(Maybe, #2 5) Time and Time Again Chantal Fernando

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Things seemed to go in my favour, whether by will or by nature.







Jobless and on the verge of being homeless, I find a strength in me that
I didn’t even know existed and discover an unlikely savior --- Tag.

He avoids commitment like the plague, and starting anything with him

















Oh, right. Because I want him more than I want my next breath

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M P T t M t

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One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve

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Thirteen Epilogue Also by Chantal Fernando

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TIME AND TIME AGAIN Copyright © 2014 Chantal Fernando
Published December 2014 Cover design

© Arijana Karcic, Cover



Edited by

Erinn Giblin

Formatting by

Max Effect

AmazingBooks. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment
only. This
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applicable copyright law. Any unauthorized distribution, circulation or
use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author's rights, and
those responsible may be liable in law accordingly. Thank you for
respecting the work of this author.
TIME AND TIME AGAIN is a work of fiction. All names, characters,
places and events portrayed in this book either are from the author's
imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons,
living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental

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and not intended by the author. Please do
not take offence to the content, as it is
Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to
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service marks of their respective
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Three weeks.
It's been three weeks since I lost my job. Cuts had to be made, and I was
the youngest and had been there the shortest. It wasn't as though I loved
my job at the hotel, but it paid the bills. Now, I am in desperate need of
another job. I've applied everywhere I can think of, and I've even been
to two interviews, but nothing. My resume isn't that

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impressive. I finished high school and was hired straight away as a
receptionist at Western Hotel. I'd been there for two years before they
fired me, and it was the only work experience I had. I was living pay
check to pay check, and now my rent is three weeks overdue. My
landlord gave me one more week before he would kick me out. I had no
savings or credit card. In other words, I'm screwed.
I suppose I could always go back to one of my parent's houses, but I
don't want to. They live in Melbourne, which is on the other side of the
country, and I have no intention of going back there to see them any
time soon. Standing up

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from my seat on the bus, I walk to the exit and hop down the step.
"Thank you," I call out to the bus driver then make my way down the
street. I was wearing a professional looking outfit. At least I thought it
was. A black, knee-length pencil skirt hugged my hips and matched my
crisp, white shirt that didn't show too much cleavage. My red hair was
pulled away from my face in low pony tail, and my complexion was
make up free aside from some mascara and eyeliner rimming my green
eyes. My heels make a clicking noise as I scan the shops, bars, and
restaurants, looking for a help wanted sign or anything that could give

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me some hope. I was down to my last fifty dollars, and it wasn't looking
good. I'd been surviving on two-minute noodles, fruit, and tap water for
far too long, and it had begun to take a toll on my once curvy figure.
That is the least of your problems, Clara.
Buying a newspaper as I walk past the newsagency, I take a seat on a
bench and skim over the employment ads. Pulling a pen from my
handbag, I circle a few of the job positions I think I could manage, most
of them being reception or retail work. I don't think I'd be very good at
sales, but I am good at customer service. Sliding the newspaper under

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arm, I walk into a few businesses and ask if they're looking to hire
anyone. Three say no, and one says maybe, stating they will give me a
call. Feeling hopeful, I head to the closest coffee shop to splurge on a
latte. After paying the cashier, I take my warm drink and walk back
towards the bus stop. As I'm leaving the coffee shop, however, I bump
into someone.
Or did he bump into me?
My latte falls to the ground, splashing both of us on the way down.
"Shit," I mutter, the newspaper under my arm falling too. Wiping my
hand down my now, not-so-crisp white shirt, I lift the material away
from my skin so it

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doesn't burn me.
"Fuck, I'm sorry," comes a deep, masculine tone.
I look up into a pair of dark eyes.
"It's okay," I mutter. "Just seems to be the month I'm having."
He runs a hand over his shaved head. "Your shirt is ruined."
"I'll live."
He reaches down and picks up the newspaper, glancing at it before
handing it back to me.
"At least let me give you my shirt," he says, staring at the stain on my
left breast.
I raise my eyebrow. "You going to walk around shirtless then?"

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He smirks. "Not quite." He pulls off his black shirt, revealing a white
wife beater underneath. Holy muscles.
My eyes grow wide at the sight of his broad shoulders and ripped
biceps, and I couldn't help but notice a flash of his smooth, hard chest
through the thin material.
"I didn't know they made them like this in real life."
"What?" he asks amid a soft chuckle.
I snap out of it. "What? I didn't say anything."
His lips kick up at the corners as he hands me his shirt. "It's not
"You looking for a job?" he asks. "I

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might be able to help."
I glance up at him in suspicion. "What kind of job are we talking about
He grins at that, rubbing his hand over his goatee. I never liked goatees,
but on him, it was hot. Everything about him was. "Nothing like what
you're thinking. Bar work. Why don't you come in tomorrow night and
we'll see what we can do?"
"Really?" I ask, unable to mask the hope in my voice.
His eyes soften. "Yeah, really. You ever heard of Knox's Tavern?"
I nod. I had heard of it. It was meant to be one of the best bars in Perth.

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"Come find me there tomorrow afternoon," he says, taking a step back.
"Ask for Tag."
"Thank you," I reply, clutching his shirt to my chest. "I really need this
"What's your name, sweetheart?" he asks, studying me.
"Clara," he repeats. "I'll see you tomorrow."
I swallow hard. Could it really be that easy?
I didn't have anything to lose; that was for sure. A bar was a safe, public
place, so nothing could go wrong.
I watch as Tag swaggers away,

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probably unaware that he just made my year. Smiling to myself, I head
to the bus stop.
Maybe my bad luck was about to change.
It's a Thursday night, so I don't anticipate the bar being too busy. I was
Feeling nervous, I fiddle with the sleeve of my black t-shirt as I enter
the bar, my gaze scanning the establishment. When I see Tag serving at
the bar, I walk in his direction. He smiles when he sees me, calming my
nerves a little.
"Clara," he says. "Wait there just a second."

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He serves two more customers then returns to me. "Spoke to my boss.
Are you looking for day shifts or night?"
I look around. "It's open during the
He nods. "Reid and Ryan just turned it into a bar slash restaurant during
the day, so it's open from nine AM until
"Either is fine," I reply. I'll take anything I can get.
"But you would prefer... ?"
"Day...," I say, quickly adding, "but night works too though." Catching
a bus home at night isn't exactly ideal, but I'll do it if I have to. I won't
even complain.
Tag's eyes narrow almost

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imperceptibly, but he nods once. "Day shifts would be Tuesday to
Saturday, nine until four. Would that work for
I nod, trying not to jump for joy. "That would be perfect."
"How old are you?" he asks, tilting his head to the side and thrumming
his fingers on the bar countertop. "I probably should have asked that
already. Fuck, I'm a shit interviewer."
I try and hide my grin. "I'm twenty." His eyebrows rise. "That's.
"Why? How old are you?" I ask. If I
had to guess, I'd say he's twenty-four, but I've never been good at that
sort of

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"Twenty-six," he replies, lifting his chin and saying hello to a customer
as he walks by the bar. "So you can start tomorrow, if you like. Wear all
black, and bring in your bank details for me tomorrow. Any
I shake my head. "No, I'm good."
I watch as a beautiful woman walks up behind Tag. He looks down at
her and wraps an arm around her.
"Summer, this is Clara, our new employee. Clara, this is the boss's
wife, Summer."
"Nice to meet you," I tell her, flashing a smile that she returns.
"Welcome to the mad house," she

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says, giggling. "Tag, you can have a smoke break if you want."
He nods. "Good idea."
He steps out from behind the bar and nods his head towards the exit.
"You sticking around for a drink or going home?"
"Going home," I reply.
"Come on then. I'll walk you out."
I say bye to Summer then follow Tag outside. He leans back against the
building wall, one foot up in a casual position. Pulling out a packet of
cigarettes, he lights one up and takes a drag. I check out the tattoos
covering his arms, wondering what each one means to him.

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"You smoke?" he asks.
"No. I better get going."
He nods and glances over the car park. "Which ride is yours?"
My cheeks heat, but I don't know why. I'm sure many people my age
don't own a car. "I took the bus."
He drops his leg from the wall, his eyes darting to me. "Why didn't you
say something? I would have picked you
I roll my eyes. "It's five o'clock. I still have an hour or so before the sun
goes down. I'll be fine."
"Fuck that," he murmurs. "How far do you live from here?"
"About fifteen minutes. Not too bad."

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"I'll give you a ride. Stay here," he demands, putting out his cigarette on
the wall and throwing it in the trash. He then heads back inside the bar.
Rubbing my arms, I wait a minute before he returns, keys in his hand.
"Come on, Clara," he says, nodding his head towards a white four
wheel drive. "If you ever need a ride, let me know, okay? I'll give you
one home after work too. I'd take you in the morning, but I have to drop
my daughter off at school tomorrow and then you would be
My head snaps to him. "You have a
I don't know why, but that little fact

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surprises me.
He unlocks the car with the press of a button then opens the driver's
side door.
"I do."
Is he married? I ignore any disappointment I feel because it has no
reason to be here.

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My apartment isn't in the best neighbourhood, but it isn't in the worst
either. It is a small, one bedroom unit. To most, it may not seem like
much, but it's clean and it works for me. I have some awesome
neighbours too.
"I know these apartments," Tag says, glancing up at them through the
window. "Knew a girl who lived here."
I could only imagine how he "knew"

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"Thanks for the ride. You didn't have to, but I appreciate it."
He rests one hand on the steering wheel and turns his body to me.
"Couldn't let a pretty thing like you go home by yourself."
I roll my eyes at him. "I've managed thus far."
His mouth twitches. "Never heard a woman say 'thus' before. Do you
want me to walk you in?"
"I think I can manage," I reply in a dry tone that makes him laugh.
"Give me your phone."
I hand him my phone, and he presses buttons. "Now you have my
number. Call

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me if you need anything, alright?"
I nod. "Sure. Thanks again."
I get out and close the door, making sure not to slam it. When I walk up
the first floor's stairs to my door, I turn to see him still waiting there for
me to enter. I open the door then turn to wave at him. Only then does he
pull out of the car park. Smiling to myself, I lock the door behind me.
I catch the eight AM bus the next morning and arrive at Knox's at eight
twenty. I walk past the bar and sit on a lonely bench, wasting time
before my nine o'clock shift. My stomach growls, but I ignore it. I don't
know when

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payday is, but I assume it will be a week before I see any of the money.
I need to save what little I have for bus fare. Last night, I ate toast and
an apple for dinner, and the same this morning. My fruit supply,
however, is now gone, so options for dinner tonight will be limited. On
the bright side, next week I would have money for whatever I need. I
left my landlord a note asking if I could pay him then. I wouldn't be
able to pay it all off, but some of it at least. I hoped he found it in his
heart to let me. I would pay every cent off of course, as soon as I was
able to.
"Are you Clara?"
I turn to the masculine voice,

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instantly standing up. "I am."
The man smiles easily and puts out his hand. "I'm Ryan."
"Nice to meet you, Ryan. Thank you for the job," I blurt out to the
handsome man. Thank you for the job? Did I even definitely have the
Ryan's lips kick up at the corners. "You're welcome. Tag wouldn't have
it any other way. Come on. Let me show you the ropes."
I follow him inside the restaurant section of the bar where twelve tables
await customers.
"Have you ever waitressed before?" he asks, studying me.
"No," I reply, licking my lips. "I

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worked reception at a hotel in my last job. But I'm a fast learner. You
won't be disappointed. I promise."
I really needed this job. Was waitressing and bartending experience
necessary? Tag hadn't even asked my employment history. Was he
about to send me home? I sure as hell hoped not.
Ryan's brows furrow imperceptibly. "It's okay. Experience was
preferred but not necessary. Let me talk you through everything."
He explains what he expects of me. It all seems easy enough, and I'm
confident that I can do the job without any issues.
"You won't be alone today," he says, smiling gently. "There will be two

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girls, so you don't have to worry. There won't be much pressure on
What an awesome boss.
"I think I'll do fine."
"So how do you know Tag?" he asks after showing me how to use the
cash register.
How do I know Tag? It's simple—I don't.
"We kind of ran into each other," I reply. "I've only met him twice
Ryan looks confused but doesn't say anything else on the matter. The
restaurant opens, and the other waitresses start their shifts. Sally, a
blonde who tells me she is a thirty year old single mother, helps
with any

