women buy shoes that torture their feet? I don’t get it.” Trevor shook his head, his hands

itching to grab her.

“They’re hot right? Sexy? You said so yourself. We do it to impress you.” She said you as if he was

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the most disgusting thing on this planet. The expression on her face matched her inflection.


Karen Erickson

He couldn’t stand the fact that she didn’t like him. What had he ever done to her? He’d never gone out

of his way to talk to her out of fear he’d make an utter ass of himself. He’d bided his time, wanted to

approach her at the right moment, but now he was afraid he’d made a bad choice.

Yeah, nice choice asshole. Approaching Scarlett at the sex club she frequented. What the hell are you

doing anyway? Are you really interested in a woman who actually frequented sex clubs?

“So was it worth it?”

She stopped, her delicate brows crinkling in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

“The shoes and looking hot for me. Were they worth it?” He slid his arm around her waist, this close

to picking her up.

“I didn’t wear them for you specifically. Just for, um, someone who might notice.”

“Who? Drake?”

Scarlett sighed. “Does everyone know about my personal business?”

“Pretty much.” He smiled. “But I’ll tell you this. I definitely noticed. And I like what I see.” Deciding

to go for it, he bent at the knees and swooped her into his arms, holding her against his chest.

A little squeal escaped her. She automatically circled her arms around his neck, her face so close he

could feel her breath fan across his face. “What are you doing?”

“Tell me where the private rooms are.” He started walking, headed deeper inside the building. Her

fingers fluttered on the back of his neck before pressing into his skin, sliding up into his hair.

“There’s a bank of them to the left, down that hall,” she offered. “Not everyone knows about them so

most of them should be empty.”

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Trevor followed her direction, forcing down the wave of lust that threatened to consume him at

having Scarlett in his arms. She was tiny. She weighed hardly anything, and she snuggled against him
as if

she belonged there. With him.

She felt good. She felt right. And he didn’t want to let her go.


Chapter Two

Trevor was such a macho, unbelievable show-off with the heroic gesture he had just made. Sweeping

her into his arms as if she was some sort of damsel in distress and he’d ridden in on his white steed to

the day. Her feet had been killing her but nothing too outrageous. She suffered with ache-inducing
shoes all

the time. It wasn’t a special occurrence.

Scarlett didn’t want to admit that deep down inside she loved it. Enjoyed the way he had picked her

up with ease, his strong, capable arms carrying her down the hall, through the crowds of onlookers.
He was

gorgeous. He drew many appreciative glances, but he didn’t seem to notice. His soul focus was her

getting her off her feet.

She appreciated his attentiveness. She wondered if Drake would be so gallant and rush to her aid.

Not the thing to think about right now.

He approached the private rooms she had told him about and leaned over, tested one doorknob with

outstretched fingers. His position caused her to slide a little, his hand close to her butt. When he
opened the

door and then adjusted her in his arms, she felt the delicious press of his fingers against her abundant

Trevor carried her into the room and deposited her on the loveseat that sat against the wall. She sank

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into the corner of the overstuffed little couch with her legs stretched out and watched as he sat at the

end. He reached for her feet and rested them in his lap, his fingers working on the back of first one

then the other, tipping them both off her aching feet so they fell to the floor with a muffled thump.

Wiggling her toes, she sighed, a small murmur of approval escaping her. It felt so good—away from

the constricting shoes, her feet free to stretch. In their elevated position, the blood slowly flowed back

them so she could actually feel them again, and she rotated first one ankle, then the other. She glanced

her gaze meeting Trevor’s. He was studying her, his gray eyes darker, stormier, lids heavy. As if there

some sort of determined purpose in his gaze, and she couldn’t look away. She was snared in his trap.

She wasn’t protesting.

Scarlett didn’t realize he was going to touch her until she felt the warm press of his fingers on the

underside of her left foot. They sank into her arch, circling, digging, driving every last kink out of her

muscles. Her eyes slid closed, a groan escaping her.

“Feels good?” His voice, that magical, sexual voice, made her shiver, and she nodded, unable to

gather up the energy to actually speak. He continued massaging her fishnet-stocking covered foot, his

fingers working her flesh, her entire state of mind, into a weakened piece of nothing.

Karen Erickson

He had excellent hands, a sure touch. The way he cupped her heel, positioned her foot so it slid up

along the couch, her leg bending, knee propped, was so natural she didn’t even think of how the

exposed her until it was too late.

Her hand went to the hem of her skirt, and she pushed down, but it was no use. So she tried to

straighten her leg out again instead.

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Trevor wouldn’t let her.

“Hey.” She didn’t want to sound accusing. The man was, after all, giving her the best foot massage of

her life, and she didn’t want him to stop. But a girl had limits. She couldn’t go around exposing her

underwear to a stranger.

Well, he really wasn’t a stranger, but she didn’t want him checking out what color her panties were.

And they just so happened to be virginal white cotton, bikini-cut with little bits of eyelet decorating

She’d worn them on purpose, wanting the contrast of the stern yet sexy outfit with the sweet, innocent


Not that she’d planned on showing them to anyone. She’d done it for herself. Well, and maybe for

Drake, if he’d been interested.

And he hadn’t been interested.

“Relax,” he said. His voice easy, his gaze locked on her face. “Enjoy it.”

“Okay.” Oh, she was ridiculous, falling for this. A foot massage here turned into a grope session there

until the next thing she knew, she would be having sex with him. And she didn’t want to do that.

Did she?

No, she didn’t. Despite the fact that his hands were weaving a spell over her body, despite the warm

rush of sensation that filled her when he looked at her. His fingers slid up, circled her ankle for the

moment before they continued their descent.

Up her leg.

“Too bad you can’t take these off.” He fingered her fishnets. “I could get an even better grip on your

feet if you weren’t wearing them.”

Now he was trying to undress her. In such an innocent way too. He was as crafty as the big bad wolf,

and she didn’t want to fall for him a la Little Red Riding Hood.

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“They’re thigh-highs.” Her voice was whisper soft, almost breathless, and she nibbled on her lower

lip, determined not to say another word.

Because the next words would encourage him to take the stockings off.

Trevor’s hands stilled, and he blew out a harsh breath, shaking his head. “Are you trying to kill me?”

She cocked a brow, couldn’t believe she had the power to slay him with just a few words. “They’re

more comfortable.”

“And easier to slip off.”



“Maybe you should test that and see.” Oh, God.

Scarlett swallowed hard, pressed her lips together. She could not believe she just said that. The

had fallen from her lips with ease, the gathering sexual tension between them so strong it was

throbbing in the room like a living, breathing thing.

“I’m willing to give it a try.” His words were casual, but the intent was clear. This had gone from a

mere massage, just as she thought it would. And she’d let it.

She was insane. She was also aroused. More aroused than she remembered ever being, and all from a

simple massage.

It was confusing. Thrilling. And so, so wrong.

But she didn’t want it to stop.

The woman had basically invited him to peel the fishnet-stockings from her legs, and he wasn’t about

to turn her down. Trevor couldn’t believe this was happening, and he wasn’t one to sit around and

about what was unfolding.

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But this was different. It was Scarlett. The woman he’d wanted for far too long. And now he had her,

her pretty little feet in his lap, one leg propped. He dipped his head, trying to see underneath her skirt,
but it

was too shadowy.

He planned on getting beneath that skirt.

Afraid to say anything, afraid to ruin the mood, he kept his mouth shut and scooted closer to her, her

knees now in his lap, her legs hanging over him. He rested his hands atop her bent knees, cupping
them, her

skin smooth and warm beneath the fishnets and then he slid one hand up, nice and slow until it

beneath her skirt. He could feel the very heat of her emanating from between her legs.

Christ, this was tough. Tough to restrain himself, tough not to reach for her panties and tug. But

instead, his fingers searched for and found the top of her thigh-high stocking, slid beneath the firm

He heard her sharp intake of breath at his touch on her bare skin, and it twisted him up inside, turned

cock into a rock hard, raging thing.

He pulled the stocking down her thigh, over her knee, across her calf until it was bunched at her

ankle. Withdrawing the stocking completely from her foot, he let it flutter to the ground, his gaze
lifting to

meet hers.

“One down,” he murmured.

“One to go,” she finished for him, her stocking-covered leg shifting in his lap, nudging against his


If she knew what she was doing to him, she didn’t let on. At first glance, it appeared he had no effect

on her either. Her expression was calm, her breathing normal, but he saw the darkening in her eyes,

faint rosy flush that covered the skin peeking from the open vee of her shirt.

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She was aroused. He bet if he reached between her legs and tested her there she’d cream all over his


Sweat broke out on his brow, and he shoved the thought firmly from his head. He needed to bide his

time, not just trying to cop a feel. He wanted to do this right.

So he could keep on doing it. With her. Again and again and again.

Trevor reached beneath her skirt once more, his fingers trailing, tickling her skin. He swore he heard

muffled giggle. Again, he tucked his grip beneath the elastic of her stockings and tugged, pulling them

down until they were completely off, landing on top of the already discarded stocking on the floor.

She wiggled her toes, and he caught sight of them out of the corner of his eye. “Want me to scoot



Scarlett laughed. “I thought you wanted to massage my bare feet.”

“I’ll massage your legs.” He began rubbing her calves, easing the slight knots from first one, then the

other, and she tilted her head back, her eyes sliding closed in ecstasy.

Oh yeah, he could watch her all night. The rapturous expression on her face, her mouth pursed, lips

parting as a sigh slid from between them. Her feet flexed, her legs flexed and the movement caused

skirt to ride up, revealing inches of the creamy skin of her thighs.

He could only imagine her legs parting for him as he thrust deep. Long legs wrapped around his hips

as he plunged again and again. His hands holding her slim thighs apart as he dipped his head and
licked her


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“You’re good at this,” she said, knocking him from his dirty thoughts. “You have good hands.”

Not the first time he’d been told that but usually when he was doing something a little more fun than

massaging. Not that this wasn’t fun, oh no.

But it was more like exquisite torture.

“I can make it even better.” He slid his hand beneath the skirt, reveling in the silky soft flesh of her

thigh. She shivered. He felt the subtle movement beneath his hand, and when he looked at her, he saw

caution, the apprehension shadow her face.

“You shouldn’t,” she whispered. She tried to draw her leg away, but he held firm.

“Let me,” he whispered back, his fingers crawling farther up, closer to her heated pussy.

“Trevor.” Her voice hitched when he brushed his fingers over the cotton front of her panties. “I don’t

like you.”

He laughed. Her brutal honesty should’ve hurt, at the very least should’ve pissed him off, but her

words only spurred him on. He stroked her, back and forth, slow and easy, pressing harder with his

movement. All the while he kept watching her, his gaze locked on her beautiful face, watching it
change as

desire slowly took over.



Her lids lowered, long dark lashes casting shadows upon her face. Lips parted, her tongue licked at

her lush lower lip and made it glisten. Wet and inviting and tempting him beyond reason.

He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to fuck her with his fingers and then fill her with his cock.

This woman drove him insane, and he wanted a taste. Just one taste.

“You like the way I touch you.”

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Her eyes flared, a rich chocolate brown he could drown in. “You could be anyone touching me like

this, and I’d react.”

“Anyone?” His brows lifted. That was a challenge if he ever heard one. His pinky finger reached,

until it met the elastic leg of her underwear. “So if I dived beneath your panties you wouldn’t be wet.”

“Um…” She looked flustered. And guilty. “Anyone, remember?”

“Right, so any guy could be sitting here with his fingers on you and you’d react sexually. Maybe if it

was Drake.” Her lids fluttered, and he didn’t doubt Drake could cause this reaction. Her crush proved

had a thing for him.

Jesus. Why had he even mentioned Drake’s name?

“How about…” He thought, his mind reaching, searching for a name of someone they knew.

Someone about as sexy as a lump of cold mashed potatoes. “Keith.” Austin’s sometimes lighting

The guy had beady eyes and a cold disposition. He gave the girls at the theatre the creeps.

Hell, he gave Trevor the creeps. Austin justified keeping him around because the guy was damn good

at his job.

The disgusted shudder was unmistakable, the look of horror on her face equally so. “You would have

to pick the biggest asshole in the world.”

“He’s not bad.” He let his fingers drift across her mound, the unmistakable heat underneath nearly

burning him. “Would you react the same if it was him touching you? If I was Keith?”

She released a shuddering breath, her gaze locked with his, dark and irritated. Her entire body tensed,

and he wondered if he’d pushed her too far. “Of course not.”

“That’s what I thought.” He played with the elastic, touched bare flesh, the silk of her pubic hair and

holy hell he wished he could see her.

“I don’t want you to touch me.” She didn’t sound very convincing though. He wasn’t one to push

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himself on a woman, he’d never had to but something told him she was lying. She wanted his touch as

badly as he wanted to touch her.

Scarlett was fighting it, fighting him. And he didn’t quite understand why.

“Say the word, and I’ll stop.” He slipped further, felt her plump pussy lips, a hint of wetness, and

Such heat. He bet she was creamy and sweet, so sweet. He wanted a taste. Wanted to push her skirt
up to

her hips, tear her panties off and place his head between her legs.

For now, he’d settle with his hand.


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“You’re too arrogant.” She whimpered when his fingers slid between her pussy lips, drifted over her

hard little clit. “You think all women want you.”

“You claim you don’t.” Ah yeah, just as he thought, her juices coated his fingers. She was so wet he

slid through her with ease, searching her delicate folds.

Scarlett bit her lower lip, her gaze slithering away from his. “I don’t. Really I don’t.”

“I know, sweetheart. I believe you.” That’s why she was wet for him. Why her entire body trembled.

For him. Because of him.

But she didn’t want him, nope, not at all.

He surged a finger inside her, her swollen tissues grasping him tight. She moaned, her legs spreading

as wide as they could, but her skirt restricted her.

Such a shame. He wanted to see her but there was something illicit, taboo sitting with her on the

couch, his hand up her skirt, his finger inside her hot pussy. He felt like a teenager getting off his first

serious girlfriend, sneaking around on her parents’ couch late at night.

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Trevor rubbed her clit with his thumb, again and again, circling, flicking, making her gasp. “Want me

to stop?”

She didn’t answer. She glared at him, anger and arousal flushing her face, her cheeks a rosy pink. He

could actually see her struggle, wanting to tell him no yet her body wanting him to continue. He
flicked her

clit again, building a faster rhythm and her gaze never left his though her lids lowered, her lips

She was desperate to keep control.

He was just as desperate to make her lose control. He wanted her writhing. He wanted to watch her

come. He wanted to know what she looked like at that moment when her climax took over her body.

Fuck, he was greedy. He wanted it all.

“Do you, Scarlett?” He thrust his finger deep, added another finger and thrust again and she bucked

her hips against his hand.

“What?” Her voice rasped, as if her throat was dry, and he pumped his fingers inside her tight heat,

his thumb circling her clit.

She was close. He knew it. He could feel it.

“Do you want me to stop? Or do you want to come?” His cock surged, thick and hard and ready to

make an appearance. He’d give anything to be inside her, at this very moment, but he’d have to settle


Next time. He’d have her. In minutes if she let him.

Unfortunately he had a distinct feeling she wouldn’t let him. Which only made the chase sweeter.

“Come for me, Scarlett.” He took her silence as her answer. She was meeting his thrusts with her

her body moving against his hand, her back arching off the loveseat. Close to falling apart. “Come all

my hand, sweetheart.”

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She shattered with her orgasm, the inner walls of her pussy clenching around his fingers, her clit

throbbing beneath his thumb. A wail escaped her, low and shaky and long. She leaned her head back

against the armrest of the couch, her body slowly going limp.

Trevor withdrew his hand from her body and brought his fingers to his mouth, inhaled deep. Her

scent, musky and sweet, filled his head, made him dizzy. He licked his fingers, tasted her, savored

When he heard her moan he glanced up, caught her watching him.

“You taste like heaven.” She did. He wanted more.

Her eyes slid closed, and she shook her head. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

He laughed, he couldn’t hold it back and when she cracked open one eye to glare at him he laughed

some more. “You don’t believe in me whatsoever, do you?”

“No. I don’t.” Just like that her expression shuttered closed, her lips straightening into a tight line. She

withdrew from him, both physically and emotionally and he watched, helpless as she swung her legs
to the

floor and climbed off the loveseat.

“Where are you going?”

“Home.” She straightened her clothing, tugged her skirt into place. Dipping down she grabbed her

shoes, clutched them in one hand. “It’s been real.”

She was halfway to the door before he caught up with her, yanking her arm so she turned to face him.

The look of pure disdain on her face confused him, frustrated the shit out of him, and he didn’t get it.

He had her coming over his fingers two minutes ago, and now she was walking away from him as if

he was nothing. An afterthought, nothing more. Just trash she could use and toss.

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“What the hell are you doing?”

“Leaving.” She shrugged out of his grasp and started for the door once again.

“Hold on.” He grabbed her again, his hold on her looser this time and the tingles that shot up his arm

at the feel of her soft skin made him want to growl in irritation.

The attraction between them was real. He couldn’t deny it. Yet she could, and in a big way.

What the fuck?

“Hold on for what? What do you want from me? Do you want me to grovel at your feet and call you

master? Tell you that you just gave me the best orgasm of my life? Well, it wouldn’t be true.” She
took one

step toward him, then another, and then another until she was so close he could kiss her. “It wasn’t
bad, but

it wasn’t the best either. How’s that for your ego?”

He flinched, released his hold on her as if she burned him. “What the hell have I ever done to you to

make you so goddamn angry?”

“Sucks to be used, doesn’t it?” She smirked, and he was sure she caught the guilty flash in his eyes.

“You use women all the time. I watch you. I see what you do. They toss themselves at your feet and

have your pick, a new one every night. It’s always so easy for you, isn’t it?”


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“Why the hell should you care?” Her words hurt because they were true. Maybe he was nothing more

than a user of women. He certainly could never commit to one. It was so much easier, so much more

exciting to be with a different woman night after night.

And the occasional man. But he kept that close, to himself.

“I don’t. That’s why I’m walking away.” She started toward the door again, her hand resting on the

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door handle before he spoke.

“I can find someone else, you know,” he called to her. “I can walk out of this room and find someone

and fuck her brains out.”

She stilled, her delicate fingers clutching the handle, her entire body tense. But she didn’t turn around

to look at him. “I’m sure you could. I know you could. I hope that makes you feel better. I hope when

you’re fucking her, it’s my face you see and not hers.”

And with that, she opened the door and walked out of the room.

Her instincts had been correct. Trevor Braxton was a complete asshole with an ego twice the size of


Scarlett strode through the halls of Tom’s, headed toward that doorway she should’ve exited through

long ago, before she ran into Trevor. She clutched her shoes in her hands, grimacing as she walked

the cold, bare wood floors and she wished she hadn’t taken them off.

But then she wouldn’t have been on the receiving end of that fabulous massage. And she wouldn’t

have had that most amazing orgasm either.

When she told him that orgasm hadn’t been the best of her life, she’d kind of lied. It had been a long

time since she’d come by someone else’s hand. Oh, she spent time here at Tom’s but she was strictly

watcher. She rarely indulged even though she had permission to do so. Well, on occasion she’d

but more as a background figure, unnoticed.

Just the way she liked it.

Trevor’s sure fingers, that cocky expression, the way he touched her, the way he spoke to her…

God. Unbelievable. She’d come so fast it had shocked her. She never came that fast. It was always a

bit of a struggle, a bit of work. Nothing outrageous but she definitely didn’t come without plenty of

foreplay prior.

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That hadn’t been the case tonight. And it had pissed her off. Even shamed her a little bit. That he

could have that much mastery over her body, that much command. Well, it scared her.

Made her want to do it again. With him. This in turn caused her to act like a raging, lunatic bitch and

behave cruelly toward him.



It wasn’t fair, but tonight wasn’t about playing fair. He hadn’t played fair with her. His intention from

the start had been to make her fall apart. Prove to her that despite her dislike of him he could make her

come. And he had.

The bastard. The sexy, gorgeous, no good, interesting rat bastard.

She stopped at the double doors and slipped her shoes on, wincing when she felt the painful pinch.

But she wasn’t about to cross the parking lot in her bare feet.

Idly she wondered if he would seek someone else out tonight. It bothered her, made her the tiniest bit

jealous at the thought of him taking his sexual frustration on someone else. A stranger. Knowing he

of her the entire time he pounded inside someone else.

A little smile curved her lips as she exited the building and headed toward her car. She was sick,

twisted, to feel this way. But she’d never considered herself normal, and her reaction tonight only
proved it.

She had a feeling they’d have a run in again soon.

And she looked forward to it.


Chapter Three

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Trevor waited five minutes before he exited the room, not wanting to catch a glimpse of the woman

who had irritated the ever-loving shit out of him. He sat on the couch, his body tense, his hard-on still

damn it, and all he could think about was her.

That saucy mouth of hers, the things she’d said. The defiant look on her face while he had his hands

on her body, inside her body, the offhanded way she claimed her orgasm hadn’t been that great.

Fuck, she was crazy. Unbelievable. And so was he for even thinking he had a chance with her.

But he wanted to take that chance. Was willing to go for it, again and again, do whatever it took to

convince her that she should give him a fair shake.

Why, he wasn’t sure. He only knew that she intrigued him, more than any other woman he’d ever

met. After being shut down by her, he still wanted to hang around. He never wanted to hang around.

That alone made him realize he had it bad for her.

He shut the door and wandered down the hall, caught sight of the various women looking at him as he

walked past. Scarlett was right. He could have his pick, and yet he didn’t want any of them. He

only her.



“Hey. You’re still here.”

Trevor turned at the sound of the familiar voice to find Drake standing in front of him, his hands in

the front pockets of his dark jeans, his expression one of open pleasure. Quite the opposite of

pissed off scowl. “Yeah, you found me. I’m definitely still here.”

“I thought you left with Scarlett.”

Trevor snorted. “Fuck that.”

“I thought that was your plan.” Drake smiled at his own joke.

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Trevor smiled too. “She ditched me. She was kind of…mad. I think she hates me.” The

understatement of the year.

“Really?” Drake raised his brows. “I think she’s nice.”

“Of course you do. Everyone does. And she is nice to everyone. Everyone but me.” Trevor shook his

head. “Besides, she’s definitely going to be nice to you because she wants to get in your pants.”

“She does?” Drake appeared honestly surprised. His mouth fell open a little.


“Hell yeah she does. She’s been chasing you for months.”

“Huh. I noticed she’d been hanging around, but I didn’t think anything of it.” Drake paused, studied

him carefully. “I’m interested in someone else.”

“Oh yeah? Well don’t tell her that. She’ll probably scratch your eyes out.” Damn, he hated how bitter

he sounded, but she’d stomped all over his self-confidence tonight and left it in tatters.

He hated this feeling, hadn’t felt this way in a long time. Back in school he’d been such a nerd that it

hadn’t taken much to make him feel like shit. His self-confidence had been in the toilet, no one had

any attention to him.

Until he got on that stage his sophomore year of high school. Then they’d taken notice, and he’d

never looked back.

Tonight, with Scarlett and her shitty words, it felt like high school again.

“She really pissed you off, didn’t she?” Drake’s voice was soft, slightly seductive, and Trevor cut his

gaze to his, shocked to find his body reacting to it. To him.

“She did,” Trevor admitted.

“Don’t let her bother you.” Drake took a step closer and they both leaned against the wall, their gazes

locked, their bodies seemingly reaching toward each other. “You need a distraction.”

Hell yeah, he did. He had a feeling Drake was about to offer one too.

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Should he take him up on it?

“A distraction, huh?” He reached out and let his fingers trail down Drake’s arm. He was lean, finely

muscled, not too bulging. Attractive with those intense pale green eyes and a full mouth that would

mighty good wrapped around his cock.

Jesus. He was an utter shit. Just like Scarlett accused him of. Minutes ago, he’d wanted her. And now

he wanted Drake.

Frustration. I’m looking to replace her because I’m just so damn frustrated.

Or maybe he could actually be attracted to two people at the same time.

“I’ve heard the stories.” Drake smiled. “The rumors about you.”

“There are rumors?” That was news to him, and he wasn’t sure if he liked it. He liked to keep this

under wraps.

“Very hush hush. Not many people talk about it. But I heard you like to experiment.”

Trevor took another step closer to Drake, so close that he was in his personal space. They were of

equal height. He figured Drake was at least six foot since he was six-two, and their lips were so close

breath mingled together. “I do.”

“I’ll be upfront. I heard you like to get your dick sucked.” Drake trailed his fingers down the center of

Trevor’s chest. “By another man.”

“Well…it’s true. Are you making the offer?”


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Drake nodded once, his gaze meeting his and it was all Trevor needed to see. Grabbing his hand, he

led Drake to the bank of private rooms, choosing another one versus the room where he had been with

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He didn’t need her memory assaulting him. With his luck, the room would still smell like her and,

well, that would piss him off too much.

He’d rather focus on Drake. The very willing and able Drake.

The room was larger and had a bed. A giant bed with a plain black comforter covering it was set in

the center with two simple black painted end tables on either side. A stark white bowl sat on one of

tables, filled to the brim with condoms.

Perfect. Fully equipped with everything I need.

“Strip,” Trevor commanded as he snicked the lock closed with a twist of his wrist. He focused on

Drake, saw the unmistakable lust on his pretty face, his hands automatically going for the hem of his

“Come over here and help me,” he drawled, revealing a slice of perfectly toned abs.

Trevor wasted no time. He went to Drake and yanked the shirt up and over his head. Drake’s lightly

tanned skin gleamed golden in the subdued light, his eyes glittering when they met Trevor’s. Unable to

resist, Trevor kissed him, hard and punishing, letting all of his aggression and anger over the situation

Scarlett pour out in his kiss.

Drake took it with a gleeful groan, his mouth going wide, tongue slashing against Trevor’s. Trevor

drew him close, his hands sliding down Drake’s smooth, muscled back. His skin was warm, firm, his

hard, and Trevor shuddered when Drake put his hands on him.

The kiss, if possible, went deeper, their tongues tangling, their hands roaming over each other’s

bodies. Drake touched his stomach, his fingers crawling up until he brushed across Trevor’s nipples,

tweaking and pinching.

Trevor pulled away from him, his breathing harsh, his heart pounding a loud tattoo in his chest, his

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ears, his head. Drake smiled, his hand resting on his belt buckle, and he stroked the hand revolver

made of burnished metal. “I had no idea you had it in you.”

“What?” Trevor tore his shirt off, threw it on the ground. Drake’s eyes flared with interest, his gaze

roaming over him and Trevor stood taller.

Damn it, he was proud of his body. He worked like a son of a bitch to keep in shape.

And yet Scarlett hadn’t seemed to appreciate it. She hadn’t appreciated him. Hell, he hadn’t even

kissed her. Yet here he was kissing Drake, his hands all over him, his cock just as hard as it had been


Fucking confusing. Don’t overthink it.

He couldn’t help but overthink it.



“I want you to suck my cock,” Trevor growled, suddenly pissed at himself. Pissed that he could easily

put the encounter with Scarlett aside and enjoy this with Drake. What the fuck kind of man was he?

heard the saying time and again but certainly never thought it applied to him. He’d found it amusing, it

made him laugh every time he heard it when used for someone else, but now the term rang true in his

Man whore.

He was a total fucking man whore who seduced whoever he could get his hands on.

“With pleasure.” Drake shucked his jeans and underwear in one pull and got down on his knees in

front of Trevor. Reaching for him, Drake stroked the front of his jeans, making Trevor’s cock jump in


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One simple touch and his balls tightened. A couple of sucks from what would surely be Drake’s

expert mouth and he’d probably shoot off like a geyser. It wouldn’t take much. He was already on the

angry and so damn hard he could drive metal spikes into cement with his dick.

Sure fingers undid his belt buckle, unsnapped his jeans, tugged the zipper down. Drake pushed

Trevor’s jeans off, his hands smoothing over his ass once before catching on the waistband of his

and sliding them down as well. His jeans and boxers stopped about mid-thigh and his cock sprang

bobbing in front of Drake’s pursed lips.

“Hmm, you’re big.” Drake leaned close to Trevor’s dick and licked his lips.

“Suck it,” Trevor commanded, not in the mood for teasing and bullshit.

He wanted his cock in Drake’s mouth. He wanted to fuck his mouth and get off. Then he wanted to

fuck Drake’s ass and get off again.

“Only if you promise to suck mine too.” Drake glanced up at him, his piercing, pale green gaze

seeming to see right through him. “This isn’t all about you, you know.”

Trevor closed his eyes briefly and shook his head. Yet again, he was called out for being a selfish

bastard. Eyes snapping open at the first touch of Drake’s tongue on the head of his cock, he stared
down at

Drake whose gaze hadn’t left his. “I know. You’re right. You’ll get yours, I promise.”

“Good.” He licked again, his tongue circling the flared head, tracing the slit, gathering the pearly
precome that formed there. Trevor groaned, the sight so erotic, Drake’s long, pink tongue searching

carefully, thoroughly. “You taste good.”

And Drake licked good, too. Trevor’s body went tense, his muscles tight as Drake dragged his tongue

down the length of his cock, mapping the veins, tickling just beneath the flared head. His fingers slid

around the base, making Trevor jerk in his grip, and Drake smiled.

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“I’m slowing you down. You were too pissed off.”

Drake was right. He was still a little pissed, but it was fading. Fading with the attention of Drake’s

tongue and the subtle glide of his hand. He held a firm grip on his cock, firmer than any woman had

touched him, and Trevor sighed in pleasure.


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Being with men was such a different experience. Not better, just different. Women were more

delicate. They didn’t know how to handle a man the way he wanted to be handled. Other men

They were rougher, they could take more, they could give more and they wouldn’t break.

He enjoyed the delicateness of women, the softness of their skin, sinking deep inside their wet bodies.

But he also liked the hard firmness of a man.

The best of both worlds.

Drake’s lips finally wrapped around the head of Trevor’s cock, and he released a shuddering breath.

Trevor slipped his hands on either side of Drake’s head, his fingers curling in Drake’s hair, and he
began to

pump. Drake took him, inch by inch until his cock bumped the back of his throat. And he never

“Fuck yeah, that feels amazing,” Trevor muttered, increasing his pace, his eyes nearly crossing at the

suction Drake applied to his cock.

Drake was good—he sucked, he licked, his fingers stroked, while his other hand was busy jerking at

his own cock. Trevor savored the image, this man kneeling before him, taking all of him and getting

while he did it, too.

His orgasm raced upon him, strong and intense, building, building at the base of his spine until Trevor

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knew it was moments before he’d explode. His rhythm grew faster, the encouraging sounds Drake

hurrying him along and, when his gaze locked with Drake’s, Trevor knew he was done.

He came with a shout, his fingers fisting in Drake’s hair, his semen shooting to the back of Drake’s

throat. Again and again, it shot out of him, endless, his body shuddering, his stomach muscles

tight, cramping until finally he was done and he slumped over Drake.

“Come here.” Trevor tugged on Drake’s hair and brought him up so they both stood. He kissed him,

his tongue licking at the inside of Drake’s mouth, tasting himself, tasting Drake, the mixture a potent

cocktail that made him eager to sample Drake’s cock.

“I want you,” Trevor murmured against Drake’s mouth, his hand sliding over his hard cock. The rigid

length of his erection made him shudder, excitement racing in his blood, throbbing throughout his

body. “I want your cock.”

Then take it,” Drake offered, his damp mouth moving against Trevor’s. “Take me.”

Trevor got rid of his jeans and underwear, kicking them off before he went to his knees before Drake.

Drake was already naked, his muscular body shining with a damp sheen of sweat, defining muscle and

sinew. Trevor smoothed a hand over his flat abdomen, felt the muscles jump beneath his fingers, and

smiled. His hand slid lower, tangled in the dark brown pubic hair that grew around Drake’s cock and

he touched him, feather light, his fingers dragging along his thick length.

Drake’s dick was big but not as wide as Trevor’s. His cock curved upward, satiny smooth flesh

begging to be touched, the tip dribbling clear liquid. Trevor tasted it with a quick swipe of his tongue,

musky, salty taste dissolving in his mouth, and he smiled when he heard Drake groan.


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“Suck me,” Drake begged. Trevor shook his head, prepared to take his time. He wanted to give Drake

a taste of his own medicine.

He licked, he stroked, his fingers sure, sliding up and down the hot hard length of Drake. Trevor

gripped his balls with his other hand, cupped them in his palm, his fingers teasing, and he swore he

Drake’s dick grow right before his eyes.

“You like that.” It wasn’t a question. Clearly, Drake was enjoying every blessed minute of it.

“I’d like it even more if you put your mouth on me,” Drake said between clenched teeth.

Trevor normally didn’t tease. He usually hated it—though the way Drake had teased him just

moments ago had made his orgasm incredible. “Just paying you back,” he murmured as he lapped at

Drake’s cock, nice and easy.

Drake’s cock jerked beneath his tongue. “Please.”

The pleading tone in Drake’s voice made Trevor change his mind. Parting his lips, he drew Drake’s

cock into his mouth, sucking him deep. The groan that ripped from Drake’s chest made Trevor’s cock

resume at half-mast, and he groaned as well.

Drake pumped his hips in time with Trevor’s sucking lips, his thrusts going deeper into Trevor’s

mouth with every surge of his body. Trevor took him, his fingers wrapped around the base of Drake’s

trying to control his movements. He wanted control, always wanted control sexually, but Drake was

pushing, thrusting, overwhelming him and all Trevor could do was accept it. Drown in it.

“I wanna come,” Drake whispered, his voice harsh, his breathing ragged. “Make me come, Trevor. I

want to come in your mouth. I’ve wanted this—you—for months.”

Jesus. This was getting out of control and fast. Sweat slicked his back, his chest and Trevor lashed at

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Drake’s cock with his tongue, tasting the salty essence that leaked from it. Drake was going to come
and it

would be soon. Soon…

Drake shouted, loud and guttural as his come filled Trevor’s mouth, slid down his throat. Trevor

drank him, swallowing it eagerly, relishing in the utter power he had over Drake at this very moment.

Trevor remembered how Scarlett looked when he’d made her come. Her creamy skin flushed, her

dark eyes glittering. The way she trembled, her inner walls clenched around his fingers, her shaky
legs and

that downright defiant look on her face when it was over.

He wanted her still. He wanted her now. If she walked into the room right at this moment he’d forget

Drake and go to her, drag her into his arms and not let her go for the rest of the night.

Yeah, he was seriously fucked. Over a woman who didn’t want him while he was with a man who

want him.

What the hell did that say about him? That he was a mess?

Hell, yes.


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“Fuck me, Trevor,” Drake said when he could finally catch his breath and find his voice. He

from Trevor and went to the bed, sprawling atop it as if he was exhausted. But there was a smile on

face, and his arms opened wide, as if waiting for Trevor to come into them. “I want you inside me.

How could he turn him down? Trevor stood, wiped the back of his hand across his mouth. His cock

was hard, aching again already and it would be easy. Easy to lose himself in Drake, forget who he

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He went to him. Grabbed a condom from the white bowl and sheathed himself, staring down at Drake

who watched him with hunger, a little smile curving his mouth.

It would be simpler if he wanted Drake and no one else. They could fool around for a while, go crazy

together much like he had with Austin so long ago. Fuck all the time until he felt like he had no more

in his body and then the spark would be gone. And he could walk away with ease. They both could. It

always good while it lasted, and it never lasted. It had never lasted for him.

Simple. He yearned for simple.

But secretly he really wanted complicated. He wanted Scarlett. There was no way around it.

When he kissed Drake, sank himself deep inside his welcoming ass, pounded inside him again and

again Trevor almost forgot. Almost. His eyes slid closed, and his imagination carried him away. To

Scarlett. Her wavy hair strewn across the pillow, her dark eyes glowing with lust for him. Her

would bounce with his every thrust as he moved within her body. He would suck her nipples, fuck her

pussy, tease her clit with his fingers and when she came, he’d come too, fill her with his semen until

was soaked with it, consumed with it. Consumed with him.

And then he came. He came deep inside Drake’s body, but it was Scarlett’s body he imagined he was

in. Scarlett’s face he saw. Scarlett’s arms circling around him, drawing him close for a tender kiss.

Trevor had never felt shittier in all his life.


Chapter Four

“What the hell is going on between you and Trevor?”

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Scarlett stilled, her muscles clenching so tight she swore she would cramp up. Slowly she turned to

see Austin glancing out at the stage, watching Trevor run through his lines in a quick rehearsal.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She kept her voice cool, calm. She didn’t want to give a

hint of how she really felt about Trevor.

It had been four days since that night at Tom’s. The night Trevor had brought her to orgasm with a

few flicks of this thumb, a couple thrusts of his fingers. Oh, and his murmured commands.

Come for me, Scarlett. Come all over my hand, sweetheart.

No man had ever spoken to her like that before. She considered herself pretty willing. Open to try

anything once and, well, she was twenty-eight. She’d done more than a few sexually adventurous
things in

her life. Things that would make some people’s eyebrows rise in shock, she was sure.

She never believed she was one who would get turned on by dirty talk. She was more visual, a

voyeur, she liked to watch it unfold. Commentary was usually annoying, distracting.

But she couldn’t get over those ten words he’d whispered to her. The look in his stormy gray eyes

when he’d said them to her. How easily she’d come upon hearing those sexy, seductive words…

“Give me a break,” Austin said, pushing her from her thoughts. “Something’s going on. Every time

you two get close to each other sparks fly. Who knew?”

“What do you mean by that?” She set her hands on her hips and glared at him, a little insulted.

Austin laughed, pointed a long index finger at her. “Just what I thought. You got the hots for him or

what? You over your crush on Drake?”

“Hah.” She waved her hand, dismissing the crush, his accusation. Yes, she was over her crush on

Drake. Drake didn’t like girls. He liked guys. And she had a bad feeling that he liked the guy she now


The guy she didn’t want to like. Trevor.

“Drake’s not interested in me,” she said, trying for nonchalant. “I don’t think he ever was.”

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Austin watched her carefully. “And now Trevor is?”

“I, um, I don’t know.” She wasn’t about to tell Austin what Trevor had done to her at Tom’s. The

mind-blowing orgasm was hers to cherish and hers alone. “I think Drake likes Trevor. I think he’s

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Austin immediately sobered, his expression going blank. “Oh yeah? Well, I’ve heard rumors about


“Have you ever heard rumors about Trevor?” She watched her friend carefully, saw a mixture of

emotions cross his gorgeous face, guilt being a major one.

“What sorts of rumors?”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” Dread threatened to consume her, overwhelm her. She

didn’t want to be attracted to Trevor yet she was. She’d been battling internally for the last four days

something nagged at her. Something told her she would again make a major mistake if she showed any

interest in Trevor.

She thought it was because of his known player status. Maybe there was more going on than she


“What, that Trevor’s gay? I wouldn’t consider him gay.”

“So what, he’s bisexual like you?” Her hands fell from her hips, grasping into little fists. Oh, what

she dragged herself into? She was confused.

“Listen.” Austin grabbed her arm and led her away from the stage, to a private alcove just beyond the

curtains. “A long time ago, before you started working here, I had a thing with, um, Trevor.”

Her mouth dropped open in shock. “You can’t be serious.”

Austin nodded, his expression grim. “Dead serious. It was short, it was crazy and then it was over.

We’ve been friends ever since.”

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“Like a gay thing?” She sounded like a croaking frog, and she cleared her throat.

“Well, yeah of course a gay thing. But like I said, I wouldn’t classify him as gay. He just likes to—

dabble a bit sometimes. With guys.”

“God.” Scarlett hung her head back, stared at the ceiling. “This is crazy.”

“You like him?”

“I don’t like him at all. He likes me. But Drake likes him.” She paused, surprised at how easy it was

lie about her attraction for Trevor. She met Austin’s gaze once more. “And I used to like Drake. How

screwed up is this?”

“Hey.” Austin reached out, stroked a hand down Scarlett’s arm. He could always see when she was

hurting, upset. And right now, she was both. All over a rotten, no good scoundrel who went through

like a person with a cold went through Kleenex. One after the other, after the other. “Trevor’s a
decent guy.

You should go for it.”

“Not with him,” she said bitterly. “He’ll stomp all over my heart and leave me crumpled on the

ground after he’s through with me.”

Austin cocked a dark brow. “Who said your heart was playing any part of this?”



Caught. How could she admit to Austin that she’d discovered a connection with Trevor that night? A

connection despite everything—her prior feelings for him and her firmly established policy about not

wanting to get too close to a man like him. She wanted Trevor. She could barely admit it to herself.

But there it was.

“It’s not playing a part,” she finally said, lifting her chin. “It can’t. Not with him.”

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“I agree, sweetie. He’s a good guy, but he’s not one to settle down, let alone have a part time

girlfriend.” Austin drew her close, into his warm, friendly embrace. She clung to him, appreciating

closeness, the way he always took care of her. “A fling with him, on the other hand, might be kind of

She couldn’t help it, she giggled against his chest. Leave it to Austin to be totally honest with her.

“And you speak from experience.” When she glanced up at him, she caught the slightly embarrassed

expression on his face.

“It wasn’t bad, our time together. I can at least admit to that.” He smiled, looking even more


Arousal washed over her at the sudden image of Trevor with another man. With Austin. Two

handsome men, naked and touching each other. Hands wandering, big cocks erect, muscles gleaming


Then another thought hit her just as swiftly. She withdrew a little to study Austin but stayed in his

embrace. “I thought you always preferred to be the top.”

“Well, uh, yeah, I do. That was part of our problem. A constant struggle for control.” Now she swore

Austin actually blushed.

And his comment didn’t surprise her either. Trevor had been very demanding that night. He’d

practically commanded the orgasm from her.

She’d gladly delivered it.

The sound of approaching footsteps made them spring apart from each other and Scarlett turned to

find Trevor standing in front of them, his expression fierce. A little angry, maybe even a little jealous.

Giddy joy bloomed in her stomach, and she frowned. No way should she relish in that expression on

his face. It was pointless, foolish.

Too late…

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“What’s going on, Trev?” Austin flicked his head at Trevor in that typical way men seemed to do.

“Nothing. What’s going on with you two?” Trevor asked the question slowly.

As if he had to keep himself under some sort of firm control, or else all hell would break loose.

“We were just talking,” Scarlett said, her gaze meeting Trevor’s.

Brilliant gray blue eyes locked on her face, he stared at her as if he could read her thoughts. It was

disconcerting yet undeniably arousing, and she shifted her feet, smoothed her sky blue skirt with the

of her hands.


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“I’ll leave you two alone,” Austin said, sending Scarlett a meaningful look before he walked away,

tipping his head again at Trevor as he passed.

“What do you want?” she asked the second Austin was out of earshot. It sounded rude. She couldn’t

help herself, but the second he got too close Trevor made her edgy, nervous.

Turned on. So incredibly turned on, she was tempted to throw herself at him and beg him to give her

another one of those life-changing orgasms.

“Nice greeting,” Trevor said, his voice cool as he took a step toward her, then another.

She backed up, not wanting to get too close. Electricity seemed to zing between them, bouncing back

and forth from her body to his, and her nipples hardened beneath the thin black tank top she wore.

His gaze dropped to her breasts immediately, and she knew without a doubt he noticed.

Damn him. And damn her nipples, too.

“I’m just…busy. I don’t have much time to talk.” Such a lie. She was about to leave for a quick dinner

break before the show started.

“You had enough time for Austin.” Oh yes, Trevor definitely sounded jealous.

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“He was giving me advice.” She nibbled on her lower lip, angry at herself for her choice of words.

The interest on Trevor’s face was clear.

“About what?”

“Work stuff.” She waved her hand, not wanting to talk about it. She didn’t want to mention what

Austin had shared with her. “Nothing major. What’s going on?”

“I wanted to talk to you.” His voice lowered, took on a husky tone that tempted her to shiver.

But she held herself in check. Just barely.

“What about?” Oh, he was coming closer. He took another step, then another, crowding her, and she

backed up, bumping against the wall. Trapped with Trevor so close she could smell him, the scent

and clean and warm.

Slowly driving her mad.

“I wanted to apologize for the other night.” His gaze wandered over her face, rested on her mouth and

her lips tingled. As if he had just touched her there.

She wondered how amazing it would be to actually kiss this man. Feel his mouth pressed to hers, his


“Apologize for what? The orgasm you gave me?” Ah, here came her smart mouth. She couldn’t keep

it in. It was as if he drew it out of her.

He chuckled, the sound warm, inviting, curling through her like elusive wisps of smoke she

desperately wanted to capture. “Unless it was awful I won’t apologize for that.

“It wasn’t awful,” she admitted in a small voice.



“Then I’m not sorry.” He smiled, all dazzling teeth and boy next door gorgeous. “I want to apologize

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for being such a jerk.”

“Well, I was a jerk, too.” But she refused to say sorry. She couldn’t admit she was sorry.

Stubborn. Old habits died hard.

“So we’re both apologizing then.” He reached out, twirled a wavy strand of her hair around his finger

and lightly tugged. “Maybe we could start over.”

She held her breath, her gaze cutting to that finger she could just see in her peripheral vision. He

twirled her hair around his finger again and again, slow, rubbing the strand as if he was testing it.

over with what? There’s nothing to start over.”

“There’s not?” He twirled another strand, and another. “Your hair is so soft.”

She ignored his comment, ignored the way it made her skin flush and her nipples harden even more.

Especially ignored the fact that her panties were damp and her knees weak. “There shouldn’t be.”

“Why not?”

“We won’t be good together.” Lies, all lies. She was the biggest liar in the whole wide world.

“You think?” He leaned in close, his face level with hers, gray eyes seeking the truth. “I think we’d be

fucking fantastic together.”

“I bet you say that to all the girls.” She repeated her words from four nights ago, her voice hoarse, her

throat dry. Afraid he was saying some sort of rehearsed line he kept in his repertoire and brought out

seduce women.

Trevor shook his head slowly, his gaze again drifting to her mouth. As if he wanted to kiss it, drink

from her, taste her over and over again. “Your opinion of me is pretty low, huh?”

“Terribly low,” she confessed, earning another chuckle.

“What can I do to rectify that?” He propped a hand on the wall behind her, his splayed fingers close

her head. His body heat reached, his broad shoulders blocked everything else and all she saw was

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him. She

was surrounded by him. Trevor.

“Leave me alone?” Her tone was hopeful because really, her life would be easier if he did leave her


A little lonely and full of regret but definitely easier.

“I can’t,” he said in an aching whisper, and her body tightened with need. “Go to dinner with me. Let

me convince you I’m not such a bad guy.”

“I shouldn’t,” she said quickly.

“You want to.”

She sighed. “You’re cocky.”

“Hmm, say that again.” His lids lowered, his entire focus seemingly on her mouth.

“Say what again? Cocky?”


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“Yeah.” He nodded, lids lifting, revealing his burning, hungry gaze. “Now take the ‘y’ off and say it

one more time.”

“You’re bad.” She swatted at his chest, but he caught her hand, brought it to his mouth where he

pressed a lingering kiss to her knuckles.

Thank God for the wall. It gave her something to lean against while her legs went weak at the touch of

his lips on her skin.

“You like it.”

“No, really I don’t.”

Trevor ignored her little insult, just clutched her fingers tighter. “Say yes. Say you’ll go to dinner with

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me. Tonight.”

“Tonight?” If she was going to do this—and really she wasn’t—then she’d prefer some time to plan

an outfit, a look, something. Just plan. Spontaneous dinner dates with heartbreakers wasn’t her thing.

“Yes, tonight. After the show.”

“It’ll be late,” she protested, but he ignored that, too.

“And I’ll be starving. Say yes, Scarlett.”

She loved the way he said her name, the way he commanded her. It thrilled her right down to her toes.

And elsewhere, too. “I shouldn’t.”

“You will.”

“Trevor—” she started but he shushed her, dropping her hand to press his fingers to her lips.

“You’re going.” His fingers didn’t leave her mouth. No, in fact, they started to stroke, tease, touching

first one corner, then the other, and she trembled.

“My choice where we eat?” Her voice was shaky, her entire body shaky. She breathed deep, her

mouth parting, his fingers dipping between her lips.

“Your choice.” He teased her some more, smoothed one finger back and forth across her lower lip.

She closed her lips around it, dabbed her tongue at the tip. “I want to kiss you so fucking bad.”

Oh yeah, thank goodness for the wall. Her legs were jelly, her stomach clenched and her pussy was

positively throbbing. All because he touched her mouth with his finger and looked at her as if he
wanted to

devour her in one swallow.

She released his finger from between her lips yet he still touched her, traced a path along her upper

lip. “Okay.”

“You’ll go?” His voice was hopeful, his expression matched and he looked so endearingly cute she

was glad she’d agreed.

“Yes. Just dinner,” she added though she had a feeling it was futile. Pointless.

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This would not be just a meal. The chemistry brewed and bubbled between them as they spoke, as

they looked at each other and it was so much more than just a simple night out. She could feel it.



His hand dropped, his smile grew. “Good. Think of a place to go. Somewhere good and a little


“Why?” What did he want to do, seduce her in the restaurant? He could do that with one look, one

touch. He was doing it now, backstage with people milling around. Anyone could stumble upon them

any minute.

“Because I want you to myself.” He pushed away from the wall, away from her and she felt suddenly

empty, cold without his body heat surrounding her. “Bye, Scarlett.”

She watched him go, took a few moments to gather her wits, wait for the strength to come back to her

legs. It wasn’t ’til he was completely out of sight that she realized he hadn’t even kissed her though

said he wanted to.

Scarlett was glad. It made the anticipation that much more delicious.

“Thank you for dinner,” Scarlett said, her voice soft and sweet and putting Trevor on edge.

She never sounded soft and sweet when she was with him. Her voice usually took on a hard edge, or

an irritated one. He wondered if he’d finally gotten in her good graces.

He wondered what he could do to keep himself there.

“You’re welcome. I’m glad you suggested this place. I haven’t been here in a while.” She’d picked a

little sushi restaurant not far from the theatre that stayed open to cater to the late flow of theatre goers.

Smart move since the place had been almost full with customers when they first arrived. The crowd

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had dwindled until there were only a few tables occupied, theirs included.

“It’s my favorite place to go for sushi.” She polished off the last shrimp tempura roll, a little murmur

of approval sounding in her throat as she chewed.