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questions I have. Lyla, an older woman who appears to be in her forties
and has a real motherly nature, checks in with me to see how I'm
holding up. Great boss and wonderful staff. I really was lucky to get
this job.
"Did you take your break?" Ryan asks as I bring some dirty plates and
cups to the sink.
I shake my head side to side. "Not yet." It was twelve o'clock. I was
hungry, and working around all the delicious looking food wasn't
"You get half an hour. And grab something to eat. Staff get lunch every
day for free. There are sandwiches, wraps, muffins, fruit, and that kind

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My stomach grumbles, and Ryan flashes me an amused smirk.
"Hungry are we?"
I was starving.
Free lunch? Every day? I could kiss
"Thank you," I reply in a low tone. He didn't know how much this
meant to me, but holy fuck. Something must have given how I was
feeling away because his expression softens.
"It's nothing. All employees get lunch. Now go and eat and relax for a
while. And grab whatever you want to
I smile gratefully then head to the

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pre-made sandwich selection and choose one—chicken and salad.
I grab a Coke and a muffin too. Best. Job. Ever.
"Thank you," I say softly to Tag as he drives me home after my shift.
"You're welcome," he replies, glancing at me from the corner of his
eye. "You having a hard time with something?"
I sigh and turn my head to look out the window. "Just a string of bad
luck, is
"Hmmmm. When's the last time you had some fun?"
I tilt my head to the side, trying to

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Tag chuckles. "If you have to think that long, it can't be good. I have an
idea." He takes a U-turn and heads in the opposite direction of my
"Where are we going?" I ask in suspicion.
He flashes a grin, showing off his straight, white teeth. "Surprise."
"I don't do well with surprises."
I can't remember the last time I had a good one. The last time I was
surprised was bad. Like, really bad.
"Are you a control freak?" he asks, grinning to himself. Why? I have no
"I don't think so."
When I see us nearing a carnival,

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excitement fills me. Turning to Tag, I say, "Please tell me we're going
He chuckles at my outburst. "We are. Thought you could relax a little,
have some fun."
"Sounds amazing," I reply wistfully until I realise I literally have no
money. This was going to be awkward.
"I didn't know we were going to be going anywhere," I say, fiddling
with the hem of my shirt. "I didn't bring money."
Tag's eyes dart to me. "If you think for one second I'd make a woman
pay for anything, you don't know me very
well." "But—"
"I made you come. I would never

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expect you to be pay and would be insulted if you tried. Don't worry
about anything, okay? Work, money... anything. Right now is about
"I don't think—" "Clara."
"Oh, look. We're here," he says, tapping his fingers on his steering
wheel. "I say we start at the rides then head towards the food."
"Sounds perfect," I murmur, staring at all the rides in vision as he parks
the car.
"What's your views on scary rides?"
I stare at his profile. "The scarier the
"My kind of girl."

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We get out of his car and walk side by side to the entrance. Tag pays
our fee, which makes me feel bad, but I stay quiet as he leads me
towards the rollercoaster.
It was huge.
"You down for this?" he asks, raising an eyebrow in challenge.
I roll my eyes at him. "Oh please. This right here—child's play."
I'm sure his booming laugh could have been heard from all areas of the
carnival. "Fuck, you're cute, you know that? Let's see if you're as tough
as you think you are."
We wait in the short line, then grab a seat right in the very front.

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"You can always hold my hand if you get scared," he says once we're
buckled in.
"How considerate of you," I reply dryly.
His mouth twitches as he stares down at me. When his gaze drops to
my mouth, my breath hitches. "Are you single?"
I nod. "Are you?"
"I'm always single," he replies, winking.
I don't want to read into that comment.
Lucky for me, the ride starts, and everything else is forgotten.

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"What's so funny?" he asks, licking his lips.
I look at him, speaking through my laughter. "Look at you. Big, bald,
muscled guy, covered in tattoos. Bad ass goatee. Eating pink candy
"Are you stereotyping me?" he asks, amusement filling his tone. "I
happen to like candy floss. A hell of a lot."

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"I can see that," I reply, breaking off some of my own.
We had gone on about ten rides, each more fun than the last. I can't
remember laughing so much in my life. Tag was so much fun, always
joking around and always flaunting a friendly smile. He is charming, a
bad boy with a good heart. How the hell am I supposed to resist that?
We are co-workers however, and apart from some innocent flirting, I
don't think he is into me in that way, which is a good thing.
Keep telling yourself that, Clara. I have bigger problems right now. I
need to pay my rent and get back on my feet before I even think about

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something with anyone. And Tag? Well... he was always single.
Did that mean that even if he was with a girl he was still single? "I had
fun today."
"Me too. Thank you for bringing me here. I really appreciate it," I reply
in all honesty.
He swallows his mouthful before he speaks. "No problem. Maybe we
could do something else next week."
"I'd like that," I reply, licking my finger.
His gaze follows the motion, and all of a sudden, the air between us
He clears his throat. "You looked like you could use some fun."

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I nod. "It's been a while."
"Do your parents live here?" he asks. "You live alone, right?"
"They live in Melbourne. Yes, I live alone," I say, leaning back against
the bench. "I moved here two years ago, as soon as I turned eighteen."
"Do you like it here?" he asks, looking genuinely interested.
"I do. It's a beautiful city." And it is far enough away from my parents
that I don't have to see them.
"Do you have any brothers or sisters?" he continues, studying me.
"Only child. You?"
"Did it suck for you as much as it did

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for me?"
He grins. "It wasn't so bad. I have good friends. My mother passed
away a few years back, and my dad lives down south. He's retired."
"I'm sorry you lost your mum," I say, barely a whisper.
He shrugs. "It was bad, but you can't control everything, you know? I
miss her everyday, but life goes on."
"And your daughter.?"
"Isabella," he says, smiling fondly. "She's six. So damn cute. Here, I'll
show you a pic."
He pulls out his fancy looking phone and brings up a picture. I stare at
the little girl with dark eyes, hair, and a

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dimpled smile. "She's gorgeous."
"Thank you," he replies. "She's a good kid. Best thing in my life."
I want to ask about Isabella's mother but refrain. Luckily, he continues.
"Kaley and I share Isabella during the week. Since I work nights, I
usually go see her in the morning and get her ready for school and drop
her off. It's just a little extra time I get to spend with her, you know?"
That is really sweet.
"Do you get along with your ex?" I blurt out. So much for not asking.
He nods slightly. "We do okay."
He doesn't elaborate on that, so I ask, "Should we get going?"

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"We should," he says, standing. "Do you want something else to eat or
I shake my head from side to side. "No, but thank you."
When I have some money, I am going to take him out. His kindness
won't be forgotten any time soon.
Little did I know he would be saving my ass again in just another thirty
When we pull up to my apartment building, Tag insists on walking me
to my door to carry the huge unicorn soft toy he'd won at last minute.
When we were about to leave the carnival, we

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passed a basketball hoop game, and Tag took arm and brought me to a
"Which one do you like?" he asks, pointing to the toys.
I saw the unicorn and fell in love with it instantly. "Unicorn. "
"Good choice, " he says, lips kicking up at the corners. "I'm going to
get it for you."
And he did.
I'm digging through my purse as we walk to my front door when I hear
Tag growl. "What the fuck?"
I lift my head to see him pull a piece of paper off my door.
"What is it?" I ask, dread filling me from head to toe. I stand next to
him and

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peer over his shoulder. An eviction notice. Fuck.
No, No, No.
Things were going so well.
My luck had changed, hadn't it? Maybe if I spoke to him and
Who was I kidding? My landlord was an asshole.
I glance at Tag out of the corner of my eye.
Why did he have to see this? I look down, feeling embarrassed. I'm a
proud person, and for someone to see this, especially Tag, makes me
want to curl into a ball and cry.
"Give me your keys Clara," Tag asks

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in a soft but firm voice, touching my shoulder.
I pull out my keys and hand them to him. He opens the front door and
ushers me inside with his hand pressing gently on the small of my back.
In a daze, I walk into my apartment and lean against the kitchen
"Pack a bag," Tag demands quietly.
I look up at him "Wh- what?"
"Pack a bag," he repeats, drawing out each word.
"Tag, I don't think—"
"Fine. If you won't do it, I will," he murmurs, his eyes darting to my
bedroom door.
"I want to be alone."

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"Too bad. We're going to pack up your shit, and then you're coming to
my house," he says casually, like he didn't just announce I was going to
stay with him.
"Are you crazy?" I ask, brows furrowing. "I can't come to your place! I
will be fine. I'll find another apartment or I'll try and talk to the landlord
here and work something out."
Tag scrubs a hand down his face. "Guess I'll pack your shit for you
I throw my hands in the air. "You're not listening to me, Tag!"
He ignores me and storms into my room. I follow closely behind, trying
to grab my backpack from him as he starts

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opening drawers. Jumping on his back, I try and pin his arms down so
he will stop touching my stuff, but I fail. Instead, I end up on my back
in the middle of my bed, Tag bracing over me. When I look up into his
eyes, I find that they are zoned in on me and soft. Gentle.
"Let me help you," he says in a gentle tone. "Everyone needs help now
and again. There is nothing to be embarrassed of. I have a three
bedroom house, and there is plenty of room. I like you. You aren't
inconveniencing me in any way. So please stop being stubborn."
I shift my position then go completely still as I feel something hard

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against my lower stomach. Holy crap.
I narrow my eyes on Tag who just smirks. "I have a beautiful woman
pinned under me, what can I say?"
He thinks I'm beautiful?
Stay focused, Clara.
I clear my throat. "So I can stay with you until I find a new place?"
He nods. "As long as you need."
"I'll pay rent, of course," I say, nibbling on my lower lip in thought.
"That or no deal."
Amusement dances in his eyes. "You drive a hard bargain."
"Okay, we can work something out.

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Now, pack your shit. I'm going to call a friend who has a moving truck
so we can move your bed and furniture," he says. "There isn't much, so
it will be easy." I exhale slowly. "Fine." His lip twitches at my lack of
graciousness. "Good. Don't stress, okay? Everything will be alright."
"Why are you always saving me?" I whisper, squeezing my eyes shut
tight. "Clara," he murmurs.
"Open your eyes," he commands. They flutter open.
He swallows, looking at me like he's seeing me for the first time. After
a few moments, his gaze lowers, now lingering

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on my mouth. "You don't need saving, Clara. You're not weak. You're
Searching every inch of his face, I can see that he means what he says.
In his opinion, I'm not weak at all.
He flashes me a panty dropping smile and then pushes off the bed,
reaching his hand out to pull me up.
"Shall we?" he asks. "We better get
out of here before I beat the shit out of your landlord."
Probably a good idea. Taking his hand, I let him pull me up until I'm
standing facing him, our bodies almost touching. Reaching his other
hand out, he tucks a strand of hair back behind my ear. I realise his
hand is still holding

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I like it there. A little too much.
"You good?" he asks.
I nod once. "Yeah, I'm good."
I step away from him, let go of his hand, and pick up my backpack,
forgotten on the floor.
Then, I pack up my life.

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That evening, I'm unpacking my belongings in Tag's guest room. Not
everything, just the basics to get me through the next week or so. I don't
plan on being here very long, just as long as it takes to find somewhere
new. The room is completely white, except for the black bed sheets. It's
a very modern, tidy room, and I find myself liking it. I find

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myself liking its owner much more. After helping me pack, Tag called
his friend. The two of them carried my furniture and disassembled my
bed in record time.
"Clara, dinner's ready," Tag calls through the closed door.
I tie my damp hair in a knot on top of my head. "Coming!"
Dressed in a pair of track pants and a tank top, I smell something
delicious as I walk barefoot into his kitchen
"You cook too?" I ask, impressed at his skills.
He closes the oven before he replies, "'Course I do. I hope you're
I look to the table, all the dishes spread out. Roast chicken,

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mashed potatoes, peas, and asparagus.
"This looks amazing," I say, my stomach rumbling. I can't even
remember the last time I had such a meal.
"Take a seat," he says, pointing to one of the chairs at the dining table. I
sit down and wait as he brings me a plate and sets the dishes in the
centre. I wait until he begins dishing out mashed potatoes on his own
plate before I start to serve my own.
"Do your parents know you were about to get evicted?" he asks, still
looking at his plate.
I shift on my chair. "No. I don't talk to them much."