He enjoyed watching her eat. She did it with relish, without restraint and didn’t give a bunch of

excuses for it either. Most of the women he took to dinner either didn’t eat at all or picked at their

When they had actually shoved a fork in their mouth, a few had even apologized. As if it was a sin to

They’d practically all been reed thin, too. He wouldn’t classify Scarlett as reed thin. She had

curves, sensual curves he wanted to touch, explore. She looked like a real woman, not some stick

breasts and a flat ass.

She’d changed her outfit, wore a simple thin cotton black dress with tiny ruffles around the neckline.

A neckline that plunged low enough so he could catch a glimpse of cleavage every time she leaned

forward, and he checked plenty. Her bra was black, shiny satin, and he couldn’t wait to touch her.

Her creamy smooth skin glowed in the low lighting of the restaurant. She’d restrained her normally

riotous hair, pulled it back into a low ponytail that rested at her nape. A few errant curls strayed from

restraints, weaving prettily about her face. She was gorgeous in such an unassuming way.


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She drove him half mad with lust. Just looking at her had his cock hardening, threatening to pop the

zipper out of his jeans. The need to take, to possess this woman and make her his was overwhelming.

shared dinner was some sort of demented foreplay that messed with his mind and prolonged the

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“Is sushi your favorite food?” He wanted to know everything about her. Learn her secrets, her

preferences, her desires. She kept everything so close. Oh, she was friendly and everyone liked her at

theatre, but when he’d conducted some subtle asking around he realized that no one really seemed to


With the exception of Austin. And though they were friends, he didn’t feel comfortable enough

digging information about Scarlett from him. It wouldn’t be right. He couldn’t cross that line.

“I love sushi.” She dragged her finger through the few drops of sauce that dotted her plate and brought

it to her mouth, licking it. Trevor’s eyes almost crossed at the sight, imagining her lips wrapped
around his

dick. “I love Thai food, too. I love Asian food.”

“So you bring all your dates here.” Why did the idea of that make his blood boil? Imagining her with

another man made his gut clench, his head hurt.

If he thought about it too much, he just might be jealous.

Scarlett laughed, ran her hand over her head to smooth away the little wisps of wild hair. They sprang

back out the second her hand dropped. “I wouldn’t consider this a date.”

“No?” He cocked a brow at her. What the hell did she consider it then? “Tell me what you think this


“Two friends going out for dinner after work, simple as that.” She grabbed the straw in her drink and

twirled it around, the clinking of the ice against the glass loud in the otherwise quiet stillness.

“I wouldn’t necessarily consider us friends. You don’t even like me, remember?”

She at least had the decency to blush, the delicate pink staining her cheeks. “I don’t hate you. I don’t

know what else to call us.”

“Ha. See?” He leaned across the table, wishing they sat next to each other so he could touch her. Feel

her warm body pressed against his. “How about you call us lovers?”

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Her gaze cut to his, dark eyes wide, lips parted. “There’s certainly no love between us. And only one

orgasm. I wouldn’t constitute that as lovers.”

It was his turn to laugh. “You cut right to the quick, don’t you?”

“I’m just stating it like it is.” She shrugged, seemingly unapologetic, but the flush was still on her

face, darker now.

Much like the flush that suffused her body when she came. He wanted to see that again. Tonight.

“Well my plan after this is to go back to my place and get you naked.” He paused, let his words sink

in. “Do you have a problem with that?”

It was her turn to cock a brow. “Who says I’m interested?”



“Oh, you’re definitely interested.” He bet if he slid his hand between her legs he would find her

soaked for him. “You just like to play it coy.”

Her eyes darkened, if that was possible and the little crease between her brows told him she was

pissed. “God, you’re arrogant.”

“No, I know what I want. And I know what you want. What’s the point in trying to fight it?” Trevor

reached across the table and grasped her hand in his, squeezing lightly. “Go into the bathroom and
take off

your panties.”

Her breath caught, he heard it and it made him smile. “Then I want you to touch yourself, gather up

all that cream from your pretty little pussy and come back out. Let me have a taste,” he continued,

her hand so it fell softly to the table.

She didn’t move, could only stare, her heaving chest the only sign that she was aroused. He didn’t

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move either, challenging her to deny his request.

“You think you can just command me to do whatever you want?” Her voice was rough, shaky, and he

swore he saw her body tremble.

“I know I can.” He was a demanding asshole sexually. He knew it, he’d always known it and as he got

older, it only got worse. Some women didn’t like it. Every man he’d been with got off on it with the

exception of Austin who was just as demanding. That had been half their battle, two strong and

males trying to top one another, both literally and figuratively.

Trevor had a strong suspicion that Scarlett loved every blessed bit of his demanding attitude. She just

didn’t want to admit it.

“I don’t like taking orders.” She pressed her lips together. “I never have.”

“Even when you know the reward will be worth it?”

“Will it?” Her voice dropped to a mere whisper, and he reached out, drew his fingers across the back

of her hand. Her skin was soft, and he ached to touch her everywhere.

“I can guarantee it.” He flicked his head toward the back of the restaurant. “Go to the restroom.

She withdrew her hand from his touch and stood, her gaze sliding away from his. Straightening her

shoulders, he watched as she walked away, her hips swaying deliciously with every step, her shapely

shifting beneath the soft fabric of her dress.

Trevor breathed deep and leaned back in his chair, pasting a smile on his face when their waiter

approached and cleaned the plates from the table. His cock was so hard it fucking hurt. He waited in

breathless anticipation as she took her time, locked away in that bathroom for what felt like hours
instead of


He was overreacting. He knew this. She was probably staying away on purpose just to drive him

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crazy. He had to admit he liked her defiance, the way she questioned him yet did what he asked

She pushed his buttons as no other woman ever had and he fucking loved it. Wanted more of it.


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Wanted more of her.

She suddenly appeared, walked toward the table with an effortless grace, her gaze locked on him. Her

head was held high, fresh gloss coated her lips, her small purse clutched in one hand. He hadn’t even

noticed that she had taken it, and he wondered if her panties were in there.

He wondered what color they were.

Scarlett slid into the chair, a little smile curving her lips. Without a word she held out her right hand,

her index finger pointed in his direction—damp and glistening. His cock jerked in anticipation. He
held her

by the wrist, drew her hand closer and slowly licked her, his tongue swirling around her finger before

sucked it deep into his mouth.

Her taste melted on his tongue, musky and mysterious. He’d give anything to go down on her, bury

his face in her pussy and lick her like there was no tomorrow. His entire body taut with arousal, he

his hold on her and backed away, settled himself in the chair.

“If I could, I’d eat your pussy right now. For dessert.” Her eyes flared at his words, and she shifted in

her seat, her legs restless beneath the table.

“Stop it.” She glared at him then dropped her gaze, her bare foot reaching out to caress his ankle, her

toes working beneath the hem of his jeans until she touched bare skin.

He jolted in his chair at her innocent touch, at the not so innocent expression on her face. “You taste

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Her toes went up his calf, then back down again in a teasing stroke. “I wonder what you taste like.

We’ve never kissed.”

“I know.” His voice had lowered. His cock throbbed. Fuck they needed to get out of here, but the

waiter still hadn’t brought the bill. “I wanted to earlier.”

“But you don’t want to now?” Delicate brows rose, pouty lips pursed. Her foot dropped from his leg

and then, Holy Mother of God, went right for his lap, her toes curling around the front of his jeans,

over his erection.

“Hell yes, I want to,” he growled, glancing about the restaurant in frustration. “Where the hell is our

goddamned check?”

She laughed, a joyous little sound that declared clearly she was having a lot of fun with this. Her toes

stroked again, teasing him, and he bit back a curse. “Eager to leave?”

“Only if I know you’re going with me.”

She stilled, her expression serious. “It’s your lucky night. I’ve decided that I’m definitely going with


Relief flooded him, and he wanted to shout in victory. Yes. She was going home with him. He didn’t

know what he wanted to do first, fuck her senseless or eat her pussy. Both sounded good. He didn’t

know what she looked like naked. Hell, they hadn’t even kissed yet.



Which meant tonight was going to be about discovery. And it was going to be so, so sweet.

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Chapter Five

Scarlett had agreed to go home with Trevor because really, she didn’t have a choice. The attraction

between them was too strong, too wild to ignore. The second they locked gazes, heat flared between

searing her to the bone. He’d come for her immediately after the show ended, gorgeous and breathless

eager, and she’d wanted to melt into the floor. He’d escorted her out of the theatre so fast she thought

given her whiplash.

He wanted to get her alone, and it thrilled her. Dinner had been delicious. She’d been starved, but she

could hardly remember what she ate. And sushi was one of her favorite treats.

All memories were forgotten now that she was walking into Trevor’s apartment. The place was dark,

shadows coming from the uncovered kitchen window casting shards of light in spots. She waited, her

body shaking as he quietly shut the door and approached her from behind.

And then he was there, touching her, his hand, his fingers on her neck, pushing aside her ponytail. She

held her breath. Her shoulders were tense as she waited for his next move. She knew he wouldn’t


Trevor didn’t. His mouth landed at her nape, hot and wet and sucking on her skin. She sighed, and her

eyes slid closed as he continued his gentle assault, teeth nibbling, arms wrapping around her middle.

hands splayed across her stomach, fingers spread wide, and she arched into his touch.

“I want to possess every inch of you,” he whispered hotly against her ear before he nipped it with his


She shuddered, heaved a harsh breath as he licked her ear. “I’m no one’s possession.”

He chuckled, his tongue darting out to lick her lobe. “I could make you mine. And you’d enjoy every

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minute of it.”

She didn’t doubt that for a second. Everything about him told her he knew exactly what he was doing.

That he would bring her insurmountable pleasure of the likes she’d never experienced before.

Anticipation curled through her, and she slid her hands over his arms, her fingers tracing the veins in

his strong forearms, the hairs that grew there tickling her palms. He felt solid, strong, and when his

manipulated at her sides, turning her to face him she went willingly.

He cupped her face, his thumbs stroking her cheeks, drawing closer and closer to her mouth. She

stared up at him, enthralled by his expression. Heavy lidded, his lashes thick and dark, casting


across his skin—a face of seduction, of sin. A lock of dark brown hair flopped over his forehead,

him an almost boyish look, and she marveled at the contrasts.

Wicked and sweet. Dark and light.

Trevor studied her mouth, his lips parting and she turned her face up, ready for his kiss. His thumb

streaked across her lower lip, back and forth, catching on her skin and her tongue snuck out, licking at


“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, sinking his thumb deeper into her mouth. “Suck it like you would

suck my cock.”

Her insides melted at his hot words, and she did as he asked, her lips wrapped tight around his thumb,

her tongue licking. She sucked him deep, her hand grabbing at his wrist so she could draw his thumb
in and

out of her mouth. A groan escaped him as he kept his gaze locked on her face, her lips. The passion
she saw

there was unmistakable.

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It made her feel powerful, strong. For a man who wielded such control he gave it up to her just as

easily, letting her please him, drive him wild without further command. She liked being told what to

Something she hadn’t admitted to him, a fact she didn’t like to admit to anyone except for those who

figured it out.

And only a select few did that.

“Get on your knees.” He pulled his thumb from her mouth, his voice harsh, his breathing harsher.

Scarlett stared up at him, surprised by his request. “I thought…” She licked her lips, scrambling to get

her bearings. “I thought you were going to kiss me.”

“After that performance I want your mouth on my cock. Now.” He cupped her cheek once more,

fingers lingering before his hand slid to the top of her head and pushed. “Be a good girl, and I’ll give

what you want.”

Willingly she went to her knees, her face in front of his groin. She reached out, her fingers drifting

down the front of his jeans, feeling the heat of his erection beneath the stretched tight denim. Her

filled with fresh cream, dribbling down her thighs since her panties were shoved in her purse.

“Pull me out, sweetheart. Suck my cock.”

Her hands fell to the waistband of his jeans and went to work, yanking them down around his knees

with a few quick flicks of her wrists and pulls of her fingers. His black boxer briefs followed, and he

slipped out of his shoes then kicked his jeans and briefs off. Reaching behind his head, he tugged his

off until he stood before her gloriously naked.

She settled on her haunches and stared up at him in wonder, drinking him in. He was perfection, the

broad shoulders, wide chest covered with fine, curling dark hairs. His defined abs made her want to

explore. The little trail of hair that made a path from his navel down into a thicker patch of hair

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his erect cock tempted her.


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Tempted her so that she touched it, dragged her finger down the narrow path of hair, and she felt the

jump of muscles beneath her touch. She curled her hand around the base of his cock, marveled at the

his skin hot and tight and hard as steel.

Her mouth watered. She couldn’t wait to taste him, to pull him deep into her mouth and suck him. Her

hand fisted around him. She squeezed, hard, harder until she heard his sharp intake of breath.

“Just like that,” he encouraged, and she was thankful for all of those moments in the voyeur clubs,

watching men handling themselves, watching two men touch each other.

She knew they preferred it hard and a little rough. She may be a woman with small hands and a

delicate touch, but she knew how to give them what they wanted.

Her tongue slid from between her lips, and she dabbed at the tip of him, teasing the little slit. She

tasted pre-come, salty and slightly bitter and she circled her tongue around and around, growing in

until she circled the entire head of his cock.

“Ah, Jesus.” His hands grasped either side of her head. His fingers sank into her hair as he guided her

upon him, increasing the rhythm, fucking her mouth with sure, deep strokes. She opened her mouth

taking all of him that she could, and he bumped the back of her throat. She swallowed, relaxing the

there, eager to take him with ease, and when she glanced up she caught his gaze on hers, staring at her


“You like that, sweetheart? You like the taste of my cock?”

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She nodded, unable to speak, her mouth too full of him.

“Want me to come down your throat? I’m already close.” He tossed his head back, his hips moving

with abandon, his pace increasing. “So fucking close.”

A moan escaped her, and she squeezed his shaft in encouragement, her fingers jerking him in time

with his thrusts. Things were moving fast, getting intense. She hadn’t even kissed him, yet here she
was on

her knees, sucking his cock as if he was the best thing she ever tasted. And he did taste good, so good.

good, sounded good, looked good…

The first splash of semen hit the back of her throat, and she swallowed. He withdrew from her

slightly, his hand wrapped around his cock, covering her hand. He pulled out so he could watch as he

spilled into her mouth.

“That’s it, baby, take it. Take every last drop,” he crooned. She swallowed again, licked at her lips,

catching the drops of come that fell there.

Oh God, it felt dirty, the way he came in her mouth, on her lips. Dirty and decadent and wild, and she

couldn’t remember the last time she felt that way. Even going to Tom’s had lost some of its excitement

lately. It had been such a long time since she’d been sexually excited.

It was as if Trevor knew exactly what she wanted, what she needed. And he delivered it with relish.

The thought scared the hell out of her.



He rubbed the head of his cock against her lips, still semi-erect and velvety hot. Across her lower lip,

her upper lip, bathing her in the last remnants of come. She moaned, her tongue sneaking out for one


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“Was that good enough?” she asked, her gaze lifting to meet his.

Trevor towered over her, a smile curving his firm lips, his eyes glittering. “Sweetheart if it was any

better I’d probably drop dead.”

She smiled, and he reached for her hands pulling her to her feet. Without warning, he kissed her, hot

and deep and wet, his tongue thrusting inside her mouth, searching and taking and branding her, his

roaming over her.

“You taste like cock,” he muttered against her lips, and she couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped her.

“Your cock. Does that bother you?” She circled her arms around his neck and hauled him close. He

was completely nude, and she had every stitch of clothing still on, well minus her panties. His hands

across her shoulders, down her arms and she shuddered at his touch.

Something clouded his face, darkened his eyes for the briefest moment and then it cleared, as if it had

never been there. “No, it doesn’t bother me.” He kissed her again, his tongue licking at the inside of

mouth, stroking deep.

He tasted warm and spicy—his tongue slick and hot. Her hands wandered over his wide shoulders,

streaked down across his collarbone, his firm pectoral muscles. He was built, deceptively so since he

wasn’t some bulging show-off.

No, Trevor was all lean, delicious muscular man.

“Do you want me?” He broke the kiss and cupped her ass. His hands kneaded her flesh before he

grabbed at the hem of her skirt and flipped it up, covering her bare cheeks with his hot palms.

“Yes,” she hissed, drawing the word out, loving the way he touched her, firm and bold and yet soft

and yielding. She melted in his arms, her legs widening the slightest bit, giving him better access and

took it, a finger sliding between her ass cheeks, delving down into her heated pussy.

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“God, I can tell. You’re fucking wet.” His finger searched her folds, the wet sound of her sex loud

juicy in the quiet of his apartment. She shivered, bit her lip hard when he slid a finger deep inside her

greedy pussy. She clenched her muscles around it, wanting to keep him there. “And tight. Fucking you

be a pleasure.”

“Did you think it would be anything else?” Her brows rose, her words a challenge because she

couldn’t help herself.

“No,” he whispered. He thrust his fingers deeper, as deep as he could go, in and out in a slow fuck.

She moved against him, her hips churning, her ass pushing out. “You like this.”

“I like the way you touch me,” she confessed, surprised that she could admit that. She usually didn’t

like to, certainly not this early in the relationship.


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But it’s not a relationship.

Or so she tried to tell herself.

“I like touching you.” His mouth poised over hers, his tongue licked at her lips. “I’m going to make

you come so hard you won’t remember your name. I’m going to fuck your pussy, your ass. I already

your mouth. And I’m going to lick you. Everywhere. Taste your skin, your wet pussy, your pretty little

Would you like that?”

“I won’t stop you.” She gave in to him with such ease it scared her. She wanted him so much she felt

as if she couldn’t breathe.

“I know you won’t.” He kissed her again, long and drugging and deep. “Let’s go to my bedroom.”

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He grabbed her hand and led the way. She struggled to keep up with him, her feet almost tripping over

themselves. The second they entered the room she was in his arms, and he stripped the dress from her

rough hands. He almost tugged her head off with the ferocity he used to undress her. His sure fingers

the clasp of her bra and whisked it off, sent it flying to the floor. She stepped out of her sandals,

when he pulled the band from her hair and let it free and she stood before him, naked and vulnerable

suddenly unsure.

“Lie back on the bed and spread your legs.” His quiet command made her turn around, and she

studied him as he stood in the shadows. “Do it, Scarlett.”

Without a word, she went to the bed and laid across it flat on her back, her legs spread wide and bent

at the knees, feet planted firmly. She was on display just for him, showing everything. He went to the

of the bed, studying her with an intensity that made her want to close her legs and turn away from him.

He’d flicked a light on but it was dim. She liked to watch, but she didn’t much like to demonstrate,

not like this. Especially the first time she was with a man. It made her defenses rise, and she breathed

and slow, trying to calm her rioting nerves.

“So pretty,” he sighed. “Just like I knew you would be.”

He went down on his knees and reached for her, his hands wrapping around her hips and sliding her

down the bed until her ass was nearly hanging off the edge. He grabbed her legs, draping first one
over his

shoulder, then the other, bringing her pussy right in front of him.

His eyes caught hers, darkened when they locked on her face. He reached out, drew his hand across

her stomach, fingers skimming lightly over her sensitive skin. Goose flesh rose in his wake, dotting

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everywhere and she shivered. “I won’t hurt you.”

It spilled out of her before she could stop it. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

The dark expression that crossed his face didn’t lie. He was angry. He didn’t like that she kept

bringing this stuff up. “Stop saying that.”

“Why? Because it’s true?” Why couldn’t she stop? Why did she act this way every time she got

scared, felt vulnerable?



“Fuck you,” he whispered, his breath blowing hot and damp against her sensitive pussy.

Her breath hitched, and she bit her lip. He didn’t back down and neither did she.

“Why do I like you so damn much when you treat me like such shit?” He touched her, his fingers

threading through her scant pubic hair, circling and teasing, sliding lower and lower.

She tilted her hips, trying to get him where she wanted him. Yeah, this was better when he was angry

with her and not making her feel so damned scared. “You’re a sick pervert?”

“A sick pervert for you.” He pressed the softest kiss to the top of her slit, his tongue darting out to lick

and tease.

Ooh. The tip of his tongue dabbed at her clit, making her shiver. He teased and taunted, slid first one,

then a second finger deep inside her, curling them and bumping her G-spot. She moaned and moved

his hand. Her fingers curved around his head, curled into his short hair. Silky soft hair rubbed against

thigh as he tilted his head and changed his position. She gasped at the sensation.

Too many sensations, all of them heady, mesmerizing, making her weak and she closed her eyes,

desperate to take note. To remember. For later.

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Later when he wasn’t with her anymore and she became just another statistic on the long list of

Trevor Braxton conquests.

He played with her clit, circling again and again, sucking it between his lips. Her hips lifted off the

mattress, a whimper escaping her and the low rumble of pleasure she felt against her pussy made her

stomach clench.

She was close to tumbling over that edge. Her skin felt tight, nerve endings stretched beyond their

limits. Stars sparkled beneath her lids, white and twinkling and bright. She bit her lip, concentrated on

way he licked, finger fucked her into oblivion…

And then he was gone, his mouth and his fingers moving away from her, leaving her quivering and

breathless and empty.

Her eyes whipped open to find him staring down at her, his lips glistening with her juices, his eyes

glittering with anger. He watched her, didn’t say a word, just stared at her with a ferocious
expression that

made her tummy twist into knots.

“What…what are you doing?” She tried to muster up some anger but the way he watched her quite

frankly made her nervous.

“Punishing you for being mean to me.” His voice was low and dark. She’d never heard him sound like

that before.

“I was just teasing.”

“Well now so am I.”

She narrowed her eyes. “I didn’t take you for being selfish in bed.”


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“I’m not. I’ve been told more than once I’m a very generous lover.” He paused, his lips quirking into

a smirk. “But of course, we’re not lovers, are we?”

She felt her words come back at her like a smack across the face. “So you’re not going to let me


“Oh, I might. Eventually.” He sounded so nonchalant the nervousness left her, and she was tempted to

hit him. “Depends on if you can be a nice girl.”

“I’m not a girl.” She spat the words at him and propped herself on her elbows, crawling backwards

the bed and away from him.

He followed, damn him. Stalked her like a wild beast about to jump its prey. He moved up the

mattress and over her body, his erect cock nudging against her belly when he finally settled over her.

hands pressed on either side of her head, his gaze locked on hers.

She should be furious. Her body was strung tight, her clit pulsed, her nipples ached. She needed that

climax, she’d been close and he’d taken it away like a pissed off parent took away a naughty child’s

beloved toy.

But she wasn’t mad. If possible she was even more aroused, beside herself that he was close, hanging

above her, about to be inside her. What would it feel like, having that incredible cock filling her,

a part of her for one blessed moment? Would he thrust deep and take her roughly? Or would he be

and slow and drive her crazy?

Anticipation curled through her and without thought she reached out, trailed her fingers down his

damp chest. A fine sheen of sweat made his golden skin glisten, and she wanted to lick him, taste the

musky saltiness of his flesh.

So she did, earning a wretched groan from Trevor that rang in her ears and clamored throughout her

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“Don’t touch me,” he said tightly, pushing her back onto the mattress with one finger to her shoulder.

Scarlett went down, stared up at him in shock. “Why don’t you want me to touch you?”

“Because I’m mad at you. I don’t want you to try and make me feel good. I don’t want you to say or

do things you don’t mean either.”

“I…” She paused, searching for the right thing to say. And she couldn’t find it.

“Right. Don’t say a word, don’t touch me.” He bent and kissed her forehead, her temple, her cheek.

“Just let me fuck you.”

“What?” Okay, this was getting weird. What was he doing to her? What did he want from her?

“Shut up.” He kissed her, punished her with his mouth. His lips, tongue and teeth were everywhere,

stealing her breath, stealing her thoughts and she took his anger, swallowed it. Tears stung the corners

her eyes, and she blinked them away. This wasn’t a time for tears.

This was a time for her to take the punishment she deserved.



Trevor should’ve gotten up and pushed Scarlett away. Walked her to her car and sent her home. The

woman clearly couldn’t stand him despite the way her body reacted so readily to his.

But she treated him terribly. And fuck if he knew why.

The blowjob had been amazing. She’d sucked his dick like she actually enjoyed it and half the reason

he blew so fast had been her enthusiasm. He knew when a woman liked to go down on a man, all men

Many women treated it as an obligation, a tit for tat action that most men didn’t mind returning.

Other women hated it, treated oral sex like something dirty and disgusting.

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Not Scarlett, that was for sure.

Something had changed right after the blowjob, and he was unsure of what. A glint shone in her eyes

and that same old defensiveness had returned. It was an act, it had to be some sort of act she used to

herself. From what, he didn’t know.

But it was an act that hurt, cut like a knife right to the bone. And Trevor was tired of it. He wanted her

to have a taste of her own medicine.

The kiss he’d given her had been brutal, and she’d taken it. The way he’d talked to her had been cruel,

and she’d accepted it. She watched him, her expression wary and her body restless beneath his. His

already hard and unyielding, pushed against her stomach, left a trail of pre-come across her skin. He

reached between them, rubbed the liquid into her soft belly.

“Lick them,” he demanded when he brought his fingers to her mouth.

She did as he requested, her pretty little tongue darting out and licking his fingers clean. He groaned,

shoved two fingers deeper into her mouth, and she sucked them much as she’d sucked his dick.

“Can you taste me?” She nodded at his question. “Do you taste yourself?” She nodded again, and he

growled, thrust his fingers in and out of her wet mouth. “Your pussy tasted fucking delicious. Are you

I didn’t give you an orgasm?”

Another nod and she whimpered when he withdrew his fingers from her mouth. Reaching across the

bed, he opened the drawer on the bedside table and pulled out a condom. He tore at the wrapper and

it on the tabletop before lifting away from her and sheathing himself.

“Well if you’re a good girl, I’ll give you what you want.” He thrust into her without any preparation,

just plunged inside that hot, tight pussy with all he had until he filled her to the hilt. “Will you be a

girl, Scarlett?”

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“Yes,” she whispered, arching against him, sending his cock deeper. Both of them groaned, the

desperate sounds mingling together much like their bodies.

“Fuck, you feel amazing.” But that was no surprise. He knew she’d feel amazing, and she didn’t

disappoint. Hot, swollen tissues clung to his cock, dragged against him as he slowly pulled out and


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thrust back in. Her legs snuck around his hips, her heels digging into his ass and her arms circled
around his


He loved the way she clung to him, as if she didn’t want to let go. He loved the sounds she made,

sweet little sighs, low groans when he went particularly deep, her breathing accelerated, panting
close to his

ear. She was sweaty, her damp body rubbed against his and the scent of arousal, sex filled the air.

“I’m going to fuck you hard,” he whispered in her ear. “And I know you can take it.”

She nodded, another whimper escaping her, and he began to move in earnest, his hips slapping against

hers, going balls deep and she cried out.

Trevor stilled within her body, swallowing hard when he felt the rhythmic clench of her inner walls

around his cock. “Scarlett. Did I hurt you?” Hell, he wasn’t a total asshole. The last thing he wanted
to do

was damage this woman.

He liked her too damn much.

She shook her head, her wild damp curls smacking him in the face. “No. Go deeper, Trevor. Harder.


He did as she requested, fucking her with wild abandon and yet also great care. He didn’t want to hurt

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her, but it felt so good to pound deep into that tight little body. Her breasts bounced, nipples pink and

and begging for his touch, and he ducked his head. Sucked first one, then the other into his mouth,

the little bit of distended flesh, making her squeal.

“Oh yes,” she murmured, and he knew for sure his Scarlett enjoyed a little pain, a little punishment.

Her pussy was so wet it made a delicious juicy suctioning sound with his every withdrawal. He

between them, his fingers finding her distended clit, rubbing and flicking and pinching it and she

beneath him, her agonized cry beautiful as she came all over his cock.

“Ah fuck yeah, baby, you deserved that little prize,” he whispered in her ear as he bent over her, his

own orgasm barreling down upon him. “You are so good, Scarlett. So fucking tight.”

“Trevor,” she whispered, her arms squeezing him, her body still quivering beneath his. “Come,

Trevor. Please.”

“Jesus, Scarlett.” It roared over him, shooting up his spine, shooting from his balls and through his

cock until he erupted with a shout. He came, the come wrenched from his body and spilling into the

condom as he shuddered over her again. And again. And again.

She encouraged him with murmured words and soft touches, her hands gliding over his back, his ass,

her mouth hot and damp against his ear. He cried out, a pitiful sound to his ears, and he slumped

her, amazement filling him at what just happened.

The mother fucking orgasm of all orgasms. He didn’t know whether to scream with joy or run like

hell. Far and fast from this infuriating, fascinating, sexy as hell woman.


Chapter Six

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Scarlett sat in a rounded booth with Austin’s girlfriend Michaela and her best friend Carly, all three

sipping on giant margaritas. A large basket of tortilla chips sat on the table, accompanied by a little
bowl of

salsa and freshly made guacamole.

Right behind Asian food Scarlett’s favorite was Mexican. And the restaurant Michaela had chosen for

them to meet at had delicious chips and salsa. She judged a restaurant alone by the quality of the chips


“God, Michaela, I don’t want to hear you brag about your sex life anymore. I’m so jealous.” Carly

shook her head and took a hearty sip through her neon green straw.

Michaela shoved another chip lathered in guacamole into her mouth. “I am not bragging. Am I

bragging, Scarlett?” she asked after she swallowed.

Scarlett shrugged, not quite sure how to answer. She’d never had close girlfriends before, not even in

school. She was more of a loner, always had been. She’d only come tonight because Austin had

her to go. “You’re kind of bragging. Not that I can blame you.”

“Oh.” Michaela’s cheeks colored pink. “Well, I can’t help it if Austin’s good in bed.” Just the way

said his name showed how in love she was with him. It made Scarlett a little envious.

“Show off,” Carly muttered, and Scarlett giggled.

And she couldn’t help but think of her own sex god in bed. Trevor had been amazing last night. Mean

and sweet and tender and tough. After that last spectacular orgasm, she’d escaped, unsure of how to

with her feelings. He’d walked her to her car, gave her a searing kiss that made her knees weak and

her with regret. Then he walked away without another word.

It had left her feeling lonely. She hadn’t liked that at all.

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Yet she still wanted him. She hadn’t seen him either since they were off work for the next two nights.

“Are you seeing anyone, Scarlett?”

Scarlett blinked to find Carly looking at her with friendly interest. Her hackles went up, an automatic

gesture and she wondered at Michaela’s friend’s motives. If she was looking to dig up secret

about her.

Of course, she’s not. She’s just trying to be nice.

“Not really,” she answered, which made Michaela’s head whip around so fast Scarlett thought it

might spin right off.

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“What does that mean?” Michaela cocked a brow, a little smirk curving her lips that made her look

like a naughty devil. Funny considering she was blonde and beautiful and appeared as sweet as an

“Nothing.” Scarlett shrugged, shoved another chip into her mouth. She crunched and chewed, hoping

they’d move onto another topic but they didn’t. They both just sat there and watched her ’til she

“Come on, you can tell us,” Michaela encouraged. “I need to divert the focus off me.”

“I need to live through others since my sex life is so dull,” Carly chimed in, making them laugh.

“Fine, okay I’ll tell you.” Scarlett breathed deep, tried to ignore the wave of nerves that washed over

her. She could do this, she could confide in someone. A couple of someones who wanted to be her

“I’ve been seeing a guy. Kind of.”

“Ooh, sounds juicy.” Michaela leaned forward, her green eyes glittering. “Anyone I know?”

“Um.” Scarlett bit her lower lip, suddenly feeling exposed. Raw. It was hard to admit. “Yes, you

know him.”

“Don’t tell me you finally landed Drake.” Michaela glanced over at Carly. “Drake’s a guy who works

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at a nightclub not far from the theatre that Scarlett’s had a crush on for a while.”

“God.” Scarlett rolled her eyes. “Does everyone know my personal business?”

“Yes,” Michaela answered with a smile. “Is it Drake? Tell us. I thought he was gay. I even heard a

naughty rumor when I went to the theatre a few nights ago but please do spill.”

“Wait a minute.” Scarlett paused, her breath lodged in her throat. “You heard a rumor about Drake?

What was it?”

“Oh. Well.” Michaela cleared her throat, suddenly looking uncomfortable. “I heard he got together

with someone. A guy someone from the theatre. That they did the deed while at Tom’s.”

“What’s Tom’s?” Carly asked as she tucked a strand of auburn colored hair behind her ear, her

eyes wide.

Michaela giggled, looking a little embarrassed. “A voyeur’s club. Austin took me there once. We had

an, um, interesting time.”

“Oh my gosh, Michaela, you have the most adventurous sex life ever. I swear…”

Scarlett heard the women talking but couldn’t make out exactly what they said. In fact, they seemed

diverted enough that maybe if she didn’t speak up, they wouldn’t ask her any more about Drake.

Getting together with someone from the theatre a few nights ago at Tom’s.

Like Trevor…

She pressed her lips together, anger making her see red. Holy crap, she figured he’d gone off and

fucked someone else after she’d rejected him, but she never expected it to be Drake. The man she’d

for months. And Trevor had known that, too. He’d watched her try to chase Drake, threw himself at

instead and then he ended up with Drake by the end of the night.

What. The. Hell?


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Scarlett played it cool during the rest of dinner. She polished off two margaritas. She ate a delicious

shrimp salad and loaded up on too many chips covered in guacamole and salsa. She laughed. She

She committed to dinner with the girls next week, same night and place, and she walked out of the

restaurant and into the warm early fall night with a smile on her face.

But inside, she hurt. She raged.

She hurt more.

Men sucked. The heels of her sandals clicked on the sidewalk as she headed toward her parked car,

her keys clutched in her hand. This was why she didn’t indulge in any sort of relationship, just got a

off the chase instead. Because they couldn’t be trusted, they were disloyal and they couldn’t keep their

dicks in their pants.

I told him to go be with someone else. I deserve this.

With a sigh, she unlocked her car and climbed in, settled behind the steering wheel. Her cell phone

rang, and she grabbed it, answering it without checking the caller ID.

“What are you doing?” Trevor’s voice purred directly in her ear.

Her body went liquid at his sexy voice, and she momentarily forgot that she was angry with him.

But then it all rushed back with a vengeance, and her mouth tightened. “Getting ready to hang up on


She withdrew the phone, her finger poised over the end button when she heard Trevor’s shouted

protests. Slowly she brought the phone back to her ear. “What?”

“I should be asking you that.”

“Men suck.” She voiced her earlier opinion, not ashamed one bit that she said it out loud.

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Trevor actually had the nerve to chuckle. “They do. But sometimes they change. For the right


“Please.” Scarlett snorted, not caring that it was unladylike. “You wouldn’t know the right woman if

she smacked you in the ass.”

“Is that an offer?”

What, he wanted to be spanked? She doubted that. “Give me a break.”

“How about I spank you? Tonight? Want to come over?”

“No.” She said it immediately, not wanting to change her mind.

He sighed, the sound filled with frustration. “Did I do something to offend you?”

“You always do something to offend me.” She sunk the key into the ignition and started the car,

flicking on the air conditioning so it blasted directly on her face. Cooling her down while listening to

man who heated her up.

Hang up the damn phone.

She couldn’t do it.


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“I can’t win, can I?” He sounded genuinely confused, and her first instinct was to feel sorry for him.

Her second instinct? Attack.

“No you can’t so why don’t you call your boyfriend and invite him over? He might like to get

spanked.” The sneer in her voice was hard to contain.

Trevor was silent for a solid thirty seconds. So long, she thought they lost their connection or at the

very least, he hung up on her. “What are you talking about?”

“Don’t play stupid with me, Trevor. Your new boyfriend Drake. You know the guy I’ve been

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interested in for months. God, I’m the one who’s stupid, not you.” She leaned her head against the

wheel, feeling like an absolute idiot.

Hang up the phone.

“Drake is not my boyfriend. Who told you that?”

“It doesn’t matter. What matters are the rumors going around that Drake hooked up with someone at

Tom’s. And, hmm, what a coincidence that we were there last week, and that when I left you, you said

could find someone else to satisfy you. Sounds like you did.”

“You left me high and dry, Scarlett. You basically challenged me to find someone else. I really didn’t

think you cared. You’re carrying on like this makes me think you do.”

“Don’t you dare blame me for this. And I am not carrying on. I’m…” What was she doing? Acting

like a jealous shrew. Making a big deal over something she had no control of. He wasn’t her
boyfriend. She

wasn’t his girlfriend. He could fuck whomever he wanted.

“I don’t think you know what you’re doing,” he said, so softly she had to strain to hear him.

“You don’t know anything about me.”

“You’re right. I don’t. But I’d like to find out. Who are you, Scarlett? I mean really? And where do

you come from? Did you go to college? Do you have any brothers and sisters? What’s your favorite

“What does it matter to you? We’re not in a relationship.”

“What if I told you that it does matter to me? That I’m interested because I want to get to know you


“Why? What about Drake?” Why was he saying these things to her? Giving her hope? She’d been

hopeless for so long she’d gotten quite used to the feeling.

“Forget Drake. You want me to be honest with you?” His voice had gone rougher, as if he might be

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angry, and she heard the harsh pants of his breath.

He definitely sounded angry, and God help her but she found it the slightest bit arousing.

“Yes,” she breathed, clutching the cell phone tight. Afraid of what he might say.

“I fucked Drake, all right? That night at Tom’s, we were together after you left and I fucked him.

Sometimes I like to get off with another man. It’s one of my quirks. But I thought of you the entire time.

Just like you said I would. It was your face I saw, your body I was coming inside of.”



His words should’ve disgusted her, but her panties went wet at the vision of him naked and entangled

with Drake. Thinking of her while that big cock of his was buried deep inside Drake’s ass.

She was sick. Twisted. But she couldn’t help it.

“It meant nothing with Drake. Absolutely nothing. He’s called me a few times since then, but I’ve

brushed him off. I’m not interested in him. I’m interested in you. ” Trevor paused, his breathing

even louder in her ear. “I want you, Scarlett. So fucking bad I can hardly stand it.”

“You just had me last night,” she whispered, his words made her nipples harden, rubbing painfully

against the confines of her bra.

“And I want you now. My cock is hard just talking to you. I’ve jacked off three times today thinking

of you.”

“You have not.” Oh, the thought thrilled her, the idea of him stroking himself with visions of her

dancing inside his head.

“I have,” he growled. “Come over and I’ll come all over those pretty tits of yours.”

“Trevor Braxton, you are so crude.” She secretly loved it.

“You love it,” he echoed, as if he could read her mind. “Come over, Scarlett. Let me show you how

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much I want you.”

“God, I shouldn’t.” She flicked on the headlights, watched the beams of light shine on the brick wall

of the building she’d parked in front of.

“Oh yes, you should. I’ll show you a good time.” His voice took on a teasing, leering quality, and she


“You’re so cocky.”

“There you go saying that word again. I love it when you say that.” He paused. “Though I would

prefer it if you dropped the ‘y’.”

“Oh you mean like this?” she asked innocently. “You like it when I say the word cock?”

“Hell, yeah.”

“Do you like it when I talk about how much I’d like to suck that big, juicy cock of yours?”

“Fuck yeah, sweetheart.”

She laughed, trying to fight the arousal that threatened to swamp her. This was damn insane. “You’re


“Sick for you.”

Scarlett didn’t know if she should believe him. She knew he was a player of the utmost degree. He’d

gone off and scored with Drake immediately after being with her.

Could she really blame him though? That night had been a challenge, a fight. A battle that she thought

she’d won, letting him get her off and then walking away without a backwards glance. Now that she


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he’d been with Drake, had consoled himself with the man she originally wanted, it made her realize

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she hadn’t won the battle at all.

She was a big, fat loser. And it sucked.

“Come on, Scarlett. Come over and let’s get naked together.”

She was silent, released a slow trembling breath and she heard him sigh.

“Don’t be scared, sweetheart. Come over. Let me make it good for you.”

So tempting, his words, his promises. Promises she knew he could deliver. The man was a master in

bed, a master of her body. He knew just how to touch her to make her wet, make her wild, make her

him. The thought of going home to another lonely night in her bed didn’t appeal. At all.

“Fine. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

Trevor opened his front door twenty minutes later to find Scarlett standing on his doorstep, looking

agitated and gorgeous. Her hair was a wild mass—billowing around her head in windblown curls he

to bury his hands in. Her skin was flushed, her dark eyes sparkling and she wore a form-fitting red T-

with a black skirt that hit her just above the knee, showing off her pretty tanned legs, her tantalizing

The sight of her made his mouth water, his cock harden.

She was hesitant, her steps careful as he opened the door wider and she walked inside, her low-

black sandals clicking and clacking against the entryway’s tile floor. She slipped out of them, kicking

off under a table that sat by the door and she set her purse down beside them.

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“Make yourself at home,” he joked as he shut the door, secretly thrilled she felt comfortable enough to

settle right in.

Turning to face him, she glared, her expression wounded, a little vulnerable. Instantly he wanted to

reach for her and hold her close. Offer her comfort, something he usually wasn’t good at. This woman

a puzzle. And he was desperate to figure her out. She kept herself closed off, never giving him a clue
as to

what made her tick.

He wanted to know if he could be the one who would make her happy.

It had come to him last night, long after she left him. He had lain in bed alone, unable to sleep, naked

and with a hard-on that wouldn’t stop. He’d stroked himself, thought of Scarlett, and realized that he

wanted her almost as much as he needed his next breath.

And for once in his life, the thought of wanting a woman so much, so constantly didn’t scare him. It

thrilled him, excited him, made him want to spend all of his time with her and yet…

She didn’t want to spend any time with him. Behaved as if most of the time, she couldn’t stand him.

Then she’d gone and found out about his little interlude with Drake.



Huge mistake, that one. He normally had no regrets. It was his motto. But he regretted fucking around

with Drake.

“I almost turned around and went home,” she said, her gaze meeting his. “I probably shouldn’t be


“I’m glad you are.”

She swallowed, he saw her throat work and he wanted to kiss her there. Drag his lips across her

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whispery soft skin, lick the spot where her pulse throbbed. Nibble her neck, leave a mark and let

know she was his.


“So tell me.” She threw her arms up into the air and then let them fall slowly to her sides. “What do

you want to know?”

“About?” He cocked a brow.

“About me. You said you wanted to find out things about me. Go ahead. Ask your questions.”

“Okay,” he drawled, shock coursing through him. He didn’t expect this. He thought he’d be able to

fuck her first and get that out of the way. His dick was so hard it made it painful to walk. “Uh, what’s

favorite color?”

“Red.” She waved her fingers toward her shirt.

Trevor smiled. “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

“One of each.” Her face clouded, grew somber and he wondered at that. “I’m the youngest. My

parents divorced when I was five. I lived with my mother while they went and lived with my dad.”

Interesting. “And you grew up, where?”

“Northern California. Extreme northern, like close to the Oregon border. Small town where it snowed

all winter and the most exciting thing to do was hang out at the local Sno-White burger joint.” She

her nose in a cute gesture he immediately wanted to see again. “I hated it. Got out as fast as I could.”


“I moved to L.A. a month after I graduated high school.”

“So you’ve been on your own for a long time.”

“Ten years. It was my high school reunion a couple of months ago. I didn’t go. I hardly ever go up

there anymore. I didn’t want to face them. None of those people liked me anyway.”

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“Why not? You have plenty to be proud of.”

“I feel like a sham,” she whispered, her voice hollow. Her gaze flicked away from his, focused

on the wall. “Like everything I’ve ever done, everything I’ve ever accomplished, it isn’t real.”

“You’ve done a lot, Scarlett. Why do you feel like that?” He asked the question carefully, afraid he

might be embarking on dangerous territory.


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“Because I feel like I’m not real. I haven’t figure out who I am yet or what I want. I play pretend all

the time, kind of like what I do in my job. Dress up, makeup, costumes, wigs. I can be whoever I want

whenever I want, but I never want to be me. ” Her voice choked on the last word. She turned away

him, and her slim shoulders trembled.

Trevor took a step toward her, the slight tremor in her voice twisting his insides. Carefully he set his

hands upon her, his fingers kneading into her shoulders, wanting to offer comfort yet not knowing what

say. “Show me the real you, Scarlett. Let me in.”

“You don’t care about the real me. You just want to have wild and crazy sex until you grow tired of

me, and move on to the next person. Besides, I don’t let anyone in.” She hung her head, her long hair

covering her face and he reached for her to smooth the hair away from her neck, trailed his fingers

her soft nape. “I chase and chase, but I never catch. I never let myself be caught either.”

“I’ve caught you. A couple of times. And I definitely care about the real you.” He took another step

closer, pressed his body against hers. Her sharp intake of breath indicated she felt the hard length of

cock, and he let his lips rest at the base of her neck.

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“You think you’ve caught me.” She shivered at the touch of his lips, and he smiled against her skin,

slid his mouth up.

“Oh I’ll catch you, Scarlett. Just you watch.” He kissed the side of her neck, marveled at the softness

of her skin, the scent of her, sweetly intoxicating.

“Arrogant as usual,” she said, but she didn’t sound like her usual irritated self. No, she sounded

aroused. Just the way he wanted her.

“Hmm, I like to think of it as confident.” He whirled her around in his arms, pushing the hair away

from her face before he drew her in closer. She gazed up at him, wide dark eyes searching his
features, her

tongue sneaking out to wet her lips.

He groaned, leaned his forehead against hers. “You make me crazy.”

“You make me crazy, too.”

“Yeah but I don’t think in the same way as you’re talking about.”

She laughed, and he loved the sound. “Why are you being so nice to me?”

“I have no idea.” And he really didn’t. The woman drove him half mad with lust and sometimes made

him so angry he nearly ground his teeth into powder. Her contradictions kept him on constant edge.

And yet he stuck around, wanted more. Something whispered deep inside of him that this woman was

worth it.

More than worth it.

“I don’t deserve it. Your kindness.” She skimmed her fingers down his chest, her touch burning him

through the cotton of his shirt. They landed on the waistband of his jeans, her index finger curling

one of his belt loops and tugging him closer.


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“Sure you do.” He could barely speak—he was so aroused. She was touching him freely, with no

encouragement and he didn’t want to ruin it. He didn’t want her to stop.

“We’re just using each other.” She toyed with the belt loop, her finger sliding up and down before

going completely up to slip beneath his jeans and touch bare skin. He sucked in a harsh breath at her


“I’m not using you. I swear.” He held his breath as her other hand went to the snap of his jeans and

undid it, sure fingers sliding open the zipper. She touched his lower stomach, exposed just above his

underwear, her fingers tracing the line of hair that grew from his navel on down.

“Liar,” she whispered, her gaze solely focused on her fingers on his skin. “If you fuck me right now,

could you make me forget?”

Jesus. His throat froze, no sound coming out and his cock jerked against the thin cotton of his boxer

briefs. “Is that what you want?” he asked when he finally found his voice.

“Yes. Take me to bed, Trevor.” She whispered her invitation and then she looked up at him, her eyes

blazing with so much heat he was scorched. “Will you do that for me? Help me forget?”

“What do you want to forget?” He moaned when her fingers slipped beneath his underwear and

grazed the tip of his cock. She smoothed circles across the head, lubricating his cock with pre-come.

“Everything but you.” She pulled his cock out of his underwear completely, her hand circling around

him and starting a slow, thorough glide. “And me.”

He couldn’t deny her that, didn’t want to either. “Then let’s go to bed, sweetheart.”

Trevor planned on helping her forget all night long.

The man definitely knew how to make her forget.

Scarlett lay naked in Trevor’s arms, in the middle of his giant bed. His mouth fused with hers, his

hands wandering over her, setting off sparks of heat wherever he touched. His hard cock brushed

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her stomach, and she reached for him, wrapping her fingers around his thick length.

A ragged groan escaped him as he tried to withdraw. “This is supposed to be all about you.”

For some reason his words touched her heart. “But I like this.” She gave him a firm squeeze, and he

actually laughed.

It was fun, laughing in bed, naked and aroused. Their sexual encounters were always so intense and

commanding. Sometimes even angry, though she’d always, always been left satisfied.

She remembered how upset he’d made her. How jealous she was that he’d been with Drake. No way

could she have imagined ending up in bed with Trevor tonight. Not after that revelation at dinner and

certainly not after that phone call.

Oh, who was she kidding? The man whispered a few naughty words in her ear and she was wet and

willing for him. Needed him like she needed air to breathe, he was so addictive.


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It was as if he knew exactly what she wanted. And the thought of that alone frightened her.

“Well, I like it, too. I can’t deny that.” His breath caught when her fingers did a slow glide up and

down his shaft. “But if you keep touching me I won’t last.”

“Then let’s hurry up,” she whispered, her gaze lifting to meet his.

He rolled so she lay beneath him, the weight of his muscular body sinking her into the mattress.

Propping himself up with his hands on either side of her head, he stared down at her, the intense glow
in his

stormy eyes making her squirm.

“What?” she asked when he didn’t say anything.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, leaning down to brush his mouth against hers. “I like to look at

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There went her heart again. It had no business feeling so tight, experiencing that tingle of bliss at his


“I just want to make you feel good,” he murmured against her neck, his mouth leaving a hot, damp

trail on her sensitive flesh. “Tell me what you want.”

You and me together forever.

Yeah, that would make him kick her out of his bed faster than he could say hell no if she uttered those

words. Why would she even think like that? Trevor didn’t do commitment. She really didn’t either.


Blinking, she gazed up at him, wondered why he looked at her as if she might mean something to

him. Wondered why he touched her as if she were fragile and made of glass. She watched, struck
silent by

the sleekness of his moves, the effortless confidence he exuded, as if it didn’t bother him to reveal his

feelings, his thoughts. He reached for the drawer of the bedside table and opened it, grabbing a

Lifting away from her, he sheathed himself.

All she could do was lie there, silent and hopeful. Knowing that the second he was inside her he

would make it all better. Make her all better.

It was a mistake, pinning her hopes on this one man. Yet she couldn’t help it. She would save the

regrets for tomorrow.

Slowly, as if he had all the time in the world, he entered her, filling her with one long stroke and their

mingled moans sounded in the quiet stillness of the room.

This she didn’t get tired of. The connection, the oneness she felt with Trevor in these moments. Sex

had always been about her or him in the past. Never about them.

With Trevor, it was all about them.