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Although they try and call me every other day.
"Why not?" he asks, now loading chicken onto his plate. "If they knew
and didn't care, I'd be fuckin' pissed."
Inwardly cringing, I tell him as little as I can get away with. "I didn't
leave on the best terms with them."
Understatement of the year.
I always thought I had the perfect family—loving parents who always
spent time with me and gave me everything I needed and wanted. They
doted on me, or so I thought. Really, I was only seeing what I wanted to
see, and when I found out the truth, it hit me hard.

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Tag nods his head, lifting his fork to his mouth.
I do the same.
Chewing slowly, he studies me with an intensity that makes me want to
squirm. "You ever need anything, you call me, okay? Right away. If I
didn't walk you to your door tonight, you would have hidden this,
wouldn't you?"
I shrug my shoulders.
"So damn stubborn," he grumbles, shaking his head. "Thanks to that
stuffed unicorn, you now don't have to worry about not having a place
to say."
My lip twitches at that. It's true. If he didn't insist on carrying that
unicorn to my door, he never would have seen the

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notice, and I never would have told him or anyone else about it.
"Thank you," I reply quietly, letting my tone speak my gratefulness.
Tag shrugs it off. "Anytime. I'll ask Ryan and Reid if you can start at
nine thirty instead of nine. That way, I can drop Isabella at school then
bring you to work with me."
"Will they be okay with that?" I ask,
frowning. "It's a little too early in my employment to be asking for
favours, isn't it?"
Tag chuckles. "They're my friends. Trust me, it won't be an issue."
I arch a brow. "How long have you been friends for?"

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"Years. Forever." "Sounds nice."
We finish the meal in comfortable silence, and then I help Tag to clean
up. Side by side, we stand at the sink. I wash, and he dries.
"Could you wash any slower?" he teases, holding the tea towel in his
hand, waiting.
I splash him with a little water. "If I do it faster, they won't be washed
"We should watch a movie after this," he says. "Or are you going to
I think it over. "A movie sounds

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Even though I will probably fall asleep during it.
We finish up in the kitchen and move to the lounge room. Tag sits on
the right side of the couch, one hand bent, resting on his bald head.
"Why do you shave your head?" I blurt out, curious.
He looks down at me, amusement written all over his expression. "You
don't think it's hot?"
That was beside the point. "It suits you," I admit. "I like the goatee too."
His shoulder shake as he laughs. "Glad you approve, Clara. I did a
couple years in the army, and it kind of

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My eyes widen. "Really?"
He nods, looking back to the TV
My phone rings, and I know from the ring tone that it's my mother.
"You going to answer that?" he asks.
I shake my head from side to side. "No."
"Why not?"
"It's my mother, and I don't want to
talk to her."
He stays silent for a few moments. "You could always tell me, you
know. I'm a good listener."
"I'll keep that in mind," I murmur, snuggling up against the couch.

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I must have fallen asleep because I wake up in Tag's arms.
"Shhh," he whispers, laying me down on the bed. "Goodnight, Clara."
"Night Tag," I mumble, keeping my gaze on him as he leaves the room,
closing the door behind him.
Just who is Tag?
To me, he is perfect.
Isabella is adorable.
"You're pretty," she says, sounding like she approves. "Can I do
something cool to your hair?"
I turn around and smile at her as she

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sits in her car seat in the back of Tag's car. "Sure you can."
"Daddy! See! Did you hear?" she calls out excitedly.
"I heard, Princess," Tag replies, turning his head to me and smiling.
"She will hold you to that."
"I'll be waiting."
I'd waited in the car while he went in and got his daughter. He'd come
out with her; no glimpse of Isabella's mother, Kaley, though.
We pull into the school car park, and I wait in the car while Tag drops
Bella off at her classroom
"Bye Clara!" she calls out, waving as she walks away from the car.

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Too damn cute!
Tag slides back in about ten minutes later.
"Sorry," he says. "She wanted to show me her work."
"No problem. You don't need to explain. She's a great kid."
He starts the engine and puts on his seat belt. "She is that."
"I guess you're going to take credit for that?" I ask, smirking.
He turns to me and chuckles. "I take credit for fifty percent of it.
My lip twitches. "Do you get on with her mum?"
I was prying, I knew it, but I was curious.

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Tag sighs softly. "We get on as well as exes can get on, I suppose.
We're amiable for Bella's sake, you know? It's about her now, not us."
Yep, he is a great dad.
We arrive at Knox's Tavern and walk in together. I don't miss the
curious look Summer gives me, but I choose to ignore it. Tag heads into
the back with Ryan while I put an apron on and start taking orders at
tables. Summer lasts an hour before she questions me.
"I know I'm being nosey, so feel free to tell me to shut up, but are you
and Tag dating?" she asks in a low voice, looking around as if to make
sure no one can see us.

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I shake my head. "No. We're just friends."
"He got you this job, right?"
"Yes," I say slowly, wondering where she is going with this.
"Apparently, he said you were a friend of his, but then you told Ryan
you'd only met him once or twice..."
"I had."
Summer narrows her eyes. "Have you slept with him?"
My eyes widen, and my cheeks flame. "No! I haven't. And I'm your
employee I can't believe you just asked me that."
Summer grins, shrugging. "We're all friends here. We aren't cracking

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"This is awkward."
"It isn't. Tag sleeps with everyone. If he hasn't slept with you. Hmmm. I
think he likes you."
"Likes me?"
"Yeah. Like... likes you, likes you." Right, because that cleared that
"Yes," she replies, leaning closer like I was going to tell her something
"I'm going to go back to work now." She sighs, disappointed.
I hide my grin as I walk away.

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"Tag!" I yell from the bathroom, where I'm currently standing on top of
the closed toilet seat. "Tag!"
The door suddenly opens. "What? What is it? Are you okay?"
He glances around the room, body alert, as if looking for an intruder.
"There's a cockroach," I tell him. "Can you please kill it?"

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"A cockroach?" he repeats, looking confused.
I point to the floor.
"That's not a cockroach," he says, amused.
"Whatever it is please, can you get
rid of it?"
He looks at me, smirking. Then, as if just noticing what I am wearing,
he does a slow perusal of me from head to toe. "What do I get if I do?"
"How about I don't kick you in the balls?" I offer.
He pretends to think it over. "No, that won't work for me. How about a
kiss?" "Fine. On the cheek," I reply.

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He grins. "Deal."
He disposes of the bug, taking it outside. He didn't even kill it! Now it's
probably going to come back and get revenge on me.
I get dressed, and when I walk into the kitchen, Tag is standing there,
looking at me expectantly.
"What?" I ask.
"I want my kiss."
Oh, right.
My stomach flutters.
I walk up to him and pucker my lips, about to place a kiss on his cheek
when he turns his face so my lips land right on his.
I pull away and shake my head at

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him. "Really?"
"Was so worth it," he rumbles, eyes sparking.
When he leaves the room, I touch my fingers to my lips. I want more.
"I told you that I would pay rent. I've gotten paid twice now, and you
haven't taken anything from me. This is bullshit!" I say with my hands
on my hips.
Tag sips on his beer and raises his eyes to me. "And I told you, save
your money. I don't need it. You're being stubborn and fuckin'
"I'm not the only stubborn one in this

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room," I snap, crossing my arms over my chest. "I can't just stay here
for free... it feels wrong."
"You help out, Clara. It's not like you're an inconvenience in any way,"
he says, shrugging. "Plus, I like having you
Over the last two weeks, Tag and I have gotten closer. We spend pretty
much all our time together, or with Bella. And then we see each other at
work. He's become the main focus of my life in such a short time. He
hasn't brought any women home, and I don't know what I'd do if he did.
I liked him, a hell of a lot. I've seen him staring at me, his eyes
lingering, but he's never

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done anything about it. He's never made a move. And I am too shy to
make the first move. What if he doesn't want me? I guess he doesn't,
because Tag is the type of man that isn't shy with women. According to
Summer, he is kind of a man-whore. I've seen women approach him at
the bar, but he always tells them he isn't interested. I don't know what to
"Fine, I'm just going to pay for all the groceries then," I say, pouting.
"Come and sit down woman," he says, tapping the seat next to him
I sit down. He offers me some of his beer, so I take a sip. When he
slides his arm around the back of the couch, I go

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still. "I'm taking you out tomorrow
"You are? How about asking me instead of telling me?" I say, pursing
my lips and arching an eyebrow.
"If I ask you, you won't come. You're a homebody. A hermit. A—"
"Yeah, I get the picture," I cut him off, speaking in a dry tone.
He casually wraps his arm around me and grins boyishly. "You'll have
fun, and you deserve a night out. You've been working your ass off."
I am a hard worker in general, but I really wanted everyone to see that I
was worth taking a risk on. I don't want to let anyone down.

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"Where are we going?" I ask, turning to look at his handsome face. I
find his brown eyes already on me.
"It's a surprise," he says quietly, gaze dropping to my lips.
Feeling a little self-conscious, I look away until his hand cups my
cheek and turns my head back to him. "Why do you have to be so
"Wh-what?" I stutter, now trapped in his gaze.
Did he want to kiss me? I wanted him to. I swipe my tongue along my
His eyes darken.
Having no idea where my boldness was coming from, I lean

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wanting a taste of him.
"Fuck," he grits out, pulling back slightly and looks me straight in the
eye. "Clara, you know we're friends, right?"
I nod, not liking where this was
"If you and I. if we. fuck. I don't want to ruin anything, you know?" he
says, rubbing his head and looking frustrated. "I'm not good with
commitment, and you don't seem like a one-time girl."
I wasn't, but for him...
Could I be?
Tag pulls away, removing his arm and putting more than just a physical
distance between us. When he stands up,

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I sigh in regret.
"Night," he murmurs, leaving the room without a backwards glance.
Well, I got the message loud and clear with his rejection.
We were friends, and friends only.
The next day at work, the place is packed out. I started working night
shifts with Tag because it was easier to go in when he did. I hated him
having to make unnecessary trips just for me. I told him I had no
problem catching a bus, but of course, he wouldn't have that. Things
between us have been slightly strained since last night, although he's
still been his usual, sweet self. I don't think

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anyone looking in from the outside could notice the change, but it's
there. I can feel it. It's in the slight hesitation before he touched my arm
this morning, and the way he looked like he wanted to say something
but didn't. I wish I never tried to kiss him. I've decided I'm going to
pretend last night never happened and act normal, in hopes we can
move away from it. I allow myself to take a glance at him at the bar,
serving a group of women. He laughs and is his charming self, which
usually amuses me, but now annoys the hell out of me. It's only a matter
of time until he brings a woman home. I need to move out, like now. I
think if I save money for a couple more

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weeks, I'll have enough. I might even just rent a room out in a shared
house; it would be much cheaper and less pressure on me.
I clear one of the tables, wiping it down and picking up two glasses.
"Hello gorgeous."
I look up and to my left at the man approaching me.
"Hello," I say, my tone friendly, but professional.
When I turn to leave, he gently grips my upper arm. "Dance with me."
"I'm sorry," I say. "I'm working and not available, but I'm sure you can
find someone else."
"I don't want someone else," he says,

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eyes lowering to my chest. "I'm Richard."
I pull my arm away and move to turn.
"She's not interested," comes a deep, menacing voice from behind me.
"And don't fuckin' touch her again."
Richard swallows, nods, then loses himself in the crowd. Smart man. I
turn around and raise an eyebrow at Tag, then walk past him and into
the kitchen. I'm placing the glasses next to the sink when he comes up
behind me. "Stay behind the bar with me. Someone else can do the
I turn around and give him an 'are you kidding me' look. "I can't do that.
Reid told me to do the tables."

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"Reid will change his mind." "They're going to want to fire me." Tag
crosses his impressive arms over his even sexier chest. "They won't fire
"Tag, I can handle a few drunk, flirty men. It's no big deal," I say. "It,
unfortunately, comes with working in a place like this."
His eyes narrow. "You're fuckin' stubborn, you know that?"
"And you're unreasonable," I sniff.
He runs his fingers over his goatee. "Unless you like the attention?"
Was he fucking serious?
"Yes Tag," I purr. "I love all those random drunk men paying attention
to me

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just because I have a pair of boobs. Really, it's the best compliment
I don't think my tone could be laced with anymore sarcasm than it is.
"Bar," he growls then turns and storms out.
Rolling my eyes to myself, I follow him and stand at the bar, a few
steps away from him. He closes the space between us. "I haven't slept
with the same woman twice in a long ass time."
My eyes flare at his admission. "I don't think that's something to be
proud about."
He flashes me a sheepish grin. "I didn't say I was proud. It's just the
truth. Last night... Trust me. I wanted to, but

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we can't. I wouldn't do that to you, okay? Plus, you're young and it
would feel like I was taking advantage of you."
I blink slowly. "I'm not that much younger than you. And you aren't
taking advantage. It was me that tried to kiss you last night.
I can feel my cheeks heat at the reminder.
He sighs, rubbing his hand over his bald head. "This whole thing is
messed up. I've only hooked up with one woman since you moved in,
and I normally."
He trails off when he sees the look on my face. He's been with a woman
while I was living with him? I know I have no claims on him—trust
me, I know—but it

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still hurts. Here I was, crushing on him like crazy, worshiping his every
move, and thinking that he was spending all his time with me and only
me. Fuck. How stupid am I?
"Don't look at me like that," he says quietly, frowning. "Clara, we aren't
together. You can't get upset."
I open my mouth, then close it. He's right, and I hate it. "You're right," I
mumble, looking away from his gaze.
"I have needs," he says in a low tone, so only I can hear.
And I can't fulfil them because he won't let me.
I force a smile and look back up at him. "I get it, Tag."

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We aren't anything but friends, and I had to accept that. He'd been good
to me, better than anyone else had been, and he shouldn't feel guilty
over something I had imagined in my head.
"I'll hopefully be out in a week or two anyway," I say, shrugging. "You
can go back to bringing women home or whatever. I didn't mean to put
a damper on your sex life."
"Fuck Clara. That isn't what I meant. You know I love having you
living with
A customer walks up, so I turn to serve her, ignoring Tag. "What can I

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She orders two squashed frog shots.
"I'll make them," Tag says, grabbing two shot glasses.
"That's fourteen dollars," I tell her, take her money, and hand her the
change. Tag slides the two shots over to her before turning back to me,
clearly eager to continue the conversation. I, on the other hand, am
happy to avoid it.
"We aren't done talking," he says, narrowing his eyes on me.
But we are. Because I wasn't having any more hopes when it came to
Tag and I being more than friends.

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My mum calls me again the next morning. Groaning, I put my phone on
silent. Growing up, I always thought I had the best family, but then I
found out the truth. My dad had another family. He had a mistress and
two children from her —I had two step-sisters that I hadn't met.
Apparently, the affair started when I was about five and was still going
strong today. When I was eight years old, my

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mother found out the truth about everything; however, instead of
leaving my father, she stayed. I didn't find out until two years ago.
My entire life was a lie. The foundations that made me me were all
based on falsehood.
I know I should be angrier at my father, and I am, but I am also
disappointed in my mum I just wanted to be away from that whole
situation, so I left and haven't been back since. I call my mum on her
birthday and on holidays, and that's it.
"You okay?" Tag asks as he walks into the house, pulling me away
from my thoughts.

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"I'm fine," I say, smiling widely when I see who is standing next to him.
"Bella, don't you look pretty."
She was wearing a pink dress with black shoes and holding a tiny
"Hi Clara," she says, dimples showing. "Daddy said I can come play."
"What are you going to play?" I ask her, lifting onto my lap as she
comes in front of me and tugs on my pajama pants. "With you!" she
says. I look at Tag who shrugs. "I thought we could go to the zoo or
something. If you don't have any plans?"
He was using his daughter as a weapon. I was planning on avoiding
him as much as I could, and he knew it. "I

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was actually going to call Summer and..."
"Please Clara," Bella begs, sticking out her bottom lip. I can see Tag
trying to fight a grin, and failing.
"Okay," I tell her. How could I say no to such a face? "Let me have a
shower and get ready first."
"Yay!" she yells, wiggling happily in my lap. Her enthusiasm
contagious, I giggle and put her down.
"Give me ten minutes, Bella," I say then look at Tag. "We're still not
talking about it."
"Fine," he replies, lip twitching. "Just a nice day out with my daughter."
I nod. "Deal," I say, heading to the

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bathroom to get ready.
"We better go. We start work in an hour and a half," Tag says, popping
a grape into his mouth. We were sitting on the grass at the zoo, having a
snack. Bella was exhausted after walking around and seeing all of the
"Do we have to, Daddy?" she asks, her eyes fluttering. Yep—she was
definitely going to pass out in the car.
He leans forward and kisses her forehead. "Clara and I have to work, so
"Okay," she pouts.
"This is my first time at the Perth zoo," I say, eating a fry. "It was pretty

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Tag grins. "Bella loves coming here. It's one of her favourite places."
I could see why. "Saturday night. It's going to be packed tonight."
"Definitely. Luckily we have loads of staff on, so it won't be too bad,"
he replies.
"Can I ask you something?" "Anything."
"Why did you go out of your way to get me the job?" I ask, our eyes
connected. He chews on his bottom lip, hesitating. "Be honest," I add.
"Well, for one, I wanted to make it up to you for knocking into you and
spilling your drink all over your white shirt,

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especially since it went see through and I could see your black bra and
your nipples poking through," he says casually.
My jaw drops open, my gaze quickly darting to Bella who was already
asleep, her head resting on Tag's thigh. "I can't believe you just said
He chuckles, not sorry at all. "You were beautiful, Clara, and you
needed help. I'm a man."
"And," he replies, smiling at me. "That's just how I'm wired. I wanted
to help you, and it was in my power to do so, so I did. It's not a big deal.
You're a hard worker, and everyone loves you."

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I look down, smiling shyly. "Well, thank you. If you didn't offer me the
job, I don't know where I'd be right now."
"You would have sorted something out," he says, a gentle look on his
"That much faith in me, huh?"
He shrugs. "I don't think you're the sort to give up so easily."
"I don't know," I reply slowly. "If I was rejected, I don't think I'd be
volunteering for a second dose of that."
Now I was the one bringing it up.
"I didn't reject you," he says, sounding exasperated. "Have you seen
you? No man would fuckin' reject you!"
My eyes widen at the compliment,

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but it doesn't change the facts. "You
"I was trying to do the right thing," he says, running his fingers over
Bella's hair. "Now stop being angry at me and trying to avoid me
because it isn't going to work."
We share a moment, watching each other in silence.
"We should get going," he finally says. "Or we will be late."
We both stand up, he with Bella in his arms.
"Clara?" "Yeah?"

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"Any man would be lucky to have you. Any man."
Yeah, just not the one that I want.
I was drunk.
Summer let me finish my shift early just so I could drink with her and
her brother, Xander. Xander is a handsome man with shoulder-length
brown hair and deep hazel eyes. He is covered in tattoos and is also one
of Tag's best friends.
"Another shot?" Summer asks, slurring her words.
Xander chuckles and shakes his head. "Slow down, Sis. Clara looks
like she's done for the night."

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I nod in his direction. "Yeah, that's enough for me."
"Not much of a drinker?" he asks.
I hiccup. "No, how can you tell?"
He laughs harder and puts his arm around my shoulder casually, then
lowers his voice. "So what's going on with you and Tag? He's been
looking like he wants to strangle me all night just because I'm sitting
next to you."
"They're both in denial," Summer adds, lifting her hair off her neck and
tying it in a ponytail. "The sexual tension is thick, but apparently,
they're only friends."
I purse my lips at her. "Thanks for

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"Anytime," she replies chirpily. "We are just friends. Trust me, I'd
know," I tell them in a dry tone.
Xander squeezes my shoulder gently. "Don't worry, it won't be long
before he realises."
"Realises what?" I ask, touching my hot cheek. My face always heats
up when I drink.
"That he wants you. I don't think I've ever seen him act possessive over
a woman before, and he hasn't taken his eyes off you all night."
Really? I look towards the bar and find that Xander is right. Tag is
watching me. I quickly look away and grab one of Summer's shots.

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"I'm going to need this," I mumble, tipping back and letting the tequila
roll down my throat. Xander quickly pushes Summer's other shot away
and out of my reach. Probably a smart move.
"I haven't seen Tag show any real interest in anyone since Kaley," I
hear him say to his sister.
Summer shrugs. "He likes Clara."
"He doesn't. We're friends, and I've accepted that."
Kind of.
"If he wants to hook up with someone, then I'm going to have to deal
with it because," I lower my voice, "Men have needs."
Xander and Summer share a look.

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"Men have needs," I say louder. "He's going to take someone home
sooner or later. Maybe even tonight."
I glance at Tag to see a woman talking to him. I point in his direction.
Xander cups my face, turning it in his direction, a mischievous look on
his own. "Stop taking about men and their needs. How drunk are you?"
"Not drunk enough that I don't know what I'm doing."
"Good," he murmurs, his throat working as he swallows. "I'm going to
prove to you that Tag wants you."
"And how are you going to do that?" I ask, wide-eyed.

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When his lips come down on mine, I have to admit, I didn't see it
coming. His lips were soft, and he tasted amazing. But he wasn't Tag.
Xander pulls back after a few of the longest seconds of my life and
flashes me a boyish grin. He lets go of me and turns just in time to have
Tag pull him up by the shirt.
"What the fuck?" Tag barks, looking like he wants to kill his friend. I
look at Summer who is staring at the two men with wide eyes.
"She said she was single," Xander replies, trying to sound innocent.
"And that you didn't want her."
Tag's eyes find mine, and I suddenly

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wished I had the power to turn invisible. He and Xander disappear
outside, and Summer and I decide to head to the dance floor. I try and
push Tag away from my thoughts.
It is harder than I thought.

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The ride home is tense. Tag is silent, the air thick between us. When the
silence becomes too much, I open my mouth to speak. Tag—
"Did you like it?" he asks, his voice emotionless. I see his fingers
tighten on the steering wheel as he waits for my response.
"Like what?" I ask, my gaze still on

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his hands.
"The kiss."
I swallow. "Tag, you know that I—" "Did you like it?" he asks again. "I
didn't know he was going to—" "Fuck," he grits out, cutting me off
once more. How rude.
"Will you just listen for a second?" I yell, losing my temper. A muscle
ticks in his jaw as he stares straight ahead at the road, but he stays quiet.
"Why are you angry right now?" I ask in a low tone. "No, I didn't want
or expect the kiss, and Xander was only doing it to piss you off anyway,
but Tag, you don't want me. You can't not want me but not want anyone
else to have me

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either. It doesn't work like that."
Tag sucks in a breath. "It isn't that I don't want you Clara. I just can't
give you what you need."
"I've never made any demands of you," I find myself saying. "I just
wanted you, no matter how you came. I didn't ask for anything."
"So what," he replies. "You would be interested in something casual?"
Would I?
I lick my lips, gathering my thoughts before I answer. "I would be."
I would rather that than nothing at all. I was desperate for him, any part
of him that he would give. How sad was that? I'd take anything he gave
me and be

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grateful for it.
He curses and darts his gaze to me. "You sure about this, Clara? I don't
want to hurt you, and I'm telling you right now that I don't want a
commitment. I'm not looking to be tied down, and that isn't a reflection
of you, because you're amazing. Perfect. It's all me."
I nod. "Okay, I get it."
"Do you?" he asks, reaching his arm over and taking my hand in his.
"I'm going to be honest with you. I wanted you the second I saw you.
You were so fuckin' beautiful and innocent looking. With that red hair,
holy fuck. I was hard within seconds. Still, with wanting you so much
since the second you stepped

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into my life, I still fucked another woman that one night. That's who I
am, and you can't change me, so if you want to, then we're both going
to be wasting our time."
Ouch, that hurt. But then again, the truth usually does. I didn't like
thinking about him with another woman. It made my chest hurt.
"Are you saying that you're still going to fuck around if we're
together?" I ask, eyebrows furrowing.
"That's the thing, Sweetheart. We won't be together. Casual is casual."
So he wanted me to be his fuck buddy? Disappointment fills me, but I
try and hide my reaction. If he sees it, he