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He said her name again, the sound raw as it rasped from between his lips. He began to move slowly,

in and out, deeper and deeper and she moved with him. Her hips nudged against his, her legs wrapped



around his waist. With a tenderness he’d never displayed before, he kissed her, drugged her with his

his tongue.

She couldn’t take this. It felt too—serious. It felt too good.

So good.

He thrust within her as if he had all the time in the world. The slow drag and retreat within her body

was too much, too overwhelming. She didn’t want sweet, slow lovemaking. She wanted it crazy rough

scratching an itch versus expressing their feelings.

Scarlett needed it impersonal so she wouldn’t cry. The very last thing she wanted to do when having

sex was cry. She never had before.

“Faster,” she urged, sounding like a drill sergeant. But he did as she asked, moving faster, filling her

so deep she cried out in pleasure.

Damn it, why was he starting to mean something to her? “Harder,” she commanded, going for


And he did that, too. He took her with a tender savagery she’d never experienced before, and she

surrendered to it, surrendered to him. Allowed him to fuck her, make love to her, whatever he wanted

call it but he did it all to her and she could only lie there and take it.

Enjoy it. Revel in it. Want more from him, so much more. And when her orgasm bore down on her,

rippled through her body she sobbed his name. Clung to him as if she never wanted to let him go.

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The tears that formed in the corner of her eyes she could ignore. The restless pounding of her heart

she could shut out, too.

But that nagging voice in her head was hard to deny no matter how much she wanted to.

She was falling for Trevor. And she doubted he was falling for her.


Chapter Seven

Scarlett was still embarrassed by her behavior that one fateful night which occurred over a week ago.

Embarrassed by that moment more than any of the sexual encounters she’d had with Trevor since this

entire thing started. It was one thing to act like a complete bitch and another to allow anyone a
glimpse of

her real self, the one with fears and dreams and regrets.

And she’d been an emotional wreck, touched by the fact Trevor wanted to find out so much about her.

Shocked at herself that she let him see bits of her. Bits she normally kept hidden from others.

He’d acted like it was no big deal. He’d pushed, but he hadn’t pushed too hard. She’d pushed back,

and he’d answered all of her questions with ease. To the point where he was giving her information

didn’t want to know.

Because by sharing a piece of him, a personal, private piece, it made everything feel much more

serious. Intimate. Like maybe they were getting deeper into a relationship or something.

And what they shared didn’t qualify as a relationship. Really hot sex, yes. Someone fun to hang out

with, definitely. A serious relationship with a man she could envision spending the rest of her life

Scarlett breathed deep and shook her head. She honestly couldn’t answer that last question.

She shoved the thought aside and studied the sketchpad in front of her. She sat at the tiny desk in the

large dressing area of the theatre, planning the next production’s costumes and makeup. It was her

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part of her job, planning and creating. The new play was a fantasy, dark and sensual and this time

wasn’t playing the lead.

Thank goodness. This production was rather sexy, and the lead actor was in plenty of intimate scenes.

I have no right to be jealous. I don’t own him.

Gah. She was being ridiculous. Pushing the sketchpad away from her, she whirled around in her

wheeled chair to find Drake standing in the doorway, a cautious expression on his face.

“Hey.” She was startled to see him. He looked good, dressed simply in faded blue jeans and an even

more faded pale blue T-shirt with some sort of abstract dragon sketched in white across the front. His

was damp and pushed back from his handsome face, his green eyes friendly.

“Hi, Scarlett.” He walked into the room until he stood in the middle, his hands going into his front

pockets. “How are you?”

“I’m good. Grab a chair and sit.” She waved her hand toward a few chairs not far from where he

and he grabbed one, pulled it up to her desk and sat next to her.


He smelled good, fresh and citrusy. She breathed deep, studying him. He was incredibly good looking

with smooth olive skin and the pronounced cheekbones. His body was lean, his shoulders broad,
almost as

broad as Trevor’s.

No comparisons, she told herself. Two completely different men, stop it.

But she couldn’t help it.

“You’re not busy, are you? I was hoping we could talk.”

Caution slithered down her spine, and she tried to smile through it. “No, I’m never too busy for you,

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“I won’t take up too much of your time.” He seemed to be stalling.

“What’s going on?” she asked, ready to get right to the point.

His gaze met hers, pale and piercingly direct. “I’m curious. Are you and Trevor…involved?”

Oh. Well, she hadn’t expected that question. Talk about putting her on the spot. “Um, well, we’ve

been seeing each other a little bit. Kind of. Nothing serious, though.” She winced the second the
words left

her mouth.

Was she giving Drake hope? Did she want him to think she and Trevor were exclusive? Was she even

still interested in Drake?

Confusion muddled her brain, scrambled her thoughts. She honestly didn’t know the answer to any of

those questions.

“Nothing serious.” Drake’s voice was flat, and he looked away from her with a sigh, plunged a hand

through his hair in a gesture of frustration. “I don’t want to ask you this Scarlett, but did he say

about me…and him?”

“Yes.” She wasn’t going to lie. Better to be out with it. “He told me about it.”

“Everything?” Drake looked shocked.

She nodded. “Everything.

“Wow. Huh. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. He has no shame. He puts everything out on the table.”

Wasn’t that the truth? She knew she certainly appreciated Trevor’s honesty.

“He won’t take my calls. Now I know why.” He glanced back at her. “You two make a good couple.”

“We’re not a couple.” She shook her head as if to emphasize her words. The idea scared her. It

her because the thought of them being a couple also appealed. “We’re not even dating.”

“Then what are you two doing?”

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Fucking? She couldn’t say it like that. Didn’t want to hurt Drake’s feelings or make herself look like

some callous bitch.

But it was the truth. Right?

Uh huh, right.

“Just something very casual,” she said instead. It sounded better that way.


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“Hmm.” He gazed at her desk as if lost in thought. “Can I admit that I’m jealous?”

“Can I admit that I’m jealous of what went on between you two?”

“Sure.” He smiled, dazzling her with perfectly straight white teeth. No wonder she had a crush on

him. She still had a minor little thing for him. Her tummy fluttered at the sight of that sweet smile.

bad we can’t share him.”

“Who says we can’t?” The words fell out of her mouth when an idea formed in her brain. A very

wicked one.

Drake’s smile faded. “You can’t be serious.”

She was dead serious. The more she thought about it, the better it sounded. She’d get the best of both

worlds. All three of them would. She’d originally wanted Drake, Drake wanted Trevor and Trevor


Now they could all have each other. Tangled webs and all that good stuff.

“I am very serious,” she finally said, wanting to choose her words carefully. “I mean, why not? It

might be fun.”

He studied her as if she’d grown another head. “Have you ever been in a threesome before?”

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She had, a long time ago when she’d first moved to L.A. and had been up for everything and

anything. Anything to help escape her old, boring lifestyle. To indulge the dirty thoughts that had

consumed her. She’d been curious back then, free to try anything once. And she had. She’d been wild

crazy and had given it away too much.

“I have,” she answered. “Have you?”

His cheeks colored, turning a ruddy color. “I have. A few times.”

“With a woman involved?” She had to know if Drake was one of those gay guys who’d never touched

a woman. That was Brad, Austin’s ex-boyfriend. Oh, he’d kissed a few girls but that was it.

I don’t touch the pussy, he’d said to her more than once.

She studied Drake’s hands, his fingers. She wondered if he touched the pussy.

“Yeah.” Drake nodded, looking slightly petrified.

The way they were discussing it, cold and clinical as if they were putting together a business

transaction suddenly struck her as funny. Scarlett started to giggle, tried to stifle it with a hand over

mouth, but she couldn’t help but let it tumble out.

Drake’s expression turned mortified. “What’s so funny?”

“This. The way we’re talking about it. Like we’re trying to put together a business deal.” She shook

her head, her giggles turning into full-blown laughter. “It’s kind of ridiculous.”

“You’re the one who started it.” Drake smiled.

“I know, I know.” Her laughter died, and she thought of Trevor. How would he feel about this? He

was a kinky bastard. She didn’t think he’d mind. He’d probably be for it.



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An image floated through her mind, of her naked, sprawled on Trevor’s bed. Drake would be on one

side of her and Trevor on the other, their big, masculine hands roaming all over her body. Touching

breasts, her thighs and stroking her wet pussy. She’d suck Drake’s cock while Trevor pounded deep

of her, driving her to the most intense orgasm of her life.

Mmm, watching Drake and Trevor together, their sweaty male bodies wrapped around each other,

cocks in hands, mouths locked. It appealed to her voyeuristic tendencies, and she wondered if Trevor

mind if she watched.

Her now very wet pussy ached, and she swallowed hard. She couldn’t get carried away, not yet.

But if this was going to happen, it was going to be oh, so good.

“So what do you think?” she asked softly, reaching out to touch Drake’s arm. He was strong, firm

muscles shifting beneath her fingers, his skin warm. He felt good.

“I honestly don’t know what to think.” He stared at her, that intense gaze locked on her face, making

her want to squirm. But in a good way. “How do you feel about it, Scarlett?”

“I can share,” she murmured. Did she really believe that? She told herself she could.

But deep inside, she wondered.

“With me? You won’t have a problem with me being there? In bed with you and Trevor?” He looked

truly concerned.

“I don’t think I have a problem with it. I chased you for months, after all. I’m finally getting what I

wanted.” And that kind of scared her. “Do you have a problem with me being there with you and

“No, I don’t think so. I’ve always liked you, Scarlett.” He reached for her, his broad palm curving

around her cheek, turning her face toward his. Her heart dropped into her stomach, and she realized
he was

going to kiss her.

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Oh God, what would Trevor think? Would he be mad if he saw us right now? Or would he join in?

But the kiss Drake dropped upon her lips was simple, pleasant. It sent a warm buzz through her, and

she slowly drew away from him, wondering why he didn’t give her the same electric jolt straight to

pussy like Trevor did every time kissed her.

Every single time.

“I need to talk to him,” she whispered, blinking up at Drake. “I need to see if he wants to do this. We

can’t just spring it on him.”

“Of course we can’t.” He looked offended that she even suggested it. “Why don’t you bring him to

the club tomorrow night? I’m working a short shift. I’ll be done by eleven.”

Possibilities. She should be thrilled, but a shaft of apprehension cut through her. “If he’s interested,

I’ll do it. We’ll be there around eleven.”

“And if he’s not?” Drake’s brows lifted.

“If he’s not, then we won’t show up.”


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He sighed. “The ball’s in your court, Scarlett. I have to give it to you.”

She hoped having that ball didn’t end up costing her everything.

Trevor couldn’t wait to get Scarlett alone. All day he’d been tortured, having her close yet not being

able to touch her. She wanted their relationship to be kept on the down low, a secret from everyone at

theatre. At first he’d been more than ready to agree to it. He wasn’t one to let everyone know his

business. Hell, everyone knew he couldn’t stick to commitment. He rarely saw a woman more than

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Scarlett had become the exception.

For whatever reason he’d started to feel offended by her secretiveness. Why didn’t she want people

know they were together? Was she embarrassed? By him?

The idea rankled. Pissed him off. They’d been in meetings the entire day. Discussions of what was

happening with the new production, introducing the new actors joining them and the new

Scarlett had led one discussion about the costumes and makeup, how extravagant it was going to be.

They’d been around each other all day and yet she’d barely looked at him. Could hardly bring herself

to smile at him. He’d purposely stood next to her at one point, asking her in an intimate whisper if she

okay, and she’d given him a stark, cold yes as an answer.

That was it. Just one word and then she’d walked away.

Damn woman ran hot and cold and it drove him up the frickin’ wall. He didn’t tolerate this kind of

shit. He didn’t have to. He always had his pick of women and if he tired of them, he moved on to the

one as fast as possible.

So why didn’t he want to move on to the next one? What made Scarlett so damn special that he was

desperate to keep her around?

He felt a connection with her. And it wasn’t just a sexual one either though the sex between them was

explosive. She always put up a little fight, as if she didn’t want anything to do with him until he wore

down. It took nothing for him to wear her down, either.

He figured she liked the fight. He knew he enjoyed the battle.

But she still wouldn’t let him all the way in. After that one night when she’d shared a few facts about

her life, he’d thought he had her. That she’d capitulate and open up completely. Didn’t happen. No,

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than ever she was closed mouth, quiet and only saw him to get her groove on.

Lord help him, he wanted more than to get his groove on. He wanted to establish a relationship with


Trevor Braxton did not do relationships.

Drake had kept calling him until a few days ago. Voicemails, suggestive text messages, the works. In

the past Trevor would’ve been tempted, and he would’ve done something about it. Like meet up with



Drake and fuck his brains out. Deep down inside he could admit he was tempted. That night with

had been pretty mind-blowing.

But he couldn’t do it. Couldn’t be unfaithful to Scarlett even though they hadn’t established any type

of boundaries with whatever they were doing. This realization shocked the hell out of him.

Scarlett Goldsmith had turned him into a different man. A better man. Now if she could only open her

eyes and see that, see him.

When it came to him, her eyes were still tightly closed.

He waited for her outside the theatre, the warm gush of the Santa Ana winds whirling all around him.

The end of summer always brought the winds and the heat. Almost everyone complained and

everyone worried, afraid that those winds would bring fire and often they did.

Trevor didn’t like the fire part, but he had to admit he didn’t mind the hot wind. It heated his skin, his

blood, made it boil and feel so damn alive. The wind caressing his skin at this very moment

him and he paced outside the back door, waiting for her to come out.

She was taking forever. He glanced at his cell phone for the time, wondered if she was doing this on

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purpose. It was pissing him off, she was pissing him off and he didn’t appreciate her distant behavior


There needed to be a change. And he was going to demand it. Tonight.

The heavy metal door suddenly creaked open, startling him from his thoughts and he watched, dry

mouthed as Scarlett walked out into the heady warm night. Her hair, that gorgeous wild curling hair,

swirled about her head and with a look of disgust, she smoothed her hand over it to calm it down.

It didn’t work. He loved her hair. It gave her an uninhibited air. She wore jeans and a simple black

tank top, a thin silver chain curling around her slender neck and big silver hoops hung from her ears.

Nothing special, nothing outrageous yet she looked damn sexy. The denim emphasized the length of

legs, the cotton top hugged her breasts and nipped in waist.

She was sex personified. His every fantasy come to life. And he wanted to indulge in her, sink deep

inside her and stay there.

For as long as she’d let him.

“Trevor.” She sounded surprised to find him waiting. “I thought you left.”

“I think you wanted me to leave.” He stepped away from the building so he faced her head on. “We

were supposed to get together. You agreed last night.”

She shrugged and took a couple of steps. She was completely out of the light that shone from the side

of the door, casting her form in shadows. “I’m tired.”

Something in the tone of her voice told him otherwise. “Liar.”

“It’s been a long day.” She visibly bristled. He saw the shake of her shoulders, the straightening of

spine. She always stood taller when she was angry. “I’m exhausted.”


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“Too exhausted for me?” He sounded wounded. He cleared his throat, pissed at himself.

But she did this to him. Made him reveal things he normally didn’t show. Like emotions.

She sighed, long and loud and she went to him, walking closer and closer until she was right in front

of him, her head tilted back so she could look into his eyes. He yearned to reach out and touch her but

something told him to hold back.

Not yet. Be patient.

“I talked to Drake yesterday.”

Nerves made Trevor’s stomach clench at her abrupt comment.

What the hell? The only thing they could have in common to talk about was him, or the two of them


Jesus. Is she going to dump me? For fucking Drake?

“What about?” He hoped he sounded casual but inside, his nerves tangled around themselves and his

temples were pounding.

“He said you’ve been ignoring his calls.” Her voice was soft, not accusing, which made him relax the

slightest bit.

“I’m not interested in him,” he said tightly, clenching his hands into fists so he wouldn’t touch her.

Yet. “I want you.”

She exhaled, he heard the catch in it and her dark brown gaze locked on his face. “What if you could

have both of us?”

“What?” Confusion flooded his brain.

“Together? Would you be interested then?” She bit her lower lip, her gaze skittering away from his

and he reached out, cupped her chin and forced her to look back at him.

“What the hell are you talking about?” His entire body was tense, his breathing ragged. She stared at

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him, her lips parted and he saw the nerves there on her face. The apprehension.

“The three of us together, for one night doing whatever you want. Doing whatever any of us want.

How does that sound to you?”

Like pure trouble. He shook his head. “When?”

“Tonight,” she whispered.

His mouth dropped open. “Are you kidding me? Why?”

She shrugged. He realized he still held her chin and that she hadn’t pulled away from him. “Why not?

I thought it might be something fun for us to do.”

Fun? A threesome with Drake? The guy you used to have a major crush on.” He watched her

carefully. “For all I know he could be a guy you might have a crush on. Hell, I don’t know. Sorry but

sounds like a major mistake.” His hand dropped away from her and he turned, unsure of what to do

God. Why did she spring this on him now? It made no sense. It came out of nowhere.



Scarlett constantly kept him on his toes. Sometimes he liked it.

At this very moment, he wasn’t sure.

“I want to do this. I want to do this for you, for us.” Her eyes pleaded with him. “I trust you, Trevor. I

wouldn’t do this with someone I didn’t trust.”

Her words blew him away. That he had her trust meant more to him then he could express. He stared

at her in wonder—saw the tentativeness written over her face, her expression unsure.

“You trust me.” It was a statement, though in his heart, it was a pounding, startled question and

disbelief filled him when she nodded silently, trust shining there in her eyes. “Why?”

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“Because you put up with me when no one else will, no matter how hard I try to get rid of you. And I

do try. I try even when I don’t realize I’m doing it.” She smiled at him, and it socked him right in the
gut. “I

want to give this to you, Trevor,” she whispered. “Please let me.”

He didn’t know if he believed her. She wanted to give this to him? Or did she want this for herself?

“We’re supposed to meet Drake at the club. He’s off early tonight,” she continued as if she already

had it completely mapped out.

Trevor believed she did. “How does he feel about this?”

“He’s for it. As long as you are,” she said carefully.

Yeah, he bet. Drake had been after him ever since that night, relentless at first with his calling and

texting. It had begun to taper off but the idea of them all being together filled Trevor with

What if this night gave Drake more hope? Belief that they might have a chance together? In Trevor’s

mind, they didn’t. He didn’t want Drake.

He wanted Scarlett.

“Are you doing this just to please me?” He had to know. Did she believe that he’d rather be with a

man so she was giving him this in order to keep him around?

“No.” She shook her head, her wild curls sliding over her shoulders. “I want this. I want it with both

of you.”

He couldn’t help it. He started to laugh. “This is fucking surreal.”

Her brows lifted, and she crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Have you ever done something like

this before?”

“What a threesome? Well yeah, but it has happened a lot more naturally than this.” He waved his

hand around, gesturing at nothing. “You’ve got it all planned out.”

“Drake said the same thing,” she whispered, suddenly looking very worried.

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“Yeah, well, Drake’s right.” He couldn’t resist her any longer. Grabbing Scarlett by the arm, he

dragged her to him, forcing her to drop her folded arms. “Let’s go to that club and see what happens.
Let it

unfold on its own.”

She smiled at him, her expression pretty and relieved and it took his breath away. “Really?”


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He kissed the tip of her nose, the nerves jangling inside. He chose to ignore them. Focused instead on

the woman in his arms. “Really.”


Chapter Eight

The club was packed, the line to get in endless as usual. Trevor and Scarlett walked right up to the

door to find Drake manning it, a friendly smile curving his lips when he saw them approach.

The happiness on his face was unmistakable. He let them right in, a suggestive look passing between

them. The heat in Drake’s brilliant green eyes reminded Trevor of the moment they shared together.

surprisingly good it had been…

He glanced at Scarlett who watched him with knowing eyes. And he was struck by how good it was

between them, too. Better than good, he viewed what he and Scarlett shared as perfect. He had a
feeling it

might be explosive for all three of them.

“Want a drink?” Trevor spoke directly in her ear so she’d hear him.

She nodded, her hair brushing his face, soft and sweetly fragrant. “I think I need one.”

Hell, so did he. He was always up for some liquid courage when the going got tough. The potential of

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tonight had tough written all over it.

“You look like you’re being led to your death,” Scarlett told him once they’d approached the bar.

“I look that good huh?” He smoothed a hand over his head, felt the faint layer of sweat that had

formed on his forehead. It was hot in the club, but the sweat was also caused by nerves.

She nodded. “Can I admit something to you?”

He shrugged. “Sure.”

Placing her hands on his shoulders, she leaned into him, going on tiptoe so she could whisper in his

ear. “I’m excited. I can’t wait to be with the two of you. I want to watch you and Drake together.”

Her words made his dick hard. Little Miss Voyeur was ready to come out and play. Well, for her the

playing was the watching. And though he didn’t mind a little watching, he also definitely wanted her


“Baby, if we’re doing this, you need to be a willing participant,” he whispered back right before he

nipped her earlobe with his teeth.

She shivered, sidling even closer to him. “What exactly do you want me to do?”

“You want play by play?” He glanced around. They were surrounded by people. The bartender was at

the other end of the counter handling orders. It was going to take awhile before they got their drinks,

was par for the course at this place.


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He smiled. “You’re just going to have to wait and see though I’ll admit I have my limits.”

“Limits?” She sounded intrigued.

“Well yeah. I don’t want to share you too much with Drake. Certain parts of you are mine.” Ah holy

shit, he meant it, too. Any other woman and he wouldn’t have had a problem sharing. Hell, he’d done

exactly that.

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Trevor recalled the last time he’d had a threesome, a few years ago. He and a friend had picked up a

woman while spending the weekend in Vegas and brought her to his hotel room. They’d fucked all

long, even doing a double penetration that had made the woman go absolutely wild.

He wondered if Scarlett would be willing to go for a double penetration.

Hell, he wondered if he’d be able to deal with it. He wouldn’t want Drake to take her ass. He hadn’t

even done that yet. But Drake buried deep inside Scarlett’s pussy?

He felt like the biggest, most macho jerk ever but he considered that pussy his.

“That sounds kind of romantic, Trevor. I thought romance wasn’t your thing.”

“I can be romantic.” If she could hear his thoughts, she’d definitely not think he was romantic.

She laughed, a tinkling like a bell and he stared at her, became engrossed in her. Her face, her smile,

her sparkling eyes. The wild dark hair, her pouty, pretty mouth and creamy smooth skin he desperately

wanted to touch all the damn time. “Prove it.”

“You want romance?”

She sobered, her eyes widened. “Well I don’t think it has a place in tonight’s activity, but if you’re


Finally, he felt like they were on the same page. Hope filled him at the thought. Maybe they could

make something work here. Build a future. One step at a time.

“Glad to see you two made it.”

Drake’s distinctive drawl sounded behind them, and they both turned to find him standing there, a

slight smile tilting his lips. “Are we ready?”

“Where are we going?” Scarlett asked, her gaze skittering to Trevor.

“My place? Does that work?”

Totally. It wasn’t his place, and it wasn’t Scarlett’s. They wouldn’t be reminded of this one night

except in their memories.

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“It works,” Scarlett said with a nod just before she drew her bottom lip between her teeth. Her usual

nervous gesture when things got a little unsure.

Trevor slipped his arm around her shoulder and drew her close. “We’ll follow you over.”

“Great.” Drake studied them for a moment, his eyes darkening the slightest bit. “Are you sure you

want to do this? Trevor?”



The apprehension was clear on Drake’s face as well. No surprise. The way they were approaching

was ridiculous.

“Listen.” Trevor reached for Drake, clapped a hand on his shoulder and gave him a little shake. “I

think we should hang out here for a while and have a couple of drinks. Loosen us up a little bit. If,
after a

while, we’re still approaching this like some sort of business deal about to go down then I say we

But if we all can get into it,—” he shot a meaningful glance in Scarlett’s direction, “—then I say we
go for


“That sounds good,” Scarlett said cautiously. “What do you think?”

“Let’s do it.”

“I need vodka.” Scarlett glanced toward the busy bartender, her voice sounding rough. “He’s taking


Trevor released his hold on Drake and pulled her even closer. “Patience, sweetheart. He’s headed


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“I’ll get him to come our way,” Drake said, bellying up to the bar and whistling so loud the majority

of the crowd turned to look in their direction including the bartender.

Drinks were quickly obtained and just as quickly consumed. The club was packed, they were

crammed at a little table huddled close together and the music throbbed, the beat heavy and pounding

inside Trevor’s body, pumping through his veins.

“We should dance,” he suggested, and Scarlett’s eyes lit up at his words.

“Oh yes, that sounds perfect.” She was already standing, her body leaning toward the dance floor.

“I don’t really dance,” Drake protested with a shake of his head, but Scarlett stood in front of the

table, her hands on her hips, expression stern.

“Don’t you dare try to get out of this,” she said, and Trevor laughed.

“Don’t argue with her dude. She’ll drag you out onto that dance floor kicking and screaming.”

All three of them headed toward the crowded dance floor, Scarlett holding each of their hands so they

were linked. Finding a spot on the edge of the floor, they began to dance, Scarlett facing Drake,

behind her, his hands on her hips in a possessive gesture. Already they were entwined, Drake staring

Trevor with undisguised lust, Trevor’s fingers pressing into Scarlett’s lush curves.

He needed to say something before things got too hot and heavy. Needed to make it clear to Drake

that this was a one-time thing he was doing for Scarlett and nothing else. It would never happen again.