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will retract his offer and put me back in the friend zone, which was the
last thing I wanted.
"I see," I murmur. "What about the age thing? I thought that was an
issue for
He sighs. "It was. It is. But I want you more than I care about your age
anymore. You're not a virgin, are you?"
I shake my head. I wasn't, but I'd only slept with one other guy twice, so
I wasn't exactly experienced either.
"You don't have to act like this is an inconvenience to you," I mumble,
turning my head to look out the window. He runs his hand up my thigh,
his thumb circling.
"It's not that," he says. "I really like

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you, Clara, and I don't want to mess this
"Then don't."
"Do you promise that no matter what happens you won't just leave?" he
"Yeah. Storm out of the house and leave before you're ready. If we
fight or whatever, you still have to stay, because we're friends first, no
matter what."
He parks the car in his driveway while I think over everything he's said.
I don't realise how lost in my thoughts I am until Tag opens the
passenger door and helps me out. When he lifts me in his arms,
carrying me like a bride, I forget everything. I forget why this is such a

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bad idea. I forget that I'm going to get hurt. All I think about is how
good his arms feel around me, how right. How could something that
feel so good be wrong? In Tag's arms, I feel safe. I feel like I'm home.
How could he come to mean so much to me in such a short amount of
"You didn't answer me," he says once we're inside his house. He walks
into my room and lays me down on my
"Wh-what?" I ask stupidly, distracted by his close proximity.
"Promise you won't leave."
"I promise," I say just before his mouth comes down on mine. I clutch

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back of his neck with both hands as my lips finally get a taste of him.
He kisses me hungrily, his tongue pushing between my lips and
exploring my mouth. I've never been kissed like this. It is possessive,
wet, hot. Perfect. He tastes like mint and smells like he always does, a
fresh scent of soap and cologne. I think I could get wet from that scent
alone. He makes a sound in the back of his throat, one that turns me on
even more, but then he pulls back from me. Looking down at me with a
gentle look on his handsome face, he leans back down and kisses the tip
of my nose.
"Been wanting to do that for so damn long," he says quietly, cupping
my cheek

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with his hand.
"Then why didn't you?" "You know why," he murmurs. "I'm going to
go to bed."
"What?" I gasp, sitting up. "But I
"You thought what?" he asks, sounding amused.
Was he not as affected as I was by the
"Did you not like the kiss?" I ask, feeling confused and a little
embarrassed. I was a little out of practice, but I thought the kiss was
fucking magical.
"What? The kiss was fuckin' hot, Clara. Of course I loved it. It was with

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"Then why... I thought we would..."
"You want me to fuck you right now?" he asks bluntly, looking mildly
I look down at my hands. "I would like that. I mean, that kiss got me
pretty. you k n o w . "
"Wet?" he supplies, his voice going low and husky. "Are you wet,
I could feel my cheeks burning, but my desire was the emotion in
control. "Why don't you find out?"
A curse word falls from his lips. I wait patiently as he watches me for a
moment then pulls his t-shirt off with his arms over his head. I swallow

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taking in his ripped body. The light flowing through from the hallway
gives me a nice view, and I take a moment to appreciate it.
"You're beautiful," I blurt out as he undoes the button on his jeans, the
action drawing my gaze.
"That's my line, Sweetheart," he replies, chuckling softly.
The jeans come down, revealing strong, muscled thighs and an erection
straining against black boxer shorts. When he pulls them down, my jaw
drops. Wow. Now that, my friends, is a penis. I mean, I've only seen
one other, but even I know it's perfect. Long, smooth, and thick, it juts
out from his

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pelvis, standing tall and proud.
"Wow," I whisper under my breath.
"Clara," he rumbles, obviously done with his patience. "Undress for
Scooting to my knees, I pull off my black top and unclip the back of my
bra. I suppose I should try and be all sexy and seductive, but I just want
the clothing off me. I want him inside me— now. My breasts jiggle as I
throw the bra on the floor then step off the bed and pull down my black
skinny jeans. Once they are gone, left in only a black thong, I stand in
front of him and let him have his
"Never seen anyone so sexy," he says, stepping towards me. "You're

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beautiful, Clara."
I like that the thinks so.
Hands grip my waist, and then his mouth captures mine once more, this
time harder, rougher. More demanding, his control now gone. Just how
I want him. Cupping the globes of my ass in each of his hands, he lifts
me in the air and throws me gently down onto the bed. Bracing himself
over me, our naked bodies touching, he gives me one last time to change
my mind. "Are you sure? Be fuckin' sure, Sweetheart."
"I'm sure."
"You on birth control?" he asks. I nod.
"Can I come inside you without a

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condom?" he whispers in my ear, his sweet, warm breath sending
shivers down my spine. "I'm clean. You know I'd never put you in
I trust him. "Okay."
He cups my breasts with his hands, feeling the weight of each one and
swiping his thumb over my nipples. "I'm going to make you feel so
good. I'm going to make you come with my mouth, then with one
finger, then with two. Finally, I'm going to make you come all over my
cock, and you're going to fuckin' love every second of it."
He lowers his mouth to my breast, and I stop thinking.
I just feel.

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My whole body is sore, but in a good way. Stretching my arms above
my head, I blush as I think about all the things Tag did to me last night.
He was insatiable, and nothing was off limits with him Looking at the
empty space beside me, I wish he had stayed the night. I understand
why he didn't though, because that wasn't something people in

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a casual relationship would do. Or would they? I don't know the rules
on what we were doing, or if there were any. All I know is that last
night was phenomenal, and I wanted a repeat. Tag has a way of making
me feel comfortable in my own skin, and last night, I turned into
someone I didn't know I could be. I was wild, free, uninhibited. Sliding
out of bed, I head to the bathroom to clean up and have a quick shower.
Feeling bold, I walk into the kitchen completely naked. Maybe Tag will
fuck me on the kitchen countertop.
"Holy shit," I hear a familiar male voice mutter.
I turn my face to the voice in horror.

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"What are you doing here?"
I quickly look for something to cover my body with, and finding
nothing, I run back to my room and quickly get dressed, my face
burning with total mortification. God, he would have seen my ass
jiggling on my exit too. How am I going to face him? Stepping out of
the room, I walk up to Xander and point a finger at him. "That never
happened, do you hear me?" His lips tremble, and I know he's trying
hard not to laugh. The jerk! "Xander!"
"Looks like a lot has changed since last night," he says then starts
laughing, obviously unable to stop it this time. "You have nothing to be
ashamed of,

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Clara. Your body is smoking hot."
I cover my face with my hands. "The one time I try and do something
out of my comfort zone and this has to happen. Only me, I swear!"
Xander chuckles. "I'm not complaining."
I move my hands away and give him a look that lets him know I'm far
from impressed. "Where's Tag anyway?" "Having a shower. He smelt
"Fuck. Just keep embarrassing me. Kill me now, Xander," I say, sitting
down next to him on the kitchen barstool.
He holds his stomach, obviously aching from laughter. "It's not that
bad. I

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like the fact that the carpet matches the drapes."
"Shut up or you won't leave this house alive," I grit out, fuming.
"Oh come on, I'm just playing around. You're stunning, Clara. If most
women had that body, they'd be parading around the house butt naked
That so wasn't the point.
"Whatever. Yesterday was the first time we've met, and we've already
kissed and you've seen me naked. You already know me better than
most do."
His face softens. "We're friends. I won't tease you anymore, okay?
Well, I'll try."
"I'd appreciate that," I reply in a dry

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tone. "What happened to your lip?"
He touches the cut with his index finger. "Tag decked me for kissing
you, what do you think?"
"He hit you?" I ask, my eyebrows hitting my hairline. The man
confuses me so much it isn't even funny.
"Looks like it was worth it though," Xander says. "He realised what
was right in front of him by the looks of things."
Not exactly, but I didn't want to tell him details about our relationship.
Or lack thereof, depending how you looked at things.
"What brings you by?" He shrugs. "Can't a friend drop by

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I blink slowly. "You wanted to see what happened between us, didn't
He nods, a smirk playing on his lips. "Yeah. I was curious. Sue me.
Tag's been my friend for a long time."
"Yet you haven't dropped by until now because you wanted some
gossip," I tease, arching an eyebrow at him.
"So guilty," I say, shaking my head at him in amusement. "Can I get
you something to drink?"
"Coffee would be good."
"Sure thing. How do you like it?" I ask, standing up.
"White with two sugars please."

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"No problem," I reply, grabbing everything I needed to make it for him.
I make one for Tag too—black with one sugar.
"Even know how he likes his coffee already, good sign," Xander teases.
I roll my eyes. "I've been spending all my time with him for the last two
weeks. You'd be surprised how much you learn about someone when
you're living with them. And working with
Tag walks into the kitchen, freshly showered and dressed in a white
t-shirt and snug, faded jeans.
"Mornin'" he says, his eyes on me.
"Morning," I reply, handing him his

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coffee then Xander his. I didn't know how to act. Was I allowed to kiss
him? Wrap my arms around him? Or did I act like I did before and keep
my hands off him except for night time?
"This isn't awkward at all," Xander says cheerfully, taking a sip of his
hot coffee. "Fuck, Clara! You make good
"Thank you," I say, happy with his praise and decidedly ignoring his
awkward comment. Like I needed someone to tell me how awkward it
"Might have to drop by more often." Tag looks to Xander, his
eyes narrowed. "We going riding or what?"

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Xander nods then looks to me. "We're taking the bikes out for a ride.
You want to come?"
Xander invited me, not Tag.
"No thanks," I say. "I have some things I need to do anyway."
"Like what?" Tag asks, looking interested.
"Just things," I reply evasively. I had to call my mother because it was
her birthday, and I wanted to be alone to do it. "You guys have fun."
I'm about to turn and walk away when Tag gently grabs me by my
upper arm. "Xander, give me a sec."
Xander stands. "I'll wait for you out

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Xander leaves, and Tag spins me around and corners me against the
table. "Is everything okay?"
I nod. "Everything is fine."
"You sure? I wasn't too rough last night, was I?" he asks, looking
"Tag," I whisper. "Last night was amazing. I loved every second of it."
"Then what is it?"
"I guess I just don't know what to do, you know? Can I just kiss you
whenever I want? Hug you? Or are you going to look at that and think I
want more and
"Shit. I've really messed this up, haven't I?" he groans. "You can kiss

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whenever you want. We need to talk when I get back, okay? Don't
overthink things Clara. Just enjoy it, don't question
"Okay." I guess I could try that. "Summer's bringing lunch over for
you," he says, kissing my lips twice.
He smiles then, and it brightens his whole face. "Can't wait for tonight."
"Tonight?" I ask breathlessly.
He leans forward, and nibbles on the shell of my ear. "When I get to be
inside you again."
I can't wait either.

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"I miss you, Clara. Why won't you talk to me? It wasn't me that
betrayed and ruined our family," my mother sniffs.
"I know that, Mum," I say, trying not to feel guilty. It was always like
this when we spoke, which was why I avoided it. I couldn't not call her
on her birthday though, so here I was. "What have you got planned for
"Your father is taking me out to dinner," she says quietly.
She was still with him, and I had nothing to say.
"Right. Well you have a good time, Mum," I say into my phone, staring
up at the ceiling.
"He wants to speak to you," she says

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"I have nothing to say to him."
"He has his faults," she says, causing me to scoff. Understatement of
the year. "But he still loves you, Clara."
If that was love, I didn't want anything to do with it.
"He has two other children. He doesn't need me," I say, unable to mask
the bitterness in my voice.
"You're his first born, and you know he loves you," she says after a few
"This is why I don't call you, Mum. I don't want to see him, and that's
the end of the story, okay?"
"Alright," she says, sounding

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disappointed. "Are you doing okay? Do you need money? You know
I'm always there if—"
I cut her off. "I'm fine, Mum, but thanks for the offer."
"We worry about you, you know."
"I'm fine. I have some great friends here, and I'm getting by... " I trail
off, wondering why my voice was sounding far away. "Did you put me
on speakerphone?"
"Your dad just wanted to hear your voice. Don't get angry."
Angry? Don't get angry?
"If he loved me so much, maybe he should go back in time and not be a
cheating bastard. Or I don't know,

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maybe he should wear a condom so he doesn't have illegitimate
children running around."
"Clara—" Rage fills me at the sound of his voice.
"I don't want anything to do with you," I grit into the phone, my fingers
I hated him.
Despised him.
He was the first man to break my heart, when he should be the one I can
trust above all others.
"I've left her Clara," he says quickly. "I'm with your mother and only
your mother now."
"Congratulations," I purr, sarcasm

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lacing my tone. "I hope the two of you have a nice life. Mum, I'll call
you at Christmas."
With that parting shot, I hang up.
"Motherfucker," I mumble under my breath, sitting up on my bed.
When my gaze hits the door, my jaw drops open.
"How long have you been standing there?" I ask Tag who is leaning
against the door watching me.
"Long enough," he replies, expression unreadable.
Well. Fuck.

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"So he had another girlfriend and two kids?" he asks in shock after I tell
him the whole story. "And he thought it was okay to keep both
I shrug. "If both women are putting up with it, why would he give one
up? He was having his cake and eating it."
"I'm so fuckin' sorry he did that to you. He's a piece of shit."
I make an extremely unsexy noise of

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agreement. "It doesn't matter anymore. I just want to forget it. How was
"Good," he replies, turning his head on the pillow to me. He's lying on
his back with his arms crossed behind his head while I'm sitting half on
my knees, half on my butt on the other side of the bed. "Next time, I'll
take you for a ride."
"I'd like that."
"Now about before," he says, studying me. "You were awkward around
me this morning. I don't like it, so stop."
My mouth drops open. "You're a jerk, you know that?"
He grins, eyes sparkling. "We're

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friends first, remember. If you have something to say or ask, then do it.
If you want to touch me, then do it. I never want you to hesitate around
"You set the rules," I reply, my fingers gripping onto the bed sheets.
"You made it clear it was casual, but I didn't know if that meant I could
be casually affectionate."
"You think too much," he rumbles. "Now come here and kiss me. I
you." He did?
Smiling, I come forward and lean down, kissing his lips gently. "I
missed you too."
"Thank you for telling me about your

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parents," he whispers against my mouth. "I know that you like to keep
everything to yourself, and I know what a big deal is that you trusted
me enough to tell me everything."
"I trust you," I say, realising it was the truth. "I don't know why, but I
"I'm a trustworthy guy."
Except with my heart.
"What's your full name?" I blurt out. "Is Tag short for anything?"
He brushes his mouth against my jawline. "You're only asking me that
"I only just thought of it."

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"It's not shortened for anything. It's just Tag."
"Bit hipster, isn't it?" I tease, making him laugh.
"Fuck you're cute," he murmurs, trailing his lips down my neck. "I
want to taste you again, will you let me?"
He was asking permission? "Anytime, Tag, anytime."
He pulls back, and I watch his lips quirk. "Take those pants off and
spread wide for me, Sweetheart."
My eyes widen. Holy shit.
"Yes Sir," I reply instantly.
Tag grins, showing off his white teeth, his eyes darkening. "Just Tag

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Was that amusement in his tone? Had I been reading too many sexy
romance novels? "Clara..."
Oh right, I was told to undress.
Sliding off the bed, I remove my t-shirt, pants, then bra and panties.
Crawling back on the bed, I lie down, facing him, and kiss him.
"You are so beautiful, Clara," he says, rolling me onto my back and
pushing me into the mattress.
"You are so dressed," I reply, my eyes heavy lidded. "I think you need
to get naked so we're on an even level playing field."
His eyes flash with pleasure. "First I

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want my mouth on you." I gulp. "Okay."
He kisses me deeply, one hand tangling in my hair and the other trailing
down to my pussy. He strokes me, sliding his finger inside, then toys
with my clit while I moan into his mouth.
So good.
He knows just how to touch me—the only plus side of being with a
man with so much experience.
Wet kisses start at my neck and end on my hip bone before he nibbles
on the inside of my thighs. Then, finally, his mouth is on me.
"Fuck," I grit out, my hands holding onto his head, silently begging for

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He gives it to me.
And when I come, I scream his name.
"So you're just seeing each other? But not dating?" Summer asks,
looking confused. "Does that mean you're not exclusive?"
I sigh, putting down the glass in my hand. "I'm trying not to overthink
it. Can't I just enjoy myself without questioning it?"
Summer tilts her head to the side. "I don't know, can you?"
"He's Tag. He's amazing, sweet, and incredible in bed," I say. "Oh and
generous. He's damn generous in bed."
In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm ruined for

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all other men.
"I knew it," Summer says, shrugging. "What? He seems like he would
"Does Reid know you wonder about what his friends are like in bed?" I
Her eyes widen. "No. And if you want them to live, you will never
We both burst out laughing.
"As long as you're happy," she says. "That's all that matters. I know Tag
says it isn't serious, but he acts like it is. Sometimes you need to go by
actions not words, and his actions are saying he's in deep with you."
I didn't want to feel hope at her

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words, but it was there.
"I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens," I say, looking out
over the empty bar. Tag and Ryan were outside looking at Ryan's new
car, and Summer and I were manning the bar. We only had two
customers, so we were having a chat.
"Yeah. He's a good man though. I'm sure he will surprise you."
I wasn't so sure. He was honest in what he wanted, and I needed to
respect that.
"I haven't told him yet," I say. "But I found a room I can rent in a shared
house. It has two uni students living there, and they're looking for a

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The rent is cheap, and it's a great location."
Summer gives me an odd look. "You think Tag will be okay with that?"
I shrug. "I appreciate him helping me out, but I can't stay at his house
"Are the two uni students male or female?" she asks, her eyes
"One male one female," I reply.
Summer smirks. "You're gorgeous. You living with another man is
going to drive him insane."
Well, he is going to have to deal.
Tag and Ryan walk back into the bar. They are both good looking.
Anyone could see why this place was normally

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swarming with females. It was early still, only five PM, and the place
would be filling out by about seven. Tag's eyes are focused on me, and
mine on him. We are drawn to each other, always. It is a weird
sensation, but one I am getting used to. It is almost as if I can feel when
he enters and exits a room.
"Clara, do you want to make out in the back of Ryan's new car?" Tag
calls out, eyes bright with mischief.
"Hell no," Ryan replies, smirking. "Christening the back seat is saved
for Taiya."
I'd never met Ryan's wife, Taiya, but I've heard she is beautiful inside
and out. Summer and her were really good

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friends. Taiya was pregnant and didn't come out to the bar much, or so I
Tag's arm comes around me as he pulls me back against his chest.
"Working hard I see."
I playfully elbow him. "Everything is done, and you know it. Just
waiting for the place to fill out now."
His eyes dart to the back door leading to the office. Then, he glances at
Ryan, who cracks up laughing.
"What's so funny?" I ask, glancing between the two of them.
Summer smirks. "Ryan used to use that room as a fuck pad before he
settled down."

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My gaze cuts to Ryan. "Really?"
He shrugs sheepishly and leans against the counter. "It's not very
Tag kisses the side of my neck. "Ryan, Clara and I need a break."
"That can't be very sanitary," I whisper to him, frowning.
Summer laughs. "I'll disinfect the room after."
"And their hands," Ryan adds.
"And mouths," Tag says, grinning.
I look between all of them "Yeah, no. This is weird."
Tag's body shakes with silent laughter. I spin around and rest my
breasts against his hard chest. "Why are

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you laughing? You have to wait all night until we get home to get some
action now."
"Home?" he asks, expression softening.
I shrug. "It's my home for now."
"Until she moves in with some sexy uni dude!" Summer calls out.
Tag looks at Summer then back at me. "What's she talking about?"
I give Summer a less than impressed look then look Tag right in the
eye. "I found a place to rent. I'll be sharing with two students, one guy
and one girl."
He's silent for a few tense seconds. "When were you going to tell me?"
"I just saw the ad today and called

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them," I say. "I was going to tell you tonight."
"I don't think—"
He trails off when a large group of male customers walks in.
"Later," he mouths at me, and I nod. Looks like we have
unfinished business.

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"So how old is this guy?" Tag asks as I walk out of the shower,
wrapped in a fluffy, white towel.
I sigh. "I don't know. I just know he goes to uni. I don't have any other
"So, he could be a fuckin' rapist or something?"
I purse my lips. "Tag, come on. I can't just live here with you forever."

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"Why not?" he asks, his eyes widening like he'd surprised himself.
"Tag," I say quietly, tilting my head to the side. "I don't know what you
want from me here. You don't want to be in a relationship with me yet
you don't want me to move out."
He rubs the back of his neck. "You're already here, so you may as well
stay. You know I like having you here. You don't have to go live with
some fuckin' horny stranger."
"That's what you're worried about? I'm crazy over you Tag. You think
I'm going to cheat on you the first chance I get? Because I'm not like
that. Even if you're not serious about me, I'm serious

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about you. I'm yours Tag, even if you're not mine."
He studies me for a few moments, his eyes flashing with various
emotions I can't pinpoint.
"You want something from me I can't give you," he replies, voice
sounding hoarse.
What was his deal with commitment? Did he have a bad relationship?
Maybe something to do with Bella's mum? It felt like I was paying for
another woman's mistakes. I don't think he realised we were in a
relationship, just without the label. But I sure as hell wasn't going to
bring it up, because it would probably make him run scared.

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"I know Tag," I murmur. "But then don't expect me to do what you
want. If I want to move out with whomever, I'll do it. And you can't
exactly say anything now can you?"
A muscle ticks in his jaw. "You just said you were mine."
"I did, and I mean it. But like I also said, I'm yours, but you're not mine.
What is it you once said to me? Oh right, you're always single. So are
you single Tag? Even now?"
My voice breaks on the last few words.
"I haven't been with anyone but you since we slept together," he says,
scanning my face.

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Was he asking me to read between the lines? Go by actions and not
words? I could do that, but eventually, I would want to hear the words
from him.
Suddenly, he stand and walks to me. Gripping my towel, he pulls it off
me and lets it fall to the floor. "You're mine, Clara. I'm glad you know
Then, his mouth is on mine, and I forget what we were arguing about in
the first place.
The next day, Tag has gone to pick up some lunch for us when there's a
knock at the door. Wondering who it could be, and hoping it wasn't
Xander dropping by again, I rush to the door and open it.

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"Clara!" Bella yells, drawing my gaze down to her.
"Hello cutie," I say to her, then lift my eyes back up to the woman
standing next to her.
Kaley. I was finally meeting Tag's ex-girlfriend.
"Uh hi," she says, smiling nervously. "I'm Kaley. Is Tag home?"
I shake my head. "He just went out. Will probably be another ten
minutes or so." I open the door wider. "Would you like to come in?"
Kaley nods and steps inside the house, Bella's hand in hers. We all walk
into the lounge room and take a seat. "Can I get either of you a drink or

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Great, now I was playing host at Tag's house, to his ex and their
This is awkward as hell.
"We're fine, thanks," she says. "I have a last minute appointment I need
to go to, so I was wanted Tag to watch
I look at her. "No school today,
She shakes her head. "Nope. Can I do your hair again? It's so red and
I grin. "Of course you can. You know where the stuff is."
She smiles and jumps off the couch, walking straight to the bathroom
where I keep my brush and accessories.