It would be too dangerous if it happened again. For everyone.

Trevor was for this interlude, but he wanted to make certain things clear. Scarlett belonged to him.

And he wasn’t about to leave her for Drake.


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The music was fantastic, the beat strong and fast. The liquor was smooth, had slid right down her

throat with ease. Scarlett could feel it coursing through her veins, warming her belly and making her

buzz. Just what she needed considering what was about to go down.

Right at the moment, she was enjoying being the center filling inside a man sandwich. Drake in front

of her danced surprisingly smooth for someone who said he wasn’t any good at it. And Trevor behind

his hands grasped about her hips, his lower body bumped and ground against her ass in time with the


His erection let her know that he was very much into this. Very much into her.

She raised her arms above her head, her body swaying to the beat. Drake moved closer, invading her

space, dancing with her in perfect rhythm. Trevor held her tight, moving with her, his cheek close to

his mouth on her ear.

“You want to kiss him?” His whispered question made her shiver and she stared at Drake, her gaze

zeroing in on his mouth. It was a nice mouth, firm yet full lips. She could certainly imagine kissing it.

“Yes.” She let her arms fall back behind her and wrap around Trevor’s neck. “Do you?”

“I want to see you kiss him first.” He licked her ear and she gasped, her butt nudging against him.

“But don’t forget who wants you the most, babe.”

Her body turned into molten liquid at Trevor’s words, his intent. The fact he was laying claim on her,

reminding her of how he felt every step of the way. She should’ve found it annoying but instead she

it. Loved it even.

His possessiveness aroused her, made her feel good.

Trevor’s hands on her hips guided her toward Drake, bringing them closer together and they

continued to move to the music as one. Her hips thrust toward Drake, helped by Trevor’s guidance

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Drake settled his hands on her waist, his fingers nudging Trevor’s. Drake pulled her upper body

him, and her breasts brushed against his muscular chest.

It was sensation overload already and they’d barely begun. To have two sets of large male hands

her body, vying for her attention was heady. Her arms went around Drake’s neck, burrowing her
hands in

his hair. She marveled at the softness, the slight wave of it curling around her fingers. He watched
her, his

gaze locked on her face, his lips parting in anticipation and she tugged on his hair, pulling him down

toward her mouth.

They kissed. And it was much different from the innocent smooch at the theatre. His mouth opened

over hers, his hot, seeking tongue trailing out to lick, meeting hers. She groaned and opened her mouth

wider, letting him search her thoroughly and his hands tightened on her waist.

And then she was ripped away from him, Trevor’s hand curving around her cheek and pulling her into

his possessive kiss as if he couldn’t resist. His tongue licked deep, stroked hers with a delicious in
and out

rhythm that reminded her of sex. Of how his cock drove deep inside her body.



He was a wonderful kisser. Drake was good, but Trevor was so much better. And when he released

her, the sexy slumberous look in his gray eyes made her heart skip a beat or five.

Her mouth dropped open when she watched Trevor lean over and lock lips with Drake. She stopped

dancing, stood in wide-eyed wonder as she watched the two men kiss, their big bodies crushing her in

between them. It was hot, their mouths connecting again and again, lips parted and wet and she caught

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flash of tongues tangling.

A shiver slithered down her spine and she realized she still held onto Drake’s neck, her face so close

to the action that all she had to do was lean in.

So she did. She leaned in, and she saw Trevor move away slightly from Drake with a smile. He

her, his tongue licking a path across her lips before he did the same thing to Drake. And Drake did the

thing to her before he licked Trevor’s.

Oh God, it was so hot. Her panties were wet, her nipples hard and she licked her own lips, tasted

men on them. They were engrossed in each other, totally unaware of what was happening around
them, and

she loved it. Could hardly believe this was happening to her. Despite all of her sexual adventures

throughout the years, she’d never done anything like this.

She couldn’t want to get started for real.

“We should go,” she suggested, her gaze meeting Drake’s for the briefest moment before it landed

upon Trevor.

“You sure?” Trevor pulled her to him, away from Drake’s grip. His hands slid up and down her hips,

curving around to smooth over her butt. “You don’t want to dance anymore?”

“I want to go back to Drake’s place and continue this,” she said, her cheeks flushing the slightest bit.

She couldn’t help but be a little embarrassed over it.

“Then let’s do it.” Trevor glanced up, the men’s gazes connecting and she saw something unspoken

pass between them.

“Let’s do it,” Drake echoed.

Drake’s apartment was small, sparsely furnished but nice. He led them inside without a word, flicking

the lock with a final click that sounded loud in the quiet of the room. Scarlett looked at Trevor, saw

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reassuring smile on his face and she reached out, squeezed his hand.

She needed the connection, the approval from this man that what they were about to embark on was

all right. That no one was going to get hurt.

She went to him, wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed a lingering kiss to the heated skin of

his throat. “No one is going to get hurt, right?” Her question was a replica of her worried thoughts.

“Not if we do this right,” Trevor murmured, his hands moving up and down her back in a soothing

notion. “Just follow my lead, sweetheart.”


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With a nod she pulled away, the trust for this man she felt nearly overwhelming her. This was going

to be good. Trevor would make sure of it. He always made sure of it.

He took care of her. Despite her misgivings and bitchiness and general unpleasant behavior he always

took care of her needs. Sacrificed his own in the process more than once, too. She’d been blind to it,

selfish, wrapped up in her own insecurities and worried thoughts to realize what exactly this man did


Well, she was done with that. Starting tonight, starting at this very moment, she was going to show

her appreciation to him. She was going to give him everything he wanted, everything he needed,

him with her mouth and hands and body.

By the end of the night, he’d be begging for her. And she’d be begging for him. Drake would benefit,


Though secretly she knew he would be the one most likely to end up hurt out of all of them. She

didn’t want that to happen.

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“Let’s go back to my bedroom,” Drake suggested with a flick of his head.

Trevor took Scarlett’s hand, and they followed him down the short hall into a rather large bedroom

dominated by a king-sized bed. Drake went to the bedside table and pulled a lighter out of the drawer,

going to the dresser and lighting the few candles that sat there. Immediately the room was illuminated

flickering candlelight, giving it a sensuous, mysterious mood that made Scarlett’s skin prickle with

She watched Trevor as he glanced about the room, his gaze, his stance one of command. When his

gaze settled upon Drake, he gave a little nod and Drake’s eyes flared with heat. “Get undressed.” His

turned onto Scarlett. “You too, sweetheart.”

Without any more urging Scarlett stripped off her clothing, her breath coming fast, her heart beating a

million miles a second. Trevor continued to watch her as he took off his clothes, his gaze never
leaving hers

and when she glanced toward Drake, catching a glimpse of his almost naked form, she saw Trevor’s


He went to her, his long legs taking him to her in mere seconds and she stood straighter, her breath

leaving her in a ragged little sigh when he stuck his face in hers. “Look only at me, sweetheart, until I

you not to. You do as I say.”

Her breath completely left her. God, she loved it when he got so commanding with her. Even though

she’d played the irritated woman before with him, secretly she loved it. It made her wet, her clit
throb. She

kept her gaze on him as she tugged her panties over her hips, along her legs until she had them in a

crumpled little ball of fabric in her hand.

Trevor held out his hand. “Give them to me.”

She did so, and he brought them to his face. He breathed deep, a wicked smile curving his lips.

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“You’re wet.”



“Touch me and see,” she offered with a husky voice.

His smile grew, and he shook his head slowly. “Not yet. Go sit on the bed and watch.”

Scarlett went to the end of the bed and sat on the edge, feeling a little awkward sitting there nude

while Trevor went to Drake. The two men were naked, gloriously so. She let her gaze wander over

eating them up.

Both beautifully formed yet different, Trevor was taller, broader, just a hint more muscular. Drake

was lean with a long torso and arms, his thighs corded with muscle, his cock…

She bit back a sigh. He had a nice cock. Not as thick as Trevor’s but his looked longer. Drake stared

at Trevor with longing in his pale green eyes, his body leaning toward Trevor’s and Trevor reached

him, his hand going to the back of Drake’s neck.

“Suck me,” he commanded. Drake went to his knees, his lips eagerly wrapping around the head of

Trevor’s erect cock.

Scarlett held her breath as she watched the two men. Drake moaned low in his throat, his hand

wrapping around his own cock as he filled his mouth with Trevor’s. Trevor grasped either side of

head, guiding him upon his length, thrusting deeper with his every movement, fucking Drake’s mouth.

It was the hottest thing she’d ever seen. She’d been afraid she might become jealous, watching Drake

do anything to Trevor but it turned out not to be the case.

Especially when she caught Trevor, looking at her, his gaze never left hers. He watched her with

heated eyes as Drake licked and sucked him with enthusiasm, his breathing becoming heavy, his eyes

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It was so sexy, having his total concentration upon her.

“Touch yourself,” Trevor urged, his voice a raspy whisper and she automatically slid her hand

between her legs, finding herself sticky and wet, her clit so sensitive she gave a little gasp when she

brushed against it. “That’s it, sweetheart. Make yourself come.”

“I want you to make me come,” she said boldly and he growled, withdrew himself from Drake.

“We’re joining Scarlett on the bed,” he said, pulling Drake to his feet.

The men crawled on top of the bed as Trevor pushed her upward so she lay sprawled beneath him.

Drake stayed just at Trevor’s hips, his mouth wrapping around Trevor’s cock once more while

dipped his head between Scarlett’s legs. His tongue snaked out, licked at the top of her slit, and her

jerked at the contact.

“Sweet,” he whispered just before he started to lick in earnest. Her eyes fluttered closed for a brief

moment but then she opened them, not wanting to miss any of what was unfolding between the three of

them. Drake’s gaze met hers, his lips plump and wet, wrapped tight around the head of Trevor’s cock.

Trevor’s tongue licked and searched her folds, sneaking a finger inside her sheath and she moved

him, thrust her hips and sent him deeper. “You like that, baby?”


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“Yes,” she said on a moan, her head going back and her fingers sliding into Trevor’s silky soft hair.

She held him to her, her hips gyrating against him, pushing her pussy deeper against his mouth, but he

didn’t seem to mind. He encouraged her with sexy little growls and whispers, lifting his head every
once in

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a while to release a jagged moan at whatever Drake was doing to him, and she watched, enthralled
with all

of it.

Her orgasm came to her out of nowhere, smacking into her with the force of a tornado, and she fell

apart beneath Trevor’s mouth, her cry loud, filling the room as her body shook with uncontrollable

He fucked her with two fingers, driving in and out of her again and again, his lips attached to her

clit. She tried to push him away, but he wouldn’t let her.

Not until she came down from her orgasm did he move away, a smile again curving his damp with her

juices lips. He pushed up on his elbows and withdrew himself from Drake’s seeking mouth. Drake
stared at

him in confusion.

“We’re changing positions,” Trevor said, his gaze never leaving hers. “I need to be inside you.

You’ve got condoms right, Drake?”

Drake went to the bedside table and pulled out a box, setting it on the table. He yanked one out and

tossed it to Trevor, who tore it open with shaking fingers. She knew they shook because she saw

And the sight gave her a little thrill. Knowing he was keyed up and nervous about this just as she was.

He was always so calm, so cool and collected. She wanted to tear down his defenses and get to the

Trevor. Slowly, bit by bit.

“Lay back for me,” he urged, his voice soft and she did so, scooting up the mattress so her head was

nestled in a pile of pillows. Drake pushed off to the side, looking unsure of what to do next and

moved over her, his hands skimming her naked form, fingers drifting across her collarbone, down to


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She arched into his touch, letting forth a little moan when he pinched first one, then the other nipple.

With a nod of his head, he encouraged Drake to join in and he did, both men touching her, smoothing

hands over her body.

Her skin felt electric, alive and tingles shot through her bloodstream as they continued their gentle

assault. Trevor leaned forward and drew a nipple into his mouth, sucking and licking it vigorously

Drake did the same. She nearly shot off the bed at the contact. Two warm mouths upon her body, their

hands touching her everywhere. When they both slid their hands between her legs, their fingers

searching her pussy she almost screamed.

“Don’t stop,” she moaned, her legs spreading wider. Another orgasm already was hovering close and

she thrashed her head back and forth upon the pillows, overwhelmed by the sensations.



“Go down on her,” Trevor commanded Drake. Drake positioned himself between her legs, his tongue

reaching out in a tentative lick. She arched her hips, arched her pussy up close to his mouth, and he

against her, those pale green eyes never leaving hers.

Trevor cupped her face with his hand, turning her head so she found his cock hovering in front of her.

It was impressively thick, pearly drops of pre-come formed in the slit, and she darted out her tongue
to lick.

“Take me,” he said. She licked his cock, thankful he hadn’t slipped the condom on yet, that it was still

clutched in his hand. She licked and sucked at the head of his cock like it was a lollipop, mimicking

of Drake’s earlier movements.

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It was hard to keep her focus on Trevor though. Drake’s tongue was a distraction. His fingers buried

in her pussy a major distraction. Her orgasm was right there, hanging just out of reach. She strained

it, working and working until she heard Trevor utter one final word.


He spoke to Drake who left her a wet, gasping mess. Her clit tingled, her body ached for release and

when she glanced up at Trevor, he pushed deep in her mouth, his gray blue eyes dark and fathomless.

“He won’t bring you to orgasm. Only I will.”

She released him from her mouth, licking at her lips and earning a groan from Trevor. “Then do it.”

The men changed positions once more, Trevor donning the condom before he poised himself at her

entry with Drake kneeling beside him. Trevor sunk himself inside her welcoming pussy, and both of

groaned in unison at the connection.

It felt heavenly, Trevor on his knees before her as he pulled her legs to wrap around his lean hips. His

cock was so far inside her she felt the brush of his balls against her ass. His cock throbbed inside her

channel, she felt every ripple and she arched against him, sending him impossibly deeper.

“Do any more of that sweetheart and I’ll come,” he muttered just as he withdrew nearly all the way

out before plunging back in again.

She met his thrust with a smile. “That’s the point.”

Shaking his head, he pushed inside her again. And again. Delivered the most exquisite feelings and

she moaned with shaky abandon. Drake knelt beside her, watching them with avid interest, his gaze

on where they were connected and Drake waved his hand.

“Lick us there. Suck her clit. Help me make her come.”

Oh, good Lord. So it wasn’t okay if Drake was the only one who brought her to climax, but it was

perfectly fine if he aided and abetted the situation?

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It worked for her.

With a smile of pure pleasure, Drake leaned over them, his face positioned where they were joined.

His tongue darted out, first to lick upon Trevor’s exposed shaft at the base and then twitching over her

distended clit.


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She jolted, shocked at just how good it felt, and then he did it again. Over and over, in time with

Trevor’s thrusts, alternating with lush licks to the base of Trevor’s cock.

Scarlett watched, unable to stop looking at the scene before her. Two beautiful men giving her

pleasure, concentrated on her body and her needs. She arched her back, her shoulders planted to the

mattress, her pussy moving upward, thrusting closer to Drake’s mouth and he drew her clit in between

lips, licking so intensely that she shattered with her orgasm in less than a minute.

He sucked and licked her throughout the endless climax. Her legs shook as she tried to hold onto

Trevor, who continued to thrust within her body with such force she cried out with every deep

It was so much, too much for her to deal with and she thrashed about, begging them to stop, begging

not to stop. She could hear Trevor croon to her, sweet sexy words that caused her belly to tremble
and then

Drake removed his mouth from her, his tongue lapping at Trevor’s cock. He moved away as if he

what was about to happen.

Oh, yes. He was going to come, she could tell by the way Trevor’s body tensed, in the way his cock

surged and throbbed. And then he was coming, his entire body going still above hers for a single,

breathtaking moment before he crashed down upon her, his body wracked with shudders.

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She smoothed her hands over his broad shoulders, scratched her fingers down his back as his orgasm

flowed through him. His hips bucked against hers, again and again, pinning her to the bed and she

she’d never felt anything so delicious. She basked in the heat of his body, the way his sweat
dampened skin

clung to hers.

He was hers. Trevor. She wanted him, needed him. Hoped he needed and wanted her as much as she


“You’re amazing,” he whispered close to her ear, just for her to hear and she smiled, breathing deep

with a contented smile.

“So are you.”

Trevor pushed up on his elbows, staring down at her with wonder. “But we have more to do.”

Her smile grew lazy and she trailed her fingers down his chest. “Yes, we do.”

“We need to take care of him.” He nodded toward Drake, who watched them with lust in his eyes, his

fingers wrapped around his cock, stroking up and down.

She smiled at Drake who practically lunged for her, taking her mouth in a savage kiss that left her

breathless, mindless when he broke away.

“Then let’s take care of him,” she whispered.


Chapter Nine

This was turning out better than he thought. Trevor watched Drake kiss Scarlett, not in the least bit

jealous since, well, it was his turn. The poor guy had literally lent a helping hand throughout the entire

interaction that just took place, and he now sported a hard-on that looked as if it wouldn’t quit. He
was in

some serious need of release.

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He deserved it after everything he’d done for them.

He glanced down at Scarlett, her pretty flushed face, her hair a wild tumble of waves about her head.

Trevor withdrew from her, disposing of the condom quickly while she readied herself, crawling
toward the

stiff and tense Drake. She looked over her shoulder at Trevor, a questioning in her eyes and he
nodded his


Power surged within him, thrilled at the way she looked to him before she made her next move. She

knew who owned her, at least for tonight.

Trevor sighed, ran a hand over his sweaty head. He’d like to change that. He’d like to be the one who

owned Scarlett forever.

She went to Drake, wrapping her arms around his neck and offering her mouth to him. Drake took it,

the kiss long, passionate, the little moans escaping from low in her throat undeniable. She was

this, enjoying her time with Drake and Trevor was okay with it. He had to be. He was about to enjoy

time with Drake as well.


Trevor joined them, tugging on the ends of Scarlett’s hair and pulling her toward him. He kissed her,

pushed his tongue deep in her mouth, searching it, tasting Drake on her lips. Breaking the kiss, he

for Drake and kissed him, a little groan sounding from deep inside Drake when Trevor wrapped his

around his. Trevor curled his fingers around Drake’s cock, and he surged into Trevor’s hand when he

squeezed him tight.

Slender fingers fluttered around his and Trevor felt Scarlett touch Drake as well. Ending the kiss with

Drake, Trevor nodded at Scarlett, his breath coming in harsh pants.

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“Suck his cock,” he said and she bent down, drew Drake’s cock into her mouth.

Drake threw his head back, an agonized moan escaping him, and his eyes slid closed. Trevor touched

him, let his hands wander all over Drake’s sweat slicked body, enjoying the little shivers he felt
beneath his

fingers. “She’s good isn’t she?”

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Lifting his head, Drake nodded, his gaze meeting Trevor’s. “So good.”

“Want me to fuck you while she sucks your cock?” Trevor let his hand drift down until his fingers

tangled in the golden pubic hair that surrounded Drake’s cock, his index finger tracing Scarlett’s
upper lip.

Her sexy little moan made Trevor’s cock jerk, and she released her suction on Drake, sucking

Trevor’s finger into her mouth with enthusiasm for a few seconds before she went back to work on

Damn, she was amazing. So giving, so naturally sexy, so fucking enthusiastic. He appreciated her

more with every minute that passed.

He didn’t know if he ever wanted to let her go. She’d broken down walls, slipped past his defenses

when he wasn’t looking and now she had him by the balls. And the heart.

Trevor wondered if he had her heart.

“Yes, fuck me, Trevor.” Drake kissed him again, a raw, savage kiss that had Trevor’s cock growing

even harder. Scarlett’s fingers wrapped around his dick, and he moaned against Drake’s lips.

The little vixen was working both of them. She stroked Trevor while she sucked Drake and then

switched places, pulling Trevor’s cock deep inside her hot, wet mouth while she jerked Drake with


Both men moaned, the sound loud, ragged. Trevor swore he heard Scarlett laugh and then she was

alternating licks between them. Her tongue teasing, swiping first one cock head, then the other. Trevor

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moved closer to her, both men on their knees in front of her. He grabbed Drake once more by the back

head, hauling him in for another kiss.

Their tongues tangled, warred with each other as Scarlett played them. Trevor thrust his hips, giving

as good as she gave and she took him deep, as deep as she could before he heard her withdraw from

her lips making a hollow pop.

He knew she was sucking Drake because he moaned inside Trevor’s mouth, his tongue more vigorous

in its movements. Who knew how long they could take it before both of them came, especially Drake

who’d been working on a slow build up since they started this. His cock must be aching to climax, the

come backed up to an almost painful intensity. Trevor pulled away from him, reached for another

from the bedside table.

“Scarlett, move away from him. Drake, get on your hands and knees.” He was a sick fuck but he

loved witnessing their scramble to please him. Scarlett scooted to the edge of the mattress, her eyes

lips wet. Her skin was flushed, nipples like hard little points. He watched as she spread her legs, a

sliding down to nestle between her swollen lower lips.

“Wet, baby?” Trevor asked, cocking a brow. She nodded, a little whimper escaping her as she flicked

at her clit.

He reached for her, his fingers encircling her wrist and stopping her movements. “Not yet, sweetheart.

Save it. Save it for me.”



Slowly he released his grip on her. She moved her hand away from her pussy, the agonized

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on her face saying everything. Hell, they were all in pain and when he was finished with Drake, he’d

sure and take good care of his Scarlett.

She deserved it. For everything that she’d done tonight. For everything she’d done for him since they

were first together.

Trevor turned his attention back to Drake, who was positioned and ready for him. On his hands and

knees, the smooth slope of his back appealing, his legs spread and ass slightly open in invitation.

moved behind him, ran his hand slowly down first one buttock, then the other. He waved Scarlett over

the crook of one finger. “Come here.”

She did as he bid. He reached between her legs, traced his finger between the plump lips of her

gathering up all of her cream. He then slathered it over Drake’s anus, circling his finger again and
again as

he played with the tiny hole. Slowly he slid his finger inside, until he was first knuckle deep. Drake

against his hand, sending Trevor even deeper.

“I want your cock,” Drake urged, his voice guttural, demanding. A tone Trevor had never heard

before. “Now, damn it.”

“Say please.” Trevor fucked his ass with his finger, in and out, again and again. He slathered his

fingers with lube before he added another finger. He glanced over at Scarlett who watched it all
unfold with

wide-eyed wonder. “Say it, Drake. I won’t give you what you want until you beg for it.”

“Trevor. Please.” Drake’s tone immediately changed, softer and pleading but Trevor wasn’t ready

“If you beg I’ll let Scarlett suck your cock and swallow your come.” He looked directly at her. “Do

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you want to do that, Scarlett? Will you swallow all of Drake’s come like a good girl?”

She nodded, licked her lips, looking like his every wanton naughty girl dream come to life. “Yes.”

“Say it, sweetheart. Tell Drake you’ll suck his cock.” He fucked Drake with three fingers now, a

vigorous in and out. Drake’s ass was completely open to him, ready to accommodate Trevor’s cock.

“I want to suck your cock, Drake. I want to feel your come slide down my throat.” She gave a little

gasp when she finished talking, as if she couldn’t quite believe she just said that. Trevor couldn’t help


But Drake wasn’t laughing. No, he was thrusting back against Trevor’s fingers, shifting back and

forth, his loud breathing filling the room. “Please, Trevor, please. Fuck me and let Scarlett suck my

Trevor withdrew his fingers from Drake’s ass and grabbed his cock, guiding it toward the now fully

prepared hole. He pushed the head of his cock just inside, felt the fiery heat of Drake’s ass lick at his

even through the condom. Trevor closed his eyes, breathed deep.

Fuck, Drake’s ass was tight. It was going to be so good. He opened his eyes and flicked his head at

Scarlett. “Get beneath him, babe, and suck him off. He deserves it.”


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She scrambled beneath Drake on her back, her lips wrapping around Drake’s cock just as Trevor

pushed inside him, as deep as he could get until his balls brushed against Drake’s ass.

“Oh yes,” Drake hissed, moving between the two of them. Fucking Scarlett’s mouth and sending

Trevor deeper inside his ass. “Yes, just like that.”

Trevor could tell by the tension in Drake’s body, the franticness of his movements that he wasn’t

going to last long. He was already close to coming. Trevor gave it to him as fast as he could,

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pumping his cock inside Drake’s ass again and again. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled

Trevor’s ears, urging him on even more. He gripped Drake’s hips, fucking him in earnest.

Drake moaned, Scarlett moaned. “I’m coming,” Drake cried out. His body thrust forward, obviously

shooting his semen into Scarlett’s mouth. She groaned again, taking it like the good girl that she was.

Trevor had never been prouder.

In fact, he was coming as well, the scent of sex in the air, the writhing of everyone’s bodies, and the

low, sexy moans too much for him to bear. Trevor came and came, his muscles stretched taut. His

gripped Drake’s hips so hard, surely, he was hurting him.

But at the moment, he didn’t care. He was too wrapped up in his orgasm, too enraptured with the sight

of Scarlett scooting from beneath Drake’s body, her mouth still damp with come. Trevor grabbed her
by the

leg, hauling her close and she went up on her knees. He tugged on her hair, so hard she gasped. Their

mouths were pressed together, and he licked her, licking away the come that coated her lips, his

tangling with hers as they groaned into each other’s mouths.