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"She really likes you," Kaley says, bringing my attention back to her.
"She's a great kid."
"That she is," she murmurs. "Tag is really happy, you know? I don't
think I've seen him this happy."
I swallow, feeling a little shy. "Thank
Why did I just thank her? I have no idea.
"I cheated on him," she blurts out, looking down at her hands. "I hurt
him. Then, he started sleeping around. You're the first woman he's been
serious about since me."
I want to say that "serious" isn't a word I'd use to describe our

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relationship, but I keep my mouth shut.
"Why are you telling me this?" I ask quietly.
She fiddles with the hem of her t-shirt. "You will be around Bella if you
and Tag are together. I want us to get along, be friends at least. So, I just
wanted you to know, Tag and I are friends and friends only. Like I said,
I ruined what we had and... yeah."
"Okay, thank you for your honesty," I say after taking a few seconds to
process what she is telling me. She didn't have to be so cool about her
ex dating another woman, but she was. She was thinking about her
daughter. She could have been a bitch and told Tag she didn't want

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Bella around another woman, but she didn't.
"I'd like it if we were friends," I say, nodding.
She smiles kindly just as Bella walks back into the room "Are you
ready?" I giggle. "I'm ready." She turns to her mum "Mum watch me
make Clara even prettier."
Kaley grins. "I have a few minutes, but then I have to leave."
Tag walks into the house about ten minutes later and stands in the
frame of the lounge room door, watching me sitting on the floor, Bella
doing my hair and Kaley laughing.
His responding smile takes my breath

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His cock slides in and out, his pelvis brushing my clit with each stroke.
I could feel myself on the edge, knowing it wasn't going to take much
for me to come. Tag...
"What do you need, Sweetheart?" he rasps, kissing my mouth. Rolling
us over so he was on his back, him still inside me, he puts his hands
behind his head. "Ride me, Clara."
I push down on him, my hands clutching his shoulders and my head
falling back.

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"So sexy," he whispers. "Fuck, the things I want to do to you."
I lift my head and look down at him, sinking my teeth into my lower
lip. Grinding down on him, my orgasm hits with full force, the pleasure
all consuming.
"That's it, come for me," he rumbles, our eyes locking and holding. His
fingers dig into my hips, his lips parting enticingly. I want a taste of
them, so I lean forward and take one, moaning into his mouth as the last
wave of pleasure takes over me.
"Good girl," he rasps against my mouth. Cupping my ass in his hands,

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lifts his hips up, thrusting into me over and over again until he comes.
Panting, I lean forward and kiss him once more, then tug gently on his
"Normally hate women touching that," he says.
I let go. "Why?"
He takes my hand and puts it back. "Not you, you can touch whatever
you want on me."
My eyes widen. "Why don't you like
He licks his bottom lip before he replies. "Kaley used to do it all the
Ah ha. Kaley really did a number on him, no matter how much he tries
to play

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it off.
Did he love her that much? Did she break his heart? The thought of him
in pain makes my chest hurt.
"Love being inside you," he says, effectively changing the subject.
"Love having you there," I reply, smirking.
Sliding off him, I lay my head on his chest, wrapping my arm around
him. He kisses the top of my head and pushes away the hair stuck to my
"Are you happy?" he asks softly, hand running down my spine.
"I am happy. Are you happy?"
"More than I've been in a long time."
I wait for it, for him to talk about us.

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Anything. But that's all he says. And for now—that's going to be

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"I don't want you to fuckin' move out, Clara. Why can't you just stay
here? It's the exact same thing, renting out a room."
"Are you asking me to permanently

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move in with you?"
He doesn't say anything.
"That's what I'm saying, Tag. Lines are going to get crossed. Am I just
your roommate? I can't keep depending on you," I say, trying to explain
how I was feeling. I couldn't rely on him to bail me out every time. My
world revolved around him so much. He got me a job with him, he took
me to and from work. We did the damn grocery shopping together! He
was all I could see, all I wanted. But what if suddenly he wanted to
break up or end our arrangement? I would be screwed. I would have
nowhere to live, nowhere to work. I'd be back where I started before I
met him,

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and I couldn't think of anything worse. "I'm so thankful to you for
helping me, but now I need to be independent and help myself."
He sighs, and runs a hand over his head. "If it means so much to you
fine. I'll help you move."
"Really?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.
"Really," he says, not looking too happy. "I'm also going to introduce
myself to this little fucker you're going to call a roommate."
I roll my eyes. "There's a girl there too, it's not just me and the guy."
"Sweetheart, wherever you are, there's only you in the room. The dude

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going to see you, and he's going to want
That was sweet.
"Tag," I say quietly. "You really think
"I know it," he replies, eyes gentling. "I know you don't want to rely on
me. I don't like it, but know that I'm still always here for you. Whatever
you need. Even if there's a bug in your new place you want me to
handle. You call me."
I giggle at that. "I'll hold you to that one."
"You're still mine on weekends though."
"Okay, I'd love that," I tell him, beaming.

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"And I'm still taking you to work."
"What?" he says, trying to look innocent. "These are the rules."
"If you're still picking me up and I'm staying here weekends, I may as
well not leave at all," I say, hands on my hips.
"Exactly," he says, looking smug. "Just stay here. What are you scared
That when this was over I am going to be left high and dry? How do I
explain that to him without offending him?
"Nothing," I reply. "We better get to work or we're going to be late."
He nods slowly. "I want you to be

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happy, Clara." I smile.
I want that too, with him.
I was having a shit night. The worst.
From my side of the bar, I could see Tag talking to a woman, a woman
who was sticking her chest out, her watermelon-sized breasts in his
face. Okay, so I was exaggerating slightly, but still. He wasn't flirting
with her or anything, but he was talking to her.
I was jealous.
I didn't like it.
Sighing, I slide the man his drink and wait for my next customer.

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everyone is served, I decide to get some fresh air and head outside to
take the trash out. I throw it in the bin, taking my time walking back,
something which turns out to be a huge mistake.
I turn around in shock hearing my father's voice.
"What are you doing here?" I ask, taking him in. He still looked the
same— handsome, with brown hair and pale blue eyes. My dad was a
man who would always be good looking.
"I wanted to see you. I had to," he says, searching my features.
"How did you find me?"
"You mentioned to your mum you

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were working at a bar," he says, shrugging. "This is the tenth bar I
checked. I've been asking around."
"Okay, well, you've seen me. I'm here, and as you can see, I'm fine. So
you can go now."
"How long are you going to keep punishing yourself for what I did?" he
I turn to face him. "What?"
"You got the top scores in your class. You could have been in the best
university right now, studying to be anything you wanted. Instead,
you're here, working in a bar because you hate me more than you care
about your future."

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I grit my teeth.
He continues. "You know I saved money for your education. You don't
even have to be working right now."
"I don't want anything to do with you," I say, my voice hitching. I turn
my back on him and walk back inside, back to the bar. When I see him
walk into the bar a few seconds later, I curse under my breath. So much
for me hoping he would leave. I glance at Tag who is still talking to that
woman, then back to my dad. He walks up to the bar, standing right in
front of me. His eyes to go where mine just were, to Tag.
"That your boyfriend?" he asks, looking interested. "Looks like it's true

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—daughters do find a man just like their fathers." Oh my god.
I can't believe he just said that. That fucker.
"So what, he's talking to a woman and that means he must have a
mistress and more kids that no one knows about? Not everyone is as
much of a dirty bastard as you."
He flinches. "The girls ask about
Pain blooms in my stomach. My half-sisters.
I'd never met them, yet they were somehow a part of me. I harden my

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"Tell them I'm dead," I reply without emotion. "Because that's what I
am to
He squeezes his eyes shut. "The issues I had with your mother have
nothing to do with how I feel for you."
Except they impact me on every level. He wasn't the man I thought he
was, the one I used to look up to. He was selfish. He wasn't a good man.
He was good at pretending. He was fake. He broke my fucking heart
long before it should have been broken.
"If you ever loved me, please, just leave."
"Clara, are you okay?" Tag asks, putting his hands on my waist. "Who

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fuck are you?"
"I'm her father," my dad replies stiffly. "Nice to see you're done paying
attention to other women and now focusing on my daughter."
Tag goes still behind me. "I was talking to my daughter's teacher. No
other woman means shit to me besides Clara. You don't know me. I,
however, have heard more than enough about you. You're upsetting
her. If she wants to contact you, she will."
He looks to me. "Do you want him gone, Sweetheart? Or do you want
talk to him?"
"Gone," I reply with ease.
"You heard her," Tag says, voice

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laced with steel.
My father puts his card on the table. "Call me, Clara. We need to talk.
"Three seconds before I call security," Tag growls. My father
I lean against Tag, my eyes starting to water.
Why did he have to come here?
I just wanted him to leave me alone.
"That was Mrs. Yale, Bella's teacher. I didn't mean to ignore you,
Clara. Fuck, I'm sorry."
"She has big boobs," I sniff.
Tag makes a strangled sound. "She does, but I didn't look at them once.

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was telling me about Bella's role in a play they're doing next week.
She's going to be an ice queen from some kid's movie."
"Have you ever slept with her?" I blurt out.
"My kid's teacher? Jesus, is that what you think of me?" he asks,
sounding offended.
I didn't know what to think. I just wanted to go home and sleep.
"Come on," he rumbles in my ear. "I'm taking you home. I'll call
someone to cover our shift."
He carries me in his arms like a bride and takes me to his car.
I fall asleep as he organises someone

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else to come in and cover for us.
The next morning, I decide I have to face my problems.
"Are you going to talk to him?" Tag asks as he butters some toast.
"I guess so. I don't think he'll go away otherwise," I say, looking down
into my cup of coffee. "I think I need to try and forgive him so I can
move on with my life, but that doesn't mean I want him in my life."
Tag walks over and puts the toast down in front of me. "Do you want
me to come with you?"
"Would you mind?" I ask in a small voice.

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"Do you even have to ask that?"
My lip twitches. "I guess not. Thanks, Tag. I mean it."
"You don't have to thank me, Clara," he says, bending down to kiss my
head. "I'm jumping in the shower then going to drop Bella off. Let me
know what you want to do."
He leaves the room, and I look down at my phone. Do I want to see
him? No. Do I want this to end? Yes. I press dial his number,
remembering it from the top of my head. Once upon a time, it was a
number I called every day.
"If I meet you, will you leave me alone then?" I ask, getting straight to

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I hear him sigh. "I want to meet you so we can part on good terms. I
want you back in my life."
"Not happening."
"I'm sorry okay?" he says, rushing the words out. "I'm sorry for what I
did to you and your mother, but I love your sisters too, so I can't exactly
regret it."
Wow. Okay then.
"Why don't you just go and be a good father to them," I say quietly. "Be
there for them. I don't need you anymore, Dad, and I don't want you in
my life. I'm sorry if that hurts you, and that isn't why

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I'm doing it. I'm doing it for me because I just want to forget about
He's silent for a few moments. "Will you come and visit us for
holidays? Your mother didn't do anything wrong, and you're punishing
her too."
Now he cared about my mum's feelings? How rich.
"Fine, I'll come for Christmas," I say, relenting. "If you leave."
"Okay, I'll leave," he whispers.
I hang up. Guess I don't have to go and see him after all, but I do have to
see him on Christmas. I could be civil, for my mother's sake, couldn't I?
I could try, and it was a start. I couldn't be okay with everything over

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night, but I could work on it, and I would.

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The time had come for me to move out. Tag loads my bags into his car,
the silence between us filled with tension. I know he doesn't want me to
leave, but I want to do this for me.
"Is that everything?" he asks, his tone subdued.
He opens the door for me, and I get in while he walks around the car
and gets

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in the driver's seat.
"It's only five minutes away," I say, twisting my body to face him.
"I know," he says. "You'll call me if you need anything, right?"
I nod, but I wasn't sure that I would. Tag had done more than enough
for me, and I can't keep asking him for more. He reaches his hand over
hand and rests it on my thigh, leaving it there for the rest of the ride.
Tag parks the car then gets out and carries my bags. We walk up one
flight of stairs, and then I look for room twenty-eight.
"This way, Sweetheart," Tag says, pointing to the right. I follow next to

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until we walk up to the door. Knocking, I look at Tag's face as we wait.
Staring at the muscle ticking in his jaw, I turn when the door opens. A
man stands there, dressed in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts
sitting low on his lean hips. His body was toned, lithe. An athlete's
body. This was one of my roommates?
His eyes widen. "You Clara?" I nod.
He puts his hand out. "Brandon." I shake his hand and then he raises it
to his lips, placing a kiss there. "Nice to meet you."
Tag clears his throat and moves closer to me. Brandon takes him in and

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takes a step back.
"This is Tag," I say.
Tag grins, all teeth. "My woman gonna be safe here?"
Brandon nods, swallowing. "She
"Good," Tag replies in a smug tone.
Brandon gives us a quick tour. The apartment has three bedrooms and
two bathrooms and is quite lovely and spacious. Tag carries my bags to
my new room then sits on the bed, looking around.
"I don't like it."
"I know, you want to do this, but for the record Clara, I don't fuckin'
like it."