She tasted good, she tasted delicious, her own unique flavor and the unmistakable taste of a man’s

come combined. He didn’t care if he was some sort of sick and twisted pervert. He got off on this,
and he

knew Scarlett did, too.

Her enthusiasm as she kissed him more than showed that.

“Baby, you are dirty,” he whispered against her mouth, softening his lips, giving her a sweet kiss.

She smiled against his mouth. “So are you.”

Trevor withdrew from Drake, who collapsed in a heap on the bed. Trevor got up and disposed of the

condom in a trashcan in Drake’s room, running both of his hands through his sweat drenched hair.

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lay sprawled across the bed on his stomach, his head turned to the side, one arm out so his fingers

down Scarlett’s thigh. She sat close to Drake, a little smile curving her lips as she leaned over and

Drake a little smack on his ass.

“It’s a nice ass,” she said when she caught Trevor watching her.

With a smile, he joined them on the bed, grabbing Scarlett’s waist so he could position her just like he

wanted. He nudged Drake in the shoulder, who turned to look at them both, a sleepy expression on his

“We’ll rest for a few minutes, but then it’s Scarlett’s turn again,” he said. Drake nodded.

Trevor caught the exhausted yet excited look on her face, his heart expanding with emotion.



Later, when this was all over he was going to talk to her. And tell her how he felt.

He could only hope that she’d be receptive.

Anticipation slipped through Scarlett’s veins, heating her blood, making her shiver. They needed a

few moments to recover. What they’d just gone through had been exhausting and exhilarating. Now

men studied her with intent, their gazes equally hot as they searched over her very naked, very open

Who knew she would ever do something like this? That she would enjoy it so much. Watching Trevor

fuck Drake had been so sexy. Sucking Drake’s cock, drinking his come, having Trevor lick the semen

her lips… God.

She shivered again, shocked by everything they’d done. They were going to do more, too. It was her

turn once again, and she was more than ready for what they were about to do to her.

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What exactly were they going to do to her?

“I’m going to fuck your ass,” Trevor whispered in her ear, as if he knew exactly what she was

thinking. “And Drake’s gonna fuck that pretty little pussy of yours. That pussy belongs to me though.

just being generous tonight.”

She nodded, unable to find her voice. Trevor hovered above her, his face in hers, his breath fanning

over her lips.

“Does your pussy belong to me, Scarlett?”

“Yes,” she whispered, her body, her heart aching.

“Do you belong to me?” His gaze darkened, his lips brushed against hers, feather soft. She let forth a

ragged sigh.

“Yes.” She did belong to him and no one else. She’d never thought a man could possess her body and

soul like Trevor did but she’d been mistaken.

And she was glad for it. She needed him. More than she cared to admit.

“Do you trust me?” He kissed her again, longer this time. She jumped when she felt Drake touch her

thigh once more, his fingers drifting down the side of her leg.

“I do,” she murmured against his mouth, and she felt him smile.

“Good. I won’t hurt you. I’m going to make it good for you. We’ll both make it good for you.”

“I know.” And she did. She knew without a doubt that he would meet his promise.

Trevor didn’t say another word. He gestured for Drake and they both came over her, blocking her

view so all she saw was big, sweaty male bodies hovering above her, hungry expressions on their

And then they were sliding down, both of them sucking her nipples deep into their mouths like they

before, their hands wandering, touching her everywhere. Fingers collided as both went for her pussy.

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could hear how wet she was as their fingers searched and played, delicate and firm.


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She arched into their touch, gasping when one of them slid a finger deep inside of her and she arched

her hips, reaching for her orgasm already.

“Not yet, baby,” she heard Trevor whisper. She relaxed, let them take over, taking comfort that they

would make sure she was given the pleasure she so desperately wanted.

They worked her into a frenzy. Drake grabbed her hands and drew her up, positioning her so she went

on her hands and knees, Trevor lying below her. He licked her pussy with long, languorous strokes,

fingers gripping at her ass, getting closer and closer until he was touching her anus.

Drake touched her there, too. He grabbed the lube, his fingers slick with it as he brushed and teased

her anus, his finger tracing the ridged skin, tickling her there. She gasped and groaned, pushed her

directly into Trevor’s welcoming mouth, her orgasm slamming into her. Trevor urged her with

murmurs against her pussy, his hands tight on her ass cheeks, holding her open for Drake’s seeking

“You’re relaxed because you came,” Drake explained close to her ear just before he licked it. She

shivered. “Your ass is so hot and tight.”

Trevor moved so that she no longer sat on his face. “She’s hot and tight?”

“Oh yeah,” Drake said. “Ever been fucked in the ass, Scarlett?”

“No.” She shook her head. “Never.”

“That’s why it’s mine. I’m the only one who’ll take her there.” Trevor smacked Scarlett on the ass.

“Move sweetheart. Let’s get into position.”

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Her skin tingled where Trevor spanked her, and she watched Drake lay down on the bed. Her blood

fizzed as the men both sheathed themselves with fresh condoms. Trevor wrapped his fingers around

waist and gently guided her over Drake, her hands landing on either side of his head. Drake smiled up

her, his green eyes glittering. She bent down, pressed an open mouthed kiss to his lips.

“Relax,” he urged, his hands smoothing up and down her back. “And enjoy.”

Trevor moved closer, his cock brushing against her anus, and her body tensed automatically. Drake’s

hands dropped, circling around so he could cup her breasts, and he teased the tips of her nipples with


Trying to get her to relax, she realized. Trying to ease her fear. Though she was excited yes, she was

also fearful. A little scared that it might hurt though she knew Trevor would never hurt her on

Without a word, Drake slid inside her, his cock hard and pulsing, filling her completely. She gasped

the unexpected invasion. He felt good, amazing and when Trevor nudged against her ass once more,

tensed again.

“Come on, Scarlett.” Trevor ran his hands all over ass, fingers stroking first one, then the other cheek

before they landed in between. “Open up for me and let me in.”

She breathed deep and relaxed her lower muscles as best she could, tried to be loose for him. He

nudged again, harder this time, the head of his cock almost breeching her ass and she cried out.



Drake fucked her nice and slow, his hands going to her waist, tilting her up so Trevor had better

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advantage. She moaned when he went deep, the base of his cock bumping her clit and Trevor took

advantage, sliding deeper until he was fully seated in her ass.

It burned. It stung. She was full, fuller than she’d ever been before, and she hung her head, breathed


Trevor stayed still, his cock throbbing in her ass, long and hot. Drake didn’t move either, and it hit her

that she had not just one but two cocks buried inside her body.

And then they started to move, Drake sliding deeper while Trevor slid out. Back and forth, in rhythm,

in and out, in and out and Scarlett tried to move with them.

It was impossible. She was being so thoroughly fucked there was no need to find any sort of rhythm

to keep up with them. They fucked her completely, their cocks sliding against each other, the only

the thin skin that separated them. They had to feel each other, had to find that arousing and the thought

alone could send her flying to yet another climax.

She didn’t know if her poor worn out body could take it. She was exhausted, exhilarated, thrilled,

amazed and when she felt the familiar tremor in her belly she knew it was about to happen.

“She’s gonna come,” Trevor muttered, increasing his movements, thrusting so deep inside her the

sting intensified, the pleasure pain so overwhelming she came with a scream that Drake’s neighbors

probably heard.

They continued to fuck her through her orgasm, and she came again when she felt Trevor’s wash over

him. Her body shuddered, twitched through her release and made Drake orgasm as well. All three of

were writhing, shuddering masses of flesh, coming and groaning until they all fell to a heap on top of

other, Scarlett crushed between both men.

It felt unbelievably delicious and if she never experienced anything like this again, she was all right

with that.

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At least she’d done it once. Just to do it. And it had been amazing.

Trevor drew her into his arms and held her close, her face pressed against his muscled chest. She

slipped her arms around him and breathed deep, loving how he held her so carefully yet had fucked
her so


Such a contradiction, one she wanted to explore and experience again and again. But only with him.

All she needed was him. Trevor.

“Are you all right? Did I hurt you?” His words of concern washed over her, and he stroked a hand

over her hair in comfort.

“No.” She shook her head, her face against his chest.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes.” She withdrew from him, shooting him a smile. “Definitely.”


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He touched her cheek, his fingers gentle upon her skin, his gaze dimming. He studied her carefully,

his lips parted as if he wanted to say something. Her heart lurched.

It looked serious, whatever he wanted to say. And it scared her.

But then his face cleared and he smiled, leaned in and kissed her. Gently, lovingly and she felt herself

tumble over.

Headed straight into love.


Chapter Ten

“Where’s Trevor? I thought he’d come with you.”

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Scarlett glanced up to find Austin studying her with a questioning expression on his face, a beer

clutched in his hand. She shrugged, hoping for nonchalance when feeling anything but. “He’s in New

for that audition.”

“Still?” Austin whistled low. “Must be some audition.”

“Are you talking about Trevor?” Michaela appeared out of nowhere, wrapping her arms tight around

Austin’s middle, laying claim to what was hers. Not like anyone would deny her claim. This couple
was so

together, so in love with each other it made everyone around them a little sick.

With envy, at least on Scarlett’s part. She wished she could be open, free in showing her feelings for

Trevor as Michaela was with Austin. She knew it had been a struggle between them, and Austin had
had to

fight to prove to Michaela that she was the one he wanted.

Their ease, their comfort with each other was both beautiful and disgusting, Scarlett thought, her

normal cynicism shining through. Maybe someday…

Hah. With the way things were going in New York with Trevor, she had a feeling she’d be wishing

him goodbye versus hello-let-me-hand-you-my-heart.

Well, too late. She’d already handed him her heart. He just didn’t know it.

They were at a barbecue at the director’s house on a Sunday afternoon. Relaxing and eating and

drinking. Lots of people were there, not just from the theatre but from all over the place. Scarlett had

the majority of her time since she’d showed up gabbing and catching up with friends.

She spotted Michaela’s friend Carly talking with a man she didn’t know, a very handsome man. Well,

she should consider Carly her friend as well since the three of them still met once a week for

chips and salsa and gossip. Michaela had proven to be a good friend, and Carly was slowly earning

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trust, too.

It was nice, having friends. People she could count on, confess to.

A commotion went on at the wooden gate that led into the giant backyard, and Scarlett craned her

neck to see Drake enter holding hands with…Brad.

“Holy shit, I never saw that coming,” Austin muttered, shaking his head.

Michaela laughed with delight. “I think it’s perfect. They make a cute couple.”

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Scarlett couldn’t deny that they did. Drake was tall and handsome, his wavy hair slicked back from

his head and wearing a coral colored polo shirt and tight fighting jeans. The somewhat feminine color

worked on him, making him appear even more masculine, especially next to the handsome yet pretty

They were both beaming, happiness clearly shining on their faces, and Scarlett shook her head. She

had to agree with Austin.

She kind of couldn’t believe it either.

The men headed toward them, Brad’s gaze fixed on Austin, Drake’s fixed on Scarlett. They each had

a history going on with the men. Scarlett’s threesome with Drake had been almost a month ago, hard

believe the time had gone by so quickly. And of course, Austin’s long suffering relationship with

From friends to lovers to friends again, those two had been through so much and were still close.

understood and accepted their relationship—Austin was lucky to have her.

Jealousy was an ugly thing. Scarlett was surrounded by happy couples, and she ached for Trevor.

Physically and mentally ached for him.

“Hey, Scarlett.” Drake smiled at her, slung his arm around Brad’s shoulders. “You know Brad,

“Of course. We go way back.” She smiled at both of them, hoping like crazy it didn’t look forced.

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“Hi, Brad.”

“Hey, Scarlett.” He disengaged himself from Drake and hugged her, held her close for a brief moment

until he let her go. “You’re looking good.”

“So are you two.” She paused, her gaze going from Brad to Drake. “I didn’t realize you guys were a


“It’s new. We’ve only been seeing each other for a few weeks.” Drake reached for Brad’s hand

“But when you know, you know, right?”

Wow. No, she didn’t know. She’d been in denial for so long it had taken her a while to see that a

really good thing had been in her face all along. “That’s great.”

“Where’s Trevor?” Brad asked, looking around the backyard. “I thought you two have been seeing

each other.”

“We have. We are. He’s, um, he’s in New York.” He’d been gone for five days when it was supposed

to be a two-day trip. He’d planned on going to this get together with her, but now she was facing the

questions alone.

It sucked.

“Oh right, I heard about that. An audition, right?”

God, was nothing a secret? She’d learned this long ago but, jeez, news traveled fast around here. She

shouldn’t complain since it was good news.

And she had to keep on telling herself it was good news, too. Great news, the opportunity Trevor was

being given. She’d talked to him last night on the phone, briefly. He’d sounded happy, ecstatic to be in



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city, auditioning for a Broadway play. Not off-Broadway either but the real deal. He’d been a semi-

and was now a finalist for the part. There were four other men he was competing with for the role,
and the

way he talked, he had it in the bag.

That meant he would leave Los Angeles and Scarlett for at least a six-month run, maybe longer. The

minute she’d hung up the phone she’d started to cry.

She was losing him, and she hated that.

“Yes, an audition,” she finally answered, wrapping her arms around herself. “I think he might get it.”

Drake’s eyebrows rose. “That’s major. I bet he’s excited.”


“How about you, honey? Are you excited?” Brad watched her carefully. Like he knew exactly what

she thought, how she felt.

“I’m happy for him. This is what he wants, to further his career.” She chose her words with care, not

wanting to reveal her complete and utter sadness over the situation.

“But what about you two and your relationship?” Drake asked.

“It was never anything that serious, you know.” Scarlett shrugged, playing it off. Like it didn’t matter

when it really mattered more than anything. “We’ve had our fun, but if he needs to go, then he goes.”

“You sound amazingly okay with everything,” Drake said, wonder in his voice.

“Uh huh.” Brad shook his head, not believing a word she said, she could tell. He’d always been far

too perceptive. It made her uncomfortable. “You’re in love with him, right?”

Drake’s mouth dropped open, as did Scarlett’s. “Uh, no. I don’t think so.”

“De Nile isn’t just a river in Egypt you know.” Brad reached out and grabbed her by the shoulder,

giving her a little shake. “Tell that man how you feel, honey. Don’t let him get away if this opportunity

going to snatch him up. Maybe he would want you to go with him.”

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“I doubt that.” She actually snorted. She’d contemplated it, dreamed about it. She would go with him

to New York, become a makeup artist or costume designer for an off-Broadway production, getting

name out there until ultimately she worked on Broadway. Maybe someday get nominated for a Tony…

Okay, she was really reaching, but a girl was allowed to dream.

“I don’t know,” Drake said quietly. “I don’t doubt that he’s in love with you. He seems pretty taken

with you.”

A secret look passed between them, and Scarlett knew exactly what he was referring to. That night

and the three of them together. How commanding and possessive Trevor had been, yet tender and

too. Always taking care of her needs. He had made it known that she was his, that she belonged to
him. If

any other man would’ve tried, she would’ve laughed in their faces.

With Trevor, she wanted it, craved his possessive nature. It made her feel even more womanly,

feminine, yet in control. Really she had no control whatsoever when it came to him.


Karen Erickson

“I don’t think it’s love. It’s just lust.” That’s what she tried to convince herself. Love was so damn


“Go to him,” Brad urged with a soft smile. “Tell him how you feel. Let him know you would do

anything for him.”

She laughed nervously, glanced about the yard. She’d forgotten Austin and Michaela had been

standing next to them, but they were gone, almost clear across the yard deep in conversation with

couple. She didn’t want anyone else to hear this ridiculous conversation.

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Scarlett wanted to believe though. She wanted to believe in her heart that if she went to Trevor and

said all of those things he would welcome her words, her feelings and her with open arms.

“Talk about going out on a limb,” Drake muttered with a shake of his head. “Come on, Brad.”

“Oh please, you loved it when I confessed my feelings to you.” Brad nudged him with an elbow to the

side. “I’m just giving her advice. She doesn’t have to take it if she doesn’t want to.”

“I do appreciate your advice, Brad, thank you. I’ll think about it.”

“Don’t think too long, honey. You don’t want to lose that man.” Brad wagged a finger at her.

“I won’t.” Her smile was weak. Nerves ate at her insides, and the smell of cooking meat suddenly

held no appeal. She’d come to the party starving.

Now there was no way she could eat. She was too worried about her feelings for Trevor and his

feelings for her.

Trevor had tried to call Scarlett all day Sunday and now into Monday. He was practically bursting

with his news, eager to share it with someone who cared, someone who mattered to him.


He’d called his parents after he hadn’t been able to get a hold of her, waking them up early this

morning to share the news. They’d both been cautiously thrilled, excited that he was finally making

dreams come true but apprehensive that he would be clear across the country.

Typical parents’ stuff. He understood their worries and reassured them. All the while, it nagged at

that he didn’t want to be alone clear across the country from the only home he’d ever known.

He wanted Scarlett to go with him.

Would she want to? Would she be interested? His girl didn’t like risks, and this was one of the

moves of all. Asking her to pack her stuff and move to New York with him with no job prospects,

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but their feelings for each other.

He ran a hand through his hair and let loose a frustrated sigh as he glanced about the hotel room. He

was coming home tomorrow, but he wanted to talk to her today, needed to talk to her. He was fairly

bursting with the urge to speak with her.

So why the hell wouldn’t she pick up the goddamn phone?



Maybe she was pissed at him. Their phone call on Saturday night hadn’t been long. He’d been in a

hurry, hanging out with some of the people he’d auditioned with including the assistant director of the

They were going to dinner, and it was imperative that he go and make a good impression.

It had worked. The assistant director had essentially told him that night he wanted Trevor for the role.

And he had gotten it. First thing this morning he’d been given the official offer, and he’d readily

Trevor glared at his quiet cell phone. Damn, he hated trying calling her again but he had to. He

couldn’t resist. Grabbing the phone, he hit the speed dial button and waited to listen to the endless

The woman didn’t even have a voice mail or answering machine at her house. And he wasn’t in the

mood to leave yet another message on her cell. He’d try her on her house phone and if she didn’t

forget it, he would wait for her call.

She picked up on the sixth ring, just when he’d been about to give up, issuing a breathless hello. His

cock stirred at the first sound of her voice, the whispery quality reminding him of how she sounded

before she came. He closed his eyes, shook his head. Desperate for clarity.

“Hey,” he said, keeping it simple.

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“Trevor. How are you?”

He wished she said she missed him. He missed her like crazy. “I’m great. Scarlett.” He paused for

dramatic effect. He couldn’t help it—he was an actor. “I got the part.”

“You did?” Her voice sounded small, flat, and his brows drew together. “That’s great.”

“Rehearsals start in a month. I have to get my shit together, find a place and come out here. But I

can’t wait.”

“I’m sure you can’t. Wonderful news, Trevor. I’m sure you’re excited.”

Say it dumbass. Just say it. “I’m definitely excited. I was hoping you’d be excited, too.”

“I’m just freaking thrilled. What do you want me to say? Yipee, I can’t wait until you leave me. Is that

what you want?”

Trevor swore he heard her sob. He clutched his cell tighter, wishing like hell he was there with her.

Maybe he should’ve saved this until they were face-to-face. “I’ll be home tomorrow, Scarlett. We can

about this then.”

“I don’t think so, Trevor. What more could we have to say? You took the new job, you’re leaving

L.A. I couldn’t be happier for you. I understand if you don’t want to see me anymore. It would be

right? We can’t be together. Long distance relationships never work.”

“Damn it, Scarlett, listen to me, we need to talk. There are a few things I need to tell you.”

“I don’t think so. Take care. Have a safe flight home.” And with those final words, she hung up.

Trevor stared at his phone in disbelief. What the fuck had happened? She’d dissed him because she

thought he was leaving her. He’d wanted to ask her to go and instead he felt as if he had driven her

even more.


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Karen Erickson

Shit. He ran his hand through his hair again, frustration making his blood boil. He was going straight

to her place after he touched down at LAX tomorrow. And if he had to hold her down and tie her up

make her listen to him, he would do it. He was that serious.

Tomorrow, he was going to tell Scarlett Goldsmith that he loved her.


Chapter Eleven

“Why are you even calling me when you wouldn’t take my advice?”

Scarlett swallowed hard, sunk herself deeper into her pillow. She’d gone back to bed when she got

the phone with Trevor yesterday, too depressed to do anything else. Thank goodness, she was off of

for a short interim while the new cast and production was in the works. She needed a little downtime.

A little downtime so she could get chastised for being an idiot.

“Do you want me to say you were right?” Scarlett had called Brad hoping for sympathy, and he’d

given her a nice dose of reality instead.

She deserved it. She shouldn’t have talked to Trevor like that, shouldn’t have pushed him away. But

she always pushed him away. She did that every time someone got too close.

Well, now she was full of regret. For once, she realized she’d really made a mistake. And she wanted

to beg Trevor for his forgiveness. Forget the conversation yesterday even happened. Then, then she

ask him to take her to New York with him.

God. Just thinking about that made her want to throw up. How would she ever work up the nerve?

“I definitely want you to say I’m right because I am. ” Brad tsked at her. “Why didn’t you tell him

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what you wanted? Why didn’t you tell him how you felt?”

“I don’t know.” Her voice sounded small, weak to her own ears, and she choked back the tears that

threatened. Damn it, she was done crying. She never cried. Certainly never over a guy.

Oh, she was pitiful.

“You need to call him. You need to go see him. When does he get back?”

“I think he’s already back.” She sniffed. “I can’t go see him. I don’t want to face him. What if he

rejects me?”

“What if he doesn’t? Don’t you want to take that chance?”

“I never take chances.” Taking a chance meant taking a risk, and she just wasn’t up to it. Certainly not

now, when her chance for failure was strong.

“You’ll never know until you try,” Brad said softly.

A tear slipped down her cheek, and she wiped it away furiously. “Do you think he’ll listen to what I

have to say?”

“He seems like a pretty good guy. Drake said he was, and I value his opinion above all others.” Brad

paused. “I know what happened between all of you.”

Karen Erickson

Scarlett swallowed hard. “You do?”

“Oh stop sounding worried. I don’t care. What happened, happened. Now I can brag to you how good

Drake is and you’ll know it’s true.” Brad snickered.

“God, please don’t ever do that.” She shook her head but couldn’t help the little smile forming on her

lips. “Let’s just keep that fact between ourselves.”

“Whatever, doll. Now get off the phone with me and go talk to your man. Tell him how you really


She took a deep breath. “Okay. If you say so.”

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“You know I’m right. Quit stalling and call him. Or better yet, go see him,” Brad urged.

“Fine, fine. I’ll call him.” No way could she face him. If he did reject her, she’d rather have it happen

over the phone.

Then she wouldn’t have to see his handsome face and know that he didn’t want her anymore.

She hung up the phone with Brad and blew out a harsh breath. She should take a shower, wake herself

up a little bit before she called him.

You’re stalling, just like Brad accused you of.

Yep, she sure was. No reason to deny it.

She crawled out of bed and was heading toward her bathroom when the doorbell rang. Giving a quick

peek in the mirror over her dresser, her heart dropped to her toes.

Confirmation that yes indeed, she looked like hell. Her hair was a massive case of bed head, she had

dark circles under her eyes and her nose was red from crying.

Without a doubt, she knew that Trevor stood on the other side of her front door. Would he recoil in

disgust when he got one look at her? Or would he accept her with open arms despite the ratty

Damn it, he shouldn’t care, and she shouldn’t either. If he really cared for her, he wouldn’t. So this

was some sort of test. She was that confident that he was the one ringing her doorbell.

Ringing her doorbell again she realized as she bolted toward the door. If she didn’t get her act

together, he would leave.

Might never return again, not that she would blame him.

Scarlett skidded to a halt in front of the door, her hand resting on the doorknob for one beat, two.

Taking a deep breath, she searched for courage, strength and wisdom—all of the above. Then she

the lock and opened the door, her eyes going wide at the sight before her.

It was indeed her Trevor, looking delicious in a white T-shirt and faded jeans, a bundle of the most

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beautiful peach colored roses she’d ever seen clutched in one hand. Her gaze flew to his face, caught

of the apprehension there and relief flooded her.

He looked as nervous as she felt.

“Hi, Scarlett.” He thrust the roses toward her in offering.



She took them from him, brought them to her nose and breathed deep. The heady fragrance of the

flowers filled her head, made her dizzy. She smiled faintly despite the fear that still held her body

“Thank you. They’re beautiful.”

“Can we talk?” She opened the door wider.

“Of course. Come in. I have a few things to say to you, too.”

“I just bet you do,” he muttered as he walked by her, startling her with the irritation in his voice. She

slowly closed the door, watched out of the corner of her eye as he strode inside her tiny apartment.

looked around, ran a hand through his hair and then rubbed the back of his neck. Gestures she

he did when he was nervous.

Again, his behavior reassured her. Made her think that maybe they were on the same page.

She desperately wanted them to be on the same page.

“Look, I know you’re going to dump me and tell me this isn’t going to work, but you’re not giving us

a chance, Scarlett,” he said. His gaze met hers when she started walking toward him, the roses
clutched to

her chest.

“Really?” Oh, she was feeling better by the second. His gray eyes darkened with a hint of anger, and

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she wanted to smile. She barely held it in check.

“Hell yes, really. You didn’t even give me a chance to finish talking to you yesterday on the phone.

And what I was about to ask you was really important, Scarlett.” Yeah, he was definitely mad. The

irritation was written on his face. She hated to admit it, but she kind of liked it when he was angry. He

became rather passionate. And she liked it when Trevor was passionate.

Really, really liked it.

“What did you want to ask me?” She set the roses carefully on the coffee table, wishing she could put

them in water but not wanting to break the tentative connection going on with Trevor.

He blinked, surprised, she guessed, at her rather calm and rational tone. “I, well, I wanted to ask


“Because if it has anything to do with me going to New York with you, then the answer is yes,” she

interrupted, pleased at the shocked light that grew in his eyes.

It was as if he couldn’t find his voice. It took him a few moments to speak. “You’re serious. You’ll

come with me.”

“If you’ll have me.”

“Even though I’ll be the only person you know. Even though this move is a huge risk for both of us,

especially you.” His tone was flat, his expression wary. She couldn’t help it, she laughed. Not at him,
but at

the entire situation and what they were about to do.

It was crazy. It was wonderful. She couldn’t wait.


Karen Erickson

“Are you trying to talk me out of it, Trevor? So far you’re doing a great job.” She stopped in front of

him, her hands itching to touch him, pull him close, hold him forever.

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“Hell no, I don’t want to talk you out of going. Come here.” He reached for her, his fingers circling

around her wrist and pulling her close. She braced her hands against the solid wall of his chest, her

curling into the soft fabric of his shirt. God, he smelled good, felt good.

Felt like home. Felt like she belonged in his arms.

Trevor crushed her to him, holding her tight, and she buried her face against his chest. “I’m sorry,”

she murmured into his shirt. “I shouldn’t have been awful to you yesterday on the phone.”

He stroked her hair, his fingers tangling in the wild curls. “You were scared. Hell, I know I’m

“Are you, Trevor?” She glanced up at him, surprised to see so much emotion shining in his eyes. All

of it directed straight at her. “You always seem confident, so sure of what you’re doing.”

“I’m scared out of my ever loving mind. Going to New York and taking a chance like this? The

opportunity is one I can’t pass up, but it still scares the shit out of me.” His arms held her even tighter.

scares me even more to think about doing it without you.”

Her heart constricted painfully at his confession. “I can’t stand the thought of being without you


“You won’t ever be without me again if I have any say in it.” He bent his head, brushed the sweetest,

softest kiss to her mouth. “I love you, Scarlett.”

Tears sprang into her eyes at his words, and she felt them slip down her cheeks. “Oh God, Trevor, I

love you, too. More than I can say.”

He chuckled, kissed her again. Harder this time and she couldn’t stop the little groan that escaped.

“Then why are you crying?”

“They’re tears of happiness, you jerk.” She slapped his chest with her palm, gasped when he kissed

her yet again. His tongue sparred with hers, his hands wandered over her and just like that, she
wanted him.

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Wanted him naked, wanted him inside her.

It was so easy between them. Would it always be this easy?


“You just love insulting me, don’t you?” He broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against hers. She

smiled up at him.

“You have no reason to want to be with me.”

“I have every reason to want to be with you. You’re everything to me. Everything I want in a woman.

We make a great team.”

“I don’t deserve you.” Really, she didn’t. She’d fought him tooth and nail since the moment they first

started their flirtation. They’d only been together for a few months, tops. It was too soon to be in love.

soon to pick up and move clear across the country for a man.



But Brad and Drake were right. When you knew, you knew.

And Scarlett knew.

“Don’t say that sweetheart. We’re good together. You can’t deny that.”

“It’s not all sex. A relationship needs more.” Why the hell was she arguing with him? She was being


“What do you think we’ve been doing the last couple of weeks, hmm? Let’s see, we’ve been hanging

out together constantly, you spend the night at my place all the time and we go out to dinner and talk

hours about everything. Sounds like we’re having a relationship, right?” As if he couldn’t resist he

her yet again. “The sex is good, too. Fucking fantastic, just like I predicted. And I’m not protesting.

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you protesting?”

“But—” He silenced her with a single finger pressed to her lips. A gesture he’d made upon her more

than once.

Goodness, sometimes she just needed to shut up.

“Are you protesting, Scarlett?” He cocked a brow, that familiar, oh so arrogant expression on his

gorgeous face.

She really loved that face. She even loved that cocky as hell expression.

Slowly, she shook her head. “No,” she whispered, her lips moving against his finger.

He traced her lower lip, his lids lowering, a slumberous, sexy expression on his face. “Then shut up

and let me kiss you.”

“Okay,” she croaked, her panties going wet at his commanding tone.

“And when I’m done kissing you, then I’m going to get you naked and make love to you for hours. In

fact, I think we should stay in bed all day.” Both brows rose. “Have a problem with that?”

Again, she shook her head. Her body tingled at the thought. “Not at all.”

Trevor smiled, dropped his finger from her lips. “Perfect.” He dipped his head, his mouth hovering

above hers. “Now be a good girl and kiss me.”

She did. She kissed him with all the longing, all the love that had built up in her heart, her soul, her

everything. He kissed her back with the same intensity, his lips lingering, his velvety tongue hot as it

against hers. She melted in his embrace, disbelief filling her that this was actually happening. That she

getting what she wanted. That she could actually be this happy.

All thanks to Trevor.

“Are you ready to take this wild ride with me?” he asked, his mouth moving against hers.

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“It’s already been a pretty wild ride,” she cracked, and he laughed.

“It has. But it’s going to get even wilder in New York.”

She sighed, slipped her arms around his neck. “I’m ready, Trevor.”


About the Author

After leaving the crazy working world to become a stay at home mom, Karen realized she needed to

get crackin’ and pursue her lifelong dream of being a published writer. A busy mother of three, she
fits her

precious writing time in between chasing her children, hanging out with her wonderful husband and

pretending she has a maid. She lives in California.

To learn more about Karen Erickson, please vis


Send an email to

Karen at

or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other

readers as well as Karen!

Look for these titles by Karen Erickson

Now Available:


Fortune’s Deception

Fortune’s Chance

Fortune’s Promise

Midsummer Night’s Steam


Playing With Fire


Jesse’s Girl

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He always wanted what he couldn’t have…


© 2009 Karen Erickson

Playing With Fire, Book 1

Forbidden desires, secret needs…that’s not what girls are made of. At least, that’s what Michaela’s

past boyfriends told her when she revealed her darkest, dirtiest fantasies. She knows she’s better off

without the exes, but she’s lonely—and horny. It doesn’t help that her roommate, Austin, is the most

gorgeous man she’s ever laid eyes on. Too bad he’s bisexual…or so he says.

There’s a reason Austin hasn’t been with a woman in a long time. The only one he wants is Michaela.

He’s fought his attraction for months, waiting for a sign, desperate to show her she’s everything he
wants in

a lover. One illicit kiss leads to an explosive night of sex that leaves her wanting more—yet afraid.

Austin is a patient man, more than willing to tear down her boundaries piece by piece. Exposing her

pleasures she’s never known.

Trust leads her to whisper her most deeply held fantasy. One that rouses a new emotion Austin didn’t

expect: jealousy. Possessiveness. He’s the only man he wants in her life. And he’ll do whatever it
takes to

prove it…

Enjoy the following excerpt for Forbidden:

Shaking her head, she started up the stairs, her legs growing more tired with every step. The last two

weeks had been exhausting, overwhelming. So many things to learn. So many things to do. A nice

would be a joy. Especially since she’d been living on fast food lately. She wondered where Austin

taking her.

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Opening the door, she sucked in a shocked breath, drinking in what was laid out before her.

The house seemed staged for seduction. Warm golden light glowed from the dim lamps. The shades

were drawn, helping cast shadows throughout, and lit candles flickered on the coffee table, along the

kitchen counter, atop the small dining room table.

Michaela shut the door behind her, leaning against it to take the scene in. Soft music played in the

background, mellow and sensual. The apartment was actually clean—no thanks to her since she’d

so much, the couch plumped and inviting, rich velvet pillows scattered across it.

“You’re late.”

She looked up, caught the broad shadowy figure standing in the kitchen doorway. Austin emerged

from the shadows, breathtaking in a simple black button-up shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows,

faded jeans. She couldn’t move, could barely think as he approached her, his lips tilted upward, eyes

crinkling at the corners just before his mouth broke out into that full smile she loved so much.

“I’m sorry,” she said as he stopped just before her. “Work has been hectic and I tried to get out of

there on time, but Tania needed to go over something with me…”

He silenced her with the press of his index finger over her lips. She quieted, her lips parting when he

traced them, his touch sending shooting sparks of electricity spiraling throughout her body.

“You need to relax. You work too much.” His velvety voice smoothed over her, made her limbs

her heart race. He was being kind, thoughtful and she’d been such a bitch.

She didn’t deserve this. She didn’t deserve him.

Clearing her throat, she forced the words out. “Did you make dinner?”

He laughed, the sound rich and inviting, and her panties grew damp. All because of his laugh. Lord,

she had it bad. “I burn water. I ordered in. Your favorite.”

“Chan’s?” Their go-to for Chinese takeout. They both loved that place.

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Nodding, he took her hand and led her to the table. It was set with her only placemats and her favorite

dishes, cloth napkins that matched the placemats folded atop the plates. A cluster of cream candles

in the center of the table, their wicks sputtering and flickering, and she turned to look at him, the

she felt surely written all over face.

“You did this all for me?” Her voice squeaked, and she felt her cheeks heat. Embarrassment flooded

her that he would think of her like this and yet she had treated him shabbily.

“Yes.” He pushed the hair away from her shoulder, his fingers lingering on her bare skin. “We

haven’t spent much time together. I wanted to make tonight special.”

“Thank you.” She went to him, stood on tiptoe and brushed a lingering kiss to his lips. “I’m starved.”

His eyes sparkled with interest. “I’ll bring dinner out.”

He waited on her, bringing out plate after plate of steaming food, all of their favorites and she figured

he must’ve spent a fortune. The food was excellent, she spent the first ten minutes just consuming
food, no

time to talk. She couldn’t remember the last time they had ordered from Chan’s.

Austin acted like the perfect gentleman, asking her about work, and she poured her heart out, giving

him all the details of the last two weeks. She couldn’t believe she’d kept all of this from him, had

him for so long. She’d done it out of fear, afraid that things would be forever changed between them

though they were, they still had this easy comfortableness together.

Yet she was aware of him as a man. A rather sexy man. The way his fingers wrapped around his

long and tapered, smoothing up and down. Reminding her of how they had touched her, glided over

skin, sunk deep inside her.

So not smart to go there. She squirmed in her chair, her panties growing damper by the minute, and he

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caught her staring, his gaze snagging hers, a knowing look on his face.

“I’ve missed you, Michaela.” His voice was soft, husky. “But it sounds like things are crazy at work.”

“They are.” She paused and looked down, drawing her fork across her plate, playing with the leftover

rice. “I’ve been avoiding you, though. It’s not all been work.”

“I know.”

Michaela watched him, the way he slouched in his chair, his forearms resting on the edge of the table.

He looked delectable. He always did, no matter what. “You didn’t have to do all of this for me.”

“I wanted to.” He sat up straighter, his expression going serious. “We need to talk.”

Oh, God, here we go. She should tell him how she really felt. It would be easiest now, with the table

as some sort of barrier between them. She could spit it out and be done with it.

She only hoped he was receptive.

What's a werewolf to do when she finds her soul mate…twice?

Total Eclipse of the Heart

© 2008 Crystal Jordan

An In the Heat of the Night Story

In a world where all magical creatures are out of the closet, Rachel and Jerrod’s bar, Eclipse, is still

considered unconventional. Under the uneasy eye of their werewolf pack elders, Eclipse is the

of a dream—neutral territory for weres, vampires, and everything else that goes bump in the night.

That’s not all that’s out of the ordinary. Though Rachel has been faithfully mated to Jerrod for five

years, she suppresses a lingering longing for multiple partners—both male and female. And when

walks into the bar one night, Rachel’s carefully balanced world turns inside out.

Lena senses Rachel is her mate, and nothing will stop her from claiming what’s hers. Not even the

fact that no werewolf has ever had two mates at the same time. Rachel is terrified, not only of her
love for

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Lena, but also of hurting and losing Jerrod.

His possible reaction is not her only worry. The council could use her transgression to destroy their

dream—by closing down Eclipse for good.

Enjoy the following excerpt for Total Eclipse of the Heart:

My hand shook as I slid a frosty glass and a bottle of Corona onto a small round table. Unease wound

through me, and I didn’t know why. The feeling skittered up my back and made my skin crawl. I knew

feeling, but I couldn’t place it. Some instinct within me was kicking into high gear and I was drawing
a big

fat blank as to what I was supposed to be getting. It was damned annoying, and inconvenient. I woke

morning to a lead ball in my stomach, and it had only gotten worse all day. I’d done everything I could

ignore it, to hide it from Jerrod, but it hadn’t helped.

“Thanks, Rachel.”

“No problem.” I tucked my hair behind my ear and flicked another glance around the bar. The place

was packed, but that was normal. Everything appeared…normal. So why couldn’t I shake this
feeling? I

rolled my shoulders to try and ease the tension.

Fifteen more minutes and I’d be off for the night. I could drag Jerrod upstairs to our big apartment and

let him screw my brains out. I’d wake tomorrow and everything would be fine. It had to be or I was

to go nuts. Rubbing my temple, I tried to massage away a headache that began to form.

“It hurts because you’re fighting it.”

The woman’s voice had a whiskey kick to it, soft and rough at the same time. I spun to face her,

needing to see the person attached to that voice. Werewolf definitely, I could smell the wolf on her.

had the smoothest cocoa skin I’d ever seen. Her black hair fell in a riot of curls around her face and

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emphasized her ebony eyes. They were fathomless, beautiful. They drew me in, and I stepped toward

Our gazes locked, heated and my heart lurched. All the instincts I’d been suppressing today jumped up

bite me in the ass. Something snapped inside my chest, some deep pull of recognition.


“No,” I gasped the word, stumbling back and lifting my tray like it was a shield. Shock roared through

me. My heart squeezed, and I couldn’t breathe. Oh God. Oh. God.

“Yes.” Possession flashed hot in her gaze. “I’m Lena.” She stepped forward, reaching for me.

And I wanted her to touch me, stroke me. Lust twisted inside me, fire licking my veins. No. I turned

and fled for the stockroom. Jerrod would kill me. How could this happen? Was it even possible? I’d

of werewolves having two mates in one lifetime before, but after the first mate died, not at the same

No one would believe this was possible, especially not other werewolves. But, there was no denying
what I

felt. It was just like the first time I’d met Jerrod, the instantaneous kick to the heart and loin.

inside me wanted her. To know her, to love her, to possess her.

“Oh God,” I breathed. My stomach pitched, and my palms grew slick. Clamping a hand over my

mouth, I fought back the need to vomit. What was I going to do? I couldn’t lose Jerrod. Infidelity was

unheard of among my kind. Matings were for life, forever. Jerrod was my mate, my everything. A soul

mate fashioned just for me.

So was Lena.

Stomping down on the inner voice, I leaned against the wall and bent to stick my head between my

knees. My heart hammered against my ribs as all the blood rushed to my head. I just needed to
breathe, to

think clearly.

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Being bisexual, I never thought I’d have just one person forever, but life was full of surprises. And

Jerrod was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I couldn’t fuck this up. Fisting my fingers in

hair, I pressed on my skull in an attempt to ease the shrieking pain. The need to mate was there,
ripping into

me with the fierce jaws of the wolf within.

I sucked in a deep breath and pulled Lena’s scent to me. Somehow, I already knew it. It was

imbedded in my psyche already, just like Jerrod’s. Just her smell was enough to make me want, make

wet. The muscles in my thighs locked, shaking with the need to go to her. Tears pressed against my

Jerrod. Where was he? I needed his steady strength. But Lena was out there, between me and my

The door to the stockroom swung open and then closed with a solid thunk.

It was her. Lena. I didn’t need to look up to know. My instincts cried out in recognition, rioting within

me. My nipples tightened, my pussy dampening with the hot need to claim and be claimed. No. Please,

I dug my nails into my scalp, welcoming the pain. Anything to distract me from the pulsing want
clawing at

my flesh.

“Why do you run?”

My mind scrabbled for any excuse to make her leave. “You can’t be in here. Staff only.”

The heat from her body enveloped me as she stepped closer. I snapped upright, pressing my back

against the wall. There was no escape. I couldn’t get away. I didn’t want to. My breath panted out,

and instinct warring inside me. I closed my eyes, trying to shut out the inevitable.

“Rachel.” Her breath fanned against my ear.

I moaned. The sound of my name in that husky voice made my body ache with lust. “How do you

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know my name?”

“That’s what the men you served called you, isn’t it?”


Yesssss.” She flicked her tongue against my neck.

I shuddered, molten heat rolling through me. I was so wet I couldn’t stand it. My legs felt too weak to

hold me up. I tilted my head back, swallowing hard. My breath bellowed out.

Her hand lifted to cover my breast, tweaking the tight nipple. A soft cry ripped from my throat. I

arched into her caress, lust clouding my mind. Nothing mattered right now but the mating ritual, taking

what was mine. I needed it—her. Now.

Jerrod’s face flashed through my mind. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t hurt him that way. I couldn’t.

Her love for two men could save their future. Her secrets could destroy them all.

The Chancellor’s Bride

© 2009 Kirsten Saell

Recently re-elected Chancellor Collin sur-Gaerig is a rising star on the political scene, and everyone

expects he’ll soon be rewarded with an estate and title. He also has a dirty little secret: he’s in love
with his

manservant, Harral. If anyone—especially the wife he’s expected to take—discovers their affair, all

aspirations will go up in smoke.

The mysterious woman he finds lying half-dead in the street is strong, beautiful, independent…and

aroused when she catches him and Harral in a compromising position. As Aelis worms her way past

closely guarded defenses and into their bed, they realize she’s the perfect match for both of them.

But Aelis has a secret of her own, an ex-lover’s blackmail scheme that could get them all killed. To

save the men she’s come to love, she’s willing to sacrifice her own happiness, maybe even her life.

Collin’s not about to let that happen. For the first time in his life, he’s willing to risk it all in order to

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have it all. Even if it means he could lose the man he’s loved for years—and the woman they both
want to

love forever.

Enjoy the following excerpt for The Chancellor’s Bride:

“Come for another eyeful?”

She didn’t scream—no sound could have squeezed past her heart where it lodged, pulsing, in her

throat. She did jump half a foot in the air, spinning on her heel and shrinking against the wall.

Harral—gods, where had he come from?—stood there in an untucked shirt and trousers, near enough

that she could feel his heat on her all-too-bare skin. As she tried pointlessly to think of some excuse
for her

being outside Collin’s bedroom door, he crowded even closer, his eyes burning, mouth curved in a

little smile. His menacing posture was a blatant reminder of the incident last night, but she didn’t turn

face away this time. She couldn’t. His gaze held her rapt, helpless, a thrall.

Time seemed to creep along as he placed one hand on the wall beside her head, and the other gently

on her neck. The pressure of his fingers was terrifying and thrilling at the same time. Her pulse-point

fluttered against the pad of his thumb, and he stroked across it once, twice.

“That’s what you’ve come for, isn’t it?” he said, his voice soft and smooth as silk. “It excited you to

see me fucking him last night. It made you wet between your legs.”

She thought about denying it, but what would be the point? Her knees had turned to water. Despite

her rapid breaths, she couldn’t seem to get enough air. If not for his hand at her throat and the wall at

back, she’d have collapsed in a heap. His breath fanned her face like the wind from a furnace. Her

filled with pressure, so hot and wet she thought she’d come at the merest touch.

He leaned in until his lips were next to her ear. “Or maybe you’d like to join us. Is that it? Does the

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thought of us both taking you make your cunt wet?” His hand slid downward by increments, his fingers

stealing under the plunging, lace-edged neckline of her bed-gown. His mouth touched her neck, first

then tongue, then teeth, raising a shiver of need across her flesh.

“Please…” she whispered.

Please what? she had the lingering sense to wonder. God, definitely not please stop. If he stopped,

thought she might die. Her hands sought out the taut muscles of his abdomen through the fine linen of

shirt. Then his fingertips closed over her nipple and she let out a ragged moan, pulling him close.

That was all it took, that small gesture of acquiescence, for his calm to evaporate. The rasp of his

stubble scraped her jaw as his lips sought hers, slanting over them, tongue plunging deep. His hand

her breast, squeezing, his thumb flicking across the peaked nipple, sending a bolt of pleasure straight
to her

soaking pussy. Pressing forward, he ground his cock against her mound, and she angled her hips to

her clit harder against him. Her hands found their way under the hem of his shirt, clutching at the
roughtextured skin of his back.

He tore his lips from hers, jerked the strap of her gown from her shoulder to bare her breast, lowered

his mouth to it. Sucked so hard she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming.

He paused long enough to growl against her skin, “This is what you want, isn’t it? Tell me you want


She was drowning in lust, one hand fisted in his hair, holding his face to her breast. God, she did want

this, she wanted everything he’d said, all of it. “I…”

His lips closed over her nipple once more, pulling hard, his tongue flicking across the hypersensitive

bead. She opened her eyes to watch the motions of his mouth on her flesh and in the periphery of her

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saw Collin standing in his open bedroom doorway.

With a cry, she shoved Harral away from her, slid down along the wall a few steps, distancing herself

from them both. Swiped a hand across her mouth as if she could wipe away Harral’s kisses.

Collin, dressed only in loose Kahlian sleeping trousers, let his gaze crawl from her tousled hair and

swollen lips to her exposed breast. Cringing inwardly, she jerked her strap up and fruitlessly tried to

her hair, then realized in horror that his gaze had settled on the junction of her legs. She glanced down

see a patch of her own wetness on her gown, a perfect match for the smaller one on the front of


Her face hot, she resisted the urge to cover herself and forced her gaze to Collin’s.

“Please, don’t the two of you stop on my account,” he said quietly, his lips curling upward at one


Oh, god, what had she been thinking, coming out here to spy on them? Yes, she wanted this. She

wanted them both. Could hardly make herself think of anything else. But what she wanted and the safe,

sane, intelligent choice were two completely different things. Regardless of what she’d told Collin in

library, this wasn’t just business to her anymore. She couldn’t afford to get involved with these men.

“I’m sorry,” she said hoarsely. “This was a mistake. If you’ll excuse me…”

She turned and fled down the hall, but Collin’s voice froze her with her hand on her doorknob.

“I have decided to accept your offer of payment, Aelis,” he said.

Her breath wheezed to a stop. Slowly, she turned to face him. Harral stood panting where she’d left

him, his hair mussed, face flushed, eyes hot and hard. Collin, in comparison, was the picture of

She opened her mouth to rescind the offer she’d made him in the library, but he cut her off.

“I’ve taken the time to compile a tally of what you owe, from the clothing to the bill from the

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physician, and I will expect the money within fourteen days. You will not be charged for bed and

refuse to put a price on my hospitality—nor for any items you do not take with you when you leave my

house. I want to make sure everything between us is fair and above board.”

She blinked, stymied. He wanted money? “Ah…thank you.”

He smiled coolly. “Good. Now that the matter of your debt is settled, I have just one more thing to

say. This door—” he gestured toward his bedchamber—“is open to you should you wish to walk
through it.

It will remain open—in both directions—for as long as it pleases you. But know this—I will permit

more talk of debts or payment. Behind that door, there will be no trade between us but that of pleasure

given and pleasure taken. Do you understand, Aelis?”

“Yes” she croaked, her throat so tight she was amazed she could get the word out.

“Freely,” he said, his gaze boring into her, “or it is worth nothing.”

She stared, stuck in place by her own terror. After a moment, Collin reached a hand out to Harral.

“Come to bed, love,” he said softly, lacing their fingers together. He led Harral into the bedroom and,

giving Aelis one last meaningful look, shut the door behind them.

She stood rooted to the spot just outside her own door. Smoothed one shaking hand down the front of

her gown. The patch of wetness had cooled in the air, but between her legs she was on fire.

Why would Collin take her money and then invite her into his bed? He would have both my money

and my body, he wants to profit twice from the same transaction, she thought fleetingly. But no.
He’d said

walking through that door was her choice. And he hadn’t even wanted her money until she’d made it

there was only one other option, one that was unacceptable to him.

Freely, or it is worth nothing.

He wasn’t treating her the way a man treated a woman. He was dealing with her as an equal.

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Her heart began to pound, hard and fast. Before she could talk herself out of it, she walked straight to

his door and pushed it open.

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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

It’s all about the story…









Red Hots!


Science Fiction


Young Adult

Document Outline

Karen Erickson
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

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Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
About the Author
Look for these titles by Karen Erickson
Now Available:
Fortune�s Deception
Fortune�s Chance
Fortune�s Promise
Midsummer Night�s Steam
Playing With Fire
Jesse�s Girl
He always wanted what he couldn�t have�
� 2009 Karen Erickson
What's a werewolf to do when she finds her soul mate�twice?
Total Eclipse of the Heart
� 2008 Crystal Jordan
Her love for two men could save their future. Her secrets could destroy them all.
The Chancellor�s Bride
� 2009 Kirsten Saell
�Come for another eyeful?�
Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
It�s all about the story�
Red Hots!
Science Fiction
Young Adult


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