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"Noted," I reply, my mouth twitching. "Don't like the way that fucker
looked at you either. He wants you." "Tag, be serious."
"I am," he grits out, like the admission kills him. "He comes onto you
or hassles you in anyway, you're moving out, Clara."
"Tag, stop being a caveman and fuck me in my new room."
That shuts him up.
During the next week, Tag becomes distant. I don't like it, but I don't
know how to fix it. He calls every now and again to check on me, and
he picks me up for work even though I tell him I can

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find my own way there, but he's not the same. On our day off, I catch
the bus to his house in the late afternoon to talk to him about what's
going on. I wanted to surprise him, but it turns out I was the one who
ended up being surprised.
I knock on the door, fiddling with my hair as I wait for him to open it.
When he does, my eyes widen as I see him dressed up, as if going out
"Clara? What are you doing here?" he asks, glancing behind him.
"I want to talk to you..." I say, trailing off.
Something is wrong.
Is someone in the house with him?
The thought makes my chest squeeze

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"Tag!" A woman calls out.
My eyes bore into his.
"Of course," I whisper. "You're always single."
I see him flinch. I wasn't here in the house now, so he is moving on.
Without me.
And without telling me.
So, what? I was going to be kept on the side as his personal sex toy
while he did whatever he wanted? Did he truly think I was that pathetic
to go along with it? Or maybe he thought I'd never find out. Either way,
I'm disappointed. I'm hurt. I'm angry. But most of all, I'm heartbroken.

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I'd fallen for this man.
He'd been my knight in shining armour on more than one occasion,
given me hope when I need it the most. But right now, he wasn't that
man. He was Tag, the man who was afraid to commit and was going to
ruin what we had because of it.
The woman walks up behind him and puts her had on his abs. Tag
looks down at her hand, scowling, but he doesn't remove it.
"What's going on?" the woman asks in an accented voice.
"Yeah, don't bother," I reply, turning around and walking away.

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Don't cry, Clara.
Heading back towards the bus stop, I'm almost there when I hear him
call my name. He was coming after me, but it was too late now. The
damage was done. He tried to warn me, he did. This was my fault.
A bus pulls up, finally something going right. I jump on, scan my pass,
take a seat, and watch as Tag stands there, watching the bus drive away.
My phone starts to ring, but I don't answer.
I go home and start to cry as soon as my face hits the pillow.
"You okay?" Brandon asks as I

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resurface from my self-imposed seclusion.
I nod. "I will be."
"You want me to make you something to eat?" he asks, nodding
towards the fridge.
Turns out, Brandon is a nice guy. And Tag was right, he does like me.
"No, it's okay. Where's Ellen?" I ask. She was our other roommate, and
not home often.
"She has classes."
"Clara, your eyes are red from crying. What did that guy do to you?" he
asks, studying me.
My lips start to tremble. Brandon

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comes over to me and pulls me into his arms, rubbing my back. "You're
a total babe. Any man would be lucky to have you. Fuck him"
"Th- thank you for saying that," I sniff into his chest.
"It's the truth, doll," he rumbles.
Such a nice guy.
Even if I could feel him hardening against me. Awkward.
I pull away and offer him a forced smile.
A bang on the front door has me jumping. "Clara! Open the door!"
What the fuck is he doing here? Brandon gives me an expectant look.

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"Don't answer. He'll go away."
An hour later, Tag was still there. I open the door and find him sitting
on the floor, his face in his hands. "Go home, Tag."
"Not until you hear me out," he says, dropping his hands, standing up,
and letting his eyes roam over me.
"If you ever gave a shit about me, you'll leave," I say, my voice
"I know, Tag. You gave me no promises. It's okay. I'll move on with
my life. It will be fine."
"I fucked up," he says. "I thought I could carry on as I was, but I can't. I

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thought I couldn't commit to anyone, but for you, I can. I made a
mistake. I didn't sleep with her or anyone else."
I purse my lips. "If I didn't drop by today, would you have slept with
He looks away and swallows. "I don't want anyone but you. It took
seeing you today to make me realise it. I never want to hurt you, Clara.
I want to be the one taking care of you, making you smile. I know you
won't trust me now, but give me a chance to prove myself."
"Tag, you were just with another woman. At your house. I don't know
what you expect from me."
"Please, Clara," he whispers, his eyes pleading with mine. "That look

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your face. Fuck, I never want to see that look again."
"Go, Tag."
"I never even kissed her," he says. "Her hands on me felt wrong. I don't
want anyone touching me but you."
I smile sadly. "If only you'd figured that out before."
"Clara—" "Goodbye, Tag."
I close the door and cry some more.

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I ignore Tag for the next few days, even as hard as he makes it. He calls
me, he drops by, and he sends flowers. He does everything he can to get
me back. I find my own way to work, leaving earlier so I don't have to
run into him. Work is the only place I have no choice but to talk to him,
but other people are always around.
"I miss you," he tells me as he walks

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past. "When are you going to forgive me?"
"You're never going to change, Tag."
"I haven't been with anyone since we got together, how is that not
having changed?" he replies, looking frustrated. "I haven't been perfect,
but fuck Clara, I used to have women over every other night. You're
wrong. I have changed."
"Why was she at your house?" I fire back.
He sighs, cringing. "She asked me out. I said yes."
I throw my hands up, like 'there you
"My head was fucked up. You'd left to room with that guy closer to
your age,

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and I couldn't stop thinking about you. Doesn't everyone deserve a
second chance?"
"They do," I say slowly. "But when my heart is on the line, it's not as
easy as
that, is it?"
He reaches his hand out, runs a finger along my jaw. "I messed up once,
but I won't do it again. That I can promise
I don't know what to think, but dammit, the ice around my heart is
starting to thaw.
Tag kisses my forehead and then walks off.
"Fuck," I mutter under my breath when I realise I was staring at his ass.

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I want him, but he hurt me. Could I trust him again?
The next weekend, the club was packed. There was a live band playing,
and the atmosphere was wild. Summer has been acting a little weird all
night, but I ignore her and continue with my work. It's not until later
that I find out why.
"Clara?" when I hear Tag say my name, I look to the stage in confusion.
He was standing there, looking sexy as sin, his brown eyes on me.
He clears his throat. "Clara, I just want to ask you... Will you be my
woman? Officially?"

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Cheers play out, and I can feel my cheeks heat.
He continues. "I want you to be mine, and I want everyone to know
you're mine. Oh, and you're moving back in with me. You're not fuckin'
living with another man. I love you, Clara."
More cheers and catcalls.
"Get up there," Summer says, nudging me.
"Oh and sorry to all the women. I'm off the market," Tag says into the
microphone, making everyone laugh.
I put down the tea towel in my hand and walk up to the stage. Tag jumps
down and lifts me in his arms and spins me around, his lips finding

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"Is that a yes?" he asks, his eyes searching mine. "Please tell me you
forgive me for fucking everything up."
"It's a fuck yes," I reply, kissing him back with a vengeance. "I was
already yours, Tag."
He puts me down and smiles widely. "I'm in a relationship. I'm now a
committed man."
I roll my eyes. "You've been in one since you met me, you just didn't
His mouth twitches. "I told you I loved you."
"I know."
"You didn't say anything back." I grin. "I know."

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"Don't make me spank you."
I giggle at that. "I love you, Tag. I've loved you for a while now."
"Really?" he asks, resting his forehead against mine. "I'm so fuckin'
lucky. I've been a dickhead, Clara. After Kaley, I said I'd never trust
anyone fully again, never give everything I had to a woman, but I've
done that with you since the start. I was just too stupid to see it. I've
been yours since we first ran into each other. I was trying to keep you at
a distance with my words, but you know that I've shown you with my
actions how I feel. And now, everyone fuckin' knows it too."
He was right, he had always shown

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me how he felt. He'd always been there for me. Always.
I was glad he'd finally opened up, public announcement or not.
"I'm the lucky one," I reply, rubbing my nose against his.
"Get a room!" I hear Ryan call out.
"There's an idea," Tag replies, grinning.
I slap his shoulder playfully. "After work, I'm all yours." I was always.
One Month Later
I had money saved in my bank.

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It felt good having some financial security. I moved back in with Tag a
week later. He only let me pay for groceries, and even that was now and
again, no matter how much I argued. So everything I earned, I saved. I
know he wants me to feel secure, so I don't have to worry about
anything, and I am thankful he gives me that. I started calling my mum
once a week, and she seems really happy about it. I can't hold it against
her, calling her weak, forever. She loved my dad, and she made her
decision. It didn't have to affect our relationship. I was letting
everything go —the hurt, the pain. And I was becoming a better person
because of it. I couldn't

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control other people's actions; I could only control my own. My dad was
right about one thing, and that was me going to uni. I'd always wanted
to go, but then, I didn't. So, I enrolled myself for next semester in a
business degree. Tag supports me one hundred percent, no matter what
I want to do. I am a lucky woman; that is for sure.
"You look beautiful today," he says as he enters our bedroom.
"You say that every day."
"That's because you're fuckin' hot."
I grin. "Right back at you. In fact, why don't you come and show me up
close just how hot you are?"
"What do you want, Clara?" he asks,

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eyes darkening. "You. Naked."
He pulls his t-shirt off and flexes, showing off his ripped muscles. My
mouth waters. When he slides down his pants and boxer shorts, I stare
at his cock in appreciation.
"I want that in my mouth right now," I say, pointing at it.
"Fuck," he grits out, eyes widening. "Get on your knees, Clara."
I do as I'm told, smacking my lips together in anticipation.
"Open your mouth," he demands.
I open wide, and let him slide himself inside. Then, gripping onto the
base of him, I suck him deep.

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"Clara," he moans. "Shit woman, you're so damn sexy."
I lick him from top to bottom.
"Touch yourself while you suck my cock," he demands, heavy-lidded
eyes on me. Reaching one hand down, I slide my panties to the side and
touch myself. I'm already wet, and I use some of the wetness on my
finger to touch my clit.
"That's it," he whispers, running his hands gently through my hair. His
hips move gently, his cock sliding in and out of my mouth in a slow
rhythm. Suddenly, he pulls out, lifts up my dress, and rips off my
"I liked those."
"So did I," he says then slides into

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me in one smooth thrust.
"Yes," I whisper. "So good, Tag."
He lowers his head to kiss me. I close my eyes, loving everything about
this man.
He is my happily ever after. And I couldn't be more thrilled.

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"Clara, will you marry me?" Holy shit.
He was down on one knee before me, making my dreams a reality.
"Of course I will," I tell him, tears pooling in my eyes. He slides the
ring on my finger then stands and pulls me in for

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a kiss. I hold onto his broad shoulders, clutching him almost
The last year has been the best of my
Tag earned back my trust, and our relationship is one I never thought I'd
ever have.
"I love you," he says against my lips. "So fucking much, Clara."
"I love you, too," I reply, smiling, looking down at my ring. "It's
"You're beautiful," he replies, eyes sparking. "And you just made me
the happiest man alive."
"That's it. We're making love. Right now."
He grins devilishly.

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And I smile happily.
Sometimes, knights in shining armour are disguised.
Sometimes they are covered in tattoos, curse, and talk dirty.
And that is perfectly okay with me.

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Resisting Love Series

Chase (Book #1) Kade (Book #2) Ryder (Book #2.5) James (Book #3)

Maybe Series

Maybe This Time (Book #1) This Time Around (Book #2)


Toxic Girl

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Dragons Lair Spin My Love Saxon


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H Beam Piper Hartley 01 Time and Time Again
H Beam Piper Time and Time Again
up and down again
Taylor, Charles Comment On Jürgen Habermas’ From Kant To Hegel And Back Again
the man who died and rose again
Thief Chantal Fernando
Second Chantal Fernando
Exotika Shawna Moore Toelle and Back Again (pdf)(1)
hobbit there and back again premiere
Dirty Ride Chantal Fernando
Kydland, Prescott Time to Build and Aggregate Fluctuations
Heidegger?ing and Time
Heidegger?ing and Time
Heidegger?ing and Time
Heidegger?ing and Time
Electron ionization time of flight mass spectrometry historical review and current applications
UTC?te and time of solstices and equinoxes
Heidegger?ing and Time

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